#ox-head necklace
valkariel · 5 months
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Inspired by Drushianne Ziviette's "Navigator's Familiar".
Head: Ravel Keeper's Headband of Maiming - default Body: Snakeliege Scale Mail - default Hands: Augmented Radiant's Gauntlets of Maiming - desert yellow Legs: Augmented Slipstream Breeches of Maiming - rhotano blue Feet: Shadowless Greaves of Maiming - default
Earring: Azeyma's Earrings Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: Ox Tongue Off Hand: --
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Mount: -- Location: Thavnair - The Perfumed Rise
Shader: Faeberry Bokeh + Faeberry Bloom
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stoopid-turtle · 1 year
Consuming Candies Pt 2: DD ❤️ GG and GG ❤️ DD
Intro post for this series
Once I convinced myself that DD and GG are some variety of gay, the rest is honestly not hard to conceive of. Two gay guys filming a BL adaption on a set that was open to same-sex relationships who got on really well...it's not hard to believe they'd "get together".
3. DD and GG had "a thing" around the time of the TU production. This could include the time period during filming and through the promo period. Actual timelines and details of the nature of the relationship are secondary.
If an actor and an actress hit it off as well as DD and GG did, it'd be easy for people to see that they were an item. For some reason, people struggle more to see that with two men (okay, I know the reasons, but I'm not getting into that here).
By the time I'd established 1 and 2, I'd seen enough bts and other footage to buy in to 3, as well, but here's the list of moments/candies that just nail it for me. It would be impossible for me to list out all the moments that simply scream "They're in a relationship!!!" because there's, just, a lot. So here's the short list, again, in order of most inarguable to more open to interpretation.
a) Old cow eats young grass.
That's it. That's the clip. There is no het explanation for that. I guess you could maybe claim DD was referring to GG liking younger women, but that doesn't flow with the rest of the conversation they're having. Especially with GG's comment about paying for new brake pads,
They did the gay together. More than just casually. They were an item at this time. Hands down. Case closed.
(Again, I'll get to the argument that this is all fabricated fanservice at another point)
b) The bts of DD getting into costume where he's quizzing the costume-jiejie about what GG said about him in an interview.
This is straight-up, cliche, 'shows up in freaking romance novels' behavior when you have a crush. Nobody's that concerned about what their friend is saying about them in interviews. You only care that much when you're trying to get a feel as to their feelings for you.
Also, the costume-jiejie is hilarious about it. Asking him about his response in an interview and then teasing him about not remembering what GG said about DD. She clearly has served as a sounding board for DD about his crush before, and she's amused and encouraging and teasing, all at the same time. Hats off, costume-jiejie.
c) Happy Camp moments: jealous!GG and the necklace.
I don't usually put much stock in the jealous GG/DD stories, but the instance with GG going grimdark as DD wriggled through the hole with another guy is just...again, I'm struggling to think of a context that would make sense that isn't "they are together and GG is jealous".
(I don't find jealousy cute, tbh, so I'm not jazzed about the moment. I don't know what was going on between them that led to that, but I'm glad they seemed to clear it up).
This leads to the other Happy Camp moment, seen only in fancams. The ox-head necklace that DD had been wearing scratched up his neck during the game. GG's stunned reaction to DD's injuries and his concern, plus clearly telling DD to take it off...none of this makes sense unless GG gave DD the jewelry.
Like, okay. I have a necklace my bff gave me, and I wear it a lot. It's really meaningful and sentimental. But if it were scratching up my neck, I'd take it off. If she were there while it was scratching up my neck, she'd joke about it and agree that I should take it off. She wouldn't look distraught.
My wife, on the other hand...
c) DDU's 11th anniversary episode
There's no way to describe this episode except that it really felt as if DD was having his new partner meet his fam. The fact that DDU stopped throwing women at DD after that speaks volumes.
From a), it's clear that their relationship was pretty serious (and extended after the end of filming), and having GG meet DD's DDU brothers is another indication of where their relationship was at. That's not a trivial thing.
d) GG's lack of chill during promo interviews.
I get the vibe that if they were in a relationship, GG was a lot more scared/nervous about it than DD was. He also had less experience with interviews and such. There are numerous moments where GG misunderstands, overreacts, or just acts weirdly during interviews that are hard to explain away.
- The "It's been a year" video, where DD points out that the camera is recording and GG balks at whatever he'd been saying. Cue the nervous laughter and whispered conversation between them. - The backwards pants interview question. - An interviewer asking him if being in a relationship means the end of his career (right after asking about his marriage plans--a question that made dd mad). - His weird denial of DD's waterfall story
In each case, something startles GG into a panicked silence. Then DD usually intervenes and so then GG has some nervous laughter.
Plainly, there's something he's afraid of being revealed in interviews. So much that he's seeing danger, even when it doesn't exist. Given the nature of the questions, we can see that the "thing" he's afraid of is
- him being in a relationship - something involving DD and him and a waterfall - and accidentally wearing someone else's clothes.
All involve DD. In all, DD is the one who relieves the panic and calms him down while smoothing over the interview.
It's not a leap to guess that he's in a relationship with DD that he's afraid people will find out. Sure, he'd want to hide a het relationship too, that makes sense. But then there's the pants question and the waterfall question. And the only way GG and DD's reaction to the question of whether being in a relationship would be the end of GG's career is if...GG and DD were in a relationship.
e) Hot pot.
Okay, this is where I start sounding crazy if I discuss this without prefacing with everything above ^^^. But the fact that their tastes in hot pot shifted over time to more align with each other is significant. I've read about the regional differences and how DD's sudden taste for spiciness could only really be attributable to GG, who's from an area with spicy hot pot.
This resonates with me, especially, because I was a hella picky eater when I met my wife. Like, embarrassingly picky. But then I met my wife, and she cooks and is a foodie and eventually, my palate just expanded. Now I'm a freaking foodie (and a vegetarian, like her), and our eating habits are pretty closely aligned.
Merging is real in longterm relationships. It looks like this. In my case, my wife demystified food for me with her cooking and likewise, it seems as if GG taught DD how to handle spicy stuff.
This wouldn't be significant on its own, but in conjunction with everything else *waves hands*...well, it's convincing to me.
