#and while he says we can change both of those he basically only goes into why some values are bad and why his values now are the best
lucysweatslove · 1 year
Need to rant.
I spent an hour and a half working on The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck. I only got 50 pages in. The reading is easy, but I’m annotating a LOT so it’s going super slow.
But I’m annotating a lot to remind myself of all the bullshit, so I can properly roast it. There are some good ideas and points in there but omg he sounds like an insufferable asshole writing a book for himself, ignoring that other people can have totally valid ways of being. Fatphobic undertones, implying there are definitely good values and like, limited ways to correctly prioritize them. I’m now 45% through. I am hate-reading at this point, and I’m torn between:
do I just want to finish it off quickly from here on out? (he has started going into specific things that are negative that he thinks everybody should value highly, versus talking more about his general philosophy)
Or do I want to keep going through slowly making notes ripping him apart.
On one hand: I’m definitely enraged and I kinda want it to end because it’s so irritatingly wrong. On the other hand: i want to give it such a scathing review because of its wrongness that I want to have everything wrong with it detailed meticulously because I enjoy that level of thoroughness.
I’m hoping there will be less to annotate tbh.
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qqueenofhades · 4 months
The “don’t vote” left’s point is basically that, if Biden gets a second term, it’ll basically signal that “They’ll vote for us as long as we’re not Republicans, why don’t we do some REAL fucked up shit, if we can get away with it?” It takes the power out of the people’s hands and places it firmly in the party’s.
I can’t completely disagree with that, my caveat is that there’s no real alternative system or party in place, because top-down change is ineffective; a third party president has to contend with a two party congress.
Except no. This whole "Biden just wants to do as much fucked up shit as possible while not being a Republican, and if you give him a second term he'll do more fucked up shit deliberately to spite you" mindset is only possible as an interpretation if you a) deliberately and comprehensively ignore everything he has done to date, and b) you approach the situation with the maximum bad faith possible. Not to mention, the ultimate outcome of this Big Important Teaching Biden A Lesson is that Trump gets back into power and makes everything orders of magnitude worse, because he does in fact want to deliberately do evil shit to everyone and says so at every opportunity. There is not some magical happy alternative that springs into existence by not voting. If you choose this as a year to Teach Biden A Lesson, you are enabling Trump. Trump will be much, much worse. If you don't care about that, I still do not care what your Great Ideology is. You are not helping anyone and you are directly and irreversibly hurting everyone.
I made a post a few days ago wherein I mentioned that I want to assess Biden fairly, taking into account both strengths and weaknesses, but the rampant bad-faith, lying, misreading, misrepresentation, and open sabotage of him (especially by the online left; the GOP sometimes only wishes they were as good at turning Biden's voter pool against him) makes it really difficult to do that. My frustration with those people makes me just want to go "BIDEN IS GREAT THE END." I know he is a flawed old man (though by literally every account of a career spent in public service, he really does care about making the world a better place and any remotely good faith reading of his accomplishments thus far can see that). It is also very likely that he goes MORE left in a second term because he won't have to face the electorate again, he has always gone more left when pushed before, and he's not actually the scheming genocidal mastermind that leftist social media paints him as. Shocking, I know.
I know there are things in the world we don't like and don't want and want to stop, and therefore we blame our own president for not making it stop. But I have zero, no, none, absolutely none whatsoever sympathy for this pseudo-populist "WE NEED TO TEACH BIDEN A LESSON BY ELECTING TRUMP AGAIN, I AM VERY MORAL MUCH ACTIVIST" mindset. There's this funny thing about America wherein it is still (for now) a democracy. If Biden wins a second term, he can't run again. I would take literally anything these people said more seriously if they focused on developing their dream progressive successor for 2028 (and also figured out how to get that person elected and in a place to make real change) rather than cynically sabotaging Biden in the most consequential election year, again, of our lifetimes. If you don't like him now, find a way to make his successor a better option. Throwing a toddler tantrum and handing the country back to a senile, deranged, fascist, revenge-riddled, theocratic Trump HELPS. NOBODY. I still don't know how many times I'm going to have to say that, but yeah.
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atlabeth · 4 months
Girl for one get that glass of water! andddd this is a loose request but I LOVE knight Luke and we just gotta see them have that cinderella live action ball scene like romantic dancing maybe the secret garden as well but either way we gotta see these gals at a ball! Have a great day you're an amazing writer!
under the moonlight
fic about the ball
pairing: knight!luke castellan x princess!reader
a/n: thank you so much for this request it is so fucking cute lmao. i changed it a bit to make it work with my vision (bc they wouldn’t really be able to dance at a ball) but the core is that they're dancing together!!! and it is much more intimate and personal lol. here is the cinderella scene that the ask mentioned (and that i took inspo from because it's a beautiful scene lol)
wc: 2.5k
warning(s): basically all fluff
as usual, a mix of hcs and traditional fic!
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ALRIGHT LAST TIME WE LEFT OFF princess was dancing with princes during the ball and luke was sulking at his first ever ball accompanying you as a knight 
and thankfully, that all goes okay. 
You don’t get murdered, Luke only goes slightly insane, and you don’t fall head over heels for any royals. 
All in all, a pretty alright night in retrospect. 
But post-ball is rough on both of you. 
You complain about how much your feet hurt from your heels and how uncomfortable your dress is and how your cheeks ache from smiling so much. 
To your surprise, as Luke follows you down the halls, he laughs. 
You stop in your tracks as you whirl around. “And what do you find so funny?”
“Nothing,” he says with a slight smile, almost private. “Just… good to be back with you, princess.”
A small smile of your own starts to creep on your lips. “It was only half the night, Luke.”
“And you have no idea how much I missed you,” he muses. 
You just shake your head and continue walking. “You’re funny.”
(he’s not joking. he’s just going through it now that he’s not training 24/7 and actually has time to feel emotions again) 
You finally get back to your room—thankfully, you got out of any post-ball events with any princes by citing exhaustion, and it’s very rude to demand more of an exhausted lady—and Luke shuts the door behind you as you sink into the edge of your bed. 
“God,” you groan as you immediately peel your heels off, letting out a sigh of relief. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to those.”
“If it’s any help, you looked very regal out there,” Luke says.
“It is my duty,” you say as you smile inwardly. “You looked very knightly out there.”
“And that’s my duty,” he says in kind. He gets a chuckle out of you. 
You begin to take everything off—you undo your hair from whatever elaborate style it was in, you strip your wrists and fingers bare of bracelets, bangles, and rings (though you leave a certain necklace on), you undo parts of your dress. When you take your nightgown from your chest and go behind your folding screen, Luke clears his throat. 
“Princess,” Luke says, “do you want me to—?”
“You can stay,” you say. “I don’t mind.”
And Luke, idiot that he is, gets all in his head. 
(Does she not want me to leave because she doesn’t even see me as someone who could like her like that???) (We’ve been friends for so long, does she just see me as an older brother???) (Does this mean she trusts me or sees me as like. a painting on the wall.) (what the fuck) 
It’s not any of those, poor boy. it’s just that you feel more comfortable around him than anyone because you’ve been around each other for your entire life—he knows you better than anyone. What’s the harm in him being in the room when you’re separated by a folding screen anyway?
but Luke is dramatic and also so fucking insecure when it comes to your feelings for him lmao 
and he has a reason to be i guess?? because at this point while he knows that he has feelings for you (hasn’t fully realized he’s in love) you haven’t realized your own. you just think you have a lingering childhood crush on Luke and it’ll go away as you get older and start being courted 
(spoiler alert: it will not go away.) 
so he gets all weird and silent, giving one word responses as you talk with him, and when you come out in your nightgown you immediately stare him down. 
“Luke,” you said, “what’s wrong?” 
He blinked, as if he wasn’t expecting you to say anything. “Nothing.” 
“Luke,” you repeated. “Come on.” 
“Nothing’s wrong,” he repeated as well. 
You crossed your arms. “Don’t act like I don’t know every single thing about you.” 
“If you do, then you should know that nothing is wrong,” he countered. 
You stared at him for a moment more, then you held out your hand. “Dance with me, then.” 
That actually seemed to throw him off guard as he frowned. “What?” 
“Did you go deaf back there?” you joked. “I want you to dance with me.” 
He managed a smile, though it was slightly awkward. It only made your smile grow. “I don’t dance, princess.” 
“Which is why I’ll teach you,” you said with a nod. “I’ve had plenty of practice.” 
“And I have none.” Luke gestured at his armor. “I’m not exactly suited for it, either.” 
“You can take off your armor,” you said. “It’ll make it all much easier. And a lot quieter.” 
“My job is to protect you, princess.” Luke laid his hand on the hilt of his sword. “I can’t exactly defend you if all the armor’s gone.” 
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly. He really did worry too much. “Nothing’s going to happen here, Luke—not now. I’ll even let you keep your sword with you if it matters that much.” 
He still didn’t seem sure. You inclined your head and took another step forward, still holding out your hand. 
“I’ll count you through it all,” you promised. “And if you like, I can hum one of those orchestra tunes they played earlier tonight. And I promise it’ll make you feel better.”
“...Fine,” Luke relented, and he started undoing his armor. “But you don’t tell anyone about this.” 
“Your secret is safe with me,” you remarked. 
It took a fair amount of time for Luke to get his armor off, but it took just as long for you to get every layer of your ball gown off earlier—and besides, you had endless patience reserved especially for him. The toned forearms revealed as he rolled his sleeves up certainly helped. 
“Are you ready?” you asked as you held out your hand again. 
Luke took it uncertainly. “I feel as if I’m the one meant to be asking you that.” 
“You can lead next time we train together,” you said with a smile. “For now, you’re in my domain.” 
You put Luke’s hand on your waist and reached for his other one, adjusting until it was right, then you looked up at him. “Does that feel alright?” 
His eyes were startlingly dark this close, surprisingly intense. He nodded. 
“Good. I’m going to teach you a few basic steps so you can get used to it.” 
