#and was like oh hey egwene
asha-mage · 1 year
"I know how much you hate being alive. But I don't want to do this again." WOOF
Fascinating that this was apparently a targeted strike at the different Forsaken, probably picking them off before the strike against The Pit of Doom.
A part of me was kinda hoping for a new season 2 one with the Heroes of the Horn, but Spoilers probably meant it couldn;t be. Maybe next time. (Also the Aes Sedai one slaps anyways)
I will NEVER be able to forgive them for making so many hateable men so god damn hot, Bornhold topping the list. And by 'never be able to forgive' I mean 'never be able to thank enough'. (see also: Masema)
28 feels like to small a number of damane for the Seanchan to have in Falme, but I suppose it's a rough estimate and also not including those still in 'training'
The Watches Over the Waves have always been one of those loose threads that never really got touched on. Glad their getting a glancing shot here.
"Prophecies are just the lies of long dead witches" intereeeesting. Not a shocking take for the Whitecloaks to have.
Dang Lanfear cold blooded still.
Perrin and Avi! Aw yeah again!
......Interesting. What is that mist I wonder?
I continue to be so happy they nailed the Aiel so right.
Man Lanfear and Ishamael really sound like they ARE trying to seduce Rand to be their third.
FUCK that's clever (re: The Whitecloak smoke trick)
Their changing the framing of the Egwene rescue a bit, but their keeping Nynaeve's half of it pretty the same, so I'm hoping it will play out like in the books. Still one of my favorite scenes in the series.
Of course Ishamael steps out of that room and IMMEDIATELY knows that Lanfear is trying to play him
Mat! And Padan Fain! Surprised we aren't getting more of a reaction to Padan Fain is A Darkfriend from Mat, but that is a reveal that's pretty old to the audience at this point.
Moiraine and Lan! Platonic marriage re-established!
I like that they gave this speech to Loial re: heroes of a new age. It's very fitting for his character.
Offff. At least it's white cloaks so Egwene isn't going to have nearly as much guilt for slaughtering them.
on the one hand i've always loved the Turak vs Rand duel, on the other....yeah probably does not have the sword trainining needed to do that this time round.
By Turak! At least you got to take Suroth down a peg this time!
Glad they kept the ritual suicide of the So'jhin re: Turak's death. It's one of those moments for hitting home just how fucked the Seanchan culture is.
.....Interesting choice to cut Ingtar's confession, especially after making a point to show the Shienar falcon early in the season. By Ingtar!
Oh hey Domon! You took Moiraine's advice I see.
'Take them to the deepest part of the ocean and dump them' Pffffffft. Peak Lanfear
[It was at this point that I lost all coherence and stopped being able to liveblog effectively so here are some of my assorted post credits thoughts]
I have conflicted feelings about Egwene actually killing Renna, related mostly to the scene from the books being so important to the under laying themes of justice and fate, but I also can't deny that with it's shifted framing, it makes complete sense for the characters, and it heightens the ongoing theme of 'The Forsaken where to Lews what the EF5 where to Rand'.
I also have conflicted feelings about Nynaeve not being the one to heal Rand's wound, but I understand the logic of the choice, even if I don't agree with it.
On the other hand it is BRILLIANT AND INCREDIBLY SMART CHOICE to have Bornhold Senior be the one to kill Hopper, and Perrin to kill him in revenge. It's going to make the Two Rivers stuff A Lot More. It will also make Perrin's conviction to give himself up to the Whitecloaks make a lot more sense.
MAT BEING A HERO OF THE HORN IS INTERESTING BECAUSE MAT SPECIFICALLY WASN'T IN THE BOOKS- HE REFUSED REPEATEDLY THROUGH MANY LIVES. This lends credence to the 'future turning of the wheel' credence of the show which I've always favored anyways.
The scene where all these pivotal character moments are happening while Mat blows the horn, all these different arcs turning on their head, is SO FUCKING BRILLIANT
They don't specifically name drop any heroes in the scene, and I'll have to go back with X Ray to see if any are named, but THEIR SURE IS A BLONDE ARCHER LADY IN THAT SHOW SO FOR NOW HIGH BIRGITTE
ALSO HIGH ARTUR HAWKWING I ASSUME on the one hand it feels weird for your line to be directed at Mat instead of Rand. On the other your part in this scene originally was really just to drive home beyond any shadow of doubt, any ability of Rand to deny it to himself for a reason beyond stubbornness, that he was the Dragon. Rand's already accepted that here so you're not strictly speaking necessary for that, but still.
The shot where everyone is standing united against Ishamael is SO FUCKING GOOD.
Also by Ishamael! We'll see you in a few seasons in your newer, hotter, twinkier body!
(I don't envy the actor that has to live up to Fares Fares, it's going to be no easy task).
Moggy fucking with Lanfear is so fucking good. FEED IT TO ME SLOWLY WITH GRAPES
Oh man I am going to rewatch and binge this entire season like FORTY TIMES.
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markantonys · 5 months
i want the show gang to be better at telling each other things than the book gang, but with one exception.
so, in the books, elayne spends several months at the white tower with egwene and gawyn, so she is probably aware that there's a crush brewing (at least on gawyn's side if not also egwene's, depending on whether we want to ignore the Early Series Weirdness of her crush on galad which is later semi-retconned lmao) because i just know that elayne would be very observant about things like that (unlike egwene completely missing everything to do with avirand while traveling with them for months bless her heart).
but in the show, depending on how things are reshuffled, elayne might not be around whenever and wherever egwene and gawyn first meet. she might not be around for ANY of the times they're interacting.
and i just think it would be funny if egwene and gawyn both refuse to or forget to confide in elayne about their love lives and elayne rolls up to the last battle and sees them together and it's like "oh hey! egwene, i didn't know you knew my brother" "yeah he's my husband actually" "what the FUCK"
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killldeer · 1 year
daughter of the night liveblog
(books spoilers inside!)
- i really like the elegance and huge size of this weave ishamael does with absolute ease. once again the channeling effects are so much better this season
- i was extremely apprehensive about the moiraine-in-cairhien subplot that we knew was coming, because i am not the biggest fan of the show pushing moiraine as bigger and more important than the EF5 just because of rosamund pike’s starpower, but i have to admit that i am really enjoying this so far
- alanna replacing myrelle is a possibility that scares the shit out of me but that i would wholeheartedly support if the show did it
- hm this is a cool and fucked up way to familiarize the audience with the whole concept of what gentling/stilling does to you!
