#and this bratty girl from my school trip to Paris
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The urge to call the random numbers in my phone from people who probably don’t remember me grows stronger every day.
But no. I must save them. For the ultimate prank.
#i’ve got a coworker from when I was 16 that I worked with for two months#and this bratty girl from my school trip to Paris#and some random boy in my sister’s grade bc he was in mun with me#my middle school band teacher#a girl that was on the jv tennis team with me 5 years ago that didn’t speak much English#my driving instructor#my town librarian#my middle school yoga teacher#some coworkers I completely forgot existed#wow#that was a walk down memory lane right there
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Spider Vs Bird
I worked a long time on this fic. I really liked working on it though and I hope you enjoy it
Peter met Marinette when they were six-years-old. She had been sent to camp in New York. She had been scared to be so far away from home, and while fluent in English spoke with a heavy accent that made other kids look at her funny.
Peter had never been away from his parents for more than a few days, ever. He wasn’t happy. He was miserable in fact. Peter had been sitting alone behind a tree, having escaped canoeing, face hid in his knees. His wanted nothing more than to go home. He sniffled.
“Don’t cry,” A soft voice said next to him. He looked up and saw a pretty bluenette with big blue eyes and a kind smile on her face looking at him. She looked about his age. “It’s okay. Do you miss home too?”
Peter nodded, and tried to make it look like he was crying. The other boys could be really, really mean. “I want my pops and dad.”
“I miss my mama and papa too,” Marinette said. “I’m really far away from them.”
“Where are you from?” Peter ask curiously. He hadn’t met many people from different countries before and never a kid his own age.
Marinette played with her hair, “France. Where are you from?”
“New York City,” Peter smiled. “It’s far but not as far as Paris. Do you miss it?”
“Yep; a whole a lot,” Marinette opened the care package from her Mommy and Daddy. It just made her miss them so much more. Her grandma Gina went to this camp when she was small, and so did her dad, so they sent her there too. “Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry.”
And just like any kid, Peter didn’t ask why she was asking. “I like vanilla.”
“Are you allergic to anything?”
Marinette nodded and pulled out two cupcakes from her care package. It had been sent overnight. “Here you go, have one.” She handed him a big vanilla cupcake.
Peter’s eyes went wide and he gave her a toothy grin that showed he was missing one of his front tenth. “Thank!” He bite into it. “This is really good,” he said with his mouth full.
“My parents made them,” Marinette smiled then bit into her own chocolate cupcake. “They’re bakers!”
Peter blinked at her with wide-eyes, “That’s so cool! So they cake cookies and cake and like everything right? You must get to eat as much as you want. I wish my parents were bakers!”
Marinette just laughed. It was the start of a beautiful friendship.
Steve and Tony would get letters from his son all about the new friend he made. And get a picture of their little boy with his arm around a blue-haired.
“Her name is Marinette,” Steve read the letter. “She’s French. Her parents are the best bakers in the world who send her weekly goodie packages. They have the coolest job ever!”
Tony blinked, “We’re superheroes.”
When they picked up Peter a month later from camp, he was ran up to him holding Marinette’s hand, “Dad, Pops; this is Marinette! She’s the best. She really smart and funny and cool. She’s my best friend ever! And-”
Tony laughed, “Easy there, squirt. Take a breath. Hi Miss Marinette.”
Marinette blushed but grinned big, “Hi, Mr. Stark, sir. Peter’s really nice. Like really nice. He even stopped a big kid from killing a poor little spider. He was really brave!”
Peter grinned, “You’re really brave. You’re the one who pushed him when he pushed me the ground. You even made him apologize. It was awesome.” He told his parents. “Can I got to Marinette’s? Please. I want to see her bakery. Pretty please.”
“Paris is a long ways away bud,” Steve teased. “You didn’t even want to leave for camp remember.”
“Not without your Ameri-bear,” Tony added with a chuckle. “You’ve been sleeping with that old teddy bear ever.”
They stopped laughing when they saw Peter giving them a wide-eyed look, his mouth dropped opened, with his face a bright red. Before they knew it, Peter was shoving them towards the car, “Be right back, Mari.”
Peter glared, “Don’t blow this for me.”
Tony snorted, “Blow what? Do you even know what they means?”
“Yes,” Peter huffed indignantly, though it was a lie. “Marinette’s really, really nice. And smart. And funny. She doesn’t think I’m weird. Or too smart or anything. And she’s so pretty. Like really, really pretty.”
Steve cooed, “Aww, you have a crush on Marinette.”
“NO!” Peter shouted. His face back to a bright shade of red.
Tony smirked, “So I shouldn’t send out the wedding invitations then?”
They were there for every milestone of Peter’s life; the day he was born, the day he crawled, his first word, his first steps, his first lab explosion, his first missing tooth, and his first day of school. Now they were baring witness to the first time Peter visibly looked to be contemplating murder. Unfortunately, it was at them.
“Mari’s parents are really cool,” Peter stated. “Just be cool like them.” Then he ran back to Marinette.
“I’m Tony Stark,” Tony said incredulously.
“I’m Captain America!” Steve said at the same time.
Still, they ended up meeting the rest of the Dupain-Cheng family, and found them delightful.
It was from that summer on that the Avengers got used to seeing Peter and Marinette running around the tower together. Peter also got used to be teased for his supposed crush on his best friend. Natasha ended up taking Marinette under wing and training her in combat and the art of spying.
However, it was only two years later, when the Avengers responded to an intruder alert and found Marinette standing over a hogtied Nick Fury, with a fierce look on her face and Peter looking proud, that Tony said two magical words:
“I ship it.”
Damian Wayne met Marinette when they were ten-years-old. Damian had only been living with his father for five years but still had trouble acting like a normal kid. The life of a league of shadows member was hard to break from; especially if it’s ingrained from a young age. He had been chastised more than a few times for leaving off on his own, especially in a place like Gotham.
When Alfred informed them that an old friend and business associate was coming to visit with her granddaughter, a girl Damian’s age; it was to no one’s surprise when his father took him aside and made him promise to be polite.
The woman Gina had showed up in the beginning of summer. She arrived on a motorcycle that had been so loud they heard as soon as she pulled up to the house. Alfred had answered the door with a chuckle.
“Penny!” The woman exclaimed and jumped at him with a hug. She had short silver, nearly white, hair and dressed mostly black and had a studded black leather jacket on and boots. “Ugh, still as boring as ever, I see,” Gina said once she pulled back from the hug.
“Gina,” Alfred smiled. “You haven’t change a bit.”
Gina just laughed, and turned her attention to Bruce, “Brucie; I heard you took my advice to go exploring the world. How’d you like it?”
Bruce smirked, “It was… educational.” He had known Gina since he was a boy, having spent a few summers with Tom, even gone to his and Sabine’s wedding. The woman hadn’t been to visit since Bruce adopted Tim and Cass. “You remember my boys?”
“Dick,” Gina said pulling the oldest Wayne boy into a tight hug. “You get more handsome every time I see. So sorry to hear you and Barbs broke up. I know some amazing girls I can introduce you to.”
Dick just laughed, “I’m fine flying solo for now.”
“Jason,” Gina said crossing her arms, with a raised eyebrow. “I haven’t seen you since I let you steal my last motorcycle.”
Jason smirked, “let me?” The only reason he’d happily come to the Manor was because Alfred told him Gina was on her way. She was the coolest lady he knew growing up.
“Oh please,” Gina waved him off. “You drove it to the Barnes and Nobel’s on 4th, and it sat there for like three hours. I have a tracker on my stuff, kid. I let you. Now give me a hug.” Jason laughed and hugged her.
The same went for Tim and Cass. Cass excitedly told Gina in Chinese all about her adventures in Hong Kong. Tim told her about his trip around the world. Then finally it was Damian’s turn.
Gina smiled softly at the youngest of Bruce’s kids, “And who’s this?”
Bruce put a hand on his son’s shoulder, “This is Damian.”
“Nice to meet you, Damian,” Gina said.
Damian nodded stiffly, “Pleasure.” He wore a black tailored dress pants and a high collard green turtle neck.
Gina rolled her eyes, “God, Bruce, he’s nearly as uptight as you were at his age.”
“I was not uptight,” Bruce defended, despite knowing he was bratty little shit when he was Damian’s age.
Alfred snorted but smiled, “And the young guest you brought with you.”
Gina grinned and held out her hand to her granddaughter who had stayed close to the motorcycle, “She’s a bit a shy.” She told them. “This is Marinette.”
“Hi!” Marinette waved shyly, blushing a bit.
The family cooed at the sight of the little blue-eyed, bluenette, in a baby blue shirt with a yellow happy face and dark jean short, with her hair in pigtails and big smile on her face. So innocent, so sweet. Bruce, of course, had been acquainted with Marinette. He had gone to the baby shower for her and stopped by the bakery whenever he was in Paris. The girl was the sweetest little thing.
When Damian and Marinette got sent off to play together, only Alfred, Gina, and Bruce thought it was a good idea. Damian didn’t know why he was being punished. And certainly there were more fitting punishment than spending time with some little kid.
He sent a cold glare at the bluenette, once they arrived in the entertainment room, “There are video games and movies over there,” Damian pointed to the TV. “Amuse yourself. Or perhaps you would prefer a coloring book and a teddy bear,” He said sarcastically.
Marinette crossed her arms, “First of all, I would love a coloring book, thank you very much. There’s nothing wrong with that.” He snorted. “And Bruce said we should play together; get to know each other. Or do you frequently disobey an order?” If Damian was a rebel, Marinette needed to know. Because there was a fine line between rebel and troublemaker.
Damian huffed, “Fine; let’s play a game then. How about… Mortal Kombat.” He sent her a cruel smirk. “Not the video game. Real life. It’s simple. We fight and the first person to die or cry,” He said with distaste. “Loses. Up for it?”
“What weapons do we get?” Marinette asked. Bucky and Natasha had taught her for the last four years on a variety of weapons. Though she knew it was only because of Steve’s doing that they hadn’t taught her how to use a gun yet. They even got a shield agent assigned to Paris to train her throughout the school year.
Damian raised an eyebrow, curious. He had expected her to run screaming from the room in sheer terror, crying to her grandmother. “What do you prefer?”
“Bo staff.”
“Same,” Damian said. “Let’s take this to the backyard.”
When Marinette yelled to her grandma that she and Damian were going to play in the backyard, Damian marveled that no one came out with questions filled with suspicious. Granted the first time Damian said he was going to go play in the backyard, he ended up in Watch Tower going over surveillance footage.
Marinette and Damian stood ten feet apart on the grassy field, each held a long black bo staff. It was quiet. Damian had set an alarm on his phone to begin the fight. Marinette set hers to play music.
When the loud beeping sounded and Carrie Underwood’s champion started playing, they charged at each other.
It was a mix of attacks and dodges. Their staffs met; each putting their full force behind it.
“It is not wise to meet a Wayne in Battle,” Damian growled at her.
Marinette rolled her eyes, “If all Waynes are as big of a jerk as you are, you must all be used to be called out to fight.”
Damian attacks. The two kids stand in one place, trading feints, thrusts and parries with lightning speed, almost impossible to follow. The youngest Wayne was reluctant to admit, even to himself, that Marinette had no trouble matching him. “You know what you're doing, I'll give you that.”
“Not too bad yourself,” Marinette nodded.
The two slow walked around the length of the imaginary circle. Until they were in the exact opposite of their initial positions.
“Your taste in music is terrible though,” Damian added on. Marinette let out an angry hiss like a cat and attacks,
Their duel continued. Their staff flash and ring. Suddenly, Damian swung his staff, partially letting go. Marinette seeing the staff free sailing, ducked quickly. Not seeing Damian catch it at the last second, and then send a kick flying at her chest. Her weapon flew out of her hand. Marinette crashes to the ground, and with a quick swing her legs, sweeps Damian’s feet from under him, losing his weapon in the process.
Marinette and Damian jumped up, right back in the fighting position. What happened next was a mix of punches and kicks, and headlocks. Until they found themselves once again across from each in their imaginary circle.
Marinette’s hair was a mess, pigtails having come lose. She was covered in welts and bruises from the staff. There was blood on her shirt and dripping her nose. Damian didn’t look any better. His well-groomed look was gone. His turtleneck had torn. His lip was busted. There was bruising around his neck from when Marinette had wrapped her legs around it and held him in a chokehold, like Natasha had taught her, until he managed to maneuver out of it.
Giggles burst from Marinette before she could stop them, “You look ridiculous,” She laughed.
“Shall I show you a mirror?” Damian said with a smirk. He chuckled.
They both shook their heads, looked at each other again, and they each fell over laughing. They only stopped when the sound of applause reached their ears.
Damian and Marinette looked up and saw the entire Wayne family and Gina watching them.
Alfred nodded approvingly, “I see she takes after you Gina.”
“That she does,” Gina grinned. “You’re grandson could give a young you a run for your money.”
“How long after you been there?” Marinette squeaked.
Bruce fought not to smile. “Just as the music started to play. We were going to invite you both in for ice cream.” He had been furious at first at his youngest child for deciding to spar with a civilian but the fury had faded as it became clear that Marinette could keep up with his son. There were times when he was sure one was trying to kill the other but they always held back; even if only just.
He looked at Gina, “It’s nice to see Damian getting along so well with someone.” He would regret those words soon enough. Very soon.
Damian and Marinette spent the next few days running after each other and trying to one up another in best surprise attacks. Bruce’s older kids took bets. Jason and Cass voted that Marinette would eventually win. Tim and Dick sided with Damian.
One day, after lunch, Damian commented on his field trip his class was taking, “The zoo,” he wrinkled his nose. “It’s barbaric. Animals trapped in cages while less human beings gawk in amusement. There’s a new wolf exhibit my teacher is dying to see. It’s all terrible.”
Marinette agreed. While she liked the zoo, she always thought the animals looked really sad. She took a sip from her juice box, “So let’s do something about it.”
That night, after midnight, the two kids climbed out of their windows, onto the roof, and quietly raced into the darkness. When they made it to the Zoo, they wasted no time in disabling the security cameras and breaking in the wolf exhibit. Damian, dressed in his the Robin costume he wasn’t supposed to have yet, managed to calm the wolf down as Marinette, dressed in mostly black with a red mask on, stole a truck (something she learned from Clint.) By the time security managed to get the cameras working again the kids and wolf were gone. All without a trace.
The kids, and wolf, ditched the truck about a mile from the manor and raced home. They snuck back in through the tunnels of the Batcave that let the batmobile move securely without anyone seeing it.
However, when they finally got to the Batcave, they were met with the exasperated looks of Batman and Alfred and the highly amused looks of Gina, Nightwing, Redhood, Blackbat, and Robin.
Damian nodded slowly, not even bothering to try to hide the giant wolf, “Father, I decided that Marinette should stay for summer. She is much more pleasant than I originally thought. And don’t worry, Marinette figured out you were batman her third day here. She even found the cave all on her own.”
Batman narrowed his eyes. He took of his cowl. He had been alerted that his son and Marinette were missing from their rooms just seconds after he was alerted about a break in at the zoo. He knew his son well. And it didn’t take a genius to be two and two together. “Grounded! One week.” He looked at Gina who nodded in agreement, though the smile was still on her face.
The kids huffed but nodded.
“And wolf is going back!” That was met with loud protests.
Marinette stayed at the Wayne Manor for another month. Not long after the grounding was over, Damian came into the living room where his father and siblings were and informed his father that he was leaving, “Alfred is taking Marinette and I to the movies. There is a showing of the new Little Mermaid movie she desires to see.”
Bruce closed the book he was reading, “Very well. I’ll tag along. We can make a family day out of it.” Dick was the first to agree followed shortly by the others, who wanted to see the havoc Marinette and Damian tended to create.
Damian visibly froze, “No, father.” He stated firmly. “I had… hoped it would be just Marinette and I. We can be trusted, I assure you.”
“It’s not a matter of trust,” Bruce started but Jason interrupted him.
“No! Way!” Jason yelled, his eyes wide with a sudden realization, and a grin his face. “You like her.”
It was the entire room’s turn to freeze. All eyes on Damian who had blush slowly creeping onto his face. “Marinette has proven herself to be a strong and intelligent ally. She is worthy of my regard.”
Jason shook his head, “No. You like her, like her.”
“I have come to value her friendship highly,” Damian said but the deepening redness of his face told a different story. He went to elementary school, he knew what like-like meant.
Dick cooed, “Baby bird has a crush.”
“I do not!” Damian hissed.
Cass snickered, “It is alright. Marinette is quite lovely.”
Tim smirked, “And she has rather nice green eyes. A bit dull though.”
“Blue!” Damian corrected quickly. “She has marvelous blue eyes. They are not dull. They shine brighter than the sun. They sparkle when she laughs, you dolt.”
Silence filled the room. Damian looked horrified at his words. Bruce looked at his young son with raise eyebrows and a small smile on his face.
“I am leaving now, father,” Damian stated. “I will return as soon as the movie ends provided we do not stop for frozen yogurt. Good day.” And then he swiftly left the room, leaving his siblings snickering in his wake.
Bruce opened back up his book, “I ship it.”
The declaration caused the room to fill with shouts.
Marinette would spend half of every summer for the next few years in Gotham; training with Damian under the guidance of Batman himself. Eventually going onto meet the rest of the Justice League. She and Damian used the zeta beams to hang out as much as possible.
The other half of her summers, Marinette spent in New York City at Stark Tower with Peter and the rest of the avengers. Learning under the tutelage of The Black Widow and The Winter Soldier, two out of four of Peter’s godparents (the others being Rhodey and Pepper of course), while Peter learned under his parents.
Damian officially became Robin at 12. Peter became Spider-man at fourteen. And Marinette became Ladybug at 13. It was to no one’s surprise the two boys were the first ones she told about being a superhero. And it was not to her surprise when they couldn’t keep it from their families for long.
“Aww, look you two match,” Tony said upon seeing Marinette transform. “Couples costumes.” The genius would later admit he had that mouth webbing coming. He still ship Peter/Marinette so hard.