Luke nodded again. You wondered why words seemed behind his grasp. 
yeah girlie I wonder why 
Luke is. not a great dancer 
You’re not surprised, and you don’t say a single word about it as you teach him the basics. he spent his childhood swinging a sword around, and you spent yours learning etiquette and ballroom dances lol 
He steps on your foot about ten times and apologizes like a freak every time, you just laugh and smile and tell him you’re fine. Sure, your slippers don’t provide much protection and Luke’s boots aren’t great against them but you honestly don’t even feel it. you’re too busy getting lost in his eyes lol 
And for someone who spent two years training like an insane person, he gets frustrated very easily when things don’t go his way. 
“How do you do this? It’s impossible.” 
“I learned this dance when I was twelve, Luke.” 
as much as you jest while you’re teaching him the basics you’re encouraging him the entire time because he’s your best friend above all else!!! and you honestly believe he can do anything lmao 
And he’s a quick learner! He didn’t become the youngest kingsguard in history by learning slowly. So soon enough, you’re actually dancing together. 
Luke’s hand on your back feels like the most natural thing in the world, and you can tell he’s actually starting to get a little into it. 
You didn’t have to count your steps off anymore, so you’d switched to humming one of your favorite symphonies from the musicians back in Aurelda. 
Luke is still focused on landing every move, but your lead and the music gives him confidence in this that he didn’t really know he had. He spins you, and you get an idea as you twirl your way to the balcony door. You open it and look back at him. 
“Princess—” Luke starts as he takes a few steps towards you, but you just shake your head with a grin and hold out your hand. 
“Trust me.” 
And he does, somehow. 
You didn’t know what part of himself Luke had to get to in order to actually go along with this, but he allowed you to fully take the lead. His eyes never left yours as you guided him through one of your favorite dances—sometimes you called out whatever move that was coming next, and he would do it perfectly. His instincts and reaction time, sharply honed by his training, actually came in handy. 
“And lift!” 
Luke braced his hands on your waist as he raised you into the air without missing a beat, and you found yourself actually laughing with pure glee as you landed. You grinned at Luke who had a smile smaller than yours, but that you knew meant the same. He glowed with exertion and the light of the full moon shone down on him. 
Angelic was the only word you could think of to describe him. 
“Princess,” he said, bringing you back to the real world, “are we done?” 
“I see no reason not to end while we’re ahead,” you said, slightly out of breath from his lift. “You’re a natural. Are you sure you’re not a prince?” 
Luke’s smile didn’t fully reach his eyes for the slightest moment—he covered it up before you could fully analyze it. “Thankfully, I’m not. Otherwise I would have had to do that all my life like you.” 
“Oh, it’s not that bad,” you said offhandedly. “Especially when you’ve got such a great partner.” 
Luke suddenly lowered himself into a bow, his arm held in front of his chest as he bent over. You couldn’t stifle your laugh in time, but he was smiling when he rose. 
“The only proper way to truly end a dance, so I’ve seen,” he said. “I wouldn’t be such a great partner if I forgot that.” 
You grinned as you took the skirt of your nightgown in your hands and bobbed into a curtsy. “Thank you for the reminder, my lord.” 
A shiver ran through you and Luke’s eyebrows creased. “You should get back inside. You’re not dressed at all for this weather.” 
“It’s simply a night chill,” you said, and you walked over to the railing and rested your forearms on it. “And it’s too beautiful a night to ignore.” 
“It truly is.” 
You heard Luke walk up next to you, so you glanced over. His gaze was only set on you. 
You felt your cheeks flush and you bit back your smile as you stared back up at the stars. For a moment, you stood together in comfortable silence. 
“Thank you for tonight,” you finally said. 
You could hear his frown in his words. “What do you mean?” 
“Exactly what I said.” You leaned a bit closer to the railing, shifting your balance. “Your presence always… calms me. And I was a bit nervous for tonight.” 
When Luke finally responded, it was more restrained than usual. “Why?” 
“Well, I was nervous tonight because you put the idea in my head that I was going to get murdered,” you said wryly. “And your presence calms me because it always has.” 
“So… I made you nervous and calmed you down for what I made you nervous about?” Luke shook his head. “I’m sorry, princess.” 
“Why are you apologizing?” You finally turned to look at him, the smallest smile on your lips. “Anytime I got overwhelmed on the floor, or felt as if I was going to keel over from boredom, I just searched around until I found you.” You shrugged. “The sight of you alone was enough to get me through the rest of it.” 
“And of course,” you tipped a shoulder as your gaze drifted back to the stars, “you danced with me for no reason. That gives you all the good will you need from me.” 
“It wasn’t for no reason,” he said. “It made you happy. That’s reason enough for me.” 
The chill in the air was a blessing as you felt heat rise in your cheeks, and your smile grew just so. 
“Besides.” You could feel his eyes on you as he continued. “This was my first ball. Anytime I got overwhelmed, I would find you in the crowd, and your confidence got me through it.” 
You chuckled as your gaze fell to the marble railing. You didn’t know if you’ve ever felt less confident at a ball—but knowing that Luke was looking for you the same way you did him made butterflies arise in your stomach. 
Warmth spurned all through you, and the fingers on your forearms felt bumps rise on your skin. You didn’t exactly know what possessed you as you cleared your throat and started back towards your room. 
“It’s late,” you said, perhaps a bit too hasty. “We— we should turn in. It’s going to be a long ride back to Aurelda.” 
You paused at the door, waiting to hear Luke’s footsteps or his voice, and it took a few seconds for him to do anything. 
“...Yes,” he eventually said. “I apologize for keeping you so long.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself as you opened the door and walked back in. Always so noble—it was no question he had knight’s blood in his veins. 
“It’s not your fault, Luke,” you said. “You were just meant to drop me off—I got you to stay.” 
You sat on the side of your bed as Luke put his armor back on. There was no point in it, but he refused to let the implications of him leaving your room at this hour in his underclothes fester. 
“I chose to stay,” he said. “I know better.” 
“You can give it a rest for a night, Luke,” you said with a slight laugh. “I’m your princess, aren’t I?” 
“And you are my knight.” 
“Then I don’t see how anyone could have a problem with my knight spending time with me.” You smiled as you leaned forward, meeting his eyes. A smile twitched on his lips for just a moment before he continued to get dressed. 
Soon enough, he was ready to go. Luke paused at the door, fingers on the handle, and met your eyes. 
“Thank you again for tonight, princess,” he said. “I…” 
His breath caught for a moment. His eyes flickered down to your neck. A millisecond later, they were back at eye level, and you allowed a knowing smile. 
“I enjoyed it,” he murmured. “Goodnight, princess.” 
“Goodnight, Luke,” you said softly. 
And you got one more smile out of him before he closed the door behind him. 
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kanmom51 · 10 days
PJM2 is coming
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I literally cannot contain my excitiement.
Sitting her, at work may I say, putting these words on paper, so to speak, because f***ing hell, wtf JM?
Where to start?
The colour concepts? The choice of name? Choice of font (That JM popping to eye)? The flower? The links to TTU (notes sheet and flower)? The whole play with Closer than this? The dropped lyrics?
This man is a friggin genius (not that we didn't know this already)...
There is so much to talk about, and he hasn't even started with the promotions, and we haven't even seen the concept photos or the album and the songs. Name, colours, 2 lines of lyrics and we have our hands full already. They certainly know what they are doing.
Before I jump in, I want to, once again, state very loudly and clearly that everything written here are my opinions, which are based on what we've been handed so far, and could change the more we are shown.
So, let's get it...
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JM fetching this from the purple locker (which we don't see are purple off the bat and only when the lights turn on). Notes for The Truth Untold.
His wittle thumb with his crescent moon.
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The notes title : La lettra - The letter. Hmm... interesting.
And then this:
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We have the flower:
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and this that makes me believe that yes indeed, it is the silhouette of a Smeralso.
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Some of this I am yet to see where is going. like the referencing of "the letter", The truth untold, the flower... (she says, all while thinking of the choice this Festa to stream LY Seoul final with said song and the changes that JM and JK chose to make to it)...
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All that and more in one little short clip.
And then we have that little 'chat' opened up by BH, and those lyrics. Oh, those lyrics.
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All references that indeed can be connected with army. I mean, that's what JM is king of.
All also a clear reference to a one Jeon Jungkook, if you are only willing to look and see.
We have this:
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Which they have BOTH chose to bring up once again in 2023, JK happening to do so during JM's Face promos, not to mention the rain reference in SNTY (and of course, goes without saying Still with you, but that's back in 2020, while they have both managed to bring it up and reference it once again in 2023).
Remember this?
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Oh, and what about this?
And then we have these:
Remember JM tearing up after winning MMA for BS&T ?
JM getting emotional and crying only followed by JK tearing up.
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*If you haven't seen this one yet, go watch the full live.
And who can forget JK during MOTS ONE as well, seeing JM crying, distress clearly showing on his face, just waiting for the moment he can go and comfort JM.
If these are actual lyrics for a song to come or lyrics that were dropped, one thing we know, and that these words, these lines, they were written by JM, and he made a clear choice to share them with us.
And in doing so, sorry, I'm still not believing this all while sitting here gushing and knowing this was coming (no, I didn't know this specifically was coming, but the feeling that they were going big or going home, that I've had ever since July 2023... took some time and many tribulations, but we are getting there folks). Sidetracked as I always am, lol.
Back on track.... in doing so, JM is basically standing on a rooftop screaming at the top of his lungs:
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Not 1, not 2, but 3 JK references in that little shared piece of lyrics clearly written by JM, for an album we are yet to see and hear.
Anyone, and I mean anyone that is a BTS army, that has seen original content, that has followed their Twitter account or seen older tweets, that are open and willing to see it, will KNOW that these lyrics are JAYKAY!!!!!
And let me backtrack a second here...
Cause I did mention that these references could be understood as if they are made for army, right?
So yeah. Army references or JK references? I am going to say both, leaning very much to the JK side of it. Cause that's how they do it. Time after time after time.
Let's mention the colour choices as well.
We have the background colours.
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We have the yellow.
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And then we have the album concepts.
2 concepts.
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and Serenade.
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Which happens to be Yellow, same colour threaded through Serendipity.
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And we even have purple thrown in there too.
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Notice how all the lockers are painted purple. The colour of army you may say, but also JK's colour (so again, army and JK?).
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And he's pulling out the music sheet from this purple locker.
Those lockers representing his inspiration for his music perhaps?