In summary, it is blindingly obvious to me that they were a committed couple at some point after TU filmed and aired (when that commitment started is unclear, but I'm not gonna get into that here). Even after 227, it's clear that they're romantically together. I'm 100% convinced of this. Since I started drafting this, I've come across older mentions of (now gone) bts that just...there's no doubt. They weren't hiding it on set. They were just out there, exhausting everybody around them with their chaotic flirting/mating dances. It's insane and I love it.
4. DD and GG are still together.
Me: So I've been watching behind the scenes for The Untamed, and I think the two actors maybe had a thing? There's just...a lot going on there. My wife: Sounds gay. Me: I mean, some people seem convinced that they're still together because of shoes or something. That gets real out-there. But I definitely wouldn't be surprised if they had a thing during filming. My wife: (who only watched the show) I could see it. They had that chemistry.
(2 weeks later)
Me: Honey, I swear I sound crazy but I'm not. These two guys were totally together and I think they might still be together. My wife: Because of shoes? Me: I SWEAR I'M NOT CRAZY, HONEY, JUST BELIEVE ME My wife: Yes, dear. Their shoes make them gay. Me: *sobs*
When I first started dipping into things, I felt a great sadness watching older videos of them, because I'd heard that they weren't allowed to interact in public, that they probably didn't even talk to each other anymore, etc etc. YouTube's full of this, and the fans who say they're still together look, well, crazy.
It's easy to conclude they're not together anymore given that so much early evidence of their relationship is based on videos/audios. The bts, joint interviews, fan meetings, etc. We were spoiled with up-front and personal visuals of their dynamic. It's not a surprise that in the absence of that, most people just assume they don't talk or interact much anymore.
Not to mention, wandering in some years later, you get a massive dopamine hit with the bts and the promos and then there's a drop when you try to look for more recent stuff. When we could see it, their relationship seemed to alive. So real. So undeniable. But in the absence of that, the immediate instinct is to assume that lack of visibility = lack of existence.
But we have only ever seen a small slice of their lives, most of which has been selectively shown to us by them or by production companies. Both DD and GG have full lives when we're not around to see them. They each have their own career trajectories. They have vastly different hobbies and both of them have their own friend groups. We only get a glimpse of all of that, but that doesn't mean that's all there is. Especially now, when they're sharing fewer personal posts and China is cracking down on the entertainment industry.
No doubt, we only know the tiniest, most tailored portion of their personal lives these days. But back in 2019-2021, they were clearly together. Their relationship was clearly serious. They joke about shared financial decisions, get introduced to each other's on-screen and off-screen family, visit each other's set. Both of them seemed in it for the long haul.
Given that, I don't see why we should assume they have broken up just because we're years later and we don't get the joy of seeing them together anymore.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think a break-up is impossible. Couples break up. Even couples that have been together for a while. Even couples who adore each other and try to make things work. It happens.
But there's no reason to assume that they're broken up just because we haven't seen them together recently.
I do have a couple "reasons", but this evidence won't convince anybody who doesn't believe they were ever a couple. It's only when you accept that, yeah, these 2 BL actors are actually gay and in a long-term relationship, that this seems reasonable.
a) The bone necklace.
I'm pretty well certain that the ox-head necklace was a gift from GG. The timing of the bone necklace's appearance, plus DD's attachment to it (similar to his attachment to the ox-head necklace), makes it a decent guess that the bone necklace was also a gift from GG.
We can kinda guess at the meaning. I've only seen one clip where GG has called DD gouzaizai, so I don't know if that's an actual "thing" between them. (though it's not outside the realm of possibility that they are influenced by bjyx fandom).
In any case, the bone necklace is still around. Still being worn. That's notable to me.
b) They could end this ship if they wanted to.
They have both had other pairings shut down. The fandom wars between turtles and solos is intense and causes disruption, something neither of them need. The solo fanbases are huge and it'd be a no-brainer to jettison the CPFs if you want to cut down on the type of fandom upset that gets unwanted government attention.
But they haven't.
They could have the supertopics shut down. DD could avoid being anywhere near the number 3. They could both dive into a bush rather than be around the color yellow or a turtle. DD could take a video of himself melting down the bone necklace or giving it to a pretty woman. They could starve the fandom.
But they haven't.
They keep around their gay CP, despite not publicly interacting with each other in years. They take down articles about them breaking up, pull down hot searches about them with actresses, and continue to feed the fandom with candy.
Most recently, GG went to work late on the days DD was out sick. That's not even an intentionally thrown candy. That's just us noticing a couple taking care of each other. If they weren't together, then GG, whose team certainly knows about DD being sick, could have avoided doing anything that would make it seem like he was involved with DD during that time.
But he didn't. Either their teams don't care about turtles, which seems difficult to believe given the conflicts that have arisen within the fandoms, or the teams (notably, gg and dd) want to keep turtles around. At this point, years past the point the show is out, years past the time the two have even been seen together, there's no rational business reason to hold on to the turtles.
That's not neutral. They're not keeping turtles engaged for economic reasons. They're not keeping turtles engaged just for shits and grins (the joke has run a little long for that). They're keeping turtles around because they're getting something of value from having us around.
Honestly, I think having a huge contingent of cpf cheerleaders is probably comforting when they aren't allowed to express their feelings for each other publicly. It's probably weird and sometimes probably intrusive, like most stuff with fans, but they still have millions of people who embrace them as a couple when they live in a country that is hostile to their relationship. Who in that situation wouldn't want to keep that?
In sum, I had to get past the "too good to be true" hurdle. The automatic dismissal of BL fangirl fantasies. I mean, BLs often market to those fantasies, so a healthy dose of skepticism seems reasonable. I don't honestly blame people for dismissing it when they only have a passing familiarity with the whole thing.
It took a lot for me to see past that, and to see that this is the one case (that I'm aware of) where the fantasy is real. I think it's notable that this "fantasy" doesn't actually look like the fanservice fantasy often served up in BLs. I mean, ggdd have their moments, but they're also snippy, jealous, possessive, lewd, awkward, and just plain weird sometimes. They're real and that's messy and that makes it even more real.
In the next part of this little series, I'll talk more about the fanservice question, plus fanfic, and The Timeline. That post requires more editing, so it probably won't go out until next week.
Just remember it's all fake and nothing I say is true.
