#and think yeah. this is the happy album. just ''mall music'' here
misssagustd · 1 year
Unreleased (2)
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"Noona, I had concerts in three countries in Asia and you never went to one of them. I told you just email me and I'll send you the QR tickets." Yoongi would not let you off the hook for ditching his offer to watch one of his shows. He's now pulling the noona-dongsaeng card to get you to watch one of the Korea legs of his tour. "Come to the last day! The final final!" This got you confused as fuck. "The last final final?! Jesus Christ, Yoongi, get the name of your tour right." You can tell he was laughing silently by the short gasps of air he was taking. "The announced dates are just two - June 24 and 25. But the other three I'll announce on the 25th. Surprise!" You roll your eyes at his humor. "Noona, you said I'm your bias even if you dated Namjoon! Come on, I promise it will be worth the flight to Korea. Don't you miss us?! The maknaes do - more than Joon!" This concert means so much to your bestest friend in the world, so how can you say no? One of the things you feared you'd lose when you and Joon broke up was your friendship with Yoongi. After all, they've been literally together more than half their lives. Thankfully, Yoongi was the kind of person who can balance friendships no matter how complicated they seemed.
You left Korea a month after you broke up with Joon. Yoongi and the rest of the guys kept in touch, but they were careful not to mention Joon or any of his whereabouts. Yoongi did say that Joon had a complete signed set of his album, Indigo, ready for you, but they were now stuck in Genius Lab because Joon didn't know you'd left for good. "Get your albums when you come here. There's a vinyl, too. The white boxes look so out of place in my studio," he complained. "So when is the final final final?" you ask. "August 6! But stay longer after the concert. I don't have much time to go out between June and August. Hyung's getting married and I've other stuff planned. We miss you, stay with us a bit longer." Hearing Yoongi say that suddenly made you miss them all, too. "Hmmmkay. How about August 1 to 10? Or 12? Two weeks should be enough! I might not have a job waiting for me when I get back." Yoongi was so happy, you can imagine him happy-dancing all over his studio. "See you, noona!!! I'll get the team to send you the QR ticket for August 6. Wooohhhoooo!!!"
It's been three years. Everything felt familiar, yet also new. You were surprised you still knew how to navigate your way around Incheon's arrival area, and even more surprised that you can still carry a decent conversation in Korean with someone who's not Yoongi. Normally you would've just taken the shuttle bus or taxi to your hotel, but Yoongi sent a car for you, which was already waiting at the exit bay. You drive through familiar buildings, streets, malls, and restaurants. On the flight here you were expecting to be flooded by unpleasant memories, but they seemed distant and nonexistent as Korea's rush hour welcomed you back.
Your phone rings. It's Yoongi video-calling you from his studio. "Are you here already?" He asks as he lowers the volume of the music. He was obviously working on something. "Yeah, maybe 15 more minutes to the hotel." He looks at the clock on his desk. "Cool. Jimin's coming off from rehearsal in an hour. You up for dinner with us?" Honestly, you just wanted to sleep because your supposed to be early-morning flight from Manila was pushed back to the afternoon, but dinner sounds good, too. "Your treat?" Yoongi scrunches his nose at your question. "I know you'll say yes if I say yes, so yes."
After checking in and unpacking some of the clothes you brought, you realize you have time to spare so you take a quick shower before heading out to dinner. Yoongi already texted you the name of the restaurant, and the same car that fetched you from the airport will bring you there. Apparently, he hired it for your entire stay here. "So I wouldn't have to think how you'll get back to your hotel in case I can't drive you," he said.
When you got to the restaurant Yoongi and Jimin were already there. You've video-called Yoongi frequently over the years so you already knew what he looks like, but seeing Jimin's built for the first time took you by surprise. "Jimin-ah!!! You've been working out!" He looks up from his phone and gives his signature eye-smile laugh. "Yaaaaaah! So good to see you again, Y/N!" He stands up and gives you a tight hug. "We thought you forgot about us already. Good thing Yoongi-hyung has these concerts otherwise we'd have to find a reason to go to you to Manila." Yoongi motions to the empty seat beside Jimin. "Are we waiting for someone else?" you ask as you take a seat. You catch Yoongi and Jimin exchanging a quick uncomfortable look with each other, then Yoongi looks at you. "Nope, just the three of us."
You catch up mostly with Jimin and how he's been doing since his Billboard feat. Yoongi was silent most of the time that you and Jimin were talking, but you notice him glancing anxiously at his phone several times. "Yoongi, you okay? Are you waiting for someone?" He looks at Jimin again, then the latter shakes his head as if to say, "Give it up, hyung." Yoongi sighs and leans back in his seat. "We asked Joon if he could come and join us - just me and Jimin. But Tae slipped in our group chat that you arrived today, so..." Jimin sighs. "So he hasn't been replying to us for the past two hours." He continues after taking a swig of his beer. "We just thought it was a good idea for him to see you again. He was a mess after your breakup. Wouldn't leave the studio, wouldn't go out with us. It's like he was on auto-pilot, only smiled and talked and socialized when needed at work." "Otherwise, he's dead," Yoongi added.
You wanted to hit Yoongi and Jimin on the head. Of course, Joon would back out the minute he knew you were joining them for dinner. It was not a "good idea" at all to set him up like that with his ex after not seeing her for three years. But you say nothing and just shake your head. "Don't bug him. If he doesn't want to see me, it's okay. He's not what I'm here for, anyway, right?" You raise your glass for a toast and smile widely at Yoongi.
On the ride back to the hotel, you think about how Jimin and Yoongi described Joon post-breakup. This is the first time they've talked about Joon openly - mostly it's about his album or upcoming projects. You can't imagine Joon being a mess because, between you, he's always the composed one. He isn't easily fazed by chaos and would still manage to have time to hear out your problems even if he's got a million things running in his head already. You admired this about him, but he said he only became like that because he was exposed to pressure at a very young age.
Your phone buzzes and a familiar number flashes on the screen. You blink once, twice. The call was about to end when you slide the green icon to accept it.
"Hey." There's no mistaking that deep voice, almost talking in a whisper. "Are you really here?"
2 notes · View notes
6/2/2023: Timeline pt. 2
I'm trying to figure out a serious timeline for the events in my life, so here we go:
8/7/1999: Date my sister was born.
2001: I heavily associate the song "Blood" by Abandoned Pools with my repressed memories, whatever those are. I haven't thought about that as much lately because I've been focusing on my inner child selves, but...it's still in there, and something definitely happened. I don't think it happened in 2001--seems like it happened when I was a toddler? Who knows. I don't: it's a repressed memory!
2001/2002 (maybe): My mom told me that I started doing "it" two years ago.
2002: I could not BELIEVE this happened so early. When I was in elementary school, a classmate asked me which songs I relate to. I said "I'm Just a Kid" by Simple Plan and even started singing "I'm just a kid, and life is a nightmare..." I'm sure my classmate didn't believe me because my life looked happy from the outside, but in any case, I can't believe that my childhood depression started that early. I was only, what--maybe 9 or 10? I remember hearing Simple Plan on the radio, so it wasn't long after that album came out. MAYBE I listened to it a year or two later after listening to Simple Plan's more recent (at the time) music? The abuse did start when I was around 8 years old, so it's possible that I could've been showing signs of depression at that age. I wish I could remember what grade I was in.
2003 (maybe): Bad memory associated with "Hey Ya" by Outkast. I'm pretty sure I was listening to that song not long after it came out.
8/7/2003: Mom telling me that she won't let me play any games if I don't stop [action] at Chuck E. Cheese, which is where we were holding my asshole sister's 4th birthday party.
2004 (maybe): Mom telling me "When Daddy asked me if you [action], I said 'no'" while trying to guilt-trip me. Might've been a year or two earlier, but I feel like it was around the sentence-writing period.
2004: I remember writing sentences as a punishment, so I was well into the abuse by then. I would've been around 10 or 11. I know this year because I recall the (at the time) new episode of The Simpsons that my parents were watching. I didn't remember the title, but I looked up one of the lines that I recalled and found that date. I actually remember my dad giving me shit because he thought that I was watching the episode instead of writing sentences.
2004: One of my worst days also took place in that year. I can place it because we went to see the movie Starsky and Hutch (apparently, my mom enjoyed the original show), and...yeah, a lot of shit happened in that theater. I looked up the movie and found that date.
2004/2005 (maybe): Dad giving me shit in a restaurant--possibly Culver's--while I was trying to read H-rry P-tter and the Order of the Ph-enix (censored to keep this out of the HP tags.) The book came out in 2003, but I don't think I was reading it immediately afterward. In fact, I'm 99% sure I'd read it several times before. Likely, I was reading it at least a couple of years after it came out.
2004/2005 (maybe): Parents yelling at me in a restaurant at the mall. I was trying to read one of the books in The Clique series, and I think it was Best Friends for Never, which came out in 2004. I don't think I was reading it right after it came out, though. Could've been two or three years later for all I know.
2005: I have a memory of my mom threatening to punish me by not letting me watch "Star Trek: Enterprise." I think that was during the final season.
2005: I think my dad yelled at me on/around Christmas while I was reading H-rry P-tter and the H-lf-blood Pr-nce. This memory's a little shaky, though.
2005: Listening to "Different" by Acceptance on the radio and thinking that I wanted this song to play at my funeral if I killed myself.
2005/2006 (maybe): Dad flicked the headphones off my head to yell at me. I remember seeing autumn leaves around the truck. I'm uncertain about the date because a comic that I drew triggered this memory (a character flicked another character's hat off his head), which was recent at the time, and I think I was 12 or 13 when I was drawing those comics? Maybe 14? Incidentally, another comic that I drew had a triggering scene: a character saying "He's still doing that? I thought we were DONE with that!", something that my mom had said. Was I subconsciously trying to trigger myself?
2005/2006 (maybe): Thinking about it now, that triggering event that I just mentioned must've happened around the same time. (My dad followed up my mom's comment with "We are. That was the last one," directed at me.)
2005/2006 (maybe): Me telling an online friend "I've been through more than you know" during an argument. Hmm, what do you think I was referring to?
2006: I bought a Michael Crichton book called "Next" that came out that year. A couple of lines in that book about an artificial ear (it's the word "ear" that got to me--yeah, I know, it's weird) triggered severe flashbacks. I still remember those events vividly, but the memories were REALLY vivid at the time, suggesting that they'd happened recently. Still, it might not have been in the same year. The incident could've happened a year or two previously, and I'd probably still have vivid recollections.
5/24/2006: My parents, sister, grandmother and I went to see a blown glass exhibit. The trip itself was fun, but my dad gave me shit in front of my grandma (which I didn't like) before we left.
2006/2007 (maybe): This is the last time I went camping. It was just me, my parents and my POS sister, and I think I was 13? Might've been a couple of years earlier. This was in the "writing sentences" phase, so it's possible.
2006/2007 (maybe): Mom yelling at me after a parent-teacher conference (I'm pretty sure we spoke to my seventh- or eight-grade teacher, who was the same person) and saying "I wish your teachers could see what you're really like!"
Later in life:
2007: Probably the worst day happened in that year. I remember it so intensely that I recall an art piece that I saw on Deviantart. I looked it up and found the date that an admin featured it as a Daily Deviation, which is how I saw the piece (not when the artist originally posted it.) March 9, 2007. A song that came out that year--"I Still Remember" by Bloc Party--was also playing in my head at the time. Yep, I remember it that clearly.
2007: Miiight have happened a year earlier? But I think I was about to graduate from elementary school. Memory of my mom yelling at me before a Quiz Bowl tournament.
2007: During an incident while I was in my parents' truck, I started dissociating and thinking about how I wished I were back in one of the high schools that my class toured in elementary school when we were on the verge of graduating. I don't remember the exact incident, but it was obviously bad if I have a vivid memory like that attached to it. I believe it took place in autumn--in my memory, I see autumn trees outside the vehicle.
2007: Telling an online friend what my dad had told me: "You used to be a sweet little girl, and now you're turning into a brat." 99% sure I was a high school freshman at the time. I also mentioned the abuse to her without giving specifics sometime around that period.
2007: Sitting miserably in the theater with my mom and POS sister after watching "Shrek the Third," not realizing that I have major depression. I don't think I even considered that until college, which is crazy.
2007 (maybe): Dad screaming even louder than usual and scaring the shit out of me. I'm pretty sure I had just started high school.
2007/2008 (maybe): Mom telling me I didn't do "it" at all while I was on Prozac during my freshman year, which my doctor gave me to help me deal with my high school anxiety. Should've stayed on that shit, huh?
2008/2009 (maybe): Mom yelling at me in the car and unsympathetically saying "You look like you're about to cry!" right as my POS sister was triggering me. When we went inside the house, Mom turned on the movie "Fred Claus," which came out in 2007. However, this incident happened after the film was released--maybe or year or two later? I can't verify that, but that's what it feels like.
Post-high school:
2010: Last photo of me that my parents have in their house.
2011: Memory of my dad yelling at me on (probably) the same day that I posted a picture of a cupcake that my parents bought me on Facebook. November 6, 2011.
2012: Wow, this was super late. Feels like it happened earlier. My dad yelled at me during Madonna's Super Bowl performance. I would've been 18 or 19. February 5, 2012.
2012: Maaaybe the year my sister graduated from elementary school, but it could've been a year or so earlier. I remember her saying "Ew, no" when my mom suggested adding pictures of me to her memory board (God, I hate that worthless piece of shit.) Or that COULD have been when she was about to graduate high school? Not totally sure about that one.
Some I don't have dates for:
I showed signs of depression maaaybe in adolescence? I don't think I was in high school yet. For a few days after school, I told my mom I wanted to be alone in my room for a while because I felt like crying (didn't tell her that part.) My sister was pretty young but going to school and out of her toddler phase.
My parents yelling at me in a Ferris wheel. Cool! Could've been anywhere from childhood to early adolescence.
Parents giving me shit at Christmas but trying not to get angry since it was the holidays. I'm pretty sure I was on the younger end of the scale. Might have been anywhere from 8 to 11.
Parents yelling at me while watching an episode of Celebrity Deathmatch. That series aired from 1998 to 2002, but I vaguely recall my parents watching it as a rerun, maybe as a "Hey, we used to watch this show, let's watch it again!" moment. That could've been in any year. I was young, though.
Dad staring at me as a punishment while we were in a fast-casual restaurant. 99% sure I was in adolescence. I went into the bathroom and winked and smiled in the mirror, trying to keep it together. Trying not to show emotion in front of them.
Overhearing my dad telling my mom that he was about to strangle me. I was younger (don't remember how young), but I actually did the same thing. Smiled and winked to myself like everything was fine. Like it was a joke. That was the only way I could cope.
Parents yelling at me at The Cheesecake Factory in the mall. Who the hell knows when that happened.
My parents giving me a bunch of shit during mini-golf. I think that was two separate incidents.
This was definitely during adolescence, but I can't remember how old I was. My parents, sister and I were leaving a grocery store (might've been Walmart) and overhead a bratty teenager mouthing off to her parents. My dad said "Even [name]'s not THAT bad!" I felt like crying, but I didn't. I thought to myself "Wow, you sure know how to make a girl feel good." (OK, I'll admit that was cheesy. I probably picked that up from a book.)
Me crying alone in my room--I think I was anywhere from 8 to 11--and thinking to myself "I'll probably have problems with depression when I'm older." Boy, was I right!
My dad coldly mocking me in front of my sister, and me telling a friend about it the next day. Probably somewhere from 8 to 11.
Dad saying "Now I'm sounding like [name]" as an insult. Likely around the same age.
Mom threatening to "throw me out there with the skunk," although she actually regretted that one and told my sister "Don't laugh at that!", implying embarrassment.
Mom saying "You're not a puppy dog," then telling my sister "Maybe she is." Then my sister started talking to me like I were a dog. Thanks for that, Mom!
Mom calling me "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." That might've been somewhere from 2006 to 2007. Maybe a little younger? I feel like I was in adolescence, though.
Dad spanking me when I was way too old for that to humiliate me--so, early adolescence.
Mom screaming in my ear and yelling that I'm making her crazy. Goddamn. I'm going to say that was probably anywhere from 8 to 10 years old.
My POS sister mocking and humiliating me in my adulthood. Happened multiple times, don't have exact years or dates.
A day off from school when my mom told me "You can do whatever you want." As soon as she said that, I knew that I would not, in fact, do whatever I wanted. Sure enough, my dad ended up grounding me.
Sitting in a restaurant and trying not to cry while my parents half-assedly tried to get my POS sister to stop triggering me (they didn't try that hard, and she didn't stop) in a rare moment of sympathy.
Dad telling me "Either stop, or get the hell away from me." I did get the hell away from him, but not by choice--he sent me to my room.
Dad telling me "Go to your room" when "it" happened as we played checkers. I didn't even really want to play checkers.
Mom yelling "Oh, [name], I could hit you!"
Dad giving me shit and nudging my arm with his finger (it was pretty clear that he wanted to get way more physical than that.)
My dad saying "Now I'm starting to sound like [name]" when he was frustrated. Comparing someone to me is always an insult!
"If you want quiet, go to your room and shut the door. It'll be plenty quiet." Another gem from my dad.
Dad stopping to stare at me, then shaking his head coldly.
I swear to God, it's like he actively thought of new ways to give me shit: stopping and saying "Do I even have to say it?" Lmao what even was that? It was like a nasty joke.
Dad saying "Restrain yourself" after some other shit that I can't remember right now. But I remember the "vibe."
"I'm getting really tired of your shit!" from my dad in a parking lot.
"I'm going to fucking win" at the end of one of my dad's tirades. Him dropping the F-bomb like that really freaked me out.
There are plenty of others, most that I'm sure I forgot a long time ago. But I recall a lot of them.
0 notes
jelenamasterpost · 3 years
2011 pt.II
July 1st:
Selena's new film Monte Carlo is officially released in theatres and Justin tweets out his support:
Justin: "Everyone go see @/selenagomez movie #montecarlo in theatres NOW"
*tweet here (x)
July 11th:
Justin and Selena are spotted/joined by fans singing karaoke at Lucky Strike Lanes in LA - one fan tweeted he was partying with the couple.
The two took to the microphone for an impromptu duet of Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow’s “Picture” and shared a kiss after their performance.
Videos later surfaced (x)
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July 13th:
Justin and Selena attend The ESPY Awards together held at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles.
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July 17th:
Justin and Selena crash a wedding in Malibu, California
TMZ reports:
According to our sources at the wedding, Justin and Selena were strolling on the beach when they heard Justin's song "One Less Lonely Girl" playing at the reception -- inside the historic and shi shi Adamson House.
We're told Justin snuck up on some guests -- who predictably OMG'd and LOL'd -- and then hopped on the mic, saying: "We just crashed it. We heard a party so we decided to just come. So let's party."
They only stayed for about 10 minutes to pose for pics -- including some with the happy couple -- and then bolted.
July 20th:
Justin visits Selena at a Hollywood studio while she rehearses for her upcoming tour
July 22nd:
Justin and Selena are spotted together shopping on her birthday - he posted a photo of the two on Instagram and tweeted:
“Happy Birthday @SelenaGomez gonna be a special day.”
*tweet here (x)
July 24th:
Selena's We Own the Night World Tour begins tonight in Costa Mesa, California - Justin surprises her at the show and joins the stage to perform Justin Timberlake's Cry Me A River
He later tweets that night:
“@selenagomez u did great tonight. proud of u”
*full performance video here (x)
July 26th:
Justin and Selena are photographed out for lunch at Hooters in Burbank, California:
“Justin and Selena came in at about noon for lunch,”
“They were both really polite and signed a few autographs. They were both super-friendly and made the most adorable couple!”
July 28th:
Justin attends another one of Selena’s shows with friend Sean Kingston in Boca Raton Florida.
He posts a photo to his Instagram wearing her tour merch
*article here (x)
August 2nd:
Rumors began circulating that Justin and Selena may have broken up after a YouTube video went viral declaring that Selena found flirty texts Justin sent to his ex Jasmine - E!News later shot this down
Selena performs in Atlanta Georgia and Justin’s friends Alfredo and Carin attend the show. Justin tweets:
“ATL show @selenagomez love tonight! @alfredoflores and @carinmb are in the building i heard. #Beasts!”
*E! article here (x) / tweet here (x)
August 6th:
Alfredo posts a photo of him, Justin, Selena to Instagram captioned: “swimming with the boys :)” while Justin adds a photo of himself to Selena’s Instagram
August 7th:
Justin and Selena attend the 2011 Teen Choice Awards together and were super affectionate throughout the entire ceremony - Justin danced through Selena's performance of Love You Like A Love Song and cheered her on as she accepted her 5 awards
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August 13th:
Justin and Selena are spotted in an Apple Store in Rosemont Illinois, while she's in town for tour
August 18th:
Justin and Selena attend a pool party and are photographed kissing - Justin also uploads a photo of the two on instagram captioned:
“my babbyyyy”
August 19th:
Justin and Selena are photographed as they picked up a smoothie from Smoothie King in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where she performs later that evening on tour
During Selena’s soundcheck performance in Philadelphia, a fan shouts out asking for her phone number, Selena replies:
“I don’t think my boyfriend would like that”
*full video here (x)
August 20th:
Selena had “JB” written on her right hand and “I love you” on her left wrist during her concert in New Jersey
August 21st:
Justin and Selena are spotted walking in Hershey Park theme park, in Pennsylvania
August 23rd:
Justin and Selena are photographed out and about with Alfredo, Ryan and Kenny in Toronto, Ontario
August 25th:
Justin announces that he would be releasing his first Christmas album and second studio album later in 2011 -
His manager Scooter Braun and vocal producer Kuk Harrell confirmed a week later that Justin had collaborated with Sean Kingston and Taylor Swift and had also worked with producers The Messengers.
August 28th:
Justin and Selena attend MTV Video Music Awards together where Selena was a co-host for the pre-show - Selena interviewed Justin in the arrivals hall at the awards ceremony where the two were very affectionate sharing kisses, Selena telling Justin:
'Thank you so much. Thank you for hanging out, babe.'
Justin also hugged Selena onstage as he accepted the award for Best Male Video
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September 2nd:
Selena watches while Justin plays basketball and cheers in the background
*video here (x)
September 9th:
Justin talks with Women's Wear Daily for an interview and mentions that he's dating Selena:
WWD: You told one of the kids earlier that you’re still friendly with Selena.
JB: She’s amazing. She’s my girlfriend right now.
WWD: Where do you see yourself five years from now?
JB: [Visibly counting] Well, by 25 or 26, I want to see myself, like, married or start looking for a family. I want to be a young dad. I want to be able to have done what I wanted to do — to be successful, to do a movie or whatever. But if the time is right, I definitely want to be married by 25.
One thing — I’m not looking to get married now.
*full interview (x)
September 10th:
Justin and Selena spotted out for lunch in Las Vegas, where Selena performs that evening - they later attend the shows after-party with DJ Taf
September 14th:
Justin and Selena visit the old-set of Wizards of Waverly Place
September 15th:
Justin and Selena attend “The Abduction” premiere at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles - Selena gets boo’d (?) by fans as she walks the red carpet.
September 16th:
Justin are Selena are photographed having lunch and doing a bit of shopping at a mall in Los Angeles
September 17th:
Justin and Selena are seen arriving to LAX Airport departing to Atlanta - later that evening, they attend Georgia Music Hall of Fame with Usher and Justin performs and was honored with the Horizon Award at the 33rd Annual Georgia Music Hall of Fame Awards.
*article here (x)
September 18th:
Justin and Selena went to watch the Atlanta Falcons play the Philadelphia Eagles at the Georgia Dome. Justin tweeted photos of themselves kissing on the way to the game.
While leaving the game, Selena is filmed slapping Justin, suggesting they may have been fighting
*full article here (x) full video here (x)
September 19th:
Selena attends The Jay Leno Show where she performs Love You Like A Love Song. Justin came to support Selena and was photographed with her backstage
Selena has a cute interview backstage with Bryan following her performance, Bryan points out that Selena brought Justin:
Selena: “I did. He’s sweet. Everybody’s taking pictures with him right now,”
After her interview, the camera flashes to Justin chatting with Simon Cowell. Before the couple say bye to Simon, Justin grabs Selena’s hip and tells Simon:
Justin: “I’ll look after her.”
*full article here (x)
September 20th:
Justin uploads a photo of him hugging Selena while deplaning a jet onto Instagram.
Justin and Selena are also spotted in the park taking staged photos with 6 babies (?) in which Justin also later uploads to his instagram captioned:
"Brangelina 2.0 hahahahahaha"
September 21st:
Justin and Selena attend LA Zoo together
September 23rd:
Selena and Justin are photographed on a PDA filled beach stroll in Malibu California
*Daily Mail article / photos (x)
September 23rd:
Selena and Justin attend Demi Lovato’s concert together held at the Nokia Centre in Los Angeles
After the show, Justin surprises Selena by renting out The Staples Centre arena for a private, exclusive dinner date and movie screening of Titanic:
"The teen supercouple arrived at the empty, 20,000-seat arena, where the lights had been dimmed; on the court floor was a table set for two with candles.
After the meal — steak and pasta, catered by the Lexus club — the couple enjoyed a private screening of Titanic. (The "Baby" singer apparently got the idea from the Adam Sandler flick Mr. Deeds, in which Sandler's character surprises his girlfriend, played by Winona Ryder, with a similar gesture at NYC's Madison Square Garden.)
And TMZ reports that Bieber paid nothing for the big date: The Staples Center comped the evening as thanks for Bieber's recent sold out concerts there."
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*UsWeekly article here (x) *justin's tweet (x)
September 25th:
Justin’s best friend Alfredo posts instagram photo of him, Justin, Selena on private jet:
"BOOM BOOM POW! @/JustinBieber @/SelenaGomez -- see the creeper?"
*alfredo's tweet / photo (x)
September 28th:
Selena joins Justin in Franklin Tennessee on the set of his music video shoot for a song off his upcoming Chrismtas album, Under the Mistletoe.
Justin tweets:
“video shoot today for christmas album. #mistletoe”
September 30th:
Justin begins the Latin American leg of his My World Tour, beginning this evening in Monterrey Mexico and concluding October 19th in Caracas Venezuela.
Selena was judging a Disney Channel show with Sean Kingston when she met Ben Baller, the man who made Justin's grill. According to Ben, Selena wasn’t too stoked about meeting him originally, but then she concocted an idea to prank Justin, which he wrote about on his blog:
“Selena says ‘ohhhh I don’t like you! you’re the one who made Justin’s grill huh?’ I said yeah….. does he wear it?’ Selena said ‘YES! he definitely wears it! (stone face towards me) and I’m thinking to myself like damn…. she’s actually really sweet though, I can tell lol… so She says let’s play a prank on Justin…. and I agreed (why not right?) let’s take a pic and then send the guys the pic and under it say ‘guess who’s getting a grill?'”
“I didn’t say it was a joke or anything… a few hours later, I get a text from Justin saying ‘call me’ and I’m like…. damn, he’s gonna be mad or tell me to take it down….”
“He says ‘cmon bro. is she really getting a grill? (I’ve talked to him enough on the phone to know his voice and different sounds, from regular to really happy) and he was definitely concerned like ‘please say it’s a joke’…. so I’m thinking to myself, like damn, I know in the last 3 hours he’s had to have talked to his girl and he had to ask her…. I can’t believe she’s really stringing this little prank along for so long…. she’s really cool for playing the joke for real! haha”
*article here (x)
October 3rd:
Justin was seen looking for Selena in the airport in Rio de Janeiro because there was an issue with her visa.