Giving us these lyrics, then telling us the album is called Muse (or telling us the name of the album and it's meaning and then dropping those lyrics, take your pick regarding the timing, cause basically, same same), showing us the music being extracted from those purple lockers... ya think his muse is that entity he's talking about in those lyrics perhaps (even more so if we see the references as both for army and JK)?
Rhetorical question, btw.
And then we have the mint green.
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Perhaps this is what JM was talking about when he told us in his birthday live, if memory serves me right, about going to the starting point, or more so starting from the beginning trying to figure out himself as an artist?
Also, cannot help but think of this image here:
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I cannot wait to see his concept photos, and where this is all going.
We talked about JK being so loud during 2023 (well, he's had his super loud moments before that, but 2023 and his lives were smoking). And JM, well it felt (and I say felt, cause it's not really true, and I'll explain why) was quieter, more subdued, especially during JK's Golden promotions.
But here's the thing.
JM and JK have their own special oh so different ways of being loud and showing us themselves (and it shows even more so seeing that JK, for whatever reasons he had for it, did not write his songs for Golden - not saying he did not have influence on the lyrics or choice of songs with lyrics he wanted). JK did it through his choices in his photo shoots and styling for his songs and album. He did it with his lives and his total fanboying over JM. And JM, he does it through his art, which includes also but not only his lyrics.
Those two are both loud as fuck. And JM, well if these sneak lyrics are a promo of more to come (which, they probably are seeing that we have Face to fall back on as an example), then he's as loud as a frigging foghorn.
And last but not least, before I go:
Lookie here...
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teezersfics · 1 month
Desperate ~ Choi San
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“Desperation can lead you to do things, much more, beyond your imagination. I am definitely up for it-”
Warnings : MDNI 18+, dom!reader, sub!san (mostly), angry sex, punishment (to san), riding, mommy calling, degradation, oral (f) receiving, hand cuffs(?), NO PROOF READ, if any mistakes please understand,
Word Count : 3.1k
A bit story at the start, (kind of like, almost 1k) 😅
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(I was so hell bent on finishing this, idk what i have written, so, ig, enjoy)
It was one of those days when you'd come home from work, only to drown into pure bliss as soon as you open the door. Dimly lit house, scented candles, slow music on in low volume, and……..your man, in your favourite clothes, in tuxedo vest, matching trousers, his hands cuffed behind his back, (which he himself did), eyes on the floor, which lit up as soon as he heard the door open. Oh San~
It's very rare that you'd come to this situation, and it's the very first time when San were so desperate to have you, to just gave a good fuck, which you were not giving to him. The desperation he had, made him do what you see in front of your eyes right now. Full submission, very very rare sight to see. And the reason-
It actually all started when San was getting a little too close with one of the girl in gym. Well, both of your gym timings were different cuz of work, but that day you went to surprise him and workout together because of your shift change, but, you saw him helping other girl with her workout. You did tell him about your shift change but you still kept it hidden about your same gym timings. You wanted to see how far it goes.
There was a moment when you did realise that it was basically keeping your boyfriend in shadow and stalking him and lying to him, being too possessive and acting insecure. Everyday you tried confronting about it to San, that you don't like him training with other girl, but that day never came. He did ask you why you didn't join gym again, bit you just told him that you want to take a break from gym because you were still adjusting to the shift change. But everyday, you used to leave after him for gym, and leave gym before he does and reach home early, so that he doesn't suspect.
But eventually, the help with weights, turned into working out together. Simple ‘bye's turned into hugs. Her trying to get gym mirror selfies with him. You knew San would never cheat on you or think of any another woman when he is with you. But, the way, SHE was being with him was very suspicious. The was she looked at him while he talked or worked out, poking his biceps, purposefully asking for help were not needed. The gym was quiet big and had alot of equipments, so it was quiet easy for you to hide also with a hood on your head while working out.
But, it was the limit when they were taking mirror selfies for a little too long. They were posing like, him flexing his biceps and her grabbing a handful of his bicep and being shocked. Basically, she was just pretending that the selfie was not coming out right, so that she could just touch him for longer. It fried your brain in an annoying way, that you decided to go surprise them.
You just stood behind them, far, looking them in the mirror, your hood off, and as he saw, he snapped his head back, not expecting to see you there. Him being him, he left the girl standing there and came to you.
“Hey baby, when did you come here.”
You didn't say anything.
“Hey, do you want to meet my new friend. She is ve-”
“We are going home.”
He knew something was wrong.
You confronted about it and told him about all the stuff happened that you observed in the past two weeks.
“But, baby, we are just friends, what so big deal about it?”
“Oh really. I made one of my girls do friendship with her. When they got close and talked, your so called friend said she fell for you. She knew you had a girlfriend, but she said she'd still do anything to get with you. How'd you explain that?”
It was quiet a cold war since then. You were especially angry and disgusted by the girl, but you were also angry on him because he just let it all happen when he could've maintained distance at right time. You both still went to gym together but did separate workouts. You didn't speak that well with him. At first it was just anger, but then you figured out how to turn it into good punishment.
Just when you knew he'd get home from work, you started pleasuring yourself in your shared bedroom, moaning loudly, but not taking his name, pretending that you don't know he is home, when he actually is. Wearing revealing dresses, posting selfies with your male bestfriends from work, using addicting perfumes, etc. He tried alot of times to hold hands with you, trying to make you smile, or trying to have a conversation with you, but you always ruined it for him. You knew you were getting him worked up. And you got the confirmation when you just came home from work, heard moaning sounds, turns out he was jerking himself off while thinking about you, softly moaning your name. Exactly what you wanted.
But you still decided to play hard, always denying having a straight conversation without messing up. Getting him worked up everytime. It was kinda giving him the taste of his own medicine, cuz this usually happened with you, where he tested your patience and punished you sometimes for not behaving. But, this was your time. After weeks of ignoring and playing cold, you knew that two possibilities might happen soon. 1) Him apologising and making it up to you. 2) Your plan not working out and him punishing you instead. But, he is a total good boy when you degrade him at times. And you Exactly knew how to make the first one work.
Present Day~ 9:30 AM
“Well, I am not having breakfast. I am already late.” You said annoyed.
“Y/n, atleast have breakfast before you leave. I know you are not talking to me but, please eat something.”
“San, I am already in a bad mood, don't get me more worked up.”
“Y/n, just listen-”
“Listen what? Listen to you. Do you ever listen to me, did you listen to me when I told you to maintain distance with her, you saw what happened at the end. You always expect me to be a good girl to you. But, have you ever been good boy to me?”
This was it, you shot your bullet. He has a thing of getting called as ‘good boy’, you were saying all this while still packing your bag, not paying full attention to hum, but still you catched it from corner of your eye how his head snapped when you said ‘good boy’. There was sure silence after that sentence, and you left. Left with the hope that the argument might be a bit helpful to you.
Present Time~
The way you were suppressing yourself from smirking. Getting him on knees for you, one of your hobbies. The way he is literally giving you what you want.
“Oh look, what we've got here.” You coo. You've always wanted to do this. Dominate.
“So, this is how it looks like when tables turn. Preety.” You say heading towards him, his eyes tracking you as you go near and near to him.
“Arguing so hard about the stuff, even though you knew, you will have to be on your knees for forgiveness some day, hmm, San?”
You are now circling him, your one hand caressing through his hair making him close his eyes in the pleasure of touch, but sooner than he imagined, there is a painful frown on his face as you yank him a bit by his hair making him look in front, to you. Crouching a little, to match his eye level, you ask with a smirk.
“Finally decided to be a good boy?”
“I- I am….sorry. Really, really so- ah-”
You yank him again, in mid sentence.
“It doesn't end with saying sorry. You will show mommy how sorry you actually are. You will, right?”
There's a glimmer in his eyes, nodding furiously.
“Good boy. Come.”
With this, you leave his hair and sit at the edge of the couch, shoulders leaned back on the couch, and legs spread. He crawls on his fours between your legs. He is looking up at you, like a puppy waiting for the owner to pat him. Glimmer of hope in his eyes. Finding the keys to his cuffs on the tea table, you uncuff him. He knows what he is supposed to do next, and so he does.
Unbuttoning your trousers, he pulls them down to your knees. His hand goes to your clothed core rubbing it with his thumb, a sigh leaves both of your mouth. His other hand on your waist his head dips to your clit rubbing his nose slightly, making you throw your head back on the couch. A month, too long since you both have fucked and you craved this alot, as much as him. He rubs your clit until he starts feeling the warmth and wetness.
Next second, he pulls your panties down, completely removing your trousers and panties and tossing them in the room. He pulls you more on edge by the back of your knees making you yelp a little. No wonder, he's always been a dom, even though he is sub right now, this is his way of having you, rough, but you like it.
He starts with giving light kisses to your clit and inner thighs, quick and wet kisses. Soon, he starts with deep kisses, as if he is making out with your clit. Deep slow kisses, already making you moan. Your hands finds his hairs. The sensation is so overwhelming, that even you don't notice your legs closing in, but he did, ofcourse. He swiftly spreads your legs wide. You both know what's the next step. He starts sucking and lapping on your clit, as if he's been starved. Your toes curl in the pleasure, eyes tight shut. Both of your hands gripping his hairs, pulling on them. That makes him moan in pain right on your clit, making you moan too. The vibrations of his moan travelling in form of goosebumps in your body. Goshhh, you craved this so much.
He enters his tongue, making you moan out his name loudly. He for sure knows how to give best head. He starts sliding his tongue in and out, tilting his head bit by bit, making sure he is licking every corner of your pussy. The heat rising in your body is making you remove all the clothes from your body. You loosen your tie subconsciously. But as soon as he curled his tongue inside you, made you jolt and moan, but his strong grip bought you crashing down on the couch. A little bit more sucking tightened the knot in your stomach. As you start clenching around his lips, he knew that it was time.
“Cum for me, mommy.” He requests.
“Hm?” You say raising your eyebrow, not because you were ordering him around, but because you were genuinely shocked by the desperation in his voice. But he took it as if you were questioning him, so he pleads again, more desperate to have you cummed.
“Pl- please, cum for me…”
After a little more sucking and licking, you cum all over his face, and he licks every single drop off your clit and thighs. As he looks up to you, his wet throat, chin and droopy eyes turns you on more. You drop your head back on the couch, looking at the ceiling above, breathing heavily. But, you know the show hasn't ended yet. There's more you can do to make him plead, a smirk appear on your face.
