#and to know xz was there too oh MY HEART
accio-victuuri · 1 year
8/13/2023 : LRLG Contribution 🍓🥝
well… i didn’t expect this release today but i’m taking it and i’m happy that we have them back with us! and released on the 13th too. what a good number! 🫶🏼
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you all know how this works, let’s play a game and guess what the “scenes” are referring too 😂😂😂
everything is fake. fanfiction. i don’t have the permission to transfer the whole content. so some parts will be incomplete and others i will just explain what’s happening.
It starts with WYB talking to someone, and it’s obviously XZ.
WYB: 👀
WYB: "nice"
WYB: "Will not guard XZ's freedom to dress” ( I think this means Web won’t get in the way of whatever XZ wants to wear. )
WYB: it's beautiful
WYB: “Really nice”
WYB: I haven't changed yet, don't worry
WYB: come in a while
WYB: "oh"
WYB: "good"
WYB: Just take a picture and wear it. I'll be there later.
So this is 99.9% an event where they both attended and that’s two so far, Weibo Night and that gala in HK. My money is on Weibo Night tho, because WYB said he will come later. In the HK gala, WYB was visible very early in the venue even if technically XZ flew to HK before him.
The wedding clothes 💌
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and XZ can wear anything and WYB will probably go— “wow xiao laoshi!” 😍😍😍😍 some are also interpreting WYB’s words ( freedom to dress ) as a sort of comfort to XZ. He was probably hesitant to wear what he did and thought it would be better to play safe. But has a very supportive s/o ( WYB ) who knows what to say to boost XZ’s confidence.
The next part is, still not sure if this is a continuation of WB night. But a girl is saying XZ is beautiful and WYB is there with this expression on 🥹
XZ: "I told you I can not come"
WYB: “Um?"
XZ: “Just kidding, kidding"
XZ: "Do you want to shoot when you go back tonight?"
and then the girls, most likely staff told XZ they can continue and that he (XZ) should coax the child (WYB)
NEXT UP IS A RANDOM EXCHANGE, but cpfs think they are playing a game:
WYB: "Why don't I have a mask"
XZ: "Because you don't have an eyeshadow palette..”
WYB: "What to use"
XZ: "Small eyeshadow combined with big eyeshadow"
WYB: “boring”
XZ: “Don't play when you're bored"
WYB: "Who shared it with me"
XZ: "Don't order it"
XZ: "There are a lot of materials that you can't sell, but you can use them later.
WYB: "Kids don't play this.”
XZ: "Yeah, adults are playing"
WYB: “….”
Some are guessing it might be this — Dream Detective. I understand cause games like this are relaxing, you won’t be so stressed about it. Plus when I read the reviews, they said the graphics are good so maybe that’s why XZ likes it. So cute tho how WYB will try everything XZ recommends — he will also play with him even if it’s not his type of game. There are other guesses on what they’re playing but this is the one i’m going with.
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Then we have another block of text from WYB.
WYB: "When will there be a holiday for you?���
WYB: "Come and see me, come and see me if you're not tired"
WYB: "So are you coming or not"
WYB: "There is nothing missing, and you can buy it here"
WYB: "You and I can't buy it"
OMG MY HEART. Come and see me, come and see me if you're not tired. He’s just so 🥹🥹🥹🥹. How can you say no to that huh XZ? and WYB knows it’s inconvenient to meet but maybe there are days that he really needs company and XZ will grant him that. I’m just so happy they have each other.
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"There is nothing missing, and you can buy it here" >> CPFs also interpret this part as, we don’t need anything. You’re all i need, you are something money can’t buy. Anything else we can buy and replace.
I don’t fully understand the next exchange but it’s WYB talking to some people. Not sure if staff or cast. I can’t figure out of the context and looks like it’s not cpn-y. I could be wrong, again, some things on here are hard to connect. But what stood out is this exchange :
WYB: "You can't see both sides, right? You know whether he's skinny or fat."
👧: “Let's just say I've never paid attention to this issue"
👩‍🦳"Besides, you can see it in the video, you have to touch it to know."
So this is like Web who cares if XZ eats enough and he will know that by how XZ looks. If he’s grown too skinny or what. Years later, he’s still so attentive about XZ’s health! 😌😌😌
Then back to WYB again who is obviously talking about The Longest Promise / Yuguyao
WYB: “Didn’t eat, not very hungry”
WYB: "Will you be sad if I don't eat?
WYB: "( laughs ) they're all talking"
WYB: "they said you're good at acting, you're immortal
WYB: "If you don't believe me, ask them yourself"
WYB: “Rave reviews”
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Awww. He’s such a supportive boyfriend! I’m cackling tho at how he used that iconic line. In the drama it should be will you be sad if I die?
Kidding aside, yes Yibo. XZ will be sad ( and most likely angry at you ) if you don’t eat!!!
XZ: "Don't listen to this"
WYB: "Your hair can be braided.”
WYB: "Is it hot for you to wear a wig?"
XZ: "nothing to eat"
WYB: "Brother X went to buy it, it was delicious"
Then Web tells him to lie down for a while, an assistant said she will get a pillow and then WYB said he will go out and make a call ( so XZ can rest ).
THE HAIR! XZ’S LONG HAIR!!!!! This? In braids??? WYB i hate you for putting thoughts in my head!
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THEN THIS. Everyone’s favorite Chongqing pepper strikes again 🌶️🌶️🌶️
WYB: "Didn't I say come back when you're not tired?"
XZ: "I'm not tired on the road, I'm tired when I arrive"
WYB: "Thank you for coming all this way"
XZ: "I came all the way here and you still go out with your phone"
WYB: "I didn't call. I remember there was a massager, but I couldn't find it.
XZ: “neck pain”
WYB: “i’ll give you a massage”
OMG GG. 😂😂😂😂
Don’t worry, i’m sure WYB loves your more than his phone or whatever! LOL. and you have WYB who is good at coaxing and will massage XZ. God. They are so sweet. I hate them. 💀💀💀💀
There’s also a part of this, they are talking about food and ordering and XZ said he wants an egg custard tonight, so of course WYB made it happen.
There is an exchange where WYB said “"You scared them so much that they dare not eat!” I wanna know. Who was the group or person who sensed XZ’s hangry energy / face that it scared them 😂😂😂
That’s all!!!!
I enjoyed this LRLG and there is also some feeling of relief cause we thought they would be gone for good. Or they will return but not this early. I like reading about their simple life and interactions. Some turtles are also commenting about the two sides of Xiao Zhan and how WYB is the only one who gets to see this side of him.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep30 (1/2): okay fine I'm eating my words. and crying. I am also crying
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country boy with his little blade of grass hanging from his mouth <3 I love how wwx finds a source of joy in every situation he's in. he creates his own fun and happiness, and he's very good at it. and it's probably one of the reasons he hasn't succumbed to despair over the course of the many horrific things that have happened to him
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it's so great to see her wedding outfit!! she looks so beautiful!!
these scenes hurt so much because you know what's coming and what wwx is going to lose. the wen scenes aren't sad like that...they're just very warm to me. maybe bc wwx thinks about LP and his siblings way more than the wens once he comes back to life. obviously he mourns them and he loved them, but it's not the depth of attachment he has with his siblings, who he grew up with and trauma-bonded with pretty strongly. also jyl helped raise him, she's as close to a mother as he got
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oh he's crying here. I didn't remember
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he doesn't even deny it! yeah im going to name your nephew after my crush. and what about it?
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no matter how much hurt comes afterwards, I'm glad that jyl told wwx this. he deserves to know jc is capable of things like this, that he does care about him. and jyl has to tell him bc jc never would
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last time eating soup together 😭😭😭😭😭
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this was so kind of her...god I wish jyl had been the one to survive. idk if she's much of a politician but she has a HEART for the wens
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this might be jc's funniest line
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oh my god I'm so embarrassed. I kept talking about how jc never expressed concern or attentiveness to wwx's injuries and here he is asking after the stab wound. okay! I know! was wrong
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this scene is heartbreaking
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and then it focus on wen ning....god wwx does love wen ning so much. I don't think he sees the wens as siblings but he does love them
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HE WANTED YOU TO HAVE IT 😭 this hurts so much bc wwx so rarely is able to accept kindness and love like this!! I'm just glad he took this charm from jyl, because he so often feels the need to refuse things like home and love bc he feels like they don't belong to him!! or can't!! wwx's perpetual state of limbo in his family and the world must be so tiring to him
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bowing to jyl like she's a stranger 😭 and his face afterwards, he looks about to cry. obvs jyl calling after him is devastated, but jc too!
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even sorrow and grief is able to break through jc's perma-scowl. god this hurts
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and this scene where he's just staring at this charm thinking about everything he left behind....he's in such a low place rn
and then!!!
