#and while i knew this would happen it doesnt change the fact that im so fucking resentful about it
arytha · 8 months
i hate how the cheapest and most filling lunch item i can get at work is the fried deli food. less than $3 to keep me fed for the entire day vs $7-8 sandwich or $6-8 salad
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I'm up way later than I need to be and listening to music while I draw and this song gives me SUCH Sabo feelings and I would love to hear your opinions!! (Never Love An Anchor by The Crane Wives)
You dare bring. The Crane Wives. Into this peaceful household.
Never Love an Anchor no less.
The audacity.
Yeah it makes me think about how Sabo left Ace and Luffy on his own accord at the end. Of course it was a last resort but he left them because he knew that this was the only way for them all to be free.
He left knowing that he would probably not see him until they were 17. Or maybe even never again.
He left them so that they could be safe. Because as long as long as he was with him, as far as he could see, hands would still try to claim him, resulting in the ones he loves getting hurt.
There was no winning for Sabo or any of them. As long as he tried delaying the inevitable, it just never would have happened.
He had to give up what he loved so he could keep it.
And then after he regains his memories, him thinking how much he’s changed. His claws might hurt the one he loves so dearly, even though at this point he doesnt even know him anymore. What if when Luffy finds out that he was alive, it only hurts him deeper. Knowing that there was someone who would have made a difference that day wasnt there. Reliving not only that day in the moment of reuniting, but the say he lost Sabo, too.
I dont find it strange that Sabo didnt try to reunite with Luffy until dressrosa. And in fact i think that reuniting with luffy is something he did as an absolute last resort. I think he truly didnt want to meet him that day at all.
In the anime alone, it doesnt much show it, but in the manga and the Episode of Sabo his hesitance and nerves are really clear to me. He takes a second before he starts walking to talk to luffy. His hand is clutched and shaking. He walks as slowly as he can. And also he only does it after he knows that Luffy cant get the fruit.
They both need that fruit safe. An heirloom of their precious brother, the only thing they have left that can life on from him.
If Luffy could’ve finished that tournament, im fairly certain Sabo would’ve never revealed himself.
I think he feels like he might hurt luffy if he did, but i also think that he didnt feel he deserved it. To reunite with Luffy after all that time. After all that happened.
Going back to the song, the lyrics
“So, I did the only thing that i could And severed the rope to set you sailing from my harbor.”
Even though it was Sabo who went sailing from the harbor, what he was doing was sever the rope from his connections with luffy and Ace so that they could grow and be free without worrying about being held back by him and the weight of his life keeping him suffocating at the bottom of the harbor he’s being drowned in.
If sabo had successfully left Goa that day, and he had reunited with Ace or Luffy somewhere down the line, i think he would act the same way he did in dressrosa that day. I think he would feel his baggage is too much, someone could be after him. And he wouldnt want to reunite. Especially after how he left them.
To me, that letter didnt read as a “i hope i see you again”, but a “goodbye forever”. Which i mean,,,, it was one, at least in Ace’s case, so … 🤷‍♀️ kill me
Anyway, the sentencing of your crimes of Crane Wives-ing me will be capital punishment, i hope you understand.
Thanks for the ask!
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Howdy! I see a lot of Jasmine Sherman content and I wanted to know if you knew about her tiktok? I see people saying she's been very rude to those asking questions and that she refuses to expand upon her policies, but I don't have a tiktok so I can't see it for myself.
You don't have to answer this but if you know anything more, I'd appreciate it ty ❤️❤️
They use they/them pronouns and yeah im familiar with it, been tuning into the last couple lives.
And I would say Sherman is as respectful to you as you are to them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Matter of fact, I thought this was funny so I took a screenshot. Here is them kinda laying it out themselves in the practice live they held earlier this week.
They were asking questions to something called Pi, which from context I gathered was some AI tool.
Jasmine Sherman explained to it that they're not particularly social and have a strong set of principles and boundaries. One of which is not believing in respectability politics. So they don't believe they should have to tone police themselves for them or their words to still hold value, especially when respect is not being reciprocated.
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Sherman is rude when they're clocking people, yeah. Legitimately. They're outta pocket fr 💀💀 self-described as petty.
They don't hide this. This is a campaign image from the share & distribute section of their site lol
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As for the people asking policy questions: the majority are, as they say above, coming and asking very disrespectfully. It's people who clearly don't know anything about their policy, haven't read it, & yet come to the live accusing Sherman of being a bot or psyop or just ignorant honestly that Sherman refuses to answer.
There was one person there who kept coming back to the live to harass Sherman about their death penalty policy. I mean returning after hours at a time, time they absolutely could've checked Sherman's site.
Sherman answered something like: i used to believe in it and switched after talking to professionals and experts in the field about it. It's still up on the site for accountability and transparency.
That person refused to go away and got nastier; continued treating Sherman like a liar or like their policies had holes for no reason. And they kept coming back to ask the same thing, just demanding energy and labor again and again and again.
At one point Sherman told people watching the live and doing the live with them to stop trying to educate that person. They're willfully and intentionally ignorant. To ignore them. So people did.
Also they DO expand on their policies which is why it's so frustrating when those people come in acting like Sherman doesnt or like they don't have a policy at all. It's also on their site if people really wanna know so it's also like?
......do you just wanna see Black femme perform for you?
And besides that even while Sherman is roasting you they're assuring you that even if someone disagrees with them or doesn't understand them or even if Sherman themselves hates you, they'll still believe you still deserve basic human rights, housing, healthcare, and are gonna keep fighting for that anyway.
They said something like this a million times in the last hour so I'll paraphrase:
"why should I give a fuck about your opinion. Why should you care about mine? What does my opinion matter when I'm fighting for a better future for all of us. Hate me all you want. I don't care. I don't.
Your hate doesn't matter to me or change what I'm fighting for. You wanna see my policies or my experience? Go to my site or look me up, Google knows who I am. If you don't have anything to say about my policies then I don't care. I don't care that youre voting for Kamala. I don't care that you think my campaign is a waste of time. That changes nothing for me. Biden let's a genocide happen, Trump is Like That, but I can't be rude to people that are rude to me first? It's a double standard because I'm Black and fat. I don't care that people think I'm rude. They can think I'm rude all they want. They don't need to like me as a person to support my platform. Just like I don't need to like them as a person to keep fighting for my platform."
They were feeling deeply frustrated.
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angy-grrr · 3 months
Himiko Toga never chose a villain name because she has always been the monster and demon for others, internalizing it. But also because she isnt trying to be someone else, but proudly show herself and her love -AFO exploited this to reaffirm the previous, so she never even realized she could give her blood for others.
