#and were lucky to catch the episode repeating later
autumnrory · 1 year
just started rewatching ugly betty bc i had read some v excellent betty/daniel fic i thought recently but i guess it was a couple years ago lol, i just couldn’t follow everything, because i didn’t remember all the characters/plots that well ANYWAY from what i remember idt i really thought of betty/daniel romantically until the end of the series, i remember liking her with henry before he became a shit (at least i’m pretty sure that’s what happened, i haven’t watched since this show since it ended 13 years ago) but other than that there’s not TOO much that sticks with me, i just know i loved the ending but ofc was left wanting more at the time but ya while i think i was reading fic on ff.net in 2010 there were only a few things i would’ve been searching for at that point SO once i get through the series i’m gonna have so much fun bc i read 3 fics from that author and they’ve published like 12 more stories this year and i’m gonna be able to understand them so much better, but yeah just now rewatching the pilot i’m like oh my god how did i not immediately love them i mean obviously daniel was a dick but he apologized and at the end of the ep he’s watching her fondly and i’m just ahhhh over them already bc i know the romantic aspect aside there’s such excellent growth in them and their relationship and i can’t wait to watch it play out
#ik there will be the storylines i DON'T love and ofc rebecca romijn playing a trans woman#and i'm sure loads of transphobia in her storyline itself#but yeah like i remember the characters fondly and everything but so much is of course gone from my head#also obvs it at least got a proper finale which is something but i wonder if it would've gone longer if not for the writers strike#i need to add all the things i watched in that period of time to my watchlist bc there's a lot i loved#and some i drifted away from bc that was in the time where like you had to watch it live#and were lucky to catch the episode repeating later#so like i stopped watching bones and heroes and supernatural (actually not sure i got past season 1 of supernatural at the time#though...i should not have been watching that at 10 probably lol and ofc i later watched it through in college then stopped again#so. i still have to actually finish that eventually)#and then pushing daisies i THINK i watched all of#but i remember they had like the last few episodes air after ages and ages or something and i'm not sure i got to watch them#once it got to like 2009/2010 i was able to watch stuff online though all i remember is starting glee from the beginning a little bit late#maybe still in season 1 just the first episodes idk but it was only 72 minutes at a time and it was the WOOOORST#love having everything at my fingertips now lol for the most part anyway#but yeah other than like one tree hill and gg and charmed most things from the mid-2000s i have not watched since then so#i gotta think of what else there is bc much as i love it i do not actually need to rewatch gg every year
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masterqwertster · 1 year
So I love your writing, especially the prompt thing you've been doing recently. I'm super curious on what you think it would look like after the last little fic with Ashton and Orym, since they have no healers.
Maybe #6, #19 or #27, if you haven't done those or are okay with repeats? With Orym having to accept Ashton and Laudna's help until they can find a way to heal him, since it doesn't seem like he can even lift his arms? Or even accepting help from the other three traveling with them right now.
Or maybe for another focus, Laudna being panicked and scared about him being hurt and almost losing them both, but also worried about Imogen, so she's projecting onto Ashton and Orym to feel in control and maybe a little too pushy about helping him heal and making sure Ashton is alright too.
Thanks! 🤗
Alright, last one for this prompt list (for now) Sorry this one took a while. The prompt decided to fight me, but I got that sucker in the end! 6 "Don't move, you're still hurt." 19 "You need to eat something." Gonna pass on 27 "I'm going to carry you, okay?" since I've done Ashton and Orym both separately and together on that one. And since episode 63 was a whole thing, this references that, just the tiniest bit. Also, my brain decided this is a canon adjacent where Orym, Laudna, and Ashton are off on their own having split from their guests. So it's just the three of them in this little fic. A follow up to this one.
Laudna clutches her boys close.
For a bleak while there, she thought she'd lost them. How could she have gone back to Fearne, to Fresh Cut Grass, and told them their best friends didn't make it? That her reflexes hadn't been fast enough to catch them in a life-saving Feather Fall? And what about her, left alone without her family?
Lucky her, they managed to save themselves.
There's even the pleasant surprise of Ashton returning the hug, pinning her and Orym to their chest. Laudna really does enjoy hugs from the genasi when they're willing. Just the reassuring weight to their arms, the seemingly unshakable solidity to their body and presence, juxtaposed with the absolute care and gentleness they handle her with. Sometimes she'd swear there's nothing more grounding than an Ashton hug.
A hiss escapes the group hug, sending Laudna scrambling backwards as Ashton's arms spring open.
With that space, she fully takes her boys in, almost immediately spotting the problem: Orym's arms look a dreadful mess. Bright red and swollen at the joints, and dislocated too, if she's any judge (and she is, with as often as her own joints will pop out of place).
"Oh. Oh, that doesn't look good at all. Hold still, give me a moment," Laudna worries, hands going into the motions for a Wither and Bloom. Healing is hardly her specialty, but this spell can heal. It doesn't have to kill hurt.
And it's not as much healing as what Fresh Cut Grass or Fearne could provide if they were here, but it is some measure of healing. The worst of the swelling reduces, the redness recedes some, and some nasty cracks and snaps indicate that all the bones have popped back into their sockets.
"Wait," Orym pants out as Laudna's hands begin the motions for a second casting. "S-save the magic. We might n-need it later."
Laudna bites her lip. She really thinks Orym should take a second round of healing, even if it does bring her magic reserves down to uncomfortably-low-should-another-fight-occur. Because it's either her magic or one of their few potions to get the halfling into something better approximating working order.
"Heal him," Ashton commands, cutting through the indecision.
Orym splutters as Laudna quickly completes the spell, trying to be indignant about the used resources even as the tension in his body relaxes a bit more from the second dose of healing.
"Can you hold your shit, or does Laudna need to hit you again?" Ashton demands, no room to lie or evade in their gaze.
With a stubborn jut to his chin, Orym picks up his sword and shield. He only slightly fumbles stowing them away on his back, earning a grunt of approval.
"Alright, let's keep moving," the genasi says, groaning a bit as they lever themself back onto their feet.
"Are you okay?" Laudna has to ask. It can be a little tricky to tell when Ashton is vocalizing his chronic pain or a current injury.
"I'm good," Ashton says, rolling his shoulders and flexing his hands a bit, producing a barely audible popping that Laudna’s fairly certain wouldn’t be audible at all if his body wasn't made of stone. "After all, I'm not the one who caught, like, ten times their body weight and still some-fucking-how held on."
"Are you complaining?" Orym raises an eyebrow at them.
"Nah. Just saying you absolutely fucking needed the healing after doing something that crazy," Ashton easily explains, flicking the halfling's ear.
Orym grumbles, but lets it go.
Laudna, for her part, is very glad Orym managed such an impossible feat, even at great cost to himself. Certainly, having Ashton handle their own weight is always the better option, but needs must. And they obviously got around to it quick enough, since Orym's arms are still attached and the boys did haul themselves back up the cliff.
And maybe, maybe, Laudna spends the rest of the day hovering and worrying. Even though her boys are perfectly fine besides Orym's sore arms, Ashton's sore everything and there's really no need to worry. They're quite capable and can handle themselves. She's seen them in action, so of course she knows that. There's really no need-
"Here. Eat," Ashton grunts, shoving a bowl of stew into her anxiously wringing hands.
"Oh. Oh. I'm alright," Laudna demurs, even as her fingers curl around the warm bowl.
"Eat," Ashton demands again. "I know you don't need much, but you still need some. 'Sides, food is energy and you need to regain yours for-" and he wiggles and flicks his fingers at Orym in what is actually a half-decent impression of her casting Wither and Bloom.
And well. When they put it like that.
Laudna eats her stew.
As they settle down for sleep and watch, Laudna hits Orym with another Wither and Bloom, getting a little sigh of relief from the halfling. Then she spins one last one on Ashton as well for good measure.
"Good night," Ashton intones as almost a threat, flipping her off good-naturedly. And they resettle in their seat, obviously feeling some relief from her spell as well.
"Good night~" she sing-songs back, curling into her bedroll. Her boys live (she can hear them breathing), and soon, all of Bells Hells will be together again.
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
Scripts - S07 - Episode 5
Dates with the boys
NARRATOR: Welcome back to Love Island, where the girls are about to go on dates with each of the guys. I had four dates at once a few months ago. Turns out the pages of my day calendar were stuck together. Let’s see how the Islanders handle the real thing!
Excitement is in the air about today’s dates with the boys.
SUMMER_HAPPY: I can’t wait for these dates!
SUMMER_IDLE: I’ve already gotten pretty close with one of the boys…
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Now I can get even closer.
Hype her up
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yes, Summer! It’s what we’re here for.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I love dates and chatting so I’m buzzing.
UMA_FLIRTY: Me too. Though sometimes I need to rein in the chat.
UMA_HAPPY: Can’t have them falling for me straight away. I like the chase.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Speak for yourself. I want them to fall in love instantly. I can’t help but turn heads.
BONNIE_HAPPY: You’re not the only one…
BONNIE_FLIRTY: {0} nearly gave the boys whiplash. And who can blame them…
BONNIE_IDLE: {0} nearly gave the boys whiplash.
Play it cool
PLAYER_IDLE: It’ll be a good chance to get to know them better.
BONNIE_HAPPY: And for them to get to know all of us. It’s good to stay open.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: You never know who you might have a spark with.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Exactly, it’s early days.
SUMMER_IDLE: Well, I’m not going to waste time.
UMA_HAPPY: I’m with Summer on this. I’m going for what I want.
Crack a joke
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’d like to get even closer to a large pizza but I’ll take the dates I guess.
The girls laugh.
UMA_HAPPY: I’ll take peppers on mine. You know I always bring the heat…
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Well, I’ll take a slice and work it on the dates too.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Summer has the right idea.
The boys are excitedly chatting amongst themselves.
BONNIE_HAPPY: You lucky boys get to go on dates with all of us.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Dates! Dates! Dates!
Rafael laughs at Bryson’s chant and joins in!
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Dates! Dates! Dates!
Bryson and Rafael do cannonballs into the pool, splashing Alex and Joyo.
JOYO_HAPPY: That’s fine, mate. I needed a shower anyway.
UMA_FLIRTY: Good idea, boys. Cool off now, because it’s gonna get hot on these dates.
Flirt it up
PLAYER_FLIRTY: If you boys need help towelling off, I’m available.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: If I’d known that was an option, I’d have jumped in as soon as I got to Casa!
ALEX_FLIRTY: Kinda wishing I’d jumped in too now.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: It’s not too late!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Well, I’m not going to stay here and get soaked by you lot.
UMA_HAPPY: Yeah, you two can dry yourselves off. We have dates to get ready for!
You and the girls head off to the dressing room.
Jump in the pool!
You run and jump into the pool! You emerge to find the boys grinning at you.
BRYSON_HAPPY: That’s one way to make a splash, {0}!
RAFAEL_HAPPY: That was epic. Perfect form.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I hear that a lot.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Wait till you see my backstroke.
UMA_HAPPY: Save your strokes for later, {0}. We need to get ready!
SUMMER_HAPPY: And you need to dry off!
You playfully splash Rafael and Bryson and hop out of the pool.
Uma hands you a towel and you walk with the girls back to the dressing room.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’m loving how precise you are with your lipgloss, Summer.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Making sure they’re in top form for these dates.
She blows the girls a kiss.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Won’t be the first kiss you’ve had, huh?
UMA_SURPRISED: Really? With who?
SUMMER_HAPPY: My lips are sealed.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You’re not going to dish?
BONNIE_HAPPY: Come on! Give us the goss!
SUMMER_IDLE: Well, you’re not hearing anything else about it from me.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Though maybe you’ll catch a repeat performance on the dates today.
UMA_HAPPY: When I lips someone, you’ll all know about it.
UMA_FLIRTY: The lucky guy’ll be bragging to all of Casa!
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’d for sure tell you girls if I kissed someone.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: These dates are gonna get full on from the sound of it.
UMA_HAPPY: I’m going to use these dates to get a feel for these boys and see who’s the whole package.
UMA_FLIRTY: I’m looking for more than just looks. Though they’ve certainly got those!
UMA_HAPPY: I’m trying to find the other half of my power couple.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah, I want to really get to know them and what makes them tick.
BONNIE_IDLE: There’s barely been time to pull them for chats.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: You all know how I’m going to play it.
BONNIE_HAPPY: You’re nothing if not consistent, Summer.
BONNIE_IDLE: What’s your game plan for the dates, {0}?
I’m going deep
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m going deep with these boys.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s been fun so far but it’s time to get real.
PLAYER_IDLE: I want to get past the superficial stuff and find out what they’re looking for in a partner.
UMA_HAPPY: Agreed, {0}!
Flirt factor 50!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Summer’s got the right idea. I’m going to lay it on Factor 50! I’m keeping it fun and flirty today.
PLAYER_HAPPY: There’s plenty of time to get serious later.
SUMMER_HAPPY: My feelings exactly.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Save the deep chats for when we make it back to the villa.
I’m not telling
PLAYER_IDLE: I think I’ll keep that to myself.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Summer’s not the only one with secrets.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Finally! Someone’s spicing things up besides me!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Can’t wait to see what moves you’ve got up your sleeve.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You’ll love them.
UMA_HAPPY: Ok, but the real question is what are you going to wear, {0}?!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Wow! That is stunning, {0}.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: That is absolutely the look.
UMA_FLIRTY: We’re going to have to drag the boys away from you for our dates.
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m fine with this.
UMA_SURPRISED: Really? These dates are kind of a big deal.
UMA_SERIOUS: We all need to bring it.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Right! Show them how hot you are, {0}.
I’m fine in this
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m going to stick with this.
UMA_HAPPY: If you’re happy, that’s what matters.
UMA_HAPPY: Unless Summer needs to put on <i>more</i> lipgloss, let’s go wow our dates!
SUMMER_HAPPY: Just one more touch-up!
SUMMER_HAPPY: Date time!
Everyone leaves the dressing room, ready to get their date on!
You and the girls walk out onto the lawn, where the boys are waiting.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Pumped you’re finally here, girls. I’ve been wasting perfectly good chat on these lads.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: I wouldn’t worry about you running out of things to say, Bryson.
You notice that {0} is eying you.
{0}_HAPPY: You look incredible, {1}.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Thanks, {0}.
JOYO_HAPPY: How about we kick off these dates, then?
The boys sit down at tables for two. Uma and Summer go to join them as Bonnie pulls you aside.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: I think this is the perfect time to find out about the kiss.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I have to know who it was.
BONNIE_SAD: You should see if you can find out on the dates! A little secret mission.
BONNIE_IDLE: So see what you can find out from the boys. It will be fun!
BONNIE_HAPPY: You’re so good at getting people to open up.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: It’s one of the reasons I like you.
Alex calls over to you.
ALEX_HAPPY: Bonnie, stop stealing my date!
BONNIE_HAPPY: She’s all yours, Alex!
Bonnie gives you a flirty wink.
Bonnie gives you a warm smile.
BONNIE_HAPPY: We’ll talk later, {0}.
You sit down at the first table, where Alex is waiting.
ALEX_FLIRTY: What were you and Bonnie whispering about?
PLAYER_IDLE: Umm, there’s a rumour going around…
ALEX_IDLE: About Summer kissing someone?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Yeah, do you know anything about that?
ALEX_IDLE: It’s not really my place to say anything about it.
PLAYER_IDLE: Fair enough.
ALEX_IDLE: To be honest, I’m not even sure there was a kiss.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: What do you mean?
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: Well, it just seems like it was blown out of proportion.
ALEX_IDLE: From what I’ve heard it was pretty innocent.
ALEX_HAPPY: But enough about rumours.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I want to focus on you.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’m glad we finally get to have a date.
ALEX_IDLE: Although, as I said last night, I like to cook for my dates. Though I would have planned something a little different.
PLAYER_IDLE: Oh? What kind of date would you have taken me on?
ALEX_HAPPY: I love to cook for my dates.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I would have whipped up a feast so delicious that you’d fall for me at first taste.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’re very confident in your cooking skills!
ALEX_HAPPY: You’ll understand once you taste my food.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Which’ll hopefully be very soon.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: What’s on the menu?
ALEX_HAPPY: Your favourite!
Fish and chips
PLAYER_HAPPY: I never pass up fish & chips.
ALEX_HAPPY: A classic.
ALEX_IDLE: And it just so happens to be my specialty.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I’m friends with the fishmonger and he saves me the best pieces.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I guess it pays to have connections. Do you have a potato guy too?
ALEX_SURPRISED: Of course! You don’t?!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Proper napoli pizza of course. That thin base covered in sauce is dream worthy.
ALEX_HAPPY: You’re in luck, that’s my specialty.
ALEX_IDLE: My mate and I built a wood-burning pizza oven in his back garden.
ALEX_FLIRTY: And my dough tossing technique is exceptional.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Impressive.
ALEX_FLIRTY: It’s all in the wrist.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Nothing better than a curry.
ALEX_HAPPY: Couldn’t agree more.
ALEX_FLIRTY: And it just so happens to be my specialty.
ALEX_HAPPY: I love trying different recipes and spices.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You like it spicy?
ALEX_FLIRTY: Spicier the better. That goes for everything though, right?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Defo have to try yours then.
ALEX_HAPPY: Maybe you’ll get to…
PLAYER_HAPPY: You must cook a lot.
ALEX_IDLE: Yeah, it’s a great way to relax at the end of the day.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’m also big on working out and meditating to clear my head.
ALEX_IDLE: Then there’s my favourite way to destress…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m sure I can guess what that is.
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: Oh, no, that’s not what I—
Alex laughs, flustered.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’m a big dog lover.
ALEX_IDLE: In my free time I build kennels and obstacle courses for the pups at my local shelter.
That’s so sweet!
PLAYER_IDLE: That’s so sweet and caring.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It’s defo a green flag to hear about your softer side.
ALEX_IDLE: I love making their lives better.
ALEX_HAPPY: And nothing takes your mind off things like playing with a puppy.
I’m not a big fan of dogs
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not really a dog person.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m more of a people person.
ALEX_IDLE: Well, that works out. Because I’m people. Err, a person.
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: You get what I mean.
What will you build me?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Interesting. What would you build for <i>me</i>?
ALEX_FLIRTY: Anything you want.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Maybe something roomier than a kennel.
ALEX_HAPPY: Ah, so an obstacle course. Don’t worry, I’ll make yours advanced.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I can handle it. Those golden retrievers don’t stand a chance.
ALEX_HAPPY: So let’s see. We’ve covered what I like to cook and what I do in my free time. Is there anything else in particular you want to know?
Tell me an embarrassing story
PLAYER_IDLE: I’d love to know your most embarrassing story.
ALEX_SURPRISED: I’ve never been asked that on a date before.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: First time for everything.
ALEX_HAPPY: Ha. I guess so.
ALEX_IDLE: I was trying to impress this girl I liked. We were at the local swimming pool.
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: I dived into the pool and well. I lost my trunks.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I wasn’t aware that kind of thing happened in real life.
ALEX_HAPPY: Still managed to get a date with the girl though.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Sounds like she was pretty charmed.
Surprise me
PLAYER_HAPPY: I like surprises, so you pick. Tell me anything you want.
ALEX_HAPPY: I think raccoons are adorable.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t that.
Keep some mystery and don’t ask anything
PLAYER_FLIRTY: No, I want to keep some mystery.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I like a bit of mystery too. Must be why I enjoy chatting with you.
Alex smiles at you.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’m actually having a really good time.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You sound surprised.
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: No, I just thought I’d be more bothered after Raunchy Races.
ALEX_SERIOUS: You know, about Estelle’s antics over in the main villa.
ALEX_HAPPY: But I’m not at all. I feel fine.
ALEX_IDLE: I think maybe that’s a sign that I’m just not that into her.
PLAYER_IDLE: Do you think you might be into someone else?
ALEX_FLIRTY: Yeah, I think I might be…
Alex looks deep into your eyes.
ALEX_HAPPY: I kinda don’t want this date to end.
*Let’s keep it going!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It doesn’t have to. Let’s keep it going.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I’m into that.
Let’s finish up
PLAYER_HAPPY: All good things must come to an end.
PLAYER_IDLE: Time for me to move on to the next boy.
ALEX_IDLE: Are you sure? The others are still chatting.
ALEX_HAPPY: And I’d love to spend more time with you.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Why don’t we make the most of the moment?
*We should seize the moment!
PLAYER_IDLE: You’re right. Let’s make the most of the moment.
ALEX_HAPPY: Amazing.
I’m done
PLAYER_IDLE: I think I’m done with this date.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m sure another girl will be along soon.
ALEX_IDLE: Well, I enjoyed it while it lasted.
ALEX_HAPPY: Hopefully we can spend more time together later.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Thanks for a great date, {0}.
PLAYER_HAPPY: See you later!
You move on to the next table, where Bryson is waiting for you.
Alex leans in closer.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I can’t imagine any of the dates will top this one for me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You might as well go take a nap on the daybeds.
ALEX_HAPPY: Wouldn’t mind that…
ALEX_FLIRTY: Especially if you joined me.
ALEX_HAPPY: It’d be nice to get to wake up next to you twice in one day. You’re really turning my head, {0}.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I mean, you’re obviously gorgeous.
ALEX_HAPPY: But there’s so much more to you than looks.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I’ve loved getting to know your fun side.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’ve been told I have a flirty side too.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Oh yeah? I’d like to see that too.
Feed him a strawberry
PLAYER_HAPPY: Do you like strawberries?
ALEX_FLIRTY: Love ‘em.
You pick up a chocolate-covered strawberry and feed it to Alex.
ALEX_HAPPY: Delicious.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Gotta say, I like this side of you too.
Offer him a hand massage
You take Alex’s hands in yours.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Your hands work so hard. They deserve some love.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Won’t argue with that.
You massage Alex’s strong hands, one at a time.
You work your way from his wrist to fingertips, rubbing his palms and caressing his fingers.
ALEX_HAPPY: That felt amazing.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Gotta say, I like this side of you too.
Make a flirty joke
PLAYER_HAPPY: Why do carpenters make the best lovers?
ALEX_HAPPY: I mean, I can think of a few reasons.
ALEX_IDLE: Attention to detail?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: No, ‘cause they know how to <i>build</i> to a climax.
Alex laughs.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Can’t argue with that.
ALEX_HAPPY: Gotta say, I like this side of you too.
Not right now
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m not up for showing that side of me just now.
ALEX_IDLE: Totally fair.
ALEX_HAPPY: Hopefully some day I get to see it.
ALEX_IDLE: I’m glad we got to spend a little more time together.
ALEX_HAPPY: I know you need to move on, {0}.
ALEX_FLIRTY: But I’d regret it if I didn’t try to kiss you before our date ended.
Kiss me!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I wouldn’t want you to have any regrets.
PLAYER_HAPPY: So you should definitely kiss me.
You look around and see the others preoccupied with their dates. Alex leans across the table and runs his fingers through your hair, pressing his lips against yours. You close your eyes and feel his soft lips as he kisses you passionately. Slowly, you both pull away. You open your eyes and see Alex smiling at you.
ALEX_HAPPY: No regrets here.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I’ll be thinking about that all day.
ALEX_HAPPY: Hope we can spend more time together tonight.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Thanks for a great date, {0}.
PLAYER_HAPPY: See you later!
You move on to the next table, where Bryson is waiting for you.
Let’s not
PLAYER_IDLE: Let’s not right now.
ALEX_HAPPY: That’s totally fine.
ALEX_HAPPY: Hopefully we can spend more time together later.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Thanks for a great date, {0}.
PLAYER_HAPPY: See you later!
You move on to the next table, where Bryson is waiting for you.
Bryson pulls out your chair and you sit down.
PLAYER_HAPPY: How chivalrous.
BRYSON_IDLE: Joyo’s not the only gentleman here.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I’ve got bants and manners.
PLAYER_IDLE: But do you have info?
BRYSON_FLIRTY: What kind are you looking for?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Just curious what you know about Summer’s kiss.
BRYSON_IDLE: It’s not my place to say anything.
PLAYER_IDLE: Fair enough.
BRYSON_IDLE: I’ve heard both sides of it.
PLAYER_IDLE: What do you think?
BRYSON_HAPPY: Jury’s still out, but either way, I’m a sucker for a bit of drama.
BRYSON_IDLE: Between you and me, I reckon the boy involved could be playing it down.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Yeah, but I’ll leave the rest for you to figure out for yourself.
Bryson gives you a charming grin.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Have to admit, I was a little jealous watching you talk to Alex.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: I couldn’t wait for you to come join me. I want to get to know you more.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You’re in a flirty mood, aren’t you?
BRYSON_HAPPY: Guess Raunchy Races had that effect on me.
BRYSON_IDLE: I think it may have made Willow feel the same.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Are you ok with that?
BRYSON_SERIOUS: Yeah, I’m not really surprised.
BRYSON_IDLE: There was some unresolved tension between us before I left for Casa.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I’m glad we’re both moving on to be honest.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Cause I’m ready to focus on new connections.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Oh? Have you found any?
BRYSON_FLIRTY: There may be someone I’m feeling… You wanna guess who?
Me, obviously
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well it’s me of course.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: I like your vibe for sure. You’re definitely a head turner.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Bet you say that to all the girls.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Nah, only the really, really good looking ones.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I’m joking obviously, I’ve saved my best compliments just for you.
No idea
PLAYER_IDLE: I have no clue Bryson.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: No idea at all?
PLAYER_HAPPY: The way you’re looking at me makes me think you’re talking about me.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: You’re a worldie, there’s no denying it.
Just tell me
PLAYER_HAPPY: Just tell me Bryson, I have other dates to go on.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Those other dates won’t compare to this one though. Because we’re vibing.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Does that mean I’m who you’re feeling?
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Maybe it means I want to do something special with you.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I want to throw a party just to celebrate how great this date’s going.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: There’s already a party tonight.
PLAYER_SAD: Well, a losers’ party anyway!
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Well, that’s convenient!
BRYSON_HAPPY: I’m actually pretty pumped for later.
BRYSON_IDLE: Especially since we won Raunchy Races.
BRYSON_HAPPY: This party is going to go off!
BRYSON_IDLE: So what if we didn’t win Raunchy Races?
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Getting to party with you is the only prize I want anyway.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Then I guess you’re a winner after all.
BRYSON_HAPPY: It feels that way right now.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: I’m looking forward to getting to know you more.
BRYSON_IDLE: And where better to do that than a party?
PLAYER_HAPPY: So you’re the King of Rizz and the King of Parties?
BRYSON_HAPPY: Long may I reign!
BRYSON_IDLE: I love to party hard.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Especially if I have someone like you to party with. What’s your vibe at parties, {0}?
I dance all night
PLAYER_HAPPY: You can find me on the dance floor all night.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I bet you’ve got some incredible moves, {0}.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Can’t wait to see them later.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Maybe I’ll save you a dance.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I hope you do.
Queen of chat
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m the queen of chat at parties.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I work the room and talk to everyone.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Love that.
Playing all the games
PLAYER_HAPPY: If there’s a game, I’m playing it.
PLAYER_IDLE: Beer pong, charades, duck duck goose.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m always down to play!
BRYSON_HAPPY: Love a girl who’s got game!
Find me by the food
PLAYER_HAPPY: Look for the food and you’ll find me there.
PLAYER_IDLE: I always snag the best snacks.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Save some for me!
PLAYER_HAPPY: No promises.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Now I’m really ready to party.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Well, you’ll have to wait till tonight.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: What if we keep this date going and have a pre-party party?
*I’m RSVPing yes!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m defo RSVPing yes to this party!
BRYSON_HAPPY: You’re my guest of honour!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m your only guest!
No, I’ll party later
PLAYER_IDLE: Nah, I’ll party later.
BRYSON_IDLE: But later everyone will be there.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: This is our chance for a private party.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Sure you don’t want to sneak in a little more time together?
*Let’s party
PLAYER_HAPPY: On second thought, I’m RSVPing yes to this party!
BRYSON_HAPPY: You’re my guest of honour!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m your only guest!
I’m partied out
PLAYER_IDLE: I think I’m partied out for the moment.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I should move on to my next date.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Sounds good. Let’s save our energy for the real thing.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: See you later, Party King.
You get up and walk over to the next table for your date with Joyo.
PLAYER_HAPPY: So what have you planned for this pre-party party?
BRYSON_EMBARRASSED: Err, coming up with the idea was kinda as far as I got planning wise.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: I thought you were the King of Parties?!
BRYSON_HAPPY: I am! But even a King needs a party planning committee.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Got any ideas, {0}?
Let’s dance
You stand up and extend your hand to Bryson.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Can I have this dance, Bryson?
Bryson jumps up and starts beatboxing. You both start dancing. You show off your best moves and Bryson tries to keep up.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: You weren’t kidding when you said you had moves!
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Wow, you’ve got some moves, {0}!
You take a bow, then you and Bryson sit back down.
I propose a toast
PLAYER_IDLE: What’s a party without a toast?
You raise your glass.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Brilliant. What should we toast to?
Finding love!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Let’s toast to finding love this summer.
PLAYER_IDLE: Here’s to finding someone who makes your heart skip a beat.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I hope we each find our soulmates here.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: They may be right in front of us…
You and Bryson clink glasses and sip.
