#and tokkis too happy for me right now
solarwynd · 4 months
South Korea’s justice system so whack.
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iznsfw · 1 year
Hey Iz! Just would like to say that I love how you show Eunbi as softie in your fics which makes me go back to them every now and then. Hope you could do more of Subby Eunbi.
Maybe Wife Eunbi in the future perhaps?
IZ*ONE's Kwon Eunbi x Male Reader Smut
11,834 words
Categories | wife!Eunbi, fluff, fluffy-to-rough sex, dirty talk, spanking, (is it really IZ who's writing Eunbi if there isn't) daddy kink, praise/degradation kink, choking, squirting, BREEDING
Here you go, thank you so much for the feedback + kind words. Fulfilled this request not only because it was sitting in my inbox even before I announced commissions, but also because it's her 28th. Still a baby 😭
Oh, and also because I feel like shit after reading "Birthday Blues." It makes me cringe and I feel like I could write her better than that.
Happy birthday to the best tokki! To celebrate, take a shot everytime Eunbi says "daddy."
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You want to be anywhere but here. 
When will it all even end? It's nighttime but the evening doesn't even try to compensate for the heat in the morning. Where’s the departure of warmth? Where’s the cool breeze that could dull your aching bones? You're starting to believe that the world’s doing this on purpose.
If it explains anything, since your hatred for the sun is so solid: your job requires more than a degree and a calculating mind, so you're out in the fire of the large star for more than a few hours at a time with sweat pouring down on you more than the light is. You still have sunburns from the first time you underestimated it and went out without lotion. Oh, and from the time you overestimated it and still ended up with dark spotting your skin anyway.
It’s no different than what other employed people your age go through, but it remains… tiring. You get up before dawn even has a chance to call itself one and come home when the night’s on the brink of turning into day. The workload always renders you weak, when it's all physical rather than something you can get over with a keyboard, but you force a smile on your face. It'll all be worth it when you come home.
Click your phone on solely to see your wallpaper. It's her, of course, with your daughter in her arms. Yep, they're the ones you call the loves of your life. You simply can't wait to come home.
Well, coming home is a hell of its own, but it's the trip that makes it so. Often, there's the usual road rage from student drivers too inexperienced to be granted the right to let it out, and of course, traffic. 
That also renders you weak, if that’s anything that matters.
That's your current situation: stuck in a public bus in a concrete jungle ridden by vehicles. All the seats are filled with passengers of varying ages but the same exhaustion. That's the reason for your legs threatening to give up, and you wouldn't blame them. You barely had time to sit down for a break the whole day. Oftentimes, it results in your feet starting to quiver of their own accord, even when you lie down, as if still processing the strain it bore the whole day.
"Need a seat?" asks a man who's around the same age as you, but looks completely different. You wear a shirt stained with coffee and sweat; he’s dressed in a suit and pants. "Your legs are shaking."
At least, unlike the other men from offices you've met, he could read the room.
"Thanks," you say, smiling. You can't even muster politeness to refuse the offer when yes, your legs are shaking. Can't say "no, they just do that" or "ah, it's a talent." 
"No problem, man." He returns the smile. He gestures a brow to your phone, which you didn't even notice was still on. "Not to pry or anything, but—"
You know who he's referring to. Chuckle and nod. "Yep, my wife."
My wife. The words echo in your mouth long after leaving. Just two words bring so much happiness crashing into your heart.
"Could have figured." He leans against the pole. "You smiled like hell when you looked at her."
Did you? Most likely. Glancing at her still gives you butterflies in the stomach. Whether from afar, on a screen, or in person, the girl always has you in a chokehold. (Not that she could choke anyone with a heart and height like hers, but it counts metaphorically, for you're down bad. Down crazy for her.)
"Well, she makes my day.” Pause. “I love her."
"She must be a good wife, huh?"
Look down at her and now you're acutely aware of the big smile on your face. "The best,” you affirm. “Just the best.”
It takes hours for you to get through the traffic, and by the grace of god above, you're only going to bear the last of it now. Can't fall asleep—you're nearly there. Your subdivision is coming up to view. Nice place, really, rather nice for a first home, and—
There. You get off the bus and thank the man. You had a nice talk with him, and you hope to have more. He pats you on the shoulder and bids you goodbye.
Then, you thank the driver. He doesn't bother to say that you're welcome or anything. Can't be mad at that. You've all had a rough day.
The arc of your subdivision welcomes you to the aisles of houses lined up. You're home, but not quite. It takes walking to and opening the door of the house you've worked for and being engulfed in the arms of the woman you love to be truly home. It's cliché, you know, but it isn't anything far from the truth. 
Open the door to the world where you belong.
"I'm home," you say, because you are. This is home. You have coworkers and friends you love to hang out with, but nothing beats the comfort of being with your family. 
Gently close the entry to the doorway so as not to alarm your daughter and wife with the jingle of the mobile. Or worse, disturb their sleep. You don't expect them to be awake; it's barely two hours to midnight.
But still, there she is.
Kwon Eunbi, the woman you gave your last name and your love to. The ends of her long dark hair brush over the sweater she shares with you, or rather, has stolen with how many nights it hasn't been used by you. Her pretty little face shows exhaustion, but also a smile. Of course, it's that adorable grin you'll never get enough of.
Her steps pick up a faster speed as she rushes to you with light feet. Open your arms, and she fills them, fills them with her small body and fills the air with soft whines of complaint. They're complaints that say: where were you? Why were you gone so long? Please be here forever. Baby? Please. 
She really needed this hug from you, especially the lift. She needs someone to raise her up when she feels small. So, you sweep her off her feet.  Automatically, her legs join behind your waist. Heavy lifting at work has paid off—your arms barely struggle when you carry her, or maybe it's just Eunbi being as light as a feather as usual. 
Your heart aches at the hours she must have spent getting none of the help she needs from you. You nuzzle your nose to hers—if her whines speak of complaints, this act of yours tells her of your apologies.
"Hi there," you mumble through ruffles of her hair. She's still your baby girl after all this time.
"Hi," she says softly.
Press your lips to the crown of her head and pull her in tighter. "What are you doing up so late?" 
"Putting your kid to sleep," she replies. Eunbi juts both of her lips out. "She's such a brat these days."
"Got it from her mother," you reply testily, letting go and setting her on the ground to raise her chin anyway.
"Don't be mean. I had a terrible day. I missed you so bad."
You feel bad now for teasing her. While you have your share of trials, it's Eunbi who spends most of her time attending to your daughter. It's Eunbi who goes day after day helping you out with chores and paperwork with little complaint. You really should choose the right time and place for your banter.
"I'm sorry, pretty. How can I make it up to you?"
"Let's watch a movie," she says hopefully. Her thumbs create gentle patterns on the sides of your head. 
"A movie?"
"Yes. Just you and me."
That's how you end up on the sofa, with Netflix on and Eunbi with her head on your shoulder. Her thigh rests on yours, and if it weren't for her hair being the main focus of your fingers, you'd be caressing it. 
"You want some water? A snack?" She snuggles up to you, as if you were her favorite pillow. It's as on the nose as it gets; Eunbi loves being close to you, having your body on top of hers and just feeling your touch.
You shuffle through movie choices with the remote. The posters come up to view one by one with each click. What should you watch tonight? Nothing else than the usual, but you still have to check.
That one. You give her a question with a look though you know she'll nod. It's her favorite, too.
"You don't have to do that for me," you tell her. She really doesn't. You're satisfied having her in the crook of your arm, with one of her beautiful legs thrown over your thigh. "Just enjoy the movie. You worked hard today."
"But so did you."
"It's fine, Eunbi, I promise." 
Cup her jaw and squeeze those soft cheeks together. Her lips look particularly beautiful today. They're pouty, speaking wordlessly about something that's kind of like love. Love and other things. Love and things like virtues that you two aren't really required to follow when morality is common sense. Mostly. But Eunbi's a good person. A good wife. A good girl.
Lean in to kiss that flawless mouth. "Thank you for working hard."
"And thank you for coming home," she whispers quietly. Her gaze is soft. You could see your smile reflect in them.
It takes a strange soul, a soul that’s more than the right amount of grateful, to thank someone for being there. She says it everyday, a constant reminder of how loved you are. It’s weird to others to hear Eunbi say that while she sticks to your arm, but she’s your little oddity. She has been since the day you met her.
The film goes on and so does the familiar dialogue. You let out the occasional laugh—it’s still good with every watch. The characters say the same stuff, go through the same stuff, run through the same stuff yet you're on the edge of your seat. That's the thrill of rewatching favorite movies.
"You remember this one, babe?" Her pretty head angles, making her look more endearing. "I'll be so mad if you don't."
Her lips. Can't take your eyes off them. Brush your fingers on them, feeling their softness, and she giggles. "I do," you say truthfully, tipping her chin up, "but tell me anyway."
"Hmph. You just want me to tell you 'cause you forgot, right?"
"Please." Smile at her. "Pretty, why would I ever forget that night?"
She grins. It's maddening the way the ends of her lips tilt upwards to make her eyes small. All those flashy whites on display, she explains it to you.
"This was the movie we watched on our first date." She kisses your thumb that plays on her lip. Her eyes shine with the narration. "The Notebook."
That seems like so long ago, but it feels like just yesterday when you were nervously shuffling on your then sofa, with the most beautiful woman in the world right next to you. She was and still is so charming, those brows full and mouth always in a state of joy.
Rachel McAdams was your first crush, but Eunbi owns your heart. She has her position locked into the core of your chest for eternity. 
"Y-you asked me what my favorite movie was," Eunbi says softly, stroking the back of your hand, "and you bought me chocolate and popcorn so we could watch it together."
Yep. You were broke back in those days, but you were also very young—that only meant you fell easily for girls with a pretty smile and a soft heart. You hadn't tripped anymore since then. When you fell for her, Eunbi stood you back up and gave you that sweet little smile again, then told you there was no more falling from here on out.
That was why you made ends meet and bought the chocolate you always saw her eat before she took tests. You even talked a cinema worker into letting you get two large buckets of cheese-flavored popcorn for a crashed price, just the way she liked it.
If there was a will, as they said, there was a way.
Things changed since then. You now had the money to go by and support your wife and Yujin, but your heart kept its strings hooked on Eunbi. She had knotted them to her little finger and never left you once.
Remembering these makes you chuckle. "I was a loser, wasn't I?" It's no meaningless self-deprecation—your college student self was down bad for her in ways you can't begin to describe. "I acted so stupid in front of you all the time."
"But I haven't had a guy that willing to be mine."
"Damn. I really am the best, huh?" You stroke her hair. Direct her face to the television screen but she looks back up at you anyway, and when she does you notice her eyes are full with love.
"You are,” Eunbi whispers. She wraps her arms around your waist. "You are."
Your heart beats positively with feelings of wholesomeness for the girl you're so lucky to have. She's amazing, and you feel so fortunate to have someone who loves you the same way you love her.
"Did I mention you were so cute?" you say with a laugh. "You cried while watching it even though it was like the millionth time, and that's—"
"—how we first kissed," Eunbi finishes. She covers her face, humiliated by how she acted in those youthful memories that come back. "You kissed me because I couldn't stop sobbing."
"Even back then you were a crybaby, huh?"
She sulks. "You know me. I'm very emotional. I was so upset and then more upset that when you kissed me I was all puffy and sniffly and—"
"Shhh." You pull her closer and kiss her head. "It was the best kiss I've ever had."
Eunbi looks down with a smile. Content with that, nods understandingly. You resume toying with her locks of ebony while the movie goes on.
You're watching an old favorite, yes, the one that got you and Eunbi linked by hand and eventually ring. It's special to you, a foundation of some sorts. But by the unfocused serenity in her eyes, you can easily figure that Eunbi didn't ask to watch it just for the sake of it. She wants more than alone time.
She wants you.
Halfway through the movie, the look in her eyes is still there. Hence, stringing her hair in between your digits, you ask, softly, "You didn't really want to watch something, did you?"
Eunbi's cheeks flush. Looking down shyly, she shakes her head. "No," she says in a small voice. "I mean, I did! But it was supposed to be like buildup so it can lead to the actual… you know, but…"
You smile. God, she's adorable. You love it when she gets so small. It's an everyday look on her, but it remains as sweet as the first time you had the privilege to witness it.
You lift her up seamlessly and place her on your lap. Notice that the shorts she's wearing live up to their name with how they taper just barely at the beginnings of her soft thighs. They hide beneath the sweater that's twice her size, making her look cuter than she already is.
"Oh, Eunbi." Your hands hug her waist. It doesn't take much to figure out what she really wants. There's only one thing those watery eyes could possibly desire. "You could have just told me."
Eunbi realizes this and starts to whine again. "I'm sorry. I—"
"No, no." Your finger on her lips, you hush her before she could blame herself. "Don't be, understand? Just tell me what you want."
You want to hear her say it, to hear her tell you just how much she needs you. She looks at you nervously, and you rub down her thigh to encourage her. It's what the two of you are made for: to push and pull, go forward and take a step back. 
Eunbi stares at an odd spot on your shirt then sighs. "But you're so tired," she says wistfully.
"Listen: I never am for you. What is it?"
Silence full of hesitation and fear. 
Then, a revelation.
"I want you to fuck me, daddy."
She could have said that nickname alone and you would've known what she meant.
Eunbi's stomach presses against you. Each knee of hers is beside one of your respective hips. She's swallowing, clearly nervous, but continues closing herself to you. She finds comfort in the warmth of your body, and your encouraging timed squeezes on her waist.
Her breathing grows sporadic with every grope. She tenses up, too, and it's no use massaging her to help her loosen up when you swear to god she gets tighter each time.
"Daddy…" she moans, lip trapped under her teeth.
"Pretty?" You kiss the collarbone that peeks from the curved neckline of the sweater. "What is it?"
"Please, hold me. Take me to bed."
"Of course I will."
She whimpers when you take her into your arms and carry her again. Her little arms curl around your neck as you take her to your bedroom with the assurance that your daughter is asleep. Wouldn't want her to see how she was made.
You lay Eunbi on the bed. Kiss her. You're hung up on every aspect of her—her neck, her jaw, her collarbone. All those places deserve kissing since she's so perfect. Such a good girl, in every little way. 
But it's those lips that deserve yours. Her pink tiers are full and plump, and you dive into them gladly. Softness upon softness, you push her deeper into the soft resting place with how your lips ache to be engulfed with her. 
Eunbi closes her eyes. She's floating in the clouds. Your straying touch is too good, and your lips are more so. They know where to kiss so that she's giggling and squirming, know how to kiss so that her breath is gone. She's shuddering beneath you, and you have got to hold her steady as her soft whines fill your ears.
"You're so good, daddy," she gasps. "Oh, ohhh. So so good."
"You're better." 
Kissing Eunbi is always an ethereal experience. She's so eager and needy—she floats her back so her lips could clash deeper into hers and locks them so that they don't have anywhere else to go. Her hands are on the sides of your head, also locking it in place. You're going to be here forever, touching and feeling her.
You're okay with that.
"Not really," she says, shaking her head. She can't speak too well with your teeth nudging the skin of her neck. "Ah, I'm always so talkative and stuff and you have to listen. And you do, a-all the time."
"No no,” you tell her reassuringly. “I love hearing your voice, pretty. Mmm. Of course I would."
You're about to reach between her legs when you hear a soft bell sound come from your phone. Yujin's doctor? Your family? You don't know, but with the bell notification sound you reserved for messages from important people, it must be urgent. 
"Hold on." Stop and get up regretfully. Wipe your forehead of the sweat that accumulated from the heat of the moment. "I have to answer this."
"Awh." Eunbi isn't afraid to speak out her concern, even in a pouty little whine. 
"It'll be just a minute, I promise."
Ruffle her hair while checking your phone. Squint your eyes when you see that the notification is a text message from… Eunbi?
Open it. Then, your voice gets stuck halfway in your throat.
It's a video she sent. Just the thumbnail tells you this isn't just any video. The automatic run of the clip only proves that.
There, on your screen, Eunbi dances in your bathroom, a flimsy see-through cardigan stuck in a wet sheen on her body. The Burberry bikini stands out as it holds her heavy breasts. She's running her fingers down on her figure, eyes never disconnecting from the camera, as the spraying water runs down her legs.
The audio is a familiar sound to Eunbi. Deja vu connects two and two together, and soon her hands are on her face. Your smile extends to your ears.
"What's this, pretty?" You wrap an arm around her and guide her closer. Make her watch her sultry video. "Wanted to make daddy need you?"
"No… no, I'm sorry," she says meekly. Her eyes are all round and bright as they look up at you from behind curled fists. "I wanted to give you a gift, but then I thought it didn't go through since the internet got cut and—"
"You really thought to distract me at work? What if my coworkers see you on my phone putting on a show for me?"
"Daddy, I'm sorry." 
Your next command is blunt, almost intimidating: "On my lap. Bent over. Now."
It's supposed to be a punishment, but Eunbi's face lights up. She nods and does as she's told: she folds that amazing body on your thighs like it always does at your beck and call. Lift the ends of the sweatshirt so that her lower body is revealed to you. Her pretty backside is subjected to firm squeezes.
"Wanted this for so long, right, Eunbi?" 
You know her. You know she's been sexually frustrated all these weeks. You have been, too, but all these change today. You're actually going to work something out. 
The calm before the storm: your meaningful gropes on her supple ass cheeks. Fuck, no panties. Eunbi's just been waiting for it to happen all day, the naughty girl. She's looking back at you in anticipation as if this were something other than a punishment. 
"You waited, didn’t you? You wanted daddy to bend you over his lap and hit this perfect ass. I know you do." Your touch makes its rounds on her. "You're so fucking wet, too."
She nods. God, yes. She's been wanting this for so long. Working and caring for your daughter has held her up and left her deprived of your touch. You send shivers on her skin that's grown sensitive after weeks of no stimulation.
Then, it happens.
You raise your hand as high as it could reach, then throw it at the swells of her ass. Her cheeks bounce, a mesmerizing sight.
"Mmm, daddy," your wife purrs. Her backside blooms with red at your smacks. "That… that feels so good. Really good."
"You're a freak," you chuckle. Don't stop, though. Spank her again as hard as you could; she tosses her head back.
"Of course. O-oh my god." Her eyes float shut. "Fuck, yes, daddy. I'm so wet, I need you so bad."
"Do you now?"
"Yes. I want it, please."
"We’ll see. You wanna say you're sorry?"
"Sorry," Eunbi whispers, muffling her face into the mattress. Maybe she is. "Hnn. Sorry. Sorry."
"I bet you are. Count."
As time goes by, your blows on her ass grow harsher and she barely gets the numbers out of her mouth. You have a feeling she'll lose count along the way. She does. Of course. You've been with her long enough to know how she works, how she unravels.
For example: this spank guarantees sticky wetness on your fingertips. 
It does.
Second: if you grope her tits right here, right where they rest above your thighs, she'll moan louder.
She does.
Third: if you tease your finger on her pussy, slightly rubbing her clit, she'll scream.
"Daddy!" Eunbi sobs, rutting on your lap. "Fuck, fuck, why does it have to hurt so good? Daddy—"
"I said count, pretty," you reprimand her. As much as you love to hear how desperate she gets for you, the rules are clear. 
"God, please…"
"I know I fuck your brains out until you can't think, but I promise you I'm not the almighty."
"So mean. So full of yourself. H-hnn—!" Eunbi retracts her ass from your hand once you deliver what would have been the final scolding slap if she weren't acting up. "Daddy, please don't stop."
She should be hating the idea of this when it's supposed to be a punishment. She should be quivering under your hand, promising to be a good girl, your good girl. Instead, she's sobbing, begging for more like the pain it brings is essential for her to breathe. Like if you don't slap and smack her rippling ass, she'd go weak.
She's weak with or without. Real tears leak from her eyes and her whines have reached the maximum point of need. You can feel her wetness on your lap. 
"Count," you sneer. "From the top. I'll only ask again."
"Sorry. Hah. One."
"Bet you love this, don't you?" Slap her butt so it bounces in response. "Your cheeks are all sore and red for daddy now. But you want more. Why do you think you want more?"
She grows delightfully wetter. Your fingers stick with her juices.
"Oh," she whines, shutting her eyes. "Two."
"I think I know why. You're weak for anything daddy does to you. I could fuck you on the desk, fuck you in the waiting room at Yujin's school, and you'd be such a good girl. You'd be bending over letting me do it. Am I right, Eunbi? I think I am."
A waterfall starts from between Eunbi's legs at your words. She wants you to use her, to know that everything you said is right. She is a sucker for every little thing you want to do to her. 
She has to take a breather before saying, "Three."
"I think I know something else, too: you just want to be daddy's pretty little girl. It's all you ever want that you'd let me kiss and fuck you dusk to dawn. You'd even let me smack your ass all day and make you weak at the knees. It would be a shame if you came just from this spanking. But I know you will."
She clenches yet she can't fight off your harsh blows and firm squeezes. She can't count that many! Her poor butt is red and aching. Stopping is not an option though, not when she's looking at you with watery bunny eyes full of want and denial.
"Aww, princess, gonna cum? You look so close. You're shaking so much. Are you gonna cry? Cry because you want to cum so bad? Then do it, Eunbi. Cum all over me."
She shakes her head. "W-won't, cum…" She purses her lips and squeals, trying to fight off what's already in store for her. "Won't… cum, da– daddy!"
It's the way she screams your name for help even if you're the one hitting her; the way she wails in your lap and remains there in spite of the spanks that follow each other at the heel; the way she screams out for you and a god that would have disapproved of what you two were doing. Eunbi kicks and struggles and spasms, actions ridden with tears. It's what drives your slaps to unfurl with a fury that you'd never dare do unto her if this setting were any different.
"Daddy, daddy! Ohh shit, please—"
Stuff your fingers into her small mouth and smack her rapidly. She screams and cries, clinging onto the last bits of sanity. You're too harsh with her. Shouldn't daddies be taking care of their baby girls? So why are you so mean?
And why is she loving it? 
"Oh no." Palm her ass. Gently squeeze its round globes then kiss her neck. "My poor, pretty little thing. Who did this to you? Who made you so wet and needy?"
It's the mixture of mockingness and concern that has Eunbi trembling on your lap. You could be so kind yet so cruel to her. Seeking solace in the gentle circles your hand makes, she whimpers out, "You, daddy."
"That's right." Nudge your erection to her mound. "And who's making me this hard?"
"Me." As she says it, her ears turn pink. You've praised her so many times and still her face grows warm with self-consciousness.
"Of course. You're too fucking pretty. Want to sit on daddy's lap?"
"Yessss, please." 
Eunbi wipes the tears from her eyes. Her legs are liquid, and you're required to help balance her when she stands up to sit down anyway on your legs anyway. 
She curls her legs into your lap and raises her fingers to her lips. You're rubbing her arm and telling her you're here, yet another truth. You'll always be here for her, even when you get rough with her. Don't mistake it all for merely lust.
This is what home feels like. 
Rock her for a while. Let her breathe. Carefully brush away a stray tear and kiss the place it used to reside. 
"I love you," you tell her. "I love you to death."
"I love you, too, daddy," she whispers. "My daddy."
