#and they’ll probably have one self aware joke about it before ignoring all of the character development they did
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confused-alot · 4 months ago
when do we start gatekeeping pnf from the creators they gotta be stopped before they fuck it up
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sourpatchys · 9 months ago
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•Dabi (Touya Todoroki) headcannons•
Notes: Gn!reader (nothing specified), SFW
A/n: I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, and I figured now was the time! These are just some things off the top of my head, I’ll probably expand at a later date!
Guidelines masterlist
He tends to push people away, not in the traditional ‘staying as far away from you as possible’ sense though. He’ll just make snippy comments, ignore you completely, stomp over your ideas and overall just treat you like a nuisance.
He’s not opposed to people getting close, but he won’t actively try to befriend you or even take the time to get to know you— if you want his attention you’ll have to fight for it— shoving yourself into his life and telling him information without him asking.
Eventually he’ll warm up, his snippy comments turning into more lighthearted jokes (though they’ll still be at your expense) it’s going to be a slow process through and through
He doesn’t really care for hugs, holding hands or soft kisses on the cheek, and he’s likely to push you off if you get to close when he just isn’t feeling it.
He also isn’t the type of person (at least at first) to tell you when he isn’t in a cuddly mood, it’ll just be trial and error on your part
He’s protective of his secrets, and isn’t going to open up quickly, even when the cracks start to form he’s more likely to just walk away from you than he is to actually talk about his feelings
That isn’t to say he can’t get to a good state with you though
Trial and error won’t come without some expertise on your end and, in turn, things get a lot easier overall.
He’ll start looking forward to your next move, waiting for you to pop up and see what kind of mood he is that day. Sometimes he’ll even try to fake you out, just to make sure you’re serious about wanting to get close to him, and of course, seeing you fail is a little funny as well.
Eventually you’re just expected to be near him at all times, he doesn’t mind your presence, he allows you to be clingy if that’s how your feeling that day, regardless of his personal bias
He’s not self conscious of his scars anymore, per se, but he is aware that he isn’t exactly nice to look at. It’s best just not to mention them until the relationship is secure. It wouldn’t be a deal breaker but it wouldn’t make the process any easier.
Why would anyone want to look at him the way you claim to? It just wouldn’t make much sense to him.
And even after the relationship is secure, he’ll make a point to let you know how weird he finds it that you aren’t even slightly put off by it.
He has some love for his siblings deep (very deep) down, logically he knows that what happened wasn’t their fault, but if he listened to that part of himself, he may lose sight of his goals— and he just can’t fathom a world where endeavor isn’t suffering or dead.
He is not the jealous type, at least not around other people. He may make a snide remark or two though, if people get too handsy or close. Usually along the lines of—
“Get your own, this one’s mine.” Or, “gross” before walking away and letting you handle it from there.
Because overall, he does trust you, even if only slightly. Anyone willing to shove themselves in his life the way you have is proof enough that you won’t go anywhere.
But that doesn’t mean he won’t give you an earful when you’re alone, or even the silent treatment if things aren’t handled in a timely fashion.
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toxintouch · 11 months ago
Oh wait this looks fun! (& These are so good!!) Fair warning that I also only vaguely understand “the ick”.
Ais - not forming your own opinions on things - as in: being overly willing to believe common misconceptions or commonly held beliefs without ever examining them for yourself. (Your opinion/belief does not have to conform to his own or be contrarian, but if you believe it enough to bring it up and talk about it, you better have some convictions, not just regurgitate what you've been told.)
Leander - was indeed difficult but I'm gonna say: Eating so very loudly and un-flatteringly in public to the point where everyone around you is really uncomfortable. Causing damage to his positive public perception.  His image and reputation are obviously very important to him, so if you do something to actually deplete the way others view him, including a genuine mistake, he will have an immediate internal (self-esteem) reaction.
Lucky for you, There’s probably very few instances of this that Leander would actually be susceptible to since he's gained the loyalty and admiration of (most of) those around him.  He might actually find your ignorance charming or cute and/or your blatant lack of decorum up to even outright disinterest in Eridia's cultural norms to be sweetly naive, attractive, or refreshing but if your actions start actually threatening his reputation... he'll have to reevaluate a few things...
Vere - Showing a lack of value for your own autonomy.  He will see extreme indecision as a form of this.  Obviously also includes people who show a willingness to bargain away their freedom, even if it’s due to pure desperation, etc.  Unwitting hypocrisy.  According to Vere, if you’re going to be a hypocrite, you should at least have the decency (good sense) to be (reveling in it) self-aware about it.  Moral consistency is likely just disguised moral grandstanding, which is what he really hates for other people.  Speaking of… People who are consumed with their own victimization and/or self-flagellation, which he also considers a misuse of your own autonomy – no one in particular on his mind with this one, obviously.  And those who cannot back up their words with actions.  All bark and no bite. All style and no substance.
Mhin - Exerting derision over others just because you can – especially – if it doesn’t gain you anything. If you take joy in embarrassing people in public, or doing something that could be construed as making fun of people who are just minding their own business.  Applies even if you are not being purposely mean spirited.  (For example, if you are people watching with Mhin and you try to draw them into a joke by making fun of The Current Fashion, you need to be careful to comment on, say, the impracticality of staying alive during a Soulless attack in that outfit.  Even if Mhin also thinks someone’s outfit is ugly, they’ll get the ick if you sound like you’re making fun of the person themselves when that person isn’t even doing anything to you. Note: they will lay off if you explain yourself as not being malicious and point out that they don't always communicate tactfully either.)  Also, insisting that they should like (crowded, noisy) parties and similar things because everyone likes those things.  They are annoyed by people who feel that introversion is a defect to correct.
Kuras - Being destructively hasty. Unwillingness to engage in self-introspection, specifically: if he believes you have the resources.  Hypocrisy, especially at the expense or others/for the sake of personal gain.  He’d prefer you be noncommittal in regards to anything and everything than be a liar and/or a hypocrite.  I am hoping for an angsty hypocrite angel ending/story line so hard tho, willing or accidental.  Being unwilling to make a small and reasonable concession for the sake of someone else’s comfort or well being would deeply frustrate him.  (Random example: “Hey, will you guys warn me before you start setting off the party poppers so I can put ear protection on?”  He completely cannot relate to this but does not see any reason why someone would not simply follow through on this request, the cost is nothing.)
what do yall think would give the Touchstarved LI the biggest ick?
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laladellakang · 3 years ago
A Whole Lot Worse
enhypen 8th female member masterlist
wattpad | open requests / ask enhypen!
taglist! @hoonstrology​​ @jaetint @afiaaaa19 @1-800-enhypenbibi​​ @studioreader​​ @woopetals​​ @sarang-wonie
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(italics dialogue = english) 
(requested by anonymous!) 
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(WARNING! slight implication of self harm)
"ただいま," I'm home, I mumbled out as I opened the door to the dorm. I had a real tough day today. [tadaima].
Well- it was only started getting shitty like two hours ago but that was enough to ruin the entirety of the day.
Today was the first time that I got scolded that badly by the staff.
Usually I would ignore (some of) their scolds and just continue to do what I want but today they used a threat that definitely made me shake in my boots.
It also came from my manager this time and I'm really close with him so it hit harder.
A delusional fucking fan commented on my V-Live saying shit about how the boys only see me as a sister and that they've been invited to our dorm or some shit like that.
'The boys have invited me to their house before, they said they only like you as a sister so stop acting like their girlfriend 😑'
...okay maybe they were only joking 'cause it was fucking hilarious, but when you're me and you read shit like that, the urge to call them out is just way too strong,
-and I don't think that what I said was that bad. I just told them that the boys' heart is in my possession.
Apparently that's enough for people to interpret it as, and manager-oppa's words, 'Enhypen's Della is playing with the Enhypen boys' hearts.'
I thought that he was exaggerating but I planned to be more careful anyways. What I said was a bit much and I should've just left it alone. I'm well aware of that.
That was until they threatened me with one of my weaknesses.
The boys.
There is no fucking way that I will let anyone touch my men and they finally figured that out.
So yeah, that was how my day was ruined!
I really just wanna take a nice hot bath, burn my throat with hot chocolate and have a nice cuddle session. That's all I need.
The dorm was suspiciously quiet. The TV was on and I could hear the rice cooker but no one was talking.
I neatly placed my shoes on the shoe rack before making my way to the living room.
All the boys were there and their eyes turned to me when I walked in.
"Hi?" I raised my eyebrows. They looked really serious.
Sunghoon, Jake and Riki were about to stand up but they got held back down. Jay also looked at me with pity in his eyes.
"Della.." Heeseung started. I leaned against the wall to prepare myself. "I'm sure you know what's coming."
"Yes I do," I said calmly.
"You basically revealed our relationship," he continued. "Do you know how dangerous that is?"
We've officially been together for almost four months now and believe it or not, we have yet to have an argument or get mad at each other.
There were a few scolds here and there but we negotiate fairly quickly without having any grudges.
Well this was gonna happen sooner or later so..
"Yes I do," I still kept my calm.
I've been through this. In times like these, you should never defend yourself. They'll get so mad and might start using everything against you- no.
Della Kang, they are not him. They are not him. They are not-
"We know you're just calling someone out but seriously- you can't do that," Heeseung was still taking the lead.
"This might affect the group massively. People might figure out out relationship or they might think that you're playing with us when you're not," Jungwon spoke up.
"You should really try to contain yourself. Just leave that comment alone! There's no harm in that," Heeseung added.
"Seriously.." Sunoo muttered. "You're not in YG anymore, Della."
I wanted to correct him. Saying that YG probably wouldn't be any different,
but in times like these, I should only agree with them.
"Yes, I know. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." I said, making eye contact with all of them. "I'll try to not do it again."
They all seem really taken aback. I guess they didn't expect me to accept and swallow their words that easily, knowing how rebellious I can be.
"If you don't mind, I'm really tired and I just want a hot bath right now. Is it okay if I go?" they were still stunned but Jay lifted his hand and gestured me to go. "Thank you guys, I'm really sorry for what I did. Thank you for the scolding," I gave them a small smile and walked to my room to get my stuff.
"I'll be in there for a while. If anyone wants to pee or take a shit or something, just enter. I won't lock the door. I'll be in a swimsuit so you don't have to worry."
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Oh I was in there for a while alright.
I was playing lofi music, had two strawberry milks with me and I was reading Della x The Enha Boys fanfics on my phone. I was really relaxed.
I giggled at a part where Sunoo was getting jealous when the door opened. I looked up and saw Jay peeking.
I turned my attention back to my phone, continuing my reading.
Then I realised that it wasn't just Jay. He brought the whole gang with him.
Jay and Jake sat on the lip of the tub. Heeseung shared the closed toilet seat with Sunghoon. Sunoo leaned against the sink, and Riki and Jungwon were farthest away, looking at the floor. They were probably uncomfortable with my state.
I turned my phone off and placed it beside my empty strawberry milk bottles.
"Yes?" I looked at them with raised eyebrows.
"I'm- We're sorry," Heeseung stared at his knees. "We were a bit harsh-" Sunghoon nudged him. "Sunoo, Jungwon and I were a bit harsh."
"Guys, it's fine, I swear," I panicked slightly when I saw how down they were. "I deserved it, it's okay."
"Baby, you didn't deserve it," Jake furrowed his eyebrows. "We know you were trying to just defend us. We saw the comment."
"We're really sorry, Lala," shit Sunoo don't say it like that.
"Guys I appreciate the apology but I'm okay, I swear," I sat up straight.
"You're not okay," Jay chuckled sarcastically. "You've been here for almost an hour now," my eyes widened and I checked my phone for the time.
Shit, around fourty-five minutes.
"Sorry I didn't mean to worry you," I placed the phone down again.
"Darling, stop saying sorry," Heeseung made eye contact. He stretched out his hand for me to take. "Do you forgive us? Well- Jungwon, Sunoo and me, especially?"
"Of course I do. You guys shouldn't apologise, it's nothing! You were just reminding me," I shook his hand slightly. "I really appreciate the apology though."
"Of course we have to, baby," Jay leaned down and kissed the top of my head. "Can you get out now? Your skin must be screaming for help," we all laughed lightly.
"Knowing Lala, it must be screeching hot," Sunghoon commented with a small smile.
Jake dipped his finger in and hissed, making everyone laugh again.
"I'll be out after I shower, okay?" I looked up at Jay. He nodded and gave me a small peck.
They all gave my hand a small squeeze before leaving.
I noticed the hyung-oppa line had all briefly glanced at my thighs though. Shit.
I hope they think it's discolouration.
Riki and Jungwon stayed behind.
"Guys, you can look at me, it's okay. I'm covered," I giggled at how cute they are.
"I'm really sorry Lala," Jungwon apologised while still covering his eyes, his free hand holding mine.
"It's okay Jungwon-ie. I forgive you," I squeezed his hand tighter and watched as he left the room afterwards, never once removing his hand from his eyes.
I giggled before turning to Riki. Unlike Jungwon, he was staring at the floor instead.
"Lala how come you're always so calm? Even in a situation where you were scolded by us, you still remain calm," he asked softly.
"I've been through a lot, Riki-kun," I said in a small voice. My eyes were starting to well up with tears at the memory but I quickly blinked them away.
"What does that mean?"
"I've been through a whole lot worse."
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arhvste · 4 years ago
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❝ my assumptions based on your fav hq character ❞
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these are all in good fun and not serious at all, please don’t get upset by them, my opinion doesn’t mean shit bby :,)
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-> a soft bitch with a big heart. you want others to do well and you love positive attention. you do however, get overworked by emotion and sometimes get played because of how nice you are. judge people a little harsher and don’t be shy to put a bitch back in their place, you got this
-> we get it youre a bad bitch but sometimes it comes across like you’re still going through your angsty teen phase. stop that, you’ll get permenant wrinkles if you keep it up. let yourself live a little freely and don’t be shy to leave your comfort zone more often. and stop getting sad over the smallest things okay?
-> horrible taste in men and you have a degradation kink. you wanna be called a little slut in the bedroom but would cry if you were called it anywhere else. you’re very kind people but you’re constantly putting yourself down and thinking you deserve shit over nothing. be kinder to yourself
-> you’re the supportive friend people go to when they need a pick-me-up however, you let yourself get walked over from time to time and it’s not fair on you. don’t be shy to kick a bitch and show them who’s can be the alpha >:) you’re a bad bitch with a big heart and you’re academically stable
-> shush, indoor voices please! it’s okay! we know you’re here you don’t need to shout! you’re probably between 4’0-5’3 and preach personality over looks which is fine because as everyone should. you’re insecure around others and feel the need to have a bigger presence to feel more confident. it’s okay though, i think you’re really hot and you should let yourself feel more comfortable with people you actually like more often.
-> loyal as fuck and dependable. you’re the bitch people know they can come to should they ever need it. you’re popular and you own every hallway you strut through. you let the feeling of dejection get to you though and worry about how you’re perceived by the people you’re surrounded by especially if there’s a potential love interest in your orbit. calm down and be yourself more, it’s their loss if they don’t fall for you anyway.
-> stop letting people talk over you! you’re that bitch so why the hell do you let people overpower you? you’re hot and you know you’re capable but you wallow up in self doubt and get upset over nothing. remind yourself that you’re hot, loved and talented more often because you need it.
-> you’re deceptive and it’s not always a bad thing. you’re good at switching up your personality and probably act fake to certain people which is fair enough. you can be a bit of a bitch sometimes but you’re hot and funny so you get away with it. learn to break down your barriers a little more though because when people start seeing your act they’ll become untrusting around you.
-> OKAY daddy issues pack it up now. no i’m kidding but you’re attracted to mentally stable people with good morals. someone that will take care of you and be there for you. try to be more self reliant and independent though.
-> we know you’re hot okay? you don’t need to post thrist traps on snapchat at 2AM every night we get it! you’re a little whiny and bratty but that’s a given. you’re a burnt out gifted child and you were probably in top classes or top league for a sport between ages 8-14 before you started becoming more average. that’s fine too though, just remember you have talents that lie elsewhere you just have to find them.
-> daddy issues 0.2. you’re bossy and demanding but fair. you judge others accordingly and have a good sense of who’s a good person and who’s not. you need to be more open with people and let more people in though. you’re protective of yourself and don’t let your walls down so easily. soften them and let others in more.
-> you’re just here for a good time and a good railing that’s all i have to say.
-> you’re the bitch that has to listen to the mattsun stans last hook up. you’re hot too, go have a good time.
-> you’re extremely hot and i would absolutely make out with you right here right now. no i’m kidding. i’m not but anyways, you have mommy issues and you need to get over it. you also need to stop being so analytical of people because some people don’t like being read and you step over peoples boundaries sometimes. control yourself you feral thing.
-> ah yes. everyone’s favourite ‘i have issues but i don’t want to deal with them, so i’ll be a whore online instead’. that’s a half joke but seriously, you’re doing fine bby you don’t even need to worry. nobodies judging you and even if they are they’re way uglier and dumber than you. even still you should be friendlier to those around you and let your guard down a little more.
-> you’re like a little dog. yappy and lively. you’re also very trustworthy and i would tell you my deepest and darkest secrets and feel safe about it. you’re strong willed and put others in their place at ease. you do however, need to be a little more selfish and put yourself first at times. selflessness is great but it’s okay to put yourself first sometimes and you need to do that more often.
-> you’re literally so hot and i’d be begging for your attention. you’re also slightly oblivious and have probably had several people crush on you at once but you’ve ignored them all unintentionally. you need to believe in yourself more and remind yourself that you’re that bitch. you’re capable of amazing things you just need to realise it yourself a little more
-> okay mx mood swings you need to stop acting out over nothing. you’re gorgeous don’t get me wrong but dropping your slice of bread on the floor isn’t the end of the world. get over smaller things quicker and become more aware of your surroundings. you have a really good set of close friends and you’re friendly to everyone around you. you’re very very loved but you need to stop getting caught up over pointless things.
-> you’ve probably been called ‘boring’ before but that’s far from the truth. you make snide comments and you’re witty. you’re one of the most mentally stable people and you don’t get upset over petty argument or fights. you do howver nit pick at situations and get too critical. stop that because you only annoy yourself more and put yourself in a bad mood.
-> you scare the shit out of me but in a good way. i’d be scared to talk to you because you’re so perfect? you do tend to come across as unapproachable though but that’s not your fault. smile a little more and don’t be afraid to laugh a little louder. your laugh is so pretty anyway so don’t be shy to let yourself loose a little more
-> you’re the type of person people think about for weeks after seeing you at the airport you’re that hot. you’re reliable and loved by many. you’ve got a good spirit and you’re mentally balanced. you need to stop overworking yourself though and stop getting too worried for other people in their place. you’ve already got enough on your plate so stop taking other peoples problems when you already have your own.
-> you’re a bitch. no i have more to say. you’re misunderstood. you come across as a shitty person but that’s just because you’re passionate and hard at communicating in a way that’s not so blunt. you’re petty and dislikable at first but after a couple of conversations, people find out there’s so much more to you. you’re funny, hot and talented. just remember to work on holding back on the blunt statements a little more.
-> 2nd best kinda vibes. you ARE the pretty best friend but people always ignore that because you’re kinda overshadowed by others around you. you’re like a diamond in the rough and valuable to those lucky enough to find you and get to know you. don’t put yourself down so much and show others you can be independent and unique because that’s exactly what you are
-> you’re hot and that’s it. you’re probably the type of person to not show up to classes but still manage to pass every exam with ease. you’re almost too cool to approach and people probably think you’re bitching about them when they see you on your phone. what they don’t know is that you’re really looking at pictures of cows that have been washed and blowdried. you probably own a pink princess cowboy hat and your instagram is probably everyone’s pinterest board. just stop slacking off though because you can achieve so much more.