Fun and friends!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Let’s toast to making friends and having fun!
PLAYER_IDLE: Here’s to this being the best summer ever!
BRYSON_HAPPY: I think it already is!
BRYSON_FLIRTY: After all, you’re here.
You and Bryson clink glasses and sip.
To me!
PLAYER_HAPPY: We should toast to the person who’s the talk of Casa.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: I’ll cheers to that.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Here’s to {0}!
BRYSON_FLIRTY: You turned everything on its head when you came in.
BRYSON_HAPPY: In the best way possible.
You and Bryson clink glasses and sip.
We should play a prank on Joyo
PLAYER_HAPPY: We should prank Joyo.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Yes! That’s genius.
BRYSON_IDLE: We were always playing jokes on each other in the villa.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Still need to get him back for hiding all my underwear.
PLAYER_IDLE: Sounds chilly.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Yeah, I like my buns hot, not frozen.
Bryson’s eyes light up with an idea.
BRYSON_IDLE: Joyo’s afraid of spiders.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Let’s pretend that there's a huge spider on him!
You turn toward Joyo’s table, where he is chatting with Summer. You scream!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: OMG! Joyo, there’s a massive spider on your head!
Joyo jumps up and swats at his head.
JOYO_SURPRISED: Ahh! Get it off! Get it off!
Joyo hops around, shaking his hair.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Now it’s on the ground!
Joyo jumps on his chair.
JOYO_SAD: Where is it? Keep it away from me!
You and Bryson start laughing. Joyo realises you’re messing with him.
JOYO_IDLE: Ha ha. Very funny.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I agree. That was hilarious.
Joyo climbs off his chair and resumes his date with Summer.
PLAYER_HAPPY: The look on his face!
BRYSON_HAPPY: Priceless. That’ll teach him.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: I hope the party tonight is as fun as this one.
BRYSON_SAD: Shame it’s almost over.
BRYSON_HAPPY: But you know, the best way to end a party is with a kiss.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Should we finish this pre-party party with a kiss?
We should end it with a kiss
PLAYER_FLIRTY: We should end this party right.
You place your thumb on Bryson’s chin and guide his lips to yours. Bryson rests his hand on the back of your neck as he kisses you. You pull him closer to you, feeling his muscular back under your fingers. He gently caresses your neck as you part, Bryson grins.
BRYSON_HAPPY: That was the perfect ending.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Hope we can spend more time together tonight.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: See you later, Party King.
You get up and walk over to the next table for your date with Joyo.
Party’s over
PLAYER_IDLE: Nah, the party’s over.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I should move on to my next date.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Catch you tonight.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: See you later, Party King.
You get up and walk over to the next table for your date with Joyo.
Joyo lights up as you sit down.
JOYO_HAPPY: I was hoping you’d be my next date, {0}.
JOYO_IDLE: Not that I didn’t enjoy my dates with Uma and Summer.
JOYO_HAPPY: But it feels so natural when you and I are together.
PLAYER_IDLE: Speaking of Summer, I heard she kissed someone…
JOYO_IDLE: Yeah, I know all about it.
JOYO_SERIOUS: But I can’t really say anything.
JOYO_IDLE: Don’t want to embarrass anyone involved.
JOYO_FLIRTY: Anyway, this date is about you and me.
JOYO_HAPPY: I heard that too.
JOYO_IDLE: The girl knows what she wants.
JOYO_IDLE: She was sending some pretty flirty signals on our date.
JOYO_HAPPY: But I don’t want to waste time talking about that.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I’d rather get to know you better.
JOYO_HAPPY: The boys and I all agreed that you were the MVP of Raunchy Races.
JOYO_FLIRTY: And I’m not just saying that because you picked me as Sexiest Islander.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Where’s my trophy?
JOYO_HAPPY: No trophy, just the title and my eternal respect.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I guess that’s good too.
PLAYER_IDLE: How are you feeling after the challenge?
JOYO_IDLE: I’m feeling good.
JOYO_HAPPY: Like I finally have clarity.
JOYO_IDLE: Yeah, now I know that the thing between me and Geri has fizzled out.
JOYO_SERIOUS: It may have been a mistake to begin with.
JOYO_IDLE: Stealing her from Bryson created unnecessary beef.
JOYO_SERIOUS: But at the time, I thought I wanted a fun summer romance.
PLAYER_IDLE: And what do you want now?
JOYO_HAPPY: I’m realising that I want something real.
JOYO_IDLE: And maybe I don’t have that with Geri.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sounds like it’s time for a new approach.
PLAYER_IDLE: How are you going to play it?
JOYO_HAPPY: You’ll have to wait and see.
JOYO_FLIRTY: Though I may have my eye on someone…
JOYO_HAPPY: The other eye is looking for spiders thanks to you and Bryson.
JOYO_IDLE: Gotta say, pranks are much more endearing when you’re pulling them.
JOYO_FLIRTY: Your mischievous side is charming, {0}.
JOYO_HAPPY: I have a similar side myself.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’ve heard! If I can’t find my underwear I’ll know who to ask. Wait, that came out wrong!
JOYO_FLIRTY: But don’t worry, your underwear is safe with me.
PLAYER_IDLE: That’s good to hear.
A bug lands on Joyo’s shoulder and he swats it away.
JOYO_HAPPY: I love the outdoors, but not the bugs.
JOYO_IDLE: I’m more of a glamper than a camper.
JOYO_HAPPY: I like a fancy cabin or luxe yurt.
I’m a glamper too
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m a glamper too.
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not into roughing it.
JOYO_IDLE: Exactly. You can enjoy the outdoors and still have plumbing and electricity.
JOYO_HAPPY: I also don’t want to wake up next to a bear.
I like roughing it
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m more of a camper.
PLAYER_IDLE: Give me a tent or a sleeping bag under the stars and I’m happy.
JOYO_HAPPY: Sleeping under the stars might be bearable if you were in the sleeping bag with me.
JOYO_IDLE: Though I’m still not bathing in a river.
I hate the outdoors
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Not sure why they’re called the great outdoors.
PLAYER_SAD: They seem terrible to me.
JOYO_HAPPY: I like beautiful scenery, but there are plenty of ways to enjoy it.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, like looking out a window.
JOYO_IDLE: I spend a lot of time outside for work, so I like to splurge in my free time.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I love a swanky club for a night out.
JOYO_HAPPY: I’m not into sticky floors and cheap drinks.
Yes! The swankier the better!
PLAYER_HAPPY: The swankier the club, the better!
PLAYER_IDLE: I want fancy cocktails and even fancier people.
JOYO_HAPPY: I’m glad you appreciate the finer things like I do.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I could tell you had a classy side.
I love a pub
PLAYER_IDLE: I love just going out to the pub.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I don’t need anything fancy. Besides, the sticky floors and cheap drinks are part of the charm.
JOYO_HAPPY: I guess there is a certain charm to a pub.
JOYO_IDLE: Especially if you’re there.
I can party anywhere
PLAYER_HAPPY: I can party anywhere, a fancy club or a dirty bar.
PLAYER_IDLE: I have fun no matter where I am.
JOYO_HAPPY: Love that attitude, {0}.
JOYO_FLIRTY: You absolutely bring the party.
JOYO_HAPPY: But the most important thing is good music.
JOYO_IDLE: What’d be on your playlist?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I love rock music.
PLAYER_IDLE: Give me a song I can jump around in the mosh pit too.
JOYO_HAPPY: A rock chick, huh? I like it.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I love pop music.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Give me something I can dance to!
JOYO_HAPPY: A pop princess, huh? I like it.
Hip Hop
PLAYER_HAPPY: Hip hop is a bit of me!
PLAYER_IDLE: Give me something with a beat and I’m happy.
JOYO_HAPPY: Same. It’s always a vibe.
JOYO_HAPPY: I’m glad we got to spend more one-on-one time together.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I’ll be honest. I’m not ready for this to end.
*We should sneak more time!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Let’s sneak some more time.
I’m ready for it to end
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I think I’m ready for it to end.
PLAYER_IDLE: I still have one more date to get to.
JOYO_SURPRISED: Are you sure?
JOYO_SAD: I feel like we’re really connecting.
JOYO_FLIRTY: Want to see where this date could go?
*I want to see where it goes
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Actually, I would like to see where this goes.
JOYO_HAPPY: I do too.
I see it ending now
PLAYER_IDLE: Nah, I see it ending now.
JOYO_IDLE: I understand. I won’t keep you.
JOYO_HAPPY: But I’ll see you at the party tonight.
You get up and walk over to meet Rafael for your last date.
JOYO_IDLE: You’ve really shaken things up in here, {0}.
PLAYER_HAPPY: In a good way, I hope.
JOYO_FLIRTY: In a great way. In fact I–
Joyo stares into your eyes, getting lost in them.
PLAYER_IDLE: In fact you?
JOYO_EMBARRASSED: Sorry! I’ll be honest, you’ve got me a little flustered.
JOYO_IDLE: I totally forgot what I was going to say.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I know what you should say.
Tell me a secret
PLAYER_IDLE: You should tell me a secret.
JOYO_HAPPY: Ok, here’s something I’ve never told anyone.
JOYO_FLIRTY: One time I went skinny dipping at night.
JOYO_IDLE: When I got out of the water my clothes were gone.
JOYO_EMBARRASSED: I had to poke some neck and arm holes in a clean bin bag and wear it as I ran home.
JOYO_HAPPY: An unused bean bag, obviously.
JOYO_HAPPY: Now I hide my clothes really well when I skinny dip.
Compliment me
PLAYER_HAPPY: You should compliment me.
JOYO_HAPPY: You’re absolutely right. In fact, I remember now!
JOYO_FLIRTY: I was about to tell you that you look incredible.
JOYO_HAPPY: And that I’ve never met anyone like you.
JOYO_FLIRTY: You’ve got the chat and the looks. And you’re intriguing too. And I’m lucky to be here sharing this moment with you.
Make a joke
PLAYER_HAPPY: You should tell a joke.
JOYO_SURPRISED: Ok. A joke. Let me think.
JOYO_HAPPY: I’ve got it. One of my students told me this.
JOYO_IDLE: Why are scuba divers all broke?
JOYO_HAPPY: Cause their businesses are always going under.
JOYO_HAPPY: It was funny when the ten-year-old said it. I’m glad you wanted to spend some extra time together.It feels good to get to know you a little more.
JOYO_IDLE: It’s been a whirlwind so far, so it’s nice to have a little us time.
JOYO_FLIRTY: You know, just us two chatting. Getting to know what makes each other tick.
JOYO_HAPPY: I’m starting to feel a bit of a connection developing between us.
JOYO_IDLE: I know you need to get to your last date but no one’s looking…
JOYO_FLIRTY: Fancy sneaking a kiss?
Kiss me, Joyo
PLAYER_FLIRTY: We should defo sneak a kiss.
Joyo pretends to drop something.
He ducks under the table and you follow. He takes your face in his hands and presses his lips to yours. You feel yourself melting into him as he kisses you deeper, caressing your cheek and running his fingers along your neck.Finally, you part, but he sneaks one last quick kiss.
JOYO_FLIRTY: We should get back up there before anyone notices.
You both climb back into your seats.
JOYO_HAPPY: Thank you so much for your help finding that thing I dropped.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I couldn’t have found it without you.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’re welcome. I’ll see you later.
JOYO_HAPPY: See you later, {0}.
You get up and walk over to meet Rafael for your last date.
Let’s not
PLAYER_IDLE: Let’s not.
JOYO_IDLE: Totally understand. I’ll let you get to your next date.
JOYO_HAPPY: But I’ll see you at the party tonight.
You get up and walk over to meet Rafael for your last date.
Rafael smiles as you sit down at his table.
RAFAEL_FLIRTY: Saved the best for last.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Hope your dates have gone well so far, {0}.
PLAYER_IDLE: Lots of dates, but not a lot of answers.
RAFAEL_IDLE: Answers about what?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Who Summer kissed.
RAFAEL_IDLE: I don’t know who she kissed, but it wasn’t me.
RAFAEL_SERIOUS: Hopefully whatever happened will come out.
RAFAEL_IDLE: I prefer things to be out in the open.
RAFAEL_IDLE: I’ve heard people talking about that.
RAFAEL_SERIOUS: But I don’t want to talk behind people’s backs.
RAFAEL_IDLE: I like things out in the open.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: By the way, I appreciate you hearing me out earlier.
RAFAEL_IDLE: You’re really easy to talk to.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Aww, thanks.
RAFAEL_FLIRTY: I feel like I can be myself around you.
RAFAEL_IDLE: That’s not something I’ve felt before with a girl.
PLAYER_IDLE: Not even with Daphne?
RAFAEL_SERIOUS: Don’t get me wrong, Daphne’s a great girl. And I can be myself with her.
RAFAEL_IDLE: But it just feels really natural with you.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: My mum said she knew my dad was the one as she’d never felt so comfortable.
RAFAEL_IDLE: They’re couple goals for sure.
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s sweet. Sounds like you all are close.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: They mean the world to me.
RAFAEL_IDLE: It’s hard to be away from them.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: A few months ago I surprised them with plane tickets to come visit me in London.
How cute!
PLAYER_HAPPY: That is so cute!
PLAYER_IDLE: They must have loved it.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: They were so surprised.
RAFAEL_IDLE: It was amazing to make that trip happen for them.
I can’t relate
PLAYER_IDLE: To be honest, I can’t relate.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I can’t imagine surprising my family with plane tickets.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: That’s just how my family is.
RAFAEL_IDLE: We’re super close and try to see each other as much as we can.
Hope they were first class tickets
PLAYER_HAPPY: I hope those tickets were first class!
PLAYER_IDLE: If you’re going to surprise someone you should go all out.
RAFAEL_IDLE: I promise they were very happy in premium economy.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: But you’re right, next time I’ll go big.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Do you get back to Madrid much?
RAFAEL_SAD: Not as much as I’d like.
RAFAEL_IDLE: I miss my friends back there too.
RAFAEL_SAD: We’re a tight group and texting just isn’t the same.
RAFAEL_IDLE: My long-term plan is to end up back there one day.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Could you see yourself living abroad?
I could live in Madrid
PLAYER_IDLE: I can totally see myself living in Madrid.
PLAYER_HAPPY: That sounds like an incredible adventure.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: I think you’d love it.
RAFAEL_FLIRTY: And my friends would love you.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: So would my family.
I’d never move abroad
PLAYER_IDLE: I’d never move abroad.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m happy with my life where it is.
RAFAEL_IDLE: I get that. It’s a big change for sure. I wasn’t sure I could do it at first, but it’s been amazing.
Depends on the place
PLAYER_IDLE: I could move abroad, but it would depend on the place.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s a big change and I’d need to find a place that could feel like home.
RAFAEL_IDLE: It’s defo a huge life change.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: It’s been worth it for me though.
RAFAEL_IDLE: But that’s the distant future.
RAFAEL_FLIRTY: Right now, I’m happy to be here with you.
RAFAEL_IDLE: If I’m honest, it’s taken my mind off of how I was feeling about Daphne.
PLAYER_IDLE: Are you upset that she possibly kissed someone else?
RAFAEL_SAD: It definitely stung, I wasn’t expecting her to do that. Especially after everything we said to each other before Casa Amor. And after the hiccup we had early on.
RAFAEL_FLIRTY: But like I said, I’m happy to be here with you.
You see the other couples ending their dates.
PLAYER_IDLE: Looks like the dates are over.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: That was fast.
RAFAEL_FLIRTY: Gotta say, I lose track of time when I’m talking to you.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Hopefully we can lose track of time again later.
UMA_HAPPY: Sorry Rafael, I’m here to steal {0}.
UMA_IDLE: The girls are heading over to the firepit for a debrief.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Totally understand. I’d never stand in the way of a girl chat.
RAFAEL_FLIRTY: I’ll see you at the party, {0}.
You and Uma start walking over to the firepit, when Bonnie rushes over.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Hey, Uma, can me and {0} have a second?
UMA_SERIOUS: Fine, but don’t be long.
UMA_HAPPY: I need to get all the goss ASAP.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I wanted to chat with you before we join Summer and Uma.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Come with me, {0}.
You leave Rafael and walk with Uma toward the firepit.
You and Bonnie sit down on the terrace.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I feel like we haven’t had much time to get to know each other yet.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Casa’s been a whirlwind!
BONNIE_HAPPY: It really has! Surprises at every turn.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: So I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to pull you.
BONNIE_IDLE: My dates were fun and all…
BONNIE_FLIRTY: But I started wishing that I was talking to you instead.
BONNIE_IDLE: There’s still so much I want to know about you.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Like what?
BONNIE_FLIRTY: I mean, everything!
BONNIE_IDLE: But I guess I’m really interested in what’s in your heart.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I think the thing a person cares most about says a lot about them.
BONNIE_IDLE: For instance, I care a lot about animals.
BONNIE_HAPPY: What’s important to you?
Saving the planet
PLAYER_HAPPY: I care about saving the earth.
PLAYER_IDLE: We only have one planet and we need to take care of it.
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s why I became a conservationist.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I love that.
BONNIE_IDLE: And I obviously agree. We need to save the whales and the oceans they live in.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: This may sound nerdy but I find environmentalists very hot.
Helping other humans
PLAYER_HAPPY: I care about helping other people.
PLAYER_IDLE: It’s important to think about others besides yourself.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I couldn’t agree more.
BONNIE_IDLE: It’s so rewarding to make other people’s lives better.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Gotta say, seeing your sweet side is pretty sexy.
Rescuing animals
PLAYER_HAPPY: I care about rescuing animals.
PLAYER_IDLE: They need our help!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yes! We need to advocate for creatures who can’t speak for themselves!
BONNIE_IDLE: It makes me so happy that we care about the same things.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: And hearing you talk about rescuing animals is pretty sexy too.
Having fun!
PLAYER_IDLE: I care about having fun!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think that’s what life is all about.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I agree, life should be fun.
BONNIE_IDLE: But I think you can have fun and do good at the same time.
Bonnie smiles at you.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I love that we can just skip past superficial stuff and get real.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: You keep surprising me, {0}.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Especially when you asked me to share a bed with you.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I want to surprise you too!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Oh yeah? How so?
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’m gonna tell you something about me that will blow your mind.
BONNIE_EMBARRASSED: I’m now realising surprises usually come in gift form, sorry if that was an anti-climax.
Maybe a little
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Won’t lie to you, it was a bit of an anti-climax.
BONNIE_EMBARRASSED: Sorry about that, I should have used different wording.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I hope the story makes up for it!
PLAYER_IDLE: We’ll see.
I’m intrigued
PLAYER_HAPPY: Not at all! You’ve piqued my interest for sure.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I really hope this story isn’t a let down.
BONNIE_EMBARRASSED: I’ve built it up quite a bit.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Tell me and then we’ll see.
BONNIE_HAPPY: So there’s this travelling carnival that spends a few weeks in my town usually around Halloween.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Don’t ask me why, that’s just when it rocks up.
BONNIE_HAPPY: So one year, I was seeing someone and we decided to go on the ghost train.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: We were the only ones on it and well...
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Let’s just say, I wasn’t yelling out because I was scared.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You got busy on a ghost train?
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Not exactly. It kind of broke down. And no one else was on it.
BONNIE_HAPPY: So, we took the chance to get off it and explore behind the scenes.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Anyway, we found this little spooky room, we were all alone…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And one thing led to another?
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yep, and now I can’t get on a ghost train without getting all hot and bothered.
BONNIE_HAPPY: So, was that a surprise or what?
It was!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: I can’t say I was expecting that, I’m pretty surprised.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’m full of surprises, {0}. Hopefully you’ll get to see more of that.
Nah, not really
PLAYER_IDLE: Ermmmm, I’m not that surprised really.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Well, hopefully I can surprise you one of these days.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I feel really comfortable sharing with you.
BONNIE_IDLE: I was hopeful that I’d find someone I could connect with here.
BONNIE_IDLE: Someone that might share the same interests as me.
BONNIE_IDLE: I spend most of my time campaigning, but when I’m not doing that I love visiting museums.
BONNIE_HAPPY: What’s your favourite type of art, {0}.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m a big fan of impressionism.
PLAYER_HAPPY: The small brush strokes, the way they would often use light as the focus point of the piece.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Some of the work from that period is incredible.
BONNIE_HAPPY: You’re truly after my heart, {0}
BONNIE_HAPPY: I couldn’t agree more.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Surrealism is my bag!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’ve been known to look for ways my unconscious mind can express itself.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Probably why I enjoy the artwork so much.
BONNIE_HAPPY: You’re truly after my heart, {0}
BONNIE_HAPPY: I could spend hours looking at surrealist works.
Modern Art
PLAYER_HAPPY: My heart belongs to modern art.
PLAYER_HAPPY: So much of the work that falls under that banner reflects experimentation.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I love that modern art goes against tradition.
BONNIE_HAPPY: You’re truly after my heart, {0}
BONNIE_HAPPY: I could not agree with you more!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m a sucker for an immersive art installation.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Put me in a painting, let me eat the art, as long as it’s immersive, I’m into it.
BONNIE_HAPPY: You’re truly after my heart, {0}
BONNIE_HAPPY: I could not agree with you more!
Not that into art
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not that fussed about art.
PLAYER_IDLE: Never really got into it.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’m always up for a challenge, I think I could change your mind.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I love that we’re both fans of impressionist art!
BONNIE_HAPPY: I know it’s early days, but I’m feeling a connection for sure.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I love that we’re both into surrealism!
BONNIE_HAPPY: I know it’s early days, but I’m feeling a connection for sure.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I love that we both have a passion for modern art!
BONNIE_HAPPY: I know it’s early days, but I’m feeling a connection for sure.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I love that we’ve both got a thing for immersive art!
BONNIE_HAPPY: I know it’s early days, but I’m feeling a connection for sure.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I guess opposites attract.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Because even though it’s early days and you’re not that into art.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’m still feeling a connection.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: I mean how could I not, look at you! You’re a stunner.
Flirt with Bonnie
PLAYER_FLIRTY: So are you! Absolutely gorgeous.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Thank you, {0}.
BONNIE_IDLE: Obviously it’s what inside that counts…
BONNIE_FLIRTY: But your outside is pretty incredible too.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’m glad we got some time to ourselves.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Me too. Thanks for pulling me.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: I had a lot of dates today, and this was defo my favourite.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’m excited to see where things go between us.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: And to get closer to you…
Bonnie smiles as she leans toward you.
Kiss Bonnie!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: We should get closer right now.
You draw closer to Bonnie and press your lips to hers.
As she kisses you back, Bonnie wraps her arms around you.
You pull her closer until your bodies are pressed against each other.
You feel a tingle race up your spine as Bonnie caresses your back.
The kissing deepens as the rest of Casa Amor fades away and it feels like it is just the two of you.
Finally, you both pull away.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: I didn’t think it could get better than our first kiss.
BONNIE_HAPPY: But that was even hotter.
BONNIE_HAPPY: That was amazing.
Keep chatting
PLAYER_HAPPY: Let’s just talk for now.
BONNIE_IDLE: That’s fine with me.
BONNIE_HAPPY: It’s just nice to spend time with you.
BONNIE_IDLE: Without the others.
Keep things friendly
PLAYER_HAPPY: Thanks, Bonnie.
BONNIE_HAPPY: It’s just nice to spend time with you.
BONNIE_IDLE: Without the others.
You look down from the terrace. Uma and Summer are waiting by the firepit.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Uma looks annoyed.
BONNIE_IDLE: We should probably get back down there.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Don’t want to miss all the tea!
You sit down at the firepit with the girls.
UMA_SERIOUS: It’s about time you two got here!
SUMMER_HAPPY: We almost sent a search party.
UMA_HAPPY: Ok girls, spill!
SUMMER_HAPPY: Well, my dates were amazing.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I can see any of the boys twisting with me.
SUMMER_HAPPY: They were grafting hard.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Feels like things shifted after Raunchy Races.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: There’s a flirtier feeling in the air.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Even Rafael seems more open now.
UMA_HAPPY: I had a lot of fun with Alex and Bryson.
UMA_FLIRTY: I’m feeling them for sure.
UMA_IDLE: Which one was your favourite date, {0}?
PLAYER_HAPPY: My date with Alex was the best.
PLAYER_IDLE: We had a great convo.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: He wants to cook for me sometime.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Love a man who can cook!
PLAYER_IDLE: He’s also a dog lover.
PLAYER_HAPPY: He builds kennels for his local shelter.
BONNIE_HAPPY: That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: The chat was flowing.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I fed him a chocolate covered strawberry.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: He nearly melted.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I gave him a hand massage.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: He was putty in my hands.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I told him a flirty joke.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: He loved it.
BONNIE_IDLE: Sounds like you and Alex have a spark!
PLAYER_HAPPY: My date with Bryson was the best.
PLAYER_IDLE: We had great banter.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And it sounded like he was feeling me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: And had our own pre-party party.
UMA_FLIRTY: Ooh a private party!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: We even shared a dance.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: We even made a toast.
PLAYER_HAPPY: We even pranked Joyo.
BONNIE_HAPPY: That sounds fun!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Sounds like you and Bryson have a spark!
PLAYER_HAPPY: My date with Joyo was the best.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: We had a great convo.
PLAYER_HAPPY: He’s into glamping and swanky clubs.
UMA_HAPPY: Guy’s got expensive tastes. I’m not against it.
PLAYER_HAPPY: We didn’t want the date to end!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: He even told me a secret.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You have enough secrets of your own, Summer.
PLAYER_IDLE: You don’t need Joyo’s secrets too.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: He gave me the sweetest compliment.
PLAYER_HAPPY: And he told me how lucky he was to be sharing the moment with me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I made him tell me a joke.
PLAYER_IDLE: It was corny, but he tried!
UMA_HAPPY: Sounds like you and Joyo have a spark!
PLAYER_HAPPY: My date with Rafael was the best.
UMA_HAPPY: Last but not least!
PLAYER_IDLE: He told me all about his family.
PLAYER_HAPPY: And we talked about living abroad in the future.
BONNIE_SURPRISED: Wow! You got deep!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Sounds like you and Rafael have a spark!
SUMMER_HAPPY: You know, I think my best date was with {0}.
SUMMER_IDLE: We have great chemistry.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Especially when we have a cheeky kiss.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You kissed {0}?
{0}_SERIOUS: I couldn't help but overhear.
{0}_IDLE: Summer, can I talk to you?
SUMMER_HAPPY: It’s fine, {0}.
SUMMER_IDLE: Anything you have to say to me, you can tell the girls.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I really think this chat will be better in private. Can we go somewhere else?
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Nope. Let’s do this right here, right now.
{0}_SERIOUS: Ok, if that’s what you want.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: But we didn’t kiss. Not properly.
{0}_IDLE: You leaned in and I turned my head so it was a cheek kiss.
Contest Summer
PLAYER_SERIOUS: You can’t say you kissed when he turned away, Summer.
PLAYER_ANGRY: How would you like it if someone said that about you?
SUMMER_EMBARRASSED: Well, if it wasn’t on the lips it was VERY close to the lips.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: But it wasn’t a kiss.
SUMMER_EMBARRASSED: Maybe not. Guess I got a bit carried away with what I wanted to happen.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: No more kiss and tells when there’s been no kissing!
UMA_SURPRISED: Wow, that’s how you squash a rumour, {0}. Love it.
Let her off easy
PLAYER_SERIOUS: That is surprising.
PLAYER_SAD: And disappointing.
PLAYER_IDLE: I hope Summer has an explanation.
SUMMER_SURPRISED: I’m confused, {0}.
SUMMER_SERIOUS: You told me your head was turning from your partner!
{0}_FLIRTY: It is. But it’s turning toward {1}!
NARRATOR: {0} caught Summer stretching the truth. It’s never fun getting caught. I panicked the last time it happened to me. But thankfully those nice fishermen threw me back in the water. I’m never wearing that float vest with the shark fin on it again! Has {0} caught feelings for {1} and will she be catch of the day? Find out next time on Love Island!
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Hi, happy Shared Birthday Month, cause it's my birthday month as well!! Can I please prompt you a WinterIron, where Bucky and/or winter soldier is a science nerd and a massive Tony Stark stan? Happy with setting in any era, any rating 😄 Thank you! You are amazing and I love your stuff!
Happy late birthday! Sorry it took me a bit to get to this prompt but here is a cute no-powers au, featuring some minor Natasha/Steve and some science from a paper my lab group read in group meeting yesterday (check the ao3 story for the paper citation). Sorry I didn't come up with something more original for the science but this was on my mind.
As always, everything I write is also on ao3.
“Okay, Steve, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me—for us,” Bucky quickly corrects when Steve shoots him an amused look. “So what are we going to do?”
“We’re going to sit quietly in the audience,” Steve says.
“And what are we not going to do?”
“Shout that our best friend would like to bang Tony Stark like a screen door in a hurricane,” Steve dutifully repeats what Bucky has been telling him for the whole drive to the studio. He gives Bucky a sly smile. “Even if it’s true.”