Selena had some difficulty getting into Brazil because she didn’t have the correct visa
October 4th:
Justin and Selena take a helicopter ride while exploring Rio de Janeiro, Brazil before he takes the stage tomorrow.
An insider tells told Hollywood Life:
'Justin and Selena are staying at the Copacabana Palace in Rio de Janeiro, which is considered to be the most exclusive hotel in Rio.'
'They are staying in a Penthouse Suite which includes one bedroom with a king-sized bed, a living room, a mini bar and two marble bathrooms with a separate bathtub and shower.'
*Daily Mail article / photos (x)
October 5th:
Selena joins Justin backstage before he takes stage and poses for photos, while Justin tells a reporter he calls Selena “Mamacita” during an interview
After the concert, Justin and Selena were seen out for dinner, clubbing at Copa Club and kissing in the backseat of the car on their way back to the hotel
*DailyMail article here (x)
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October 6th:
Selena and Justin are spotted by numerous fans around town before Justin’s second show this evening - that night, Selena joins Justin on stage and they perform Selena’s song Who Says together.
Justin tweeted earlier in the day:
"had a lil fun last night in RIO….show #2 in RIO is 2nite….got some very special guests with me 2nite #mistletoe"
*justin's tweet (x)
October 7th:
Justin and Selena are photographed boarding their plane as they leave Rio de Janeiro
October 9th:
Justin speaks with New! Magazine for an interview and admits he loves Selena but insists they have no plans to move in together because of their busy careers:
"I wouldn't be with somebody if I wasn't in love,"
"Everybody can see she is hot and that's great, but there is so much more to her than that. She makes me laugh and she puts up with my practical jokes. She has really strong family values as well. We were both raised by our moms in single-parent households, and that's given us a lot of the same family values in life."
"At the moment we're so busy, it's pretty much hotel rooms for me for most of the year. She could be in one part of the world and I could be in the other. We are just a young couple who are enjoying spending time with each other. But we both took time off last month and it was just really cool to be able to spend time together and just do normal things like go to the beach and have dinner together."
*full article here (x) and (x)
October 9th:
Justin gives a radio interview with 97.5 Fanatic Philadelphia:
Interviewer: What’s up with you and Selena man?
Justin: Well she’s on tour right now, so yeah.
Interviewer: Is this an official hookup?
Justin: Y‘know, I like to keep some of my private life to myself.
Interviewer: Well it’s already out there.
Justin: I know I mean it’s pretty obvious, but I don’t really like to talk about it.
Interviewer: I got you, you wanna keep it a private relationship - but how’d you swing that? It’s tough to get that break through line.
Justin: Yeah I know, I was pretty shocked myself. She’s very beautiful.
Interviewer: So how’d you make the approach? Did someone put you two together or what?
Justin: We started as friends like 2 years ago, so we were just friends for a long time - that’s how it happened.
October 12th:
Selena tweets a photo she added to instagram, of her eating Tim Hortons in Canada:
“Canada.. I missed you. But @justinbieber misses you more.”
*selena's tweet here (x)
October 17th:
Justin's song Mistletoe, the first single off his Christmas album, is officially released - Selena posted a photo of the song to her Instagram captioned:
“Finally it’s out.. Did y’all buy it?”
October 18th:
Justin performs the last show of his My World Tour this evening in Carasova Venezuela
October 20th:
Selena and Justin are spotted walking around The Forks shopping area in Winnipeg, Canada. Selena has the night off from her We Own the Night World Tour, but has a performance in the city tomorrow.
Insiders confirm that her and Justin are staying at the luxury boutique hotel Inn at the Forks in Winnipeg.
That evening, Justin again rents out an entire movie theatre for a date with Selena -he arranged for a screening room at the SilverCity Polo Park Cinemas to be kept empty so he and Selena could watch Real Steel' in private, and also rranged for pizzas to be delivered to the cinema for him and Selena to feast on during the movie.
A source at the venue said: "They made sure to keep everything really under wraps and private. He was really polite and they both thanked everyone before they left."
Justin uploads a photo of him and Selena in the theatre to Instagram captioned "me and my besty watching a movie"
*full article here (x)
October 21st:
Selena plays at the MTS Centre this evening in Winnipeg Manitoba, while on her We Own The Night World Tour.
Her and Justin stopped by Winnipeg's D'Arcy's Animal Rescue Centre for a visit and played with the dogs for over an hour - there were rumours that Selena took a pup with her
Justin and Selena are spotted by various fans throughout the day while out exploring Winnipeg, including Tim Hortons, and Speedworld Indoor Kart Track along with friend Ashley Cook
*full article here (x)
October 22nd:
Justin takes Selena to a hockey game to watch his favourite team, the Winnipeg Jets, from a private suite at the MTS Centre wearing matching jerseys with their names emblazoned across the backs. According to onlookers, they spent most of the game kissing and cuddling one another.
After the game, the two physically took to the ice both wearing Jets jerseys - after circling the ice a few times holding hands, Selena didn't skate much at all, preferring to watch Justin take shots at net.
*full article here (x)
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October 24rd:
Selena is in London, Ontario for her We Own The Night World Tour and was seen carrying puppy Baylor around backstage before her concert wearing a Baylor University sweatshirt.
*photo here (x)
October 24th-October 29th(?):
Selena’s tour continues through October 30th in Canada and Justin remains with her for most of the dates - sometime throughout this period, they visited and spent time with Justin's family and are photographed together carving pumpkins and eating pie.
October 25th:
Its been reported that Selena and Justin have adopted a puppy together from D'Arcy's ARC while in Winnipeg, Canada:
“I was told that [Selena] was missing the dogs that she has at home,” the shelter’s CEO told People. “I wasn’t expecting her to adopt a dog while she was on tour.”
*full article here (x)
October 27th:
Justin sat down with Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush while promoting his new Christmas album, “Under the Mistletoe,” and chatted about Selena’s new puppy and their private movie theatre date
“She saw this dog, and she fell in love with it. She was like, ‘I need to have it!’ We just went to the shelter just to look around. Turns out, she brought one home. It was kind of like she just saw the dog, and it kept going to her, I don’t think the dog really likes me that much. I think he’s on tour with her right now,”
“If I go into a movie theatre and everyone’s not looking at the movie and looking at us, it’s kind of like awkward, I’m looking at the movie and everyone’s looking at me. It’s like I’m the movie or something.”
*full article here (x)
October 28th:
Justin appears on Jay Leno and talks about Selena - she is in attendance and her and Justin pose for photos backstage
November 1st:
Justin’s Christmas album “Under The Mistletoe” is officially released today - he begins shooting the Fa La La Music video with Boys II Men and Selena joins him on set posing for photos together.
Later that evening, a tabloid story about Justin began circulating online:
A 20-year old woman named Mariah Yeater has filed a paternity suit against Justin on October 31st, alleging that he fathered her child after a brief backstage tryst at Justin’s October 2010 L.A Staples Centre concert. The paternity suit was reportedly filed on October 31st in a California court.
*Mariah Yeater article here (x)
November 2nd:
Justin on appears on On Air With Ryan Seacrest to promote his new Christmas album “Under The Mistletoe” and he mentions Selena's newly adopted dog Baylor
He also later appears on POWER106 FM during his “Under The Mistletoe” promo, rapping an Otis freestyle referencing Selena:
“my girl says I’m perfect she just loves an imperfect person perfectly, personally I think she is perfectly perfect"
Later that day Justin tweets alluding to the Mariah accusations:
“all the rumors...the gossip....Im gonna focus on the positives....the music."
*POWER106 video here (x) tweet here (x)
November 3rd: '
Selena was photographed arriving to LAX Airport in Los Angeles, heading to Belfast to meet Justin, and was all smiles.
Meanwhile, the Mariah Yeater rumours have not settled down whatsoever as the tabloids continue and Mariah continues to give interviews
*DailyMail article here (x) AnythingDiz photos here (x)
November 4th:
Justin gives an interview to Today Show to dismiss Mariah Yeater’s claims and says he's never even met her:
“I would just like to say that none of those allegations are true.”
“I know I’m going to be a target, but I’m never going to be a victim,” Justin added.
“It’s crazy, because every night after the show I’ve gone right from the stage right to my car. So it’s crazy that some people want to make up such false allegations.”
A statement released by Justin’s publicist on Wednesday said his lawyers had not seen the suit reportedly filed by Yeater, but said:
“it’s sad that someone would fabricate, malicious, defamatory and demonstrably false claims. We will vigorously pursue all available legal remedies to defend and protect Justin against these allegations.”
Rumors begin circulating that Selena and Justin have split in light of the Mariah Yeater allegations - late Friday afternoon, it was reported Selena had dumped Justin in the wake of the scandal.
*Today Show article here (x)
November 5th:
Justin and Selena have not split up, a rep for Selena told Access Hollywood and USWeekly on Friday night.
A source close to Justin also shot down rumors of the split on Friday night, telling Access that there was no truth to the rumors and the couple is still heading to Europe together this weekend for the MTV Europe Music Awards in Belfast where Justin will be performing at the show while Selena will be the host.
*AccessHollywood article here (x) UsWeekly article here (x)
November 5th:
Justin and Selena wave to fans as they arrive together at the Merchant Hotel in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Later that evening, Justin and Selena are later photographed together hand-in-hand arriving at the MTV Voices Dinner.
"Justin and Selena could not keep their eyes off each other for the whole night," a dinner source told Us. "They were very much in love and didn't show any signs of stress or strain in their relationship."
Justin, who was receiving an award for his charity work, tweeted after the event:
"I know what it is like to not have alot...so it feels great to be in a position to #giveback. thanks to everyone helping me"
*photos here (x) UsWeekly article here (x)
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November 6th:
TMZ reports from sources directly connected with Justin that he will happily take a DNA test in two weeks when he returns to the United States to prove he is not Mariah Yeater's baby daddy -- and after that, him and his team are going after her in court.
Selena hosts the MTV Europe Music Awards in Belfast, North Ireland this evening while Justin is set to perform at the event. After the ceremony, they attend LMFAO'S after-party and are photographed together at the event
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*TMZ article here (x) photos here (x) / tweets here (x) (x) (x)
November 7th:
Justin and Selena are photographed after their private tour of Chelsea FC’s football ground in London on Monday morning
It's been reported that Justin gifted Selena $27k diamond bracelet and surprised her with it just before she took the stage to present at last night’s MTV EMA’s
*full article here (x) photos here (x)
November 8th:
Justin and Selena stop by NRJ Radio station Paris, France for an interview while Justin is promoting his Christmas album
Later that afternoon, Justin and Selena are photographed together hand-in-hand after a lunch date at Paris's L'Avenue restaurant
And that evening they were photographed on a dinner date
*DailyMail article (x) dinner photo (x)
November 9th:
Selena and Justin are photographed shopping while in Paris
Justin posts a photo of him and Selena on Instagram at Disneyland Paris with the caption:
“thank god above for my very own christmas love”
November 11th:
Justin and Selena hold hands as they head back to their car after visiting a television studio in Madrid, Spain
Selena has been joining Justin on his European promo tour for Under The Mistletoe.
Selena tweets that her puppy Baylor is sick and needs surgery.
*full article here (x) tweet here (x)
November 12th:
Selena and Justin are spotted leaving KISS FM Radio station together in London
*DailyMail article (x)
November 16th:
Selena’s music video for Hit The Lights is officially released and premieres on VEVO
TMZ reports thatMariah Yeater officially dismisses paternity lawsuit:
"The suit was quietly dismissed late last week and Mariah Yeater's lawyers, Lance Rogers and Matt Pare, have withdrawn from the case.
As we first reported, Justin not only planned to take a DNA test when he returned to the U.S., he was going to sue Yeater and her lawyers for making a bogus claim. And, as we reported, Justin's lawyer, Howard Weitzman, called the attorneys and informed them a suit was looming.
The paternity lawsuit left Mariah Yeater open to a possible charge of statutory rape, because Justin was only 16 years old at the time of her claims."
*TMZ article here (x)
November 17th:
Justin does the radio interview circuit today while in New York City in promotion of his album Under The Mistletoe:
Justin sits down with 92.3 NY for a radio interview and was asked about Mariah Yeater's claims, getting serious with Selena, and what Usher thinks of them.
They first speak about Mariah Yeater and the texts she sent her friend begging him to erase evidence/text messages that admit her son's dad is someone else, promising to give him a cut of the action when she gets paid.
*full video interview here (x)
Justin sat down for an exclusive interview at the Elvis Duran Morning Show at Z100 Studio where they replayed him an interview he gave back in 2009 saying while he thought Selena was pretty, he didn't *like* her.
Justin, blushing, tells Elvis:
"My life is pretty good right now, and she's just another blessing”
*full video interview here (x)
Justin appears on The Breakfast Club Power 105.1 for an interview and talks about his Staples Centre date with Selena and how that came about
(the interviewers are pretty inappropriate to him the entire time tbh)
*full video interview here (x)
November 17th:
Mariah Yeater sent a text Wednesday to a friend, begging him to erase an incriminating text in which her mom says someone OTHER than Justin Bieber is the baby daddy, and then promising to give him a cut of the action when she scores a payday.
*TMZ article here (x)
November 20th:
Justin and Selena attend The AMA’s together in Los Angeles and walk the red carpet, arriving and departing to and from the event in a white vintage Packard Super 8.
UsWeekly reported Justin serenaded Selena during AMA rehearsals:
"At one point Justin even sang 'I Feel Good' a la James Brown. They were totally adorable. They were snuggling in between takes, and he was serenading her! They look as in love as ever."
Selena and Alfredo were filmed dancing during Justin's performance
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*DailyMail article here (x)
November 21st:
Justin and Selena went out for breakfast at iHOP, the restaurant where they were first spotted holding hands last December, with their one year anniversary right around the corner — they smiled for the cameras as they walked hand-in-hand out of the restaurant in Los Angeles.
“Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez had breakfast here at about 11 a.m. They were here for about one hour. They both seemed very happy and hungry. Selena had the double blueberry pancakes and Justin had two fried eggs, two waffles, bacon and potatoes. They left a very generous tip that was double the amount of their bill and said Happy Thanksgiving before they left!”
*full article here (x)
November 22nd:
Justin is photographed in the audience of Taylor Swift’s concert in New York City where he watched Selena and Taylor performing “Who Says” together
*photo here (x)
November 23rd:
Justin appears on The View to promote his album and he talks about Selena
*full video here (x) timestamp 2:33
November 23rd:
Justin appears on The Late Show with David Letterman and talks about Selena
*full video here (x) timestamp 8:45
November 25th:
Justin plays “Who Says” on Sirius XM while he was DJing songs “he was grateful for in 2011” (aired on the 25th)
November 25th:
Justin and Selena spent Thanksgiving in Selena's home town, Dallas, Texas, with Selena's family.
They went to watch The Muppets at the Landmark Magnolia Pictures Theater, after spending Thanksgiving with Selena’s family.
“It was just the two of them, they watched the movie with the general public. They were both incredibly polite and low profile.”
“Not too many people realized they were there because they came into the screening while the trailers were running,” the insider explains. “It was dark and people didn’t see them. When they came to the theatre complex, they were both holding hands. They looked really down to earth and very happy!”
November 29th:
Fans spot and photograph Justin and Selena hugging and walking around in Utah with Jaden Smith.
The three of them were later photographed by fans ice skating at Park City Mountain Resort, which later a staff member confirmed the photo was taken there:
“Jaden was doing some crazy one-legged stuff, I guess he really thinks he is the Karate Kid. They were laughing and joking with each other. Justin joked with Selena and tried to do a doubles routine at one point. It was all very playful. Everyone was in super great moods.”
*full article / photos here (x)
November 30th:
Selena stops to take photos with fans while ice skating, where you can see Justin in the background - the fan later posts it to instagram
December 6th:
Justin and Selena were spotted leaving Los Angeles airport earlier today and landed in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
They were joined by Selena’s mom and stepfather Brian and on route to Selena’s friend Shannon Larossi’s beach side wedding ceremony.
*full article / photos here (x)
December 7th:
While waiting for Selena’s friend’s wedding, Justin and Selena hit up the beach in Cabo San Lucas Mexico and were spotted jet-skiing
*full article / photos here (x)
December 8th:
Selena and Justin attend and are photographed at Shannon’s wedding where Selena was one of the bridesmaids - she and Justin were photographed kissing on the beach
*full article / photos here (x)
December 9th:
Justin and Selena got in more tanning by the pool in Cabo before jetting off to D.C for Justin’s Christmas in Washington performance in Washington
*full article / photos here (x)
December 10th:
Justin and Selena are photographed arriving at Washington National Airport for Justin’s upcoming Christmas In Washington performance at The White House - the two stayed for 3 nights in the Presidential Suite at the Four Seasons Hotel
Justin and Selena visit and surprise the kids at Children's National Medical Center in D.C.Washington - Jacqueline Bowens, Executive VP of External Affairs of Children’s National Medical Center tells HollywoodLife.com exclusively:
“The kids loved them! It was a surprise for them. Justin spent quality time with all of the kids, talked to them, took pictures with them and sang to them. These are kids who are suffering from a range of illnesses such as cancer, blood disorders, orthopedic issues. None of them wants to be in the hospital…so they were beyond happy when Justin and the others arrived for their surprise visit!”
December 11th:
Justin and Selena are spotted out and about in Washington D.C before Justin is set to perform for the president.
Later that evening, Justin performs at the annual "Christmas in Washington" taping at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. - although Selena didn’t appear in any of the official event photos, she was spotted in the audience and took photos with fans
*full DailyMail article here (x) / full CBS article here (x)
December 12th:
Mariah Yeater’s ex-boyfriend speaks out, saying Mariah lied to seek $50k pay-day. In an exclusive jailhouse interview with RumorFix, Robert Powell says:
“She lied. We were both homeless and living in Oceanside [California] and Mariah was trying to make some quick money.”
So he says she made up the story and sold it to a tabloid for $50,000.
“She just picked him, because she thought he was famous and all and thought she could get a lot of money by telling the magazine Justin was the father. She just saw him as an opportunity to make a lot of money.”
*full article here (x)
December 14th:
Justin and Selena were seen leaving an event at L.A. Live with Ashley Tisdale in Downtown Los Angeles.
*photos here (x)
December 17th:
Justin and Selena attend Power 106 LA's Cali Christmas bash - Justin joined Drake on stage to perform "Trust Issues" during the show.
Selena abruptly left the venue and headed to be with her family after she received news of a family emergency.
*full article here (x)
December 18th:
Selena’s mom Mandy has tragically suffered a miscarriage - Selena has cancelled her concert after her mother sadly suffered a miscarriage. Citing a family emergency, Selena rushed to her mom, Mandy’s, side to comfort her.
*full article here (x)
December 20th:
Justin visits Selena and her mom Mandy in the hospital - the family are in mourning after Selena’s mother reportedly suffered a miscarriage the week prior
*DailyMail article here (x)
December 30th:
Justin and Selena are spotted at Hooters (not confirmed)
December 31st:
Justin and Selena are both in New York for each of their own work obligations where they are set to perform at - Justin performs in Times Square for 'New Year's Eve Rockin' Eve' and Selena joins Demi Lovato for MTV's live New Year's Eve special.
They meet up after each of their gigs for Justin's private NYE Party
*EW article here (x) / NYE party article here (x)
34 notes · View notes
oikadori · 4 years
Comforting Stressed S/O Part II
⇢  Pairings: oikawa x f!reader ; atsumu x f!reader
⇢  Genre:  fluff...idk
⇢  WC~ 1,5K 
A/N: So I made one for Akaashi but i kinda liked this situation asjfohhddlkdjk so I couldn’t  help to make it for Oikawa and Atsumu. How can someone be that obsessed with 2D characters? Thank you ♡, enjoy!
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Oikawa is not fond of how immersed you are on your assignments 
If you’ve spent too much time on your computer he will start pouting and whining at you. He is just a  big size bb
He loves cuddles, so he needs his cuddle sessions with you. Oikawa will try to snuggle up with you while you’re working
If you don’t let him, after many pouts, he will get tired eventually and stops distracting you.
 If you let him, he’ll talk nonstopping about his day, trying to amuse you 
Oikawa loves to spoil you, he’ll get you all sorts of treats and gifts to cheer your mood 
He is pretty smart so he is always happy to help you 
He’ll be so smug about it  that he won’t stop teasing - he’ll brag about it the whole week 
“(Y/N)-channnn!” Oikawa wines from the living room while the TV  shows the intro of Star Wars “Come on, the movie is about to start” your gaze lift from your laptop to spot your boyfriend with the cutest smile he could possibly show to you, alongside his pleading brown eyes staring at you. 
“Tooru like I told you an hour ago, I have to finish a math assessment” you sigh, trying to show yourself annoyed by him- even when all you want to do is cuddle with him- “Maybe later”
“Yeah, I know, I know but you need a break too” Oikawa looks at you with concern, he moves on the couch, making space for you  “At least come here, sit with me” he pats the new spot next to him, inviting you. “Pleaseee” you roll your eyes, giving him a little smile. 
“You are very annoying, you know?”
When he sees you walking to the couch, his eyes glimpse in amusement, “Couldn’t resist me, could you? I can’t blame you” a cocky smile adorns his lips as ypu sit nect to him.
“Shut up” Oikawa can’t help to chuckle as he lays an arm over your shoulders and kisses your cheek. Your eyes focused on the screen, you keep working as the movie start.
“No, no, no!... You are fucking kidding me!” your voice raises over the sound of the Tv, your eyes staring blankly at your laptop. Oikawa quickly turns to you before noticing the tears that are forming on the corner of your eyes.
“(Y/N)...What happened?” he pauses the movie and observes you expectantly, your eyes watering as your lips begin to move slowly “(Y/N)?”
“My laptop froze and the document closed itself and ... I can’t find it.”
“All of the work I made during the week...it’s gone” the stress accumulated breaks through and tears run down your cheeks, you start sobbing uncontrollably.
“Princess..., please look at me” Oikawa turns off the Tv and places one of his hands over yours while the other cups your cheek “Please don’t cry. There’s got to be a backup copy... or something” Oikawa frowns as he moves his hand to his chin, thinking.
“Can I have a look?” you nod, handling him your laptop, he places it con his lap as his arm pulls you to his chest. “Don’t worry, babe, we’ll find a solution” his reassuring voice makes your sobs to slow, he kisses the top of your head, brushes your hair soothingly. 
“There it is!!!” you cry out in relief. After almost an hour, Oikawa finally found it.
“Here you go. I’m the best boyfriend, aren’t I?” he takes off his glasses,  smirking  proudly
“You mean, you are slightly tolerable...” 
“Yet you’re still with me, aren’t you?” you can’t help but giggle. 
 “God, I love the way you laugh.” his features softens as he reach your hand to kiss it tenderly. “So, is there any payment for the technical assistance given to this beautiful lady?” he raises his eyebrow looking at you teasingly. 
You kiss him slowly, wrapping your arms around his neck, making a soft grumble escape from Oikawa’s lips “My hero...thank you, Tooru” you whisper and press your lips on his cheek making Oikawa blush.  
“Now, what about we get a dessert from that  store you like so much, princess?” And just like that you knew that no amount of stress would change the future but a look at those chocolate eyes was all the reassurance you need.    
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Atsumu genuinely doesn’t understand why you stress about school assignments
Like, he will tease you about it...until you tell him to STFU. Only then he notices how stressed you are
I think Atsumu has 0 experience in comforting people. But when it comes to you he tries his best 
Atsumu won’t be helpful as Akaashi or Oikawa - Sorry Tsumu but, I get the feeling he’s just like Hinata and Kageyama when it comes to school 
Probably will take you out, regardless of your complaints, making an improvised date. 
Any compliment coming for this guy will boost you like 1000% up, knowing how blunt he can be with others 
Like Oikawa, he’ll spoil you but not as often, but when he does, this boy gets a little carried away
He’ll show how much he cares for you, staying with you all the time like even if you aren’t in the same place he’ll start a call and won’t end it until he knows you’re going to sleep.
“Atsumu, could you please turn that off?” you ask your boyfriend, who is sitting next to you watching volleyball videos while you make some Physics exercises - yes, he has homework too but he doesn’t care. 
“I can’t, I’m sorry. It’s a very important match” you huff and move away from him trying to concentrate, but with that much noise, you find it difficult. 
He glances at you, watching your reactions, as the time passes he notices you haven’t advanced much “Homework, huh?” Atsumu asks a little insecure and you lift your head a bit surprised.
“Yeah, Physics...but I can’t solve them” you murmur. You rest your head in your hands, letting out a sigh and some curses. The whole week was full of assignments and you were exhausted. 
Atsumu slowly walks to you, shaking his head and smiling smugly. 
“Why such an intelligent and beautiful girl like you worry so much about a little thing like that?” he moves gently your hands away from your face and caresses your cheek with his thumb. “Come on let’s get out of here” he takes your hands and pulls you up from the chair, you blush looking at the wide smile con his face. 
“But I haven’t fin-” 
“It doesn’t matter. I promise we’ll get back soon, but let’s have some fun, shall we?” he leans down, kissing your lips softly. 
After strolling for a while in the mall, hands connected. You walk in front of a Music store that has the new album of your favorite singer.  Atsumu trails your figure curious to see what caught your attention. 
Your eyes are so focused in that special edition  Album that you don’t t notice Atsumu entering the store.
“Tsumu, what did you bought?” 
“Oh! I just got the new Album of my favourite singer” he shows you smugly the album. You giggle and place your hands in your hips. 
“Really?... I didn’t know you liked Taylor Swift, Tsumu” He laughs loudly with his eyes closed, motioning the little box to you. 
“This is expensive...why did you-?” 
“I only wanted to see my girlfriend loosen up a bit” you can’t hide how overjoyed you are by his gesture. You jump to kiss his cheek, throwing your arms around his neck. Atsumu places his hands on your waist, lifting you up and then placing you down again.
“Glad you like it babygirl” his fingers run up and down your back gently. You place your head in his chest as he wraps you with his tall figure. 
 “You are one of the smartest in the class, it isn’t right that you are stressing that much... I really don’t understand why do you do but...” his voice sounds a bit irritated, your eyes look at him with uncertainty , and you notice Atsumu frowning.
 “...you can count on me. Always. I’m sorry if I didn’t give you that impression” Stirred by his words you stare at him, eyes open widely, making Atsumu blush deeply a little embarrassed by his own word.
Your heartbeat rises at the thought of Atsumu Miya saving his sweet side only for you. 
At the sight of your house, you bring Atsumu’s  hand to your lips and kiss it lovingly, stealing a gasp from Atsumu lips. 
“Thank you, Tsumu” you hug him tightly and he kisses the top of your head.
“There, there, babygirl. I’m yours” he pats tenderly your head before walking through your front door.  
While you were speaking, smiling foolishly, Osamu looked at you dubiously. You proudly spoke about how the Miya Atsumu managed to comfort you last night, making you joyful by his presence,his gift and ultimately his sweet words.
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The Oikawa scenario was based on a true story but without the happy ending...F in the chat for my math internal  assessment 
Honestly, I’ve never cried that much for a school work.
Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks everyone for reading!
If you want to drop suggestions or only chat I’ll be more than happy!! Byeee (・ε・)  ∴ Master List ∴
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kuruyuji · 4 years
- i’m not okay (i promise)
parings: shuichi saihara x gn!reader
summary: you fall for the emo employee at your local hot topic, and its’s a HUGE crush
warnings: fluff and slight swearing
word count: 1.1k
a/n: short drabble of my favorite emo boy
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You were not ashamed one bit that your favorite store was Hot Topic. Your friends can call you childish all they want, nothing was stopping you from walking in.
