#and when i play them again i wanna make a new character. the exact same character
toast1862 · 7 months
that reminded me that i have pathfinder kingmaker and i never played it...... i also grabbed icewind dale enhanced edition........
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asapeveryday · 3 months
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basically: the exact moment they realized they liked you
featuring: (timeskip)hinata, (high school)kageyama, tsukishima, yamaguchi
warnings: none!
a/n: lmk what we think of this!!! I can take requests for any other characters you wanna see with this prompt :)
♡HINATA - didn’t realize until you came to visit him in Brazil for the first time. he’d become accustomed to the foreign country and learned to live with the little aching feeling inside that he was missing out, but still something more than melancholy emotions would fester every time he’d open his phone to see this Lock Screen: a picture of his high school volleyball team seniors with you as a manager included. When you let him know you were coming to Brazil for vacation he wasn’t just excited, he was nervous. Absolutely nervous, like, pre-game nervous, and he had no idea why. You two were good friends during school. He enjoyed spending time with you, he sought you out to help him study, to go for bike rides or just to pepper in the gym till evening. When he came to meet you at the airport and you ran to hug him tight, your touch practically burned and he wasn’t expecting to feel you so plush against him, hearts beating against each other. The sound of your voice and the sight of your face after so long turned on a light bulb in his head. Right there in the middle of the airport he understands why he once craved your company over others, why he’s jittering at the thought of your eyes on him. The saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder” had never been more true…not that he would know of the line anyways.
♡KAGEYAMA - is almost frustrated at first. He’s laying on his bed tossing his volleyball towards the ceiling while thinking his usual thoughts. Going pro, quick attacks, tough classes, new training. It’s his nightly routine, it’s practiced and comfortable. Until his mind drifts to you and the ball hits his face. He’s not sure why his steel-like focus is being tested now, and he’s not sure what you’ve done to cause this, but it’s alien and hard to avoid. For every distraction he thinks of, a scene of you plays in his mind in retaliation. For a moment he stops tossing the ball and just holds it to his chest, brows furrowed and mind racing. He lets the thoughts of you run rampant, a memory of you watching his game, another of your interactions in class, a conversation he should have forgotten but he hasn’t. He brushes it off still, until he sees you at school and he gets this lurching, elevator-dropping feeling in his stomach at the sight of your smile. It’s terrifying and it’s exhilarating, like pulling off a new combination during an important game. That’s when begins to understand that despite the newness of his interest in you, despite how different you are from volleyball, the thought of your hand grazing his gives him that same rush he usually only feels on the court. He’d do anything to feel that rush.
♡ TSUKISHIMA - is aware almost immediately, he’s not one to deny his feelings or be oblivious, though he’s not exactly about to confess either. It starts with little things: he catches himself staring at you and looking away just before you catch him, he listens to songs you like on repeat in some effort to feel what you feel when you hear them, he gets the urge to tease his teammate’s a little harder when you’re around (not that it impresses you much, but he can’t help it), he enjoys standing next to you even in silence, he appreciates your maturity and even when you act stupid he takes note of the fact that he doesn’t mind in the slightest. It’s during one of these little actions that it truly hits him though. He’s staring at you again, taking in your features as if it’s the first time he’s seeing them. Unfortunately he’s too slow to avert his gaze and you finally catch him in the act. You don’t break eye contact, it’s just held for a moment across class as if you two are the only ones in the room. He hates how his hands are sweating, and he hates how he’s the first to look away in attempts to seem uncaring, but he knows then for a fact that he likes you. He probably makes it a point to never make it so obvious again, though.
♡YAMAGUCHI - is by far the most emotionally mature of all of them, however he’s not used to girls liking him back. He’s had crushes and he’s grown used to one sided interest, to secret and unrequited affection. For his feelings to truly be validated he’d need the green light from you first and foremost. The turning point for him, from hopeless pining to full on crushing it takes a heartfelt conversation. You’re walking around with him after practice, Tsuki is farther ahead in hopes of getting home earlier, but Yamaguchi doesn’t mind lagging behind if it means talking with you. It’s dark out and the air is crisp, you’re sucking him in with talk of an ambitious future, fruitful sports seasons and eagerness regarding his improvements as a player. Your hands are just next to each other, dangerously close to a brush of skin. He has the electrifying urge to let his fingers meet yours but the idea is shut down like it’s muscle memory. You, however, don’t suffer from rejection just as bad as he does, because your pinky entwines with his as your conversation carries on. The two of you both don’t acknowledge the small act of pda, but there’s a mutual expression of giddy content that wasn’t quite there before. It’s all he needs to know you’re someone he’s willing to pursue.
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vintagexherry · 1 year
Too Handsome
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Miguel O'Hara x Reader
//Pools, jealousy, smut, rough sex, swearing, marking, minor orignal characters.
A/N: Ain't gonna lie. The guy on the pic almost looks like comic Miguel
Everyone can agree that Miguel O'Hara is one attractive man.
With his muscles, he can carry you in one arm and the groceries on the other effortlessly.
With his scowl, it strangely adds to the allure, but when he smiles, it doubles.
With his deep voice, he can make anything sound melodious yet seductive anytime.
With his height, he can grab anything out of your reach, especially when it comes to you cooking, and you can't get that one seasoning from the cabinet.
With his looks, he can make anyone fold.
Anyone especially in this pool party.
One of the moms you've met when picking up Gabi and Mateo from school has arranged a pool party for both the kids and parents.
The dads, including Miguel, help each other out when preparing the barbeque, and you can't help but ogle at Miguel when his muscles bulge when carrying a bag or charcoal to the barbeque grill.
But you know as hell that you're not the only one ogling.
While you watch Gabi and Mateo play with the other kids, you also see the mom who invited you with other moms who whisper and giggle at each other while watching Miguel converse with the other dads, occasionally turning a kebab around in the grill.
You can't blame them, Miguel is handsome.
But also married.
To you, to be exact.
Aren't these women also married?
Your attention was driven away when you noticed Miguel approaching you with a meat kebab on one hand.
"Mi vida, try it," he said as he lent you a kebab freshly off the barbeque, and you could smell the aroma of mixed spices.
You accepted the kebab and blew on it to cool it off. Within the first bite, you immediately melted from the taste.
"Judging by your looks, I say you enjoyed it." Miguel chuckled.
"Enjoyed and love it, It's really good!"
With that, he notified you that food is almost gonna be ready and you nodded, ready to call the kids.
After eating, the kids wanted to play a little more before going home. You wanted to softly reject their request, but Miguel said maybe it would be good to drain their energy.
With that, he let the kids play with each other while he sunk his lower half into the pool with sunglasses on. And if he wasn't hot earlier, he definitely is hotter now.
Water was dripping from his muscled back, which was facing you.
You shook your head and focused on fixing and packing up things.
While you gather and pack the water toys. You don't notice that somebody seemed to take this chance to slip by and sit by the pool next to Miguel.
"So, Mr.O'Hara, I presume?"
Miguel turned his head to face a woman, the same age as you, wearing a halter type swimwear.
He recognizes the woman, knowing from school pick-ups time to time.
He also knows this woman recently got divorced last week as much as he remembers from your gossip talk to him.
And her approaching him doesn't mean good news, and he knows shit that she isn't only gonna ask his name.
But he decided to still be polite.
"Yes, that's me. May I help you?" he replied
The woman ignored his question and put out a hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, I'm Emma".
In return, he ignored her handshake.
"Nice to meet you too, May I help you?" He tried asking again.
