#and this is not going to come out right because i’m just at my limit and venting and don’t know how to say things the right way
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onsomenewsht · 1 day ago
And through the clouds, I see love shine
About when, on a Wednesday in a restaurant at Barcelona, you watch it begin again
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》 Alexia Putellas x Reader
》 words count: 12.8k
》 fight a losing battle [idiom]: also known as “losing game”, to try hard to do something when there is no chance that you will succeed, a failing effort or activity 
Your last relationship ends so badly that you consider abstinence from everything – processed sugar, alcohol, and even people. A period of deep cleansing, as if you could purify every cell of your body, like a celebrity spiraling from rehab to full-blown identity crisis.
This emotional state explains why you find yourself on a one-way flight to Barcelona, all your things crumbled in a backpack.  A rash impulse led you to declutter your belongings, a wishful attempt of turning into a completely new person just because your closet is now half what it used to be.
The decision to straight-up flee is rushed and quite terrifying, much like many of your recent choices.
Elena, your best friend since you were barely old enough to share made-up stories and Barbie-like careers, thinks you’re going mental. She nearly cries when you decide to donate your vintage Christian Lacroix jacket, but you’re convinced it’s the only way to get a new lease on life, so she mourns in silence.
The loudest reaction comes from your brother, who, if you could be mature enough to admit it, is the only voice of reason that almost resonates in your head. 
Despite your stubbornness, you accept the offer of hospitality from one of his university friends, who gives away a spare room. You don’t plan on staying in a hotel for gods know how long, and you certainly don’t have the patience to search for an apartment. You’re not completely out of mind, if they want to help, so be it. 
Barcelona is brighter and feels as welcoming as you hoped, though that might just be the nicer weather and the fact you’re far from your problems. And your ex. 
The first month flies by in a rush of Catalan cafeterias, art galleries, and little boutiques that refill both your closet and your spirit. 
The people here are kind enough to put up with your attempts to speak the language, humoring you since you’re oh-so-sure that eleven consecutive days on a passive-aggressive app have made you fluent.
The places you visit and the ones strangers recommend are loud enough to ignore the voices of reason in your ear that start to sound a lot like your brother’s.
Still, there’s only so much one can do to avoid responsibilities and self-consciousness.
“You need a job”, Ricardo states one morning, finding you in the kitchen eating cold pizza, still in the clothes you wore two nights ago.
Your closet isn’t as limited anymore.
“I’ve saved enough money to enjoy my vacation, thanks for your concern”
“I thought that was the money saved to buy a house with your ex”
“I do not have an ex nor a house to worry about, do I?”
As soon as the pizza starts to taste like regret, you’re ready to end the conversation to sleep the rest of day away. 
Ricardo means well, you know that. 
He’s a nice guy and a good roommate, but, like your brother, he’s overprotective and likes to gossip a little too much. Sometimes, it’s surprising how much he knows about you. Most of the time, it’s just annoying.
“I’m want to say– maybe a routine could be good for you”
“I have a routine”, you retort, knowing it’s a fat lie.
You’re out of the bed before eleven only if you didn’t sleep through the night before, wandering around the city with no real destination until something, somehow, catches your attention.
It’s not a bad thing per se, but it’s not a sustainable lifestyle.
“You quit a well-paid accounting job, right?”
“Ricardo, I swear, I’m this close to reporting you for stalking”
His laugh is too loud this early in the morning, but the comfort of bantering with someone who knows you is too familiar to ignore. Even if most of his insight comes from your nosy brother.
They both need to find a hobby that doesn’t involve judging your questionable life choices.
He sips his coffee while studying you, assessing how risky it would be to keep pushing the subject.
Apparently, he feels brave enough.
“My friends’ restaurant could use some help”
You’re not sure if Ricardo downplayed it or if he’s just blissfully unaware, but his friends don’t need some help – they need a miracle. 
That’s what happens when you get scammed by your bookkeeper. 
Despite not being really familiar with Spanish tax laws and regulation, it’s clear as the day someone exploited every possible loophole in the profitable business run by three way-too-trusting men. The truth becomes evident as you examine their accounting ledger, your frown deepening with each passing moment.
You have been to their restaurant before, and have loved it.
The place is cosy and carefully maintained. The food is prepared by a grumpy man from Puerto Rico named Paco, who, after twenty years in Barcelona, learned just enough cursing in Catalan to run the kitchen. Local bands play live on the weekend and someone’s mom made sure everyone is nice and well mannered. The worn wooden tables are witness of countless shared meals. 
Pedro and Paul, the other two owners, can only be described as a comedy duo with a really questionable sense of style and even worse jokes. But they’re nice enough, definitely good company when you have a bad day. They can turn it upside down so quickly, for the better or the worst.
However, Ricardo tells you how much the restaurant means for his friends and the local community, guilt-tripping you into helping them to fix their finances.
The truth is, you love math and numbers so much that a challenge like this excites you more than it’s appropriate to admit.
Hence, you agree to help them for far less money you could have asked anyone in the same situation.
They take it as a promise to make sure the business keeps running and organise a dinner with way too many people to celebrate your help.
“I’ve barely started looking into it, Pedro”, you complain, not used to such enthusiasm.
“¡Cállate y bebe tu sangría!”
You meet Alba that same night.
She’s nice and quick-witted, no one is safe from her clever remarks. It feels nice, the way she makes sure you’re included when everyone seems to forget you’re still learning Spanish from a green bird on your phone, and that, in most conversations, you relate more to vibes than actual words.
Flirting is a universal language, though.
If her hand brushes on your arm a couple of times you make sure to smile and get closer, and if you lean into her with the excuse of needing a translation she makes sure to whisper right into your ear. There’s a note in her voice that makes you feel at ease.
Of course, Ricardo ruins everything.
“I’m starting to think you’re running from tax collectors, not your ex”
It’s a good joke, you know it is nothing more than that. But it suddenly reminds you how messy your life is and how out of place you feel sometimes.
Not just far away from home, but also far away from everything familiar.
A job for a company you hated but paid good money; friends you didn’t see as you’d liked, but who knew damn well when to drag you out of your apartment – and out of your own head. A boyfriend who barely tolerated your love, but somehow always managed to say and do the right things at the right time.
Every morning, you wake up knowing what to wear for work, what numbers to punch into the computer to get the needed results, and how to act to be sure you’re not too much.
You’re not running away from just your ex, you’re running away from your life as known until finding out about the cheating. 
“¿Todo bien?”, Alba asks, noticing how you miss the opportunity to jab Ricardo. 
It takes you a moment to register her reassuring hand on your arm and the talks moving to a completely different topic.
“Yeah, sorry, just tired”
“You better get used to the Spanish nightlife”
“It’s pretty much all I’m doing so far”, you admit, slowly sipping a beer and making sure your annoying roommate doesn’t hear a word about this.
The rest of the dinner passes without too much trouble, despite not remembering most of the names and following even less of the conversations. 
Alba stays close and you blame the spicy food for the way your face reddens when she bids her goodbye with three kisses and a promise to meet up with less people.
“It’s a surprise”, Ricardo comments, his grin spreading across his face as soon as you settle onto the couch to debrief the day’s events.
It’s starting to look a lot like a new routine, a tradition in the making.
“What? Something my brother didn’t mention?”
“¡Ay, claro!”
“I hate you”
“I had no idea Alba is your type”
You have to give credit where due, he displays incredible reflexes. He dodges the pillow you throw at him, your punch barely grazes his arm, and your kick misses his shin by a mile.
To be honest with yourself, you’re not really sure who is your type. 
Not even getting in the mind-space to think about your ex, the past relationships you care about to recall all look pretty different. There’s no consistent pattern, not a clear preference in haircuts or any kind of colours, not a style that catches your attention more than another. 
The only thing most of your exes have in common is tiring you to the bones and leaving your life making you trust less and less in others. 
Maybe you do have a type.
It’s not a date, you both agree on that.
She doesn’t ask about the infamous ex, she’s good company and even a nicer distraction.
But your mind drifts and, as you recount the highlights of how that relationship crumpled in slow motion, it becomes clear as the day you shouldn’t be with someone until you’ve committed to a good therapist.
It’s not fair to anyone, but it’s definitely not fair to Alba.
You kiss her anyway, and she makes you promise to let her be your first date as soon as you’re ready to get back into the game again.
“Ricardo told me your ex is un cabrón”
If not for the possibility of blemishing your otherwise spotless record, you could have shoved Pedro down the hill you’re currently struggling to climb, losing too much dignity. 
The guy looks like he had one beer too many, but he’s surprisingly in shape and apparently unaffected by the whole hike so far. 
“Am I the only topic of conversation he has?”, you ask, mostly to buy a few more seconds to catch your breath.
“Creo que sí”
You raise the finger as you outpace him to keep going.
The sun has set, casting a warm, golden hue across the clear Barcelona sky. Despite Pedro knocking on your door when it was barely socially accessible to be at someone’s place, it takes the two of you more time than necessary to reach this point of the trail.
Not close enough to the top yet, but definitely too late to turn back without regrets. 
It’s mostly his fault.
The view is impressive, and the Catalan knows too many fascinating details to not be amazed by the nature around.
“¿Estás bien?
“Cabrón is a nice word”
“It’s not”
“No, it’s– I mean it’s not a bad enough word to describe him”, you clarify with a faint smile as Pedro slows his pace.
Your final destination is just a few steps away.
It may be the pleasant company, a good friend you’ve discovered in an unexpected place at the most unexpected time of your life. It may be the warm rays of sunshine that tickle your skin or the ache making your legs feel alive. It may be the weight on your chest, the one that crushed good intentions and caused too many sleepless nights, now becoming smaller under a new sense of resolve.
It may be for many different reasons, but for the first time in more than you’re comfortable looking back, it feels better.
“It was a good relationship”
He gives you a moment, sitting on the slightly damp grass next to your sprawled figure.
“It was good, until it was really bad. But it’s hard to do anything about it when you’re doing such an impressive job at hiding all the signs”
“A bad relationship can’t be blamed on just one person”, he tries to reason.
“It can”
“Guapa, mira–”
“No, it can. He was controlling, aggressive, and incredibly talented at making me take all the blame and the shame”, you admit, for the first time out loud, “My only fault was pretending to ignore when I finally saw it all for what it really was”
As you gather the strength to rise to a more dignified position, you almost expect Pedro to hug you or be the over affectionate Spanish stereotype he usually is.
Instead, he’s looking somewhere away in the sky, pensive.
You feel the need to reassure him, “I’m fine now, I–”
“No, lo siento, lo siento”, he turns with a small, yet genuine smile, “We don’t know each other that well”
“You’re hurting me now, I thought we were friends”
“We are, tonta!”
Pedro raises and his large hands, marked with tiny cuts, extend to pick you up. He paves the way down the hill with no words, and for the first time since you meet the man, the silence it’s a surprise. 
It’s not uncomfortable, maybe just a little unsettling.
And short-lived.
“We don’t know each well”
“You already said that”
He shoves you playfully, not impressed by your attitude, but used to it.
“Lo que quiero decir es que– you’re a good person, I can tell, even if we don’t know each other for long”
“Don’t get soft on my right now”
“You’re a good person and you love good, you have to keep loving”, he states, so casually, “Once you know love, you should never try to forget”
“At this point, I’m pretty sure you hit your head hard enough to go mental and somehow no one noticed”
“I miss you so much, Elena”
Your phone is precariously balanced on a glass of wine as you cook a recipe Paco scribbled on a piece of paper. In Catalan. 
It makes less sense than his finance decisions, but you’ll take it.
Your best friend’s face is half out of frame but you can clearly point out every step of her beauty routine. It’s a grueling and painfully long process, her boyfriend is way more patient than you about it.
But tonight Ricardo is out for his bi-weekly pottery class, and you’re happy to indulge her just for the sake of spending some time together, even if it’s through a screen.
Not like there’s a slight chance you’d say it out loud.
“What are you trying to cook?”, the eyebrow in frame raises skeptically.
“No idea”, you admit, coming to the conclusion the number you’re looking at is five and there’s no way this dish needs so many onions.
“Good, now, let’s track back to your mental instability”
“And you ask why I am in different country?”
The wasp she lets out is so loud, and the silence that follows is so deafening you look at the screen to make sure the call is still on. She can be so dramatic.
“Don’t joke about it, I’m still grieving”
“I’m still alive”
“Barely”, she mutters.
Elena is a good friend, despite the theatrics. 
When the world seems a little too much to handle, she turns into a safe space for you to be at peace. When you’re overthinking the stupidest choices, she always has a comforting, new point of view. 
To people who don’t have the privilege to know her well enough, she may look shallow and too noisy. The truth is, you’ve never met someone so aware of herself and her life that she perfectly understands how to give due weight to even the smallest things. 
And she doesn’t keep quiet, she loves loud and proud. 
You learned to hold yourself back. You were forced to.
That’s the biggest lesson she’s still teaching you.
“Just saying, you’re surrounded by hot, Spanish people–”
“Happens when in Spain”
“You’re allowed to have fun!”
“I have plenty, thank you very much”
A strange smell comes out of the pan as the lid is lifted, prompting you to close it and pretend it’s not even there for the rest of the night. Not planning to call a poison center, ordering takeout is how you opt to end this cooking attempt.
If Elena thinks you paused the video to piss her off, it is on her.
When your best friend’s face pops up on the screen again it’s so serious you’re tempted to hang up for real.
“I mean it in a good way, don’t get me wrong, but taking a leave of absence and flying to Barcelona is the most selfish thing I witnessed you do in forever”
“I’m actually thinking of quitting for good and going freelance”
“See?”, she gushes, although she can’t be taken seriously with a panda-shaped face mask on, “You like to do your nerd-numbers-shit again, you’re trying new things, even if you clearly can’t be trusted in the kitchen–”
“Fuck you, that man can cook, but for sure can’t write”
“You’re making friends, not as amazing as me, but we’ll take it!”
Trying to argue could be useless and, honestly, you have no arguments.
“You’re fine, you’re doing good”, she smiles, and you miss her a little bit more.
This time you say it out loud, and she cries.
The guys are planning something.
By now, you know them well enough to sense trouble the moment you step into the restaurant.
Paco wears a grin that’s almost creepy, a beam blasted across his face, while Pedro is cleaning the tables with unnecessary vigour and his usual commitment is taken to an unusual level.
They’re clearly waiting for something to happen, lingering around as you try to explain to Paul, the musketeer you pointed as the most reliable when money is on the line, how to delay a payment reminder.
“Okay, what is wrong with them?”, you ask, trying to recall a single reason why you put up with these people’s ethics.
You only need one.
“No te entiendo”
“Tú me entiendes perfectamente”
“Your español is getting so good, ¿lo sabes?”, Pedro chimes in, and you’re sure whatever they want, you’re not going to like it. 
Paul is usually the voice of reason, the emotionally adult one. Why is he looking at you like he’s about to commit the worst betrayal?
“We were thinking–”
“I’m scared when you guys think”
“We are allies, feminists, and strong supporters of women in male dominated fields, equality–”
“Please, shut up”, you interrupt as if the conversation is physically hurting you.
“Barça is playing the Copa on Saturday. We organise una fiesta every year when they come back, es una tradición”, Pedro cuts in, feeling like the best way to get to the point is to dive straight into it.
“What if they lose?”
“Ellas no pierden”, Paul’s voice is so final you don’t dare to object.
“Cool, fine, why are you acting like this party is something I’ll not like?”
“We pay for it all”
It’s nice.
It is a really nice gesture, knowing how much they care about their community and their friends and apparently the women’s side of their favourite club. 
Then you remember they have a huge debt to pay up because an asshole took advantage of their kind hearts and the accounts are just starting to make sense again.
“It’s a good thing”, you admit out loud, “But–”
When Paul starts a passionate rant about the team’s season so far and how sure he is they are gonna win those trophies all over again, apparently setting a new record for the sport itself, it’s not strange to feel thrilled too.
Even Paco joins the excitement at the prospect of adding another title to the collection.
You have been in Barcelona long enough to understand football is a big deal here, and you can’t deny it’s really wonderful to see three big guys hyping up their club – women’s and men’s side alike. 
Pedro looks at you like he knows you’re about to crumble.
“They better win then”, you agree, pretending it takes a lot of thinking.
They wrap you in a group hug so welcoming you don’t have the heart to tell them the restaurant can’t really afford to pay out an entire party right now, on a weekend, literally planned for a football team and their mothers. 
You’ll make sure the numbers check out later.
You meet Alexia that same night.
Alba makes the introductions, and you shake her hand a moment too late and too long than socially acceptable.
You’re busy shifting your gaze back and forth. 
They look alike. A lot. But somehow, they’re also so different.
You make a mental note to dig up some old pictures of a younger version of yourself and your brother.
“She’s the reason this party won’t bankrupt the guys”
“I’ve heard only good things about you”, Alexia admits.
If a slight redness tints your face it’s due to the compliments, not the feeling of her eyes on you, or the way your body seems to jolt awake.
“All lies, probably”, you try to compose yourself – get a fucking grip, “They’re just impressed ‘cus they can’t count to save their lives”
The laugh that leaves the older woman’s lips is the most melodic sound you’ve ever heard. Something in the way her face lights up and her features relax makes your chest ache with a surprisingly comfortable feeling.
A desire to make her laugh again.
And that is what you do all night.
The girls are way too excited – deservedly so, after another title added to their already impressive collection. The live music is loud, the food and the drinks come in flows. You’re too busy to mentally estimate the costs.
When one of Alexia’s teammates decides you’re her new favorite person in the whole restaurant, you’re perfectly fine with it. Just because she’s funny, not because she seems to have an impressive amount of stories to tease her captain with.
When Paul hands you another beer, you sip it without a care of keeping count. Just because you’re allowed to get loose, not because you noticed Alexia is making sure everyone will not regret a drink too much tomorrow. 
When Alba drags you to the makeshift dance floor, you let yourself feel the music and the bodies around. Just because the party is definitely worth it, vibrant, not because her sister joins the group at the same time.
You go home, much later than intended, with an unfamiliar feeling prickling beneath your skin and a somehow familiar pair of eyes stuck in your head.
The first time you end up in the stands for a football game is purely by accident.
An unmistakable electric buzz fills the air, lingering all the way from the parking lot to the seats that seem to keep filling. Everyone is smiling and chanting, sporting just two different colours but expressing their support in an unique way. 
The games you endured watching on TV to spend a few hours with your brother as a kid can’t compare to the real thing.
You never imagined finding yourself in such a place, but when in Rome. Or, well, when in Barcelona.
It’s all on the Putella sisters, to be honest.
You meet Alba in the most unusual place you could think of, or being yourself in the first place. A sports shop.
Planning to go on the hike a stranger at the restaurant pointed out, you need appropriate trekking shoes. Since the decluttering phase is officially over, you looked up one of those obnoxious places that sell overpriced sports-related shit.
Not the kind of shop you’d picture Alba willingly entering.
“Mind you, I actually like sports”, she objects.
“Do you?”
She giggles as your head tilts in a mocking way, “Vale, I like watching more than doing the sports”
“No way!”
The bags she’s dragging out of the shop are the only thing stopping her from not-so-playfully smacking you. It’s surprisingly easy to tease each other.
She reminds you of Elena, who called this morning to discuss how to act now she discovered where her boyfriend hides the ring. As if she hasn’t been snooping around for months.
Not entirely her fault, the poor guy left the jewelry’s receipt with the car keys at the entrance.
“Are you?”, the younger woman asks.
“A sports person”
“My brother used to kick footballs at me when we were kids, the only sport I ever pretended to be remotely interest in”
Her smile dims slightly.
For some reason, that seems to have been the wrong thing to say.
“Have you been to a Barça game yet?”
“What if I’m a Madridista?”
That’s even worse, apparently, since Alba dramatically drops the bags to gasp in shock. Her acting of a heartbreak is surprisingly convincing.
A second voice chimes in out of nowhere, “Don’t even joke about it”
Alexia’s comment is dead serious, you can tell, with just the hint of a grin on her lips as a clear giveaway that she’s more than comfortable teasing a person she barely knows.
You’re definitely not going to complain.
The hat she’s wearing hides half her face, but you can see her lighting up behind it.
“What if I’m not joking?”
“Alba, you said she is a nice person”, the midfielder complains, a huff escaping her lips as she adjusts the weight of the bags she’s carrying. 
Did they just raid the whole shop?
“Bold to you to assume I can’t be a nice person and a Madridista”
“Please, don’t fight her on this, she’s gonna be insufferable”, Alba complains, playfully rolling her eyes at her sister’s antics and your teasing.
“No, she needs to be educated. She’s coming to El Clásico with us”
As simple as that.
You find yourself in the home section of the stadium for one of the most anticipated games of the season.
Or that’s what Alexia is ranting about all the way to your seats, going off about the rivalry and basic football knowledge you have to thank your borther for drilling into your brain against your will.
It’s all worth it when her blush spreads across her face as she realises, in the middle of her fourth attempt to explain with yet another example, that you actually do know what offside is.
Alba watches the interaction closely, amused by how easy it is for you to tease Barcelana’s captain and how comfortable she seems to be around you, despite not having known each other for long.
A couple of minutes before kick-off, Alexia returns from wherever she went – one mission in mind. She takes her place on your side, handing you a Blaugrana jersey, “You can’t sit here without wearing the right colours”
Maybe wearing a white t-shirt was a bit too much.
You burst out laughing, opting to put in the item immediately to avoid upsetting the filled seats around you, “How’d you find your own at a men’s game?”
“I happen to be pretty beloved around here”
“Did you hear that, Alba? La Reina is bragging!”
The only reason she doesn’t retort is due to the referee’s whistle announcing the start of the game, followed by a surprisingly enjoyable night with the two sisters.
Summer in Barcelona is nothing like you pictured it.
The streets are filled with tourists, too many people crammed in too little spaces. Complaints about the crowds and the chaos drown out any excitement. You have to remind Pedro that it’s awful, but it’s good for business.
Sometimes, it’s too hot to even think of leaving the comfort of your place. Fans blow in every room because, of course, the air conditioner broke the day it was turned on. 
Sometimes, it’s so loud you don’t need to ignore the voices of doubt in your head, subdued by everything that’s happening around you.
Sometimes, it’s exactly the kind of life you can see yourself living.
Your brother came to visit for a week, spending more time teasing you with Ricardo than doing anything else. You hate it, but you missed him too much to complain.
Maybe you pulled some strings to make his dream of visiting Camp Nou come true, just so you could look cool, but then what?
He’s as happy as a kid in a candy store, and all you have to do is endure an overexcited guided tour and bribe Alexia with overpriced drinks the night after. Totally manageable.