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he starts reminiscing about jc!!! god dammit!!! I was so sure he only missed jyl and lwj!!! well fuck me, he does miss his brother I guess and he thinks about him fondly!!
also he thinks about lwj and their oath and leaving him, so it's a general theme of revisiting the promises he made and the person he thought he would become vs. the things he actually ended up doing. and just...struggling with those choices
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jgy being appreciative of the staff is noteworthy, maybe? I don't think we see any other characters be particularly nice to servants, or really interact with them at all
jgy is rly in his element here. I wish I could plop him into an event planning job and remove all his murderous, vengeful rage. I do think he deserved a shot and he's still being treated horribly unfairly
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wwx staring dead-eyed into the distance as his sole hope for a connection to his family is being destroyed: it's fine I guess we all must accept fate
xz's really been impressing this arc. he's capturing the grief and regret and sorrow so well
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oh, according to this tranlation the 'sister' a-yuan mentions, which some ppl have theorized was a sibling he lost, is just wq
well, there goes the 'yin iron quest-era a-yuan was actually his sister who looks just like him and wears the same clothes' seriously WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST USE A BABY. IT DIDN'T HAVE TO BE A REAL BABY JUST WRAP SOME BLANKETS TOGETHER AND IT WOULD HAVE BEEN OBVIOUS
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jzx standing up for his brother is another nice thing he does. I am inexplicably fond of him
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well you know I don't approve of jgy's atrocities but REST IN PIECES YOU OLD BITCH BECAUSE GUESS WHAT HAPPENED
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tracer85s · 4 years
yizhan fic rec (2)
part 1
glute bridges by sunstainedsheets
[explicit, 29k, complete]
personal trainer and dancer yibo and graphic designer xiao zhan. GYM AU omg i love this. xiao zhan signs up for a gym membership and personal training sessions where he’s totally not ogling his coach. there’s also a scene with xiao zhan attempting to converse with yibo in korean that got me cackling lmao, our resident koreaboo indeed. it was also great to see mentor yibo here, it reminded me of his prod 101 days when he was so intimidating as a mentor, also... very sexy. anyway i adore this, they’re just thirsting over each other, especially yibo checking out the zhass, it’s okay bobo we’ve all been there
i’d wear gucci for you by Anonymous
[teen and up, 16k, complete]
abo au where alpha yibo and omega xiao zhan are photographed going into xiao zhan’s apartment together so they’re forced to pretend that they’re mated to prevent a scandal. this has become my favourite fics because i’m an absolute sucker for fake/pretend relationships and the way the writer incorporated canon stuff like yibo answering interview questions for xiao zhan ugh guys i love this fic. when yibo was so exasperated near the end and said “i’m wearing gucci for you” & waving his hand i really lost it. JUST READ THIS I PROMISE IT’S A GOOD READ
if you would only let you by gdgdbaby
[explicit, 32k, complete]
ah where do i even start with this one? xiao zhan gets drunk and texts yibo, yibo shows up at his house and whisks him away on a road trip. i felt so much emotions reading this fic, everything was so raw and it really deals with the pressures of being famous and homophobia. this is a super realistic fic and there’s a lot of emotional hurt/comfort, you’ll literally end up wanting to wrap these two in a big blanket and just protect them from the world (lol like we don’t already want to do that). my absolute favourite part was the confession scene, like it was so messy and funny, and it’s just so them, especially the pokemon part lmao. this art is based on that scene and it’s exactly how i imagined it 🥺 this is just so well written and it’s one of my favs!
love in the time of coding by theivoryflute
[explicit, 26k, complete]
hacker yibo and cyber security engineer xiao zhan. yibo cyber flirts with xiao zhan and also flirts with him in real life. *SCREAMS* i never thought we’d have a hacker au in the fandom but i’ve been blessed, this was literally the cutest online romance fic with a bunch of mutual pining. my favourite dialogue is “the whiplash from wanting to ride yibo to wanting to coddle him was severe” i’m literally wheezing, this is a perfect representation of the fandom, also the usernames that yibo picked got me cackling there’s one in particular that made me laugh, you’ll know what it is when you see it so go read this gem!
Peace & Love by ella_minnow
[explicit, 51k, complete]
my favourite writer is back again with this baby! idol dance captain xiao zhan and non-famous dancer yibo!!! ARE WE KIDDING? slow burn sdoc au? I’M SO IN WTF. guys listen to me. yibo has a low ponytail and arm tattoos *goes feral* one of my favourite scenes from this fic is when xiao zhan had to convince yibo to join his team (bro. he didn’t even have to try) because yibo says “no, Xiao-laoshi. I would of course never leave you.” i’m screeching, totally gave me tgcf hua cheng vibes. my absolute favourite scene, however, is when yibo says xiao zhan doesn’t have to worry about sending him home because he’s going to win everything... like... the sheer bde this man exudes in real life and fiction... very sexy of him. i also love how this showcases how well they work together and of course the *whispers* celebratory sex!
Hyacinth by stickyriceu
[explicit, 76k, complete]
racer yibo celebrates after a competition and meets hyacinth’s number one host, zhan-er. slow burn with LOTS of pining and angst. i finished this in one sitting and i’m still screaming over it, it’s so good!!! genuinely felt my soul leave my body reading this because zhan zhan with shoulder length hair? tied up in a messy bun? *SCREECHES* everyone go read and get your angst on, don’t worry, there’s a happy ending ;)
Song of the Sea by LaMachina17
[explicit, 48k, complete]
mermaid xiao zhan and pirate yibo !!! xiao zhan meets yibo and has one very exciting night with him so he ends up following him aboard their pirate ship! i’m literally on my knees praising this fic. i will re-read this until i die, it’s perfect. AND THEY’RE CAT DADS IN THIS FIC TOO. seriously i don’t need to say anything else go read this gem
The Dragons by MadFilaments
[explicit, 31k, complete]
xiao zhan is his village’s marriage offering to dragon lord yibo. are you kidding me? shapeshifter yibo? arranged marriage fic? YES. this is one of my favourites, i always re-read it because the way their relationship just naturally progresses in the story warms my heart 😩 AND they call each other husband and i just *melts* they’re ! so ! domestic ! there’s angst but it’s not too bad and i’m in love with yibo’s speech about how dragons love forever *cries*
golden hour by Deinde
[explicit, 35k, complete]
professional snowboarder yibo teaches actor xiao zhan how to snowboard in a show! OH MY GOD THIS WAS SO GOOD *SCREAMS* it’s literally just them flirting and being absolutely thirsty for each other, especially in the photoshoot scene dear lord. i’m so annoying, this fic tab has been open in my safari for forever and i forgot about it until i watched ddu’s snow sports episode so don’t do the same thing as me and go! read! this! fic! immediately!
Falling In Love by beeswaxing
[mature, 65k, complete]
celebrities yibo and xiao zhan star in a we got married/hello baby inspired reality show! oh my god. the domestic fluff in this i am reeling, THIS IS JUST ADORABLE. this is definitely the domestic kid fic i so desperately needed 😭 and the way the writer added in those canon bjyx details is just perfect, everyone go read this please!!
Legend of the Jade Rabbit: The Musical by emma_screams
[explicit, 12k, complete]
high school au with lion hybrid yibo and bunny hybrid xiao zhan. this fic has musicals! it’s really quite fluffy, yibo literally calls zhan zhan “bunny gege” and i’m just *SCREECHING* also i love protective yibo 😭 i really love this it’s so cute & has a very refreshing plot!
pick me, pick me up by domeeneec
[mature, 10k, complete]
college/uni wrong number au where xiao zhan keeps accidentally calling yibo to bail him out of his bad dates and yibo ends up becoming his “personal dating assistant” this was the FLUFFIEST. although there is some light angst when xiao zhan drunk dials yibo and cries about not being able to find love, but i swear this is super soft and fluffy!!! READ THIS FOR SEROTONIN
Ruby and Gold by aces_low
[explicit, 16k, complete]
mob boss xiao zhan and his trophy husband yibo. HELLO? MURD3R HUSBANDS YIZHAN? this was such a fun read! trigger warnings for blood and violence though so look out for those! yizhan will literally not hesitate to beat you tf up in this fic they’re so badass here but they’re so soft with each other. xiao zhan literally calls yibo gǒu zǎizǎi and tiánxīn i am. Melting. also there’s a proposal. it’s unromantic but still so romantic, i love it. i also saw this art and i think this would be how they look in the fic
To Be Human by purplemonster
[teen and up, 19k, complete]
humanoid yibo and ceo xiao zhan. xiao zhan tests out his company’s newest creation and falls in love along the way. android aus always hurt me so. good. and this one’s not an exception. it’s pretty slow burn and definitely angst-y but it has a happy ending! i love the domesticity, i have no idea why i love grocery scenes so much? but anyway this is perfect for a rainy day and you’ll coo at the ending
Falling by brooklinegirl
[explicit, 42k, complete]
yb and xz behind the scenes while filming. this was such a melancholic read for me (even though there’s so much papapa) because they pine SO HARD at the start, don’t get me wrong though, it’s also cute because there’s so much canon flirting!but my heart really broke when filming was ending and yb’s thoughts were “We could run away together. Miss our flights. Stay here in Hengdian, or fuck it, go somewhere where no one knows us and just...” *sobs* pls go read!!!
What’s Your Emergency? by bluefloral
[general, 2k, complete]
police officer yibo and single father xiao zhan! yuan, xiao zhan’s son calls 911 for help with his math homework and officer yibo helps him 🥺 this was such an adorable short read!
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zhansww · 4 years
There are some things. I do believe closing the súper topic would cause severe backlash but not by antis but by the fans. Xz gets called homophobic already not only by antis but by people that believe he made his fans report that fic cause he didn’t want to have that image anymore. That version was spreaded non stop so random people believe it as true until today sadly.
Wzc and xz supertopic was close mostly cause wzc was harrassed non stop by extreme bjyx shippers but mostly antis. Even his phone was hacked and he received terrible phone calls about it. So no one attacked anyone when that supertopic was closed cuz it was to protect the actor and the fans were happy that the competition was over. Even though I enjoy yizhan and ship it but I’m also aware of the problems with the extreme fans back in 2019. I believe it would be almost a career suicide if xz decides to close that supertopic even though idk if they can even close it
Thank you for adding that info.
I didn't know about Zc getting harassed by glass-hearted bxg and yet, I'm not surprised. I know that either of the people the cp supertopic is for can close it. Meaning, Zc should have closed it himself if it was solely because of that. Not to imply that Zhan-ge is selfish but I don't think he would have been the one to do that if it was "just" for Zc and not also for himself/his own reasons. Oh, I also know about obnoxious bxg. I've realized how their number has unfortunately grown, too, in the past years along with the number of all bxg. I know that XZ himself knows that it's not his fans who would call him something so outrageously false. And I disagree about closing any of ggdd's cp supertopics, being career suicide. Either Yibo or Zhan-ge could close them, especially now that they haven't worked together in over a year. Heck, they should have done it after last February, to stop it from growing, to stop people from "shipping" them and further dragging their reputations through the mud. To stop cp fans from giving antis fodder to hate on gg or dd. Whatever backlash they would receive from their cp fans would be drowned out by their solo fans and their genuinely supportive cp fans. And it would also inevitably blow over, probably quickly. More importantly, higher-ups wouldn't give a sh-t. It's not even like ggdd have any shared endorsements. So something like losing sponsors or roles because they closed their (gay) cp supertopics just wouldn't happen. I obviously don't know why neither gg or dd close their supertopics. I do know that dd used to check the b-jyx supertopic and that gg doesn't (or didn't) mind the shared support he and dd get. My guess is that they take comfort in knowing that they have supporters because, you know... they actually are together.
