#and wasnt helpful or clear for even a second and wasted all your time
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nururu · 2 years ago
I truly think one of my biggest pet peeves is when you ask someone for details on something and they're as vague as humanly possible. I hate vagueness. I hate people talking AT me with zero context and making me ask 1000000 questions so I can understand. when they could just tell me from the start and be helpful and not make communicating a stressful challenging game. there's just some people, and it's so common too, who want to make communicating so hard. it's like a narcissistic game. I have really, zero energy for that kind of thing. it's really frustrating like damn just fucking be helpful or don't talk to me at all.
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mithliya · 2 years ago
I'm not suggesting there's a winner or an outcome. I'm simply outlining that it's normal for a community to keep discussing things that we disagree on. You might not see the reason why a topic gets brought up because you personally don't care, but others do and have good reason to. Maybe Be the Change and encourage new topics to talk about. But if we agree on whatever you bring up don't expect it to take up as much time as the more controversial topics. It's the same in politics. Politicians debate hot topics, and it's repetitive and annoying. Families go through particular issues and will ruminate on them because it's on people's minds, it's a source of conflict. Motherhood, het relationships and separatism will always be a source of controversy under radical feminism and the topics will never go away. New women come to the movement every day and want to discuss it after seeing an old post. They all revolve around the same issue: Is expecting radical feminists to be radical IRL, when they can be, a problem? How far can the movement go when we enable helplessness and doomer thinking? How seriously can radical feminism be taken when we have women walking around claiming to be one while doing absolutely everything patriarchy expects? In the second wave, women divorced their husbands and kicked habits/routines conditioned by patriarchy. Coincidentally, that's also when radical feminism made a change in the world. We can't even say it's feminist to centre women in your life and avoid relationships with men on radblr or else it's "misogynistic." Come on. Questioning or critiquing gender conformity isn't allowed because it's "misogynistic." It's laughable to not expect "radical" women to do radical things. The movement is being weighed down by inaction encouraged by those refusing to change a thing in their lives.
okay perhaps i wasnt clear so allow me to emphasise. i agree that people can & should talk thru disagreements and differing ideas. but i think the way radblr goes about it makes “overkill” an understatement. at a certain point we just have to accept that everyone has their mind made up and simply move on instead of pushing a debate in which every possible thing to say has already been said. the horse is not only dead, it’s beyond decomposed. like i do agree with u, many ppl do not live by their morals on here and many claim to be radfems but clearly simply by virtue of their lifestyle, they are not. instead of us just stating that n leaving it at that tho, people go through these meaningless tiresome back & forths where they keep talking at each other. at a certain point, all that can be said & needs to be said has been said and we need to simply move on. otherwise we are literally wasting everyone’s time & efforts going in circles when we literally have so many things to discuss! on one hand i get the frustration that a woman who does absolutely nothing radical is calling herself a radfem, on the other i also get feeling disillusioned by that being treated like the world’s worst crime that warrants comments like “lol don’t run to us if he ends up beating u!!” (which unfortunately i’ve seen several ppl make here). it doesn’t encourage women to take radical action and simply ends up making the women Not doing so feel attacked and hate the movement, so like. again who is it even helping?? the approach is simply wrong & at a certain point ppl need to just. agree to disagree. like, if someone makes the 900th “lmao a radfem wouldn’t fuck men so take that word out of ur mouth” it won’t suddenly change anything, if a woman whines about how separatism is heterophobic it won’t change anything either. all it does is cause infighting and people to be defensive and i wish people would simply move on & be normal about it. and perhaps have a new discussion that we don’t have 8 times per year
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thejojosanctuary · 3 years ago
Hello yes I recently found this blog and, honestly??? I love it so much???? The writing is AMAZING??? Yall do such a great job ahhhh!!!! 💞👌I wanted to request some HCs for Magenta Magenta who falls in love with someone who noticed he was underwater and like helped him get rescued??? (But like,,, this happens years later so they also have to help him figure out how things work nowadays??? Idk, I'm sorry if this is too specific and/or confusing, hopefully I got my point across hsndjs 😅💦)
oh boy I have been WAITING to finish this one. First off THANK YOU FOR THE KIND WORDS!!! But also thank you so much for the request was so much fun to write for like HELL YEAH I’M DOWN FOR THIS IDEA~!!! It wasnt too specific at all it was excellently written! And I hope that the waiting was well worth it~!
Your trip to the Delaware river was supposed to be for a break. You’d been cooped up for so long that you’d been starting to get antsy, so the idea of getting away for the day and getting some fresh air was too pleasing of a prospect to pass up. There’s no denying that the choice of location alone was well worth the trip; the treeline that spans either side feels like you’re just a little bit separated from the rest of the world, and even following the main roads you’ve got a perfect view of the river that stretches out for miles as you find a nice spot to sit down and rest for a little while. It’s a nice change to get away from the bustling normalcy of everyday life, and when you glance out over the water you can already feel yourself relaxing as you admire how the water’s clean enough that you can see the bottom clear as day. Yeah, you think, this trip was definitely worth it.
...Until you spot something at the bottom of the river.
You have to squint to see if you’re really seeing something - and sure enough there’s some kind of purply-blue shape drifting close to the bottom. It’s not moving, so you can only imagine that it’s tethered down in some way, but it’s still bizarre. Sure, people have dumped or lost thing in the river before - big things, important things - but this doesn’t look like any kind of rubbish you can point out at a glance. If anything it looks vaguely...human shaped; if you squint, you swear you can almost make out a mop of black curls, and clothes, and a face - oh fuck that’s actually a person.
Perhaps you should have put more thought into the absurdity of the situation - a human at the bottom of the river, even if that were the case, would have been long dead by now. And yet you don’t even think of that, not for a second. The only thing you’re thinking about is the hope that you’re as good enough at holding your breath as you think you are as you shuck off anything that’ll weigh you down - shoes, coat, bag - and dive headfirst into the water. The cold is a shock to your system, and almost makes you rear back and race back up, but once you’re down there and see that your eyes weren’t just deceiving you, you know that there’s no turning back.
Seeing the person up close is jarring. Not only were you right, but he looks perfectly normal; minus the scarred face, odd clothes and wires pulled taught around the figure, you could have pretended that this was just a person that you’d see on the street. It doesn’t strike you until then that the thought occurs to you that you’re potentially looking at a dead body, and suddenly you’re beginning to regret this decision. You should have waited back on the riverbank - maybe call for help. Surely there’s people who come to take things out of the river, right? Your phone’s still back on shore so maybe it’s not too late to- wait, did he just open his eyes?! Sure enough, what you assumed was the trick of the light was actually this person opening their eyes; no, not just opening, he’s blinking, watching you.
It takes a beat to stop yourself from screaming at the revelation and wasting precious oxygen, so you throw your fear momentarily to the side and pull one of the boldest (or stupidest) moves of your life.
You grab onto this weird, somehow alive man and kick your feet off of the river bed, dragging him up to the surface. Never have you been more grateful that the river’s just shallow enough here, because he’s heavy, and the time it takes just to clear a few feet of water has you gasping desperately for air by the time you breach the surface. Your lungs burn and your arms ache as you claw your way back onto the riverbank, dragging the body alongside you until you’re far enough onto land that you don’t have to worry about him being accidentally dragged back in. The cold settles into your soaked clothes quickly, but even shaking like a leaf you’re quick to scramble over to your bag, pulling out your phone and pulling up every emergency number that you know. Who do you even call about this? The hospital? Some kind of guard? The morgue?
A gloved hand catches onto your shirt and you finally find the voice to scream, eyes darting down to the stranger you’ve just ‘saved’. He’s alive, at least, but now that he’s out of the water you can tell that he’s worse for wear, eyes unfocused his eyes lazily ghost over your figure. It’s like he knows you’re there, but is seeing you as someone else, muttering incoherently - something about ‘Dio’ and ‘knew you’d come help’ and ‘kept me waiting’. That’s the final nail in the coffin, balancing your ringing phone between your ear and your shoulder as you awkwardly maneuver around the stranger’s grip, turning your focus to getting him out of those damn wires while you wait for help to arrive.
Which is what leads to you sitting in the guest chair of a hospital room a few hours later, watching this strange man you’d fished out of the river steadily work through the complimentary tray of tissues, hospital food and juice like it’s the best thing he’s ever had. You’re guessing it would be, if you’d spent the past few decades trapped at the bottom of a river. It’s almost too much to wrap your head around, and you’d had to talk the hospital staff out of another evaluation when he’d spouted it out during his physical. Perhaps it was just a side effect of lack of oxygen, causing some kind of delirium of hallucination?
And yet as much as you want to pass it off as a wild story too much is adding up for you to not at least believe him a little bit. He talks about ‘his time’ a lot, namely things about the Steel Ball Run race that was underway around the time that he got caught. You’re aware of the event - even in the modern day it pops up every once in a while, be it in history class or by reading the biographies of the racers and the movie adaptions that sprung from it. The race itself was a bizarre event in time in hindsight, but to meet someone who was alive back when it was running? Not to mention learning what the true motive of the race really was?
Wow...just, wow.
What do you even do with the knowledge that one of the most popular political figures in the 1890’s was actually trying to collect the body of a saint and sent multiple assassins after two contestants leading to the deaths of multiple people? This guy (who you find out is called Magenta Magenta) is more than willing to spill the details of what little he’d been let in on now that he doesn’t have to worry about any backlash from it. At first he was despondent and still mumbling something about the race and getting help, but by the time he’d come to his senses it was like a switch had been flicked, and his personality couldn’t have been more different from the dazed way he was acting just hours before - one that’s more than happy to talk about whatever comes to mind. At least, he’s happy to talk about it until the reality sets in - he’s fascinated when you break the news to him that he’s not in the 1800’s anymore, but there’s a telltale lull in the conversation when the inevitable question comes up - what’s he going to do once he’s free to go? Where’s he going to go from here?
To your place, apparently. 
As if saving him wasn’t enough, you offer him a place to stay till he can find some way to get back onto his feet. You couldn’t help it - his expression just looked so lost, and your heart just dropped thinking about how lonely and maddening it must have been to be stuck with nothing but yourself and your thoughts for years - centuries, even. There was another part of you that was morbidly curious to learn more about him, which is one of the driving forces that leads to you extending your offer of a place to stay.
The first few days living with him is a learning experience for everyone involved. Magenta Magenta’s very clingy from the moment that he’s been discharged, which you suppose you can understand since he’s been stuck on his own for such a long period of time.He pretty much follows you all over your home like a lost puppy, constantly picking things up that catch his attention and prodding you for details about it. At one point he gets his hands on the remote for the TV and suddenly you’ve got him flicking through every single channel on the damn thing, constantly jumping back and forth between messing with the buttons even when he’s not actively watching the screen. 
Gonna tell you from the get go, Magenta Magenta hates sleeping alone, and you find this out when your bedroom door cracks open in the middle of the night, followed moments later by a tentative “Heyyy, are you awake~?” You don’t know how to feel about sharing a room with someone who’s essentially a stranger, but it makes you feel better when he insists that he can sleep on the floor in the furthest corner of the room if it’ll make you comfortable. And that’s what the arrangement becomes - with him setting up camp on an air mattress and all of the blankets and pillows that you can spare.
You learn quickly that the internet is a great way to keep him occupied. Youtube’s been your best friend from the moment that you found out that he has a fondness of airplanes. When you heard him ramble about them for the first time you were quick to pull out your phone, bringing up the newest aircraft compilation and tossing the device over to him. And he. Was. TRANSFIXED. It took a long while working him through the controls (and how to work a mobile in general) before you were content leaving him on his own with the device, but he loved watching things on it, especially those TV shows that go over daily life at airports and working as a pilot. You had to break it to him that he probably won’t ever get to travel on a plane without a passport or any form of ID, which bums him out a lot, but Magenta’s pretty content watching them on a screen for now. 
Time passes by quickly, and the pair of you end up falling into a rhythm of more or less normalcy. It’s almost enough to completely forget that he’s from a different time period, until you go out together and have to pull him away from openly gawking at the electronic billboards before he nearly gets run over for standing in the bus lane. You go out together often, since Magenta hates being cooped up inside for too long and will actively pitch a fit if he can’t get out and stretch his legs every once in a while. You’ve found yourself growing more comfortable around him, developing a deeper trust than you could have ever anticipated. You eat together, hang out together, spend so much time together that it’s almost weird to remember what your life was like before you’d even met the bizarre man. Hell, the pair of you practically sleep in the same bed after a few months after one night when you’d woken up and found him snivelling, lamenting over the phantom pain from his scar. 
Magenta had been muttering about those things again, the things that he’d said back when you fished him out of the river all those months ago. This time though you understood it clearer; he’d been abandoned, left behind by this ‘Dio’ person to rot at the bottom of the river, all the while thinking that the guy would come and save him and bring him back to the surface. Even before that he’d been abandoned, by someone else you never caught the name of, but the expression on his face in the dark of the room was all the information that you needed. He was pissed, like Magenta had finally had the time to process what had happened to him; but alongside that anger was something else, a sick kind of resignation to his fate, the one he would have had if you hadn’t pulled him out. 
He doesn’t even notice you until you’re close enough to touch his shoulder, and his hands snag onto your arm before you can budge, those pained eye meeting yours as he asks if this is real - if you’re real. And boy, have you never wanted to beat the shit out of people you’ve never met till you saw that expression directed at you. But there was no going back in time to do that, so you focused on what you could do - leading him over to sit on your bed while you mutter every reassurance you can think of. Yes, it’s real, you’re not going anywhere, he’s here and alive, nothing like that is ever going to happen again. You find yourself whispering those words long after he’s fallen asleep, still clutching at your pajamas like they’re the only thing keeping him afloat. 
From that day Magenta Magenta’s never strayed from your bed nor your side. The way he treats you is a lot more revering than before, which you have to tell him multiple times not to do because it feels weird being put on a pedestal over doing small things. To him they’re not small things however, and it’s no wonder with all that you’ve done for him that he becomes so smitten about you. He’s doting, and blatantly obvious - wanting to stick by your side and always hanging off of you in some way - whether that’s holding your hand going out to places or just full on lounging over you when you’re at home together. 
Unless you’re totally oblivious to the fact that he’s got it down bad for you it’s not gonna take much after this point before you end up hooking up, but if you are the kind of person who this kind of romantic stuff goes over the head of then you’re in for a really wild ride of ‘how absolutely affectionate can Magenta be before you realise that maybe it’s not just what friends do’. 
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tiens-letters · 4 years ago
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upon autumns day, where you and I met. upon autumns day where I remember all of what we were before youve passed. and upon autumns day would I have ever so slowly let go of that pain of the past
zhongli (angst)
@albeidoof its somewhere here hehehe
Time was a luxury. A treasure each and everything holds.
Yet time is a curse as well. It covets, devours and leaves. which humanity neglects to cherish until the heart ceases its steady rythmn, only then do they regret of the wasted minutes, hours and seconds.
Beneath the flow of the rushing waves of things that have come and gone. Only on this particular day would he sit beneath a certain tree. The rough bark brushing up against his back as leaves fell effortlessly to the ground, as if it were ready to let go of from the branches that gave birth to it, only to return once again to the waiting soil.
It was a sunny afternoon, clear of any clouds and only clear unblemished blue, a good time to enjoy a warm cup of tea yet there was no energy in his bones to even move from where he was.
He felt exhausted. Desultory even.
Gone were the halcyon days of the past, and now the present time of the vivid reality he had to face.
Morax, rex lapis, the geo archon. Names that weighted more than one could carry, memories that shackled his soul that lived for a thousand years on end, all but a stain that could never be washed away.
The breeze slowly danced in, playing with his hair softly, kissing his skin and welcoming him. It carried a hint of aromatic essence only he would know belongs to.
He tried to desperately recount the days after youve left the face of the earth and yet he could not remember or did his mind not allow him to as if he did, it would bring him terrible and heavy consequences for an answer, one sane mind would never want to know.
Sighing, he sat back and recalled back the memories of you instead. When you were alive, warm and breathing in his arms. He remembers the way your eyes would shine brightly whenever he would be around, or the small sound of delight you would make when you have finished another one of the many interesting blends of tea youve done over the course of a week of mixing different flowers and tea leaves. Youve made up quite the fortune with this as your little hobby bloomed into a fully run business known across teyvat.
"Zhongli." he froze, youve never called him by his name ever since youve started getting close, it made him feal uneasy as he turned to look at you who stood by the doorway, a neutral look on your face.
"y-yes?" nervousness clawed at him as he racked his brain to what he couldve done for you to call his name like that, he couldnt think of any.
"I came back from the market and I heard youve made quite the generous payment. Why is that, I wonder?" he's done it again, that spending habit of his
"The price was reasonable for such a fine ceramic tea set, I dont seem to find why it shouldnt reflect its quality?" you sighed as you pointed towards the glass cupboard behind him
"You bought the same exact set a week ago, Zhongli. Thats why." having to realize his mistake after looking over the two identical set that on the shelf, he turned to apologize but only to see you missing from the doorway. Footsteps can be heard from the floorboards above him. You were upset.
After minutes of pacing in the living room, he finally mustered the courage to climb the stairs and enter your shared bedroom. A figure already under the sheets as the warm glow of the lamp illuminated your delicate features. The mattress sunk as he sat beside you, fingers brushing away the stray hair that fell on your face.
"Im still mad at you Zhongli." his hand flinched slightly at the way you called him
"I apologize. I seem to not have learned my lesson again. I would gladly return the set tomorrow."
"Its no use, they dont accept refunds." you replied without sparing a glance at him
"What can I do for you to forgive me then?"
"Just go to sleep, Zhongli." groaning you reached for the switch to shut the lamp off but a gentle grip stopped you, forcing you to look at his gloomy expression. Perhaps you went too far this time.
"Please stop calling me in that way. I dont like it." he whispers, drawing your palm to his lips, leaving small kisses upon it. He sure does know his way around your heart, no wonder why you could not stay mad at him.
"Just be mindful next time." you cursed yourself for being weak to his charms.
"I will." yet something was missing "Then can you call me as you did before?"
"Zhongli?" you could see the slight grimace in his face as you teased him
"Stop it." he kissed you without warning "Call me as you did before."
However, his lips didnt stop as they began to travel. From your cheeks to you forehead and then to your neck. Oh dear, he wasnt having any of your teasing.
"A-li." you giggled beneath him as he finally stopped and met your gaze
"Thats better."
He still remembers the faint smile that graced your lips whenever he would wake up next to you tangled in the same sheets. The softness of your skin on his calloused touch. Your lips melting his and your voice lulling his raging mind to peace.
Then everything changed when you drew blood that spilled from those lips he's kissed for a thousand times, painting a morbid image on the sheets. Anger and despair boiled inside of him once he learned of the secret youve kept. Zhongli was a calm and collected man all of the time except when he was with you.
Having to witness him at such a point felt as if his own spear was being driven right through his very chest. He held you in an arms width away, the panic and pain in his eyes increasing over the minute as he begged for you to explain why youve decided to lie about the flowers that bloomed in your lungs, the sickness youve inherited from your deceased mother, whose fate you soon would follow. You didnt want him to find out, not in this way.
He couldve done anything if he knew from the start but alas, you wanted to be cruel, thinking it was for the best. Until your symptoms persisted, a heavy reminder of the remaining distance of the string you have to walk on to reach the end. The heavy feeling in your chest started to worsen as cherry sweet liquid poured from your mouth.