- i am also extremely intrigued at the way the show is giving logain a large piece of the job that belongs to asmodean in the books, down to being a teacher with essentially no access to saidin
- oh i LOVE this mantle leane is wearing
- “the west is always under attack – usually from itself. I’ve sent sisters to investigate.” cool so those people are all going to end up damane then
- “you know, if she falls, you’ll fall with her.” HELLO??? WHY DID SHE SAY THAT
- okay i am becoming EXTREMELY nervous that the show is planning to cut elaida and give her job to liandrin. like to the point where the only thing keeping me from wholeheartedly believing it is the fact that the writing team has book consultants who should know very well that liandrin being a darkfriend and elaida not being one makes them fundamentally non-interchangeable. egwene’s eventual foil needs to be not of active evil but of selfishness and lack of caring for the tower. it is so vitally important to me that the show does not fuck this up
- “does wolfbrother mean–? am i going to turn into–??” honestly i love that perrin asks if he’s going to become a literal werewolf, both for the audience’s benefit and because it is VERY funny
- first mention of the wolf dream???
- interesting how obvious and straightforward moiraine’s being asking around about rand
- selene blatantly describing LTT to rand is so so funny
- “…was any of it real?” nynaeve :(
- liandrin, maneuvering nynaeve “rash decisions only” al’meara: hey if i tell you something absolutely wild do you promise not to make a rash decision about it :)
- hm so the blatant asking questions wasn’t moiraine playing at daes dae’mar or whatever, it was a setup for us to see anvaere maneuvering her instead. that’s fine too i guess
- ELAYNE!!!!!
- “egwene wouldn’t hurt me, and you can’t even embrace the source.” i love her so fucking much
- oh god here we go
- i genuinely like this implied background for min so much more than what rj gave her in the books
- not sure what to make of this visit with ishamael but I’m digging it!!
- someone give lanfear a goddamn oscar for the acting she’s doing here
- oh my god this is the funniest way to do this reveal
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aceofthegreenajah · 1 year
Wheel of time Season 2 Episode 5 Liveblog - no spoilers edition! Will make a reblog with spoilers in it.
Nice. Good of them to show more of Seanchan, that there is a hierarchy where Suroth is pretty high but NOT at the top.
You couldn't have bought out the horn before Suroth was disgraced Ishamael? That is not how you win loyalty from your subordinates.
Just take the horse with you!!! Dammit. I hate animal death. Also why would Lanfear take a horse anyway? See, there she gets another one it was useless anyway.
Yeah give my unhinged girl a hovercar if you won't let her travel by magic!
They are his pack edmond field 5 FOREVAH (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Also Elyas lying to him is not cool
No more Elyas?? :(
Will hopper follow/go with?
Oo clever of Moiraine and Rand
Yeah Rand has a lot to deal with
See! Hopper! Good boy! He is so cute *★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。
Why a seanchan in a cage?
AVIIIIII Damn her cage is too small to fit her gigantic personality in it
WHO IS THIS? Dain! That makes more sense than my first quess
Valda hello beloathed hey please let Avi out you'll deserve anything that happens after
Almost black over red on Liandrin. They keep being so clever.
Did Ishamael give Liandrin a time limit to convert Nynaeve? And not we're on to plan B? That would make sense of her actions and expressions! Love this for us.
I don't know what people are complaining about eyebrows or no Suroth is so pretty
Suroth Are you stupid he isn't of the blood BECAUSE HE IS OVER 2000 YEARS OLDER THAN YOUR BLOODLINE OBSESSION
Yeah Perrin save the living first
Someone loves their shaky cam in this show WHY
Aviendha is SO COOL damn this fight is good. She's unarmed and kicking ass!
'He gave you water' is such a good line here
Aww poor Uno left behind but I get it
Barthanes? Is that you? It is. He looks nothing like I imagined but you know what, I like it!
Galladran is in the show, ok.
'my liege' good try at distraction!
That was unnecessary detail on that 'on the switch' stuff Verin says, but on the other hand, little rebel Verin is a cute enough thought that I'll forgive it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sheriam's life flashing before her eyes here
Good on you Verin!
Gawyn namedrop, compulsion loredrop. Compulsion was one of my guesses on what Lanfear was starting to do to Rand at the end of e4, but on the other hand, it doesn't quite fit...
Detective Verin ❤❤❤
Our master - good good everything becoming clear
YEAH I was waiting for Liandrin to do something! She was primed to! She likes Nynaeve and they built up their relationship so well, she hates Suroth and the Seanchan and everything they stand for, and Ishamael was away so he wasn't here to catch her in the act!
Love Avi's costume. She is so pretty. She is so perfect.
'It is not a lover, wetlander' is so good, and I hate a little how she continued. You just met him! Like good that she's not prudish and maidens are, well, so I guess I'll take it.
Avi and Verin and forsaken I am so blessed.
Who is this guy watching Elayne and Nynaeve?
Nynaeve and Elayne clashing is canon but I hate it. Nynaeve PLEASE I know you're panicking but she's Egwene's friend too and she's keeping a cool head!
More head trauma for our girls. Couldn't have handled that any other way?
Liandrin being smart and thinking ahead with her alibi.
Ah here comes the homoerotic Ishamael/Rand stuff I was expecting. I am cackling here.
OO Ishy+Lanfear hanging out?
Ah he's trying to drive Moiraine to the dark.
Lanfear backstory now???
I dig the collar design. Such a small innocious thing when not in use, grows into this huge thing. And leash of power + an actual leash!
Oh this makes sense. They can't avoid sleep forever anyway so might as well see what Lanfear wants and not weaken themselves unnecessarily.
Lanfear you so dramatic.
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agardenandlibrary · 1 year
The Shadow Rising: chapters 15-19
Remember the Doorway to the Danger Zone? Yeah, it's time for Mr. Low-to-No Impulse Control to see what's up! The door takes Mat to a strange place, weird rule of 3 thing going on, fae rules, etc. Mat falls victim to the classic blunder: the desire to ask follow up questions.
The answer he gets boils down to: "Go to Rhuidean." it's his fate. 