Ochako Uraraka's goal and arc isn't finished until we see a few main points: "who will save heroes?" A discussion about heroism and saving, and I wouldnt be too surprised if saving villains also come up here as a developed version of the first. They are all people, and that's what matters over their assigned roles. "Himiko Toga". Where is she? Ochako's arc can't be finished until we see or hear what ended up happening. "What does she feel about it all?" She needs a resolution and express her feelings, and with the hiding she has done recently I cant help but wonder even more about Himiko's state, as she is the person who makes Ochako feel safe enough to talk about her thoughts. And lastly"You like him, dont you?" What will happen with her love for Izuku? Is she going to hide it, confess, talk about it more with Himiko? I still think about "the reveal" during her fight with her, and her hair covering her whole face... It could be because she "needs" to tell and show her whole face to Izuku*. I would prefer it another way tho
*She said she admires Himiko for being able to say her feelings and love who she does with her whole face, if I remember correctly, while remembering an Izuku who is looking somewhere (someone?) else smiling. I believe its important that she doesnt have her face shown there, but we still dont have a clear reason why. Is she just not able to show that love to Himiko because she hasn't shown Izuku first? Is it because she no longer feels it? In the next panel she says shes now going to stop her, we can see her face, and her mouth is covered in blood. Is it because their battle was never about him? Because she is ashamed of those feelings? Because she doesn't want to engage in them?
With chapter 425 taking us by surprise because of her first interaction with Midoriya after the war, I prefer to think she has her hair covering her face because she still can't be honestly herself with him. Partially? Yes completely, but she can't tell him her feelings like with Himiko.
I hope she expresses her feelings to the class, to her parents, her friends, the civilians... but I really don't think a confession to him and him only would solve anything.
She doesn't want or can't chase him and his feelings like with Himiko; Izuku is acting weird, upset about many things, and she doesn't see that, im sure she would have tried to help if she actually knew. Even tho she looks around to find a crying Himiko, she doesn't try to do the same now, and in fact rejects it; she decided her feelings are not for him or others to see, at least at the moment.
So how does Hori plan to change this in such little time? Is Izuku going to chase after her, when thats what he has always done with everything he wants? Doesn't he deserve to be chased back? Doesnt she deserve the right to decide how much of herself she wants to reveal to him? Or mourn the loss in her own terms, in case Toga's dead or she thinks she is?
With her feelings for both Midoriya and Toga she has tried to put heroism first, focus only on that; with the first one because she fails at her goals and just blindly imitates him without finding herself, and the second one because she shouldn't feel that way and questions herself over those quite frequently.
I have no idea if Horikoshi plans to make her put her feelings first for him over heroism like she did with her -risking it and acting against what a hero "should" do so they can both just be Himiko Toga and Ochako Uraraka.
I have no idea, but it would make me so sad if he did.
In chapter 424 we see Shoto first in the hospital, when the narration explains things cant be as simple as Deku thought as a kid. Then Ochako appears, with her arm over her stomach probably thinking about her fight. It can't end so easily, and I wouldnt be surprised if chapter 427 or 428 was about them.
Fun thought: what if Himiko is the one about to see Spinner? jkjkjk. It could be cute tho.
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nerves-nebula · 8 months
Sorry bout this thing but I kinda wanted to tell my thoughts about your stuff. Im kind of hoping this will get drowned in your inbox honestly, since this is just a really long unsolicited rant of mine.
Sometimes when i scroll through your account and I encounter csa, incest and mentions of suicide in your posts I get uncomfortable but then I remember that one phrase that goes something like "Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comforted" and I just feel kinda bad bout myself.
When I was a kid my nannys bf forced me to kiss him in the lips whenever we met. I was 6. It was uncomfortable. I never did tell my nanny about it. My parents are both police people and my mother had long explained the concept of rape and how unconsensual touch is bad and you shouldnt allow that but something prevented me from telling anyone what was happening. I dont know why. I know they would immiedietly jail that guy if they did but somehow it felt like no one would believe me. I never told them until now, then when I was what, 6-8 years old? I cant even remember. Yeah somewhere around that, he molested me when my nanny was few feet away and asleep and for the next 4 years of my life i felt dirty. Desecrated. Stupid. I couldnt even look down at my naked body when i shower back then, but somehow I managed to trudge on living by trying to forget the fact it happened. Its been 8 years since Ive last seen him. Ive told anyone who I knew who doesnt care enough to be friends with me but cared enough to listen about it but my Parents are none the wiser and i plan on keeping it that way.
Also. Im a year away from being legal now. Ive thought about killing myself or just generally not wanting to exist anymore many times since then, cuz lifes equipped with motolov cocktails of "get fucked dumbass" and i somehow managed to get a coupon for at least a million of them.
(I hope that line made you laugh if you read this).
Coming back to the phrase i mentioned earlier, it feels weird whenever i feel something similar to the feeling of being triggered while looking at csa being depicted. By definition, i would be considered a victim, and id of course would be comforted by seeing similar experiences happen to people because relating to something usually induces a positive feeling. I dont. I see your art and it guts me. It guts me and the fact that it does also guts me, because what does that mean? I am supposed to be the comforted? Despite the fact that I was taken advantage of as a child and spent night after might thinking how stupid i was and why I let that happen to me even when I was equiped with the information that makes me less vulnerable than other children? So i do I correspond more with those who are defined as comforted then, was i not disturbed after all? Was i victimizing myself all along? Am I a bad person for thinking i was? No wait, that doesnt make any sense at all. Its all wrong. Why am I so guilty about this? Why am i subjecting myself to this?
And then it repeats.
I still go through your blog because well, i love tmnt, i love your artstyle, i love the way you tell stories, I love how you dont sugar coat csa, incest and other darker topics like body horror, erotism and sadism, i hate how much it haunts me, i love the fact i can relate, i hate how much you hurt them, i love the fact that you dont hold back, i love how you show the ugly sides of healing, i love how you depict how much people can change and struggle. Its comforting to me. Its discomforting to me. I stick hand into the fire knowing I would be burned, then I do.
And i like it. I like it somehow, like taking a nice smoke break when you have mild asthma, but like, better. Its a nice change of pace to feel so conflicted like this, its a nice change of pace to feel anything at all really.
But yeah. Tldr. Sorry for the trauma dump and your art makes me feel complicated. Its neat 👍
lot to reply to here! also, unfortunately for you, i check my inbox obsessively and dont get nearly as many asks as you seem to believe i do.
so firstly, no snappy saying is meant to encompass all of human experience, and you certainly shouldn't judge yourself for not fitting into it. easier said than done, i know, but still. i'm gonna try to address some things here, not gonna touch on all of it, but just know that i appreciate you sitting down to write me this.
