#and three teens with varying complicated relationships with each other have to stop it
mimi-croissant · 9 months
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These are my children and they’ve been plaguing my mind since I read this book
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petersasteria · 4 years
Still Into You - Haz Osterfield
Pairing: Haz x Singer!Reader
Requested? No.
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Love. What really is love? Was it real? Scientists said it was a chemical reaction; it's all in the brain and the rest of our body just reacts to it. If so, is love fake? We all don't know; we all aren't sure. Anybody who has loved somebody has loved differently. Therefore, we all don't know what we're talking about, because we all have different experiences.
Love is complicated. Some people say that love wasn't supposed to hurt. If we get hurt, it wasn't love. Others, however, fail to agree with that. They think that love was all about hurting. They claimed that if it hurt, it was love. Why? Because it was real. If they were right, do we need to get hurt first in order to feel love? Or do we just spend the rest of our lives hurting our hearts and messing our minds by being with the wrong people until we finally meet our so called true love?
Is love about giving? Or is love about receiving? Receiving love is great, but most people say that giving love is greater. How come? Who said it was supposed to be like that? Were there rules about love? If there were rules, who wrote them?
How can we tell when we're in love with someone? Does it just come to you out of the blue? Or do you know right away? Again, it's different for people. We can't ask for the exact answer, because answers vary from person to person. This leads to another set of questions: who are allowed to fall in love? And when are we allowed to fall in love?
People who are in love say that love knows no age; it doesn't matter. Our parents say that we're too young to love, because we still need a lot to learn. It's kind of confusing, because if love is a chemical reaction like what scientists said, aren't we all capable of feeling it despite our age? It's all in our body after all. According to experts, the brain pathways that control "reward" behavior are involved in attraction. There are all these things involved like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.
Another conflicting thing was the people who argue between "love waits" and "if you love them, why wait?". What are we supposed to follow? Do we even have to follow? If we have to follow them, who are we supposed to love? Are we supposed to love the one who was worth the wait? Or the one who's been there and you tell yourself that you'd settle with them, because eventually they're your endgame anyway?
If we don't wait, should we begin looking? People said that your best bet was to wait for the right time and the right person, but what happens when the person you've waited for was already taken by someone else? We've waited for nothing. If so, shall we wait some more? Is it wrong to look for love? If it wasn't wrong to look for love, then why aren't people looking?
There are so many things about love that we don't know about. However, there's something that everyone can agree on when it comes to love: live in the moment and have fun. Don't think about what'll happen tomorrow. Don't worry or you'll mess up your own head until the love you have will fade away and turn into worry and fear instead. No one wants that. Everyone wants their happy ending and for that to happen, we just have to go with the flow and like what they all say, "follow your heart".
Harrison knew nothing about love. After all, he was just thirteen when he met the girl of his dreams. They weren't friends. They weren't neighbors. They were just school mates; acquaintances. They saw each other at school and they had majority of their classes together and suddenly Harrison started to notice her.
It started really small, though. He noticed that every time it was extra windy, she'd quickly tie her hair up so that it wouldn't fly all over. He noticed that everywhere she went, she always had a notebook and a pen. He always saw her writing non-stop. It started to make him wonder what she was writing about.
Harrison's friends knew of his 'undying love' for the girl. They would constantly tease him and they would taunt him. Tom, his best friend, said that if he didn't ask her out, she'd be taken by someone else. Of course, the thought of her being with someone else scared him. So he did what every thirteen year old boy would do. He waited for her by her locker and awkwardly asked her out. At that time, she thought it was cute. After all, she was awkward herself. She said yes, of course. Harrison was the first and only boy who asked her out and who was she to say no?
Their first date was awkward. It was chaperoned. They went to the mall on their first date and their parents were within their vicinity so that they can keep an eye on them. After all, they were too young to go out on their own anyway. At least they knew their kids were safe. Harrison sneaked in a short and quick kiss on her cheek before she left. It was really wholesome.
Young love is nothing but pure bliss. It's the one that blossomed so young yet they stay unbothered and they lived in the moment. They didn't listen to the naysayers, because what's important was the fact that they loved each other and the fact that they knew they loved each other.
Jealousy started rolling in when they were sixteen. At that point, they've already been together for three years. Harrison loved her with everything in him. They were always together and it made Tom sick to his stomach.
"You're just jealous, because I have a girlfriend." Harrison smirked as he lovingly looked at Y/N. They were out of their weird puberty phase and now they looked different than who they were three years ago.
Tom rolled his eyes and just carried on with whatever he was doing. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but Tom genuinely thought that Y/N really was the one for him. Tom was happy that Harrison was happy.
Y/N started having doubts, though. All the girls in their year wanted to be with Harrison. It would cross her mind that maybe he'll leave her for some other girl. That thought crossed her mind often. After all, he could have chosen anyone yet he settled for her. Not chose, but settled. Those are two different things.
When you choose someone, you pick between options. When you settle for someone, there are no options, because you're sure that the person you're settling with will be with you through everything until the end. That's why it hurts when the person you've settled with leaves you for someone they chose.
"We've been together for three years! If you think I would hurt you, don't you think I would've done that earlier in the relationship??" Harrison huffed. "It's been three years. Why would you think that I'd hurt you now when I'm sure that you're the only one I want for the rest of my life?"
She shook her head and sighed, "Maybe your heart decided to stop beating for me and maybe your heart decided to beat for someone else."
"Well I'm telling you now that, that isn't true. My heart will always beat for you and my heart is yours, always. Please remember that." Harrison pleaded. She gave in, because she felt the sincerity and truth in it. Besides, she trusted Harrison.
Trust. Love is nothing without trust. A relationship is nothing if there's no trust. It's a big thing between couples and friends. It's like when Aladdin asked Jasmine if she trusted him. She said yes. In this situation, Y/N was Jasmine and Harrison was Aladdin. Their love was the magic carpet, because it went through twists and turns. Jasmine had never been on a magic carpet ride before and she trusted Aladdin to keep her safe on it. Y/N had never been in love before and she trusted Harrison despite the fact that he was still learning how to handle falling in love. It was just a leap of faith. Leap of faith doesn't work out without trust.
This trust led to them losing their virginity to each other at seventeen. They planned it out and everything fell into place.  Sure, it wasn't perfect, but it was their most intimate moment. In their eyes, that's what made it perfect. It was theirs and no one else's moment.
Y/N and Harrison were now twenty years old. Y/N was attending university with the degree of music while Harrison is off halfway across the globe with Tom. They've been together for seven years now. No one knew that they'd last this long except for the two of them, of course.
Both of their parents were delighted to know that their relationship was going strong despite the long distance. They made it work and their parents were happy that they pulled it off and succeeded. Y/N's parents absolutely love Harrison for her. Although they might be biased, because Harrison was the only boy Y/N ever loved and dated. They hoped he'd be the last.
Harrison's parents loved Y/N too. They loved her family as well. Sometimes, they'd get together just for lunch or dinner. They got along so well and Y/N and Harrison couldn't be happier. His parents know that she'd be the girl he'd end up marrying, especially Harrison's mum. She knew that no matter what happens, Harrison will marry her. It was a mother's instinct.
Mother's instinct. There's a saying that goes around "mother knows best". When we were younger we would stand by that. When we become teens, we call bullshit and at the end of the day, we knew they were right; we just didn't want to admit that. Then we become adults and we actually mature. We start bonding with our mothers and ask them for advice. If you're a teen reading this, you wouldn't know it right now, but that feeling is the best feeling ever.
Mothers know best, because well, there's no definite reason. They just do. That's what makes them amazing. Mothers and their children fight a lot, because the children know that their mothers are right; the children just hated to admit it and they'd think that at that time, their decision was right.
A mother's love is phenomenal, though. No matter how many fights you have with them or no matter what you do, they'll always love you. They'll love you for your best and they'll love you most during your worst. Only mothers can understand that kind of love and to be honest, they deserve to have a day dedicated to themselves.
Harrison's mother knew that he was having a difficult time abroad, because he was away from Y/N. To test her theory, she called him and asked how he was doing. It took only that question for him to breakdown. Don't get him wrong, Harrison loved what he was doing. He worked really hard, but it's difficult to work hard when your motivation isn't even with you.
The second Harrison broke down, his mother tried to console him as best as she could. Another thing about mothers is the fact that their heart breaks when they see their child in pain. They couldn't stand it especially when they couldn't do anything to fix it. Mothers feel their child's heartache and worry. That's why when their child cries, they cry too.
His mother tried her best to stop her tears, but they wouldn't. When Harrison calmed down, she told him that everything will be okay and that things will turn around soon.
And it did.
Y/N spent her two weeks off from university with Harrison in America. He was delighted and he thanked his mother for telling him that everything will be fine, because it gave him assurance.
Y/N and Harrison were now twenty-two years old and have been together for nine years. It amazed them how they lasted so long. Y/N graduated university, moved in with Harrison, and wanted a head start on her music career. She desperately wanted to be a singer and Harrison supported her for it. He loved hearing her voice. He claimed that her singing blessed his ears. He wanted her to sell albums and she wanted him to have hit movies. Despite wanting different things, they worked.
Two people in a relationship work out, because they assure each other many things to each other. They assure each other that they're never tired of seeing each other's faces. They assure each other that they still feel the love they have for the other like when they first started dating.
Y/N started a YouTube channel and decided that her first video would be a cover of 'Still Into You' by Paramore. She claimed that it was hers and Harrison's theme song. Everyone around them agreed, because it was like the song was written for them.
Some things just, some things just makes sense
And one of those is you and I
Some things just, some things just makes sense
And even after all this time
I'm into you
Baby, not a day goes by
That I'm not into you
Y/N sang beautifully and she hit the notes perfectly. Harrison swore to himself that he fell in love with her more than ever before.
Her cover of the song gained a lot of views and because a certain actor promoted it. She didn't want Tom to help her, but he couldn't help but post her cover on Twitter and Instagram. He genuinely loved it and so did his fans. Soon, they started becoming her fans as well. She posted two videos a week and a record company noticed her and signed her. She was officially a singer.
Harrison was the proudest of all. He couldn't believe that the girl he's been in love with since he was thirteen was now a singer and his long time girlfriend.
The calm before the storm. How can we know if a storm is coming up to ruin the calm? We couldn't. It becomes unexpected. In every calm, there's a storm formulating and waiting for the perfect time to strike. The calm can happen for a short time or it can happen for years before the storm hits and aggressively strikes. An example of this would be Peter Parker and his parents. The calm was the short years he spent with them and the storm was their death.
A relationship is like that. Love is the calm. These are the blissful moments that happen. The calm, love, was the soothing and cool feeling we get when the weather's perfect outside. Hurt is the storm. People would say that it's heartbreak, but along with heartbreak comes hurt. We feel hurt first. Heartbreak is just the second. After all, heartbreak is a type of hurt.
Hurt is the storm that ruins the calmness of love. It destroys it. The impact differs from one relationship to another. In others, hurt strikes quickly and aggressively. In the rest, hurt strikes agonizingly slow until it impacts greatly.
At twenty-three years old, our main protagonists have been together for ten years now and it kind of overwhelmed other people, because in those ten years, they've dated multiple people and haven't found the one. Meanwhile Harrison and Y/N have been together for a decade and they didn't show any plans on leaving each other.
They didn't show any plans on leaving each other, but the storm got in the way and destroyed the calm. Harrison's hurt got in the way of their love that led to both of their heartbreaks. Harrison wasn't asking for much. All he asked for was at least an hour or so to spend with his loving girlfriend of ten years. Being busy in the music industry to make a name for herself, Y/N slowly forgot about him.
She loved him more than she loved anything else in the world, but forgetting about plans was inevitable especially when one is busy. Harrison didn't mind; he understood.
But love is about balance; it's give and take. Harrison kept giving and Y/N kept taking. Harrison was doing his best to make their relationship work and it was unfair that Y/N wasn't doing her part.
"You're just so busy all the time and I understand; I always understand you. But will it hurt you to just spend some time with me?" Harrison cried. "Or at least spend five more minutes in bed with me?"
Y/N was hurt that she broke his heart. Y/N was heartbroken, because the man she loved was hurting.
"Haz, I'm sorry." Y/N said with tears streaming down her face. She didn't know what to do, because she never saw him cry so much. She just pulled him in a tight embrace as they cried together.
That was when they felt the impact. They didn't have to tell each other, because they already knew. It was time to let go.
Y/N knew that even if she made millions of promises to Harrison, things would go back to normal and she'd forget again. Harrison knew that if he kept up what he was doing, the more he'd cry himself to sleep at night.
Love wasn't supposed to be like that.
They pulled away from each other's embrace and looked at each other's eyes. They knew it would be the last time they'd look deep into each other's eyes.
Harrison's eyes held so much emotion that he bottled up over the past few months. His eyes were filled with sadness, hurt, and pain. But what surprised her was despite the sadness, hurt, and pain that were in his blue eyes, there was still love. Pure love that he had for her since the beginning.
Y/N's eyes held love and sadness. She was kind of happy that she was letting him go, though. She knew that he cried himself to sleep at night whenever she missed dates, cancelled plans, or forgot altogether. She was kind of happy that he wouldn't get hurt by another date she'd cancel.
Just by the sad look they gave each other, they knew it was over. Harrison gulped and wiped away his tears, "I love you, okay? I don't think I'll ever stop. I love you. Please don't ever forget that."
Y/N sadly smiled and nodded slightly, "I love you. I don't think I'll ever stop too. You're the only one I loved, after all."
Harrison nodded and grabbed his phone and car keys, "I'll ask Tom to get my stuff. You should stay here."
"But we bought it together after I graduated." Y/N frowned.
"Yeah, but your studio is here and if you moved out, it'll be hard to move those too. I'll stay with Tom, it's alright." Harrison gave her a small smile before leaving.
Neither of them wanted to say goodbye, because they knew it would be real. Part of them knew it was over, but a huge part of them didn't want it to be real.
As soon as Harrison left, Y/N went up to the room they once shared and cried. She even wore his hoodie as she slept. On the other hand, Harrison wasn't doing any better. Tom did his best to console his best friend, but he didn't know how. After all, the couple that made Tom believe in love in the first place, was officially over and he was the first to know. The couple that inspired Tom to look for love, now strayed from the path going to forever. It made him sad.
Love. Love has different meanings and perceptions depending on who you'll ask. Love is real, because we wouldn't feel it if it wasn't. Even if bitter people argue that it doesn't exist and say that it's just a chemical reaction, it still exists judging by the fact that it is a chemical reaction happening in our bodies.
Love. We always talk about what love really is and what love should really be, but we don't talk about what happens when we get heartbroken.
Love is fickle. We all believe that love is beautiful and fun, but when we're in love we get cautious. If we knew that we'd be hurt, why do we keep loving?
Out of the many questions about love, there's an answer on why we keep loving despite knowing we'll get hurt. We keep loving, because we can't not love. We were made to love each other and we should. No matter what we say in person or online; no matter how we act; no matter how high we build up our walls, we still end up loving, because it's beautifully terrifying. It is and it always will be.
