#and they keep closing clinics in other locations and now we have to answer the phone too
vaguelydownwards · 2 months
How did I, of all people, become a beacon of mental health at my workplace
0 notes
azzysmate · 3 months
Back From the Dead - Part 2
Azriel x RhysSister Fanfic
Summary: Rhaen, sister of Rhysand, was supposedly dead for centuries, but what if she wasn’t? What if she was only trapped by something no one ever dreamed of being so dangerous? And what will happen when she appears at the border of the Spring Court and human lands barely alive?
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3rd Person POV
The High Lord and his Spymaster walk down the halls of the clinic in silence until they are certain that the two females will not overhear them.
Rhys, only a few steps ahead of Azriel, whirls around to ask, “What did you find?”
Frustrations rolls off of him waves, almost as visibly as the velvety darkness he wields. “Nothing.”
He had searched all up and down the wall, looking for something or someone that could give him some type of clue as to where she came from. But it was as if she’d appeared in the spot he’d found her out of thin air. She was only a few feet from the wall, and there were no human settlements around for miles. No holes in the barrier, not a drop of blood from her or anything else close by, no other scents, not a trace of any other being.
“She must’ve used what little energy she had to winnow where I found her,” he adds, “Whatever happened to her took place at another location.”
Rhys runs a hand through his inky black hair. “And you didn’t check the Spring Court at all?”
He doesn’t respond, only blinks at his brother. They both know that if he had stepped one toe onto Tamlin’s land, it would’ve started something they weren’t prepared to finish. They couldn’t withstand the repercussions right now, no matter how badly the both of them were willing to risk it. It was the only reason Azriel showed any restraint. That and the fact that he wouldn’t have been able to stop himself in time to see Rhaen wake up.
Not that he got back in time to see that anyway. He couldn’t bring himself to be irritated with her at all though, not when she was smiling up at him like that and joking around with Rhys just like old times. Like she was never gone. His heart felt lighter seeing that, but every time she flinched in pain, it struck a match to the boiling rage inside of him. Someone had touched her, hurt her, left her for dead, and he refused to let them continue to walk around this earth as if they’d gotten away with it.
“I don’t think you truly want me to slip into that territory, Rhys,” he finally answers the question, “but I can do anything else.”
With a sigh, he nods slowly, “Right. Almost forgot about how absolutely feral you become when it comes to my sister.”
It isn’t easy to surprise the Shadowsinger. He is the Night Court Spymaster for a reason, and it’s because very little can make it passed his intensive attention. He’s also a little too good at keeping things to himself, making it hard for his family to truly see him. He isn’t a vulnerable person, and although he’s shown romantic interest in not one, not two, but three other females since Rhaen’s death, or I suppose disappearance would be a better word now, none of them have made him as weak as she did. Which means he’s never tried to hide something as hard as he’s tried to hide those feelings for her. Especially from Rhysand.
“Azriel,” he says with a bit of a laugh, “I know you. I see more than you might think. Of course, I’m not quite as attentive as you are, or else I would be doing my own espionage. That doesn’t mean I miss the way you look at her, the way the tension leaves your body when she’s near, the playful glances and words you give to her. I’ve always seen it, even when we were younger. I also see how you’re so fiercely protective of her. I saw the way you immediately grasped onto Truth Teller when we came into her room. And let’s not forget how you were barely considered a living being after we heard the news about her. You love her, Az, and not in the same way that Cass and I love her.”
Again, all that Azriel can do is blink at him. Rhys isn’t angry, thank the Cauldon, as made clear by the smile that stays on his lips while he speaks. However, that’s not exactly the reassurance he needs from him in order to pursue Rhaen. He would never do such a thing without his blessing.
The High Lord shakes his head a bit when he realizes he’s not going to get confirmation or denial. Which is really the only confirmation he needs to know his assumption is and always has been correct.
He places a hand on his brother’s shoulder and asks, “You said you’ll do anything I need you to, right?” Az nods. “Okay. What I need is for you to get her to open up to you. You have always been closer with her than anyone else, so I know she’d tell you before she’d tell me. Though that’s never made much sense to me considering you’d do more damage on her behalf than I ever could because like I said, you go feral when it comes to her wellbeing. But I digress…”
“Rhys,” Azriel speaks as Rhys trails off, “I’m not sure what you think she’ll tell me, but I don’t feel comfortable romancing your sister into giving me information.”
“I’m not asking you to report anything back to me. I trust you’ll bring any dire needs to my attention, but what she needs is for you to be her friend. Rekindle the relationship you two once had and get her to share what happened to her. Not for my benefit or yours, but because whatever she went through left a wound that she’ll need to let breathe before it can heal. Feyre told me that when she started to wake up earlier, her hands were glowing purple. We both know that’s a sign of her losing control. It looked like something triggered her, and whatever was going on in her head made her angry enough that she would have turned the whole building into rubble had Feyre not gotten her to open her eyes. Something bad happened to her while she was gone. Something that could cause her to destroy the entire continent if she doesn’t let it out.”
Az takes a deep breath before doubtfully clarifying, “And you actually think I’m the one to bring it out of her?”
A smirk appears on Rhys’ face, as if he knows more than he’s letting on. “I do. Be her friend.”
Many thoughts passed through the Shadowsinger’s mind at his assuredness. Did Rhaen have feelings for him all those years ago? If she did, would she still have them now? So much had happened that irrevocably changed him since she’d last known him.
Then again, plenty of things must’ve played out for her that he had no clue about either, but there was no doubt in his mind about what he still felt for her. Feelings he hadn’t felt in her absence and probably never would for anyone but her. No matter how hard he’d tried.
Either way, Rhysand was right. She needed someone to talk to. Whether or not it was him.
Azriel’s doubts were suddenly clouded by the need to help her get better, so he tucked them away and replaced them entirely with the resolve to be whatever Rhaen needed him to be.
1st Person POV - Rhaen
Madja said I was healing wonderfully. I only had to stay one more night before we could return home, just so she could be one hundred percent certain there were no signs of internal damage.
Thank the Mother she didn’t possess the ability to search my mind, or she would’ve never let me leave.
Rhys had communicated with Nuala and Cerridwen to prepare me a room at the River House, the new property he’d bought specially for him and Feyre. When we arrived, it was just as lavish as I expected. Night Court colors enveloping every nook and cranny. A huge bed, covered with the most beautiful black and silver embroidered silk sheets. Midnight blue curtains with shimmer that sparkled like diamonds, imitating the night skies of home I’d missed so much. Ornate artwork and vases on all the walls and tabled surfaces.
My favorite part by far was the bathroom. Everything was black marble aside from the cream colored porcelain tub that was big enough for three people and equipped with messaging jets that I couldn’t wait to unleash on my sore muscles. Every type of earthy smelling soap imaginable, along with salts and sprays and lotions. All of my favorite hair products and oils. Everything I used when I was younger.
The fact that he remembered those details from my childhood made my heart melt.
Scents that I favored, books I grew up reading over and over again, pictures of our family, our friends, including the new additions I’d yet to meet. Everything about it screamed home. It was perfect.
The only thing that felt out of place was me. Yes, I loved everything he picked out and prepared for me, but it was more like a shrine built for the little girl I used to be. I felt different now. Rougher. Battered.
Even so, I said nothing in hopes that I could readjust. Perhaps living as I used to would bring back that innocent little girl I was. I truly wanted nothing more.
Now, we’re all gathered together for dinner, finally eating after what felt like hours of reuniting hugs and introductions.
“Okay, hold on…” I raise one hand to Nesta, who isn’t nearly as scary to me as they made her out to be. It’s more like she feels everything so strongly, and she isn’t sure how to handle it, and that’s something I can relate to. “You changed her entire reproductive anatomy? And then proceeded to do it to yourself?”
She smirks at me from across the table and Rhys rolls his eyes, surely never going a day without the reminder she saved his mate’s and son’s lives. “I did,” she says.
“You were not joking about the last ten years, Feyre,” I comment, “The Archeron sisters are a different breed entirely. Completely flipping Prythian upside down. A High Lady with the powers of all the High Lords, a death god who can control the Troves, and a seer that needs nothing else to leave me utterly impressed. I’m blown away.”
“Don’t give her a bigger head than she already has, little one,” Cassian chimes in.
Nesta lifts one brow at her mate. “You weren’t complaining about my head this morning.”
Lucien, who I recognized from Tamlin’s court and nearly beheaded on sight had it not been for Azriel holding me back while Rhys explained his presence, spits out the smallest amount of wine and looks around sheepishly. “Apologies. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how you are all so… open with each other.”
Elain, Feyre’s other sister, smiles softly at her mate and pats his shoulder lovingly.
“You’re in and out so much, I’m not sure how you ever could be,” Mor replies to him, “That’s alright though, Luc, now that you and Elain finally accepted the bond, I’m sure you’ll acclimate in no time. Officially part of the family, which means more family dinners, which means more lewd family conversation.” She winks and lift her drink to him.
“Wait, you only just accepted your mating bond?” I blurt out curiously.
Azriel stiffens next to me, and Elain’s eyes widen a bit as they take me in. Lucien clears his throat, and all the others grow uncomfortably quiet except for Cass, who looks more annoyed than anything.
After a moment, Elain sobers up enough to answer me, “I had a hard time coping with becoming fae. Being thrown into the Cauldron was traumatic enough, but as soon as I came out, Lucien was exclaiming that I was his mate. It was all too much for me all at once, so I had a rough time being okay with it for a while.”
I glance around, but they’re all trying a little too hard to avoid meeting my eyes. “So what aren’t you all telling me then?”
“Perhaps yet another discussion to have at a different time, sister,” Rhys declares, “All that matters is that Elain and Lucien are happy together now. You’re home, safe and sound. We all are.” He reaches out to grab Feyre’s hand, and she gives him an intensely adoring grin.
Slowly, everyone began to speak again, picking much different topics to talk about. With the exception of Az and I. When I gather the courage to look up at him, his golden eyes are already on me, and it causes my heart to stutter.
It’s clear to me that something went on between the two of them, and his regret is just as obvious based on the pleading gleam in his gaze. Silently requesting me to let him explain later.
The problem is, I’m not sure why he thinks I’m owed an explanation. We were nothing more than friends before, and for all intents and purposes, I was dead to him for centuries. Even if something had gone on between us, I would have wanted him to move on from me.
However, if I’d messed around with someone’s mate, I suppose I’d want to be the one to tell my friends about it, too.
He’s so blatantly ashamed of it, and I can see he’s worried about what I might think of him. So I reach under the table to squeeze his knee in reassurance and try to convey my own words through our eye contact.
‘It’s alright. I would never judge you. We all make mistakes in our desparation. I know I have…’
I turn back to my plate and continue to eat. As I’m about to pull away, I feel the softest brush of his rough fingers against me, and then his scarred palm settles on top, keeping me there.
Heat flushes across my cheeks, but I ignore it and the reminder of Feyre’s suggestions at the clinic that play on a loop in my mind…
You guys are the most wonderful beings in the universe, and I feel so loved. Thank you for your encouragement. This part is a little shorter, not too much happening, but I’m trying to setup for the good stuff, so I hope you bear with me.
I love you all so much, you’re the best 🤍
@projectcampbell @acourtofsmutandstarlight @rcarbo1 @lilah-asteria @anainkandpaper @evergreenlark
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punemy-spotted · 3 years
The Price You Pay Chapter 3: Counteroffer
Pairing: Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader, Senator!Andy Barber x Reader
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con elements, Dub-Con, Dark!Fic, Abuse of Legal System, Murder, Character Death (minor, possibly major), Love Triangle, Political AU, Mafia AU, Workplace Sexual Harassment, Abuse Mentions, Possessive/Obsessive Characters, Other Chapter-Specific Warnings May Apply, Possible Dead Dove: Would Not Eat
Chapter Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Elements Continue; Dub-Con; Angst; Politics; Possessive/Manipulative Behavior; Spanking; Choking; Crying; The Dove is Probably Dead: Do Not Eat
Chapter Summary: The return of an old friend brings back the ghosts of old memories.
Chapter 1; Chapter 2
Notes: Shorter chapters my ass, these outlines are getting unreal. Andy Barber has arrived, Steve Rogers does not approve, the Reader bears the consequences. Things are going to be angstier from here on out and I can feel it in my bones. Please don’t yell at me — or do, your feedback is well-loved and appreciated even if it’s yelly.
Not beta-read, these sins belong to me and me alone.
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You met Andy Barber fresh from the ashes of his divorce, escaping the gossip and scandal and pain of his past life only to dive into the gossip and scandal and pain of politics. Senatorial campaign, in need of an aide and a law student desperate to do more for the people than hours in clinics and mock trials. Hungry for something grassroots, angling for the impossible.
A match. Whether made in Heaven or Hell feels irrelevant now, long ago as it was.
It was then. This… is now.
Hey Sunshine, didn’t think you’d be able to make it.
He looks the same. Keeps the same beard. Same hair. It’s uncanny and familiar and safe all at once and you slide into the booth with your purse by your side and feel genuinely smiley for the first time in a long time.
It’s been a while since I heard that name.
Yeah? It’s been a while since I got to use it.
The silence is heavy, unwelcome, unwieldy, a reminder of the space between what was and what is.
How’re you doing? Last I heard you were making a name for yourself taking down the…
He trails off, eyes fixed on the slide of your gaze, the sudden interest in a drink menu you wouldn’t normally touch, the tremor of your lips. A man doesn’t serve as Assistant District Attorney for the many years he has without picking up tells.
It’s a warning, a plea, a… confession, all at once, and all the dogged determination in the world can’t hold against the break in your voice, in your control. You’ve cried more in the past few weeks than you can recall and now here he is, soulful eyes and a worried expression and he’s never hugged you really, but suddenly you might want it just that much more.
Don’t be an idiot.
It’s dangerous, your stress, and you know it.
Dangerous enough to send you into the arms of the next safe thing — this is why you don’t do this, isn’t it, this reaching out bit, but no advocacy group on the planet is going to save you from yourself today.
I saw… I saw you win that case. Pretty brutal, standing up to the Syndicate, and getting what you did. He steamrolls past the way you wince, his thumb on that metaphorical bruise and pressing, the Prosecutor’s dogged determination demanding answers, I have a friend in the office, he was convinced you’d be climbing the ranks.
Every word is a twist of the knife, couched in quiet concern, gentle admonition, a warm hug in a smoky tenor and you want to tell him everything, you want to break down in his arms and tell him every word, every buried piece of you he never learned, everything that’s led you to this.
You don’t.
You know better than to trust him too. No one’s going to take care of you but you so instead you shake your head and wave it off and Decided going into the private sector was the better option — one big win doesn’t really make up for the stress, you know.
Private sector. That’s what you’re calling the SHIELD Syndicate now? C’mon, Sunshine…
Look. It’s the Syndicate’s New York, when he made the offer it was… safer than saying no. It’s a cushy position anyway, and I didn’t want anyth—
He doesn’t believe you. He doesn’t believe you and you’re digging a hole trying to explain your way out of it so you just… shut up, shaking your head, It’s not important. I’m fine. I’m more curious about you — what year is it now, your fourth? What are you doing in New York?
The deflection works, but the look on his face is obvious — you’re not getting out of this so easily. He gives in for now, just for now, for you.
Almost fifth, gearing up for re-election. Had a meeting up here… about the organized crime situation for both states, and I remembered you were in the area.
Oh. You… it’s been a while since we talked, you remembered?
You expect me to forget you, Sunshine?
That stops you in your tracks, or whatever road your mind had been racing on, thoroughly not enjoying the defensive you’ve been on since you met with Steve, constantly under watch and waiting for yet one more shoe to fall on you.
That’s fear, sweetness.
You were the best campaign aide I had — I told you then too, I would have made you Chief of Staff if you’d let me.
It’s a good save. A clever save, and you want to believe it more than anything, want to believe it was all business and no pleasure because the alternative makes your nails bite into the table and want to turn tail before he can say another word and he… sees that panic flicker over your face so keenly it’s almost embarrassing.
You’re not used to this.
You’re not used to the warmth of his eyes when he searches your face for the answers you can’t give voice to. You’re not used to the way he reaches for your hand and rests it over your fingers, curling around your palm like he might actually keep you close and keep you safe and keep you free of the demons you made a part of yourself too.
Sunshine, why does his voice have to be so soft, why does it have to sound like molten honey on your senses, why does he have to say your name like it’s the very definition of the word hope, If you’re not safe…
No. No you’re not, tell him tell him the truth, tell him you’re atoning for the girl you could not protect tell him you aren’t worth it tell him this is your penance tell him you signed a death warrant tell him tell him tell him.
Andy, really. I’m fine. It’s a good job.
It’s a shit lie.
He drops it. Drops it just long enough for a waiter to finally come by, for his hand to leave yours while he talks through the wine menu. Drops it long enough for you to check your phone, realizing with horror that you must have silenced it absentmindedly sometime on your way here.
Ten missed calls.
All from Steve.
And one text, stamped from just five minutes ago.
[SMS] Either you pick up your phone or I pick you up, Counsel.
The next one comes right before your eyes, a picture of a map and a GPS pin. Your location.
You glance up at Andy, still talking to the waiter about the small plates options, feign a smile and Go ahead and choose, you have better taste than me, and return to staring at the picture and the three dots at the bottom of your screen, waiting to see his next message.
[SMS] Make your choice.
The haptic feedback of your keyboard feels like an electric shock with every letter, hurried fingers until you manage to tap out something that won’t immediately put the man in front of you in the crosshairs of the most dangerous organization in New York.
You can’t do that to him. You can’t.
[SMS] I’m at a dinner with a friend.
[SMS] And since I know there’s no emergencies pressing, I’d like my time, thank you.
You have the good sense to set it next to you this time, watching your screen light up with whatever furious response he sends next, glancing over only occasionally every time another one comes through. Don’t let him control you. Don’t let him think you’re at his beck and call.
You’re not.
You’re free, you’re free and you’re going to prove it.
Sunshine? What’s going on?
His voice cuts through the haze of panic like a knife and you swear you don’t mean to jump but you do and there’s no denying what he notices, eyes narrow and lips turned down in a sharp scowl, Sunshine…?
You are not that girl. You cannot be that girl, never again.
Steel. Steel yourself, flash him a smile, take a sip of the ice water left in front of you while you’d been checking your phone, reset yourself. Steady. Steady on.
Don’t let them know.
Nothing, nothing, just the boss — let him know I was busy.
Why is he texting you after hours? The Syndicate can’t be that busy.
He’s too watchful for your own good. Probably just making sure I’m staying out of trouble.
Are you?
Are you calling yourself trouble, Senator?
You like this. You can handle this, the trading of jokes, the crooked way he smiles. His eyes are a little more distant than you remember but you can still see them sparkle softly when he suppresses a laugh, lighting up properly when the joy reflects in them.
Briefly, you wonder when the last time he really laughed was.
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By the time dinner is over, his hand, warm and steady, is back on yours as you talk — and for a moment you almost enjoy the way he runs his thumb over your knuckles absently, like he’s making careful appraisal of each one. Could use your skills for the re-election campaign, you know.
Really? You’ve got a gorgeous approval rating, what are you afraid of?
Not having my good luck charm on the staff.
I’m dead serious, Sunshine, you ran that ship. You were what, a 2L? Rising 3? You had canvassing down to a science. We need that energy down on the Hill.
The curve of his fingers is a little tighter now, squeezing yours, like proof of his earnestness and oh, you want to keep believing him. You need to keep believing him.
There’s so much in New York I have to get done first. And besides, you know me. I want a life on the bench.
Justice Sunshine, and it sounds absurd when he uses your nickname and it sounds so real when he uses your nickname and in the warm smoke of his voice those contradictions can live together all at once.
That’s the one. Closest you’ll see me to Washington is when I’m appointed to the Supreme Court. It’s a dumb, arrogant, silly joke but it’s the same one you used to make with him over drinks, teasing him about his political goals and making him promise to “go easy on you” at your eventual Senate confirmation hearing.
It’s the one that makes him crack that too-beautiful crooked smile while he takes a sip of his drink — hiding the curve of his lips behind the rim of a heavy glass.
Well. If you ever decide to ditch—
Ever decide to ditch what?
The world moves in slow motion: hearing the low growl from behind you; Andy Barber looking up and rising to his feet, his hand slipping from yours with just the ghost of his comfortable touch to assure you; Steve Rogers coming into view as you turn, flanked by the not-entirely-unfamiliar faces of two of his enforcers — it looked like Wilson and Banner had been selected this evening — and the sudden pressure of knowing you’ve done something terribly, terribly wrong.
You stood me up, Counsel. Steve’s voice is a threat, a half-drawl as you stand up and face him, Andy right behind you, Something wrong with taking my phone calls?
She was busy, the sound of Andy’s voice is a balm to your soul and fuel to Steve’s fire, the muscle in his jaw jumping as he grits his teeth and resists the temptation to throw the first punch — you can see the fingers of his right hand curling into a fist, can’t you? The slow curve, the watching, wondering if you’ll make the right choice now that someone has chosen to try to lead you astray.
And who the fuck are you? If he can’t get you to respond, he’ll get something from the man talking for you, eyes trained on him like he’s debating whether his own frustration will make this interloper turn to nothingness and return you to his arms where you rightfullybelong.
Do you? Rightfully belong?
Senator Andy Barber. The title practically knocks the wind out of Steve’s sails and you can see it — he may be the Captain here, King of New York, ruler of his domain but he’s not stupid enough to openly attack a man with connections beyond the Syndicate’s web of influence. It’s a comfort and it’s not, all at once.
The room is still, vibrating with tension, the two men staring daggers at one another and you caught in the middle. I worked on Senator Barber’s campaign when he first ran for election, you manage out in some vain hope it might explain and mollify, only to be thoroughly disappointed — and judging by the way Banner winces, only to dig your grave further.
We’re talking about this later, Counsel. You’re coming home.
And what gives you the right to give her orders? You really are going to have to look back at Andy and beg him to not make this worse. You really are going to have to let him see your face, see that you’re afraid, sweetness. He’s not going to let you go easy and this should not terrify you as much as it does.
Senator Barber. It’s fine. Something must have come up,turning to face his burning eyes, until his face softens like he’s seeing you for the first time. And is he? Is he seeing how you just need him to let it go, let you go, drop the protectiveness and step back?
He has to, because he does, nodding before he grabs his coat and glances to the host station. If you say so, Sunshine. Take care of yourself. He doesn’t press, not knowing when he’s beat but knowing when you don’t want him to. When you’re not safe.
And Steve Rogers offers you his hand to walk you out.
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And just what the hell did you think you were doing!?
Oh, and you control my time off the clock now too?
He dragged you back home.
No. Not to your apartment, that sanctuary away from all this you’d been allowed to keep as part of the “deal.” His home, the bedroom where you signed yourself away, the space he unraveled you and left you tangled in your new life.
He dragged you back home, in the grim silence of the backseat of his car and you waited. Waited for the inevitable explosion, the one prefaced by Wilson’s nervous looks and Banner’s cautious stare.
This explosion, where he rounds in on you, where livid is still too tame a term.
Meeting with a Senator? Ignoring my calls? I told you, you were mine tonight.
And I told you I had plans.
After I told you that you were mine, Counsel.
Okay. That’s true, even if you’re loathe to admit it.
Plans adjust. Andy wanted to—
Oh, Andy now? I thought it was Senator Barber? You’re really familiar with him, aren’t you, Counsel?
Just what the fuck are you implying?
Maybe you need a reminder of who you belong to.
He loves to do this. Wrap his big hand around your throat, remind you just how easily he can impose his power onto you, watch your protests die behind your eyes when you realize how useless words are in the face of his violence.
The furious look in your eyes is something to behold, the way you embed your nails into his wrist to try and drag him off you, all soft snarls and indignant huffs, You fucking asshole…
You’re mine, Counsel, and don’t you forget it. You gave yourself to me, remember?
Like I… like I had much of a choice, breathy, furious, and clawing at him.
Doesn’t matter. You’re mine, and clearly I need to make sure you know it…
Captain, sweetness, Captain, and don’t you forget it.
There’s a moment, when anger becomes transcendental, when it turns into something cold and calculating and prepared, when a plan forms behind his eyes and you watch as he looks down at you, so full of fury and fear all at once and you watch as he leans in so close and you feel his hand slide until he has you by the back of the neck, until his thumb is the thing pressing under your chin to keep your eyes on him, until the heel of his hand is the thing keeping you from shouting at him further. Such a stubborn little bitch…
You can almost see the words forming in his mind, the ones his mouth won’t say, I could be so good to you, but he doesn’t say them, sliding his lips over yours instead and it is… soft. A capturing of your mouth with his, not caring that you protest, only insistent on leaving you breathless and hazy-eyed from each tug of his lips on yours and there stokes the warmth of more than your rage, a different fire rising in your core, unbidden and unwelcome but yours to own and his to play with.