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zhansww · 1 year
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[all photos © yibo-official]
It’s been almost exactly three years by now since we first saw dd, wearing the eyefunny necklace. The photo on the left is from August 17th 2020 (rehearsing for his Dragon Fist performance) and the photo on the right is from Aug. 19th (recording a DDU episode). I still think, given the timing, that it was likely his husband’s birthday present for him that year. And a pretty smart present at that imo cuz it kind of shut up all the speculation around the gucci ox-head necklace — which we’ve seen dd wear for 14 months and the last time (around his wrist) in a sdoc3 recording on Aug. 12th.
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There was more let’s call it indisputable evidence of it being gg’s present when it came to that gucci necklace — which led dd to mostly hide the necklace under his clothes rather than wear it openly. But when it comes to the eyefunny necklace, we really have nothing substantial to go on. Anyone who already believes that ggdd are together will also believe this was gifted to dd by gg, given its constant presence on him, but do we have any proof to actually support that theory? Not really. Some fans might mention the sunflower rumor (even though the flower pendant was a daisy) and the “lonely star” lyrics to explain the flower and star pendants but that’s easy enough to dismiss. I see this as a positive, though, cuz it means dd doesn’t actually need to hide the eyefunny necklace. But also, Yibo being Yibo, he made it kinda obvious who gave him the necklace when he replaced the star and flower pendants with the bone pendant in November 2020, which he has stuck to ever since.
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Of course, the bone could also have a meaning to Yibo which I know nothing about but pretty much the only thing I can immediately connect it with is that time gg called dd gouzaizai (and maybe also the time dd’s co-star got asked if he gets to call dd gouzaizai and he said “no. I’m not XZ”) and the possibility that that nickname — as well as the person who gave him said nickname — bears enough significance in dd’s private life to make him wear that pendant frequently for this long. But still, at the same time, this one moment can be seen as such a weak argument that there isn't much of a case for the theory "the eyefunny necklace was a present from gg" which in turn means dd doesn't have to hide this necklace. And he doesn't, not really.
I'm aware none of this is new btw (and this is def not the first time I've been emo about it). Just seeing a glimpse of that chain around dd's neck never fails to warm my heart. I saw someone refer to it as soft collar once which I have not been able to forget lol. But me, I really do see it as a sort of "replacement" for his wedding ring for now. Like, he unfortunately can't publicly wear the ring gg gave him but he can and does still show who he belongs to by constantly wearing this necklace. Also, seeing how downright unhappy ggdd have looked in the last months, this necklace keeps reminding me that no matter how tough things get for them for whatever reason... they are devoted enough to each other to get through it (and hopefully soon). At least, I believe so.
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kari-go · 1 year
About this
No, not quite. I focused more on the GREATNES of a dragon.
So, the story is, that is a box created by somebody who wasn't a Guardian. His or her goal was to create an entity, so great, it can rival, or even surprass anything. Therefor, they collected these 9 Miraculous, to rule over everything
Antler of a Dear; The Deer Miraculous is a hairclip, and rules over connections. It gives abilities to manipulate manna, so the user can float or move object or speak with every living being, even modifie them. This is how the DRAGON can float without wings
Head of a Camel; The Camel Miraculous is a fake lip piercing. It rules over Life and Death, since it can distract life esence from beings, it's either can be used to make them able to survive anything, or it can be used to cause them pain and great suffering (depending on if the user distracts more or less than half of the life force the target have. This makes the DRAGON practicly immortal
Eye of a Demon; The Demon Miraculous is an ucular. It makes the user able to shoot lightning rays and separate a target to two manifestations of their "Good" and "Bad" sides. This is technicly the rightceous heart of the DRAGON's, which ultimatly knows from absolute good from absolute evil
Neck of a Snake: The Snake Miraculous here is a necklace, which gives the power of restriction. The user can snare peaple with their lasso and give them orders, which if isn't fulfilled, the one gets more and more stiff, and his body behaves like it would be tangled in an invisible rope. This gives the DRAGON the mental power, the enabeling will above others
Stomack of an Oister: The Miraculous of the Oister is a plastron necklace. And what is inside a shell? Pearl.... and secrets.... so the user can use it's oister like tool to whisper/tell a question to it, and it sommons an energy orb, which either can be listend or sealed away for.... personal gains, later..... This gives the DRAGON omni-knowledge, being able to know anything they wish...
Scale of a Fish; The Fish Miraculous is a clip, either for belt or can be worn on clothing. It gives the ability to the user to divide themshelf, but by this, they become more and more intangible (this way they can go trough solid objects, but also becoming less and less able to hold things - it's limit around 6-9 to interact with tangible things). It represents the complexity of a soul, and gives the DRAGON omni-presence, since they can divide into infinite amount, and, despite being thinner than the air, they are there, watching, hearing, knowing.....
Claw of an Eagle; The Eagle Miraculous this time is a toe or ankle ring. It gives the ability to project an avatar to someone's mind, taking it ower, reading their thought, knowing where they are, what they about to do, everything. If they want, they can take it over, the user existing in two minds, while the original person can't do anything... This gives the DRAGON's power over individuals, every person one-by-one and even if the body destroyed, the mind can live on in someone, never being really defeated....
Paw of a Tiger: This Tiger Miraculous is a bracelet, and gives the power and the fire of the DRAGON. This makes it an undefeatable force of nature, which destroyes but can not be defeated in combat
Ear of an Ox: The Ox Miraculous here is an earring. It's more like a cow in my version, so it gives the power to provide. It's flask can magicly fill up with anything, even extra power giving substance. Practicly the Cornucopia. This represents the weath of the DRAGON, giving them infinite resource of anything.
The DRAGON ring; well.... it's a ring, but not a Miraculous. It's a powerfull piece of technology, created by the Box's original creator to unifie the power of the Miraculous. Idoesn't give you any magical ability beside one: it makes you able to summon and use all of the Dragon Box's Miraculous, aplified, all of the shame time. This is exclusive to these 9 Miraculous, and, beside nullifieing the negative effect of 4+ Miraculous and -as a side affect- colouring them to green, has no effects on other Miraculous...
Oh my, what an interesting concept wow!
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dragonmasterkaylz · 8 months
🐻A Jewelers Expertise🧸
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This is related to the first two fanfics I did about Alfie and Teddy, but this one is very sweet. And also has a bit of jealous Alfie.
Tags: @hoodeddreams13
“Alfie! We got a new shipment of jewellery!”
“About fucking time!!!”