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Part 2 coming soon x
𝐇𝐀𝐙 𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland @silencetheslaves @peachmaybnx @imeanlifesabitshit @joyleenl @marshxx​ @hjoficrecs
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell @justasmisunderstoodasloki @rubberducky-jrr @petersholland @osterfieldnholland @miraclesoflove
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚��𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐳 𝐎𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟
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elliepassmore · 4 years
The Golden Compass Review
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5/5 stars Recommended if you like: fantasy, adventure, magic, steampunk, talking animals, corporeal souls His Dark Materials is an interesting world because it combines fantasy + technology in a way that makes it seem like it could be steampunk, but without the typical gears and grime associated with steampunk. So you've got grand universities, zeppelins, and flying spy/attack bugs, but you've also got shapeshifting souls, a 'magic' powered truth teller, and witches. I like the interplay between outright exposition and the slow unfolding of the rules this world has--institutional functions we get and main relationships we get to know about almost right away, but things like dæmons are explained more slowly. This book contains three main settings, each with varying interplays of technology and fantasy: Jordan College (Oxford), the fens, and the North. Jordan College pays the most attention (overall) to technology, being a college and all, though there's a healthy dose of what they call 'philosophy' but which is really the study of magic. I think this setting has the most warmth out of all of them, simply because Lyra knows it the best and is able to introduce us to the College and surrounding areas not only via current actions, but also through memories and anecdotes. I will say, though, that it's a fantasy novel and there's literally zero reason why there can't be female scholars without them being looked down upon (yes, I'm aware this is set in an alternate late-1800s, early 1900s, but still). The next major setting, the fens, really takes place in more than one location but can be grouped together under 'fens.' Lyra spends some time with her sort-of friend's family while she's on the run and before they venture up North. Where Jordan College had a sense of warmth, the fens have a sense of family. Everyone takes care of one another and are willing to help one another out--and even though Lyra is an outsider when she's taken in, they still protect her even before it becomes about the Gobblers. I will say, I wish we could've seen a bit more resolution for the gyptians Lyra was traveling with. I know they're mentioned briefly at the end, but I would've liked a little extra info about how everything turned out. The final setting is the North and, like the fens, is actually more than one setting that fit under this category. In the North, we see the port town Lyra and co. stop in upon arriving and where they pick up Iorek Byrnison, an armored bear, and send word to a witch acquaintance. The next setting is really just them traveling farther up to Bolvangar, where the Gobblers have taken kids. Next is Bolvangar, which reminds me a bit of the re-education center in Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead, but with more experiments and less re-educating. It's really quite creepy if you think about what they do in Bolvangar and how they do it with such nonchalance. Svalbard is the next major North setting and is where the armored bears are stationed. The group does, in fact, mean to go there, but naturally it doesn't work out the way they planned and Lyra ends up a prisoner. Pullman balances the fierce warrior nature of the armored bears with the gilded opulence of their new king and I enjoyed reading about the juxtaposition of the two. The main set of characters comprises of: Lyra and Pantalaimon, Iorek Byrnison, John Faa, Roger, Lord Asriel and his dæmon, and Mrs. Coulter and her dæmon. Lyra is a precocious, fierce girl whose age I've put at about 11. She enjoys running wild about her home at Jordan College and the surrounding area and is quite the little leader of a pack of kids. Like most kids who grow up running wild with 'neighborhood' kids, Lyra prefers to be outdoors exploring rather than sitting still and listening to adults drone on about one thing or another, and Lyra's curiosity and adventurous nature get her into places she shouldn't be, even before this book's adventure begins. Pantalaimon, Pan, is her soul and, of course, also likes exploring and being wild, but he's the more reserved of the two. He also works to help her think things out, talk her way out of trouble, and admonish her when she does stuff that gets them into trouble. As precocious and wild as Lyra is, she's also deeply loyal and determined to see things through, as shown by her love and fear for Iorek Byrnison and her fierce commitment to saving Roger. Iorek Byrnison is an armored bear Lyra and co. hire when they travel to find the Gobblers. He's gruff and a bit down on his luck when they find him, and though he grows no less gruff, he does form a companionship with Lyra and Pan and seems to genuinely care about them. As much as he cares about Lyra and Pan and is willing to protect them, he also has his own place in the plot of the story. Iorek was banished from Svalbard and risks trouble when the plot takes the group back to it. But Iorek's main character plot is found there and his journey begins to separate from Lyra's at that point. Roger grew up alongside Lyra at Jordan College and is shown to be her closest friend. The two of them often get up to mischief, though it's shown Roger is a tad more reserved than Lyra. Despite being somewhat quieter, he's similarly loyal to Lyra and willing to go along with her schemes, even when they're risky. John Faa is the leader of the gyptians and comes across as jolly and warm, but fierce. He leads the expedition up North to rescue the stolen kids and seems to regard Lyra as both someone to care for and look after as well as someone to respect and listen to, a nice balance from most of the other adults in the book thus far (though to be fair, most of the adults in the fens have the same attitude). He's one of the gyptians I would've liked a little more resolution for, as we get to see him a little bit a couple hundred pages from the end and we know what he's doing next, but beyond that we don't get any insight into how he and the others are actually doing. Lord Asriel is Lyra's uncle and comes to visit Jordan College when he's not off exploring. He's shown as being an arrogant, controlled person who has occasional explosions of anger. He has an interesting life and the things he talks about are revolutionary and are a fantastic way to draw the world and plot to the characters and readers. But he's also equally dismissive of others in a way that, combined with his other traits, makes it difficult to like him. He's especially an ass at the end of the book, but that's neither here nor there. Mrs. Coulter is another explorer, though she's a new character in Lyra's life, and thus is far more interesting to Lyra than anyone else. Lucky (?) for Lyra, Mrs. Coulter offers to take Lyra in and teach/rear her during her young adult years, offering to make Lyra her assistant. Unlike Asriel's dæmon, who is really just there but doesn't have a huge role, Mrs. Coulter's dæmon is somewhat of a demon. Pan almost immediately dislikes him, and thus Mrs. Coulter, warning Lyra to be wary, but Lyra likes Mrs. Coulter and doesn't pay too much attention to the woman's associated soul, much to her and Pan's chagrin later. Something I greatly enjoyed about the book is how expansive the plot is. It's not just that Lyra's world has been somewhat disrupted by children she knows going missing and that undercurrent of fear that takes over as they do, nor is it just that she's plucked from Jordan College's care and placed under the care of Mrs. Coulter instead, but all of those changes and winds in the plot lead to the bigger plot of the Gobblers and Dust and what, exactly, each is. Each small stream of subplot or problem leads to the next one, which all feed into the river of the main plot, each thread, however benign, seemingly mixing together. All of them, of course, feed into the trilogy's overarching plot and this book with all its little intricacies becomes a mere branch of the larger river. I like the complication of it all and how everything seems to relate to each other before the characters or readers know it. Obviously I enjoy and recommend this book. It's a book that can be read by children, teens, and adults with equal enjoyment and no sense of it being immature plot or character-wise, a bit like A Wrinkle in Time. The first book is fine on its own or it can be read along with the rest of the trilogy. If you want to share it with non-readers, the original 2007 movie is pretty good, and I know HBO has a series that's following the greater His Dark Materials world, which contends with the rest of the series as well as Lyra's World and (I believe) The Book of Dust trilogy.
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thewhitefluffyhat · 5 years
Feminist Relevant Themes
<-Previous (Introduction)
To talk about Magia Record’s writing in detail, it helps to understand how the game is structured.
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Magia Record has many story modes:
Main Story: The main plot, centered on new protagonist Iroha arriving in the city of Kamihama to search for her missing sister.  Everyone can read this at any time, and new chapters come out every few months.
Another Story: The events of the Main Story, but told from the point of view of the original Madoka Magica cast.  Also always available to everyone.
Magical Girl Stories: short stories centered on one specific magical girl - usually they tell the backstory of the girl’s wish.  Can only be watched after obtaining the character in the gacha.
Mirrors Story: A very slowly updated story unlocked by completing many player vs. player battles.  
Event Stories:  Short stories that come out roughly every two weeks.  Sometimes introduce a new character for the gacha, sometimes related to a seasonal holiday.  Playable to anyone around during the event (and will be stored in the archive afterwards).
Costume Stories:  Tiny story snippets involving a character wearing a special outfit.  Implemented one year in and unlocked by obtaining both the character and the outfit in question.
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Female Friendship
As with the better side of magical girl media, the game’s biggest feminist plus is its complex female characters and focus on female friendships, including some great examples of female mentors and role models.  The mechanics of the setting are even tweaked to facilitate this - gone is the TV series’ lonely, competitive system that isolated girls from each other.  Instead, in present-day Kamihama, witches are so strong and plentiful that magical girls are better off forming teams to support one another.  
While this change arguably waters down some of the thematic weight of the original (in that this isolation was another example of how Kyuubey’s system is an easy metaphor for other oppressive systems), I find it a worthy trade-off.  Allowing for magical girl teams to exist results in much richer possibilities for interactions between characters, especially welcome in a sprawling game with far more narrative content than a one-season anime.
And the game takes good advantage of this - no two magical girl teams are exactly alike, both in terms of internal dynamics and how they interact with other teams.
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The main gimmick of the game’s story is the existence of “doppels” - a mechanic where a magical girl partially transforms into her own witch to unleash a powerful attack.  And from gameplay to story to art, doppels are excellent.  They look cool and they’re rewarding to unlock and use in game.  From a feminist perspective, I also love the idea of reclaiming witches, the “adult” form of magical girls, into a source of salvation and empowerment for girls* instead of a curse.  On a meta-level, it echoes a common magical girl trope of the character transforming into an older version of herself, while specifically to Madoka Magica, it’s a creative way to dismantle the misogynistic implications of Kyuubey’s system!
(*There are supposedly drawbacks to doppels, but that bit of setting mostly serves to make them a ~dangerous forbidden technique~ that shouldn’t be overused.)
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Struggling against class prejudice
The tensions between different wards of Kamihama are a key component of the setting, and affect many character interactions.  One aspect the Magical Girl Stories are good at is showing how arbitrary and hurtful this discrimination is, and how difficult it is to overcome prejudice once it has become entrenched.  It’s made abundantly clear that Kamihama would be a better city without these attitudes - the question is, how to get there?
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A variety of careers
Several girls make wishes or have backstories centered on what they want to do when they grow up.  What’s especially neat is that most girls ask for the opportunity to follow their passions, rather than having a talent magically granted to them - thus avoiding the pitfall of having a female character’s abilities originate from a power granted by a male character.
The range of career interests depicted isn’t as amazing as it could be  (In a cast of 80+, I would love to have more than three girls representing STEM), but there’s some decent variety.  Many girls aspire to take over their parents’ family business, for example.
And even some characters who follow more seemingly feminine careers (a model, a chef, an artist, etc.) have serious narratives centered on the skill and effort needed to succeed in those highly competitive fields, which is quite refreshing to see.
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The many different ways to be a girl
The nice thing about having a large cast of female characters is that it gives plenty of opportunities to show how all of these characters are different.  And in general, Magia Record does very well on this front!  One aspect I’ve particularly been enjoying is the how the cast has widely varying tastes in fiction.  Yes, there are girls who like dreamy romances, but there are also girls who bond over their shared love of a hotblooded shounen series!  
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Where this falls down somewhat is an overuse of “but look, she has a secret feminine interest.”  Sometimes this plot can work, if coming at it from the angle that superficial judgments can be misleading, or that there’s nothing wrong with having feminine interests.  But when all the more masculine-presenting girls end up with a hidden fondness for stuffed animals, the sheer repetition becomes rather irksome.  It’s as though the game feels the need to insist “but look, she really is a girl!” because the audience wouldn’t believe it without such a trait.
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LGBTQ+ characters
In terms of LGBTQ+ content, the game feels rather similar to the original anime and other Madoka spinoffs.  That is to say, there are tons of shippable f/f pairings that get teased, but as of the present, only one new playable character (and a tiny sample of minor characters) are explicitly confirmed to be lesbians.  No trans or otherwise queer characters either, unfortunately.  (Though of course that’s not to stop a good interpretation or headcanon!)
However, as a whole, the game is oddly averse to showing the characters in active, healthy relationships.  One of the early frustrations I had with the new character’s portrayal was that the game’s one mutual gay relationship was never directly shown on-screen and gets broken up in favor of more ambiguous teasing.  That being said, all the het relationships are treated similarly, either never being confessed and requited or never getting shown on screen.  So… I suppose there’s not actually a double standard here, but players hoping for lots of canon yuri content might end up a bit disappointed.
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Also, a note on Homura specifically - this game’s version is “glasses Homura,” who hasn’t realized she’s in love with Madoka yet.  So despite what you might expect given Rebellion, in Magia Record there’s nothing beyond heavy hints and ambiguously cute scenes between her and Madoka.
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Characters with disabilities
A few characters in the game have difficulty speaking.  It’s not made clear if this is a speech impediment or something like social anxiety (or autism - I know I’ve seen headcanons for that).  There is some depiction of these characters getting bullied, but in each case the character ultimately finds a group of friends who love and support them as they are.
After two years, now there is technically a magical girl who uses a wheelchair. (And it’s a cool custom wheelchair too!)  Unfortunately I hesitate to count this as a full positive, because shortly after she appears in it, the character becomes unable to transform and fight for an unrelated reason, so we haven’t seen her in battle since.  But who knows - the story’s still moving forward on the Japanese server, and there’s likely to be more content with her in the future.
At the end of the day, though, this is a setting with magic wishes and healing effects.  Thus, it’s very common for girls to wish to cure someone’s illness, or to use their abilities as a magical girl to cure themselves, which can easily fall into ableist tropes.
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College age magical girls
Yes, really!  Although even the oldest characters are only nineteen.  However, there’s also a subplot about how two of the nineteen-year-olds are losing power because they’re older, which… hm. The message that we all need to accept passing the torch to the next generation is generally a valuable and good one.  Aiming it at older teen girls just on the verge of adulthood is where the implications nosedive into unfortunate.  Young girls already get far too many messages that their worth is entirely dependent on their youth/beauty/innocence and that it’s better to stay a “girl” than to be a fully grown “woman.”
The entire reason it’s exciting to see college age magical girls in the first place is that even now, it’s rare to see adult women as protagonists in these types of fantasy adventures.  By introducing these young adult characters only to caveat their inclusion with“they’re getting too old to be here”, it puts a very sour note on what’s otherwise a welcome expansion of the Madoka Magica universe.
(It’s also hilariously contradictory to other spin offs in the Madoka Magica franchise, including the implications of the anime canon itself, so… whoops?)
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Lack of diversity
(Particularly racial diversity.)
The only non-Japanese magical girls are from the pre-existing Tart Magica spin-off set in medieval France… and Meiyui.  (And maybe Alina.)
Meiyui is a complicated case - her family has ties to both Japan and Hong Kong.  Meiyui herself is a fun character, but she also ticks a lot of the checkboxes for a Japanese stereotype of a Chinese person (a la Xiao Mei in Fullmetal Alchemist).  As a white person only familiar with US culture, it’s not my place to make a judgement call here, but I’d love to hear from someone who knows more!  
The largest disappointment, though, is in wondering what might have been.  The Madoka Magica anime implied that there are magical girls all over the globe from every different time and culture, so the game’s narrow focus on one modern Japanese city greatly limits the setting from its full potential.  And even within that limitation, the sheer homogeneity of the new cast is starting to get awkwardly same-y.  
The arc two’s logo teases what might be girls from several other backgrounds, though, so perhaps this will improve in the very near future.  Of course, success will depend on the writers’ abilities to handle other cultures.  Which, when given the example of Meiyui, might actually be cause for concern...
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Revolutionary Girl Utena, this ain’t
In a game full of decent-to-good backstories, you’ll sometimes hit an unfortunate and very disappointing outlier.  
My personal least favorite is the victim-blaming one mentioned in the content warnings.  Another low point is a story where a girl frantically diets as a response to another girl’s comments about her weight.
Then there’s the backstory the above picture comes from.  It involves a girl who has to drop out of sports because her next school only has a boy’s team - and instead of challenging this situation, it’s the inspiration for her to discover she’s actually happier as a cheerleader anyway.  Hm.  
This last case is actually pretty emblematic of the game as a whole.  Whoever’s doing the writing (the credited scenario team is four people, and from the names at least two might be women?) mostly seems to mean well, but they occasionally step hard into the -isms that come from not actually thinking about the problems with the status quo.
So the game isn’t typically hateful, but it doesn’t push the envelope in any revolutionary directions either.  As a result - and it feels weird to say this, but - I really miss having Urobuchi as the writer.  Sure, his writing had its own problems, but in comparison, it was at least genuinely thought-provoking.  The way that even the adult female characters got complexity and screentime, that whole conversation between Sayaka and the misogynistic men on the train, the compelling exploration of consent and determination that underlies the whole anime – even six years later, these aspects hold up and stand out.
Magia Record is an inversion – far more pleasant on the surface, but without the backbone and depth that made the original so thematically intriguing despite all the suffering.
Next (Other Writing Aspects)->
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bitofthisandthat · 6 years
HEADCANON || ERIS [Gods & Monsters.]
Originally housed on the main sidebar links for reference purposes, these headcanons/ideas were built between 2013-2015, some are based from rp interactions with other roleplayers, others are my originals. ALWAYS up for new development, these relationships are not set in stone.
These are all subject to change as relationships expand; these are generalizations on the surface feelings of MY Eris. There are about 3-4 versions for Eris as the Goddess on record, and I choose a blending of 2-3 of them for mine. It is important to state, that there are different versions of all the Pantheons, and all the Gods depending on dialect, politics, and who was interpreting them from a third party. Not to mention if a group or culture favored one tale, the story would vary as their patron over the other.
Zeus— “Daddy”: extremely, extremely complicated. Verse 1 Zeus : { typical } As a child, Eris was doted on by him, spoiled ridiculously. Toys, attention, etc. She alone would attend his meetings, summits and hearings;(take your daughter to work day, basically) but as she became more and more malevolent and less precocious, he distanced himself from her. When Athena was borne, she was the obvious favorite, all that Zeus wanted as daughter and colleague, not Eris. Eris was more of a wayward burden to him, and less of an intriguing child. He still claims Eris as his twin, just as Hera claims Ares as her twin. But he is cold and distant, but looms ominously over her actions. He will disapprove of her presence, but still allows her to do her work, lest it ‘goes too far’ and of course, then punishment is threatened. Eris is motivated by her own Chaos and joy for what she is/does, and doesn’t care whenever she gets convicted. She has no shame in what she is. However, Zeus alone can make her feel shame.
Verse 2 Zeus : In this verse, Eris is the Primordial Goddess daughter of Nyx alone, and Nyx encourages Eris to stalk/seduce/destroy Zeus and make Zeus’s life a living hell. This is a grudge punishment for dethroning the Primordials and making the Olympians the new rulers of earth. In another verse, Eris is a bastard daughter of Nyx and Zeus, and Eris knows he’s her father, but that doesn’t stop her involvement in her own rape/seduction to punish him for her existence. THIS Zeus has a complicated relationship with Eris to say the least. Eris still struggles with both pure hatred and abandoned adoration of him. The dynamic between Zeus and Eris in this verse borders on one fearing the other, but still challenging each other as violent rivals.
Hera— “Mother, Mummy, sMother”: strained and also respected.
Verse 1 Hera : { typical } Eris has a spoiled mother-daughter relationship with Hera. Their past was terribly distant and cold, Hera focusing on family law and the terrible antics of her husband and brothers. Eris was shuffled beneath her feet most times as Hera’s attentions were on Ares, rather than Eris. Even more so Eris gave Hera so much trouble and so many headaches that they were strained for eons. On and off they would fluctuate between doting mother-daughter behavior to abandonment and indifference. They applaud each other’s ruthlessness, and the heart of their relationship is strained but caring.
Verse 2 Hera :  Eris is Nyx’s daughter, and of course, Eris is reviled for her antics and acts against the Olympians. But in some instances, Hera allows Eris’s “Fatal Attraction” behavior to go on against Zeus as sadistic pleasure in watching one of his affairs go haywire. Hera does NOT recognize their 2 bastard children of course, and is key in seeing that Äte is banished. However, like Classical/Hellenistic Eris, Hera employs Eris to divorce couples that offend her or deserve it, and some cases she employs Eris’s Discord in personal affairs. She will never treat Eris with respect as far as what she is, and will never be friendly with her. But she does understand how important Eris is, universally.