Your therapist announces her vacation like it’s not the worst news she’ll be sharing, leaving you with tasks to occupy the time. You dutifully completed them all, never quite managing to shake the nerd label off, and, quite frankly, you pay her too much to not do her homework.
Some tasks seem a little over the top, though – signing up for a dating app is definitely not how you’ll get over your ex.
You started hanging out with a group of passionate excursionists. Perhaps a bit too excited about life in general, but nice enough to follow during their hikes.
Pedro joins when he can, most of the time, someone from the Barcelona team manages to invite themselves. 
Since you and María aren’t allowed to be on your own, Ingrid or Esme supervise. It may be an overreaction, but the last time you two were alone, you sprained your ankle and the defender got nasty cuts on her legs before the trip even started, so you can’t really judge them. 
If you say Alexia is a better hike partner than most is just to piss María.
That summer in Barcelona makes you miss your family and friends back home a little more than usual, but it’s also the first time in months that you feel like you’re actually living your life – not just letting it flow right through you. 
When the new school year starts, Irene and her wife come to the restaurant a couple of times before Paul suggests that you could be the perfect person to help their son with his math homework.
Your attempt to explain that you really are not qualified to teach in a different language goes completely ignored.
They’ve already tried different tutors, and Mateo seems to hate them all. You accept, mostly because of the kid’s puppy-dog eyes.
The two of you fell into an easy routine. Once a week, he would lend you basic grammar school manuals and children’s books to help with your Spanish, and you would explain math to him in the simplest way possible.
It goes well.
Mateo decides pretty soon you’re his new favourite person, and you basically become one of Irene’s as well.
That’s how you find yourself on the sideline during a Barça training session, reading a book about a dog that doesn’t know how to bark while Mateo is too pleased with himself, checking all the math exercises he nailed. 
“Good one?”
You raise your gaze, shielding your eyes from the sun enough to point out Alexia’s silhouette.
The weather is still too warm for your comfort, making you question the girls’ mental stability for running lap after lap under such conditions with a smile on their faces. 
Sports people are scary.
“You look too good to be someone who just finished training”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?”
“Derogatory”, you clarify, pushing your stuff aside so that Alexia can sit beside you on the sideline. 
She’s drinking some sort of sport drink like she’s just eaten sand, and this close, she looks human. She’s grinning, enjoying the sun picking at her skin and Mateo’s passionate explanation of the math exercises he’s done all by himself.
The training session is wrapped up, she stays until Irene comes back from the changing room, washed and dressed, ready to take the little boy home.
The blonde lingers a bit longer, talking about books she loved growing up and how she takes management courses when she can. You find out Penélope Cruz is both your favourite actress, but the midfielder acts shocked when you tell her you haven’t watched her favourite film. 
That night, you put it on and change the language setting, live-texting Alexia all your reactions.
Halfway through, you’re pretty sure she’s watching it too.
Almost nine months after booking that life-changing one-way ticket to Barcelona, you buy another one to go back home.
With a return ticket in hand.
It’s your mother’s birthday, so you kind of have to.
Recently, she’s been repeating a new favorite line, rambling about the uncertainty of life and the precariousness of old age. She’s barely in her 60s and has less back pain than most people of your generation, but she’s not willing to listen to reason. 
You come to the conclusion you can’t lose any more points against your brother in the unspoken sibling race for your parent’s love. So you book the flight, pack a suitcase big enough, because you literally have nothing to wear left behind, and mentally prepare for the investigation your family will conduct. 
The tension in your shoulder melts away the moment your brother wraps his arms around you in the airport terminal. 
“You grow up so much”
And, just like that, he’s your annoying, stupid older brother again.
“I didn’t miss you at all”
“I can see you holding back tears”
“You’re literally crying!”, you accuse with a grin on your lips, lightly punching him.
“Just wait until mum sees that new tattoo”
The truth is, your mother is too busy peering deep into your soul to care about the tattoo. 
It takes two days of constant reassurance that you’re working, eating, and sleeping properly; a ceramic salamander figurine – maybe overpriced, but a gift meant to make an impression; and Elena backing up your story to calm her worries.
Barely enough to get you through the rest of the week unstretched.
“She’s just worried”, your best friend tries to reason, sipping a flashy pink drink that you’re not even sure is made from real fruit.
“I moved to Barcelona, not a war zone”
“Oh, so now it’s permanent?”
The shit-eating grin spreading across her face should annoy you, but you have to admit she has a point.
At first it was just an impulsive decision, an urge to run away from everything and everyone. Then, without really realising it, the Catalan city started to feel a lot like a place to settle in, to let your wings spread wide open.
Now you almost call it home.
The waitress interrupts your flow of thoughts, saving you from Elena’s pointed gaze long enough to be properly distracted by the huge amount of food presented. He leaves with a charming smile, but you’re genuinely too focused on the salty chips to notice.
“Are you pregnant?”, you ask, looking as she almost chokes to avoid comically spilling her drink on you.
“The Spanish heat fried your brain?”
“What? You didn’t even have soft drink when we were underage”
Elena pauses for a moment, weighting if knocking over you the rest of the pink beverage could be worth it. It takes genuine pondering.
She decides to take the highest road.
“Are you dying?”
“Are you taking comedy classes in Barcelona?”
The last time your best friend was this over the edge it was because of a pregnancy scare. First year of university, and her boyfriend at time wasn’t really the guy you’d take home for Christmas. A memory that doesn’t help her case right now.
You slip under the dim lights of the bar, a classy spot where she hangs out with the women from her pilates class. A shiver runs down your back, a bad feeling overcoming deep inside you. 
Then, she speaks up.
“I’ve already bought a wedding dress”, she admits, as if she’s confessing a crime, “It’s a size smaller and I have to–”
“Elena, for fuck’s sake, I thought you were actually dying!”
“It is, indeed, a tragedy”
“He hasn’t even proposed yet”
“Details”, she chugs the rest of the drink, smirking and grabbing the last chips you’re too shocked to care about.
The same waitress hovers around your table, drawn in by the loud exchange and your clear distress, “Excuse me, is everything okay?”
He’s young, charming enough for this to be just a gig while he waits and hopes for his acting career to take off. However, he looks genuinely concerned, his gaze shifting between the deep frown and your friend amused grin.
“All good, she’s just dramatic”, Elena points at you with the straw, before delivering the final blow, “And she is single”
The poor boy’s face lights up, naively thinking the commotion was a creative way to play matchmaker.
What a mistake.
You don’t even dignify her with a glance, rolling your eyes before addressing him directly, “Excuse her, she’s panicking because her long-time, overly in-love boyfriend still hasn’t popped the question”
“That’s not–”
“And I’m not interested”, you finish, kind but firm.
He leaves with a nod, cheeks slightly red.
Elena watches him disappear as you sip your own drink, studying you the way she used to when you were confused teenagers who didn’t know how to deal properly with all those feelings and real-life emotions.
The reason you still encourage her goes beyond your understanding.
You’re not starting to question it now, “What?”
“You like someone”
“Elena, I swear–”
“No, no, it’s just–”, her gaze softens as she looks at you, teasing and playful attitude making space for her most supportive side, “It’s good to see you, you know, welcoming back some happiness”
It doesn’t matter how she’s always capable of reading you like a book, like you’re a poem she knows by heart but she’s never tired of.
After all the years and the lessons you’ve learned together, it feels so comforting to know there’s someone out there who deeply understands you. Who truly sees you.
You don’t deny it, you don’t retort to her observation. 
That's not the point right now.
You break the promise made to Alba.
Kind of.
It’s early in the morning, the sun has barely risen in the sky, but it’s the perfect time to arrive at the little market. It arrives every two weeks, with vibrant stalls full of everything – though you understand half the things the vendors say. The freshness of the fruit and the unique clothing finds you always manage to come home with are totally worth it.
Alexia is buying vegetables and, judging by the passion she shares with the old lady in front of her, discussing important geopolitical questions.
You enjoy the exchange, taking a moment before approaching.
She jokes about the fact you’re up before the clock even hits double digits, laughing at your retort about fighting with the elderly over groceries. 
The footballer suggests breakfast in a cosy place not far from the market, the promise of fresh bakeries enough to convince you.
It’s not a date.
But you walk side by side, bags lightly colliding sometimes, and before you know it, you’ve arrived at the café. Alexia holds the door open, pointing out her favorite pastries. She scoffs, unamused, when she realizes your questions distracted her long enough for you to pay for both your orders.
It’s not a date, obviously.
But you sit at a table in the far corner of the café for almost three hours, talking about everything and nothing. The bubble you find yourself in bursts when Ricardo calls, complaining that you’re late for lunch, despite insisting on making a reservation.
“We should do this again”, she says as she hugs you goodbye, a smile lighting her entire face.
It’s not a date, but it definitely feels like it.
You remembered the promise you made to Alba, to save your first date for her once you feel ready, just a second after realising how badly you wish to go on a real one with her sister.
You refuse categorically to celebrate your birthday at the boys’ restaurant.
They could make a big deal out of it, insist on paying for everything, and you couldn’t let that happen. After months of knowing them and the “Barcelona way” of celebrating loved ones, you can’t let them be in charge of this. 
Also, the bills are finally adding up. They can afford it, you can’t let them do it – at least, not emotionally speaking.
So you host a little party at your place – your place, because Ricardo says you basically own it as much as he does after the bathroom’s makeover. 
The small kitchen quickly turns into chaos the moment Paco takes charge and ropes Ricardo into helping. Pedro shows up with decorations and a banner that was most likely used for his little sister’s. Paul, however, closes the restaurant that same afternoon, brushing off your protests and reassuring you that your birthday is more important than the evening’s earnings.
You can’t find it in yourself to fight them.
The apartment fills with laughter and a vibrant energy that eases the weight pressing on your chest when overthinking takes hold. Balloons cover nearly the entire floor, raised voices and the scent of spices travel from the kitchen. 
Your friends from the hiking group arrive in waves, immediately hitting it off with some of Barcelona’s team. You’ve grown close to a few of them through your relationship with Irene’s family and the one Ingrid and Frido practically forced on you.
Some regular customers from the restaurant also show up, people you’ve grown pretty comfortable with after spending so much time there during the first weeks of taking over the accounting job.
There’s also a nice girl you met at a concert, who Elena stalks on social media to make sure she’s not a serial killer.
Alba and Alexia are the last ones to arrive.
Your life in Barcelona is full of new people, new experiences and adventures.
At your lowest point, you’d almost forgotten what it felt like to be loved out loud.
And those people are the loudest you ever met.
The noise around the apartment subsides just as most of the guests leave. The music is turned down to a minimum, because of the late hour and Pedro’s questionable taste, as he hasn’t let go of the speaker once all night.
The small group gathers around the couch, drinks in hand, still willing to celebrate with you. 
“I’m just saying, I think they taste the same”
The entire room erupts in protests at Ricardo’s comment.
“Absolutely no”, Pedro chimes in, seated on the edge of the armchair with a half-drunk beer in hand, “Black olives are made to be a pizza topping, green ones are perfect for everything else”
“What do you even know about pizza topping?”, you interrupt with a grin, “You put pineapple on yours”
Somehow, the complaints grew louder, the room buzzing with indignation.
“What’s wrong with that? Pineapple is a great pizza topic, you’re just too pretentious to admit it!”
“Can we move on from the pizza argument?”
“Oh, no, let’s get into it!”, you wave your hand dismissively, “Pedro, please, tell everyone what you put on first, cheese or sauce?”
“Fuck you”
“You work in a restaurant”, Alba says, her voice laced with disbelief. 
“I’m not the one cooking, am I?”
“Thank God!”
The conversation quickly turns on poor Pedro, who now finds himself defending his questionable taste and own belief.
Alexia, who’s been quietly sipping from her glass, looks at the scene with a raised eyebrow before turning to you, relaxed on the couch beside her, “Honestly, I never imagined pizza to be the thing that ends a friendship”
“I’m just happy we’re not talking about pineapple anymore, that’s a sin”
“You started this”, she points out, giggling. 
Ricardo shrugs from his spot on the floor, amused but staying out of it for now. 
“It’s my birthday, I can do whatever I want”
“Oh, por favor”, Alexia says with a playful roll of her eyes, nudging the paper crown still perched on your head, “This must have cut off circulation to your brain”
You gasp, your dramatic antics in full display, fueled by the time, the alcohol, and, likely, the footballer’s shoulder still brushing against yours.
“You’re just jealous you’re not the only reina in the room”
“Keep dreaming”, Alexia responds with a grin.
The proximity lingers in a way that’s not just playful. It’s comfortable, like an inside joke no one else is allowed in on.
Ricardo watches the interaction from the corner of his eye, his gaze lingering on you and the blonde for a moment longer than necessary. He notices how her cheeks redden slightly, the way you look a little different – softer, at ease.
Alba catches the moment too, still pretending to be involved in the pizza argument. She notices the quiet exchanges and private moments that have unfolded all evening. The way you and her sister have fallen into a different rhythm, a different world.
She’s seen it before.
There’s something between you two, something unspoken, but not quite hidden. She wonders how long it’s been there, how long it’s been that way.
But, like Ricardo, she keeps her thoughts to herself.
The rest of the group laughs, the debate seems to fade into a more relaxed conversation that doesn’t involve food or questionable life choices.
As the night goes on, the teasing continues, but, underneath the surface, there’s something deeper.
There’s the way you lean in a little closer to Alexia when someone says something ridiculous, how your eyes linger on her when Pedro makes a joke and you think no one is watching.
There’s the way Alexia’s knee brushes yours when you laugh, how her fingers dance on your arm simply because you’re close enough to.
There’s the exchange of gazes and smiles, quiet signs of complicity in the loud room.
Ricardo waits to the tune of three days before cornering you.
You mention being a bit homesick after your birthday and the Putellas sisters literally drag you to have dinner with them at their mom’s. Eli is the sweetest woman ever, going above and beyond to the point of making that one pie you mentioned once being your favourite. 
The house is filled with memories and tender gestures, a haven of support and a desire of caring for your own that squeezes your heart with a bittersweet beauty. Spending the night there makes it clear how Alexia and Alba were raised, revealing the roots of their kindness.
“You had fun?”
It’s a miracle you don’t drop dead on the floor right there, Ricardo’s voice echoing from the middle of the couch in the dark room.
“Why are you lurking like a fucking killer?”, you shout at him when your heartbeat slows down enough to let you come up with proper words.
“I was waiting for you”
You don’t even dignify him with a response, watching how he’s sipping from a mug like a scene from the shittiest b-movie you can think of.
Crossing the room to sleep the unease away, the guy’s next words make you stop right where you are, “You need to come clean with her”
“What are you talking about–”
“You like Alexia”
It’s not a question, there’s no doubt in his voice.
There’s not a single reason to even try to fight his assumption or your own overthinking.
You reach for the seat next to him on the couch, noticing the second mug just when he offers it to you. It’s a fruity tea you enjoy hot, with way too much honey and not a drop of milk – exactly like the one in your hands. 
The silence wrapping around is comforting in a way that makes sense just because it’s the two of you, sipping tea in the quiet darkness of the room.
“I do”, you admit after a while, even if you don’t need to. 
“I know”
“That obvious?”
“Yeah”, your roommate confirms with a soft smile.
He doesn’t tease, he doesn’t accuse you of anything.
It’s so typically Ricardo that you feel a surge of affection, a need to embrace him and accepting the support of someone who, in a twisted and brotherly way, looks out for you – and your heart. So you do just that, jumping into his arms without a care of your reputation or of the almost-empty mugs.
The man, despite the surprise of your reaction, is ready to hold you for how long you need.
Turns out, you need it a lot.
“Sorry, sorry”, you say after a couple of minute, trying to pull yourself together, “I didn’t see it coming”
“Me being so observant and clever or you falling in love with Alexia?”
“I’m not in love with Alexia”
He’s lucky the tea is not hot anymore.
“I’m not in love with Alexia”, you repeat. 
Not yet, resonates in your head – your own mind betraying you. 
Yes, Alexia is beautiful. Yes, you two apparently clicked perfectly right the moment you met. Yes, recently the time together doubled the time spent with anyone else. You can admit you like Alexia, the therapy is worth the commitment and the money put into it. 
But being in love?
It’s a good feeling, the one that makes her cheeks flush crimson when your smile catches her gazing. Even better, the one that fills you with pride when Alexia’s laugh resonates in the room because of something you say or do. 
It’s an exciting force, the one that unsettles your stomach when she reaches for you just for the sake of touching – of feeling you close. Even better, the one that makes you two sure of finding the other in a room full of people just when needed. 
It’s so terrifying close to love, what it’s blossoming.
You want to fall in love with Alexia.
Ricardo raises from the couch, taking the mugs and putting them on the sink to be dealt with tomorrow. An annoying habit you’re sure he keeps up with just to annoy you.
He returns a minute later, “Are you going to do something about it?”
You don’t miss a bit, “Yes”
“Let Alba know first”, he says with a serious note in his voice, “She liked you”
The stadium buzzes with the loud roaring of fans and the sharp, clean scent of freshly cut grass under the rain. Barcelona dominates the pitch, their control of the midfield a suffocating grip as the opponents scramble, desperate for a counterattack. 
Between miscalculated slides and short passes, Alexia weaves through defenders in a blur of motion and focused energy. She’s calm when the ball is glued on her feet, sparkling to light, her presence igniting the pitch, as soon as her teammates take over. 
Patri finds her captain just outside the box and you lean forward, smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
You may be new to the whole thing, new in the Blaugrana’s home stands, but you learn quickly and you know exactly what Alexia’s movement means. 
The shot curves perfectly, the stadium exhales a collective gasp as the goalkeeper’s fingertips fail to reach it. The ball hits the bar loudly, the sound echoing before it flies out of the pitch.
Beside you, Alba lets out a whoop, clapping her hands with a grin stretching across her face, “She’s out for blood”
You laugh, not like anyone could disagree.
Barça is winning by three goals, outrunning the defence and shooting as if they need to score at least three more to sleep peacefully tonight. 
The poor goalkeeper will have nightmares for sure.
“She really want to take home that ball”
“She’s playing to impress”, Alba points out, not so subtly.
You chuckle, her remark flying over your head, “She’s just– good, I guess”
“Good? ¡Por favor!”, the younger Putellas scoffs, rolling her eyes, “She’s acting like a ballet dancer out there, doing pirouettes and running around like she has two sets of lungs”
As to prove her sister’s point, Alexia nutmegs another midfielder and executes another perfect movement, clearing the field for Aitana to set up Vicky for a chip goal.
The crowd erupts, but Alba’s attention remains fixed on you.
“¡Mirala!”, she says, pointing at the pitch where the team is hugging and celebrating, “That was another ‘look at me, soy la Reina’ moment!” 
“Your sister is the most competitive person I’ve ever met”
“Competitive? Chica, she’s showing off! And don’t even get me started on the way she keeps looking up here, fixing her hair between plays– It’s ridiculous”
You watch as Barcelona’s bubble dissipates and they get back at their positions, Alexia waves towards your seats, her face illuminated by a radiant grin.
Your cheeks flush slightly, a mixture of amusement and something else.
The game keeps on with the same level of excitement, and even more shots on target. They win narrowly, unconcerned by their soaked clothes, lingering happily in the rain to sign autographs and chat with supporters.
Alexia immediately seeks out you and Alba, trying to embrace you both despite your not-so-playful protests. The damp material of her kit clings, accentuating her defined muscles, and your thoughts stray to less innocent territories.
Alba sends her sister to the changing room, accepting the kiss landed on her forehead and watching as you nod like an idiot when she leaves with the promise to be back in no time, her hand lingering on your arm.
“¡Ay, esto es increíble!”, she interrupts your thought flow, tilting her umbrella just enough for a stream of rain to drop on your face. 
“You’re not exactly subtle either, ¿sabes?”
The stadium noises fade into a distant hum. The air between you thickens, the playful banter morphing into something more charged and intentional. Your fingers fidget with the edge of your jacket, avoiding the younger woman’s gaze.
“How long have you known?”, you ask.
“The moment I introduced the two of you, idiota!”, she says, her voice teasing, “But I knew for sure at your birthday’s party”
“Nothing happened between us”
Alba’s smile softens, a gentle understanding dawning in her eyes, “I’m not blind and I know my sister pretty well. And honestly? I think it’s cute, you two glow when you’re together. She likes you. A lot. And you like her too"
Your shoulders relax, “I do. I really like her, Alba”
The wave of relief that washes over you is comforting.
You don’t owe her anything, and Alba definitely doesn’t owe you anything. But it’s good to know this love growing between you and Alexia is real, people around you see it too. People you care about support it.
Your smile spreads naturally on your face when you spot Barcelona’s captain approaching, hair still wet but changed in warm clothes.
Alba doesn’t miss it, nudging you with her elbow just before her sister’s close enough to hear, “It’s good you feel ready to date again, and I’m happy it’s her”
“I’m going to say it just once, so listen carefully”, you stop in the middle of the road with a stoic face, “Please, don’t make me regret our entire friendship”
The grin on Elena’s lips tells you everything you need to know, but you give her the benefit of the doubt. Because she’s your best friend, because she knows how to behave.
But she’s your best friend, and she’s not going to behave.
Her visit is not unpleasant, just unexpected.
It’s barely six in the morning when loud bangs on the front door wake you up and almost scare Ricardo to death. He takes it well enough, greeting Elena and going back to sleep the shock away. You, on the other hand, think of leaving her waiting outside until it’s socially acceptable to show up. Her immediate embrace is a clever attempt to smooth your annoyance.
She booked a red-eye flight for a hit and run, so you take her around Barcelona all day and agree to a late night out in a club Alba suggested you join with some of her friends.
“Relax”, she says, skipping steps like a kid as you approach the place.
“Elena, I’m serious”
“Why are you so stressed? Oh– oh, I know!”
She turns around in her heels, too graciously for someone with shoes so high and such low alcohol tolerance – you two may not be in your early 20s anymore, but you figured pregame was necessary this time around.
Her good resolution of not drinking alcohol crumbled as soundly as it started.
“Is she here too?”
“I don’t know what–”
“This mysterious woman you can’t shut up about, who is so great you have heart-shaped eyes but I can’t know her name”, she interrupts, grabbing you by the shoulder as you approach the club’s entrance. 
It’s not like you’re hiding Alexia, or your feelings for her.
She’s a frequent topic of conversation with your best friend, you’re comfortable sharing the moments between the two of you and the way your heart beats at a completely different rhythm around the Barcelona’s captain.
But Elena can be protective, and curious.
All she needs is a name, and she’s going to find out if Alexia has ever got a bad grade in primary school. The teasing for liking a football player? You aren’t ready for that either.