He walked to the boxes and had a look at the items, carefully, through his eyeglass. He picked up a ring and asked, “Why the fuck is this mainly paste?!” He threw a bunch of other jewellery out of the box, when he found a cross. One that had real crystals that were embedded into it. “That one’s alright! I think I’ll have that”. “But… you’re Jewish—!” Alfie rolled his eyes as he asked, “Did I fucking say it was for me?! Ey?! No! I fucking didn’t!” He threw more jewellery out, finding very little authentic jewellery, and more paste. “Shit”.
“Alright, who fucking sent us this box?! Find out and fucking shoot ‘em!”
When he got home that night, he groaned and petted Cyril, who greeted him at the door. “Alright, where is he…? Still in bed, buddy?” Alfie walked into his room, finding Teddy, still sleeping. He had been unwell for a week, so Alfie refused to let him work. His job was to rest. He sat on the bed, waking Teddy up, and he sat up with a smile. “Sorry… I didn’t hear you come in…”. “It’s alright, sweetheart. You should be resting. But, I got a shipment of jewellery today, which turned out to be paste. So, I wasn’t happy. The man who sold us that shit thought he could scam us, so we shot him!”
Teddy then hugged his arm and said, “I’m sorry work didn’t go so well”. “Yeah, well, enough about me. Are ya getting any better?” The blonde nodded and said, “I stopped sneezing. I just have a cough now”. “Heh… because you take your medicine”, Alfie chuckled, as his boyfriend glared up at him. “Hm. You don’t, you stubborn man. Thinking you can take on the world?” He rolled his eyes and kissed his head. “Alright. Shut up, you. Here”. Teddy looked down at a red box, and he was surprised by it. “Alfie, you could’ve sold this…! Any jewellery that was authentic is profitable”. “You make it sound like I don’t know how to work! Would ya just open it?”, Alfie asked. Teddy giggled, doing so.
Then his eyes widened in shock. “Y-You…”. “You lost yours in the war, didn’t ya? I know your first one was from your Mum… but when I saw this, I just thought about how much it would make ya happy, ya know?”, Alfie explained. Teddy then teared up and nodded as he leaned against him. “I’d kiss you, but I don’t want to make you sick, either”. Then Alfie laughed softly as he said, “I’m built like an ox! I’ll be fine!” “Yeah, well… when you’re sick, you become grumpy. I ain’t dealing with a grumpy Alfie if I can help it, yeah?”, Teddy told him. Alfie then took the cross out of the box before he put it on him, and then kissed his lips very lightly.
“Oi! What did I say?!”
“Haha! I’ll be fine!”
A Week Later…
Teddy was known for having his collar bone out for all to see, mainly for Alfie to kiss though, and his brand new necklace did catch the attention of Luca. Teddy was sat in Alfie’s chair, as the two waited for him, but the Italian decided to start a conversation. “So… are you Catholic?” “No, I’m just a Christian, mate. I have been raised to believe in God, but I’m not a Catholic”, Teddy told him. Luca chuckled as he played with the matchstick in his mouth. “Yet, you’re in love with a male Jew?” “Got a problem with that, mate? Or have ya ran out of things to say to me already”, Teddy said.
“I think you look good like that. You know, I don’t just sleep with women… so, if you ever want—!”
“I suggest you shut the fuck up before I decide to kill you, right here, right now. I love Alfie”.
One of Luca’s men trained a gun on him but Teddy’s glare made him uneasy. “There’s no need for that! He is loyal… and in love. We can respect that”. Teddy sat up as soon as Alfie walked in and asked, “Have you been keeping my seat warm for me, love?” “Yes, sir”. Alfie almost purred and he kissed Teddy gently just before sitting down, pulling the blonde onto his lap. “So, what do we need to discuss now? Because last time, you were a bit of a cunt, mate…”, Alfie said, just as Teddy lit a cigarette, which calmed him down. “I’m sure you’re aware, but we got some jewellery sent to your place. But… none of it was any good?” “Nah. All of it was paste. Like, what the fuck were ya trying to do there, mate? You are aware… that I’m a jeweler…”.
“As I can see, by that fine piece you gave your lover”.
“So much as look at him and I’ll shoot you, yeah?”
Teddy smirked and Luca said, “I want to give you… a peace offering. I’ll have my men deliver the finest, and then you can sell it before a good price. But you give us fifty percent of the profits”. “Nope! Now, if it were the other way around, that’d be fine. But we’re the ones selling your shit! So, we should get most of it”, Teddy told him. The Italians laughed before Luca asked, “Is he serious?” “Yeah”. Alfie’s expression told them all they needed to know. “Fine. Sixty to you? Do we have a deal?” “Nah, mate. Seventy-five. Like my lovely lad just said, we’re the ones selling your shit…!”
“Fucking bastards”, Luca said in Italian.
“Alfie, why don’t we give him a break? Seventy? How does that sound?”, Teddy asked, using his charm.
“You’re getting a spanking”, Alfie said in Yiddish.
“Fine. Any other requests?”, Luca asked.
“Yeah! You fucking look at my love the wrong way again, I’ll fucking shoot ya! Alright…?”
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just-eyris-things · 2 years
warning: tybalt slander :) and some complaining about the (lack of) other mentors content. major spoiler for LWs3 (head of the snake episode), maybe some minor spoils for PS/IBS
uh unpopular opinion but i think it would have been better if demmi saw her mother when she was dying instead of tybalt. even though we didnt know her mother when we first meet demmi (in whispers storyline), she is wearing her mother's necklace which indicates significance of the object.
"but not everyone played whispers story how would they know about the necklace?"
well not everyone played whispers story and yet we get tybalt ALL THE TIME. weapon/armor stats? tybalt. demmi fucking dies? tybalt. 10 years later an event where a random charr cook mentions apples? of course there is a tybalt reference!
"it's only 3 times! you must really hate tybalt!"
it's not like i hate tybalt. i think he is a nice character, i really do! he was my very first mentor, too, so there is a special place for him among the blorbos from my games. but you know. idk about other countries, but in mine we have a saying "co za dużo to niezdrowo" which could be roughly translated to "too much is unhealthy". because tybalt is the mentor which gets the most content from the fanbase and is the only mentor to get attention in-game, he really lost the charm he originally had (just my opinion, not a fact).
i think we deserve sieran and forgal content. I was really disappointed when Forgal wasn't mentioned in IBS despite there being grounds for it. I MEAN IT'S NOT LIKE HIS FATHER WAS THE LAST OX SHAMAN YOU KNOW. And Sieran? I couldn't think of anything, so I checked the wiki and wow, there really is NOTHING! Well, it we don't count the Magister Field Journal - an accessory item that is SPECULATED to have belonged to her (based on a vague description).
i really really REALLY want to message anet and ask if they remember about sieran and forgal.
and as a sylvari main, i'd also like to ask where the fuck malyck is and if when the fern hound jackal skin will be released.