(I hope that line made you laugh if you read this).
it made me smile, but i laughed at this, because it's a very sweet look into you writing this. puts into perspective how, even though this is public, it was written TO me. like a letter in victorian times or something. that's sweet, i like that.
and id of course would be comforted by seeing similar experiences happen to people because relating to something usually induces a positive feeling. I dont.
you're making a lot of assumptions here that are kind of wild in that "this thought process was clearly designed by your mind to upset you specifically" sort of way. I mean, would you say this to literally anyone else when they feel uncomfortable or triggered about viewing media that relates to their trauma? There's really no telling what a survivor will feel comforted by and you aren't Doing It Wrong by having a different reaction.
there's a reason i tag it as "csa tw" and that's so people can AVOID it as well as search it up.
how stupid i was and why I let that happen to me even when I was equipped with the information that makes me less vulnerable than other children?
i know you recognize at the end of the thought process that this is not true, but i feel the need to reiterate: there is no such thing as being less vulnerable than other children through your own actions. you can try to equip kids with knowledge that might protect them, but that doesn't make them any less vulnerable.
my dad told me about rape and molestation all the time, but he never accounted for the kinds of scenarios i was actually the most likely to fall victim to, partly because i don't think he actually knew much about childhood sexual abuse, and partly because he was more obsessed with the idea of me being kidnapped and raped/murdered than he was about forms of sexual abuse he'd consider more "mild"
No wait, that doesnt make any sense at all. Its all wrong. Why am I so guilty about this? Why am i subjecting myself to this?
i can't answer that one, unfortunately. personally, i like to feel gutted, it's cathartic to me. might be something like that to you, based on how you go on to describe it, but you might also be doing some kinda self harm.
I stick hand into the fire knowing I would be burned, then I do.
saaaaame. i triggered myself into a breakdown in class once cuz i'd been reading fucked fanfiction before class and i got SAD lol.
Its a nice change of pace to feel so conflicted like this, its a nice change of pace to feel anything at all really.
we are shaking hands over this.
anywho, no need to apologize! i am glad, if nothing else, to provide you with a strange and upsetting experience that is not entirely bad.
I really do adore hearing how my stuff makes people feel. it's like, a solid one third of the reason i do this. i still make stuff that doesn't exist to be shown off but WOW showing shit off and getting a response feels FANTASTIC. like, i'm in your head now!! you have been CHANGED by my ART. it's maybe the best part of being alive.
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pupuyvs · 3 months
hi 👋🏼 im back after rereading the update and other peoples ask lol and sorry for the long rant but i just gotta get these thoughts out 😅 so while i dont agree with what chaewon did, i do agree with 😎 and i get where chaewon is coming from. chaewon said she saw herself building a future with jihye but that was crushed when jihye revealed that she'll be moving away for college - away from chaewon. from chaewons pov it seems like she was the only one thinking long term while jihye was only thinking about this year. and because jihye hadnt given her a heads up on her college choice, it seems like jihye just wanted to be together for the rest of the year and not long term like chaewon. because while jihye was jealous about yeonjun, chaewon was always reassuring her that it was only until prom and she won prom queen (her original plan when finding out prom queen was a thing and WAY before she even knew jihye existed) and then it would all be over and it would just be her and jihye. and every time jihye said she understood (though she was still jealous, she would tell chaewon she was okay every time chaewon would give her a heads up about posting something about her fake relationship with yeonjun). so again chaewon was thinking past senior (long term) and to her it seemed like jihye was too until jihye dropped the bomb about where she was going to college, then now to chaewon it seems like she was the only one picturing their relationship lasting. idk about you but i would be hella hurt if it seemed like me and my partner were on the same page about our future only to be caught off guard with the fact that we arent, so i get why chaewon is so hurt by that.
and i 100% agree with 😎 that chaewon running to jihye would be outta character and her changing who she was did start with dating jihye. but a change as big as not caring about reputation and what others think of you, and growing and releasing yourself from the influences that you grew up with and are ingrained in your mind dont just happen over night. and i think thats where chaewon and ning are different. chaewon met jihye this year and started dating her too (kinda going against what the norm is for people of her status). now ning and karina started dating this year too but ning has had liked karina since forever (i dont think you really specified but im gonna assume probs since she transferred from china so freshmen year) and she has publicly said it but no one believed her because of their different statuses financially and popularity wise. so chaewon really had just this year to try and change while ning had years and was probs fed up with people never believing her to be serious just because she came from money and karina didnt. now when chaewon and jihye fought, and karina breaks up with ning thats when that difference kicks in. chaewon doesnt want to take the risk because she has more to lose than ning. while ning is probs done with everyone telling her her feelings arent real just because the girl she likes isnt rich. and on top of that, ning and karina did date and ning got to be with the girl shes liked since freshmen year but then karina breaks up with her because of her friends - the same people telling ning her feelings arent real. so of course that pushes ning over the edge and she chooses karina over her friends because to her, she'd rather lose that all instead of karina. but chaewons character isnt there yet. yes chaewon was changing for the better with jihye but sadly they didnt have enough time with all the stuff going against them (yena, chaewons dad and friends, and senior year ending) and i think for me thats kinda what makes this angst hurt a even more.
probs in the minority but i am still team chaewon. i believe my girl can overcome this ✊🏼🙂‍↕️
first off yall gotta stop apologizing for leaving long asks like this i dont think yall realize how happy it makes me to see ppl analyze the characters i wrote this much
like i legit read every asks especially ones like this with a huge ass smile
secondly yes to all of this while what chaewon did is wrong shes also still young and experiencing love in a way she never had before
i also love how u compared ningrina and jichae (are we calling it that?)
cause there are big differences there ning was never fearful of getting caught she made it clear she wanted her outside people chose not to believe her plus she never truly got along with winselle
side tracking from the comparison i think its also important to acknowledge that while jihyes friend group are close because they chose to be chaewons friend group are close due to their parents who are all well rich people so its not a surprise that there is this much animosity between them and even easier for ning to cut them off
back to couple comparisons i love everyone pting out that chaewon never planned for jihye cause thats the truth if yeonjun and aeri never pulled that prank chaewon wouldve never known who jihye was meaning she never got a chance to get over their popularity differences
now one thing i will pt out about their social classes chaewon never really thought about it too deeply if anything she liked jihyes lack of wealth but i think the fact she never thought about it is also a pt of tension in their relationship
when i thought up of the idea i knew i wanted to tie in their social class more because a lot of aus never really wanna touch on it (understandable it can be kinda heavy at times) but i felt it was important to show that that difference is not something small cause while chaewon can imagine a life of her attending *insert expensive college here* because she realistically can jihye cannot not (which ties into the imagining their futures together and what not)
i kinda rambled and idk if it makes sense since im half asleep rn (i will elaborate better tmrw)
to wrap this up: jichae endgame 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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chuchuminn · 5 months
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just realized its been really really long since i posted (so sorry for being rlly lazy some stuff happened)
new content!!!!!
what if aruji sama was a DEMON??
smth ive been thinking abt!
im gonna come up with smth like whtever
name = ELENORA STEINE (nora, but none are her real name *its actually ____*
age = VERY OLD.
height = might be crazy... 6'2
facts abt nora:
- very bad memory (no she wont remember where her fork from dining went after going to the bathroom but its ok bc shes a grandma /j)
- came from germany (has a slight german accent wowzers)
- doesnt rlly like sweet but likes sweet if theyre not too sweet...??