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wei-gege-oldaccount · 4 years
hii, I'm kinda new to the fandom and there things i don't understand much about yb/xz relationship. i know xz had a lot of backlash about fandom drama, but beside that, anything happened between them? and if not, do you know where i can read about it?
Hi lovely! Welcome to the fandom, and also, I’m so sorry for this taking so long.
I honestly don’t know where to start haha, I think I’ll just give a brief (if that’s possible) overview, and then refer you to the more knowledgable on the subject.
Putting this under a cut to spare people’s dash
Yes there is speculation about Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan being in a relationship. The backlash Xiao Zhan experienced was indeed due to this, more specifically, an AO3 fic written about them. A link to this fic got shared to Weibo. A number of XZ’s fans reported the site, and got AO3 banned in China, which lead to a large number of AO3 users to boycott XZ endorsed products (this is a simplified version because this post could become crazily long otherwise). This was a big deal because it could have potentially got XZ’s other projects blacklisted and him being replaced by other celebs for his product endorsements, and there was speculation that this did happen at one point.
In terms of anything happening between them, oh boy are you in for a wild ride if you choose to start digging deeper. Just to make it clear, if they are a couple, they are in no position to outright confirm it, even if they wanted to. Not without potentially jepordising their careers, not without jepordising being able to do the things they love to do, acting, singing, e.t.c.
The evidence as to why people believe them to be a couple - there is too much to list here but I will share some links further down. It mostly consists of: Behaviour when they’re around each other - from The Untamed behind the scenes footage (not realising how popular it would become at the time and let’s just say their guard was down a bunch of times), interview behaviour and answers, social media posts (and kadian - numbers that sound the same or similar to words in chinese, so you can translate things like timestamps - you will want to look into it more if you’re going to go digging), clothing and accessory choices, song lyrics...
It would be fair to say that at this point; ANY and EVERY tiny little thing any of them do is now analysed to hell and back for any clues that they might be together.
Most of this stuff at first glance does seem like *insert pepe silvia meme here*, and I’ll agree I think a bunch of it probably is. I don’t believe that literally every single waking moment and action they make contains some hidden declaration of love for one another. BUT, there are a handful of these that are very compelling, and do make me believe it’s true.
I’m not gonna detail them here, I would rather people look at the evidence themselves if they’re interested and come to their own conclusions. Fuck knows it can get nasty out there. I’ve seen some interactions where people try and push their own theories and beliefs on others as 100% stone cold truth, and every time it quickly descends into a shit-slinging match (luckily not here, but this is why I will not use twitter lol). And this is why I won’t rb abything that states “this definitely = that”, but will happily rb them making heart eyes at each other e.t.c. I will keep my belief that they’re a couple, and just keep in my mind there is a chance that I could be totally wrong haha.
I would suggest starting with @tasteofyizhan​‘s BJYX starter kit - it hasn’t been updated since October but it covers most of it. And then for some thoroughly entertaining blogs to follow, if you wanted to keep up to date or ask the better informed I would totally recommend:
@candicewright @zhansww and @tracer85s
If you do decide to go down the rabbit hole I would love to know what you make of it all!
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twolonesomestars · 4 years
Loved your post on the necklace!! I was also very surprised at xz's reaction that day, and the way that he was trying to touch yb, you could see him reaching yb with his arm and then pulling back (maybe because wdx was all over yb trying to get the necklace off) but it was v clear how worried xz was. I can't help but look for the necklace everytime new pics of yb are released, and i noticed that lately he hasn't been wearing it and i hope everything is okay with them.
Love your post about the necklace! Now I just need him to wear it again or I don’t know what I’m gonna do lol. Been like 3 weeks now.
Ahh! Thank you for all the support~~ ❤️
Oh yes! It does seem like XZ wanted to get the necklace off of WYB himself but managed to keep control at the last second. (Don’t mind me, just gonna be more delulu than usual: I love how he uses the chance to somewhat graze WYB’s neck when he’s explaining to the girl what happened… & WYB just leans into too)
Now that you mentioned WDX, I’m reminded of the jealousy in the episode... XZ is hella scary when he’s jealous. I love it! His glare at WDX & slightly at WYB when they ended up tangled on the floor is just *chef’s kiss* lol
But yeah, XZ’s actions were just so out of character (or so in character if we’re talking personal life) that day. Reminds me a bit of Weibo Night tbh
Ah yes the case of the recent /missing/ necklace... You guys are so adorable with your concern ;; (dw I get it)
The main thing I’m looking at here is that WYB’s been running around like a crazy man (even more so than usual) the last few weeks: filming for SDOC3, DDU, BAH, and his 23 endorsements. He can’t wear his necklace to most of these things and he seems to have shootings one after another, so I wouldn’t exactly blame him for opting out of putting the necklace on just to take it off in like 30 minutes. (He’s more likely to lose it if he did that anyway.) Correct me if I’m wrong, but I also don’t think he’s had too many non-official appearances recently (I’m only remembering the pics of when he was leaving SDOC3 & DDU filming). Since it was only two super short appearances, I wouldn’t be too concerned...
From what I could tell, he didn’t wear the necklace during SDOC3 filming. And, I think there have been a few episodes of DDU where he didn’t wear the necklace...? It may have just been hidden really well (which could also be the case for the latest filming) or he actually didn’t wear it. ...Or, most likely, I just missed it completely lol
But, to ease our hearts a bit, let’s talk about a new clue /potentially/ from our lovely didi.
Beware we’re treading even deeper into the CPN world:
WYB’s Weibo post about Let’s Sacalaca on 200704 has kadian: 13:10 = “only you [for my] whole life”
The message in the post was intended to promote the episode for that day and get his fans to watch it live, but oddly enough he posted it after the show began airing @ 12:00 and pretty much as it was going to end.
Also, now that the fake candy about the phone call and water-ski heart seems to be not-so-fake anymore, the timing of the post reinforces who it’s meant to be for ;)
I’m sure they’re doing just fine. Trust in them and in their love~
(The next official and non-brand related sighting we should get of WYB is at the SDOC3 press conference on the 12th. Hopefully he’ll ease these worries fully then.)
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thixms · 4 years
opinions on each adaptation
i've just finished the mdzs donghua adaptation. which means, i've went thru all adaptations except the audio drama. this means, i'm gonna write down all my opinions in this post even though no one cares and asked for.
manhua: honestly, 10/10. like they follow up the novel sooo damn close. and i love it. they said fuck censorship. literally. the whole accidentally leaking the kiss scene just made me stan them and put them on the first place of all the adaptations. ofc, the audio drama follows it 1:1 but for me.. not understanding any chinese, it would just be reading the novel all over again by reading the subtitles so i'm just like.. kind of too lazy for it. (i'm sorry y'all can attack me) just the for chibi characters i'd already rate it 100/10. don't argue with me i love them. ofc it's not yet that far into the plot. well, for me at least, as someone who reads the translated version. i think it's more lighthearted up until now and i guess it's because of the chibi characters. some won't like it. but i love it. i'm eager to get to know how they portrayed wwx!ylz. or in general the whole past story arc cus there, it's not that lighthearted anymore.
drama: i might be biased. and i know many novel fans don't like ppl like me. but i started the whole getting into mdzs with the drama. and it- it just left a mark on me. i love it with my whole heart and i also really like the actors. there r lots of controversies around this adaptation. but from my perspective, i did read the novel, it's done really damn well. how they handled the censorship was amazing imo. and i think many don't get that there's a specific character type for the hero/protagonist bcs of the censorship, so ofc, wwx isn't morally gray. and yes, that's kind of the whole point of the novel. and ppl r like: why even do the adaptations then. but i think the characters are amazing enough that they deserve the adaptations. all of them. the drama followed the novel the closest it could. and yes there are some changes. but imo it's to fit the medium. the medium is a live action drama. i could go on about it but maybe imma rant about it on another post. but yes. the drama imo did the best they could. many say xz wasn't a good wwx. well, okay i could understand it if the novel was my first impression and not the drama. there is some kind of lack on the 'the terrifying wwx!ylz part. but imo you could see that it was him (the yiling patriarch) maybe not as terrifying but other than that, he was a good choice. all of the actors were good choices. oh wait- except maybe wen xu. they made him too hot. way too hot. for no reason. and then killed him of way too soon. one of the changes i really like was that, wangxian didn't hate it e/o for too long? or more like not at all. they had a whole mission together to get closer to e/o and u got all these interactions of them and ah- i just loved it. the whole show was on the brink of the censorship. and i loved it. you can clearly tell they slowly loved/ cared (for) e/o more and more as the time went on. and it just makes more sense for why lwj cared sm for wwx and how the whole 'wei wuxian!' - 'lan wangji!' scene hurt way more bcs of all the backstory. if they didn't show it like that... would many have guessed that lwj cared for (or had a crush on) wwx? i mean, i definitely wouldn't. yes i would be as oblivious as wwx. and the whole confession scene, the phoenix mountain kiss and them actually ending up together doesn't happen. so there wouldn't be many or even no real scenes where they were really close w/ e/o.
donghua: i liked it. but not as much as the other ones. and i think it's because of the lack of wangxian. they followed up the whole past plot of them and didn't change which, like i mentioned before, results in no real 'good'/happy wangxian interactions. it's still going on so we will get more but up until now, there's not much. the latest episodes in season 2 did do some justice doe. we will see what will happen. but imo it's the most censored one. it lacks in this part (the part of not much wangxian) but excels in others. that's how it always is ofc. but they did do some real good changes in the season 2. especially the one in the last episode. lemme tell ya, i bawled my eyes out when bby!lwj gave bby!wwx the toy. (why's there no fic about that one doe??? dude!) and also where you could see bby jin ling interacting with wwx. i also cried there. ah i loved it. all the characters are real badass in there. fuck, especially wwx!ylz... he's just so hot in this version. the scene where he came back after 3 months and killed wen chao. i lost it. literally. he could spit on me, step on me and throw me of a cliff and i would thank him wholeheartedly. some changes were probably made for even more intense action scenes. they do look real nice on screen. but some changes just threw me off. while the drama only expanded on the yin iron plot, some dialogue changes and some real real minor one's, they still followed up the novel real close on how things were revealed and how characters got to get to know stuff. like some things just get revealed way before in the timeline of the dongua than it is in the novel/drama. or they just added stuff that i'm like- was it necessary? (no offence ofc) and i think, after watching cql 2 times, reading the novel, and several fanfics, i know how, when and what happens after each other way too well, so all those changes threw me off. ofc, they're not bad. i kind of appreciated that they did their own twists to keep it interesting. still.. it's not my favorite adaptation (not many will probaly agree) but i really appreciate it and can't wait for the third season.
