#and who will pay the price; the lost or the damned 💥 bsd verse
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remotespontaneouscombustion · 4 months ago
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He chucks a rock at a warehouse, seconds later activating his ability so the rock proceeds to explode next to the wall. It makes a sizeable dent and by all accounts he wants to do worse, but he's bound to get into more trouble by lingering.
So he tries to disappear just as fast as he appeared there, at least he feels a bit calmer internally.
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@theircurse :
' Set the thing on fire. '
He's been told to do this before, and since he has no right to really disobey anyone in Port Mafia, he always follows through. But he's only ever been truly okay with this 'command' so to speak, from Amber, and Akutagawa.
Seems Yumeno would be added to that tiny list, something about this made him feel that perhaps they would enjoy seeing something go up in flames almost as much as he would; if not the exact same.
Something about this is also a return to form for him, there's a gleam in his mismatching eyes as he runs his hand across the edges of an old bedframe that had been left unattended. Unseen handprints left all around the metal base, before he wanders back over to them. They're at a safe distance as far as he can tell, no true danger should come to them beyond what was expected.
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He grins, before his eyes begin to glow in red.
"As you wish," he obliges with a simple swipe across his face.
His handprints shine in yellow, before in seconds they explode. Abruptly a bonfire had been created from nothing, burning brightly before them while the metal creaked and sparked. He's well aware that his ability isn't really any better than Kajii's, but all the same, part of him hopes that they're impressed.
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He’s trying to sew up the holes through his jacket after being stabbed. But has no idea how and mostly just keeps hurting his hands.
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He’s forgotten by now if he had an actual task in mind before doing this, or if he just wandered into a secondhand store absentmindedly because he had nothing better to do today. But either way he ended up walking through the small building with various items sitting around, most of them not seeming all that useful to him anyway. Though people he passed apparently must’ve liked them just fine because they kept stopping and ‘ooh’ing over things.
He had his own moment like this however, when he stopped over by a shelf in a far corner with stuffed animals piled onto it. Most sitting out and overflowing off the shelf, but for one of them there was a clear plastic container with three plush cats in it. He doesn’t know why he gets this impulse, but his gaze doesn’t linger on it for long before he’s hit with the idea of freeing them.
The intention behind this setup was likely for someone to take the cats out and leave the container. But Maki decides to take the container with him when he goes to pay for them, the idea of taking them out in the store doesn’t even occur to him. When they’re officially paid for he doesn’t wait up for the cashier either, he takes the box and rushes out despite verbal protest. He’s down the street before he stops at a bench and actually takes the three out, tossing the plastic box into a nearby trash can.
But now that he was holding all three, the impulse is gone and he’s not entirely sure what to do with them. They’re... soft? In a way he finds himself definitely not minding holding them, but it is a bit crowded holding three at once. ... Kids usually like plush toys right? Maybe Yumeno would like one or two of them?
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Whatever his initial goal had been, he had no hope of remembering it now. He’s off to find Yumeno.
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@theircurse​ : ' That man is stupid and his face is ugly '. Which man is Yumeno talking about ? Honestly, they're referring to Fitzgerald more but both are ugly.
Maki knows that there’s no way that Yumeno is referring to the person who attacked him, but he had very briefly gotten a photo of the man while he’d been attempting to call Akutagawa for help in the moment. It was blurry and had to be retrieved from the data barely recovered from his destroyed old phone, but he shows a photo of the blonde man regardless.
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“I know you must be talking about Fitzgerald, but you’re right either way. They can both be stupid and ugly.”
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Oh! He wasn't expecting to receive candy in return, but he accepts the candy bar without question.
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He decides he'll actually try it before he goes out and attempts this... 'trick-or-treating'. But before he goes he tries to set the hat to his witch costume over Yumeno's hood with a smile.
"You can hang onto it for a second. Hopefully I'll also be getting candy soon though."
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╰ ☆ ✧ — @remotespontaneouscombustion cursed: He offers a small bag of gummis! "Happy Halloween."
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˗ˏˋ *ㅤ★ㅤ‿︵ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ𝑼𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒅 ! They take the gummis but give him one of their CANDY BARS as a treat !
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⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ❛ㅤHappy Halloween !ㅤ❜
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@bemuseing : okay 🐈 from akutagawa also (bsd verse ofc)
Send 🐈 to pick up my muse by the scruff of their neck like the menace they are!
He only comes to once he's already left the ground, his hood in the grasp of Rashoumon as he's held at eye level to Akutagawa.