-> you’re powerful and elegant. you’re very level headed and go about problems the efficient way. you hate time wasters and don’t let people make you their bitch. you probably have a slight god complex but that’s okay because when you’re as hot as you are, it’s understandable. stop being so uptight and sensitive about things though. be kinder to your mind and let go of the things not worth holding a grudge against.
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @tsumue @peteunderoos @tsukkisbean @saturnfarie @dear-kozume @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei @dai-tsukki-desu @angrylittleriri @dearestmegumi @kuxredere @warakou @iss6s @lovinnoya @sophiashortcake @wompwomphq @waitforitillwritemywayout @webworld @brokeasshoee @sunasbabie @rowley-with-ackerman @mjoork @trifliz @curiouslilbeast @ineedsomefoodpls @hp-hogwartsexpress
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blinder-secrets · 4 years ago
Keeping Company - Tommy
1,189 words, tommy shelby x reader
a/n: okay just a small one but i sparked an idea in the tags of this post and had to write it before it slipped away so <3
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It’s already your third cigarette break. You probably stink of them by now, but it doesn’t matter. Any excuse to get away. To stand in the dark and remind yourself why you bother, who they are, how much the position pays. If you have to smoke twenty of them, just to endure the small talk, then so be it. There’s only so many times you can laugh at a politician’s joke without needing to feel the air on your skin again.
You tuck yourself into the nearest alcove, hiding from the view of those still hovering by the door, and lean a shoulder against the bricks. Peace at last. No one to scrutinise you, to expect you to behave in a certain way. You bring the cigarette to your lips and inhale gratefully. At least it was the last party of the season, the last social event for the most unsociable crowd. You snort a laugh, just to yourself, and look down as you toy with the gravel, digging it up with the toe of your shoe.
Your head snaps back at the sound of your name, bringing you face to face with Thomas Shelby, OBE. Your eyes widen before you can stop them. He shouldn’t know you, he doesn’t know you, surely. You’re miles beneath him in the grand scheme of things, in the political hierarchy. As familiar as you are with him, as often as you have stared and wondered about what he’s like really, what he would be like alone, there is no way he’s even noticed that you exist. Your name should be the last on his tongue, and yet here he is. Standing in front of you with a fresh cigarette bouncing between his lips.
‘Have you got a light?’ he asks, ignoring your obviously startled expression. He holds his own lighter by his shoulder. ‘Mine’s empty.’
‘Yeah, hang on.’ You nod, shaking sense back into yourself, and root in your pocket for the lighter. ‘Here.’
He takes it, dipping his head in thanks, and then moves to stand beside you. Shoulder to shoulder like you’re friends, like he’s comfortable. He sinks into the wall with a sigh.
‘You alright?’ you ask, watching as he brings the lighter to his face.
His gaze is on his hands, not you, thank God, because you’re frowning. Wondering if you’ve gone mad. 
‘You’re the only one ‘ere that I can stand,’ he says plainly, before he clicks. Then he does and the cigarette catches. He inhales once, deeply, then passes the lighter back through the cloud of his exhale.
He nods, gesturing to the open space around you. ‘Couldn’t be any one else.’
No, of course not. But it didn’t make it anymore believable. You clutch the metal in your palm, valuing its trueness, its tethering presence. The lighter is the only proof that you aren’t imagining this. ‘You don’t like them?’ you ask. He’s one of them, to an extent. He wears the suits at least.
‘No,’ he sighs again, speaking between drags. ‘Half of them want me dead, and the other half, well, I want them dead.’
You don’t let yourself laugh until the corner of his lips tweak slightly. Then you snort and release the breath you’d been holding. You didn’t know he had it in him to make jokes, let alone with you. If he could do it freely, then surely there’s no need for you to remain professional, civil. ‘I’m only here ‘cause they pay my wages,’ you confess. ‘I didn’t take up smoking until they hired me.’
He snorts, puffing smoke from his nostrils. ‘There are worse habits to pick up.’
You don’t doubt that he’s right about that. The cigarette burns in your fingers, whittling itself away while you talk. ‘Sorry,’ you start, ‘but, I didn’t expect you to know me.’
‘It’s my job to know people,’ he offers emptily, looking forward. Then his head ticks toward you and he says, smiling, just about, ‘I’ve been watching you roll your eyes between conversation.’
Embarrassment shoots into your cheeks, scorching against the cold.
‘Don’t worry,’ he says, ‘the rest are too up their own arses to notice.’
You force a breath and bring the cigarette up for a drag. He’s nothing like them, then; he has humour, a sense of self-awareness. He plays the game as much as you do. ‘I can’t help it,’ you explain, tapping the ash off with your forefinger, ‘I have to bite my tongue like I’m in church.’
He shrugs. ‘Somedays it isn’t much different.’
Something in his voice implied that he was dubious about both institutions. ‘You aren’t a man of God then, Mr. Shelby?’
‘Tommy,’ he corrects, ‘and no. God turned his back on me a long time ago.’ He takes another pull from his cig, bringing more smoke into his lungs than you ever could, burning the paper down like he’s on a time limit. Or like he’s relying on the feeling in his chest. ‘Only fair that I show him the same grace,’ he adds afterwards, through a slight cough.
Your gaze has unfocused on his hands, blurring his fingers in with the night. ‘I wasn’t even christened,’ you say, thinking aloud, dropping the fact like it’s of any interest to him.
‘Maybe that’s the difference.’
You pull your eyes up to look at him. ‘In what?’
The smoke pools between you both; his irises pierce yours despite it. ‘Us and them,’ he answers, dragging his words against the scratch in his throat. ‘We don’t pretend to do anything in God’s name.’
Before you can say something in return, he groans, flicking away the last inch of his cigarette as he straightens.
‘They’ll come looking for me soon,’ he says. ‘Fucking hounds with their words.’
Nodding, you take another smoke of your own, almost conscious of how slow you’ve been in comparison. They don’t pay you the same care of attention as they do to him, you could be out here all night and they might never notice. ‘Thanks for the company,’ you tell him, cushioning it with a smile. ‘It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who hates it here.’
You’re thrown a short smirk in return. It feels rare, something you should value. He goes to leave, but pauses as he passes you, reaching into the inside pocket of his suit. ‘If you ever want to work for better people,’ he says, handing you a crisp business card, ‘let me know.’
You drop the lighter you’re still holding into your coat, and take the card from him. ‘As long as you can promise no galas.’
His head cocks to the side briefly, tongue clicking. ‘I’m not a man for promises,’ he says coyly. ‘See you inside, [Y/n].’
After he’s left, you stay there just long enough for it to seem natural, then stub your cigarette on the nearest brick to follow after him. A spark chasing its flame. You won’t make it obvious, of course, but if you have to mingle with politicians, it may as well be with the one you enjoy.
>>>> part two
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interact-if · 4 years ago
Umm hi 👉👈 I realized that most of the asks you guys get are about games and rec lists. You guys deserve so much recognition for the work you put in this blog, so I wanted to ask if I can do a little get-to-know-the-mods thing? If that's okay!
1. Besides writing, what are your hobbies?
2. Do you have a niche interest right now?
3. Any fave songs/artists/bands?
4. Any fave movies/tv shows?
5. On a scale of 1-10, how likely would you survive in your wip's world?
You can totally ignore this if you guys want, no pressure. Anyway, much love to all the interact-if mods! You guys are incredible! ❤
We saw this ask and we went 👀 👀 👀 so we’re happy to answer! Thank you so much for the fun ask!
 We also rated our survivability in all of our collective games, since Mars isn't an author! Fun stuff! Spoilers, though: it’s really not looking so great for me (Dani) but that’s fine!!!  😌
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1. I’m a photographer as well as a graphic artist (but not like. A painter/drawer kind of artist!) and, on a general level, a maker and a tinkerer!
2. Fountain pens! I only write with ink, and only with fountain pens, and I use bottled inks/converters!
3. I’m pretty eclectic with music, but my top genres are alt rock, indie, indie pop, etc, as well as top 40s and some rap.
4. I feel like this is the hardest one for me to answer? Favorite movies/shows? Avatar: the Last Airbender has been a favorite show of mine since I was a little kid, but I have a harder time thinking of shows I would call a favorite in recent years. There are shows I’ve liked, and a lot of shows I’ve watched. But I’m picky! And demanding! It takes a lot to earn a place in Dani’s Trophy Case of Favorites. 😌 I would say I quite liked A Quite Place (movie), and I liked Us (movie). When it comes to TV shows, I have a hard time being pleased with them if they don’t end well. As a result, I have a penchant for a good limited series/miniseries (because they’re stories that have an end in mind and the plot reflects that, dagnabbit).
5. Heh. Okay.
In The Goodfellows? I think I stand I chance. I can exercise my sparkling wit and lovable personality to the best effect. I’m gonna give myself an 8/10 survivability rating. Even if I don’t have the right skills, I can go crying to the person who does and they’ll save me. Maybe.
In Creatures’ Cradle? I’m super $**!%d. 😌 1/10 survivability rating. And that 1 is me being nice to myself. The day the apocalypse breaks out I would probably be patient 0. I am self-aware. I would not do well in an apocalypse. Zombies care not for aforementioned sparkling wit and lovable personality, and I have all the muscle of a boiled spaghetti noodle. So it’s a no go.
Greater Than Gods (Cruz): Well. I’m going to be optimistic. And say that I have the wisdom not to do things I shouldn’t do and not to rock boats I shouldn’t rock. I’m going to give myself a 7/10 based on insider information, but also based on reckless optimism!
Vardir (Cruz): Cruz says this is a lighthearted game, so 10/10 LOL.
When it Hungers (Roast): I’m giving myself a nice, mediocre 5/10. I think I could put my mind to work here; I joke that I’m the village idiot, but I’m actually pretty smart! Unfortunately, I’m also curious, and maybe a little bad with authorities who won’t answer my questions. So I knocked off a lot of points due to the fact that I’d probably poke the metaphorical bear. So it’s a real coin flip as to whether I’d really make it or not.
Orthall Bay (Nines): Considering the genre is “horror” and the game intro includes the words “monster” and “maim,” I’m giving myself a whooping, enthusiastic 3/10. Yes, folks, I am that confident in myself! Once again, I can’t charm the socks off a monster (or can I?), so one of my greatest weapons is snatched from beneath my feet. Alas!
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1. Beloved I’m a college student in the middle of a pandemic... i can hardly even write LOL i do draw at times which u can see in my personal blog (nothing too good really) and i used to do karate before things went to shit <3
2. Nothing niche I believe? All I do is leave Netflix as bg noise every day n play popular videgames (genshin)
3. Porter Robinson <3 I love Bea Miller a lot as well but lately I’ve been feeling Porter a lot
4. The Good Place <3
5. My WIPs:
Greater than Gods: Highly situational, the world GtG is set in is as broad as the real world LOL so I don’t have an universal answer. But keeping it vague, and knowing my own personality, I feel like 5/10. depends on my luck.
Vardir: 10/10 no one dies in Vikgade, unless you’re a hunter but I wouldn’t be a hunter <3
Others’ WIPs
I'm gonna give myself a solid 5/10 in all other WIPs because y'all aren't writing lighthearted stories either. I feel like as long as I avoid the role of the MC I will be mostly fine. I hope. But as Dani said I'm also prone to fight the wrong person and dig my own grave so 😌
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1. Well, writing is a very, very, very, distant hobby since Words Hard, but I like to crochet and sculpt a little! Anything to do with fiddling with my hands and I’m good to go. And like, debatable but graphic design is my passion [insert clown emoji here since Tumblr said No]
2. Oh yeah a bunch! DnD yelling at people, thinking of arson, crocheting, rock climbing and simply vibing. I got into podcasts a few years ago and I’m always looking for more recs, so if you have some, hmu 😤
3. Pls,,,,my music taste is,,,so weird do not let me expose myself with lack of consistency but uhh. Current songs that are stuck in my head include; Cult of Dionysus , Achilles Come Down and The Last Shanty  
4. If you’ve ever spoken to me before, I probably yelled about Pacific Rim to you or at you. Plus I love all The Mummy films and really enjoyed Castlevania (s3 excluded, we do not perceive that) as well! 
5. Ah, mod survival simulator pt. 3
Alright, let’s go!  I don’t have a WIP because again, words hard, but like, considering how feral I am when not tryna seem professional hm... 
The Goodfellows: I wanna say a solid 7/10 because I’d hardcore vibe with the Traveler and probably instigate so much nonsense. I can also bribe with blueberry cake so maybe. 
Creature’s Cradle: maybe a 4/10 and only because of pure spite keeping me alive long enough to smack someone. I’ve prepared for hypothetical  zombie apolcapyses and I won’t hesitate to bap, but will be bapped back because I’m weak as hell. 
Greater Than Gods: a toss up between 2/10 and 7/10! I can vibe and be chill but I also have terrible impulse control so... 
Vardir: hm....I think pretty good survival rates all around? If you ask me to fight then like, okay sure, your knees are mine. So maybe a 8/10? 
When it Hungers: .......8/10 just because I’d refuse to die if I can be a cool creature. Living for the aesthetic can and will drag me outta hell. But I’m also clumsy as hell so I’d probably crash as a porcelain or hold a rooster and perish (aka, real rating is a good 3/10) 
Orthall Bay: 2/10, nope. Nope I’d be taken out in a heartbeat. Monsters can go pspsps and I’d head straight into the dark creepy forest like a fool if someone comes @ me. Half the time I’ll just assume it’s sfx makeup and vibe until it’s too late. 
god, never put me in a universe where I cannot squawk like a bird and throw pebbles from a window. Oof
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Anon, you're so sweet! I give you a forehead smoomch <333 As for your questions...
1. If I'm not writing, I'm usually watching video essays on Youtube. My go-to channels as of right now is Disrupt and Aperture! I just really like their videos. Aside from that, I recently got into podcasts. Currently going through Hello From The Hallowoods and Shelter and Warning, which are made by queer creators!
2. Oh oof, there's quite a bit so I'm just gonna put down one thing. For some reason, I really got into collecting tiny astronaut things? I recently bought this astronaut desk light, and I've got a package coming in for the miniatures I ordered. No purpose for them other than I think they're neat <3
3. I'm a bit private with my music taste (even tho I have Spotify connected on Discord lmao), but there's 5 songs that I'm currently obsessed with. I keep replaying them over and over again. Just squeezing all the serotonin I could get outta them.
4. I can't really say I have a fave TV show or movie because I can't really just pick one, but my current fave is 9-1-1 and Resident Alien. 9-1-1 because I just really love the found-family dynamics and how the show tackles sensitive topics, and Resident Alien because it's lighthearted comedy. My all-time fave movie is Flipped! I have the book too and I like rereading from time to time <3
5. You're in for a doozy, anon, because we're rating each other's games <333
The Goodfellows: 7/10
Listen. Shenanigans with the Traveler. I would get up to so many of them and that is what'll get me possibly bodied, not the actual environment itself <3
Greater than Gods: 7/10
I like to think I have enough common sense to uhhh not recklessly flip stones that should not be flipped <3 I'm a cautious and skeptic person irl so I think I'll hold up well? Then again, it's a vast environment change and while I can adapt pretty quick, I wouldn't like the lack of control in the unknown.
Vardir: 10/10
Going off what Cruz said, Vardir is lighthearted and focused on personal growth so I think I'll be okay! Self-growth here I come, babey!
Creatures' Cradle: 8/10
Maybe I'm overestimating myself, but I think I'll be able to survive in a supernatural post-apocalyptic world! Ah, but it depends on the motivation though. I like the idea of rebuilding communities and eventually societies, but the survival turmoil would be a constant battle I'd have to overcome. If we're talking survival itself though, I think I'll do well.
When it Hungers: 8/10
That's probably my wishful thinking but I think I'll be fine. Maybe. Possibly. Don't like the idea of being regulated by an organization so if I was a non-human creature that could pose a problem but I can roll with it <3
Orthall Bay: 6/10
Assuming I'm not playing as MC, my chances of survival uhhh changes quite drastically. Not enough to guarantee an untimely demise, but certainly enough that it would constantly keep me on my toes. I think that's the safest answer I can get without spoiling anything lmao
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Thank you so much for asking! It's super sweet of you <3
1. Too many :'D I knit, I sew, I do carpentry (well, learning), I bake, I'm hammering away at HTML and CSS, my job kind of encourages learning new things and I take that to picking up new hobbies!
2. My time is kind of consumed with school work and work work and WIP work so not a lot of time to pursue niche interests right now. I've been watching a lot of horror game playthroughs, true crime youtubers, and an adorable show on Netflix called the Repair Shop <3
3. My taste in music is "what am I vibing with atm?" I've been listening to a lot of 80's music atm (don't @ me), but also Lo Fang and Kaleo, and whatever spotify recommends me on my discover weekly which is usually complete chaos.
4. I love the Mummy even though it hasn't aged 100% well (I'm a librarian, of course it's one of my gotos LOL), Legally Blonde, Leverage, Jumanji (the original), I'm....very bad at having recent tastes... and very bad at remembering my favorites when asked.
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The Goodfellows: I'm a creature of comfort, 5/10 if I can just luxuriate in town and not actually interact with the story sfjkdbsdkf
Creature’s Cradle: I'd like to think I have a 50/50 shot XD 5/10, I want to think I'd be decent at a zombie apocalypse but ultimately would suffer an early fate.
Greater Than Gods: 10/10 if I'm just vibing, less so if I'm involved in the actual story XD
Vardir: I'd still suffer without technology but I can also knit for a living in this world so I'm down 8/10
When it Hungers: I feel like I could vibe here, there's tech if dated, hot showers, telephones are around by now... might still get bored. 7/10 though it'd be cool to be another creature....I should make a 'what creature of snv are you' quiz!
Orthall Bay: 7/10 idk I feel like after the first monster of the week I'd just skip town XDDDD I'm the worst protagonist, I see danger I just leave.
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twilights-800-cats · 4 years ago
<< Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || From the Beginning || Patreon >>
Chapter 7
Sunhigh had come and gone by the time Stoneheart, Wolftooth, and Pinewhisker made it to the edge of ShadowClan territory, where the marshlands and the Twolegplace met. The long stretch of fence, broken up into different materials depending on the size of a Twoleg’s territory, made a boundary that was difficult to miss, especially since ShadowClan had been marking the very bottoms of those Twoleg fences for seasons now.
“What’s the point of this?” Pinewhisker asked as they approached. His tail had been flicking the whole trip, and he looked back at Stoneheart. “I thought this lake of yours was where we’re meant to be.”
“It is,” Stoneheart grunted, noting Pinewhisker’s skeptical tone.
Wolftooth raised his head. He’d been sniffing at the boundary, to make sure that it was still intact, but now his pale eyes were glowering right into Pinewhisker and Stoneheart. “Russetstar says that Twolegplace is an option, so an option it is. The warrior code says her word is law.”
Pinewhisker still didn’t look satisfied. “Then let her come and scout it out,” he mumbled.
Stoneheart rolled his eyes and forged ahead, staring down the line of Twoleg fences. Most here were well-maintained, but further down the line there was a well-known spot where cats could squeeze through a gap in the wooden planks and come and go between Twolegplace and marshland. It had been suggested ages ago to block it, somehow, but ShadowClan’s leader at the time, Raggedstar, had disagreed.
