#and this is the fallwood family
c0rrupt3dsp1r1t · 2 years
BStober days 16-18: AU
The Conductor!verse, a collaborative roleswap AU between DWEU and NuWho characters that actually started out as a different moodboard by @waltbraxiatel​. Of the prompts, I actually did this one first.
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cod-dump · 11 months
*breaks down your Inbox's door* *heavy breathing* I've made my own Shadow OCs but don't think this means I'm happy about it.
*I am actively losing sanity because Graves and his Shadows have me in a death grip*
So here, here are my Shadows. There's like nothing on them cause I've just now made this shit up for ~reasons~
Andrew 'Woody' Fallwood. Gets his callsign from his name and the fact he's a cowboy. Around 5'11", not very big but is plenty strong. He's a silly guy, likes to make jokes and stuff to keep the others calm, especially big boy Moose. Almost always has a cigarette in his mouth. Can be a bit of an ass but that's just cause he's a stubborn little Southern man. More of an Appalachian southern man, and grew up on a cattle farm. Just really loves cows cause he has so many fond memories of the cows under his family's care. Scary good shot. At least it's scary until people learn he grew up in rural Appalachia and then it's just "oh you've been shooting since you were six, haven't you?"
Cole 'Flash' Halley. Tall, lanky guy that stands at around 6'2". Youngest to be recruited into Shadow Company, often gets called "Baby" or similar things since he's so young. Instantly became so many of the Shadows' new younger brother. Gets his name from one of his first days as a Shadow where he beat a record for completing an obstacle course in the fastest time. He holds all the records for "fastest" on so many things on base, including "fastest time to get a hug from Moose". Cause while Moose is a nice guy and all, he doesn't just go around hugging people, especially the newer Shadows. All Flash had to do though was walk up to him in tears and Moose's big brother instincts kicked in. This was his second day on base. He's the stereotypical little brother, though, cause he's constantly doing things to piss other Shadows off/to just be annoying for the hell of it.
Matthew 'Truck' Simmons. Shorter (around 5'8"), but broad, bulky guy. He's been dubbed "getaway driver". He drives everything, from the great big tanks to just normal ass cars. Definitely a truck freak, and is always in the shop, working on any of the numerous terrain vehicles the Shadows have. Had to repeat a couple of school years, and the second he turned 18 he enlisted. He was sick of being told he wasn't "smart" just because he can't do well on academic tests. But put a truck in front of him and a toolkit and he can tell you every single thing about that truck in extreme detail.
Jacob 'Ness' Owens. Not tall at all compared to most other Shadows, only around 5'6". He's a superb swimmer, and is almost always in the water. Loves to dive and do other water related missions. If he could, he'd swim in the outdoor pool year long (it's closed during the off seasons), but luckily the indoor pool's temperature is more easily controlled, thus allowing him to intentionally make it colder. These pools are for training, but the indoor one tends to be more recreational. Ness is required to sign into something when he wants to swim, cause he always makes it colder, and Graves got sick of the complaining from Shadows trying to swim after he's done. Gets his callsign from the fact he's often in his full wetsuit while swimming, and one time, during the night, several Shadows saw him swimming outside and joked he looked like the Loch Ness Monster. He's very quiet and rarely talks, doesn't like to be around a lot of people, but does a good job and is still friendly enough. Prefers giving in to his cryptid namesake (and the fact he's Ohioan) and doing weird things to get out of conversations. (like staring wide-eyed at them and sinking under the table like it's the water level)
*Ness is my baby boy I love him so much*
Anyways, back to complaining over my willing obsession over Graves and Shadow Company
Ah, the brainrot has a firm root if you made ocs HAHAHAHAHAHAH-
Moose is actually an excellent swimmer and handles the cold pretty well so him and Ness would bond over that. Moose won’t stay in the water as much but he would definitely join him for a swim.
Flash would definitely be mothered by Moose. Having joined when he was pretty young himself he’s pretty protective of younger Shadows. He tries to not be overbearing but sometimes he can’t help it and worries over them.