Soon the once pristine sheets were stained in haunting crimson shades as you heaved and he watched in agony. If only he had the ability of what he once had back then, if only he could plant the seeds of the flowers from yours to his then he would, if only he hadnt met you one autumn evening
" please dont look at me like that. " you told him, cold hands caressing his cheeks, catching the streams of salty warm beads that fell freely from your darling's amber eyes.
"Im sorry. Im so sorry..." the last thing you wanted to see was this man to cry. The last thing you wanted to see was to see him relive the past tragic memories you promised to bring him out of
" my disease has nothing to do with you. In the end it was mine alone to handle. oh, you are far from that so please dont you ever blame yourself."
"How can I not? If I havent fallen so deep then you would experienced so much more in life, you couldve been happier if you met someone else. Yet you chose me and I couldnt give you anything, I--. " the words knotted up as he began to shake, hands holding yours as knuckles turned to white
You slapped him.
With all the strength youve gathered in that fading body of yours. The sound cutting the grieving sounds that spilled from him, soul and flesh alike.
"A-li, look at me. Do I look like someone whose unsatisfied with what youve given me? Did my smile ever fade when Im with you? Did your affections ever lack? Answer me." his watery gaze met yours, a torrent of emotions swimming in them
"No. Never." a soft smile was carved unto your lips
"My dear, youve given me all Ive ever wanted in this life and I regret nothing of it."
To him, you were the flower that bloomed at the highest peak of the mountain he's never reached and yet its petals voluntarily detached and fell down, making him the happiest as one thing he's admired was untouchable and now, lay softly in the palm of his hands. To cherish and to protect.
But of course, all things are evanescent.
The familiar feeling of soreness that wasnt supposed to be there rose, ebbed and flowed through his throat. He knew it all too well, it was after he woke from his week long slumber did he feel it along with what his ancient beating heart felt.
"You collapsed." the worried words of the qixing echoed in his head. He frantically got up but as soon as his feet touched the floor did his legs give out underneath him, what use was he in this sorry state. He was helped up and sat back on the edge of the bed.
He wanted to ask many things yet was unable to.
Ningguang spoke as if you were still breathing and was visiting her minutes ago with another one of your tea blends. "Dont worry and rest first, go to jueyun karst after. They will be waiting."
To where the adepti resides, who as well, favored you, that one soul among thousands of others. One to which they shared a few good memories with was allowed to slumber there in peace.
Zhongli found himself waking up to the sun setting in the horizon. Just like how youve gone and resurfaced back into his memories. It was time.
He stood up from where he sat, gloved hands brushing any dirt that clung to him as he made his way to where you slept.
The red bean that was planted by himself still remained, a token of his love for you. Picking one bead and placing it inside the hollow dice he brought along, completing another one of the similar handicraft he's made every visit.
The sun finally died and the moon began its reign. The small wisps of light gathered around before him, forming a blurry image.
It was then he felt at ease, he saw you smiling at him with all there is in the world. Your light seemed to dim a little, hinting the blessing the adepti gave was slowly diminishing. Soon your visits would cease and you were sure that by the end of the power spent, he wouldve let go of the torment that plagued him.
"A-li. Have you been well?" he knew what you meant
"Im letting go slowly my dear. Perhaps in time, I would learn breathe easily once again."
Longest yet lol. Hope yall liked it ehehe
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fe-semi-decent-scenarios · 4 years ago
Hey! I wasnt the one who requested it, but I loved your how would the Blue Lions react to killing their SO! May I ask the same but for the Golden Deer if its alright?
{That was actually one of my favorite requests to write! It’s been a long time so I might be a bit rusty, but let’s give this a shot :)} 
 He had accounted for the possibility of you betraying him. Your disappearance had not been something he took with ease, yet the lack of contact or declaration of death for so long had him thinking 
Emotions are fleeting...the human mind was complex. Your loyalty was never something he wanted to question but he could never put his complete faith in you 
Even when you stood at his side protecting the crests, befriended his people, treated him as a true partner...he just couldn’t completely put his faith in you. Not with so much on the line 
 He wonders if that’s where he went wrong. Heavy rain clouded his sight but the sound of your voice rang dominant across the field. As you stand at Gronder with your weapon focused on his friends- your friends; Claude could not help but momentarily reminisce over the times you instead showed him your smile. The one that temporarily alleviated the weight of his dreams and expectations from his shoulders 
He would be the one to get it back. The professor had already converted other students to their side so there was a chance 
One you didn’t want, as you aimed at their head with tears pricking your eyes. He dismounted his wyvern instantly 
“Was it all a lie? Tell me...is this what you want for your home (Y/N)? Come fight with us” He slowly begins his approach, but the words die out as you attack him this time 
 A shrill battle cry is all he hears before he watches an axe lodge into your side. He’ll never hear the answer, but he didn’t need to. It finally clicked
White hair 
You planned to die 
His brows pressed in further as Lysithea gasped at your fallen form. Before he would have killed to know more about the hidden experiments going on in the empire, but not like this. They’ll come to collect the body before Hanneman can conduct any research, but he’ll give them more. Much more 
Raphael doesn’t like to think on the battlefield. It’s not that he enjoys pummeling people without a glance, but if he looks back then he won’t look foreword. He’s confided in Ignatz many times after being scolded for running ahead, but when thinking can cost you your life he prefers not to waste the effort 
 Especially because he takes longer to process complex emotions and thoughts compared to the others. He trusts them to be tactical while he uses his muscles to save the day
Back in the day he had a perfectly reliable head to think for him. He cleared their path and they took care of all the important business. The classic ‘brains and brawn’ duo that no one would expect to ever find genuine interest in one another. Aren’t they stereotypically supposed to fight and be at each other’s throats? Not in this case 
“Haha! THAT WAS GREAT! Nice Job (Y/N), I hope today’s menu has meat because you need brain food and I need to feed my muscles!” 
 You knew Raphael and how to predict his movements, and he had complete faith in your judgements. Even at the monastery you both made the most efficient team to do chores  
 Instead of trying to change him, you worked to match his pace and became his partner. On the field and in life. Raphael knew he didn’t have to second guess with you at his side, and he felt what he wanted to feel.
He loved you. Your brains, your laugh, your heart, your cooking no matter good or bad...you. It was an emotion that came easy to him.
Though sometimes he berated himself for not thinking. Sometimes you’d get in trouble if he broke equipment or did something else out of line. Yet you remained patient and calmed him down at the same time.
It was difficult to adjust to fighting without his partner. He essentially had to relearn everything through experience, but he had full hope that you’d come back 
That hope clouded his judgement when he saw you conversing with the professor at Aillel. He was so overcome with joy that he mindlessly pushed aside enemies to get to you without actually examining the scene
His fury took over when the professor’s sword went straight through your stomach.  He tackled them to the ground and it took both Lorenz AND Hilda to pry him away. 
“You idiot! They’re the enemy!” Hilda shouted at him as he settled down. He couldn’t process it. They wouldn’t hurt their family, him.
 Yet, they wore red. Red that grew darker as their blood seeped in 
“Can you paint my portrait?” You asked him one evening long ago. After a particularly grueling training session with the rest of class he had snuck off to sketch the trees by the market. The year was young and he still wasn’t too familiar with all his classmates 
You were new and he had took to your appearance instantly. He could replay your introduction mentally over and over. Your smooth words, slight bow, and the way your feet glided effortlessly to the closest seat you could get to the window. He was of course too shy to approach a new student since he wasn’t the social sort, but luckily he did not have to do much. 
You took the liberty of following him to his painting spot. He was flustered at being found, but you merely plopped at his side and began to eat your lunch. Where you had it stashed beforehand? He still doesn’t know 
 He had never been more aware of another’s presence, and his art showed it as the paper crinkled in his grasp. Yet somehow you seemed enamored at the picture forming on the page, so much that you asked to model 
He grew anxious instantly and decided to head back for his own meal. With no given answer you had left the topic behind, and from then on he began to find you nearby often. From acquaintances to friends, and from friends to ‘lovers without definition’. No confession was ever spoken but he knew you made decisions easier, life joyful, and the rest of his peers agreed as much as he. 
He drew that portrait. He drew it over, and over, and over, and over because he refused to forget your face. He would remember you and fight twice as hard to make up for what you couldn’t give. He swore that to Claude and everyone else when you were pronounced missing in action.
 and now? His eyes glisten as a body fitted under a white tarp lays yards away. You hadn’t tried to harm him but you were healing the enemy. It was decided that you were not with the Empire, but instead travelling through and became swept in the battle. Perhaps you didn’t know? Perhaps you simply decided to help whoever needed it no matter their side? 
He clutches his bow to his chest. One arrow, and you were down. He didn’t know 
He didn’t know but the pictures would never let him forget. The pages never felt the same from then on 
Relationships should never be formed unless you have something to gain
It is a nobleman’s duty to protect the weak, the poor, the sick; yet, there must always be distance.
A nobleman must always carry themselves with a sense of professionalism. They must not display weakness, and a true leader is born of being able to separate their personal affairs from that of those they govern. 
 One day Lorenz will be the head of the Glouscer territory, and soon the Alliance as a whole if he has his way. Death must not phase him and he must be willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of his people
He follows the laws of a noble. He knows them on paper, but not in practice. 
 Only as he grew during an age of dispute and fighting did he begin to learn that actions differ from voice. All that he pledged as a young man held no meaning, because gradually he began to realize that he is not the most fit to govern Fodlan. He was incapable of completely tossing aside his personal desires or making the best decisions with certainty. Yes, he was well educated and would make a great right hand
Yet the title of leader would never be his. Why? Because he is a noble by definition 
The professor was a noble by heart. A true leader who let actions speak for them and selflessly protected the entirety of Fodlan instead of one singular portion.
 Lorenz is a noble in name, but in nature he is a man. He is a solider, a son, a friend, a politician...a human. One not immune to temptations or the grievances of loss no matter what face he may display for the public eye.
 There was a soul he once found vibrant. They were a mere commoner yet full of dedication. He placed a barrier around them immediately, one he was not allowed to cross no matter how tempted. They did not fit the criteria he sought
 Yet the night of the ball he allowed “them”  the curtesy of a dance. Their warm hand on his own, their body held tightly in his embrace, and lighthearted small talk being tossed between quips about their poor dancing skills 
They left his mouth dry as he bid them farewell to their next partner. He allowed the barrier to resurface as he went his own way
“You must rethink this (Y/N). How could siding with the empire lead to any promising future/ They will kill us all and then themselves in the process! Please, join us” 
“Spoken like a true noble, Lorenz. This social hierarchy has divided people for too long and you would realize that if you’d only look beyond Alliance borders!” 
If only he had grasped their hand longer- listened. They were the first to show him a world beyond his bubble, if only he popped it sooner. 
You really annoyed her in the beginning. The way you carried yourself like some kind of prophet, or how you’d question everything the professor taught. Was it so hard to just do what was needed and move on? Even with something as simple as weeding the courtyard you always had to add your own two cents
It was like always being under analysis. She got that enough from Claude and didn’t need two people trying to read her. On many occasions she tried to gain traction over you, but somehow her efforts never bore fruit 
For a try-hard you were very accepting of her shortcomings. So long as what you were tasked with got done, the performance of others was never a secondary priority 
If only she could be that carefree about other people’s opinions. Maybe then living would be easier? 
Perhaps you were what she wanted to be? Satisfied with who you were enough to question the world around you while remaining secure with what you had 
Someone with the ability to step beyond your comfort zone and make your own decisions. Respected, knowledgeable...loved for who you are. Maybe that’s what drew her to you and lead to her envy forming into adoration 
and that adoration being trampled by sorrow 
“I still love you so no hard feelings, okay? I can’t back down” is what she told you. It was a taunt, but she did not expect your smile 
“Of course. I’m glad you’ve decided to show your backbone, just think of this as a spar like old times”
The casual talk did not fit the clash of blades that followed. Nor did it suit the battle roaring nearby 
A spar- just like old times. It was a familiar battle but this time her axe did not halt before delivering the deciding blow. 
Her hands shook as your body fell, yet you still appeared at peace despite the gash adorning your back. Perhaps you knew this would be the outcome before the day even began
Hilda did not cry, but asked for you to be buried on alliance soil. If anything she owed you that curtesy
She would never forgive you. Not today, not ever. 
How dare you choose to side with the people who killed the captain? He never did anything to anybody, and if you chose to betray everyone than Leonie would return the favor
She decided that any history between you two was nonexistent the moment you lifted your weapon. Mercy was a word you forgone long ago when instead of defending Garreg Mache, you slaughtered it’s inhabitants 
She thought you felt the same as well. Yet, fate always liked to twist in ways to hinder justice 
She watched from a distance as the professor approached your fallen form. They had insisted on trying to sway her old classmates, but she scoffed at the mere thought 
What made them think traitors would be good allies? Did they want to be stabbed in the back like their father?...like the captain 
She ignored the sting in her chest as you swatted their hand away. You had some nerve to reject their kindness and it pissed her off. She wanted this entire situation to simply end but- 
Her feet moved on their own
“Why are you such an idiot? Were you always this irresponsible?” her words cut deep, clearly shown by how you turned away. She could only grit her teeth at the stubbornness and reach for her lance 
You made your choice, and clearly it was up to her to deliver justice if no one else would 
So she did what she’s always had to do, the brunt work. With one swing it was over and you were just another count among the others 
She doesn’t know if the captain would praise her for remaining strong or scold her for remaining indifferent 
Everything always boils down to one thing: people cannot be trusted. Each and every time Lysithea has allowed someone close it has blown up in her face 
and somewhere deep down, she knew this situation wouldn’t have ended any differently. The world always found new ways to crush what she cared for 
The only question that remains is how much longer will she have to endure? How much longer did she have to fight? 
because now she had to fight for two. She had to find a cure or die trying 
During the battle for Garreg Mache many had been taken prisoner. She hadn’t the empire to conduct unethical experiments; maybe torture, but nothing like what she was witnessing. 
It was a fever dream one couldn’t fathom, but the mindless husk killing without remorse kept her in reality. What had they done to you?
She noticed the white hair in an instant. One of her worst fears had come to life seeing you at the death knight’s side, but the way you hadn’t even flinched when she called your name made her terrified 
Not even a whack of thoron could snap you out of it. She began to lose hope...were you even there anymore? Is this what they had planned for her if she didn’t flee?
“Say something you jerk! Don’t tell me you’re letting some petty magic keep you grounded, fight it!” 
No matter what anyone said it did nothing. When moral dwindled the only solution left was to free you through other means 
The death knight escaped after you fell. Next time...next time he would die at her hand. 
Lysithea instantaneously moved to further her research after your burial. Not for herself, but to find out if you were gone long before they found you. She needed to know if your death was peaceful, if you could see that she tried 
If you would forgive her 
“This is Nova. I have to leave for a mission, would you watch him for me Marianne?”
 Bright blue eyes bored into hers as she gingerly took hold of the bunny. It’s fur was soft, well groomed. She took notice of how it snuggled into her arms as if it feared no human. Marianne knew instantly that the animal was well loved and cherished. The though made her almost refuse the favor in fear of hurting it, but her classmate’s insistence wasn’t something to fight. 
  Despite her warnings (Y/N) never listened, and at some point Marianne gave up on pushing them away. Their company was appreciated yet she would never say it, and the cuddly creature in her arms truly proved their trust in her 
 She could only nod in agreement as they skipped off to prepare the bunny’s necessities to bring to her room. Marianne hoped she could care for the animal properly, and that nothing would happen to it
She worried for the wrong reasons, as (Y/N) never returned home. They were sent to face Solon and avenge the death of the Professor’s father. Marianne was asked to remain and help in healing injured soldiers from the most previous confrontation. 
·If she knew that would have been the last time (Y/N) would show up in her room, she--no, she wouldn’t have done anything. She may have tried to convince them to stay home but Marianne knows she would have not confessed anything
  Not that she valued their friendship or that she worried for their wellbeing. Not that she was grateful they trusted her with Nova, or that they help her care for her horses. She wouldn’t have even thought it. 
 She didn’t think of it afterwards either. Her fondness for her deceased friend wouldn’t have been noticeable at all if not for the bunny. Despite everything she cared for it as if it were (Y/N) themselves. 
When she sees a familiar figure take charge at Gronder, time freezes. She remembers the bunny sitting in her dorm without an owner. She wonders how abandoned it must have felt to never see it’s best friend again. She feels for the bunny because it’s how she felt.
Without thinking she shoots a blast of magic their way and watches them crumple on the floor 
Why did they abandon their precious bunny? Did they give up on it? Did they give up on her? 
Did you...finally realize you had befriended a monster?
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give-grian-rights · 4 years ago
Bets Against The Void c5
@petrichormeraki bet you forgot I even had this fic ! Thank you again for the gift that is Whitelist AU, which feels like a lifetime ago (For Tommy it was !)
Chapter 1 Here
Last Chapter Here
Next Chapter Here
and AO3 Crossposted!
Ask to tag and give me a headsup on any typos ! c!Tubbo in my interpretation is they/them and blind.
The Hobbit Hole was more than Tommy expected. Birch-and-spruce windows poked out throughout the hillside, a round entrance carefully carved from the wood. Poking his head inside, the blond’s eyes darted across the spruce-built interior skeptically.
“..Thanks.” Tommy halfhartedly grumble, pulling his hand off the entrance. He warily stepped in, his hand resting on the doorway entrance for a moment as he investigated for potential traps.
“You’re..Sure we can just- stay here?” Tubbo asked once more, their head turned back towards the dirty blond stood aside the messy front garden.
“Of course, I swear, I don’t need another place to hoard stuff! Chances are, I’ll only be out here if I finally get around to moving my villagers out of their old setup.”  The older brit confirmed once more, his tone light. “Seriously, it’s not a big deal. Promise.”
Hesitantly nodding, Tubbo offered an appreciative smile his way before they turned back towards Tommy. “How’s it looking, then, Big Man?” They hummed, tilting their head.
“Fuckin’ cool as shit-” He glanced around, apprehensively surveying the ground for any traps.
“It needs a bit of cleanin’ up,” Stress chirped, sending a lighthearted glare towards Grian as he stuck out his tongue with a snicker. “We’d all be happy to help.” She finished, with a warm smile.
Tubbo politely nodded. “I think we’ll handle it. Thank you, again.” They ran their hand over the wooden arc in the entrance.
Grian shook his head. “Really, don’t worry about it. Stay here. Get settled. Either of us may be over to check up. Across the lake’s my neighbor, Scar, who you might see. But he shouldn’t come around here.” 
With a bit of exasperation, ready to be left alone, Tommy wordlessly nodded as he bounced his leg. 
Clearing his throat, Grian nodded. “Alright, then we’ll be out. We’ll see you two soon. Cya, Stress, thanks for the help!” He dipped his head towards the short brunette, who grinned bubbly back.
“See ya! Bye, loves.” Stress cooed, before deploying her glowing skeletal wings and ascending off with a quick poof of smoke.
Instinctively when the item had come to her hand, Tommy had thrown his arms around Tubbo’s ears- an action that didn’t go unnoticed by the sandy brunett man.
Grian simply put his hands up pacifying, as Tubbo was shrunk back curled, shielded away from where the brief poof was. “They’re duds, almost all fireworks here are duds.” He had calmly spoke, his tone soft. “I’ll come back to check up on you guys soon, ‘n make sure you have the supplies you need. You have free reign of that base!” Were his parting words, before he trotted off into the woodland.
Tommy uncurled himself from Tubbo. “You good, Bigman?” The blond tilted his head.
“Yeah,” Tubbo chuckled halfheartedly. “It doesn’t really.. Scare me it just- it startles me? Hearing it? ‘Cause I don’t really have time to prepare myself for the noise..Even if it’s not the same as- the kind from. Then.” Their voice wavered for a moment, before they took a shuttering breath. “Yeah, I’m fine, Man.”