He can sense it, practically feel it, that mad serum racing through his veins and making his nostrils flare as he pulls back and watches you, lets the scent of your perfume fill his senses like a drug he can’t get enough of and, I should hate you too, for this, whispered low and hushed and you barely catch it, don’t you? Barely, but enough, enough to remember it was said just before he pulls you down with him into the depths of his own lust.
And into his lap, it seems, as he drags you down, sitting on the bed with you draped over his lap, an effortless shift in his skillful hands. You can protest, and you do, even daring to try to pull away with a kick of your legs and an indignant, What the hell do you think you’re doing?But you know it’s all futile, useless as he places one heavy hand on your back and lets the other slide over the smooth chiffon of your blouse, tracing a line along your spine with careful, practiced ease.
Would have preferred this with a little more… circumstance, sweetness, but you need to learn a lesson now and drastic times call for drastic measures.
You can turn your head slightly, to look at him, that wild-eyed fury so sweet on your face and you are still a wild creature he needs to tame but he is patient and he can do this for as long as it takes.
But you’re a sight like this, draped over his lap in a pencil skirt and blouse, so put together and proper and now so prone to him, helpless under the appraisal of his hands and the way he takes no time in hiking your skirt up around your waist. Captain! Your protest is met with a low chuckle, especially as he lets his palm curve around the round swell of your ass, before leaving a light swat on the soft flesh, to draw a yelp from your furious mouth.
If that’s all it takes to get you shouting, sweetness, you’re going to hate what comes next, smug and cruel, as you try to hold yourself up enough to look at him, met with his smirk and the simmering fury still bubbling in his eyes. To say you’re in danger still is an understatement, no doubt, and you know it.
I won’t make you count this time, but piss me off again, sweetness, and we’ll just see how much you can take, you hear me?
Oh you loathe him, really and truly loathe him, hissing with anger and embarrassment, so close to twisting in his arms and clawing at him but remembering his size and just how much worse it could get — but then there lies the undercurrent.
The one you loathe too, more than you hated him, that warmth. Seeping into your core, a low heat kindled by the sly softness of his lips on yours and the sure tenor of his voice, low and soothing even as he promised damnation. The one that — just like now — leaves you flushed and writhing while he purrs threats to you, massaging the soft skin and sliding the lace of your panties down to remove all barriers to the sex he owns so surely.
You open your mouth to argue with him but as you do, you feel his hand lift from your flesh and then the resounding SMACK of palm on skin, turning words into nothing but a sharp cry of pain, surprise, and lust. The heat rises just as your body tenses, reacting to the sudden attack on your delicate form, cheeks flushed. Even as your eyes well with tears your sex strives to betray you and — Oh do you like that, sweetness? — damn him for noticing.
Let me go, Captain, the threat is shaky, your voice wavering with something like want and panic all at once, and all it does is draw another laugh as he soothes the stinging mark left on your cheek, gentle as a lover and four times as cruel.
Do you know what I think, sweetness? And another raise of his palm, to strike you once more, listening to the way that cry of pain and surprise turns into a soft, involuntary moan the moment he begins to soothe the ache, I think you need this. Always so uptight, trying to be the head bitch in charge, aren’t you? Just looking for someone to take over, take control, remind you where your place is.
His fingers slip further, more interested in exploring the soft slickness of your sex, listening to your protests die in your throat with every press of his fingers into your plush folds. That’s why I’m here, to keep you in my lap, all fucked and soft, sweetness. Don’t you worry, I’m going to take care of you. Even if I have to teach you just like this.
You should hate the way he talks, hates how he finds your center with effortless ease, like he’s known your body for years. Holding you down in his lap still as he draws mewling moans from you with every curl of his fingers, finding the proof of his accusations in the slick need coating your thighs, soaking his fingers, You’re making such a mess of me, sweetness. Are you going to be good?
Hiss at him. Snarl at him, buck your hips and twist in his arms, push him away. Do something more than what you are now, with red-rimmed eyes and tears staining your face, do more than listen to him talk, feel his cock pressing against you as you lay in his lap, I’m going to ask it one more time, sweetness. Are. You. Going. To. Be. Good?
He punctuates each word of his question with a harsh smackagainst your ass, leaving little time for you to do more than cry out, until the last spank draws something like a moan from your perfect lips and therein lies your surrender for tonight, that soft mewl of pleasure born of pain and he soothes you again with soft shushes and gentle touches, back to inspecting the renewed slickness of your cunt, back to enjoying that plump tightness wrapped around his fingers and back to trying to control the shift of his own hips and you can feel him, hard against you, needing you as much as he is compelling your body to need him.
Captain… a low, desperate sort of mewl, the squirm of your body less to escape and more to enticeand he notices. Notices the way your fingers try to cling to him, notices how you look so very sweet when you’re so very desperate and in some way this is your own game of control, a push and pull and the curl of his fingers is suddenly so much angrier, driving you to the precipice of the fall and you are tumbling, tumbling down into a darkness of want you may never recover from.
Say it again. Tell me you need me, sweetness, tell me you need me and I’ll give you everything, and there’s an edge to the way he says everything, like he might meanit, like he might give you the world if you just gave in and you hate him, sweetness, you hate him but you need the things you hate once in a while and you can’t keep bearing his fury on your body and so you sob out your surrender and whine—
I need you, Captain, please…
And that is enough.
Let him believe you.
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nalledimessi · 3 years
Chapter three: Blood.
Hello there friends, hope that all of you are great. Well, I don't know what to said, even sometimes I think I speak to much and sometimes I feel like the middle child, but anyway...
Don't forget to to like, leave a comment and reblog if you enjoy it! It means the work to me!
@imgoingtofreakoutnow Congrats on your exams Annie, you deserve a rest for the great job on them! I still can't thank you enough. You know I'm here for you, love.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, drinking blood, making love and flashbacks.
Tag's: @valsworldofcreativity @avala-moon @r13mar @drwho-ess
If you haven't read the previous chapters click below!
< Chapter two: Confrontations.
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Elijah bows his head, the veins under his dark eyes showing on his face. He opens his mouth while his fangs become visible, all in one single action, and sinks them in the neck of his human blood bag. He can hear how the heart is starting to slow down more and more with each sip he takes, but he’s unable to calm his thirst.
“Elijah!” Rebekah’s voice stops him before he drains completely the girl in front of him.
He pulls apart from the neck, bringing his wrist to his own mouth, biting it and taking it to the human’s mouth to allow her to drink some of his blood. Then he looks her in the eyes. “Forget this ever happened and continue your way” he instructs her using compulsion.
“Thank you, Rebekah.” He cleans the last remnants of blood from his mouth with his handkerchief. “I may say I’m not myself lately”
“Not just lately Elijah, but since she’s gone” she declares.
“You’re correct.” He puts his handkerchief in his pocket, then stands straight next to her.
She crosses her arms. “As much as I hate to say this brother, I think you should stick to blood bags until we bring her back. At least if I don’t come with you” she suggests to him.
“I will consider it” he utters, heading outside the alley they are in.
Rebekah vamp-speeds in front of him. “I’m serious Elijah”
“And I said I would consider it, Rebekah” he roars at her, his eyes darker and veins beneath them.
“You won’t find her if you end up with a dagger in your chest on a coffin” she reminds him.
He takes a deep breath and rubs his eyes, trying to regain control. “You’re right, I’ll do it.” Taking another deep breath, he then turns to face her. “I just need some air. I will see you at home.” He takes her hand and squeezes it softly. “I won’t do anything that’ll prevent me from getting her back”
“Call me if you need anything” she says before leaving him alone.
He gets out of the alley letting his feet carry him away, maybe somehow to you. He walks from the bourbon street to the Café Du Monde; he walks inside and purchases a few beignets to then start his way to what used to be your shared home.
“Hey” you greet Elijah from your seat, reclined on the arm of the sofa, your legs under you while reading a book.
“I brought you beignets.” He raises a bag while walking towards you.
You lift your sight from the book to look at him with a sweet smile. “You definitely know how to spoil me, Mikaelson”
He leans in to kiss you and then sits next to you while looking at you eating a beignet. “I haven’t seen that grimoire before, is it mine?” he asks.
You shake your head, taking a bite of your piece of dough. “Mine” you answer with some of it filling your mouth. “I found an interesting spell” you explain once you finish your bite.
“And what makes this spell so interesting?” he questions, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s called ‘De vampiri conceptu’ ” you reveal to him, reaching with your hand his tie to unfasten it.
“The conception of vampires” he translates with a smile on his face, knowing where this is going.
You move so you can be on his lap. “We both know vampires can’t procreate,” you say, stating a fact, “but we both love to try” you finish, slightly moving your hips, teasing him.
He places his hands on your hips, his fingers slipping under your blouse and caressing your skin. “And this particular spell tells you what to do?”
“Actually, it does.” You lean closer to his ear. “And it says to make love while we share blood” you whisper, kissing his sensitive spot below his ear where his jaw starts.
He stands up quickly with you in his arms, hands on your thighs to keep you from falling. You immediately wrap your legs to his waist while he claims your mouth. “Let’s take this upstairs then” he growls, carrying you to your bed.
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“Sammy!” you shout, crying for him locked in your bathroom. “Sam!”
“[Y/N?]” You hear Dean worried voice on the other side of the door. “Open the door, [Y/N]” he requests when he hears you sob.
You unlock the door and collapse in his arms. “There was… blood” you whisper, wrapped tight in his hug.
His thoughts immediately go to your baby. “Let’s go” he says, pulling you with him to the door, “let’s take you to the doctor, now”
He leads the way to the Impala, placing you on the seat and driving to your obstetrician —thank God he overheard from Sam where it’s located.
“What if I- I-” You don’t finish your sentence because you start crying again.
“Hey, hey...” Dean takes your hand in his as he parks in the clinic parking lot. “Look at me,” he asks you, focusing your attention on him, “the baby will be fine. Its part of you and you’re the most stubborn and badass person I know. He, or she, will be fine” he affirms once more while squeezing your hand. “We’re here just to confirm it, ok?” You nod. “Alright” he says before releasing your hand and running to your side to open the door.
The nurse rushes you in after your explanation while Dean waits for you seated on the chair of the waiting room; he lays his head to the wall closing his eyes, trying to gather his thoughts when his phone start ringing.
“Yeah?” he answers without looking at it.
“Where are you Dean? [Y/N] is with you?” Sam asks in a hurry.
“She’s with me, don’t worry Sam.” He stays silent for a few moments. “Don’t freak out,” he requests, “but we’re at the clinic”
“It’s- is [Y/N] alright? The baby? I’m on my way.” Dean could hear him moving on his end.
“I told you not to freak out!” he reminded him. “Don’t come, try to contact Cas in case we need him” he tells him.
“Alright, keep me posted.”
“I will” he assures before hanging up. After a few more minutes he starts to pace from side to side of the room until he sees you coming out of the door. He walks directly towards you. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes” you only answer and raise your arms to show him a photograph in white and black.
He takes it from your hands and examines it, trying to figure out what it is without luck. “What’s this?”
“That is my baby.” You point to a small curve on the ultrasound.
He looks it again and then turns to you with a smile. “It looks like a shrimp”
“Not for long” you smile back, watching the longing in his eyes.
“Let’s go, Sammy should be worried sick by now” he says before pulling you out of the clinic.
Dean places the key in the car, ready to start the engine, but doesn’t. He passes a hand over his face and exhales. “I know this isn’t my place to say, but you should tell him…” he stops to damp his lips, “Elijah has the right to know”
“Dean, I-”
He extends a hand to you. “Let me finish,” he turns to look at you. “I don’t know him but I know you. He must be a good man if you fell in love with him, apart from being an original vampire, but even I would like to know if I were to be a father.” He turns away from you to look out of the window. “I just need time. I need to get used to the idea that my baby sister is having a baby and who the father is...” —you knew he doesn’t like to speak about his feelings and he isn’t good when those same feelings involve you or Sammy— “but that… that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you or the baby. I’m here for both of you that is what family is for” he finishes, still avoiding eye contact with you.
You lean over him and deposit a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, Dean.” Seeing how his cheeks turn bright red, you chuckle.
“Now, let’s get you something to eat and those things that the doctor told you” he announces, switching back to his usual mood.
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Chapter four: Symptoms >
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA scenario: You can’t feel pain
You were born with a heightened reflex quirk but you were also born with a very rare birth defect called chromosome 6 deletion, that causes you to not feel pain, hunger or fatigue, and you have like zero sense of fear & self preservation , your boyfriend only knows about your Quirk, you've kept your medical history to yourself, until you have an accident and he notices something off and start asking questions!
Dabi: He hadn't see you in a couple days and got worried, he then got a call from you asking to take you to the slums walk-in clinic, (I like to think, that the villains have whole a network of black market doctors that sympathize with them and run pop-up clinics, you have to have a password to to know where and how get in.) He checked his burner phone for a pop-up clinic and found one near by. 
He got to your location and was stunned when he saw your right arm with a large knife jammed into it and a dead guy on the ground sporting a broken neck, He checked out your arm and winced realizing he couldn't pull it out without causing you anymore damage, He then examine your face, expecting tears, but... you seemed more annoyed by this whole situation then anything, Dabi was expecting you to be crying and whining at him to stop poking and moving your arm around... He thought you were in shock at first, but something was nagging at him that this wasn't normal.
Dabi was silent the entire way to the clinic, his eyes were burning holes into the back of your head, when you both arrived... and the first words the guard said to you was. "Y/n back again, for what? out of pills?" he sighed as you narrowed your eyes at the idiot and raised your injured arm up to show him, his jaw dropped and opened up immediately letting you both in. "What did he mean by that?" Dabi's voice was tense suddenly speaking up, "Why do you need pills?" You stiffened obviously hesitant to say anything, knowing full well Dabi doesn't like people keeping secrets from him! 
"Just wait for Dr. Yuhei to come..."
"You're on first name bases with the staff now too?" 
The cremator crossed his arms as a middle age man came in looking very happy to see her! "Y/n? what the damage today dislocation? burn damage, (cue Dabi flinching) road rash, broken bones..." His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas as he oh and awed at seeing the knife lodged in your arm. "Ha! you got knifed! I love it!" he exclaimed jubilantly while slapping his knee as he took out his tools. 
Dabi just looked at this man like he was mad as a March hare! "What fuck is wrong with you?!" he demanded out getting the doctor's attention, it took a moment for the man to respond.
"Oh! Are you the boyfriend I've been hearing so much about!" the cremator's brows furrowed as Yuhei shook his hand congratulating Dabi for finding a real diamond in the rough! "Not many doctors can say they've worked on a patient with Chromosome 6 deletion!" the raven haired man blinked incredulously. "Chromo what?" now it was the doctor's turn to be confused. "She didn't tell...You didn't tell him?" he watched your face and saw your fraught expression. 
"Huh...Well I'll be. That's certainly new!"
The doctor hummed before telling Dabi what was up about your condition, your boyfriend kept a neutral face but inside his emotions were churning. "Her reluctance to inform you of this...is probably to closes adduce to fear I've ever seen her display." Your face felt hot as you stared at Dabi expecting to him storm out instead, he just watched as the doctor pulled the knife out of your arm in fixed you with no anesthetic or pain-killers , Yuhei informed you that the knife had cracked the bone so you had wear a sling for a couple weeks, then reminded you to change your bandages properly, then handed you a refill of melatonin.  
The walk back home was awkward as hell Dabi had yet to say anything... Before you reached your safehouse you felt Dabi fingers grab your jacket sleeve while keeping his eyes on the ground. "Listen... this thing you have, did I ever hurt you?" You cocked a brow bemused before recalling Yuhei asking you about your injuries, he mentioned burns... and realized where Dabi was going with this, had he burnt you any given point and not known about it due to you not noticing or not telling him.
 You really wanted to say no... You really did! but accidents happen. "Not on purpose..." He winced hearing this as you continued. "sometimes during sex or when you're in a combat high." You reach up and patted him on the head making him flinch before relaxing into your touch. "If it'll keep you sane I'll tell you if I get hurt when we go on a run." Dabi hummed holding you close to him, needless to say the cremator became a tad more wary and protective of you during and after missions insisting he check your body over any injuries you hadn't noticed before leaving. 
Hawks: "Can you feel that?" a Nurse asks baffled as You let out a bored sigh as she and the doctor reset your left leg. "No." you huffed for the umpteenth time, wanting to leave the damn hospital already! but Keigo insisted you needed the hospital, cos your leg was swollen and turning purple after really, rough fight with a villain who had gotten a hold of you by the leg and toss you off like a rag-doll as a snapped echoed through the battle field!
I didn't take long for you to figure out your femur was broken and you were a sitting duck! until Endeavor and Hawks showed up they beat the villain, then noticed you sitting in the road with your left leg in your hand hanging limply in your grasp like a wet noddle! 
Your lack of impulse reaction caused them to think you'd gone into shock! Keigo quickly gathered you up flew to the nearest hospital! Telling you not panic everything was gonna be fine, you were gonna be alright! If only he knew the whimpering you were making wasn't from crying, but from laughing at him! 
After the docs had reset your leg (with no meds.) and put it in a cast again without any medication, you rolled your wheelchair out into the hall in time to see the doctor telling your fiancée about your one a billion condition! You can see how nervous the blond was he almost seemed skeptical, Hawks asked the doctor if he was overexaggerating a bit? "...I don't think you get it Hawks! this condition so rare that only 40 cases have ever been recorded globally!" you felt your stomach twist... this was definitely not how you wanted Keigo to find out about this. Your original plan had been to sit him down some time next week and tell him about it!
You were brought out of your thoughts by a someone's gaze burning in to your head, you looked up and met Keigo's analyzing gaze as he observed your condition, not in a bed, not hook to an I.V. and certainly not under the influence of any sort of pain medicine... He seemed a little pale as he approached you. "Hey... can we talk?" he asked you nodded as the two of you got on the elevator to the roof. You could feel him still leering at you as you arrived at your stop. 
"So..wha- what are you doing?!" You asked watching Keigo pinching your arm hard! and realized he was trying to invoke a reaction, but it was useless task as all it did was annoy you, this was the first thing people do when they find out about your chromosome 6 deletion, checking and seeing if you were faking it, Keigo felt panic bubble in his belly as he observed your reaction... or rather your lack of reaction. "Keigo..." You yelped suddenly feeling something tickling you under you chin, causing you to squirm and whimper as you tried not to burst out giggling.
You looked and saw the feather necklace Keigo had given you to be the culprit. "St-stop Keigo! stop!" When he heard you laugh, the blond relaxed, when the doc said you couldn't feel pain... he started wondering if your other senses were numb too, *of course that would be dumb!* he thought thinking back on how you react during sex and how you were acting now, pretty told him that everything else running fine. "Why didn't you tell me about this Chromosome thing?" You pretty much explained how you were, well... scared wasn't the right word, as you have no sense of the feeling, it was more like you were nauseous that his reaction would be negative... 
Hawk looked at you wide eyed. "Wait, you...can't feel fear?" He asked curiously you nodded explaining that you lack of pain has pretty much dampened your instinctive sense of self preservation, which why you tend to go on for so long in a fight even when things get dicey... "So that whimpering on the way over." you nodded. "I was trying not to laugh..." You said bluntly Hawks went oh then curiously asked if he had accidently hurt you during intimate moments? 
You were straight with him, he may have gone a little overboard during ruts, but nothing serious. Keigo didn't seem to like this answer. "Hey look at me." you huffed making gold eyes met your [y/ec] eyes. "I know you'd never hurt me on purpose, and if it makes you feel better you can check me over personally and pull me off patrol if you think somethings not right, does that work for you?" you waited as Hawks thought this over before nodding, The next day neither You nor Keigo were prepared for the tabloids headline: #2 Hero Hawks engaged to Bionic woman! You both cringed at the tacky tile!
Bakugou: "Stop you idiot!" Katsuki shouted as he watched you get up after one his explosions had sent you flying and crashing into one of the simulation buildings on the training field, as you looked around bemused as everyone was panicking, Toshinori aka your dad and Aizawa came up to you worried, the black haired teacher used his scarf as a bandage on you profusely bleeding head... which you just noticed. "Get a stretcher!" the teacher ordered.
"I don't need one I can wal-" Bakugou cut you off. "Get on the fucking stretcher Y/n!" You robotically obeyed as the medical team carried you to Recovery-Girl, who just shook her head when she saw you come in, she knows about your condition. "Y/n back again today, I'm started to wonder if you and Midoriya are related?" she teased causing you sweat-drop as Bakugou listened intently, and was very confuse when the old lady said this wasn't your first visit today....
"Oi, what exactly was she talkin' about?" the blonde huffed eyeing you suspiciously and was put off by you lack of reaction over your injuries. It didn't take a doctor to know that the knockback from his explosion should've cracked your skull and may have also broken your back, when you hit that building. "Oh, I had a little fall earlier, nothing to worry about."  you said nonchalantly Your dad who was trying to keep himself from coughing up blood on the other hand spoke up. "I wouldn't call getting hit by a car a "Little fall" Y/n." Katsuki's eyes widened, oh if looks could kill. "YOU WERE HIT BY A CAR AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!" He bellowed as All-might jumped back in shock while You stared at your boyfriend with a blank expression. 
He was frothing at the mouth as you listened to the blond rage like a chihuahua on caffeine, you looked at you dad having a metal conversation with the honey blond skeleton who nodded giving you the okay! you were gonna tell your boyfriend about your condition...With a sigh you calmly reached up and pinched Katsuki's nose between your index and middle finger. "Breath damn you!" you hissed the ash blond stilled and looked at you with annoyance for being interrupted. 
"I get that you're angry... But you need to know something." Katsuki let out an inquisitive growl as you looked at him seriously. "I can't feel any of this... at all." You chortled his red eyes widened as you continued. "I was born with a rare Condition, Chromosome 6 deletion?" You looked at your dad, Toshinori nodded you let go of Bakugou's nose. as your dad continued. " In short Y/n can't feel pain, fatigue or hunger, so naturally she lacks a sense of fear." Recovery girl returned wiped the blood off your forehead, and kissed your cheek a few seconds later your head was healed, Katsuki stayed silent as he absorbed everything you and All-Might had told him the teen was really quiet which worried you.  
Your dad sensed the tension and suggested the two of you go for a walk and talk this out, it was silent as you and Katsuki walked to a different part of the school that was more private, You turned to face you and were met with a fist flying at you! then stopping a few inches from your face, You didn't even flinch just gave him the same impassive expression from earlier. "If that was supposed to get a scream out me of you failed...royally." you hummed as as the blond frowned putting his fist down you can’t feel fear, even Half-n- Half’s eyes twitch when Katsuki psych’s him out!
"Why didn't you say anything anything about this?" he asked voice hoarse from yelling, You hummed trying finds the right words. "Well let's just say back in middle school I had a bad fricken time, kids can be cruel! you hummed not going into details on how others would exploit your medical condition for their own twisted fun. "I was...Scared is not the word, Sick the thought of you reacting the same as them made me feel sick." you were surprise when Katsuki pulled you close resting you head against his chest. "I would never hurt you like those brats did." he huffed wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Don't shut me out like that again," he kisses you nose causing you to blush. "fucking tell me if you think somethings wrong so I don't have to worry about your ass!" he huffed keeping one of his arms around you as you two walked back to class. After that Katsuki was a tad more protective of you often asking where that scratch/bruise came from? and checking to make sure you haven't broken anything during class or missions he was like Toshinori 2.0...
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lunar-girl-fic · 3 years
Against All Odds- Week 1
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Warning: Harrassment/assault, language, suggestive, threats
Word Count: 2530
A/N: As mentioned before this is based on my personal life. Even though not everything in this story happened, some of the more serious topics actually did. So a quick warning, there is content in here than can make the reader uncomfortable, specifically se**** harassment/assault. My intention in mentioning this in the series is to make people aware that this kind of stuff does actually happen in places you might not think it happens in. Also I try write relatable content. In my opinion Y/N reaction was kind of realistic. I reacted like that as well but instead of telling a boyfriend I told my close friend who worked with me and his reaction was the same as Eunwoo’s. Soooo in conclusion I hope you don’t think I’m writing this to be insensitive. I’m just trying to be as realistic as possible since it is based off my life.
A/N 2: I am a brown (If ya wanna know my exact ethnicity you could ask and I'll gladly tell :)), curly hair girl and since this is based on my personal life/experience I'm gonna write this series with those details in mind.
*Beep beep beep beep*
Your turned to your side to turn your alarm clock off. When you turned it off you gently pried the hands that were on your waist off. Even though your boyfriend was going to school the same time and place as you, you wanted to get ready first so you could make breakfast.
You took a quick shower and put on some home clothes because you didn't want to mess up your new uniform. After dressing you woke up Eunwoo.
