#and we alll saw how well that went
the more time goes on and the more I think that the way communication breaks over the way people criticize totk and why is perhaps the doylist/watsonian dychotomy, but I also believe, from having seen several things, that it also hinges a lot on whether we come at the game relying on assumed authorial vision (Nintendo's) for clarity, or if people follow more a "death of the author" sort of approach (to simplify immensely).
I don't think either model of criticism is ideal to be honest, but I have seen a Ton of people rebutting some of the criticism going "but Nintendo would obviously want to tell a great story about good heroes fighting against true evil, not do [whatever the criticism is]", which assumes Nintendo's intents as what should be extrapolated upon and taken into account first and foremost, while a lot of the critique side is like "this is the game I have in my hands, this is what it reminds me of, this is the connexions I pull from it, and they make me think about X, Y, Z, which I don't think is ideal", and either does assume intents of Nintendo, or leaves Nintendo and the makers out altogether --but still asks questions about why this wasn't considered or adressed while the game was being made.
Which seems very difficult to comprehend for people from the authorial group, from what I have noticed, since their reply is, surprisingly often, "But why would you assume Nintendo wants to do bad?"
And then we're stuck at a stalemate of mutual incomprehension at what the other doesn't get about the point we're trying to make, and I get weird asks and even weirder reblogs.
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lilgynt · 6 months
my friends like invite him to go clubbing with us! i’m gonna club my brain in.
#personal#one i invited someone else already so im not gonna be like hey single friend lemme go off with whatever this dude is and leave you with#my friend you don’t know with her boyfriend#then that’s such a weird driving situation#like do we stick with the original game plan of having friends bf drive and then have that dude meet up or#do i have him pick me up and go pick up friend which insane to ask second hang out#ah!!!#and then it’s like well you’re only considering the second possibility bc you enjoy his company and wouldn’t mind him driving you home#which leads into like well. what is this.#cause yes we’ve been talking for like a few weeks#had a very nice date#talked about getting TESTED#is it like. are we. just talking are we hitting and quitting are we gonna be 🫣#which is like what do *i* want#which crazy enough! i actually really like this dude so i wouldn’t mind a relationship#but then it’s like okay. what if he doesn’t like me. or only wants sex. hnnnn#and now i’m embarrassed about everything like damn he fr saw me spam my insta im gonna kill my self#what’s the appropriate amount of time to respond to a message- not what’s the appropriate#to ignore than respond but what makes it seem like i’m not waiting by the phone#which novel experience outside of friendship#and i’m trying to logic myself out of it like hey. good experience whichever way this goes#you got some talking practice went on a proper date that wasn’t dennys that you half paid for after they explained their whole books plots#I CAN TALK MY LEGITMENT POLITICS AND BELIEFS.#experience. which great. doesn’t do anything the whole im fumbling feeling like at alll#this is mortifying and i hate it. like i cannot exaggerate it’s a little disgusting#oh and then okay he has the time and does go clubbing#I CSNT FUCKING DANCE.#and the WORST bit. is im kicking my feet and giggling when we’re talking like die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i’m getting butterfly’s listening to the playlist he made me#regardless how this goes i am not doing this again this is way too stressful
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marymary-diva17 · 11 months
Girl talk ( Morden au)
Tonowari x reader x ronal
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When there was very a problem tsireya could solve on her own she will go seek out help from her mom and mama, they always had the best advice when she was ever in a bad situation. They had called it girl talk where both moms will sit down with tsireya and talk about, matters she wish not to have heard by her father or brothers. She will talk to her moms about anything that was bothering her like growing pains that they could relate with her, that the rest of her family couldn't at the moment. Right now she need her moms help on a something that is very important to her and very emotional as well.
Y/n " tsireya sweetie can I come inside" you are standing outside tsireya room carrying a tea that was holding tea and chocolate chip cookies. Something had happened and she was locked herself in her room her brothers are worried about her as well.
y/n " sweetie I'm here to talk with you" tsireya soon open the bedroom door and you soon saw her, it looked like she had been crying.
tsireya " mama"
y/n " come on lets talk honey" tsireya soon let you in her room you placed the tray down on her desk, soon giving her a cup of tea and place the plate of cookies on the bed.
tsireya " ......"
y/n " what the matter honey"
tsireya " I was planning to tell lo'ak how much I like him and invite him to the movies for a date or hangout"
y/n " oh that is wonderful honey so what happened"
tsireya " I saw hime talking to some girl from his clan she the daughter it ninat, she so perfect mom she sings so well and very beautiful as well ... alll the boys from lo'ak clan like her and all the other boys as well they seem very close"
y/n " oh honey"
tsireya " I heard some kids talking saying that her and lo'ak are very close and might become a couple, I was going to tell him but I didn't want to freak him out"
y/n " sweetie"
tsireya " I was stupid mom to think he will like me as well, she perfect and I will never fit well in with him and his way of life"
y/n " honey listen here and listen closely"
tsireya " ......."
y/n " I was once in the same position as you my daughter I was going to confess my love to your baba and mom, but there was rumors going around they like someone else in our clan and they had been spotted with this women so many times ... I was heartbroken like you sweetie but I soon took the leap of faith and went with it I confesses my feelings to them"
tsireya " you were able to win mom and baba"
y/n " well yes because I was the women they love already but they were scared to ask me, lo'ak is over the moon for you and you love him as well"
tsireya " yes"
y/n "So take that leap of faith and see what happens you can't let fear and rumors get in your way" you had looked at your daughter giving her a warm smile. You soon brought her close to you.
y/n “ if you really love him daughter you most tell him how you feel before it to late, and just maybe you will get an answer you will love”
tsireya “ thank you mama” soon there was some knocking at the door at got you and tsireya attention. Soon the door opened Ao’nung and Rotxo had shown themselves.
aonung “ to seems like you two have come to a solution together with mama advice, so can we have some cookies as well”
Rotox “ yeah that smells so wonderful”
y/n “ oh you two no need to worry there are some cookies downstairs for us all, I had a big brunch for everyone to lift up everyone spirit” the kids smile the boys had rush downstairs to get some cookies and whatever else they, could find.
tsireya “ thank you mama”
y/n “ you are welcome my love and tell me how it goes, and remember to take the leap of faith” Tsireya had nodded her head in agreement and soon went down with you to get more cookies, she had become happy again.
days later
tsireya “ mama mama”
y/n “ over here sweetie what the matter”
tsireya “I told him I told loak how I really feel about him and he said he feels the same as well”
y/n “ I’m so happy for you my love you did take the leap of faith”
tsireya “ yes I did and we have a movie date this Saturday, well it with everyone else but still a date between us two”
y/n “ well I’m still happy for you my sweet daughter, leave you baba and mom to me I will get them to say yes” tsireya hugged you she was so happy about this upcoming date, but she was mostly happy about having a relationship with loak. It made you happy to see your daughter over the moon with love and you are hoping this happiness will stay forever and never leave.
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nicistrying · 10 months
Friday 8th December
Just a little Thursday / Friday update.. my first week has been soo good, like blowing my mind genuinely 😂 the amount and depth of training.. the patience of more experienced staff to answer our questions.. the fact they're not so worked into the ground or pressured that they're too exhausted to help us.. the fact my manager gave us the day working from home because everyone had already worked 4 days in the office when they would usually only do 2 / 3, so rather than forcing someone to come in to the office to train us, he set us up to be able to do what we would have done remotely instead! And of course the fact that I get to wear actual clothes and feel like a human person 😅
Yesterday's outfit
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And a very belated mugshot for the birthday girl @thisgingersnapped50 ❤️❤️ New mug alert! 🚨 I was waiting for this arrive to take the pic lol I say 'happy days' alll the time so I saw it and had to have it.
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Finished at 4.30 (!!!), came home and worked out (!!!!!!!) and had a great little time. Maggie helped (threw her oinky piggy around the house for the full 45 mins I was working out). I had worried about taking a desk job after being so active at my old job so obviously I'm eating a lot less as I'm not as hungry but I worried I'd get lazy.. but the opposite happened and I had a great workout.
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And today (Friday) is my first work from home day and honestly it's a total game changer! I went from a lie-in (7am after getting up at 5.30 every day) snuggling with Maggie and Matt with breakfast in bed (because he is ALSO not at uni today!) straight to the spare room with my little office setup
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Listened in to some calls with a lovely lady this morning and did all my training workbooks in the afternoon. Now snuggled on the couch watching The Grinch with Matt. How our Fridays have changed 😍😍 Hope everyone is well!!
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sanscat0414 · 1 year
To Close for Comfort
Hawks X Injured Reader
This is a longer one shot.
Warning: Gore, Angst (don’t worry there is fluff too),
The Previous Night….
“KEIGO!!! Don’t you get it? I don’t want you disappearing on me without notice!”
“Babybird please not now I just came home. I’m exhausted.”
“No we need to talk about this!!!! You can’t just go on a mission without telling me or at least text me that your okay! It’s been 2 weeks!!!”
“It happens you know that. I have a lot of work.”
“Keigo I know but a small text like a ‘hi’ or ‘I’m okay’ is better than ghosting me. I been worried sick!!!”
“Come on it’s not a big deal.” He said in a tried voice. He was slowly getting visibly annoyed. He knew you ment well but the tiredness that built up took over.
“Keigo! It is how would you feel if I had left for 2 weeks without a call huh!?”
He ingored you cries and just went to his bedroom.
“Find be like that.” You whispered and let him be.
You decide it was best to just sleep on the couch. You were mad and he was ignoring you. It was best had some time to cool off and you though you might be able to talk to him later
——— Time skip to current day
You didn’t bother to wake him up. You knew he was exhausted probably form many nights without sleep. You wanted him to have a bit of extra shit eye. You may be mad at him but you still care. You made him breakfast knowing he probably make something unhealthy if you didn’t. You left it in the fridge and left without a word to go to work.
Hawks on the other had had slept almost the entire afternoon. The mission he was sent to left him sleep deprived and it was the first in many days that he got any proper sleep.
Hawks woke up groggily and did this “morning” routine. He walked to the kitchen to for anything to eat. Hawks saw the meal you left him, he couldn’t help but smile knowing you still went out of your way to make him something dispute the argument form last night. As he eat his mind wondered back to the previous night. You were right, he probably should have told you but the commission didn’t allow that. He felt guilty for treating you so badly. He was exhausted but he knew that wasn’t a good excuse to blowing up on you and ignoring your distress.
After he finished his meal he went to get his phone to hopefully get to call you and maybe ask if you out on a date to make it up to you. It was then that Hawks notice alll the countless calls from you. Hawks called him immediately after seeing them and he rang up your phone. He instantly got extremely worried.
To his surprise it wasn’t you who answered.
“Hawks?” It was Fatgum a long time friend of yours and his.
“FatGum? Where’s y/n I just saw she called me a bunch of time. Is she ok?”
“*sigh* Y/n is in the hospital.”
As soon as he heard “y/n” and “hospital” He grabbed his keys and left your shares Penthouse.
“Which hospital and where?” He asked.
He flew as fast as he could to the hospital that Fatgum said. He end the call as soon as he got the address. He felt dreadful for not being there when you need him the most. On his way there all Hawks could think was how he fail at be a hero, your hero. The one person that he most desperately wanted to protect he fail to do so. He beat himself over as he got closer and closer as the since of dread loomed over him.
Once Hawks got to the hospital, he got you room number and bolted upstairs and straight to you. He was mortified; he was so focused on you taht he didn’t even realize that Fatgum was still the room.
You were in the medical bed-with few machines hook up to you and Iv in your arm. You had bandages covering most of your arms and probably most of your body. Worst yet you were unconscious. Hawks walked up to the bed and sat close to you. He gently held your hand and brought it up to his head.
“Babybird….” He said quietly
It took him a few minutes but he finally got the the courage to ask Fatgum what happened.
“I don’t know how it started but it was lucky that I was patrolling that area. I saw Y/n was being beaten up by a couple of thugs. I was able to stop them and got y/n here as fast as possible” Fatgum said.
“I should have been there to save her… I’m sorry baby I should I’ve been there…” he said mostly to himself.
“Hey, Hawks you shouldn’t been may yourself over for something you can’t control.”
“I could have been there! If only I wad awake maybe I could have been there for her!” Hawks said.
“Hawks…” Fatgum was saddened by Hawks’s loathing.
“What did the doctors say? Will she be okay? When is she going to wake up?”
“They don’t know when she is going to wake up or if she could wake up….” Fatgum said sadly.
Fatgum left you and Hawks alone after that. He had his own patrols but he prayed that you be okay for both yours and Hawks’s sake.
—————-1 Week Later——————
The past 3 days was hell for Hawks. He was distracted at work, he couldn’t get a proper night sleep due to nightmares and all he could think about was you. He was a mess. Everyday he go to work and come to the hospital to stay until he gets kicked out because visiting hours were closed. He would tell you about his day, even tho he didn’t know if you could here him; seeing you still alive was the only thing keeping him going. He constantly thought bout your last interaction. Hawks thought “why didn’t I just hear you out.” And “if only I had listened to you maybe things would be different.
This day was no different, Hawks sat there hold your hand telling you about his day. He held your hand as the days of loss sleep caught up to him. He fell asleep by your side.
You woke up feeling like a truck had hit you. You opened your eyes to the bright lights of the hospital room. You immediately closed your eyes and waited until your eyes where adjusted before looking around. It was then you notice that Hawks was sleeping while holding your hand in his.
You try to recall the events that lead to your hospitalization. You only remember trying to call Hawks after a couple to men trying to flirt with you then they got violent because you turn them down. You didn’t move much mostly because it hurt all over but also you didn’t want to wake Hawks up.
A few minutes later, you hear a bit of fluttering and Hawks’ eyes shot open. He looked at you, and you looked back directly into his golden eyes. It took a few minutes but he was finally able to process that your awake.
“Baby bird!” He sayer looking both relieved and surprise “let me get a doctor to check on you then we can talk okay? Just don’t move.”
After the doctor checked on you, they let you and hawks alone.
“I’m sorry… I should have been there to help you.” He said avoiding eye contact and looking down at your hand in his.
“It’s not your fault, I should have been more careful.”