“Yes, she’s here and I need you to–”
“This is the best day of my life!”, she doesn’t even let you finish, leaves you right there, flashing the bodyguard at the entrance a huge smile and sweet talking her way in – even though they have your names as vip guests.
“This is going to be the worst day of mine”, you mutter to yourself, following after her.
The energy in the club is charged with a dangerous combination of freewill and alcohol. The place is packed and colored lights go on and off with the music, bright enough to see who’s in front of you, but not enough to make your decision clear. Not tonight.
Alba sees you first, waving her hand to catch your attention so you join them in a secluded table in a corner of the place.
You don’t even ask how Elena is already seated in the cool leather booth, talking animatedly.
“She’s funny”, Alba comments after greeting you with a hug.
“Don’t believe a word she says”
The younger girl’s laugh mixes with your best friend’s, and you know your fate is sealed when a guy hands her a drink. 
You look around the table, noticing some people from Alba’s close circle and some you met in passing at the restaurant or at a Barcelona’s game.
“She’s in the bathroom”
Your body betrays you before a coherent thought can leave your brain, your cheeks redding to the tips of your ears. 
“Told you, you’re not subtle”, Alba comments, too amused at your reaction.
As if she knows you’re talking about her, as if a magnetic energy forces your body to get closer and closer, Alexia’s gaze locks with yours as she approaches the table, followed by a vaguely familiar face.
She greets you with a dimpled smile and a welcoming hug, it may look like months passed but it’s been a matter of days. The black top she’s wearing emphasizes her toned stomach, and your fingers itch to trace the subtle sheen of sweat crossing her back – a sign she’s been dancing for a while now. 
You’re fashionably late, regardless of the time Alba suggested you to be here. Spanish people are stragglers, you have learned it at your own expense.
“Are you ready?”, the footballer asks.
“For what?”
“You owe me a dance”
“Absolutely not!”, you protest, trying to escape her hug.
“Oh, yes”, she smile, her arm around your waist dragging you even closer, “You made fun of my dancing moves, now you have to prove yours”
Next time, you will think twice before sending the blonde every single comment you found online about a TikTok video one of her teammates posted after a huge win. In your defence, you find it very cute.
The dance floor is filled with people, dancing in fluid movements like you learned Spaniard are comfortable with. A sea of arms fling around, bodies smoothly moving to feel each other. The music vibrates with a bass so deep that your ribs pulses at the same rhythm.
Alexia guides you in a less crowded section, far enough from the table so Alba and Elena can study every single movement, but out of earshot. 
You try to ignore the thought of your best friend gossiping with Alba.
Thinking, however, is the last thing you do when Alexia’s hand finds the small of your back, skin waking up by the slight hint of touch.
It doesn’t really matter how you managed to get this close, how the music runs through your bodies with an unmistakable energy and desire to get even closer. Your arms rise to frame the blonde’s face, her grin growing as soon as she notices your reaction.
It’s not like either of you is hiding the attraction, the pulsing needs to be together. To talk, to touch, to be around one another. It’s always been there, you just never acted on it.
“Are they like that all the time?”, Elena asks, still studying the way you seem to speak a different language with Alexia.
“I’m thinking about locking them somewhere until they kiss or whatever”
The disbelief is clear in Elena’s voice, “Are you sure they haven’t kissed yet?”
“If I know my sister, she must be really fucking scared”
“If I know my best friend, she must be really fucking stupid”
The two nod before bursting in a loud laugh, clicking their glasses. 
Almost an half an hour later, you find them like that, giggling and talking as if they have known each other for years and not just met. Alexia raises an eyebrow, silently questioning if she needs to hold back Alba’s enthusiasm – Elena is matching it without a problem, and that’s what really worries you. 
“And that’s how she ended up with the sister of her blind date”
“That’s not how it happened, at all”, you complain, hitting your best friend’s arm as she decide telling the worst stories possible is the best way to spend the night.
“Must have been a great date”, someone jokes.
“I’m a fantastic date, thank you so much”
“I can confirm”, Alba says with a teasing grin, raising her empty glass as you flip her off with an equally open smile on your lips.
Alexia, on the other hand, straightens up a bit at the exchange, switches her gaze between the two of you, almost taken aback, “You two dated?”
“I told you”, the younger girl retorts.
“I thought you were messing with me”
The change in her posture is subtle, but you’re close enough to feel it. Close enough to notice the way she moves her knee, breaking contact with yours, her fingers toying with the ring on her pinky.
Alba is a bit too drunk to pay attention to the footballer’s dampened mood, not affected anymore by that one date with you so long ago.
She told her sister about it when she first clocked in her interest for you, hoping to clear the way for her to do something about it – a sort of blessing.
Turns out, Alexia’s so sure she was teasing her, lying about it just to annoy her.
Thankfully, your best friend reads in your face the panic and drifts the conversation on a completely different topic. 
The rest of the night passes in a blur of laughs, questionable drinking choices, and more dancing. 
Every single attempt of catching Alexia’s eyes fails miserably. She’s not ignoring you, she doesn’t leave her seat next to you, and her touch is light but grounding. Your mind, however, spirals in a way it hasn’t in months.
It’s late when the group decides to call it a day, stumbling out into the cool, damp air of Barcelona. No one is sober enough to even think of driving, the decision to summon taxis rather than risk the roads is unanimous. 
A strange intimacy settled inside the car. You and Alexia sit in the back, while Alba, in the middle, sleeps on the older woman’s shoulder with soft snores. Elena is deep in conversation with the Catalan driver, despite not speaking a word of the language. The city lights flash outside, blurred by a light drizzle that you trace with a finger against the window.
Upon reaching Alexia’s apartment, you insist on helping her carry her sister inside, ignoring her half-hearted protests. Your best friend, armed with a winning smile and a ‘thank me later’ attitude, somehow manages to convince the driver to wait for you outside.
The place is quiet when you enter, amplifying the tension that crackled between you, but it’s not uncomfortable. It’s never uncomfortable.
You and Alexia carefully settle Alba onto the bed, the soft glow of a bedside lamp casting long shadows across the guest room. Each gentle adjustment of her sister’s blanket, each soft whisper to ensure her comfort, stretched out the delicate balance. 
It’s minutes later, right by the front door, that something snaps.
Before you can reach the handle on the way out, the footballer’s fingers wrap around your wrist.
There’s urgency in the way her body feels stirred by an electric discharge all of a sudden, her voice low, “You dated?”
“What?”, your confusion is mostly prompted by Alexia’s distressed tone.
“You dated my sister?”
“No, we– I mean, we went out like one time and I was, clearly, still fucked up by my ex– It’s not like we actually dated or something”
“She said–”
“She was joking”, your hands cupping the blonde’s face seems to do wonder at calming her, but you still feel the need to clarify the situation, “I kissed her, once, then found a good therapist and said to her I wasn’t interested like that”
“Are you interested like that?”
“Alexia, I just said–”
“No, no”, she interrupts shyly, never dropping her gaze, “Are you interested in me like that?”
Despite the voices still filling doubts in your head, kissing her is the easiest, most natural thing to do at that moment. 
Her lips are soft, warm, and taste faintly of sweet drinks. Her breath mingled with yours, a shared rhythm in the quiet intimacy of the kiss.
A current of interest, desire, and care pulls you closer. There’s complicity and belonging, mingling with curiosity, and the thrill of uncharted territory.
And there’s Alexia, right in front of you, vulnerable and exposed and trusting enough to lay her emotions in your hands. Making you feel so safe that you don’t even have to think about doing the same.
So you kiss again, trying to convey how sure you are about your feelings. Because the insecurities and the questioning silence when Alexia’s heartbeat syncs with yours and her hand caresses your face.
The sharp honk coming from the taxi outside is the only reason why you separate.
The late afternoon sun drapes over the Barcelona streets as you and Alexia stroll, fingers laced together. 
It’s a familiar feeling now, holding hands after a date.
You have explored hidden hikes, shared tapas after her games, and even attended a couple of flamenco lessons. Nothing too different from what you’ve already experienced. 
Except, of course, for the kissing.
And there’s been a lot of that.
Your phone buzzes, interrupting Alexia’s recall of Vicky’s last attempt of convincing her to do another stupid trend. You drop her hand, your fingers flying across the screen, muttering in concentration.
The footballer raises an eyebrow, complaining playfully, “Am I annoying you?”
“It’s this stupid bird!”
“Still fighting with ser y estar?”
“I’m sorry, my Spanish teacher is a tease and gets distracted five minutes after promising to help me study”
“She sounds like an incredible teacher”, she counters, too pleased with herself as she hints at your last private tutoring.
Despite your best effort, the other woman had other plans. The sentences she whispered right at your ear, with a raspy voice and a note of teasing in every single movement of her lips, made your resolution crumble in a matter of minutes. The books, not even opened, fell off the bed with a kick of her foot.
You do, however, learn some new words.
Your cheeks flush at the memory, “Shut up!”
“I said nothing”
You ignore her grin, still welcoming her embrace as she pulls you closer to help with the lesson.
“This app is useless! Why do those Spanish animals always do weird things? It’s making me questioning my entire existence”
“Tan dramática”, Alexia snorts, nudging you with her hip, “Why are you even using that thing? You can learn everything you need from me”
“I’m trying to actually learn something here”, you retort, faking annoyance, “Besides, you’re not always available for Spanish lessons. I want to get better, impress the locals”
“After more than a year?”
“Never too late”, you grin, “Just wait, I’ll be ordering in flawless Catalan in less time than it took you to ask me out”
Alexia stops in her tracks at your teasing, taken aback by your admission and by way of calling her out for the stalling after the first kiss you shared. She may have needed a little push then, trying to find the best moment to ask you for a real date to just blur it out in the rush of a late game night you attended.
You continue walking, too focused on the lesson to acknowledge the blonde’s momentary pause.
“Wait, I thought you were taking Spanish lessons”
“Yes, from you and the stupid bird, but I have an actually tutor for Catalan”
“You’re learning Catalan?”
“I live in Barcelona”, you say, matter of factly, but the flush creeping up on your cheeks betrays you.
The truth hangs in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken. It isn’t about fitting in, not anymore. It’s about her.
To understand her better, wrapping deeply into the fabric of her world. It’s commitment, to the city and to a future that you can’t picture without her in. It’s a promise, somehow, to bridge any gap and to learn her culture, her soul. 
Alexia’s gaze lingers, the weight of your growing feelings both exhilarating and inevitable.
She told herself she set a pace comfortable for you, respecting your need to get better with loving yourself and trusting others.
But you’ve been ready for this love for quite some time now.
The way you open up with her, hold her after a long day, and gently kiss the creases around her lips when she smiles. The way you not just proudly wear your heart on your sleeve, but you hand out your emotions to be seen. The way you make her feel safe enough to be vulnerable, to be taken care of. 
The way you’re learning to love her by learning to love everything that makes her who she is.
A nervous flutter, like trapped butterflies, stirred in your stomach as Alexia catches up to you. You could feel the energy radiating from her, the subtle scent of her perfume, a mix of wood and something undeniably her.
“Estic enamorada de tu”, she confesses, cheeks slightly tinted but her voice so firm, so sure. 
“I know what that means”
A smile, genuine and carefree, grows on both your lips. You study her face for a moment, finding nothing but pure care and a force that feels like arms keeping you safe and warm.
Nothing but love. 
The way you kiss her is almost too intense for a late afternoon in the streets of Barcelona, but barely enough to convey all the emotions that you discovered and learned to welcome in your life again. 
You may not be ready to say out loud you’re falling in love with her too, not yet. But the firmness of your hands on her face, the happiness lightning in your eyes, the resolution conveyed by your kiss.
She knows.
On the day you declare the restaurant officially debt free, Paco lifts you up off the ground, spins you around with ease and plants a loud kiss on your forehead.
Paul’s reaction is a bit tamed, even if he declares he’s going to name his firstborn after you. Still single and hopeless romantic, you’re not sure how much to read into his words.
Pedro cries, of course he does, but he also hugs you in a way that conveys almost too much not to shed a few tears yourself.
It’s not difficult for you to admit you own them more than they own you. 
Taking care of the restaurant’s ledger and the guys’ enthusiastic opinion about your accounting job opened a lot of small businesses’ doors. The idea of opening your own office never even crosses your mind, not planning on entangling yourself in a structured system anytime soon. The new apartment you rent has a small room that works just fine as a study.
You will still keep an eye on them, though, not sure enough your finance lessons really drilled in their heads. 
“So, you’re finally letting us treat you with dinner?”, Paul asks, serving you up with way too many pleasantries. 
“I already have someone who pays for me”, you retort, playful smirk on your lips.
“¡Ay, I thought you were taking me out tonight!”, Alexia complains next to you, keeping up with the joke as she pretends to not be interested in the food anymore. She can be such a dork.
“Wait, am I crushing a date?”, Alba intercepts from the other side of the table.
“You’ve been crushing our dates since the day we met!”
The laughs that erupt are loud enough to catch the attention of the other patrons, thankfully not really annoyed by the chaos. The truth is that, despite being a menace of a group, it is not like you can drag your friends in any other place without the risk of getting banned forever. 
It’s a familiar scene. The restaurant feels like a second home now, one that you built on your own around people that truly see you, support you and never miss a chance to tease you.
So you shake your head at Ricardo’s antics and glare at Alexia when she keeps teasing her sister, effortlessly distracting her with light movements of your fingers on her knee. 
The conversation flows between shared memories and inside jokes, carrying the night away until your table is the only one left. Not planning on leaving the place anytime soon. And as you sit there, surrounded by your friends, questionable recalling of stories, and the magnetic pull of Alexia’s presence, you just know that this is it. 
This is your life, your love, your chosen family.
Then Pedro has to ruin the moment, persuading everyone you have to make a toast for whatever reason. You try to fight it, embarrassed and quite frankly taken aback by the respect and genuine admiration this people seems to feel for you. 
A subtle nod of your girlfriend’s head, her hand finding yours beneath the table, is all you need to indulge with their antics.
“To us”, you say, raising a glass, “To finally getting our shit together!”
Laughter and cheers fill the restaurant, everyone congratulating each other for the most random things and joking around as if life could always be this simple.
Alexia’s hold tightens, her eyes meeting yours. Her face lights up in a way that never fails to make your own heart grow. 
“T’estimo”, you whisper, just for her to hear. 
Your love is usually so loud. A love that grows unexpectedly, but burns with a fierce and tender flame. But your promises are quiet. A silent acknowledgment of commitment that goes beyond, that stretches confidently into the future. 
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writingwithgeoffrey · 12 hours ago
It was a normal day in the forge. Cold weather was kept at bay by the fires that enabled your work, the constant working of your muscles held off the shivers, and the handling of enchantments kept your mind working through the fog.
You weren’t like others in your area, and you knew that. It was your entire business slogan. “Spell-and-Knell Forging,” you called yourself, because—according to a friend, at least—rhymes brought people. You had no idea what a knell even was, though, just that it rhymed.
There was your fair share of oddball requests over the years, from magic swords that could change size to enchanted daggers that could explode. You always did your best to keep the bad eggs away from your forge; you didn’t want that kind of reputation hanging around your head. This request, however, you weren’t sure how to judge.
“I’m sorry, come again?”
The adventurer before you—a bit of a lanky man with ill-fitting leather armor and an overeager glint in his eyes—shifted his weight from foot to foot as he waited across your anvil.
“I want a metal tube, about yea big.” He held his fingers in a circle less than a half-inch wide. “Perhaps about as long as my forearm.”
You arched an eyebrow at his words. “Uh-huh. I can do that part. It’s the other part I’m askin’ about.”
“Right, right. Then, I want there to be an enchantment on it. A fireball spell that won’t rip it apart, ideally. Oh! And it has to be reusable, as well.”
You tapped at your chin as you pondered the request. It was odd, no doubt, but with his excitement, it was hard to judge him negatively. Usually, the criminals acted all hush-hush about their desires.
“Well, I can think of one problem.” You pulled over a piece of parchment and set it on your anvil, thankful it had cooled down enough from your last job, and began drawing with a charcoal stick. “If you wanna point and shoot flames at someone outta it, you gotta keep one side sealed.”
“Oh, no, I plan to use tiny metal balls small enough to fit inside.”
You paused in your drawing long enough to let the ridiculous statement wash over you, blinking at the adventurer like he’d grown, not just a second head, but two more.
“Right. Okay. We’ll get to that after. My point is, you keep this tube open on both sides, that fire’s gonna hit you, too.”
You didn’t want to tell him your concern for his safety was more founded in your desire for a repeat customer.
“Oh, yeah! It would, wouldn’t it?”
“Yep.” You sketched out a long metal tube with a cap over one end. “Now, this thing ain’t like a wand. It’s gotta be pretty thick to hold together under all those fireballs, which means it’s gonna hurt to hold it for long periods. So, how about somethin’ like this?”
You added onto the sketch, letting the half-baked idea become fully formed in the journey from thought to paper. By the end, you’d drawn something similar to a sword hilt, though at an angle from the tube to more naturally fit the motion and contours of the wrist.
“Ooh, I like it.”
You smirked. It always made you feel nice when a customer complimented your process. “Then, right here, we put a little spot for mana crystals, ‘cause you gotta touch one to the rune to cast it. So …” You drew on your limited knowledge of mechanisms and springs as you let the charcoal glide. “This way, you don’t have to manually touch a crystal each time. You can just push a button and it does it for you.”
The adventurer swept up the paper and held it up to the light. You would’ve told him to be careful with it if you hadn’t already committed the important bits to memory.
“This is incredible!”
“Sure is. Think you’re the first guy with a weapon like this.” You rested an elbow on your anvil. “That means you get to name it.”
The adventurer’s eyes sparkled like the brightest mana crystals. “Truly?”
“Go ahead.”
The adventurer stuffed the paper beneath an arm as he paced, thinking long and hard. “Well, I suppose it could have the same power as one of those old ballistae that are used to siege castles. And— Oh! What was that famous one from Windsor?”
“Yes, that’s the one!” The adventurer came over to hug you tight. You gave him a slow pat on the back, unsure how else to handle the affection.
“But we shouldn’t call it that, because Gunilda was huge, and this thing.” He motioned to the paper. “This thing is so tiny. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“A gun?” It was a pretty good guess in your books. Of course, the adventurer cut you off in his excitement.
“That’s right! A gunildula!”
You are a blacksmith who was trained in the arcane, leading you to specialize in enchanted equipment. Today an adventurer arrives with an odd request: a metal tube with a reusable fireball enchantment on one side, as well as several metal balls small enough to fit in the tube.
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cheshireliam · 2 days ago
"Once More, An Evil From Which You Can't Return" Story Event: Chapter 1
Roger Barel & Ring Schwartz
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting
This event story works in such a way that Chapter 1 is for Suitor A and Chapter 2 is for Suitor B, before splitting into two endings.
⇦ Prologue
— The next day after I lost my memories.
Kate: … Thank you for the meal.
I sat at the breakfast table, but my mind was fully occupied by the fact I’d lost my memories…
In the end, I only had a small portion of fruit and some morning tea before getting up from my seat. 
(I wonder how I can get my memories back…)
Even after leaving the dining hall, that was all I could think about.
Just then, I heard someone’s footsteps coming from behind me.
Roger: Wait up, lil’ lady. 
Roger: We had a date planned for today. It’s still on, right?
(I don't recall anything about a date. Does this mean I made that promise before I lost my memories?) 
I found myself unconsciously staring at Roger’s face in confusion, and then he suddenly reached out to grab my chin— 
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Roger: …
Kate: … W-what do you think you’re doing!?
When I realised our lips were just mere inches apart, I quickly pushed against his broad and sturdy chest to stop him.
Roger: Hm? You were staring so intently at me, I thought you wanted a kiss. … Was I wrong?
Kate: Definitely wrong! 
(Don’t tell me, Roger and I were dating? Even if we were, his explanation is too self-centered…!)
(I can’t believe this egotistical man is my lover!) 
Roger: Well, a promise is a promise. You're going on a date with me. 
As I stood there all flustered, Roger’s lips curled into a mischievous grin. 
(... Whether Roger is really my lover or not, it might've been a good idea to come out to town.)
Hoping that seeing the familiar streets might jog my memory, I followed after Roger— 
Roger: Having someone with me to carry the bags really does make a difference. 
Kate: This isn't a date, now is it!? 
(We went to several pharmacies, bought tons of medicine and bandages… there’s no way this counts as a date.)
Roger: It is, though? A shopping date.
Kate: I’m not seeing anything remotely romantic about this… 
Roger: Come on, don’t start slowing down. We’ve got more places to drop by.
Kate: More? My hands are already at their limit, can’t we take a break…?
At the same time I said that, my stomach let out a loud growl, announcing that it “wanted a break” too.
Roger: Pfft, HAHAHAHAHA! 
Kate: T-that’s because you dragged me all over town… 
Roger: In that case, I’ll treat you to whatever you want, as an apology. 
Kate: Eh? But…
(Is he really okay with that?)
Roger: What’re you hesitating about? We’re close enough for me to do that. Let’s go. 
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Roger: This is my regular spot.
Roger: Let’s look at the menu… you’re good with starting off with a beer, right?
Kate: S-sure. 
Roger: Then we’ll have some snacks, something hearty for the main dish, and… 
While I scanned the menu, Roger placed our orders and sounded like he really was familiar with the place. 
When the food finally arrived…
Kate: Fish and chips, aged meat, potatoes seasoned with rock salt, banbury cake…! 
Kate: Wow… these are all my favourites! 
Roger: … I see. 
The small feeling of confusion I got… was because I expected him to go “told you so” when I expressed my delight at the food. 
Instead, Roger’s eyes were slightly narrowed, looking as though he was reminiscing about a memory I couldn’t recall. 
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(Could it be that we’ve eaten together before?)
(Is that why Roger knows exactly what I like…?) 
Roger: What’s wrong? You stopped eating. Come on, eat up. 
Kate: Ah, right… thanks for the meal!
When I looked at him again, his facial expression was back to his usual grin. 
I took a bite of the steak and a smile naturally formed on my lips the moment the flavours spread in my mouth. 
Roger: That’s the smile I want to see. You have a bad habit of overthinking things to the point of losing your appetite. 
Roger: I know you’re getting all sorts of uneasy emotions right now, but you should eat well, sleep well, play hard, and laugh even harder. That’s how you keep your spirits up. 
Kate: Okay! 
(... Maybe that's the real purpose of today’s shopping trip.) 
Roger must’ve noticed how troubled I looked this morning and took me outside to distract me. 
I still wasn’t sure if we really had a shopping trip planned for today before I lost my memories, 
(But I’m not going to ask.) 
