#and usually it makes me feel proud to call this country my home
metalcorebarbie · 7 months
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hellodropbear · 24 days
like she used to
alexia putellas x sister
i have been writing this for ages and it has just sat in my documents folder since january. i don't usually post stuff i write so this will probably get taken down at some point. i've written 13k words so far but this is just the first 4k.
I hadn't expected to get the call up, not at all really. But Mapi tore her meniscus and apparently the first team found themselves in need of a backup centre back and I was the best option from the B team. It's a compliment, really. Mami is very proud of me and she is excited for me and my sister to play together in a few weeks, even though she is still recovering from her surgery and I will probably not make it off the bench. I am only 15 and 10 months, usually they wait until you are at least 16 and a bit before you can play. 
But, I don't really know how to feel. Thankfully Alexia won't be in training with me for now and I try to avoid thinking about what will happen when she eventually gets better and I have to face her again.
Alexia is my older sister by a lot. There's a 14 year age gap between us and I used to completely and utterly idolise her. She and Alba were two superheroes, always by my side when I needed them. I put them on a pedestal like they were the greatest human beings to ever walk the planet. To me back then, they were. 
I was only four when my father died. All I remember from that time was the big black invisible sheet that hung outside his study and the dark and scary emotions that swallowed our house whole. Alba and Alexia would argue about who got to cuddle me at night and I was so unaware what was happening that I would happily agree, wiping away their tears when it all got too much. 
The death of our father made our family unit stronger. Mami, Ale, Alba and Elena - it was all any of us needed and we supported each other in whatever ways we could. 
Mami had to pick up more shifts at her job, so she couldn't pick me up from school. Alexia had just got her license so she would come in a break during training and pick me up in her training gear. 
Alexia didn't have time to drop me off at home so I would sit and watch the training with whoever wanted to give me company when they were injured. 
Most days, Alba would come and pick me up and take me on the bus all the way home. She would play cartoons on the TV as she sat at the table and did school work. Some days, when she had the time she would sit with me and watch Alexia's training and we'd all go home together. Alba used to say she enjoyed the training. Looking back, I think she just wanted a free ride home and an excuse to not do her homework. 
As I grew up, everything just worked. Alexia and Alba were still living at home as a support to Mami and everything was perfect. My sisters were my idols, my Mami was my shining star. She still is. She would do anything for her daughters, as long as it meant we were all happy. 
That is why it has been so hard for her over the past two years. 
I have not been happy, not really. My football has been thriving, I have represented my country in the under 17 age group and I am a consistent starter in the Barcelona B team. I spent two years in La Masia before they sent me to the B team last year and I have only been improving since. Everything is going well. Mami says I have had a better start to my career than Alexia did. 
Maybe that is why Alexia hates me. Maybe Mami is just saying that to make me feel better about it.
Alexia and I, despite the 14 year age gap, were always inseparable - for the first 12 years of my life. She was at every single school event, football game, she picked me up from trainings when she could and would train me herself in the garden. We shared a common passion that Alba was not interested in at all - we both love football, we eat, sleep and breath it. Football is everything. She was the one who gave me that mentality. 
"Football is life, Lena, you are lucky you are so good because now you also get to live football and hermanita, it is the most incredible thing." 
She had whispered that to me when I was 11. We were sat on the beach, a place we visited frequently throughout my childhood, both of us staring out at the reflection of the moon on the sea. Alba was fast asleep, her head in Alexia's lap as she snored lightly, completely oblivious to our conversation. 
It all fell apart over three years ago, although I don't have the first clue as to why. 
It was not an explicit event that ruined everything, more my older sister growing up and flying the nest that was so secure and established over years and years of shared success, happiness, failure and grief. She moved out of home long before that, but her split with Jenni upset her, I think, a great deal. I wouldn't know because she didn't really tell me anything - that was strictly Alba's business. 
I didn't even know they had broken up until 5 months after it actually happened. 
"Mami, why does Jenni never come over any more?" 
It was an innocent and normal question, but the look on my mother's face told me everything. Everything about Jenni and everything about my sister. 
I think that was the first knock. She hadn't done anything wrong but I had loved Jenni and Jenni had loved me. I would have thought that she would have told me they broke up. Maybe she didn't want to, maybe she just forgot. She does a lot of that these days. 
Before she and Jenni broke up, she still came to all of my games. She never missed one game before I transferred to La Masia and would insist on taking me out to ice cream after every one. She would tease me for not scoring like she does, even though I play as a centre back. 
"You need some training from Mapi, she is a centre back and has the most lethal free kick, hermanita! She is the best defender I have played with, but don't tell her I said that. I think you will grow up to be better than her." 
She was excited that day, I had made a few good saves and I think that was the first time she really saw that I had the potential to be great. 
I remember the first game she was late to. I noticed immediately but we both pretended she was on time - she only made it to the last 10 minutes but I put it down as traffic or being caught up at training. She was busy, it takes a lot to be La Reina. 
I remember the first game she missed entirely. She wasn't there at the beginning and she wasn't there at the end. I was 13 and I didn't have a phone yet so I couldn't call Mami and ask her to come pick me up because Alexia was too busy. I told myself it was because she was too busy. I didn't want to say she had forgotten because that was too hard for me to handle. 
I remember vividly sitting outside the stadium as the sun set. My coach had asked where my sister was, I was a bit stuck with what to say but I managed to convince her I was fine and she could go home. 
Alba came and picked me up after work that night. It was dark and she looked sad but when I asked if she was ok, she just shrugged her shoulders and said everything would be fine. 
I found out from Mami a few weeks later that Alba was sad because I had never once been forgotten anywhere. Alba saw that as the destruction of our strong family. I suppose she was not wrong. 
Alexia never said anything about that game but she was at the next. She didn't take me out for ice cream after, instead patting my head and telling me she would drop me off at Mami's work. 
"I have things to do, Elena, I am very busy. Hopefully soon Mami will let you catch the bus on your own. Maybe Alba can take you soon so you know the correct routes." 
Her words hurt more than I could admit to myself, I told myself to stop being pathetic. Mami asked why I was crying when I walked into her office. I told her I had played terribly and she comforted me. I think she knew I was lying. I think that is why she had tears in her eyes when she released me from her grip-like hold.
Since that day, Alexia has been to 3 of my games. She went to one more of my old club games but she was sat beside Alba, her eyes glued to her phone the entire match. I was so unfocused that the ball deflected off my face and we conceded. I was taken off with a bleeding nose but when I looked up in the stands, my sister was still staring at her phone. Alba had run down the stairs and was by my side when I entered the little sick bay. 
I cried then too. Most people thought it was because of the bleeding nose or the conceded goal. Alba knew that wasn't the real reason. 
The penultimate game she watched was the final of the under 15s Catalonia cup. I don't know what she did during the game because Mami told me not to look up. She said she didn't want me to get distracted but I think she meant to say she didn't want me to get hurt. 
I think I still idolised Alexia at that point in time. She was still my older sister and she was still the best player in the world. She still had weekly dinners at home, although she wouldn't sit next to me and sneakily take all the food I didn't want off my plate anymore. She stopped staying to watch a movie after dinner even though my favourite part of the week was falling asleep in her lap as her hands combed softly through my hair. 
I remember when I was accepted into La Masia, Mami held a nice big dinner. It was right in the middle of covid so it was technically illegal, but we had a lot of my family over. Mami invited a few of the Barcelona girls as well and Mapi and Leila reminded me of what it used to be like before Alexia stopped loving me. 
The reminder of the before was more painful than I liked to admit, and the night ended when the tears that had been burning in the back of my eyes finally spilled out as I was talking to Mapi. 
She immediately pulled me into her arms and asked what was wrong and I struggled to find a lie that would be believable. 
I settled on saying I was upset about everything changing - which I suppose was true. 
I remember Alexia looking mortified and breaking eye contact as soon as I looked at her. She told me off that evening when Mami was in the shower and Alba was talking to someone else. She told me I needed to be grateful for everything I have been given and that she paved the way for me. 
It was even worse when she said I would never achieve the things she has. She said it was because I didn't have the mentality that she did, that I had it all so easy. 
It hurt the most when she told me she was disappointed in the person I was. 
"I hope we never share a shirt, Elena, because the day you play in the first Barcelona team is the day that we have run out of players. It will mean that football players are week and female footballers can not be weak. You do not have it in you to be like me, to do what I have done to get to where I am."
The venom in her voice sent a cold shiver down my spine and I felt like I had been stabbed. I didn't cry that time. I waited until I was in my bedroom to sob my heart out. 
The last time she ever watched me play was the next day, but she didn't have an option not to. I played terribly, my first game as a La Masia student, my sisters words repeating over and over in my head. 
That was really what tipped the relationship I once shared with Alexia on its head. The pedestal I had put her on was destroyed and suddenly she was just another player. I barely saw her as my sister any more. She couldn't love me, you wouldn't be able to hurt someone you love so much. 
I have barely seen her since. She still comes to our family dinners on Thursday nights - she still very much loves Alba and our Mami. But I tell Mami that I have training with Barcelona B late on Thursdays. It finishes at 6 and dinner starts at 7, but I just organise to go to my friends' houses for dinner instead. 
Sometimes we both have dinner together at home, but it is awkward and I hate it. I think she has probably forgotten about what she said to me in June of 2021, but I don't think I will ever be able to. 
She doesn't like me, but it's ok because I have learnt to accept that. But I will never not love my sister because she was once everything to me. 
"Pequena Putellas!" Patri's excited shriek is what welcomes me into the dressing room on my first day. She tackles me into a hug and squeezes me tight. "It has been such a long time, mi favorita!" 
The last time I saw Patri was only last year at the champions league final. I had sat with my whole family but I went to the bathroom when everyone else went and spoke to the players. I don't think Patri would have seen me. 
I can only smile as she continues. 
"I remember you as the little 8 year old who would sit and watch our training sessions after school! I was so confused by you when I first arrived here, you know. I remember the first time Ale let you play a game with us and you were so good!" 
"Nobody doubted that you would be on this team one day!" A new voice entered the conversation.
"Marta!" I hugged the brunette closely. She was always one of my favourites. 
"I am proud of you, pequena putellas." 
Her words are familiar as I have heard them out of my mothers voice time and time again my whole life. But they seem foreign coming from Marta and it is an unwanted reminder of my sister. I don't know why - maybe it is because I have always associated this Barcelona team with her. I don't remember the last time she said she was proud of me. 
I don't remember the last time she said anything to me, really. 
"Gracias, Marta, I have missed you." I bury my head into her neck and she holds me closer. 
"You have not been around as much since you transferred to La Masia. I wanted to come and watch but Ale never extended an invitation and I didn't want to overstep." I shake my heads at her words and she frowns. 
"Alexia doesn't have time for my games, she hasn't for a while. It takes a lot to be La Reina." 
Marta's frown deepens at my words and the attention of a few spanish players is captured. I should have spoken quieter, I forgot how many people in here speak catalan. 
"It is ok, she is very supportive, but she just can't come to my games. She makes it up in other ways." I am lying through my teeth but Marta will never know. 
"I am sure, she must be very proud of you, being selected in this team for the first time, it is a big deal, you are very young."
All I can do is nod, my energy is all being put into holding back my own tears. I don't know if Mami told her. I don't know if Alexia even knows that I was selected. 
"Get changed now, I am sure Jona will want to talk to you before the session, especially with the game tomorrow."
I nod again as Marta pats me on the back and walk over to the cubby that says my name. It feels a bit surreal, really. 
I never really thought I would see my name on a Barcelona cubby, accompanied by my new number that I chose in the meeting a few days ago. It was always a dream, but I never thought it was achievable. Alexia always seemed like a superstar, a superhuman of sorts and I would never reach that kind of level. 
But here I am in the team that I always wanted to be in - in no way am I anywhere near my sisters level but I am on my way to being like her. I just wish she cared. I wish she was proud of me like Marta is. 
Her cubby sits across from me and I try to tear my eyes from it but it sits and stares right back at me. I feel like an intruder in Alexia's space, this is not for me, she would not want me to be here. 
I tie my laces quickly after that and head out onto the pitches to begin training. 
I have trained with the first team twice before, but the Barcelona Bs were always slightly seperate and we could keep our distance from the first players. Jonatan is a familiar face and I feel comfortable as he smiles and me and motions for me to follow the others to the gym. 
It is weird, being promoted within my own club. I am not so much a new signing, but a replacement - I am not good enough to be in the first team but they had no other options when Mapi injured herself. 
I used to worry that people would say I only get opportunities because my last name is Putellas. When my sister told me I was weak all those years ago, that idea sort of cemented in my head, I suppose. 
I never told my Mami what her daughter said to me because it would upset her. I told Alba half of it when she found me crying in my room a few days later but made her promise to not tell anyone. She couldn't say anything to Mami, Alexia, anyone at all because it would only make Alexia think I was weaker. 
She was furious and tried to tell me it was untrue but it had already been said. I believed Alexia's word more than anyone else. To me, she was a superhuman. 
But when I spoke to Jonatan a few days ago he made me feel like I was wanted within this squad. He made it clear that he wants me to integrate completely into the squad in the next few years and that he can see me playing soon even though I am only 15. 
I told him I didn't want anything special because of my surname. 
He told me that he chose me because of my first name. 
"Elena Putellas,"  he said with a grin, "you may be as good as her, but you are not your sister. This is a professional environment. As long as you perform, which I know you will, nobody will care what your name is."
It was a big boost to my confidence. 
Aitana Bonmati caught up to me quickly as I walked to the gym. 
"You are big now." I chuckled but did not look over, I didn't need to really. "But not that big. You are only 15, si?"
"Yes, I am 15." 
I met Aitana when she first joined the club. She always used to say that she would steal me and take me home with her because she thought I was adorable. It is strange that I am now sort of in the same team as her. 
She started playing for the first team when I was 8. I was older then, I played my own football and liked staying with Alexia so I could kick a ball around with her teammates when they were done. 
Aitana was one of the few who would stay every time I was there. When Alexia didn't want to wait she would drive me home herself, all the way to the other side of Barcelona. We would always stop for ice cream on the way home. 
"I have not seen you in too long, Lena. I have missed you a lot but you have been doing very well in the B team. I am very proud and I take credit for your abilities." She spoke in such a dead pan voice but it was somehow still filled with emotion. 
"I have missed you too, ABC." It was a nickname I gave her the first time she drove me home. I had been learning about the alphabet in English class and had the little song stuck in my head when she told me her full name. I used to sing her initials in the tune of the song but it quickly merged to me just saying the three letters. 
"I have been to a few of your games, you know?" 
I look at her in confusion, I have never seen her there. She just nods. 
"Alexia never invited any of us but she was never at the ones I went to so I would sit in the stands with a hat and glasses so people wouldn't recognise me, but I was there. I went to your La Masia games as well. You have become a phenomenal player, Lena."
She has always spoken with such sincerity. I have missed her a lot. 
"Maybe you can drop me off at home again tonight? I have missed you."
She chuckles and pulls me into a side hug. 
"I was waiting for you to ask, little Lena. Oh you are not so little any more!"
I chuckle as well and let my head fall onto her shoulder as we enter the gym. My eyes scan the room, looking at all of the players on their equipment, nerves quickly settling inside me. 
"Don't worry, it's all easy." Aitana seems to read my mind. "Just come with me and I will show you how to do everything. It will become second nature in the next few days."
The gym session went quickly as I was taught all the different exercises. I was familiar with most of them, having done a very similar program in the past with the B team. 
We went out onto the field to do some drills and I played well. Jonatan was impressed and so were the first players. My teammates? Maybe, not quite, I don't think. I still haven't been in a team list, so I suppose I'll be their teammate when that eventually happens. 
It wasn't until we reached the ice cream shop that Aitana started asking me all the awkward questions. I should have seen it coming. 
"Why do you never come to our games anymore, Lena?" I was very grateful for the scoops of gelato in my hands. Eating it delayed my response as I tried to come up with something to say. I shrug as I eat.