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potatoinalovelyhat · 12 days
Morning Warm Ups for the Last Week (2)
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Themes for the week were horns, still water, and masc trad goth styles. Found a new colouring styles part way through the week.
[I.D. - Picture 1 The picture is a series of six illustrations of people or animals, with a focus on their horns. The first image is of a satyr with long, tall horns and goat like features. He is drawn in grey scale and has long ears, horizontal pupils, and a goatee. The second image is of a musk ox and a mountain goat. The third image is a demonic baby with a sweet face and blue skin. They have many tiny horns on the top of their head. The forth image is of an ibex with very long, twisting horns. They are set in front of a simple, blobby blue background. The fifth image is of a rhino set on a red and brown background. They have a sad face. The final image is of a demon with a pig nose and long purple horns coming from his bald head. He is snarling at the camera.
Picture 2 The picture is a series of six illustrations of still water in various positions and places. The first image is of a lake on a windless day. It is painted in greyscale and there is a small island with a single pine tree on it. The second image is of a backalley. The alley is framed by a stone wall on one side and a thick hedge on the other. There are some shallow puddles on the pavement. The next image is a glass of water, it is painted with blue paint. The forth image is a close up shot of water, with special attention paid to the shadows and highlights of the water. The fifth image is of a deep puddle on a dirt road, where the sky and clouds can be seen reflected in it. There is a kitty cat drinking from the puddle. The final image is of a bunch of water drops on a red surface.
Picture 3 The picture is a series of six fashion illustrations of people of various body types and genders. They are all dressed in a masculine trad goth style. The first image is a grey scale image of a person wearing a long black leather coat. They have a partially shaved head with long curly hair on the other side. They have on a button up top tucked into loose black pants that are fastened with a belt with a large buckle. The second image is of a person with a short, heavily teased hair style that covers most of their face. They are wearing a t-shirt with a large red cross on the front, that is layered overtop of a fishnet shirt. They also are wearing red leather pants tucked into knee high lace up boots. The third image is of a large, very muscular man wearing a loose blue t-shirt that falls off one shoulder. He is wearing many silver necklaces and has heavily teased hair held back by a headband. He has tight black pants on and thick chunky boots. The forth image is of a petite person with bright pink, coily hair and a nose ring. They are wearing a large necklace and tank top. They are wearing black tight pants fastened with a bright cyan belt and red boots. The fifth image is of a large man with a simple outfit of a red, loose shirt, and black pants. He is accessorizing with fish net gloves, a nose ring attached to an earring with a thin chain, and pointed dress shoes. His hair is heavily teased and flipped over the face, and he is wearing red eyeshadow. Finally, the sixth image is of an androgynous person with short, purple, coily hair. They have on heavy makeup and have snake bite piercings. They have a long, complex necklace on, and a leather jacket worn over top of a band tee. Their pants are loose and tucked into pointed toed, knee high boots with many buckles on the side.]
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the-whispers-of-death · 5 months
Alina gets teased for her love of turtlenecks so she would greatly appreciate Sarabi
Jean will rub Songs bald head and say that she's casting spells on her crystal ball and even put suction cups on it (they stick on Songs bald head very well)
And the story behind Jean's Gold tooth is an interesting one for sure. Context; Jean does stupid shit when's she's drunk. She will fistfight demons, try to ride animals, start bar fights, climb people's houses, eat an entire tray of Buffalo dip, use a tortoise as a weapon like shes in mario kart, have an orgy, end up in jail... she's problematic I think you get the gist.
More context; Jean's canines are already very sharp, she's like a vampire, and she also has a habit of putting things that aren't edible in her mouth and biting things she's not supposed to bite. It's like she's teething
When she was in her early twenties, she got extremely drunk and walked into a stone wall like an idiot and one of her canines fell out, specifically her left side because she has a habit of only chewing or biting stuff with the left side of her mouth and teeth, and she got really pissed, so she left the bar she was at, walked around the forest and found a demon.
Even more context; this demon's special ability was that its body changed depending on the material it ate the most, and it was particularly fond of eating gold.
So Jean sees the golden demon, gets even more angry for some reason and decides to kill the demon and take his teeth. Like a maniac.
So she walks around the forest (still drunk) with a bloody mouth, bloody knuckles, and a satchel full of golden demon teeth, and she happens to run into a nomadic dentist who takes Jean to her hideout.
She fixes her mouth, uses one of the demon teeth to replace the one she lost, and Jean wakes up with a killer hangover, a golden tooth and barely an on idea how she got it.
She ended up giving the dentist her car as thanks and she turned the rest of the demon teeth into a necklace
I knew that story would be so interesting and I was not disappointed.
Stone does stupid shit when he's drunk too, like the time he tried to fight an ox or the time he tried to fight a squirrel. (For a man who loves animals, he sure does try and fight them when he's drunk.)
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Lost Mine & Abyss Session 10 - Conspiracies & Character Development
-Zoream urges the party to visit Thundertree and put these rumors of his past to rest. They set out on the road again upon their oxen-drawn wagon, tensions still high.
-On the road, Zoream speaks some of what he saw that day in Thundertree- describing the huge lizard, a singing dwarf, and an elephant man. The others ask Zoream if it was a bad dream, while Sid sighs in recognition and says that his adopted father played the same song.
-Sen asks Valark how he feels about his short time on the surface. He responds that it has been entertaining so far, and that this trip will be a fun diversion from his mission to find Nezznar.
-He asks the party what their mission was, as they realize they have left their employer kidnapped for four days. Sen says to remind him to never hire them. Zoream responds that they don't know where he was taken to- only the name, Cragmaw Castle.
-Wanting to get this over quick and back to shinies before the boss dies, Sen offers to combine his knowledge of the Neverwinter Wood with Zoream's recollection of home to speed the journey along. The two plan a new path forward.
-Zoream asks Sen if he has any tales of his time in the forest. He shares that he's hunted a number of owlbears. One time he got caught in a river and ended up in a town, but shares no more than that.
