#and wears practical clothing in the snow XD
razzek · 6 months
Absolutely nobody: ...
Me: (literally 30 years late to the fandom) Guys have you heard about these Metroid games?!
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Hi! I love your writing!! I was wondering if there was any way I could get a headcanons list with Four, Six and Eight and a romantic companion reader 'stealing' their iconic clothes, like Four's scarf or Six and Eight's coats? Thank you!!
A/N: I'm always down for comfy things like this! Who wouldn't want to do this? XD I may have had a little too much fun with this one.
Headcanons of Romantic Companion Reader 'stealing' the Doctor's (4, 6 & 8's) iconic clothing items:
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Fourth Doctor:
You can't help yourself. The Doctor has taken off his iconic long scarf and left it right there, all alone. Surely he won't mind if you use it for yourself, only for a little bit?
It's soft, as you wrap it around your neck, practically smelling the Jelly Babies from it. Yep, it smells exactly like him.
It really is comforting, especially just knowing it is his.
There's a certain feeling of power that comes with it too. You can't help but start imitating him, maybe strutting around a bit, not noticing he has been watching you with curiosity and amusement from the door the whole time.
There is a wide grin on his face, and you suddenly feel embarassed.
Four only comes up towards you, patting your head, and then wrapping you up nice and snug in his scarf himself.
"If you wanted to wear it, you could have just asked, Y/N."
I mean, just imagine when you want his attention, you just yank on his scarf and it stops him in his tracks. You can just quite literally pull him towards you and he can't escape.
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Sixth Doctor:
The Doctor takes off his coat so he can work on some TARDIS maintenance without getting it dirty or ruined. Your eyes keep glancing at the iconic multicolored piece of fashion.
Then you find yourself slowly taking the coat while he isn't looking, sneaking it on. Wow...it's still warm. It feels as though he's wrapped his arms around you and enveloped you in a hug.
It even smells like him, giving you a strange sense of calm.
However, the coat is definetly too big for you, but it makes it all the better.
You hear the Doctor clear his throat, looking to see him glancing up at you knowingly. You've been caught.
He stands up and you stay still, cheeks red. However, he surprises you by glancing you over.
"It clearly doesn't fit you size wise, but it looks just as fabulous on you, my dear Y/N. I may just have to get one made for you."
"But I like yours."
"Then you can borrow it whenever."
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Eighth Doctor:
Oh my. Ever the gentlemen, honestly. You really don't need to 'steal' his coat from him. He'll gladly give it to you whenever you need it, even if you think you don't.
Whether it's rain, or shine, or snow, he just automatically pops it off and covers you in it.
But you like to use it as a security blanket of sorts, especially for anxiety or just bad days.
Eight is always coming in, seeing you cuddled up with it, or sleeping with it, sending a heartfelt grin to his face.
However, there are times when you get bold and brave enough to just say: "I'm taking your coat, now!" as you proceed to pull it off him.
He doesn't mind. If anything, it touches his hearts knowing you want a little piece of him with you.
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craftlands · 3 months
oop sorry! i did come across one of your mor pankh posts regarding the designs and such about the characters and i do have some points to lay out on their accuracies and inaccuracies, as an indian myself, though i cannot say my word for it will be wholly accurate since again, india as a subcontinent is VERY chaotic and the cultures within different states and a lot of times, certain villages and territories vary drastically. a lot of my points could be disagreed with by another indian and if some of my points ARE incorrect, i'm open to being corrected.
i know it's also pretty late, considering this was one of your older posts but i did give it some chew time. sorry if i'm bothering you.
1) first up is kaalaa baunaa. she IS wearing a saree but the draping and style is pretty reminiscent of modernized styles of saree draping. we do have the traditional drape but the generations right now have gotten to mixing and matching western clothing and experimenting with saree drapes. her outfit, while not culturally inaccurate ( because we HAVE the short/pant combo with the saree ) is grossly inaccurate to the time and setting.
there's also the fact that her outfit screams 'bollywood' in a sense. the blouse in particular is something you'd see on actresses during burner movie shoots ( and even those were a little less provocative...but again the blouse does hold a lot of callbacks to colonial oppression and wearing sleeveless blouses back then was considered 'rebellious' ). in my opinion, if i were to change up her design, i would just omit the saree and put her in a salwaar, since that is the usual go to in northern indian states ( unless in formal events ).
but for the stuff i loved about the design? is the design itself XD. it's just grossly inaccurate to the timeline, but in a modern context, it does have a very stylish flair to it. i just wish she reserved those for festivals rather than everyday living ( because from experience, sarees are HARD to walk in depending on how you drape it which is why my college uniform is a salwaar ). unless they were trying to hammer home how alien she is perceived to be, as an arcanist, which in this case? it works thematically. just tone down the sexualization.
her second outfit is a little more accurate though and i have a preference to that. mostly because of the jewellery she uses. mh. the bollywood style outfit? the embroided saree? the baithale bottu? MH. y e s.
tldr ; the design is pretty good but contextually, for the timeline and for her occupation? it's not the most accurate. but i wouldn't call it a travesty and completely inaccurate either. in a modern setting, her outfit would have passed well in a get together or a friend's party.
2) shamane. okay so the imagery and his outfit WAS something i needed to do my research on. but the 'connection to nature' thing is pretty common here too in tribal societies. my own community, while centuries far removed from it's initial tribal roots, still worships familial sprits and natural objects alonsgside the usual practice of hinduism. i kind of liked that aspect about him tbh because it did reflect of the few vestiges that were left over in my community XD. hell a good chunk of his design was very steeped in tribal influence, though differentiating it is a little difficult ( which again is my critique, but that could also be me not being as well versed in indian tribal culture. it's probably in part because of ignorance. ).
the closes i can get to the influence of his outfit would be naga tribes in nagaland with a mix in of a few others. i'll try to do more research and get back to you on that. i'm just wondering how he got all the way to nagaland???? that's like in the far east...though if were to narrow down the locations, it would be in the few locations where it snows...HMMMM. but yeah the feather motif? tribes here seem to tout it too, depending on what tribe it is.
he does wear your typical sherwani with a large coat on top, something that is, in fact accurate to men's fashion at the time. most middle class or well to do families ( the ones who were not a part of the 60% - 70% below the poverty line ) did hold that similar style of traditional wear with western influence, or straight up turn to western clothing as a whole. its a very small nod to the fact that he was from a well to do family at least. then the eye imagery on the prosthetic arm could be a reference to the nazar, though it's not blue.
tldr; his outfit holds heavy tribal influence but i really need to do my research on which ones in particular.
3) kanjira.
okay. i'm a little upset with her. the fortune teller aspect is rooted in how astrology played a huge part in indian culture. the coffee readings could have been an aspect carried over by cultural mixing through islamic trade and invasions as well. kanjira is another aspect that is a little more of unsure territory. there are parts of her outfit that i can recognize. but together it does feel a little disjointed. and confusing. her jewelry is recognizable. her kamarbandh for one and her skirt.
the blouse though? that confuses me. for one it's more in line with 1910s fashion. the blouse was initially not a part of a lot of traditional indian dresses and were introduced by the british due to extreme discomfort ( aka they didn't like that indian women didn't cover up their chest ). the earlier blouses strongly resembles victorian blouses, with puffed sleeves and ruffles. but then there is that older the shoulder thingie and i'm like ??? HOW DOES THAT WORK-
the snake motif could be a reference to the irula tribe from south india. even her name is a reference to an instrument in south india ( which resembles a tambourine ). i don't think her base outfit is based on accuracy due to the mismatched nature of it. it seems like she just took what clothes she could and made do with that, which given her economic status, makes sense. her alt outfit does glean into what influences she took after, perhaps the banjara tribe. i will need to look into it some more. but it is admittedly, facing a similar problem to kaalaa in how it's so heavy stylized. it's not accurate save for the motifs and yes, it could do with some better work in both versions.
now for the stereotype. i'm very on the fence in this sense with how i could understand that the 'thief' stereotype is referenced. but kanjira is however, a product of some very real stuff that happened ( and still goes on even now ). the unfortunate reality is that people who are considered beneath the lower caste and obc umbrella face their share of discrimination as hooligans and thieves amongst the indian majority as well, even today. it's harmful, but she's the reflection of the struggles of a lot of communities who lived in poverty post colonial india. the british left a lot of scars and the governments after did very little to help and kanjira, as a child with no parents did what a lot of kids back then turned to. it's circumstances deeply rooted in systemic oppression, casteism and so many other issues. i've had family members in similar situations ( my mother's side in particular ).
so i do wince at the fact that she's labelled as a 'stereotype' even though i do see WHY she's a stereotype when the context is removed. her spoken english is also another wince. i know you didn't mean to be offensive and i'm sure to a lot of indians you might not be but kanjira's english is the way it is simply because she was never formally educated in it. she does refer to asking for help to read english words and it's fairly obvious she picked up on the language by listening to others speak it. matilda however, did have to learn it from a pretty young age in the foundation. she was educated in it, whether she likes it or not ( a lot like my case ).
a bit of a breakdown here. english is mostly learned in india for the sake of convenience. it's used in our parliament because it's culturally neutral and doesn't show favor to certain state languages ( and native language in itself is a very culturally sensitive topic in india ). you learn it in case you need to study in foreign firms or if you travel abroad. it also means that if you and a good chunk of other indians speak in english, it allows some leeway to communicate in other states. because again, different languages and dialects are spoken in different parts of india. i myself have a better chance of communicating with a different people from different states in english, no matter how broken it is than having to learn a separate language every time.
i know a lot of people in my college who didn't start learning english till grade 11 and speak pretty similarly to kanjira. so alluding to her imperfect english as a 'not great thing' kind of rubs me the wrong way due to personal gripes of mine, mostly in part due to how eletist it tends to be at times. the mindset of janjira not being good at english being considered 'really not great' kind of fuels into a still ongoing problem of insecurity and a lot of other issues i'd rather not clog the post with.
she's fluent in hindi and it's obviously her preferred language and she can certainly write and read hindi as well. it's kind of similar to making fun of an american for not knowing fluent french they picked up from a few classes, while they're still in america. again, i doubt you meant any harm saying that but my gripe with how learning english is so desperately seeded in some families just to appease how the west views us ( that stereotype you mentioned? yeah ) and the constant perpetuation of the stereotype, has a lot of ramifications.
i don't know how to explain it but it's kind of like this : you call broken english a stereotype, we're afraid of being stereotyped, we try to avoid being stereotyped. but there are people here who can't. maybe their medium of education wasn't english for a good few years, even if their family is well off. that leads to further discrimination from us to them and from you to them.
yes english is a neutral language, but it's also horrifically overrated due to the imbued belief that it also alludes to being educated. i lost chunks of my own mother tongue trying to learn english, simply because it was given more priorities at my home and at my school because of us moving and the imbued fear of seeming uneducated.
i know you meant no harm to that.
but on a cooler note, punji literally means 'money'. kanjira named her snake 'money' and with the drip it has? it's strangely cute XD. it's like that one meme.
also kanjira's accent, kind of reminds me of a few annoying girls in my school ( it's a very common accent in north india and my hindi speakers tbh ). she's literally the valley girl's take in india. the drawl, the lilting tones every time i listen to her, i hear that one girl from fourthe grade and i'm like "n o." because it has that condescending edge to it. i love it XD.
tldr ; kanjira is both 'it kind of makes sense' and 'fuck it we ball'. she could do with reworking. i like the thought that her outdated blouse and her clothing was a mix and match, possibly picked up from charities as well but...yeah XD.
these are mostly my takes. overall, i thing r1999 actually has some of the better depictions of indian culture compared to a lot of other stuff out there ( and there is a LOT of bad stuff ). the fact that there was variation in their accents, the casual switch between english and hindi, the story of mor pankh itself and shamane's incessant need to feed us ( which is a thing in our families btw )...i'm pretty happy with it. and yes, even we fuck up aspects of our own culture. aka, adipurush exists and i will shit on that way more.
sorry for bothering you and thanks for reading through it all ( and i hope i didn't come across as rude in that segment about language )!
hiya! sorry for taking so long to get to this ask -- i was out of town for like a week and had absolutely Zero energy on coming back for like another week afterwards. i want to head this off by saying you're not bothering me in the slightest, i'm genuinely delighted to get to be able to talk about things like this in more depth and i really appreciate you taking the time to write this out! (peek behind the curtain: i have gotten up several times and paced around excitedly in the course of writing this. i REALLY love discussion and critique and Learning Context in general.)
i think time's been pretty kind to the Mor Pankh update, all things considered -- having several months to sit on it (and also no longer playing CROB -- good god Centipede and Black Pepper are an absolute mess of racist/Orientalist tropes, and that was pretty recent at the time of Mor Pankh), it's definitely better than i initially gave it credit for. a lot of things you've mentioned here -- especially a good deal of the further context on Kaalaa Baunaa and Shamane's clothing, as well as further context on Kanjira -- is something i truly don't have much to add to other than "i didn't know that, and this makes me a lot more favorable towards them than before".
definitely Kanjira is still someone i find myself heavily split on. i think a lot of what you mentioned about the way i treated her speaking broken English very callously is probably right on the money and thank you for the correction on that end -- given the context of the story that seems to be one of the more thoughtful aspects of her overall characterization and design. the thief/fortuneteller stereotype is something i'm a little more hesitant to dismiss at face value, though; while it may be a coincidence, there's definitely a history of stereotyping Rromani people in particular as like... scantily clad fortunetellers who steal from people, and it's something that feels really prevalent in Kanjira's design for me. from an in-story perspective i think rev19 does a great job of contextualizing and fleshing her out as a character, but from an overview of the character it rings eerily similar to Orientalist tropes about both Indian and Rromani people in a way that i will probably never be fully comfortable with.
i do think it's hilarious that her snake is named Money though. that's beautiful and i can't complain in the slightest.
Kaalaa Baunaa is a delight to read about in terms of where her outfit might be drawn from. i genuinely don't know a good 90% of the fashion/clothing context when it comes to basically anything in rev19, so for a lot of it i'm definitely deferring to you in terms of whether or not her outfit is accurate. i do definitely like her second outfit better as well (it also looks a lot more comfortable. we're under a heat advisory where i am right now and i WISH i had something like that to wear when i eventually have to go out and walk the dog). i don't really have much else to say here, though
finally for Shamane i will fully admit to being woefully out of my depth and being very attuned to looking for First Nations stereotypes owing to that be a particular trope i'm very used to seeing (gods the feather thing happens SO MUCH). that said, i am absolutely kicking myself for not researching things first, i think learning more about the context of his specific design and beliefs makes me come around a lot more positively to some of the aspects of his design -- especially what you mentioned about it being historically accurate, as that's something i did not consider initially and is really cool to hear about wrt what the design process may have been! (also i love his arm design, like, a lot. no idea if connecting it to nazar designs makes sense or not, it does appear that those are almost exclusively blue though maybe in the context of rev19's worldbuilding red eyes would have developed as the "evil eye" instead? idk, but i can probably count on one hand the amount of prosthetic users in gacha games whose missing limbs are actually given thought and treated as aspects of the story rather than just visual flavor.)
in conclusion: yeah, i think after learning more about the context behind these character designs i was definitely a bit harder on Mor Pankh than i needed to be -- relative to other games that take a swing at depicting SWANA and/or Indian cultures i think rev19 is doing way better in that category than most of them. i will say part of why i am so frequently critical of rev19 is that i also love the game a lot -- i don't put much time or effort into critiquing things that are just straight up bad, and if i'm hard on something that's usually because i really want to sink my teeth into it and talk about what works and doesn't work within its story and broader cultural contexts.
