#and we get REALLY ANGRY when we feel it coming
ddarker-dreams · 2 days
Hey Lock!!!! How are you doing? Do you have any Chrollo crumbs for us? 👀👀👀👀
i'm doing well today anon, thank you for asking!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖 and yes ... i have this chrollo thought that has been floating around in my head rent-free...
chrollo is not a yandere you want to genuinely upset.
he doesn't do 'forgive and forget.' he may appear outwardly courteous, but he's not above being petty and cruel. it's for your benefit that he keeps these tendencies to himself. there are days you can forget who exactly he is, days where he feels more like a pesky ex than an actual threat. deep down in your subconscious, you know you'd never make it far should an escape find initial success. the usual avenues won't be available to you. there's no flagging down a bystander, who in turn will alert the authorities and shuffle you off into protective custody.
there's just you and the dwindling distance between an immensely displeased force.
you're unsure what compels you to do it. perhaps it's paranoia, exhaustion, or sheer desperation from how little you can actively do to prevent what awaits; but you call him. on a payphone, amidst a bustling metropolis. you're seconds away from transit that'd speedily haul you away, should he track the call. your mouth goes dry as each ring sounds. you begin having second thoughts, wondering what exactly it is you're hoping to accomplish—
—when a familiar voice on the other line greets you. the quality distorts it ever so slightly, but your recognition is immediate, as is the way your heart temporarily stops.
he'll ask if you're alright. if you've been resting well, getting enough to eat, taking your medication.
your responses are automatic, like you're catching up with an old friend. he doesn't come across as angry, or upset really; more concerned than anything else. he does care about you. nothing you do will ever change that. he knows your allergies, what you prefer the AC to be on in the summer and heat in the winter, to turn on the subtitles when watching a movie without even asking.
he knows you.
you didn't mean to chat this long. it's a bad idea, potentially the start of the end, yet you can't help asking:
"... are you mad at me?"
he goes quiet.
not much time passes. you think you hear him sigh, but the connection's bad and your brain sleep deprived.
"i don't know, dear," he eventually admits. the pet name lacks its usual warmth. "i'm always pursuing you in some regard, aren't i? and yet... you always turn your back. always evade me, right at the last second. just when i think i finally have you, i'm reminded removing your heart might be my best chance at having it."
another pause.
"don't mind my musings. we both know out of all the lives i'll take, yours is perfectly safe."
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stonerfromlesbos · 1 day
You asked for it. | b.e
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warnings: angst kinda?, smut, strap usage (r! receiving), angry sex, orgasm denial, pet names (baby, honey, darling, babydoll), spanking, degrading, hair pulling, !dom billie, !sub reader, toxic and mean billie, reader is desperate and dumb, they basically fuck the problem away, and lastly… THE BELT.
summary: you knew just what u were doing, walking like that, talking like that, looking like that to someone who wasn’t her… but you know, she will make you pay for it.
— 11pm, grammy’s after party. —
You felt her eyes burning on you, at each move you made, smirk you gave, and she clearly wasn’t happy about it.
You thought it would be an great revenge, you were mad at her, she wasn’t being herself lately. The work, the pressure, everything made her forget about you. And it only got worse, you felt invisible, unattractive, worthless.
So you decided to make her pay, but at what cost? well, that didn’t matter anymore. You would do anything to make her look at you, even if she’s burning in jealosy.
“i could take you to my house today… what do you think about that?… hey?..” you just was too focused on looking at billie, desperate for her attention. But suddenly, she gets up, and start walking towards you and… maybe julie? jade? jane? you couldn’t care less about what was the girls name.
“shes with me, come on, we have things to do.” billie spoke, with an cold raspy voice. She couldn’t even look at your eyes, she didn’t even grab your arm, her look on you made you feel gross… but you still knew, she had asked for it.
— 11:45pm, a lot of places actually —
You two entered her dodge challenger, she didn’t open the door for you, it looked almost like she was avoiding to be close to you. You kept your head down the whole drive, and she was quiet, deadly quiet. You couldn’t take anymore.
“don’t act like im the only asshole here.” you said finally looking at her, as she entered the garage. Her gaze was finally on you, her look was angry, sharp, possessive. You didn’t know how to feel about it, you’re glad that she was finally looking at you, but.. you’re still afraid of what she was going to say.
“well, you’re the only whore.” her voice was harsh, you took a deep breath and replied.
“don’t blame me for your incompetence.” you said in the same tone as her, even angrier. She was getting really pissed by this.
“excuse me?! what the fuck you just said?!” she wasn’t believing what she heard.
“its not my fault you didn’t even try to make me cum lately.” you stared deep at her eyes, as you saw the look of confusion? angriness? you couldn’t tell anymore.
“you fucking asked for it.” she got off the drivers seat, opening your door and dragging you inside by the arm. She was pissed, but still being careful to not to hurt you in anyway.
You couldn’t tell when you had took all of your clothes off, you just remember being pressed against the kitchen counter with billie tearing apart your fancy dress that she bought you. She made you turn your back to her, as you felt the pressure of her strap on your ass.
“why did you had to be so bratty today, baby? i know you can feel it… i was going to give you what you want, even more…” she spoke on your ear, as she continues to tear apart your dress.
“please.” that whine just escaped out of your dirty mind.. as you felt her hands grabbing your hips harshly, making you arch your back with the light pain.
“now you are begging huh? aren’t you the little slut who was flirting with some weirdo in front of me?” she spoke as you kept quiet, her grip on your hips was getting really harsh.
“bend over.” she said making you bend over the kitchen counter, as she took off her new belt from her hit me hard and soft merch… you could see her adjusting the belt on her hand, as you were with your full body exposed to her. You felt one, two, three smacks on your ass… still holding back every single moan.
“do you think that she could fuck you like me? huh? do you really thing she could treat you like the dirty slut you are?” you just shut your eyes and tried to make your mouth as closed as possible, and she didn’t liked that. She grabbed a fist of your hair, smacking your ass with the belt even harder as she pulled your head back.
“answer me.” she said with an low and raspy voice that made you shiver, since you were in this position, you couldn’t hold back anymore… you just let out an moan when she smacked your ass.
“mhm… n-no, no one can… please bills.” you said as she put your head down again, as she continues to smack your ass, harder and harder until she was done spaking you. It hurt, but it hurt so fucking good. She carried you in her arms to your room, placing you carefully on the bed.
“im gonna give you what you want now, darling.. face down, ass up.” she spoke in a demanding way, you did what she asked you to, she just pushed your underwear to the side to reveal that sticky wetness.
“i think you like being spanked a little…” she spoke, pausing to press her thumb against your clit as she smirked “…too much.”
“y-you’re fucking mean bill-..” you were harshly interruped with another slap on your alrealy bruised area, making you moan again.
“i don’t remember allowing you to speak, honey.” she said as her pace on your clit got faster, but she suddenly stopped.. as she unzipped her jeans.
She placed the strap on your entrance lubricating itself with your own liquids. She got in slowly to make you get used to it, but it was too big to be that easy. You grabbed the bed sheets almost as if your life depends on it.
“its only half way in, babydoll.. sure you can take all of it?” she said getting worried with you.
“yes.. i can.. please fill me up.” that was the only thing she wanted to hear, when you realized, she was already fucking your brains out.
She was pounding you harshly, you could swear that the whole fucking world could hear how loud you were moaning, but you couldn’t help it. Billie was pulling your hair as she hit your g spot, again, and again, and again… She had skilled fingers, and you knew that better than anyone. Without a warning, she begin to play with your clit like it was a fucking toy while she was making a mess out of your poor cunt.
“im c-close.” you said as you holded into the bed sheets once again, feeling your orgarsm coming… but she stopped touching you, she pulled out her strap as you whimpered.
“do you think you really deserve to come after all you did? come on.” she smirked, as you were compleatly at her mercy
“you asked for it.”
— GUYSS, thats my first oneshot here… english its not my mother language and im sorry if theres some grammar or spelling mistakes in this, hope you guys liked itt… horny freaks.
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uchi4nlog · 2 days
༺ 𓆩♡𓆪 𝅄 ׁ ˳ sweet relief , heeseung.
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college student fem reader, college student hee ، wc: 3.4k ، genre: en2l, one side hatred, angstsy? ، tw: f word, suggestive but nothing explicit.
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you throw your head back. whining in defeat. why does he have to make every single thing so difficult?
“so is it true, _____ …” — that grin making his words more annoying. “what one of your friends told me? you have a little crush on me? that’s why princess always act so mad around me?”, a pout form on his lips while trying to sound conceding.
blood pumping like crazy. you wanted to punch him right on his stomach and make him eat all of his ego back, “say shit like that again and i’m making you regret even being alive, lee heeseung.”
“awww, i was hoping for more of a sweet answer.”, whatever possessed this man today wasn’t going to give up so easily.
you and heeseung have always been like cat and dog, ever since your friend group decided to introduce the new ‘college taker’. you didn’t know how to pinpoint what exactly made you cautious and angry towards him. you just felt something really dangerous vibrating around his aura.
that’s when the news started to float around — “lee heeseung? that guy slept with a girl in my class and never looked at her face again.”, “one of my closest best friends told me he is the legitimately fuckboy. he’s friends with those frat boys that we saw one day at the bar. the ones who looked drunk af and were trying to hit on us.”
his reputation didn’t come as a surprise to you. you guess it was the way he always made sure to look at your eyes while speaking, the way his dark hair was meticulously messy, the way he cared himself as if every girl in the room was looking at him. — and as it might be true, you hated the overconfidence in him. it didn’t come as naturally. it came out as cocky, gross. 
“come on… no need to get shy now.”
“i don’t know if you got brain is all scrambled, and that is the main reason why you’re so fucking annoying, but i never said that. whoever told you that is in serious need of help. and also, i know it wasn’t one of our friends because they’re pretty aware of my complete disaffection for you.”
heeseung acts as if he got hurt, “ouch! i was just trying to clear up a misunderstanding.”, acting all nonchalantly and using that stupid soft voice, with that stupid grin, with that stupid subtle arrogance. 
“fine. if you’re done clearing up your brain, excuse me. the guys are waiting for me.”, you say going towards the bathroom door.
“one last thing, _____.”, you look back with a painful expression, wondering what else that psycho has to tell you. 
he pulls you by your hips in one swift motion. you try your best to not lose your balance and let the rest of your dignity fly out of the window. heeseung lips come close to your ear and stays there. his breath causing a small thread of electricity to fall all over your body.
“so if i kissed you right now, it would mean nothing. right, princess? since i’m so dumb and so annoying to even know what i’m doing. i’m completely moved by my ‘south thoughts’. wasn’t that what you told everyone?”, he wants to tease and make you mad. he wants to leave you just a conscious away from punching him. 
his face moves from your ears going to your chest, leaving a trace of his lips from the middle to your cheek. “say you don’t want me. say you hate me so much to the point where you can’t resist kissing me.”
you couldn't move. your body was feeling in this ride or die situation. but it would not follow your inner rational voice screaming to run away. you… want this? you want him to kiss you? no! these are your three glasses far away from sobriety speaking. 