Three weeks later, Bruce had said, “A little bright, isn’t it?”
“Do I even need to mention the first Robin costume?” Marinette snapped back. Though she was secretly glad that as soon as she saw the original Ladybug costume she had Tikki teach her out to change it. Gone was skintight onesie. Now she dressed in a more armored uniform. That was mostly black with bright red polka dots everywhere.
Bruce smirked. He was proud of the girl who had become his son’s closest friend, and obvious crush. He really hoped his son would ask out Marinette soon.
Then the Avengers and Justice League found out. Marinette found herself defending Paris with a league member or an Avenger for like six months before she finally told them where to shove it. She would call them if she needed them. Though she didn’t mind Robin or Spiderman dropping into help every now and then when their secret identities were in town.
Chat, who had grown become a brother to Marinette once their identities had been revealed to each other, had fanboy’d so hard the first time Robin came to help. And then again when Spiderman appeared, after catching Ladybug in a web after she’d been knocked from the top of the Eiffel tower. Then Marinette had to reveal that she knew the Avengers and the Justice league.
It took Adrien five seconds with Peter Stark-Rogers to know he had a crush on Marinette. And he cheerfully told Peter, “I’ve got the god of destruction in my pocket. I’ll feed you to him if you hurt her.”
It took Adrien three days to realize Damian Wayne liked Marinette. And he braced himself, held his ground, and told the teen, “You like Marinette. She’s my sister. I just want you to remember: Cats eat birds.”
He thought it was really menacing until Damian sprayed him the face with a water bottle, “Bad kitty.”
Adrien hissed.
As good as Marinette’s superhero life was going, so was her fashion career. MDC was slowly become well known high-class designer and household name thanks to Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Natasha, and even Lex Luther wearing her clothes.
her normal life had gone in the opposite direction.
Lila had come to class and lied her way to the top; she went on and on about all the celebrities she knew. She promised all the students great chances and opportunities. Only a few didn’t eat it all up. Marinette, Chloe, Nathaniel, and Adrien called out her lies relentlessly. This caused the class to think of them as jealous bullies and had them ostracized to the back at Lila’s subtle behest. Unfortunately for Lila, Adrien had been quick to join them. And nothing she, or anyone else in class, could say to convince the blond boy otherwise.
Marinette had thought of most of the students as friends but hadn’t been too surprised when they turned against her. She had never been to close to any of apart from the ones who joined her in back. For a while she had considered that maybe Alya would become her best friend but decided against it once she learned just what type of journalist she was. The glasses-wearing girl was always out for the next big scoop and didn’t seem to care how she got it; even if it meant putting herself in danger.
Alya had also been adamant for a long time that Ladybug and Chat Noir liked each other romantically despite both heroes denying it repeatedly. She only stopped when Chat Noir told Alya that Ladybug was his sister.
When Lila came, like the rest of the class, Alya ate up her stories and promises of a future at famous newspapers like the Daily Planet or the Gotham Gazette.
And when Marinette claimed Lila was lying, Alya was the first to accuse Marinette of being jealous. The girl never seemed to get the message that Marinette and Adrien didn’t like each other that way and only thought of each as siblings at best and best friends at worst. Alya didn’t listen or care. Whenever Lila gave a tear-filled eyes saying that Marinette was being oh so mean to her, Alya was the first to defend her new bestie. The rest of the class following suit.
It didn’t take long for Marinette to be voted out of being class president. This made Fearsome four, as Nathanial had nicknamed them after he and Chloe were given permanent spots as heroes, snickered as Marinette had pulled several string to for the annual class trip; so much for the class staying at Stark Tower with the Avengers or visiting Gotham and staying in luxury hotels. Oh well.
Once she wasn’t class president, all the little things that Marinette had done in addition to the positon had stopped as well. She stopped planning dances, fundraisers, and birthday parties (mostly because she was never invited to go to anyone’s in classes anymore.) No more free sweets from the bakery for anyone but her three friends. No free commissions. No babysitting. No banner designs. Nothing. Squat. Zero.
This of course caused anger from the other students in class as they had gotten used to all the free Marinette provided and tasks she did.
Alya huffed, “You’re just getting back us because we’re not your friends anymore.”
To which Marinette replied coldly, “Your point being?”
It was suffice to say when Marinette fifteenth birthday rolled around and Marinette’s mom forced her to give invitations to the entire class, the students were quick to rip up the invitations in front of her face.
Lila smiled, “Sorry, Marinette. Everyone’s throwing a party for me that day. No one can come.”
“Thank god,” Marinette said to their shock because it was obvious the girl was sincerely relieved. “My mom forced me to invite you, and I had no idea how to politely tell you I didn’t really want you to come.”
On the day of Marinette’s birthday, Saturday, while the class was enjoying their own party, Marinette just finished setting up a mock carnival with rides, games, and concession booths, and an area for bands to play. Adrien had even gotten his dad, Nathalie, and Gorilla to come on the threat of shaving his head bald.
Then Marinette’s guests started to arrive. Marinette’s schoolmates, the ones she had started to befriend after being made an outcast in class arrived first; the drama club, the art club, the fashion club, cooking club, and the world Travelers’ club had turned out be made up of some great people.
Adrien, Chloe, and Nathaniel stayed close to Marinette side; each wearing an earpiece.
Jagged Stone in all his rock and roll glory arrived first. Clara Nightingale practically danced her way in. Lois and Clark and the rest of the Kents were a bit more subdued. Though Cat, Nadja, and Lois immediately located rivals and the three could be found gossiping and sharing stories with each other. The same could be said when Style Queen Audrey, Wilhelmina Slater, Gabriel Agreste, and Miranda Priestly. Then it was just a slew of people; from friendly neighbors Marinette grew up with to famous models and actors and chefs.
She immediately greeted Damian with a hug, and thanked him for the perfectly wrapped green present. A second later, Marinette did the same to Peter, and thanked him for the blue present.
The two boys eyed each other.
Marinette looked confused, “Damian I told you about Peter, right? I talked about him all the time. And the same for Damian, Peter.”
“You didn’t mention he was Peter Stark,” Damian stated.
“Peter Stark-Rogers,” Peter corrected. “And you’re Damian Wayne.”
And Marinette finally realized she had forgotten to do one major thing; tell the Avengers and the Justice League that Marinette worked with both of them. Or at the very least Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne who looked ready to bring out the big guns.
Both superhero teams were very much aware of the others superhero identities as the Avengers never hid theirs and Tony hacked into the Watch Tower.
Lex Luther and Oliver Queen, the third and fourth richest men in the world, looked highly amused. While Gabriel looked like Christmas had come early. He had no idea Miss Dupain. He knew allowing Adrien to befriend the girl was smart idea.
The other heroes subtly watched the two for any signs that a fight might break out. Bruce had never forgiven Tony for hacking into the watchtower and uncovering Batman identity.
“Brucie,” Tony grinned and held out his hand. “You’re looking great today. No idea you’d be here. Or that you knew Marinette.”
Bruce shook his hand a bit too firmly, “Her grandmother is an old family friend. I was at her parents’ wedding. I was at their baby shower. I’ve known Marinette for years.”
“We met Marinette when she was five,” Tony said. “She and Peter met at camp. Aren’t they adorable together,” He nodded to the two.
Bruce forced a grin on his face, “Not as cute as she and Damian. They’ve been nearly inseparable since they were ten. Wouldn’t be surprised if hear wedding bells in the future.”
“Of course you will,” Tony laughed. “I’m sure Marinette will invite to her and Peter’s wedding.”
The two glared at each other.
Their significant others just shook their heads. Selena, aka Catwoman, looked amused. While Steve looked so done with this world.
“As one of Peter’s godfather’s,” Bucky said. “Should I be offering to fight Damian’s godfather?” He joked.
Clark glared, his eyes turning a bit red, “Anytime you want.”
Rhodey slapped Bucky on the back, “That’s all you man.” He was not fighting Superman over a case of puppy love.
Diana looked a bit confused, “Should I engage in mortal combat with Peter’s godmother then?”
Pepper crossed her arms, feeling last of the extremis still pumping through her blood.
Natasha’s eyes narrowed, “It’s not required. But I wouldn’t mind a friendly spar or two.”
“You are the Black Widow, yes?” Diana asked. “A most excellent fight it will be then.”
“Where is Shazaam?” Thor’s voice thundered. “I wish for a fight as well.”
Billy Batson had never been so happy that he wasn’t in his superhero form before. Quietly, he made his way to the Ferris wheel. He was going to avoid the god of thunder for as long as he possibly could.
The magic users found each and decided to compare their abilities. It didn’t go well. Clint got turned into a frog… again.
When Fury arrived he eyed the superheroes that were there; avengers, justice league, and the ones (dare devil, Jessica Jones, the Xmen) who were mostly unaffiliated. And briefly wondered if the kid who had hogtied him was planning world domination. He wouldn’t doubt it.
The rest of the part went really well. Chloe, Adrien, and Nathaniel watched the superheroes in attendance like hawks. And were forced to break up more than one fight, or arm wrestling match that got out of hand. It ended up trending on social media, as various celebrities had posted pictures of themselves at the party. And then suddenly the world was asking wanted to know just Who Marinette Dupain-Cheng was. Marinette took that moment to announce that she was MDC. Which blew up the story even more.
The only downside was that Peter and Damian seemed to have entered into a competition of some sort, the same with their fathers.
At the end of the party, when sayings the goodbyes, Marinette swore she distinctly heard, Tony hiss, “Spiderbug forever!”
“Daminette!” Bruce snarled back.
And she had vocally asked why Bucky was giving Superman wary glances but no one would tell her. Adults were weird.
Monday came and the entire school, and all of Paris was buzzing about Marinette’s party. When she got to class, she was met with unhappy faces of her ex-friends.
“They wouldn’t let us inside,” Alya was quick to complain the moment the bluenette stepped through the door.
“We even told them we knew you,” Nino frowned. “The Bouncers didn’t believe we were invited.”
Marinette shrugged as she went to her seat between Adrien and Chloe, “its invitation only. What happened to your invitations?”
All the students frowned. They had been told the same thing at the door. And had been miserable when they remembered they destroyed the invites. Even Lila had nearly shed real tears when she saw just who she had missed meeting for real.
Alya crossed her arms, “We tried calling you. But you changed your number! How could you not tell your bestie you changed your number? When did you change your number?”
“When I realized you still had it.” It was a cold response. One that Damien would’ve been proud of. “And I’m not your bestie. We’re not friends, remember? Why did you even try to come to my party, you were too busy last I checked.”
“That’s before we saw how awesome your party was!” Kim said honestly. “Dude who knew you knew so many celebrities.”
“Prince Ali was there!” Rose said excitedly. “I really wanted to see him.”
“Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Lex Luther,” Max whined. “I was so close but so far.”
That was pretty much how the rest of the morning went, with a side of her ex-friends trying to question Marinette about being MDC and all the celebrities she knew. Marinette didn’t answer a single question.
Just before the lunch bell rang, there was a knock on the door, “Hello, I’m here to pick up Marinette for lunch,” Damian Wayne smiled charmingly as he walked in. “My father’s waiting.”
The class gasped. Lila’s mouth dropped.
A second later Peter Stark-Rogers walked in the classroom, “Marinette, you want to go to lunch,” He said excitedly. “Dad’s waiting outside.”
Again the class’s mouth dropped.
Outside of the school, Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark glared at each other.
Marinette looked confusedly at her friends, “Sorry, I didn’t know you guys wanted to go to lunch. Or that you were still in town.” She told them. “It’s okay, though.” She said brightly. “You can join me and Roy.”
As if on cue, Roy Queen walked into the classroom, a big smile on his smile, “Hey Mari, you read-Oh shit!” He said upon seeing Robin and Spiderman. The two heroes sent the Red Arrow twin glares.
Two minutes later both Tony and Bruce’s phones pinged. They opened it and read the texts they got from their sons.
They looked up, and met each other eyes. “We kill Oliver together,” Tony offered.
The Green Arrow watched through binoculars from a safe distance, “Long Live Roynette!”
#ml fic#ml salt#daminette#damian wayne#marinette dupen chang#class salt#alya salt#the avengers#justice league
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Enemies (A.C.E)

Title: Enemies (A.C.E Scenario)
Pairing: Reader x A.C.E
Genre: Slight spice; bickering
Word count: 1622
Writer: Kpopmadness (Ju)
“Jun, I swear to god, just help me.” She snaps, giving him a hard glare.
“It’s not like I want to do this with you.” Jun growls, taking the spare mop from the closet to help her with clean up.
They had been assigned to clean a portion of the school as punishment for arguing in class. It was partially her fault, but she was too furious at Jun to acknowledge that humbly.
“I don’t want to do this with you either but the sooner we get done the sooner we don’t have to see each other.” She grumbled.
Jun and her had never gotten along. Even though everyone loved Jun and thought he was an angel, he was certainly not to her. Not since he tripped her and made her spill food all over herself in the cafeteria.
“It’s your fault we’re in this.” Jun sneered, making the matter worse.
“I didn’t ask for your opinion!” She yelled, “And it was your fault. We wouldn’t—“
Her words were quickly silenced by Jun forcibly pushing her up against the wall. Her arms being pinned above her.
“Would you shut up for once?” Jun snapped, his nose brushing against hers.
“Oh, you’re one to talk.” She fired back, putting as much sarcasm as she could into her words.
“Don’t test me, sweetheart.” He whispered against gritted teeth, his nose still brushing hers.
They stared into each other’s eyes for awhile, both of their body temperatures rising as they remained grounded where they were. Eventually, Jun let’s her go. She lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“Let’s just get this over with.” Jun grumbles awkwardly, something between them shifting after that night.
“I hate having to work with you.” Chan growled, running his hand through his sweaty hair.
“Yeah, well you aren’t exactly pleasant to work with either.” She snapped back as she took a swig of water from her water bottle.
Her and Chan were on the same team for track racing. Both of them practicing for a big tournament coming up in a few weeks. Their coach forced them to work together. Swearing they were the best runners he had and he wanted them to combine forces. Easier said than done.
“How about you run around this track until you die?” He suggested. Giving her a hard glare.
“And make your life easier? Never.” She said. “Besides, your a bad runner and need all the help you can get.
The words had just left her mouth when a force hit her hard, knocking her to the ground. Air leaving her lungs as Chan hovered over her.
“You’re so annoying.” He growled, his dark eyes holding a fire behind them.
She tried in vain to push him off her, her hands resting on his chest when she was zapped of strength. His body weight pinning her down tight.
“Oh trust me, once we’re done training for this tournament I will ignore you so hard you will start doubting your existence.“
“Careful, you might miss me, love.” Chan whispered.
The minute the words left his mouth he felt his cheeks and ears turn bright red. Prompting him to move off her quickly, the feel of her skin lasting longer than he would like on his own.
She sat up and stared at him for a moment, feeling confused by his sudden actions. But she couldn’t deny the burning feeling in her stomach. She quickly stood up and tried to shrug off the feeling. Hoping it would go away.
It was late in the evening, both parties working late on an upcoming school project. Both of them too stubborn to actually talk and get anything done.
“Seyoon, I am sick of sitting here with you night after night because you won’t work with me.” She sighed, rubbing her throbbing head.
Seyoon glared at her from his place on a nearby stool. “You aren’t exactly easy to work with, honey. Besides, I don’t want to work with you.”
“I don’t want to work with you!” She yelled at him, forgetting her headache. “But we have to otherwise we fail this class and then you know what happens? We get to make up for that lost credit in summer school. And we’ll be stuck together then.”
Seyoon stood from his chair and walked closer to her until their faces were inches apart, “Do not blame this on me.” He sneered, his voice low.
“Or what?” She dared, meeting his gaze.
She let out a yelp when Seyoon grabbed her by the thighs and hoisted her up onto the teachers nearby desk, their eyes level now. He rested his palms on either side of her as he whispered.
“I don’t like being bossed around. So the next time you decide to get smart with me, I will take my aggression out on you.”
“I would like to see you try.” She shot back, leaning closer to him.
Seyoon held her gaze before his eyes wondered down to her mouth, making them both heat up immediately. He quickly pulled away from her as she jumped down off the desk. His grip on her thighs lingering on her skin.
Seyoon clears his throat awkwardly, moving as far away from her as possible. “Let’s just get this over with.” He grumbles, both of them remaining quiet for the rest of the night.
To say the two didn’t like each other was an understatement. They loathed each other. Always had since kindergarten. He had been the bratty kid to knock over her sandcastle or her blocks whenever she was playing. Even now, in high school, they couldn’t stand each other. That’s why being in the same room as him now for music practice was awful.
“Could you play a little worse? I don’t think Paris heard you.” He quipped, making her face turn red in anger.
“Funny, I thought the bad playing was coming from you.” She snapped, taking her sheet music to put it away in her back pack.
Byeongkwan stood and stretched out his muscles, trying to ease the tension they felt.
“Don’t you ever get tired of putting makeup on your two faces?” He grumbled.
She gaped at him, her mouth hanging open. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means, you act like queen of the ball with everyone else but with me you act like hell on heels.” He snarled, walking over to where she stood by her backpack
“At least I can put makeup on to hide my sin. You’re stuck looking ugly.” She snapped, rolling her eyes at his wit.
She sucked in a sharp breath when his fingers wrapped around her throat lightly, pulling her closer to him while keeping his hold. She stared up at him wide eyed, unsure of his next move.
“Careful, baby.” He whispered darkly. “You don’t want to cross a line with me.”
“This is considered attempted murder, you know that right?” She said, her heart pounding in her ears.
“You’ll wish I had murdered you if I had my way with you.” He answered.
Her eyes grew wide as she watched his eyes dart across her face. She felt his hand shake against her throat before letting her go, heat rushing across her body as his touch lingered.
“You’re still annoying.” He called over his shoulder as he gathered his things and left. Leaving her alone with her swirling thoughts.