(and also -- thank you again for taking the time and thought to send me this! i can't express enough how much i appreciate being able to learn more about the context of a lot of these characters and the story and just, like, talk about it openly. it rocks! thank you!!)
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Hehehe it's me again xD
This time i wanna ask for ikevamp hc about suitors find out mc has kind of supernatural power. (Arthur, moz, theo, isaac, whoever you like xD)
You can choose what kind powers (like telekinesis or mind reading) xD
Sorry for my absurd request x"D thank you so much beforeee ❤️❤️❤️
Love you ❤️❤️
Absurd you say. I looked at this and literally went YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS! THIS IS GOING TO BE EPIC! So yea totally not absurd and also welcome back Livia. I have missed you!😁🥰🥰 Also I’m very sorry I literally disappeared for a while. I had some important end of semester exams and ye.  I kind of made up a few, got inspired by a bunch of comics and anime and stuff so enjoy
Your power: Medusa, you can turn your hair to snakes and petrify people at will. Downside: it take a lot of energy and precision, but once you learn to control it it’s pretty cool, it also relies on emotions a lot so if your emotions get out of hand so does this power and that could be really dangerous
Sooooooooo he found out when you kind of lost control 
You were sitting in his room when a bird flew in and knocked over the ink bottle on Arthur’s desk and it spilled on everything
You saw Arthur’s disappointed face but you didn’t lose it yet
The final straw was when the bird took a big ol’ dump on the chair
You shook with rage as your hair morphed into terrifying green snakes that hissed in unison, you turned and looked staight at the bird and you captured it’s scared eyes with your now red ones instantly turning it to stone
It all happened it so fast
You sighed and you went back to normal
You turned around and the look on Arthur face said it all
He was surprised to say the least 
Also fascinated 
He will bombard you with questions 
He’s a bit scared not gonna lie but he’s also curious
Your power: Plant manipulation. You can grow plants at will, either from scratch or continue the growth of said plant. You can also manipulate them to grow in whatever shape or form you want them to grow in. Downside: you need to know the exact name, plant group, and molecular structure of the plant you are planing to control, after all you are creating plant cells and putting them together,also if you are tired, dehydrated or malnutritioned it’s not that effective
Isaac noticed how obsessed you are with botany
you would dig yourself into a pile of books and you could sit there for hour and hours on end without even moving
he understood you had a passion but little apple baby is scared for your health
so one day he just casually walks up to you and asks you what’s up
I mean at least in his mind he was casual in reality the convo went something like this
“H-h-hey y/n. Um well I uhh wanted to ask you i-i-if your ok?”
“Isaac what do you mean am I ok? I’m perfectly fine!”
“ No wait I meant what are you doing. You have bean in here for almost an entire day!”
You smiled sheepishly, then sighed
“let me show you”
you went out into the garden and you found a wilted rose
you knelt down and placed a hand on the soil at the roots
and the rose started growing back and turning green again, finally it bloomed into a magnificent red rose
Isaac is like whaaaaaaaaaat just happened???????
he’s shooketh
you explain to him about your powers and he’s like damn, nice
you end up nerding out in the library together and Sebastian literally has to drag you two away from your books
Mozart mah boi
your power: water bending. You can manipulate and fluid actually and ice and snow since they have water. Downside: it drains your energy quite fast, if you are dehydrated it’s much harder to control
you and Wolf were just chilling in the garden
you finally got him out of his room and managed to drag him outside
he grumbled about getting his clothes dirty but in the end he sat down on a bench under a rose gate  very romantic i know
you were just chatting about some random things it doesn’t even matter
now a few hours prior to you guys going outside it had rained
the water from the bench was all dried up but everything else was damp
the roses actually caught a lot of water and they still had it stored in between their petals
you sensed this but you thought nothing of it
after all someone would have to rock the gate for the water to fall and there was nothing around right?
a crow flew by and decided to perch upon this gate
and as he landed he shook the entire thing and water came pouring down
you reacted quickly lifting your hand in the air and stopping the droplets mid fall before it got you and you lover wet omg that sounded nasty. No man like your clothes get your mind out of the gutter 
you stood there staring at each other as the water droplets hung in mid air all around you, shining in the sunlight like a million little crystals
he cupped your cheek in one gloved hand and tilted you head up as he met your lips in a passionate kiss
when you parted you blinked up at him, red blush burning on your cheeks and he smiles down at you, a rare smile, one only you get to see
“ We should sit here more often”  he hugs you and you hug back as the water droplets continue to hang all around you
This is so much more romantic then I expected it to be. I just kind of let my hand roam on the keyboard and BAM now you have a romantic, sweet short story. You’re Welcome.
Theo where did my van gogh
your ability: Shape shift. This allows you to take the form of an animal of your choosing for a limited amount of time. The more you practice the longer you can hold the form. Downside: animals don’t wear clothes, so that means if you change back you’re going to be..well...naked.
Theo was walking back to his room in his usual grumpy style
he slammed open the door expecting King to jump on him and crush him, but instead he was greeted by a very interesting sight
there was another dog with King there
it was an Alaskan Malamute that had y/e/c eyes that where freakishly similar to yours
he walked in and knelt down to pet the dog and it seemed happy
for about 15 milliseconds
all of a sudden the pup became restless and backed into the corner
Theo approached it slowly, but it suddenly turned into a very naked y/n
you bought your knees to your chest and made sure he couldn’t see anything and then smiled at him
“Theo do you mind giving me some clothes. It seems my time ran out”
Theo has a nosebleed
no I’m kidding, he’s super surprised tho 
he gets you something to wear and then you get an ear full
but he’s also curious so he asks you about it
you explain how it works and at the end of it he sighs and ruffles your hear, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips and his eyes gentle
“ You really are just a silly Hondjie”
Thant’s it! I really really hope you enjoyed. I promise to finish the rest of these as soon as possible. In the meantime stay safe out there!
Tags: @nad-zeta  @liviavivi04 @jeanstan
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by egooverdose
Japan: What is one stereotype you associate with Asian countries/people? :/ :/ Uhm...
Jelly Bracelets: Do you have any? In which colors? Have you ever broken one? I seem to have forgotten what these refer to, but I’m sure I had a couple that didn’t last long. I wasn’t much into bracelets as a kid. Joakim Berg: Who is your favorite foreign singer|musician? Do you translate his or her lyrics? Beyoncé, I guess. All Americans are foreigners to me. I don’t translate her lyrics, nor do I do that with any other songs in English.
Josh Todd: Do you have any tattoos? If yes, what made you decide to get them? No, but I’d love a couple that symbolize important things or people, like a bowl of nachos for Nacho and each of my dogs’ pawprints.
kent: Say something in a foreign language? The word ‘kampana’ is Filipino for bell.
Kundera: What is one philosophy you have regarding life|living|purpose? Idk, I’m starting from scratch after the shitstorm that was this year. I have to find one again. I’m not rushing, though, and I want to give myself as long as I need to regather. Fuck knows I need to be kind to myself right now.
Learning: What is something you enjoy learning about? Off the top of my head, anything that doesn’t involve machines tbh. I can read about anything Wikipedia and encyclopedias have to offer, but I draw the line at factories and automobiles and engineering and robots and stuff lmao, it’s just not my thing.
Minimalist Interior Design: How would you design the inside of your own home? You already mentioned it; minimalist. I don’t want a lot of furniture and a lot of color in my space. I’d be happy with a minimal number of items organized in a meaningful way with some pastel shades here and there.
Miserable Weather: What is a weather-type that you like that not many others do? Thunderstorms, I guess? It’s been a hit or miss for me these days though; I’ve found myself crying more when it rains...but for the longest time I’ve enjoyed bleak and rainy weather. I’m not planning to drop it as my favorite just yet.
Morning: Are you friendly in the morning, or are you barely awake? I’m friendly at work from the start to the end of my shift because it’s the nice thing to do, and because I have to be. But I’m almost always anxious and on the brink of breaking down every morning. Since it’s WFH, no one from work has to know that.
Music: How important is music in your life? It’s slowly becoming significant again. I got a Spotify subscription for myself after years of sharing with Gab’s account lol, so I’ve been revisiting the music that I had to set aside for months while I had to grieve on my own. It was brutal the first few days and I cried a lot when I heard my go-to sad songs again, but I soon realized I need releases like that and so I’ve been a little more unafraid to listen to music each day.
Oasis: What is a band you remember liking from your childhood? Paramore? HAHAHAHA they were the first band I ever loved, man. And I’m happy I get to say I still very much love them.
Opinions: Do you ever get mad at people for not having the same opinion as you (i.e. Abortion being wrong|right, Meat-eating being wrong|right)? If it’s the kind of opinion that will step on fundamental human rights, like being vehemently against same-sex marriage, then we will have a problem. Otherwise, I don’t care if someone prefers Android or having pineapples on their pizza unless they’re being an asshole about it.
Orchids: What is your favorite type of flower? Does it grow where you live? Peonies. Idk, I guess so? I don’t speak flowers.
Outerspace: Do you think there's a possibility of life out there? There sure is; the universe is so vast. I wish we’re able to learn more in this lifetime, though; I wouldn’t want to miss out on future discoveries.
Photo-Editing: Do you edit any of your pictures? In what ways? Sometimes I’ll add a cute or flattering filter; that’s the furthest my editing skills go. I don’t use advanced applications like Photoshop and I don’t know how to remove moles or stray hairs or whatever.
Photography: If you like to take pictures, what is your motivation? I’m not into photography per se, like it’s not a hobby of mine or anything; but I do like taking photos of special or funny events. It’s nice to have a memento for a little bit of everything going on in my life.
Poland: Would you ever consider living anywhere cold? Yes. Maybe not Norway or Finland levels of cold, but somewhere considerably cooler than the humid hot mess I currently live in. When I went to Jeju four Aprils ago, they had the p e r f e c t temperature I could ever ask for and it was sooooo perfectly and comfortably cold in that I got to walk around in shorts but I never shivered or got goosebumps.
Potatoes: What is your absolute favorite food? It used to be burgers, but my mom has been making so many cheeseburgers the last few weeks that I need to take a break from them lol. Right now, my favorite would be sushi.
Questions: Do you like to ask questions, or answer them? Answer them, hence this blog.
Quirks: What are some weird things about you? Depends on what you count as weird. By far, people have been weirded out the most by the fact that I don’t eat fruits and will avoid them like the plague. I don’t mind the reactions and it’s actually turned out to be a great icebreaker, so I whip out that factoid pretty often haha.
Quizzes: When was the last time you were tested on something? I had a blood test last May because we needed to know if my fever was dengue or something else. Turned out to be a UTI.
Radiohead: Do you like any depressing bands? After Laughter is sad as shit but I wouldn’t say Paramore is generally known by this image. None of the other bands I listen to would count as ‘depressing.’
Rings: How would you describe the size of your fingers? They’re long and slender, which I love.
Satire: Do you enjoy political satire? It’s a hit or miss. I generally don’t seek it out.
Singing: Who do you know personally that has a nice singing voice? Leigh.
Skinny Jeans: Would you wear them? Or do you hate them? I wear them, but I hate them. 
Smashing Pumpkins: Listen to the band, or take it literally and actually GO smash pumpkins? xD Neither.
Snakes: Would you ever wear snake-skin pants, or other animal clothing? I used to wear leather shoes because it was required for school. I avoid the practice now.
Snow: What, to you, is the best part about snow|snowy weather? You tell me, lol. I’ve never experieinced snow before.
Space: Do you like to have your own space? Are you independent? It’s definitely important to have it every now and then; I’m actually taking this survey from a Starbucks because I needed so baddddd to get out of the house. It’s the first time I’m out on my own without having to do errands since March, and it feels kinda nice.
As for being independent, I’ve been mostly a dependent person and I like having people to lean on, but my breakup has also been pushing me out of my comfort zone and to try out new things just by myself. We’ll see where this takes me in a few months.
Starry Nights: When was the last time you gazed at the night sky? Last Saturday.
Stockholm: What foreign country would you like to go to for a shopping spree? Do I really have to go to another country for this? Hahahahaha idk maybe Shanghai? The people there were dressed so well when I visited.
Studded Belts: Do you own any? What do you think of them? Nope.
Suave Shampoo: What is your favorite shampoo scent? Brand? I don’t have a preference for either. As long as it’s able to clean my hair, it’s fine.
Sunglasses: What kind do you own|wear, if any? Do you like them? I don’t really. I don’t like my vision getting tinted.
Surveys: How many surveys do you think you have taken since you've started? My old survey blog has nearly 1500 while this one has a little over 1000, then add what’s probably a few hundreds that I did in 5th grade but never saved anywhere...so maybe somewhere between 2500 to 2700 in total? Hahaha I honestly thought it would be more.
Sweden: Do you ever feel like you should have been born in another country? I think nearly everyone from the Philippines thinks this.
Swedish Fish: What is a candy you often enjoy? Gummy anything.
Tea: Do you like tea more than coffee, or the other way around? I love coffee; I’m drinking one right now :D I never enjoyed tea.
The Beatles: My brother gets mad if people say they aren't the best band ever; what about you? Then I guess I shouldn’t be talking to him.
Theories: What do you think will happen to you after you die? Sleep.
Thom Yorke: If you met your favorite musician, what would you ask him|her? If we were in a Covid-free society, all I’d ask for is a hug, really. I wouldn’t have anything to ask them.
Thought: What do you spend most of your day thinking about? I’m still grieving about the stuff I’ve already covered.
Thought-Provoking Conversation: What do you consider deep? This would be a little hard to verbalize and I don’t really feel like describing rn. I guess you can say this question in itself is deep, ha.
Tokyo: Where is a busy place you would like to go to? Aw man what an innocent question. I wish I could show this survey-maker what a trainwreck 2020 has been and how ‘busy places’ virtually don’t exist anymore, at least for now.
Unpretentious Gestures: If someone pays you a compliment, do you take it to heart, or do you pass it off as just flattery? I take it to heart, but I’m not always able to receive it well.
Video Games: Do you think they cause people to become violent? No. I spent my childhood going on killing rampages on GTA and I’m still unlikely to resort to violence.
Vocabulary: What was the last word you learned? The term ‘low latency.’ 
Warsaw: What is a funny fact about your heritage? Good question, but I can’t think of any at the moment. I don’t really think ‘funny’ when I look for facts to absorb but now I want to look this up haha.
Web Design: Have you or could you build your own site? My principal requirement for my Online Journalism class was to make my own website/blog, actually. But Covid blew up and we ended up having to cancel the entire semester altogether, so my classmates and I never got to pursue more of that class other than our first few meetings, which were used for lectures.
Winter: How long|cold are winters in your area? It does not even exist.
Words: How many pages of words do you think you type a day? Maybe like 5 or 6. It’s a WFH set-up, so I’m exclusively on the laptop typing away the entire week.
Writing: Do you try to avoid it, or do you embrace it? I embrace it as long as I don’t have to write fiction or prose. I like writing, but only through journals and surveys.
