#and they should gossip about boys and their COs
remholder · 2 years
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be bisexual, eat hot chip, and lie
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linkonlceleste · 7 months
LnD boys- How they would save your name in phone (+ a scenario)
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Disclaimer- apologies for grammar mistakes and if my writing is not upto how the characters react/behave.Just an example ,not implying this to be the exact name they'd save.
Zayne - "Mine"
Once during a meeting,he left his phone on the meeting table.Some of his co-workers noticed his phone ringing(you were the one who called) and didn't know whose phone it was.One coworker said ,"I think it's Dr.Zayne's phone". Another co-worker peeked at the phone and scoffed saying,"No way!,he would never save someone's name as 'mine'". And as everyone were agreeing and gossiping ,they saw zayne entering the room .He swiftly took the exact phone they were talking about,attended the call casually and walked away.Everyone in that meeting room were silent ,some staring at each other ,some jawdropped,while some were laughing in disbelief.
Xavier - "My star"
Jeremiah noticed Xavier walking back and forth with his phone in his hand."What's wrong, Xavier?",he asked with a bit of concern and glanced at his phone which Xavier immediately hid away from him.Still, Jeremiah noticed a few words in the beginning such as 'To my star', 'I'm sorry', ' please'. He laughed asking,"Pfft,what's that long para you're writing?,to my star? Who's that? And an apology letter? Why, what did you do? Tell me tell me". Jeremiah shooted so many questions and despite knowing who was his 'star',he teased Xavier ,who was annoyed by jeremiah's behaviour.He was writing an apology message to you, probably because he ignored you and went to a dangerous mission alone.
Rafayel - "My muse"
Thomas dashed into Rafayel's art studio, frustrated that he ignored his own as well as the client's calls.He saw rafayel who was busy playing with his paintbrush ."Mr.Rafayel ,How many times should we call you?! I know you might be busy thinking of ideas,but Can't you please take your call or message atleast once?!You know today's the deadline right?",as he kept ranting ,rafayel stroked a line in his painting unbothered.Thomas gave up and said rafayel one last time about the deadline and muttered as he left "Is there a day he attends a single person's call? Gosh".And as he was turning to leave,he saw rafayel's phone vibrating .The caller was 'my muse'. "Oh he definitely would ignore this too",before Thomas could finish thinking that,rafayel picked his phone cheerfully "MC! How was your day today?". Thomas was too stunned to speak.
A/N: Thank you for reading,take care :) ❤️
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alotofpockets · 6 months
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Meeting again | Part 1 | Leah Williamson x Reader
Where you take your son to Leah's book signing and you reconnect with your high school friend/crush.
Happy birthday to our blonde pookie!
Meeting again universe | Woso masterlist | Words: 2.7k
You were doing some work around the house when your ex called. “Hey Ryan, what’s up?” You say as you turn off the vacuum. “Hi y/n, I’m so sorry. I know that it’s my day, but I’m going to be stuck at work until late. Is there any way you can pick up Liam from school and take him to that book signing from Leah?” The two of you had gotten a divorce many years ago, when you had finally come to terms with your sexuality. Ryan had always been understanding, and now you were still friends, and co-parented your son Liam together. “Oh yeah, don’t worry, I can do that.” You could hear the relief in his voice. “Thank you so much, I owe you one. He has a half day, so he should be done at school in about an hour. I packed his Arsenal jersey and scarf, he wanted to wear them to the signing. Thank you again, I have to go. Send me pictures of the signing?”  Your kid would always be your number one priority, so you hung up the phone and got ready.
“Hey bud, your dad is stuck at work, so I’m going to take you to Waterstones later, is that okay?” The boy greeted you with a hug. “Yes, of course, you’ll get to see Leah again!” Back in high school you and Leah were very close, there was even some gossip about the two of you dating, but when you got wind of that you shut those rumours down quickly by starting a relationship with Ryan, a relationship that drove a wedge between your friendship with Leah. Your love for the women’s game continued to grow though, and you have supported Arsenal all your life, just like Leah. Liam fell in love with it too, and you often found yourself amongst the crowd of Arsenal WFC and Lionesses matches together. Liam was a smart kid, and after finding you looking at TikTok videos of Leah, he started asking questions. “Watch it, or we’re not going.” You said with a fake seriousness. Liam knew full well that it was an empty threat as you loved messing with him. 
You decided to make it a special day for your son, by taking him out for lunch before heading over to Waterstones. It was to no surprise to you that he wanted to go to his favourite restaurant. “Smile for your dad.” The boy looked up from his plate with a big grin on his face. Proudly wearing his Williamson jersey and his Arsenal scarf. 
The line at Waterstones was long, but you bought the book and joined the line together. You could tell he was excited just by the way his eyes lit up, and his smile was constantly present on his face. His excitement made you glad that you were able to join him on this occasion, but it didn’t trump your nerves of seeing Leah again. Of course, you had seen her play, but you were always just a person in the crowd, and now you were going to be face to face with the girl you’ve had a crush on since you were fifteen. 
Never in your life had you been so nervous to see someone from your past, but you set it aside for your son, this was his moment. Plus Leah would probably not even remember you, right? You were a nobody, and she was the England captain and the Arsenal co-captain. 
When it was your turn, Liam walked up to the signing table, while you stood back to take pictures. “Hi, what’s your name?” You heard the blonde ask your son. “I’m Liam, it’s very nice to meet you. My mom is a big fan of yours as well.” The sneaky little bastard, you thought as your eyes met Leah’s. Her eyes showed instant recognition. ‘Yours?’ she mouthed your way, and you answered with a nod. “It’s very nice to meet you too Liam, want to come over to this side for a picture?” Leah signed the book, and wrote something on one of the cards laying to the side as Liam made his way around the table. “I see you’re repping my jersey! You know what would go great with that?” He shook his head. “This new cap, would you like one?” Liam looked over to you with hopeful eyes, “Can I mom?” You smiled at the interaction between Leah and your son, “Yeah, of course.” He turned back to Leah, “Thank you so much!” The two posed for a picture. “Any time Liam. Here is your signed book, and could you please give this card to your mom?” He grinned big when he saw a written phone number on the back of the card. “Thank you Leah!”
“Mom! I got you her number, you have to call her!” You look at the card that Liam handed you ‘Would love to catch up, send me a text if you’re up for it :)’ along with her cell. You looked between the card and Leah, who shot you a smile before returning to the next person in line. “Please tell me you’re going to send her a text, please!” Liam was tired of always seeing you admire Leah from afar, and now that you had a real shot to reconnect with her, he wanted you to take it. Plus how cool would it be if his mom would go out with the Leah Williamson? You pocket the card, “Maybe later, you little snitch. I thought we had a deal.” You say playfully as you put your arm around his shoulder. Quite frankly it scared you a little to send her a text. “Let’s head home.”
When you got home you put Leah’s number in your phone and stared at the message screen forever, trying to decide what to text her. You really wanted to reconnect with her, but you also didn’t want to overcompensate, and ruin any chance you had. You settled on something simple, letting her make the next move.
You: Hi Leah, it’s y/n. It was good seeing you today, catching up sounds nice.
You hadn’t expected to get a message back from her so soon.
Leah: So glad we ran into each other. Talk about the details later?
The message notification was staring back at you, your heart was beating out of your chest simply from her message. You quickly put your phone away, without opening her message when Liam walks in. “Mom, you know that I want you to be happy right?” You nod, “Of course, I know that kiddo. What makes you say that?” He shrugs, “I just don’t want you to hold back because of me.” You shake your head, “You’re too smart. I love you, kiddo.” He hugs your side, “I love you too, mom.” 
The two of you were hanging out at home, when Ryan called again. “Hey, thank you for sending me those pictures. They really made my day, glad to see him so happy.” You notice the exhaustion behind his words, “Yeah of course, I don’t want you to miss out on stuff because of your job.” Liam was so important to the both of you, but your divorce had led to missing some things here and there, that you always tried to minimise together. “Speaking of work, I should be done around eight. You know I hate to ask, but-” You interrupted him, “You don’t have to ask, of course. Pick him up whenever you are done, okay?” You heard the relief in his voice, “Thank you. Can I talk to him for a moment?” You walk over to Liam and hand him the phone, “It’s your dad.” After handing him your phone, you give him some space to talk to his dad. 
You continued vacuuming since you weren’t done when you had to pick up Liam from school. So, you didn’t hear the interaction with Ryan, or when the call was over, and definitely not when you got another phone call. Liam looked at the contact and smirked to himself. When he realised you didn’t hear the phone call, he picked up himself. “Hi Leah, it’s Liam.” The girl had not expected your son to pick up, but she went with it anyway. “Hey Liam! How did you like the book signing?” He told her how much he enjoyed it before Leah continued with her questions. “I was looking for your mom, is she around?” If it were a video call, Leah would have seen the mischievous look in Liam’s eyes, but since it was a voice call he could hide behind the screen. “She is a little busy right now, but she said she wanted to invite you over for dinner tonight if you had time.” Leah knew she should’ve questioned it more, but she wanted to see you so badly, that she set up dinner plans with your son. 
Just ten minutes before Leah said she would be there Liam came walking up to you. “Hey mom, so I kind of invited Leah over for dinner tonight.” Never in your life had you turned around so quickly, “You did what?” You could not believe what your son had just told you. “She will be here in-” His sentence was interrupted by the doorbell. “Now.” He said with a big smile. You were frozen in place, Leah Williamson was at your door, and you were in sweats and a tank top, your hair a mess from the house work you had been doing for the past hour. “Are you going to let her in?” You turned to Liam, “You are going to be in so much trouble later.” Again, Liam knew there was no actual threat behind your words, because that’s not how you parented.
On your way to the door, you tried to quickly fix your hair. You open the door, “Oh hi Ryan, you’re here early.” He smiles back at you, “Yeah our last meeting got cancelled, sorry I didn’t let you know.” You shake your head, “No, no it’s okay. Liam, your dad is here!” The boy came running into his dad’s arms. “You’re here!” The bond between them was amazing, he truthly loved the both of you equally. “Have you had something to eat yet?” Liam shakes his head, “How does McDonald’s sound?” You grab Liam’s bag, and give him a quick kiss on his cheek, before waving the both of them off. 
As soon as you closed the door, you ran up the stairs to quickly get changed, and look more presentable. You had just finished doing your hair when your doorbell rang again. This time it was Leah standing on the other side of the door. “Hi Leah, come in.” She looked so beautiful in her simple white t-shirt and a pair of green cargo pants. “Hey y/n, thank you. No Liam?” She questioned when you walked her further into the house. “He wanted to be here but his dad came to pick him up a little bit ago. I’m sorry to say that McDonald’s has been picked over dinner with you.” You joke, hoping to make the moment a bit lighter. Hearing Leah’s laugh brought you back to those days where you would sit on the grass, and make fun of the boys on the football team. 
“So, Liam is a big fan of football then?” Leah started awkwardly. You loved talking about him, so you just started talking. “Yeah, I started taking him to matches when he was still a little baby. He loved it ever since, I can’t go to an Arsenal match without him nowadays. A gooner from the start, just like you.” Leah blushed slightly. “So, you’ve been coming to our matches all this time?” Now it was your turn to blush. “Maybe.” The both of you laugh. “Ryan surprisingly never got into football, so it’s been something I get to share with Liam.” The name you mentioned caught Leah’s attention. “Wait Ryan is Liam’s dad? You actually married high school Ryan?” You realised that bringing his name up was probably a mistake since he is what drove the two of you apart. “Oh yeah, high school Ryan indeed. Liam’s dad indeed, and I did marry him. We haven’t been married for like five years though.” 
Leah’s ears perk up at that. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” You shrug your shoulders, “It’s all good, it was time I finally figured out my sexuality. We’re still friends, and he's great with Liam. Anyways, how have you been?” The two of you start talking and catching up, and somehow even though more than a decade had passed and you had lived such different lives, it felt like you had never not known each other. 
You walk into the kitchen together, still talking, when the both of you start getting hungry. That is when you realise that you had to go to the grocery store today, and didn’t have much in the house. “So, confession time. I didn’t actually know you were coming over until Liam told me about ten minutes before you arrived.” Leah laughed, “I had a feeling the invite wasn’t extended by you, but I didn’t want the opportunity to go to waste.” You blush at her words. “I am very happy that you are here, don’t get me wrong. I was just not prepared. It was Ryan’s day with the kid, but he got stuck at work so I didn’t have a chance to go to the grocery store like I had originally planned. Let’s see, I have Potato Smileys, and literally nothing else. I am so sorry.” Leah did not care what you would eat one bit, she was just happy to be there with you. “Good thing I love Potato Smileys then!”
You shared a laugh at the situation and decided to make the best of it. While the Potato smileys were in the oven, you set the table with some condiments to go along with them. As you were waiting for the Smileys to cook, you and Leah fell back into conversation. You were reminiscing over old times, and shared stories from the past years since. It was easy talking to her, it really felt like no time had passed.
Once you were done with dinner, you moved to the living room where you each found a comfortable place on the couch to continue catching. Before you realised it, hours had passed by. Leah looked at her watch, and noticed the time first. “Oh it’s late, I hadn’t realised so much time had passed.” You glance at the clock yourself, “Wow, yeah it is. I’m really glad you came over tonight, catching up with you has been great.” Leah smiled in return, “Yes it was, I’ve missed this. I hope we can hang out again soon!” You walk her to the door, “For sure! Liam and I will be at the match Sunday, maybe we can do something after? If you don’t mind him tagging along of course.” Her smile grew big, “I would love that, and for Liam to tag along always!”
As you said goodbye, and Leah got into her car you couldn’t help but feel hopeful for what the future might hold. Just having Leah back into your life in whatever way possible made you extremely happy. Tonight had been so nice, and you really wanted to see Leah again soon, Sunday didn’t feel soon enough. So, you decided to send her a message. You felt less nervous sending this message than the one this afternoon, but still there were some nerves.
You: Would you maybe want to grab a coffee sometime this week? I’d love to meet up sooner than Sunday.
As you were getting ready to go to bed, your phone dinged with a new message.
Leah: I know a great spot! Are you free tomorrow?
You smiled at the text, Leah proposing tomorrow had to mean she wanted to see you again soon too, right? You quickly let her know you’re free, before sending her a goodnight message and calling it a night. Though, your mind kept you up for a while longer, not wanting to let go of today just yet.
Continue reading part 2!