The place starts crumbling around them and they hustle him out. He gets carried out like this:
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while Mat is cursing out the doorway, Rand steps out, followed by Moiraine. Shoulda coordinated better, kids! Turns out the fae-Doorway creatures were speaking the Old Tongue. Mat understood them perfectly. No one admits to what they were told and they all go their separate ways.
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Perrin is ready to GTFO. He goes to Loial - only to find Faile got there first. She made Loial swear an oath to take her to the Ways so Perrin can't leave her behind. I feel like this is a "please never get other people involved in your mess" moment. It's really shitty of Faile to put Loial in the middle. It's shitty of Perrin to decide to leave her behind "for her own good." The only good bean is Loial, who did not consent to be involved in your weird foreplay and is, in fact, uncomfortable.
Everyone else is also packing. Lan busts into their room and is like, “Hey, why’d you lead me to believe you were going back to the Tower, when you’re actually going to TARABON, PLACE OF AWFULNESS.” Nynaeve’s like “I never SAID I was going back to the Tower.” Practicing Aes Sedai trickery on Lan, which is kinda shitty. Lan's very worried about them (but mostly Nynaeve) going to Tarabon. He really really wants to go with them, but he’s bound to Moiraine. They make out in front of Elayne and Egwene, who are, in order, interested and embarrassed. 
Meanwhile, Moiraine and Thom do their little dance of the Game of Houses which they are both good at & we get references that Thom probably (definitely) killed Moiraine’s half-brother who was w/ Morgase. Given that her half-brother was a bag of dicks, Moiraine doesn't care, except that it gives her some leverage over Thom - she wants him to go with Nynaeve and Elayne to Tarabon to help them. She'll give him the names of the Red sisters who Stilled his nephew in exchange. He's torn - he's been trying to help Rand stay out of Aes Sedai clutches.
Meanwhile meanwhile, Min's getting antsy in Tar Valon. Gawyn is being a little shit, nearly blowing Min's cover because he's trying to figure out where Elayne + Egwene are. Galad is reading the Book of Mormon Children of Light propaganda. Galad... no... 
He's like: "It's got good stuff" → the stuff: "be as boring as possible and enjoy nothing." Min sees Logain crowned in glory & freaks out.
RIP Sahra - but it is kind of funny that there's a farm upstate for the Aes Sedai to go retire at.
The Perrin + Faile Train leaves the station w/ 3 Aiel on board. Faile's like "he's trying to keep me from my rightful place" and I'm like, girl, what the fuck. You two are definitely into each other but you’ve never actually, uhhh, talked about this. As they're leaving, the Stone rings & there's a big earthquake situation – Rand doing something. They make it into the Ways.
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Elayne and Nynaeve are on a boat! The Sea Folk are cool.
OH –  the various prophecies of the Dragon are giving big uh missionaria protectiva from Dune vibes. it's the heat prophecy. Turns out the Sea Folk have a prophecy that means they'll help Elayne and Nynaeve for free. Okay, sure. On one hand: v interesting to see all the different ways cultures have interpreted the Dragon Reborn. It really shows his importance across the world!
Then we get the Randquake again.
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iviarellereads · 4 months
The Great Hunt, Chapter 43 - A Plan
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(A’dam icon) In which threads start to come back together.
PERSPECTIVE: Min digs her nails into her palm at the first piercing cry coming out of the room, but picks up her skirts and runs out of the house when she realizes she can't help. She's out in the street before she realizes, crying hard. She almost doesn't realize it when she hears a low-pitched shout of her name. Nynaeve and Elayne have spotted her! She tells them almost immediately that it's too dangerous for them to be in Falme, with all these damane about... but oh it's good to see them.
Nynaeve ignores the warning and asks where Egwene is, and is she alright? Min says diplomatically that she's as well as can be expected, knowing Nyn would charge in and try to save her if she knew the whole truth. She says she's found a ship captain who's willing to risk leaving without permission, if they can get Egg to his ship, but Egg is about to be carted off to Seanchan to locate ore for them. Nyn says she’d planned to ride back out, despite Seanchan patrols on the whole of Toman Head, and rumours of some sort of fighting beyond there.(1)
Elayne wishes Rand were here, or at least someone with a sword. Ten, a hundred. Min says even an army might not be enough. Min says they don't have an army, so they three will have to be enough. She sees a slight vision around the women, a heavy gold ring for Nyn and a hot iron and an axe for Elayne, though she has no clue what they mean.
Nyn suggests they go talk to this ship's captain first, so Min leads the way to an inn, and Bayle Domon.(2) After some conversation, he says if they can get his ship out of the harbour without being blown up, it's suited for sailing the shallows where the big Seanchan ships can't reach, he can get them out for sure, but he'd need a damane to make the first leg of the trip. Nyn asks, what if he had something better than a damane? She takes out the cord around her neck, and Min recognizes the heavy ring as the one from her visions,(3) but there with it is Nyn's White Tower snake ring. He knows what the latter means. Nyn says he'll be surprised what they can do even before they earn the ring, and if he sails with them three and one more, he'll have three who can fight damane. He agrees to be ready to sail at a moment's notice, and the women leave.
Outside, Nyn sags against the front of the inn.(4) But, no time to rest, there are plans yet to make, and one or two small problems to work out. Min hopes that she's not just pretending to be confident when she says that last.
(1) I wonder if that's related to the Whitecloaks manufacturing conflict between Tarabon and Arad Doman. (Also, whoever put "damane" and "Domani" in the same book ought to be necromancy'd and killed again YES I MEAN YOU ROBERT.) (2) NOT A COINCIDENCE! Hey Domon, how about we bail on this joint? (3) Yeah, hey, why is Lan's signet ring in Min's visions? (4) The sort of reaction Nyn's POVs never show us, that she would never acknowledge from inside her own head, exhausted from having to pretend to be so absolutely confident. Unreliable narrators! Gotta love them! (Or else!)
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spectrum-color · 3 years
“‘Egwene?’ Perrin asked. She’s Amyrlin, finally,’ Elayne said, as if the fact had been inevitable. Perrin nodded, though Faile found herself amazed. How had that happened, and why wasn’t Perrin surprised by it?”