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ginger-nightmist · 4 years
Day 15: Ache
I wasn’t (that) mean or horny, I would like a cookie for self-restraint, please. XD
Technically Ishgard sandwich but WoL references are very ‘blink and you’ll miss them’, the meat is this is very much elf husbands. Somewhere, vaguely, within Shadowbringers, with an exact time not much matter. 
Pain is a constant in the Lord Speaker's life. Old scars and new, the twinge in his gut now when the weather is bad. (In Ishgard, the weather is always bad.) The wearied burn in his back after a long day spent with too much of it leaning over his desk. As a child, his mother would tell him, "Pain lets us know we are alive, and we can only attempt to bear through it with Halone's grace." (A bit of folk wisdom common among Coerthans, noble and not.)
He learned far too young that it did not merely mean the pains of the body. Those are not so difficult to endure unruffled; while his role now puts him on the field of battle but rarely, long years of training and knighthood have ensure that he will never pass a span of hours without some twinge or scar to remind him of the warrantless war that had for so long seemed unending. The harder part is to wear his charming mask, to smile, bargain, give speeches, calm tempers, endure all the daily emotional wear and tear of leading a city, while in every second, the cavernous emptiness in his chest aches with longing for those he loves who have wandered from the range of his arms.
The strange solitude of his home, with none in it for now but himself, his cat, and his servants grinds the ache a little deeper each day, each night when he finally retreats to fall into bed when too tired to move, striding past shuttered doors to empty rooms, scattered with the detritus of those who should reside within them. His own bed is vast and cold, relieved only by the slight weight of Snowflake, curled up atop his feet. (And if his mother would be horrified at the fur, he can care no longer; she is some years gone now, and he wearied of trying to impose rules upon a cat.)
For once, he has made an early night of it, which means that it is only near onto midnight when he methodically peels himself free of raiments meant for public consumption and retreats to the comfort of soft, worn flannel pants, and as he does more often than he should admit, a soft, old shirt from the stash of Estinien's things always tucked into his drawers, straining slightly against the greater width of his torso. Curling beneath the covers he drifts to sleep counting karakuls, a line of them embroidered around the cuff of each sleeve, tracing one at a time with fingertips and imagining the hand that set the thread into place until sleep makes him soft and still.
He has not slept long when a rush of cold air gusts to ruffle the bedsheets, sending needles of chill down his spine. Rather than a curse and a rush for the window that came undone, he rolls, finds as if by prayer, a tall form relatching the window already. How Estinien achieves his late night visits to his home he is not sure; the Manufactory swears he has not acquired a proper vehicle from them, and in their youth, while he could bear the use of an aetherythe, he invariably complained for hours afterwards about how it made his skin itch. At first, he had been too grateful to question it; now, it has become a sort of strange lucky charm. If he does not question how Estinien comes and goes so peculiarly, he will return.
Foolish superstition, but even the most practical man can be a fool in the face of love. The aching void eases as the dragoon's angular body leans down over the bed, a low laugh like a private caress even before lips graze along his own, the merest hint of all the things he craves. "Well, you have not worked yourself to death yet, if you can still wake at the window opening." Grumbling sleepily, Aymeric props himself up on one arm, watches as Estinien shells his armor, shucks layers beneath and with unerring memory, drags a pair of pants from the drawer of his things. (He would sleep nude if given his druthers, but Aymeric favors clothing and like in many small things, he found that without ever saying a word about his reasons or causes, Estinien simply quietly adjusted his own habits to suit his partner.)
The bed is far cozier, far more welcoming with a second body sinking down to lie beside his own, with Estinien's fingers tangling in his hair as he finally takes a proper kiss of greeting. The touch lingers, lips slid against lips in slow motion, soft and weary and tender in a way that needs nothing said to make it any clearer. When it breaks, Aymeric gently traces the dark hollows around Estinien's eyes with one thumb, a quiet sadness at their presence he cannot mask. The dragoon huffs out a breath, looks away, then returns midnight gaze to morning-bright blue. "Stop worrying yourself. I will get better sleep here with you than I would anywhere else."
The lord speaker smiles wistfully but accepts the truth in the words; rarely is there enough time or energy for lovemaking (swiving, Estinien would say, and deny the hint of red that calling it love brings to his ears) on these nights, but in many ways, a few hours of actually restorative sleep, tangled limb to limb until they seem one singular creature, argent and snow, gold and night, braided and intertwined in a hundred small points of simple connection and touch, is a far greater gift and intimacy. Estinien croons a low note as he presses his nose down into Aymeric's hair, not singing, not a lullaby, but soothing all the same.
A stronger man, perhaps, could resist the urge to slide back into dreams that may not be so very different from reality. Tonight, at least, Aymeric does not try to be that strong.
When dawn breaks, Estinien has already fled the roost and Aymeric would wonder if he was there at all, were it not for two things; silver hairs, tangled in his fingers, and lying on the pillow, a squat jar of angled glass and a folded scrap of paper. Opened, the words within are clear; his dragoon learned too late to fully acquire his foster father's exquisite hand but years of being nagged for every report and message home have ensured that if nothing else, his writing is legible and precise. 
"I noticed you were stiff last time I was here. I don't know what's in the stuff and it's pungent, but it's damn good on sore muscles. I guess the Garleans know a bit more than just magitek.
I think of and miss you always."
The last line is pressed hard into the page, as if he had to forcibly summon up the courage to write it. Expression softening, despite the disappointment and hollowness of waking alone, Aymeric carefully refolds the note, tucking it into a small cedar box atop of his dresser, full of other such momentos acquired over the years. Few that speak so boldly, though. No doubt, in time, the empty jar of salve will join it, as they both know that the fact it was a gift from Estinien guarantees that he will actually feel obligated to use it.
The ache is still there, vibrating in the hollows of his chest, but at least for the moment, it is softened and gentled. He can endure, graceful, a little longer.
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couslandofhighever · 4 years
Hey! Can we please have rose, peach, yellow bow and fire form the oc ask? For any OC you want. Sorry, I'm on phone and I can't copy paste. xD
Hey, thank you for this! And that’s totally fine.
So far I only have Rosamunde Cousland, my first Warden.
🌹 How easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends? On the flip side how easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone? Are they the kind of person who hangs around the food table at a party and never talks to anyone or are they the type who can talk to anyone? 
Rosamunde is a people person, but she prefers small group or private conversations even though she is capable of mingling. When she is on her guard, she is a social strategist and will choose blunt honesty or genteel obligation and telling people what they want to hear depending on the situation.
She always considered Bryce a little too trusting, and she was aware of the undercurrents of dangerous exploitation of women that does exist in Ferelden. She strove to make the most of the martial equality that was allowable, and she always wanted to participate in learning to fight and defend herself when her big brother did. This meant that she learned a lot of different registers of conversation, from groups made up of soldiers to what she was expected to do as a member of the nobility. However, a lot of these skills seemed to be just-for-practice until Howe’s treachery suddenly made everything all too real. Of course, this shook her ability to trust others, but it was not as deep a blow as it could have been.
First of all, she was pissed off. Secondly, she sensed that Howe was a snake. She just didn’t know how deep it ran.
Rosamunde prefers to make friends over enemies, and she is often a big proponent of second chances. She considers herself a good judge of character, perhaps sometimes incorrectly. She is not infinitely forgiving, though. For example, she had no hesitation about allowing Alistair to execute Loghain after their duel at the Landsmeet.
She likes to learn what makes the people around her tick, for better or worse.
Someone meeting her with violence or even simple distaste at the beginning of a relationship isn’t necessarily a dealbreaker for her. Treachery and betrayal bother her a lot, obviously, especially after what happened to her parents and everyone else who served them.
She may not be completely forthcoming about her mistrust or dislike of someone if she isn’t sure how it will play out. She will give people she’s unsure about some benefit of the doubt, but she definitely has suspicions that make her cautious to trust certain people, especially those who seem ambitious without a thought to the responsibilities that ambition would earn them.
She can talk to anyone, and she may pretend to be a terrible person for a moment if it will get them to open up to her about their plans, but if she does this she is likely to stab them in the neck or poison them if they won’t walk away with nothing but their life and the clothes on their back.
She is also especially prone to trying to befriend most women she meets, but she sometimes finds it easier to befriend men. She really wants feminine approval, and it is in part because - as of the start of her story, at least - she has not yet particularly realized that she is attracted to them, too.
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
Rosamunde was suddenly thrust into a fairly nomadic lifestyle when she became one of the two surviving Grey Wardens in Ferelden and - as far as she was sure - the only surviving member of her family. Her ancestral home was lost to her, and under the circumstances during the year it took to reunite Ferelden and end the Blight, she had no particular desire to return to Highever to find it occupied or empty and bloodstained.
She likes to go to places that overlook some kind of natural view. She particularly likes watching flowing water and the wildlife that come to its edge from time to time. She also likes hugging her dog and talking to him about whatever she would prefer not to vent to others’ ears. She likes cool and damp areas and the comfort fire brings from them.
Note: You asked for “yellow bow,” but I am not sure I see a yellow bow? 
I will answer the only “bow” icon I saw, but if you meant one of the yellow category questions, please tell me which one, and I’ll answer it, too! 
🎀 Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care? 
She likes to wear the blue color associated with her family’s heraldry, especially now that her parents died in such a terrible fashion. She does not want to forget her family or lose that association, whatever Grey Wardens traditionally do. She will always be a Cousland with all the weight and pride it carries. She takes being of noble birth very seriously. Some might disagree with valuing that kind of thing, and they might be right, but to her being nobility carries with it a long history of social responsibility more than a particular thirst for power. She feels that if she has the ability to do something, she should.
Luckily, or not, the heraldry associated with the Grey Wardens has a similar shade of blue.
She likes white, and if it is off-white she prefers a cooler, grayish tinge to it.
She likes earthy colors and roses, for her name and their beauty and thorns. She values being able to move in her clothing, so she would reject any particularly restrictive styles, though she does like pretty, feminine things. She would likely try on some kind of ornate thing from Orlais, but she would never let Leliana persuade her to wear shoes she could not walk, run, or play with Barkspawn in.
She admires Morrigan’s much more open, careless regard for her clothing, but she would probably never wear anything quite so worn or revealing in public.
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff! 
I already stated some of this above, but here’s a list.
Likes: dogs (not just mabari), roses, blue (especially dark blue), white & gray, dark, earthy colors, morning fog, rivers, scenic views, summer rain (within reason), Barkspawn’s hair just after he’s been bathed, smooth stone, ploughed soil, early fall, and she is not particular about music and likes to watch people play
Dislikes: Very cold rain (would prefer snow), betrayal (though she’s a bit of a hypocrite and will let people betray bad people to come to her aid), the only color I think she has an aversion to is sort of sickly yellow, dead grass (the texture), droughts (both for their impact on people’s well-being and the kind of weather), feeling defenseless
The Questions are Here.
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heyyylittlemo · 4 years
Ask game
1. Where did you hide the body??
Me: *pause* No, where did you hide the body—
*police stare at me with disbelief*
Me: there’s no—there’s not a single body here—well stop looking at me like that, you’re the cop! You should know! Why are you asking me for! Body? Whaaaaaat. Ahaha.
*cops shake head*
*whispers to my friend* Guys I think I pulled that one off
Police: you know we can hear everything you’re saying
me: 👁👄👁
2. Favorite rock? The 1975. Dominic Fike. Arctic Monkeys. Bad Suns. The killers. Pale Waves. Etc. That good good shit 👌
3. Most aesthetic season? Fall. Love them orange colors. The leaves falling. Though spring is also neat if you have a bunch of flowers bloomin in shit and winter is only aesthetic when it’s snowing. Boring ass summer tho just be heating me up.
4. When texting do u shorten words or spell out? I used to write stuff out all the time mostly but now it’s like half and half bcuz its just faster and nobody got time for it 🤣🤣
5. Vintage stuff? Hell yeah, but maybe not anything too expensive since some old stuff IS hyper expensive.
6. Colors that pop or blend? Not sure I understand what u mean abt them blending ahaha u mean like when they’re so similar to another?? Well I think it’s nice but honestly I prefer a pop and a bang, y’Know?
- At this moment I realized I was answering the last few questions from a completely different ask and felt like a dumbass 😂 anyways the actual number we’re on is three so imma just kickback
3. Worst dream u have ever had? I had sleep paralysis but was imbetween that and a lucid dream. At first I was paralyzed and could see my bed but my eyes felt closed and open at the same time?? A giant dark demon looking dog had towered over me and began to tear at my neck. It looked and felt very real I started to try to scream and it felt like a scream was coming out but no sound exited. Then I went into a lucid dream where I was being chased by this dog and running for my life I was running by and nobody could save me nobody in the dream when it caught up to me I was back in my bed and it was trying to eat me again. I was so terrified I couldn’t sleep for a whole week.
4. Lyric that comes to your mind? “And I don’t think I can be there. I’m paralyzed,I’m terrified of being alone. When you said I deserved what had happened.”
5. Blood make u uncomfortable? Yes, I passed out once when getting my finger pricked and a VERY small blood sample and another when dissecting a fish.
6. Even or odd numbers? Well I like the number 5,7,9, 3 so odd. (Like me 🤣🤣)
7. Something I hate that I love? Anything I’ve ever loved becuz love can be frustrating. Bruh.
8. 1st initial of someone I hate? Hmm...do I hate someone tho? Not that I can think of...
9. *Skipping down the lane* NOPE
10. Corn dogs? It’s funny cuz when I think of corn dogs my mind will always go to when we first moved to our current house because at our initial town we never had Sonic and while we were getting the house fixed up and moving stuff we use to always get Sonic since it was the closest to us most times to eat and that was a bunch of corn dogs and hotdog days 🤣 so thnk u corn dogs for ur service
11. I’m not a huge movie person so...I looked up movies from 2005 and movies Inlike from this time are Brokeback mountain bcuz it’s gay af, Shark Boy and Lava Girl damn I rewatched the shot out of it when I was younger, Narnia and the Chocolate Factory(although it low key creeped me out as a kid, and idk why).
12. Least fav music genre? Most country, most EDM, dubstep, screaming/really hard rock, some pop music, mumble raping.
13. As someone who waits on tables, my job is my least favorite restaurant experience 🤣🤣 just dealing with ppl...like ok, I’m half Hispanic right?? But I look white. Well, I work at a Mexican restaurant and so sometimes racist costumers will say shady shit just bcuz I guess they think it’s appropriate to say it to me just bcuz I’m not Hispanic in their eyes?? But it pisses me off and I feel like I can’t say anything without causing a drama which I hate and when the “costumers always right” it can be hard to budge and stand up and say “bitch wtf did u just say??” And there’s just folks who take things the wrong ways or ask too much at once or give u a hard time or just say something that sticks onto you for the whole day. One bad move can turn my whole day upside down.
14. 3 things never come near me? Cockroaches, Needles, and close mind ppl
15. Worst way to die? With regrets. Something really brutual, random, or where something just happened to go wrong (accident). Being killed by someone u love.