Bucky swats his skinny arm lightly, enough to sting but not so hard that it’ll bruise Steve’s arm, which bruises like a peach. He still can’t believe he managed to win the tickets to watch the live taping of the one hundredth episode of Tony Stark’s show, It’s Only Science If You Write It Down. He’s been following the show since its first episode five years ago. Growing up, Tony Stark was to him what Britney Spears was to other kids. Stark was always in the news for his innovative inventions for his father’s company. Everyone had thought he would take over SI after his parents’ deaths, but instead he’d handed the company over to Pepper Potts, a then-unknown young woman working in SI’s financial department. Stark still held the majority of shares in the company but he’d turned his focus to becoming the next Bill Nye, along with his best friend. Bucky had stumbled across one of the articles about him when he was young and immediately developed one heck of a crush on him that hadn’t at all disappeared with age.
And now he’s here, attending the first ever live taping of Stark’s show.
It’d be a dream come true if only Steve wasn’t the one attending with him. Don’t get him wrong, Stevie’s great, but he’s also convinced Bucky needs to date more often and he’s very… enthusiastic about making sure that everyone they meet that Bucky thinks is even the slightest bit cute knows that.
Stark is the crush to end all crushes. He knows that Steve knows it. He also knows what Steve is like, and he thinks he’ll die of shame if Steve feels the need to let Stark know it too.
“You have your inhaler, right?” he asks as the line creeps forward.
“Yes, mother,” Steve sighs, patting his pocket. “And an EpiPen in the other pocket and my meds in my wallet.”
They’re reminded to keep their phones firmly in their pockets by the surly security guard—incongruously named Happy, according to the badge he’s wearing—at the front door and then ushered inside the studio, only to be stopped by a young woman with a clipboard as they’re climbing the risers.
“Hi,” she says with a sphinxlike smile that makes Bucky want to check that his wallet is still in his pocket. “Which one of you is Bucky Barnes?”
“Uh, that would be me,” he says, raising his hand slightly.
Her eyes catch on the silver sheen of his prosthetic. They don’t register anything other than idle curiosity, but Bucky still awkwardly tucks the arm away. It’s been almost ten years since the accident, but he’s still not used to the looks he gets when people see it.
“I’m Natasha,” she says. “Mr. Stark’s personal assistant. JARVIS noticed you when you entered the studio. Mr. Stark wanted me to inform you both that there’s been a change to the contest winnings.”
Dread starts to pool in Bucky’s stomach but it doesn’t have long to settle before her smile gentles and she adds, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. He just wanted to invite the two of you backstage after the show is over.”
Bucky’s mouth drops open. Steve reaches over to close it and asks, “Why?”
To Bucky’s surprise, Natasha gives Steve a clear onceover, seemingly pleased by what she sees. “Mr. Stark wouldn’t like me to give away his secrets, but I’d imagine it has something to do with the way he spilled his coffee all over his front when he saw your friend’s picture.”
“Really?” Steve asks skeptically. “A notorious playboy tripping all over himself for this yahoo here?”
Natasha laughs, hard enough that Bucky mutters, “It wasn’t that funny.”
Once she’s calmed down, Natasha says, “He’s not as bad as you think. A lot of it is just reputation. And yes, as soon as he got a look at him, he was demanding I figure out a way to get him backstage.”
“What am I, chopped liver?” Steve demands, taking an indignant stance.
Natasha hums, eyes going dark. “Oh no, you got invited backstage because I wanted to meet you,” she purrs. “I’ll come find you boys later. Enjoy the show.”
She saunters off, putting just enough of a sway to her step that Bucky suspects if he were attracted to women, he’d be mesmerized. As it is, he’s the one who has to reach over to close Steve’s jaw this time.
They take their seats and a few minutes later, Tony Stark and James Rhodes walk on set. They’re quietly talking to each other as the crew bustles around them, makeup artists darting up to make sure their faces look perfect. Stark is dressed in a t-shirt that says Engineers do it on the test bench—which is a terrible joke really and shouldn’t make Bucky want to laugh as much as he does—and well-worn jeans that perfectly mold to the shape of his bubble butt. Rhodes could be dressed in a paper sack for all that Bucky notices him.
Steve leans over and whispers, “You sure that I can’t yell that you want to bang Tony Stark like a screen door in a hurricane? Natasha made it sound like he’d be open to it.”
“You do,” Bucky hisses back, “and I’ll tell Natasha you were looking at her rear when she walked away.”
Steve makes an indignant noise and sits back in his chair, sulkily crossing his arms.
“Quiet on set!” the director yells. “And… action!”
“Hi!” Tony Stark says, smiling right at the camera. “I’m Tony and this is Rhodey and you’re watching Disney Channe!”
“He’s kidding,” Rhodes says long-sufferingly. “You’re watching It’s Only Science If You Write It Down.”
Later, Bucky wouldn’t be able to tell anyone what the show had been about. He’d spent the entire show too entranced by Tony’s voice and charisma to pay any attention to the actual science, which is a bit of a shame. He really does like science—he wouldn’t be getting his PhD in physical chemistry if he didn’t—but he can’t tear his eyes away from Tony long enough to actually watch the experiment. It’s fine; he can always watch the show later when it’s released (and maybe, if he’s lucky, he’ll have Tony to watch it with).
It seems like both an eternity and only a moment before the show wraps. Tony and Rhodes leave to thunderous applause, only coming back out for quick bows before disappearing backstage again. Bucky and Steve stay seated while the rest of the audience filters out slowly until Natasha comes to get them. She and Steve chat quietly as she leads them backstage but Bucky can only listen with half an ear; he’s too nervous about meeting his personal hero.
Rhodes is leaving the room Natasha leads them to. He breathes a sigh of relief when he spots the three of them. “Good, you’re here,” he says, specifically looking at Bucky. “Maybe you can calm him down. He’s been bouncing off the walls since he saw your picture.”
“Really?” Bucky squeaks. He clears his throat and tries again. “Really?”
“Really. He read all your papers last night—twice.”
“He has?”
Rhodes nods. “He really likes your piece on inelastic electron wave packet scattering.”
“Yeah? What did he—”
“You’ll have to ask him,” Rhodes interrupts. “I might be a rocket scientist but chemistry isn’t my preferred field of science. If you don’t mind, I’ve got a date to get to.”
He pushes the door open, letting them in, and leaves. Natasha slips through the door, followed immediately by Tony saying, “Where are—oh god, they left, didn’t they? I knew this was too much. Nat—”
“They’re right outside,” Natasha says smoothly. She opens the door further, revealing the two of them awkwardly standing there. Bucky’s gaze darts around a fairly nice dressing room before finally landing on Tony, who is blinking back at him with a wide-eyed, slightly stunned look.
“Hi,” he breathes out.
The corner of Tony’s mouth twitches up in the tiniest of smiles. “Hi.”
“Great, now that that’s out of the way, get out,” Natasha says, giving Tony a shove so that he stumbles out of the room, right into Bucky’s arms. She reaches out and grabs Steve, pulling him inside. “Don’t disturb me for the next hour.”
“Uh,” Steve begins, but he doesn’t actually look upset by this turn of events, so Bucky doesn’t worry—too much, anyway.
He does, however, turn to Tony and ask, “Is he going to be okay?”
“Oh yeah, he’s fine,” Tony says breezily. “Natasha’s just very direct.”
Now that it’s just the two of them alone in the hallway, it’s a little more awkward. Bucky opens his mouth twice to say something, only to shut it again as soon as he realizes his question is stupid. For his part, Tony shoves his hands deep into his pockets and rocks back and forth on his feet.
Then the sound of what is obviously Steve moaning floats through the door. Bucky cringes and jerks his thumb in the direction of the door. “We should—”
“Yep,” Tony agrees.
They get all the way back to the set before they stop. They look at each other for a beat before dissolving into giggles. “Oh my god,” Tony says, clutching his sides. “I knew she moved fast but—”
“Well, Steve doesn’t move fast at all,” Bucky says, “so you can see where I’m a bit lost.”
That sets Tony off into another round of laughter. Bucky is calming down a bit so he takes the moment to admire the way Tony laughs with his entire body. It takes Tony a moment to realizes he’s being stared at. When he does, his laugh tapers off as he gives Bucky a lingering look.
“I’m Tony,” he says eventually.
“Wow, that’s really unfortunate.”
“You’re not wrong,” Bucky agrees. “Blame Stevie for that one.”
“Childhood friends, huh?”
“Literally played naked together in the kiddie pool.”
Tony grins. “That sounds familiar.”
“You and Rhodes—”
“Oh no, but if you ever get the chance to meet Janet Van Dyne, remember to ask her about the time she thought she could make a living selling mud pies.”
Bucky takes a moment to marvel that this is his life now, that Tony thinks nothing of giving him dirt on the most prolific fashion designer of their generation. “So, uh, Rhodes told me you read my papers?”
Tony’s eyes light up, and, wow, he looks really pretty when he’s excited. “Yes!” he exclaims. “I want to hear your thoughts on the—uh—the time-dependent density functional theory model.”
“I’d love to,” Bucky says honestly. He bites his lip. “Maybe over coffee?”
A delighted smile spreads across Tony’s face. “I’d really like that.”
He holds out his hand for Bucky to take, which he does. Tony’s hand is small and warm, fitting perfectly against his. They stand there, smiling at each other like idiots, until the surly security guard pokes his head around the corner and asks, “Boss, do you need me to drive you?”
Tony jumps. He shoots Bucky a sheepish grin and then calls over his shoulder, “No, I think we can walk, Happy.”
“Are you sure? There’s—”
“It’s only two blocks.”
“Yeah, but—”
“You know what, Happy. You should go see if Natasha needs you to drive her somewhere. I think she’s got a date too.” While Happy is distracted, Tony tugs Bucky towards a side door he hadn’t noticed earlier. “Come on,” he mutters. “Before Natasha decides to kill me for sending Happy to interrupt her.”
“You could not antagonize her,” Bucky points out.
Tony shoots him a mischievous grin. “Where’s the fun in that?”
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elwenyere · 3 years
Helps to Relieve My Mind
Hello fam! I wrote my first little Sambucky ficlet today in an effort to tide myself over until Friday’s new episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. If such a thing would help tide you over as well, please feel free to give it a read. I very much hope you enjoy! <3
Tags: Sam/Bucky, 1.8k words, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together
CW: descriptions of falling and panic attacks
Read it on AO3
“Is it too late to go back to therapy?” Bucky called over the comms.
It had been less than forty-eight hours since he and Sam had decided to ditch Walker and go after the Flag-Smashers on their own, and they were already getting their asses handed to them again. They’d gotten side-tracked on their way to see Zemo by a tip from Torres: a group of hijackers matching the description of the missing super-soldiers had been spotted loading up a cargo plane with medical supplies in Kiev. Bucky and Sam had showed up just as the Flag-Smashers were readying for takeoff, and when Sam had flown straight through a rain of gunfire and into the open cargo bay door, Bucky had had no choice but to follow, cursing under his breath as he ran to catch the taxiing plane. 
He’d managed to haul himself inside just as the wheels left the ground, only to have his back slammed into the metal wall of the cargo hold a minute later, a serum-enhanced fist clutched tightly around his throat.
“You could always change your mind about following me,” Sam offered, a rhythmic series of thumps and clangs from the other end of the bay revealing that he was dealing with problems of his own. “I bet you could even get another ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card if you agreed to up with -”
“Don’t say it,” Bucky growled, grabbing the wrist of the soldier holding him against the wall and twisting it viciously.
“- John ‘Wingman’ Walker and his partner,  Battlestar,” Sam finished, the grin somehow audible in his voice.
“You’re just lucky all my other options suck even worse than this,” Bucky muttered, taking a deep breath and bum-rushing the man in front of him.
“Yeah, ‘lucky’ is definitely how I’ve felt every day since you ripped the steering wheel out of my damn car in the middle of the highway,” Sam retorted. Bucky could hear the sounds of bullets ricocheting off metal, and he glanced over to watch Sam reemerge from behind a stack of crates.
“Even the Winter Soldier has some fond memories,” Bucky reflected, ducking a roundhouse kick from the redhead who’d booted him out of the truck in Germany and then sweeping his arm back to catch her solidly across the jaw. 
He’d just turned to reassess their situation when he saw one of the soldiers poised by a lever on the side of the wall.
“Shit!” he yelled. “Sam!”
And then an explosion of air knocked him off his feet, and he felt himself yanked backward, scrabbling for purchase on the floor of the aircraft as he slid toward the open door. Unfortunately, it was his fleshy hand that finally found it. Just as he was about to run out of room, he wrapped his fingers around the lip of the lowered door and then let out an involuntary grunt of pain when his full weight caught against the hold, his legs whipping behind him in the open air.
“Shit,” he swore again, trying to strengthen his grip so that he could risk making a grab for the door with his metal hand.
“Bucky!” Sam yelled, and for some reason the change in his tone sent Bucky’s heart rate rabbiting even faster than the scramble across the floor. “Hang on! I’m on my way!”
A metal crate went flying over Bucky’s head, and he winced automatically, sending a jolt of pressure through the fingers clinging to the plane. And because he was always aware of Sam’s position in the fight, he knew there was no way he was going to make it in time.
���Sam, you should know -” 
His words were cut off when the plane banked abruptly to the left. Bucky’s legs jerked sideways, his hand spasmed, and then he was falling through the air.
It was different than the last time. He could still hear what sounded like screaming - either a voice calling his name or the air hurtling past him, rushing away from him and refusing to bear his weight. He could still feel the terror claw up his throat and curl into the back of his mind, covering his thoughts with a white, electric blanket. But this time he knew what it would feel like when he hit the ground. He could already feel the rocks cracking through bones and tearing at the sinews of his arms, and all he could do was grit his teeth and hope to wake up somewhere better than he had before.
He twisted in the air so he could see the end coming, every muscle in his body wrenching tight in anticipation. But then he felt a hand curl around the back of his head, and a weight slammed into him from the wrong direction, shifting his momentum abruptly to the side. Before he knew it, there was soft grass under his knees, pressing up against him and holding him still.
“I got you,” Sam said, his arms still wrapped tightly around Bucky’s back. “I got you.”
Bucky felt like he was sucking air through a straw, his head dizzy with a flood of adrenaline as he clung to the fabric of Sam’s uniform and curled up against his chest. He squeezed his eyes shut to stop the vertigo, but in the darkness all he could picture was an avalanche of snow and ice and unforgiving rock, and a second later he opened his eyes again with a gasp. His muscles were still screaming with the effort of bracing for collision, and he struggled to even out his breathing, willing himself to concentrate on the weight of Sam's arms around him, grounding him.
As the haze gradually began to clear, Bucky became aware that Sam was still repeating the same words, his cheek pressed against the top of Bucky’s head. But the tone of Sam’s voice seemed to have shifted, so that what had started as a reassurance now sounded like a kind of desperate chant.
“I got you,” he repeated, his own breathing coming sharp and fast. “I got you.”
Suddenly Bucky remembered the photo in Sam’s wallet when he paid for drinks in Germany, the story Steve had told him as they sat on a hill in Wakanda.
“Sam,” Bucky whispered. 
Sam’s arms tightened almost convulsively, and Bucky reached out to rest his hands gently on Sam’s lower back. 
“Hey, Sam. I’m okay,” Bucky continued, listening to Sam’s breathing slow down. “I’m here. I’m okay. You caught me.”
Sam straightened up slightly, one of his hands moving to cradle Bucky’s head as he'd done during the fall, and Bucky pressed his forehead against Sam’s.
“You caught me,” he repeated, and this time it sounded like a brand new idea. Sam had caught him. Bucky had lost his grip, and Sam had been there to cushion the fall.
“I’ve been trying to catch you, you idiot,” Sam replied, shaking his head with a faint echo of exasperation. “Do you have any idea how scary it is to think you might not let me?”
He gave the back of Bucky’s neck a gentle squeeze, one thumb sweeping up into Bucky’s hair, and for the first time in decades, Bucky’s body responded to an instinct that hadn’t been carved into his brain with a knife: he leaned in and pressed a kiss to the corner of Sam’s lips, sighing at the warmth of Sam’s skin against his.
A moment later he froze, pulling away with exaggerated slowness and wiping all traces of expression carefully from his face. Sam was staring back at him, wide-eyed, and for a second Bucky felt like he was in free fall again, his stomach heaving as he plummeted through space.
“That was - uh,” he tried to explain. “Sam -”
But before he got another word out, Sam had hauled him in by the back of his neck and was kissing him thoroughly, his mouth soft but hungry against Bucky’s, and something hot leapt through Bucky’s chest that seared deeper than any of the afterimages or second-hand shocks that had passed for getting his life back.
When they finally broke apart, it was because Sam had started laughing.
“Seriously, man?” Bucky protested, a small smile tugging at the corner of his own lips. “I know I’m out of practice, but if you make a crack about being cryogenically frozen, I swear to God.”
“I was going to say that if the kind of healing you’ve been looking for is less Sigmund Freud and more Marvin Gaye, you could have just called me back,” Sam retorted, giving Bucky a grin and a playful shove on the shoulder. “It would have been the world’s easiest alley oop. Lord knows I was giving you more assists than John Stockton gave the Mailman - and that is a crack about being in deep freeze, by the way. You could be understanding that reference right now if you hadn’t been ghosting me instead.”
Bucky scanned Sam’s face, drinking in the warmth and openness that he had always found infuriatingly, impossibly brave.
“You’re the only number in my phone other than my shrink,” Bucky explained finally.
Sam tilted his head, his eyebrows raised significantly.
“That’s kind of my point, Bucky.”
“No, I’m trying to tell you that’s why I couldn’t call,” Bucky continued. “I have a list of people I’ve hurt in the past that’s so long I can’t even see the end of it. But when I turn to the list of people who are here for me now?” He held up a single finger and then jabbed it toward Sam’s chest. “You’re it. Just one. So if I take a chance, and I fuck that up -” He shook his head ruefully. “Well, let’s just say it felt safer to imagine you might still be out there than to know for sure that you weren’t.”
Sam’s face softened, and he opened his mouth to reply, but Bucky waved him off.
“And that was total bullshit: I know,” he said quickly. “More importantly, it was selfish. What you said yesterday about me not understanding what you were going through - you were right. I never once asked how you were doing. I guess I was in such bad shape to help anyone that it was easier for me to believe you didn’t need any help.” 
Sam regarded him thoughtfully.
“Therapy, huh?” 
“God, it’s the worst.”
He gave Sam a smile, this one feeling a little less like a mask someone else had drawn. Sam smiled back, reaching up to trace the edge of Bucky’s lips lightly with his thumb.
“One of those things you might not understand about me is that I’m not very good at needing people either,” he said, dropping his hand to rest on Bucky’s metal shoulder. “But I think I’m going to need you on this, Bucky.”
“Yeah, well, that’s probably true,” Bucky agreed. “Seeing as you just let the Flag-Smashers get away again.”
“Maybe next time you could try to stay inside the vehicle,” Sam suggested. His tone was light, but the squeeze he gave Bucky’s shoulder telegraphed some of the fear still clinging to the lines of his face.
“You’ll catch me,” Bucky shrugged, trying for casual assurance and landing closer than he would have thought possible.
“Always,” Sam promised.
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i wish i were
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inspired by conan gray’s “heather”
warnings: stepsibling incest (not yet but that’s the whole premise), underage masturbation, underage sex, angst. peter’s like 16 and a half, Tony’s almost 18
word count: 2.2k
summary: peter’s in love with his big brother. no biggie. (spoiler alert: it’s a big deal)
(A/N: okay this has been living in my head rent free for over a month. i've written more, but it's not fully fleshed out yet. 
i figured i would post this and see if anyone is interested in reading it before i put a bunch more effort in lmao. this is filth. most of the angst comes later lololol (and more filth).
i hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think / if you'd like to read more!
- bloo)
Peter stands at his locker, desperately trying to blend in and remain unseen as he switches out his English textbook for Physics. The school year is basically over, given that it’s the last week of May but he’s still not comfortable in the junior-senior hallway. He’s always been the youngest (and therefore smallest) kid in most of his classes, given that he’s been in the ‘gifted & talented’ track since middle school. (He’s on track to graduate next year, taking his last few mandatory classes and completing an internship for additional credit.) This year, Peter feels even smaller than usual; maybe because most of the seniors are already eighteen, while as a sophomore, he isn’t even seventeen. He doesn’t have many friends this year, because of it. Ned moved away last summer because his dad got a new job, and, well, he’d never really needed more than Ned before. 
“Hey Pete-squeak,” comes a voice from behind, making him jump. Rolling his eyes, Peter pivots slightly to face the newcomer. The infestation of butterflies that he's been harboring for the past few months begins to flutter immediately, tickling the walls of his stomach as his cheeks flush lightly.
The voice belongs to a tall (or, well, taller than Peter, anyway), ridiculously handsome boy with dark hair and dark eyes, walking towards Peter with his hands in his pockets. The cheeky smirk on his face is all but permanent, but the small, genuine smile it slips into is something that Peter holds close to his chest, something that is typically reserved for him.  
Tony, his older brother, is pretty much Peter's favorite person in the world. Technically, he’s Peter’s step brother. Maria, his mom, and Peter’s dad Richard got married when Peter was a year old and Tony was almost three. They’d essentially spent their whole lives together; neither of them could really remember anything before. They’ve always been close, but that’s changed a little bit this year.
“Hey Tony,” Peter chirps, reaching back into his locker to grab his physics binder. He tries to act natural, even though he feels anything but. His heart’s going a mile a minute inside his rib cage. He feels a little ridiculous, he has for the past few months. Swallowing, he manages to sound relatively calm. “You read the last 2 chapters of Beowulf, right? Mrs. Herrera gave us a pop quiz last period.” 
The older teen groans. Closing his eyes, he throws his head back, a metallic thunk sounding as it collides with the locker he’s leaning back on. “Fucking hell. The final paper is due in like four fucking days! Is that not enough?” It’s quiet for a moment as Tony pauses before he opens one eye, cutting it to look at Peter. “What were the answers?” 
Peter snorts in response, shutting his locker. “Not happening, T.”  He pulls his phone out of his pocket to check the time and lets the left side of his body rest against the cool metal. Three minutes til the bell rings, and Mr. Riley’s class is right across the hall. So he’s essentially got three minutes to indulge himself and the fuzzy warmth that’s running through his veins. He loves any time he gets to spend with Tony. “You’re lucky I told you at all, be grateful.” 
Tony wrinkles his nose at him. “Rude,” he scoffs in mock offense. “I know you can remember them,” comes his teasing accusation. (And he’s right. Peter can recall the entirety of the quiz, but he’s still not going to enable Tony.) Then he pauses and raises an eyebrow at his younger brother. “Is that my sweatshirt?” The garment in question is a worn and slightly faded black Led Zeppelin USA 1977 crewneck sweatshirt. Peter’s wearing it over a charcoal and white check button-up. The sweatshirt is one of Tony’s favorite pieces of clothing, he wears it all the time (hence why Peter...borrowed it...without asking).
Having mentally prepared himself to be questioned at some point, Peter’s reply is already on the tip of his tongue. “Yeah, it ended up in my laundry and once I put it on it was too cozy to take off. And it looks good with these jeans and the button-up. And my boots. Trying out a new look,” he finishes, smiling as he pushes his glasses further up his nose. Tony often teased him about the thick, clear-but-slightly-pink frames, but Peter hadn’t wanted glasses at all (he doesn’t need any more reasons to be teased, thank you), but he likes these. They make him look cute, more feminine. More like someone Tony could want. 
“You’re right,” Tony smiles. One of his hands comes up to playfully ruffle at Peter’s russet hair. “Looks great on you, kid.” There’s warm affection in his voice. 
Peter feels his cheeks go hot again, and he wills the flush to go away. He can’t take compliments from Tony, now- they make him ache and preen simultaneously. He knows that Tony doesn’t mean it the way he wants. Peter knows that Tony would never speak to him again if he knew what was really going on inside his little brother’s head. The thought makes him sick to his stomach. 
Speaking of stomachs. “Hey,” he starts as he fingers through the papers in his physics binder, attempting to find the problem set that’s due today. “Did you ever catch up on Hell’s Kitchen? I’ve been rewatching episodes trying to wait for you, but you’re taking too long. You saw the episode where Gordon-” Peter’s heart falls to his stomach and he abruptly stops speaking when he looks up to notice that Tony isn’t looking at him anymore, barely seems to be listening. 
It falls completely out of his ass when he sees just what, just who, has stolen his attention. 
“Sorry, Pete, gotta go,” Tony mutters once he realizes that Peter’s stopped talking, shooting him a hasty smile and shoving off the navy metal. He skirts past Peter, a slight skip in his step as he makes his way down the hallway. 
Peter's swallows and clenches his jaw as he watches his brother walk straight to her, the bane of his existence. The reason he and Tony don’t spend as much time together anymore. The object of Tony’s affections. Pepper. She's...everything Peter wishes he could be, honestly. Tall, somehow a perfect mix of skinny & curvy, bright blue eyes, long strawberry-blonde hair. She's perfect. And not only in looks; she's also ridiculously smart. If Tony wasn’t valedictorian, she surely would be. She even volunteers at the local soup kitchen every weekend, and Peter’s pretty sure she reads to dogs at the animal shelter once a month. He hates that Pepper is so nice; he hates that he can't hate her without hating himself for it. 
As if he didn't have enough self-loathing already.
Peter exits the bathroom that connects his bedroom with Tony’s after gently flicking the lock on his brother’s door to disengage it, the soft ‘snick’ ridiculously loud in the quiet of the house. He’s the only one home; Mom and Dad are at some sort of event for Dad’s law firm, and Tony went to a party at Rhodey’s house. (Tony had insisted that Peter was invited, but he had to know that the younger would never go- why would he want to be surrounded by drunk, horny, belligerent teenagers? The last thing he wanted to see was Tony and- )
There’s a dark gray towel loosely wrapped around his waist, so loose he has to clutch it in his hand to keep it from falling. He closes his own bathroom door behind him and drops the towel, digging through his underwear drawer to pull out a random pair of plaid boxers. 
After sliding them on, the brunette takes a deep breath and lays back against the pillows, arms behind his head. He tries to consciously relax his muscles, the tension of the day not having melted away during his shower like he had hoped. Time for Plan B. It’s never let him down before. Peter reaches for his phone and unlocks it before swiping through his apps to open Spotify. The sound of “Dazed and Confused” fills the air through his speakers, and he sets it to repeat on a loop. It’s a little fucked up, the way he’s conditioned himself to respond to this song, but- Peter knows the whole thing is fucked up; he’s fucked up. 
Closing his eyes, he does the only thing he’s been capable of for months: he thinks of his older brother. 
He’s growing fond of the new facial hair Tony’s trying out; he wonders how it would feel against his skin. Which areas would be the most sensitive to its touch? His thighs? His neck? Peter’s head tilts back and to the side as he imagines wet, warm lips and the scratch of stubble. Just the thought, the phantom sensation, makes a soft mewl leave his mouth. It’s a little ridiculous how easy he can get himself going, when he thinks of Tony’s touch, of his body. Of his love. In his boxers, his cock shifts against his thigh as it begins to fill out. 
The sensual, plucky bassline and wailing guitars of the song drag along, and so does Peter’s breathing as he brings a hand up to pinch at one of his nipples. He imagines the way Tony would tease him until he was whining, begging for release. He supposes it wouldn’t be dissimilar to his older brother’s typical manner of playfully taunting him. Maybe Tony would pin him down like he did when they were younger, climb on top of him and hold him there with the muscles he’s gained from boxing in the garage. The opportunities he’s had to see the older teen breathing heavy, shirtless and glistening with sweat, would be forever ingrained in his mind. The mental image sends more blood rushing south and his dick throbs as it quickly reaches full hardness, drawing a gasp from his mouth. 
Peter takes himself in hand, studying the details of his cock. He knows he’s not huge, but he’s at least on the larger side of average. It’s flushed a deep, mauve-y pink, and he traces the line of a vein on the side with the tip of his pinkie. A shiver shoots down his spine. He wonders how similar it is to Tony’s. Is he circumcised like Peter is? Is he bigger? Longer, thicker even? Sure, he’s seen him naked before, when they were younger changing or in the bath, but that stopped around the time Tony was seven or eight. 
(Tony and Peter had come home from school one day, and Peter’s head had been reeling over what he heard some older girls saying on the bus. He’d decided to ask Tony about it. His big brother knew everything. ...Mom & Dad caught them kissing in their bedroom. That was the end of bathing together, and Tony got his own room, too. Peter never forgot about the way his big brother’s lips felt against his own.) 
A bead of precum oozes out of his tip and Peter rubs his thumb over it, smearing the liquid over his cockhead. Robert Plant’s voice moans over the speaker and Peter echoes the sound as he slowly strokes himself with a loose grip, his hole tightening around nothing. Biting his lip, he hesitates before slipping his left pointer finger into his mouth, rolling his tongue around it sloppily. Once it’s wet, he reaches down and gently presses the pad of his finger against the tightly furled muscle between his cheeks. His breath hitches as the sensation; he’s only touched himself down here a couple of times before. 