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rotthepoet · 1 month
Lorenzo berkshire arranged marriage 😝
Okay okay so like??? How did we end up in this situation??? Because you knew Lorenzo in school but that man was a BITCHHHHHHH okay? Like he was a DICK and not someone you ever wanted to spend time around. I mean, yeah, he was hot, but that personality was simply distasteful, you arent even sure he knew you existed the 7 years you were in school together
So surprise surprise, when you graduated, (and im gonna be real with you this would only happen if youre a pureblood OR MAYBE HARD MAYBE a half-blood with two very powerful and influential magic parents) dearest mummy and daddy decided;
“Hm! More power and influence?? Good idea!”
And with that, you were arranged to marry into the Berkshire family! How clever! How smart! How lucky for you!
Except, when you’re finally alone with Lorenzo for the first time, he doesnt even bother looking at you as he says “You’re married to me only for show. I will not be your doting husband, but if you want to live a good, long life, you’ll be the perfect wife for me.”
And you’re like. Wtf? Because? This is not how marriage works?
Alas, the ceremony goes on. His lips are addictively soft as you kiss at the alter, and after that? Gone from your line of sight. No where to be found. Actually- you do find him in a study with all his friends, drinking fire whiskey around the fire place. They laugh about the situation, one of them speaking up to say “hey, could be worse. At least she’s hot.”
And you’re like. Wow. Really classy. Very funny. (It hurt your feelings quite a bit)
And trust, you do not see Lorenzo for a very long time. Like. You’re in separate bedrooms, on separate sides of his large estate, with purposely different schedules.
You’ll see him in a corridor occasionally and its like seeing a ghost fr
Regardless, youre expected to attend formal things with him, and you’re expected to stand by his side. And this is really the first time you two get along. Cuz y’see? Lorenzo loves to gossip. A real manwhore for it. So whenever he sees a woman sneaking away from her husband to see another man?? Oh boy he needs to tell someone and you are the physically closest person to him.
And Lorenzo is… aghast really to learn how… witty you are. He was ultimately flabbergasted. He found you… pleasant to talk to.
So he begins joining you at dinner, spouting off drama between his co-workers, updating you on his friends, on himself.
It actually is quite a relaxing way to decompress at the end of the day. And, to add to all of that, you start to see your husband around more often. He actually seeks out your company at the end of a long work day, sitting next to you in the library while you read. Just to be around you.
Then the gifts start.
Showering you in gifts- new clothes, jewelry, flowers, this and that, gives you his card and takes you out for an evening of shopping. Bonus if he gets ro help you choose what dress you like more.
Then he gets touchy, absentmindedly grabbing your hand in a crowd, letting your legs drape across his lap while you sit together, an arm around your shoulders if youre close enough.
He kisses you for the first time on your anniversary, and asks you out on a date. A real date. That should have happened long before the wedding.
And life is good after that <3
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crowsnqueens · 1 year
Bibliophile; Pt. ii
Kaz Brekker x Bibliophile!wife!reader
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Summary: After Jesper watches a display of affection between his boss and his co-crow (hehe) he talks to Nina about it, eventually involving Inej and the heartrender in an investigation
a/n: this part of the storyline takes inspo from @undiscovered-horizon’s fic “Four Crow Investigation” which you can find here! i rlly recommend their stuff you should check them out!
Warnings: Mostly the same stuff as last time, you will need to read pt. i so go check her out first, Kaz is less angsty bc he’s married blah blah blah, (i’m just going to copy and paste the ones from pt. i tbh lmao) Kaz can tolerate reader’s touch, mentions of alcohol and drinking it, fluff for DAYS, reader uses she/her pronouns and is described as female, marriage??, the crows are about 22 in this (which is what i imagine to be in the show), OOC Kaz (i tried y’all)
Pt. i !!!
“I’m telling you, Nina! He kissed her forehead! There’s something going on here.” Jesper’s hands flailed about wildly as he expressed his concern to the girl across from him.
“I don’t doubt you, Jes. We just need to go about this carefully. Tell Inej.” The heartrender sipped her tea and waved the boy to go find their friend.
“Oh, I’ve known. I just can’t tell whether they’re just dating or married, it’s hard when they go about it so delicately. It’s really sweet, actually.” A soft smile lit the Suli girl’s face.
“Argh! I need to know! The anticipation is killer, I need to tell more people about this. Wylan!” The Zemini boy sauntered out of the room shouting.
“Saints, Jesper, carefully also means quietly! They’ll know we know if they hear us shouting.” Nina cautioned him.
“Who’ll know you know?” Y/n entered the kitchen gracefully and quietly. Even Inej was slightly taken aback. “What do you know that’s so secret? Can I have some of this Nina?” She gestured to the tea pot.
“Sure! And nothing too important, just the usual barrel gossip.” The Corporalnik laughed cooly as Y/n began to ascend the stairs.
“Alright. See you guys.” She giggled and waved to her three friends.
“That was too close.”
Inej and Jesper nodded together, all eyes falling on the boy.
“Stop yelling about top secret information, idiot.” Nina whispered.
“They know, Kaz” Y/n entered his office and sat in the chair opposite himself.
“About us together or our marriage?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Probably just us together, but I wouldn’t put it past Inej to know. We should just tell them, love.”
“How do we tell without telling?” Kaz questioned his wife as she used her best impression of his famous scheming face.
“I have an idea.” She smiled
“Do you know?” The boy smirked back at her, ready to listen.
“Oh, Demjin left some papers out.” Matthias walked past the kitchen table with a buttered piece of toast in hand, eyes rolling and head shaking.
“What do they say?” Jesper rushed the table with vigor and looked through some of them.
“Nina, they’re married! For three years! They’ve been wed since they were nineteen! Their marriage certificate is right here! Can you believe it?!”
“I really can’t.” Y/n’s voice carried from the bottom of the stairs to Jesper’s ears as he whipped around and pursed his lips.
“Morning, Y/n.” the boy waved a little and scrambled to the couch to attempt to disappear.
“Mrs. Brekker. Thats her official title, anyway.” Kaz waltzed in and placed a kiss to his wife’s cheek and continued to his arm chair in their living area.
Nina ran a hand over her face and gave the sharpshooter a look.
“Good going, Jes.”
The group laughed, Y/n sat on the arm of Kaz’s chair and linked their pinkies.
“Tell us everything. How did he propose?” Wylan leaned toward the two.
“Well, we were on a job…”
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starillusion13 · 1 year
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M.Masterlist Series ML
Pairing: poly!ateez × f!reader (A Yandere AteezOffice Au)
Genre: Mature, Angst, Yandere, SMUT
Warning: The upcoming events in the story will contain themes like stalking, violence, obsession, manipulation, possessive behaviour and restraining acts. Do not kill me for not warning you. This is an Yandere story so you are well aware of what to expect more. For SMUT I WILL GIVE THE WARNING IN THE BEGINNING.
W.C: 3K
For my beloved: @oreharuuu
Network: @cultofdionysusnet
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @anyamaris @yeoobin @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
(open! dm me/ send ask/reply here)
Hello, Can we be friends please?
*under the cut*
"Ugh....I am so tired and can't even make myself ready to attend today's class." The lazy ass of your is not having a little bit of energy to got to show yourself to the university. This is your last year in this university as a computer science student and still you are not giving a proper attention to the classes.
Last week, you got a letter from the principal to maintain the attendance before the exams or she will mark you absent. Like WTH! Its not like you are a bad student. You are pretty good with extra knowledge in some co-curricular activities. You are always praised for this but you just always feel tired to leave your room.
Walking through the passage around the hall, you glance at your wrist watch showing you having more ten minutes before the class. Suddenly you felt someone hangs their hand around your neck and you already know who this can be.
"Why are you always so energetic?" you giving him a pout but he makes a cringe expression. His smile is so contagious that even if you are in your gloomy mood, you will automatically smile when looking at him for once.
"Why are you so tired always?" mimicking your tone, he is laughing loudly for which the few students passing by are looking at you both as if they can see the most amusing creatues on this planet.
"Yaa Beomgyu!" you hit his arm.
"What Y/N!" you ignored his look and then turned to your right to enter the class and he followed you closely behind still laughing at you.
Entering the class, you can see some students were gossiping something in a group but it was loud enough for you to hear it.
"Have you heard about them before?"
"Professor Kim told some of the students that they are here for some special projects from a well-known hiring company. They have come here to hire some students from the last year as their special recruit."
"We are in our last year so maybe we can have chance for getting in that company. Then we can marry those handsome boys."
"You are really over excited for stupid things, shut up."
"Beomgyu, who are they talking about?" you asked your friend hoping to get some detailed updates of your university. Maybe you should attend more classes to know what's going on all around, always staying in your dorm is not going to help you with your company recruitment. You groaned in frustration about all these thoughts. You both took your seats to wait for your professor.
"Oh! There are these two new boys. I mean they look like students but they are CEO of Blue Bird Organization. The one I want to get into but don't have enough good result for that."
"Okay! But isn't that company too strict for the CV overview and interview process?" You are still confused as to why this company is coming to your university for special projects.
"Hello students! We all know what is the special occasion we are going to have on next week. This is your last year and you all will be looking for different jobs in different companies but we have some good news that BBO (Blue Bird Organization) is here today for some special students." Professor Kim announced to the whole classroom while making his way towards the chair and placed his file on the table in front. He is now looking at you all for seeing the reactions to his statement. All the students nodded and you just copied them.
Suddenly, the door slammed open. You were focused on Beomgyu's gossip updates on university so you didn't mind who has entered the room. Your professor greeted them.
"Hello! Mr.Kim", a professional voice spoke up. The voice has a youthful charm and all students were focusing on the new comer. Another male followed the previous person. They both with serious and bored expression shook hands with your professor.
"This is the class where you can interview the students." Your professor's words caught your attention and then you looked up to see two new persons standing beside him. Both are in professional business suites; one in blue set and the other in black. The one in blue standing near your professor looks so younger and people may mistake him as a school student and the other one who is leaning in front on a desk has some sharp features, the jawline is enough to cut your daily vegetables.
Your eyes went wide when they caught you staring at them. They both smirked at you. Weird. You look away towards beomgyu to see if he saw it or not but oh boy, he is dozing off beside you. You smacked his head to keep him awake.
"Ouch what?" You showed him the front of the class.
He quickly managed a proper composure in general to face them. When you again looked in front then you still saw them glancing at you while talking with your professor. Then they both glared at your form.
Now What did I do?
"Okay class! I will leave you with them. Have a nice interview!" Mr. Kim wished you and you all greeted him farewell. As soon as he left the class, the whole class becomes pin drop silent.
The two males looked at each other and gave you all a professional greetings and smile, "Hello We are from BBO recruitment team. My name is Choi Jongho, CEO of The Health Data dept." pointing to the male leaning on a desk, "and he is Jung Wooyoung, CEO of Online Investment dept."
The second male spoke up this time, "we will take your CVs today and then the rest of the processes will be depending on that evaluation." Every student was submitting their CV but when you went to submit, the younger one spoke up, you think as far his name is Jongho.
"Miss YIN, we would like to have a talk with you later." Later? Maybe because of your poor attendance or something wrong with your CV. Wait!
You haven't submitted the CV yet then how come he knows your name. This is a bit too creepy.
"Do you know me?" you asked him when standing exactly in front face to face with him. He raised his eyebrows on your tone. You quickly apologized and referred him with respect 'Sir'
The other man coming beside you and arranging all the papers they have gathered in total while placing them in a bag, *Well we can have this conversation later. Don't forget to come to the Room 13, we have asked for that from your school department." You nod on their words and went back to your seat.
You didn't have more than one class today and now that class is over and you are making your way towards the room, you have been told by the two males to meet them into. You are very tensed and sweating nervously as to why suddenly they had told you to meet them out of all the students in the class.
Its not like you are any extraordinary student but pretty good though than the average. Your contemplating thoughts kept you so busy that you didn't notice that you are literally standing at the footsteps of the door. Your hesitant hands balled up in a fist knocked the door with the knuckles. You then heard a faint 'Come in’.
Entering the room, your sense hits with fresh sandal aroma and you inhaled softly to let in the nice smell to calm down your senses. The aroma was as if arranged in advance for you to feel a bit less pressured. You kept your head lowered in case you mistakenly disrespect them again in some other way.
"Look up Y/N." This is a new voice rather deep, you haven't heard it. Looking up abruptly, you are met with a shocking surprise to see three other males similarly in suit sitting around a center table staring at you. The one spoke right now is really tall while in a sitting posture with a well-built physique and sharp small eyes making him more attractive.
"I'm sorry. sir."
"Y/N?" Another new voice spoke up this time, a bit smoother but has a dominative tone, "Don't you remember us?". You look at the man with confusion.
Know them. How? I know they are from the top company but that doesn't mean that they have to boost it on your face this way.
"I'm sorry but l'm not getting what you are saying sir.?
Wooyoung spoke up, "Y/N. This is me, your Woo. We used to be bestfriends back in middle school but then you moved to a different city and we lost contact." Eh? Middle school bestfriends? Since when am I having these?
"I don't remember it sir.”
"Don't need to call us sir. Call us by our name. My name is Kang Yeosang. The first one was Song Mingi and this one is Jung Yunho." He smiled at you and you returned a little smiling gesture and then looked towards jongho, who was having a mischievous look on his face.
"It's okay sir. No problem."
"When we have said something to do then do it that way for your betterment." Yunho shows his full dominating self towards you and staring with emotionless eyes.
Okay…. at this point you are literally scared to speak anything in front of them. You clasped your hands before you in nervousness. Yeosang noticed it and come near to your standing figure near the door.
Rest of their eyes following both of yours movements.
"It's okay YIN, you don't have to be afraid of us. We are ....friends?" He was assuring you to feel free around them and consider them as your friends but he himself was not sure of the fact.
Jongho grinning like a little boy comes near you, "yes we were and we are still. Maybe you can't remember those days but we still adore those....memories."
"Oh okay." You are still not sure what to response them in return when you are trying hard to remember any of your childhood memories with them. If I was so close with them then how come I didn't think about them for once?
"Anyways Wooyoung and Jongho, we will go and have a talk with the principal and" Mingi turns towards you with a smile, "it was great to see you after so many years and you can't even imagine how much each one of us is overly excited to interact with you."
"It's same for me though as to get to know some old friends but sorry I still can't remember anything."