16. Unusual habits? Doing a Michael Jackson esque “hee-hee” after every sneeze I make, being extremely clumsy and making every task 100% more difficult, having the ability to talk as if I have an accent that comes from nowhere in particular just stupidity also I can’t speak my own language half the time 🙃getting words confused or misusing them in a sentence so I sound dumb having a very weird imagination and thoughts, I swear it like I never went to school and don’t know how the world works, plus many many more
17. Clothing style u want? I want to dress in a way that screams who I am and is a blend of both femininity and masculinity. A little vintage. Grunge. Urban maybe?? What do I know abt fashion 🤣🤣
18. Song or artist that deserves more? Dijon, hands down. I love his stuff. He’s like Frank Ocean meets light-singing beautiful lyricist with a more rock vibe?? Hidden gem. I also think Durand Jones & the Indications needs more love along with BadBadNotGood they sound like old-times but are new!! Oh, and Pale Waves is like a female The 1975 and kicks it. Bad Suns is a good alt rock band that no one seems to recognize :,D Toro y Moi too! His song with Flume “The difference “ is a banger!! Kid Cudi is my man when I want a blend of rock and rap. Also Dominic Fike,King Krule, and Roy Blair, who are all amazing!! Ok I need to stop 🛑
Duck I answered the past questions from a different post I’m sorry 😐
17. Emoji never used? There’s a bunch since I reuse the same over and over again. Lmao
18. 3 sentence Gatorade horror story? A faint quiver overtook the small freezer the Gatorade lay in; no one had come by in days, hours, weeks; when was the last time he met the lips of a thirsty body? They’d forgotten about him, as his last sips remained glued to his hollowing entrance. ‘Help, ‘it wanted to say, but it’s frozen lips could not be moved; It’d stay here, die here...just like the rest.” What am I doing with my life 🤣🙏
19. Do u know what an old bay is? A bay that is old? And old ocean? Idk!!!
20. Can u dance? Sometimes I dance when I’m alone but nothing spectral lol
21. What first comes to ur mind when u see ropes? 2 extremes. Sex and death. Hm. Ok. Moving on.
22. Make an obscure reference. “Even a bra couldn’t hold these nipples” *Holds a water gun to chest*
23. Fav balloon color? Pink or yellow.
24. If u were in court would u be innocent or guilty? Depends, what am I in court for 🤣 lmao jk honestly idk bcuz I don’t think I’d wind up in there
25. Are u hungry ? Nope
26. Unlucky number? Hm I don’t think so but I have a lucky number “123”
27. What’s “JMD”stand for? I’m guessing...Jamming my d—- 💀lol jk ahaha why am so dirt
28. Random inside joke? *chirpy squeak* I’m making a double batch of cookies
29. What sends chills up ur spine? Seeing disgust food or smell disgust or talking abt disgust things like gore
30. How many questions are in ur inbox? A pathetic zero ahaha no one want to ask me anything 😂
31. Someone real who scares u. 2 of my ex friends. One when I was 10 said disturbing things and I was kinda forced onto the friendship and everything they said make me fear for others lives...and then a different ex friend who seemed normal at 1st but became both low key psychopath cult leader type stuff and I booed out of there—-.
32. Run or hide? Uhh probably hide because I’d say even if ppl say “u can run but u can’t hide” u CAN just hide! that’s the point of hiding they not find u xD also why not combine them? Hide then run somewhere far away once I got them off the trial.
33. Last person who made u angry? A frickin beetle that flew at me and pinched me in the middle of singing in the shed xD also my autocorrect
34. What’s going on in ur head? I should probably pee soon—
35. Little thing that makes u Smile? A lot of little things bruh.
36. Are u a descisive person?
Not sure.
*pAuse *
Ok, I guess I’m not then 🤣
37. Would ppl say I’m paranoid? Hm maybe about certain things social situations, singing in front of others what ppl think abt me etc etc
38. Store least likely in? Any southern clothes shop, Abercrombie & Finch types shit, lol
39. Do I like hats fave type? Hm not wear many hats but I think they’re cool any type is cool for different ppl and their aesthetici just can’t rock a hat.
40. Bow ties or ties? Don’t really care but now want to see more bow ties
41. Who? You.
42. What? Reading this shit
43. Where? In ur ass
44. When? Now.
45. Why? Not even u know why.
46. How? We all want to know
47. Do u collect anything? Vinyl records.
48. What tome is it? Time to get a watch
49. Fav transportation? My car or walk is possible
50. Would u ever kill someone to save someone? Don’t want to think about that
51. Make a joke. Yo, it’s time to make a joke—so the other day I was working. And I was practicing my Spanish, yes? Anyone whose trying to learn anew language k n o w s that sometimes words can be so close to another u just confuse then! So apparently churros in Spanish is a desert but if u say it more harshly (it literally sounds almost the same) it makes a whole different meaning—diharrea, but like I didn’t know that so I legit just walked up to this person and asked if they would like some shit to eat. So yeah, that was great. Let’s not forget that I mixed up blood, watermelon, and sangria which is a wine. I legit once said I had mixed wine in my vines and another time watermelon 🤣
52. I’m really confused so I skip
53. Would ur dash be confiscated SFW? By dash do u mean this account? Um not 😬
54. Do I like to cuddle? Hell yeah and manhandle ppl all the time it’s my affection
55. What makes u angry? Close minded ppl or ppl who jump too fast to conclusions, strict schedules just dumb stuff that people try to force when I just want to be carefree 😭✌️
56. How many voices are in ur head? 😐
57. Do U consider urself mentally stable? 😐
58. Are u easily offended? Well U just called me mentally unstable and asked it there was voices in my head!!
59. What’s wrong with taking the backstreets? Uhm...
60. Any questions u want ppl to ask u? Nothing in particular but it’s be nice if someone care to ask me something abt me from personal question to my opinions on shit to 19 days fandom related junk 😌
Woooo I’ve finished this game! Thanks to @seiji-amasawa for introducing me to this ^^
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themsource · 5 years
Standards - A Gift
Tumblr media
Rating: T Paring: Sans x OC Luna Word Count: 3,162 @rosedarkfire​ Hey! I was your secret Santa ^^; for the @undertalesecretsanta​ event! XD I used some of your personal names for the boys and your OC i hope you like it <3 My first time writing him heh.
Black liked Luna, really liked her.
She was kind, funny, smart, but most of all had a back bone strong enough to rival his own.
He just couldn’t stand the fact he kept messing up with her.
“Hey Sans, what do you think of this for the Christmas tree?” Black loved that she called him by his given name, it was like a reward to hear it in this mashed together universe of duplicates.
Even if she only said it in private.
He eyed the butterfly themed tinsel in her hands.
“I AM SURPRISED YOU WOULD CHOOSE BUTTERFLIES.” No he wasn’t, that was that infuriating murderer’s nickname for her.
“Oh why do you say that?” Luna asked with genuine confusion in her mismatched eyes.
“Okay. I get it Black.” It was easy to tell when he’d upset her. She’d call him that infuriating amalgam of color nickname. Luna pinned her heterochromic gaze on him.
“And butterflies are amazing; they drink blood like little fluttering vampires.” Black could only blink as she walked away from him.
And so that’s how their relationship usually went.
“Sans, what do you think of strawberry pudding for dessert?”
“...You don’t like strawberry?”
“...IT’S FINE. IF YOU MAKE IT I’LL EAT THAT RIDICULOUS SLOP OF POINTLESS SUGAR.” To his confusion Luna had chosen to simply not make dessert at all that night. Much to the disappointed mumbling of his brother and their alters.
Even receiving gifts from her, which always made him immeasurably happy, was difficult.
“I got you something Sans!”
“...It’s a jacket?”
“I thought purple would pop with the red you usually wear.” His eyelights drifted slowly down to the purple and poorly dyed jean jacket where they lingered and constricted into fine points before just as slowly rising to look at her again.
He usually bristled whenever a human used the term monster as an insult to describe something, however he could only think of a particularly offensive statement he’d heard once from a favored designer of his. Black was holding a literal fashion monstrosity in his hands.
But Luna looked so excited and eager for his reaction, her eyes sparkling and proud. 
He cleared his throat.
Black had thought he’d been generous with the humble remark; there was so much alternative vocabulary that he could’ve used to describe how horrible that jacket had looked.
Honestly he thought he’d complimented it.
Black had even let it touch his body as he’d tried it on. Somehow he’d still ended up…disappointing her.
Which was admittedly worse than her anger.
He’d spent the whole time in the shower afterwards grumbling as he’d tried to scrub away the memory of that awful thing on him, half practiced phrases and comments that never seemed to work washed away by the pouring water.
The shower drain embarrassingly enough had even seemed to judge him.
To his chagrin he’d reached the point he’d finally decided to ask his brother for advice.
Stars help him.
“you’re not exactly graceful mi’lord when it comes to criticism.” Black had felt insulted.
“NOT GRACEFUL!?” Rus chuckled as his sockets crinkled in veiled humor.
“she’s a human female, they tend to be super sensitive to even the slightest provocation.” That was an annoying concept to learn. Turned out even his tamed honesty was still too harsh for her. Black took his brother’s advice to heart.
It was advice better stated in theory than put into practice he soon learned.
He stared at the dress Luna was wearing.
It wasn’t anywhere close to complimenting her beauty; in fact the makeup of the material rather dimmed the brightness of her soul as well as her eyes. It was a simple conclusion to reach that it was a horrible example of a dress worthy of the human’s appeal.
But she had personally picked it, liked it.
It made him uncomfortable just how awful her fashion tastes were.
Made it so difficult to be genuine with her.
“IT’S…” He gritted his teeth.
What was the proper word to use so as not to insult her? Adequate? No that would insinuate that it was somehow satisfactory. Tolerable? Might be too insulting of a word.
Black hated liars and he refused to be one, but he desperately wanted to show he supported her decisions. The longer he took fishing for the right word the more he could see Luna’s demeanor falling.
“...MANAGEABLE?” Her nose did that adorable habit where it scrunched up as she looked at him thoughtfully.
“Manageable.” She wanted him to elaborate. He could do that. Just no ranting he silently chided himself, ranting would invalidate not only his opinion but could do so with hers as well.
“...IT…” Black’s words died in his nonexistent throat.
Okay he apparently couldn’t elaborate without going into a triad. They both stared at each other silently and as a sweat drop began to run down the side of his skull he made an executive decision.
He couldn’t insult her if he wasn’t near her.
Black missed how Luna’s eyes had widened as he abruptly turned and walked away from her. His hurried steps the only sound before the opening and closing of her door.
Luna...didn’t talk to him for a week.
Each day that passed killed him a little inside whenever he’d see her talking to one of his duplicates, interacting with his own brother with barely a glance in his direction. She’d even gone so far as to walk away from him when he’d simply greeted her, much the same as he had done concerning her dress.
He’d immediately understood why she’d been acting the way she had the moment she did so. 
Black hadn’t realized how painful the action had been to her. 
According to his brother he was moping the whole day after his realization and most of the morning. Hadn’t felt that way but it seemed him yelling more than usual was somehow depressing to his sibling.
That’s how Black ultimately ended up being drug out to go Christmas shopping. Which in itself was a red flag for the shorter skeleton.
Rus dragged him out of the house.
Maybe he had been moping.
“see anything good mi’lord?” Black flickered his eyelights dully over to his brother from where they’d been resting on a jewelry display.
“HARDLY.” Rus hummed as he sauntered up next to him, a bag of purchases already somehow slung over his arm. Black stopped questioning how he managed to suspiciously acquire things some time ago.
“y’know i think she likes galaxy themed clothing.” Black scoffed as he gestured at the entirety of the mall.
“think i know the problem mi’lord.”
“DO YOU?” He asked absently, his eyelights refocusing on the necklaces currently hung up. All plated metals with hardly a solid piece of pure gold in sight. Even those claiming the label had obvious traces of other impurities mixed in.
Humans were such lazy creatures when it came to production.
“your standards are too high.” He let out a frustrated growl. Like his brother had any right to discuss standards. He couldn’t even be bothered to buy new shirts when he needed them, even the cheap off brand ones that Black hated due to their low thread count.
“that’s just it sans.” Black felt his soul give a jolt. He gave his brother a glance that was practically vulnerable; his older brother rarely ever used his given name anymore even when alone together.
Papyrus was serious.
“the bare minimum to you, isn’t the same for luna.” Black didn’t respond at first, his eyelights lowered in concentration before he finally let out a sigh. Of course the mutt would be right. His eyelights lit up as an idea hit him.
“I’LL BE HOME LATE.” Rus didn’t stop him as he vanished into the void.
“guess i should tell everyone you’ll be late for gift opening then.” He muttered as he shifted the bags on his arm. It was a good thing he supposed that he already bought his brother’s gift selections for the others.
Luna was giggling as she opened the little blue and white snow patterned box Classic had given her, a ring tinged grey with lines of silver etched into it greeting her. Her eyes lit up as she looked up at him.
“Is this meteorite?” He hummed his confirmation as he plucked it from the box and slipped it onto her pinky finger.
“figured someone as beautiful as a star deserved something out of this world.” There were groans but Luna could only blush as she embraced him, her arms twining around his shoulders effortlessly.
“Thank you Sans.”
“okay enough lovey dovey crap, open mine next.” Crimson huffed as he carelessly shoved Classic aside to drop his gift in her lap. She tried not to snort at how affronted Classic looked, her eyes panning the gathering of skeletons briefly before smiling at Crimson as she unwrapped his present.
By the time Luna finished going through everyone’s gifts Black still hadn’t returned and she was growing quickly concerned.
Looking over from the pile of gift wrap Valiant and Lolli had buried her in she locked eyes with Rus. Who was currently handing a shopping bag to Edge. Of course Rus hadn’t bothered to wrap any of his presents besides hers.
She didn’t even need to say anything.
“mi’lord said he’d be late, don’t worry princess.” Luna frowned; it wasn’t like him at all to be late for any gathering. Maybe she had been a bit too harsh to him.
It was as everyone was getting ready to eat when Black finally showed back up. The first thing Luna did was stand and go over to him, abandoning her place at the table. He oddly blushed purple.
“Black I--”
“COME WITH ME FOR A MOMENT.” Luna blinked curiously but followed, ignoring the inquisitive looks that the others were giving as she was led upstairs.
Black was nervous.
He wasn’t exactly experienced with showing his emotions let alone talking about them. But still he was resolved when he’d seen how willing Luna was to follow his request. It was obvious his prolonged absence had ignited a spark of guilt in her.
She shouldn’t have felt guilty; if anything her anger was more than deserved.
Once they were both in his room he casually latched the door and wandered over to the glass doors that led to the house balcony, his hands folding behind his back. It had taken an age to procure this room he remembered. Probably wouldn’t even have it if it wasn’t for Luna siding with him against Classic like she had.
How to start this? Black could already feel her eyes burning into his spine.
“I AM A RENOWNED TACTICIAN, AN INSPIRATION WHEN IT COMES TO MY PEERS IN REGARDS TO CHIVALRY AND CLASS.” He took a breath and turned to face her, his eyelights focusing on the adorable freckles dotting her face rather than the windows to her soul. “INFAMOUS EVEN FOR MY SERVICES TO THE CROWN.”
Luna was watching him carefully as he scratched wearily at the back of his skull.
Best to make his point known sooner than later.
“WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY IS I COULD BEST BE DESCRIBED AS CRUEL AND HEARTLESS, INDIFFERENT.” Black’s voice lowered and Luna was shocked at how soft his tone was.
