#and to the OPM fandom at large
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peipakao · 11 days ago
that post about the lack of fic in opm fandom made me remember this fuckin. essay i wrote like a year ago for a reddit comment that i then shamefully deleted cos it was so entirely irrelevant to the original post. but i saved it so. here it is. a fanthropological analysis on the state of fic in opm fandom:
One Punch Man is not a small fandom by any means, but it definitely seems that most fans are of the 'dudebro who likes to powerscale' variety, and I'm continually surprised by how small the shipping and fanfic writing side of the fandom is in comparison. Like, this is one of the most popular well known anime series in the world, I'm pretty sure even the most casual of anime fans has to have at least heard of it. But it only has 5k fics on AO3, which isn't exactly small, but considering its popularity and in comparison to other popular battle action "shounen" manga (technically OPM is seinen but no one remembers that so), it is bafflingly tiny. I've thought about it a lot, and I think it comes down to multiple related reasons, both internal to the story that limit the likelihood of a fan to write fics for it, and external, lowering the number of ppl who would want to write fics for it that become/stay fans in the first place.
Let's start with internal reasons. The cast of characters is huge, made up of mostly men (a lot of whom are young + attractive). Which seems like it should be a definite boon to M/M shipping--the backbone of a large number of fandoms! But I think there's a difference in that with so many characters, screentime/focus is really spread out across them, and I'd find it hard to really tell you who counts as a "main character". On top of that, there's not a whole lot of interaction between them, they all seem much more isolated. I think this is especially the case in the biggest arc that took 7 years to complete. Even the biggest ship/pair had a ~3 year gap in the manga where they didn't appear together at all.
But there are definitely still lots of ships with potential and interactions to fuel shipping (although I still think less than comparable media), so that's not the whole story. Which brings me to my next point about external factors. Most of those ships are not in the early parts of OPM, and you're probably gonna have to read through the manga and also the webcomic to get to them. Most people have not done this, and have probably only watched season 1 of the anime, considering that was the peak of its popularity. And those early parts are much more comedic, so I think the impression most ppl have of OPM is that it's primarily a gag anime/manga. Which is still true, but the story has definitely gotten more complex and serious. So I think a lot of people who might want to write fic for OPM probably don’t get into it because they don't expect it to have much potential in that regard.
I think the release schedule of the anime also plays a huge role, with the anime taking 4 years to come out with a (widely considered) disappointing second season, and with a third season trailer having been released after like 5 years. It’s probably not an understatement that most anime/manga fandoms are much more focused on the anime side of things, and not everyone who enjoys an anime is going to then get into the manga.
And let's not forget the manga and webcomic release schedule, with the webcomic releasing basically solely according to ONE's whims, and the manga constantly going through redraws. Which I'm not necessarily complaining about since we get all this lovely content for free! But it does pose another hurdle for new potential fans, and I imagine there are quite a few who simply didn't want to put in that commitment over time, or honestly just got confused about what was going on.
OPM as a whole has lost a lot of relevance, it seems not many people are getting into it right now and many fans who did write fic for it at the peak of its popularity have probably left the fandom in search of greener pastures.
This is all just speculation though. I wasn't actually in the fandom when it was popular, only got into it a few years ago, so my theories on its decline aren't super backed up. I hope it gets popular again, having said all that I think there's so much fandom potential that isn't being tapped into. Like others have said, a lot of fandom/fic is based on filling in gaps and aspects that weren't explored, and there's plenty to explore in OPM.
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coolicywind · 1 year ago
TW: SHOTA/LOLICON IN THE OPM FANDOM ⚠️⚠️⚠️ (I am not referring to one specific person I am referring to multiple people in the fandom currently)
I'm posting this because recently, a bunch of large OPM artists are posting art of minor characters interacting with adult characters inappropriately. Even a mutual I interacted with started posting it not long ago.
Normally I keep to myself and I hardly comment about things outside of what's relevant to my page in order to avoid potential discourse, however it's getting to the point where my even my friends are becoming upset, so I'll just say it for them.
If you are a lolicon or shotacon please block me or if I find you I'll block you myself. I find your existence revolting.
I'm sick of seeing ships of characters like Garou, Zombieman, Fubuki etc interacting with kids like CE, Tareo, etc. in disgusting ways. I don't even go looking for it but there is a wave of artist recently drawing that crap on my timeline. I can't even browse tags without being bombarded with that "art".
So please, if you draw it kindly fuck yourself and burn in hell. I was a minor less than a year ago and yet I was subjected to that crap time and time again. It's mentality scarring seeing that shit as a kid and only adds onto trauma that was previously there. So you can't say it doesn't effect reality dumbass.
Btw, you can't use the argument "it isn't real 🤓☝️" when so many of these accounts have real CP on their page. Seriously, on art of Shota or Lolicon (sexual or not) you can easily find accounts that host or link to real CP interacting with the art (b-but I thought they don't resemble real children 🥺🤡).
Even then, it's still weird as fuck and is a sneaky way to get past child exploitation. You in no way can convince me it's right or normal, I don't care what arguments are presented. All of those arguments are surface level and can be debunked.
Fiction doesn't effect reality my ass. I guess propaganda posters never had any effects on real people since it's just a drawing, right?
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marchonea · 4 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Octopunk Media... We’re not going anywhere. 💕
I am so proud of every single person involved in this thank you project, it has been wonderful to collaborate with you all!
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scary-senpai · 3 years ago
Salty ask - 14, 19
Hello, Wonderful Anon! Thank you so much for dropping me a note <3 I always get ridiculously happy when I have something in my ask box. Perhaps you've figured out the theme by now, which is "if I hate something, it's probably a Me thing."
Salty Asks Done Nicely
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
90% of the OPM subreddit needs to quietly sit in time out until they learn to play nicely with other kids. Although I don't think that counts as an unpopular opinion.
As an avid consumer of meta and fan-made content, I think that having disparate interpretations of characters/scenes/events is usually a Two Cakes problem.
[[redacted/Blorbo]] is Ace/Aro? Love it. I'll be in my bunk.
[[redacted/Blorbo]] is a Sex God? 100%. Fabulous. I am curled up with my tablet and covered in cracker crumbs as we speak.