“Baby, I was so scared… scared I lost you. Scared that are last interaction wad an argument because of my stupidity… I’m sorry for ghosting you, I’m sorry for no being better…”
“Keigo, I’m here now right? Still very much alive. So don’t worry.”
He didn’t say anything as he felt guilty for not being there for you and not being able to save you.
“Keigo, I’m sorry for blowing up on you too, I know your busy and I could have been a little more gentle. I love you and I wanna know that your safe. So if you promise that you at least tell me that your okay by even just a 1 letter text when your on a longer mission. I’m happy and I would forgive you.” You said as you gently booped his nose.
“No, you shouldn’t be sorry; I’m the one who mess up. I’m the one who didn’t answer your call when you need me the most. I promise! And next time I promise all be there when you need me. I promise I’ll be better.” He said looking up at you.
For the rest do your recovery, Hawks was there to help with anything you need. He even tried to spend more time with you to the dismay of the commission.
Admittedly he got super overprotective of you making sure if your outside you have one person to be able to keep you safe wether that wad with him or with a hero friend. It was a little annoying but you get where he was coming from. He even gave you a small feather to keep you safe, you can use it as a dagger or just to mess with him a little. True to his words, whenever he was out on a longer mission, he al and try to call you or send at least a text every other day. At the end of the day Hawks truly loves you and you love him all the same even if he’s a little bird brain sometimes.
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teddybeartoji · 7 months
MICKEYYY i’m sneaking out of my blanket fort… leaving a treat and some flowers on ur bed (ominously)……. 🥞🌻🌷🌹🛌 i hope ur day is going super nicely !! :33 IT’S TECHNICALLY SPRING HOW R WE FEELING it’s still gray n sludgy here :((( but i hope it’s better where u are !!!
anyway anyway i just wanted to check in w u BUT i also wanted to ask….. what hq ep are u on + who r ur faves so far ?? 👀👀 idk if u’ve met noya and asahi yet but i love them sm they’re my pookies. IT’S SUCH A FEEL-GOOD SHOW ISN’T IT it makes me smile sm too !! T—T
ily mickey i’m crawling back into the blanket fort (sneakily) (ominously)….. tell armin i love him <3
ARIIIIII MY LITTLE IRIS<33333333 i love me some ominous flowers mwahahahaha thank you they're so beautiful!!!!! IT'S VERY MUCH SPRING HERE TODAY!!!! idk how long that's gonna last but today is super super good!!! it's sunny and it's not too cold either wahhhhh i'm automatically feeling so fresh n hyped lmao I'M GONNA SEND SOME OF THE SUN TO YOU THOUGH I'LL CUT IT IN HALF AND YOU'LL GET THE BIGGER SIDE I PROMISE!!!!!
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here's the guy!!!! we just went outside we both wanted to feel the sun<333333 i wanted to go to the park but uhhhh my period kinda has me in lockdown though💀💀💀 fuck that bitch but even that little piece of sun made me feel so much better already🌻🌻🌻🌻
HQQQQQQQQQ I LOVE IT SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! i'm currently on season2 ep 12!!!!! I DON'T THINK I CAN PICK A FAVOURITE THOUGHHHHHH LIKE I LOVE THEM ALL THEY'RE ALL A BUNCH OF CUTIES ok maybe hinata is my favourite................ HOW COULD HE NOT BEEEEEEEEE HE'S A LITTLE RAY OF SUNSHINEE I NEED TO PUT HIM IN MY POCKET he gets so excited over everything and ahhhh he just means the world to me.....
i was gonna make fun of his height the other day bc he really is super tiny next to all of the other players but that was until he said that he's 163cm and................................................................................. i can't really make fun of him if we're LITERALLY the same height now can i.....💀
pls i almost cried already too...... the eps with tsukishima and his brother:((((((((((((((( when he saw that he wasn't even on the court:(((( yeah that got me a little bit but i'm so happy that he's more comfortable on the team now and that he's enjoying it!!!!!!!! i love him.
kuroo is so funny too............. hehehhehehe gojo has transformed into a high schooler....................................... pls the scene where tsukki asks him why is he even giving them advice when they're techically rivals and he just goes "well, i've just always been a really nice person" as the lighting is making him seem like some angel ahsghghasghaghah so silly i loved it a lot
WAITT BUT I ALSO LOVE NOYA AND ASAHI AAAAAAAAAAAA i've never loved the whole cast of a show this is kinda crazy. everybody being so afraid of asahi just bc of his size is so funny poor guy lmao ALSO bc you know i'm on my voice actor bs did u know that asahi's va is the guy who also voices kunikida??????????????????? SO COOL
OHHHHH ANDD WHEN HINATA AND KAGEYAMA FINALLY GOT THAT FAST ATTACK RIGHT???????????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THAT WAS SOOOOO CUTE I LOVE HOW EXCITED THEY ALL GET WHEN THEY GET A POINT and i love how much they all praise each other all around????? "nice receive" and "don't worry about it" and "we got the next one"????????????????? wahhhh it really is a feel good show my cheeks hurt from watching it
i think i have an extra soft spot for sugawara too!!!!! he deserves his own little mention he's a sweetheart
too much love i might die ari please hold me..... cue very dramatic sigh.... IS YOUR BLANKET FORT COMFY DO YOU WANT ME TO MAKE IT BIGGER? BETTER? DO YOU WANT MORE SNACKS? TEA? COFFEE? MORE PILLOWS MORE BLANKETS????????? I NEED TO MAKE SURE YOU'RE FEELING GOOD THIS IS A MUST!!!! YOU'RE MY NR.1 PRIORITY!!!!!!! anyway i hope the sun will come out soon for you too i'm making the call rn I LOVE YOUUUU<333333
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that-fandom-writer · 2 years
3000+ words of chenford
Is this going  to be a long ass post about all the different things i have noticed about Tim and Lucy over 5 seasons? yes do i expect people to read all of it? eh probably not lol, am i gonna write it anyway because i just need to get it all outta my head? yes lol also some of it might be outta order of when it happened lol 
ok so heres the thing. it alll started in the first episdoe if you really think about it, the fact that they saw Isobel and she covered and didnt tell anyone a damn thing about it. then the fact that he was shot and she dragged him to cover to get him safe all that happened her first day on the job, and i think that with both of those things happening they both knew they were gonna be a good team, there was a trust there. tim was in a dark place when lucy came into the picture. 
she went to Isobels apartment for him to check it out, she went to her apartment in the middle of the night ot talk him about of taking the drugs out, she knew even only being on the job with him for a few weeks at that point, she knew that he had a code, and he had principles and wouldnt wanna live with that later. 
he started giving her pep talks when she didn’t even realize she needed them. when she got poked with the dirty needled at the homeless compound, the way he had her back in the hospital and the way he talked her off the ledge that she was on that day. 
the fact that when he started to study for his sargents exam, she convinced him he needed a hobby and they went paintballing together on their time off 
the audio books the fucking audio books the fact that she figured out he learns by listening, and then the fact that she went out of her way to talk to isobel about him, and then went out of her way to record the book on the mmp3 player for him so that he would be able to listen to it and learn the book 
There is also the fact when the rookies had to complete their lists he went out of his way to make sure she got her list, he even stayed for overtime, and yeah he would have said at the time that it was because “shes MY rookie if she fails it looks bad on me” but i truly think that even then he wanted her to succeed for herself he knew even then that she had something deep inside her that she would figh through any of it 
the day that they crashed the rigged car, he was looking at getting in trouble, but she went out of her way and spent the entire day trying to clear his name to ensure that he would not get in trouble 
 the quarantine there was the fact that as soon as he was coughed on he closed the door to protect her from it, there was the fact that she stayed and was concerned the entire time. the fact that they talked the entire tiem, and then she went in the ambulance with him, and covered his body with her own when the ambulance was getting shot at,
the abduction- he blamed himself so much for her getting taken, (that also shows how great his friendship with Lopez is and i LOVE their friendship as well) anyway the way he did everything he could to find her, then when they found her, the way he literally dug with his bear hands to get her out, and then he did the compressions, he did mouth to mouth he LITTERALLY brought her back to life, he stayed in her hospital room all night until she woke up (yeah i know he said he wasnt there all night but we all know lol) and then how he knew to have her food ready for her, i just loved every part of that 
when he gives her the ring back, but more so the pep talk he gives her before that, like the whole “that tattoo is a  sign your a survivor” 
 how worried he gets about her when she goes undercover, deep down hes afraid of what happen to Isobel, it worries him, and when Angela tells him about the little freak out she had and angela tells him “dont go on Tim on me” i think at that point is wher Angela knew something because Tim wouldnt get that protective over some one he doesnt care about 
Emmit - so there was the time that Tim yelled at Lucy and Emmit was defending her and she was mad at Emmit for that lol. but he was trying to protect her. or the night in the car when he was saying that he pushed her right at caleb and she almost died, and then she todl him it wasnt his fault, th look on his face when she said that was like a part of him thought she blamed him and they way she said “i wouldnt ask if i didnt value your opinion” and how right after that he went straight into his insulty sarcasm “you can do much better”
the pranks all the pranks (ill go more into details about the radio tho)
the way he gave up the promotion for her
 he goes tougher on her because he knows she can handle it. 
 her last day as a Rookie when he says “youve been lucky on the job, wait that isnt fair you have dealt with things that would have broken veteran cops” he kknows how strong she is and he is starting to get more comfortable telling her that 
the first wedding Lopez and Wesley, the looks they exchanged, the fact that Grey and Harper had that “its only a matter of time” look on their faces when she excused her self and went to Tim, the way he said “save me a dance”
 the way the night jackson died, he made sure she wasnt alone, a lot of people assume they would have possibly gotten somewhere that night had he not gotten the call he did, however i dont think he would have, i think deep down he wanted to, i think he had feelings for her, but he wouldnt wanna do anything in that moment because of how vulnerable she was that night 
*yes this is outta place but again I already mentioned that would happen lol* anyway when the team went down to find Angela, she stayed behind but she was so worried and concerned about him when he was there yes she was on the phone with him but pretty sure she knew it was on speaker and she made it a point to say Tim becareful not just for everyone
 The way that she helped him through his childhood issues with his dad without even really trying. The look on his face when she said “tim tests” when Genny mentioned the time their dad dropped him off and made him find his way home, Tim looked upset, like almost as upset as he did when he thought that he was to blame for her abduction.  Like he was upset and hurt when he thought even for a second that Lucy was comparing him to his dad. And then how she had no problem using her day off to help at the house. She had no issue going to the hospice house when he confronted his dad one last time. And then the hug outside the in the hallway the look on his face when he said “the tim tests those don’t make me like him” like all he wanted was for her to know that he wasn’t that person, he wasn’t his dad
 The way he had no issue taking Kojo, the way they still talk about him from time to time. The way he told Ashley that he kept the dog for Lucy. Or when Ashley called Lucy about Kojo and the way she said that the is a lot like tim “big and tough on the outside but deep down hes a real sweetheart”
Her fake confession of feelings, how he was all speechless and wasn’t sure how to let her down, and then when she started laughing, and he seemed legit offended that she would do that
 THE DOUBLE DATE THE FUCKING DOUBLE DATE like do I even have to go into detail about why that was as awesome as it was for Chenford fans lo
The dance at Harpers wedding. Th way he told her she deserved to be recognized and he wants her to have a nice and long career and how his eyes said “and ill do anything l make that happen”
The way he told her “don’t let anyone tell you that you cant do something, not even me”
The start of the undercover that episode where they meet Dim and Juicy, when they are then at her apartment to go over everything and practice being a couple the look on his face when she gives her ida for the back story
 The air plane, they were undercover flirty because they had to, and then they found out about Roslind, and he puts his hand over hers to comfort her, and we all know that it was Tim comforting Lucy at that rate and the way he made an excuse to get her alone to check on her, and then the way she pulled him in for a kiss even though she could have just messed up his hair and and shirt a little bit
At the table when he confirms with Angela and shes solid, he trusts her and je trusts her judgment the hotel room, how he is speechless seeing her naked back, he confronts her about the kisses not feeling pretend (at that rate im sure they were not pretend for him) then he tells her that shes good at the under cover stuff, I think in that moment he realizes that she wouldn’t be a repeat of Isobel
When they fight off 3 dudes with guns by themselves without guns and with tim being tied and Lucy being in a robe, that was just a sign of the way they are both bad asses. Lol
When he walks her up to her apartment when they got back, the way they were talking about how what happenes under cover stays under cover and then she invited him in, that right there was when she 100% knew she has feelings for him, and I think he knew at that point as well because while yes he hesitated he still walked in.  we can also add the fact that he was annoyed at first  when Chris was there.
The talk in the hallway about him telling her she needs to do the UC school. He knows its good for her, it was him telling her that really pushed her to go, Chris had already told her, Nyla had already told her, but it was when Tim told her when it really pushed her, tho that conversation with tim asl broke her a little bit, you could see it, but I think it also broke him, I don’t think he wanted to push her away, I think he thought that some distance was for the best for them at that point in time
The fact that it was Tim who realized that she was radio silent, he was the one who saved her when they got there, he didn’t ask Aaron to help didn’t say shit to arron for that matter just went straight at the door and did everything he could to pull the door open and ger her out of ther e
The episode where Bailey gets trapped in the tank, the entire time she was having PTSD triggers but she was trying to hide it, but he saw them and that’s why he didn’t wanna be too far from her at any given point, he was trying to protect her even if no one realized it, she didn’t even realize it, like the “no youre not going down there its too dangerous there could be more traps let me go instead” and he did not have to give her his duty belt lol and then the look they shared the entire time he was going down
While he was in the hospital, the way she made him go in the first place, t he way she wouldn’t take no for an answer about him going. Then when he was there and he was like “yes give me surgery” and she was like well wait what are the risks like she cared more about that than anyone else in the room then there was also when he fell he didn’t want any one to tell her because he knew she would worry because he knew if it was reverse he would be worried about her. Then when she got to the hospital and he didn’t tell her right away about him and Ashley, he told her to slow her role the fact that they had their normal dynamic, or the little smirk on his face when she said “I know” about staying to keep him company
The radio, the fact that she knew he would figure out that she was the one who had it, based on the clues, because they both know they know each other that well. And then the banter between them when he first tries to get it back from her, “is it pay back for how I treated you as a rookie” and then the sigh he told her it was nothing simply because he knew he couldn’t lie and keep saying he was fine. And then when he finally did tell her, the exchange they had about it, and how she was like “I should know better than to get in your personal business” ike girl please stop acting like you aint in that mans business all the damn time any way lol but also its like then he told her, and told her that he did appreciate it and that it was helpful, which was her goal all along anyway
The under cover opp, Tim KNOWS lucy can handle herself and is good at UC but he also WAS very concerned about her, and he knew that what Aaron said had a little truth behind, it, it wasn’t willingly trying to hurt the kid or anything like that but he would do whatever he could to help Lucys career
The conversation in the shop all day, they talked about having feelings for eachother without really talking about it like that, they talked about Chris, she knows Chris is a good person, she likes being around him and everything like that but she isn’t in love with him and they both know it. I don’t know if tim knows at that point that is because she is in love with him, but he knows at that point that he is in love with lucy. The way Chris cant read a damn room, and called her about a house in he middle of the bombs happening and everything, and tim can SEE that Lucy doesn’t wanna have the conversation with Chris and gives her an out. Tim doesn’t hate Chris, but he also knows that Lucy isn’t as happy as she deserves to be.