Yunho interjects, " you don't have to think hard on that. It really doesn't matter to recall past memories when we can create new ones." You smiled at him on his sweet words and he returned the gesture.
Yeosang was already halfway out of the room with Mingi when he suddenly spoke up, " YIN? Do you want to know your memories with us?"
Memories with them? Now what suspense movie shit is going on?
"Um. I really don't know but-"
He smiled at you and left the room. They don't know how much it irritates you when people don't let you to complete your sentence.
"You look so irritated." Yunho's voice startled you and scoot a bit away from his close proximity. He smirked and left the room.
You exhale a sigh with getting all these new information. Suddenly them coming to your university for a special project and then having a meeting with you personally only to let you know that these five new individuals who you haven't encountered ever in your life are claiming as your best friends and even you have so many memories that they adore.
But why can't you remember it?
"You look thoughtful?" Jongho spoke while taking all his belongings from the table. Wooyoung is busy fixing his look on a small mirror, brushing his thick black hairs back. You glanced there and shook your head sideways in reply.
"Let's go Jongho. We have to take our orders from the store on our way back home. "
"Should I leave?"
"Oh yes. Do you mind to give me your phone once?"
You hesitated and to which Wooyoung repeated his words in a serious tone, " Do you mind to give me your phone once?"
Jongho eyed Wooyoung but the latter is still extending his hand towards you. You waited for a few moments and then handed over your phone to him.
"Don't worry. It's just my phone is not working properly for poor network or something like that and I need a help for something and I know Jongho won't give me his phone." Jongho glared at the talkative man and you know this little joke calmed your busy mind for a while.
After typing few things with a keen focus for ten minutes, Wooyoung returned your phone. You looked at the screen and turn it off. You three exited the room and went towards the exit of the building.
Beomgyu has already left with his other friends because they have their match to attend and you are least interested to go there with them when you know damn well how chaotic they can be together sometimes.
Your thoughts got interrupted when Wooyoung suddenly holds your hand halting your steps. You blinked at him to continue,
" You are not submitting your original CV for interview and may I know why?"
"How do you know?" You didn't expect that your casual drafted CV will matter to them as they will simply cancel your name.
"THAT'S not your concern. We are your friends and we will help you to get into this big company. So come with me tomorrow there and I will let you to meet the two bosses of the company."
"I'm going to the parking lot Wooyoung. You come after having talk with her." Wooyoung nodded on Jongho's words and turns back to you.
"I'm not having any particular ambition in life and don't know what to do with my life but still I have to look for a job. It generally sucks. I don't know why you are so persistent to make me join the company."
"We are friends. Friends should..... help each other."
You hearing the same reason for everything as they are your friends, you asked him again.
"So you are telling me.....we are friends?" You eyed the boy with a still confused face as why he is so much eager to help you and trying to convince you as his old friend.
"Yes cupcake! now please come with me for the interview to this office and to submit your resume. I am more than happy that they are looking for a new worker and apparently you are also searching for a job to start after this semester ends." The boy with so much of excitement and eagerness is waiting for your reply.
"Okay, but look I still can't remember you and still trusting you. So how come you think they would react to my plain resume for this big company?"
You are not sure of your capability for this company where so many highly qualified well-beings apply but still get rejected and this random boy claiming your bestfriend from old town is urging you to apply there.
You looked around the streets to take a final decision with a calm breath releasing, "I will apply but don't get high hopes of me getting into it. I am sure they are not going to take me in."
The boy in front of you smirked and put his hand firmly on your left cheek slightly brushing the lower lip for a blink," Oh trust me, they will love you to join their company."
"I don't know how to give life advices but maybe they can consider you a path for your career and....... future and maybe ........ our friendships."
"Your words are so sketchy."
"Yes the way I am sketched perfectly as a sexy man."
You chuckled on his words. He winked at you and went away running towards the parking lot. You turned on your heels to go to the dorm and take off these information.
"Did she agree to join?" Setting himself comfortably on the passenger seat, Jongho asked turning towards the man on his side.
"Not really. She just agreed to come with me tomorrow but she is not willing to join because she has no hope for getting in."
"Did you said anything more?"
"No but I would like to tell her about-*
"Wooyoung! You know hyung said everything has a time to reveal them and we can't just say it reluctantly."
"But I was going to ask her about to go on a date."
Wooyoung laughed loudly and started the engine of the car. The most expensive car in the parking lot gained everyone's attention and everyone eyed it with jealousy and admiration until it went out of their eyesight.
"Hyung would have dealt with you for either ways."
Jongho grinned showing his gummy smile and Wooyoung groaned.
Reaching your front door of the dorm, you grinned happily to return back and getting inside, you groaned when you plopped yourself on the bed as you were really tired and overwhelmed.
The story begins in the next chapter. This chapter is just a so so type. Hehet.
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mountingpulisic · 1 year
offsides (mason m.) - chapter one
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summary : when miscommunication on her brother's behalf causes y/n to be unpunctual picking up her six-year-old nephew ollie, she meets chelsea's pronounced golden boy who was delightful enough to wait with him. for mason, it was love at first sight. for y/n, he was just her nephew's football coach.
word count : 2,926
fingers anxiously drummed along the steering wheel as you hummed the lyrics to the song that played on the radio. 
you were late.
but truth be told, it wasn’t even your fault for being unpunctual.  
if your older brother, charlie, had informed you twenty-four hours prior that he needed assistance picking up your six-year-old nephew oliver, you would’ve been keener on intaking more water and less tequila last night. however, he had forgotten and now you were left to endure the judgemental stares from the faculty due to your tardiness. 
glancing briefly at yourself through the rearview mirror, you came to the conclusion that not only were the staff going to be gossiping about your late arrival but your attire as well. having little time to properly get dressed after you ended the phone call with charlie, you mindlessly threw on the first articles of clothing your hands had touched on your bedroom floor, not even bothering to see if your shoes had matched as you dashed out of your flat. 
apprehensively looking up at the traffic light that has yet to turn the desired color, you begin to slightly debate if faith was against you at this given moment, if you were being punished for going out on a sunday night rather than attending church that morning. 
if you were only five minutes late picking oliver, you wouldn’t have been sweating bullets as you are now. 
if you were only ten minutes late, you figured oliver’s football coach would understand and agree that the traffic going towards stamford bridge was always a pain. 
however, you weren’t five, ten or even fifteen minutes late, you were thirty and you were having a difficult time suppressing the irritation you felt towards your older brother for not properly communicating with you. 
you knew that the benefit of the doubt should be thrown his way due to the circumstances that these past few months have brought, having gone from co-parenting to having to do it all on his own, it had been a tiring adjustment for charlie. you had offered to help as much as you can, with you being newly graduated from university you had a lot of free time on your hands. so that’s how you found yourself speeding through the streets of cobham, crying your way out of a ticket and almost forgetting to place your car in park as you flew out of the driver’s side. 
briskly walking to the entrance, you began to try to look presentable despite the pounding headache you were enduring, smoothing out your hair and tugging down your oversized shirt that barely covered your bottom half. you could just imagine the stares now, all eyes on you and your skimpy outfit. 
if you weren’t in an hastened mood to collect your nephew, you would’ve properly admired the stadium before your eyes. despite growing up in cobham all your life, you never found the time or interest in supporting your home team. football games had always been a thing between your father and brother, and then oliver was introduced when he was old enough to realize what was going on. 
if someone were to put a gun to your head and tell you to explain what offsides meant, you’d be dead. 
frantically looking around for a familiar head of curly brown hair, you were sure you looked like a deranged individual. the feeling of uneasiness in your stomach only grew when you couldn’t locate him. you could only imagine the conversation you were going to have with your brother on how you lost his only son. then at the exact moment you began to hear footsteps then the recognizable laugh that belonged to your nephew filled the air. 
turning the corner, oliver had the widest grin on his face. he showcased the small gap that remained empty due to his two missing teeth as he conversed with the unknown man beside him. you had never seen the guy that stood alongside your nephew, and you were positive you’d remembered crossing paths with someone like him.  
“ollie!” you shouted at your nephew, waving your hand above your head to grab his attention. 
oliver’s doe eyes quizzically scan the room, he turned his attention away from the man and towards the voice that called for him. you didn’t think it was possible but oliver’s smile only grew when his big brown eyes settled on your figure, forgetting all about the unknown man as his microscopic legs picked up speed and gravitated towards you. 
oliver looked as if he had just been rolling around in grass for the past two hours, hair pointed in different directions,  football kit stained with grass marks along with his cleats that were trailing dirt wherever he stepped.
“finally! i was thinking you forgot about me.” oliver joked, his practice bag being dragged behind him as he approached you. just by his facial expressions, you knew that he was judging the way you were dressed, oversized t-shirt that had spice girls plastered all over it, mismatched shoes and thick chunky sunglasses shielding your eyes from the sunlight. anyone with a brain would know you were hungover. 
“i would never forget about my favorite nephew.” 
“i’m your only nephew.” oliver counterattacked. 
“yes and that’s why you’re my favorite. "you respond as you pull him in for a hug. engulfing the scent of wet grass and sweat when you placed a soft kiss to the top of his head, your nose playfully scrunched as you softly pushed oliver away. the nostalgic smell reminded you of the afternoons in your childhood when charlie would return from practice and plant his entire body on top of yours to rub off the smell of the outdoors onto you. 
“ollie, i don’t think you can get in my car smelling like that, you reek.” 
you had your nose pinched as you tried to block the smell that was surrounding your nephew from entering your nostrils, a soft laugh escapes your lips as oliver lifts his armpit up and uses his opposite hand to childishly wave the smell towards you. 
“oLIie, i doN’t tHiNk yOu CaN gEt iN My cAr sMelLiNg lIke tHaT” he mimicked, cutely scrunching his face as he made faces to go along with his attempt of copying your voice, causing for you to pull him into so you can ruffle his curls, his sweet laughter escaping his mouth as he tried to fight you off inoffensively. 
unbeknownst to the pair of you, mason watched with awe struck eyes at the moment that was unfolding before him, a smile playing on his lips as ollie was able to break free from you, sticking out his tongue in victory.
this was mason’s first time seeing you here at stamford bridge, he was sure of it because he would’ve remembered someone with your altitude of beauty. eyes tracing over your unfamiliar features, he couldn’t help the way his heart accelerated in speed as another burst of your angelic laughter filled the room, your inviting smile brightening as you glanced down lovingly at the young child before you. 
mason couldn’t explain it but everything about you felt alluring, his eyes picked up on small details of you and made sure to engrave them in his memory so he wouldn’t forget the face of the woman before him, the exquisite face belonging to you. 
preoccupied admiring your features, he didn’t notice your hand had been stuck out trying to formally introduce yourself to him.  
“coach mason!” oliver shouted, tiny fingers tugging at mason’s forearm trying to grab his attention. 
snapping out of the trance he was in, mason painted on a smile as he extended his arm out to you, trying to be respectful as he felt his focus drift down to your bare thighs, cracking a smile when he noticed your feet had mismatching pairs of trainers on.  
“i’m sorry, mind went somewhere else right then ” he apologizes, engulfing your tiny hand into his immense one, trying not to focus on how smooth your skin felt against his callous skin or the way your sweet aroma engulfed his senses. 
“no, it’s okay, happens to all of us. i’m y/n, oliver’s aunt” you introduce yourself, flashing an oscar worthy smile at mason who mirrored you.  “thank you for keeping this geezer occupied.”
“nice to meet you, y/n. i’m mason. wa-it, you alr-eady knew th-at because oliver just shouted out my name.” mason rambled, nervously laughing when you threw him an adoring look as your eyebrows furrowed together trying to piece together what he was saying. “hey but no truly it’s no problem. oliver’s a great kid, you got yourself a future chelsea star here.” mason vocalizes, a beaming smile now directed towards your nephew. 
“when he makes it big, i can only hope he doesn’t forget his favorite player and part-time coach.” 
“one of my favorite players” oliver corrects, a toothless smile making another appearance. ”i can’t choose between you and pulisic. plus kante helped me score against thiago last match, so be worried, you got competition” 
mason mocked hurt as he placed a hand to chest where his heart was, stumbling back to add the effect as if he had just been shot. the action caused a smile to return onto your face, something mason deemed as a personal victory. 
“ouch, oliver, ouch.” he jokes, sticking out his bottom lip playfully as he soothes his chest to help mend his “broken” heart. 
“favorite player?” you ask, confusion drawn across your face. “i thought you were just ollie’s football coach? you play in the premier league?”
before mason could get out a word, oliver let out a exaggerated scoff. bewildered eyes looked up at you as if you just confessed to killing the king of england. 
“you’re kidding right?! please tell me your kidding, aunt y/n! how do you not know THE mason mount? money mase?! chelsea’s golden boy? player of the year two times in a row? do you not own a television or have internet?! do you live underneath a rock?”  oliver shrieked. 
you’d never seen oliver this worked up, his tiny arms were flailing around as he went on to tell you almost every little thing about mason’s stats as a football player. mentioning his hat trick that he scored against norwich city, how he was in nineteenth place for the ballon d’or, the list went on and on. 
“okay, ollie i get it, i’m sorry.” you interject, holding up your hands defensively towards the six year old. you were sure he was going to lose his breath at any given moment from the rapid pace he was talking, chubby face turning red as he defended mason’s credibility.  
“don’t apologize to me, apologize to him.” oliver insisted, pushing you lightly towards mason causing for you to dive into the broad chest of the footballer, hands breaking your fall as you collided into him. 
“ollie!” you reprimand your nephew, removing your hands from mason’s chest as you shoot him an apologetic glance. mason’s face was a bright shade of ruby red as he tried to recompose himself from having your hands on him. “hey, well,i’m sorry for not knowing you who you were. he just referred to you as a coach so i got a little confused.” 
“no worries, oliver only calls me coach because the little menace likes to sneak his way onto the pitch and train with us from time to time, insisting that if he is going to be a striker for chelsea one day he needs to train with the legends beforehand.”
you let out a dry laugh at your nephew’s antics, surprised at the fact he was only six and already knew how to properly worm his way into a situation that would work in his favor.
“what can i say? i get it from grandpa.” oliver shrugged, a cocky smirk painted on his lips as he readjusted his practice bag onto his shoulder. “can we go now? waiting for you has only made me hungrier than i was before practice ended. these snacks they are providing us with aren’t enough for a growing boy like me.” patting his stomach as he pointed to his mouth dramatically. 
you nodded your head, you were also a little hungry yourself. not having nearly enough time to make yourself breakfast, let alone stop for something when making your way towards the bridge. 
sending mason an appreciated smile thanking him once again, you followed close behind oliver as he quickly made his way out of the building, moaning and groaning the entire time about how he could eat an entire cow and because you were moving at such a leisurely rate you’d make the two of you late for catching the breakfast window at chick-fli-a. 