“Even When I Try Not To Be.” Something didn’t sit right in her chest at how vulnerable he sounded, nearly regretful. Luna looked down at her feet torn between wanting to comfort him and wanting to let him finish what he had to say. She knew he could be easily upset when others interrupted him.
His hands clenched into fists behind his back.
“I...Have Never Regretted My Actions. Not For A Single Horror I’ve Done Nor Word I’ve Said. But I Do Regret How I’ve Inadvertently Treated You.” Luna whipped her head up and she had to bite her lip to stop the gasp at how soft his eyelights looked.
They were so resigned.
“I Believe It’s Obvious, But Just In The Off Chance It Isn’t I Will Say I Do Care For You Just As Much As Those Ruffians Downstairs Do. IF NOT MORE!” He couldn’t help adding that last part and Luna rewarded the flounder with a chuckle causing another blush to violently flare across his face. It had felt like years since he’d heard her laugh last.
Turning to the side he offered a hand out to her.
Luna felt her heart skip at how the moonlight from the window seemed to highlight his form, making his exposed bones shimmer ethereally and his uniform to stand out with shadows tracing the bends and curves of it.
Black’s soul gave a pleased thrum as she stepped forward and slipped her hand in his. He rarely touched anyone, hardly had ever had contact with her. So it was with no small amount of secret enthusiasm as he rediscovered just how small her hand was to his. Luna had always been charmingly smaller than him and his sibling’s alters, even Valiant the shortest.
He opened the glass doors and led her to the balcony.
The wind was slightly chilled, but Luna marveled all the same at the view of the lake in the distance, the snow gathered in a thin sheet across the ground like a winter wonderland of ice and cold. One of the advantages Black had always provided her since helping him get the room was the freedom he gave her to come and go from the perch.
As Luna let herself drift Black pulled a small velvet box from his pocket.
“Luna.” She turned and Black’s breath caught at how beautiful she looked. He smiled as he held the gift out to her. She quirked a brow.
“Sans?” He almost purred at hearing his name.
“Open It.” She gave a curious smile as her hands gently opened the box, the action making Black’s soul thrum furiously in his chest. Her eyes lit up and he couldn’t resist smiling smugly at the automatic approval he saw in them.
“...Wow, It’s wonderful.”
Black felt his ribs swell with pride as Luna’s eyes widened, her cheeks turning pink as she lifted the choker from the box. He caught a glimpse of the ring Classic had given her but that mattered little to the gift he now presented.
Luna looked up as he gestured for it and it took a great effort to hand it over.
“My Lady.” He prompted as he held it between his phalanges. Her blush turned red in intensity as she caught on he wanted to put it on for her, even more so at the title he used.
His lady. Why did that make her so giddy?
Black was blushing like a fool as she turned her back to him and lifted the soft chestnut locks of her hair, exposing the pale skin of her neck. It didn’t help the warm feeling in his chest at the slight shaking he caught in her shoulders. She was just as nervous and excited as he was.
Carefully, with a slowness that wasn’t necessary just so he could enjoy the sight of her tilted head and the way she ran her thumb into the hair she held back for him he gingerly slipped his arms over her. Enjoyed feeling how his normally despised height dwarfed her as he tenderly latched it.
When she turned to face him Black felt his eyelights morph.
The gem at the center of the silk choker was swirling with purple and red magic against a black backdrop, not as a claiming display exactly but as an acknowledgment of whose protection she was under.
A small galaxy on her delicate throat.
He softly brushed a phalange against it not noticing the enamored way her vision was locked on his heart shaped eyelights.
She had never seen those hardened and unwavering orbs change shape in the whole time she’d known him. Luna had even seen Classic’s and Crimson’s change a time or two but never Blacks. She hadn’t known he was capable of it.
His inverted hearts flickered up to her.
“I’m Sorry My Actions Haven’t Been Pleasant Towards You. I Only Ask Of You To Remember Always...What You Mean To Me.” Luna smiled playfully.
“And what would you mean by that kind sir?” His sockets lidded and the smile he gave nearly rivaled Valiant’s with how dopey it was.
Luna’s world froze at the sight and she wished more than anything she had a camera on her. It felt like a moment that would only ever happen once in a lifetime.
Black’s answer changed in the span of a second. His initial response lacking for just how strongly he felt for her. He didn’t even hesitate as he realized it.
“I Love You. With Every Amount Of Affection And Bit Of My Soul I Can Give.”
Tears sprang to Luna’s eyes as she stared at him before slowly running her arms over his shoulders, giving him time to pull away if he wanted. Instead his arms encircled her waist making her heart pound and stomach flutter as he tilted her head back with his other hand.
His bony lips locked with hers and an array of emotions surged through the both of them; fear, misunderstanding, cautiousness, eagerness, love, and wholeness. Luna and Black broke apart for air and all the human woman could do was stare at the skeleton holding her in a daze.
Kissing her was everything he’d ever imagined it to be.
“Manageable?” She teased. The top of Black’s skull flexed with the impression of a raised eyebrow as he smirked and cupped her chin.
“Glorious.” He pulled her in for another kiss as he whispered against her lips. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas.” She responded breathlessly.
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askshivanulegacy · 5 years
All for blakk
O M G :’D
I’m not even putting this behind a cut SCREW YOUR DASHBOARD :P
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A: Aptitude1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
2. what activities have they participated in?
HACKING, to include some questionably legal manipulation of the Intel mainframes for the purposes of playing a competitive game.
Swoop racing (actually just a dream, he hasn’t raced anything YET, but he’s working on building a racer)
Model building, he has a complete set of working model ships and vehicles
Built his own mouse bot
3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for?
All of his skills he’s worked very hard to develop and become proficient at.  He started out at a disadvantage, not being able to concentrate in class and having difficulty remembering things.  He worked very hard to overcome this.
4. what things are they bad at?
Anything involving emotions. :’D
5. what is their most impressive talent?
Knife fighting.  Also dancing, he’s capable of some very impressive dance moves.
B: Basics1. what is their hair color?
2. what is their eye color?
Dark blue
3. how tall are they?
5 ft, 4 in / 162.5 cm
4. how old are they?
Depends, but he starts SWTOR at 17 years old.
5. how much do they weigh?
Somewhat under an ideal healthy weight for his height and age.
C: Comfort1. how do they sit in a chair?
Properly.  Although, left to himself on something comfy, he likes to pull up his legs and snuggle under a blanket.
2. in what position do they sleep?
Usually curled up on one side.
3. what is their ideal comfort day?
Before meeting certain people, it’s holed up in his room either working on his models or studying tech manuals.  After meeting certain people, it’s snuggled on a sofa with something sweet and hot to drink, wearing thick sweater and socks, and either watching the fireplace or a movie (with a fire in the fireplace).
4. what is their major comfort food? why?
Some kind of hot, creamy soup.  Certain people made something like this for him on cold days or to help him feel better.
5. who is the best at comforting them when down?
A feeeew people: Seran-vin ( @askcarminelegacy​), Ziminder ( @kaosstar​), Ahuska ( @dingoat​), possibly a couple others. ♥
D: Decoration1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name?
Blakk’s DK stronghold is typically done in cool colors with sleek, industrial lines and clean, minimalistic styles, although he does favor green, so that’s probably here and there.  Left to his own devices though (and maybe some interior decoration hints), his ideal house would probably be decorated warmly, with a more natural, welcoming style of furniture.
2. how would they decorate their child’s room?
Blakk would not have a child. XD
3. how do they decorate their own room?
Same as above, except littered with pieces of tech and various flying vehicle models.
4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear?
The best in Imperial fashion - clean, sharp lines, asymmetrical styling, appropriate use of contrasting colors and accents, usually a darker color spectrum (unless white or silver).  No flowers.
Accessories include knives everywhere, a stealth unit, comms, Intel-tech grappling hook.  Less practical accessories include possible hat, white or black gloves (or dark green if he’s wearing green), earring (just one, asymmetry FTW), or choker. 
5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends?
No.  Except when disguised as a woman, then of course whatever is tasteful and stylish and matching his clothes.  Possibly sparkles and/or tattoos in interesting places if left up to Watcher Two. ;)
E: External Personality1. does the way they do things portray their internal personality?
Yes, very much.
2. do they do things that conform to the norm?
To the classic “Imperial norm,” yes.
3. do they follow trends or do their own thing?
Tasteful trends in fashion.  Other trends, generally not; Blakk is something of a lone wolf and finds it hard to group along with others.
4. are they up-to-date on the internet fads?
Not in the least.
5. do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it out on their own?
Blakk unintentionally does not portray his full personality.
F: Fun1. what do they do for fun?
See A for activities. Also, reading technical manuals.
2. what is their ideal party?
Not having one.
3. who would they have the most fun with?
Proooobably a certain Alderaanian noble or a certain Bothan. Or even a certain thief. 
4. can they have fun while conforming to rules?
Blakk certainly thinks he can. 8)  Imperial rules, anyway, no one mentioned anything about Republic rules
5. do they go out a lot?
G: Gorgeous1. what is their most attractive external feature?
His eyes.
2. what is the most attractive part of their personality?
Probably his shy kindness or awkwardness.
3. what benefits come with being their friend?
Generally, he’s very loyal to his friends and honestly thinks the world of them.
4. what parts of them do they like and dislike?
Blakk likes his appearance; he’s not shy at all about being seen and being fashionable.  He hates the rest of himself. XD
5. what parts of others do they envy?
The ability of people to make friends or speak or hang out or have fun so easily.
H: Heat1. do they rather a hot or cold room?
Hot!  The hotter the better.
2. do they prefer summer or winter?
3. do they like the snow?
No!  Except the indoor part with cozy clothes and hot drinks and cuddling.
4. do they have a favorite summer activity?
Nothing Blakk particularly identifies with the summer.
5. do they have a favorite winter activity?
Avoiding everything about the winter.
I: In-the-closet1. what is their sexuality?
A very in-the-closet Bi.
2. have they ever questioned their sexuality?
Not consciously.
3. have they ever questioned their gender?
4. would/was their family be okay with them being LGBT?
What family? 8)
5. how long would/did it take for them to come out?
Still waiting, in denial 5ever, even after having a couple boyfriend AUs. :’D
J: Joy1. what makes them happy?
Sharing time with the people they care about.
2. who makes them happy?
Certain special individuals. ♥
3. are there any songs that bring them joy?
Probably, especially when certain people sing them.
4. are they happy often?
5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
Someone telling him, “I love you.” It’s never happened.
K: Kill1. have they ever thought about suicide?
2. have they ever thought about homicide?
”Thought” implies something deeper than a daily occurance. XD
3. if they could kill anyone without punishment, would they? who?
Blakk already does, but he has no one specific in mind.
4. who would miss them if they died?
Blakk thinks no one would.
5. who would be happy they died, anyone?
DERRICK @kaosstar​
L: Lemons1. what is their favorite fruit?
He doesn’t know enough to have one.  Raspberry might be a good contender.
2. what is their least favorite fruit?
Still doesn’t know enough to have one, but possibly lemons. XD
3. are there any foods they hate?
4. do they have any food intolerances?
Possibly. Blakk just needs to be careful he doesn’t overdo it with foods he’s not used to (his regular diet is exclusively nutrient bars).
5. what is their favorite food?
Nutrient bars.
M: Maternal1. would they want a daughter or a son?
2. how many children do they want?
3. would they be a good parent?
Blakk would be a terrible parent.  He’s not in a position or a mindset to care for a child, he might never be in one.
4. what would they name a son? what would they name a daughter?
5. would they adopt?
N: Never Have I Ever1. what would they never do?
Blakk would never want to hurt the people he cares about ... but it’s happened anyway.
2. what have they never done that they want to do?
Race a swoop.
3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do?
Probably not.
4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done?
That one time he was swindled into going undercover at a strip club.
5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do?
Defect from Imperial Intelligence.
O: Optimism1. are they optimistic or pessimistic?
Very pessimistic.
2. are they openly optimistic, throwing it on others?
3. are they good at giving advice?
Terrible at giving advice, but that doesn’t stop him. :’D
4. is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them?
A good handful of people, haha.
5. were they always optimistic?
Blakk was ... once, in a part of his life he no longer remembers.
P: Personality1. what is their best personality trait?
2. what is their worst personality trait?
3. what of their personality do others love?
Probably the kindness and stubbornness.
4. what of their personality do others envy?
... Possibly his loyalty?
5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
Blakk hates his lack of confidence and his introvertedness. There’s not much he actually hates about other people’s personalities, except cruelty. 
Q: Questions1. do they ask for help?
Never, if he can help it.
2. do they ask questions in class?
3. do they answer questions that make them a little uncomfortable?
Not usually, although there’s not much that would make Blakk uncomfortable in a classroom setting.
4. do they ask weird questions?
5. are they curious?
Reasonably curious, moreso about things of a technical nature.
R: Rules1. do they follow rules?
Imperial rules, yes.
2. would they be a strict or laid-back parent?
3. have they ever been consequenced for breaking a rule?
People have tried, in Republic space. 8)
4. have they broken any rules they now regret breaking?
Does blowing up hundreds of thousands of people across several planets count?
5. do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous?
Mandalorian rules.
S: Streets - already answered!
T: Truth
1. are they honest?
Generally, but there are a lot of things Blakk lies like a rug about.
2. can they tell if someone is lying?
Usually; it’s part of his Intelligence training.
3. is it obvious when they’re lying?
No, unless it’s about his own feelings. 8)
4. have they lied about anything they regret lying about?
Oh yes. Or half-truths, or not confessing his feelings before it’s too late.
5. have they told truths that have been spread against their will?
No, but certain people have discovered truths Blakk would rather have been left alone.
U: Underdog1. have they been bullied?
Yes, even beat up a few times at Intelligence.
2. have they bullied anyone?
3. have they been physically attacked by a bully?
4. have they ever been doubted?
Blakk has never told anyone.  He thinks “allowing” himself to be beat up is a severe weakness, and he’s pretty demoralized that no one noticed or stepped in.
5. have they surprised people with being good at something?
When it comes to fighting, probably yes.  He’s extremely agile, tenacious, and downright vicious.
V: Vomit1. do they vomit often?
No?  This is a very bizarre set of questions.  Clearly someone had no ideas when it comes to ‘V’.
2. do they get lots of stomach aches?
Possibly, when eating too much unfamiliar food.
3. are they good at comforting someone ill?
Not very good, but Blakk will sit with them and provide company.
4. what do they like as far as comfort goes?
Warmth and physical contact.
5. do they burp, cough, or hiccup most when nauseous? when vomiting?
Not exactly a very relevant question. XD
W: Water - already answered!
X: Xylophone
1. what is their favorite genre of music?
Generally something smooth and instrumental, like Classical.
2. do they have a favorite song?
Probably a few, or anything sung by a certain Alderaanian.
3. do they have a favorite band/artist/singer?
Just one favorite singer. So far.
4. can they sing well?
Blakk can actually sing reasonably well, he’s a tenor.
5. can they rap?
If his life depended on it?  Probably. :’D
Y: You1. how old were you when you created them?
Uhhh I do a terrible job of tracking what I did when.  Just about the time I started SWTOR, I created Blakk.
2. what inspired you to create them?
Blakk is the what-if Imperial universe version of my Jedi Knight Zakku’an.  The “what-if” brainstorming determined how his personality changed, and his appearance is the result of what I liked when changing Zak’s appearance with the character creator. XD
3. were they different when they were first created?