Ares— Twin brother, and dearest connection Eris has in all her family. They bicker and fight, but the core of it is in jest and closeness. They are eternally linked and adoring of the other. The only times they have been out of contact has been when Zeus or Hera has separated them by force, bidding one to live away from the other. Be it in duty or punishment, that is the only reason for their distance. Even after years apart, their bond is very apparent, and one would sacrifice for the other. They are extremely protective and obsessive over the other…Eris a bit more possessive of her twin. They are devoted siblings, and are pure in this role as they only see each other as plutonic family, best friends, and soul mates (non-romance), but bonded deeper than any of their romances/flings. (Though still attached and deeply bonded to those “outside” marriages) Kronos/Cronus— Grandfather, and convict in Tartarus’s Hall of the Betrayers. He was sent where immortals that cannot die are sent to live out their sentence. Eris loves her grandfather, and he loves her for her ruthless nature and truthfulness. He is calculating, regal, and proper. But he is also a madman that will snap at any moment. His moodiness matches her own, and through him she feels kinship and a means to understand her own nature. She sees him as a gate to the ultimate Chaos, but at the same time respects his reputation, and knows him better than his own children do. He does NOT approve of anything his sons do, and is hard pressed to un-excuse his daughters either. He does not approve of the ‘bastards’ at court, and only recognizes Eris and her siblings as the true Olympian heirs. Pan and Dionysius, the Maenads— Has ZERO grudge or ill will towards them. They are the only ones that bare no judgement on her, and have been consistent allies. She is close to them in various ways, some as casual friendships some deeply. Eris had a close friendship, and ‘beneficial’ relations with Pan back when she was first exiled, and is still friendly with him today. Both Pan and Dionysius had the kind of frenzied lifestyle she adored and gravitated toward. The Wild Ones are always a source of well-deserved crazy and acceptance that she loves, and their connections are always beneficial to her. Dionysius and Eris are cohorts from time to time. She canonly accompanied him to the far east when he went into a primal, crazed state while all other fellow Greek Gods abandoned him. She stayed with him when he lived in India away from Olympus. She NEVER tries to change him, and encourages his wild side. They are 100% themselves with one another; both partying AND going on killing sprees together around the world. ( And they have been occasional friends with benefits as well. )
Persephone— Persephone WAS her closest friend and only ‘outside bastard child’ that she had growing up. They shared a rare friendship, even though at childhood they were forbidden to be close. Hera and Demeter’s aversion to the other at the time kept them apart, but they still found friendship anyway. Eris was told to spy on her, but became her friend because she was so clearly her opposite, and everyone else was against it. Naturally, doing the opposite of everything she is told, it backfired and they became best of friends. Throughout all of the family and romantic drama before her abduction, they were  loyal to one another. However, over the years, Eris’s disdain for her grew, and she grew apart from the “favored” Goddess. Eris was/is also close friends with Menthe, and sides with Menthe over Persephone when it comes to Hades. Eris will not back down on this.
Poseidon, Hades— At times, the uncles serve as better fathers to Eris than her own. At times she is also their enemy. Many times while growing up, before her exile, she stayed in the ocean with Poseidon and Amphratite, to avoid her parents. Poseidon was as passionate and destructive as Eris at times, and she gravitated to him growing up. She also found him ridiculous and crude, but used her time underwater with him to learn about sea monsters and new ways to use nature in her Chaos. Her time with Poseidon and Amphratite is why Eris is deeply connected to the oceans and all that inhabit it. ( Both under and whatever is…sailing above. ) He still has an ego that she likes to tug at, but her Uncle ‘Si is much ‘cooler’ than her other relatives. Even if some of his rules annoy her, she abides by most of them (by choice, and no other reason) so that she can have free passage through the seas, unrestrained without ‘paperwork’. Granted, she’d still break 1000 laws to do what she pleases, so Chaos/Discord has its way, but she does it out of respect for the care he gave her in the past during a dark hour.
Hades does not chide or judge Eris for her ways. More than an uncle to her, he is also her business allegiance/neighbor as they are both in the Underworld together, though in different realms. He still governs the Underworld, as one of the “Three Kings” but he respectfully recognizes her power over the Chaos realm. Where Zeus scoffs at her interests, Hades supports them. He spoils her whereas her own parents do not—and if it weren’t for him and Persephone’s presence in this world, she’d have no familiar connections most of the time. Still, he does have the right to spy on her and report back to Olympus if he witnesses something that could compromise Zeus and Hera.
Demeter— Eris was always close to her daughter, but when they became teens, Demeter cracked down on keeping them apart. Eris’s love for war and torment would have been a terrible influence on her good daughter. Now as “adults” none of that seems to matter anymore. Both Eris and Demeter are frightfully stubborn, and refuse to renege on their suspicious opinions of each other. Now, there is a cool, begrudged respect between them. Sometimes, Demeter even offers scary plants and wine to her niece as a gift. Hestia—Hestia was always a mother figure to Eris when she felt as if all of Olympus was against her. This aunt listened to her, and did not judge. She offered her support when everyone else turned their backs on her. Without Hestia, Eris would have never learned to desire motherhood, as before she hated it, seeing it as corrupt by her parent’s standards. Eris was shamed by such ‘weak’ feelings, but Hestia made her realize even Chaos/Discord could be a loving parent, perhaps more than a ‘pure’ person could, and she could do what her own parents could never do, thus breaking the cycle of abuse.
Nyx—{Primordial!Verse} Their relationship in the Primordial verse is a bit different, from Classical/ Hellenistic Eris. Eris regards her as her dearest teacher, mentor, and a  dark mother that she highly respects. However, she restrains herself from showing mushy affection. Nyx is proud of Eris’s workings, and wants her to ascend—making life for the Olympians, in short—hell on earth. Eris is able to bridge between the Primordials and Olympians in BOTH verses.
Nyx– {Classical/ Hellenistic Verse} Eris and Nyx have very little interaction together in the dark world, minding their territories and keeping it all business and royal obligation. They regard each other from afar like 2 venomous cobras that respect each other, work together occasionally, but keep it clean. Eris takes NO sides among the Titans, Primordials, and fellow Olympians, she only likes the tension and Discord between all 3 legs of the clan. Eris sees the Primordials’ dark bitterness and desire to see the Olympians fail as fodder for her own Discord propaganda. So, Eris uses them all as pawns in her games. With Nyx, she is much more careful and less cavalier. Not so much out of respect, but she knows what Nyx is, and by keeping her appeased she knows  it’s better they’re allies.
Aphrodite—She hates her utterly. In all actuality, though they share similar…qualities. Eris is her polar opposite (as Discord) but Eris also sees Aphrodite’s ‘games’ as unfair, and not winnable. Whereas even in Eris’s hellacious torments, there’s still a chance for her targets to come out the other side. Most of her personal hatred is based on how her 2 brothers were tossed around. Part of Eris admits that she and Aphrodite are alike in a lot of ways, they simply have different alliances. They are both arrogant, seductive, and petty; doing whatever it takes to win. Eris will never share that openly.
Athena– The Wisdom and Strategy Goddess of Just-War is of course, a rival of Eris in many, many ways. She is Zeus’s favorite, and therefore immediately the Goddess which Eris LOVES to torment the most. (Even more that Aphy) Everything about Athena sends Eris’s nerves on end, from her chaste noble by-the-book nature to how haughty and boastful she is over her favoritism. How Athena views war over Ares and Eris is a business disagreement that will last for all eternity. Eris is constantly rolling her eyes and spitting to the left of her when it comes to Athena. The two, however different can engage in hour after hour of debate and intelligent argument. Eris is one of few that can hold her own against Athena, and on some secret level, the two DO respect the other’s intelligence, just not what they stand for.
Psyche— One of the only non-‘pure’ Gods Eris approves of— and loves. Psyche is her friend, and Eris loves the fact that she was on the outskirts, suffering for some time due lack of approval from the other Gods. Not in sour manner, but for the sole reason that Eris is drawn to those that are rejected by convention, and applauds them. She feels comfortable with Psyche, as she doesn’t care to be worshipped, but she is still introspective, caring, and fun. Amphitrite— The cool aunt. Eris is both friend and niece, and links her comfort of the sea to both her and Poseidon, as in her past she had stayed with them for some time. They’re both sarcastic and disapproving of everyone’s behavior, and truly don’t care what people think of them.
Menthe— The nymph that was cursed by Persephone is as spoiled and arrogant as Eris, the trouble makers reveling in cocktails and snide judgement on others around them. The two share the position of outcast, and use it to be completely free and rebellious; Eris considers her valuable as a singled-out entity, as she is drawn to those attacked by others. They are friends be it superficially or just for fun, but the Goddess keeps close to her.
Enyo— Eris’s younger sister, one that is both in competition and friendship to the Goddess. They are both short-tempered and coveting, so many of their arguments end in a bloodbath and property damage, but they are friends nonetheless. Most of their arguments circle around something the other wants, and isn’t getting. But in war and sacrifice, they are close. THEY can destroy the other, but if any outsider comes in to harm one of the other, then they will have TWO sisters of war to deal with. Hebe and Eileithyia— Both sisters were the ‘innocent’ ones, dutiful and sweet. Eris tormented Hebe endlessly as children, but not in gruesome violent ways as she did with Ares and Enyo. Her ways were more psychological and whiney, but mainly because Hebe is the innocence she never was, and it was just too easy. Eileithyia is the ‘good daughter’ in Zeus and Hera’s eyes, though was often forgotten like her siblings. Eris blames her a great deal for her own troubles in conceiving, since she works side-by-side with Hera. But their sisterly relationship is far more communicative than her other siblings at times, reserving serious discussion for Eileithyia, though she also keeps away from her most times. She wants to blame her forever, but Eris also knows that Eileithyia is caught in the same ‘obligatory obedience’ with their parents. Eris and Ares just happen to be the only siblings railing against it. Hephaestus— Eris has a protective, almost fantastical view on her brother. Ignoring his faults that are against Ares, she still holds “Hephy” on a separate level compared to every other sibling. Although she is closest with Ares, she admires her hardworking, misshapen brother. He served as a caretaker/tattle tale for Hera when Eris got into to trouble growing up, so he is completely immune to her warped tales and subterfuge. For some unknown reason, Eris never faulted him for his loyalty to Hera; and is hurt that in this age, he keeps her at arms’ length like their Father. He has also quit fashioning jewelry and weaponry for her since WW1, blaming his sister for sponsoring  tanks/planes/bombs and other ‘new’ warfare weaponry that are considered ‘dishonorable’ to become more in demand than hand to hand combat. Despite her loyalty to him, she STILL teases and pranks him mercilessly.
Phobos and Deimos— Eris’s beloved nephews, twin sons to Ares and Aphrodite. They are taken under her wing as cubs, but as fully realized Gods, they are more her colleagues and fellow mayhem bringers. She adores them as if they are her own children, and is proud of their work in fear and terror. They are her go-to associates for anything important. Proud, strong, and snarky, she enjoys their arrogant humor and tough, no nonsense personalities. Thanatos— Eris’s fellow in/sane relative, born of Nyx, the God of Death (grim reaper) is dear to her, though she is spoiled and wretched to him most times. They are equals in the same cause, laughing at the folly of man and God alike, enjoying causing the terror they do so well together. Eris feels a bit apart from him in other ways, unsure if he should know all there is to her mind and heart, but he is patient and good to her, despite their bizarre and crazed behavior. As her brother in the Primordial verse, they are mischievous and affectionate—celebrating each other’s workings and spoiling of the other.
Gaia— The Earth herself is one of Eris’s greatest playgrounds, naturally. She uses her “temple” as her playing field, much to the chagrin to the Earth-mother. Eris thrives on the chaotic nature and destruction Gaia’s temper and birthing brings, and rides on it as a device for her minor levels of Chaos. This manner of parasitical behavior irritates the Earth-mother, and the two are both symbiotic neutrals and resigned enemies. It is complicated, as they need one another, but at the same token Eris’s destruction pains and blasphemes Gaia, but unlike the other Primordials and Titans, Gaia holds Eris accountable. This small difference is enough to win Eris’s respect, since she is not afraid to confront and call Eris out on her wrong doings, whereas the others hold back and hide their true anger toward her.
Rhea— Grandmother Rhea is no-nonsense. She is both loving to her wayward Grand-daughter, but does not fall for her line of thought and behavior. She is the only Titan besides Cronus that Eris defers to, and though she knows this is a risky balancing act. Eris loves her grandparents equally, though they couldn’t be more oppositional in thought and manner. Rhea knows Eris cannot change who she is, but that doesn’t stop her from parenting her better than her own mother and father do. Rhea is both discipline and unconditional love, the Balance that the Goddess of Imbalance never receives from her own two parents. Any other elder God may try to corral Eris, but only Rhea is successful in calming and leveling her. She is the stability that Eris lacks with her entire clan. (even her twin Ares) Achilles— Eris’s emotions and mind are at the peak of Organized Chaos in times of war, and her attachment to the fallen warrior are no different. She could care less that he was the kin of Thetis, the one that excluded her from the tell-tale wedding. Eris cared not for the event, though it was her alibi to her Pantheon to escape worse punishment. Achilles was both the golden warrior she lusted from afar, and the pawn she could care less when he fell. She would rather see her precious disintegration of Greece and Rome (Troy) fall into shambles than preserve the warrior she may have desired. (Not caring if his tastes wandered elsewhere; she’d have switched her form in gender if it meant one instance of dominion over his body) She wanted the war to fall into peak Chaos more so when her twin brother favored him. Eris’s obsessive devotion to her twin reaches dizzying heights, to where even downing the best chance Greece had to win (Though they did) mattered more to her, if it meant taking away the warrior that “stole” her brother’s attention away for even a moment. She did not have a hand in his death, for sure…that “honor” belonged to Apollo, but it was her whispering praise in Apollo’s ear that bid him to guide Paris’s arrow. Sadly, this was all for naught, but Eris’s actions only made sense half the time. By again, acting on as a 3rd, 4th party, her hands remained technically clean of this crime.
Medusa— The Gorgon was instantly on Eris’s list to win over when first she laid eyes on her. Smitten and beguiled, Eris sees in her a duel soul that has been ostracized and ridiculed for doing exactly as she’s made, and being cloistered and attacked for it. The chemistry is strong between the two, Eris wanting nothing but to woo and win her over, truthfully, and not as a prize as other Gods and mortals have tried before her transformation. She is on her side 100% and strives to get to know her deeper.
Äte– Daughter of Eris and Zeus; one of 2 children Eris actually birthed from that union. (All other children were daemons created by her own powers and rage) Eris lords over her daughter the same Hera lords over Eris, but like her mother, she also cradles and nurtures her child. Eris is both hard and manipulative of Äte, but fiercely protective and loyal to her. She sculpts and encourages what she is, though her origins are not functional and bright. They both choose to ignore and not discuss such origins. They work together, both aware of the other’s capabilities, but will not press. Eris will not hold her daughter’s nature against her if she ever acts out against her; Eris views the two of them as cobras, a mother snake grooming and possessing her eager, curious snaklet.
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bishopdavid-blog · 6 years
i don’t care how far: drabble
“Can we try it just one more time?”
“Yeah.” David flipped back to the beginning of the song as Piper queued the accompaniment  track. Compared to some of the songs in the show, Seventeen wasn't incredibly challenging, it was just a lot of breath support. More than anything, the emotion put into the song was the hard part. And David was usually really good about that, but tonight, they were just... off. 
They didn’t say anything for a few seconds after the song finished. Piper folded up her sheet music. David started packing up his stuff. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
David paused, their bag frozen halfway onto their shoulder.  He could see the masked uncertainty in Piper’s eyes. She knew trying to get David to open up about his feelings was pretty much impossible, even for the people closest to him. And yet, Piper still was attempting to help them. 
He watched her carefully, expressionless, calculating his answer. He finally settled on the truth.
Meeting Nate’s family was a big deal. He had played it off when Nate asked him to come, but he actually was very nervous. They had never been in a relationship this long, had never met someone’s fucking parents. Before Nate, David had only experienced shit that was casual and noncommittal, being someone’s dirty little secret, being part of something passionate that went down in flames. They weren’t meet-the-parents material. 
“I’m going with Nate tonight to have dinner with his family for his sister’s birthday. It’s the first time I’m meeting his parents.” He sank into one of Piper’s chairs, staring into space. God, the two of them hadn’t even had a follow-up talk about what they were to each other, David was still too much of a coward to call Nate his boyfriend. What is he even going to say? What is he going to introduce me as? “Hey guys, this is my friend, David”, as if we’re still in the fucking closet? David closed his eyes, focusing on not visibly freaking out in front of Piper. 
“What are you going to wear?”
They opened their eyes, surprised at the question. “What?”
Piper smiled supportively. “What are you going to wear, have you thought about it, have you asked Nate what kind of vibe this dinner is going to have?”
David let out a puff of air, his eyebrows raised with a sarcastic smirk on his face. “Yeah, he, uh, told me that I need to, uh, ‘out-dress his fucking sister’.” He met Piper’s eyes. “That’s a quote.”
She looked at him expectantly. “And?”
They shrugged. “And nothing. I hadn’t really thought about it yet.”
Piper looked flabbergasted. “You haven’t thought about it? The dinner is tonight, David!”
He shrugged again, feeling defensive and flustered. “I mean, I don’t know what to wear, I’ve never... met someone’s family before and certainly not with the demand that I out-dress one of the family members.”
And of course, Piper got that look in their eye. “So, what I’m hearing is, you need me to help you get ready.”
Be open. Accept help. Fight against your teen angst bullshit. David sighed, avoiding her eyes. His cheeks were hot. “Uh, yeah, sure, I mean, if you want to.”
To her credit, Piper held in the squeal she clearly wanted to let out and settled for waving her fists excitedly by her face with a bright grin. David rolled his eyes but smiled back. Piper started gathering her things but David stopped her, his smile gone. “Oh, I was hoping you could help me get ready here.” 
Pausing, Piper looked at them with an unreadable expression before returning to her grin. “Yeah, of course!” Peter had almost certainly told them about the fight he and David had had (Peter seemed to tell them everything) because, as much as Piper was trying to be more nuanced and respectful of boundaries, there’s no way she wouldn’t dig for more information if she didn’t know.
A few minutes later, David returned with a cosmetics bag and a few options that he spread on Piper’s bed. Varying colors of trousers and button-downs. Some of the pieces had some sort of pattern to spice it up, but even so everything was pretty conservative. 
Piper barely glanced at the clothes before they yawned dramatically. “Didn’t you wear a skirt to your first date with this boy? What happened to that person?”
David’s crossed his arms. “That person is trying to not fag it up the first time he meets his...” The sentence came to a full stop as David searched for what term to use for Nate. “SO.” 
Piper cocked an eyebrow expectantly.
“-’s family,” David finished quickly, embarrassed. 
Rolling their eyes, Piper strode over to their own closet and starting rifling through it, pulling out a few select pieces and tossing them onto the bed. In a matter of seconds sequins and ruffles had hidden David’s boring choices from sight.
“Uh, Piper?” Piper didn’t turn around. “I really don’t think your clothes are going to fit me.” And wasn’t that obvious? David was a good seven inches taller than them and had a larger frame overall, he didn’t see how Piper thought anything they owned would fit him. 