Today you and your friend Miu were at the mall and you practically had to drag her towards Hot Topic,
“Please Miu,” you whine, “I won’t even take that long!”
Miu pulls her arm away from your grasp, “Hell no! That store is for fucking virgins! I don’t want to be seen in that edgy ass store!”
You pout as Miu starts to walk away from you, “I’ll be at the food court. Have fun buying vibrators and fuck machines.”
“That’s Spencers! Not Hot Topic!” You protested. Shaking your head, you walked inside the store. It was blasting Sleeping with Sirens. Yes! Actual alternative and rocks bands and not indie music! Sure you liked indie, but calling it alt? No, hearing that just made your blood boil. 
You browse around the graphic tees and funko-pops, casually bobbing your head to the music. You saw some anime tees that caught your eye and decided to grab them, along with a My Chemical Romance shirt. Once you got what you wanted you walked to the line. The line was quite long, so you pull out your phone and go through your social media for a bit..
“Next!” the cashier calls. You move forward, eyes still glued to your phone. Placing your shirts onto the counter with one hand while scrolling through your phone with the other.
“Hey,” the cashier greets, “is that all today?”
Your eyes trail up towards the cashier, “Hmm? Oh yeah that's all-” 
You couldn’t help but stare at the cashier. It was a guy who had navy blue hair with side swept bangs. A black baseball cap was covering his eyes, decorated with band pins on the side of his hat. But when you took a look at his eyes when he looked at you again, you can feel your breath hitch. They were golden, and the dark circles around his eyes seemed to make them appear brighter. Not to mention that his eyeliner was flawless, sharp and clean. He wore a Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge t-shirt and a lanyard covered with anime and more band pins. 
You read his name tag, his name was Shuichi.
“Umm,” his voice makes you snaps back into reality. You blink in confusion and look at him. The cashier- Shuichi was looking at you, you can see some sweat forming on his forehead. “I asked if that was all,”
“Oh! Right sorry. Um, yeah that’s all.”
 Stupid! You look away from Shuichi, who was folding your shirts. You take a good look at his side profile, his right ear covered with piercings.
“Cool piercings.” you said before you can stop yourself. Shuichi looks back at you and displays an awkward smile.
“Ah, thank you.” He quickly looks away and goes back to folding your clothes. You don’t know what has gotten in you, but you just HAD to make some type of conversation with him.”
“What’s your favorite MCR song?” you ask him, wanting to kick yourself in the stomach. Shuichi pauses what he was doing and places his index finger onto his chin.
“Hmm, probably I’m Not Okay.”
You beam, “ooh I love that one! Personally mine is Boy Division.” Shuichi smiles back.
“Yeah, that one is amazing too. I think it’s a bit obvious of what my favorite album is.” He looks down, gesturing at his shirt and then tilts his head so you can see some of his Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge pins. 
God damn this emo boy was so fine. You have to come here more often. Over the speakers, Destroya starts playing over the speakers.
“Hey speak of the devil,” you comment, “we’re talking about MCR right now.”
“Well this is my playlist.” A small blush forms on Shuichis face. He neatly folds the last of your shirts.
Yes! We’re getting somewhere, “This is your playlist? Great taste. I heard the Sleeping with Sirens playing earlier.”
“Yea, I saw you headbanging to it earlier,” Shuichi smiles. Wait- he was watching you?
It was then your turn to blush. “oh, you saw that?”
Shuichi pauses his actions. The blush on his face only darkens.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to sound creepy,” he apologized, “It’s just that not a lot of people who come here like my music. A lot of people complain about it being too depressing like ma’am, this is a Hot Topic. If you want happy music there's a H&M next door.”
You shake your head, ”no it’s okay.” you actually didn’t mind. In fact, the thought of him lowkey checking you out kind of made your heart flutter. Shuichi starts adding up your total.
“That’ll be fifty dollars.”
Shit! You forgot how expensive Hot Topic can be. You frown as you open up your wallet. Maybe you can skip a couple of breakfasts. But is a bunch of Graphic tees worth you next few meals? You look at the tees.
Well, they will make cute outfits-
“Sorry again, but are you alright?” Shuichi asks you again. “It’s just that you were spacing out for a bit.”
“Oh my bad, sorry.” you apologized as you hand him the money. Shuichi takes note of the small frown on your face as you hand over the cash. He recognized that feeling, spending all your money on merch. A feeling he knew too well. Just ask the dozens of posters and figuring that cover his wall. He looks at you again, a soft blush covering his cheeks. Shuichi didn’t meet a lot of people who were one: actually alternative and weren’t doing it for a trend. Two: really nice. Three: pretty attractive.
He takes a deep breath, will he get fired? Maybe.
“Here’s your change.” your eyes widen as Shuichi hands you back a twenty.
“I-” you stammered, “I believe I payed you exactly fifty.”
Shuichi pulls his hat down avoiding your eyes, “I don’t mind. It’ll probably just come out of my paycheck.” he slides you a free anime pin too. 
A soft smile spreads on your face. God you loved this emo boy. Filled with determination, you look back at Shuichi.
“Do you want to hang out one day?”
Shuichi looks back at you, the small blush now covered his whole face.
“My lunch break is in five minutes. Want to grab something to eat at the food court?”
Your smile only grew, “I’d love that.”
Miu idly checks her phone. She sips on her drink, very close to texting you because you were taking a little too long. She looks up and chokes at the sight in front of her.
With no shame, you and Shuichi stand next to each other, sharing a box of fries and bashful smiles. Your sweater also had a few new (and maybe stolen) pins.
Miu cackles, “You said Hot Topic didn’t sell fuck machines (y/n)!″
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ok i’m back, ima try to catch up with all the drafts i have rn
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Yeah I'm honestly a bit surprised by how passionate and vocal people are about hating twenty one pilots? It's kinda upsetting that when I try to interact with content about them I'm always a bit worried in the back of my mind because I'm a pretty sensitive person and it's hard not to let stuff get to me.
I don’t know why it’s always felt like twenty one pilots has gotten a ton of hate for no reason? I’ve been into them since 2013-2014 so pure unadulterated vessel era, I’m a very old fan of them and their music, like one of the oldest picture in my phone is this
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(This picture isn’t important I just love it, plus something fun to look at with a not so fun subject material)
(Long history as a fan rant incoming lol)
I’ve been an emo kid for a really long time, back when all of the emo bands were big, when seeing another kid wearing a panic! shirt always meant you talked to them in the mall, I still remember when I would wear the one twenty one pilots shirt I could afford outside, that anyone who knew who they were would come up and start a conversation with me
And it’s like through the years the hate has changed to be... somehow worse
Back in the early days tøp used to get called not a true emo band because they didn’t have anyone playing the guitar so everyone hated them because they weren’t emo Enough
Plus there was the whole ‘emo trinity’ ‘emo quartet’ infighting nonsense but that’s so long past idk if anyone even remembers it lol
Then blurryface rolls around and fans are being made fun of for dressing funky and going through that one fandom phase where everyone was calling the boys smol beans it was great and cute, we were all really close, we called each other frens, told each other to stay street it was great! So what people made fun of us or whatever we were absolutely vibing
Twenty one pilots felt like the coolest secret gang of fans, we were absolutely huge, more so than most people would think, and man it was awesome!! If you saw a tøp fan you knew that you were cool with that person and that person would be cool with you!! It was amazing!! Sometimes I do miss this vibe!!
But then Stressed Out ended up on the radio...
I feel like it really all changed here, all of the sudden the old fandom things were cringy, the boys were sell outs, and every family member you knew was suddenly the biggest fan despite only knowing stressed out
I remember being upset around this time because of strangers invading my space, this was my group, filled with people who understood what the lyrics meant and knew and understood how much they meant to all of us, and suddenly it was filled with people who didn’t belong
I didn’t blame the pilot boys, obviously they can’t control what’s on the radio, I’m fact, there’s plenty of pilot songs that mention never being played on the radio because of one reason or another, so my problem was never with the boys, it was with the influx of new people, and by new people I don’t mean new fans, I mean news outlets and tv show host, and with that influx came the people who didn’t get it, you know? That were rude and outright nasty and refused to understand anything about the genre and effort put into the story and why it mattered to us
(Tw for suicide mention, and uncomfortable themes involving people making fun of themes involving it, tw for mentions of school shootings)
All of the sudden we were the fans of Tyler Joseph the man who ‘Glorifies Suicide’ and actively is supposedly encouraging that behavior
We were the cringy fans everyone knew in high school and hated who were described as being ‘JuSt So QuIrkY 🤪’, instead of the mentally ill kids we all were, by people who hated us
We were the fans of those ‘white boys who look like school shooters’ (this one honestly rocked me to my core, it still hurts to even see??? Like idk why but it almost makes me want to cry)
At the same time a lot of the old fans were turning their back on the pilots, they didn’t want to be involved anymore, they hated ALL of the new fans whether they were respectful or not
It was a REALLY hard time to be a new fan, very few people were open to having them involved in anything, I think this is when a lot of hatred happened in the fandom not only fan-fan fighting/hatred but also fan-band sentiments weren’t great either
The more songs that ended up on the radio the more the hatred grew, in fact this got so bad Tyler did this
Here’s a transcript in case it’s hard to hear
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Like... this was the state of our fan group.... it was suddenly cool to hate all the songs that ended up on the radio so much it affected every part of our music journey
There was a lot of infighting, it was an awful time to be a fan, new or old
Then came silence era, in which every tøp blog I followed except like 2, became kpop blogs and I’m not sure any of them ever came back lol, I actually really disliked kpop because of this for a bit in like a jokey kind of way in my own head lol (ahh how the turn tables have turned... kpop and tøp are the only things I listen to now haha, actually because of all my tøp mutuals becoming kpop blogs I vowed to myself to not change this blog to another group so I have two music blogs now, which makes me laugh but also shows how important music is to me so it makes me happy anyways you know?)
It was kind of a sad way to have the fandom disappear, everything was strangled, the boys were gone, and no one kept up with the fandom, it felt really lonely
When Trench era clues started back people started coming back, the mood was different, we had something to do and it was fun to work on something with others, we had the Clancy letters, and all the clues, and the tower of silence and the vultures!! It was great! It started to feel like we had rebuilt something from the rubble of what we had been
The fandom started calling Tyler stinky and he called us b*stards it was great, sometimes people were a bit meaner than I think they thought they were being, but it worked you know?
When the album released we had more people come back and things slowly started fitting back ok again, more songs ended up on the radio and a lot of older fans said the same things they’re saying now, but it wasn’t that bad, it was mostly very positive
And then we got to the over the summer drama, which........... is a sensitive subject, but I legitimately do not understand how it was Tyler’s fault that people assumed he was talking about something when he wasn’t talking about it at all... especially when people have been begging him for years to talk more about mental health, he wanted to introduce whatever he was going to do with a joke, I personally never though he was talking about the big issue at the time of the incident, but it blew up like wildfire and the next thing you know he’s canceled because Other People Assumed Something
So now it’s ‘Morally Justifiable’ to hate Tyler because he’s r*cist or something, despite it never being his intention and because people assumed something
It’s literally not even with good reason that people are doing this, but because it blew up when it did and about what it did, no one knows what really happened and people just wanted a morally justified reason to hate them because you can’t just dislike something anymore without it being justifiable I guess? I feel like with all of the years I’ve spent on the internet everything has only become more hateful...
All this to say.... yes, it hurts when people hate the things that you do, I get really sensitive about it as well, especially with how long and how many arguments I’ve seen, and I am extremely sensitive to discourse and hatred, it’s why I don’t engage with much of it online, in fact I was about to delete the post complaining about everyone hating on them before I saw it was really resonating with you guys
I guess my best advice to you anon, would to try to understand where it’s coming from, that’s what’s helped me, I know a lot of people dislike the pilots because of the fact that they became ‘mainstream’ during blurryface era, and people are really upset by that, so understanding that, even when it hurts, I can acknowledge that they feel that way and that it’s ok that I feel differently
It’s easy to take that point and test it against your own morals, ‘do I think twenty one pilots became mainstream, or only makes songs to get on the radio?’ If your answer is no, then you can both say ‘I don’t agree with them but they’re allowed to have their own opinion’ and kind of give yourself a wall and barrier against what they say
I know this isn’t perfect advice, but it’s helped me a lot
I know there are two big arguments against this album, that it’s mainstream and made to have radio singles (the underlying argument here I guess being Tyler and Josh are money hungry and no longer care about the music)
And that it’s no longer lyrically meaningful, but I think this has to do a lot with how involved people are in the Dema lore, if you’re not a fan of lore I would imagine this album being propaganda and supposed to be fake and bright to prove a point would really bug you if you didn’t really get it
To best thing to do is digest an argument (only if you can handle it emotionally of course 🖤) and know it’s ok that think differently than other people, and that the chances of someone being mad at you are very slim
A lot of things I’ve enjoyed have been stolen by the fear of getting hated on for something - while in actuality, the very few times I’ve gotten real hate over something barely affected me
I admit the fear of getting hate bothers me a lot more than actually getting it, but I just want to encourage you to stay strong in the face of it, it will pass, as it all does, but if nothing else in this post resonates with you, PLEASE HOLD ONTO YOUR JOY FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN! And don’t let ANYONE take it from YOU!!
If twenty one pilots makes you happy, just remember that the only person who can take that true joy away from you is yourself, remove the people who make you feel sad out of your life, I apologize if this is a physical person in your life as this makes it a lot harder, and sometimes impossible depending on the situation, but on the internet unfollow anyone, block anyone, don’t engage and leave them alone, it’s not with your energy or effort, and they’ll never change their minds but they can change yours you know?
Being sensitive in a time when everything is hateful is hard, especially when everyone tells you you’re a bad person if you aren’t engaged, but you really don’t have to be, you get to choose your own destiny you know? Don’t let other people choose it for you
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zigtheeortega · 4 years
acceptance speech
pairing | m!raleigh x mc
word count | 1.1k
warnings | cursing
tags | @raleighcarrera, @pixeljazzy, @choicesarehard, @natesewell, @empressazura, @agentdumortain, @zadiechoi, @felix-hauville
author’s note | wrote this short fic for the #vinylawardschallenge! i wanted to write a fun acceptance speech of some kind for @platinumweekend so i came up with this! my mc is pretty different from the canon mc btw – keep that in mind and hope u enjoy !!
“And the winner is… Dom Avalos – Album Of The Year!”
She looked to her friends, lined up next to her, eyes wide. She slapped her hands over her mouth, frozen in shock.
“No fucking way,” she yelled to Raleigh over the deafening applause and cheers, shaking her head. “There’s no way.”
“Yes, way! You fucking won! Get up there, beautiful,” he beamed, leaning in to plant a kiss on her lips.
She’d never seen him look that proud of her.
She waved to her friends, mouthing I love you’s and blowing quick kisses as she was ushered towards the stage, camera in her face the entire time.
Thankfully Avery was presenting – Dom wrapped her in a huge hug, murmuring thank you’s in her ear. Avery squeezed her, patting her back with her free hand. “You earned this,” she said directly in Dom’s ear.
When she pulled back, the applause had begun to die down. She grabbed the award from Avery, taking a second to admire it.
She knew she was on limited time, but she couldn’t help but reread the plaque over and over and over, shaking her head incredulously.
“Holy shit –” she said, cutting herself off with a loud cackle. “Forgot I couldn’t say that on live TV. Sorry mom.”
The audience laughed, Raleigh’s booming laugh ringing out louder than anyone else’s. Oh, he was absolutely eating it up.
“To be honest, I didn’t really have anything prepared. I know lots of people say that so their prepared speeches sound better than they actually are, but I’m telling the truth,” she joked, then  eyed the award again.
“Wow. I really didn’t think I’d be here. Making the shift to an independent label was so difficult, and I didn’t think it’d pay off. Man, I’m speechless,” she laughed, placing the base of the award flat against her palm, lifting it as she spoke.
“Uh, I know I don’t have much time, so I’ll start thanking people. A huge thanks to my manager, Fiona Syed. You’re the fiercest woman on the planet and I don’t know where I’d be without you,” she locked eyes with her in the crowd.
Fiona’s eyes were bright, smile beaming.
She moved down the line, thankful the most important people in her life were lined up next to each other. “Hank, my man, you’re the best bodyguard I’ve ever had and I can’t thank you enough for keeping me on my toes.”
He grinned, nodding at her.
“Ozone! Micah! You’re the coolest teenager I’ve ever met. And teenagers scare the… life… out of me,” she joked, trying to censor herself for once. “Thank you for being an incredible producer. I don’t trust anyone with my artistic vision like I trust you.”
Micah beamed, winking at her from his seat next to Zadie.
“Zadie Choi, you’re the best designer and friend I could’ve asked for. You’re not afraid to call me on my B.S. – can I say that?” She shrugged, continuing, glad the crowd was engaged and laughing. “Thank you.”
“Shane Parker! Oh my god, I don’t know where the hell I’d be without you,” she grinned widely, pointing to him in the crowd. “He’s my lifelong best friend. He couldn’t get rid of me if he tried. You get me more than I get myself sometimes,” she shook her head, holding the award up. “You’ve been here through it all, and I don’t know if I’d be here on this stage right now accepting this award without your support. This award is yours just as much as it is mine. I love you, bestie.”
He gave her two thumbs up from his seat, winking, clearly emotional.
“Thank you to my label, to Avery, for accepting me regardless of my vision and my unbearable personality,” she grinned, stepping over to wrap Avery in another side hug. “She’s the best mentor I could’ve asked for. I owe the possibility of me even being here to her.”
Avery squeezed her back, kissing Dom’s cheek.
“Thank you to my parents and to everyone back home who supported and screw everyone who doubted me,” she said, locking eyes with Raleigh.
He raised a brow as if to say, “What about me?”
“I’d tease him more and drag this out forever, but I don’t have enough time, unfortunately,” she pointed at the plaque, award still balanced in her palm.
“God, what a ride, huh, Raleigh?” She tapped the plaque. “Can you say ‘I told you so’?”
He cupped his hands around his mouth, yelling across the crowd. “I told you so!”
She laughed, grabbing the mic stand. “You know, I never told him this, but when I was 14 I took my first paycheck – I used to be a babysitter – yeah, I know – I took it to the mall and bought Sunset Skatepark’s first album.”
“You were only a couple years older than me but you had everything I wanted.” She shook her head, chewing the inside of her lip. “It’s still wild to me that I’m dating the kid I idolized. I didn’t know we were one in the same.”
Raleigh couldn’t contain his grin – a full, genuine smile, no hint of smirking or teasing. His eyes were bright, his entire body lighting up like a bulb. He was so happy for her.
“Raleigh’s one of a kind. He sees through all of the – uh – B.S. and cares more about people than he lets on. He’s the best judge of character I know. God, I love him,” she said, pointing directly at him.
The prompter flickered, letting her know that she needed to wrap it up quickly.
“This is a huge deal to me so you’re not gonna turn the music on while I’m finishing my heartfelt speech and talking at my boyfriend,” she said, pointing at the nearest camera that was trained on her every move.
 “Anyway, like I was saying… I wouldn’t be up here without you, Raleigh. Love you, dumbass,” she smiled, blowing a kiss his way.
He cheesily jumped up, popping his arm up to grab it, cradling his hand to his chest.
She was ushered backstage, award clutched in both hands, waiting for the next commercial break so she could return to her seat. A firm hand grabbed her arm and pulled her into a dark corner, a finger pressed to her lips to keep her quiet.
“Have I ever told you how sexy you look on stage?” Raleigh murmured, cupping her chin.
“Only a million times,” she teased, leaning in to press her lips against his.
“What about how proud I am of you?”
“Millions more,” she whispered, pulling him into a searing kiss, hoping that the sounds of their heavy breathing were drowned out and that an unlucky intern wasn’t curious enough to check it out.
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hyunsracha · 5 years
for your entertainment — han jisung
word count: 2.3k
summary: jisung panics when he sees cute people. he also stares at them.
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so you work at an entertainment store right
where ppl can buy like uhhh movies and albums n merch n stuff!!
u like ur job.. it’s one of the least popular stores in the mall so u spend most of ur time organizing and reorganizing with one earbud in listening to music
u have to wear a boring grey t-shirt as uniform so u spice things up by making the rest of u look good
everyone else does the same thing i mean … ur manager lia wears purple eyeshadow ok
ur other manager chris doesn’t even try to look good! and it’s so fucking annoying u wanna knock his fuck 24/7
random girl: hehe<3 can i have ur number?
chris: only if u sign up for our rewards program<3
u, angry bc u haven’t sold any rewards programs in a week: >:(
ur other two co-workers are hyunjin and jeongin.
hyunjin has a pretty popular youtube dancer cover channel, but for Copyright Reasons it’s not paying the bills
and jeongin is a senior in high school and this is his first job and u just wanna pinch his little cheeks every time u work together
“y/n i swear to god i’m gonna punch u and get fired rn stop POKING MY CHEEKS-”
“he’s just a little baby…*to passing customer* LOOK AT THE BABY!”
so it’s a tuesday night.
tuesday nights are the fucking best (worst if u love talking to ppl) bc u’ll get like … 2 customers in 4 hours?
it’s 8pm and the mall closes at 9
usually u start vacuuming at 8:30 but at like 7:50 chris was like “GET THE FUCKING VACUUM WE’RE CLOSING RN !!”
jeongin: u do it.
u: no u do it bitch.
jeongin: *sticks out his fist*
u sigh and do rock paper scissors like the baby wants.
and u lose
u fucking lose
and jeongin just cackles, sitting down on the stool behind the registers
so u trudge to the back room and the vacuum, grumbling about how ur older so jeongin should be doing this!!
but it’s fine!
so you’re vacuuming right.
and in storms Han Jisung
yes han jisung is the kinda dude to come to the mall right before closing and go on a shopping spree
he’s got his best friend lee minho in tow, who does Not look happy to be here.
“come on minho!! i need to get season 4 of naruto to finish my collection!!” jisung whines, pulling on his friend’s arm as he stands on his tiptoes to look for the anime section.
“can you keep your voice down?? i have an image, yanno.”
“minho you’re literally here to buy a kelly clarkson album.”
minho grumbles and waddles off towards the cds, where you are...vacuuming...loudly
and minho’s like -____- why are u so fucking loud
like u don’t MEAN to be loud?? but it’s a VACUUM??
so minho’s looking for his beloved kelly clarkson album right,
and jisung comes around the corner, season 4 of naruto in tow.
and he sees you
and nearly drops it
jisung gets crushes very easily okay..
he can’t help it! the boy loves to love (◕‿◕)♡
and u look so cute in ur lil t-shirt!! like a little retail angel!!
so he grabs minho’s arm and DRAGS HIM TO where the movies are
and he panics!
“do you mean the person vacuuming -__- loud as hell”
“minho it’s a vacuum.”
so you stop vacuuming and return the vacuum to the back room (and wash ur hands in the bathroom bc the soap smells like lemons and sunshine) and come back to the floor
u have a ton of time until closing so u just. sit.. and start reorganizing the heavy metal albums.
after a while u feel … weird … like ur being watched
so u turn around and. there they are. staring like (・_・)
and ur like “HELLO?!?!” but u don’t say anything
u just give them a Customer Service Smile and a, “can i help you with anything?”
jisung just giggles and shakes his head and minho keeps fuckign staring
mr lee i will knock ur fuck is that what u want
so u shrug and go back to ur sorting, keeping an eye on the CREEPS in ur store.
at 8:55 chris is like “jeongin go close the gate.” n jeongin’s like “FUCK YEAH” bc he gets to hold a big stick
so he’s walking towards the front of the store with his Big Stick when he sees jisung and minho
“what da hell are y’all doing?” is what he thinks but he says, “(: hi! the store closes in five minutes and i’m about to close the front gate. i’m so sorry, but you have to leave now! :)”
so jisung pouts and minho rolls his eyes, dragging his friend out of the store.
jeongin uses his Big Stick to pull the gate down and he locks it at about mid calf level so y’all can get out.
so that night, u go home and do some homework, but ur still thinking about those weirdos.
but! u’ll probably never see them again!
u see them the next day!
they’re still watching u, but they’re closer
and minho looks more irritated.
towards the end of the night, ur Upset and Confused so u go over to them like o_o. What do u want.
and jisung goes JISJSJHTIE
and minho goes, “jisung thinks you’re cute.”
u start to blush, but jisung squeaks, “NO ahah- uh- he likes to talk in third person! he’s jisung ahaha.”
“my name is not jisung i would Hate to be named jisung.”
“WH- why? there’s a soccer player named jisung. and an idol! multiple idols!”
“yeah the guy in nct is 2 years younger than you and has the same name. and what have You done successfully? Quickly-”
the two boys in front of u bicker while u start zoning out at the wall behind them.
you knew that the boy with blue hair was jisung, but you didn’t know the one with brown hair. and you assumed that they were friends, judging by the .. bonding activity that is staring at an employee.
and jisung wasn’t …. ugly
like he was really … really cute
but staring at people is fucking weird, jisung!!
when u finally snap out of it, u huff, “okay losers. we are closing soon. so you have to leave. but you’re welcome to come back tomorrow if you’re going to actually talk to me and not just stand in the corner! okay?”
the boys nod, grinning at each other before dashing out of the store.
so, like u said, they’re back the next day!
and this time they actually talk to u! Wow!
you’re sitting on the floor in the back of the store, organizing the funko pops for the 70th time when you feel A Presence.
two, actually.
it’s the two boys, sitting on either side of u.
“hi,” jisung says, playing with his fingers in his lap.
“you’re jisung, right? the cute one..” u reply absentmindedly
u hear a choking sound and then Silence
miss jisung ? miss JISUNG ?
he’s alive, but jfc BARELY
u just called him the CUTE ONE?!?!?
paying no mind, u turn to the boy on ur right, “and you are?”
“lee minho. don’t worry, you won’t forget it.”
“was that supposed to be a pick-up line?”
“did it work?”
“HAH!” and jisung’s alive again.
u spend the rest of ur shift talking to the boys, telling them all about ur life while they told u about theirs
u learned that minho was a dancer just like hyunjin! but he went to the nearby university to study.
and that’s where he met jisung, who’s a music composition major
...and a soundcloud rapper…
u could help the laugh that pushed past ur lips at his words
“a SoundCloud rapper. really, sung?”
“IT’S COOL ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙”
u couldn’t imagine him as a ‘cool’ rapper dude
he just looked so fluffy :(
at 8:55, the boys got kicked out by jeongin again, but they stood outside the gate, waiting for u
“What do y’all want.”
“i wanna walk u to ur car:(“
“i don’t.”
“ok minho then Leave.”
“NO DON’T he’s my ride don’t say that to him.”
it’s dark outside, and a warm wind blows through ur hair.
it’s late spring, with summer (and finals) fast approaching.
“walking me to my car...what a gentleman…”
“yeah that’s why you should totally go on a date with me haha.”
“you said-”
“i didn’t say anything.”
minho sighs from behind u, not understanding why his best friend has to be so damn stupid all the time
u lean on ur driver’s side door, not making eye contact with the boy
u didn’t know how to say bye..no one’s ever walked u to ur car before??
“so…” jisung speaks for u, “can i … have your number? so i don’t show up at the store when you’re not working.” he holds his phone out for u to take, a sheepish smile barely visible due to the lights in the parking lot.