“..Mhm..Alright.  Well, this set-up is better than just ‘bout half the shit on’ the SMP.” Tommy diverted the subject, sweeping his foot over the top of the floor, watching the small streak it left beneath a thin coat of dust.
Tubbo tilted their head. “Really? It smells..Very dusty-” They sneezed into their arm, sniffling. “I.. feel like it might need a bit of work, yeah?”
The blond boy shrugged. “Yeah.. We can see ‘bout gettin’ a towel wet or something and wiping all ths shit down?”
Humming in agreement, Tubbo felt around, listening to the words their Comm robotically had been reading off.
“I’ll see ‘bout findin’ shit. They’ve gotta have wool in some of these chests,”
With a bit of digging,  the two teens had gotten to work. Not everywhere in the practically abandoned place was dusty or dirty. A small lush crevice was fresh and clean- or, relatively so. Bright feathers had littered the area around it. A path from a window seal, which had been opened, and to said crevice was nearly spotless of debris outside of such molting feathers or a few leaves.
Now without dust on the outside, the two messed with the chests, rummaging through what could be found.
..Which was a lot. Just not in the places they had expected.
Out of the chests they had searched through, they managed to find almost a doublechest full of various stacked enchanted books-
“How..How did he just leave all of this here?” “Well, he has enough he defenitely won’t notice a few gone!”
A totem of undying in a michalanious chest-
“Woah.. WHAT THE SHIT..” “Dude… This is.. A gamechanger”
A golden apple held by an item frame-
“Finders keepers! This counts, its on a chest.” “Sick!”
Bafflingly, a diamond in the food chest-
“What the actual shit. WHAT THE ACTUAL SHIT-” “What? W- WHAT? WHY?”
Two enchanted, nearly broken bows with enchants- “Better than nothing, I’ll see about combinin’ them unless you feel like pinnin’ the tail on the donkey.” “..Sounds like a good plan, yah.”
And in the middle of the room, a chest with an enchanted diamond axe-
“..Fuck. Wow- There’s just a wholeass enchanted axe! What the fuck is the point of the itemframes if theres no system here?”
“Whats it enchanted with..?” “..Fortune? What a waste. Uhh, some efficiency, too.”
There wasnt much in the main storage room, but they werent quite willing to push their luck and explore too far. At least not until they got some food and set up some sort of gameplan.
The two teens distributed some of the loot they scavanged, damaged iron armor going to Tommy, a shovel to Tubbo and a spare shovel to Tommy, The totem of undying to Tubbo, and the two diamonds they scavenged turned into a diamond sword for Tubbo as well, with the axe and golden apple going to Tommy.
They turned their focus to food. The two sat beneath the support pillars against the walls, taking the time to eat  a handful of watermelon slices.
The wall of chests ahead of them had been broken, exposing the opened window with feathers trailing from it. It was an oddly live scene in the otherwise abandoned wooden hole.
Neither of them quite enjoyed the feeling of being holed in, or the small nature of the wall-home. Nor did either teen mention it.
Tommy explained the varying entrance ways from the mainroom. They had decided on splitting up soon, letting Tubbo find a place to dig out a room for the two of them, with Tommy going off and rummaging through more chests.
Tubbo found a dead-end room beneath a spruce-log room on the second story, and had begun trying to carve it out, as the other teen worked through more and more chests.
The blond eventually worked his way outside and into yard infront of the entrance, rummaging his way through the bits and pieces- the best so far, being another golden apple which he happily held onto.
Half way through his second chest, something caught his attention- or, more like, he caught something’s attention.
A blue, yellow-cheeked bird had fluttered around him, its head quirked curiously as it stared him down. Tommy shrinked.
“What the fuck do you want?” He squinted at the parrot as it lowered itself down onto the top of the open chest, hopping along the edge.
“F⚍ᓵꖌ!” The bird cooed in responded incoherently, chirping at him.
Tommy paused, eyes lighting up in realization. “Oi! You’re the one that flies into the house, huh?” 
In response, it turned it’s head away, nodding. “Hobbit!” It shrilled.
As Tommy had opened his mouth to respond, the hobbit himself, Grian, had flown down, sweeping down with a soft thud.
“Sorry! Uh, Professor Beak has a little spot in there. He likes to go n stay there most days, its a lot cozier than the mansion,” The older Brit chuckled apologetically, putting out his hand for the parrot. 
The blond boy snorted. “‘Professor Beak?’” He’d raise a brow.
The named bird chirped, stepping onto Grian’s wrist without hesitation. “Professor Ellen Taurtis Beak!” It cooed, its voice mimicking that of Grian himself.
It was… A strange display, to be sure.
Sheepishly, Grian hummed, running his spare hand through the bird’s feathers. “They may try ‘n break back in, they’re a pesky bird like that. I’m sorry for bothering you, though. You two doing good?”
“..Hm,,Yeah, thanks. Are you..Like, fuckin’ aware of all the stuff you’re leavin’?” Tommy eyed the strange man, folding his arms.
Grian merely gave a shrug. “Not really? But that just means they’re nothing important. If they help you both get started, they’re yours.”
Huh. Well, that was easy enough.
“..Right. Cool. Bye.” Tommy watched the man, as he easily nodded, striding off with his bird held by his chest.
The blond let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
“..This place is fucking weird.”
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red-riot-rat · 5 years ago
Request: Hi there!! Coukd you do a Kaminari with a crush on a transfer student reader from america with a water quirk (like one that acts the same way water bending does in the avatar)?
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
AN: please don't kill me for this,, i haven't watched avatar yet,,, but i do plan to watch it babes
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-you walked in, hands stuffed into the pockets of your jacket, and as much as you tried to play it off as cool, 
-you were nervous as h e l l
-you had just moved to Japan, knowing some Japanese of course it wasnt the best but you had the ability to hold  basic conversation, nothing more.
-Aizawa introduced you, and you bowed slightly as you looked around the room.
-the person who drew the most attention was sitting on the second row, with yellow hair and a black lighting stripe.
-He stared at you and smiled, and you made a note to befriend him. He's cute too, so it wouldn't hurt.
-Aizawa introduced you, told the class where you're from and said to show your quirk. He didn't waste any time to get into his sleeping bag and drift off to sleep. 
-You turned to the class, and smiled. Without words you pulled out your waterbottle from your bag, and opened it.
-The class was stunned at your quirk, and a boy in the third row scribbled into his notebook frantically.
-A girl startled you causing your quirk to shut down, and your liquid creation to crumble.
- your creation got the blondes shoulder soaked, but he didn't seem to mind.
-A few weeks pass by since that incident, and you hang out with the bakusquad on the daily, enhancing your japanese and their english. 
AN: authors going apeshit, he doesn't know how shit works and he is terribly sorry…
You threw the water into the air, and many people either stood in the seats, or exclaimed.
“What the hell?” a blonde on the other side of the room yelled, as he held his hands up little explosions began to form. The green haired boy behind him, stood in his chair, anticipating your next moves. 
The girls of the class shrieked a little, but watched in wonder as you started to lift your hand, and the water stopped. You started to shift the clear blue liquid into a little gecko, and it began to crawl around on desks, beginning with the boy with 6 arms seated in front of you. He seemed a little taken back as the liquid lizard began to climb over his shoulder and onto the desk behind him.
The blonde boy behind him, the one with the black lightning stripe didn't notice the lizard until it was on his shoulder. He was quite busy staring at you, and your hand movements. A pink skinned girl, got up and smacked him on the head, which abrupt startled you and the lizard fell back to water.
Unfortunately, the little lizard was still on the blondes shoulder, and caused his uniform to get soaked. 
You gasped and ran to him
“I'm so-” you stopped and corrected yourself.
“Sumimasen!” The blonde looked at you and smiled. He laughed at the inconvenience, and said something about your quirk. He stuck his hand out and said,
“Denki Kaminari.”
You shook his hand shakily, and replied with your name.
He spoke some good english, so you were able to talk for a second.
“You're very cute, did you know?” He laughed.
You gasped and laughed out of embarrassment.
“You're cute too.” You replied.
He seemed to shut down for a second and short circuit, quite literally. Sparks came out of his arm, but before they could hit you the same pink haired girl pulled you away, and introduced you to the rest of the class. 
A few weeks passed and you grew comfortable with everyone, and especially the bakusquad. They helped you learn more Japanese, even if their study ways were a bit…. Rough. You learned none the less.
You sat with them in Bakugou's dorm room on the floor, books strewn about and papers thrown across the floor(which bakugou swore to all of you if you didn't clean them up he’d kill you). Mina sat across from you, helping Sero with a problem she didn't seem to understand either. Kaminari sat besides you focused on studying for the final exam, and bakugou and Kirishima sat next to each other, and quite violently  riled each other up.
You were playing with your quirk, trying out new little creations, ranging from a butterfly to a lion pup, nothing too big though. You didn't want to wear yourself out or Bakugou AND Kaminari would be on your ass tomorrow. 
You created a little dragon and danced it around the room. Bakugou tried to swat at it, but missed by a centimeter. Kaminari laughed and nudged Mina on the shoulder. She and Sero began to watch you as the little animated dragon flew up and down.
Kaminari loudly scribbled something on to a paper, and crossed it out. He wrote again, and stared at it. Then he stared at you, who was now reaching across the little circle to help Mina and Sero. All the while your dragon danced around him, he was blissfully unaware that you did that on purpose.
He took his chance, maybe he’ll get rejected, maybe he wont. But he was sick and tired of getting made fun of my the other members of the squad, and sometimes even you! Of course, you didn't know he was crushing on you, or maybe you did and just liked to tease him.
Yeah, you knew you just like to tease him.
You pulled back from helping Mina and looked at him. You smiled so wide, all he could do was stare and just hope that it would get engraved into his mind.
“Will you go on a date with me?” he blurted out, and as soon as he did he slapped his hand over his mouth and rolled onto his back to stare at the dorm ceiling.
Your animated dragon fell to the ground, landing near Kaminari splashing his clothes a little in the process.
It was deadly silent in Bakugou’s dorm.
Mina and Sero exchanged something, money you think. They all stare at you, expect Kaminari who is bright red and hasnt torn his eyes away from the top of the room.
“Yes.” you whispered. Kaminaris head whipped around at your words, as Mina grabbed onto Sero’s arm excitedly. 
“Yeah. It took you long enough, chargebolt.” You said shakily.
Mina cheered, and Sero laughed as Kirishima wiped away his ‘manly tears’. Bakugou just rolled his eyes and went back to studying.
Kaminari sat up, and looked at you. 
“Want to go on a coffee date later tonight?” He questioned, with more confidence though, his face still red, he smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yes, yes I- I would love too.”
Another AN: do you guys want me to drop the first chaper of the P!LOV series today? Heres a sneak peek...
“Give me something!”
I slammed my fists down onto the rail, and it rattled.
I kept repeating my action, and cried out.
“I want to be someone!”
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years ago
Which of your ocs would go to therapy for or with their darling? How much effort would they actually put into it?
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This is like tricking your dog into going to the vet.. y'all are evil
This story contains: them talking about their dark past, incest(twins), talk of sex
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Absolutely not.
He's a doctor so he would argue that he would know his own body pretty well
"i don't need therapy sweetie, I'm mentally healthy"
This is the same man who flinches at the sight of a butcher knife and has so much mental trauma he still gets scared touching you
If you beg he'll do it though..of course he'll be passive aggressive but he'll go.
Tries to out logic the damn therapist
"so theodore, describe your childhood"
Theodore pushed his glasses up and clears his throat, this was definitely not going to be good. "I'm well aware that a person's childhood shapes their mental state but I assure you this is a waste of time."
"theo, let them help y-" you shuddered at the sharp glance theodore gave you. You've never seen him so aggressive before but it was clear he wasnt having fun. He hated the thought of someone analyzing his every movements and play with his head since it's something he does to you so having it done to him is less fun. "I assure you, I'm mentally sound..nothing is wrong with me"
"alright well, how about we talk about your childhood anyways just chatting nothing serious?"
Theodore scowled before glancing your way, you were doing this cause you loved him..so he should go along with this right?
You have to trick him
You brought it up once and he lashed out at you so badly he actually hurt you pretty bad
You told him you wanted to shopping but when he saw you two were infront of a building that definitely wasn't a mall he was PISSED
He was about two seconds away from hitting you but he saw how much you wanted to help him so he gave it a shock
Aggressive as all hell
He couldn't believe he was here, a group therapy session for victims of sexual abuse. The male sat there in his expensive clothes with his diamond encrusted shades on a scowl on his face.
"so, would you like to introduce yourself and tell us why you're here?" You flinched lightly at the single question the therapist asked before glancing at hikaru who in his legs and pushed his shades up his blue eyes flickering with rage.
"I'm here cause my bitch of a soulmate decided to drag me here instead of a shopping trip like they promised, I could be at home getting my dick sucked but no in here surrounded by idiots" hikaru was definitely in a fiery mood.
"well hikaru, y/n brought you here bec-"
Hikaru huffed in anger cutting the doctor off his anger being never ending. "they brought me here cause they think they are so smart. Their job is to please me in anyway I see fit, in return I spoil them once in a while and I am NOT pleased." With that Hikaru got up before shooting you a dirty look.
"you have ten minutes to meet me in the car or you're walking home" he snapped before walking out the room. You apologized for hikaru before going to join him.
The first one willing to go
He thinks it will make a great date
Tells his therapist EVERYTHING
Honestly he sounds so chipper about it they look so worried for him
Like sir are you okay?!
Clams up when it comes to insecurities
Like nope.
He only goes once though cause in his eyes therapy is a going once event
"- then my brother salem poured bleach in my eyes! I know it was bad but I of course forgive him cause all siblings fight right? He's really great though! Like one time we were playing hide and seek and he couldn't find me for six hours haha!"
you nervously glanced at the horror stricken expression the therapist had, they were so shocked they werent even taking notes. "Your brother sounds extremely toxic and incredibly dangerous" they stated and axis paused with a light pout clearly offended.
"salem wouldn't hurt a fly!" He huffs out and you weren't sure this was helping too much..though you were glad he decided to go.
So his therapist had to see a therapist
The first three minutes he had to wear a muzzle cause he tried to eat his therapist and not in the fun way
He is so feral he just speaks in slurring words and barks
You have to put a collar and leash on him
He did leave with a mouth full of blood though cause he bit a huge chunk off his therapist.
"s-s-so, salem w-what do you think c-caused you to be this way?" The doctor spoke while standing on their desk as you tried to pull the leash hard to pull salem away. "Bad boy! Stop it!" You snapped out at salem who got his muzzle off and was attempting to devour the poor therapist. "I-im sorry he's usually much calmer than this, strangers make him hungry" you explained before seeing salem bite the therapist on the leg.
"salem! No! You don't bite people!" You scolded as you tried to pull the male off and once you did you decided it was time to go home now. "W-well thanks doctor this has been fun, let's go salem!" You dragged him away while shaking your head.
"...yes salem?"
"I love you!"
You glanced at him seeing he was docile once more and you sighed "I love you too babe" you mumbled out not sure what to do.
His therapist quit.
He trolled them so hard they gave up
Spoke in meme quotes the whole time.
"rin, would you say you were a happy child?"
You face palmed at your boyfriend who was hellbent on annoying the therapist to death. This session has already been thirty minutes and while rin was holding back his laughter the doctor looked like they wanted to snap their clipboard.
"please rin, work with me here..."
Rin beckoned the therapist to come closer and when they leaned in feeling excited thay they made progress rin's eyes sparkled widely. "Big...chungus"
You and rin walked out the office after being kicked out since the therapist had an absolute mental breakdown. "You're an asshole.." you mumbled and rin wrapped an arm around your shoulder with a wicked grin. "I'm your asshole, babynow how about we dress you up then have clown sex? I say that's equal payment for this"
He hated it
He was quiet the entire time
Like the entire time
He wouldn't answer a question or nothing
He legit fell asleep with his head in your lap and now sees therapy as a place to nap
He doesn't like strangers so there was no way in hell he's speaking to a stranger.
You sighed at the tense silence in the room as yuki buried his face into your stomach his head in your lap. The moment he got here he took a nap not really caring about the doctor or his questions..it's been this way for a full hour. Slowly yuki opened his eyes and sat up with a low hum, he leaned in to kiss you feeling really clingy until he heard the shuffling of another person.
yuki tensed up suddenly wrapping his arms around you his chin rested on your shoulder. "Y/n, home?" He questions with a grumpy pout. You ran your fingers through his hair with a loud sigh.
"yeah yuki, we can go home.."
He sees himself too cool for that stuff
"I'm not going, therapy isn't my vision of a fun date. Foreplay and sex is a good date"
He doesn't like the idea of sitting in a room and talking about his feelings.
If you promise to let him finger you during the car ride he is totally In though
He doesn't take it seriously at all
Avoids all the questions
Ends up just boasting about his sex life for an hour
"y/n moaned louder that night than ever before, it was so fucking awesome" prince cheered out his eyes lit up. You were covering your face with your hands feeling nothing but embarrassment as prince went all and on.
"t-the question was what makes you happy" the doctor stated and prince gave a confused look. "Yeah, and I said sex I mean wasn't that clear?"
"prince could you perhaps be a nymphomaniac?"
"shit, maybe? If I don't bang at least twice a day I get all grumpy...speaking of bang on the car ride here it was fucking great y/n let me-" you covered his mouth not being able to handle anymore of this. "We'll be going now!" You snapped out now dragging prince away.
"you're sexy when embarrassed"
"shut the hell up"
He is literally the least dangerous yandere
He thinks he's fine
But he goes and actually speaks about his life
Everything about his life seems so cheerful and good...until..it isnt
Like axis he speaks as if it's okay
He's a dumbass so therapy doesn't really help him
He just uses it as a way to spend time with you
"so what was your childhood like?"
"well, I grew up in a small village we owned a pretty big farm. My mother and father kinda liked to spoil me.."
You've never heard about his childhood so you were very engaged in this story..it sounded pretty nice. Rocket paused to think when suddenly his eyes lit up
"I ended up being chosen to be the village pet! It was such an honor!" He cheers out with a happy hum. Instantly you knew this wasn't going to be good but you let him explain.
"the village pet is like...hmm a handyman, they do basically anything the villagers don't wanna do it's hard work but it's good work." He explained
"what were some of the things you had to do?"
"well...solves disputes, help out on there people's farms, help procreate, honestly anything! Only way to leave the village as a pet is to choose a new pet. It was hard to pick someone..but I'm glad I did"
The room got very very silent...very fast.
Rocket gazed at the time before getting up. "Hey y/n we should go yeah? You promised we could go get ice cream if I do this with you"
Yuuji& yuuta
Lord...these two got so much fucking baggage
They go, but they see it as entertainment
A fun little joke
Until it's not
The therapist manages to make them fight
And that NEVER happens
Like never.
It gets super damn intense
You're over there like "damn okay."
You watched the two boys argue clearly upset with each other. The question was that if yuuta found yuuji attractive..and yuuta hesitated.
"so you don't think I'm cute or anything?"
"I never said that! I just think, you're not my type."
"how the hell could I be not your type?! I know exactly what you like and don't like! I please you all the damn time!"
You cleared your throat awkwardly, not sure if going to couples therapy was a good idea anymore.
"I'm just saying! You sometimes..don't hit it quite right I mean..it's fine everyone has their ups and downs"
"OH so I'm bad at sex now?! You're such a liar cause on the drive here you were screaming like a little whore!"