Do I sometimes catch myself giving the side-eye when someone portrays a character differently than I normally imagine? Yes--I am human and my opinions are strong. But at the same time, I try to remember that this person is giving their time/effort/energy/love to create something--almost certainly for free--and then has the courage/gumption to release their baby out into the aether for others to enjoy (because formatting for ao3/tumblr/etc is its own other beast!)... seriously, I'm figuratively kissing y'all on the mouth right now, and/or handing you a proverbial soup bowl with a side of undying admiration. I think it's fantastic that I have different types of content to choose from, in addition to canon, and that I have diverse options depending on my mood. Or, who knows! You might even change my mind :) To be honest, I did not understand Mumarou at first, and while it's not my OTP it is one of the ships in my armada. :) I'm grateful for any content that features my faves.
That being said... on Reddit in particular, I noticed some (actually a lot) of readers reacting in a strongly negative way to the relationship between Saitama and Genos, or just outright being mean to Garou or hating on Genos... I don't really understand that. I mean, I do, but... I've largely curated my fandom experience to avoid those people. Life's too short, you know? I'm really grateful to the Tumblr community for being such a chill and supportive place.
19. What's the thing you hate most about your fandom?
Writing for a small fandom is really hard.
I have yet to fully uncouple my desire to create with my desire for attention (it's an ongoing struggle). And because I mostly write genfics (no romance), that makes it really, really hard. And when I do write something that features a romantic relationship, I do so for an OTP that runs counter to the two most popular fandom ships, that makes it really, really, really hard.
Sure, I write meta stuff too, but I haven't been blogging very long, and I don't have much of a following so I don't get much engagement/asks/etc. I'm always a little surprised when people want my opinion on things.
I put a lot of work into everything I write, particularly my fics, so it's hard not to get down about the near-radio-silence sometimes. I accidentally wrote 100 words of Batarou for Wanpanmas 2020 and it was easily the most popular thing I'd ever done... until I briefly stepped into the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom with a Gojo x Reader sickfic. But that was better, because I did it on purpose--specifically, I did it for a friend who (like me) laments the lack of SFW/smut-free x reader stuff. Same writing style, similar character (white-haired & insufferable pretty boy), but very, very different experience. I do have some JJK fics drafted and occasionally I fantasize about switching over because maybe I wouldn't feel so left out. Then I take a deep breath, check my feelings, and close out my Sukuna x Reader drafts. (don't worry, I'm not planning to switch fandoms any time soon. I have enough OPM stuff to keep me busy for years... and if i hesitate to share my fannish work with IRL friends now, imagine having to explain "canon-typical cannibalism" to people.) There's a saying song from the musical [title of show] and it goes like this: "I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing than 100 people's ninth favorite thing" and that's sort of my mantra when it comes to creating these days. I wouldn't be as confident in my work if I hadn't had this little fandom detour on my writing journey--it's pretty much necessitated that I dig deep into my motivations and confirm, "yes, I'm doing this because I love it," and "yes, I am 100% at peace with this finished product even though nobody's actively patting me on the shoulder right now," and actually I do have quite a few people that regularly interact with/entertain my ideas (I've jokingly used the term "emotional support mutual" but I feel weird assigning titles without consent... but if you have to ask, you probably are <3).
I may not have hundreds of followers--I'm, at best, midway through the double digits slightly over 100 but I'm grateful for everyone who's ever commented on/hearted/reblogged anything I have written, even if it’s a silly one-liner. Quantitatively, I don't get much interaction but qualitatively my heart is overflowing when I consider some of the exchanges I have had... Like it really tickled me that enough people actually wanted to play OPM bingo which started out as a silly joke, or joined in my Toaster Prayer Circle… any time the ship name I made gets used, my soul leaves my body (that’s only happened three times, but when your soul escapes your physical form, it’s a real bear to make it go back in…) little things like that seriously means a lot to my ADHD/Autistic Chaos Brain, which has always struggled to connect with people.
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theomnicode · 2 years ago
You know I’m also getting worried about the continuity of OPM. Regardless of what I think of ONE and his new work versus or him leaving the wc or not… I am indeed getting worried about the issues of continuity piling up. It does indeed feel like uncanny valley and while I don’t judge people that see this one way or another (optimistically or otherwise) I do have expectations for things to fall into their place nicely. While I left OPM for many years, once I started reading again, I hadn’t seen so many loose ties. It’s understandable too because we are at a point where the stakes are high, getting bi-monthly updates, so it’s bound to raise tensions because we don’t know how long things will take to start unraveling; it’s safe to say it’s not unreasonable to have our own doubts either, so I think it’s valid if people are expressing their concerns, especially if they don’t know the ins and outs of ONE as a writer.
Though I’ve seen that people that have read his other works have more of a hopeful take on this moment of tension.
It is valid to have concerns, but we're setuped pretty nicely for continuity aspects I feel (within just one chapter and it happened organically where heroes came together to pile up all the info they knew, which is impressive tbh), just for all the wc plotlines alone, but there's plenty room for other exploration of themes on the go.
But I suppose the update schedule, while it's fast enough on it's own, makes one kind of antsy because situation around the world irl is...not exactly ideal. Getting to the end could easily take 5-7 years. But you cannot rush a good product. We'll probably get smaller arcs and not like, one large MA arc too.
I'll just say give it time and the plot will start to unravel at a decent pace, we already got a nice start. I'm honestly less worried for the plot unfolding properly than outside factors...
As for the uncanny valley, I find that really interesting personally because if it wasn't for wc existing beforehand, we would not have this uncanny valley of expecting something to go differently but somehow feeling that not everything is as it seems and the writer seems to take full advantage of this to create some kind of tension in the air and murata's artistic vision follows through. All the inconsistencies sharp readers can notice will no doubt come to a head at some point.
Being worried is fine, but I just don't feel like trashing the writer for inane reasons or making mockery out of a professional who's product I enjoy reading for free or making a big deal about the fact that the writer is writing something else for a change, like some of the more pessimistic folk have a tendency to do. If I was personally unhappy with the plot and not having fun reading anymore, I'd just drop the series. I played Overwatch since 2016 and I've not touched the game for many, many months.
Broadening horizons as a writer should be a great boon in terms of creativity for ONE too, so I'm not really worried about the storyline progression.
If Murata-sensei gets excited about storyboards, I will too haha. He has good taste.
At the end, it's just about having fun reading manga and engaging with the fandom that follows. If one stops having fun, they don't need to force themselves to engage. But neither can someone please every single person no matter what they do, so there's always going to be critique thrown around.