“oh! totally.” you take the phone from him, jolting when ur fingers graze his. u set ur contact as ‘the person sungie likes to stare at~” before giving it back to him.
he chuckles at the name, and u feel something inside of u go DOKIDOKI
when he says goodnight and walks away, minho giving u a quick nod, u lock urself in ur car so u can PANIC
u barely know this boy. he’s a weirdo. why is ur heart going dokidoki
heart STOP IT!!
it only gets worse when u hear the text notification sound from ur phone:
[ unknown ]: do u work tmrw? (^_−)☆ i already miss u
…. frick …. he texts cute
dammit jisung why couldn’t u send the laughing emoji
[ y/n ]: i do ! ^.^ i’ll see u then?
[ creeper ]: wouldn’t miss it~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ goodnight!
u nearly slam ur head on the steering wheel.
true to his word, jisung was back the next day
and the day after that
and the day after that
the day after That, u were off, so u didn’t see him
but u guys texted nearly all day!
jisung was just … really easy to talk to :/
and really funny :/
and every time he giggled u just wanted to cry a little bit :/
and u feel like a CLOWN bc u have a CRUSH on this dude that hangs out with u at WORK
one day, ur at work, and jisung isn't there:((
u feel a little dumb being upset about it, but u were starting to get used to the little guy
“somebody looks like a sad clown.”
“hyunjin~” u whine.
“oh no. that’s the boy problems whine. uhhh suddenly i’m on break!” he tries to stand and walk away, but u pull him back down next to u.
see, u and hyunjin were pretty close.
u two are the same age and watch the same dramas.
and ur both super dramatic
which is WHY when u got ur heart broken by lee donghyuck a few months after u started working there, he was ur shoulder to cry - and complain - on.
“stop :( there was this boy who came in every day and talked to me and he’s super cute but he’s not here today and i miss him :(“
hyunjin just …. stared at u like …. wtf are u talking about
“do you have his number?”
“have you texted him to ask why he’s not here today?”
a customer standing in front of the register, trying to buy some headphones: uh.. should i go?
u make hyunjin deal with the customer while u sneak out ur phone to text jisung
[ y/n ]: where are u . no one is here 2 annoy me today (except hyunjin but he doesn’t count)
u wait 5 minutes … no reply
10 minutes … no reply
an hour … no reply
“WAAAAA 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。 HYUNJIN 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。”
hyunjin, handing a poor lady her receipt: jesus fucking christ
ur sulking as u leave the store that night
u still feel dumb, but now ur too Sad to feel dumb
u press the lock button on ur car keys so the lights would come on and the horn would sound, telling u where ur car was
“OH FUCK- jesus...stupid car…”
….that’s not what ur car horn sounds like.
u slowly approach, holding ur keys in between ur fingers
ur not afraid to stab a bitch with ur mail key and that’s on wolverine.
u breathe a sigh of Relief when u see it’s just jisung leaning against ur door
“jisung?” u voice ur thoughts
his hand comes up to rub the back of his neck, “yeah..hi..sorry i didn’t text you back. i nearly backed out of doing this and i didn’t wanna look stupid.”
“you look stupid all the time.”
“jeez, thanks.”
u cross ur arms, stepping closer to the boy, “back out of what?”
“well i uh- do you remember how minho said i think you’re cute on the first day we talked?”
you nod.
“well...that hasn’t changed. i think you’re cute...really cute, actually.”
you blush again, just like the first time, “what does me being cute have to do with you standing in front of my car?”
“well, i don’t have a car, so i’m hoping...you can drive when we go on our first date?”
your heart nearly stops, but you start to smile.
“han jisung, are you asking me out?”
“are you saying yes?”
“then yeah. i am.”
your smile only gets wider as you close the gap between you two, wrapping your arms around his middle. he pats your head, a chuckle vibrating under your ear.
“also i need a ride home. minho dropped me off.”
“*sigh* jisung…”
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xihaveaplanxx · 3 years
Happy Birthday Jenny ^_^ (Short Story)
As promised, your birthday gift, well part of it, a story! I hope you enjoy it and enjoy your day too <3
“Jenny, Happy Birthday!” Erandur walked into my room at midnight on the dot. I was often so lonely moving from my family but he always made me feel just as loved as his own family. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and sat up on my bed to be presented with a huge box. “You don’t need to open it now, but I think you’ll like it. Teldryn picked it up yesterday!”
“You guys didn’t have to get me anything.”
“You have been a good friend to my daughter for years and you are practically family. I’d be remiss to not have gotten you something. Today is your special day. Whatever you want, you got...so long as it’s legal but you aren’t like other people Dreama seems to hang out with. Especially that .... man.”
“Don’t even say his name. I fear she likes him and the very idea makes my skin crawl. She did always like wayward men. You remember Anders.”
“We all remember Anders. If he didn’t get locked up they’d still be together”
“I know.” Erandur sighed “But enough about that. Today is your day. I’ll let you get back to sleep. Got a surprise planned”
“Yeah, but you didn’t hear it from me.”
In the morning
“Happy Birthday, Jenny!” I was greeted by Dreama running up to me holding a giant Chimmy plush with a bow on it. I could tell Teldryn probably tied it on him because she wasn’t the best at tying things around things. “I hope you like this!”
“I love it” I smiled as she placed it in my arms and then hugged her. I was meaning to thank Erandur too. He got me a few BTS albums, and some cards. He wrote me a sweet letter too. He truly was like a backup parent and I adored him for it. He had gone to work though and so did Teldryn leaving me with Dreama and giant Chimmy of course “Thank you so much!”
“You’re welcome! We are planning something. Well, I’ll tell you we are going to Burger King! I got Bull to uh....maybe threaten Cullen ot let us hold it there”
“Dreama! You didn’t need to have him threatened so we can hold a party there!”
“He deserved it.” She crossed her arms. “Besides, it's your special day. We are going to keep it special which reminds me, wash up, we are meeting Dorian at the mall”
“For what?”
“Well today is your birthday, you have to show up as the princess you are! I’m even going to let you wear one of my tiaras”
“I feel honored because I know how you are.”
“I know but you can wear one since it is your day and you are my best friend. I can part with...one for one day.”
“Well thank you, I feel special”
“As you should! Now, go get ready. We have to meet him in an hour!”
“Right! I’m so excited”
“Good, you should be. You deserve to have a great day!” 
At the mall
“Happy Birthday, dear!” Dorian walked up to me, handing me a Gucci box. I opened it and saw a pair of big Gucci sunglasses, just like the ones Dorian was often wearing or had sitting on his head or hanging off his shirt. “Nothing is too good for one of my closest friends. Go on, try them on!” He encouraged me and I put them on. I felt they took up most of my face but the cheers from both he and Dreama made me feel like maybe I didn’t look as odd as I felt wearing them. “Oh now don’t you look cute!” 
“Well thank you!”
“You are so precious. Time's a wastin. We need to get you a new outfit and all for your party. Dreama don’t get distracted. Flirting with JAvier will make your dusty boyfriend upset.”
“Dutch isn’t my boyfriend!”
“Yes he is. Or something like that. Maybe he’s more of a hit and run.”
“He's nothing. He’s annoying.”
“Yes, and I know how you are when people annoy you. Cullen annoyed you so bad you dated him for a whole year. You think we forgot, we didn’t.”
“Shut up Dorian!”
“Fine, I won’t bother you, not on Jenny’s birthday but tomorrow, it’s free game.”
“Fine.” She rolled her eyes. “Let’s start at Hot Topic.”
“That’s where you want to go. What about where Jenny wants to go?”
“No, Hot Topic is good with me.” I told him. “Let’s go there”
“Perfect!” Dreama clasped her hands excitedly. “Then we can go eat a little bit then go home and get prepared for later.”
“Yes and maybe you’ll wear an outfit that covers your boobs. You don’t want your not boyfriend to be in some sort of stupid frenzy when he sees you.”
“Dorian, I.....”
“You don’t need to explain it to us. We know how you are.” Dorian shook his head. “But I do know one thing, we will be the best looking people in that Burger King. No one will be ready for us.”
“Damn straight.”
“You better be careful or Bull might knock you over and want to bang you on the counter.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time”
“Nothing.” Dorian turned red and now I had questions. A lot of questions. “Let’s just go shop and forget I said anything.”
“I don’t think we can just forget that, Dorian.” I told him. “But....for today...we will but later....”
“I know I know...i’ll explain then... I promise.”
At Hosea’s house/Arthur’s pov
Whoever said money can’t solve your problems.
Must not have had enough money to solve em.
They say which one, I say nah I want all them.
Happiness is the same price as red bottoms.
I very much liked Dreama, but I just couldn’t find it in me to forgive her for introducing John to Ariana Grande’s music. All he did was dramatically sing along and pine over Farkas, this boy that lived a town over that he had a thing for ... sometimes. I don’t know. Shit was too complicated for me and frankly I didn’t care. John was as dramatic as Dreama so I understood why they liked to hang out and what not but still. All that drama, that just ain’t for me. John was always little to the left, but now more so. And he wasn’t the most intense person in that house, that honor went to Dutch. He was always in some kind of thing. Hosea honestly kept us all together. He had been getting better after getting treatment and honestly I was glad because the idea of him not being here, I knew John and I would be fine but Dutch, he’d go off the rails and he was barely on the rails as is. Then him and Dreama were another issue entirely. I didn’t know what the hell they thought they were but it wasn’t normal and they were both grown as adults which made it more concerning.  I think she drove him crazy and he just pissed her off and yet they liked to be near each other a lot. Once again, shit like that don’t make no sense to me. Love don’t make much sense to me especially seeing all the examples I got around me, I’m doing just fine in my own lane. 
“Farkas viewed my story on snapchat!” John came over to me to show me his phone. I didn’t know what the hell that even meant. I saw the little icon and John jumping up excited in front of me. Frankly I wanted to throw myself down the steps but that would be bad. I’d miss Jenny’s party if I did that but I think she’d understand my pain dealing with John like this....all the time....most our lives. “Maybe he’ll call me.”
“Aren’t you the one that made things...weird?”
“No. He did.  It wasn’t my fault. I....he’s so stupid.”
“Then why do you like him?”
“I don’t! I just .... you don’t get it Arthur.”
“You’re right, I don’t nor do I want to.” I sighed. “You getting ready for the party later?”
“Yeah, I was about to. I got her this cute shirt. I think she’ll like it! What did you get her?”
“A keychain. I know she collects those. Got her one of that BTS group guys, got them on it. I think she’ll like it.”
“That’s so nice!”
“Hosea is baking the cake to bring there. He’s so excited. Dutch is bringing his thoughts and prayers I guess. Didn’t see him pick up anything.”
“He’s probably not going for her...just to see Dreama.” John said honestly and he was probably not wrong. If Dutch was coming with us, he was probably going just to see Dreama and be pure chaos. “I don’t even know why he bothers her. She’s so on and off about him, mostly off.”
“I could say the same about you over Farkas.”
“That’s different! Farkas is a stupid guy. Dutch is a stupid man. It’s different.”
“Marston I.....nevermind.” I didn’t even have time to comment on this. John was so dumb....not even sometimes...all the fucking time. This was the tip of the stupidity iceberg with him. “I guess I’ll just finish getting ready.”
“So will I. I want to get there early and get a crown.”
“Course you do.”
“Oh come on, you know you want one.”
“I don’t.” I crossed my arms. “I’m going to finish getting ready. Also can you keep your bad music down. I don’t want to hear all that mess when I’m trying to be in my thoughts.”
“You need to have fun, Arthur. You never wanna have fun.”
“ I do have fun, y’all just don’t see me have it and that’s fine. I don’t need y’all in my business.”
“Party pooper.”
“You can think how you want.”
In the living room/Hosea’s pov
“This is Jenny’s birthday. Don’t you dare act up. I am upset I need to tell you this. You are 41 years old , Dutch. Acting stupid because of her friend is not what w need. You know better than that. You know a lot better than that. I know you can be dumb when you get in your feelings but this is Jenny’s birthday. This is her day so you keep your feelings to yourself. You didn’t even get Jenny a damn present . Just showing up empty handed after she got you a hat for your birthday and you got nothing for her. I’d chastise you more but I know how you think. You just want to see Dreama and for what? That girl don’t like you. At least I don’t think she does. Let it go. She don’t like you .”
“Oh Hosea. You don’t understand. She’s a tricky one. She can say she don’t like me but I know she does. I’m going to bring her something.”
“So you are bringing her a present on her friend's birthday..wow.”
“No. I got Jenny something too. I asked Arthur about things she likes and I got her a little wallet with them little characters on it she likes. I even wrapped it. She’ll like it. As for Dreama...I got something really special for her.”
“I swear to God if it involves you guys naked in a Burger King bathroom, I’m going to ask you stay home.”
“No! Not that. That’s disgusting Hosea. I just want her to admit she likes me. I’ll make her do it.”
“You can’t make her do anything.”
“That’s what you think.”
“Don’t ruin Jenny’s party please. I swear...”
“I’m not. Gee Hosea, you always act like I’m the problem.”
“You are. Usually. I love you like family, you know that so dearly but sometimes, your idea, your thoughts are off the rails. I just want you to for once, FOR ONCE to have all your ducks in a row.”
“They are in a row. I just.....they’d be more in a row if she stopped playing these games.”
“Or if you both just ignored each other.”
“That’s an option but you know that won’t happen.”
“I know, I just accept it now.”
That night at Burger King/Jenny’s pov
“SURPRISE!” The smile on my face when we walked in and I was faced with all of our friends and Hosea holding the cake. I can tell he worked hard on it. I saw all these presents along the counter and food on all the tables. They really did plan this out. It was so thoughtful. Everyone was even wearing a crown. John had two because of course he did, he had to feel extra special always. “Happy Birthday, Jenny!” They all said in unison as Hosea placed the cake on the table.  I truly did feel loved. In my new outfit. Dreama and Dorian helped me pick it. A cute red top and comfy black pants and one of Dreama’s tiaras with the Gucci shades, he more than insisted I wear them. Everyone seemed so excited, hugging me and what not. 
“Jenny, you might want to grab food. Your large friend has been eying those nuggets. Might not be any left in a second.” Hosea said pointing at Bull who already had a plate full of nuggets. “I hope you like the cake! Arthur helped me with it!”
“It was nothing. Really.” Arthur said. “Anything to help with your special day.”
“Thank you.” I smiled at them both. “This is all very lovely.”
“You look adorable. The sunglasses. Mr. Pavus idea wasn’t it?”
“Yes, yes it was.” I nodded my head. “They aren’t too bad.”
“Probably cost as much as a house but he does like the expensive things.” Hosea shook his head. “Javier is setting up the music. This is going to be a fun time. Glad we were invited. Even more glad Dreama somewhat kept it a secret....kind of I guess.”
“She didn’t say all of you were going to be here but yeah she kind....kind of told me.”
“Course she did.” Hosea shook his head. “No matter. Have a great birthday!”
“Thank you. With all of you here, I think that I will.”
Outside of the Burger King/Dutch’s pov
“You know you are really annoying. Like so much. You are what 40 and fucking stupid. I can not stand you. Ever. I don’t even see why we invited you. You aren’t even Jenny’s friend. You are Hosea’s stupid friend with the stupid face who does stupid things and has stupid plans and is a shitty maanger at the shitty Walmart!”
“Gee, tell me how you really feel.”
“Oh you don’t want that! You’ll probably cry.”
“No I won’t. Not over you. If you think you’d make me cry, you must think you are something so special.” I shook my head. “You know I could have any woman I want.”
“Then go to them”
“I said I could have any woman I want. I don’t want them though. I want you.”
“I do. Believe it or not, I like you. Even though you are mean to me. Violent, rude but you are also brilliant, smart, intriguing.  You remind me of me.”
“That’s an insult.”
“And you only hate it because it’s true.” I reached in my pocket “John told me you like these weird things. It’s a keychain. Hello Kitty I think he said it was. I don’t know but I thought you’d like it and you can keep it if you give me a chance.”
“How about I take the keychain and you fuck off.”
“Now you and I both know that you don’t want that. If I fuck off then who will you chase around the Walmart. You know we can’t have non-employees in the back and yet...”
“I dont think your friends want to know what happened there a few weeks ago. Oh, they’d really know how much you hate me, especially that day.”
“Oh no, not you climbing on me, the lowly Walmart manager in the back room. You surely showed me how much you dislike me. I felt that....clearly.”
“I hate you”
“I bet you do.” I laughed at her and she reached in my hand and snatched the keychain. She broke the keychain part so I guess she was going to sit it on her desk or something. She glared up at me and she was angry, oh so much but also, I know she was considering my offer. I wouldn’t really tell everyone what happened.....unless she pushed me to it. Part of me felt she wanted people to know in some sick way. Like me, we had pride in the things....in the people we did. Why keep it such a secret ? But also like me she was complicated. It’s why she pissed me off as much as I liked her. “You broke it.”
“I don’t need it as a keychain.” She told me simply. “And I do not need you as a boyfriend.”
“Then what are we?”
“Nothing. You got lucky.”
“Lucky?” I arched my eyebrow. “So I’m what a rebound because of the crazy guy you were with? You know he’s not getting out of jail any time soon”
“Don’t talk to me about Anders. Your friend is in jail. That dusty ugly blonde dude.”
“I didn’t fuck Micah, you fucked Anders and you fucked me!”
“DUTCH!” She looked at me like her entire soul escaped her body. I doubt anyone heard us but even if they did, would anyone in there have been surprised. “Please, do not!” 
“But you did! Not even just physically, but mentally too. You just like broken guys. Anders was broken and you want me broken too. Maybe it’s why you are like this to me? Because I refuse to let you do that to me. I won’t worship you like him and it pisses you off.”
“Fuck you, Dutch.”
“I already have and if you keep this up I’ll do it out here and it would be a real shame for everyone in there to come out and see you bent over a Burger King dumpster! And by someone you hate oh so much! THat would be awful.”
“I hate you.” She tossed the little figure from the keychain at me and stomped into the Burger King. Maybe I did really piss her off ? Maybe but I doubt it. I could tell she wasn’t 100 percent mad because she waited for me to come in after her, even holding the door for me. Was it bold to reach down and hold her hand, maybe but she didn’t pull away like I thought either. She just let me hold her hand. “Maybe I don’t hate you....as much.” She told me as we were walking towards the food. “Or...maybe not at all.”
“It’s not much of a secret.” I told her, giving her the little Hello Kitty that was in my other hand. “Maybe we can be something.”
Over at the table/Jenny’s pov
I had just blown out my candles and was surprised to see Dreama and Dutch walk in, calmly. They were usually at odds but this time, they were holding hands. I heard Dorian comment about how he knew this would happen. He was never truly wrong about these things. The cake was being served and honestly, Hosea really did outdo himself. It was delicious. Bull was eating Dorian’s slice. Dorian barely even got to get any on his fork before Bull decided, his slice also belonged to him. Dorian’s face as he was eating it was priceless.  John was being relatively calm, talking to Farkas. I wish Vilkas would have come but since he and Dreama broke up he had kept his distance. Especially since he felt it was Dutch’s fault they broke up and the very idea of seeing him made him want to torch the entire town. He did send Farkas with a card for me which was very sweet. Farkas seemed quite confused most the party mostly because John confused him. John was a lot like Dreama and was just not good at expressing how he felt. When he and Dreama hung out it was always some kind of mess and often ended with them running from the police. They were the definition of sharing a brain cell. 
“Jenny, I got you this. I didn’t get to wrap it but...” Sean walked up to me holding a giant plush cat. “I got him at the arcade! I won it for you actually!”
“Aw, thank you” I smiled as I held it. “That was very sweet”
“I can be sometimes.” He told me. “This beena good party and I didn’t even drink!”
“You don’t need to be drinking Sean.” I told him remembering at Dreama’s party he got wasted and was screaming in the bar about fucking someone with a glass lamp. It was quite intense. “Being sober isn’t the worst thing.”
“Aye, I suppose but it was fun the last time....given I don’t remember”
“The rest of us do though.”
“Did I really threaten to fuck someone with a glass lamp? That’s what Lenny said I did.”
“Yes you did. It was...alarming.”
“Well..I didn’t actually do it did I?”
“No, because there were no lamps around and also you passed out a bit after”
“Well then there was no cause for alarm” Sean chuckled and I shook my head. He soon disappeared within the party and Dreama came up to me and jumped in my arms as she was prone to doing.
“I hope you enjoy your party!” Dreama told me, clinging to me. 
“I really am. Thank you.” I smiled as I set her down. “Thank you for everything. You guys didn’t need to go through all this.”
“Oh it was nothing at all. We wanted to do this for you. I mean you’ve helped all of us in a lot of ways so we wanted to show you how much you mean to us.”
“Well I do feel very loved so thank you.”
“Thank you for being there for all of us.” She hugged me once more. “We love you, never forget that.”
“I won’t. Thank you for everything. I really truly appreciate it.”
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steamy-linguine · 5 years
The Concert (Connor rk800 x reader)
A/N: Oh my god seriously y’all it has been a fucking crazy past few weeks I can’t even begin to tell you guys everything that has been going on but anyway since Happy Birthday with Connor got so many notes I decided to write a second part. I really do hope you guys enjoy it please let me know what you think (:
If you haven’t read happy birthday then click here
Warnings: None just fluff
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“Maybe this?” You told yourself as you ran in front of the mirror to look.
You shook your head rapidly too displeased with your outfit. “No no no he’ll hate it...”
“They’ll hate it Hank.” Connor said to him as he looked at himself in the mirror. His usual suit and android jacket gone and now he was wearing a black button up shirt, dark blue jeans and nice new black shoes to match.
Hank told Connor since it was a date he needed to get some new clothes and he joined him at the mall to help the android.
Connor at first thought the outfit would be perfect for the date. It wasn’t too flashy for his liking and all the colors seemed to go together accordingly but now...
Looking in the mirror he wasn’t so sure.
Were his predictions wrong?
“No they won’t.”
“They will.” Connor argued back the nerves clear in his voice as his LED spun yellow.
Hank stared at Connor’s reflection in the mirror from seat at the edge of his bed. The memory of his first date coming to his mind as Connor continued to ramble on about tonight clearly not used to these new emotions.
Ah, Déjà vu.
Hank stood up walking behind Connor to lay a hand on his shoulder and give a reassuring squeeze to the android but also to shut him up.
“Connor listen, uh you look fine. I’m sure they’ll think so too.” Hank said a bit more awkward than expected.
Hank hadn’t dealt with this since he was younger and didn’t have anymore kids since Cole, but taking in Connor was like parenting all over again.
“Hank I just..I’ve never really felt like this before.”
“You’re nervous Connor it happens.”
Connor let out a breathy chuckle, “It’s all so new to me...”
Hank nodded, “I know..Just make sure you be yourself...Don’t go licking shit though.” Hank ended his sentence by pointing a finger at him.
Connor’s eyebrows furrowed before the realization hit him, “Oh!”
You stared at yourself in the mirror admiring your outfit. You did a twirl and moved closer to fix any fly away strands of hair and a teeth check.
You nodded at yourself in the mirror.
“You’re good..It’s all cool...” You gave yourself a small pep talk your eyes wandering over your outfit.
Maybe I should just change...You thought.
Before you could make any more changes to yourself for the umpteenth time there was a knocking at your front door snapping you out of your thoughts.
“He’s here fuck!” You silently shrieked, the nerves beginning to build within you as you took a deep breath to calm yourself.
You walked out of your bedroom and hurried to your front door taking a moment to breathe in once more before pulling the door open.
Connor stood at the entrance his smile big on his face as you took a second to admire his new look.
He began to do the same, his eyes wandering over you taking in the sight of not seeing you in regular work clothes.
That familiar irregular beating beginning in his chest as the warnings popped up into his line of sight.
He quickly dismissed them and turned his attention back on you.
“You look amazing.” He said as his eyes met yours.
You smiled, “Thank you! You look great also!”
“Are you ready for the concert?”
You both arrived at the large outdoor venue. The two of you had a hard time squeezing pass some of the people but eventually found your way to your spots right in the front, the stage lit up with neon colors and the instruments already set out for the artists.
“Have you ever listened to them?” You asked him.
You knew he tried to get into music over the past few months and remembered the time you sent your playlist to him.
“I did listen to all of their forty songs. The first two albums were more of a indie rock and the last two more alternative pop. A bit different from the heavy metal I’ve listened to with Hank but I actually quite liked them.” He smiled.
You giggled at his answer, “Yeah they’re great I love them.”
Connor smiled back at you. You continued to look around unaware of his lingering gaze as your head fell back to admire the stars above.
“The stars are beautiful tonight don’t you think?” You looked over to him already catching his unbroken gaze.
He nodded looking up to the stars with you.
“They are. Balls of extremely hot gas consisting of helium and hydrogen...but very beautiful.” He said.
You again laughed at his words.
He was always so descriptive.
“I’d say they are the second most beautiful thing tonight though.” He added.
His comment caught you off guard and you turned to look at him, the red already building onto your cheeks.
The sound of loud music interrupted you and both of your heads snapped in the direction toward the stage.
The lights on stage began to dim and the white screen hanging up lit up with the bands logo, the music already beginning to get louder and the crowd cheering and women hollering their name.
Suddenly the lights on the stage cut off and you could hardly see anything and it seemed as if the crowds cheers just grew even louder.
You felt fingers intertwine with yours making your insides flutter.
Suddenly the lights turned back on and all the artists were in their spots, waving and greeting the crowd.
You looked down at Connor’s hand entangled with yours and couldn’t stop the large smile spreading onto your face.
The start of the song booming over the speakers catching your attention as the singer began the first song on the album.
Connor could see how the crowd was closing in, all too excited and unaware how rowdy they were and it made his LED spin from blue to yellow to red back to yellow.
There were no seats after all, so they moved in closer around the two of you, bumping into you guys and one another.
He could see your eyes moving from your favorite band to the people, unaware of who to pay attention to.
On instinct, he pulled his hand from yours and you gave a confused look at him until he wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you closer into him.
You were surprised at first but immediately relaxed after being so close to him. You rested your head against his chest and wrapped your arms around him and began to sway to the music.
Connor looked down at you, a small smile on his face as he would remember this moment of having you so close to him for the first time ever in his mind.
He’d have to upload this.
He began swaying with you, enjoying the moment.
After the concert the two of you caught a taxi back to your place. The ride back wasn’t a long one and conversation with him made it better.
“God it was so...amazing! I never thought I’d ever see them!” You gushed to him.
He only smiled at you and nodded. For the first time he was unaware of what to say to you as you rambled on about seeing your favorite band but he enjoyed hearing your voice and how happy you were.
It made him feel happy seeing you like this.
Soon the self driving taxi pulled over, the monotone voice thanking the both of you for using Detroit taxi services.
He shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked you back up to your porch.
“Connor, seriously this was amazing. Nobody’s ever done anything like this for me.” You smiled.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it (Y/N). I had a good time myself.”
Your smile grew as you heard him say those words.
“Well?” You questioned.
He stared at you trying to decide what to do.
The suggestions came up and he dismissed them.
He wanted so badly to kiss you. He had seen enough romance movies and searched all the different ways to perform a perfect kiss but something stopped him.
His thirium pump beginning to pump faster as he weighed his options. The thought of kissing you was already making him overheat and he didn’t want to move too fast.
“Connor?” You asked him.
“IbettergobackandcheckonHank. I’llsee youatworkonmonday.” The words left his mouth too quickly as he got system warnings.