She's trembling. You furl her into your arms more tightly and press your mouth to her hair. She pushes herself deeper into your touch appreciatively. 
With her hands returned on her lap like the good girl you made her and eyes tearful, she looks so cute. She looks like the girl who's exactly the type to get on your thigh and let you do whatever you want to her, and it couldn't be more accurate. She's perfect.
"Pretty girl, pretty girl. Eyes up here."
Eunbi's sniffling quietly, and you run your hand up and down her back to calm her sobs.  She redirects her focus. She's obedient now, following all the rules. 
You ask, gently, "Need to breathe?" 
"I'm okay, daddy," she says. She leans against your chest. "Thank you."
You nod. That's your go signal. Your green light.
So, your touch traces from her shoulders to under that big sweatshirt. Right there between those fantastic legs. The spanking left her weak and wet. Just a few rubs make you hear the slick sounds.
You feel her then, right there on her drenched core. She tenses up again. Her legs close yet you part them to gently, gently tease her nub. It only goes up and down like that but she's already quivering again.
That draws a gasp out of her. She looks at you, swallows, then closes her eyes tightly as you continue. Only soft whimpers squeeze past her lips. She's taking it all with such resilience that you're actually amazed. 
"That's it. So pretty and good for me. Maybe I should reward that, don't you think?"
Eyes still closed, she nods. Excellent. Test her limits with poking a single finger into her waiting pussy. 
That's how her eyes end up fluttering open. You finger her fast and hard, making the poor girl have to go through another bout of harshness. She's enjoying it in spite of it all; her pretty pussy just clenches perfectly around you, ever so wet. 
"Daddy." She says this with urgent breaths. "Daddy? Need you." Then her voice gets higher. "Daddy, please—p-please—"
"I'm here, hon," you say, reassuring her as you toy with her cunt. Her legs shake, but you carry on. "What does Eunbi want me to do?"
You're blocking her thoughts from forming. She lifts herself up and grinds blindly, but she knows she has to answer. She knows she has to tell you something, because that's what good girls do, right? And Eunbi's exactly that: your good girl. Your good, sweet little girl.
Oh, but she can't, she can't. She can't answer it when your fingers are all the way inside her, constantly shoving and pulling strings of moistness out of her. She turns to you and opens her mouth, but she never gets to say anything. 
It continues like this for lengthened moments, with Eunbi barely holding on and squirming on top of you, and your fingers neatly sheathing and unsheathing from her pussy. Her vulnerable expressions show that she can't talk or act properly—all she can do is moan and squeal and beg. 
It isn't a fair game. Recognizing this, you kiss the side of her head and propose, "Let's make this easier, pretty." 
And you make it anything but. You spread her legs and press her back snug to your arm. From there, you keep fingering her. Aim to ruin all the resistance in her pussy. Impossible; she's too damned tight. 
"Where would you like me to touch you?" you ask. "Your tits?"
Reach up under her clothes to feel her up. Squeeze her breasts. She squeezes up once more and sobs a little. The breaths leave her nostrils sharply when you start to grope her. 
"Mmm." Eunbi nods, but still looks unsure.
"Your thighs?"
Rub them down. They're always so meaty and soft. She purses her lips and nods at that, too.
"Or your ass?" you ask with a wicked grin.
Take one finger out of her and instead lead it to her asshole. Tap it teasingly. She scurries her butt into your hands.
"It could be anywhere, Eunbi. Just tell me."
Eunbi nods. But she needs to enjoy this for now. She lets you fuck her with your digits before settling for a decision. 
She touches your mouth with a quivering finger. "I need your mouth on my pussy, daddy," she says. "Please? I'll be careful not to hurt you, I promise."
You stop fingerfucking her. Place her gently beside you. Then, you move upwards before staying right below the headboard of your bed. Your back is flat on the mattress.
"No need to be careful," you tell her. She could break your neck and you wouldn't care. "Just come here and sit on my face."
Your blunt words make her blush. But she crawls up and spreads her legs. You're there to appreciate her beautiful legs and her shaven, pink little pussy. She looks down at you with concern, but you tap her thigh reassuringly. 
Convinced, Eunbi places herself gingerly on your mouth. The first contact is effective in breaking her again for she lets out a vulnerable little moan and raises her hips again, only to sit back down on you.
As expected, Eunbi tastes like everything sweet, everything beautiful. You slide your tongue up and down between her pussy lips, then flick it on her clit. She cries out, her hands instinctively going for your hair. But she remembers her promise to be careful. She's forced to have to bite on the back of her hand.
You make it more difficult for her. You love keeping her on her toes. Rest your hands on her thighs—her thick, full thighs—and pull her down. You don't care if she'll suffocate you; you'd give anything to have her reeling and crying. Her legs squeezing your head is your reward for eating her out so well.
"Daddy," she hiccups. She seals herself on your head and freezes due to the pleasure. "Feels so good, keep doing that, please."
How could you deny her of anything? She tastes so sweet and whines so prettily that you have no other path to go down than the way to eating her pussy harder. 
Kiss her labia lovingly, a teaser for the main thing, which is slipping your tongue all the way into her tight hole and circling it inside her. Waste no time in licking up and down, appreciating her folds. 
Her body barely weighs down on you. She remains afraid of hurting you, and you have to grip her hips to keep her down. Soon, it becomes a game of lifting and chasing, as if her cunt were a distant dream you only wish to attain.
You're determined though. Too determined for a dreamer. Your hands caress her fit ass to ease the pain your spanks induced and you reach deep inside her to trigger more juices into your mouth.
"Please, please, please—" Eunbi's voice cracks and she buries her face in her hands. She doesn't even know what she's begging for now. All her thoughts have vanished. You're dumbing her down into a shaky, squirting mess who needs only her daddy's mouth.
She's carefully grinding down on you, keeping herself slightly aloft so as not to crush you. But you insist on the opposite; you tug her down and seize her clit between your lips. Start to suck, hard.
She's not so careful anymore. 
"Daddy!" Her pussy crashes down on your face and begs for more of you, begging you to draw her needs beneath and fulfill it. 
Of course, you give in. You torture her clit with sucks that transcend control, keeping it latched tight between your lips, and grab your wife's hips to scurry her downwards. She can't go anywhere now.
"Oh—oh no, daddy," she gasps, her fingers curling around the headboard like ribbons, "don't do that! Don't do that, I'll cum!"
That's exactly your intention. Pulling down her thick thighs so that her pussy covers your face, you let your tongue dance and glide everywhere on her eager little core. Eunbi screams. Tears pour down her face as her juices spill down on you. You lap her nectar up the best you can, but some still slide on your chin, as well as the sides of your face. You make up for the lost drops and instead go for those that are dripping directly from her cunt—yes, this will make you a god. Feels accurate when you’re already in paradise with Eunbi’s legs around you and her screams filling your ears like prayer.
"Daddy, slow down a little!" Eunbi yells. Her thighs crush your head while her hips cringe to and fro. She purses her lips before letting out a feral cry. "Daddy!"
You follow up with a few last licks at her sensitive clit. Eunbi's out of breath, but you're not, despite being held captive by her thighs just a few seconds prior. That's why your lips still find her pussy, bringing it to complete weakness, cornering its sensitivity and preying on it. Eunbi sobs, wrists on her face, as you continue violating her pussy. You're never leaving it unattended.
"Daddy," she says tiredly. "Oh, daddy, too much, daddy—"
The natural flood of her orgasm overflows. You tap on her thigh encouragingly and open your mouth to taste her. "Yes, yes, that’s it, you’re so fucking delicious. Daddy loves when you cum on his face. Come on, baby, come on, my good girl."
Eunbi's legs give out. She moves away from your head in order not to hurt you and collapses on your bed. Her whole body is aquiver.
"Daddy," she calls out for you. "Daddy, please."
"You're alright, baby," then trail your thumb along her chin and jaw; guide her with demonstrations and soft words, "take a deep breath." 
The overstimulated girl quivers and mewls. 
"You're alright," you say. Kiss that forehead that's recently been covered with a cute fringe, and then kiss her mouth. "My pretty girl's alright. Daddy loves you."
It's a reminder that you'll make again and again without getting tired. Eunbi's so lovely that you want to make her know she's safe with you, that she's loved.
Her reply is expected but relieves you anyway. "I love you, too, daddy." 
Her breath catches as you kiss her. It's messy, torrid, too, when her hands hook into your head with a touch that's weak yet worshipful. 
“Mmm, my daddy, my only daddy.” She kisses you sloppily, almost drunkenly. One thing leads to another, and your hands are on her hips to lead her on your lap again. Her breathy bedroom voice turns you on so much. “I love you. Daddy, I love you so much.”
"Just wanted to taste yourself on my lips, didn’t you?” you ask. You see right through her.
She blushes. There's your answer.
“No problem with that. You taste delicious. Here.” 
Swiping up a line of slick from her delicate pussy, you guide your slick fingers into her mouth. She latches onto them and holds your wrist in place as her sweet mouth seeks to taste everything. 
"Thank you," she murmurs. "Love you. So good to me."
This is what paradise is. Eunbi's broken words spill from the sides of her mouth while she licks her cum off your fingers. Her eyes are closed, deep in worship for you. What a worst time to be religious. After having just spanked her and eaten her delicious pussy, she has no place to be saintly. Sacrilege at best. 
But you let her, since she's so good. Such a good girl for you.
"You’re good to me, too, pretty." The nickname has not once left your mouth with how it fits her so much. The bangs she sports and those naturally full, pouty lips make her the most beautiful woman in the world. "Since you're such a thankful princess, you deserve to cum again. You want to cum again?"
"Really? Daddy? Daddy, you'll let me cum again?" 
"You don't want to?"
"No, no, I want. I want it." Eunbi nods her head and looks up at you with desperation. "Make me cum again."
"So demanding," you reprimand her. "Guess you don't want me to go through and worship these?" 
Reach up behind her and touch her right where everyone expects you to: her large, round tits. They're what everybody looks at, and it honestly makes you feel a little possessive. But you always are reminded of how right they could be. They look so full even behind thick fabric.
"Daddy!" They're also where she's most sensitive. She lets out tiny squeals all while you're having your wicked way pinching the pink tips.
"Ohh, you like that, huh?" You squeeze; she locks her legs together and whines. "Makes you want to scream for me? Scream and yell like a needy little girl?"
You know how this goes. Given the sensitivity on her breasts, she'll whine out and beg more than she would if you touched her anywhere else. She'll probably even cum on the spot like she did when you spanked her. There's a common factor here, you think. Gotta place what that is.
Eunbi's eyes water and she says, "Daddy, please. I need you, don't be mean to me."
Found it. It’s you. Not to be narcissistic and everything, but it’s definitely you.
"Alright. Take your clothes off. Want to see how pretty you look under all of them."
She lifts her shirt up. Your mouth waters. Each bit of her perfect, curvy body is uncurtained—the flat of her tummy, the curves of her hips, the undersides of her breasts. Then her breasts themselves. The deep cleavage has your eyes coming out of their sockets, along with the massive recoil they do as they're released from the hem.
Her hair is messier now. The neckline and fabric did a number on them. The fringes are all over the place. 
Laugh fondly. Meanwhile, you straighten her bangs. "You alright there, pretty?" you say. 
"Mhm," she hums, giggling, too, albeit shyly. Then her eyes turn needy, their glimmer unmistakeable. "Please?"
You push her down gently on the pillows, pinning her back to the blankets. Her long hair is in a disarray behind her as you kiss her body. The flat of her tummy tenses when you press your lips there. What really gets her moaning, however, is your mouth on her tits. Her beautiful, perfect tits.
Press them together with a hard squeeze. Run your tongue on one of the hard nipples. She sharply gasps, looking down at your sinful little doings. You gaze back up at her with unwavering eye contact as you suck on her nipple as you did to her clit.
Same effect. She's whining again. 
"Daddy, daddy, daddy—" 
You've lost count of the many times she's said that. 
You don't mind adding a lot more to the list.
"What is it, baby?" 
Eunbi makes her desires known through bated breaths and little moans. "Now,” she says. “Inside me. Please."
It takes no time taking your pants and briefs off. It is painful, though; your cock is a rod solid and lengthy for the idea of fucking your wife after all those weeks of being held back. Her naked body waiting for you just tempts you even more. Her legs are spread, her face radiates need, and her pussy is dripping wet. You know she wants you the same way you want her.
So why hold back?
You can’t hold back your feral pump nor your groan either. Slipping inside Eunbi’s warm, drenched pussy is like reminiscing a wild memory. Her grip brings you back to all the times you’ve made love to her, right on this bed, until she curled up and begged you to go faster. It makes you promise to give it to her this time hard and fast, the way you know she likes it.
Give her every inch, then take them back. Give them again. Withdraw. You choose this cycle and Eunbi couldn’t love it more. You have to battle with the tightness her pussy inflicts all the time, and it’s both a pro and a con with how it hugs your length and caresses it with the texture of her walls while refusing to let you in. You can see Eunbi’s face twist as she tries to relax, but each part of you that she’s fed, she ends up tightening and moaning again.
“You’re fucking me s-so well,” says Eunbi strainedly. Her fingers sink into the sheets as she trembles with your unforgiving thrusts. “I missed this so much.”
You did, too. You missed controlling Eunbi sexually, having her weak and on her knees. You missed the comfort of her warm little hole that’s always skilled in its job of milking you dry. It’s still strong and exceptional in its talent.
Eunbi’s noises are loud and unbridled. She always drones on and on, something that makes her cuter than she already is, and there’s no difference in the bedroom. She moans and talks about how amazing it feels, how you’re penetrating her perfectly. And all the same, you love hearing her.
“So fucking tight,” you say. You just have to drive your hips upwards, to send her rocking to and fro. “Take it all, okay? I know my pretty girl can do it. She’s the perfect thing for daddy’s cock, isn’t that right?”
Eunbi’s ears grow pink. She nods, because that's another thing that’s true. She is your perfect girl, your only girl you’d take at night. Your husky words of praise go at odds with how you’re fucking her, with her ass up in the air and her legs in your hard touch, but it turns her on so much that she’s willing to do anything—anything for you to go on and have your way with her.
And have your way with her you do. You push yourself past her pussy lips and let them hug the sides of your length after you fill her up entirely. Her cunt pulsates, and it drives you to drop the whole of your hips in between her legs, flicking past her G-spot.
“M-mmm!” Even with just a hum, Eunbi stutters. Your hands on her tits kneading and tightening make her lose all common sense. Coupled with your cock ruining her insides, she can’t think straight. 
She doesn’t have to when you’re here to catch her. You’ll think for her so she’s allowed to lie back. Right now, you’re thinking of completely ruining her.
“Oh, oh my god, daddy,” she says the moment you thrust up into her with more precise strokes. She looks down at your cock swiftly drilling her. "That's—so—ffffuck!"
Eunbi begins to curl up, the heat overtaking her, but you spread her legs. Force her to take you by stuffing her cunt even more. Her tightness grows and soon she's yelling, almost in an episode of frenzy. 
You're humping her like you need it as much as you would water and food, without care for how much you're digging her into the blankets or how much she screams. There's only one thing you want and that is to be buried all the time in her sweet little pussy. You can tell that it's what she wants, too—her hips gyrate, weak yet determined, and she's filling the room with her screams.
"Yes, yes, yes." She places a hand over the back of your own that's on her breast. "Fuck me, hurt me, d-do whatever you want with me, I'm just your pretty girl—daddy, don't stop, please!"
To hear her talk about herself so lewdly and feed your mind with the idea that you could do anything to her makes you force your groin up and slam her legs on your shoulders. Fight against the resistance of her pussy, slap her bouncing thighs, push only forward to fill her up.
"I promise, Eunbi, I'm not stopping," you say, a new oath made. You lean in darkly and stare right into her eyes. They're that of a prey's; she had nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. "I'm gonna fuck you until you're squirting and crying, and I know that's what you want, right? To have daddy make you cum like he always does?"
"Yes, faster, please!"
"Fuck." You pause, and before she could complain, you place a hand on her throat and push her down. "Then you're gonna fucking get it."
She's talked to you about this before. She's proposed to have you pin her down and choke her, shyly saying it with a cutesy plea to her words, but you always refused. You didn't want to go too far. Now, however, you give her what she wants: 
Close your hand around her neck. The look on her face is immaculate—her eyes are wide with both bliss and thrill, and her mouth is open. For the first time, she doesn't make any noise. She's letting it all out in a silent, withheld scream. 
Squeeze. She gasps. There's a river of wetness inside her; it flows freely and limitlessly, pouring onto your shaft and the sheets. 
"God, pretty," you say lowly. "Your pussy gets so tight when I choke you. Like you want me to keep choking you until you beg and beg. What's with that now? I thought you wanted me to be gentle."
Your hips don't stop; they're almost invincible. They don't tire of pistoning in between her legs. And Eunbi doesn't get tired of squeezing, of crying. Her whole body's in desperate heat, and you're the bad predator giving in to it. You’re using her, violating her—and she’s sprawled out taking it all, loving each second of it.
You firmly pinch her nipple. Her frozen, desperate look is broken with her loud scream. Its volume is tightened when you curl your fingers harder into the flesh of her neck. That's the neck you've kissed before, when she wanted to make love and when she needed a hug—it's so out of character for you to suddenly be using it in depriving her of a breath she so desperately needs.
“What? Can’t speak?” you say. Words say themselves without your mind registering them first. Even so, Eunbi clings to each and uses them to roll her core harder into your erection. “Is daddy choking you too hard? You’re so fucking wet from me doing it, pretty. I should do this more to you. I’d fucking keep you here and choke the hell out of you.”
Oh, the fantasy is tempting. You imagine calling a day off from work, as hard as it is to register for one, and using it to fuck your wife in all the corners of the house. With Yujin at school and the schedule empty, you could fill her pussy with cum and have her bent in all the best positions, each done with your hand on her throat. By the helpless look on her face, you know she loves the idea, too.
“Yes, daddy!” she screams. Those are your words of affirmation. Her gasps for air leave her more often, yet you keep your hand pinned to the base of her neck. “More, I need more, please give me more!”
“Look at you. You’re crying so hard. I can feel your throat pulse. You need to breathe so bad. But you want daddy’s cock more. What should I give to you then, huh, baby?”
“M-make me cum! Make me cum instead, daddy, I don’t need anything else!”
You could do that. It’ll happen anyway. She’s far too tight for one person to handle, backfiring on her so much that it drags her closer to the edge. And you’re pushing her with each thrust, with no offer of rescue.
“Such a spoiled little girl,” you tut, leaning in to bite her ear, “but so fucking pretty.”
Pretty girls like her, no matter what they do, deserve to cum. Swing yourself deep in between the hanging pillars of her legs and cum she does. Mouth open and on the cliffs of desperation and submissiveness, she lets out a squeezed scream. Her fist is firm on your wrist, making sure it doesn’t leave her throat as the thrill of the danger makes her cum harder than she thought she would.
Finally, your hand loosens. She gasps. Her wonderful chest rises and falls, air finally entering her lungs. Her head feels light; it’s the most gratifying experience she’s had in a while. 
It’s the same for you. Maybe the sexual frustration that accumulated over the weeks was a good thing. You let it all out on her and now you’re throbbing.
“Daddy?” She’s a survivor of a storm who just emerged from the flood of lust.
“Yeah?” You soothe her, like you always do whether after sex or when she’s overwhelmed. “You want anything?”
“Think… you need to look at the time.”
“Let me run you a bath first, please, baby?” You lean down and kiss her forehead, rubbing the space on her chest where her heart beats fastly. It worries you, and for a moment you wonder if you should ever do this again. She’s catching her breath and failing. “You’re so worn out.”
“No, daddy, listen to me, please?” She closes her eyes to collect her composure that was lost after and while you fucked her.. “Look at the time.”
“It’s…” You steal a look at the digital clock sitting on your bedside table. It’s sometime after twelve midnight. “Midnight.”
“And you, haah, know what that means, right? Right?”
It hits you. The knowledge infiltrates your brain and suddenly all lust is gone. Your heart’s only filled with feelings of affection for the girl you’re incredibly lucky to share your love and home with. You welcome her into the depths of your embrace.
“It’s the twenty-seventh,” you murmur. “Your birthday.”
Your own heart starts to beat faster at the thought. Eunbi’s just spent another year with you, another year with Yujin. Your family grows everyday with love, and it brings you more satisfaction than your job could.
You look at Eunbi. Observe her sharp nose, beautiful hair, and lips that are always calling out for you. You realize in that moment that you can’t be more grateful that she’s the girl you married. There are plenty of girls out there who might have wanted you, but your heart doesn’t belong to them. It belongs to her, your wife. Your princess.
“Happy birthday.” Stroke her hair and gently tuck it behind a red ear. “Baby girl, I’m so grateful to have you, you know?”
She flushes. Eunbi loves that you’re always there to tell her she means something. “Thank you.”
You ought to do something special for her. She works so hard and loves so hard that it’s only right that her birthday is special. But your ideas are simple, and you decide to just let her choose. Anything she wants, you’ll give.
“What do you want us to do today?”
Eunbi takes a moment to inhale, then opens her eyes. She’s never looked more sure. Though her voice is weak, it holds conviction.
“I want us to stay here in this bedroom, daddy.” She clasps your hand and places it from her face to her pussy. “I want you to fuck me harder. I want you to do it until I can’t feel my legs.”
Your eyes widen. She’s never been this upfront. It’s rare to see that firm look in her irises.
“Then…” Eunbi pauses although she knows what to say next. She knows what she wants from you. “I want you to breed me, daddy.”
The silence from your end is lined with shock. You can’t say anything—your words are lost in the ends of your mouth due to the feeling of Eunbi’s slick, hot pussy under your touch. She’s as wet as she was before. She obviously wants more.
“You didn’t cum yet,” she explains. She grinds your fingers on her lacy, wet core, and whimpers at how hot it feels post-orgasm. “So when you do, I want it all here. Right here. It’ll fill me up so much that I might get pregnant.”
It’s been a while since you released inside Eunbi. You’ve always taken special care to practice safe sex, even unprotected. You’ve let her swallow your cum instead or unloaded into a rolled condom. Now, the offer she’s making—of bearing you another child, of letting you give her another little joy to take care of—has you speechless. Would she really let you?
“You’ll do it for me, right?” Eunbi rolls on top of you, her amazing body pressed to your skin. Although she’s above you, she couldn’t be more of a submissive, needy girl. Each limb of hers strains to be touched and controlled. There’s a reason she wants you as her birthday present. “You’ll pound me full of cum and drill it all into my womb, all so I could be your pregnant birthday girl?”
“Pretty…” you say, not knowing what else to tell her. Hesitation curls around your mind and body. You’re not totally convinced she’s sure about this.
Her large eyes are wanton with lust and her lower lip’s sealed beneath those teeth. She nods, happy that you finally responded. 
“Yes, yes, that. You always call me pretty, daddy, and… I really like it. But can you imagine how much prettier I could be if you gave me your baby? My tits would look even bigger, and they’d be so sensitive that if you sucked them, I’d cum on your lap instantly.”
How do you breathe again?
“And when people ask me about us, I’ll be the good wife at your side, standing there and saying I’m just so happy to have my daddy’s baby.”