The scent of flames, ash, and smoke is in the air, and truth be told Maki can't recall how he got here right off. He does get the sense that he is somewhere that he isn't supposed to be at, outside a warehouse. There's... people laying around, people who likely experienced Maki's ability for themselves.
Blurry memories are starting to come through the longer he thinks on it, but the most that could be gathered visibly is that he seems confused, and he is.
But the confusion dissipates with realization as he recognizes an emblem laying around the wreckage. The Order of the Clock Tower.
That's where he'd heard she might've escaped back to. If she was alive. She was alive. She. Was. Alive.
"...They tried to tell me she was dead."
He remembers asking for her by both of her names, and he's convinced they had to be lying. It goes black for him after that, flames and fury yet again.
Akutagawa doesn't look harmed in the least anyway, he suspects that he just got here maybe. But he knows how his ability doesn't agree well the other physically.
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"...Are you okay?"
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"...Why did Dazai live in a shipping container at one point?"
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He really is getting a list of people he loathes.
1. Hei 2. Dazai 3. That guy who tried to kill him
He’s sure this is bound to get longer with time.
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@moonhund​ - x
He leaps again at the necklace, and his fingers barely manage to brush past the feathery decoration at the bottom of the charm. Maybe with more delicate parts to it, if he kept this up he might’ve been able to get it back without help eventually. However this necklace is made from a leather string, that has become impressively tangled in the branches. He’s not going to get it down on his own, not by normal means anyway.
“A few minutes,” he answers before he tries yet again with a futile attempt. He actively ignores the question of how he got into this situation in the first place, both because he is very focused... and he’d rather not say that the necklace went flying off of him. The fire department is still nearby putting out the fire from a recent abrupt explosion, completely unrelated, of course. 
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In light of another failure on his part, he huffs before staring up at it again. He’s not expecting the stranger to help him, but he’s also not leaving or going to stop trying until he gets it back.
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have you ever taken part in an uprising? // do you miss anyone? // how are you doing? // favorite song?
Interview the muse
have you ever taken part in an uprising?
Verse: Canon
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"I was supposed to." He answers with a low grumble. "I think it's likely too late now, it might've already happened, or… I don't know."
do you miss anyone?
Verse: Pokemon
If this question had been asked awhile before, he would've had an answer without any hesitation. Even now he opens his mouth to speak and he wants to say her name, as though no one else could ever compare. But then again, he was trying to move on from the life that she'd brought him into. He was steadily learning that the sort of life she'd brought him into was… not at all what it should have been.
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"…I think I'd rather be bothering Ice right now. Does that count?" He finally answers. Obviously conflicted and reluctant, but it wasn't a lie regardless.
how are you doing?
Verse: Bungou Stray Dogs
This is a funny question, he thinks the interviewer must think he used to live in one of the buildings now burned to a crisp. He can't blame them, he's looking like a lost child wandering through Yokohama… however, he's also not in the mood for this in the least.
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"I'm fine." He answers curtly. "I don't live here, I just wanted to see what was going on." See the damage he did.
favorite song?
Verse: and now back to Pokemon
Blaire had gotten sick in the middle of the contest, and in Maki's mind the show couldn't have gone on without her for certain. It did suck to have to cancel what he'd worked so hard on though, and he sits alone at the beach while humming the tune to his song of choice.
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"♫ Wishing on a star for saving Under the sky, a boy whose heart is aching Beneath the night I'll dance the pain away Keep singing to hide The fear of saying goodbye Until you buy the lie. ♫"
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Maki didn’t dare let himself think about the possibility that he could be too far away, running on fumes trying to keep his attacker from getting any closer and using any more of his icy knives. Even when he was younger he was never one for tears and yet now he knows there are pinpricks of them-- apparently this was what fearing for your life was really like. He wasn’t sure he had the strength to use his own ability again, but from the sounds of things he wouldn’t have to. He was more than used to the sounds of Akutagawa’s ability in action, even if he was only able to vaguely see what was going on. 
All he’s really able to see from the blonde man is that he himself is hurt, and shocked. He must’ve thought this was going to be easy, and frankly with Maki alone and completely off course it should have been. The fact he doesn’t look nearly as hurt as he should is not a fact lost on Maki either though, even now it’s... odd. It felt like it was a personal vendetta from the way he just ran out on his own, and in a situation that was completely unprompted by nothing more than Maki’s own personal jealousy. How long had he been following him? He would’ve realized it sooner if he hadn’t been so set on killing someone else in particular.