"anyone can fucking scream yuuji! Doesn't take damn rocket science! Y'know I'm starting to see why ushio fucking hates you! You think you're so damn high and mighty! This is why we can't have normal relationships with our siblings!"
The room got silent as the two panted softly the screaming working them up and yuuji turned his head away eyes glimmering with tears. You honestly..felt like you were watching a drama show and was totally into it. "I-i didn't mean that- I'm sorry I just-"yuuta mumbled out and yuuji sniffled.
"do you..hate me?"
"ever since we came out when we were younger, you've been trying to be such a tough guy..you don't even say you love me as much. So, do you hate me?" Yuuji explained and you watched as the two hugged.
"of course not! I-i just didn't want anyone to still see me as that girl who was scared of her own shadow" yuuta whimpers out and yuuji smiled at him "you're not her, you're a strong guy.. our strong guy and we love you so much me and y/n" yuuji whispers out planting a kiss on the boy's cheek.
As the three of you left you suddenly felt an arm link with yours on either side. "Enjoy the show dollface?" Yuuta chimed before yuuji giggled "it was very fun!"
"you two were faking it?!" You huffed out seeing them both nod. They were totally lying but they didn't want you to know that, after all they were twins..fighting was basically illegal to them.
Another person who isn't happy with therapy
Straight out refuses
Like nope.
It takes A LOT of convincing til she agrees
Another member of the "has a bad childhood but sees it as normal" group
Hers is downright horrifying
But she giggles it off
"my childhood? Hmm..well my father was a doctor, I was his little nurse" she said softly in thought and you immediately didn't like this.
"he taught me all about plants, poisons and human biology. He was studying human mutations he wanted to know if it was possible to have humans evolve animal like traits, by replacing their body parts for animal ones of course" she cheers out and interlaced her fingers together.
"such an interesting study, some of them works in some ways..though it seems the human body can't handle some things..we are such fragile creatures are we not?"
Scarlett had this creepy dangerous vibe about her and the session was instantly cut short due to your therapist feeling unsafe. As you two walked out you couldn't help but gaze her way.
"who were his victims?" You asked out softly before feeling her hold your hand with a smile. "Well, children from my school. Then..me" she stated softly causing the haira on the back of your neck to stand.
"what animal part did he give you? Did it work?"
"it worked.."
That was all she stated and you didn't hear anything about it ever again so you were left to wonder about it.
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thedramaclubs · 4 years ago
Tonight belongs to you
Summery: it’s prom night and the group is going to have the night of there lives
Ships: Logicality, Prinxiety, demus/dukeceit
When they’re singing
Patton- blue
Duet- orange
Kaylee- black
Ms Greene- pink
It’s prom night. Remus is at Patton’s helping him pick out a suit. “You better hurry up in there or your gonna me my drag alter ego....Eugene lee yang from the try guys.” Patton came out wearing a light blue tux.
“What do you think?”
“Well it’s better than the pink. But you got fuzz on your shoulders. You’ve got great shoulders”
“This isn’t working” Remus clean off the fuzz
“Don’t panic...does this help?”
I don’t know?....What did you wear to your prom?” Remus got quiet “Well I was gonna wear a dark green dress with sparkles everywhere. But this isn’t about me this is about you. Your gonna have the night of your life.” Remus walked back to get a view of the tux.
“Hey what’s your date wearing?”
“I don’t know.” Remus’s face change to confusion. “He didn’t give you a little fashion show?”
“I’ve never been to his house. His mother doesn’t know about us.” Patton felt anxious
“How long have you been together?”
“A year an a half.”
“Oh my god....”
“But he’s coming out tonight big time that’s the plan.......I’m really scared”
“Well for so many reasons but mainly because.......half of the people their still hate me.” The room got quiet. Remus put out his hand for Patton and they sat on Patton’s bed.
“Look I never went to my prom.” Remus started to tear up. Patton gave him a hug and a single tear fell from his face. “Looks like your mystery boyfriend and I never had your courage. You made all of this happened and when you walked into that gym tonight, you know what their gonna see.....the bravest person in the world.”
Patton gave a small smile and a nervous giggle “This is scary does everyone go through this?”
“Are you kidding of course. Right now girls are spraying on their tans, whitening their teeth and shoving their fingers down their throats one last time and trying to look their best for the prom. But they are wasting their time. They might as well be wearing a garbage bag........with the word “whore” on it and you know why.........because.......they’re whores.”
Patton was shocked “WHAT?!”
Remus then regretted that last statement
“No my god they don’t have the glow you have right now”
“I trust you completely and that’s kinda scary”
I can tell your feeling wary but you can count on uncle reemy he turn this butchy duck into a swan
Your whole look could use a shake up you can borrow all my make up and the pair of SPANX I currently have on
I think I’ll past
Treat the whole world like your run way make it fierce but in a fun way try to flip your hair like Cher and drag queens do
And I don’t mean to be rude dear but you could use some attitude dear
Let’s show the school tonight belongs to you
One things universal, life no dress rehearsal, so why not makes some waves before it’s through
Go big or you’ve blown it, it’s time that you own it let’s make it clear that tonight belongs to you
Now whatever we choose we gotta make sure to sell it
How do I do that?
Allow Ms Allen to demonstrate
You might find this disconcerting but old Remus has done some flirting
Try to bat your eyes and smile each time you grin
I can guess your whole agenda
You be Elphie I’m Galinda
It’s makeover time so why not just give in
One things universal
Life’s no dress rehearsal
So why not make some waves before it’s through
Go big or you’ve blown it
It’s time that I own it (yes sir!)
Let’s make it clear that tonight belongs to you
Belongs to me
Kaylee and Shelby are at Kaylees house
“Oh god I can’t believe this is finally happening” Said Kaylee
“He almost ruined it for all of us” Said Shelby
“Well what goes around comes around. You look hot”
“You look so hot”
Well I hate to sound conceited but the boys get over heated when I strike a pose or or two like thus *they do poses here*
And you have to hand it to me I mean even I would do me
Let’s show the world tonight belongs to us
One things universal, life no dress rehearsal excuse me while I state the obvious
go big or you’ve blown it
It’s time that we own it lets make it clear that tonight belongs to us
Logan finished getting dress. He was in a black tux with a dark blue tie with his hair pulled back with gel.
“You look so handsome. You should always wear your hair like this.”
Logan took a deep breath. “Mom I want you to know what’s gonna happen tonight I-”
“Shh can we not spoil this moment. I’ve worked very hard on this night. I have a right to enjoy it too. Your gonna have a wonderful prom like a normal boy I made sure of that”
“What does that mean?”
I don’t like when strangers in my way or when somebody messes with the PTA
Or maybe that’s just me trust me
Fixes little problems is what I do now everyone is happy I promise you
And I would never ever miss a night like this Logan your my super Star now get your ass in the car
The Prom has begun. Every is dancing and having the night of their lives. Everyone has worked so hard for this night music blasting, streamers and confetti flying and everyone haveing the night of their lives.
One things universal life’s no dress rehearsal excuse me while I state the obvious
Go big or you’ve blown it
It’s time that we own it
And make it clear that tonight belongs to
Make it clear that tonight belongs to
Make it clear that tonight belongs
TO US!!!
Patton and the actors are at the gym door about to go inside we’re the rest of the kids are.
“You look so handsome” Said Roman
“Are you sure it’s not to boyish?”
“No it’s definitely boyish.” Said Janus as he held a little box.
“He means it’s not to boyish. My husband likes to mess with people time to time but that’s what I love about him.” Janus blushed at what Remus Said. “You did good Remus. I thought you had no fashion sense whatsoever but I was wrong.”
“Thanks Roman. Where’s your date?”
“We’re meeting inside the gym. He’s still a little shy about all this but he’ll be there.”
“Well this is were we leave you our work here is done.” Remus got the box from Janus and inside was a boutonniere. He pinned it on Patton’s tux and they started to walk away.
“Can you walk me in Remus? I’m a little nervous.”
Remus gave a small smile “of course.” The two of them squealed and walked in the gym
“We did good you guys. Now who’s wants a drink?” Roman, Janus, Thomas and Joan walked out.
The moment Remus and Patton walked in the gym.........they were in shocked. The gym was empty. Their was no one there except for Virgil on the phone and some balloons and streamers.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m just putting the pieces together give me one second.” Virgil went back on the the phone and Remus kept looking around the sad and empty gym.
“Where is everybody?”
“What’s going on here?” Once Remus said that Roman, Janus, Thomas and Joan came in.
“Something’s wrong. The entire parking lot is empty!” Roman looked around
“Jesus what’s the theme of the prom death row!” Said Joan
Patton’s voice started to shake “Mr Hawkins. Where are all the kids? I don’t understand?”
Logan and his mom were at the real prom and Logan was concerned
“I don’t understand. Why aren’t we at the gym?”
His mom provided and explainantion “Well at last minute their was a problem and we had to change the venue.” “Mom what’s going on tell me the truth.”
“This is what happened as I understand it the courts told the pta to hold and inclusive prom.”
“Don’t worry we did what we had to do”
“There was some resistance but the parents met without my knowledge and organized 2 proms”
“We gave him a prom”
“One for all the kids at elk lodge down town”
At both places
“Oh my god” Said Patton and Logan
And THIS prom.....JUST for you!”
“Now you go have fun! I will be here to make sure everything is perfect”
Patton’s voice was shaking “Wait no I got texts from kids at school everyone said it was here!”
“They lied to you it was part of the plan.”
“Oh my god!” Roman exclaimed
“YOU LIED TO ME!” Yelled Logan at Kaylee and Shelby
“Who’s the lier.”
“We know about you and Patton.”
“Trust us we’re doing you a favor.”
“You can thank us later.”
“Patton I’m so so sorry this is...... IM STILL IN SHOCK” Patton walked away to cry a little
“So your saying the whole town kept this from him?!” Said Thomas
“This is so cruel” Said Janus
“I’m gonna cry!” Remus ran into Janus’s arms and started to cry.
“This is a disaster.” Said Roman
“This is a PR problem.” Said Joan as they walked to Roman
“No we had a PR problem, this is a full-blown disaster this is the end of my career.” Virgil overheard the conversation.
“Whoa whoa, that’s why you came here for publicity!?” Roman walked to the taller man “Virgil you don’t know how the world works.” “Yes I do......unfortunately.” Patton put his glasses back on and walked to the front of the gym.
One things universal, life’s no dress rehearsal, when people find a scapegoat, to condemn. We went big yet we’ve blown it I guess I should have known it all along tonight belong............. to them
Patton’s phone rang
“I swear I didn’t know.”
“You were on the prom committee how did you not know?”
“It was Kaylee and Shelby. They found out we were together they didn’t want me to tell you.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Then come met me.”
Silence. Logan began to cry
“I can’t”
“You can’t or you won’t?”
“My mom is here.”
“WELL LEAVE HER!” Tears we’re streaming down Patton’s face
“She’s watching me every second!”
“I’ve had enough”
“I mean it’s not how I thought it would go I’m sorry.”
“Great, perfect, that fixes everything, have fun at the normal persons prom!” Patton hung up.
“Patton. PATTON!”
Remus than interjected “Okay here’s what we’re gonna do, we are gonna go to that prom and-”
“NO THIS ALREADY THE WORSE NIGHT OF MT LIFE JUST STOP HELPING ME!!” Patton ran out of the gym crying and Janus followed after him
And make it clear that tonight belongs to
Make it clear that tonight belongs to
Make it clear that tonight belongs
TO US!!!!!!!
End of act 1
Okay so I’m gonna take a break from writing the au for a bit. I’ll still be on tumblr and you guys can talk to me I’m just gonna take a break do for about a week or 2. if you want to be tag let me know
People to tag/ @artissijules @patt-off @frogsandcookies @icantthinkofacreativeurl @purplestarrystars @actingonimpulse
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souichieatr · 4 years ago
—wave, nishinoya y.
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in which he meets them in the library.
they/them used , 1,558 words
a/n: kinda rushed the end bc ive been writing this for awhile so pls dont be too disappointed im honestly just trying to get comfortable writing but i hope you enjoy, lower case intended
“why are we even here ryu its summer we should be going to the pool” the smaller boy whined, entering the library with his best friend. “noya i just need to drop off this book for my sister calm down” tanaka sighed “im gonna head to the jump section meet me there” nishinoya said waving off his friend after the comment was acknowledged. looking for the section he caught a glimpse of and intriguing character, he couldnt see them because of all the book they were carrying. walking to them whispering “hey you look like you need help, mind if i?” startled the person jumps a little. “yes please, my coworker just stacked them on top of me” letting a small laugh out, laughing a little with them he took some books off of the pile so they could see. looking at them his breathing hitched, beautiful is all he could think. after a second of him starting the person asked if he was okay, nodding his head smiling “where we headed with these?” lifting his arm. “to the front, these are donations” they said took a step looking back for the male to follow them. he started to make conversation with questions like ‘whyd your coworker leave?’ ‘do you work here?’ ‘what's your name?’ the walk wasnt that long so he couldn't get to know them that much. “i cant believe you work here? its summer you should be out in the sun!” he said whisper-yelling, with a small laugh they replied “well its easy money and i get to stay with the air conditioning i think its a win win.” putting his hand on his chin and closing his eyes, nodding his head with a hum “who am i to criticize someone whos getting that bag, consider me jealous.” getting a buzz from his pocket he took his phone out seeing tanaka asking where he is. “my friend is looking for me, will you give me the pleasure in obtaining your number?” he said looking up at them, they do the same pose he was doing a minute ago. “well you dont seem like a stalker plus i can repay you for helping me, here” they say grabbing the phone from his hand typing their number and naming the contact ‘y/l/n.’ “well mr nishinoya i will expect a response from you soon” they back up leaning on the books. “oh wait i need a contact picture everyone has one in my phone” he says with a little pride, hearing a laugh from them his smile widens “im not taking a picture i look bad right now” they say turning to the books. “fine next time i see you im getting that picture” he says, giving them a wave “bye y/l/n” waving back to him they nod.
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looking back on this memory a smile appeared on their face. getting up from the vanity straightening their clothes. “you ready?” their mom asks with a small smile, looking at her baby memories coming back of their first steps, first words, first fall, first lost tooth. breaking from her thoughts to see her child nod. “okay it's almost time you look good honey” she said, walking up to them fixing any mistakes she finds. “wow i cant believe youre leaving me” looking at their mom with an eyebrow raised “hey now dont get upset with me, its yuu’s fault hes the one who proposed” they say with a smile. “well i cant really be mad, he did ask for permission hes such a gentleman” as she finishes a knock at the door alerts both of them. y/n’s friend at the door pops in. “time to shine and make the male cry y/n'' laughing at their own joke, y/n lets go of their moms hand taking a deep breath. “oh gosh dont joke about him crying i know he will'' they say laughing walking to the door. seeing all the decorations theyve picked out, seeing their family and family run around as they walk, everything feeling in slow motion. in their place their dad comes tears in his eyes. “oh dad cmon” they say nudging him. “oh hush your moms already been bugging me let me be” seeing the people in front of them move they start walking in the doors. seeing all the colors and familiar faces of friends of both parties, forward they see him. when they lock eyes his eyes go wide and he straightens up with a smile. getting to the end of the walkway, letting go of their dad and taking his hands. “wow” he says under his breath. the marriage officiant clears his throat, “i dont wish to keep these two waiting any longer lets start”
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it didnt take too long keeping it short and getting to the vows. facing him with a smile, seeing him grab a piece of paper. “i actually came prepared im just that cool” showing everyone the paper getting a couple chuckles from the audience, turning back seeing your eyes watch him his smile gets even bigger. “when i first met y/n i didnt really see them, just a pile of books their coworker dumped on them, to this day i will thank that coworker and ryu for dragging me there. while im thanking people i want to thank y/n for being them, they might not see how perfect they are but in my eyes they are, no one could be or even get remotely close to how perfect i see them. i wanna thank their parents too” he says turning to them “i know its not easy to let go but thank you for trusting me to them, i promise to be the best” he says looking at both of them, determination burning in his eyes when he turns back to look at his partner. “i love you y/n now please dont make me cry with all your big words in your vows'' he says closing his eyes and bringing their joined hands to his face kissing their knuckles. chuckling at his words breaking their hands apart they grab a paper. “i make no promises yuu” seeing him deflate a little “ive had people ask me ‘what is love?’ and i never really knew how to answer besides saying ‘you just kinda know’ even looking up on google how to describe love i never really understood what they were trying to say, but now being with yuu i think i can finally grasp what ive been trying to say. being in love with someone is like surfing, your partner being the water and you being the one riding the wave. you approach the water calmy or you can rush into it, and when the wave comes depending on the size it can range from small and gentle or strong and destructive, even if you are a pro surfer you still get waves that you just cant conquer. now why i bring this up? for once in my life i can say im in love, im so helplessly in love with you yuu. youre the gentle warm wave everyone wants even if i do fall i know youll catch me and bring me to the shore, not to sound cringe and cliche but with you i do feel like i can do anything maybe even surf” laughing at your own little joke you take a breath looking up from your paper to see him. the man you didnt think youd, the man youd soon with for the rest of your life. in tears he lets out a chuckle “we can learn together” he says sniffing, taking his hands once again “im in love with you, yuu” seeing his bottom lip tremble “sir can we hurry this up i really need to kiss the love of my life right now” he says in a hushed voice, the pastor laughs and nods, “i dont think we have any objections? alright beautiful, may we have the rings?” turning to your god daughter as she walks with the rings to the front, giving both of your legs a hug she walks back. handing the rings to each of you, “nishinoya yuu do you take y/l/n y/n as your partner in life?” “yes a hundred times” he says in one breath, putting the ring on your left ring finger gently. “y/l/n y/n do you take nishinoya yuu as your life partner?” “yes, i do” coping his motions, interlocking your hands with the biggest smiles on your faces. “i have the honor of announcing you both married yuu you may kiss your partner.” not wasting time he pulls them towards him locking lips. in slow mention it felt like pulling away, the noise from friends and family, him with his eyes swelled up and red from crying, and to the ring on both of your fingers. “wow we're married” is all he says, “wow we're married” they repeat, he turns to the crowd throwing their joined hands “IM MARRIED!!!” receiving a smile and laugh from everyone, his best friend getting up “BRO YOURE MARRIED '' cheers erupt from everyone again, the sound of the waves crashing wasnt far from them and both of them are determined to catch at least one wave.
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another-stark-sub · 4 years ago
Sex against a wall with Tony for Smutty Saturday if you’re taking requests please!
Ohhhhh ok this may or may not be based on a dream i had a while ago. 18+ content ahead! Uh, semi-public sex as well
Galas and parties were Tonys bread and butter. While he did put on a facade most of the time, talking to investors, flirting with reporters, and such, with you, he was able to be himself
You tried your best to pull him away from people more interested in his last name than himself to dance or drink or talk
And it worked! Most of the time.
Once, you weren't able to pull him away. Too much oress around the last Avengers situation plus Stark Industries was unveiling something new that night, so obviously he had to face some suits
And be away from you
Tony was forced to watch you from across the room
And he fucking hated it
You were in a beautiful green ensemble, to celebrate a partnership with some company with a green logo, and it showcased your curves so beautifully
And showed just enough skin to tease him. Tonys sure you didnt mean for that to happen, but god, he couldnt help himself
You were so sexy and beautiful, and he knew you had to cover up the hickies from last night, but that just made him want to mark you up even more. You wouldnt have time to hide anything if he took you now
So, after hours of feeling Tonys gaze on you, you pulled him away. You failed the first time, but the second, you managed to convince some reporters that you absolutely needed his help with something urgent
He did have to deliver a big speech. Was he nervous? Did a reporter say something triggering? What could make Tony Stark so desperate for your presence?