“i don’t have the whole night-”, your lips finally touch his. the kiss is messy and desperate. were you waiting for this moment? god, you really wish you wasn't. heeseung is no better. you feel it as he dances in your mouth. the electricity spread on your body seemed to have made it's way through his as well. your lips couldn’t be away even for a little. you both wanted more. more of what this unknown feeling was presenting to you.
but oxygen needs to come back to your respective bodies, so you separate the kiss only for a few seconds. and before going in again — because for now it seems like you’re addicted to heeseung’s mouth — the words fall out of your mouth.
“you look better without speaking.”
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★ taglist: @sunoooism @itgirlgyu @mazeinthemoon @run4gyu @besciitos @lunathewritingcat @bamtorinrecs
★ status: requests closed and taglist currently open! send me an ask or comment to be added.
© gyuletters, 2024 - do not repost, copy, or translate. // rn im going through a very dangerous heeseung brainrot. and funny enough, im usually not the one to like enemies to lovers. i personally feel like its an excuse to make the male protagonists say mean shit and later apologize by admitting they were in love. but listen! one sided hatred is kinda my thing and im a sucker for teasing, as in both of the characters be teasing each other and see who breaks first. soooooooo i’ve decided to give it a try. i hope i’ve made justice to this trope. anywayssss tysm for reading this fic and for sticking around for my nonsensical rambling. ily more than you could imagine. 🤍
with love, 𝑟.
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rispwr · 10 hours
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she's not me - JK - FF - ONE SHOT (M)
pairings : ex!jk x ex!fem!reader
sypnosis : He said he moved on, but why does your toothbrush still stand next to his, even when he has "someone new" already?
genre : ex2l, cheating, smut, fluff if you squint
content/warnings : oral(male recieving), smut, making out, bitch!oc, oc is not very nice, blowjob, missionary, lingerie, cheating! jk and oc.
disclaimer : this fic is completely fictional, i do not know any of the idols personally nor assuming that this is how they act in real life. this fic is for entertainment purposes only
People think they know what it’s like to have everything. They think it must be easy, having the world at your feet, getting anything you want with a single demand. Well, they’re right. It is easy. Easy, effortless, perfect—just how I like it. 
And Jungkook? He was no different.
From the moment he laid eyes on me, he worshipped me. He bought me anything I asked for, made time for me whenever I needed him, and spoiled me in ways even my parents never could. He used to say I was everything he ever wanted, everything he couldn’t resist. But that’s the thing—people always want you until they can’t have all of you. And when Jungkook realized just how much it took to keep me, he broke. He said I was “too much.”
I laughed at him. Too much? He knew who I was from the beginning, knew that I don’t do “less.” I don’t tone it down. I don’t bend for anyone. He thought he could change me, make me softer, more agreeable, more manageable.
So he left. Said he needed space, that he couldn’t handle my demands anymore. I told him to go, told him I didn’t care. If he couldn’t give me everything, then I didn’t need him. There’s always someone else who can. At least, that’s what I told myself.
Yet here we are—him, in my apartment, like nothing’s changed.
I stand at the foot of my bed, my arms crossed as I watch him pace around the room like he’s trying to convince himself he shouldn’t be here. But he is here. And that says more than any of his excuses ever could.
“You really thought you could move on from me?” I taunt, my voice dripping with amusement. “Please, Jungkook. You know how this works. You always come back.”
He glares at me, his jaw clenched tight. “You think this is funny? You think this is some kind of game, Y/N?”
I roll my eyes. “Oh, come on. Don’t act like you’re the victim here. You knew exactly what you were getting into from the start. You chose this.”
“You haven’t changed at all,” he mutters, shaking his head. “Still the same spoiled, selfish—”
I cut him off with a smirk. “And yet, here you are.” I take a step closer to him, watching the way his body tenses as I invade his space. “If you really hated me so much, you wouldn’t be here. But we both know why you came.”
He doesn’t answer, but I can see it in his eyes. He’s struggling, caught between the version of himself he wants to be and the one he can’t escape. The one that always finds its way back to me. He’s with someone else now, or at least, that’s what he’s told everyone. He’s “moved on.” He’s “happy.” But if that’s true, why did he come here tonight? Why did he show up at my door, knowing exactly what was going to happen?
Because I still own him. No matter who he’s with, no matter how much he tries to deny it, he’ll always come back to me.
I run my fingers along his jawline, feeling the tension beneath my touch. “You’re still mine, Jungkook. You can lie to yourself all you want, but we both know the truth.”
His breath hitches, and for a moment, he falters. I can see the struggle in his eyes, the fight between wanting to leave and wanting me. But it doesn’t last long. It never does.
Without warning, he grabs me, pulling me closer, his hands rough against my skin. He’s angry, frustrated, but I can feel the need beneath it all. This is what he wants. This is why he’s here. And no matter what he says, I know I’m still in control.
I don’t even have time to smirk before he’s on top of me, his lips crushing mine with a desperation that’s almost laughable. He hates me, or at least, he wants to. But that hate only makes him want me more.
I give in, letting him take what he needs, because this is what I wanted from the start. He thinks he’s the one in control, that he’s the one making the decisions, but the truth is, he’s doing exactly what I want him to.
And then, just as I knew it would happen, the sound of his phone interrupts us.
His body goes rigid, and for a second, I think he’s going to stop, going to pull away and regain whatever shred of dignity he thinks he has left. But he doesn’t. He keeps going, ignoring the buzzing in his pocket as it continues, relentless.
I smirk against his lips, pulling back just enough to whisper, “Your girlfriend’s calling.”
He freezes, his breath heavy against my skin. The phone keeps buzzing, the screen lighting up with her name. I glance down at it, the smirk never leaving my face.
“You gonna answer that?”
He doesn’t respond, but I can see the guilt flicker across his expression. It’s almost endearing, how he still tries to pretend like he’s better than this. Like he’s not exactly where he wants to be.
The buzzing stops, and for a moment, there’s silence. But I’m not done yet.
I brush my lips against his ear, my voice soft but biting. “You’ll really always come back, won’t you? No matter how many times you try to run, no matter who you’re with… you’ll always end up here. With me.”
He’s silent, but the look in his eyes tells me everything I need to know. 
The phone buzzes again, and this time, I laugh. A low, mocking sound that cuts through the tension between us.
“You should really answer her, you know. She might start wondering where you are.” I pull away from him completely, walking toward the bed with a casual grace that I know drives him crazy. “Or maybe you’d rather stay here. With me.”
Jungkook doesn’t move at first. He’s still standing there, conflicted, torn between two worlds that are pulling him in opposite directions. I can see it in his eyes—the guilt, the frustration, the longing. He wants to leave. He should leave. But he can’t. He never does.
And that’s the thing about Jungkook. No matter how much he tries to fight it, no matter how many times he tells himself he’s done, he’ll always come back.
Because I’m the one thing he can’t let go of.
I sit down on the bed, crossing one leg over the other as I watch him wrestle with himself. The phone buzzes again, louder this time, as if it’s demanding an answer. But he’s not going to pick it up. He’s not going to leave.
Jungkook’s phone buzzes again. This time, instead of ignoring it, he lets out a frustrated sigh and pulls it out of his pocket. His eyes flicker to the screen, and for a moment, I think he’s going to silence it like before, but then his thumb hovers over the answer button.
He presses it and brings the phone to his ear, his voice changing, softening in a way that makes me roll my eyes.
“Hey, Sewon,” he says, his tone so calm, it’s almost disgusting. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be home tonight… I’m at my mom’s house. She’s sick, so I’m staying over to take care of her.”
I arch a brow, barely able to hold back a laugh. Your mom’s house? Of all the lies he could’ve told, he picked that?
He glances at me while he speaks, and I can’t help but smirk. His lies are so obvious, so transparent. Sewon must be a fool if she buys this.
“I know,” Jungkook continues, running a hand through his hair, trying to sound convincing. “I’ll check in tomorrow, okay? Don’t worry about me.”
He nods as if she can see him. “Yeah, love you too. Get some rest.”
When he finally hangs up, there’s a brief moment of silence between us. The phone in his hand feels like an invisible weight between the two of us, heavy with the guilt and deceit that’s been left hanging in the air.
And then, just like that, he tosses the phone onto the dresser and turns back to me. His eyes darken, the softness from his voice with Sewon gone in an instant, replaced by the hunger that’s always been there. The one he can never hide when he’s with me.
I laugh quietly, shaking my head as I lean back against the pillows, propping myself up with my elbows. “Your mom’s house?” I mock, biting my lip to keep from outright laughing. “That’s the best you could come up with?”
Jungkook doesn’t respond. He doesn’t need to. The look in his eyes says everything.
He crosses the room in two quick strides, grabbing me with a possessive force that sends a thrill through my body. He pulls me to him, and before I can say another word, his lips crash against mine.
There’s nothing soft or gentle about the way he kisses me this time. It’s desperate, raw, and full of frustration—everything that’s been simmering between us since the moment he walked through the door.
The kiss deepens, and I feel the heat radiating between us. Jungkook’s hands grip my waist, his fingers digging into my skin, igniting every nerve in my body. I can taste the urgency in his kiss—the need, the desire, the pent-up frustration from the distance we’ve kept between us.
He pulls away just long enough to look me in the eye, and I can see the battle raging inside him. “i shouldn't be here” he says, his voice a low growl. But there’s no conviction behind his words. I can see the truth lurking just beneath the surface.
“you shouldn't..” I reply, my tone dripping with confidence as I pull him closer. “but aren't tired of her?”
With a sudden burst of determination, Jungkook’s hands slide down to the hem of my dress. In one swift motion, he tears it away, the fabric ripping apart like it’s made of paper. The cool air hits my skin, sending chills down my spine, but the thrill of being exposed to him makes me gasp.
My lingerie, black lace and delicate, is now the only thing standing between us. I can see the way his eyes darken, the way his breath hitches as he takes in the sight of me. I can feel his desire, raw and intense, radiating from him.
“God, Y/N,” he breathes, his voice thick with lust. “You drive me insane.”
And just like that, I know this is what he wants—what we both want. The boundaries of our past and present melt away in the heat of the moment, and all that matters is the connection between us, the electric tension that fills the room.
I can’t help but smirk as I lean back, teasingly inviting him to explore what’s beneath my lingerie. “Then stop talking,” I whisper, “and show me just how insane I make you.”
"take this off, please" i whined "desperate that much? all for cock?" he hissed under his breath chuckling "your cock" murmured breathly. 
"unbuckle it then. show me how much you're a slut for this cock" he demanded me. ofcourse our sex was always great, no matter what happens he'll always come back to me. i got up on my knees and start unbuckling his belt while keeping eye contact.]
i palm his obviously hard bulge teasing him. "Feel this? It's just for you." he mutters "ofcourse it is" i give him a look "who else is it supposed to be for?" i laugh hysterically, enjoying every moment i'm in control. 