He quickly turned away from you to walk off the steps and head back toward the taxi. He could feel himself begin to cool down as he left you, your last expression stuck in his artificial mind.
Was it disappointment on your face? But why? Why would you-
“Connor!” Your voice broke his thoughts.
He turned around, “Yes-“
Your lips crashed onto his.
At first he didn’t know what to do, too scared to move but he began to relax as his eyes closed enjoying the kiss.
You pulled away from him, “You should’ve just kissed me.”
He was still in shock from it all. He raised his hands to tilt your chin up to him and he pressed lips onto yours.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as his hands found your waist to pull you closer to him for the second time tonight.
He could feel the heat building within him yet again and the beating inside his chest picking up again but he ignored it, to enveloped in your love exchange.
You pulled away trying to catch your breath.
“Goodnight Detective.” He said as he got back into the taxi.
“N-Night Connor.” You replied as you walked onto the steps.
Connor took a deep breathe still in shock from the night.
He couldn’t wait to tell Hank.
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sprnklersplashes · 4 years
heart of stone (4/?)
Cady taps her spoon against the edge of her bowl, her feet just about touching the kitchen floor. This is the day she had been waiting impatiently for for weeks now, secretly wishing summer would pass faster so that school could start up again. She’s fully aware that she’s a minority, but she actually likes school. Maybe it’s because of her more-isolated home schooled life back in Africa, but it’s fun. Classes are far more interesting than what her parents could give her, despite their best efforts, and now that she’s mastered the skills (and learned a few lessons), socialising can be great. After a rocky ride last year, where people regarded her with confusion, then awe, and then disgust, being treated like an actual human being in the last fewweeks was kind of refreshing. It’s far from ideal, there are still far too many people who cast her dirty looks when they think she’s not looking and who believe she did things she didn’t do, but those looks were getting fewer and fewer as the days went on. She had started getting a few friendly smiles as she walked down the hall or through the cafeteria and even a few “hey theres”s from people who aren’t in her inner circle.
So all in all, she was excited to go back.
But now the day has come and the last place she wants to see is North Shore.
She swirls her cereal around in her bowl, her appetite gone despite her mother’s insistence that she eat. She hasn’t told her parents about Janis yet. How can she when she’s still trying to deal with it herself? One of her favourite things is logic, that’s why she likes maths so much, there’s always a logical answer, you just have to work out the equation to get it. But she can’t work out any equation for this.
“Cady honey, you better hurry up! You don’t want to be late for your first day, do you?” Her mom’s voice is the exact opposite of how Cady feels; bright and awake and rearing to go whereas all Cady wants is her bed and a Taylor Swift album. The sad one, obviously.
She checks herself in the hallway mirror, glad to see she at least looks normal. Her white shirt is tucked into her jeans, her sandals replaced with sneakers. She had spent a little bit of time debating last night and this morning before just tying her hair back in a messy braid. When she smiles, the girl in the mirror smiles back at her and it looks real; normal happy Cady on the way to school. Her eyes don’t betray the fact that she had sobbed into her pillow for thirty minutes last night. According to her face, all is right with the world. She looks like she still has a girlfriend and like she hasn’t spent every waking moment since last night trying to make sense of what’s happened.
“See you later, Mom!” she calls over her shoulder, lifting her jacket and backpack. If she’s quick, she can get out before-
“Oh wait!”
“Cady!” her mom hurries down the hall, her mass of curls flying behind her like a flag and her phone clutched tightly in her hand. Cady groans inwardly, fully aware of what this means. “Just let me get one picture before you leave.”
“Just one!” she pleads, gesturing with her finger, her pink lips forming a pout. You’d think a pout on a fully grown woman would look ridiculous, and it does to an extent, but it also weakens Cady’s resolve. Her mom might be an over the top sentimental monster, but she’s her over the top sentimental monster and Cady’s certain that she’d regret it if she walked out the door without letting her take a picture.
Besides, the embarrassment’s a good distraction.
“Fine,” she sighs, shifting her backpack onto her shoulder and giving into the grin working its way onto her face. She flips the braid over her shoulder and straightens her back. “Just one.”
“Promise.” That’s what her mom says, however it’s soon shown to be false, because she’s not sure if that one took. Then she wants one landscape as well as portrait. And then she needs another one because she’s not sure if she likes the lighting in that one. Then another one because apparently Cady was blinking. With each press of the button, Cady’s patience wears thinner and thinner.
“Mommy, you know that a big part of the first day of school is actually going to school?” she asks.
“Oh all right, fine,” her mom agrees, putting the phone in her pocket. She presses her hands to her mouth and looks at Cady, her shoulders rising as she takes in a deep breath. Under the hallway light, she can see the beginning of tears in her mom’s eyes. Part of Cady thinks she should roll her eyes, but instead she holds out her hand and lets her mom take it, giving it a tight squeeze. When her mom covers Cady’s hand with hers, Cady feels a quick flash of nostalgia for her homeschooling days. It’s brief and tiny, but it is there. “You’re growing up so fast. How are you a senior already?”
“I know. It feels like I’ve only been in high school for a year.” It’s a bad joke, but they both laugh. Her mom lets go of her hand and grabs her shoulders instead, her grip firm but loving.
“Have a good day today,” she tells her, finally letting her go. Just as Cady is turning to go, she takes out the phone and begins looking through the pictures, sighing wistfully at each one. Cady shakes her head fondly, chuckling under her breath. Once she’s gone, she will no doubt run up to show them to her dad and then they can both reminisce over when Cady was tiny and needed their help to toddle down the dusty roads of their old home. Parents.
“If only you’d gotten Janis to walk in with you today,” her mom says absent-mindedly. “I’d have loved a photo of the two of you together. Maybe get her to come over tonight?”
And with that, her mom unknowingly shatters her good mood.
Cady swallows the lump in her throat, reaching for her jacket as a chill takes over her body.
“Maybe,” she whispers. She clears her throat and tries again. Maybe her mom will just think it’s allergies. “She might be busy tonight.”
So much for a distraction.
She listens to one of her favourite podcasts on the way to school. She tried music, but three songs in and she was already thinking about Janis more than she was at home. She doesn’t stop when she switches to the podcast, but the discussions about the baby lions and tigers are at least a comfort to her, reminding her of her old friends.
When she gets to school, she’s first greeted by familiar faces, people she wasn’t friends with but wasn’t enemies with either. They wave and say hi and some even ask how her summer was.  Sophie Kawachi even flashes her a peace sign, which she reciprocates. Despite her rocky love life, she feels hope blossoming in her chest, not unlike the kind of hope she felt this time last year as she had bounced through the doors, but with a lot less naivete this time around. If she can fix this Janis situation quickly, maybe this year can actually be good all the way through.
“Cady!” She barely has time to register the voice before a pair of arms come around her from behind and a chin rests on her shoulder. Last year she’d have certainly been startled, and her assailant would possibly have ended up with a bruise on their cheek, but instead she giggles and leans into the embrace, breathing in the scent of strawberry lipgloss and watermelon body spray.
“Hi, Karen,” she says. Karen’s smile outshines the rhinestones on her jacket and her giggle puts a smile on Cady’s face that’s hard to wipe away. Since she’s too scared to brave homeroom just yet, she’s more than glad to see her. In any case, Karen’s great company to have around, especially when you’re sad.
“I missed you,” she says.
“You saw me a few days ago,” she reminds her, bumping her shoulder affectionately. “Are Regina and Gretchen in yet?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” she says. Cady bites her lip. Sweet as Karen is, leaving her alone in the hallway is often asking for trouble. It wasn’t rare last year for her and Gretchen to have to go tracking the girl down because she’d wandered into the gym or the locker room or out to the courtyard because she wanted to see the flowers. “Regina said she’s running late. I sent her a baby chick emoji. Gretchen is meant to be here-”
And as if on cue, Gretchen appears in Cady’s vision, walking as quickly as her heels will allow and waving away Jason Weams’ attempted affection. Her eyes are wide and her mouth in a small ‘o’, an obvious sign on her nerves, but she eases when she spies Cady.
“Hey,” she says, sliding up to her. It doesn’t escape Cady’s notice how she keeps a little distance from her. She takes a step and makes it smaller. “Ugh, I can’t believe we’re back again.”
“I’m glad about it,” Cady says with a shrug. “I mean, isn’t senior year meant to be one of the best ever?”
“Yeah,” Karen says. “I’m super excited. I’ve saved this jacket for senior year since… two years ago.”
“Well it’s pretty,” Cady tells her.
“And it means I get to see you two all the time,” Karen goes on. “Not just some days.” She beams at the two of them, but her smile is more focussed and slightly softer when it comes to Gretchen. As for Gretchen herself, her cheeks turn pink and she looks away after muttering some thanks. Cady’s ears prick up and it’s a conscious effort to keep her mouth from falling open. Exactly how long as this been going on? What exactly is going on.
“Hey, Cady,” Gretchen asks quickly, her voice low. “Um… I was just wondering if you’d spoken to Janis lately.”
“J-Janis?” she repeats dumbly. She bites the inside of her cheek, determined not to cry in the middle of the hallway on her first day. “Not-not really, why?”
“Oh… well… you’re her girlfriend,” she says plainly. Was, Cady thinks sadly. Past tense. “And I know she had that hospital appointment. Did she tell you how it went?”
“Oh.” Cady pulls on her braid and notices how shaky her hands are. “Um, yeah, she said it went fine. She didn’t really want to talk about it.”
“Oh, good,” Gretchen sighs. “Because that was really scary when she passed out at the mall.”
“Yeah.” Cady turns her braid over in her hand. Her fears about Janis’ health haven’t disappeared at all, just taken a backseat to her heartbreak. She twirls the strands of hair around her fingers, grateful for Karen’s babbling as it’s the only thing keeping her grounded. She willingly walks them to their homeroom and stops to talk to as many of her peers as she can on the way back, wanting to keep her own homeroom at bay for as long as possible.
She isn’t sure who she’s more nervous about seeing, Janis or Damian. The two of them have a bond she can never understand and while she’s more than appreciative of that, she cherishes her own friendship with Damian. After years of being an only child-not counting her animals- her bond with Damian finally makes her feel like she knows what it’s like to have a sibling. She knows he’d never willingly hurt or freeze her out. That’s just not in his nature. But she’d also bet that if it came down to her or Janis, he would pick Janis in a heartbeat. She can’t blame him, but the idea still hurts.
So when she slips into homeroom just sixty seconds before the bell goes, it’s with her heart in her mouth and an anxious shiver running down her back.
But when she spies Damian at the other end of the class, Janis isn’t with him. Cady isn’t sure if that makes it better or worse. Sure, there are any number of reasons Janis wouldn’t be in school today, and chill as her parents are, they aren’t the type to let her skip school to avoid talking to Cady.
Maybe she switched homeroom classes to avoid you, a voice in her head whispers.
Thanks, she whispers back.
As is her nature, she makes the most of it and approaches Damian, her footsteps not unlike the ones she’d use when approaching the lions in Kenya. Optimistic but careful. Damian doesn’t notice her, and for a split second she panics and thinks that he’s ignoring her, until she’s next to him and he looks up from his book, his face breaking into a smile. The smile doesn’t sit right with her-it’s apprehensive and weak, and that’s unfamiliar for the ever-cheerful Damian.
“Hey,” she manages to say despite the heavy lump in her throat.
“Happy new year, little slice,” he greets. At least he’s still himself. When he doesn’t object to her dropping her bag on the desk beside his, she’s even more relieved. Even if there’s still an elephant in the room.
“So…” she begins, her fingers picking against the desk. “Have you… have you spoken to Janis lately?”
He lets out a long sigh, running his hands through his hair. There’s a vulnerability about him that Cady hasn’t seen before and she’d be lying if she said that it didn’t scare her, however slightly. His eyes meet hers, anxiety and melancholy replacing the usual fun spark.
“So she told you,” is all he says.
“Well, yeah.” Told is a strange way of putting it. She looks down at her fidgeting hands, her need for answers clashing with her respect for their friendship. Eventually she finds a middle ground. “Damian… you don’t have to answer… but did she talk to you about it before? I just thought… since you two are like…” She holds up her crossed fingers for him to see and gives him a shrug. “You know?”
“Yeah,” he says. The corners of his mouth turn up in a hollow smile. “She asked me to come over to her house and she told me everything.” His lips roll into a thin line and Cady swears she sees him blink away a tear. Was he really that invested in their relationship? More than Janis was? “It was a tough time. When did she tell you?”
“Last night,” she replies. She rubs the back of her neck, startled at how cold her hands are. “It was over the phone.”
“Ooft.” He winces sympathetically and reaches over to pat her hands. “Well, you know Janis. She’d surgically remove her emotions if she could.” Cady nods, tight-lipped. She takes in a deep breath, determined not to cry at school. She really doesn’t want to have to explain to people why she burst out crying on her first day of the school year. That’d be an even lower point than her last first day.
She must look sadder than she wants to, though, because Damian croons “Oh, sweetheart” at her and kneels beside her desk, his hand covering hers. The comfort he provides is stronger than her anxiety and pulls the words out of her before she can stop them.
“I just… It’s so unexpected,” she says. “You know?”
“Yeah. I guess you think it would never happen to you and then… it happens.” He taps a fast, nervous rhythm on her desk and she notices how chewed up some of his nails look. “And when it does it doesn’t feel real. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck.”
“Yeah,” she whispers. She shakes her head. If she’s honest, she there’s a small part of her that can’t help being annoyed that how much he seems to be siding with Janis here, or at the very least trying to be neutral. Yes, he’s her best friend, and she’s fully aware of how much they mean to each other. But she’s not here and would it kill him to pretend? It’s not like what she did didn’t suck and wasn’t a dick move by romance standards. Maybe she’ll vent to Gretchen later about it. “Did she ever say anything before?”
“What do you mean, before?”
“Just… it’s fine you don’t have to answer.” She turns away from him, looking in her bag for her notepad.
“No, I know it’s not any of my business,” she replies, a bit harsher than she had intended. She brushes a lock of hair behind her ear and takes in a deep breath to compose herself. When she looks over at Damian again, he’s not mad, or if he is he does a very good job of hiding it. He looks confused more than anything else. “I just thought things were going really well. I didn’t expect it-I didn’t think she wasn’t happy.”
“Not happy?” he says. “Of course she wasn’t happy, she…” His voice trails off, his eyes grow wide and Cady watches as he puts together pieces of a puzzle she doesn’t have. “Cady, what are you talking about?”
But before she can answer, Mrs Norbury strides into the classroom, her glasses atop her messy bun and as usual, she carries more papers and folders than her arms can carry. She begins welcoming them back to the school and getting them ready to tackle the year ahead, all with the same cherry, wholesome vibe that makes Cady feel so safe around her. Only she soon starts to slow down, her eyes avoiding the students as her voice takes on a more serious tone. Cady reaches down to her backpack and squeezes the plush lion on her zipper.
“As some of you may have heard, your classmate Janis Sarkisian won’t be completing this year with us.”
What? A gasp ripples throughout the classroom. It’s not just news to Cady, it’s news to all of them. Is that why she broke up with her, she wonders. The only one who doesn’t seem surprised is Damian. When she turns to him, his head is bowed and he picks at his nails, but his face is resigned. Did he know?
“Her parents informed the school that she’ll be receiving treatment for cancer throughout this year,” Norbury concludes.
Cady freezes, one particular word standing out in her mind. She’s vaguely aware of a bunch of heads turning towards her and of the suffocating silence that falls on the room, but she can’t find it in her to care, let alone meet any of them. She’s too focussed on trying to catch her breath for that. A million questions run through her mind at once, blocking out the gasps and murmurs form her classmates.
“What the fuck?” someone exclaims. And Cady’s inclined to agree with them. Until she realises that the person who said it was her.
She spends the remainder of homeroom in open mouthed shock, the words ‘Janis’ and ‘cancer’ constantly at the front of her mind. As Norbury keeps talking, she sends subtle, sympathetic glances Cady’s way and amongst all the confusion, she’s grateful for it.
At least she has an answer now, she thinks. She kind of wishes she didn’t though. Janis breaking up with her is one thing. Janis having… This is another thing entirely.
She’s hurt. She might feel bad for it but she’s still hurt. Hurt that Janis didn’t tell her and hurt that she decided she’d rather break up with her than confide in her. Whatever she thought about where she and Janis were in their relationship, she was clearly wrong.
As soon as the bell rings she’s at Damian’s desk, looking up at him with eyes that demand answers. He sighs, putting his bag on his shoulder and the two hang back as the rest of the students file out, only leaving when Mrs Norbury gives them a silent reminder that there’s other people in the world besides them.
“She didn’t tell you,” he states in a low voice. The hall is empty enough, their fellow students far away enough so that they won’t hear them. “Did she?”
“Tell me?” She doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Damian… she broke up with me!”
“She did what?” he gasps, bringing the two of them to a halt. He shakes his head, as close to a scowl as she’s ever seen on his face. “That’s… no, I’m gonna… Okay but she… I’m going to talk to her about that because-”
“Damian.” She holds up her hand to silence him. “It’s okay. I can deal with her. It’s my-our relationship.”
“Okay.” His hand brushes against hers and then he takes it, his palm warm against hers. She’s not sure who he’s trying to comfort, himself or her, then it occurs to her it might be both. And despite it all, it’s nice to know he’s still her friend. “Damian, when you said she told you… what exactly did she tell you?”
At first he doesn’t answer. He swings their joined hands, a troubled expression on his face. And for the first time, it actually hits Cady as the anger begins to fade. It’s still there, but it simmers in the background as she faces this harrowing reality; Janis has cancer. Her girlfriend, the girl she… really likes a lot, has cancer.
Damian’s arm wraps around her waist and he hugs her tightly. She leans into his embrace, the two of them alone in this vast ocean.
“She told me everything she could,” he tells her quietly. “That she starts treatments on Monday.” Explains why she isn’t here. “She apologised, which was ridiculous.”
“Completely.” When Cady reaches up to touch her face, her fingers come away wet. Damn it.
“She also said she’s going to be okay,” he says weakly. “I told her of course she will be.”
“Of course,” Cady echoes. She thinks of Janis, larger than life, unapologetic, goofy, stubborn, beautiful Janis and despite the tears in her eyes and the hurt in her chest, she smiles. There’s no way this cancer could take her down. Not that she ever thought it would.
She rests her head on Damian’s shoulder and when she slips into her first class five minutes late, she’s let off with a warning and nothing more. And dozens of concerned eyes and hushed murmurs as she makes it to her seat. She’s not Home Schooled Jungle Freak or New Queen Bee any more. She’s The Girl Whose Girlfriend Has Cancer.
At the end of the school day, Cady is the first one heading for the door, ducking her head to avoid the rest of the student body. Now that the word is out about Janis it’s all anyone talks about, and everyone assumes that as her girlfriend, she already knew. Which of course she didn’t and while she feigns composure and tries to be collected, she can’t not be annoyed at her. Every time someone approaches her and asks when Janis told her, she has to begrudgingly admit that she only found out this morning and it stings, even if she doesn’t tell them about the break up. Being the Girl Whose Girlfriend Has Cancer is one thing, being the Girl Who Got Dumped is another. It’s why she’s so eager to leave before anyone else can ask her; she wants to get to Janis’ house while there’s still affection in her.
She shoots her mom a quick text telling her she’s going to Janis’, omitting the reason why. To be honest, all she wants to do is run home and collapse in her mom’s arms and tell her everything, to give in to all the sad feelings hiding behind her anger. But she’s only got three days to talk to Janis about this and she worries that if she goes home now, she’ll never see her again.
And it’s the idea of never seeing Janis again that propels her forwards, taking the bus to her street and forcing her feet to move in the direction of her (ex) girlfriend’s house. A passer-by would be forgiven for thinking she was confident given the quick pace with which she’s walking, but her heart is pounding so hard it might burst out of her chest and she spent the bus ride writing down the main points she’s making like it’s a debate for English class. The only reason she’s moving with such purpose is a combination of the “Empowerment Playlist” she’s listening to (courtesy of Gretchen) and what she likes to think is rightful frustration.
Still, she has to wipe her hand on her pants before ringing Janis’ doorbell.
“Hi Mrs Sarkisian,” she greets with a smile, the same smile she’s always greeted Cady with. She searches Mrs Sarkisian’s face, trying to find any trace of fear or sadness or any indication that her daughter has been struck with an infamous illness. Was she in the room when they found out? Had she had an idea before? More selfishly, does she know about the break-up?
“A-are you here for Janis?” Mrs Sarkisian asks and it’s then Cady realises she hasn’t said anything.
“Oh, um, yeah, yes,” she replies. She plays with the zipper of her jacket. “Is she here? I just want to talk to her about… some stuff.”
A moment passes before she says “sure” and lets Cady in. She wonders what was going in Mrs Sarkisian’s head for that moment. Was she considering making up a lie and politely declining?
“She’s just in the living room.” She gestures to the tightly shut door. That’s all that’s separating her from Janis. A door that’s about the same thickness as her calculator. She suddenly starts chugging the water in her backpack.
“Thanks, Mrs Sarkisian,” she replies. She gives her a stern look and Cady manages a weak nod, remembering a past conversation. “Laura.”
As Janis’ mom moves slowly down the hallway, Cady places her hand on the doorknob, fingers freezing around the metal. Seeing her girlfriend is scaring her more than anything else she’s faced so far.
“Fearless,” she whispers to herself. “Fearless.” Her little mantra gives her strength and she turns the knob, and stumbles into the living room.
Janis is sitting on the couch, the exact same girl she saw last week at the mall. Every inch of her is familiar, but at the same time Cady has to ask herself if she always looked like this. If her skin is paler or is she imagining things, does she look more tired or is it just the lack of make-up? Her hair looks unbrushed and is pulled back into a messy ponytail and in the split second before she noticed her, she had been watching the TV with half-empty eyes and her hand thoughtlessly running through Maxie’s fur. There’s a white blanket draped around her shoulders and she doesn’t think she remembers Janis looking quite so vulnerable before.
One thing is for sure though; Janis wasn’t expecting her to come around.
“Caddy what are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” she asks, stepping closer to Janis. A warm flush spreads across her face and down her back and she doesn’t know if it’s out of anger or embarrassment or both. “What do you think I’m doing here?”
“I don’t-”
“Janis, I know,” she tells her sharply, only to immediately regret it. Her whole body is rigid, apart from her hand which fidgets at her side. “I know. Norbury told us, Jan. I know what’s wrong with you. Everyone does.”
“Oh,” is all Janis says. She turns away from her, but thanks to her pulled-back hair, Cady can see the way her jaw is clenched and how her shoulders shake, the way her face scrunches in a way that can only mean one thing. In less than a second, all the anger and frustration that had pushed her here melts away, leaving just a little bit of guilt and a lot of sadness. Seconds pass in a suffocating silence and Cady is almost tempted to just leave. Walk out the door and let her go. It’s only because the idea of letting her go hurts more than this that she stays.
“I’m sorry,” Janis finally says, still looking away. “I wanted to tell you-okay no that’s a lie. I didn’t.”
“Oh thanks,” Cady scoffs. “Way to make me feel better.”
“No, Caddy.” She pushes a rather offended Maxie off her lap and stands up. It doesn’t escape Cady’s notice how the task takes more effort than normal or that her breathing is more laboured than it should be. She’s clad in an oversized grey shirt and black shorts poking out underneath, her collarbone poking out starkly. She looks over at her, tear tracks on her pale cheeks. “It’s not like that. I didn’t want you to know because…” She waves her hand in mid-air as she searches for the right words. “I didn’t know how.”
“You knew how to tell Damian,” she says, though her voice is far softer than it would have been an hour ago.
“He’s different,” Janis tells her with a shrug. “He’s Damian.”
“And I’m what exactly?” she asks. After a deep breath in, she takes a step closer to Janis. They’re still giving each other space, but she could reach out and touch her now if she wanted. Instead she keeps her arms to herself. “Janis I’m not mad that you didn’t tell me.”
“Yeah you are.”
“Yeah okay, I am,” she sighs. “I mean… did you break up with me to get out of telling me?”
“No.” Her eyes widen at that, her hair bouncing as she shakes her head. “No, no Cady. I didn’t.”
“Then what? Were you always planning on it? Was this just really bad timing?”
“No, God, Cady no!” As she speaks, she looks the most normal she has since Cady got there. Or the most familiar, at least. She runs a hand over her face, a small, pained sound emitting from her mouth. “God. I broke up with you because…” She lets out a loud, trembling sob and not having her arms around her physically hurts. “Because you didn’t deserve it. You don’t deserve a girlfriend with… with cancer.”
Now it’s Cady’s turn to bite back tears. How could Janis even think that? That some illness would make her less worthy of her? Her confession tears at and mends her heart at the same time.
“Well…” She takes another step closer to her. Lifting her chin up just a little, she takes Janis’ hand and moves it away from her face. Cady’s thumb presses into the palm of her hand. “You don’t deserve cancer.” Janis’ fingers intertwine with hers.
“That’s different,” she whispers. “I’m just trying to minimise the damage.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means…” She winces out of some unknown pain. “It means I’m already dragging my parents down with this. And Damian too. I ca-can’t do that to you.” Cady blinks and-unsurprisingly-finds tears in her own eyes. “I can’t drag you down too, Caddy.” Cady shakes her head, her words deserting her. As if Janis could ever drag her down. “I’m sorry. I should have told you. I should have, you were right. You shouldn’t have had to find out like that.”
“Yeah, I shouldn’t have.” That’s about as annoyed as she can get now. After a brief hesitation, she reaches out and wipes her tears away. She at least smiles at that. “Janis… don’t push me away. Not now, especially not now.” Not when you need me she adds silently.
“I just want you to be happy,” she says quietly. “I want you to enjoy your senior year, Caddy. Minimal baggage.”
“Maybe I want to carry the baggage with you,” she replies firmly. Her words take Janis by surprise. With a gentle smile, she continues “I mean isn’t that what I’m supposed to be doing as your girlfriend?” The hopeful look in Janis’ is all the answer she needs. Enough to make her close the distance between them even more and run her fingers through her hair. “Then let me in,” she whispers.
And she’s close to. But there’s a tension in Janis’ shoulders and a wall still standing between them.
“Caddy, I read all these articles,” she explains. “About relationships and cancer and it might… I might not be able to be a good girlfriend right now.”
Cady shakes her head again, because she can’t imagine a world where Janis isn’t a good girlfriend.
“Then I’ll be good enough for the both of us,” she tells her. “Then when you get better, we can be good together.”
The corners of Janis’ mouth turn up into a smile and gosh, does it warm Cady’s heart to see it.
“There’s no getting rid of you, is there?”
“Nope.” Janis chuckles, the sound sweet and lovely and better than any music on her phone and taps her finger to Cady’s nose. In response she plants a swift and sweet kiss to the inside of Janis’ wrist.
“Do you want to stay?” she asks sheepishly. “Just for a little bit. You can fill me in on school. I can fill you in on this. And…” She avoids her eyes but this time it’s not out of fear or discomfort. If the pinkish hue on her cheeks is any indication, it’s out of an affectionate embarrassment. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” Cady tells her, squeezing her hand. “Art freak.”
They settle themselves on Janis’ couch, Cady’s legs draped over hers and the blanket around Janis’ shoulders and pulled over Cady’s back, sealing them in their own little cocoon. Cady tries to fill her in about school and what she’s missed, deciding to omit the details about Karen and Gretchen this morning. Janis can find that out when the two of them are ready. Instead she tells her about her plans to captain the Mathletes now that Kevin is gone and of her excitement for the classes ahead. Small and unimportant things that soon fall to the side, giving way for Janis to tell her everything.