Funny though, how Port Mafia’s black-fanged hellhound struck fear into into so many people’s hearts, yet from day one not with Maki. Too much in common, maybe. Still, what terrified so many was surprisingly more of a comfort to the 14-year-old at a time like this. But with the major danger having finally passed him, he slipped into unconsciousness, only to find himself awakening again in a hospital bed; with not a clue of how much time had passed while he was out.
He almost tried to reflexively sit up before he remembered very clearly, right, chest wound. It flares up the instant he tries but he still looks around right off to see if anyone is here with him. Akutagawa? Amber? 
Nobody was there at the moment, but it didn’t take long for someone to realize he was awake, and come to speak with him about what happened. After all it had been such a simple job gone horribly wrong, and he told the truth… mostly. He neglected to mention that he ended up chasing someone before he’d been attacked by this unknown man. He didn’t feel that part was worth knowing, but he wondered if they were trying to pry it out of him. No matter how much he asked, nobody would tell him where Amber was. If that was their way of trying to get answers they were going about it wrong, he would’ve told Amber everything. He knows she would’ve lectured him, but he would’ve still told her, he wouldn’t keep secrets from her. 
But a different trusted familiar face arrives at least, one he smiles gratefully at when the door opens and he realizes who it is. 
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“Akutagawa, thank you.”
@remotespontaneouscombustion; in response to this post, because we just love pain here I guess
Black shoes ran over the ground, swiftly, surely, unerringly.
He had started moving the moment that the voice on the phone broke off. There was no need for any further details; no need to ask questions. It wasn't difficult to figure out where he was needed, even without directions. The sight of the smoke in the sky was more than enough of a marker.
Things might have turned out different if Akutagawa had been further away when he received the call; but, mercifully, the distance between here and Maki's location wasn't so great. He ran now like he couldn't remember running in years. Since he was Maki's own age, maybe.
A small, broken voice, begging for his help, dragged up memories that he'd thought were long buried beneath years past.
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When the flames spark on nothing, it’s the only time his eyes ever match in color. Glowing in red while gold handprints shined and exploded over a quick swipe. He always found the flames to be a comfort of a sort, it felt something like a relief from frustrations he couldn’t voice easily. But on this day? No, today he is angry. Furious. Maybe a bit mournful if he let it take over his mind. But for while the embers burned and smoke cloaked the night sky, he was enraged.
Under the roar of the flames of the buildings around him, he screams as loudly as he can until his throat can’t take it. He doesn’t remember a time when his explosives have done as much damage as this, he briefly remembers someone warning her before that he would be a destructive problem if left unchecked.
He throws another rock into a window, another swipe, and it shakes the nearby wall to the point of collapse. They were right, and he was happy to prove it.
All that time he had spent trying to prove to her that he was worthy of her, she’d asked so much of him and he did everything he could. But then she was gone, without a word she was gone. The executives questioned all that they could, prodding him the absolute most until he snapped. He joined Port Mafia at all because of her influence, everything he was, everything he’d strived to be, it all had centered around her.
Now he feels lesser than the debris left in the destruction of his wake. What was the point of all of it? What was the point of him? He is simply a being with no place in the world, and she’d given him that purpose that he lacked when he had nothing beyond his name. 
His chest stings from recovery, and the weight of his emotions. He grips at his still torn jacket while his throat protests any further sounds. But the mourning finally had its clutches on him, and he sobs like a lost child. Despite the strength he tried to put on himself to live up to, every once in awhile it crashes down. Cracking under the reminder that he is still just a child, and one without anything he’d lived for except for her.
He stares up to the sky with eyes full of tears, the clouds of smoke glowing orange and yellow while city buildings burned. He steadily gets to his feet, to escape before the fire department sees what he’s done. He knows come morning, Yokohama was not going to forget this, and he was likely going to be in even more trouble than he already was for chasing down someone over his own personal hatred.
But he ceased to care, he wasn’t exactly their problem anymore with Amber gone now was he? She’d been his ‘keeper’, and now he was loose in the city. If anyone tried to stop him now, guess they would be the one with the problem child on their hands. How unfortunate for them.
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He’s going to avoid asking Higuchi how she learned it was Akutagawa’s birthday, he has a feeling no matter what she says he’s not going to like the answer. But nonetheless he learns it is his birthday today from her, and...frankly he has no idea how to celebrate that sort of thing. He’d only managed to pick out his own due to a third party’s help, and still didn’t fully know how that was celebrated normally; let alone how to celebrate with Port Mafia’s infamous Black-Fanged Hellhound.