I can not say it is because I do not get along with Alexia. It is too hard for me to say now, even after all these years. 
"I'm not sure. I suppose I got busy with my own training and school. I have been to a few but I usually go home with Alba pretty quickly after they finish." It is only half a lie but she just shrugs, apparently not believing my words. 
"And why is it that I am driving you home from your first ever first team training? I thought Alexia would have wanted to." I anticipated a question like this but that does not mean I wanted her to actually ask it. 
"Alexia is busy." I hope that Aitana understands I don't want to talk about it. I haven't spoken about my broken relationship with my sister to anyone. I think she can sense something is wrong though, because she puts her spoon back into her ice cream and grabs my arm so I am staring right at her. 
"If you ever want to talk, I am right here, Lena. I know you don't like people knowing what is going on inside that crazy head of yours but it is good to release your feelings." 
She definitely knows something is wrong so I appreciate her not pushing. 
"I have outlets, I play football, I play the piano, I am ok, aitana, I really am." 
She eyed me as if to say she didn't believe me but dropped the topic anyway. 
"When did you get so good?"
chapter II
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blue-jisungs · 1 year
okay imagine like with svt (either ot13 or minghao jihoon and seungkwan pls) you’re studying for some test in eng / a language other than korean and you go to them with like the tiniest handwriting, tons of notes, all on one page all proud and theyre just like “…now wtf does this say bro” love u axie (if i can call u that) take a rest and i love u sooo so much! u can dm me if my req is a little confusing <33
speaking your native language in their presence ♡
a/n. the way i RAN to write this!! it took a moment ngl but phew, i’m done!! thank you for requesting, hopefully you like it roxie!!! and ofc you can call me axie, it makes my heart melt ngl <3
also i had a race with time to finish it before you go on a hiatus i was STRESSING LMAO but i made it 😌
warnings. cursing >:T
oh and for anyone interested i also have enha && skz && bts versions of this!!
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┆彡 SEUNGCHEOL [ 승철 ]
mans so used to talking w you in korean that he kind of??? forgot??
so once you were talking with your mom over the phone and his mouth went ajar
like that man was ready to call the exorcist
and then it clicked and he was like oh ☺️
after the shock went away he swore he fell in love over n over again
loves hearing you talk in your native tongue :(
he’s so entertained by it too, like i swear he’s like a kid (affectionate)
you were laying in seungcheol’s arms, head nuzzled into his neck. his big arms held you tightly and he softly drew shapes onto your skin.
“and… seventeen?” his question made you smile. you translated how the number sounds in your native language.
and cheol started giggling.
“sev…enteen… it’s so.. rustly” he chuckled, attempting to say it “oh! what about our songs?”
“well… hot would be hot” you barely finished and seungcheol was giggling like a teenager. it was so contagious that you couldn’t help but start laughing too. but then he attempted to say it and failed horribly, causing a full on hysteric laughter from both of you.
maybe it was the late hour or his failed attempts. whatever it was, it felt so heartwarming.
he will learn with your help a couple of basic phrases!!
due to his busy schedule he can’t study on his own but once he has some free time he’s doing those duolingo lessons LIKE A FREAK
oh and also
if he’s pouting bc he’s in a bad mood, all it takes is a kiss and a nickname thrown at him in your native language ^_^
┆彡 JEONGHAN [ 정한 ]
he’s like a cat – curious but won’t let it show
shushes everyone in the room if you’re talking to your friends or parents in your native language through the phone :”)
obviously so they hear you better duh (not because he wants to listen, duh)
will learn some phrases on his own so you two can communicate (and cheat) while you’re playing games w his friends hehe
he absolutely fell in love with the kitchen of your home country like 😭😭😭
and and he absolutely adores the names of the dishes, esp when you pronounce them so effortlessly
it unlocked something in him….. sure he had a soft spot for you but now oh boy
“hannie…” you whined, tugging his sleeve.
you had a small fight, well… more of a disagreement: he wanted some ramyeon and you were craving (dish name). obviously he folded in half and knew he’s done for the second the dish name rolled off your tongue so satisfyingly.
“please? we didn’t have it in a while! we can order (dish name no2) too? pleasepleasepleaseee” you pouted. jeonghan sighed dramatically, raising his eyebrows.
“okay. but say it one more time” he grunted, a smile creeping on his face.
“you’re so weird” you mumbled amusingly in your native language and he frowned
“hey, i understood that!” jeonghan scoffed, causing you to chuckle.
he looks at you with literal hearts in his eyes whenever you speak your native language, just saying <\\3
when he’s feeling extremely soft, usually when you’re about to go to sleep cuddled n all, he’ll ask you to just whisper some random stories
it lulls him to sleep so fast
please also caress his hair he’ll melt on spot 🥹
┆彡 JOSHUA [ 조슈아 ]
he knows the struggles of feeling away from home so the second you start feeling homesick he’s there to make you feel better:”)
shua loves hearing you mutter some random words, for example when you’re counting or something
will also ask for music recommendations and he will learn some of the songs so he can sing them while playing the guitar
also he’s INVESTED
like,, shua will watch you scribble down in your mother tongue mesmerised
it’s not that fun, however, when you’re in a rush and you left him a note with a grocery list scribbled down
… and a couple of things in your native language…. messily written that even the translator doesn’t understand it…
“uhhh… y/n, darling?” joshua’s voice rung in your ears as you picked up the incoming face time call. you smiled upon seeing his cute but puzzled face.
“yes, baby? also good morning to you too” you hummed, fixing your earphones. his face lit up upon seeing you
“oh woah, you look good today. but i’m in a bit of a pickle…” he hesitated, the camera turning around. you noticed the note you left behind and your eyes widened upon realising that you wrote some of the items in (language name).
“oh” you giggled.
“oh indeed” he shook his head with a loving smile “and even the translator doesn’t–“
“it’s butter, flour and cucumbers” you explained and joshua let out a dramatic, relieved sigh
he notes down the words after such incidents so he doesn’t have to call you eveytime
and it’s safe to say that he’s build a quite big vocabulary so far
and he’s always so proud like
“hey y/n i bought the (cucumbers in your language) you wanted!” with the widest grin ever
┆彡 JUNHUI [ 文俊辉 ]
my mans woke up one day and decided to learn your language
bought books, textbooks, audiobooks, duolingo plus (or premium, however it’s called) and casually managed to learn A LOT
he just loves the way it sounds and aspires to talk so fluently like you
ofc he knows he still has a lot to learn but don’t underestimate him
and the main reason when he’s gonna use it it’s just… bothering you ^_^
“–and then he gave me flowers! yeah! he’s the sweetest!” you were gossiping with your bestie over the phone, peeking at jun calmly reading a book “ugh, i know! i know, i know, i know, shut up!”
jun just smirked, getting ready to say something.
“trust me, i’d drop on my knee right here right now if i weren’t such a chicken” you giggled and blush creeped on your cheeks when you met your boyfriend’s curious gaze
“i’d prefer to do it, to be honest, but you’re such a cutie” jun said calmly in (language name) and casually returned to his book. your mouth fell ajar as your bestie started squealing over the fact that he spoke (language name)… apparently.
jun just winked and you cleared your throat, hanging up quickly.
“what was that?!” you laughed and he just shook his head with a mischievous smile.
he’s such a gremlin >:(
so yeah, expect him to start spilling tea in your native language as an excuse to 1) spend more time w you 2) practice his skills
but as i said he’s??? like?? almost fluent??? his accent is so so adorable too <|\3
he’s so smug abt it as well
like if you ask him, he’ll pretend like he doesn’t know a thing in (language name)
but if he’s abt to bully you (affectionately) he’ll come up with the most creative nicknames known to a humankind
also, if you have siblings… he WILL gossip w them in your mother tongue too 😐
┆彡 SOONYOUNG [ 순영 ]
oh boy.
he’s so so curious to hear you say even one (1) thing in your language
but totally misses it when you actually say some words throughout the day
obviously knows one word: tiger (wow shocking?!!!)
and uses it sm 😭 he has your contact name written as my tiger but my is in korean and tiger in your native language 🥹
he calls you like that often, it’s like a new nickname for you
he may be not so invested into actually learning it but your culture tho!!! esp dancing n music… sigh <\\3
you stepped into your apartment, the weight of this tiring day on your shoulders. as you lazily took off your shoes and put the bag with groceries into the ground you realised something.
the song playing in the background was strangely similar. suddenly it clicked. it was a popular song by an artist from your country! just when you realised, the sound of shoes squeaking against the wooden floor stopped.
“are you dancing to… (song title)?” you breathed out as your boyfriend popped out from behind the corner.
“yeah! i love the vibe of the song!” he grinned and gave you a welcome kiss. after pulling away you could see the gears were turning in his head “could you translate the lyrics?”
as you made your way to the practice room, you hummed the song underneath your breath. and in this moment soonyoung’s heart skipped a beat.
since that moment it’s like a routine that you sing/hum him to sleep some songs in your native language
or just whisper some stories
he’s out like a baby fr
a big enjoyer of the soap operas
he’ll binge them with you or alone and be actually invested in the drama
that’s how he also learned curse words ☺️☺️
┆彡 WONWOO [ 원우 ]
oh my precious nonu :((
he adores it sm when you speak your native language
when you’re shy abt it he just has to use all of his willpower to prevent himself from squealing like a teenage girl
will ask you to teach him and it’s just so so soft *screams*
you’ll be laying in bed, in his arms as you read through the textbook and explain the grammar of the sentence given
and he’ll repeat it in tiny 🥹
it’s so so wholesome
you let out a sigh, the grasp on your mouse tightening. wonwoo noticed and let out a chuckle.
“what’s up?” he asked, peeking at your screen.
“the fucking skeleton won’t leave me alone” you grunted in your mother tongue, earning a gasp from him. suddenly the arrow that the minecraft skeleton shot hit you and you fell down from the tree at top of which were you hiding “fuck!”
“baby!” he laughed hysterically, his head thrown back. your eyes widened, realising the curse words
“sorry! why is this stupid block game making me emotional?! ignore me” you scoffed and he just shook his head, smiling proudly at the new knowledge he obtained.
he finds it so endearing when you swear in your native language 😭😭😭
and it’s such a bad habit, especially when you play games together, that he started doing it too???
wonwoo laughs that you’re a bad influence but secretly he loves the way the curses roll of tongue 😭😭
┆彡 JIHOON [ 지훈 ]
you could sneeze and you’re literally inspiring him to write 82837492 songs
so when he heard you talk in (language name) he was just like in another dimension
he’s smiling like an idiot fr his friends thought something was wrong but it was just you <3
uh however he kind of… never saw your handwriting in (language name)
and once you were studying for an important exam and mans had a heart attack
“hey y/nnie have you seen my…?” his voice died out in his throat upon seeing you and your notes. they were all scribbled in a tiny handwriting in some… letters he didn’t fully recognise. you had like five A4 pages of such notes.
jihoon blinked repeatedly, trying to think if he wasn’t in the sun for too long today – his eyes must be playing a trick on him.
“look! im so happy with the outcome, it looks so cute!” you grinned and turned around to see him almost hyperventilating “hoonie?”
“what–“ he frowned, pointing with his finger at one of the pages. what is going on?
“it’s in (language name), dumbass” you scoffed, everything suddenly making sense to him “it helps me understand stuff better”
“oh” he grunted, shifting his gaze to the page with little drawings “what does it say?”
“oh it’s the–“ you started explaining, throwing in some words in your mother tongue subconsciously. he just smiled and listened attentively.
regarding that, he enjoys just listening to you as you study and whisper some of the words/sentences in your mother tongue!
it really calms him down and usually puts to sleep to <\\\3
oh oh! and when you caress his hair while doing so… ah, he’s so whipped
he has tons of songs that are unreleased… and yes, you guessed correctly, with your consent he used some of your voice memos n all in the background
the songs are so cute :( he’s really proud of them too!! and it’s so sweet that it’s just… for the both of you <3
please leave in his studio some “i love you!” or “have a good day” sticky notes, preferably in (language name) or with translations?! he’ll melt :[
also another one that reaaaally likes the curse words >:T
┆彡 SEOKMIN [ 석민 ]
from the moment he met you he was always curious about your culture n native language but never pushed you to speak it n all
and gradually while dating him you started using it more and he started paying more attention
like he didn’t notice before that the funny sound you do while dropping something is actually cursing! 😀
what’s surprising, he understands a lot – maybe it’s the context or just some magical powers
but sometimes you can communicate like you say something in (language name) and he answers in korean bc he understood
and he’s so so in love with your accent and the way your face lights up when you speak it your mother of tongue
but for the love of god please – somehow – stop speaking it in your sleep, he’s gonna have a heart attack one day 🥰🥰
dokyeom stirred in his sleep, slowly waking up. he wasn’t sure why but suddenly he heard something.
it was definitely something. he sat straightly, narrowing his brows confused. what is that sound? is that a burglar? or…?
he looked over at you. no, you were sleeping peacefully. seokmin looked around the dark room, his heart speeding up. was this a nightmare? or was he just going insane?
then again. no, it must be someone saying something. something that he can’t understand.
then it clicked and he looked at you. your mouth was moving slightly, incoherent (language name) words being spoken.
he scoffed and went back to sleep, pulling you closer.
it took him so much time to get used to that but anyways 🏃‍♀️💨
and he’ll definitely make fun of you for that too (as if he didn’t have a whole ass jumpscare)
he absolutely adores ballads in (language name), it’s like his new obsession
and he tries to sing them, with the cutest accent ever :(
will occasionally twist some words but it’s okay, he’s enjoying himself 🫶
┆彡 MINGYU [ 민규 ]
this dork
he always acknowledged your native language n all but unlike dk he asks u to speak it 24/7
like, you don’t get it: he’s obsessed.
you could insult him in his face in (language name) and he’ll look at you with hearts in his eyes
he wants to learn it, he really does, but it’s just so frustrating when he fails :(
mingyu was sitting at the dinner table, his food long forgotten while he was biting at the end of the pencil. glasses sitting at the bridge of his nose, brows furrowed.
“gyu? you’re still here?” your voice snapped him back to reality, eyes widening. you rubbed your eyes.
“yeah i just don’t get it…” he whined, shoulders slumping “i understand the words but they don’t make a logical sentence in my head”
“baby…” you chuckled softly and stood behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso and resting your chin on his shoulder.
he grabbed his food, cold now, and slowly chewed on it as you explained everything.
“because look. this word, what does it mean?” you asked, noticing that he’s eating so you just scoffed and continued “girl, right? but this ending here added means girl’s. and this? old. but those letters here? they make it an adjective, so…?”
“older?” he asked, puppy eyes glaring at you with adoration. you nodded with encouragement and he tried again “so… the girl’s older brother had a dog?”
“yeah! good job baby! now let’s go to sleep, hm? i’m tired” you giggled and pecked his cheek. he nodded proudly.
kisses really motivate him btw >:)
he watches those yt videos of people teaching and giving tips but he loves when you give him private tutoring lessons 🫶
will often cook you some regional dishes in return
generally, he enjoys exploring your national cuisine ^_^
also would love to go to (country name) w you and take some pics…
… or propose there
so just go there w him already! 🙄
┆彡 MINGHAO [ 徐明浩 ]
shut up i want him
you’re each other’s private tour guides 😭
museum dates are such a must, and you’re just talking abt something that impacted a certain artwork (like cultural event in history or something) and he just listens genuinely interested!! and vice versa
loves when you read out loud poetry in your native language :(
started taking lessons?? like one day you woke up and he was just on a zoom call saying something like “my name is minghao” with the cutest smile ever
and you’re like?????
he’s such a fast learner 🥹 hao believes it’s because he truly wants to learn in order to communicate with you 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
but that didn’t prepare you for what was about to come next…
don’t let him near your parents. he WILL gossip with them abt you.