The thought of Eunbi shaking as you overstimulated her by just playing with her nipples makes you warm on the inside and out. Additionally, that image she painted of herself: the silent girl, the pretty wife beside you who’s full with a baby and wearing a smile so innocent it deceives people of what she wanted today—it makes you feral. Not even warm or hot, just the pure carnal desire to knock her up.
“And you know what else, daddy?”
“W-what?” Now you’re the one who feels like they were just left in a chokehold minutes ago. Your mind just runs with ideas of fucking her senseless.
“They’re going to think we planned it all along. But no; what they don’t know is that it was by chance. That Eunbi asked for it suddenly, and you gave in. You gave her creampie after cream—”
Well, you could say that you’re easily convinced.
Eunbi’s prone when you switch positions, quickly taking back your lost power and pinning her back down. You press her legs together and push them down; she peeks from behind them, thrilled to see what you would do after she successfully riled you up. Obviously, you don’t give it to her just yet; you set your cock on her splayed pussy lips and start to grind down on her. 
“Thirsty brat,” you tell her. You tighten your squeeze on her ankles so she remains still while you hump her, but never really giving her the real thing. Groan; even without penetrating her, she feels wet and hot. “When did pretty become such a bad girl?”
Her clit throbs and you do, too. Why are you lying to yourself and acting like you don’t want to dick her down? 
“Bred, bred, bred. Need to be bred.” Eunbi’s lower body rolls. She’s panting. “Need to feel your big cock inside me.”
Fuck, you’re gonna give in anyway. You say: “What’s the magic word?” 
Eunbi swallows. You think you’ve seen that before. She was underneath you that time, too. “Please, daddy.”
The magic word is “please,” but if she says your favorite name with that, there’s a hundred percent chance she’ll get what she wants. She increases the chances with her downturned little mouth and her hands folded together. You don’t know if you should cuddle or fuck her. That’s your daily dilemma with Kwon Eunbi.
“Ahhh, so big!” 
Her shout of pleasure is instant, and it continues with the rhythm of your pumps. You don’t bother creating a buildup—it’s her birthday; she’ll get what she wants. And you know that Eunbi likes it rough and hard. Don’t mind the bruises and spots of red on her skin and ass; it’s what she craves more than anything.
You do, too. But this experience is more gratifying because you actually get to stay inside her hole when you cum. Your seed would go straight to her womb, and everyone would know that it’s you who made her pregnant. Moan at that concept which gives strength to your muscles to keep pushing, keep thrusting, keep bringing you to orgasm so your wife, who you’d do anything for, would get what she wants.
You make sure each thrust you inflict on Eunbi’s fertile body hits her cervix, a prophecy of what’s to come. She groans helplessly—her knuckles turn white as they grip the fabric beneath her that’s sure to be stained with both of your juices. Who cares, though? It would be a constant reminder of the night you made Eunbi’s birthday wish come true. It would be a memory of what brought your future child into the world.
“I want it deep, daddy!” gasps Eunbi. “So deep that I can’t feel anything, daddy, harder, please!”
She knows the power in her begging and how easily you fold for a girl like her. You’d give her another spanking for that, but you give her a punishment she benefits from anyway: rougher thrusts that slap your balls to her spanked ass.
But she’s the birthday girl. So you fulfill her desire and drive yourself into her core until your balls aren’t just slapping her ass anymore but are pressed firmly to her crotch.
“Oh yes! Just like that!” Eunbi levitates her back off the creaking cushions and screams. You’re starting to fear she’ll wake Yujin. Good thing she sleeps like a log. “Pound me, cum inside me!”
It seems like there’s degrees of roughness you haven’t reached yet. Your thrusts grow in speed and harshness as time goes by, and the strength is limitless. Although you’re only doing the same thing which is fucking Eunbi in hopes of breeding her, your tempo doesn’t stay the same. It hits her with a force impelled by lust, pushing the sins deeper inside her that it starts to corrupt her, too.
Your balls are heavy with an impending load. Slapping her thighs, you momentarily part them so you could rub her clit side to side, the way you know she’s weak for. Eunbi’s expression changes into bliss to paradise itself—her tightness chokes your length from head to base.
"God fuck!" Eunbi lets out a spray of wetness as her body thrusts upwards. "Cumming!"
Oh she’s cumming alright, but she’s also squirting. There’s no time to weep over not putting a towel beneath her; you’re stuck watching Eunbi’s pussy become soppier while it releases a messy jet of girl cum. You marvel at how more comes out if you give it to her harder.
Ever the crybaby even in sex, tears start to fall down in little droplets down her red cheeks. They source from all three: pleasure, pain, overstimulation. It’s destroying her and yet she relishes each hit.  
“Do it now, please, it’s too much! Breed me now—c-can’t—take—it!”
Shove yourself to the depths of her and unload. Your wife exhales repeatedly. There’s so much of your sticky load that it overflows inside her hole and creams her outer lips. Push yourself further and pull her legs up so it’s all guaranteed to go to her womb.
“Like this, pretty? Your pussy’s gonna take every drop, right?” Even in your craze of lust you could hear yourself weakening.
The cum that shoots into her never seems to stop.
“Yes, so much,” Eunbi moans quietly. Her arms are limp beside her. As her consciousness dies, her orgasm lives on. “Breed me, daddy, ohhh… breed me… breed… me…”
Yujin’s thick black hair, all inherited from her mother, looks perfect today. What makes it more satisfying is that those braids running down her head and the cute pigtails were fixed by you. 
“Wow, it’s so perfect!” Your daughter admires herself in the vanity mirror and grins up at you. “Thank you, papa!”
Her young yet advanced vocabulary makes you chuckle. As you hear it, you realize you can’t wait until she grows up and starts to talk even more beautifully, like the words she takes from the books you always see her nose buried in.
It’s 7:00 AM, and Yujin’s bus is about to come to the driveway. You’re lucky to have finished fixing her hair on time. That’s partly why you reciprocate the smile. The main reason is that your daughter manages to chip away your tiredness and make it all worth it.
“Of course, Yujin,” you say. “Be good at school, okay?”
“I always am, papa!”
Your daughter always carries this confidence wherever she goes. You’re glad you and Eunbi raised her properly so she isn’t doubtful of herself. She’s going places—the girl’s only six yet she speaks and multiplies better than you can. Not that you’re embarrassed; it makes you more proud of her.
“And behave for your mommy, okay? It’s—”
“—her birthday!” she finishes giddily. Yujin never forgets anything, especially birthdays. She just celebrated hers a month ago. “Can I greet her?”
Pause. Has Eunbi recovered or is she laying there getting off to what happened? “Maybe later?” you say, hoping not to sound suspicious. “Mommy’s… just having a sleep-in day. Just make her a card or write her a poem when you come back home.”
“Okay!” Yujin replies. She turns her head to the yellow bus peeking at the semi-circular window of the door. “Bye, papa!”
You tell her the same. Wave goodbye to her. You make sure she gets on the bus before turning away. Time to attend to your other princess.
Usually, you’d spend time admiring your house as you walk to wherever you need to go. You’re proud of the bookshelves and design, but today is a day different from all the others. You only have one clear vision the moment you open the door of your room with your wife.
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She’s sound asleep. Her little body’s curled up under the comforter and her head is nestled in the hood of the zipperless jacket you changed her into the night before. She looks so adorable in it that you want to just take her into your arms and bite her cheeks. You have strange instincts when it comes to seeing your wife, who could switch between being a sexbomb to a girl you’d protect any time of the day.
Unlike Yujin, she’s a light sleeper, for she catches your footsteps seconds before you crash down into the mattress with her. 
“Daddy?” she asks sleepily. She reaches for you. You catch her hand.
“Too early for that, isn’t it?” You smile into her hair anyway. “Good morning, pretty. Happy birthday.”
The nickname isn’t sexual anymore. It’s a pet name now, a call for you to take care of her. And you do your duty well, gathering her into your touch and keeping her protected from the cold.
Eunbi says her thank you, then blinks.“Y-Yujin, she still has to dress—”
“I took care of it.” You gently guide her back down in your arms. “She's on the bus.”
The panic dissolves from her face. She turns around to hug you back. All she says is contained in a little whisper: “Thank you, daddy.”
She throws a knee over your hip and ushers you to herself. As expected, to be honest. Eunbi loves all forms of affection, especially the physical kind. So you give her all of it: a kiss, a tighter embrace, a touch that wanders but not too far. Like you said, it’s too early.
Eunbi hums into your neck. “I’m so happy.”
“Mhm. You make me happy.”
“You just want to get bred again,” you joke. Kiss away the pouty look on her face. “I’m kidding. You make me happy, too, pretty.”
What you say is nothing short of the truth. Eunbi fills your life with purpose. You wake up and keep doing so to make sure she has someone. You work so she’s well provided for, even if she has her own job herself. You come home so that the nights aren’t lonely. You know a lot of men who couldn’t say the same about their relationship with their wives.
You’re happy to be the different one for once. You’ll always love Eunbi. Even after you die, you’d be looking out for her, if there ever is an afterlife.
“You and Yujin are the most important people to me,” you tell her. 
“Well, after you bred me…” Eunbi smiles slyly. “There’ll be another important person in your life, daddy.” A pause. “Maybe we’ll name them Wonyoung?”
You shrug. You don’t know. But then you’re overcome by the urge to kiss her. You act on it, pecking her. It turns into something deeper, and soon you’re on top of her again, rendering her whining once more.
As you kiss Eunbi, you realize that there’s no sure path to the future. But all you know is that you’ll stay with her along the way, and that you’re excited for all the good things to come.
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usedpidemo · 11 months
Acquainted (Red Velvet Yeri)
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(Thank you for the commission! I hope it's to your liking.)
You’re just about ready to head off to sleep when you check the group chat. This is your nightly tradition. These strangers, now your closest friends despite the anonymity, are active and in good spirits, as usual. Outside of your weekday 9-to-5, these few moments are the most interesting parts of your day, and you just so happen to join during a particularly lively conversation:
> [22:48:01] yerimiese: (posts a link to a red velvet album article)
> [22:48:14] flutter mane: :sanapog:
> [22:48:23] silksong sulker: k-pop is saved
> [22:48:33] wonyoung cockjuicer: ew red velvet
> [22:48:37] wonyoung cockjuicer: wonyoung can peg me tbh
> [22:48:39] irene’s tokki: Bae J:floshedjiggle::floshedjiggle:hyun
> [22:49:06] milf hunter: :floshed:
> [22:49:11] milf hunter: gape sugalo
So of course, you chime in as well.
> [22:50:12] You: lets get it, new rv fancams
You’re in no mood to chat for longer than five minutes, but before you head offline, you receive a private message from your closest friend:
> yerimiese: so when are you in korea again?
> You: Next week, why?
> yerimiese: nice. why don’t we meet up, that would be dope as fuck
> You: You’re in Korea? 
> yerimiese: yeaaaah? why wouldn’t i be? 
> You: I thought you’d be doing other schedules abroad
> yerimiese: nah sm definitely won’t fly us out to film an mv. cheap ass bastards ㅋㅋㅋ
Yerimiese then sends you a video link. It’s a Yeri fancam, her weapon of choice. Your conversations began with small, intimate talks about your personal life, soon transpiring into open fapping, degrading, and casual lewdness with each other. Despite the usually depraved nature of your messages, you both continued sharing snippets of your day to day lives. That’s how close you’ve grown as friends.
> You: Well i’m very tired, today was a long day at work, had to work overtime. No time to lewd, sorry
> yerimiese: it's alright. you did well today
Yerimiese sends you a pic this time. It’s an event; the internet can’t load any quicker. You’re hungry, impatient, dying. Whether it’s intentional or not, the photos she sends whenever you’re tired or stressed out are hotter than her usual swimsuit or photoshoot reel. You’ve shared enough about your daily routine to her that a camera crew might as well be recording you.
It’s nothing out of the ordinary; a simple candid pic of herself lying in bed, her face perfectly cropped out of the background, showing nothing but her body on full display in front of the huge mirror, dressed in skimpy black panties and a white shirt  that accentuates her shapely breasts. As usual, she’s not wearing a bra; you can clearly see her hard nipples demanding all of your attention.
> yerimiese: no need to send a dick pic tonight if you don’t feel like doing it 
You can’t help it. Tired as you are, you feel obligated to send her one. Luckily, every pic she sends is more than enough to make you instantly hard. It feels more guilty not to be turned on, rather. 
It’s a mostly quick and painless affair, powerful enough to put you out of commission within minutes. Even though you’re mentally checked out, Yerimiese’s sexy body is too hot not to crank one out. Taking a pic of your erect cock as you pump yourself to her is second nature; sending it on sticky fingers after you’ve spurted all over your phone and blankets is a different story. There’s no other way to put it, she was the perfect reprieve from the day’s exhaustions—a perfect high note to go out on.
> yerimiese: fuck you’re THROBBING THROBBING tonight :ningasm: your dick looks so damn nice. i can taste your cum through the screen
> You: Happy now? 
> yerimiese: more than, and then some. I wish you were here right now so you could feel how wet I am
> You: Just wait. I can’t wait to fuck you hard. Goodnight
> yerimiese: goodnight
> yerimiese: :tukkwithkiss:
The next time you’re able to communicate with her, you’re one day away from being in Korea. In that period, you’ve been inactive in the group chat because work. What welcomes you back is a barrage of lewd photos and Yeri fancams.
> yerimiese: see you tomorrow :chuupeek:
It’s an open secret that you know she’s Kim Yerim. Yes, that Kim Yerim of Red Velvet fame. It was a giveaway right from the first explicit photo she sent you; those tits in a tight, petite package couldn’t have belonged to anyone other than hers. That, and the fact that her username is the same as her Instagram handle, and that she has a photo of herself in the group as a display pic. How she would end up stumbling into your private K-pop server objectifying her body and her profession is one of life’s biggest mysteries, yet here she is, giving you a very personal look into her shapely figure, better than any fancam and photoshoot could ever provide. To others, she’s merely a casual acquaintance, but to you, she can freely open up herself.
Mainly because you’re one of three people in the group chat that still cares about Red Velvet.
Her latest sent photo is relatively tame; a tight fitting white silk sundress, and the skirt is virtually nonexistent, her panties practically out in the open. Luckily for you, she seems to be sitting down, but not in her usual living room. The notion that this is what welcomes you to Korea, that you’ll be balls deep inside an idol’s pussy right when you land—it ruins you. 
An airport guard manages to break your deep train of thought. “Sir! No phones please,” he sternly commands, saving you from total disaster; you’re inches away from walking straight through a metal detector with your phone in hand, the belt around your pants, and some spare coins lying deep in your pocket after you bought some traditionally expensive bottled water. Luckily, no one manages to see the photo—and even if they did, she’s still smart enough to cut out her face, leaving nothing else to your imagination. 
If there’s one thing you’ve learned about immigration and airport security, it’s that there’s little need for repetition. You go through security four times. At the entrance, after the check-in counter, then within your departure gate, and even before boarding your flight—repetitive. It’s frustrating enough to tell Yerim, to which she responds with more lewd photos of herself. 
> yerimiese: yeah ive been there before ㅋㅋㅋ
> yerimiese: how long’s ur flight?
> You: About 13 hours
> yerimiese: cali?
> You: Yes
> yerimiese: kinda random, but seulgi misses los angeles
> You: How come? 
> yerimiese: something about an ex-boyfriend that i didn’t know about until the other day ㅋㅋㅋ i bet she’ll be jealous when she hears about you coming over just to clap my cheeks ㅋㅋㅋ she’d wish it was her bf instead of you
> You: does she know about this?
> yerimiese: of course not LOL i bet you’d rather fuck her instead of me, so she’ll never know. smh.
> You: That’s not true ur my RV bias since day one!
> yerimiese: stop lying LMAO i don’t blame you tho seulgi has some really toned legs and a nice slappable ass XD anyway, i’m gonna send you something to pass the time while ur onboard
> You: If it’s a masturbating clip i swear to god
> yerimiese: fuck you got me LOL
> You: Goddamit if anyone finds out on a plane of all places…
> yerimiese: i still can’t get over your clip of you jerking to me. i can taste your dick. you’re depriving me by leaving me out to dry for a week ㅋㅋㅋ
> You: You’ve been touching yourself to that clip for a week??
> yerimiese: can’t help myself, album prep has been tiring and i haven’t really found any opportunity to relax in the meantime
> You: I’ll be there soon, just wait a bit longer
> yerimiese: can’t trust me with that, i’m very close to making a huge mess of my hotel room ㅋㅋㅋ
> You: You’re in a hotel?
> yerimiese: just to meet you! I won’t be able to meet you at the airport (duh, idol dating shit), so this is the next best thing. just message me when you’ve landed here, okay?
> You: Sure
It’s ingrained deep within Yerim’s mind. A core memory. If her phone could present count how many times she’s played the clip, it would be over a thousand. 
It’s very straightforward. A 45 second clip of someone masturbating between the sheets, pressing their erect cock against their phone with a brightened image of a scantily clad woman on the screen. But it’s not just any woman, it’s her. She’s pleasuring herself to the idea of a man jerking off to her. She’s following his rhythm, timing the pace her fingers rub her clit to the tempo of the man’s cock pumping to her zoomed-in breasts. 
And she’s mere minutes removed from a conversation with that exact same person.
Slumped against the hotel room walls, her bliss spirals out of control rapidly. Her legs are instinctively spread wide, juices already leaking through her panties and spilling to the floor; that’s how used they are to Yerim’s impulses to pleasure herself. In those brief moments, she imagines how the next few days play out, skipping past the formalities and pleasantries and going straight to the fucking. She moans and shouts as if that very man’s cock is penetrating her pussy hard at this very moment. Her other hand bashes the wall, tongue screaming streams of profanities, as if he’s manhandling her, using her to his personal delight.
“Fuck! Suck those fucking tits!” she screams, slipping one strap of her sundress down to pinch her own tit, enhancing the illusion. Her phone rings; in her mind it's functionally a vibrator. He’s come fully prepared, and she’s riding high knowing that this person is doing exactly what he said in their private messages from the very start.
Yerim drags her fingers along her clit violently, desperate to reach climax, the realization that this is her third orgasm of the day way beyond her. The evidence can be found everywhere: on the soiled bed sheets and in the smell of the shower; she envisions herself getting railed in those parts of the room, and then some—essentially turning the entire hotel room into the backdrop for all of the things he’d do to her: fingers around her throat, sunk into her ass, until it’s red and hurting, the way she’d quiver and cream all over his throbbing cock. Her neediness has no limits; it even breaks past her very own personal quarters, the loudness of her own self-induced pleasure drawing concern from occupants nearby.
Only after the blissful haze of orgasm does everything fall back in place. That repetitive knock on the door is a huge wake up call. Yerim’s eyes widen. 
She checks her fingers—they’re coated in copious amounts of slick—and after a little further inspection, she realizes the aftermath.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.”
Being honest about yourself, you couldn’t have asked to feel hornier at a worse time than this. Thirty thousand feet high up in the air, stuck in economy class because you don’t get paid enough to deal with the bullshit back in the office. Using your one of two allowed leaves in the year for a trip to see a girl you’ve mostly known online, and it isn’t even paid. To make things worse, there’s no layovers—just a point-to-point flight from San Francisco to Seoul. 13 hours.
And boy, is the ride absolutely miserable.
By what you might as well call divine intervention, you’re conveniently seated between a nun and a little girl—the two worst kinds of people to be alongside with. No, not because they’re annoying or anything like that; aside from the girl getting up every thirty minutes from her window seat to get something from her parents across the aisle, you’re practically barred access to your glorified archive of lewd Yerim pics. Opening them up with a kid barely in the first grade beside you is openly asking for trouble.
And the few times you get up for a lavatory break, you can’t get yourself going. There’s always someone at the door every five minutes. 
Eight hours deep into the flight, you look over your shoulder, catch one of the male flight attendants sneak inside one of the vacant lavatories with a fellow stewardess while everyone’s fast asleep. Fucking sickening. That should be you with Yerim right now.
When you arrive on the other side of the planet, you’ve gotten only a couple hours’ worth of sleep. You almost fumble your passport at immigration, getting them mixed up with a slew of business and membership cards. Then there’s your forgetfulness working against you, remembering you need some kind of pocket Wi-Fi, and now you have to spend a little more to get back online. It’s a mess, and it wasn’t that long since you were in Europe for a seminar, where these things were merely second nature to you.
At least you remembered that VPNs exist. You message Yerim on the taxi ride out of the airport, unsure of where to begin.
> You: Just got out of immigration
> yerimiese: fuckin finally! 
> yerimiese: you got a place to stay here?
> You: Not yet
> yerimiese: don’t bother, lemme send you my hotel address, you can stay here
Of course you don’t know Korean, despite the constant back and forth with Yerim for months. Learning’s been on the backend of your itinerary, and has never been your top priority, even now. You show the cab driver the address, who merely looks at you and the phone with a particularly vacant and dumbfounded expression, as if you’re stupid for not planning this out—which, in that regard, he’d be correct.
When you finally arrive at the hotel, only one message stands between you and finally meeting Yerimiese, once and for all.
> yerimiese: I’ll be at the poolside, third floor. can’t wait to meet you :P
And that’s exactly where you end up going. Forget that you’re lugging two whole bags and a traveler’s backpack on your shoulders; you drop them off at the front desk, expecting the staff to have a clue of what’s going on and what’s about to happen.
Stepping out into the poolside, it’s a completely barren sight. It’s three in the afternoon on a Tuesday; most people probably aren’t even booked, let alone in this supposed five-star hotel. You don’t really question whether she’s being serious or not, the evidence was in the previously sent photos; you’re dying to meet her at this point. 
And as if perfectly timed for dramatic effect, a woman emerges from beneath the waters, shaking off the wetness from her damp hair.
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Yerim casually swims over the deep waters’ edge, without a care in the world, let alone your presence quietly shadowing over the large pool. Even halfway submerged, you can make out the outline of her shapely bust and hourglass figure, tightly hugged by a pink swimsuit. She was sultry and intoxicating to gawk at from candid photos, but seeing Yerimiese herself in the flesh, that’s when the realization hits you: this is happening.
And you can’t move a muscle, let alone react from the actualization that you’re right in front of her. Even as the waves of water splash on your new loafers, you simply observe. It’s creepy, it’s morally dubious, but it’s one in a million. You’re taking in every moment, every second; soak it all in, you’ll never get an experience like this ever again. 
You should be friends by now, if your definition of friendship means sharing explicit body photos and exchanging devious intentions about how you’ll fuck each other online or how much cum you’ve given to each other. But when she turns in your direction—catching you casually observing her, your hands tucked away in your coat’s pocket, grinning like a little kid— it’s back to square one.
Like the very first time.
Yerim takes all the time in the world to wade over from the other side of the pool, her smile growing closer as she approaches you. She lifts her eyebrows, expecting you to make a first move, to which you barely open your mouth, and ultimately only a deep breath, a stilted sigh, comes out.
Well, this is awkward.
Yerim giggles. You’ve previously heard her loud moans and cries, but a genuine laugh—this was your first. She never hops on calls in your group chat, most likely because idol shit, as she often refers to her line of work. Her laughter, her energetic expression—it’s as perfect of a translation to real life as it is online, and embodies the idol Yeri you know on screen. 