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garoujo · 3 years ago
ugh emmie i LOVE YOU i wanna live on your shelves you’re so cool😭 im tryna have a collection like yours 🥺 you’re also elitist bc you like bleach??????? BIG PURRRR
anyway that’s not even what i came here for, i came here to expand on that one thirst you received about garou & him loving the smell of you😩😩😩😩it automatically gave me ‘scent kink’ and i cannot stop thinking about it (i also have a separate hc that garou is a chubby chaser, but more on that later). just imagine though:
when you come out of the shower, your skin humid and body dripping wet, and your boyfriend lay comfortably in your bed (with nothing but grey sweats might i add) reading through a book he picked up on the way to your place. you bit your lip to contain your already budding arousal, eager to hurry up in the bathroom so you can hop in bed to cuddle with your monster of a man, but before you could even reach for your favorite brand of lotion , garou is already behind you, his taut, ripped abdomen pressing against the rolls of your back. your towel slipped and soon forgotten at your ankles. you let out a yelp, arching your spine when you feel his rough, cold hands on your figure, eventually making their way down to your hips. giving them a light squeeze, he puts his face in the crook of your neck and inhales deeply. once, twice , thrice, he was addicted to the smell of you. although he’d grown to prefer your more…natural aromas, like when you got back from the gym for example, this was great too.
he wanted nothing more than to stay like this forever .
you sighed and relaxed in his hold, letting his hands roam once more across the fields that were your flesh, their second destination landed each palm on either one of your breasts, large, soft and round. your nipples were at his mercy in an instant, they perked at attention as soon as he was only a centimeters away from them. “fucking missed these beauties,” he mumbled more to himself against your collarbone. he alternated between leaving wet kisses and taking a large whiffs of your scent; it calmed him.
you whined, “mm, garou at least let me put a shirt on. o-or some panties.”
he replied to you with a grunted no, reluctantly removing one hand and let it trail down your cute tummy, before he went to cup your naked cunt your sex having a mind of its own and already wet for him as soon as he made contact. “how am i supposed to feel this cute little pussy with all that other stuff in the way?”
that was the convincing you need.
the two of you didn’t have sex, both of you admittedly too lazy for it, so you instead settled to cockwarm him. with his body heat radiating into your own, and the soft blanket draped over you, you were out like a light in an instant. with a kiss on your cheek, garou fell asleep with his face in its rightful position: in the crease of your neck and shoulder, when he can breath in your essence all night long <3
nonono ily moar!!!! (>< ) pls come live on my shelves u will make them look so pretty <3 afgajaka i have a spending problem ‘n it accumulated severely over the past year sob — help omg yes bleach is like my fave anime of all time,, i adore it sm i wish the fandom was more alive but ‘m so excited for it to return!!!
naurrrrr i’ve been so severely obsessed w garou since i finished the opm anime like a few months ago (duh garoujo, garou + gojo) but i literally read the manga ‘n everything just so i could see more of him obsessed!!! he’s so big ‘n strong it makes my knees quiver + my thighs spread sob (ᵔ.ᵔ) <3
omg stop cause that was so much softer than expected but i am still ahfhakaka obsessed!!! he’s literally everything, i’ve literally had a google doc that only has the words ‘scent kink — garou’ in it for months ToT big lover man with all those muscles,, bet he’s so warm and his cock is so fat and feels so good when he bullies it in your pussy — he’s a lil mean but doesn’t mean to be,, always tries his best not to hurt you but he’s just so strong <3
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the-nysh · 3 years ago
On the topic of why Genos threw himself at Garou, the purpose, that you delved on about a few asks ago… Idk… It was kind of really obvious to me that in all of OPM we see subtle ways where Genos notices and appreciates Saitama’s teachings, and then subtle or not so subtly, emulates, even if those teachings go unnoticed even by Saitama hímself (and to be honest and ESPECIALLY to the fandom at large) Genos has always had a side to his character that serves as a conduct or mirror of Saitama as a character. And when he threw himself at Garou I instantly remembered the time that Saitama told him, practically “if not we, then who?” And Genos was floored when he first heard that. Genos’ reason for doing that is exactly as Bang’s. They BOTH knew they wouldn’t be able to win. But that’s not why they are heroes. They aren’t heroes on the notion of winning but on the notion of “if not we, then who?”
Hmm...Bang at least had several lines of internal dialogue, so we knew what his state of mind/motivations were like. Genos on the other hand SUDDENLY flew in out of left field, right past Blast, the most experienced one, to......push Garou out of the way? (Away from Bang maybe? Cause Genos had no way to really 'damage' Garou...) It's unclear what was going on in Genos' mind, other than he knew, as someone resistant to radiation too, he had to DO something. (It's just...even I was immediately scolding him NO!!! for recklessly throwing himself right into lethal danger. ;o; right into the grasp of a Literally Evil being who's not Garou. Just...auuuughh;;; Genos noooooo~~~~) We barely got any of his thoughts beyond him thinking of Saitama, yes. :') Where it's unknown if he was thinking of emulating Saitama's teachings, or expressing his unwavering hope/faith in Saitama to arrive and save him ;o; but...alas.... I really do hope he survives, as there's so MUCH left incomplete for Genos' story (and never getting closure for those answers is so cruel)....pls ONE have mercy. 
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kotsume · 5 years ago
my observations as a content creator :) warning: it’s long
if you’re reading this, don’t think too deeply about what i wrote - it’s just my analysis of fan blogs and some fandoms (so it’s all from my perspective). do what you want with this information, and feel free to lmk what you think ;) 
*i tried to include as many anime-applicable blogs as i could remember*
multifandom reblog blogs (ones who track a tag):
@/allanimanga: lots of original content every day. does not reblog from tag anymore bc most members who had that job are inactive. i’m an admin and i’ve been told not to worry about reblogging from the tag, and just make content. has member privilege abuse from certain users; normally you make content for the blog and you get to reblog your stuff over in a 1:1 ratio, but they will just use the blog to promote themselves without contributing. it’s really sad but there’s nothing we can do bc most of the time it’s an admin.
@/animacia: was debating whether or not to put this one. reblogs mainstream anime (sailor moon, studio ghibli) and has a tag, but the tag itself does not seem to be actively used as the most recent post can see tagged for this blog dates back to june 2019 (more than a year ago). it’s an active blog regardless of slow tag activity. 
@/animationsource: active, but very picky? idk man they either do or don’t reblog your stuff. it’s a hit or miss with them. seems to have member privilege abuse/preference (explained up there). not too sure if they have a queue or just reblog sporadically.
@/anisource: active. seems to run on a large, backlogged queue bc their tag is full of stuff that has yet to be reblogged. edits will probably take a while to be reblogged, but they’ll eventually get there! 
@/dailyanime: new blog, but from what i’ve experienced, they will queue it, and your post will be reblogged in 1-3 days (it probably depends on how much is in their queue).