I slip his pants and boxers down in one smooth motion, exposing him fully. His breath hitches as I continue palming him, watching his reactions with satisfaction. His head tilts back slightly, his jaw clenched in restraint, but I can see how much control I have over him in this moment.
"That’s right,” I purr, my voice low. “No one else can make you feel like this.”
Jungkook lets out a low groan, his hands gripping my waist, pulling me closer, but I keep the pace slow, teasing him. His frustration is palpable, but that only spurs me on. I love seeing him like this, powerless beneath my touch despite how dominant he tries to be.
"You're enjoying this way too much," he mutters through gritted teeth, his eyes narrowing at me.
I laugh softly, leaning in just enough to whisper in his ear. "And you're going to let me, aren’t you?"
For a moment, there’s only the sound of our breathing, the heat between us overwhelming. His hand moves to the strap of my lingerie, tugging at it roughly. “Take it off,” he demands, his voice a growl, filled with need.
I look up at him, my eyes glinting with defiance. “Make me,” I challenge, knowing full well what it’ll do to him.
The tension between us crackles
His eyes flash with a mix of frustration and desire, and I can feel the heat radiating off his body as he grapples with the control he’s trying to maintain. “You think you can play games with me?” he challenges, but there’s a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, betraying his eagerness.
With a swift motion, Jungkook grips the strap of my lingerie and pulls it down, exposing my skin to him. The cool air sends a shiver through me, and I let out a soft gasp. His gaze darkens, drinking in the sight before him, and I can’t help but feel empowered by his reaction.
“Good girl,” he murmurs, a hint of pride lacing his voice as he watches me, eyes burning with hunger. “Now, let’s see how much you really want this.”
I bite my lip, reveling in the control I have. I shift my weight back on my knees, arching my back just a little, offering him a glimpse of everything he craves. “You want me to beg for it?” I tease, my tone laced with playful challenge.
He chuckles darkly, shaking his head as if to say he’s not going to give in that easily. “I want you to show me, Y/N. Show me how desperate you are.”
With a sly smile, I lean forward, keeping my gaze locked on his as I lower my mouth to his hardness. I let my breath ghost over him, the teasing anticipation making his muscles tense even more.
“Feel this?” I ask, my voice sultry as I glance up at him. “she can never ever make you feel this way”
“uhuh- y-yeah” he retorts, his voice strained.
I laugh softly, enjoying the way my teasing drives him wild. The power shifts back and forth between us, but for now, I hold the reins.
I wrap my hand around him, giving him a few teasing strokes. His eyes widen, and a groan escapes his lips, making my heart race. The rush of power I feel is intoxicating, and I lean in closer, taking him in my mouth slowly, savoring the moment as I begin to work him with my tongue.
“God, Y/N,” he gasps, his hand threading through my hair, encouraging me to take him deeper. I can feel him fighting to maintain control, but the way he pulls me in tells me he’s losing the battle.
I look up at him, watching the way his face twists in pleasure. “You love this,” I whisper, pulling back just enough to let my words hang in the air between us.
“Don’t stop,” he growls, the command wrapped in desperation. “You know I can’t resist you.”
I smile, knowing I’ve pushed him just where I want him. The thrill of our back-and-forth dance adds another layer of heat to the moment, and I relish in the chaos we’ve created.
With renewed determination, I take him deeper again, swirling my tongue around him while my hands continue to work his length. The sounds he makes spur me on, igniting the fire within me, and I can feel my own body responding to the thrill of the moment.
“God, Y/N, i-i'm cumming” he admits, breathless and raw, his eyes wild with need.
I pull away slightly, my lips glistening. “Then don’t. Let go,” I encourage, my voice low and sultry. “I want to see just how far you’ll go for me.”
His breath catches at my words, and I can see the battle within him intensifying. Jungkook's eyes darken with a mix of desire and urgency, the tension crackling between us as I watch him teeter on the edge of control.
“You’re insane,” he mutters, his voice rough. “Do you know that?”
“Maybe,” I tease, a playful smirk on my lips. “But you love it.”
Before I can say anything else, he grips my hair tightly, pulling me back up to meet his gaze. The sudden shift catches me off guard, but there’s a wild glint in his eyes that sends a thrill down my spine.
“I want you, Y/N,” he growls, and it’s a statement, not a request. “Now.”
With that, he shoves me back onto the bed, his hands exploring my body with urgency. The way he caresses me is both rough and tender, his touch igniting every nerve ending as he hungrily takes in the sight of me beneath him. I feel alive, electric under his gaze.
“Look at you,” he murmurs, his voice low and laced with a possessive edge. “So fucking perfect.”
As he leans down to kiss me again, his lips find mine with a fierce hunger. I feel myself melting into him, our bodies pressing together, a collision of heat and desire. It’s intoxicating, and I can’t help but lose myself in the moment, all thoughts of Sewon and the outside world slipping away.
“Please, Jungkook,” I whimper, the need pooling within me, begging for release. “I need you.”
He pulls back slightly, his eyes searching mine, as if gauging my sincerity. “You really want this?” he asks, a hint of disbelief coloring his tone. “After everything?”
I nod, desperation spilling over. “You know I do. You always come back to me, Jungkook. We can’t fight this.”
He grits his teeth, his grip on me tightening. “You’re right. I can’t fight it.”
And just like that, he reclaims his dominance, his lips crashing against mine once more, the kiss deepening as he settles himself between my legs. I feel the heat radiating from him, the raw energy making my heart race faster.
“Then let’s stop pretending,” he murmurs against my lips, his breath mingling with mine. “Let’s give in to what we both want.”
With a swift motion, he pulls my lingerie down, leaving me completely exposed to him. The thrill of vulnerability sends shivers through my body, the anticipation of what’s to come making me dizzy with excitement.
“Jungkook,” I gasp, my heart racing as he moves closer, his warmth enveloping me entirely.
He leans in, kissing down my body, his lips trailing fire across my skin. Each touch ignites a desperate longing within me, pushing me closer to the edge. “You deserve this, Y/N,” he whispers, his voice low and raspy. “You deserve everything.”
His hands explore every inch of me, igniting sensations I’ve only ever dreamed of. The pleasure builds, a wave of heat that makes me writhe beneath him, and I can feel myself teetering on the brink, the tension coiling tighter and tighter.
“Jungkook, please,” I plead, my voice trembling with need. “jungkook..please- fuck!! i'm cumming- im cumming”
He looks up at me, his expression a mix of mischief and determination. “go” he commands, his voice deep and commanding, sending another wave of desire coursing through me.
With one swift motion, he positions himself at my entrance, and I can feel the heat radiating from him, the promise of everything I crave.
“wanna cum again?” he asks, searching my eyes for any hesitation.
I nod, my heart pounding. “yes! fuck- yes please!!”
As Jungkook fills me, a gasp escapes my lips, a mix of pleasure and relief washing over me. Every inch of him feels like home, like the part of me I didn’t know I was missing until this very moment. It’s intoxicating, the way he moves, his body melding with mine as if we were always meant to be this way.
He begins to move, slow at first, savoring the moment. Each thrust sends ripples of pleasure coursing through me, and I can feel the tension in my body tightening. My nails dig into his back as I pull him closer, urging him to go deeper, to give me more of what I crave.
“Y/N,” he breathes, his voice strained and filled with desire. “fuck. you're so tight”
I can’t help but smile, the rush of excitement and control coursing through me as he loses himself in the moment. “You like this, huh?” I tease breathlessly, my hips meeting his with every thrust. “You like coming back to me, even after everything.”
He groans, the sound vibrating through his chest and into mine, driving me wild. “I can’t help it. You drive me crazy.”
With each movement, the rhythm between us builds, and I can feel the way his body responds to mine, the way he lets go of everything else that exists outside this room. 
“More,” I whisper, my voice barely above a breath. “I want more, Jungkook. Don’t hold back. fill me up”
His gaze sharpens, and there’s a flicker of something dark in his eyes. “You asked for it,” he warns, but there’s no hesitation as he picks up the pace, his thrusts becoming deeper and more urgent.
The world around us fades away, and it’s just the two of us—lost in our own little universe. I feel every sensation magnified, the pleasure building with each movement, spiraling higher and higher until I feel like I might burst.
“Y/N,” he gasps, his voice thick with desire. “You’re so fucking perfect. I can’t get enough of you.”
I can feel my walls tightening around him, the pressure building, and I know I’m close. “Jungkook,” I breathe, my voice trembling with need. “I’m going to—”
“Let go,” he urges, his breath hot against my ear. “show me who's making you cum like this.”
His words push me over the edge, and with a cry, I let the pleasure take over. It washes over me in waves, pulling me under until I can hardly breathe, and I can feel him following me, the way his body tenses, the deep groan that escapes his lips echoing in my ears.
“Y/N!” he cries out, and the sound sends another rush of pleasure through me as we both ride the waves of ecstasy together. The connection between us is electric, and I can’t remember ever feeling so alive.
As we both come down from the high, Jungkook collapses beside me, panting heavily, his chest rising and falling with every breath. I turn to him, a smile spreading across my face, knowing that despite everything, we always find our way back to each other.
“See?” I tease, nudging him playfully. “I told you you’d come back.”
He chuckles, looking over at me with that familiar warmth in his eyes. “You make it impossible not to.”
And just like that, the playful banter flows between us, the tension easing as we bask in the afterglow of what we just shared.
But then, the moment is interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing, cutting through the air. Jungkook’s expression shifts, and I can see the annoyance etched on his face as he glances at his phone.
“It’s Sewon,” he says, and I can’t help but roll my eyes at the interruption.
“Shouldn’t you pick it up?” I challenge, raising an eyebrow, trying to gauge his reaction.
He hesitates, his thumb hovering over the screen. “I don’t want to,” he admits, his voice low.
“Then don’t,” I reply, my heart racing at the thought of him choosing me over her, even if just for a moment.
But Jungkook sighs, and I can see the conflict in his eyes. “I have to,” he says reluctantly. “She’ll worry if I don’t.”
“Why should you care?” I shoot back, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. “You’re here with me, not her.”
“I know,” he replies, running a hand through his hair. “But I don’t want to deal with her drama right now.”
“Then don’t,” I urge, my tone softening as I reach out to touch his arm. “Just be here. Be with me.”
He looks torn, glancing back at his phone before finally silencing it. “You’re right,” he says, his gaze locking onto mine. “I’ll deal with her later.”
I smile, feeling a surge of satisfaction. “Good. Now come here.”
He chuckles, leaning in to kiss me softly. “You always know how to get what you want, don’t you?”