The tip of his finger begins to breach his opening and a whine leaves Peter’s mouth. It stings a bit so he tries to relax, muscles fluttering, making a mental note to grab some lube next time he goes to the drugstore. He wants to be able to stretch himself out more, to imagine Tony’s fingers, Tony’s cock, splitting him open and stuffing him full. Fuck-
Tightening his grip on the base of his cock, Peter grits his teeth and grunts softly as he pulls his finger from his ass. He can’t cum yet- he’s not done. He reaches under his pillow, pulling out the balled-up t-shirt that’s taken up residence there. The black fabric has faded in some spots, and the Black Sabbath logo is cracked and worn; it’s one of Tony’s favorite shirts. Peter brings the soft cloth up to his nose, fumbling with it to find the area with the strongest smell. There are hints of Tony’s Old Spice deodorant mixed with a scent that’s distinctly Tony, a warm, masculine musk that has saliva pooling in Peter’s mouth. Delirious, fucking his hand to the beat, he wishes he had dug a little further in the hamper, pulled out a pair of Tony’s briefs. 
That’s the thought that does him in. Peter cums into his fist, gasping his brother’s name, the sound getting muddled in the maelstrom of guitar and drums. Thick ropes of jizz splatter on his stomach and chest, entire abdomen heaving with his breaths. 
He wipes the mess up with Tony’s t-shirt before tucking the fabric back under his pillow for safe keeping.
to be continued???
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mimisempai · 3 years
There's always a calm before the storm
Mobius is extremely frustrated because they have to wait to go catch the Variant in 2050 Alabama. Loki decides that this time it's his turn to take care of Mobius.
I'm still exploring their relationship as I await the next episode. Think of it as a little interlude before they leave for Alabama.
1646 words - rating G
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Mobius was frustrated.
For whatever reason, logistical, administrative, they would not be able to leave to catch the variant in Alabama for another twenty-four hours. He didn't even listen to Revonna's explanation until the end and left her office, furious.
Loki, sitting in the corner of Mobius' open desk, was watching him with amusement.
He had noticed that Mobius was generally very controlled in his emotions, but there were two emotions that made him act unpredictably.
Joy and anger.
Loki blushed as he remembered how he had been on the receiving end of these unpredictable reactions, whether it was when he had pissed Mobius off in the elevator or just now when Mobius had been happy to finally have a solution thanks to Loki.
Unconsciously Loki brought his hand to his lips, as he wondered if he would be able to elicit a similar reaction now that Mobius was frustrated again.
A little embarrassed at where his thoughts were leading him when it was not time for jokes, Loki coughed discreetly.
"Time Variance, Time Keepers, Sacred fucking Timeline... for fuck's sake, they're the masters of time, and we have to wait to catch the fucking Variant! "Mobius, pissed off, kicked his desk, causing his precious jet ski magazine to fall to the floor without him noticing.
He continued to pace around the office, railing a thousand times against all those who he thought were preventing him from doing his job.
Loki stood up, picked up the magazine and looked at Mobius fondly.
There was something strangely charming about the man, though Loki couldn't quite figure out what it was. But there was no denying that something about Mobius drew Loki to him like a moth to a flame.
Loki was both curious and cautious. Something compelled him to expose himself to Mobius more than he had with anyone else.However, while the feeling was incredible, Loki also knew that rarely had anything good happened when he had allowed himself to trust.
Either way, this wasn't the time, and unless Loki tried to hit Mobius with the magazine like he had done with Miss Minutes, Mobius wasn't going to stop circling until they got the approval they needed.
Loki thought that maybe this time he was the one who could do something for Mobius.
He called him several times, but Mobius was so consumed with anger that he did not hear Loki.
So he tried another way, "Mo!"
Mobius stopped immediately, only the slight flush on the tops of his ears betraying his embarrassment.
"Mo? Loki, I'll have you know that my name is Mobius! Not Mo, Mobi, Bibi or any other such idea that comes to mind. Okay?"
Loki smiled with indulgence before replying, "That had the merit of getting your attention at least."
Mobius grumbled before snapping at Loki, "What is it that deserves my attention?"
Loki turned to him, spreading his arms in the manner of Loki when he was acting out.
"Lokiii...." sighed Mobius, "I don't have the time or the heart for this."
It was Loki's turn to be annoyed, but he didn't show it, after all the short time he'd been there, he had surely frustrated Mobius more than his share.
"Mobius, please sit down." said Loki softly as he turned Mobius' desk chair towards him.
Mobius let out a sigh of annoyance, but sat down nonetheless.
Good boy, Loki thought as he stood behind him. Then he asked Mobius, "Do you mind if I touch you?"
Mobius put his head back to look at Loki and said with a sigh, "Lokiii we said we would continue this later."
Loki gave him a small flick on the forehead, before replying with a slightly annoyed tone and eyes raised to the sky, " You idiot, I just want to help you relax.I'm probably not going to try anything while it's an open desk, even if there's no one else there but us."Then handing him the magazine, he added, "Here, flip through your magazine and admire your famous Jetskis."
Then handing him the magazine, he added, "Here, flip through your magazine and admire your famous Jetskis."
Mobius bowed his head and with a sigh gave his consent.
Loki began to massage his shoulders, looking for any strain to relieve.
Mobius grunted in response, "Hmmm Loki, where did a god learn to massage like that? I would have thought you were more of a massage receiver than a massage giver."
"Thank you!I thought you were one of the few who didn't have preconceived ideas about me, after all I understand very well, my exceptional and divine personality is so vast that it's hard to go around it in a human lifetime and-"
"Lokiii..." sighed Mobius
"Shut up."
Loki quivered slightly as he remembered the last time Mobius had said that to him and the way he had shut Loki up. He replied in a playful tone, "I'd tell you to shut me up, but then again this is a public place."
Loki didn't need to see Mobius' face to know that he was rolling his eyes. He continued his massage, while explaining, "To answer your question, let's just say that DB Cooper wasn't the only bet I lost with Thor and I won't go into further explanation."
Mobius chuckled before replying, "In any case, I am delighted to be the lucky beneficiary of your talents, no matter how you acquired them."
Loki simply smiled and continued his ministrations, as Mobius flipped through his magazine while groaning his appreciation every time the god loosened a sensitive muscle.
"Mobius..." he murmured softly.
"I'd like to do something more for you, but it requires that you trust me." Loki's tone had become uncertain.
"Well I let you take me to Pompeii and you didn't stab me in the back, so I guess that means I trust you right?"
A bit of a twisted way of reasoning Loki thought, but it would be enough for what he wanted to do.
"Second, do you trust me enough to take off my necklace for a few moments so I can use my magic?" He knew Mobius' answer would be slower in coming, after all, two kisses exchanged didn't mean unlimited trust.
Mobius surprised him once again though, he tilted his head back and looked at Loki with a smile, reaching into his pocket to activate the command that opened the inhibitor collar. Loki's throat tightened at this display of trust.
He pulled himself together and said, "Okay, then I want you to think of your favorite jetski model and close your eyes."
Mobius chuckled again, but complied.
Loki placed his fingers on the man's temples, without applying pressure. He concentrated and a faint green flash passed between his fingers and Mobius' skin.
With his eyes closed because he was concentrating, Loki did not see Mobius' expressions, but he heard his exclamations of glee and laughter.
They stayed like that for a few minutes. Then Loki slowly opened his eyes and gradually took his hands off Mobius' head. The man slowly came back to reality. He leaned his head back again and murmured a thank you, while squeezing one of Loki's hands that had lingered on his shoulder.
"So was it as good as you thought it would be?" asked Loki.
"Better even. I really felt like I was on a jet ski, out on the ocean, the wind whipping by, the spray, everything." He touched his cheek, "I still feel like I can feel all of that even though I know it wasn't real. Thank you again."
Loki awkwardly replied, "I know it's probably not as good as the real thing, but I hope it took your mind off it a bit."
"Don't underestimate what you did Loki, it was exactly what I needed."
"Good for you then," Loki muttered as he picked up the collar to put it back on.
Mobius' hand stopped him.
"Wait, don't put it back on just yet. Are you able to create an illusion where we both would be, if I project to you what I want?"
Loki simply opened his arms and said, "Hey you forget who I am."
Loki replied, "Alright, it's going to be just like before, just gather what you want us to see in your mind. Are you ready?"
"Yes." replied Mobius firmly.
Loki repeated the same gestures as before and closed his eyes.
Anyone who entered at that moment would have seen the scene of one man sitting at his desk while another stood behind him with his hands on his temples. Both men sporting bright smiles.
A few minutes later, they opened their eyes at the same time and Loki moved back a little.
Mobius caught his hand before he could pull it away.
"Are you okay?"
Loki nodded but said nothing. He gently withdrew his hand and put his collar back on. Seeing that he was reluctant to speak, Mobius turned fully toward him and pulled him by the sleeve until he was standing between Mobius' knees.
Looking at him from below, he asked gently, "Loki, speak to me."
Loki replied just as softly, "Is this the kind of thing you like, the kind of thing you'd like to do...with me?"
"We could start with that after this whole thing is over, what do you say? Ah unless there's a rule that says gods don't date?" asked Mobius, raising an eyebrow.
Spreading his arms, a mischievous smile on his face, Loki said with his trademark emphasis, "Hey, I'm Loki, the god of mischief, since when do I follow rules?
Quickly checking behind his shoulder that no one was there, Mobius pulled Loki's head to his own with a gentle tug on his tie and proceeded to wipe the arrogant smile from Loki's lips in the only way he knew to be effective.
The whole serie here : The story of Loki and Mobius
Thanks for all the support, this fandom is incredibly motivating. Love you all!🥰
Not beta'd
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Owe You One - Part 4
Title: Owe You One - Jefferson’s Starship
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 7,067
Warnings: Minor Angst, Sexual Harassment, Self-Loathing, Anxiety, Fluff, Smut, Friends with Benefits
Summary: Dean Winchester has been your best friend and neighbour for the last year. A year of finding comfort in random drop ins and casual conversations, but neither of you know the pasts that the other has. Not fully. Pasts that come back to haunt you, and ruin everything you want in life. Can you find what you’re seeking in a couple of favours and a good time between the sheets or is history doomed to repeat itself?
Owe You One - Masterlist
Squares Filled: Bartender!AU ( @spndeanbingo) FWB Relationship ( @spnfluffbingo)
A/N: Part 4!! I hope y’all enjoy this part!! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!! Happy reading!!  
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 You stirred away at the pot you had on the stove, getting dinner ready for yourself. It was Friday night, and you had just gotten home from work about half an hour ago. You changed into your comfortable pyjamas before deciding to cook yourself a nice dinner. You were going to curl up on the couch for a little while and maybe turn in early. You had nothing extensive planned. Nothing but your PVR and previous episodes of The Walking Dead to catch up on.
 You reached for a bowl in the cupboard next to you, placing it on the counter before pouring your pasta into it. You heard three loud knocks at your door, pulling you from your meal for a moment. You placed it back down on the stove before heading over to the door, opening it up. You rolled your eyes with a smile when you found Dean standing there with a smile playing on his lips. You walked away from the door, letting him walk in without protest.
 “You want something to eat? I made enough pasta for two,” you pointed out. “Four cheese.”
 “Oh fuck yes,” he nodded, taking a seat at your counter. You reached in the cupboard, grabbing another bowl before pouring some into it. You took two forks out of the drawer, bringing Dean’s bowl over first before your own. You hopped on the chair next to him, looking forward to tasting your meal.
 “Thank you for this,” he smiled, taking a forkful.
 “You’re welcome,” you beamed, taking your own bite.
 “So what are you up to tonight?” he asked nonchalantly.
 “Stuff,” you answered smuggly. “What do you want?”
 “How do you know I want something?” he claimed, his voice went up half an octave.
 “Because you didn’t call or text before coming over tonight. You usually do if you just want to hang out for the night. So I’ll ask again, what do you want, Winchester?” you chuckled.
 “Okay, I have a huge favour to ask and seen as how you’re wearing your cute comfy pyjamas, I know you aren’t doing anything tonight. I also know for a damn fact that you would never let any guy see you in those so you’re not getting laid tonight.”
 “Thank you! I get the point,” you scoffed playfully, taking another bite.
 “I need help at the bar tonight. Sammy’s gonna be late and all I’ve got is Benny. You’re the only one that I can trust,” he stated. “I’ll pay you, of course. And whatever tips you make are yours.”
 “So you want me to bartend at Jefferson’s Starship tonight and I get paid?” you chuckled. “Actual money?”
 “What, you think I’m going to pay you in sex again?” he laughed, shaking his head. “‘Cause I can if you want me to. A little touchy touchy-”
 “Shut up, Dean,” you giggled, shoving him a little. “How late do I have to stay?”
 “Just until Sam gets in,” he assured you. “Not all night.”
 “Alright, let me eat. Then I’ll go get changed. You’re lucky I like you,” you side-eyed him.
 “I owe you big time,” he breathed out in relief. “Like huge, sweetheart.”
 “I’ll take you up on it at some point,” you winked. “Really though, you don’t owe me anything. Remember, you helped me out of a very low point. That isn’t easy.”
 “I still owe you a little. You literally never go out to the bar,” he pointed out with a sad smile.
 “You are more than right. Remember that,” you winked. “How was your day anyways?”
 “Eh, it was okay. Pretty busy as usual. I kept to myself at my station. My dad worked on what he needed to do. I fixed up a couple of cars and got all my paperwork done so I don’t have to do any this weekend. Fresh start Monday morning,” he explained to you. “How was your day?”
 “It was okay. Boring as hell, but that’s my job for you,” you shrugged.
 “So you were going to use this time to unwind, huh?” he said sheepishly. You could see the guilt he felt sores across his features. “Shit, I’m sorry.”
 “It’s okay, De. I should probably try to get out more anyways. Sitting at home alone isn’t going to do me any good,” you breathed out.
 “I mean, you’re not entirely wrong. Sometimes alone time is what you need. But in this case, you’re coming out. Not to mention, I own the bar,” he smirked.
 “Yeah yeah,” you tried not to smile.
 You managed to eat your pasta in record time. You figured you’d do the dishes in the morning after your breakfast. You knew Dean had to be there soon, and you didn’t want to leave him or Benny screwed. This was a job for you and you were going to work with professionalism.
 You grabbed something comfortable and presentable to wear to the bar. A pair of dark skinny jeans with a rip in the knee. You pulled on one of your white shirts and threw one of your red flannels over it to keep with the Winchester look. After that, you grabbed your comfortable boots and your bag, heading out the door with Dean by your side.
 Dean opened up your door for you and you slipped inside. There was a part of you that wondered if this was a good idea. After all, he and his brother owned this bar; his family. Last you knew, his family hated you. All but Dean. You didn’t want Sam to walk in and kick you out or worse, yell at you in front of everyone. You didn’t want to ruin their business. This was important to both of them because they started it together. You weren’t going to be the one to come between them. You were simply going to help your friend out and go on your way home. If Dean wanted to join you later, that was fine. But you weren’t supposed to mix business with pleasure.
 Dean parked in his designated spot out the back of the bar. There was a spot for him and a spot for Sam. No one else had access to park back here. You kicked your door open, circling around the car to the front. Dean motioned for you to follow him to the doors around the front of the building.
 The second you walked into the empty bar, you smiled to yourself. This bar wasn’t like any of the bars you had been in and you had been in many of them during your college days. They wanted their place to feel like home in some sense. There was a jukebox in the corner that played only classic rock. Lots of room for people to dance. Enough tables for people to sit. Booths for those who had bigger groups. Couches and chairs set up around the tv. By the actual bar, he had stools set up all around and a tv up on the wall so people could watch from there. He had all his liquor on display and coasters stacked, ready to go. All his glassware was branded with the bar's name, and a cowboy hat. This place was something to be really proud of, that was for certain.
 “Well well, look who it is,” Benny smiled. “I’ll be damned if it isn’t miss Y/N walking in for the first time in forever.”
 “Hi Benny,” you grinned
 “Hiya darlin,” he beamed. “What can I get for you tonight?”
 “I’m working tonight,” you told him, circling around the back of the bar. “Boss needed and extra set of hands.”
 “If you need help with anything, Y/N, just let one of us know. I know you know what you’re doing,” Dean nodded.
 “You’re damn right I do,” you said confidently. You grabbed an apron from the shelf beneath the cash register. You had a notepad, a pen and a cloth in there, ready to get to work. It had been a long time since you had stepped foot behind a bar, but you were sure you were going to snap right back into it pretty quickly. “Let’s do this.”
 It wasn’t long before people flooded into the bar. Some people just getting off work, having a drink to wind down. Others coming in in groups. The three of you worked in a perfect sync with one another. Pouring and mixing drinks the fastest you could get them to the customers in a timely manner. In record time, you had about fifty dollars in tips. The night was just getting started.
 You glanced around the room as soon as the first rush died out. Everyone was distracted in some way. A group of guys watching a game on the couch by the tv. A few women sitting at a table, gossiping about their week and their husbands. Then there was a few loners sitting at the bar, sipping away at a beer or a glass of whiskey. Trying to unwind after the week. You wiped down the counter top.
 “Hey there,” a man greeted you, taking a seat at the counter right in front of you. His smile was wide as he placed his hands on the countertop.
 “What can I get for you?” you asked, taking a deep breath as you tucked your cloth back in your apron.
 “Your phone number for starters,” he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows twice. You wanted to scoff but you were working. You weren’t about to ruin Dean’s business because some guy decided to hit on you. Not to mention, he wasn’t that cute. A man like him would be just like the rest of them. They’d get off and you’d be left finishing yourself off in the shower. You weren’t doing that again.
 “Your drink order, sir?” you corrected him, trying to keep your tone in check.
 “Whiskey neat,” he stated. “And that phone number.”
 “Whiskey it is,” you declared, putting the glass down on the napkin in front of him. You reached for the bottle of whiskey behind you, knowing full well he was staring at your ass. He was treating you like you were easy and that wasn’t okay with you. You weren’t doing that anymore. No more shitty guys.
 “Don’t play hard to get, baby,” he frowned. “I saw you eyeing me the second I walked in here tonight.”
 “Enjoy your drink,” you said, your voice void of all emotions. You walked away from him, taking your cloth once more before heading out to the customers area to begin cleaning up empty glasses and bottles. Dean and Benny were still working behind the counter, serving people. It had slowed down a little more. They still had the odd person come up to them.
 You wiped down every table, gathering all the empties. You snapped back into bartender mode pretty quickly. It was something you had done for years during your college years. Dean ran a really nice bar. Everything was really clean, but you also had a feeling that his brother had something to do with it. You took note of what needed replenishing to bring it out during your next trip. You gathered up what you could, placing it on the bar to move to the back when you had the chance to. You wiped down your last table before heading to the back. You could feel the creepy guy’s eyes on you and that told you to move quicker.
 “Baby c’mere,” he cooed, standing up. Your heart began to pound in your chest. You needed to move quickly.
 “Not interested,” you stated clearly, backing away from him. He was a big guy now that you saw him compared to you. He was tall and had a strong build. His hand made its way down to your ass, tugging you into him against your will. You tried your hardest to shove him off of you, but he barely budged. “Get off of me!”
 “Hey! Hey!” Dean shouted, making his way around the bar. “Hands off of her. Now!”
 “We were just getting to know each other, right baby?” He smirked, tugging you in once more. Hearing him say those words only angered you more.
 You pushed him once more, successfully getting him off of you, but not getting as far as you would have liked. “Get the fuck off of me.”
 Dean stepped between you and the douchebag, getting in his face a little more. You could see it in the way his jaw clenched that he was pissed. When Dean was pissed, no one wanted to be near him.
 “House rules. Respecting others, especially women is the second on that list. Sexual harassment is unacceptable. Get the fuck out of my bar,” he warned him, “I’m not going to ask you again.”
 “Whatever, she’s a cheap piece of ass anyways,” he scoffed, throwing down a bill on the counter before grabbing his jacket, heading to the door.
 “You okay, sweetheart?” Dean asked as he turned to face you. His hand came up to the side of your head.
 “Yeah,” you nodded.
 “You want a drink,” he offered you, smiling softly.
 “No thank you. I’m good,” you smiled before heading around the back of the bar to finish cleaning up. You also knew you’d be safer behind the bar and that was where you wanted to be.
 “You sure, darlin’?” Benny raised his eyebrow. “I can make you a mean drink.”
 “I’m sure. I don’t drink,” you stated, placing the empty bottles in the bin.
 “Since when?” Dean furrowed his brows. “We got drunk together a few months back.”
 “Since whenever,” you shrugged.
 “I feel like there is more behind this then you’re leading on,” Benny side-eyed you with a bit of concern.
 “There is, but we’re dropping this now, okay?” you smiled, heading over to the counter to serve the next customer.
 As you handed the customer their drink, Sam walked into the bar. His hair was a bit of a mess and he looked to be in a bit of a rush. You stiffened a little. After all, Sam had to know all about you now. His mom had to have said something to him. He had always been nice to you, but that was back then. There was a whole other side to you and your family now. Sure, Sam was nice, but he wasn’t going to be happy you were here if he knew anything.
 “Hey,” Dean greeted his brother. “How’d it go?”
 “Good,” he smiled to himself. “Place is picked out and booked. We officially have a date.”
 “Don’t leave me in suspense, Sammy. Wedding date now,” Dean chuckled, wiping down a glass.
 “September 15th,” he grinned widely, reaching his hand up to the back of his head.
 “I’ll save the date,” he nodded with a big smile. “Congratulations, little brother!”
 “Thanks, De,” he shrugged, as if it wasn’t a big deal.
 You stood behind the bar awkwardly, not knowing if you should say something, or go do something else. You didn’t want to be in the way of him. This was his business too. You pulled your cloth back out, and decided to head back out to the floor to wipe down the tables again.  
 “Dean, what is she doing here?” you heard Sam say.
 “She’s helping us out because I asked her to,” Dean stated.
 “Dean, you know-”
 “No Dean, if mom or dad was to walk in right now, you’d be in so much shit,” he stated. That was your queue. You weren’t welcomed and you weren’t going to ruin a family business. You had no idea why you even agreed to in the first place. Mary told you that you were never going to be good enough for her family. Why did you think you’d be good enough to work at her son’s bar?
 “Sorry,” you breathed out, as you untied your apron. “I’m- I’m gonna go, Dean. I don’t want to ruin your business or your relationship with your family. You don’t have to pay me for tonight.”
 “Y/N, wait,” Dean called out as you began to walk away.
 “Dean, it’s cool,” you nodded, assuring him it was.
 “No, it’s not cool, Y/N. I invited you here tonight,” Dean declared, walking over to you. “My mom and dad don’t own this bar. Sammy and I do. I’ll tell you again. I don’t care who your mom is or was to my parents. I care about you and who you are to me. If Sammy has a problem with it, then he can stow it for tonight. You are welcome in this bar.” His hands made their way to your arms, holding you in place.
 “Dean, I’m not worth the trouble, okay?” you smiled weakly, pulling the few bills out of your pocket, handing them to him. “This is yours.”
 “No, they are yours. You earned them tonight. All tips are yours,” he stated.
 “Y/N, please stay,” Sam called out.
 “Please, sweetheart,” Dean pleaded, holding his hand out for you to take. “You’re off the clock. Just hang out with us for a little while. You said you needed to get out more.”
 “You want a drink Y/N?” Sam offered, grabbing a clean glass from beneath the counter.
 “Okay,” you nodded. “Water would be great.”
 “W-water?” Sam furrowed his brows.
 “She doesn’t drink,” Benny added in.
 “Ah, okay,” Sam nodded.
 You walked around the bar, taking a seat on the stool behind the bar. Sam placed a glass of water with a few ice cubes on the counter in front of you, giving you a soft smile. You knew he was trying to keep a smile on his face to keep you around for the night. It was forced at best.
 “So, no guy in your life right now, Y/N?” Benny questioned you. “You usually have someone-”
 “Nope, I don’t. Not right now,” you smiled at him, bringing your water up to your lips. Great, even Benny knew you got around, you thought to yourself.
 “You want someone? ‘Cause you know, I’m single and you’re-”
 “Benny, knock it off,” Dean warned him. “She doesn’t need another guy hitting on her tonight. House rules.”
 “What? ‘M I not good enough for you,” he teased playfully before serving the next customer.
 “You’re not my type,” you giggled. “My track record states that I only go for dicks. You’re a nice guy.”
 “So Y/N, I gotta ask,” Sam started, taking another stool, sitting close by. “I know you grew up with your mom-”
 “Sam,” Dean called out, his voice laced with a bit of anger.
 “It’s okay Dean,” you assured him.
 “Was it just you and your mom or was your dad ever around?” he questioned. You knew he was curious, and he didn’t seem to want to cause any harm to you. It was a simple question. Nothing you hadn’t been asked a hundred times before.
 “No. It was just me and my mom. I never knew my dad, in fact, I’ve never met him or know his name for that matter. My mom always told me he didn’t want anything to do with me and that was why he wasn’t around. He didn’t want me and that’s why it was the two of us. I have no idea who my dad is, or if he’s even alive at this point. I never knew anything about him,” you shared with him.
 “Were you ever curious?” Dean added in, stepping closer to you and Sam.
 “Yeah, of course I was. I grew up without a dad. The kids at school were terrible to me because I didn’t have one,” you began. “I mean, look at me now. I’m a mess ninety five percent of the time. I just wish my mom would’ve been straight with me. But at the same time, my mom slept around a lot. She had a new boyfriend every month. I doubt she even knew who my dad was.”
 “Do you think she was hiding it from you?” Sam brought up.
 “In some ways, yeah. I asked her when I was eighteen, before I left for college and she said there was no point. My dad was probably dead.”
 “If you ever wanted to find out more, Y/N, I’m sure I could do a little digging for you,” Sam offered you. It was a kind gesture but it wasn’t worth it.
 “I’m not worth that kind of trouble, Sam. I don’t want to cause any more issues with your family than I already have.”
 “Your mom’s issues weren’t your fault, sweetheart,” Dean reminded you.
 “Dean’s right, Y/N. What your mom did in the past has nothing to do with you. It bugs the hell out of my mom because you look like her. It’s still wrong that she treated you the way she did. You’re nothing like your mom,” Sam said with a sad smile. It was really nice to hear those words coming from Sam. Especially now that you were here. You didn’t want him to hate you like his family did.
 “Okay,” you breathed out. “I’m giving you the okay to take a look. It can’t hurt to find out my family history. And I’m curious as to what my mom hid from me all my life. But I don’t want to make any contact if we find out who it is.” In reality, it was probably good to find out in case you had a family history of cancer or something like that. It was too late now to ever have a father daughter relationship like you dreamed about when you were ten.
 “Deal. You are always welcome to change your mind later on, okay?”
 “Thank you,” you smiled softly at him. “Means a lot to me that you want to do this.”
 “Well well, look who decided to show up for work,” Dean greeted the two people as they walked in.
 “I thought you were short tonight, De?” you furrowed your brows.
 “Chuck and Cas work later so we can go home at a decent hour,” he told you. Both of them walked behind the bar, settling their stuff underneath the cash.
 “Hey,” a man with curly-ish hair greeted you. “I’m Chuck.”
 “Y/N,” you waved at him.
 “So uh, how you doin’?” he wiggled his eyebrows.
 “Chuck,” Dean warned him, shaking his head.
 “Oh shit, sorry. Is she your-”
 “No she’s not my girlfriend. She’s my best friend,” he stated, earning a chuckle from both you and Sam. Dean was very protective over you, and you actually kind of liked that he was.
 “Oh god, that’s worse,” he breathed out sheepishly. “It was very nice to meet you, Y/N.”
 “You ready to head out, Y/N?” Dean offered with a smile.
 “God, yes please!” you beamed, hopping off your stool.
 “I’ll grab your number from Dean,” Sam nodded, giving you a wink. Dean grabbed his jacket as you circled around the bar for the last time. You couldn’t wait to go home and change into your pyjamas. You couldn’t wait to be in the privacy of your apartment so you could finally unwind for the night.
 Dean followed behind you as you lead the way to the impala. It was just after eleven when you looked at the clock in the impala as Dean started her up. It was a long night, and some parts of it sucked, but for the most part, you were glad you did it with Dean there. His friends were also nice people to be around so that certainly helped.
 “You did good tonight,” he smiled at you as he turned out of the parking lot.
 “What can I say, I’m an ex bartender,” you chuckled. “Thanks for asking me to come out tonight.”
 “You’re welcome,” he nodded.
 “If you’re up for it, you wanna hang out at my place for a bit?” you asked him. “Only if you want to.”
 “Yeah, I’d love to,” he agreed.
 It was almost eleven thirty by the time you arrived at your front door with the keys in your hand. Dean stood right behind you, keeping a close distance. You figured after that creepy guy at the bar tonight, he was keeping you close in case something was to happen. You really did enjoy how protective he was of you. He had been ever since that day the two of you made up. It was nice to have someone want to keep you safe from harms way.
 You threw your keys on the counter as soon as you walked in. Dean locked the door behind him and kicked off his shoes on the front mat. You leaped onto the couch, flopping down on your back, earning a laugh from your best friend.
 “Long night, huh?” he said as he sat down next to you.
 “Very! I love being hit on by creepy guys. It’s my favourite,” you joked, moving up to a sitting position to give him more room on the couch. Your couch was big enough for two people to sleep on, but Dean just had to sit close to you.
 “You used to enjoy guys like that,” he teased you.
 “Eh, I wouldn’t say I enjoyed them. I prefer guys with a little more respect. Not guys that grope my ass in a crowded bar while I’m working,” you breathed out. “I don’t know. Lately I haven’t been interested.”