Moose would love to hear Truck talk about his vehicles. He knows a few things himself about them, well enough to get them running or to make repairs if needed. He likes listening to people talk about things they’re passionate about.
Woody would definitely be good friends with Moose. The jokes would win him over and they have a shared love for cows. But the accent would definitely have a part in it, something Moose won’t admit. A southern accent is very comforting to him.
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snootlestheangel · 11 months
Oh my gosh can I get more about Woody?!
I love him so much!
I love all of your ocs so much! They’re so much fun!
I love them too!! They're just *squishes their faces*
He's a phenomenal guitar player, and he loves to play whatever Flash wants to sing during little Shadow Company events or something.
Absolute Pepsi fan. Doesn't drink a lot of it, it's more of a guilty pleasure for him.
Doesn't mind a sweet here and there, but sticks to more hearty things like brownies when he does. Man loves himself a good brownie.
Can actually bake pretty decently, especially when he's doing outdoor stuff. Uses a dutch oven to make the most phenomenal apple cobblers anyone has ever eaten.
Appearance wise, he's pretty simplistic. Just a total cowboy that has an affinity for wearing Hawaiian shirts. It's not clear why he likes wearing those so much, but he does and he looks good in them so no one is willing to question. Not quite dark eyes, but still brown, and some messy black hair. Covered in barely visible freckles from all the summers he spent in the sun all day. Just a little bit of a beard, which is more like the Dad Scruff, ya know? He's got a slim Dad Bod. Dad Bod but like Sleek Mode. He's still a lot like his younger self, but just bulked since joining and having kids.
His kids! He's like the Best Dad! Always bringing them home little gifts and just being such a cool dad. Constantly bragging about his kids' achievements. Even though they're only 5 and 3, he's still bragging. "Look at this picture my boy drew!" *shows a very toddler-like rendition of a triceratops* "He's so talented!"
Yes he is absolutely aware that he's exaggerating and being a total DadTM but he doesn't care! That boy needs his father's support in life! And he definitely takes his daughter on Daddy-Daughter dates when he's home. Just spoils the hell out of her when he can, and does everything in his power to let her be a little girl. Sometimes that means dressing up and playing tea party.
Woody was definitely valedictorian in high school. He's incredibly smart, but he's never held it over/against others. For anything, he used to tutor other kids and was constantly being praised for being a really good teacher cause he helped others realize their intelligence isn't defined by tests and academic stuff, and that they're intelligent in other ways. (Truck would have loved for Woody to be in his life during school, but he would never tell the other that)
Doesn't have too bad of a childhood, definitely just kind of went through it and then decided he didn't know what to do with his adult life, leading to him joining. Has a good relationship with his parents and his older and younger brothers (one older, one younger). Has a lot of extended family and so things get crazy around the holidays and birthdays/other big family events.
A good ole Southern boy, if you will. Is an incredible sharp shooter, especially with handguns and smaller rifles not designed for sniping. This skill sometimes scares people that don't realize he grew up out in the middle of farm country Southern USA. Grew up on a cattle farm and he loves visiting his parents, especially with his kids. Sometimes, "his kids" also means an additional adult person (Ness, having like no childhood, loves when Woody takes him out to the Fallwood farm. He gets to experience all the fun things Woody did as a kid with his brothers, and it's a good healing experience for him. Besides, Woody's family is so Southern sometimes that he doesn't feel weird for not being able to form words correctly, cause half the time he just ends up sounding like Woody's uncle and that's good enough for everyone)
Likes to keep things lighthearted cause he knows how horrible life in the military can get and he doesn't want to lose any more Shadows, especially the young ones. He had an old buddy from basic that went through some really serious shit and ending up taking his own life. That fucked Woody up, so he's constantly doing check-ins with everyone, even though it's not his job. He's just so worried in his own way.
Will give the softest looks as he asks if you're okay, and you respond with something like "hanging in there". Always opens his arms for a hug, but will give what he refers to as the "Fist bump for morale". Because of all the worry he has for other Shadows, he's greying early and it's especially noticeable in his scruff. Has so many worry lines and smile lines. Just looks older than he actually is cause he wears his stress on his face/body.
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