#and they own the golf courses
thunderheadfred · 6 months
ok i'm trying not be a bitch (not very hard) and I'm glad my partner is visiting family because he gets something out of it emotionally, but his insanely rich family make me so ragingly pissingly infuriated, even when i keep my nasty ass at home for everyone's safety
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rempesluck · 4 months
Wait for it…
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crosbyism · 21 days
I think your post about SidNate buying a house/some kind of property in Cape Breton might be real. I don’t have any inside scoop ha but one of the fans who met Sid in Halifax today with his son, the story felt almost like they were stalking Sid.
Because they said that someone told them where Sid was/going to be and they pulled up there in time to see him get out of his car? Who’s around Sid that knows his schedule that much and can confidently tell other people and be right? And mentioning that Sid is going back to Pittsburgh one of these days? IDK it was a nice picture, he was polite with them as usual but the circumstance around it made me uncomfortable.. People really do know about his whereabouts (and Nate’s too) a little too much.
i assume you’re referring to this facebook post from a couple days ago. yeah, i feel a similar way about it; it feels a little to close to the stalking end of things for comfort. i’m sure getting privacy is hard for them. someone (maybe nate, i think on some podcast?) has also mentioned before that people have paddled out onto the lake to try and get a glimpse of them, bc since 2015, people have been able to figure out where sid lives in the halifax area bc of There’s No Place Like Home. apparently their addresses are basically common knowledge around halifax these days, so it’d make sense to find a different getaway.
as i’ve said, so far it’s only rumours off of reddit, so who knows. but i did lose my mind a little bit at the idea that they bought houses on a golf course together. if it’s true: good on them for getting some privacy, and also: can you imagine how great of a time you’re gonna have when all you do all day is eat, golf, (fuck,) and sleep? good for them.
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from these and these reddit posts
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imagine being so bad at your job that your own followers keep trying to kill you
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khattikeri · 6 days
donald trump assassination attempt 2: electric boogaloo was not on my 2024 bingo card
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theirloveisgross · 5 months
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monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
Do you have any evidence of Roxy playing with the plushes in her room? Mostly because I would like to see it
Okay so I don't have like. The most concrete evidence in the world here, I'm mostly just looking at the environment and thinking about what it says about the characters and stuff. With that said, I'm also not the only one that noticed this (can't remember where I've seen people mention it before but I know I've seen this around a few times in fics and posts and stuff) so I dunno take this as you will
The idea Roxy plays with her plushies comes maingly from how the plushies in her room are arranged and a little from how her plushies are in the most random ass places sometimes. I don't know if there's more locations than the ones I'm about to show you because I don't have the game and can't just wander around looking for them, but here's what I know for sure!
First, Roxy's room!
Roxy's room is the only one of all four rooms on Rockstar Row to have the plushies arranged somewhat properly and not just left strewn about the place. Most importantly though, some of them are placed in ways that make it look like they're doing something. Here's the screenshots of all the ones in there:
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So there's two sat nicely against the base of the kids motorbike ride, with one looking out the window and one looking towards the vanity table. Then there's one sat at a racing arcade cabinet as if it's playing it. There's two laid on the couch like they're taking a nap or just relaxing. There's one on the table either watching the one playing the game or maybe doing some imaginary other thing. There's another on the table, lying face up with a bunch of wrenches, a little shampoo bottle and a helmet so small it's the perfect size for the plushie next to it. Then you have one plushie driving the go-kart and running over another plushie from behind.
Yeah, the ones on the couch might be a little bit of a stretch, but some of these just kinda make it look like Roxy intentionally put them there to display them or to set a scene up. Like the table could be a pretend parts and services or something, hence why ones lying on its back with all the wrenches and stuff. They all just seem a lot less randomly placed, ya know? I think it's pretty cute ngl!
And then you have the Roxy plushies in weird places! Here are the ones I noticed (again, I don't have the game so these are screenshotted from videos I found):
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Gonna quickly explain this one by saying I misremembered it a little bit, but it's still relevant. This random little room in the loading docks area, with nothing but a Sunnydrop poster, a staffbot staring at the door and two wet floor bots, has the Glam Roxy plush collectible in it. Bit of a weird placement given Roxy is literally never in this area to my knowledge and this is typically Chica's territory, so it makes me wonder what the hell it's doing in this werid ass room. An old idea was that Chica was playing with the plushies one day and stuck her in Gay Baby Jail or something.
Though, now I'm looking at it, if Roxy put it there, you could see it as leaving a plush down there to keep these guys company or for them to protect her or somethig? I dunno. A bit sad if she put herself in Gay Baby Jail though lmao but anyway...