Emma seemed to take the hint and put down her hand.
"Well, I was just hoping you would come by my place next week with other parents, I recently got this champagne overseas, and I wanted to share."
Champagne? That sounds nice. He hasn't had one in a long time, especially during and after your pregnancy.
"That's sounds nice, I'll see if Y/N-" Before he could even finish your name, she interrupted him by placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Oh no, no, I uh- I don't really wanna bother her, I'm sure she's tire-" He didn't let her finish since he shrugged her hand off her shoulder.
"Then I have to decline." he stated firmly, already lost interest in the champagne and also slowly losing patience over the woman.
"Oh but-"
"He said no"
Miguel and Emma swiftly turned around to see you approaching him.
And he tried holding himself back from nosebleeding, since normally with his height he would look down on you, but now, with his point of view from the pool you look nothing but sexy.
The sun made your skin shin, and the swim suit.
god damn the motherfucking swimsuit.
Before leaving the house he tried to convince you that maybe both you can just decline the pool party invitation and just have fun on your own, but he can't say no since his kids are too cute to deny.
Emma was holding herself back from slapping you. She enjoyed being able to talk to your husband alone.
She forced a smile. "Y/N! I was just about to inv- "
"Sorry, I have to decline too, Miguel and I are kinda busy in the next few weeks," you lied, but if it meant for this woman to leave your man alone, then so be it.
With that, Emma finally got the hint and left, and Miguel can't help but admit your hot when you're jealous.
Hours later, you and Miguel arrived home, Miguel carrying the sleeping twins to their bedroom while you unpacked the bags.
After some time, you also felt sleepy, especially the entire fiasco with Emma, but Miguel has different plans.
"So, busy you say?" Miguel asked you as he watched prepare for an afternoon nap.
"H-huh? Oh! Well....In my defence, she was getting annoying."
Miguel chuckled at you.
"Have I told you how amazing you look when you're jealous and wearing the swimsuit? You drive me crazy bonita."
Miguel started gliding his hand up to your legs.
"Miguel" You whispered softly, knowing where this is leading. "Kids are sleepin"
Miguel looked at you and smirked.
"Well then, I'm sure we'll figure something out."
Miguel pushed your head into the pillow as you moaned his name.
"Th-that's it mi vida ughhh" Miguel thrusted into you harder, making the bed squeak.
"Mig- Mi-" You could'nt form a sentence with how much your spot is getting abused again and again.
Miguel couldn't be careless as he let go of your head and guided both his hands to hold at your hips, letting him have complete control.
"fffuckk, that's it- shit your amazing," Miguel praised, but no words process to you since you can't focus on anything but the pleasure your feeling.
You felt something growing tighten inside you.
"Mi-Miggy- Im...Im gonna-"
Before you reach your peak, Miguel took his cock out and flip you, making you face him, before you could protest his large hand covered your mouth as he thrusted again into you harshly.
He continued his rough pace while you screamed and moaned into his hand.
He thrusted again and again until Miguel felt you tighten, making his hip stutter.
"ughhOh shit- FUCK Y/N"
You both moaned, although yours muffled.
Your body shook from the force of your orgasm and you felt warm liquid fill you.
Miguel let his hand fall from your drool slicked lips and kissed you.
You moaned from the kiss, feeling sensitive even from the slightest touch.
Miguel layed down next to you.
"Well... That was way better than any champagne anyone could offer."
You chuckled as his words, and with that, you both slept in each other's arms.
As you waited for Gabi and Mateo to come out, Miguel watched you from the car.
You heard voices and saw two beautiful children run up to you with smiles on their face.
They didn't waste time tackling your legs for a hug.
You chuckle from their energy.
They turned around and waved to a friend, you look up and see that it's a boy with wavy black hair.
And next to him none other than Emma, who didn't look at you directly at the face, more like the marks that are almost visible littered around your neck.
You notice her gaze and you couldn't help but smiled.
"Are those?..."
"Sorry, me and Miguel got a little busy, y'know how it is."
With that, you let the kids wave goodbye one last time and head for the car.
As you got you and the kids, Miguel started to drive while he put a hand on your thigh.
"Busy, huh?" He smirked while he glanced at you, and you chuckled.
"Yea, busy."
The End
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dreadfuldevotee · 30 days
Thank you for this last post. The discourse on this fandom can often be so annoying. I hate it when people are like "this is a Gothic horror, let them be toxic and problematic!!!!11!!!1" because it's not take they think it is? At the end of the day, they still want us to root for these characters and relationships, right? So how can we do that if they're stereotyped vampires, who is dark, cold, just hurt each other and don't have an ounce of growth, development, empathy and humanity? And this is such a dismissive opinion of the show and even the books, because their conflict with humanity and vampirism is a central aspect of the plot. That said, if you reduce them to the abuse alone, you're also missing the point of the story? I mean, you can totally have your opinion, you can see them as unforgivable even on this fictional universe, you can hate and root against them... But this show isn't about punitivism, it is about them navigating immortality. There are consequences for their actions, as there should be, but the goal is for them to find a way to make this work. You don't need to agree (idgaf about the British monarchy and still watched a few episodes of The Crown for the acting, for example), but if you expect otherwise, you're just playing yourself? But this fandom seems to have a problem with finding a good balance. Not to mention the hypocrisy of never forgiving certain characters and reducing them to their problematic actions, but treating their faves very different lol. And I'm like, okay, you don't need to love everyone, it's okay to have a favorite, but at least don't be contradictory? Your fave does the exact same thing or worse? Anyways. Thanks again for putting it so well. It's refreshing to see posts like that here.
Thank you! I'm glad that other people get anything out of my ranting and raving, as I am a chronic yapper and really only talk for my own health LOL.
But yeah, there is a lot of selective hearing in any fandom, really; but it pisses me off a lot here because of all the "Gothic Horror" handwaving going on. Interacting with the fandom, reading the books and seeing clips & bits of personal writings from Anne Rice, the image it paints for me is a profound unwillingness to engage with contents of the story if they're not fun and sexy. Shit, even my own odyssey into the books is spurred on in one part, to be able to form my own opinion and critique on the writing and secondly, realizing that book readers were straight up lying at times about how things went down.
And there is this persistent idea I've seen on here and twitter of "If you have issue with XYZ then this series isn't for you" and like, okay if you don't wanna see gay people who have everything-but-the-bagel of mental illnesses then, yeah, sure. But when someone goes "Hey there is like,,, a ton of casual pedophilia and CSA in these stories that is framed as cute n' casual and/or deeply romantic, I wonder what that's all about" and then people crawl out the woodwork trying to convince you its not weird or that you're weird or weak for think its kinda fucked up- then at that point, I think maybe there is actually a different issue occurring here, you know?
Anyway, I think where I'm going with this is- TVC is a cultural phenomenon and has a tangible impact on Vampire and Gothic Horror canon and that's good and fun. But if we can recognize something like H.P Lovecraft's racism/classism/general fear of change having a profound effect on his writing and the spark of the entire Cosmic Horror Genre, then I think we can interrogate how AR as a Rich White Woman who grew up in mid-21st century New Orleans has an effect on the kind of stories she writes and how she does it.
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chaosteddybear · 1 month
6 Song Soundtrack Mixtape
Thanks so much for the tag! (spyri and sphinx both tagged me and I tagged you both in the Hexx one soooooo I won't spam you AGAIN).