The pair glared at each other form across the room. Arms folded over their chest as they avoided talking. Both in the same boat. They sat in detention after school, both getting in trouble for getting in a fight during lunch earlier that day. Resulting in them knocking over the principal and a few other teachers.
“I would have won that fight had you not been so clumsy.” Donghun decides to say, making her sigh out in frustration.
“Yes, yes, I’m sure. You and you’re ego.” She mutters. Not bothering to hide the clipped tone in her voice.
Donghun narrows his eyes at her, his gaze piercing. “We’re stuck in here together because of you.”
She whips her head around to meet his gaze, immediately angered. “You started it!” She yelled.
“I wouldn’t have had you just gone and sat somewhere else.” He yelled back, slowly rising from his chair.
She growled and rose from her chair, going to stand closer to him as she said her next words, “You are the most frustrating person I have ever met.
“Same goes for you, princess.” He snaps.
“Don’t you start that.” She warns, feeling a fresh surge of anger go through her.
“That’s right, you don’t like being called that.” Donghun says with a smirk, “Too bad. If it makes you mad I’ll keep calling you it.”
“Oh, should we start something for you? How about how every girl here ogles over you thinking you’re Prince Charming when really you’re self centered and arrogant.”
Donghun narrowed his eyes at her when he, without thinking, took her jaw in his hand, keeping her from talking but also keeping her looking at him. His warm breath fanning across her face.
“Shut up.” He sneers. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. They don’t matter to me like-“
He stops, his eyes once fiery now softening as he gazes down at her. Her skin warming his as he held her there in front of him. He lets go of her, quickly standing away and going to sit down in a chair at the opposite side of the room.
“Like what?” She presses, her voice softened.
“Just forget it.” Donghun snaps, looking out the window to ignore her for their remaining time there.
#acewriters#a.c.e#ace#ace scenarios#ace x reader#a.c.e donghun#a.c.e jun#a.c.e byeongkwan#a.c.e sehyoon#a.c.e chan#ace imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop fanfiction#kpopmadness writings#ju admin
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Timinette social media or timinette with being underappreciated?
i am so sorry this took so long but i hope you like this! :)
i kind of strayed off topic a little and its a little mess so im sorry for that but i hope this is okay
this will have some bruce bashing so uh yeah
theres also tim and jason brotherly bonding because i am a sucker for brotherly bonding fics.
also, tim, mari, chloe (basically the parisian folks) are 16. jason is 19, dick is 23, and damian 13.
Timothy Drake Wayne had had his issues with his own self worth before.
Unlike everyone else in the family, he hadn’t been born into the family, or even been chosen to be part of it. This did sometimes result in a severe drop in Tim’s confidence levels, but he always managed to bring it back up.
Eventually, Tim found that the best way to deal with it was just to accept it. Not act out on it or anything. No, it was best to just accept it and be on his way.
At first, he had fought the unwanted thoughts invading his head, but appointing him as CEO of Wayne Enterprises had been the final straw that broke the camel’s back.
If they didn’t want me in the family, why would they make me CEO of Wayne Enterprises? Tim thought.
But then it pushed itself into Tim’s mind.
Because they don’t want you at the manor.
Tim shoved the thought away and shook his head, looking out the plane window.
Just.. accept it. There’s nothing he could to but accept it. He had no one to talk to either.
Damian would probably jeer at him and call him a weakling. Tim didn’t really need that. Bratty little 13 year old, that one. Besides, Damian wouldn’t care about it anyway, probably just tattle on him in hopes of getting Red Robin benched permanently.
He had contemplated talking to Dick about it for a while. After all, Dick was the ever so helpful Golden Boy. But then he decided against it. Of everyone in the family, Tim would never expect Dick of all people to understand issues with self worth. Dick was told very often that he was loved, wanted. Dick would probably tell Bruce anyway, and that was the last thing Tim wanted.
Jason.. well he was busy. He was always busy. Regardless of how his and Jason’s relationship had drastically improved, he wasn’t ready to open up about this. Don’t get him wrong, Tim was glad that he and his old hero had started to make amends, and now Jason had barely any qualms in calling Tim his brother, and that he could call him whenever he wanted. It made a rush of warmth erupt in his chest whenever he heard it.
But, he just didn’t feel ready to talk to him about it. To anyone about it.
Now, it was Monday morning and he was on his way to Paris in the Wayne company jet, because some rich designer named Gabriel Agreste requested some sort of business partnership.
There was also a designer called MDC that Tim was very interested in meeting. He was a huge fan of her work. He had checked out her website and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of her work, especially since she had no employees and made everything herself.
The fact that she was Jagged Stone’s honorary niece had also contributed to Tim wanting to commission a MDC original.
He had contacted her a before the plane left, and lucky for him, she had decided to meet him at his hotel on Thursday after lunch to discuss and take measurements
It was partially why when Bruce asked him to go to Paris, he didn’t fuss. He didn’t even protest about how being in Paris would affect Red Robin’s patrol. He had just nodded and left.
It had been a very last minute decision, and he hadn’t even had time to tell Jason about it. He had left a few hours after Bruce told him about it.
Tim sighed, leaning his head against the cool window of the plane, taking a sip from the coffee mug he held in his hands.
He admittedly zoned out for the rest of the journey, but in his defense, there was only an hour left on that flight anyway.
Stepping off the plane with his baggage, he made his way to the exits and after checking out of the airport, hailed a cab to bring him to his hotel, Le Grande Paris.
He may or may not have also zoned out on his 15 minute long ride to the hotel. Tim felt bad for the very nice taxi driver whom he had ignored, and gave him a very generous tip. After all, it wasn’t like he needed the money.
Judging from the wide eyed and awed glance the driver shot him as he left, the driver appreciated it very much.
Walking into the hotel lobby, checking in and waiting for the room key to be given to him, Tim already knew he was going to turn down Gabriel’s offer.
His research had shown that Gabriel was a recluse and hadn’t left his house in years. His assistant, one Nathalie Sancouer went on appointments with him on a call. He was also seemingly cold to his only son, which didn’t fly well with Tim, especially since the son was the same age as him.
He was expected to finish more work in Paris, especially since there was no rogues to disrupt anything.
He was not expecting a petite bluenette to crash into him and change his outlook on life.
The girl who bumped into him blushed profusely and apologised while two blondes, a girl and a boy laughed behind her.
She shot the two a playfully stern look, narrowing her eyes. Her eyes had the same glint Selina had when she saw Bruce. Playful, yet deadly. It was amazing how fast the blondes shut up.
“I’m Tim.” He shook Marinette’s hand, slightly charmed by the blushing girl.
“I’m Marinette. Are you checking in? I can escort you to your room. I know this place like the back of my hand.”
Tim was startled. Marinette did not seem to have any idea that she was talking to CEO of WE. She was talking to him like he was Tim. Just Tim. He was intrigued by the girl. The way she said her sentence, she wasn’t boasting or showing off, she was stating a mere fact out of politeness and the kindness of her heart.
You don’t see that around much anymore, Tim mused. It was like a breath of fresh air.
He nodded in acceptance and showed her the room number on the key that he was given before she had bumped into him. Her eyes widened.
“Well, looks like you’re on the floor I was already going to. Chloe lives here. Her father runs the hotel, and all the penthouses are on the same floor.” Marinette waved her hand at the blonde girl who was laughing earlier.
The girl stuck out a hand. “My name’s Chloe, the pleasure’s all yours.”
Tim’s lips curved into a smile as he shook her hand. “I’m Tim.”
Chloe pointed to the boy next to her. “That’s Adrien.”
Tim recognised him. He was that Agreste boy. The son of Gabriel Agreste, who he was supposed to meet on Thursday. Tim vaguely wondered if Adrien was going to be there for the meeting.
Tim didn’t like it when people announced out loud that he was a Wayne. So he didn’t do that to Adrien. Tim just shook his hand with a smile. Adrien smiled back, and Tim could see that gratitude in his eyes.
Tim nodded and his mind drifted to Marinette. She seemed rather nice, and she didn’t seem like the type of person to take advantage of rich kids. He decided to ive her the benefit of the doubt. Obviously, Chloe and Adrien trusted her, so he was willing to be open minded about this.
Besides, on the unlikely chance that she was trying to suck up to rich kids, Tim could very easily sue her, or at the very least, scare her off.
Marinette, Chloe and Adrien took the lift up with him, the four falling into an easy banter. Tim was very glad he had become fluent in French a few months prior to going on this trip.
Once they reached the outside of Tim’s suite, however, Marinette turned to Tim.
“Do you, maybe wanna join us after you put your things down?”
Tim grinned. “Why, I’d love to.”
It was the right thing to do. The four of them had a blast, and Tim knew now more than ever that Marinette genuinely liked the company of the two blondes and that she wasn’t just using them. He didn’t think she was, but it didn’t hurt to check.
They had hung out together, from that afternoon to late in the night, to around 9 maybe? Tim wasn’t sure. Tim felt a warm rush of joy flow throughout his body. He couldn’t remember the last time he had hung out with anyone that weren’t using him for his money or weren’t his family.
The four had become really close and the three Parisians probably knew more about Tim that his whole family did put together at this point.
Tim couldn’t remember the last time he had let loose so freely.
It was funny how it worked. Tim didn’t know why, but he had the comforting feeling that they could be trusted. Sure, they hadn’t known him for long, but he felt a sense of comfort with them, more comfortable than he’d ever felt with Bruce, hell, more than even Alfred.
Tim didn’t tell them all of his secrets, obviously, Red Robin being one of them. But it was okay. Unlike Bruce, who would research and pry into his business, Chloe, Marinette and Adrien shrugged it off.
“We’re all entitled to our own secrets.” Marinette had told him.
It made Tim wonder what kind of secrets the three were keeping, but he brushed it off. If he didn’t have to spill his secrets, the three didn’t either.
Eventually, night fell, but only Adrien left. Tim had looked to Marinette questioningly, and she just shrugged.
“His dad needs him back. I told Maman I was staying over with Chlo tonight. It’s not a school night after all.” She shrugged.
It was funny how much Tim trusted the three. He trusted them more than he trusted Bruce, at this point. Even if the trust he had in Bruce wasn't much to go on, it was surprising how easily the ex-Robin trusted the Parisians. But then again, life worked in strange ways, and this may have one of its strangest yet.
But Tim didn't protest. He rather liked the Parisians and like he's said, he trusted them. And from the looks they all gave him throughout the day, fulling of laughter and openness, he knew without a doubt that they trusted him too.
Among all three Parisians, Tim had bonded with Marinette the most.
Firstly, while the three were a formidable trio, Chloe and Adrien, it seemed, were childhood friends. They were extremely comfortable around each other, and it wasn’t like they were trying to leave Marinette out. They included her in everything they could, but the noirette occasionally bowed out and let the two friends do their thing.
Secondly, Tim was pretty sure that the two didn’t normally have so much childhood games. He was pretty sure they were making some of them up on the spot.
If Tim didn’t know better, he’d say Adrien and Chloe were trying to set him and Marinette up.
Marinette. The amazing little bluenette that crashed into him and changed his outlook on life.
Yes, he had only known her for less than a day, but they just clicked.
Marinette had tried not to, but it was obvious that her self esteem was at an all-time low, much like his. When Tim had asked Chloe and Adrien why when Marinette was in the bathroom, they had filled him in on how a girl named Lila at their school was bullying her and spouting lies about her.
“How bad are her lies?” Tim questioned.
“She saved Jagged Stone’s kitten from a airplane runway.” Chloe said.
Tim spit out his coffee.
“She misses months of school to be in Achu to work with Prince Ali for Go Green campaigns.” Adrien continued.
Tim didn’t know Achu or Prince Ali very well, but he was pretty sure the prince only did Helping Children Campaigns. He took a sip of his coffee.
“Her latest one? I was dating Damian Wayne, but he and his brother fought over me and now I’m dating Timothy Drake, CEO of Wayne Enterprises!” Chloe said the last part in a nasally, simpering tone that was obviously meant to be Lila’s voice.
Tim choked. Lila was 16! Damian was 13! Tim mentally filed a reminder to sue this Lila girl. Also, his love life was rather pathetic. He hadn’t dated since Stephanie. Lila’d would probably do a better job going after Jason if he weren’t with Roy. Wait, no. Jason didn’t like psychopaths. Or maybe he did, Tim wasn’t too sure.
“That was pretty accurate.” Adrien looked slightly impressed.
Tim shuddered. What kind of sicko had a voice like that?
Marinette had come out of the bathroom at that point, and all three of them effectively shut up. She looked concerned and asked Tim if he was okay and why he was so pale.
He shook his head. “I’m cool, cool, cool.” He ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to be suave and Marinette laughed.
Tim’s expression softened at the melodic sound. Chloe and Adrien exchanged a look before smirking at Tim.
Marinette had subtly complimented him a lot over the span of a few hours, and Tim had felt his confidence level slowly rising. It made Marinette smile.
Tim had returned the favor, and by the end of the next day, he and Marinette had almost as many inside jokes as Adrien and Chloe did.
(Chloe had walked Adrien to the door, and Tim and Marinette had hid from Chloe in Tim’s suite, giggling at Chloe’s playful irateness.
Tim had a great time.
He had also managed to finish most of his work beforehand.
He, along with Chloe and Adrien, had gone to Marinette’s house on Wednesday, and the four of them had spent the whole day in a peaceful silence doing their work.
Chloe and Adrien had finished their school work early and had copied their work into Marinette’s workbook. Tim had smiled at the sight because he was rather happy that Marinette had friends who were willing to do this sort of thing for her.
Marinette had spent the whole day working on several commissions, sketching the designs and sewing them out. Tim had been shocked by how many different types of fabric the bluenette had in her closet. Chloe and Adrien had shot him a look that said “get used to it”.
Tim was pleasantly that no one had disturbed him while he was doing his work. they had all done their own work respectively, and even when they were done, like Chloe and Adrien, they had kept quiet and didn’t make any noise to disrupt Tim and Marinette, apart form their whispered chatter.
In Gotham, Tim would almost always be interrupted by rogue attacks or his brothers and father. It made it almost impossible to finish his work on time, and resulted in many overtimes and no sleep.
Marinette’s parents, a happy baker couple who’d persuaded Tim to call him Tom and Sabine instead of Mr and Mrs Dupain Cheng, had stocked them up with a steady supply of pastries and amazing coffee. It was probably expected, they did own a bakery after all.
Tim swore that the Dupain Chengs’ pastries could rival Alfred’s.
While Tim was looking at Marinette work, he was taken aback by her efficiency and quality of her sewing. Normally, one jacket would take a day to make, including handmade embroidery. Marinette had done it within two hours from scratch.
Tim was tempted to commission her, but it seemed that her plate was already full, so he didn’t. Either way, he had come to meet with Gabriel Agreste and possibly MDC.
When they were all done with their work, after spending practically the whole day in Marinette’s room from 9 in the morning to 6 in the evening, they decided to go get dinner.
Tom and Sabine bid them goodbye heartily before turning to their customers and pulling a tray out of the oven.
Tim had met Chloe and Adrien’s significant others. A rather cold girl named Kagami, and chill looking boy named Luka. (Tim thought that Kagami and Chloe, and Luka and Adrien suited each other and balanced out perfectly.)
Originally, Tim had thought that Luka was dating Marinette. After Luka had hugged Adrien, he had turned to Marinette and called her ‘his Melody’. It didn’t help that she called him ‘her Harmony’.
Tim totally did not feel jealous.
But then Marinette groaned and nudged Tim in the ribs. “I guess we’re fifth wheeling.”
“Aren’t you dating Luka?” He pointed to the green haired boy.
Chloe and Adrien clutched their stomachs, laughing, while Kagami and Luka smiled. “Nope. Mari-hime is single.’’ Tim swore the fencer stared into his soul.
Tim was not afraid to admit that Kagami scared him more than the Joker did. Okay, maybe the Joker was a far stretch. Killer Croc or Two-Face maybe.
Luka leaned down and gave Adrien a peck on the lips. The model blushed and Luka grinned, exposing two slightly sharp canines, much like a snake’s.
It was currently mid November, so it was pretty cold. But Tim didn’t see why Mari was wearing a layer of heattech, a long-sleeved sweatshirt, a hoodie, and her winter coat, plus her hat, earmuffs and gloves.
She looked like a puffy marshmallow. A very pink, cute marshmallow.
Luka had shot him a ‘it’s better not to ask’ look and Tim wisely kept quiet.
They had a great time at dinner. Tim and Mari had an amazing time. Tim wasn’t entirely sure about the others, he was too busy paying attention to Mari.
The crinkle of her eyes when she smiled, the red flush from the cold dusting over her freckles lightly, the bluebell colour of her eyes.
He didn’t notice the ‘he’s so whipped’ looks from everyone else. Luka shrugged.
“Well who doesn’t like Melody once they meet her?”
Everyone else shrugged. “Fair point.” Chloe muttered, burying her head in the crook of Kagami’s neck.
Suddenly, screams broke out from nearby. Marinette immediately ceased talking and whipped around to face her friends. Tim looked very confused at her actions but looked worriedly to where the screams were coming from.
Suddenly, the floor rumbled and they all looked up to see baby August, who had been akumatised into Gigantitan again.
Marinette, Chloe, Adrien, Luka and Kagami immediately herded Tim back to Mari’s house, where they hastily climbed up the stairs to the loft.
“Tim, stay here.” Kagami ordered.
“What is this?” Tim couldn’t help but ask.
“It’s an akuma attack.” Chloe shrugged, looking not at all fazed.
Actually, Tim noticed, none of them looked fazed in the slightest.
“This is maybe August’s 7th time getting akumatised?” Luka said. “He’s relatively harmless though. It happens a lot.”
“Wait, where’s Marinette and Adrien?” Tim questioned, suddenly noticing that they were missing.
Kagami, Luka and Adrien exchanged a glance. “They’ll be fine.” Chloe waved offhandedly, logging into Marinette’s computer to turn on the live news from Nadja Chamack.
“Don’t be bemused, it’s just the news!” A pink haired lady was standing abnormally close to where Gigantitan was. Tim felt slightly worried for her.