"Hey, is everything-"
He pulled you close and whispered in your ear, "Hallway, now."
His voice was so deep and commanding. You had no choice but to obey. And even if you did have a choice, he chose for you, grabbing your hand and leading you through the crowd.
He didnt even say anything to the people he passed by. You had to apologize to guests and say hpw focused he was on yhe new project and blah blah blah
And finally you were out of the crowd, in a secluded hallway, and his hands were on your waist and his lips were on yours and he mumbled something to Friday as he kissed you and pinned you to the wall.
"Tony?" It nearly came out as a moan as he started to kiss down your neck. And his hands were already moving under your dress, up your legs...
"Fucking cockblocks," he muttered as he hiked your dress above your waist. One of tonys hands was under your thigh, lifted you up, while the other wasted no time pulling your underwear to the side and rubbing your clit. "And you, teasing me like that."
You didnt mean to tease him! It was just another gala. But you wouldnt dare admit it. Not when he had you like that, moaning and whining. You just nodded and pawed at his chest. Why couldnt you touch his bare skin?
Why did suits have to hide his body from you?
"And youre already soaked." He laughed and kissed you long and hard. "Always ready to be fucked huh?"
He wasnt wrong. "For you," you managed to say.
Tony smiled and pushed his pants down low enough to release his cock. With one thrust, he was inside you, and before you could moan, satisfied, he was thrusting into you
You were bobbing up and down on his cock, against the wall, during a fucking gala, and he had a speech in a few minutes.
You kissed him whenever you could, but the man was more focused on fucking you properly. Through your haze of pleasure and friction and the sounds of groans and moans, you managed to loosen his tie and unbutton a few buttons on his shirt, revealing his unmarked neck and the very top of his chest. Finally, with your hands agaibst his bare skin, you kissed his neck and sucked as many hickeys as you could
And when Tony let out a high-pitched moan, you tightened around his cock, and he managed to keep in a scream. "Fuck me," he laughed, still thrusting into you.
Then, Fridays voice, "Sir, Ms. Potts-"
"Im busy here, Fri."
You let out a whine, and Tony didn't stop, even if Friday was talking to him.
"Ms. Potts insists-"
"I'm busy," he stated, concentrating on fucking you right into the wall.
"You have to be onstage, sir."
"Onstage, you say?" He smiled at you. "Guess we gotta speed this up, huh, honey?" He reached down to rub your clit, and you didnt know you could moan that high.
"Sir, I must-"
Your whine interrupted Friday, because Tony was fucking you, rubbing your clit, all while talking as if he wasnt bringing you pleasure
"Thats my girl," he said. "Im gonna fill you ip so nice before I get onstage."
You nodded.
"Ms. Potts is looking for you, sir."
"Let her find me."
And just like that, you came, squeezing tightly around him, and Tony muffled his incoherent sounds by pursing his lips and pounding the wall with his fist. "Fuck." He came inside of you, pumping everythig he had into you.
For a few seconds, nothing happened. You were just in a blissful state in your mans arms as the two of you panted and tried to come back to reality.
It was Friday who snalled the two of you out of it.
"Your speech, sir."
Tony smiled. "Speech, right." He kissed you again as he pulled out, the two of you whining at the loss.
Quickly, he fixed his pants, ran a hand through his hair and cleared his throat. "Friday, when she's back, remind her to go to the bathroom."
"Of course."
He smiled and kissed your cheek. "Wish me luck."
And you were left there, with a stupid smile on your face, and a sweet reminder from Friday to wash up.
As you left the bathroom, you could see Tony onstage, charming the audience. And when he saw you, he winked.
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bitchiha · 5 years ago
A/N: So I wrote this instead of doing any of my psych assignments which is fine by me. Im a little bit rusty with one shots bc the last one I did was a Harry Potter angst with Draco and that was on a diff blog a few months back. Any who, enjoy and thank you for requesting!!
Request:  I would like to order a Gaara x Reader where Gaara and Reader are dating, but she is a Leaf Shinobi, and she she is always very talkative and smiling, but one day she is serious and quiet, and he is worried, but finds out that she is only concerned with something kind of silly, and then he is relieved and realizes that he really loves her.
✎ Worry (Gaara oneshot)
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You didn’t get to see your boyfriend all that often, being that you were a Leaf ninja, constantly on missions and he was a Kazekage, constantly protecting his village. However, whenever you did reunite it was always memorable. In fact, Gaara would be lying if he didn't count down the days to your arrival. 
He always looked forward to seeing you. He would stand at the gate of his village, waiting for your body to slowly become visible through the winds of the blowing sand. He loved the face you would make when you finally discerned his shape in the distance: your eyes would brighten and a smile would spread rapidly across your face. Even if the journey was long, seeing him waiting there always gave you a burst of energy. You would then squint your eyes to shield them from the sand and run the rest of the distance towards him. 
However, when Gaara spotted your figure in the distance today, you seemed a little tense. In fact, when you spotted him you didn't make that signature facial expression he loved so much or even start running towards him.
Something was off.
He watched you carefully as you got closer and frowned. He lacked a lot of emotional experience with others, but there was no denying that you looked worried.
Seeing you like that made him panic a little bit. Again, Gaara has never been very good with emotions - if anything he relied on you to be the one to help him navigate peoples feelings. So seeing you in such a worried state made him really, well... worried. He didn’t know what to do.
Once you finally arrived face to face at the gate you greeted him with a small smile and he guided you into the village. He gave you a little perplexed look in return before weeding the two of you out of the way of villagers and back towards his apartment.
I should say something, he thought to himself almost awkwardly, but he just didn’t know what. 
Normally you would have started a conversation with him and he would have listened carefully, not saying much himself as he preferred hearing your voice as opposed to his own. However, you didn't seem in the mood to do that today, meaning it was his turn to pick up the slack. 
“Erm- Temari and Kankuro will be happy to see you. Kankuro has been working on a new puppet and he has been dying to show everyone in the village how good it is.” 
You laughed at that, which made his heart warm a bit, but he couldn't help but sense a possible hint of distractedness in your tone. You were gnawing at your nails too - he picked up that it was your nervous habit -  which made him fall back into silence again. 
What am I supposed to say? What do people do in these situations? 
Gaara lead you up to his apartment, knowing that you were tired and usually fell asleep upon arriving at the village.
Typically after you woke up from a nap you two would eat dinner together and then you would really start to catch up on things. You would talk about eventful things that happened on your missions and he would talk about Kank and Temari or some of his own eventful occurrences as the Kazekage in return.
Your naps usually lasted pretty long after your 3 day journey. That would give Gaara just enough time to drop by Temari’s and see if she could assist him with how to deal with this whole situation. She was always the one he fell back on for relationship advice. Deeming Kankuro useless in this field, as he talked more to puppets than to actual human beings.
He opens the door for you upon arriving and remains at the enterance, when you realize he isn’t coming side with you, you turned to look at him. You stared at each other from your respective points in the apartment: him at the door and you just outside his bedroom. 
“Gaara?.. Aren't you coming inside?” 
“...No, I need to, uhm, finish some paperwork. In the meantime you should really take a nap. I’ll be back by the time you wake up.” He said awkardly as he closed the door.
With that, he left you to sleep as he paid his sister a visit, asking her for some needed advice.
Temari was surprised at the visit, it was always very rare for Gaara to ask her for this kind of advice anyway, let alone for him to have a worried look on his face too.
When she lets him inside, he recalls the events that have transpired so far, sitting across from eachother at Temaris dinner table. There was a guide book on Shogi sitting atop the table, which Gaara knew she was reading just to impress a certain Leaf ninja. Anyway, when she caught him staring at it she batted it away embarrassedly and cleared her throat, her face growing hot. There was a moment of silence in the room as she thought about what Gaara had told her. 
“Hm... Well, did you ask her whats wrong?”
“...No.” He realized that would have been an important piece of information to ask.
Temari shook her head, but then proceeded to give him a simple rundown of what to do. 
Step one: ask whats wrong
Step two: ask how you can make her feel better 
It seemed so simple when Temari said it, honestly he felt a little embarrassed that he couldn't manage to think of it on his own. He wasnt going to waste anymore time now that he knew what to do though.
As he was leaving Temaris apartment she smiled at him.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that...”
“Oh, its nothing...” she giggled. “Well actually Gaara, you know, going out of your way like this is something people normally do when they care about someone.” Then she closed the door with a cheeky grin, leaving Gaara to blush at the face of a wooden door. 
On his way back to the apartment he thought about what Temari said, going out of your way like this is something people normally do when they care about someone... Of course in his head he always knew he really cared about y/n, but having someone else notice it too really made him stop and think. 
He remembered when he fought Naruto back when the sound village attacked the Leaf. Naruto had opened Gaaras eyes to a lot of important things. He had shown him that you needed to have people important in your life. People that you would fight for and even die for... And for the first time, Gaara realized that y/n ticked all those boxes.
As he arrived back at his apartment, he opened the door quietly, not wanting to wake you up. He could hear your gentle snores as he made his way to your bedroom, holding a medium sized box in his hands.
After leaving Temari’s he had wandered the village a bit, thinking over a few things and clearing his mind, he had passed by your favourite dessert place in his village and figured that it would be a good gesture if he got you something. Afterall, Temari was always so happy when got sweets from anyone.
He opened the bedroom door carefully only to see you curled up on his bed sleeping. It made his heart feel all funny when he seen you sleeping. You looked so calm and fragile. He couldn't really admire it for all that long though because His presence must have alerted you. He watched your eyes open groggily as you sat up.
“Gaara? Is that you?” you asked, letting out a yawn. 
“Yes. I uhm... I got you something.” he placed the white box on the bed next to you. 
 You opened the lid curiously, to reveal your favourite dessert staring back at you. It made you smile widely, as if nothing was wrong in the first place, but in a few seconds the worry crawled back onto your face. This time though, Gaara didn't get discouraged. 
“Something has been bothering you since you got here, y/n. I want to help you, but I can't if you don't tell me whats wrong.”
It was strange seeing him so forward with feelings, but you liked it. In fact it made you feel relieved that you could tell him about your predicament.
“I guess you're right... Well, you see I guess its kind of... A bit silly but I got you a gift a while back. It was so pretty... You see, it was this necklace I found in a village I was passing through for a mission, it was this red gem wrapped around a sort of turquoise wire and it made me think of you instantly. So, I bought it and I was so excited to give it to you I kept taking it out of my backpack to look at it on my way here. Then when I woke up this morning and checked out of the Inn I stayed in, I went to look at it one more time before I arrived and it was gone!” you sighed, falling back onto the pillows. 
“It would have looked perfect on you, Gaara. I just wanted to give you something special for you to remember me by for when Im not visiting. I don't know I guess its kind of a stupid thing to be upset about, but I just can't help it.” You covered your face with your hands. 
There was a dip in the bed and you felt Gaara lay down beside you, causing you to peek at him through your fingers.
He was relieved to say the least, in fact he may have even been smiling a little bit. This was all she was worried about? It wasn’t about anything that he had done, it was just about a necklace!
“Thats all that was worrying you?” He asked as he looked at you with an almost soft expression, he gently removed your hands from your face. 
“You know, y/n, I’m sure the necklace would have been nice, but all that really matters to me is that you're here now and we can spend some time together.” 
He thought about what you said: I just wanted to give you something special for you to remember me by for when Im not visiting. 
“And you don't need to give me anything to remind me of you while you're away because I think about you all the time when you're not here with me.” He blushed a little bit after he said it, but refused to get all shy about it. 
When you heard that, a big smile appeared on your face, the same one that he always saw when you ran towards him at the villages gates. It was a huge relief to see you like this again, it felt as though there was a crack of sunshine in the middle of a storm of dark clouds. He could see the worry and frustration in your face slipping away slowly. 
It made him feel happy, to be able to make you feel better again. He really did care about you.
“Come on then, eat your dessert and then we’ll go see Kankuro. Like I said earlier, he wants to show you his new puppet.” 
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years ago
kick back vinny mauro x reader
the song she sings are original lyrics by me, there will be a screenshot of the whole thing in the comments/reblogs if you would like to see it all. there is no sheet music, i am not a musician, but the lyrics are all my own and subject to copyright (/11/06/20/). thanks for understanding
Song: sorry haha I fell asleep by egg
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @thisplace-ishaunted @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @svintsandghosts @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @theoneandonlykymberlee +++++++++
I looked down at my phone as it rang for the eighth time today. It was Vinny. Again. Couldn't he take the hint? He thought he wanted me but I knew he didn't. How could he? Clearly he wouldn't let it go though. I rolled my eyes and went to put my phone back down when it dinged. He didn't call this time. It was actually a text.
"I know you're ignoring me but I'm gonna keep trying, i told you how i feel and thats not gonna change. Also a heads up, I'll see you on tour."
My eyes went wide before I immediately called our band manager.
"Just the person I wanted to talk to."
She said fairly chipper.
"Tell me we aren't."
I said sternly.
She sounded confused.
"Tell me we aren't touring with motionless."
She laughed a little.
"Why would I tell you that? Of course you guys are. isnt it exciting?"
My mouth dropped.
"Um, because it's good publicity? their manager called me yesterday and asked if you wanted to collab on something too so i hope youve been writing. but back to tour. They are doing a short spring tour, just a few weeks. i figured you were the best breakout band on my label."
She seemed very happy. I sighed into the receiver.
"Dawn their drummer has been calling and texting me for two weeks straight."
She paused.
I pinched the bridge of my nose.
"He has been trying to get me to go out with him for two weeks straight."
She said.
"Then what's the problem?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Ya know what, actually there's no problem. this is a great opportunity for our career. When are we starting?"
"Great! I have to call the rest of the girls but you start February third."
I nodded.
"Okay. Two months away. I can put this off till then."
I said more to myself.
"Well dear I've got to go, I'll talk to you when the posters come out."
i sat on the ground outside the bus and strummed my guitar lightly. id been in contact with all the girls from our band and all the motionless guys for our new song together since i got the call from dawn two months ago but things werent coming out as good as wed hoped. so here i was still working on it, by myself. the thing is though the song was supposed to be out by the end of tour and yet here we all were, one week in and still nothing. i couldnt even focus on the task at hand. i had to much other shit running through my mind.
"that sounds pretty."
i heard from behind me and stiffened my body.
"thanks, ive been trying to find new chords for the song."
i said as vinny came into view.
"well i think it sounds great, when i read through the lyrics you had so far i wasnt really sure how heavy it would end up being but i kinda like that."
he said, moving to sit in front of me. i nodded.
"it will be heavier but my brain wont let me right now."
i said, dropping my hands to my lap. he nodded back.
"well what you have so far sounds beautiful anyways."
i stared at the ground, tapping my fingers lightly against the guitar.
"actually vin, this isnt for the collab. its actually for you and the only reason i cant finish the other song is because im lost."
he raised a brow.
"its for me?"
i sighed.
"i dont exactly know how to talk to you anymore so i figured a song would be easier but its really not."
i said through a nervous laugh.
"ive been meaning to talk to you about that actually."
i shook my head.
"you dont have-"
"no, i do."
he said, sending me a look.
"i shouldve taken the hint in December but i thought that if i persisted then maybe youd see how much i meant what i said. but i guess somewhere along the line i got annoying. hell i know, i did, i was annoying myself. then when you started texting me back, even though it was just about the new song, i was excited. it meant i could still talk to you even if it was just business."
"vin i-"
"please, just listen for a second."
i cleared my throat and nodded.
"okay, lay it on me."
he took a deep breath.
"i want you to know that i did mean what i said, i do really like you and i want to try something, a relationship, casual dates, hell even just hanging out. maybe you dont want more, and thats fine. but i still want you in my life and i want you to know that i do care about you. even if you have been ignoring me on purpose."
i frowned.
"vin i dont know how to do this."
i said, motioning between us.
"all my past relationships have crashed and burned and i dont know how to move on form that. i dont want to have to change who i am again."
he shook his head.
"you dont- you would never have to do that. i like you the way you are, and i want to prove that to you."
i sent him a look.
"no, you like who ive created for you. thats not me. im not carefree and easy going, and agreeable. im pig headed and strongly opinionated and i have a loud mouth."
i said with a laugh. he smiled back at me which i wasnt quite expecting.
"i dont care about all that. i care about you, whether you think youve created someone for me or not. give me stubborn. give me opinionated and loud. hell even give me furious at times. i know thats the real you and yet im still trying. cant you see that?"
i bit the inside of my cheek and thought for a second. then i looked down started strumming again lightly.
"im sorry for making things harder, i never meant to make it this far."
i began singing lightly.
"you dont deserve this mess of a person, i just keep making things hard."
i looked to him and he was staring at me intently.
"we've made it this far, i cant believe youre still around. i thank the heavens cause if not id be six feet down"
i closed my eyes, swaying back and forth as i played.
"Im sorry for making things harder, you dealt with this before. If i make it up to you somehow, we wont have to waste our time no more."
i said softly, over the guitar before stopping and looking at him.
"its not quite done yet."
i said a little shy. he sent me a small smile.
"i love you."
he said and my face went straight. i watched as he scooted his way closer to my side.
"ill always be here for you, no matter how we move forward."
i looked to my lap for a second before looking back to him. he was staring at me longingly.
"i think i love you too vin."
i said, barely above a whisper. he looked between my eyes before his hand moved to graze my cheek. i couldnt help moving into him. before i knew what was happening i was kissing him lightly, his hand going to the back of my head to hold me to him. when he pulled away he had a huge smile on his face.
"the song sounds great by the way."
i laughed a little at that, feeling a blush creep its way to my face as he pressed his forehead to mine.
"our little atypical love song."