Had Roger not asked me out, I probably would’ve spent the entire day alone and brooding over my memory loss. 
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Roger: These mashed potatoes soaked in the meat’s juices are amazing.
Roger: We should order more. You can still eat, right? 
Kate: Yes, of course! 
(I’m glad I accepted Roger’s invite.)
Kate: Thank you so much, Roger. Eating really cheered me up. 
(I always thought Roger was a pushy, selfish egotist, but he’s actually so kind and dependable.)
I found myself wondering about my past self before I lost my memories. 
(Did I… know this side of Roger before?) 
Roger: Why are you looking at me like that? Are you falling for me? 
(If only he wouldn't say such things…!) 
Kate: … It seems I’ve had a lover before. So I can’t think of falling for anyone else right now.
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Roger: A past lover…?
Roger: Instead of clinging to your old flame, why not take this as a chance to choose again? 
Roger: Be my lover, Kate. 
Kate: T-that'd count as being disloyal towards my lover. And besides… 
(Even though I’ve lost my memories, there’s still one thing I can say for certain.) 
Kate: If I did have someone I once loved, I believe I’ll fall in love with them again. 
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Roger: … Fall in love again, huh. 
I couldn't tell what were the emotions that flickered behind his wavering eyes.
But, in the very next moment—
Roger: Well, if ever you want to go to bed with me, just say the word. 
(This man, seriously…!) 
He said those utterly shameless words in broad daylight while downing his beer in one breath, and I barely managed to hold myself back from punching him. 
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ducksido · 3 days ago
Hai! May it be permit-table if I request Idia x male? reader where reader is a like gym bro from savannaclaw (not furry, I fear furry (sorry ruggie)) and reader just finished working out on the floor of his very cluttered boyfriends room, no biggie, EXCPECT FOR THE FACT THAT THEYRE SHIRTLESS AND LIKE JACKED and Idia is just panicking cause omg so scandalous and pretty and handsome wowza tits while reader is just like “I’m gonna take a shower” and Idia is like “can I come🥺🥺🥺” so basically they’re now in the bathtub together (THEY HAVE BATHING SUITS ON, NO FREAKINESS WE STAYING CHASTE WITH THIS ONE) and like Idia is all “wow ur so hot and muscular I wish I was hot and muscular why are u even dating me when u could pull anyone” and reader (being the nonchalant lover boy they/he? are) is all like “nah ur hot enough for me I like my men when they look like they haven’t seen the sun in ten years and have numerous nutritional deficients” and yah basically comfort for Idia about his insecurities gagayayayyyyayayayaya but they’re like cuddling because I got my 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 reputation to uphold
(Also I showed ur fics to my mom since she’s chill like that and she said u write like an intellectual or whatever so yay mom complement u should be proud of thine self😝😝) (also guess who i am (mission impossible))😈
(I can write any gender dw, also tell your mom i said thank you 😊) (and i think you may be.....hmmmmm....this is so hard....THE idia anon...hmmm so hard)
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Idia was in shambles.
Not in the usual “I ran out of my favorite energy drink” way or the “I have to go outside for a group project” kind of way. No, this was worse. Way worse.
His very buff, very shirtless, very sweaty boyfriend was currently sprawled out on the floor of his room, casually stretching after a workout.
In his room.
Where there was no ventilation.
Where there was barely any floor space because of the sheer amount of figurines, consoles, and various limited-edition collector’s items scattered around.
Idia was sitting in his gaming chair, frozen like a man whose entire system had just blue-screened. His hair flickered between orange and pink, glowing brighter with every second he spent trying not to combust.
So many muscles.
Why did his boyfriend have to be built like a final boss? No, worse—like a secret unlockable character that only the most dedicated players could access. And yet, here he was, dating him. Him, of all people!
“Hey, babe, I’m gonna take a shower,” his boyfriend announced casually, standing up with a stretch that made every muscle flex in tandem, sending Idia into yet another crisis.
Idia opened his mouth. He wasn’t sure what he was going to say, but what came out was: “C-can I come?”
His boyfriend raised an eyebrow. “...Sure?”
Wait. Wait, no. That was a joke. He hadn’t expected an actual yes. Abort mission. Eject. Escape button spam.
And yet, ten minutes later, here they were.
In the bathtub.
Wearing swim trunks because, despite his own insanity, Idia was a man of dignity (and fear). His boyfriend, meanwhile, lounged against the back of the tub with all the grace of someone who had no idea he was causing an existential meltdown in his beloved.
“You know,” Idia muttered, arms wrapped around his knees as he peeked over them. “You could, like, date literally anyone, right?”
His boyfriend cracked an eye open. “What?”
“I mean, look at you. You’re hot. And muscular. And hot. And you look like you could tear someone in half for looking at you funny.” Idia sighed dramatically, sinking a little lower into the water. “Meanwhile, I look like I haven’t seen the sun in ten years and probably have, like, a million vitamin deficiencies.”
“Yeah, and?”
Idia blinked. “And???”
His boyfriend leaned forward, sliding an arm around Idia’s waist and effortlessly pulling him against his broad chest. “I like that about you,” he said, nuzzling into the crook of Idia’s neck with a satisfied sigh. “My type is guys who look like they were raised in a server room and subsist entirely off instant ramen and spite.”
Idia let out a sound somewhere between a squeak and a strangled laugh. “That’s so weird.”
“Good thing I’m weird then,” his boyfriend murmured, pressing a lingering kiss to Idia’s temple. “Besides, you are hot. Just in a different way.”
Idia scoffed. “Yeah? How?”
His boyfriend smirked, tightening his hold around Idia and pulling him fully into his lap. “You’ve got that ‘mysterious shut-in’ charm, y’know? It’s cute. Plus, you’re crazy smart. And funny. And you’ve got these pretty eyes that glow in the dark—”
“Okay, okay, stop, I get it—” Idia whined, burying his burning face in his boyfriend’s shoulder.
His boyfriend just chuckled, pressing another kiss to his cheek. “Nope. Not stopping. You’re hot, deal with it.”
Idia grumbled incoherently, but he didn’t pull away. If anything, he melted further into the embrace, letting the warmth of the water—and his boyfriend—soothe his overworked nerves.
Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.
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j-esbian · 7 months ago
i lost the post but i saw someone talking about how some of y’all act like being weird is a choice and like. YEAHHHHHHH.
that’s fine, it might be for you. but i just live like this and don’t know any other way. like yeah i’ve worked customer service, i can do innocuous small talk, but anything beyond that, i don’t understand what i’m missing. and it’s frustrating to see the tonal disconnect especially from people who are like “uwu embrace weirdness!!” where they’re like. dressing quirky and talking about bugs and listening to obscure music and eschewing small talk to ask Deep Questions on the first date and unlearning their tendency to not infodump. and generally have an idea of what Weirdness is supposed to look like. idk man some of us wake up and get out of bed and can’t figure out why the rest of their coworkers chitchat with each other but when they join the conversation it dies.
weirdness is value neutral. let’s stop trying to turn it into a badge because quite frankly, it’s not a choice for everyone. it’s fucking exhausting to never be on the same wavelength as other people and they’re going to react the way they do and label you the way they will without any conscious actions on your end. it’s difficult to talk about this without feeling like you’ll be dismissed as immature, a teenager whining “no one understands me” but the thing is. sometimes you don’t grow out of feeling alone and different, and there’s no good way to talk about it without feeling like people will think you’re just fishing for pity.
#most of it is stuff i can’t help like!!!#coworkers and i don’t share a lot of interests so i’m always like. yes i’ve heard of that show but haven’t seen it. no idk that band sorry#and they’ll like. talk shit abt other people who share my interests without realizing that i also like those things#so i just have to sit there and take it#i feel like i don’t have a lot in common with my friends even. a few shared interests but very different lives#in my experience the conscious choice has been to try to keep up with what’s popular but it’s just. not interesting to me#i got bored and forgot to finish s2 of stranger things and never picked it back up#even alt subcultures have gone kinda mainstream and i never quite slot in#let’s not even touch the gay culture ‘flags’ that are extremely online and unrelatablr#and the most frustrating thing. every time i try to talk about myself and my interests i feel people shutting down#one person i know. open mouth sighs in exasperation when i open my mouth#i don’t know why you’re making it my problem that we’re different#i know there is supposed to be a niche out there for everyone but some of that feels like#those niches are falling prey to marketability. if you’re too far out of the mainstream. too out of touch. it can’t be helped#a lot of messaging online is like. embrace weirdness but only if it’s subversive in a very specific way#too normal to hang out with self-proclaimed proud weirdos. too weird to hang out with normies#like i thought the thing was to disavow performativity. i’m sorry i don’t find the same things interesting#i don’t care about the office and you don’t care about the hundred years’ war. that’s fine. why is that seen as a personal fault of mine#i feel like some of the reaction i get might be bc it comes across as hipster shit. idk#i’m literally just oblivious and looking for any kind of indicator for social interaction#but so often it feels like the onus of finding common ground is on me. i have to listen abt things idk but no one cares what i have to say#i think what makes it more frustrating is this reaction from people who claim to not care. do their own thing#and then get annoyed when i do mine and it’s. different#instead of being like ‘fuck the mainstream! conformity is bullshit! be yourself!’ it’s like#‘fuck the mainstream because it doesn’t appeal to me personally and i’ve made my own club!’#and this is not going to come out right because i’m just at my limit and venting and don’t know how to say things the right way#so people don’t misunderstand me#i just happen to never like the Right Things and know the Right Things and act the Right Way and idk how else to say it other than#can we be more normal about weird people#idk it’s hard to talk abt this without sounding like i’m just complaining but i’m more bewildered and trying to state things as i see them
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parkersbliss · 4 months ago
you lock the 141 outside your house (I know my rights tiktok)
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pairing: task force 141 (ghost, gaz, price, soap) x american!female reader 
synopsis: you lock them out of your (their?) house, claiming you "know your rights." based on a tiktok trend with soldiers.
warnings: none just fluff and humor :)))
a/n: I wrote this in like an hour and I think it's the funniest thing EVER thanks
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt List
requests open for tf141!
You watch as your boyfriend gets out of his truck in the driveway. He grabs his bag from the passenger seat and makes his way to the front door, a smile twitching under his mask at the sight of you waiting for him. 
Just as he steps to the porch, you close the door and lock it. “I know my third amendment rights!”
Ghost stops at the door, dropping his bag. Rights? What were you talking about? “Your what?” 
“No Soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner,” You reply, reading off your phone. 
Ghost sighs. Third amendment? Of course, the one American he dates is the one that has them all memorized. You could probably recite them in your sleep. Patriotism, or whatever. Which makes zero sense. You were living with him in Manchester. If all went well and you got married, he was making sure he changed your status to British. 
“You fucking Americans.” He grabs the key from his bag, going to unlock the door only to find you locking it. “Are you serious?”
You show your phone at him through the glass, the third amendment displayed on a Google search. He stares back at you from his mask, unamused. “Bloody hell, woman,” he mutters. 
You giggle from behind the door and give him a few more minutes before going to unlock it. You knew Simon’s limits. You only needed a few seconds of fun anyway, but by the time you unlock it, he’s gone. 
“Simon?” You call out, poking your head out the door and checking around the house. His truck was still there, so he didn’t turn back around. You don’t see any movements or even hear anything. Was he picked up by aliens? 
A thud sounds from behind you, and you yelp, shutting the door and turning around. 
Simon stands in front of you, arms crossed and his duffel bag on the floor.
“What the hell?” You said, looking him up and down. 
“I should be asking you that,” He retorts. “You should really lock your windows, love.” 
“Are you… did you climb through one?” 
“You locked me out.” 
“I went to unlock it!” 
“Third amendment rights, my arse.” He grabs your waist, pulling you towards him. “We’re in England.” 
You shrug, tracing up his arm. “Thought it was funny.” 
Simon just sighs. “Americans.” 
“Oh, hell no!” You exclaim as Gaz approaches the door. “I know my third amendment rights.” The lock clicks. 
“No fucking way,” Gaz said, strolling up to the glass storm door. 
“No soldiers in this home.” 
He stares at you, his hands on his hips and that signature scowl on his face. There was no way he was coming home to this bullshit right now. “Open the door.” 
“No quartering soldiers without my permission,” You replied. 
Gaz rolls his eyes. Your home? He was pretty sure his name was on the mortgage, even if you were living in it 90% of the time. “I own the fucking property! I live here. You’re the guest.” 
You shrug, grinning. “Not anymore.” 
He runs a hand down his face. Sometimes just sometimes he regrets finding your stubbornness so damn attractive.  “I’m going to crash out, actually.” 
“Crash outside? Yeah.”
“Let me in!” He shouts, grabbing the door handle and jiggling it. 
“No!” You shout back, holding onto it and preventing him from entering without your permission. 
Gaz leans against the glass. “Remind me why I chose to date an American?” 
You smile at him. “Because we’re funny, and we have better Chinese food.” 
He glares at you, trying to unlock the door again. He groans when there’s no avail. “Babe!” 
You say nothing, finding his annoyance quite amusing and a change of pace for once. 
And then he actually crashes out, grabbing the handle and pulling, twisting, pounding at it. He yells a string of curse words and then starts banging on the doorframe. He gives up, frowning, and leans his forehead on the glass. “Please?” 
You unlock it. “Thought you’d never ask.” 
He storms inside, throwing you over his shoulder. “You are so in for it.” 
“I like where this is going,” You giggle as he throws you on the couch. 
He raises a brow, hands coming to your waist. “Yeah?” He starts tickling you. You yelp, laughing under him and trying to push away. 
Gaz doesn’t relent and continues tickling you even after you’ve pleaded with him to stop. “You lock me out of my fucking claim it’s your right,” He mutters. “Consider this my very reasonable punishment.” 
“I know my rights!” You shout, watching Soap approach the door. 
He stops in his tracks, tilting his head. He had no idea what you said. The poor guy could barely hear from all the bombs going on around him, and you shout through a door? Good plan.  “What are you on about?” He asked. 
“There will be no soldiers in my home!” You close the glass door and lock it. 
He approaches the front door, staring at you through the glass. His expression is clueless, brows furrowed. “You mean our home?” He knocks on the glass. “Can I come in?” 
He frowns. “Why?” 
“Third amendment.” 
“Amendment?” He scoffs. What the hell are you talking about? Is this what he gets for dating an American? You start proclaiming your rights? What’s next, the pledge of allegiance? “Are you taking the piss? Does this look like the land of the free?” 
You giggle at him, his accent thickening with his frustration. “I’m still an American!” 
“Trust me, I know! Can I please come inside?” 
“No soldiers allowed.” You tape up a piece of paper displaying those words. 
Soap continues frowning at you and realizes he isn’t going to be let in anytime soon. It’s a good thing he knew how to easily change that. Americans and their rights. More like Americans and their feelings. He sits down on the porch steps, facing away from you, rests his chin in his hand, and sighs loudly. 
You don’t budge. 
He sighs again, kicking his boots on the porch, turning back at you with sad eyes. Still nothing. He concludes there was one last option to get you to let him in. He grabs his phone, and you watch with furrowed brows as he types something in. Suddenly, music is blasting from his phone as he looks at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. Not just any music, but the sad hamster violin music. 
“Oh my god.” You unlock the door, opening it up to him. “You’re such a baby.” 
He practically skips inside, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Your baby.”
Your husband stands on the porch, rolling his eyes at you.
“I know my rights!” You shout at him through the window. 
“Do you, now?” He asked, playing along with your prank or whatever this was. If it brought you this much amusement to lock him out, he might as well indulge in it. That was the kind of man he was. Until he started freezing of course, then he would demand you let him in. 
You nod your head. “As an American, amendment 3 of the Bill of Rights says that I don’t have to house you if I don’t want to.” 
Price hums. At least they taught you something in American schools. “Does that extend when you’re in another country?” 
“It does to me.” 
He huffs, grabbing something from his pocket and displaying it to you. “You know I have a house key, yes?”
“I’ll just lock it again.” 
He tilts his head at you. You were really trying to sell whatever rights you thought you had. “Really?” 
“I’m taking this very seriously.” 
Price strokes his beard. “I can see that.” An idea pops into his head, and he steps away from the glass and in front of the door. You didn’t want to let him in? That’s fine. You wanted to lock the door? No problem. He’s got methods of entering from being in the military, after all. “Guess I’ll just have to kick down the door.” He raises his foot, fully intent on doing it. You were going to repaint the door anyway, might as well get a new one. 
You swing open the door. “Are you crazy?” 
He strolls past you. “Did I lock you outside our home? Besides, crazy would’ve been bombing the house.” 
Your lips parted, unsure if he was joking. You assume he is, but his expression says otherwise. “Are you being serious?” 
He laughs at your face, grabbing your hand. “Only if you start proclaiming your rights again.”
You put your hands up. “What rights? Suddenly, I’m feeling like this soldier can stay as long as he likes.” 
Price presses a gentle kiss to your lips. “Thought so.” 
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dandelionsresilience · 5 months ago
Just in case Trump wins:
right after Trump was elected in 2016, suicidality skyrocketed. If you’re considering suicide in the wake of the election this year, at least wait until after it’s absolutely certain that he’s won - after every vote has been counted, every state certified, and maybe even after he’s been sworn in (IF he wins), just to make sure he doesn’t go to prison instead. Watch the results come in live here, but don’t obsess or let them sway your vote. (To be clear, I don’t want a single person to commit suicide over the election results, no matter what. But I know from experience that “don’t do it” is thoroughly unhelpful, so instead I’m saying at least wait.)
if you’re considering suicide because you fear worsening material conditions, you might think a hotline can’t help with that. and it’s true that they can’t change legislation or promise you’ll be safe. but it’s worth double checking whether what you’re actually hurting from is in fact unfixable. right now, just getting through the emotions can help you regain a more objective view of the situation, and then you can work on surviving it. plus, when something bad happens, we tend to vastly overestimate how bad it will seem in the future, no matter how bad it actually is.
In my experience, it might take a few tries before you find a hotline that picks up, either because they’re so busy, or they’re closed at that time, or they simply don’t serve your location or demographic, so under the thingy I’ve listed more than just the same handful that tend to show up on other websites. Even if you’re not actively suicidal, you can talk to them about your hard feelings, ask for material resources, or just vent to a compassionate listener.
HopeLine - call/text: 877-235-4525
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - call/text: 988 | chat
Crisis Text Line - text HOME to 741741 | chat
help getting out of the military
for underrepresented adults:
Thrive Lifeline - text THRIVE to 313-662-8209
for pre-teens, teens, and young adults:
Your Life Your Voice - call: 800-488-3000 | text VOICE to 20121 | email
for teens (limited hours):
Teen Line - call: 800-852-8336 | text TEEN to 839863 | email
for trans and questioning people:
Trans Lifeline - call: 1-877-565-8860
for people with substance dependency:
Never Use Alone Overdose Prevention Hotline - call: 877-696-1996
for BIPOC (“with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens”):
BlackLine - call: 1-800-604-5841
for college students of colour:
The Steve Fund Crisis Text Line - text STEVE to 741741
for LGBTQ+ young people:
The Trevor Project - call: 1-866-488-7386 | text START to 678678 | chat
for homeless or runaway youth:
National Runaway Safeline - call/text: 1-800-786-2929 | (has chat and email, but I think the link includes tracking)
for Muslim youth (limited hours):
Naseeha Youth Hotline - call: 1-866-627-3342
Amala Hopeline - call: 1-855-952-6252
for Jewish queer youth (warmline, may take up to 24 hours to reply):
JQY Warmline - call/text: 551-579-4673
for veterans:
Veterans Crisis Line - call: 988, option 1 | text: 838255 | chat
for veterans and their families:
Lifeline for Vets - call: 888-777-4443
for pregnant people:
Crisis Pregnancy Hotline - call: 888-628-3353 | text: 714-448-8323
for parents unsure of their ability to care for a newborn:
National Safe Haven Alliance - call: 888-510-2229 | text SAFEHAVEN to 313131
International Council for Helplines Member Organisations
Warmlines - for emotional support, if you just need to talk; a lower level of support than crisis hotlines
NAMI Helpline directory
Key warmline directory (unclear if 317-550-0060 might also be a warmline, I haven’t tried it)
Wildflower Alliance Peer Support Line (limited hours) - call: 888-407-4515
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slut4thebroken · 6 months ago
size kink
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Jason Todd x reader
Summary | He as a size kink. That’s it lol.
Warnings | Smut, size kink, manhandling, praise, creampie, gaping, cockwarming.
Words | 1k
Notes | 😵‍💫 that fucking comic panel tho
Ao3 link | <3
Kinktober | day 6: manhandling + size kink
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Can y’all help me come up with a title😭 I’m literally so exhausted and I just want to pass out but I have to post it within two hours for it to still be day 6 skfhsk
Jason Todd has a huge size kink… He’s so massive that it’s honestly hard not to because there are barely any female body types that aren’t smaller than him. Tall, big, buff— all smaller than him, usually by a lot too. 
Especially you. You’re pretty much the same size as the average woman, but standing next to Jason— he practically dwarfs you. Whenever he holds your hand, you usually end up just holding two of his fingers because it’s more comfortable that way. Even when he places his hand on your thigh, he can completely cover the entire width of it. 
Even though he loves the way it feels to hold you, how easy it is to lift you and manhandle you however he wants… one of his most favorite things is how small your cunt is too. It wasn’t abnormally small— it was proportionate to your body— but compared to his abnormally large cock? Even just compared to his fingers, you could barely take it. 
He always tried to do as much foreplay as possible because, even though he thinks it’s hot when your face scrunches up in pain as you do your best to take him, he doesn’t actually want to hurt you or make it not good for you. So he usually eats you out, slowly working you open on his fingers. He almost always gives you at least one orgasm before even attempting to fit his cock inside you, but even after the time he made you come over and over again for two hours straight, you were still so fucking tight. 
You let out these soft whimpers and sounds of pain that make his cock throb. Sometimes you gasp out and desperately cling to him, trying to ground yourself. He always eases his cock in slowly, holding your hand or cupping your cheek and whispering soft praises into your ear. 
“So good at taking my cock, baby. I’m almost halfway.” You whined and squeezed your eyes shut, focusing on taking deep breaths and relaxing your muscles. Jason couldn’t help but look down between your bodies, watching his cock slowly disappear into your tight heat. “Almost there, princess.” His voice was low and thick with poorly restrained arousal. When he finally bottomed out, you let out a pained whimper and he closed his eyes, trying not to bust his load right then and there. 
“Such a good girl. You’re doing so good, baby.” He murmured tenderly, leaning down to kiss over your neck as his hand snaked down to rub your clit. You usually signaled whenever you were ready for him to start moving and he’d slowly draw his hips back, then push in again at the same pace. 