“I’m Nadja Chamack, and we’re here at another akuma attack. It seems to be just baby August, however, so don’t worry. Ladybug and Chat will be here soon enough!”
Tim was appalled at the lengths this woman was seemingly willing to go to to get the scoop.
Noticing his expression, Luka smiled. “Don’t worry, Tim. She’ll be fine.”
“How do you know that?” If Tim let this happen, he was very sure that Bruce would murder him for a) getting that lady killed b) not helping. “I have to help!”
Chloe pushed him back into the chair where he was attempting to rise. “Sit down.” She ordered.
Tim didn’t want to, but he was interrupted by Nadja speaking again.
“Ladybug and Chat Noir are on the scene!” The camera view zoomed into a pigtailed girl in red and black spandex with a blonde boy in a leather catsuit. Tim vaguely wondered if he was Selina’s kid.
Tim’s eyes almost fell out of his head when he saw the two of them run up the side of the Eiffel Tower, with no grappling hook, no vault, nothing, before flipping off of it like a well oiled machine.
It was obvious that the two trusted each other to a deadly extent. They worked like two parts of a whole piece.
August swatted Ladybug away with a wave of his hand, flinging her into the Eiffel Tower so hard it dented.
Panic seized Tim’s stomach when Nadja Chamack was trampled on by August, effectively crushing her. When August lifted his foot, Tim looked away.
Chloe, Kagami and Luka did not look fazed, and Tim wondered why, before standing up again. Chloe pushed him back down.
“She’ll be fine, relax. All of Paris have probably died at least, what, 9 times?” Kagami stated, crossing her arms. She levelled Tim with a steely glare and Tim cowered in his seat.
How did the League not know about this?
Suddenly, the person holding the camera cheered, as swarms of Ladybugs flew everywhere, fixing damages. Tim noted with relief that Nadja had reappeared in front of the camera, looking slightly confused but otherwise fine.
“I think I’m gonna throw up.” Tim staggered to the bathroom, and right when he was about to puke, two thuds landed behind him. Tim could see a green and pink light flash and he turned around to see what it was.
He was just in time to see Ladybug and Chat Noir detransform, leaving Adrien and Marinette, looking stunned.
That was it for Tim, he hurled.
And Marinette was there, brushing his hair out of his face and holding the back of his shirt so it wouldn’t get in the way. Adrien had edged out of the room, while an unfamiliar voice was chortling.
When Tim was done, he washed his mouth with shaky hands, and Marinette looked at him sympathetically and with a slight trace of fear. It was almost undetectable, but Tim had spent enough time with Cass to know when someone was scared, no matter how she tried to hide it.
Tim didn’t want Marinette to feel scared of him. He wanted her to feel safe around him. He shakily spun and engulfed her in his arms. Her body relaxed tremendously as she hugged him back.
He was taller than her by a only few inches, so Marinette’s head was comfortably buried in Tim’s chest. Tim was thankful that none of his vomit had gotten on his shirt.
“I like you, Mari. So, so much.” Tim confessed.
The bluenette he was holding wiggled in his arms, looking up at him with those beautiful eyes.
“I like you too, Tim.” Her quiet voice broke into Tim’s train of thoughts as he panicked.
“I know, you probably don’t like me back but-- wait, what? You like me too?” Tim knew his voice had cracked but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
“I do.” Marinette confirmed, stepping on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
Tim’s face flushed and Mari giggled.
“Does that mean you wanna--?” Tim blushed even more.
“Yes.” Marinette was obviously enjoying the way Tim was suffering right now.
“So.. it’s official?” Tim asked hopefully, looping his hand with Marinette’s.
“It’s official.” She grinned.
Adrien had interrupted them at that point, and after Tim changed into one of Marinette’s designs, a black, long sleeved shirt with ladybugs at the side, she and Adrien had explained about the miraculouses.
Chloe, Kagami and Luka revealed that they were also miraculous holders, but they were temporary heroes, even if they got to keep the miraculous on hand.
Marinette and Adrien were joint Guardians of the Miraculous, and they were something called true holders. The Ladybug and Chat miraculous were two halves of a whole, Adrien had explained. He and Mari were also the only permanent miraculous users chosen by the previous guardian, while Chloe, Kagami and Luka were chosen by Marinette.
Tim was then introduced to the some of the kwamis (Pollen, Tikki, Plagg, Sass and Longg), who referred to Marinette and Adrien as Guardians.
Tikki referred to Marinette as Mari, Plagg referred to her as Pigtails. Tikki referred to Adrien as Adrien, and Plagg referred to him as ‘kid’. It didn’t take a genius to know who wore the pants in their relationship.
Then, Marinette and Tim’s newborn relationship was brought to light, and Tim was sufficiently scared from the shovel talks given by the Parisians, as well as the kwamis. Marinette had laughed at him, and he had pouted for the rest of the night.
“I wield the power of Destruction in my hands so if you hurt Pigtails, I’ll cataclysm you. I sank Atlantis, so don’t try me.” Plagg’d scornfully stated.
Marinette had berated him and told him that Plagg really needed to stop sounding so proud that he sunk Atlantis, while Tim went pale and was reminded of his secret.
“Uh. Guys? I have to tell you something.” Tim wrung his hands together nervously. “You know how in Gotham, there are vigilantes?”
They nodded.
“I’m.. one of them? I’m Red Robin.” Tim squeaked.
There was silence, but then everyone, bar Marinette and Kagami burst into laughter.
“Only you, Melody, could create a love square with only two people and still somehow fall in love with a superhero.”
Mari flushed and Tim looked confused. “Who..?”
Everyone pointed to Adrien. He shrugged.
“M’Lady and I are soulmates.” He winked, intertwining his and Marinette’s hands.
“But we’re platonic soulmates.” Adrien dramatically let go of Marinettte’s hand. “Adrien had a crush on Ladybug. Marinette had a crush on Adrien.” He explained further.
Realisation dawned on Tim and he fell back into Marinette’s lap as she groaned at the way Adrien worded it.
“You suck.” She deadpanned.
Adrien had the gall to grin at her. “I’m also the one you share a soul with.”
She rolled her eyes.
Everyone had a nice laugh, but they all fell asleep rather quickly. It had been an emotionally and physically exhausting day for all of them.
The next day was Tim’d meeting with Gabriel Agreste. Tim wasn’t sure if the others knew he was Bruce Wayne’s son, but he figured if they didn’t he may as well surprise them.
So Tim left a note for them, and left 15 minutes prior to the meeting at 9, leaving the his friends in Marinette’s room.
hey guys, i have a business meeting at 9. i’ll come back as soon as i’m done, which will be 10? latest. i’ll probably be back before you guys wake up. i hope i will. bye for now. see u mari <3 love, tim.
His friends. Tim’s heart warmed. This was the first time he had made friends that weren’t his family, or superhero buddies.
Tim arrived at Agreste Manor at 9 on the dot, ringing the doorbell. An electronic camera shot out from the wall and Tim jumped.
The person behind the camera opened the gate, and a buff man escorted him into the Manor, where Gabriel was waiting.
He was standing at the top of the steps, looking down at Tim. He inclined his head, and Tim followed the elder Agreste into his office.
The meeting went faster than expected. Tim had been expecting Gabriel to persuade him, but he had let Tim go. Instead of the half an hour meeting Tim was expecting,it was only twenty minutes.
Gabriel had offered a partnership with the Waynes in which he’d design for them, and they’d sponsor him. Tim had politely declined, and Gabriel looked slightly put out, waving to the buff man to escort him out.
Adrien had walked into the manor as soon as Tim reached the center of the room. Adrien stopped short.
“Tim? What are you doing here?”
Tim pointed to behind him, where Gabriel’s office was. “Business meeting.” He repeated, and waited for Adrien to connect the dots.
His eyes widened. “You’re Timothy Drake? CEO of Wayne Enterprises?”
Tim nodded. Adrien’s eyes widened before he smirked. “Have you told Mari?”
“I was gonna tell her today.”
“Nah, she has a meeting at like 2, with a client.”
Tim frowned, but then shrugged. “I’ll tell her before.” He decided. “I have a meeting at 2 too.”
Adrien nodded and smiled. “Treat her right.” He said, before entering his room.
Tim smiled, even after Adrien was out of sight. “I will.”
Tim had a few hours before his meeting with MDC. He made his way back to the bakery, where he was greeted with a peck on the cheek by Marinette.
“Chloe went back to the hotel, Harmony and Gami have school, and Adrien had to go home.” She beamed. So cute.
Marinette and Tim spent the few hours eating lunch in Mari’s room and watching Netflix, judging the shipping potential between the Brooklyn Nine Nine characters.
They had agreed that Teddy was boring and annoying, Jake and Amy were a power couple, and Rosa was a badass .
Marinette really liked Gina, Tim preferred Holt.
Soon, it was time for the meeting. Tim and Mari both had to go back to Le Grande Paris, so they opted to walk there together.
“Who are you meeting?” Tim asked curiously.
“Some CEO named Timothy Drake.” She replied.
Tim stopped. He turned to Marinette.
“Timothy Drake.” He repeated. Marinette gave him an odd look. “Do you know him?” She asked.
“You’re MDC?” Tim’s voice came out strangled and Marinette looked taken aback.
Understanding dawned on her and she stared at Tim. “You’re Timothy Drake?”
He only nodded.
They stared at each other for a minute but then burst out into laughter, causing a nearby mother on the phone to shoot them a nasty look.
After the initial shock wore off, the two had continued to the hotel. They were on the way, anyway, and they could always either visit Chloe or stay in Tim’s suite.
Marinette giggled as she worked, deftly taking Tim’s measurements.
“Normally this takes forever,” Tim remarked, peering over Marinette’s shoulder and watching in awe as she drew out the design for his suit.
Within minutes, it was done. Tim was amazed by it. It was a simple suit, but the colours she encorporated into it as well as the designs made Tim extremely happy. It managed to capture his essence, and look stylish at the same time.
She’d even drawn a design for the tie! (instead of blue, it’s red)
After about three hours of Marinette working in Tim’s suite (she had gone home and gotten the fabrics and used the sewing machine she always leaves in Chloe’s room), as well as Tim finishing his remaining paperwork for WE, the suit was done. Tim was awed by it.
The suit jacket was a nice, velvety maroon colour that was reminiscent of Tim’s Red Robin suit and Marinette’s Ladybug suit. The inside was a black colour, as another tribute to the colour schemes of Tim and Mari’s secret life.
The tie was the same deep red colour of the suit. What Tim loved the most about it, however, were the tiny coffee cups sewn on it. “A personal touch.” Marinette had said.
There was also the letter T embroidered on the back of the tie and the lapel of the suit right next to the MDC emblems.
“What do you think?” Marinette asked nervously.
“I love it!” Tim lifted Marinette up by the waist, spinning her in the air. She laughed with joy and he put her down but still in his arms.
He cupped his cheek and Marinette’s hand wrapped around his neck. Simultaneously, they leaned in and their lips met in a chaste kiss.
Marinette ran her free hand through Tim’s hair as Tim’s free hand pulled her closer to him by the waist.
Suddenly, the door burst open and they jumped apart.
It was Chloe, smirking wildly, her phone camera raised.
It didn’t take a genius to know what happened next.
Mari and Tim chased Chloe around the hotel to get her to delete the photo. Chloe crowed loudly that she was going to send the photo to Adrien, Luka and Kagami.
(Mari and Tim did catch her but Chloe had already sent the text.)
The six friends had a buttload of fun the next few days. Occasionally incorporating their work into the mix, Tim had never been so on time to hand in his paperwork.
On Saturday, a few hours before Tim was supposed to go to the airport to get on the Wayne private jet, the six were in Chloe’s room.
The only sound that could be heard was the faint chatter between Chloe and Kagami who were talking together, the soft strums of Luka on his guitar and Adrien next to him constantly dying while playing Subway Surfers and him raging not-so-quietly. Tim’s head was leaning on two pillows in Marinette’s lap, typing on his laptop which was propped up on his lap while Mari’s pencils scratched against the paper in her sketchbook.
It wasn’t exactly silence, but it was peaceful. An almost silence, if you would.
Until a phone blared to life.
Everyone jumped as the shrill sound of Tim’s ringtone pierced through the peaceful almost silence.
Tim cringed. “Sorry!” He called.
He swiped the accept button without looking to see who it was, mildly pissed off.
“What?” He snapped into the phone.
“TIMMY!” A familiar voice burst out. Marinette jumped and dropped her sketchbook on Tim’s face, glaring at the phone. Tim pulled the phone away from his ear, and put a finger to his mouth before pushing the speaker button.
“Tim? You okay?”
“Apart from you bursting my eardrums, I’m fine. What do you want, Jason?” Tim answered dryly. He wasn’t sure if his irritation could be heard through the phone but Jason picked it up.
“Not very nice to your favorite brother, now is it Timmy.” Tim could imagine Jason wagging a finger sarcastically in his face.
“Learned it from you, Jay. But seriously what do you want? I’m kinda busy.”
“You may wanna put your coffee cup down for this.”
Tim sighed and placed it on the floor.
“Now what?”
A bang was heard from outside and all of them, bar Tim and Mari (Tim was way too lazy to get out of Marinette’s comfortable lap, and she couldn’t get up with him in her lap) rushed to the door to see what was happening.
Some people had burst into Tim’s room across the hall.
Three guesses who.
“What are you doing, dumbasses?” Chloe’s exasperated voice rung out.
A man with a white tuft in hair was standing in the doorway turned around, phone in hand. He hung up on the call promptly.
“We were looking for our brother, Tim. The receptionist said he was in this room. Have you seen him?” An older man walked out of Tim’s room, with several others hot on his heels.
The shortest one was dark-haired and had green eyes, the other was a girl with chopped dark hair, an arm wrapped around a taller blonde girl’s waist. There was also a redhead in a wheelchair. The other two there were males, one was an near bald elderly, the other had blue eyes and dark hair and was rather tall.
That was six of them, Chloe noted. She and the others exchanged a look, debating whether or not to let them see Tim. After all, they could be lying and were kidnappers or something.
They obviously noticed the look. The tall one with blue eyes spoke. “You know him! Where is he? Did you kidnap him?”
Adrien choked trying to hold in his laughter. Luka patted him on the back calmly.
A tsk came from the inside of the room. Chloe looked back. Tim shrugged. It was her room, after all.
Chloe bit her lip, looking torn between letting them in or kicking them out. She looked to Kagami for help, and she nodded, but then inclined her head toward Chloe. Basically, ‘I think you should, Tim seems to know them. But he may not want to see them. Your call. Your room.’
The guy with the white tuft looked ready to barge in the room.
Chloe huffed and opened the door wider. She and the other stalked back to their seats with the echoing sound of ‘ridiculous, utterly ridiculous’. Everyone outside exchanged looks, and entered.
They were not expecting to see Tim in a girl’s lap, that was for sure.
Instead of the greeting they were expecting, Tim merely turned his head to look at them before huffing and returning his gaze to his laptop screen.
Marinette laid a hand protectively on Tim’s head and started running her fingers through his hair.
If they weren’t shocked before, they definitely were now. Their eyes practically bugged out of their head at the sight.
“Replacement?” Jason cautiously asked.
Tim huffed, much like Chloe, and Marinette ceased her ministrations. Tim whined, but Marinette levelled a glare at him and he sat up.
Marinette muttered softly, “I can see why your self confidence is so low.”
“Nah, Jason’s one of the nicer ones. It’s teasing.” Tim assured her. The girl only pouted and fell back into her seat, picking up Tim’s laptop to read what he was working on before Tim’s family rudely barged in.
Jason looked slightly touched.
Tim sighed and crossed his arms. “What are you guys doing here?” Chloe, Adrien, Kagami and Luka slowly inched around Mari and Tim. This did not go unnoticed by the Waynes.
“We came to visit you, Timbo!” The tall one said.
Tim pinched his nose. “That’s Dick. Barbara. Cassandra. Stephanie. Alfred. Bruce. Damian. Jason.” Tim pointed to each of them in turn.
Luka spoke up. “I’m Luka. That’s Adrien, Chloe, Kagami and Marinette.” Marinette shifted when her name was called, exposing the laptop screen to the Waynes. Their eyes widened when they saw the bold letters ‘Murders and Muggings: Patrol Recap’.
Dick coughed into his hand, jerking his head towards the computer. Tim rolled his eyes at Dick’s attempt at being subtle.
Jason and Stephanie snickered. Dick looked offended.
Dropping all pretence out the window, Tim deadpanned. “They know my secret. Didn’t tell them about yours, though they’ve probably figured it out already.”
“You should’ve told us beforehand, Timothy!” Bruce looked like he was a second away from yelling. A steely glare from Kagami stopped him from doing just that. Cass looked at her in approval.
Marinette bristled at Bruce’s tone, but did not move from her seat. This wasn’t her battle to fight-- it was Tim’s.
Bruce pinched the end of his nose. “I’m disappointed in you, Timothy.”
Despite knowing Bruce was going to say that, Tim winced. Jason looked pissed and opened his mouth to say something, but someone else beat him to it.
“How dare you.” Marinette’s quiet voice shook with fury as she stood up. Tim squeezed her hand and let go. Adrien, Luka, Kagami and Tim instantly surrounded Tim, forming a protective circle around him.
“How dare you. Tim is the most wonderful person I know. Other from the idiot I share a soul with, my Harmony, my Dragon and Queenie, he is the only person who is genuinely kind and caring. He is the sweetest person I know and if you think you can step into our turf and belittle my boyfriend, you have another thing coming.” Marinette snarled.
Adrien stood up, stepping forward to stand next to Marinette. “I’ve only known Tim for a few days, but he means a lot to all of us. Like Marinette said, you will not step into our turf and be rude to our friend.”
“You underestimate how much power we have here.” Kagami moved over to the other side of Marinette, eyes flashing.
Chloe stood next to her. “I can very easily kick you out of this hotel, out of Paris, even. Tim is my friend, and we will not stand here and let you talk shit about how he disappointed you.”