“does she swear a lot?” your mom’s voice reached your ears as you walked into the your apartment, grocery bags in your hands. your parents were visiting you and minghao but…
“like a sailor! no, i’m joking. of course she doesn’t. she does snore a lot, though” your boyfriend giggled and you let out a dramatic gasp.
“hao!” you whined and they both looked at you, not really caring that you’re here now.
“i guess she has that after her father” your mom chuckled and minghao noticed her tea is almost finished, so he poured some more in “oh, you’re such a gentleman”
“it would be a crime if i wasn’t in a presence of such an beautiful lady” he hummed and sent you a playful look. you just rolled your eyes and started unpacking the groceries.
“gentleman my ass” you grunted quietly.
“y/n!” your mom frowned and suddenly you heard someone standing up. in no time minghao hugged you from behind, nuzzling his face into your neck
“i just told your mom you don’t swear, honey” he murmured in korean
“well, ass is not a swear word” you pouted. minghao chuckled and helped you unpack the bag.
“you’re right, it’s a part of human body but i am surely more than that” your boyfriend teased and you just nudged his arm, rolling your eyes once again.
i feel like it might take a while but he’ll actually manage to be fluent?
so when you sadly forget a bit of (language name) due to mostly using korean and make a mistake, it’s almost like that mingyu-joshua moment
and hao is the one correcting you 😭
and your just like?? excuse me?? it was just a mispronunciation🙄☝️
but he doesn’t let it go and teases you >:(
┆彡 SEUNGKWAN [ 승관 ]
he straight up asked you one day to teach him some (language name) bc he thought it sounded cute <|3
and you’re like 🥹 yeah 🥹
but uh, he’s not a very patient student and gives up quickly 😭😭
but it’s okay!! he tried n also has a busy schedule so it’s understandable
nevertheless, he still adores when you speak your mother tongue
esp when you call him nicknames sigh
however our lovely boo kind of forgot how the written letters vary from spoken words
“what are you doing?” seugkwan hummed intrigued upon seeing you scribble something on paper. you looked up and met his soft gaze.
“oh, this? this is a crossword! korean ones are still too difficult for me so my friend sent me a couple of those in (language name)” you explained and tapped the paper with the tip of your pencil. he frowned, looking at the letters in brackets
“what the fuck” kwan grunted confused. not only he didn’t recognise some of the letters but it was also the fact that they were going vertically. you scoffed and let out a sudden gasp, filling in a new word. seungkwan watched you amused, how swiftly you wrote down the letters on paper “what is it?”
“it’s umm, a historical reference. a surname of one guy, you know” you hummed. seungkwan sat down next to you and watched you fill the crossword, occasionally translating the questions and words you put in while you explained what they meant and why were they the answer.
in no time this turned into a couple activity: sometimes like this, sometimes he did a korean one and you watched, sometimes you solved them at the same time - him in korean, you in your mother tongue
he learned a lot of words thanks to this
and he has the cutest accent ever like i swear 🥹
seungkwan loves watching soap operas too like he lives for the drama
often repeats (shouts) what the characters are shouting too LMAO
so you’re chilling and suddenly you hear “get out of my house! now!” with his accent
also watches movies n animations in (language name) to learn some new words
he knows all the disney songs in (language) and majority of them he knows by a heart <\3
so you just sometimes blast let it go or under the sea in (language name) and sing along >_<
┆彡 VERNON [ 버논 ]
this menace
he’s so chill about it
secretly loves when you accidentally sneak some words in your language it’s just so adorable
or when you forget a word and try to describe it… n then you give up and say it in (language name) just to see him smile <\\\\3
he decided that he’ll learn some random words??? like for example he just likes how umbrella sounds in (language name) so he just?? learned how to spell and say it
and uses it in random moments too like he’s so goofy <\3
you were casually chatting with his members, a raging discussion about whether mint chocolate ice cream is such a controversial topic in your country as well.
“i wouldn’t say so? people don’t… really care? a lot of people i know like it, actually! a bigger dispute would rather be some casual stuff like, do you sleep in socks or not… or which goes first: cereal or milk” you explained, looking at vernon. you could almost hear gears turning in his head, knowing what’s about to come
“toothpick” he said in (language name) suddenly, causing everyone to look at him confused. you started laughing at how serious he was when he said it; he started laughing too, it was simply contagious.
his friends looked at you completely flabbergasted, not sure what happened.
“i think they officially lost it” minghao mumbled, a smile creeping on his lips as you and vernon laughed like maniacs.
he always finds the most unfunny memes funny, like it could be even a meme from 2015 and he’d laugh
sends them to you too
and surprisingly?? he’s on track with the newest memes in your country like??
will know the most basic phrases too but sometimes mixes them
do you hand him a piece of orange bc he asked you to and then he goes “goodbye”
and you’re like?? 😭
but he tried okay?!
┆彡 CHAN [ 찬 ]
chan is super hyped about hearing you talk in (language name), it just amazes him how easily you switch between languages
but he never asked u to speak to him bc he didn’t want to feel you pressured or something
but whenever at home you just forget a word he loves when you say it in (language name) even if he doesn’t understand shit
or when you’re just so excited and into a convo and you don’t notice that you sneaked a few foreign words :”)
he always repeats them after you quietly ^_^
one day though, he’s just feeling soft and tired and his brain shut off
“y/n… can you say something in (language name)?” chan whispered suddenly, forcing his eyes to open and peek at you. you hummed, pushing some stray strands of hair that fell onto his forehead. laying on your sides but facing each other, chan noticed how your cheeks flushed pink.
“well… you’re not going to understand me anyways but… i love you. so, so much. i’m so grateful to have you in my life, you make me feel at ease. i can’t imagine my life without you…” you hummed and he noticed how your voice broke when you started the next sentence “and it hurts me to see when you put too much pressure on yourself, baby. you think you’re not good enough but to me, your members and your fans… and literally everyone else, you are. you so are, channie…”
he panicked once you teared up, fully awake. chan pulled you closer, calming you down
“i’m sorry” he mumbled, heart breaking at the sound of your sobs. you just scoffed, shaking your head
“don’t apologise, i just love you so much” you mumbled into his shirt and he swore he was about to melt.
i feel like deep down he knew what you meant <\3
if he hears about one (1) event even slightly connected with (country name) he’ll drag you there so you can feel at home for a moment (as if he’s not your home) and also translate some stuff for him
absolutely loves when you call him nicknames in your mother tongue, like
you could call him the goofiest and cheesiest nickname and he’s squealing like a teenage girl
but then he calls you the same or finds some new nicknames on the internet
sometimes to make you laugh or confuse he’ll put a sentence or a question to google translate and it’ll just… translate it so bad
“what do you mean ‘where’s the broccoli dog??’” you frown and he just laughs his ass off bc 1) it mistranslated OR 2) he purposely put some silly stuff to make you puzzled
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist.  @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @cinnamoroxie ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang
1K notes · View notes
matryosika · 8 months
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Incoming Call
Pairing — Hyunjin x fem!reader Wordcount — 3,394 words Genre — Smut (18+) Includes — Suggestive content. Smut warnings under the cut. Author's note — This honestly came out of the blue. I was just feeling like phone sex and exhibitionism and this is what I ended up writing, haha. I hope you like it, it's just a silly little drabble in which my writer's block didn't get the best of me. I am actually proud I could come up with something, but it's not as filthy as other of my works. Please remember that english is not my first language, so i apologize for any mistakes in advanced! If you wish to support my blog further, please reblog and comment, leave an ask and check my pinned post for my ko-fi!
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Smut warnings — Dirty talk. Phone sex and exhibitionism if you squint. Masturbation (m), Hyunjin is kind of a perv but it's very very tame. Use of petnames (baby), mentions of creampies, and other sexual fantasies. Hyunjin is needy and desperate. Reader's mom interrupts the hated moment (not cool!).
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Time zones. 
By far your most terrible enemies these days. 
It wasn't only the jet lag that threw you off from coming back home, but the abysmal time difference between you and your boyfriend —he goes to bed right before you wake up, and his most active time is when you are about to sleep. 
It has been a couple of days, but texting with him has been an absolute nightmare. 
“It’s only a week,” you reassured him as he waved you goodbye at the airport. His lower lip was slightly pouting, and his usually straight eyebrows were raised in a subtle furrow. “I’m sure you’ll live, Hyunjin”. 
“Yeah but I wanted to come with you,” there was genuine pity in his voice and you knew he meant it —he never misses a chance to join you on your trips back home, or meeting your parents.  
Because of how busy he has been, and the fact that this trip was practically nonexistent a week before, he just couldn't ask for a time off at work this time.
“We’re spending Christmas there this year,” you tried to cheer him up, rubbing his arm with solace, “time flies by, anyways”. 
Hyunjin nodded, resigning himself to the imminent struggle of being hours and miles apart from each other.
“Text me when you get there, yeah?” He planted a chaste kiss on your forehead and held you tightly. “Text me all the time, I’ll reply when I can, okay?”
You nodded against his chest, and kept his promise throughout the whole trip. 
You texted him when you got to your home country, and you also texted him a picture of your first meal there. You told him all about the weather, how happy your parents were to see you after a while and the things you missed the most.
He promised he would reply when he could, but you knew that wasn't going to happen any time soon. Or at least not for a couple of more hours, until he woke up.
And basically, that has been the whole dynamic all along —you text him everything about your day at a given time, and he texts you everything about his day at a given time as well. There's very little conversation happening in between, but it's understandable.
By day 3, Hyunjin learned to convert time zones. If it is morning for him, it is late afternoon for you. If it is his late night, you're probably just waking up.
He knows when to text you —if he is expecting a quick response— and knows when you're sleeping. Taking all that into account, Hyunjin tries to make the most of the time that's actually convenient for the two of you to talk.
[08:19 a.m., Hyunjin: Baby]
With furrowed eyebrows, your fingers type away faster than your mind can comprehend it. 
[08:19 a.m., You: Shouldn’t you be asleep?]
[08:19 a.m., You: Isn’t it like 11 p.m. in Seoul?]
He is a night owl. Always have been.
But he has been trying really hard to adopt a healthier sleeping schedule, so seeing him online past 10 p.m. it's unusual these days.
“Everything alright?” Your father asks, picking up on the subtle furrow of your brows.
“Yeah, I’m just talking to Hyunjin,” with your phone in one hand, and the other busy with a fork on your breakfast, you await his response. 
“It’s such a shame he couldn’t make it,” your mother adds, “it has been a while since we last met him”.
At that moment, when your mom and dad start talking about how great of a guy he is and how happy they’re to have him as part of the family, your phone vibrates yet again in your hand. 
[08:21 a.m., Hyunjin: Attachment: one image]
[08:21 a.m., Hyunjin: Can you see how much I miss you?]
If it wasn’t for the glass of water you smartly chugged down to hide your coughs, you would have choked on a piece of fruit. Inevitably, and after a failed attempt to conceal the embarrassing moment, your parents' eyes are fixed on you with concern.
“Sorry,” you excuse yourself, cleaning your lips with a napkin while you relentlessly try to put your phone away from anyone’s sight. 
“Are you alright?” your mother asks this time, softly hitting your back 
“Yes,” you nod swiftly. “I just- the food kind of went into the wrong pipe”. 
On your lap, your phone keeps vibrating —one after another, you lose count after message number 4.
[08:22 a.m., Hyunjin: God, I miss your body so much]
[08:22 a.m., Hyunjin: Just want you here for me. Don't want anyone else to have you right now] 
[08:23 a.m., Hyunjin: My hand isn't enough. It doesn't feel like your pussy does]
[08:23 a.m., Hyunjin: Can you come back to me now? Lay underneath me and let me have my way with you?]
[08:24 a.m., Hyunjin: You have no idea how fucking hard I am] 
You gulp loudly.
“What do you think?” It's only when your mother directs a question at you that you snap out of your trance. 
“What do you think about spending Christmas in some beautiful cabins? They're like 45 minutes away from the city,” she continues, offering you some of the context you missed because of Hyunjin’s heated messages.
“Uh, yeah,” you reply with hesitation. Not because of the idea, but because you really can’t process anything other than the warmth between your legs. “I- uh, I have to go to the restroom”. 
For all he knows, you're lying comfortably in your bed as this is around the time you usually wake up. So damned you, for not letting Hyunjin know that today you are having breakfast with your family at a restaurant. And damned him for putting you into an awkward situation without even knowing of it.
[08:25 a.m., Hyunjin: Can I call you?]
[08:25 a.m., Hyunjin: Want to hear your voice]
[08:25 a.m., Hyunjin: Please, talk to me. Tell me anything you want. Just let me hear that pretty voice of yours]
[08:27 a.m., Hyunjin: Fuck it]
[08:27 a.m., Hyunijn: I’m calling you]
Good luck can’t be any more useful than right now, that you enter the restaurant’s restroom with your fingers crossed and an immense feeling of relief when you see every single stall open. 
And, as if on cue, the soft piano melody coming from your phone's speakers tells you that Hyunjin stuck up to his last message. 
“Are you busy?” It’s the first thing he says, with a hoarse voice and a hitched breath. 
“I’m at a restaurant,” you reply with just a little bit of shame in your tone. “With my parents”. 
Your boyfriend lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Shit I’m- I didn’t know, I’m sorry,” you can hear him panicking, maybe because he thinks you're upset. But in reality, it's all quite the opposite. “I’ll call you later just- forget I even- whatever, I’ll call you another time”. 
“No,” you rush to say, locking yourself into one of the bathroom stalls. “Don’t hang up, I can- I’m at the restroom”. 
There's a quick seconds of silence from the other line as Hyunjin gathers the remaining coherent thoughts after getting to hear your voice. “Is it- are there other people there?”
“For now it’s just me,” you reassure him.
“Just you?” He asks, and you hum in response. “I’m sorry for calling it’s just- God, I can’t spend another day without you”. 
The wet, sloppy slow sounds paired with the laziness of his voice can only give you a hint of what he is doing.
“Are you- masturbating?” 
It's not like you're a prude, but this whole thing is taking you by surprise. You're always together, so there's no need for phone sex or anything of that sort. Sexting isn’t unusual, but this is definitely a first.
“Yeah,” he replies with a raspy scoff. “Want me to stop?”
“No, I- no,” when you encourage him to continue, the lewd, wet sounds start to become more and more frequent —increasingly loud for you to hear them, “keep going”. 
Hyunjin lets out a deep sigh of frustration.
“Do you miss me too?” he asks, biting down his lower lip to prevent any whimpers from falling from them. 
“Yes,” with shortness of breath you admit. “I miss you too,”.
“Yeah?” He whispers under his breath, letting small grunts make their way to your ears. “I miss you badly. Can’t stop thinking about you- shit, can’t stop thinking about how pretty you look when you’re naked in my bed”. 
The compliments, all together, make your cheeks and body grow hotter. But inevitably, they force you to fix your gaze under the bathroom stall, in that little gap between it and the floor. There’s no sound nor signals of footsteps approaching, but the adrenaline of hearing him say such dirty things when you're out in public is definitely a new experience.
You can't say you hate it.
“Baby,” Hyunjin moans. And although you can’t see it, you can take a wild guess what he looks like right now: head kicked back, legs spread, his hand and dick glistening with lube, or lotion, or maybe spit. You can picture how pretty his face is right now, contorted in pleasure, with his lips all swollen from licking and biting them, eyes completely white while he bucks his hips up against his fist. “Talk to me, tell me about your plans for the day”.
You can’t help but laugh a little in the midst of the tension. 
“You want me to- talk about my day while you masturbate?”
“Well,” he scoffs under his breath. “I don’t expect you to say dirty stuff while you’re locked in a public restroom where anyone can walk in”. 
“Right,” you nod to yourself. “But I don't understand what that would do for you”. 
“I like your voice,” your boyfriend lets out a deep exhale of relief. “I can get off just by listening to it, doesn’t matter what you’re talking about”.