As he is wiping his chin, you try to push him to side, pretending that you are done. But he senses it, and holds you down by your knees as you try to stand up. His head dipped low, looking at the floor, but you still raise a him at him.
There's no response, you want to laugh so bad right now, because you know very well what he wants, but would it be really fun if you give it to him so easily?
“I said what? I am done.”
His head snapped at you, looking you in eyes, troubled expression on his face, as if you said something so terrible. Again raising one eyebrow you provoke him more.
“Please what?”
“You know, y/n-”
“You can say more with your mouth, you know?”
“Y/n, we- we just haven't fucked in long. Please, please, I want you so bad, please.”
He is literally holding your thighs so tightly which are definitely gonna leave marks.
“And, how you ask for it?”
He does not know how to as for it more politely. But, he is ready to do anything that comes to his mind right now. He hurriedly hold your foot in his hand kissing it several times. This kinda shocked you because it was so unexpected.
“Please” He say in low voice. Well, it did please you.
“Fine” You say and he looked you in eyes, to confirm that he heard right. And, so he wasted no time carrying you in bridal style and walking towards bedroom.
Once reached he sets you on bed quickly getting on top of you. But, that's not your plan for today.
“Uh huh, I am incharge today, pet. On your back.” He halted his actions and did what you ordered him to. Laying on his back, he gave you full control. You first sat on his torso slowly undressing yourself. Removing your somewhat remaining clothes, your coat, then unbuttoning your shirt, but still keeping your bra on. That's for the fun part.
Then, it's time for your favourite. His tuxedo vest. The way his biceps pops out from the vest, it makes him look so powerful and intimidating but the fact that it's opposite, the fact that you have him in your control right now, is very amazing thought to have. You unbutton his vest removing it from him, the heavily toned chest in view, his nippers hard, toned abs and his V-line and veins alongside the V-line disappearing into his trousers. Oh, what a sight, and that too under you. You caress his torso like there's no tomorrow, finally tugging on his pants.
You already have his dick poking your ass from under his pants. You just know it desperately needs to be freed right now. Shifting yourself on his thighs you unbuckle his pants. Palming and messaging his dick through his boxers you already get whispered moans from him. You won't admit it aloud but you are as desperate as he is. Pulling his boxers down, completely removing it from him. You take his dick in your hand, Jerking him, from down to up, slightly putting a pressure on his vein, that's popping out, from his base to his tip, getting a moan from him. You like it so much when he moan so loud. Makes you feel so powerful.
But, no more wasting time, you get on top, just above his dick. Holding it right at your entrance, taking a deep breathe, you slide down. When you completely sit on it, you both let out a sigh. No matter that you are in dom now, the fact that he is so big, it makes you hesitate to move. Keeping your both hands on his chest, you take the support. Eventually, you start to move. The feeling of being full is numbing you. But, soon you gain the momentum and start grinding yourself on him, going back and forth.
Leading down, you kiss him, open mouth, tounges already in each others mouths, your hands now in his hairs, but then you suddenly clench around him resulting in him moaning right on your mouth, eyes shut. He is so sub right now, it makes you want to make him moan more. Even though it is quiet difficult to keep your pace, you still sit up, thus time bouncing on him rapidly. Room literally fills with both of your moans, loud, loud enough to let all the neighbours know about your sweet time. Hearing him moan literally like a girl is so addicting. But, you have one more trick up your sleeve.
You stop bouncing and start pulling on his dick by clenching more harder. He screams in pain because of the pulling.
“Ah, ah y/n please, please that- that hurts, ah-”
“Oh does it?”
“Uhhh, ah don't please.-”
You enjoy listening him scream like that but it's kind of hurtful for you too. The know forms in your lower belly, denoting that you are close. So, you start grinding again, at a low pace, slow movements but deep, reaching for your g-spot. His hands on your hips, helping you keep the pace and grind deeper, making you feel fucked I'm the head, your eyes rolling back, sweat formed all over the body. The numb feeling is growing, not know how much longer you will keep yourself still.
“Y/n, I am close..”
“Me too babe, come on, cum inside me.”
He nods in response and you feel his hot cum shooting inside you, making you cum too. As soon as you both come, you fall upon him, laying on his chest, you can hear his fastened heartbeat, pounding in his heart. And then you hear him.
“Baby, I am really sorry. I- I kinda felt that she was getting too close, but I never knew she would go that far.” He says hurriedly between pants.
“The fact that you told nothing about her to me, made me much angrier.”
“I said I am sorry babe.”
“If it wasn't for me and my friend, she would've created problems between us, do you get it.”
“I get it, I get it, and I apologise. I can do anything to show you how sorry I am.”
You are just happy that he is that devoted to prove his loyalty to you.
“No need, it's all good now. I am not angry anymore.”
You chuckle and just lay in that position for a while until both of your heartbeats become stable. But you hear him again.
“Now that we have got it settled, and also the fact that we haven't done this in while. Let's get to second round. This time, I am dom.” And you a flipped on your back in a blink.
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arimiaromage · 2 months
thoughts about dgm chapter 251
gonna throw my thoughts about these new revelations here.
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bookman jr or past!allen?
she got us good! I was in shock when I first read it (all my headcanons about pasta, out the window! thrown! chunked!) but now I'm more fine with it.
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I believe what happened was that hoshino drew the bookman jr in those flashbacks with nea on purpose - she wanted us to think that was allen and bookman jr. the flashbacks aren't past!allen with longer hair, this is definitely the bookman jr, as we can tell now.
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it also makes more sense now why "allen" was talking about high concepts like the spiral being the force for life - it really was a bookman!
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I fully think she did this switcharoo on purpose. if we look at her most recent livestream (translated by ponkotsubluuues), someone comments that they were shocked past!allen and bookman jr weren't the same person. her response is basically "yes, I know". she's not surprised people would think that, this was probably deliberately on purpose.
bookman jr & past!allen
okay, now on to some thoughts on who they actually are. I won't stick long here as we'll probably find out in just a few months and we don't have much to go on right now.
personally, I don't really care to ever meet allen's blood relatives. it's never interested me who he's "actually" related to and I always felt it would add even more complicated feelings for him and even more complexity to an already messy as hell family & relationship tree.
that being said, I wouldn't be surprised if bookman jr and allen are some kind of family unit, be it blood related or not. when they begin talking about the two of them as separate people, lucia refers to them as "two young men". so they're probably not father and son, but I could see them as brothers or some sort of brotherhood if they're not blood related.
maybe past!allen is a traveling clown who toured the world with bookman jr LOL.....?
either way, bookman jr was so compelled to protect allen & nea that he gave his life for them. I'm so, so eager to see their bond.
cross marian
who the hell is cross marian in all of this?
we know the cross has been around since almost adam's time, having been with mana and nea since they were children-
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so we know that regardless of who is he, he's known about and visited the campbell manor for decades.
in this chapter, they even bring him up by name.
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not only does allen ask about him, but lucia talks a bit about him as well.
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and note that they're not saying something like "my master left a message for me" and lucia just goes along with it- allen says "my master cross" and lucia continues by saying his full name. she knows exactly who he's talking about.
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(allen specifically says "cross shishou" = "master cross" but lucia called him "cross marian")
to me, this is one of the main reasons I don't believe cross is bookman jr. I believe he's somehow tied to the bookman, but I don't think he's the missing jr. if he was, why does lucia refer to him as cross here but not later? she clearly knows who allen is referring to, so wouldn't the bookman have searched for cross and found him with relative ease, given he was at the order for quite a while with bookman & lavi up until apocryphos attacked him?
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lucia and the master only refer to bookman jr as "junior", not cross marian. if you're desperately looking for cross marian and are fully aware allen knows who that is, then why not call him that? what do you have to lose at this point?
and furthermore, if cross was this bookman jr, how did he forget who HE made the host? how did he lose allen? redarm!allen looks a lot more like this new past!allen and they both have redish brown hair - if you were traveling with this guy, you should be able to recognize him even if he's de-aged like 8 years, ESPECIALLY once mana takes him in and his hair becomes styled the exact same way.
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I know we always have the deus ex machina of apocryphos' memory changing but I really don't want that to be the case for every character, the more you do it the more it becomes a contrivance.
cross definitely has SOME connection to the bookman, I don't feel like his mask and knowledge of bookman things is entirely a red herring. lucia makes it sound like cross reached out to them regarding the campbell manor, but I'll get to that in a bit.
the other leading theory is that cross is cyrus campbell, katerina's brother and head of the family. I feel like this holds a bit more water than him being a bookman, as it'd explain why he was the campbell manor when mana and nea were so young (and presumably before nea became a noah) and why he has worked so tirelessly for both of them.
remember, his innocence maria greatly resembles katerina. it's possible this is katerina's corpse, being infested by innocence. maybe this is from innocence cross was carrying finding its way to her corpse or maybe it was a failed attempt to save her, we don't really know yet.
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(I'm not fully convinced about the cyrus theory either though, as why does nea refer to cross as cross instead of cyrus or uncle? how would the order not know about his family and how obviously tied to the noah he is? how could he not recognize allen, his nephew's most trusted friend?)
there have been some theories that maybe the campbells are a bookman family, which may be the case and would help explain why cross has a connection to both, but the way lucia words this part makes me think otherwise.
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she makes it sound like the campbell manor wasn't always under their jurisdiction, that it came to be that way but wasn't always. but that might be pulling at straws. I just don't think she'd word it this way if cross = bookman jr.
I'm not fully convinced about either theory about cross as I see holes in both of them. just have to wait and see~
personally I'd still like it if cross was just a childhood friend who got way too attached but we'll see 😂 or maybe he was just pining for katerina from afar....
crown clown
I feel pretty confident now that this is past!allen being hugged by bookman jr, possibly for the last time / as bookman jr's way to protect him.
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but I also can't help but feel.... it reminds me of crowned clown, you know? the way it wraps around allen, covering him in an attempt to protect him. even the cut off tips. it really reminds me of that.
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the bookman are no stranger to innocence. we also don't know when allen acquired his innocence- did past!allen have it? or...... did bookman jr give it to him as he was dying? did he think it would protect him and nea (and why would he give a noah innocence)?
I would not be surprised if there was some connection between bookman jr and allen's innocence.