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following: 1. An event that defines your character's past 2. How your character sees themselves 3. How others view them 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic) 5. A major fight scene 6. End credits song
Mix: my OC across various games and AUs and worlds <3
1. An event that defines your character's past Nobody's Home
Her feelings she hides Her dreams she can't find
And I couldn't help her I just watched her make The same mistakes again What's wrong, what's wrong now? Too many, too many problems Don't know where she belongs Where she belongs She wants to go home But nobody's home That's where she lies Broken inside With no place to go No place to go To dry her eyes Broken inside [...] And now you can't find What you left behind Be strong, be strong now Too many, too many problems Don't know where she belongs [...]
So, the event I chose for this is coming home after a trip to a house full of nothing but death. This triggers the start of his Rambling Era, as I call it, where this song explains his consuming thoughts. Including telling himself to be strong, hide his feelings, squash his dreams, etc.
2. How your character sees themselves: Whatever It Takes
Whip, whip Run me like a racehorse Hold me like a ripcord Break me down and build me up […] Whatever it takes 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do whatever it takes […] I wanna be invisible Looking at my years like a martyrdom Everybody needs to be a part of 'em Never be enough, I'm the prodigal son I was born to run, I was born for this 'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains […] I'm just a product of the system of catastrophe And yet a masterpiece, and yet I'm half diseased And when I am deceased At least I'll go down to the grave and die happily
This song captures the exact balance that Mix walks between being obsessed with himself while also putting himself down. He believes he can do anything, and he can certainly withstand anything.
3. How others view them Bullet with Butterfly Wings
The world is a vampire, sent to drain Secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames And what do I get, for my pain? Betrayed desires, and a piece of the game [...]
Now I'm naked, nothing but an animal But can you fake it, for just one more show? [...]
Tell me I'm the only one Tell me there's no other one [...] And I still believe that I cannot be saved
This song captures his resentment towards the people who took over the town he's from. He's also my rage boy (definitely an animal walking the line between wild and tame), and those who don't pay attention to anything else would absolutely just see this. They also may not realize that he's not in it for what he gets, and he doesn't think he needs to be saved (and if he did would he deserve it?). But hey, he is certainly obvious (when in love) about wanting to feel special. Is he obvious enough though?
5. A major fight scene: Satan Is My Motor
I've got wheels of polished steel I've got tires that grab the road I've got seats that selflessly hold my friends And a trunk that can carry the heaviest of loads I've got a mind that can steer me to your house And a heart that can bring you red flowers My intentions are good and earnest and true But under my hood is internal combustion power
Mix is so not okay. He sees himself as a tool, focusing on his usefulness to the important people in his life, specifically what he must do for them.
So this is what plays in his head as he picks off enemies. He spends his time aiming and shooting calmly as he reflects and focuses on his use and how much he loves his friends. He likes to be calm and focused while he enacts his duty.
He will get them all before any figure out where he is. So it's not a super hype song. Though, I do have an alt hype song for his more rambunctious fight scenes: Bark at the Moon.
6. End credits song: Why Would You Be Loved
It's a lie, the high that you have with love It feels like gold when you hold it [...] I wouldn't say it, but I blame them The bleedin' hearts, the arts and that other stuff All the same motivations will melt away Like snowflakes on a tongue, baby [...] I wouldn't say it, but I blame them [...] Why would you play it all on somethin' as hollow as trust? (Hey) What if you gave it all to find that it wasn't enough? (Hey) What if, under the gaze of all, you come short when the going gets rough? [...] They look for somethin' to be done for those that are most in pain What about me and my achin'? The scales rehung, the breakin' of yoke and chain What about me and my breakin'? And if you ain't for all, how could you try it all, baby? So why, why, why?
This one might seem against who he is, which is why it fits the credits, I think. These are conversations he has with himself. Is he right to be so naive, or is it a waste of time? Is he neglecting himself by constantly looking for love where his own isn't matched? He ultimately chooses to keep hope every single time. He has a strong will that way. But not out of naivete.
I tag: @loveless-nameless-graceless-two @seynne @bite-the-bloody-hand , and you dear Reader!
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rui-drawsbox · 6 months
halo halo this might be out of blue but may i ask how’d you fall in love w Baxter? I wanna hear the story of like how you started to like him if you don’t mind sharing . tysm!!and i love all your artworks!!!!
AGHHHHHHH i was about to go to sleep but healty schedules are overrated. Take a sit cuz this is gonna be LONG bc i dont know how to get to the point (jump right to the end to get the 3 lines resume lmao)
if you ask me why i like right now: he's a dramatic loser. But that was when i finally understood his character! you wouldn't be surprised if tell you that i'm an idiot right? i'm super slow to read between lines and understand people, that applies to fictional characters too lmao (+add that english isn't my first language) So! at first i didn't actually understood what was going on with -well- anything :D.
Took me a few playthroughs to actually understand the game in general, i started to play before step 4 was out so all i could do was play and replay different ways to fall in love with Cove (starting to crush at step3 was my fav) but tbh he was never my *type*, Derek was interesting but just bc he like us by default. Even after playing his dlc i felt like he was just a really good friend (which was kinda weird bc to this point i've just played his romantic route). So, what's different with Baxter?
To begin with! he's... he's....... huhh my first impression wasn't actually strong tbh, i was like "huh new guy to date yay". I didn't actually understood his character the first few playthroughs ngl. I started in fond ofc to get into the dlc but *I* was pretty indifferent, probably in Drinks where we finally see Morning Baxter was that i said "oh shit he's cute" and cuteness+gapmoe is enough to make me fall for any character tbh.
But! that was not enough to provoke a brainrot like this right? i'm the "Oh i love this *forgets about in a week*" type. What sealed the deal (badum tss) was probably bc of the fandom? Once i was done replaying the dlc 5 times in a row i went straight to tumblr to feed of headcanons, fanarts and fanfics. My favorite way to understand a character is thru the fandom tbh, my favs are the long aa essays talking about a character personality.
Long story short, he was dramatic troubled flirty gap-moe guy (my fictional type, coincidentally) with an excellent storyline. I still wasn't 100% into him but he was top1 romatic choice for me (sorry Cove and Derek, love ya but platonically), so i made 2 fanarts for his dlc in may and let the hype die... only for 6 months otherwise we wouldn't be here, would we?
AH-HA-HEM the day 28th of november, beginnings of summer, i went out in the morning to do some errands with my mom, we stopped to buy vegetables in our way home and she bought a small watermelon bc i love them. That same afternoon i was eating it and thought "watermelons are finally here, summer it's officially here!" and got struck with Olba memories like a sleeper agent. (made a minicomic abt that, that's why i have the exact date lol) SO i replayed the game again, reading everything again, and oh boy i finally understood so many things, one of those things was Baxter himself!
A lot of stuff made sense once i actually took the time to comprehend his character with the information i gained out of the game (mainly all the asks ppl sent to gb). Add the way that i always played like *me* on my first playthroughs of anything and then you'll notice why he hit me so hard, it felt like i wasn't giving him enough credit before dasjkfas.
Tbh his dlc is my fav bc it has such a strong storyline, you get to know him and his insecurities thru all step 3, and have a lot of sweet moments too! (and that night goodbye?? omg it hits me so hard bc it's right after the ending song) and because step 4 it's right after you go with all the fresh memories of your summer together and seeing him so cold towards you it's so painful but also so funny because HA I CAN SEE THRU YOUR FACADE YOU STILL LIKE ME HAHAHA and i finally knew the perfect word for him: loser.