The conversation out side the station, she started it yes, but I think deep down he wanted to ask her out all day and was just waiting until he could gauge a little more. And then when she mentiones that their relationship is the most important one in her life he gets the confirmation that he needs to go ahead and ask her out.  The nervous look on his face before he asks, and then the huge smile on his face after she says yes. But then when she had to sya no because she wanted to end things with Chris the right way, but then she tells him to ask her again later, like she wants him to know, that she does indeed wanna go on a date with him and give them a shotshe just wants to be a single woman when they do
In the office when he asks how the break up is going, and then tells her what to do, and then asks her if shes having second thoughts, because he doesn’t wanna pressure her into it he wants it to be her idea and he wants her to want him the way he wants her. The way he says “good” and smiles when she says she isn’t having second thoughts or just the way that Chris knows that Tim knows Lucy so well he asks his opinion lol
 And then the office after the Chris break up. The way she went straight back to the station to be able to talk to him right away, she wanted to make sure he knew right away that she was single and was able to be his now. The way when she said she talked to Chris he got up to talk to her, and then the little joke because that was simply them and the “don’t make me hurt you” because that was also so much them, and then the way he asked her nd the smiles when she said yes.
I can not wait til they finally get to go on their date, it does say there will be complications but like I think we all knew there would be complications but I truly, truly believe that the writers will be smart enough to let them happen because the fans will riot and they will loose ratings if Chenford gets too fucked over lol
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noemitenshi · 1 year
What I'd love to see in S8B
It seems the version I favored first regarding Troy's return, namely Troy being just a manifestation of Madison's guilt is not gonna play out, at all. Which I'm kinda sad about but it was never a very likely outcome [not saying that what I'm talking about here is any more likely haha].
Now, I heard some rumors, about how Troy coming back may play out (I feel like there's no question anymore whether Troy is returning) and the one that wouldn't let me go is [under the cut because of potential spoilers. maybe. who knows]
him having a daughter. Now, no idea how likely that is. But assuming that is happening - and I have to admit I had very mixed feelings when I first heard that which maybe has to do with the fact that I'm one of the few people who mostly don't like storylines with kids (like, I was no fan of squirrel at all in Cursed 🙈). I also worried whether they would change Troy's character because of the daughter and he becomes unrecognizable (also because we are missing how he went from end of s3, where he was still learning who he was to ... well whoever he is in s8. Missed opportunity).
Ok putting all that aside, if he has a daughter, how fun would it be though if he teamed up with Madison to save his daughter and possibly starting their manipulative game again, probably with him now holding things over her head (things is her having intended to kill him, I'm sure he can play perfectly into her guilt there) - a reflection of s3 but now it's him trying to save his kid, doing everything for her. ["You love him more than your own life?" he'd asked Madison in s3ep1 with this note of surprise in his tone. He totally gets it now and very likely will use this, the fact that he's a parent now, to get her to cooperate too. Pulling out alll the stops.] A distorted reflection.
I think they'll manage to get the daughter (introducing her just to kill her off seems wasteful to me but who knows) and then I would absolutely love it if Troy ends up mirroring Madison's actions to the end - killing her in order to keep his kid safe. And Madison seeing that intent, accepting her fate just seconds before (my personal headcanon *is* that Madison harbors a lot of guilt for how she did things so it's even kind of cathartic maybe for her, to die so she can't hurt any more kids (but I also have to admit I haven't really watched Madison's arc beyond s3 so I may be off here)).
OR, alternatively they manage to get his daughter back, and do part ways now in a mutual understanding and forgiveness (something Troy had tried to get/give in s3 but Madison hadn't been ready for that), some of Madison's guilt will even be lifted, she'll feel some sense of accomplishment/peace. And then it's revealed (don't ask me how haha I'd have to think on that) that Troy isn't actually the father of his supposed daughter but a kid he stole from her parents
[maybe her parents nursed him back to health, maybe there were some cute bonding scenes between Troy and her, maybe her parents were acting strict or something towards her and Troy, with his own childhood trauma saw it as them mistreating her, maybe he overreacted then as he decided 'not again, I won't let this happen again' and took her, maybe she cried the first few weeks while he told her her parents died in a zombie attack, maybe they are in a good place now - though it would also be fun if it's not all good],
and in fact, Madison should have killed him this time (or at least not have allowed him to leave). I do like tragedy of it, how she had killed him in s3 to save Nick (which wasn't necessary at all) and now that she let him go she feels again like she made the wrong choice, damned this kid.
Anyway guess I'm slightly looking forward to s8b after all 😂
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ladyelissarose · 2 years
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‘A Heart With Wings’
Warnings: fluff and angst, mentions of an argument and slight aggressive action (but not directly towards an individual) mentions of a humiliation and shaming, looong chapter but covers quiet a bit, please enjoy!
Chapter 4
October 5
  Mavericks POV
 Maverick walked out of the Naval Recruitment Center late in the afternoon, with a happy smile on his face that wasn’t fading any time soon. He held a folder of papers that were awaiting to be signed, but he tucked them in his motorcycles bag and made sure it was zipped correctly so nothing important flew out. The weather was perfect as it accommodated how he felt from within, warm and shining. Getting on his bike he kicked the stand off but before he turned it on, he called his favorite girl, Penny. He smiled to himself as he heard the phone dial, then grinning even more when he heard her sweet voice coming from the other side,
  “Hello sweetheart!”
 “Hi dear, it’s me Pete, how’s everything going?”
 He could imagine the big smile Penny was probably sporting as she responded cheerfully,
  “Good, but we’re all desperately waiting for you to arrive! Our girl here is getting very anxious and was crying earlier, she was upset to not see you this morning. Did it work out?”
  Maverick patted the bag behind him as he replied,
  “Yup, I was able to get it cleared, using Ice’s name in my favor, but I know he would do the same.”
  “Of course Ice would, he was a good man... well, get here fast, Phoenix went to take Connie by the shops, they should be here anytime soon.”
  “That’s a copy dear.”
  “Ok handsome.. drive safe, I love you.”
  “I will, and I love you too.”
Oceans POV
  Oceans and Phoenix has just walked out of the ‘Old Navy’ wearing new dresses and cute sandals, with a fresh up-do and trimmed, painted nails. Phoenix had her arm linked in with Oceans arm as they walked to Roosters’ Bronco that they had borrowed, and got in chattering and laughing at each others gossip and teasing. Oceans looked at Phoenix as they  drive back to the Hard Deck, and with a happy sigh she reached over and grabbed Phoenix’s hand on the console and squeezed it gently, 
  “Thank you Nixy, for everything, I couldn’t of asked for a better friend.”
  Phoenix awed at Oceans words,
  “Aww babes, thank you for being my girly, I’ll always be here for you.”
  “Likewise girl.. so, what are we going to do at Hard Deck for our last night?”
  Phoenix shrugged softly and replied,
  “I don’t know, what do you want to do, the choice is all yours..”
 Oceans hummed as she thought deeply, not much time was left and the dread of leaving them all got bigger and heavier in her chest, she would definitely missed them dearly. But, she wouldn’t think about that, instead make the moment of what was left last and be rememberable. 
  “Maybe have like karaoke and a little game?”
  “Sure! The boys are always making up stuff on the spot, so we’ll be entertained, don’t worry.”
  Oceans laughed, she knew the boys way to well now, and understood Phoenix completely. 
  Mavericks POV
   Soon, the girls arrived and got off sorta skipping to the Hard Deck, and just as they had gotten there, Maverick arrived.  
  Oceans saw him first and squealed his name as she ran to him,
  “Hi Mav!! Where were you alll day!!?”
Maverick got off the bike and accepted the embrace Oceans brought him in tightly, 
  ‘This kid definitely missed me..’
 Maverick pulled the folder out of his bag as he replied with a suspicious tone to his voice,
  “I was handling some things for you actually, why don’t you go inside and wait for me at the bar with Penny?”
  He could see Oceans’ brain circuits working like an unstoppable factory at his words, but she nodded her head,
  “Sure! I’ll see you inside!”
Oceans POV
  ‘Oh boy... what did Maverick do now.’
 Phoenix stayed behind with Maverick as Oceans walked inside of Hard Deck, it was a little full but still manageable to get around easily. Penny found her quickly and brought her toward the bar as she sat her down facing her and gawked at her outfit,
  “Oh my goodness you look amazing!!”
 Oceans blushed while now hiding her face in Penny’s chest,
  “You think so?”
  “Of course!!”
 Oceans looked backed into Penny’s eyes and saw an excitement she couldn’t describe, with a lift to her brow she asked,
  “What’s going on Penny?”
 Penny laughed it off while rubbing Oceans arm,
  “Oh nothing sweets, just happy you’re here and now so is Maverick.”
 Oceans turned around and saw Phoenix mirroring Pennys and Mavericks smile as they both approached them. Maverick winked at Penny as he called out to Oceans, handing her the folder,
  “I believe this is for you, Oceans.”
 Oceans took the folder hesitantly, and in that moment Rooster came behind her along with Bob and Payback, looking around to see what was up. Coyote and Fanboy also came around quickly at the snap of Phoenix’s fingers, signaling that she needed them there with them. Oceans  felt anxious about the unknown, as she opened the folder and read the top,
  ‘Naval Recruitment Center’
 “Naval Recruitment Center? Mav?”
 Oceans curious eyes found Mavericks but he ushered her to read on,
 “Just read it, go on. We’re here with you.”
 Penny squeezed Oceans shoulder as Rooster came into Oceans view tugging her to go on, so she began to read the top paragraph out loud,
  “Officer Constantine Oceans, it has been brought to our attention by Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell, that there is a request for your transfer from USS Enterprise (CVN-65) to Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). There you will be part of the Aviation Mechanist Team under Captain Mitchell and Admiral Simpson’s command. Come in Monday to confirm your transfer with your signature. Thank you for your understanding and service, Officer Constantine Oceans.”
  Mavericks POV
 Maverick could see Oceans process slowly everything she had just read, her hands slightly began to shake and her breath hitched, the fellow aviators around Oceans just about gasped at the news, and Rooster looked liked an excited little kid on Christmas morning. Oceans turned around and threw herself into Mavericks arms, hugging him tightly, he let out a ‘Opmh!’ with that sudden embrace, but he then could hear the soft sniffle that came out of her mouth, instantly Maverick wasn’t sure why that sniffle came out,
  ‘Is she sad? Happy? Goose talk to me, what’s this girl feeling?-‘
 “T-Thank you Maverick.”
 Maverick barely caught those words that escaped Oceans mouth, barely above a whisper they came out, but he was now relieved and sunk into her embrace, that became a large bundle of hugs when everyone else pitched in and hugged them all together. Coyote was the first to break the sappy moment when he called out,
  “This looks like we need a celebration!!”
  Oceans POV
Roads of cheers spread through the bar as everyone gathered around to celebrate, Maverick and Oceans let go of one another as she thanked him again in a loud voice, over all the noise,
 “Thank you Mav, this means the world to me!”
  Mav patted her cheek as he smiled,
 “You’re welcome, I couldn’t live on without you here with us, you’re part of our team now!
Phoenix squealed as she came closer to Oceans as they began to jump together excitedly,
  “I can’t believe you’re going to be with us on the same ship and base, Connie!!”
  “Right!! This is going to amazing Nix!!”
Bob was quick to be sneaky as he got in between Phoenix and Oceans and said subtly,
  “Can’t wait to see what kinds of pranks we pull off on these guys!”
 Phoenix slapped his arm playfully as Oceans chided,
  “Oh they won’t know what’s coming..”
  Roosters POV
 Soon Payback got with the piano and began to play some jolly tunes here and there silently under the music that was already playing, trying to gain confidence to go all out and let others know that his 3 month piano classes had paid off. Rooster being the sweetheart he was encouraged him to take the next step, 
  “Come on buddy, play that tune you showed me the other day, that’ll be something that really kicks!”
  Payback shook his head no trying to play shy, but Oceans had heard what Rooster said and only wanted to help her friend get Payback into the rhythm,   
   “I want to hear it all Fitch, give us your best shot, plus it’s our last day!-“
  “Ok ok! Give me a second to compose myself here, then I’ll give you what y’all want!!”
  Rooster clapped his back proudly,
  “AYYYYY!! There’s our man!!”
 Rooster smiled at Oceans silently thanking her for helping him encourage Payback, he then sighed as he walked to the bar where Maverick was with Penny, he took a seat and huffed out sadly, his head was stuck on his wingman, Hangman.
  ‘Damn I miss you buddy.. even your stupid comments or jokes, i miss it all, all of you. I wonder where you went and why? All for a girl? Is she even that worth it? Hopefully so man.. I miss my wingman Dad... talk to him.’
Maverick was quick to see Roosters expression change, he could tell he was seriously thinking about something, or someone, and Mav knew just who it was, so he got up and sat on the seat next to Rooster and rubbed his back comfortingly,
  “He’ll be around again, don’t worry.”