“Of course,” I reply, smirking. “It’s what I do best.”
taglists : @crazyovayou @sinfullygay @minghaosimp @pitchblack0309
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bougiebutchbitch · 1 day
headcanon few will enjoy, but you (and the noblest of your followers) are among the enlightened:
poolverine starting out as hate sex (canon), as in they're fighting but wade is so so submissive and breedable about it and it makes logan horngry (horny-angry) (canon).
pero like. logan does something totally gruesome to wade and wade does not just quip 'harder daddy', does not just submit to it, does not even just moan like a whore, he fully comes in his pants about it lmfao.
and logan is like are you FUCKING KIDDING ME. and becomes even more horngry and starts doing gruesomer and gruesomer things to wade with the primary motivation to find his limit so he can finally actually fucking hurt him for real god damn it. and he keeps not finding it, and wade's kind of giving as good as he gets sure, but he's on some turn based shit, always eagerly pausing after he hits/stabs/bites back to let logan do whatever he's gonna do next, which is infuriating enough by itself WITHOUT the, yes, begging for more, and calling logan daddy AND kitten AND also calling himself both of those in the third person fucking CHRIST he's so annoying, and the moaning like a whore, and the slutty positions, and the bimbo giggling, and, every now and then, the fucking coming in his fucking pants again the absolute FREAK. until logan gets exhausted or runs out of ideas and has to take a breather (at which point of course wade says some type of "we should do this again some time" shit).
but THEN! slowly it turns less into hate why-don't-you-have-a-limit-i-can-cross sex and more into awed do-you-really-not-have-a-limit-i-can-cross sex. where logan will try something he's like ok SURELY no one could possibly get off on THIS, and then watches in incredulous wonder when wade proves him wrong before escalating, rinse and repeat.
which is how they end up with logan as the ms paint meme Creature in the pussy. like he's eating him out normal. ok good but boring, they're both bored by that, the only way that's gonna really Do It for them is if logan makes wade come like 87 times in 20 minutes and it hurts so bad and wade is so helpless and. you get it. so anyway, then logan puts his claws through wade's thighs to spread them how he wants them instead of just grabbing them, and he can feel that he definitely got some femur on the right, but wade squirting on his face is not about to escape his notice either lmao.
so then he's like okay i'll bite. and bites. and he bites like a real wolverine of course, sinking his teeth in and locking his jaw with 1k+ lbs of force. and he growls and shakes his prey a LITTLE bit just on instinct, but not too much yet because it still hasn't totally sunk in that he could behead wade with a thousand little cuts and wade would be into it. but yeah so obviously wade squeals and starts dirty talk begging for logan to literally eat him alive.
and on one hand. on the homo sapiens hand specifically. logan is like jfc this guy. but on the homo superior and/or canis lupus hand he's like KILL EAT FUCK!!! [creature.jpg]
and uh. so. well. he. he eats wade's pussy. i mean he doesn't like, chew and swallow his flesh, but only because he tears it up so much it's not really a solid food situation anymore. pussy puree. got their bedroom looking like bruce's eating dome after raspberry wednesday.
but yeah so wade's into it lmao. like really really really into it. obviously screaming from pain yes, but even more than that screaming in bliss, and maybe a little bit ecstatic shock that logan a) took his psycho dirty talk seriously and gave him exactly what he asked for even tho anyone else would assume it's just talk or tell him no wade you don't understand that's impossible, and b) lost control of himself because of wade which is truly just the sexiest possible thing to happen.
and in fact wade is so into it he wants to keep getting his cunt played with about it. but um. he doesn't. he doesn't have one. logan ate it out. like, literally. it's gone. so after he's done reaching elysium and seeing nirvana and getting his brain so flooded with endorphins and oxytocin that he probably shorts something out in there, after that he gets kinda bummed out because now he has to wait for his stupid pussy to grow back in order for logan to hurt it again :(
but at this point, it'd be a feat of its own for logan to not get this shit into his hardest-metal-on-earth head. not to mention of course when you are a sadist and your fucked up little freak of a masochist with a healing factor likes it that much when you hurt him that bad, you want nothing more than to hurt him again. the precious sweet little injured gazelle all alone on the prairie deserves to be gored and gutted for being such a good slut <3
so. logan pauses, a deliberate stretch of stillness where he doesn't do anything to wade but he doesn't move away either, so that wade will look down at him and see the hunting instinct still hot and heavy in his eyes, the slow ominous smirk he gives with equal parts slick and blood on his mouth.
and then he starts tongue fucking the wound. obviously.
(and now i'm imagining logan eating wade out all through the healing process as piece by piece of his pussy grows back...... hm.)
uh anyway. i think it's morning where you are. good morning lol.
I am gonna be CONSUMED by this for the next 500 years. Consumed. Like Logan consumed that cunt in raw, bloody bites.
There were so many moments when reading this where i had to just. Pause. Because holy shit. First, you are speaking directly to my soul. THIS IS IT. The nasty shit we ALL deserve. Second, HELP. Third, 'got their bedroom looking like bruce's eating dome after raspberry wednesday' has me r o l l i n g.
This is the most important essay since humanity's inception. It is the pinnacle of human art. It should be commemorated in museums worldwide.
He ate that pussy. He ate it.
And Wade whimpered for more.
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maelancoli · 13 hours
Adding Tension After the Ship Happens
i feel a lot of slow burn ships lose steam after the characters finally get together, whether it's just from sleeping together or them actually engaging in a relationship, so here are some ideas for how to maintain steam.
their problems are not solved now that they've crossed the thresh hold
first things first, the plot itself i'm sure has other details than just their relationship. even the most fluffy of fluff has other things going on than kisses and giggles. don't abandon these details once the relationship truly begins. and if there was any kind of unresolved tension point or previously mentioned ex/trauma/insecurity/fear bring it back! bring things back around that might put a strain on a new, tender relationship. this can either make them have problems or be a way to develop their bonds and *show* it in action. any of these foreshadowing/resurrected points can be added in edits if you didn't start out with them or with retconning if you're writing rp/fanfic. all the writers do it. we see it in tv everyday it's ok if u gotta pull a rabbit from a hat.
their relationship will not be suddenly smooth and solid as if they have been married 20 years
okay they kissed/fucked/agreed to be together. now what? what circumstances kept them from getting there sooner? are those circumstances still present and how will they deal with it as a team? you also don't have to have characters officially together once they've done something physical. there is still discussion to be had and boundaries/expectations to establish. those conversations could be interesting to explore. and, even more-so, this is the perfect point for plot to happen and keep them from being able to have those conversations when they should. you can add angst, you can add miscommunication, you can add anything that tickles your fancy. especially a perfect time to have an ex return to cause some tension and uncertainty if they haven't made it official. they don't know what they are yet and that uncertainty is a delicious point to write it and really give the characters a hard time
utilize the main plot's tension
again, if you're writing more than just a contemporary fluffy romance, the romance should enrich the main plot. the romance as a subplot should be a component which merges with the main storyline and does not take away from it. if you don't want to milk the will-they-won't-they anymore than you already have it's time to build the relationship up in the midst of OUTSIDE conflict. let them disagree about how to resolve problems. let them butt heads. let them be scared and do and say stupid shit because they're scared. let them be worried or angry or frustrated and have to figure out how to balance their newfound vulnerability with who they are and were before that point. let them hurt each other a little so they can come back together stronger.
utilize the characters around them
if it is a plot which is mainly romance filled, then think about the tension from the lives around them. think about their loved ones and how their own issues could influence the plot points the characters have to face together. this could be a time for them to be introduced to loved ones. you could throw in a group trip with silly mishaps and shenanigans. you could even have loved ones try to break them up or doubt the love interest. navigating new relationships while also dealing with friends and family can be a source of plot and tension in and of itself. this can be a point to let love interests reassure each other and prove their salt. it can help them grow closer. it can be the heroic moment for one of them to stick up for the other or prove they're there for them no matter what.
overall if you're struggling with what to do after the slow burn feels like it's sizzling out it's time to zoom out. make sure you are not losing the whole picture of their environment or steamrolling past the real development of new relationships.
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koolades-world · 3 days
How would Satan, Lucifer, Barbatos, and Thirteen react to fem MC (their s/o) when she answers the bear vs man question with bear? I don’t think I’ve seen any losses regarding this! I’m sorry it’s not fully fluff… but I’ve been curious about it for a while! Don’t you dare feel pressured to write this. Is you don’t want to write this, it’s completely fine!!
Have a lovely day as usual, and take care!!
hiii!!!! even though we spoke like just yesterday i think, it's great to hear from you! don't apologize for it not being fluff! i did say i would write anything. a promise is a promise :)
and omg thirteen and satan. you know the way right to my heart!
enjoy <3
Fem s/o Mc answers Bear vs Man question w/ Lucifer, Satan, Barbatos, and Thirteen
at first he's a little confused by the whole conversation and takes it a bit too literally at first
by the time he realizes it's just a question, he's already started mentally planning
after that, he quickly agrees and is upset with you!
he's seen some things. there's a reason he doesn't visit the human world that often
the human men upset with the responses of the women make him the most angry. they're the problem and he'd love to punch them in the face
after how worked up you get (rightfully so) he decided that you need a nice relaxing evening of being pampered!
the two of you get your favorite food and spend the rest of the evening together <3
he's actually the one to bring it up because of the popularity it gained on social media
while he knows what your response will be, he still wants to hear you talk about it
since he is a very loving and caring s/o, he listens to you rant <3 haha
but, he really does listen and takes the time to engage with you
he knows where you're coming from. you know it's bad when even a demon agrees with you
he'd do anything to protect you! and if he could join you in this theoretical scenario, he would
you changed him for the better, and he loves you so much <3
he's a great listening ear, and always lets you know the offer to talk is on the table
you take him up on this offer, and he takes time out of his day for you
he brews you a nice tea, and you sit down for a chat
for however long you need, you've got his attention
of course he adamantly agrees with you
if he could (and he probably could) he would put the men saying they'd pick the bear in the women's shoes
that would teach them the lessons they so desperately need, wouldn't it? just say the word haha
of course she immediately agrees with you when you say bear
she's a girls girl, and totally understands you
she's been reaping souls for how long now?
and she's seen some things working that position
anyone who dares to say otherwise is wrong
she knows it's theoretical, but if it ever did happen, she makes sure to let you know she's got hundreds of traps that might come in handy
after that though, she lets you know she loves you and would gladly use the traps for you <3
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bengiyo · 2 days
Peaceful Property: There’s Nothing Noble About Being Poor
Coming off of episode 6 of Peaceful Property, I am feeling some consternation because once again GMMTV has given us a poor character who’d rather be poor than take the money. I’m also frustrated about the baiting of this show, because I don’t like TayNew enough to forgive Home his greed or his cowardice. 
From GMMTV we’ve had Akk having to work his ass off to get to Paris to be with Theo, Mork working his ass off to eventually get back to Day, Sailom not taking money in Dangerous Romance, Sand not taking the money in Only Friends, Kang upending his entire life for Moo in Only Boo! When I looked into stories that seemed to consider the perspective of poor people, only Dark Blue Kiss really seemed to consider the class dynamic of Pete and Kao, and Cooking Crush with Prem taking the needed money. 