This is great because Perrin knew basically nothing about the details of the schism. He hasn’t really been doing anything that requires a close eye on Aes Sedai politics. But he knows her well, so he’s like “ah yeah of course Egwene is the magic lady Pope; can’t believe it took two whole years.” Meanwhile Faile pretty much does not know Egwene so she has a normal person reaction to this and is like wait Perrins childhood friend is the head of the Aes Sedai, a position typically held by women well over 100 years old? Why is no one surprised by this?
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veliseraptor · 3 years
I feel like I always forget how much happens in A Crown of Swords. book 7 over here like:
Rand coming back to Cairhien and deposing Colavaere (and all...that)
official Rand/Min fuckening
Nynaeve’s block is gone and also she and Lan are married now
the fog that eats people. also Padan Fain again
oh hey that’s a gholam
a wild Moridin appears
the Bowl of Winds plot
Egwene starting to build her coalition
the Black Ajah hunting party forms in the Tower
a building falls on Mat
because the Seanchan are back in a big way
distribution of Aiel that’s going to kick off the most tiring kidnapping plot ever
oh yeah also Sammael’s dead
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cheeeerie · 3 years
Hey! What the fuck!
Wheel of Time Book AND Show spoilers ahead.
So. Perrin/Egwene/Rand. That… happened. I sure do wish it hadn’t.
I have to say that I didn’t see it coming, despite the fact that other people told me they thought this was going to happen. And… yeah. Okay. I get where they’re coming from. I can see it too if I look back, and I was one of those who definitely picked up on something between the two of them in the first book, but it’s just one of Jordan’s abandoned plots. They’re all over book 1.
Which is why I EXPECTED them to do nothing with it in the show, but, hey, here we are. So here’s the issue with Perrin having feelings for Egwene: it makes Perrin so, *so* utterly unlikable. Listen, Perrin was already a little unlikable in the show, but I put up with it because book Perrin is my favorite character and the show was doing a good job of making me like characters I hadn’t liked in the books, so I trusted them to make me love Perrin by the end of the season. Well, the clock is ticking mother fuckers, and I still hate him.
So the fact that he married a woman without loving her and spent apparently the entire marriage pining after his best friend’s girlfriend is, como se dice, not good. Not only that, but this show is making you route for Egwene and Rand’s relationship in a way the books never did. In the books their relationship was pretty casual and innocent, and they gave both of them alternative options—Elayne for Rand and Aram for Egwene— pretty early on, so when they break up in book 4 you’re more relieved than upset. I understand that making them more serious will make the stakes higher, and therefore make the break up more emotional. In the books, we wanted them to break up. In the show, we want them to be together.
Not only does show Perrin still basically have the personality of soggy bread, he’s now an obstacle in a relationship we’re routing for. Or is he??? It’s made pretty clear that his feelings are one sided, so why are they even there if not to strain the relationship? Is it to give him something to hate himself about? Because that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Why can’t he just hate himself for MURDERING HIS WIFE!
Okay. Deep breaths. Here’s how they can not ruin the show with this dumb as fuck character dynamic.
Firstly, make it to where Perrin no longer loves Egwene. Make it clear that he married Laila in a spur of the moment decision after his bestie hooked up with his crush. It was a dumb stupid 18 year old move, make him regret it.
After he regrets it, have him do a little self-loathing over the fact that he never loved Laila OR Egwene. Boo-hoo, I’m a horrible violent wolf boy incapable of love, yada yada you get the gist.
Faile swoops in, also believing herself to be a horrible violent person incapable of love, except she doesn’t hate herself for it. She teaches Perrin to accept this “fact” about himself. They are both horrible violent people who pretend that they’re incapable of love even as they fall in love with each other.
Send Faile to Malden to do some good development while Perrin does some bad development, Faile comes back and says “oh shit I was wrong about that whole nihilism thing” and has to uncorrupt Perrin.
I don’t LOVE it, but it’s something I can like, and I did what I could with what I have. Would love to heat y’all’s ideas.
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Episode 6 liveblog with the side of nitpicking
Baby Siuan! She has a nice father and also fish proverbs
One Ajah is missing a sitter, I wonder who is it. It's one of the Grays but what is she doing
I think the tower guard includes both men and women? That's neat
Poor Logain, why is he still in chains? Yeah, Siuan is asking the same questions
Wow, Logain, you killed one aes sedai but also all of them right here with this speech (but actually tried to kill himself ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)
They really are trying to give us the first impression of Siuan as ruthless and unsympathetic
Liandrin's body language make her seem like a teenage girl, I can't decide if it's good or not, on the one hand it's in character, on the other it is very un-aes-sedai-like
Not to be nitpicky here, but Moiraine couldn't have not know that Nynaeve can channel. Guess they are changing this part of the lore
Is this an Illianer accent I hear?
Siuan? Siuan you know what she's been doing, you know why she can't talk about it! Why are you trying to expose your secret quest Siuan?
Why did they gave Siuan a power-hungry-villain speech?
Not to be nitpicky again, but I have questions about set design. Why the interiors are all stone everywhere? There was supposed to be plaster and wood panels, it's not medieval
Ah, Rand, always ready to fight for his friends, but right now even I would admit that he acts stupid, but it's mostly because I already know what's up with Mat, and Rand doesn't
The tradition of having important conversations while bathing lives on I see
Seanchan are already here, huh
Maigan sais she wants to go investigate the disappearing ships, and I am so afraid for her
Moiraine, why are you lying?
Oh, there's no way Valda is dead
Also, as far as healing goes, Yellow Ajah is pretty mediocre
Egwene, you snitch
Moiraine masked the bond, "it's been at least two years", yep, Moiraine is going to get laid
Hey, what the fuck? Why can she Travel?
So they are giving Siuan the dreams. And she listens to them! This messes with her characterisation and the whole tower coup plotline
Moiraine thinks Liandrin has a lover but I bet it's some darkfriend she has dealings with
Nynaeve is so unimpressed with the Amyrlin Seat, I love it
Egwene just glows with pride, and then bam! It's not her! Love it
This punishment is so funny, like, you are never home so don't you dare come back. Someone has to realise that Siuan just gave Moiraine exactly what she wanted
Moiraine, don't spoil the reunion! Let them be happy for five minutes
The eye of the world being the dark one's prison is factually incorrect, and Moiraine knows it! Also, she still didn't actually answered any of their questions
Also also, you don't need the one power to use the ways, that's the entire point of them!