 Rooster sent Maverick an appreciative smile,
  “Thanks Mav.. I just miss him.”
  “Me too, we all do, but why don’t you cheer up ok? It’s our last day here, and if he shows up he does, and if he doesn’t, you’ll see him tomorrow.”
  Considering it, Maverick was right, Hangman had become a changed man sense the day he got his 3rd kill after saving their lives, and from then he never left them hanging without a real, and good explanation. Rooster took in a deep breath as he replied,
  “You’re right.. lets just celebrate.”
Hangman’s POV 
  Hangman left his house after all that disaster with Jeffries and rushed to Hard Deck, it had been a long, exhausting day, and all he wanted was peace and quiet for once. The San Diego sun had already began to set painting the skies in beautiful colors of orange and pink, though at the very top of the sky, you could barely make out the light shade of blue and purple that began to appear. Hangman felt like the top part of the sky, purple, as it slowly devoured the bright colored sky that was coming to an end with the day. Hangman thought the day was going to end on a nice, quiet note with his wing buddies, but when he arrived, he saw that the parking lot was full and it seemed to be crowded inside. 
  ‘For fucks sake.. why does it gotta be so full?... oh shit.. that’s right! They’re all celebrating because we go back on base tomorrow... damn.. I’m happy for that at least.. I miss my baby girl.. my jet. I spent too much time away from everything I know and love.. I miss my friends too.. my real friends.. not Jeffries and her stupid team or who she calls friends! Fuck... I feel so terrible though... once agin I’ve lost everything.. and I feel more shitty than ever.. I definitely need a few drinks.’
  After sitting in his truck for a few minutes and sinking into his chair with sadness and self pity, he decided to wipe his face with his hands and climbed off his truck, that thankfully was untouched by Jeffries and her destructive friends, if not he then would’ve had a cow. He slowly walked on the sand feeling like with each step he took he sank more and more into it, but what kept him going was the loud cheers of people and the music that sounded lively and upbringing from the inside, the total opposite of how he felt in that moment. He finally arrived at the Hard Deck and began to walk up the steps, but stopped himself from going inside as he again felt the wave of shame and humiliation he had already gone through earlier that day,
  ‘What if everybody knows what happened? What if Jeffries told them all.. but filled with lies? Rooster and Coyote, Phoenix and Bob.. all the guys are there.. no.. maybe I shouldn’t go in, one of her friends or her enemy Oceans could be in there and cause an unnecessary scandal. My buddies and Wingman deserve to have a fun night.. I think I’ll just sit out here for now.. I have no where else to go.’
  Taking a seat by the door Hangman sat there for a while with his head in his hands, he wanted to calm himself down with the sound of the ocean that was right in front of Hard Deck, but all he could hear was the laughter, cheering and singing of the crowd, by then he could tell someone was playing the piano, which made him think of Rooster,
  ‘My man Rooster.. playing that piano of his.. though.. that doesn’t sound like him, Rooster plays quicker and tunes from oldies.. who’s playing then?’
  For a quick second Hangman got up and 
 looked through the window as he heard the piano playing loudly with a new, modern melody that was danceable, even in the pouring rain. He could also hear the people that began to sing along with a happiness in their voices, a happiness that he craved to have a small taste of in that moment. In the midst of all that, Rooster’s name was shouted following loud laughter and cute giggles, which caught Hangman’s attention, he saw Payback at the piano playing, 
  ‘Payback? Huh? Who would’ve thought.. I mean it does sound pretty great...’
  Soon he recognized a certain head of brown bushy curls that walked to a certain person helped them be propped onto the bar with Coyotes help, he saw this person on the bar beginning to twirl and dance with a flowy, baby blue sundress. ‘I Ain’t Worried’ played loudly as she tapped danced on the bar following the tune of the song, her hair was tossing everywhere with the twists and turns she gave, but she still seemed flawless. And soon Hangman recognized who it was, when she finally turned around and faced the window he was looking through,
  ‘Hey I remember her! That’s.. that’s the bruised girl I bumped into the first day I came back from the Pacific, at least she looks better now.. but damn she is radiant though, and.. and happy.’
  Oceans POV
 The smile on Oceans’ face was undeniably real, and more than anything beautiful as it beamed off her freckled face. Her hazel eyes almost matched the baby blue dress she wore, her eyes seemed to change color with her outfit, so she just looked amazing. While she danced to ‘I Ain’t Worried’, Oceans looked out the window to see for a second, how dark it was, determining for her how late it was, (her mind still worked in different things while having fun.) but her eyes were met with a curious face, that watched her through the window,
  ‘Who’s he? Why doesn’t he come inside? And why is he watching me?’
 Oceans was brought back to the moment when Rooster got on the bar too and began to dance hilariously, catching her eye and making her fall into a fit of giggles again. He pulled her arm bringing her towards him, he grabbed each of her hands, and held them tightly before saying, 
  “Are you ready?”
 Oceans was confused at what ‘Are you ready?’ meant, but she either way said yes, because she trusted him wholly.
  He sent her a great smile which his mustache followed, as he began to spin her around as he leaned back to get more speed off of it, she followed suit but began to squeal out of excitement and nervousness, it was more than fun to do, but on top of a bar was a new place to try that. Rooster threw his head back as he and the crowd let out a howl of shouts and laughter, the whole place was vivid with happiness and positive vibes. The song soon came to an end as Payback finished the last set of keys from the song, he of course prolonged it a little showing off his new skills at playing it surprisingly well. The spinning carefully came to a stop too when Rooster quickly brought Oceans close to his chest with a small lift off the bar so he could settle her down gently once she wasn’t dizzy but stable, and they could applaud Paybacks play. Penny then playfully but at the same time hiding her serious tone, scolded them both off the bar, Rooster jumped off first and he and Maverick help Oceans down the bar while holding her hands. Oceans’ mind in the midst of everything happening inside the bar, was now more curious at who was the man watching her from outside. By then everyone had seem to calm down and gone back to themselves as they chatted amongst each other. Oceans walked up to Phoenix and put forth,
  “I’m going to get some fresh air, I’ll catch you guys in a second.”
  Phoenix sent her a warm smile as she walked up to her with a couple of beers,
  “Oh course girl, stay around though, I’m going to be at the pool table with the boys.”
  “I’m just going to be on the deck here, thanks gorgeous.”
  Oceans grabbed the beer that Phoenix handed her with a kiss to her cheek, and while walking out the door Oceans also got an extra closed beer from the freezer, and walked out. Oceans went outside with the thought of catching the man outside, and she was glad to know she found who she was looking for. 
  ‘There you are! I guess you didn’t leave after all shy boy..’
 The fresh air of the night hit against her as she attempted to get closer to the man.
  From behind she could tell he was tall, maybe about 6’1 or 6’2? Blond hair and broad shoulders, he was leaning over the fence that wrapped around the deck of the bar. Oceans slowly walked closer and when she had gotten close enough, she called out to him in a small voice,
  “Excuse me?”
  Hangman’s POV
‘Who’s calling me? Hopefully it’s Jeffries.’
Hangman got off the fence slowly with a small grunt of relief, his shoulders were a little sore for leaning onto something for so long. A part of him hoped it was Jeffries, so he could make it up to her and try to fix what had happened earlier, but, at the same time no, because she really humiliated and hurt him. To his utter shock, once he fully faced the person that called out to him, Hangman was face to face with the girl that was on the bar dancing, and Hangman’s heart could only squeeze with awe at how beautiful she looked in the shine of a now bright moon.  
  Even in good times or in his heart break, Hangman was never one to miss a delicate work of art, and Oceans stood out. He was brought down from cloud 9 when he heard the girl say calmly,
  “Is there something I can get you sir? It’s on the house.. you look like you’ve had a rough night?”
 Hangman sniffed out of pure instinct and wiped his nose with the back of his hand as he thought,
  ‘Shit my eyes must be puffed out red and my face must look sloppy! Damn.. shit! You know what.. ughh.. ok.. I can take a free beer.’
  Hangman’s words came out a little ruff from the throat because he had been crying and hadn’t gotten a glass of water all day, but it was still clear when he said,
  “s-sure.. thanks.”
 The girl sent him a sympathized smile as she asked him,
  “Do you want a beer? I brought you one. It’s a light Coors Beer..”
  Hangman was quick to ask with anticipation,
  “Umm.. you saw me huh? Looking through a window like a creep?”
 The girl let out a small huff of laughter that Hangman truly believed was heavenly as she replied,
  “I did see you, but the thought about you being a creep didn’t even cross my mind to be honest, I just thought you were shy.”
 Hangman lifted a brow letting out a sigh,
  “Oh.. ok..”
 The girl lifted the beer as she asked again with the same calm smile,
 “So, do you want the beer?”
 Hangman shook his head with gratitude when he outstretched his hand for it, the girl quickly took the couple steps she needed to be close enough for him to grab it. Hangman took it as he asked,
  “Thank you ma’am.. umm you work here?”  
  “Yeah I do, for the past 3 months actually.”
  They clinked each other’s beers as Hangman said,
  “That’s nice.. I’m not a shy by the way, I’m just, Ja-Jake....”
 When he said his own name it burned his chest when he remembered all the words that Jeffries had told him earlier that day, degrading who he was and making his name and everything that came with it feel like nothing. He got cotton mouth at the thought of sounding disgusting when he said his name, he felt the way that Jeffries said he should feel when he said his name, disgusting. While Jake struggled within his mind, Oceans didn’t take quick noticed at his stammering and sudden stop to his sentence, she was taking a swig of her beer in that moment. But when she swallowed that portion properly, Oceans looked at Hangman in the eye and said,
  “I’m Constantine.”
 Hangman spit out his drink in more shock at the mention of her name,
  ‘Constantine Oceans!! So your that bitch Cathrine always talked about..’
 “Constantine Oceans?”
 His question brought a frown to Oceans face because she hadn’t told him her last name, and he seemed to know, but she replied,
  “Yeah, I’m Constantine Oceans, why? How’d you know? Wait are you Jake Seresin?”
 Her questioning him why only made him a little confused but the anger consumed it quickly as his face turned a dark shade of red, he completely faced her and threw in her face,
  “You know I’m Jake Seresin! And you’re one of Jeffries frienimies huh?!! A mean, and pathetic-“
 He was so desperate to degrade her too, but instead kept his mouth shut, as he tossed his beer in a near by trash can sending it to pieces as it broke. 
  Oceans POV
  Oceans jumped back and flinched at his words and sudden actions,
  ‘Wait so he is Jake Seresin and what the fuck was that? I’m not anything with Jeffries!!’
 “Hey I have nothing to do with her!-“
 Hangman growled as he stood a few feet away from her now,
 “Yeah right!! You are!! She said you were a bully and an asshole! I bet you helped her plan everything that they did to me earlier! It matches the description of who she told me you are! And you’ve all ruined me!”
 Oceans jaw dropped at his sudden change in behavior,
 ‘What did Jeffries do now?!’
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about Jake!-“
 “Yes you do, you’re just like her, a liar! Pretending to be all innocent when you’re just as cold blooded as her-“
  Rooster came into view all of a sudden when he crashed the argument,
  “Hey hey!! What the hell is going on! Hangman? Oceans?”
 Oceans looked at Rooster with her eyes beginning to tear up slightly as she responded with a slight shake to her voice,
  “I don’t know what he’s talking about, he saying that I did something to him, when that’s not true-“
  “Not true Constantine!-“
 Roosters POV
Rooster could see Oceans clear confusion and Hangman’s fury, so he knew he had to settle this fast, walking up to Hangman and placing his hands carefully on his wingman’s shoulders he said,
  “Hangman, let me handle this, Oceans, go inside now.”
 “Oceans, inside the bar now!”
 Rooster raised his voice enough for Oceans to know that he wasn’t taking any answers or ‘buts’. So she didn’t ask again as she walked back inside the building, and once she was out of sight, Rooster took a step back from Hangman and asked,
  “What the hell happened pal? 3 months I haven’t seen you and you show up like this?-“
  “Hey don’t throw this in my face! I didn’t have a choice!”
 “What do you mean? Hangman, what the hell did you do?”
 Hangman rubbed his face as he let out a huffed breath,
  “Fucking fell for a girl, that took advantage and total control of me without me noticing it, until it was too late.”
  Rooster wrapped his arm around Hangman’s slumped shoulders and walked him to a bench and sat him down as he continued to ask him,
  “What do you mean too late? What happened man?”
 “We were in a relationship-“
 “With who Hangs?”
 “A girl named Jeffries.. Cathrine Jeffries.”
 Rooster smacked his forehead,
 ‘This man was dating a snake!!’
 Rooster had heard some of the conversations Oceans had with Maverick about Jeffries, so he had a clear picture of who she was, so he gasped with shock in his tone,
 “Jeffries! Really-“
 “You know her!?”
 Rooster shook his head as he replied,
 “I don’t know her, I know about her.. and from what I’ve heard.. she’s a total witch. Don’t tell me you’ve been with her sense the day you two hooked up here!”
  Hangman stood up as he shouted,
  “Yes! Yes, I have been! But I thought we were doing great! I thought we really loved each other!”
 “What broke it off?”
 “When she begged me to transfer to be with her on her ship, the Enterprise? By then I had seen how controlling she was, and only separating me from my real family, you g-guys.”
 Hangman’s voice cracked on the ending of his sentence, and Rooster knew Hangman was definitely broken, he had never seen his cocky wingman so down, nonetheless cry. 
 “Are you transferring?”
 Hangman shook his head no as he sniffed,
  “No... that’s why we broke up.. because I said no and that she was being to controlling and possessive of me.. so I am decking with you guys, I’m going to be there with all of you. I’m never going back with her.”
 Jakes minds raced with the events that had happened earlier that day,
  (Beginning of flashback)
  ‘“Jakey, why don’t you just transfer with me? So we’ll never separate.. and be together forever?” 
 Hangman had also gotten sick of hearing her call him Jakey, like he was some little playboy. He was at first going to think about it, until she messed it up with her next, daring words,
  ‘Because I mean.. who would want to be a wingman with Rooster anyways? He’s just a loser like his father.’ 