Sometimes though, he’d stand and hold you in the air, lifting you up and down on his cock, limiting your squirming significantly. Or if you were riding him, he’d grab your hips and move you however fast and hard he wanted— even if you put all your strength into staying seated or moving away, he was always stronger than you. It took practically no effort for him to lift you up and down, fucking you like you were his own personal sex doll. 
While he usually liked being able to kiss you and watch your expression contort in pain as your walls were forced to accommodate his cock, he also liked putting you on your stomach. Sometimes he’d put you on your knees and push your face into the bed, but he liked laying on top of you even more. With his large legs caging in your much smaller ones, it made you even tighter. He loved being able to completely lay on top of you and wrap his arms around you, forcing you to feel every inch of his thick cock going in and out of your pussy. That position always made you feel trapped, but more in an exciting way rather than an anxious way because you knew he’d get off of you in a heartbeat if you told him to. 
“That’s it… Be a good girl and just take it, baby.” He whispered breathily, lips brushing your ear. You let out a choked moan and he moved his hand to squeeze your neck. “You just lay there and let me use my favorite little fleshlight.” Every single time— without fail— your cunt would get impossibly tighter when he talked to you like that. 
Something else he loved; the amount of come he released was proportional to his body as well… Sometimes he liked to paint your pretty face, completely drench you in his seed, but usually he liked filling you up. He liked dragging his hips back until his cock finally dislodged from your tight pussy that was practically trying to suck him in, and watching his come dribble out of your gaping hole, down your puffy folds. 
“Oh, look at you, baby…” He cooed, voice raspy and thick. You whined and squirmed, enjoying the feeling of him filling you up and his seed leaking out of your abused cunt almost as much as he did. 
“Squeeze that little cunt, princess. Try to keep my come inside.” He ordered softly, grabbing your ass and pulling you open to get a perfect view of your holes. He watched them flutter, but even when you tried your hardest, his cock had stretched you out too much for your hole to be able to tighten up again so soon. 
“Poor thing… can’t keep my come in that needy little pussy.” He chuckled, collecting the leaking come on his fingers and pushing it back into your hole. “But that’s okay, baby. I’ll help you…” you let out a choked moan when he forced his cock back in, stretching you once again, “keep you nice and plugged up, huh?” He laid down over you again, but turned so you were both on your sides in a spooning position with his cock still deep in your pussy— It would usually stay there until you fell asleep, but sometimes only until he got worked up enough for round two. 
(I’m still bad at ending one shots lol)
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chloeangelbaby · 3 months ago
You don’t love me
Crybaby! Reader x Rafe Cameron
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It had been weeks of the same routine. Rafe was up early, gone all day, and by the time he got home, he was too exhausted to do anything but collapse into bed. You understood at first—Rafe worked hard, and running a company wasn’t easy. But as the days turned into weeks, his absence began to gnaw at you.
Tonight, you’d reached your limit.
You were sitting on the couch, scrolling aimlessly on your phone, when the craving hit. You wanted ice cream, something sweet and cold to take your mind off the void of Rafe’s company. You peeked into the kitchen but found nothing that would satisfy you.
“Rafe?” you called, walking into the bedroom where he was sitting on the edge of the bed, unbuttoning his shirt.
“Yeah?” His voice was tired, his eyes barely lifting to meet yours.
“I wanna go for a drive. We can stop and get ice cream or something,” you said, your tone hopeful.
Rafe sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “Baby, I can’t tonight. I’m dead on my feet. Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”
The casual dismissal stung. “No, it can’t wait,” you snapped, your voice rising. “You’ve been saying that all week! Tomorrow, tomorrow—what about me, Rafe?”
“I’m doing this for us,” he said, his tone defensive. “I’m not saying no because I want to. I’m exhausted, okay?”
You stared at him, your emotions bubbling over. Before you knew it, you were crying, your chest heaving with sobs. “You don’t care! You don’t care about me anymore!”
Rafe frowned, standing up. “That’s not fair, and you know it.”
“Fair?” you spat, your voice cracking as you stomped your foot. “What’s not fair is you ignoring me all the time! All I wanted was a stupid drive, and you can’t even give me that!”
“Don’t call me that!” you screamed, tears streaming down your face. Your words tumbled out in a jumble, barely making sense. “You don’t listen to me! You don’t care! You just… you just—”
You weakly shoved at his chest, your small fists thumping against him as you hiccupped and choked on your sobs. Rafe stood there, letting you vent, his hands hovering as if unsure whether to grab you or give you space.
“You’re mean! And, and… I hate you!” you wailed, though you didn’t mean it.
Finally, Rafe had enough. “Alright,” he said, his voice firm. He grabbed your wrists gently but firmly, holding them still. “That’s enough, baby. Stop.”
But you didn’t stop. “You don’t love me!” you blubbered, your head dropping forward as you sobbed uncontrollably.
Rafe sighed, pulling you into his chest despite your protests. “I love you more than anything,” he murmured, his arms wrapping around you tightly. “But you’ve got to calm down, okay? You’re working yourself up too much.”
“I-I can’t!” you hiccupped, your body shaking in his hold.
“Yes, you can,” he said, his voice soft but firm. “Breathe, Dolly. Come on, with me. In and out.”
You tried, but the sobs kept breaking through, your breaths coming in shallow gasps. Rafe scooped you up and carried you to the bed, sitting down with you in his lap. He started rubbing your back in slow, soothing circles, his chin resting on top of your head.
“Shh, it’s okay,” he murmured. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
“I just… I just wanted…” you sniffled, unable to finish your sentence.
“I know,” he said softly. “I know, baby. I’ve been a terrible boyfriend lately, haven’t I?”
You nodded against his chest, your tears soaking his shirt.
“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice full of genuine regret. “You’re right—I haven’t been around enough. I’ll fix it, okay? Starting tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” you mumbled, your voice small and wobbly.
“Promise,” he said, lifting your chin so you could see the sincerity in his eyes. “And tonight, I’ll make it up to you. We’ll stay up and watch whatever you want, or I’ll run out and get ice cream. Anything you need, baby.”
You sniffled, wiping your face with your sleeve. “Just want you…”
“You’ve got me,” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Always.”
Your sobs began to subside, your breathing evening out as Rafe continued to hold you close. You clung to him, your face buried in his neck, finally feeling the comfort you’d been craving.
“Love you,” you whispered.
“Love you more, Dolly,” he murmured, his voice a soft promise against your hair.
———————————˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊————————————-
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ughbrie · 1 month ago
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anchored to you | rafayel
⤜ ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ- You rolled your eyes. “You’re being dramatic.”
“Am I?” he mused, his voice lilting, coaxing—so effortlessly familiar. “You wound me, Miss Bodyguard. Here I was, trying to paint a masterpiece, thinking of you after an agonizing week apart, only to check my notifications and find you, in the dead of night no less, liking another man’s post. Truly, a betrayal of the highest order.”
“Thomas is your agent.”
“Doesn’t change the facts.”
You sighed again, but this time, it was laced with amusement. “You know what? I’m coming over.”
There was a beat of silence. Then, sharper now— “What?”
(Or... at 3:30 AM, Rafayel calls about you liking Thomas’ post. You know him far too well to believe that’s all it is. So you go to him, finding him amidst half-finished paintings and restless emotions, teetering between wanting space and needing you too much.)
⤜ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ- rafayel x female reader
⤜ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ- smut & fluff
⤜ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ- 10.5k words
⤜ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ (or tags)- nsfw, mdni, no use of y/n, use of pet names (cutie & miss bodyguard), dom!rafayel, jealous!rafayel, themes of codependency and insecure feelings, references to rafayel's limited five star memory (intertidal zone) and bond story (nightly stroll), angst (slight-ish), possessive behavior, making out, clit play, mutual masturbation, cum marking, overstimulation, penetration (p in v), dirty talk, unprotected sex, marking (biting), creampie, mentions of ownership, and aftercare.
⤜ ɴᴏᴛᴇ- I've always wanted to write about that one time in the game when Rafayel called MC (us) early in the morning just because she (we) liked one of Thomas’ posts—but, of course, with a little more plot. Hope you enjoy!
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The quiet hum of the city at 3:30 AM was a stark contrast to the sharp vibration of your phone on the nightstand. You blinked, momentarily disoriented, your screen casting a cool glow over your hands as you stared at the caller ID. 
Bringing the phone to your ear, you barely got a word out before Rafayel’s voice came through, low and unmistakably petulant.
“At 3:30 AM, four hours after you said goodnight to me, you liked Thomas’ post. Instead of, like, sending me a message.”
There was a slight pause, just long enough for you to picture the way he must look right now—sprawled out somewhere, his dusky purple hair a tousled mess, one hand probably still holding his paintbrush, the other curled around his phone. His voice was smooth, casual even, but you caught the edge beneath it, the restless undercurrent of something deeper.
“Rafayel—” you sighed, rubbing at your temple, but he cut in before you could finish.
You had only just liked a post. A simple tap of your finger on Thomas’ latest Moment, barely even thinking about it. But somehow, that was enough.
“Is this what you do when you can’t sleep, cutie? Scroll through posts and ignore me?” His words were lighthearted, teasing, but that wasn’t all there was to it.
You knew him well enough by now—there was a reason he called, and it wasn’t just to complain about a liked post. It was the same reason he always asked you to update him, the same reason his messages came at odd hours, checking in without outright saying he needed to. He wouldn’t ask for reassurance, not directly. Instead, he’d do this—wrap himself in playful irritation, hide behind his usual theatrics, and hope you’d read between the lines.
And you did. 
But it had been a week since you last saw him—because he asked you not to visit, claiming you were too distracting. “Cutie, if you’re here, how am I supposed to suffer properly for my art?” he’d said, all dramatic sighs and faux despair. “What if I forget to be miserable and start painting you instead?”
You had laughed, indulged him, and then you had listened. Given him the space he asked for. But now, with his name flashing across your screen at 3:30 AM, his silence stretching between you like a thread pulled too thin, you wondered if that had been the right choice.
Shaking your head, you drew in a slow breath and let a small smile tug at your lips, even though he couldn’t see it. “I didn’t think you’d still be awake.”
“I was trying to paint,” Rafayel admitted, his voice carrying the faintest hint of exasperation. “But then my phone buzzed, and—what do you know? Turns out I am capable of being abandoned and creatively drained at the same time. Tragic, isn’t it?”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re being dramatic.”
“Am I?” he mused, his voice lilting, coaxing—so effortlessly familiar. “You wound me, Miss Bodyguard. Here I was, trying to paint a masterpiece, thinking of you after an agonizing week apart, only to check my notifications and find you, in the dead of night no less, liking another man’s post. Truly, a betrayal of the highest order.”
“Thomas is your agent.”
“Doesn’t change the facts.”
You sighed again, but this time, it was laced with amusement. “You know what? I’m coming over.”
There was a beat of silence. Then, sharper now— “What?”
“You’re still in your studio, aren’t you?”
“That’s not the point. It’s late.”
“Exactly. And now you’ve got me wide awake.” You sat up, already reaching for your sweater. “Besides, if you’re going to whine about being abandoned, I might as well do something about it.”
“Cutie.” His tone was suddenly more serious. “It’s dangerous.”
“I’m a Hunter, Rafayel. I deal with Wanderers. I can handle myself.”
“That’s not—” He exhaled, as if weighing whether to argue, but he must’ve known it wouldn’t change anything. 
“Cutie, you’re being reckless,” Rafayel muttered, exasperation slipping into his voice.
“And you’re being difficult,” you shot back. “I’d much rather talk to you in person.”
He let out a sharp breath, like he was running a hand through his hair. “I’ll get angry.”
You smirked, already slipping on your jacket. “Try not to get too angry when I’m there, then.”
A pause. Then, quieter— “You’re impossible.”
But he didn’t tell you not to come.
You pulled a sweater over your head, the soft fabric settling over your shoulders as you slung a small bag across your body. Extra clothes—because you knew this wouldn’t be a short visit. Because you knew, deep down, that appeasing him would take time.
As you grabbed your phone and house keys, it vibrated once. Then again. And again.
You ignored it for now, slipping out of your apartment and making your way down the quiet hallway. The city outside was still alive, neon lights flickering in puddles from the earlier rain. You stepped through the building’s gate, raising a hand to hail a cab.
Only when you were safely in the backseat, the soft hum of the engine filling the silence, did you finally check your phone.
The next message was just a long, broken string of typed-out ellipses.
Rafayel: dun come
Rafayel: ill get mad
Rafayel: cutie cutie listen to me i mean it
Rafayel: ur so stubborn its insane who raised u like this
Rafayel: if u show up i swear to god ill
You could picture him—pacing in his studio, running a hand through his hair, chewing on his bottom lip as he typed and deleted messages, trying so hard to pretend he didn’t want you there.
Rafayel: fine but im not opening the door
Rafayel: i mean it
Rafayel: its locked
Rafayel: double locked
Rafayel: barricading it rn
You typed back.
Rafayel: go to sleep like a normal person
Rafayel: cutie go home dont test me
Rafayel: actually u know what im turning my phone off
Rafayel: fr
Rafayel: im pressing the button
Rafayel: last chance to stop being reckless
Rafayel: …
Rafayel: wait what r u doing why r u not answering
Rafayel: hello???
Rafayel: ur not actually coming right
Rafayel: right
Rafayel: CUTIE
Try not to trip over all that furniture when you let me in.
The little “typing…” bubble popped up immediately. Then disappeared. Then popped up again.
You smiled.
Rafayel: ????????
Rafayel: EXCUSE ME
Rafayel: who said ur getting in
Rafayel: who said im letting u in
Rafayel: who said ur not gonna get stuck outside FOREVER
A few minutes passed, you were near his studio and once the cab turned onto his street, there he was.
Rafayel stood outside the gate of his studio, arms crossed over his chest, his sharp silhouette carved against the dim glow of the streetlights. His tousled hair, usually a careful kind of mess, was more unkempt tonight—like he’d run his hands through it too many times while pacing. Even from a distance, you could see the way his jaw tensed, the slight furrow of his brows. He looked intimidating. Unapproachable. Like someone who hadn’t just been blowing up your phone with ridiculous messages.
And yet.
Here he was. Outside. Waiting for you.
The cab slowed to a stop in front of the gate, the tires rolling over the uneven pavement with a soft crunch. Before you could even reach for the door handle, Rafayel was already there.
His fingers curled around the handle of the passenger seat, yanking it with a sharp pull—only for it to stay locked. A fleeting scowl crossed his face, irritation flickering in his eyes—like a storm brewing in a sky streaked with rose-colored clouds as he rapped his knuckles against the window, then motioned for the driver to unlock it.
The driver hesitated.
You could see it in the way his grip tightened on the wheel, his gaze shifting to you in the rearview mirror, uncertain. Concerned. And maybe, if you weren’t you—if you didn’t know Rafayel, if you hadn’t memorized the way he carried himself like an unspoken warning, all sharp edges and simmering intensity—you might have felt that hesitation, too.
But you only sighed, already reaching for your bag. “It’s fine,” you reassured the driver, voice steady. “I know him.”
It was only after you placed the bills into his hand that the lock clicked open.
The moment you pushed the door open, you barely had time to step out before Rafayel’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. His entire demeanor shifted like a switch had been flipped—gone was the intimidating figure who had been standing outside, waiting with crossed arms and a brooding scowl. Instead, the Rafayel in front of you was warm, playful, the same one who had sent you all those ridiculous messages. His hold on you was firm, pressing you flush against him, his chin resting atop your head like he had been waiting for this the entire time.
“You’re so stubborn,” he muttered, his voice laced with something between exasperation and relief.
You huffed a laugh against his chest. “I thought I was staying outside forever since you barricaded the door?”
Rafayel stilled for a fraction of a second before exhaling sharply, his grip on you tightening just the slightest bit. “Yeah, well,” he drawled, his tone slipping back into something teasing, “I figured you’d just break in anyway.”
You sigh into his arms before he’s leading you towards the entrance of his studio.
Inside, the studio was dimly lit, the scent of paint and turpentine clinging to the air. You had barely stepped in before Rafayel was already leading you deeper into the space, steering you toward the large canvas propped up on an easel. He didn’t give you a chance to bring up the real reason you had come—not his cryptic messages, not the weight in his voice, not the way he had been waiting for you outside despite claiming he wouldn’t let you in.
No, instead, he gestured at the painting, his voice smooth, light, deliberately avoiding whatever had been simmering beneath the surface. “What do you think?”
Your gaze drifted over the painting, but before you could answer, something else caught your eye—the mess surrounding it. Crumpled papers littered the floor, discarded sketches with deep, frustrated lines slashing across them. Streaks of paint smeared over the nearby desk, some dried, some still tacky, as if he had gone through so many iterations, chasing something he couldn’t quite reach.
It wasn’t hard to understand why.
The painting in front of you was unmistakably his—a swirl of haunting beauty, a dreamscape teetering on the edge of something sorrowful. And in the center, hidden within layers of colors that bled into one another, were streaks of red coral. Not just any red coral. The same shade, the same intricate, fractured formations that you had seen in all his works.
Rafayel’s work had always been laced with something more than artistry. It was a requiem, a quiet, painstaking tribute to a world long buried beneath the sand. His people. His home. The Lemurians, slaughtered and scattered, their blood mixing with the ocean until all that remained were these paintings, these desperate fragments of a civilization that humanity had tried to erase.
And yet, standing here, seeing the evidence of his struggle—all those discarded attempts, the restless, feverish way he had chased this image—you knew this one was different.
This wasn’t just another piece to be sold to the highest bidder, another silent form of vengeance wrapped in beauty.
This painting—this one meant something to him.
You exhaled softly, still taking it in. “It’s beautiful.”
The words left you before you even had time to second-guess them. And they weren’t just words—you meant it. This painting was raw in a way that went beyond his usual work, and knowing what he had gone through to reach this version of it only made it more striking.
But as soon as you said it, you felt his gaze on you. Heavy. Unwavering.
You turned to him, and your breath caught at the sight.
His eyes—those pools of blue and pink—were darkened, pupils blown wide, swallowing up the usual sharpness of his gaze. There was a strange kind of intensity there, something unspoken, something restless. Like he was waiting. Like he was memorizing the way you looked as you said those words.
You’d seen him like this before, but it never failed to leave a lingering warmth in your chest, a quiet awareness curling at the edges of your thoughts.
You cleared your throat, trying to steady yourself against the weight of his stare. “So… about that phone call.”
Rafayel blinked once, slow and deliberate, before tilting his head, watching you beneath thick lashes. The studio light caught the pink in his irises, making them gleam like crushed petals under glass. For a moment, he didn’t react, didn’t move, and then—like a tide pulling back—his expression changed.
His lips curled into something languid, lazy. A smirk that didn’t quite reach his eyes. He ran a hand through his already-messy hair, tousling the dusky purple strands even further. “Tch. Here we go.”
You ignored his theatrics, crossing your arms as you leaned against the closest surface. The room still smelled like oil paint and damp canvas. “You sounded—” You hesitated, choosing your words carefully. “Like you needed me.”
His fingers twitched at his sides.
For just a second, you saw it—the way his breath hitched, the way his eyes flickered, something raw flashing across his face. But then, as quickly as it came, it was gone. His shoulders rolled back, his stance shifting into something looser, deliberately careless. “Don’t know what you’re talking about, cutie. All I remember is telling you not to come and you showing up anyway.”
You arched a brow, tilting your chin. “Oh? So you didn’t mean it when you said you’d get mad?”
He scoffed, casting his gaze aside, suddenly engrossed in the streaks of dried paint staining his fingers. “I was gonna get mad.”
You stepped closer—close enough to catch the faint flush creeping up his ears, close enough to see the way his jaw tensed, just barely. “Then why were you waiting outside for me?”
A long, stretching silence.
His tongue swiped over his lips—slow, deliberate, stalling. Then, finally, his eyes lifted to meet yours. Something swam beneath the blue and pink, something unreadable, something fragile.
He exhaled—a breath caught between a sigh and surrender.
“Because you were coming.”
Then, as if realizing the weight of his own admission, he turned away, raking a hand through his hair, mussing it further. “So you came all this way just to nag me? So unromantic, cutie.” His voice was all drawl, all lazy amusement, but beneath it, beneath the teasing, there was something else—something raw, something he didn’t want you to see.
You crossed your arms, unimpressed. “You were the one who called me first.”
“And you were the one who liked some other guy’s post at 3:30 AM.” He shot back without missing a beat, eyes flickering toward you, sharp even in his supposed nonchalance.
You rolled your eyes. “Thomas is not ‘some other guy.’”
“Don’t care.” Rafayel flopped down onto the couch with dramatic flair, draping himself over the cushions like an exhausted cat, arm thrown over his forehead. “What’s done is done. You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”
You sighed, gaze drifting past him to the painting still propped on its easel. In the dim studio light, it looked almost alive—the deep reds and ink-dark blues swirling like something dredged up from the ocean’s depths. The scattered, crumpled drafts around it told you everything you needed to know.
“Rafayel.” Your voice was quieter this time, careful.
He didn’t look at you, but his fingers twitched against the couch cushion.
“You don’t have to pretend everything’s fine,” you continued. “I know why you called me. I know why you’re like this.”
Silence stretched between you, thick and weighted. Then, finally, he let out a slow exhale, tilting his head back against the couch, eyes meeting yours.
“Yeah? And what am I like, cutie?” His voice was light, teasing, but you could hear the thread of something else beneath it—something taut, something fraying at the edges. A quiet challenge.
Your gaze didn’t waver. “You’re scared.”
That got him.
His lips parted slightly, breath catching—just for a second—before he covered it up with a slow, lopsided smirk. “Scared? Of what? You?”
“Of me leaving.”
His smirk lingered, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
Rafayel didn’t answer right away. His fingers curled into the fabric of the couch, grip tightening for the briefest moment before he forced them to relax. The smirk on his lips wavered—just a fraction—but enough for you to catch it.
Then, with a scoff, he turned his head away, staring somewhere past you, toward the half-finished painting standing in the dim light. “Don’t say stuff like that,” he muttered.
You took a step closer, voice softer now. “It’s the truth, isn’t it?”
His jaw tightened, his throat bobbing in a swallow. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
But you could see it—woven into the way his body tensed, the way his hands refused to stay still, fingers tapping restlessly against the couch. You knew him. You knew how he was when he got like this. When he tried to pretend things didn’t bother him, when he played the fool because it was easier than admitting the weight pressing against his ribs.
You sat down beside him, close but not quite touching. “Rafayel.”
You let out a slow breath. “I’m here. You don’t have to act like I’m not.”