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planetjisungie · 5 years ago
lucky charms- h.rj
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characters; ravenclaw! renjun x hufflepuff! reader ft. gryffindor! mark and gryffindor! jeno (sigh)
summary; with the exams coming up, you need a little help with your charms. well you dont, you just needed an excuse to talk to your long time crush, huang renjun
an; i literally changed this on the spot 🤡 plot holes here i come- (also id like to think jeno is more of a hufflepuff but idk man)
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sigh okay this is a long boi
end of year exams were in just a few weeks
yay, your absolute favourite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now, charms
in room 99, classroom 2E in the south tower
i did my research
you were pretty good at charms, not nearly as good as you were in the care of magical creatures and herbology though
still above averagely good
you know who else was good at charms?
huang renjun
the star ravenclaw prince boy, the pride of the house and a very beautiful boy
best boi renjun
if jeno was being quite honest he was SICK AND TIRED of hearing you two pine over eachother
jeno met you in first year, and you quickly became best friends and even ended up in the same house as eachother
despite having different friend groups (your friend group consisted of you and eunji), you stayed best friends until now aka 5th year
just go with it okay
so as he was saying before i digressed, jeno physically is pained as he watched the longing glances both you and renjun throw when the other isnt looking
but it isnt his business to meddle with your lack of relationship problems
best boi part 2
BUT! but! he will give you both a tiny! eensy! little! minuscule! nudge
that nudge being forming a plan with you
you were slightly reluctant when jenos very enthusiastic face greeted you at the table saying he had ‘a totally brilliant, spectacular, show stopping, wonderful, flawless plan’
this was jeno we were talking about
the same boy who planned the failed midnight snack run a few weeks before
and as soon as he mentioned renjun your eyes narrowed
the plan was for jeno to ask renjun to tutor his friend who was falling behind in charms
said friend was you
and you were ahead of the class
bUT!! you agreed because he wasnt in your class, so there was no way he could know that right?
who was in your class?
mark lee. one of renjuns best friends.
also the boyfriend of eunji and the reason you wanted to gauge your eyeballs out everytime you turned around to talk to them
thats right eunji ditched you to sit next to her little markie. bitch.
nonetheless, you agreed because your dumb, spontaneous ass forgot that renjun even knew mark, because if someone said ‘whos mark?’ you would go ‘eunjis boyfriend’
so of course, when all the students were making their way to their class, jeno caught up with renjun seeing as they both had muggle studdies
"hey man, i have a favour to ask"
stage one of operation: stop the oblivious fuckers from pining over eachother (that name may need some revamping) was a-go
"depends what said favour is"
smart boi™️
"is it possible to tutor one of my friends in charms for the upcoming OWLs?"
oh? this piqued china pretty boys interest
"i mean, sure, i could do with some revision too. tell them to meet me at the library after school"
and so jeno walked away with a smug smirk, victorious
and when jeno told you he had agreed later in potions, you were yet you werent surprised
so of you trotted after last period, kinda nervous because youre about to be in the literal breathing proximity of renjun
like obviously youve talked to him before but this time it was just you and him
no get those thoughts out of your head
n e ways u perv
renjun sat at the back table, textbooks and notebooks with his neat writing in both chinese and korean all over the pages
smart boi part 2
so seeing him not looking at you
attention whore
wow why am i so mean today
you sat down and cleared your throat, placing your blank notebooks on the table so the boy wouldnt get suspicious
you had to pray to whatever gods were listening for your cheeks not to flare up the colour of the strawberries you had for breakfast
healthy girl™️
and the gods apparently answered your prayers
because as soon as renjun looked up and into your eyes you swore you were too distracted for your blood cells to even think about moving towards your face
and renjun nearly had a heart attack (by aoa)
poor boy
jeno had NOT told him that he would be tutoring you
he was going to be choked later
"sorry im late"
renjun was nearly offended that you would even apologise to him for being late by
2 minutes and 48 seconds
"no no its okay i havent been here long"
that was a lie he had study period last and has been sat in the same goddamn chair for an hour already but your presence made his ass cheeks ache less
so he started teaching you, but ???
you seemed to fully grasp the concepts
confused boi
excuse me ma’am/sir/señor/señorita whatever you prefer to go by-
you need to brush up on your acting skills dude
appalling smh your drama teacher back from your muggle school would be completely distraught
so for the next hour renjun ‘tutored’ you
things you already knew but this was a dream-
and actually he was a funny guy
he was also muggle born, so you could both relate over things you experienced as a kid
this lead to a raging debate over dora the explorer
that bitch was shaded in said debate, fully annihilated
hola soy dora your asshole
but,, it was fun. because jeno was pureblood and grew up knowing about all his magicky stuff so he was kinda boring sometimes
no tea no shade
but you ended the session with smiles on both your faces, cheeks literally aching with how hard youd been laughing and smiling
so lads
the next day at breakfast renjun was all happy, plonking himself next to mark at the gryffindor table because
man does not give a SHIT about the looks he was getting. he is huang renjun.
"why are you so smiley this morning? and why didn’t you come to my common room last night"
the gryffindor common room was the dreamie hang out
no one dared tell THE mark lee to go somewhere else with his friends
"sorry, last night i was tutoring y/n in charms" smiley boy still
mark seagull eyebrows: activated
excuse him?? charms?? you?? the one who got an outstanding in your report card??
something smells fishy here
"renjun... y/n got an outstanding on her charms"
eunji who had magically appeared next to mark basically said what he was just thinking
confused boi part ??
"wait what?"
but later on he didnt question you about it
he silently observed you
he told himself that anyway
quite honestly if you were spending time with him he was not about to complain
he was staring at you, simply put
my leng bby (thats you, youre my leng bby)
so for the next 2 weeks every day after school you would meet up to ‘catch up’ on your charms
that being said it literally always, every time, ended up with you two talking about something unrelated
like the 5th day you had a conversation about which series of power rangers was better
"SPD, obviously"
AM I THAT OLD?? on god i hate it here
"no, y/n, we all know that dino force is better"
i agree with y/n on this one pal
on the 7th day you talked about muggle sports that you both enjoyed
"i played a lot of cricket"
"cricket? okay tory"
"i am NOT a tory"
on the last day when you should have been, you know, LEARNING
you were having a lovely old chinwag about the x factor
"simon cowell is a king"
"i agree"
legend behaviour if you ask me
wait does chinwag exist in other countries??? translation: chat
so of course the exams came up
but you were dreading them for a different reason
this meant the end of tutoring with renjun
this was super bittersweet, you wanted to spend more time with eachother
you literally could it wasn’t that deep both of you are so dumb smh aint nothing stopping you
jeno agrees with me too, mans pulling out his hair still as you had somehow not gotten together yet
it was like watching snails race, incredibly frustrating but you know that there is the finish line somwhere over the horizon
so you took your exams and both of you passed with flying colours, obviously
smart kids
and you ran right to renjun to celebrate
seeing as he had
not really helped you but you thought that he thought he helped you
oh no honey he knew that you didnt need help
but he didnt know whether to confront you about it?
rip your guilty conscience
so after a long discussion with mark, our china boy decided to ask why the heck you wanted his help when you were absolutely fully capable
unlike mark
and when you saw him approach you first in the halls your heart went
that was the sound of a fast motorbike
"hi y/n"
‘damn renjun, couldnt have thought of anything better than that?’
"uhh hi renjun"
awkward silence by stray kids
"i just wanted to know why you asked for my help"
okay where is the nearest shovel and what is the most efficient way to dig a large hole-
as if renjun sensed your panic radiating off you in waves
which he did
"not that it was an issue! i enjoyed spending time with you, it was just, you didnt really need help"
he was a pure boy
so you puffed your cheeks and decided to just come clean
somewhere, jeno felt his senses tingling
"genuinely i just wanted to spend some time with you because i really like you"
renjun froze and wanted to smack his head into a wall
you noticed his expression and panicked yet again
stop panicking man its okay i gotchu
"it was jenos idea"
blame jeno is always a fool-proof plan b
unless you get pregnant, that would not be a good idea
so i guess its not fool proof
renjun face palms and groans
"youre kidding me! all this time we wasted doing boringass charms work when we couldve gone on dates"
but?? you felt hopeful??
"i dont think im on the same wavelength"
"i like you too dumbass"
oH so YOURE the dumbass??
yes, yes you are renjun is best boi, accept the L which is really a W bc renjun likes you back
jeno who had found his way to you, listening from around the corner sighed in happiness
"fucking finally!!"
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sweater-daddiesdumbdork · 5 years ago
Life After Snowpiercer: Finally Free
Summary- 6.2k. Matt is finally contained and you have a moment. Curtis taking control of the situation and starting to step into his role of the leader of this new group with the help of Edgar. Maybe some trauma warnings? violence. 
Chapter 8 / Masterlist 
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Oh Fuck
Matt stumbled back and behind Matt the front end lifted there rifles, the audible sound of clicks sounding down the line, but Matt held up his hand to stop them, Claude rushing to his side and he spat out a mouthful of blood, smirking as it smeared across his lips and around his nose. “Enjoy that Curtis, only one your getting.” 
“Well fucker you should watch your mouth. Its your god damn sister your talking to like that.” Curtis spat out, and Matt rolled his eyes at him. Claude handed Matt a cloth, him wiping his face clear and tossing it back to Claude instead of handing it to her. Your eyes narrow at the dick move he just did. That little shit! It was hard for you to accept what your brother had become in the years hes been gone. 
“Fucking hell Curtis, you are so. FUCKING. STUPID.” Matt stressed, shaking his head. “I told Wilford you were a waste of resources when he got it in his head to make you the next Minister of the train. You still think its all about working together, family, friends, blah blah blah. I told you before you can have so much more. We all can have so much more. People had it good on the train.” He looked over his shoulder at the group supporting him. “Wanna know why? Cause they fucking listen and know whos in charge. Took care of them. Now... enough of this shit.” He looked past Curtis at the large group standing behind him, the last of the end of the train. They took the worst of it, but there was still more then the people supporting Matt. Ultimately they were survivors. 
“So heres my deal, join me or die.” Matt grinned, rolling a shoulder up in a sorry. “Those we dont kill will be banished to go out onto the snow and ice alone. So who wants to stand a chance at least?” He looked so cocky standing there that if infuriated you, after all of it, all the years of pain and guilt you felt, it all bubbled up to escape in a ear shattering scream. The sound piercing like a siren, jarring Curtis next to you in shock and Matt took a step back towards Claude. The only one who had frame of mind to take advantage of the momentairy confusion was Edgar, giving off a war cry of his own and it just surged them all forward. Curtis himself was pushed forward and loosing his hold on you. There was a clash of metal on metal, those that carried axes smashing against rifles,people screaming, guns firing. 
Curtis pushed through the people but couldnt see a sign of you, feeling himself being tackled, he swung the axe he carried behind him and felt the thud of it sinking in a body, jerking it loose, he swung the gun he did have off his shoulder, and looked to find Johanna. She had the sniper skills to use this thing that he simply didnt. Quickly looking around, he spotted her not to far away. Currently Johanna was unarmed, using some trained skills she possessed, fuck she fights like Grey, slamming her hand against the mans nose to whip his head back, covering her in blood. In another barely to be seen move, her hand slams against the windpipe and he goes down, gasping, trying to drag air through what Curtis now assumes is crushed. “Jo! Heads up!” 
Giving a toss, Johanna reached up and grabbed it, checking to see if there was ammo in it. She glanced at Curtis who pointed to the top of the train car. She gave a understanding nod and scrambled for the train, dodging people and launching herself up a ladder. Higher ground, good girl. Curtis thought as he hefted his ax and went into the mess of it, still looking for you as he repeatedly hacked at those around him. “Y/N!” He roared while pushing through, where the hell were you, Y/N? Edgar came up beside him, both men panting from the exertion, Edgar still healing from his last ax fight, and Curtis had busted ribs and a half mangled arm. “You seen Y/N?” Curtis focus at this point is locating you, and he gave a shake of his head. “No man, I thought she was with you!” 
How you got seperated from Curtis you didnt know, one moment your senses were swarming as you couldnt stay focused, the building up screaming from your lungs to dodging clashing axes and firing rifles. You scrambling to find a way out, not having any way to defend yourself when you feel a set of hands grabbing you by the collar of your coat, strands of your hair getting caught and ripping out. “Stop!” you scream as you get slammed against a chest, snarling in your ear “There you are sister dear, his prized bitch.” 
“Matt stop! fucking hell let me go” You try twisting out of his hold, but hes got you tight, Claude following along behind as he drags you with him. “Curtis! CURTIS! COME AND GET HER!” Claude has a rifle pointed right at you, snickering at the sight of you in her crosshairs. “Everybody fucking STOP!” Matt yelled right near your ear, leaving your head throbbing and your hearing buzzing. You try to twist out of his hold again, reaching behind you to try and claw at his hand in the collar of your jacket, but he gave you a whiplashing shake to stop you, kicking the back of your thighs till you went to your knees, “Come get your little cunt whore before Claude decides to get trigger happy again.” 
Curtis and Edgar were scanning the crowd when Edgar saw Matt kick you down, grabbing Curtis coat to get his attention and he whipped around to see where you were, your fighting against it, but Matts got you twisted around, yanking you back and forth, and Edgar grabs Curtis coat to keep him from lunging in someones line of fire. “Fucking let her go!” Curtis rages out. Matts voice screamed over the din, and people pulled away from each other when they saw what was going on, The casulties scattered in the pink red snow all around them, but that wasnt what Curtis was seeing. No, he saw Claude looking right down the barrel at your head. And that alone spurred Curtis into action, covering the distance with long gaited steps, the bloodied ax at his side rolling in a complete circle with a twist of his wrist to test his maneuverability to put force behind his swing, Matt smirked coldly at Curtis, thinking he had gotten the better of him. How wrong he was. 
“Better stop right there, or else I blow her pretty little head off” Matt snickered, and wavered a bit when Curtis didnt slow down. “Shit Claude!, shoot him!” The man suddenly coward, yanked you back to your bottom, dragging you backwards, making you yelp at the sudden sting. Claude swung towards Curtis, who was close enough now to see the promising smirk on his face, that cold steel blue glint of his eyes. Claudes finger started to squeeze the trigger on the man who promised her death in a single look. You started screaming, kicking your heels into the snow and twisting to wrench Matts hold loose. “Curtis! CURTISSS! You fucker, lemmego!” your words are spat out run together, and your shoulder hits your brother in the stomach, making him drop you. And all you can do is see your lover in the aim of fire, and for the second time in days you swear your going to see his head get blown apart. 
Claude never gets the chance to squeeze, a POP and shes jerked backwards into a heap, and your looking around wildly, now sobs escaping you as all your fears are dashed again, looking up, you see Johanna sit up from the top of the train, giving a thumbs up to Curtis, who nods in anowledgment, and turns towards the two of you, your trying to ungtangle yourself to a stand, and Matt is looking over at Claude, in horror. The woman stared up wide eyed, but unseeing. She was dead before she even hit the ground. Matt steps a few steps back, and then bolts as if he had somewhere to go. Curtis doesnt even care anymore, rolling his shoulder and throwing his ax after the fleeing man, your hands come to your mouth in shock, wide eyed following the way its spinning.
It does nothing more then trip him up, tangling in his legs, and he landed hard on the ice. Two tail enders had bolted after him, jerking him to a stand, and those remaining front enders set down any weapons, and backing away with hands up. Curtis rushes towards you and falls to his knees in front of your, grasping your face in his hands searching you. “God your okay, right? Y/N, tell me your okay.” Your nodding in his hold, shaking. It was all to much, so much, and his arms fold you in close so you can press your face in his chest, sobbing. “Curtis I cant, I cant keep doing this...” he knows, your eyes we're pleading for it to stop and this was what Curtis had feared, you seeing Matt after all this time. It was just like all those years ago, where you shut down on him.."hey I got you, I got you" He drew you in, whispering it in your ear. No one said a thing, all of the survivors, prisoners remained silent at the couple. Not all of them could understand what was happening, but none would dare defy Curtis in this moment. His hands rubbed you deeply and when you quieted, he lifted you away from his chest to look down, checking you over. “Just a little more, okay babygirl? I really need you with me right now.” 
Your listening, sniffling to yourself, and under his hands you started to calm from your panic attack, his voice was deep and soothing, and selfishly you didnt want it to stop, but you nodded, and he kissed your neck, his voice soft as he spoke against your ear. “Good girl, come on.” And he pulled away, holding his hand out to help you to a stand. A bit shaky, you brush the snow off your pants, and his arm is around you, till hes sure your steady. “Wait here” he rumbles out and heads over to where Claude is laying, his hand reaching to close her eyes and collecting the rifle she had aimed at him, he shouldered it. Let her stay here, the snow and ice could claim her now, his strides long and ground eating the return to you, and tucked you against his side, leading you towards the train. 
The group of remaining tail enders gathered the discarded weapons, and Edgar pulled up alongside Curtis “What do you want us to do with these people?” 
Matt was being trussed up with chains someone had found on the train, he hissed at Curtis and you, fear, anger, hatred all aimed at the two of you. "I swear it, you will pay for what you did to Clau-" a rag firmly stuffed in his mouth, cutting off his words.
Hard blue eyes stared Matt down till the man glanced away, weakly jerking his shoulders as if to try and escape. Curtis resisted the urge to kick him while he was down, having no sympathy for Matt's loss. Claude threatened you, she got lucky her death was that quick. His hold tightened slightly around you as the two of you stepped away.
Curtis looked over the group they just disarmed, most of them looked lost, and unsure of what to really do as they were herded together. Silent You watch them willingly gather together, ready to accept whatever they are told. Your hand tugs on Curtis shirt to get his attention as he to is seeing what you were. “They were only following Matt cause they needed a leader, look at them. They need help.” Your face was still red from earlier, your eyes puffy. Before we take care of them, I need to take care of you. Curtis nodded and pressed his lips against the top of your head. “We will, but not till were sure about them.” 
“Pick a car, and put someone to guard entrances and exits, and him.... “ he gestures towards Matt, whos been dragged along behind them, feeling you tense up next to his side at what his next words would be. “Secure him in one of these rooms alone, I will deal with him later. Everyone else, get them inside, settled in. Kids need to be fed, the sick need a place to recover. I will come find you in a bit.” Edgar nodded, and turned away, rallying everyone up. Curtis continued to lead you up the stairs to one of the cars, hoping it was one that had the small apartment rooms in it. 
“Curtis wait, what do you mean deal with him?” You try to get him to stop as he led you down the narrow hall with a gentle tug of your hand, Curtis wouldnt be deterred even though you tried to get him to answer you. He shoved open doors to various different rooms till he found one that seemed to fit what he wanted. Leading you inside, he loosened his hold and searched while you stood there, shaking slightly, your nerves, shot. Seeing Matt and the long hike here had exhausted you to almost breaking. 
“Just as I said Y/N, I was going to deal with him.” He stepped out of the small bathroom the room had and pulled the rifle off his shoulder and set it near the door, turning back towards you to rub your arms. “and right now, youve had enough.” He drew you to sit on the edge of the seating area and you looked up at him with a look he was familiar with. One that was ready to challenge him. 
“You cant kill him Curtis.” Your eyes narrow at him as he shakes his head at you. Seeing that shake of the head, you grab his coat to keep him from pulling away. So tired, you were just entirely drained and you couldnt bare the thought of him going to take another life, any life. Youve had enough of worrying and trying to hold everyone together, finding out some hard truths, not to mention the abuse you were still sore from. You felt like all youve done was cry and breakdown. Enough was enough. You just wanted him to stay with you, Please dont go. 
Curtis moved to a kneel in front of you and unbuttoned your coat, swift fingers taking you apart in a intimate caring way that he needed to take care of you. Letting him, cause he was trying to ease you, and it kept him busy so you could study his next answer. “Promise me Curtis.” 
“No, Y/N, I cant and you know that. If he is a danger to you, or anyone else on this fucking train, im not going to hesitate to end him.” his eyes avoided yours for a moment, until his hands drew into your coat to ease it away, looking up at you finally. He could see the tears still brimming softly and his hand lifted to use the pad of his thumb to wipe it away. “Baby, you know Im not gonna do anything unless there was a real danger, Okay, trust me.” He huffed that last part out, his thumbs sliding along your cheeks as he cupped your face to look at him, 
Giving a small nod, you had to trust him. Youve trusted him with your life all these years, and now it was Matts you trusted him with. “I do Curtis... and I know hes not okay. What happened to him?” Curtis hands moved to rest on your thighs, rubbing lightly back and forth as he listened to you, his eyes showing his own weariness. 
“Manipulation on Wilfords part... But I need you to stay here and just chill for a bit, okay?” he said and your brows furrowed at that, his hands tightening a bit on your thighs. “Your shaking, look at your hands.” You take a glance down, and without even knowing they were shaking, fists twisted in the sleeves of his jacket, white knuckled, and shaking uncontrolled. Loosening your hold, you pull them back and his hands encase yours. “Please, I will be back to check on you in a little bit. Just stay here till I make sure everything is settled.” You give a nod, it was easier to give him what he asks and Curtis gives a gentle smile, a silent thank you Babygirl. As he stands, he kisses your forehead. “I promise it wont be long” and he left you sitting there, in probably the nicest room you have seen in seventeen years, and you didnt know what to do in it besides sit there looking around. 