“You’re crazy,” a soft chuckle falls from your lips. “You’re not even going to pay attention to me”.
“Please?” you can hear a small whimper, and that alone convinces you. 
“Okay well,” you clear your throat before continuing, wondering how this could arouse him. But he is asking you something that is nowhere near difficult, so you comply. “I’m having breakfast with my parents right now”. 
“Aha,” Hyunjin hums, and if you play close attention you can hear his hand sliding up and down his cock. All you're left with is your imagination. “Keep going”.
“I will meet with a friend later, we’re going to grab some coffee”. 
Despite the weirdness of it all, there's something enticing about knowing he is using you, in some way, to get off. You're only talking about your day. But knowing your boyfriend is masturbating to the sound of your voice is arousing.
“Then I’ll go back home, get some work done,” you continue. “Think about you, think about how much I miss you right now”. 
The line goes silent, except for a mixture of gasps and groans. 
“You’re going to think about me?” Hyunjin asks, his silky voice sending shivers down your spine. “You’re going to touch yourself thinking about me?”
“Yes,” of course he doesn't expect you to talk dirty to him. But that never meant he couldn't say that kind of stuff to you. At that, you're at a disadvantage. No matter how turned on you're getting, there's nothing you can do about it and Hyunjin sort of feels thrilled because of it.
“You’re going to fuck my pussy with those fingers of you?”
God, how much you hate him for that. How he talks about your body as if it is his, reminding you that you belong to him and him only. 
You only hate it because it never fails to arouse you.
“Y-yes Hyune,” you reply, swallowing thickly. You're aware you can't say anything too obscene, but you still can engage in that kind of conversation without airing yourself too much. “Or should I- use something else?” 
“You packed your toys?” your boyfriend lets out a satisfied groan at your hum of agreement. You two are just so alike. “Which one are you using tonight, baby?”
“The transparent one”.
“The transparent one?” he thinks about it for a second, and immediately remembers which one you're referring to. “Thought you were going for the wand because it's your favorite, but I'm guessing you miss feeling full?”
“Aha,” you exhale. “Yes, I- miss it so bad”.
“You miss my cock stretching that tight pussy of yours?” At that, the wet movements become louder. “Stretch it nice and open for me baby, make sure to prep yourself every day for when you get back”. 
You bite your nails. “What’s going to happen when I get back?”
The answer is rather obvious, but you want to hear it from him.
“I’m going to make you come until you pass out,” Hyunjin bites his lips and kicks his head back, reminiscing all those times where you’ve come around his cock, fingers and tongue. “Make it up to you for all the days you've been away”. 
You can feel the pooling wetness in your underwear, the minimum squeeze of your thighs against each other is a constant reminder of it. 
“You miss my lips against your pussy like I do?” he asks, letting out a liberating gasp. “You miss tasting yourself off of me while we kiss?”
“You know I do,” you gulp loudly, caressing your lips with the tip of your fingers. God, how much you miss feeling his against yours.
They’re so soft, and velvety, and they know exactly how to kiss and bite you.
“I’m so close,” Hyunjin announces, and you feel your nipples hardening underneath your underwear at the despair in his voice. “I just- wish you were here, want to come all over your face, and body, make you swallow me full”. 
You want to say something, anything, but his words have much of a chokehold on you. You'll give anything to taste him, to kneel in front of him right now and open your mouth wide for him. 
You miss his taste, miss kissing him afterwards in between whines and grunts.
“I would grab your hair really tightly,” he explains, increasing the speed of his sounds. “I’d push my cock deep inside that pretty mouth of yours, have you gagging and drooling all over it”. 
Between his overwhelming words, and the loud sound of someone barging through the door of the restroom, you mutter a quick "can't talk anymore" before going completely silent.
“Honey, are you okay?”
You close your eyes, trying to focus on both parts: Hyunjin’s moans, and the way your mother is standing right outside your bathroom stall.
“It has been like 10 minutes, your father and I got worried”.
Your boyfriend lets out a teasing scoff, one that only you can hear.
“She’s asking you a question,” Hyunjin murmurs, still with a hitched breath. “Aren’t you going to answer?”
“I’m fine,” you rush to say. “Just- having a stomachache”. 
“Why didn’t you tell me? I’ve got some medicine in my bag,” of course she did. She always does, ever since you were little.
“Maybe you should tell her the truth,” the voice from the other line calls. “Tell her that you’re busy making me come”.
Immediately, your eyes open like plates and you wonder if the sound of the phone is too loud  for your mom to hear it inside the quiet restroom. 
“I forgot!” you snap, practically yell out loud. “I forgot you carried those with you”.
“Want me to bring them to you?”
You hear the faucet running, and Hyunjin chuckling slowly. At least she isn’t standing right outside the stall, but you’re still not at ease. 
“Y-yeah, please,” on the line, Hyunjin is waiting for the perfect moment to interrupt. 
Those two words are enough to send him to the edge. Despite the lack of sexual connotations, hearing you beg for anything it’s enough to arouse him.
“Ah, but I’ll have to bring you some water too,” your mother explains. “Maybe you can have it when you return to the table?”
“No!” You insist, all in an attempt to kick her away from the restroom. “Please, I need it right now. Please?” 
“Are you going to beg for me like that too?” Hyunjin groans through the line, not caring if anyone can hear him. Also not caring about interrupting your conversation. “Are you going to open your legs for me and beg for my dick like you’re begging right now?”
You almost choke on your own saliva, but the feeling quickly goes away when you hear your mother mutter an “okay, alright” before walking out the restroom door with a mission of easing your fake stomach ache.
“I almost get caught,” you gasp, only when a couple of seconds pass after she leaves. 
“Then hang up,” his shakily breath only tells you he is not that far from coming. Especially after hearing your voice again, pleading for whatever it was you were asking. 
“No,” you shake your head. “Want to hear you, please”. 
“Want to hear how I come for you?” he chuckles. “Want to her how I moan your name while I come thinking about how much I wish I was fucking you?”.
In a whisper, you hum quietly. 
“So dirty,” he is getting closer. “So, so f-fucking dirty. I can tell you’re enjoying this, even while you're out in public. Maybe you'll like it if i were to fuck you right there, while your parents wait for us at the table?”. 
You cover your mouth in surprise, trying to muffle a gasp.
“I would love to come inside you right now, pull up your panties and force you to spend the rest of the day with my cum leaking out of you,” he lets out another loud, choked groan before continuing to elaborate on the fantasy. “You'd be so wet, you wouldn't know if you're turned on or it's just my cum”.
“You’re insane,” you whisper under your breath.
“Yeah?” Hyunjin asks teasingly, slurring his words in between moans. “I know you are too, baby. I don’t even need to take a look at you to know you’re probably dripping just by my words, right?”
Damned him.
“And I know I’m not too out of my mind when I say you would let me fuck you right then and there, where everyone could hear you and anyone could walk in,” at that, the lewd noises increase. “Might even let me finger you underneath the table, right? Bet you would love to have my fingers deep inside you while you try to pretend you don’t”. 
“And I know I’m not too out of my mind when I say you would let me fuck you right then and there, where everyone could hear you and anyone could walk in,” at that, the lewd noises increase. “Might even let me finger you underneath the table, right? Bet you would love to have my fingers deep inside you while you try to pretend you don’t”. 
Oh you're definitely going to cancel all your plans for the day. Might even book an early fly.
Anything, just to see him soon.
“God,” Hyunjin exhales, and it’s between quiet moans that you realize he is coming. “F-fuck, ‘m coming so fucking much”.
You can picture it. His tone abdomen all glistening with sweat and cum, shining brightly underneath the dim light of your room. His cock is probably red, and swollen, and twitching while he overcomes his high.
Fuck, damned be Hyunjin for making you ruin your panties this early in the morning.
“So much,” he repeats, fingers trailing the lines of his abdomen as he collects his arousal off of it. “Too sad it went to waste, I would’ve preferred to fuck it back inside of you”.
“I hate you,” you finally breathe, both in relief and frustration. “I hate how much I miss you”.
“Then come home soon,” your boyfriend pouts.
And honestly? You might.
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themissinghand · 2 months
Genshin Impact: The Overworked God [2]
Part 1
Summary: In which one of the lore writers who help write the world of Genshin Impact was suddenly thrusted in the very world they created. 
Well, testing characters is one thing, but playing God, and raising 7 children at a time? 
Oh boy. He just wants to go home and sleep.
Note: Finally back from break!
Part 2 of the Overworked God! Creator! Male OC!
What if we had a smarter Creator that never forgot his initial wish of going home?
Warning: Genshin and SAGAU themes, some OOC and angst.
Tempus, or Kai has been in the world of Genshin Impact for a very long time, since its creation where it was just him and Celestia. 
He struck a deal with Celestia, promising to be the Creator and consequently the God of Time to help create Teyvat, but on his own terms. Doing what he can to save his creations from unnecessary pain and suffering. 
So, he’s still overworked, stressed and sleepy all the time, especially now that he has to take care of 7 children too.  
But finally…today is the day he could finally go home. 
Home sounds foreign to him, after all, he spent more years in Teyvat than on Earth, but he has never given up on returning after fulfilling his duty as the Creator. 
It’s going to be a difficult announcement to make, considering how attached his children could be, but perhaps, he could twist the narrative just a bit to appease them.
“Tempus!” Speaking of, two bundles of mass hopped towards him as usual, and he caught them with both arms as if it was a routine. He stumbles a bit, sighs, but pats them on the head. 
“It’s been so long since you visited Monstadt! I missed you~” Venti hugged his waist as he peaked up with puppy eyes. Before Kai could respond, Furina beat him to it. 
“It’s because he likes Fontaine better! He’s been in my country the longest!” Furina quipped back with a proud expression on her face. 
“That’s because you suck at ruling your country!” 
“Says you, Mr. Drunkard Bard!” 
At least they both have trustworthy people like Neuvillette and Jean to take care of their country…
“That’s enough, you two.” A spark of lightning scared the two to cling onto Tempus even more, but Ei easily picked the two off. 
Ah, one of the more responsible leaders…
“Please ignore these two, Tempus.” Ei says stoically, as she sends a deadly glare that shuts the two up. 
“It’s fine.” Tempus greets every single Archon with a nod, before taking a seat at the head of the table, his expression showing his tiredness despite the light-hearted banter that usually happens during these meetings.
“Have a seat everyone.” All the Archons did a curt bow before taking their respective seats. 
Materializing snacks resembling that of an English afternoon teatime, he smiled when even the stoic Tsaritsa seemed to enjoy his food. 
It’s a shame though, this will be his last time. 
“Tempus.” He turned to the Tsaritsa, who seemed to notice his distress.
“I’m fine.” He brushed it away, before he felt a cold hand on his. 
“Let us know if anything is bothering you.” Zhongli added on, and Tempus shook his head. 
His children could handle Teyvat without him, what else would he be worried about? 
“Tempus, are your worries the reason why did you call us all today?” Sharp as always, Nahida asks, gaining everyone’s attention all at once. 
In the end…Rukkhadevata chose her fate. There are things that could not be changed…
“Yes.” Feeling everyone’s eyes on him, he felt even more estranged. 
"As you know, I've overseen Teyvat, guided you all, and tried to make amends for the mistakes of the past," Tempus continued. 
“After much thought, I believe it’s time for me to rest.” 
Multiple teacups fell onto the table with a loud thud. With a wave of his hand, the spilled tea disappeared. 
“T-Tempus! What, what do you mean?” Murata stood up abruptly, knocking over a flower vase, which Tempus easily dissolved to nothing. 
“Tempus, how could you abandon us!” 
“Calm down.” But it seems to have no effect, instead, he felt the cold hand squeeze his own, sending a shiver down his spine. 
“Tempus, you belong to us.”
“As I’ve said, I will be going into deep slumber-” Suddenly, many eyes shot towards the Bard who looked very pale. 
“-to take a break.” A teacup shattered, but Tempus paid no mind to it. 
“My decision is final, and I hope you can take care of Teyvat while I rest.” For eternity. 
“Tempus.” Scoring golden eyes burned into Kai’s soul, and he forced himself to remain neutral as he stared at Zhongli-Morax. 
“Please stay. I’m begging you, please, Your Eminence. Please don’t leave us.” 
"But what of Teyvat? You've become integral to the stability and well-being of this world, and us." There were many nods that followed. 
“We need you.”
There was desperation in his voice, and while it did hurt Tempus to leave them, he doubted he could stay any longer knowing that he could finally leave. 
“All of you are strong and are capable enough to rule your countries, which I am very proud of. Teyvat will be in good hands." Some Archons smiled briefly, but it was short lived. 
"Which is why it's time for me to step aside and take a break."
They had grown accustomed to Tempus's guidance, his wisdom, and his tireless efforts to steer them towards a better path, so for them to lose his support is like fighting without a weapon. 
“W-Where, will you be resting? In Temporium?” Furina’s shaky voice filled the silent room. 
“Stay here, the Fortress of Meropide will keep you safe. Fontaine and I will keep you safe.”
“For how long?” Venti asked, anxiety in his voice. 
“I’ll find you, I’ll find you no matter where you run.” 
“I do not know, for as long as my body needs.” Their faces became pale at thinking of the possibility of not seeing Tempus again. 
With a sigh, he stood up, making others rush to stand too. 
“Come here, each one of you.” In an instant, they rushed over and Tempus pulled them one by one into a hug. While he made himself tall and muscular, he felt small in the group hug that lasted an incredibly long time. 
He felt arms around his waist, chest, arms and back, being hugged by 7 people at once was somewhat suffocating. 
“You all will do great. I will miss you all.” This was not a lie. 
“Time flows like water, and perhaps I will wake sooner than you all expect.” This was a lie. 
Tempus heard sniffles, and felt hands grabbing his robes and weaving through his long hair. 
“Tempus…do you have to leave us?” Nahida asked, tugging his heart strings as he saw such a wise person tear up. 
Did she read my thoughts? 
Tempus got rid of that idea as he forbade her from doing so, and with his current power alongside Celestia’s authority, she should be blocked from doing such a thing. 
“I am not leaving, Nahida. I am merely resting.” 
Finally, with some coaxing, he managed to peel them off one by one. 
“I leave Teyvat in your hands.” 
With that, Tempus bid farewell to the Archons and quickly prepared to depart from Celestia. The longer he stayed, the more unbearable this would become. 
However, once he left, the atmosphere shifted once more. The Archons, loyal to their Creator beyond measure, exchanged anxious glances, and a heavy silence settled over the chamber.
“Tempus lied.” Nahida said, as tears rolled down her cheeks. 
“Nahida?” All of the Archons felt their heart drop at her words. 
“He may be resting in Temporium, but there’s more to it. I can’t read his mind completely, but…he’s going to leave us if we let him go.” 
“What are we waiting for then?” Suddenly, the atmosphere turned cold. The Tsaritsa stepped forward with her Ice scepter, Permafrost. Like many other Archon’s weapons, they were gifted to them by the Creator himself.
“If Buer’s words are true, then while his body remains in Temporium, his soul is elsewhere.” 
The Archons soon came to a consensus. 
“We cannot let him go into slumber.” 
Or they will lose him completely.
[Are you ready, dear Creator?] 
Tempus laid in his resting chamber on the edges of Temporium, in a makeshift mountain. He created this place in secret, so no one else by him knows. 
He felt bad for his kingdom, as he told the royal family that he will be gone doing his Godly duties for a long time, but never informed how long. 
Regardless, they should be able to live without a god, considering the technology and time Tempus gave them. 
As he lay in his comfortable bed with minimal decorations or other items, he shut his eyes and reminisced about the past. 
Although it was a very long time, he was never really alone. 
But he has seen much more than a normal human on Earth, from war to life and death, to the repetitions of stories by going back in time many times to fix his mistakes. 
“Stop him! He’s going back in time!” 
Truly, it takes a mental toll on his mind. He can’t let his emotions take over, otherwise, he would have to redo everything again. 