“How long have you been standing there?” she asks, trying—and failing—to suppress more of her laughter.
Your answer is concise, but doesn’t seem quite right. “A while.”
In reality, about five minutes. You probably won’t be there any longer when she props herself out of the water with her strong elbows. Water cascades down her shapely figure, thicker and meatier than it's ever been, more than what the cameras and pictures present. She’s truly the entire package, through and through. 
She walks over to her sunlounger, granting you a nice peek of her ass peeking through her skimpy swimsuit before she wraps herself with a towel. Apart from that, your only other notable observation is that she’s soaking wet, even bundled up. That, and also: she’s barefoot. No sign of slippers or any footwear—she willingly walked on what appears to be scorching cobbled floors.
“I would give you a big hug right now, but you know—” she comments, looking down at her drenched self, pool water endlessly dripping down to her feet. Even if she isn’t soaking wet, you’d still be frozen in place, or even worse, some eagle-eyed stranger or Dispatch reporter catch you in secret and you both end up on national news the very next day.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s fine,” you say, trying to dodge Yerim’s eyes. “I left my stuff at the front desk. I should probably go and grab them.”
“Smart.” Yerim sizes you up, nodding in amazement at how you’ve managed to get yourself past the entrance. “See you upstairs, then? Room 1015.”
The difference between you and Yerim couldn’t be any more obvious.
Granted, you’re fresh off a 13 hour flight, followed by an hour's travel from the airport to a five-star hotel in the heart of Seoul. Yerim had all the time in the world to prepare, and yet when she emerges from the bathroom in nothing but a modest bathrobe and her dark hair bundled up, she’s never looked better. 
Facing an idol in such a haggard condition, it gives you an underlying feeling of shame. And if you’re being completely honest, if not for your cock, she’d probably be repulsed and call security on you.
But there's no security in sight. Just you, just yeri, the two of you standing in this room - which is, for the most part, quite nice. Multiple bedrooms, a lovely view of the city beneath you, and all sorts of amenities and features you’ll never get to use—you half expect her members to come in later, but perhaps for your sake, you’re better off with just her and her alone.
When Yerim begins to talk, she rambles. She goes on about the status of the next album, discussions about a possible solo debut, her relationships with her members—conversations about topics that you never really had online. It was mostly dirty talk and lewd captions. At best, you knew each other at a surface level, but here she is, sharing everything from her heart like you’ve been lifelong friends since day one.
You let her. She’s as charismatic as what she portrays on screen, and her sass is no different than the private messages she sends you. There’s not a single dull moment whenever Yerim speaks. Though you know her mostly for her body, her personality is what has you sticking around.
You wonder if she feels the same way about you.
“So, how’d you find out about us?” Yerim asks, after blabbering for a while, and you genuinely believe she’d keep going till nightfall. Close enough. Five minutes away from five in the afternoon, and you’d already spent the last hour and a half listening to a personalized podcast from her. You hope she doesn’t notice the plate of bulgogi on the table now completely empty.
“Well, a friend was a K-pop fan and had an extra ticket when you toured here,” you say, casually, slumped on the sofa. “Forgot how long that was—” you pause, “five years ago?”
“Five years? Five years since we went to America?” Yerim appears flabbergasted, face in utter disbelief at the passage of time. The realization causes her to stand from her chair. You’d be too after listening to her drone on endlessly. “Fuck.”
“SM! Give us a fucking world tour already!” she screams, pretending she’s inside the company building and you’re an executive in the room. Watching her snarkiness come to life never ceases to amuse you. You’ll let her go on for as long as she needs to; she’s entertaining in such a unique and charming way that it disarms you.
“Argh, sorry, you know me.” She suddenly stops, faces you, arms crossed, mocking up a pout. “Look at me suddenly losing my shit for no good reason.”
“Are your members used to this?”
That didn’t come out right.
She bats an eyelid. On her face is a mild, blank look of displeasure. That didn’t come out right. 
“Used to what?”
“Well, uh, I—I mean—”
You gulp your throat.
Then, an air of awkward silence. Her eyes quickly scan you, lazing on the sofa.
“Let’s just get to fucking each other right now.”
It isn’t that you’ve forgotten the one purpose you’re there to begin with, it’s that Yerim is very, very impulsive. One moment, upset at her company for doing the bare minimum for her group and her career, the next she’s using you as an outlet to release her frustrations. It’s a good thing your first impression of her was that she was very busty, because otherwise, the other description you had of her was—simply put—bratty.
You’re on your back, plopped against one of the beds, completely caught off-guard by her show of strength. Eyes rolled to the back of your head, you find Yerim already at the bed’s edge, loosening the belt around her waist, quickly disrobing herself within seconds. It’s nothing new; you’ve seen glimpses of her nude figure in pictures, imagined many scenarios where you’ve got your hands on her, but this—to see her completely bare in the flesh—is new. 
This is different. 
“Just so you know,” you mutter, frantically panting, your heart jumping, as Yerim undresses in front of you, “I haven’t actually had sex before.”
Just like that, the mood instantly changes. She stops. Abruptly.
Her mouth drops—again. Might as well stay agape. 
You consider retracting your statement. It was a joke, you’d say, something to get her even more aroused, fired up. The sex would be wilder, hotter than anything your fantasies would conjure. Then again, you wouldn’t be in this exact situation if you weren’t so chronically online, simping over pop idols like a kid about to enter puberty.
“I guess that’s to be expected,” she comments, snarkily, grabbing the edges of your pants, daring to rip them off you. “That’s fucking life, baby!” 
If you were in her shoes, obsessively waiting for someone with equally unhinged horniness, expressing precisely how you’d get fucked every single time you’d send a remotely lewd photo, you’d feel just as disappointed. You can tell by her partially scornful expression: she’s been fantasizing this moment as much as you have, too. You can’t blame her, but you kind of expected her to anticipate this; after all, you connected in a private group chat that’s been sexualizing her, of all places. 
Surely the signs of virginity were right there.
“At least this is real,” she says, leaning her head forward while cupping your growing bulge poking through your trousers. Your tip, at full mast, mere inches away from her chin, instead of a little phone screen. She’s pushing you around, growing slightly more mischievous and uncontrollable with the prospect of throwing someone like you around instead of the opposite. Something her members may have taught and ingrained in her. 
It isn’t quite the picture you expected from all the erotic snapshots and clips she’s been sending you. Every photo and video, designed to rouse the filthiest and wildest of your thoughts, was an act, a ruse to let your guard down, to give you this fixed headcanon that you can toss her around like she’s your personal plaything and object of pleasure. Instead, she’s using you for her own desires and wants.
It’s not that you don’t want her to use you and fuck you like this, it’s how completely in control she is that has you reeling, leaves you in a dizzy spell.
“I was gonna let you use my pussy and fuck me to ruin,” she says, playfully rolling her eyes, teasing and mocking. Her hand grips around the denim of your bulge, and it fucking stings. You’re sucking on loose air. “But since we have a virgin over here, I’m gonna do whatever I want.”
The implied connotation is what terrifies you, and no, it isn’t the revelation that Yerim isn’t a virgin—you assumed that much—but the notion that you were gonna have free reign over her cunt that has you contemplating some deep, long forgotten life decisions that set you back years. Their consequences are now starting to show.
She releases her ironclad grip on your pants, frees you of your obstructive clothing, both trousers and boxers down to the floor. Your hard cock springs free, terribly aching, already red and sore from her suffocating clench, and already leaking bursts of precum. The last day and a half hasn’t been kind to your cock.
To add insult to injury, she makes this licking motion with her tongue, aimed at your tip, but relents at the last minute. It leaves your throbbing cock aching harder, without any point of relief. The teasing sight almost renders you unconscious, and sends Yerim into a laughing frenzy. 
“Remember when I said I could taste your cock?” she says, chuckling. It’s not playful in the slightest—quite the opposite, in fact. It’s sinister. “I’ll wait a little longer to taste it. Don’t worry.”
Not the most reassuring of words, especially when you’ve got your hands tied—at least, not yet. Actually, you appreciate that she isn’t going to milk your cock dry just yet; when you finally look past the situation at hand, you come to treasure her chest. Her shapely chest, freely bouncing while she bounces her thick body on your lap—keep doing that, you say inside your mind, letting your wandering gaze soak in the unreal scene. 
She notices your intrigued eyes, rising and falling in rhythm with her tits. Subtlety was never your intention, and she probably knows from experience, as she says she does. Fixated attention is how she gets herself off, based on how she seems to respond to the lewd messages you’ve sent her in the past, and it shows when she repeats some choice remarks back to your face:
“I’d kill my boss to fuck those tits right now, you’re so goddamn sexy.”
She grips a hand around your throat, another down to the buttons of your shirt, pulling them apart. 
“Let me be your personal titty towel.”
Halfway there.
“I’d suck on your tits first, go down on your delicious pussy, then fuck that wet hole of yours three times straight.”
Just like that, you’re both even. Equal in nakedness.
You’re unsure whether it’s the sight of Yerim asserting her dominance over you, tits all up in your face with a devious smirk as she bares you down to your essentials that’s leaving you short on air, or if it’s the hand cautiously coiled around your neck. Either option seems sensible enough. This is how she lives in your head rent free, just being her sassy, sexy self. Even repeating some of the same particularly questionable lewd things you’ve written to her sounds hot with her brazen tone. 
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” she raises an eyebrow, leaning her head close, as if demanding an answer. 
Really, there’s no multiple choice here. Of course you nod.
She rolls her hips upward, inches her body across yours little by little, til her dripping pussy completely shadows your view. Her hand grabs the back of your head, meaty thighs pressing between your face. Now you’re truly suffocating. Even with the rather shameful admission, she rolls her crotch on your lips, expecting you to know what to do. No words, just the expectant grind of her crotch on your face, her wet folds opening up for you to take them.
Then, she begins moaning. 
Admittedly, the closest you’ve had to trying out oral is using your phone as an outlet for your tongue whenever she sends a boob photo. Thankfully, your inexperience doesn’t show when you first dip your tongue inside her folds, getting your first taste of pussy. Saltier than you expected, but fuck, you’d be lying if you think it wasn’t completely intoxicating—everything you hoped for, and more. 
It incites a few expressive reactions from Yerim—some loud, others quieter—with the end result usually a sharper, deeper grind of her waist on your face, splaying her cunt for you to devour. You’ve got one hand pressed on her ass, holding her plump flesh down while the other is at her mercy, pulled by hers, forced to squeeze her breast. You won’t complain. Not when her cries of pleasure motivate you to push yourself harder.
You repeat this addictive cycle, stretch moments into minutes, minutes into hours. Even when you’ve drained her completely, you’ll still be craving for more of her; that’s how hungry she’s made you. Your tongue meets her clit, and it draws out this especially sharp whine that she’s never hit once. Not on a track. Not anywhere. She swears up a storm, juxtaposed between soft, gentle pleas of “yes, more, and you’re so good.” 
In return, you take more of her, soak yourself in the continuous downpour of her slick juices freely flowing all over your mouth and tongue. As her pleasure escalates, her fingers tighten their grasp on your head, grab your tousled hair. You add soft, intimate kisses between streaks of licking her folds, and they send the young idol writhing, shaking atop you. Her words have been reduced to nothing but short, needy bursts of “please.” Even in this uncontrollable state, she gyrates her hips around you, rhythm steady, but more determined than ever to let herself go.
By the way her pussy throbs, you’re certain she’s a few critical points away from climax. It doesn’t change your plans, not one bit. You continue to lap at her sensitive folds, bask in her intoxicating heat, purposefully teasing her clit. She won’t demand that you end her —not this quickly, not when you’ve magically learned the art of giving oral to a woman under short notice.
You slowly work her through it. Your tongue dives into her slick entrance, deeper than it's ever been so far. The overpowering sensations send ripples that reach even the foundations of the bed, unlike anything it’s ever felt. Even in the wild throes of bodily pleasure, Yerim has enough willpower to stay in character, delivering a demand in her usual playful, fast talking tone. “Please do it! I’m going to cum!”
You contemplate the thought, completely drunk in her divine taste yourself, but you oblige. 
Your tongue sticks to her bud, and it causes this instantaneous, elaborate chain reaction. Yerim cries a sharp cry, waves of orgasm washing down all over her body. She stops in her tracks, completely rigid, mouth wide open, and this torrential gush of slick and orgasm swamps you, drowning you so deep that it's nearly fatal. Her thighs involuntarily clench tighter, too, and you’re temporarily trapped in your own pocket dimension, impossible to clean with all the cum left behind, especially on the sheets.
The most surprising observation from her orgasm is how suddenly calm it becomes. Only the sound of your tongue licking her clean can be heard, and it’s nothing but a gentle rustle. She hangs her head up, face completely flushed, catching needed oxygen in her lungs, letting the aftermath of her climax pass over. 
While her breath normalizes, she lifts herself up, moves to the side of the bed. In her wake, she’s left behind a drenched lake of slick around your face, leaking down to the muddled sheets beneath you. 
“Well,” she says, panting and pausing for air. “There goes the other bed.”
It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out what she meant. Even when you’re still mindlessly occupied by the sticky residue around your lips. You let out this muffled exhale, designed to be a laugh, but it backfires in your face. Amused, she giggles on your behalf.
“Not bad.” Yerim smiles at you. Charming and cute, a contrast to what had just transpired. “I thought you said you never had sex?”
It takes you a moment before you answer back, “I haven’t. You just taste really good.”
“You still have some left on the edges of your face,” she comments, her eyes mesmerized by how much she’s cum all over you. “Let me help you clean that up.”
And she helps, but not in a conventional way. She lifts you from the bed by your torso, then submerges you again, this time at the mercy of her bosom. You’ve got your arms wrapped around her waist while you’re kissing and sucking on her Yerim’s  tits, not exactly tidying up, but creating a larger mess that no amount of tongue cleaning can resolve. 
In the meantime, she whispers in your ear some of your more—questionable—comments:
“They need to give her a solo debut with a very sexy concept and trust me, I’ll be the guy who breaks the world record for jerking off if they do that.”
“It must feel heavy to carry them all the time. Let me lend a hand to you.”
“The only thought I had inside my mind when I saw her is every member would milk her 3x a day so that they don’t have to go outside and buy milk to eat cereal to the point they would just drink it from the source.”
You stop. You give her this strange, confused look. Even you couldn’t believe you said that.
“Did I actually say that?”
“Yes!” she replies, quick and straightforward, unable to hide her enthusiasm, while brushing your hair. “Not gonna lie, that sent me to the floor. I was laughing so hard, Irene ran in to check up on me!”
To make things worse, she flashes this wide, toothy grin that makes you regret your life choices. 
“God. I don’t wanna drink anymore.”
“Hey, if there’s any consolation, you wouldn’t be sucking on my tits and eating me out now if you never made that comment,” she says, caressing your chin and giving you a peck on the lips. As if it’s still not one of the most out of pocket comments you’ve ever made about anyone, let alone a celebrity—and you weren’t fully yourself.
“Relax. Don’t think about it too much.” Yerim pushes you back down to the bed, crawls atop you, meeting your lips again for an intimate kiss. Your hard cock, which has been left unattended for quite a while, captures your attention—and especially hers. “Lean back for me, will you?”
You comply. Involuntarily, your legs straighten, but Yerim pushes them apart, places herself at center view, seemingly ready to take you in her mouth. It makes sense; a woman with a mouth that runs like hers probably only stops when there’s cock stuffed inside them. The theory proves to be plausible when she gives your sensitive tip a delicate, yet dangerous lick, her eyes glinting at you with renewed vigor and lust.
“I told you I’d have a taste of that cock,” she says, half smug, half seductive, gloating with her brows. Your tenseness slightly recedes—until you realize your cock’s moving past her lips, in the direction of the space between her cleavage. “I didn’t say I wanted to suck on it.”
And she was right—not once has she ever expressed her desire to choke, gag, deepthroat on it. 
You grit your teeth, watching your cock disappear between her shapely tits, with Yerim personally making sure you comfortably fit like a glove. You fold. It’s snug. Hot. Breathtaking.
“Fuck, Yeri,” you mutter, closing your eyes as her inviting warmth leaves you weak in the knees, trembling. You don’t realize you’ve used her stage name over her real name. “God—”
“Does this feel like everything you wanted?” she asks, tone sultry and triumphant. A little slide up sends you into a frenzy.
You nod—even though there’s no other available options. The erotic image in front of you is permanently seared into your head: Kim Yerim, popular idol and to an extend, your ‘friend with benefits,’ grinning like a maniac, slowly fucking your cock between her tits, coated with your saliva, sweat, and copious amounts of precum. To think your little crude messages on a random forum would have such long term and drastic consequences such as this.
Not that you’d want to make sense of it all, especially when she gets into a rhythm. Sliding her breasts up and down, she’s delicate, intentional, and masochistic; you’re on the receiving end of how she felt when you were slowly eating her out. She’s dangerous, teetering between the line where your cock can be safe between her bosom and where she can break you in half. You’re already falling apart—and fast.
“Holy shit, Yerim. Fuck.” 
Each word you deliver is long and drawn out, especially the profanities. Heavenly music to her ears. She’s out of reach where you can pull by her hair, so you settle for the sheets instead. Your gaze wanders, travels everywhere but in her direction, because you don’t need to see the tortuous scene happening between your legs. Looking at the descending sun, this is probably the last time you’ll see the sun set in your life.
Her eyes challenge you to look at anywhere from her. Panting frantically, you find yourself at the mercy of Yerim’s whims, your cock fading and swelling into view, sticky and wet, gushing cum all over her tits. The sight drives you further mad, has you making sounds that have never been recorded—ever. She takes you in, delights in your suffering, eager for you to say the magic words.
“Ready to cum? I know you want to cum.” 
Even under duress, you’re not ready to fold just yet. There’s a little stubbornness inside you fighting back, pulling all the stops to keep you from surrendering to Yerim’s demands. You close your eyes, grip on the sheets even tighter, control your breathing, but it’s too little too late. You can only do so much with two hands.
“Cum for me.”
You hold onto a particularly deep breath, desperate to cling to whatever dying vestiges of control there is left, but your fate has already been sealed from the moment you’ve allowed your cock to enter her chest.
“Yerim, I—”
The exhale you release is the most relieving and satisfying. With it, comes out a rope of thick, creamy cum splashed all over her neck and chest. The aching, violent sensation doesn’t stop; more seed spills between the warmth of her cleavage. In one fell swoop, you feel all of your energy sapped from you, leaving you completely weak and powerless. 
In the gap between your climax and post-orgasm haze, you wonder if she’ll take some of your cum in her mouth, with the way she looks at your cock as it throbs beneath her chin. No. She lets it drip down her perfect naked body with a sticky white sheen that glows under the natural light piercing through the hotel’s window. 
“Just like that, hm,” she comments, casually flicking the last of your withering orgasm and cum with her wrist. She lathers the slick on her fingers on her shoulder, then places some into her mouth for a taste. 
After you regain a semblance of normalcy—after Yerim’s finished entertaining herself with your cum, staring at her coated body and fingers with curious interest—she rests her elbows on your knees, in the process of relearning how to bend. You sink back against the headrest, watch as the fading sun glimmers on an idol like her, destined to shine for every occasion possible—on the stage and under the afterglow of sex. She smiles, bright and wide, taking you in, as you are.
There’s something brewing, especially in the tender few minutes that follow. Something special, something more than just a spark. 
“So—” Yerim runs a sticky finger on your knee, dangerously close to stirring up your cock again. “You wanna try anal with me next?”
You pause. Widening your eyes, staring back with a look of disbelief. Just when you’re about to open your mouth to reply, she adds:
“Kidding. You do know that you’re gonna have to delete those tweets and comments, right? If they find out you’re here, you’re fucked. And I mean, a thousand times worse than now.”
(A/N: This was an absolute joy to write. The nature of the request meant I could go very meta with it. About time we get a proper Red Velvet full album, so perfect timing! If you're able to figure out some of the references and easter eggs, then you, my friend, are too engrossed in the Tumblr K-pop male reader smut lore. Thank you for reading!)
(P.S. If you want to have your own story/idol written, you can ask for a commission :D)
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hydrasra · 11 months
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SYN: it is all a meaningless dream. do not worry about it.
DISC: ooc and swearing here and there. so.... fontaine is here. how we feeling? also, what do you guys want to name wanderer? also also, kindly let me know if you've changed your username and what was your old one so I can replace it if you are in the tagging list.
TAG: [ 22/30] @bloop-booop @sunsethw4 @neverlandlostchild @ghostlysyntaxed @wolfe02 @valeriele3 @the-dumber-scaramouche @weirdducky17 @esthelily @shroombro @ayanokomu @bamboozledchaos @xo-tokki @bloopthebat @maybeyourcat @7smexy7diva @shimi-shimi @issy-lol @theblueblub @nightmarewhispersxx @ra404 @blackhoodsmile
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"do you ever feel insignificant, neuvi?" [y/n] asked, sitting down next to the hydro sovereign while staring up at the starry sky.
for a good minute, silence ensured, which made the "fake" creator look at him.
"I did," the iudex sighed softly.
"you did?"
a nod... and then, "now, the people of fontaine, and," neuvillette paused, took a deep breath and closed his eyes, "as well as lady furina made sure that I am always feeling comfortable. besides, they all seem to be very appreciative of my work," a deep chuckle escaped him.
he opened his eyes once again and locked gaze with [y/n], "and I am deeply grateful for that."
the "fake" one nodded, smiling softly at him before turning back to look at the starry sky, "well, in that case, I'm happy for you, neuvivi."
the two sat in comfortable silence for a mere minute before neuvillette spoke once again, "the people of teyvat... no, your people are simply making a mistake," their eyes widened and looked at him in shock.
"please, I hope you can forgive them when the time comes and they realise that, all this time, they have been led astray by a fake and chasing away the real one," he extended his hand towards them, and yet, he seemed so far away.
[y/n]'s shocked gaze softened, "I... don't know, neuvillette. their words and actions hurt," they managed to mumble.
"please," his hand was still extended towards them, "if you were in their place, would you not blindly follow the one you trust the most despite their questionable antics simply because of your devotion for them?"
[y/n] bit their lower lip.
'would I?'
and then, "I do understand your pain and hesitancy, however, creator."
"how do you know that the one in front of you right now is the real creator?"
neuvillette, with his hand still held towards [y/n]'s direction merely smiled softly. a rare and beautiful sight.
"I can only appear to the real one in a dream when they are resting. that was your wish for your sovereigns, wasn't it oh merciful one?"
[y/n]'s eyes shot open. they slowly sat up and groaned while looking around.
ah, that's right. they fell asleep and lumine, along with paimon and venti, decided to sleep on the same bed with them.
and despite it being cramped, it was oddly comforting.
sleepy [e/c] eyes fell onto lumine's resting face and a sigh left their lips while a ghost of a smile sat on their lips.
they then looked at barbatos and then, last, was paimon.
a heart ache.
they slowly untangled themself from the small sleeping pile and walked out of the room.
where were they going? they didn't know themself, they simply allowed their feet to carry them.
and carry them they did.
they now were outside of the mansion in lumine's serenitea pot, staring at the... same starry sky that was in their dream?
oh, and they felt a piercing gaze on them as well.