That's not my Mat, he would never abandon his friends like this
Overall, I liked this episode, but for a good part of it I was distracted by all the small and unnecessary changes in the lore and backstories. Some of them add nothing but the excuse to use CGI (witch doesn't even look particularly good at this point) and mess with important plot points down the line. We'll see I guess
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queenofmalkier · 3 years
This is it :(
OMG OMG OMG - me, to myself the entire time. Okay but he's not the dragon reborn he's just the dragon.. okay fine. I get it's to help show-only people BUT STILL LTT should just be a bad bitch in his time. He made The Dragon happen! THEY DID IT. FAM THEY DID IT IT'S FUTURE PAST TIME AGE OF LEGENDS. He just wants to save the world, poor bby Lews. ~Mushroom Man~ Oh you mean LIKE RAND Moiraine? Egwene, just breathe. You poor thing. You're all so fucked. Look Perrin gets lines LET ME JOT IT DOWN. Oh we're talking about it? Interesting. I like that they're like "Hey, sooo we good?" Still hate that story choice but whatever. Moiraine is in like, some kind of manic state I swear. MALKIER. Okay if they can't touch things why can they SIT on them. Blight inconsistencies bugging me over here. Moiraine "I have three feelings and you are not privy to any of them" Damodred. NYNAEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Baby. Oh fuck all of this is so good but so sad. Nope, crying again. WE'RE GETTING THE FUCKING LINE. CRYING CRYING CRYING. It's so fucking good. Okay we didn't get ALL of the line, but it's enough. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH This is a dream right? "That was rude" Sup Ishamael. Somebody definitely got lost in the cull (RIP Be'lal) Rand Means Business. He's such a baby though. Nobody takes it seriously. Maybe don't insult Tam, Ishy-boy. Tam is Everybody's Dad. Rand "I have more feelings but you're not privy to them, take that!" LITTLE GREEN MAN. WE GOT 'EM. Introduction of Rand's self-esteem issues in 3, 2, 1... Nynaeve can't hear the wind anymore?? :( Moiraine is stressssssed af. Interesting, so she had a block? I do love their bonding over trauma. The blight looks like a cluster of starfish starfish. That's what it reminds me of. Everybody harassing Min and she's just like "I didn't even want to be here today." Oh shit. OH SHIT. Rafe you had better not hurt my baby Nynaeve or I will fucking riot. Uno :D :D :D I am traumatized already but he makes me smile. Uh wait I don't know what they need to do? Agelmar :( IT'S A WELLLL!!!! OMG I recognize that from different photos, I think from India? Rand, honey, she's on a death march. She's not gonna stay. Lan :( I really do love Amalisa's dress. Focusing on that instead of being sad. Failing. Oh god it's going to fall. Fuuuuuuck. Crying again. jfc. Everybody is doing what they can but they have no hope in themselves. It's breaking my heart. Not exactly the dark one, kiddo. That's a cradle. That's a fucking CRADLE. The Rand/Egwene dream baby we expected. But that does but an interesting spin on Min's visions. OH FUCK. Did he just fucking STILL her???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Good on you to run Min! What have we here? "Let them buy every step they take with blood" Five fucking channelers. Fuck. I mean Egwene and Nynaeve are EVERYTHING but damn. Perrin's anger showing up! God I love his casting. It's so fucking good just allow him to ACT YOU COWARDS. Snap out of it Rand. You know this isn't real! Ishamael you fucked up, because Rand KNOWS Egwene. And he knows she wouldn't want this and it’s not real. Well nevermind. He looked like he knew. Whelp, he knows now! Ishamael, you're peddling to the wrong Good Boy. You can't say she wasn't prepared. I love that everybody supports the builders. Like they could be pissed as fuck and immediately pause to be nice. I'm not ready. It's coming and I AM NOT READY. Noooooooooooooo. They couldn't make the horse sit still lol. RAND. RAND AL'THOR. I don't know if I love or hate Ishamael's suit. I'm still deciding. Padan Fain has entered the arena, the motherfucker. The HORNNNNNNN. Wondering when it would come say hello. Alright ladies, put your fucking game faces ON. It's go time motherfuckers. But also like, maybe be careful Nynaeve is a beast and she might be able to burn you out. I don't know the rules in show world. GET HIM PERRIN. Rand please just tell me you're trying to learn how to channel. I think you are but I have concerns. Also why didn't Moiraine tell him that she couldn't teach him because men channel differently???? NOW HE'S LEARNING FROM ISHAMAEL. Foreshadowing? I like that the lines from Egwene and Nynaeve are stronger. But Amalisa come on, calm down. BE CAREFUL. Don't fucking leave it there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rand. Oh god. That look on his face. Ishamael you're about to have a bad day. FUCK UP THOSE TROLLOCS. WAIT WAIT WAIT AMALISA. AMALISA HOLD ON. THERE HE FUCKING IS. RAND IS A FUCKING ANGEL SENT FROM ABOVE. ANYBODY WHO HATES HIM APOLOGIZE NOW. Moiraine is confused. "I did it." Oh honey :( Perrin FUCK UP FAIN. NOW. Loial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear to fucking god. If they kill Loial I will personally cancel the show. Rut roh, I told you Amalisa. Breathe. Stop it. Nynaeve. NYNAEVE NYNAEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Oh fuck, Amalisa burned out but FUCK. I knew it happened but to see it like that... I always imagined the aftermath was like when [redacted] went out, but this is... honestly kind of prefer this, as awful as it is, it highlights the awfulness. The dagger! Mat in Shadar Logoth, interesting way to use existing footage of the actor. Rand :( Suicidal ideation coming on strong. Don't do this Rand! Fain fuck you. God the fear he has, it's so GOOD. Give this boy more lines! She lied to LAN!? HE DID STILL MOIRAINE. Perrin I'm so mad at you, but also like, I get it. Hold up. HOLD UP. You better clarify she didn't die. Because you can't heal death and we know that. I wonder if Rand is going to end up in the waste? Yeah, yeah it wasn't. What do we got here? Here they come to wreck the daaaaaaaaay! Dig the ship choice. The historical references are on point. OH MY GOD. ARE THEY FUCKING GAGGED??????? THE DAMANE ARE GAGGED?????? Ummm. Guys. Guys I cannot handle that. You can't just end on that.