Anyways i also did a deep dive in the Olba and Baxter Ward tag here in tumblr and eat pretty much everything, also helped me to get a better grasp for all the little details i didn't noticed before bc haha i told you im an idiot?
sO yeah i made a few drawings of my Mc interacting with the characters, surprisingly it got a lot of attention from the fandom so i made a few more and when i noticed i was deep into the brainrot and i wasn't able to draw anything besides my Ruri and Baxter being cute lmao
Funfact. Ruri is a variation of Rui (duh) that i used in games when i didn't feel like i wanted to be called my name directly, now that she expropriated me of that name i use Ruru, i'm so creative right?
Long story short: it was mix of the game itself, fandom content and people actually liking my oc content. The fandom is super welcoming with everyone's oc's i love that akjdlfhask
ajksdfhasjk WOAH THAT IS SO LONG i def went over the top didnt i? I tried to explain my train of thought and fill the spaces where my memory is blurry with stuff i think i would've thought at the moment, it's also 3am so im- not entirely here tbh hjadfhkj
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everybody!!! 🎁 🎄 🌟
As my gift to you guys, here is a list of what I’m expecting and hoping to see on Season 2 of Barbie: A Touch of Magic!!! 💝
Season 2 Predictions
The mystery Centaur being the main villain
Rocki enrolling to Golden Beach High 🏫 and causing chaos in the school with her magic while she tries to blend in as a normal human girl
New songs from Malibu and Brooklyn 🎶
Barbie learning about her secret power and why she is the key to the real world and the magic realm
Brooklyn, Malibu, Teresa, Skipper getting magic fairy powers (since they have the outfits and all)
Trey still pining for Brooklyn but she doesn’t return the same feelings (I don’t see this ship happening, so I hope Trey just lets it go and moves on)
Peggy coming back to Malibu to help out when there’s trouble
A miscommunication mishap that will prolong Ken and Barbie’s confession to each other until the very last episode (i sincerely hope I’m wrong in this one because I’m TIRED of waitiiiiinnngg, I need to see a straight answer regarding Karbie’s fate in the canon-verse)
Finally having a conclusion to Barbie and Ken. It’s make or break time, writers!!! Will they get together or not?? Is it ❤️ or 💔??
Things I want to see in season 2:
A KEN AND BARBIE KISS SCENE (pleeaaasseeee im begging!)
Barbie and Ken go on another date (a redo since they never got to finish their test date)
Rocki trying to reverse all the “forget” spells she did on everyone (because some of those memories were important *cough* Ken and Barbie’s *cough* to be exact *cough*)
More of the Malibu squad!!! Need to see my girlies on screen more!
My boy RAFA (even just 1 episode will do, I miss him 🥲)
More shenanigans with Barbie and her sisters
Prom or some sort of school dance at Golden Beach High
A school play! And then somehow Barbie and Ken gets casted for the lead roles where they have to do a romantic scene hehehehe
Ken playing football 🏈 (we’ve seen a glimpse of it in It Takes Two but I really want to see him in action, and preferably in his proper football uniform and helmet iiieeeee 🙈)
ELVYYYY (i really liked her!!! i hope we see her again, and hopefully she finds her unicorn hahahaha)
More jealous Barbie or jealous Ken
Ken and Barbie hugsss (similar to the hugs we got from Epic Road Trip)
Ken and Barbie holding hands (a committed one, and not something where they will awkwardly pull away from each other after realizing)
Everyone reacting to Barbie and Ken finally becoming official (ughh this is the dream 😩)
Things I also want to see in s2 but these ideas are bit of a reach and the chances are very unlikely so I won’t be too upset if they don’t happen:
Barbie and Ken CHILDHOOD FLASHBACK (if they do a karbie centered episode and we see them two as kids again, showing the growth of their relationship from back then to current time, oh my lord i would literally die)
The SEA GLASS BRACELET. One of my favorite plot points in ERT was Ken creating that bracelet as a gift for Barbie. I wish I could see that again, or maybe a somewhat similar where he makes a special item and gives it to her when they finally admit their feelings to each other face to face.
The HERMIT CRAB that Ken gave Barbie when she first moved in next door! Come ooonnnn, i need to see a callback or atleast a mention it would make for such a touching karbie scene
A SLUMBER PARTY! The girls need to dish 😉 (and possibly question Barbie about her feelings for Ken)
Ken’s parents (lol we literally never see their faces)
Ken and Barbie to be officially together for more than one episode (i wanna see them dating 🥹)
A serenade song (from either Barbie or Ken to each other)
More of Stacie since her feature movie is also coming out next year (i just want her to get more screen time because she gets the least amount out of all the sisters and i feel bad for her 😭)
Cameos from the New York characters (Emmie, Epiphany, Stefan, The Dash, the twins Jackson and Jayla)
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unfunnyaceartist · 6 months
Vent post ahead that may change your view on me and that may sound dramatic (NOT DIRECTED AT ANYONE, THIS IS JUST IN GENERAL) Mostly just to get out my feelings. I only ask that if you look, to be kind and understanding and patient. Also the tags are silly and id appreciate if you read em. id appreciate if you didnt ask me anything on it
I feel toxic sometimes because i can get so jealous i borderline gatekeep things and I always feel so bad because its never intentional but then I end up hating myself because I know its unhealthy and irrational but I cant help it, and I know im so lucky and have a lot in many senses of the word, but at times it feels like they can be taking everything, because when I like someone or something, they tend to matter a fuck-ton to me. Im sorry to anyone ive lashed out at a bit for them wanting what I have, I really am. Its not coming from a place of hostility, rather a place of trauma responses and hyperfixation that stem from my adhd and autism but like when I try something and it goes great, and then someone else is like "OOH thats awesome I wanna do that too" It feels almost like when Im finally happy or excited or proud to have something, someone comes and takes it. Usually Ill play it off as a joke, but in reality, its complete honesty that im trying to soften so I dont upset anyone, especially when its over fiction or a person, because I do NOT own them and I know that, but it bothers me when someone swoops in to do the exact same things or even one-up especially when its really soon after me, and since my self worth is already abysmal, it just makes me feel worse, like I should be lucky to have what I do to begin with, but I feel the need to hold it close to me and protect it so I dont lose things that make me really happy.
Recently Ive even started reverse gatekeeping in response to others, where ill just tell myself I cant or dont deserve to have anything special because I'm not, and only others can enjoy this. But thats why people making me ship content makes me so happy. Its dumb to get jealous over others selfshipping with a character I like. Its dumb to get upset over someone I know copying or taking heavy inspiration from one of my ideas. Its dumb to get possessive over someone else trying to befriend my new awesome friends or wife/wives. I rarely selfship anymore due to my reverse gatekeeping and instead serve the others who simp or enjoy content. I provide since I feel I cant take. It makes me happy and distracts me. But the moment someone else does something similar to what is my toxic coping mechanism for my toxic coping mechanism, it only hurts worse. Thats why sometimes, for example, I get a bit snappy when someone else provides gummybunny (that and also shipping jealousy sometimes). Thats why I get snappy when I make a friend someone else super cool and then another person comes in and wants to befriend them (No darken, this wasnt directed at you, its happened more than once with more than one person but I know how you tend to assume). I LOVE giving but I hate sharing, because all my life whenever I shared, I lost something.