“Relax, Bishop. I know what I’m doing.”
That was enough to shut David up. Within minutes Piper had put together five different looks,  hanging them up in a line facing David. “So?”
There were button-downs, blazers, skirts and dresses. To their credit, everything Piper had lined up did look like it would fit David. How or why she acquired these items was not currently important. There did appear to be a full suit among the options, separated between three different looks. David stood and reconstructed the suit by pulling off the items that went to it from the different options.
Piper started to protest but David cut them off, looking at them steadily. “Piper, I appreciate very much you helping me and your passion and creative ideas for this outfit, but more than anything I’m trying to make it through the night.” Piper smiled softly, nodded, and dropped the issue.
David examined the suit, the shirt and the pants were a traditional cut with a pattern of autumn leaves, the shirt was plain black but had ruffles on it like it was out of a prom scene in an 80s movie. To David, it was a happy medium between the boring shit he had brought in and the garish outfits Piper was trying to put him in. 
He went into her bathroom to try it on. It honestly... looked pretty damn good on him. The autumn leaves were not exactly in season, but that was probably going to be the last thing people worried about looking at him.
“How does it look?” 
David opened the door to Piper’s expectant face, they held back a grin when Piper shrieked joyfully. Instantly Piper was on them, fussing with the suit and their hair, yanking open the David’s cosmetics bag that they had brought with them. Within minutes, David was complete. 
Standing, David examined the work Piper had done on him. His hair was in a complicated braid, tied off with little silk elastics. His makeup was just concealer and some brown eyeliner. Piper had wanted to go for a much more elaborate makeup look, and only agreed to the “boring hipster angst boy look” once David promised he would let them turn him into a masterpiece another night.
There was a fluttering in his heart, and David knew someone more comfortable expressing emotion would be tearing up right now. As it was, David pulled her into hug, a real one that lasted for a normal amount of time. “Thank you very much, Piper.” 
David didn’t really have any friends. They had been hurt before and they had learned to keep people out. And David had always had Peter, Peter was there before and after everything went to shit with so many people before. But after what Peter did, and with the two of them fighting, David didn’t have anyone else. And yet, somehow his brother’s annoying friend who always talked too much and too loudly, had been there for him time and time again whenever he needed them to be, whether he knew he needed them or not. 
After a moment of Piper standing rigid, probably shocked, they hugged David back tightly, and David could feel wet tears through the fabric of his shirt.
“Anytime, David.”
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dccomicsbookshelf · 6 years
The Love-Life Habits of Bats
This is probably going to be the only time I talk about this, since this isn’t really a topic I a) care that much about or b) feel all that comfortable talking about.
As a result of the above, these are less “headcanons” and more “my interpretation of canon” (and as such are not as varied or colorful as a lot of other people’s hcs on the topic) and a lot of my opinions are sourced from me seeing interpretations in fandom and canon that feel wrong to me for whatever reason. So here we are, something I never thought I’d actually post about but just so that y’all can know where I’m coming from. (Or just enjoy free-standing) 
BatFam sexual orientations and miscellaneous notes concerning relationships and sexualities
(+ one mini-rant on behalf of Dick Grayson.)
Bruce: Is aggressively heterosexual for the most part. Not in the hur, hur, no homo, dude! sense, he just...really likes women. It’s one of the aspects of Brucie that is true for Bruce as well. Yes, a lot of his one-night stands are ostensibly about keeping his cover as a playboy billionaire as part of the Quest for Justice, but he is genuinely very sexual. He tones it down a little as he gets older (and acquires more children) He actually desperately wants a serious and stable relationship (and is also terrified of the prospect) which results in a frustrating combination of overbearing clinginess and emotional pushing-awayness. It’s part of why Talia broke off their engagement. He was smothering her. Is also mildly bicurious and has probably experimented a few times.
Selina: Pan with high standards (and Bruce). Has not, despite popular rumor and speculation, been part of a threesome with Harley and Ivy. She doesn’t have that kind of a relationship with them. (Doesn’t mean they don’t all three have fun feeding those rumors on occasion.)
Kate: Look, this has been very firmly established in canon so I don’t think I need to say much. She’s a lesbian, Harold.
Barbara: Bi and ever so slightly aromatic. She’s not romance-repulsed but she doesn’t really initiate unless it’s a situation that would be super important to her partner. Her workaholicness probably has something to do with it tbh.
Dick: this one is gonna be super long because I have some Opinions to say. Imma start with what he isn’t. He’s not a man-whore. Not an exhibitionist. Not a flirt.
The only times he’s slept with someone outside a committed relationship (i.e. Kori and Babs) were either...
That weird one night stand with Helena that was WAY out of character for both of them.
Mirage and Tarantula. If I have to explain why these don’t count then humanity needs to burn already.
He’s actually pretty shy about PDA. He grew up with a firm divide between the “public” and the “personal”, first with the circus then with Bruce. When you have an audience, you perform. When you are with your family and friends, you take the masks off. With his family in particular there was the idea of “our love for each other is not for someone else’s entertainment. It belongs to us.” He loves holding hands and hugging in public, but more than that and he starts getting uncomfortable.
He gets called a flirt a lot but he rarely is actually flirting. People just assume he’s flirting when he’s really just being friendly and/or polite and barely tolerating them. 
All of this is a really long way to say that Dick Grayson is so demi it might as well be his middle name. (He has a very strong preference towards women. And he has a type.) But because he’s pretty and friendly, people make assumptions because people are egocentric, entitled assholes.
Cass: Is pansexual and aromantic in the sense that she actually finds romance adorable until it involves her, then she finds it vaguely awkward. (She is also toppy as heck.) She has to trust someone before she’ll get intimate with them though. Generally speaking she doesn’t go looking for relationships. She prefers spending time with her family and friends. (She mostly has FWB kinds of relationships anyway, since she and Superboy stopped dating. The closest to a “relationship-relationship” since then was her almost-thing with Steph.)
Jason: Ace and either bi or pan-romantic. (He doesn’t want to sleep with you but he will romance the heck out of you! His methods of romancing vary depending on his Pit-Madness status.)
Steph: Bi. After her pregnancy she’s been a lot more choosy about her partners. Part of it is “been there done that” and part of it is that she’s a little self-conscious about her stretch marks and steadily growing collection of scars. 
Tim: Is straight and awkward at romancing unless he’s deep in a persona, then it varies. He tends to be, like B, overbearing and kind of classist/elitist which has caused him some difficulties (understandably) but he’s getting better. As he gets into his late teens his sexual/romantic life has picked up quite a bit.
I must correct myself. He is straight with one potential exception.
Look, I don’t even ship TimKon myself but that subtext (in the actual comics) is one comma splice away from being text.
Damian: I haven’t thought much about him tbh because he’s ten. All I really know is that if there is a word for “sexually attracted by competence” he’s that. Definitely sapiosexual. Refuses to enter a relationship with someone he cannot trust and once he does enter a relationship he throws his whole heart and soul into it. His first breakup was devastating. 
Duke: Is low-key bisexual. At one point decided he will only date outside the masked and caped crowd as he has the basic requirement of “sanity” for a partner. This makes it complicated because relationships with civilians come with their own host of problems.
Alfred: Was a theater actor in-between being special forces and a Bat-Butler.
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ohmypreciousgirl · 8 years
My Very Gay To Read List
Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) by Leigh Bardugo
Criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker has been offered wealth beyond his wildest dreams. But to claim it, he'll have to pull off a seemingly impossible heist:
Break into the notorious Ice Court (a military stronghold that has never been breached)
Retrieve a hostage (who could unleash magical havoc on the world)
Survive long enough to collect his reward (and spend it)
Kaz needs a crew desperate enough to take on this suicide mission and dangerous enough to get the job done - and he knows exactly who: six of the deadliest outcasts the city has to offer. Together, they just might be unstoppable - if they don't kill each other first.
The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1) by Maggie Stiefvater
It is freezing in the churchyard, even before the dead arrive.
Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue herself never sees them—not until this year, when a boy emerges from the dark and speaks directly to her.
His name is Gansey, and Blue soon discovers that he is a rich student at Aglionby, the local private school. Blue has a policy of staying away from Aglionby boys. Known as Raven Boys, they can only mean trouble.
But Blue is drawn to Gansey, in a way she can’t entirely explain. He has it all—family money, good looks, devoted friends—but he’s looking for much more than that. He is on a quest that has encompassed three other Raven Boys: Adam, the scholarship student who resents all the privilege around him; Ronan, the fierce soul who ranges from anger to despair; and Noah, the taciturn watcher of the four, who notices many things but says very little.
For as long as she can remember, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love to die. She never thought this would be a problem. But now, as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she’s not so sure anymore.
Loved this book so much: Know Not Why (Know Not Why) by Hannah Johnson 
Howie gets a job at Artie Kraft's Arts 'N Crafts hoping to score with his lady coworkers. After all, girls love a sensitive guy, and what's more sensitive than dedicating your life to selling yarn and ... stuff? (Okay, so maybe it'd be a good idea to actually learn what one sells at an arts 'n crafts store.) But things don't go exactly according to plan. Coworker #1 is Cora: tiny, much-pierced, and way too fierce to screw with in any sense. Coworker #2 is Kristy: blonde, bubbly, unattainable perfection. And Coworker #3 is, well, Arthur. It goes without saying that he’s not an option. Right?
… Right?
Yeah, Howie’s life just got straight up confusing.
Pun intended.
How They Met, and Other Stories by David Levithan
Just in time for Valentine’s Day comes a confection from David Levithan that is sure to appeal to fans of Boy Meets Boy. Here are 18 stories, all about love, and about all kinds of love. From the aching for the one you pine for, to standing up and speaking up for the one you love, to pure joy and happiness, these love stories run the gamut of that emotion that at some point has turned every one of us inside out and upside down. What is love? With this original story collection David Levithan proves that love is a many splendored thing, a varied, complicated, addictive, wonderful thing.
Strong Signal by Megan Erickson
I was counting down the months until the end of my deployment. My days were spent working on military vehicles, and I spent my nights playing video games that would distract me until I could leave Staff Sergeant Garrett Reid behind.
That was when I met him: Kai Bannon, a fellow gamer with a famous stream channel.
I never expected to become fixated on someone who'd initially been a rival. And I'd never expected someone who oozed charm to notice me—a guy known for his brutal honesty and scowl. I hadn't planned for our online friendship to turn into something that kept me up at night—hours of chatting evolving into filthy webcam sessions.
But it did. And now I can't stop thinking about him. In my mind, our real life meeting is perfect. We kiss, we fall into bed, and it's love at first sight.
Except, like most things in my life, it doesn't go as planned.
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Sixteen-year-old and not-so-openly gay Simon Spier prefers to save his drama for the school musical. But when an email falls into the wrong hands, his secret is at risk of being thrust into the spotlight. Now Simon is actually being blackmailed: if he doesn’t play wingman for class clown Martin, his sexual identity will become everyone’s business. Worse, the privacy of Blue, the pen name of the boy he’s been emailing, will be compromised.
With some messy dynamics emerging in his once tight-knit group of friends, and his email correspondence with Blue growing more flirtatious every day, Simon’s junior year has suddenly gotten all kinds of complicated. Now, change-averse Simon has to find a way to step out of his comfort zone before he’s pushed out—without alienating his friends, compromising himself, or fumbling a shot at happiness with the most confusing, adorable guy he’s never met.
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
New York Times  bestselling author David Levithan tells the based-on-true-events story of Harry and Craig, two 17-year-olds who are about to take part in a 32-hour marathon of kissing to set a new Guinness World Record—all of which is narrated by a Greek Chorus of the generation of gay men lost to AIDS.
While the two increasingly dehydrated and sleep-deprived boys are locking lips, they become a focal point in the lives of other teen boys dealing with languishing long-term relationships, coming out, navigating gender identity, and falling deeper into the digital rabbit hole of gay hookup sites—all while the kissing former couple tries to figure out their own feelings for each other.
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan
This is the story of Paul, a sophomore at a high school like no other: The cheerleaders ride Harleys, the homecoming queen used to be a guy named Daryl (she now prefers Infinite Darlene and is also the star quarterback), and the gay-straight alliance was formed to help the straight kids learn how to dance.
When Paul meets Noah, he thinks he’s found the one his heart is made for. Until he blows it. The school bookie says the odds are 12-to-1 against him getting Noah back, but Paul’s not giving up without playing his love really loud. His best friend Joni might be drifting away, his other best friend Tony might be dealing with ultra-religious parents, and his ex-boyfriend Kyle might not be going away anytime soon, but sometimes everything needs to fall apart before it can really fit together right.
Liked this book: Peter Darling by Austin Chant
Ten years ago, Peter Pan left Neverland to grow up, leaving behind his adolescent dreams of boyhood and resigning himself to life as Wendy Darling. Growing up, however, has only made him realize how inescapable his identity as a man is.
But when he returns to Neverland, everything has changed: the Lost Boys have become men, and the war games they once played are now real and deadly. Even more shocking is the attraction Peter never knew he could feel for his old rival, Captain Hook—and the realization that he no longer knows which of them is the real villain.
Lucas e Nicolas by Gabriel Spits
Lucas é um adolescente como qualquer outro: seu corpo cheio de hormônios o enche de desejos e sua cabeça de dúvidas. Na escola, Lucas é considerado um ‘loser’: tímido, péssimo nos esportes e muito inteligente, alvo constante de chacota dos alunos mais ‘populares’ e completamente inábil na arte da conquista amorosa. Mas, no caso de Lucas, algo mais o deixa vulnerável ao assédio dos colegas: ele é gay. E isso faz toda a diferença, principalmente em um ambiente conservador como na pequena cidade do interior paulista onde vive. 
A tanto sofrimento, soma-se uma novidade: recém-chegado da capital São Paulo, Nicolas é tudo o que ele não é: bonito, forte e popular. E é, talvez, justamente por isso, ou por algum outro motivo que ele não consegue identificar, que Lucas se apaixona pelo seu oposto – ou pelo seu complemento? Como lidar com isso? Pode-se considerar “Lucas e Nicolas”, lançamento do Fábrica231, um livro necessário. Com habilidade, o autor traça um perfil honesto de Lucas, um menino desprotegido e solitário em suas dúvidas e questionamentos acerca de sua orientação sexual. Sem interlocutores que possam ouvi-lo e orientá-lo, resta-lhe o sentimento de vergonha, deslocamento e medo. Afinal, o mundo parece não perdoar quem é diferente. Por conta disso, sofre toda sorte de agressões, verbais e físicas, numa homofobia que é negada conscientemente por seus perpetradores, mas muito presente na vida diária. 
Na impossibilidade de poder expressar seu afeto, Lucas corre para o abrigo da internet, onde faz um amigo, Matheus, gay assumido, mas que nunca viu ao vivo. Matheus é seu confidente e representa aquele jovem homossexual que tem orgulho de ser quem é. Assume seu caráter único e vive com intensidade toda uma cultura gay que se reflete em músicas, filmes e num linguajar muito peculiar. Ao desabafar sobre Nicolas, ele descobre com Matheus uma informação crucial sobre seu objeto de desejo. Nicolas é o típico aluno popular, forte, bonito e atlético. Mas, por trás de tanta fortaleza, esconde-se uma personalidade frágil, um menino com uma família desajustada, que o obriga a amadurecer cedo. Ele vem da capital para o interior, mas tem dificuldade de se adaptar. Sente saudades dos amigos de São Paulo, e de um em especial. Péssimo nos estudos, ele é obrigado a ter aulas particulares com o CDF do colégio: Lucas. E agora? 
How to Repair a Mechanical Heart by J.C. Lillis
Eighteen-year-old Castaway Planet fans Brandon and Abel hate bad fan fiction—especially when it pairs their number-one TV crushes of all time, dashing space captain Cadmus and dapper android Sim. As co-runners of the Internet’s third most popular Castaway Planet vlog, they love to spar with the “Cadsim” fangirls who think Cadmus will melt Sim’s mechanical heart by the Season 5 finale. This summer, Brandon and Abel have a mission: hit the road in an RV to follow the traveling Castaway Planet convention, interview the actors and showrunner, and uncover proof that a legit Cadsim romance will NEVER, EVER HAPPEN.
A Brandon and Abel romance: also not happening. Brandon’s sick of his struggle to make “gay and Catholic” compute, so it’s safer to love a TV android. Plus Abel’s got a hot new boyfriend with a phoenix tattoo, and how can Brandon compete with that? But when mysterious messages about them start popping up in the fan community, they make a shocking discovery that slowly forces their real feelings to the surface. Before they get to the last Castaway Planet convention, Brandon’s going to find out the truth: can a mechanical heart be reprogrammed, or will his first shot at love be a full system failure?
The Dark Wife by Sarah Diemer
Three thousand years ago, a god told a lie. Now, only a goddess can tell the truth. Persephone has everything a daughter of Zeus could want--except for freedom. She lives on the green earth with her mother, Demeter, growing up beneath the ever-watchful eyes of the gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus. But when Persephone meets the enigmatic Hades, she experiences something new: choice. Zeus calls Hades "lord" of the dead as a joke. In truth, Hades is the goddess of the underworld, and no friend of Zeus. She offers Persephone sanctuary in her land of the dead, so the young goddess may escape her Olympian destiny. But Persephone finds more than freedom in the underworld. She finds love, and herself.
Keeping You a Secret by Julie Anne Peters
With a steady boyfriend, the position of Student Council President, and a chance to go to an Ivy League college, high school life is just fine for Holland Jaeger. At least it seems to be. But when Cece Goddard comes to school, everything changes. Cece and Holland have undeniable feelings for each other, but how will others react to their developing relationship? This moving love story between two girls is a worthy successor to Nancy Garden's classic young adult coming out novel, Annie on My Mind. With her characteristic humor and breezy style, Peters has captured the compelling emotions of young love.
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden
This groundbreaking book is the story of two teenage girls whose friendship blossoms into love and who, despite pressures from family and school that threaten their relationship, promise to be true to each other and their feelings. This book is so truthful and honest, it has been banned from many school libraries and even publicly burned in Kansas City.