@/fyanimegifs: will reblog your stuff, but they have a very slow queue.
@/graphicsources: not really active; spontaneous at best. don’t count on them to reblog your stuff. 
@/fyeahshoujo: not really active, but not completely inactive.
@/fysportsanime & @/sportsanimedaily: active. seems to have a backlogged queue, but just wait and you’ll be reblogged! it will take some time because there are lots of posts.
@/animangascenery & @/otomokatsuhiro (#oldanimeedit - changes url from time to time? that’s why i included the tag they track): inactive unless a member looks at the tag. in that case, they will most likely reblog the tagged post. typically mass reblogs/queues from the tag every once in a while. 
@/bbelcher & @/fyeahmovies: will reblog ghibli and makoto shinkai stuff. bonus points if you have added a text description to gifs. 80% dependable.
@/filmgifs, @/filmtv, @/stream, @/movie-gifs, etc. (basically big reblog fansites that aren’t anime-oriented, but do reblog mainstream anime movies): 90% chance they will not reblog anything from you if there is no text description. add text descriptions to studio ghibli/makoto shinkai film gifs and make it pretty! use text gradients!! that will increase your chances of being reblogged by them. they don’t reblog seasonal anime.
a note: many creators use tags as a way of reaching a broader audience. it's really helpful for smaller blogs who would like to share their content to others, but do not have the means/numbers to do so. just bc some people don't utilize tags to their full potential, it doesn't mean it isn't useful, so pls don’t try to act superior to those who want more exposure. everyone deserves a chance at getting the attention they deserve for their hard work!
studio ghibli reblog blogs:
@/ghiblisdaily: great. amazing. i love them!! will reblog from you 99.9% of the time. probably the most reliable ghibli blog as of right now. uploads original content
@/fyghibli: used to be good at reblogging from tag, but has gone kind of inactive. i think they’re becoming more active again, but it’s very sporadic.
@/kikisdeliveryservices: they track a variety of studio ghibli related tags, and they do reblog a lot, but i don’t think they’re as consistent as ghiblisdaily. lots of original content.  
@/oh-totoro: not really active, but when they are (and they reblog from you), your activity skyrockets.
@/dailyghibli: not active.
@/daily-ghibli: sometimes active, a little wishy-washy. they seem to be reblogging a little bit more consistently now?
@/princessghibli: not active, but reblogs here and there.
@/ghibligif: a new blog, but decently active. will reblog post from their tracked tag within a day. lots of original content.  
main point: there are many studio ghibli blogs (wayyyy more than i’ve listed here), but only around 3-4 active ones. choose your tags with what you think will give you the best exposure bc if you have too much, tumblr will go “fuck you” and not show your post at all :)
random anime fandoms:
i’ll really only be including ones i’m in, or know a bit about.
haikyuu, bnha, kny, yoi: healthy and very active. content for these fandoms do well even if they’re not in season. has multiple active fan blogs (except for yoi tho - they’re all inactive for the most part).
noragami, ohshc, ons, snk, tg, swnku: active fandoms. edits will do moderately well bc most people have seen these. 
popular sports anime (knb, free, dna, tsurune? idk i don’t watch much sports anime): they do okay. i rarely see any new sports anime edits beside haikyuu, but people do love their sports anime. has active sports fan blogs.
pokemon & sailor moon: old but gold. lots of people love these anime bc it’s part of their childhood. still very popular amongst tumblr users.
violet evergarden: does moderately well. @/fyeahvioletevergarden will reblog your stuff if you choose to tag them (big boost)! with the new movie coming up soon, there may be a resurgence in activity, but the most recent movie did not have much content made for it, so that hope may be crushed.
tpn: not very active, but with the new season coming up soon, there will be a resurgence in activity.
ditf: kind of dead, but lots of people love zero two. edits do moderately well.
sao: dead. absolutely dead. i thought there would be some activity bc it’s in season right now, but no, it’s a dead fandom. low key sao sucks tho. idek where the plot is going; i’m just hoping for an end.
hxh, one piece, fma, code geass: i’m not in it, but i think they do okay bc they have a large following, just not as well as haikyuu or bnha (but they’re still very popular). it depends on your blog demographic tho.
mp100, opm, bsd, given: kind of medium-tier fandoms. not as prevalent as haikyuu or bnha, but there are still edits being made for these anime. they don’t really have any active fan blogs (besides given i think) bc none of them are airing rn.
makoto shinkai & studio ghibli films: they do great! everybody loves good scenery, and the films are very well known and loved by all!
some seasonal anime (spring/summer 2020)
fruits basket: well this reboot blew up and overshadowed everything in it’s path. tbh only edits posted on the first day of the new episode do well. it’s a very competitive fandom for creators. 
kaguya sama love is war: first season was good, edits did well. second season drifted off into the shadow of fruits basket. relatively obscure fandom for how popular it is amongst people (non-creators). 
tower of god: popular with creators. now that it’s not airing, no one gifs it. respective fan blog is doing its best with content from the manhwa.
fugou keiji balance unlimited: people were simping even before the first ep came out, and then the anime went on hiatus for a few months. now that it’s started to air again, everyone acts like it never existed in the first place... was a good fandom up until the hiatus and now it will probably take a while to recover.
god of high school: nonexistent even tho it’s a popular pick this season (summer 2020). in the shadow of fruits basket.
deca-dence, bna, great pretender, kakushigoto, the misfit at demon king academy, rent-a-girlfriend: *sigh* didn’t see much of it on my dash. lesser-watched seasonal anime in comparison to fruits basket and tower of god (all relative to tumblr). there are gifs being made, but you have to follow the right blogs.
main point: if there’s any seasonal anime paired up against fruits basket at the same time, fruits basket will win and the former will be left in the dust.
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paperficwriter · 4 years ago
What sucks about current situation is, as a content creator I couldn't share my WIP works freely anymore which contained of what antis think "problematic stuff", like omegaverse, mpreg, emotional whump, nsfw (it's not even explicit at all), or heavily angsty stuff. Anything that not so wholesome for them. Even if I posted them, it would got rejected or receiving no feedback.
I also noticed that in the fandom I'm currently staying in, there's a decline of fanworks amount and also many artists who left the fandom, especially the one who brave enough to explore creative/out-of-the-box ideas.
Recently the antis in that fandom become very loud about their opinion on proshipping and honestly it terrified me to share my works in there! My friends, one by one, also left tumblr fandom and almost stopped to create fanworks for the fandom because of it. And I almost have noone to talk about this matter, feels so alone...