-Zoream then turns to Sid, asking if he has anything interesting to share to pass the time, asking him to tell more of the dwarf and its strange music-playing mechanical ram. Sid says that they spend days trying to figure out why it did that, despite the dwarf being the one who made it. He concludes it was probably possessed. Zoream asks how he met him, Sid responding that the dwarf found his egg alone in a cave and hatched him. The party debates if this is kidnapping.
-The orc then asks Dakwert how he came by his magical necklace. The gnome tells a story of how a strange man came to him in his shop, handing him the gem-shaped necklace to work on, and then vanishing before he looked up from his tools. He tried on the necklace, which transported him to a strange room with a man made of sand. He was tasked with retrieving an artifact for this strange being, and awoke unable to take the necklace off, threatened with being turned into sand if he refused.
-"so... Mr. Sandman... Told you to bring him... His dream?" "Yes."
-Before they can question this further, Zoream overhears Vierna and Sen's conversation of the dangers of the Wood, and of a warning to watch the sky. "Don't worry about it :)" the tiefling says. At Zoream's mistrust, the tiefling again challenges him on the subject of Thundertree, accusing him of summoning demons. As Zoream recalls more of that day to the party, Valark comments that it sounds like a typical day in his homeland.
-Hours into the journey, breaking the awkward silence of the cart is the sound of an arrow shooting through the air and into the shoulder of one of the oxen. Dakwert yells out in anguish for this crime to their beloved Betsy.
-Sen charges towards the source of the arrow, moving the branches to reveal a hobgoblin archer upon a snarling worg. Sen hisses back, spitting poison upon the creature. Sid follows close behind, slamming his morningstar upon its head.
-Vierna asks Valark if she should help them. Valark responds that he wants to see this through, and asks if Vierna is with them. "Reluctantly," the fighter responds, joining the fight as the party is weakened by hobgoblin blades.
-Dakwert stands from atop the ox, casting a Hex upon the largest hobgoblin as sand swirls around the enemy, and then firing a lethal Eldritch Blast upon it, the hobgoblin falling in a pile of sand.
-Sid summons his Spirit Guardians in the form of the golden dwarves, much to Dakwert's dismay. A "heigh-ho!" Rings out through the path and then silence, as three hobgoblins are slaughtered on the spot.
-Zoream casts Green Flame upon is quarterstaff, felling the final hobgoblin with a mighty bonk.
-Before they have a chance to rest, the sound of a small creature rustling through the bushes approaches the party. Zoream casts Grease upon the ground in front, while Sid readies fire, Sen cheering them on- as emerging from the bush is the familiar friendly goblin Creak Cragmaw, who fails her dex save and falls face-first into the Grease.
-Zoream asks the goblin where she's been. She responds that she's been getting her other orc friend out, and asks them what happened. A lot, Zoream responds. The goblin then expresses disappointment looking over the hobgoblins that none of them were left alive, saying that she's been tracking them.
-Sen fires a warning shot near the goblin, who glares at him in recognition. Creak tells the party that she wouldn't trust that one. Sen twirls his jeweled dagger while staring her down.
-Zoream, suspicious of Creak's whereabouts, questions her more. She explains that the Redbrands captured her and Ataxia at the inn while the party was away, and that they fought their way out of their hideout. Zoream challenges this, saying that they were in there, that they dismantled them, and didn't see them.
-Vierna attempts to pick up the goblin, who dodges out of her grasp to hide behind Zoream. She asks her if she was really with the Redbrands, why she didn't help her, as Vierna was there for days. Zoream asks her how she got past the Nothic. Creak responds simply that they fought their way out. Sen calls Creak a thief and a liar.
-Sen and Creak then start squabbling over their rights to the jeweled dagger, them both claiming they found it first. Sen suggests Creak continue on her way. Creak protests that she helped the party, that she tracked the hunting party here- though the party took care of them first. She says it is wonderful that they've taken care of the Redbrands, but that it was after she got out.
-She expresses disappointment that she cannot question the hobgoblins about the location of the castle. She suggests they search the bodies of the hunting party instead of questioning the tiny goblin girl. Valark comments that this is a wonderful idea to get them back on track.
-On one of the hobgoblins, Vierna discovers a note containing a sketch of the original party- Sid, Dakwert, Zoream, Camilla, Sheara, and Ataxia. Above them is written "25 gold for the delivery of these meddlers to the castle with the other. Alive, preferably," signed with the symbol of a black spider. Valark leans over with interest, saying this is exactly what they need to get in- though they still don't know its location. He announces to the party that they're wanted by the Black Spider.
-Vierna and Sen in Elvish discuss turning the party in to get in to the castle. Zoream, also knowing Elvish, follows this conversation before chiming in in their language that he does not want their friends to be used as bait, though he knows that word is loose to them. The two respond that they're actually fond of Sid and Dakwert. On asking if they just hate him, Sen again brings up Thundertree. Valark suggests they go ahead and get there so they can get back on track together.
-The party gets back in their wagon, Creak following along. She hops on the ox with Dakwert, questioning the gnome of the events since her leaving and where the other two of the original party went. She then questions their new additions- saying she's sure they'll lose a few more along the way, looking at Sen as he sharpens the jeweled dagger. Dakwert tells her that the tiefling has been helpful, despite his hostility.
-Creak expresses that she really wants to find that castle. She tells the party that the dream of a union for the goblin cave didn't work out- the castle simply sent two bugbears in replacement for KIark, and Roblin had been locked in a cage. The new leaders still wouldnt share the castle's location, so she found a hunting party and started following them- which led her to the party. With their deaths, now she is still looking, but hopes she'll find it along the way.
-Zoream asks if it is in a cave. Creak responds that its said to be a grand structure from a distant age in the woods- but nothing about where it might be, and the Wood is large. Zoream recalls no grand castle from his explorations into the woods, but does remember a falling-apart structure he used to dare his friends into going in, south of Thundertree. Creak excitedly asks if he knows where this is, asking what Thundertree is, sparking another argument.
-As it turns to night, the party discusses at length whether to go first to Thundertree or the Castle. Creak begs to see the castle. Valark knows his target may be there, but is so interested in seeing what the hell is in Thundertree that he can wait. It is decided that they will visit Thundertree first, and then finish their business at the Castle.