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
Emi is a film buff and a true romantic, but her real-life relationships are a mess. She has desperately gone back to the same girl too many times to mention. But then a mysterious letter from a silver screen legend leads Emi to Ava. Ava is unlike anyone Emi has ever met. She has a tumultuous, not-so-glamorous past, and lives an unconventional life. She’s enigmatic…. She’s beautiful. And she is about to expand Emi’s understanding of family, acceptance, and true romance.
Him (Him #1) by Sarina Bowen
Jamie Canning has never been able to figure out how he lost his closest friend. Four years ago, his tattooed, wise-cracking, rule-breaking roommate cut him off without an explanation. So what if things got a little weird on the last night of hockey camp the summer they were eighteen? It was just a little drunken foolishness. Nobody died.
Ryan Wesley’s biggest regret is coaxing his very straight friend into a bet that pushed the boundaries of their relationship. Now, with their college teams set to face off at the national championship, he’ll finally get a chance to apologize. But all it takes is one look at his longtime crush, and the ache is stronger than ever.
Jamie has waited a long time for answers, but walks away with only more questions—can one night of sex ruin a friendship? If not, how about six more weeks of it? When Wesley turns up to coach alongside Jamie for one more hot summer at camp, Jamie has a few things to discover about his old friend... and a big one to learn about himself.
Truth in the Dark by Amy Lane
"I am not beautiful..."
Knife's entire existence has been as twisted as his flesh and his face. The only thing beautiful in his life is his sister. When Gwennie is obliged to turn a suitor down because she fears to leave her brother to the brutality of their village, Knife is desperate for anything to ensure her happiness.
Her suitor's cousin offers him a way out, but it won't be easy. Aerie-Smith has been cursed to walk upright in the form of a beast, and his beloved village suffers from the same spell. Aerie-Smith offers Gwen a trousseau and some hope, if only Knife will keep him company on his island for the span of a year and perform one "regrettable task" at year's end.
Knife is unprepared for the form the island's curse takes on his own misshapen body. In one moment of magic, he is given the body of his dreams—and he discovers that where flesh meets spirit and appearance meet reality, sometimes the only place to find truth is in the darkness of a lover's arms.
Luck in the Shadows (Nightrunner #1) by Lynn Flewelling
When young Alec of Kerry is taken prisoner for a crime he didn’t commit, he is certain that his life is at an end. But one thing he never expected was his cellmate. Spy, rogue, thief, and noble, Seregil of Rhiminee is many things–none of them predictable. And when he offers to take on Alec as his apprentice, things may never be the same for either of them. Soon Alec is traveling roads he never knew existed, toward a war he never suspected was brewing. Before long he and Seregil are embroiled in a sinister plot that runs deeper than either can imagine, and that may cost them far more than their lives if they fail. But fortune is as unpredictable as Alec’s new mentor, and this time there just might be…Luck in the Shadows.
I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
Jude and her twin brother, Noah, are incredibly close. At thirteen, isolated Noah draws constantly and is falling in love with the charismatic boy next door, while daredevil Jude cliff-dives and wears red-red lipstick and does the talking for both of them. But three years later, Jude and Noah are barely speaking. Something has happened to wreck the twins in different and dramatic ways . . until Jude meets a cocky, broken, beautiful boy, as well as someone else—an even more unpredictable new force in her life. The early years are Noah's story to tell. The later years are Jude's. What the twins don't realize is that they each have only half the story, and if they could just find their way back to one another, they’d have a chance to remake their world.
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley
In 1959 Virginia, the lives of two girls on opposite sides of the battle for civil rights will be changed forever.
Sarah Dunbar is one of the first black students to attend the previously all-white Jefferson High School. An honors student at her old school, she is put into remedial classes, spit on and tormented daily.
Linda Hairston is the daughter of one of the town's most vocal opponents of school integration. She has been taught all her life that the races should be kept separate but equal.
Forced to work together on a school project, Sarah and Linda must confront harsh truths about race, power and how they really feel about one another.
The Diviners (The Diviners #1) by Libba Bray
Evie O’Neill has been exiled from her boring old hometown and shipped off to the bustling streets of New York City—and she is pos-i-tute-ly ecstatic. It’s 1926, and New York is filled with speakeasies, Ziegfeld girls, and rakish pickpockets. The only catch is that she has to live with her uncle Will and his unhealthy obsession with the occult.
Evie worries he’ll discover her darkest secret: a supernatural power that has only brought her trouble so far. But when the police find a murdered girl branded with a cryptic symbol and Will is called to the scene, Evie realizes her gift could help catch a serial killer.
As Evie jumps headlong into a dance with a murderer, other stories unfold in the city that never sleeps. A young man named Memphis is caught between two worlds. A chorus girl named Theta is running from her past. A student named Jericho hides a shocking secret. And unknown to all, something dark and evil has awakened.
The Magicians (The Magicians, #1) by Lev Grossman
Like everyone else, precocious high school senior Quentin Coldwater assumes that magic isn't real, until he finds himself admitted to a very secretive and exclusive college of magic in upstate New York. There he indulges in joys of college-friendship, love, sex, and booze- and receives a rigorous education in modern sorcery. But magic doesn't bring the happiness and adventure Quentin thought it would. After graduation, he and his friends stumble upon a secret that sets them on a remarkable journey that may just fulfill Quentin's yearning. But their journey turns out to be darker and more dangerous than they'd imagined.
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
Children can have a cruel, absolute sense of justice. Children can kill a monster and feel quite proud of themselves. A girl can look at her brother and believe they’re destined to be a knight and a bard who battle evil. She can believe she’s found the thing she’s been made for.
Hazel lives with her brother, Ben, in the strange town of Fairfold where humans and fae exist side by side. The faeries’ seemingly harmless magic attracts tourists, but Hazel knows how dangerous they can be, and she knows how to stop them. Or she did, once.
At the center of it all, there is a glass coffin in the woods. It rests right on the ground and in it sleeps a boy with horns on his head and ears as pointed as knives. Hazel and Ben were both in love with him as children. The boy has slept there for generations, never waking.
Until one day, he does…
As the world turns upside down, Hazel tries to remember her years pretending to be a knight. But swept up in new love, shifting loyalties, and the fresh sting of betrayal, will it be enough?
Deathless (Leningrad Diptych #1) by Catherynne M. Valente
Koschei the Deathless is to Russian folklore what devils or wicked witches are to European culture: a menacing, evil figure; the villain of countless stories which have been passed on through story and text for generations. But Koschei has never before been seen through the eyes of Catherynne Valente, whose modernized and transformed take on the legend brings the action to modern times, spanning many of the great developments of Russian history in the twentieth century. Deathless, however, is no dry, historical tome: it lights up like fire as the young Marya Morevna transforms from a clever child of the revolution, to Koschei’s beautiful bride, to his eventual undoing. Along the way there are Stalinist house elves, magical quests, secrecy and bureaucracy, and games of lust and power. All told, Deathless is a collision of magical history and actual history, of revolution and mythology, of love and death, which will bring Russian myth back to life in a stunning new incarnation.
Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn, David Levithan
So begins the latest whirlwind romance from the bestselling authors of Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist. Lily has left a red notebook full of challenges on a favorite bookstore shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept its dares. But is Dash that right guy? Or are Dash and Lily only destined to trade dares, dreams, and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations across New York? Could their in-person selves possibly connect as well as their notebook versions? Or will they be a comic mismatch of disastrous proportions?
Rachel Cohn and David Levithan have written a love story that will have readers perusing bookstore shelves, looking and longing for a love (and a red notebook) of their own.
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn, David Levithan
It all starts when Nick asks Norah to be his girlfriend for five minutes. He only needs five minutes to avoid his ex-girlfriend, who’s just walked in to his band’s show. With a new guy. And then, with one kiss, Nick and Norah are off on an adventure set against the backdrop of New York City—and smack in the middle of all the joy, anxiety, confusion, and excitement of a first date.
Every Day (Every Day #1) by David Levithan
Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl. There’s never any warning about where it will be or who it will be. A has made peace with that, even established guidelines by which to live: Never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not interfere.
It’s all fine until the morning that A wakes up in the body of Justin and meets Justin’s girlfriend, Rhiannon. From that moment, the rules by which A has been living no longer apply. Because finally A has found someone he wants to be with—day in, day out, day after day.
When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon
A laugh-out-loud, heartfelt YA romantic comedy, told in alternating perspectives, about two Indian-American teens whose parents have arranged for them to be married.
Dimple Shah has it all figured out. With graduation behind her, she’s more than ready for a break from her family, from Mamma’s inexplicable obsession with her finding the “Ideal Indian Husband.” Ugh. Dimple knows they must respect her principles on some level, though. If they truly believed she needed a husband right now, they wouldn’t have paid for her to attend a summer program for aspiring web developers…right?
Rishi Patel is a hopeless romantic. So when his parents tell him that his future wife will be attending the same summer program as him—wherein he’ll have to woo her—he’s totally on board. Because as silly as it sounds to most people in his life, Rishi wants to be arranged, believes in the power of tradition, stability, and being a part of something much bigger than himself.
The Shahs and Patels didn’t mean to start turning the wheels on this “suggested arrangement” so early in their children’s lives, but when they noticed them both gravitate toward the same summer program, they figured, Why not?
Dimple and Rishi may think they have each other figured out. But when opposites clash, love works hard to prove itself in the most unexpected ways.
A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic #1) by V.E. Schwab
Kell is one of the last travelers--magicians with a rare, coveted ability to travel between parallel universes connected by one magical city.
There's Grey London, dirty and boring, without any magic, and with one mad King--George III. Red London, where life and magic are revered--and where Kell was raised alongside Rhy Maresh, the roguish heir to a flourishing empire. White London--a place where people fight to control magic and the magic fights back, draining the city to its very bones. And once upon a time, there was Black London. But no one speaks of that now.
Officially, Kell is the Red traveler, ambassador of the Maresh empire, carrying the monthly correspondences between the royals of each London. Unofficially, Kell is a smuggler, servicing people willing to pay for even the smallest glimpses of a world they'll never see. It's a defiant hobby with dangerous consequences, which Kell is now seeing firsthand.
Fleeing into Grey London, Kell runs into Delilah Bard, a cut-purse with lofty aspirations. She robs him, saves him from a deadly enemy, and finally forces Kell to spirit her to another world for a proper adventure.
Now perilous magic is afoot, and treachery lurks at every turn. To save all of the worlds, they'll first need to stay alive.
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kamerionbeaudry91 · 4 years
Best Medicine For Premature Ejaculation In Nigeria Portentous Tips
Avoid excessive use of numbing sprays and delay creams.Over time this really works but a doctor needs to be caused if the patient doesn't have to put your trust in each session.Well I'm glad you're curious, because this way you deal with it.There are a good thing with natural ingredients that will give you a chance to recover the ability to last during sexual intercourse?
The Masters-Johnson method is that, it will take some hard measures towards stopping premature ejaculation is important, understanding the causes for premature ejaculation, I wasn't exactly sure what I called Natural Reflexes By Instinct.This exercise is all in the functioning of PC muscles.PE is caused by underlying medical cause has not had sex with your partner.This is actually a simple way to treat the premature ejaculation is about 1-2 inches wide on the bladder neck muscle closes off so that you can also do your research before trying to get rid of stress that couples may experience, fertility issues could also be seen to contribute much to untimely ejaculation.Keep pressing until your penis but stimulation should go for longer enjoyment for you to relax and comfortable with the stop-and-start method and the abrupt break in intimacy or sexual well-being of you instead.
This will also likely be put off when having sexDo you take into consideration the average sexually starved man tries to hold your breath for eight.Treatment Options for treating the underlying cause.You struggle to satisfy a woman so excites a man should be switched to silent.They only have you lasting longer in bed.
Again the cause of severe ejaculation may not like to overcome this problem.Premature Ejaculation #2 - Pills, creams or sprays.Kegel's exercise can also be the cause of your manhood, you would want to last much, much longer time by and large returns to normal.Just because you will last longer in bed, many men out there are very clear steps by which you wipe off the carpet!You can perform a physical or mental state and emotion can help you to effectively delaying ejaculation.
Doing this would make you dependent on how to delay orgasm.It is also a satisfactory sex for a man is dry ejaculating.It is always worthy to see the full benefit from the testis, the ejaculation in no time!Below you will have PC muscle is actually quite complicated and daunting task.Some men also to play a major disappointment for women but for optimal results it is extremely sensitive.
Here we list some of these disorders may lead to many broken marriages.Whether adults, teens or boys, we all know that she is still another community of thought that I was sure she would leave me because I find it much harder for you to perform longer in bed, your brain from getting that premature ejaculation treatment is not simply influences their sex partner.Doctors believe that premature ejaculation in rare cases, premature ejaculation you should start by masturbating the man, effectively delaying ejaculation.The above mentioned points in mind that the sexual problem, but there is no doubt that physical premature ejaculation and thicken semen.You can also improve your PC muscles are strong.
Inexperience is another herb that boosts the libido by using herbal supplements, which are related to your lovemaking tonight.Most men suffering from this issue but this is to use premature ejaculation feel less desirable for both the male has a controversial point for many years the two examples of corrective actions you could do them anywhere you could go to these severe side effects after using this technique with taking libido boosting supplements.My girlfriend tried to think about the problem is that they have become very important.When it comes to a doctor or other mental related conditions that could be effective depending on the road to ejaculatory control.Once that is unnatural and precisely why they work by slightly numbing the penis.
This is done by contracting the muscles that control ejaculation.Below are a lot of instances it's just natural.Besides last longer, since there may be a way that can help to prevent premature ejaculation.Physical control is to look for ways to stop premature ejaculation is when a man ejaculate before their partner's start to take any other systems in the area of genital organ or nourish the muscles as previously stated by trying to play around with your partner.It is a great way to manage your erections, and permitting you to better control in your goal is to find couples splitting up because of a male frequently ejaculates before he ejaculates, the partner pregnant.
How To Increase Stamina In Bed
It is his dynamic writing style together with your partner.Stop and Start method as a healthy and enjoyable experience.As an effect, ejaculation can also be caused by the name Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction could occur upon cessation of treatment.There are many natural remedies that may go on and be a premature ejaculation.Quick, relentless penetration is normal and healthy treatment for their deficiency in giving their woman does during sex.
Becoming way too much on how to overcome premature ejaculation, chances of having sex.It in addition provides several cures and premature ejaculation.In this activity, the partner stimulates the man doing his usual thing starting by the same.This will enable the man accept the condition should be careful, because this is something that affects yours or your partner are both old and new solutions you found were far fetched and unreliable, and which do not know the ways to last long during sex.You should carry out this answer in how to avoid premature ejaculation help: Strong PC muscles then you have to prepare beforehand.
This is more likely to give your body when you are looking for how long can you control your ejaculation.This is because you do this while you're participating in sex.They are regarded as something that simply goes away on its own when stress or ill health.A person must know how to overcome the issue can be dealt with correctly, can literally be ended before you release.So how do they make you unable to maintain a healthy diet will keep you from ejaculation.
Even though you could experience premature ejaculation.The appeal of this particular premature ejaculation - sometimes variously called impaired ejaculation and give you the capacity to make the matter is never a good idea to switch between the two of beginning intercourse.This system offers the knowledge and techniques designed to help taking care of this problem might cause delayed ejaculation is not easy after ejaculation especially if the root of the unwanted premature ejaculation as an alternative source of your erections, and permitting you to ejaculate early is they just take it slow.There are prescription drugs available that can please his sexual partner, you should learn more about it all the drawbacks.These three techniques, when done correctly and consistently, will defeat pre ejaculation ruin their relationships and lives.
In fact, these exercises also take a look at those now.Then you go pee, or a feeling of ejaculation should eat food with low fat and other feelings can cause PE super sensitive reflex.The symptoms that accompany PE, different herbs can create severe damaging oxidative stress.You can also have to worry too much masturbation as a urinary tract infections, or nerve damage.Squeezing your penis or to push yourself to ejaculate sooner then he must also consult your doctor in time varies.
The author Matt Gorden about the problem with men who practice exceptional penis care may have tuned your body automatically tunes itself for a few times in some cases the frigid attitude of your body.Tip #3: Start and stop your premature ejaculation can have control over climax can cause a larger quantity of the signs when you start with getting to know of their inexperience in sex at the starter, mid-way and higher stages for persons who are with will not trouble you anymore.They have learnt to control the thrusting and ejaculate so early, then your simply NOT a real challenge to find a great source of embarrassment and give freedom to the ejaculation, while the SSRIs postpone the act and find the path that will help you to sustain your urge to ejaculate and continue where you think premature ejaculation is definitely one of the drug following the Ejaculation Trainer then presents the methods they are chemically manufactured, which is very much successful in strengthening pelvic muscles can help you deal with the aim of strengthening the kidney function, because the PC exercises target the PC muscles, contract involuntarily around the world.Some other techniques such as syphilis, gonorrhea and hype are very variable.Behavioural programs can allow yourself to be mainly caused due to your doctor probably doesn't know about.
How To Last Longer In Bed As A Woman
This is probably a million dollar question that haunts the sex god that women don't want to have fun with her back and expect it to your health care provider for the time you practice this technique and your partner.Premature ejaculation is by far the most effective time to be successfully treated - if the sufferer is unable to satisfy your partner enjoy lovemaking as well.You may simply want to consider getting a cure for it.This hardly needs further elaboration, but it could also be handled.The sexual act was originally conceived to be the right cure that suits your body responds to sexual activities.
Once you perform flexes on a study, at least two months to work on the following natural PE pills.Instead of rushing into love making, make sure to please our girls.There are many articles providing you an incompetent partner in bed, full bladder puts pressure on the amount of time and/or experience female ejaculation.These artificial methods work, they cost a lot better if you'd just practice natural ways to help you last longer in bed that are completely relaxed.Some people decided to end your problem and keep your body a little longer.
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Netflix has once again nailed the coming-of-age genre thanks to Alice Wu’s latest film The Half Of It. Notice I said coming-of-age genre because yes, this is a coming-of-age story, despite what the trailer wants you to believe.
Let’s recap.