I absolutely loved this part.
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the pure conviction in his face. no regrets. he finally has a chance to clear up his mind, to cast away the fear he's dealt with for so long about who he actually is. so, so good.
but........ WHO IS ALLEN WALKER????? the burning question. who knows at this point.
I'm very excited to see the next parts, even if it apparently isn't the 35 year flashback (her own words, from the aforementioned livestream) - I assume it'll be a flashback to past!allen meeting nea possibly, or them finding out nea isn't a typical noah, or some major event that happened before shit went down.
yeah that's about it, see yall next time ✌️
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cbrownjc · 15 days
I apologise in advance for the length. I wanted your take on one specific part of 2x5 that bothered me a little and is partially why my little DM shipper hope wavered (that and being burned by ongoing shows in the past). Both you and @nalyra-dreaming have brilliantly pointed out how the episode does a great job at recreating the horror origin where Daniel is kept in the cellar and I wholeheartedly agree. However, what has bothered me about it is that, in the episode, it is not Armand that chooses to let Daniel live. Granted, in the book it's more a stay of execution than anything else, but it's still his choice alone. In 2x5 that choice is now Louis'. And while I know that in the novel Armand considers Daniel a gift from Louis, part of me is bothered by this slight lack of agency. It felt to me like just another thing Armand did to comply to Louis' wants in his desperation to not lose him. And that any Chase that happens is not necessarily out of genuine curiosity but because Louis called Armand boring and Armand just wants to know what set Daniel apart for Louis.
And then my brain goes "fruit of the poisonous tree" and am then afraid that Daniel's meaning wrt Armand (which, to my great frustration, I have already seen other book readers diminish) will literally be: oh he's just the scraps Armand gets because he couldn't have Louis or Lestat (because of the horrors, he did all of it, etc). I don't WANT it to be that and I guess I'm a little terrified about it.
Idk what to make of any of it and I'm nervous because I REALLY want to see this pairing develop as they deserve. So please, tell me what I'm missing in my rambling and borderline incoherent concern. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my sanity's only hope. ^_~
Okay, well, I will try to be your Ben Kenobi here, but remember, even he failed to see what was going on with Annikin before it was too late . . .
Yeah, okay that isn't very confidence-giving, is it? 😬 🙃
Anyway! 🤭
Okay, so on the first point:
I have actually seen one or two people point out the fact that it was Louis who basically intervened and stopped Armand from killing Daniel, and Armand didn't do so himself. And I'm not going to say I can't see yours and some other's point about this. All I can say about that point for now is that we don't know what happens right now between Daniel and Armand after Daniel was let go and dropped off at the drug den. Because there might actually come a point when Armand thinks he very well could kill Daniel and Louis would have no idea, as Louis only requests that Daniel live out "this night." There was no request from Louis to Armand for Daniel to live out his whole life.
So we might actually get a moment, in the future, where we see a time when Armand decides to just kill Daniel -- but, just like with Louis in the tunnel back in the 40s -- stays his own hand via his own decision to do so.
So, I think on this point right now, the only thing any of us can do is take a "wait and see" about it. But there are still doors open to Armand deciding on his own to spare Daniel's life in a significant way I think. With him not even being in love with Daniel yet at the time too IMO.
So, on to the second point:
No, I very much do not think Daniel is going to be seen as "scraps" that Armand gets because he couldn't have Louis or Lestat. And I think what is going to come into play to make that clear is the slight change the show has done wrt Armand's character and the Great Laws. After the Children of Darkness/Satan coven busted up, Armand in the book really didn't hold those rules in any high regard anymore. But the show has very clearly changed that, to where Armand was ready to kill Louis because Louis broke many of the Great Laws.
Assad himself made this clear that Armand really was going to kill Louis and only didn't do it because he chose love instead.
And if you take a look at the full list of the Great Laws that someone was amazingly able to translate, as well as this gifset of a specific scene from 2x03, a vampire being with a human in such a way is a direct violation of those laws that Armand in the show clearly holds to.
So for Armand to break that rule and choose to be with Daniel? Will not be a small thing.
So I think that alone will show that Daniel is not just a scrap. Armand's love for Daniel will be so much that he will, once again, ignore a rule he once held fast to in order to, once again, choose love.
And then, of course, there is the fact that Armand chose to actually break his biggest rule of all for Daniel, which is to never turn someone into another vampire -- which is also one of the laws the cult drilled into him. Yes, Armand's main reason for not doing so in the books was because he didn't want to damn someone into vampirism, as well as not believing that the Maker/Fledgling relationship can ever really work. But the other reason that I feel the show will also touch upon will very much also be because of the Great Law that older vampires should never work the Dark Trick upon someone, less that fledgling be too powerful in the blood.
But Armand's love for Daniel will be so great that he will not bear the thought of Daniel actually dying. And so, when the moment comes, he will not only break that Great Law, but his own personal reason why he doesn't want to turn someone. And he would rather face having to truly put his fear and belief about Markers and Feldglings to the side (and maybe still lose Daniel that way -- which in the books, he actually did for a time!) than lose Daniel forever via death.
Again, that has never seemed to me as Daniel just being a "scrap" to Armand, even when it comes to the books. But I expect the show will put an even greater emphasis on this, both when it comes to Armand's backstory and how now Armand in the show actually holds to those laws in a serious way.
So yeah, just some of my thoughts on those two points. I hope they can calm you somewhat but, if not, just know that, because of the format this story is now being told in, that will very much lend to things -- the characters and their relationships with each other -- to be even more fleshed out, along with character arcs to be planned out overall as well. (Which yes, not every TV show does, but this one is clearly doing so.) We won't get every answer to these things right away, but I think there are many doors open to exploring these things in a satisfying way over the course of the show. 🙂
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everydayyoulovemeless · 7 months
Can we get a Charon nsfw alphabet? 🥺 please for the holidays?
Charon NSFW Alphabet
➼ Word Count » 1.0k ➼ Warnings » Size Kink, Marking, MDNI ➼ Genre » NSFW, Romantic
A - Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Charon isn't the greatest at aftercare, but he certainly tries. He'll carry you off the bed, place you in the nearest bath (or general water source), and wash you. He doesn't speak, just silently does his best to take care of you as you lean back in his arms.
B - Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes the way your eyes stare up at him when he's on top of you. There's something about the sheer amount of trust they hold that turns him on.
C - Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes to cum inside of you (he's sterile after all), although he does sometimes worry about the amount of radiation you'd contract when he does so.
D - Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He gets off on the idea of you squirming underneath him and loves the thought of keeping you trapped.
E - Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's only ever slept with a few others before you, but he's got enough experience to feel confident in what he's doing.
F - Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Charon likes being on top of you. He loves seeing how much smaller you are compared to him and how easily it would be for him to crush you under his weight.
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
No, he's always serious. Humor is dumb, especially in the bedroom.
H - Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
There are a few bits of red hair down there, but most of it's gone due to the radiation.
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's quiet, maybe whispering a few terms of endearment into your ear, but that's it. He likes to keep these moments as intimate as possible, meaning he'd rather not let anyone else hear your whimpers.
J - Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
He masturbates every once in a while if you're busy, but otherwise, he'll grab you by the back of your shirt and yank you a bit to let you know.
K - Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He has a size kink but that's the farthest it goes. He's fairly vanilla, however, if you ever wanted to suggest anything he'd gladly oblige.
L - Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere that he can lock the door. He refuses to let anyone walk in on you, and if they did, he'd contemplate shooting them.
M - Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you be all sweet and polite. It makes him want to take your face in between his fingers and stare down into those lovely eyes of yours. You're so much more different than the others who've held his contract before and he finds the change so... thrilling.
N - No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There's nothing he wouldn't do. You give him the word and he'll go through with it.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Charon prefers to go down on you, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't adore the way your eyes looked up at him when you sucked him off.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He likes to go rougher. If you're not covered in tears and sweat, then he didn't do it right.
Q - Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn't really like them. He feels as if they're too much of a bother to actually go through with and would much rather just wait till you both have time.
R - Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
As long as it's something you want. He'd never experiment with anything that would cause you permanent harm like radiation or any type of scarring.
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
4-5. Charon's a pretty bulky guy and has a ton of endurance. He'll go for as long as you need him too.
T - Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't own any and would prefer not to use any at all. He can give you everything a toy can and would like to keep it that way.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Sometimes, but he normally prefers to just get straight to the point. He's a service dom and loves pleasing you the fastest way he can.
V - Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Besides the occasional grunt, he's not very loud.
W - Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Although he prefers to keep sex disclosed, he loves leaving a trail of hickeys along your neck for good measure. It helps to ward off other men and gives him a slight feeling of pride in what he's done.
X - X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
5 inches long and really thick.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It's fairly average, he gets horny about 2-3 times a week, but that's all.
Z -Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Charon doesn't like falling asleep after, opting to clean you off and watch over you while you rest. He likes it better that way.
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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What fans say:
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron:
I was a Horse Girl TM, so I watched this movie a million times as a kid. It's honestly the best horse animation I've ever seen, all the backgrounds are gorgeous, and the soundtrack is incredible. Also the plot is anti-colonial/anti "taming of the west". Genuinely cannot pick a favorite scene, but I love the scene where Spirit commits many acts of violence against the US military <3
horsie :) I love how they use actual horse body language instead of just turning them into a dog. Also enjoy how the protags are easily understandable with just body language and neighs. Also the 2d and 3d animation blend seamless.
I cannot begin to tell you what makes this movie so good. It's a corner stone of animated media. The societal commentary. The incredible emotion of not only the story but the animation. The songs. Sound the Bugle makes me cry every time.
This movie was a key part of my childhood and “Sound the Bugle” still makes me tear up.
This is like the greatest horse movie of all time and I will not change my mind. I watched this movie so many times as a kid that both the VHS and first cd I had for it got ruined and we had to replace it with another cd LOL. I once convinced my teacher to let us watch it in class because it had a few scenes with Native Americans and we were learning about them at the time(It's about the old west and the expansion of the United States westward so it has some Native American characters but def not enough to make it a Native American film, but it does have positive representation I think?) The main character is the horse Spirit, a lead stallion for a herd of mustangs. His thoughts are narrated but he doesn't actively talk and the horse behaviors are pretty realistic, also the ART of it all, James Baxter was one of the lead animators for this film and his work is incredible, and hand done. Some of the behind the scenes stuff in the extras makes the animation look 3d its so good, and the camera work is also insane. As a horse obsessed child this movie was a staple for me, and I prefer it even over live action movies with actual horses. ALSO THE SOUNDTRACK OH MY GODDD how can I almost forget, the soundtrack for this movie goes so hard, I used to use some of the songs as hype music not even lying.