"your... grace," an all too familiar voice spoke in clear hesitation.
uncertain if he could even talk to them, much less breathe the same air as the creator that he had hurt physically previously.
a hurtful tug in both of their chests could be felt.
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"the sun is shining brightly today," a passer-by commented.
"yeah! looks like the hydro dragon is finally happy, huh?" one of their friends said, grinning.
neuvillette, who was sitting on a bench nearby, a rare sight and yet, people didn't crowd him, not wanting to disrupt him, let a ghost of a smile sit on his face.
yet, as soon as it appeared, it was gone.
"monsieur neuvillette, bonjour!" a pleasant and feminine voice said.
when he looked in the direction it came from, it was navia, accompanied by her two bodyguards and friends, walking towards him with a wave of her hand and a big grin on her face. the two men looking as expressionless as ever, however, they did greet him with a nod of their heads which he acknowledged with one of his own.
"good morning to you too, lady navia," he went to stand up to greet her properly, but the president of the spina di rosula simply shook her head in disapproval.
"there's no need. also, please, just call me navia," the pretty lady sat down next to him and her two bodyguards stood a few feet away.
it was their lady's private time with a friend after all.
"how have you been?" she asked, looking at the happy passer-bys.
"I have been all right, as always and you?" he said, looking at a melusine that walked by and waves at him.
he waved back.
"that's good to hear! and I have been in such a good mood lately! so imagine how happy I was to see the sun after so many days of rain!" navia leaned her head back, closed her eyes and seemed to soak in the sun.
"good morning, lady navia, monsieur neuvillette," a monotone and feminine voice said, which made navia's eyes snap open and look immediately in the voice's direction.
"good morning to you too, lady clorinde."
"ah, good morning, lady clorinde..." navia trailed off.
she was still a little awkward around the champion duelist, after all. not as much as before, however.
sensing the president of spina di rosula's discomfort, the tall woman was about to excuse herself, already coming up with an excuse to leave the awkward lady alone, but a sudden commotion caught her attention.
and at the heart of it all, there stood furina, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
"ah! please, move aside..." the people around started whispering, wondering what was going on and if something special had happened.
alas, she simply wanted to make her way over to the iudex.
furina smiled nervously at her people before calmly stating having to talk to her right hand and his friends for important matters.
which, in turn, made them even more curious but they did not want to be even more of an inconvenience to the person they admired and made way for her.
"ah ha! thank you, wonderful people of fontaine...!" and with that, furina seemed to practically run towards monsieur neuvillette.
oh, archons...
⠀⠀ ══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══
hey, how ya doin? 🤩
I'm alive, don't worry.
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blueesnow · 2 months
Ichinose Tokiya's Birthday (Year 1) Voicelines Translation.
-You can look at it again on the Event Log, Mini-Event section (for the other boys messages to him) and Talk section (for a one-on-one conversation with you and him) in Idol Page.
-Also the translations might not be fully accurate since I'm not that fluent on jp/en, so if i ever made a mistake do correct me🙏
<You (Player)> Tokiya: Thank you so much for the celebration. I don't want to get too excited or carried away just because it's my birthday and all but… Tokiya: Since it is my birthday, I'd love to do things that I like for today. …What is it, you ask, of course it means that I want to spend times together with you just the two of us.
<Otoya> Otoya: Happy Birthday! I feel like I could always do my best at so many things because Tokiya's right here beside me! Thank you! Tokiya: You're awfully honest, aren't you? Well then, let me also say something too. You are and will always be my eternal rival.
<Masato> Masato: Happy Birthday. I don't know if it's because Ichinose shares the same hobbies as I am, but we ended up talking a lot together, don't we? I hope we can continue to become good friends. Tokiya: I'm happy to hear that. Likewise, I also enjoy spending time with you too, Hijirikawa-san. Thank you so much.
<Natsuki> Natsuki: Happy Birthday! I hope to hear more of your wonderful and dazzling song in the future, Tokiya-kun. Tokiya: Thank you very much. I believe it's thanks to Shinomiya-san's natural talent that helps me rise to the top as well.
<Ren> Ren: Icchi, Happy Birthday. Don't you think it's fine for you to relax for a bit and just enjoy yourself for today? Tokiya: Oh my, I'm thankful for the advice. Now then, would you mind accompanying me to go for a meal? With mostly vegetable main dishes.
<Syo> Syo: Happy Birthday! Tokiya, I've always been impressed and amazed with how much of a perfectionist you are. Tokiya: My goal is always to aim for the highest place after all. But thank you. I'll be relying on your performance as well, Syo.
<Cecil> Cecil: Happy Birthday. To me, Tokiya is a very reliable person. Thank you for everything. Tokiya: Likewise, Aijima-san's honest and courageous personality is very admirable, and I often feel like I should learn more from you. Let's continue to do our best together, shall we.
<Reiji> Reiji: Happy Birthday, Tokki☆ If you ever had a time when you want to be spoiled by someone, then you're very welcome to go to Rei-chan~☆ Tokiya: Thank you for the offer. Although I don't know if I will ever have such an opportunity like that, but I appreciate the sentiments behind.
<Ai> Ai: Happy Birthday, Tokiya. Although you always look serious but sometimes you also have a childish side as well, I think it's good though. Tokiya: Is that so…? But if Mikaze-san said so, then I'm sure it's a compliment, isn't it. Thank you very much.
<Ranmaru> Ranmaru: Happy Birthday, Tokiya. Go on and continue to sing a great song. That's the thing that you're supposed to do. Tokiya: Thank you for your kind words. I'd be happy if there'll be more chances where we could talk about music again together.
<Camus> Camus: Ichinose, I heard that today is your birthday. I got a book that suits you. Let me know what you think about it after you're done reading it. Tokiya: This sounds very promising… I can't wait until I get off work to read it.
<Kira> Kira: Happy…Birthday. Liking vegetables…is a good thing. I want to have…a balanced diet. Tokiya: I agree. I'm happy to hear that we have similar tastes in food. Thank for you the birthday wish.
<Eiichi> Eiichi: Looks like it's your birthday today, Happy Birthday. Although you might look calm on the outside, but deep down you're actually hiding such a burning passion inside…I think it's very good. Tokiya: Thank you for your kind words. But aren't we all the same? Ah no, looking back at it again, I think you are indeed very passionate.
<Nagi> Nagi: So it's your birthday today, Happy Birthday☆ Nagi's special information! Do you want to hear more about a healthy cake~? Tokiya: To think that you know I pay a lot of attention on my food, thank you very much. …Yes, I'd be glad if you could tell me.
<Eiji> Eiji: Happy Birthday. Can you please tell me your recommendation on some singing practices next time? I'd like to get more closer to your level. Tokiya: Of course I don't mind telling you. But don't forget that it's not only just you, I also want to learn more from your examples too.
<Van> Van: Happy Birthday! To think that you're so calm and cool even on a day like this, talk about a manly guy. I think you have quite a lot of attractive charms! Tokiya: I'm very grateful to know that's the way how you describe me. I mean that's the ideal image that I'm aiming for after all.
<Yamato> Yamato: Happy Birthday. Your dance at the other day was really amazing. The way you used your muscles is perfect. Tokiya: Thank you for the compliment. It was all thanks to the training that we had together. I'm very grateful for it.
<Shion> Shion: Blessings on the day of your birth. I heard that your hobby is reading. I'd like to listen carefully to the words that you'd weave… Tokiya: Thank you very much. You use such a beautiful Japanese language, I feel like we could get along well.
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theimperialnuisance · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022 //ffxivwrite info//prompt list//character info//master post//
Prompt fifteen: Row | noun; a noisy quarrel/a serious despite | Word count: 720 Characters: Syren Ligeia and Bijou Myste (belonging to @tokki-yue) CW: none Notes: Being my hot-headed WoL, this one didn’t put up a fight for me to write. (Unlike the other two >.>) no major spoilers! Takes place in pre-arr. Syren is eight and his friend Bijou is nine.
When Thalia Ligeia sent her son off to the Jeweled Crozier for a quick errand, she had not expected him to return home looking as if he’d just had gotten into a row at the Forgotten Knight. She had been kneading the bread dough for dinner when Syren walked in the kitchen, his friend Bijou in toe, various scuffs and dirt adorning their arms and face. They looked rather unphased and grinned in greeting as Thalia turned to them. “Alright, who started it this time?”
“Bijou.” Syren replied without hesitation, earning him a light jab to the ribs from Bijou’s elbow. “I stepped in and finished it.” A proud smile crossed his face and Bijou mirrored his expression with a nod.
Thalia let out an exasperated sigh as cleaned her hands of flour and grabbed a cold cloth. She wordlessly motioned for the two children to sit at the table to which they did without complaint. “I don’t think it looks good for a future Temple Knight to go around and brawl with the other kids.” She scolded gently as she began to dab Bijou’s face clean of dirt. “I thought you knew better by now.”
Syren‘s ears pressed against his head, the look of pride faltering into guilt. “I didn’t go out wanting to have a row with anyone,” he began, as Thalia finished with Bijou and turned her focus to cleaning Syren’s face. “But the other high born kids were teasing Bijou saying she didn’t belong here and Bijou warned them to stop it but they didn’t.”
“So I pushed him!” Bijou said proudly, her arm pumping the air as she swung her legs. “But then they all came toward me at once…”
“And I stepped in to help her.” Syren finished for her with a huff. “And then they made me mad ‘cause they told me I didn’t belong either ‘cause I wasn’t like them.” He flinched as the cold cloth touched his cheek, his mother guessing he’d gotten a good punch there.
“So that’s what happened?” Thalia sighed softly as she placed the cloth down and pulled up a chair to face the two. “Listen my sweets, no matter what the other high born kids say, you belong here. Both of you.” Her blue eyes locked on to both of them, a small smile playing across her face. “You two might not be the same as the other kids but you’re both born and raised Ishgardians just like them.” She paused, watching as Bijou and Syren exchanged guilty nods to each other. “Did you win?” She asked after a moment of silence.
“Yeah!” Bijou perked up again. “We showed them not to mess with us!”
Thalia let out a chuckle as she shook her head. “That may be true and I understand why you started the fight but that doesn’t mean you respond that way every time.” She stated firmly, grounding the children again. “It wouldn’t make me happy to hear someone teasing me either, but a great Knight-to-be shouldn’t go around and start fights just because they don’t like what someone said about them. You want to be a good Knight like your father right?”
Syren wordlessly nodded his head, his cheeks a bit pink from embarrassment. “I’m sorry mama.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry too.” Bijou chimed in.
Thalia tousled their hair with a smile. “I’ll let this one slide but next time I might be a little more cross with you so be careful when you pick your fights, alright?” Syren and Bijou nodded and Thalia stood up. “And besides, next time the other kids try to tease you, you just remind them who they lost to last time.” She winked, watching as the two children exchanged proud grins again, their moods lifting up. “Now, go wash up, lunch is almost ready.”
In unison, the two kids jumped up and smiled. “Ok!” They hurried off to the stairs, giggling and chatting the whole way. Thalia let out a chuckle as she sprinkled flour on her hands again, returning to kneading the bread dough. This wouldn’t be the last fight they’d get into, she knew all too well, but she at least had a small comfort of knowing they had each other’s backs through it all and that’s what really mattered to her in the end.
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Do you still love me?
Hello lovelies! Today I am back with a angst piece but a happy ending don't fret too much! I was really thinking about making it end horribly or leaving it up to the readers imagination but I decided nahh i couldn't do that to my heart. So here Bakugou and his s/o who fell out of love??(or did they??) when then have a large family in the mix. I have also decided im kind of obsessed with domestic pieces lol, they are like more than half of all my posts. Anywho, reader is neutral hope you guys enjoy!
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
You and Bakugou call its quits not thinking of what it would do to your 5 kids who are stuck in the middle
Words:  3606
“Are we going to dad’s today?” Hiroyuki asked softly.
“Yeah, your going to spend the weekend with him, all of you.” You smiled at him.
“Can I bring Tokki?” He said looking at the ground already knowing your answer.
“We went over this last time baby, Daddy can't have pets at his new place and Tokki is a cat, he likes staying at home.” You said with a sigh. It really sucks that it came down to this, spend a week with you then a weekend with dad, then rinse repeat. Sometimes you even wondered if it was better. That’s what you and Bakugou told each other, I mean what else can you do when you fall out of love? You approached your car where all of your other children were waiting. You and Hiroyuki sat down and signaled the diver to go.
“We going to daddy’s right?” Kohana said as she bounced around in her seat. You booped her nose and nodded at her.
“Yay, daddy’s home!” Yoko said, clapping.
“Don't get excited Yoko, Dad’s probably busy. Were probably gonna be with Grandpa and Grandma.” Hiroyuki said playing with your fingers.
“You're so dramatic Yuki! Of course dad is busy! He is a Hero but he always makes time for us.” Your oldest said little explosion going off around her.
“Kaori.” You warned her with a stern voice. The little sparks calmed and she went back to quietly gazing out the window. 
“Your dad is a hero and therefore busy but I know he is very excited to see you all and will spend all the time he has with you.” You smiled at them. They all smiled back before going back into relative silence. When you and Bakugou decided to have a big family you were ecstatic and so was he. This, however, wasn't what you imagined. A tiny rift right threw your family and it was growing bigger everyday. When you told the kids about the spilt they didnt say much and the youngest ones didnt even really understand but as they lived through it, they changed. They formed their own opinions about who’s fault it is and why it happened. And now they were splitting up, there was Kaori the eldest who didn't care too much, Yoko, and Kohana. At the opposite end was Hiroyuki, just him. Your fragile little boy who was so sure it was his dad’s fault. Saiyuri was too young to choose a side but all the change wasn't really helping the 11th month old baby.
“We have arrived.” The diver announced. You thanked him while getting everyone out of the seats and exiting the car. Bakugou lived in an apartment now at the tippy top of course. It was a long and loud elevator ride as your kids were antsy to see their dad. When it opened Bakugou was standing there waiting for them and was immediately met with an armful of girls.
“Daddy! I missed you so much!” Kohana said almost in tears.
“Misses Daddy.” Yoko echoed her sister.
“Yeah, I missed all you brats too, you better have been on your best behavior! You have to keep up the Bakugou reputation.” He teased them
“Of course we have! I'm still number one in my quirk development classes. Yuki has the best grades in all of his grade. Kohana is reading at a 3rd grade level already and Yoko and Saiyuri are everyone's favorite at the Daycare!” Kaori said with vigor.
“Yeah, your all Bakugou’s for sure.” He chuckled at them. He turned to talk to Hiroyuki but he was gone. You heard a door shut, he was probably already in his room.
“I've got homework to do dad and them we should do something all together!” Kaori said kissing his check before taking off. Her sisters followed her as usual.
“How long do you think he’ll be like that?” Bakugou asked you with a sigh.
“Honestly I don't know, it's not like I tell him awful things about you. Maybe it would have been better if we did cause then he would have one thing to be angry about, one event, It would be easier than him just being angry at you.” You said placing Saiyuri onto the ground to walk around.
“They’re so mature and smart I forget they’re so young. Hell we don't understand why it happened, you can't just pinpoint a time where you fell outta love, it’s gradual. So how can we expect them too.” Bakugou said, sounding in pain.
“Yeah, sucks they had to witness it. I’ve got to go meet up with someone but just… He thinks you’re going to call your parents and abandon them to do Hero work. I know you can't put off everything but I think he just wants to know that for once he can come first to you.” You said as you kissed Saiyoui’s forehead. You were about to enter the elevator when a weight crashed into you. You didn't have to look down too far to see Hiroyuki hugging you.
“Take care of Tokki, please.”
“Yes and you make sure you and your sisters behave for your dad.” He sighed but nodded at you. You gave him one last hair ruffle before leaving. You couldn't help but think this wasn't ever gonna get any easier. You sighed before heading to the next destination, a café to meet with a few of your friends.
“Y/N!” You heard a voice call to you as soon as you opened the door. You identified the voice as Mina.
“Mina! Long time no see!” You said giving her a hug.
“Y/n, dear come sit down.” Momo said smiling at you, you sat down with the group.
“How are you doing.” Mina asked you cautiously
“I’m surprisingly doing awful, I see Bakugou too much to truly get over him. The kids are still adjusting to us being apart and Hiroyuki has been really upset and distant. I thought breaking up would fix a lot but it just made everything worse.” You sighed out.
“Well of course it did!!!” Urakara whisper yelled.
“You and Bakugou called it quits way too soon! I've never seen someone handle Bakugou the way you do. I’ve never seen anyone love him like you. Hell Bakugou loves you so much it’s ridiculous! Do you remember when he was gonna put his hero work on hold because of Kaori! I’m sorry y/n but I’m not buying this fell out of love thing.” Deku rushed out.
“Mm I’d have to agree. If there is anything I’ve learned from being friends with Bakugou it’s that he never half ass anything and if he put time into it he’s gonna see it through till the end so, logically it doesn’t make sense.” Todoroki said quietly.
“Yeah so what’s your side of the story?” Mina asked carefully.
“I… loved him, you know and when we had kids it only intensified but now it’s different. Bakugou is a great dad don’t get me wrong but he’s absent and that was fine when it was just me, Kaori, Hiroyuki, and Kohana but now there is Yoko and Saiyuri. It’s hard when they all have different school times and different needs cause of their ages. It’s hard because I had to put part of my life on hold, I went to UA too and I was supposed to be one of the greatest support people out there, every agency would want me. But it was Bakugou’s dream first so I sacrificed it all in a heartbeat. Over the years he just got more busy and I got more left behind. I’m tired of waiting up till 3am to make sure he’s alright knowing I have to be up at 7 to get the kids ready for school. I… love him and I don’t want to argue with him and I could feel myself growing angry at him, feel myself growing resentful. So I brought it up under the disguise of “do you still love me” and he said No… so that was that and we were done the next week.” You said not meeting their eyes. They just looked at you with wide eyes.
“Y/n I’m sorry, I didn’t know you felt like this.” Momo said softly.
“It’s fine, he is the love of my life and our kids are my everything so I would do it all again, just for them.” You smiled with a few tears cascading down your face.
“You haven’t tried to talk to him about this, you still love him, you guys can fix this.” Deku said almost mumbling.
“But he doesn’t love me and so there is nothing to talk about. Now come on let’s talk about something else. You can hear sob stories like mine anytime.” You waved them off. They were hesitant but the conversation did pick up about their lives and your time at UA, at least the happy parts. The rest of your two days without your kids were a blur. You just remember waking up with your phone going off a Monday.
“Hello is this Bakugou Y/n?” A women’s said. The title hurt just a bit.
“Yes it is.” You responded drowsily.
“I am very sorry you have to receive a call like this but your son Bakugou Hiroyuki has been rushed to the hospital, his sister did refuse to leave his side so she is there as well.” You were silent before hanging up and immediately calling Bakugou.
“What’s up?” He rushed out. He sounded panicked so he must have gotten a call too.
“I need you to pick up Yoko and Saiyuri.” You said rushing to put in on your clothes.
“What? But yuki is in the hospital, we’ve got to be there.” He said 
“Yes but they are done with daycare in.” You paused to look at the clock on your way out the door. “A hour. If we don’t get them now we’ll have to leave him to get them.” You said finally in your car.
“Yeah and he would rather be with you than me…” he trailed off.
“I didn’t say that.” You rushed out
“You didn’t need to, I'll get them and be there as soon as I can.” He said hanging up. You sighed and continued your drive to the hospital. When you got there you rushed to the room where you looked in and saw your son unconscious and Kaori laying next to him.
“So he is going to be okay, we do want him to remain here for another day or two.” The doctor said to you, smiling.
“Okay but what’s wrong with him.” 
“Well he hasn’t been eating or drinking or sleeping enough, especially for a boy experiencing his growth spurt. Pair that with how much he has been using his quirk in class and you have a pretty bad situation.” She said as if it was nothing to worry about.
“Uhhh okay so we just need to make sure he is eating and drinking right?” You said pacing a little.
“Yeah and I would figure out what made him stop. Your daughter was very adamant about it not being abuse just that there was something going on at home and he is trying to deal with it.” The doctor said as you froze thinking you did this to him.
“Just a divorce…” you trailed off.
“Yeah that will do it but I don’t need to know about it. It's your business just make sure to talk to him so you don’t end up back here.” She said before leaving, you let out a few tears before heading into the room. Noticing you, Kaori got up and was hugging you tighter than she ever had.
“Did you know he wasn’t taking care of himself?” You asked, stroking her hair. She shook her head no.
“I didn’t either, I didn’t know it was hitting him so hard… you know you can ask me about anything, tell me anything… me and your dad will always be in your corner.” You said lifting her chin so you gazed into her eyes.
“But you're both not in our corner anymore. You guys are in to different corners and it’s hard to keep up with two different houses and two different.. well everything’s.” She said looking away from you.
“I never meant to you guys to feel like this, I just…” You trailed off but before you could finish Hiroyuki tossed and turned in his bed.
“Yuki sweetie, can you hear me?” You said as you rushed to his side.
“Mmm.” He said, he’s eyes still shut in pain.
“Oh baby, i'm so sorry I didn't notice you were in pain. It’s never gonna happen again, okay? Do you need something?” You said stroking his hair, he hummed before falling back to sleep. You sighed and kissed his forehead.
“So whats up with him?” Bakugou rushed into the room with the girls in his arms.
“He hasn’t been eating, or drinking, or sleeping. So when he used his quirk it drained his body and he’s here for 1 or 2 more days.” You said eyes never leaving his.
“That's impossible, he was just with me… he… didn't eat very much.” He trailed off. You hummed at him understanding how he was felling as you missed the signs too.
“Hey, girls I texted Grandma and Grandpa and they said they miss you so much. So while we take care of Yuki how about you guys go see them, yeah? Mr. Yuri is waiting to take you.” You smiled at them. You see a fire rise in Kaori but it goes out quick as Bakugou ruffles her hair.
“Okay then, be good for them and don't cause too much trouble. Mr. Yuri will pick up Kohana, Kaori please explain what's happening to her. And don't worry, we’ll see you real soon.” You said waving the girls out of the room. When they were out of sight you and Bakugou visually deflated. 
“Katsuki, how does this keep happening?” You asked him
“How do things keep getting worse, first the break up, then the kids being mad at each other, Yuki’s anger at you, and now this.” You cried out.
“The break up was bad to you?” He asked voice cracking.
“Why wouldn't it be, Katsuki I know you don't love me anymore but I…” You trailed off
“Would you just spit it out dumbass! This is why we didn't work out because you never say shit. You just bottle it up and never lean on me or depend on me the way I do to you. You used to say “we're a team” all the time but in the last 2 years you haven't said it once. It was you who fell out of love with me so don't pretend like it was so hard for you.” He yelled at you.
“This is why we don't talk Katsuki, all you wanna do is yell and project all the feelings you bottle up from working so goddamn much. Of course it was hard on me and you would know why if you could drop your ego and talk to me like you can tolerate being around me or love me!” You yelled back at him but before the argument could turn into a big screaming match your sons voice rang out.
“Would you two just stop it…” He said weakly.