"Eunwoo wake up" You said while shaking his shoulder.
He lifted his head towards you and barely opened his eyes, "Mmmh 5 more minutes", he mumbled dropping his head back onto the pillow.
You understood why he was so tired. You guys had stayed up late finishing the homework assignment that was due today. Had you guys known it was going to take so long you would've done it a week before but there's no point in dwelling on the past.
You shook him again, "Eunwoo, you have to get up. Class starts in an hour." He turned onto his back and whined.
"Morning sleepy head."
"You should start getting ready. We don't know how this man handles lateness."
"But I'm soooo tired." He said as he grabbed you and pulled you back onto the bed.
"I know, so am I."
"I can think of a couple ways to help us feel more energized." He said while caressing your thigh.
"So can I and it's called a shower and breakfast." You said while slapping his hand away.
He pouted, "You're no fun."
"I'll be sure to remind you of that next time you wanna have se-"
"Okay okay you win."
"I always do, now hurry up and get ready. You have about 15 minutes to shower and eat."
"Hmph, unlike you I don't take an hour just to shower."
"Wh-what?!? I don't take an hour!"
"How would you know if you've never timed yourself?"
"My point exactly." He said with a smirk as he closed the bathroom door.
You scoffed in disbelief but then thought about it. Maybe you did take an hour to shower but who cares. At least you were thorough when you cleaned yourself. You put your school uniform on and packed you and Eunwoo's lunch. Even though your school was close to fast food places, you guys needed to save up to pay for necessities. Plus who knows if your professor is actually going to give you a long enough break to buy food in those dreadfully long lines.
Just as you finished packing lunch Eunwoo walked out of your shared room fully dressed. You looked down at your watch and realized it was time to go if you guys wanted a seat close to the front.
As Eunwoo went to take a bite of his breakfast you snatched it out of his hand and bagged it.
"Hey! I was about to eat that."
"I don't think so, you took too long to get ready so now you have to eat it on the way."
"Sounds like too much work." He said as he tried to grab his food out of your hand. Of course since you were smaller than him you were able to escape and quickly ran to your bookbag to put his food in it.
After you zipped up your bag, you turned to look at your pouting boyfriend.
"As I said before your going to eat on the way there but since you'll be driving I'll feed you. How does that sound?"
His face beamed at your offer, "Let's get going then."
As you promised you fed him on the way there. By the time you arrived you had about 5 minutes to spare. Before you guys entered the gym you saw one of your classmates you made friends with when you took Pharmacology.
"Hey Laura!"
Laura turned around to see who was calling her name. When she saw who it was she instantly smiled. "Y/N! How are you?"
"I'm good, how have you been?"
"Pretty good, can't really complain." She said but then looked at Eunwoo who was just standing there looking like a teen whose mom just saw an old friend. You wouldn't have mind at first since this would be the first time she ever saw him. But the look she was giving him ignited a fire in you that only happens when you get jealous and that doesn't happen often. So you just stood there and tried your best to keep smiling and act like nothing was wrong.
"Who's your friend?"
"This is Eunwoo, my boyfriend." You said making sure to put emphasis on the boyfriend.
"It's nice to meet you." He said sticking his hand out for a handshake. She shook his hand. An action that is generally an innocent and friendly greeting seemed so wrong in that moment that you couldn't take it anymore.
"Ohh would you look at the time, we should probably go find a seat before all the good ones are taken." You said while pulling on Eunwoo's arm.
"Maybe we can sit together." Laura said as she tried to catch up to you guys.
"Mmmm I don't think we'll be able to." You said while you scanned the room for a row with only two seats available.
Bingo you thought when you saw row 3 only had 2 seats. You quickly pulled Eunwoo to the spot. You looked back to see what Laura was going to do and saw the look of defeat on her face. Which of course brought a smile to your face but quickly dropped it for a look of remorse.
Once you both pushed your chairs closer to each other you sat down and pulled out your syllabus, textbook and notebooks. You didn't even have a chance to talk to Eunwoo because it just turned 8 o'clock.
"Okay, Let's get started." The class immediately got quiet. "Welcome to Process 1, this is where you will learn the fundamental skills of nursing. I covered most questions in our previous zoom meeting so I will not be answering any today unless it has to do with the material. As I said before you must abide by the rules because this is Nursing and we need to shape you into future nurses. I will NOT baby you because this is college and if your looking for an easy class then you can go do Business Administration."
Oh great, another smart a**, you thought.
"Now let's get down to business. Today we're going to be watching videos of what you are going to do for your head-to-toe assessments. But before we do that I am going to let the other clinical instructors introduce themselves."
After they introduced themselves your professor started the videos. At first they seemed interesting but then after a while you started to get sleepy. And you weren't the only one. You looked over at Eunwoo and he was already sleeping. You gently pushed his shoulder and he woke confused about his surrounding until he realized he was still in school. Thankfully your professor finally gave you guys a break from watching videos.
"Okay now we are going to practice what you just saw. I want you to take a finger and find the 1st intercostal space and then the 2nd and don't stop until you get to the 5th one. You will do this on yourselves first and in a few minutes on your partner. But when you are with your partner you will only go to the 2nd one. "
That shouldn't be too hard, it's literally just the space between your ribs, you thought. But boy were you wrong. You couldn't tell if what you were touching was a space or something else and it started to hurt because you were putting a good amount of pressure. You looked over at Eunwoo and surprisingly he seemed to know what he was doing.
The few minutes were up and your professor told you to find a partner and find their intercostal spaces. Obviously you chose Eunwoo as your partner.
"Did you find it on yourself yet?"
"Yepp, it was actually pretty easy to find."
"Can you help me please?"
"Are you sure you want me to touch there?" He said with a smirk.
You narrowed your eyes at him, "Fine. I'll ask someone else. Maybe that guy by the projector... "
"No don't do that."
"Then help me and don't you dare try to do anything."
"Yes ma'am."
He took his pointing finger and started in the upper middle of your chest and dragged it side to side. In a non sexual way of course. He found it to be bit difficult to find it because of the fat in your boobs. However he finally found it.
"Ah, there it is."
"You found it?"
"I found two of them. The other 4 are a bit difficult to find since they’re underneath your top. The only way I can find it is if I stick my hand in your top."
"Eunwoo." You warned.
"What? I was just saying. I never said I was actually going to." He said feigning innocence.
"Could of fooled me."
He just shrug his shoulders, "Give me your finger so I can help you locate it."
It took a minute before he was able to locate it again but when you finally felt it you let out a breath of relief. You knew you needed to find this for your finals and if you weren't able to you surely would fail the class.
"Do you feel it?"
"Good, now find mine"
Since Eunwoo had a flatter chest than you it was easier to find despite him laughing from being ticklish. Before you had a chance to tell him your finding, your professor interrupted you.
"Fooling around isn't going to get you to pass my class."
"But we-" You said.
"Aa! Talking back isn't going to help you pass either. Now go find another partner. You need to practice on your other classmates because your not going to know who you'll be testing with until testing day."
You felt your insides boiling. You had to deal with this crap in high school and now your dealing with this in college. When he left you let out a strained sigh and Eunwoo instantly rubbed circles in your back to calm you down. Normally you would welcome this but you didn't want the professor coming back over to scold you so you pushed his hand off. He looked at you clearly hurt by your actions but you brushed it off and went to find a new partner. Unfortunately the only person available was actually the guy by the projector but at this point you didn't care.
You walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, "Excuse me, do you uh have a partner?"
He turned around to see who tapped his shoulder. You expected him to answer but then he started to check you out with a smirk on his face. "Well hello there, what can I help you with beautiful?"
You rolled your eyes, "I asked do you have a partner?"
"Oooo sassy too, I like"
You narrowed your eyes and turned to walk away, "I don't have time for this."
"Wait! I'm sorry I was just surprised you asked me when you have your boyfriend."
"Not trying to be mean or anything but I wouldn't had asked you if I wasn't forced to choose another partner."
He looked at you slightly deflated by your confession, "Ah... I see but since you need a new partner I'll gladly take the spot for now." He said as he got up to make his chest more accessible.
"...okay... thanks I guess."
At first it started off fine., You were able to find it on him rather quickly. However when it was his turn that's when it turned into a problem. He found the first one and gradually went lower until he reached the beginning of hem of your scrub top. You expected him to stop there but when he started to put his hand lower in your top you instantly jumped back.
"Wh-what are you doing?!?!?!"
"Just doing what we were told to do."
"You were supposed to stop at 2."
"Was I? Must've misheard, my bad." If you weren't paying attention to his tone you would've thought he was being sincere just by his facial expression.  
Not wanting to cause a scene the first ay of class you excused yourself and went  back tp your seat to think about what just happened. Was this something you would need to report or were you over exaggerating? Should you tell Eunwoo? What if the guy was right and made you get in trouble for not listening to instructions? All those questions raced through your mind until Eunwoo saw your troubled face and left his partner to comfort.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked as he placed a comforting hand on your back not caring if the professor saw.
"Yea... actually no."
"What happened?"
"I was working with that guy over and he was about to put his fingers down my shirt before I stopped him."
Eunwoo's gaze instantly hardened and if looks could kill that guy would no more. But you couldn't have your boyfriend fighting your battles for you. You gently cupped his face with your hands and made him look at you.
"Promise me your not going to do anything."
"I don't know..."
"Promise me."
"I can't promise I won't do anything but I do promise to not intervene over something you can handle."
"I guess I can take that."
"You'll have to because I am not about to just let some guy touch you like that without your permission. He's lucky I wasn't there because he surely would've been picking his teeth off the floor."
"You know, I never took you as the violent type."
"I can promise you I'm not but this is a different story."
That was the end of the conversation because your professor continued on with the rest of the lesson which was fairly easy. He dismissed the class an hour earlier since it was the first day. However when you guys went home instead of relaxing you started your clinical homework because you didn't want a repeat of what happened last night.
It was about 11 o'clock when you finished half of the assignments. Eunwoo was starting to lose focus so you decided it was time to go to bed. After you finished putting on his t-shirt and your curls in a bun, you went to join him in bed. He pulled you closer to him so that there was barely any space between the two of you. You knew this was his way of silently comforting you. He wasn’t going to lie. He was looking forward to having sex with you but after todays events he knew you probably weren't going to be in the mood and just want to sleep off the days problem. You were thankful but deep down you knew you weren't going to get much sleep that night...
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the photo’s used. I got them off of Google.
A/N: Soooo sorry for the long wait. I had so much to write that Ii realized I couldn’t put everything in this one post. On that note I’m hoping I can have the next post up by next week. :)
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reid’s anatomy
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summary: spencer gets a gunshot wound while working in the field and gets transported to the hospital you work in as a 4th year resident. 
word count: 2,325                                                                                             reading time aprox: 9 mins
Gurneys, lights, flying commands, and patients. The trauma room was my favorite place to be, other than the OR of course, it felt like a second home. But nothing compared to the home I had when I laid in Spencer’s arms. 
I was currently working in the trauma room, triaging the patients as I did my rounds. I dismissed a few individuals that had minor injuries, while discovering various accidents that required solutions as small as stitching up a patient to booking an OR for an emergent surgery. 
“Honey can you move your toes for me please?”
In front of me lay my latest patient, a 5 year old boy who had been pushed off of a swing set and had happened to land on his ankle. His cheeks were painted red from the crying he had previously done, a thumb cemented into his mouth as he continued to suck on it for comfort. His mother sat beside him, panic evident in her eyes, although she kept an amiable expression to reassure her son on his well being. 
The boy shook his head frantically, earning a break in composure from the mother. She reached out and folded her hand over her son’s and held on tight to it, with a tight-lipped smile on her face. 
“You’re going to be okay Timothee, mommy’s right here sweetie”. The mother squeezed her son’s hands continuously, looking to me for answers.
“Your son- well Timothee here seems to have sprained his ankle” I explained in layman's terms, lifting up the boys ankle to locate where the injury occurred.  “The issue here is that he seems to have an eversion ankle sprain and has fractured his deltoid ligament, which is more uncommon than a inversion ankle sprain, since the deltoid ligament is close to impossible to fracture”. 
As I finished my description, the mother returned her attention to her son, massaging his head to console him. “We-well it’s just a sprained ankle right? It can heal. My husband has had multiple sprained ankles from how much of a klutz he is” She joked in attempt to lighten the mood. Despite her attempts, there was more news to deliver.
“I wish it was much more simpler than that” I sighed, motioning for the on-call nurse to come over. “Due to Timothee’s young age, my biggest concerns are the development of his bones, considering the fracture he had suffered and that the nerves responsible for motor skills in his legs might have been severed. In most adult cases, the individual is able to recover because the durability of the bone had been fully realized from age. But, Timothee here is at risk of deformation of his osseous matter” I doefully confessed, a small pit forming in my stomach while delivering his diagnosis. 
As the mother’s face dropped, I turned to the nurse telling her to call Neuro and Peds, then asked her to file the paperwork. I looked back at the small family with a sigh, placing his chart at the end of the bed. 
It was moments like these that make me envision the life I’m going to have with Spencer if we ever decided to have children together. Despite our young age, I couldn’t help up configure an idealistic future than only composed of me, Spencer, and 2 or 3 little children running around us in glee. 
“The nurse will be back with the pape-” 
I was cut off by sirens and a magnitude of shrilling voices shouting commands. These were the indications of an incoming trauma. I turned around to peak for a second with the possibility of wanting to check on another case, but the interns and 2nd year residents had beat me to it. 
My focus remained on the child in front of me, checking his vitals from time to time, while eavesdropping on the commotion behind me. 
“We’ve got a caucasian ma...federal...with a GSW in the thoracic cavity, with intercostal tears”. Most of the sentence was muffled by the loud wheels of the crash cart, residents fumbling around, and the attendings yelling orders at the scene. I turned around to witness the chaotic scene, only to be meet with heads full of hair and some that didn’t actually have hair at all. 
Geez, I wouldn’t want to be the guy with the GSW to his chest
In emergent surgery, GSW’s were the most lethal in the clinic as most of the time the patient is either too late or the bullet had caused multiple complications in the patient, causing distress in the body. The tricky thing about GSWs were that they were different every time, it was almost always a different procedure depending on the location. 
I nodded goodbye to the perturbed mother, earning a tight lipped smile and a nod back. I turned to walk towards the nurses station when suddenly I was paged to trauma room 3. I rushed over to the area, sanitizing my hands before walking in. A privacy drape hung from the lower abdomen of the individual, with nurses and residents scrambling to keep his vitals stabilized.   
I faced the trauma nurse as she explained the patients situation. “We’ve got a caucasian male, seems to be 25-35 with a GSW in his thoracic cavity with no exit wound, the bullet is possibly lodged in the pericardial cavity” She spoke in haste. 
“Push 10 of Norepinephrine and call Cardio” I stressed, rushing out of the room to find another resident to scrub into the surgery as I wasn’t finished with my rounds yet. 
On my way around the nurse’s desk I noticed a familiar face that sat glum and slumped over in his chair, well it was more like a familiar group of faces. My steps slowed in order to get a better view to confirm my suspicions, then shuffled over to determine what the occasion was. 
“Hey Morgan-hey guys” I furrowed my eyebrows at the group, my worry peaked at the numerous melancholy expression that they wore on their faces. Despite my observations, there was one face I noticed was missing from the ensemble. 
A chill ran up my arm, which was usually an indication of something wrong. In spite of the unfavorable pit in my stomach, I was at my workplace where everything usually puts me on edge, so I pushed it aside. 
“Where’s Spenc-” 
My words faded out into an uncomfortable silence when Morgan lifted his head to face me and in his eyes were the deepest of browns, anguish pooled in his irises, similar to the look I gave to the mother of the patient I was treating previously. I glanced at the rest of the team, who wore a identical stares. 
My stomach had churned and twisted into knots. The chill that had ran up my arm traveled to my legs, all the way to the tips of my toes. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion, I could feel my heart still and my fingers twitch. The overhead lights of the clinic became overwhelmingly bright and a nauseating sensation began crawling up my throat. 
“Y/N-” Morgan began as I stared at him wide-eyed. He grabbed one of my hands and wrapped it in between his rough and sweaty palms, but I tensed in the midst of it, while adrenaline ran up my veins. 
“Reid, he’s...we-we were workin- I...he’s” 
Despite his attempts at an explanation, he wasn’t able to complete any of his phrases as I yanked my hand out of his grasp and bolted towards the trauma room. I heard my name being called in the background, although it became a voice of a phantom as my surroundings became impaired with the sounds of my heartbeat, the loud thuds my feet made as I raced towards the room, and the anxious thoughts that flooded my mind. 
I pushed into the room, only to see a bed was missing. I bee lined to where the residents were, pivoting around the various carts that decorated the room. “Where’s that patient with the GSW in his thoracic cavity? What resident was assigned on his case? What was his name?”. The words spewed out of my lips like a waterfall, earning alarmed looks from the residents. 
“Um, he was transported to OR 3″ One of them explained with naive looks on their faces. 
“Yeah, they’re in surgery right now with Dr. Burke and Dr. Montgomery” Another one added. 
“What’s the patient’s name? Do you remember?” I responded, prying them of all the information they knew. The residents peered at each other dumbfoundedly, looking at each other for answers as if they were taking their MLE exams again. 
“Dr. Y/L/N, no offense but you’re not on this case” One of the residents added with a condescending voice. 
“Dr. Mallory, if you don’t answer me in the matter of 10 seconds, I swear I will go to your senior resident and have you be doing scut for the rest of your medical career” I retorted. Fear was evident in all their eyes, I knew my eyes were brimming with multiple emotions, condensing into nothing but a fiery and aggressive tone.  
“Sp-spencer Reid, Ma’am” A quiet voice spoke up in the group. I nodded a small thank you to the individual and ran to the OR where they held Spencer. 
When I got into the prep room, I grabbed a face mask and entered the OR, witnessing a man’s body, the love of my life under heavy anesthesia and tubes wired up to his chest. Before I could speak, the attending spoke up and questioned me of my presence. 
“I-i was wondering if I could scrub in sir” I replied. “I-I, um, heard that there was in upc...incoming trauma for a GSW and I was wondering if I could scrub in” I repeated. 
“You already said that Dr. Y/L/N” 
“I understand sir, but I-” 
The attending than turned around exposing the sight of Spencer’s chest being retracted open. My entire body ached at the sight, the lifelessness of his body creating an image in my head that couldn’t compare to the images Spencer would see of his victims. I cringed and turned away, tears threatening to spill from my eyes, but I knew I couldn’t let myself go, especially if I wanted to be included in Spencer’s operation. 
“Dr. Y/L/N, with all respect, I know you’re one of the best residents we have in this hospital and I know you’re a phenomenal doctor” The attending explained, letting one of the other senior residents take over for a moment. “But, I also know who this is laying on my table. For this case, you’re not his doctor, you’re family, and I need you to trust that I am able to do my job, as you do yours” He concluded, signaling to one of the nurses to take me out of the OR. 
I nodded hesitantly, following the nurse out of the room, my eyes still locked on the individual that lay on the table. After the nurse had went back inside, I sat on the ground with my hands on my lap, staring at the abyss of the hallway. 
Our future depends on if a single man can maneuver his scalpel with enough wisdom and efficiency. The father of my future children lay on the cold metal table, where I used to find comfort and power in when saving someone else’s loved one. Who knew there would be a time where the roles were switched. 
Who knew that no matter how many years you’ve trained, how many books you’ve read, and the degrees you’ve obtained to save people’s lives, you could still be powerless against what life throws at you. The worst part is the irony that comes with tragedies. I spent a quarter of my life learning how to save people, yet I sit here purposeless when someone that I live for is struggling to stay alive. How malicious is that. 
Tears began streaming down my cheeks, although my expression hasn’t changed. The wetness that enveloped half of my face was the only thing that reminded me of the reality that I was in, keeping my consciousness grounded momentarily. 
I swear my heart pauses, everytime I hear a change in the monitor that indicated Spencer’s vitals or a command that the attending would spew out to the helping resident. I was completely fixated on everything that was happening in the room adjacent to me, disregarding the entire atmosphere that lay in my vision. 
It wasn’t until large legs halted in front of where I was crouched down. I didn’t bother looking up as my thoughts clouded my sensibility. The figure then sat down to my level, I could feel the individual’s eyes boring at my blank visage. I felt a large arm pull me closer to the individual, only this time I realized it was Morgan who had come to console me. 
Awaiting a pursuance of some sort of speech that’s supposed to bring me clarity or amenity. But to my dismay, only the loud presence of silence filled the gap of our exchange. That’s when my emotions began to seep into my skin, filling my heart with heavy matter, making it close to impossible to keep up my facade. 
A whimper escaped my lips while I laid on Morgan’s shoulder for the time being, only for the rest of my somber to follow. I cried in defeat, holding onto the clutches of Morgan’s shirt as he gripped onto the back of my head, massaging it in the process. 
I felt droplets hit the top of my head and a wetness forming rapidly. Weak sniffles emitted from the man above me, betraying his collected composure. We both sat here together with heavy hearts, waiting for what seemed like an eternity. 
We both sat in silence waiting to see if his colleague was alive and if my everything was still breathing. 
Pt. 2
Pt. 2 coming soon! most likely tomorrow. I was going to write the whole thing today, but frankly, I just need a fresh mind.  
Part 2 out now
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shini--chan · 4 years
THE HERO AMERICA ASK GAVE ME AN IDEA: Okay so imagine this - some star/comet whatever falls on to the Earth in s/o's area and s/o gets some cool powers, (and by some random bs can travel all over the globe) becoming a well known but mysterious superhero. s/o does not want to be in the lime light and tries hard to avoid all of the tabloids, but the people want more! Maybe Alfred is a college student/reporter and he too grows... Curious, shall we say. Bonus: others get curious too, like Arthur
Now why does idea seem so familiar to me? Ah yes, it is because it was semi-featured in the Super Paw Patrol, which I had to watch with one little squirt. Anyways, onto the answer
Yandere Love Triangle: America vs England (Superhero AU)
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Given typical luck and the sorts, you would probably be out on a camping trip or an excursion in the wild when you would come across the meteorite. Curious as you would be, you’d approach the site in order to investigate, only to pass out from an electromagnetic impulse when you would be close enough to the thing. It would carry … interesting repercussions with it.
The grass tickled in your nose and poked in the most obnoxious way. Rocks hidden amongst the blades only added to the discomfort. A loud, ghastly groan escaped you as you regained your senses, inwardly cursing yourself for the stiff neck sleeping out in the open had resulted in. Why had you been so foolish anyway.
As you sat up with difficulty, you remembered how you had winded up here; an impressive feat on itself, since you felt like somebody had struck you with an axe between your eyes.
You had fainted while checking out a meteorite. One more glorious deed to add to the list of your life achievements. Yet you felt so extraordinarily strange.
Sure, you felt the pain from toppling over and spending a few good hours dozing away on the hard ground. But there was something else, an electric undercurrent in your veins, a new song that shook your bones and power that vibrated through your being.
Power that yearned to be unleashed, to spring out and alter this reality. Yet you didn’t know how, you didn’t even know what to do with it yet and the sensation of it was already driving you half insane.
Your new powers would both fascinate and horrify you. Fascinate, because in part it would be something you’ve always dreamed off and would open a hundred new doors to you that were closed to you. Horrify, because you would grasp very quickly that your normal, mundane life would be over forever. You would have to live a double life, constantly hiding your powers in fear of the attention you would receive for it if you were to flaunt it publicly, and the consequences of it.
You would do your best to come to terms with your new powers, with all their draw backs and advantages. Clumsily however, since you would be entering uncharted waters with no polar star to guide you.
Now this would be where Alfred would enter the game. See, while you would do everything in your power to keep everything a secret by experimenting and training with your powers at secluded locations or in abandoned buildings, your plans wouldn’t be airtight. And with him being a nosey college student investigating into local rumours, Alfred would be soon to uncover your true nature.
The man would be enticed and absolutely astounded to the point where he would start to become obsessed with you. In the beginning, he wouldn’t let you know that he would be stalking you. After he would have gathered enough data secretly, he would approach you with his findings and play on your fear of being uncovered and vivisected by the government. In end effect, he would blackmail you into being in a relationship with him.
And wherever Alfred the Journalist would be chasing after the next hot story, Arthur Kirkland wouldn’t be far behind. Arthur would take a more scientific as well as clinical approach to your state, but nonetheless be enchanted by you. You would be his natural wonder, and he wouldn’t hesitate from blackmailing you as well. However, he wouldn’t need such a long time as Alfred would need to confront you.
It could go well between the three of you, as long as you would be there to smooth ruffled feathers whenever one of them would get prissy. A skill you would need to learn to excel at. Because if they would no longer be content with sharing you, then one of them would kidnap you and the other would blow the whistle just to be spiteful.