 Hangman remembered the day he told everyone in the debriefing room about Maverick flying with Goose and trying to prove that Rooster was just as bad, and he regretted up until this day for what he did, deep down he knew it was a low blow.. so hearing those words coming from someone that meant nothing to his team, especially his own wingman Rooster, sent him to the edge with his stern answer,
  “You know what? No! I’d rather fly with my best friend and wingman Rooster, instead of someone like you who is degrading and controlling! How dare you say something like that!!”
 Jeffries made a gesture of her hand on her heart like if Hangman had shot her, but it was because he did, with his words, because before any of this, he had never made a choice for himself and stood up for it. But Hangman felt a little good to have that power back, as he continued,
  “So, I’m going back to my base, with my team, my friends, and my wingman, Rooster! And there’s nothing in this world that’s going to make me change my mind, not even you. Because we are over!”
 By this point she had started to cry loudly saying he was unfair and that her words came out by accident and by pure fear of thinking that he didn’t love her anymore, but Hangman had learned, that this was her way to try and manipulate him, and this time.. he wasn’t going to buy it. 
 Jeffries wailed pathetically,
  “That’s why no one will ever love you Jake! This is why you’re everyone’s disappointment! I’ve given you everything of me! And this is what I get back you ungrateful, and ugly bitch!!”
  He didn’t want to cave into her hurtful words anymore, which was why he took the keys to his truck and left, wanting to take a breath air, and think over it all again, so he could make a final decision.
 But, after a couple of hours of driving around and listening to country music, Hangman had thought it over, and falling into Jeffries trap again, he believed that she was probably right, 
 ‘She had given him everything, and he was ungrateful and pushing her away, maybe he misinterpreted their relationship and communication? So he went back to his house immediately to initially apologize, but he was met with a disaster.
 Walking into his home, he saw how everything was tossed around and broken, his favorite frame that he collected from Texas was thrown down, his cowboy hats were burned and so were his expensive cowboy boots, the couches looked like they had been demolished by cats, he thought he had seen the worse of it, till he walked into his room. When he opened the door, a bunch of girls sprang at him with loud screams and shouts, 
  “You’re a pathetic bitch!!”
 “You cheated on Cathrine!!”
 “Everyone hates you! We hate you!!”
 “This is what happens when you mess with us!!”
 Their phone cameras were in his face a they continued to rant and beat him with their words, he was about to run out, but he bumped into Jeffries who was behind him, wearing nothing but his Navy Dress Blues, with a pouty face, crying,
  “We’ll stop and clean up for you if you say yes?...”
 Hangman could feel his heart burn with fury as Jeffries had continued to hurt him, but he finally and wholly stood his ground,
  “No, Jeffries.. I’m done.. I’m leaving you.”
Shrugging off his coat with an angry huff Jeffries then threw it in his face as she told him coldly,
  “That’s why your mother and all women hate you.. you only take good things from us.. then leave us to hang when you’re done.. you’ll never find a lover again.. or like me.. just watch.. I’ll make sure that every women you end up with.. leaves you in a second.. I’ll make sure to let them know who you really are!!”
 That was the last thing Hangman heard from her or anyone else, as he collected his things, and left.
 (End of flashback)
  Rooster felt terrible for his wing buddy, and could only imagine that the break up wasn’t the only thing that had happened to make him so broken and distraught. But Rooster didn’t push it more as he suggested,
  “Why don’t we call it early tonight? And come to base yeah? Tomorrow we’re going to be doing flying tests, so let’s get you in shape for that?”
  Looking defeated Hangman replied,
  “Sure.. let’s go.”
 But before they could leave Hangman asked Rooster seriously,
  “Are you dating that Constantine girl? Because if you are I’d suggest you dump her mean-“
 Rooster walked beside him as he replied honestly cutting him off,
 “No, I’m not.. and what you said about her doing anything.. is impossible.. she’s been with me and Mav this whole time, but we’re done about it.. let’s go.”
  Oceans POV
 Oceans had been silent when she walked in, she felt her bones shake from within as she felt furious and a little scared too, though she didn’t really know him, she believed Hangman wasn’t violent towards anyone physically, but he was still very active and possibly more angry and hurt than her. All she could think about was what had happened and why,
  ‘God knows I never did a thing to that man, Jeffries is always screwing up everything and now I’m stuck on the ship with him!! Man I feel terrible for him he looked like hell!! What could she have possibly done to him? You know what- I’m going to find Jeffries and settle this.’
 While everyone in Hard Deck was distracted as they continued to celebrate, Oceans scribbled down a note saying she had to run a late errand quickly, leaving it there with the beer she abandoned.
Chapter 5
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halamet-chalamet · 1 year
Hi! I saw your headconnon post about Spencer Reid and I wanted to give it a try!
I'm ,30 years old female. I have short curly black hair . olive skin with a lot freckles / birthmarks, and green eyes. I'm covered in tattoos and I have my nose and lip pierced. My personal style is a mix between rockabilly and grunge. I'm very short, 4'10" and I'm a size 6 in jeans/dresses I'm petite but I do have some curves. My personality type is ESFJ, Enneagram personality type 6, Virgo Sun and Pisces Moon.
I'm very very insecure about myself. My voice my body my intelligence (I'm dyslexic) you name it
I'm a middle school science teacher, I honestly love my job even though it is really hard sometimes and it makes me cry lol
I'm Sassy, sarcastic but genuine and sweet. I have a dry sense of humor but I absolutely love puns. I'm Hardworking but also a procrastinator. I'm a kid at heart, definitely more crafty then artistic I don't like that I do not have much of back bone at times, I try to avoid conflict like it's the plague so I tend to indifferent a lot of the time too.
I'm a non judgmental person and a good listener. I have ADHD so I would lose my own head that wasn't attached to my body, so I have a lot of planers and sticky notes everywhere. I love having fun with my friends. Exploring new cafes or little things in our city. I love going to a local coffee shop on rainy nights and setting with a book and coffee, black coffee I don't like any cream.or sugar. I love the look of city lights at night. Not much of an outdoor person is endless unless it is for a concert.
I love any age or genre of rock music, I scare very easily but I love horror movies. I'm really nerdy, I love playing D&D with my friends, reading, anime, doctor who ect ect.I collect mugs. I probably have over a 120 at this point. My 15lb pekingese dog is my baby. An odd hoppy of mine is I take only liquor and wine bottles use them as vases for flower bouquets I make
How come all of you guys sound so cool bruh???
Where do I begin?
You guys have so much in common but are still such different people
Binge watching doctor who together for SURE
Speaking of remembering things, he’s so understanding about your ADHD
His eidetic memory comes in super handy! He reads your sticky notes and is your own personal calendar!!
Coffee. Dates
This boy loves his coffee
We KNOW he loves his coffee
Home coffee dates. Favorite cafe coffee dates. New cafe coffee dates
He def needs someone as non judgmental as you in his life .
Poor boy has so much trauma he needs to get out of him and having you to actively listen and care for him when he needs it is so foreign but absolutely needed.
Spence is always wondering how your day went. He wants to know alll about what happened at school.
And is there when you need to cry :(((
I think we can kind of tell that he’s not very outdoorsy
So you guys stay in a lot or go out to do things indoors.
You introduce him to a lot of new music!!!
Idk if you like Muse but I feel like it’s the perfect blend of hard rock and classical and would be spectacular for you both.
You’re the edgy he needs bro I’m not lying.
You’re still nerdy and compatible with him but you certainly have more edge and it gets him out of his comfort zones in the best way!
He pretends he’s gonna steal your dog 💀
And says it’s his son/ daughter (sorry idk what gender your dog is but it sounds cute)
What if he visited your class one time and helped you with a lesson to the kids???
That would be adorrrrrable
Okay dnd with this boi
He gets so serious about the story lines bro
Okay you guys so rarely fight because you both hate conflict
If there is something one of you needs to bring up it’s not in an angry or accusing manner at all because neither of you like that.
Spencer is so good to you when you’re insecure.
He often times feels similar so he knows how to handle it really well.
He doesn’t overwhelm you or get upset at you but cares for you and let’s you know how he sees you. 🥰🥰🥰
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ghostpill79 · 5 months
Had a dream I was driving looking for somewhere to eat. Well first I was sleeping in my car for some reason like I didn’t have to be. I had my guitars in there with me. I moved my car because I didn’t want to be noticed because I had been sleeping in that same spot for a few days. I moved right next to another car- this was at a gas station ( with I guess just a big parking lot. I had a dog with me then and I let him out , but when I did Ed sherian came walking up with his son, who was scared of my dog. I tried to get the dog back into the car but while I did I talked alittle to Ed he said something about how he used to smoke crack and at first I was like “ hell yeah!” Or something but then I realized that was inappropriate and said that” it was cool how he’s come”. Once I got the dog back in the car he drove away. I then realized I was hungry so I decided to just drive until I found something. But as I was driving I accidentally ran a red light, and then was met with another one that I had to break super hard not to rear end the cars they had already stopped. I turned into a shopping center because I was scared people would report me ( I had heard two girls said they were going to but I also had no back linence plate). So I drove around the back of a big store to try and lose any one who might be following me and then I backed into a spot and got out. I started just walking away and then I saw my mom. I got incredibly emotional and started crying was having a panic attack. I guess I was supposed to meet her there. We went behind a bunch businesses and then stopped and I broke down. She told me to go into this cosmetic salon looking place where she had scheduled me to get the back of my ear fixed- at first I thought it was referrecinh my keloid I but in the dream I had a black and white tattoo of a moon on the back of my ear. My mom had scheduled me to get it finished with color. I became incredibly mad and started talking about how I wanted to kill my elf but the ladies at the place just kind of laughed at me. They started talking about why suicide is stupid. Talking about how they’re lives are flawed but are good . This black started talking about how she works at this shitty place but is able to go out to the club and spend time with her boyfriend. I yelled “ you’re lives are horrible!” They were obviously offended but not really bothered. I remember thinking that I wanted to ask the black lady “ I wonder why you’re boyfriend hasn’t per posed “. I thought this would really hurt her and I had wished I said it. I ran out of the place and kind of ran around the shopping center. I waiting for my mom to come after me but she didn’t. Two big strangers came up to me and grabbed me and started taking me back to the salon. I wanted them to hold my hand because I want to be comforted. They brought me back I guess. My mom and I walks down the back of the center again. She asked me if I was doing drugs. I said no and she didn’t seem to believe me. I told her sometimes I wish I could just silence what I was feeling with drugs but I hadn’t done them in months ( it was true). She brought me back to apologize to the people at the salon. I talked to the owner and her husband who were super cunty to me. The husband was saying sone shit and I got into his face. Another part was that I had left my phone at the salon when I stormed out so I needed to get that back. When I went back I held my hands up to show I wasn’t a threat. This is alll i remember.
0 notes
makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 299: No Chains Left
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “and then AFO broke out all of the inmates from six other prisons and took a nap. well anyways, here’s the hospital angst.” Kacchan woke up two days later and was all, “WAIT BUT HOW ARE DEKU AND TODOROKI AND ALL OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS EXCEPT IIDA DOING” and then we cut to Shouto’s room where the other U.A. kids were sitting around being Mutually Traumatized and giving each other moral support and such. Everyone was alll, “...”, and then the rest of the Todofam showed up, INCLUDING POSSIBLY REI?! which, omg. The chapter ended with Kacchan STOMPING THROUGH THE HALLS all “WHADDYA MEAN DEKU HASN’T WOKEN UP YET”, dragging along Satou and Mineta behind him, fueled by the power of ALL OF THE FUCKS HE NOW GIVES. He gives so many fucks now you guys. This boy cares so much he can probably deduct it on his taxes.
Today on BnHA: SPEAKING OF PEOPLE WHO GIVE A LOT OF FUCKS, the story cuts abruptly to Hawks, freshly recovering from his near-death experience, and pondering the threads that have weaved the tapestry of his life and led him to this moment. Basically he grew up in poverty with his Jerk Dad and Jerk Mom until his dad got arrested one day and his mom sent him off to go Find Money Or Something, and so he rescued a busload of people and found himself a new career. Back in the present day, Hawks and Jeanist ride around town in Jeanist’s Jamborghini having awkward encounters with civilians in a country on the brink of social collapse, and visiting Hawks’s mother’s home. Hawks is all “I know from an outsider’s perspective it must look like my life currently sucks, but now that the HPSC is gone, my public image is shot, and my parents are finally out of my life, I’m actually feeling SURPRISINGLY GOOD.” Anyway so he’s gonna go meet up with Endeavor now, and p.s. this chapter was fucking fantastic though, damn.
oh my god?? is this Hawks narration?? something about him growing up watching the heroes on TV and thinking of them as fictional characters
okay I scrolled down a little bit more to see the rest of that “Keigo” panel, and wow
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this is basically a shed. poor boy definitely grew up rough. let me tell you guys, I came in here ready for some BakuDeku shenanigans; I was not prepared for Hawks Flashback Angst. I AM HERE FOR IT, but also wow I gotta brace myself now lol
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BnHA sure does have an array of Jerk Dads, doesn’t it. makes me appreciate characters like Masaru and JirouDad all the more for bucking the trend
anyway. so Horikoshi, you really thought that one itty bitty chapter of hospital catharsis would be enough to calm us all before you went right back to showing us child abuse huh. my god man can we rest
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swear to god this kid can’t be more than five or six, and yet he has this completely blank look on his face even with his dad looming over him being all threatening and shit. like he’s shut down his emotions to protect himself. imagine what has to happen to a child for him to have learned this at such a young age. fuck
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don’t mingle with humans?? not “other” humans, just humans?? what is this implying here?? and also holy shit Hawks definitely didn’t inherit his looks from his dad orz
then again he doesn’t really bear much of a resemblance to his strung-out mom here either
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omg omg omg. and this child is basically trapped here in this environment with these two people. this explains a SHITLOAD about Hawks’s personality though you guys. his ability to completely separate his real thoughts from the face he presents to the outside world. his pragmatic approach to analyzing and solving problems. his layers of emotional walls. turns out almost none of that came from the HPSC training -- that was all learned hands-on in his own personal do-or-die survival nightmare childhood!! oh, boy
and small wonder then that he latched on to Endeavor so strongly if he really is the one who brought down his dad and inadvertently saved him from this. also, just putting this out there, I know people are always talking about him and Dabi being foils, and I think it’s very interesting how Touya grew up in a household where he saw firsthand the dark side of hero society, and so ended up becoming a villain in order to bring it down. whereas young Keigo had almost the exact opposite experience, growing up experiencing the dark side of villain society and becoming a hero in order to bring about a world where no one else has to experience that. just. both of them are so determined not to become their fathers. some interesting parallels there
so Hawks was sort of an accident after his parents had ��thanks for helping me not get caught after I killed that guy” sex, and now this little boy is growing up in squalor and being beaten by his father for things like Sitting In The Wrong Out-Of-The-Way Corner Trying Not To Be A Bother To Anybody. holy fuck. this is so rough to read through you guys
wait so does Jerk Dad have a an eyeball manipulation quirk?? because he doesn’t have the wings like his son, but wth are these things??