“I have leukaemia,” she explains. “According to Mr Doctor Man, that means I have too many white blood cells and that means the red ones can’t function.” Her hand is tense as it curls around Cady’s. That sounds nothing short of terrifying to Cady, and she realises immediately after that that she’s not even the person going through it. So as much as anything Janis says scares her, it’s nothing to what Janis herself must be feeling.
“How did you find out?” she asks after a while.
“I just… I was tired all the time,” she says. “And you know… passing out in the mall.” The fact that Cady was there that day and witnessed it and didn’t know the reason why sends a shiver down her spine. “And I was waking up in the middle of the night and I was really, really hot. You can make a joke about how I’m already really hot.”
“Nah. Your ego’s big enough already.” Janis chuckles, albeit short lived.
“So I got a blood test and then… they found out.” She gives a nonchalant shrug that’s not at all matching the topic. “I did not take it well.” Now it’s Cady’s turn to laugh and she wonders if this is a sign of what’s coming. Laughing at the darkness because it’s better than the alternative.
“Damian told me you start treatment on Monday,” she says quietly. Janis nods and takes in a deep breath. Cady wonders if Damian telling her was crossing a line.
“Yep,” she sighs. Her demeanour changes slightly, even if the tension in her hand and the beating of her heart doesn’t. Not too much, but enough to make her appear calm to an outsider. “Basically two weeks in the hospital, then a week here, for three months.” She kisses the back of Cady’s hand, a spark in her eye that feels more like her. “Then after that, all of this will be a funny memory and we’ll laugh ourselves silly.”
“We will?” Cady echoes, doubtful. Janis manages a half-nod and Cady rests her head on her shoulder, her arm across her girlfriend’s chest. Janis pulls her closer and rests her cheek against Cady’s hair. If she’s honest, the way Janis is holding her isn’t entirely comfortable, but there’s a desperation in her touch that makes Cady’s discomfort almost silly. Like someone might come in and drag Cady away at any moment. So even with the dull ache in her back, she strokes Janis’ hair and kisses her cheek, counting the tiniest of smiles as a victory.
They sit like that in silence for a long, long time before Janis speaks up again, without walls or defences and sounding impossibly far away despite being so close to her.
“I’m scared,” she confesses, and then she breaks. It’s not the panicking type of fear that she’s familiar with, both from her own experiences and with Gretchen. Instead it feels deep and cold, sitting heavily in her soul and rattling her from within. She’s been living with it for days now, utterly alone. And it’s terrible, for Cady to watch and no doubt for Janis to experience. She’d give anything if it meant she could just tell her it will all be okay, how could she?
“I know,” is what she says instead. She kisses her cheek again and again and nuzzles into her neck. “I know.” Janis’ moves heavily and slowly against her, her breath ruffling Cady’s stray hair. She presses another firm kiss to Cady’s head and a lot is held in that simple gesture.
“I need you to promise me something,” Janis says softly. Her fingers fidget and pick anxiously at the blanket, chasing away whatever pleasantness was left. “I need you to promise that if it gets too much… if this gets too hard for you, you’ll walk away.”
“Cady.” She shifts and breaks them apart so she can look Cady squarely in the eyes and hold her hands close to her chest. The expression on her face is equal parts desperate and steadfast. And fear. Cady has an unwelcome suspicion that fear might become commonplace for the next few months. Janis holds her face in her cold hands and continues. “I mean it. I need you to promise that you won’t put your life on hold because of me. That if… if this starts interfering with your life and what you want, you’ll step back. Even if it means… if it means ending it.”
Cady shakes her head. It’s an absurd promise and one she could never keep. Asking her to give up Janis would be like asking her to step down as Mathletes captain or delete the pictures of lions from her phone. She went through a lot last year to find who she wants to be, and who she wants to be with, and nothing could make her give that up. But Janis is silently pleading with her and she knows there’s no way to placate her other than agreeing.
“Okay, fine. I promise.” But her fingers are crossed behind her back. She’s broken promises before, and this is at least one worth breaking. And regardless, there’s more ways to get out of such a deal. “And I’ll make another promise. That it’ll never be too much for me. Not ever, Janis Sarkisian.”
She nods and mumbles an ‘okay’ and while she’s clearly comforted by Cady’s declaration, she doesn’t seem entirely convinced. It makes sense; she’s been plagued by insecurities for a while and the effects past betrayal still linger on her, making sweet words turn sour in her mind. So when Cady tilts her head towards her and kisses her, it’s more than a kiss. It’s another promise, not to Janis but to herself, that she’ll spend every day until this is over making Janis believe her.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“I’m going to stand on the ground like a skyscraper”
Is there a necklace that you wear all the time? No. I haven’t worn a necklace in years. How often do you wear skirts? Never. Do you enjoy baking? I used to, especially during the holidays. I haven’t done any baking the past few years, though. Do you have a large kitchen? No, it’s really small. Is anything sore on your body at the moment? Of course.
Do you like 3D movies? No. Where were you 3 hours ago? Sitting right here on my bed. Have you ever heard of Hot Chelle Rae? Yeah. I liked a couple of their songs. Do you know where Poland is? I know it’s in Europe. Are you afraid of dying? Yes. Are you wearing socks right now? Always. Do you speak your mind? I keep a lot to myself. If you found a wounded bird, what would you do? I honestly don’t know. I’ve never encountered a wounded bird. Ever rode on an elephant? No. Have you ever had braces? Yes, but not for my teeth.
“Cause I finally realize that I can’t get you off my mind”
Have you ever eaten a crayon? No. Do you like strawberries? Yeah. I haven’t had any in years, though. Wrestling or boxing? Neither. When's the last time you went to the mall? Last December. Have you ever gone Christmas Caroling? I have, actually. A few of us from the psych club I was in at my community college went caroling one year to a few different nursing homes. It was nice, they seemed to enjoy it. What song do you never get tired of? There’s numerous songs that will always be a favorite of mine. Do you have a favorite chef? No. Do you know who Travis Pastrana is? Yeah. What song pumps you up and makes you feel good? Hmm. What's bothering you right now? My back and the fact that I don’t feel well.
Favorite flavor of gum? Minty flavors. Does your school have air conditioning? How many mirrors do you have in your home? 5 that I know of for sure. That doesn’t include handheld mirrors, though. What does your wrapping paper look like for presents this year? I haven’t bought any, yet. Do you like Jay-Z? I’ve only liked a couple of his songs. However, the Linkin Park and Jay-Z collab album was/is dope.
“we’re gonna party like it’s your birthday”
What time was it 14 hours ago? 5:30PM. What's the craizest thing that happens in your hometown? Uh, high crime rates. :X Have any of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? Yes. What's your favorite city? Beachy, touristy cities throughout California. Have you ever laid on a hammock? I think I have as a kid. Who's the most famous person you met? Jamie Lee Curtis. Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend stolen from you? No. Where do you want to live someday? Near the beach. I’d love to have a beach home one day. Do you like your eyes? I wish I had blue or green eyes instead. Do you wear a watch? Nope. Do you like peanut butter? Yes. Do you tan easily? If I spend a day at the beach I’ll sunburn and then it turns into a tan. That’s the only time I spend a long period of time outdoors. Do you have sensitive skin? Yes. Do you care if people smoke/drink? Not in general, no. If it becomes a problem then yes. Has anyone ever gives you roses? Nope.
“every little thing that you do, I’m amazed by you”
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Sigh. I dozed off around 5AM and slept until 7AM and here we are now at 7:53AM. I don’t understandddd. D: I’m going to definitely attempt more sleep, but I have to call my doctor soon. Do you hate it when babies cry? If it’s loud and excessive it gets overwhelming and annoying. Would you like to get snake bites? (the piercing) Not now, but I wanted them back when I was like 16.  Would you move to a new state/country to be with the one you love? That’s one of those situations I’d have to be in to know what I’d do. It’s hard for me to even imagine cause I’ve never even been close to that before. It’s also hard for me to imagine ever moving far away from my family. I think I’d try to work something else out to be honest. Like, maybe they wouldn’t mind picking up and moving here? Why would I have to move?  What is your name? Stephanie. What do you plan on buying in the future? Christmas presents for my fam soon. Who is your favorite "That '70 Show" character? I don’t have one. I actually watched that show during its original run, but I tried again years later when I was older and couldn’t get into it. There is a mummy behind you. What do you do? Uh, run? What do you think of Miley Cyrus? I like her. Do you tend to think you are always right? Absolutely not. What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbies. I was obsessed. Do you think more about your funeral or wedding? Uh, neither.  Dinosaurs or unicorns? Unicorns, I guess. You need new jeans. Where do you go? I haven’t bought a new pair of jeans in years. I’d probably look at JCP first since that’s where I used to get them. I always found the perfect fit there. What do you think about Maroon 5? I like a lot of their music.
“someone pinch me, I must be dreaming again”
Have you ever snuck into an R-rated movie when you weren't old enough? Nah. How many Emily's do you know? I don’t know any. Have you ever slept in a tent outside? No. What's your favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie? I like all of ‘em really except for the coconut ones. Their newer cookie, Lemonades, are quite delicious. What do you hear at the moment? An ASMR video. Why do you think a lot of people left Myspace for Facebook? Facebook became cooler for some reason. I remember not wanting to make the move at all, I thought Facebook was lame lol. I just did it because everyone literally left. I don’t know about everyone else, but when it happened for me it was soon after graduating high school and Facebook was for college students, so I guess we just graduated from Myspace or something. *shrug* It’s crazy how quickly it flip flopped, though. Myspace became lame and now we all kinda laugh about it. Do you watch the Olympics? Nope. Have you ever been to Minnesota? No. What's the strangest thing you've seen on TV? Hmm. What do you miss most about elementary school? I miss being elementary school ages the most, but also school was fun back then. I liked the projects and music class and this thing called field day that we did on the last day of school every year that consisted of like relay games and whatnot. It was fun. Anything funny happen to you while you were at Wendy's? Uhh, no. I very rarely even go to Wendy’s. It’s been awhile. When's the last time you picked up a stick? I have no idea.
How often do you have camp fires? Never. I’d like to do bonfires in the fall.
“honestly, I haven’t been happy for a long time”
How long has your computer been on? Hours. Do you like chips and salsa? I used to love chips and salsa. I can’t eat spicy food anymore, though. :( Do you have any pictures of the guy you like? There’s no such guy at the moment. Ever touched a fish? I don’t think so. Maybe as a kid with my pet fish. When's the last time you uploaded pictures onto Facebook or Myspace? I uploaded a new profile picture last month on Facebook. Do you have any band-aids on right now? Nope. Ever had a blister? Yes. Not fun. Do you watch the show The Hard Times or RJ Berger? No. Have you ever voted for anything? Yeah, for elections and other smaller stuff. Do you like high top shoes? I can’t wear them cause they’re hard for me to get my foot into. Do you think those nerd glasses are cool? What are nerd glasses, exactly?
Do you own any t-shirts of your favorite band/singer? Yes. Have you ever worn a tie? No. Have you ever made dinner for someone? No, cause I don’t cook. Do you only listen to your muisc loud? No. I like to listen to it at a comfortable level. It varies, but never super loud.
“my give a damn’s busted”
Have you ever taken drama class? I actually did take two drama classes in community college. :O Shocking, I know. Have you ever rode a mechanical bull? Nooo. That would be very dangerous for me to do and I’d never even attempt it. Have you ever played on a basketball team? No. Ever stayed in a motel? Yes. What number was your jersey in high school? I didn’t have a jersey, I didn’t play any sports. Have you ever choked on something? Yes. I had one really traumatic experience that changed how I take my medicine ever since. That happened almost 10 years ago now, but ever since I’ve had to crush my pills. When I tried taking pills again not long after it happened, it literally felt like my throat was closing up every time and I was terrified of it getting lodged again. That day was really scary, my dad literally almost had to put his finger down my throat. Do you wear a belt? Nope, I only ever wear leggings. I’ve actually never worn a belt before, though. Do you have a rug in your room? No. Do you go camping during the summer? Nope. I have no interest at all in doing that. Do you carry a purse everywhere you go? Not anymore, but I used to. In most recent years it was a mini backpack. Where's your favorite place to get coffee? Honestly, I’m a basic bitch and just go to Starbucks, ha. It’s nearby and convenient and yeah. Plus, people hate on it but I actually like it. *shrug* I get really into it when they come out with their winter drinks, like they have now. I wish we had a Tim Hortons so I can see what that hype is all about. What's the last time you searched on Google? When’s the last time I searched on Google? Earlier. Which of these singers have the best voice: Katy Perry or Usher? I think they both sing well. They’re very different, you can’t really compare. What food is your weakness? Boneless garlic parm and lemon pepper wings from Wingstop. How many unread emails do you have right now? I don’t feel like checking at the moment.
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gothpanda · 5 years
A Little Bit of Attitude Ch. 12: Groupie
A/N: I have no idea how long I’m making this fic
WARNINGS: Domestic assault
Read On Ao3
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SEPTEMBER 1st, 1983
Four months went fast for everyone, right as the new season fell onto everyone. The mall was almost a ghost town due to kids of all ages back at school. Tommy and Vince walked through the mall, each sipping on a soda from the food court. It was a crazy past four months for Motley Crue with finally reaching complete rockstar status. Sadly, making an album on the other side of the country also meant missing out on certain things.
“So T-Bone, what’s been up with Sammi? She’s been super busy the whole time we’ve been gone?” Vince asked, throwing away his empty cup.
“You haven’t talked to her yourself?” Tommy says to Vince, chewing on the red straw with scrunched eyebrows. Vince only shook his head, giving an exaggerated frown. “I mean she started school a week ago, I think, but all of summer she was just working. Athena would take her out sometimes,” said Tommy.
Vince pressed his lips firmly together, shoving his hands in his jean jacket pockets. Walking to Contempo was filled with dread for Vince, not knowing how Sammi was going to react to seeing him since coming home. It was dead silence coming from Sammi, only making Vince think multiple thoughts run in his head.  “I wouldn’t worry about it, Vince. Pretty sure when she sees you, she’ll be happy.” Tommy said, patting Vince on the back. Vince only mustered up a small smile, feeling nerves kick in.
As the duo walked the doorway of the popular store, Vince first noticed Amanda in the front with her back to them. Thankfully with Tommy to his left, he was able to keep his head low and hide next to his tall friend. Tommy quickly noticed Sammi in the very back of the store, hanging up dresses on the sales rack. He grabbed a random red short dress from a rack, picking up the pace on his steps.
“Hello Miss, do you happen to have this in a size 0? I need a dress for a party,” Tommy said, holding up the dress up to him. Sammi slowly turned around, a smile growing as she withheld a laugh. She looked up and down, cracking a chuckle. “No sorry, we don’t have a size 0. That dress isn’t for you anyways,” Sammi said, smiling big at her brother. Sammi wrapped her arms around Tommy’s waist, a bit tighter than usual. Tommy tucked Sammi’s head under his chin, petting her hair. Pulling away, Sammi caught a quick glimpse of Vince behind Tommy.
“Hi, Vince…” Sammi said with a straight face
“Hey, Sam,” Vince said looking at the ground beneath him.
Tommy looked between them, being able to notice the coldness from his sister. “I’m really happy to see you finally, Tommy. It’s been boring without you,” Sammi said
“You mean me and the guys, right?” Tommy said, walking to Vince as he swung an arm around his shorter friend. Sammi gives a repressed smile, “Yeah it was boring without all of you,” Sammi said looking straight in the eye. Vince slightly opened his mouth before closing it fast from the sight of a blonde come behind Sammi.
“Well, what a lovely surprise seeing you two back. Hey Vince,” Amanda said, smirking at the boys. Sammi bit her lip, looking away from everyone around her. Vince stiffened in his stance, clearing his throat glancing at Sammi’s discomfort. “Hey…” Vince mumbled.
“Hi Amanda, we just came to see my sister,” Tommy said holding onto Vince a bit tighter. Amanda nodded slowly, turning to look at Sammi. “Isn’t that nice, but she’s working so maybe you two should go. Wouldn’t want our manager getting mad,” Amanda said with a smile that made Tommy and Vince begin to feel uncomfortable. Sammi stepped in front of Amanda, arms crossed with a slouch. “I was actually gonna go on my lunch break before they came, Amanda,” Sammi said, forcing a smile.
“Alright then. Enjoy your lunch with these two.” Amanda said pursing her lips and walking away from the trio.
“I’m just gonna go get my bag and I’ll be right back.” Sammi said quietly, walking past Tommy and Vince. When she wasn’t within eyeshot of the boys, Tommy faced Vince, holding onto his shoulders.
“What the fuck was that?” Tommy whispered.
Vince kept his lips shut firmly tight, shrugging his shoulder “I was clueless the whole time,”
Tommy wrinkled his eyebrows, “You were being clueless or acting clueless?”
“I seriously have no idea what was going on with those two I swear,” Vince said holding his hands up in mercy. Tommy let his arms fall to his side with a huff. “M’kay, Vince,”
“So Sam, how’ve you been?” Vince asked, grabbing a fry from the shared basket in the middle of the small square table. Sammi pushed around the salad in front of her, keeping her head down but shot a glance up at Vince. Vince could feel his palms become clammy instantly, looking away from the brunette. “I’ve been good. Just working. Being a decent adult,” Sammi says coldly, taking a bit of her food. Tommy sat in between the two, stuffing a cheeseburger in his mouth hoping to have a nice lunch.
Sammi flipped her hair to one side, turning her attention to Tommy. “Anyway, what’s the latest status on your album?” Sammi asks, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. Tommy quickly cleaned his mouth, “It’s gonna be out on the 26th! It sounds sick, Sammi! Nikki did awesome writing the songs. And of course, Vince singing them,” Tommy put a hand on Vince's shoulder, shaking him up a bit.
“That sounds awesome then. Proud you all were able to get it done in New York.” Sammi said sweetly.
“Actually the reason why me and Vince came down here was because we have a music video to shoot,” Tommy said with a proud grin. Sammi’s eyes became wide, looking back at her brother and Vince. “Oookay, and what does that have to do with me?”
“Could you please take Mama and Dad tomorrow to the shoot,” Tommy asked, grinning wide hoping for the best.
Sammi rolled her eyes, “Tommy I’m busy,”
“With what?! You don’t even know what time it’s at!” Tommy said, raising his voice.
“What time is it at?”
“We’re gonna start at 10. It’s gonna be an all-day thing,” Vince said, leaning back in his chair. Sammi looked over at Vince, “I’m still busy,”
Tommy hung his head with a huff, slouching into his seat.  “You seriously can’t skip a class or switch at work or what the hell that’s making you busy?”
“Tommy I don’t want to go to your fucking video shoot. You have another sister you can ask,” Sammi said getting up from her seat as she grabbed her trash. Walking back, Sammi swung her jean jacket on and her cross-body purse onto one shoulder. She looked down at Vince and Tommy, both giving big puppy dog eyes.
“I already asked Athena and she said she really couldn’t. Please Sammi?” Tommy asks softly.
Sammi pursed her lips outwards, thinking for a moment. “You do know other people have normal lives right? Like having a 9 to 5. And not doing stupid shit out of a whim,” Sammi said looking at Vince. Tommy nodded. Vince shifting uncomfortably in his seat as he looked away from everyone.
“In that case, you know our dad has an actual job. I’m not taking Mama and Dad to your fucking video shoot,” Sammi said, grabbing her soda from the table and leaving the guys in the middle of the food court.
Tommy huffs, running a hand through his hair. He turns to Vince, “You fucking sure you’re clueless?”
In a small dimly lit bedroom, Sammi sat at her wooden desk with a book in front of her. She mumbled quietly as she read, taking a moment to then write down notes in her notebook next to her. She was in full concentration mode until a knock on her door interrupted her flow. Sammi huffed in annoyance, closing her eyes, “Come in,” she said loud enough.
Britney slowly opened the door, peeking her head behind it. “Hey, Sammi are you hungry?” Sammi turned in her seat, smiling at her friend. She scratched her eyebrow, thinking for a moment. “If you say no I’m going to assume you’re lying,” Britney said with a smile. Sammi gave a chuckle, finally walking over “You’re right I am hungry. Did you make anything?”
Britney nodded gleefully. “Chicken alfredo with mushrooms and spinach! One of your favorites. Come on,” said Britney, grabbing Sammi by the arm, bringing her out of her room for once since the afternoon. Down into the kitchen, Sammi was hit with the aroma of garlic and chicken only to make her more hungry. Sammi was lucky to have a roommate who liked to cook extravagant meals without ever being asked. Britney could be silent as a mouse while all of a sudden she presents a ten-course meal. Sammi sat down on the table, taking a piece of garlic bread from the basket in front of her. Britney placed a full plate down in front of Sammi and another for herself.
“Amanda isn’t gonna eat with us?” Sammi asked, twirling the noodles with her fork.
“She said she had a date tonight. Either way, I doubt she’d want to eat this,” Britney said, taking a bit of her food.
“But speaking of Amanda, she told me you got some visitors at work,” Britney said, glancing up at Sammi. Sammi only looked at her food with a frown on her face. “What was up with that?”
“Tommy wanted me to take our parents to their music video shoot tomorrow. And I boldly said no. Vince was quiet the whole time,” Sammi says looking up at Britney.
Britney gave a sympathetic smile, “Don’t be distant with Tommy, Sammi. You were completely fine talking to him while he was away,”
“I’m not! I have work. My dad has work which Tommy didn’t freaking consider,” Sammi said in a taut voice. “It’s just a little inconvenient and sometimes we all can’t cater to Motley Crue,” Sammi says with a shrug and a pout of sarcasm. Sammi shook her head, returning to the plate of food. Silence came between the two girls as they almost finished their food, Britney thinking on her words. Out of nowhere, the shiny white wall phone began to ring in the living room. Sammi took a look, getting up from her seat as she walked to the front of the condo.
“Hello,” Sammi answered.
“Hello, my lovebug!” Mrs. Bass responded on the other line.
Sammi sat on the arm of the sofa, “Oh hey, Mama. What’s going on?”
“I wanted to call to tell you we’re all going to Tommy’s music video tomorrow!” Mrs. Bass said with enthusiasm.
Sammi's eyes widened as she mentally cursed to herself, “What do you mean we’re going to Tommy’s video shoot? Doesn’t dad have work?” Sammi said, scratching the back of her head.
“He was able to take off for the day. Tommy said we have to be there by 1. We’ll pick you up at 12,” Mrs. Bass said, not seeming to negotiate about whether or not Sammi could get out of this one. Sammi huffed, closing her eyes as she tapped her fingers against the arm of the sofa.
“But Mama I have worked at that time. I can’t switch,” Sammi said with annoyance.
“Samantha, you’ve always been able to work things out at your job. You know you are able to come. It’s good to be present for your brother’s achievements.” Mrs. Bass said, making Sammi roll her eyes in dread.
“Okay Mama, you’re right. I’ll be ready when you guys get here,” Sammi said.
“Wonderful! See you tomorrow, my lovebug,” the line went dead, having Sammi shut the phone back onto the wall. She leaned her head against the wall, lightly tapping her head against it.
“Guess who’s going to see Vince and Nikki against her will!” Sammi yelled sarcastically, sitting back down. “I doubt anything could go wrong. They are gonna have to be professionals for once in their lives,” Britney said, taking the last bite of her food.
“You know what Britney, I hope to god you are right,” said Sammi.
SEPTEMBER 2nd 1983
The video set was right in the middle of Hollywood, something no one from the Bass family thought was the case. Mr. Bass spent 15 minutes trying to find the building and an extra 15 on parking alone. Sammi slumped in the backseat of the station wagon, crossing her arms as she looked at the passing building. When Sammi’s dad began to park the car, her habit kicked up again from her nerves. She began biting the brittle nail of her thumb painted purple, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. Everything felt like slow motion to Sammi. Getting out of the car into the beige concrete parking lot. Walking toward the black windowless building, then suddenly fast motion when Sammi saw Doc and Tommy walk up to them.
“Mama and Dad! So happy you guys can make it!” Tommy said gleefully, hugging his parents as they both eye their sons' outfits. The red, black, and silver was the first thing they were able to see from Tommy’s outfit. Mr. Bass eyed Tommy’s studded leather pants while also noticing the lipstick and eyeliner his son was wearing. Mrs. Bass tried her hardest not to laugh at Tommy, only remaining silent with a smile by the look of happiness on her son's face. Sammi kept her arms crossed with a blank stare.
“I want you to first meet our manager, Doc! He’s the guy that helped Athena and Sammi come to Portland with us last year!” Tommy said, patting Doc on the back.
“Hello, lovely to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Bass. Also lovely to see you again, Sammi,” Doc said with a polite smile and a nod to the Bass clan. Sammi gave a pressed lip smile while her parents were oblivious to the discomfort from Sammi. “Right now we just got on break so Tommy will be able to show you around,”
“Also I have to introduce you two to the guys! Nikki is the brain behind the video!” Tommy said, slightly jumping on the balls of his feet.
“Well, that’s wonderful, Tom. We’re very proud you finally got to your dream,” Mr. Bass said, patting Tommy on his arm showing true love for his son.
“Tommy, how about you take your parents to the set and I have a word with Sammi,” Doc said, looking at Sammi with a smirk most businessmen had. Sammi raised an eyebrow at Doc, “What the hell? Why me?”
“Samantha language,” Mr. Bass said. Sammi glanced at her dad then back at Doc with scrunched eyebrows. Doc nodded to Sammi, “Come with me to find, Nikki.”
Sammi slowly followed Doc through a white hallway aligned with dressing room doors and set techs walking up and down.
“So Sammi, I wanted to talk to you about a job offer,” Doc said, looking at Sammi.
Once again, Sammi raised an eyebrow to Doc, “I already have a job. I’m perfectly fine,”
“Well what about a job that doesn’t involve standing in a store all day long dealing with rude people,” Doc said stopping in front of a white door. Behind it, Sammi was able to hear light moans coming from a girl. In her head she prayed hoping it wasn’t a repeat of May.
“I need an assistant in January when we tour with Ozzy. From what the guys say, you're highly responsible which is great for dealing with them,” said Doc.
“Then the guys must’ve also told you, I’m in college. No offense but I rather deal with rude people than them,” Sammi said flipping her hair. Doc huffed with a nod, “Very well then,” said Doc, knocking on the door once the moans had stopped.
“Hey, Sixx!” Doc said, knocking a bit harder “Tommy’s looking for you, wants to introduce you to his parents,”
Suddenly, the door opened fast to show a short brunette stumble out of balance. She had a tight red dress you would see at a club and overly teased hair. Almost everything she was wearing was red, making her look tacky in Sammi’s opinion. Sammi curled her upper lip at the young woman, “Who the fuck are you?”
The young woman narrowed her eyes at Sammi, pushing past her as she walked down the hall to the set. Doc only chuckled dryly, turning to see Nikki walkover to them. “Well hello, Sammi. Ain’t this a lovely surprise,” Nikki slurred, wiping away anything from his nose with a smirk.
“Get cleaned up to meet Tommy and Sammi’s parents,” Doc said walking away from Nikki. Sammi switched glance between Doc and Nikki, “Was that your new girlfriend for the week?”
Nikki chuckled, “Wouldn’t you like to know, Princess.”  