“wait, y/n!.” mason had called after you, jogging up to where you had stopped when you heard your name being shouted.  
“i was thinking mm-aaybe i could ta-ke you out, i mmean i’ve n-ever s-een you aro-und here before so i o-nly assume you’re ne-w to the a-rea. i d-on’t min-d, if you do-n’t m-ind or if yo-ur b-oyfrien-d do-esn’t min-d, i just kno-w some n-ice spot arou-nd that i’d lo-ve to sho-w you.”
mason was fumbling over his words as he had your full attention on him, your soft gaze burning a hole in the middle of his forehead as he saw an intrigued smile appear on your face when you caught on to what he was asking. he could only hope he wasn’t making a complete fool of himself, he felt like it was too soon but he positive it was love at first sight when it came to seeing you for the first time. 
lips breaking into a smile, you adoringly let your head drop as another gracious laugh dripped out of your mouth. lifting back up to regain eye contact, meeting mason’s that were nervously looking at you as he fiddled with his fingers awaiting your response. 
“i’m a local, mason. i have lived here all my life” you replied back amused“ and i don’t have a boyfriend.” 
the smile you’ve grown to love in the small amount of time you’ve known mason appeared at the mention that you didn’t have a boyfriend, he tried to hide it but failed miserably since he felt like he just hit the jackpot. 
“well since you’re a local, maybe you can show me around then, any good secret spots?” mason openly flirted, closing the distance between you two to grant his internal wish to be a little closer to you. 
“well, they wouldn’t no longer be a secret would they?” you whispered
unashamedly flirting wasn’t something you did often, you usually were the one to recoil in embarrassment when an attractive guy approached you but with mason something in you was different, 
you felt bold, nonetheless, crossing bounty lines that you set long before meeting mason. his eyes spoke a thousand words that his mouth couldn’t comprend just yet, as he gazed down at you, cherishing the small freckles that were dusted across the bridge of your nose. 
“however, coach mason.” you had taken a step back at this point, creating distance between yourself and chelsea’s golden boy. “i don’t do football players, or coaches. so you’ll unfortunately have to get a different tour guide.” you confessed, crossing your arms around your chest causing your oversized t-shirt to rise a little higher on your thigh. 
trying not to draw his attention towards the skin that had been recently exposed, mason let a breath he didn’t realize he was holding when you backed away.
“well what do i have to do in order to change your mind about football players and coaches?” he asked curiously, mason never felt this strongly about a person upon first glance and he wasn’t going to let you slip right through his fingertips so easily. 
“i don’t know much about football but i do know athletes are no good and i pledged to stay far from trouble since moving back home.” 
despite oliver's concerns, you didn't live underneath a rock. although you didn't keep up with football world, you did keep up with ongoing cheating accusations and drama that has aspired from females dating football players. you already felt like you had your fair share of heartbreak in your lifetime, so you were going to pass on the idea on a date with the greek god in front of you.
with that you turned on your heels as you made your way to the exit, adding a little more emphasis to your walk as you approached your nephew who was watching from the double-sided doors at your interaction with his “coach”. 
“i’m not giving up that easily, y/n. trust me when i say i am a man of my word, you’ll be going on that date with me in no time.” mason cockily shouted behind you. dismissing him off, you wave your hand behind your head as you and oliver exited stanford bridge, a gummy smile painted on your face at mason’s declared mission. mason eyes never left your figure until you were outside the doors, hanging his head down as he tried to digest the interaction he just had with you. he was hell bent on getting that date with you, whether it meant tracking you down on the streets of cobham or enlisting your nephew for help. 
mason was going to get that first date, and he was sure of it.
a/n: thank you to @mountttmase @mountpulisic @mounthings for taking the time to read my rough drafts, i couldn't thank you guys enough. this series has been so fun to write so far and i already have so many ideas i wanna bring to life for y/n and mason! i hope you enjoyed this as much as i did writing it.
taglist : @mountpulisic @alwaysclassyeagle
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crabonfire · 2 years
Oh no! The [merc class] has been captured! An enemy team member is preparing for torture/interrogation... Right?
Maybe not!
"You know, I've told them dozens of times to give me clear orders. But today I've been ordered to, and I quote, "take good care of [class]". So that's exactly what I'm going to do."
And then they give the captive a massage/mani-pedi/tea party idk.
So yeah, mercs of TF2 being "taken good care of", except it's literal care (with exception of restraints, probably, since malicious compliance can only go so far and outright letting a captive go would be too much).
HAHAHAHAHAHHA I love this!!! s/o just like me fr!!!
Mercs who's..being taken care of by the enemy s/o.
warnings: this is silly!!! beware of the goof
characters: all mercs
note: this can be seen as platonic or romantic!!😎😎
•...what? what the hell?
• "is this some kinda joke or sum?" He says as you pour him a cup of tea, still tied up.
"Are you questioning my tea pouring abilities? I'm pretty good okay! I've been practicing you know?"
"Oh were you not...talking about the tea?"
"fuck no??"
• he's not really complaining? Just?? Angrily confused and pleasantly surprised at the same time???
• he saw how tough you can be on the battlefield so when you just sit him down on a tiny table with an authentic Chinese tea set, with plates of cookies and cake he's...what?
He honestly thinks it's kinda nice how your actually not gonna torture him (again why would he complain) but...goddamn. okay.
• "do you want more tea?"
"MmMPH!! mmmph mmhhuhhd mmhhh :)" ( yes!! more sugar please :) )
"got it."
• You both get along great. Trust that he will openly get himself kidnapped if it meant that you'd be his friend.
"Hey wait-they get back in 4 hours...you...wanna paint each others nails?"
"MMMMHHH!?!?!?! mmh mmhhy mmhd." (YESSS?!?! oh my god.)
• painting each others nails (on his gloves because he wants his gloves to be pretty) and just gossiping about each others teams. it's nice. he got a new person to ramble to!!
"Dude oh my god our scout is so ANNOYINGGGG"
"mmhmm mmhhhd mmh mmhds...mmhhs mh mmmhd." (You should see ours...he's a dick.)
• he feels embarrassed and disappointed. (if you read the comics you know why)
• he's just quiet the entire time, angry and confused on why he's not being roughly tortured now. (he's definitely masochistic or something...not surprising!!! he loves the fight)
• "why aren't you drinking your tea?"
"Suit yourself."
a couple minutes pass by, and he gives in and takes a sip. he does not like tea. you laugh and give him something else, and he ends up just accepting his fate.
• "what colour do you want your nails to be?"
"Like the American flag?"
He calms down after a while and just rambles about his "war" stories to you.
Once he gets back to base completely unharmed with a newfound appreciation for the enemy team's [YOUR CLASS] and...American themed nails? He gets stared at by his co workers.
"ACK-FUCK- no no-nothin...geez solly what happened to ya?"
He glares daggers at him through his helmet, and moves on with his day.
• oh. okay.
• all his worry just washes away as he sits down with you, getting his nails painted purple.
"Oh, you don't like tea? What do you like?"
"Ya got any scrumpy?"
"Huh, yeah actually. A ton, I'll get you a bottle."
"Thanks love, yer an angel."
• you really think he's gonna complain about it? Nah...free alcohol AND he gets his nails done? bro. he might take you out for dinner to repay your generosity tbh.
• you two just joke around and have some fun, he really likes you now. he will talk to you in the middle of battle and just casually flirt. (If your not interested he'll back off.)
• thinks it's a trick but once he senses there is no ill intentions from you he's caved in.
• thinks it's pretty sweet, such a determined spirit in battle is so sweet and silly within closed doors.
• you two will exchange stories on each others personal lives, he will gladly ramble on about his family if you let him.
• has a newfound interest in you, you two don't fight much now during battles and just pass each other by, you two are like friends!!
• OK lmao
• yeah sure, has to do this with pyro daily so it's no different coming from the enemy team.
• "Sorry to bother you sugar, but my restrains are gettin' a little tight. Mind loosening them up a bit?"
"Oh totally, sorry man."
"S' alright, thank you for your hospitality."
• you two just sorta gossip about your teams, he has an insane amount of dirt on each of the mercenaries...
"No way, actually?"
"Yeah. You shoulda' seen the poor guys face when Soldier did that to him. Scout and Demoman were laughin' so hard I thought they were gonna choke!"
• you two probably spend too much time together that you've both forgotten that you were supposed to hold him captive, now his arm is around your shoulder, the two of you, slightly drunk and laughing crying to hilarious stories.
• he respects you as a person, and enjoys your company. Wouldn't mind being kidnapped again if it meant he'd spent it with you.
• he's laughing. Okay, sure, fine, better than torture.
• I genuinely don't know what to say other than the fact I think the whole time he's just laughing due to how silly it is.
• comes back and rambles to heavy about how his kidnapping was literally just a free spa day, with white painted nails and the smell of tea radiated from him.
• is this some kind of sick, fucked up joke?
• he'll actually be kinda mad, like all this trouble just for you to drink tea with him? Fuck off
• "Mate, when I get outta these restraints I'm gonna show you why you shouldn't fuck with me."
"...dude what? chillax dawg I'm literally making us tea."
"Bloody hell."
• he gives in...after an hour or so.
• sighing, "just pick a random color, don't make it bright." He says, as your pulling our your nail polish. "You got it boss." You smile, taking out a muddy green color that fits him quite well.
• he's just ranting the entire time honestly it's like a therapy session
• finds this amusing and will play along.
• "Your tea set has quite an exquisite color, it's one I have yet seen on any tea sets."
"Yeah! Got this off of a bidding, she's a real beauty."
He snickers, "Indeed she is. May I have another cup?"
"Of course my good man."
• it's like he's role-playing with somebody he finds it cute!!
• he will not say much, but he will listen. He will not let you do his nails, but he will do them for you instead. flirting, trying to woo you.
"You have the prettiest hands, I cannot believe these are the hands that have stolen my lives, time and time again. You are full of surprises, aren't you?"
"Aw man, you charmer. Your just saying that."
"No, I am simply stating the truth. You are quite the interesting character."
• bro got that victim rizz (he got kidnapped so technically)
Hi...I'm back...sortve. um. Yeah. Sup brooo
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Popular. | N.JM | PART 4
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— Prologue: “Where have you been all my life?” + “Hiding from you.”
— Summary: Revenge becomes love? Old faces become new faces? Where you enroll back to your old school where you got bullied, to get revenge on Na Jaemin but he cannot recognise you.
— Genre: Popularboy!najaemin x goodgirl!y/n. Revenge plot with romance and smut. Mention of bullying. Plot twists. Very sensitive subjects no minors. School sex(?) exhibition. Jaemin’s obsessed with y/n. Enemies to lovers (kinda)
— Notes: Popular — The Series Masterlist
The school district seems to be under a different eye now. If you walk straight eyes we’re on a certain individual under a different spotlight than usual. Ningning saw the people stares as they whisper, some laughed and it made the absurdity feel even more intense than before.
“Oh my god is that her…?”
“No way… they look so different.”
“So much for natural beauty.”
The voices surrounding the young girl was like a black hole pulling Ningning in forcefully. What was everyone whispering about? The students were like a mirror reflecting back at the confused expression on the girl’s face.
What was with everyone today? Ningning thought it couldn’t be directed to her, right? Who in the world would laugh in her face and walk away? No one would. She’s literally terrifying to most people considering how unpredictable she can be. She saw the stares again and she glared back at them.
The girl moved away to meet up and find her good friend Chenle who has ears and eyes everywhere, she needs to know what is happening because something, something was right.
“Chenle, what is everyone gossiping about today?” She demands with her hand forward at the table and her friend gave her a little smirk.
He looks back at his phone and back at Ningning. “Did you get your nose done by any chance?” He giggles teasingly and she glares in confusion. “What?” She sits down and Chenle motions her to come over as he pats her back showing Ningning his phone.
“I mean… you were pretty cute when you were a kid. Oh especially when you shaved your head and went bald.” Chenle smirks.
Oh yeah his friend went pale the minute she saw that someone online completely anonymously posted the most private and ugly pictures of her when she was younger. Ningning feels her eyes widen as she looks around slamming Chenle’s phone down with her hand. Her friend watches the girl lose her mind and instantly it all makes sense why all the students were laughing at her!
Whoever did this was going to pay. Ningning looks at Chenle. “Stop laughing! It’s not funny. This is humiliating. Who uploaded this crap?” She snaps turning back to the account but the account was clearly fake and Ningning had no idea who would do this to her and especially, how did they get this stuff anyways?
“Holy crap… they have all my embarrassing pictures!”
She sits down holding at her hair roots practically ripping at them. She feels the anger boiling and rising in her stomach, the anxiousness and also the humiliation. No one humiliated her before, ever. And whoever must’ve done this had good reasons and good connections.
Ningning grits her teeth together. The more she scrolls down the comments the other students were making fun of her.
For once it wasn’t her bullying someone, someone was giving her a taste of her own medicine. But who in the world would even try to challenge her like this?Ningning has a feeling but she wasn’t quite sure if it was true yet or not.
The boy comes forward smiling ear to ear. “My favourite is this picture of you.” He playfully points to a picture of Ningning with clown painting on her face while she was covered in flower. She glared at the unserious boy slapping his arm and looking away from the photo. There was so many embarrassing pictures in fact they were all personal.
“Shut up.” Ningning lowly tells him.
No one should see them. No one. Ningning bites her bottom lip in anger when the sight of you walking to class comes across and she slams his phone once more on the table while she’s watching you like a deadly hawk.
There was a bad feeling about you. You must have something to do with this, surely? Ever since you came into this school Ningning’s life became upside down, as if you were meant to bring bad luck to her.
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You sat in class with a huge smirk today. You feel rather happy for a specific reason, but you won’t mention anything and act like you know absolutely nothing. Playing innocent and dumb is your speciality anyways.
It’s always fun when you take a taste of sweet revenge. You would sit in your chair with your legs crossed over the other while you write your notes. Next door to your table was the boy staring at you the entire lesson like you were the lesson to him. He wasn’t listening to whatever the teacher was telling the class. He just paid attention to you.