This problem isn’t unique to GMMTV, and it’s been something that has annoyed me in global media for decades. We get these kinds of storylines where poor people would rather be poor than take the money of a rich person because rich people fund the media. For them, not taking their money is the harshest punishment they could envision because it’s their primary mechanism for solving problems. However, I come from the Brian Kinney school of thought that “There’s nothing noble about being poor.” On top of that, we know that Pang and Peach have no money, because they’re living in a goddamn bar that Home owns because they have no money. How could they go back to the apartment they got evicted from for lack of payment if this was so? Sure, it’s a TV show, but damn is it annoying that I’m asked to empathize with Home being sad about losing his friends over freaking out about housing security for the people whose lives he ruined.
Now, let’s talk about the lives he ruined. It’s actually so, so much worse that Home was completely sober when he hit Peach and fled the scene. He’s lived a pleasant life this entire time, when he had every reason to believe he killed someone and let his uncle cover it up. I care a lot about the future of cities, and car violence is one of the biggest violent killers of poor people in cities. The fallout of this accident led to Peach’s ongoing terror of ghosts, screwing up badly at work, and his sense of culpability in the death of his mentor. Peach and Pang’s lives are measurably worse because of his injuries, and it baffles me that the show would have Peach take zero compensation from the people who hurt him when he and his sister are struggling. I get Peach being proud in the moment, but I just don’t see a person faced with scarcity of that level choosing to walk away from money that he’s more than owed.
Speaking of Peach, I am so confused by the plotline that has him trusting Home with the food safety of a man he almost killed the last time he worked in a restaurant. It feels like this show just doesn’t take its own violence seriously. The drama of this episode is about Home losing his friends because he wasn’t forthright about the violence he inflicted on them, and they risked Chai-un’s safety to prove that Peach could trust home? Please be serious. They should have tossed out both of those bowls and started over rather than risk that man’s life again. Peach wants to become a chef again, and this is a huge misstep!
I just don’t think I really enjoyed this last episode much at all. I liked seeing Peach not crumble in front of ghosts, but that’s about it. I feel like the show is relying on Newwie’s charm (and TayNew shipping) to have the audience root for his redemption, which I am on the side of Peach wanting nothing to do with that man ever again. He deserves to be angry, and it felt so weird to me that the one lashing out at the end was Home as our focus point. Next week they’re going to be working near each other, and I’m just gonna be irked that once again we have a story about the inherent nobility of poor people who can afford to turn down much needed money to make a rich person sad.
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darklinaforever · 2 days
Well, globally I still really liked the Saurondriel / Haladriel scene.
Even if I don't see where the comparison comes from at the request of Kylo Ren / Ben Solo to Rey in The Last Jedi...
There is not even a real renewal of the demand for season 1 in fact technically speaking in my opinion.
Although I did appreciate that Sauron said he didn't want to harm Galadriel at first. That he would have placed the crown on his head, done everything so that Middle Earth would revere its queen, etc. I also appreciated the moment where he took the form of Halbrand and even that of Galadriel to show her in his twisted way that everything was not a lie and that they are alike. I also enjoyed the tear in his eye when he watches Galadriel reveal herself before demanding Nenya after he actually stabbed her. I'll take every scrap I can get from this doomed ship.
On the other hand, I don't understand those who say that this scene confirms that all of season 1 was just a deception by Sauron towards Galadriel.
I'm sure you're disappointed, because I am disappointed myself. But I don't see at all where their whole scene confirms that Sauron would have fooled Galadriel all season 1.
On the contrary, he literally tells her that she attributes to him a purpose that he did not predict, with the eregion currently, and that everything that made them seem similar was not entirely a lie/a deception, etc.
Here, it's clearly just the frustration of the moment that makes a certain person say anything.
Personally, I'm a little disappointed that Sauron ultimately really hurt Galadriel. Even if my imaginative mind sees this moment as the only equivalent of symbolically phalic penetration that there will ever be between them 🤭. And above all, this blow was not aimed at killing her at all. Because if he had wanted it, she would already be dead. We have seen how easily he can kill someone.
Also, I've seen people theorize that this crown going into Galadriel's flesh could actually strengthen the bond between them later, and why not ! I'm hooked ! This could totally work !
Overall, I'm disappointed that he didn't let her keep Nenya. How logical that would have been to me, as supposed proof to see that he really loves her in this finale. Even though we still see Sauron's feelings for her, it's not to the point of a particular moment that would undeniably prove his feelings to idiots who already don't understand him, and still don't understand him.
I'm disappointed that I was promised a new request scene when technically not, although I enjoyed Sauron's dialogue all the same.
But most of all, I'm disappointed that he let Galadriel fall off that cliff. You're not going to make me believe that with his powers, he couldn't save her ?! Especially since he wanted Nenya, so why not try to get her back with magic ?! Why is he just holding out his hand towards Galadriel with a shocked expression on his face ?! Use your powers damn't !
Although I imagine that as enemies they will often try to kill each other, yes, obviously. I just expected it to be more save for later than now (at least from Sauron watching Galadriel fall), literally their first reunion since the separation.
Does Sauron think Galadriel is dead ? Or that she just escaped from him ? It was (first option or the second) he so angry about this that he killed the orc on the spot ? Or is it because he just didn't get Nenya ? I think a mix of the two personally, Sauron having had a tear in his eye watching Galadriel get up earlier.
In fact, I think I would have been pretty much satisfied with their scene, if I hadn't been sold that we would particularly see that Sauron really loves Galadriel in this finale. That there was a scene similar to Kylo's request to Rey from The Last Jedi, and that Sauron would never stop trying to make Galadriel his queen. Because that's not really what we got.
Because overall I like this scene.
Sauron shows emotion there, the desire not to hurt Galadriel at the start, expresses that everything was not a lie between them, tries in his twisted way to prove that they are similar, that the door to Galadriel's mind is always open to him, says that he would have done anything for her to be queen and revered, has a tear in his eye when he sees her get up after having hurt her, etc.
But overall, this scene between them was half-hearted and could have been written so much better. Wasted potential. Especially after all the crumbs laid out in each episode in anticipation of this meeting, and what was a teaser in an interview for the so-called finale between them.
But I'll take what I get, and in the future won't listen to the cast / creator interviews for this show, just to settle for what the Saurondriel / Haladriel scenes really are.
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admirange · 3 days
Ok this is a hot take and I know for a fact people will get mad at me, but after playing the 8th episode, I don't think it was that bad people were saying it was.
Maybe because all my friends, even family tease eachother in similar ways like the office scene in the episode, just funnier bc yk. Irl jokes are always funnier. And before anyone mentions it, I also do have traumas from harrassment, fucked me up hard, still couldn't heal from it entirely. I just didn't see this episode that way. And no, I did not enjoy every aspect of the story.
First of all, I saw a lot of people calling the characters coworkers, and while that's true, it's mentioned sooo many times in the episodes that they are friends. Some are childhood friends even. That's a pretty important information to add.
As I said, the office teasing was pretty lighthearted imo. I already made this example but will say it again, how many sitcom series do these same things? And do we get mad at the writers for it? (I'm sure some people are, but not the average person). If Roy was really uncomfortable with the jokes I'm sure he would've told everyone and they'd stop. But again, it's just teasing between friends.
Now onto the next part, I do agree spying on him is not right. I took the route of going but telling him about it, so idk what happened if you didn't. But he didn't seem angry throughout the episode. The characters being excited about it was kinda weird I admit that one, but couldn't help but draw a comparison between this and How I met your mother. It's my fav sitcom, and the characters sometimes get excited to humiliate/tease eachother as well. Would it be acceptable irl? Not at all. But it's fictional. I think it's important to see how the victim sees these situations as well, and as I said, I didn't feel like Roy was uncomfortable.
However I agree this episode is on thin ice since everyone's boundaries are different. Sexual jokes are too early to make. The main issue is still beemoov rushing everything.
Well I feel like I also have to add that it's usually hard for me to get angry with fictional stories. If it's bad, I just leave. Come on people, you're getting mad at an otome game. It really seems ridiculous when we take a few steps back. No, I'm not saying forming negative opinions is not allowed, it very much is, I did too in this post. But I've seen so hateful comments lately (okay not just lately, I see it under every post about Eric too), it's not normal to be this mad about a game.
Beemoov probably already saw the complaints, they said the episodes can't be rewritten once published, and I believe they'll probably try to do better in the future. I'm not being naive, I know their stuff, good and bad (mostly bad), been playing for 10 years. They are currently working on redoing the style contest voting as well, because we complained.
The point is, just try not being this hateful. I completely understand being pissed at beemoov, we have reasons for that. But attacking other players for their opinions, really? This behaviour is ruining the fandom, not the company.
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satureja13 · 2 days
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New Chapter!
Home cr happy home! As soon as they jumped out of the TukTuk, the Boys ran down to their Underground Police Station to look after Tiny Can. How had he been able to repair himself after being blown up? And where did he get all that money from to pay for their school fees? ö.Ö'
But Tiny Can wasn't at the place they left him. This little brat! Of course he was hiding somewhere, fearing Saiwa's wrath. Saiwa: "Spread out and find him! Dead or alive - I don't care. As long as his memory is still intact so we can track where that money came from and give it back. Gods, we are going to jail if this comes out!" Jack tried to defend his (t)rusty friend: "Sai, we don't know what happened to him. I'm sure it isn't as bad as it seems and ..." But Sai didn't listen and kept spitting: "Damn - I knew he was trouble!We should have left him at the temple to rot for the next thousand years! It's all your fault, Jack! You took him with us!" It hurt Kioyshi that his mate got scolded, but he knew that it was useless argueing with Sai when he was in his rage state. And so he hushed the others up and out to search for the lawless tin can... Kiyoshi sighed, he knows that Jack doesn't care much to be Sai's punching bag. More than that, it's a labor of love for his oldest friend.
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Jeb and Ji Ho started to search their home lot. Since Tiny Can can even fly short distances, he could be anywhere! Jeb winced internally. Again, Sai is so, so furious. Jeb really needs to find ways how to deal with Sai when he's like that. Or better, ways to take this self-destructive anger off of Sai. And the blame he mortifies himself with. They are all to blame. Not only Sai. This has to stop.
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Even though Ji Ho was travelsick and drained again from teleporting, he kept on searching. He even tried to suppress his feelings to not upset Vlad and keep him from their task. Vlad would come back to him immediately if he knew how exhausted he really is and how much he craves Vlad's healing and comforting touch. But this has to wait. Finding Tiny Can is more important than their 'indispositions'... Who knows what has happened to him? Ji Ho doesn't believe Tiny Can broke the law. Tiny Can helped him get his feelings back so Vlad and him can finally be together. Only - Tiny Can also put the influence his grandfather had over him with that spell into the Therapy Game. Ji Ho thought it was to make him so angry to finally open the Pandora's Box with his hidden feelings - to protect his friends. But what if the Council was behind all that? And they called Tiny Can back to extract the evidence he gathered - to use it against them? Ji Ho ran faster - despite his body's hammering ache and desperate pleads for some rest - and Vlad.