Sammi rolled her eyes, “Whatever. Just look fucking decent for my parents,”
Sammi walked away from Nikki, following the sound of equipment being removed or fixed. Stepping onto the set, Sammi was in another world that almost seemed apocalyptic. The girls in the far corner near a chain-link fence resembled lionesses but still with theatrical makeup. Sammi scanned her eyes around the whole set until her eyes fell onto the only person wearing more white than black. Vince smiled sheepishly at Sammi remaining in his spot next to Mick. For a second, he almost began taking steps until he heard the echo of Tommy’s voice travel.
“We got pyrotechnics in the back of my set! And look,” Tommy says, grabbing a rock next to him. He tried his hardest to lift until lifting it with ease, “Fake rocks!”
Sammi walked over to her family, still feeling the pair of eyes burning on her skin. Mr. and Mrs. Bass smiled at the beauty of seeing their two children together. From the corner of the set, Nikki and Doc walked out together while the young woman stayed in the corner.
“Oh, here he is! Meet the Sixxter!” Tommy announced clapping hands with Nikki. Sammi stood in the middle of the tall men, crossing her arms with a blank stare.
“Nice to meet you, Nikki.” Mr. Bass says shaking Nikki’s hand.
“It’s so wonderful to finally meet you,” Mrs. Bass says, going up to hug Nikki. It was foreign for Nikki to hug someone. Sammi could immediately tell the discomfort on Nikki’s face.
“Hey Nikki maybe we can invite your family to the next L.A gig,” said Doc, tapping Nikki on the chest.
“Great idea, Doc,” Nikki said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
“Babe come here,” Tommy said, motioning the young woman to join the group. Sammi turned around, seeing the woman strut forward while also seeing Nikki's discomfort grow. Sammi scrunched her eyebrows at Nikki, right as Tommy wrapped his arm around the woman’s shoulders.
“Mom, Dad, Sammi, this is Roxie! My fiancee!” Tommy said, having his smile grow bigger than it has all day. “Nice to meet everyone,” Roxie said, extending her hand out for someone to grab it. Sammi's eyes widened, looking at her parents' shock as Nikki matched her expression. His eyes went wide, rapidly looking everywhere that wasn’t a Bass family member. Mr. and Mrs. Bass looked could see the concern on both their faces, unable to use their voices for a moment.
“What’s the rush, Tom? Marriage is- is something serious,” Mr. Bass said, stuffing his hands in his blazer pockets.
“Yeah, I know! Look at you guys! You asked mama to marry you the day you met her and she didn’t even know a word of English! That’s what I want too!” Tommy said happily. Before anyone asked any further questions, Nikki quietly stepped back from everyone to disappear back in his dressing room. Sammi clenched her jaw as she saw Nikki walk away, squeezing the inside of her arm to calm her down.
“So, how did you and Tommy meet?” Mrs. Bass asked.
“Well, I was actually hanging out with this other band, but then I saw Tommy and I knew it was totally meant to be” Roxie said, smiling at Mrs. Bass. Sammi rolled her eyes all the way to the back of her head, sucking her teeth. She turned to see Vince and Mick talk in their own little world, beginning to wish she could join.
“Oh, I think I know the word for this! Let me think,” Mrs. Bass says, gently snapping her fingers as she mumbled words in Greek. Sammi quickly went back to the scene in front of her, her lips slowly parting open.
“Groupie! That’s the word! Is that what they call you?” Mrs. Bass says, a smirk growing on her face. Sammi gasped, covering her mouth to repress the loud laugh that wanted to come out. Sammi shifted her gaze between Roxie and Tommy, seeing the scowl the ‘groupie’ had toward her mom. “Is that the right word, Sammi?” Mrs. Bass asks, looking over Roxie to her daughter.
“Yeah, Mama. You’re 100 perfect correct. The word you’re looking for is groupie,” Sammi said looking up and down at Roxie, giggling at the situation. Roxie stormed off the set, leaving Tommy alone.
“Really?” Tommy asked Sammi and his mother with harshness in his voice.
“Dude you are not marrying that girl. Point blank,” Sammi says, turning on her heels aiming to the dressing rooms. Once she was out of sight from everyone, Sammi sped walked all the way to Nikki’s dressing room. She could feel her ear and cheeks get hot as the puzzle pieces were put together. She couldn’t remember a moment she was ever this angry
Sammi busts the door open, the wooden frame hitting the wall then slamming it shut. Nikki lifted his head up, sitting on the floor in front of three lines of coke. Sammi inhaled deeply, violently flipping the tray of white powder. Nikki shot up from the floor, eyes widening with anger to Sammi. “What the fuck, Sammi?!” Nikki shouted.
“Don’t ‘what the fuck’ me! You fucked my brother’s stupid fiancee!” Sammi yelled, shoving Nikki in the chest making him stumble into the black sofa.
“I didn’t do shit!” Nikki yelled as he tried to get up, only to be pushed by Sammi again.
“Doc and I fucking caught you two, you fucking dumbass!” Sammi shouted, “Oh wait, did you snort too much coke to remember the last 20 minutes?” Sammi said in a high pitched voice filled with sarcasm, closing one nostril. Nikki began grinding his teeth, shaking his leg as he looked up at Sammi.
Sammi lowered her torso to Nikki’s face with an icy stare that could give anyone the chills. “Some best fucking friend you are,” Sammi whispered, “And to think I actually thought you were nicer than everyone said,”
“I didn’t think he was that in love with the chick!” Nikki shouted at Sammi’s face.
“Bullshit. You already know how Tommy is with a girl. To fuck his girl right under his nose as Tommy doesn’t give a shit,”
Nikki looked down at his hands, rubbing them nervously. “So are you going to tell Tommy now or what? You already hate the bitch,” Nikki said, a tremble in his voice.
Sammi chuckled, “No, I’m going to wait to see how long you take to break his heart. I’m not telling him shit.” Sammi said standing up straight, looking down at Nikki.
“Sammi I’m fucking sorry,” Nikki said looking up at Sammi with glossy eyes.
“No, you’re not. Out of all the people you choose to fuck over, you picked my brother. Fuck you,” Sammi says, walking out of the room. She leans against the door, feeling her heartbeat out of her chest as she tried to calm her breathing. Sammi snapped out of her trance when she heard a voice down the hall. Pushing herself off the wall, Sammi followed the sound to find Vince and Tommy talking.
“Let’s just go out tomorrow night, Roxie can cool down with some drinks in her and forget everything,” Vince said, leaning against the wall. Tommy twirled a drumstick between his fingers, pacing back and forth. Sammi walked up right next to Vince, scrunching her eyebrows at her brother. Vince’s eyes glued on Sammi, tapping his fingers against his legs anxiously. He bit his lip, hoping for a good chance. Tommy soon saw Sammi in front of her, pointing his drumstick at her.
“You! Why the hell did you gang up on Roxie with Mama?” Tommy asked. Sammi grabbed Tommy’s drumstick, throwing it aimlessly behind him. Vince snickered under his breath while Tommy gasped.
“Because she’s a bitch, Tommy. You seriously couldn’t do any better?” Sammi asks, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wall.
“No, she’s not! She’s a lovely girl! You don’t know her like I do,” Tommy shouted, mimicking Sammi. Sammi rolled her eyes, looking at Vince for any help in her problem.
“How about Sammi comes with us tomorrow,” said Vince, smirking at Sammi. Sammi glared at Vince. “Unless you’re avoiding us again?”
“Fine, if you say Roxie is a lovely person prove it!” Sammi said, flipping her hair. Tommy shocking his head, “Great! We’ll pick you up at 9.”
SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1983
8:40 rolled around for Sammi as she finished up ironing her long hair pin-straight in the upstairs hall bathroom. She ran her fingers through her hair, untangling any knots that formed and smoothing any flyaways down. Putting down the flat iron, Sammi inched closer to the mirror to check for any imperfections in her makeup. Her outfit wasn’t out there like Roxie’s might be, but tight white jeans with a red top fit perfectly.
Unplugging the hair tool, Sammi exited the restroom to walk past Amanda’s open bedroom door. Amanda craned her head to catch a glimpse at Sammi, frowning immediately. She jumped out of her bed, making a sharp turn into Sammi’s room.
“And where are you going?” Amanda asks, crossing her arms as she leaned against the door frame. Sammi paid no attention, only carefully debating on a type of shoe to complete her outfit.
Sammi grabbed black leather booties, walking to her bed “I’m gonna go out with Tommy and his new fiancee. Trying to be a nice sister,” Sammi said.
Amanda nodded, “Are Nikki and Vince going to be there?”
“Vince is going but it’s whatever,”
“Be careful,” said Amanda. Sammi stood up, reaching for her jacket that rested on the desk chair. “Remember what I told you, Sam.”
Sammi gave a forced smile, “how could I forget,” She put on her black jacket and grabbed the crossbody bag from the closet door handle.
“And do you like this fiancee of Tommy’s?” Amanda asked.
Sammi blew a raspberry, “No. She’s a fucking groupie, but I’m just going to try like I said,”
Right on cue, the doorbell rang echoed for Sammi. Sammi pushed past Amanda, walking downstairs to the front. Opening the door, Vince and Tommy stood outside with anticipation on their faces Tommy bounced on the balls of his feet while Vince kept his cool demeanor for Sammi. Sammi smiled at them, closing the door behind her.
She looked at the watch on her wrist, “Wow you guys got here on time. Impressive,”
Vince shrugged, “Just want to have peace and fun tonight,”
“Roxie’s waiting in the car. Come on, Sam” Tommy said, walking to where a dark blue four-door Cadillac parked horribly in front of Sammi’s place. Sammi didn't know where exactly this car had come from but knew to hold questions until the end. Vince held out his arm for Sammi like a gentleman, smirk still intact. Sammi only ignored Vince, walking straight to the Cadillac.
“Hey, Roxie,” Sammi said, sliding into the backseat of the car. Roxie turned slightly only giving a small, barely noticeable smile. “Hi.,” Roxie said, crossing her arms in the front seat looking out the window. Sammi only shook her head, turning to see Vince join in the back with her. He kept his distance as much as he could while also keeping his hands to himself. Sammi rested on the side of the door. She began to hope Vince’s words were correct.  
Tommy turned the keys to the ignition, “Let’s get the hell out of here!”
Just like a normal Saturday night in West Hollywood, the Sunset Strip was filled with nightlife down the whole strip. People could hear the muffled sounds of bands playing at different venues. The neon lights sign cast different colored glows on the street. The California air breezed through Sammi’s hair as the group walked up the street. Tommy and Roxie walked in front of the others, having his arm resting on Roxie’s neck. Sammi hugged her body as she only looked ahead of her, remaining silent. Vince kept giving side glances to Sammi as they walked closer to The Roxy, keeping his hand stuffed in his pockets.
The line for the club had roughly 10 people waiting, but not for Tommy and Vince. Tommy walked upright to the bouncer, getting access right away. Sammi scrunched her eyebrows together as the group walked up the short flight of stairs to the upstairs bar.
“We get treated like kings down here now, Sammi. Doesn’t it feel cool?” Vince whispered to Sammi.
“Great more things to add to your already big ass egos,” Sammi said coldly, sitting down on the bar top next to Roxie. Vince scuffed at Sammi’s remark, sitting down next to her facing his way to the brunette. Tommy grabbed the attention of the bartender, “Can I get a martini for the lady in black and a Budweiser?” The bartender nodded, looking at Sammi and Vince.
“Um… a whiskey sour and a single shot of whiskey,” Sammi said, taking off her jacket and crossing her legs.
“I’ll have the same as the Queen,” Vince said smiling politely at the bartender.
“You drink whiskey?” Roxie asked Sammi, fluffing her hair.
“Yeah, why?” Sammi asked, leaning back in the seat with crossed arms.
“Ladies don’t drink whiskey. That’s only for the men,” said Roxie, glaring at Sammi with an evil smirk. Sammi narrowed her eyes to Roxie, licking the corner of her lip. Tommy shot a look at Vince with wide eyes, praising the bartender for returning with their drinks.
“Can I get a shot too, my dude?” Tommy asked the bartender, getting exactly what he wished for.  Vince grabbed his small shot, raising it up to Sammi. Sammi looked at him for a moment, contemplating any of her actions.
“Cheers,” Sammi mumbled, clanking the glasses together and swinging the alcohol back.
“Me and Roxie are gonna go check out who’s on stage!” Tommy said, taking a hold of Roxie’s hand. Vince gave a nod in response, giving his full attention to Sammi. She looked away from Vince, eyes traveling to any part of the bar that hasn’t to her left. She sipped on her drink then looked at her nails for a moment. The tension was building up with no one thinking on how to end it. No one was having the balls to say a word to one another.
“Are you just gonna continue to ignore me until you stop feeling like it?” Vince asked, bending the thin straw between his fingers.
Sammi looked at Vince with scrunched eyebrows, “I think if I were to ignore you, I wouldn’t have come at all,”
Vince scuffed, “You only came for Tommy. If I asked you to come out tonight, you would’ve said no,”
Sammi scratched her head, “Guess you’re right about that,” she mumbled. Silence came back quickly again, Sammi asking for another drink. Vince chugging the rest of his like a shot, motioning for another one as well.
“You know I always worry about you right” Vince asked, gently tapping his index finger on Sammi’s leg.
She looked at his hand then back up at the blonde. “Shouldn’t it be the other way around? You do everything without thinking, don’t you?”
Vince shrugged, “Still doesn’t mean I’m not going to worry about you. I want you to be happy and live life.”
“I’m perfectly happy with my life, thank you very much,”
“Did Doc get a chance to talk to you?”
Sammi nodded, “I’m not going on tour with you guys no matter how much Tommy begs,”
Vince huffed, “Why not, Sam?”
“Same excuse as always. I have school and work,”
Vince shakes his head, “You’re barely going to be 20. College will always be there for you. And Doc is going to fucking pay you! Hell, I’ll be your sugar daddy and pay for your shit so you can come and quit!”
Sammi cracks into a smile, looking away at Vince as she tried to hold in a laugh. Vince chuckled as well, a smile growing from getting through to Sammi. Sammi looked at Vince, smile still visible.
“Just think about it a little bit more, okay? Sometimes you don’t have to always be responsible, Sammi,” Vince said, squeezing Sammi’s thigh.
“Okay, I’ll think about it,” Sammi said smiling weakly at Vince.
The four stumbled down the strip as 2 in the morning hit around. Bars were beginning to close while only the Denny’s and other diners started filling up with the intoxicated usuals. Sammi looped her arm around Vince’s, feeling the ground swing from side to side with every step. She noticed Tommy walking ahead of Roxie, seeing the groupie pout with her arms crossed. Sammi yawned, only wanting her bed in a short time.
“Your mom’s a cunt,” Roxie spat out with anger, holting from her spot. Sammi stopped in place, taking a moment to see if she heard right.
Tommy turned around frowning at Roxie, “The fuck? Why would you say that?”
“Because that’s what she is. She’s a cunt,” Roxie said again in a monotone voice, turning back at Sammi. “Your mom is a fucking cunt,”
Sammi pushed herself off Vince, stepping up to her “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
Vince pulled Sammi back gently, wrapping an arm around her “Sammi,”
“Quit it, okay? Let’s just get to the car already,” Tommy said, pulling Roxie by the arm with force.
“Why? And why did you even tell them about us? She has nothing to do with us getting married!” Roxie shouted, pushing Tommy.
“Sorry to break it to you sweetheart, but we actually have parents that give a shit about us. You probably don’t know what that's like,” Sammi said, having her mouth soon get covered by Vince. Roxie looked back at Sammi stepping to her face, as Sammi shoved Vince away from her.
“In that case, you must be just like your mom then. A cunt for a mom and a cunt for a sister,” said Roxie with a smirk. Sammi was only able to see red as she squeezed her fists tight beside her.
 Tommy yanked Roxie away from Sammi to face him, “Stop calling her that! And don’t ever call my sister that again? You hear me?” Tommy said through his teeth. Tommy began walking away right when Roxie pushed him almost to the ground. Vince held Sammi in his arms, knowing how bad everything could get.
“Fuck you! Fuck your sister! And fuck your mother!” Roxie yelled at Tommy, pointing her long manicured finger at him.
“That’s it, we’re leaving this fucking bitch here. Come on, Sammi!” Tommy said pushing Roxie away from him, trying to reach Sammi.
Roxie pushed Tommy once more making him stumble to the ground. “You are fucking spoiled little mama’s boy! ‘Cause you want to crawl back inside her cunt!” Roxie shouted down at Tommy. Then in a blink of an eye, Sammi and Vince saw Tommy spring up from the sidewalk, punching Roxie’s right in the mouth. Roxie fell to the ground, feeling blood drip from her mouth, looking up at everyone.
“Holy shit!” Sammi shouted, covered her mouth with wide eyes, looking at Roxie then to Tommy. Vince let go of Sammi, rushing to Tommy’s side to shake him up. Tommy stood frozen looking at what he just did. “I told you to stop saying that,” Tommy whispered, fully running away to the direction of the car.
“Tommy!” Vince shouted. He looked down at Roxie, who kept wiping away the blood from her mouth. Sammi stood still, beginning to feel her body tremble. She looked through her purse, pulling out a napkin. With a shaky hand, Sammi passed it to Roxie, only getting watery eyes in return. Vince grabbed Sammi by the hand, tugging her to Tommy. She stumbled away from Roxie, eyes glued onto her even as she disappeared into the distance.
“Where the fuck’s the car?” Vince said stopping under a street light. Sammi looked around, knowing they parked still.
“Oh my fucking god,” Sammi said running her hand through her hair, crouching down with her eyes closed. “He fucking ditched us,”
Vince huffed, kicking a nearby metal trash can. “Goddammit, Tommy. Sammi get up, we’re going to my place,” Vince said reaching out a hand for Sammi. Sammi looked up Vince, taking his hand as Vince tried to single a taxi.
Vince’s apartment was most certainly an upgrade from the Motley House, having everything look well kept for once. Shoes off with a beer in her hand, Sammi sat against the headboard of Vince’s bed with the singer right next to her. They tried multiple times to call Tommy but got no luck.
“Vince, I need to tell you something, and I’m gonna need you to never tell Tommy,” Sammi whispered looking at Vince. He nodded, wrinkling his eyebrows together.
“I caught Nikki fucking Roxie at the video shoot…” Sammi said softly, biting her lip.
Vince’s eyes grew in shock but then regained to normal size as he thought longer about it. “She would’ve tried it with any of us,” Vince mumbled, taking a sip of his beer. “Just didn’t think Nikki would actually fuck with Tom like that,”
Sammi took the last sip of her beer, “Never been more pissed in my life,”
“Just know I would never hurt your siblings or you like that,”
Sammi looked down at the bottle, pressing her lips together as she nodded.
“Hope you’re right about that,” Sammi said. Vince got up from the bed, pulling out a long t-shirt from his drawers.
“It may be late as fuck but you still need to sleep,” Vince said with a smile. Sammi only gave a forceful smile back at Vince, hoping for the best.
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hargroves-angel · 5 years
Cookies And Cream 🏹🍪
Chapter 2 - Angel Cake
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A/N * Sexual themes, No actual Smut. 
// Chapter 3 - Chocolate Sundae // Cookies and Cream Masterlist //
Billy knocked on Y/Ns door. That familiar scent of cookies filled his senses as she opened the door. She looked so heavenly, even in the morning, she was wearing a baby blue with white polka dots dress , his eyes traced over her figure, “Good morning Billy” her voice was soft and sweet. “Good morning gorgeous, I know it’s early and all but i was hoping to show you around town” Billy smiled, his pearly whites on show.
“I’d love to, I need to drop some muffins off at my mothers bakery actually, so if you don’t mind could we go there first?” He nodded. She stepped to the side to allow him in. “I just need to package them, do you want a drink or something to eat?”.
“If that’s alright angel” She nodded and made him some french toast and a cup of coffee, placing it down in front of him. Her house was simply decorated, a large painting of a ballerina hung on the wall. Fluffy white carpets and light gray wallpaper. It was too girly for Billy’s taste, but he respected it, it was her.
She came into the dining room holding a gift basket filled with muffins. “I hope everything tasted ok” He grinned at her.
“It was great, so is the bakery in the mall?”
“Mmmhmm” She hummed, placing a ribbon around the basket. “Shall we go?” She picked it up and smoothed our her dress.
Billy agreed taking out his car keys, leading the way to his house.
Max was outside with her skateboard, trying out some tricks on the curb. She stared at Y/N and Billy, she wasn’t his usual type, she seemed too innocent. Billy glared at Max, telling her to back off silently. She rolled her eyes and skated off.
Billy opened the passenger door for Y/N. She mumbled a ‘thank you’ before sitting down on the leather seat, he took the basket from her hands and placed it in the back.
They drove off, Billy played his music at a lower volume than usual. But was surprised when she started to hum along to the lyrics.
“You like Led Zeppelin?” He asked taken back. She let out a soft giggle,
“I occasionally listen to them, my father sent me a vinyl record of their new album, mom doesn’t appreciate it but I can listen to it on low volume” Billy smirked.
“Well it’s no fun when it’s quiet, here” he turned up the volume and noticed your smile grow. Cute, she was adorable... shame he was only trying to bed her, he thought.
Billy rolled into the mall parking lot. He had a a whole plan for the day, once he’d taken her to her mothers bakery he was going to show her around the mall a bit more, specifically the vinyl store now, then take her down town to hang around at the park and finally arrive by the lake, where hopefully he would have buttered her up enough to get laid. Besides who could resist him.
He helped her out of the car and walked with her to the entrance. “So where you from then?”.
“I was born in California but since my parents split my mom moved us to France, wanted a fresh start I suppose”
“France? You don’t sound French, like your accent” He was actually kind of interested.
“Well we lived there for only 2 years and I never picked it up” Billy smirked, following you as you walked towards the end of the mall.
“You know any French then?” Billy asked.
“Ouí, je parle couramment le français” He raised his eyebrows.
“Impressive, I have no idea what you said but it sounds cool” He chuckled, you both reached the bakery.
It was similar to your house, softly decorated, pretty pictures put around the walls, cakes and desserts were placed around the place. She opened the door with a key. “My mother isn’t here so feel free to take a cookie or something if you want” Billy took a cookie from the jar on the counter.
“These taste really good, the ones you bought yesterday were finished really quickly, your mom make them?” He looked around at the other treats.
“No, She makes the big cakes for events and stuff but I make the little desserts”
“Well you’re great at it doll” She placed the muffins on a stand.
“Thank you Billy, I’m all done here so we can go on our tour now”
Billy showed Y/N around every store, suggested the best places to eat and the worst. They had the most fun in the record store, both looking at albums they liked, Billy suggested more bands and other music he enjoyed. She even ended up buying a new album.
They left the mall after 2 hours, and Billy drove her around town, telling her about the different shops.
“There’s a park at the end of this street, sometimes me and my friends chill out here, and so since we are... friends” His voice deepened at the word ‘friends’ “I thought we should hang out there for a bit” She nodded.
“I really appreciate all of this Billy, it’s really sweet of you to give me a tour, Hawkins is actually quite interesting” Billy smirked.
“At times..., when new people come around things get a little more exciting” He pulled up outside some trees. “Now unfortunately, we have to go through a path which can be a bit over grown” he pointed to a dirt path which didn’t look too easy to walk through, stinging nettles and twigs where everywhere.
You went with him to the path, the mud was a little bit wet, which wasn’t going to go well with your white shoes and pastel dress.
“You know I could carry you, if you don’t wanna get muddy” Billy offered, his smirk even more evident.
She thought about it for a second. “I should be ok, but thanks for the offer, nothing wrong with getting a little dirty” a seemingly innocent comment from her, which Billy obviously found sexual undertones within it chuckling to himself.
“Ok princess, I’ll go first” he moved the branches out of the way and she followed. She tried to avoid the wet spots of mud but her shoes still ended up getting dirty, mother wasn’t going to be pleased.
They arrived at a small clearing. An abandoned park sat in the middle.
“Tommy says that this was going to be bulldozed and turned into some big apartment complex but something to do with the soil and trees got in the way so they left it all here” Billy gestured to the trees around them.
He took a cigarette out from his pocket brought it to his lips, lighting it.
He walked to the swing set in the middle, sitting down, for it being abandoned the park was actually in good shape, Y/N went on the swing next to him, pushing herself forward on it. She lightly swinged on it, clearly enjoying herself. Billy felt a little bad, his intentions with Y/N weren’t pure, her innocence made him feel different things.
“You gonna swing too?” She asked.
“Hell yeah, I have the record for highest!” He boasted. She giggled.
“Not if I beat it” she challenged. With that Billy put his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it before pushing himself back on the swing.
“Sure thing angelface, but no one can beat me” He let his feet off the floor and swung forward, the wind in his hair. Y/Ns giggles filled him with joy as he laughed along with her.
After a few minutes of swinging and Billy winning at heightest swing, they decided to sit down and talk for a while. Billy talked about California, how he enjoyed the beaches and over all life back there. Y/N talked about what she remembered of California, finding out that they both liked the fries in Dawson’s Diner, turns out they lived close to eachother only a 15 minute drive away, this was one of the first times Billy had really spoken about California and in a comfortable light.
It started to get dark. “We should head back now” Y/N, got to her feet. “My mom thinks I’ve been at the mall all day” Billy chuckled.
“Can I show you one last place?” She thought about it for a second but nodded.
They hopped into his car and Billy drove to the lake. He had wanted to fulfil his impure ideas, he felt as though he’d charmed you enough, but thinking back on it, you seemed to be very fragile, like a rose, he didn’t want to be that much of an asshole and do what he usually did, so he knew that they’d be going to the lake to look at the sunset and that’s it.
“This is the lake, not many people come here... I’ve been here a few times, you wanna sit on the hood?” He took her hand and helped her onto his car. The sun started set through the trees,
“This place is beautiful Billy, I bet you take your girls here all the time” He brushed off the comment.
“Maybe” He sat back a bit and watched the lake water reflect the sun. A cool breeze flowing through his golden locks.
Y/N’s eyes were wide with amazement at the scenery. The sun disappeared behind the lake and the sky got a lot darker. Y/N and Billy went back into the car, and drove back home.
“I had so much fun today, thank you” She was like a kid on Christmas, so much genuine happiness in a person.
“No problem doll” He dropped her off at her house, “see you at school tomorrow, want me to take you in?” She looked over at him.
“Are you sure, you’ve done so much for me, surely..” he hushed her.
“Don’t worry about it” I’ll see you at 7:30am tomorrow” He winked. He walked her to the front door, she unlocked it.
“Thank you Billy” she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and entered her house. Billy felt his cheeks heat up. That wasn’t his usual reaction to a kiss? He never really gave a shit about a kiss? He gulped, still a bit shook. But quickly realised he should probably get away from her door now, he ran a hand through his hair and got into his car, parking it up into his house.
He opened his front door, Max was with one of her friends on the floor of the living room looking through a magazine. “Who was that?” Max asked.
“None of your business shitbrain, clean that crap up before dad gets home” he quipped, walking into his room, hearing her huff.
Billy looked at his window. You were dancing gracefully around your room, a huge smile on your face, he smirked and closed his curtains.
He needed to think of something. He was getting very sexually frustrated, he needed to get laid but he couldn’t get her out of his mind, he couldn't do that to Y/N though unlike the other girls he’d slept with she seemed like she would be hurt if she knew his only priority, she seemed sweet and kind... He huffed and got changed.