That's why I'm so glad to find your post, thank you for speaking out about this. You're brave and strong, even in the most awful situation, and I admired you for that 💝💝 (btw I love your opm works all of them are my faves!! ❤ and I'm so sorry for long ask 🙇)
Oh my gosh, don’t worry about the length at all -- it sounds like you haven’t really been able to talk about this and that really sucks.
I feel...uh...lucky(?) that my exposure to this has been largely in the BNHA fandom, which seems to have as much of a proshipping community as there is an anti one. So for every ship/scenario/trope that is problematic, there is a good following of people saying, “You do you.”
So I can only imagine how frustrating it would be to be in a fandom where you have such a small bucket to draw from. And we all know how easy it is to say, “Do what you’re going to do anyway!” but it’s a drain and a stress when you don’t know how or if things will be received.
I really hope maybe your fandom can evolve in the future and you can find some more diverse voices! I’ll be rooting for you!
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years ago
About me taking breaks from this blog
Hey everyone!
You might have noticed that I’ve been taking intermittent breaks from this blog. I try to announce it when I am, because falling off the face of the earth isn’t exactly courteous of me.
I’ve been getting a lot of asks asking if I’m alright and/or if there’s a reason why I’m kind of shutting myself off.
And here’s the thing. I know I don’t technically owe anyone an explanation for why I’ve been doing that. 
But I do want to give one. 
So think of this as more of an update I guess? Anyways, update under the cut. 
Warning: it’s long.
So, about why I’ve been taking breaks/why I haven’t been as interactive lately.
I’ve been rolling this around for a long time and trying to form the words to express all this.
There’s several major factors going on here, but the TLDR is I have an issue with feeling guilty about everything, even when I have no obligation to a person or situation, and it’s tanking my mental health.
1. The first, and most inconsequential, is I’m back to school. 
I’m a full time college student generally and have been since I started this sideblog. But as of this semester, I’ve officially transferred to a new university, which means school is taking up more of my time. 
I’m also in an honors program now, which means maintaining a 4.0 is—for financial reasons—more important than ever. I’m a bit stressed out, I’m not gonna lie! 
Also, the switch to remote has been a particularly rough one. I’m having a really hard time defining the boundary between “school and homework time” and downtime, which means anytime I spend not doing homework is really just spent with me feeling overwhelmed with guilt that I’m not trying to get ahead in class.
2. The world is kind of going through shit right now.
I’d be a liar if I said the state of the world isn’t killing my motivation. There’s a lot of shit going on, and it’s overwhelming. It feels like the second we slow down to catch a breath, a new tragedy hits. 
3. My depression is kind of killing me.
Like everyone, isolation is fucking with me. It has the fun side effect of piling onto my depression, so I’ve been really having a hard time finding the will to do anything, even things I enjoy. 
This also links to that feeling of guilt over not being productive: I want to do something I enjoy, but I can’t because I’m consumed with guilt over the fact I’m not meeting some perceived “productivity quota”, so instead of doing that work, or doing something I enjoy, I do nothing. I’ve been sleeping more these past few months than I ever have, but I’m still tired all the time.
4. Family matters.
I’m lucky in that I’m quarantined with my parents, so I have some interaction, but that also means that I am quarantined with my abusive father. As a closeted, nb gay mixed-asian, being forced to spend almost all my time with my violently racist, homophobic and transphobic white dad has been uh. not great for my mental health.
He also just finished his second round of treatments and we’re waiting on a prognosis to see if he’s cancer free or not, so I’ve been grappling with my extremely mixed feelings surrounding him (as well as the fact that I’ll likely be outed at some point and have to plan for an emergency exit when I live in a different state than the rest of my family and the majority of my friends in the middle of a pandemic) for the past six months or so.
5. I have been teetering dangerously close to full burnout for about five months now, and I think it’s finally hit.
Like I mentioned, I’m sleeping more than I ever have in my life. I’m tired all the time, and I keep getting hit with waves of just. really aggressive sadness and isolation. I’ve cried more in the past month than I have in uh. years.
Writing fanfic is a hobby. The problem is, my hobby overlaps with my major: I’m a creative writing major, so a lot of my creative energy has been going towards that.
Trying to balance both is a really tricky line to walk, and I just can’t do it right now. I’m struggling enough with class as it is, so content creation has fallen to the wayside, and I feel really shitty about that, especially since it’s something I enjoy.
I also felt like I always had to be “on”/accessible for this blog. (This is a personal problem that stems from growing up in a very service based culture, and one I’m working on, but it required time away and better boundaries on my part.)
6. Increased sense of alienation from the fandom at large.
This is kind of linked to 5.
Being able to keep anon on is really important to me, I know I personally don’t always feel comfortable sending asks to people off anon (I’ve joked before that even with users I’m genuinely friends with, I send asks on anon bc I don’t want them to feel like I’m waiting on an answer). 
I only answer about a quarter of the asks I receive (I won’t say a quarter of the asks people send me given tumblr’s tendency to eat asks). About a third of the asks are: asking me when a fic of mine will be updated/a wip will be posted, accusing me of something, flat out rude/hateful, or asking really invasive personal questions. 
I’ve gotten a few asking me to elaborate on specific traumas that I don’t think I’ve even mentioned on this blog, which is both violating and extremely entitled: as if someone else gets to decide if my trauma is legitimate enough or something.
There are also the asks that I either don’t have the energy to give the love they deserve and avoid because I feel guilty about that, or just flat out I don’t want to answer.
But deciding not to answer the asks sent in good faith makes me feel incredibly guilty and ashamed. This, again, is a personal problem, and one I’m working on.
I also feel my hyperfixation on opm beginning to fade.
But generally, I just feel less connected to the fandom. It’s mostly because my lack of spoons means I’m not reaching out to people as much, but there are other factors too. It sounds dramatic, but I’m still a little shaken by the spat I had with another opm blog a couple of months ago.
And generally? I don’t think the fandom is as active anymore anyways. Some small, self-absorbed part of me still blames myself for some of that, because the timing of the fandom dying down and fracturing came right after the dispute I mentioned.
7. I really want this account to stay associated with happy things, and I’m not feeling too happy right now.
This blog was one I made because I enjoyed opm and wanted to have fun with it. I still love opm, and I love some of the friends I’ve made on here, but I just. I don’t feel the love for the fandom as a whole right now, and given all the negative emotions/things I just laid out, I’m worried about it somehow rubbing off on this blog, both for me, and for the people who follow me.
So yeah, that’s what’s going on on my end. I’m trying to stay positive and take care of myself, but I’m beyond overwhelmed, both for reasons related to, and entirely unrelated to this blog.