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this presumably also means that Keigo has never been to school or anything either. he basically doesn’t exist. he thinks heroes are fictional characters, he doesn’t realize that they’re real people. these are people who could help him if he could escape and find them, but he doesn’t know, and they don’t know about him
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how could this child possibly have an anti-fandom when he’s done NOTHING WRONG HIS ENTIRE LIFE. huh. just explain that to me. lol I mean I’m not looking to pick a fight with anyone, but also, MAYBE I AM, idk?? this kid has gotten me all riled up lmao
anyways, Protect Keigo 2021, and thank you Horikoshi for these three very terrible pages. I am pleased to inform you that you’ve effectively gotten your point across and you may now commence saving this kid already
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oh no, Keigo’s dumbass jerk dad tried to steal a car and the popo nabbed his ass and now his mom can’t just sit around neglecting her VERY YOUNG SON all day long, oh horrors. sorry lady my tiny violin is on backorder. just imagine that I’m playing a very sarcastic song on it for you
anyway so what are you gonna do now, abandon him? I can hardly imagine he’d be worse off, if anything it might be a near-instant improvement
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lol what a randomly pivotal moment in his young life. TIME TO GO MAKE THESE MEMES INTO DREAMS YOUNG ONE
anyway so his mom freaked out and grabbed him and they wound up at a train station with her TELLING HIM TO GO GET HER SOME MONEY, oh my god. SURE MOM LEMME JUST WALTZ RIGHT ON DOWN TO THE “JOBS FOR FIVE-YEAR-OLDS” STORE AND TELL THEM I NEED SOME CASH. ffff manifesting someone to come help him in 3... 2...
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SIGH, JUST GO RESCUE THE PEOPLE FROM THE BUS, KEIGO. is this the outfit he was wearing when that happened?? it must be, right?? I can’t imagine them surviving more than a couple days out here unless this starts getting REALLY dark in a way I know that even Horikoshi won’t explore, so yeah. cut to the HPSC now please. never thought we’d be glad to see them. I mean sure, it may be an “out of the frying pan...” case, but good god
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and I guess it was his mom’s eyeball quirk then. anyway, whatever, see you again never, hopefully. lol oh man. thaaaat, was upsetting. need to center myself here for a sec. NAMASTE
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so we cut from Baby Hawks Angst straight to Present Day Hawks Angst, huh. not that this exhausted and traumatized lil lad isn’t still a baby to me too, I’ll have you know
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“WHEW, THOUGHT YOU DIED ON ME FOR A SEC THERE KID.” lmao. Caleb will no doubt ruin this by making his word choice all stiffly formal as usual, so I’m just going to treasure this “WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, I’M FRESH OUT OF FUCKS” version of Jeanist while I can
look at him, driving his Jeanistmobile
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again, is it any wonder Kacchan was bitching about Endeavor’s dinky little car when he was used to riding around town in style like this. anyone else staring at this panel trying to figure out how this car is somehow secretly made of jeans
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anyway so Jeanist is all “GOOD THING IT’S THE FUTURE AND WE’RE SO GOOD AT MEDICAL SCIENCE” to handwave how Hawks went from one step shy of being a very handsome corpse, to sitting around texting Jeanist in a car all of two days later
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wait a minute. I’m so confused lmfao. soooo, was Hawks all “anyway, here’s Jeanist’s dead body, you can examine it but please don’t look at him too closely and also I’m gonna need that back unharmed.” how tf did you pull that off lmao
(ETA: also isn’t this technically confirmation of the ol’ Noumu Jeanist theory lol. I’m gonna go ahead and say it is.)
NO BUT PLEASE, CONTINUE. I unironically love reading Horikoshi’s overly convoluted “SEE IT’S NOT A PLOT HOLE” explanations
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lkldslfk so wait, you’re telling me Hawks convinced Dabi and the League to put Jeanist’s body in storage, and basically just hoped they wouldn’t use him for any experiments until he could put his plan into action and have the HPSC’s people break in and find and revive him?? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG. A FOOLPROOF PLAN IF I’VE EVER HEARD ONE
fff this man really asked Jeanist to risk it all to prop up his little cover story, and Jeanist was all “sure why not” omfg. anyways, thanks for recapping all of this out loud for no particular reason in your car conversation you two
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okay no it’s just some random thugs strolling around terrorizing the downtown. fuck ‘em. so Jeanist is making short work of them now
uh oh
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won’t come? not can’t, but won’t?? what???
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well I guess that makes the local heroes A BUNCH OF SHITHEADS now doesn’t it?? jesus
and okay, serious question, if the cops are spread too thin and the heroes have literally walked out on the job, what exactly is stopping everyone from deciding to use their quirks to defend themselves, legal or not? nothing, as far as I can tell. society just got a hell of a lot more chaotic
anyway so this is an interesting panel here
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man, Dabi really did pull it off, didn’t he. well anyway so here’s that better world all of the villains were wanting, you guys! isn’t it so great?? everyone’s terrified and angry and losing hope and society is inches away from collapsing into total anarchy! but hey, at least we exposed the number one hero as a hypocrite
anyway so what are these guys up to
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fucking hell, he’s visiting his mom. I really wasn’t prepared to commit this much emotional energy towards reading this chapter today. BUT VERY WELL, WE PRESS ON
?? wait she’s not there?
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is this supposed to explain how Dabi knew who Hawks really was? except that there’s the little matter of how he even know where to find his mother in the first place. feels like we’re still missing something there, but oh well
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and in all seriousness, I love that identity he chooses -- chooses, because it actually is him making a choice now, possibly for the very first time in his life -- is “guy who helps people”, though. it really is nothing short of miraculous that he held on to that kind of optimism and desire to do good even with everything he’s been through. there were so many times he could have chosen to turn his back on the world in retaliation for the way it treated him. but he didn’t!! and here he is now, finally free, and what he wants to do with the rest of his life now is simply to help others. anyway please excuse me for a moment, I need to go find some sort of basket or a big vase to put all of my fresh new Hawks Feels in, pardonne-moi
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“FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS, MISTER JEANIST, WHERE DID YOU FIND YOUSELF THAT SWEETASS CAR.” hey, all I’m saying is if this boy’s wings really aren’t growing back, he’s gonna need to find himself a new means of transportation y’know?
oh my god you guys it’s a flashback to his mom buying him the Endeavor plushie when he was like two because, and I quote, ALL MIGHT WAS TOO EXPENSIVE
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oh my god oh my god. my boy out here with a new lease on life finding hope in the darkest of times
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wasn’t your throat supposed to be all fucked up lmao. Horikoshi was suddenly all “oh shit the VAs are gonna be pissed at me if I keep this up huh”
“that’s why Bubaigawara was such a great guy” motherfucker IT IS A TERRIBLE DAY FOR RAIN. FORECAST SAID NOTHING ABOUT THIS
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yes ma’am. yes indeed. confirmed, I really will straight up fight some motherfuckers for this child. well not really, but YOU KEEP YOUR DISCOURSE OFF MY LAWN AND OUT OF MY BLOG YOU HEAR. THIS IS A HAWKS-FRIENDLY SPACE. WE RESPECT TAKAMI KEIGO IN THESE STREETS
and he’s saying (or is he thinking?? what a weirdly shaped speech bubble this is) that even if what Dabi said about the Todoroki household is true, “I’m not sure it’s the same now.” which happens to be ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. man this whole chapter really is all about saying “fuck the past” and moving forward and I am living for it
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“the first step is at my beginning” fklkjlk. what an iconic fucking line??
you guys. I came here ready for some BAKUDEKU HOSPITAL ANGST, and I got DIDDLY SHIT of that, and none of my other kids were even in this chapter, but!!! ASK ME IF I CARE LMAO omg. because bird son is hanging with his new best friend, and he’s out here Finding Himself and picking up the pieces and putting them back together stronger than ever because RESILIENCE HAS A NAME, AND IT’S SPELLED H-A-W-K-S, and you guys. profound, my love for this child. holy shit. hey google, play Silence by Marshmello
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someone1348 · 3 years
It feels good to be back! Apologies on being so inactive on here I've never had time, this summer has been too much but i found some time and inspiration to write so here we are!
People in this: Ler!Ranboo, Lee!Tubbo
This is a somewhat Irl fic!
(Lore is mentioned but its not based on the actual dream smp lore story so don't worry none of what you are going to read ever happened! It just fit the story!)
Tw: none, well i guess the smallest amount of fear, but other than that nothing!
I hope you all enjoyyy again im so sorry! Enjoy the fic my friends! And feel free to leave some requests in the asks! :]
Enderwalking In Real Life!
Tubbo was the happiest of people on the planet right now! His favorite person ever ranboo! Who he'd been playing minecraft with for years it feels like was here! In the Uk! With him!
He could actually see him, hug him, he was real and he was here with him! For a few months too! Its perfect! The world seemed to let the smaller exhale, this is all i need.
The younger smiled contently as he watched him game on the pc he had set up on stream awhile back for his actual meeting. The Taller suggested they do some lore so that's exactly what happened, they logged on together and got started on some lore!
The chat went wild as they saw their beloved Ranboo start enderwalking as the Beeboy and their kid Michael slept
"⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜ ⎎⍀⟟⟒⋏⎅⌇, ⊑⟒⏃⍀⏁"
He spoke as he wondered around not being aware enough to stop or understand what he was saying, he eventually walked all the way back home resting back in his husband's embrace.
End stream,
Tubbo laughed to himself, Ranboo tilted his head looking at him "what are you giggling about hmmm?~" a slight teasing tone was hinted making him giggle a bit more
"Noho I'm just saying you are alot like your character!"
"Yeah? How so?" The taller asked curiously as the other shot him a big smile
"You both sleepwalk!"
"Hmm, i guess enderwalking is like sleepwalking but it was a one time thing for me! Irl me that is"
"Pffft! You kidding man you do it every night!" Tubbo lightly hit his shoulder as Ranboo giggled too "do not!" Pushing him back lightly going at it like two kids arguing over who did what
It was a great moment that was quickly replaced with the idea of food and bed. It was quite late so they got some snacks before brushing their teeth and going to bed.
"Hey! Let me know Tommrow if i sleep walk again tonight i wanna track these things"
"You got it bossman! Nighttt!"
And just like that the two were out cold, nothing but the sound of the wind, some crickets, leaves rustling ever so slightly, andd ranboo sleep walking and making noise.
It was almost peaceful, normally Tubbo slept through Ranboo's nighttime antics but this time the noise was to much so he stayed up studying him to make sure the poor guy didn't hurt himself.
It was the normal for the most part, a few small words or sentences barely noticeable by the human ear, some moving of things, bumping gently into a wall, staring out into the distance
Things seemed quite well so when Tubbo was about to go back to bed that's when he heard it
The sleepwalking 6'6 man had turned from his position by the window and looked him dead in the eyes
Tubbo tilted his head, he's said his name before in this state but something about it felt different, off, the smaller was slightly unsettled that was before Ranboo got closer saying his name again, Tubbo didn't notice anything strange about his walking, he was definitely sleeping but this was just weird.
Ranboo got close enough to where he was right beside the known goat hybrid twitch streamer, trying not to wake him up because walking up a sleepwalker is extremely dangerous he whispered gently
"Yeah man"
That was when he caught it "Tubbo,,,,,GOTCHA!" Ranboo's long arm's shot down to tickle alll over the poor sleepy boy's sides, his shirt already a little up from sleeping earlier, his bare skin being attacked without any warning or anything he shrieked, thanking the universe that the room was sound proof
"RAHahaAhaHanbOO!" The brunette giggled in different pitches squirming around on his bed as Ranboo smirked giggling to himself before pretending to sleepwalk again with his speech as his wiggly fingers found there way under his shirt and up to tickle all over his ribs, although it was less ticklish it was still fun!
"Tickle tickle tickle tickle" Ranboo repeated to Tubbo in his sleepwalk tone
"I knohohow yohohour awaha-AHHAGSAH!"
Tubbo's speech was cut off when the said sleepwalker tickled his underarms with such skill it was alot more ticklish then normal maybe it was because he was tired or Ranboo's tricks but he was definitely alot more ticklish than he thought he would be!
"Awww thats so cute, I've caught myself a ticklish little Tubbo for the road! Tickle tickle tickleee~" he teased tickling his neck and ears Tubbo scrunching up giggling his head off
"NahaHAha no EAhahArs NohohO RahaHanbooo!!" Tubbo whined a bit as the man cooed even more
"Dawww that's so cute! Ticklish little ears, hehe Kitchy Kitchy coo~" he whispered in his other ear blowing some air at the end so it's extra Ticklish, 'he was definitely ler mode now' Tubbo thought to himself before covering his own face
Ranboo giggled and paused the tickling for a second "Aww is the lee embarrassed"
"Not a lehee! And no! You just caught me off gaurd!"