- though rlly follows the main story of living in the modern world she just moved in recently 😔
- physically, magically, and mentally capable of murdering someone (any weapon works they should just be dead)
- if shes angry at you kill her or youre the one killed!!! waa waa waa. waa waa waa waa.
buh buh backstory!!! before butlers stuff
Back when DEMONS, HUMANS, and ANGELS still thrived..
"Is there really such a thing as a war anyway? That would never happen."
Nora says, looking at her two best friends, Kium (ANGEL) and Leon (HUMAN).
"Maybe! Theres a chance, y'know?"
Leon says in a cheerful tone, as Kium speaks up.
"I guess there's a chance as well."
"Anyway, aren't you hungry? We've been sitting in this tavern for a while."
All three nod and go get some food.
Rings the sound of crashes and falling debris, scattering on what was once called the Human territory. Nora, Kium, and Leon were all called back to their own races. One thing was sure. It was war. Noone knew why but the lords of all three races. The three friends were all worried for each other.
They were all on the battlefield as well.
The sound of swords clashing rang in Nora's ears. Whooshing of magic from demonic mages and angelic powers fly around.
"Oh, curses.. Why do I have to be doing this..- Leon..?!"
Nora sees Leon, collapsed on the ground. He's.. dead. Someone killed him.
"....Isn't this normal, though? Everyone would die someday."
*Kium says, facing Nora. He has tears running down his face, and he points a spear at you.*
"I have to do this, Nora. I'm so sorry.."
*He tried plunging his spear in Nora's body, but she managed to stop him in time, holding the blade. It couldn't be stopped anyway. Bound to be. She threw the double edged spear at Kium, killing him.*
"It's normal.. Right? Normal. Totally normal.."
*Nora fell down om her knees, and sobbed for a while. She returned back after war was over, and spent life until the modern world.*
butlers stuff abt NORA time!! (the story was rushed i am sorry)
☆ would love to learn her favorite snacks for tea time!!
☆ when shes sick (its possible ok.) he gives her Tea. (tea tea tea tea im like tea tea ooh just like tea tea ooh)
☆ he will make every single food she wants no matter the time because when shes rlly hungry she walks around to eat something that is probably edible for demons but not for humans
☆ knows all her favorite foods (hmm, let me guess.. nora's fav food is... Meat)
☆ woodcarves her favorite things for her (maybe not a whole house but yeah) mistakenly sleeps in her room if he ever changes her bed (beds, right?)
☆ she teaches him sometimes for fighting stuff but again shes old. her bones are becoming nonexistent. every step you hear some cracking (/j)
☆ tries his very very best to cook for her (spoiler: it lit the kitchen on fire)
☆ decorated the garden with a lot of stuff because nora said she likes them at a really random time (eg: haures, i like ___.)
☆ reads books with nora then nora starts telling him about what happened during the old times when demons and angels had coexisted
☆ sometimes lifts weights with her because she got a bit bored of standing around (wants her muscles a lot)
☆ nora asked him to put a giant pating in her room and it went on the ceiling but nora is happy because its still there (its kinda scary)
☆ flower arranging with boschi time every weekend even though nora gets headaches from them
☆ when nora saw THAT scene (spoiler warning: the whip thing) she felt pretty bad for him and wanted to explode his mom
☆ constantly reminds nora not to touch the roses even though it won't hurt that much because he still doesn't want to see her hurt
☆ scolds her because she doesn't yap when shes bored but actually runs around and ends up getting hurt
☆ wine lovers (theyre drunkards but nora has more tolerance than lucas because she had drinking competitions before)
☆ one time nora ate a red mushroom because of hunger and became as silly as lamli
☆ lamli likes playing with frogs but nora would like to dissect them because its interesting
☆ nora doesnt understand nac and doesnt know why (his way of words make her brain become water)
☆ scolds her a lot for drinking lots of alcohol because he normally finds her throwing up
☆ doctor also, so... also scolds her with lucas for getting hurt a lot (only thing they can agree on)
☆ nora ate his cooking once after drinking the day before and started vomiting a lot (new rule: never let nora eat spicy after drinking)
☆ braids her hair but it kinda became a big mess but its fine because nora fell asleep
☆ other than miyaji and flure nora is the only one he likes + nora isnt very scared of him just thinks hes silly
☆ designed a lot of noras clothes because she really doesnt have that many
☆ nora tried sewing clothes with him once and it turned out pretty good but she stabbed herself a ton
☆ sparred with her once, stopped because she had a stomach ache in the middle (he will try again)
☆ talks abt his kids a lot to her and she listens while drinking green tea
☆ kinda stalks her and has all her information in his notebook
sorry abt less content for villa butlers bc im not rlly familiar with them 😗
planning on making a new au sooner or later when i have time
thankz so much for reading all this pooks
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lepoppeta · 6 months
Song asks: CharPentious
this was even harder than vaggiebomb holy cow
charpentious is probably my favourite charlie ship (theres like... negative art of it so i have to placate myself with the oodles of delicious charlastor drawings available). pentious and charlie are on the exactly same wavelength of golden retriever dumbass that they feed off of each other in this wonderful pocket ecosystem of support and positivity. they would undoubtedly make everyone else around them absolutely sick to their very gums and thats honestly half the fun.
the thing that was tripping me up about these two and finding songs was trying to find something that wasnt super generic - its all well and good to use any happy love song, but those can be applied to any number of situations. i wanted to try and be a little more niche. i dont know how successful i was.
love is an open door (frozen, sung by kristen bell and santino fontana)
all my life has been a series of doors in my face, and then suddenly i bump into you (i was thinking the same thing! cause like - ive been searching my whole life to find my own place, and maybe its the party talking, or the chocolate fondue)
one of the things i really wanted to highlight about the potential for these two is how EASY i think their relationship would be. after years of being met with adversity and ridicule, heres someone who doesnt think youre stupid or that your dreams are too big or that your inventions are too gaudy and complicated - they think its WONDERFUL. they think YOURE wonderful, in all of your goofiness, because within that lies sincerity.
something to believe in (newsies, sung by jeremy jordan and kara lindsay)
til the moment i found you, i thought i knew what love was. now im learning what is true - that love will do what it does. the world finds ways to sting you, and then one day it decides to bring you
something to believe in for even a night. one night may be forever, but thats alright - thats alright. and if youre gone tomorrow, what was ours will still be. i have something to believe, now that i know you believed in me.
(we was never meant to meet, and then we meet - who knows why. one more stranger on the street, just someone sweet passing by. an angel come to save me, who didnt even know she gave me
something to believe in for even a day. one day may be forever, but thats okay - thats okay. and if im gone tomorrow, what was ours will still be. i have something to believe in, now that i know you believed in me.)
i dont normally copy down that many lyrics, but they fit so well that i had to include all of them!
one of my favourite things about charlie ships is that (ideally) she wins over the other party simply by being kind and almost aggressively genuine. while i have my own opinions on how characters work and what they are within the universe, this song becomes heartbreaking if you put it in the context of show canon and have it be the last duet they have before heaven comes to attack - pentious calls her an angel, and they say that even though he/they might die tomorrow (which, as we all know, is what happens), it doesnt change the fact that charlie forgave pentious and allowed him the oppurtunity of redemption, and pentious in turn actually put in effort and became the hotels proof of concept.