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amajikilvr · 4 years
Hey! Can I get a drabble with Tamaki Amajiki X Fem/GN Reader with Fluff number 11 please? Tysm❤️❤️
words of support - tamaki amajiki
word count 1k
reader type gender-neutral (they/them used)
premise you’re congratulated by a classmate after training
reader’s quirk spotlight (user can emit blinding light from their eyeballs at will, but, similar to eraserhead’s quirk, this effect ends once they blink.)
Your calves clench painfully as you momentarily decrease your speed to come to a halt. The tightening in the overworked muscles almost grows more severe now that you’ve stopped moving for the time being. Burning lungs help tease you with the thought of rest and your warm bed, but begin to bounce on your heels as you swiftly analyze the chamber you’ve found yourself in.
It’s similar to the others; completely chrome and filled with random structures built into the floor. And there it is. A small fluorescent flag limply hangs from the ceiling in the right corner of the room. All you have to do is retrieve it and you’ve finally passed the graded exercise. Hopefully.
“Ar-rooff! Ar-rooff!” Aggressive barking and heavy footfalls suddenly bounce off the walls and you brace and prepare yourself for the appearance of your teacher and opponent.
Trying your very best not to let yourself panic, you quickly envision a path to the flag. You barely have an opportunity to replay it in your head before Hound Dog bounds into the room from the hallway you were sprinting through moments earlier. You waste no time in activating your quirk and as expected, it hurts like hell.
A powerful blinding light floods the entire area and your extremely strained eyeballs and eyelids are the only thing keeping it from fading away and leaving you like a sitting duck. You have to utilize every fiber of your being to make sure they remain open and force yourself to start running towards your finish line. It’s a miracle that you’re able to remember where you’re supposed to move.
It’s always a bit disorienting to run this fast while you’re not able to see a single thing besides unbearably bright light. You nearly loudly cry out and reveal your location when you make a misstep and jam your foot against something solid. If your memory serves you right, then the flag should be right in front of you now.
You grunt and take a literal leap of faith to grab at the wall that’s supposed to be there. Your fingers curl around vinyl material and something besides exhaustion pulsates throughout your body.
The completion horn goes off and you let your eyes close as you land back on the ground. Unfortunately, you can’t manage to get back on your feet or even open your eyes again...
“My dear, make sure you’re properly hydrated before participating in such strenuous activity next time.” Recovery Girl’s voice is candied yet stern as she gives you her usual gummy old-lady smile. “Passing out isn’t very fun, is it?”
You take another long swig of water before answering to demonstrate your understanding of her instructions. “It really wasn’t…”
“Don’t fret about it too much. You’ve got a bright future ahead of you.” She hands you a bottle of eye drops and starts to head towards her connected office. “Now, you’ve got two young men waiting to see you, so you better hurry and move along. I practically had to fight them off at the door. Well, at least one of them.”
You’re thoroughly confused by what that could possibly mean as you leave the clinic. Then you see them.
Your classmate, Mirio Togata, excitedly calls out to you with a surprising amount of enthusiasm. What’s not surprising at all is that Tamaki Amajiki is right by his side as well.
“Oh. Hey. What’s up?” You’re a bit embarrassed knowing that your entire class, them included, have just watched you collapse after struggling through your mock final.
They’re both just so powerful. Togata didn’t seem to be far from mastering his insanely difficult quirk and there were rumors of Amajiki reaching the cultivated status level of “The Big Three” next year. Also, it’s been a bit hard to look Togata in the eyes ever since his accidental nude display at the sports festival months ago.
“We just wanted to come check up on you. And congratulate you on passing!” Togata explains, a megawatt smile plastered on his face like always. “Right, Tamaki?”
“Hm? Oh. Um, yeah. Good job…”
You’re definitely feeling flustered now. Amajiki’s stare is intensely startling for someone so quiet. His indigo eyes don’t make a single move to look somewhere besides you.
Not to mention, the boys have changed back into their crisp uniforms while you haven’t even had the chance to take a shower yet. Your sweat has dried and left your costume clinging to your skin with a chill and sticky film. And then there’s your watery bloodshot eyes...
“I know it looks like I’m crying, but I’m not! My eyes are just worn out…” You cringe at the abruptness of your statement. “I’m definitely no Eraserhead.”
“Not yet.” Amajiki says as he receives an eyebrow raise from his buddy.
You smile at the... compliment? He looks more surprised than you are, as if his mouth had a mind of its own.
“Thanks, Amajiki-kun.” You nod at him and watch his face flush.
“You’re welcome…”
Everyone goes quiet for a few uncomfortable moments before Togata clears his throat pointedly.
“Remember what else you wanted to tell them?” He clasps a hand on Amajiki’s shoulder who jolts almost violently in response. The boy looks like he might be sick, body trembling slightly and cheeks going pale.
You can’t remember the last time you’ve been this intrigued.
“Y/L/N. I wanted to say I thought you did amazing. I, er, think you’re always amazing, actually.” Amajiki’s gaze has now turned to the floor. “I know we don’t talk much, but… I’m so proud of you.”
Pride and warmth washes over you. You had dug so deep back there and to be acknowledged by someone you admired felt fantastic. There’s also a funny feeling in your stomach as you can’t take your eyes off of Amajiki’s now rose tinted ears.
“We better get going.” Togata grins knowingly at you and nods at Amajiki. “Rest up, Y/L/N-san.”
Amajiki gives you a single nod and a small, barely noticeable, smile before Togata and him walk away.
They make it down the hallway when you get an idea.
“We should all eat lunch together tomorrow!”
“Definitely!” Togata calls back to you. “I’m sure Tamaki would love that!”
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auncyen · 3 years
So a long time ago I wrote a start of a fic where Ryuji gets knocked out from Shido's explosion and is thrown back into the real world, unconscious. Ren brings him to Takemi's clinic and then answers Ryuji's phone when he realizes Mama Sakamoto is calling, attempting to make some kind of cover story for Ryuji not coming home or answering his phone before it becomes apparent she ID'd Ryuji from the video calling card. She's coming over to the clinic, and she wants answers.
AND THAT'S WHERE IT STALLED FOREVER. If anyone would like to take a look at what I have of part 2, where she gets to the clinic:
Ren was in the middle of sending an update to the group chat when the door to the clinic opened. The woman who walked in was short and dark-haired, and Ren had the split-second impulse to ask her if she had a real emergency--god knew he didn't want anything drawing Takemi's attention away from Ryuji right now--before her eyes landed on him with a look of such contempt that Caroline might have asked for tips.
The text for the group chat was forgotten. It would have only been to report that there was nothing to report yet. "Sakamoto-san?" he hazarded, his voice wavering.
"Where," she said flatly, "is my son."
He didn't know why it should have thrown him off so much that her hair wasn't bleached blond--of course it wasn't. But even besides that, she really didn't look like Ryuji at all. Short, somewhat stout, with a wider nose and other differences in the face...when it came to looks, Ryuji must have taken after his father's side.
Ren immediately knew he'd rather eat one of his daggers than say that to either mother or son.
"Sakamoto-san," Takemi said, emerging from the back. "Your son is in here. He suffered a concussion and Amamiya-kun brought him to me for examination." Her tone was a bit more polite than her usual, if still casual, and Ren appreciated that maybe she was trying to pull his fat from the fire.
"I want an explanation for all of this," Sakamoto-san said angrily. "...But I want to see him, first."
Ah. Now Ren saw the family resemblance, both in her expression and her protectiveness.
Takemi nodded, opening the door for Sakamoto-san to go in. Ren started to rise from his seat, wanting to see Ryuji himself, but a flat look from the doctor stopped him cold. She didn't want him following.
Logically, he knew Takemi was simply keeping things orderly and controlled. Ryuji's mother was upset, and Takemi knew she was mad at him already. Better to keep him out of the room if Sakamoto-san might take any of Takemi's news badly.
But the feeling that stirred in his gut was blame and guilt, making him cover his face with his hands after the door had closed. He felt sick.
He couldn't deny his responsibility. It had been his idea to stall in the safe room instead of immediately stealing Shido's treasure after Futaba broadcasted the calling card. If stalling had been the deciding factor in Shido being able to manipulate his own cognition and cause the violent collapse... Then it was completely his fault.
He shouldn't even care about what Ryuji's mother thought of him, anyway. That could wait until after Ryuji had woken up. But the cold way she'd looked at him hurt, pathetically enough. He'd really hoped that she would like him. Mostly because Ryuji was afraid she'd be upset when he came out to her--she'd asked a couple of times about him getting a girlfriend. Ren was hopeful, considering she'd supported her son through thick, thin, and hair bleach, and might only be asking about girlfriends because Ryuji was way more vocal about his interest in cute girls than cute guys, but he understood Ryuji's fear. There was always the chance that it would be the one thing too far. So he'd wanted to make a good impression on her when they met, hoping it'd help her accept it better whenever Ryuji was ready to come out.
But Ren had also just...selfishly wanted Ryuji's mother to like him. He'd wanted to make a good impression on her because Ryuji always lit up when he talked about her, and she sounded like a great mom, and Ren wanted someone like that to look at him and think that he could be a decent match for her son. That he was a good kid.
Well. He'd fucked that up already. He pressed his fingers against his closed eyes, forcing a deep breath as he tried to press the tears back. This wasn't the time for being weak and selfish. He had to worry about Ryuji waking up first. Then he could worry about making sure Ryuji wasn't grounded forever, and that he wasn't strangled for endangering Ryuji.
Except that still left him with nothing he could do for the time being.
He felt so useless. He wished he could have taken Ryuji to Shibuya station. If he could have just gotten him to the entrance of Mementos with Morgana, the two of them might have been able to heal Ryuji. But they hadn't been sure if cognitive healing would help when someone was plain knocked out cold in the real world; bringing him to the clinic had seemed the safer bet. But now...
Ren groaned. First he'd left Akechi behind a solid wall of metal on a ship that was now sunk. And now, Ryuji...
Takemi was speaking to Ryuji's mother in the room at length, and Ren rested his head against the wall, hoping to hear through it. Good news? Bad news? He could only hear her tone, calm and level. Takemi wasn't the type to sugarcoat, but she still highlighted better outcomes when they were possibilities to her patients. She'd said once that people often had improved outcomes if they were given attentive care and thought they should get better. She called it a placebo effect. Morgana called it the power of cognition.
But since Ryuji wasn't conscious, he didn't know he was being treated by one of the best doctors in Tokyo. That he should get better and just please wake up.
Ryuji's mother didn't seem any happier when Takemi opened the door for her to step back out into the waiting room. Ren felt his whole body stiffen when Takemi closed the door again, half-expecting to be screamed at, but Ryuji's mother just stared him down. When she spoke, her voice was tightly controlled. "So you're the leader of the Phantom Thieves. What must your parents think?"
"My parents?" he echoed.
She laughed, but it sounded more disbelieving than genuine. "You think they don't know? I recognized Ryuji plain as day under that weird skull-mask. Yours shows even more of your face. Do they actually approve of all this?"
That was a question he hadn't even considered recently, and he weighed what honest answer he could give her that didn't sound self-pitying. No, he didn't think they knew at all. They didn't have reason to look at the calling card too closely. Didn't have any suspicions about his after school activities, or any clue that he wasn't even in school for the time being. Ryuji's phone had several voicemails from his mother tonight alone. Ren's phone hadn't rang once tonight, and it had been a while since he had gotten a message from either his father or mother.
He was taking too long to answer; something in Sakamoto's expression shifted. "I don't have their approval," he said quickly, before she could get further upset. "I act for my own sense of justice."
"An' you dragged Ryuji right along into it," Sakamoto said.
That wasn't quite accurate, but Ren nodded anyway. "...Yes." It had a grain of truth to it: Igor had given the app to him. Ryuji would never have been thrown into the metaverse if he hadn't run into Ren. And it would be better to just get this over with. Take her anger and her blame. It was his fault she was upset.
Ryuji's mother took a long, deep breath. "What happened?"
"It's...hard to explain."
"Sure, you steal hearts and desires and whatnot. I still want an explanation," she pressed.
...He had no idea if she'd be patient enough for an explanation of the Metaverse. He'd bet on not. So he described the situation in broad strokes: "The group was in trouble. Ryuji took a risk to get us out safe. And he pulled it off. We could have all ended up dead if it wasn't for him." Futaba didn't know how to swim. Even for the rest of them, the waters had been turbulent enough that Ren didn't think their odds would have been good, not when they'd also had to navigate to their entrance point in the dark of night, already exhausted from a grueling fight. Perhaps some of them would have made it out...he doubted it would have been all of them. "But he got hurt. I'm--I'm sorry. It's my fault we were in that position."
"I...made the group wait before we changed Shido's heart. I was hoping..." Ren's voice shook, and the rest of the words failed to come.
He'd been hoping Akechi would show up. If Akechi had been alive, no matter if he was hiding somewhere in the Palace or trying to stay under the radar in Tokyo, as soon as they'd took over the airwaves with their calling card and set the Palace's security to high alert, Akechi would know. He would know they were taking Shido's heart. He would know that they would be in the Palace.
He could have joined them. So Ren had asked everyone to wait for an hour in one safe room as he warped between all of them and entrance, checking to see if Akechi would manage to drag himself in. Ann and Ryuji had both volunteered to help, and he'd been grateful, but he figured it was better if everyone else stayed together so they weren't split up between several different locations. When he hadn't spotted Akechi in the hour, he'd come back to the group and asked Futaba if she could do a scan for him--a last-ditch request, since she had every right to refuse to help.
Futaba had looked absolutely miserable. She'd already tried multiple scans. There was nothing. Ren had made everyone wait for nothing. He should have known it was too much to hope after Akechi had closed himself off behind the door. He'd only given Shido more time to counter.
"We were missing one," Ren said finally. Maybe Akechi would have objected to being counted as one of the group, but it was the simplest way to explain now. And he...wasn't going to object, anyway. "I made the group wait, but they never showed."
"They in some kind of trouble?"
The question surprised him a little, but this wasn't a subject he wanted to dwell on any longer. "Nothing I can help with," Ren said.
-and that's it so far.
And I'm just kind of......unsure where to go from there. Which makes me wonder if I should have started the dialogue differently or change something else earlier or...what.
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The Pull (106/?)
Summary: The Ragnulf’s are one of the oldest lines of werewolves known. A gift from ancient times was gifted to them. Though not all of the line will experience it. There are some who will experience a Pull. This Pull leads them to their true mate, a soulmate. The problem is, just because the wolf finds their true mate does not mean that they are the same for that person.
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective
Pairing: Stiles x Hale!Cousin OC (Reader)
Word count:  2336
Warnings: i think this is just angst at this point? But also not really??
Additional A/N: If  you see *** at any point this means that there is a POV and /or location change (like a scene change in a show) and this is a thing that is going to be going on going forward, okay thanks!
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Derek had taken the group of you to the loft, letting you get cleaned up. You were grateful that he’d done so because it meant that you were able to get out of the gasoline drenched clothing .
Derek had pulled you to the side while Scott and the pack tried to decide what to do about the now apparently everywhere Deadpool and informed you that he was reaching out to Aaric and your dad. 
“And what exactly do you think that’s going to accomplish?” you growl at Derek, “You’re here, Peter’s here...Stiles’ Dad is-”
“It’s going to keep you alive!” Derek cuts you off, hissing at you,  “It’s going to keep the others alive,” Derek points out, your growling having absolutely no effect on him. “In case you hadn’t noticed, you were almost lit on fire earlier.”
You’re about to bite back at Derek that this was entirely not his call. These weren’t your family's lands to protect and for you to call in your father would be an insult that Scott might not understand now… but the rest of the supernatural world would… and eventually, so would he… This was Scott’s home but before you could say anything else, Scott’s telling all of you, “Kira found Brett,” 
“Wait, Kira’s back?” you question and he nods his head. You’re happy to hear she’s here and honestly can’t wait till you get to see her. Malia, thankfully, brings everyone back on track. “Well is he okay?”
“They’re fine,” Scott answers, “But we’ve got to go.”
Malia nods her head and immediately makes her way out of the loft. You’re about to follow but the pups voice catches your attention and makes you stop. 
“More assassins?” he’s asking and you can hear the waver in his voice. When Scott confirms that there might be a lot more, he clarifies, “and they’re different than the ones who just tried to set us on fire?”
“Pup,” you call out as you take a step towards him and Liam’s eyes turn to you. They’re glassy and worried and if the sight of them alone hadn’t been enough to break your heart, Liam’s next words do. 
With a shake of his head, he tells you, “I’m not like you guys and I don’t mean I’m not strong or I’m never gonna learn how to be in control I mean everything else. You guys… you all try to protect everyone. Have you been doing that the whole time?”
You don’t answer him because if you’re being honest, this isn’t how you were at home. It’s not that you didn’t have troubles at home… it was that you had a pack that could protect your home. There were people in your pack that were designated to take care of the kinds of problems you’d been running into since coming to Beacon Hills. What Scott… what Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Derek... and Ali… What they’ve been doing since before you met them was insane if you thought about it. 
“How are you all still alive?” the pups voice breaks you out of your thoughts. 
“Not all of are,” Scott answers, making your breath catch in your throat and you know that he’s thinking of Alli and of Aiden… and how they haven’t gotten through the last few years without losses. You haven’t gotten out without losses. 
If Aaric hadn’t been there… well things could have been worse. You turn to look at Derek who’s giving you a very pointed look and you realize that if you don’t tell your dad and Aaric and Ro… if you don’t ask for help… any more deaths are on your hands. 
Nodding your head, you hear Scott offer to take Liam home when you get a text from Lydia telling you ta call her immediately. 
“I’m completely and totally fine,” Stiles points out to Melissa as he tries to step past her.
“Uh-uh-uh.” Melissa tells him as she steps back into the doorway and puts her hands up, stopping him in his tracks, “You completely and totally have a concussion, Stiles. Lie back down. The doctor said you're not leaving without a CT scan. 
“We still haven’t paid for the last one,” he points out.
Melissa’s face scrunches in confusion and she shakes her head, “Yes you have.”
“What? No, we haven’t,” Stiles counters but before he can counter there’s another voice. One that makes his heart soar. 
“It’s been taken care of… either way you’re staying here Sti,” Natasha’s voice grumbles at him as she walks up behind Melissa. 
“But what about-”
“Your dad’s got Meredith at the station,” she tells him as Melissa moves slightly so that Tasha can step into the room, kissing him softly, his arms immediately wrapping themselves around her, before she continues, “He said it could take some time to get her to talk and Lydia has promised that as soon as she does talk, she’ll call us.”
“Well finally,” Melissa’s voice pulls his attention and he sees the woman he considers a mother smiling at the two of them with a hand on her hip and a knowing smile stretched across her lips. She turns her attention directly to Stiles and points out, “So even if I let you go, what would you do?”
He wants to argue but knows he’s not gonna get away with it. Sighing, he agrees, “Okay fine. But can you do me one little favor?” 
“Anything,” Melissa immediately answers and he asks her for a tape player. 
“Tape player?” he hears Tasha ask as Melissa clarifies, “ Like cassettes?”
“Yes. Tapes,” Stiles confirms with a nod of his head and Melissa tells him she’ll see what she can do before heading out, closing the door behind her.
“Why do you need a cassette player?” Tasha asks as he feels her hands come up on either side of his neck. Biting back a groan, he glances down and sees her face scrunched in concentration. 
“Lobita,” he groans, the nickname falling from his lips almost like second nature, and is rewarded with her sparkling lavender eyes snapping up to his, “What are you doing?”
“Making sure you’re okay,” she answers like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
“That I’m okay?” he clarifies and she nods her head at him. 
“Lydia said that Brunski was an ass... Apparently, he punched you?” 
“He did,” he confirms for her. 
Her hand comes up to cup the side of his face and Stiles can feel himself practically melt into her. Her thumb is trailing along his skin soothingly before he smiles and turns to kiss the inside of her palm. 
“What happened with Jax?” he asks her and he can feel her stiffen against him. He can feel himself begin to worry that maybe, just maybe, she had changed her mind but then- she had kissed him when she came in. 
Natasha pulled away from him slightly, but only her body, keeping her arms wrapped around him an he watched as she bit at her lip for a moment.
“Alright, good news is that Jax gets it,  apparently he expected it,” she begins and Stiles is about to ask why she seems so worried but she moves a hand to his lips, “But I have to tell you something.”
You tell him about
Lydia’s at the station waiting for Noah to finish the interview with Meredith. She’s not entirely sure what she expects to happen or how she expects the evening to go but the reality is that they need answers. 
Biting at her nails, she begins to do the math. 
Really, they’re a bunch of kids that are going up a bunch of assassins. She wonders if, perhaps, she should talk to Natasha about reaching out to her dad. Surely the Ragnulf’s would be willing to help them… right?
She see’s Noah walking out of his office and immediately makes her way over, “What did she say?”
“Hard to tell…” he answers, “There were words. I’m not sure there were actual sentences.”
“Nothing…” Lydia sighs in frustration .
“I think we need a psychologist,” he hears Sheriff mutters, “Or a medium.”
Lydia’s tempted to laugh because really, what has her world become? Instead, she just scoffs,  “Is she even competent enough to be charged with anything?”
“Hey!” she hears Noah scold her, “If Meredith is The Benefactor, then that means she was competent enough to trick Kate into opening the Hale Vault, competent enough to blackmail Brunski into helping her, and competent enough to create a hit list and pay out money for it’s completion - demanding proof. Girls practically a criminal mastermind.”
Pulling her phone out, she calls Natasha who answers pretty instantly, “Whats up Lyds?”
“Nothing… she’s.. She’s not talking,” Lydia answers the brunette. 
“She’s not giving you anything? Not even a reason?” Natasha’s voice comes through the phone. 
Stiles’ chuckle comes through the phone before he speaks up, “Dad’s only gonna be interested in the ‘why’ if it tells him the ‘how.’”
“You mean how to stop it?” Lydia clarifies and she watches Sheriff nod his head. 
He must realize that Natasha and Stiles can’t see him because he points out, “Exactly and after what happened to Tasha, Scott and the others… this thing’s still going. The payments could be automatic. And as long as the killers are getting paid, and paid very well, that list is gonna keep getting smaller.”
“So we don’t need to just stop the Dead Pool…” Natasha begins before Stiles finishes, “We gotta stop the money.”
Scott parks his bike before he jumps off and is rushing in to the clinic. Kira must hear him because a moment later she’s at the reception area. 
Scott can feel the relief at having her in front of him, safe. Pulling her into his arms he kisses her for all that he’s worth. Pulling away from her, he cups her face and moves a stray piece of hair behind her ear, “Is your mom…”
“Safe,” she answers, instantly, “Healing.”
“What about you?” he asks and Kira gives him a questioning look, confusion evident in her face and her scent so he clarifies, “Are you okay?”
“Right now? Very…” Kira replies before she’s pressing her lips to his again and Scotts grateful to have her here.  To have her in his arms but a moment later, he remembers why he’s here and he forces himself to focus on that, “Did you find him? Did you find Brett?”
“Actually… I think I found all of them,” she tells him as she leads him to teh back of the office. As they near it, she calls out, “Satomi, this is who I was telling you about.”
“I know who Scott McCall is,” Satomi answers as he and Kira enter the back room. The other Alpha’s eyes heavy on him. 
For the first time since he’s been faced with another Alpha, he feels liek the hairs on the back of his neck want to stand up and he feels like a part of him is somehow… more alert.
“Are we safe here?” a voice asks and Scott glances around, realizing that he’s actually surrounded by a multitude of other wolves. Most of the beta’s from the scent of it. Somehow he knows that none of them are warriors. 
“We’re gonna need help,” he realizes, “A lot of help”
Throwing the guardsman into the door, they wait for half a beat before stepping into the old shipping house. 
Argents got his gun ready and when he feels a body behind him he hits them with the butt of his gun, by the sound of it he connects with the head which means they’ll be out cold. 
He hears Alarics low growl before the man beside him has moved to a wall. The man seems to be inspectiing it for half a second before he slams hsi hand through it, effectively smashing the wall and pulling out two more men. 
He’s grabbed each of the men by their necks and is lifting them so that their feet are dangling in the air as they seem to scratch atAlaric’s hands. 
“Alaric,” Chris calls out as he sees the older man moving his arms apart. He can hear the other man scoff as he slames the two bodies into each other, knocking them both out. 
“They’ll be fine,” Alaric points out, “A headache like a bitch but they’re not dead.” 
Chuckling softly, Argent shakes his head before making his way over to one of the doors.
Getting here had been a bitch in and of itself, the place was damn near impenetrable. At least it would have been if it hadn’t been for Alaric’s skills and his combined.  They had gotten in and now they just had to find the damn thing, 
Opening the sliding door, he nodded his head, “Found it.”