“Let the kittypets come,” he’d reportedly crowed from atop the Clanrock. “They’ll feel ShadowClan’s claws and flee like the cowards they are. If they don’t, we’ll keep them!”
Stoneheart didn’t know how true that was, but the hole in the fence was real enough. He raised his tail when he found it, and Wolftooth and Pinewhisker were soon by his side. It smelled as if no cats had made their way through it in a few moons – likely because of the Twolegs stomping through the forest.
Wolftooth went first, his broad shoulders scraping at the edges of the wood. Pinewhisker was a thinner cat, and he slipped through with ease. Stoneheart took up the rear, ducking to avoid the feeling of wood rubbing against his ears and anxious not to be stuck.  
The yard beyond the broken fence was somewhat famous in ShadowClan for how in disrepair it was compared to the yards and dens around it. Stoneheart couldn’t imagine a Twoleg wanting to stay there for more than a moon – the windows were broken, and some walls had rotted-out holes as big as a badger. Twoleg trash of all shapes and sizes were strewn about in the long, unkempt grass, and the smell of crow-food hung faintly in the air.
It reminded Stoneheart of the Twoleg nest he and the other journeying cats had taken shelter in with Purdy in his big Twolegplace – though, somehow that one had seemed cleaner. Self-consciously, Stoneheart licked at his shoulder. The rat bite he’d gotten there had long since healed, but the injury had certainly been an inconvenience to himself and the others.
“We should keep moving,” he meowed, feeling wary. “There might be rats around.”
“Right,” Wolftooth agreed. He lifted his tail. “Let’s go.”
The big gray tabby led the way through the grass towards the fence. Pinewhisker took the rear as they followed the ragged slats of wood around the old den, towards the Thunderpath that lay past it. Stoneheart pricked his ears, noting that this was a smaller Thunderpath, one that could only fit two lines of monsters.
He tasted the air and found only the reek of monsters, but at least it was on the stale side. “Seems quiet,” Stoneheart meowed, whiskers twitching.  
Wolftooth’s eyes flashed. “Good,” he grunted. “I’m tired of Twolegs – their monsters, too.”
“We should wait until night,” Pinewhisker pointed out, glancing at Wolftooth. “The Twolegs would be less active.”
“We’re on a time limit,” Stoneheart reminded him. “Moving at night would be best, but it’ll take too long.” If the missing cats are here, we have to find them!
Wolftooth was nodding in agreement. “He’s right. For now, let’s keep away from the Thunderpath and to the shade. That ought to keep us hidden.”
Following that thought, the three cats clustered together. Though they were arguably the three warriors most familiar with Twolegplaces in all of ShadowClan, Stoneheart had to admit that they all felt the same level of discomfort. This place was not meant for cats, and Stoneheart felt it in every fiber of his being, like he had in Purdy’s Twolegplace.
What if Russetstar ends up choosing this place for us anyway? Stoneheart wondered with a shudder. The decision would no doubt divide ShadowClan. I certainly don’t want to live here!
“So, what’re we even looking for?” Pinewhisker wondered. The three of them had crossed into another yard, heading away from the forest. “We’re not going to find a marsh in all this.”
Wolftooth kept them close to the fence, following it even when it touched the side of a Twoleg den. As they brushed their pelts past the pockmarked stones that lined the den walls, Wolftooth glanced back and meowed: “There might not be marshland here, but there are places where there could be enough shelter for a Clan.”
Pinewhisker scoffed. “Surely not all in one spot!” They broke into a trot, crossing the open yard to the fence on the opposite side. Stoneheart could feel his Clanmates puffing, their bony sides heaving. “Some Twolegplaces have spots that might be big enough, but there wouldn’t be enough prey!”
“Trash attracts mice,” Stoneheart pointed out, glancing back at a scrapcan pushed up near the fence behind them.
“It also attracts rats and raccoons,” Pinewhisker returned, curling his lip. “Have you ever fought a raccoon?”
“Can’t say so, no,” Stoneheart admitted.
Pinewhisker narrowed his eyes. “Well, you don’t want to!”
“Just keep a look out,” Wolftooth meowed, looking back at the other two. Stoneheart felt the older tom’s frustration in his gaze. He’d already voiced his disagreement with living among Twolegs again. “Alleys, old dens... there are places to live in a Twolegplace.”
“But can you live well is the real question...” Pinewhisker mumbled, when Wolftooth had turned his back.
Stoneheart had to agree, but he also had to admit that, as they stalked along Twoleg dens and fences, he wasn’t looking for a place to call home – he was looking for any signs of the missing cats, a goal he was aware that the others were ignorant of. So far, there was nothing – and he wasn’t sure what he ought to be looking for in the first place, and the sounds and smells of the Twolegplace were clogging his every sense.
What if they’re not here? His heart trembled with worry. We could spend a moon searching this place and find nothing at all! He thought of Rowanclaw, lost to the Twolegs – what would they do to his beloved? Stoneheart couldn’t imagine Rowanclaw settling into a kittypet’s life! Would he be forced to live like a rogue?
“Let’s have a rest,” Wolftooth suggested finally. He pointed with his nose to what lay ahead – it seemed like the end of their quiet journey was almost done, and taller buildings took the places of the smaller dens beyond what looked to be a larger Thunderpath.
Pinewhisker flopped down. “Thank StarClan – my paws hurt.” He bent to lick them.
Stoneheart glanced about, finding some broad, leafy dock growing just along the fence they were near. He pulled off a few leaves and began chewing them, like he’d seen Shadepaw do many times on the journey. His poultice was messy, but he passed it off to Pinewhisker.
“Thanks,” Pinewhisker mewed, rubbing his pads in the green goop.
“Want some, Wolftooth?” Stoneheart asked.
Wolftooth shook his head, and turned over his pads. They were hard and gray, toughened to stone. They reminded Stoneheart of the Tribe cat’s paws. “I was born here, remember?” Wolftooth meowed. “I’m good.”
Stoneheart nodded in understanding and rubbed the dock on his own paws. He hadn’t had much of a chance to hunt with the Tribe cats while he’d stayed in the mountains, so his pads had hardly developed any toughness before they reached the forest again. Still, it seemed like they didn’t sting as badly as Pinewhisker’s.
“I thought you lived with Twolegs, too?” Stoneheart wondered to his Clanmate.
“Not in a place like this,” Pinewhisker admitted. “I grew up on a farm beyond the Carrionplace – my mothers were mousers. Twolegs might’ve pet me now and then, and I might’ve seen a vet; but I didn’t cross too many Thunderpaths.”
“Lucky,” Wolftooth grunted. He glanced at the stone river nearby, wincing as a monster crawled past. “I’ve seen many a cat die on a Thunderpath.”
“They were probably running away from you,” Pinewhisker joked, whiskers twitching.
Wolftooth’s eyes hardened, and his claws flexed in the grass. “They were,” he growled, no humor in his tone.
Stoneheart suppressed a shiver, and he heard Pinewhisker gulp. The thought brought back memories of fighting at Fourtrees, battling for the safety of the forest with his sister and four Clans' worth of apprentices. It was easy to forget that Wolftooth had been a part of BloodClan, and how ruthless those cats had been – especially for cats like Pinewhisker, who only knew the stories.  
“Was BloodClan really as awful as they say?” Pinewhisker wondered, his voice quiet. “Cats passing by our barn didn’t often mention them, but when they did...”
Wolftooth nodded. “Meaner than you’ve probably heard, in some ways,” he rumbled back. “But as far as I know, they’re gone now.”
“I hope so,” Pinewhisker murmured. “I’d hate to share territory with anyone like that.”
Stoneheart fidgeted, and he decided that now was as good a time as any – there was no way he could search on his own: “Russetstar made it seem like staying here wasn’t her plan.”
“What do you mean?” Wolftooth wondered, raising his chin. Beside him, Pinewhisker looked hopeful, suddenly, his ears pricking up as Wolftooth went on, “She went on and on about how it was an option to consider and all that!”  
Stoneheart blinked, feeling faintly embarrassed – but he twitched his whiskers and explained: “Cats from all the Clans have gotten captured by Twolegs, not just Rowanclaw. One of them was Tawnypelt – I think that if we find her, we might be able to change Leopardstar’s mind and get her to come with us to the lake. Russetstar wasn’t sure whether or not the missing cats would be here, but...”
“But she thought it’s a good place to start,” Pinewhisker finished. He sagged with relief. “Thank StarClan, Russetstar hasn’t gotten bees in her brain!”
Wolftooth swallowed, and suddenly he avoided Stoneheart’s gaze. “I never got to say that I’m sorry about what happened to Rowanclaw...”
Stoneheart stiffened. “Wolftooth...”
“I tried,” Wolftooth sighed, staring at his paws. It felt strange to see the proud older warrior look so upset. “I’ve gotten cats out of that situation before, Stoneheart, I swear it by StarClan – I tried everything I knew! But it just wouldn’t open... and then the Twolegs came...”
Stoneheart hesitated. He’d never thought about being upset about Wolftooth’s failure – the only thing on his mind had been Rowanclaw’s safety. Stoneheart got to his paws and touched his nose to Wolftooth’s ear.
“It’s alright,” he promised. There was a tug at his heart, like a claw was pricking him there. “I’m not angry. I understand. I just want Rowanclaw back.”
“We all do,” Pinewhisker murmured.
Wolftooth raised his head, and the older warrior looked determined. “We’re going to find him,” he declared assuredly. “I swear it by StarClan.”
Stoneheart felt warm from his ears to his toes. “Good,” he purred, “because I’m not leaving him behind ever again.”
“Ugh, what is this?” crowed a voice from above. “I want to retch, it’s so annoying.”
Stoneheart looked up, and his heart began to race. Balancing on the fence were four ragged, lean cats, their pelts rumpled and marred by scars. They each glowered down at the ShadowClan patrol with hungry, angry eyes and, worst of all... Stoneheart saw that two of them bore collars bristling with dog’s teeth.
“BloodClan!” he hissed, springing to his paws. Curse this Twolegplace! If there hadn’t been so many smells and sounds, there’s no way these rogues would have snuck up on them! And Wolftooth was just saying how BloodClan was gone...
Pinewhisker and Wolftooth were immediately on alert, claws unsheathed and spines bristling. Stoneheart’s mind began to race – there were four of these ragged cats, and three of the ShadowClan warriors; but BloodClan fought without remorse, and this was their territory. Even if the ShadowClan cats were smarter and more disciplined, they were at a huge disadvantage.
“BloodClan?!” repeated one of the cats – a ragged ginger-and-white she-cat. She looked offended by the name. “BloodClan hasn’t been around for forever - we’re IceClan cats!”
IceClan? Stoneheart glanced at Pinewhisker and Wolftooth, confused.
“Yeah,” said another of the “IceClan” cats, a gray tom with a foul odor. He gathered his haunches, glaring down at Stoneheart with narrowed green eyes. “We’re IceClan... and you’re going to regret setting your nasty forest paws on our territory!”
All four IceClan rogues were on alert now, hostility and eagerness rippling through their pelts. Stoneheart squared his shoulders, feeling Wolftooth and Pinewhisker press up against him in preparation for an aerial assault.
StarClan above, Stoneheart thought desperately, glaring into the eyes of their leader, I hate Twolegplaces!
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years ago
Showering them with Affection [BNHA]
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anon: I don't know how many characters you take- so just remove the last ones if you don't want to! Could I have Sho, Izu, Katsu, Kiri, Hawks, and Shinsou with a crush that showers them in affection and encouragement? Hugging them any time they can, giving genuine compliments, giving gifts, always listening to them, and loves to make them laugh. They had abusive parents and they didn't really have friends growing up? And they're always telling them they're so happy to have them in their lives. -Morp
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Characters Included: Shoto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Hawks & Hitoshi Shinsou
Note: It says crush, so does that mean the characters and you aren’t in a relationship yet? Just pretend you’re dating after the class notices how you two are getting along too well :) Hope ya’ll enjoy this!
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warning: Spoilers
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Shoto Todoroki
-Todoroki is surprised when you suddenly hug him one day, cheeks slightly pink as he asked you what’re you doing. “Hugging you, why?” Why? Just the other day we were just strangers and now you started being affectionate towards me? Todoroki is pretty much suspicious of you at first since who else hugs someone they just met? (Apparently you).
-Throughout training, you will scream encouragement and praise towards his way. He might be a little embarrassed but he’ll shrug off your behavior. Aizawa practically made you shut up by doing some laps around the area. When days go by, Todoroki will be used to you doing that. He’ll secretly adore that you’re cheering for him genuinely. (If you look closely, you’ll see a faint smile on Todoroki’s face whenever you cheer for him).
-You sat just beside Todoroki (Yaoyorozu is seating elsewhere), so whenever there’s free time or its before or after school or during lunch, you’ll shower him in genuine compliments. Ranging from how he looks, how he acts, and how cool his Quirk is. Todoroki just ignores you as you trail behind him, still complimenting him endlessly. You sat with Todoroki (in Midoriya’s table) and continued talking. Todoroki might get annoyed at your endless compliments but soon he’ll get used to it and practically awaits your compliments whenever he does a cool move with his Quirks and such :)
-Todoroki will often find little trinkets sitting on his desk whenever he enters the school in the morning. He quickly finds out that you’ve given it to him as a gift. He’ll politely say “thank you” and put it inside his bag. Now every single day, Todoroki will find trinkets on his desk. He’s used to seeing something new (and strange-looking things) on his desk. (He won’t admit it but he stores them in a box in his room).
-But Todoroki is awkward and stiff whenever you hug him or hold hands with him. You practically spoil him with your affectionate touches and smiles. He soon finds out that he’s touch-starved and now clings to you for affection. He won’t outwardly say it but instead just act on it. If he asks for head pat, he’ll bow his head in front of you. If he wants hugs, he’ll tug your sleeves or the back of your shirt. 
-Todoroki isn’t much of a talker, he prefers being the one who listens instead. So its either you or none that is talking. If he does talk, he’ll just ask if you want food or drinks or if you’re comfortable on the floor and stuff like that. Todoroki isn’t very keen on opening up towards you, even though you’ve proven to him your loyalty countless of times. Just wait and he’ll open up to you :) 
-You adore how Todoroki laughs though, soft chuckle escaping his lips with his eyes crinkling a bit. You did everything just to make him laugh, puns, jokes, horrible pick-up lines (courtesy of Kaminari ;)), doing something stupid or talking to him about something funny that had happened earlier today. Todoroki will listen intently each one and laughter escape his mouth when he finds it funny as well.
-With all these happening, some classmates is bound to see it. Everyone asked if you two were together already, but you two deny it. Which saddens him since from the past few weeks, he’s grown soft towards you and gain a crush on you. 
-Though its still strange in his book since you are too affectionate. And there are days that your smile doesn’t reach your eyes (he’s an observant fellow). When you two are together, expect cuddle sessions to happen. 
-But today, something is off. And Todoroki was right. When he entered your room while you were crying. You look up at him in surprise as you tried to wipe away the tears from your eyes. Todoroki locks the door and, in a hurried pace, pulls you in a hug. He lets you continue to cry. When you explain your background to him (having abusive parents and no friends since childhood), he’ll be surprised but wouldn’t say anything. (He really thought you had a great life if you’re so affectionate, guess not.)
-After that time, Todoroki became an affectionate partner for you. Fulfilling all that you were craving ever since you were born. He doesn’t mind, as long as you’re happy, he’s happy.
Izuku Midoriya
-Midoriya will shriek in surprise when you hug him suddenly that day and greeting him with a “Good morning!”. He’s face is pretty much the twin of a tomato as he stutters out his greetings to you as well. He’s super flustered at what you are doing, not used to holding a girl so close (add the fact that you’re so close to him, his mind is spiraling).
-Midoriya will also be flustered when you scream encouragement and praise towards him, so much so that he messes up whenever you do that. So, no, that’s not a good idea. So you resorted to praise him after his training, while still screaming encouragement. Midoriya is slightly thankful but still embarrassed. (No matter if you two are together or not, he’s still embarrassed when you do that).
-Whenever its free time or before and after school or lunch, you’ll shower him in compliments. Midoriya is still flustered and embarrassed whenever you shower him with so much compliments and praise. Throughout the day, his face is beet red. Please converse with him about normal stuff as well, because if you continue showering him with compliments, you might break him :/
-But if he gets used to it, he’ll be like a puppy waiting for compliments, encouraging and praise from him. But he’s still embarrassed :) The Midoriya we all know and love :)
-Midoriya will be surprised whenever you give him trinkets you found and bought for him (even though there’s no occasion). He’ll happily accept it, since he doesn’t want to waste what you bought for him. Pink-color is still present on his freckles-cheeks, but you can clearly see how happy it makes him whenever you give him gifts (the twinkle in his green eyes is one evidence).
-Midoriya is like Todoroki in some ways. He’s awkward and stiff whenever you hug him or hold hands with him. Like does he hold you there or not? Is his hands too clammy and sweaty? So many questions for such simple affectionate touches. Please spoil this boi with touches and bright smiles. Midoriya isn’t as touch-starved as Todoroki but still enough to consider one. But you need to initiate this one because this boi is too shy to ask for one :)
-Unlike Todoroki though, Midoriya is a talker. He’ll happily rant to you about his favorite heroes, their Quirks Pros and Cons, including your classmates and other students in other departments. Midoriya isn’t aware how long he has been talking, when he does, he’ll go back to his bashful self. Please coax him to talk more so you can listen to his voice. With enough time together, he’ll be comfortable talking to you about other stuff.
-OHMAYGAWD MIDORIYA’S LAUGHTER HSHS You couldn’t get enough with his laughter! It’s too cute ♥ω♥ It’s easy to make him laugh since he’s like a happy-go-lucky guy (not really but you know what I mean). He’ll even add some stuff when you’re telling a story.
-When your classmates notice this (I mean, who wouldn’t?), they’ll instantly ask if you two are dating. Midoriya will grow embarrassed and stutter out a no. But he does dream about him calling you his. When you two start to date, he’ll grow comfortable showing some affection towards you. Returning all those hugs, cheers and praise you threw his way.
-Midoriya is also observant (as evident with his Hero note-taking), so he notices when you aren’t being yourself. Like just yesterday, you were bursting with positivity and love. But now, you were forcing a smile with reddish-eyes. He’s a worried cinnamon bun.
-But he isn’t going to force you to tell him what’s bothering you! He’ll just say to you that he’s here if you want to cry or talk. If you do talk, he’ll listen while cradling you in his arms. This boi will be so heartbroken at what you’ve been through in the past (and he’ll get emotional, probably need to comfort and calm him down). But Midoriya understands the “no-friends-in-childhood”, since he was Quirkless before and Kacchan was his only friend (yeah right). He’ll return all the affection you gave for him, practically spoiling you with his adorable love :3
-If you don’t tell him though, it’s fine! He’s just gonna stay there and cuddle you. I can see him having a hunch about something that either happened at home or you dropped your ice-cream. If you start crying though, he’ll panic and probably start tearing up as well. Either way, he’s there for you :)
Katsuki Bakugo
-He’ll scream curse words towards you if you even step too close to him :/ BUT! You didn’t give up! You annoyed him endlessly until he gave in and let you hug him. He’ll scoff as he immediately pushes you off and sat on his desk. He’ll be cursing you in his head and basically degrading you :/ Even though you continued to hug him, he’ll have the same reaction every time.