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crossdressingdeath · 9 months
re: your last post. literally i go crazy thinking about how all the companions and everyone else in durge’s life all wanted something from them, but then ultimately the only thing gortash wanted from durge was DURGE. as a person. just them, exactly as they are. and their partnership, in whatever form it happened to take. the fact that durge brings him orin’s netherstone and he doesn’t even take it from them? or ketheric’s? he just wanted to know if the two of them could still be in this together. once he knew they could, there were no more prerequisites. complete memory loss? changes nothing. defying bhaal? changes nothing. holding 2/3 netherstones? fine by him, perfect in fact. he trusts them. and after being told who and what they needed to be by literally every single person in their life, im more surprised durge DOESNT burst into tears at that tbh
It's like, absolutely when the alliance started out Gortash and Durge were using each other. Definitely Gortash initially mostly just thought that having the High Primate of Bhaal's temple and an actual Bhaalspawn on his side was too good an opportunity to pass up. But by the time of the game it's clear that their partnership grew well beyond that point! Durge is Gortash's dearest friend, his one true equal, and having them by his side again is all he wants from them! Gortash has so few expectations of Durge, and while an expectation that they'll be who they were might not be the easiest to bear I think in a lot of ways it would be significantly easier than the party's expectation that they straight up go against their god and creator solely on the grounds that it's the right thing to do. I love the idea of Durge just completely falling apart when they're finally faced with someone whose response to the horrible position they were put in boils down to "I don't care if you reject Bhaal or not, I just care that you're you". And it's especially good because I get the sense that Gortash actually also prefers it if Durge rejects Bhaal! He's not fond of senseless slaughter and he consistently praises Durge's ability to keep the Urge under control; I get the strong impression that he liked and respected them in spite of their connection to Bhaal. But at the end of the day the fact that he prefers them separate from Bhaal isn't really his primary issue. All that matters is that they're still them and in control! Sure, that's made significantly easier by them cutting ties with Bhaal, but... well, he worked with them for probably a good decade with their ties to Bhaal intact. He'd be happy to continue to do so as long as they're still the person he knows, and I feel like after the party basically just brushing off what a huge thing defying the god who literally owns Durge's soul is for them to do it really would make a lot of sense for it to be at this point, faced with someone who really does still love them no matter what, that all the emotions this situation brought to the surface would finally come spilling out for Durge.
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cogbreath · 8 months
ngl even tho i had faith in both you and allah that whatever you had done would not be the end of you i WAS worried still so yeah like everyone else is saying i'm also rly glad that you're recovering. congrats on surviving life's bullshit yet again my friend. may the next one maybe be less painful tho bc that did/does not sound like a fun time
jazakallah khair ❤️
and i do wanna apologise for worrying you guys. we all do know that i didnt mean to but i do understand how even when we r aware of that, it can still hurt and be scary to see someone u care about end up in a situation like that and it can be confusing and frustrating cuz of the fact its so clearly not a good thing to do to oneself. but im rlly rlly thankful that despite all that you guys have it in your hearts to be so so gentle and kind to me which seriously means the world to me
im not entirely sure how bad my situation really was, because it's honestly difficult for me to remember how much i actually ended up drinking, my memory is rlly blurry about it but i do know that i did pass out for a while. i wasn't exactly worried at first that i felt that i needed to puke and legit was shocked when i started seeinf it turning red n shit. i wanfed to believe that somehow it was just something i ate that was also red but when i started tasting the taste of iron i Knew. because it seemed to be becoming more and more bloody i was like. "o fuck." i was still aware of ans believing in the resilience of the human body, reminding myself that people have literally survived getting hit with a particle beam in the head, but nonetheless it doesnt change the fact that vomiting blood is something associated with fatal outcomes. i guess honestly it really doesn't matter either way what the true severity of it was and i shouldn't trouble myself too much about trying to figure it out because no matter what, it was a dangerous and bad situation to be in. also im not detailing more now about what happened so as to be shocking or graphic but like i just want to be honest about it so i can help process it and help u guys have more clarity on what happened now that im not as delirious and panicked as i was when it all went down
i wasnt scared to die and honestly no matter what never will be because of the way my brain is wired about the concept of death, but what i was most scared of was that ppl i care about and that allah would be mad at me. so it helps a lot to have that affirmed that nobodys mad at me and nobody thinks that i'm stupid or had it coming
sorry if this is more than u expected as a response, but you guys are some of the only people i can feel comfortable being truly deeply honest with. i dont ever intend to trouble you with things that arent your job to manage and i dont intend to freak people out. but maybe thats not nice to assume thats what anyone is thinking. ily
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snoopyliker · 5 months
okay so. still trying to piece this all together before you know its done for me so Pausing the episode heres what im understanding
the santo berço is a town that exists in a place where the membrane is incredibly weak and the reason the people look different is because we know that bodies begin to shift and change when they stay too long in these areas so i believe the gray skin, point ears, and such is a side effect on these people who were once “ignaro” they transform the longer they stay. my thought process at least rn regarding their appearances
the reason the black eyes stood out to me is because during the 6th episode with the fight when they were losing the power checks and theyd lose control and their eyes would get blacker as if consuming them right? and theyd begin to have black tears running down their face. which is really fucking specific so im wondering if the black eyes there is the same type of scenario we’re seeing here. sorta implying some sort of controlled state? or heres the thing they call themselves lucidio? i forgot how to spell it kekw which is im assuming derived from the word lucid and that sorta represents an awareness of a dreaming state. unsure if that plays into something here with their consciousness and awareness of everything it seems
the blacksmith said the tree represents their life in a way and i found it interesting that the trial is this three year thing where when they return they chop down that tree. its like a metaphor for what happens when they choose to stay in santo berço right? this tree is growing their life and when they return its cut its no longer able to continue growing it stays in that state forever now. staying in santo berço is like ending your life the growth of it. and i wonder if thats what its meant to basically mean.
what i found interesting was that the gatekeeper was brought when he was 8 and he remembers his life before santo berço and the fact children can be brought here was really interesting to me because they generally lack a sorta agency when it comes to making decisions? idk if the gatekeeper talks more about his backstory but im assuming he was brought by his parents or guardian to live here. hes 23 now so this town has existed for a Long Time. a fucking while.
what i found interesting was they themselves dont quite understand the maze and treat it as this legend and tale. but it has this thick mist around it which we know to mean an area with a very very weak membrane. which isnt surprising with all of this. but they dont seem to know that themselves. the 5 statues i assumed were the doctors but i havent gotten there yet to where anything is said about them. so im just assuming the 5 guardians are them but the thing is their documents were recent years like 2019 and 2020 and we know FOR A FACT this town has existed way longer. so either the 5 guardians arent the doctors who were doing this project and founded this town and instead someone else OR IT IS THE DOCTORS AND THERES SOME TIME TRAVEL AT PLAY.