Curtis closed the door firmly behind him, taking a breath to steady himself. She will stay, cause I asked her to. Trusting that you would, he straightened out and strode down the train car to see others taking advantage of the rooms, exploring and shedding clothes, as it was still warm in here somehow, was that running water? A rushing sound above him made him look up, and a stretch of his good arm braced against one of the pipes running, and sure enough it hummed enough to tell him that there was running water. How in the hell? he wondered as he moved to leave that car and search out where the prisoners were taken, where Matt was placed. 
He didnt have to look far, as Edgar was talking to Johanna, who nodded at Edgars request. “Yea, that shouldnt be a problem, we can take some shifts on and off, there are others from my car who are just as sharp.” Before Curtis could even inquire, she took off, calling out a few names searching these people out. 
“What was that about?” Curtis asked and Edgar looked over his shoulder, turning towards his friend, and beckoning him to follow, well aware of what he needed to be filled in on. “People who can actually use these damn rifles. The front enders said that they are all here, but we dont know whos out there, who might be coming.” Curtis nodded, listening to Edgar, he was right, they really didnt know, not to mention the ex guards that tried shooting them all out earlier. “Where they stationed?” 
“Johanna will take care of all that, shes ex- military, and trained for this kind of shit. She was the one to actually bring it up to me first.” Edgar shrugged as he led them a few cars back and swung up. “I put the front enders in the car ahead, and Matt, well hes in this one. I figured you wouldnt want him near his group again and start some shit. So separated for now. Might be easier to bring him up to the luxury cars were gonna be staying in. Keep him under better surveillance.” 
There was a reason Edgar was Curtis right hand man in all this. The kid was smart, he was always thinking ahead, and Curtis was thanking all that was holy the kid survived. Darkening a bit remembering the circumstance, he pushed it away and gestured Edgar to bring him to Matt. There was the business of how big a threat was your brother going to be. Going back to a steel door, Edgar pushed it open, and inside was Matt along with a tail ender guarding him, bound and gagged, the man knelt in the center of the room. Curtis stepped towards him alone, The other two men holding back. Curtis didnt even bother to bring himself down to his level, his hand just fisted in the mans hair and tipped his head back. 
“Im gonna be real honest with you Matt, and only going to say this once. If I think your in any way a threat to these people, to your sister, I will slice your throat.” Matts eyes darkened and he gave a muffled response. Curtis jerked down the cloth enough so his mouth wasnt stuffed with it. “You wouldnt dare kill me, Y/N wouldnt let you. She would detest and hate you for the rest of her life.” Curtis gave a cold smile, and nodded. 
“I know, and yet I can live with her hating me if it meant you wouldnt hurt her, or any of us again. Its a life Im willing to live with.” Matts eyes looked doubtful at Curtis, but he stayed silent. “There is no situation here Matt where you win. So were going to do this my way. Lock and key, maybe in time you will get some freedoms. Maybe. Your ass has a long way to go if ever, and the only reason your still alive is because of Y/N. So better not piss her the fuck off, cause like I promised earlier, I have no problem killing you.”
“You going to end me like you did Claude? Shoot me without being able to defend myself.” He spat a bit. “You know Claude wasnt going to shoot Y/N, you think Im that heartless. Are you entirely sure that rifle wasnt loaded and just for show?” Matt smirked at Curtis in the smug way of his. “As you keep pointing out, she is my sister after all. I have some obligations to her safety after all.” 
“Claude was Wilford whore, and had Y/N in her sights. Im not fucking playing anymore of the games, yall had 17 years of it. Things are changing. You still have to prove you have any loyalties to her. So untill we decide if your even worth keeping around.” Curtis brought the rag back up to stuff it back into Matts mouth, his protests going muffled. “This is your life now.” Ripping his hand back to release the man, he fell back and Curtis turned away. Done with his shit for now. Leaving with Edgar, the door slammed shut, closing Matt in the dark once more to simply wait. 
“You think he is ever gonna come around?” Edgar asked as they left the car, Curtis feeling better knowing Matt was secure till he knew what the fuck to do with him. 
“Maybe? He was once one of us after all. Although hes spent more time in Wilfords care. Show me what else has been started.” 
The next hour Edgar showed him what they set up, people were setting themselves and family up in the luxury cars, beds, clothing. It was even found that they had things such as electricity and hot running water. “But how is this possible” Curtis asked, flicking the lights on and off in a empty room, Edgar shrugging next to him. “I have no idea, maybe someone in the front end knows how its running still now that the train has stopped.” 
“Start asking them, im not gonna look a gift like this in the mouth, but I would like to know how long it will last.” Curtis flicked off the lights again and they continued on. There was an extensive medical unit, that a few people occupied, including Sara who seemed even worst. Y/N is going to need to see to her soon, Curtis left her to her rest, the woman shaking endlessly. The kids all came tumbling down the aisle, laughing and seeming to play a game. Timmy, why he actually seemed normal once more. They half collided with Edgar and Curtis, weaving around the men. 
“Git on outta here you pains in the asses! I already told ya once this wasnt for running around in” Edgar yelled, Curtis drew away to where he saw Yona sitting near a window in one of the rooms. 
“Hey, you okay?” He asked the young woman. She broke out of her trance and smiled looking at Curtis. 
“Oh yes... just thinking. He didnt make it you know.” 
Curtis’s hand rested on her knee. “I know Yona, Im sorry. But I promise you always have a place here with us.” 
“He would have liked this, going outside. No more tail end, front end.”Tears of mourning formed in her eyes for her father, and Curtis to shared in her sorrow. The man was a pain in the ass, but he got them to the front, saved his life as well as his daughters. She turned to look at Curtis, a guarded expression on her face. “Its not over though, we have to be ready.” 
“Ready for what.?” 
“I dont know yet...” she drifted off and turned back to the window seeming to get lost in her thoughts. Edgar raised a brow at Curtis in question. Although Edgar thought she might have a few screws loose, Curtis had started to trust her instincts, to the point he took them to heart. She had been right several times, forewarning Curtis at various points. It sunk in what she was saying. “When you know more, let me know. And anything else Yona, if you need something ask for me. Okay?” She gave him a nod, and a reassuring smile, pushing against his good arm gently. “Go, she waits for you.” 
That made him smile, maybe you were feeling better. 
While Curtis was gone, you did everything you could to relax, but it just amped you up worst, tugging at your clothes as the room felt warm. Real warmth you werent used to. Piling most of your clothes in a chair, your mind just keeps going through the days events, and the one that was making you choke up, try not to cry was your baby brother. How could he be such a monster... You couldnt understand what happened, how he could ever become that. All those years of guilt bubbled in your chest, and it hurt. Fucking hurt that you werent able to protect him, and now if given the chance you were sure Matt would just kill you all. Or worst. The coldness in his eyes, glee filled when you had looked at him in fear. Whatever Wilford done, he killed the boy you knew. 
Sitting on the edge of the seating area, you drew your legs up and hid your face in your knees, waiting for Curtis to return. There was nothing else, no way to escape the thoughts swarming, there was no way to let yourself sink off into oblivion, which sounded like the greatest relief, although impossible, There was nothing more to do then wait for the next metaphorical axe to bury itself into you and your people, you lifted your head when you heard the door click to see Curtis return. 
A glance at your face showed that you hadnt truly calmed down since he left you in here, and shrugging off his coat and hat, he approached you and taking your hands, he brought you to a stand. Unfolding yourself, he waited until you were right in front of him and he wrapped his arms around you gentle to not make you pull back in fear like you have been doing and kissed your shoulder. “Theres hot water still, I want you to go take a shower, and tonight we will stay here.” 
“Hot water? How.... “ He shushed you and eased you into the bathroom. “Do as I say Baby” And he slipped the door half closed to give you privacy, and while you were undressing and testing the water, once it was full blast hot, you sunk into the stream of burning water with a sigh of relief. In the room, Curtis searched out the cupboards and found stuff of luxury they never had. Plush robes, more toiletries, some clothing, even a half full bottle of brandy that he took a swig off, and pocketed. Fuck that burned in all the best ways. He took the robe and set it on the bathroom counter, the room was full of steam, and he could see your silhouette swaying back and forth in the water. Fuck he wished he could join you, but not today. 
There was a knock on the door leading out of the room, and Curtis slipped the bathroom door shut further for your privacy before opening. It was Tam, and she had a bundle in her arms. “Whats all this Tam?” Curtis asked while stepping back to let her step inside, which she set it down, he could see food that they had packed up from there journey. She flipped open the blanket she carried it in so he could see properly. It was things like more crackers, and peanut butter. God damn peanut butter, now that was a sight for sore eyes. “I figured you were busy and needed to be fed.” 
“Thanks for this Tam, It was something I was going to go for next.” Curtis confessed and Tam smiled and patted his arm. 
“I know, figured I would save you two the hassle.” In the bathroom you cut the water and listened to the exchange before deciding it was safe to step out of the stall, on the counter you found a robe Curtis must have found, and wrapped yourself in it, waiting till you heard his “thank yous and I will come find you later” When you opened the door, he tilted his head, smiling at you. Consciously you tried to run your fingers through your hair. “Feeling a bit better?” He asked you and you nodded. Drawing you into his hold when he sat down, folding into his lap, he dragged the blanket over. 
“Look what Tam brought us... whens the last time we had something like Peanut Butter?” Your eyes widened as you picked up the plastic jar, rolling it in your hand. “Did you like it before the train?” Curtis asked as you pried off the top, a excited nod made him chuckle, and he took it from you to peel off the paper seal, and tipped it to you. “Go ahead, try some.”
“This used to be my favorite before, could eat it right off the spoon.” Your finger tip dragged through the smooth butter, and brought it to your lips, closing your eyes to savor it. Curtis wedged the jar in your lap and also pulled the sleeve of saltines over, using his teeth to split it open, and drag a cracker through the top and popped it in his mouth. It was fucking better then he remembered, and you did the same as he did. It was probably the best meal either of you shared, and before the end you two were laughing softly and feeding each other, until you shook your head. “I cant anymore... but thank you.” 
Cupping his face in your hands, you kissed him with a soft sigh passing between the two of you, soft kisses with peanut butter taste, you leaned your forehead against his for a minute. “Stay long enough till I fall asleep?” You ask when you pull back and screw on the top. You know that he wont be staying for a few nights all night until he was sure that you all were established safe. You wouldnt ask him to cause you know he would be torn between wanting to remain with you and going to be sure the rest were safe. 
“Of course, tomorrow I will find us a more suitable room. I dont think we could make this couch work, our bunk had a bit more room.” He confirms as you moved out of his lap and set the stuff Tam brought on the counter running along the opposite wall. This time you curl into his side so when you drifted off he could slip out, his hand trailing along your side while you settled in, your gaze looking out the windows the snow glowing from the incredibly bright stars overhead in the inky blackness. Letting yourself think about the day, relaxing from his touch, it was firm through the robes fabric. “How was it... your talk with Matt?”
Curtis had expected you to ask him, and he was silent a moment, not really wanting to break this first real at ease moment you two shared. But finally he spoke when you to remained silent, waiting for him. “I told him the way it was Y/N, that I cant tolerate danger to any of our people, and that until we all decide what we want to do with him, he will remain in his current predicament. Tied and gagged.” He felt you wince, but didnt protest to any of it.
“Do you think he will talk to me?” You ask next, tipping your head back to look up at Curtis. 
He swallowed and his face became guarded, it was no real secret he didnt want you going around Matt. His eyes fell down to you, and he knew he really couldnt keep you from your brother. “How about we take that one day at a time? Youve been through alot baby within these past few days.”
“Speaking of that... “ You shift enough to sit up next to him, rubbing your arm. “Curtis, there could be the very real possibility that im... “ Your hand moves to rest against your stomach. “I have no idea, and its not just me, there might be others.” Curtis jaw tensed thinking about what you were saying that your personal hell might have resulted in making a life. His hand moved over yours and he made eye contact, his words a promise. 
“Listen Y/N whatever you want to do, thats what we will do. You decide to have a baby should you be pregnant, then that will be my child to. If you decide that its not the right thing to do, we will figure that out to. They have an extensive hospital wing here, and possibly still a doctor. Im going to find out later if anyone is medically trained. As for the others, they will of course have the same choices. They are free to do what they need to.” 
You breathed out, one hand it was a relief that Curtis confirmed what you already suspected. “Even if its another mans baby?” 
“Of course, I dont care who the bastard biological father is, I cant say I would be a good dad by any means. But fuck if Im letting you do that alone. Especially since you should have never had that happen in the first place.” His face clouded, and you frowned, nudging his shoulder. “Hey! It isnt your fault, youve protected me more times then I can count in the tail end, and I made it out. We made it out. We will with this to, right?” 
You needed him to believe it, that it wasnt on him. He could lie to you about it, but not himself. He messed up, with you, Edgar, hell the train. Now they were stuck in who the fuck knows. But for now it all just simmered below the surface. “Get some sleep babygirl. We will take all this one day at a time.” 
You would have kept up the conversation till you heard the words, but it was hard to resist his request, but not to you placed a soft loving kiss on his lips, and rubbed your nose against his. “And Mr.Everett, you would make a perfectly fine Daddy, when the time comes.” He gave a doubtful grin and roll of his eyes. You can think that all you want, Curtis knew the truth. You would make a wonderful mother, regardless of all the times you claimed it wasnt for you, that the trains orphans were enough. Him though... he would just mess up any kid of his and this life, it was day to day survival. You settled down at his side, and his hand rested protectively against your hip, rubbing gently. 
When you finally drifted off, a few more regular nights, and Curtis suspected you would feel like yourself again. He eased gently away and shook out the blanket Tam brought, settling it over you. When he left, he collected the rifle he had left behind when they first settled in the room, and checked the rifle while walking down towards the exit. Just as Matt said, empty. Sighing to himself, he clicked it back together, and shrugged it off. Oh well, Claude had it coming. 
Edgar appeared at his side, and followed along once he saw Curtis. “Whats the next move?�� 
“Were going to sort out our prisoner situation. First, this...” He motioned to the rifle he carried. “Lets store it away with the rest, we need to be careful with them, take inventory. See if they have some kind of bullet maker.” Curtis was thinking out loud while Edgar led him off the train and walked around small fires people built, Curtis suspected people couldnt stand the enclosed space anymore, and standing under the wide open sky, he inhaled the cold air deeply, counting his blessings. For the first time it really sunk in. 
They were free. Actually free from the tail end and Wilford. 
Tags-  @jtargaryen18 @what-is-your-plan-today @official-and-unstable-satan @p8tn0lish @stardancerluv @princess-evans-addict  @that-damn-girl @curtisbbq @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @thatweirdwalangpake @imanuglywombat @patzammit​
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yankyo · 5 years ago
Hi yes totally not Toby here. Could I request. A lil smth smth with yandere with some/all the wasps please? 👉🏻👈🏻👉🏻👈🏻
Of course Not Toby!
The first thing to remember with each Wasp is that even as a Yandere, he is a caretaker first and foremost. This is not a clone that will hurt you in any stretch of the imagination. As a yandere, any Wasp’s biggest concern is your wellbeing, he has to make sure you’re eating right, getting enough sleep, getting the right exercise - basically your health is what he focuses on. If he sees you aren’t taking care of yourself, he will step in to take care of you instead.
Each Wasp is slightly different of course, so here is a few different scenarios that could play out with the Wasps
Irish Wasp
He noticed you around the bar at first, noticed how cute you were but couldn’t exactly work up the courage to talk to you until he saw you were getting far too drunk far too quickly and the person next to you had an odd gleam in their eyes
He stepped in pretty quickly, kicking the creep out of the bar and taking you into the back room to keep you safe while he tried to track down friends or family that could come in and pick you up - at this point, the drug had taken hold over you and you were told about the giant Irishman taking care of you the next day by your friends
It was a week before you returned to the bar and when you did you made a beeline for the man who matched your friend’s description, and looking at him you remembered his hand stroking your hair as you puked, his soft voice assuring you that everything would be ok
When you walked up to him, he gave you a soft smile that made your heart stutter and asked you if you were ok, he blushed when you thanked him and told him he was your savior. When you offered to buy him a drink, he rejected it at first but after some goading, you were able to convince him
He quickly became your drinking buddy after that, whenever you had a free night, you would go to the bar and sit with him, spending hours talking about how the week had gone and hearing funny stories he could tell about his... you weren’t exactly sure what they were? You thought they were relatives but that didn’t seem right either. You knew the man they called Boss owned the bar and had seen Cia around with his husband here and there, but never really had the chance to talk to him. Besides, you were all too happy to talk to Wasp
Before long, you gave Wasp your number and started planning your meetups ahead of time, even seeing him out of the bar, inviting him to your home to cook him dinner, going out shopping with one another, spending more and more time with him
You knew you had a crush fairly quickly, it was impossible to not notice how your heart pounded when he would wrap an arm around you, to not feel your cheeks burn when he smiled your way. Such a tiny, rare smile you felt was only for you. And fuck, did that make you feel special.
There was odd times with Wasp, days when one of his friends would come around to whisper something in his ear, when his eyes would get cold and he would give you an apologetic smile before he had to leave - those nights he wouldn’t come back, in fact it would always be a few days before you could see him again
Every time you tried to ask him about his job he would skirt the question, eventually you dropped it. Until one night he showed up at your doorstep, the girl you knew to be called Lex half holding him up, both of them beaten and bloody
Despite your panic, you threw yourself into action to take care of them, not allowing them to just brush off your concerns until they admitted that they had been jumped by some enemies of their boss
The idea that the sweet man was part of the mafia was an inconceivable one to you, but as you peeled off his shirt and saw his tattoos and scars... hearing what Lex had to say, and then when their boss came to get them later and hearing all the others preparing for the attack to put these enemies down for good, well, you couldn’t deny it
You thought you would be more scared of Wasp, that you would want to chase him away and clear this whole mess from your life, but as you saw him lying on your couch, his eyes full of fear and apprehension as he regarded you, clearly watching for your reaction to all of this, you couldn’t do anything but take his hand in yours, squeezing tightly in reassurance.
He had loved you before, but it was that moment he knew you were the one, that he couldn’t let anything come between the two of you
He healed all too quickly and though you were curious, you held back from asking, you were certain that when he was ready, he would come and talk to you
You had become closer since that night, he was much more willing to talk to you about his life. Confiding in you about the darker turns his job had taken, the things he had been forced to do and the brushes he had with death. It was startling to think of the things this gentle soul was capable of, but he was nothing but sweet with you. The man could hardly even raise his voice without immediately apologizing - how could you see him as a threat in any stretch of the imagination?
You got your answer all too soon, sitting in the bar by yourself and waiting for him to come you were surrounded by a vaguely familiar looking man. He gave you a bad feeling, but you couldn't remember where you had seen him and didn’t want to appear rude, so you talked to him. Or, well, let him talk while you gave soft hums in response when he took a second to take in a breath. He tried to order you a drink, his expression faltering when you were adamant in your refusal, but easily shrugged it off. Then he would bring it again, waving a hand towards the bartender - you recognized them as Jazz, who thankfully looked to your uncomfortable expression and shut the guy down soundly.
You looked to your phone, silently begging Wasp to hurry, your body growing stiff as the man scooted in closer, setting his hand on your thigh. “What do you say we get outta here, huh?” You tried to brush the hand off, only for his grip to get tighter and Jazz was off at the opposite end of the bar dealing with some other patrons. He wasnt there to stop this guy from scooting in uncomfortably close. “You know, you were just about ready to come home with me last time, til that big guy cut in. That your boyfriend or something?” A chill went up your spine, you knew who this dude was. You thought he had been banned from the bar or something! “You know that guy is trouble. People round here talk, say the guys here aren’t good news. Aren’t even human.” You jerked to the side, only for him to scoot in closer, trapping you against the wall with his body. “I’m just telling you this for your own good, I’d hate to see ya get wrapped up in something nefarious or something.” A heavy hand settled on his shoulder, ripping him away from you and onto the floor with a startled yelp.