 “In what?” he cocked his head to the side, looking over at you.
 “Dating. Men in general,” you shrugged, leaning against the arm of the couch. “Too much to focus on and I’m a mess most days.”
 “Not even sex for you?” he questioned.
 “Eh,” you smirked. “I’ve got my own ways of handling things in that department. It’s not like any of the guys I slept with before knew what they were doing. I’m just not wasting my time.”
 “Good,” he grinned. “You deserve better than that.”
 “What about you, Winchester? You’re nearly as bad as I am for taking random people home,” you pointed out.
 “Not as of recently,” he confessed, looking down at his hands. “Part of it is how busy I’ve been. No one has really caught my eye. Everyone these days are dating, and settling down. After Cassie, I don’t really want to date right now. Especially since she left things open for when she gets back.”
 “I don’t blame you,” you nodded. “Would you get back together with her if she were to show up at your door right now?”
 “Deep question there, sweetheart,” he chuckled. “I don’t know. I haven’t heard from her since we broke up. Not even an email. If she were to knock on my door, I don’t think I could just settle back in like nothing happened.”
 “That’s understandable,” you nodded. “At least you’ve moved on a little. We slept together.”
 “You’re the last person I slept with,” he admitted.
 “You’re my last too,” you nodded. “We’re doing awesome. Although, I certainly can’t complain. You were damn good. You kept up your end of the bargain beautifully.”
 “Well, technically I owe you one for tonight,” he joked with a smirk. “I know how to drive a good bargain.”
 “I’m down if you are,” you wiggled your eyebrows with a soft smile.
 “Actually?” he cocked his eyebrow.
 “What’s the harm?” you shrugged. “Not like we haven’t before.”
 “I’m definitely in if you are,” he nodded. “No pressure at all. Only if you want to.”
 “You’re too nice to me, you know that?” you smiled at him as you moved over. You threw your leg over his legs, settling down over his lap. His hands instantly reached for your waist as his eyes went wide.
 “I wouldn’t say nice,” he breathed out. “I just care ‘bout you is all.”
 “Well, thank you. I really appreciate that you care,” you smiled. “I care ‘bout you too.”
 “Alright, this is getting too chick flicky for my liking,” he stated, leaning forward. He captured your lips with his in a soft, heated kiss that had you instantly craving more. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders tugging yourself closer to him as your tongue slipped over his bottom lip.
 His hands reached beneath your flannel, pushing the material over your shoulders in record time. You had a feeling this was going to happen fast. It was late after all, and you both had been working since nine this morning. It was going to be a quickie at best and that was more than okay with you. A quick fix to make you both feel good and that would be enough to put you to sleep right away.
 “You’re sure about this?” Dean asked you, pulling away a little.
 “Yes, more than sure,” you breathed out, pushing his flannel over his shoulders. “No foreplay this time.”
 “Got it,” he nodded. “Just a quickie?”
 “Quickie then bed,” you smile at him.
 “Roger that,” he agreed, tugging the hem of your shirt up your body, throwing it to the floor. You did the exact same to his, tearing it off of him as quickly as you could. He bucked his hips up to yours, and you could feel the bulge of him already. The thought of having him once more sent heat pooling in your core.
 You climbed off of his lap, toying with the button on your jeans before shoving them down your legs along with your panties. Dean unbuckled his belt, making quick work of removing his jeans and boxers, pushing them down his legs. His hard cock standing proud between his legs. Fuck, was he perfect.
 “Condom?” you asked him.
 “Wallet,” he nodded, reaching down to his jeans, pulling out the leather pouch. He opened it up, taking the foil packet from his wallet. You stepped forward, straddling him as he opened the packet with his teeth, taking the rubber out. You watched as he took his cock in his hand, rolling the condom down over himself. You reached behind your back, removing the final article of clothing from your body to reveal yourself to him once more.
 “You’re beautiful, you know that?” he smiled softly at you.
 “Dean,” you grinned, shaking your head.
 “You are,” he shrugged. “I like that I’m the one you went home with tonight after all the guys that hit on you.”
 “Thank you,” you half smiled. “You’re sexy as hell.”
 “Hell doesn’t sound all that sexy,” he teased you.
 “Shut up, Winchester,” you giggled. “Do you want me to fuck you or not?”
 “Please,” he chuckled.
 “Then ask me nicely,” you played, wanting to test him just a little.
 “Y/N, will you please let me put my dick inside you?” he let out a laugh, not able to keep a straight face through the entire sentence, making you laugh along with him.
 “I can’t believe you actually asked,” you cackled.
 “Shut up,” he shook his head, trying not to laugh more than he already had. “The things I do for you.”
 “Hey, the way to a girl’s heart is through humor, Winchester,” you pointed out.
 “Yeah yeah,” he scoffed. “Alright, I’m going to touch you now. Make sure you’re ready for me.”
 “By all means,” you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth. His right hand came down between your legs, his middle finger brushing through your folds to see if you were ready enough for him. You knew you were more than ready to take him. The mere sight of him had you ready to go. The kissing certainly helped you get there too. He was a damn good kisser.
 “Fuck, sweetheart,” he whispered. “You’re sure?”
 “Yes,” you nodded. “You’re sure?”
 “I am,” he agreed. “Whenever you’re ready.”
 You balanced yourself on his shoulders, moving up his body to get ready. You reached one of your hands down, taking his cock before lining it up with your entrance. Your eyes met with his as you positioned the tip in place. He nodded his head, not daring to break the eye contact you held. You let yourself sync down on him, slow and steady. His eyes fluttered shut as you surrounded him in your heat.
 “Fuck, Y/N,” he breathed out as he bottomed out inside you. You could feel him twitching a little as your walls grew accustomed to him. He finally opened his eyes, meeting yours as a smile played on his lips. He slipped his hands around your back, ready to help you move on him.
 “You feel amazing, De,” you told him, leaning forward, pressing your forehead to his.
 You made yourself more comfortable before beginning to move on him. He repositioned himself beneath you, making it easier for you to ride him, and for him to meet you halfway. As you sank down on him, he thrusted upwards. His grip was tight on you, keeping you close to him. He felt amazing inside of you. Hell, almost better than he did the first time. From this angle, his cock brushed over all the sensitive spots, getting you there a little bit faster than you were expecting him to.
 His lips trailed on your neck, making your fingers curl in his shoulders. Your walls fluttered around him at the sensation. You brought your hand up to his hair, carding through his soft locks as you continued to bounce on him.
 “Shit Dean,” you cried out.
 “Feels so good,” he muttered, pulling away from your neck. “So close.”
 “Faster,” you urged him on.
 His hands slipped down to your ass, pulling you closer to him. He shifted quickly, your back hitting the couch as he fit between your legs. He snapped his hips against yours, picking up the pace to get you both there. One of his hands reached between your bodies, toying with your clit to heighten your pleasure.
 “Dean, Dean, Dean,” you moaned. Your grip tightened around his shoulders, desperate to grab onto something to keep you grounded. You were panting profusely. You felt the tightness growing in your abdomen. You were so damn close.
 “Come for me, sweetheart,” he urged you on. “Let me feel you.”
 Your walls came crashing down around him as you let out a wanton moan. Your eyes fluttered shut as you threw your head back, letting the pleasure course it’s way through your body. Your fingers curled into his back, trying to hold onto something to keep you from floating away. Your vision went white and your body began to shake just enough for you to notice.
 “Atta girl,” he encouraged you as he bucked his hips into yours. You knew he was damn close to the edge. He just needed that final push.
 “Feels so good, De,” you whispered, trailing your shaky hand up into his hair. “Come for me, Dean.”
 “Shit-” he growled, picking up his pace just a little more. He gave three hard thrusts before his cock twitched. His seed filling the condom before he collapsed on top of you, letting out a breath.
 Your hand carded through his hair, playing with his soft locks as you both came down from your highs. You turned your head, looking at the time on the clock above your tv. It was just after twelve fifteen. You knew you had to get up and get ready for bed.  
 “I just realized we did that with the curtains open,” you giggled, glancing over at the big open window.
 “Well shit,” he let out a laugh. “I hope they enjoyed the show.”
 “We should get up,” you told him. “Get ready for bed.”
 “Yeah,” he breathed out, shifting himself up. He reached down, grabbing the base of his cock to remove himself with care.
 You were the first one off the couch, leaving your clothes on the floor. You headed into your bedroom, going straight to the bathroom. Dean wasn’t far behind you, throwing the used condom into the trash in your bathroom.
 “Uh, you’re welcome to stay if you want to,” you offered him. “Or you can go, whichever you want to do.”
 “Whichever you’re more comfortable with. I don’t want to overstep,” he stated, taking a step back.
 “We literally just had sex,” you reminded him. “I don’t know what would even be considered overstepping at this point.”
 “True,” he chuckled.
 “Well, if you’d like to stay, there is an extra toothbrush in my drawer and boxers in the top drawer in my bedroom,” you told him with a soft smile. “I’m going to shower to get the smell of sex and alcohol off of me. If you want to do the same, you know where the towels are.”
 “Alright,” he nodded, turning towards the shower. You watched as he turned the nozzle, setting it on hot. “You shower first and I’ll clean up out there.
 Dean was out of the bathroom, giving you a bit of privacy. You shut the door a little, giving yourself the comfort of being alone to do what you needed to do. You went to the bathroom before slipping into the shower.
 The water was the perfect temperature for you to clean yourself up. You were just going to have a quick shower to wash your body. You could wash your hair in the morning. You just wanted to feel clean. You had the feeling Dean was staying with you tonight, and you weren’t against it persay. You didn’t want him getting the wrong idea. You weren’t looking for a relationship. You hoped it was just sex for him. That you could handle with ease. You didn’t want to do the whole ‘feelings’ thing. Not with your best friend. Sleepovers were normal for friends. Two friends could have sex without it being weird. There was nothing wrong with casual sex.
 You washed your body quickly. You could feel yourself getting more and more tired the more you stood under the stream. You just wanted to get out, brush your teeth and head to bed. Nothing more.
 The water shut off and you stepped out onto the mat you had set out. You wrapped your towel around yourself, making sure it was tight. The mirror was all steamy, and you could barely see. Not that it was going to stop you from brushing your teeth.
 “Dean, you’re good,” you called out, reaching for your toothbrush. The bathroom door opened, revealing Dean in his boxers and nothing else. He was quiet as he went about, gathering what he needed to shower. You tried your hardest to keep your eyes off of him while he moved around.
 He hopped in the shower as soon as you finished brushing your teeth. The mirror was just starting to clear when you turned away, giving Dean the privacy he deserved. You noticed as soon as you were in your bedroom that Dean had thrown your clothes in the laundry hamper. His clothes were set on the chair in the corner of your room, folded nicely.
 You grabbed the first pair of panties from your drawer, and an oversized shirt to wear to bed. You could feel yourself starting to overthink this. You didn’t want anything to change between you and Dean. You didn’t see him as anything other than your best friend. You didn’t want to date him. You didn’t want a boyfriend or a serious relationship for that matter. You didn’t want him to get the wrong impression.
 You got dressed quickly, throwing the comforter back, slipping beneath the sheets. You heard the water turn off, which meant it was only a matter of time before he was joining you in bed. You lay on your back, adjusting the covers over your chest.
 Dean emerged from the bathroom in a pair of clean boxers, shutting the light out. He circled around the bed, following the same steps. He joined you in the bed, resting on his back, looking up at the ceiling.
 “You tired?” he asked you.
 “Now that the lights are out, not really,” you chuckled. “You?”
 “No not really,” he let out a laugh. “That was fun.”
 “It was. And I’m not usually for being on top,” you admitted with a half smile.
 “Why this time?” he questioned, turning his head to look your direction.
 “I don’t know. I guess I feel a little more comfortable around you. I’m not as nervous about some things, like the way I look for example,” you confessed.
 “You’re beautiful,” he said with a laugh. “Hell, I wouldn’t mind doing it again.”
 “What, like that?”
 “That. And sex in general,” he shrugged. “I’ve got what is probably not a good idea. But you said that you’re not looking to date anyone. I’m not ready to date anyone. We’re best friends and speaking from previous experiences one and two, sex is great between us. You’re comfortable with me, and I’m comfortable with you. Why don’t we continue sleeping together? You know, get each other off, try some new things?”
 “Like a friends with benefits kind of thing?” you inquired, furrowing your brows.
 “Yeah I guess so,” he breathed out.
 “How is that going to work, Dean?” you turned to face him. “It literally never works. There are too many rules, and someone always gets hurt in the end.”
 “Not if we don’t let it,” he reminded you.
 “Fair point. If we’re going this, and that’s a big if, Dean. I don’t want stupid rules and shit, okay? Friends who have sex, try new things; whatever. Nothing about our friendship changes,” you declared.
 “Done deal. I can agree to those terms,” he nodded.
 “Good. I’m all for sex, but as soon as something goes sideways, of gets complicated, I’m out, okay?” you breathed out.
 “More than okay,” he smiled at you. “Now, are you going to deny me after sex cuddling?”
 “We had sex like half an hour ago,” you scoffed playfully.
 “Friends are allowed to cuddle, you know,” he reminded you. “It’s not going to hurt you.”
 “Fine,” you shook your head. “You’re big spoon though.”
 “Turn around then,” he smirked.
 You turned over, trying to make yourself comfortable on your side of the bed. Dean slipped his arm around your middle, his chest pressing against your back. You let yourself melt into him, feeling safe in his hold. You knew for a fact that he was going to keep the nightmares away tonight.  
 Maybe after sex cuddling wasn’t so bad after all.
Part 5 coming Tuesday!
Did you like it? What was your favourite part? Any theories? Please share your thoughts with me via reblog, reply or send me an ask! Nothing is stupid! I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Your response is the ONLY thing keeping me sharing this story!
Dean Babes
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If you're still taking prompts you should do some rebuke and hurt/comfort!!
Sorry this took so long, but luckily there's a lot of it!! Hope you enjoy!
This is part of my All Too Well Splinterverse series, so a direct sequel to something about it felt like home somehow, cause there we are again in the middle of the night, and so casually cruel in the name of being honest. It won't make much sense if you haven't read all three of those.
read on ao3 here!
Bobby gives it three days. Three days where he catches up on missing homework and takes his antibiotics and a lot of naps and feels like a terrible person. And then he calls Luke.
“I fucked up,” he says the second Mrs. Patterson passes over the phone, without so much as bothering to say hello.
“Whoa, uh, okay,” Luke says, and coughs a little awkwardly. “Did you cheat on me or something? Are we breaking up? Cause if we’re breaking up, you gotta at least give me twenty minutes to get over there; no way in hell am I letting you dump me over the phone.”
“No! What? No.” Bobby’s out in the studio for some privacy; he sits up on the couch and runs a hand through his hair, grips the cordless phone a little tighter. “This has nothing to do with you! I fucked up with Reggie.”
“Reggie?” Luke repeats. “Dude, what’d you do? Kick a puppy or something?”
Bobby lets out a sigh that’s really more of a groan. To be fair, he probably could’ve started this conversation with just a tiny bit of context. “ No. I just… I think I hurt his feelings.”
Luke’s quiet for a really long time, in that thoughtful, pensive way he usually only gets when he’s writing a song. It’s usually accompanied by a lot of bouncing and fidgeting, because Luke gets restless easily, and if he can’t expel energy through his mouth, he’s gotta let it out some other way or he’ll implode. It almost brings a smile to Bobby’s lips, just thinking about it. Finally, Luke says, “Can I come over?”
Despite himself, Bobby’s stomach flips at the question. He and Luke have talked almost every day in the last week or so, but they haven’t actually seen each other in person since Luke got out of the hospital. They’ve both been too sick, and then Luke’s been trying to stay home as much as he can, build some trust back up with his mom.
“I might be contagious still,” Bobby warns him, rubbing absently at his chest. “No fever since the day before yesterday, but I’ve still got this cough I can’t shake.”
Luke scoffs, like he knows just as well as Bobby how lame an excuse that is. “Bro, I’m pretty sure I can’t catch the cold I gave you. If you’re not ready, I get it, but… whatever happened with Reggie, I think it’d be easier if we talk face to face.”
Luke pauses, then adds, “Plus, you know… I really do want to see you.”
Bobby has to swallow past a piercing ray of sunshine shooting through his stomach. “I want to see you, too. Okay, come on over, just know my mom’s probably gonna fuss over you.”
“Yeah, well, the last time she saw me, I was unconscious and dying, so I can’t exactly blame her.”
A smile tugs at Bobby’s lips. He and Luke may have gotten together under the strangest circumstances— and “together” is still sort of a loose term; mostly, they’ve just made out a couple times and Luke gave Bobby bronchitis— but at least they have each other now. More than that, even— they both have their families back.
“Think your mom will be cool?” Bobby checks. “With you coming over, I mean? I know she’s been keeping you on kind of a tight leash. And I don’t think she likes me very much.”
“She’s barely met you,” Luke points out.
“Yeah, and the one time she did, she called me a kidnapper. And something in French that you refuse to translate.”
“Purely for your own good.” Luke’s teasing grin is audible, even over the phone. “Listen, Bobbers, that was an emotional day for us all, and Emily Patterson is hardly well-known for being calm and rational under stressful circumstances. But once I sat her down and explained everything to her, I think the ‘saved me from dying’ thing made up for the ‘hid me in your garage for two months’ thing. She likes you just fine.”
Bobby’s not entirely sure he believes him, but there’s no point in pushing it. “Well, if you need me to come over there instead, just let me know.” He starts to swing his legs off the couch, bending over to search for his shoes, but has to pause to cough into his elbow a few times, his chest twinging.
“Half an hour,” Luke insists. “And drink some tea while you wait for me, I don’t like that you’re still coughing.”
Bobby grumbles noncommittally, lays back down on the couch. “Just get over here, Patterson. I can’t deal with your mother henning over the phone.”
Luke breathes out a laugh, and it might just be the most beautiful sound Bobby’s ever heard. “Love you, too, baby.”
Luke hangs up the phone and immediately takes stock of himself.
The last week, living back at home with his mom and dad again, has not been nearly as bad as he thought it would be. Maybe he’s gotten more patient since running away from home. Maybe his parents have gotten a little more perspective. Maybe all three of them just needed a few months apart and a serious wake-up call to start seeing things through each other’s eyes.
Whatever the reason, Luke and his mom haven’t fought once since he moved back home, and his dad even told Luke he’d like to come to one of his shows once Sunset Curve starts playing again. They’ve had to establish a lot of new boundaries, the three of them, and quite a few ground rules— if Luke weren’t sick, he’d be in trouble, his mom said, but she thought his hospital stay and cracked ribs were punishment enough— but so far things have been good. And Luke would very much like to keep them that way.
So, he stands in front of the bathroom mirror and takes a deep breath, in through his nose and out through his mouth. The breath is free of congestion, doesn’t make him cough or hurt his ribs anymore. His face is a little red— purely just because talking to Bobby these days makes him blush like crazy— so he splashes some cool water on his face and waits until the flush fades from his cheeks before he heads out to the living room.
Emily’s sitting on the couch with her knitting, an old episode of The Brady Bunch playing low on the TV. She looks up and smiles when he enters, and Luke’s skin crawls a little. She gets this look on her face sometimes, when she looks at him now. Like she can’t believe how lucky she is. Like she still sort of expects to wake up and find she’s lost him. Again.
It makes Luke feel all sorts of guilty.
“Off the phone?” she asks him, a little redundantly, as he hands over the cordless. “How’s Robert?”
“Bobby’s feeling better,” Luke says honestly. He sticks his thumbs through his belt loops and rocks back and forth on his heels, standing awkwardly in front of the couch. “Can I go to his tonight? Something happened between him and Reggie, I was gonna help him out.”
Emily frowns, but doesn’t outright refuse, or accuse him of lying so that he can go out and play a club or something, like she might have three months ago. Maybe she really does trust him more now, or maybe she just likes Reggie enough to put aside her suspicions, but all she says is, “How are you feeling?”
Luke takes another slow breath, letting her hear how it doesn’t so much as catch in his throat. “No cough, no fever. Ribs only hurt when I get out of breath, but I’ll bike slowly, and we won’t be playing or anything. I’ll leave my guitars here, even.”
He sees it in his mom’s expression— the trust in him, the complete and utter belief she has that he’s telling her the truth. It’s something he might’ve taken advantage of, before. But for the first time in his life, he has absolutely no desire to lie to her.
Emily gently lays her knitting down on the coffee table in front of her and gestures Luke forward, stretching out a hand. He obediently leans down to let her brush his fringe aside and feel his forehead.
She hums approvingly a moment later and lets him go. “Ask your father to drive you. Will you be home for dinner, or are you spending the night?”
“I’m not sure,” Luke says, “but I’ll call around five either way?”
“Perfect.” She gives him that smile again— that look — and Luke turns away before he can think too hard about how much he doesn’t deserve it.
His dad is quiet on the drive over, but he lets Luke fiddle with the radio and kick his feet up on the dashboard, and doesn’t protest when Luke rolls the window up and down every five minutes. He parks the car in Bobby’s driveway, right outside the studio, but doesn’t shut the engine off. Something tells Luke to linger an extra moment or two before getting out.
“You need any money?” Mitch asks, finally.
No, but I’ll take some, Luke would’ve said, before, and then probably blown it on junk food or guitar picks or something. Instead, he shakes his head, leg bouncing, says, “Nah, dad, we’re just gonna be talking.”
Mitch nods and leans forward to peer through the windshield up at the studio. Luke follows his gaze. He can only imagine what his dad must be thinking: So this is where my son was living for two months because he didn’t feel safe at home.
“I’ll call home to let you know when to pick me up,” Luke says, desperate to fill the silence, and reaches for the door handle. “See you later, Dad.”
He catches half a glimpse of his father’s face as he heads up the drive: Mitch looks pensive and sad, and at least twenty years older than he really is.
Luke drags in a breath, and tries not to feel too guilty.
He’s barely rapped his knuckles against the studio door when it’s yanked open from the inside and Luke gets a faceful of t-shirt as Bobby tugs him into a strong-armed hug.
“Hey!” Luke laughs breathlessly. “I missed you, too.”
Bobby presses his face into Luke’s neck, tightening his hold. “Thank you for coming.”
“Of course, baby.” Luke rubs his back, trying to follow his instincts without getting too self-conscious. He hasn’t seen Bobby in a while, and somehow using pet names and terms of endearment was easier over the phone. Holding him and letting himself be held was easier when he was sick and hurting and had an easy excuse. But he doesn’t want Bobby to think Luke loves him any less, or that Luke��s ashamed of him or something, just because they’re both healthy.
Still. “We should get inside,” he murmurs, lips pressed into Bobby’s hair. “My dad’s kinda sitting in his car watching us, and I can feel him getting uncomfortable.”
Bobby snorts, his shoulders shaking under Luke’s touch. But then he nods and pulls away, swiping the back of his hand across his face; Luke thinks he catches the glisten of tears.
Inside the studio, with the doors shut tight and the sound of Luke’s dad’s car disappearing down the street, Luke sits Bobby down on the couch and says, “So. Reggie.”
Bobby’s quiet as he tells the story, his head ducked low and his hands clasped tightly between his legs. Luke keeps a hand on Bobby’s back, rubbing gentle circles as he listens to Bobby talk.
When he goes quiet, Luke takes a minute to breathe and think, before he carefully summarizes, “So… Reggie’s mad at you cause you didn’t wanna tell Alex about your headaches?”
“Reggie’s mad at me,” Bobby corrects, his voice breathy with exhaustion, “because I didn’t wanna tell him either. If he hadn’t caught me in the middle of one, I probably wouldn’t have said anything at all.”
“How come?” Luke tries for gentle, but he’s not sure he quite makes the mark. “You had no trouble telling me.”
“You’re easy,” Bobby grumbles. “I didn’t exactly have to try hard to make a good first impression. Doesn’t matter so much if you think I’m weak.”
“And it does with Reggie?” He doesn’t bother asking about Alex. Luke loves the guy, but he knows better than anyone how bitey and judgmental Alex can get. How slow to trust. Luke doesn’t much love showing weakness in front of Alex either. But Reggie… “Bro, Reggie just wants to be helpful. He’d care that you’re hurting, not that you weren’t totally together all the time. He wouldn’t think you’re weak.” He adds as an afterthought, “...and Alex would get over it.”
Bobby huffs out a laugh. He chokes on it, then turns away from Luke to cough into his fist. Luke rubs his back, feeling the tremors that the coughing fit causes, and winces in sympathy as Bobby takes a slow breath and rubs his chest like it hurts. Luke knows the feeling.
Acting on instinct, Luke reaches over and brushes Bobby’s hair back, pressing a palm to his forehead. He doesn’t feel warm, thank god, but he still leans into the touch, his eyes closing in relief, even as he mumbles, “Told you, I don’t have a fever.”
“I know,” Luke says softly, and really means, I’m sorry. “You want my advice, about Reggie?”
Bobby gives a tiny nod, makes a soft whining sound in the back of his throat that Luke is pretty sure is supposed to be a yes.
“You don’t have to try so hard. Reggie and Alex both, they… they want to be your friends. You just gotta let them.” He runs his hand through Bobby’s hair in slow, gentle strokes. “And with Reggie, a sincere apology goes a long way.”
Bobby nods again and slumps over to lay his head on Luke’s shoulder. “I’ll call him in the morning. For tonight…” Luke feels him tense, but when Bobby lifts his eyes to Luke’s, they’re open and vulnerable and honest, as he says, “Will you stay?”
Luke’s heart does a happy little flip-flop inside his chest. “Of course I will.” He presses a kiss to Bobby’s head and reluctantly pushes himself up off the couch. “Lemme just go call my folks and let them know I’m sleeping over. If I’m not back in ten, assume your mom’s kidnapped me to test out that aromatherapy treatment she kept going on about. And I’m bringing you tea.”
Bobby protests out of principle, calls him a nuisance, and a worrywart and a nag, but Luke feels Bobby’s smile on his back all the way out the door.
Reggie drops his bike along the wall beneath the Pattersons’ front window and skips up to the door, swallowing back the nerves drying his throat before quickly jabbing his finger against the doorbell.
Its chime echoes long and loud, enough that it makes Reggie flinch, makes him pick at his fingers and start to think that maybe coming here wasn't the best idea after all.
Because Luke’s still recovering. Luke’s got a boyfriend now. Luke shouldn’t have to spend time and energy worrying about Reggie and all his problems.
But before Reggie can turn around and leave, the door opens, and Luke’s mom smiles at him.
“Reginald! How are you, dear?”
“Very well, thank you!” Reggie smiles politely, bouncing on his heels a little. “How are you, Mrs. P?”
“I’m just fine, Reginald.” She leans against the doorway, her expression turning a little amused. “Did you need something, dear? Luke’s not home.”
“Oh, he’s not?” Reggie’s heart sinks. He clears his throat a little. “Um, is he… do you know when he’ll be back?”
“Probably not until morning. He’s staying at Robert’s tonight.”
“He’s sleeping over?” he repeats, surprised. Mitch and Emily Patterson don’t seem like the kind of parents who’d be particularly chill about their son spending the night at his boyfriend’s house.
It only then occurs to Reggie that maybe they don’t know Bobby is Luke’s boyfriend…
“I have the phone number,” Mrs. Patterson says, oblivious to Reggie’s conundrum, “if you needed to get in touch with Luke.”
“Oh. Oh, no, it’s okay.” Reggie fixes his smile back into place, swallows thick disappointment. “I’ll head over to Bobby’s, or… or I’ll catch Luke another time. Thanks, Mrs. P!”
He thinks she might start to say something else, but Reggie doesn’t hang around to listen. He scoops up his bike and disappears down the drive, pedaling as hard as he can so the adrenaline will overtake his complex jumble of emotions.
He shouldn’t bother Luke. He doesn’t really need him. He’d just been lonely, and his parents were fighting, and getting out of the house seemed like a really good idea at the time. Plus, he’s been sulking for days now since he yelled at Bobby, and Luke somehow always knows how to cheer Reggie up, even if Reggie wasn’t exactly planning on telling him what’s wrong.
But Luke’s with Bobby. Reggie can’t interrupt them. Luke will almost undoubtedly be mad at Reggie if he finds out Reggie shouted at his boyfriend. Bobby’s probably mad at him already.
As far as Reggie knows, Bobby might just turn him away on sight. Before Reggie even has half a chance to apologize.
Despite this thought process, Reggie’s bike skids to a stop on familiar concrete, bringing him to the realization that he rode to the studio without even thinking about it.
One of the doors has been left open. He can smell popcorn and spices carried out on the wind. He can hear Luke’s laughter, Bobby coughing, a Rolling Stones album playing softly in the background.
It makes Reggie’s throat feel tight, makes it hurt to breathe. He’s so… lonely. He wants what they have, and knows he can’t get it.
He should just go home.
He starts to turn away, but Luke’s voice stops him, calling, “Reg, hey! What are you doing here, man?”
Reggie swallows and awkwardly turns back to face the studio, where Luke’s lounging in the doorway grinning at him, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. Reggie manages a tiny smile of his own that he can only hope is convincing. “Hey, Luke. You, uh… your mom told me you’d be here.”