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puppy-phum · 4 years
🐰 🐇 Hi fr Classy Cultiva! Reply: I love recs! & lists that aren’t to-do lists😁 I never heard of Jaymes Young b4 but bought albums which I’ll listen to once CQL is outta my head, maybe in 5 yrs 😂| Once I opened my phone to show a coworker sthg, it opened right to a fic & my heart dropped. Pretty sure I scrolled away fast enuf but who knows O_o but maybe he had no idea what he saw, if anything eep I <3 jrs! Ooh NHS is def top runner up to the ladies. Gotta stay on Machiavelli’s good side 1/2
wzc is v cute, seems v sweet, always smiling! That pic of him holding a dog [on chaos sisters set I think?] is just like 2 puppies | oh man so many things to watch! ~~It’s a neverending queue~~ havent watched guardian but seen it on dashboard a lot | Q11: what’s ur fave story arc? or fave ep/moment? Some of mine are: FAMILY LUNCH DATE SO SOFT, golden core reveal soooo sadddd so pretty lwj tears 😭 drunky lwj also very good. I made a huge list for my other cc, will share in 9 days! \o/ 2/2
hello again! ^^ I’ll wish you merry christmas and happy holidays now bc I dunno how much I’ll be around to answer things during these next few days :’D I hope you enjoy your time!
oh, I hope you enjoy jaymes young then! when you get there that is :’D his feel something album is maybe my favorite so I hope you get time to listen to that ^^
aahh yeah, I feel you on that one :’D I usually leave my fics open in the background so that I don’t accidentally shove them at ppl’s faces just for this reason XD am a bit paranoid like that krhm... but I doubt that if ppl look at that stuff very quickly they really get what’s going on, especially if they don’t read stuff like that themselves ^^’ 
gosh I feel like I’ve seen way too many pics of wzc with dogs or his cat ;; pets always seem to make him extra bright and sweet haha. so maybe if we spent time together we could also just pet a ton of animals XD it would be nice, I really miss petting any soft furs ;; 
and ah, I hope you can watch guardian too then :’D the drama has its weak points but the acting is great and it really brings out all the feels! and all the shots look super pretty imo :o it’s also the first chinese bl novel I ended up reading bc I was curious about the original story (the story gets very much twisted in the drama bc of censorship) and it blew me away! it was so cool :o even if I do like zhao yunlan and shen wei in the drama more ^^’ 
and then to answer your question for this time: I could say my favorite story arc is the xuanwu cave one? I like the moments with wen clan before that (the pining between wangxian, both of them being self-sacrificing idiots, wwx being obnoxious and all types of hilarious despite making jc’s blood pressure peak, the “let me carry you” -moment and wwx just being super soft for lwj) and then the fight itself (the beginning of yiling patriarch! the mystery at that moment is so great!) and after that the moments wangxian have together in the cave (the mianmian convo, lwj looking ready to smack wwx, wwx falling sick and wangxian/wuji!)  my other one would probably be the destruction of lotus pier bc of my love for jc ;; that arc is super, super painful to watch bc so much gets destroyed but it is also so well made and really lets out all of the yun siblings’ characters. I always applaud the way wzc and xz have acted their parts when jc goes mad with anger and grief and wwx tries to hold him back. I love the symbolism of yanli’s bell? jade ornament? breaking when their parents die. I love the moments before this when all of the three are tied together with zidian and just look utterly scared and have to watch their parents sacrifice themselves (and I can’t stop staring at the way jc and wwx are holding hands like their life depends on that bc yes, they would, they are in this together after all). I love the short moment in the inn where the yun siblings have just lost it all and wwx is trying to hold things together. I loved knowing about jc’s sacrifice and then him getting caught and wn helping them and wwx being the best brother. I love the moments with wen siblings when jc is recovering, and wzc just does amazing as jc who has lost all hope and his will to live. and the core exchange moment is so damn painful but I always grow so warm over wwx’s deep love for his brother and jc’s smile when he discovers that his core is working again. it’s a wonderful arc, crafted so very well, even if it’s so painful that I always just sob my eyes out for it. 
am happy you chose a bit softer arcs :’D tho yeah, I gotta agree that the golden core reveal is a wonderful arc too. it’s just one of those moments where I feel very conflicted bc I just wish to yell at everyone involved XD they are all being amazing but there is just. so much miscommunication? especially when wwx is unconscious and can’t really say anything for himself. I wish for group therapy, my god. please talk with each other. especially the yun brothers should just. sit down and talk and not be like this smh
am excited to hear more about your thoughts later on ^^ am enjoying all of this so much heh. see you again! ♥
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sky-blue-pantaloons · 5 years
Caught in your flame ficlet
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Image originally posted by @xzhanlove​ (This is what XZ is wearing in the ficlet below)
Wang Yibo is staggering down the corridor to his apartment with one arm slung around Xiao Zhan’s shoulder. He is tipsy yes, but perfectly capable of walking on his own, but — Xiao Zhan is so warm, the short hair at the nape of his neck looks so soft... Wang Yibo let his hand slip and brushes his fingertips across the back of his neck, hoping that Xiao Zhan himself is also too drunk to think much about the momentary contact. Except the next moment Wang Yibo is slipping towards the ground, and Xiao Zhan has to catch him by the waist before he crashes face first. Wang Yibo leans into that touch; he’s heart feels too big for his chest. How could such a simple gesture make him feel so much. It’s as though his world tilted on its axis and suddenly all that matters is Xiao Zhan’s warmth wrapping around him. He’s drunk enough that worries he might start to cry. But then they reach his door, and Xiao Zhan is frowning at the key that is refusing to slot into the keyhole with such intensity that Yibo begins to laugh.
“Looks like it’s true that no one can be so perfect at everything huh,” Yibo snorts between spurts of laughter. Xiao Zhan looks good, really good in his denim jacket, hair a bit ruffled and cheeks slightly flushed from bai jiu they shared. A bit of stray hair is falling into Xiao Zhan’s eyes, Yibo reaches out absentmindedly to brush it away. Xiao Zhan grabs his hand by the wrist before Yibo even realises what he’s doing.
“Yibo,” Xiao Zhan says, finally slotting the key into the door, “If you don’t behave, we’ll be out here all night.”
After a few more seconds of struggling with the door, they stumble into Yibo’s apartment together, Xiao Zhan’s hand still holding Yibo’s wrist. It’s dark inside. Xiao Zhan places his other hand beside Yibo’s shoulder, hemming him in against the door.
“Zhan-ge..” Yibo whispers, his heart in his mouth.
“What am I going to do with you...” Xiao Zhan mutters. Yibo stands frozen in place. An entire night of mingling with the guests of the 11-11 concert, and they were finally alone. The air between them felt electric. Xiao Zhan smelled sweet.
“Why would you put your name on the lawsuit?” Xiao Zhan asks even though he knows the answer. “I don’t want you to put yourself at risk because of me —”
Wang Yibo closes the distance between them and kisses Xiao Zhan before he can continue. It’s soft and chaste, and it lasts only for a second. Then Yibo stiffens and he’s pulling away as though he’s been burned. Xiao Zhan lets go of Yibo just for long enough to flick on a light switch nearby.
Yibo’s eyes are wide. He looks frightened in a way that wrenches at Xiao Zhan’s heart. He thinks that I don’t want this, Xiao Zhan realises with a start.
“It’s okay. I do..” Xiao Zhan murmurs as he pulls Yibo in and kisses him again. Much less chaste this time, but still slow and gentle. Yibo lets out a soft whine and wraps his arms around Xiao Zhan, one hand coming up to cradle the nape of Xiao Zhan’s neck that he had wanted to touch so badly outside in the corridor. Xiao Zhan’s hands skim the edge of Yibo’s shirt and slips under to rest on the bareskin above his hips. His hands are still cold from the winter air outside, and Yibo shivers a little. “Sorry,” Xiao Zhan apologizes and starts to move his hands away. “No,” Yibo says immediately, putting a hand over Xiao Zhan’s to keep them there.
“I thought you didn’t—I thought I couldn’t. God I didn’t let myself – ” Yibo says breathlessly, his words a jumbled mess.
But Xiao Zhan seems to understand anyway. “I’m sorry. I thought if I didn’t do anything about it, it would fade away. I thought it was better for the both of us. You’re so young – I didn’t want to ruin you – ”
Then Yibo is kissing Xiao Zhan again. It’s sloppy and eager this time. Xiao Zhan lets his lips part and surrenders to overwhelming force that is Wang Yibo. Yibo leans in and deepens the kiss immediately, teeth grazing Xiao Zhan’s lips, fingers threading through Xiao Zhan’s short hair. A low moan escapes Xiao Zhan’s mouth, and he feels Yibo’s hips bucking towards him. Not that he was much better. With their bodies pressed against each other, and the scent of Yibo everywhere around him – cedarwood, lilies, the hundred dollar shampoo Aesop keeps sending him – he could just barely stop himself from grinding into Yibo’s groin.
Yibo apparently already senses his intent, and immediately reaches his hands forward to unbuckle Xiao Zhan’s belt. They’re both still woozy from the bai jiu, so it takes a moment of near frantic fumbling before Yibo manages to undo the buckle and toss the belt aside. Xiao Zhan places his hands over Yibo’s. “Wait, not like this,” he says, leading Yibo into the living room and sitting him down on the couch. Wang Yibo looks absolutely debauched, his light brown hair in disarray, lips parted and bitten red. A few buttons on his white shirt had come undone and his neck was a sinful expanse of pale, smooth skin. He was looking at Xiao Zhan with such intensity, that Xiao Zhan felt naked without even taking off a single article of clothing. Has it always been like this? None of his past relationships have felt quite so... dangerous.