-Bakugo will scream at you to stop cheering for him, but he secretly likes it :3 So just keep cheering and praising him, and pay no mind to his threats. Your encouragement and praise for him boost his ego much more, which is not recommended but you do you. He ain’t embarrassed though. Also, he might unconsciously smile whenever he hears you screaming your lungs out (he’ll blush and scream at the person if the person point out his smile-- i.e: The BakuSquad).
-In the morning or whenever there’s free time or lunch time, the two of you cannot be seen without the other trailing behind them and complimenting them non-stop. Bakugo, by now, is used to your antics and just plainly ignores you. Though if there is a time where you didn’t compliment him (whether you forgot or not), Bakugo’ll hunt you down. He got used to hearing your genuine compliments that he’ll hunt you down and get it himself. Also, if you initiate normal talk, he’ll just listen and continue whatever he’s doing, occasionally dropping a comment here and there.
-Bakugo will scoff when you give him trinkets you found, but he secretly loves it :3 He’ll keep it safe in his room, probably underneath his bed or in his drawer. No one comes to his room anyway, besides the Bakusquad (who barges into his room occasionally). 
-Ha, as if the proud Bakugo will let you hug or hold hands with him, yeah right, dream on >:) Though he wouldn’t mind it as much if its private, I see him being a sucker to your affectionate touches (though not touch-starved, Todoroki is the king of that). He’ll begrudgingly (yeah right, happily) lets you smother him with kisses, hugs, cuddles and all sorts of that.
-Like Todoroki, he isn’t much of a talker. The time he talks though is when he’ll remark whatever you said or insult the person you’re talking about (besides your parents, though you don’t mention it to him). He has a sharp tongue so please be patient with him when he’ll sarcastically answer your question. (He’ll never admit it but he loves hearing your voice :3)
-Bakugo Katsuki laughing? The only time you hear him laughing is when he’s insulting someone else (mainly Midoriya poor Midoriya ;-;). But when you do succeed in making him laugh, you deserve a medal and a trophy :) Though I can imagine him laughing at you when you are either insulting someone or being clumsy (don’t worry, he’ll patch you up if you’re injured).
-It’ll probably take a week or half when someone in your class (either one of the Bakusquad or Deku) noticed how soft Bakugo is towards you. INSTANT TEASING FROM THE BAKUSQUAD (they are too fearless for their own good :/). Anyway, one of the girls would question on why da heck Bakugo? (I love Bakugo, don’T KILL ME PLS!). You simply reply, because he’s Bakugo. The class will never understand how you put up with his shit all-together. (Deku secretly looks up to you bc of this).
-Bakugo is one observant dude, even more so after being kidnapped by the LoV, he’s becoming more aware of the people around him and himself. So he’ll quickly wonder why on earth are you affectionate towards him. He’ll also quickly notice how your smile seem forced and how red your eyes were. Bakugo is also a direct fellow so, on-the-spot, will ask what the fuck is the reason on why you’re forcing a smile. He’ll narrow his eyes when you tell a lie. From that point onward, expect seeing Bakugo observing you in the corner of his eyes.
-Bakugo is everything you wanted (except for temperamental issues), which also means he’s smart. It doesn’t take long for him to figure out your past and current issues. He’s so furious about what happened to you that he wants to explode your abusive parents and those people who doesn’t want to be your friend. But, in the end, he decided not to and pull you into his room for your daily cuddle session.
-Bakugo will NEVER mention it, unless you mention about your past. Other than that, he’ll keep his mouth shut. Instead, he’ll try to return all your affectionate gestures. Keyword: try. Please be proud of him trying to try being affectionate to you (let me tell you, it’s hard trying to be affectionate). You might need to reassure him that you’re fine and please return to normal--
Eijiro Kirishima
-Kirishima would be flustered at first when you suddenly hugged him, seemingly out-of-nowhere. I can see him hugging you back though, he’ll never turn down a hug! He’s a bit embarrassed but he quickly recover. Out of all these boys, this boi is the only one who thinks hugging someone is normal :)
-Kirishima would definitely be embarrassed whenever you shout praises and encouragement to him, but it makes him even more determined to train his quirk. He might even return the favor! (I’m slowly falling in love with Kirishima--). You two basically praise each other before, during and after training. There was one time where Aizawa had to make you two stop because you two were screaming at each other even though you two were fighting each other :/
-Whenever its free time or before and after school or lunch, you would shower him with compliments. Kirishima will immediately return the favor by complimenting you back, and probably saying “You’re so manly!”. Kirishima will 100% engage you with a normal conversation. It came to the point where you two are attach with each other’s hip, one cannot be seen without the other. You practically join the Bakusquad now.
-Kirishima’s eyes sparkle, yes sparkle, with the trinkets you give him. No matter how weird or how strange it is, he appreciates everything he is given. He’ll flash you a (cute) smile and say “Thank you!”. Like Midoriya, he happily accepts the trinkets. Where does the trinkets go? He puts it in his pocket and brings it everywhere (until it got too many, so he had to leave some at home..)
-I can see Kirishima happily holding hands with you and hugging you in public. Even though people might get the wrong idea, he doesn’t care! He’s happy being affectionate to you and no one has any right to deprive him from it >:( I can also see him being so comfortable with you that he lets his hand rest on your waist or lets you lean on him (maybe sit on him ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). 
-Kirishima is DEFINITELY a talker. He’ll happily talk with you until 3am in the morning. He enjoys talking, even more if its with his friends. But when you start to talk, he’ll quiet down and intently listen to you. This boi doesn’t have a problem in sharing his opinion and snarky remarks. (Yes. Bakugo has been rubbing on him unfortunately). 
-KIRISHIMA LAUGHING IS THE MOST ADORABLE THING YOU’VE EVER WITNESSED. YOU PRACTICALLY CRIED AS YOU HOLD HIM (meanwhile he’s so confused on what’s happening). It’s actually relatively easy on making him laugh bc he’s a happy guy. 
-Your classmates are bound to notice this sudden closeness of you two, like are you cuddling while watching tv? WUT??? Either one of you’ll explain that you two aren’t dating (yet). What you didn’t know (or probably know) is that Kirishima had grown fond over the past weeks and would happily date you if you want (he respects women okay?)
-When you start to date, Kirishima will still act like he normally do except with more affectionate touches. He still acts like you two are still friends though. So nothing changed thankfully :)
-Even though it’s not really noticeable at first but Kirishima is actually observant. Yes he may do rash things, but we all do that. Anyway, Kirishima can tell if something is wrong with you. Not as a partner but as a friend as well. I hc that he loves the “Best friends turn to lovers” trope :3 (I see him as this kind of guy, okay?)  Anywayyyy, he quickly notices how tired you always seem and how puffy and red your eyes are. He was immediately worried and concern that he immediately asks if you are okay.
-Of course you’ll say you’re fine but Kirishima isn’t having any of that. He practically drags you to your room and force you to lay on your bed with him cuddling you in a big spoon position. I really hope he did this during weekends because if not, you two are in major problem.
-Kirishima wouldn’t force you to tell him what’s wrong. He just encourages you to let it all out, letting you cry in his chest. If you do cry, he’ll just hold you there as he whisper sweet nothings in your ears. I swear this guy’s body temperature isn’t normal-- Anyway, if you do speak or not, doesn’t matter. Kirishima doesn’t need to know about it as he trusts you so much that he doesn’t need to know why you’re crying.
-One way or another, he’ll find out about your past. Kirishima wouldn’t say anything about it but he starts to get more affectionate with you. He wants you to know that he’ll always be there by your side. You might start to cry because of how overwhelming his love for you is (and he’ll panic bc he sees you crying and this became a panicking sobbing mess--)
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
-Hawks will freeze. He didn’t expect that when he steps foot in his agency. Hawks is expecting anything but that. When you suddenly hug him when he entered, he’ll stiffened. He’ll awkwardly tries to pry himself from you. But he doesn’t mean anything bad! He just wasn’t used to the fact that anyone is giving him affectionate, and a hug when he entered is one of them. After that, he might avoid you a bit before returning back to normal.
-When he hears you shouting encouragement and praises to him, he gets suspicious of your behavior. Are you working for the League? What is your plan? Why are you being oddly affectionate towards him? These kinds of questions circle his head as he eyed you suspiciously. He starts to talk with you, discreetly trying to find out what is your goal being so... open towards him. Turns out, you don’t have any motive and was just a overly-affectionate person. He’s still suspicious of you and keeps his guard up, but he’ll smile (or smirk) whenever he hears your cheers (and boosts his ego even more).
-Whenever its breaktime and Hawks was at his agency, you would shower him compliments from left and right. Hawks is still cautious around you, but he slowly drop his guard down. When he does this, Hawks will also be complimenting you (even if he doesn’t, he still compliments you). Hawks is never embarrassed whenever you shower him with compliments, it just boosts his ego (i think that’s enough, [Y/N]--). If ever you forgot to do it or did something, Hawks will slightly sulk because by now he’s gotten used to hearing your compliments (he’s a baby to your compliments now).
-Hawks is always suspicious of your behavior (one of the perks of being raised to never fully trust someone), so when he sees trinkets on his table, oh boy was he suspicious. He’ll be looking at every inch of it and talking to it, thinking there’s a camera on the thing. If he finds none, he’ll give up. When he sees trinkets on his table everyday now, Hawks will get used to the fact that there’s no secret camera on them. Hawks cherishes all of the trinkets you gave him and has a drawer just filled with your trinkets.
-Okay, holding hands with THE Hawks? Yeah right. Impossible. Imposiblè. He’s already awkward when it came to hugging but holding hands? No. But its not because he doesn’t like it. He LOVES the feeling of your hands against his but he doesn’t want anyone to get any ideas, in fear they’ll go after you. He prefers hugging and hand holding in private.
-Hawks is naturally talkative and his mouth can run forever if it wants to. But he also loves hearing your voice. (Btw, if you can’t tell, Hawks trusts you by now). Hawks loves it whenever you tell him something funny and interesting, he also cracks up when you give him a snarky remark. He’s sarcastic at heart so expect him being sarcastic towards you.
-Hawks laughing is quite natural that you hear it almost everyday. He also LOVES making puns, like no joke. If you want, you can have a punny battle between you two. I can imagine you two having an inside joke abt something. 
-Though it’s not noticeable since you two act the same like always, the heroes and sidekicks working under him can tell a chemistry is happening between the two of you. They notice how Hawk’s eyes softened whenever it falls on you. And how lovestruck you look whenever you look at Hawks. None, I mean NO ONE, dare to mention it to Hawks or you. It’s better to stay quiet than ask about it. 
-When you start to date, he’s actually hesitant. He didn’t want tor risk you getting hurt just because of you two dating. You have to reassure him every time he mentions this. After all, all he needs is reassurance..
-Hawks is one hell of a observant dude. He can instantly know something is wrong with you. With how forced your smile is and look like you recently cried. Hawks’ll frown at your state but doesn’t mention it. Though, maybe during lunch or after work, he’ll bring it up. His eyes will narrow when you flinch when he asked.
-Turns out, your abusive mother just called you and it made you upset. Hawks frown since he knew there is much more to the story than what you’ve said but decided to let it go. Later at night, he quickly did his research about your past since he notices that you never mention it and whenever he brings it up, you look so sad. When he finds out, he feels so guilty for being so suspicious of you and pushing you away.
-For the next few days, expect Hawks to be giving you more affection than normal. You were confused but decided to enjoy it since its usually you who initiate this kinds of things. It kinda feels nice...
Hitoshi Shinsou
-Shinsou will probably dodge you before you could even hug him, making you fall to the ground. You pout as he stare at you in confusion. He has every right to be confused at that moment though. It was just the 2nd week of the first month and you’re already assaulting him? He will probably ignore you if you persist on getting a hug out of him. He’ll give in when he finds your persistence annoying. The hug was rather awkward but it seems like you didn’t care as you had that carefree smile on your face. His first thought for you is “what a weird girl”.
-Shinsou would probably get annoyed at your constant praise and encouragement. I think he’ll probably confront you about this, “why are you screaming those words?!” or something similar to that. You would explain because you want to support him. Shinsou will probably give up because he can’t get the answer out of you no matter what he tries. He doesn’t trust your reasoning at all. He’ll let you scream praise and encouragement to him, seemingly ignoring you. But after a while, he gets used to it. And probably return the favor if you’re training your Quirk.
-Whenever its free time or before and after school or lunch, you’ll shower him with compliments. Like Hawks, he thinks you have a motive in befriending him. He just ignores you as you continue with your compliments. But he soon gotten used to your presence that he starts to hangout with you more often. If there is a time where you forgot to compliment him or too busy, Shinsou will hunt you down and get his compliments (its like a charger for him LOL).
-When he find a trinket on his desk, without a second thought, he throw it away. But after 1 week of finding trinkets on his desk, he decided to search for the person giving him the trinkets. He soon found out you’re the one leaving it for him. Now he feels guilty for throwing all those trinkets and decides to just cherish it and keep it.
-Shinsou doesn’t like touches very much, but he likes surprising you. He sometimes hugs you from behind and loves the surprise look on your face whenever he just randomly hugs you from behind. For some reason, he likes hugs more than hand holding (it probably has something to do with your first interaction--). 
-Shinsou isn’t very talkative unfortunately, he prefers listening than talking. It’s actually not a problem since he loves hearing the sound of your voice and laughter mixing with it. It always manages to bring a smile on his face. Shinsou drops some comments while you’re talking and probably make a joke which made you two laugh.
-Shinsou’s laughter is so rare that you hardly hear it, but when you hear it, oh may gawd you might faint. He has a laugh similar to Midoriya and its so PRECIOUS--
-Its bound to happen, especially when Shinsou kept on surprising you with his sudden back hugs. Your classmates quickly notice how close you two had gotten over the span of 2 weeks. Your female classmates will immediately ask you if you have a thing for Shinsou and the are you dating question. The boys are teasing Shinsou, much to his dismay.
-When you two date, you make sure that he sleeps properly to get rid of the bags underneath his eyes. You also made it your one priority to run your hands through his hair (AND ITS SO SOFT). Shinsou is much more comfortable with affection now as you two are dating now.
-Shinsou is also observant (why am I always repeating this statement? Their all observant!) so he notices how sluggish you are and how your smile doesn’t reach your eyes. He narrow his eyes at you as he watches you during class (totally not creepy at all--). He noticed how you aren’t paying attention to the lesson and how daze you look.
-Right when the bell rang, Shinsou was already making his way towards you. He asks if you are okay and if you answer your usual response. He’ll click his tongue and drag you outside to cool down. When you two arrive at a deserted location at the campus, he lets you lean on his chest. He doesn’t need to say anything as his presence alone is enough to send you to tears.
-Shinsou figured out that your home isn’t exactly homely. He lets you cry in his chest as he rubs your back in a soothing circular motion. Right then, he decides that he’ll keep you for life. He loves you so much now. The girl who asked for a hug but gotten rejected. The girl who persisted to hug him. The girl who praises him and encourages him during training or exam. You manage to wiggle yourself into his heart. And there is no way he’s letting you go now..
-Shinsou is still the same as ever after that but you quickly notice little things from him. How he waited for you to catch up with him. How he gave you a pen when you lost yours. How he shared his drink with you. Its these little things that brought a smile on your face.
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randomizertale · 3 years ago
Basic Undertale AU Info- RandomizerTale
                                                   The Story
With each reset everyone (other than frisk/chara, gaster, and maybe flowey) are randomized as different character roles. The characters still look the same and have the same names, but they act and talk as the characters they are playing as. They still have their same basic powers (except for sans who can't maintain his knowledge of resets outside his role), they just act different. 
Think of it as a randomizer mod. The same art and battle assets, just different dialogue. 
Sans gets nerfed for whoever he's playing as though. 
The only one who realizes is the character playing as sans. Since the sans has an unnatural ability to remember every resets, this ability is transferred to who is sans and gets multiplied as they'll remember not only the pov of every sans before, but of their own povs as other characters as well. This multiplication increases exponentially to the point that sans is basically an amalgamation of everyone's povs in the underground.
The Sanses are also proficient in all types of magic now (as the body allows of course [if in Sans bod he still tired with 1hp bro and Undyne sans is an absolute BEAST] and depending on who else has been sans before). This means that genocide fights get progressively harder and harder each time a reset happens and dialogue changes too depending on who is playing sans (pap genocides usually end pretty fast though [despite everything he thinks the human can do better]).
Eventually the randomization just so happens to land on the original configuration of monsters. Seeing his chance for it to go back to normal, Sans,  with everyone's pov of the resets, teleports to frisk at the beginning of the route and  confronts/begs frisk to stop the madness: pleading them to be better person (paps), to stop hurting the ones they love, to let them to finally live on the surface instead of just looking at it,  to just stop the resets altogether and to let this be their final reset.
After the final reset, Sans is still sans but he has EVERY monsters pov of past resets (boss and minor monster alike). Once the resets end, he isn't everyone shoved into one body, but sans with a recollection of everyone's pov of past resets. IT IS NOT D.I.D!!!! Of course he knows that he himself is sans, but he might have random episodes where he does/says things that other characters would say/like/do (ex: pose like mettaton, make a puzzle, gush like alphys over his interests, drink tea...you get the idea) due to him being forced to play as other characters in other resets. (Other chars in the au don't have this happen to them cause they don't remember previous resets)
When he is talking about past experiences during the resets, he flips between pronouns and from first/third person (I, we, she, he, they) in order to get some of feelings across (I as Sans, we as everyone's pov of resets, and others as specific people's povs).
His episodes can be broken by a) someone telling him that's not how he is,  b) physical interference (ex: slap, tripping, sleep), c) him having a dissociating moment where he's like “wait a minute...”, and d) he finishes the action the episodes requires of him. 
Some episodes are harder to recognize (specially ones with no final action/goal in mind. For example: getting anxious over social interaction like alphys vs making a butterscotch pie.) Episodes don't overlap each other, so he could be his sans personality while making a pie, making different jokes based on an interest change, or just extruding mettaton confidence/self-absorption). 
There are certain episodes that he doesn't mind very often and will actually complete it even after he breaks out of it, specifically the task episodes like making pie/spaghetti/tea. He's learned to really like that stuff.
 Some episodes that he particularly hates are when he acts/speaks like mettaton or temmie, nervously word vomits like alphys (cause there's no filter and he can say stuff he doesn't want to be said out loud [he a secretive guy]), and when he acts like Jerry because eewwwwww.
To apologize or explain his behavior after an episode he calls it the (insert character) in me or my inner (insert character).   "welp my inner toriel came out again..." "sorry, kiddo, that was just the undyne in me..."
Ones he hates or are improperly timed, he sometimes just insults the characters though. "f-ing mettaton..." "alphys I like you but whyyyyyy" "*gags* ...Jerry"
Types of episodes: social (acting or talking like someone), thoughts (interests or ideals) (he HATES this one the most as it makes him feel less like him), physical (task or long-lasting [long-lasting like dancing/ posing/working out]). (Keep in mind that social and physical episodes keep sans ideas/thoughts/interests intact, he just communicates them in a way another character would say them.) Specific social or physical episodes can be triggered with high emotions (though most of the time it's just random). Extreme anger can bring out the undyne in him, fear/nervousness alphys, adoration paps, depression nabstablook, worried for someone else toriel, and so on.
                                              Some Fun Facts:
Fun facts: Sans gets headaches after an episode where he acts/thinks like someone else. The severity usually depends on how long the episode is and how out of character is for him.