As Zak, he was very different.  More optimistic, friendly, and light-hearted.
4. do you enjoy writing them more than other characters?
5. what’s your favorite thing about them?
Everything, especially how he has a chronic, “dig himself into deeper and deeper holes” problem. XD
Z: Zebra1. what’s their favorite animal?
He hates animals. Wolves.
2. do they like animals?
Not generally.  Although one day he will end up with a varactyl named Featherhead, an akk dog he will be Force-bonded to, and a pack of miniature blurrgs named after his friends. 8)
3. cats or dogs?
Neither? Both?
4. what’s their dream pet?
Since he’s never wanted a pet, he doesn’t have one.
5. do they have any pets at the moment?
Not at this very moment, but see #2.
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sadisim · 5 years
Some tags~
Tagged by @killo-bye
I tag: @falllforfiction @lies-and-crooked-sims @cavernsofdarkness @bobapixls and whoever wanna do it!
Are you named after someone? Nope, I don’t really think so. My dad and my grandpa have similar names to mine but idk if it’s just a coincidence xD
Last time you cried? Hm...I was watching some really sad youtube videos the other week. I think then!
Do you use sarcasm? Me? Noooo...never.
First thing you notice about a person? Their hands. I can tell a lot about a person just by looking at them! Especially their palms...I am a huge fan of palmistry.
What’s your eye colour? Brown
Scary movies or happy endings?  Why not both? *cue mexican music*
Special talent? I can twist my tongue in weird ways. OH and my fingers too! I have very flexible joints in general...can do a ballerina tiptoe with no warmup. 
Birthplace? Romania
Hobbies? TOO many~! Can never keep up with anything... Reading, video games, editing pictures, IRL photography, organizing & planning, occasional drawing, studying, acting, psychology, gardening,travelling, spirituality...
Pets? My lil baby Dolly! 
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Do/have you played any sports? Not really. I can’t practice an sports due to my health. Did take dancing and swimming lessons though!
Height? I don’t even wanna remember it. Last time i checked i was barely 150cm. GOD knows if i grew since then. Doubt it T_T
Favourite subject in school? English!! French!! Romanian!! Latin!! Always loved studying languages and still do <3
Dream job? I’ve been thinking about this for so long...Honestly i would love something among the lines of writer. But i also love acting and i would love to become an actress! At the same time i love foreign languages and i’m very good at teaching, especially children...But on the other hand i love editing pictures for hours a day. Even reading?! I could become an editor...gosh i have no idea lol!! A combo of all would be amazing. I love working with people. 
What colours do you associate with happiness? I don’t wanna be cliché and say sunshines and stuff like that. To me happiness is comfort: in yourself, in others, in the place you live in, in everything you do. Joy is found in the smallest of things...I am the happiest when i do the things i love and i am with those i cherish. 
Rules: Bold everything that applies to you and tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better.
I’m exactly 5’5” // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
Hobbies and Talents:
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows  // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs
So many tagged me in this ;_; Idk who to tag... uuh @pandelabs @lachesisversus @r0ach3z @blitzzaro
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doctorstrangeclea · 5 years
Would you summarize Clea and Strange's wedding?
Thank you for asking, you are the first to ever send a question to me so thank you XD To start with, I haven’t found any comics online that can show me their wedding day. They did get married on both paper and within the laws of magic. That’s a little more confusing but in comic terms, it means that they’re connected and will always be together. Therefore, most of what I write is just what I personally think is what their wedding would be like.
I imagine them having more of an old-fashioned wedding, as in it’s very well organized and to the book. They wouldn’t have it in a chapel though as neither seem to practice any kind of religion. Clea is a young woman who was amazed by snow during her first winter with Stephen and has always shown a passion for knowledge. There’s been comics of them in their Sanctum Sanctorum library where he teaches her spells and how to use magic. It’s also where he would go for peace and quiet and Clea would go in to keep him company. An antique, beautiful library would be the perfect location, specifically in the winter.
Both Stephen and Clea plan everything to the last detail. I don’t see them having a wedding planner, so they plan it themselves. This is the only wedding they ever plan on having so they both want it to be perfect in every way. They do everything that comes with a wedding: engagement party, rehearsal dinner, bridal shower, and a bachelor party. Stephen would have a bachelor party in which he and his friends enjoy a nice evening in with liquor and cigars, something classic. Clea has a bridal shower, something elegant and serene, like a garden party or afternoon tea. The ceremony would be held in the library, like I said, and it would be decorated in beautiful floating lights. They would have an orchestral band to perform live and play beautiful instrumental music, especially for their first dance as husband and wife. The color scheme would be something celestial; hues of gold, dark blues that almost look black, and silvery accents. It all looks very regal when it comes together. The ceremony is performed under a beautiful archway made of old books held together by vines with beautiful white flowers. As Wong has watched them fall in love, he would want to officiate the wedding, officially marrying them. Valkyrie would be Clea’s Maid of Honor, as the two have been close since their days as Defenders. Wanda would be Stephen’s Best (wo)man, seeing as they’re absolutely close friends, to the point where, in my opinion, he probably sees her as a sister. The guest list is quite large, obviously Marvel has so many characters, and it goes without question that they’re pretty much all invited. Stephen was an original member of Defenders so they’re the first on the list along with Wong. Clea’s family is a nightmare so none of them are coming and Stephen’s family are all dead, but of course they have many friends they consider to be family.
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Clea is a very fashionable person. In the comics, it’s been shown time and time again she can reform her cloths and body to anything she desires. As someone not from Earth, she didn’t grow up dreaming of the perfect white wedding dress. Her celestial influenced dress would stand out. Her usual colors are purple, pink and black but when she’s ruling her realm she goes for a more gold formal type of style with a crown. There are many dresses she can chose from so it’s hard to choose just one. I could picture something gold and constantly glimmering, moving all at once. Looking at the dress feels like looking at a sea of stars, shimmering and endless. These are a few I personally love.
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Stephen wouldn’t default to a simple black tux either. He’d wear a very elegant suit, a deep shade of sapphire with details all along the fabric. His cloak is iconic, so it’s impossible to imagine he doesn’t wear it. He doesn’t wear his gloves, choosing to expose his scars as he knows Clea takes him for all of who he is. He actually spent a lot of time practicing putting a ring on Wanda so his hands wouldn’t shake too much when he finally got to do it with Clea. 
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Although it’s common among the fandom that Clea’s full name is Clea Lake, due to the 1978 film Dr. Strange film, she truly doesn’t have a last name in the comics. She’d definitely take his last name. 
Special thank you to @alylionheart for editing, finding pictures and helping me put this together :)
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r-escribe · 6 years
Even after 100 years we'll be by your side, Kanan
Word count: 1876
Pairing: Kanan x Dia x Mari
Rating: General audience until part two where we could argue if it escalates to teen and up.
Summary: A year has passed since the 3rd years graduated and went their separate ways. Kanan has doubts about their friendship.
A/N: First of all happy birthday Kanan! Secondly, I'm sorry this is so poorly phrased it's been a while since I last wrote anything or read anything. Also, this was extremely rushed so hopefully it makes some sense... so yeah enjoy. This was posted on AO3 6 days ago so exactly in time for Kanan’s birthday only I forgot to post it here ahaha :)
“Kanan, could you please take my shift tomorrow? I have finals on Monday so I really wanted to do some studying…” said the amethyst colored eyed girl co-worker with an apologizing voice.
“Sure, I got’cha!”
Sure Kanan’s birthday was tomorrow but ever since she graduated from high school and left to get her diving license in Australia, she didn’t get to talk with the rest of Aqours as much as she would have like. Additionally, no one knew it was her birthday so she hadn't any plans.
With that in mind, both girls finished cleaning the shop and waved their goodbyes.
The diver’s apartment wasn’t particularly big, well it was small, but big enough to fit one person. Especially when that person only went there to change clothes and get some sleep. It had a single bedroom with a connected bathroom, the only separation between the kitchen and the living room/dining room was an island.
Kanan put her keys on said island and took a shower. She put on a black tank top and a pair of shorts. She took an apple from her kitchen and laid down on her bed, and took her phone. It wasn’t unusual for her to look at the photo album she named “Aqours”, she had some photos of their lives, practices, sleepovers, that time they went to Tokyo, Hakodate, even some with Saint Snow. Kanan smiled slightly. She missed her friends, last time they were all together was when the then 3rd years graduated. The navy blue haired girl closed her eyes. When Mari, Dia, and herself first left Uchiura they would all 9 of them try to video call as much as possible, but of course life moves on and soon what had been 2 or 3 calls per week soon became 1 once a week and now with the second years graduating soon a call once every 2-3 weeks. They still sent a bunch of messages but being 2 hours ahead of Tokyo’s time either there was no one to talk with, or she had to start work soon. As for the 3rd years group chat, with all of them in different time zones, it was hard to keep a full conversation. Even though they met only about a month ago in Tokyo to celebrate Dia’s birthday Kanan felt as if it had been years since they talked, years since she hugged them. A single tear came out of amethyst eyes and the diver quickly cleaned it. Don’t. In only a few hours is your birthday and the girls probably want to video call you. You can’t let them see you like this, specially Dia or Mari. Don’t cry; for them. As soon as those thoughts were out of her mind she stared at the ceiling.  Maybe they’ll come visit, Mari and I went to Tokyo for Dia’s birthday maybe they’ll come too. Just maybe… And soon she was asleep.
“....Shall we dance?, Yume no you ni odorimashou, Hitoyo no wasurerarenai shinderera, Kutsu wo nuide okeba nakusanai yo karuku hayaku, Dare o yobou ka? Moriagaru ne!...” G Senjou no Cinderella came through her phone’s speakers, time to wake up and get ready for work. Kanan rubbed her eyes and sat at the edge of the mattress. “...Shall we dance?, Kurukuru to mawarimashou…” the music kept going, not because Kanan didn’t know how to turn her alarm off but because she liked it. It was only Mari, Dia, and herself singing the song, the first song they sang only the three of them after forming Aqours. Once the song reached its end Kanan took her phone and saw quite a few messages on her phone screen, some were from the Aqours’ group chat.
Little Mikan: HAPPY B-DAY KANAN-CHAN! I’ve reserved some mikans only for you!
Yohane (Yoshiko made her change her name before she left): Little demon, you’ve attained full maturity now, use this power wisely.
You: Happy B-day Kanan-chan! Next time you visit we’ll go diving!
Ruby: Happy birthday Kanan-chan! Let’s keep having fun together like we did when you took care of me!
Hanamaru: Happy B-dAy KAnan-chaN! i LeARned how To usE my Ph0ne to send YoU this MeSSage!
Riko: Kanan-chan Happy birthday! When you come to visit we should get ice cream again
Dia: Kanan-san happy birthday.
Mari: Come on Dia!
Mari: I told you you can say Kanan-CHAN! And don’t just . your message
Mari: Here use this xD
Dia: Never.
Mari: You can do it better, do it for Kanan.
Dia: … Fine…
Dia: Happy birthday Kanan-chan!
Dia: There are you pleased now?
Mari: Very much indeed
Mari: But now it’s my turn!
Riko: Wait, how come no one said anything while you two were arguing?
Mari: Well my dear Rikochi it’s simple
Mari: Dia threatened everyone to only say their birthday message
Mari: Since it’s like 2 am for Kanan and she didn’t want us to wake her up
Dia: Yes I did, and I would appreciate if you also kept that and stop messaging her.
Mari: Boring…
Mari: But fine, we’ll call her later
Mari: Anyways let’s do it one last time
All users typed: Kanan-chan! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
A sob escaped Kanan’s lips as she tipped a big “Thanks everyone, I can’t wait to go back!”, she wanted to thank each one of them individually but she wanted to call Dia and Mari. And so she did. Even though it was weekend Dia would wake up at 6:30  as usual and Mari would go to sleep around 11, so they should both be awake at that time. Mari was the first one to answer.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY KANAN!” the blonde girl shouted at the top of her lungs. Kanan didn’t even have time to answer as Dia joined the call, “Kanan-san happy birthday” although Dia tried to say it as calm as possible she was smiling and the last syllables had a cheerful tone.
“Thanks!” And Kanan smiled wide open.
“So what can we do for our birthday girl on this marvelous day?”
Kanan’s face started to heat up, how could she ask them if they were planning to visit her today? Maybe they were too busy and couldn’t, she didn’t want to make her two best friends feel guilty. No no no. They were coming and if not they’d eventually see each other, there’s nothing to worry about right?
“W-well, I...umm…”
“Come on Kanan you can tell us anything.” Encouraged her tallest friend.
“Kanan-s...Kanan is something wrong?” Asked the brunette.
“No it’s nothing, ahaha...I just wanted to talk with you but I need to get going or I’ll be late for work and you wouldn’t want me to be late right Dia? Ahaha so umm yeah talk with you later alright? Okay bye!”
“Wait Kana-”
Too late Kanan had already pressed the end call button. What are you doing? You’re acting as if you were 15 again, haven’t you learned anything? She asked herself. I guess I haven’t. Not wanting to think about it anymore Kanan finished getting ready and went to work.
Kanan had never been an observer, or attentive, especially for small details. That’s why she never realized that both Dia and Mari were wearing earphones, or that Mari wasn’t wearing a pajama and Dia wasn’t wearing her kimono. Or the fact that both seemed to be inside and not outside.
Sunday February 10th, a rather slow day at the shop. Well since it was Sunday the shift wasn’t that long so around 3:30 the navy blue haired girl start doing the pre-close up. She started taking the oxygen tanks inside, moved to make the inventory and by 3:55 she was almost done. She went back to the counter and start writing everything on the computer. The entrance bell rang.
“Welcome, we’ll be closing in 5 minutes if you want to take a diving les-”
“Well I don’t know, what you say Dia should we take a lesson?”
“Hmm with how thigh our schedule is I don’t think we’ll have time, but maybe we can work something out.”
Mari. Dia. Mari and Dia. Both of them. In front of her. Okay that was it Kanan had gone completely insane.
“Well don’t stand there give us a hug”, Mari demanded as both herself and Dia opened her arms waiting to be completed. Kanan didn’t think about it she ran straight to her friends and gave them the hug she had so long waited for. Tears making their way through her face.
“B-b-but how?”
“It’s your birthday you dummy.”
“We wouldn’t have missed it for anything.” Said Dia. “Mari traveled from Italy to Tokyo 3 days ago, we took a plane last night-”
“But you sent the messages at 12 am, h-how come?”
“Aqours of course!” Replied Mari. Kanan, who had calmed a bit took a step back to look at these beautiful girls who for a reason she still didn’t fully understand were her friends. Dia and Mari took each other’s hands and then Kanan’s.
“Well”, continued Mari, “we asked them to help us cover up our plan so everything was staged.”
“To say it in a way.” Added Dia.
“So Kanan,” they said in unison. “Happy birthday!”
Kanan was still processing everything that was going on but she could do that tomorrow, right now she only cared of being with Dia and Mari, she hugged them again and kept crying.
“Now now, we don’t want to make the birthday girl happy, shall we Mari-san?”
“Of course!”
And Kanan got a kiss on each cheek from her two friends. Before she could react both brunette and blonde haired girls were dragging her out of the store.
A/N: this is not that relevant to the story and the rating could go (depends on how you look at it) up to teens.