(Although I did see brief spoilers that made me think the production still were FAR more kinky - didn’t see th ephotos themselves, just chatter and it had me concerned..)
(Full disclosure: from first look... I hate the makeup choices for the Seanchan. But we'll see if they grow on me.)
And that's... that's it. What the fuck am I going to do for the next year?
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geek-and-destroy · 3 years
This is a Verin Sedai simp blog now - Wheel of Time Read
This is post 11 in The Wheel of Time Read - see the previous post - covering chapters 18-42 of book 2.
A few days ago, I started reading The Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan’s sprawling fantasy series. And - you know what skip this intro shit, I have some explaining to do.
So. I usually like to go like 5-10 chapters before I post an update to this thing. I had midterms this week so I thought I wouldn't get enough time to read or write. But guess what.
Like the excruciating allure of saidin, the book called to me. I'm pretty sure I flunked an exam or two in the process, but the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills. (Yes, I have now started using this phrase as a way to skirt personal responsibility. No, I will not stop.)
Robert Jordan, I feel, is making full use of the ungodly amount of pages at his disposal to slowly dissect every aspect of the sprawling world he's laid out. I have to say, the 'I have won again, Lews Therin' part with the glimpses of different AUs was well fucking done. Has to be one of my favourite parts of this series so far, along with Moiraine's Manetheren speech way back in book one.
And it was so great getting there, too! SO! MUCH! STUFF! First, there was the big statue that activated Rand's saidin, (another well-written scene btw) then you had the whole thing with Rand being treated as a lord - growing into it, even - and Daes'daemar. I love how Rand just doing nothing played into his supposed mystery, getting major clout just by sitting on his ass. Well, he didn't really sit around the whole time in Cairhien. He went and met Thom! (side note: I was kinda disappointed he didn't stay dead, honestly - an impactful death is yet to occur in WoT - but the character has much more in him than that. Guess what, though. The one real, impactful death has been Thom's protege girl, who was kinda fridged tbh. There's only so much fridging you can avoid in such a huge series, I suppose. Some characters exist solely to further another character's story, it's just like that sometimes.) The feast at Barthanes' mansion, Machin Shin, Barthanes' death, the stedding!! Loial is the hottest, most valid Ogier ever, he must be protecc at all costs. The Portal Stone to Toman Head, way out in the west. It's a lot.
... Rand's going to be blamed for Galldrian's death, isn't he? Since he went to prime rival Barthanes' party over Galldrian's. Whenever he declares himself/is outed as the Dragon Reborn, that is. Oh, well. I'm willing to bet Thom had a hand.
There were also exotic Domon and Fain POVs showing an entirely different culture from the one we've seen so far. Even Shienar was similar to the mainland civilization. I'm soorta iffy about the whole damane thing. It's interesting, changing the power dynamics of channelers, but with an adaptation being made, I'm worried about its potential fetishizability. At least Turak dude seems like an interesting character. And guess what? Another matriarchy! Again, with patriarchal systems and trappings intact, but hey. Will we get to meet this Empress? I hope so.
Meanwhile, Egwene and Nynaeve! In Tar Valon!! Meeting Elayne and Min! They don't hate each other! Delightful Aes Sedai lore galore! empty boi Logain strolling around, making me pity him. Nynaeve choking the Amyrlin was also great. Rage-activated magic, is Nynaeve the Hulk? She wears green in the show, too - is Hulk-coding a thing now? Anyway, I am gushing over all of these dynamics.
All except two, that is. Firstly, every young woman is still inexplicably attracted to Rand. I suppose I'll have to live with it. Rand certainly isn't a wish-fulfilment character, so that's a bit better. A bit. But I really don't like MC attraction syndrome that plagues much of fiction. And secondly - man, I so didn't imagine Liandrin to be an actual Darkfriend. She was an antagonist, definitely. But I thought she would be the 'good intentions + zeal' type antagonist who realizes how her methods are helping the Dark One rather than defeating him and then dies in a heroic sacrifice. Her being a Darkfriend somehow takes away from her villainy. She becomes a less interesting villain this way. Bleh.
But enough about those others. It's time for the real best character.
I love her, your honour.
Verin, you fucking beaut. You non-good-looking, sharp, amazing wise beaut. If Robert Jordan (or Sanderson) kills her, I will lose it. Moiraine who? Nynaeve who? I only know Verin. Whoever underestimates her or calls her book smart can kindly die mad about it. Fuck off please, we don't need you here. That includes you, Moiraine and Siuan Sanche. You give her all the respect in the world or you will suffer.
I'm really glad to know that the whole 'Brown Ajah wouldn't survive five seconds in the real world' stuff was from the characters as opposed to the narrative. At least that's the case for Verin. Even though she hasn't faced Darkfriends and/or Trollocs directly yet, (in front of our characters, that is) she's shown great real-world smarts and none of the characters would survive without her. Plus, she understands the value of keeping Rand's secret, and chides him when he uses too much of saidin. In most stories, she would've been the 'curious to the point of madness' type one who would encourage Rand to channel just to study it, but nope, not Verin. Also:
"And what I learned after nearly being caught by the snows in the Mountains of Mist and freezing my way across Almoth Plain – was absolutely nothing."
Oh, she's definitely been places, seen things. I can't wait to see her in action and absolutely steamroll Moiraine and anyone else in terms of efficiency and conflict resolution. No, she probably won't be using big, flashy magic, but everyone will be safe as well as closer to the goal. I'm a Verin simp now. Deal with it.
(Moiraine also had an interesting little side quest with the bits of prophecy, but I don't remember much of it rn, so yeah. Hopefully, we'll see her on Toman Head.)
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killldeer · 1 year
what was meant to be liveblog
lotta yelling and caps in this one. consider yourself warned
- alright let’s see how well i can take notes while probably also geeking tf out
- the jolt of fear when I read “3000 years ago” that we were abt to see the eotw prologue oh my god
- this is so insane
- dain’s armor 😍
- dain in silver and geofram in matching gold,,, father son armor set
- hello beach waygate from all of the promos <3
- i love how explicitly lanfear reveals layers of her Schemes to ishamael. like obviously this is a visual medium so it’s kind of necessary, but natasha o’keefe delivers it in such a delicious teasing way
- OH SO WE’RE GOING FULL FANTASY CATHOLIC CULT HUH. like what are the little holy water swingy things called. i can’t believe the whitecloaks just have these things.