Fun facts 2: Following the logic of post reset sans, other characters playing as sans will think and act like the original char they are supposed to be but with sans personality. Unless episodes happen... (EX: Toriel goat jokes, undyne fish jokes.) So it leads to different character interactions where an undyne sans is more pissed off at frisk and more prone to violence. Paps sans more encouraging to be a better person. Other chars as sans also get episodes and headaches if they act like other chars other than themselves (disregarding sans cause they are supposed to be sans.).  Bruh does this get complicated...
Fun facts 3: The other char’s povs only start once frisk falls underground so sans doesn't know how toriel felt leaving ashore or pap waiting outside undyne’s house to join the royal guard. That means his episodes and knowledge of others chars reset feelings/actions during povs are strictly based upon the duration the timeframe that frisk is underground.
Fun facts.4: The sanses in all the reset always has a soft spot for paps. They know that he ain't their bro but the code just has that as a priority for the sans. (Paps as sans is like my bro loves me ;n;.)  They enjoy it when paps is playing alphys in genocide routes cause at least they know he won't die that route.
Fun facts 5: In an alternate version of this au when frisk ignores sans's plea for it to be their final route, sans would most likely snap and go crazy and just straight up try to murder the kid over and over again regardless if they were going to do a pacifist or geno route until they agree to his terms or until he dies (and he'll do it for all future resets [except for maybe pap sans???])  Who knows a Dusttale (see  @ask-dusttale ) might even happen but the version of sans would feel less guilty bout it cause most other char povs would only confirm that other characters would just want frisk to suffer.
Fun fact 6: In another happier alternate version of this au, a version of sans confronts frisk earlier on, making them feel bad early and just wants everyone to go back to normal. So they constantly reset until they find the normal config for the final reset. The Sanses  in this route are pretty chummy with frisk. They are very tired of the resets regardless though (as it takes forever to land on the normal configuration) and sometimes halfheartedly bets with frisk who the next sans is going to be. The resets where everything is normal except for one monster are especially soul crushing for both the Sanses and frisk. They were so close!!!!!
For the design of another chars as sans they might go out of their way in the assets and wear sans classic jacket to showcase that they are a sans and are aware of what's going on. So their normal outfits but with sans jacket on top.
Interesting info of  probability of a normal config happening in the randomizer:
~58 enemy types so 3364 (0.000297265% of normal config)
~322 monsters total so 103684 configurations (0.0000096446896% of normal config)
(let me know if I did the math incorrectly :) )
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xxxrubytuesdayxxx · 4 years ago
If you wait to talk to Jeongguk about it instead...
Word Count: 3,181
Disclaimers: This is part (48) of a Choose Your Own Ending!
Check at the end for glossary of Korean terms*
Start here:
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“Mwoh?” he asks, wide-eyed.
“Never mind,” you mutter, unsure what to say. Jimin continues to stare at you, then understanding slowly dawns in his eyes and his mouth twists as he tries not to smile.
“Wait a minute...You and JK are banging each other aren’t you?” he realises. You avoid his eyes and his question, which confirms the answer for him. He hits the table with his open palm and giggles. “Oh my God - you totally are!”
“Okay, okay! Keep it down or Namjoon will have my head,” you hiss.
“But...I mean he already knows, right? Isn’t that why he’s mad?” Jimin asks, obviously confused. You grimace in acknowledgement of what he’s saying.
“Ne, but he probably doesn’t want the whole thing to escalate. Especially as they’re asking Kookie to do one of those stupid fake couple game shows right now,” you elaborate, unable to keep the venom out of your tone. Jimin’s eyes widen.
“He wouldn’t,” he negates you immediately. “He’s...well...no, never mind,” he imitates your reticence and looks down at his hands.
“Come on Jimin-ssi. You can’t possibly expect me not to insist you finish that sentence,” you worry, biting your lip. “Why wouldn’t he? He’s what? My God, is he okay?!” You jump to the worst possible conclusions straight away.
“No, he’s fine!” Jimin assures you, hurriedly. “I just can’t say anything else though,” he persists. “It wouldn’t be fair on him.”
“Ugh! Jimin!” you growl, but you let it go, aware he’s trying to do the right thing. You’re both attempting to return the conversation to less fraught territory when the door to the little room that serves as an office bangs open. Jeongguk exits and stamps across to his bedroom, looking mutinous, whereupon he messes around with the door rather fretfully before disappearing from view. He looks suspiciously like he’s been crying but, even if he has, they’re probably just tears of frustration you reason. Still, Jimin’s words play over in your head as you ponder. A few moments later, Bang PD Nim and Namjoon emerge, both looking tired.
“I thought you had told him,” the older man queries, looking puzzled. Namjoon sighs deeply, and raises his palms in a gesture that indicates his own bemusement.
“I did tell him. Late last night, I admit but he seemed fine with it. Or at least he didn’t raise any concerns or objections in my presence,” Bangtan’s leader responds.
“Something I should know then?” You address your question to them both, struggling to keep your expression neutral as you’re trying to look professional but also desperate to go see if your baby is okay without making it obvious to Hitman Bang. Namjoon’s jaw sets but he manages to speak calmly:
“Maybe go check on him,” he suggests, giving you the excuse you need. You nod, bow your head to wait for Bang PD Nim’s permission, and then make your escape. You tap timidly on Jeongguk’s door, with them all watching you, but there’s no reply.
“Kookie?” you try. “It’s your noona. Can I come in?” There is a pause, then the door slides open a crack and you slip inside. You catch a glimpse of Namjoon’s warning look before Jeongguk slides the door across, trapping you both in his room.
He looks miserable, but at least he seems to have composed himself, though you can see his eyes are still a little red.
“What happened in there?” you ask him softly. He doesn’t answer, but grabs your face in his hands, and kisses you insistently, transferring his attention to your jawline and neck when you’re too taken aback to respond.
“Kiss me, please,” he begs. “You’re not mad, are you? Kiss me!”
“Jeongguk, stop,” you whisper, urgently. “I’m not mad: why would I be mad? But they’re practically listening at the door - they’ll figure it out and then we’re both screwed! Jebal…hajima!” You push him, very gently, away from you. He does, but he looks a bit cut. You stroke his cheek with the back of your fingers. “I’m sorry, cheonsa,” you tell him. “But I’ll come see you later, when it’s not so dangerous. Now - are you going to tell me what happened in there to make you so frustrated?” you persist. He shrugs, pouting.
“I just don’t want to do it. It’s so…[he struggles for the English word, trying to help you understand] contrived?” he tries. You nod, smiling despite yourself.
“Yeah. Contrived,” you reassure him on his word choice. “But why would that upset you?” you press. He shrugs.
“Who says I’m upset?” he asks.
“Well I mean. You look like you’ve been…you look upset,” you prompt him gently. He looks shy, like he knows what you’re implying but doesn’t want to own it. He takes your hand from where it’s fallen to rest against his neck, and kisses your fingertips before placing it back on his cheek. You melt at his sweetness, but you’re still hesitant to tell him you’ve fallen for him hook, line and sinker, especially if it’s really just the contrivance that’s bothering him when it’s the whole set-up that’s bothering you.
“I thought. I mean I was worried they’d kind of – you know – that they’d be making a joke of me and hoping I’d do something dumb on the show cos I’m young and not…you know…super-smart like Namjoon-hyung and Yoongi-hyung,” he murmurs, self-conscious.
“I really don’t think they would,” you console him, but you feel terrible, as you’d never realised he was still so self-conscious, considering he plays up for the cameras so much and, as Hobi puts it, is “shameless” with his bids for attention these days.
“I’m okay now though,” he reassures you, seemingly reading your mind.
“Well then I’d better go tell them you’re okay,” you apologise. “Unless you want to come out and tell them yourself?” He shakes his head.
“Come back after, okay?” he requests, uncharacteristically meek.
“Okay,” you agree. He smiles and lies back on his bed, with his eyes shut.
“Well?” Hitman Bang prompts you, when you return.
“He’s upset because he thinks it’s contrived,” you explain, leaving aside his other concerns to explain to Namjoon later, if appropriate. Bang PD Nim looks bemused, while Namjoon remains justifiably skeptical.
“What fanservice isn’t contrived? he interjects.
“Something’s obviously bothering him,” the BigHit CEO muses, looking to you and Namjoon for confirmation. Namjoon looks uneasy. You look at the floor. “RM - What do you know that we don’t?” Bang PD Nim catches on to the exchange, but misses the implications.
“Nothing. I mean - he can be pretty temperamental sometimes. And he - out of all of us - is infuriatingly hot-blooded. Even Hoseok wants to strangle him some days, and he’s an angel when it comes to patience. Maybe we just timed it badly,” Namjoon, replies, choosing, for some reason, to save you and Jeongguk’s asses with his convincing rhetoric. He shoots you a look, letting you know that you owe him big time.
“What did he really say?” Namjoon asks you, much more gently, once you’ve all said your goodbyes and you and he are left alone in the main room.
“That’s exactly what he said,” you confirm, looking Namjoon straight in the eyes.
“He said ‘contrived’?” he asks, disbelievingly.
“Yes. He said ‘contrived’ and that’s precisely what he meant. His English is getting much better,” you point out. Namjoon raises his eyebrows, impressed despite the circumstances.
“Is that all he said?” he presses. You purse your lips, trying not to laugh.
“No,” you confess. Namjoon snorts and shakes his head, exasperated.
“And I suppose he wants you to go back in there?” he guesses correctly. You bite your tongue and sigh. “Well I don’t think I should make it too easy after what you two have put me through last night and this morning,” he teases, pulling out his phone.
“What are you…” you start. He just grins, waves your hand away and texts something, shoving his phone back in his pocket once he’s done. He crosses his arms and waits, darting glances across at Jeongguk’s door. “He might have gone back to sleep,” you try.
“Doubt it. Not if he thought he was about to get some,” Namjoon counters you. Sure enough, Jeongguk’s door slides across and he stalks out, looking surly. “How are you feeling Jeongguk?” Namjoon asks.
“Frustrated,” Jeongguk announces in convincingly American-accented English. Namjoon laughs briefly.
“You’re frustrated?” he replies. “How do you think I feel then? Do you have any idea how much your little tantrum potentially cost us?”
“Mianhamnida, hyung,” he apologises formally, bowing his head. Namjoon sighs, but acknowledges the apology with a tilt of his head.
“I just don’t understand why, Jeongguk. Is there something else going on that I don’t know about? Do you want to think about it, then come back and tell me when you’ve got your head sorted?” he suggests. Jeongguk nods, head still bowed. “Off you go then,” Namjoon dismisses him, then steps back into the kitchen.
Jeongguk tangles his fingers with yours and swings both of your hands back and forth, looking mischievous and totally unrepentant now that Namjoon has left the room.
“Come to our old park with me, noona?” he asks.
“Mwoh? Hakdong Gongwon?” you clarify. He nods, pulling you over to cuddle you from behind. He buries his face in your neck and purrs like a satisfied kitten.
“Okay, you are really pushing it with Joonie, you warn him, elbowing him gently, but unconvincingly, to try and make him stop tormenting you with his lips. “He just saved our asses with Hitman Bang and you’re gonna push his buttons again?” He ignores you, lifting your hair off your neck to continue his sweet misbehaviour. Anyway, what’s...ahh hajima Kookie, you tease...what’s wrong with Seoul-sup or Ttuk-seom all of a sudden?” you press him, trying to ignore the fact that your entire body is vibrating under his touch.
“Amu geotdo,” he answers your question belatedly. “I just want to go to Hakdong Gongwon with you. For a little adventure.” He makes the word ‘adventure’ sound like innuendo, which gives you pause for thought. You want to tell him you have feelings for him that go beyond the rush of illicit hook-ups, but you’re not so sure he’s in it for anything more than that and you don’t want to scare him off. You’re so busy mulling it over that you thoughtlessly allow him to turn you around, pull your top askew and start teasing a new love-bite at the base of your throat, dangerously close to your chest. Consequently, instead of stopping him like you know you should, you cradle his head with your hand, absent-mindedly, and let him go wild while your mind wanders over the possible outcomes of your two options.
Which may be why Taehyung voices his objection when he happens to wander past on his way to the living room, game controller at the ready.
“Mwoh?! Why are Jeongguk and Noona straight-up necking in the middle of the hallway?” I thought that wasn’t allowed,” he protests.
“It’s definitely not,” comes Namjoon’s voice from the kitchen. “In fact if I see anything I object to when I come out there in a minute, I may be forced to retract my earlier statement to Hitman Bang.” Tae glares at Jeongguk, who, after looking up from your cleavage somewhat guiltily, is admittedly now being a bit smirky. Tae continues to look totally unimpressed until Jeongguk tugs on your hand to get you to follow him over to the door out of the apartment, which you willingly do. Anything to avoid World War III. Besides it’ll give you time to make your mind up.
You and Jeongguk make it down to the underground garage quickly enough, where he guides you over to the sleek new car he splashed out on a week or so ago, and gestures for you to climb in the passenger side. Mistakenly assuming his desire to drive you himself, rather than call the car around, means he might actually behave with the requisite dignity and maturity, you acquiesce. The drive begins innocently enough, even though you swiftly come to the realisation that it’s the lack of a chaperone or any uncomfortable questions from staff or neighbours that has put this entire idea into Kookie’s head.
That is until you’re tearing over Seongsu bridge, at the pace only a boy Jeongguk’s age and temperament would drive at, and he turns to give you a wicked little smile and glances pointedly down at his lap. You feel your cheeks flush bright red.
“Aniyo, Jeongguk-ah!” you exclaim, feeling the warmth of your blush travel down between your legs. “You’ll crash the car,” you try, feebly. Ignoring your protests, he lifts his free hand to play with your hair, then, when he has your attention, he turns on the pouting. You sigh deeply and bite your lip, trying not to smile. He turns his attention back to the road to guide the car onto the off-ramp but still manages to get his jeans unbuttoned and his flies unzipped, releasing his erection from his knickers without breaking his concentration. His slender fingers toy with his dick, adjusting it so you’ll be able to reach it if you just lean across and lower your head.
“Such a pro,” you tease him. “Have you done this before?” It’s his turn to blush, as he turns those Bambi eyes on you again and shakes his head, innocent.
“I just always wanted to try it,” he confesses. “But I never had the opportunity. Too many people watching me. But yeah, I mean I practised that bit,” he admits. You lean across and lick him once, like an ice-cream, failing to notice that your top has fallen open so that he can see your black lace bra. “Unf…shibal...” he mutters, as a dribble of pre-cum leaks from his tip and the car swerves along with his hormones.
“Jeongguk!” you squeal, panicked. “Keep your eyes on the road, jebal!” He smirks and twists the wheel to adjust the car back into the dead centre of the lane as you struggle to readjust your top.
“Go on then...suck it babyyyy,” he demands, dragging the English word out deliberately. “You know you want to.” You roll your eyes, trying to hold back a snort of laughter.
“Tacky babe. Very tacky,” you tease him.
“Tacky?” he checks, his lips pursing and his brow furrowing as they always do when he’s concentrating. You feel bad. You’re always forgetting not to overuse slang when he’s studying his English so diligently.
“Um...like trashy? You know? Cheap? Cliche? Too obvious or predictable?” you fumble for explanations.
“Ahhh!” he gives you one of his cute bunny smiles; an indication that he understands and has now added ‘tacky’ and possibly ‘trashy’ as well to his ever-expanding English slang vocabulary.
“Gwaenchanhaeyo, though? I mean...it’s okay for...blowjob experiment?” he persists. The innocence sparkling in his huge eyes completely belies the words coming out of his pretty mouth. Somehow you imagine it would be much less unnerving if he asked you things like this in his native tongue, but you realise he’s trying very hard to learn ‘conversational’ English and relies mostly on you and Namjoon. Though this latest experiment is stretching the definition of ‘conversational’ to its extreme limit.
Pushing all of your reservations aside, you smile indulgently at him, tell him it’s fine and begin to gently stroke his erection, while keeping your own eyes on his face to make sure he’s watching what he’s doing, not what you’re doing. He does okay, though his steering is a little erratic at some points. Meanwhile his cock stiffens until he’s rock hard and quivering against your palm and his breathing is becoming laboured and shallow, punctuated by the occasional whimper or moan.
“Uh...ne! Yes...Oh God…” he gasps, as he twists the car through Gangnam’s streets. “Jebal...noona…” he begs you, his voice dripping with desire, as the fingers of his free hand thread themselves into the back of your hair, first inviting, then gently insisting that you lower your head. You smile, unable to resist this feeling that he wants you so badly. You give in to the insistent pressure of his lovely fingers and take him in your mouth, relishing the taste of him on your tongue and the illicit thrill of doing this in public. After a moment, you feel the autumn breeze lift your hair and tickle the back of your neck. That’s when you realise that the little exhibitionist has lowered the roof of his car as you rocket ever nearer to your destination.
You speed up your licks and your strokes, coaxing him towards his peak. The taste of his precum titillates you: the prospect of you both christening his fancy leather seats with the pearly results of his first road head causing the heat to rise between your legs again. You recognise the feel of the roads as he turns to crawl up the narrow hills approaching Hakdong so you deliberately give him all you’ve got, caressing the silky head of his dick with quick licks, hollowing out your cheeks and then wrapping his shaft in languorous tongue strokes. And he doesn’t disappoint. You’re just on the final block when he lets out an obscenely loud moan and your mouth is filled with his warm, sticky semen.
“Oh holy shit!” he gasps, his chest heaving as he finally stops the car, throwing his head back against the seat and closing his eyes with a tiny but wicked smile playing on his lips. You wipe your mouth and sit back up, carefully arranging your jacket over his lap to hide his depleted erection.
“Fuck,” he swears softly, his beautiful accent making even the muttered cuss word sound sexy. “We made such a mess…” he comments, awestruck at the leftovers of your feast festooning his leather seat and your velvet jacket. “Aish...your jacket…sorry...” he grimaces apologetically.
“Ah it’ll wash up fine. Just as well the weather isn’t too bad,” you tease him, sticking out your tongue. “C’mon then. Fix yourself and the seats up and let’s go play in the park.” He scrunches up his mouth, trying to figure out the best way to tackle the seats, while you scrounge in his boot for suitable rags. The best you can come up with is a lovely dark blue picnic rug in a red tartan pattern, which you hold up for his appraisal. He scrunches his lips even further and wrinkles his nose.
“Temporary solution?” you suggest.
“But I was going to use it so we could have a picnic in the park before we explore,” he admits, his voice anxious. “I got it the other day and I was keeping it in the car - just in case I could convince you to come here with me one day...” Your heart stops at the look in his eyes. Maybe you should tell him. Maybe you and he are on the same page. Or maybe you’re just reading too much into his tendency to carefully plan things.
If you tell him you’ve fallen for him If you’re too insecure to tell him
Glossary: (feel free to submit corrections for these ^.^)
Amu geotdo (아무 것도) Nothing at all
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slaughterverse · 3 years ago
Ok Leeds. It’s legally their full name, but if they need a first name quick they go by “Jersey.” A couple agents started it after their break out in the 20s and it stuck. They could probably back trace their birthday by their curse but that would be too much math. It was sometime in the 1740s though. Lacks binary. But hasn’t really had a chance to figure themselves out beyond that. They used to be really distant but with how many “newer” agents are practically immortal they’ve actually been opening up. No one has become super close yet though. They are single, but still only learning to mingle. Goddamn give them a best friend. Tried to date a couple times in their late teens. It never, ever ended well. Not only was the dating pool of fellow teen freaks a bad start, but each triste was doomed as soon as their curse snapped back into effect and their love got to have 13 years to grow up without them. Related, they don’t say “I love you” easily if it’s genuine. Says it disingenuously a whole lot easier. They’ve lived in a number of BPRD bases over the years, even in agents home’s a few times (something about getting some good influence and a “normal” childhood). They don’t love it, but they have accepted it. And hey, at least the BPRD treats them pretty well- they only have so long to live. Because they try to keep things that don’t belong to them neat, their usually considered neat. Tends to get messier towards the end of their stay though, then feel bad about it and frantically sort. Their personal situation affected them more than their environment. As a young child most agents died quickly and they never really found a parental figure, but they had a brief period early on where they tried to get close to someone, anyone. It hurt too much to watch them grow old and die as they barely aged.