[Thank you for your work, dear Creator]
[Just make sure you fulfill your side of the deal]
[Of course]
When he shut his eyes, he felt safe, comfortable and oddly relieved, relieved of his duties at last. 
His eyes snapped open and saw his chamber shake with vigor. All of his protective mechanisms activate, indeed, he prepared for this.
Voices slowly became louder and the earth seemed to roar. 
How did they find him? Was it Buer? It must've been.
There was desperation in their voices, and Kai assumed that they seemed to have figured something out. 
Perhaps honesty was better, but in the end, this was always the outcome. 
Yes, Tempus already knew that no matter what he did, the Archons would rebel, would seek him out.
Even if the walls seem to crumble, it did not affect Kai’s chamber, after all, it was sealed and protected with his powers.
But perhaps with a bit more persistence, they would soon destroy the mountain all together, leaving him and his chamber exposed. But, Tempus was not worried, after all, he had prepared for this moment too long ago. 
[Farewell, dear Creator] 
Suddenly, he felt a bright light engulf him as he felt incredibly sleepy. 
Through his blurred vision, he could see the stormy skies, and all seven Archons rushing towards him. 
“You can’t leave us, Tempus!” 
Seeing them in their prime, in their Archon outfits was a little nostalgic. 
Hearing a crack in his chamber’s shield was somewhat surprising, but also, incredible. His children have grown up well. 
With a fleeting smile, Tempus bids farewell to his second home. 
His eyes close, just as the light takes him whole. 
Morax and Murata pierced through the tough protective layers desperately, and Ei and Venti whiz past them to reach their Creator. 
But, they were too late. 
“No, Tempus is…he’s-” Barbados was crying as he held Tempus’s hand. 
“Kai! Kai!” Furina bawled her eyes out, calling his real name repeatedly as if it would bring him back. 
But he won’t come back. 
Bal held his body as she froze in shock (in regret), as if she was reminded of her past. 
“Tempus, you’re cruel.” Buer, the one who got them so far and so close but not enough. She knelt down beside him and cried while pressing his hand into her face. 
“You’ve left us with death, not slumber. You lied, you lied!” 
It was like they lost a part of themselves. 
After all, Tempus was there whenever they needed guidance, he sacrificed his own personal time to make sure they were alright. 
“K-Kai…” Morax stumbled towards the still body that used to be his friend, mentor, benefactor, love, and everything. 
Even in death, he was still so beautiful, kind and holy. 
Tempus was their everything. 
The Tsaritsa dragged herself towards Tempus with her scepter. She was known to not show her emotions, even when Tempus encouraged her to do so to stay emotionally healthy. He was the only one that saw her vulnerable side, and knew who she really was, and never judged her for it. 
“Tempus. How dare you…abandon us like this?” She stood by Tempus’s feet and her eyes did not leave his body at all. 
While others wept, her tears were turned into weapons. 
Murata stood by her with the same dark, solemn expression. 
It’s not fair. 
How could he treat them like his everything, and then leave them so abruptly? 
If only he could open his eyes again and say it was nothing but a terrible joke. 
But Tempus is gone, leaving his lifeless body as his final memory and gift. 
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kyokutsu-sama · 3 months
Sfw headcanons
A/n: I made more headcanons, these are for Yami and julius because I love them and they're also my favorites💜
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I can imagine a certain enemies-to-lovers romance with him. Firstly because he annoys you a lot (because he secretly loves seeing you mad) and secondly because he's rough with everyone. (He tries his best so he doesn't have to act with you like he does with others, I swear)
He likes to carry you on his shoulder whenever you both cross paths, even if you try to free yourself from him, his arm is too strong for you to run away.
He helps you with your tasks and if you're short, he won't mind reaching to higher places to get something you need. (Of course he will tease you later because of your height)
He likes to train with you, he will ask you not to hold back against him and come with everything. He will probably only bring you home at the end of the day so you can recover from the whole day training.
He will ask all the members of the Black Bulls to take care of you when you arrive from a long mission or when he leaves and you stay at the base.
No one touches you anywhere because he always has an arm around your waist or shoulders and a deadly glare in the direction of those who even try to get close to you.
"Try something with her to see if I don't cut you in half"
The katana is his second girlfriend and he always makes sure to clean and sharpen it. You can't help but laugh to yourself when you see him saying something to it as if it was a person.
He likes to take you out drinking and will be happy if you can handle the drink as well as he can.
He's also a gambler, so it won't be the first time you leave a bar next to a completely naked Yami after he gamble on all his clothes and lost. You will be even more embarrassed not because he is naked but because he normally walks down the street as if he were well dressed.
You guys ended up laughing your ass off that night about that.
Despite everything, he is very careful with you. He is always available when you are sick or injured.
If you are angry or stressed about something, he lets you punch him (But only you can do that) (Besides, he doesn't feel pain because his body is too strong)
If you have a problem that you think there is no solution, remember the famous phrase:
"Surpass your limits...And if you die, I'll kill you"
Julius :
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Julius, on the other hand, is cuter and friendlier. So it would end up being a friends to lovers.
He will always be thinking of you as a priority and even if he has a lot of work to do, he always finds a getaway to escape and come to you and see you.
He obviously wants you to show him your magic and is proud of you for being so strong and dedicated as a magic knight.
He gives you cute names and even calls you his queen (Call me queen too, okay🥹👉👈?)
He likes to walk with you around the kingdom, always hand in hand. He doesn't hide his feelings in front of others and even if you are a commoner, he doesn't care. *Bonus: If you come from a foreign country like Yami, he will ask you to tell him what your homeland was like or things about it. He is a very curious man.
Julius always makes sure you're okay and if you need something because you're injured from a mission, he'll bring together a team to take care of you and if that's not enough, he'll send Marx to take care of his affairs (He'll kill him for that) and will stay by your side during that time.
He is very sweet and offers you gifts, even a simple flower he picked in the castle garden he will offer you.
"Y/n, look at this rose! It's beautiful like you, take it"
He's also protective, not deadly like Yami who kills another guy just because he looks at you the wrong way. HOWEVER, I belive that he has other methods for this person and trust me, you don't want to know. He can be dark and mysterious when he wants to...or when someone messes with his girl
He usually takes you to the top of the castle to watch the sunset while hugging you. (Oh my God, I'm going to die of cuteness)
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vanderlesbian · 10 months
141 dating a civilian
hii!! this is a self indulgent belated bday gift to myself (im 20 now...) but i hope u guys enjoy it!! also feel free to leave requests in my asks bc i am so bad at thinking of prompts but ive been wanting to write so bad LOL
writing this had made me realize that i love writing gaz content........i am obsessed with him.........
gn reader! no warnings :)
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captain john price
- price loves being around you—you bring a sense of normalcy that relaxes him. when he's home, he enjoys doing domestic things around the home. he offers to do the laundry, he'll make you tea in the mornings, he feeds the dog and cat you two raise together and will go with you on any errands you need to run. when he's with you, he never thinks about work, which makes you happy because you hate to see him overworking himself.
- i feel like you two would meet through laswell. a mutual friend, you and price would meet one another at a pub or something of the sort. immediately, the two of you take an interest in one another, and laswell would catch onto that rather quickly and finds it endearing. when getting to know one another, you mention the fact that you live alone, which gives price the excuse to hand you his number. "in case you need anything", is what he told you, and you could've sworn you saw laswell snickering behind him. regardless, you ended up texting him a few days after that, asking him if he knew how to fix cars.
- loves going on vacations with you!! when price has a decent period of time off, he'll ask you if you want to go somewhere, to which you always answer yes. road trips are his favorite, because driving for long periods of time is something calming for him and he enjoys the fact that it's just the two of you traveling. maybe you'll go camping, or perhaps you'll drive a country over to spend a few days in a different city; whatever it is, you and price always have a nice time. while he gets to travel a lot, he recognizes that you don't have the same opportunity, so he loves to take you places as see your reactions to things. when he's deployed, he's always on the lookout for places to take you later.
- one of your favorite things to do is visit price while he's in the office. you usually bring him a meal, whether it be home made or take out because you know he's going to forget about grabbing himself something to eat. he always thanks you with a kiss, then you linger for a moment to speak to him, giving him time to eat and take a break from his work. while you're visiting price, all of his attention is on you, and if a soldier knocks on his door and asks to speak to him, he'll use his captain voice to tell them to come by later unless it's an emergency.
- price is very proud to call you his partner. although he tries not to bring you up too often at work because of privacy and professional reasons, he likes to mention you casually every now and then, especially with laswell or the other 141 members. he's proud of the work you do, no matter what your career is; he's just likes to brag about his amazing partner. he will do his signature v shaped smile whenever someone says in surprise,"oh, your partner is a/n [occupation]? how cool!"
simon "ghost" riley
- ghost is a listener, not a talker. and boy, does he love listening to you ramble on about your day. he finds it cute; the way you complain how expensive your coffee was that morning, or how you couldn't decide what to wear to simply go pick up a snack from the store. his responses include a lot of "oh really?", "i bet", and some snarky comments when you bring up a coworker that you don't particularly like. ghost is quiet, but his little responses show that he's well invested in your stories.
- just like everything else in his life, ghost keeps his relationship with you very private. it took him quite a while to even tell any of the other 141 members that he was in a relationship, simply because he didn't feel the need to tell them. he also wanted to protect you; not that he didn't trust the other members, but he was scared of your name accidentally being said to the wrong person. you were innocent, and ghost didn't want to ruin that innocence with the dark realities of his job and put you in danger.
- listen; meeting him at a music store. you would definitely be the one to initiate things, so when you saw a tall, handsome man flipping through records beside you, it made you look for an excuse to speak to him. "that's a good album", you would then finally speak up after watching him pull out a vinyl by the doors. ghost would honestly be taken aback; no one ever really strikes up conversation with him in public. "yeah" would be his response, but the dryness of it didn't stop you from continuing the conversation. after you two begin dating, ghost will often bring up how you were insistent on speaking to him, which never fails to bring a shy blush to your cheeks.
- you think it's amusing to have such a "scary" looking boyfriend. he tags along behind you whenever the two of you go out, and you often forget how large and intimidating he looks to others, especially because he always wears dark colored outfits and a face mask out in public. imagine ghost lingering behind you like a lost puppy while you mindlessly look through clothes at a store. when you're at the register, you notice the cashier glancing behind you, forgetting that ghost is looming over you like a bodyguard.
- speaking of others reactions, you love showing ghost off to people. you'll be spending time with friends, family, coworkers—whoever, and you get so excited whenever they ask if you have a boyfriend. you think it's funny to see their eyes widen when you pull up a photo saying "this is simon, he's deployed right now but (blah blah blah)". you had asked ghost for his permission to show photos of him to others while he wasn't around, and at first he was hesitant, but after hearing about the reactions he gives people, he doesn't care anymore. people think "that's their boyfriend?", which makes ghost smile to himself because yes, he's all yours.
kyle "gaz" garrick
- you two have this thing where the moment he opens the door after coming home from a mission, you'll sprint into his arms and he never fails to pick you up off your feet and squeeze you tight. gaz greets you like he hasn't seen you in years, covering your face and neck in kisses and spinning you around in his arms for what feels like forever.
- loves to facetime you when he's away. sometimes you'll be in different timezones, but both of you will be willing to stay up at 3 in the morning jusst to talk to one another. gaz always gives you room tours of whatever place he's staying at while deployed, or he'll call you while he's out shopping to ask what souvenir you'd like best. sometimes the other 141 boys will pop in to say hello, or gaz will shove the camera in their face to ask if they have anything to say to you.
- i feel that gaz would easily become jealous, especially because he can't be with you all the time. while he's away from you, you'll text or call him about an encounter at work or while you were out and about where someone tried hitting on you, earning a snarky remark from gaz. they always make you giggle because you're aware how protective he is of you, and they're often silly remarks like "they're lucky i wasn't there" or "should've told 'em your boyfriend is 6'5 and a wrestler"
- gaz is younger, so i feel that you would be a university student or something of the sort when you first met him. working part time at a local coffee shop at the time, you vividly remember gaz complimenting you the first time you served him. "you're very pretty/handsome, by the way" he said confidently, but quickly walked off before you could thank him. after that, gaz came in as often as he could, learning something new about you each time he came in, and it got to a point where you would simply give him a drink or pastry for free each time he came in. eventually he would ask you out, offering to take you somewhere after your shift, to which you immediately agreed to.
- when gaz visits your place, it's always like a silly little sleepover. the two of you will watch comically bad movies, make homemade pizza, play those couple's card games and he'll listen to you talk about any gossip you have. when gaz is with you, he takes it as his time to just be himself because he's so comfortable in your presence. he doesn't have to worry about being formal with you, and the two of you are equally as silly as you spend time with one another.
john "soap" mactavish
- soap doesn't like to bother you with his work. when he's with you, he'll always be so upbeat and playful, but you've learned to be able to notice when he's particularly stressed or tired. he insists that he's fine, telling you that you don't have to worry about him as he tries to play it off. he's a bit stubborn about it, so sometimes you have to bother him just a bit before he finally gives in and tells you what's up, or simply agrees to laying down and having a rest.
- okay, picture this. you meet soap at a dog park. i think he would have a german shepherd...which is besides the point, but when your dog and his both stop in their tracks to be friendly with one another, both of you feel that it's only natural to make conversation, right? the two of you quickly hit it off, to which you credit mostly to soap for being much more extroverted than you are, and the two of you talk about your dogs for a bit before the conversation focuses on yourselves. smoothly, soap would ask for you to join him on another trip to the dog park sometime, using the excuse that your dogs seemed to like each other.
- soap loves to text you while he's away, and other than gaz, he would be the one to text you the most out of any of the boys. he mostly sends a lot of random pictures of things he says reminds you of him, but will also update you on a bunch of random little things he's doing. "just shit in this french bathroom" "johnny i don't need to know that" "had to tell somebody"
- will leave plenty of his clothes for you to wear while he's gone, and it's practically all you wear during that time. you'll leave the house in an outfit completely made up of your boyfriend's clothes because they're just so comfortable, and it makes you feel less lonely having his scent lingering with you. even when soap is home, you still constantly wear his clothes, and 90% of his wardrobe is practically yours.
- soap would love to visit YOU at work. you forget your chapstick? he's on his way. you text him that you're hungry and forgot to pack a meal? he's bringing you your favorite fast food. although he's busy and can't stop by all the time, soap tries to stop by as often as he can, and all of your coworkers have learned to recognize him. "here comes johnny" one of them will point out, making you quickly whip your head around to look.
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bangchanisinmymind · 1 year
dating habits
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pairing; bangchan x reader; fluff-suggestive
Hugs : we all know his opinion on hugs and I genuinely believe he would hug you with the tiniest chance he have. Like when you stay with him at the studio he'll just make you sit on his lap and wrap his arms around you while you both listen to the new melody he made through the speakers (not really loud the whole situation is soft now <3). Or when you're both home and you're cooking or looking through the window he'll definitely hug you from behind putting his chin on your shoulder and you slid your arm down to his.
Kisses : I firmly believe he would kiss your moles. Since he found out you have those tiny dots all over your body he kissed whichever was closer to him. When he lays his head on your shoulder he kisses the one on your collarbones, when he kisses your lips he never misses the one on your chin, while he's going down on you he kisses the one between your breasts, on your ribs and tummy.
Taking care of you : he knows you skip dinner most of the time because of you being tired returning home so he always has a sandwich for you in the fridge and makes sure you ate it when he comes home. Also he wants to make sure you dress well so he gets you clothes from other countries when he's on tour he believes you'll like and sometimes when he returns home and you're asleep he picks out an outfit for you to wear in the morning <3
Sleeping : he always cuddle you to sleep ALWAYS. He absolutely adores when you use his body as a pillow, he likes it the most when you bury your face in his chest because he gets to smell and play with your hair (let's you hug his pillow when he's late :')n. Other than that he always makes sure you have set your alarm for the next day and brings a glass of water so if you need it throughout the night you won't have to go to the kitchen <3
Touching in general : when he drives he will put his hand on your thigh (FOR SURE). Always finds a way to touch you no matter who is watching, he doesn't mind being teased after you leave the room by his members or his family for telling you to sit on his lap when y'all are in the living room ( especially when there is not that much space or he thinks you might be uncomfortable).