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This one is located in the Kid's Cove boat! I'm pretty sure that aside from the Golden Sunny plush and regular Moon plushie collectibles, this is the only plushie in Kid's Cove. Which is to say this is the only plushie I noticed that was actually visible. Given the light from the left is from a TV screen playing nothing but static (what's up with that??), this plushie was having a movie night or something. Or someone's living in the Cove. Or Roxy's made herself a secret hideout in the Cove. I dunno, but you see how the little drinks can is within the plushie's reach and all the... maybe sweets near its feet? I dunno whats going on with the shoes and the tiny Roxy mask, maybe there was a dress-up thing going on, who knows? I dunno if this is Cassie's secret hideout and she was playing with a Roxy plushie but regardless! This is a weird ass place for a Roxy plushie when everything else around there is Sunny and Moon themed!
Oh yeah and there's also another itty bitty helmet off screen to the right. Maybe the story is that this Roxy was driving the boat but it sunk or something? I dunno. I'm convinced those tiny helmets are for the plushies or some other toy cause there's a height limit on the go-karts they are not letting babies drive go-karts lmao
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These two are in the dressing room style area thing of the Superstar Theatre. There's a good few plushies dotted around here but look! The one on the right is keeping the endo company! :)
Anyway, I don't know where the others are. I know there's a good few of her plushies just fucking everywhere in weird places and someone had to put them there, right? Her room having them all arranged like that is the only reason I would think Roxy's putting her own plushies everywhere though. I just think it's kinda cute that they usually seem very deliberately placed there by someone and given the whole murder scene going on in her room, Roxy seems the most likely culprit lmao
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butch-bakugo · 6 days
Apparently there was a second attempt on Trump's life and yet again its another former/current trump supporter. The theory about the first one being fake is getting a little stronger lol it barely got press coverage cause literally no one cared and now they are going for round 2 even though its doing less numbers than the first cause it wss on his fuckin golf course, he didn't even get hit and no one outside of his little fuckin cult gives a literal shit about him. He's not gonna win and if these are genuine, how did BOTH OF YOU MISS?!! THIRD TIMES A CHARM!!! Once more from the back! Line up your shot better this time please! Double check to make extra sure!
Sure it'll just be another head off the republican christiofachist nazi KKK Hydra, project 2025 dosent cease existing just cause Trump's not there to head it but it'll be the funniest shit if the head wanna be dictator gets fuckin offed by his own, not antifa, before he even has a chance to lose another election. Better yet, probable next shooter, please wait till just after he loses. Let him live just long enough to watch his ass lose again and then off him cause lets be real, this decrepit mother fucker is going to be in his fucking mid 80s by the time the next election rolls around and he will kesp trying until he fuckin dies.
Idk who it will be and I really don't care but this wanna be Hitler deserves every threat he receives.
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ratatatastic · 2 months
for everytime swaggy uses we are the champions in any post i think we need to shoot him with a paintball gun in the back
#txt#going through his ig stories and getting jumpscared#GIRL PUT A CONTENT WARNING#WARN A GUY#also they ate at carbone at south pointe and im like wait but they went golfing-#*immediately gets reminded of the huge stupid ass fucking golf course that takes up half that dumb manmade pennisula of a city*#i feel so much hatred towards that thing i erase from my mind for my own health#also i did go wow the amount of traffic they had to wade through just to 1. get there and 2. get out#ive been corrupted by soflo the first thing i think about is not the enjoyment but the traffic#if you want to know the relation of carbone to catch (the seafood place the team ate at before they went clubbing) its a block away#they like dining in south point lol#from what i remember ages ago south pointe was more of a quaint residential area that tourists avoided because anything past 5th street#wasnt worth looking at so a lot of residents spent more time on that side of the city than the north if they wanted to chill at the park#that also connects to the beach with a cool pier like it was always regarded more of a hidden gem than anything else#that families spent time in on weekends playing soccer or picnicing or drinking mate like i know yearly easter egg hunts were held there#i say that but there WERE more expensive restaurants in the area before (joes stone crab which has been there for ages)#i just suppose now a lot MORE have opened up since then and kinda transformed the area into a bougier place#as if there isnt a cheap sandwich shop like a block away too lmao#yeah the development of “expensive food restaurants” in quiet residential areas is weird! and that city is filled with it!#i could go on about how hispanic refudgees viewed mb since the 60s to the 00s versus how tourists view it now but oop! thats an essay!
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carolofthebell · 2 months
Our nation is burning because Boomers refuse to respect anyone younger than them.