Xiao Zhan holds Yibo’s gaze and gets down on his knees. He gently unbuttons Yibo’s jeans and takes them off. Yibo watches him, his pupils blown wide. Xiao Zhan runs his fingers along the waistband of Yibo’s boxers, then down the skin on his thighs.
“What are you waiting for, ge-ge?” Yibo asks, his voice low and seductive. But when Xiao Zhan looks up at him and smiles, Yibo suddenly looks almost shy. For once he breaks eye contact and looks away. Xiao Zhan turns and kisses Yibo’s knees.
“They’re always so bruised,” Xiao Zhan says, lips lingering over the skin on Yibo’s knees. Yibo can feel his breath when he speaks. “What happened to the kneepads I gave you?”
“I – I wear them sometimes... when I’m not dancing,” Yibo replies softly, cheeks flushing from the admission. A juvenile desire to keep something of Zhan-ge’s close to him, even though he doesn’t wear them while dancing.
Xiao Zhan rises and gathers Yibo into his arms. “What am I going to do with you?” he asks for the second time that night.
 [Oh my godd... I wrote 1k words of near smut... I’ve been trying to put this off but does this mean it’s time to post on Ao3??! Someone get me off this hell ship... just kidding. But really!!]
** Pure fiction, fabricated for fun
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seekingthestars · 5 years
sarah watches the untamed: liveblogging adventures, part thirty the untamed boys
(aka: oh ho ho you thought we were done, did you? [she did too.])
uhhhh. yeah. oops? no one will care about these but i.love.them. so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the untamed boys, ep 1:
ji li complaining about waiting forever lol
and cyc complaining about being hungry bc he had to wait so long for ji li XD
fanxing is like…not even paying attention, he’s just playing on his phone HAHAHA
ji li “how about THIS i’ll cut yu bin’s hair doing a handstand, i want to cut his yellow hair” he is truly chaos
yu bin and fanxing just lounging all over each other is adorable, i love this uncle and nephew
bowen LOL “bring it on, who cares.”
fanxing pouting and clinging onto yu bin and yu bin just letting him and hugging him back, fanxing is a koala and stupidly adorable
ji li sliiiiiiding around XDD
“This is our cultivation process” JI LI ILU
jiyang’s FACE when he says he’s lost a lot of hair already fjeaoiwfjw
[ it’s time for Ji Li’s nonsense ] OH GOOD :D :D :D
“can you control your child please?!” NO BOWEN, NO ONE CAN CONTAN JI LI
jiyang in this pink and white striped sweater is Peak Softness
the choreographer being grumpy at fanxing makes me ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yu bin going to pat him makes me ;u;
zfx saying he wanted to give up and pull out so he would stop dragging the rest down makes me ;AAAA;
when fanxing goes “i forgot my actions just now” and puts his hands to his head it is VERY cute but also i just wanna wrap him up in fifteen blankets and tuck him in bed and give him his preferred bedtime drink and tell him he’s doing amazing TINY BABY ;;
AWWWW they got a Halloween cake!!
you’re ALL doing great my lil beans, i proud of youuuu
the untamed boys, episode 2:
dammit all, xiao zhan is so pretty
cyc with his hair all pinned up out of his face so he can get his makeup done is freaking adorable
zheng fanxing is so small and cute i will protect this bean
i appreciate that ji li’s jacket says “Maniac” on the back bc.....yeah. i know it’s part of the brand, but STILL. appropriate. such a good boy though, saying he wants to walk around and put everyone in good spirits for the show
fanxing eating his banana CUTIE
i love xiao zhan’s little hat omg
wyb “I don’t think you have ever beaten me before” LOL SASSY
xz talking about how hard his solo song is to sing but he does such a great job of it, i love his solo song ;~~~~;
good god yu bin saying they rehearsed for 13 hours and slept for like 1-2, how the heck were any of them alive enough to do the show dang
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ji li in the audience cute cute
yibo 😭❤️
jiyang’s fan dance!!!! i love jiyang’s fan dance!!!!
FANXING T______T he’s crying so much he’s shaking omg baby omg now i’m gonna cry ;;;;;;;;;;
cyc is so pretty ugh
god every time fanxing cries i just want to wrap him up in a million blankets and rub his back until he feels better
them all saying goodbye to their characters is so EMOTIONAL, and they’re all emotional and xz’s voice cracked and i lost it ;AAAAAAA;
xz and wyb closing it out, my heart ;~~~~~~;
the untamed boys, episode 3: I’m so freaking excited about this chaos oh my god
THE LITTLE FOX PIN THING ON ZANJIN’S SWEATER. CUUUUUTE. also i like that sweater, do want
they get in the van and ji li IMMEDIATELY starting his chaos by yelling at zanjin omg i am living
them pretending to see Disney omg they’re all so dumb
they look so COOOOLD little penguins
fanxing shielding zanjin’s eyes from the sun like the sweet little bb he is
yu bin with his famous poem he’s such a DORK
fanxing time! “i think the boxes are where our staff is” LOL big brain energy from the small boy
ji li and zzj together!
Bowen’s little baby hop to reach the box fjewiaofawe he’s so TALL
“Why!!!!” omg he’s found two and can’t get anything open XDDD
YU BIN’S CACKLE WHEN HE FOUND THE BOX HAHAHAHA and he got it open! such an easy question, he’s so pleased hahaha
“Wow this game really makes people confused” poor Bowen with the empty brain XD “WHAT.” “HOW MANY CHICKENS DID HE STEAL.” i’m dying HAHAHAHA
fanxing found a box!! so smart, this one, he has much knowledge
oh my god cyc and he peng tormenting ji li and zanjin is hysterical, they’re so chaotic
ji li changing what was in the box L O L and STUFFING THE CLUE IN HIS SHOE L O L
bowen is so sweet “i need to hurry up and find a box for fanxing!!!!!” but fanXING ALREADY HAS ONE XD
oh nooo zanjin found a box but it’s the one fanxing already opened XDD
FANXING’S VOICE IS SO SOFT every time he speaks i’m just like FJEWIOF WAIT
he is a BABY
calling fanxing “little a-yuan” look i am weak and i am soft
i love how so far everyone’s been eliminated for just attacking the wrong person lol their web of lies and deception is so deep
why is yu bin stroking bowen’s face lol
omg it’s yu bin’s gross marshmallow time
did they just stick entire unpeeled bananas on the grill 
ji li singing XDDD
yu bin using the eggplant as a mic for bowen XD
cute bunch of boys c:
the untamed boys, episode 4:
(How drop-dead gorgeous they are!) -- Correct caption is very correct
“Can we have something to eat inside?” “Or anything to drink~?” PLS JIYANG AND FANXING TOO CUTE
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cyc: “HE LIKES SLEEPING NAKED” fanxing: slowly covers ears  XDDDDD
yu bin’s guess of “he talks with a doll before going to sleep” omg i’m dying
jiyang’s like “when did i act cute” and then poUTS AT THE CAMERA fjewioafjawe
them guessing all of jiyang’s before he can even pick a person LOLOL
ji li going “yu bin sent me a message once and i replied 14 days later” LOL I RELATE i have legit done that, not on purpose, i just forget, i’m really bad at forgetting to reply if i don’t see the message/notification constantly, i have goldfish memory
ji li “I quit, I don’t wanna compliment him anymore” XDDDD
fanxing is so small and cute pls he’s like four someone get him a juice box
jiyang, bowen, yu bin VS fanxing, ji li, yuchen!
YUCHEN DANG but also fanxing going “OHHH!!!” and clapping and hopping along in excitement jfeiowafw
fanxing with the big paw gloves omg
yuchen is so good at this
ji li: “it hurts!!” fanxing: runs up to him and cups ji li’s cheeks in his giant paw gloves all concerned SO. CUTE.
them all being dumb and dancing around during halftime fjeiowaf
fanxing sneaking a snack in XD
fanxing trying to grab the ball and just falling over with it PLS SOMEONE PROTECT HIM HE IS SO SMALL
cyc and ji li are both surprisingly good at this, esp. cyc
and then he whacked ji li in the face feioawjfawe POOR JI LI
yu bin’s hat falls off “THIS IS MY LIFE WHICH CAN’T BE LOST” XD
the untamed boys, episode 5: dinner party time! /chants WZC WZC WZC :D :D :D
WZC WZC!!!!!! “I’m just hungry” LOL
nom nom eat up hungry boys!!
ohhhh everyone got hidden tasks oh fun!
yu bin just singing omg fjiewoafjwaeo; XDD
everyone in this cast in their own brand of chaotic, it’s so great 
the interview part with cyc in that suit and those glasses HEART EYES
jiyang’s drawing is cute!
wzc about yu bin: “he’s the fish who loves singing in my heart!” XDDD
yu bin’s scribbles of ji li BLESS IT “I usually don’t get what he means, just like this drawing that’s not understandable.”
“what about the lost arm????” “HE DID LOSE IT AT THE END!!!!!!” ilovejili
omg they’re gonna be baristas omg so CUTE, the coffee shop AU of everyone’s dreams thank you 🙏
ji li’s face when he tries the drink HE made XDDD and fanxing consistently refusing to try it XD
fanxing and yu bin duo is the CUTEST and fanxing’s constant little pouty faces when they can’t get anyone to agree to coffee jfieowajfawe
ji li and yi zhou are doing no better XDD 
bowen seeing the puppy and immediately stopping what he’s doing to run after it screaming “OHHHH!!!!!” is such a mood
bowen is so chaotic, chasing puppies, screaming at people in boats XD
fanxing chasing down the foreigner omg lol
they made such a mess of the cup lol but they’re so CUTE i would forgive them if they were my baristas
nie bros got a customer!