Looks like it was just himself for now. She will probably end up dating one of the preppy boys at Hawkins and then leave him anyway, that way he could go back to one of the various women willing to sleep with him, no strings attached. Something about that thought made him feel jealous, he cursed himself. He's only known you for like a day or two, yet you’ve had such an impact on him, he hated it but some what loved it? ‘Feelings are complicated’ he sighed. 
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photolover82 · 5 years
The Masked Singer: Season 3 Episode 9: The Last 3 of the Super 9 Revealed (Group C Championships Commentary & Final Guesses)
Hello fellow Masked Singer fans! The time has come for the last group, Group C, to end their journey and to announce the last 3 masks moving onto the Super 9, which is next week on April Fools. 
Disclaimer: There will be spoilers so don’t read if you haven’t caught up on the show. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.
Alright having said that, let’s jump into the recap:
So the mask who got eliminated/revealed was (unfortunately but not surprisingly):
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Ok yup I totally saw this coming and I am kind of relieved that she left and the same thing that happened in Group A with Miss Monster didn’t happen again. Honestly, she is very fun and energetic in terms of performance, where she sang Jai Ho! (You Are My Destiny) by The Pussycat Dolls. Honestly, this performance was my favorite of hers, but it just wasn’t as vocally sound as the other 3 contestants. 
So, having said that, I knew all along who she is, ever since the first week (and my past posts prove it so ha, you can’t say I am lying), so she is, as I guessed:
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Ya, I mean duh, I guessed since she sang the first time on that stage and honestly she killed it and I am so happy for her that she got to do something completely out of her comfort zone and she had fun which is all that matters. Anyways, let’s take a look at why it was so obvious with the clues: 
Her coach said “T-Rex subscribes to the idea...” = subscribing is referring to her over 10 million YouTube subscribers 
Boomerangs on the airplane seat= her most famous song “Boomerang” 
Plate of fries, chips, and mozzarella sticks covered in glitter= loves glitter and has a house full of snacks 
Wax lips sinking into a vase of water with toy cannons= the lip sinking is referring to her hosting Lip Sync Battle Shorties with Nick Cannon hence the toy cannons 
Tee-Tee nickname= referring to her name Jojo 
Lego Clue: her & Will Arnett (guest judge) with the word “poodle” = she attended the world premiere of his movie Lego Batman and was wearing poodle shoes. 
Alright so now that we are done with that, let’s talk about the remaining contestants going into the Super 9 which is apparently what everyone wants to compete for all of a sudden but whatever let’s go: 
1. Rhino 
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Performance: He sang “Tracks of my Tears” by Smokey Robinson and The Miracles and wow it was beautiful. He is a great vocalist, I am not going to lie. My mom really likes him. Yeah so having said that, he was a bit tricky to get, but I finally got him last week, and I am sticking with it this week especially thanks to CinemaBlend who kills it in the guessing department. 
Ok so my final guess for the Rhino is still... 
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The clues make a lot of sense if you think about it when it comes to why I think it’s him: 
College Roommate talking about how they learned surfing= went to college in Cali and knows how to surf 
3 quarters taped up and an arrow pointing up= changed his pitch from a top angle to a 3 quarter delivery in 2009 
Planet of Mars= Son’s name is Mars 
Missouri highlighted with a crown on a map of US= wife crowned Ms. Missouri 
Lego clue: Robin and him with the number 1000; he said that they were on the same track= both Barry and Robin are on the soundtrack of the film a thousand words 
2. Night Angel 
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Performance: She sang Shout! by Isley Brothers and wow I really enjoyed it. It was more fun and playful than her previous performances which were more emotional and deep. It was a different side of her which was refreshing to watch. Also, wow she got an insane range and she really showed how high she could go with the notes in this performance. She is for sure one of the best vocally. 
Ok, so my final guess for Night Angel is still...
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Here’s why based on the clues: 
 Night Angel’s friend said that she was chasing dream in high school so missed her prom but still made time for her graduation even if it conflicted with a big career opportunity= instagram she posted a picture of her in her high school graduation saying that she almost missed a performance with Xscape
Rotary Phone off of the dial= that same year of HS graduation she was working on the Off the Hook album 
Aced Astronomy Quiz with moon related questions= her son is named Ace & she was featured in a song “Legs to the Moon”
Lego Clue: Jenny talks a lot about her on her show= Kandi has been on Jenny’s Sirius XM show multiple times
3. Astronaut 
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Performance: He sang a song by one of my favorite artists, Shape of You by Ed Sheeran and I kid you not I was talking to someone about the songs I wanted the different masks to perform and this was one of the songs I wanted him to perform so I freaked! I am psychic y’all. Anyways, I love him. He is legit my favorite in the group and one of my favorites overall. I really hope he makes it super far. Having said that, I legit know who he is and knowing what I know makes me realize why I love him so much since he is someone who I adore listening to his music. 
Last but not least, my guess for Astronaut is still (nothing’s gonna change here)...
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It is so obvious to me, especially with this new set of clues: 
His “bro pilot” spoke in the clue package saying that he tripped and fell on stage in front of everyone= this has happened to Hunter Hayes
Pair of dice with the numbers adding up to 10= his Guinness world record was performing in 10 cities for 24 hours
Cup of coffee= the guy is obsessed with coffee (man after my own heart, I love coffee too), he always drinks it and is pictured next to a cup a lot on Instagram
Wooden Bridge= Born in BroBridge, Tennessee 
Lego Clue: Him and Nichole with the word “mall”= they celebrated a huge birthday together= 2015 Independence Day Concert performed together at the National Mall in DC (Birthday of the US haha) 
Ok, that’s it guys! Thank you for joining me and I will see you guys next week for the ever so infamous Super Nine. Bye y’all! 
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bitionraingang · 5 years
Our lives
Hello ya’ll.... this is my first, very first written piece😖 I know that it may be very lacking, but I have great passion for writing. I hope you all enjoy it! Thank you!
Mains: The Quiett (Shin Dong Gab) & Audrey (OC) -> or any name you want it to be
“I like you.”
I was so caught off guard that I laughed and replied,
“Me too. You’re a good friend.” There was no way that he saw me anything more than a friend or a younger sister. He was such an important person to the world. For a person like me to like him, I would be told to dream on. He’s way out of my league.
“No, I like you as a woman Audrey.” He replied looking straight at the wall before him, not even sparing me a glance.
“Huh?” I felt so confused.
“Sorry, I’ll get going. I’ll join you next time.” He hastily said while getting up.
For a good minute I watched his figure disappear behind the corner of the mall. He said he liked me. And I liked him. So what was I doing just letting this chance go? Go after him a voice seemed to yell in my head. With all the speed I had I ran towards his figure getting into his parked Bentley.
“Dong Gab! Wait! Oppa! Wait!” I yelled before he could close the door. With his head hung low, he slowly got out of his car. Not being able to stop myself from the great speed I had, I tripped over air and fell into his arms. With my head against chest, I thought that I could hear his heart beating with great speed just like mine. I quickly balanced myself and looked up at him. His eyes were open wide with a tint of pink on his cheeks.
“Why’d you just leave like that?” I snapped at him.
“What do you mean?” He asked.
“You didn’t even wait to hear my answer. You just left.” I said.
“Well, you didn’t answer and that seemed to be your answer.” He said.
“Well, I like you too. I was just thinking about how you would like a girl like me. You’re so great and I’m just this nothing. So I was wondering how and why.” I told him truthfully.
“What do you mean? You're way out of my league. I don’t deserve a girl like you.” He said.
“Are you crazy?” I said I lightly slapped his arm.
“You don’t have to say you like me because I said I like you. Don’t feel bad for me.” He said trying to turn away to his car.
I grabbed his arms and placed them around my waist. With my arms around his neck I asked, “Dong Gab oppa, can I be your girlfriend?”
With a shy smile he pulled my body closer to his and said, “Thanks for having the bigger gut.” After giving him a chaste kiss on his cheek, I released myself from his warmth and ran to the passenger side of the car and got on. After being frozen for 10 seconds, he quickly got into the driver's seat. While putting the gear to drive, he grabbed my hand and pulled it towards his lap. I smiled up at him and looked out the window. The man I liked, no maybe even loved for the past year was finally my boyfriend.
We were happy. Even though he was busy, he never failed to leave some time out for me. We tried to do everything a normal couple would have done, but only after making sure to make ourselves look unrecognizable. We went to the movies, cafes, shopping center, food tours, and so much more. After a certain point, I had practically moved into his apartment. We got a Russian Blue cat and named it Dong Soo. We were happy until one day he wasn’t able to come home early anymore. He said he had been so behind on his music productions because all his time, he would pour into our relationship. I told him it was okay and that he can take some time to finish what he had to do and that I didn’t want to be stealing his time. Only if I weren’t stupid. I should’ve realized it, but no.
I had come home early from my 2 week overseas work trip in Canada. The first thing that welcomed me at the front door was a pair of high heels and a pair of his favorite Jordan’s. Dong Soo purred and walked over to me. Picking him up, I walked over to our bedroom. Behind the door, I could hear his laughter and her giggles. Biting my lips, my hand reached for the door handle, but before I could turn it, I quickly turned around. Why was I running away? What had I done wrong? Nothing. I shouldn’t be running away. But if I caught them now, everything end would there and then. I was going to make him hurt, just like me.
I didn’t go back home until the date when I was supposed to. He wasn’t even home. He didn’t come home until 2 days later. I was sitting on the sofa with Dong Soo, watching a new episode of “I Live Alone”. The door opened and Dong Gab walked towards me with a smile.
“Hey, your back!” He sounded so enthusiastic it almost fooled me.
“Yeah, been back for 2 days now. What you’ve been up to?” I asked nonchalantly.
“Oh… sorry it totally slipped my mind. I’ve been busy with a new album.” He said as he tried to wrap me with his arms.
“It’s fine, I had fun with my friends while you weren’t here and I figured you’d be busy so I didn’t call.” I said while moving towards the kitchen to get away from him.
“Oh… what did you do? You guys had dinner with Kasey or some?” He asked.
After pouring a glass champagne I answered,
“No, we just went to the club. Junyoung broke up with his girlfriend and he needed some encouragement.”
“What? The club? With Junyoung?” He asked as he walked closer to where I stood.
“Yeah, I hung out with Junyoung and his friends. It was fun, I made a lot of new friends.” I said looking straight into his eyes.
“Wait, but with Junyoung? The fuckboy kid that you used to know?” He said with a dumbfounded look.
“Yeah, I called him the other day because I was bored. I wanted to see what he was up to and he said he wasn’t doing much, but broke up with his girlfriend so we went out for drinks and hung out.” The look on his face made me want to laugh out loud in his face. He was getting paler than the walls around us.
Before he could even utter another sound, I put the glass in the sink and went towards the bathroom and said, “I’m going out in a few so if you’re hungry, there’s food in the fridge.”
“What? You’re going out now? Do you know what time it is?” He asked getting a little heated now.
I turned around to face him and said,
“Yes, I do know what time it is. Jintae said he’s picking me up at 12:30 and taking me to the hottest club in Gangnam.”
He looked so lost after I said that. His face had a huge frown.
“Audrey, what do you mean? I just got to see you after 2 weeks and now you’re going out with a guy at 12:30PM? Would it make sense for me to do that with another girl?” He asked, trying to put some “sense” into me.
“It’s not like I’m going to sleep with him or bring him here.” I replied with a low tone.
I saw him physically flinch. Probably triggered his guilt.
“Why would you do that?” I asked.
“No, never.” He lied straight to my face. Instead of putting on a smirk, I smiled sweetly at him and said,
“See? Oppa, I trust you and that means you should trust me. We’re just meeting a couple of friends.”
“But I don't think I’ve ever met this Jintae before too.” He said.
“You can come with us then. We’ll have fun.” I said and walked into the bathroom.
I dressed myself in the most provocative clothing I owned, which was a leather bralette and leather jeans. I put on large hoops and dark, red lipstick. Dong Gab didn’t look happy as he watched me getting dressed.
“You’re wearing that?” He asked.
“What else should I wear to a club? Business casual? Come on Dong Gab, Jintae oppa texted me he’s outside.”
“Oppa?” I heard him mutter under his breath.
“Tell him to meet us there, let’s take my car.” He said as we waited for the elevator.
“He’s already here. I can’t tell him to just go. If you want to take your car, just bring it I’ll go with Jintae oppa.” I said without sparing him a glance.
I could feel his stare on the back of my head as I said that.
“Fine, then I’ll meet you there” he said, now really upset.
“Kay, I’ll see you there.” I said as I stepped out of the elevator and he remained to go the garage floor.
“We’re inside.” I texted Dong Gab. Jintae and I went to the table with all of my new friends that I met.
“Where?” My phone buzzed. Ignoring it, I took a shot of vodka and immediately went to the dance floor. I was so into the music that I didn’t even realize Dong Gab was standing right in front of my face. I grabbed Jongin, whom I just met, and he pulled me closer. I tried to close up even closer as I took another shot before I was ripped away from Jongin.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?” Dong Gab yelled, his face fuming with anger.
“What? I’m just dancing.” I said as I shrugged. I tried to turn back around to Jongin, but just as I did, I was pulled outside of the club.
Dong Gab didn’t stop until he put me inside the Bentley he drove alone. Feeling the alcohol bringing up my confidence I asked him why he was overreacting.
“Overreacting? You were literally on him. Did you forget you have a boyfriend? Is this what you’ve been doing for the 2 weeks you weren’t here?” He yelled.
I scoffed and pulled the door open so I could leave. Dong Gab quickly grabbed my arms so I wasn’t able to and looked at me in the eye saying,
“Why are you doing this? Did I do something wrong?”
I rolled my eyes and laughed.
“Did you do something wrong? Huh. If you did, you should know what you did wrong, shouldn’t you?”
“Audrey, what are you saying. Talk properly.” He said shaking my arms a bit.
“It’s exactly what I said. Shouldn’t you know what you did wrong, if you did do something wrong?” I said boring my eyes into his.
It looked like he was trying to think, think of an excuse. But before he could say anything, I shook his hand off my arms and pushed myself out of the car. I walked off back into the entrance before I was being pulled out again.
“Stop it! Don’t touch me! Let go of me!” I yelled trying to get away from Dong Gab.
He shoved me against his car and trapped me with his arms. I punched his chest and arms, yelling at him to move away from me. He grabbed my face with both of his hands and with tearful eyes, he said,
“I’m sorry.”
I stopped thrashing around and looked up at him with a smirk,
“You don’t even know what you did wrong, why are you apologizing?”
“I’m sorry Audrey. It just happened when we were out for the 1llionaire dinner you couldn’t come to and she kept calling me. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you and only you.” He begged.
I laughed at his face and said,
“You don’t have to beg me for forgiveness honey. Tonight was supposed to be our last day anyways. I’m glad it happened like this. Jintae oppa will drop by your apartment tomorrow to pick up my stuff. I already packed everything so you don’t have to worry about packing anything else.”
“No. No. No. Please. Audrey. I’m sorry. Please. Don’t leave me. I’ll do whatever I can. Just don’t leave me. Don’t leave us. Don’t leave Dong Soo.” He pleaded with tears rolling down his cheeks.
It hurt time see him cry with such sorrow because I still loved him, but I needed to put an end to this.
“Oh yea, about Dong Soo, he seemed to be sick. Make sure to bring him to the doctor. I didn’t take him because then I would become the primary owner to him.” I said as I pushed against his strength. He tried to take me back into his arms, but Jongin, the hottie I was dancing with earlier came towards me grabbing me by the waist.
“Hey babe, I’ve been looking for you. You want to go to my house? I have a cute cat.” He asked.
I wanted to look at Dong Gab’s crying face, but thought I would run back to him to console him so I didn’t and said,
“Sure, lead me to paradise.”
Jongin and I walked away with his hand in mine, gripping it hard. All I did was laugh and give him a kiss on his cheeks. This is it Audrey. You have to move on now. He's done his deed and you’ve done yours.
It’s probably been 6 months that we’ve broken up. I was in a relationship with Jintae. He wasn’t able to bring my stuff to our new apartment because Dong Gab had apparently taken everything out of the packed boxes in order to “stop” me from leaving. As if. It was better that I didn’t have anything that reminded me of him. Except one thing. I was pregnant with Dong Gab’s child.
“Babe! Can you please get me a glass of milk! I’m dying here!” Jintae yelled from his recording room.
“You know I’m pregnant! You want me to walk back and forth for a glass of milk with this body?!” I yelled back. Eventually I gave in because Jintae was willing to be the dad to the child he didn’t even help in creating. I couldn’t have Jintae leave me as well.
“Thank you honey.” He said as he drank the entire glass.
“Be right back, I need the bathroom.” He said while running.
“I don’t think if I’m living with a man or child.” I said shaking my head.
Then a light from his phone caught my attention. I knew I shouldn’t look, but I couldn’t help myself. It was a chat with an unknown number with texts consisting of how he was going to rock her world and give her all the pleasure. There were also some texts about how much of a whore I was, expecting him to be the father of a child that’s not his. I could not believe my eyes. In the beginning of this relationship, I had specifically told Jintae that I was not ready for another partner and that I was pregnant. He told me all was fine. He wanted to be my boyfriend. Before he could come back, I quickly let go of the phone and walked out of the room.
At our shared bedroom, I took out my suitcase and started packing all of my belongings. Jintae walked in as I zipped up my bags.
“Hey, you going somewhere? Was there a trip I was not aware about?” He asked.
“I can’t stay with you anymore.” I said looking down.
“What? What do you mean?” He asked, confused.
“I never once asked for you to stay in this relationship. If you wanted another bitch, why didn’t you just go to her? Why are you here? Why am I here with you? I have to go.” I said with tears in my eyes.
“Did you go through my phone?” He asked. That was all he could think of to say right now? Is he being serious?
“It just happened. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, but I need to get going.” I said trying to step out.
“You really are a whore. Going through other people’s phones. Look at you. This is probably why he cheated on you too.” He said.
Sobbing, I ran out of the apartment.
Aimlessly, I walked around the streets with two huge suitcases. After walking for about 2 hours, I felt my head spinning and fell onto the ground.
When I woke up, all I saw were white walls and loud sounds of beeping. I tried to move, but a voice said,
“Ms. Lee, you can’t move vigorously like that now. Try to calm down. Do you recognize where you are?”
“Is this the hospital?” I asked. Gasping, I reached for my stomach.
“Your baby is fine Ms. Lee. It seemed to be stress and sudden shock that made you faint. Your husband said he’ll be here shortly so please hold on okay?” The voice said.
Husband? I don’t have a husband tho. Not even a boyfriend, anymore. Then the door crashed open and came running a silhouette that reminded me of Dong Gab.
“Audrey! Baby! Are you okay? What happened? Why are you like this?” The person asked.
“Sir, you have to calm down. She just woke up so she is also confused. Someone called in that she fainted on the streets by Gangleum Road and it seems to be stress and mild shock that caused it. But she is fine now. Your baby is safe as well.”
“Baby?” The man asked.
“Yes, your baby is perfectly healthy. Please try to get her to have a drink of water. Thank you.”
Finally having my sense back, I was able to see the face of the man clearly. It was Dong Gab. He grabbed my cold hands with his warm ones.
“Audrey, I know I’m the last person you want to see, but I have to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m fine. Sorry for making you come such a long way.” I said looking away with tears in my eyes. He looked so dead. He looked thinner than he usually was.
“No baby. I’m sorry. Can you please forgive me? For everything. For hurting you, for leaving you, for coming late to you.” He pled, sobbing.
Burying my face into my arms, I sobbed.
“Congrats on your baby. Where’s Jintae? I heard you guys were together.” He said with a forceful smile, trying to change the subject.
“Is he on his way? Jintae must be lucky, to have a child on the way. I should get going before he comes.” He said holding in a breath.
“Can I give you a hug Audrey?” He asked.
Without raising my head, I nodded. Immediately I felt his arms wrap around my body and I began crying harder. His tears rolled down his cheeks, unto mine.
“He’s yours.” I mumbled while crying.
“He’s home? Did the nurses not give him a call?” He asked.
“I said, he’s yours.” I cried into his shoulder, probably still hearing ‘he’s home’.
“He’s home. Okay, do you want me to call him? I should probably do that.” He said as he released me from his arms.
I grabbed his hands before he could get move away and shook my head with tears spilling out. Confused, he sat down and pulled me into a hug once again.
“Alright then, what do you want me to do?” He asked with a soothing voice.
I pulled myself away from his hug and put his hands on my stomach. He looked utterly confused.
Softly I said, “I said, he’s yours. Dong Gab, he’s not Jintae’s. He’s yours.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” Dong Gab asked, his eyes shaking with tears threatening to spill once again.
“After the night we broke up, I was sick for a week. I thought it was because I drank too much that day so I went to the doctor and they said I was 5 weeks pregnant. And the only person I was with until then was you. I know the right thing to do was tell you, but I couldn’t. I was so scared. I didn’t want to be in a relationship with anyone anymore. Especially you, but there I was pregnant with your baby. But Jintae kept pursuing me to date him and said he would take care of our baby with me. Being the emotional pregnant lady I was, of course, I said yes. I’m sorry.” I cried.
“No. No Baby, it's not your fault. It was all me. For displacing your trust like that. Would you please forgive me so we can start fresh for our child? I still love you so much and I can’t bare to think of anyone else fulfilling my place like that.
I bit my lip shut to stop myself from crying and nodded. I loved Dong Gab and never stop doing so even after we broke up. As much as I tried, I could not let go of him. I loved him too much. Feeling a great sense of relief, tears fell like a waterfall once again and I looked down at my stomach thinking, we’re going to be happy baby. Mommy and daddy will work hard to make you happy.
“Dong Gab hurry up! We’re going to be late!” I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. We were invited to an awards ceremony as a nominee for the Best Album and Best Artist of the Year. Finally, he came down from the stairs looking so good.
“You look dashing Mr. Shin.” I said putting my arms around his neck.
“So do you, Mrs. Shin.” He said with a wink.
I gave him a quick peck and turned around towards the front door. I grabbed the car key and said, “And I’m driving today. You just sit back. I know you’re nervous right now.”
“No, no, no. You are pregnant young lady. I am not letting you drive with a watermelon in your stomach.” He said without much thought.
I gasped loudly, genuinely taken aback by his comment about my stomach. Is that what he thought of me. A big, ugly, green watermelon? His eyes turned wide realizing what he had said. Obviously, my hormones were making me super erratically and got upset about everything.
“No, baby. I didn’t mean it the way that your thinking right now. I’m jus.” he said before I cut him off.
I sobbed saying, “Is that what you thought of me? A big, ugly, green watermelon? Oh, so I’m like an ogre to you? How could you say that to me Dong Gab, I’m pregnant with your child. I can’t go to this place looking like a watermelon. I’ll just stay home.” I was so upset that my tears did not stop.
Dong Gab, who wasn’t used to his girlfriend (soon to be wife) being so sensitive realized he had made another mistake again. Before, when she wasn’t pregnant, they could go back and forth at each other with “offensive” jokes knowing they didn’t mean it in a truthful way. However, me being pregnant was a whole different story. The other night, I woke him up at 2AM asking him for the food I detested, pickles.
“Pickles? We don’t even have pickles in our house because you hate them.” He groaned.
“Are you saying that it’s my fault that we don’t have pickles? I’m sorry, I’ll just go to sleep then.” I yelled agitated. Pulling the covers over my head, I fell asleep with a huge craving for pickles. All he did was sigh and apologize. But around 40 minutes later, I woke up again not for the craving for pickles, but rather to the sounds of Dong Gab grunting in the kitchen. Worried, I quietly walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen. And there he was, struggling to open the can of pickles that he just bought from the store. It must have been the hormones, but I ran towards him crying. He got so shocked that he yelped a little and turned around with bunny eyes.
“What happened? Why are you crying?” He asked, very concerned.
“I’m just so grateful to have someone like you. I love you. Thank you for getting me pickles.” I cried.
He laughed and gave me a big hug saying, “My big baby, you’re so cute. I love you too.”
After requiniting our love after the clash over pickles, we went back to our bedroom at 4AM. I laid my head against his chest and before I felt my sleep taking me away, I murmured,
“Remind me to never eat pickles again please.” And fell asleep to the soft rumbles of his laughter against his chest.
And here we were once again, me being emotional about watermelons. Well specifically, me being a watermelon. Somehow he had convinced me that he meant I was as delicious as a watermelon and I was fine now. We were on the way to the ceremony when I felt a tight pull in my stomach. I thought it was our son just moving in me so I didn’t think much of it. Once we were there, we posed for the press that were taking pictures for their articles. Then we were led inside to our seat. As Dong Gab pulled out my seat, I felt the tight feeling once again. I softly whispered to myself, “Baby, please don’t move too much, it’s hard for mommy.”
“What was that?” Dong Gab asked, thinking I was talking to him. I shook my head and looked at the pamphlet in front of me.
After a series of awards that were handed out, finally came up the announcement for the Album of the Year. I clasped Dong Gab’s hand, trying to send a message that everything will be okay. Simon Dominic who was the MC of the night said,
“And now, I present to you, the award for Album of the Year belongs to, The Quiett’s ‘Sorry’ congratulations!”
“Oh my God!” I turned to Dong Gab and gave him a shove. With a big smile, he got up to go on the stage. I was so happy for him. He worked so hard on this album and he won the award! During his speech, he did not fail to thank me, for being the very person behind the album and the cameras turned to me. I was being broadcasted all over the stage and there were screams from the fans who supported us. I smiled brightly and did the usual 1llionaire sign.
And then again, there was not only a tight feeling in my stomach but also a sharp pain down there. Since the cameras were still on me, I tried my best to keep a smile on my face, but with the pain increasing, I couldn’t help but to shoot a frown while grasping my stomach. I looked up at Dong Gab who had a concerned look while giving his speech. I bit my lip to hold in my yelp and there he was running down from the stage. Hyoeun, who was next to me put his hand on my back asking if I was okay. I couldn't answer him and only held onto my stomach. The people who saw the awardee running down from the stage leaving everything behind were confused. Dong Gab grabbed my chin trying to have a look at my face.
“What’s wrong baby? You okay? Tell me.” He said hurriedly.
“My stomach… it hurts…” I groaned. And thence heard a splash of water hitting the floor. There was water everywhere. My face filled with horror, I met eyes with Dong Gab.
“Dong Gab, we have to go to the hospital now.” I said.
“Oh, shit. Dong Gab hyung, hurry, your baby is on the way!” Hyoeun exclaimed after realizing what was happening.
Dong Gab hurriedly put my arm around his neck for me to use him as support. Hyoeun tried to follow us out, but Dong gab turned to him and said,
“Hyoeun, congrats on winning. Stay till the end, represent 1llionaire and I’ll call you later.” And off we were to the hospital.
After 8 hours of painful labor, I gave birth to our perfectly healthy son, Hyuk Woo. I can’t remember whether it was me crying more or Dong Gab. But what I do remember is, us smiling at each other with tears in our eyes after the delivery and he kneeled down to give me a kiss and said, “Thank you and I’m sorry.”
I was resting with Hyuk Woo in my arms and Dong Gab leaning over the hospital bed to look at Hyuk Woo. He was so beautiful. Then softly, the door slid open to Joonkyung and Changmo walking in. They congratulated us and took pictures of Hyuk Woo. They also told us how we were a huge topic in the news at the moment because I almost gave birth at an award ceremony. We laughed and was just immersed into the happiness of seeing a start of a new life. I felt so happy, content, loved, and thankful. Thank you Dong Gab, thank you for giving me Hyuk Woo and I love you very much.
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