For a long moment, he didn’t move. Then, suddenly, he let his body slump sideways, his head dropping against your shoulder in a heavy, boneless motion. His hair tickled your cheek, and his warmth seeped through the fabric of your sweater.
“I don’t like it,” he muttered. His voice was low, muffled against you.
“Don’t like what?”
“You being far.”
Your heart squeezed in your chest. Slowly, carefully, you reached up, brushing your fingers through his hair. He didn’t stop you. If anything, he melted further, like a thread pulled loose.
“I’m not far,” you murmured. “I’m right here.”
He huffed, but it wasn’t his usual theatrical sound of complaint—it was something quieter, something raw. “Still don’t like it.”
His arms moved before you could react, looping around your waist, pulling you in, pulling you against him like you’d disappear the second he let go. His grip wasn’t desperate—but it was firm, certain, stubborn.
You exhaled, smoothing your fingers over the fabric of his shirt, feeling the warmth of him pressed against you. “For the past week, I gave you space,” you murmured. “You said you’d be painting something for an exhibit. That having me around was… distracting.”
Rafayel let out a soft scoff against your shoulder, his grip tightening—like he knew exactly where you were going with this and didn’t like it one bit.
“So I listened,” you continued. “I gave you space. And yet—” you pulled back slightly, just enough to tilt your head and look at him, “—you’re acting like I vanished off the face of the earth.”
His eyes flickered over your face, something restless, unreadable, shifting beneath the surface. Then, with a dramatic sigh, he pulled away, flopping back against the couch.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, cutie,” he drawled, throwing an arm over his eyes like he was shielding himself from a particularly blinding light. “I was doing just fine.”
You raised an eyebrow, gaze flicking pointedly to the chaotic mess of crumpled papers and paint-streaked cloth littering the room. “Yeah. Clearly.”
A pause.
Then—his fingers twitched. A tell.
You caught it—the way his fingers curled slightly, a fraction too tense, like a stray thread barely holding everything together. It was the smallest thing, but with Rafayel, the smallest things always spoke the loudest.
Your gaze softened. “Rafayel.”
His arm remained over his eyes, but his lips twitched—just a little, like he was debating whether to smirk or frown. In the end, he did neither.
Instead, his other hand lifted, reaching blindly for you, fingers curling loosely around your wrist. He didn’t pull you closer. Didn’t say anything. Just held on.
Your chest ached.
“You were doing fine, huh?” you said quietly, shifting so you could properly look at him. “Then why does this look like the aftermath of a war zone?”
Rafayel groaned, finally dragging his arm away from his face to glare at you. “It’s called the creative process, cutie. Not all of us can be effortless masterpieces.”
You snorted, unconvinced. “Right. Creative process. Is that why you sent me a hundred messages at three in the morning?”
He clicked his tongue, clearly about to dodge the question with something absurd, but you squeezed his wrist before he could. The reaction was immediate—his mouth shut, his eyes flickering toward your touch.
For a second, just a second, you saw it again—that restlessness, that hesitation, the war between wanting you close and pretending he didn’t.
Then, quieter, you asked, “You really didn’t want me here?”
His jaw shifted. He looked away, fingers tightening around yours, voice dropping lower. “That’s not—” He exhaled sharply, as if physically forcing himself to swallow down whatever instinct had been his first response. “Don’t twist my words, cutie. You know what I meant.”
You tilted your head, watching him carefully. “You could have just asked me to come by, you know.”
Rafayel’s gaze snapped back to yours, something unreadable flickering behind his eyes.
“For the past week,” you continued, voice steady, “even when you told me I’d be a distraction… if you really wanted me here, you could have just said so.”
His fingers twitched again, his grip flexing slightly around your wrist. “That’s—” He clicked his tongue, his expression shifting like he was trying to rearrange his thoughts faster than he could say them. “That’s not how it works, cutie.”
You raised an eyebrow. “No? Then how does it work?”
He exhaled sharply, running a hand through his tousled hair before letting his head loll back against the couch. “I don’t know.” His voice was quieter now, like he hated admitting it. “I don’t know how to want something and not ruin it at the same time.”
Your chest tightened.
It was the closest he had come to saying it outright—that he didn’t just want you here. He needed you here.
And it terrified him.
You sighed, shifting closer, your hand settling over his where it rested on the couch. He didn’t pull away, but he didn’t look at you either. His fingers flexed beneath yours, restless.
“I don’t want you to shut me out,” you said, gentle but firm. “Even if I know what you want by now—I still respected what you asked of me. I didn’t come by, I gave you space, because I thought that’s what you needed.” You hesitated, then softer, “Was I wrong?”
A muscle in Rafayel’s jaw twitched. His lips pressed together, something pensive behind his gaze.
Then, with an exhale, he finally looked at you.
“You weren’t wrong,” he murmured. “I thought I needed it too.” He huffed a soft laugh, humorless. “Turns out, I’m just an idiot.”
You smiled faintly. “I wouldn’t say you’re an idiot.”
“Then what would you say?”
You squeezed his hand lightly. “Stubborn. A little dramatic.”
His lips twitched like he wanted to smile, but instead, he only turned his hand over, fingers curling around yours. His thumb brushed idly over your knuckles, contemplative.
“You should’ve just ignored me,” he said after a moment.
You raised an eyebrow. “And let you suffer in silence?”
“I would’ve survived.”
You gave him a look.
He groaned, dragging a hand down his face. “Okay, fine. Maybe I wouldn’t have.” He peeked at you from between his fingers, voice quieter now, more uncertain. “But you still listened to me, didn’t you?”
Something in the way he said it made your stomach twist—not with relief, but with something heavier. Like it hurt him in a way he didn’t know how to put into words. Like it would’ve been easier if you hadn’t.
You held his gaze, steady, unwavering. “I did,” you admitted. “But I would’ve come—if only you asked.”
You exhaled, your fingers tightening around his. “And now I did come, because I knew this wasn’t just about me liking Thomas’ post.”
Rafayel stilled. Just slightly. His hand in yours remained lax, but his grip on your other hand faltered for half a second—like you had struck something he wasn’t prepared for.
Then he scoffed, leaning his head back against the couch, gaze flicking elsewhere. “Obviously. You think I care that much about some dumb post?”
You gave him a pointed look. “You called me over it.”
His mouth opened—then closed. His expression twisted into something begrudging.
“Okay, maybe I cared a little.”
You rolled your eyes. “Rafayel.”
He sighed, rubbing his temple, before finally—finally—meeting your gaze. But he didn’t look teasing now. Didn’t look like the Rafayel who had whined about your stubbornness through text messages or tried to act put out when you showed up at his door.
There was something raw there. A flicker of hesitation, of want, of something he had trouble admitting even now.
“Fine,” he muttered. “It wasn’t just about the post.” His eyes searched yours, voice quiet. “It was about you.”
For a moment, he didn’t say anything. Just looked at you. His lips parted like he wanted to speak, but the words hesitated—lingering somewhere between thought and voice.
Then, with a heavy breath, he raked a hand through his tousled hair and dropped his head back against the couch, exhaling sharply through his nose. “You really wanna talk about this, huh?” His voice was light, almost teasing, but there was something else beneath it. Something strained.
You didn’t answer right away. You just held his gaze, waiting.
Rafayel let out a soft, humorless laugh, dragging a hand down his face. “Shit,��� he muttered. “I don’t know where to start.”
“Wherever you want,” you said gently.
He was silent for a while. Then, finally, he sat up properly, elbows resting on his knees, fingers lacing together like he was grounding himself. When he spoke again, his voice was quieter. Not soft—Rafayel never did soft—but honest.
“I don’t like being alone.” The words came slow, deliberate. His thumb ran idly over his knuckles, a nervous habit you rarely saw from him. “Not really. Not when it’s—” He cut himself off, shaking his head. “Whatever. You get it.”
You did.
He exhaled, tilting his head, gaze flickering toward the painting propped up on the easel—the one he had clearly agonized over. “I told you I needed space. That I had to focus, that I—” He scoffed, pressing his fingers to his temple. “But the second you gave it to me, it was like—like something was missing.” His eyes flicked to you, laced with something almost accusing, almost vulnerable. “It was unbearable.”
You swallowed, watching the way his fingers curled, the way his expression twisted between frustration and something he wasn’t sure he wanted to name.
“I kept telling myself it was fine,” he continued, voice rough, like he hated the confession even as it left his lips. “That it was good, even. That I could work without distraction. But every time I tried to paint—every time—I just ended up staring at the damn canvas, thinking about you instead.” He let out a breath, shaking his head. “I hate that.”
You frowned. “Hate what?”
Rafayel clenched his jaw. “Hate that I need you this much.”
Your breath hitched. His words, raw and unguarded, settled between you like something heavy.
He laughed, short and sharp. “God, it’s pathetic, isn’t it?” His fingers curled against his knee. “I used to paint because I had to. Because it was mine. And now—now I feel like I’m dragging you into it too.” His expression darkened, something bitter curling at the edges. “Like I’m taking from you.”
You knew what he meant. Rafayel had always taken from the world. From pain, from suffering, from the ghosts of things that could never be restored. His art had always come from that—extraction. And now, you could see the fear in his eyes. That he had started doing the same with you. That his love for you, his need, had become something he feared he would drain dry.
But you didn’t move away. Didn’t recoil. Instead, you reached out, your fingers brushing over his, grounding him back.
“You’re not taking from me,” you said, firm but gentle. “I’m here because I want to be.”
He stared at you for a long moment. Then his fingers curled over yours, his grip tight—desperate, almost.
“…Yeah,” he muttered. But you could hear the waver in his voice. The uncertainty.
Like he wanted to believe you. Like he didn’t know if he could.
Rafayel’s fingers tightened over yours, his grip feverish, like he was anchoring himself to something—someone—before he could spiral too far. His eyes flickered, restless, torn between frustration and something else, something raw.
“It doesn’t help,” he muttered, almost like he was talking to himself. “That you’re always here. That you’re not—” His jaw clenched, and he looked away, shaking his head. “That you’re not pushing me away.”
You frowned, squeezing his hand. “Why would I?”
His laugh was sharp, almost bitter. “Because you should.”
You inhaled, steadying yourself. “Rafayel—”
“No, listen.” He pulled back slightly, though his fingers still lingered over yours, as if he couldn’t quite bring himself to let go. “You don’t turn me down. Not when I act like a pain in the ass. Not when I pull you into my mess. Not when I—” He exhaled sharply, dragging a hand down his face. “You don’t even get mad when I tell you to stay away, then act like an idiot when you actually do.”
You swallowed, watching the way his expression shifted—tight, conflicted, like the words hurt to say.
“You don’t leave,” he said finally, quieter this time, almost accusing. “And it just—it just makes it worse.”
Your breath hitched. “Worse?”
His eyes flickered to yours, something turbulent beneath the surface.
“I keep thinking,” he murmured, voice rough. “That if you did—if you pushed me away, even just a little—maybe I could stop needing you this much.”
The air between you felt heavy, thick with something unsaid.
He huffed out a humorless laugh, tilting his head back against the couch. “But you won’t, will you?” His eyes, shadowed and tired, flicked to yours. “You never do.”
You didn’t hesitate. “No.”
Rafayel exhaled, shutting his eyes briefly before opening them again, something tired—something helpless—settling behind his gaze.
“Yeah,” he muttered. “That’s what I thought.”
Rafayel let out a slow breath, leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees. His fingers raked through his tousled hair, shoulders tense, like he was holding something back—like he was bracing himself.
“I don’t trust it,” he admitted finally, voice low, rough around the edges.
You frowned. “Trust what?”
His lips twisted, like he was trying to find the right words. “This. You.” A pause, then he huffed out a quiet laugh, one that didn’t reach his eyes. “Not because of anything you’ve done. You’re—you’re too good to me, cutie.”
The way he said it—like it was an accusation—made your heart ache.
Rafayel’s hands flexed against his knees before curling into fists. “It’s just that…I know what it’s like. To have someone be everything. To be convinced that no matter what, they won’t leave.” His fingers twitched. “And then one day, they do.”
Your chest tightened. “Rafayel—”
“You can say it won’t happen,” he cut in, looking at you now, eyes dark with something heavy. “You can promise all you want. But I’ve heard it before.” He let out a shaky breath. “I’ve believed it before.”
Your heart pounded.
“And that’s why I—” He broke off, shaking his head. “That’s why I don’t know what the hell I want. One second, I need you here, and the next, I think maybe—maybe it’d be easier if you weren’t.”
Your breath caught.
“Because if I let myself have this—if I let myself need you—” He swallowed, voice barely above a whisper. “Then what happens when you leave?”
There it was. The real fear.
Not anger. Not frustration.
Just the quiet, aching certainty that he would be left behind. Again.
Your throat tightened. Slowly, carefully, you reached for his hand. His fingers were still curled into a fist, knuckles white, but you pried them open, threading your fingers through his. Warm. Calloused. Shaking.
“Then I won’t,” you said simply.
His breath hitched. His gaze snapped to yours, searching, uncertain. “You don’t—you can’t know that.”
“I do.” You squeezed his hand. “Rafayel, I’m not going anywhere.”
He let out a ragged breath, and you held his hand tighter. “No matter what happens, no matter what you do, how much space you need, or how much you push and pull—I’m here.” Your voice was steady, certain, because you meant it. “I’ll always be here.”
Rafayel exhaled sharply, as if the weight of your words had knocked the air from his lungs. He looked away, jaw tight, throat working like he was trying to swallow something down.
“You say that now,” he muttered, voice rough, “but—”
“But nothing,” you cut in gently, tugging his hand just enough to make him look at you again. “You’re not just some phase in my life, Rafayel. You matter to me.” Your thumb brushed over his knuckles. “I’m not leaving. Not now. Not ever.”
His breath shuddered out of him, his fingers tightening around yours like he was afraid to let go. And for the first time since you’d arrived, you saw it—that tiny flicker of hope beneath all the doubt.
Your lips curled into a small smile. “You know… you’re not the only one who needs someone, Rafayel.”
He huffed, shaking his head. “That so?”
“Mmhm.” You squeezed his hand, tilting your head playfully. “I just happen to be better at hiding it. Comes with the job, you know. Can’t have my client thinking his bodyguard is just as much of a mess as he is.”
That earned you a scoff, though there was the faintest trace of amusement in it. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
You shrugged. “I mean, think about it. If I didn’t need you, why the hell would I be here at three in the morning?”
Rafayel stilled. His grip on your hand faltered for half a second before tightening again. You saw his throat bob, his lips part slightly—like he wanted to argue, to throw something back at you. But he didn’t. Because you were right.
His gaze flickered, searching yours, as if trying to find a crack in your resolve, some sign that you were just saying this to make him feel better. But there was none. You meant it.
A breath left him, shakier than he probably wanted it to be. Then, quietly, he muttered, “…Idiot.”
You grinned. “Takes one to know one.”
You suddenly sighed dramatically, stretching your arms above your head before letting them drop. “You know, you didwake me up in the middle of the night. And I did drag myself all the way here, just for you.”
Rafayel arched a brow, skepticism flickering over his face. “You just said you came for me.”
Before he could go any further, you reached out, cupping his jaw with one hand and pressing his cheeks together, effectively smushing his lips into a ridiculous pout. “Shhh.”
His brows furrowed, a muffled noise of protest escaping him.
You smirked. “See? Much better.”
His eyes burned into you, but the effect was entirely ruined by the way his lips were puckered like a sulking child. You had to bite back a laugh.
Rafayel made another unintelligible sound, hands coming up to pry yours away, but you held firm, tilting your head. “Now, are you gonna make it up to me or what?”
Without letting go, you leaned in, pressing the softest, most fleeting kiss against his ridiculously pouted lips.
The reaction was instantaneous.
Rafayel tensed, his entire body going rigid beneath your touch. And then—
His face erupted in color. A deep, searing red that bloomed across his cheeks, climbed to the tips of his ears, and even dusted down the length of his neck. His eyes widened, pupils dilating, mouth parting slightly as if his brain had short-circuited entirely.
You pulled back just enough to see the full effect, utterly pleased with yourself.
His hands, which had been trying to pry yours off a second ago, twitched uselessly before dropping altogether.
“Wha—” His voice cracked. He cleared his throat, glaring at you as best he could while still blushing furiously. “What the hell was that?”
You grinned, finally releasing his jaw, tapping his cheek lightly. “You looked too cute not to.”
His lips pressed into a thin line, eyes narrowing. But the red across his face refused to fade. If anything, it darkened.
“I hate you,” he muttered, voice thick with embarrassment.
You hummed, utterly unbothered. “No, you don’t.”
He didn’t respond—because he couldn’t. Not when his body betrayed him so obviously.
Before he could recover, you leaned in again, this time pressing a soft, lingering kiss against his flushed cheek.
Rafayel froze.
A sharp inhale, his fingers twitching against your waist as if debating whether to push you away or pull you closer. The warmth of his skin burned beneath your lips, the heat radiating from him palpable.
And then—
A strangled noise. Half a scoff, half something else entirely. “You—” He cut himself off, exhaling sharply, tilting his head away as if that could somehow hide the deepening red overtaking his face.
His ears. His ears were burning.
You smiled against his skin. “You’re really easy to fluster, you know that?”
His hand curled into the fabric of your sweater. “Shut up.”
You kissed his other cheek just to spite him.
Another sharp inhale. Another full-body flinch.
“Cutie.” His voice was strained, and when you finally pulled back to look at him, his eyes were dark, unreadable, something perilously close to desperate lurking beneath the surface.
It sent a shiver down your spine.
You swallowed, suddenly hyper-aware of how close you were. The way his breath fanned against your skin. The way his grip on you had tightened, like he was afraid you’d slip through his fingers if he let go.
And then, quieter and lower—almost hesitant—he spoke.
“…You’re doing this on purpose.”
You barely had a second to process the way his eyes darkened before he moved.
A sharp tug—your breath hitched—then suddenly, the world tilted.
Before you could react, you found yourself toppled onto the couch, your back pressed against the cushions, Rafayelhovering above you. His grip on your waist was firm, his body heat overwhelming, and his beautiful eyes—flushed with something you couldn’t quite name—devoured you.
You blinked. “Raf—”
And then he kissed you.
No hesitation. No teasing remark. Just desperation, raw and unfiltered, poured into the space between you. His lips found yours in a feverish press, warm, insistent—taking.
Your fingers curled into his shirt instinctively, anchoring yourself as he deepened the kiss, as if trying to chase away something neither of you had spoken aloud. His weight caged you in, a solid, unrelenting presence above you, his hand sliding from your waist to cradle your cheek.
It was different from before—this wasn’t just his usual playful antics, wasn’t just him indulging in his own flirtation.
This was real.
A shuddering breath left him as he pulled back just an inch, enough for your lips to part but not enough to create space. His forehead rested against yours, his own breath uneven.
“…You came for me,” he murmured, almost like he still couldn’t believe it.
You smoothed your hands over his back, feeling the tension in his frame, the way he was holding himself back. “I did.”
His lips brushed against yours again, softer this time. “Say it again.”
You smiled, breathless. “I came for you.”
His exhale was shaky, his hold on you tightening. Then, he kissed you—slower, more lingering, like he was memorizing every second. 
For a moment, it was like that.
His lips pressed against yours again—harder this time, more forceful, less patient. The teasing, the usual playful give-and-take between you, was gone.
This was different.
His weight pressed you down into the couch, his hand sliding from your cheek to the back of your neck, fingers threading through your hair, keeping you exactly where he wanted. His other hand curled around your hip, firm, possessive—demanding.
You barely had time to breathe before he was kissing you again and again—deeper, slower, like he was trying to carve the feeling of you into himself. There was heat, unmistakable and consuming, but also a quiet desperation simmering just beneath the surface.
His lips left yours only to trail along your jaw, then lower—lower—pressing against the sensitive skin beneath your ear.
“You always do this,” he murmured, voice rough, breath warm against your throat.
You shivered. “Do what?”
He pulled back just enough for you to see his face, still flushed, ears burning, but his gaze? That wasn’t the usual playful Rafayel staring down at you. It was something deeper. Darker. Unrestrained.
“Make me want more,” he said, his thumb tracing slow, maddening circles against your hip. “And you don’t even try.”
Your breath hitched as his lips found yours again, more insistent, more relentless. His grip tightened, keeping you right there, letting you feel every bit of his warmth against you.
Your breath was unsteady as you tilted your head back against the couch, your fingers clutching at the fabric of his shirt. His lips ghosted over your jaw again, trailing lower, unhurried, like he had all the time in the world to make you feel him.
“What…” Your voice came out weaker than you intended, a soft, breathless thing. “What are you doing?”
Rafayel huffed a quiet laugh against your skin, his lips brushing against the hollow of your throat. When he pulled back just enough for you to see his face, his smirk was smug, but his eyes—half-lidded, dark with heat—betrayed something else.
“Making it up to you,” he murmured. “Like you asked.”
Then his lips were back on you—pressing, dragging their way down the curve of your neck, slow and deliberate. His hands, warm and steady, slid along your sides, mapping out the shape of you through your clothes.
You barely had time to breathe before his kisses wandered lower—just beneath your collarbone, just above the fabric of your sweater—his fingers toying with the hem as if debating how much further he could push.
He wanted to push.
You could feel it in the way his grip flexed against your waist, the way his breath came out uneven, like he was barely holding himself together.
But he was waiting.
Waiting for you to stop him.
Waiting for you to tell him no.
And when you didn’t—when you stayed still beneath him, your own breath shaky, your fingers curling into his shirt like you needed him there—his smirk faltered for just a second.
Rafayel barely gave you a second to register what was happening before his arms wrapped around you, strong and unwavering. A startled gasp left your lips as he lifted you, pressing you flush against him as he rose to his feet.
Your arms instinctively tightened around his shoulders, legs curling slightly, but he carried you with ease—his grip firm, his body heat seeping into yours through the fabric of your clothes.
He didn’t stop kissing you.
Even as he moved, his lips barely left yours, stealing breath after breath, deepening the kiss with each slow, deliberate step. His pace was unhurried, almost lazy, like he was indulging in every second it took to drag you both toward the bedroom.
His fingers flexed against your thighs, pressing you closer, and you could feel the way his heart pounded—just as wild, just as reckless as yours.
Somewhere between the hallway and the door, you tried to murmur his name, but he swallowed the sound with another kiss, tilting his head, teasing you, taking you apart one stolen breath at a time.
By the time your back met the soft sheets, Rafayel was hovering over you, eyes dark and heavy-lidded, his lips swollen, his breath uneven. His tousled hair framed his face, a few strands falling over his forehead, and his cheeks—his ears—were still red.
But his expression was different now. Not the usual playful teasing. Not the embarrassed flustered mess you were used to. Something deeper. 