Reggie starts to add, But I should probably just go, but the words die on his tongue when Bobby appears over Luke’s shoulder, looking pale and tired, his hands in his pockets and his shoulders up at his ears.
“Hey, Reg,” Bobby says, low and gruff.
Reggie swallows, his hands tightening their grip around the handlebars of his bike. “I just… I wanted to talk to Luke?” he says simply, which isn’t totally a lie. “But I can go… if I’m not welcome.”
“What?” Bobby’s expression crumples, and he pushes past Luke to step forward, toward Reggie. “Reg, no, I— of course you’re welcome here. You’re always—” He breaks off, glancing over his shoulder at Luke, who gestures encouragingly. Bobby sighs and turns back, squaring his shoulders. “Reggie, I need to apologize to you. Again.”
Reggie gapes, baffled. “Wha— I— Bobby, no, I should be apologizing to you!”
“Me? Why?”
“Cause I yelled at you.”
“Yeah, but you were right!” Bobby takes another step forward, close enough that he can reach out a hand to hover over Reggie’s, still gripping tight to his handlebars. “Reggie, I’m not good at asking for help. I’m not used to being seen as weak and not having that be a bad thing. But I’m done lying, and I’m done hiding things. You’ve been nothing but kind to me, Reg. And I do want to be your friend.” He takes a deep breath, shoots Luke another quick look, and then says softly, “I’m gonna start being better, Reggie. I promise. I’m so sorry I ever made you feel like I didn’t trust you. Like I didn’t like you. I do. I really do.”
Reggie’s left speechless, and a little choked. He stands there for a few moments, his mouth working but no sound coming out, and stares at Luke and Bobby both, searching their faces for any hint of a sign from either of them that Bobby’s kidding or making fun of him.
Reggie knows Bobby doesn’t mean it— liking him — the way Reggie wants him to, the way Reggie likes him back. But it still puts a lump in his throat, to hear Bobby say it at all — Bobby who never admits to liking anyone!
Reggie doesn’t realize he’s started crying until he tastes salt on his lips and Luke bounds forward to pull Reggie into his arms. That seems to break the floodgates open, then; Reggie lets his bike fall to the concrete with a clatter, buries his face in Luke’s shirt, and sobs.
Luke doesn’t ask why he’s crying, or tell him to stop. He just holds Reggie tight, and when Reggie chokes out, “I was just so lonely, ” whispers, Shh, it’s okay, I know.
Somehow, they end up inside the studio on the folded-out couch. Luke gently pushes Reggie to lie down in the middle, and then immediately climbs in next to him, pulling a mountain of blankets over them both.
After a few moments of awkward hesitation, Bobby joins them on Reggie’s other side, lowering himself gently onto the mattress and curling up so that Reggie feels his warmth without them actually touching.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” Reggie gasps out, his tears starting to slow.
“I wish you’d do it more often.” Bobby gives him a tiny smile and slowly slides his hand into Reggie’s. “You can’t get rid of me, man. I got you.”
Taglist: @whenweremarried @sunsethimb0s @pink-flame @penguin0613 @fighttoshine @sunsetcurvecuddles @teenagedirtbag-dot-jpeg @brightattheorpheum @queenmolina @jandthephantoms @lexilucacia @sapphossidechick @acnhaddict @shrimp-colours @sunset-bobby @lenacarstairspotterstewart @conversationaltreestump @burntchromas @molinapattersons @julieandthequeers @joyandthephantoms @it-tastes-like-lizard @jatpfs
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 10: Man of my word
Words: 2277
The next weeks were the same old same old. Go out with Hawks, find someone to stop, and try to gain what information you could on the HPSC. ONe thing that did catch your interest one day was seeing the U.a Sports festival. You looked over Ta Hawks who was snoring, so you shook his shoulder
“Hawks wake up.” you said
“HUH WHAT WHAT” Hawks said taking a feather off his wings “did someone break in!?”
“No, look, the sports festival is on.” you said
“You mean that weird propaganda the school does each year to show off ‘how cool’ they are.” Hawks said
“Yup that one.” you said “Wasn't there an attack on a bunch of first year students a few ago?”
“Sure was, still go on like everything is the same, blah blha.” Hawks said waving his hand then laying back down to continue his little nap, you tugged on his wig
“Hey wake up, this could be good information.” you said scurrying around for a notebook and pen
“Busy busy little (name), always wanting to learn something new.” Hawks said pointing to a spot where there a blank notebook and pen, you reptivily clicked the pen, still your joyful face soon turned into horror as you saw a giant robot fall on top of a couple of students, Hawks also looked equally as shocked as the two students popped out from underneath them unharmed. You and hawks both gave each other a look of ‘is this real’.
“So much for the safety of their students.” hawks said, before sitting up and resting his chin on his hand, “Oh look,another bird.” “Hmm?” you said looking at a screen to see a student with a Bird head
“Where do you think the head and body meet, i think that's a choker not part of his body.” you said tapping the pen to your lips
“Nah the red is totally a part of his body, hey look, it's the grand canyon, is there where our tax dollars are going?”
“You don't pay taxes hawks.” you said
“Yeesh lucky me, I got the IRS and the HPSC on my ass.” Hawks said, you gave out a small chuckle under your breath as you took in as much infraction as you could, between the mind field and then the horse battle, you were able to get a good hold on the future hero work. THe one on one fight was even more interesting and hawks seem very particule on the bird headed student who was named Tokoyami
“Look ill i'm saying with you talons, my wings and his head it would be pretty cool.” Hawks said, as you shushed him as you kept watching the kid breck the bones in his hand
“Don't you think his quirk is a lot like all mights?” you said “too similar.”
“I don't think All might bones explode.” Hawks said “Still this finger destroying kid has guts, but if he keep going on his path like this-” “His tendons and ligaments are going to be ruined and bye bye arms.” you said interrupting him and kept onlooking the tournament till it was done, and some poor kid was having an episode on top of the podium thrashing around
“Looks like he is having a panic attack.” you said, seeing All might take the muzzle off him and putting the mental, in his mouth.
“I don't think i can watch another round of this, I mean they are teenagers.” you said 
“Doesn't matter, the younger they are the easier it is to make em.” hawks said rolling over and wanting to go back to his nap, but you pull his wing open
“Hawks im getting bored of the same old, same old.” you said “Can’t we do something interesting.”
“Hey, I am plenty interesting.” hawks said “besides news is in the underworld right now.”
“What news?” you asked
“Haven't you heard about the hero killer?” Hawks asked
“Briefly, yes.” you said fiddling with one of his fathers on his wing.
“Well he is killing heros as the news puts it, in the underworld he is killing people who get in the way, to me he is sticking it to the HPSC.” Hawks said 
“Hawks you have killed people, I have seen you do it.” you said
“Still, I wonder what he is thinking.” HAwks said as he used his wing to splat you down on the ground “Now let me sleep.”
“You are no fun.” you said
A few nights later you were hanging onto the back of Hawks as you were both looking down for anything to do, small fries no real threats, you hadn't gotten you hands dirty tonight
“Hawks.” you said
“Yes?” he replied
“When are we going to do something interesting?” you asked
“Very soon, I have  a feeling I'm going to get called in for real soon.” Hawks said “for now lets just relax a bit and take in the view.”
“What favor?” you asked
“Well, you see, I kinda had to sorta maybe get help from this guy to break you out of your confinement from the HPSC.” Hawks said “Only if I did him a favor, he was the same guy who later attacked the USJ, so I'm wondering what or when he will call for me.”
“YOu got help from who now.” you said
“Look, I didn't have any other choice, okay.” Hawks said “Besides nothing I anti used to.”
“Wonder what it could be, because I'm sure if you had been at the USJ, things would've turned out different.” you said “Not sure how i feel about attacking a bunch of kids, hero or not.”
“You like kids?” HAwks asked
“I'm indifferent, I'd never want to hurt one though.” you said “But i’d rather avoid them.” “Lol what are vermin, I love the little scamps.” Hawks said “So young and native, im jelosse.”
“Wish you could have stayed a bit naive for longer hawks?” you asked, he just gave a simple nod of his head 
“Still I'm even more pissed at the HPSC for commissioning children and teenagers.” HAwks said “All the more reason why I want to take them down.”
“I wonder what will pop up afterwards.” you thought
And sure enough the day where Tomura called Hawks in came in the upcoming day, you made it very clear to HAwks that since you were the reason he made the agreement you were going with him.
“I asked for a bird, not some cold faced woman.” The man who had a hand on his face said, you decided to remain quiet, you saw the reports and his quirk, still the bandages on his arms, legs and shoulder said that he had a rough couple of weeks.
“Look, I'm here to repay my favor, what do you want?” Hawks said 
“I'm gathering a group of people to help me.” He said, hawks took notice of how he was a little less bratty then last time. “And you have a favor to repay me, for helping you save that one.”
A finger was pointed at you.
“That is why I am here, what do you need me to do?” Hawks said
“This one.” Tomura said holding up a photo of the teen who had been bound on the first palace podium was held up between two of his fingers. “I need you and the others to catch him for me and bring him here.”
“Anything else?” Hawks asked
“Yes, don't kill this one, I want to get my hands on him first.” Tomura said holding up a photo of the finger destroying kid “I know you are the fastest villain out there and even on the top 3 most dangerous villains up there, if they see you there, they will know I mean business, and you.” “Me?” you asked
“Yes you, a little college student who ran away to a life of crime under the wing of the Night hawk, or the poor innocent soul who was seduced to the dark side, which one was it?”
“I was bored and wanted a change of pace.” you said, and you saw a crooked smile under the hand on his face “Hawks is just my mentor right now, where he goes i go.”
“Fair enough but if you get caught don't expect another rescue team.” Tomura said, ``Hawks  put a wing between the two of you. “hey I'm not here to kill either of you , put the wing down.”
“So you want me to help capture this guy, the guy with the explosions.” Hawks said 
“Well, my wings don't like heat that much.” Hawks said “But i’ll do it, i am a man of my word, but how will this take place.”
“They are going to a training camp soon, you and the others will attack, ruffle their feathers and the others will be there as well, this isn't going to be a repeat of the USJ.” Tomura said “Feel free to because as much maham as you want, just leave this kid alone, and get this kid to me.”
“Hmm the whole class of 1-a.” Hawks said “Not sure how I feel about hurting a bunch of kids, but tell you what, I'll put in my all if i can pick something up while I am there.”
“Pick what up?” Tomura said
“You're Not the only one who thinks a new prodigy is there.” Hawks said, you grabbed one of hawks feathers in anger, he paid no mind.
“Perfect, glad i can rely on you, i'll introduce you to the others with time.” Tomura said “Kurogiri sent me home.”
A black mist portal opened and you and Hawks both went though, and once the portal close you gave hawks a very pissed off look
“What?” He asked
“What the hell was that?” you asked “You want us to go and kidnap a student, incase you forget that guy is out of his mind to think any of those student would turn to villainy, why else would they apply to U.A.'' you said
“Hey calm down chickadee.” Hawks said, putting his hands up in defense “Look I know there is no way any student will listen to him or turn evil, but I do owe him.” Hawks said “And I want to see the kid in person, that was more or less a bluff for him to think I'm going to take this seriously, don't worry i anti trying to replace you, no need to be upset.”
“I'm not upset!” you said
“Yes you were, you were all upset and grabbed my wing trying to pluck me because you thought I wanted to replace you with someone new.” Hawks said, teasing you as you grabbed a handful of his wings “ahh  hey watch the feathers!”
“You jerk!” You said thrashing him back and forth then letting him go “Still i don't like the thought of hurting teenagers, and they don't care if they are killed either.”
“(name), do you trust me?” Hawks asked as he patted his feathers down
“I do.” you said
“Then don't worry.” Hawks said “After this we won't have to deal with him again okay.”
“Okay.” you said still with your arms crossed “I still have a bad bad feeling about this, have you ever heard of the domino effect.”
“Yes.” Hawks said “But the good thing is, maybe this will set off the same chain reaction, i mean if a student gets captured, what will people think about the school and their defense, how idiotic they are with the fact that it happened in the first place.”
“True I mean I am going to do it regardless.” you said “This is the deal you made to get me out of there.” as you looked down at your left thumb
So that's the story of how you and hawks ended up looking down from a clift down a bunch of students who were doing a test of courage in the woods, you didn't tell the others one bit.
“Hey chicken, I never thought i'd ever meet you.” the one who had staples all over his body to keep his burnt flesh attached to him said
“I see I'm popular.” Hawks said, then he looked at you
“And is this the girl who you seduce to the dark side?’ He asked
“Back off she came here on her own accord.” Hawks said putting a wing in front of you
“I think she is cute.” A girl who seemed to be rather young said, wondering what her story was “you are the woman with the knife for nails?”
“Talons under my nail beds, but yes.” you said
“Great, you can come with me then.” She said grabbing your arm and hugging it “help me collect some blood.” “(name) you going to be okay?” Hawks asked
“I’ll be fine, i'll see you when this is over Hawks.” you said
“Looks like you got dumped.” Dabi said and the hawks almost whacked him over the head “anyway you know what to do bird brain, Twice you are with me.”
“Got it dabi, no way Jose.” The man said as you and Toga left
“Hey (name) if anything happens just shout for me okay.” Hawks said
“Gross you love birds, aww isn't that sweet.” Twice said again “You two make a great couple, you are like oil and water.”
“Thanks?” Hawks said and the attack and capture was on.
“Let's go fill those heroes full of holes and put them in their place.” Dabi said as hawks took off what an edge lord he thought
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huntertales · 4 years
Part Four: All’s Well That Ends Well. (Bad Boys S09E07)
Episode Summary: When an old friend of Dean’s asks for help to solve a murder, Sam and the reader discover that the older Winchester as a secret past—one that will help solve the hunt. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 3,476.
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There was never a better feeling than wrapping up a particular rough hunt. Before you and the boys could say your final goodbyes to everyone and hit the road back to Kansas, Dean wanted to stay a little longer and have a private chat with Robin after the eventful afternoon she endured. There was nothing stopping him from giving the woman a proper goodbye, the one she deserved to have all those years ago. She was starting to understand Dean's past more and why he moved around so often. The business he inherited from his father wasn't like her own, but there was a sort of satisfaction to it of helping people. 
"So, then, this is the family business?" Robin asked the man, still trying to wrap her head around everything she witnessed earlier today.
"Told you it was boring." Dean replied with a casual tone that made Robin laugh. She shook her head at his attitude that was too laid back for her personal comfort. She had a feeling he dealt with stranger things out there in the world. "Well, as you can see, I did not run off to become a rockstar." 
"Mm...I don't know about that." Robin said. She tilted her head and smiled at the man. Despite the years that passed between them, not many things changed about him from his youth. He was still the same. Except that he seemed more assured of himself, more confident. And perhaps a tad bit happier. "You look pretty rockin' to me, Dean Winchester."
Dean chuckled at the woman's compliment. "And what about you?"
"I mean, I always thought that I would hate being in the same little town my whole life, and you know, taking over the diner like Dad always wanted, but...I don't. I just—I love it." Robin admitted. Dean was happy to hear about how the woman's life turned out. it was far from what she aspired to be when she was a teenager, but from the look on her face, she wouldn’t have it any other way. “How about you? The family business all that bad?”
“Well, it’s not all threatening to harm kids and spirits. It has its ups and downs, I’m not gonna lie. But it’s not all that bad.” Dean said. It was sort of funny to think back to the things the both of them discussed when they were teenagers. All their hopes and dreams for something different, wanting nothing more than to distance themselves from what their parents wanted, only to follow the exact same path they wanted to avoid. "I guess we didn't know everything we did at sixteen, huh?"
“Not everything.” Robin agreed. “Just some things.” 
She guessed everything happens for a reason. If he asked, she would admit to him that he felt like the one who got away. She wondered from time to time if things might have turned out differently if he stayed and they went on that date he promised her. Would their lives have ended up differently? For better or worse? She didn't know, and quite frankly, didn't really care. Robin was genuinely happy with the way her life turned out. It might not have been exciting and adventurous like Dean's, but she was okay with that. 
Robin found her mind wandering to a few different places with a couple of questions she wanted to try and pick Dean's brain before he left. She only had gotten a taste of what he went up against everyday. Part of her wanted to ask what kind of things were out there, but she had a feeling ignorance was bliss in this sort of situation. However there were other things she was curious about. She noticed Dean look over his shoulder to you and his brother, who had been talking to Sonny after he arrived back from the hospital. 
"Okay, I gotta know." Robin let out a quiet sigh from the intrusive thought that wouldn't leave her alone. She shoved her hands into her back pocket and casually glanced over your way. "Is Y/N your wife? I mean, I only ask because you don't seem the traditional type. And the both of you seem...pretty close.” 
“No. Not yet, at least.” Dean said. He found himself glancing back over in your direction again to see you talking to Sonny, seeming to have moved on from the update from the smile on your face. He prayed the older man who looked after him for those two months wasn’t telling you some kind of embarrassing story you’d most likely tease him about later when the both of you were alone. “I’m still waiting for the day she gets sick of me and runs off.” 
"Give yourself some credit. If she didn't snatch you up, maybe I would have." Robin teased the man. She took the man by surprise when she leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Not in a romantic sort of way, but a thank you for everything he had given her. "Goodbye, Dean. If you ever happen to come back here, those banana pancakes will always be waiting for you." 
The older Winchester smiled at the woman's open invitation and quietly gave her a verbal goodbye. He watched as Robin mader her way up the porch steps and joined Timmy who had been lingering near the front door. The kid smiled and waved to Dean before joining Robin back inside his permanent home. Dean left this place with a better feeling than he had all these years ago. Sonny was a good man, if anyone could help a kid like Timmy, he was the perfect person to do so. 
Dean made his way over to you and Sam, overhearing the conversation about the things Timmy went through today and the person responsible for the deaths of Ruth and Jack, along with the harming of the other boy Sonny was looking over as well. Trauma and trouble were things Sonny was quite familiar with. And he'd do anything in his power to make sure the kid grew up in a loving home.
"Sounds like Timmy's gonna need some help adjusting." Sonny said. 
"Yeah, but he's got you." Dean told the man. 
"I always hate to see you go, dee-dawg. Can't thank you enough for this one, man." Sonny reached out and shook the older Winchester's hand before embracing him into a quick hug. 
"Sonny, we'll see you around." Dean gave his final goodbyes to the man, a little disappointed all of you had to leave so soon. He'd like to stick around for a little while longer and catch up with Sonny, but he was starting to miss his own bed after a stressful hunt like the one all of you endured. 
"You bet on that, kids." Sonny said. "Take it easy, man." 
All of you gave your final goodbyes to the man before you watched Sonny make his way back up to the house to join the boys. You let out a quiet sigh and walked to the Impala that was parked a few feet away. As you reached for the backseat door, Sam found himself caught up with how the hunt ended. The situation looked like it was going to end horribly, until it didn't. Talking out problems to the monster straight on almost never worked. But for some reason it did in this situation. 
"Hey, how did you know Timmy asking his mom to leave was gonna work?" Sam asked his brother, a little bit curious to hear the answer.
“I didn’t. Total Hail Mary.” Dean admitted. “Got lucky.”
"You just got lucky?" Sam repeated his brother's response, seeming to find it a bit funny like the man did. "Kind of like you did with this place. I mean, here I was thinking this was the worst part of your life, and it turns out it was the best. Why'd you ever leave?"
Dean would never admit the truth about this place to either one or Sam. There were some things about his life that he wanted to remain a secret. "Never felt right." Dean said. Sam didn't seem to fully believe the excuse his brother tried to use, you simply looked between both of the boys, understanding the things neither one of them wanted to say. "It was two months, Sam, okay, and I couldn't wait to get out of here. I don't know what to tell you. It wasn't me." 
The boys were good liars when they wanted to be. If you keep telling yourself the same thing over and over again, eventually you'd start to believe it, too. You opened up the car door and slid yourself inside with the brothers following in suit. Dean could lie to your face all you wanted, but you knew there was a special place in his heart for this home and Sonny. A possibility in your life that didn't turn out to be. A chance for normality that never came. For Sam it was his college years, and Dean it was here. While it never lasted long, the chance of getting a taste was sweet enough. Because what you wanted in the moment might not be the thing you really wanted after all. Something made all of you choose hunting instead of a normal life. 
Sam had a hunch of what made Dean decide not to stay at Sonny's all those years ago and join him and John. Something Dean always chose. His older brother never once abandoned him over the years. He was always there for him, always wanting to look out for him. Dean made sacrifices the way a parent did. And never once over the years did he make Sam feel guilty over it. He did what he always did, protected him. 
"Dean...thank you." Sam muttered two words he felt he didn't say enough to his brother. Dean's face slowly morphed into confusion at the compassion being thrown his way. He asked what for. "For always being there, for having my back. Look, I know it hasn't always been easy."
The car fell into silence at the heartfelt words Sam needed to say after understanding the importance of this place to his brother, even if he didn't want to say it. Dean swallowed at the shift in atmosphere. The heaviness of the guilt his brother must be feeling at the moment. In true Dean fashion, the man denied anything to help avoid a deeper conversation. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about."
You rolled your eyes at the man's response, not sure why you were expecting anything else from him. Dean turned on the engine and put the car into drive, sending the Impala forward and down the dirt path out of Sonny's ranch. You looked out the window to get one more good look at the place before turning your attention back to the road. 
+ + +
There was never a better feeling than coming back to the bunker and unwinding after the rough hunt you had. Sam decided he wanted to tackle the book he wanted to read and headed off to the library, you decided not to delay the unpacking you needed to do and the laundry that was starting to pile up in your hamper. You threw your duffel bag to the bed and reached to unzip it. pulling out the dirty clothes and throwing them to the overflowing pile of others. You let out a quiet sigh of annoyance and debated with yourself if you really wanted to do this right now...
Lucky for you, a momentary distraction came to you when Dean stepped into your shared bedroom with his own overnight bag he threw over to the couch. You'd been meaning to talk to him about the hunt. You watched as he kicked off his shoes and jumped onto the bed, relaxation finally coming over him after the long drive. You joined him without needing to be asked, curling up to his side and taking the rightful place you loved to be. You didn't entertain small talk like how you normally did when you wanted to ask Dean persona questions like you normally did. 
“I’ve been thinking...” You began.
“That’s never good.” Dean was quick to try and humor you with jokes that made him laugh, you responded with an eye roll like always. 
"What do you think our lives would be like if we never met? If you never left Sonny’s?" You asked him the question that had been burning in the back of your mind for a while now. Dean could try and deny the truth all he wanted to you, but you knew him better than he knew himself. You sat up so you were staring at him in the eye to see his reaction from your question. "I know Sammy’s the reason why you really left.” 
You watched as Dean opened his mouth to try and deny such a claim. You raised your brow slightly and waited for him to try and stop the conversation before it could go any further. He shot down all of you every time you tried to dig deeper into this part of his past. But it seemed he didn't want to deny anything with you. He let out a quiet sigh. "I couldn't leave the kid alone." 
“That’s what makes you the best big brother, ever.” You mumbled, a smile spreading across your lips. “I could picture you turning out to be like Sonny. Having a home for little wayward boys, making them better people. Maybe settle down with Robin...be happy.” 
“You think I’d settle down with Robin?” Dean teased you from the way you trailed off before finishing your sentence. Speaking words that almost sounded like they left a bad taste in your mouth from the thought alone of not having a life with him. “Are you jealous?”
“What? No!” You jumped a little too quickly to deny such a claim from him. You rolled your eyes when the smirk that spread across his lips grew a little wider at your reaction to his question. You reached out to fix the flannel he was wearing so it laid flat, using the few moments between your words to help formulate your thoughts better. “Far from it, actually. It was nice meeting someone from your face that wasn’t a hookup. I...I’m happy your life wasn’t that bad all the time.” You were now fidgeting with his buttons from what you said. “You got to have somewhat a normal life. Experience the awkwardness of being a teenager. Date a nice girl. Even if it only lasted a few months. It just makes me wonder what your life could have been if you stayed.” 
“I never really thought about it.” Dean shrugged, giving you the honest truth. “Not recently, at least.” 
You looked up at him after focusing on his shirt for a little while longer, asking another question. “Was she the first girl you got serious with?” 
"Why'd you ask that?" Dean's expression changed into slight confusion at such an odd sounding question. You saw his brow scrunch together as he wondered to himself if you 
 were jealous. Not of what she was to him, but the fact that it wasn't you who gave him the teenage bliss of first dates and making out on porches. Stupid things every sixteen year old got to experience. Things you missed out on when you were his age.
“Because of the way you acted around her when you first saw her at the diner. You acted like you were more than old friends." You said. "You get this look in your eye when you're around girls who...gave you something you never really got to have." 
“She made me understand what it was like to be a teenager. What relationships were like.” He said. “But she doesn’t compare to you. Not even by a long-shot.” 
"I know our paths were supposed to cross and all that crap, but sometimes I wonder what things would be like if we were just...normalish.” You said. “What if we never met back up as teenagers? We might have gone our entire lives not knowing each other. You really might have become a famous rockstar. I could have been an adoring fan of yours!” 
"Would have you been one of those groupies who'd do anything to get backstage to meet the singer?" Dean asked, wiggling his brow to prove his point. You quietly laughed at the way his mind always seemed to wander. "Do you think you would have gone to college and live the life the way your mom wanted if we never met?"
“Mmm, perhaps. Maybe I’d settle down with some schmuck and live some boring life.” You quietly laughed at the thought of having the American dream most people craved to have. A boring job with a white picket fence and a spouse they’d most likely divorce in ten years. “I can picture myself having some lame career. Pop out a few kids. Definitely would have a dog…I mean, how can I not?”
“We’re not getting a dog. Or a cat. You know my allergies wouldn’t handle it.” He quickly shot down your idea of adding a furry pet into your family when you looked at him the way you were right now. You still were a bit  bummed since you wrapped up the case with the Colonel a few weeks back. You’d do anything to give him a proper home, but you knew that it was impossible with the life you lead. “Sammy’s kind of like a dog. He’s hairy enough. And Kevin’s like a cat. He never leaves and sometimes roams from room to room.” 
“You’re terrible.” You lightly whacked Dean in the chest at his horrible joke that made you smile. He chuckled to himself and titled his head to the side that you found adorable. For some reason you found yourself staring into his eyes, a rush of emotions came over you. Sometimes it happened when the light hit him just right or he was simply doing something mundane. It was the realization that Dean was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. He was your soulmate, your better half. Even if he was a bit of an idiot sometimes. He was all yours. And fate had led you together. “I love you, Dean.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart.” He whispered back to you. He leaned down slightly to give you a sweet and simple peck on the lips. “And don’t you forget that.” 
“I won’t.” You promised him. “Not ever.” 
Maybe that’s why he kept this of his past a secret for all these years. John told Sam that his older brother got lost on a hunt because it was just easier for everyone. Sam wouldn’t understand why John couldn’t pick his brother back up from this place. You bet that even at twelve years old Sam butted heads with his father. 
And Dean never told the truth because...because this place was something that made him think for a second that the life he had wasn’t what he wanted. He could’ve changed it around and never looked back. He could’ve gone to that dance like a normal teenager and continued on with Robin. He could’ve finished up school and possibly went off to college. Learn guitar from and become a big rockstar. Or go to college and study engineering. Dean was smart, much as he doubted himself at times. There was an opportunity to change his life around and stay with someone who cared for him and gave the right kind of tough love he needed at times. And he would’ve done it, only if he was an only child. Maybe if Sam was a few years older and was able to take care of himself on his own. 
Dean’s life could have gone in a million different directions if he wanted All of your lives could have. The one he was given was tough and unbearable at times. He suffered too much grief and constantly had a crisis that needed solving. But the good outweighed the bad. If his life didn’t go the way it did, he wouldn’t have met you. Or Cas. And few people he called friends. Dean learned that his life, good or bad, was his own to control after all the crap he dealt with before in the past. It wasn’t perfect, God knows that, but it was his. He was able to do anything he wanted. And the realization made him think back to what he said about you to Robin when she asked if you and him were married. Not yet...but soon. He hoped very soon. 
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thepigeonsopinion · 3 years
So, "Hack San" was released...
The episode "Hack San" has finally been released and here I am now, about to go on and on about the episode :) But first let's do a small summary or synopsis of the episode!