They arrived at Kanan’s apartment and as soon as Kanan unlocked the door Mari was entering and laying on the couch.
“Please have some manners,” said Dia with a small sigh and Kanan couldn’t help but laugh at both of them. 100 years could go by and the three of them would still act the same way they did when they were kids.
Kanan took their suitcases to her room and left them there. She couldn’t make it outside the bedroom since Mari had jumped over her and pushed them both to the bed.
“Wha-Mari? G-get off.”
“No” Although both of them tried to sound serious they couldn’t keep the facade and gave up to laughter.
“D-Dia,” started Kanan in between laughers “come quick! Mari won’t get off me!”
The girl with emerald eyes entered the room but instead of helping Kanan she threw herself onto the bed and was on top of Mari and Kanan.
“O-okay I-I give up!” finally stated Kanan and Dia got off of her. Mari on the other hand just stared at Kanan’s face. She took her chin and lightly kissed her. “Happy birthday Kanan.” Whispered Mari and got off of her. Dia not wanting to be left behind approached Kanan from the side and press slightly her lips to Kanan’s. “Yeah happy birthday Kanan.”
Mari and Dia looked at each other and then at the girl under them. They still had some days before going back to Italy and Japan and they didn’t want to waste any of them.
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sneezingpotatoes · 6 years
Another Cold Winter [Part 1]
Wow, hello xD I’ve returned after a long-ass break with a new fic if anyone is even interested anymore since I’ve been inactive xD But anyway, whoever reads this, I hope you enjoy it xDD
SO THIS IS ASAHI SUZUKI <3 Aka my bae, aka I love him so much! I mean I love them both but he's my bae, you know?
And this is Kaede Takahashi, Asahi’s bestest friend in the entire universe xD And probably his only friend... feels bad.
Okay so I used a random Anime Dress up website to make what my characters look like xD Sorry about the stupid pose they're in, I couldn't change it xD
Asahi hugged his arms tighter around his torso in order to stifle his violent shivering that rattled his spine. The cold winter air was already biting straight through his thin leather jacket, and he had no intentions of standing in it any longer. Damnit! Where the hell Is Kaede?! He mentally groaned, I don’t know how much longer I’ll last out here! Just the thought of staying out in the cold for a couple minutes longer made him grunt. He sniffled, softly at first, but a little rougher the second time, as he could feel the cold air loosening up his sinuses. He quickly brought up an index finger and attempted to rub away the burn that the cold winter air left behind from his rough sniffling, but cringes as he feels the cool burn turn into a prickling sensation in the back of his nose. He gives a quick twitch into his plaid scarf, releasing a firm sneeze into the soft piece of wool. “Huh-KSHht!” How damn cold is it, anyway? He grimaces, still feeling the strong sensation linger about. A shaky fist is brought up halfway, patiently waiting for the inevitable. A mumbled curse is heard through breathy hitches as he draws his fist closer to the cloth. “Hhuuhhhnn… Ikgsht-Kshht!!” Asahi aggressively jerked into his scarf once more, being overwhelmed by the pair of toppling sneezes. Always in triples… He drew in a long, wet sniffle, not wanting to get his scarf any wetter than it already was, seeing how the tiny droplets of sick on his scarf had already gone stone cold, making him cringe and shiver when his chin and lips laid up against it. “Ektsshuhh!!” Or was it quads...? No, I could’ve sworn it was triples. He blinks a few times, dazed by the force of the unexpected sneeze, and lets out a light cough, having felt the sneeze scrape the back of his throat.  He hated sneezing, seeing how his were normally pretty messy and there was never just one. There had to be multiples. Every. Single. Time. Whether he had a quick fit or maybe a fit where the last one gets lost at the airport and has a late arrival, who the hell knows! His nose can’t make up its damn mind. Asahi and cold weather never really got along, and today wasn’t going to be any different. He mainly hated it because cold weather meant that colds were going around, and that he had to wear restricting, heavier clothing. Since coats and sweaters weren’t Asahi’s idea of fashion, he always tended to under-dress around cold seasons. And today, this was going to bite him in the ass… hard. He pulls down his scarf as another shiver creeps up his spine, making him clench his teeth and squeeze his arms even tighter. He drew in another deep, liquefied sniffle, feeling his nose start to leak heavily. Damn him! Whenever I see his face, I swear, I’ll— 
“Asahi!” Kaede yelled as he rushed down the flight of stairs from his apartment room. “Sorry I’m late!” His panting breaths escaped his mouth in puffy clouds of vapor from the cold air. He gave Asahi a sheepish smile as if he were pleading for forgiveness. He really wanted to do a number on Kaede, but his warm smile and innocent nature served as a protective shield and flushed him with guilt.
“What the hell took you so long?!” His voice was grave with irritation written all over it, but of course, Kaede appeared to be immune to the wrath of Ol’ Asahi.
“I overslept again, my bad… I’ve been cramped up in my room all week studying for the AP exam today…” Asahi gave a stifled smirk at the word study. Kaede was the smartest student on school grounds that he knew of, so why would he need to study? Kaede sighs as he trails behind his best friend, waiting for the new puff of vapor to disintegrate completely before speaking once again. “I’m sorry,” He apologized again, “Can’t imagine how cold you are with that paper-thin jacket you’re wearing. If my mother were here in the mornings, she would’ve let you in.”
“It’s not that cold…” He lied right through his teeth, biting back a much-needed sniffle. The cold winter air was truly getting underneath his skin. All he wanted to do was get the hell inside, it didn’t matter where. He jammed his hand into his jacket pocket, having to force himself to leave his nose alone, unless he wanted to walk into the school looking like Rudolf.
“Are you kidding me?” Kaede yelled in disbelief, “It’s going to snow soon! I feel like I’m going to shatter into little shards of ice if another breeze hits me!”
Asahi bites his tongue in attempt to hold back a snarky remark. You weren’t the one standing out here for an hour and a half. Breaking his own rule, he brings up a curled index finger to gently brush up against the rims of his nostrils and freezes dead in his tracks. Clear phlegm had started to leak down unto his lips, since he stubbornly neglected to sniffle in front of his friend. He probably hadn’t noticed earlier since his entire face felt numb. “You wouldn’t happen to have any tissues on you by chance, would you?” He could feel his cheeks burning into a light pink as he asked that pride shattering question. He disgustedly cupped his hand to hide the leaky mess so that at least his friend didn’t have to see it.
“Is that even a question?” Humored Kaede as he reached into his jeans pocket, revealing a pack of travel tissues. “In this weather, it’s practically mandatory to carry these around, you know.” He takes a sheet of tissue for himself and hands the rest of the pack over to Asahi, who gratefully accepts them. He distantly watches as Kaede removes his glasses and gives a gentle, damp sounding blow into the tissues. My gods, everything this man does is pure perfection. The hazel eyed teen folded up the tissue and stuffed it into his jacket pocket, regretting the decision of grabbing one tissue instead of two. He brings up a gloved palm and presses it lightly underneath his nose, feeling it gently twitch against the touch of his hand. “Hiitssch!” The itchy sneeze sends Kaede whipping forward, nearly snapping at the waist. Asahi looks at his best friend with concerned eyes through his now soiled tissues before tossing his onto the ground and returning the pack of tissues to it’s rightful owner. “T-thagk you, I’b sorrhhy! I-I juhhs— Hh-hih…! Jus’… Hh’igssch’u! Hahh…” He froze for a moment, squeezing his nostrils shut, trying to kill the tickle rallying in his nose and to save himself from the embarrassing false buildup game. Even the way he sneezes are absolutely stunning. The way he tries to speak through his hitching is just breath taking. A sigh is released from Kaede as he blows his nose for the second time and tucks the other used tissue into his pocket. “Sorry about that,” Kaede chimes with a warm smile, still rubbing underneath his nose with a gloved finger, “I hope I didn't spray you or anything! It's been so long I almost forgot what a sneeze felt like... We should pick up the pace. We’ll be late.” The brown-eyed teen nods without saying a word, and instead spends the rest of the walk giving his friend a mental body check, trying to figure out any telltale signs of if he caught a cold or not, since he was too insecure to ask him about it.
After warming up and chatting in the cafeteria awaiting the chiming of the morning bell, the resonance from the bell finally fills the school and the two teens head to their math class together. Asahi made it his mission to keep an eye on his best friend Kaede, just in case he actually did have a cold, he’d be the first to know about it. Although there was nothing he could really do, since he was never prepared for these types of situations, he’d take him to the nurses’ office if he wasn’t feeling well, or he’d wait in the restroom with him for 3 class periods like he did last year. Asahi audibly sighed as he sat down in his desk, hating how he had math of all subjects to be the first period of the day. It wasn’t so bad since Kaede was also in his class period, and they sat right next to each other. The tardy bell rang and his teacher promptly locked the classroom door, not wanting to deal with any tardy high school students on a test day.
“Wow, such amazing attendance today. We’re only missing about a third of the class today. If only I could get this amount of students to show up to my class every day.” Mr. Yamamoto stated bluntly in a monotone voice, already grabbing the stack of tests from his desk. “Alright my star pupils, as you know, today is your AP Math exam. The test should be easy, yesterday’s 8th period said it was easy-peasy and the scantron results came back with a perfect %100. So, if you fail this exam, you’re a complete nincompoop and you need serious help.”
“Really???” A petite girl in the front row questioned with pleading eyes full of hope as if her dreams had come true.
“Heck no!” He erupted, “This is AP Math. Your brains will poof to ashes due to burnt out brain cells. I’m already scheduling your funerals.” The little girl slumped deep into her chair, arms folded, with an intense scowl directed at the math instructor. “You know the drill, no talking, no phones, yada yada yada. Once I hand out the first test, your souls are mine.”
Asahi followed suit and slumped down deep into his chair as well, already feeling his head begin to pound deep inside his skull. He hadn’t studied for this exam; He never studied for any of his classes, but this was also the only AP course he was taking, and not to mention he’s already failing it with a D-. If you count playing Dragon Blazers for 9 hours straight studying, then he would be the king of studying. He only took this class so that he could at least have one class with his childhood friend. He had straight hundreds for his daily work, since he would only copy Kaede’s worksheets, but he failed every test/quiz, and today would be no different.
“Good luck, champ. You’re gonna need it.” Mr. Yamamoto whispers to Asahi after he sets down the packet. Great. Thanks. He peeks over at Asahi, whose pencil was already scribbling and jotting down equations and answers on the exam packet. He would stop writing for a moment and bite on the eraser of his pencil, only to quickly begin his writing again. The brown-eyed teen rested his head on his desk, not even knowing where to begin. He picked up the packet and flipped through the booklet glaring at each question, the next one seeming way harder than the previous questions. Derivatives? Antidifferentiations? Integrals? God himself would have to do the test for him if he were to pass that exam. Maybe if I take a nap, last week’s lessons will just come to me. He foolishly thought, knowing damn well he hardly ever paid attention in this class. If there were a test about Kaede, he would definitely pass, seeing how every day he would focus his attention only on him. He knows that Kaede prefers wooden pencils over mechanical pencils, that every Friday Kaede likes to hole punch all of his graded papers and place them neatly behind his labeled math divider that he sketches on whenever he’s bored or has free time, also that he likes to be the last student to put away his math textbook so that he can meticulously straighten up the entire shelf for the next class period, and that he—
“Suzuki, lift your head up and get to work!” The slamming of a plastic ruler against Asahi’s desk causes him to jolt upright in his seat. It slammed so close to his arm that he felt the breeze from the swift hit wiggle through his bangs.  “If you’d like to take a nap, I’m sure the principle would love to provide you with a nice warm cup of after school detention!” Muffled snickering amongst the other classmates are heard as they buried their faces into their tests, not wanting to be the next victim of Mr. Yamamoto.  Kaede gives him a brief look of concern before returning to his exam. Asahi opened his exam, trying his best to hide the flush of embarrassment from showing in his cheeks, but failed horribly. Well I guess I don’t have a choice but to start working on this stupid exam…
Every minute that passed felt like an eternity for Asahi; He could’ve sworn that he’d been staring at question number one for five days now, and to make matters worse, he had extended class periods for the exams so he had to stay in this stupid hellhole even longer. Asahi rubbed his eyes and massaged the bridge of his nose, starting to feel worse than when he first entered the school. He attempted to discretely take in a light sniffle, but even the slightest inhale gave him the spotlight of the classroom. His nose was filled up with so much phlegm that it made a gurgling sound if he even attempted to breathe out of his nose. The room was so quiet that it felt like you could hear a feather drop. Asahi pinched his nostrils shut, feeling a familiar undesired itching sensation return. He tried to make as little movements as possible, as to not attract the attention of other students trying to work on their exams, but mainly so that he didn’t disturb Kaede. Despite his pinched nostrils, the itching still decided to wiggle its’ way under his fingers; his left eye began to twitch awkwardly from the sensation, and a stifled hitch barely escaped his grasp. Sick tears welled up on his eyelids and blurred his vision to the point where he decided to just close his eyes completely. He brought up a trembling hand to cup his mouth in order to muffle his now soft hitches. “HhHngh… Iihhehh…? HhHIEH-! Nnngg…” A few of the students that sat in the desks around Asahi gave him dirty looks, but he couldn’t see them. He was in his own little bubble just trying to figure out whether he should just release the sneezes or just quench the itching back down to a tolerable place.
Kaede took a look at his suffering best friend, only to see his head tilted so far back that his chin was perpendicular to the white board, with his nose and mouth squeezed so tight he’s sure that if he squeezed any harder his face would tear off. The hazel-eyed teen reached into his pocket again and placed the pre-opened tissue pack onto his desk, giving three quick taps on his right shoulder before resuming his exam. The three gentle taps on his shoulder caused Asahi to jolt in his seat from the unexpected touch, making him lose his concentration on quenching the itch. The sensation erupted like a dam breaking, forcing Asahi to jerk into his partially cupped hands over his desk. “KSHHNXGT! Huh’kgxsht! Hekshhn-ktsshuhh! Hh-hhuhHHh-!” Asahi could feel his own cheeks turning a dark red as the class shifted their attention to him and irritably blessed him, waiting for him to finish what he’d started. He knew how awkward he must’ve looked and sounded while he was trying to relieve himself of this pestering itch, but he couldn’t help it. He knew this feeling. He still needed to sneeze even though he had already finished his quad. Why the hhheelll d-do I stil— “EGSHUH!! Hegshh-Eksshh-Keshhuh!” He took a moment to collect himself ignoring all of the blessings, still trying to wrap his aching head around what the hell just happened.