And he was still looking at you like he was starving.
You felt yourself shrinking under his gaze.
But he doesn’t let you.
Instead, his fingers trail up your skin, his touch searing, possessive. “Don’t hide from me,” he murmurs, voice low, thick with something you can’t quite name “You said I had to make it up to you. What, getting shy now?”
You barely have time to react before his fingers curl into the fabric of your sweater, tugging it up with slow, deliberate intent. The air kisses your skin as he drags the material higher, his fingertips brushing along your sides—light, teasing, making you shiver.
His gaze never wavers. Heavy-lidded, sharp with intent, the dusky pink in his eyes darkening like the sky before a storm. He drinks in every inch of you as more of your skin is revealed, his breath coming a little heavier, his lips parting just slightly.
“See?” His voice is low, almost coaxing, though there’s an edge of something darker beneath it. Hungrier. “Nothing to be shy about, cutie.”
The sweater slips over your head in one smooth motion, and before you can even process the loss of warmth, his hands are on you again—this time against the curve of your waist.
His hands move with unhurried precision, fingers slipping beneath the waistband of your pajama pants. The fabric bunches under his touch as he drags it down, knuckles grazing the curve of your hips, the dip of your thighs—his touch light, but purposeful.
He doesn’t look away, doesn’t give you the chance to hide. His eyes drink you in, dark with something unreadable, something smoldering beneath the surface.
“Still with me?” His voice is lower now, rougher, as if he’s feeling the weight of this just as much as you are.
You nodded.
The fabric pools at your ankles, and his hands return to your skin, smoothing over newly exposed warmth. His thumbs press gently into your hips, grounding, as if savoring every second. As if making sure you’re not going anywhere.
“You’re perfect—so perfect.” he mumbled.
“Raf—” you murmured, skin flushing at his words.
His lips curved, fingers tracing slow, reverent lines over your skin, as if memorizing every inch. He leaned in, pressing a kiss just above your knee, then another, his breath warm against your skin.
“You don’t even know, do you?” His voice was quiet, almost in awe. His hands skimmed higher, thumbs grazing your hip bones, his touch a slow burn. “How impossible it is not to want you. Not to need you.”
Your breath hitched. He was everywhere—his warmth, his presence, the way his eyes pinned you beneath the weight of his gaze.
“Rafayel—” You swallowed, trying to steady yourself, but he only hummed, the sound deep, pleased.
“I know,” he murmured, pressing another lingering kiss to your skin. “You don’t have to say anything.”
His fingers curled against your thighs, his grip tightening just enough to make you shiver. His touch was deliberate, lingering—like he wanted to take his time. Like he had no intention of letting you go.
You shuddered as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties. With a slow, deliberate tug, he began to drag them down, inch by excruciating inch, his knuckles grazing against your sensitive skin.
You could feel your heartbeat pounding between your legs as he finally eased your panties off completely, leaving you bare and exposed before him. His gaze was intense, almost reverent, as he took in the sight of you, his eyes darkening with desire.
Without saying a word, he parted your folds with his fingers, exposing your glistening, needy flesh to his hungry gaze. You felt a rush of heat flood your cheeks at the intimacy of the moment, your body trembling slightly under his touch.
Rafayel traced a single finger along your slit, not quite penetrating, but teasing you mercilessly. He gathered the moisture that had already begun to gather at your opening and brought his coated finger to his lips, his tongue darting out to taste you.
His eyes fluttered closed briefly at the flavor, a soft groan escaping his lips. “God, you taste so good, cutie.” he murmured, his voice rough and low.
A whine bubbled at your throat, “Rafayel, y-you…”
He dipped his finger between your folds once more, gathering more of your essence, before smearing it along your sensitive flesh. He didn’t push inside, didn’t give you the satisfaction of penetration just yet. Instead, he simply smeared your arousal along your slit and around your clit, teasing you with the lightest touch.
Rafayel reached for your hand, his fingers curling around yours as he guided it between your legs. He pressed your palm against your slick, heated flesh, urging you to start touching yourself.
“Touch yourself,” he commanded, his voice low and rough with desire. “I want to watch you pleasure yourself while I undress for you.”
With his other hand, he began to unbutton his shirt, his fingers working slowly, almost teasingly. He shrugged the garment off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor as he revealed his toned, pale chest.
His eyes never left yours as he reached for his belt, unbuckling it with deliberate slowness. The clinking of the metal made your heart race, your breathing growing more ragged as anticipation built.
“I want to see you touch yourself, cutie. Come on…” he murmured, his voice a low rumble. 
He shoved his pants down his hips, his hard, thick length springing free, already visibly aroused, slick forming at the tip. He wrapped a hand around himself, giving a single, slow stroke from base to tip.
“Touch yourself,” he ordered again, his voice leaving no room for hesitation. “Show me how much you need me.”
With trembling fingers, you began to touch yourself, tracing your slick folds and circling your aching clit. Soft mewling sounds escaped your lips as you pleasured yourself, your hips rolling instinctively into your touch.
Rafayel loomed over you, kneeling between your spread thighs, his gaze riveted to your face. He stroked himself slowly, his eyes dark and intense as he watched your every expression, every flicker of pleasure that crossed your features.
His other hand gripped your thigh, spreading your leg further, opening you more to his hungry gaze. “That’s it….” he murmured, his voice a low, approving rumble. “Touch yourself just like that.”
You could feel the heat of his body, the way his skin seemed to burn against yours. Your breath came in short, sharp gasps as you circled your clit faster, your fingers slick with your arousal.
Rafayel’s strokes grew more purposeful, his grip tightening around his thick length as he watched you. The sight of him touching himself while he stared at you with such raw, unbridled lust sent a surge of heat through your core.
“Rafayel,” you gasped, your back arching off the bed as you felt the first flutters of your impending release. Your fingers moved frantically over your clit, your body tensing, your thighs trembling.
“Don’t stop,” he commanded, his voice a low growl. “I want to watch you come undone. I want to see your face, cutie.”
His words, his intense gaze, the feeling of your fingers on your clit—it all pushed you over the edge. Your orgasm crashed through you, your body shaking and convulsing as waves of intense pleasure consumed you.
Through it all, Rafayel watched you, his strokes growing more urgent, more desperate as he chased his own release. The sight of your pleasure seemed to drive him wild, his chest heaving, his grip on himself almost punishing.
As your orgasm subsided, leaving you trembling and gasping, Rafayel let out a guttural groan. His strokes became erratic, his grip tightening around his throbbing length as he found his own release.
“Look at me. Just m-me.” he moaned, his voice cracking.
Your eyes locked, and almost immediately, thick ropes of his hot seed spilled from the tip of his cock, painting your stomach and thighs with his essence. The sight of his pleasure, the feeling of his warmth coating your skin, sent a fresh surge of desire coursing through you.
Before the last waves of his climax had even subsided, Rafayel pressed the swollen head of his cock against your sensitive, dripping folds. He coated himself in your arousal, mixing your fluids together as he teasingly parted your lower lips.
“Rafayel,” you whimpered, still sensitive from your own intense orgasm. The feeling of his hard, hot length pressing against your core made you clench and quiver with anticipation.
He didn’t push inside, not yet. Instead, he simply rubbed the head of his cock along your slit, up and down, coating himself fully in your slick heat. His eyes, dark and intense, stayed locked with yours, watching your every reaction.
“Tell me you want it,” he murmured, his voice rough and low. “Tell me you need my cock inside you…”
His words, the feeling of his hard length stroking your most intimate place, made your heart race and your breath come in short, sharp gasps. You could feel the heat of him, the way his skin seemed to burn against yours.
“I need it,” you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper. “Please, Rafayel. I need you inside me.”
Rafayel cursed under his breath, “Fuck. You’re driving me insane.”
Agonizingly, he pushed the head of his cock inside you, a low groan rumbling in his chest at the feeling of your tight, wet heat enveloping just the tip. He paused there, his hips pressed against your inner thighs, as he savored the sensation.
Your back arched off the bed slightly, your hands fisting in the sheets below you. The stretch of you around him was delicious, the way your walls fluttered and clenched around just that small part of him.
“You feel incredible,” Rafayel breathed, his voice strained with the effort of holding back. His fingers dug into your hips, his grip tightening as he fought the urge to surge forward and bury himself fully inside you.
He rolled his hips forward just slightly, the head of his cock pushing in a little deeper, stretching you just a fraction more. The movement made you gasp, your fingers scrabbling at the sheets as a jolt of pleasure shot through you.
Rafayel’s eyes were glued to your face, watching every flicker of emotion and sensation cross your features. 
He let out a breathy chuckle, his lips curving into a smirk even as his cheeks and ears burned red. “Look at you,” he murmured, voice laced with amusement and something darker, more indulgent. “Clinging to me like this, and I’ve barely even started.”
You glared at him, your body trembling, “S-Shut up…”
His breath hitched, the smirk on his lips faltering for just a second before he leaned in, pressing his forehead against yours. “Can’t,” he rasped, his voice unsteady, tinged with something raw. “Not when you feel this good… not when you’re making it so damn hard to hold back.”
Rafayel couldn’t hold back any longer. With a low, guttural groan, he surged forward, burying his hard, thick length deep inside your tight, wet heat. He didn’t stop until he had pushed in to the hilt, his hips pressed flush against yours, his heavy balls nestling against your skin.
“See?” he murmured, voice rough, uneven. “Told you… I need you. Don’t ever—” His lips found your temple, your cheek, anywhere he could reach. “Don’t ever leave me…”
You bit your lower lip, before gasping, “I-I won’t Raf—”
Slowly, almost torturously so, Rafayel began to move. He withdrew until just the tip of his cock remained inside you, before thrusting forward again, burying himself to the hilt. He set a deep, powerful rhythm, each thrust pushing you further up the mattress.
His hands gripped your hips, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh as he held you in place. “If I ever tell you to leave me alone for a week again…” He let out a shaky laugh, pressing his forehead against yours. “Smack some sense into me, alright? Because that’s not me—never me.” 
He angled your hips to take him even deeper, his cock kissing your cervix with every driving thrust. The room filled with the obscene sound of skin slapping against skin, punctuated by your gasps and his grunts of pleasure.
His lips brushed against your ear, voice raw, pleading. “Let me hear you, c-cutie—oh!” A pause, a sharp inhale as he held you closer. “Don’t hold back.”
Your breath hitched, fingers clutching at him like he was the only thing keeping you grounded. “I—I’m not… just—” Your voice wavered, breaking into a gasp as heat curled in your spine. “Rafayel—”
His breath was hot against your skin, ragged and uneven. Then—sharp. A gasp tore from your lips as his teeth sank into your shoulder, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to make you shiver.
“Mine,” he mumbled against your skin, lips brushing over the fresh mark before he soothed it with his tongue. His grip on your waist tightened, like he wanted to pull you even closer—like even now, even here, it wasn’t enough.
He pressed another bite just below the first, this time lingering, as if engraving himself into you. Then he pulled back, gaze hooded, cheeks flushed, lips red. “There. Now you really can’t leave me alone for a week.”
Rafayel drew back, breathless, his lips hovering just above your skin. His eyes were heavy-lidded, dazed, his flushed cheeks still burning with heat—but then you saw it.
The mark.
Faint at first, but unmistakable, glowing softly against his chest, just above his heart, near his collarbone. It pulsed in rhythm with his ragged breaths, a delicate yet unyielding reminder of something ancient, something that had endured beyond time itself.
Your fingers lifted before you could think, you’ve always been drawn to it. Even more so now. The moment you touched it, Rafayel shuddered—a full-body tremor, like you had reached inside and wrapped your hand around his very soul. His breath hitched, eyes snapping to yours, wide with something raw.
“Cutie—” His voice was hoarse, almost pleading, but he didn’t move away. He couldn’t.
It’s like something in him snapped. Suddenly, Rafayel gripped your hips tightly, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh hard enough to leave bruises. He used the leverage to pull you towards him, meeting each of his powerful thrusts and pressing you even closer.
Your own body moved with the force of his actions, your breasts bouncing with every slam of his hips against yours. You could feel the coil of pleasure winding tighter and tighter in your core, your walls beginning to flutter and clench around his pistoning length.
“That’s it, c-cutie,” Rafayel grunted, his voice thick with desire and impending release. “Take it. Fuck, I can’t—you’re too much.”
He drove into you harder, faster, the bed creaking beneath the force of his thrusts. His balls slapped against your skin, the obscene sound spurring on his lust.
Suddenly, with a roar of your name, Rafayel slammed into you one last time. His cock jerked and throbbed as he found his release, thick ropes of his hot seed painting your insides. He ground his hips against yours, pressing as deep as he could go, making sure every last drop of his essence was buried inside you.
“Cutie—!” he bellowed, his body shuddering and convulsing above you. 
You could feel the heat of his release flooding your core, filling you up. Your own body responded in kind, your orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave. You cried out, your voice joining his in a symphony of pleasure as you came undone around him.
You both stayed like that for a while, the sound of your breaths mingling.
As Rafayel finally pulled away, you shuddered at the sudden loss of warmth, your body still thrumming from him. He huffed out a breath, his forehead dropping against yours as if gathering himself—his flushed cheeks and dazed eyes making him look almost boyish, despite everything he’d just done.
Then, in true Rafayel fashion, he smirked. “Tired, cutie?” His voice was hoarse, but smug.
You scoffed, swatting weakly at his shoulder. “You’re seriously asking me that?”
He chuckled, pressing a lazy kiss to your temple. “Just checking. Wouldn’t want my bodyguard passing out on duty.”
You rolled your eyes but didn’t protest when he eased you onto your back, his hands already reaching for the discarded sheets to pull over you both. His fingers were surprisingly gentle as they traced over your skin, smoothing over every mark he’d left.
A comfortable silence settled between you as he ran his hands over your arms, your waist—touches more soothing than teasing now. Then, quietly, “You okay?”
You softened at that, at the way his usual bravado slipped just enough for you to see the raw concern underneath.
“I’m fine,” you reassured, brushing your knuckles over his cheek. “Though I think you owe me a week’s worth of massages for all that.”
He let out an exaggerated sigh, flopping dramatically beside you. “Demanding, aren’t you? First, you drag me out of my self-imposed exile, now you want labor?”
You smirked, shifting to drape yourself over his chest. “Shouldn’t have woken me up at 3 AM, then.”
Rafayel clicked his tongue but didn’t push you off. Instead, his arms curled around you, holding you so close it was almost suffocating—but in the best way. His lips ghosted over the crown of your head, lingering there.
“Not gonna make that mistake again,” he muttered. “Next time, just smack me back to my senses.”
You laughed softly, pressing a kiss to his collarbone. “Deal.”
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finelinevogue · 1 month ago
pretty boy
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summary - the team is out for drinks and people can’t stop hitting on your boyfriend
pairing - spencer reid x bau!gf
word count - +1k
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“He’s so hot.”
“Ugh that hair!”
“He is so kissable.”
You had only been at the bar for an hour and you’d already hit your limit for the amount of women that have hit on your boyfriend.
The worst thing about it, is that Spencer is so oblivious to it that you feel silly for being even a little bit jealous.
You were currently at the bar ordering some drinks and were listening to a group of girls lust after your boyfriend, who was currently sitting with the rest of the team in a booth.
“I mean seriously… he looks like he’d know how to please a woman.” One of them said.
You gave the girls a brief look to make sure you weren’t making things up in your head and to your dismay they were all looking Spencer’s way. Curse him for sitting at the end of the booth.
You then looked back to Spencer who was listening intensely to something Rossi was saying.
He did look good. Like, really good.
He’d recently had a haircut that made him look that little bit older, whilst also keeping that youth. Hotch had told him he looked like he was part of a boy-band, which in a way he did. The hot one, if he was.
You loved his new hair. It was so fluffy and soft. Perfect to run your hands through.
It just irked you that other people were thinking the same thing. And so openly.
He was even extra handsome tonight with his work clothes on. It was hot so he had taken off his waistcoat, so it was just his shirt - which he had rolled the sleeves up on - his loose tie and his fitted trousers.
“I’m going to go talk to him.” One of them said, making you tense up.
You wished the bartender would hurry up so you could go back and sit next to Spencer already. You trust Spencer more than anything - but it was these girls you didn’t trust.
“Oh my God. Never mind. He’s coming over here. How’s my hair?”
You thanked the bartender as he placed the drinks on a circular tray in front of you.
The girls were all nervously excited next to you.
Until they weren’t.
Because you felt Spencer slide up behind you, resting one of his hands at the bottom of your spine and the other placed on the bar edge.
“You okay?” He asked, leaning down to kiss the top of your head as you swayed your body into his.
Spencer was standing perpendicular to you so it gave you the opportunity to rest the side of your head on his chest. It allowed you to just breathe him in as if it were just you and him in the room.
You nodded slowly, not really knowing how else to answer.
“Need help with these?” He asked, tapping the tray.
“M’kay. I’ll get these. You grab some straws.”
You were sad when his hand left your back to reach for the tray of drinks. You also really wanted to take Spencer away from these girls though.
Before you could both go back, one of the girls touched Spencer on his forearm and questioned him.
“Excuse me, are you two together?” She asked, only looking at Spencer for the answer. It was almost as if you were invisible.
“Uh, yeah. We are.” Spencer gave a polite smile.
“Oh.” She said, surprised.
Spencer didn’t respond and neither did you. He just smiled before nudging you to keep walking.
Once you were out of their earshot he asked, “That was weird right?”
“Yeah.” It was your turn to give him a small smile this time, keeping your head down as you returned to the booth.
The atmosphere had changed.
You had felt good at the start of the night - an hour ago - but now everything felt a little different.
It no doubt had everything to do with the girls that had been surprised that Spencer was dating you. Also it didn’t help that Spencer still looked great and was gaining more and more hungry eyes.
You sipped your drink even though you weren’t interested in having a good time any more. You wanted to be alert in case you needed to be for Spencer’s sake.
“Tell me what’s wrong.” Spencer said.
He was still sat on the end of the booth, but he had one arm tucker over the back of the booth and down around your shoulder to keep you pressed close to him. For someone who was okay with not fully understanding social interactions, he had always done a perfect job of being with you.
The rest of the team were talking and laughing over drinks.
“It’s okay.” You shook your head.
“It’s not if it’s bothering you.” Spencer argued.
“It’s silly.”
You looked from the team to the rest of the bar where people were still looking Spencer’s way.
Damn, why did he have to be so attractive?
You weren’t sure how to approach the subject with Spencer though. He was too sweet to take his gaze off you for even a second to notice how many gazes were on him. It wasn’t even a him problem. Good for him for looking so pretty, but it was just difficult trying to be okay with the extra attention that him being pretty came with.
It sounded so stupid and it didn’t even make sense to you, so it was impossible trying to think of how to bring it up to Spencer.
“Is it the case?” Spencer asked.
You sighed, “No.”
“Did I do something? I feel like that’s quite likely.”
You shook your head, feeling yourself getting worked up about this.
Spencer’s arm pulled you further into his body and his other arm detached from his drink so he could rest his palm on your thigh.
“I’m sorry for ruining your night.”
“You’re not ruining my night. I just don’t like seeing you upset.”
“I know.”
“Well, you tell me when you want to leave and we’ll go okay?”
Spencer was brushing his teeth when you blurted out those three words.
“Sorry if I was weird tonight.” You apologised, finishing off your nighttime routine in Spencer’s apartment.
He mumbled something along the lines of ‘it doesn’t matter’, but it was hard to tell when he had a mouth full of toothpaste.
Your chest heaved heavy breaths as you watched him with adoration.
He looked so soft and homely standing in his bathroom, brushing his teeth in his pyjamas with you. He was just so damn perfect and it was because of that that you had to tell him.
“It was your hair!” You blurted out before you could control yourself.
“Huh?” He questioned with a mouthful of toothpaste still. He took a brief glance to the mirror to check his hair before turning back to you.
“Your hair! I think it’s made you really hot. N-not that you weren’t hot before Spence but- oh my god, what am I saying?” You let out a shaky breath before continuing, “I was jealous okay? Really jealous because everyone at that bar was staring at you like they wanted you and I-I know you and me are— and you would never— and I — but I just…
Spencer spat out his toothpaste.
“I couldn’t stop thinking that like you’re mine and what right did they have to chat you up, let alone look at you that way? I mean—.”
“I love you, okay?!” You proclaimed. You stood there in shock for a moment, not knowing where to take this now that you’d announced that.
“I do.” You nodded rapidly, “I do, I really do love you a-and I think it really hit me tonight when I saw you being loved on by all those other women.”
Spencer dropped his toothbrush and took a step towards you.
“All of that tonight was because you love me?” He questioned, trying to wrap his head around this.
“I think so, yeah.”
You pulled the sleeves of your jumper down over your hands as something to fidget with. You were growing nervous now for Spencer to say something.
“Well that makes sense.” He nodded, “I.. I think that means I love you too.”
“Really?” You asked, eyes wide as you watched him figure things out for himself.
“Yeah. I mean… I was frustrated as you sounded at all those men looking at you all night. It was driving me crazy.”
“People looking at me?” You frowned.
“You were the prettiest person in the room.”
“Spence…” You pouted, feeling your eyes tear with happy emotions.
You can’t believe that he had been feeling the exact same as you all this time. All it would have taken was a conversation earlier to talk things through and you both wouldn’t have been feeling so vulnerable.
“I love you, Y/N, even though I’m telling you in the most un-romantic setting.”
“You’re wrong. This is like the most romantic it could be for me.” You smiled and looped your arms around his neck. You felt his come around your waist.
“Yeah. You, me and a little bit of toothpaste. That’s all I need to know that I love you.”
“And my hair.”
“I distinctly remember you talking about how hot my hair was before…” He chuckled and you thumped your forehead down on his chest to escape the embarrassment.
“No, never. Just like I’m never getting another haircut.”
You lifted your head at that, resting your chin on his chest as you looked up at him with heart eyes.
“I could live with that.” You smiled.
Spencer stayed looking at you for a few moments.
You could tell he was taking a minute to process everything as well as continue to study every little feature on your face. You prompted him to say something when he stared a little too long though.
“Just like seeing you smile. That’s all.” He said.
It was as simple as that.
You both loved each other. You both loved seeing each other smile. To keep that a forever kind of thing you would have to promise communication and accept there’ll be moments of jealousy. Those moments will be made better though when you remind each other that it’s each other you’re going home to.