Warning: Spoilers to the episode "Hack San"
The episode starts off with Marinette trying to make up excuses to stay in Paris/home, instead of going to London to visit her Aunt. So far, all of her attempts have been failures. Marinette then has no choice but to leave Paris with her family. Meanwhile, Gabriel or Shadowmoth creates a new sentimonster with the name of Hack San, which is a virus that allows for Markov to be vulnerable to an akuma. Then, Marinette contacts Alya to meet her at the train station before she is to leave. Marinette gives Alya the Ladybug miraculous trusting her to protect Paris while she is gone. Alya has a chat with the kwami's, Tikki and Trixx, in which they tell her the ups and downs of being the holder of the Ladybug miraculous and the guardian of the miracle box. Alya returns to the park that she was hanging out at before Marinette contacted her. At the park, Alya starts to fuss over everyone's emotions, mainly if they are feeling any negative emotions. Meanwhile, Markov is effected by the virus and is akumatized by Shadowmoth and becomes Robustus. Robustus then (through the internet) takes control of people and orders them to give him their most prized possessions. While on the train, Marinette's parents are affected by Robustus, which leads to Marinette being captured by Robustus. It is then Alya's responsibility to protect Paris. Alya transforms into her version of Ladybug, and while she is trying to find her new super hero name she is met with Chat Noir. Chat Noir does not immediately trusts the new super heroine and suspects they are the villain. However, this distrust is cut short because of the akuma Robustus still being at large. Robustus orders everyone to capture Ladybug and Chat Noir. The super heroes hear a person crying for help and while Chat Noir is at first suspicious, Alya heads straight to where the civilian's voice was heard. This turns out to be a trap and the super heroes are forced to run into a building where they are also trapped by Robustus. Alya summons her Lucky Charm to aid her in this situation. Alya or Scarabella receives a frying pan. This leads her to think of a plan to manipulate Robustus to release the people's possessions in exchange for both her and Chat Noir. Robustus agrees to this and releases all of the objects and among those objects is Marinette who catches on quickly to the plan and uses the frying pan to release the akuma. The super heroes are released as well and Alya uses her Miraculous Ladybug. And as always, Paris is saved once again. A few days later, Marinette and her family are back from her trip and Alya suggest Marinette/Ladybug go talk to Chat Noir, and she does. Ladybug and Chat Noir have a talk about how someone knows about Ladybug's secret identity and Chat's new found fear that Ladybug might not be there anymore, in which Ladybug gives him the reassurance that she won't be going anywhere. And, the episode ends.
Yay! Another very detailed and unnecessary summary of the episode! Welp! It's too late now. :|
Anyway! Now onto my opinion or thoughts on the episode!
(Also I'm re-watching the episode as I do this so this might have some unnecessary details. Anyway, carry on!)
First things first the, I know that Marinette is trying to get out of going to London and staying in Paris, but I swear her excuses are getting weaker. I swear she had better excuses in the earlier seasons or is it just me? Not to mention, since Marinette is so desperate to stay in Paris she purposefully trips down the stairs. Damn the dedication and I mean, I know that Marinette needs to stay in Paris just in case, but she has left Paris like three times now, you would think that she would have a backup plan if anything happened in Paris when she wasn't there (and I'll talk about one of her solutions later on *cough cough Scarabella cough cough*). Also, Tom's desperation and persistence for Marinette to come on the trip is kinda amusing. And the not so subtle jabs at the aunt :0
Moving on! Ummm Nooroo and Dusuu you know that Gabriel is RIGHT there right? I mean he could probably hear what your saying. Also, Gabriel are you just deaf or did you not just hear what they said? Because their right behind you. When Shadowmoth made Hack San, was the weird "Haah" sound really necessary? Also, why does the virus, USB thingy low key look like Nino's shirt logo. Are they somehow connected? Or did they just run out of ideas for the design? (Not me being salty over a sentimonsters design) Why the fuck is this robot doing like three things at the same time? I know that he's a robot, but come on.
Hmmmm. No other option you say? What about bringing the Horse miraculous with you like in Startrain? Or use the cosmic suits that can legit let you fly around the world? Come on, let's be honest here giving Alya the Ladybug miraclulous wasn't the ONLY option. Claps to Alya for doing a fake doubting act, but in reality just trying to think of a new superhero name. You almost got me there Astruc, you almost made me thought that Alya had her doubts about taking over for Marinette, but in reality is just super excited to take over. Props to you my dude, props! Also, I'm not going to lie Alya all of your name ideas are kinda weak, I mean the fandom has better name ideas than you do, but then again that is to be expected. Props to the kwamis for putting all the pressure that Marinette has on her back and transferring it to Alya. Thank you for making Alya aware of all the pressure Marinette's under. Even if Alya's probably not going to bring it up and probably will just brush it off. Yes, Alya just keep telling your self that this weekend is going to be totally chill. Not to mention, Tikki being more supportive to Alya than to Marinette, whaaaaaaaaaaa- :0. Alya you just told yourself that this weekend was going to be chill why the heck are you making your life harder for yourself. To be honest, if your acting like this already you deserve whatever is coming for you. Marinette, honey, why the fuck do you need to right down 675 tips for Alya? I mean I get 33 tips even 40, but 675, really? Not to mention, the tip about laughing at Chat Noir's jokes even if they aren't funny just to make him happy, why the fuck do you need to keep him happy he could be mad, upset, or sad and I wouldn't give a fuck :p.
I will say this again, how the fuck does a multi-intelligent robot that is connected the world wide web, that is also doing at least 4 things at the same time get tempted and corrupted by a virus by clicking on a cute kitty cat ad. HOW!?! EXPLAIN THAT TO ME!?!
Okay, so remember when we thought we were actually going to get a canon Marcenial moment. Hahaha welp Astruc you've done it again you have crushed our shipping dreams again. I hope your proud of yourself. Also, the most precious possession to Marc is his and Nathaniel's manga/comic, really?
Damn the amount of times this girl makes us and Trixx second guess that she's doubting herself, like she's done it three times now. Not to mention, why is her ladybug suit more detailed than Marinette's hmmm? I mean, don't get me wrong I like the design, but why can't Marinette have a detailed suit like this? Also why is Alya acting like The Owl? *Hoot Hoot!* I also just realised that the kwamis are a bit territorial, well not Tikki, but Plagg and Trixx have proven themselves to be a bit territorial of their holders.
I love Chat Noir's distrust to Alya as Ladybug because this shows a different side of Chat Noir that Paris doesn't see, but does Alya see this and realize how much of a ass he is? Nope. Also, not going to lie, his distrust kinda amuses me. Carrying on! Chat Noir, I can hear the toxic jealousy from here my dude, you might want to tone it down a bit, you've got a audience here you know. You know, I was expecting him to say his most prized possession was Ladybug, or even his kwami, Plagg, but I wasn't expecting him to say croquettes. OMG! GUYS! IT'S HAPPENING! CHAT IS FINALLY BEING CAUTIOUS FOR ONCE INSTEAD OF IMMEDIATELY JUMPING INTO TROUBLE!!! Also, Chat Noir being responsible whaaaaaaa- :0. Ummm, why the fuck did they just run into a building, when they legit could've jumped out of that mess, like seriously why isn't anyone using their head today?
Moving on! Why the heck is most of this episode just Alya trying to think of a super hero name like seriously, I know it's supposed to be some kinda of gag, but it's starting to get a bit annoying. Chat Noir being supportive to Alya: *slow clap*. When Alya's whole plan is to just to leave everything up to Marinette, Me: Wow! I TOtAlLy didn't see that coming! Hehehe Chat Noir with a pot over his head. You know, I thought upset Chat Noir was enough for this episode, but now we get sad Chat Noir and Ladybug reassuring him, just wow, you have out done yourself Astruc.
AND! That's that end of the episode! So all in all, this episode wasn't that bad? But it wasn't my favorite (maybe one of my least favorite tbh :0) Mainly, because of the appearance of Scarabella and ladybug catering to Chat Noir needs. This is probably mainly because I'm a bit biased, but in my opinion and I will repeat in MY OPINION I don't think Alya really deserves to get the miraculous. I mean yeah, Marinette has given her trust to her and has told her that she is Ladybug, but has she really done anything to show that she deserves that trust. If I'm being honest she has shown more reasons for Marinette not to trust her. One of the reasons being that Alya doesn't fully trust Marinette herself, and the other being that she disobeyed Marinette by telling Nino that she is still Rena Rouge and not telling her that she did so.
Anyway! Those are most of my thought's on this episode. This has been a loooong week for me with the addition of school now. So expect me to be posting more on the weekends than on weekdays.
Anywho! I hope everyone has a great rest of their day. And always remember...
But that's just my opinion (・ε・)
(This week has been soooo tiring and with the edition of this episode and a sneak peek of a new episode coming up, I know it's only beginning. *smiles through the pain :)*)
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prettyboyreid · 4 years
Request: can you do a spencer reid imagine based on season 9 episode 23 and 24 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
Spencer experiences what is possibly the worst twenty-four hours of his life, and so does his wife.
Warnings: spoilers for Criminal Minds season 9 finale, lots of talk of blood, gun violence, normal Criminal Minds content
Word Count: 4,623
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She almost didn’t even notice what happened.  She almost kept firing at the unsub inside the restaurant.  She almost carried on as if nothing had even happened. 
Spencer had pushed her and Blake out of the way at the very last moment, somehow knowing they were in the line of fire after only a few bullets had been shot at them.  She thought he would’ve gone back to behind the car door he had been crouched behind, but the second she heard Morgan running towards them, her heart sank.  She felt the weight of the world crash onto her shoulders that couldn’t bear it.  She dropped her gun before running over to him, hoping the bullet had hit the Kevlar and not him, that the wind had just been knocked out of him and he would get up in a minute.
If only she had been so lucky. 
Morgan held pressure to his neck as she scrambled over to his limp body, trying to assess the situation the same way her husband would have if it were the other way around.  Her hands soon replaced Derek’s much larger ones before he ran into the building, chasing down whoever it was that had shot his best friend, his brother.  
Spencer’s eyes looked heavy, like it took most of his strength just to look at her.  She gave him a soft smile as she held him, doing her best to try and at least make him feel comfortable.  He always told her that he felt safest with her. 
“Hey, hey, keep your eyes on me, Spence.  You’re gonna be alright,” she promised, repeating those four words to him over and over again like a mantra.  The promise was more for herself, knowing she was the one that probably needed to hear it more than him.  She watched as he tried to open his mouth and say something to her, but he couldn’t even muster up more than the necessary breaths that kept him alive.
“Don’t try and say anything, okay?” she soothed him, looking up only for a brief moment as she heard the sirens of the ambulance she assumed Hotch had called approaching quickly.  “You need to save your strength.  The ambulance is almost here, and we’re gonna get you some help.”  She used the back of her hand that wasn’t pressing down on the fresh wound to wipe away a few tears she had let slip, not wanting him to see her cry right now.  She was supposed to stay strong for him, and that was getting harder and harder the more she watched his gaze fluctuate between her and his eyelids. 
The ambulance had arrived much quicker than she expected.  Once the paramedics had reached Spencer, the ringing sound of bullets had long subsided.  The buzzing of the possibly fatal hit, however, buzzed in her ear like radio static, and the longer she watched him the louder it became. 
The EMTs quickly mounted him onto a stretcher and ushered him into the ambulance, holding cloth to his neck to stop the bleeding.  She looked back at their Unit Chief quickly to make sure it was alright for her to go, and he nodded.  Y/N quickly climbed into the car before the doors closed. 
She laced her hand with Spencer’s much larger one, though it was just limp and nearly lifeless.  He could hardly keep his eyes open, practically choking for any air he could get as he struggled to stay stable in the back of the ambulance.  The vehicle lurched forward before quickly driving off towards the nearest hospital, the paramedic riding in the back with the couple continuing to hold pressure on the bleeding wound. 
“We’re almost there, Spence,”  she whispered to him, her gaze glued to him as she gave him a weak smile.  By this point, since she wasn’t even sure he could see her, she let her tears flow freely.  She felt weak, like she was about to break the second he left her side for surgery.  
She didn’t want to let him go; she wanted to hold his hand through every step to let him know she was there for him.  She worried that he wouldn’t feel her next to him in surgery, worried she had gone back to work, forgetting about him.  
“Keep your eyes on me, okay?  I’m not leaving. I’ll be right here. Eyes on me,” she told him, wincing slightly as the ambulance pulled to a stop.  
The paramedic that had been driving ripped the doors open seconds after they had stopped, helping pull Spencer out of the vehicle and set the wheels down to the ground.  She had hopped out of the ambulance and quickly followed them in, her mind tuning out the jargon they were yelling at the doctors as he was pushed down the white sterile halls towards the surgery wing.  She focused solely on him, watching as his eyes slowly closed just as he was pushed past two large red doors, forbidding her from staying with her husband any longer. 
She stood in that spot for a while - somewhere between five and twenty minutes, she wasn’t really sure - until a nurse carefully approached her.  The young woman rested a hand on her arm, catching Y/N’s attention before she turned down to her. 
“Is there anybody you’d like me to call?  Family, maybe?” the nurse (who she had deduced was named Evelyn, based on her name tag) had asked.  It took her a few moments to respond before she nodded, wanting to wipe her tears away the way Spencer would before she remembered his blood had been caked over her fingers. 
“Uh… um yeah.  Penelope Garcia.  I have her card somewhere and I’m sure she’s on her way but… I just need to be sure,” she said, sniffling a bit before looking around the hospital as she dug through her pockets.  She pulled out a few small pieces of paper, sifting through them before she found the one she had been searching for.  She handed it over to the nurse with shaking hands, letting out a sigh before she let her eyes shift between her and her hands. 
“Where’s the restroom?” she asked quietly, knowing she should clean herself up before she caught more than a few judgmental stares.  The nurse pointed her in the direction of the nearest one, giving her a soft, sympathetic smile.  Y/N thanked her quietly, following her directions before pushing the heavy door open with her elbow and making her way to the sinks. 
She scrubbed the dried maroon blood from her nervous, shaking hands, the entire scenario replaying in her head as she watched everything swirl down the drain.  Even after her hands were clean, she continued rubbing them down with thinly foamed soap and freezing water, hoping it would take away the memory of watching him hang on for his life by a thin, narrow thread.  
It was wishful thinking, but it didn’t stop her from trying. 
After a few minutes, she twisted the water off and grabbed a few paper towels from the automatic machine beside the sinks, rubbing off any excess water that still remained.  She stared at her hands, wondering how long she would have the picture in her mind of her holding his neck, praying to whatever God there was that his eyes would stay open, that he would keep breathing.  The very thought made her lose what little lunch she did have into the garbage can by the door, holding her hair back quickly as she coughed up anything left in her stomach. 
She ran her hands back through her hair as she tried to at least get a hold of herself, splashing some cold water on her face and rinsing her mouth out.  (She made a quick note to herself to ask Penelope to pick up a travel toothbrush and toothpaste set at the airport whenever she landed.)  She looked herself over in the mirror, her skin pale and sunken in as if she had aged ten years since this morning, though given what she’s been through, it didn’t feel like much of a stretch.  
She made her way out of the restroom and back to the waiting room, letting out a sigh of relief as she saw Alex sitting in one of the chairs waiting for her.  Y/N gave her a soft smile, sitting in the empty chair next to her before leaning back into the plastic cushioning.  
For a few minutes, she stayed silent.  Both of them did.  There were no words they could say that would comfort the other.  They both felt an overwhelming sense of guilt, knowing that it should have been one of them that was on that operating table, not Spencer.  
Spencer could do no wrong in either of their eyes.  He was a protector and a lover.  He didn’t kill anyone unless someone else was in trouble.  He hated having to use his gun unless it was necessary.  He always tried to talk people down as a first option, even if they came at him with a knife.  
“He’s gonna be okay,” Alex assured her softly, her focus trained on a stack of untouched medical and gossip magazines across from them.  She didn’t rest a reassuring hand on her shoulder, she didn’t try to give her a hug - not that she needed either.  Her presence was all she needed right now, and that was enough. 
Those were the only words spoken between them until the most colorful woman entered the hospital a little over an hour later, looking around nervously and curiously before her eyes landed on the two women in the waiting area.  She walked quickly over to them, the clicking of her heels being the only sound in the room in the early hours of the morning. 
“Any news?” she asked the two of them, digging into her purse before pulling out a toothbrush and toothpaste before handing it to Y/N.  She gave her friend a soft smile, sticking the two items in her back pocket before shaking her head. 
“No, not yet,” she said, clearing her throat as she checked the time on her phone.  “They took him in a little over two hours ago.  They should be almost done, ideally,” she added, folding her arms across her chest as she looked around the room.  Only a few other people were there - an older couple who looked like they were grieving, a small family who looked anxious (but in a good way), and a middle aged man and what looked like his young daughter.  Most of them were tired and exhausted.  No one could really blame them.  
“He’ll be alright.  He has to be.  It’s Spencer,”  Penelope told her, sitting down next to her before resting a hand on her knee.  The anxious wife gave her a smile, though anyone who could see her could tell it wasn’t genuine; it wasn’t her normal smile, one that would light up a room like a Christmas tree.  
As if on cue, one of the doctor’s came into the waiting area, one of his hands shoved into the pocket of his lab coat while his stethoscope hung loosely around his neck.  
"Y/N Reid?” he called out, reading the name off of a clipboard before looking up around the room.  She stood up quickly and made her way towards the doctor.  She held her arms crossed over her chest, sniffling a bit before shifting all of her weight onto her right foot.
“Is he okay?”  She wanted to ask if he was alive, that was all she cared about right now.  But she thought he was too selfish to ask that, so she asked the next best question.  The doctor softly nodded, and Y/N let out a heavy sigh she hadn’t realized she was holding in. 
“He’s stable.  He flat-lined when he was on the table, but he’s alright now.  A few centimetres to the right and he would’ve died.  He was very lucky,” the doctor informed them.  She squeezed her arm a bit as she listened to him, desperately wishing she was squeezing his hand instead.  However, she nodded along as he spoke, telling her about his condition and how long it would be until he could be discharged. 
“When can I see him?” she managed to croak out, her nose scrunching up a bit as the smell of the hospital finally caught up with her.  She had been so focused on Spencer, she hadn’t paid attention to anything else, including the sickly intoxicating scent of the sterilized building. 
“He’s still asleep, but you can come back to his room.  We can’t say how long it’ll be before he’s awake, so it could be awhile if you need to go-”
“I’m not leaving until he’s awake,” she said a bit too quickly, mentally kicking herself as she thought of how rude she probably sounded.  The doctor, thankfully, nodded understandingly, before leading her back towards where his room was.  
She shoved her hands in her pockets as she followed him quickly, looking back towards Alex and Penelope before nodding back towards his room, indicating that they should come as well.  Penelope gathered up her purse and offered her hand out to Alex before the two of them hurried behind her. 
It was a short walk from the waiting area back to the post-op room where he was resting, but to Y/N, the trek felt like it took hours.  Her body had been drained of all of her energy, and she wanted nothing more than to take him home, back to Washington, D.C., back to their house they had just bought and back to their bed.  She wanted to make him dinner again, to pick out his suit for the day while he picked out a pair of mismatched socks that only the two of them would ever see.  She wanted to sit on the couch and watch Doctor Who and Star Trek with him, listening to him make small comments about the science and physics behind every little detail and why it is or isn’t possible. 
But it wasn’t about her right now. 
The doctor pushed the door open carefully so as to not disturb the sleeping Boy Wonder, letting the three of them in before disappearing down the hall yet again.  His wife quickly made her way to his side, her hand lacing with his limp, nearly lifeless one as she sat down in one of the uncomfortable chairs much like the one she had been in for the past few hours.  Garcia reached into her bag, setting up a few little figurines from some of his favorite sci-fi shows on the table in front of him.  Blake sat in one of the seats across from the bed, crossing one leg over the other as she watched Spencer patiently. None of them made a sound, hardly took a breath, as if their presence would wake him up immediately.
It didn’t take long for the three exhausted women to fall asleep, despite the freezing room and hardly cushioned chairs.  
Spencer had woken up about an hour after they all fell into their deep slumber, smiling weakly at the sight of some of his closest friends waiting for him.  He used his free hand to rub at his eye tiredly, the slight movement of his body enough to wake up Y/N, who hadn’t let his hand go even as she slept. 
She let out a heavy sigh as she saw he was awake, letting her head rest against their intertwined hands.  “You’re okay,” she breathed out, kissing his knuckles softly before she looked up at him.  Her eyelids were heavy, her short nap not nearly long enough to make up for the drowsy feeling that overwhelmed her body.  
“You told me I would be, didn’t you?” he said in a groggy voice, slowly and carefully pulling their hands up to his mouth to kiss the back of her hand.  She smiled brightly at his comment, running a hand back through her hair with her free hand.  
“Get some sleep, angel.  You look worse than I do - which is saying something, considering I was just shot in the neck,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood. 
He always knew that she took everything to heart, especially when it came to him.  Even when they started dating - almost eight years ago by now - she was overprotective of him.  Whenever he put himself in danger (which was far more frequently than she would have preferred), she did everything in her power to keep him safe.  So, he knew that right now, she probably was physically pained to see him like this, that she wasn’t going to get a good night’s sleep until she knew that he was going to be alright. 
“I’ll be fine.  Can I get you something?  They have Jell-O downstairs, some pudding, I think Garcia brought-”
“Y/N.”  His voice was as firm as it could be, but it came out more like a plea.  She looked down at him, her eyebrows knitted together as she waited for him to continue.  
“We both need rest, alright?  I’ll take you up on your offer for Jell-O in a few hours, but you and I both need sleep, okay?” he told her, squeezing her hand three times softly.  She chewed on the inside of her cheek as she listened, but nodded after a few moments.  
He scooted over on the small bed until his side was pressed against the plastic rail that prevented him from falling off.  He patted the now empty spot on the firm mattress, tugging on his wife’s hand softly to pull her up to him.  She smiled softly at his offer, standing up and sliding into the bed next to him.  She thanked whatever God there was that he was the width of a toothpick, or else both of them would have never fit on that bed.
The second she was next to him for the first time in more hours than either of them would like, he pulled her flush against him with the rest of the strength he had.  She rested her head on his flat chest, taking in the familiar scent of coffee and old books that followed him no matter where he went.  Her arms delicately wrapped around him, not wanting to hurt him in case any part of him besides his neck was still sore.  He did the same to her, letting out a sigh as he let his head rest against the rock-like pillow the hospital had provided for him. 
Spencer fell asleep almost instantly, easily exhausted from everything he had gone through that day.  Y/N, however, couldn’t sleep for the life of her.  She worried that if she closed her eyes, something else would happen to him.  
Instead, she listened to the steady sound of his heartbeat, a sound she’d forever be grateful for being able to hear.  She assumed that was what kept her up - the beautiful sound of his heart that had stopped for only a few moments, the sound that proved to her that he was alive and that he was okay.  
Alex was the first of the three to wake up.  Y/N looked at the digital clock on the bedside table once she noticed the older woman stirring, noting that it was just past three A.M.  Blake sat silently in her chair, checking any emails and calls she had missed from the team.
Penelope was next.  She gave the couple a bright smile as she saw Y/N curled up next to the doctor in his hospital bed.  She fixed the figurines she had set out earlier just to make sure they were perfect for him, before sitting down in her seat again, patiently waiting for him to wake up so she could smother him in hugs and affection, grateful he was alive. 
Spencer awoke for the second time just before four o’clock, rubbing tiredly at his eyes as he looked around at the surprisingly bright room considering the hour.  Penelope rushed to his side, checking over his face and his injury to make sure he was alright.  Y/N was forced to get off the bed as Penelope called for the nurse, who took his vitals quickly so he could get some more rest. 
Once she was sure that Spencer was alright, Penelope insisted that Blake head back to the team to help them catch the people who had done this.  Now that Spencer was involved, it was personal, and the BAU wouldn’t stop until they caught whoever had done this.  
Penelope had flipped open her laptop so she could help the team from the hospital, and Y/N had left to get some snacks for Spencer, wanting him to be as comfortable as possible.  
It wasn’t supposed to take long, five minutes max, but when the fire alarm went off, she was ushered out of the building, her arms full of Jell-O and banana pudding.  
She tried to look around for Penelope and Spencer, but she grossly underestimated how many people a Texas hospital housed.  She tapped her foot anxiously against the concrete as she waited for them to be in the clear to head back inside, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she looked at the other patients and families waiting.  
She worried her husband was cold and uncomfortable, just wanting to rest a little more and have a snack.  She worried that they weren’t able to get out of the hospital, that something had happened to them (despite her not being able to see any smoke or fire coming from the large building.)  
The second they were permitted back into the building, Y/N ran to the elevators, pressing the button for the fourth floor quickly and repeatedly until the large metal doors closed, her feet tapping against the metal flooring as she held tightly onto the food she had nearly forgotten about by that point. 
She snuck through the crack in the door once the elevator cart had come to a full stop, making her way through the halls as she searched for her husband's room.  She could never understand why hospitals always seemed so hard to navigate.  She had just made it down to the nurse’s station when she heard the sound that repulsed her, making her nearly lose her balance and her knees buckle. 
She dropped the little packages of food as she bolted down the hall, every last drop of adrenaline propelling her forward towards the sound that rang in her ears.  She found herself in the doorway of Spencer’s room, letting out a heavy sigh as she saw Spencer safe and sat up in his hospital bed.  
She looked down at her feet to see a nurse, a gun by his hand and a syringe by the other.  When Y/N looked up again, she saw Garcia holding her husband’s revolver with shaking hands, Spencer carefully taking it from her before tossing it over towards his bag of clothes. 
“...You saved my life,” Spencer breathed out to Penelope, hardly noticing his wife had entered the room.  “Can you hear me?”
“Yeah, I heard that. It makes it better.  Thank you for saying that.”
“Thank you for doing it,” he said to her, giving her a soft smile before running a hand back through his tousled hair.  
Penelope looked up as Y/N arrived at Spencer’s side, looking between the two of them as the doctor’s wife awaited an explanation as to why Reid had to be saved twice in less than twenty-four hours.
“That guy… he was disguised as a nurse.  He tried to give me carbenicillin.  We tried to tell him I’m allergic, but he didn’t listen,” he explained, still visibly out of breath.  She couldn’t blame him; he’d been through too much for him to not feel drained.  She grabbed a water bottle Penelope had gotten for them earlier when she had first arrived, twisting off the cap before handing it to Spencer and looking towards Garcia. 
“Spencer hit it out of his hand, but then he drew his gun, and I didn’t know what to do so I just grabbed his gun and squeezed and now I feel like I can’t hear anything,” she explained in one breath, sitting down next to him as she tried to process the entire situation.  Y/N looked down to Spencer, checking him over quickly to subconsciously make sure he was alright. 
She wouldn’t have been able to take it if he had been shot again. 
“Don’t worry about me,” he assured his wife, reaching out to hold her hand.  She sat at the edge of his bed, lacing their fingers together as she let out a soft sigh when he gave her a smile.  
“You can’t get rid of me that easily, princess,” he teased her, doing his best to make light of the situation.  Leave it to Dr. Spencer Reid to try and joke about his near-death experiences.  She rolled her eyes, leaning over and kissing the top of his head softly. 
“I’m never leaving your side again,” she told him, almost as a promise to herself.  He grinned up at her, chuckling weakly as he laid back against the pillows.  
“You say it like I would have a problem with that,” he smiled, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hand.  Despite all he had been through that day, the bright glow of the LED lights in the room highlighted Spencer’s face perfectly, and if it weren’t with the large bandage on his neck with a maroon spot, you probably wouldn’t be able to tell he had gotten shot.  
“C’mere,” he said to her, opening his arms out as he made room for her in the small bed yet again.  She laughed a little bit, always loving how affectionate he would be when no one else was (or, in this case, very few people were) around.  He was like a giant puppy that thrived off of cuddles and kisses.  She could never complain, though. 
She made her way into the spot he had made next to him, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek before finding comfort against his warm, thin body.  Her head rested on his chest once again, waiting a few moments to make sure she wasn’t hurting him before finally letting herself settle down.  His arm wrapped around her to keep her close while her fingers traced abstract shapes on his clothed chest, letting out a deep sigh as they sat there in silence.  
Garcia had since left the room with the nurses who had escorted the “nurse” out of the room and down to surgery, leaving it to just be the two of them in the hospital room, the only sounds being their soft, heavy breaths and the hum of the bright lights neither of them could be bothered to turn off. 
It didn’t take long for the two of them to fall asleep.  Maybe it was the fact that they were finally alone together.  Maybe it was the fact that she finally really knew he was safe, that the people who were trying to hurt him were being locked away or in surgery, where they couldn’t get to him.  Either way, she let the buzzing hum of the lights lull her to sleep, letting herself relax in his touch for the first time in nearly twenty-four hours. 
They both were as safe as they could be, and it was the most comforting feeling in the world. 
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thenotetoselfpod-hq · 3 years
“The answer is yes if you were wondering if y’all were spoiled. Whew, Chile. Don’t ask me for NOTHIN’ else.” Zion chuckled sweetly as she dramatically cleared her throat. “Lets get into it. Welcome back to another episode of the Note to Self podcast where we talk all things self care of the body, spirit, mind, work ethic, sprinkled in with a whole lot of motivation to carry us into a new day. I am your host Zion Taylor and with me in my makeshift studio is my lil baby who listens to all of my problems, my boss friend THEEEEE Brilliant O’neal.” Zion air claps as she smiles over at Brilliant. “How are you on this lovely day, mama?”
“Hey, hey, hey! I’m so excited to speak to the note to self listeners all over, it’s been fun listening in and making my own input here and there but wheww being here feels so rewarding.” She said warmly before playfully exhaling. “I’m doing good, managing like I usually do but good nonetheless. How are you?! What jewels do you plan on dropping for the people today?”