Together stuff : he tries to match your showering schedule so you can "save water" together, it's not usually that hot, it's more like soft and sweet and taking care of each other :'). Lives for sleepover nights with the members because he can show all his love and affection for everyone (but mostly you ofc) and definitely feels like a proud dad having his loved ones all together spending time. Talking is everything for him, can talk with you all day about every single thing without getting bored but only loving you more every time
18+ : HEAR ME OUT. MAN LOVES YOU SITTING ON HIS FACE that's all I have to say. He loves to please you and see that fucked out look on your face after <3. One of his biggest kinks is being called daddy as known so he'll absolutely love it when you call him like that or refer to yourself as babygirl or something like "daddy's little girl" he might cum the moment he hears you. Loves seeing you in lingerie 🙈 he won't be very vocal about it but you can tell by the look of his eyes.
© @/bangchanisinmymind on tumblr | do not translate or copy my work without permission {feedback is highly appreciated! comment/DM for requests!}masterlist
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
can't stand the rain // george russell
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summary: the nights are always long and lonely when she misses her lover. but dating a formula one driver isn't easy, and she knew that when she started dating the most wonderful and exciting man that she had ever met.
pairing: george russell x female reader
warnings: longing and pining! the harsh reality that which would be dating someone like george russell, but there is a happy ending! allusions to sex, but not written out.
I can't stand the rain, against my window cause he ain't here with me//hey window pane tell me, do you remember how sweet it used to be? when we were together everything was so grand//now that we parted there's just one sound that I just can't stand
it was on nights like these that she missed george the most.
rain drops crashing down against the window panes, a steady haze of fog rolling across the english country side.
she hated that sound when he wasn't here to share it with.
y/n was sitting on the couch by the window, a scented bath and body works candle on the coffee table, burning and filling the main floor of the house with that simple, summer scent as she wrapped herself in a blanket, powerpoint presentations reflecting off the blue light lenses as she typed.
dating someone as magnetic and larger than life as george russell was no easy feat. the days and nights were long, the timezones too much to bear as his schedule demanded he jet off to some faraway country every weekend.
sometimes, it felt like her george wasn't actually her george, but the world's george.
she slammed her laptop shut, rubbing her eyes under her glasses before she turned on the tv, dialing in to sky sports as the warm up for the evenings race began.
if george were here, they would be watching some stupid movie on netflix (last rainstorm it was bait, a movie about tsunamis and twelve foot long sharks), with the plush calvin klein blanket pulled tightly around their bodies until one of them got tired of the film and started getting handsy.
something about the rain always got george russell going. those afternoons usually ended up with y/n on her back, georges gentle kisses against her skin as he made love to her, the pitter patter of the rain in the background.
she missed him.
the race ended, and she sent him a congratulations text, knowing that he did the best that he could in a car that wasn’t where either mercedes driver had expected it to be.
she blew out the candle, phone in the back pocket of her jeans as she moved to the kitchen of a house that felt too large for just her alone as she warmed up the kettle.
her phone rang, and she slipped the small device out of her pocket, beaming as she swiped up to talk to the most important man in her life.
“hey, beautiful.” george russell beamed from the other end of the line, and the other side of the world. “how are you feeling?”
“tired.” y/n laughed. “uni is relentless. remind me why I decided to go to law school?”
“because I wanted a strong, powerful girlfriend?”
“hilarious. it’s killing me slowly.” she grimaced, placing a bag of peppermint tea in her indigo mug. “you had a good race today, honey. I know the car is shite this year, but you’re driving the hell out of that thing.”
“you know what, I think I’m finally getting the hang of the car.”
“that’s really good, georgie. I’m proud of you.”
george smiled sadly, wishing that he could reach through the phone and hold his lover in his arms. every part of his skin, his body aches for her touch, for the feeling of cradling her in his arms again.
“I miss you. I’ll be home before you know it, yeah? you’ll wake up in a few mornings and I will be there and you’ll get to wrap your arms around me and we’ll make the most of the time we have before I have to go to the next race.”
“I wish it were easier. I wish I could come with you.”
“I know, sweetheart. I know.”
two days passed since that phone call, and the rain showed no signs of stopping. a few times the downpour has lightened to a manageable drizzle, but it was still as if the clouds in the sky were reading her emotions.
reading how much she longed for georges presence.
how she missed watching him play backgammon with his mates at the table by the french doors, sunlight refracting on his face.
how she missed his touch, even when it was the touch of his cold, cold feet in bed.
how she missed his cooking, even when he burned the simplest of dishes and ended up ordering takeaway (and swallowing his pride).
the weather outside reflected how she felt, but that fact did nothing to make her feel better. george was stuck in team meetings, despite the promise of a two week break before the next double header began.
she was debating the merits of going to visit her parents in the city, reconnecting with the world and getting away from her feelings and her term papers. it seemed like all she had done since george left was drink peppermint tea and pore over old court documents.
until the morning all was right again.
the sunlight was orange as it filtered through her curtains, the sun just beginning to rise over the hilly countryside. she heard footsteps, and the sound of the creaky bedroom door swinging open.
she’s have to to tell george to fix that.
she didn’t believe her eyes. there he was, kneeling in front of the bed to kiss her forehead. she grumbled his name, trying to peel her groggy eyes open.
“I’m right here, darling. caught an earlier flight. there’s an iced coffee in the fridge for you.”
she smiled, reaching for his hand. “I missed you.”
“I know, love. can I join you?”
“you may.” she hummed, pulling the blankets back up over her shoulders. normally she would have loved to watch her boyfriend undress, but this morning she was far too sleepy to care about the sound of georges heavy hilfiger belt hitting the hardwood floor.
eyes still closed, she felt the mattress dip next to her as george slipped underneath the covers, taking her into his arms. she sighed contentedly, resting her head on his bare chest as the driver ran his large hand up and down her back.
“I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, george william russell.”
@daydreamingleclerc @libraryofloveletters @magnummagnussen @scuderiamh @sidcrosbyspuck @oconso @cl16version @cartierre @monzabee
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marsosims · 7 months
hi, hello! hope you have a wonderful day and lots of fun with the new pack! i was wondering how to decorate/build in the new world to make it realistic bc i want to lean into the whole SEA flair without making too sterotypical i hope you know what i mean lol so some help from someone who's filipino like yourself would mean lots for me!!
Before I answer this question, I'd just like to preface that I am NOT an expert and I'm just sharing my personal thoughts and ideas :)
marsosims' tips to decorating tomarang builds
Use references. I think this is probably the most important tip that I can tell you. Use references, you won't regret it! Whether it's from google earth, Pinterest, or even drawings - you have a TON of reference materials!
Here are some illustrations: Top image is a still from the movie, "Hayop Ka!", Bottom left from Arlo Jhan Bayot, Right from Albert Tan
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Here are some pictures - these ones are more or less middle class, but some shared characteristics between most of them are bright walls (usually cement, wood, and the occasional fake brick wall), fenced in yards (if you could call them that), wrought iron, and most importantly, plants.
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PLANTS. GO CRAZY. SEA countries are located in the tropics, which means that they have very diverse foliage... SO like go wild if you want to (especially if building in the more rural part of Tomarang). People will also have a lot of potted plants, like:
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(Bougainvilleas are usually a favorite - idk if the sims has any like it?)
OPEN LAYOUT FLOORPLANS. Most houses are open concept, and hallways for residential buildings are pretty rare in my opinion.
Another thing to note are dirty kitchens, which are basically outside kitchens that you do all of your cooking so that the smell doesn't stick to your things (this is important because as I said - most houses are open concept). Cooking inside is also pretty unpleasant because SEA COUNTRIES ARE HOTTTT.
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Use tiles. With interiors, I'd say that it usually varies but a staple in most homes are tiled floors, because they are cool (not in a fashion way and more a literal way) and are resistant to floods.
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I almost never see people have wooden floors unless the house was an ancestral house or the house is on the cheaper side (but even then, I usually see cement or tiled floors). If you do see some wooden floors, my bet is that they're one of those cheap linoleum / vinyl ones (idk what they are exactly)
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I also never see people use carpets or rugs - probably a bit too much of a hassle to deal with (but they do exist!).
As for walls, they're usually just left as cement or wood. Wallpapers weren't all that popular until recently during the pandemic when people got bored and started putting up wallpapers ksdhbfsd
Use wooden furniture where possible! Plus points if you use glass somehow. Most things are wooden, and usually do not match with each other. It actually drives me crazy at home because none of the wood tones match, but it's comforting in a way. You can see an example of this on the image above. If things weren't made of wood, they were usually plastic :)
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Display those trophies / certificates! Filipinos are VERY proud of their achievements. Feel free to display those trophies, certificates, etc. front and center of your homes, where guests can see them.
These are all the things I can think of! I'm sorry it's a little rambly kscfksdfh I tried my best o7
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot them my way. ALSOO I'd just like to reiterate that these are just based on my personal experiences and thoughts and not everything I say may not necessarily be true for every SEA person (or even Filipino). OK BYE
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taeyongslaptop · 2 months
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Weather you're a Nctzen or just a lover of kpop , HELLO!
I usually don't type too much when I post because there is no need too. But , I will this time. If you like my post's or follow me or reblog me , it could be for a couple of things. Either you are a die hard Nctzen ( like myself ) , Just love kpop in general , or the MOST IMPORTANT ... 이태용 better known as Lee Tae-yong has inspired you , saved your life , cured you with his music somehow or just made you happy on your saddest days.
Taeyong has done all of that for me. Including saving me from some of the most darkest times that I have exsperienced in my life. Taeyong has been my light for years now.He has dug me out of holes that I never though were possible to escape. And for that , I will be forever greatdful until the day I no longer walk on this earth.
I have spent countless hours crying and depressed that he has had to leave us for awhile. But , his manly duty to his country calls and I have tried hard to understand that. I knew sometime it was going to happen and I always dreaded it. I am the type of person who always thinks negative most of the time.e So , thinking of something happening to him whilst he is away on duty has drove me up the damn wall.
But this week once again , he has made me proud , feel safe and sound and content with his situation. Because , not only is he a freaking phenominal leader to his brothers and to us , he now will be the leader of his platoon! I can't express how happy this has made me. It made me feel that everything is okay. Not only is he doing his duty to his country , but of course he ended up being a platoon leader!
This is what he does. He takes the best of the worst situations and makes it into something of an amazing exsperience for everyong. Including us back home supporting him. I know feel more content then ever knowing he is a platoon leader. Because with Taeyong leading , nothing could ever go wrong. Now , I am no longer crying worrying about him while he is doing his duty. He has it under control and this was his way of letting us know that!
Thank youso much Lee Taeyong for being that light for me and im sure millions of other people. I love you , with all of my heart always and forever! Continue to be safe , in good health and LEAD!
Taeyong comes home Dec. 14th 2025 // Just in time for Christmas!
Counting down the days until Taeyong is home: 597
Our Nct L E A D E R & our PLATOON LEADER !!
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A/n: Hey y'all, it's been a bit but you get the drill at this point, I leave and come back with a new obsession. You had to know the change in theme was there for a reason, so here it is. This is a series but per my usual will be verrrrryy slow to update.
Rhett Abbott (Outer Range) X Reader
Warnings: Cursing
No Use Of Y/n
Sunlight streams through the open windows of your childhood bedroom, the sheer white curtains doing little to dull the shine and the thin french panes even less to dull the chirps of the swallows just outside. You roll over in a poor attempt to hide your face from the rays and catch just a few more minutes of sleep on this Sunday morning, unfortunately your mother has other ideas. 
You hear the door swing open and you can feel her presence, it makes you want to bury your head under the covers and never come out again. She stands in the doorway, hands on her hips impatiently awaiting your recognition. 
Eventually she gets tired of waiting, all you hear is heavy footsteps and a loud sigh before the covers are ripped away from you and suddenly you're grateful you opted to throw some shorts under your oversized t-shirt last night. 
“Come on now, we’re leaving for church in an hour and I expect you to look halfway decent.” Ever the charmer, your mother. 
“Ma..” You groan and try to yank the covers back over yourself, hoping she’d take some pity on you this once. 
“I don’t wanna hear it.” she says, tugging the blankets back off. “Should have thought twice before coming in at three am last night, Sugar. Now hop to it!” You sit up in bed, fixing her with a glare which she only returns with raised eyebrows and a look that says ‘you don’t want to argue with me right now’. You let out a huff and swing your legs over the side of the bed, your mother smiles victoriously and turns to head back down the stairs. 
You flop back down on your bed for a moment, thinking that maybe if you lock your door and pretend you don’t exist she’d give up on you. Unfortunately she’s been hell bent on saving your soul since you were a little girl and she had no intention of throwing in the towel now. Especially with your being back home unexpectedly. 
You decide that this is not a hill you want to die on this morning and stand from your bed, stretching your limbs and running your hands through your hair… or at least you try, the leftover hairspray and unbrushed mess you’d left it in last night had made stubborn knots that likely needed a shower to comb out. 
Making your way to the bathroom you pause in front of your full length mirror, the one you’d been so excited to pick out in seventh grade. It once had a bright pink frame that had now been overtaken by stickers and polaroids from middle and high school. Once cherished memories that now only brough reminders of who each of those people had become. Your eyes flit over the images, one of you and your best friend Milly Kinders who had gone off to college for film production and had since moved out to California to try and make it big. She was working as a PA now on some TV show that you hadn’t watched more than a few episodes of, she didn’t call as often anymore so it wasn’t like you had to keep up with the plot anyway. 
Moving on to a picture of you and Maria Olivares at her senior night, each girl on the basketball team had picked a junior to present them with their flowers and medal of achievement. You’d felt so special when she’d picked you to be her underclassman, the two of you are smiling in the photo, not a trace of tears that fell later in the night when the realization set in that she was actually leaving. She’d gone off to school to be a veterinarian, the whole town was very proud when she got into one of the best programs in the country and she was sent off with so many well wishes and high hopes. Not unlike yourself five years ago. 
You sigh, looking around the frame once more before heading to the shower just before you’re stopped in your tracks by a polaroid with a scrap of paper taped to the bottom. It’s a dimly lit photo, one that hadn’t developed quite right due to the lack of light. Nevertheless the edges of the polaroid are worn and it’s not taped to the frame like the others, instead it's stuck between the frame and the glass for easy removal. The photo shows the silhouette of two teenagers sitting on the open tailgate of an old truck in front of a bonfire. The girl in the photo, yourself, has her head leaned on the shoulder of a much taller boy. Scrawled across the torn paper at the bottom in barely legible writing is ‘have a good summer, Sugar. I’ll see you around- Rhett.’
You stare at it for a while, your hand itches to reach out and snag it from the mirror's edge, to feel the soft age worn edges of the photo between your fingertips once more. 
“Sug, I don’t hear you moving!” Your dads shakes you from the thought. “I am!” You yell back, grabbing your towel and stepping into your ensuite bathroom. 
Church wasn’t much of an event in Wabang, but it made your mother happy, or at least content for the time being, that you went. So every sunday morning, give or take a few years, you sat in the middle row and listened to the pastor drone on and on about shit you didn’t believe. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t believe in a god or a higher power of some kind, it was more that you didn’t believe that this old man in bum fuck Wyoming was a expert on an all knowing power. If the Earth was just a blip in time and space then how could we have uncovered the secrets of the universe or did God reveal them to American white men to be his devine mouthpiece? Yeah, right. 
It was all you could do to keep your hands clasped over your knees, mouth shut, and your eyes from rolling. Eventually the service would come to a close, the invitational sent and the prayers said on knee at the base of the pulpit and this chore would be over for yet another week. 