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Kiyoshi, Vlad and Jack called the horses to search the surroundings. Vlad was torn. Of course he knows how negatively teleporting affects Ji Ho's (and his own) well being and it must be even worse now that he has his feelings back. Vlad would skip the search in an instant to care for Ji Ho but he also knows that Ji Ho would never accept his ministrations at the moment. In fact, rather the opposite. Ji Ho would be embarrassed to cause a fuss and make it even harder for his friends in need. So he kept on raking Tomarang. Ji Ho would send him away anyway.
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Not many creatures are able to reach the Otherworld. And no one can stay for longer, so it was pretty pointless to ask the few people who are currently lingering here if they'd seen Tiny Can. But hope is the last to die. As Ji Ho, Jack can't believe either his tinny friend did something illegal to get them into trouble. Tiny Can's actions weren't always clear to them - but Jack is sure he always had good intentions. When Tiny Can let Jack getting killed or set Lou up with Caleb in the Therapy Game, Jack was upset and felt betrayed - of course he was. But in the end, all that Tiny Can did was to help him. He helped all of them. And they owe him. Without Tiny Can, he never would have been able to be mates, just mates with Kiyoshi and he never would have found ways to deal with his (many) disorders.
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Kiyoshi rode over to the temples to talk to Arturo, but he also had no luck. One would think that Tiny Can would have ran for shelter to Arturo, who offered the Boys the circuit board with Tiny Can's AI 'to help them through this'. But Arturo didn't see him. Nor had he heard any gossip about a stray Astromech in the Otherworld from the visitor's of the temples he cares for. Surely someone would have noticed him.
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And while the others turned every stone in Otherworld's Tomarang, Sai tried to catch a signal from Tiny Can to track him down. But it was as if he was wiped from the planet. They have no internet or phone reception here in the Otherworld, so Sai even connected his computer with their 'Post Office Device' to find a trace of him in the Muggle World - to no avail. And how could Tiny Can even reach the Muggle World without them teleporting him there? No, he must still be here in Tomarang. This little piece of junk must have supressed his signals! Ach, Sai distrusted this rusty tin can from the beginning! And he knew there was something foul about him. Even months ago, he already suspected the Council behind! But they all had been too excited about the Therapy Game and finally getting some help... And Sai had been too confident in his abilities to make it secure for them. But he utterly failed. The blame is on him and him alone. He never should have allowed Jack to bring Tiny Can among them. And he should never have installed that circuit board with the AI into Tiny Can. He created a monster that was bound to destroy them in the end. If the Council now has evidence they stole that much money, no one would be able help them anymore. They would get sentenced and sent to jail and that would incite even more hatred against creatures! All the creatures, in all the worlds... The creatures they are supposed to help. They are a shame and a threat for their community.
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... to be continued
'Boom boom, ready to use my body Using the entire city of Seoul as my stage Nod, nod, your head I don’t want to be locked up Gather the crowds, let’s break the taboo We need to spread out Or else we might become scarecrows We can make empty lots into royal spaces This is the peak, don’t exit out now To the left, to the right, rock all night'
Block B - Shall we dance (Real Ji Ho's (and my favourite) group)
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: starts here with this post :3 Last Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-28
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rubberduckyrye · 23 hours
Okay last annoying post
But I was thinking about the Insect Meet and Greet. First of all, friendly reminder because this is related. Second of all
Something I remembered about the whole incident was that Kokichi lied to Gonta about liking bugs--something that everyone did, because Gonta would get unreasonably angry at the very idea that they didn't like bugs.
So like... people often frame this as Kokichi manipulating Gonta into doing the Insect Meet and Greet, but honestly this is probably how it went down:
Kokichi: -bla bla bla, says something about how people don't often like bugs- Gonta, getting very visibly upset: Not everyone hates bugs! Everyone who is a good person likes bugs! Kokichi, confused: Huh? But like, a lot of good people don't like bugs. Everyone in here dislikes bugs besides you, do you think they're really bad people? Gonta, getting MORE visibly upset: WHAT?! But everyone told me they LIKED bugs! -gets even angrier- Do you not like bugs, too?! Kokichi, fearing for his damn life: Nope, I LOVE bugs! But, that's besides the point--just because the others don't like bugs doesn't make them bad people! Gonta, now sobbing: They lied to me... Kokichi: They just wanted to spare your feelings, probably. Anyway, we should-- Gonta: So, they're not being mean? Kokichi: No??? Probably not Gonta: Oh! I see! Then they just do not understand how amazing bugs are!" Kokichi: Well-- Gonta: I'll gather everyone into my lab to show them how wonderful bugs are! Kokichi, thinking: Ho boy he's got a one track mind when it comes to bugs Kokichi: Sure! Then we can combine the Motive Video Watch Party with your insect-meet and greet, and we can kill two birds with one stone! Gonta, determined: Okay! I will bring everyone then!
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witchyvicky · 3 days
The In-Universe Implications of What Odysseus Says in My Goodbye
Okay so during My Goodbye Odysseus says a lot but one thing that as of recent has started sticking out to me is him saying "at least I know what I'm fighting for while you're fighting to be known" and when you actually think more about that line it doesn't really make sense that Odysseus would say this to Athena because back in Ancient Greece Athena was one of the most well known and well respected goddesses, I mean she had a whole city named after her and any warrior/soldier with half a brain would pray to her for strength and wisdom in battle (ofc they'd also pray to Ares for strength but this post isn't about him). So it wasn't like Athena was disrespected (no gods really ever were because that's like a huge no no) or not largely recognized by people which honestly leaves a pretty big question: WHY did Odysseus say that? It wasn't him just saying stuff to say stuff because that combined with him saying how Athena was alone actually upset her. This is where God Games comes in, yeah, God Games.
In the original Odyssey for anyone who doesn't know, nothing anything like God Games happened. That was all Jorge adding new points to the story (and I absolutely love it) but for the sake of digging into this I'll be going a little into the original source material. In Greek Mythology in general Athena was said to have been Zeus' favorite or at the least one of his most favored children, so in The Odyssey when Athena asks him to free Odysseus he actually just kind does it with very little hassle, he kinda mentions how "hey yk kiddo Poseidon's still pretty pissed at the guy but I'll still let him go". No multi-step debate, no getting beaten by lightning. In EPIC however, Athena goes to Zeus and he decides to make a game out of freeing Odysseus and when Athena wins that game Zeus feels like she's shaming him and he strikes her with lightning. Which is actually crazy work tbh, but anyways, the entire existence of God Games and Zeus making the game up to begin with at surface level just seems like Zeus wanting to mess with Athena but if you think about it along with Odysseus saying Athena is "fighting to be known" it can kinda be read more as Zeus not really taking her seriously and not thinking she can do it. I mean he had at least three people he was probably pretty solid wouldn't agree with her: Aphrodite (her and Athena don't get along), Ares (Ares and Athena are often at odds in many interpretations of the gods due to them being on opposites of the aspect of warfare), and Hera (who is famous for being the biggest hater of like 90% of Zeus bastard children). Hephaestus and Apollo agreeing or disagreeing was probably a toss up, but in the end all five gods agreed to have Odysseus released and Zeus was left for some reason: angry. Now ik a lot of people think its just because of the jab about the whole faithfulness thing and I mean it could be, but that would only answer the "to make me feel shame" part. not the whole "you dare to defy me" and "nobody beats me, nobody wins my game". Overall it sounds more like Zeus didn't want Athena to win, but why? Because despite her importance: he doesn't take her seriously, and possibly neither does... well, anyone.
Go back to Warrior of The Mind and Athena talks about how her life has one mission: to create the greatest warrior. Why though? Why is this her life's ONE mission? Because she wants to be recognized by her fellow gods maybe?
Because remember during WOTM she also says "Maybe one day they'll follow me and we'll make a greater tomorrow" which if I'm on the right brain track here could possibly mean "maybe one day they'll take me seriously/respect me" like maybe if she makes the greatest warrior other gods will actually recognize her for who she is. Because Athena also switches to saying "we'll" and "cause WE are the warriors of the mind"
Basically to summarize: Possibly, in EPIC, Athena isn't as well respected as she is in mythology (because remember Jorge takes creative liberties when he wants to) and her whole thing her entire life has been trying to gain that respect and have people take her seriously, because even despite her being the goddess of wisdom and a crucial deity to have on your side during warfare, outside of that nobody really cares. She's only respected when she's needed but like anyone would she hates that and wants to be known and respected all the time, not only during wars when soldiers want her good will and at some point in time Athena may have actually opened up to Odysseus about this or talked about it and THATS why she got upset at the end of My Goodbye, because not only did Odysseus legit just call her lonely after calling her selfish, prideful, vain, and a plague; He used something she'd told him in most likely confidence and maybe even in a moment of weakness against her.
I don't know if this rant makes much sense but yeah, have me spitting words onto Tumblr about the fact that Odysseus saying that Athena is "fighting to be known" has some interesting in-universe implications.
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azelmaandeponine · 1 day
I honestly don't know if I could have the big heart that Stan had to go help my brother if he hadn't spoken to me for over ten years because of a fight we had. I think it's really cool that Stan was able to do the right thing and go help Ford despite the fight they had and not speak to each other for over ten years. Stan still loved his brother and missed him very much, so out of respect for everything they lived together when they were younger and in gratitude for all the good times that happened during that period of time, he went to help him. But sincerely I would not hate Stan if he decided to not do the right thing and not go help Ford, because I would have understood where he is coming from. Since I also understand where Ford is coming from for not wanting to speak to Stan again after the science fair incident.
Well, there are a few...extenuating circumstances here.
It was the eighties. It would have been very difficult for Ford to get in touch with Stan anyway. The only methods of communication were postal mail and landlines/payphones. That's it. On top of that, Stan was frequently changing identities, which complicates matters even further. Ford saw at least one commercial, but the phone number listed would still have to be in service when he called (a big "if").
Ford did miss Stan, even if he was still too angry, hurt, and stubborn to admit it. Ford was within his right to be angry with Stan and to not want to speak with him, as you mentioned.
Stan was also in his right to feel betrayed, though. Yes, he didn't have to come. But he did, and that's admirable!
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jjkamochoso · 3 days
Flufftober Day 2: "Left. Other Left!"
Sanemi Shinazugawa x gn!reader
Warnings: slight cussing
The daily training you put yourself through was hard enough on your body and mind.
Training with three persistent teenagers who never knew when to quit?
That was a whole new challenge for you,
Tanjiro easily deflected your blade, pushing your body backwards with the force of his strike. You didn’t let up your attack, hoping to catch him off guard. He faltered the slightest bit and you barely got the edge on him, holding your sword close to his neck.
“You did well, young Kamado. I think a short break would do us all some good.”
Zenitsu immediately stopped his current sparring session with Inosuke and dropped to his knees at your feet, crying.
“Oh, thank you L/n-sensei! I’m exhausted! I can barely stand! I don’t know how you and Shinazugawa-sensei train like this every day.”
“I’m not your sensei,” growled Sanemi, halting his own individual training a few steps from you and the kids. “You say that again and you’re as dead as this dummy.”