“I’m probably doin’ a little less good than you since you’re managing but girl .. I cannot complain at all. So thankful to have you here for this episode and to just catch up. We’ll get into the tea of it all a little later. We start every episode with a brief recap and I wanted to thank everyone, again, for all of the love. I hope you all were inspired to really keep killing shit in the industry that you’re in and watch the doors open up for you. Last weeks top listeners were the beauty that is known as @royalnike who spoke about her Black Owned Mechanic business and the short term goals that she has for herself in that business. Of course you, Mrs. Brilli Dis, founder and owner of The Glamour Parlor, and the beautiful @syxrai, who I’m obsessed with on IG by the way, but who also is a film producer ALL shared your short term goals which inspired me tremendously. If you missed out on that go give it a listen and drop your own goals in the comment section.
Music is the only thing that gets me through my week sometimes. This week is on you because Channing is still pressed about Good Days so that shit rings in my head every day because of her.” Zion laughed, “What have you been listening to this week? Any new music you wanna share? Put us on.
Brilliant cracked up in laughter at the mention of Channing. “That baby got taste, because that’s my jam! But this week I’ve been on my Gangsta Brilli, I’ve been playing A Gangsta’s Pain by MoneyBagg on repeat. I think his track with Jhené is the perfect vibe, so if y’all need something to vibe to, with a nice little glass of wine, One of Dem Nights, but the whole album bops.”
“Okaaaay. Now see I haven’t always been a MoneyBaggYo fan up until his songs started getting airtime on the radio. I’ma definitely have to give that a listen once Channing is done boppin’ to her fave.
And that brings us right into the TEA for the day. I’ve known Brilliant for several years now and I feel like I’ve only known her as this amazing business women, wife and mother. We both know how crazy it can be going from Hashtag Living Single to Mommy Duties real quick once you’re married and have wifely duties, etc. How long did you know your Husband before you two decided to make it official AND tie the knot? Was marrying young something that you were open to or did it not matter? What’s that young love story you can’t wait to share with your kids?” Zion smiled as she looked over at Brilliant.
“So I always tell people that me and my husband’s love story is literally crazy, and I don’t think it could’ve happened any other way. Because were short on time, for the real how we met tea, watch our YouTube video! But..I think we dated for about a year before I got pregnant and just because of the type of man he is and how in love we were, and how happy we were when our son Justice was born, we got married when he was about 3 months. I honestly didn’t see myself marrying that young or having children..and my life did a whole 180. I just thought damn I’ll probably hate it here but when you have that person to make those defining moments with..it was a breeze and I found myself being happier with my little family than when I ran the streets. I don’t think marrying young is for everyone but when you make the right decision..man the moments you’ll create..priceless. Still a hot girl though, don’t get that twisted.” She said with a playful laugh.
“EXACTLYYY. I have to remind Lex all the time when he sees me playing dress up in my boots and coochie cutters that mama BEEN a stallion, okay?! Hot Girl Summer me, please!” She laughed, “No but seriously the feeeeels. I’m obsessed with the love you two have for each other. It’s infectious. But I’m sure it hasn’t always been cupcakes and rainbows, right. Y’all, shit gets real after the wedding and the vows and even after that honeymoon phase. I know for me and Carmelo, I’m more of the opinionated one and I really had to learn to step down and let my man LEAD our home. We were pregnant before the wedding ... liiike ya girl had her dress taken OUT 4 times before I was satisfied with how my hips looked in it.” She chuckled, “You said something so special, when you have that person to make memories with you will DEFINITELY not want to live a single day without them and expanding that love into children only makes it better. Melo was trying to get me pregnant BEFORE he proposed to me and I wasn’t having it because at the time I was dealing with fertility issues and having a baby seemed damn near impossible. I always say that he spoke the life of our son, Lexington, into existence because I didn’t think that I could physically carry.” She stated, smiling again at the thought.
“I remember you alls last video where you announced the pregnancy of my other child, Jewel” She chuckled, “Um, what was the experience like for you? Having to go through all that you did for the blessing that is currently your literal shadow. She looks like her Daddy but has your everything else. What was that like?”
“That’s your child for sure.” She said with a laugh. “It was actually on the difficult side, she’s my rainbow baby. I suffered a miscarriage and some issues with fertility so I actually got pregnant with Jewel through IVF. I adore her, it’s scary having a mini version of myself. Someone who’s with all my hair, makeup and nail antics because my son Justice is not with it at all! He won’t even let me take his picture half the time.” She laughed momentarily. “I know it’s the same way with you and my baby Channing”
“I can imagine it being extremely difficult. When God’s mind is made up we can only pray that He’s included us in His plans and when he made Channing? He definitely had me in mind.” She laughed. “I still don’t know how we got so lucky but I don’t question anything. She’s obsessed with all of my clothes and hair and everything in between.”
“The last thing I wanted to talk to you about is what’s been going on in the media with Porsha, Falynn, and the Husband who I don’t even know his name yet. So Porsha Williams brought onto the Real Housewives of Atlanta show her friend Falynn a few years ago. Maybe like two seasons ago. This is someone who was also featured on this last season of the RHOA show that was filmed in 2020. Apparently the two are no longer friends and Porsha is now ENGAGED to Falynns’ Husband because they haven’t even gotten a divorce yet. I wan’t to know your thoughts on the whole situation. What type of friendship dynamic do you think they had for Porsha to be comfortable MARRYING this man?”
“Engaged. To. A. Former. Friend’s. Husband.” She said slowly before letting out a low sigh. “Now, the first mistake she made was being engaged or dating a man who is still married. I don’t care what the circumstances are, he is legally married! It is literally code and decency not to date or marry after your friends. If y’all are friends or have ever called each other friends, that’s just unacceptable. I would beat the breaks off anyone I called a friend for going after my husband if we ever were to divorce. That’s just grimy and I don’t think Falynn is mad enough. I do know though, one of my followers who is a hair stylist said how she married one of her old client’s ex husband and child’s father. Do you think that’s acceptable? Say I did a woman’s hair for years and nothing besides that and I went on to date her ex?”
“Absolutely not. Unacceptable and I’m the type of crazy that belongs in jail so you already know how that’s gone gooo. It’ll forever be up until they give me life.” Zion laughed and shook her head, “Period. Porsha is most definitey a fucked up individual but I would LOVE to hear y’alls thoughts on the matter so leave alll comments in the comment section below.” 
“Thank you all so much for listening to me and Brilliant catch up. Brilliant please tell my listeners where they can follow you and how they can support The Glamour Parlour. Alsooo, when’s the next brunch or giveaway?”
“It has been sooo fun talking with you! I’m glad I got the opportunity to talk with to boss friend Zion! I get this question a lot..so often.” She let out a low laugh. “All I’ll say is to stay tuned, we’ll be turning up soon and the giveaways won’t stop!”
“Ayyyy so there it is people, the beautiful Brilliant O’neal. Be sure to check her out across all social media platforms at @brillixdis​ and I’ll talk to you in the next episode. Byyyyyyyye.”
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sserpente · 4 years
Pastel Blue (Chapter 4)
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Synopsis: After his lucky escape, the Tesseract takes Loki on new adventures–but unfortunately, his journeys through space do not go unnoticed and he soon ends up on the TVA’s radar. Working for them, albeit reluctantly, he keeps finding himself in the company of a young woman, Jess, who works in the linguistics department and who has a truly strange effect on him. Smitten by her confidence and smugness, he seeks her presence like a bee hunting for honey and lets her wreak havoc in his heart without really knowing why. But he is determined to find out. He means to escape his new prison anyway.
Find all chapters in my masterlist!
Loki got called in again after lunch. By the time Jess returned from sitting next to Fred in the cafeteria poking at her food as if those noodles were earthworms, he was gone. She had been careless to leave him alone like that. For all she knew, he could have found a way to get rid of his handcuffs and make trouble.
Nothing of the like happened, no alarms were raised and no fuming Mobius came at her for being this reckless. Instead, she decided not to while away in the lab any longer and packed her things to continue her work in her unit, feeling like an empty shell.
What if he was right? The question hovered in the air like moist fog in a forest, creeping into her mind and clouding her concentration. Was that what he wanted, to get to her and distract her? Distract her from what, exactly? M had warned her that Loki was skilled at playing mind games and deceiving his enemies and despite you insisting he was part of the team now and that he would not get left behind, it appeared he still perceived them all as such.
It wasn’t like anyone had made any real effort to become his friend so far… so what else was he to believe? Jess bit her lower lip, and eventually gave up on the transcript she was working on. Her mind kept wandering off, even when she switched on her TV to re-watch some of her favourite Doctor Who episodes and struggled to make sense of the lines as her mind was still filled with Old French terms, repeatedly sucking in deep breaths until she realised the foreign and yet so familiar scent surrounding her was Loki’s. She was sitting on his provisory bed, after all.
The bed sheets smelled like a wintery forest, like ice and strangely, even leather and molten metal—but perhaps the latter was just his natural male scent intended to lure in females. Either way… Jess felt too exhausted to resist how it enveloped her whole and eventually fell asleep on the sofa before Loki returned to her unit.
He found her sleeping soundly on his “bed” after Dave practically shoved him into the room, locking the door behind him with an ear-piercing click, but he sensed her presence before he even lay his eyes on her. It came knocking him over like the strong winds in Jötunheim, making him swallow as he stepped closer.
Loki wondered just how fast he could snap her delicate neck. How he could overpower and threaten to kill her before the oafs watching him over the surveillance cameras even registered what was unfolding before their eyes, taking her hostage. But he did no such thing and it left him pondering if Mobius had somewhat suspected he would not harm a hair on her head.
He knew a lot about him, Mobius. More than he would have liked, but if watching him in various timelines proved anything at all, it was that Loki was not malicious for the sake of malice. Ever since his arrival, Jess had not once raised his voice against him—he had no reason to plot vengeance against her. Only to plan it with her. Fuck off, she had barked. He smirked.
She seemed kind, after all, understanding—well, she was cheeky and smug too but there was more beneath the surface. Loki refrained from flinching when she stirred, turning over on the sofa to reveal her face. Eyes closed, features relaxed, lips slightly parted. As soon as her eyes flew open, Loki felt an adrenaline rush resembling the thrill of being reunited with a long-lost possession.
Jess blinked. “Hey… how long have you been here?”
“About a minute. I’m surprised you didn’t hear the door close.”
She shrugged. “I have a deep sleep.” Truly. She could sleep through a war and feel rested the next day. Technically, that was another superpower of hers.
“I… um…” What? I’m sorry? For what? This was ridiculous. She had nothing to apologise for. Instead, she sat up straight and rushed to gather her things so Loki would get his bed back. Her own was calling for her anyway. “When did M send you?”
Loki swallowed. “The nineties again, to save a Minuteman from public execution in a Hydra cult.”
“And did you?”
He smirked, sending a lightning bolt right between her legs. Damn him. “Yes. Even though I do assume that he was never in any real danger.”
“How can you know? M has his reasons for what he does. I’m sure he had one for allowing you to interfere.”
Loki hummed, careful not to scratch on the surface of his true intentions towards her again—not anytime soon, anyway. “Did he now? You all think me the God of Lies, yet Mobius is so full of them he reeks of deception.” He paused, looking her straight in the eye. “Do you trust him?”
Did she? Her answer should have been an unconditional yes, a confirmation of her loyalty to the TVA but who was she kidding? No. She did not trust him. M had given her a home and he had given her a purpose beyond criminal intent, and technically she had put her life into his hands but she did not, in fact, trust him.
She didn’t trust anyone in the TVA, as a matter of fact—not even Fred and especially not Dave, even with his jubilee coming up. She trusted no one but herself. Her parents had taught her that, a long time ago. At least that’s how she remembered it.
“You should go to sleep. Fred had a point, I’m sure M won’t go easy on you once you’ve become used to all the timeline hopping.”
Loki frowned, fully aware of the fact she had not answered his question. He watched her stagger off into her room tired but elegantly, empty peanut shells still scattered on the coffee table like confetti. He would have made them disappear with but a flick of his wrist if it wasn’t for that absurd collar.
Loki wondered for just a brief moment if she would pleasure herself again tonight. Oh, yes. He had heard that and it had left him with a bulge in his trousers for the rest of the night. The barely audible buzzing of a sex toy Loki could only imagine had been buried deep inside her cunt, and Jess’ soft whimpers, albeit muffled due to the pillow she must have pressed her face into, had been all but delectable, and while he doubted that he was the reason for her night-time adventure, it had been a thrilling experience nonetheless. Loki merely possessed enough decency not to bring it up—not until he might need to blackmail her. At the very least, that was what he told himself. He refused to believe the premise of his silence was a growing collection of sexual fantasies, most of which involved Jess on her knees in front of him, moaning and whimpering like she had last night.
Loki cursed, brushing the peanuts aside and heeded her advice. He should rest. It would do him no good to stay up all night yet again and squeeze a few hours of sleep out in the early morning when exhaustion got the better of him. He shouldn’t be letting his guard down at all for as long as he was wearing that collar and could be taken by surprise. This morning posed as the perfect example of this miserable predicament. No one should be able to march past him and get ready for a long workday with him sleeping through it, and yet Jess had managed to do just that.
He hummed to himself, straightening the covers of his provisory bed before lying down with as much grace as he could muster and ridding himself of his clothing. He would be damned if he did not make use of whatever connection there might have been between them, even if he knew he was repeating himself at that point. Patience. Patience is a virtue. It still took him hours again for his mind to finally switch off and let him fall asleep.
Jess nearly jumped out of her skin when she found Loki standing right behind her, peeking over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of what she was working on.
“How did you even find me? The lab is miles away.”
Loki smirked, sending her heart knocking against her ribcage like a steam hammer. “Not all of my powers are of magical origin, you see.” He would certainly not tell her he found her because he had sensed her. herher. sdHe sighed. “And to be quite frank, you are far more bearable than everyone else around here.”
Jess smiled smugly. “You know what, I’ll just take that as a compliment. I see you’re without handcuffs but I have work to do. So either help me translate or be quiet and let me focus, alright?”
He looked so damn good in that suit. The white button-up chemise and the black tie complimented his raven hair like it had been made for him, and not been borrowed from Dave who, as far as she was concerned, had been more than against the idea of the God of Mischief wearing his suits.
“No missions today?” She found herself asking, blinking rapidly to tear her gaze away from his chest.
“I guess we shall find out. Though I am surprised Mobius is not concerned some of Odin’s lapdogs will kick in the door sooner or later.” He had given it a proper thought before, of course. Loki was a fugitive, a criminal. Thor was probably looking for him, along with a herd of einherjar following after him like sheep. The very circumstance that he might just be safe here for the time being, until he had gotten his hands on the Tesseract and the collar off his neck, had indeed occurred to him already. Mobius had refused any information on the matter, Jess, on the other hand, was easier to manipulate.
“Only in one timeline,” Jess said. “The one you escaped from. You are in the Null-Time Zone now which means you are shielded from anyone travelling with the Filumorph.” It was a ridiculous term, really, didn’t quite roll off the tongue. She knew what it meant, at least. Filum was a Latin word for string. Time strings, in this case. But then again, it was just a tongue-twister she had come up with at Mobius’ birthday party a few years ago.
“The entire facility is hidden from prying eyes then, is it not?” Loki probed, his fingertips brushing over a stack of books Jess had brought to work today.
“How far does this protection reach?”
“Across the nine realms and beyond, Loki. That’s like, the whole point. The multiverse, except for a few individuals, don’t know we exist, and unlike S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.W.O.R.D. we work in secret. We only observe and keep things in order.” She recited the words as if she had learned them by heart from a dull textbook.
“I figured this much.” He purred, snatching a book from the table and flicking through it with vague interest. Whatever stood behind this very protection, surely there were mechanics and science involved. All he had to do was find a way to use this protection for himself once the Tesseract created a portal for him to get out of here.
He hummed once more, following Jess’ every move as she attempted to get back to her work. This woman had access to any document in dire need of translation all across the TVA. He would be damned if she could not find out where the cube was—if she did not know already, that was.
She scribbled a translation on the page with a pencil reading ‘bad or evil’, then paused, chewed on the eraser-part and frowned. ‘Sick?’, she added with a question mark.
“You are not wrong,” he found himself saying, crossing his arms before his chest and leaning against her desk as his eyes skimmed over the transcript. “Evil would indeed refer to sick in this case as there are no other mentions of ill-willed entities. Here. Varð þeim ǫllum ilt af,” he cited, picking a random example a little further on in the dialogue. “It made them all sick.”
“I thought so. It must have something to do with the ‘fjölkyngi’ they keep speaking of.”
“Sorcery? What sorcery?”
Jess switched to Old Norse, reading out loud what the transcript had to offer. Loki’s heart nearly leaped out of his chest upon hearing her speak in his mother tongue, her pronunciation so on point and flawless his lips parted in utter surprise. “But they don’t mention it again,” she continued in English. “It’s like they’re afraid of talking about it.”
“Let me see.” Jess held back a smile, her pulse speeding up. Loki leaned over the desk, allowing her to take in his unique and beguiling scent—not to mention the way his sleeves were rolled up, his pale forearms on full display for her. The strength hiding in those muscles made her wiggle around on her chair like an impatient child. There went her concentration again, she thought, as she nibbled on her candy necklace.
“M? Do you have a moment?” It was about a week later when Jess made her way to Mobius’ office—it was more a control room, really—with a stack of documents tucked under her arm.
“Jess…” Mobius did not look up but she knew better than to assume he would not pay attention to her. He was exceptional at multi-tasking, Mobius. “What can I do for you?” His eyes were glued to six screens right in front of him, the one in the middle displaying who Jess immediately identified as Loki, and his new reluctant supervisors, Ariana and Homer. She placed the documents on his desk, right next to the silly Doctor Who coffee mug she had gotten him for his birthday once, her blue eyes darting over to the screens like magnets.
“I translated the remaining transcripts and protocols now.” And Loki helped me, she added silently. “There are three mentions of a foreign entity of sorts that could be an Infinity Stone but the descriptions were too vague, almost as if they spoke in code… to be truly honest, I believe this is about something, or rather someone else entirely. It seems to refer to people more than magical objects.” She said, not once averting her gaze. “I’ll need more to figure out if it’s really… When is Loki?”
Mobius looked up at last, noticing her almost suspicious interest in what was unfolding on the surveillance monitors.
“Never mind that. Those are just previews, getting him used to time and multiverse travels.” She hummed. Just what she’d expected. “He’s making things a lot more difficult for himself than they are. Makes me wonder if we should let him take part in Dave’s jubilee party on Saturday. How are you getting along with him?” He asked instead of answering her question. “I noticed he spends an awful lot of time around your office.” Blood bit at her cheeks. Did he know? Don’t be ridiculous. How would he? What was there to know anyway?
“He does. I am trying to be nice, unlike you lot. But we haven’t exactly been speaking much.” … He only watches me work, mostly, seeking my presence like a bee hunting for honey… not that I’d mind. “Why?”
“No reason. You just seem tense. You will tell me if you notice anything… off about him, right?”
“Yeah, sure.” Does me wanting to be near him and touch him count as off? She swallowed, saying nothing more.
“You won’t have to put up with Loki for much longer, I promise. Reese has recovered well, he’ll take over next week and you’ll have your unit all to yourself again. I’ll send Dave to get you those recordings, he should be able to retrieve them before the party.”
Mobius gave her a look and Jess slapped her forehead mentally. “I mean… Reese is feeling better already? I thought he was almost beheaded.”
“Exactly, almost.” Mobius chuckled.
Jess ignored that last bit. Her mind had gotten stuck at put up with Loki. Like she would admit to him that he had been pleasant to have around when he wasn’t trying to smash the pillars holding her life together like he had when he accused Mobius of using her like a tool. “And quite frankly, I am keen on keeping a safe distance between you,” he went on unfazed, “Loki is like a ticking time bomb. That collar is staying on until I can be one-hundred percent certain he is not up to some mischief.”
“What about my probation?”
The senior manager gave her a sly grin. “Consider it ended for now. But I’m watching you, Jess.”
She scoffed. “Of course you are.”
A/N: I’m always happy about comments, so let me know what you think or what you believe will happen next! ♥
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hockey-player-jeno · 4 years
ain’t got you l.donghyuck
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pairing: lee donghyuck x dancer!reader (minor detail tho)
word count: 1.9k
angst(ish), fluff
warnings: mild cursing
song rec while listening: lose my mind by dean lewis
This is not how you envisioned your night to go at all.
All you wanted to do was lay in bed, cuddle with your boyfriend and catch up. Instead, he thought it was a good idea to play on his Xbox, at your place, with his members on the headset. Which you didn’t mind at first. With him preparing for his next comeback, Donghyuck almost never had a free night anymore. More often than not he’d stay at the dorms because it made sense with his schedule, but you missed him. A lot.
You too have been busy with school, work, and dance practice but with him finally having a night where he could come over, you were initially excited. Yet here you were, lying in your bed without him. You were sore, tired and just wanted to be in his arms, but instead of that, he decided that it was a much better idea to play video games. Deciding enough was enough, it was time to drag his ass to bed.
Groaning as you sat up, you had to physically move your legs with your arms to swing them over the side. You rocked a little and stood up. The required workouts for your team and practices in general have been kicking your ass. For the past two days you were barely able to move. Waddling out of your room and into the living room, you stood in the door frame putting all of your body weight on the hard wood so that you didn’t have to stand upright. You watched your boyfriend with tired eyes as his darted across the screen in concentration.
You stood there for a solid two minutes, hoping he’ll feel your presence in the room. Low and behold, your boyfriend is too stupid immersed in his game to take the hint. You make a mental note to hide his Xbox the next time he comes over so that you don’t run into the same situation again. Come to think of it, you’re not even sure why he brought it over to your house in the first place.
“Hyuck?” You finally speak up.
He throws his hands up, startling you a bit, “Hyung, what are you doing? We’re losing!”
You maneuver yourself off the wall and make your way over to where he was sitting on the couch. Plopping yourself down on his left side, you let out a low grunt on impact.
“Oh hey babe, what’s up?” He says eyes not tearing from the screen but moves his left earphone away from his ear so he can hear you as well as his friends.
You shift a bit to lay your head on his shoulder, “Can you come lay down? You’ve been at this for nearly three hours now.”
He quickly checks his watch then moves his gaze back to the tv, “Yeah, just let me finish this round and we can go cuddle.”
There was a chorus of “aww’s” that came through the headset. His face goes red as he tries to refocus himself on the game.
All was fine, for five minutes. The only sounds you heard were the buttons on Donghyuck’s controller clicking and short mutters that came from his lips. Right as you started to doze off, he jumps off the couch in and throws his arms up in victory.
“Ha! In your face, Johnny hyung!” He celebrated.
You groan in pain startled as you lay to your left, stuffing your face into a pillow.
“Donghyuck, I swear to god.”
His eyes shoot open wide and his gaze snapped toward your figure on the couch. The victorious smile he was sporting was now gone. You never call him by his full name unless you’re royally pissed. He sets his controller down on the coffee table and crouches down next to you on the floor.
“Babe, are you okay?” He asks, carding his fingers through your hair.
“No,” you grumble into the pillow.
You look over at him, making direct eye contact, “No, I’m not.”
You muster up all the strength you have to stand up off the couch, trying not to show any signs of pain. Wincing a bit as you hoist yourself up to stand in front of him. Tears begin to collect at the corners of your eyes, but you quickly blinked them away. You can’t tell if it’s because of the aching of your muscles or if it’s the treatment you’ve been receiving from your boyfriend for the past three hours. Maybe it’s a mixture of both.
He stares at you with wide eyes, his mind failing to come up with anything to say to you.
“If you didn’t want to hang with me, you could’ve just said so and stayed at the dorms. I would’ve understood. Instead here you are playing on your machine talking to your members of all people, and ignoring your tired and in pain girlfriend,” you huffed.
“Y/n, I’m sorry. We haven’t had the time-“
You laughed bitterly and cut him off, “You see your members every single waking hour of every single day! I’m lucky if I see you over FaceTime every few days! You could’ve easily just given me the night! I was hoping you and I could just relax and just catch up on everything, but instead you walk into my house, turn your Xbox on, ignore me, and have the nerve to tell me you haven’t had the time to play a fucking video game?”
You were fuming. Donghyuck can almost see the steam coming from your ears.
“I get it, you’re busy, but I’m busy too. I get you want a night to unwind with your friends but please tell me how this is fair to me when the whole point of you coming over was to spend time with me.”
He went to apologize again but you cut him off for the second time, not even caring to hear what he had to say, “You know what? Just go home. You clearly don’t want to do this tonight.”
You brushed past him and took long strides into your room. Grabbing the jacket he wore earlier, you walked back into the living room and shoved it into his chest.
“Go home.”
Donghyuck grabbed his jacket you of your grasp before you spun on your heal and walked away from him.
“Y/n, that’s not what I wanna do,” he pleaded, chasing after you to your bedroom.
Shooting him a deadly glare over your shoulder, you repeat, “Go. Home.”
Slamming the door in his face, then locking it for good measure.
You knew you were overreacting, but you were just so tired and stressed with everything. Hanging out with him was the only thing you were looking forward to all week. You sighed and walked over to your bed, trying to suppress a groan once your body hit the mattress.
He flinches when the door slams in his face and hears the lock click into place.
A few seconds later when this finally all registers, Donghyuck notices his headset was still half over his ear and can hear feedback from the mic on the other end. His members heard everything that just happened.
“Hyung?” He asks timidly.
“Yeah?” All his members apprehensively answered at the same time.
“I fucked up.”
After a stern talking to from his older brothers, via the Xbox live chat for a solid twenty minutes, they all encouraged him to suck it up and to go talk to you. Before Donghyuck disconnects the call and turns off the machine, he promised he’ll tell his hyungs in the morning how everything goes. He makes his way over to your bedroom door momentarily forgetting that you locked him out.
Unfortunately for you in the heat of the moment, you forgot that you gave him your extra room key if you ever lost yours or locked yourself out. He reaches into his jacket pocket that was still in his hand, grabbing his keys, and goes to unlock your door. Before entering, he knocks lightly getting no response. As he twists the knob and pokes his head in, he notices you in a seemingly uncomfortable position, laptop open in front of your face, cuddling the Mang plushie he gifted you for your birthday, sound asleep. He closes the door, turns out the main overhead light then quickly striding his way over to turn your bedside lamp on. He quickly tossed his jacket on your desk chair.
Once his gaze went to you, he noticed your laptop was playing an episode of one of your favorite variety shows. More importantly, the episode that all of NCT was on doing a dance challenge he absolutely killed. He inwardly smiled, pressing pause and closing your laptop. After placing it on your nightstand and turning back to you, the tear streaks on your face didn’t go unnoticed.
He felt horrible. He made you cry. He made you feel unwanted. He was the reason for it all.
Donghyuck placed himself on your bed and tried to be as careful as possible to replace the plushie with himself in your arms at the same time trying his hardest to not wake you. Placing Mang to the side and situating you and himself in a more comfortable position, he pulled you as close as humanly possible. Donghyuck was lying on his back while you were basically draped over him.
A few minutes later, you began to shift slightly in discomfort.
“Make yourself comfortable babe,” he whispered.
You slid yourself off of him and settled with you head on his chest, your right arm across his waist, and your right leg still draped over his.
You both stay there for a while, not knowing what to say to each other.
Keeping your eyes closed, you muttered out, “I’m not mad. I just missed you.”
He lets out a breathe he didn’t even know he was holding.
“You don’t have to explain yourself, love. You have every right to be mad. I’m just an idiot,” he whispered, stroking your head.
You let out a small huff as a laugh, “You’re not wrong.”
Donghyuck pursed his lips together in a line yet he knew you were only joking.
There was a short, peaceful silence.
“Can you sing to me?” You suddenly ask.
He smiled and kissed your forehead, “Anything for you.”
Silently, he racked his brain for a moment, deciding on what to sing.
He gently clears his throat and begins to sing in English,
“I see you walking through the rain
And I see the water covering your teardrops on your face”
You knew this song well. It’s one of the only songs you knew well in English. Donghyuck sang through the song, meaning every single word that escaped his perfect lips.
“'Cause I only lose my mind when I ain't got you
And how can I win when I'm always bound to lose
No, when I ain't got you”
You tapped your fingers lightly to the melody on Donghyuck’s chest as he continued. His honey vocals rang in your ears, filling the room with nothing but pure love and passion.
“'Cause I only lose my mind when I ain't got you
And how can I win when I'm always bound to lose
No, I ain't got you
No-no, I ain't got you
He finishes the last chorus as you grow more limp in his arms.
“I love you, sweetheart,” Donghyuck whispers into your hair, planting another kiss there. “So, so, so much.”
You sigh in content as sleep overtakes you.
Hi! Okay, wow. 
Firstly, my first Haechan/ NCT fic! (Woo!) I just recently got into NCT and I am loving them! If you can’t tell my bias is Haechan haha.
Second, I am quite possibly the worst with coming up with content. And I am so sorry!! I literally posted a month ago that I’d post more but that didn’t happen because of school and I have practice. It’s just been a lot.
I also get inspired at the strangest times. Last night at like 3am I got really inspired by the song Losing My Mind by Dean Lewis (give it a listen, it’s amazing!), because my friend did a dance solo to it (hence why the reader is a dancer) I’m a dancer as well so I was just in the mood to make this fic a little more personal. Okay, I’m literally just rambling at this point lol.
But I hope you enjoyed it if you made it this far! :) 
I promise I’ll do my best to make more content.
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