Their biggest fear is that one day they’ll be overcome by their curse and never return. On the other hand, getting to just stay instead of disappearing would be their greatest wish. They lack a lot in self control, since their extra and thrill-seeking personality is just their way of selling their own self destructive streak. They would give their life without hesitation for people they’ve barely met, but less in a protective sense and more in an incredibly self destructive sense. Has ping-ponged from putting everyone else's and no one else’s needs before their own. On one hand, hedonism. On the other, no self value. Not super materialistic, despite their love of whatever luxury they can get. More about experience than items. Probably because they have exactly NOTHING to their name. They don’t easily trust others with their secrets nor with their life, but they’ve been stuck in a situation where they kinda have to do both. For similar reasons, they kinda gave up on good role models. No one survives on their timescale. Also, betrayal kinda washes off their back. They don’t really bother to give trust until it is really, really earned. Doesn’t feel they have any real talents/skills, but is an absolute Jack of all Trades. They might not be incredible at any one thing, but they can do a lot of things. If they put more effort in it could be more impressive but eh. Their favorite thing about themself is how much good they’ve been able to do. It's easy when you have so little self esteem. Their least favorite is how ignorant and naïve they can seem. They are aware their perspective on life is incredibly flawed and unhealthy but they don’t really know what else to do. Their biggest strength is actually their persistence. They don’t recognize it as such, but others frequently do. They wish they’d stop bringing it up though- though don’t like “pity.” They can express surface, “entertaining” emotions easily and often, but deeper, more personal feelings usually get buried. Their biggest strength is actually their persistence. They get lonely incredibly easily and have so, so many regrets. Living life the way they do always does. Resorts to fight at the drop of a hat, and their tail is covered in sharp spines. Get bludgeoned bitch. Worries a lot about what will happen to them after they die given what they do when they're not in control, but buries it deep down and tries not to think about it. Has been raised religious but it never quite… stuck. It’s just hard for them to believe, outside of what they see with the BPRD, that is. Can brush off A Lot but getting on their nerves enough is a good way to learn creative new insults and have your entire self confidence taken down a notch. It’s more a matter of quantity than quality, though. Their sense of humor is dark, but the jokes they like are mostly dad puns. Their laugh is B A D. They don’t even really “laugh”- they snort and honk. They laugh fairly often but get tired quickly.
On a lighter note, some misc:
- Their favorite color is Pink. If you laugh at that they will bite.
- Their favorite animal used to be dogs, but then they broke out and ate a couple. They still feel guilty.
- Their favorite music, fashion, and food changes every time they come back. They both change so much within their 13 missing years. Has a soft spot for hotdogs and pizza, though.
- Like Autumn, or Summer in the deep woods. Wishes they got out more.
- Stability over comfort.
- Envy.
- Likes extremes in their weather, but not rain.
- Chaotic good, but thinks they are chaotic neutral.
- Can’t speak any languages other than English.
- If they could make a mark on history, they would throw a truly legendary party.
- Above average pain/temperature/illness tolerance, but nothing special.
- They have no tattoos or piercings, but they would love to get some. Especially a nose ring.
- Has never been drunk or even touched alcohol, despite how much they really want to.
- Tends to smell quite sterile, but their BO is like cheap Italian food.
- Fine with kids, but doesn’t interact with them a lot. (Has never considered having kids an option, but if it was they would actually want a kid to give a better life.)
- Given a blank piece of paper and nothing to do they’d probably idly fold the paper to try and make free form origami, then burn it depending on the outcome.
- Not bothered by blood in practice, but bothered in theory.
- Old fashion, swirly handwriting.
- Has enjoyed swimming when given the opportunity, but not particularly competent or interested. More interested in playing than racing.
- Celebrates anytime they get the chance, loves the more diverse hires of the BPRD specifically for extra holiday purposes.
- Old Piney accent they’ve never managed to shake.
- Born left handed but was trained as a righty. Can't use either particularly well, but shows preference for the left these days.
okay so i'm gonna start with that i obv don't know the full context but that is SO INTERESTING! i'm really curious about the full story! love how much thought you've clearly put into this character!!
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emisfritish · 5 years ago
Where the heart is
Pairing : Sarawat/Tine (2gether the series)
Summary : There’s no place like home, and after a rough day, Tine can relate to this feeling on the deepest level.
Title from the saying : Home is where the heart is. 
Notes : Is this fic self-indulgent ? A 100%. But I’ve had a rough week and I missed writing, so please, enjoy those 4k words of self-indulgent hurt/comfort and fluff with Tine being pampered like the king he is. 
‘Sometimes, it’s truly a wonder how you even got into law school,’ Tine is walking home after an afternoon of working on a group project with his classmates, and the words keep repeating themselves over and over in his mind. 
‘Tine, does it ever get tiring being you ? I mean what with your brain not functioning a 100% most of the time.’ Today has been the worst. Tine had tried to do his best to laugh along with the “jokes” that were being thrown his way the entire afternoon, tried not to show how they were affecting him, but as soon as he’d left the group to start walking home, his brain had started working against him and the exhaustion that has been building up for weeks now had made itself known.
He’s truly trying to get over the words, trying to be the bigger person and move on, to tell himself that they were just joking and probably didn’t mean it... But his brain isn’t making it easy, playing all of the jokes on repeat as if they were the newest summer hit. And after several weeks of being faced by the same jokes over and over again, and weeks of losing sleep over wondering if maybe parts of them were true, ignoring the words just wasn’t that easy, and Tine was just so tired. 
Thankfully, this whole project is over and he hopefully never has to work with these people again. He’s been working on this project for a while now, meeting up with his classmates once or twice a week, and although he’s not really friends with anyone in the group that was assigned to him, he didn’t expect it to be this bad either. When he thinks about it, it had mainly been one member of the group, the other people either laughing along without adding anything, or even looking uncomfortable at the words, like it had seemed to be the case for one of the girls in his group. Still, one had been enough to make him feel awful for a couple weeks now.
Clearly, Tine must have either done something to annoy him, or done something to annoy the gods, because he has no idea why Marc would be this set on making him the butt of his jokes for weeks now, or what could have prompted him to be this mean otherwise.
‘Yeah, I don’t think that’s really a viable idea. But what did we expect ? It did come from Tine after all,’ Tine shakes his head, trying to clear the thoughts out of his mind as he sees his building and feels the pull towards the apartment grow stronger. As hard as he tries, he can’t quite shake the thoughts completely though, part of his brain still wondering… What if the jokes were true ? 
Tine finally reaches his apartment complex, preventing him from dwelling on the thoughts much longer. Impatient to get to his place, he shakes off some time by taking the stairs two at a time, before he arrives in front of their front door and pushes it open. 
Tine’s shoulders relax instantly the moment he walks through the door, and he can’t stop from sighing in relief. He’s safe, he’s home. 
The feeling only intensifies when Sarawat, who is busy cooking something on the stove, turns towards him and smiles blindingly. He really is home. 
“Hi Albino buffalo, did you have a good day ?” he asks Tine, eyes raving all over his face, clearly trying to read Tine’s mood, probably having noticed how down his boyfriend’s been for a couple weeks now.. 
Tine smiles sadly at his boyfriend, silently reassuring him that he’s okay, before he takes off his shoes, coat, and drops his bag on the floor, finally making his way fully into the kitchen. 
“You’re cooking ?” he asks Sarawat, and his boyfriend simply hums in answer, before focussing back on the stove in front of him.
They usually take turns cooking and Tine is fully aware that tonight had been his turn. After the day he’s had though, he’s really grateful that Sarawat took over, leaving him with one less thing to worry about. 
Tine walks closer to his boyfriend and plasters himself against Sarawat’s back, head resting on top of his shoulder, and feeling the knot in his stomach that’s been present all afternoon finally loosen a little at the contact. Both of his arms make their way around Sarawat’s waist, and while Sarawat is holding a spatula with one of his hands, he uses his free one to reach up and squeeze Tine’s arm in comfort. He then turns his face towards where Tine’s is resting and presses a soft kiss against his cheek, before turning back to his cooking. 
“Why ?” Tine asks softly, and he feels Sarawat shrug his shoulders. 
“You sounded a little off earlier when we were texting, and I know how stressful this project has been. I figured I could do this to help,” his boyfriend explains, and Tine feels his love for Sarawat grow in his chest at the words, something he didn’t even think was possible. 
He closes his eyes and pulls his head back a little to rest his forehead against Sarawat’s shoulder, basking in the other boy’s presence to soothe the hurts of the day. 
“Thank you for cooking, I know it was my turn. I’m sorry I got home this late,” he finally whispers. 
His eyes are still closed, but he can feel Sarawat shifting slightly as he shakes his head, one of his hands making its way back up to squeeze Tine’s hand, which is still resting against Sarawat’s stomach. 
“Don’t apologize, I don’t mind. We’re a team, right ?” Sarawat prompts, and Tine nods his head silently in response, before pushing forward to press a kiss to Sarawat’s neck.
The afternoon he’s just spent is still rooted in his brain, and the words thrown his way and the fear they reawakened are still weighing on his shoulders, but Tine can feel his heart healing a little just by being around Sarawat, and he finds himself being once again so grateful that they can be this for each other.
Once Sarawat is done cooking, both him and Tine move onto the table to eat dinner, Sarawat electing to sit next to Tine instead of sitting opposite him like he usually would. Dinner is a mostly silent affair, Sarawat seeming to understand that Tine just needs some time to unwind and get out of his head, and although no words are exchanged between them, Tine basks in the comfortable silence.
With every brush of Sarawat’s shoulder against his or with every time their knees touch under the table, Tine feels his body relax a little further, finally starting to put the horrible day behind him.  
Once both of them are done eating, Sarawat gets up and starts gathering both of their plates and cutlery, clearly aiming to bring them to the sink, before Tine’s hand shoots up to halt his movement. 
“I’ll do the dishes Wat, you already cooked dinner,” Tine tells his boyfriends tiredly, and Sarawat turns towards him and watches him in silence for a few seconds, eyes travelling all over his face and frown growing a little deeper with every second he spends watching Tine. 
After a few seconds of staring, Sarawat nods his head once, clearly having come to a decision before he puts the stacked plates back on the table. 
Just as Tine is gathering his courage to get up and go and do the washing up, Sarawat reaches down to take one of his hands in his and pulls him up to his feet. 
“Come on Tua Woon Wai, let’s go upstairs,” he says softly, before he starts pulling him towards the stairs. 
“But Wat, the dishes…” Tine starts to say as they reach the bottom of the stairs, before pausing when Sarawat interrupts him by turning towards him and shaking his head. 
“They’ll be okay for one night Tine, okay ?” he asks with a smile, once again squeezing Tine’s hand where it’s cradled in his,  and Tine smiles softly in answer. 
“Okay,” he whispers, before he lets himself be pulled up the stairs until they finally reach their bedroom.
Once they arrive in front of the bed, Sarawat turns fully towards Tine and lifts himself up on his tiptoes to press a kiss to his forehead. Tine’s eyes automatically close at the soothing gesture, and he only opens them up when he feels one of Sarawat’s hand caress his cheek. 
Once he’s lowered himself back to the ground, Sarawat smiles soothingly and gently pushes Tine towards the bathroom. “Go and change into your pyjamas, and come back to lie on the bed afterwards, okay Tua Woon Wai ? Leave your shirt off though,” His boyfriend instructs, and Tine doesn’t know what to say in answer. 
He’s not really in the mood for doing anything tonight, still feeling emotionally exhausted enough from the whole afternoon that he just wants to lie down and relax. He also doesn’t want to hurt Sarawat’s feelings by turning him down though, especially when the man has been nothing but kind to him all evening. 
Still, he knows that Sarawat would hate it if Tine forced himself to do anything he didn’t want to do, which pushes him to speak up. 
“Wat, I don’t think I really want to do anything tonight…” he starts to say, relief coursing through him when he sees the reassuring smile Sarawat sends him.
“Tine, I know. Just trust me, okay ?” he answers back softly, and Tine nods in response to the words. 
Sarawat pecks him on the lips, before he pushes him once again towards the bathroom where Tine had left his pyjamas this morning. 
Once Tine is in his pyjamas, having opted for one of Sarawat’s old football pair of shorts for the comfort they bring him, he moves to the sink to wash his face and brush his teeth, wincing a little when he catches sight of his reflection. 
No wonder Sarawat was able to read that he wasn’t doing great. Even to his own eyes, he can see how miserable he looks, and with Sarawat always managing to read him easily… It’s no surprise that his boyfriend caught on right away. From the dark rings that he can see under his eyes from the lack of sleep that he’s been accumulating ever since this project started, to the tenseness that is still clearly reflected on his face, Tine has to admit he doesn’t really look all that Chic right now. Thank god this project was finally over. 
Not wanting to see his reflection any longer, he quickly brushes his teeth before leaving the bathroom and making his way back to the bedroom, finding Sarawat in his own pyjamas, rummaging in one of their nightstands. 
Probably hearing Tine arrive back into the room, Sarawat turns to him and smiles. 
“Lie down on your stomach, I’ll be there in just a second,” he says, moving towards Tine and pressing a kiss to his cheek, before making his way to the bathroom, probably to do his own cleaning off.  
Tine moves towards their bed, and he drops on it, feeling his shoulders relax a little further at being surrounded by all of their bedding, their scents mixing up together and serving to calm Tine’s brain down a little.
This is safe, this is home. 
Sarawat comes out a couple minutes later and he kneels down on the mattress next to Tine, caressing his hair with one of his hands, until Tine’s face turns towards him from where he’s still lying on his stomach. 
“You don’t have to come to bed straight away if you don’t feel like it Wat, I know it’s still kind of early to sleep. I won’t mind if you want to watch a show or something,” Tine tells him, doing his best to keep his eyes open and look up towards his boyfriend, catching the moment where Sarawat shakes his head in answer. 
“It’s okay, we’re not going to sleep right away anyway. And there’s no place I’d rather be than with you right now,” he finally responds, before he pushes himself forward to straddle Tine’s back, seating himself against Tine’s upper thighs and butt. 
Tine tenses a little, wondering what Sarawat has in mind, before he starts relaxing again when he feels Sarawat bend down to pepper a couple kisses on his shoulders. 
“Trust me Tine, relax. I’ve got you,” he whispers in his ear, before pressing one last kiss to his upper cheek and lifting himself back up to sit straight. 
Just as he’s about to nod in answer, trusting that Sarawat knows what he’s doing, Tine feels something cold drop onto his back, before Sarawat’s warm hands start spreading the lotion into his skin, massaging his tense muscles. 
Oh. This is what his boyfriend had in mind. 
Tine feels a little stupid about it, but he can’t help the tears that immediately pool into his eyes at the gesture. He knows he shouldn’t be this surprised after all this time of them being together, but sometimes Sarawat still has a way of taking his breath away with the sweetest gestures. He somehow always manages to showcase his love for Tine so clearly, and there’s truly no better feeling. 
Being loved and cherished by Sarawat is truly something else, and no matter what else goes wrong in his life, Tine will never stop being grateful that they found each other, that they held on and worked hard to be where they are today. 
Sarawat keeps massaging for about 20 minutes, working on knots that have been building up in Tine’s back and shoulders for weeks, pausing now and again to press soft kisses on different spots of his back, and Tine feels himself melt into the mattress as the minutes pass, closing his eyes to enjoy the moment. 
He can feel the calluses on the tip of Sarawat’s fingers brushing against his skin, making this massage unmistakably unique and making it clear who was actually rubbing his skin, and Tine feels his heart grow lighter under the other boy’s ministrations. 
After 20 minutes or so, the massage having left Tine a boneless mess, he feels Sarawat pepper a couple of final kisses onto his back before he lifts himself up and moves away, laying down next to Tine and staring at his face from where it’s resting sideways onto the mattress. 
“Thank you, you’re the best,” whispers Tine, emotion still clear in his voice, and Sarawat lifts one of his hands to brush away a stray tear that is still clinging to the corner of Tine’s eye, before he pushes himself forward until their noses are brushing against each other and nuzzles Tine. 
Sarawat doesn’t say anything to break the silence, but Tine can see the love shining through his eyes, giving him strength to have the conversation he’d been hoping to avoid having, but deep down knows is needed.
Tine being more open about his negative emotions and about stuff that bothers him is something that he’s been working on a lot, never wanting those feelings to cause any more issues between him and Sarawat. Still, it’s a work in progress, and Sarawat never pushes him more than he needs, giving him the space to decide if he wants to broach the subject or not and finding silent ways to comfort Tine instead, just like he had tonight. 
Still, Tine knows that Sarawat worries. And although he doesn’t really want to voice the fear that’s been plaguing him for quite some time now, he knows he’ll feel better once he gets it off his chest. 
He takes a deep breath, closing his eyelids so as to not have to look into Sarawat’s eyes when he asks the question, before he finally takes the plunge. 
“Wat… Do you think I’m stupid ?” he asks in a small voice, and he feels Sarawat jerk against him. 
“What ? Of course not !” the other boy exclaims instantly, and Tine feels a rush of relief course through his body at the fact that his boyfriend didn’t even hesitate a second before answering. 
He opens his eyes, and the relief grows deeper when he sees the shock in indignation on Sarawat’s face.
“What happened Tine ? What could make you think that ?” Sarawat questions, eyebrows frowning slightly with worry. 
“It wasn’t really a big deal, but there’s this one guy in the group I’ve been working with that just… He hates me, Sarawat. And I don’t know what I did to deserve it, but it’s like every idea I had was stupid to him, and every word that came out of my mouth prompted a different type of joke and was used against me and just… I must have done something to deserve this. But I can’t recall doing anything to this guy, so then I started thinking that maybe he was just annoyed that he got stuck working with someone like me, and that has to be because I’m stupid but…”
Tine is embarrassed when he feels tears pool into his eyes as he’s recounting his thought process for the past few weeks. He lifts both of his hands to rub his palms against his eyes, hoping to clear away the tears, before he feels Sarawat delicately move his hands away to catch the tears with his own fingers. 
“Oh Tine, babe…,” he starts, voice cracking with emotion. “No. You’re not stupid, and I can assure you, you didn’t do anything to deserve this. Sometimes people are just assholes for no good reason, and I know you don’t understand that because it’s the furthest thing from who you are, but…”
Tine nods in understanding, and looks back up towards Sarawat. 
“You would tell me right ? If I was actually stupid ?” he asks in a small voice, and Sarawat shakes his head. 
“Tua Woon Wai, you’re not stupid,” he says firmly, and Tine wants to believe him, but there are pieces of his life that contradict the statement and he can’t quite shake them off. Stuff his parents threw at him when he was younger, people making fun of him when he’s the last one to catch on for a joke, and it’s just… It’s hard to believe. 