Luka stood up, moving next to Adrien. “Like we said, Tim means a lot to us. You have no idea how much he does for all of you. He deals with your stupid company paperwork, even though he’s only 16 and it should be your job. He spends more time helping you on patrol and fighting rogues than paperwork but you scold him because he can’t finish as much as you’d like?”
Marinette’s normally warm blue eyes that were so full of love were now completely devoid of emotion. “That isn’t parenting, Bruce. That’s toxic.” She spat out Bruce’s name with so much loathing and hate, that he unconsciously took a step back.
Tim was very touched. No one had ever done that for him before. No one had the guts to stand up to Bruce Wayne or Batman. His eyes watered and he hastily wiped them away.
Bruce’s eyes flashed, and he strode forward. “I think you underestimate my power.” He spread his arms. “I’m Bruce Wayne. I can kill your career in a heartbeat. I can make sure you are never hired by anyone, nor will you ever be able to make a name for yourself. I’ve almost died before. Damian and Jason have. We deal with things you guys can only dream of. Sure, your father may be the mayor of Paris, Chloe, but I can easily kick him off his position of power. Don’t fuck with us.”
Marinette’s eyes flashed with surprise at Bruce’s declaration that Jason and Damian have died. Ignoring Bruce, she turned to Adrien, who was squinting at Damian.
“Do you want to heal them of the Lazarus pits? We can, after all. We’re Creation and Destruction.” Marinette spoke in the Guardian language.
Adrien side eyed the Waynes and nodded. “Even if Bruce is a bitch, Jason and Damian don’t deserve to live like that.”
Marinette and Adrien looked behind them, past Tim, to where the Kwamis were hiding. Plagg and Tikki nodded. After all, they could always wipe the Waynes’ memories if they weren’t willing to keep it a secret. The Waynes didn’t know what they were saying. Jason stifled a laugh when Adrien caled Bruce a bitch, but the Waynes instantly went on guard at the sound of Jason and Damian’s names (since their names can’t be translated).
Marinette and Adrien turned back to Tim and the others folded, closing the gap that they had left, so no one could lip read or learn from their body language what they were about to do.
Marinette and Adrien walked a few steps back, a few steps in front of Tim but a few steps behind the others. They smiled reassuringly at Tim. They weren’t going to hurt Jason or Damian. Tim nodded. He trusted them.
Tikki and Plagg zipped over to them and phased into their joined hands. Adrien and Marinette smiled to each other closing their eyes. They channelled the Guardian energy, Creation energy and Destruction energy.
They lifted their raised hands, and as if on command, Chloe and Kagami stepped aside, allowing the green and pink swirling energy in their conjoined hands to shoot towards Jason and Damian. The beam split halfway, hitting both Jason and Damian.
They braced themselves for pain, but they didn’t feel anything. They looked around, and saw the energy. The green colour of it was one everyone instantly recognised as the Lazarus Pit madness.
They could do nothing but watch as more and more green colours was sucked out of Jason and Damian before swirling upwards and over their heads into a ball of green energy.
After what seemed like a lifetime, the green stopped escaping them, and Jason and Damian could feel an immediate relaxation of their feelings. It was like there was anger and negative emotions buried into a pit of their minds, but they didn’t notice that it was there until it was gone.
The green energy ball was now as as big as a bowling ball. It churned once, and started shrinking. Something was compressing it and forcing it into a smaller ball. With a sizzle, it split into two. A pink ball and a green ball, the sizes of an apple.
However, the green ball wasn’t the Lazarus color green. It was a warm green, the colour of emeralds. Despite that, within both the pink and green shell had a green ball, the toxic colour of the Lazarus pit inside. It swirled around in their respective prisons, but couldn’t break free.
The balls of energy slowly drifted towards where Marinette and Adrien were standing with serene looks on their faces.
The pink shell hovered in front of Marinette, while the green one hovered in front of Adrien. The pink and green encasing the Lazarus green broke apart, and the pink and green energy shells flew into their conjoined hands.
Marinette and Adrien opened their eyes. They weren’t eyes anymore, just glowing eye sockets. Marinette’s were pink, and Adrien’s were green. The same colour of the shells, the others realised.
Now what was left were the fizzling balls of the Lazarus pits, its toxic green giving off an eerie glow.
Marinette and Adrien held up their free palms, and the balls rested on their waiting hands.
They looked to each other and seemed to be communicating before the plunged the balls into their chests.
Their whole body glowed for a second before lifting the two up in the air. The Waynes, Luka, Kagami and Chloe jumped when they started talking.
“This hurts.” Marinette admitted. Her face did not show any kind of discomfort. Adrien grinned. “Yeah, it does.” His didn’t either.
They shared a laugh before the green and pink faded, and the two plummeted onto the carpeted floor. Just before they hit it, the green and pink glowed softly again, allowing the two to land gently on the floor, feet first.
The light faded completely and Marinette and Adrien collasped in the chaise behind them, unclasping their hands and panting slightly. Plagg and Tikki zoomed out of their hands as soon as they separated and didn’t even bother hiding.
They plopped themselves on their chosens’ heads and all four of them began to nap.
“Did they..?” Dick uttered in disbelief.
Jason and Damian could only nod.
“Lazarus. Gone?” Cass pressed.
They nodded again.
“Forever?” Bruce croaked.
“Yep.” Marinette’s exhausted voice came from the chaise. Everyone spun to look at her. Chloe ran to her room’s kitchen, bringing out some honey, cookies, camembert, chocolate and eggs.
The active kwamis zoomed out form their hiding spot and got to work on their food. Marinette tiredly pushed herself to her feet, stumbling. Tim caught her. Marinette smiled gratefully at him, and gently scooped Tikki off her head. She reached over and got Plagg too.
She nudged Tikki with her finger and placed her next to the cookies. She didn’t bother to wake Plagg up; he’d wake up as soon as he smelt camembert. She placed him down, next to Tikki and they woke up, lazily nibbling on their foods.
Mari let out a breathy sigh and swayed on her feet. She curled up next to Adrien and started to snore.
Dick frowned. If she was dating Tim, why was she so cozy with Adrien?
He moved to wake them up.
Suddenly, he stiffened and fell to the floor.
Pollen stood behind them, antennae still poised after stinging Dick. “No one wake the Guardians up.”
Muffled protests from Dick on the ground.
“They share a soul, Dick, being next to each other recharged them faster.” Tim explained.
“They what now?”
well yes thats it.
i kinda got sloppy at the end because i spent almost 8 hours on this, and its only 8k words. im kinda proud of it though lol
no there will probably not be a part two, although i may upload this on ao3
anyway i hope you liked this !! <3
#maribat#timinette#marinette dupain cheng#mari and adrien are joint guardians bc i want them to be#i strayed off topic im sorry#tim drake#batfam#mild bruce bashing#ml x dc#mlb x dc#ml x dcu#mlb x dcu#miraculous ladybug#dcu#no more lazarus nonsense yay
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Limerence [Ten NCT]
the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one's feelings but not primarily for a sexual relationship.
friends to lovers!au
warnings- slight angst (barely any), little bit of fluff, heavy smut, thigh riding, skull fucking, fingering, unprotected sex, dom!ten x bratty sub!reader
summary- (istg if i have to write this one more time i’ll fucking snap)
It had been your lifelong dream to travel to Paris with your best friend, and it had finally come true. You spent mornings sipping on dark coffee and nibbling on toast, and afternoons were spent wandering the streets, soaking in the atmosphere. You had another dream though, you wanted to confess your love to Ten and spend days in the hotel room ordering room service and making love and cuddling. The City of Love holds surprises though, so maybe all your dreams can come true...
“I’m not here to fuck around Ten,” you huffed, “we are here for one reason and one reason alone.” You looked around the smoky French café, taking in the sight of multiple people smoking in the building — something you never would have seen back home. “Y/N, we’re here for some coffee and bread and cheese, calm down,” He scoffed, but his small smile betrayed his tone of voice. “That’s not funny, you know it’s always been my dream to have a simple breakfast in Paris, besides I really can’t wait for the brie cheese to bless my taste buds,” you pouted, calming your nerves with slow breaths in and out. This was the trip of your lifetime, what you had saved for since you got your first job in high school. That awful job as a housekeeper you held for three years through your adolescence gave you a good starting point, but it was your job in the office after you graduated that really made this possible. Working as a secretary for the lewd manager was suddenly all worth it as you relished in the smell of high quality tobacco mingling with coffee and light perfumes. Paris’ morning light shone through the window casting a heavenly glow on your best friend, Ten, who had been there for you since that unfortunate day in kindergarten. You had been on the playground after school, and in your innocent mind, you thought it was a great time to confess your undying love for the most popular boy in class. “Hey um,” your little heart was just racing against your chest, “um I think you’re really cute, and I’d be okay with getting cooties if I got them from you.” Yeah well apparently Jeff didn’t want your cooties because he screamed and ran away laughing, saying you were gross and he would never date a girl who picked her nose. That was a complete lie that Karen made up because you caught her not washing her hands after she went to the bathroom, but nobody cared because Karen’s dad was rich. Well that’s when the weird kid in class, Ten, knocked Jeff on his ass for being mean, which resulted in him getting put in the corner for the week. Our friendship blossomed, resulting in many sleep overs up until we were about 12, when our parents decided it was best to not put us in the same room alone for more than a couple minutes. I was there for him when Jennie broke his heart, when he lost his gym shorts during class, even when he lost his virginity. I was the first to know. I am still the first to know whenever he has sex, which is very often... “Hey, loser, where’s your mind,” Ten waved his hand in front of your face. “I was fantasizing about having barbecue sauce on my tiddies,” you referenced your favorite vine, chuckling at the memory. Ten nearly spat out his coffee when you said that, swallowing hard and glaring at you. You knew he had experienced something similar in one of his sexcapades, and loved the reaction it got from him when you mentioned it. “Bitch don’t you fucking dare I had to go to the hospital because of him.” “I know, I just really love that vine and that fact that you actually experienced something similar makes me so genuinely happy.” “Yeah well I’m glad my pain makes you so happy,” the boy across from you glared at you. “What’s the plan for today?” You queried. “It was gonna be The Louvre, then the Eiffel Tower and after that a nice dinner in the hotel, but I’m not so sure now that you’re being a bitch.” “The Louvre!? Oh please Ten I’m sorry, come on take me please! You know how badly I’ve dreamt of seeing the art,” You clasp your hands together under your chin and give him your best puppy eyes. Ten sighed slowly, smiling before saying he would still take you, and that he would never deprive you of something so important to you and your dreams. You finished your coffee just as the waiter came with a loaf of bread sliced thickly and some cheese to spread on it. “Do you need a refill?” He asked curtly, and you nodded, remembering you weren’t at home and waiters weren’t so overly enthusiastic. He placed the food down and took your cup back to have it refilled with coffee and the right portion of sweet cream. “Here,” he placed it on the table and you smiled at him as a light thanks, noticing the way his hair flopped into his dark eyes and the way his lips were parted just slightly. He looked like he had just got done with a mid-morning tryst in the kitchen. “Oh, could we get two separate plates? Family style eating is not my thing,” Ten’s request pulled you out of your small trance, and the waiter nodded. “Ten, the fuck, we don’t even use paper plates at home, what do you mean family style eating is not your thing,” You looked to him in a mildly panicked manner. “You were undressing him with your eyes, you wanna fuck him,” Ten glances towards the kitchen, “can’t say as I blame you, he’s cute.” “W-what? I w-was not!” A deep blush crept over your cheeks, giving away your brief thoughts of a night spent in bed with someone like him. “Get his number, we’re gonna be here for another month, might as well lose it here in the city of love,” Ten smirked as the boy came back with two plates. “Here,” he gave you the dishes, “anything else I can do for you?” He looks directly at you and you blush again, even deeper than before, because his gaze is intense and he seems to be smirking just a bit. “Um, your name?” You make a feeble attempt to get his information. The boy pointed to a pin on his chest, Lucas was etched into it and you couldn’t help but smile sadly. The one real relationship you had were you loved someone more than you loved your best friend, and his name was also Lucas, and he crushed your heart. “I’m Lucas, and my number is on the napkin on the second plate,” he winked, “text me sometime.” Lucas backed away slowly before pivoting, headed off to another table. “Oh shit, he’s smooth...” Ten looked on in awe. “Yeah well sucks his name is Lucas and he looks like a fuckboy,” you sighed. “I’m sorry Y/N, I’m here for you though,” Ten reaches for your hand to squeeze it tight in his. In his own mind, Ten couldn’t be happier you had already made up your mind on this Lucas boy. He had been waiting for his chance to take you as his own for years now, but he never found the right time and his stupid head was always in best friend mode, gassing you up to ask other people out. Never being selfish enough to just say he loved you as more than a friend, never having the guts to say you were the one he always thought of when he was pleasuring another girl. He hated himself for it, because he knew he was what was best for you. He knew he could make you happier than anyone else on this fucking planet. He knew just how he could tease you into begging for him to let you cum, and every time he thought of it he had to hop into a cold shower. He needed to take you for his own, but your friendship was getting in the way. He wasn’t sure how you felt even after all these years. After finishing up your breakfast, you looked at the napkin with Lucas’ number on it and contemplated leaving it there with a kiss from your nude lipstick, but decided against it reasoning that someone might take it and bother him. You looked to Ten for confirmation that it was time to leave, and he offered you his hand, leading you out the restaurant and down the cobbled street and threatened your ankles. One of these days you would remember that heels and cobbled streets do not mix, but today was not that day. “Ready for The Louvre, my dear?” Ten looked at you with bright eyes and a blinding smile. You nodded enthusiastically, curls bobbing up and down. Your gut wrenched because you were reminded just how much you love him, and how you have to constantly remind yourself he doesn’t love you like that. His constant stream of partners into your home was a painful reminder that you cried about some nights. Having him to yourself in Paris was a dream come true, literally. You had dreamt about going to Paris with him and confessing and spending days in the hotel room making love, more than once. You always woke up in tears, wishing it was real. You came really close to telling him once, after a break up that should have been unbearable was like a tiny prick at your heart. Ten thought you were just not letting yourself feel anything, and you erupted, coming this close to saying you didn’t care because you didn’t love him like you loved Ten. _________________________________________________ After your time at The Louvre, the Eiffel Tower seemed lackluster, but the view was still enchanting. It made you want to be wrapped in Ten’s arms, nuzzled into him as the wind gently caressed your skin, looking out upon Paris as night drew near. The city lit up slowly, street by street, giving you a reason to stay at the top of the tower chattering away the last hour of daylight as you watched on. “What? No way, he did?” Ten remarked in response to something you said about your boss harassing you again. “You say it like you’re surprised,” you chuckled sadly, tucking your hair behind your ear after a particularly strong gust of wind blew your hair every which way. “Well kinda, after you reported it to HR I figured it would stop,” Ten’s brows furrowed. He was genuinely upset you were going through this, he wanted to punch your manager and tell him to fuck off, but that would cost you your job. The way you were looking out on the landscape had his heart racing, he wanted to scoop you up and protect you from everything bad, keep you hidden away. “Ten,” You looked at him, deciding after looking out at the fully lit up city, “I love you.” “Well duh,” he chuckled, “I love you too.” He took it the wrong way, but your stomach was in too many knots to explain so you just nodded and suggested you head back to the hotel, you were exhausted from your magical day as the museum. Someday I’ll tell him, one of these days while we’re here. You thought to yourself. ————————————————————— After a solid nights sleep you woke up feeling well rested. You headed into the bathroom after checking to see if Ten was still asleep on the other side of the large bed. You grabbed your clothes, a light blue pinstripe sundress and some lacy baby pink panties, deciding to go braless because of the off the shoulder design. After allowing the water to fill the tub you hop in, letting the lavender bath salts soak into your skin and sooth your aching muscles from the constant activity. The sun filters through the small window near the ceiling, illuminating the bathroom just enough for you to be comfortable. If felt mildly sensual and still refreshing, making you happy to be alive. You closed your eyes in contentment and let yourself drift off, just for a little bit. Ten had woken as the sun hit his face, warming his cheeks. He noticed you weren’t in bed and assumed you were in the bathroom, but decided to check to make sure. He knocked once or twice and no answer, and he got concerned. You wouldn’t just leave the hotel without him, you didn’t know the city like he did. “Y/N?” He knocked on the door once more, a little harder this time. Still no answer, so he opened the door to find you sleeping in the tub, all the bubbles gone revealing your body to his wandering eyes. He noticed you were slowly slipping into the water, getting dangerously close to drowning, and immediately ran over to wake you. “Y/N, wake up,” he whispered into your ear as he grabbed your shoulders to keep your head above water. He had to shake you gently for you to wake up. It took a second to register what was going on, you were naked and Ten was holding you by the shoulders, eyes grazing your breasts before snapping back to your gaze. “Oh my god why are you in here!” You go to cover your body with your arms, a deep flush taking over your entire face and chest. “I knocked on the door a few times before coming in, you weren’t answering and I was worried!” He defended himself as he stood to leave. “Just get out!” You screeched, feeling utterly mortified. It took you a few minutes to calm down before you could get dressed and exit the bathroom. When you did Ten wasn’t in the room, and you sighed in relief, giving yourself time to sit on the bed and scroll through social media. You looked at people bragging about their relationships and scrolled past, feeling salty about their happiness. You so wished you could be that happy with Ten, but it was impossible. After about an hour Ten came back to the room, sweaty and looking accomplished. “What did you do, go find someone to fuck?” Your gut wrenched at the thought but judging by the way he was sweating you couldn’t think of anything else. “What?” He looked at you like you were crazy. “No, no no no, Jesus Christ no. What’s wrong with you? I went to work out in the gym downstairs.” You suddenly felt stupid, realizing you fucked up. In a last ditch effort to change the topic, you bring up the waiter from yesterday, Lucas. “So, I’m thinking I might call Lucas after all,” you wanted to get the attention off your stupid mistake, “he was really cute, and he was interested in me.” Ten’s emotions boiled over in that moment, he was furious at you for thinking about another guy when all he could think about was how you looked in the tub this morning. “You what? Why?” His voice was low. “Well you were right, he’s cute and I was thinking about him a lot yesterday and since we’re not gonna be here forever I don’t have to get serious. I might actually be able to lose my virginity.” “Why the fuck does losing your virginity matter?” His eyes were wide