-Sen warns that Thundertree will be dangerous- that it spreads a demonic plague, one that's killed people. Zoream questions why the tiefling knows so much about Thundertree, saying it must be more than just legends. Sen says only that he has heard much- and questions if Zoream really knows much, questioning if he can even read his spellbook. Zoream reveals that he cannot, but that he has found a more creative way. He shows that he can learn spells through watching others cast, flipping through the spellbook that has been converted to paintings.
-As they start to come to a stop, Zoream, looking at Sen and the spell he recalled from the druid that day, comments that something in Sen reminds him of her. "Weird," Sen says, getting off the cart to start a fire and eat some of his leftover raw owlbear meat. Zoream, also eating raw owlbear meat, questions how Sen can eat it like he can. Sen responds that he's also just always been able to. "Tiefling thing." Maybe Sheara was just really stuck up. Sid joins them in also eating raw meat. The other half of the party stares at them. Out of the Abyss survival gang.
-Zoream pulls out some of his collection of bread. Creak approaches him, holding out her small hands for some, reminding the orc of their first meeting. Sen calls BS on her act, saying that the goblin was clawing and biting at him for the dagger days ago. Creak explains that she was tired, wanted the dagger she found, and a strange creature started fighting her for it. "Creature?" they ask, as Creak backpedals her statement but continues poking at Sen's appearance. Zoream starts pulling the bread away.
-Creak apologizes to Sen, and tells the tiefling that he does not consider him an enemy, and that she will not challenge him for the dagger. They shake on "not enemies." Zoream hands the goblin some bread, which she happily takes.
-Zoream questions why she needs to find the castle. She says that she just needs to see her boss's boss- and "fire" him, as they did in the cave. Even find whose all the way at the top- this "Black Spider," and take him out.
-The party turns to sleep at last, Vierna taking watch as she awakens from her own trance- witnessing as Dakwert falls asleep, sand start to lift off the ground and enter the gnome's necklace.
-Dakwert awakens inside the realm of his necklace, greeted by his dao warlock patron reclining on the pile of gems from the banshee's hoard and putting some of the gems in his own pockets. Dakwert protests, saying he told someone he'd split the treasure with them. The genie reminds him of their deal, that 50% of the gems he finds belong to him in return for his spells- congratulating him on the nice collection gathered here so nicely for him.
-He asks Dakwert how he came across it, the gnome responding that he simply found it. The genie says he knew he was great for this job. He asks Dakwert how his travels have been, as the hoard starts disintegrating into sand swirling around the genie. The gnome says its been great, he's met people, he's been knocked out repeatedly.
-The genie asks if his spells have been helping, to which the gnome responds not really, for how much he's giving up. The genie turns around and excitedly says that he's been thinking for how great he's been, that he's got a new totally "free" spell- Maximillian's Earthen Grasp. He says that with this, Dakwert should be able to get many more gems.
-He tells the gnome he's doing great and he'll check back in later, as Dakwert wakes up. "Not again," he says, before falling back asleep normally.
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twolonesomestars · 4 years
[BJYX] ||
A post about the ox-head necklace.
This is mostly a post compiling a bunch of theories about the ox-head necklace as well as my explanations for a few things (AKA most of the things on this post are pretty well known & theorized often).
Warning: This is all fake. Don’t take what I say to heart. These are just my random thoughts.
Firstly, @zhansww has a pretty detailed overview of the whole thing: here
So, we’ve established that this necklace is extremely important to WYB. To the point where he wears it everywhere—the airport, filming, races, and almost every time we see him in public. I don’t think he’s ever worn a piece of jewelry this consistently before the necklace. Honestly speaking, WYB wears the ox-head necklace far, far more often than his feather necklace, which was gifted to him by a person we can safely say is like a second father to him. (Wang Han also often refers to WYB as his son, unjokingly.) I don’t think I’ve ever seen WYB wear his feather necklace outside of filming DDU (same with the DDU brothers’ ring). That right there is already gives the basics about how much the necklace means to WYB.
Something significant to note: WYB was first seen wearing it at the airport in Chongqing (of all places) on June 19, 2019, exactly a year and a day after their “date” to a restaurant on Dragon Boat Festival day. So... anniversary vibes anyone?
Now, the actual pendant is an ox-head; WYB was born in the year of the ox. Out of the two, XZ has always been the more superstitious one (i.e. hesitance to cross out “wangxiao” & crosses out his own name first); he even has/ used(?) to have the god of fortune as his lock screen. With that info, I think it’s pretty safe to say that XZ would pay more attention to their Chinese zodiacs and horoscopes and choose to give WYB a piece of jewelry that represents the animal of his birth year. Also, I don’t think WYB has ever worn anything related to his Chinese zodiac until this necklace.
The whole brand thing is pretty fun to unpack. I mean WYB doesn’t even wear the brands he endorses like he does this necklace... why is he wearing a brand he doesn’t endorse this much? Since the necklace is way cheaper than what the brand would give XZ, it would make sense for it to be something he bought on his own. Also, the fact that it was limited edition and only sold in two physical stores in China? That right there screams YiZhan to me.
I want to focus specifically on the Happy Camp episode because what happened there gave me the last bit of proof I needed in order to say that XZ bought him the necklace.
There’s a well-known video explanation of what happened with the necklace during the show. Here’s the VIP version of the episode; it has several unaired clips including the whole WYB getting hurt moment.
To paraphrase: the necklace scratched WYB’s neck when he was playing the game and trying to get through the hoops. If you watch the entire episode, you’ll notice him touching his neck and rubbing it throughout the game, but he didn’t pay it much more attention than that. It was only until his neck got very red that another player saw and pointed it out. When XZ saw, his eyes literally almost popped out of their sockets and when he understood what happened he told WYB to take it off quite angrily.
I’ve mentioned this before: XZ’s public persona is different from his private self; he doesn’t really show his anger in public (amongst other things). Thus, it’s extremely obvious when his public persona breaks, which is what happened at Happy Camp.
He looked very concerned even as he scolded WYB and kept looking away and back, which makes me believe that most of his anger was at himself, because of his own guilt, more so than at WYB.
I also don’t think XZ’s the type of person to scold someone in public, no matter how close the person was to him. So, I doubt he would scold WYB like this in front of cameras and lose control of his emotions (even if it was only for minute or two) unless he had a really good reason to. We’ve seen XZ’s reaction to WYB’s injuries before—the iconic 9 minute flirting/arguing video when he told WYB to wear knee pads; he showed a lot of concern, but not much anger. (I suppose this could also be because the type of relationship they share changed later.) But, at the end of the day, I highly doubt XZ would show any type of anger, whether it be towards himself or someone else, in public.