- watching the whitecloaks and seanchan kill each other with unbridled glee and a bowl of popcorn
- “I know who kills [rand], and what he uses to do it”. I mean yeah but like. you don’t have to rub it in
- angry nynaeve. ANGRY NYNAEVE.
- “i’m not gonna touch it :)” sigh. this is the face of a man who is probably going to touch it
- moiraine and lan re-bonding forehead touch event leaves 8 dead 29 injured
- oh boy it’s Ingtar Reveal Time methinks??
- turak posturing himself to get into a Proper Blademaster Duel and rand just immediately killing the entire squad with saidin bullets. THAT’s how you fucking deal w the seanchan baby
- the tension of egwene being forced to channel to kill but also knowing that she’s doing it against the whitecloaks who tortured her is so thick i could cut it with a knife. ooouuughh
- suroth’s fucking azula lookin ass
- mat baby boy you can do it. i believe in you buddy
- haha holy shit. holy shit. they’re gonna do the Sul’dam Can Channel reveal with egwene and renna.
- “Pick up your weapons! Fight with us! Send these slavers back where they came from!” Heartbreaking; The Worst Man You Know Just Made A Good Point
- mat perrin reunion 🥹
- “you abandoned [egwene]. you made her a killer.” oh fuck OFF man c’mon. please please do not let this be the jumpstart for rand’s Weird About Women spiral please
- I like that it looks so goofy and futuristic. it’s even got a mysterious little shimmer effect. I of course love the aesthetic of it being a funny little French horn as much as the next books fan, but lbr this is much more the speed of the age of legends ppl
- oh god. oh god i did get so caught up in the plot that i forgot the reason hopper spends most of this series in tel’aran’rhiod.
- hopper’s last sending being him soaring into the sky :,(
- kill geofram bornhald. kill geofram bornhald. kill geofram bornhald.
- “I… I remember.”
- ohhh man the SCORE. the fact that it sounds kinda like a “regular” fantasy score is so fun
- birgitte!! hi!!!!!!!!
- I would like to submit to the record. for posterity’s sake. that the above notes for this scene were written only after i rewatched it for the third time. because the first two times I watched it I was literally in tears almost the entire time. like as soon as i started to see the heroes of the horn materializing behind him I was gone. just pointing at the screen sobbing “that’s my fucking boy!”
- “I’m not sure I’ll be able to channel when I get there.” hey so why are we not letting nynaeve channel at all now!! how is she not furious about at least some aspect of the situation she is currently in??? i’m not even the biggest nynaeve stan but this one is even pissing me off
- egwene holding her shield alone against ishamael ohhhh my god
- well at least we still get the “rand meets elayne while she’s patching him up” meetcute or whatever
- the gang’s all here :)
- hm the big fiery dragon seems a little goofy. not sure what exactly i’m feeling about it
- the show shares my moggy pronunciation
- moghedien looks like a teen lesbian. I mean this in a tone of utmost praise. look at those crazy bangs and long dark skirt and huge chunky boots that still only take her up to Lanfear Tits Height
- “Light help you, rand al’thor.” lanfear seems aware of this but she’s literally gonna need that luck as much as he does if she’s gonna survive the average Daily Forsaken Squabbles without killing someone
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aceofthegreenajah · 1 year
Wheel of time s2 e2 non-spoiler liveblog
Nightmare or is it Ishamael or someone messing with his dreams again
Rand is her kept man huh 👀👀👀
Love the contrast between foregate and Cairhien proper
Moiraine being her lovable asshole self
Nice way to infodump some Aiel war
'more famous residents' anyone I know???
Liandrin did you pocket poison
This (healing) is an excellent way to motivate Nynaeve
Poisoned sweetcaked for Mat? (immediately refutes) Touché Liandrin
Mat you're a delight
I sense an incoming Elayne
Elayne that doesn't tell her anything 🤣
Subject huh - way to win friends. Wait. Are you flirting???
Nynaeve still dropping the 'sedai'
Wait is Nynaeve gonna follow Liandrin to Mat??? Can't right???
No just a sneaky way out
Loial is pack because I say so 😤
Yeah Verin is the best. I love the scene in the books this (her conversation with Moiraine) is based on
Rand what you up to. Yeah knew that was a bad idea.
Liandrin is crying. I thought at first this might be just a show for Nynaeve but now I think not.
SON??? Is that her son???
Mat!!! Min!!! Hey loves
Carniera stuff was kept huh. Could've lost that in my opinion
Mat & Min are great they make me laugh I want to see them have a bromance
Mat's like 'sounds like a shit power' and Min's like 'cheers to that'
Now that is a vision to make Min wary of Mat please don't turn on your jail buddy
This is so Elayne
Everyone wants to know Nynaeve
Fuck don't drive them apart
Why is her trial happening in the middle of the night
Moiraine you're killing me
FUCK apparently I needed to be less worried about Nynaeve and Egwene and MORE WORRIED ABOUT MY PLATONIC BESTIES
Darkfriend town??
BADASS SHIENARANS FTW fuck that was a good fight scene
Shit damane. nice of you to group so they could hit you all at once.
Has Perrin seen Ishamael in dreams? Not that we know right? I mean not with this face?
Oh THIS is why Rand had to attack him I get it
Ooh love that ending
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agardenandlibrary · 1 year
The Shadow Rising: chapters 8-10
So, Elayne gaslights Rand.
I mean, only kind of, lol. After she’s like “do you like me, check yes or no, I do also like you” she says “What? You think Egwene and I schemed between us and passed you around? Don’t be ridiculous”. Babe. That’s exactly what y’all did.
They’re kinda cute. Elayne’s like “while you could sleep around… maybe don’t, if you want any chance with me.”
When she leaves, the High Lords of Tear show up and Rand’s like, “Lower taxes, ya dinguses.” He’s got big opinions on taxation of farmers for someone whose whole community hasn’t paid taxes in 7 years or whatever lmao. 
Meanwhile, Mat asks Egwene for help with his whole deal. His whole deal being the missing memories from his time with the Dagger. He’s also been, like, having flashbacks of old battles and accidentally speaking in the Old Tongue. She’s not sure what would help, but tells him about the Doorway of Answers. It could be useful – but watch out! 