with anger and you weren’t entirely sure why. “Why can’t I be enough for you?” His voice was as low as a whisper and you didn’t hear him fully. “What did you just say? I didn’t hear you,” you expected him to repeat himself, but he stormed out and left you confused and angry. He didn’t come back that day, leaving you alone in the room with no food and no way to contact him because he left his phone here. You felt awful, but you didn’t say anything wrong. You were an adult and did not owe him any explanation about having any kind of relationship, sexual or not, with anyone of your choosing. That why it bothered you that you felt so awful. It was like your stomach was constantly turning, and you were pacing the room back and forth. You spent fifteen minutes crying before falling asleep for a little bit, dreaming of confessing to Ten in Paris and making love. ————————————————————— Ten was so mad he couldn’t think straight. He knew it wasn’t right, he never made it clear that he loved you, and he had slept with plenty of people himself. He tried to calm down by running again, but it wasn’t working. He needed to get away from the hotel, away from you just for a while, so that he wouldn’t storm into to the room and ruin the trip by telling you he wanted you to be his and never think of another man like that again. He rented a cheap room down the street at a ratty motel with questionable taste in decor, giving himself the time and space he needed to think. You also had time to think after waking up from your sad nap, that was what you called naps when you cried yourself to sleep. You decided that when he came back you were going to make it abundantly clear that you loved him, not just as a friend, and if that ruined the vacation then so be it. You would go find another hotel to cry in for the next month, or maybe just go home. It wasn’t worth it for you to keep pushing your feelings aside, and who knows, maybe he would feel the same. You snickered at your naive thought that things like this work out. All feelings aside, you were worried because your friend still hadn’t come back to the hotel and it was nearing one a.m., Ten could take care of himself but you didn’t feel so safe without him. Being alone in a king size bed in a big room in Paris did nothing for your anxiety, and you felt bad when you locked the door from the inside for fear of Ten not being able to get back in. So there you sat, knees up to your chest in a king size bed with silky light blue sheets in a hotel in Paris, without the man you loved. Ten was also having troubles of his own. He was struggling to come to the right frame of mind to go back. He knew you needed a friend right now but his erratic heart beat and constant thoughts of you loving him back were nagging at him, telling him to just tell you and possibly ruin the friendship just for his own stupid feelings. After a night of tossing and turning and very little sleep, he checked out and walked down the street back to your hotel, greeting the door attendant with a small nod. He opted for the stairs in comparison to the devastating silence of the elevator where he might chicken out and decide to just kiss you the second he saw you. He knew you needed a friend to gas you up, not someone who was gonna be possessive and keep you to himself. Once he came to the seventh floor he was breathless, he sounded like he had just completed a marathon. Sirens were going off in his mind, telling him to man up and take you for his own. He ignored every single one of them and took his key to the door, sliding the card and waiting for the little beep to confirm it was unlocked. On the other side of the door you were sat in the middle of the bed biting your nails down to nubs. Your legs were crossed and your brows deeply furrowed, worried that Ten had maybe left you here in favor of company at another hotel. You shook your head, pushing the thought away. You heard a small clock and turned your head to the door, seeing it crack open and his head poked through. “I’m so sorry Y/N, I don’t know what got into me I never should have-“ Ten started as he walked through the door, but you didn’t pay attention, because you darted off the bed nearly breaking your leg. You tossed your arms around his neck and he stood there shocked. “Ten, look me in the eye,” You looked up at him with your eyes wide, determined but terrified, “if you ever fucking leave me like that again I’ll hunt you down and punch you in the gut.” You didn’t have it in you to tell him like you thought you did, so you just kissed him. You kissed him hard, and all the while he just stood there motionless. Ten’s mind was racing, eyes wide, and hands clenched tight. He wasn’t sure what was going on, he was still trying to process the threat of a gut punch. The second you pulled away he used his now free lips to exclaim, “What the fuck!” “You don’t love me like that, I know,” you sighed, feeling like an absolute fool, “but I just had to tell you. It’s been like this for so long, I don’t even know how long I’ve loved you.” Ten was trying to process the kiss, still a few seconds behind you, but when he heard you say it he suddenly understood. He was wrong, you loved him, you actually loved him. He felt his heart explode. “No, Y/N, no no no you’re so wrong,” he took your hands in his, “Jesus fucking Christ I can’t believe this, I’ve loved you for ten years.” Your eyes were stinging with the threat of tears, throat tight and lip wobbling. “Don’t cry baby, please?” Ten took you in his arms and carried your shaking body to the bed. He set you down gently, taking his place beside you and pulling you close to his chest. “But I thought you were gonna hate me and go home without me,” you sobbed in relief. Ten wiped the tears off your cheeks and smiled. “I would never do that to you, I’m still your best friend, I have a contractual obligation to keep you safe even when we’re aren’t on good terms.” He winked at you in his usual joking way, making your worries melt away. “You really love me?” Your eyes started to glint with excitement, “like as more than your best friend?” “Yes, since you helped me after Jennie,” Ten looked you directly in the eye, “even then I think I loved you before that.” Your heart was pounding, stomach full of butterflies as you looked at the man you had loved for most of your lifetime, the man who kept you up countless nights with thoughts of kisses leading to more. “Kiss me,” you said, just above a whisper. Ten smirked as he brought his hand up to your neck, “You sure?” He drawled. “Mhm.” You closed your eyes slowly, and then there it was, you felt his lips slotting against yours in a slow rhythm. He was gentle but his hand was firm on the side of your neck, signaling you to let him control the kiss. Your legs slowly intertwined and you hands started to roam his chest and abdomen, finding places that elicited goosebumps when you caressed him just right. You felt heat pooling in between your legs, a throbbing beginning to present itself. You knew all too well the feeling meant you had two options, a cold shower, or alone time to pleasure yourself. This time though, this time you might not have to pleasure yourself. Maybe Ten would take care of you. The thought had your mind going haywire, the possibilities seemed endless in that moment. “Babe,” Ten pulled away, breathless and disheveled, “we don’t have to, we should wait until we know exactly what’s going on.” You whimpered quietly, “What is there to know, we’re two adults who have loved each other for years. Do you not want to date me?” “Of course I do princess, I just want to make sure you want this. You don’t have to do this for me.” “Oh my god,” you got fed up with his kindness, the stickiness between your legs becoming ever more prominent. You rolled on top of him, caging his head in between your arms, “shut up. Just fuck me.” You dipped your head down to his neck and nibbled on the bare skin, something you had dreamt of doing for so long. “Excuse me,” Ten took a fistful of your hair in his hand and jerked your head upwards, “but I was just trying to be nice. You’re gonna talk to me like that?” The look in his eyes changed, it was dark and mean, no mercy anywhere in his gaze. “What are you gonna do about it?” You tested his limits, seeing if he was just acting or if he was really going to dominate you. “First rule of dating me,” he growled into your ear, “you’re obedient, and you take what I give you.” You rolled your hips onto his thigh, defiance glowing from your eyes. “No, I don’t wanna. I want to be fucked and I want it now.” Ten’s hands left your hair in favor of your hips, lifting you off him and throwing you down on your stomach. He took your hands behind your back and held them with one hand while he brushed you hair to the side exposing your neck to the warm air. “Guess I’ll just have to teach you then, won’t I,” his breath splayed across the crook of your neck, and you felt excited, he wasn’t acting, he was truly being dominant. That was a major switch from what you heard, he was usually pretty submissive with anyone else. “Once you let go of me I’m going to make you fuck me,” you let out your threat through clenched teeth, barely able to wait to see what he would do next. You didn’t get a response from him, he just parted your legs roughly and shoved his knee between them. He propped you up just a but so your head was on the bed and your ass was in the air, his thigh pressing up against your heat. “Since you wanted to grind on me so badly earlier, grind.” He didn’t need to tell you for you to take action, rolling your hips, begging for friction. His thigh flexed, and a jolt of electricity spread throughout your body. You remembered you wanted to push him to the edge, and forced yourself to stop, your clit begging you to begin again. Ten didn’t take this well, he grabbed your hips and flipped your position so you were back on top of him, his thigh underneath you now. He kept his hands on your hips, dragging you back and forth against your own will. You started to melt under the pressure that was building. You tried to keep the mewls of pleasure from escaping your lips, pressing them together and furrowing your brows. “Moan for me princess, it’s okay if you feel good,” his eyes were searching yours for any semblance of defiance, but you were feeling too much to pretend you didn’t want this. You let your mouth fall open and the moan escaped without your permission. You wanted to care, but all that mattered right now was that Ten’s thigh was gonna make you cum. It was embarrassing that you felt so good from just his thigh, you wanted more but he was relentless, pushing you towards your orgasm. “Are you gonna cum?” He asked. You nodded, unable to form coherent words. Then he stopped, stilling you suddenly holding you in a vice like grip. “But,” you protested, you wanted so badly to release the tension in your stomach. You wanted to feel the rush of white hot pleasure taking over your entire body, melting you into a puddle of who you once were. “Lay down with your head off the edge of the bed,” Ten pushed you off him and jumped off the bed, unbuckling his belt and stepping out of his trousers. “No,” you teased, “you didn’t let me cum, I’m not gonna be good for you.” Ten took your face in one hand and told you that if you didn’t do as he said he would walk out right now. You wanted to dare him, push his limits, but something in you told you he wasn’t kidding and you needed him more than you cared to admit. You were thinking about him nipping at your stomach, knuckle deep in your folds and pushing you over the edge. You laid on your back and let your head dangle off the edge of the bed. “Open your mouth,” you did as he asked, obediently opening your mouth. As you looked at him, you saw his cock jump out from under his briefs. You looked on in disbelief, wondering how you were gonna fit it in your mouth, feeling a little fear. Ten must have sensed it, because he suddenly turned gentle. “It’s okay, the position makes it easier,” he placed kisses on your temples before slowly shoving his cock in your mouth. It was hard to breath at first, but you understood after a few seconds that you had to breath through your nose. You liked the little grunts he made when you sucked your cheeks in, and tried to keep it up. He started to be more rough, jamming himself down your throat, and you couldn’t help but be immediately turned on. You felt so happy to know you were making him moan, and the strings of saliva dripping from the corners of your mouth were oddly enticing. You felt like a toy, like he was using you and it felt amazing. “Do you like this princess? You’re going cross eyed,” he grunted in short syllables, his voice shaky. You were turning him into a mess, and you loved it. You hummed in response, forcing him to pull out before he came down your throat. “Why did you stop?” You whined, “I wanna make you cum.” Your eyes were blown out and glassy, looking close to the perfect image of utter bliss. “It’s not about me princess, crawl up the bed and I’ll show you how good I can make you feel,” his gaze was softening just slightly, making you more compliant. You wanted him to kiss you everywhere, leaving hickies in places only you could find them. “We have to get you out of this,” he pushed the dress you were wearing up your body, “it looks beautiful but it’ll just get in the way.” When his hands grazed your sides you felt goosebumps rise all over, hardening your nipples to a peak. He tugged the dress over your head and took a moment to revel in your beauty, in disbelief that this was actually happening. You felt yourself blush and covered your breasts with your arms. “Don’t cover yourself, let me see you in full view. I’ve imagined this so many times, but it was never this beautiful,” Ten was transfixed, hypnotized. He wanted to cover every inch of your exposed skin in kisses, and that’s exactly what he did. He started randomly peppering small, slow kisses all over, you stomach, your chest, the hem of your now drenched panties. You were on cloud nine, somehow even higher than before. Your legs were trembling with need under Ten’s waist, and you could feel yourself dripping now. “Please,” you moaned, “please touch me, make me cum.” It almost sounded like you were crying, and you felt like it. You were so high you just wanted to go even higher, mind a complete haze. Ten looked up to you from his position and took in the view. You were a sight to behold, looking utterly fucked out and he had still barely touched you. You were putty in his hands now, begging him for your release. “Well, since you said please,” he smirked at you as he hooked his fingers into your panties and tugged them down, “I’ll let you cum, just once though.” You smiled, happy because of the man between your legs, and his ability to control how you were feeling. Her took a moment to marvel at your soaked core before lightly kissing your inner thighs, covering every inch of ground before turning his attention to the main attraction. He used his lithe fingers to prod at your opening and almost slipped in because of how slick you were. “Fuck princess, you’re so wet for me,” he licked his lips hungrily, “have you imagined this before?” Ten looks up to your to see if you answer, and is in love with the sight. A blush is creeping up your neck and you have your bottom lip between your teeth, brows furrowed and playing with your nipples. “Yes, I have, so please,” You whimper pathetically, “please please please.” “I can’t say no to that face,” Ten puts his fingers to work, inserting one into you painfully slowly. You wiggle your hips to indicate you want more. “Slowly babygirl, I want to enjoy seeing you like this,” he kissed your thighs again before adding another digit and stretching you just slightly. He started to curl his fingers upward, massaging a certain spot that had your back arching off the bed. “Oh my fuck, yes!” You cried out loudly, mouth hanging wide open and your eyelids hung half closed. Your vision went blurry and Ten picked up the pace, pushing into harder and faster. You felt the white hot flash, followed by the warmth that spread throughout your body, your orgasm exploding from your stomach. Colors flashed on your eyelids as you rode it out, Ten deliciously slowing down and drawing his fingers out of you. “Good girl, you look so pretty when you cum,” he placed his fingers at your lips, expecting you to take them in your mouth. You did as he wanted and was surprised to find how sweet you tasted, it was like honey, utterly intoxicating. He lowered himself down again to lap up your juices directly from your folds. He hummed in pleasure, “So good babygirl, so fucking sweet.” “Can you make me cum again,” you batted you eyelashes innocently, “pretty please?” You were embarrassed to ask but it was so good, you could get addicted to it. “Are you still on birth control princess?” Ten scaled you body up back to your lips, slowly kissing you while you nodded. You loved the taste of you on him and the way they mixed to create something new and even more intoxicating. “Can I fuck you properly this time?” His voice was barely a whisper at the base of your neck, kissing your collarbones. You nodded again, smile spreading across your face. Your entire body felt so light, like you were floating, but you came back down as soon as Ten started to push into your folds. The stretch was delicious, and he slipped right in, all the way to the hilt. His breathing was shaky as your walls clenched around him. “Mm babygirl,” he hummed, “you feel even better than I imagined, so tight.” His voice had gotten an octave deeper, threatening to make your heart beat even faster which might send you into cardiac arrest. His thrusts were slow at first, going deeper than you though possible, making you back arch off the bed again, hitting that special spot over and over again. You couldn’t comprehend how good you felt, it was like you weren’t even a human anymore. You felt like you had ascended to another plane of existence. Your attempt to form simple phrases failed epically, making you babble incoherently about how good he was fucking you. Ten had been holding back but seeing you moaning so wontonly beneath him made him finally lose it. He rolled his hips, slamming against you so fast it was a blur. The lewd sound of skin slapping filled the room, and you reveled in it. You were sure this was a dream, nothing on the planet could feel to good. “Ah, fuck!” Ten choked out as he stilled suddenly. You felt the knot in your stomach come lose again, the pleasure washing over you like a wave. You both collapsed in a sweaty heap, unable to tell where one ended and the other began, chests heaving and hearts racing. The release of after sex hormones pushing you to snuggle into him once he rolled off you, but he hopped out of bed a padded to the bathroom, coming out with a towel to clean you up. You felt so loved in that moment when he wiped you clean, he smiled softly after you were both clean. When ten climbed back to bed he immediately pulled you to him, pressing your bodies together as sleep pulled over you both. ————————————————————— When you both woke up you were still entangled, feeling like a single being rather than two separate entities. “Good morning Y/N,” Ten smiled at you sweetly, his voice raspy. “Good morning Ten, I love you,” you nuzzled into his chest, finally able to say what you wanted to for so many years. “I love you too, more than anything on this planet.” You felt your heart flutter and laid there in utter bliss and a little disbelief. All you ever had to do was tell him and he would’ve been yours. You just had to use your words, that simple. “I wish we could stay like this forever, but I’m starving,” You pouted, slowly pulling away. Ten pulled you back to him, quiet for a moment, before sighing. “Let’s do it,” He stated matter of factly. “What?” You knitted your brows together in confusion. He smiled at you and stated, like it was the most natural thing in the world, “Let’s stay here like this forever, you and me, in Paris. We can get a flat, and you can focus on your art. I’ll find a job here and we can live here happily ever after.” You knew you should’ve been appalled, but you found yourself nodding, tears pricking at your eyes. “Let’s do it.”
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Felix Month #3 Boredom
Alright, this one doesn’t directly go with the theme but here you go so yeah.Forgot to put this @felixmonth
Today was just another boring day for Felix. Felix was tall around 6’1 in height, with pale blond combed-back hair, light greenish-gray eyes. Like usual he got up around 6 am and got changed into a light gray long-sleeved dress shirt underneath a gray vest, a black tie, dark gray dress pants, and black dress shoes before he headed down to eat. And like usual it would only be him eating for his parents are out on business trips separately and out of the country. Felix had a busy schedule today as he had no school but had Ballet practice, piano practice, and would later be going on an outing with his friends Allegra, Allan, Claude, and Nyx. (Nyx, if you haven’t noticed, is my OC)
That was his routine for most of his life. It was even more boring before he met the other four. Together they call themselves the quantic kids.
Felix heads out and started making his way to his ballet practice where he would meet Allegra, a caramel skinned girl with blonde hair that she wore in a single braid except for her bangs, she has blue eyes, a slim figure, is around 5’7 and with heels around 5’9 in height, she plays many instruments, and has many recitals because of it, and Nyx, also had caramel skin, but with jet black hair that she would dye all constantly usually blue or purple with this time being blue, she had dark brown eyes, a bit of pudge but not too noticeable, is around 5’4 and with heels or wedges 5’6 of height, and she aspires to become a singer and dancer.