For whatever reason you had a smirk but Jaemin didn’t question it. You seem happier than usual.
The class however was filled with tension as Ningning was watching the front with arms crossed and her hand pressed between her fingers, like usual class Ningning was scrolling through her phone on social media to see what the other people were commenting about her stupid pictures that were uploaded by a thief.
She knows you had something to do with it at least. Ningning has this feeling it’s you, because you bring bad luck to her.
“Hey, pst pst.” A voice on the side calls Ningning as they smirk throwing a paper ball at her desk. She glared at them and opens the paper only to read a teasing letter asking her about what she uses on her face to change so much.
Ningning glares and rips the paper to shreds. She doesn’t think she looks that different from her baby pictures.
But students and people in general find anything to exaggerate and make anything seem bigger than it actually is. This was all your doing and you’re proud when you hear the students tease Ningning in secret at the back. It reminds you back of your past. When you were in the same position as her with people teasing you about your appearance.
Back then you had it worse. Ningning did this to you and now you did the same back to her. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The ideology fits this situation perfect because you reap what you sow. And the girl was bound to get a bite back from someone, you just happen to bite when she least expected it.
The students made fun of your appearance, mainly your weight back then. Let’s just say you looked way different than you do know which is why no one has recognised you. Back then you wore less fancy and pretty clothes you didn’t bother to change when no one paid an eye on you.
Until… Ningning did. She took some pleasure in verbally abusing you everyday at lunch time.
And whenever those comments got to you more people thought it was okay. The other students took it too far though. When they saw Ningning bullying you verbally with abusive words about your appearance and so on, people took it to a physical matter and whenever gym class happened back then you would’ve left with tears running down your cheek.
You’re exactly like a shadow. You are seen but you don’t move until you’re alone in your own making. And back then you were a small tampered soul.
But now you’re a dangerous person, everything is fallen into your place.
Ningning might feel like her pride was hurt, you knew that because you adjusted this to feel so humiliating the entire school sees it. With no idea to know who did it it just be eating at Ningning’s mind so much and it brings you pleasure because you finally took your revenge on her.
Now you need two more to go. Only two more. Two more and you’ll be satisfied you said to yourself with a smile at your thoughts.
Jaemin leans closer to you. “What are you smiling at so much?”
You don’t reply knowing he was going to keep chatting to you if you answer back so you continue to write in the mathematics class.
He saw you doing the number sums in such fast pace and time. Jaemin wonders if you’re a genius or if he was just useless at mathematics. Maybe the second option but nonetheless he was mildly impressed.
But what really impressed him is that you’re now ignoring him and Jaemin let’s out a soft sigh as he plays around your hair around his fingers, twirling it like a little candy twister around his fingers while his lovingly gaze was watching your soft silky hair fall in between his hands. Your hair was so smooth and soft that when it makes contact with his skin he swore it felt like cotton candy.
The more the lesson continues and the ignoring him continues he feels a bit impatient and he starts to miss finding your reactions. You really have him wrapped around your finger without trying. It’s ironic. He can’t even recognise you and he feels so attached to you already.
“While I do enjoy the silent treatment I wasn’t aware I had done anything to you?” He said to you.
Jaemin trails softly but you bring your hair out of his grasp and tuck it on the right side without saying much when you got annoyed with him playing with your hair visibly glaring at the paper at what he was doing to you.
Your eyes move to meet his now. The moment your eyes met with the contact he fell deep in your beautiful glowing iris’ pupils. “Do you take pleasure in distracting me?” You snap a little in hushed whisper as you don’t want to deal with an angry math teacher today.
He whispers nodding. “Yeah I do. I like your fullest attention and when you don’t give me your attention i feel lonely.”
“What are you a child?” You feel baffled by his words. “I prefer the term ‘Your baby,’ actually.” And your eyes roll back when he said these to you. He was such a childish guy and a red flag.
But he knew what he was doing. He was flirting with you to make sure he gets security with you and then that is why most girls fall for him and his tricks. You’re different though he knows you’re not falling which is why he keeps coming back for more. The push and pulling game was the best and he loves, loves the chase.
The boy dramatically sighs as he was lovingly gazing on you while playing around with his hand on your thigh and moving your desks a little closer so the teacher doesn’t realise that you guys were speaking beforehand. Jaemin sneakily runs his fingers down your thighs against your jeans and you feel your eyes poking holes at him, like they were reloaded guns ready to shoot him on sight. You feel so dangerous but Jaemin might be an adrenaline addict right now considering you feel so, addicting, so much better than anyone else he has met.
There’s something about you that makes Jaemin so much more alive.
“Where have you been all my life?” He whispers smirking as he gently brushed back some of your hair behind your beautiful ears. He saw you were wearing earrings on them and you squint your eyes down at him with distaste towards him.
“Hiding from you.”
Without a second thought, no hesitation you bluntly say words that tear away at his heart but even if you say such harsh mean words to him that reject him. It never once made him stop before. He just comes back for more.
“Good thing I found you, beautiful.” Jaemin smirks.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu! Please reblog this fic and follow me more for my Popular masterlist!
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obislittleone · 1 year
Temple of the Forbidden Eye (3)
Indiana Jones x OC
Series Summary: The relationship between student and teacher is strictly professional, or at least it should be. He’s never met his match in archeological intelligence, and if he ever does, it might drive him to do something stupid. 
A/n: since indy came out this weekend, here’s a veeeery long chapter to suffice your indy needs
Warnings: oh boy… bullying, good ol’ fashioned misogyny, mentions of past abuse, mentions of blood and bruises (not explicitly), like.. one swear word.
(Co-written by the lovely @theatrelove3000 you guys should go give her a follow)
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The late night work became a regular occurrence, along with her occupying the guest room for those nights. She was always gone when Dr. Jones woke up. It concerned him at first, but he figured she just didn't want to be a burden, not that she ever was. The more time he spent around her, the more it became obvious to him that she tried her best to take up as little space as she possibly could. 
Since her presence in his home became a regular event, he started keeping food stocked. He made it very clear that he did it for her benefit and she was welcome to anything he has. This led to her making dinner for the both of them often while they worked. He would bring whatever they had been working on with him and set it up on the breakfast counter connected to the rest of his kitchen. She would read between steps or they'd talk about whatever the work was. He came to enjoy these times, even if it was only subconsciously. 
Of course, spending as much time with him as she was, it was bound to come back around to bite her. The rumors started relatively quickly. She was able to handle rumors; they'd unfortunately been a major part of her life growing up, and mostly just drew attention from those stupid enough to believe them. That didn't mean she enjoyed the staring, though. She much preferred when she was more or less invisible to her peers and professors. She knew they looked before, that was fine. They were surprised to see a woman in their fancy, expensive classes, let alone one who wears trousers. She didn't mind those looks. Those looks at least were respectful enough to look away when she caught them. Those looks were only because they were shocked to have seen something of her nature…
Now, it's different. Now, they don't look away when she sees them looking. Instead, they throw daggers with their eyes and whisper to each other as she passes. She has had things like this happen before but never for her own decisions. It is different when one makes the choice to continue doing the thing everyone is gossiping about. It made everything more… obvious to her. 
Scarlet was many things; traits that she knew she had and traits that people who she entrusted told her she had. Paranoid was not on the list of said traits. She had never had a reason to be paranoid. Perhaps she did now. Jealousy can make a person do terrible things, especially when the person believes they are more entitled to whatever the object of their envy has. Boys don’t like when they are shown up by girls who are supposedly smarter than they are. Little rich boys hate it more than anything else in the world. 
The twenty-some year old college goers who sat in front of and across her in Professor Jones’ class, only looking behind or to the side of them when he called on her for every question he asked the students. She was smart, but they all had reason to believe he was favoring her over one thing. Her good looks and time available after school. Everyone had heard about their little arrangement, with her as his ‘apprentice’ though she had never done any work in the field. It all seemed too suspicious for a young girl to be residing at her Professor’s home every other day. Her test scores didn’t lie, but the boys in the class did not exactly have access to those. They only saw what was right in front of their eyes, and it looked to them like a scandal. Teacher’s pet, the favorite of them all. She had what they couldn’t have. They couldn’t possibly look at their own merit and decide that it was the real reason for their lacking, so they insisted it must be the fact that she was getting special attention. 
There were two boys in particular, that were especially miffed about her enhanced situation. They had discussed it with one another and took it upon themselves to be the voice of reason, deciding it would be best if she were brought down a few pegs. Just enough to be sure that she wouldn’t feel as high and mighty anymore. 
They waited by the glass case of school awards in the hallway closest to Professor Jones’ classroom, pretending to be in full conversation whilst their colleagues walked by. Some of them entered the class, completely unaware of what the foolish boys planned to do. 
Down the hall came Scarlet Ledger, accompanied by none other than Henry Jones. No other heads were turned as they walked, however, for it was a rather busy time of day, and the students were more focussed on getting to their next class, rather than who they saw in the way of their destination. Last night, they had gone over a series of notes from an old friend of his, who was unable to finish an expedition on an artifact he’d spent years preparing to find. Having received the journals and maps from the retired associate was like being handed the answers to a test. It was all there, and all he had to do now was go out and find it. She had been helping him to figure out the little details, and now the discussion was if she would be joining him or not on this wild endeavor. He, of course, claimed it was too dangerous for a first timer to be brought along on such an elaborate journey. 
“You should start with something more local, like I did,” he turned to her, trying to convey that he did not think her unable, but only inexperienced in the field thus far to take on something so big. 
“It’s not like I’m going alone,” she replied with a small laugh. He made it sound like she would be single handedly making the trek to the treasure. It was a silly notion to think that he was so worried, when he himself was running point on the entire thing. “Not to overestimate you Professor Jones, but I believe you have the ability to defend me if the need should arise. Not that I think it will, I’ll only be assisting you when needed, hence the title of ‘Apprentice.’”
His chuckle was combated by the shake of his head. He knew that eventually he would be giving in to her, because she had this trait of arguing, and just plainly talking her way into something she hadn’t been a part of before. It was often infuriating, but he never walked away from a challenge, even one he knew there was no chance of winning. 
“We’ll talk more after school,” he said, temporarily ending the conversation and walking ahead of her to his classroom. She stopped in her tracks, smiling like a ten year old school girl that was about to be on summer vacation. 
He curved his steps, stepping into the doorway and out of her vision. She usually lingered in the hallway for a few moments, as to avoid the stares when she walked in precisely after he did. It sounded ridiculous that she would even make such efforts, but she made the decision consciously, and it often worked.
She kicked her heels over the ground and clutched her books tightly to her chest, wandering about for a few seconds more. She took steps towards the door, but collided with two young men, and had to back away quickly. 
“I’m so sorry,” she looked to the floor, where one of the boy’s papers had been dropped. She knelt quickly and grabbed them before the breezy open hallway could send them fluttering about. She stood back up to face them with a smile, handing the shorter boy his papers back. “You’ll have to excuse me, I’m afraid I’m a bit clumsier than usual.”
They didn’t say anything, just stood there and stared at her. Strange boys, she thought. She attempted to simply nod and pass around them, but the taller one blocked her way, making himself like a brick wall between her and her favorite class. 
“Pardon me,” she said sweetly, trying once more to walk around him but failing to do so when the other boy decided to also stand in her way. She was peeved, but wouldn't show it on her face. “Gentlemen, I am very sorry for bumping into you, but I really need to get to my class.”
“Hear that, Jim? She really needs to get to her class,” the taller boy said tauntingly. She furrowed her brow, misunderstanding why they could possibly have the need to bother her at this precise moment. She recognized them, they sat in front and across from her. Shouldn’t they also be running along to be seated in time? 
“I think Professor Jones can do without his pet for a few minutes,” the other one spoke with a humorless chuckle. It was clear to her now that they had meant to hold her up, and probably to start a scuffle. These boys were obviously clued into the rumors and false gossip that spread through the halls, but actually having the balls to instigate a fight over it was a rarity. 
“Please, if you could just let me pass,” she tried once more to barrel through the small gap between them, but they shoved her back, and she tumbled to the side a little from the force. She readjusted her grip on her books, trying to compose her posture once more. This all seemed so juvenile, like they would be the school bullies on an elementary school playground. 
“No, I don’t think I will,” one laughed, taking a step closer to her with crossed arms, the other followed. It was beginning to make her feel uneasy, and her usually confident stature was caving in upon being forced into a corner. 
As uneasy as the boys made her, she still tried her best to talk her way out. “Honestly, gentlemen. What are we, children? We all have a class to attend. I doubt you want to be late and risk missing important material.”
“I’ll take my chances,” the taller one said as he took a step closer. 
Henry was nothing if not observant, and furthermore, he was intricately observant. When the pair of boys walked into his class three minutes late, along with the fact that his best student was still missing from the crowd, he was able to deduce that something happened in the short time he was separated from her, and it involved the two of them. He didn’t know how, but he was quite sure. It was also notable that the two young men were the ones that sat closest to her in the room. She didn’t have a deskmate, for obvious reasons, so the fact that they were in the near vicinity also made him think that they were involved somehow. She was never late, and she was never one to ditch a class of any kind, much less her favorite. 
“Looking for someone?” one of the students asked, clearly referencing the teacher’s pet. It was funny, or at least the rest of the class thought so, breaking into small fits of quiet giggles that filled the classroom. Henry was far from amused, and did not even hesitate to ask about his prized student. 
“Has anyone seen Miss Ledger?” 
The question reverberated against the walls of the room, and made everyone quiet down. There was a hand that had been raised in the very back, it was the boy who had come in late, and sat directly across from Scarlett on most days. After being pointed at, the boy wore a proud look on his face, the expression was enough to send adrenaline coursing through Henry’s veins. 
“I saw her in the hallway only a minute ago. She seemed to be going mad, something about needing to get home so she could find more trousers,” he said, his comedic tone indicating it may have been partially a joke. The classroom again erupted into muffled laughter, but the look on their professor’s face made them straighten up very quickly. 
He wasn’t exactly worried over her, per se, but now very paranoid as to what really occurred in that hallway when he had left her there. She wouldn’t just miss a class for the reason of finding a new pair of trousers. She was his most dedicated student, and would walk through hell or high water to be in her seat by the time attendance was taken. It all just seemed too suspicious for his liking, and as annoyed as he was, he heaved a sigh, continuing his class. 
“Everyone, pay attention,” he began, droning on all the notes he had prepared with Scarlet the evening before. 