“Yuki, im sorry we shouldn't have been yelling even if you were asleep.” Bakugou said caressing his check. At the touch Hiroyuki let out the tears he’s been holding in.
“Its us isn't it?” He paused to look at you. “Me and my sisters… You had Kaori and me pretty young and you didn't really get to be young. You had all of us before you really got to live together just the two of you.. And Uncle Izuku and Auntie Urakara's relationship is doing fine even though they started to date around the same time as you, difference is they just started having kids like 4 years ago… Im 12 and Kaori is 13. So its us isnt?…” He said curling into himself.
“Kid, I'm not gonna lie to you, having you and Kaori at the ages we did was a nightmare. We were barely out of school, we lived with my parents for a while cause we didn't have jobs or a place of our own and even we did get one it was a shitty hole in the wall place but even at the young age of 19 we pulled our shit together and made it work so when you came a year later we were a lot more prepared. Yes we did miss out on a lot of things people our age did but we had you and Kaori and that was so much better than party’s and hangovers. Then we decided to have Kohana, Yoko, and Saiyuri and you all make us so happy. You all have nothing, not a damn thing to do with what's going on between me and y/n. If we ever made you feel like you did we didn't mean to. We love you so much and I am so sorry if we ever made it seem like it was your fault.” Bakugou said, eyes boring into Hiroyuki’s. Hiroyuki looked at you and you nodded to show you agreed with Bakugou.
“Don't ever forget how much we love you, okay? Now you should eat, we’ll get you anything you want.” You said wiping your tears with a smile.
“If it's not too much trouble, I want you and dad’s spicy pork curry and you guys should take some to the girls.” He said drowsily.
“But in order to make that we both would have to leave since it's a meal we make together… we couldn't leave you here alone.” You said mostly to yourself before any could say anything else a new voice was heard entering the room.
“You guys go talk and make him some food, ill stay with him. I didn't watch you guys terribly flirt and kiss everywhere just for it to end over some miscommunications.” Aizawa said as he took the seat next to Hiroyuki. Aizawa had remained close with a lot of students from 1A, becoming like a second dad but he had been extra close with you and Bakugou. When Kaori came into the equation he was like a nanny to her and it only increased when Hiroyuki was born, the two having a really strong bond so neither you or Bakugou was shocked he showed up.
“Okay, then old man. Watch my kid.” Bakugou said, grabbing your hand and pulling you away. You almost forgot what his calloused hand felt like. He drug you to his car and the car ride was mostly silent. The talking began when you began to cook in the house you used to share.
“Do you love me?” You asked as you cut pork
“Yes, I love you. I never stopped, I am in love with you y/n. Today I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow.” He said slicing onions.
“Then why did you say that, say that you didn't love me.”
“Because I could see it, you don't look at me the same. We don't talk the way we used to. I don't want to string you along and make you hate being with me, because I love you more than life itself. And I was scared that one day you would wake up and you wouldn't need me and realize how easy it would be to leave me. That it would be my fault we ended because I was so focused on me I didn't see your pain. Scared that I would wake up and gaze into your eyes and find no love or joy in them. So I decided to let you go… I was thinking we just needed a break but you suggested a divorce and I agreed because I would do anything to make sure you keep that beautiful smile of yours. Even if you weren't smiling at me anymore… do you..” He said calmly, growing more emotional with each word.
“Yea, I never ever stopped. I was just tired, I am tired. But I want nothing more than for us to work… we can get through this, can't we?” You asked cautiously.
“Of course we can, we are Bakugous, we can do whatever the hell we want. And it will be different this time, we’ll talk about things and communicate better, I swear. I aint seeing a shrink though.” He said flicking water at you to make his last point more effective.
“Yes we are.” You giggled at him.
“No we aren't, you shitty dumbass. We don't need help, I can talk about my feelings without some dumb wanna be life coach.” He yelled as he began to wash the rice.
“Well we don't have to but I guess that means Zuku and Urakara have a better relationship than us since they go to counseling…” you trailed off with a shrug.
“Oh fuck you!” He roared at you, you giggled knowing he would now go. This was the most normal you felt in months, the happiest for sure. Just maybe things would be okay, and who were you kidding you could never fall out of love with the spiky haired explosion boy no matter what he did. It was toxic in a way but you could unpack that in the therapy sessions you were gonna force him to attend.
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
-The Arrangement- Chapter 1
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Summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable add. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi.
Chapter summary: Let’s meet our lovely [Y/N]. Every good story starts somewhere. Buckle up for the next few months babes <3 
Chapter 1
“Nope, sorry, I have to get to my other job.” You politely declined getting after-work drinks with your colleagues like usual. It was nice of them to still invite you even though you never said yes. 
You excused yourself to the company restroom. Out with the office worker, in with the bartender. You switched shirts, put your hair up in a ponytail, and applied heavier make-up. You'd switch out your skirt when you got to the club. As dumb and gross as it was, you always made more money when you wore your questionably short shorts. Oh well, money is money. 
You sent a quick text to your brother to make sure he and your sister got to your aunt's apartment and then headed for the station. Ok. How much money do I need to make tonight? You asked yourself as you opened the banking app. You mentally calculate the amount needed to feed your siblings, pay for the bus, and utilities. Ugh Maybe Park Minho will let me stay for him tonight. He usually wanted to get out of work early to go hang out with his friends. You would be ok this week if you stopped taking the bus and ate more ramen and less real food. You sighed. You were so tired.
You walked through the black glass doors of Club Tokki. There were only a few customers right now and you immediately went to see if anyone had made coffee. Work coffee=free coffee. Luckily for you, Lisa, the woman who worked the day shift almost always needed an extra dose of afternoon caffeine and there was still enough for a cup.
“Hey doll!” Lisa greeted you. “Here, I brought some milk in as well,” she said as she poured the coffee for you.
“You are a lifesaver. Thank you so much.” You gratefully took the mug, warming your hands. 
“No problem, do you need me to do anything before I leave? I’m going to close out with those two groups first.” She asked as she rinsed off some pint glasses.
You assessed the bar looking to see what you might need over the next few hours. “Yeah, ask the bar-back to get two more bottles of Goose and a bottle of Crown. We usually go through those on Wednesdays. And maybe cut a few limes and lemons. Thanks.” You took the coffee with you to the small office and finished changing clothes. Lisa was a student so she shared your need for thrifty living, coffee, and work. You didn’t have many friends, but you knew you could count on Lisa for caffeine and getting the bar prepped. 
You walked back out to the bar, mentally preparing yourself for the night ahead. In a few minutes people like your office coworkers would stream in, treating each other to after work drinks, socializing, and networking. You used to wonder if your circumstances were different if you would be the type of person who went out after work and socialized with their colleagues. You had come to the realization that “no” you wouldn’t. You would probably go home and sleep. Maybe read. You sighed and shimmied behind the bar as Lisa started to count down the drawer. "Alright, I asked the barback for the alcohol and there's 2 cups of lines and lemons." 
"Thanks a lot babe. See you tomorrow." you waved at her and started to move stuff around to where you liked it. 
"Happy money making." she smiled and headed out. 
As predicted about half an hour later, office workers start to show up and the bar is slowly starting to fill up. Club Tokki is known for its laid back vibe so it's mostly beers and "and" drinks. Whisky and coke. Vodka and soda. Occasionally there were some younger girls here that ordered the more complicated drinks. But you got those out as well; this wasn't the first bar you'd ever worked at, just the latest incarnation. And just like that, the night starts to speed up. Minho arrives two hours into your shift for the after-dinner rush.
“Just in time dude,” you greeted him as he walked behind the bar.
“What do you need?” He asked as he clocks in for the night. 
“The bar is caught up if you want to go check section one. Shinhye has the rest of the floor.” You instructed him and used this opportunity to catch up on cleaning dishes. You caught one of the guys at the end of the bar staring at you. He was definitely good looking, and stood out with his expensive suit, silver hair, and strong facial features. Whatever. As long as he tips. You were not looking for a boyfriend. Or a hookup. You cringed at the thought of even trying to navigate dating between your work schedule and also living with your Aunt as a grown ass woman. You shook your head like it would get rid of the thought. Satisfied with the current state of the bar you took a minute to drink some water and scan the club. There were worse places you could work for sure. 
Minho came back to the bar and asked you to make some shots while he grabs some beers. Grape bombs? Is this 2012? You resisted the urge to gag, having gotten sick on them when you were younger. You placed the drinks on his tray and checked the bartop once again.
Mr. Expensive Suit dimple-face was nursing a Goose and soda. “You doing ok?” you asked him as you made your way down the bar. 
“I’m great. Thanks. What’s your name?”
“[Y/N]” you responded and started to move on to your next guest. 
“This is the part where you ask my name.” he said arrogantly. Suddenly you did not care for him as much.
“Is it? I’ve never talked to someone in a bar before. I didn't realize there was a script.” you responded sarcastically. You hated it when guys thought they could manipulate you. 
“Wow. Ok. Ok. Hard to get. I respect that. I’m Kim Namjoon.” 
“Ok Mr. Kim, is there anything else I can get for you right now?” you asked, oh so sweetly.
“No. I’m good for now.” he said, laughing to himself. He shook his head incredulously and sipped his drink.
Well maybe you weren’t going to get tipped after all. Oh well. 
The rest of the night was mostly a blur. The vodka special brought in quite a few people and you ended up going through four bottles of Goose. Mr. Kim Dimples remained, nursing only his second drink now and still staring at you even though he was trying hard to not look like he was staring. It was awkward. He was hot but sooo not your type. Which you thought you had made clear.
“Mr. Kim, are you sure you even like Goose and soda?” you teased him as you made another round checking on people. 
“You know, I am more of a beer drinker myself, but I can’t pass up a good vodka special.” he leaned to the side, getting out his wallet, and pulled out a business card.
“[Y/N], I’d like for you to take this.” he stuck it between his index and middle finger, holding it out for you to take.
“I am flattered, Mr. Kim, but I’m not interested in anything like that.” you smiled politely. 
He rolled his eyes at you.  “Believe me, I’m not asking you on a date. You are so not my type,” he said with an air of disgust. As though he was repulsed that you would have even thought he would consider asking you out. “This is a job opportunity. I work for a talent agency of sorts.”
Wow. What a dick. “Oh yeah? What talent do you see?” you gesture to yourself. “I do pour some stiff drinks and can usually tell rude guys to fuck off with a smile on my face.”
To your surprise he just laughed. “You are very funny. And I suppose some people would find you attractive. Just take the card. I think you’re the best candidate I’ve found yet.” he stood up and put on his suit jacket, sitting the business card down on the bartop.
“Rude.” you casually said, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
"Well, it makes no difference to me if you accept or not. Regardless, there it is." He gestured to the card, and sat down way too much money on top of it. "Keep the change." He turned and left.  
You didn’t end up closing for Minho; the two of you both stayed since it remained steady through closing time. You were weirded out by the conversation with Mr. Kim, but having worked in a bar for the past 7 years, it wasn't the weirdest thing that had ever happened to you. You threw  the business card into your purse and forgot about it for the rest of your shift.
The remainder of the night passed without incident. As much as you disliked it, that weirdo's money helped make sure you could take the bus again the next few days. You stuffed your tips into your purse and walked home. Well. To your aunt's house. It didn't really feel like home. Just a temporary landing spot until you and your siblings could get your own place again. 
You entered quietly and washed your hands. You dutifully went through your siblings school bags, making sure their supplies and homework were where they should be. You packaged their lunches as much as you could and started a fresh batch of rice for tomorrow. All mostly in the dark so you didn't wake anyone up. Your brother was sleeping on the couch, which you hated, but he insisted on it. You were sharing the guest bedroom with your sister and your niece.
You grabbed your laptop and curled up in the corner of the kitchen to not bother anybody. I’m a 27 year old loser hiding on the floor of my Aunt’s apartment in the middle of the night. I have to wake up in 5 hours for my other job and instead I’m going to look up a website that some weird ass rude hot guy at a bar gave me. Why is this my life? You thought, and yet you pulled out the business card and entered the link. It took you to a black website with a white box asking for a code. You flipped the card over, and there it was, handwritten. You type it in and wait for the website to load, convinced it’s going to be some weird porn site with fisting or crush videos. You almost cover your eyes but to your pleasant surprise it’s a normal website. 
Seeking: a suitable adult woman for long-term companionship. Will be well compensated. Serious inquiries only. 
The text continued: If you are on this website, congratulations. You have already presented the basic level qualifications for this position. 
Ok. So maybe this was an escort service. Which I mean...if it paid better than both of your jobs and you didn’t have to have sex with people maybe you could. No. No. You talked yourself out of it and scrolled down to read more of the description,
Female between the ages of 20 and 40.
Flexibility in schedule
Desire to travel and attend events
Strong personality and interpersonal skills
Proficiency with Microsoft Excel and Word 
Punctuality, attention to detail, and strong organizational skills
Desired but not necessary
Non-smoker/drinks alcohol socially
Like animals 
Enjoy listening to music 
Position requires relocation to on-site premises and therefore covers room and board. 
Monthly stipend (click here for more information pertaining to taxes)
3 meals a day, beverages, and snacks included
Most escort services didn’t require proficiency in Microsoft Word or Excel...you were guessing. Maybe it was a legit job. Like an on-site event planner? You clicked the link contained in compensation and HOLY SHIT THAT WAS A LOT OF MONEY. 
You bit your lip and pulled up your resume. It couldn’t hurt to submit it, right? You didn’t have much to update since you had just started your office job 3 months ago. You updated the resume to include that job and listed your address as Club Tokki’s in case this was actually a sex trafficking set up. You thought about it for a another minute and then uploaded the document, took a deep breath, and hit “send.” NEXT CHAPTER
TAGS: @lidda​
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peachy-beomie · 4 years
I’m Thirsty For Happiness (Want An Oasis) <JIHOON CENTRIC>
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Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: PLATONIC Sukhoon (Choi Hyunsuk x Park Jihoon), PLATONIC Dohoon (Kim Doyoung x Park Jihoon)
Word Count: 1119
Warnings: I make Hyunsuk cry (I’m so sorry)
Synopsis: Being a leader comes with a lot of responsibilities, but Park Jihoon is ready to accept them all.
A/N: For the purposes of this lets all pretend Doyoung and Jihoon can definitely fit a hammock in their room. This is just some Jihoon appreciation cause I found a prompt.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29408031
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Being a leader is no simple task. 
This is something that every idol and fan alike is aware of. Leaders essentially assume a parental role over their members, making sure they’re fed, clothed, and well rested. Leaders are often also tasked with leading practices, greetings, and acceptance speeches. Being a leader may be tough, but there’s nothing Jihoon would rather do. 
And it definitely helps to have someone to share the load. Jihoon thanks the higher powers every day for sending him an angel like Choi Hyunsuk. The older is nothing short of the ideal co-leader. He’s motherly, fun, energetic, but also mature, caring, and diligent. He and Jihoon work with each other perfectly, taking care of their 10 other members quite well.
Now Jihoon isn’t sure if this is due to his personality, or if it’s some sort of mystic leader power, but he’s always able to tell when one of the members is upset. And he knows Hyunsuk feels it too. So it stands to reason that when Doyoung climbs off the stage with his bubbly personality nowhere in sight, the leaders exchange more than a few worried glances. Doyoung’s back is noticeably hunched and his eyes are rooted to the ground in front of him, refusing to meet anyone else’s. Jihoon watches helplessly as the smaller boy slunks to the dressing room. He wants more than anything to console the younger, but he knows that any confrontation is better left for the dorms. 
After taking a few photos and heading to the vans, Doyoung’s mood doesn’t seem to have improved at all. Though still plenty loud and bubbly due to the other members, the ride home is void of Doyoung’s teasing which makes it feel a little empter in both leaders’ hearts. Hyunsuk looks at Jihoon with an almost desperate gaze but the younger shakes his head in response. ‘Later’ he mouths silently, and eases as he sees Hyunsuk reluctantly sit back. Jihoon knows Hyunsuk gets extra worried about anything and everything Doyoung. Hyunsuk watched the younger boy get beaten down and pick himself up over and over and over. They’ve all seen each other at their best, and at their worst. Jihoon knows Hyunsuk doesn’t want to see that happen to the members again, least of all their sweet energetic bunny. Hyunsuk has always been too worrisome for his own good, but it truly is a strength of his. Jihoon wants to console Doyoung just as much as Hyunsuk, but all he can do is grab his fellow leader’s hand comfortingly and wait for them to return home.
After what seems like an eternity of driving, they finally reach the dorms. Doyoung is the first inside and runs into his and Jihoon’s room, slamming the door behind him. The other members are startled by the gesture. Jihoon allows Hyunsuk to be the first to talk to the distraught boy, opting instead to watch some TV with Yoshi and Junkyu. 
“What’s wrong with Doyoung?” Yoshi asks, concern written all over his face.
“I don’t know,” Jihoon answers honestly. “But Hyunsukie and I are going to try to figure it out.” 
“Do you think something happened on the stage?” Junkyu adds.
“Possibly. But don’t worry about it too much guys, he’ll be okay! We’re all here for him right?” The younger boys nod enthusiastically. “Then we can figure it out. We won’t let Doyoungie suffer alone.”
After 20 minutes of trying, Hyunsuk emerges from Doyoung’s room with tears of frustration and concern pricking at the corner of his eyes. Jihoon runs up to envelop the older in an embrace as the tears fall down his cheeks. 
“I don’t know what to do,” Hyunsuk whispers between soft sniffles. Jihoon simply shushes him and urges him to calm down. Jihoon pulls back with a smile.
“It’s alright Suk, he’s going to come around.” Hyunsuk gives an unconvinced moan in response. “I’ll go talk to him, you can stay and watch soccer or something ok?” With a final nod from the boy, Jihoon led him to the couch before walking towards his and Doyoung’s shared room. He opens the door gently and sees the aforementioned boy curled in a ball in the hammock tucked into the corner of their small room. Jihoon shuts the door behind him and walks quietly to sit on the floor beside the hammock.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Doyoung brokenly states, not even giving Jihoon the chance to say anything.
“Ok,” The older boy nods understandingly. “That’s perfectly okay. Is there anything you do want? A snack, some games, a--”
“A hug would be nice,” Comes the shy reply. Jihoon can only chuckle fondly.
“I can do that,” He says, rising to his feet. “Make some room in there. I'll come join you.”
“Doyoung sits up a little allowing Jihoon to slide in behind him, pulling the fragile boy to his chest. One of Jihoon’s feet remains on the floor so he can rock the hammock softly. 
They remain like this for a while, Jihoon cards his hair through the boy’s hair slowly. “I know you don’t want to talk about it, just know that we’re all worried about you right?” Jihoon asks delicately, choosing each word carefully. “We’re here, if you need anything. And you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, the members understand. We just want you to be happy tokki.” Jihoon feels Doyoung squirm a little.
“I know hyung, I’m really grateful for you guys,” Doyoung admits, and Jihoon sees a soft smile settle on the boy’s face. “I just felt like I messed up onstage is all, it made me frustrated.”
“That’s understandable, but I can assure you you didn’t mess anything up. And that’s what stages are for! Mistakes will happen, but there’s always next time.”
“Thanks hyung.” Jihoon mumbles his welcome as he sees Doyoung begin to drift off. He can’t help the smile that creeps onto his face at the sound of Doyoung’s soft snores. He continues to gently rock the hammock in hopes of keeping Doyoung sleeping. The red haired boy stays curled in Jihoon’s lap for the better part of an hour before their door creaks open revealing Hyunsuk’s fond smile.
“I was just coming to tell you I’m taking the others back to our dorm, how’s he doing?”
“Hopefully better,” Jihoon says with a tired smile. “He must’ve been tired.”
“You’re not gonna be able to feel your legs tomorrow.” Hyunsuk muses.
“Worth it,” Jihoon baits in return. “Night Hyunsukie.”
“Night Jihoonie, and sweet dreams tokki.”
As soon as Hyunsuk exits Jihoon feels his eyelids drooping. The boy falls asleep peacefully with his hand resting gently atop Doyoung’s.
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game-dev-duo · 3 years
The process and completion of the dialogue box.
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~ Hello there! Tokki here ~ Recently I completed the dialogue box asset, so I thought it'd be interesting to share what the very first prototype looked like! As well as share the concept art with you. The prototype was made in the quest to really jump into the game and then start developing it from there, it was a starting point. We knew we wanted our game to have dialogue and the ability to speak with different characters, so that's where we began. At first, I made a mock-up with it and then I provided Crisp with a blank version so that he could begin coding a dialogue system. It started off as green because that's both Crisp and I's favourite colour. The characters used for the demonstrations are currently my original characters, I'm using them as placeholders until we have official character portraits of our own characters. Tabitha was used at first, however, once a core aesthetic was decided Vivian made for a better placeholder visually. ( Thank you for your initial help though, Tabi! ) From then on, we started to discuss what kind of themes we wanted to have and what setting it would be in. After that, I started to have a lot of ideas in my head about what it would look like visually and decided on a specific, cohesive aesthetic. A victorian-inspired journal/diary. So I started to doodle until I fell in love with the look of something, and that's where the concept art was chosen as something to model off of. Part of my artistic process is working until I love what I've made, if I don't feel anything then it's not right yet. And if I've been working on it for a long time and I still feel nothing, I know it's time for me to change directions and try again. The chain was incorporated as part of an idea I had, where based upon the player's progress/relationship with the character they were speaking to, the chain would gradually weaken until it fell apart. It would have been to give the player a sense of progress, a reward for their work once it fell and a visual metaphor of the storyline. Ultimately, I decided that it was visually disruptive and based on the nature of a dialogue box, it would have just covered up the dialogue text. I think it was a neat idea, but I just didn't care for it and it would have posed a lot of problems. Honestly, though, I do much prefer how it looks without the chain. When I was working on creating the official, polished asset, I ended up adding some nice detailing on the golden frames as I wanted to give it a really unique character/style. If the story ends up in the direction that Crisp and I spoke of, the detailing will be visually representative of some of the story's concepts! At first, the assets did not have any shadows around them but I later added them to make them able to retain visual strength and not have any difficulty with the background art that was to be added in future. It shouldn't blend in, but it also shouldn't stand out. The shadows also helped to make sure everything was visually consistent as the selection boxes I later made also have them. ( Something I heard whilst researching UI was that what makes a good UI, in a way, is that it isn't noticeable at all. It should be so seamless and pleasant to interact with that it's something a player barely notices. ) I later took a ridiculous ( maybe to some ) amount of time deciding on the fonts. I'm very happy with the selection I made! I'm glad I spent so long on it, after all, I believe every single thing matters and adds to the visuals of a game. I believe that the right font can help make a game whilst the wrong one can help break it. ( I'm talking about you, comic sans. ) One font I really loved for the name title didn't have the right licences so unfortunately, I had to remove it and replace it with a different one. I wasn't sure about it at first but after I gave it some time, it grew on me! I really feel it adds to the victorian feel, I wanted to give the player the sense that they've 'been formally invited' to the location the game takes place in. I feel as though the nameplate feels like it honours the
characters that are speaking. Something about that pretty, gold, handwritten calligraphy feels special to me. I've been researching like my life depends on it, trying to learn as much as I can about UI design and UX and in my research, I came across a UI/UX designer that said there should be around 15-26 words per dialogue box because it's far easier on the reader. And it also allows the characters more chance to use different expressions alongside their dialogue. This totally opened my eyes as it was something I hadn't thought of before, and he's right! My prototypes were far too dialogue-heavy, so I resized the box to be smaller and that ended up making it look a lot more visually appealing, too. I was unsure about the character portrait sizes so I took a look at lots of visual novel games to see what they had done and I realised that my characters were scaled far too small. I personally didn't love the sizes that most games chose to go with, I find them to cover up too much of the screen, so I decided to go with my own in between. Not too big and not too small. The last thing I'd like to talk about is the indicator! After staring at our mock-ups intently for far too long, I couldn't help but feel as though something was missing like I could add one last thing to really perfect it. The cherry on top. And then it occurred to me that we're going to use an indicator to indicate that the dialogue is finished and you can click to see the next dialogue. So I played around with it for a bit and then I had the perfect idea! A quill!! What better way to add to the visuals of the dialogue box than to make the indicator a feather quill. I'm ridiculously in love with this detail and think it's the best idea I've had so far, haha. Sorry to write such a long post, but this is the first update I have and a lot ( not a ton but a significant amount ) has happened since the game's inception. My next updates should be a lot shorter, I just wanted to take you through the process and progress of how we've gotten to the place we are now. One thing I'd like to mention though is how important these small things are to me. I really truly believe that every single detail is incredibly important and that's why I take it all equally as seriously as I would with any other aspect of the game. I believe it all adds up eventually. If every single thing shines as an individual, the whole thing can shine together to make something beautiful. Every single thing is part of the game, so every single thing should be treated with care. I want that to show. I want the player to be able to look at this game and see straight away that a lot of love and effort went into it. Thank you for your time reading this, I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope that it was of some interest to you! ~ Tokki 🌸
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j-ni733 · 5 years
It’s a rant of mine, If anyone was wondering what was bothering me, this is one of them. If not skip ahead. I don’t like this, but I want to make something clear here about me. sorry if i said “im fine” to certain people. 