they all are relatively aware right like they knew about caprizinha and they knew about other towns nearby and they know how cellphones and the seemingly how different the world is outside their town etc the only real confusing discrepancy is how they bring people. supposedly just asking? and people accept? and stay forever? and are seemingly happy forever? murcilos case was really odd because when we met him he really seemed to love his girlfriend jessica but when asked about her here he said well you know theres other things to life and generally the notion that its fine he doesnt care he left a life behind with no warning to anybody. like it holds so little value? thats where im like okay clearly theres some trickery something isnt adding up for people to just vanish and leave their lives. but again theyre in this town right now and dont seem to be manipulated in any way? they still have that option to leave according to the blacksmith but again they did enter in an unexpected way.
now when they found the town they did pass by a fog where they couldnt see anything except the path and an illuminated way that led them to santo berço so i wonder what exactly happened there. because they were looking for The Cave and instead found this town and its like okay how does that fucking happen. i keep going back to cesars reaction where they were going to enter the forest. the feeling that there was no going back and that shiver.
now i think back to what the doctors were doing and trying to achieve and the major question remains as Why? i wish i had taken photos of all the documents so i can read them all myself again lmao. whats the reason? they live without names just titles they have no technology or electricity they called those things aberrations. why why why why whats the point? how is this town used in an ulterior motive. its not just a town it functions to do something clearly. but what?
ok ima play the episode again ive just been ranting kkkkkk
Still so confused about the old man fml. ik on one of his papers it was written “im the blacksmith” but like was he really? is the symbol burn mark on his back one of those markings the people of santo berço seem to have on their faces the same? do all blacksmiths have that marking on their back? was his tongue cut because he left santo berço? i need to understand how he plays into this meu deus. did he even write that paper? was he just holding it? he clearly knew enough to run down that basement and release subject whatever the fuck
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actualbird · 10 months
good morning mr. zak reptillianraven sir! as much as i loved the anniversary card, there are a few cards/events i feel should've happened first before tbh. luke's 2nd personal story and luke's 3rd bday card especially i felt was much needed character development for him to get over his fear of uncertainty, his self-sacrificing nature, and just for him to realize that he is in fact so deeply loved by the people in his life.
good afternoon mx. anonymous anon individual :DD
i totally agree about the 2nd anniversary card needing more development prior to its actual happening, though i personally dont as much agree with the other two you bring up (by 2nd personal story do you mean his blossom chapter (pre-relationship) or his sweet chapter (post-relationship)?).
i spoke at length about his 2nd anniversary card's flaws in this previous ask response, so you can check that out for that card! though for his 3rd bday card......
i get where youre coming from, but i feel as if the central conflict in his 3rd bday card isnt necessarily a fear of uncertainty, nor is it a skewed kind of self sacrifice that he didnt "deserve" to know his parents (even if bits of that were present in his childhood reasoning). it was more of what he says outright, "i feel like a bystander" and his difficulty in connecting with people who are no longer here. this isnt an insecurity, it's more him...fighting with the reality of things while missing his parents, which he admits to, but something (time, death, the sad reality that he cannot interact with them and cannot remember them) is in his way when he wants to feel a deeper connection to them.
like, worded a different way, i think the conflict in this card was him not reaching out for his parents' presence because he didnt know how to, because he knew he'd just face a block or a wall or some kind of distance that would stop him from true connection.
of course, his avoidance of the topic was because he didnt want to make mc sad, which is fear and self sacrifice, yes, but his honesty prevails and that makes sense at this point in their relationship. the main thing driving the story is really luke wanting to get to know who his parents were and what they wanted for him, which is why what mc does is so important: she finds a way for him to understand what hes been wanting to understand for so long.
in this card, him learning that hes loved doesnt come after him getting over a a fear or an insecurity, but it comes after him finally having an avenue to "listen" and almost "communicate" with his parents after their passing.
if that makes sense?? JVSKJDHFSDFDS apologies if it doesnt!!! though of course youre completely valid to have whatever opinions you have on the card, im just explaining my view!!
i do agree with you though that luke's issues run deep. but aside from my gripe with his 2nd anniversary card, im overall rather very satisfied with his character progression and change. it's been a long journey, and he still backslides into bad habits, but it's immensely evident that year 1 luke and year 3 luke are different people. hes getting better, and it shows
thank you for the ask <3 !!
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virtueisdead · 1 year
tumblr is the only corporate social im willing to use at this point, purely because of how vastly different it is from its contemporaries, structurally and culturally, but they're very clearly doing something that is quickly turning me away. for lack of less sensitive term, staff is practically gentrifying the platform. (forcing shit from other socials that tumblrs lack of were the only reason i still used it)
given i use spacehey daily, im sure youre already aware that im not a big fan of the contemporary concept of the "social media". i wont go on my whole pedantic/esoteric rant about distinguishing the definition of a social media and a social network because thats a whole other essay for another time and its not worth the argument given im already trying to discuss something else at the moment. (ive literally written a research paper about this because i seriously am that obnoxious about the subject)
so; one of the most substantial changes that happened to social websites in general over the past 2 decades was the introduction of algorithmic feeds. for those unaware, tumblr is in fact the very last major social platform that still doesnt operate (primarily) off of algorithmic content, and this is direly important to the continued use it receives from older bloggers. the majority of people who regularly use tumblr today and have for years are still here because it is the last bastion of chronological dashboards. this also plays a huge role in why theres such a dramatically different atmosphere on tumblr compared to other platforms.
reblogs are literally the only way that things can "go viral". posts do not ever spread if people dont actively decide "i want to share this with my friends" and hit the reblog button, as well if their friends dont think the same. whats especially important is that this system is entirely end-viewer-oriented; it does not particularly favor reactionary content like an algorithm does. on a platform like twitter, any kind of engagement at all (replies, likes, qrts, etc) will be taken by the algorithm as an indication that the post is likely to resonate with people in some way, regardless of whether the post in question is receiving positive or negative engagement, and regardless of whether or not it is thoughtful or warrants that- not to mention how this problem is even further exacerbated by the character limits on microblogging social media platforms like twitter.
so people love tumblr for the fact that posts that you wouldnt share with your friends simply will not garner any popularity most of the time. this fosters a far more unique and interesting community and types of viral content, but youll notice that a little while ago, tumblr quietly added the "for you" page. realistically, nobody who actually has used tumblr since before that tab was added would ever even touch it because it is a spit in the face of what makes people love the platform. but they they knew most people dont vocally give a shit like i do.
the first problem arises when you consider that new users from places like tiktok and twitter will naturally assume the tab was always there and likely use it as their primary means of discovery. they wont learn or understand the way that the proper system tumblr uses of follows and reblogs actually works, which is steadily creating an enormous and frankly insurmountable divide between new and old users of the platform. its already fostering the kinds of passive interaction from people who dont understand tumblr's mechanics that is honestly genuinely harmful to the community overall. people misusing the tools that the platform has due to not understanding their function or assuming similarity to things they already know from other platforms. honestly, this in itself would not even be that much of an issue because we could simply ignore the new users who refuse to make the effort to understand how to use the app and fall for the advertising trap that is the for you page...