I want this blog to feel positive, and I worry this feels like I’m fishing for pity. That’s not it. I just need to get it off my chest, and kind of lay out where I am for you all, because I care about you.
Anyways, that’s all I got. I don’t know if I’ll delete this for now, but for the time it’s up, I’ll have it pinned to my blog. 
Love you all, and be gentle with yourself.
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Ngl, Reading some OPM fan theories make me feel a bit spiteful.
For instance, the fandom at large has long expected Genos to become a villain and/or monsterfy. There is a particularly popular fan theory that the final fight will be Genos vs Saitama. I can’t totally discount some of the logic of these ideas and I don’t totally disagree that ONE is leading up to something difficult with Genos.
I always wish Genos wouldn’t monsterfy or fight Saitama. Not even because I don’t want to see that (I do kind of want to see it honestly) but rather out of pure spite.
Wouldn’t it be funny if all the people who are so convinced they have a good perspective on his character had a surprise ahead of them.
I have no doubt Genos’s arc will challenge assumptions and expectations. But sometimes I almost wish ONE would do something contrary to expectations, not just playing off expectations to convey a larger message.
I know it’s a bit self of me. But I don’t want Genos to become a monster. Even if it looks like he’s going to I want him to hold on. I want him to make it.
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aforrestofstuff · 5 years ago
btw: this is 100% a joke. I’m really bored lol
Concept: Yo, how big exactly is Silverfang’s family? We know he’s got a brother, but is that all? Is that really all???? Does he have any more brothers? Sisters?
I’ve already consulted google:
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No results.
Next, I asked ONE:
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I don’t speak Japanese so I had to put his reply into a very sophisticated translator:
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No results.
So, since google and ONE are so tight-lipped about this, I’m gonna consult the wiki as my last resort and see if the all-seeing eye of fandom has figured anything out.
So, I’m on Silverfang’s wiki page looking under the family tab and— what’s this??
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A hidden message! Computer, enhance!
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Well gaaaaaahhd damn.
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Since it’s unknown just how large his family tree is, this is canon until further notice. Meet Boom: Silverfang’s shitty sister.
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OPM needs more female characters ok.
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hero--for--fun · 5 years ago
I’ve had Finn since I was in the FNAF fandom and they’ve had a way to worming into every fandom I’ve been in since then. So lets talk about Finn in OPM universe.
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Per the norm, below the cut of course
~Finn is a 8 year old child, they’re nonbinary and use any pronouns but hate to be called a boy or girl.
~They have two pets, a large dog named Tinkers and a Cat named Bandana Jones. 
~Their parents were killed in two separate attacks. Mother was killed in a building collapse caused by a large monsters rampage, and their dad died trying to protect them. 
~Finn has a strong distrust of heroes, because Heroes failed them twice. Finn went to get a hero to help their mom under the building, but the hero blew them off in favor of helping “real people”. As a result, Finns mom was killed. The second time was when Finn tried to revel the truth about their group home. The hero accused them of making up stories.
~Finn doesn’t really seem to know their dead, but has their grave numbers. Finn refers to them as stone addresses and gets genuinely upset when people insinuate that their graves.
~The group home Finn lived in was also the home of Danny and Victor, two boys who later fled with Finn.
~To sum up the group home story, it was basically just a home for test subjects for a lab akin to the House of Evolution. They would host an “Adoption Day” where people would come and examine kids and then auction them off privately and take them in the night. Finn learned of this and fled with Victor, a boy who hid on adoption day, and Danny, a boy who had been auctioned off. They lived in the graveyard where Finn’s parents were buried with Finns pets.
~Victor is the oldest at 11. His parents up and abandoned him and he wound up at the group home. He has psychic powers, but they give him awful headaches when he uses them. He is the one who brought Finn to the home and acts as their voice of reason almost. He has a very grim outlook on life and has a hard time trusting people.
~Danny’s in the middle at 10. His parents and siblings were killed and he was shipped to the group home. He’s a rather athletic boy who doesn’t talk much and was supposed to be shipped off in the night. Finn rescued him and the three fled. He is very shy and believes that he was chosen for a reason. 
~Danny gets sick and Finn beings delivering items to make money for medicine, which eventually earns her a pair of red skates from an old man who she delivers for frequently. Their worn and a bit too big, but they do the job, well. 
~Finn learns to skate and is pretty good at it after a while, but I see them faking like they can’t skate to throw people off. Their just a ditzy little kid who can’t skate.
~Finn is very optimistic and despite lives experiences, Finn tries to see all the good in the world. However, heroes are still a very sore subject for them. The only two heroes their 100% trust are Mumen Rider and Stinger.
~Special object? They wear a pair of steampunk goggles on their forehead.
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fishing-for-blood · 6 years ago
Tagged by @genderfluid-coyote-starrk so now I get to subject y'all to soMe BuLLsHIt
Nickname: Sam, obviously. I'd argue its just my actual name now cause I hate Samantha. Otherwise, Samango at my last 2 jobs and Sameas (suh-MEEZ) by some friends which comes from part of my last name.
Star sign: VVVVirgo
Height: 5'9"
Last movie I watched: uhhhhh I genuinely don't remember? Nightmare before Christmas maybe? Like 2 years ago? Not even joking.
Favorite musician of all time: Aerosmith, but only by a single hair. Asking the impossible here.
Song stuck in my head: Coming Undone by Korn, but just the first verse on repeat???
Other blogs: they're in my bio but Onepunchmiss for One Punch Man, Mttshapedheart for Undertale/Deltarune (largely inactive, just the occasional rb), and Sphal-is-right for Steven Universe, which will likely kick up in the fall again. Love doing screenshot edits and WILL draw Gemsonas when asked. The creativity in the SU fandom is wild I love it.
Do I get asks?: only on Onepunchmiss tbh
Who do I follow?: Nobody from irl actually. A bunch of random stuff like science blogs or aesthetic mushroom blogs?? A couple friends I met through OPM, and some other fandom stuff. Most of the DC blogs I followed years ago are inactive nowadays
What am I wearing?: black skinny jeans and a red Aerosmith t-shirt
Play any instruments?: lolololol oh boi. Actually? Violin. Enough to bs my way through new songs? Guitar. Taught myself three or four songs that I occasionally play but otherwise not at all? Clarinet trombone piano. Also I took a semester of afro-caribbean hand drumming in college for whatever thats worth??
Speak any languages?: German, but im very out of practice.