Row and row upon different plans lined the place. Most of it was wolfsbane but there was also Lilies, Sago Palm, Narcissus Bulbs, Azalea, Oleander, Cyclamen, Yew, Amaryllis and many others that he knew could be used to harm supernatural creatures
“Some of these are lethal,” Alarics voice spoke up and Argent nodded his head. 
“You know if we get rid of this, “ Argent points out, “More’ll just pop up. Security will be tighter.”
“Don’t matter,” Alaric answers him with an affirmative humm, “We’ll take those out too. The Albini haven’t scared us before and we won’t start now. Grab the wolfsbane.”
Argent makes his way towards the plant. 
The Ragnulfs had a plan. Apparently there was an idea for possibly using the plant to find a way to either innoculate against it or engineer some kind of… some kind of way to fight it. 
Grabbing the yellow plant he tucks it away so they can get it back to the Ragnulf compound. 
He’s going to ask to hold onto some… there are, after all, even some wolves the Ragnulfs will hunt down and he’s sure they won't deny him fault him for it. 
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The Pull Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24  @teen--marvel  @kiwihoee @thegirlwhoimagined @bolaurel @missindecision @stixnstripesworld​
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years
Taking my heart by storm (Ethan x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
A/N: Hi guys! How are you guys doing today? It’s da weekend, bby. I’m back with another Friday fic. The idea for this one came to me when I was driving my cats to the vet and the storm was going on. We can all thank Mother Nature and her breakdown for that one entirely :D Also, the real MVP Naveen makes an appearance in this, because PB is hiding him and that’s some serious bs right there.
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Summary: Ethan and Claire share a kiss in the rain in the greenhouse after storm cuts the lights out.
Enjoy! <3
Since noon, the clouds have been crowding the sky, prompting the storm that was coming. Ethan’s shift has just ended when the first sound of a thunder rolled through the walls of the hospital. It was a hectic day, a wave of flu bringing more people to the free clinic and slippery ice sending many people tumbling to the ground, sprains and broken limbs overpowering the cases doctors had to face.
Unsurprisingly, Ethan couldn’t wait to get home. Especially since he knew for a fact that tonight, he wouldn’t be alone. Claire has accepted his invitation earlier that day, smiling every time she saw him, vision of them going home together never too far away from her mind. That smile of hers was what he thought about fairly often, and for the past few weeks, he was admitting it both to himself and to Claire. And with each day that he opened up to her more, it became easier to let her in.
The last time he saw her was two hours ago, when they finished consulting for a patient of the team. Since then, they communicated through texts, much to her amusement, and he had no doubts that she would be teasing him about it, like she always did. And he always would tell her that she’s lucky he cared about her, or he wouldn’t let it slide this easily.
He grabbed his bag and closed the office behind him, taking his phone out to text her once again, asking where she was. Not a minute later, he knew where he was supposed to go, aiming his steps towards her. No nurse or doctor dared to stop him, one look at his tired form letting them know it’s best to steer clear.
The entrance to the garden was tucked away from the view, and not many people knew about its existence, not even people working there. For that reason, the hall leading up to it was empty, as was the garden itself. The bench in the middle of the room was occupied.
Claire was lying down, the tips of her hair brushing the ground. Both hands resting on her stomach, moving up and down with every breath she took. Her eyes were closed, face a picture of complete calmness, a stark contrast to the angry wind that shook the trees outside and smacked raindrops against the glass of the orangery.
Ethan placed his bag on the ground by the entrance, then leaned against the doorframe, watching her silently. It’s a very rare sight for him lately, to see her so blissfully relaxed and detached from the issues of the hospital. Of course, when they were alone, it was fairly easy for both of them to forget about their problems. At work, though, the fatigue and dread followed them like their own shadows, never too far behind.
With the next breath of his, she stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open, feeling that she was being watched. She took a moment to let her eyes readjust to the brightness of the room, a small moan escaping her lips. Ethan reached for the switch, dimming the lights a bit to make it easier for her, giving her a clear sign that she wasn’t alone anymore. Her head turned towards him, the corners of her lips going up at the sight of him.
“Hi.” She muttered, her voice raspy and deep. Her body didn’t move, not even an inch, as he walked towards her slowly, keeping his eyes on her firmly.
“I thought you left, with how long ago I last saw you.” he mused, keeping a bit of distance between them, just in case someone was to walk in on them, however unlikely it was. Claire grinned, raising her hands above her head to stretch. Her words were strained when she spoke again.
“I have plans for the evening. Maybe even for the night if things work out.”
Despite them both being still in the hospital and having it hanging over their heads, Ethan couldn’t fight the smile nor the acceleration of his pulse at what she was alluding to. “I assure you that whoever invited you has similar things on his mind.”
Slowly, she sat up, her hair falling over her shoulders and framing her face and neck. With a slow and controlled move, she beckoned him closer, crooking her finger and looking at him with a sultry smile. It was dangerous, how fast he reacted accordingly to her wishes, without stopping for even a second to think about what they were doing. When he was close enough to hear her low whisper, she found his gaze with hers, her eyes darkening slightly.
“Similar things, huh? Are you sure?” she hooked her little finger with his thumb, then released it so she could slide her hand up his arm. Each time she touched him, a wave of heat ran to the very core of him. She traced the shapes on the skin on the inside of his elbow, all the while looking at him with the intensity that he’s seen countless of times before. “Why don’t you show me what you’re thinking about right now?”
He cupped the side of her face with his other hand, stroking her cheekbone softly, his mind giving up the fight with each move their fingers made. Getting down on his knees, he slid his palm down the side of her neck, squeezing her shoulder on his way, until, finally, he let it linger on her thigh. He opened his mouth to say something, but before any words could form, a harsh roar of a thunder interrupted him. Moments later, the lights flickered and then went out, drowning them in darkness.
“How long until the backup power modules begin working?” Claire muttered, as though the atmosphere dictated how loud they could be. Ethan listened to the hum of the rain before he answered.
“The power kicked back in immediately, so all the machinery is still working. As for the lights, though, it can be a few minutes.”
“How long?” she asked again, leaning towards him blindly, knowing only the general direction in which she should be heading. Lightning struck, bringing their sight back for a short moment, raindrops casting shadows on their faces, enhancing the lines of their features.
“Give or take, ten minutes. Why?”
“No reason.” She shrugged, pulling on his hand and bringing him flush against her, their lips brushing together. This close, she could almost see the hint of light, reflecting in his eyes, though she could have been imagining things. His hands found their place on her back, keeping them close together. He could argue that it was to keep them both safe, prevent possible injuries if one of them were to move and trip over something, but he knew damn well that his one and only purpose was to feel her warmth. To smell her perfume. To feel her arms wrap around him and keep him close.
With the next lightning, he focused on her lips. How the corners remained turned up, just as they were before the power went out. How the shape of them fit his too perfectly for their meeting to have been an accident. The pull towards her he felt was too strong for him to fight, and yet, for so long, he tried to resist it. Only to, in the end, dive into the storm that she was, slowly letting her consume him whole.
When the darkness came back, he pulled her into the kiss. It’s slow and light, unlike the quick kiss she gave him before she left his apartment that morning. Unlike the ravenous kisses they attacked each other with the night before, right after the door to his home closed behind them. There’s no heat, no desire other than that to keep the other close and not let go. There’s no doubt, either, just pure certainty, warmth and care, evident in the way his arms held her tightly and in the way her grip on his shoulders was secure.
Water continuously fell from the sky, drumming against the glass ceiling of the greenhouse, almost entirely masking the quiet sounds they were making. Claire wouldn’t have been able to notice how he hummed against her lips if it wasn’t for the gentle vibrations it was causing, teasing her nerve endings.
Ethan leaned away eventually, using a glimpse of light to look at her again. His heart hammered in his chest, his cheeks must have been flushed and he was sure that he looked positively infatuated. Staring at her in the dark, he could see with his memories how she glanced at him in moments like these; flickers of happiness in her eyes and a soft smile lighting up her face, brighter than any source of light ever could.
“That’s as close to the kiss in the rain as we’ll ever get.” Claire giggled quietly, moving her hand to stroke his cheek with the back of her fingers. He welcomed the sensation, leaning into her touch. She couldn’t possibly see his teasing smirk, but he had a feeling she knew it was there.
“Who knew such an idiotic idea could be so pleasant.” He wondered out loud, waiting for a reaction of hers. And he got just that. She scoffed, punching his arm playfully before falling into his embrace again with a sigh as the storm raged outside.
Naveen slowly navigated the long halls of his hospital, flashlight in hand, searching for people caught by the darkness. So far, he managed to guide three lost patients that went on a walk and couldn’t find their way back when the power went out, and that prompted him to go on.
Knowing that not many of his colleagues were even aware of the existence of the garden, he decided to go there himself. How was it possible that people worked there for years but not know about all the locations in their workplace was beyond him, but he didn’t have time to wonder about it in that moment.
He called out loudly as he walked, listening in for any signs of voices, but there was no answer. No sound other than the angry howls of the storm outside. His flashlight shone rays of brightness onto the walls and the floor, and once he reached the greenhouse, it pierced through the glass and reflected in the leaves of many plants that grew there.
Upon entering the room, he called out again, moving the flashlight around slowly. “Hello? Is anyone here- oh.”
Naveen stopped abruptly, taking in the sight in front of him. He expected a lot of things, and a lot of people, but no matter how many times he blinked, the picture didn’t disappear. It was very much real.
Ethan sat up faster than he thought he could at the sound of his mentor’s voice. Some time has passed since the lights have gone out, and when kisses transitioned into a tight embrace, he pulled her onto the ground, both of them lying down so they could watch the sky as the clouds went by, lit up by lightning strikes from time to time. It almost felt like it could have been their first date, but neither of mentioned it.
When Naveen found them, Ethan’s hand was running up and down Claire’s arm, their bodies pressed close as the low hum of the rain almost lulled them both to sleep. Upon interruption, Ethan, and shortly after Claire, sat up, both immediately awake and aware of how busted they were.
They stared at each other for a long while, unsure what were the words that were supposed to be said. Eventually, Naveen broke out of the trance, nodding his head slowly in acknowledgement. In the darkness of the garden he couldn’t be sure, but he was pretty much certain that Ethan’s cheeks were taking on a bit of a darker color. It was Claire that confirmed it for him when she eventually cut the silence.
“Go easy on him with the teasing.”
Ethan’s head turned towards her in record time, his face spelling out mock betrayal, which made her laugh even more than she already was. She patted his shoulder with her extended hand, muttering ‘there, there’, a joke that he was clearly not amused by. Naveen watched them with a growing grin.
“You two are adorable.” His words caused the pair to look at him with surprise in their eyes. He walked towards them, extending his hand in Claire’s direction to help her up. She accepted it, standing up and pulling Ethan right along with her. “The lights are going to be gone for at least another hour, so you two should go home.”
Ethan’s annoyance was crystal clear in the way he spoke. “I can literally hear you smiling, Naveen, what’s got you so amused?”
“I’m just wondering, how did you wear him down, Claire? I’ve spent years trying to get him to go fishing with me and he wouldn’t budge.”
She laughed, squeezing Ethan’s arm before she walked towards the exit with Naveen by her side, telling him her strategy as though it was a well-kept secret. Ethan stayed in the garden for a moment longer, watching their silhouettes go with an easy smile before he followed them back towards the hospital.
Tag list (I): @paleweasels | @kittykatchoices | @valiantlychaoticbarbarian |   @radlovedreamer | @usuallyamazinglyaverage | @awhmilkywey |   @cordoniaqueensworld | @princess-geek​ | @faithhasnowords | @mightyfangirlofthefandoms​ | @drakewalkerfantasy​ | @timmagicktoad​  @laceandlula​ | @greywitchyshots​ | @llamasgrl​ |  @gingerjane15​ |    @marywrites-things​ | @ethanplaysfavorites​ | @mfackenthal​ | @betelgeusebee​ | @simsvetements​ | @owleyes374​ | @aworldoffandoms​ | @l822​ | @cream-ray​ | @silverlitskies​ | @justendlesssummerfeels​ | @togetherwearerapture​ | @desmaranj​ | @edgiestwinter​ | @friedherringclodthing​ | @waytooattuned​ | @choicesgremlin​ | @lapisreviewsstuff​ | @writerapprentice​ | @chasingrobbie​ | @x-kyne-x​ | @thisperfectmemory​ | @drakewalker04​ | @rookie-ramsey​ | @jlynn12273​ | @thepinknymph​ |  @dr-brianna-casey-valentine​ | @a-i-n-a-a-s-h | @justanotherrookie​ |  @mvalentine​ | @starrystarrytrouble​ | @akshara16​ |  @maurine07​
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thetranquilteal · 4 years
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The Vintage Calendar [AO3] by @thetranquilteal
With the ending of her contract with the UK Armed Forces, all Claire Beauchamp wants for Christmas is to enjoy a quiet holiday in Scotland with her long-term boyfriend Frank Randall. While visiting with close friends, however, Claire is gifted with a vintage advent calendar that sets her life on a path she never expected... one that leads to Northern Badgers star, James Fraser. 
Modern Day AU loosely based on the Netflix Christmas movie ‘The Holiday Calendar’. New chapter posted every day!
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Day 1: Candy Cane
Claire wrapped her dressing gown around her a little tighter as she shuffled across the living space to the kitchenette, early morning light guiding the way. She placed the kettle on the stove and set about preparing tea, her cold hands fumbling with the canister.
“Still cold, love?” Frank came up behind her and rubbed his hands up and down her arms gently, trying to generate some heat.
“Yes,” she admitted with a light laugh as she wrapped her dressing gown around her a little tighter still. Mrs Baird’s Bed and Breakfast was quaint and in an ideal location, in the very centre of Inverness, but it was not as warm and cosy as she would have liked. “I just can’t seem to shake it.”
“Here,” he took the spoon out of her hand and guided her out of the way, “let me finish the tea. You go and sit by the fire.”
“Thank you,” she kissed him on the cheek and made her way around the couch towards the purple armchair that had caught her eye the moment they entered their accommodation. She paused, though, when the vintage calendar caught her eye.
“Frank?” Claire called.
“Did you open this?”
“Open what, darling?”
“The calendar that Mrs. Graham gave us.”
“No, I haven’t had the chance to have a closer look yet. Is there there something for today, then?”
“Yes,” Claire’s brow furrowed as she reached out and picked up the little figurine sitting in the already open doorway. “It’s a little candy cane.”
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The sun had long since set by the time Claire wandered the streets of downtown Inverness looking for somewhere to stop for a warm drink. Sparkling lights and Christmas decorations adorned each side and muffled festive tunes could be heard from many of the doorways she passed. She couldn’t bring herself to walk through any of them however, the lights seemingly too bright and vibe feeling too thick, and instead kept walking, taking turns here and there looking for somewhere a little more quiet to spend her evening without Frank.  
It had been a productive day, first studying various heavy tomes with the Reverend at the Manse and then a few hours spent at the local library looking over what Claire considered to be mounds of papers brought to them by the librarian, a large eyed woman with thick glasses, all too happy to deliver more than they could possibly read to their table along with what seemed to be a never ending cup of candy canes. It was there Frank had discovered a new lead, a handwritten note suggesting some rituals performed during yuletide centuries ago had a deeper and more intricate history than previously believed. Seeing the light spark in his eyes, Claire had encouraged him to continue his research and told him not to worry about their plan to spend the evening together - they had a whole month in town and one evening spent apart wouldn’t ruin anything after all.
The streets got darker and Claire subsequently got calmer, slowing her walk to a much more casual stroll, a warm looking restaurant now set in her sights. Suddenly a door opened to her left and a group of people flowed out, merriment evident in their faces if not their voices, each carrying boxes of what looked to be homemade Christmas decorations. She instinctively moved to the side to get out of the way, just barely dodging a stray oversized candy cane to the head and waited patiently in the entrance of an alleyway for them to pass.
Claire jumped and turned to find an older man standing in an unassuming doorway staring at her. He was dressed in a shirt and kilt that had certainly seen better days and she looked around quickly to make sure that he was, in fact, looking at her before responding. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Druid!" The man repeated, waving for her to come in. "Ach, come on lass! I cannae stand here waiting for ye all night. Come in before ye attract attention!”  
“I don’t-”
Obviously frustrated by her hesitation, the man grabbed her hand and pulled her inside, his touch surprisingly gentle for a man so seemingly agitated.
She stumbled slightly but regained her balance in time to watch the man leave her just as quickly as he had found her to join a group of men huddled on one side of the establishment. She pushed her indignation aside for a moment to look around and - found a very ordinary tavern. It made sense that she hadn’t noticed this place herself, she thought. It was free from glitz, glamour and - perhaps most significantly - any holiday glitter. Overall, it was rather dark and grungy with lanterns and fireplaces providing a warmth she hadn’t experienced all day.
Determined to remain calm after such an undignified entrance, she squared her shoulders and walked up to the bar, raising a hand to attract the attention of the barkeep.
“Local cider, please.”
The man nodded and Claire settled herself on a stool and, feeling less conspicuous, took her time studying her surroundings more closely. Individuals and small groups were scattered here and there, their collective chatter on par with the music playing through speakers overhead.
She accepted her drink and handed over the required amount of cash. She took a sip and smiled at the taste. 'Life was too short to not enjoy the drink in your hand' as her old Commanding Officer used to say. Half way through her drink the group of men huddled by one of the open fireplaces caught her attention again when a pained grunt travelled across the room.
Just ignore it, Beauchamp. Enjoy your drink, Beauchamp, she thought to herself and for a moment she managed to do just that. Until she couldn’t stand it any longer. "Dammit, Beauchamp."
Claire got up, drink still in hand, and made her way over, their discussion becoming clearer with every step.
“Well, what if I-”
“-I dinnae need yer help!”
“Ye cannae-”
“-one phone call-”
“For the love of-”
There, amongst five or so men, each talking over the top of one another, was a young red haired man sitting on a chair cradling his arm. So busy arguing amongst themselves, they barely noticed her presence.
“It’s fine-”
“-force the joint back, myself.”
“Don’t you dare!” Without thinking, Claire pushed through to stand in front of the injured man. “Stand aside at once!”
“Stand aside, she says!”
“Here,” she turned to the loud and overly short bearded man closest to her and handed him her glass. “Hold this.”
“Hold this, she says!”
Claire tuned out the discussion around them and focused on the task at hand.
“Now, what’s happened?”
“Ugh,” the patient grunted as he shifted in his seat, “landed on the ice wrong. Cannae lift my arm without it hurtin’.”
“How long ago?”
“An hour mayhap.”
Claire nodded in understanding and reached out a hand. “May I?”
The man looked at her for a long moment before taking a swig from a glass on the table and visibility gritting his teeth in anticipation. He nodded his consent.
“Do you have a history of instability in this shoulder?” She asked as she palpated the area gently.
“I’ve dislocated it once before,” he admitted with a grimace.
“Or twice,” a gruff and somewhat familiar voice added in, the man responsible for... introducing her to this pub, she suspected.
“Or twice,” her patient reluctantly admitted. “But no’ in a long while.”
“Hmmm… you really ought to see a doctor. Are there any clinics open this time of night?” When he didn’t answer she turned to look at the other men who in turn were equally nonvocal and completely unhelpful. “No? Well, it looks to me like you’ve suffered from shoulder subluxation - a partial dislocation, that is - and it’s fixed itself already. So long as you keep your arm immobile and make sure to rest, I don’t see why you can’t wait to see your doctor tomorrow.” Decision made, Claire stood up and turned to the others. “Fetch me a long piece of cloth or a belt. And some ice from the bar.”
"Fetch me, she says!”
“Ach, shut up ye drunk eejit and do as the lady says,” a tall, bald headed man with a thick grey beard Claire hadn’t noticed before came forward, his authority evident in how quickly the so-called ‘drunk eejit’ complied.
Requests quickly in hand, she turned back to her waiting patient and went about efficiently setting his arm in a sling, the young man following her movements closely.
“Taking a guess you’ve done this before?”
“I’m a nurse,” Claire shared as she pulled the knot tight.
“Aye, you work at the hospital? I havenae seen ye there before.”
“No, not that kind of nurse,” Claire chuckled at Jamie’s confused look and handed him the ice pack before clarifying. “An Army Nurse. But now I have to say I'm curious. Do you frequent the hospital often, Mr…?”
“Fraser," he paused as if waiting for something. A particular reaction from her perhaps? "But you can call me Jamie.”
“Claire,” she reciprocated with a smile. “Under normal circumstances I would offer to shake your hand but considering your current predicament I must advise against it and instead remind you to keep the ice on your shoulder for no longer than 15 to 20 minutes at a time. Do you have a physical therapist?”
“Aye, he does,” the bald headed man came forward once again, a hand on Jamie’s good shoulder. “And I’ll make sure he sees them on the morrow.”
“Wonderful,” Claire nodded with pleasure and turned back to Jamie, hands planted firmly on her hips. “Now, I believe you owe me a drink.”
A/N: Candy canes. Candy canes everywhere! From here we diverge from canon-adjacent and take a path that is much more Hallmark. // Are you looking forward to seeing what figurine will be waiting for Claire tomorrow?
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
Sleeping Beau-
A/N: Happy Birthday Leoooooooo
MAKING IT A TWO(?)-SHOT SO THAT CONGRATS ON YOUR GRADES TOO YEY! (Also because It was getting too damn long)
k. that’s all from me. Sorry for the meh quality and sorry in advance for all the mistakes and plotholes. I’m getting rusty. Forgotten how to write.
~Shintori Khazumi
[Okay, how about a Mayakuro "remake" of seeping beauty? Where Claudine is all like "Tendo Maya give me that sword, I can do this shit myself" and wasn't in a coma like sleep but that it was just a rumour or something. ...she'd be so confused for a minute, no one told her that the princess would have that much of an attitude.]- Was the request, hihi.
“Sleeping Beau-”
“A princess... in a tower, oh so far away from me. This dear princess, deep in slumber, oh how much I long to see...”
“... Is this because you want to use her as reference for your new play?” A certain brunette mumbled through a mouthful of food she’d managed to smuggle in while on duty.
“Dame Aijo... It’s not like that.”
“I thought I heard you ask that vendor girl earlier for the location because you had plans to visit.”
“Shut up, Karen!” The bespectacled playwright frowned, scribbling down her latest line. “And how do you even know about that?” Junna narrowed her eyes at the knight who merely shrugged. Junna clicked her tongue, turning back to her sheets of paper. “I’m just a little curious, is all!” She defended, mumbling incoherent complaints to herself.
“But Miss Junna, the last time you used actual people as references for your script, you got scolded by Hikari.” Karen reminded, resting her head in her palm as she watched Junna jot down more lines, more notes for her newest work.
“Th-that was only because she didn’t like how I stared at you or Mahiru for too long! I couldn’t help it! I have to study my subjects intently to fully grasp their characters and way of life, and embody-” She was going off on a tangent, and Karen couldn’t help but giggle.
“So you are thinking of her as a reference.” Karen grinned smugly.
“Now, now. What’s all the fuss about?” A voice called from the other side of the room, catching the occupant’s attention. The pair froze in place, minds registering the identity of the newcomer.
“Your highness!” Junna greeted first, immediately straightening up as she and Karen offered their respects in deep bows to the tall figure, regal and proud, stood at the doorway of the study.
The Royal Princess, Tendou Maya, in her full glory, sauntered into the room, not forgetting to shut the door behind her, before taking a seat on Junna’s desk- much to the latter’s chagrin- and immediately destroyed her image of poise and elegance as she hid behind closed doors.
“Finally.” Maya sighed, gazing out at Junna’s balcony, seeing the bright blue sky and the rustles of trees as the wind’s whistling was heard through open windows. “I thought they’d never end.” She huffed, jumping back onto her feet as she walked about the room.
“Princess, what are you doing here?” Junna addressed their new companion once more, surprised at the sudden visit. Usually Maya would inform her beforehand if she was planning on dropping by. “Did you run away from more noble meetings?”
Maya smiled at her in an amused manner that had Junna feeling a little irritated. “Can’t a student come see her Tutor at any given time should she have any queries in mind?” Maya asked sweetly, picking up a random book from a nearby shelf and flipping through its pages.
Junna stared, trying to read the woman’s expression and actions. She couldn’t. Groaning, Junna replied, “First of all, you are no longer my student. You’ve learned all you’ve needed to from me, finished all your course work two years ago. Secondly, do you even have anything to ask that I can answer that you don’t already know?”
Maya kept smiling at her mysteriously. “How are you?- is a valid question that you can answer and I don’t already know?”
“Don’t be cheeky, Your highness.” Junna rolled her eyes, getting back to her script on her desk.
“My, the genius scholar, the Kingdom’s royal tutor, can’t answer one of the simplest questions?” Maya faux-gasped. “Whatever shall we do? Find a new one?” She continued to tease.
Junna frowned, feeling a headache coming on. “Maya, you really don’t want me to dive into a long discussion on how that question could actually be one of the most difficult to answer.”