She did not leave his mind the entirety of his lesson, which made sense, given half the time he read from the papers, it was her perfect handwriting that was scrawled over the small lines. He was thankful for the release of the bell ringing through everyone’s ears when the hour was over. He only had two classes in the day, and once they were done, he was free to either sit in the Professor’s lounge, or go home. He’d much prefer to go home, considering the circumstances he’d been met with on this particular day. Avoiding the multitudes of female students as he left his office, he nearly ran to his car in the lot, trying his best not to seem like he was in a hurry. The rumors had been heard by his ears, too, and he didn’t want to give anyone fuel for the fire. 
He got home fairly quickly, which was all well and good, but the thing was that he didn’t have the slightest clue of what to do with himself once he’d entered his front door. It seemed ridiculous for him to be acting this way, as he wasn’t even sure of what had happened, but he assumed it was nothing good. He tried to calm himself by sitting on the couch in his office, reading over some of the things they’d started marking out for the expedition. He had maybe distracted himself for an hour before his doorbell rang out. 
He jumped from his seat, scattering the papers and taking large steps towards the door. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting to see when he opened the door, but the lovely image of Scarlet Ledger wearing a skirt was not on the list. She had made it more than clear in the time they spent together that she had a distaste for skirts because of some not very fond memories in her youth, and yet here she stood in a fitted tweed skirt that started high on her waist and fell just under her knees. Her sweater was the same cream one that she had been in earlier, but the skirt was not even close to her favorite chocolate brown trousers.
Pants are more comfortable, she always said, and they leave no room for impish schoolboys to mess around and flip them over your head when your back is turned.
His furrowed brows were uncontrollable, and it made her feel even worse about the situation than she already had. His eyes that scanned her up and down about three times more were not because of his dislike, but because of his shock. Truly, this was the last thing he ever thought he’d see her wear. 
“Sorry I’m late,” she said, a cheerful smile as if nothing had happened that day. “May I come in?” 
He shook his head to get rid of the nasty feeling, giving her a tight lip smile that was unconvincing next to the one he always gave her when she first arrived.
“I already started marking out the route on the map,” he said while stepping aside to let her in. Feeling the hem of her skirt brushing against his leg felt so strange, and he wasn’t sure if she was ever going to fess up to the reason why she was wearing it in the first place, but he wouldn’t bother her about it, yet. 
“You were supposed to wait for me,” she sighed out, slightly disappointed that he hadn’t paid attention to her words from last night. It had been one of the things she was most excited about. The location had been found, but it was the journey to said location that would hold all the fun that was finding such an artifact. 
“I didn’t think you were coming.”
At this she stopped, turning around and nervously looking him over. It didn’t seem like he knew anything, but she had to be sure. 
“I always come after school,” she murmured, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Well sure, but when you didn’t show up to class, I had my doubts that you’d show up here,” he was nonchalant, but something inside him was irritated. That way she was so perfectly calm, much less while wearing a skirt. She didn’t seem to have any problem in the facts of her absence, and acted as though it never happened at all. “Speaking of which, I’d like to know why you missed my class?”
She stood awkwardly with her hands folded behind her back. She seemed very stiff, and he figured it must be the effects of her wearing the skirt. She seemed far less confident, boreline uncomfortable, which never happened in his presence. He’d made it clear what he thinks of her, and she’d never felt the need to mask her personality, nor her spunky attitude. 
“Oh? Yes, I’m sorry to have worried you,” she paused, straightening up slightly before looking him in the eye as she lied to his face. “I was lingering in the hallway, and felt a bit nauseous, so I decided to stand outside for a minute. Unfortunately, there was a bump in the doorstep that I hadn’t seen before… I fell down and scuffed up my trousers, so I went home to change before walking here.”
The look of utter ‘this is horseshit’ on his face when she finished speaking was so evident, she had to look away in order to prevent herself from faltering. Truth be told, the thing he found most amusing was just how rehearsed the story had sounded. It was so well gone over in her head, and he could hear it in the evened spaces of her words. 
“Is that the story you’re sticking with?” he tilted his head with an unconvinced expression. 
She stopped for a second to think about her response, because clearly he wasn’t buying into any of this. She knew he wouldn’t, but the truth was far more embarrassing and she’d rather not have to retell the events of which she fell into this afternoon. 
“It’s the one I have decided on, yes," she turns back to walk towards his office, choosing not to elaborate further. She decided that her response was good enough, and continued as if she wasn’t being incredibly vague and unconvincing.
He would get to the bottom of it, but if she was this defensive over what had happened, he would need to let her become comfortable again. She looked so out of place in a home she had resided in more than her own. 
As they got started, he neglected to mention anything about the incident. He joined in the act of pretending all was well, but it didn’t settle her like he thought it might. As the night went on, she perhaps got even more tense than she was when she had arrived. 
He watched her as she sat, decidedly uncomfortable in her attire. Her posture was not nearly as good as it normally was. Even when she is half asleep, she sits straight as an arrow, as if a string had been pulled through the entirety of her spine and was holding her up. Her shoulders were always back. It was so natural for her, that normally he would have thought a slumped and curved position was not possible.
Looking at her now, the best way he could describe her stature would be curled. She was curled in on herself. As though she was hiding, or protecting herself from something. It almost appeared that she was trying to shrink in on her already small form. 
“Are you ready to talk about it now, or should I wait a little longer and make you a cup of tea?” Professor Jones tries his best to make his voice light and teasing, but the smile he has that often makes her grin back doesn’t even cause a twitch of her lips. Strange. She barely even glanced at him.
“Talk about what?” She just opens the file in front of her and starts to flip through it. She was clearly going to try and sweep it under the rug. He decided to let it go for now, hoping the work will distract them both enough to get back to normal. That is, until she shifts slightly and her skirt rides up her leg. Even through her stockings, he can see the bruise blossoming. Her knee was also partially skinned, the dried red that would become slightly scared was evident.
“Alright, I’m sorry,” he closed his book and tossed it aside, uncaring where it landed for the moment. “I was going to let it go, but now I can’t. What actually happened? And don't give me the ‘I tripped’ story again. You don’t get bruises on your lower thigh from tripping on a doorstep.”
Her face froze, and she shifted her skirt down to cover her knees again. It was too late to make up another story on the spot, not one convincing enough anyway. The best one she had come up with was the one he’d seen through the entire time. She sighed out and dropped her eyes to her hands. Her pride kept her from admitting what happened, because in her mind, nothing was more embarrassing than being treated the way she was for such unjustifiable reasons. She trusted her Professor, and he made her feel safe, but this was different. It concerned him. 
Neither one of them had spoken about the circulating rumors, just let them hang in the air and ignored the stares from people as they walked by. Confronting the gossip meant that things might change, and she didn’t want them to. She was perfectly fine with the after school arrangement, the late nights that were ever so productive. 
“There were two boys in the hallway that blocked me from getting to class,” she began, still looking down, and missing as his fist clenched against his palm. He knew those boys were up to no good, he’d been able to tell just by the way they walked in. “They shoved me into a corner and tried to get me to admit to… something. I denied it and they got upset, so they grabbed me by my pockets and tossed me to the ground. My trousers had gotten completely torn, and my leg was scuffed up, too.”
She rushed out the last of the words, and had to slowly even her breath so she wouldn’t cry. She’d cried her entire walk home, and decided after she changed that she wouldn’t cry over it again. It wasn’t like her to be so offended, but the things they said hurt more than the bruises and scrapes. She’d try and avoid telling him if she could, but of course, his curiosities were ever present. 
“What did they try to get you to admit? You haven’t killed anyone, have you?” He said, his humor entering the scene even in this moment which was serious. She huffed a small laugh, feeling a bit better as she prepared herself for this next step. She needed to choose her words carefully, because what she said now would determine how things would go for the next several months. 
“Professor, I think you may have been hearing rumors at school lately, ones concerning you and I,” she said slowly, watching for his reaction and eventually receiving a nod from him. Of course he’d heard the rumors, everyone had. She was surprised that the entire University faculty and staff hadn’t heard by now. “My classmates are convinced that because of such things that I am receiving special treatment.”
“You are receiving special treatment,” he reasoned, but she shook her head, and he gestured for her to continue. 
“Not for doing the things they think I am,” she let out, the first tear escaping her eye, marking out a path on her cheek and dropping down to bleed a small stain onto her shirt. After that, more started following, and she couldn’t hold the choked sounds out of her voice any longer, either. “I have been called a lot of things in my life, most I can take, but for boys who claim to be gentlemen to corner me in a hallway and accuse me of prostituting myself for grades before throwing me down and calling me a whore is probably one of the worst feelings I’ve ever felt in my life.”
She instinctively did what she’d always done as a child. She sought comfort from outer warmth, from being touched. She wrapped her arms around herself and brought her knees to her chest, laying her chin atop her arms and closing her eyes tightly. She hated that she was breaking down here, in one of the only places she could seek comfort in, but thinking back to her horrible experience, and thinking that there could be plenty more ahead waiting for her was suffocating. She couldn’t help how pathetic she looked or sounded, though she’d like to bet she’ll regret it later. 
She heard shifting in the room, and felt a dip in the couch beside her. She looked up to meet his eyes, and he placed a hand on her shoulder, using the other to take his glasses off and set them on the table. She had seen him without them before, as he usually discarded them when he grew tired, but she’d never been so close up to really see what he looked like without them. He looked younger, boyishly handsome. 
“I’m sorry,” he was so soft spoken, and his eyes held so much compassion. He was a man in this field. He’d never had to deal with anything of this sort in his life, so he could never understand how devastating it must be to commit yourself to your studies and be treated like there was some ulterior motive, simply because of gender. He would never know how it feels to be called such things or be bullied over stupid jealousies. “I’ll make sure they get what they’re owed, alright?”
Immediately she turned to him with wide teary eyes, shaking her head rapidly. “No, please. If you involve yourself, It will only look worse.”
“I can’t just let it go. This is far more serious than you seem to be grasping-"
"Professor, I understand perfectly fine!"
"No, Scarlet, you clearly don't. What they did was wrong, no matter what reason they had," he pushes past the fact that he just called her by her first name. In every closeness they had by now achieved, that had been a line which wasn’t crossed until this moment.
His assertive tone made her straighten up her spine, and she forced onto her face a look of indifference. She knew he was only trying to help, but she would not let this get out of hand. She already earned a bad reputation on account of nothing but good natured studying and commitment to her field, and she would at some point have to draw the line as to where she stood in all of this. 
“Professor Jones, I must insist that you do not say anything to the young men in your class. As much as I appreciate your willingness to help my case, I think it would be a bad idea to let you defend me, now.”
He seemed peeved, but not completely annoyed. Curious as he was to her reasoning, he felt it ridiculous to neglect his attempts. Why would she push away someone who was trying to help her? 
“And why is that?” 
She had to take a deep inhale in order to look him in the eye when she spoke her next words. 
“Because they expect you to,” she was trying to convey the unspoken words to him as appropriately as possible, but of course, Henry was never as lady-like.  
“Because they think we’re sleeping together.”
Well, bingo. He’d hit it right on the nose, and she had to duck her head to hide her flushed cheeks from his stone gaze. “Yes, that would be why.”
He sat back in his seat, looking at other objects in the room, and hoping they would help him to think about a solution. He couldn’t help but feel like this was a rather out of his hands situation. The students of his class had made up their minds about her, but maybe he could change that. Perhaps, he could expose the boys for their actions without calling on them directly. 
“But we aren’t sleeping together.”
“No. We are not.” She tries hard to keep her voice level, though he can hear the slight catch in it. She’s still trying to hold back tears.
Henry sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Look,” he starts, “it’s one thing to be accused of something you aren’t doing when it’s only rumors. They crossed a line when they approached you physically, and there has to be a way to address it.”
Again, she looked scared, or at least rather uncomfortable with his suggestion. He hadn’t been finished though, and held up his hand to allow room to continue. 
“I have a friend in the office who owes me a favor. He might be able to address them without anyone else knowing about it, or that you ever told me anything.”
This, she decided, was a solution worth trying for. Her subtle nod made him quirk a small smile from the corner of his mouth. He nodded once too, and squeezed her shoulder as he leaned further back into the couch. She had begun relaxing immediately after that, and he felt he’d done something right in all this. 
She was only to be his student, but he could not deny he wanted to protect her from such things as these. He’s not always the kindest hearted person in the world, but he felt that perhaps he may have done the same for another girl in his class, as it was simply the right thing to do. He wasn’t so sure, though, that he would be so gentle and tender around her like he was now with Scarlett. He tread so delicately, because God help him, he cared so much about how she reacted to things. His attachment to what was only supposed to be his student had far surpassed what should be considered normal.
Never before had he ever had a ‘teacher’s pet’ or a ‘professor’s lackey’, but it was plain as day to anyone, now. Scarlett Ledger was his favorite student.
“Thank you,” she started smiling at him, now knowing that her reputation would not be further damaged, and her assaulters would receive punishment. There was also another reason. “For helping me.”
“It’s no problem. What they did is not acceptable from anyone in my class, their actions will have consequences.” 
They settled it there, and continued on with the work being done. Papers littered the floor an hour later as they worked, and though the hour was late, there was still so much to be done before the expedition took place. The question of her going still hung in the balance, and she had hoped that with all the work and time she had devoted, and perhaps a bit of Henry’s guilt from this situation being caused, he would allow her to join him. 
He had been sat on the floor by now, handing papers and notes he’d written down to her where she sat on the couch, but as he went over some journal entries of the dear friend of his that handed this adventure over to him, he neglected to realize that the soft shuffle of papers behind him, along with the quiet sound of a pencil moving had ceased. When he finished with the journal entry, he had marked the lines he had wanted her to see and was about to hand it over… but when he turned around, Scarlett had fallen into a restful sleep. Her head laid on the arm of the couch, and her arms wrapped around herself to keep warm without a blanket. 
He knew that in the groove he fell into that he wouldn’t be able to sleep for several more hours, but he didn’t want to just leave her on the couch in his office as he ruffled about his work when there was a perfectly comfortable and warm bed in his spare room. Normally, he would wake her, have her walk to the room herself and ready for the night… but she had gone through a hard day, and this was the first time since this morning that he had truly seen her relaxed. It would be just cruel to make her leave her state of slumber when he was very capable of just transporting her himself. 