Dream trip?: Personal goal is to see every national park in the US. Anywhere with some crazy landscapes is dope though. I'd probably hit up Germany first if given the chance to go overseas but right now I'm trying to road trip through Texas honestly asdfghjkl
Dream job?: Shark immunologist at Woods Hole but that's not real sooooo I'd be happy researching marine microbial pathogenesis in response to climate change, or on the relationship between the human gut microbiome, nutrition, and host health.
Favorite food(s): Sushi or pumpkin flavored anything. Y'all let me tell you, when I found out that a sushi place in the next town over had pumpkin tempura rolls--
Favorite song(s): This is a wildly impossible question ok I'll just list the first 3 jams that show up on shuffle: [Meine Stadt ist zu laut-kraftklub] [The Three of Us- Streetlight manifesto] [Highway to Hell- ACDC]
Random fact: I haven't been to a hairdresser in like 10 years I refuse to let anyone cut my hair but me NO TOUCHY
I tag: @gottahaveguts eyy speaking of asks, also @pulchritudinousanime and @joyandeggs if you want??
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animebw · 6 years ago
Short Reflection: One Punch Man, Season 2
It is nothing short of a tragedy what happened to One Punch Man. The first season was a stone-cold masterpiece, a showcase of action storytelling so consistently awe-inspiring that it exploded out of the tight shackles of the anime fandom and actually gained a measure of mainstream appreciation. No joke, I was actually down at a Walgreens just a couple days ago, and mixed in with the Star Wars and Marvel action figures, I saw none other than Saitama the Caped Baldy himself. That is how far mangaka One, Shingo Natsume and his team at Mad House took the appeal of this doofy little story about a bored superhero who was so powerful that ended all his fights in one punch, robbing him of any meaningful challenge. And it isn’t hard to see why; even today, with the shadow of its eclectic younger brother Mob Psycho 100 looming large, One Punch Man stands a testament to some of the best that modern anime is capable of. Masterfully told, outrageously funny, with winning characters and unexpected developments, the first season grew beyond being a mere parody of shonen tropes and found its heart in the story of an ordinary, extraordinary man trying to sort his life out and find his passion after feeling it slip away, turning its superhero theatrics into a surprisingly poignant metaphor on the young adult condition and the nature of happiness itself. And combined with the sheer, staggering beauty of its action setpieces, few anime of recent years have hit harder, if you’ll pardon the pun, and reached so many in the process. It had brawn, it had brains, but above all else, it had soul. You couldn’t ask for a more perfect encapsulation of the power this medium has to offer at its best.
And now, as we come to the end of One Punch Man’s second season four years later, there’s only one question on everyone’s minds; what the HELL happened?
Well, a lot happened. In fact, it’s arguable that pretty much everything that could go wrong with pulling this second season together did go wrong. The original team decided not to return to the project, robbing the franchise of the embarrassment of talent that propelled it to greatness, and a much less experienced director took the helm. It was passed to J. C. Staff, a far inferior studio with a far inferior work ethic, especially in recent years. There were production delays, scheduling issues, and by the time the first real PV dropped and revealed a far weaker product than the bar set by the original, the writing was already on the wall: this was going to be a disappointment. And I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that One Punch Man Season 2 is likely going to end up as the most heartbreaking anime of 2019. Certainly not the worst; we’ve had plenty of garbage shows already (Domestic Girlfriend, anyone?), and we’re certain to have plenty more before the year is over. But compare to the outsized legacy and overwhelming expectations it had to live up to, I don’t think any show’s failure this year is going to hurt as much as this one does. OPM has gone from being the absolute cream of the crop to depressing, barely-acceptable mediocrity. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
The story, for what it’s worth, picks up right where the first season left off, following the daily lives of Saitama, the strongest man alive, and his robot apprentice Genos as they go about their daily business and become further embroiled in the complex social hierarchies and machinations of the Hero Association. We meet a bunch of new heroes and power players, all with some important quirk that Saitama can bounce off of. Meanwhile, there are hints of a dark force bubbling right under the surface of society, a snarl of tumultuous anger getting ready to burst forth and wreak havoc upon the unsuspecting populace. And that’s all before the arrival of a monstrous hero hunter named Garou, who slaughters heroes to prove his superiority over them, exacerbates tensions on every conceivable front. The first season spent a lot of time developing the show’s world in the background, but it really steps into the spotlight here. This season is an ensemble affair, with a metric butt-ton of important movers and shakers getting involved in a massive, tumultuous clusterfuck of a situation that, in contrast to the first season’s fairly self-contained little arcs, spans almost the entirety of these twelve episodes. Saitama himself is pretty much relegated to a supporting role for the lion’s share of the story, gong his own lackadaisical way in the background while the broader scope of the world and its factions takes center stage. Honestly, I’m okay with that decision; with a character as overpowered as Saitama, it’s hard to tell a story involving actual tension if he’s in the immediate vicinity and ready to swat every possible threat away with a stifled yawn.
And for what it’s worth, if there’s any reason to watch this season at all, it’s to experience the uniquely bizarre way ONE finds to tell this story. In this conflux of conflicting agents and rising tensions, the question of what it even means to be a hero itself comes under heavy scrutiny. We already knew from the first season that the Hero Association was a flawed, corrupt system that didn’t actually recognize genuine merit, but now we’re given an intensely intimate view of just how broken its ideals actually are, and what that means for the society living in its shadow. The top hero is a fraud who got there by chance and doesn’t want the spotlight it brings him. We meet a team of bruisers who seek to keep lower-class heroes under their thumb rather than rise through the ranks themselves, because it’s easier for them to feel better about their own position that way without putting in the effort to improve. As dark plans are brought to fruition and enemies begin surfacing, we’re given a taste of just how bitter and broken some of these people have become thanks to the way society frames their position in it. There’s a martial arts tournament full of warriors who carry themselves with arrogance that their way of living is a superior and noble path to follow, dismissing the cheap facade of the hero. Garou the Hero Hunter, easily the best new character, always rooted for the underdog villains in the shows he watched growing up, and now he considers himself a monster fighting for all the monsters who were never given a fair shake, striking heroes down to prove they aren’t the omnipotent gods they’re often seen as. He’s a fascinating foil for Saitama, someone always seeking new challenges to improve himself against but still at the point where he can enjoy the tension of a fight he may not end up winning. 