The wooden dummy’s head landed with a thump on the ground next to Zenitsu who let out a loud shriek and clung to Tanjiro like a scared child. You giggled at the sight of Sanemi’s prominent forehead vein that visible when he was angry; you were well acquainted with it.
“I was just suggesting we all take a break for a little bit,” you told your boyfriend, whose eyes softened upon meeting your own. A soft, cool breeze blew through the grounds of your home and you could’ve sworn it was a gift from the Wind Hashira himself with the way he was looking at you so tenderly. All of a sudden he looked away, gripping the sword in his hands tighter.
“You go ahead. I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.”
You knew there was no use in arguing with him, it’d be like talking to one of your walls. His stubbornness was a quality that both infuriated yet intrigued you.
“Don’t overwork yourself, my love,” you whispered, making sure the kids didn’t overhear you. The last thing you wanted to do was embarrass Sanemi with your gentle words and caresses he was treated with when you two were alone.
“I won’t,” he whispered back, still staring into the distance. You smiled gently, losing yourself in the beauty of his scarred face until Zenitsu’s shrill voice pulled you back to your senses.
“No! Get away from me! I want to lie down!” he shrieked, running past you.
“Get back here and fight me! This isn’t over!” a wild Inosuke screamed as he ran after him.
“Let’s all calm down!” Tanjiro called out, also speeding right by you.
“Why did you invite them here again?” asked Sanemi, clearly disgruntled.
“A change in pace is good. It keeps us young having them around,” you explained.
“Really? Because I feel more gray hair coming in and last I checked, it was already white enough,” he grumbled. You laughed, playfully swatting his chest.
“I’m going to make us some food. Please make sure they don’t burn down my training area while I’m inside.”
“No promises.”
You rolled your eyes and walked inside your home, pondering over what to cook. Nezuko greeted you with her signature kind eyes as you entered the kitchen.
“Would you like to help me cook some food?” you asked her, getting out ingredients.
“Mmhmm!” she agreed, excitedly nodding her head. You gave her the directions and she followed them perfectly, humming a joyful tune as she worked.
When the food was ready, you put it on a tray and walked with Nezuko outside to convince the boys to sit down and eat. Seeing no one in the training area that was previously occupied not too long ago, you frowned slightly, wondering where they could’ve gone in such a short time. You and the younger girl walked together, listening for anything to denote their presence. Right when you were getting worried, you heard loud voices in the distance and saw clouds of dirt being kicked up. The yelling was reaching your ears but you couldn’t make out what anyone was saying.
“Go stand next to the house. I don’t know what’s going on and I don’t want you getting hurt,” you said to Nezuko and she quickly did as she was told. That was perfect timing on your part because when you finally understood what Tanjiro was saying, it was too late.
“Move! Go left! Left!”
Confused, you took a few steps to the left, but when you noticed Zenitsu running at a lightning fast speed straight toward you, you realized your mistake.
“Other left.”
You had no time to react when you felt strong, familiar arms grasp you tightly and move you out of the way from the sure collision course you had put yourself in. Your tray of food clattered to the ground, a feast the local animals were sure to be thankful for later.
“You three! Knock it off and come here. Now!”
You hadn’t seen Sanemi that genuinely angry in a long time. His booming voice made your body erupt in goosebumps from nervousness for the kids who were about to get a major chewing out by your temperamental boyfriend.
“Are you okay?” Sanemi asked, holding you at arm’s length and quickly giving your body a once over to make sure you hadn’t gotten any injuries from the unexpected (almost) run in.
“I’m okay,” you confirmed. “Just a little shaken up, is all.”
Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Tanjiro apprehensively approached you both, not making eye contact with either of you.
“What were you shitheads thinking, running around like that?” Sanemi seethed. “You almost ran Y/n over with your carelessness.”
“We’re so, so sorry,” Tanjiro replied, lowering his forehead to the ground to show his remorse. Zenitsu did the same and Inosuke followed suit after a moment.
“You should be. You ruined perfectly fine food that Y/n had made for us.”
“We will make it up to you! We’ll make even better food!” yelled Inosuke, standing up and running into your house. Tanjiro hesitantly raised his eyes to yours.
“May I… follow Inosuke to make sure he doesn’t ruin your beautiful home?” he asked you, his voice small.
You nodded. “Please do. And thank you for trying to warn me earlier. You’re not in trouble.”
Tanjiro wiped away a few tears of relief as he left the scene, not wanting to be present for whatever Sanemi was going to put Zenitsu through.
“As for you,” Sanemi said, his voice eerily low as he grabbed Zenitsu by the front of his uniform, “I will make you regret stepping foot on this property.”
Zenitsu whimpered as he tried to pull away from Sanemi’s unyielding hold. You pitied the teen; the situation wasn’t wholly his fault and you were unscathed anyway.
“I don’t think there’s any need for punishment. He looks sorry enough.”
“I am! I am! I’ll do whatever you want, L/n-sensei! Just keep him away from me!” replied Zenitsu.
“Have you learned a lesson here today?” He nodded vigorously at your question. “Good. Go help the others in the kitchen. All is forgiven.”
He breathed out a sigh of relief but Sanemi lifted him off the ground even higher. “I want 500 push ups from you after you’re done cooking.”
Sanemi let go and Zenitsu scurried away to the safety of the indoors. You finally let out the giggle you had been stifling at the whole ordeal.
“You really are my hero, you know that?” you mused, resting your hands on Sanemi’s exposed chest. You smiled at the small blush appearing on his cheeks.
“Whatever. Pay more attention next time,” he said, trying to sound much grumpier than he felt at the moment. Giving him a kiss on the cheek, you smiled.
“In the future, I’ll be more mindful of my left and right.”
“In the future, if this happens again, I’m cutting off their legs.”
Taglist: @kana-daydreams
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sjsmith56 · 1 day
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What am I Going to Do With You?
Summary: An investigative reporter involved in an altercation worries about the reaction from her boss and boyfriend, media mogul Bucky Barnes.
Length: 3.6 K
Characters: Bucky Barnes, named OFC, John Walker, Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton.
Warnings: language, power imbalance, age difference (Bucky is 40, OFC is 29), fears of infidelity.
Author notes: Sometimes a writer struggles with inspiration and sometimes it comes from out of the blue. The inspiration for this story came from the photoshoot Sebastian did for Entertainment Weekly, promoting The Apprentice. Several pictures gave me a media mogul vibe and I went from there. What happens after the ending is left to your imagination. Go wild.
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I sat there beside the sergeant's desk, waiting to be released after being bailed out, worrying about Bucky's reaction when he got up there.  It wasn't my fault this time.  It really wasn't, but I knew that wasn't going to wash with him.  This time he wouldn't be able to keep it out of the news as it was already going viral over social media.  The door behind me opened, making me turn in curiosity, and John Walker came out, still holding an ice bag to his nose.  Shaking my head, I faced forward, ignoring him.
"You broke my fucking nose," he whined, as he passed me, looking back as I sat there.
"You're lucky I didn't break more," I answered, the fire within me flaring up again.  "Next time, maybe you'll think twice about bullying some kid because you didn't get your exact favourite brand of fucking still water.  God, you're such a dickwad."
"John, let it go," said his lawyer, guiding him towards the door out of the office.  "You can press civil charges for the injury."
"No, he can't!" I yelled, before the door closed.  "He assaulted me.  It's all over social media and all my friends saw him shove me first."
The sergeant at the desk glared at me and I sat back in my chair, then repositioned the ice bag on my right hand.  I probably broke something on Walker's stupid nose.  Then the door into the office opened, and Bucky walked in.  He just stood there for the longest moment with that look on his face, the one that told me I really fucked up good this time.  It wasn't an angry look, but it was disappointed and that, more than anything, upset me.  I could feel the tightness begin in my throat and then my lips began to tremble.  Clamping my jaw down I suppressed the urge to cry, not because I didn't want to but because if I did, any one there could take a picture of me, and it would go out on social media with the tags #Bucky Barnes girlfriend arrested again #how many times is too many? #is this the end for Bucky and Skye? 
He looked so good as well, wearing clothes I helped pick out.  The oversized tweed jacket paired with the black slacks, mint green dress shirt and deep brown tie was something else.  Prada really suited him.  He smiled at the sergeant, offering him the receipt for my bail.
"Did a paramedic check Ms. Knight's hand?" he asked.
The sergeant nodded.  "She refused treatment.  They thought she might have broken it."  He looked over at me.  "She's been okay here, except when Walker came out."
Bucky smirked.  "Yeah, assholes have that affect on her.  Are we good here?"
The sergeant smiled and handed Bucky his receipt back as well as my purse.  With an audible exhale he came over to me and kneeled down, gently removing the ice bag from my right hand, then inspecting it himself. 
"Does it hurt?"  I nodded.  "Come on, I'll take you to the clinic to get it x-rayed."
"The clinic, really?" 
I was being a brat, I know, but he put the ice bag back on my hand and stood up, waiting for me.
"Skye, you know that every use of the clinic provides funding for the free clinic in Bed-Stuy.  It's late, we're both tired and they can see you and treat you within an hour.  Put your outrage somewhere else for a moment."
He was right.  He usually was and he never crowed about it or made it into a big deal.  It was one of the things I loved about him.  After holding the office door open for me, he pressed the elevator button, then allowed me to go in first, his hand slightly on the small of my back.  The door closed on us.
"Do you want to hear what happened?"
"I know what happened," he answered calmly.  "Nat called me, and you know that she never sugar coats it.  There are enough videos on Snapchat, Instagram, and X to make a movie about it."
"Are you mad at me?" His calm demeanour was getting to me.
"Mad?  Why would I be mad?  You stood up to a bully who was trying to get a kid fired for being the one who told him they didn't have his favourite brand of still water."
"But I hit him.  Broke his nose, probably."
A slight smile appeared on Bucky's face.  "He pushed you before you did hit him, so it was self-defence."  He put his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head.  "I'm not mad.  I am concerned that you wasted a punch on that asshole and not on someone who matters."  He breathed out.  "Not that there's going to be a repeat of this, right?"
He gazed at me; his blue eyes dominant on his bearded face.  It was the same face he used in business as owner / CEO of an entertainment company that was a major player in news, movies, and television programming.  That face was rarely used on me but when it was, I knew he meant it.  I nodded my head, thoroughly chastened. 
"Now, there are news crews outside the precinct, including some of my own people," he said.  "They're going to be pushing you for a statement.  I can speak for you if you wish but if you choose to say something, don't be inflammatory.  John Walker might be an asshole but there are still powerful people who support him and don't like it when he's shown in a negative light.  They can drag your name through the mud, and by extension, mine.  I can handle it, so you don't have to protect me.  I'll protect you as much as I can, but I can't be seen giving you preferential treatment as you're still an employee and there is a power imbalance between us.  Accusations of favouritism because you're my girlfriend take away from your own abilities and I won't be accused of that."