Introduce a friend to a friend? They leave me behind for eachother. Let someone wear my fitbit because they wanted to feel "rich"? It got stolen. Give money to someone in a "rough spot" who promised to repay me somehow? Never saw them again. I was always so trusting and understanding, and I always made excuses for others. Always so naive and gullible. So much so, in fact, that in elementary I kept letting my bullies pretend to be my friends when they claimed they changed, and let them destroy any ounce of worth I had whatsoever. Things that make me happy I CHERISH because of all the things ive lost and all my experiences. Ive never been hit, not once, but the abuse all my life came emotionally and mentally, and I only recently realized through therapy. Now its hard to trust people in certain situations. Sorry for my probably hard to follow and melodramatic rant.
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sorry im dumb haha
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otomiyaa · 5 months
Hiii Ginny! I just re-read your "Lyney's trick" fanfiction and it was honestly a masterpiece! You crafted the story very well... but I'm curious... how would you imagine "childe, itto, thoma, kaveh, aether" if they were actually being choosen... will the scenario be the exact same with the gaming one? or different? because the gaming one really relates to his personality and that what makes it special (this is definitely not a fic request though, just wanna hear your thought/headcanon as the author, about how you'll imagine each scenario if the subject chosen were different) Have a nice day by the way! You're a true inspiration!
Hi hi!!! ^^ Aww I'm honored you would re-read my fic! And thank you for asking. My 2-part fics are actually all written in a way that I really see different outcomes depending on the winning option, so not just same plot different lee, or same scenario but with a different quote.
So in this case with the Lyney's Trick fic, I think what I had slightly in mind for each option was:
Childe: Ofc I don't know their exact canon relationship yet and if it's gonna be revealed in the new update (have yet to play) but since they're both fatui I imagined them more to have a brotherly rivalry, so Lyney would've been very smug while getting Childe in the trick position, and maybe they would've been able to tickle him a little until Childe breaks free and just... retaliates. So it would've probably been more lee Lyney and very much Lyney VS Childe focused with the happy ending that Lyney's predicament equally cheered up his siblings.
Itto: Could've been a really fun one with Ayato making some funny remarks while Itto is screeching. I pictured Itto to be as naive and fun as Gaming but then in a sillier way, shamelessly enjoying himself and making funny remarks.
Thoma: Also in this case Ayato (and Itto) would've gotten involved since I grouped them together. Knowing myself I'd have thrown in some flirty thomato stuff, as well as some very cute remarks about how gentle and humble Thoma is even when he's getting tricked into a tickly situation like that. He would've been very blushy, very confused, very cute hehe, getting tickled like that in front of the eyes of Ayato.
Kaveh: Since Kaveh was at the Sumeru table this would've gotten Alhaitham, Cyno and Tighnari involved as well (more than in the eventual outcome where Fontaine gang- Neuvillette and Wriothesley were the main audience). Kaveh would've been a little harder to break, and also to convince in the first place for cooperating, but with some motivation from the others he's more like okay sure why not. And I definitely wouldn't have missed the chance to throw in some bad bad Cyno-jokes.
Aether: Aether would've been a lovely lovely looovely lee, but as the premise already hinted, it was Aether's party with many of his friends there after all. So even if Aether would've been the winning option, I still would've juggled 2 options: his friends either all love to tease and bully him so they help Lyney inc. to wreck him, OR I would've let it turn out into a scenario where they come to Aether's aid which would've turned Lyney into the main lee again. Depending on my mood I would've picked a few main characters to involve, probably Childe, Kaeya and Venti.
That wasn't all btw.
It was already hard to pick between all the lovely characters to put in the poll for this fic. Others I had in mind were:
Chongyun: ofc with some Xingqiu, duuuhh, also involving Xiangling, Gaming and maybe even Shenhe as audience/side characters and maybe even fellow ticklers and teasers. Ending with yang Chongyun ofc and a very confused and surprised Lyney & siblings like omfg what have we done to him.
Xiao: Precious Xiao would've been the perfect person to ask, sitting awkwardly to the side. Might have needed some Aether influence to be convinced into joining. His own polearm could've been used to spread his arms and *wiggle fingers* poor thing. I would've let Venti join in for sure.
Tighnari: Very curious to try the trick. Definitely a lot of Cyno in it as well. Also very flustered and having some adorable reactions.
Scaramouche: What trick? He is above this. This would've been very funny now that I recall this option, oof.
Bennett: Unlucky boy would've been a great target. Razor would've been in this version.
Albedo: Would also have been curious but a little sceptical. Still cooperative. Aether and Kaeya would've been some others to be mainly involved.
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swallowtailed · 5 months
palisade 45
this is the exact thing i love about palisade. endless interpersonal problems, and we know every single reason why those problems exist, going back six in-universe and four irl years. and also, like, forty thousand in-universe years. deep and granular character work is the strength of epics!!!! i am always saying this!!!!
standout of this ep was obviously that brnine/gucci conversation. oh my god. props to austin for hitting bullseye after bullseye of terrible shit to say. no misses, but like, all misses. i am kicked back eating wine flavored popcorn
does gucci know brnine got the blue channel from valence? i don’t think it’d matter, but she so comprehensively does not understand the blue channel in every other way. which is so… fascinating
she kept referring to it as “putting a leash” on clem which is. well. where have we heard THAT before
glad that the frustrated pinball posture is back. i remember quoting that in a post last summer
hey is today by any chance the feast day of any particular divine in the twilight mirage—
very noir that eclectic will have a tough time getting back to partizan now, but for the same reason he also just barely missed being similarly separated from palisade. by like, three weeks. which is also very noir
levi trying to flirt with cori was so incredibly awkward… he’s new, he doesn’t know about the yuri…
i know i just made a whole post about how palisade is a season about grief and i’m not gonna make that post again but i just wanna mention even though it didn’t really happen: WHEN SOMEBODY DIES YOU PLAY THEIR FAVORITE MOVIE AT THE NEXT MOVIE NIGHT. ok that is all
actually that’s not all. thisbe: felt culpable for valence’s death, has since come to accept the inevitability. “maybe one day i’ll grieve for all of it all at once, but like, right now i need to focus on other stuff.” making grief a thing for the future, in a way. but who knows when that future is going to arrive. also a distinct approach from the rest of the blue channel, to both recognize the need for grief and then deliberately set it aside. and to compartmentalize unavoidable truths, as thisbe has done for many things in favor of (whatever she perceives to be) her purpose.
so pleased to find out more about the caldera stretch. it’s just outrageously big and i have always wanted to know what’s going on in there. fingers very crossed that eclectic pursues his lead on opposition and frees the divines being used for delegation—would be a great finale move for this season
similarly, really excited to have the afflictions onstage! would love to see that resolved in some way (especially perhaps thisbe talking to them? or partial palisade?)
finale next… finale time…… i’ve never experienced a fatt finale live, i’m very excited
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please I wanna hear more about your thoughts on sweet pool, it was such an odd vn to me but at the same time i'm so happy I played it
Lmfao so first of all, I'm a huge audiophile (and I say that to mean any audio, most of all voices and VA performances and sound design), and JESUS CHRIST THE CAST THEY GOT FOR SWEET POOL????? HELLO??? God, I adore Youji's VA, and I'll never NOT be impressed by his ability to play both the character for Sweet Pool as well as Doumeki in Saezuru wa Tori Habatakanai TO SUCH PINPOINT ACCURACY....
It's been YEARS since I played that game but damn I was fucked up for weeks after finishing all the Tetsuo routes especially, and Sweet Pool I think was the only Nitro+Chiral game where I liked every character's route and enjoyed playing through them. Makoto a bit less so, but he made up for it in the end because WOW WHAT A BANGER on his bad route.