As if to remind the pair of her presence, Karen agreed enthusiastically, nodding her head at the same time. “You wouldn’t want to get bored, your highness. One time, Miss Junna tried to explain to me why I could buy five sacks of rice in the next town over for the price of only three in the capital, and I still don’t get it.” She chuckled sheepishly, scratching her head in confusion.
“Um, Dame Aijo, that’s a little different. You might be somewhat slow-”
“Oh, how interesting!” Maya clapped, playing along with Karen. Turning to Junna who had just flinched, she directed another question. “How can that be, teacher?” She asked innocently.
Junna grimaced, really not up to the task of having to play Maya’s little games today. Regaining her composure, Junna cleared her throat. “Okay, for what purpose have you actually come to see me, Princess?” She asked, hoping for a reasonable answer.
“To see my good old friend and catch up on life?” Maya tried.
Junna deadpanned. “Like hell that’s true. You haven’t visited me in three months. Each time you’ve visited before that, it was to either ask me to hide you from marriage interviews, sneak into a play, escape whatever duties you found tedious, or snack on baumkuchen secretly with Karen over here.”
“Baumkuchen is good for the soul.”
“Not for your figure.” Though she said that, Junna frowned as she remembered the time she was chewed out by the etiquette tutor for allowing Maya to eat ‘junk’ outside of mealtime; allowed her to eat more than her designated and controlled portions.
Despite knowing how nobles liked to keep up appearances, Junna hardly found it necessary to impose such a diet on the princess with how active she was anyway. Also, as someone with lists and lists of responsibilities to cater throughout the day, she worried if it was even enough, what they fed the poor girl.
What if she simply collapsed one day?
“You don’t mean that.” Maya smirked at her, propping up her face in her hands on Junna’s desk.
Junna’s frown deepened. A splash of color appeared on her face that she quickly hid behind her manuscript. “I suppose not.” She admitted quietly.
Maya laughed freely, stepping back to allow her friend some breathing room. She went over to Karen to strike up some more amusing conversation maybe.
“So what kind of whimsical fairy tale has Miss Junna tried to string together this time?” She asked Karen.
Junna choked on air as she turned to glare at the cause of her stress today. “Why would you like to know?”
If the princess claimed she wanted to take part in another one of her productions, Junna would have to discourage her from doing so. She used to be pleased to have Maya on board, sometimes even pleading her because of her talent and potential for the stage- she was very clearly loved by its goddess. However, Junna had quickly learned that a Royal should not be placed under that kind of spotlight.
They were already on a high enough pedestal that was better tailored to people of their caliber; worlds and worlds beyond even the most talented actors, the brightest stars.
When His Majesty’s second wife,  the queen consort, had heard of these activities, she had hounded Junna, and her fiance Nana- the director and owner of the theater- to cease any production that would ‘taint’ the Royal Princess’s image and only serve as distraction from her duties that were of greater significance.
Such as trying to succeed the throne.
It wasn’t only for her sake that she had to turn Maya away from the stage that called to her like a siren from the sea. It would be better for that sailor to keep away and stay alive all together. After all, mermaids were temptingly beautiful, but they devoured the life of those drawn to them.
So would it be for Tendou Maya.
“There’s just been this rumor circling about, princess.” Junna heard Karen begin, looking over at the pair who shared amicable smiles as they conversed.
Should she halt this topic?
“And this rumor is...?”
“Oh, just how there’s this weird, abandoned, palace-like thingy in the forest just by the border to that terrible west kingdom.”
Junna watched as Maya seemed to perk up, not liking the interest that was apparent on her face.
“They say there’s a princess there!”
“My! A princess!”
“They said she’s been sleeping there for a while!” Karen continued to share without much thought, Maya nodding enthusiastically and clinging onto every word. An action Junna did not like. “And that she’ll never wake up. Poor princess. Can’t they bring her to a clinic or something?”
“Ohoh? I suppose that would be the usual course of action.” Maya replied, going along with Karen’s storytelling. “What else do you know?” Maya asked, hoping to fish out some more information, no doubt.
Junna had to stop her already burning hunger from getting even bigger.
“Nothing else that you should hear of.” She cut the conversation off with a tap of her pen. “Anyway, it’s all just a rumor.” Junna stated. “It’s not as though there is proof of an actual structure suddenly being there in the western forests, nor is there any certainty about a princess residing in deep slumber there.”
Maya flashed her an evil grin, walking over to her table again, standing right in front of her once more.
“But there isn’t any proof that it doesn’t exist either, right?” She whispered to Junna with a glint in her eyes that only spelled trouble.
“Don’t get any funny ideas, Maya. The kingdom will absolutely have my head if they learn that I’ve somehow placed ideas in yours.” She sighed, rolling up her papers and smacking Maya on the head lightly. The princess simply laughed in amusement.
“Worry not, my good friend. I’ve taken your kind words into consideration.”
Junna stared at her, still skeptical. Knowing Maya, ‘consideration’ was just that. Consideration. And, most likely, Maya was considering going against Junna’s warning.
Really, she could only hope for the best, and pray that Maya wouldn’t do whatever her pretty little head had clearly already planned.
‘No, no.’ Junna shook her head. She should trust Maya. She was an adult, responsible, and a royal. She knew her duties, and she knew what was right. Maya was an intelligent woman. She wouldn’t just thoughtlessly go out in search of the existence of some baseless tale. Yes. Junna shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
She looked over at the princess still casually conversing with Karen, all cheers and smiles coming from the pair. The knight continued to entertain Maya with more and more trivial details regarding the stories of that hidden castle in the woods, and the shine in Maya’s eyes that Junna usually associated with her excitement and craving for adventure only became brighter and brighter.
This was worrisome.
Junna bit her lip, anxiety growing more and more as she tried to convince herself that everything would be just fine.
Okay, okay. Even if Maya would, hypothetically, try to go off in search of this ‘mystery princess’, there were many guards posted about the castle anyway.
She couldn’t escape and do anything, right?
No, in the first place, she wouldn’t do anything. Right?
She shouldn’t be doing this. She knows it deep down.
Should her parents catch wind of her plans, she could either be disowned or forever locked away in her own tower.
Regardless, these threats of consequence could not hope to quell her hungered curiosity. Maya couldn’t sit still after hearing such a tale- an adventure outside the walls of the palace. One that was much like the stories she had only ‘played’ thus far.
This time, it was real.
And so did the princess sneak out into the dead of the night.
“Come now, Samson.” A lone horse’s whinny shook the silent air, Maya feeling her heart pound at the thrill of game she had begun to play. A game of life. “Shhhh. Be silent, my boy. We must be discreet.” She whispered, stroking the silky mane of her stallion, hoping it would soothe him.
It seemed to have worked and Maya sighed in temporary relief.
Looking ahead into the darkness of the courtyard, she surveyed the area ahead in attempts to check for any possible dangers. Finding none, she took one final look behind her to ensure that she was not being followed.
Good. The coast was clear.
Addressing her loyal companion, Maya took the reins and commanded forward. “Shall we?” She smiled as she got a little huff. “Hyah!” She exclaimed, loud enough only for their ears to pick up.
She cantered Samson over the currently-empty courtyard, out the back, having known a secret pathway through the castle gardens to get onto the streets without passing the main gate where guards were usually posted, and rarely left.
She should really advise their knights on how to better their security. People could get in through places besides the gate.
...or people could sneak out.
She could.
But maybe... not now.
Stepping onto the cobblestone pavement, she grinned. So far, so perfect.
Catching sight of the palace gate, she giggled as she saw a guard stretching in the distance, probably yawning from drowsiness during night duty.
Yes, she should indeed talk to her father in the future. Or not.
Into the dense forest, they ran. Galloping hooves braving a weather that was somehow stormy. The air and the scenery was somehow eerie. Darkened clouds and thorny paths had so soon greeted them as Maya traversed towards the direction Karen had pointed out.
The location of a hidden tower.
From what Junna and Karen had shared in terms of the rumors they’d heard about it, they said a princess from the neighboring kingdom had been born twenty or so years ago. She had been blessed by three fairies, and cursed by a witch, Maleficent- was her name, apparently.
The girl was to prick her finger on a spindle of a spinning wheel, and then she’d sleep on death’s bed inevitably.
That was how it had gone.
Maya was a believer in the magic of the world. After all, the members of the royal family were some of the few who had been gifted with its wonder.
She wouldn’t call them miraculous, but she had undeniable strength that far exceeded many of their best male knights, as well as healing abilities that could get rid of smaller cuts, and halt excessive bleeding.
This proved useful as Maya made her way through the thick brush, feeling the sharp of thorns on occasion as she went deeper into the forest.
After a good hour or so of searching, Maya had found herself at the base of what she had presumed was the ‘palace’ from the rumors. Tall-standing and surrounded by thorns, with an eerie air that only added more fearsome layers to its image shrouded in darkness, Maya deliberated continuing on her little adventure.
Should it hold terrors far greater than she had initially accounted for, this curiosity trip would very easily end up with chaos and sorrow in an entire kingdom.
However, should rumors stay as rumors...
Maya laughed at her own foolishness as she dismounted Samson, tying him to a nearby tree.
“Let’s hope I don’t die, my boy.” She stroked her trusted steed as he nuzzled against her hand. “I’ll be back.”
Another cough exited her mouth, particles of dust shrouding her vision. Clearing away a cobweb with her hand, Maya found the first open door to any room she’s passed by thus far. A long winding stairwell sat inside, steps that snaked their way to the top of a tower invited Maya to take them and uncover the secrets they might lead to.
Maya took one step. Then another. And another.
Half-way to the top, she had found another door. Right away, she knew it was different from all the other wooden entrances she’d encountered so far. Besides the odd glow that seemed to be coming from within, it had an equally strange inscription carved into its wood.
With a light push, the door flew open, revealing a spinning wheel. The glow she had initially taken note of didn’t come from the room, apparently. But neither was it from the spinning wheel itself.
Maya focused her eyes on one part of the machinery, seeing the spindle sparkle alluringly, almost invitingly.
“What a dangerous-looking contraption.” She murmured, stepping closer. Sharp. It was sharp, she observed, the closer she got. “What if... someone got hurt?” In a trance like state, her body continued to close the distance between herself and the seemingly glowing piece of furniture. Her eyes remained fixated on its eerie shine. “...How tragic... would that be...”
Stopping just inches shy of the spindle, Maya’s breath stilled. Almost as if it had a mind of its own, almost as if Maya had forgotten the whole tale she had just been told, her hand lifted up, reaching for the spindle-
...when a creak suddenly caught her attention. As though a spell had been broken, Maya blinked, quickly pulling her hand away and looking up towards the source of the noise. She saw another door, one that was slightly open, leading into more darkness, revealing none of what possibly lay beyond it.
Her heart beat fast at the thought of either being caught by someone from her kingdom, or by an entirely different entity- a monster or ghoul perhaps? Either way, the dangers the options presented was not to her liking.
Still, this did little to douse the fire that was her thrill-seeking curiosity, and thus, she went after it: the dark and beyond.
She took careful steps, pushing the door to widen its opening in hopes that the strange light from the previous room would help to illuminate this new one. The hinged wood budged with an echoing creak, one that made Maya flinch, still wary of alerting any possible inhabitants of the palace.
Upon entering the room, Maya’s eyes fluttered about the dim surrounding, scanning over the surprisingly dusted furnishings, and well-kept room.
How strange.
For a place that supposedly only had a sleeping individual of a few years already, to be this clean... Was this also due to the effects of magic?
Her gaze continued to travel, hopping from one thing to another. She took careful, quiet steps about the room as she surveyed it, searching for a better source of light at the same time.
Coming to a curtained wall, she pulled the fabrics apart, hoping a window was present there. Smiling victoriously at her correct assumption, she allowed the natural evening light to flutter into the room and illuminate it as she turned around to see things more clearly.
And clearly she saw. Eyes widening, they came to rest upon a figure glowing under the elegant light of the moon. A sleeping beauty, resting. The princess of the rumors. Maya gazed upon her face, mind blanking and unable to tear her gaze away.
Her cheeks were somehow still a gorgeous apple-red despite supposedly having lack of nutrition due to her lengthy slumber- should the rumors hold any truth- albeit somewhat hollowed out. She had long lashes, and was fair-skinned. What drew Maya in the most in that moment was the glow of golden hair. Silky, fluffy, seemingly magical.
“Absolutely beautiful.”
Maya, outside of her conscious control, reached out to touch it- much like she’d almost done to the needle before. However, unlike that earlier attraction, this one was... different.
The pull of danger was as a hypnotic, malicious trance. Despite the dread coursing through your veins, the fear pounding in one’s heart, you could not step away. On the other hand, this allure was gentle, soft. She was not as a moth to a flame, nor a sailor to the siren’s song.
This was a hand held out, beckoning her for a life-changing dance as her fate entwined with whoever it was that lay upon satin sheets in an abandoned castle.
Maya flinched once her skin made contact with silken gold, before relaxing, enjoying their soft feel. Holding a few strands that slipped through her fingertips, she brought it to her lips placing a kiss on them.
Her heart beat painfully in her chest, but she did not think it was in any way unpleasant. Her eyes scanned over Sleeping Beauty’s features once more, resting upon slightly paled lips somehow growing larger and larger in her view.
Maya had been drawing closer.
And Maya was about to kiss the lady.
Breath stilling in her lungs, Maya pulled her senses together, shaking her head as she berated herself for even considering such a distasteful course of action- throwing herself upon someone without the least bit of consent.
She’d seen many beautiful faces in her lifetime, she’d flirted with some too- much to Junna and her parents’ chagrin. But never had she felt as... captured as she was in this moment; never had Maya been filled with a strong urge to know who this person was, to have the pleasure of being acquainted with someone such as this.
She had never felt the desire to steal a kiss from someone she’d just met, and hoped that maybe... they’d kiss back.
Eyes widening, Maya slapped her hands against both sides of her face; the feeling of the warmth of her cheeks grounded her back in the reality of the moment as she attempted to take a step back and recollect herself-
And suddenly she found herself looking up at the ceiling and into precious garnets with a flame-like passion burning within them as she was pinned down to the mattress by their glare and their owner’s physical strength.
A lovely owner, might she add.
“Who. Are.  You.”
Maya blinked.
‘Even her voice is lovely.’-She thought, despite the venom in its tone. Whether Maya’s heart was picking up speed due to fright or something else, she didn’t know. Her mind was a jumbled mess of being dumbfounded and starstruck at the beauty presented to her, her subconscious’ warnings that she was currently in danger, and confusion towards this predicament she had found herself in.
“I said, Who are you.” Maya’s fair lady repeated, shaking her by the collar for emphasis that she was not to be joked with, and that Maya should answer seriously if she wanted to make it out of this situation in one piece.
Did she, however?
Maya wondered if she had some sort of odd preferences deep down that despite her apprehensions and surprise, she couldn’t help but feel merry and excited in her position, laying beneath some unknown gorgeous woman who was angered and threatening.
She couldn’t help the smile that broke out on her face as she replied, “Why, I’m Maya. And you?” She hoped it at least looked charming, like the one she usually used on all the pretty village girls as their faces soon turned red and flustered.
She didn’t expect to get a growl instead... or should she have?
“Are you one of her servants?” The blonde interrogated, not answering Maya’s own question as she searched Maya’s eyes for any motives of deception and dishonesty.
“Her?” Maya cocked her head to the side curiously. “Who might you be referring to, my dear?” She asked, somehow still hoping to charm or tease the woman with a subtle pet name that only went ignored.
Golden brows scrunched up further, fangs baring more obviously for Maya to admire as the woman answered her question. “Maleficent, obviously!”
“Maleficent?” Now where had Maya heard of that before...
Apparently, this strange beauty had taken it upon herself to fill Maya in on the details, as she released her from her grip, pushing her away and onto the sheets as she got up to pace the room in clear vexation and rage from just the thought of whoever this ‘Maleficent’ person was. Just her name was enough to rile her up, it seemed, and Maya’s suspicious and intruding presence was now quickly forgotten as her newly-awakened companion went off on a raged rant.
“She who has locked me up for who knows how long. With the silly prophesy that I’d prick my finger on a spindle and fall asleep for many years.” She explained, pausing in her steps to give Maya a look. “That one.”
Maya still didn’t quite follow. It all did sound so familiar.
“I beg your pardon?”
The lady didn’t seem to have heard Maya as she continued on her fiery tirade. “Who in their right mind, when being told the exact misfortune that would serve as their demise, go with it? Certainly not I!”
“I see...?” Maya had now assumed a more comfortable sitting position atop the room’s mattress, watching the woman in front of her continue to grumble and pace about.
“Avoiding that damned curse was nothing of a challenge- it was trivial, even.” She sighed, biting her nail in annoyance. “But there’s an entirely different issue at hand!” She exclaimed, stomping her foot down as she crossed her arms and looked to Maya, as if asking her to tell her what it was.
Maya had no clue whatsoever.
She heard her companion click her tongue in disappointment at the lack of response, and that somehow stung for Maya.
Maya was quickly enlightened once more by the things she had no clue about.
“I can’t leave the building for some reason. Each time I’ve tried, it was as though I’d entered a never-ending maze.” She huffed. “And even if I got passed that, I’ve discovered that she sends a dragon to check up on me from time to time. The timing is sporadic so I can’t even plan a definite schedule of escape. Maybe if I had my sword, though...” She mumbled the last bits to herself. “Maybe it would be a different story.”
Maya watched the troubled girl continue with her mental acrobatics and murmuring, still bewildered by the sudden outburst of emotions and quickly growing pile of information that she was still trying to process bit by bit. She reviewed the story she had heard in her memory to the best of her abilities, somehow feeling that something was off with the tale she had just been told.
Something clicked, and she snapped her fingers in realization, as she got up from her seat and walked over to the perplexed lady.
“Excuse me-”
“What.” The response was biting and cold.
Maya flinched, but prepared an unbothered smile as she tried to strike up a coherent conversation with this girl.
“I’m sorry, but... I just wanted to confirm something.”
The blonde only raised her brow, telling Maya silently to go on.
Maya suddenly felt nervous, and nervous wasn’t really something she thought she was capable of feeling, not with all her background and training. However, under the scrutiny of those intense eyes, she felt her throat dry as she struggled to use her words.“Um, so...” She began, feeling the urge to rub at the back of her neck to ease her sudden anxiety. “You said you couldn’t find a way to leave?” She finally got out lamely.
“Yes, that’s what I said. Weren’t you listening?” Was the fiery response that confirmed Maya’s confusion.
“I... I see.” Maya stuttered. She cursed at the fact that she did. Still, she had to continue on with this conversation in order to understand what was nagging at her. “I see, but...”
Maya pointed towards the way she came in, the door still wide open and with that odd glow from the needle in the previous room she’d passed to arrive in this one. “The exit is right there, milady.” She stated slowly, clearly, hoping the other woman would get her message.
She received an angered glare, feeling her collar grasped once more as Maya was pulled to meet the woman eye to eye. “What foolishness are you spouting?” She questioned, thrusting a finger in the direction Maya had pointed at. “That is clearly a wall.”
Maya blinked, tilting her head in confusion. No, no. She was clearly not blind, was she? She was sure that she wasn’t dreaming either- that she was in the right state of mind. So why...
Instead of trying to explain things, or understand through words, Maya decided to figure things out the easier way. She pried the other woman’s hands away and made her way towards the door. She felt the heated gaze on her back as she stood in front of the open frame. Looking back once, she nodded.
And she walked right through the door.
Staring at the lady through the passage, she wondered why she wasn’t being followed, why there was no ‘I hadn’t noticed that there’, or any similar words.
All she heard was an awed, “How did you do that?”, and her lagging brain clicked. Oh.
Maya came back in, multiple possibilities and reasons now running through her mind as to why this girl could not see the clearly placed exit. Right, this place was covered in magic. Why hadn’t she thought of that sooner? Maya put on her smile once more, approaching the girl as she took her by the hand and led her closer to the door. “I’m telling you, milady. There’s nothing here.”
She still looked at Maya skeptically, clearly in doubt.
“Milady, do you believe in magic?”
She received a deadpanned look, and she realized it wasn’t the smartest question to ask someone who had been locked up in a tower, guarded by a dragon, and cursed to suffer eternal slumber by the touch of one tiny needle.
“Apologies, of course you do.”
Maya watched the blonde sigh, as she nodded, looking at Maya with a calmer demeanor as she stated what they now thought they both knew. “So there’s a door there, and I simply can’t see it because I’m probably under some type of illusion spell.”
Maya hummed her agreement, and admired the way her companion’s face lit up in relief and a joy she didn’t think she’d ever see replace the grouchy expression that seemed to be forever set in place.
“Well.” Maya’s sleeping beauty smiled at her, unknowingly making her heart skip a beat. Maya wondered what that was about.
“Well?” Maya parroted, clearing her throat after a minor crack in her voice.
“Now that we know that this wall is but an illusion... I guess I feel like a fool for not trying to figure that out any sooner.” The woman laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she turned to look about her room. “I suppose it’s time for me to leave this musty old building and claim my freedom.” She grinned. “I wonder if I can find anything of use here that I can take with me.”
Huh. She was leaving.
Somehow Maya didn’t like the sound of that.
She couldn’t leave. Not when they hadn’t even had a proper conversation yet.
To where would she go? Would it be to a place where Maya could find her, or seek her out? Maya felt compelled to stay with her, or have her stay with Maya. Maybe they could go back to Maya’s kingdom together... and then she could get to know her more. Maya... wanted-needed to get to know her more. Even if she didn’t know why that was herself.
Right, Maya still didn’t know her name. Where was she from? Why was she... Maya needed to ask. Maya needed to know.
Clearing her throat once more, she reached out for the girl.
“So, I was wondering-”
“It was nice knowing you, thank you for showing me the way out.” Were the words that interrupted her plans.
‘Wait, no. Not yet. Where are you going?’
“Now I must be off-”Maya’s panicked hands were too late in catching the girl as she tried to exit the room, “Oof-What the...” but instead found herself hitting a hard barrier and falling onto her back.
“Hmm? What... happened...” Maya asked, quickly kneeling to check on her fallen companion.
The woman rubbed her forehead, a red spot marking the area that probably hurt the most. “That’s what I’m asking.” She quickly turned to glare at Maya, pointing an accusatory finger at her. “You.” She angrily spat. “You lied to me.”
“Wha- I did no such thing!” Maya felt compelled to defend herself, getting up from her spot and hastily walking in and out of the doorway, as if that would prove some point. “See?”
“I don’t see!” The blonde exclaimed, crossing her arms as she sat on the floor. “You really are one of Maleficent’s henchmen! What, did she send you here to make a fool of me? Is she watching from somewhere? Is this some kind of sick entertainment for her?” She madly questioned, standing up and jamming a finger into Maya’s chest, forcing her back.
“I’ve already told you, I’m not!” Maya countered, her own volume raising.
“Then who are you?!” The woman screeched at her, pinning her against the wall- except that it wasn’t a wall for Maya, and she promptly fell through into the other room and onto the cold hard floor.
“Ouch... that hurt...” Maya groaned as she got up, running her fingers against the back of her head gently to soothe the sharp pain there.
She looked up to see the girl on the other side of the entryway banging her fists against a barrier Maya could not visualize, but the other could not deal away with, apparently.
“Who are you?” She was asked again. “Who are you?! If you aren’t one of those people who have thrown me in here, how did you find me? How did you know of this place? Why are you here?! Tell me!”
Maya silently watched her continue to yell in fury, continually slamming her hands desperately against the ‘open door’.
“Were you here to toy with my sanity? To give me false hope that I’d finally get be able to be free?”
Each question was accentuated by a hard thumping sound as she beat against the wall.
“Did you leave already?! Figures you would! You didn’t even try to prove me wrong!”
Maya considered the option of exiting the place, no longer willing to tolerate the manner with which she had been treated the entire time. She considered it.
She considered no longer having to deal with this clearly crazed woman. She did not know what came over her when she thought that she was the least bit attractive.
She considered getting up. She got up.
She considered turning away. Maya did.
She considered finally walking out of the room...
-until she heard it.
The tiniest sniffle, so small she could have missed it if it weren’t for the sudden complete quiet after all the loud noise.
“...I just thought I’d finally be able to find my way home...Wherever home is...”
A pang shot through her heart as she turned back around, eyes falling upon a forlorn face that was quick to be covered in tears. If that wasn’t enough to drive an emotional knife through her chest, the lady beyond the wall began to wail helplessly in what Maya could only describe as pure, unadulterated pain.
“WHY AM I HERE?! WHAT DID I EVEN DO TO DESERVE THIS?! WHO EVEN AM I?! WHY ME?!” The girl sobbed. “Damn you, Maleficent! Damn you, dragon, damn this stupid tower, damn it all!”