The Mitchells vs. the Machines:
It’s in its core about family, how we can drift and argue. Not because of one true fault, but because we are different. It shows how being weird and different don’t make you less of a family while not demonizing people who do have more stereotypical ‘perfect’ families. I think it portrays our humanity and the way we bond and what we do for those we love, what we sacrifice, so well. It’s so funny and so sweet.
It's funny and the family is neurodivergent and it's just really nice v good time it looks like anti technology at first but its clearly more of a criticism on capitalism I just really like that movie its pretty to look at.
It's funky!!! hang on, bullet point list time: - has such a unique and expressive animation style - has a lot of pop culture references that don't really feel overbearing - has honestly one of the best family dynamics in a movie I've seen???? - realistic characters!!! with realistic and interesting character arcs!!! - absolutely hilarious. makes me laugh every time i watch it :) - comedic villain! gotta love me one of those. also she's badass for a smartphone so - tHERE ARE FURBIES - basically it's very chaotic but also heartwarming, and it's honestly my favourite movie :D
Heartwarming story about family! Also kickass animation
Very good stylized animation. Well written and designed characters. Super funny and sooo heart warming. Fucking rad action scenes (again the animation is fantastic). The story comes together well, it's just quite well written. + Protective dad character who's not annoying as hell (that's rare!). I love every part of when they're at the dinosaur museum thing.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Animate Times did an interview with Kazuki and Rei’s Japanese VAs. Here’s a rundown of the interview:
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1. The interview asked how they were able to act out characters that have a job that basically involves killing other people. Rei’s VA brought up the fact that a work doesn’t always have to be super realistic in its approach, and Kazuki’s VA added on to that, saying that the basic premise is that they are humans beings first, assassins second. Their job just happens to be killing people, so they don’t waver in regards to that, but that is their only main difference between ordinary people.
2. Kazuki’s VA’s favorite scene, even after Episode 6, is still the scene between Misaki and Kazuki in Episode 3. He likes the complexity of it, specifically on Misaki’s side, and how it showed that the series was more than just a comedy. When the interviewer asked, “You don’t sympathize with Kazuki?” Kazuki’s VA states that he does, of course, understand Kazuki’s side of things and that the theme of the series is “parenting is eternal” (or more natural put, “parenting is a life-long commitment”), but that he also understands Misaki’s side of the things as well.
3. Rei’s VA’s favorite scene was seeing Miri at the zoo in Episode 6. He liked seeing how she acted and behaved without Kazuki and Rei around, seeing her get into arguments and how her dynamic is at the daycare, etc.
4. When asked what their impressions were of Miri, Kazuki’s VA was like, “SHE’S SO CUTE!” lol (I feel that is so in-character too!). He then mentions how she was very proactive for a 4 year old, like it was the TV show “Old Enough.”
Rei’s VA says, “I think I can hear the theme song. (lol).” And Kazuki’s VA goes on to say that he thought that there might be some camera operator around, lol. He then talked about how his own daughter, who is around Miri’s age, isn’t as proactive as her.
5. They continue to talk about how Miri isn’t shy and is pretty skilled at a lot of things (for her age). They bring up that there is a bit of a maturity to her, but that she still has a child-like innocence and that a lot of fathers likely would not be able to resist her cute smile, forgive her, and dote on her. haha
6. Rei’s VA referred to Kazuki and Rei together as “The Buddies” (バディ), lol, and he also praised Miri’s VA. He also talks about how Rei is very concentrated on his own interests and keeps to himself a lot, but that Miri has helped him break out of his shell (lit. brought a new wind into his life).
7. The final thing that the interviewer asks about is what facial expressions of Miri’s the two of them would like the audience to pay attention to.
Kazuki’s VA: “Hmm, well, she’s basically cute all the time!”
Rei’s VA: “But, her facial expressions change quite often.”
We learn from Kazuki’s VA that the back of the script has a picture of Miri’s face on it, and that the expression is different every time. He also mentions how he likes the way Miri’s VA does Miri’s laugh. 
Rei’s VA finishes off the interview by saying that while Miri makes a lot of cute faces, she also makes a lot of comical ones too, so be on the look out for those!
A link to the interview will be in the comments below. It was such a cute interview and honestly feels very in-character to both Kazuki and Rei. I also love how Kazuki’s VA is a father and has a daughter right around Miri’s age, I think that aspect of his own personal life experience likely adds another layer to his performance.
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hello everyone welcome to i talk about benrey for a minute here
as someone who’s watched the entirety of hlvrai at least 6 times, the full vods at least 3, and the cast commentary hovering somewhere around 10, i consider myself to be pretty well-versed in the series. i also kin benrey. this is probably important to my perception of him.
the series is about self-aware AI.   its in the title! so it seems obvious enough to me that Benrey was programmed to be the final boss. he was SUPPOSED to be a silly character that antagonizes the protag and throws off the group dynamic, and then it’s a big reveal and you get to beat up this guy that was mean to you!
but he doesnt wanna. hes self aware.
Of all the characters, i think Bubby and Tommy are the most “powerful” in that they were able to break their characters the most. Tommy is a bit of a wild card because he doesn’t usually act like an AI. I view him as the “character you’re supposed to protect” in the party, but somewhere along the way he, too, became self-aware and figured out how to handle his own. I think that’s where the age thing comes in. He was programmed to be a 5-year-old that you’re trying to get out of this dangerous facility! but he didn’t want to be a 5-year-old, he’s smarter than that, he’s capable! so he changed it. Him being the son of Gman also probably helped with him being able to just do that.
I take Bubby and Dr. Coomer as both being tutorial characters. Dr. Coomer is a bit broken, but he still does his best to teach you about things. I think he’s the tutorial NPC that goes “watch out for [x]” and “we can use ropes to cross big pits!” and “we should call them Peeper Puppies!” while Bubby was supposed to be the “here’s how you shoot a gun”
Like, Dr. Coomer does the knowledge about the world, and Bubby does the action. for the video game. And Bubby is supposed to be kinda cold to you, because the action-tutorial NPCs tend to be. Like “what you cant even hold your own? tch, guess ill have to teach you.” But Bubby doesn’t do that. He doesn’t WANT to play the game, he wants to go back home. He liked it before the game was switched on. So he doesn’t teach Gordon shit and just tries to speedrun so the player will leave and he can go back home.
one little scene that stood out to me so much was when the crew is sitting around in a circle with the pigeons. not outside, the other scene with them sitting in a circle and there’s pigeons. why are there 2 of those.
anyways, Benrey is just staring at this pigeon behind Gordon, and singing to it, calmly. And then there’s a loud beep that sounds like the vox, and definitely doesnt come from Benrey. and he suddenly gets up and shoots the pigeon. That reads SO HARD like he was being too soft with the game world, so it pushed him to do something evil randomly. Like a little villain reboot.
Almost everything he does to antagonize Gordon can be read as genuine confusion. He kills random NPCs because he knows theyre not important, and that they can’t feel anything, and that they’ll only slow the team’s progress. And what makes Gordon so mad at him is how often Benrey says Gordon shouldnt be allowed in here. I take that as a similar stance to Bubby. Benrey doesn’t want to be the villain. He doesn’t want the player to progress and make him. That gets more obvious the closer we get to the end, and most people tend to notice it in the last scenes before Xen, where he’s suggesting they go all the way back, and basically begging the player to stop here, at least for a little while.
its really sad, honestly. but i take the cast commentary bits as canon. Which makes it adorable when Benrey comes back into the movie theatre with Gordon and we get
“I wonder what will happen. I bet you know what happens!”
“I win!!!”
He did win. He got to get past being the final boss. He got to join the epilogue. I think, he probably wasn’t supposed to be able to. But these guys broke the game enough that he could. Isn’t that sweet? Isn’t that a nice ending for him? I think he deserves it.
Wayne says he acts like “he isn’t aware unless he’s being spoken to” and I think that fits really well. Like, sometimes his actions are coded into his behavior, so he does them without realizing. And then the player interacting with him (which is the premise of the self-awareness) forces him to actually look at what he did, and sometimes he has no idea how to explain it. Leading to his “huh?”
listen to me. are you listening. i need you to hear this. i need more people to understand benrey. and how much i love him. hes trapped in the narrative, doomed by it to be the villain. but he doesn’t want to be. he clearly cares about the crew in his own silly goofy way. he doesn’t want to fight them. i wrote down everything he said in the finale, and he only says 5 outright malicious lines, all of which are directly after an unnatural pause, like he’s being rebooted again. Some important lines: “I knew this was gonna happen,”
“Stop shooting at me, I have to shoot back, I don’t wanna do that,”
“I didn’t have a big plan, I was supposed to be nice, but you forced me to be BAD so I’m gonna be BAD… friend.” the small, quiet “friend” there gets me every time. even after everything, even after his nature is revealed, he wants to believe theyre still friends.
“Don’t go in there, please… I don’t like that room." The amount of times he sounds so genuinely sad when asking them to stop, or even just saying “bro..” like he’s mourning the friendship they could’ve had. The amount of times he sounds genuinely pained when he’s glitching out and stretching across the screen.
And his last words, said childishly of course, but,
“This isn’t fair.”
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bunnyshideawayy · 3 months
i have a theory that feyre could’ve shapeshifted to save herself and the baby during child birth. i don’t think Majada really told Rhys she shouldn’t “even change the color of her hair”.. nothing about how rhysand and the IC acted during the pregnancy plot sits well with me and i fully believe SJM made their shadiness obvious on purpose. yes, i know it’s through nesta’s pov mainly and she doesn’t have a great relationship with any of the IC but y’all forget cassian also had povs and in his povs the IC doesn’t look great either- he even points out how weird it is they have to keep it from feyre but he would never go against rhysand like nesta would. feyre says that much herself.
i think it has a lot to do with Amren’s plan to make Rhysand High King. yes, Amren’s plan. Upon my reread it seems Amren has been plotting something since ACOFAS, which is also why i believe she is so angry at Nesta.