He doesn’t even really seem like the sort of person to celebrate that, despite how much Maki sees that Higuchi is fretting about it. He knows he’s probably not going to like it, but it’s... nice? Maybe? He really can’t hide making a face about it though, not that this phases her at all.
But he won’t be dramatic, he waits around patiently where he has nothing to do today. When he does see Akutagawa he waves to him, hoping to make today fairly normal, if maybe a bit special at least for him. That seemed nice in his mind anyway.
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“Akutagawa, are you busy today? I was hoping to maybe go for a walk again if you were free.”
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"I couldn't agree more," Maki replies with a grin, though then there's the matter of attempting to get away for awhile. He doesn't have to know every little detail to know that it doesn't feel like Yumeno can just walk out freely, so...
Is he really debating on an escape plan? Is that wise? Exactly how much trouble are they going to be in for doing this? Is it worth it?
As much as logic, lessons in etiquette, and general drive to survive would love to convince him to stay put: he refuses. He gets an idea that is 100% going to get him into hot water later, but he doesn't care. He goes for one of his spare gloves to cover one of his hands before offering it to Yumeno.
"I have an idea. Don't mind the glove, it's... precautionary thing for my ability." A consideration he doesn't usually offer people, if he was honest.
But regardless on if Yumeno takes his hand or not, he begins leading them further into the building as quietly but quickly as possible. Doing his best to dodge any other members of Port Mafia along the way, ducking into side rooms and behind furniture as they passed. He doesn't think he's ever been this stealthy in his life, there hadn't really been a need for it before... it was sort of fun, despite his nerves.
Thankfully if anyone had been paying any sort of close attention; they seemed to think it was just the two kids playing. Easy to roll their eyes at.
This kept up until Maki reached a particular room, on a side that barely had anyone there. They would have a few minutes to get out before anyone came to see what had happened if he did this right. Plus upon glancing at the box full of lemons practically overflowing, a grown adult to blame for the damage he was about to inflict.
If he'd been allowed to take it, he lets go of Yumeno's hand approaches the nearby wall. If they were unaware it probably looked strange, him setting his ungloved hand flat against the surface a few times over. In a way that just made him all the more excited to show it off, these things were always more fun with good company.
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He returns to their side and speaks softly. "After my ability activates, we run out of here and find a place to hide fast, okay?"
He feels a little bad, he learned about how to control his ability better from Kaiji, and he was throwing him under the bus. Whoops.
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⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ✴ * : ・゚ ★ 【 @remotespontaneouscombustion 】 ★ ・゚ : * ✴ ⁺ ✦ ⊹
╰ ★ cont. from 「 X 」
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╰ ★ █║ ⁞ —ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ' 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐁𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 ' ... huh ... that was an idea, wasn't it ? They NEVER got to go outside unless it was some stupid mafia business or if they were trying to escape. Shouldn't they get to have a day to themselves where they could just ... forget about the mafia and be a KID ?
╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤㅤThe idea sounded just so exciting ! Yet, somehow they find themselves filled with DREAD. What if the two of them were caught ? Even at that very moment, they were lucky to be in the grand halls of that massive syndicate rather than that dusty, filthy cell ( still not much of an improvement though ). A cautionary glance was given to whatever mafia goons just so happened to pass them by. Luckily ... no one seemed to notice or care about what the two of them were talking about.
╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤㅤWhy SHOULD they be worrying ? Wasn't the whole point of this to not worry about all this stupid mafia stuff ? Doing their best to shake off those fears, the child SMILES.
╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤㅤ❛ That sounds GREAT ! I don't really know all that much about being a ' normal kid ' either but we can try it ! ❜ㅤ
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╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤㅤ❛ It'd be nice to leave this stupid, stuffy building anyway ! ❜ㅤ
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In a way he’s surprised nothing has happened yet, all that’s happened is Akutagawa giving him a knowing look over what he’d done. Not disapprovingly either, just... knowing. Accepting it. He hasn’t seen any trace of ADA yet, or...anyone besides the police force in general. He didn’t exactly try to make it look like it was a natural fire, how could he? He can’t lift much to be able to make something look like a normal fire had been set. Things don’t explode like the way he makes them do so normally, the only thing in his favor is that for the most part, his ability had been unknown. Amber had never noted it down for much more than an unknown fire ability.
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Figures only now that she’s gone, he gains his title, it feels like one more slight from her right as she’s out the door. But there are unfortunately more pressing matters, there’s no way they’re going to forget-- so why is it so quiet right now?
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