Again, it was my first Chiral game, so everything I played after was like "oh...this is just a copy of Makoto's type in a new setting. Oh....this is the same outcome as Zhenya with a new face. Oh...Chiral just really likes these tropes and uses them over and over again....okay." BUT HEY, I LIKE THOSE TROPES SO AT LEAST THAT.
I think my favorite part about SP though is, ironically, the fake omegaverse rep. Since I'm such a hater of A/B/O, you'd think I'd hate SP, but it's actually exactly what I'd want instead of the real omegaverse stuff I see. Please miss me with that shit on slick and pregnancy and alpha scenting, I want blood and freaky organisms living in your stomach like parasites and hallucinogens from the weird stalker guy at school. IF ONLY ALL OMEGAVERSE WAS PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR! AH....SO SAD.
Anyway, Zhenya had my favorite route at the time I played it (I cannot escape the kidnapping trope...Shiki from TnC was why I played TnC and he's my favorite Chiral character aside from Youji....), but looking back, I think all of Tetsuo's are my favorite, now. Once I got over the crippling depression of how sad all the endings were, I remembered how fucking intriguing Tetsuo's character was to me. I really like the types that are freakishly alien with their emotional expression and you never know if they're trying to hurt the MC or harm him until several layers into the story. And even then, you still don't know, because they just come off as creeps either way. It's terrifying.
I think the only element I didn't like was the fact that made the meat babies and whatever ACTUALLY REAL. I didn't want the supernatural shit or the annoying ass priest or whatever he was (I wasn't listening to DOUKA....DOUKA!!! every scene) confirming the reality of what was going on with Youji, I just wanted the psychological insanity and for Youji to actually be experiencing all this because of mental illness. I just hate supernatural or religious shit in my horror, though, so that's my own pickiness.
ANYWAY. OTHER THAN THAT! Sweet Pool will always stand out for me because it was my first, and it truly disturbed me because I didn't know people could make VNs that catered to exactly what I wanted, and at the time I was a baby to yaoi, so imagine my surprise when I discovered there was a whole world of people making the exact content I thought only I wanted to see.
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76. Hooray for Hollywood!
The transition between the last episode to THAT title, lmao
Here we enter the fourth and final season of the murdle cartoon! Featuring new characters and a lot of random shit. I very much hope you enjoy these new developments as we head towards the series finale we've all(?) been waiting for!
In finishing-the-last-few-characters news, Cryptozoologist Cloud is now active!
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It took three tries to make sure he matched Fletch's vision, and wow what a specimen. They're half Samoyed and half isopod, with some yeti crab vibes, and they're at least 90. Funny how they're a 'cryptozoologist' when WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL ARE THEY And for the debuts,
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Fletchinderat's Executive Producer Steel is just AAAUGHGH she's perfect!! The perfect money-grabbing asshole design. It's rumored she's the archnemesis of the Editor Trio!
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And here is the hilariously weak Hack Blaxton, a literal hand puppet! How is this little freak supposed to intimidate anyone? His arms don't even work! If you try to look underneath him, you'll see a person in a fullbody black suit operating the puppet. Does 'Hack Blaxton' even really exist?...
Background Marengo is one of the few that is not finished yet, although her design is essentially complete because she's a faceless mannequin! She's forced to play all the victims in the movie, and she hates it a lot...
Rain pours on a monochrome background. Crammed into an apartment about as big as his self-esteem lies Deductive Logico. He ‘drinks’ coffee, fraught with depression, and stares out the window at the crying clouds, all in black-and-white.
LOGICO: [narration] When you look at me through the window, I know the first thought that comes into your head. ‘He’s a detective’. And you’d be wrong. I, Deductive Logico, am not a detective. Not anymore. The past month of my life I dedicated to revenge, driving me through countless more insipid little cases that led to nowhere. And when I’d solved them all, I learned that the person I wanted revenge for and the person I wanted revenge on were the exact same person. And I was done. No more of this. No more silly mind games. No more chasing shadows. Detective work is over. I cannot and will not put myself through this again.
The color never returns. But a phone does ring.
His first boss.
MIDNIGHT: Would you be interested in making ‘Murdle’, a spectacular film based on your award-winning book and recent occurrences.
Logico says nothing, and just hangs there. Thoughts swirl in his head. He’s done with detective work, but is he done PLAYING a detective? But then again, this movie is based on his life… a life he does not want to re-live. 
MIDNIGHT: Never mind if it’s a good idea, let me tell you what it pays.
Logico’s pupil shrinks in amazement and he drops his phone into his coffee. A number never sounded so good. 
The theme song happens, so the color is back.
He’s at Hollywood now. 
MIDNIGHT: Good. You came. I didn’t want to get an actor. LOGICO: I AM an actor. MIDNIGHT: Also, someone is dead, so you have your favourite job too.
Some film workers are the suspects. They are called Executive Producer Steel, a cyborg woman, Hack Blaxton, an actual puppet, and Background Marengo, a sentient mannequin. And that dumb kid Smoky is there.
LOGICO: How did you get into Hollywood? SMOKY: I LOVE movies! I wanna make one myself! MARENGO: Move over. I want to get MY movie made.  BLAXTON: HAH! Good luck.
Marengo slaps him. 
LOGICO: I presume all this is some kind of publicity stunt. STEEL: [gasp] Are you for REAL? I would NEVER EVER want to sell a script. UGH. How DARE you think that way of a WOMAN. BLAXTON: I hate you, I do! The only PURPOSE of working in the movies is to sell scripts! My GOD!!!
Well, that’s their motives cleared up pretty quickly.
BLAXTON: Picture it: Background Marengo was in the Argyle Talent Agency. LOGICO: I understand what you were going for, with the ‘picture’ having to do with the film industry. But it is not working.
Damn, Logico is reverting back to his old obnoxious self...
SMOKY: Oh, wow! A film strip was at the Midnight Movie Studios. LOGICO: For one, I probably could have figured that out myself. Also, your catchphrase is terrible and annoying. 
I rest my case. But this mystery is shut tight. Like, aside from the motives, there’s close to nothing. Could this be…
Of course not! It’s only the start of the season! But how can he solve this? He’s gone through the locations over and over again… He rolls under a car and pouts.
Irratino is in his giant-ass house. He is trapped with an ankle monitor, doomed not to see the sun for a long while. He sobs hysterically into pink silken pillows as he watches telenovelas and drowns his sorrows in unhealthily large mouthfuls of cheese popcorn. His phone rings, and he forces a heavy swallow and inhales his tears back. He picks up the phone like a badass.
IRRATINO: Mom?? LOGICO: This is Logico.
Half the cheese popcorn comes back up. You can very much tell that Logico is trying to do the most pained, awkward fake smile, even though he can’t.
LOGICO: I [ahem.] [MM.] I need your help with a… with a murder. IRRATINO: H-H-H-HELLO??? HOW?? WHY? DUDE!! LOGICO: Just do your thing please… IRRATINO: Uh-huh, uh-huh! Um… [slaps himself] WAIT A SECOND! NO! NO I WILL NOT, DEDUCTIVE LOGICO! You can’t come running back to me for help now! Is it even okay for you to be calling me while I’m under house arrest??  LOGICO: Tino I don’t have time for this… IRRATINO: WHAT?? You punched me IN THE FACE, SO HARD!! I couldn’t talk normal for DAYS! [manly crying] And there is NO way, that I am just gonna DO STUFF, with the THINGS and the STUFF now!! Right??
Silence. Then, some liquid noises.
LOGICO: Did you take the phone into the bathroom. IRRATINO: NO!!! [ahem] My, uh… my tea leaves say that Steel was in the Great Park. So… BYE!