Nesta was traumatized and depressed and yet Amren goes out of her way to tell Nesta what a “waste of life” she has become…ummm you mean a waste of potential? Nesta was often compared to a “death god” and was shown to be powerful, Amren herself said that each sister alone match rhysand in power. but nesta is shown to be very powerful, and potentially more powerful than feyre and rhys with the right training.
Amren heavily pushed Rhysand to consider becoming High King, always conveniently only when Feyre or any of her sisters aren’t around, including mentioning the trove, which yes any of the three sisters can access it but no one can wield those weapons like nesta.
i think Amren’s plan included feyre dying- they’d save the baby but not her- so that Rhys would have an heir and be devastated enough to easily manipulate. what threw the plan off track was learning about the death pact Rhys and Feyre made and Nesta sacrificing most of her power, who i fully believe she intended to use as a weapon. both rhysand and nesta are incredibly powerful in their own rights and had they both been vulnerable and heartbroken after Feyre’s death then i think Amren would’ve used that opportunity to push Rhys into becoming High King, and use Nesta’s power to do so, Nesta would do it too to make it up to Feyre and if Cassian talked her into it- which he would bc Cas and Az both seem to also enjoy the idea of Rhys being High King.
but why? i think it has a lot to do with the plotline going on in CC. we know amren is not of the world of Prythian, she came there thousands of years ago and during the last battle when she takes her true form she is described as a flying bird of light (i can’t rember the exact terminology used) and there are plenty of theories on what amren could really be, why she was sent to prythian, etc. i think she also missed the power. amren has been apart of Rhysand’s court for at least the past 500 years, that entire time she has always been second in command, and she has always had her powers. after the war with hyburn she is no longer a powerful other worldly entity, she is high fae, and i’d argue that Feyre has replaced her in all but name as “second in command” bc let’s face it, they might say feyre has the same respect as HL that Rhys does as HL but we saw how far that respect went when presented with a choice to tell feyre something about her own body+life or keep the secret like Rhys said. also, who was running the court while Rhys was UTM? Amren and the IC..
i haven’t worked out all the kinks of this theory but this should cover the basics 🤷🏻‍♀️
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whiterexpper · 1 year
I need to say …
Annabel gets so much fucking hate way too early on.
Yeah, she’s…basically playing everyone like a pawn, but step into her shoes for a second.
Not only does she find out that there’s only one life to have out of all the other students there, but she has to survive amongst her OWN team in the end, she has to make up a strategy along the get-go to save her and her lover, Lenore.
She knows her and Lenore have a past together, she has to make a plan drawn out long enough for Lenore to not only find an exit, but in secret as well. They have to go through hoops and stay along amongst their own groups just to be able to live together again. And, like Annabel stated, she doesn’t want that life is Lenore isn’t in it.
In the end, it’s just those two against everyone else but in such a way that they have to try and kill each other, or make it seem so.
Their own teams have a chance of turning on each of them, hell, even duke or some of the misfit could turn against Lenore because in the end, it’s ONE LIFE. Unless they think they can all try and escape, who knows?
But that’s besides the point, everyone hates on Annabel because she’s “not trustworthy” or “is playing Lenore and is just using her”
Annabel’s TWO freak outs in the SAME DAY because she thought Lenore didn’t make it through the maze trial isn’t enough to show you guys her devotion to her?
Annabel climbed out of a WINDOW and got caught amongst the losing students by the deans to find “her Lenore”. Her “pet”
She loves Lenore to the fullest and would do anything to be with her in the hellish trials of nevermore and people STILL think she’s the villain.
You’re forgetting that she also has to survive amongst the other students and also is at the mercy of the deans.
She can’t survive against them, she knows it. Which is why she plans on escaping instead.
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seems that people are still hooked on hating her so I’m gonna add more
Does no one realize that they both have different views of each other?
Annabel is literally risking herself by lying to her own group about one another (aka. Prospero liking Ada but is shy, is what she told her. And how she didn’t step in for Ada and Morella against Montresor, but made it clear to him not to ignore her , not Morella or Ada. Bc he ignored her.)
It’s LITERALLY just her planning as she goes along, in the most recent chap that released, she stopped Lenore from the bell. There HAS to be a reason, you’re jumping on the horse too fucking early to judge her. She’s sincere with Lenore. And you’re ignoring that. Seriously, I’m not gonna tell those who hate Annabel what to do. But read into it a bit more and look at it from HER POV.
I’ll defend Annabel til the end of time , her being judged this early is bullshit but you’ll defend Montresor with what he does. (Yes, I’ve seen ppl support him. Some joke and that’s fine, it’s the others that fucking aren’t joking.)
This is just me.
It’s dumb fuckery with how she’s still being blamed for being dead and literally has to be challenged to survive amongst other students trying to get one life while she works up a plan as she fuckin goes to escape w Lenore..
But no one sees that.
Not saying you have to change your opinion.
Just don’t be an ass and scream “I KNEW WE SHOULDNT HAVE TRUSTED HER. I WAS RIGHT.” Or “SHES A MANIPULATIVE BITCH, I KNEW IT.” No hun, your heads up your ass bc your one who judges too quickly. You take action first then think later lol and it says a lot about you.
I’ll make another Fuckin post about this too idc I’ll defend her for as long as this comic goes on.
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bcbdrums · 4 months
I saw the Reddit drama. Please explain why Drakgo is a more interesting ship than KimRon.
first, thanks for the ask! second, whoaaaaaaa i wouldn't presume to label one ship more interesting than another. some people will find ships interesting, others won't.
i'll give a diff example. in my other current hyperfixation, soul eater, my friend adores Ship A while i'm all about Ship B. her ship IS interesting to me! i think those chars are the most shippable in the show, they're basically canon w/o PDA, and they are deeply complex both as individual chars and as a couple.
they're just... not the ones i'm hyperfixated on. doesn't make them uninteresting.
what makes a person's brain and heart grab onto one ship and not another? who can say.
a lack of personal interest in a ship does not make it objectively uninteresting, or worse... and a ship having way more attention than another in fandom doesn't objectively make that ship more interesting, or better.
CAN a person make canonical objective arguments for or against ships? certainly.
let's just grab characters from KP to use as example. Bonnie and Brick. canonically a couple for more than one episode! we do not get a lot of canon info onscreen for them, so most of the interest in them would have to come from fan creations. compare to Kim and Ron, who have infinitely more screentime together, infinitely more individual character development than Bonnie and Brick both as individuals and as a couple...
one could argue that Kim/Ron is more interesting than Brick/Bonnie. there's more to grab from the canon at least. but if a person wants to draw/write/talk at length about Brick/Bonnie? why not!
no reason to be hating on any ship. if it's not your ship, then just...don't engage?? especially if you're against said ship.
now me, personally, i find Drakgo more interesting than Kim/Ron. (altho recent convo with @creatorping got my Kim/Ron juices flowing again). Drakgo just appeal to me more as characters, with their gritty backgrounds, a lot more unknowns to explore, the challenge of two villains developing a mutual trusting relationship so they can have a happily ever after... that just grabs my mind and heart more than the perfect girl and her adorkable boyfriend. it doesn't mean Kim and Ron aren't interesting, cuz ohhhhh they are! mostly post-canon for me because...who ARE they, after high school?? who is Kim other than the student who saves the world? what's she gonna do with her life? and what is Ron gonna do? he absolutely can't go to the same college as her, and she can't ditch a good opportunity to go to a community college with him... my hang-up has always been that Kim wasn't given enough individual development onscreen to do anything interesting with her post-canon. but aforementioned convo with Ping changed my mind, heheh. 😏
in any case, the point... one ship isn't more or less interesting. one ship isn't better or worse than another. it's us, the viewer, who either will or won't be interested.
so as i've always said.... ship and let ship. don't like? don't interact. don't hate on someone else's ships or headcanons or POVs... (reddit...)
and, that's not the same thing as discourse. discussing characters, discussing points of view, interpretations... sharing various headcanons... with willing parties who want to enter into that conversation! THAT is a major part of fandom! but it's all in how one goes about it. and! should people come to disagree about interpretations of characters, also fine!
i think the issue arises when people start to act like... my interpretation is correct OR, my interpretation is the only valid one. when people get up on that horse, that's where the problems arise... it can be tough if you feel like you're the only person WITH a certain POV, but... again, if the folks you're chatting with aren't into it, then find other people. i'm in that boat with some soul eater headcanons, but, that's okay. i don't need to convince everyone else in the fandom in order rto enjoy my thoughts. i'll still talk about them, but, not with the idea of telling anyone my view is the only view. that's the antithesis of what fandom is about. i'll talk about them because i enjoy talking about them, to like-minded folk, and on my own blog which is what a blog is for.
and, idk why it shows up so often in the KP fandom, especially the Drakgo side, that people can't simply say "hey i have this headcanon!" and someone respond with "oh that's neat!" and just. happily co-exist. everyone creating their things, sharing their things. and people will like what they like, as they always have, in every fandom. and if they don't like someone's idea, that's fine too!
but it's not worth fighting about?? it never is! it's just not that important. it's fandom. it's fun. it's our escape. if one feels SO strongly against a concept, or ship, or whatever.... then you don't interact with it. you don't make it your mission to disprove the other person. you don't actively seek out opportunities to hate on a point of view you dislike. that's not how fandom is supposed to be. find your people, and chill with them.
let's all be positive in the various fandom spaces.
i hadn't intended that to be such a rant, but...well, there you have it. sorry it probably was not what you wanted to hear, but yeah. thanks again for the ask!!
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hi! Why do so many BLs have one character meet the other when they were a child and love them since then…. I’m watching History 5 and the second couple has this trope with the older one loving the child but loads of them have a child ‘loving’ the older guy for years (Minato, second couple in History 4, lovely writer)
Is this a common trope in non-BL Asian dramas? Maybe I’m missing some cultural aspect but it makes me feel a bit weird… I’m fine when they both meet as children but when one’s a child and one’s an adult it feels off to me!
We Met As Kids, Therefore I Love You
Yes, it's a super common trope in ALL Asian romances.
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There's a human cross-cultural claim-to-care around having met someone "first" giving one person priority to another's affection and in their life.