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 Hello Tokki here! I have something to say and let you, my lovely followers, know!
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Sooo... I noticed many people have been dm-ing me for many concerns. Which I am thankful and glad that you guys are concerned, but it is ok. I’m alright. I also noticed that people are saying “don’t sell your oc” “you worked so hard on him why are you giving him away”. 
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I’m not really giving him away. I never mentioned anything giving him away. Sure I drew a mini comic of a poster saying “Free” and “usable character blah blah...” stuff. But really I’m not giving him away. I was just drawing how I was feeling and how I pointed out that I was this close giving up on him. If I were to sell him, I would put up my commission and let people know. But just to let you know I don’t my ocs, just the designs and ideas if I wanted to.  
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Anyways, I also want you all to know that I wont be continuing blankfate anymore. I’ve decided and made up my mind about how blankfate is turning out. I even chat with @dragonlover1128​ that we won’t finish the bf. Things were going out of hand and disorganized. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with things here and in real life. To be honest, I losing my confidence and motivation with blankfate. As my friend mentioned, “it was a bit boring” and I agree to that. I set blankfate to have my oc interact with hers and other people’s if they would like to join. Yet I feel like I was doing it wrong. I made some mistakes but people learn right?    I think it’s my fault really. I kind of say things that I was fantasizing too much where, not a lot, but some people would like the ocs and how the story goes. I got to the point where “I didn’t think things through.” I was careless of my friend’s idea and I would always deny how her oc would react, even though they aren’t mine. She was having a tough time to figure out when to butt in. I would tell her to be patient. I realized I kind of leave her out of blankfate. I was talking over too much, I didn’t notice my own teammate. I’m sorry dragon.  Overall, I’m an idiot and stupid :D.
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Now getting that out of the way, since blankfate is discontinued I want to say some things. 
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Cyrus is just a random oc of mine. I erased his memory and his timeline. so whoever rped with me is uncanon and Cyrus doesn’t actually know any of your ocs (such as Adrian, The Knight, Olin, Star, Rik, Milo, or etc....), he doesn’t have a story but he still is a little prince, his personality is still the same (shy yet determined), and is an only child. His (undertale fandom) soul would be cyan and his powers would be his wings and a sword. I’m sharing this because I like my oc Cyrus and I’m really happy that people like him. I feel so grateful that Cyrus is loved by many people and I enjoyed making his story. So I thought of just keeping as my guinea pig or my little random oc for doodles, or any rp people would like to do with me. Feel free to use him if you like, but just credit me and let me know :D ( Don’t say he’s yours please) 
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This is what Cyrus would looks like as he grows up in blankfate. 
I’m not good at sharing my feelings, this reason feels ridiculous how Im acting, but this is something personal to me and people who are close to me. 
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throwawayov · 5 years
The Case of You, Who Saved Me on Mondays - pt.2
The second and final part,
Sorry the grammar is still shitty I can’t proofread this lol
Also I can’t write smut askjaskhdka
Thank you for even reading this shit
Wednesday, Ranmaru Kurosaki POV
What made Ranmaru opened his eyes slowly was the strong smell of antiseptic. Next, the strange beeping from electronic device beside his head. After that, the massive throbbing pain in his head. He struggled to open his eyes. The sudden light from the ceiling blinded him for a second, but he tried to adjust quickly. This… is a hospital, isn’t it?
Then suddenly he realized something warm on his left hand. He tried to look below and saw Reiji’s head and hands were rested on Ranmaru’s hand. Reiji?
Sitting on a chair beside the bed, Reiji didn’t move at all so Ranmaru thought he’s asleep. He could feel Reiji’s strong grip on his hand as he couldn’t move it. “Reiji?” Ranmaru called him with croaky voice.
Reiji jolted up, surprising Ranmaru. “Ranran!? You’re awake!”
“Why—What are you doing here?”
Reiji stood up, clenching his fist. Ranmaru, still feeling dizzy, totally did not expect what happened in the next second; he got slapped hard by Reiji. What the—
“What the FUCK have you done you STUPID RANMARU,” Reiji screamed on the top of his lungs. His whole body trembled, and his face looked so red and colorless at the same time, if that’s even possible.
Ranmaru was shocked. “What—That freaking hurts, what the hell!” he stroked his cheek in pain.
“Good, you—you look okay! You—You better start ta—” Reiji’s stammer was suddenly cut by his cellphone’s buzz. He quickly grabbed them and cleared his throat. “Yes, Kotobuki here,”
Ranmaru stayed silent. He’s still confused on what’s going on. His mind tried to remember what happened…
And it hit him. Shit, did I just…
“Yes, he’s fine now. The doctor said it’s just overwork. Just a bad case of stomach ulcer, he’s gonna be discharged soon… yes, I’ll tell him that. Thanks!” he clicked his phone off and almost literally threw it away on to the bed.
Reiji’s attention went back to Ranmaru. “You see, I’m covering up for you so this won’t go out of hand,” he sat down again beside him. “I know you don’t want to worry anyone. So now, please, talk to me,”
Ranmaru sighed. “Talk about what? What is there to talk about?”
Reiji grabbed his hand hard. “For God’s sake can you make this easier, Ran? You know full well what am I talking about,”
“Let go of my hand,”
Reiji tighten his grip. “No sir I don’t think so, now talk,”
“Yes yes, gosh, Reiji,” Ranmaru closed his eyes in frustration. “Yes, I am an omega, a filthy one at that, the one using funny drugs to hide it all these years, and it took a toll on me physically and now mentally as well, and I was trying to end it all. That’s the freaking explanation, happy?”
Reiji fell silent. “But, why… why you—I don’t… Is it because what happened that night after the interview? Because I found out your secret?”
Ranmaru opened his eyes but trying to avoid Reiji’s. “No,” he muttered. “Well, maybe,” Ranmaru can sense Reiji’s breath stopped for a second. He might have said a wrong thing and he kind of regretted it now.
“What—what can I do to help, Ran? I don’t want this to happen again. Can you—can you stop taking that dangerous drugs? Can you stop taking too many suppressants?” The way Reiji talked, Ranmaru knew he’s holding back his tears. He sounded mad.
“And risking myself go into heat? No way,”
“It’s going to be okay if you take normal suppressants, you know that, right?”
“Even then, people will know that I’m an omega, I don’t want that,”
“Why are you so ashamed of it? Look at Tokki, he’s totally fine with it!”
“He’s had it hard as well before Otoya paired with him, you know,”
“Fine, then pair with me!”
Ranmaru’s eyes went wide. “The fuck are you talking about?”
“Yes, become my pair, Ran,” Reiji stood up. “That way, only I can smell your pheromones and you’ll be fine,”
Ranmaru clenched his fist. He felt his whole body tensed and heated up for all the wrong reason. He gritted his teeth trying to calm himself down. “I. Don’t need. Your pity.”
“Ran, no, listen to me, this is not pity. I—I care a lot about you, you know,”
“Get out of here,”
“Ranmaru, I always like you, all this time, I always like—”
“Get the fuck out of here you crazed alpha,” Ranmaru slapped Reiji’s hand away in fury. “Don’t you dare joke around like that, now that you know I’m an omega, you suddenly like me? Fuck you.”
“No no no, Ranmaru, that’s not—”
“GET OUT!” Ranmaru pressed on the nurse call button furiously.
Last thing Ranmaru saw before the door closed was Reiji’s face holding back his tears being dragged out by the nurse.
Thursday, Reiji Kotobuki POV
“I messed up, Tokki, I messed up,”
Reiji planted his face onto his hands. In front of him, the only omega of STARISH, Ichinose Tokiya, sipped his tea trying to calm himself down from the surge of new information Reiji brought upon him. The way Tokiya always carried himself with poise fascinated Reiji, as expected from the most famous omega in the entertainment industry. All the alphas in the industry used to be crazy over Tokiya’s – unwanted, according to himself – erotic aura that he exudes whenever he went. That was, before he finally became a pair with his alpha Ittoki Otoya. Nowadays his scent only lingered on as a myth and legend. Otoyan must be one lucky bastard.
Around 30 minutes ago, Reiji just finished telling Tokiya the gist of the situation, sans the suicide attempt just because he couldn’t get himself to even mention about it. He only hoped Tokiya can really be trusted to keep this only to himself. At least for the time being.
Tokiya finally put down his tea cup. “Yes, the way I see it, you messed up big time,”
Reiji slammed his head on the table. “I knoooooow, now what should I dooooo??”
“I’m not sure. Kurosaki-san is difficult to understand, but I think he’s a pretty straightforward person,” he nodded to himself. “Just wait until he calms down and talk to him again? Make sure you’re being honest?”
Reiji chuckled a bit, “Despite his image, Ranran is far from straightforward, you know. He’s a total tsundere if I ever see one,”
Tokiya raised his brows, “Really? That doesn’t sound like him,”
“Yes, yes, you’ll be surprised to know how gentle he actually is, despite trying so hard to appear rough,” Reiji nodded to himself remembering the subject of the conversation.
Tokiya smiled. “Well, I guess you don’t need to consult to me. Afterall, the one who understands him the best is you,”
And Reiji couldn’t help but to agree on that one.
Friday, Ranmaru Kurosaki POV
Ranmaru slapped his bass hard for his last big note. He stopped playing to think, played some more notes, and sat down onto his sofa. He leaned forward to jot down some notes onto his music sheet.
It’s 5 PM now and Ranmaru had been composing music non-stop for the day. He’s been avoiding coming to work, thanks to Reiji’s stomach ulcer excuse, it’s easier for him to hide in his place.
This rhythm is pretty good… Haruka should be able to work on the arrangement on this one.
Ranmaru knew putting all his focus into creating music was the best distraction for him at the moment. At least I don’t have to think about unnecessary stuffs now.
7 PM and Ranmaru had been playing around with his pencil on his hand for the last 15 minutes. Struggled to produce any lyrics for his newly composed music, he believed he just hit the writer’s block. “I can’t think of anything…” he mumbled.
Suddenly there’s a loud knock on his front door. “Ranran?”
…That’s Reiji. What the hell.
Ranmaru stayed silent, trying not to make any noise.
“Ranran? I know you’re in there! I just want to talk, give me 10 minutes,”
No. Ranmaru froze in his place.
Holy shit what is that idiot doing! Ranmaru ran to the front door and opened it quickly. “Shut up, I don’t want you here, go home,” and proceed to close the door again.
“Nope! Won’t let you this time,” Reiji quickly grabbed onto the door, pushed himself inside, and closed the door with his back.
Ranmaru was caught off-guard and took a couple steps back. “Hey, this is trespassing, you know. I will call the police,”
“Oh, go ahead, call them! I will gladly help them get rid of your stupid drugs while they’re here,” Reiji smirked and folded his arms as he walked past Ranmaru into the living room. He sat himself down, obviously pretending not to hear Ranmaru’s annoyed mumbles. “Ranran, I just want to talk, let me apologize to you,”
“Whatever, you have nothing to apologize for,” Ranmaru quickly walked past the living room and opened the door to his bedroom.
Reiji stood up quickly. “No, wait!”
“Stop,” Ranmaru put up his hand. “You can talk, but it’s really hard for me to see you in person now. So please just talk, I will listen from my room,” he proceeded to go into his room and closed the door with a bang.
Inside, Ranmaru sat down with his back on the door, trying to calm himself down.
“Ranran, can you hear me?” Reiji’s voice came though the door. He must be standing right in front of the door now.
“Loud and clear,” Ranmaru answered.
“Okay, I—I don’t know where to begin, but—” the hesitation in Reiji’s voice was so obvious, but he proceeded anyway.
“I’m sorry for what I said in the hospital. It was—it was hassled and unnecessary, I didn’t consider your feelings at that time, I’m sorry for being selfish,” he paused for a moment.
It’s fine. I’m the selfish one as well.
“But that wasn’t a lie. I—I must have phrased it wrongly. I know you won’t believe me after I ruined my chance with my stupid mouth in the hospital, but please listen to what I have to say now,”
“I—I always looked up to you since the first time we met, you knew it, right? I admired you since the beginning. Your voice, your stage presence, your confidence, your strong principle,”
“But damn you were so difficult to understand, Ran,” Reiji chuckled. “You built this wall around you so people couldn’t get closer. But I always know how you secretly helped many people, even—funnily enough, those stray cats you always fostered,”
“The more I try to understand you, the more you drive me insane. You’re full of imperfections, yet you managed to fill those gaps with your sincerity. You’re the scariest, sharpest, bravest person I know, and sometimes I couldn’t even catch my breath trying so hard to keep up. There will never be another one like you. Millions of people will come and go into my life, but there will never be another one stronger than you.”
“And did you realize I was feeling all of this while thinking you’re a beta?”
“This has nothing to do with you being an omega, Ranran. This doesn’t happen in a day. If anything, the fact that you’re an omega helped me to overcome my hatred of being an alpha. For the first time in my life, I finally feel relieved I was born this way. It was at that moment I knew I have chance to save you. I want you to rest on me, Ranmaru. I want you to feel relieved that you’re born an omega as well,”
The prolonged silence was deafening. Ranmaru could only hear his own crazy loud heartbeat.
“Ranmaru Kurosaki, I love you, with your sins and all,”
“I just hope my feelings can reach you,”
And then Ranmaru can hear the front door closed quietly.
Monday, Reiji Kotobuki POV
The practice room this afternoon was filled with Haruka and Reiji, but the younger one feels like she’s alone in it. “Reiji-senpai? Are you okay?” Haruka repeated her question.
Reiji snapped back to reality. “Ah, sorry Haru-chan!” He scratched his head. “I was just sleepy. What were you saying?”
That’s half-true, though. Reiji couldn’t get any decent sleep all weekend. He waited and waited with his cellphone in his hand. Waiting for any news, anything that came from Ranmaru, but it was naught. His mind kept on repeating what he said in Ranmaru’s place over and over again, trying to find a mistake, trying to find something that might be worth clarifying as an excuse to go back there…
Just flat out reject me and get this over with, Ran.
“Do you want to try singing this song?” Haruka asked, walking towards the piano behind the sofa.
Reiji noticed the sheets on the table in front of him. He grabbed it and skimmed through the notes. “What is this song?”
Haruka sighed. “Reiji-senpai, you didn’t hear any word I said, did you… It’s the song Ranmaru-senpai just sent,”
“Wait, what?” Reiji almost choked in his own words. “Ranran’s song?”
“Yes, I’ve been working on an arrangement for Ranmaru-senpai’s new song since last week… Over the weekend he just completed the first part of the lyrics,” Haruka searched through the sheets on her hand, “Ah, here it is” and gave the additional sheet to Reiji. “It’s the lyrics he made. Reading it, I wanted to change the arrangement from rock to ballad, what do you think, senpai?”
Reiji quickly grabbed the sheet. He’s done it over the weekend?
“I’m a bit confused with the lyrics, but I will try singing it,” Haruka sat down and started playing notes on the piano.
The Case of You, Who Saved Me on Mondays
I tried to be strong, all in the effort of chasing you
I thought I run towards you, but I was just running away
You were never in front of me, you are right next to me
Perhaps you are the only possible answer to my questionable life
My stain might never go away, I hope you are okay with it
Undress me with your warmth, and love me with your liberation
My most beautiful excuse to live.
Thank you for the great relief of having you to rest on
Come save me, we will be "us" I have always dreamed of being.
Reiji blinked once.
“Senpai, what do you think?” Haruka broke the silence.
Reiji took a step back and ran towards the door, “Haru-chan, I’m so sorry but I have an urgent thing suddenly coming, I need to go now,”
“What? Is everything alright??”
“I—I think so, yes, it’s alright,” and then he ran without hesitation.
Monday Evening
“Ranran?” Reiji knocked on Ranmaru’s door loudly. He’s still trying to catch his breath as a result of running and nervousness combined.
Reiji’s phone buzzed. Ranmaru. “Hello?? Ranran?”
“It’s unlocked. Just come in,” Ranmaru said from the other side, and then quickly turn off the call.
Reiji quickly opened the door. “I’m coming in,” he announced as he came in. His stopped suddenly after taking a couple steps. He sensed…something.
There’s a…nice smell coming from inside.
Reiji moved forward following the source of the scent. “Ranran?” he called out again. The scent was coming from Ranmaru’s bedroom. Reiji tried to knock.
“You can come in, but be careful,” Ranmaru’s voice can be heard from inside.
Oh God please help me what is happening
Reiji slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door. Inside, he saw Ranmaru on his bed, sitting down, wrapped in thick blanket. Only his face was visible.
“…What are you doing in that blanket?” Reiji was dumbfounded.
“Hiding,” Ranmaru answered.
“Hiding from what?”
“Hiding my smell from you,”
Reiji burst out laughing. “What the hell, Ranran!”
“Don’t laugh! I stopped taking my medicine since 2 days ago,”
Reiji’s eyes widen in surprise. “You really did!?”
Ranmaru didn’t answer. He hid half his face into the blanket now.
Reiji stepped forward. “Can I sit there? With you?”
Still no answer. Reiji sat in front of Ranmaru anyway on the bed. “Ranran, I—I’ve listened to your song,”
Ranmaru was now hidden completely into the blanket. “Does it mean what I think it means? And—Hey why are you hiding completely now!?”
Reiji moved forward, kneeling on the bed trying to grab the blanket away from Ranmaru.
“No, stop! Don’t take away the blanket,” Ranmaru begged from inside. But it’s too late. Reiji had opened the blanket and pushed Ranmaru on to the bed.
Ranmaru was shirtless, laying on the bed, the only thing covering him was his track pants. His whole body was so red, the result of humidity and embarrassment merged into one.
Reiji’s heart skipped a beat. “Why—why are you shirtless!?” Reiji covered his face in embarrassment.
“It’s hot,” Ranmaru, facing away from Reiji, tried to cover his face with both his arms.
It’s bad, it’s bad, it’s bad. Calm yourself, Reiji.
Reiji took a deep breath. “Ranran, have my feelings reached you?”
Ranmaru was beet red now. His arms folded closer over his face.
Reiji kneeled forward, trying to grab Ranmaru’s arm away. “Ranmaru, look at me, please,”
“No, I don’t wanna,” Ranmaru closed his eyes.
“Okay then, hug me,” Reiji moved backward a bit and opened his arms. “You don’t have to look at me that way,”
The following silence drove Reiji mad. “Okay, I’m closing my eyes now. I won’t be able to see you. Reach on to me Ra—”
Reiji’s word was cut short by the sudden incoming embrace that is Ranmaru’s body. He hugged Reiji so tight, so sudden, he opened his eyes by surprise.
“Reiji, I—” Ranmaru’s husky voice was so close to his ear, Reiji’s heartrate felt doubled in a split second.
“I’m sorry, Reiji,” Ranmaru continued. “I’m—I’m not good with words. I don’t know how to say what I feel now, but I’m sorry for what I’ve done to myself and to you,”
“Save me, Reiji. I’m selfish and difficult, but you are my only solace. When I picture myself happy, I picture myself beside you,”
Reiji grabbed onto Ranmaru’s back tight. His scent is getting stronger it made Reiji dizzy, but he never tried to focus so hard before in his life.
“I love you, Reiji,”
And that’s it. That’s all it took for Reiji to lost it. He pulled away from the embrace and grabbed Ranmaru’s face for a kiss.
Reiji kissed Ranmaru hastily and the younger one took in a strangled gasp before closing his fist on Reiji’s shirt. Their eyes were squeezed shut. None of them could barely breathe. Reiji pulled away seconds later. It was a mess of a kiss.
“Sorry Ran, I—” Reiji was breathless. His mind was all over the place. Shit. I can’t control myself. I hate it.
Ranmaru, surprised by his own calmness, reached out his hand to Reiji’s face. “Reiji. Don’t hate it. Your…urge. It’s not… It’s not disgusting. If—If it’s…with me, it’s…alluring,”
“Fuck, Ranmaru. I can’t hold it anymore. Is it your heat talking?” Reiji hastily removed his own shirt.
“I don’t—I don’t know. I feel so hot,”
Reiji gulped, trying to muster up his last strand of sanity. “I will only ask once, Ranmaru, do you want to become my pair?”
“Devour me,”
Epilogue, the afternoon after
“What the actual fuck, Reiji, you’re supposed to bite only ONCE,”
Ranmaru stroked his own nape, squinting his eyes against the pain. Reiji proceeded to cuddle him under the blanket. “Oh come ooon, it’s not that bad, right?”
“You bit me SIX times, it hurts a lot!” he punched Reiji’s chest.
“Sorry, sorry,” Reiji kissed Ranmaru’s forehead. “I will help you cover the scar,”
“There’s no need,” Ranmaru muttered.
Reiji gasped. “Ranran, you’re gonna make me cryyyyyy! I’m so happy!!”
“Oh my God stop being noisy, my ears are ringing,” Ranmaru pushed his face onto Reiji’s chest. “Just… help me clean up your mess inside,”
Reiji couldn’t see Ranmaru’s face, but he could feel that his face became beet red again. Reiji couldn’t stop grinning.
“Come to think of it, Ranran,” Reiji thought of something. “You threw away your medicine already?”
“ALL of them?”
“Yes, why?”
“…including your birth control pills?”