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maneskinwh0re · 3 months ago
sevika x brothelfemme!reader — “not your job”
cw: [n]sfw, dom!sevika, soft!sevika, mostly fluff :3
summary: thinking about having a long-term brothel contract with sevika. at the end of a particular booking when she has already made you cum like 3 times, she forgot to leave time for aftercare (actually forgot she was on a time limit, just lost inside you). so when she starts to apologize and frantically clean you up, you just kick her out SKDHAHDJA fic plot begins right afterwards…
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“come on, i’ll walk you out,” you say as you smooth out your dampened lingerie and throw on a matching robe, shielding your figure from the cold as well as your client’s wandering grey eyes.
“that’s not in your job description,” sevika counters as she zips up the fly of her cargos. you step closer to button her pants as well as buckle her thick belt, a sentiment that means more to her than you know.
whenever sevika asks, you always imply that helping her get dressed is a favor in your contract (you both know it’s not) and then your defense is usually followed by a teasing remark about her missing left arm. in reality, you use the closeness as an excuse to continue the intimacy after sex, a further connection between you two, but the secret remains unspoken.
“you’re right, it’s not in my job description. and neither is changing the sheets, but looks like i’m doing that too since i’m too embarrassed to let poor harley do it.”
“isn’t that their job anyway?”
“can you just quit arguing with me and get your ass out?” you bicker with a laugh, knowing sevika is just stalling at this point.
“thought y’ liked my ass,” she smiles smugly and tilts her head as she looks down to you, her flesh hand teasingly trailing up your curves.
you were gonna really make her feel like shit about not leaving time for aftercare, you just like to rub it in. the two of you know it’s all jokes, and have had a bounded contract for a while now. sevika isn’t a regular for anyone else, and you’ve recently stopped seeing any other clients…
“ha ha. i like it when it’s obedient,” you purr with a giggle, giving her behind a soft swat. “let’s go— the laundry room ‘s at the end of the hall anyway.”
“hmph, alright fine,” she agrees with a pout that is so cute, it almost makes you forget about her dominant nature that made you scream and beg mere minutes ago… almost.
when you get to the door, your trusted head of security opens it for sevika, and only when her flesh hand leaves its place on your lower back did you realize the warmth that was there as you walked the dimly lit hallway. it’s the little things that keep you both so connected, even if you don’t think to control them consciously.
you lean against the doorway, one hand on your hip as you smile up at her. when she leans in for a goodbye kiss, you turn your head away.
“ah ah, y’ know you gotta pay for that,” you say with a smirk.
“i think i just did,” she replies with a quirked brow, a prideful smile revealing the little gap between her two front teeth.
you only stare at each other, a silent competition to see who yields first to give in for a kiss.
“i’ll see you tomorrow,” you finally break the silence with a sly smile and turn away to resume your shift.
“but i’m not booked for tomorrow…?” sevika thinks aloud, her eyebrows furrowing together as if her statement is a question.
you look back to her, your tongue running along the inside of your cheek and huffing as if trying to stifle a laugh. sevika staying away from you? yeah, right. like a moth to a flame.
“i will see you tomorrow, sevika.” you look up at her tall figure and place a hand on her chest to push her out the door.
in a quick motion, sevika shoves your hand to the side and pulls you in by the waist for a deep kiss. you reciprocate immediately— because how could you not? your hands grip her short hair and you feel the coldness of her labret piercing against your bottom lip. you can taste your earlier release on her tongue, recalling the lewd thoughts of when she-
“ahem.” the security guard’s lower pitched voice brings you back to the moment.
gasping for air, you push sevika off and wobbly move clear of the doorway. “alright, get outta here. before i call security.”
“oh, will you? i’m real scared,” she jokes, taking loopy, post-sex drunken steps down the stairs.
“i could kick your ass, sevika!” callum shouts into the cold night, then slams the heavy door shut before your patron could reply. you internally relish the sound of sevika’s deep laugh fading out on the other side of the metal entryway, indicating she’s finally walking home.
“thanks, cal,” you chuckle as you readjust your laced bralette.
“why don’t y’all do all ‘at off the clock?” callum turns to you, his tone is still light but with a tint of seriousness.
“what do you mean?”
“you know what i mean. that stupid smile will stick to your face the rest of y’r shift, hon. and it’s only ever there after your sevika is.”
you scold your coworker, waving him away before he notices your flushed expression. “oh my- s-shut the fuck up!”
‘your sevika’
…you could get used to the sound of that.
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alexa play casual by chappell roan !
a/n: had the plot idea a few weeks ago, dropping this fluff and running back to hibernate bc kinda been going through it lately lol BUT WE DOING BETTER NOW TEAM DW found some inspo to write :3
harley and callum are two oc’s i might add to an ongoing fic bc i actually ended up kinda liking this :)
- 🐝
taglist: @audr3yyyyy @mirconreadzztuff22 @wizard-pdf @archangeldyke-all @nhaaauyen @inthebrainofalamb <3
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remxedmoon · 4 months ago
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so all you need to do right now is disappear.
HHHHAPPY ISATVERSARY EVERYONE. here’s redraws for every single battle cg in the game. 36 drawings this time around, with 11 of those being custom (though admittedly a good portion of those are edits). combined with the portrait redraws i made back in september, i’ve made 114 redraws for this project! jesus christ! just like those redraws, these are completely free to use!! as long as i’m credited and it’s not for commercial purposes, go wild!! do whatever you want!!!
no i didn’t make these for isat’s 1 year anniversary this is just wildly good timing.
i genuinely can’t fit all of these cgs in one post even with the 30 image limit on browser, but i’ll still try to fit Most of them below the cut (without making this post horrifically long), along with some notes that might be important 👍
okay! once again, i labeled all of the custom art as such in the drive(UPDATE. NNOT TRUE ANYMORE. reformatted file names to be easier to mod in auau. apologies!), but if you want a full list, the customs are hatless siffrin jackpot, bonnie jackpot, bonnie special attack, bigfrin attack, and a bunch of alts which are definitely not related to any projects i’ve been thinking about don’t worry about it. and out of those customs, only like. 3 of them are actually completely from scratch.
while i did my absolute best to keep the aspect ratios completely the same as the originals, there’s 3 exceptions that i just couldn’t get to work.
isabeau’s hair in his special attack cg wouldn’t fit in frame if i kept things completely accurate to the og, so i moved his cg down a bit. it shouldn’t cause any issues with modding or anything, it’ll just appear slightly lower than it does in game. alas…
isabeau’s sleeve and mirabelle’s hair made their jackpot sprites a little larger than the originals? i’m hoping this doesn’t have too much of an effect (since the jackpot sprites have inconsistent sizes) but i can’t test this myself unfortunately. aaa feel free to let me know on discord if any problems arise!!
i managed to fix these, so they aren’t going to cause problems now, but my original drawings for mirabelle and siffrin in the final attack scene were a pain in the ass to fix. mirabelle’s sprite was slightly too talk to fit in frame and siffrin’s hat whacked bonnie in the face while i was editing everyone together. i’m only mentioning this because it took like an hour and a half to fix them and finish the scene.
all that aside, these were a fucking BLAST to work on. apparently this ended up taking 57 hours over exactly 10 days. which is a little worrying if you do the math on that but somehow i have not burnt myself out. i will be doing enemies at some point!!! but probably not for a little bit. i think my friends will actually kill me if i don’t take a break.
once again, happy birthday isat. you’ve ruined my life and i wouldn’t have it any other way (silly).
also, on an actual serious note, this little timeloop game has genuinely changed my life for the better? you guys are probably sick of hearing it at this point (or maybe not, i don’t talk about myself That Much. i hope), but i was practically a ghost for about 2 years before joining this fandom. it’s a little surreal to suddenly have friends (plural!!!) and people who Care about me, or even know i exist, honestly. it’s weird!! in a good way!!!
i don’t think i would’ve ever come back to social media if this community wasn’t so welcoming. i’ve met a lot of really great people through this game!!! so, uh, thank you isat, i guess. here’s to another year.
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merakidoll · 4 months ago
Rock your body
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synopsis ˚ෆ 𐙚 : short stories for some of your favorite Jujutsu kaisen men + Eren Yeager, with their bimbo lover at the gym
tags ˚ෆ 𐙚 : black chubby reader! bimbo reader! oral ( f and m ), backshots, sideways sex, ab riding. lots of cum, and pet name. won’t lie eren’s part is really miren and was for me sooo
mirah note! ˚ෆ 𐙚 : i deleted this and i’m not sure whyyy … so it’s a repost 🤗
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✧.* Geto And Gojo - Planks !
like everything— the two boyfies found the gym and you as a competition. you were quite used to this actually, loving how competitive they got and how it was always a win for yourself!so, when they brought you down to the at home gym— telling you to lay on the pretty pink blanket and open your mouth, your little brain couldn’t process what was gonna happen. but you were sooo excited! “princess. me and gojo are gonna see who can do the longest plank while you suck our cocks, okay?” geto talked to you slowly, dumbing down his words so you could understand.
replying to his words with a big smile and glassy eyes. he knew— as always that you were one hundred percent on board. “who’s first, daddy?” the men looked between one another— gojo’s tight gym shorts falling to the ground as he got into position. geto crouched beside you both, watching his twink already have some effect just from your breath blowing over his cock. pressing start going sunk down into your throat, you automatically start gagging around him. your throat contracting against his tip with pre-cum coming out.
“o-oo fuck!” it was barely thirty seconds and gojo’s arms were trembling, dick jerking into your pretty mouth. once you got comfortable with the position and his length, you began to bob your head. spit and cum dripped down your chin as you focused on tasting him, while geto used his thumb to wipe a little of the mixed saliva from your mouth that was going to fall on your dress. he’s looking your in the eyes as he tastes the flavor groaning, head falling back the his hair coming out of the ponytail.
your pussy pulsated. cunt dripping at everything that was happening— mind so clouded with wanting to be touched while also pleasing your men. though, one minute in, gojo started to fuck your face; lewd moans and praises spouting from his mouth. icy blue eyes shut, him cursing to himself because he was close. “s-suck harder baby, righttt SHIT! thereee ohfuck! m’cumming! f-filling my pretty baby’s m-mouth!” you took all of his ropes like a big girl, small chokes from swallowing his cum— still sucking on his red tip. after the feeling has surpassed, gojo fell beside you heavily breathing with his limp cock.
“two minutes? you suck!” you pouted, overestimating gojo’s limits.
✧.* Choso - Push Ups And Pussy Eating !
“c-cho calm down!” your thighs were shaking so much it hurt. the man had been at it for hours, raising his body and lowering himself— using his tongue to bring you so so close then take it away, but the small up he had to do. right now, his tounge fucked in between your gummy walls. your hips pushing against his face making a mess over his pretty features, almost orgasming at the tip of his tongue. but once the feel of pressure bubbled within your stomach— it was taken away.
choso’s moving his face and going up, smirking as he hovered above you. “w-why?” you asked, glossy eyes so doey and sad that it did something to his cock. instead of answering you, he went back down between your legs. softly kissing your thighs before he continued his teasing. but one small kiss to your clit— and he knew there would be no more going back up. choso started to devour your cunt. small tugs at your clits that he let go and licked his way down to your hole that dripped on the gym mat.
he pat himself on the back for his at home gym as he made you fuck him back. pushing your body up and down so he’d slide in and out of your cunt gently. you both were applauded by how much you creamed against his tonguy— his face, along with his mat getting drenched while your body felt like it was on fire.
“what’s next sweetpea? let’s see what we can do while daddy does jumping jacks.”
✧.* Nanami - Squats While Fucking !
his grunts went all throughout the empty gym. you two were actually playing a really dangerous game, but that was all a part of the fun! “you there baby?” nanami’s soothing deep voice whispered in your ear. you could only moan, spit all over the white beater that was drenched in his sweat.
was it weird to say his sweat didn’t taste so bad?
his knees buckled as he went down for another set of ten. his legs muscles flexing as the squat burned him in a delicious way— but the way you bounced on his cock had to be better.
“s’big!” you said almost dreamily. nanami’s touching the sweet sensitive spot over and over which made you feel so foggy. your pussy clamped down on him, as he went down for his final stretch. your hands shaking, pulling at his blond roots— pussy squirting out all of what he made of you. you could only whimper against his neck as his own release was not far fetched. the feeling of getting your cunt stuffed made you daydream about all of the babies you could have for your nana.
“what a good girl for me baby, daddy won’t let that go unnoticed.”
✧.* Toji - Tricep Dips And Backshots !
“f-fourteen!” it was so hard counting exactly how many dips toji was doing— but fuck. the way his pelvis hit your ass brought back your memory. his balls slapped against your cunt lips— your slick dripping down yours and his which ultimately helped his rhythm. toji’s body burned, legs hurting to the point he wanted to tap out. already on his third set of 20’s, but the way your pussy sucked him in had him thinking differently. your cunt clenched around him, your shaky breaks and pushing at his muscular chest to give you one second to gather yourself.
“no, you’re a big girl, take. it.” you could only cry looking up at the gym walls. “f-fourteen nono si-“
“awe, done fucked my baby so dumb.”
✧.* Sukuna - Ab Riding And Weights !
what you were participating in was something that was very dangerous, and of course it had to be sukuna’s idea. while the cool air of his gym blew on your body, you sat on top of him— his abs to be exact. “keep going darlin’ giving daddy the fuel.” he winked at you before lifting the weight again, and that’s when you started to buck your hips. the slick that was there from you cumming once before helping you.
your clit sensitive yet throbbing, your hands pressed against his beefy chest— nails making small scratches because you needed to hold something. “t-too much!” you whined still bucking into his defined body that was making pleasure too much. sukuna finally put down the weight, navigating his hands to your waist and taking over.
“pretty baby just needed daddy’s help.” his cock was hard against the gym shorts from you looking so desperate. your nipples were pretty and hard, that he had to use one hand to play with them. “like that?” he asked, knowing that you loved it. so much that you couldn’t even ask to cum, falling forward as your pussy throbbed. your cream making yet another mess and your face buried deep into his neck as salty tears fell on his skin.
“unt oh. did you ask to cum baby?”
✧.* Eren - Clamshells *MIREN SPECIAL*
“mmm you there bunny?” your babbles and incoherent words made eren chuckle to himself. who know that he could have his cake and eat it too. working out was a stress relief for him, the adrenaline shooting throughout his veins and he would use the rest of the pent up energy on you.
but now he was having a two for one.
while the band was binding his leg, his cock was deep inside of you. you both side ways, eren’s body multitasking: pumping, and doing his leg exercises. you on the other hand felt like you could faint. your pussy so stuffed, and it feeling so so good. your eyes felt crossed, vision blurring as you could feel the mind blowing orgasm at peak.
“p-puppyyy! m’there” you warned, your hole clenching repeatedly until your forbidden juices cotated his pretty length. eren groaned, kissing your forehead to give himself motivation to hold out. he was on his last set; so close. and when he finally reached fifteen he fell onto his back and lifted you on top of him as if you weighed nothing.
“good fuckin’ girl for papa baby” he fucked into you, chasing his high; your nails digging into your palm, trying to contain the screams of pleasure.
“daddy needs you here more often mama”
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vaquerolvr · 3 months ago
Road trip! Reader is Passenger Princess (due to them giving their man a heart attack everytime they drive 😊)
i am Still Suffering on my road trip. god save me. i wrote this in my notes app while stuck in traffic for three hours. the formatting and spelling are in the hands of Our Merciful Lord (tumblr)
refuses to let anyone else drive unless he’s on the verge of passing out
(probably the only one you can trust to drive tbh)
does the dad thing where he’ll stick out his hand to get some of your snacks
hates stopping for any reason, wants to get to the destination as quickly as possible
when he does get forced to take a break, he’s very upset about it
backseat driver, stresses everyone out
(gaz is tempted to tape his mouth shut)
claims he “isn’t tired” and “can keep going” but is the first one to pass out when you stop at a hotel
passenger princess
if you try to get him to drive he’ll pretend to be sleepy
in charge of the music
(not because everyone likes his music but because he fought soap for the right)
hogs the phone charger
calls shotgun and will fistfight anyone he tries to take it from him
(he’ll let you have it if you want but he’ll be pouty about it)
another passenger princess (because no one trusts his driving)
the single time he’s allowed to drive, he nearly causes an accident ten minutes in
weakest bladder known to man
forces you to stop every hour
passes out after the first hour of driving
soap wakes him up when his snoring gets too loud and it causes another bout of smacking each other
takes photos of anything cool he spots on the road
(they all come out blurry but it’s the thought that counts)
the only other one that price trusts to drive
decent driver, just has road rage at times
begs gaz to let him change the music (gaz always says no)
points out the scenery constantly
“look, there’s cows!”
collects souvenirs from every gas station you stop at
plays road trip games (i spy, slug bug/punch buggy/whatever you call it)
he and ghost get in trouble when it devolves into them just hitting each other
has a stash of snacks and drinks that he’ll share if you ask nicely
is awake and yapping the entire drive
(gaz actually does tape his mouth shut)
the exact opposite of price
likes to take his time and relax
will somehow turn a 10 hour drive into 15 hours
wants to stop at every roadside attraction he sees
you have to keep reminding him that you have somewhere to be or he’ll get lost on a side quest
souvenir guy, buys magnets and keychains
has cds that he likes to listen to
very chill but you might get stressed if you’re on a deadline
is insistent on being the driver but gets traumatized when he runs over a squirrel
“ale, it wasn’t your fault. it was dark, you couldn’t see-“
probably the best person to plan a road trip with
isn’t a maniac like price but isn’t as laidback as alejandro
likes to listen to random radio stations as he drives
is really bad about speeding
regularly goes at least 15-20 over the speed limit but is lucky enough to never get pulled over
uses road trips as an excuse to only eat junk food then regrets it when his stomach starts hurting
needs a day or two to recover afterwards because his back hurts from sitting for so long
scarily organized
has an itinerary and follows it to the letter
wouldn’t let you drive even if you begged
if he gets tired he’ll just get one of the shadows to take over
honestly, most of the trip consists of the shadows entertaining you with their antics while graves drives
one of them gets left behind at a gas station and you have to drive back half an hour to pick him up. graves is pissed
do NOT try to take this man on a road trip
if you mention it, he’ll have plane tickets booked before you can even blink
cannot handle long drives, the most he can manage is an hour before he starts getting annoyed
the most stressful but also the most entertaining
demands control of the music but plays the weirdest shit
not the best driver but not the worst
he won’t crash at least and he’ll only get pulled over a few times
says the most out of pocket shit to get a reaction from you
“how long do you think i can drive with my eyes closed?”
keegan has been banished to the passenger’s seat.
another guy who is good at road trips
great driver, you can sleep the whole ride and he won’t gaf
it’s kind of terrifying. you’ll wake up from another nap to find him staring dead-eyed at the road as he drives
secretly shoplifts something from every place you stop at
doesn’t admit it until you accidentally find his stash hidden in one of the bags
“solnishko, you must understand. i need it.”
“you do not need a keychain of a frog with a cowboy hat, nik!”
nikolai is now wanted for theft in every US state (and several countries)
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sixosix · 1 year ago
wanderer can fly; you cannot. he makes it his problem.
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“What? Giving up already?”
“Shut—” heaving, you barely have the energy to flip him off, “shut the fuck up. Fuck off.”
Wanderer chuckles, all low and mean, as if his entire purpose in life is to ridicule you. He continues ascending overhead, moving and looking like an angel, but the words that come out of his mouth are far from angelic. “Careful, now. I know you overestimate yourself, but I won’t save you if you continue to scale a mountain with one hand.”
“Stop agitating me on purpose then!” You nearly slip from the intensity of your yell, but thankfully, it isn’t your time yet.
“How can I? You’re cute when you’re mad.”
Grumbling, you focus back on the mountain. Cute when mad. He must think he’s goddamn adorable, then.
You’re starting to lose sight of dents or protruding surfaces to get a hold of, and the mountain is getting steeper. You curse under your breath. If only you had Geo or Dendro—that’d help a lot much more. Maybe even Anemo, but that would be admitting defeat to the man who’s currently watching you intently.
Wanderer scoffs when your breath hitches, the surface you’re holding onto crumbling. He descends until you’re eye level. “Idiot, I told you that it’d be safer if we didn’t climb this all the way.”
“I know my limit.” Maybe. You may or may not have gotten a little over-competitive and jumped a few times, but that shouldn’t be a problem.
“Not more than I do,” he says.
“Don’t say it like that, weirdo.” You appraise the mountain overhead and, with a sunken stomach, realize that he’s right. There’s still a long way to go, and it’s a long fall back.
“Damn,” you say. You turn to Wanderer and blink up at him with wide eyes, hoping he would take the hint without having to say it outright.
Wanderer sighs, holding out his arms. “Jump.”
“Are you serious?”
“I won’t let you fall—of course I’m fucking serious.”
You grit your teeth, wondering if it’s easier to humiliate yourself and jump into his arms or to let gravity do its work.
“Hey,” Wanderer says, gliding closer and hovering an arm behind your waist. “No stupid ideas. Just jump and hold onto me.”
It’s always unsettling when Wanderer is not acting all bratty, like you’re not quite sure if you should goad him back to being mean or watch him bristle when you point it out. It’s been happening too often recently. That must be saying something about him if his soft moments are scarier than his jabs.
Wordlessly, you reach out for his shoulder with one hand and hold back a yelp when the lack of balance causes you to slip. You hold on tight around his neck, eyes wide and heart jittery. Wanderer secures his arms, moving in one swift motion. Before you even know it, he has one arm on your back and the other under your knees.
“How convenient it must be to have a ride as your companion,” Wanderer mutters in amusement at your relieved face.
“Yeah. That’s why I keep you around,” you say as he glides upward, barely straining from your weight. He looks as unaffected as ever.
He looks as infuriatingly and devastatingly beautiful as ever.
“Ha,” his smile is all sharp, “and not because you have a little crush on me?”
“You follow me around because you do. Don’t get it twisted.”
He snorts, tipping on something a little more genuine. You wisely decide to stop ogling at his face and enjoy the view of the sky instead. The blue of his clothes and the shade of his eyes are much prettier, but you’d rather lose that than start squirming in his arms. Not when he’s carrying you bridal style and all.
Finally, he descends, hardly disturbing the grass with his grace. He sets you down, arms crossed, as you pat yourself off from dirt and stuff.
You eye him warily. “What do you want?”
“Some semblance of manners will do,” he says, then leans close as if he’s baring his face for you. He’s been less and less subtle recently, too.
Nonetheless, you find yourself smiling. The things he’d do just to get a kiss—it nearly makes you laugh out loud. But then he’d start getting all irritated like a cat, and you much prefer when he’s sweet like this. Sweet in his very Wanderer way, you mean.
You kiss him on the cheek. He puffs up like some proud peacock. He calls you adorable all the time, but he’s the one who’s acting like this. It’s no wonder you keep him around.
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