For example, think about how many fans (of say a Kpop group or band or actor) will claim to be "better" or morally superior to other fans of that same talent, because they have have liked that group/person "since the beginning" or "before they were famous." How about those who claim superiority because they read the book before the TV series became popular?
To have loved something FIRST is often allied with being better at loving it, there is a value judgement to longevity of association. (This is also true around disliking someone/something first.)
There isn't a name for this logical fallacy, although there should be. I would say something like appeal to tradition argumentum ad antiquitatem (which is a red herring fallacy). So appeal to time, argumentum ad tempus?
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(The 8th Sense is doing some VERY interesting things to philosophically battle this concept right NOW, actually.)
Narratively speaking, if you have only a short amount of time to unfold the story (for example We Best Love) this trope gives writers a quick way to justify pining and affection (usually from the seme character). So backstory can be cribbed for character development. That character is already in love, so we don't have to show him falling in love, only one character is in play for that.
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In longer narratives (like Word of Honor, Lovely Writer) this is a secret that gets to be slowly uncovered and explored as a plot point. If you have them meet as children, or when one is a child then it justifies one character not remembering the other (because peoples appearances change from childhood to adulthood).
I think the popularity in Asian dramas in particular has to do with collectivist cultures and family obligation/intimacy priority. To have known (or met) someone as a kid adds a level of intimate connection that justifies any affection that much more than meeting later in life.
There's a very funny scene in Kdrama (noona romance) Thumping Spike (recommended) that directly mocks this trope. Near the end the main couple openly together and they are in the car with the (former) love triangle dude. He lost, even though he's the one with the childhood crush. He directly combats this concept by saying (basically): If longevity guaranteed romance, I should be married to the grandma who runs my local convenience store.
Another well known Kdrama that combats this trope is Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (recommended) which goes out of its way to have the love triangle character who would normally lose the girl, actual win her this time. (So the one who loses is the moot crush from childhood.)
In BL, I tracked this one for a while:
Also here are a few BLs that DO NOT use this trope:
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theteabush · 7 months
Cookies|Adam Stanheight x fem!reader
Warnings:Adam not having a great past
Genre: romance
Summary: Christmas with his roommate turned out to be the night of their first kiss
A/N: SINCE CHRISTMAS IS COMING I THOUGHT ABOUT MAKING A FANFIC WITH ADAM ABOUT THIS. But I also have an announcement. If you want to change the storyline of this story, I made a Character.AI bot with him! Enjoy!! And by the way, I used "make your choice" line from Jigsaw's tapes to incorporate Saw in this story. Ugh this is so bad 😭 im sorry
A shared apartment with cheap utilities and expensive rent. Water sometimes running cold, the power sometimes going off, leaving both Adam and his roommate in complete darkness. Tonight was different. They were both hanging Christmas lights up, up on the wall and sorts of decorations on the ceiling, and around the house. A cold December night was coming upon them, but they wanted to feel the Christmas mood even in this shithole place.
"I think we did good. It screams 'broke people'"
Adam's voice was faintly soft, ragged almost,like he's been having a sore throat for a few days without any treatment. But he didn't. He was just tired and out of breath after spending half of his day thinking about how to rearrange their apartment and another half of day actually doing so. Of course, with the help of Y/N, who had more vision about designing.
"I think we did great actually! And on time, too. Before Christmas Eve is a new record in my book"
Their house was lit with the basic green and red pigments, blue and yellow and sometimes even orange mixing through the other hanged wires on their walls. Some cotton scattered around the living room, imitating snow, because they couldn't afford any fake snow supplies and a small, flowerpot-sized tree resting on top of the coffee table.
The TV was broadcasting 'Home Alone' in the background at a low volume enough to catch their awareness from time to time and lose their attention at the scenes while embracing the Christmas spirit with their home, and end up yelling at each other for misplacing the socks or almost burning the place down after using a lighter to wake up old, half melted candles.
"Where's the snow globe?"
Y/N asked, moving her head left and right looking for the one thing she still holds dear from her family. It was special, in her own way. Although she owned a few more in her parent's house, this was the only one she took from there in case she won't make it until Christmas to their house.
Y/N would often spend Christmas with her family,but after she moved in, for being 'independent', there were days when phone calls and text messages were less and less due to busy days and lack of time. And she called before Christmas, asked if they want to spend Christmas with her, but this time Y/N's family decided on a trip to other relatives. Y/N declined the offer, and assured that she's going to spend Christmas in her apartment with her dear roommate, Adam.
"It's in the box. We still have a few lights in there, too. And a mistletoe. Where do I put those?"
Adam, on the other hand, did not communicate with his family that much. Barely any messages, calls almost none at all. Their relationship was different from Y/N and her parents. After the age of 20,he tried to make a living on his own, running away from so called 'family' that was not so kind to him in his childhood years. He ran away from every single problem, and never looked back. And even after so much time, there's still a hole in his chest, wishing he could fix everything with his relatives and go back in his mother's arms for one more hug. His flip phone would get voice mails from his brother as well, but he cut off any contact with them whatsoever. Never replied back, but always listened to them.
"I'll take care of them. Can you check the cookies?"
Y/N says, grabbing the snow globe and mistletoe, stealing a look for a few seconds at Adam. He gave her a quick nod, muffling a 'mhm' and went straight to the kitchen. The smell of fresh baked cookies flooded his lungs, almost as intoxicating as the smell of cigarettes he was smoking from time to time.
The little kid in him was inpatient to taste those goodies that him and Y/N prepared through the midday just to have something to snack on during the nights of December. A plate was already filled with the baked dough, but they were still cooling down, so Adam couldn't put his hands on them even if he wanted to. Which, surely, he would've if he could.
Both Adam and Y/N were surprised to learn that they had enough money for ingredients, but they weren't complaining. It was heartwarming, even.
"I think they're almost done"
He says from the kitchen, making Y/N's ears twitch at the thought of another plate full of chocolate chip cookies that they will munch on later in the evening.
"Hold on a second!"
She replies, struggling to keep the mistletoe straight.
Y/N was a very bad hider of secrets, especially secret feelings for a person, but she was certain that Adam had absolutely zero idea of her liking the way his hair sat on his forehead, or how his voice was cutting her breath whenever he was around. She was certain, because Adam wasn't the smartest being either. Sure,he was smart, but romance was never his thing. That's why most of his relationships failed. He had a hard time controlling his anger.
So he found himself alone, in a silent apartment, taking pictures of strangers and living off of his client's money. That until Y/N showed up and helped him with rent and loneliness. Especially loneliness. Now the empty fridge was somehow not so empty whenever his money ran out. Nor the sad living room that was now filled with laughter most of the times of the day. He had someone to complain about broken tapes and rude customers and someone who actually listened while he did so.
So, as much as an anger issued person he was, someone found good in him and was there for him. And vice versa, of course.
"Man, these cookies? They're the best. I never tasted such sugary treats before. The ones from the supermarket are shit"
Both of them laughed at Adam's statement, which wasn't false at all. Supermarket cookies were tasteless and most likely out of date too.
"I'm glad you like them. To be honest, I was skeptical about baking them. My mom taught me how to do so, but I failed almost all my attempts. Except once or twice when I actually got the recipe right"
"Nah, they're perfect. Soft and crunchy at the same time? And so much flavour. Mixed with warm milk is just the cherry on top, really"
Y/N giggled as she took another cookie and dipped it in her own mug of milk and swallowed the snack, happily. Her cheeks were now crimson red at Adam's compliments, but she chose to ignore it and continue the movie they were watching.
'Home Alone' was a classic, but almost too boring for them. It was cold too. The outside was covered in white snow, and the windows were now losing their purpose after being covered by tiny snowflakes that were constantly falling from the sky. Twilight was not helping either, and the street lights were now just shiny, smudged dots on the glass.
But It was cold. The heater wasn't exactly the best either,but the couch was cozy. So slowly, both of them found themselves shifting closer and closer to each other. It was like a magnetic experience going on.
"Where did you put the mistletoe?"
Adam asked, his gaze following Y/N's lips and eyes, right after. She turned around and faced him, then pointed at the gap between kitchen and living room. And there it was, a tiny mistletoe, hanging with the other shiny lights, waiting for its purpose to be met.
"Why? Do you want to kiss someone tonight?"
Y/N's joke caught Adam in full act. She continued to dip her cookies in milk after speaking those words, which forced Adam to fall in a small silence while rolling his eyes. He smiled, moving his eyes back to the movie and the food.
"Maybe. Maybe I had in plan to take it with me on a date tonight"
This time, Y/N felt her heart cracking at his words. He never mentioned anything about a date, and was sure that they would spend Christmas together... Like two broke rats in a cage,eating cookies until they're full and laugh at cliché scenes in Christmas movies.
"You're not going anywhere, Adam. Otherwise I'd know about this 'mysterious date'. You can't keep a darn secret"
The room fell into silence again. Adam was gripping onto the couch's material while anxiously chewing on his cookie, trying to decide whether he spills whatever he has to say, or stay silent like a coward. The candles were burning across the room, the sound of melting wax tickling Adam's ears and pressured him even more, while the Christmas lights were pulsing over his hands. He started feeling hot out of sudden.
'Make your choice' was silently pushing him in his mind.
"Or maybe...I wanted to kiss you"
He whispered, turning his head to Y/N and completely losing interest in the other two activities, such as eating or watching the movie. Y/N blinked at Adam as her heart starts booming in her chest. His eyes met hers and, somehow, Y/N felt herself floating.
"I'm so done with your jokes, Adam. They cause me a heart attack"
She answers, her side smile showing off in the corner of her lips. But Adam stayed serious, his eyes desperately searching for a place to rest, but instead they were roaming around Y/N's features. He was begging with his eyes for one kiss. He was pleading.
That's when Y/N realises that he's serious about his words, and without a minute more, she closed her eyes and took his lips on hers. The sweet remainings from the cookies were tasting on their tongues, as well as the cigarette Adam smoked a while before he joined Y/N on the couch.
And even without a mistletoe, Adam's plan was coming true.
Because he fell in love with a girl that was never meant to mean anything in the first place, just a simple roommate that helped him with groceries and rent. But he fell in love hard. It was almost uncontrollable. And she did the same.
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