On his way through he stopped by the famous bakery Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. He went inside and ordered a caramel latte and two oatmeal cookies and 3 chocolate cookies. And with that, he started making his way to ballet. He arrived early like usual and like usual Allegra and Nyx were already there. Allegra was wearing a black long sleeve formal shirt with a gray blazer and black formal jeans with black heeled shoes. Nyx, on the other hand, was wearing a black tank top with the skull printed on it, her crop top leather jacket, dark blue jeans, and her black knee-length wedged boots.
“Hey, Felix whatcha got there?” Allegra asked knowing full well what he got.
“You know what I have Allegra” Felix responded, “I get it every day for us”
“Yeah yeah whatever give me my cookies and my coffee I’m hungry” Nyx responded with a snap. See Nyx wasn’t a friendly person in the mornings unless she is fed. But after she has had those things she was a joy to be around. Meaning she’ll do a 180 but not change too much.
“Then maybe eat a home Nyx so you don’t have to wait for me to bring it to you,” Felix said handing over the latte and 3 chocolate cookies to her and the 2 oatmeal cookies to Allegra.
“Hissssssss” was all Nyx responded with as she took her food and started eating instantly relaxing after a sip of her latte. They then waited in silence as more and more students started appearing only to wait for there teacher. They quickly changed into their ballet practice clothing.
By the time the class started, it was around 7:30 am, Nyx had mellowed out and went to find her partner as today was dancing with your partner. Felix was lucky he was partnered with Allegra as he knew her or otherwise he would have demanded a change. The day continued to go on as normal when the class ended since it laster for 3 hours and 30 min only.
Felix had his piano lesson right after that started at 11 am and the other two also had plans in the same studio as him so they made their way that way. They had changed back to their attires and were walking to the music studios.
When they got there they went their separate ways and into their respected rooms. They each had private lessons so they could focus more on their task on hand. Today Felix would be practicing a new song he picked out. It was Claude Debussy’s clair de lune since he thought it was beautiful.
That lasted for 2 hours and by then he almost mastered the song entirely. After the lesson, he was going to join his friends when an Akuma had decided to attack. The Akuma, it would seem, was a music student who had been bullied by another student and was calling himself the composer. His power seems to be that he can give an instrument to anyone out of nowhere but that person wouldn’t be able to stop playing their instrument.
Then Ladybug and Chat Noir showed up and took about an hour to vanquish the Akuma because Chat Noir wouldn’t stop flirting with Ladybug. Honestly, does Chat Noir ever stop and focus?
After the Akuma was taken care of it was already 2 pm and he is meant to meet his friends at the new cafe that opened up not too far from where he was so he started making his way there. Allegra and Nyx were already waiting there probably escaping the Akuma before it attacked. They sat down in a booth that would contain all 5 of them. They quickly each ordered something along with ordering something for the two missing friends. So now they were waiting inside for Claude and Allan.
They didn’t have to wait long since Claude came in not long after with Allan following him. Claude had tan skin, brown hair, blue eyes, around 6’0 in height, he was the exited type with a lot of energy which is why he was part of the soccer team. Today he was wearing a v-neck white and blue striped t-shirt that is solid white on the top and solid blue on the bottom, with a blue shirt underneath, dark blue jeans, and comfortable shoes. Allan was a dark-skinned boy, dark brown hair, golden brown eyes, around 5’9 in height, he was the more chill and relaxed one, and he was also interested in music so he would compose some from time to time. Today he wore a green flat cap with a white horizontal stripe towards the top and a white bill, a green jacket that had a white collar and dark gray pants, yellow-orange headphones around his neck and black shoes.
“Did you guys see the fight?” Claude asked sitting down at their booth. By then their orders have arrived and given to their respective people. “ thanks for the food”
“Thank Felix since he’s paying for everything” Nyx responded, “And of course we saw the fight and I have strong opinions on the way Chat Noir’s behavior”
“You mean how he was acting unprofessional and was basically ignoring the task on hand” Felix inputted, “And what do you mean I’m paying for everything?”
“Don’t worry I’ll pay you back for all of us but you did say last time that if an Akuma attacked in the next outing you would pay and an Akuma did attack so bam you payin,” Nyx answered, “And yes on the Chat Noir thing”
“He does seem more desperate on trying to get Ladybugs affection” Allan inputted
“And when he doesn’t get his way he seems to act like an um…” Allegra started saying.
“Bratty Brat who cries mama as if someone took his toy away” Nyx finished for her
“Exactly, Thank you Nyx” Allegra nodded her way
“Do you think we’ll keep this Chat Noir?” Claude asked, mostly to Nyx.
At that, everyone looked at Nyx. Nyx looked back at all of them. She then sighed and answered. “Ok I need you to stop staring at me because I told you I never carry my tarot cards unless told to, not to mention I have not gotten any visions, and the balance is still doing ok”
“Will you tell us otherwise?” Allan asked
“You know I will” Nyx answered, “Now then let’s move on how was everyone’s day?”
And with that their day continued and they stayed at the cafe for a while before each started heading back to their houses. Felix arrived back to his empty cold house and went back to his room to go to sleep since it was around 9 pm. So Felix changed back into his PJ’s and settled into bed. For you see it is another boring regular day.
While Felix rested in another part of Paris Chat Noir and Ladybug were having a fight about Chat Noir not focusing on the Akuma that day.
#felix month 2019#felixmonth#felix month#felix ml#marinette dupain cheng#day 3#allegra#claude#allan#oc
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All That Glitters: Chloé Appreciation Week’s “Golden” Prompt!
Hi, everyone! As you’ve most likely picked up, I’m AspergerBloodthirst, and this is my first submission for Chloé Appreciation Week (I call it CAW)!
The first prompt I needed to do was entitled “Golden.” After some thought, I remembered the lyric “All that glitters is gold, and only shooting stars break the mold.”
The fingers started tapping from there. This fic is Chlonette, and if you don’t like that (or Chloé, or non-hetero ships whatsoever), you don’t have to read it!
Chloé was 7 and three-fourths years old when she first saw Shrek 1. She had known Adrien for 3-4 years at this point, but the two of them had just been best friends to her at that point. She had been generally uninterested in the movie, to be honest - she was younger and not vain (just spoiled), and these factors led to her not truly understanding why anyone would give up their title and looks for love. But Adrien seemed to love it, and that made her happy. It was that day when she realized she’d fallen for him.
She rewatched Shrek 1 a few days later (she also bought the rest of the movies and was preparing for the soon-to-be-released Shrek 4) so she’d be able to hold conversation with him about it.
She had been planning to surprise him on his next birthday, but it was not to be; Emilie passed away a few days before, so Adrien’s birthday was spent mourning Emilie.
Chloé was 9 and one-half years old when she first met Sabrina. Sabrina and her were only friends then, though Chloé would look back as an adult and occasionally cry about it; Marinette always knew how to comfort her. Things got hairy one time when she heard Sabrina jamming out to All Star and started a fight, but they fixed things quickly. The fact that Sabrina gave up what she liked for Chloé would “earn” her the grand title of Best Friend.
Chloé was 14 and one fourth years old when Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared on the scene. The Bourgeois heiress was in awe of the spotted superheroine, dodging Stoneheart’s attacks like she’d been training exactly for Ivan becoming a weird rock monster her whole life.
Oh, and Chat Noir was good too, she supposed.
She didn’t know it at the time, but she fell in love with Ladybug too. She was in love with Adrien, she thought to herself if her mind ever brought it up.
All that glittered seemed to be gold, and life seemed to be a cool place. Of course, it only got colder.
Chloé was 16 and five-sixths years old, and also in danger of being sent to an orphanage or something like that when she realized her mistakes; at last she figured out that she’d been a massive brat and dangerous to her beloved city. André had finally been busted; he was arrested for robbing folks’ bank accounts blind (among other things), and while Chloé was declared innocent of everything but leading near half of the akumatized victims to the trauma being supervillains gave them, she felt incredibly bad (it wasn’t just because she had nowhere to go). She could have done something if she’d known; the depressive thoughts opened her mind to the truth of her actions. She would have nowhere to go, and so she decided to fix her behavior.
She started with Sabrina, and then the rest of her classmates and teachers followed suit. Not all of them were trusting, but few if any of those people didn’t even give her a chance. Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien were the last ones - she’d forgotten about both of them somehow. She and Dupain-Cheng (stop referring to her as that, she noted to herself) had found a very uneasy truce when Adrien started dating them. She got over that very quickly - as it turned out, they decided to call it off rather quickly, yet they stayed great friends. They probably stopped because of Gabriel saying no, she snarked to herself. One sincere apology to both of them later in which she achieved both of their forgiveness (we’ve been waiting to hear it for far too long, the two said), B.C. had finally reached closure (it stood for Bratty Chloé, and it was the nickname for the past version of herself - it was also a clever quip that made Adrien proud of her).
They celebrated by watching the all 4 Shrek movies - something Chloé had wanted to do for a very long time.
Chloé was 21 and one-sixth years old when she started dating Marinette. The formed rivals had bonded over Adrien, fashion, and other things post-graduation; Tom and Sabine had legally adopted Chloé, given the fact she had nowhere else to go but the foster care system; henceforth, the two former contenders for Adrien’s affections seeing each other and eventually falling in love. After their first date of staying home and watching all the Shrek movies without inviting Adrien (they felt bad later and confessed to him. He forgave them, of course), they started saving for university. Chloé got into an impressive business school, while Marinette made the fashion school of her dreams. While they were in a long-distance relationship, the two did their best to make sure they chatted at least once a week. In fact, Chloé was planning to propose to her when they got back to each other.
When the day came, it turned out that Marinette had a giant (albeit superheroine-themed) surprise for her too. Of course, both agreed to keep these new revelations secret for as long as they needed to. Needless to say, everyone had been very pleased.
It was one month after Chloé’s 26th birthday that she married Ladybug. Sometimes she still couldn’t believe Paris’ savior (and former love rival when a civilian) wanted her for a bride. It was a grand affair - Gabriel (who had lightened up after beginning his relationship with Nathalie, who also helped him to see the immense pain he’d left his own son with) had helped a lot, even agreeing to not only make a dress for the both her and Marinette, (who was his new star designer and possible heir), but he’d walk the blonde down the aisle to her raven-haired bride too (did you really think André was able at the moment?). After all, the Bourgeois and Agreste families were close; not to mention that (alongside Ms. Bustier and their entire class), Chloé & Marinette had made sure that Adrien had a lot of people in his corner when his own father had not been. Heck, even Hawkmoth ended up being merciful during the time of the wedding - he hadn’t made akumas since a few days before their announcement, and it was coming close to a year without akumas. Marinette and Adrien, still amazingly close friends (Chloé had figured out Adrien was Chat Noir before the duo’s first anniversary, so she was surprised she hadn’t figured out Marinette sooner) were half-joking and half-seriously worried that Hawkmoth had figured out Marinette’s identity and was going to swarm the place any second, maybe take Chloé hostage. Chloé’s new hair comb, however, would have perplexed the purple perpetrator, most likely allowing the now-quartet of heroes to finally take him down.
But things never end the way we expect them to, do they?
Chloé was 29 years old when Hawkmoth finally yielded. His moth-made head told the crowd of Parisians led by Mayor Raincomprix (Chloé was still incredibly proud of Sabrina for that) he was giving this speech and then handing over his Miraculous to his two enemies. He did not state why he was going to do this, nor did he explain how he could do this, but in the end, he’d profoundly and professionally apologized for the horrors he had unleashed upon Paris, swept up his un-evilized moths and packed up shop. That was the last the public saw of Hawkmoth for a long time.
Chloé, Adrien, and Marinette were incredibly sure knew it was Gabriel after that, so after transforming, they stormed the mansion with Rena, cornered the fashion mogul, got the details. Ultimately, he was forgiven, so long as he didn’t try anything else (then again, he was not able to - he renounced the Peacock and Moth Miraculi). She’d been Queen Bee for less then two years, and now it ended. She was fine about it, though - she and Rena Rouge only showed up sometimes anyway. The reveal between the four was not particularly interesting to Chloé - she knew all of them except for Rena. Marinette had willingly told her on their engagement day, and Adrien was Chloé Bourgeois-Dupain-Cheng’s best friend! It made sense that Alya was Rena Rouge, Chloé would laugh while reflecting upon her time before and with the hair comb. One trip to Master Fu later, and all Miraculi were safe and where they needed to be when unnecessary. Chloé would miss Pollen, that said, but she hadn’t known her for long enough to have the bond with the bee kwami that Marinette and Adrien had with… Tinky and Lagg, was it? It wasn’t important now - that was the last the public would hear of Ladybug, Chat Noir, Queen Bee and Rena Rouge (really, Miraculous things in general) for a long time.
Chloé was a girl who’d had the best and worst the world had to offer. While it was true that the years had not stopped coming, Chloé just had to remember her loved ones, and then she would be a Believer of their opinion: She was an All Star, and this was the way she liked it (and she never got bored).
#Chloé Appreciation Week#We Are Miraculous#chloe bourgeois#chloe x marinette#chlonette#shrek#all star shrek#shrek puns#IT'S OGRE NOW
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Tagged by @meliciousintent
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
My bag is a backpack so the common things are my textbooks for school.
Notebooks, of course. I try to keep one for each subject.
Pens and pencils. Even when I’m not in school, I have writing implements galore. You never know if you have to loan one, jot something down, or utilize it as a weapon. The potential emergencies are countless. :P
Post-it note and tab booklet that I got for free from my college. They hand them out for free at the beginning of fall quarter. Currently, the first post-it is a doodle that drew of Solas. I shared it on here ages ago. Shows how much I use post-it notes. XD
My wallet. It contains my debit card (with a perpetual 49 cent (US) balance), library card, state ID, Student ID, and almost every single receipt from the last year and a half. My regular bag/purse is pretty much the same except there are not any textbooks or notebooks. I have a boring life.
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
A really cool tree picture, drawn in pastel, made by my best friend for an art project. The tree looked so cool and I loved the colors that I begged her to let me have it once she was done with it for school. It adds a pop of color to my very gray room.
A ribbon that holds my button pin collection. I love button pins and I started a collection. A majority of them are from college events, but I hope to score more from other places.
A hurricane lamp made out of recycled vintage tins. I bought matching ones for my best friend and myself. She has a tall one and mine is short. Also a colorful edition to my room.
TV and my Xbox One, where I play games like The Witcher III, DA:I, and Skyrim. I prefer PC, but my laptop is a very basic machine for school, but I hope to get a decent rig so I can play my favorite games.
A really pretty blue and white quilt. I was once homeless and I remember there was this lady who would make regular visits to the park I would frequent and sew her quilts (she liked to do some parts by hand). I really loved the colors of the one she was working on and I told her so. I didn’t see her the next day, but the day after that she handed me the finished quilt and told me she hoped that it would keep me warm, and when I wrap it around me that I would feel the love she put into making it. She was Wiccan and she often blessed her work as she made them. Protection, warmth, and love were what she put in and I have an awesome sense of that when I sleep with it. It was the best thing someone outside of my friends and family ever gave me.
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life:
Travel somewhere that is outside of the US, preferably off the continent. I have always wanted to visit Europe. When I was young, I wanted to visit the famous major cities like Paris and Rome. Now I am aware that cities have too many people and I’m not a fan of that, so I would love to visit the rural villages and towns.
Swim with dolphins. Preferably in the open sea and not captivity. I know that’s not a likely thing, but a girl can dream.
Adopt a panda. When I was about 4 or 5, my grandparents took me to a county fair and one of the booths had a video about how the habitats of pandas were being destroyed, and how they were dying out. I was so upset and when I learned that you could adopt a panda, I begged my grandfather to do it. My grandfather was a very doting one and had a hard time saying “no” to me or my brother (he did sometimes, but it was very difficult for him). He spoke to a lady at the booth and brought out his checkbook and filled it out. After all was done, he was given a certificate and other paper work, everything but a panda. I was inconsolable upon learning you don’t actually physically adopt pandas. It wasn’t until my grandma handed me a stuffed panda that we got as a thank you gift that I became content. I was a fickle 5 year old. To this day, though, I am still pissed that I didn’t get my panda.
Attend a convention. I have never been to one. My guy friend invited me to one. He wanted me to wear a retro Star Trek costume and help him sell his homemade action figures. Sadly it was on my nephew’s 2nd B-day party and his mom would have never forgiven me if I skipped it. So I had to turn him down. :(
Be the first member in my entire family, both sides, to graduate college. Which I will do next month!
5 things that make me happy:
My nephew, who is the most awesome 5 year old ever. My 17-yr-old niece too, when she’s not being a bratty teenager, I love her to death though.
My field trip that I’m going on tomorrow. We get to visit Mt. Saint Helens and I’m excited.
Roadtrips in general. Every male in my family have been long-haul truck drivers, and I think that contributes to my wanderlust.
My grandparents. Sadly my grandfather (the one who adopted a panda for me) passed on two years ago, but I have my grandma still. I got to visit her last summer and I don’t remember ever being so happy or my former self. Memories of my grandfather are sometimes sad, but mostly happy because he was awesome and I miss him terribly.
Baby animals. I mean seriously, how can anyone look at a baby animal and not feel warm and fuzzy? Monsters, that’s the only way I can explain them.
5 things I’m currently into:
Dragon Age
Shameless (US version). I swear this could easily be my family.
Harlots (on Hulu). I am so into the drama of this show. I even like that the soundtrack is modern even though the series is set in the 1700′s. Reminds me of Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette.
Books by Juliet Marillier. I love how she writes her female characters. Strong but you still get a sense of their fragility. They are almost never portrayed as damsels in distress, but rather heroines in their own right. One saved her brothers from a curse. Another saves her lover from the fae world. She’s awesome and deserves to have more readers.
Knitting, though I never finish the things I start.