“I’m the wiiiiiinner, sorry!” JI LI THAT WAS STUPIDLY CUTE SHUT UP
“What winner, you’re the waiter.” LOLOLOL YU BIN
literally the coffee shop of my dreams, pls, all the cute waiters
yu bin just swooping over and shoving ji li out of the way to talk to the lady XDD
fanxing talking to the lady washing dishes and about his mom and all the part time jobs he had and he is such a soft sweet little bean
and we did it! that’s a wrap on The Untamed Boys! (er, the show anyway lol) that was fun, I enjoyed myself and laughed a lot bc they’re dumb and adorable :’)
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
12/30/2023: LRLG Update
i didn’t expect this omg. and so early in the morning? thank you for sending this to us right now instead of 31st and as if yesterday wasn’t busy enough so they do this to us now. i’m looking at the 9:05 kadian tho. maybe they wanted to get that as well.
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and it’s so long too! this one is basically your usual scenarios of either them together or talking to each other over the phone. i’m not giving too much commentary, just enjoy it for what it is and this feels like one of those lrlg that won’t make much sense till something happens after. and that’s the best kind of fake rumor, when we think nothing of it now but it turns out to be crucial in the future.
anyway, let us see what’s going on here. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
WYB: "Oh, don't do this"
XZ: "cute"
WYB: "Don't send it"
XZ: "Yeah, okay, okay"
👩‍🦳: "Water soaked astragalus"
XZ: "Looks like cold medicine
👩‍🦳: "The only difference is that this one won't melt."
XZ: "Can this even be eaten?"
👩‍🦳: "Well...theoretically it's possible"
WYB: "It's all soaked in water, so don't eat the dregs."
XZ: "I'm done with your wisdom."
WYB: "You're not allowed to say anything?"
XZ: “I don’t want to be honest and say it directly.”
WYB: "oh".
* I don’t know what the hell they could possibly be talking about here which is normal for LRLG scenarios lol. maybe we will know more as the days and months pass by!
XZ: "Didn't you order fruit?"
WYB: “Isn’t it here? You ordered before ordering food.”
XZ: “Who ordered it?”
WYB: "You're not looking"
XZ: "I was looking at what I wanted to eat and I didn't order anything."
👩‍🦳: "Uh...we thought you two ordered it but we didn't."
WYB: "Order now to finish your meal."
👩‍🦳: "Okay, I'll order now"
XZ: "You don't need to eat."
WYB: "My interface can't be switched for that long."
WYB: "I thought you just ordered it."
WYB: "Isn't it because Brother X is not causing trouble here?"
WYB: "But I ordered coffee for you."
WYB: "I will give you some fruit now. It will definitely arrive after dinner."
XZ: "No, I won't eat today.
XZ: “This dish is of a good quality, please try it”
👩‍🦳: “I ordered it before and the boss said it was delicious. I’ll order one for you to try.”
XZ: “The food is average”
WYB: "Hey, it's objective."
* XZ being the picky eater 😂😂😂 it still warms my heart how they make a big deal of having a meal with each other and include the staff.
👩‍🦳: "It's all on the inside and outside. If there's something wrong, I'll correct it directly."
XZ: "Relax, your boss is easy to work with."
👩‍🦳: 😳
WYB: "He's just so easy to get along with now. Once you get to know him, you won't notice anymore.
XZ: I said you.
👩‍🦳: you are really good
* I’m cry laughing omggggg 😂😂😂 wyb be clowning and implying that XZ is gonna be a good boss now but maybe more strict in the future. Not knowing that XZ was actually talking about him ( yibo ) being easy to work with. AHHHHHH! Yibo is good boss!!!!
this next part is them playing and wyb is like, i will take you ( xz ) to fight. and xz is eye roll emoji. lol. i can’t help but think about that bts where xz says wyb gets happiness over him losing 😂😂😂
WYB: Come on, transfer the money
XZ: No money
WYB: Then I'll buy something and you can pay for it on my behalf
XZ: No money
WYB: I have with my strengths
XZ: Then based on my strengths i don’t have money
WYB: You can't keep saying ‘no money’
XZ: Then send it to me
WYB: And then what?
XZ: Then I have money
WYB: Yes
* LOL XZ! No money? aren’t you the god of wealth???
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WYB: "Is this frozen?"
👩‍🦳: "This is the effect produced by palm wax"
WYB: "Like ice
👩‍🦳: “It’s fun”
WYB: "How many are there?"
👩‍🦳: "Made five"
WYB: "give me one"
👩‍🦳: "For both of you"
👩‍🦳: “With added essential oils”
* here we go again with WYB and his love for candles with essential oils! and i love how the person is talking to immediately offers to give two for both of them, so whoever this is knows about it. we don’t know if the person is their staff or an acquaintance.
and later on, it’s implied that they are on video call
WYB: "Look at the magic"
WYB:“Does it look like it’s frozen?”
WYB:"I asked for one XX for you and gave two."
WYB: "Wait until I send you one and then take one home."
* my god! it’s so cute!!! The mundane things that make them happy and talk about!
then the woman says what she has is not enough and will make more.
this next part is full of WYB speaking.
"No, no need to wait, I'll tell you."
“It’s super cold but I’m okay and I can survive it.”
"I've been telling you for a long time. Did you hear me cough?"
"Oh, you are like Wangwang senbei, I can't compare to you."
"If you say it looks good, then it looks good."
“Look at me, look at me”
“is this okay”
“Can you just take a screenshot?”
"What expression should I take later?"
“Did you see what I'm wearing? Can you choose something serious?”
* I’m imagining WYB showing off his outfits to XZ for his recent red carpet events. Even if they are not together, look at them always taking the time to talk and be present for each other 🥹🥹🥹🥹
the last convo is wyb talking to his staff and the topic is someone’s dog and it’s being shown to WYB.
lrlg gives us a small message and talks about the end of the year and how all tasks should be finished, but most importantly they wish us : Happy New Year. Getting better and better!
which is zz and wyb’s usual message and wish for themselves and other people.
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razberryyum · 5 years
The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 10, Part 2 of 2
(spoilers for everything MDZS/Untamed)
[covers MDZS chapters 29, 30 and 48…kinda]
WangXian meter: 🐰🐰🐰+ 🐰🐰🐰+ 🐰🐰🐰🐰+ 🐰🐰🐰+ 🐰🐰+ 🐰🐰+ 🐰+ 🐰🐰+🐰🐰🐰🐰+🐰
Continued from Part 1:
I love this scene from the episode so much because for me it was absolute proof that Lan Zhan had totally fallen for Wei Ying: he actually SMILES because of him...not once, but TWICE...  
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...and then the way he says good-bye to Wei Ying just about murdered me with sweetness. Even though he did smile once before, during the lantern raising moment at Cloud Recesses, one can argue that he was just reacting to the picture of the bunny because he loves bunnies; but here, there is no question whatsoever that he is smiling because of Wei Ying. I think it shows that despite maintaining a generally stoic façade in front of Wei Ying, his heart was already captured by him. Personally, I still don’t think he was actually in love Wei Wuxian yet but definitely crushing hard on him.
When I first time watched this scene, I remember being a downright distressed that Wei Ying was missing all of Lan Zhan’s little signals here because he was too busy getting drunk. At the time it felt like an opportunity lost for another lovely WangXian moment, but now I understand that the purpose of this scene really was to give us a glimpse at Lan Zhan’s feelings. That’s another aspect about The Untamed that I appreciate a lot: the fact that we are getting to see Wei Ying and Lan Zhan’s love story from Lan Zhan’s point of view. In the novel, the focus was mostly on Wei Ying‘s point of view, which makes sense of course since Wei Wuxian is the main protagonist of the story, but I think by giving us Lan Zhan’s side of the story and allowing us to see in real time what he was experiencing emotionally actually adds to the poignancy of their story because for me it basically reinforces how helpless Lan Zhan was: in terms of falling in love and then eventually in not being able to do anything to save the person he fell in love with. I felt the tragedy of his situation so much more as a result.  
Odds and Ends
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My first impression of Nie Mingjue: damn, he looks like a hardass. I immediately felt bad for Nie Huaisang, it’s no wonder he was so afraid of his older brother. Compared to his novel and donghua counterpart, I think he was pretty well-casted. Even though Wang Yizhou had a relatively limited number of scenes, he had a pretty strong presence so that I couldn’t help but pay attention to him whenever he was on-screen. Word is the second online movie might actually be centered on the Nie brothers, which means we might get to see much more of him and Ji Li’s NHS. Although at first I was just a teeny bit disappointed that we might not be getting more of the Yi City boys’ story instead, the more I think about it, the more I actually like the idea of getting more of the Nie brothers’ story because I actually don’t remember if much was said about them in the novel other than just their basic introduction, so I would love to see more of their past and their relationship. I think it’s fascinating that even though on the surface NHS is utterly afraid of his brother, he obviously intensely loves and respects NMJ at the same time considering the lengths he went through to avenge his death. I hope we get to see NHS’s side of the events in the live action, especially during the 16 years between Wei Ying’s death and resurrection when he realized Jin Guangyao’s true nature and guilt, and then started to put his grand revenge plan into motion. I hope this also means we might get to meet the real Mo Xuanyu before he gave up his body and soul to bring Wei Ying back. It would be so damn cool if Xiao Zhan played him as well! If they are indeed constructing these two specials on scenes they’ve already shot but couldn’t fit into the series due to pacing issues, there might very well be a chance of XZ playing Mo Xuanyu. Holy crap, that means we might get to see Xiao Zhan play a FOURTH personification in the show, since young Wei Ying, his Yiling Patriarch and Wei Ying-Mo Xuanyu are already three distinct personalities! Oh my God, I’m getting excited, but I really shouldn’t yet since it’s all just rumors and my own wishful thinking now. Guess all I can do is keep my fingers crossed that that’s the direction they’re heading for the second special.  
By the way, I just have to mention something about the captions on the show: whoever inserted those captions with the characters’ names was clearly on speed or something because they would appear and disappear so damn quickly there was hardly a chance to even read them. I’m surprised I even got Nie Mingjue’s so clearly in the screenshot because usually half the name would be gone before the rest of it had even finished appearing. It’s a minor technical issue but it did bug me at the beginning because I was trying to read the damn names.
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Seeing the Twin Prides of Yunmeng actually acting like twins who are completely in sync (giggling at how NHS is reacting to his big bro) just makes my heart feel so heavy now. They will never be like this again.  Makes me want to cry.  