And all through this mess wanders Saitama himself, wondering why all these people can’t just get their heads out of their ass and live their best life on their own terms, regardless of what anyone says about them. That’s the brilliance of how this franchise seems to be developing: using Saitama not as a catch-all salve to end battles prematurely, but as a moral compass for everyone else to orient themselves around. It feels like the prototype for the kind of storytelling that ONE would later use to propel Mob Psycho 100 to such heights, using the character’s OP nature not to stop the world’s development in its tracks, but providing the world a locus of thematic clarity that they can all position themselves around and be influenced by. Saitama represents the best way forward to many of the show’s lost souls, despite he himself having no idea what his own path forward should look like. He’s a paragon her by accident, not even realizing how revolutionary his ideas come across to the heroes and villains alike he crosses paths with. He’s just a guy who’s a hero for fun, after all, and as he struggles to make sense of what being a hero even means to him anymore, he provides a beacon for everyone else to do the same. It’s smart, thoughtful storytelling that allows for genuine tension and pathos, a clear indication that ONE is not content to let this franchise rest on its laurels. He wants to push it to greater, more introspective and meaningful heights, and I give him all the credit in the world for that.
If only it was still backed by a production that allowed those strengths to shine through.
Yes, it’s finally time to get to the elephant in the room and address the inescapable truth: One Punch Man Season 2 looks bad. Like, really bad. Not just in comparison to the first season’s heights, but taken on its own merits, season 2′s production has been an utter clusterfuck from start to finish, and it shows through in every awful gradient filter, every rush-job animation, every piece of wonky character art, and every hideous pore on Genos’ garish shiny CG metal body. The whole affair is a slapped-together, ramshackle construction that fails at pretty much every single aspect of visual presentation you could possibly imagine. Where once there was dynamic camerawork and kinetic, fluid action, now there’s shaky cam and blur effects to cheaply disguise the lack of movement in combat. Where once the editing was sharp and precise, deftly snapping between different emotional states and moods, now the show’s flow is as smooth and seamless as a barbed wire enema. Punches and punchlines land without any sense of anticipation, and thus no impact, before weightlessly farting over to the next disconnected cut without allowing you any time to process the events unfolding. Many shots are taken right from the manga panels, but they’ve been cobbled together without any consideration for how the pacing and editing of a TV show is different from a series of still images, resulting in a discordant, often confusing series of moving images that jump from one moment to the next without any sense of how time is moving between them. And none of the shots are impressive enough on their own right to cover for it thanks to the shamefully haphazard animation, lacking in detail and full of stiff movement that rarely once feels like the characters are actually moving through the space. Again, this isn’t just by the standards of Season 1′s incredible kinetic motion and fantastic editing; this is just plain awful cinematic storytelling on every conceivable level.
And sure, it’s easy to complain about this stuff to such an extent that you get lost in the weeds and lose sight of what really matters. Plenty of anime in the past have achieved greatness with less-than-stellar presentations, solely by the strength of their writing and characters. But the flaws in OPM season 2 aren’t just isolated, subpar niggles. The problems with the pacing and editing effect the entire story, crippling its attempts to be exciting and thoughtful. You can’t get invested in the themes and characters because they’re portrayed too haphazardly to get you into their mindset. You can’t jive on its exploration of hero society and the psyches of everyone living within it because everything is rushed through without any consideration for letting the audience settle into its ideas. None of the physical comedy works well without the necessary detail and sharpness to sell the ridiculous gags and painful bodily contortions. The presentation actively works against the narrative, underselling its dramatic strengths and highlighting its weaknesses as it blurs through information so thoughtlessly that it often feels like we’re wasting time for episodes on end. Hell, even something as simple as the voice acting feels noticeably downgraded to a distracting degree; compared to his performance from the first season, Saitama's VA talks with the samebored, lazy monotone in nearly every scene he’s in. And that’s weird, because he was able to turn in a really strong and nuanced showing last time, showcasing the entire emotional spectrum of disenchanted apathy while making every individual emotion feel distinct and real. Maybe there was a new, less talented vocal coach? Because that’s the only explanation I can think of for how this bizarre flaw came about. And it’s indicative of the entire problem with this season; no matter how good the story might be, there is so little care put into how that story is told that so few of its strengths actually come through.
And yet. For all my bitching and complaining, I can’t bring myself to hate One Punch Man’s second season. Call it stupidity, call it bias, maybe I’ve overly sympathetic to the production team for having this impossible situation dumped on their shoulders, but I can’t see this as a complete disaster. In the end, there’s still too much obvious effort on display, too much evidence that everyone working on this out-of-control clown car was desperate to somehow make it work. The sound design, weighty and muscular and bass-y, works double time to overcome the lack of weight in the fight animation, pushing the force of every blow to its breaking point. There’s some damn impressive CG on a couple of the big monsters, incorporated shockingly well into the show’s regular art style and managing to be fluid and expressive without losing detail or polish. Plus, for all the faults in its presentation, the story still finds time to work when it really puts its mind to it. Pretty much every second Garou is on screen, you end up wanting to forgive how lacking the rest of the show is, just by sheer force of how much intrigue his plotline carries. And for what it’s worth, the team eventually does get their shit together for the final stretch of episodes, delivering a handful of episodes and fights that come so achingly close to the heights of the first season you can almost taste it. Even with all the odds working against them, the season 2 team put in their best goddamn effort here. And what could be more fitting of the spirit of this season than facing down impossible odds and refusing to give up, no matter how hopeless the situation might seem?
Still, when all is said and done, the disappointment lingers. There’s a kind of sad poetry in One Punch Man’s second season coming out right after the return of ONE’s other flagship franchise Mob Psycho 100, after close to the same wait between seasons for both of them. Because while OPM season two had pretty much everything possible go wrong, MP100 season two had pretty much everything go right. Not only did the original team have the opportunity to match the first season, they were able to surpass it, to take every resource at their disposal and create a stone-cold classic of the modern anime era. We’re never going to forget about Mob Psycho 100 after its incredible season 2. And by coming out directly afterwards, it only highlights that much more how One Punch Man wasn’t given the same opportunity to become all that it could be. It’s the greatest anime tragedy since Fate/Zero, and I think the sting of what we lost here is going to last for a very long time. So when all is said and done, I give One Punch Man’s second season a score of:
God, I’m sad now. Well, hopefully the future will be kinder to this franchise.
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chinchillasinunison · 5 years ago
JJBA or OPM? Wham or Kars I'll pass on pairing~ Hamon or Stands?
Oh gosh it feels like I'm betraying everything but JoJo. Don't get me wrong, I love OPM, but JoJo has so much history and everything. There's so many characters to love. It's meme culture and fandom is astoundingly large and always thriving.
Wham or Kars?
Hamon or Stands?
Stands, because they can pretty much be anything
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