“Bless you, Asahi.” Kaede’s whisper cut through all of the embarrassment and self-pity he had to offer. Asahi couldn’t help but pry open an eye to look at the angel himself. Kaede gave him a smile so warm Asahi could’ve sworn he would’ve melted if they weren’t sitting by the cold window. “Are you feeling alright?” He mouthed the words this time, discretely, seeing how Mr. Yamamoto was already becoming restless from Asahi’s outburst. The brown-eyed teen slowly nodded, as he grabbed a handful of tissues from the pack and emptying out all of the phlegm he was storing in his nostrils, not caring about the opinions of others anymore. “Nngxt! Hh… Hngt!” He successfully stifles the double into his soaked tissues, still feeling a tickle lurking in his nostrils. He balls up the tissues and sets them at the corner of his desk and promptly grabs for the rest of the tissues that were in the travel pack, but before he can open up the tissues correctly, he violently dips forward into a cupped hand. “NNGXT’shuh!” Of course. The third. “God bless you.” The teen says, hazel eyes still locked onto his own exam. This time Kaede was the only one that blessed him; It made him feel soft inside, having a special ‘God bless you’ for all to hear. Asahi furrows a brow at his best friend. Normally he would’ve been the first one finished with his exam, but three other students had already finished ahead of him, and probably a fourth one was on the way. I wonder… Asahi blew his nose once again, still feeling a lingering tickle in the back of his sinuses.  Why the hell do I still need to goddamn sneeze for? He wondered, feeling very agitated with his ticklish nose. “10 more minutes everyone!” Announced the math instructor, “I repeat, 10 more minutes!” Asahi instantly picked up his pencil and quickly began circling random letters and filling in random bubbles all over the scantron; Anything to at least get a grade above a zero.
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I couldn’t agree more, anon! XD I’m just going to read this as a request, alrighty?
“It Snowed”
“Bul! Bul! BUL!!!” Romania shook the sleeping nation awake, eyes sparkling and a toothy grin revealing his fangs. Bulgaria shook his head and begrudgingly lifted the blanket. “What? Is the house burning?” “NO! It SNOWED!!!”
Bulgaria stared at his boyfriend, then started to pull the blankets back over his head. “Oh, no you don’t!” Romania whipped the blankets back off in one quick movement, exposing the poor man to the cold air. “Ro! It’s cold!!!”he whined, scrambling to find the covers.
“Nuh-uh! It’s almost Christmas and there’s snow outside. I need you!” “With what?!” Bulgaria’s anger was palpable, but Romania didn’t even flinch. “Moldova will be here in a couple days, so we need to make a snowman outside to greet him.” “You aren’t serious.”
As it turns out, Romania was absolutely serious. Bulgaria found himself outside in the freezing cold wearing at least three layers of winter clothes. He stood to the side pouting as Romania ran around the yard rolling a large mound of snow. “C’mon, Bul! This snowman won’t build itself!” “With you doing it, it practically will” he grumbled to himself, but he sluggishly searched for some rocks and sticks to decorate the snowman.
‘I don’t understand this. Seriously, it’s his brother. Why can’t he do this himself? Or why doesn’t he just wait until Moldova gets here? No. He drags me out of bed – on a Saturday – out in the cold to build a snowman. Honestly, I don’t know why I still-‘  “BUL! Did you find enough yet? I have it built!”
Bulgaria joined the other man to stand in front of the snowman. “…Ro. Isn’t this a little…” “What?” Romania’s eyes sparkled with joy. “Isn’t this a little big? Seriously, it’s taller than us.” Romania giggled. “Of course not! In fact, I think he’ll love it even more!” He took a rock from Bulgaria’s gloved hand and reached upwards. “Let’s start with the face…” He trailed off as he stood on his tiptoes, then began to jump, trying in vain to reach.
“You made it too tall, didn’t you?” “No I didn’t! It’s perfect!” Yet even as he spoke, he realized that there was no way that he would ever reach high enough. “…Are you sure?” Bulgaria’s smug grin sobered Romania. “Yes! I’m absolutely sure!” His rage only heightened his desperation as he began to leap frantically – arms scrambling and waving to try and place a rock in the right place.
Bulgaria shook his head. “Ro, that isn’t going to work.” “You don’t know that!” “Ro. Seriously, it won’t work like that.” Bulgaria grabbed the other man’s shoulders to hold him still. “C’mere. Since you’re so determined to make this freaking huge snowman-“ “It’s not too big!” “-then just get on my shoulders.” Romania blinked. “Good idea, Bul!” Without warning, he turned the other man around and leapt onto his back, arms wrapped around his neck and knees under his arms.
Bulgaria nearly fell over in shock. “Ro, I wasn’t ready!” he grunted. “Well you suggested it, so I figured you were ready! Turn around, let’s do this!” With a heavy sigh and another grunt, Bulgaria turned to face the snowman.
Romania reached, this time his hand found its mark. “I got it, Bul! Now hand me another rock!” Bulgaria huffed. “They’re in my hand…I’d have to put you down to get them!” “No you don’t, don’t be silly!” Suddenly, Bulgaria found a pair of legs tightly hugging his waist. “Now you don’t have to hold onto me so much! Here, put one in my hand!” Romania beamed down at the shocked nation and took a rock from the man’s hand. This continued for a few minutes until the snowman boasted a smile and twinkling eyes.
“There, doesn’t it look great?” Romania rested his chin on the Bulgarian’s head, eyes jovial. “Moldova will be so surprised!” Bulgaria simply grunted and blushed. “Can I put you down yet?” “Aw, but isn’t this romantic? Why don’t you carry me into the house and I’ll make hot cocoa?” “No.” “Aw, Bul!” Bulgaria felt a hand caress his chin. “I’ll make it worth your while~” he murmured, his voice low.
Bulgaria’s eyes widened as he detected the suggestive tone in the nation’s voice. “…fine.” “Yay!” Romania cheered as the other nation began the slow march to the house.
I hope that you guys liked this one! I’m leaving campus this Thursday, so I won’t be writing too many more. Expect maybe two or three in the next few days! Reblogs are always welcome! :)
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britishchick09 · 4 years
it happened one night livewatch
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last week this movie was on tv and i watched some of it in between classes, but was over by the end of school :/
luckily the library exists and i was able to get it! so in honor of my first half day of the year, i’ll be watching this classic movie!
first of all the dvd is cute :)
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the old columbia logo is so neat! and the music is great too
ooh it was a short story! coolio
clark gable’s in this *cue girl swoon*
captain: “huuuunger striking?” lol
yo this captain dude is MEAN
is this girl a hostage? wait did she say king? OVER 21 WHAT’S GOING ON
claudette girl: “i thought i told you not to bring any food in here!”* guy backs away* lol
soldier: “she’s too smart for you!” dam right she is ;)
hey is that clark gable in the phone
wait is that a black guy who is that
news boss: “you wouldn’t know a newspaper if you kicked it in the pants” lol
oh it’s clark gable sounding cool kewl
where’s the girl she’s awesome and i miss her
just sit on the newspapers clark gable it would be neat :D
sock him sock him sock him SOCK HIM SOCK HIM SOCK HIM
“oh yeah????” JUS SOCK HIM PLZ
...oh no sock :/
OP DERE HE IS! ...or dere she is ;)
claudette girl and clark gable are sort of like anna and kristoff when they first met! :D
cool train it has a lotta license plates :D
fun fact: if you took a drink every time someone in this movie smokes you’d probably die
*screen fades* commercial break!
yo claudette’s smoking it must be cool don’t smoke kids :D
she just threw her cig LITTERBUG
she didn’t notice that it was gone SEE CIGS ARE BAD
4 dollars is like 100 bucks today cool :D (jk it’s 77)
woah that horn sounds like an electric guitar ROCK ON????
why must old men snore :(
just chuck him across the room claudette it’s cool
sit on clark’s hand it’s cool
*claudette and clark stare at each other* awk-ward!
awwww she’s hugging his arm! ♥
she’s gonna be like OH CRAP when she awakes huh (she did but not much)
they cute together ♥
clark: “you look kind of pretty asleep” awwww
claudette: “i’ll be a few minutes late please wait for me.” conductor: “oh yeah????????”
ooh the night bus cool :D
guy: “the bus is gone.” oH yEaH??????
claudette: “that’s 12 hours from now!” so it’s 8 am now kewl
she calls him young man although he’s older than him lol
her last name is andews so is her first name julie....?
awww it’s ellen :/ still cool tho
she pawned her watch for clothes sorta like how anna bought her travel clothes with her coronation dress neat-o (frozen ihon au?)
ooh telegrams asoue reference
lol the telegram lady can’t read his words lol
2.60 is probably 50 bucks wowza (i was right it’s 50.62!)
the train announcer sounds done with his life poor guy :/
shapely: “you have class with a capital k” ...lol
shut up shapely plz
shapely: “shut up my big nasty mouth!” YES PLZ SHUT UP
shapely: “i could go on you in a big way.” ...oh no
awww clark just called claudette ellen his wife awwwwwwwww ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
shapely: “no offense doc!” bugs bunny who
clark: “you’re as help
buying cigars and cigs on a train what a time
the chocolates are 1.67 that’s like 30 (it’s 32! i’m good at this inflation stuff)
yo it be pouring where’s morton salt girl when you need her
omg this is the part i saw last time i think!
claudette: “your ego is absolutely colossal” tell that to captain man lol
claudette: “there’s a brain behind that face isn’t there?” lol
the hotel is 2 bucks a night which is about 50 huh not bad! :D
awww that’s cute a little privacy screen :)
awwwwwww she gonna wear his pjs!
omg he’s undressing in front of her i thought he liked privacy
this is just for the clark fangirls isn’t it
clark’s singing the big bad wolf song nice timely reference bro :D
peter warn nice name :D
claudette: “i don’t like it.” ...oh :/
omg airplane cool :D
wow they have a plane table cool :D
the plane flying overhead reminds me of the planes that fly past here sometimes it’s neat
awww he bought a toothbrush and pressed her clothes so sweet!
clark: “all the best houses have showers outside!” huh idk bout that...
wow this is so domestic
he said her hair was cute awwww!
lol they saw her xd xd xd xd lol
wowza you really miss a lot in between classes huh next thing i remember they were stealing a car
clark: “that’s your ration for lunch” world war who
kewl they have a donut
claudette’s kinda cute when she smiles :)
oh no the guys are there!!!!!!!!!!
plz don’t recognize her
clark: ‘dOn’T lOsE yOuR tEmPer!!!” woah mocking spongebob who
lol dat was funny good trolling :D
it’s at 42 minutes HOW IS IT NOT HALFWAY DONE
omg wait i think this is the next part i saw
awww there’s a pic of her on the dad’s desk ♥
cool radio broadcast and newspapers AND WIRE PICS IT’S THE FUTURE MAN
is there a radio on the bus cool
oh it’s just real guys ok cool
ok wow everyone knows the flying trapeze song is this a musical now
wowza this song is from 1867 coolio! :D
are they singing the whole flipping song get on with the story plz
ok wow that guy just DROVE RIGHT INTO A LAKE
awwww clark’s comforting her bless ♥
the guy said ‘behind the 8 ball’ last decade slang reference :D
10 thousand bucks is like a million billion (it’s 193 million i was close)
bugs dooley more like bunny :D
they left the bus so this when they steal the car????
10 spot is like 193 wowza
awww they be going piggyback
abe lincoln is a ‘natural born piggybacker’ confirmed
oh wow they’re sleeping in hay kewl
clark: “you can’t be hungry and scared at the same time!” hmmmm.......
oh no what happened to peter :(
awww he brought food but she’s scared and not hungry huh i guess he was right!
awwww his coat’s blaket!
awww no kiss :/
hey it’s like modern times when they walk away from the camera :D
this is the other part i saw the car stealing’s coming up! :D
he’s picking hay out of her teeth how domestically romantic ♥
oh wow clark has a lotta hitchhiking moves
claudette: “o that’s amazing.”
you thumbed too late clark you thumbed too late
claudette: *raises her skirt to above her knee* oh dang victorian swoon
the driver’s probably thinking of the will smith meme now (DAS HOT! DAS HOT!)
claudette: “the limb is mightier than the sword.”
i remember the driver guy he’s funny :D
he’s just singing and clark’s like ‘oh god please for the love of god and holy stop’
the driver’s so happy i love him :D
his face after clark shuts him up is like ‘hmm’
now i understand claudette’s face when clark suggests a carrot lol :D
clark be like HOP outta that car!
DANG clark beat the driver MAN THAT’S ROUGH!
awww claudette’s wiping clark’s brow what a mom
how much is 10 gallons of gas like 40 bucks or something (it’s 19 cents each which is about 18.34 huh!)
the car’s oinking a bit like the car in the 11 year old senpai newsreel!
now they’re at the hotel place and i guess the owner’s living with his mom???
clark saying claudette will be in her husband’s arms and her pausing is sort of like kristoff saying anna will be safe with her true love bish hans :)
ooh nice rug cover :D
clark’s not that hot shirtness sorry fangirls :/
omg claudette bra wow :o (it’s sorta cute tbh)
oh wow they got in their pjs fast
clark: “i want someone more real, more alive!” claudette’s right there bro
clark: “the stars are so close you feel like you could reach up and stir them around” awww ♥
oh no he doesn’t love him but she truly loves him :(
heartbroken claudette ellen isn’t cool :(
wait was the claudette bra actually a slip or something why is that a wonder?
awww clark’s wondering if she’d really go but she’s asleep
25 bucks is about 300 bucks (it’s 476 kewl)
aww the guy has a hat :D
who’s zeke is this a bob’s burgers crossover
oh the hotel guy huh!
they found claudette in the bed it’s like snow white :D
mom: “i run a respectable business!” too bad you’re not your business OHHHHH
oh hey clark kissed the office gal :D
wowza the paper guy has a lotta phones huh
and a candle stick with a dial phone? wowza!
this place is busy huh
kit was right that typewriter sound is the best :D
oh no clark’s not gonna see her there :/
he’s calling the car ‘baby’ how about the lindberg baby CUZ YOU STOLE IT!!!!
omg hoboes on the train it’s not just a kit thing!
the car horn be going ‘de de de de de!”
oh no car gone
wowza that’s a lotta papers!
she’s home but what about her true love?
also are movie newspapers actually created on newspaper i’ve always wondered that
oh no claudette’s marrying insert sad clark here :(
what a pretty gown! very shiny and flowery ♥
awww claudette ellen and her dad are so sweet together!
she wants clark pete doesn’t she
claudette ellen hasn’t cried since she was a baby huh
dad: “tell me you haven’t fallen in love with the bus driver!” it’s worse... THE MILKMAN!!!!! :o
claudette: “i practically threw myself at him!” yeah you kind of did back there....
omg her dad knows peter awesome!
cool a typewriter letter :D
oh wow he just ran in there and it was awkward with the pappa
AND THEY KISSEDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
there’s 10 more minutes it’s getting JUICY
8.60 is probably 70 (it’s 170!)
a buggy ride wowza that’s old fashioned right there
awww clark doesn’t want to admit that he loves claudette but he does
wait is she already married
ooh claudette’s dress train is nice :D
OOH HELICOPTER i thought that was a ‘39 thing!
it’s an airplane with copter blades wow extra much king wesley
ooh the peanuts kids are the chorus people nice :D
the movie camera is a crank cool!
wow dad don’t call your daughter a sucker WOW
39.60 is like 700 bucks probably (765!)
i hope claudette says ‘i DON’T’
dad speak up plz SPEAK UP SPEAK UP
king said ‘i will’ why IT’S ‘I DO’
ooh claudette’s hesitant SHOOT SHE RAN AWAY
the cameras be crankin’
she just drove away like that wowza what a gal
omg the dad’s drunk af what a sad boi
100 thousand is probably a billion AND HE SAYS DIRT CHEAP
awww did claudette and clark go to jerico?
awwww they married!!!!!!!!!!! :D
so that was the movie! it had a lot of funny and memorable parts, but some parts were a little long so i’ll give it a 8/10
what a great movie!
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