Lan Zhan’s look was interesting though. Whenever I see him watching Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng, I sometimes wonder if he’s slightly jealous of the bond they share or of the fun they’re having. Or maybe it’s neither and he just enjoys watching him laugh and smile. Honestly with Lan Zhan, it might be a combination of all three.
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These three gossiping dorks. I love them. They’re just so adorable when they get together; I love their interactions and I wish this wasn’t the beginning of the end for all the fun between them cuz there’s really not much more time left for any shenanigans after this.
I also love that Xue Yang is like cracking up in the foreground there but it’s not even certain if it’s because he can hear what they’re saying (about Meng Yao/JGY) or if he’s just being his usual psycho self. I really like that even when Xue Yang is not the focus of the scene, Wang Haoxuan (who portrays Xue Yang of course) is still constantly acting and reacting. I’ve seen folks criticize him for doing that, but I think that’s a little unfair since that had to have been the direction given to him. Not to mention, I think it’s entirely reasonable for Xue Yang to be extra like that, all the time.  
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I don’t hate Jin Guangyao, similar to how I feel about Xue Yang, I simply can’t hate him, but I do absolutely hate what he did to Wei Ying, especially when I see this scene again and am reminded of how Wei Ying had also treated him with sincerity and respect, just like Big Bro Xichen did. And yet, while JGY was only protective and caring toward LXC, he basically chose to fuck Wei Ying over. I know the difference is in whom he loved, but still, damn him for that. Wei Ying deserved better from him.   
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This was an interesting scene because of how great a risk Jin Guangyao was putting himself in. Wen Zhuliu could have totally accidentally killed him. Even though his aim originally was probably just to injure Nie Mingjue, JGY is not as strong as NMJ so a strike that may only injure the other man could have easily been fatal to JGY. So I guess in this instance, JGY’s intent on saving his master was sincere? But that’s still such a HUGE gamble. He is really so fascinating as a character. And his relationship with NMJ is fascinating as well because there were obviously genuine feelings between them as well—NMJ was freaking crying when he was banishing JGY—and yet the way JGY ultimately ended NMJ’s life was so damn brutal. I know there’s a fine line between love and hate but because their lives continued to be intertwined afterwards, I wonder when exactly it was the two of them crossed over to hate completely. I mean, I have an idea, which I will eventually give voice to, but I still feel a little uncertainty because of certain events that happen immediately afterwards.  
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I wish we got to see just how Jin Guangyao found and rescued Big Bro Xichen and oh my God would I LOVE to see the time they spent together, presumably alone, in hiding while Lan Xichen was recovering from his wounds. I feel like we were royally deprived of some serious XiYao time by the live drama. Considering the fact that they seem to thoroughly support this ship, I’m honestly surprised that they didn’t use this opportunity to creatively fill in that big blank. I mean, instead of giving us all those unnecessary scenes of Wen Ruohan and his stupid zombies, they should have given us some XiYao-in-hiding scenes instead dammit.  
Questions I Still Have
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Why didn’t Wen Zhuliu go for NMJ’s golden core? Especially since he clearly had an opening when NMJ was busy with the injured JGY? Also, how strong is Wen Chao supposed to be that he could even injure NMJ that seriously? I now he was already weakened and Wen Chao did attack from the back like a coward, but still, his cultivation level can’t be higher than NMJ so I’m just a little surprise his hit made any impact at all, especially since he seems mostly weaksauce in all other instances. This whole fight scene was just a little weird to me. And also, damn is JGY a shitty liar at that point. I actually laughed out loud when he full on denied that he was the one who killed that dude (who I thought was a total dick tbh so I kinda don’t blame JGY for killing his ass) even though he was still holding on to the murder weapon which was dripping with the guy’s blood. Guess he still hadn’t perfected his lying skills. 
Overall Episode Rating: 9 Lil Apples out of 10
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tracer85s · 4 years
translations of videos/audios.
cr. to translators in the links
are you going to protect me?
are you human wang yibo?
are you not accompanying me to run?
are you wrong?
bazaar interview (1)
bazaar interview (2)
bichen bts
chenqing bts
chocolate bar bts
come find me in the room later
cql episode 9
cql episode 14
cql episode 32
cql episode 34 (1)
cql episode 34 (2)
cql episode 42
cql episode 43
cql episode 46: xz laying on yb’s lap (1)
cql episode 46: xz laying on yb’s lap (2)
does your heart ache for me?
ddu ddu ddu bts
do you know how dangerous it was for you just now?
everyday is everyday
finger guns bts
gg on wwx + wq scenes
give me a break today / be nice to me
give me a kiss, is it okay?
have you heard this one before?
he flung dirt on my face
hotel room bts
how are you this short?
how many have you eaten?
i can help you design a wyb logo
i can’t even laugh?
i didn’t see wangji the whole day
idol wang yibo / actor xiao zhan
if you love me then don’t leave me
i just said i looked it up
i’m like a fragile girl in front of him
i’m setting this as our wechat background
i’m sorry, zhan ge
in library pavilion (2)
it’s not ticklish?
i was wrong zhan ge
kawaii (1)
kawaii (2)
lan wangji is perfect
lan zhan, don’t you want to drink with me?
love you bts
lwj and wwx embrace
mosquito bites bts
motorcycle bts (1)
motorcycle bts (2)
my suibian really is too erotic
oh this was you with that person right?
okay fine!
our hearts are in sync, okay?
sleep with me
spread/split your legs
super adorable lan zhan
talking about games
talking about spiderman
the ‘91 / ‘97 saga (1)
the ‘91 / ‘97 saga (2)
the ‘91 / ‘97 saga (3)
the ‘91 / ‘97 saga (4)
the fan saga
the forehead ribbon is sacred
the look in your eyes as you watch me walk away
the makeup room bts: xz complimenting yb
the makeup room bts: yb asking what xz ate
the makeup room bts: yb filming xz
then i’ll stop looking at you
vip bts (1)
vip bts (2)
wang laoshi’s eye makeup is the best
wang yibo is super pretty today
watching the golden core scene
wei ying, lan zhan
what did you eat yesterday?
what was your first impression like?
what? super handsome
why do you smile once you look at each other?
wyb let me go
why won’t you look at me?
why won’t wang laoshi pay attention to me?
xz accidentally cuts his foot on a rock
xz complimenting yb
xz playing with suibian
yb reaches his hand out to xz
yb’s birthday bts (1)
yb’s birthday bts (2)
yizhan playfighting
you are really photogenic
your face is so small
your top is inside out
you should avoid cold air
you want it?
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heymeowmao · 5 years
[FULL] 10 _ OUR SONGS (The last team in the rankings (5th) will be leaving the show :’()
+ DDR and Cart Racing. Too cute. Shen Shen.
10:56 - MC: Qi-ge, you’re such a cool guy, and you love racing. Why did you let Yuning race, instead of doing it yourself? RXQ: I know YN’s skills. Another thing is that everyone knows that I love racing. For me to win, is obvious. Losing would lose me too much face. So, I thought it would be better to let YN do it. LYN: Qi-ge saw that I really wanted to play, so he let me do it. MC: Let me tell you, through the whole course, the fastest in speed was actually XZ. But the trophy goes to LYN. 
Zhou Huajian x Jiang Yiqiao - 阴天 (Yin Tian)
22:40 - MC: I think we can all completely understand how FYQ lost at DDR, being his first time playing. What happened to you while racing? A: There were really very skilled people there. HJ-dage is too awesome. ZhanZhan- skilled. Yuning. They drove so well that I couldn’t even see them, and I was driving fast enough. MC: I notice there’s one person you haven’t mentioned- Zhou Shen. A: ShenShen and I were side by side. He was behind me. ZS: He speaks too highly of me. I was on a different playing field completely. ZHJ: Can I say this? A: Say? ZS: ?? ZHJ: Zhou Shen drove in the opposite direction.
[ShenShen trying to learn the route from Yuning] 24:10 - LYN: There’s only one way. ZS: There’s only one? LYN: Just don’t go on the grass and you’ll be fine. There’s only one way. ZS: Everyone, please be careful! If you see me on the road, please make way!! – A: Sometimes you can see a person-less cart roaming around. ZS: That is to say, all you could see of me was the helmet. HL: Don’t go driving out on the street like that. ZS: I won’t. I won’t even drive a car.
Fei Yuqing x Ayanga - 卷珠帘 (Juan Zu Lian) x 凤凰于飞 (Feng Huang Yu Fei)
26:51 - RXQ: Wow, they have a qin?! 26:59 - ZS: We don’t have anything. HL: We have dry ice!
34:28 - MC: The first two groups were already so amazing. The third group- to sing after these two amazing seniors… (how do you feel?) XZ: I’m just very nervous. Because the first two groups were too good x3 MC: You have to know. Na-jie told me she was definitely coming back. XZ: /mental breakdown/ XZ: OK! She will. She will.
Angela Chang x Xiao Zhan - 呐喊 (Na Han | Shout)
35:46 - MC: I wonder if the other teams feel like this is unfair. Other Teams: ?? Zhan: ! MC: Because it feels like there are three people on Na-Zhan Team (instead of two). There’s someone behind the scenes always giving them input! ZHJ: Yes, yes, yes. How about we cut them by 50 points? MC: First cut 50 points off? XD XZ: !! 🙏 (have mercy)
37:14 - XZ: People’s impression of me, they always say I’m 文质彬彬 (elegant and simple, elegant and polite). I sing very lyrical songs. But really I.. I do have a different heart. So I’m very thankful that Angela-laoshi is here, and is willing to help me perform different things. I’m pretty happy. A: /looks at Zhan Zhan/ XZ: /looks back/ Really! A: Thank you.
42:14 - MC: Are you feeling satisfied? A: I’m feeling pretty smug. XZ: Yeah. MC: XZ. This is the first time I’ve seen your veins bursting out. XZ: LOL MC: This song is actually quite difficult. XZ: Yes. To me, there was some difficulty. MC: Then why did you decide to take on this challenge? XZ: Because I really like this song. When I… was still in my youth… /Angela elbows him/ I remember this song was about a small girl who was shouting out the things in her heart, wanting to grow up. She wanted to be accepted by the world and didn’t want to be pushed down by insignificant things. When I heard the new arrangement, I thought “Wow”. This girl has already grown up and she has her own views of the world now. She made her own breakthrough. This song is meaningful not only to Angela-laoshi, but also to me. I really want to breakthrough and shout out what’s in my heart.