Maya watched the girl slump against the clear barrier, falling to her knees as her poundings returned in weak waves and slaps against the wall, until she ended up curling on the floor, quietly sniffling and well-worn.
Maya approached the door once more, wanting to reach out, but not knowing what to say. She crouched down, mouth opening and closing until her voice eventually came out.
“I... I’m still here.” She spoke softly. There was no response. “Can you hear me?” Nothing still.
Maya bit her lip nervously. If she tried to go back in, would she be walking straight into death’s clutches? Would she get beat up? Even if she escaped later, how was she to explain what happened once she returned home?
Maya needed to think... wait, but did she have the time? She didn’t have all night to do whatever it was she came here to do. She needed to be out by sunrise and well on her way home. Wait... home? What home? Where was she? Why did she need to go home? Why was she here in the first place? Where was here?
“What am I...”
She felt a sharp pain in her head. Was it from the fall? Maya suddenly felt dizzy, her head began to spin and ache as she fell to the ground. She cursed the throbbing in her head. Maybe she could try healing it with magic. Maybe that would assuage the pain.
Healing? Magic?
Maya shook her head. She didn’t have the time to think about all these things that were suddenly confusing her. She just had to do what she needed to.
Her hand took on a golden glow that almost seemed foreign to her. She didn’t know what it was, but somehow her body told her she should do it, that she could.
Shakily raising her hand up in a struggle, she managed to touch her head, and suddenly, along with a blindingly bright glow that filled the room, she felt clarity and many thoughts flowing in, as the pain melted away into nothingness along with the light.
Maya blinked, suddenly remembering so many things that she didn’t even know she’d forgotten. “...The princess. I’m... a princess. I’m Tendou Maya and I’m here to... I wanted to find out about a princess- the princess!” In panic, she turned to the lady she had been with all this time, her story earlier now registering in Maya’s mind and associating with the tall tale Junna and Karen had spoken about.
Maleficent... a tower... magic... a spindle and a curse.
Maya whipped her head about to see that the needle was no longer glowing to her. It looked like any old spinning wheel, sat in a room.
It was like an enchantment had been lifted off of Maya, and she saw with clearer eyes what was going on.
When had it settled? Was it the moment she entered this forsaken castle? Was it when she had laid eyes on the cursed contraption? Maya did not know.
All she knew was that she needed to help set free this woman that was most probably the princess from the rumors that may as well not be rumors. But how?
Well, it didn’t matter right now. Maya just needed to take some course of action to temporarily ease the situation. She could figure out the rest later. Soon. She did not know how long she’d been here in the tower, nor did she have a way of telling how much time she had left before needing to leave except through the window she’d opened in the other room. If she had to go in anyway, she may as well explain things to the captive princess inside.
Maya swallowed thickly, wondering what she should do now. The princess still lay across the way. Should she simply step over her and enter like that? Or should she move her out of the way first. Either option would probably get her beat, but Maya didn’t need to think about that right now... maybe if she held her in place to prevent her from attacking once she notices Maya’s presence?
Nodding to herself, Maya crept closer to the open door, knelt down on one knee, bracing her arms for the weight.
She needed to do it smootly and quickly, before there was any time for the other woman to register what was going on.
Three... two... one...
Maya slipped her hands and arms under the princess’ weight and hurriedly carried her up and over to lay her down on the bed before she could react.
“You!” Wide eyes regarded Maya with shock as she pinned the other princess down by her wrists, hoping that she couldn’t break free. “Why are you back?! What more are you going to do to me?! Are you- Get off me! Get off!”
“Wait! Wait! I need you to listen to me for a moment! Please!”
“Why should I, you rascal- what are you doing to me-mmpghhmm! Mmmmphhh!!!”
Maya had managed to hold down both the other woman’s wrists with only one of her hands, while she used her free one to cover her mouth, hoping to silence her, if only for a bit.
“PLEASE JUST LISTEN FOR ONCE.” Maya shouted sternly, shocking them both by the power and force in her voice. She felt worse as she noticed the still-present tear stains on her cheeks. They stared at one another in complete silence, until Maya regained her thought process. “Please. Listen. I’ll tell you all I know. But please listen first.”
The girl still looked shocked, but nodded.
Maya nodded back, pondering her next words. “If I... release you. Will you promise to stay silent and behaved, and let me explain everything?”
She watched the girl slowly nod once more.
Maya looked at her doubtfully.
“You won’t attack me?”
Another nod.
“...okay. I’ll let go now.”
To be safe, she first took her hand away from the girl’s mouth, receiving a disgusted glare.
“Leather tastes awful.”
“You promised to stay silent.”
“You promised to release me.”
Maya felt her brows furrow, feeling the slightest bit annoyed.
“Do not attack me.” She warned, slowly releasing the woman’s hands. “I swear, do not attack me. Do not.” She chanted, hands finally completely off.  “I’m telling you, I swear. Do not-”
And once more, she found herself pinned against the cushions, only this time, she was face first into them.
“Tell me who you are and why you are here!” Was demanded of her. “And don’t try anything strange.” Maya could probably find a clever way to weasel her way out, but she knew if she raised any more suspicion by being untruthful or vague, she’d get nowhere in negotiating and explaining with this person.
Sighing her usual pride away, she asked a single question first.
“Will you believe what I’m about to tell you?”
After all, there would be no point if she didn’t.
“Yes.” The answer was quick, and Maya was genuinely surprised.
Genuinely surprised.
“Just spit it out. No funny business either.”
Maya actually felt elated as she did her best to nod in her position.
“Okay, I will tell you. My name really is Maya.”
“Maya. Maya what?”
“T-Tendou Maya.” She answered, before adding, “I’m a princess from the nearby kingdom, and I came here to confirm a rumor.”
Suddenly she felt herself released. Easing up into a sitting position, she turned to look at an oddly nervous face.
“... Are you serious about the princess bit... Tendou Maya?”
A tingle ran through her spine at the sound of her name rolling off those insanely gorgeous lips that she was suddenly so conscious of once more, almost forgetting to respond.
“Y-yes. Yes. I promise. No lies here.”
She was given a once-over, before the other party looked away and whispered a quiet ‘sorry’.
Why... was it so cute.
“So we can be civil.” Maya quipped, lightly teasing.
“Shut up.” The woman huffed. “And so? What rumor, p-princess?” Maya was asked carefully, snapping her out of any unnecessary thoughts.
Right. Maya inhaled deeply, breathing out a question in return to first confirm something. “Do you know how old you are?” She asked.
Her companion looked at her confusedly, before nodding. “If my guess is right, and that Maleficent visits every year or so to see if I still exist... then I know I am roughly twenty years old from the time I was taken away at six. But what does that have to do with what you’re saying?”
Maya nodded to herself, now a little more sure, and hoping that these rumors actually held some kind of truth to them. She looked seriously into confused eyes, ready to explain.
“If that is so then... the rumor was that a princess had been asleep in a castle in the woods for many years. I... came here to investigate.”
“Princess?” The girl echoed. “Me?” She asked again, pointing a finger to herself.
Maya nodded.
“If the rumors hold any weight to them, then...”
“But really, a princess?” The girl continued to be skeptical, and Maya was becoming just as confused as she was.
“Wait, don’t you know that? But...” Digging through her memory, Maya was so sure that... “But you knew that you were supposed to prick your finger and fall asleep, didn’t you? Why wouldn’t you know that you’re a princess...”
Two confused ladies sat on a bed, staring at each other in utter confusion.
“I was raised in a cottage in the woods by three aunts. They just happened to warn me about something odd like this. And they told me that if I ever came across a Maleficent person, I should try my best to get away...”
“But how did you end up here?” Maya was now so very lost.
“I honestly do not know.” The blonde shrugged. “I woke up one day in the room with the needle, somehow felt angry that I fell into the stupid situation I was trying to avoid... and I remember walking away from it. Next thing I know, I’ve already grown up in... this place.” She shrugged nonchalantly, gesturing towards the whole room. Maya suddenly felt the urge to laugh.
“Pff- what?”
“What?” The look on the other woman’s face told Maya that she was slightly offended with Maya’s reaction.
“No, I just... Your tale sounded like it should have been much more dramatic than that. But then you just... walked away. From what was essentially your life’s bane.” Maya giggled, laughed in disbelief, combing a hand through her hair. “I can’t... I can’t believe you.” She said, looking the girl in the eyes in amusement.
“How rude... after I believed every word you said.” She grumbled.
“Except that you are possibly a princess?”
“...No one would believe that.”
“And you believe that I am?”
She received a shrug. “Best be safe than sorry. If you ever go back to your little kingdom and report that you were manhandled by a random prisoner in the forest, I might be free from this prison, but moving straight into another. Though that doesn’t sound so bad if it means I have company.”
“Pfff.. ahahahha. What are you saying?” She broke out into laughter, wiping tears away from her eyes, feeling more and more relieved by the second.
Everything felt so surreal to Maya. It all felt peaceful and settled, like she wasn’t just adventuring in a dangerous area; like she hadn’t just been under- and fighting against- the effects of a spell that was distorting her mind; as though she wasn’t just wrestling for life with the woman now seated calmly across from her.
A woman she still didn’t know, but felt like she should.
“And so?” Maya said, finally calming down.
“So? So what?”
Maya felt a familiar giddy smile playing over her lips once more.
“You told me what was essentially your life story, so how about you finally tell me your name next?”
“My name?”
“Yes. Your full name, if possible.” Maya said with a bat of her lashes that earned her an eye roll.
“Right, how about no.”
Maya felt her lips fall into a pout. “But why? Isn’t it only fair that I get your name in exchange for my own?”
“All is fair in love and war, whether you get my name or not.” The woman shrugged, returning a grin of her own.
Maya liked that. The grin, and the mention of love.
Love... huh.
As Maya continued to get hung over on those words, she heard a cock crow in the distance, reality immediately sinking in as she looked in the direction of the window only to be greeted by the thin orange line of the morning horizon.
“I-I have to go!” She sprung up to her feet, panic in her voice as she looked around the room hastily for anything she may have dropped of hers. Finding all her things secure, her gaze finally landed on the lonely smile on the face of the woman she had strangely become attached to- so much so that she didn’t want to leave. She gasped, realizing what she’d said wrong. “I-I mean... we- we have to-”
“I suppose this is goodbye.” The other woman said quietly in a tone that was a far cry from her earlier fierceness. “We both know I can’t leave. Not unless we figure out how I could.” She spoke, eyes trailing towards the door only Maya could see. Her voice was small, insecure. It was sorrowful. It hurt.
But it didn’t have to, Maya realized.
She coughed a few times, approaching the foot of the bed, kneeling by the seated maiden. She hesitantly offered her hands up, pleased when the response of the woman was to place her own in Maya’s.
Maya took in a deep breath to counter the unexpected anxiousness growing within her.
Lifting her gaze up, her words came out in a mere whisper. “M-May I... come see you again?”
Maya watched her eyes express the widest range of emotions she’d ever seen from a person. Shock, embarrassment, warmth, fondness, gratefulness...
They were beautiful.
Even the small drops of tears that had begun to form at the tips of her long lashes, beautiful.
Her current smile and bout of gentle laughter, beautiful.
The way she sniffled, and the fresh trail of tears that rewrote the story of the prior stains on her face- so beautiful.
The way her golden hair framed her face, stray tresses sticking to her slightly sweaty skin- beautiful.
Maya stared at beauty itself, and was left in awe.
“Only if you bring me a better meal than stale bread and uncooked potatoes.” She chuckled through her sniffling.
Maya felt her heart flutter erratically, barely managing a playful response. “Any requests?”
“... Tuna.” Was the near inaudible reply, coupled with a shy tint on her companion’s cheeks.  
“May I inquire as to why?” Maya asked, feeling her stupid grin widening so much, it ached.
“...I just like it...”
Just who was this adorably shy creature, and how could Maya make her even happier.
“Understood. I will acquire for you only the best.” Maya smiled, the pads of her thumbs running circles over the smooth skin of the other princess’ hands.
Another crow of the rooster made her grip those hands lightly, the sting in her chest coming back.
“I s-suppose I’ll see you again later.” Maya said, looking down at their joined hands, avoiding the other’s gaze as she stood up.
As she began to pull away, she felt a light tug. Looking up, she met bashful garnets searching her eyes, and quivering lips that were trying to communicate something.
“Yes?” Maya gently prompted, squeezing her hands lightly.
“Claude. For now... you can call me... Claude...J-just so that... when you come back...” Claude trailed off, averting her gaze shyly- rather endearingly, might Maya add.
“Claude.” Maya smiled, placing a chaste kiss on her knuckles. “I will come back.”
She relished the blush blooming across ‘Claude’s’ face, pocketing it in a memory to be recalled multiple times throughout her everyday, no doubt.
“I will definitely bring you home. I’ll figure out a way.”
Maya cupped her face, wiping the few tears that had escaped away as she rested her forehead against Claude’s.
“I will definitely bring you home, free.”
A/N: I clearly strayed from theme. Sorry. Ah. ;-; sorry, this was no-good ;-; Sorry Leooooooo, hope you liked it even a littleeeeee.
~Shintori Khazumi
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ambiguoslyambitious · 3 years
Chapter Three: (Overdue) Introductions PT. I
Author: ambiguoslyambitious (me!)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3,839
Summary: Today's the day that Bela will finally make her debut in Pelican Town and meet some of the townspeople. Will she be able to salvage her reputation or has her fresh start already began to expire?
“Wait, so you’re telling me that the townspeople have been trying to welcome me all week?” Bela lowered her eyes in shame, her face reddening once again. Yoba, they must think I’m some stuck up city bitch.
“Unfortunately, yes,” Victor answered reassuringly. “However, none of us knew that you were...hearing impaired.” Victor rubbed the back of his neck, a sheepish look sweeping across his face. Something Mayor Lewis failed to mention. Thanks a lot.
“Oh, Yoba,” Bela shook her head. “The whole town must think that I’m so rude.” So much for a fresh start. Maybe I should just become a hermit. No socialization. Just me and Mother Nature.
“Don’t worry! I’m sure we can clear this all up.” Suddenly, Victor’s dark eyes brightened. “Would you like to accompany me into town? I know that my mother wanted to invite you over to our residence for dinner. I-if you aren’t too busy, that is.” He quickly looked away, cheeks flooded with pink.
“Oh, uh,” Bela also averted her gaze briefly. “T-that would be lovely.” Shit, meeting the mom already.
Victor shot her a sheepish grin. “Splendid! Hopefully, we’ll be able to run into a few of the townspeople and try to salvage your reputation.”
The pair proceeded to exit the farmhouse.
“I must say, Bela,” Victor said, sweeping his gaze across the farm. “You’ve done a magnificent job so far.”
“Thank you,” Bela responded shyly. "I admit, I hadn't realized how much this old farm had gone into ruin." She stared out sadly out towards the other islands she hadn't reached yet, remembering when the farm was bustling with activity. And I still have so much work left to do.
Sensing her sadness, Victor tried to lighten the mood. "You used to visit this farm, right?"
"Yeah," Bela gave a sad smile. "When I was a kid, I used to spend the entire summer here, helping Grandfather tend to the chickens and cows, and watering the crops each morning."
"Sounds like you two were close."
"Not really," Bela admitted. "Summertime was the only time I got to see Grandfather. He and my father weren't very close. The last summer I spent here was ten years ago. Before he got sick and..." Her eyes welled up with tears.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Victor apologized, looking over at her worried. "I don't mean to remind you of such sorrowful things."
"It's fine," Bela offered a half-smile. She brought her gaze up to the bright afternoon sky, taking in the sweet scent of grass and the warm spring breeze. "Not all of my memories of him are sad. I know that there were really great times that are just easy to forget now that he's gone."
This time, Victor was the one to offer a half-smile. "I suppose it is easier to remember the bad times. Remembering the good times forces you to remember how much you miss the ones you've lost."
“HELLO, VICTOR!” called out a frantic, yet cheerful voice. “OH MY YOBA, IS THAT THE NEW FARMER? HI!” A bubbly young woman, adorn in bubblegum pink rushed over to meet them on the dirt path across from the defunct bus stop heading towards town.
“Tabitha, this is Bela.” Victor smiled, knowing that Tabitha was one of the friendliest people in town to meet. She had a habit of making even the grumpiest people smile. Thank Yoba, we've run into Tabitha. She can quickly turn around this somber conversation.
“Hi, Bela! It’s so nice to meet you!” Tabitha giggled, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “My twin brother Theo and I moved here a year ago and run The Stray Café across from the bus stop. Hopefully, you’ll be able to meet him soon, though he isn’t much of a socializer.”
“Hi, Tabitha.” Bela smiled unconsciously, the young woman’s happy energy was infectious.
“Those are cool headphones!” Tabitha said, taking notice of the devices in Bela’s ears. “Listening to any good music?”
Victor quickly glanced over at Bela before responding. “Um, Tabitha. Those aren’t headph-”
“These are actually hearing aids.” Bela interrupted.
Suddenly, Tabitha’s face fell. “I’m so sorry! I hope that I didn’t offend you!” The poor woman looked close to tears. Yoba, how can I be so stupid and insensitive?! Theo always tells me to never assume. I'm sure she hates me now.
“It’s ok!” Bela quickly reassured the young lady. “It’s an honest mistake.”
Tabitha visibly relaxed at Bela's words, letting out a sigh of relief. "Good, I'm glad that I didn't ruin our chances of becoming best friends."
"Hold on," Victor laughed. "Who says that I'm not already Bela's best friend?"
Tabitha rolled her eyes playfully. "I guess then we will all just have to be besties."
Bela let out a laugh, with the pair soon joining in. Maybe meeting the townspeople will go more smoothly than I thought. At least I 've managed to make friends with these two.
"So, besties," Tabitha glanced between Victor and Bela. "Where are you guys headed?"
"I was just bringing Bela into town to meet everyone." Victor responded. "My mother invited her over for dinner and I figured that I would take her to the saloon afterwards."
"That's a good idea. Why don't you guys come with me to Pierre's first?"
"Sure," Victor nodded. Then he looked over at Bela sheepishly. "That is, if it's ok with you."
Bela smiled at them. "Yeah, that's fine. You guys know the town better than me."
The trio continued their way into town, heading east towards Pierre’s General Store. As they entered the store, Pierre looked up from the catalogue he was reading at the register.
“It’s farmer Bela!” Pierre greets excitedly. “Welcome to Pierre’s! If you’re looking to buy seeds, my shop is the place to go.” Finally, a new customer.
Bela offered a small smile. “Thank you, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Bela’s eyes swung around the small shop, taking note of the tall shelves filled with different kinds of seeds. Small containers held fresh produce with labels containing the names of all the local farms.
“I’ll also purchase whatever produce you make on your farm for a good price.” Pierre’s grin became slightly more forced as he continued making his sales pitch. Hopefully, this city kid will be able to produce crops worth selling. Can't be any worse than anything Andy brings.
“Hopefully, I’ll have something worthy to sell soon.” Bela awkwardly joked. “ Yoba, this guy is intense.
To the right of the counter, a door suddenly slammed open. Pierre rolled his eyes as a purple-headed figure stepped out looking annoyed.
“Really, Abigail?” Pierre glared at her.
Abigail shot back a similarly annoyed look. “What? You know the door gets stuck. It’s not a big deal.”
She dramatically rolled her eyes, walking towards the exit. She shot a quick glance at Victor and nodded, coming to a stop once she laid eyes on the new farmer, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
“Who are you?”
Victor smiled, seemingly unperturbed by the young woman’s rudeness. “Abigail, this is Bela, the new farmer.”
“Hi,” Bela waved awkwardly. Well, she definitely doesn’t like me.
“Oh, I heard someone was moving into that old farm,” Abigail said, looking Bela up and down without meeting her eyes. “A shame, I liked exploring around there.” Without another word, Abigail walked out of the store.
“Ms. Rivers?” called out a small, quiet voice from the right. Bela could barely hear the man even with her hearing aids turned on. She turned to look over and was surprised to see a tall man, with thick glasses and an even thicker moustache. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Harvey Hickey, the local doctor.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Hickey.”
“Please, call me Dr. Harvey.” He offered an awkward smile. “I work, well and live, in the clinic next door with Paul, the town’s optometrist.” Suddenly his ears burned red. “A-as roommates of course!”
Bela just smiled politely. And they were roommates.
“Uh,” Harvey rubbed the back of his head nervously. “Well, um, please, uh, make sure to, uh, schedule your annual check up at, uh, some point. It was, uh, nice to meet you.” He awkwardly made his way up the register, a simple protein bar in hand.
"Well, I've got to pick up some things for the café," Tabitha said with a smile. "I'll see you guys around!"
"You're not coming to the saloon?" Bela furrowed her eyebrows.
"Oh, uh," Tabitha started stammering nervously. "T-that's not, uh, really my scene." I hope Bela doesn't think I'm lame.
"That's fine," Bela replied reassuringly. "Since we're neighbors, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other often. I'll try and visit the café soon."
"Oh, you should! I can't wait to introduce you to my brother!" Tabitha's eyes lit up once again. “Bye. Bela! Bye, Victor!” Tabitha waved goodbye, as she proceeded to gather supplies for the café.
"Well," Victor said, a hint of nervousness creeping into his usually calm voice. "Now it's time to meet my mother."
Bela and Victor exited the store, making their way east to the Jenkins’ Residence, which happened to be located directly next to Pierre's General Store.
“I told you this would be a short walk.” Victor smiled as they approached the giant, two-story manor which was painted a beautiful shade of robin’s egg blue. Bela’s eyes widened at the vastness of the manor, whose front entrance was guarded by a set of beautiful bronze gates.
Victor pushed the gate open and gestured for Bela to head inside. She followed the ornate crystal path until she reached a set of giant oak doors.
“Allow me.” Victor again held open the door for Bela, who stood in the entryway desperately trying to take in all the grandeur. Directly across from her was a beautiful wooden staircase, hinting that more beauty was yet to be seen. To her left was the living room, adorned in rich red and gold curtains and rugs. To her right, a kitchen with a large mahogany table sat with matching chairs.
“Wow, it’s so beautiful in here.” Bela’s eyes glowed with wonder.
“Why, thank you.” called out a sultry, yet sophisticated voice. An elegantly dressed woman appeared to cascade down the stairs effortlessly. “You must be Ms. Bela Rivers.” The woman extended a hand in greeting, which Bela immediately took.
“Yes, it is nice to meet you, Mrs. Jenkins.” Bela smiled nervously. I can’t believe this is Victor’s mother.
“Please, call me Olivia.” She gave a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. Is this really the same girl who ignored Caroline and Jodi? She seems polite enough.
“Well, Olivia,” Bela said awkwardly. “Thank you for inviting me over. I appreciate your hospitality.”
“Don’t worry, Bela.” Victor chimed in. “My mother loves any opportunity to entertain guests.”
”Well, I wouldn’t want this manor to go to waste!” Olivia gives a dry laugh. “Let’s head over to the kitchen.” She quickly turned on her heels and elegantly strutted away. Victor offered a small smile to Bela before following his mother.
As the pair took their seats, Olivia brought a large platter with a covering on top of it.
“What fine dish have you prepared this time, Mother?”
“Well, since, I heard that our guest used to live in Zuzu City,” Olivia smiled coyly as she lifted the top. “ I decided to prepare pan-seared butterfish over a plate of assorted vegetables from the garden.”
Both Bela and Victor stared at the platter in absolute wonder. The butterfish was a brilliant shade of gold, contrasting the rich greens of the cabbage and lettuce underneath.
“This looks amazing!” Bela exclaimed, remembering the holidays when her mother would prepare this. Her heart tinged with sadness, as her eyes began burning with unshed tears. I need to think about something else.
“Is something troubling you dear?” Olivia asked inquisitively, eyes narrowing as she glanced over the newcomer. She noticed a faint glint emitting from Bela’s ear, eyes widening in realization. She's deaf! That's why no one's been able to get in contact with her. Can't wait to clear that up with the ladies.
“Oh, i-it’s nothing.” Bela offered a flicker of a smile before lowering her gaze.
Olivia shot her son a look, to which Victor responded by shrugging.
“Perhaps,” Victor looked between his mother and Bela. “I should pour us each a glass of wine.”
Olivia nodded, stealing another glance at Bela. “Why don’t you grab some pomegranate wine from the cellar? I’m sure the tartness will compliment the sweetness of the butterfish wonderfully.” The young woman also nodded in agreement. Oh, Victor, please don't leave me alone with your mom. There's just something scary about her.
Victor glanced over at Bela once more. “Of course. I’ll be just a moment.” He gracefully walked away from the table, disappearing down the stairs of the cellar.
“So, Bela,” Olivia clasped her hands together. “What brings you to Pelican Town?”
“Well,” Bela nervously met the older woman’s gaze. “I decided that I wanted a fresh start.” Bela purposely kept her answer vague. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to talk about her parents just yet.