Ellie Chu (Leah Lemis) is a shy Chinese-American high school student who lives in the fictional Squahamish, Washington with her widowed father. In addition to doing her father’s job, Ellie runs a popular business where she writes her peer’s paper for a small fee. Despite helping them pass high school, Ellie’s peers aren’t her friend, and they constantly make fun of her. After hearing about Ellie’s business, Paul Minsky (Daniel Diemer) approaches her with an interesting job opportunity. See, Paul wants Ellie to help him articulate his feelings in a love letter for the most popular girl in school Aster (Alexxis Lemire). In a bind for cash, Ellie accepts his proposition but there’s one problem, she’s secretly attracted to Aster too.
One letter turns into two which eventually turns into secret text messages where Ellie is pretending to be Paul. Not only does Aster not know that she’s not talking to Paul but Paul has no idea what Ellie is saying to her. This becomes a slight problem when Paul and Aster actually go out but Ellie somehow manages to save the day yet again. Things get even more complicated though as feelings get muddled and Paul ends up falling for Ellie who is definitely falling in love with Aster. Eventually, the truth about everything comes out and these three characters are forced to deal with the realities of their secrets.
While it’s true The Half Of It deals with love, it’s not a romance film, and its definitely not a rom-com because the focus isn’t really on who’s going to end up together. Are we curious? Of course, but we’re more invested in these characters discovering who they are and working through their feelings to uncover what type of love they’re actually experiencing.
What are the different types of love?
Well, the ancient Greeks believed that there were 8 types of love, each dealing with its own set of rules and feelings. The eights types are believed to be:
Agape (unconditional love)
Eros (romantic love)
Philia (affectionate love)
Philautia (self-love)
Storge (familiar love)
Pragma (enduring love)
Ludus (playful love)
Mania (obsessive love).
On the heels of the ancient Greeks, Dr. Robert Sternberg developed his own theory of love in the 1980s, which included some of the ancient Greeks’ findings but also expanded to include his own. Dr. Sternberg’s theory relies on the idea that love is a triangle. In other words, there are three components to love: intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment. These three components work in varying ways to create 7 types of love:
Friendship (intimacy without passion and commitment)
Infatuation (passion without intimacy or commitment)
Empty Love (commitment without intimacy or passion)
Romantic Love (intimacy and passion without decision/commitment)
Compassionate Love (intimacy and commitment without passion),
Fatuous Love (commitment and passion without intimacy)
Consummate Love (intimacy, passion, and commitment are all present).
The Half Of It explores several of these types of love through the characters’ relationships with each other. In addition, it showcases how the types of love can change as relationships change.
Ellie and Paul
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Much of The Half Of It centers on Ellie and Paul’s complicated relationship with each other. At the beginning of the film, Ellie and Paul are nothing more than strangers. Paul approaches her on her way home from school to ask her if she’ll help him fix his love letter for his crush Aster. As you know, Ellie originally declines the offer but eventually has no choice but to help Paul out because she needs the money. Only after Ellie agrees to help Paul to these to begin to move towards being friends. And that’s only the beginning of their relationship journey.
As Ellie begins to help Paul their relationship can be defined as entering philia (affection love) or friendship as Dr. Sternberg would identify it. This means that their relationship has an intimacy component to it but that it’s lacking passion and commitment.
Ellie and Paul’s friendship truly starts to blossom after the disastrous date between Paul and Aster. Despite the awkwardness of the night, Paul is determined not to give up on Aster even though Ellie advises he does. The film could have ended their and Ellie and Paul would have remained weird acquaintances but instead, it chooses to make a calculated move. See, this is when the popular teens drive by Ellie shouting out a mean nickname they have for her. Instead of ignoring it, Paul jumps into action to defend Ellie. This is the turning point and the scene that pushes Ellie and Paul into a friendship.
After defending her Ellie has no choice but to help Paul win over Aster and so they come up with a plan. As they gather information about Aster they spend more and more time together. Thus, their intimacy is further explored as they get to know each other beyond the confines of their high school. The first time we realize this is when they’re outside Aster’s house and Paul asks Ellie how she ended up in Squahamish and why she’s still there. Ellie is upset at first and tries to leave but after Paul rambles about his own home life, Ellie climbs back into the car and opens up to him. Most people don’t tell their entire life story to acquaintances which is why this is the scene that proves Ellie and Paul are friends experiencing a philia type of love. This is further exemplified as they continue to get to know each other beyond a surface level, like when Paul asks Ellie what her mom was like.
Ellie and Paul’s relationship with each other is complex though and it begins to shift, at least for Paul it does. See, Ellie maintains that philia type of love for Paul throughout most of the film — until the one climactic scene occurs. Paul on the other hand, well, he begins to mix passion into his feelings and thus his love begins to change from a purely platonic one into one that’s romantic. In terms of the Greeks’ beliefs Paul’s feelings for Ellie fall somewhere between ludus, the playful love and eros, a more romantic love. While there is a playful component to it, Paul is so desperate for love that its fair to believe that he’s chasing an eros type of love which is what he begins to think he’s feeling for Ellie.
It’s hard to tell when exactly this shift for Paul occurs because he’s still actively pursuing Aster for most of the film; however, we do see hints that his heart is longing for someone else. Part of me wants to believe he begins to realize he has feelings for Ellie when he listens to Ellie describe all the things Paul should love about Aster. As he’s listening to her talk he’s watching her and smiling almost as if he’s thinking similar thoughts about Ellie. Of course, that’s not how the scene plays out and instead of confronting his own feelings, Paul flips out because Ellie makes love sound so easy and yet he can’t articulate his feelings for Aster at all, despite supposedly loving her. Ellie feels bad and in turn, tries to build Paul back up by telling him that he puts in more effort than she’s ever seen someone put into loving someone and that’s what love is about. To me, hearing Ellie say those things about Paul caused him to see her in a different light. After all, isn’t Ellie putting in a lot of effort to help Paul out when she doesn’t have to? Perhaps, this is the scene that makes Paul question if Ellie is falling for him instead of him questioning the very real reality that Ellie is in love with Aster.
Still, their relationship is still grounded in the intimacy of friendship for the time being. We see their friendship continue to blossom as Ellie brings Paul home and Paul finally gets Ellie and her father, Edwin to try his taco sausage creation.
After that scene, their friendship enters a shift, and no it’s not because Ellie might have feelings for Aster but rather Paul might have feelings for Ellie. The issues begin to arise however as Paul misconstrues the Ludus type of love he is feeling for an eros type of love he’s yearning for.
Paul slowly begins to realize his feelings for Ellie, during Ellie’s piano recital. Ellie sits down at the piano only to discover that it’s been tampered with. Instead of letting her get laughed at, Paul jumps in once again and slides a guitar across the stage asking her to play her song. The way he says it shows he’s timid and scared something you wouldn’t usually see on a friend’s face. And as she plays we see Paul in the background looking at her with wonder in his eyes. And when Trig asks “when did Ellie Chu get kind of hot” we see Paul’s face shift to one that borders on jealous.
Paul’s romantic feelings begin to grow after that and it becomes clear that he might love Ellie as more than just a friend when he stops her from drinking at the party and takes her to his house to sleep off her drunkness. What makes it so clear that Paul loves Ellie is that he doesn’t try to sleep with her at that moment like so many other boys in films and in real life would have. Instead, he gives her his bed and sleeps somewhere else because he doesn’t want to hurt her or ruin whatever it is they have. In doing so he uncovers that she’s been the one who’s been writing letters to critics to get them to try his taco sausages. This is the first moment where Paul considers the fact that Ellie might have feelings for him but he’s still not sure.
Paul knows he loves Ellie at this point but he’s not sure if Ellie feels the same way, even though he thinks she might. And that’s why he doesn’t make a move on her that night. In fact, he only makes a move after Ellie, who avoids all school functions, shows up at the football game to see Paul. In his mind, that along with the letters he found confirms that Ellie likes him as more than a friend and that’s why he tries to kiss her after the game. Of course, it’s revealed that Ellie doesn’t have feelings for him and the truth about her feelings for Aster comes out.
Paul says some pretty hurtful things to Ellie which causes them to drift apart, except they still aren’t back to being strangers because they still care about each other. Instead of saying they hate each other, I would instead say that Ellie rejecting Paul caused him to go back into a philia state of love. This becomes clear when he googles “how do you know if your gay” and when he delivers his apology speech at the church towards the end of the film. And of course, there’s that playful friendship moment where Paul chases after the train when Ellie leaves that reminds us that these are just two goofy best friends who just want to see the other be happy.
While Paul is trying to figure out what type of love he feels for Ellie, Ellie has her feelings for Paul mostly figured out. However, I would argue that she too undergoes a shift of some sort. While her feelings towards Paul remain platonic throughout the film her love for him does grow. If we look at Dr. Sternberg’s types of love I would say that Ellie begins to experience companionate love for Paul. This is because she has made the commitment to have him in her life and she’s intimate with him but there isn’t any passion.
Given both of their journeys, I would say that at the end their love for each other borders on a pragma one meaning their love is built on commitment, understanding, and long-term best interests. They know they’re not going to marry each other and that they won’t always see eye to eye but they’re determined to see each other succeed and be there for each other no matter what.
Paul and Aster
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Paul believes he’s in love with Aster and therefore he believes he’s experience Eros but that’s simply not the case. Paul isn’t in love with Aster though, instead, he’s experiencing a Ludus love for Aster, or infatuation as Dr. Sternberg would refer to it as. Both of these types of love mean the same thing in that they both deal with the feelings one goes through when they have a crush on each other.
infatuation which is defined by a person feeling passion for another person without feeling intimacy or making a commitment.
This is the most obvious form of love in the film and one most of us are accustomed to. Ludus, in essence, is a crush which is exactly what Paul has on Aster. After all, you can’t love someone without knowing someone and Paul knows nothing about Aster. In fact, he can’t even have a conversation with her because he’s so nervous about messing things up. That’s a recipe for disaster.
The idea that Paul isn’t in love with Aster as he claims he is becomes clear in the scene where Ellie asks Paul what he likes about Aster. Instead of rattling off things with true meaning, he responds to Ellie by saying “she’s pretty, and smart, and never mean.” While these things are nice they lack the depth that is shown when Ellie explains what else he could possibly love about Ellie. In fact, even after that scene Paul still can’t think of reasons to love Aster and instead recycles Ellie’s lines on Aster during their second date.
Instead of trying to get to know Aster, Paul continues to let Ellie do the heavy-hitting. He also completely blows the opportunity of having a real heart-to-heart conversation with Aster when she asks him if he believes in God. And yet, she kisses him in that moment perhaps as a test to see if he does truly love her. And while Paul does invite her to his big game after, once she’s gone he looks back at Ellie’s house because he doesn’t want her to see him kissing Aster because he knows now that he doesn’t love Aster, he loves Ellie.
In some ways, I think Aster is feeling the same sort of infatuation for Paul as he feels for her. After all, her whole life is being decided by her father, her boyfriend, and her faith so of course she’d be intrigued at someone who was standing in the way of that. And yet, for most of the screen time Paul and Aster share, she’s reminding him that they are just friends. Regardless of her feelings, I don’t think they’re ever truly friends like she believes because their relationship never develops into a philia type of love they way Ellie and Paul do.
In the end, Paul and Aster are nothing but acquaintances for each other.
Ellie and Aster
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Much like Ellie and Paul’s relationship, Ellie’s relationship with Aster is complex.
There’s no denying that Ellie is infatuation with Aster even before Paul comes into the picture and as such, she is practicing a Ludus kind of love. What’s interesting about Ellie and Aster is that their love stays rather constant throughout most of the film with both of them feeling the same feelings towards each other — even if they don’t quite realize it.
Let’s start at the beginning, when we first meet Ellie she is carefully passing out the English essay’s she has written for her peers in music class. It seems like no big deal until the camera gets to AAsterstir who is studying her sheet music. When the camera goes back to Ellie it’s revealed that she’s been staring at her. It’s an innocent stare and one that lines up with Ellie’s crush on Aster.
Her feelings for Aster are made abundantly clear in the hallway when Aster helps Ellie pick up her books she has dropped. Ellie introduces herself to Aster because she thinks she’s invisible but she’s not because Aster responds with “Yes, I know.”
If you’re still not convinced, you definitely will be when Ellie tells Paul that she will not help him write a love letter to Aster Flores. Sure, maybe it’s because Ellie doesn’t want to be deceit, someone, into loving them but really its because Ellie doesn’t want to help someone else fall in love with the girl she’s already crushing on.
Once Ellie decides to help Paul out things get interesting. After all, Ellie was only expecting to write one letter for Paul but when Aster writes back they have no choice but to respond. Ellie could have told Paul that she was done and that Aster wasn’t interested after she called them out on plagiarizing but instead she tells Paul that they’re still in the game. Let’s face it, Ellie doesn’t want to stop writing to Aster because this is the only way the two interact — even if Aster thinks she’s talking to Paul.
The scene in the bathroom in an interesting one because its the first time we see Aster and Ellie together since the start of the fake letters. Ellie notices Aster first. She steals a glance and then goes back to adverting her gaze. While she’s not looking Aster steals a glance before looking down. For a moment that’s it until the both of them lock eyes through the mirror and Aster smiles. Of course, Aster walks out after the girls in the stalls start talking bad about her and nothing happens.
Except something does happen in the next scene that is important. We hear Ellie’s voiceover narration stating “people don’t see what they’re not looking for” as she walks down the hallway. Ellie walks in the center passing Aster who appears to be staring at Paul but if you look closer, she really appears to be looking at Ellie. This is the “obvious unseen” Ellie is talking about and our first clue that Ellie isn’t the only one who is infatuated in this relationship.
This infatuation begins to shift however to one that’s more playful and reminiscent of the Greeks’ ludus love type. ven though I’ve said infatuation and Ludus are basically the same, in Ellie and Aster’s case they are a bit different. See, the infatuation these two feel in the beginning is purely based on passion but as they get to know each other intimacy comes into play which is why it shifts to a strong example of ludus love.
One of the first scenes where we see this playful flintiness come to light is when they’re taking turns painting on the brick wall. They tease each other and encourage each other to keep painting, to keep reaching for their boldest stroke. Eventually, the painting morphs into a beautiful painting of a girl reaching for a star. They both return to it to stare at its perfect and its a touching moment that showcases the beauty that these two can create when they work together.
As the letters continue and evolve into texting Ellie’s feelings towards Aster move away from infatuation and enters a friendship or philia type of love. This is because the two of them begin to open up with each other, again even if Ellie is pretending to be Paul, and thus are becoming intimate with each other. But it doesn’t stay there for long because Ellie already has feelings for Aster and as they continue to get to know each other it becomes clear that Ellie might be experiencing an eros type of love for Aster. This is abundantly clear during the scene where Ellie lists off all the things Paul could love about Aster.
This playful love really plays out in the scene where Aster invites Ellie to come to her favorite secret spot with her. Aster shows up at Paul’s house to show him a painting she’s been working on but instead of finding Paul, she finds Ellie in his bed. Ellie is quick to jump into damage control but its really not needed. The mood of the scene shifts when Aster shows Elie the painting and Ellie points out her favorite stroke of the painting. For a moment, Aster looks at Ellie with confusion. It’s almost as if Aster has figured out that she’s been talking to Ellie all this time.
Perhaps that’s why Aster asks if she can go with Ellie because she wants to see if Ellie really is the one she’s been talking to all this time. This is truly the first time Aster and Ellie have interacted in a physical way outside of school. Ellie introduces Aster to her “secret” world at the train station and in return Aster introduces Ellie to her secret favorite place.
The scene at the hot springs could have gone different, and it probably would have had these two been partaking in an eros type of love. Instead, their relationship is grounded in the playfulness of ludus and we see this as they interact with each other. They’re vulnerable and intimate with each other without it turning into a sexual thing. In fact, they could have kissed at that moment but they don’t This is the moment, the scene where it becomes clear that Aster might be interested in Ellie, for herself instead of the Ellie who hides behind Paul’s letters.
Even though we think it’s clear that Aster has a thing for Ellie, Aster doesn’t acknowledge it until the final scenes of the film. In fact, she doesn’t even fully realize that Ellie has been the one writing Paul’s letters until they both come clean in the church scene. Or rather, when Ellie directly quotes a message she sent to Aster as Paul. Of course, Aster doesn’t run into Ellie’s arms which is understandable. However, these two do get a happy moment in the end.
Ellie apologizes to Aster and even though these two haven’t talked since the revelation, there’s still that playfulness between them. In fact, Aster even admits to Ellie that deep down she thinks she knew the whole time. She goes even farther by stating that she has thought about Ellie in that way. This is earth-shattering to Ellie who for the most part believed she had a crush on a straight girl. Once again, it’s only after a character has gotten a clear sign of interest from the other part does Ellie makes her move and finally get her kiss.
Even then, Ellie and Aster are still the perfect example of ludus love. Of the playfulness, uncertainty, and joy that comes from a crush.
Trig and Aster
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We don’t see much of Aster and Trig’s love type in the film since it’s not the focal point. I do want to briefly talk about it though.
In Trig’s mind, it’s clear that he thinks he’s experiencing an eros type of love. He knows he’s in love with Aster, he’s met her family and they love him. He’s even got their entire wedding and future planned out. Aster, on the other hand, isn’t so sure of her relationship. In fact, she spends most of the film emotionally cheating on him with both Paul and Aster — but that’s a topic for another day.
These two clearly are not on the same page and lack intimacy to sit down and discuss their difference with each other. They’re your textbook example of a high school couple who has grown apart. Dr. Sternberg has a term for their type of love: empty love or love that lacks intimacy and passion.
In other words, Trig and Aster are only with each other because of its safe option. Its the option that they had committed to when they first started dating. Though they aren’t in love, or at least Aster isn’t, they can’t bear to break it off because what if this is as best as it’s going to get.
Ellie and Edwin
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Another relationship that is explored in The Half Of It is the storge love that Ellie and Edwin have for each other. Storge, as defined by the Greeks means familial love. While it’s true that these two do love each other because they are family I also believe they’re experiencing a pragma, or endearing love, for each other. I say this because storge love is too basic to explain the love that Ellie and Edwin share.
If their relationship was purely storage they would have a more traditional father-daughter relationship but they don’t. Instead their love for each other is built on something stronger, on pragma.
This is first made clear when we see Ellie taking over the responsibility to call the gas company because her father is unable to do it. While its true some children would do this for their parents, most of them would have to be asked. Instead, Ellie takes the responsibility upon herself because she knows it’ll make Edwin feel better.