but the problem is getting way bigger as tumblr is slowly but surely pushing the "for you" page onto other dashboards. youll see posts with a little "based on your likes" banner at the top crop up more and more. theyre quite literally trying to subtly force an algorithm into place where there wasnt one before. (ive been made aware you actually can turn this off from within an entirely seperate settings menu from the regular one that you open on the notifications screen for some reason?? the fact that i didnt even know this after using tumblr for this long is wild, but it doesnt invalidate my argument in that they turned it on automatically without asking or telling users) its not egregious enough to make me leave yet but its definitely been happening more and more frequently to the point that i am seriously doubting if i should consider continuing to use the website/app. this is the biggest structural issue, but its not the only example of what im talking about where tumblr is trying to pretend to be like other contemporary social medias in order to lure in new users without teaching them how things work so that they can use them as advertising guinea pigs.
another example would be the abrupt and frankly pointless introduction of tumblr live, which is entirely unnecessary and has received near unanimous criticism from older users. but a bigger one is something that a lot of people, especially newer users, mobile only users, or those straight other platforms have probably not even noticed- the completely silent removal of subdomain urls. (which is why people here call usernames urls in the first place) this one is way more apparent of an issue as far as my questionable use of the term 'gentrification' goes.
if i asked you the question "what is tumblr?" what would you say? more than likely, you would answer that its a social media- and to be clear, you would certainly not be incorrect in that assessment, but thats not the important part. as far as i can see, thats the first thing that comes to mind when they think of what tumblr "is" in its contemporary state. but if i asked somebody that a decade ago, they would likely give a completely different answer; they would say its a "blogging site". that's because fundamentally, that's what tumblr actually is and is supposed to be. a social blogging host platform. the dashboard and tumblr.com screen was always only half of it as far as the functionality went.
everyone used to have a personal website for their blogs, and people would often hook their tumblr blog up with its own custom domain as well. tumblr was first and foremost simply a blogging platform with social elements. while that subdomain (personal website) functionality does still exist, and you can see it on my blog because i customized my blog's css themes, they actually completely silently added a switch that gets rid of it, and they automatically turned it off for anyone that hadnt fully configured that page already which slowly consolidates everybody towards the exact same uniform tumblr-blog style like what you see on the mobile site. it forces a uniform visual aesthetic and functionality, which is one of the things i hate the most. in the first place, the enormous number of people who hadnt set up their page properly is largely because tumblr has for a few years now actively discouraged, hidden, or obfuscated the 'personal website' aspect of the service for whatever reason they may have using a method ill get into in a moment. it may be because they thought it was too convoluted for newer internet users who dont understand, or it may have been a more calculated effort to abandon older infrastructure and replace it with replicas of more contemporary systems like are used in other social medias, but it doesnt make a difference to me.
blogging is all about self-expression, and restricting that defeats the point so fucking hard. on the mobile app, my page will look something like this.
Tumblr media
though this screenshot is taken on desktop. the url here is "https://www.tumblr.com/virtueisdead". this is an entirely separate and pretty recently added functionality called the profile view, which is entirely different from how the website used to operate, which is demonstrated for clearly by the fact that this is not what my blog is actually supposed to look like. in fact, you cant even see what blogs are supposed to look like on the mobile app at all. if you open your browser and go to my actual blog url, "https://virtueisdead.tumblr.com/", you can see the intended design, which is very similar to my spacehey profile.
Tumblr media
im honestly not unconvinced that they intend to eventually completely distinguish the old blogging system (akin to wordpress and blogger) from the social media aspect of the site entirely, though thats more of a crack theory. the fact remains that they began to silently get rid of people's actual blog pages, slowly forcing uniformity with the mobile app. (this is less important, but another part of that that drives me up the fucking wall is that i cant even use the tumblr website in my main browser anymore. they made it so it only works in certain browsers, and im sure i dont need to explain why that is absolutely insufferable behavior)
tumblr is absolutely trying to mimic other social media platforms like tiktok and twitter in order to attract users from them or give them a more 'familiar experience' and its absolutely a detriment to the experience for people who use tumblr specifically because it isnt like other corporate social platforms. this is a separate gripe, but...
ive said before and will say again, twitter users should not look for an alternative to twitter, they should just stop fucking using it. thats like going from smoking a cigarette brand that uses slave labor to one that doesnt. youre a more ethical person but youre still giving yourself lung cancer.
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things that happened during the two weeks of my show in which we had 13 performances and dress runs that i deem iconic:
- a concoction called 'dragon juice' made up of seemingly vinegar, honey, lemon, and potentially chilli and some other random items. prescribed if you had any kind of sore throat. burnt like hell, but worked.
- during a scene in which the leads would face us (the ensemble) and we would face the audience, one of the leads would make eye contact with me and start pulling faces in an effort to make me break character. she never succeeded.
- i realised on our fifth performance, that what i thought was one person was actually two separate sisters that looked identical. upon this discovery, i spent about two minutes looking between them, befuddled (it took them being opposite each other for me to realise they were two people)
- after one of our shows, when we all came off stage and went into the hallways, there was just a kid throwing up (or actually dying of some kind of cough) in a corner.
- someone stood on my foot during a scene. doesnt sound bad, but they were in character shoes (VERY sharp heels). when i went to my dressing room after the show, i had a cut on two of my toes.
- when my hair got stuck in a prop. we had a rope dangling down from a prop, and during a performance, my hair got stuck in it (bobby pins + rope = not good) and i had to dislodge it while getting downstage to do choreography
- my friend, who was in tech, dared me to use his sunglasses instead of the ones we used in our final run of the show, which was filmed. i did it. my friend who saw that nights performance proceeded to ask me about it, because they were a very different style to the ones we were given. worth it.
- a ken doll that sat on one of our wardrobes in the dressing room.
- the change room next to ours which had a speaker that would play music from other shows. they never played any chappel roan. we accredited this to the fact that they obviously didnt have enough girls, gays, or theys.
- the fact that i dont think i talked to a single straight person the entire run.
- that time in a dress rehearsal where i had to run down a ramp and proceeded to fall on my ass when the entire cast was on stage. pretty sure that was what prompted them to put a grip paint over those ramps.
- said paint on those ramps was not DRY for the next show, which didn't matter, until we went to sit down on them after the show. quite a few people had to get their costumes emergency cleaned by our costume department.
- a scene that required glitter dresses. normally fine, but those glitter dresses shed like hell. i still have glitter in my character shoes, which wouldnt be strange, if it werent for the fact that i didn't have one, and didnt share a wardrobe with anyone who did.
- a quick change i had that involved knee high socks. i had about 30 seconds before i was called for the next scene. so picture me, rushing backstage, throwing off the sunglasses, tie and hat i needed for the previous scene and getting into my other costume frantically. i had about five people who would help me. i always made it on though.