You had never been so relieved to see Wasp, even as his hair burned red with anger and he glowered down at the man with fire in his eyes. The creep opened his mouth to say something, but Wasp knocked him back to the ground, his foot landing on his chest to keep him pinned down to the ground.
“I thought I told ye ta get lost.” His voice was a low, dangerous growl, but as he held a hand out to you, you took it without hesitation, hiding behind his body as you tried to get your anxiety under control. The man squirmed, looking like a bug as his limbs flailed uselessly. Wasp didn’t even flinch as he clawed at his ankle, only pressed down harder on his chest, forcing a pitiful wheeze straight from his lungs. “I’m going ta give ye one last chance, if I see yer face anywhere near them again, I’m going ta tear ye apart.” You couldn’t tear your eyes away from Wasp’s face. His eyes were glowing and as he snarled you were certain his teeth were sharper than before. He looked animalistic.
“Now, crack on, don’t lemme see yer face around here again.” The man wasted no time in scrambling away as Wasp lifted his foot, fleeing straight out the bar. Wasp hesitated before turning to you, the red in his hair shifting to blue as he regarded you. “I.... sorry.” He mumbled, looking small as he took a seat, his head hanging low. Gone was the fury, replaced instead by guilt, fear, worry. You hated seeing him like this
You stepped in closer, lifting his chin with your fingers so you could lean in and kiss him softly. “Thank you.” You whispered, “You saved me again.” This tips of his hair turned pink as he gaped at you, frozen with surprise, but as you leaned in and gave him another gentle kiss, his hands settled at your hips and he gently pulled you closer.
Spanish Wasp
He was introduced to you by the much more friendly Bee and his long still heart had fluttered in his chest as he listened to your giggle, saw your sparkling eyes light up as they took you around Boss’ garden. You were so beautiful it just took his breath away, what were you doing around their kind?
Bee had said that you had kept running into one another at the coffee shop he frequented and eventually found yourself talking and the friendship had gone on from there, Wasp couldn’t help but wonder if you would have gotten that close to him if he had been the one at the coffee shop. Probably not...
You kept coming around, befriending the rest of the clones and getting Boss’ attention as you did, you were so friendly and sweet, of course they all loved you
It wasn’t odd for you to sleep over at the manor some nights, passed out on the couch with Bee and Chamie at your sides, Wasp had taken it upon himself to carry you to a bed those nights, unable to help but watch over you while you slept. He had to keep you safe from the likes of Jazz and Cici, who would certainly crawl into bed with you or do some unsavory prank, after all... his stomach didn’t flutter when he would reach out to brush your hair out of your face and you would give a sleepy hum and nuzzle against his touch so sweetly.... definitely not
He was tempting fate like this, and he wasn’t surprised when one night, he fell asleep beside you and woke up to you sitting up in bed, giving him a curious look.
“I wondered who it was that tucked me into bed at night,” You didn’t look scared to be around him like he thought you would, instead you gave him a puzzle look, “Do you always sleep in the chair like that? That has to be uncomfortable,” He didn’t know what to say, he was just barely holding back from poofing away and hiding until his mortification had finally faded, but you reached out to touch his hand, “Wasp, you know, you could have laid down with me, that has to be killing your back.” He could have self combusted at the thought. Sure, he felt your body against his when he picked you up, had caved in to smell your hair when he set you down into the soft sheets, but the thought of laying with you??
You urged him up to his feet, your voice reassuring, soft, a siren’s call that led him to settling into the bed with you. He found himself lying with your head on his chest, your much smaller body curled up against his so comfortably. It didn’t take you very long to fall asleep but he lay awake the entire time
He trailed his fingers up your arm, watching goosebumps follow the cold touch. Twirled your hair around his finger, marveling at the texture. Brushed his thumb against your lip, wondering what it would be like to kiss you. He couldn’t deny his crush on you after that night... and after that he would lay down with you, enjoying these private, secret times he had to spend with you
Of course, such blissful moments couldn’t last forever and it didn’t take long before the other clones were bursting in on you, demanding he share this cuddling time he had to spend with you. It was ridiculous, they got to spend all day with you. Jazz would drag you off to dance with you, his hands trailing all over your body. Bee would run off to spend days with you, had even slept at your house. Chamie never wasted a moment to flop himself in your lap, Jay not too far behind as they both demanded you pet their hair, but Wasp had to share these tender moments? It wasn’t fair
Selfishness was a new feeling for this clone, he never had a problem giving up things to the others before, but now? He never wanted to give you up. He wanted to keep you all to himself
He would find peaceful little places to bring you to, by the cherry tree, a cave behind a waterfall, a quiet spot on the roof, he likes to make it romantic and isolated to dote on you
Fighting with the other clones was another new thing, Wasp rarely really spoke up so hearing him snap back when the more lou spoken clones - like Jazz and Chamie, were complaining was completely new
He grew more and more greedy for your time, and you certainly couldn’t find it in you to deny him. He spent to long in the background sending you forlorn, longing looks, seeing him actually take a stand for what he wanted was new, but it was nice
And you certainly couldn’t deny how your heart fluttered as he looked at you so tenderly, as if you were the only thing in his world he could see
You were more than happy to sit with him in the garden, making flower crowns and sneaking kisses just to see the pink spread across his face and through his hair
Cajun Wasp
It was a very old house, the realtor had told you it had “character”. She wasn’t really lying, it was a beautiful home and you had found out it had quite the history. You didn’t really believe in ghosts, so despite the gruesome past this house had undergone, you moved in anyways
The strange sounds were all said to explain. The house was settling, the doors creaked, wind blew in from some unfound hole in the roof, maybe a rat had found its way in the walls. But there were some things you just couldn’t explain. The shadows on the walls, the way things just disappeared or were moved somewhere strange - like the cup of coffee that had been left on the counter was found on the floor by your front door. Or the shirt that had vanished without a trace.
You didn’t believe in ghosts, but something was up here, so, while biting back your own disbelief you searched for some way to get evidence that something was actually happening. The internet told you that the ouija board wasn’t a good idea, but you weren’t wasting the money on some psychic. Honestly, you didn’t use the ouija board for a good few weeks, but after you got appropriately drunk, you settled at the kitchen table and called out to whatever was in your home
You felt so silly at first, but the planchette moved on its own when you asked who was there, sliding up to the word ‘yes’. A chill ran up your spine. “Have you been messing with my stuff?” The planchette circled ‘yes’ twice. “Are... are you trying to chase me out?” Hesitation. It slid over to the word ‘no’ before it slide down to the letters, moving slow enough for you to read. S. O. R. R. Y.  L. O. N. E. L. Y.   I. N. V. I. S. I. B. L. E.   F. O. R. G. O. T. T. E. N. You felt bad for whatever it was, despite the stress it had caused you.
“What’s your name?” You knew this was a bad idea, but you had to ask, W. A. S. P. A weird name, but the planchette shivered when you called it out, jumping slightly when you smiled and repeated it. “As long as you stop with these pranks, I don’t mind sharing the house with you, alright?”
The next morning, you thought the previous night had been just a dream, but when you walked downstairs your coffee machine started up on it’s own, your favorite cup already set up. “.... Ah... thanks Wasp.” Your lights flickered twice and you felt a cold presence at your side. This was.... bizarre.... but, well, you came this far.. right?
An odd sense of peace was quickly found, you would bring home treats for Wasp and he would help you around the house. It wasn’t all too odd to find a message written in the mirror, or to find the planchette outside your door when he needed to talk. You enjoyed your conversations, but wished there was a way you could actually talk to him, a sentiment you brought up to him one night. The lights flickered, your candles blew out, and the planchette froze for the rest of the night. You called out to him, apologizing for upsetting him, but there was no response for the next few days.
You had been in the shower when a crash caught your attention, you stuck your head out of the shower and written in the fogged up mirror was one word. “Name” what the hell did that mean? You called out his name and the number “3” was written there before your eyes. “Wasp?” The lights flickered and you covered yourself with a towel, feeling an odd weight on you as you said the name one last time. “Wasp.” The lights turned off completely and there was the smell of smoke in the air, you called out to him again, stumbling in the darkness to try and find your way to your phone when you ran into a body, a very tall, solid body nand before you could jerk back, hands came down to grab you.
“Wait!” The voice was decidedly male, low, velvety, a smooth accent that you had heard on the streets. “It’s me” your heart was in your throat.
“Wasp?” He let out a soft, relieved sigh and his eyes glowed in the darkness, so much higher than you would have thought they would be, one green, the other a striking purple
His hands were big, they settled on your hips as he pulled you in for a tight hug, his voice gruff with emotion.
“I can finally touch you.” He marveled, the lights flickered and you got a peek at him, at the bright green and pink hair, his wide smile, he had scruff at his chin, his teeth were slightly pointed, his hair wildly curly. He was handsome and you swiftly remembered where you were and what you had been doing when his hand trailed up your wet back.
When he realized it too, you would have thought he would explode, he immediately whirled around, his hair turning a scarlet pink as he covered his face and stammered out apologies. For the rest of the day, he would stare off in the distance, blush once more, and apologize again. It was cute, cute enough for you to forgive him, even if the memory made you blush as well
Things changed now that you could see him, actually hear him. He would disappear at will and leave you alone to work, but as soon as you called out to him, he would be at your side. A constant companion to sit and talk with. Eat with. Cuddle.
The first time you instigated cuddling, you had been half asleep, watching some reruns on tv with him. You had laid your head on his shoulder and though he tensed up at first, he swiftly relaxed once more, carefully drawing you in close to his body and pulling a blanket up around you. That definitely wouldn’t be the last time you fell asleep on him
You were spending so much time at home now, you would practically run home from work every day just to spend time with him and friends were starting to notice. You weren’t sure how to explain the whole situation to them, hell, some days you wondered if you weren’t just losing your mind, so when they expressed their concern and asked for you to spend some time with them, you didn't have a real excuse to say no
The trip was quickly planned, a week with your friends to relax and unwind - honestly it did sound nice. Though Wasp was a great help in unpacking and putting the house together, between that and work you were admittedly tired.
Explaining it to Wasp, however, proved to be something of a challenge. Just bringing up the idea of you leaving made his eyes widen with panic, made him cling to you. He begged you not to leave, don’t leave him behind! You tried to explain it, but he just held onto you, his large frame trembling.
Who had abandoned him? It wasn’t the first time you wondered just how he had ended up here, alone and invisible to everyone. You had tried to bring up the subject but all he could say was once he had a boss and something bad had happened. He never elaborated on what the worse was.
The closer it got to your trip, the clingier he got. You tried to explain again and again that you would be back at the end of the week, but it didn’t seem to do much. He was throwing tantrums. Lights flickered more and more, calls weren’t coming through, cups were up too high for you to reach, water would get ice cold in the middle of your showers. You would get on his case, but how could you yell at him when he curled in on himself, his hair blue and purple as he hugged his knees?
The day you were set to leave, he was nowhere to be found. You called his name again and again, but there was no answer. Suddenly there was a call from your friends, they had to cancel the trip. Anything that could have gone wrong did, their tires were slashed, their sink busted, their pet had gotten ill. Every single person that was supposed to go suddenly couldn’t.
It was then that Wasp appeared again, his arms wrapping around you tightly from behind as he set his head on your shoulder. You knew it was him, what else could it be? How had he done all this? Wasn’t he trapped in the house? You tried to ask him how, why? But all he did was squeeze you tighter, his voice small, “Don’t leave me, you’re all that I have...”
Russian Wasp
He found you alone in the rain, your small form curled in on itself in an attempt to try and stay warm. An abandoned kitten shivering in the rain. He knew he wasn’t supposed to take you home, but, as you glanced up at him with such helpless eyes, he couldn’t stop himself.
There were so many safe houses, he knew it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if he hid you in one, the Boss would never find out and the others didn’t even need to know you existed. You would just be there long enough to get healthy and get back on your feet. Or, at least that was the plan.
Your fever took a good few days to go away and you were so malnourished and tiny that he was terrified of leaving you alone - every chance he had to disappear and go back to you, that’s where he was. The others didn’t really ask, they were used to him going off on his own after all.
There was a bit of a language barrier between you, but his grasp on English was strong enough for him to translate a few things and you were so expressive you could practically mime what you needed to him. And the way that you would run up to him every time he appeared and practically threw yourself in his arms was so endearing his heart squeezed every single time
He called you “kotenok” and you took to responding to the name almost immediately, you didn’t know what it meant, but you knew it was his way of getting your attention, and the way he crooned the word as he pet your hair was nice
You knew you couldn’t just live there, hell, the fact he picked you up was a miracle in and of itself, he could have so easily been a creep or a serial killer or something, but he asked absolutely nothing from you. Physical contact was instigated by you and he was nothing if not respectful of your space. The one day he walked in while you were changing you thought he would implode from how hard he blushed and how profusely he apologized as he covered his eyes and all but ran away. It was strange, his appearance was intimidating, his stature, his size, his stern face, but he was as gentle as could be and surprisingly innocent.
The house itself was nice, food seemed to appear out of nowhere and when he was gone you had a full run of the place. You kept everything as clean as could be as thanks, but you knew you couldn’t mooch off of him for too much longer. You had to find a job and pay him back. But, the problem was that the house was in the middle of nowhere and you had absolutely no clue how to get back to civilization
You knew he wasn’t exactly human, had seen him warp in and out of existence, so there was no telling where you were. You could be halfway across the world for all you knew. You weren’t too upset at that, your previous home had been... well, you didn’t want to go back.
You didn’t know how to approach the conversation, hell, you had trouble speaking with him to begin with, but when he came back one night you square your shoulders and sat down next to him to try and talk.
“Um...” You didn’t even know his name, “Thank you for everything, you really saved my skin, but I can’t keep staying in here without repaying you in some way,” He tilted his head curiously and your heart sank, could he not have understood you at all?
“Oca.” ??? What did that even mean? “My name. Oca.” Oh. You told him your name and he gave a little nod in response, mouthing your name before he gave you a soft pat on the head, seeming to end the conversation there
Every time you tried to bring up the subject of leaving after that, something always got in the way or he would just give you that blank smile and pat your head
He was very welcoming of physical contact, it was an odd night when you didn’t end up in his lap, his cold hands soft and refreshing as he stroked your hair.
You were allowed out of the house, of course, but the dense woodlands and the snow kept you from really wandering too far, and usually Oca would be waiting for you to come back with something hot to drink and a blanket
He would leave presents for you, a new outfit, jewelry, toys, pretty little things that made him smile whenever he saw you with them. You liked his smile. Even if some of the stuff wasn’t really your style, you used it anyways just to see that proud gleam in his eyes
Did you even want to leave? Why would you? This was nice, being taken care of for the first time of your life was,,, well it took you time to get used to but you couldn’t deny that it was blissful.
Oca didn’t want anything from you, didn’t ask you to be anything but yourself, he gave you anything you could ever ask for without you having to lift so much as a finger.
He effortlessly trained you, and by the time he was tightening the collar around your neck, you didn’t even care.
Italian Wasp
You were Boss’ newest muse. They came and went with the decades, all of them beautiful in their own way and each with their interesting stories to tell, but there was something about you that made Wasp pause.
Was it the light in your eyes, your soft smile, your personality? There was something that made you so beautiful it just took his breath away - he didn’t understand how you could look down on yourself at all.
Boss brought you in to paint you, and like with all his muses he set up one of the clones as your bodyguard, associating with a don was risky business after all. It was just dumb luck that it was Wasp’s turn to be the bodyguard. He wasn’t complaining
You had some reservations, having a clone stuck to you all day watching over your every move was strange, but you let it be. Choosing to befriend Wasp instead of just fighting against him
Wasp was quiet, only speaking up when absolutely necessary, but he was good company. He listened to your stories attentively, and took notice of your likes and dislikes with ease. He had a sense of humor, you noticed. He didn’t laugh persay, but his lips would twitch into this tiny smile and his eyes would glitter with amusement - you considered it a small victory when you could get him to make that expression
He had his own artistic talent himself, you noticed. He had a tiny little sketchbook he kept in his jacket pocket. The one time you had gotten a good look at it, you noticed he drew mostly sceneries. So it was odd to wake up to him sitting by your side, his fingers black with coal as he sketched your sleeping expression.
He had been embarrassed at first, but when you asked him why he wouldn’t just ask you - you were being painted by Gio every other day after all, you clearly had no problem being someone’s model, he grew more bold with his drawing
You filled up his sketchbook, your smile, your eyes, the curve of your hips, the graceful lines of your body. You were dazzling, and no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t make the drawings capture just how beautiful you were
It frustrated him. Boss’ painting was getting better and better by the day, boss captured your expression, the light in your eyes, the swell of your curves.
He thought to himself if he could touch you, he could get a better handle on how to draw you - though there was a great amount of hesitation before he could work up the courage to actually ask you. You said yes almost too quickly, he almost choked at how swiftly you gave him permission. You had to take his hands in yours and pull it up to your face. The charcoal on his fingers smudged against your cheeks, following his fingers. His thumb over your cheekbone, over your lower lip, his knuckles along the length of your chin, to your neck. He wasn’t sure when he had leaned in, but the next thing he knew, he was kissing you
You made a soft sound into the kiss, pressing up against him. Later you would find smudges of charcoal over your body. On your hips where he had grabbed almost too tightly, your neck, your thighs, your wrists, your back, a map of everywhere he had touched you. His kiss had you coming back for more, again, and again
Gio had frowned when you missed one of the smudges, glancing to his clone disapprovingly. Clones weren’t supposed to get with the models they were protecting - how had he not noticed the look Wasp was giving you? The barely hidden hunger, the desire, the admiration. How long had this been going on? When he was distracted by this useless infatuation, he wouldn’t be doing his job. Clearly this had to be rectified
instead of just one clone watching over you, they started taking shifts. You weren’t allowed to see Wasp anymore and no matter who you asked, you weren’t allowed to even know where he went.
You liked the other clones, sure, Jazz was a bit of a bully - he constantly picked fun at you for managing to ‘seduce’ Wasp, Cici liked to change into monsters to scare you, Lex didn’t talk to you at all, Bee and Ren were the nicest, but Bee reminded you too much of Wasp... you missed him
The painting was almost done, Gio didn’t really had much of a need for you anymore and you were brought in less and less - you knew your time as a muse was coming to an end, you just had to find Wasp before it was too late.
Dodging your bodyguard was almost too easy, especially in the manor. They honestly didn’t care too much now that your time as a muse was almost over. It let you wander the halls and search for any sign of wasp
You called his name softly, listening to the quiet halls for anything - time was almost up, they would notice you slipped away. You had to hurry.
There was a door without a handle, thick and solid, but something drew you to it. You rested your hand against the cool door and whispered his name once more - there was a soft noise on the other side, a thud as he pressed against the door. “How do we get you out of here?” You looked around, wondering how you were to get him out.
There came another thud, harder this time, the door shook with the force of it. Another, the hinges rocked. Another, the door cracked slightly in the middle. You drew back just in time for the door to shatter, Wasp breathing hard, his arm bleeding and hanging limply at his side.
You didn’t have much time, you had to get him out of here quickly, so took his hand in yours and pulled him against you tight. “You’ve got to warp us out of here. Take me home.” You urged. He struggled to draw in enough energy, but he nodded and the world went dark around you 9
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