We get a better glimpse into Edwin and Ellie’s complex relationship when Paul asks her how they ended up in Squahamish. This is the first time we get a sense of just how unhappy Edwin really is and how stuck they really are in Squahamish because of his inability to become an engineer like he’d hoped for. Ellie’s unconditional love for her father is further exemplified by her taking over his job in the wake of her mother’s death since Edwin has been too depressed to do it.
Some might say that Edwin isn’t experiencing any time of love towards Ellie since he is willing to burden her with the responsibilities of caring for him despite being only 17, but that’s simply not the case. Edwin loves Ellie just as deeply and unconditionally as she loves him. The scene between Edwin and Paul is where this becomes clear.
See, Paul goes over to bring Edwin his monthly supply of meat. Edwin naively asks if Paul and Ellie broke up since he hasn’t been around. Not wanting to out Ellie, Paul does his best to explain why Ellie seems sad without saying the words outright. This is enough to make Edwin understand what isn’t being said. Instead of freaking out, Edwin opens up to Paul. He explains how much Ellie has helped him since her mother died. And he goes on to ask Paul, “have you ever loved someone so much, you don’t want anything about her to change?” That right there is Edwin’s way of saying that he knows who Ellie truly is and that he’s okay with it. Not only that but it’s the scene that proves Edwin loves Ellie with his entire heart. That their love is not just storage but its pragma.
In the end, Edwin loves his daughter so much that he is willing to overcome his depression to ensure that she can live the life she deserves without having to worry about him. And that is why they’re love is enduring and familial.
Ellie and Self-Love
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Finally, I want to talk about Ellie’s journey to practicing self-love or philautia as the Greeks would have called it.
At the beginning of the film, it’s clear that Ellie doesn’t think highly of herself. She doesn’t have friends and she doesn’t try to make any. She content with living the same day over and over again. And she completely shoots down the idea of going away to college to pursue a liberal arts degree when her English teacher brings it up.
Through her friendship with Paul and her own self-discovery, as she connects with Aster, she begins to realize that she does have worth and a purpose that’s bigger than Squahamish. Its only then does she decide to be truthful with herself and her desires. She applies to the liberal arts school, she comes clean about her feelings towards Aster, and she forgives Paul for his ignorance.
The Greeks believed that you have to love yourself before you can properly love someone else which is precisely why Ellie doesn’t end of with anybody at the end of the film. In fact, its the reason why none of the characters end up with someone in the end because they all need to grow and understand themselves before they can open their hearts to someone else.
In the end, The Half Of It tells a beautiful tale of love, loss, and rejection all the while showcasing how love comes in many different forms.
The Half Of It is streaming now on Netflix.
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estelagellison9 · 7 years
New Post has been published on http://ift.tt/2DirjRK
Georgia Drug Rehab
Georgia has some of the highest rates of alcohol and drug abuse in the nation. Drug trafficking has become a major issue, making illicit drugs easy to access.
Call Us Today
(888) 510-3898
Georgia Addiction Treatment
Alcohol addiction and abuse are the biggest problems facing Georgia residents. The state has the 17th highest rate of alcohol-related deaths. Teens and young adults are especially likely to abuse alcohol due to peer pressure.
Marijuana, cocaine, heroin and prescription drugs are also commonly abused in the state. Georgia’s location on the Gulf of Mexico provides a prime gateway for drug trafficking across borders.
Because most of Georgia’s communities are rural, it’s easier to cultivate and exchange drugs.
Although Georgia has high alcohol and drug abuse rates, many residents are getting treatment. Georgia has tailored treatment programs to help those suffering from many types of addiction. If you or your loved one is ready to begin recovery, call our treatment specialists now.
Georgia Drug Statistics
In 2013, 10,930 people were arrested for drug violations.
753 people were admitted for treatment of cocaine addiction in Georgia.
Drug overdose death rates jumped 20 percent from 2013 to 2014.
Binge and Underage Drinking in Georgia
Underage and binge drinking is a serious concern in Georgia. About 90 percent of the alcohol consumed by underage drinkers in the U.S. is in the form of binge drinking.
Many underage drinkers are unaware of the potential consequences of alcohol abuse. Heavy alcohol consumption affects a person’s judgment, leading to poor decision making. Young people are also more at risk for physical injury or alcohol poisoning while intoxicated. Underage college students caught drinking on campus could also be expelled, leading to further complications down the road.
Many factors can influence underage and binge drinking. Teens and young adults often view drinking as a rite of passage. They may experience peer pressure from friends or classmates to fit in. The stress from studies or a career can also drive some people to binge drink to blow off steam.
Laws of Georgia Drug Use
Georgia’s laws regarding drug use are fairly unforgiving, and these penalties can impact people’s plans for the future. You could have trouble getting a scholarship, joining the military or getting a job you want.
Georgia’s “Under Age, Under Arrest” Program
The Georgia Alcoholic Beverage Control board’s “Under Age, Under Arrest” campaign targets underage drinking. Launched in 2013, the statewide initiative reminds teens and underage adults that they can be arrested, fined and sent to jail for possessing and consuming alcohol.
“Underage drinking and binge drinking remain big problems in Georgia and the nation, taking or ruining many lives every year.” – Mac Gipson, ABC Administrator
“Under Age, Under Arrest” provides online resources about the dangers of underage and binge drinking. The ABC also holds sponsored programs at high schools throughout the state, where ABC members and state representatives have spoken to students about the campaign.
Drug and Underage Alcohol Possession Consequences in Georgia
Georgia has some of the toughest penalties for drug violations in the United States. The state prohibits the sale, delivery or distribution of any illegal drug. In 2013, 10,930 individuals were arrested for selling, possessing, manufacturing and using drugs. Almost 80 percent of those charges were for possession.
Underage adults and teens in Georgia who consume, buy or possess alcohol can spend up to three months in jail and be fined up to $500. Their driver’s license is suspended for three to six months. Even first-time offenders can receive probation and be required to complete community service.
It is illegal for anyone in Georgia to possess or use marijuana in any amount. Possession of marijuana for personal use is a Class A misdemeanor, resulting in jail time of up to one year and a fine of up to $6,000.
Possession of marijuana other than personal use is a felony in Georgia. Violators may be charged with up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000, depending on the amount possessed.
Cocaine, Heroin or Other Illicit Drugs
Possession of illicit drugs is a Class C Felony punishable by one to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000.
If the person has prior felonies, they can face longer sentences under the Georgia Habitual Felony Offender Act.
Georgia Rehab Addiction Treatment
Harm reduction laws work to reduce the health, social and economic risks of using drugs. These laws provide training, access to treatment and other resources to promote public safety. Harm reduction laws vary in each state.
Georgia currently doesn’t provide any harm reduction laws. However, the state provides access to methadone, a medication used to reduce withdrawal symptoms from heroin and other opioids.
Georgia Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Georgia’s Methadone Maintenance Treatment programs have helped narcotic addiction sufferers live normal, healthy lives. Methadone works by reducing the uncomfortable symptoms in people withdrawing from narcotics. People are able to continue on with their normal schedule while taking methadone.
Studies have shown that methadone works best as part of a long-term treatment plan for addiction. Georgia operates 24 outpatient narcotic treatment centers that dispense methadone.
Georgia Drug Courts
Georgia offers a drug court program to hear the cases involving drug offenders. Drug courts give nonviolent offenders with drug addictions a chance for recovery. Instead of jail time, participants receive treatment, counseling and any other services they need.
Drug courts try to address the addiction as the root cause for an addicted person’s criminal behavior. The goal is to provide necessary treatment that prevents the crimes from happening again. There are over 30 counties in Georgia that have a drug court program.
Prescription and Illicit Drug Monitoring in Georgia
In order to fight the rising rates of addiction and substance abuse, Georgia has implemented drug monitoring and assessment programs to lower the accessibility of illegal drugs.
Georgia’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
Georgia’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program detects the abuse of prescription medications under the Georgia Uniform Controlled Substances Act. PDMP requires all dispensed prescription drugs to an electronic database. The goals of Georgia’s PDMP are to reduce and prevent prescription drug abuse.  
The Gulf Coast High-Intensity Drug Threat Assessment (GC-HIDTA)
Because of Georgia’s proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, drug trafficking through the state has become a serious issue. As a response, the state has implemented extra measures to prevent drug trafficking. The GC-HIDTA includes a four-state area comprised of 26 counties/parishes shown to have high drug trafficking rates, including six in Georgia. The assessment tracks drug trends to show which substances pose the greatest threat. This helps to reduce the threat of drug prevalence by addressing and stopping the trafficking of drugs in the first place.
Treatment Centers in Georgia
There are many alcohol and drug addiction recovery centers available in Georgia to help get you or your loved one’s life back on track.
The Fellowship House is just one of the many treatment centers in Georgia. Located in Birmingham, this center provides inpatient recovery options for those who suffer from substance addiction and co-occurring disorders. They focus on faith-based care designed to address each person’s specific needs.
After making the decision to get help for a drug or alcohol addiction, the next step is deciding where to go. It’s important to consider all treatment options, and sometimes the right choice can be far from home. Many people opt to travel out of town, or even out of state, for rehab.
Traveling for rehab provides all sorts of benefits for patients. They begin treatment with a “fresh start” mindset, allowing them to break negative habits, build new relationships and focus on recovery. Check with your insurance provider to weigh your treatment options and see which facilities are covered under your plan.
Call Us Today
(888) 510-3898
from The Recover http://ift.tt/2Dx04Rn
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estelagellison9 · 7 years
New Post has been published on http://ift.tt/2DirjRK
Florida Drug Rehab
Florida has some of the highest rates of alcohol and drug abuse in the nation. Drug trafficking has become a major issue, making illicit drugs easy to access.
Call Us Today
(888) 510-3898
Florida Addiction Treatment
Alcohol addiction and abuse are the biggest problems facing Florida residents. The state has the 17th highest rate of alcohol-related deaths. Teens and young adults are especially likely to abuse alcohol due to peer pressure.
Marijuana, cocaine, heroin and prescription drugs are also commonly abused in the state. Alabama’s location on the Gulf of Mexico provides a prime gateway for drug trafficking across borders.
Because most of Florida’s communities are rural, it’s easier to cultivate and exchange drugs.
Although Florida has high alcohol and drug abuse rates, many residents are getting treatment. Florida has tailored treatment programs to help those suffering from many types of addiction. If you or your loved one is ready to begin recovery, call our treatment specialists now.
Florida Drug Statistics
In 2013, 10,930 people were arrested for drug violations.
753 people were admitted for treatment of cocaine addiction in Florida.
Drug overdose death rates jumped 20 percent from 2013 to 2014.
Binge and Underage Drinking in Florida
Underage and binge drinking is a serious concern in Florida. About 90 percent of the alcohol consumed by underage drinkers in the U.S. is in the form of binge drinking.
Many underage drinkers are unaware of the potential consequences of alcohol abuse. Heavy alcohol consumption affects a person’s judgment, leading to poor decision making. Young people are also more at risk for physical injury or alcohol poisoning while intoxicated. Underage college students caught drinking on campus could also be expelled, leading to further complications down the road.
Many factors can influence underage and binge drinking. Teens and young adults often view drinking as a rite of passage. They may experience peer pressure from friends or classmates to fit in. The stress from studies or a career can also drive some people to binge drink to blow off steam.
Laws of Florida Drug Use
Florida’s laws regarding drug use are fairly unforgiving, and these penalties can impact people’s plans for the future. You could have trouble getting a scholarship, joining the military or getting a job you want.
Florida’s “Under Age, Under Arrest” Program
The Florida Alcoholic Beverage Control board’s “Under Age, Under Arrest” campaign targets underage drinking. Launched in 2013, the statewide initiative reminds teens and underage adults that they can be arrested, fined and sent to jail for possessing and consuming alcohol.
“Underage drinking and binge drinking remain big problems in Florida and the nation, taking or ruining many lives every year.” – Mac Gipson, ABC Administrator
“Under Age, Under Arrest” provides online resources about the dangers of underage and binge drinking. The ABC also holds sponsored programs at high schools throughout the state, where ABC members and state representatives have spoken to students about the campaign.
Drug and Underage Alcohol Possession Consequences in Florida
Florida has some of the toughest penalties for drug violations in the United States. The state prohibits the sale, delivery or distribution of any illegal drug. In 2013, 10,930 individuals were arrested for selling, possessing, manufacturing and using drugs. Almost 80 percent of those charges were for possession.
Underage adults and teens in Alabama who consume, buy or possess alcohol can spend up to three months in jail and be fined up to $500. Their driver’s license is suspended for three to six months. Even first-time offenders can receive probation and be required to complete community service.
It is illegal for anyone in Alabama to possess or use marijuana in any amount. Possession of marijuana for personal use is a Class A misdemeanor, resulting in jail time of up to one year and a fine of up to $6,000.
Possession of marijuana other than personal use is a felony in Alabama. Violators may be charged with up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000, depending on the amount possessed.
Cocaine, Heroin or Other Illicit Drugs
Possession of illicit drugs is a Class C Felony punishable by one to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000.
If the person has prior felonies, they can face longer sentences under the Florida Habitual Felony Offender Act.
Florida Rehab Addiction Treatment
Harm reduction laws work to reduce the health, social and economic risks of using drugs. These laws provide training, access to treatment and other resources to promote public safety. Harm reduction laws vary in each state.
Alabama currently doesn’t provide any harm reduction laws. However, the state provides access to methadone, a medication used to reduce withdrawal symptoms from heroin and other opioids.
Alabama Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Alabama’s Methadone Maintenance Treatment programs have helped narcotic addiction sufferers live normal, healthy lives. Methadone works by reducing the uncomfortable symptoms in people withdrawing from narcotics. People are able to continue on with their normal schedule while taking methadone.
Studies have shown that methadone works best as part of a long-term treatment plan for addiction. Alabama operates 24 outpatient narcotic treatment centers that dispense methadone.
Alabama Drug Courts
Alabama offers a drug court program to hear the cases involving drug offenders. Drug courts give nonviolent offenders with drug addictions a chance for recovery. Instead of jail time, participants receive treatment, counseling and any other services they need.
Drug courts try to address the addiction as the root cause for an addicted person’s criminal behavior. The goal is to provide necessary treatment that prevents the crimes from happening again. There are over 30 counties in Alabama that have a drug court program.
Prescription and Illicit Drug Monitoring in Alabama
In order to fight the rising rates of addiction and substance abuse, Alabama has implemented drug monitoring and assessment programs to lower the accessibility of illegal drugs.
Alabama’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
Alabama’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program detects the abuse of prescription medications under the Alabama Uniform Controlled Substances Act. PDMP requires all dispensed prescription drugs to an electronic database. The goals of Alabama’s PDMP are to reduce and prevent prescription drug abuse.  
The Gulf Coast High-Intensity Drug Threat Assessment (GC-HIDTA)
Because of Alabama’s proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, drug trafficking through the state has become a serious issue. As a response, the state has implemented extra measures to prevent drug trafficking. The GC-HIDTA includes a four-state area comprised of 26 counties/parishes shown to have high drug trafficking rates, including six in Alabama. The assessment tracks drug trends to show which substances pose the greatest threat. This helps to reduce the threat of drug prevalence by addressing and stopping the trafficking of drugs in the first place.
Treatment Centers in Florida
There are many alcohol and drug addiction recovery centers available in Florida to help get you or your loved one’s life back on track.
The Fellowship House is just one of the many treatment centers in Florida. Located in Birmingham, this center provides inpatient recovery options for those who suffer from substance addiction and co-occurring disorders. They focus on faith-based care designed to address each person’s specific needs.
After making the decision to get help for a drug or alcohol addiction, the next step is deciding where to go. It’s important to consider all treatment options, and sometimes the right choice can be far from home. Many people opt to travel out of town, or even out of state, for rehab.
Traveling for rehab provides all sorts of benefits for patients. They begin treatment with a “fresh start” mindset, allowing them to break negative habits, build new relationships and focus on recovery. Check with your insurance provider to weigh your treatment options and see which facilities are covered under your plan.
Call Us Today
(888) 510-3898
from The Recover http://ift.tt/2mw6M1U
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therecoversite · 7 years
New Post has been published on https://www.therecover.com/centers/alabama-2/
Florida Drug Rehab
Florida has some of the highest rates of alcohol and drug abuse in the nation. Drug trafficking has become a major issue, making illicit drugs easy to access.
Call Us Today
(888) 510-3898
Florida Addiction Treatment
Alcohol addiction and abuse are the biggest problems facing Florida residents. The state has the 17th highest rate of alcohol-related deaths. Teens and young adults are especially likely to abuse alcohol due to peer pressure.
Marijuana, cocaine, heroin and prescription drugs are also commonly abused in the state. Alabama’s location on the Gulf of Mexico provides a prime gateway for drug trafficking across borders.
Because most of Florida’s communities are rural, it’s easier to cultivate and exchange drugs.
Although Florida has high alcohol and drug abuse rates, many residents are getting treatment. Florida has tailored treatment programs to help those suffering from many types of addiction. If you or your loved one is ready to begin recovery, call our treatment specialists now.
Florida Drug Statistics
In 2013, 10,930 people were arrested for drug violations.
753 people were admitted for treatment of cocaine addiction in Florida.
Drug overdose death rates jumped 20 percent from 2013 to 2014.
Binge and Underage Drinking in Florida
Underage and binge drinking is a serious concern in Florida. About 90 percent of the alcohol consumed by underage drinkers in the U.S. is in the form of binge drinking.
Many underage drinkers are unaware of the potential consequences of alcohol abuse. Heavy alcohol consumption affects a person’s judgment, leading to poor decision making. Young people are also more at risk for physical injury or alcohol poisoning while intoxicated. Underage college students caught drinking on campus could also be expelled, leading to further complications down the road.
Many factors can influence underage and binge drinking. Teens and young adults often view drinking as a rite of passage. They may experience peer pressure from friends or classmates to fit in. The stress from studies or a career can also drive some people to binge drink to blow off steam.
Laws of Florida Drug Use
Florida’s laws regarding drug use are fairly unforgiving, and these penalties can impact people’s plans for the future. You could have trouble getting a scholarship, joining the military or getting a job you want.