“Yes, what’s with the question?”
Both of them fell silent.
“…Oh,” Ranmaru finally got it. “It… It won’t happen that easily, right?”
“I… hope so?”
Well, who knows.
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...and then it was dark.
Yoongi | Jungkook
Summary: What it says in the title. This is a Power Outage situation with one of the members of Bangtan. Word Count: 947 Author's Note: This idea developed from personal experience. We had blackouts for days a few weeks ago and couldn't find the reason for it and instead of being super annoyed by it, I decided to turn the inconvenience into writing. I'm not sure if all members will receive a part, though.
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Finally. Finally, it’s a day for you to enjoy, a day that’s not labeled “crazy maknae will not stop bothering everyone until he’s entertained”. You sit, grateful for every note of the smooth RnB shimmying out of Yoongi’s laptop on the living room table. Next to it is your mug of steaming tea that makes the whole room smell like heaven. On the other side next to it are you, sinking into the sofa’s pillowy cushions. It’s all perfect, all pure, just you and the music and the stray cat in front of the window. It keeps rubbing against the glass in a way that probably is an attempt at persuading you to be let inside. You wish you could just bottle this moment for a rainy day. Humming along with Dean, you close your eyes, letting your thoughts wander. Until it’s pitch-black. With open eyes. And silent. Your heart stops and returns to beat on, but much, much faster than usual. The only thing you hear is the pull and release of your own breath.
“Hello?” You’re whispering and with the shaky anticipation for an answer come dreadful images in your mind that suggest wild scenarios. You do your best to convince yourself that this situation is just a power outage, not some planned break-in. You must have watched too many thrillers. The apartment stays silent, even from Yoongi’s room there are no sounds at all, and you can’t help but wonder whether this could be another prank by the maknae line. Your breath hitches when you see two glowing eyes in the dark. But the meow brings back your calm, assuring you that it’s just the stray calico outside. “Jungkook-ah? Taehyung-oppa? Jimin-oppa?” Nothing. Not even the slightest giggle. They must not be here, you conclude. So... it’s not a prank? You realize the laptop is still on when the screen suddenly flares up, showing you an empty battery warning. “Aish, not now,” you mutter and while you do appreciate the light - of course, your phone is not in reach in such a situation - you know the light is going to be gone soon too. So when the laptop dies a few seconds later, you’re back in the dark. At least you’ve reached the wall now and from there, you can make out the way to your boyfriend’s room. “Yoongi-oppa,” you say and enter. It’s all dark in here too but then there’s a grumble that comes from the left. From the bed. Slowly, you reach out, finding the mattress with your fingers. “We don’t have light…? I think it might be a power outage. Were you sleeping, oppa?” Yoongi mumbles something that you don’t undertstand. Your fingers haven’t found him yet when a warm hand wraps around your wrist in the dark. It’s warm, so warm and you receive light kisses, one for each finger, and that’s not scary at all, that’s the sweetness of your sleepy boyfriend. He drags you down slowly, his usual shyness regarding physical contact completely forgone, and he scoots a little to gift all his body warmth in the mattress and comforter to you. Your head finds the dent his head had left in the pillow and before you know it, warm arms and a warm chest create a beautiful cocoon around you. “I forgot to tell you,” Yoongi kisses your forehead, “they’re doing maintenance work downstairs. Electricity will be back in a few hours. Are you okay, tokki?” “Now I am,” you grin even if he won’t see it in the dark. “Me too,” he says and relocates to his favorite position, with his body halfway wrapped around you and his head on your chest, within your finger’s caress and your lips’ adoration. “What were you doing before the power went out?” “Just listening to some music, relaxing.” “Listening to me?” “Dean,” you mumble and he huffs playfully. You know he likes to listen to Dean too and he’s probably even met him before. You’re still praying one of the boys will collab with him, one day. For now, there’s silence until you think Yoongi has fallen asleep. To your surprise, he hasn’t. “Glad you found me,” he mumbles and you're not sure if he means here, in his bed, or in life. The amount of swallowed letters tells you he’s close to falling asleep, he won’t be coherent much longer. He deserves the rest, you think. His life is so exhausting. Like a cat, he smushes his face into you. “Me too. Let’s sleep, saekki-goyangi. You’ve worked so hard. I am happy that you have time to recover now.” He nods while his fingers journey over your collarbones in gentle, wordless appreciation. You grin when you notice he doesn’t fight the new nickname. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather do something else that's more fun? We could cook, play games, watch a film?” “Sleeping with you is fun, Minmin. Cuddling and sleeping with you is perfect. We can do all the other stuff when the lights are back on, okay?” “Yeah,” he breathes and you can feel his entire body relaxing now that he knows you’re content with the situation. “But I need one more thing.” Oh, you think. He probably found some new lyrics right now. He gets them often in situations with you, like shooting stars that just cross his mind. “Do you need the notepad?” “Just you,” he answers and in the lovely dark, a big hand reaches for your face. Yoongi gifts you an exquisite kiss before pulling you into his hold again. “Let’s dream something together,” are the last words that tickle against your ear.
hey, thanks for reading! feedback?
Permanent Taglist: @nataliarxmanxva, @aubzylynn, @inappropriatepirate, @buckysmusculararm, @coffeeismylife28, @sarahwroteathing, @engineeringgirlcve, @borderline-person, @tequilavet, @aquabrie, @221bshrlocked, @waywardpumpkin, @fanboyswhereare-you, @snakehairgirl
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jiyongsaunt · 6 years
1.A Song you’re ashamed of liking
ain’t no arty like an AOMG party by jay park
2. Favorite lyrics
peach by cavetown:
the sky is pouring down
and I think I am too
  I left your bedroom window open
so you’ll wake up to the view
of peachy orange clouds and
morning air in your face,
there’s nothing quite like
opening your eyes to natures embrace
  and I know that there are things
I’ll never understand
but I’ll for sure be right there
next to you with an open hand
  I know a place by conan gray
I know a place we could go I know a place where there aren't any roads where the grass is always greener and doesn't scratch your fingers I know a place
  'cause I know a place we could go far from the highways, far from that home seep in the silence, safe in our minds that we try so hard to control
  cigarette by offonoff (feat. miso, tablo)
come to think of it
love is like a cigarette
burning at the tip of it
but quick to burn out
like a cigarette
it may get you sick
but you'll never get sick of it
so light one up now
  summertime by mcr
every single day when people try
and put the pieces back together
just to smash them down
turn my headphones up real loud
I don’t think I need them now
‘cause you stopped the noise
  ‘cause if you stay I would even wait all night
or until my heart explodes
how long?
until we find our way in the dark and out of harm
you can run away with me
and you can write it on your arm
you can run away with me anytime you want
  when I met u by hateful (cover)
you could still be
what you want to be,
what you said you were
when you met me
3. Favourite band/artist
4. Top 5 Favourite songs at this moment
sungbook-gu kids by jeebanoff
cry cry the ospreys (old chinese song)
I know a place by conan gray
nine million bicycles in beijing by katie melua
nan neol saranghae (coffee prince ost)/ fields of gold by sting ICANTDECIDE
5. Latest song that made you smile
forgotten love by aurora
6. An overrated band
fall out boy
7. An overrated song
anything by drake
8. Latest song that made you cry
eternal youth by RÜDE (because it reminded me of china, I miss china..)
9. Artist/band that saved your life
no artist saved my life but day6 did make me happy during a time where I was very unhappy
10. If you could see any band/artist live, who would it be
11. What song/album/band/artist always brings back memories for you
song: she’s the sunlight
album: sunrise by norah jones
band: panic! at the disco
artist: elvis
12. saddest song you know
expiration date by tablo
13. Favorite song to sing in the shower
crazy milk by dark cat
14. If you played an instrument in grade school, what was it
15. What song would you like to have your first dance to at your wedding
reflecting light by sam philips
16. 5 Songs to have sex to
candy by doja cat
partition by beyoncé
call out my name by the weeknd
starboy by the weeknd
I feel it coming by the weeknd
17. One band you’d have get back together/bring back from the dead
not a band but still: DB5K
18. You’re forced to listen to only one album for the rest of your life, what album is it
moonrise by day6
19. A song that gets you through shit
dog days are over by florence + the machine
20. A song to shut everything out
swimming by lunar vacation
21. A song that’s a joke between you and your friends
ispy by kyle feat. lil yachty
22. A song to jam out to at 4am
all night by chance the rapper
23. A song that punches you in the gut every single time
the good side by troye sivan
24. A song that calms you down
sungbook-gu kids by jeebanoff
25. A song that makes you feel alive
freaking out by arizona
26. If you could get any lyrics tattooed, which would you choose
you could still be what you want to be
what you said you were when you met me
27. What band/artist would you get your children addicted to at an early age
28. Can you play any instruments, if so, which
keyboard a little bit
29. If you could be a member of any band for one show, who would it be
30. CDs or Vinyls
31. 25 songs to play at your funeral
blue honey by lunar vacation
nan neol saranghae (coffee prince ost)
live by billie marten
fields of gold by sting
tears in heaven by eric Clapton
gute nacht freunde by reinhard mey
she’s the sunlight
reflecting light by sam philips (my weddingsong)
udaan azaadiyan
I know a place by conan gray
bombombom by lucite tokki
northern wind by city and color
friends for life by the high kings
wolke 4 by philipp dittberner
somewhere only we know by lily allen
everyday with you by IU (cover)
the long way home by norah jones
over the rainbow
paradies by reinhard mey
suspicious minds by elvis
32. What are some song titles that you love
intertwined (dodie)
fields of gold (sting)
all I’ve ever known (Bahamas)
serendipity (bts)
seesaw (bts)
you never walk alone (bts)
33. If your life ended today, what song would you choose to represent it
bombombom by lucite tokki
34. Can you give me a 10 song playlist on summer vibes
blue honey by lunar vacation
away by vacations
déjate llevar by the marías
nova scotia 500 by boyscott
kids by current joys
idle town by conan gray
pizza by oohyo
pretty girl by clairo
rivers bend by the doorbells
this year by beach fossils
35. A heart wrenching song
never sure by erida kola
36. A band/artist you’re proud of
37. A song that has a lot of meaning to you
freaking out by arizona
38. A song that reminds you of school
I can’t think of any song that reminds me of school, I hated school.
39. A song not sung in your native language
everything I listen to really. I could tell you about 5 songs that I listen to are in my native language:
lieblingsmensch by namika
gute nacht freunde by reinhard mey
narzissen und kakteen by element of crime
wolke 4 by philipp dittberner
40. An instrumental song
eternal youth by RÜDE
41. A classical song
in the mood for love by shigeru umebayashi
42. A song with no percussion
intertwined by dodie
43. Something you’ve heard performed live
untitled (2014) by G-Dragon
44. Something you’d give ANYTHING to hear performed live
Tear by BTS
45. A song from a band/artist that’s from your town/city/state/province
literally no one
46. A song made suddenly precious because of a special someone
freaking out by arizona
47. A song made suddenly painful because of someone special
please never fall in love by ElliAN
48. A song that demands lip syncing and a makeshift microphone
mr. brightside
49. A song from a band/artist you met/know
heroes by mans zermerlöw
50. A song that you would rock at karaoke
I’m still standing (sing ost)
51. A song you can’t help but dance to
dance dance by day6
52. A song that makes you want to dance on a table
baepsae by BTS
53. Your 10 song striper playlist
candy by doja cat
partition by Beyoncé
starboy by the weeknd
me like yuh by jay park
alone tonight by jay park
mommae by jay park
artificial love by exo
playboy by exo
24/7 by david correy
swalla by jason derulo
54. Favourite Disney song
just around the riverbend (Pocahontas)
55. A song that starts with the first letter of your name
just like heaven by katie melua
56. A song from an artist still alive
live by billie marten
57. A song from an artist who’s dead
suspicious minds by elvis
58. A song you love by an artist/band you hate
hotline bling by drake
59. A song you love with a color in the title
green eyes by coldplay
60. A song you love with a number in the title
134340 by BTS
also: Whalien52 by BTS
61. A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
melting by cuco
62. A song that needs to be played LOUD
i need somebody by day6
63. A song that makes you think about life
taro by alt-j
64. 15 Songs that get suck in your head easily
in my feelings by drake
dance dance by day6
so long by steady holiday
cherry cola by jon kuwada
heavy in your arms by florence + the machine
run by bts
all I wanna do by jay park
idol by bts
save me by bts
baepsae by bts
pluhmm by ha:tfelt
love me right by exo
lucky one by exo
moves like jagger by maroon 5
eyes, nose, lips by taeyang
65. A song that you think everyone should listen to
ddaeng by BTS
66. A song that makes you want to fall in love
light of my life by cvmel
67. A song that makes you think about ‘him/her’
a hindi song called udaan azaadiyan, I think?
68. A song that you remember from your childhood
tears in heaven by eric clapton
69. A song that reminds you of you
she’s the sunlight
70. Okay what’s the real answer to number 1
she’s the sunlight
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theimperialnuisance · 3 years
Layers upon layers//Kien Eilath
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one: outside layer
[Name:] “Kien Eilath...And yes, it’s not the name I was born with but it’s the name I feel most happy and comfortable with.”
[Hair Style & colour:] "Black hair with purple highlights, mainly at the tips of my hair, and I like to keep it short and styled up though if I don’t style it, it’s just long enough to pull into a small half up half down.” 
[Eye Color:] “My right eye is amber and my left eye is green.”
[Height:] “Five four. Not very tall, but also somewhere in the middle.” 
[Style:] “I tend to stick to darker colors and things that are easy to move and fight in but on the days I can just relax, I like to wear looser fitting clothing.” 
[Best Physical Feature:] “Well, uh, I’ve been told it’s my eyes but that’s wasn’t something I would’ve agreed with...at least not until recently...So yes, I think it would be my eyes.” 
two: inner layer
[Fears:] “Losing those I hold close to me and losing my sense of self and freedom again. I’ve been there once before and I never want to go back.”
[Guilty Pleasure:] “I don’t really have anything I enjoy that could classify as a guilty pleasure. I’m pretty open about the things I enjoy and I’m not embarrassed to admit it.” 
[Biggest Pet Peeve:] “Ignorance--people who can plainly see their causing someone to hurt or creating a bad situation but continue to do so.” 
[Ambition for the Future:] “As of right now, I just want to protect the ones I care about and go from there. I’m happy with how things have turned out for me since leaving my homeland.” 
three: thoughts
[First Thought When Waking Up:] “Awake before the sunrise again...old habits die hard I guess.” 
[What You Think About the Most:] “So many things honestly...it depends on the day and what’s occurring.” 
[What You Think About Before Bed:] “I suppose it depends on what happened during the day? I try not to think about too much before I go to sleep as it will keep me awake but sometimes my thoughts can run rampant.” 
[Your Best Quality Is:] “I think it’s my ability to observe the situation around me and to listen to others when they just need to talk. I may not be able to provide the best advice for them but I know having someone to talk to helps alot and sometimes being observant can quickly change the tide in a fight or a tricky situation.” 
four: what’s better
[Single or Group Dates?] “I guess it depends...I like them both but sometimes it’s nicer to have that one on one time.” 
[To be Loved or to be Respected?] “To be loved is to be respected...but you can’t love someone until you respect them so I would rather be respected and the rest will fall into place.” 
[Beauty or Brains?] “I don’t really have a preference on this...there’s always more than meets the eye so why not both?”
[Cats or Dogs?] “Mainly cats but I don’t mind dogs either....so both?”
four: do you…
[Lie?] “I rather not lie if I can help it but sometimes lying is useful to get out of tricky situations and I used to lie fairly often when I still lived with my tribe so I am quite good at it....though I don’t think that’s something to be proud of...” 
[Believe in Yourself?] “At a time I couldn’t say I did with certainty and it took some time to get to this point where I can safely say that yes, I do believe in myself--my confidence can waiver at times but I don’t let it get to me as much anymore.”
[Believe in Love?] “Yes, I do.”
[Want Someone?] “We’re already together but for the longest time, I wanted to be with him but we couldn’t be because of circumstances but now we are, and I’m happy he’s in my life.”
six: have you ever…
[Been on Stage?] “Once for a ceremony I was asked to participate in and then I promptly passed out afterwards...Not from stage fright, I assure you!”
[Done Drugs?] “No and I never plan to.”
[Changed Yourself to Fit In Somewhere?] “Well, I can’t exactly say no but also not a yes either. It’s...complicated. I never physically changed myself to fit in unless you count hiding my odd eye but I tried to make myself more well liked by my tribe by being not myself so I could fit in with them better but I quickly realized I was more miserable that way than just living my own life my way. I don’t recommend it. There’s only one you, enjoy who you are and damn those who think you should change yourself to better fit in with what they think you should be.” 
seven: favorite
[Favorite Color:] “Purple—but I also like blue and green.”
[Favorite Food:] “Hmm I really like coffee biscuits! Not too sweet and has a coffee flavour that I love. I also really like bitter apples and salmon too!” 
[Favorite Game:] “Triple triad is pretty fun! And I think I’m pretty decent at it!”
eight: age
[When Your Next Birthday Will Be:] “It’s the 13th sun of the 6th Astral Moon so not until a little later.”
[How Old Will You Be?] “I’ll be twenty four.”
[Age You Lost Your Virginity:] “Uh...bit too personal of a question, don’t you think?”
[Does Age Matter?] “For certain things, yes.” 
nine: in a partner
[Best Personality:] “I’ve never really thought about it before...hmm. Someone who is kind and caring, who understands and listens...someone I can laugh with and be myself around...someone who is honest and isn’t afraid of a little adventure from time to time!” 
[Best Eye Colour:] “I don’t really have a preference.” 
[Best Hair Colour:] “No preference.” 
[Best Thing to do With a Partner:] “Anything! Travel, read, make food...so long as I get to be with them, I don’t care what we do or where we go.” 
ten: finish the sentence
[I Love…] “him, with all my heart and I’m happy we can finally be together.” 
[I Feel…] “happy that I’m finally living the life I’ve always yearned for since I was a child.”  
[I Hide…] “my feelings of insecurity at times...I don’t want to burden my friends over silly thoughts.” 
[I Miss…] “my guardian, I haven’t seen him in a while and so much has happened recently but we do write to each from time to time so there’s that at least.” 
[I Wish…] “for things to settle a bit, if only to see my friends be at ease after everything we’ve been through recently.” 
Tagged by: @sundered-souls and @bek-sc! (Thank you both very much!)
Tagging: This is late so I’ll for sure tag @circusredmage, @bastiandotes and @tokki-yue​ because I know they haven’t done this yet but if you’re seeing this and haven’t done it yet, feel free to take this are your tag!
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eat-a-mint-jungkook · 7 years
Fic Summary 2k17
End of the year fic meme/summary for 2017!
Total word count written: 64026
Total word count published: 39420
Fandoms written: BTS, original fiction
Tagging all the writers and anyone else who wants to do it!! @c-cygnus @dreamscript @hipsterminseok @guksheart @army-author @sungvin97 @jikook-love @berry-happy-tokki @mistymins @btsaeipathy @foxandthepoppy
1. Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or what you predicted?
L E S S. School got in the way and honestly, I haven’t felt inspired to write in a long time. Haven’t had any new ideas spring up, so for now I’ve just been working on what I need to finish 😭
2. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Hmm maybe writing Yoonkook? As for genre, probably that angsty crack LOL it was an interesting combination
3. What’s your own favourite story of the year?
Still the same as last year--The lines between us (hold us together)! It’s coming together nicely and I think my writing has changed a bit (improved?) from how it was in my original drafts :’)
4. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Hmm not really, but I did decide to take on a long fic/ longer fics, which is always such a challenge for me ahah
5. Do you have any fanfic goals for the new year?
Finish writing The lines between us, as well as a couple of other WIPs I have!!
From my past year of writing, what was…
My best story of this year:
The lines between us (hold us together)!! It’s been the best work I’ve been working on for a while now :’)
My most popular story of this year:
Hmm Just Give Me a Reason seemed to be really popular... technically most of it was written in 2016 but it was posted in 2017 so I’ll count that~
Most fun story to write:
Let the date pay!! This was written in pretty much one sitting but I just had to have my imagination run wild with it ahaha. Oh and it was great thinking about @c-cygnus ‘s reaction bc the entire fic was based on an Iconic line she said LOL
Story with the single sexiest moment:
Entanglement  👀👀👀 all of it was sexy come on, the entire AU is... maybe minus the final fic in the series 
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:
Nothing really but Forget everything you know about love comes close to that? (the other questionable things will never see the light of day LOL)
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Hmmm I can’t think of anything ahah but I enjoyed writing Yoongi’s character in Key to your heart and also... I’m Lovin’ It ajfldkajflkdja
Hardest story to write:
The lines between us! Just because there are so many subplots and it’s taking much more detailed planning than the outline that I’d written last year. Additionally, the constant POV change actually makes it even harder to plan out and just... I hate third person omniscient >_< (I’m surprised no one’s called me out for it yet... hah...)
Biggest surprise:
Ummm... biggest surprise was having Forget everything you know about love turn into an angst instead of a purely satirical crack fic LOL. The original prompt/request was definitely asking for a crack fic, but the end result deviated a lot from the prompt
Also When night breaks (so will my heart) ??? I have no idea where this one came from like ya can’t even tell I wrote it tbh 
Most unintentionally telling story:
The lines between us? There are a lot of heavy moral ideologies sprinkled throughout, but I’d say most of that was also intentional. Just Give Me a Reason also has some deep life lessons (and I still can’t believe someone quoted something from that fic ajfkljdlakfj)
Favourite opening lines: 
Jeon Jungkook was about to commit the biggest crime of his life.
And the worst part was that it could've easily been prevented.
To say that he'd been distracted by his gorgeous date, Jimin, was an understatement. With one flirty message on Facebook, he'd walked out of the house without bringing his keys. With a flirty Snapchat showing off just how stunning this Jimin guy (who claims he really isn't an editorial model) was, Jungkook had just about forgotten his own name.
[Let the date pay]
Favourite closing lines: 
Besides, there's no way Jimin could truly believe that he doesn't have a soulmate when his printsare intact, right?
But maybe that wasn't a very likely explanation because the probability of the scanner on the phone messing up twice is much too small, which Jungkook doesn't know if he should be relieved about or not. Because if Jimin and Taehyung weren't soulmates, that left only one other possibility...
Jimin and Taehyung were in love.
[The lines between us - ch 3]
Favourite lines from anywhere:
"Maybe it's for the better. That we won't ever get to know each other."
"Yeah, so you won't hate me even more," Jimin laughed bitterly.
"No." It came out as a whisper. "I don't hate you and that's not why."
The raise of an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"It's so I can't fall in love with you even more."
[Deadlock, part 3 of the Jikook aristocrat AU... which will be posted as soon as I edit some more!!]
Scenes from anywhere you would have choose to have illustrated:
Yo honestly... anything from that aristocrat AU 👀👀👀
New year’s resolutions:
Finish The lines between us and all my other WIPs!!
Word Count Totals
Total finished, posted fic:  39420
Longest posted fic:  Forget everything you know about love - 10k
Longest wip: The lines between us (hold us together) - 14k posted, ~30k+ written so far
Total number of words written:  64026
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