Part of you wondered how much emotional, or showmanship, brought these people to cry on bended knees every Sunday. How interesting, or boring, does one's life have to be to have a new gut wrenching sin or tragedy each week. You suppose you would never know, life was astoundingly quiet for you Wabang. 
“What did you think about the service, Sug?” Your father spoke around a mouth full of mashed potatoes. One thing that made Sundays more bearable was the spread your mother would slave over after church, her cooking was the thing you missed most about this town while you were away. 
“It was good, I thought brother sawyer sounded better today” You say, pushing the food around on your plate and hoping that answer was satisfactory. To be completely honest you couldn’t remember a thing from the sermon, but you did remember that one of the choir singers, brother Sawyer who only held his place in the choir after his cancer diagnosis due to sheer pity and his status as a deacon. 
“I think so too, you know he’s had such a hard time of it but I’m glad he seems to be on the up and up, Louanne seems lighter too.” Louanne, his wife, used to teach Sunday school. She’d been your favorite teacher and you couldn’t count the number of pictures you had with the woman before her husband was diagnosed, she was mostly quiet these days. 
“I really hope so, she deserves a break” You mumble, pushing the food around on your plate, losing your appetite to the memories, an occurrence that seems more and more common these days. 
“Sugarbear, would you mind taking this pie over to the Abbotts today?” Your mother breaks the silence after a while, you hadn’t even noticed her clear the plates from the table and place the pie in a heat bag. 
“The Abbotts?” You say back, your voice sounded a little dumb in your own ears.
“You didn’t hear? Joy closed Rebecca’s case today, suppose they aren’t interested in looking for her anymore. 
Rebecca Abbott. 
You knew she’d been missing for quite a while but you hadn’t realized it had been long enough for them to stop looking. You’d gone out to the ranch to watch Amy while the search parties traversed the expanses of both the Abbott and Tillerson ranches looking for even a scrap of her existence, but nothing ever turned up. Your mother had always been close with Cecelia Abbott, even since they were kids growing up in Wabang, which was an even smaller town then than it is now. When Amy was born you couldn’t get over her, only ever seeing her on Sundays when you visited on weekends. When she was older and you came back after college Rebecca had asked you to sit at Cecilia's recommendation, you adored that little girl and it tore you apart to see her ripped from her mother so young. 
“Yeah let me change and I’ll take it over” you say, pushing your chair back. 
“Why don’t you wear your dress? You look nice.” She’s smiling at you with that knowing grin, it makes you want to bolt up the stairs as quickly as possible. 
“Mama..” you warn. She just smiles back and the stalemate starts while you try to muster the courage to fight her and she firmly stands her ground. Your father sits at the table, shifting his eyes between the two of you and awaiting further action, you swear you can hear maracas and an eagle cry in the background. 
“Are the boys still trying to get that fence fixed?” He asks seemingly no one, “I thought they had a tore up stretch. Royal was wanting to get it fixed before they moved pastures.” 
You shift your eyes to him hopefully, a beat of silence. Your mother sighs and hands you the bag, you drop your shoulders and take the compromise. You would wear the dress if there was no chance you’d be seen in it by an Abbott other than Cece. 
The drive out to the Abbotts was boring as all hell, but the anxiety of pulling up the drive was even worse. A few familiar trucks sat in the driveway and a dirt path up to the porch almost made you feel like you were back in highschool. 
You knock on the door only to be greeted by two things, the last person you felt like seeing and the reality that your father was a dirty rotten liar. 
“Hi Su-” 
Well now you feel like a bitch. Rhett’s half grin fades at your greeting and he looks off to the side, chewing the inside of his cheek. 
“Uh, sorry.” You mumble, shaking your head as if to reset your thought, “Hi Rhett, how ya holding up?” You offer him a little smile. 
He looks back at you, his face a little more neutral now, “I’m alright” he smiles back but it doesn’t reach his eyes, it’s cold and unfamiliar enough to set a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
You snap out of your thoughts and hold the pie out to him, “My mama wanted to bring this over, I’m sorry about the news on the search for.. Well” 
This couldn’t get worse, good god. 
He takes the pie from you, staring at the ground. “Thank you” is all he says. 
You know you should just go, but you can’t help but ask. “How’s Amy?” 
His eyes meet yours again, and it’s almost like some of the warmth of return to them, he knew how much you loved that little girl after all. “You know, better than I expected” He says, and you swear you see him smile a little, real this time. 
“She’s a tough kid.” You say, smiling to yourself at the thought. “If y’all ever need anything more than a pie, you got my number” You offer. 
He looks back at you
There’s something in the way he looks at you. It’s somewhere between questioning and sincerity but it’s there and you can’t help but hold his gaze for a moment before nodding and turning to go. 
“I’ll keep that in mind, Sugar”
As you climb up into your truck and close the door you look back at the house, just soon enough to see the door close all the way. 
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manwrre · 8 months
i have been dreaming of a top gun:maverick!inspired harringrove fic for the past few days. esp since their usual dynamic is a cocky, self assured blonde and a wildly stupid + talented brunette so puhlease. if that doesn’t scream harringrove, i dunno what will.
imagine billy, whose dad got kicked outta the military on a bad conduct charge but never tells a soul—too ashamed and too proud and too angry to bear the weight of his actions. so instead, when he gets home to his wife and kid, he makes their lives a living hell and runs their home like a base.
0600 - wake up “because i won’t have any slobs living under my roof,”
0605 - leave behind a bed of perfectly creased corners or “sleep on the floor, since you want to live like an animal,”
0615 - start the chores or “starve. there’s no such thing as eating for free,”
“don’t talk back,”
“don’t ask questions,”
“you’re not a baby, billy— stop crying over toys.”
“are you some kind of fucking fairy? sit up straight.”
“you better not embarrass me, boy.”
and it only gets worse when billy’s mom finally ups and leaves. no amount of “yes, sir”s can save him from his father’s wrath and soon enough, rewards and punishments become all too similar; the line between them, blurry at best. neil’s love feels exactly the same as his hate and both leave heavy stamps of purple and blackish-blue near billy’s heart.
so by the time that billy’s eighteen and old enough to leave, he’s more decorated than most. has given up more than most. has endured a battle longer than that of most neighboring countries.
and he doesn’t really have a choice (if he wants to leave neil’s house) but to join the air force and so, that’s what he does. and billy’s done a lot to survive but flying? the thought of it makes him feel alive. and the notion is only cemented after he watches a p-51 mustang take off for the first time and his heart feels it’s been through 10gs of force.
so he becomes the goddamn best in his batch. he gets his degree in mechanical engineering. he gets to flight school and he’s glittering. he’s whip smart and confident and has the instincts to back it up. he’s tall and sun-kissed, blue-eyed and blonde-haired. and that alone has everyone on the squad calling him “johnny— like bravo, not the jackass.” paired with his sweet, little texan drawl, he’s charismatic and a total wildcard. he bitches and preens and leads but billy,
billy gets the job done. every single time.
doesn’t care who it pisses of. doesn’t care about kissing ass. and yet still, when there’s a particularly tough mission, the admiral knows that johnny boy is up for it.
regardless, he racks up a long list of avid followers and enemies.
so when he gets to hard deck a day before top gun training is meant to start, he’s not surprised to meet the latter of whom in the form of steve “beemer” harrington.
steve, who looks the same as he did in flight school all those years ago— golden and freckled just about everywhere. he fills out his shirt just right and if billy were closer, the coupla inches steve has on him would be more obvious.
“beemer, as i live and breathe.”
billy’s pleased to see steve’s eyes widen at the sight of him. smirks when he realizes he’s on the receiving end of the brunette’s sweeping gaze.
“johnny,” steve says, around the rim of his beer bottle. “you look…good.”
and oh, does that light him up.
billy’s careful though, to not let his face betray a single thing. instead, he grins a little wider. a little deeper; a little meaner.
“well, i am good, beemer.” he shrugs and plucks the pool cue out of carver’s grip.
he ignores the blonde’s huffing beside him and instead, leans forward to line the tip of it up behind the ball.
he knows the motion accentuates the long lines of his body. he knows that gravity favors him and the undone buttons on his shirt; gives a generous view of his naked chest.
“i’m very good.”
steve’s eyes flit between his and then, somewhere lower.
and billy snorts, lining up his aim; coiled tightly and precise. holds it for all of a second before the string snaps and he’s breaking the rack with a resounding, wooden clackclackclack.
“in fact, i’m too good to be true.”
and thereby starts their enemies to lovers trope! i’m talking heated looks in the locker room, post training tension, make out sessions in the otherwise empty gym. hanging out at each other’s on base accommodations and billy calling steve ‘bee.’ imagine them exchanging dog tags?? and steve getting all possessive when billy’s got his flight suit unzipped halfway and tied around his little waist. they’d be instructors together and show off in the air, driving everyone crazy. the perfect leader and wingman.
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HI! Love your blog a lot!!💛❤️
I have a peculiar rant to make!
There are many motorsport events happening in Barcelona during the year, and they are often called "Spanish Grand Prix", and they are portrayed as the "home races" of people usually from other parts of Spain (most times these people are rich blokes from Madrid with links to Vox). I'm not Catalan, but that makes me so mad. It's once again the erasure of an entire history and culture. English-speaking media don't even make an effort to understand where they are, they are just happy to call it Spain and wonder why they're playing two anthems before the actual races.
But anyway, visca Catalunya i bona diada dels Països Catalans!
Thank you very much!
Yes, I completely agree with you that it's annoying. It's a way for the Spanish state (and every other state, because this happens to other occupied nations as well) to use the sports for propaganda and to cement the association "Catalonia=Spain" in the minds of everyone from around the world who's watching.
If I may, I will answer to your rant with another rant of my own. In general, most sports tend to be very state-centered. For example, for most sports you can't be a professional athlete unless you sign up for a specific state to represent it, wear its flag on your clothes while you compete, play their anthem if you win, the teams must be organized according to people who come from the same state, etc. And if you don't have one, then, bad luck, you either do it for the state that occupies your homeland or you don't get to become a professional sportsperson at all. But even if you have your own independent country that you identify with, still... why so much focus on it? Why is where these people come from so important that it becomes even more important that the person? Imagine if people did this with any other aspect of the athlete's background or identities: "Twilight fans won 5 gold medals this year, and Marvel fans went down to only 3". Or imagine if we did it by sexual orientation, conservatives would be so mad saying "why do you have to wave it in everyone's faces!?". All of those would be ridiculous, so why isn't this strong focus on what state they come from also ridiculous? It would seem more logical to focus on person, school/trainer, or teams that they could choose according to how they view the sport or how they think training works better or work better together. But we seem to just accept that the state (not even culture or nation, just a geographical-political administration unit) is the most defining trait.
That's why I personally never liked the Olympic games or world cups, it feels like it's more about nationalism than about sports. I used to follow them when I was young but I always felt like the gymnasts themselves weren't recognized enough because all the media was focused on "how many people from our country won", or "this sport was won by [country]". And Spanish media does this a lot, to the point that I think they are disrespectful to the sportsperson. Why do all Spanish people have to feel proud or like they won the games because someone from their state achieved something, but not when someone from another state did the same, even when someone from a state might be geographically closer to some parts of their neighbour state than other parts of their own? It's not like the random citizen who is supposed to feel like he himself won the games did, maybe he spent the whole competition eating chips at the sofa (that's me btw). It just never made sense to me. And even less for team achievements like F1 or MotoGP, where they play the anthem of the state that the pilot is a citizen of, but so much of that victory is owed to the rest of the team who worked on making and improving the car/motorbike, so it's a team effort but the anthem of the state of only one of them is chosen to be given the victory to. It makes no sense!
And if you're hosting on a city, it's the same. What does a state's anthem even have to do with an F1 racing? Why is it even there? Show the city and the area around it if you must show something, after all that's the people whose taxes are going to pay for that sport and whose lives are going to be inconvenienced by it.
Because that's another thing, events like the F1 race inside Barcelona (not on the actual track, when they made them fake-race on the street Passeig de Gràcia, afaik they were not even actually racing because the velocity limit was too low), the America Cup, etc contribute so much to worsening the worst problems of the city (touristic massification, gentrification, poverty, and pollution). For the America Cup, the neighbours of the Barceloneta quarter have to use cards that identify them as residents to be allowed in their own neighbourhood because that whole neighbourhood has been kidnapped by the America Cup people. And the F1 fake race thing in one of the busiest avenues of the city was very annoying to the citizens, too. It meant cutting a significant amount of the city's traffic, including public buses, and collapsing part of the metro system as a result. Some of my co-workers had difficulties arriving to our workplace that day because of it. Just so that cars can show off inside the city and pollute it, skipping the city's laws that aim to reduce air pollution by banning people whose cars pollute more than a certain amount (which in practise means old cars, the ones that poorer people are more likely to have). We can't use our cars in the city unless we can afford a green model, but they can cut off a whole avenue in the very centre of the city, asphalt it new just for them, and race there when they already have a track made for them to race in.
It's all part of the capitalist obsession with uncontrolled growth, they want everything to happen here for more and more people to come. Not just with sports events, but anything that will be used as an advertising for the city. Like the Louis Vuitton catwalk that was happening this month in Park Güell (a UNESCO World Heritage Site btw) and which damaged part of the architecture. Until now, the hotel lobby was the main promoter of many of these events because they wanted more tourists, but even the hotel owners are now saying that this has gone too far and the tourism monoculture model has become absolutely unsustainable and is ruining the city.
Don't get me wrong, sports are important and we need to support them and promote people practise sports, and it's good for entertainment purposes and we have to support people having fun (that's what life's about!). But the model that professional competitive sports use needs to be completely rethinked. I think every city that has gone through the devastating experience of hosting Olympic Games will agree with this.
Anyway, that's just my opinion and what you pointed out is definitely more offensive, but when I stop to think of it I can't but see how it's all.... not great. Sorry for getting out of topic but I have been personally very annoyed by these sports and fashion events this month.
Thank you for your message and your understanding, I read it on the Sant Joan but I'm answering late. I hope you had a good diada dels Països Catalans and that you're having a great beginning of summer 🌞
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ladytauria · 8 months
💖 and 🧠 from the ask game <33
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
my writing voice! i used to hate re-reading my own writing but now i can do so comfortably, even when i pick up on mistakes i missed or things i would change <3
i'm also fairly proud of my imagery, lol. that was something i worked hard to develop, and while i DO forget to like... describe things still when im writing, when i do remember/go back to add that in i feel more confident in my results lol
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
i have SO MANY of these
okay. i counted up the ones i have fleshed out outlines for, since there's more to talk about, and then i rolled a die <3
so! it's a jaytim fic inspired by the lyric, "why do you make me want to leave the world behind?" from the song stardust by new politics. the rest of the song doesn't actually fit, & i'll probs end up not using that line as the title, lol.
my outline for it is almost more of a not-fic than an outline, so... i'll just paste that in here, ig. pls excuse my brackets <3
why do you make me want to leave the world behind?
Jason couldn’t tell you what the final straw was. Maybe it was the last argument he got into with Bruce. Maybe it was hearing Joker’s laugh, again, echoing through the streets of Gotham. Maybe it was the gunshot he took to the shoulder, a few weeks ago. It— The point is, it could have been any number of things. Whatever the final straw, one thing is clear: he can’t do this any more.
And it’s not that he wants to abandon Crime Alley, or his people, it’s just—
He’s tired. He’s been tearing himself apart for the mission since he was twelve. He died, even—only to come back and keep doing it. And now… He’s just… done. He wants to live, and he can’t do that when the mission controls his life. He needs out.
Thing is…
He can’t leave Tim.
Tim is… somewhere along the way, Tim has become his rock. They’ve moved in together. When Jason suits up, Tim is at his side. When Tim needs stitches, it’s Jason holding the needle. When Jason comes home, knuckles bruised and lip split, it’s Tim there with the ice pack. And when they’re finished tending each other’s wounds, large and small, they fall into bed together—sore but together.