"Whatever you say lee~ now uncover your face i wanna see your smile or else~" the open threat made tubbo smirk under his hands refusing to take them off yet
"Or else what big man~" The smaller teased back before hearing an deep inhale of breath
"Wait! wait! WAit RAN-BAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAAHA PLEAHAHAHASE!!!" Tubbo had uncovered his face but
The taller enderboy blew a gaint raspberry on his stomach right over his bellybutton
"RAHAHAAHAHANBOO WAHAHAIT! NO- AHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHASE!!" Ranboo had now begun tickling the man's poor ticklish stomach with one hand scribbling and digging (gently) as the other slowly and teasingly made shapes and other things with his nails driving the smaller into a giggly mess
Tubbo's mind was so sleepy all he could think about was how much it tickled 'it tickles, it tickles eep!' He was happy, giggly, red faced, smiling but most importantly he was comfortable, physical contact isn't really his strong point he's trying but with ranboo he was safe, comfortable, this was good. He was good.
"Tickletickletickletickle Tktktktktktktk~" the scribbling got more and more hyper as Ranboo got more into the babytalk, laughing along with his best friend
"OKAHAHAY PLEAHAHAHASE IHIHIHIHIT TIHIHICKLES! MEHEHERCY!" He immediately stopped rubbing the tickles away,
"You alright bud? Im sorry if i went alittle overboard" the taller rubbed the back of his neck in slight embarrassment
"Naha you're good man, that was fun!" Tubbo's smile was genuine and that is exactly what Ranboo wanted to see
The taller sat down on Tubbo's bed next to him as the said boy kept talking now that he was breathing normally again "i can't believe you tricked me like that!" He giggled pushing Ranboo again both laughing happily together
"It was the perfect plan! Im just surprised it actually worked!"
"I was sleepy, plus you're a great actor!"
Ranboo giggled
"Well played my friend, well played" Tubbo giggled before knocking out from already being sleepy to now tickled to peices he was down, giggling again the american smiled contently tucking him in before going to bed himself.
That nights rest was the best one they've both had in a long time, the rustle of the leaves and the sound of the fan in the distance everything seemed perfect, it was the best, Together.
I hope you all enjoyedd!!! Again im so sorry for all the inconveniences! I love you all! Drink some water, eat something today, take a shower, take at least one water bottle out of your room, and take care of yourself because you deserve it! You are loved, appreciated, stronger than you know and everything is going to be all good! Big hugs from me to you my friends! <3
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Heyo hope your having a lovely Evening/Afternoon/Morning, I was wondering if you could write RFA+ Saeran and V reacting to there child walking in on them while doing it with Mc. I really do love all your stuff and keep up the amazing work
RFA+ Minor Duo who’s children walk in while they are having sex with Mc ( Smut, NSFW ) 
Mention of Sex, Orgasm, smutty talk 
Hello, that’s pretty nice, ahaha XD thank god it never happened to me, I think I would ever be able to look into my parents eyes but I am curious, did this happen to you guys? Tell me your opinion to this HC, I am interested what you think about it! Have a nice day!!
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The sex between you and Jumin was amazing.
He knew how to make you happy and you, to be honest, knew how to make him feel good too.
Both of you could have an intimate moment anywhere and anytime.
While Jaehee is outside working, while his father is talking to the chef at the restaurant you’re at, well, you both were rather brave.
But something you never tried was having sex during the day while your five years old son was in the room next to you.
,,What if he walks in?’’ you asked Jumin as he kissed your neck and began to massage the skin between your tights, making you moan.
,,He won’t, we will hear him… just don’t be so loud,’’ he whispered with a raspy voice as he now arrived at your panties.
,,Ah~ wait, let’s close the door…’’ you whined, but Jumin didn’t give you a chance.
Your husband lightly pushed you against his desk, making his stuff fall on the floor as he pulled down your clothes.
Your wet pussy was now naked in front of him as he kissed your vulva and stroked your belly.
,,I’m sure he wants a little sibling too…’’ Jumin said and kissed your clit, making you whine a bit louder.
Jumin grabbed your hips and put his nose on your clit as he licked your pussy, putting his tongue into you and feeling your walls.
You whined and moaned even louder, gasping for air.
You could feel him smirk against your lips and felt that you would soon give up below his touch, when suddenly, a voice came out of the direction of the door.
,,WHO IS MAKING MY MOM CRY?!’’ your five years old son screamed, making you shriek and Jumin look up to his son.
His first instinct was to hide your naked skin and so he laid his body on you, making you accidentally moan again.
,,DADDY!!’’ your son began to cry, thinking that his father would squeeze his mother.
He was indeed a mama’s boy.
You quickly pulled up your pants without your son seeing anything and lightly pushed Jumin away, approaching your son.
You took him in your arms as you moved him up and down, patting his back.
,,Mommy was having pains on her knee and so Daddy had to look there. Mommy is just a cry baby, but Daddy wasn’t hurting Mommy, yeah? Don’t cry, my baby, don’t cry…’’ you whispered and exited the room, leaving Jumin back kind of embarrassed and with a boner.
Both of you were kind of horny that night and just couldn’t stop the mood from turning sexy.
,,I haven’t touched that beautiful body of yours in a long time already,’’ Zen whispered as you felt his penis growing.
You put your hand below the blanket and began to stroke him, making him groan.
,,Me neither. I missed you,’’ you confessed, kissing his soft lips.
The romantic kiss turned out to be a kiss filled with lust and after a few moments, your tongues were dancing/ He was sucking at your lips and teasing you, making you moan against his lips.
His penis twitched at your sounds and soon Zen put his hand over yours, rubbing his hard member.
,,Me too....’’ you whined and finally smiled when Zen slipped his hand between your legs, feeling the hot dampness.
,,I love you…’’ he confessed again. He moves his body and positioned himself over you, his legs supporting his body while you still rubbed his member.
He was supporting himself with his left arm and used his free hand to stroke your soft cheek, kissing your nose.
,,Mhhhhmmm…’’ you giggled and opened your mouth slightly, wanting him to insert his tongue again.
Zen kissed you deeply again until he noticed that his chest was brushing against your nipples, making them grow hard.
He smirked as he pulled your shirt up and began to nibble at them.
,,UGH!’’ you groaned and pushed your upper body to him when he lightly bit your erect nipple.
Both of you were enjoying the foreplay when suddenly a little ,,Mommy’’ came from behind the both of you.
Zen immediately let his body fall on his left while you quickly covered up your breasts.
,,Taeyeon is scared,’’ your ten years old daughter said, holding your little daughter by her hand.
,,But you’re… busy. Come with me, Taeyeon~ah,’’ she said, turning around immediately.
,,Ahhh, I wanna have Mommy and Daddy, Unnie!’’ she whined.
Your heart was still racing. You quickly fixed your clothes and jumped up.
,,Ji Woo!’’ you called your older daughter.
,,Mommy and Daddy weren’t busy!’’ you whined and took your daughters hand. 
Zen looked at your back as you walked off and laid back in his bed, putting his hands over his face.
,,Aish…’’ he whined.
,,I don’t know if I’m embarrassed or sad…!’’ he kept whining, waiting for your return.  
,,It’s nap time…’’ you mumbled as you stroked your husband’s chest, making him shiver.
Yoosung looked at you with his cute puppy eyes.
You knew that he was unsure if this would be a good idea.
But there was no going back by now. You were already on his lap and you could feel that Yoosung was horny too. His member was erect and you could feel it.
His hands wandered down to your ass and massaged it as you moaned. Only he could hear you since you tried to keep it low.
,,I missed you,’’ you mumbled as you began to ride him over his pants, making his pre cum get alll over his pants with a wet spot.
You loved to know that Yoosung was horny for you and it made you so proud… so you didn’t stop teasing him.
Your lips touched his as you went to nibble on his earlobe, making him groan. He was a bit louder than you, which was something that made you laugh.
You were still riding your husband when he managed to get access to your breasts and lick at them, nibbling at your nipples and playing with them.
He inhaled your scent and kissed the same spot he was nibbling just a few seconds ago.
,,You’re so beautiful… I love you so much…’’ he smiled and kissed your lips.
While you were rubbing your panties, he opened his jeans. You were still on his lap, doing movements as if you were riding when he put up his hard member.
Your hand left your wet pussy and started rubbing him, making him cry out as you suddenly touched him.
His member was twitching below your touch.
You smiled, you loved to see it, how it reacted to you.
Yoosung put up your dress and rubbed your clit, slowly fingering you.
Your movements went quicker and your groans were filled with lust.
Yoosung lightly shook his dick a few times against your vulva before he entered your pussy, making you feel full and loved.
,,Ride me, Mc… ride me…’’ he begged you and hugged you tightly.
,,Ohi, ohi, ahh, mhhh…’’ you whined, riding him with all your passion.
,,Oh, I’m so close,’’ you gasped and kissed him, your tongue deep into his.
,,Let’s cum together. I can feel it. It feels so good….’’ he groaned and finally squirted his cum into your cunt, making you full.
His dick twitched a few times while your sex felt like it was pulsing.
However, he was still horny, and you still wanted more.
He slowly put you up, your legs now spread as he kissed your cunt and put a finger into you.
You were just about to put your head on his when suddenly you heard the door.
,,Mommy, Hyung and I are hungry,’’ your younger son said. Yoosung immediately pulled out and before you could think of something else, you let your body fall on his lap.
You looked back and smiled, ,,Mommy will cook in a few seconds. Wait in the kitchen for me,’’ you said, your voice trembling from your last orgasm.
,,Are you playing horse with Daddy?’’ your older son asked you as he also joined.
You nodded. ,,Yes, but now Mommy will cook. Wait in the kitchen for me,’’ you said and slowly went down again as you heard your sons running towards the kitchen.
,,I knew, that this was a bad idea,’’ Yoosung whined as he turned as red as a tomato.
You and Jaehee decided four years ago to adopt a boy and the little boy gave you everything: happiness, love, affection, something to do, and love.
But it also gave you a busy schedule.
Between kindergarten and the coffee shop, both of you had to stay prepared 24/7 for the case that someone would come to check on you guys to see if you were taking good care of your son.
Of course, it was good that they took care of it, but that way having some romantic time between the both of you was impossible.
That’s why both of you decided that tonight would be the day. You and Jaehee had planned everything.
Your son was in his bed, sleeping, and both of you were in your rooms.
The lights were dimmed, the atmosphere was hot, and both of you were wet and filled with passion for each other’s touch.
You stroked her breast and watched her nipples get erect; the little almost pink part of her body.
You smirked when you saw that both nipples were erect and looked up to her.
Jaehee blushed and bit on her lips as she waited for it, but you loved to tease her.
You stroked her vulva and observed her as she opened her mouth in an ,,o’’ and moaned.
,,Don’t tease me…’’ she whined and looked back at you, licking her lips.
You wet your lips and entangled her right nipple with your mouth, licking and flicking it with your tongue inside your mouth.  
Your left hand supported her big tit as your right one played with her body.
,,Ah, oh my God, mhhhmm…’’ Jaehee moaned as you sucked at it a bit stronger, moving her left nipple as if it was a screw.
,,Mc, let me… you too…’’ Jaehee gasped, making you stop. You opened your mouth and laid back, opening your legs for her. ,,Okay, here you are,’’ you smirked.
Jaehee was also excited. Her heart didn’t stop ricing.
With her head, she slowly went down, kissing your vulva and your lips, kissing each before she split them apart with her both fingers in order to see your clit.
,,So wet here,’’ she laughed and put her lips on it, making you go up with your hips.
,,I missed it…’’ she confessed and took a first lick, making you moan and twitch.
Then she began to suck at your clit, her hands were just about to go up when you moaned again.
At that exact moment, the door was opened.
Jaehee jumped up with her head and looked with a horrified look on her face to the door.
You turned your head around. Your cheeks were still red when you saw your son with tears in his eyes.
,,What are you doing? Mommy, are you in pain?’’ he asked you.
,,Mom, will Mommy die…?’’ he asked Jaehee.
You immediately put on your bra and went to him, hugging him in your arms while you tried to calm him.
,,Mommy was in pain but it’s better now. Mom helped me, see? I’m here. I had a… pimple there, you know? But don’t tell anybody, it’s embarrassing,’’ you said.
He nodded and scratched his head.
,,Will you come with me to make me fall asleep again?’’ he asked you.
You nodded and took him, looking back to a deep red Jaehee who also had her clothes on by now.  
,,The girls are at school, Saeran is sleeping in his room, do we have enough time for a quickie?’’ Saeyoung asked you.
You looked to your red haired husband, who like always - was horny as if he never had sex before.
But there was no need to lie. You wanted him just as bad as he wanted to feel you.
,,Let’s go to our room,’’ you said and was about to leave when he held you at your arm.
,,You look sexy while you prepare lunch… I need you here and now,’’ he groaned and kissed you, pushing you on the table.
The table your family used to eat.
His own spot to be honest.
Saeyoung pulled you up and let you sit on the table, his lips never leaving your lips as your tongues were dancing with each other.
You moaned against him, making his body vibrate.
Saeyoung quickly pulled your pants and panties down and slipped his hand between your legs.
You pulled your head back and left a warm spot on his lips as you moaned.
The sudden touch made you high, high for his touch.
He smiled as his fingers made circling movements with your clit.
,,Inside, make me cum on your place…’’ you smiled smuttily.
Saeyoung smirked and didn’t think about it twice before he slipped his hands deeper, entering your pussy.
He made a movement that made you cry out all of a sudden - your G-Spot.
,,Come here, kitty,’’ he laughed and kept making the same movement, his finger rubbing you and making your walls get tighter.
,,Saeyoung, ahhh!’’ you cummed.
Saeyoung smiled as his hard dick was pressing against his pants.
He kissed you one last time before he put his finger in your mouth, opening his jeans with one hand.
However, maybe luckily, he never achieved what he wanted to do.
It took seconds for your oldest twin daughter to open the front door using the Arabic word Saeyoung installed.
With a horrified face, you watched as your girls, both fifteen since they were twins, came in and saw you.
At first they were shocked, but then they suddenly both began to laugh, shaking their heads.
,,I hope we get a new table after that! You look so weird!’’ your youngest said and ran into her room, closing her door behind both of them.
,,I- oh my god,’’ Saeyoung coughed and looked at you.
,,Our room now and later you can get a new table for real!’’ you hissed and went down off the table, cleaning your mess before you entered your room.
Your husband was already embarrassed enough to ask you for sex, so this experience was making everything worse.
You noticed the whole day that something seemed to be wrong and in the evening, you finally made him tell you.