- a discovery i made on performance five, which was that the overalls i had to get into in my quick change had buttons at the back. made it a hell of a lot easier to get into.
- i smudged lipstick on my WHITE shirt about three times during that quick change over the ten performances.
- my friends who came to see one of the shows, upon seeing the guy i liked on stage, dubbed him guntah, as in the pig from sing. word-for-word quote from my friend, "if he had cleared the whole stage, got out a cane and started singing shake it off like the pig from sing, i would not have been surprised". its worth stating that he was in a gold suit.
- when one of my exes came to the show and everyone i knew and had told about him proceeded to bully him at the after party. (he ghosted me for a month while we were dating and im still annoyed)
- when i kissed two girls at said after party.(he could literally never)
- a little group of us that would do the macarena to a tango esque song while we were preset
- the fact that i somehow managed to get makeup on every single one of my collars
- and that this year we didnt have any broken collarbones!!!
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
i've seen a lot of people saying they'd want cbmthy reader to end up in spring but i don't see it. reader only seems to have a bad relationship with az (and even that is not a harmful relationship per se, as much of an asshole as he's being i think he would protect her like he protects the rest of the ic and the night court) so going to spring makes no sense since 1. tamlin hurt her sister and 2. said sister damn near destroyed his court (actually kind of hate that she did that that way too but) and reader ending up there but still being on good terms with the night court just doesn't really make sense to me. also tamlin acts like a republican, he gave me the ick beyond repair, i know some people want a redemption (and i accept that) but id rather not have to read about him.
my personal feelings aside i think if reader really doesn't end up with azriel (which i think wouldn't make sense because then all the hurt would be for nothing) the best bets for her to move would be autumn with eris but only if eris is already high lord because subjecting her to beron would suck, the day court since helion is the closest to the night court and they trust him also she would love the libraries or she could replace lucien with vassa and jurian (or join him if he doesnt end up with elain or in the day court), the winter court maybe but only for the fact that it's tje other court that seems closer to the night court mostly because of vivianne. or my favorite which is just staying home lol her family is in the night court so even if her and az dont end up together she deserves to be able to stay there with her family as much as him. azriel loved mor for 500 years and knew she didnt love him back but they both still managed to act civil and be friends. even if az hurt reader more i hope it wouldn't be to the point of them not being able to be civil so they could just stay, and they live forever so she'd get over her feelings eventually and find someone new. moving a character away when something bad or a breakup happen is something i always disliked so maybe that's why im giving it so much thought but it really always feels off because what do u mean you can't both keep your family/friends? if nothing truly bad happens why does one character always have to leave? idk
before i finish i just wanna say im not trying to be mean or speak over anyone that has said they'd like her to be in spring. i just wanted to add my opinion but i know over writing like this we cant really convey much emotion so i dont want to sound mean or anything
First of all, I didn’t think you were being mean at all, but thank you for adding that clarification anyway :)
Secondly, to be fair, for me it’s not so much as where she goes rather that she simply needs some time elsewhere. Nothing permanent, but a shift in scene because she’s caught in stale waters and if nothing changes she won’t ever learn to step forward and progress. Also, while the idea of her going to the Spring Court is—I think—very fun, and would be like throwing a spanner in the works, I feel there are only really two places she could go that would make sense to the story, and neither of those are the Spring Court (as interesting as it could be)
Also, I am fully down for a Tam redemption arc 😭🤌
I don’t want to say who she’ll end up with because I think part of the fun is contained within not knowing? She might get with Bas for a bit but then move to the Autumn Court, might become happy by herself and content on her own, might get with Az only for a mating bond to pop up between her and Eris. Who knows? 👀
(I enjoy messing with you)
It might be fun for her and Helion to get in touch, even if it’s just her requesting a scroll or book from one of his libraries, but no promises about that 😭
And thank you for sending this in, it really helps guide me with future parts—helping me know what to emphasise or what I should try to expand upon if it’s been skated over in a previous chapter :) 🧡💛
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crawlthruribs · 6 months
so i saw this post somewhere saying that they wanted a fic where ennis, jack, and alma were all in a polyam relationship - that alma saw them kissing but instead of being disgusted she found she was into it. i have some thoughts about this, and it’s not a call out post where im going to be rattling off all the ways that i think op was wrong, it is an interesting concept, i was just thinking about how personally i dont think it would happen.
one) we see through the course of their marriage the slow resentment and change that occurs, and while i am not sure why alma and ennis got together in the first place, they were happy at the beginning. the rift between alma and ennis increases after they have kids, and it only seems to escalate all the way up and through their divorce. 
i think, from alma’s perspective, she recognized that the man she married was not the same one who continuously rejects her and expects so much from her. ennis constantly ignores alma, he leaves her to take care of the kids and to cook and do her job and he places his occupation and work over hers - i dont think alma knew how to fix it, how to make ennis pay attention to her. i am sure she blamed herself in a way and most likely experienced loneliness being stuck in this position. 
when she finds out what ennis and jack are doing, all the feelings that she had been left to sit in bubble up. this was the 1960s, the whole concept of this story is about hatecrime and homophobia - in alma’s eyes it is disgusting and shameful and putrid and this was the man that she had married. she was left and cast aside for something vile and wrong and it hurt. perhaps maybe in a different story she could have found it appealing in a way, but it’s not just “oh she hasnt explored sexually, there’s a chance she could be into that stuff” it’s also the divide between her and ennis and the emotions that she had previously suffered through and the guilt that she could now blame on someone else. it wasnt her fault that ennis was cold to her, but up to this point that’s what she thought; when she sees them, it’s the tipping point and realization that it wasnt her, but it was this gross affair. 
two) from ennis’ point of view, alma is a tether. she is a force that keeps him safe and “normal”, she is the right and traditional thing to do. but she also sort of is a cage, he has to be “normal” and has to love her in order to accomplish this. she is a way to “fix” himself.
piggybacking from another post i saw, there is also the fact that she is a woman. i believe the other person said something about how being with a woman for jack and ennis is different than sleeping with another man because she doesnt pose a threat to their relationship. the woman is simply a necessity and cannot give either of them what they truly want. and that’s all that alma really is, she is only required so ennis can fulfill tradition and be left alone (we see that later after they divorce the amount of times it’s brought up to him that he should settle down again).
three) i am not quite sure what jack would think seeing that alma never really was something he had to worry about. it was always ennis’ work or his deep connection to his hometown that really proved a problem. i do believe though, that being in a polycule with alma and ennis not something he would like. having relations with other men was something he constantly looked for, that he needed to “sustain himself” as he said when he and ennis were arguing about the lack of time they had together and adding a woman to the mix wouldnt be what he was looking for. he could have sex with a woman at any point in time, adding alma into the mix is only taking away his one place that he can get the satisfaction he wants. 
feel free to add on or correct me, i have only seen the movie, though i do want to read it, and have watched it once. this was not meant to be a call out post in any way shape or form, simply a pondering of why the three of them wouldnt work and my take on their complex relationships.
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