43:14 - MC: Throughout this whole program I’ve found that two people always sing along. One is Yuning, the other is Zhou Shen. LYN: I’m shocked. The reason I was singing along was actually because I was warming up- it’s my turn soon. A/XZ: LOL MC: ZS, you’re not also warming up, are you? ZS: Uh…this is. Uh. That is- when I was- Also… XZ: In your youth! ZS: In my youth I would also regularly listen to this song. So I was brought back to that time.
44:08 - MC: Qi-ge, you’re very calm. RXQ: I’m here to savor in the musical feast! I was shocked because XZ looks like he’s very 斯文秀气 (handsome and delicate) but when he was singing “Shout” his explosive force- I thought I was seeing a solitary prince going to rescue his princess. In this distant kingdom, song coming from all sides, he bravely pulled his sword and went forth. I saw this sort of image. XZ: Thank you Qi-ge. Thank you.
Ren Xianqi x Liu Yuning - 天涯 (Tian Ya | Horizon)
53:13 - MC: This is Qi-ge’s “TianYa”, right? I’d like to take the opportunity to let everyone know of the background behind this song. The composer of this song is a well known Japanese singer-songwriter Miyuki Nakajima. RXQ: Yes. MC: When I was looking up this information I found out that this song she made especially for you.  RXQ: Yes, she wrote it for me. I had done a cover of 伤心太平洋 (Shang Xin Tai Ping Yang) before. I made an MV, and I sent it to her. She really liked it and ended up sending me a song. That song was 天涯.  Hacken Lee x Zhou Shen - 天下有情人 (Tian Xia You Qing Ren) [1:01:22 - XZ’s reaction to the song. Same. OMG. Zhou Shen’s an angel.]
1:05:30 - ZHJ: First off, I’d really like to thank the two of you, from the bottom of my heart. No matter what product, what song, it needs a good singer to give it life. I had always thought that the collaboration between me and Qi Yu would be invincible. I really want to thank you for giving this song new life. Thank you, thank you.  ZHJ: I also want to sincerely tell everyone… please don’t forget about us. We are- JYQ: Number 1. Yin Tian.
1:04:43 - RXQ: I always thought in my heart that Zhou Shen was like Peter Pan. LKQ: You mean his physical stature is like Peter Pan? ZS: OTL RXQ: His music has a pure (newborn) quality. His voice has the power to uplift you. Their voices together- still gives me same thought- a match made in heaven. Amazing.
1:07:17 - MC: After today’s performance, Angela will be leaving us. Do you feel unwilling? These performances really are very wonderful. A: Of course. I really want to thank everyone on stage with me today. I think- with my collaboration this time, singing together with Xiao Zhan- I really feel that he is a very polite chi-child… Also meeting these seniors, and getting to know them more in-depth, I understand that these are very exemplary models. Not matter whether it is about professionalism on stage, or even off-stage, every one is very kind. This could be my last time playing with everyone this week. Thank you all.
+ Special Collab Stage: Fei Yuqing x Zhou Huajian + LMAO. Peanut oil CF
1:16:52 - XZ: /receives the envelope/ Thank you. /turns around and hands it to Angela/ Here. A: Hehe. You’re so cute. XZ: I’m a little nervous. A: Do you want me to open it? XZ: Ahh, I don’t want to see it. A: Oh. I saw some words. A: … XZ: Tell me. Does it say we’re out. No way… A: OH. XZ: AH?? A: … XZ: What sort of reaction is that? /can’t stand it anymore and looks/ A: I’m gonna say it! My Dearest Na–Zhan Team… Congratulations on ranking third place. We look forward to your next performance!
1 - Fei Yuqing x Ayanga 2 - Hacken Lee x Zhou Shen (lol @ Hacken’s “YAYYYYYY”) 3 - Na Ying | Angela x Xiao Zhan 4 - Zhou Huajian x Jiang Yiqiao 5 - Ren Xianqi x Liu Yuning ( OH NOOOO :’( )
1:26:16 - ZHJ: It really looks like they’re stepping on cockroaches. XZ: LOL
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frizzyanya · 4 years
The Untamed Episode 27, My Commentary!
Spoilers below!
I absolutely can’t. The camera just went to a wide view and they’re in the darkness, and everything is pretty much dark, except LWJ who is lit up like there’s a spotlight on him, like a heavenly angel.
LWJ is so stoic all the time, I can’t tell his feelings/thoughts. Is he conflicted? I genuinely don’t know.
“LZ, if I finally have to fight with them, I would prefer to fight with you. If I am doomed to death, at least I could be killed by you, that would be worth it.” WWX WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM.
LWJ looks…..sad? Idk. I think “sad” for him = eyes downcast, though I can’t really read his emotions otherwise. Anyway, he’s turning away and declining WWX’s invite.
Okay NOW he looks sad. He looks so...lost. Heartbroken.
He’s dropping the parasol to look up to the sky and get soaked by the rain I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT. The parasol falling to the ground was A LOT. I’m just feeling a lot of things.
Wait did I miss something? How did the Wen Clan survivors and WWX end up back in Demon Land? I guess it wasn’t as far away or difficult to access as is sometimes implied?
Chivalry is dead, I tell ya.
Back with The Alliance, 
JC has to apologize for WWX. JGS is willing to forgive, but the smaller clan leaders aren’t. 
I’d pay good money to know what is going on in LWJ’s head. He has this intense look on his face. 
JGS is hella rude. “I shouldn’t say this to you, but…” and proceeds to scold him in front of the large crowd.
They’re all being so rude! They’re all belittling JC!
LWJ just talked back to JGS. 
Maybe WWX really did rub off on him more that I gave him credit for…
A random lady (Luo) speaking up for WWX too! This is interesting…..
She’s seceding from her clan over this! WOAH.
LWJ straight up leaving the room without a word. Go find her and join her?
JGS trying to goad LWJ into hating WWX. BRUTAL.
Okay so LWJ and LL met and talked together with no explanation. The drama.
Lan Clan Leader be like, LWJ you are a disappointment and you’re going to cause me to have a heart attack and die.
JZX approaching JYL. Still don’t like him. And then she comes outside and he’s like….uhhh….I was just taking a walk, bye now. ….Seriously, fuck that guy. 
I know he’s just shy and bad at talking to girls, but…….I can’t stand him.
(Though of all the characters on this show, he’s like the least offensive, really.)
……..a lot just happened and I’m feeling a lot of things. 
Okay, so JZX genuinely doesn’t want her to go after WWX because he’s afraid for her, and he’s like I will protect you always, stay here and stay safe with me. 
You know what? I’m coming around to him. 
JC would probably give up everything for her if he could, but he CAN’T. This dude actually could protect her. So…….I *could* ship it. I’m not there yet. But maybe someday…..
Lololololol WWX could sense JYL’s love for JZX changing. Hahahaha
WQ approaching WWX and he’s got the softest smile on his face. <3 Literally going to lose it over what amounts to a pointless crack ship. Greeeaaaat.
She went to snatch the food out of his hand playfully and is looking at him with these coy eyes HOW IS THIS NOT CANON, AT LEAST TEMPORARILY.
WQ’s love for WN is literally the sweetest thing. I melt everytime.
WWX playing with the toy with the little toddler kid hugging his leg. And like I have negative zero maternal feelings….I have never in my life for a single second wanted kids….but that was giving me some swoons.
Not looking for spoilers, but do I assume that this little kid Yuan is the one that WWX/LWJ eventually keep?
Wait no….that’s like 16 years from now? So nevermind. 
I’m spoiled exactly an inconvenient amount. I should stop watching YT compilation vids! But I literally cannot resist. They call to me. You know that overused YT comment “I’m a simple woman, I see ______, I click.”? Insert WYB and XZ, and that’s me. 
“I will plant you as a turnip!” “I’m not a turnip!” “Then we will plant a child and lots of children will grow.” “Will they look like me, or turnips?”
I’m going to fall apart from the sighing and swooning and the overload of precious. I don’t even like children! But this is Way. Too. Much.
JC at WWX’s new hideout is so sad. He’s trying to distance himself emotionally, but you can see the internal struggle all over his face. (He’s like the exact opposite of LWJ. I can’t get over how unreadable he is.)
Poor WWX.
Oof. JC and WWX are standing by WN, and talking about what happened to him. They’re not being particularly nice, and allegedly he can hear and understand them. Not a good move, I’m thinking.
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minsarasarahair · 5 years
This review for the Mo Dao Zu Shi Live action adaption, “The Untamed” is so true and hilarious! It has English subs so watch it!
- XZ’s portrayal of WWX might not be perfect but for me he did justice WWX in his acting. TBH, donghua WWX is not even that manly compare to the novel. That’s why some fans has this wrong impression that WWX is feminine bc he’s the uke and such. I think XZ’s portrayal for WWX is manly enough tho. What he did is he shows WWX playful side, emotional side not only his manliness. I kinda feel bad that he’s well aware that people say that his WWX’s portrayal is too delicate. But oh well, I like his mindset to take those criticism to improve. 
- As for WYB’s LWJ, I agree to her comment that you’ll get used to it since WYB improves his acting for LWJ as the story progress bc his first understanding to the character is wrong. For me, he’s doing a good job. I find it funny that his personality is close to LWJ like how cold he is to his fan girls lol And yep, he’s very beautiful like LWJ. I’m really enjoying his behind the scene antics with XZ. - As for WZC’s JC, His acting is fine when he’s third wheeling and his bond with his siblings(WWX & JYL). My only concern is his acting in the arc where JC is supposed to be emotional. You know, the scene where he had a fight with WWX bc they left his parent and when they saw the dead bodies of their parents. That scene is more dramatic in the donghua. But in the live action, I just find it funny WWX chasing after JC lol. They should make it a rainy scene for more drama I think? The scene tho when JC is having a dream about his past with his family and he’s being emotional there! That one is good! Don’t get me wrong! I love Wang Zhoucheng with all my heart! 
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