I put myself in this scenario to see my own reaction: if your friend or lover got hurt because of a meaningful necklace that someone else gave them, you wouldn’t go and get angry at them because it’s not your place. You’d be very concerned and ask them to take it off immediately—what the rest of the people around WYB did—but you wouldn’t scold them... unless... the necklace was something you gave them. I’d personally feel ridiculously guilty and angry at myself that the person I love got hurt because of something I gave them. I don’t think its farfetched to imagine that XZ felt the same way. To me, his reaction at Happy Camp ONLY makes sense when I think about it this way.
A recent event that threw me off and re-emphasized just how important this necklace is to WYB was when he wore it while filming Let’s Sacalaca (the surfing show).
The fact that WYB doesn’t take it off, even when he’s in the ocean where he could easily lose it, renders me speechless. With surfing or swimming in the ocean in general, you get a lot of wipeouts and the strong ocean currents wouldn’t exactly help the situation. Imagine how much this necklace means to WYB that he would risk losing it in the ocean just so he could have it with him at all times... Imagine just how much he loves and misses the person that gave it to him that he wants it close to his heart at all times.
XZ’s actions in Happy Camp proved to me that he was the one who gave the necklace to WYB. The manner in which WYB uses the necklace proved to me what type of relationship they have.
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ohnobjyx · 4 years
Someone has probably pointed this out before but in the ttxs ep w/ xz, wyb is wearing the Necklace visibly while they're singing wuji and the rest of the time it's under his shirt except for when it fell out while he was breakdancing and I'm like. what does this MEAN. Like genuinely what else am I supposed to think!!! If it has nothing to do with xz why wear it openly during THAT song only??? I don't do r/p/s at all but I just keep Noticing things against my will!!!
Hi, anon! I think it was a coincidence (?). From my point of view at least.
The whole drama with the ox-head necklace started after the episode of Happy Camp, if I’m not mistaken, and the TTXS was previous to that one (190715 vs 190810). He had no real reason to hide the ox-head necklace, I think he was wearing it inside the shirt simply because the outfit he was wearing looked better without the necklace hanging out.
If you look closely, you’ll also notice a peak of the blue cord of the feather necklace, which he always wears openly, under the shirt. So he was obviously wearing both necklaces.
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Both fell out when he was dancing, and probably the feather necklace fell back into place or dd fixed it, but left the ox-head one out for whatever reason (he had both of them dangling out at the end of the episode). By then he really had no need to hide it.
(It’s easy to forget because the post-production work is really well-done, but the different parts of the episode are shot in another sequence altogether. So their performance together both times was probably recorded afterwards).
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zhansww · 3 years
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© 周末限定·0805x1005
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candicewright · 4 years
I love yibo omg i love him, he's capital b BOLD!!! he knows all the speculation about the necklace, he knows a fuck ton of people associate the necklace with bjyx and yet he still wears it out for everyone to see on a big show. Like, even if they're not together and necklace has nothing do with xz, it's incredible that he still wears it like that because it shows he doesn't care that ppl thinks he's in a m/m relationship even if it's not true, because a lot of male idols would hate that fr
He's incredible, honestly. I aspire to be as brave as him one day lmao. I think you're right and that it says a lot about him that he still wears the necklace at all, let alone wear it out. I don't even know what else to say, he's just an amazing human being.
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hi-yibo · 4 years
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Tracer 85 🏍️ Yibo
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goor · 2 years
Well, I wanted to talk about jewelry and its connection to the future of tianshan, because compared to the zhanyi, they seem closer in that aspect, I mean, in the last special while tianshan was literally on a date, Xixi and Jian Yi were doing nothing in a park sitting on SEPARATE BLANKETS 💀
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ANYWAY, this is just something I got out of my head; we start with the first official arts (2016-2018)
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In this one it clearly doesn't happen in their school days, I know you don't see any earring or rings, but we can assume it's because OX didn't think of that idea yet.
Then we have the tianshan with matching rings on the same finger AAAH HUSBANDS
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And even we can also see rings on the middle finger, apparently matching rings as well
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In 2018, OX introduced Cartier rings and also wearing them as a necklace.
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Now 2019 was the first time we got a concept of an adult Mo with an earring in his ear cartilage, yeah
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And from there, that's how we can now know if we are in a situation of future or high school days
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The whole point of this is how a pair of rings and an earring can express a lot about a future relationship, I think Mo got his piercing done before He Tian left because in the Christmas specials, when HT comes back, we already see that he has it and I don't know why I have always believed that this:
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happens after the last Christmas special, I think this because of their outfits and because I guess that after Christmas was when they started their relationship again because we don't see rings or anything, who knows, maybe that's when their relationship became official :)
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they of course will have a happy ending!!
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
You learn something new everyday, this time it’s about the ox-head necklace. Not that I ever had any doubt who gave it to him. This is just another piece of the puzzle and makes everything more sus.
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As early as 6/3/2019 there were already talks of GUCCI inviting different artists for promotion and the ones mentioned were syf ycy zzh and XZ. Then by 6/27, GUCCI posted about GG at their event. He visited the Gucci Beijing China World Mall which allegedly had the specific ox head necklace.
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Later on some artists who endorsed GUCCI around this time started wearing ox-head themed necklaces but NOT the same as Bobo’s. The only concrete example I can find is @赖冠霖_Edward who attended the event was photographed with one on 8/15/2019 which makes sense because he is a GUCCI partner. The date also lines up since it was after that 6/27 event. So what’s the point? Well. Bobo was first photographed with the ox-head necklace last 6/19/2019 in Chongqing Airport which is 1 year + 1 day after their Dragon Boat Festival “date”. So how can someone who has no ties with GUCCI and not even considered a brand partner turned up with this Ox-head necklace? He wore it even before brand partners did! That one is the new information for me. Another piece of the story. Who is the common denominator in all of this, It’s Xiao Zhan. CPN is he picked it up before the event or probably way before that because he’s been mister GUCCI ever since and had access to see things before the general public does. It’s an anniversary gift ( allegedly ). I can’t. I really love this necklace and it will always be one of those things that made me go “... wait...what?” and turn into a turtle. 🤍
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