“But I know that sometimes I’m the last one to catch on on a joke, and I see the way people look at me sometimes when I’m with my friends, and just…” Tine starts to explain, but Sarawat cuts him off by pushing forward and resting one of his hands on Tine’s cheek. 
“So you can be oblivious sometimes, and you like to goof around. But Tine, you’re so fucking smart, and I don’t know how those idiots could ever doubt it. First off, you got into this school to study law, that’s not a small undertaking, don’t sell yourself short. And you’re studying on top of your cheerleading practice, and on top of hanging out with your friends, or spending time with me and.. you manage to balance all of that and still get amazing grades. So no, I don’t think you’re stupid. But more than me simply believing it ? I know it to be true, because I’ve seen you in action,” Sarawat finishes earnestly, and Tine feels a weight lift up from his stomach, fear dissipating a little at the words. 
He finally nods at the words, starting to see the truth in Sarawat’s speech. He did get pretty good grades. And it’s true that this school was pretty tough to get into in the first place. 
“I know it’s not easy, but you should try to ignore this guy because truly, he’s not worth it,” Sarawat continues saying, and Tine nods once, feeling lighter now than he has for weeks, and he pushes himself forward until he’s lying half on top of Sarawat with his face pressed into the other man’s neck.
Both of Sarawat’s arms come to rest around his waist and he feels the other boy hug him closer to his body. 
“Thank you,” he whispers from where his face is hiding between Sarawat’s neck and shoulder, and he feels Sarawat squeeze his waist in answer. 
“Has this been weighing down on you ever since the project started ?” Sarawat finally asks, and although Tine doesn’t want to admit it, knowing it’ll displease Sarawat, he nods.
“Tine, you should have told…” Sarawat starts to say, one of his hands caressing his back, and Tine nods into his shoulder. 
“I should have told you sooner, I know,” he admits. “I’m really trying Wat,” he continues, and he feels Sarawat press a kiss to his hair. 
He is trying. Trying to ignore what people might think about him, trying to open up more and be honest with Sarawat, and suddenly it’s important for his boyfriend to know that. 
“I know you are Tua Woon Wai,” he finally whispers, and Tine lets his eyes close, sleep coming to him easily for the first time in weeks, and feeling safe and loved in Sarawat’s arms. 
Just as he’s about to drift off to sleep, Sarawat’s innocent voice pulls him back. “Just out of curiosity, what was this guy’s name again ?”
Tine laughs at the words, shaking his head in disbelief at how obvious his boyfriend is being right now. They might have been together for months now, but Sarawat’s protective streak has in no way diminished, and Tine has to admit he kind of loves that. He loves the feeling of knowing that Sarawat will always have his back and be in his corner, that someone is always on his side. 
Still, he wants his boyfriend in one piece, and if precedence is anything to go by, Sarawat isn’t always really good at fending for himself in a fight if this was to turn violent because of his boyfriend’s blinding rage. 
“It’s okay, it’s not important. He’s not worth it,” Tine says, echoing the words Sarawat told him just a minute before. He drops back onto the bed and turns to his side, tugging Sarawat’s arm over his stomach so the other boy is spooning him from behind. 
Just as he’s about to fall asleep, he feels their blanket come to cover his body and he feels Sarawat press a kiss against the back of his neck.
“Good night, Tua Woon Wai,” he hears him whisper, and he barely has the time to answer back before he feels sleep take him under. 
It was true then, there really was no place like home. And after everything that they’ve been through, Tine is so happy that he’s found his home in Sarawat. 
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Hiiii ☺️ I saw your requests are open and I was wondering if you would consider writing this one. The devilgram’s story for Lucifer’s card in the last event is based on the fact that MC pretends to be his s/o to make his fans go away (even though they actually get tougher in the end). I would really like like it if you wrote about a female MC genuinely being in love with Lucifer when he makes the proposal. You can choose wether to make it more angsty of fluffy. Thank you so much 😊
A/N: Sorry for the late post! Please enjoy.
By the way, to those unaware of this specific event card, basically Lucifer has problems with his fans and asks the MC to act as his lover to ward them off. I forgot how it originally ended though and what it was named ... Do pardon this old lady T.T 
You shouldn’t have agreed to this. But when did you ever say no to Lucifer?
“Will you do it?” You recalled his face, full of expectation, and his hand waiting for you. What else was there to do?
From the first moment you saw him you knew you liked him, and then with each passing day after that your feelings became deeper and more troublesome. Lucifer was a demon and one of the most powerful figures in Devildom too, so you had no choice but to bury your infatuation. You were “family” and as long as you could stand by his side that was fine.
So when he asked you to act as his lover “to ward off the pests” as Barbatos had eloquently put it, you agreed almost immediately. You wanted to help him in any way you could.
“Is something bothering you?” Lucifer asked.
You’ve spent the last twelve days glued to each other’s side and right now he was escorting you to your classroom.
You smiled at him, “I’m fine.”
“… It’s no use lying to a demon, unless I’m Mammon it won’t work.”
You chuckled, feeling a little bad for Mammon. “I’m not lying,” you said as you looked down on your linked arms. “I was just thinking.”
Lucifer was quiet, waiting for you to explain.
“Am I really helping?” You asked him.
“If you’re asking if the number of pes–people that ambush me has diminished ever since you started pretending to be my lover, then I can safely say that it has. Though there are still some persistent exceptions, don’t worry. Most lower level demons are fickle. They’ll get tired eventually”
And by then … would you two still need to pretend?
When you reached the classroom, the remaining students left in the hallways did not even bother to try and be discreet as they watched you two.
As always, Lucifer performed his role as “the perfect boyfriend” flawlessly. With smooth movements, he unhooked your arms, took your hand, bowed, and brought your knuckles to his lips.
“Have a nice day, my dear.” He murmured, looking up at me through half-lidded eyes.
And he complains about being popular, you thought bitterly.
“Enough!” Belphegor and Asmo burst through the door and then pulled you away from Lucifer.
“Don’t you have classes? Just leave already!” Belphegor demanded while Asmo made a shooing motion with his hand.
“Lately, it seems like my brothers have become more brazen,” said Lucifer. He wore a smile but the air around him was dead-cold. But just as his two brothers began to hide behind me, he looked at me expectantly. “Well, good luck with school. I’ll see you later.” And with that, he left.
The endless harassment from the brothers and piercing glares from jealous classmates ended with the booming lunch bell. You sprinted out the room before Belphie or Asmo could grab hold of you (Belphie was still recovering from his nap and Asmo was flirting with everyone).
Lucifer usually ate lunch alone or with Diavolo while discussing student council matters, and you didn’t want to eat at the cafeteria where other people would continue to bother you.
You hurried to the roof where you sealed the doors using an enchanted brooch. (It was a gift from Solomon, why he would give you one in the first place was a mystery though. But he did say that it was “to protect oneself from thirsty demon brothers at night” whatever that meant.)
“That’s a nice piece of jewelry, human.” Growled a voice from behind you. You shivered but calmed down when he started to chuckle.
“Not funny, Satan! I thought you were an actual thug.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, but his grin said otherwise.
“Why’re you even here?”
“I was here first, I should be asking you that.”
“I needed a break.”
Satan sat on a bench and patted the space next to him. “It’s hard being Lucifer’s ‘lover’, huh?”
You decided to ignore his reluctant use of the word ‘lover’ and seated yourself by his side. “A little … ”
“Don’t sugarcoat it. No more than a week and even that stupid Mammon could tell you’re worn out.”
“I look that bad, huh?” You giggled, self-consciously brushing your hands over the circles of your eyes.
Satan hummed as he patted your wrists away from your face.
“A-anyway, did you have lunch yet?” You unfolded your handkerchief over your lap and laid your lunch box on it.
“Unfortunately, Beel managed to get his hands on my lunch this morning so I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast–what’s the matter?”
You had shut your lunch box close a split second after opening it. “Nothing. Looks like Beel ate mine too.” You began wrapping the box in clumsy speed, but Satan snatched it away from you.
“If that was the case then why the constipated face?”
You frowned. The resident detective had a way with words.
Satan rose to his feet before you could retrieve your pack and lifted the tin. Not even taking his narrowed eyes off the container, he growled, “This isn’t the first time this happened, correct?”
You gulped down a lump in your throat but found yourself unable to answer.
Clicking his tongue, Satan’s entire body shone green and when the light vanished you found him in his demon form. He was holding onto the container with such force you could see cracks in the plastic. Thinking fast, you slid yourself in front of him to block his view of the door.
“Get out of my way, [MC].”
You shook your head. “Not until you calm down.”
“I’ve been staying calm for weeks now. I bit my tongue when you started dating Lucifer and I turned a blind eye when the incidents started because you never brought it up, but I can see that that was a mistake on my part. You’ve only gotten thinner and more tired. Not to mention, this?” He slammed the lunch box on the ground, cracking both the container and the concrete floor. The contents–tiny centipedes and rotten lizard eggs spilled by your feet.
“Don’t tell me to stand down when you’re being treated like this.”
“Satan,” you repeated more firmly, forcing him to look at you. “I’m angry, too, but nothing good will come out of acting petty. As a human representative, I don’t want to cause unnecessary trouble.” Times like this you were amazed at the similarities between teenage demons and teenage humans. Actually, these petty harassments resembled cliche manga tropes more than anything. The situation was almost amusing.
“No threat has been made to my life, these bullies will eventually get tired,” you insisted.
Satan watched you silently, then he transformed. You were shocked with how fast he complied.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he sighed. He flicked his wrist and the lunchbox flew back on his palm, with the less-than-appetizing contents securely locked inside. “If it’s you, I’ll listen. So when you change your mind–”
“I’ll rush to you for help.” Not wanting to raise suspicion, you then quickly added, “After I go to my boyfriend, of course.” You reached for the lunchbox.
Satan’s hands covered your own.
He had a far-off look in his eye as he continued to stare at your hands.
“Hey … once you get tired of Lucifer, how about becoming mine?”
“I won’t let anyone bully you and I’ll always eat lunch with you, so what do you say?”
This was getting awkward. Thank goodness your D.D.D. rang before the silence dragged on.
You pulled back your arms. “Don’t even joke about that,” you tried to sound lighthearted but the trembling in your voice only made the air more awkward, so you unsealed the door and ran down the stairs.
Lately, all the brothers were acting weird. Mammon only spoke in canine growling and camped inside your room before Lucifer kicked him out, Beel would pile his own food on your plate, Asmo insisted on sending you expensive clothes and accessories, Levi now physically dragged you into his room to play games instead of just texting like he usually does, and Belphie was often found passed out near your bedroom or Lucifer’s. Now it was Satan’s bad sense of humor.
You thought you knew these boys…
With a sigh, you answered your D.D.D.
“Hello, dear.”
The awkwardness from the earlier conversation with Satan has completely vanished with the sound of Lucifer’s voice.
“H-hi, Lucifer!” That came out louder than expected.
He chuckled and you had to grab the handrail to keep your free hand from smacking your face.
“Did you have lunch yet?”
“Huh? Oh … not yet.” You decided to tell the truth because Lucifer had a knack for figuring out whether you’ve had a proper meal or not. It probably came with being the eldest of eight children.
“My meeting with Diavolo finished earlier than expected. Do you want to eat at the cafeteria?”
“Yes, of course!” You dork, you thought.
Lucifer laughed again, probably aware of your blushing face.
“All right. I’ll pick you up–”
“No, I’ll go to you please wait for me. The cafeteria is probably less crowded now so you go ahead and save us a seat.”
“I’ll see you then.”
You put away your D.D.D. and skipped several steps down the stairs. This wasn’t the first time you would be eating with Lucifer (and only with him) but you get giddy each time.
“Look at this one acting like a kid.”
A horrible voice spoke out of nowhere as you hopped down.
“You don’t deserve Lucifer.”
“You deserve a lesson.”
Before you could move, an invisible force pushed your back and you tumbled downward.
“This is getting ridiculous, aren’t you the boyfriend?” Who was that? Oh, it was Mammon. You thought Lucifer had banned him from your bedroom. But wait, who’s he talking to?
“[MC] keeps losing weight and not in a good way. Do you even understand what’s going on?” It was Asmo’s.
“Shut up, all of you. You’re gonna wake [MC] with all your racket.” Huh, it was rare to hear Belphie getting worked up.
Your head was aching and it took a full minute before you realized you were half-asleep.
As if knowing that you were more or less aware, a familiar hand caressed your face and a deep voice called your name.
After a few seconds of struggling, you opened your eyes and found Lucifer hovering over you.
Is this what Snow White felt when she woke to that kiss? He didn’t kiss me but still … Seeing someone this beautiful would bring the saddest soul back from the grave. I don’t care what happens next, please just stay like this with me …
You had begun fangirling before you realized it.
“Your nose is bleeding.” Lucifer produced a handkerchief from his breast pocket and pressed it gently on your nose.
“Is that so … ” Whatever, you could die right now and it would be all right. Suddenly, your peaceful daze was broken by the sudden uproar from the rest of the brothers.
“What the hell! Gross, you guys are gross!”
“Stop acting like a couple in front of us!”
“You make me sick, happy normies are the worst!”
“Shut up, all of you,” Lucifer commanded, still holding the handkerchief on your face.
The brothers did quiet down but they still shook with rage.
“Hey,” Mammon muttered lowly, “who did this to you?”
You held the handkerchief on your own but Lucifer didn’t pull away from you. “I honestly don’t know. I was hop–walking down the stairs when I heard random voices. The voices were … how do I put this … muddled? Like multiple voices from different people were put on top of each other.”
“What did they say?”
“Nothing much. Just the textbook Mean Girl stuff.” When met with silent, confused gazes, you explained, “You know basic insults like: ‘you’re acting like a kid’ and ‘you deserve a lesson’ or something like that.”
“And you didn’t see anyone?”
You shook your head.
The brothers exchanged worried glances. Lucifer sighed, “It will take a while but we will find who did this, don’t worry.”
You grinned. “I’m not.” You really weren’t. You live with these seven demon brothers and even stood against a raging Lucifer twice. The harassments from Lucifer fans were cute in comparison.  
You then realized that all eyes were on you. You shrunk back in your bed, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “What is it?”
“Hey … ” Mammon started, “Why don’t you two just break up?”
Your mood made a 180 and you jumped up, but before you could speak, Satan cut you off, “You said not to worry because there weren’t any risky events, but today’s incident is proof that Lucifer’s fans won’t stop unless you’re other dead or broken up.”
“I agree, besides it’s not a big deal, right?” Belphie said. “After all you two were just pretending.”
How did they find out?
As if reading your mind, Asmo answered, “We had an argument while the doctor treated you, Lucifer was forced to confess.” He turned to Lucifer “And since this is Lucifer’s problem, let’s leave him to handle it. Alone. Break up already.”
A chorus of yeah’s and nodding followed from the rest. You clenched your fists and spoke up, “None of this is Lucifer’s fault, I agreed to it!”
“Ha! Knowing Lucifer he didn’t leave room for rejection.” Mammon was being surprisingly logical. However …
“I wouldn’t know, as if I would ever say no to Lucifer!”
Everyone including Lucifer retreated wide-eyed.
“And I appreciate your concern but I can take care of myself, I accepted everything because I didn’t want to be another headache to Lucifer, unlike you guys!” You were talking way too much and way too fast. Head spinning, you rambled on, “If it bothers you all that much, I’ll do something! I’ll go to Solomon and–and ask him for more protection spells and whatever! But don’t ask me to break up with Lucifer because when will I ever get the chance to go on dates and hold hands and walk together and–and I–and I … !” You were too out of breath to continue. And when you finally calmed down you screamed internally and dove under the white blanket of the cot.
Lucifer ordered the others to leave you two alone. Hearing the click of the clinic door, you dreaded of what was to come. You heard him call your name but you remained buried under the blanket.
You prayed to anyone who would listen to split open the ground and swallow you whole. Anything to avoid Lucifer’s disgusted face.
You felt him sit down on the edge of the cot and heard your name again.
“Would you please look at me?”
You shook your head furiously.
“… but it’s always best to look in a person’s eye when conversing, don’t you agree?” Yes. But you were too red and full of shame.
“Hey, [MC] … ” He leaned over your body and his lips pressed against the fabric over your ear, his breath melted your insides with each word, “I like you, too.”
What? Did you hear that right?
“I like you a lot actually, so would it be okay if I asked you to be mine … for real this time?”
Your grip on the blanket loosened. “I … I … hey!” The fabric flopped down on the tiled floor. You then found yourself flipped on your back with Lucifer on top of you. 
He was smirking as he grabbed your chin. “As if I’d ever let you say no now.”
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pseudospectre · 5 years ago
Had a conversation recently with some friends about how stories with a heaven/hell dynamic love the idea of fallen angels, but I’ve never seen anything that goes the opposite direction. So I wrote one.  It’s been a long long time since I’ve written anything so please forgive the quality, it was just a quick bit of fun. :)
I fell for a reason. I burned for a reason. I remember so little of my previous life, so many years, even centuries ago, but I remember that much.  I have no tragic story of innocence betrayed or manipulated, no heart-wrenching tale of self-sacrifice or loss. I was just, as they say, a bastard. That’s all I can tell you, all that survived the fire, so to speak.
They’ll tell you, gleefully, about the hopelessness, when your soul arrives after judgment and they offer you a position. This is all there is left, they say. You are lost, you are evil, this is all you deserve for eternity. Most damned souls don’t truly understand, in my experience. Everyone believes, to some degree, that they were at least all right, in the end. And they fight the idea of damnation and punishment, think somehow that resisting the new temptation and heading to their torment is somehow going to prove that, or help. As if they can weasel out, eventually, if they aren’t contracted. It always seemed remarkably shortsighted; of course you can’t. I already enjoyed the cruelty, I knew what it meant, so the opportunity to spare myself the pain in return for causing it? Well, what is a demon if not selfish? I was fine with the requirements, already there and unsaveable, it’s not like it can be worse? You can either suffer or be a part of the system, and I made a damn good demon. A little hell humor. And that’s supposed to be all there was, the end, fin.
Turns out, they don’t quite give you all of the information
What you need to understand is that there’s a lot of misinformation out there about how all this is set up. Most beliefs have some concept of punishment or reward, but strictly speaking, we’re not really associated with any one in particular. Funnily enough, it has more to do with your social beliefs than whether or not there’s a god. Nobody gives a fuck who’s name you take in vain, for example; it’s all about balance. And there are absolutely folks that fill the roles of what you’d call god or the devil, make no mistake. The cultures that talk about weighing souls have that part the closest, although it’s a hell of a lot more complicated than that, ha. Not that I cared at the time, but actions, with very few exceptions, cannot be good or bad in and of themselves. Something you do nice for someone could in fact have a negative result for someone else down the line, unintentionally or unknowingly. All of that has to be carefully picked apart and scrutinized to truly reach a conclusion, and I’ve even seen a net “loss” overall be rewarded and net gains get descended, based on factors even I don’t understand. Wasn’t my job; I didn’t judge, I just turned the screws on the ones they sent me. But as with any large-scale operation, it’s not infallible. I know it seems like it ought to be, but here we are. Hell, here I am. The thing is, it’s a lot easier to correct an accidental reward than an accidental punishment, because everyone down there wails their innocence. No one believes them, of course, they all think that. There’s no point in following up, usually. Mostly, souls I worked on were one of two things: screamers (self explanatory) or talkers. Talkers are the ones who still think they can wheedle their way out, or want to share their life story again, hoping they can find a loophole or something to get them out. Some of those souls had been there longer than I had, sometimes; pitiful. Didn’t matter to me, I was having a gre- well, it was a time. And then I was passed a recent acquisition for punishment; not that uncommon, although by then I usually mostly had the old-timers who needed the skills of someone who really knew their stuff. But this soul? 