IRRATINO: …This is where you hang up now ;;
That makes Logico blush just a teeny tiny little bit. And he already knows the answer now. 
LOGICO: Why… WHY would you need to murder to sell a script? Don’t you already have a great career? BLAXTON: HA! HAHAHAHAHHAHA! I had a great career yesterday. NOBODY has a great career TOMORROW. LOGICO: Especially when they’re murderers. 
Logi gives him a tap on the head with a magnifying glass and knocks him unconscious. He probably shouldn’t have done that, but it felt so good.
The end!
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Jumpscare gacha cloud
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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n3ssier · 2 years
HELLO im bacc >;)))
So I keep lookin at your introduction post and fsr I CANT DECIDE WHAT TO PICK- I just wanted to ask like, can ya write a headcanon, but it has both Crypto from Apex and Ppl from r6? Im so super grateful that you didnt mind the emount of characters I requested last time 😭😭 i hope its bot a burden if I request again cause i kinda simp for all of the. 💀
You can just tell me if u dont wanna do this, or just scratch sum characters if its too many :)))))
Can you pleease write a ff (or headcanons, ehatevs ya wnat) where female reader LOVES hugs and is a generally super chill yet chirpy friend and as soon as she gets recruited, she becomes all friendly and tries to befriedn them and after like 1st day of meeting, she alredy sees them as her bestfriend and hugs them from behind as a goodmorning the next day-
Chars: Crypto, Echo, Vigil, Kapkan, Glaz, Jäger (Ik its all the same characters but I cant help my simping, also as i said you can not include whoever you want)
Ik its confusing and as I said before, you aint gotta write this at all💀🤚
ALSO- MOOTS? Saw that you needed friends so we can be bfs >:DD
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG :( ive had a lot going on and ive also got a job now so i have been short on time but finally got round to writing again!! i hope ya dont mind me doing some hcs and also only doing 4 out of 6 sexy men, bc i worry that if i do fanfics with them all then this will be a v long post bc ill get lowkey carried away😞 (also bc im feeling lazy rn, out here getting up 4am sleeping 12pm😭best lifestyle)
∙you two first meet on your second day on the job, and he is taken aback by how talkative you are (not in a bad way tho dwdw :)
∙the other legends don’t rlly talk to him outside of the gunfights/workplace so he just doesn’t talk to them either, which is why he was so surprised when you came up to him and tried to befriend him as soon as you’d met him
∙the pride he feels when you start asking about his gadgets goes unmatched, he tries to explain them as easily as possible but gets carried away quickly, leaving you a confused mess and him an embarrassed one as he realises how distracted he got
∙the next morning he’s making breakfast in the break room when he feels you hug him from behind, and he honestly is so tempted to put his hands on yours and stay there but he wants to play it off cool ofc so he just greets you and continues preparing his food
∙this is the EXACT moment he fell for ya
∙he never expected you to be so talkative or cheery when you joined, but he was happy nonetheless
∙will intently listen to you while smiling and give you facts if he knows any on whatever you’re talking about
∙you guys end up talking for like 3 hours just about anything, he’s kinda curious about you, and ends up asking you a bit about your life in general 
∙would make a lot of effort to help and teach you things, seen as you’re new to r6
∙when you come up to him and hug him as a good morning he chuckles before turning around to hug you back quickly and loosely
∙he could get used to this tho
∙ngl he is annoyed at first when you talk to him for the first time, he finds the chat pointless, but after an hour or so he lets his guard down
∙he never realised that chatting with people was so fun until this day, or maybe it was just something about you specifically that gave him the good time, who knows !?
∙he honestly thinks ur pretty cute talking about all the random topics that peak your interest, asking him about 1000 questions aswell
∙when he feels your arms around him the next morning he freaks out
∙tries to push you off, as much as he enjoys it sadly he is too flustered and also not used to physical contact
∙he slowly stops pushing you away the more you come up to him and the more you are hanging round with him
∙when he first meets you he thinks you’re cool asf, especially when you strike a conversation with him
∙similar to crypto, he feels so much pride when you ask about his gadgets, its like a huge ego boost
∙you guys are sooooo chatty, talking about anything and everything, but make the cutest duo
∙you listen to his rambling and he will listen intently to you back
∙there is NEVER a dull moment between you two😭
∙the other gsg9 members are just happy that he has got someone to listen to him so that they don’t have to LMAO
∙when he feels you hug him from behind the next morning he is a little bit confused but happily hugs you back in return, he definitely thinks about it for the rest of the day tho
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the way I have never once in my life liked Maeve I hate her so much, every season she’s just gets worse and worse! first she treats everyone like garbage especially did Jackson, then the whole Isaac thing even ruby by kissing otis like 3s after they ended it,so much sh*t I forgot
And now this season they way she always thinks she’s all that the smartest greatest kindest person, she really thought that internship was hers just like that then started crying and left school when she didn’t get it and she wasn’t the smartest there bc she always has to be #1
don’t even get me started on how she always gatekeepes everything everyone, Otis from Eric bc she always needs someone the fact she had Otis Aimee just waiting for hours until she was ready how she’s always expecting them Otis to do everything and be there for in drop of hat
fcvk what anyone around Otis (his mom Eric) needs only her needs matter, her problems are biggest in world she just has to have everything everyone for herself even Isaac imagine saying to her bestie u cant date/like a guy she didn’t even like and was only using to get over Otis
like what age is she 5, don’t even get me started on how she acted over Otis sleeping at rubys like she didn’t kiss him 3s after they ended it(fcvk Otis for that too) an then theres her literally having Otis for herself for a whole week without carrying for his future or his life
and now she has the audacity to talk to ruby like that and be so rude about Otis mum for inviting her for dinner, she’s so fcvking annoying why did she come back to ruin everything for everyone every time she’s on screen I wanna claw my eyes out her obnoxious rude wannabe mean
girl a88, still shocked over how she thought she was gonna get that internship over the guy she’s friends with in Wallace, now she just stalks Otis and follows him around like a puppy bc she cousins hack it and she wasn’t the best smartest at that school,who does she think she is
how is she so annoying obnoxious rude mean cruel even and still gets away with it plays on everyone feelings, is super fake and Otis becomes a whole new person when she is around like he don’t know anyone else exist like his family or friends his whole world is just Maeve thx to
Her making it that way! I’m so done I can’t believe I’m saying but thank god it’s the last season bc I couldn’t handle seeing her again ever I genuinely never dislike any character this much but my god do I hate her and yes hate is strong word but that’s exactly it haven’t hated
a character since Elena Stefan Caroline, Mary sue character who think they are the main character and the whole world revolves around them and everyone should drop everything and everyone for them and be there exists breathe just for them god I hate characters like that and now
Her, haven’t hated a character this much since 10s so for me to hate Maeve like this she has to be so awful for me to even dislike a female character she has to be the devil himself yet I hate Maeve that much not saying she would have d worded instead of her mom but exactly that
Even in🇺🇸she was so annoying obnoxious meh, ever since she said that I like complex female characters I’ve just rolled my eyed at her like who doesnt like a character like that in the mf 21th century u arent special😎for saying that having the same exact feeling as the rest of us
not only was it the most cringiest sh*t ever like it genuinely made me wanna throw up and I couldnt even look at her for that whole s1 but the way she was so proud of herself for saying that, She really acts like she’s this feminist baddie but uses that feminism to her own agenda
acts like she’s the only one with problems trauma like the rest has this perfect easy happy life she makes me so sick to my stomach, she’s so T.S it makes me 🤮 probably why I can’t stand her bc I can’t stand Taylor either! both using yt feminism for their own benefit/agenda!
sorry what exactly made her problem her dh*t bigger and more important then everyone else the way she acts like everyone in the universe has to be there for her and do everything for her, as if she’s the center of the world even then her way or it’s all wrong and she acts up cries?