He sighed and stood up, careful when he lifted her from the couch, and trying his best not to crash into anything or trip over the items on the floor when he moved between rooms. Thankfully, he made it safely into the spare room with little to no obstacles, and set her on the bed as gently as he could. He rid her of the shoes she wore before tucking her in beneath the sheets and duvet that used to remain untouched until her nighttime stays. She turned her head on the pillow, her brow furrowing a small bit when she faced him. He hoped she hadn’t woken up, otherwise he just spent meticulous time in carrying her all for nothing. She took in a deep breath before releasing it, and her face returned to normal. Her expression was bliss, and he found himself staring for longer than he would care to admit. 
Standing here, a thought entered and left his mind in a fleeting manner. It simply came, and went… but caused him to think more. The thought in question? She’s so beautiful. It would bury him, that thought. He begged his mind to never think it again, but on that tangent, a whole new slew of thoughts along those lines began to pile in his head like dug up dirt.
He needed to leave the room, that would help. 
“You’re gonna get me in some real trouble, kid.”
He walked out and back to his office, continuing to study his work, but finding that he retained no information on the account of his racing thoughts yet again. He sat back and raked a hand through his hair and down over his face before leaning forward to try and perhaps balance out all these intrusive thoughts with things he found annoying. He started with just a few things he often found to be peeving or invasive: She nags at him about the temperature he keeps his home, finding it too difficult to focus if she’s cold. She is constantly telling him how bad his handwriting is, hoping he will make an effort to write more legibly for her own sake. She reorganizes his work often, and it bothers him that he can’t find anything afterwards without her help. She raided his kitchen the first day she arrived, and mocked his eating habits while doing so… but in all fairness, she did make dinner and stop the work to allow time to eat. She had also been the one to help him arrange lessons when he was falling behind from other work. She was there to talk with him when he’d been stressed about the day from the events that occured. She was-
It was right then that he realized how truly and downright domestic their relationship had become. It washed over him in the most uncomfortable way, and clung to him like wet clothes on your back. He tossed the paper in his other hand to the floor and tried his best to make sense of any of it… but whenever he thought he was getting close to an answer it returned to bite him in the ass through a new slew of questions. 
This type of thinking was dangerous. They had crossed so many lines that should never have been crossed without even realizing. He hadn’t wanted to believe there would ever be any weight to the rumors at the University, but sitting here alone in this room, having just tucked Scarlett into bed one room over, he suddenly felt completely and totally wrecked.
@justanothersadperson93 @sparklytoaster @silverose365
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I’m Willing to Wait for It. (Part 1)
Aaron Burr x f!reader
Set 5 days before the Battle of Long Island. Reader is a spy working for Washington.
There’s an upsetting lack of Burr x reader fics out there, so this is my contribution to the cause.
The young men from the army were a common sight to see, crowded up in the taverns near the docks in New York Harbour. Raucous, pissing themselves and unashamedly eying up the ladies passing by, they were a sight not to behold. You weren’t expecting to stay for long with such company if you could help it.
Brusquely you made a short circuit around the bar, eyes searching the room, but failing to find the familiar face of someone you were meant to meet with here.
Wolf whistles and the occasional lewd commentary followed you as you found yourself a little nook away from the larger crowds where you could wait for your friend. He had a habit of being late after all and you had time to entertain yourself with watching the antics of those solider boys parading themselves about like peacocks.
From the other end of the room, Alexander Hamilton and his friends John Laurens, Lafayette and Aaron Burr watched you with interest. You were new in this establishment which meant that you were an opportunity.
“Say, where’s Mulligan when you need him?” Lauren’s exclaimed. “He’d be kicking himself if he weren’t here to try and talk such a lovely lady into his bed.”
“I daresay that leaves her fair game to the rest of us then. She holds herself gracefully, I bet she must come from money.” Hamilton jokes.
“Who is she and what family does she belong to? I’ve never seen her before.” Burr questioned with intrigue. He gazed over toward her, and somehow, as if she could feel the heat of his eyes on her, she picked him out from the crowd and returned his stare. It was not a stare of charm, or abashed chasteness that greeted him, but more titillating, it was calm and assessing. His first instinct was to turn away in shame, but his experience made him hold her gaze and respond with a light smile. This was his chance.
“I have absolutely no idea either, but maybe you might care to tell us when you two have a little heart to heart over there, Burr? Looks like someone’s caught her eye.” Hamilton cheekily announced to their circle.
“Oui, you should move quickly mon amie, before another one gets the chance to talk to her!” Lafayette was always the brilliant optimist of their circle, pushing people to try their hardest in all sorts of situations even if the odds were against them.
Although Burr was quite sure that the odds would be in his favour this time.
“I’ll be taking my leave tonight then, gentlemen!” He said as he excused himself from the group.
Weaving around the crowded room, toward you, you saw the man who you locked eyes with was fast approaching. Aaron Burr, you noted. You knew of him and his genius predisposition as well as his status as a young man of growing influence. But you also knew from many accounts that he was an opportunist and a rake.
“Excuse me, my lady, I couldn’t help but notice your exquisite face from afar, may I know what sweet name belongs to a beauty such as yourself?” Without a moment more, he smoothly takes the seat opposite you before anyone else can.
“You speak so kindly, Colonel Burr, my name is Y/N.” You responded in neutrality, you would be waiting otherwise and you supposed that a little flirting wouldn’t hurt in the meantime.
“Ahh, I see that you know of me.”
“It’s hard not to when you’re living in New York. The gossip is always rife.”
“What brings you here tonight? It is unusual to see such lovely woman here alone.”
“I’m here for business, and I’m waiting for someone to arrive.”
“Business? A client?” Burr raised his eyebrows in surprise, was she an escort?
“Business related to the war effort.” You corrected with a blush, realising the misunderstanding.
“Ahh. I must ask what side of the war you are on then.”
Before you could answer again, the shadow of Hercules Mulligan, your contact, towered over Burr.
“Burr! I’m not surprised to see you here, and I see you’ve just already acquainted yourself with Miss Y/N.”
The look of curiosity crossed Burr’s face. How on earth did you know Mulligan? And what role did you play in the revolution?
At the arrival of your contact you relaxed, and without further ado, you turned to your admirer and began to shoo him off. “Mr Burr, I’m afraid Mr Mulligan and I will be discussing some things in private tonight, but it was lovely to meet you.”
“Burr’s a good friend, Miss Y/N and I’m sure he won’t let anything from this conversation leave our little circle, will you, Burr?” Mulligan countered, he must have trusted Burr a lot to let him in on the secret intelligence mission you were working on.
“Of course not, anything said here tonight stays between us.”
This was not the protocol you followed. But you knew Mulligan enough to know that he chose his friends carefully and that he would never invite someone that he didn’t trust to engage in such a sensitive conversation.
“I trust your judgement Mr Mulligan. Bring up a chair then and we’ll get started.”
Over the next hour you gave him explicit details on the movements of the British army that you had gleaned over the course of the week. Things that you were absolutely certain of and plans that were yet unconfirmed. Your position was unique in that it allowed you to move between the American and British side of operations without being questioned.
You were employed to teach the children of a long string of British officers who had started their families in colonies which put you in an advantageous and secure position to gather intelligence for the revolutionary cause. After all, the way to a parent’s heart is through their children, and nobody asks questions of a teacher who is adored by their kids.
“…and there will be an attack, five days from now that there is to be an attack on New York harbour and Long Island when the British fleet arrive. They’re expecting 10 line ships, 20 frigates and 170 transports. 32,000 men.” You said quietly.
“My god. We are unprepared for such conflict.” Mulligan exclaimed, flabbergasted by the revelation. Burr said nothing, although the colour drained from his face immediately. It must be hard to be in his shoes, you thought. The responsibility of leading these men to battle must weigh heavily on him.
You nodded, deep in thought. It would be a bloodbath. How many of these young mirthful men would be here again to tell the tale in 5 days time when all was said and done? Many had never even been in battle before.
“Is that everything you have to report today, Miss?” Mulligan started up again after a brief silence at the table.
“That’s everything.”
“Thank you for the information, I’ll be passing it on to General Washington as soon as I reach him tonight. Hopefully there will be aid for us or another way to defeat the British when they arrive.” Shaking hands with you, he took his leave, but not before turning to Burr. “You should be grateful we have a good spy network. Y/N is one of our best, you should thank her in advance for saving your ass.” He chuckled, clapping his friend on the shoulder before slipping off into the night, leaving the two of you alone again.
“I’m assuming this wasn’t quite the direction you were expecting tonight to take, was it, Colonel Burr?”
“Please, just Aaron. And no, it wasn’t quite what I was expecting, but thank you all for your service to the country.” He bowed his head in newfound respect and awe for your work.
“I could say the same for you. Aaron. You responded with a smile. You tested the name, it was certainly less of a mouthful than ‘Colonel Burr.’
“And I also trust that you will keep my position a secret from your friends?”
“They will be none the wiser, you can trust me.” Burr assured you.
“Thank you. I should be heading home now that Mr Mulligan and I have finished up. Your company tonight was most welcome and flattering, Aaron. I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of your night.”
“It would be my absolute pleasure to walk you home if you’d like. The streets here are not the safest at night and at the very least, maybe I can provide you with some entertaining conversation to pass the time.” Aaron pleaded.
“I wouldn’t be opposed, but I don’t want to deprive you of the company of your friends.”
“I don’t think they’re expecting me again if I’m being honest.” He said coyly.
Uh huh.
You fought hard to not wrinkle your nose in disgust at his suggestiveness. They were not wrong when they said he was reliable with the ladies. You absolutely were not going to be offering him tea and biscuits when you got home.
“It is late, and I won’t be able to offer you room and board at my home.” You warned him.
“The pleasure of walking with you is more than a reward for me.”
“Shall we get going then?”
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weridpersonhelp · 2 years
modern au avatar
okay lets get this right okay!
neteyam and anoung obviously have a rivreral over you for some odd reason
tirseya and you grew up together and have been bestfriends forever
but when kiri was added to the mix you where 3 pea's in a pod and had a blast i might make senarios of you guys.
neytiri runs the nature protection protest and all of that stuff, working part time along with jake so they have time for the kids.
neteyams a golden boy getting A's, captain of the track co captain with anoung on bascket ball.
rotox is a good friend to you, you know thoese gay best friends but their not gay? but will let you paint their nails and make them pretty for some snacks.
lo'ak sooo bad at math tirseya tutories him.
he helps her in english.
Ronal is a mid wife at the hospital and top of the chain one, but otherwise she helps out alot with her children and is a stay at home mum while pregnant.
tonowari runs the school or is very involved with the community, like very involved. but not in a snobby way.
He's your typical joe that will help you with anything you ask for.
Your parents, your dad loves listening to the sports podcast, works at the pub and use to travel the world with your mum
dad body for sure
tell me now your mum is not hot, you can't beacuse she is.
she works had quite the exciting life, but loves being a mum more. she loved you though she does quostion her own choices of parenting sometimes. she knows she raised you well.
ronal, neytiri, and your mum. wine friends.
they gossip, play dirty games make dirty comments drink wine and love to party.
your dads will stand around the barbque and talk about the latest sports things, and their experiences.
all of your dads work at the school. jake is couch with Tonowari, but your dad is history teacher, which was why you knew so much about your culture and eywa.
tuk plays pady cake, and tic tac toe with you guys when you have a girls night at kiri's.
neytirir will join you all, wearing face mask, doing each other hair and watching romcon and the acasional horror but thats when tuk is in bed asleep.
you guys will not stop talking and neytiri even talks about her experiences with boys with enough wine ;)
anoung makes tiktoks with you and goes swimming on the beach with you alot, you went four wheeled driving with him and his family once. and it was crazy. Tonowair got skill's with cars.
the sully's are alway so funny to be around though, neteyam is embarrsesed at first but you calm him down and say that you had a nice time at his.
your though are an average student, you rock in the arts like kiri and make short films that you show to your family.
your parents have saved every single short film you made ever since you were 12.
Pt 2? any specific thing you wanna know or should i just write an fanfic for you guys?
just tell me
apologies for spelling and grammar not very good.
302 notes · View notes
folklorebae · 2 years
𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐀𝐔 - 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 𝐅𝐢𝐜
Cast(s): Actress!Reader & Actor!Suna Rintarou
Warning(s): Swearing, slut-shaming, reader is using she/her pronouns, slight semi x reader
A/n: I recommend you to read my drabble first. But this could be read separately
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Liked by sydney_sweeney and 5,946,073 others
yourinstagram un cappucino s'il vous plaît
tagged: @bellahadid
View all 28,745 comments
bellahadid Love you, ma fée🧚‍♀️
Liked by yourinstagram
rintarousuna Me after downloading duolingo
↳yourinstagram 😀😁😐🤔
yn.sassy Another day, another slay
↳ynln.xo Perioddd
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itsunadaily WIRED Interview ft. Rin and Y/N is out now!
View all 214 comments
↳sunafan2 IKR
ynfan3 Okay okay, I'm curious. WHO IS Y/N'S S/O?
↳ynfan1 I think it's clear that there's something between them
↳ynfan3 I thought Rin has a gf? I mean, that mysterious girl?
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Liked by atsumumiya and 4,825,948 others
rintarousuna Thanks @wonderland and everyone who played a part⚡️🖤
Order now.
View all 22,864 comments
yourinstagram Damn boy, can I get your number?
↳rintarousuna I'm taken, sorry
↳ln.dailyyy Atp I don't believe you guys are just friends
aquariusuna JAW ON THE FLOOR
↳ynfan5 Bro... you good?😭
↳ynsangel I believe this is an easter egg for season 2
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rintarouflorals RUMOR (via deuxmoi): Rin was seen with Y/N in Paris
P.s I beg all of you to not believe everything you read on the internet. Please keep the comments respectful, thank you.
View all 753 comments
sunafan4 Isn't it obvious that they're more than friends?
↳sunafan5 Maybe, but I think people should leave them alone and mind their own business lol💀
sunafan6 I will never trust that stupid gossip page
sunafan7 Idk bout you all, but Rin and Y/N don't make any sense
↳ynfan6 FINALLY. Someone say this! They don't give any romance energy imo
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florenceflorals Florence via instagram story!