Completely silent.
Really. Didn’t make a sound. Threw me for a huge loop, centuries as a literal nightmare and suddenly, no begging, no crying, nothing. Not even if I taunted, not even when I got started. And in that moment, it became the worst day of my afterlife-me, a piece of shit human voluntarily gone horrifying demon. Because I felt something. First mistake. If I’d stopped there things might have gone on without changing, but I was never what you might have called smart. Average is probably being generous. But I was so bowled over by that little spark of whatever it was-I couldn’t even recognize that it was an emotion, isn’t that sad?- that I made my next mistake: I asked why. Turned out I’d been handed my first actual misjudgment, this poor thing never protested a single action since they got here, never once defended themselves. They’d convinced themselves in life so completely that this is what they would deserve, that they just didn’t have any desire to try to fight it. I asked what they’d been judged for, and they just looked at me, and said they were ready. But when I pushed (at that point I was panicking over whatever was happening in my brain and figured I could count more questions as emotional manipulation or baiting or something) they didn’t list a single thing I had ever heard of stacking up to damnation. Someone at the gates really fucked up, in other words. Someone came in shortly after that and whisked them off, everyone had a good laugh over it for weeks after, jeering and asking me how much I got to put them through before they got picked back up. It should have been easy to join in- before this I would have been in the center of the mockery, but something was wrong, that flare was still inside me and I was having trouble handling it. You ever have a secret and you’re just sure everyone knows what it is just by looking at you? It was like that. And eventually I figured out that’s all it was, just a little bitty emotion, but that almost made it worse because it wasn’t supposed to be there; from what I even knew how all this demon shit worked in the first place, I was pretty sure it wasn’t even possible! But all I had to do to go back to my routine was ignore it, suppress it, reject it. Easy peasy, I’m a goddamn senior demon.
Except, to my shame, I couldn’t let it go. Does that even make sense, a demon feeling shame? Pretty sure that’s what it was at that point. But it was like having a little secret treasure that no one else could see. I would hide it, and then in little moments alone or whatever, bring it out and feel. I didn’t have the context anymore at the time, but now I can compare it to having lived in the dark and suddenly feeling a moment of sun. I had felt sorry for the soul, for just a moment! And the thing about emotions, they can grow the more you think about them. And I started thinking about it a lot. And then I started feeling happy (the horror!) that the mistake was caught and they got to leave. In case it’s unclear, feeling stuff like that for non hell-related reasons makes it pretty hard to do demony things. And if you remember, I’d never felt a whole lot of that kind of thing even before I got here. I literally tortured the souls of the damned, how do you do that when you start feeling sorry for them? But that little crack of light inside me, the shard of humanity, started bring back memories, or at least concepts, from when that’s all I was, and I suddenly started recognizing them as lost. And it hurt? And for the first time, I was mourning. After all, damned is forever. A demon is forever. So I was some weird fluke who caught some feels somehow, it couldn’t change that. But, you know, when your work starts to suffer, people start to notice. They started to talk. And they were right, my game was slipping hard. I felt bad! After a while I couldn’t just not say anything to the ones who just barely tipped the scales! As secretly as I could, I was giving them comfort. And I had to defend myself from my superiors over stuff I couldn’t stomach anymore but had to keep up with, or risk getting kicked back down. The wildest part was, my first thought about losing status wasn’t to save my own skin, of course not….now I was thinking about what the folks I got to talk to would do without those brief moments of respite I’d been passing out.
Point is, I was a demon who didn’t want to be a demon anymore, after centuries of not giving a fuck, and knowing full well that I was solidly fucked and that this was only going to get worse. I was miserable, but I still couldn’t put away the way the tiniest good feelings and I hoarded my experiences like someone who’s drowning clings to a raft. Except this raft was ruining my afterlife, and I didn’t really care for some reason. But I wanted to do my best, and not in the way I was used to. I had no idea what was going to happen but it probably was never going to get better.
But then, the crossroads.
Not the regular demony kind of crossroads. Oh no, I got stuck with the moral kind, although I didn’t realize what it was going to mean at the time. It had gotten bad enough for me that I was back to working under supervision, just like old times, the bad ones from when demons are just getting started. It was hard to do much that way but I’d figured out that even just smiling helps some people apparently? Or at least, once I first figured out how to smile so that they knew it wasn’t a threat. You ever seen a demon? I was not precisely what most people would prefer to look at with any expression. But it was already a hell of a day (more jokes!) and I was apparently near a limit I wasn’t aware of, and we got assigned a new soul. A new soul who didn’t say a word, just like where all of this began. And my supervison grinned at me, and snarled, and raised an arm, and I didn’t even have time to register that I had stepped between them to take the blow. Cheesy, I know. But there was a sound like one of those big industrial light switches snapping off, and it felt like time stopped or something. Maybe it did, I’m still not sure. But the literal, actual judges showed up. I was relieved someone got there so fast before anything else happened, I hadn’t even thought about what was going to happen to me yet. Proof positive I was completely broken by then, hadn’t even thought about my own skin yet. A couple of the judges took the soul away, and I waited for my bosses to show, but the judge still standing there was just watching me. After a moment, they said “Are you coming, or not?”
I don’t think I was processing yet, but I think that’s probably all I actually said. So they gave me a look like you give to the dumbest guy in the room (I’m familiar with it) and said “Are. You coming? You have work to do. Unless you really think you’d prefer to stay?”
“Coming to what? You already picked up the error, it’s not me. Why would they let me leave, anyway? Not that I’m in a hurry to get my asskicking for this.”
There’s that look again. “Then don’t stay for it, they have no claim at the moment. Your balance tipped. Your call, stay, or take your out and rise.”
First time I’d ever heard that word. “……Rise?”
“Yes, rise. I suppose they wouldn’t want it to be common knowledge around here; then again, it means the few cases we get tend to be pretty solidly legitimate. Angels can fall, after all….why couldn’t a demon rise?”
“Sorry, got brimstone in my ears or something, are you telling me, of all creatures, that I’m heading upwards?” I definitely laughed. Demon laughter is very unpleasant. Recognizing this when you’re the one laughing is not fun.
“Something like that. As I said, your call. If you still prefer all of this for eternity, by all means, stick around.”
And that’s how I found out risen demons are a thing.
It’s not easy, no longer being of hell but not being of heaven, but it’s probably easier than you might expect. People think about heaven and hell in terms of punishment and reward, and while this is mostly true, like I said before, it’s really more about balance. The slate’s not wiped clean, but it’s not like I have some impossible restrictive rules that set me up to fail, it’s not like one tiny slip will shoot me back to the inferno, but I have bosses who check in now and then, keep tabs. And they’re here to help me, I’m not just stranded to make my own way. I’m not human, but I’m probably closer to that than I am to angel or demon anymore. And I gotta say, I look a whole lot better. I still put most people off at first, at least a little, but I’m way less spiky and you know. Fewer teeth, fewer arms, that kind of thing. But I guess you could say I’m doing pretty well now, dragging my way back to something I’m not sure I ever was, to be honest. I’m grateful for the chance.
And I’m looking forward to seeing who I can drag along with me, and that part feels pretty good.
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thevaultturtle · 5 years ago
Fallout Love Languages
Fallout 4 Human and Synth Companions + Maxson 
Happy Valentine's Day! Based on Chapman's Five Love Languages, which can technically be romantic or platonic, but we'll be using them in a romantic sense here! Let me know if you want anyone added to the list! 
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The main thing with Cait is that any partner, or hell, even just an acquaintance, will have to prove themselves to her, whether they're romantically involved with her or not. If there is romance involved, though, it will be a lot harder to do this, because she doesn't exactly trust others in general, and she sure as hell isn't too keen to trust someone with her heart. It's going to take a lot of time and effort to earn her trust and a place in her heart, and her main love languages are quality time and acts of service. When someone is trying to prove themselves to Cait, they've got to stay with her as much as they can; they can't just up and leave her for any random reason, or else she might feel they've abandoned her. If they do need to leave her for a bit, they'll have to give her a good reason for doing so, and she'll still have some doubts in them until they actually come back to her like they said they would. The more time spent with her, the better, and while this won't exactly be 'quality time’ at first, it will lead to it, because she will start to open up to them, especially if they include some acts of services for her during this initial time period. The services don't have to be anything too elaborate, so long as they prove that she can trust her partner in some way or another.  
Curie just loves love. Loving someone, being loved by somebody- all of it is just so mesmerizing for her. Having the capacity to love is new to her, and she wants to explore it to its full extent. She will gladly express and receive love however she can, and no matter which love language that happens through, she will be utterly enthralled by it. The simplest tough, like holding hands, hugging, or even just brushing her hand against her partner as she passes them will leave her giddy for hours, and each word of endearment, whether written or spoken, will be memorized and cherished for eternity. Each act of service will be fawned over and reciprocated in tenfold, each gift will be treated and preserved for as long as possible, and she will forever be grateful for each minute that her partner spends with her. Since love is so new to her, she doesn't fully understand it, but all that does is ignite her curiosity and obsession with it even further. Needless to say, her relationship with her partner will never be short on expressions of love, of all kinds.  
Acts of service and touch are his two primary love languages. Danse certainly doesn't mind being shown love in other ways, but the time, thought, and effort that acts of service require are what he really needs to see to believe that someone’s feelings for him are real, and that’s also the sentiment that he uses when showing love for someone else. He'll appreciate anything that his partner does for him, no matter how big or small the act may be, and he gives back as good as he gets. The touch aspect won't really come into play until later, because he has to be really comfortable with someone before he's willing to open up to them about this side of himself. The type of touch that he uses to convey his feeling is by no means causal, nor is it inherently sexual; it's intimate and vulnerable, which are two things that people wouldn't normally associate with Danse, and he certainly wouldn't associate them with himself, either, which is why he's a bit embarrassed by this aspect of his character. Still, the thought of being able hold onto his partner for as long as he wants to, the apocalyptic world around them merely an afterthought while they were together, is something that Danse truly cherishes, even if it also flusters him to no end.  
Deacon is a bit more complicated to read when it comes to his love language, but quality time would probably be his primary love language, with touch and words of affirmation secondary to that. Words of affirmation only work one way with him, and that's when receiving love. He's not exactly in denial when it comes to the fact that he's a liar, so even if he doesn't mind having love expressed to him that way, he's too self-aware and respectful of his partner to try to express his love to them in that manner. Touch is also a bit iffy with him, because he has some very mixed feelings about it. He does not like to be touched on a regular basis; it's too intimate and it's too real for his taste, so his love for someone would have to be extremely strong for him to get to the point of letting them touch him in any sort of intimate or loving manner, but once he gets to that point, he'll go all in with it. His main way of expressing love, though, is through quality time. Deacon, on a regular, daily basis, is a runner. At the first sign of danger, or if he even gets a hint that something will make him uncomfortable, he's gone, Stealth Boy on, out of sight and mind. The fact that he ignores that urge to run for his partner really speaks volumes for how strongly he feels about them, especially once he realizes that he's starting to get romantic feelings for them, because nothing scares Deacon more in this world than love.  
Little did we all know, there's actually a sixth love language: chems. Just plain old chems, all day, every day, and that's the only kind of love that Hancock subscribes to. Obviously, this is just a joke, although the act of giving someone chems could count as gift giving (although that is a very nefarious gift), and while Hancock certainly wouldn't mind that one bit, he generally prefers to show and receive love through words of affirmation and quality time. Hancock just plainly likes to be around the people that he cares about, whether that’s romantically or platonically. It helps to set the atmosphere for him; if he's around people that he trusts and he's comfortable with, and he can cut loose with them to his heart’s content, then he knows that he's bound to have a good time, no matter what happens, and if he's around someone that he's in love with, well, that feeling and that atmosphere gets a whole lot better. When it comes to words of affirmation, Hancock only surrounds himself with people that he can trust and take their word for what it is, or he can at least read them well enough to know when they're bullshitting him. The same goes for his romantic partner, so when they say that they love him, he knows that they mean it, even if they don't say it directly.  
It would be a disservice to the surprising sweetness of RJ MacCready if gift giving wasn't mentioned here, and obviously his gifts hold great value in one way or another. Needless to say, if he's willing to give someone the carved wooden soldier that was made and given to him by someone who meant the world to him, the mother of his son no less, then there’s no don't that they mean a hell of a lot to him. Based on this, he obviously knows that even the smallest of objects can have the greatest of values, so he's perfectly fine with being shown love this way, as well. If the gift means a lot to his partner, then it'll mean even more to him. He also expresses and wants to be shown love through acts of service, which is actually a pretty common thing among people in the Wasteland. In this apocalyptic hellscape, just backing somebody up can go such a long way, and if you actively try to make someone's life easier (which is almost impossible with all of the horrors in the world) and you’re willing to risk your life for them, then that really speaks volumes to how much you care for them, and MacCready, like most Wastelanders, is perfectly aware of that fact.  
Nick Valentine 
Look, Nick is an old-fashioned kind of guy, so he doesn't exactly try to limit how he expresses his love, and in fact, he makes an active effort not to. His partner will experience all five of the love languages while they're with this classy detective through words of affirmation that are just as classy and endearing as he is, through acts of service that could touch even the coldest of souls because of how thoughtful and helpful they are, through gifts that may be small but are still bound to bring a smile to their face, and through all of the time that he spends with them, his focus completely on them, when not even his work can drag his attention away from them. The only one that he's a little iffy on is touch, which isn't because he has some sort of aversion to touch or anything like that, but it's more or less because of his body. He’s in a very peculiar situation: he’s a synth with the memories of man, with a fully robotic body, who knows he's a synth, and is self-aware enough to know that those memories aren't and were never really his. It's a setup that makes something as simple as touch a bit more complicated. For one, he doubts that it's comfortable for his partner whenever he touches them, but even beyond that, reaching out to touch someone, expecting to feel the warmth of their skin beneath your fingertips, knowing what it's supposed to feel like but not experiencing that because all you've got is a cold, numb robotic hand…Nick accepted what he was a long time ago, but one of the few things that makes him regret that is not being able to experience touch like the original Nick did.  
Old Longfellow 
With Old Longfellow, you won't be able to get by with cheap words or fancy gifts (although he wouldn't mind being given a good drink on occasion). He's okay with touch, but when it boils down to it, this old man likes to show and receive love through quality time and acts of service. Words are meaningless unless you back them up with actions, so anyone trying to win Old Longfellow’s heart better be ready to work day in, day out to prove to him that their feelings are genuine. This is a give and take situation, though, because Old Longfellow isn't going to just sit back and watch while someone busts their ass for him. If the feelings are mutual or there’s at least potential for them to be, then every act of service that they do will be reciprocated in kind. He's certainly more prone to larger acts of service, ones that have more stake attached to them, like looking out for his partner during combat, getting them out of harm’s way, and even going into a dangerous situation in their stead, but he'll also throw in a few small things here and there, like taking a longer watch so they can sleep a bit longer, going through the nastier bits of scavenging so they don’t have to, and so on. The quality time comes in because he's of the mind that if you can't stand to be around each other for an extended period of time, then what's the point?  
Anyone trying to show Piper some love might find themselves in a bit of a predicament, because her primary love language is words of affirmation, and seeing as she's a bit of a wordsmith herself as well as a secret romantic at heart, it can be a bit hard to impress her with this. Now, don't take this the wrong way, because she will truly appreciate and cherish every caring word that her partner sends her way and she knows that they truly mean them, but she does dream of grand love confessions, of the most poetic and epic variety. If her partner isn't able to give her something like that, it's fine, but she'll still keep dreaming about it. Beyond that, though, she also likes to spend a lot of quality time with her partner, and she could honestly listen to them talk all day if she had the chance to, no matter what subject their words turned to. It doesn't just have to be the two of them, either. She'd love to spend time with both her partner and with Nat, as a family.  
Porter Gage 
Gage is a bit…unconventional when it comes to love, as one would probably expect. His main love language is acts of service, which sounds fine enough on the surface, but the acts that he dishes out and wants in return aren't exactly 'small’ or ' innocent', and they aren’t always gentle in nature, either. It's more about what they can do for him and what he can do for them in turn, mainly in the terms of building each other up to survive. Since the Wasteland is such a difficult place to survive in, that love can be a bit tough at times, and given Gage’s distrust towards most people, it could also end up costing somebody else their life. Gage would literally kill for his partner, and he expects the same in return. He also knows that money goes a long way when it comes to survival, so his acts of service also include helping to build each other to success, in the way of getting as many caps as possible, and as much power as possible. It’s relatively sweet overall, just in a bit of a twisted way. He is also quite fond of material possessions, particularly the expensive kind, so his secondary love language is gift giving. His gifts will be practical to some extent, but the expense is slightly more important to him.  
Preston Garvey 
Oh, sweet Preston is just so open to love in any way, shape, or form, but he does have a preference for touch and quality time. He knows that in the Wasteland, you have to hold on to the ones that you love, that every moment with them is precious because tomorrow is never a guarantee, so he wants to be with his partner as much as possible, spending time with them, talking about everything and nothing, holding them, feeling them against him so he knows that they're really there, feeling their warmth so he knows that they're still alive and safe in his arms. It’s a sentiment that only grew stronger after the massacre at Quincy, and he lives with the constant fear that something like that will happen again, that he won’t be strong enough to stop it and that his partner will suffer for that weakness. It’s a fear that makes him hold onto his partner even tighter, and his heart breaks each time that he has to let them go, but it also drives him to get stronger, to be better so that a massacre of that caliber never torments the Commonwealth again while it’s under his watch, and so his partner can live as safely as possible.
Well, this is a bit of tough one. Is X6-88 capable of love? It’s certainly not a synth thing given some of the previous entries on this list, but it is a him thing. X6 doesn’t exactly present himself as being a caring individual, but he does show some human qualities, like being afraid of heights, and he does seem to at least greatly respect the Sole Survivor if they max out his affinity, so we’ll just give him the benefit of the doubt. As for how he would express that love, or the manner in which he would want it expressed to him…words of affirmation and acts of service? One thing is for certain about X6, and that is the fact that he’s very direct in just about everything that he does. It’s the most efficient way of doing things, so he’d probably want to be efficient in expressing love, as well, and words of affirmation is probably the most direct way that he could do that. A simple ‘I love you’ would probably suffice for him. As for the acts of service, putting forth the effort to keep somebody alive means a lot coming from him, especially if it wasn’t something that he was ordered to do.
Based on his background, it doesn’t really seem like Maxson is too familiar with affection. For his own safety, his mother sent him off at a young age, and he was raised around soldiers who were more concerned with training him over anything else, and then when you consider how young he was when he became Elder and how much of his time was taken up by that…yeah, he hasn’t had a whole lot of love or affection in his life. Because of that, he’s just happy to finally have someone who shows him genuine warmth, and simple expressions of love are really all that he wants and needs. Another side effect of this is that he can be a bit awkward when it comes to expressing love, but he tries. And since simple is the way to go, simple words of affirmation will mean the world to him. He mainly just wants to hear how his partner feels about him, but compliments and whatnot would be fine, too, so long as they’re more personal and not tied to his position as Elder. The reason for this is because everyone under his command commends him on his leadership on a daily basis, and he’d just rather hear something more personal from his partner. Simple acts of physical affection and touch also work really well with him.
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