,,I… I… it won’t go away,’’ he whined.
,,What won’t go away?’’ you asked him with a concerned face.
He finally looked up to you, deep into your eyes and opened his mouth. ,,My boner,’’ he whispered and looked down again.
You began to laugh and looked at him. ,,Really? Saeran, you could have just told me!’’ you kept laughing and finally went on your knees.
Slowly, you opened his pants and pulled him down. Your hand was now around his shaft.
You moved your hand up and down as you observed his hard dick.
Poor him, you thought.
He was in pain the whole day…
,,Mhmm….ah..mhm…’’ he gasped.
You smiled as you saw the pre cum and finally put your mouth around his dick.
At first you took only the tip between your lips, your tongue flicked his penis as you slowly put in more and more, going deeper and deeper.
You gagged as a reaction, but began to chuckle right away.
Suddenly Saeran groaned up and came, squirting all his semen into your mouth.
,,Sorry,’’ he gasped when he saw what he did.
,,No problem…’’ you smiled and looked up, wiping off his cum from your mouth.
,,Can you… actually, you made me wet,’’ you chuckled and went up, going three steps back.
,,Y-yes!’’ he answered and bowed over you, kissing you.
Both of you finally went below the blankets and hugged each other before Saeran massaged your insides with his fingers.
,,Ah, mhh…’’ you moaned and kissed him again.
Suddenly you felt his, once again, hard dick against your leg.
He slowly moved his hips up and down and finally entered you, making you hold your breath because of the sudden thick feeling in your pussy.  
Saeran was about to massage your breast when someone called both of you. Of course it was none other than your daughter.
,,Are you cuddling? Can I cuddle too?’’ she mumbled and almost climbed on your shared bed.
,,Wait!’’ you called.
,,I suddenly want hot chocolate! You too?’’ you asked her, making her clap with her hands and run to the kitchen, giving you enough time to put on your clothes again.
Years went by and by now Lucy was 15.
She was a lovely girl and a brave big sister who always defended her 3 year old brother.
As her mother, you were more than proud of her.
The same was for Jihyun. He too was proud of her and happy that both of you adopted her back then.
,,Mommy, I’m going out with Noona!’’ your son said and already left, closing the door.
,,Where are they going?’’ you asked Jihyun who smiled at the now closed door.
While he was thinking about his children, he suddenly felt something on his pants.
Looking at you he noticed that you were slowly blushing.
,,You’re making the first step and are already embarrassed?’’ he asked you and laughed.
His hands softly pushed you down on the couch while he wildly kissed your lips, your hands still between his hands.
Jihyun went with his hands and lips part for part on your body, kissing every inch of skin you had and finally pulling down your underwear.
,,Lick me,’’ you groaned and looked down to him.
He smirked against your entrance and put his tongue in.
When you began to like it, his movements stopped, an action that made you whine as fresh air suddenly hit your pussy.
But Jihyun knew what he was doing and so he turned you around, making you groan as you knew what he was about to do.
His right hand explored your pussy, massaging your lips, stroking your vulva and clit.
He also shortly entered your pussy, your entrance, and made you clench against his touch.
But everything changed when his left hand slowly went to your ass.
First one finger, to make you adjust to this one thing you both did for the first time.
Then he added a second finger, and when you began to just be the moaning mess he wanted you to become he used a third one and his tongue, sending electrical shocks up to you.
,,WE ARE BACK!’’ your son called, making you gasp.
You didn’t dare to look. Not with this flushed face in that position.
Jihyun was also so shocked that his fingers were left in your insides.
,,We-Fuck!’’ Lucy said, opening her eyes widely and turning around.
She quickly got her brother and turned him around, making it impossible for him to understand what exactly his Noona saw.
,,Can’t you guys do these kinds of things at night in your own room? Like normal adults?’’ she asked you, kind of judging you..
,,What were they doing, Noona?’’ the little innocent boy asked her older sister. She looked down at him and smiled kindly, just like always. ,,They were trying to give us a lil sister or a lil brother by hugging each other tightly. Let’s go out again!’’ she said and managed to go out.
,,I hope they give us a sis!’’ your son blabbered.
,,This was- oh my god,’’ you laughed and looked at Jihyun who quickly let go of you.
,,Let’s get changed,’’ he mumbled and disappeared into his room, hoping that he would manage to calm down...
08.05.2021// 00:45 MEST
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dummysmile · 3 years
Absolutely loved the minghao as a bf fic! Can you please do a similar one for Joshua as well! Cannot find much for shua baby 😋😘
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note: I'm sorry, this took awhile! Tumblr doesn't load requests as quickly as I thought.
----------------------under the cut
love language: Touch AND affirmation
so, basically you allow him to do whatever
he's cute so I don't blame you
he cuddles you 75% of the time
he'll cuddle you after work and tell you alll- about his day
"Me and the guys did this awful game and all I could think was holding my face between your boobs."
He enjoy's holding your hand, not really.
^ only because that means he most likely can't wrap his whole body around you
having someone as humble as josh means you have to remind him that he's so much more than he lets on
he loves hearing affirming words while you stroke his hair
y/n: "I saw a tweet today talking about you. You truly are my amazing boy."
and to that he'll blush and his face in your...you guessed it. in the boobs.
Relationship (general):
Probably the most stable relationship
like there is full trust because the both of you just click.
he's the cutest little thing
example, when you're feeling down he'll bring out shua-bot just for you
"Shua bot wants to know why the pretty y/n is sad. Shall I eat your toes?"
he teases you pretty much all the time
which will turn into a competition
did I mention ya'll are mad competitive?
"Why are you trying to out laugh me?" y/n: "are you mad because I have a louder laugh?" Shua: "oh yea? AHAHAH"
Y'all progressively got louder -_-
y'all relationship mainly consist of those elements: Teasing, competing, and cuddling.
It gives 'high school couple everyone believes is gonna get married after graduation' vibes.
they're all 50/50
they hate when you come to the studio because everyone gets off task
Vernon: "Y/n, you should totally join the band!" Jeonghan: "so we can kick you out, that way you can sign a NDA and pretend you don't know us." :D
but love when you come to boring events
Jeonghan: "I wish you didn't have to leave. Please take me with you!!"
you know how Josh is quiet? mhm, once you're in the door frame he's DK + Seungkwan.
Joshua get slightly jealous T T
"everyones Eddie Murphy?" cue eyeroll
Carats are trying to find out who's bruising their joshikins (???)
Super comfortable
like nothing's awkward
occasionally when you're in the shower he'll rip one out, turn off the light, and lock the bathroom door from the inside.
"Sorry baby, I was feeling silly. " He'll cackle
He'll toss out those I love you's like a frisbee
He bites too.
he'll go under the sheets and bite your booty cheeks
"I did that cause I love you."
You know that "Can you feel the love tonight" song?
lets just say you be feeling it
that's a nasty boy
his hands steadily trace over your curves
his lips graze yours super slow and softly
he'll bite over your lips and tongue
Pulling it occasionally
it'll go on for minutes and feel like seconds
you'll have to beg him for seconds
and his lips are so smooth too..JEEZUS
He doesn't get "angry", he gets annoyed.
which is way scarier than angry.
He'll try talking to you about the situation
"Let's talk like ADULTS. I didn't pay the light bill"
if he feels like you're not listening or constantly blaming him he'll get annoyed
He speaks scary calm
"Okay, im a dumb bitch or not paying the light bill."
he doesn't do anything he just sits back and sighs while you talk
"You done?"
Thankfully arguments never happen unless they're playful
Dinner dates are the only thing he knows
if he's feeling bold, he'll take you to a city event
you both switch between who pays
many pictures get taken so they can go to photo album
compliments don't stop
"you lookin good babe, sucks you have a boyfriend. OH WAIT, I be the boyfriend."
they're cute and corny that's all.
One word: switch
how ya'll day went determines who's in what position
He prefer bottom, but jeez this man is a HARD Dom.
"What the fuck did I just say?" He'll lash out, continuing to pound into you. He hums waiting for a response. "Not to cum." You mutter whining as you felt him insert a bullet vibrator into your ass. "And what did you do?" He seethed, teasing your rim. "I came." You cried out feeling nothing, but static and bliss. "But you keep adding fucking vibrators to me." You barked, as you neared your orgasm again. He flicked your mouth, showing he didn't like your tone. You got unfocused by the pop that you accidentally allowed yourself to cum again. "Did you just cum?" He stares at you. You violently shook your head no. "You're gonna lie to me? I felt that your pussy nearly swallow me whole." He whispers holding your face tightly. "Repeat after me: I'm a dumb slut who doesn't follow directions."
A whole cuddle bug after
"Sorry baby, you're so smart." As he lays in you boobs.
As a bottom, he's a whore.
"Please fuck me." "tie me up and do it." "Hurt me please" are some of the things you'll hear with him
he has a possession kink
"Mark me, so those staffs know I fucking belong to you."
he wants to own you, but also wants to be owned by you.
josh has hella kinks
Orgasm denial, degradation, choking, slobbing, restraining, anal, overstim, edging, you know throw in the whole BDSM dictionary. H
he's probably into it.
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
HERE WE GO AGAIIIINNN - time for more Tommy in EXILEE
(rp) ok everyone giving Tommy gifts while he's in exile is so nice actually~
especially cause everyone seems scared of visiting pissing off Dream -- shout out to @stellocchia for making a WONDERFUL analysis of these episodes that put a lot of things into perspective! Their post is HERE
"Every day at the start of my stream, Dream logs on" hhhnnn, yep
He's going to search for Technoblade huh. He was also the one to suggest using him to stop himself from being Exiled. He's getting pretty lonely huh ;-;
He also bounces back and forth between blaming Fundy too -- fittingly, since Quackity at least tried to reach out (though not since, I've noticed)
Tommy really does want to blame Techno for everything that went wrong since he placed those withers. I think he wants someone to blame, and Dreams been working very very hard to convince him that theyre ''''still friends''''
"Then again I've been alone for so long now, what does it really matter" ;-;
I do think its interesting that he's still willing to go against Dream at this point -- he's looking for Techno even though he doesn't think Dream would like it. It does seem like a step in the right direction at least, and a sign he hasn't given up completely
"Dream would just lie, he would just lie wouldn't he" well at least he still knows that,,,
sidenote! cc!Tommy is great at acting and very talented actually, he does Face Journeys very well
Did Philza spot him????? He literally logged on in time to see him enter the foor huh
oooh and he saw the sign from Phil to Techno. I don't think he knew they were friends, how could he?? oof
LOL well at least he didn't IMMEDIATELY steal all those emerald blocks, jc Techno THATS SO MANY
"Dream wouldn't like it if I was here, Dream wouldn't like it if I stole... he would lose his shit if he knew I was here" I take it back, I want him to steal
aaaaaww fuck, Tommy just immediately panics fuck fuck
Philza's "run" is very ominous (if probably well meaning) :(
....the switch from panic to "I don't know why I care so much" is just.. oof
god it really is like a prison
...that was sure a reaction to Tubbo getting online ;-;
He listened to a disc and got out the compass,,, my heart ;A;
why'd he go
why'd he leavee
ah fuck i thought it was gonna be Tubbo on the VC why is it DREAM UGH UGH
of course he knew of course of course :( :( :(
and Tommy immediately puts the disc he had out away because there's no trauma there at alll, nooo, can't imagine why that would be
Dreams so matter of fact about it, Tommy wasn't even arguing or hesitating and he still hit him, Tommy threw his axe in without even asking I hate how routine this has become :( :(
He's still preoccupied with Tubbo he's barely even paying attention to the armor pit
FUCKER he even has him light it "I don't want too" "just do it" HELL HELL HELL
is he hiding from Dream??????? that would make sense
"I just woke up, I came straight here to see you" yeah totally not obsessed
"because we're friends" "oh, yeah" god I hate that that sounds more resigned than sarcastic. Tommy sounds so flat it hurts.
"what if we made an iron golem, and they could guard your area" .........this certainly is a trend
...Tubbo's not there anymore :(
ooh! the party! I hate that he's telling Dream first! and asking permission!!
god I know Wilbur's gonna fuck it up but that hurts
"Can I come" "of co-yeah" i hate that he was actually enthusiastic for a second there
'for like 13 days now' We have a timeline!!! nice
I don't think Tommy actually noticed him, he was behind the sand!
..Philza are you here with Ghostbur or are you on the way to Technos right now huh...
so he is here to visit. And right after he found out he's Techno's friend
.........fuck I DID notice that this section of the VOD is called "Tommy Hallucinates while building" ... Tubboooooooooo
Also those shoes are gonna get blown up by Dream and its gonna be even worse because they were a gift :(
a Friendship Emerald~! wholesome
....fuck off Dream,, just leave. don't even be here.
Wilbur saw him but Phil didn't... Dream doesn't count because he would just lie anyway
"Dreams here btw, Dreams always here" >:|
"PHIL GO AWAY" lmaooo
annd Dreams harping on the 'oh you were just seeing things angle' now I REALLY don't believe it. God this really is the very definition of Gaslighting, like down to a T
"Oh I don't see anybody" YEAH LIKE I'D TRUST YOU. Hate that Tommy apparently does at this point
DID GHOSTBUR JUST SHOOT HIM WITH SPECTRAL ARROWS LMAO that's so fucking smart and fucks over Dream saying hes not there I love it
oh my god hes suffocating lmao
"I got you, I don't know if you need [this axe]" well he does esp after he had to blow up his axe this morning
Tubbo hit him-- I really wish Tommy would ask someone NOT Dream or the Ghost lol
Why is Tubbo not joining VC???? whats the plan here
*rolls eyes* and now he's devaluing the others visiting Tommy and saying they aren't here for him
"I thought I saw the compass in a chest, like he just threw it in a chest" Sure Dream, sure. He Definitely does not want Tommy and Tubbo reconnecting he is doing everything in his power to separate them :(
"I'm not scared of pain anymore" :( :( :(
"I'm gonna set up some lights if that's ok with you" hate this hate this hate this
also Dream continuing the trend of giving him stuff :/
;-; Tommy wants Beach Bees to lure in Tubbo doesn't he
what even is this girlfriend bit though, omg
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