I smiled a little.  He was protective of me, but I got my job because I was good at it, not because I was sleeping with him.  In fact, I had my job before I ever met him, and we didn't sleep together for almost two months after we started dating.  For a few moments before the elevator door opened, I remembered the night we met.  For two years I had been working as an investigative reporter for an affiliate station in the east, going to bat for people up against uncaring bureaucracies, or helping those who fell between the cracks when they were dealing with assholes who took their money but didn't deliver the goods.  I was nominated for a national news award and went to New York for the awards ceremony.  It was an open bar, and I lined up to order a drink.  Just as I got to the front, I heard a man's voice.
"May I buy you a drink?"
"It's an open bar," I said, before turning to face the voice, then almost falling down at the sight of the man next to me.
His chestnut hair was longish but well styled, and his close clipped beard with the slightest bit of grey in it was definitely attractive.  He wore an Armani tuxedo, Cartier watch, and shoes that probably cost more than I made in a month.  It was his eyes that captured me the most, as the blue grey hue stood out in their intensity.  Then he smiled and I was lost.
"It is an open bar," he agreed, "but for a bit extra I can promise you a better quality champagne, or whatever you want.  My treat."
"Champagne, then," I answered. 
He nodded at the bartender and held up two fingers, then pulled out his wallet.  Producing a black card with no writing on it, he touched the terminal and slid the card back into its spot, pulling out a hundred-dollar bill for the tip jar.  At first, I thought it was a bit of an extravagant display of wealth, but he looked at my face and chuckled.
"I'm not showing off.  It's the smallest bill I have but is appropriate for the price of this champagne."
He handed me my glass, then took his and ushered me over to a spot beside a large plant.  Before he could introduce himself, another man noticed him and joined us.
"James, you made it." He glanced at me.  "You brought a date?"
"We don't know each other," I said quickly.  "He just bought me a drink."
"Tony, this is Skye Knight," replied Bucky.  "She works at one of my affiliate stations and is up for a national award in investigative reporting.  Miss Knight, this is Tony Stark, CEO of Stark Industries, parent company of Red Iron Media.  I'm James Barnes, technically your boss."
He knew who I was.  I opened my mouth to say something but all that came out was a hurried thank you for the drink.  As the two men began talking business, I realized I was in over my head and quickly interrupted them to say I saw someone I knew and excused myself.  As soon as I was out of view (or so I thought) I downed my champagne and escaped to the ladies' room, where I promptly hyperventilated.  A red headed woman glanced at me.
"Are you alright?"
"Oh, I'm fine," I said, unconvincingly.  "I just embarrassed myself in front of James Barnes and Tony Stark.  No biggie."
She chuckled, then offered me her hand.  "Natasha Romanov, I work for Mr. Barnes.  You shouldn't be intimidated by him.  He's one of the good ones.  Stark isn't bad either."
"Skye Knight," I replied.  "I didn't recognize either of them."
"You're up for an investigative reporting award," she said.  "Mr. Barnes was very pleased that someone with a regional station was nominated.  He's always pleased when the news division does well.  Don't worry about it."  She looked at her watch.  "We should be taking our seats.  If I remember correctly, you're sitting at Mr. Barnes' table.  He's probably already there, wondering where we are."
It was at that moment of reliving that night that the elevator door opened, and the flashes of photographers began, even though they were still outside, crowded around the glass doors.  Bucky looked at me.
I nodded and he guided me out into the press of people.  There were questions about what happened and if I was injured.  Then the questions were thrown at Bucky.
"How do you feel about your star reporter being involved in an altercation with John Walker?  When he came out earlier, he hinted at a possible civil suit against you and Skye."
He looked out over the assembly then at me.  His stoicism was impressive as he gave no sign that he was bothered by any of it.
"I commend Ms. Knight for trying to stand up for an individual who was being bullied.  When John Walker became belligerent enough to push her, she reacted as anyone would when feeling threatened.  It's not the first time he has been accused of bullying behaviour.  The videos of bystanders show that he was the aggressor by assaulting her first.  I stand by Ms. Knight as a valued member of our news services and will defend her right to intervene when she sees someone being bullied."
There were several more questions and although I did speak, my hand started to hurt.  When one of the photographers brushed up against me, I cried out and Bucky immediately shielded me, then asked for the reporters to clear so he could take me for medical attention.  Clint was there with the car, and he came forward, clearing a path for us until we could get in the back seat. 
"Straight to the clinic please," said Bucky, then he turned to me.  "You should have said something.  I would have cut that circus short."
I didn't reply, but I did begin to cry because I was almost at my limit, and Bucky put his arm around me, murmuring I would be okay.  His sympathy was almost worse than his disappointment.  Soon, we were at the clinic, and he escorted me in where I was whisked away for an x-ray.  When I was brought back to an examining room, Bucky was waiting for me.  Less than 10 minutes later, I was given a shot for the pain, then Dr. Banner came in and confirmed I broke a bone in my hand.
"Boxer's fracture," he said.  "We'll have to reduce it before we splint and wrap your hand.  It will take about six weeks to heal and another six weeks for you to get your strength back.  No boxing, obviously, but you should avoid using it at all.  That includes computer use."
I groaned a little, but he just smiled at me then left to prepare the kit to wrap up my hand. 
"After you heal up, you're taking boxing lessons to learn how to hit properly," said Bucky, before Dr. Banner returned.
"I thought you said I couldn't do that anymore," I replied, sarcastically.
"You still need to know how to defend yourself and it's great exercise."  He crossed his legs at the knee.  "How do you think I keep my girlish figure?"
He was grinning when he said that which almost made me laugh.  Dr. Banner and a nurse returned to tend to me.  Even with the painkiller it hurt when he reset the bone, but as he wrapped my hand up after fitting the splint, the compression helped relieve some of it.  He recommended more ice packs and gave me two days worth of strong pain killers, saying I should be okay with over-the-counter medication after.  Bucky shook his hand, then walked me out to the car, where Clint hopped out and opened the back door for us.
"Home?" he asked. 
Bucky nodded.  I leaned against him, then placed my uninjured hand on his.  He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb as we rode.  It was almost 2 am when Clint pulled up to the tower.
"I won't be going in tomorrow," Bucky said.  "I'll telecommute.  Take the day, sleep in, have lunch with your wife and I'll see you the day after."
"Sure thing," replied Clint, then he opened the back door for us and waited until we were inside the lobby door before driving off.
On the way up in the elevator, my mind wandered again as Bucky checked his phone.  He smirked a few times.
"Walker's people are trying to spin it that you were drunk," he said.  "The people aren't buying it.  He didn't even have a reservation at the restaurant and bullied the maître d' into giving him and his entourage a table.  Several people who were there are saying he was rude well before you got there.  I'll get Steve to make a call to him, remind him that if the general public found out about his side pieces that it could get ugly for him."
"Do you have any side pieces?" I blurted out, as the pain killers had taken effect and loosened my tongue.
He had been married before and was separated when we met, although I wouldn't go out with him until his divorce from Sharon was finalized.  My question must have surprised him because he said nothing, making me wonder if I was now the one living in denial.  When the elevator door to the penthouse opened, I walked straight to our bedroom and got changed, after cleaning my face with one hand.  That was fun.  When I came out, wearing one of his dress shirts and nothing else, Bucky was sitting in a leather armchair, his jacket off and his sleeves rolled up.
"Come here," he said, softly, patting his lap.
I knelt on the floor in front of him, unwilling to sit where he wanted me.  With a bit of a frown, he rested his head on his hand, and gazed intently at me.  I knew that what I said bothered him as the crease between his brow returned after disappearing during the car ride. 
"Why did you say that?" he asked, watching my face intently.
I shrugged.  "I'm feeling a little loopy, I guess.  It just came out."
"Have I done anything to make you think that I'm cheating on you?"
"No, never.  Forget I said it."
"I can't," he replied.  "I'm bothered you would think that of me."  He leaned closer, taking my face in his hands.  "What am I going to do with you?"
I knew it was a rhetorical question, but I uttered something borne out of my own insecurities.
"Are you going to break up with me?"
He pulled me up into his lap, enclosing me with his arms and kissing my face all over.  Then he made sure I was looking directly at him. 
"No, I love you," he replied, his voice cracking slightly.  "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.  Why do you think I would want to break up with you?"
I frowned and looked away.  "Social media tags.  It seems that I'm often making the news instead of reporting on it and people say that at some point it will make us break up."
"Fuck social media.  They don't know how much I love you.  Making the news comes with the job.  It has since we started dating.  You remember the night we met, right?"  I nodded.  "Remember how you ran from me and Tony because you were so intimidated?"  I looked at him in surprise.  "I knew.  You looked like a deer in the headlights.  It was adorable and I knew then that I wanted to know you.  Then you found out I was separated from Sharon but not divorced and refused to go out with me until it got finalized.  Didn't stop the gossip rags and bloggers from making stuff up about us.  You won that award and suddenly the pictures of us having that drink were being paraded as proof that we were together.  They even said that Tony and I shared you as a girlfriend.  You don't know how many lawsuit threats I made on your behalf when I became aware they were going to sully your name for breaking up my marriage."
"Are you serious?  How come I didn't know about this?"
"Because I had your back."  A soft look came over his face as he gazed at me.  "Maybe, we should give them something real to talk about."
"Like what?"
He shifted a little, reaching into the pocket of his slacks and pulled out a small box.  My heart flipped when I saw it and I could barely breathe.
"I've been carrying this around for a few weeks now, waiting for the right moment.  I could have sprung for a room full of flowers in front of all of our friends, and cases of that champagne I bought you the night we met but that's been done before.  How many guys ask their girlfriends to marry them after they've broken their hand, punching an asshole in the nose because he was bullying someone?  You're authentic, Skye.  You live life to the fullest, you stick up for anyone who needs your help, your principles are beyond reproach, and you make me feel like I'm 30 again, instead of the 40-year-old man that I am.  I love everything about you, and I don't want to wait any longer.  Would you marry me?"
I hadn't even seen the ring yet, as the box was still closed but I looked into his eyes and saw what I saw every moment I ever spent with him.  He loved me, a 29-year-old woman raised by a single mother, who taught me to always stand up for those who couldn't stand up for themselves.  I grew up in a trailer park and wore clothes from thrift stores.  Bucky was born into old money wealth, attended private schools, and an Ivy League college.  But he was also raised by a single mother, widowed with four children, and grew up not taking anything for granted.  He volunteered in food banks and soup kitchens and used his wealth to help those who barely had enough to live on.  Now, he wanted me to be with him forever.
"Yes, I'll marry you."
He opened the ring box displaying a ring with an enormous solitaire diamond.  Big, yes but simple and beautiful.  It fit perfectly then he kissed me, deeply but slowly, as his hands held me firmly on his lap.  We sat there for some time, admiring the ring and each other until he stood up and carried me bridal style to the bed. 
"What am I going to do with you?" he asked once again, as he loosened then removed his tie, and began to unbutton his shirt.
"Whatever you want," was my answer, as the rest of his clothes were abandoned. 
"I want you, always," he said, joining me on the bed, his blue eyes darkened with desire.
Always, I liked the sound of that.
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