2 more eps and I’m never seeing her again thank god for that! Can’t believe my hatred her is stronger then my love for the whole show the characters I love so deeply and dearly that I want it gone forever if it means I ain’t never need to see her or hear her speak ever again!
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meme-streets · 1 year
ok here's my more complete take on magnum force: it came close to being a really fascinating commentary on the original dirty harry, both film and character. it really did come close, it had the potential. but it just didn't make it.
the thing that ruins it the most for me is the ending. briggs berates harry over and over–rightfully so–for his loose cannon (read: illegal and wildly unethical) behavior, and says he's proud of never having had to draw his gun in the field. and then he's the vigilante ringleader. like what the hell? and in addition to being just kind of a stupid twist, the big problem with this is that it then ends up suggesting that harry's brand of vigilantism is the "right" kind and therefore morally correct–not to mention his weird bullshit about "sticking with the system" and "upholding the law" when they argue in the car. you know, the things he infamously doesn't do, as the entire premise of his character. briggs calls harry out for deciding he's "judge, jury, and executioner," then does the EXACT same thing, and somehow we're supposed to believe it's only bad when briggs does it. so the messaging ends up being really confused–something about how law enforcement shouldn't be above the law and how nobody is qualified to take justice solely into their own hands...unless they're harry callahan. for some damn reason.
i liked that the four rookies who are involved with the death squad all kinda fanboy over harry at the beginning, and how he's all flattered about it, and they have this nice ("nice") friendly moment comparing shooting skill and harry sees his new hope in them (and fails to be concerned about why these rookies already shoot so well). i think they should've leaned way harder into the horror of that. take briggs masterminding out, obviously, and have these four guys have been directly inspired by harry, and so that he (à la rupert from rope) has to contend with the fact that his behavior was not only wrong but had larger implications and set a precedent he didn't mean to set. would've made his whole (deeply hypocritical) spiel about how vigilantism always spirals out of control a lot more impactful.
they also made harry less of a violent asshole in this, presumably trying to make him more likable, but the fact he's almost as bad as what he's chasing was such a key aspect of his character and, again, would've really driven home the above point about comparing him to the rookie vigilantes. i wanna see him be an asshole, and then i want him to realize he's directly inspired more people to do what he does but to an even more extreme degree, and i want to see him completely freak out trying to grapple with it. (he was also much more of a gentleman romantically speaking, which...i dunno, i'm certainly not trying to root for misogyny here but it's noticeably out of character for the guy who in the previous film fucked up a stakeout to play peeping tom). i wish they hadn't softened him; he's less impactful that way.
i can't say exactly yet how i think it could be improved, but my rough thoughts are: he meets the rookies in the shooting range like in the movie, they have close to the same conversation, but they make it clear that they see him specifically as a role model and harry is very obviously flattered by this. the overall plot is roughly similar but harry roughs up some suspects trying to find information about who's doing this and then gets called out for it. give his partner smith more to do in the movie, overall, and have them argue over harry's behavior. briggs is pissed at harry's behavior, because he's actually the voice of reason here like he seems to be for most of the movie. harry starts realizing it must be a cop doing it and then starts getting REAL uneasy. then slowly starts realizing who it must be and freaks out even worse because oh god, he caused this. it's just beyond the range of something he would do but not by much. then escalate the extent of the retribution to something even harry would find reprehensible. similar confrontation with the rookie death squad as in the film but they offer him a spot more explicitly; same "i think you've misjudged me" quote but it's clearer that he's kinda doubting himself as he says it. don't know how the hell you could redo the ending without briggs, but i figure it'd work alright as a showdown with davis specifically. don't kill off early smith for no reason. keep the bomb stuff though because that was cool. definitely keep the boat chase. don't end on such a self-satisfied note but with a similar gloomy tone to the original dirty harry. just really lean into the horror of having set a precedent. nail callahan to the fucking wall.
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graveyard-darlingg · 8 months
well, i am curious about the name hades and how you decided upon it! its a very beautiful name, in my opinion
hmmm well the emoji is umm like. someone crying into their hands, i think? im pretty sure the emoji was made specifically for discord, if that helps. its like a dramatically devastated "oh no!" kind of, though it can be used in many situations. actually i have a friend who pays for my nitro (i don't ask them to, i have no idea why they do it [imagine the emoji here]) so i have so so many emojis to choose from, even an eeeeeeeeevil one bwehhewhwh
yes you do give off violent vira vibes! specifically tarantula girl and lolita, i think! also i adore god complex so so bad, i memorized all the lyrics a bit ago. it's one of my favorites. i have a somewhat good voice for singing her songs so its really nice to sing along to them. honestly id recommend basically all her songs to you, but for starters mayyyybe luka, waiting by a hospital (i dont remember if that's the exact title), and i dont care (so so so osossososoo good) which are some of my favorites. she came out with a new ep recently!!!! it's incredible, i love it so bad i wanna see her play live
yes! we do share the same timezone! its 5 now for me :D i do hope my friend shows up... ill possibly go to bed if they don't soon. its been a while since ive pulled an all nighter - i might be good at doing it but im not so good at the repercussions anymore. plus being a hypersomniac :/
im really happy to hear you had a good day! spending time with friends is wonderful! im sorry you have to go home now, though. i hope you get to see them again sometime soon
and the puppet thing! i actually don't have experience with puppetry, unfortunately. i haven't watched many puppet shows either, but the ones i have, and even the made up ones shown on tv or music videos sometimes have always intrigued me. im just too busy with my five million special interests and hyperfixation, i suppose
im glad you find me interesting! i was hoping so, you're very cool and if i came across as boring i mightve dramatically melted into a sad puddle
ummm what's your favorite color? generic question, i know. also, if you could paint one thing perfectly, what would it be? its okay if you dont have an answer!
also i think id be able to make a moodboard of the vibe you give off o.O
-🎭 (ive decided you can also call me puppet if you want :D)
starting with my alias, my middle name is actually a greek god. i loooove greek mythology so i thought the alias hades would fit with my blog theme! im very very glad you like it.
i think (??) i have a good picture of it in my head — the emoji, i mean. i could be very wrong though. alsoooo, discord nitro? very fancy if i do say so myself.
violent vira has a beautiful voice. i love how she sings. i’ll have to give those songs a listen when i get off my flight!! it’s really cool that you can sing like her!!
it’s awesome that we share the same time zone!! i’m sorry your friend hasn’t shown up though :(( all-nighters aren’t fun anymore now that i’m an adult, and neither are the repercussions. is hypersomnia where you sleep a lot? like the opposite of insomnia?
if you can recommend me some of your favorite puppet things to watch, i’d love to watch them. i actually have a few favorite puppet characters myself, though they’re from games and anime. also, i totally get the hyperfixation thing.
of course you’re interesting, dear! i don’t think i could find anyone boring. there’s so many different facets and aspects to everyone and their personality. i’m glad you think im cool though!!! that made me very happy to hear!!
hmmm, my favorite color? i’d say black but if you want to be technical, it’s not really a color, so…. blue, earthy greens, and red!! in that order actually. and if i could paint anything perfectly, i think it would be a portrait of my mom, my brother, and i. what about you?
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