Jason doesn’t want to give that up.
He knows Tim won’t leave Gotham. Knows that Tim views Robin/Red Robin as the most important thing he’s ever done, the thing that gives him purpose, makes him feel real. He can’t ask him to leave it. He can’t.
But he’s not sure he can stay, either.
It’s a big, tangled mess, and Jason is no closer to figuring out what to do when Tim approaches him one evening. He sits down with him, holding his tablet, looking like he’s got something on his mind. He doesn’t bother with much preamble.
“My parents bought a place in [idk, some nice coastal or country area] a long time ago. A small vacation home, I think. It was one of those things we didn’t lose when Dad went bankrupt. I think… It looks like a nice place to retire, don’t you think so?”
Jason can hardly believe what he’s hearing, even as he agrees with feeling. He has to pinch himself once or twice, as they start making plans. They’re as methodical about it as they are everything else, hashing out all the details. It doesn’t feel real; not even when they inform the others, not when they start packing. Not even when they finally make the move, or unpack, or settle into the house.
It’s not until the second morning that it starts to sink in. This is real. It’s happening.
They grow roots. Befriend the neighbors. Tim gets back into photography, dragging Jason out with him on long walks to capture the scenery. He gets a job, too, working on cars, and talks Jason into pursuing a degree, the way he always wanted.
They gets visits and calls from the bats, and their friends—some more than others—and they usually even remember to leave business out of it. It’s… everything Jason wanted, honestly—though it’s not always easy. There are still nightmares, restless nights, and times when neither of them can watch or read the news without the urge be out there. Especially when there’s a crisis.
The worst of it, though, is the itching, nagging feeling in Jason’s chest. The thing that tells him it’s too easy. Too simple. Eventually something has to break—and each nightmare, each restless night makes Jason more and more certain it’s going to be Tim. One day, he’s going to wake up and decide that a quiet life with Jason isn’t what he wants after all.
He’ll leave.
Jason keeps his worries to himself. Just—tries to bottle up the good days, tucking them close under his heart, to keep him warm when he’s alone.
Before he knows it, though, a year passes. Tim still hasn’t left. Jason wakes up first, like he always does, and puts on the coffee before starting breakfast. Tim stumbles out of their bedroom just after Jason finishes the pancake batter. Even with a regular sleep schedule, he’s still not a morning person.
He goes for Jason first; winding his arms around his waist and sneaking a kiss before he pours his coffee. He slips out of the way, leaning against the wall to sip his coffee and watch Jason. And somewhere between the first batch of pancakes and the fourth, he glances over, and—he sees it.
Tim is smiling at him over the rim of his cup, still a little hazy from sleep. His eyes are no longer laden with bags. His skin is clear, a little tan. He’s got freckles, just a few, dotting his face. There’s a light, a glow to him that once Jason only saw in glimpses.
He’s happy.
With Jason.
It knocks the breath from him. He doesn’t know what his face is doing—only that Tim is at his side in an instant, coffee forgotten on the counter. Wrapped in Tim’s arms, Jason finds himself spilling everything, every thought and fear that’s plagued him for the last year. When he’s done, Tim smiles sadly, his hold turning into something like a cradle, despite their size difference.
“Robin was the most important thing in my life for a long time. First because watching you both, knowing what I knew… made me feel part of something bigger. Something amazing. And then because it gave me purpose. I was doing something that mattered, and so that made me feel like I mattered. And being good at it… It made me feel like I belonged, like I was wanted.” He strokes Jason’s cheek. “But… It always felt like it could be taken away. There were times when I thought it had been. And then… us. Jason, I don’t need Robin anymore. You make me feel like I matter—and I don’t… I don’t have to… to be perfect, or prove myself. I can just be here, with you, and that’s enough. I’m enough. And that… It means everything, Jay.”
Jason is tearing up. Supposedly, he’s the one who’s good with words—and Tim has pages of love poetry and sweet letters tucked away that can attest to that—but right now? He has none. All he can do is kiss him, and hope that everything he wants to say comes through.
The gratitude. The awe. The agreement. Tim does matter, and he doesn’t have to do anything to earn it, because Jason loves him. And fuck—the reason Jason stayed, the reason he couldn’t just leave on his own was because with Tim…
Tim has always taken him as he is. He doesn’t ask Jason to be anything more than he is, and because of that… Jason wants to be. He feels like the best version of himself when they’re together, and to hear that he gives Tim that same feeling—
It’s everything.
Tim’s coffee grows cold. Breakfast burns.
Neither of them care.
[ fic writer ask game ]
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fckinwild-kiwi · 7 months
Dec. 8th: Weathering the Storm
Day 8: Lazy morning/Comforting them during a storm
I present to you…day eight of @comp-lady’s Domestic December writing challenge!
Warnings: Swearing, *slight, very slight, if you squint* Allusions to Smut (This is an 18+ blog, minors dni)   Word Counts: 2.3k+ Words Pairings: Steve Harrington x Reader
A/N: I was uninspired to write about a literal storm so I wrote about a small "storm" in the relationship, enjoy! :)
I had known Steve Harrington for years so I was no stranger to his parents' repulsive behavior and treatment towards him. That’s part of the reason we grew so close when we were younger, my parents saw that Steve needed to be cared for and they had enough love to go around. What they failed to see, and what I often had a front-row view of, was how much Steve still tried to make them proud. He just wanted them to see him for who he was. Even if he knew he would be left feeling like a hollowed-out shell of himself afterward.
The holidays always perked him up because he saw it as a chance to try with them again. I knew, after years of watching this happen, that I needed to be there to not only support his decision but be there to catch him if it all went south.
“Babe,” Steve yelled, I could hear him running up my driveway to the front door. I got up, walking to meet him at the door as I heard him continuing to yell my name.
“Hi handsome,” I said, smiling as I opened the door to greet his smiling face. “What’s got you in such a great mood today?”
“My parents are going to be home tonight, I thought it was the perfect time to introduce us as a couple to them!”
His usually cold exterior towards his parents had clearly been a front to help mask the pain and resentment he felt towards their treatment of him. I knew this but I also knew that if I could not be another person in his life that failed to support him. “Okay, baby,” I sighed, trying my best to put on a smile. I wanted to do everything in my power to make sure that this was going to be a good night for Steve. He would get the approval he was looking for and it might not be perfect but it would do.
“They wanted us to meet them at the country club tonight at 7, I figured I could come back around 6:40 to pick you up.”
“That sounds great, Stevie,” I said, stepping forward to wrap my arms around him. “I will be ready then. Shouldn’t you be at work by now?”
“Yes,” Steve said, I could hear him rolling his eyes as he spoke. “Robin is manning the fort so I could come talk to you.”
“Not that I don’t miss you when you’re not here, but you could have just called me,” I said, lifting my head off of his chest to look at him. 
“I wanted to see your pretty face for a minute.”
“Okay, you cheeseball, get back to work! Robin is probably going to make you repay her with a giant favor if you take too long.”
“Shit,” Steve grumbled, jumping to run back to his car. As he opened the door, he shouted out, “I love you!”
“Mom,” I called into the house, as I shut the front door. “I need to talk to you.”
My mom, sitting on the couch in the living room perked up. “What is it hon?”
“Steve is telling his parents that we are dating tonight, I don’t know what to do to ensure they don’t find a way to belittle him over us.”
“Oh hon,” My mom sighed, getting up off the couch and walking up towards me. “You can’t prevent their reactions. Be there for Steve regardless. He’s not trying to prove your worthiness, you know that. He’s looking for some validation and approval from them about his choices. They are going to react how they’re going to react, just be there to comfort Steve in whatever way they do.”
“I know,” I mumbled, looking at my feet. “I just want to protect him.” The boy had the biggest heart ever and it was not fair that his parents just ripped it to shreds whenever they decided to make an appearance.
“By supporting him, giving him the love he deserves, you are protecting him. You’re showing him that even if he doesn’t get the kind of love and support from everyone, he gets enough from you and his chosen family to fill the void.”
She was a smart woman, my mother. And of course, she was right. I gave her a quick hug, shaking the feeling of impending doom as I got to work ensuring that this night was going to go well, regardless of whether or not his parents helped with that. I drove to the grocery store, picking out flowers for both Steve and his mom (boys deserve flowers too!). 
“Eddie,” I said into my phone, as I was walking the aisles in the grocery store. “What are you doing right now?”
“Dustin and I are discussing new ideas for our next D&D campaign.” 
“So you’re not that busy, bring Dusty and come to the grocery store, please!” I quickly said before hanging up the phone, leaving him room to argue. About 10 minutes later, you heard the chatter of both boys as they entered the store.
“Y/n!” Dustin cheered, walking up to you. 
“Hi, Dusty! I’ve missed you guys!”
“Why did you want us to meet you here?” Eddie asked as he wrapped you in a hug.
“I need you to go buy me a bottle of Champagne. Steve is introducing me to his parents as his girlfriend tonight and, regardless of if it goes south or not, I want to prepare a nice moment for us afterward.”
“Oh shit,” Dustin said, his eyes widening. “Those assholes always ruin everything.”
“I know,” I grumbled. “I have the money, Eds. I need to buy the other things I found but grab whichever bottle you can get with the $10. Dusty, you can come with me while Eddie grabs that!”
“You just needed to use me for my legal age?” Eddie said, feigning anger, before breaking out in a giant grin. “That’s well done, sweetheart.”
“I know, now hurry up. I’m on a tight schedule here, sweetheart,” I mocked back. 
After purchasing the champagne, Eddie and Dustin helped me load everything into the car before wishing me a bit of good luck. With a few hours before Steve was to pick me up, it was time to get ready. I performed an everything shower, picked out a dress that I was sure his parents would approve of, put on my makeup, and quickly dried my hair giving it a blow-out look.
“Honey,” My mom called up the stairs. “Steve is here, looking handsome as ever.”
I ran down the stairs, the champagne securely in my bag and the flowers in my hands. “Baby,” Steve whispered, watching me as I came down the stairs. 
“Hi handsome,” I whispered back as I crossed the room to wrap him in a hug. “I got these for you.”
His lip wobbled as he took the flowers from me. “No one has ever gotten me flowers before.”
“And that’s a damn shame, I promise to get you as many flowers as you can hold,” I said, gently grabbing his face to place a kiss on his cheek. “We better get going so we are not late.”
We walked outside, hand in hand, as we walked towards the BMW. Steve opened my door, ever the gentleman, before getting into the driver’s side. The ride to the country club was quiet, I could see how nervous Steve was as he gripped the steering wheel with both hands. 
“Hey,” I said quietly, to not disturb the fragile state of the car. “Whatever happens tonight, I love you. You know that, right?”
“I know honey,” Steve said, his lips quirking upwards. “I love you too.”
After pulling into the parking spot, Steve opened my door and we walked into the club hand-in-hand. Spotting his parents quickly, we made our way over. As they spotted us, they both stood up. “Steven,” his mom said, breaking the silence. “It’s so great to see you.”
“Hi mom, dad,” Steve said, acknowledging both of his parents. “You remember Y/n? She is my girlfriend now.”
“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Harrington, it’s so nice to see you guys again,” I quickly said, noticing my queue from Steve to talk. Finally finding my words, I reached the flowers out towards his mom, “Mrs. Harrington, I brought these for you!”
“Thank you dear,” Mrs. Harrington said. “They are beautiful.”
“Yes, well why don’t we all sit down now,” Mr. Harrington said. “Are you still working at that video store, Steven?”
“Um, yes,” Steve said slowly, the conversation already turning in a negative direction. I placed my hand on his knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Steve took a deep breath before continuing before his dad, “I’ve been talking to Keith lately and he’s thinking about promoting me to Manager. It’s not what I want to do long-term but the pay will be better and it will give me a cushion me while I figure out what I want to do.” 
“Well,” His dad began, turning his nose up in the air. “You could just come to work with me-“
“He would be so unhappy, Mr. Harrington,” I interrupted, instantly noticing my mistake. “I’m sorry, it’s just Steve is incredibly talented and he should be able to do something that he finds fulfilling.”
“I think that’s a great point, sweetie,” Mrs. Harrington said, sensing the switch in attitudes.
“He’s wasting his time,” Mr. Harrington said, looking at Steve as he spoke. 
“Maybe that’s true,” I continued, my grip on Steve’s knee tightening as he placed his hand on top of mine. “Does not change the fact that this is his life and not yours. Support his decisions. If you do that, you’re going to quickly recognize how much your son has to offer.”
“Are you insinuating that I don’t support my son?”
“Dad-,” Steve began before he was interrupted. 
“No Steven, I am asking your girlfriend.”
“Mr. Harrington, with all due respect. Steve and I have been friends for years so I know you know my name,” I started, Steve looked at me with an unreadable expression. “I’m sorry if I’m overstepping, Stevie, but Mr. Harrington I am saying you don’t support him. If you did, you would understand that his ambitions are not the same as yours. But his ambitions are beautiful and he has the talent and drive to accomplish anything he wants to.”
“Y/n,” Mrs. Harrington said, placing her hand on the table as she reached for mine. “I love how much you care for our son-“
“No buts, John,” Mrs. Harrington said, interrupting her husband. “Steve you can do great things, we just want to see them happen.”
“They will, Mom,” Steve said, breathing out a sigh of relief. “I’m taking everything a step at a time. Just be patient with me.”
“You kids should go enjoy your night,” Mrs. Harrington said, smiling at us as I grabbed Steve’s hand in mine. 
“Thank you, Mom,” Steve said, standing up to hug his mom and shake his dad’s hand.
“It was lovely to see you again, Mrs. Harrington, Mr. Harrington,” I said, hugging his mom and shaking his dad’s hand as well. Steve grabbed my hand, staring at me the entire time I pulled him out of the country club restaurant. 
“What the fuck was that,” Steve questioned, giggling as we approached his car. 
“That was me, supporting and advocating for you,” I whispered, afraid he might be upset. 
“Thank you,” He whispered back, gently pushing me back so I was against his car. “That was both the hottest and nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“You’re not mad?” I asked, bringing my hands up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I was afraid I was overstepping.”
“No,” Steve grumbled, his lips ghosting over mine. “I’ve never felt so cared for. I felt like we were a team.”
“We are a team, baby,” I agreed, bringing our lips together. This kiss felt different, more electrically charged. Steve pressed his body against mine and for the first time in a while, I felt him, all of him.  “Stevie,” I moaned out, pulling him even closer.
“I love you, baby,” Steve mumbled as he continued kissing me but trailing the kisses down my neck. 
“I love you too,” I breathed out, my mind getting foggy before I remembered the rest of the surprise. “Steve, wait.”
“What’s wrong,” He said, instantly stopping and looking at me with fear in his eyes. “Did I do something?”
“No baby,” I responded, gently touching his face before placing a kiss on his cheek. “I just have one more surprise for you and I’m afraid if we continue I’ll forget.”
“Oh?” Steve questioned, raising his eyebrows. “For me?”
“Yes, for you,” I said laughing. “Get into the car, and drive towards Lover’s Lake, please.”
“You got it, my love,” Steve responded, quickly helping me into the car before he followed suit. Ten, short minutes, later we pulled into a spot at the infamous hook-up spot. 
“I wasn’t sure how tonight was going to go, good or bad, but I wanted you to know that I would be here to help you get through all of it,” I rambled, grabbing the champagne out of my bag and handing it to him. “I wanted to celebrate you, celebrate us.”
“It does not matter the storm, we will get through it together,” Steve agreed, grabbing the champagne from my hands before opening his door and getting out. He quickly came over to my side, helping me out before we sat on the hood of his car together. 
“Well, pretty boy,” I said, urging him to open the bottle. “Pop it!”
“To us!” He cheered, popping the cork off. 
“To weathering all the storms!” I cheered, leaning against Steve as he took a sip. 
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