View all 275 comments
↳ynfan7 She has been in paris for a week�� That ig story is from yesterday
↳florencefan1 WHA–😭
florencefan2 Are we going to see Ms. Flo and Y/N work for the same project again👀
↳florenceflorals 🕯manifesting🕯
florencefan3 Y/N and her are together. Those people who ship Y/N with Eita or Rin could go😍
ynflorals I LOVE THEM SM OMG😭❤️
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Liked by privyn and 31,837 others
View all 3,846 comments
privyn My bf is hotter than hell
↳sunafan8 Girl, he's OUR bf
↳privsuna lmao
sunafan9 Oh God... Idk how many people died because his whore behavior
ynfan9 @yourinstagram, ISTG you're the loml. But babe, I am this close 🤏 to steal your man
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enews The fans have been speculating about L/N and Semi's relationship for months. But after attending his concert last night in Paris, the "I Know Places" star was seen having dinner at César Paris with co-star Rintarou Suna. Click the link in bio for more👀 (📷: Instagram/Getty)
View all 535 comments
ynfan10 You guys need to stfu and get a life. Leave my girl alone
↳ antiyn1 Your fav is a hoe, just admit it lmao
↳ ynfan10 "TPWK🌸" in your bio is bs. Your fav is ashamed of you lmao
semifan1 Ok but imagine being that pretty and people make rumors between you and these two fine men🥲
privsemi Wtf is wrong with these people💀 @privyn
↳privyn Apparently netizens can't see a woman supporting her male friend😍
sunafan11 Rin ily, but you and Mr. Rockstar need to leave and let me be with Y/N
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lnandsuna.media “I don't think I owe anyone an explanation about it (his romantic relationship). For now, both of us have agreed to keep our relationship out of the public eye and as long as we're happy, it doesn't matter what strangers think about us.” — Rintarou Suna for Wonderwall, 2022
View all 3,639 comments
ynfan11 Um... where is this coming from?😭
↳lnandsuna.media papz took some pics of him with his girlfriend kissing in the alley earlier this year
sunafan12 Even deep down I wanna know his girlfriend's face, these paps should leave them alone omfg.
sunafan13 I feel so sorry for him, he deserves better:(
ynfan12 Paps need to chill omg. What if that girl isn't a celebrity and suddenly everyone in her life knows that she's dating a famous actor?
↳sunafan14 That girl is a public figure (my aunt used to work for her stylist) and everyone around her knows her bf
↳ynfan12 So what if she's a public figure? She deserves a privacy
↳sunafan14 I didn't say she didn't deserve privacy. I just said that she's a public figure
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Another a/n: I'll do a part 2! (If you wanna be tagged lmk) Stay tuned mwah<33
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didoldacc · 1 year
oh boy (wonder) ● huening kai | chapter one
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this work contains violence and smut, MDNI!
warnings: sound of gunshots, curse words (i don't know if this one even should be in warnings) let me know if something is missing!
+this is not a dark fic, warnings are only there because it is unavoidable in a superhero setting. but this chapter is one of the lighter chapters.
smut warnings: none
word count: around 1.4k
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"they say the new vigilante wondering around devil's tongue is gotham city's boy wonder." you said while chewing your pen. you were definitely stressed. all of this had a very high chance to boost your path to climbing up career stairs yet the worries you had about your city made it impossible to focus on promotion ensured with the story of blue bird that you have been working on.
"nightwing?" your co-worker fulton asked.
"yes, him. i really hope he doesn't bring gotham's curse on us. you know our crime rates are record high, we are almost as fucked up as gotham but what blüdhaven needs is not a vigilante running around. i don't think it helps gotham city, either. he should go back where he came from." you felt an urge to argue even though no one was saying anything. even confused looks towards you was covering fulton's face.
"well, tell me where do you see a problem in this? you are in need of a good story for your next sweet paycheck. and it comes by itself to you. you can still add commentary in your stories, it can gain a lot more attention but other than that, you shouldn't put your thinking cap on." he argued back, sounding like he didn't get your point at all.
you decided to avoid having a prawle with him. "whatever... i asked for pictures of him to be taken, do you have them?" you asked. "yes, i have them. you know even though you never bothered to learn my name, you have no idea how far i would go to capture pictures for your stories." he said jokingly but you knew there is no smoke without fire.
you frowned "hey, give me some credit. i of course know your name, fulton." trying to object what he said.
"that's my surname, i am talking about my first name." his protest immediately daffed by you. "is that really important? that's all the information i need for a respected co-worker." hoping he would get the hint.
"let's get working. and also we need to get read for this night. i suggest we follow him."
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"welcome to our precinct, rookie. you are for sure going to feel unwelcomed here but don't get scared! they will start to treat you like a human being in no time." a random officer said. kai wanted to roll his eyes. his low-key attitude was definitely not suitable to a cop his age and experience.
"no worries, i survived gotham. i am pretty sure that some socially awkward stiations isn't going to be my cause of death instead of a psychotic clown terrorizing the whole gotham." he headed to his desk after giving him a sarcastic and dismissive response.
"look at the newbie over there! he looks so dreamy!" said a senior officer who didn't look much older than kai. "is he kai kamal huening, the adopted son of bruce wayne? i heard he lost his parents when he was a kid and adopted by the billionaire playboy." they started gossiping as if kai wasn't there. "poor guy, but lucky."
kai couldn't help but smirk to those women talking about him. even though they were obstrusive, he was used to it. gossips were unavoidable if you were a wayne. it was okay as long as they didn't know the batman and robin. yet he didn't worry about it due to very limited observation skills people had.
kai started to place his belongings to his desk. this was a new beggining to him, a chance to become a different man than his surly adopted father, an identity that had nothing in common with bruce's darkness. lost in the thoughts, kai stopped thinking once he saw his captain walking towards him. he hoped that she was just coming there to welcome him. kai immeadiately stood up. but once she started talking all of his hopes was in vain. just being there to welcome him was further away from the truth with the worlds slipping out her mouth. "isn't that a great coincidence the successor of the wayne fortune started his career as a dedective with a high ranking. i will keep my eye on you. anyways i am actually here to remind you that you can take the documents for your first case from my secretary." she left without giving him a chance to reply.
he went up to secretary's desk to take the file. the secretary seemed a nice sweet girl unlike everyone else around. "oh, you are here to take the 'blue bird' files, right?" kai felt his heart racing with his luck but he managed to stay nonchalant. "yes, i guess so? isn't his name nightwing? why the file is called blue bird?" the secretary's lips slightly opened for a minute then she pressed them together before answering. "i wouldn't know, sorry." kai smiled. "no, i am sorry. i was just talking to myself. it was rude." kai explained himself. he had a feeling that she was the one he wouldn't hate to be around. "guess i better get started." he said before leading to his desk. the sweet secretary waved good bye to him, both of them forgetting to exchange names.
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kai wanted to give himself a break and not to go to patrol this night but later decided to do so because he was in desperate boredom due to lack of human connection he had. before he left he wanted to call barbara. his hands were about to dial the contact name 'babs<3' yet he stopped himself. if he called her, bruce would know and the last thing he needed was bruce knowing kai was alone like himself. kai was never a grumpy and serious person like bruce. he had a phase where he was constantly mad due to his parents' passing but thanks to alferd and his more open-minded and fun-loving nature. yet kai was still afraid that he someday would turn into a bruce or the batman. so no he wasn't going to call barbara and she sure could outlive few weeks without talking to him.
"god i am really hoping that the new vigilante is on a patrol this night. otherwise we are fucking up our sleeping schedules for no reason." fulton complained.
"stop whining like a baby. if i am going to be the next lois lane i need this story." you sounded stern while saying it.
"or you could be the next vick vale." his sarcasm in his voice made you sick for some reason but you didn't chew on. "or her yeah." you mumbled.
you stared at the roofs where the so called nightwing hanged out the most. what was his deal? was he really robin? if he is, why did he leave batman? you needed all those answers for your story.
suddenly you heard a gunshot. the adrenaline taking over your body, the only thing you were managed to think was whether or not if this story was worth risking your life yet you still ran toward the gun sound, coming down from the ladders as fast as you could. you were certain that it was your lucky day when you heard more gunshots coming from there. "this will definitely get nightwing's attention."
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a/n: i know reader and kai may seem a bit annoying but they will have character developments and kai's character may seem just dick grayson named kai but don't worry it will be a mix of kai's and dick's personalities. i added this note cuz it bothered me while reading but then i remembered my plans for this fic.
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nevernonline · 7 months
✧.* pancakes for dinner; profiles 002
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masterlist ▸ 001 y/n's chaos demons ▸ 003. gu's reoccurring characters
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✧.* seungcheol:  y/n’s childhood crush and now neighbor. co-president of the diamond boys frat, ultimate shy boy.
✧.* seungkwan: leader of gwu's radio broadcasting team. hosts a radio show where students send gossip but calls it an advice show. cheol's roomie.
✧.* mark: he's kind of just mark. everyone's friend, diamond boys original member even though he thinks the name should be something better, will always be your ultimate hype boy. trying to force seungcheol to be his radio co-host.
✧.* woozi: maybe the only normal person on campus. ultimate baby face, would do anything to get seungkwan to shut his mouth. gwu radio vp as well as vp of diamond boys. the voice of reason.
✧.* minghao: only personality traits include being a art hoe and he'll definitely tell you about it. he's probably gossiping about seungkwan. not ur typical frat brother.
✧.* jeonghan: bad bitch? you heard it here first. never wanted to be involved in jaehyuns plot to become the hottest frat brother in the entire school, but is so annoyed over it he's plotting to beat him.
✧.* jaehyun: absolutely the nicest himbo you'll ever meet. constantly running his mouth about jeonghan for no apparent reason, some say its because he has a crush. maybe that's true? makes the best drinks at the parties, if you ask nicely.
✧.* junhui: literally everyone’s favorite person. (Including me ok) silent but deadly. knows everyone inside and out even if he hasn’t officially met him because he’s overly observant. kick ass at karaoke but sorry he only sings kids bop versions as a silly little quirk.
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note/s: just posting these now to give ya'll a lil taste of who you're dealing with, just a bunch of crazy hoes. if you're interested in joining the taglist pls reply to the master post or in my ask box xoxox.
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aspenous · 4 months
Started this at 2AM because Kuroshou won't leave the mind. You know what that means
Okay I think we all collectively agree that they're AT LEAST ex-lovers turned rivals right? But can I propose one-sided lovers before and after. Tf do I mean?
I mean a ten year old Kuroo who's too much of a wuss to confess his crush on the new neighbor and instead makes him a flower crown, which Daishou accepts because hey! Someone wants to be his friend and his new classmates are still being cautious around him. Kuroo is over the moon and talks Kenma's year off about how Daishou accepted it and whenever their together he holds his hand, shares his bento box (he ends up taking Daishou's portion of carrots because the boys face crumbles when faced with the food) and even kisses his cheek! He's just as much a volleyball nut as Kuroo is and on days when Kenma can't hang out, he finds himself in front of a clunky TV with Daishou beside him, watching–then re-watching old recorded matches. Kuroo is dead sure their going to grow old together and complain about the weather and whatever else old people do together until Daishou suddenly up and transfers to another school, leaving Kuroo stranded with no new landline or contact information in genral to reach the boy. He's left heartbroken, and when he see's Daishou again across the court, he may or may not let a bit of that childhood betrayal fuel his new rivalry.
I mean a 19-20 year old Daishou who finds out a little too late that he and Kuroo applied for the same university, and now shares a dorm; two rooms, a single bathroom, a closet sized kitchen and the concept of a living room, with him. Their rivarly had mellowed out after their 3rd year, and inbetween graduating, wasting a handfull of weekends trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life and parting ways with Mika, Daishou couldn't find it in himself to be as petty as he used to be. Kuroo seemed to be on the same wavelength, since all they trade are snide, one off comments or underhanded compliments on a bad day.
They start to co-exist, in a weird 'two different puzzle sets that can be miss n' matched because their templates are the same' way. Kuroo is a early bird, and by the time Daishou wakes up for afternoon classes, he finds breakfast (More like brunch) left in the microwave. Daishou tends to run by the store on his way back and this turns into him handling groceries. Their texts switch from randomass memes Kuroo finds from who-knows-where to random gossip they pick up on around campus. Sometime after mid-term exams, busting their only heater and finding a DvD player for cheap, they start spending Friday nights watching camp horror movies. Sometimes it's Kuroo justifying early 70s movie direction and sometimes its Daiahou guessing correctly the entire plot after ten minutes of watching but always, without fail, it ends with Kuroo draped across Daishou's shoulder and definitely ruining his one good sweater with drool (he doesn't mind as much as he should).
After three months of this, sprinkled with minute touches, catching lingering eyes and living with eachother instead of around one another, Daishou steals one of Kuroo's hoodies; one that's well-worn and he had no reason to take if he was still just a roommate. Kuroo hums when he sees, mumbles a quick 'it suits you' that sounds near bashful before scurrying away and Daiahou is satisfied ("over the moon's more like it" Mika had snickered).
Nothing major changes between them after that. Breakfast is still made for him when he wakes, but he throws some effort into waking up early on Mondays to watch Kuroo cook (and stare at his ass in running shorts), during grocery runs he picks up Kuroos favorite snacks and keeps the cupboard stocked. Simple 'make it home safe?', 'you look good in that' and affectionate cat gifs start to get mixed into their other messages. Kuroo starts suggesting cafes/restaurants and hole-in-the-wall confectioners to visit together. It was almost cute how he'd stammered through his first rec and looked genuinely surprised when Daishou agreed. Movie nights are warmer now. More contact and staring and awkward comments that Daishou doesn't look into. It's fun, being with Kuroo, and he's willing to wait for the rooster head to get comfortable with this–them–at his own pace.
That is, until two months pass and the guy has yet to even kiss him. Daishou's a patient guy, especially when it comes to relationships, but he's still just as human and if the idiot won't initiate anything he will. During the next movie night, he throws whatever into the DvD player and lets exactly 38 minutes pass (yes he counts) before turning over, waits for Kuroo to look back and closes that treacherous distance between them. Its nothing deep, just a peck on the lips, but when he draws back he finds Kuroo red in the face and just staring at him as if Daishou had grown a second head.
Now Daishou's confused, and his mind is slowly beginning to wonder if Kuroo was some weird 'sex before marriage' puritan until his dear sweet boyfriend of nearly two months mutters "I thought you were with Mika–"
Okay that's it no more I went to sleep at 3AM, then woke up to finish the rest of this lmao. Definitely got some basic grammer smudged since I didn't check nothing. If u care they end up half-arguing, half-explaining what they were thinking this entire time and at the end of it Kuroo smooches Daishou a whole bunch like the clingy cat bf he is.
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