They don’t pay livable wages to younger people, so we’re all in debt or living paycheck to paycheck, and don’t have enough money to contribute to campaigns. They won’t contribute to campaigns of anyone younger than them. Neither party has put forth a Gen-Xer since Obama (and born in 61 he’s barely Gen-X.) Does anyone else remember the articles about Obama being the first of a new Generation of leaders? That hasn’t happened.
List I made organizing Presidents by Birth Year:
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ioletia · 3 months
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Today at the Traveler Championship golf nonsense game, some people stormed the field to protest something. People are attributing it to Just Stop Oil, a British based environmental group, but as of right now no one is certain- and, honestly, I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about the nonsense that are golf courses...
I could and should write out a whole treatise on why exactly golf courses and their existence within the world are both ethically and morally "bad," but no one's going to read that twenty page document. So, bullet points.
Golf courses, and the associated country clubs, were (and still are) notoriously bigoted- specifically towards Jewish and BIPOC people. If you aren't a WASP, good luck finding a foothold in the sport/community.
Golf courses, and the associated country clubs, actively exclude anyone not of a certain wealth. This has a number of knock on effects, such as keeping average people out of "green" spaces, actively gentrifying nearby areas, and just generally creating a very insular community. And, as we all know, insular communities tend to become quite bigoted- see the first bullet.
Golf courses are monocultures. A monoculture refers to a large swath of area predominately populated by one species to the exclusion of others. Golf courses use one or two species of grass to populate their entire course. This pushes out local native species of plants that many native species of wildlife need to survive.
To continue, golf courses aren't allowed to seed. Grasses need to go through a period of growth before they push up seed heads, but, because golf requires very consistent turf, that is prevented by constant cutting and over seeding. This essentially creates a vast wasteland that pushes out local wildlife and starves any that might try to stay within it. Golf courses might look "natural" and "green," but are literally as far from those concepts as you could possible be.
In addition, maintaining a thick lush turf requires constant fertilizing, watering, and biocides/pesticides, which are rarely ever contained to only the golf course. These chemicals can run off to local water ways causing all sorts of environmental damage to wildlife species that were already pushed out of their habitats.
Golf courses take up so much space! Which, in and of itself isn't an issue, but when you combine this with the environmental impact they can have as well as the exclusionary culture they operate under, it becomes a huge issue. Instead of having a green space for everyone, including the local wildlife, there's a WASP club that actively poisons the area around it.
So, yeah, fuck golf. We should be protesting it all the time. It's bad.
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savageboar · 5 months
the children yearn to roam the north american wilderness until they find themselves, stan
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jrueships · 1 year
paolo new commercial with curry, signed with jordans, jaba we need to do something besides hatewatching or laugh emojing the nba rn buddy
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sadhockeyfan · 1 year
i'm just glad the isles won one game this time around bc i will never forgive the c*nes for the second round sweep of 2019
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next gen systems having the worst looking sports simulator games is just pathetic. i’m sorry. grass that looks worse than my VCR-sized OG xbox renders it when I play Links 2004, unsexy lighting in a rectangular stadium/tennis court or small golf course several generations after open worlds were introduced. players looking like their skin is play-doh with hair on in said lighting. BUT we have microtransactions spend money on packs of players omg do you want to buy fake clothes to dress up your fake player you made out of preselected faces when FIFA Street on the aforementioned original xbox allowed you to modify and shape noses when creating your player? omg do you have friends who waste their time on this game too (no, all my friends know better)?? play online with them! (i think i don’t want anyone on earth to know i play madden or golf games of my own free will thanks) DO YOU WANT A HOUSE TO GLITCH ON YOUR FOOTBALL FIELD?? DO YOU WANT TO PLAY THE INVISIBLE BALTIMORE RAVENS?! PLEASE DON’T LOOK AT OUR GAMES FROM 2006 THAT ARE BETTER PLEASE DON’T FIND OUT THAT THE NINTENDO DS AND PSP VERSIONS OF OUR GAME ACTUALLY HAS REFS ON THE FIELD AND CREATE-A-STADIUM/TEAM AND OTHER FEATURES WE GOT RID OF BECAUSE SOMEHOW WE CAN’T MAKE THEM RUN ON NEWER SYSTEMS! did you want simulation? oh oh i thought you said you wanted a real-money-black-hole gambling casino that looks like shit and crashes and loses your save data to play on a system that boasts the ability to bring you the most beautiful and fastest games of all time
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belle--ofthebrawl · 16 days
Going to get into my local ( as in hour away) kink scene to find someone willing to repair my vintage leather gloves and not be weird (negative).
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