5 things on my to-do list:
Finish that final chapter of my fic, maybe even work on more sketches for Cassandra (my drabbles)
Actually start my homework assignment way before it’s due.
Clean my room. It is a disaster zone.
Mail my homemade mother’s day card to my grandma. It’s cheesy and kind of bad, but she’ll love it anyway.
Pack my lunch for an upcoming field trip.
5 things people may not know about me:
I was homeless for nearly three years. First year of that was spent living in a van with my dog. Second was spent in a women’s shelter, the third was a transitional shelter before I finally got back on my feet and was able to get my own place.
I can eat jello with chopsticks. It’s a fun party trick.
I am terrified of the sound of popping balloons. I have no idea why.
Not really uncommon knowledge and many do it, but I procrastinate a lot.
I have a weird and secret relationship with a friend of mine. We kind of get a thrill out of being the only ones who know. We don’t really have the same circle of friends, so it’s easier to maintain the illusion of not really being anything more.
#Not Dragon Age#I don't know who to tag#but feel free to participate anyway!#I am kind of boring#the only interesting fact about me is probably the fact I was homeless#that was an interesting experience#don't want to do it again though
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1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? More cereal than milk. Otherwise it gets soggy. I don’t really eat cereal anymore though now that I don’t consume dairy.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? No. I That’s why I love masks
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Mostly receipts
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? Tea is black unless it’s mint tea and then it needs sugar, or if I’m sick, and then I put honey in my tea
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Somewhat. My wisdom teeth pushed my bottom teeth all out of line.
6: do you keep plants? No. I kill them all
7: do you name your plants? I would if I kept plants
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? I like to draw
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yes
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Stomach or side
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? Our bratty cats
12: what’s your favorite planet? Venus is pretty cool. Neptune too!
13: what’s something that made you smile today? Going to the bookstore
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Lots of teaching supplies and cats everywhere
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! Mercury is shrinking!
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? I don’t have a particular favorite, I just like pasta with pesto
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I don’t want to dye my hair
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. The time I got my suitcase full of books pulled because on the scanners it looked like cocaine
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I don’t
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Blue
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I don’t get attached to bags
22: are you a morning person? NO
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Bookstore and French equivalent of Target’
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? My best friends
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? I’ve been in a mall after hours but I didn’t break in
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? I wear the same type of black boots but I’m constantly replacing them.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Mint
28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? Obsessing over their cats
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? Of course
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I love weird and fun socks. I wear socks to bed in winter but not any other time
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. I don’t think we’ve ever done anything at 3am
33: what’s your fave pastry? a Paris Brest. They’re gr9
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? I have a hedgehog named Hedgie. He’s next to me right now!
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I do, but I don’t really have much. I’m currently in a place that I’m going to have to leave and move back across the ocean in a few months. I can’t acquire too much stuff
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? I’m not hugely into bands
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? Clean. I get stressed if it isn’t clean
38: tell us about your pet peeves! Having to do dishes, not having my own space, and having to wake up early
39: what color do you wear the most? Blue
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? I have a gold bracelet from a play I was in where I played Albert Einstein’s girlfriend
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? I’ve read so many good things lately, but my last 5 star read was A Winter’s Promise by Christelle Dabos
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! Not particularly.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? I don’t remember
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? Yesterday while reading in the garden
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? I do. They’re usually correct
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. Need an ark? I Noah guy.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Cottage cheese. It’s gross.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Spiders. I’m still afraid of spiders, but I’m more afraid of stairs
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? It’s been a while
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Copies of Les Mis
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? I associate the Sailor Moon theme song with my friend Tina
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? I haven’t been paying attention to mainstream memes so far. I am however in a meme group for my job and it’s hilarious.
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? Everything but Beetlejuice, and I didn’t really like any of them. The Heathers musical is great though
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? One of my colleagues who was having a bad morning
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? Made myself sick on purpose
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Not being at all shyabout their interests
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? It makes me want to scream along and reenact the lyrics
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I’m the wine mom, given that I’m the oldest and the mom of the group. Vodka aunt would be a mix of my friends Tina and Carolyn
59: what’s your favorite myth? Achilles and Patroclus or anything having to do with Circe
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Sometimes. I like exotic things like passionfruit and mango juice
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? I have too many books to keep them super organized. They’re double-stacked on my shelves
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Dark blue
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? Allmy friends. With covid and being on another continent, it’s a little hard
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Itises and sunflowers
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? I like to spend them inside with tea, books, and candles
68: what’s winter like where you live? Mostly rainy. It doesn’t snow a lot in Normandy
69: what are your favorite board games? There’s a game that my mom and I like to play where you go on a road trip across the U.S.
70: have you ever used a ouija board? Yes, before I knew not to mess with those things
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? I love so many kinds
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?73: what are some of your worst habits? Being too hard on myself and peeling off my fingernails in strips
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. My friend have brown curly hair, glasses, and is amazing at piano and at alays knowing what to say
75: tell us about your pets! I have three cats, all girls. One is a torbie (bratty), the second is a dilute calico (stupid), and the last one is black (evil).
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? Lesson-planning for work. I’ll do it tomorrow.
77: pink or yellow lemonade? I don’t really care. I like raspberry lemonade though
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? I don’t hate them, but I won’tgo see the minion movies themselves. Despicable Me was great, and the second one was okay, but everything should have stopped after that.
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? Watched Les Mis with me in a language they didn’t understand
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?They’re green and blue and were that way when I moved in.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. Think a vat of Hershey’s chocolate swirling around and around and going into a hole in the center, a hole that seems empty but there is something there, something sparkling
82: are/were you good in school? I was an excellent student. I graduated college summa cum laude
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? I don’t really pay attention to album art
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? I have two and I’m thing about more, but I’m not sure what I want
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? Not really
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? I’m not really into them
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? The Princess Bride, Tangled, Legally Blonde, and Hunchback of Notre Dame
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Impressionism
89: are you close to your parents? Our relationship is lukewarm
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. Currently, pandemic-ridden
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? I’m planning to go home in May when my visa expires
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? I don’t eat cheese by itself, but I drown my pasta in pesto
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? Low bun
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? My best friend’s sister
95: what are your plans for this weekend? Lesson-planning and going to the bookstore
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I hate updating my computer
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INFJ, Leo, Ravenclaw
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? I don’t remember. I enjoy walks, but I’m not really into hiking
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. It depends on my mood
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years in the past, pre-pandemic
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Journal entries from a (Fashion) Princess
Journal entries from a (Fashion) Princess
Marinette always knew she had two sisters. She also knew her a dad was a bit of slut, so she probably had more.
Phillipe, that was, her birthfather. Not Tom.
She had an older sister name Mia, who was almost thirteen-years-older than her. And she had a little sister named Olivia, who was just two years younger, at just twelve-years-old.
Each of the three girls had a different mother; born in different cities or countries, and had grown up mostly without each other. Mia and Oliva had met over a year ago, and immediately Olivia’s life had changed. She didn’t know if either knew about her but she was happy to know she had sisters.
Something Marinette wasn’t sure she wanted or was even ready for.
Her Papa, Phillipe, made it clear that whatever happened would be Marinette’s choice. There was no pressure.
However, that turned out to all be for naught when King Phillipe of Genovia is doing a conference on his go-green plans. Marinette had just gotten ready to go a party, her best friends: Chloe, Aurore, and Kagami were taking her too. When she stopped to watch the televised coverage. Then someone asks him about his daughter.
To which King Phillipe laughs, “Which one; I have three!”
Dead silence from the reporters.
It was a slip. Marinette knew it was a slip. But unfortunately, one little slip would have massive fallout.
Then a brave reporter asks, “Did you just say three?”
And was when Marinette knew her life was over.
“Yes,” The king nodded, his face a bit red, knowing all his daughters were planning regicide for different reasons. “I have three daughters. Mia, Oliva, and Marinette. Marinette is fourteen. She is beautiful and has my blue eyes. She lives with her mother in France. And if she is watching this, she is not happy right now.”
There were nervous laughs.
Within an hour, her picture was on the news. Turns out, there weren’t many fourteen-year-olds with named Marinette. Why couldn’t her parents name her Sarah or something?
And then it was official…
Marinette Madaeline Mignonette Dupain-Cheng-Renaldo was a princess. And everyone knew it.
Her parents assured her that everything would be fine. Marinette didn’t think so, not with the way her phone was blowing up. Most calls and texts were from people who hadn’t been her friends in over a year.
Security showed up before the paparazzi could. Her Papa showed up not long after, followed by three irate look females.
The oldest was a grey-haired, severe woman, Marinette knew from picture to be her Grandmere. A queen and a renowned snob.
Mia, a pretty fair skinned woman with high cheek bones and a soft smile on her face when she looked at Marinette was the ideal of look of what celebrities everywhere deemed effortless high-fashion.
Olivia, a brown-skinned girl with a lovely heart-shaped face and the same cheekbones of her sister, had the most beautiful hair Marinette had ever seen. It was all soft curls that seemed wild and tamed all at once. She wore a deep purple sundress and a hopeful expression on her face.
They looked like true royalty. And Marinette…
Marinette had never been so glad she forgot to take off her party clothes. She wore a silver, lacy dress that touched her knees and gave her an elegant look. Her hair, longer than it had been in quite some time, was fell across her shoulders in waves and the top of her dark hair was braided into a crown with little blue forget-me-nots in it. She had on the make-up Chloe recommend, black stockings, and black tie-up sandals.
Marinette blushed lightly and glanced down. This was the wrong thing to do.”
“Princess keep their eyes up,” Queen Clarisse Renaldo immediately instructed. “They are not commoners. Look at me,” She ordered. Marinette did. “Straighten up your back. You have good posture but need more confidence. Pretty face, nicely done make-up, I assume you were leaving before the… incident.”
Marinette nodded, “Yes, grandmère.” She kept her chin raised. “I was invited to a… social event,” She adlibbed. “When I was made aware of the… development.”
Clarisse hummed, “Lovely dress; keen eye for fashion. Your older sister could’ve used your assistance when she was age. She dressed like a man and had the posture of a chimp. I will not even mention the catastrophe that had been her hair.”
Mia took a deep breath, forced a smile on her face, “I’m Mia. I am so happy to meet you, Marinette. It seems like every year I find out I have new sister,” She shot the last part at her father, who had the good sense to blush in embarrassment. “You look lovely. I hope your plans for evening were not too important.”
“Nothing that I cannot afford to miss,” Marinette said politely. “I have already sent my regards to the host.”
Clarisse eyed her newest granddaughter in approval, then cast a look of disdain at her son, “This one has manners and know proper etiquette. The first one didn’t have manners.” She tutted. “That is what happens when an artist raises a princess.”
Both Phillipe and Mia sighed.
“The first one is standing right here,” Mia sniped.
“So the third one,” Oliva jumped in, no longer able to wait properly for her introduction. “I am Olivia. I have another sister. You so pretty. Did you always live in Paris? Do you like it? Where did you get you dress? It’s gorgeous! May I hug you?”
“One question at a time,” Clarisse chastised her youngest, and not-so secretly favorite, grandchild.
Marinette laughed. “Yes, I was born in raised in Paris. I love it. I made the dress myself. Yes, you may hug me.”
That was all it took for Oliva to launch her at Marinette, “She smells like jasmine flowers” Oliva said excitedly. “And apples.”
“You design that dress?” Mia asked curiously looking her over. “It is quite beautiful.”
“Yes,” Queen Clarisse said. “It is.”
Sabine stepped forward, “Marinette has loved designing since she was a child. It’s passion of hers. Like having a normal life,” She growled at Phillipe, who took a hasty step back, wondering why he was so attracted to clearly dangerous women.
“Oh please, she’s never been normal,” Clarisse huffed. “She was born a princess. She will die a princess. She will the rest of her days as a princess. Now, onto important, matters when will Marinette be moving to Genovia?”
The fight that started between two over protective bakers over their daughter and a Dowager Queen, while a King was forced to mediate was legendary.
It got to the point where Mia decided it was best to remove the children from the area, before someone found out Queen Clarisse had a mean right hook. Escorted by security, Mia led her sisters through the flashing lights of the paparazzi, to the limo and then onto get ice cream.
The girls took their time as they slowly got to know each other better. The sisters laughed and joked. They learned about their lives before they knew they were princess. Mia and Oliva talked about life afterward.
“You still have to deal with mean girls?” Marinette asked exasperated.
“Bullies?” Olivia groaned. “I’ve had them all my life. I deal with a Luisa.”
“Lila,” Marinette rolled her eyes.
“Lana,” Mia added. “Girls with L names obviously just don’t like us.”
They laughed. As they road back home in the limo. They each told how they dealt with their own bulling before and after princesshood.
Mia befriended hers. Lana a ruthless bully at the start of high school became her best friend by the end it. While in the middle, her best friend Lily became her lead bully for a while until they worked things out. However before the peace, there was a lot of war. Marinette was honest as she relayed how she didn’t always handle it maturely.
Olivia had had turned Luisa into a frenemy of sorts. They both liked and disliked each other. Luisa had a mean since of humor and was very bratty but could be intelligent at times. It was hard but Olivia had admitted she’d been peer pressured into far too many things to prove herself.
Marinette quietly relayed how a Liar named Lila Rossi turned all her friends against her and left Marinette nearly friendless. How a boy named Adrien, left her to rot after promising to defend her. How her best friend Alya turned into a nasty, acid-spitting girl who had no problem ruining Marinette things or tripping her for her “bullying” Lila. Marinette said she just cut her losses. She found better friends who would remain loyal. How her once greatest bully Chloe, and her once rival in love, Kagami became her best friends. They, and Aurore helped her stop being everyone’s doormat, take time for herself, and start charging for commissions.
By the end of the trip, Marinette decided it felt really good to have sister. She didn’t know why Alya complained so much.
When Marinette got home, she learned that all her parents and her grandmother had come to an agreement. Marinette would finish out the school year, with a bodyguard, and spend the summer in Genovia. Then at the end of summer, Marinette would decide what she would like to do from there. No one looked happy about the arrangement.
Marinette knew there weren’t many weeks of school left. She wondered how long it would take for her to die of embarrassment from having to be escorted by a bodyguard. Was this how Adrien felt? Or was he just used to it. All in all, she was dreading Monday.
The weekend passed quicker than she would’ve liked. The paparazzi remained outside the bakery. Princess Marinette was all the news was talking about. Nadja had come over to beg for an exclusive only to be shown the door by Sabine. Marinette had only replied to her friend calls and texts; just to let them know she was alright and yes, she was in fact a princess. They’d talk on Monday.
On Monday morning, Ophelia, a beautiful blond woman with grey eyes and a sharp chin, and Rosette, a lovely brunette with large doe-eyes and brown skinned, Marinette’s bodyguards, drove her to school, walked her through the crowd of people gathered to see a real Princess, through the school, and to class. Both women were prior Genovian military black ops. One woman would guard the hall, while the other stayed close to Marinette in class.
Speaking of class, it was quiet when she entered. Most of the students were already there. Chloe and Kagami, her only friends in class, were the only ones she cared about. Chloe was to greet her.
“Dupain-Cheng!” Chloe barked. “I knew there was something off about you. A princess, you’ve could told me.”
“Dupain-Cheng-Renaldo,” Marinette corrected. “And no I couldn’t.”
“Princess Marinette,” Kagami greeted with a head bow. “My mother, while honored, was quite frazzled to learn a princess visited our home without proper preparation.”
Marinette winced. Kagami’s mom was intense to say the least. “Please call me Marinette, both of you.” She added to Chloe who realized she had made an error when greeting Marinette and had wide eyes. “This is my bodyguard, Ophelia,” She introduced the blond woman. “I have another, Rosette, outside the door. They will be with me for the rest of my education.”
Chloe shrugged as the girls took their seats. Ophelia claimed an empty chair and a spot behind Marinette.
“Do you have a tiara?” Chloe asked. “Does it sparkle?”
Marinette giggled. Yes, she did have tiara. It was the first thing her grandmere presented to her as a gift. “I do. And its shines like starlight.”
Chloe squealed, “I have one too, with blue diamonds.”
That didn’t surprise with of the other girls. They always knew Chloe thought of herself as a princess.
The three girls settled into pleasant conversation, ignoring the looks the other students were send them, as they waited for the bell to ring. This pleasantness of course was ruined when Alya and Lila walked into to class. Both immediately started drama.
Alya glared at Marinette, “How could you not tell me? A princess, for real? I thought we were friends!”
“Since when?” Marinette retorted. “You ended our friendship remember?”
Alya huffed, feeling a bit put out. She had hoped when she saw the news that Marinette would give her the exclusive because of their friendship. Then, she remembered that she wasn’t friends with the other girl anymore. Still, she remembered, Marinette was a forgiving person, she thought she could use that. “I’m still your best friend.”
“No, you’re not,” Marinette sighed. “Kagami, Chloe, and Aurore are my best friends. Aurore will be getting a personal interview from me.”
Then it was clear to everyone; forgiveness wasn’t coming. This caused Adrien to wince at his father had requested that he bring Marinette to visit and perhaps secure an endorsement deal. It was going to be hard to explain just why he couldn’t. Or why he sided with entire class and an obvious liar. Over an actual Marinette. But how was he supposed to know she was someone important, let alone a princess?
Lila smiled prettily, jealously flashing in her eyes, “Princess Marinette; keeping such a secret must have been horrible. I couldn’t have kept it that long.”
“You couldn’t have kept it a minute,” Chloe retorted.
Lila ignored the blond girl, “You know I have plenty of experience dealing with royalty. I could help you get used to it. My mother is an ambassador.”
This time it was Ophelia who answered, she glared at the girl, “I’ve done extensive background on everyone in this school. Your mother was only recently named an ambassador, before that she was the assistant of the last one. You, however, stayed with your aunt during while your mother left on any business travels. There is no evidence of interaction with anyone of note. I do not make mistakes.”
“And Lila,” Marinette hummed. “I was born a princess. I’ll die a princess. I will always be a princess. I don’t need you.”
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