Tumblr media
A few days pass. During this time, Rand and Elayne are sneaking around making out with each other – amazing, teenager stuff! Also, hilariously, the Aiel as a whole are wing-manning this operation, telling Elayne where to hide to spring out at Rand and go on walks with him. 
Rand is also proving he’s not a total wool-headed idiot, because he’s asking Elayne advice on how to rule, and actually listening to her. Elayne thinks this is very hot of him.
The high lords of Tear keep trying to sneak stuff past Rand to return to the status quo. Luckily, he’s got Thom sending him the blackmail material, and Elayne to advise on policy. The Tairen lords are trying to do some hinky stuff in Mayene. Rand keeps throwing them out, which is honestly pretty damn funny. 
And then Selene shows up. Good ol’ Selene. She rocks up and is like “By the way, I’m Lanfear and you should join forces with me because I’m obsessed with your past incarnation.” Rand: “Wow, are you feeling okay? … oh you’re not joking.” Lanfear tells him that the other Forsaken will try to kill him and without her he’s doomed. Shockingly, Rand is still not into that.
Hey, speaking of the other Forsaken – there’s an attack on the Stone. Fades and Trollocs and Darkfriends, oh my! Rand runs around fighting and eventually Lanfear’s like – “Dude, are you ever gonna use Callandor?” Rand gets his awesome magic weapon and uses call lightning indoors, which is technically impossible*, but Dragon gonna Dragon.
*this is a D&D joke, sorry I’m like this.
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hazelcephalopod · 3 years
The Eye of the World Ch 1-3
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched the first 4 episodes of the show and been spoiled on some things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know and what I think in know and what I don’t. Also I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first book under the cut. Also the first season of the show.
Immediate impression
Story proper starts! This is nice. Get a feel for the world and this village. Learn about the characters. Pretty good so far.
Warning: long under the cut.
Interesting it’s only from Rand’s perspective so far.
Ch 1
A chapter! Finally!
Hey it’s the thing! I think moraine says this at the end of the first episode!
Yup wind and cloaks do be like that. According to fantasy at least. Idk about real life
Black cloaked rider who wasn’t there a moment before whose face is shadowed so much they appear not to have. A face. Yea… and it’s just all creepy huh?
That only Rand can see. Yup. That’s fine I’m sure
Tam is just so chill about his son just seeing shit
Rand… the lack of the rider being affected by the wind is the creepy part now? Cuz we just covered so much worse imo.
Huh… interesting that he finds being around Egwene so uncomfortable
Just not farming fertile land. (If I got that right) So I guess things at least aren’t so bad for them. But the animals also don’t seem to like the mountain. Because of course they don’t
Oh no. Bad stuff is just happening. Cool cool cool
Maybe she doesn’t want to tell them the bad news. Young Wisdom everyone dislikes and underestimates doesn’t want to disappoint. Makes sense. (I later understand that man [Cenn] is an asshole)
Wow. So either that’s normal and men and women’s business is very separate. Or this is a bad marriage. I suspect, both.
Oh no everyone just like that. Ok, got it
And also answered. Everyone is very stubborn. So the “will not die kind of stubborn is actually, too stubborn to die”. Excellent. That explains that
The specific vibe of this town feels familiar to me
Well yes Mat the rider was terrifying by all accounts!
Watch it be Lan. (I later learn it’s not!)
Yup. Prankster as a youth and you may never outgrow the title and distrust thing
Ah teen crushes. All the feelings all at once. (And the added weight of everyone being like “do it!”)
Ch 2
Ah yes everything is shit and we need to talk about it but we don’t really want to
Huh so I did pick up that these families really do want their kids to get together (al’Vere and al’Thor). Honestly the show did good communicating that with the limited time it was given.
You do need to eat something though. We just were over this
Food! Finally
Dude the descriptions of food put GRRM to shame. And he likes to describe food. The descriptions in general here are… well descriptive and frequently so. Just an observation
Huh. These kids really do be pranksters. Someone told me that and yes. They are! Low key hope we hear of that in the show, that’s some good call back “hey remember when times were good” don’t even need to show it if they get the scene right.
It was not Lan! But- They’re here!
I love this gossipy little town where nothing ever happens until it does and everyone knows immediately
Do we ever learn what the man was hiding from in Baerlon?
Egwene would have listened in
Oh when your horse and cart is gone and it’s just fine. Whoever put it in the stable! No worries.
“All was as it should be. Except that he was being watched.” -EOTW And to think I was fully back into the childish glee of something happening in a town nothing ever happens. Then ‘remember the horrors that await.’
Ok so there really is something weird about the Ravens in this town.
Rand is quite curious or suspicious. Probably both (it’s both)
That was not an answer Moraine
I have to say being in Rand’s head is really interesting because he is clearly in it a lot. And it really makes sense where his head is at
If she’d given Mat that money in the show I thing he’d have done whatever she wanted for a month. He’d also have spent it within the hour
Oh. He’s happy. That’s nice.
That is a lot for one peddler
Ch 3
Padan Fain is a great name for a Peddler honestly. Padan Fain the Peddler
Well none of that sounds good
Cenn just sucks huh? All around just tedious little man so far.
Guy really knows how to role up a credit and the Mayor does not like it. Held his own pretty well tho
“… like living in the middle of a gleeman’s tale…One long adventure.” - Rand. Why am I sad? B/c right before, about all the talk of false Dragons and Aes Sedai “On the whole, he believed he would rather have blizzards and wolves.”
So he really is just having nothing but bad vibes. All day long, bad vibes. And honestly it isn’t going to let up
Mat no! Correct Perrin! Stay home!
All this conversation is just really good! Mats optimistic desire for novelty over self preservation. Perrins nervous realism. Rand defending the Dragon and calling out the Aes Sedai.
Mat coming in with some hope! But no one believes him…
Ah back to village gossip.
I love Nyneave. That’s all. She’s flawed and I love her
I kinda enjoy this weird dynamic between Egwene and Rand. She’s so certain and driven, and currently he’s seems just the opposite. They are clearly attracted to each other, but obviously in a teen crush sort of way where it looks good on paper but really the deeper connection isn’t there. Meanwhile everyone else is just… shipping them so hard adding to their confusion figuring out what they want.
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