Florida’s “Under Age, Under Arrest” Program
The Florida Alcoholic Beverage Control board’s “Under Age, Under Arrest” campaign targets underage drinking. Launched in 2013, the statewide initiative reminds teens and underage adults that they can be arrested, fined and sent to jail for possessing and consuming alcohol.
“Underage drinking and binge drinking remain big problems in Florida and the nation, taking or ruining many lives every year.” – Mac Gipson, ABC Administrator
“Under Age, Under Arrest” provides online resources about the dangers of underage and binge drinking. The ABC also holds sponsored programs at high schools throughout the state, where ABC members and state representatives have spoken to students about the campaign.
Drug and Underage Alcohol Possession Consequences in Florida
Florida has some of the toughest penalties for drug violations in the United States. The state prohibits the sale, delivery or distribution of any illegal drug. In 2013, 10,930 individuals were arrested for selling, possessing, manufacturing and using drugs. Almost 80 percent of those charges were for possession.
Underage adults and teens in Alabama who consume, buy or possess alcohol can spend up to three months in jail and be fined up to $500. Their driver’s license is suspended for three to six months. Even first-time offenders can receive probation and be required to complete community service.
It is illegal for anyone in Alabama to possess or use marijuana in any amount. Possession of marijuana for personal use is a Class A misdemeanor, resulting in jail time of up to one year and a fine of up to $6,000.
Possession of marijuana other than personal use is a felony in Alabama. Violators may be charged with up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000, depending on the amount possessed.
Cocaine, Heroin or Other Illicit Drugs
Possession of illicit drugs is a Class C Felony punishable by one to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000.
If the person has prior felonies, they can face longer sentences under the Florida Habitual Felony Offender Act.
Florida Rehab Addiction Treatment
Harm reduction laws work to reduce the health, social and economic risks of using drugs. These laws provide training, access to treatment and other resources to promote public safety. Harm reduction laws vary in each state.
Alabama currently doesn’t provide any harm reduction laws. However, the state provides access to methadone, a medication used to reduce withdrawal symptoms from heroin and other opioids.
Alabama Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Alabama’s Methadone Maintenance Treatment programs have helped narcotic addiction sufferers live normal, healthy lives. Methadone works by reducing the uncomfortable symptoms in people withdrawing from narcotics. People are able to continue on with their normal schedule while taking methadone.
Studies have shown that methadone works best as part of a long-term treatment plan for addiction. Alabama operates 24 outpatient narcotic treatment centers that dispense methadone.
Alabama Drug Courts
Alabama offers a drug court program to hear the cases involving drug offenders. Drug courts give nonviolent offenders with drug addictions a chance for recovery. Instead of jail time, participants receive treatment, counseling and any other services they need.
Drug courts try to address the addiction as the root cause for an addicted person’s criminal behavior. The goal is to provide necessary treatment that prevents the crimes from happening again. There are over 30 counties in Alabama that have a drug court program.
Prescription and Illicit Drug Monitoring in Alabama
In order to fight the rising rates of addiction and substance abuse, Alabama has implemented drug monitoring and assessment programs to lower the accessibility of illegal drugs.
Alabama’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
Alabama’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program detects the abuse of prescription medications under the Alabama Uniform Controlled Substances Act. PDMP requires all dispensed prescription drugs to an electronic database. The goals of Alabama’s PDMP are to reduce and prevent prescription drug abuse.  
The Gulf Coast High-Intensity Drug Threat Assessment (GC-HIDTA)
Because of Alabama’s proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, drug trafficking through the state has become a serious issue. As a response, the state has implemented extra measures to prevent drug trafficking. The GC-HIDTA includes a four-state area comprised of 26 counties/parishes shown to have high drug trafficking rates, including six in Alabama. The assessment tracks drug trends to show which substances pose the greatest threat. This helps to reduce the threat of drug prevalence by addressing and stopping the trafficking of drugs in the first place.
Treatment Centers in Florida
There are many alcohol and drug addiction recovery centers available in Florida to help get you or your loved one’s life back on track.
The Fellowship House is just one of the many treatment centers in Florida. Located in Birmingham, this center provides inpatient recovery options for those who suffer from substance addiction and co-occurring disorders. They focus on faith-based care designed to address each person’s specific needs.
After making the decision to get help for a drug or alcohol addiction, the next step is deciding where to go. It’s important to consider all treatment options, and sometimes the right choice can be far from home. Many people opt to travel out of town, or even out of state, for rehab.
Traveling for rehab provides all sorts of benefits for patients. They begin treatment with a “fresh start” mindset, allowing them to break negative habits, build new relationships and focus on recovery. Check with your insurance provider to weigh your treatment options and see which facilities are covered under your plan.
Call Us Today
(888) 510-3898
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therecoversite · 7 years
South Carolina
New Post has been published on https://www.therecover.com/centers/south-carolina/
South Carolina
Alabama Drug Rehab
Alabama has some of the highest rates of alcohol and drug abuse in the nation. Drug trafficking has become a major issue, making illicit drugs easy to access.
Call Us Today (888) 510-3898
Alabama Addiction Treatment
Alcohol addiction and abuse are the biggest problems facing Alabama residents. The state has the 17th highest rate of alcohol-related deaths. Teens and young adults are especially likely to abuse alcohol due to peer pressure.
Marijuana, cocaine, heroin and prescription drugs are also commonly abused in the state. Alabama’s location on the Gulf of Mexico provides a prime gateway for drug trafficking across borders.
Because most of Alabama’s communities are rural, it’s easier to cultivate and exchange drugs.
Although Alabama has high alcohol and drug abuse rates, many residents are getting treatment. Alabama has tailored treatment programs to help those suffering from many types of addiction. If you or your loved one is ready to begin recovery, call our treatment specialists now.
Alabama Drug Statistics
In 2013, 10,930 people were arrested for drug violations.
753 people were admitted for treatment of cocaine addiction in Alabama.
Drug overdose death rates jumped 20 percent from 2013 to 2014.
Binge and Underage Drinking in Alabama
Underage and binge drinking is a serious concern in Alabama. About 90 percent of the alcohol consumed by underage drinkers in the U.S. is in the form of binge drinking.
Many underage drinkers are unaware of the potential consequences of alcohol abuse. Heavy alcohol consumption affects a person’s judgment, leading to poor decision making. Young people are also more at risk for physical injury or alcohol poisoning while intoxicated. Underage college students caught drinking on campus could also be expelled, leading to further complications down the road.
Many factors can influence underage and binge drinking. Teens and young adults often view drinking as a rite of passage. They may experience peer pressure from friends or classmates to fit in. The stress from studies or a career can also drive some people to binge drink to blow off steam.
Laws of Alabama Drug Use
Alabama’s laws regarding drug use are fairly unforgiving, and these penalties can impact people’s plans for the future. You could have trouble getting a scholarship, joining the military or getting a job you want.
Alabama’s “Under Age, Under Arrest” Program
The Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control board’s “Under Age, Under Arrest” campaign targets underage drinking. Launched in 2013, the statewide initiative reminds teens and underage adults that they can be arrested, fined and sent to jail for possessing and consuming alcohol.
“Underage drinking and binge drinking remain big problems in Alabama and the nation, taking or ruining many lives every year.” – Mac Gipson, ABC Administrator
“Under Age, Under Arrest” provides online resources about the dangers of underage and binge drinking. The ABC also holds sponsored programs at high schools throughout the state, where ABC members and state representatives have spoken to students about the campaign.
Drug and Underage Alcohol Possession Consequences in Alabama
Alabama has some of the toughest penalties for drug violations in the United States. The state prohibits the sale, delivery or distribution of any illegal drug. In 2013, 10,930 individuals were arrested for selling, possessing, manufacturing and using drugs. Almost 80 percent of those charges were for possession.
Underage adults and teens in Alabama who consume, buy or possess alcohol can spend up to three months in jail and be fined up to $500. Their driver’s license is suspended for three to six months. Even first-time offenders can receive probation and be required to complete community service.
It is illegal for anyone in Alabama to possess or use marijuana in any amount. Possession of marijuana for personal use is a Class A misdemeanor, resulting in jail time of up to one year and a fine of up to $6,000.
Possession of marijuana other than personal use is a felony in Alabama. Violators may be charged with up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000, depending on the amount possessed.
Cocaine, Heroin or Other Illicit Drugs
Possession of illicit drugs is a Class C Felony punishable by one to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000.
If the person has prior felonies, they can face longer sentences under the Alabama Habitual Felony Offender Act.
Addiction Treatment in Alabama
Harm reduction laws work to reduce the health, social and economic risks of using drugs. These laws provide training, access to treatment and other resources to promote public safety. Harm reduction laws vary in each state.
Alabama currently doesn’t provide any harm reduction laws. However, the state provides access to methadone, a medication used to reduce withdrawal symptoms from heroin and other opioids.
Alabama Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Alabama’s Methadone Maintenance Treatment programs have helped narcotic addiction sufferers live normal, healthy lives. Methadone works by reducing the uncomfortable symptoms in people withdrawing from narcotics. People are able to continue on with their normal schedule while taking methadone.
Studies have shown that methadone works best as part of a long-term treatment plan for addiction. Alabama operates 24 outpatient narcotic treatment centers that dispense methadone.
Alabama Drug Courts
Alabama offers a drug court program to hear the cases involving drug offenders. Drug courts give nonviolent offenders with drug addictions a chance for recovery. Instead of jail time, participants receive treatment, counseling and any other services they need.
Drug courts try to address the addiction as the root cause for an addicted person’s criminal behavior. The goal is to provide necessary treatment that prevents the crimes from happening again. There are over 30 counties in Alabama that have a drug court program.
Prescription and Illicit Drug Monitoring in Alabama
In order to fight the rising rates of addiction and substance abuse, Alabama has implemented drug monitoring and assessment programs to lower the accessibility of illegal drugs.
Alabama’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
Alabama’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program detects the abuse of prescription medications under the Alabama Uniform Controlled Substances Act. PDMP requires all dispensed prescription drugs to an electronic database. The goals of Alabama’s PDMP are to reduce and prevent prescription drug abuse.  
The Gulf Coast High-Intensity Drug Threat Assessment (GC-HIDTA)
Because of Alabama’s proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, drug trafficking through the state has become a serious issue. As a response, the state has implemented extra measures to prevent drug trafficking. The GC-HIDTA includes a four-state area comprised of 26 counties/parishes shown to have high drug trafficking rates, including six in Alabama. The assessment tracks drug trends to show which substances pose the greatest threat. This helps to reduce the threat of drug prevalence by addressing and stopping the trafficking of drugs in the first place.
Treatment Centers in Alabama
There are many alcohol and drug addiction recovery centers available in Alabama to help get you or your loved one’s life back on track.
The Fellowship House is just one of the many treatment centers in Alabama. Located in Birmingham, this center provides inpatient recovery options for those who suffer from substance addiction and co-occurring disorders. They focus on faith-based care designed to address each person’s specific needs.
After making the decision to get help for a drug or alcohol addiction, the next step is deciding where to go. It’s important to consider all treatment options, and sometimes the right choice can be far from home. Many people opt to travel out of town, or even out of state, for rehab.
Traveling for rehab provides all sorts of benefits for patients. They begin treatment with a “fresh start” mindset, allowing them to break negative habits, build new relationships and focus on recovery. Check with your insurance provider to weigh your treatment options and see which facilities are covered under your plan.
Find Addiction Treatment
Resolving to turn your life around and gain freedom from addiction is one of the most critical decisions you or your loved one can make. Whether you’re looking for a specific treatment or need help deciding which rehab is right for you, give us a call to get started.
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Alabama Drug Rehab
Alabama has some of the highest rates of alcohol and drug abuse in the nation. Drug trafficking has become a major issue, making illicit drugs easy to access.
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Alabama Addiction Treatment
Alcohol addiction and abuse are the biggest problems facing Alabama residents. The state has the 17th highest rate of alcohol-related deaths. Teens and young adults are especially likely to abuse alcohol due to peer pressure.
Marijuana, cocaine, heroin and prescription drugs are also commonly abused in the state. Alabama’s location on the Gulf of Mexico provides a prime gateway for drug trafficking across borders.
Because most of Alabama’s communities are rural, it’s easier to cultivate and exchange drugs.
Although Alabama has high alcohol and drug abuse rates, many residents are getting treatment. Alabama has tailored treatment programs to help those suffering from many types of addiction. If you or your loved one is ready to begin recovery, call our treatment specialists now.
Alabama Drug Statistics
In 2013, 10,930 people were arrested for drug violations.
753 people were admitted for treatment of cocaine addiction in Alabama.
Drug overdose death rates jumped 20 percent from 2013 to 2014.
Binge and Underage Drinking in Alabama
Underage and binge drinking is a serious concern in Alabama. About 90 percent of the alcohol consumed by underage drinkers in the U.S. is in the form of binge drinking.
Many underage drinkers are unaware of the potential consequences of alcohol abuse. Heavy alcohol consumption affects a person’s judgment, leading to poor decision making. Young people are also more at risk for physical injury or alcohol poisoning while intoxicated. Underage college students caught drinking on campus could also be expelled, leading to further complications down the road.
Many factors can influence underage and binge drinking. Teens and young adults often view drinking as a rite of passage. They may experience peer pressure from friends or classmates to fit in. The stress from studies or a career can also drive some people to binge drink to blow off steam.
Laws of Alabama Drug Use
Alabama’s laws regarding drug use are fairly unforgiving, and these penalties can impact people’s plans for the future. You could have trouble getting a scholarship, joining the military or getting a job you want.
Alabama’s “Under Age, Under Arrest” Program
The Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control board’s “Under Age, Under Arrest” campaign targets underage drinking. Launched in 2013, the statewide initiative reminds teens and underage adults that they can be arrested, fined and sent to jail for possessing and consuming alcohol.
“Underage drinking and binge drinking remain big problems in Alabama and the nation, taking or ruining many lives every year.” – Mac Gipson, ABC Administrator
“Under Age, Under Arrest” provides online resources about the dangers of underage and binge drinking. The ABC also holds sponsored programs at high schools throughout the state, where ABC members and state representatives have spoken to students about the campaign.
Drug and Underage Alcohol Possession Consequences in Alabama
Alabama has some of the toughest penalties for drug violations in the United States. The state prohibits the sale, delivery or distribution of any illegal drug. In 2013, 10,930 individuals were arrested for selling, possessing, manufacturing and using drugs. Almost 80 percent of those charges were for possession.
Underage adults and teens in Alabama who consume, buy or possess alcohol can spend up to three months in jail and be fined up to $500. Their driver’s license is suspended for three to six months. Even first-time offenders can receive probation and be required to complete community service.
It is illegal for anyone in Alabama to possess or use marijuana in any amount. Possession of marijuana for personal use is a Class A misdemeanor, resulting in jail time of up to one year and a fine of up to $6,000.
Possession of marijuana other than personal use is a felony in Alabama. Violators may be charged with up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000, depending on the amount possessed.
Cocaine, Heroin or Other Illicit Drugs
Possession of illicit drugs is a Class C Felony punishable by one to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000.
If the person has prior felonies, they can face longer sentences under the Alabama Habitual Felony Offender Act.
Addiction Treatment in Alabama
Harm reduction laws work to reduce the health, social and economic risks of using drugs. These laws provide training, access to treatment and other resources to promote public safety. Harm reduction laws vary in each state.
Alabama currently doesn’t provide any harm reduction laws. However, the state provides access to methadone, a medication used to reduce withdrawal symptoms from heroin and other opioids.
Alabama Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Alabama’s Methadone Maintenance Treatment programs have helped narcotic addiction sufferers live normal, healthy lives. Methadone works by reducing the uncomfortable symptoms in people withdrawing from narcotics. People are able to continue on with their normal schedule while taking methadone.
Studies have shown that methadone works best as part of a long-term treatment plan for addiction. Alabama operates 24 outpatient narcotic treatment centers that dispense methadone.
Alabama Drug Courts
Alabama offers a drug court program to hear the cases involving drug offenders. Drug courts give nonviolent offenders with drug addictions a chance for recovery. Instead of jail time, participants receive treatment, counseling and any other services they need.
Drug courts try to address the addiction as the root cause for an addicted person’s criminal behavior. The goal is to provide necessary treatment that prevents the crimes from happening again. There are over 30 counties in Alabama that have a drug court program.
Prescription and Illicit Drug Monitoring in Alabama
In order to fight the rising rates of addiction and substance abuse, Alabama has implemented drug monitoring and assessment programs to lower the accessibility of illegal drugs.
Alabama’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
Alabama’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program detects the abuse of prescription medications under the Alabama Uniform Controlled Substances Act. PDMP requires all dispensed prescription drugs to an electronic database. The goals of Alabama’s PDMP are to reduce and prevent prescription drug abuse.  
The Gulf Coast High-Intensity Drug Threat Assessment (GC-HIDTA)
Because of Alabama’s proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, drug trafficking through the state has become a serious issue. As a response, the state has implemented extra measures to prevent drug trafficking. The GC-HIDTA includes a four-state area comprised of 26 counties/parishes shown to have high drug trafficking rates, including six in Alabama. The assessment tracks drug trends to show which substances pose the greatest threat. This helps to reduce the threat of drug prevalence by addressing and stopping the trafficking of drugs in the first place.
Treatment Centers in Alabama
There are many alcohol and drug addiction recovery centers available in Alabama to help get you or your loved one’s life back on track.
The Fellowship House is just one of the many treatment centers in Alabama. Located in Birmingham, this center provides inpatient recovery options for those who suffer from substance addiction and co-occurring disorders. They focus on faith-based care designed to address each person’s specific needs.
After making the decision to get help for a drug or alcohol addiction, the next step is deciding where to go. It’s important to consider all treatment options, and sometimes the right choice can be far from home. Many people opt to travel out of town, or even out of state, for rehab.
Traveling for rehab provides all sorts of benefits for patients. They begin treatment with a “fresh start” mindset, allowing them to break negative habits, build new relationships and focus on recovery. Check with your insurance provider to weigh your treatment options and see which facilities are covered under your plan.
Find Addiction Treatment
Resolving to turn your life around and gain freedom from addiction is one of the most critical decisions you or your loved one can make. Whether you’re looking for a specific treatment or need help deciding which rehab is right for you, give us a call to get started.
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