“A fresh start?” Olivia’s gaze hardened. There must be something this girl is running from. Why else would she need a fresh start so young?
“Yes,” Bela responded, meeting her gaze. “I found that life in Zuzu City just wasn’t for me anymore.”
Olivia’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “But, what about your career? If I’m not mistaken, I heard that you had a very promising job at Joja in their corporate office.”
“I did.” Bela responded. “However, I’ve found the work to be...unfulfilling.”
Olivia’s eyes widened and she leaned back in surprise, a hand raised up against her chest. “Unfulfilling? By Yoba, I spent thirty years working my way to become an accounting manager and accumulating all of this.” She gestured with her hand carelessly.
“Mother,” Victor chided, walking up the stairs from the cellar with a dark red bottle. “Not everyone wants to be a corporate monkey.”
“Didn’t this corporate monkey earn enough to give you a full-ride to one of the finest universities in the entirety of the Ferngill Republic?” Olivia shot back, her tone icy.
“Yes, Mother,” Victor’s tone softened considerably, as he began pouring the wine, “But, money shouldn’t be the only thing you work for.” Why can't she understand that money isn't everything?
“Oh, really?” Olivia retorted, condescendingly taking a sip. “But was it not money that afforded you this life of privilege?”
The room suddenly went silent. Well, this has gotten awkward, Bela thought to herself, her fork lazily moving some of the greens in front of her.
Victor's jaw clenched, struggling to maintain his composure. Why can't my mother just realize that I'm not trying to be ungrateful. I just want to be happy.
"I recently lost my parents," Bela said quietly, interrupting the momentary silence. "A-and I didn't know what to do with myself. One day, I just found this envelope from my grandfather that said that one day I'd be in need of change and that I had this farm for when I needed it."
Victor gently placed a hand on her shoulder, as she fought to keep tears from streaming down her face. "I'm sorry for your loss, Bela."
"I'm sorry." Olivia said, glassy-eyed as well. She quickly grabbed a napkin, dabbing her eyes delicately. "Part of the reason why Victor and I moved to Pelican Town was due to my husband's...passing." Yoba, I should've been more sympathetic instead of interrogating this poor girl. I should've recognized that she was also going through loss.
Victor exchanged a somber look with his mother before looking back over at Bela. He reached over and grabbed his glass, raising it up in a toast. "To new beginnings."
Bela and Olivia followed in suit, each taking a long gulp of wine to help assuage some of the emotional pain caused by their respective grief.
"Well, that could have gone more smoothly," Victor shook his head as he and Bela left the manor for the saloon.
"It certainly was an interesting dinner," Bela responded gently. The rest of the dinner had been eaten in an awkward silence. "Your mom is a really good cook." And an even better interrogator. Maybe she volunteered part-time at the Zuzu City PD?
"Yeah, well she's usually an even better host." His eyes looked apologetic as they met Bela's. "I'm really sorry for the way dinner turned out. My mother can be...a lot."
Bela gave him a smile, playfully pushing his arm, "Don't even worry about it. I'm already making memories in this town."
Victor pushed open the thick oak door of The Stardrop Saloon, a barrage of sounds and smells overwhelming the new farmer. Bela was hit with the warm, bitter scent of beer as a jaunty folk tune played in the background, accompanied by the sounds of glasses clinking and laughter.
“Why if it isn’t the new farmer, Ms. Bela Rivers,” a kind voice greeted. “Welcome to The Stardrop Saloon! What can I get for ya?”
“Hello, Gus,” Victor smiled, taking a seat at the bar and gesturing for Bela to join him. “Why don’t we just take two glasses of wine to start?” The mustached man glanced over at Bela.
“Uh, yes,” Bela smiled. “Thank you.”
Victor leaned closer and whispered in her ear, his breath warm and gentle, “I hope you don’t mind me ordering for you. I figured you’d want to still be coherent while meeting some more of the townspeople.” He let out a small chuckle as he pulled away.
“What,” Bela teased, as her cheeks turned pink. “You think I can’t handle more than a couple glasses of wine?”
Before he could respond, a perky blue-haired woman arrived back with the two glasses of wine in hand. “Here you go!” She gently placed them before the pair. As Victor reached for his wallet, Emily gently shook her head, “This one’s on the house.”
She turned to face Bela, her blue eyes glowing with kindness. “Hello, Bela, I’m Emily!” Ooh, she has a nice aura. I'm sure we'll be good friends.
Bela smiled. “Nice to meet you.”
“Well, if it isn’t the new farmer,” came a sultry voice from the right of the bar. A beautiful woman slid onto the barstool next to Bela, while Emily placed a glass of wine in front of her.
“Yeah, I’m Bela,” Bela responded, still taking in the woman’s striking appearance. Her face was like a porcelain doll’s, smooth and pale with only a single mole marking her otherwise unblemished skin. Something about her seems familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.
The woman extended her hand, a mischievous glint in her dark eyes. “Pleasure to meet you. I’m Shiko.”
Bela’s eyes widened in partial recognition. “Shiko? Shiko Takahashi?”
Shiko smiled back dryly. “Ah, so you have heard of me. Makes sense since I heard you’re from the city.”
“What's a model doing here?” Bela’s jaw dropped.
“ Former model,” Shiko flipped her dark locks over her shoulder carelessly. “I decided to retire and live the simple life.” She smiled at Bela, a hint of sadness in her eyes. “Kind of like you, huh?”
Bela returned the smile. “Something like that.”
Victor raised his glass, taking a careful sip before looking over at Bela. “Well, it’s always a pleasure seeing you, Shiko. If you don’t mind, I’d like to introduce Bela to some of my friends.”
The pair got up from their stools, heading over to what appeared to be a game room. Two old school arcade games greeted them at the entrance, where the angsty, purple haired teen was violently shaking the joysticks and shooting out creative combos of curse words.
“Obviously, you’ve already met Abigail.”
The girl shot a dirty look at Bela. “Victor, you done showing the new girl around? I need your help. I can’t get past this damn level.”
Victor rolled his eyes. “I was just bringing BELA over to meet everyone.” Why does Abigail ALWAYS have to be so fucking rude?
Bela gave an awkward smile as Abigail turned her attention back to the game in front of her. What is this girl’s problem with me?
“Bela?” Suddenly, a messy-haired blonde was standing right in front of her, his eyes gleaming with recognition. “Yo, Sebby, it's really her!” His arms quickly enveloped Bela into a tight hug, lifting her off the ground. It took everything in her to not spill any wine as the young man gently rocked her.
When he finally put her down, Bela was overcome with memories of her young self playing at the beach with a pair of blonde and black-haired boys. “Sam?”
His green eyes glowed with happiness. “Wow, I can’t believe it’s been, what, like ten years?” He looked over to the pool table where the raven-haired fellow was still poised with a billiards stick. “Fuck the game, Seb, come over here, it’s our Bela!”
Sebastian flinched when Sam said “our Bela”. Abigail’s head whipped over, shooting a venomous glare at Bela. “What do you mean, ‘our Bela’? I thought she just got here.”
Sam shook his head. “Don’t you remember? Bela used to visit every summer when we were kids.” Suddenly, Sam burst out into laughter.
Abigail’s eyes narrowed defensively, “What’s so funny?”
“Of course you don’t remember,” Sam managed to choke out. “You were too busy being besties with Haley.”
Even Sebastian let out a small laugh as Abigail’s pale face turned beet red. “Whatever, that was a long time ago.”
“Well,” Victor smiled, breaking the awkward tension that was beginning to form. “I hadn’t realized that you already knew each other.”
“Oh, yeah,” Sam smirked mischievously. “Bela and Seb knew each other REALLY well.”
Both Bela and Sebastian flushed red, ears burning hot. Abigail looked over in curiosity, annoyance written all over her face. What the fuck does that mean?
Victor raised an eyebrow quizzically, glancing between the two. “Really?”
“Sam,” Sebastian rolled his eyes, the red refusing to leave his face. “Why do you have to be such an ass?” I bet she doesn't even remember.
Bela looked over at Victor sheepishly. “It was just a middle school fling. We were kids.” I doubt Seb even remembers.
Victor burst out into laughter, while Bela and Sebastian bore similar mortified expressions. Sam joined Victor in laughter, with Abigail continuing to shoot death glares at Bela.
"So," Bela said in an attempt to break the awkwardness. "How've you been, Seb?" Yoba, I don't know what to say to him.
Sebastian avoided Bela's gaze, preferring to maintain eye contact with the wooden floors. "Oh, you know, nothing's new." Dammit Sam! Why'd you have to bring THAT up?
"Seems like there's been quite a few changes since I've been here."
"Yeah," Sebastian nodded, stealing a glance at her. "But, most things are still the same." Like how much I've missed you.
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falseroar · 4 years
Dog Days Part 24: Three Shots Fired
((Marvin provides a distraction so Abe and Jackie can get into the studio undetected, Abe to find Wilford, Jackie to find his friends. This plan turns out to be terrible on every level.
Warning: Shooting/someone shown getting shot, no gore/details. I promise this warning will only show up one more time in this series. This is also probably the longest part in the series so far.
And here are links to the masterlist for the series and to Part 23.))
Any hopes Abe had of getting any answers out of Marvin or this other guy in the red hoodie on the drive to the studio were crushed, because once the magician was sure he knew where to go, he didn’t have another word to say to the hunter. In fact, as Abe pulled out onto the street and started driving, he asked again, “How do you two know Wilford? And why do you think he’s at this TV studio?” only to be met with silence.
Abe slowed at the red light and glanced in the rearview mirror, where he saw the two of them clearly talking in the backseat, but in the driver’s seat he couldn’t hear a single word of it. Apparently, they couldn’t hear him either, or were too busy arguing to notice.
Great. As if this whole situation wasn’t suspicious enough. Marvin might as well have held up a giant sign saying they were keeping something from him, and knowing that the magician could throw the whole “hired to stalk one of his friends for a shady client” thing back into his face didn’t make it any better.
“Why are we taking him?” Jackie asked, his eyes darting toward the hunter in the front seat. “Wasn’t the whole plan to keep him away from Y/N until we figured out what his deal is?”
“I think his deal is that he’s just an idiot,” Marvin answered. He had tossed up the silence spell as soon as the car started moving, because he suspected Jackie wouldn’t be able to keep from saying something. “And we need to get there as fast as we can, without drawing too much attention. We don’t know what we’re walking into, here.”
“Which is why we shouldn’t be bringing him! I can get there faster on my own, and don’t you have some kind of teleportation spell?”
“Sure, and we can set off every alarm in the place and never make it inside to find the others. You think a place like that doesn’t have security of their own?” Marvin asked. “Why isn’t Chase picking up his phone?!”
“I don’t know, it just keeps going straight to voicemail, and JJ’s not answering any of my texts either,” Jackie said, glancing down at his phone again. “I thought going to the studio was supposed to be safe!”
“How were we supposed to know the Colonel would be there?” Marvin rubbed his eyes, causing his shades to rise up before falling back into place on his nose. “I should have brought my mask, I just didn’t think…But if they’re stuck on a tour, then maybe they haven’t had a chance to run into him yet, if he even is there. From the way the hunter talks, it’s not like he hangs around anywhere for very long.”
“Even if we do get them out before they run into the Colonel, we still have to deal with him,” Jackie said, tilting his head in the direction of the front of the car. “I don’t trust him, and a public building where we already know one murderer might be walking around isn’t exactly the place I want to find out whether I’m right or not. He doesn’t know about Y/N, does he?”
“Of course not! But it’s not like we can hide them from him if he’s…hm.” Marvin paused, and despite his covered eyes, Jackie could see the gears turning in his mind before he said. “Then again, maybe he can be useful.”
Marvin heard Jackie’s noise at the suggestion and turned toward him as he continued, “No, listen. We can’t just go in there, guns blazing, but I also don’t think we’re going to get anywhere at the front desk without just being told to wait for the tour to end. I can give you two an opening to get in, and something to help you track down the others.”
Marvin reached into his chest pocket and pulled out a gold coin, before a twist of his fingers revealed him to be holding two coins.
“One for you, one for the hunter. I enchant them both with basic location spells, but while yours leads you to the others, his is focused on the Colonel, on Wilford. You can get them out of there, while he can have it out with Wilford like he wants without ever knowing Y/N’s there.”
And if he happened to take care of one of the men responsible for what happened to you in the process, then Marvin was completely fine with that.
“And if they’re all in the same place?” Jackie asked.
Marvin shrugged. “Then it’s already a disaster and you’ll just have to do the best you can until I can follow behind. Teleporting out will be a lot easier than getting in. Either way, we’re not going to have a repeat of what happened to Y/N the last time those two were together. Deal?”
Jackie hesitated and then nodded, determination settling in as he said, “Deal.”
Marvin snapped his fingers, dispelling the silence before he said, “Abe.”
“Oh, am I allowed to join in now?” Abe asked sarcastically. “Or are you just checking in to make sure your driver hasn’t made a wrong turn?”
Marvin chose to ignore that and explained to Abe about the coins, or at least what the one he was going to get would do.
“It’ll be kind of like a hot or cold thing,” Marvin said. “Coin gets warmer the closer you are to the person you’re looking for, as long as you’re focused on them. Not very sophisticated and doesn’t work when they’re too far away, but it’s fast to create and should work for this.”
“And what will you be doing?” Abe asked as he took the next turn. They were getting close to the studio now, and he still had no reason to trust either of these guys. “While I’m playing hot or cold with a chocolate coin?”
“This isn’t—” Marvin paused to sniff the coin to be sure and continued, “It’s not chocolate! And I’ll be providing the distraction, while Jackie will be…Look, we have friends in there we’d rather keep safe. You do your thing, and we’ll take care of ours. Deal?”
Abe frowned. One hell of a coincidence, their friends being in the studio where Wilford supposedly might be. Then again, Marvin had seemed genuinely surprised to learn the Colonel and Wilford were one and the same person, and the truth spell back in the coffee shop made it feel like that kind of thing would be hard to fake.
“Wait, the truth spell,” Abe said, glancing over his shoulder at the magician. “Did you get rid of that before we left?”
“Keep your eyes on the road,” Marvin said quickly, and slowly breathed out when the car returned to its lane before he answered, “It wasn’t designed to last long. Should be fine, as long as no troubled couples got into the booth right after we left…Nothing that a little therapy couldn’t work out, anyways. And if you don’t want to do this, that’s fine. Just drop us off outside the studio and keep driving.”
It would certainly make things easier, to the point Marvin was almost a little disappointed when Abe shook his head and said, “No, if there’s even a chance that man’s there, then I’m going in. You two do whatever you need to, and we’ll stay out of each other’s way.”
Marvin nodded and settled back into his seat, where he focused his attention on the two coins that he held in either palm. It was a simple spell, but he did need to concentrate if he wanted to have them ready by the time they reached the studio.
Still driving, Abe could feel the stare of the other man on the back of his head, and when he glanced into the mirror, he could see Jackie’s icy glare, his mouth turned down as if watching someone who just kicked a dog winding up to push a little old lady over in the middle of the street. Who was this guy, and why was he looking at Abe like that? Usually, the hunter could figure out what he had done or said to get that kind of hate directed his way, but as far as he knew the two of them hadn’t so much as shared a word yet. He would have blamed it on whatever Marvin told them about their conversation behind that spell of his, but he was pretty sure Jackie had been ready to throw hands the second he stepped out of the coffee shop.
Except there was that red hoodie of his, and with a sinking sensation Abe remembered the photos he showed Google, accusing him of being the red blur just barely caught on film. A blur that showed up outside of the clinic, very much like the man wearing red Abe thought he saw when he was talking to Jackson. Add in that the magician had thought he was responsible for what happened to the Host, and the doctor knowing he was being watched, and…
Marvin’s idea to split up was looking better and better by the second.
Abe found a parking spot on the street and heard, as he got out of the car, Jackie murmur to Marvin, “There’s his car. They’re still here.”
The magician nodded, looking grimly determined as he tossed Abe and Jackie their coins. “Keep these in your hand, and once you’re in the building, just focus on who you’re looking for. It works best if you have a clear image of one person in mind, which shouldn’t be a problem for you, hunter. Jackie, you’ll probably want to focus on Chase since you’ve known him the longest.”
Abe glanced down at the coin, taking in the ornate carving and what looked like an eye on one side and a bird of some kind on the other. “What kind of coin is this?”
Marvin shrugged. “Fairy gold, I think? The cheap kind that’s given to mortals to get rid of them and disappears after an hour or two.”
He paused at their expressions and added, “You know, get rid of in a general sense. Not, like, specifically, in this case.”
Jackie looked at his coin again and said, “This kind of looks like a doubloon, you know, the kind you’d find in pirates’ treasure?”
“Could be that too. You meet all kinds in the Other Realms, and they all kind of suck at cards, which…” Marvin patted himself down, muttering under his breath about everyone telling him to leave his working stuff at home and make a good impression, until he pulled out a pack of cards. “Right! Let me go in first, looks like there’s just a receptionist, so once she’s distracted you two can slip right in to the elevators.”
“Oh god,” Jackie murmured, realization dawning as he recognized the cards. “You’re not going to try to do that trick again, are you?”
“…The pick my card one, or the one that involves the flash powder?” Marvin asked.
“They’re both terrible! You can use real magic, why do you—”
“Shush, and watch a professional,” Marvin said, pressing a finger to Jackie’s lips before turning and walking through the glass doors of the studio.
“Oh no,” Jackie muttered again as the magician sauntered up to the front desk and leaned casually against it, flipping his hair out of his face before he started talking. From here, they could only see the young woman’s surprise turn into a bemused smile as Marvin began laying out the cards on the counter. “He’s flirting.”
“Is he that bad at it?” Abe asked.
“I don’t know, it just makes it that much sadder when he—” Jackie stopped with a sigh as the entire deck of cards scattered up into the air and began slowly drifting down, only for the first card to hit the floor with a flash and a bang that made the poor receptionist shriek, not helped when Marvin pulled her under the desk as the rest of the cards began to go off as they hit the ground. “Come on, before security gets here!”
Jackie grabbed Abe’s arm and ran inside, easily dodging the drifting cards but leaving the hunter to try and keep up on his own. By the time they reached the elevators, out of sight of the front desk, Abe was swearing and beating out a small flame on one of his sleeves.
“What the hell kind of distraction was that? Is he trying to let the whole building know we’re here?” Abe asked, but Jackie wasn’t listening.
“Still got your coin? Great, you can take one of the elevators, I’ll take the stairs,” Jackie said, pushing him inside of the opening doors after having already hit the call button.
“Wait, how am I supposed to use the coin in here?” Abe asked. “I don’t know which floor—”
But this was the perfect opportunity to ditch the hunter, and Jackie’s answer was to reach inside and run a hand over the buttons, lighting up as many as he could in one go before stepping out of the way of the closing doors. “Focus, and get out when the coin turns warm. From there it’s on you, so good luck with that, hunter.”
Jackie had to admit, it felt good to see the indignation on Abe’s face before the doors slid shut, but he didn’t have a lot of time to enjoy it. From the sound of it, the last of the cards were drifting down, and when he darted into the stairwell, he looked back in time to see Marvin backing toward the front doors, his hands held up in defense as his apologies were drowned out by the receptionist’s review of his performance.
He locked eyes with the magician and raised his phone, Marvin giving a subtle nod of understanding before Jackie began running up the stairs. On his side, Marvin had the phones he had retrieved from the bin behind the desk while the receptionist had been distracted, both of which he recognized as Chase’s and Jameson’s. Said receptionist who was now pulling off her shoe in a way that suggested he should probably go now.
Once outside and with maybe a block or two between him and the very angry young lady, Marvin could stop and take a breath before considering how he would get himself into the building if they needed an out.
“Should’ve brought the mask,” he muttered, already aware of the cracks forming in his shades as the spells built into them began to wear thin. Once those were gone, any hope of being “subtle” about this (not that there was much of one to begin with) went out the window. “Or the dagger, or the marbles, or the wind-up mouse, but no, it might look bad, Marvin.”
But the “I told you so” would have to wait until later, when he had the right audience for it. For now, Marvin made his way back toward the studio, careful to keep his distance as he watched the security guards trying to calm down the receptionist.
As he watched, they leaned over the counter and pulled up something on the computer. Marvin hissed, realizing that they must have cameras around here, just as one of the guards picked up a nearby phone and called someone before nodding to the other guard who went in the direction of the elevators.
Great. Hopefully Jackie and Abe were still moving, but Marvin couldn’t exactly wait around for a call. He squinted, and had to move closer to get the details from the guard standing at the desk, but once he was sure he reached up and rubbed the charm hanging from his left ear between his thumb and index finger until the illusion spell in it took hold.
Marvin opened the lobby door and walked in, passing by the receptionist and guard without slowing down or making eye contact. The guard glanced at him and then turned his attention back to the receptionist, who was saying something about how “that thing” creeped her out, sure in his own mind that he had just seen one of the other guards walk by. Not enough to answer if someone asked who exactly he had seen, just someone in the right kind of uniform with a face more or less like someone he had seen around probably.
The point was to act confident and keep moving, not to give anyone the chance to think about him twice or ask him any questions. To look like he knew where he was going, although when Marvin stepped into the elevator, he knew that couldn’t be farther from the truth. As soon as the doors closed, he pulled out his phone and sent a message to Jackie, hoping that he had managed to get somewhere in those few minutes.
Only to freeze when he heard the sound of gunshots somewhere in the building above.
Jackie had moved quickly, only pausing at the door of each floor to give enough time to make sure the coin hadn’t grown any warmer before running up the next flight of stairs. Keeping his focus on Chase was a lot harder than he expected it to be, with everything else going on, and he was starting to wonder if he was doing this right when he felt the heat start to spread out from the coin. He ran up to the next floor to be sure, only for the coin to immediately grow colder once he was just five steps away.
Jackie went back down and pushed open the door, listening for any sound or sign of anyone else, but the hallways were empty. He had lost count of the floors a while ago, but a sign across from the elevator proclaimed this floor to be part of Studio 5, whatever that meant. He glanced back at the elevator as it dinged open, but there was no sign of the hunter inside before it continued its way up, so it looked like Abe had either found where Wilford was hiding at or had been caught.
Either option worked for Jackie, really, and he trained his focus back on Chase as he kept close to the walls. By the time he reached the room with the recording light lit up above it and the glass window that looked into the small studio, the coin was practically burning in his hand, but the second he looked in and his concentration broke, it went as cold as the chill at the back of his mind.
Jameson and Chase were sitting at a table, arguing with two identical twins with a set of microphones between them, but there was no sign of you or anyone else in the room, not even when he leaned to get a better look at the corner near the door. Desperately, he knocked on the window, too thick for them to hear even when he shouted their names, and then yanked open the door.
Ignoring the protests of the other two men, Jackie asked, “Where’s Y/N?” and the coin in his hand became freezing cold.
When Abe stepped out of the elevator, a large sign pointed him in the direction of Studio 3, but the coin in his hand led him in the opposite direction until he finally found himself standing outside of a door with a star on it. The paint used to write the name “Wilford Warfstache” on it still looked fresh.
The hunter pocketed the hot coin and pulled out his gun. Still loaded with the five silver bullets, he turned off the safety and took a breath before knocking on the door.
“Come in,” came an all too familiar singsong voice inside.
It was all the invitation Abe needed.
He slammed the door open and raised his gun as he said, “Don’t move!”
“Hm? Well, I wasn’t really planning on it, but now I kind of want to,” answered the man sprawled out on a couch on the opposite side of a room that was such an eyesore of colors that Abe thought he could be forgiven for not immediately being able to pick Wilford out of the madness. The couch itself was a vibrant pink to match his mustache, as was the dressing table and mirror and the low end table between the two of them, the walls a bright cheery yellow, and the round rug that covered most of the floor was a spiral of pink and yellow. In the corner there was a yellow wardrobe with a carefully painted pink mustache on its front. Did this room used to belong to a clown or something?”
“Oh, the decorations? Do you like them? I picked them out myself,” Wilford said, leaning forward only to tilt his head when Abe made an incoherent shout. “You sure are jumpy, uh…Hold on, I know this one, it’s…Dave?”
Wilford pointed at Abe, his eyebrows raised and waiting for some kind of confirmation that didn’t come.
“Okay, not Dave. It’s never Dave, is it? Bim? No, Bim’s the other guy, the fluffy one…Steve? Dave?”
Wilford rattled off names, but Abe could only stare at him in disbelief before he had to shut him up.
“You know who I am! You shot me in the chest!”
“Now, that could be quite a lot of people,” Wilford said.
“You killed my partner, you killed my friend, you—” Abe sputtered, not sure why he was even doing this even as he exclaimed, “You killed so many people!”
“Well, yes, but you see—” Wilford bounced up onto his feet, only to pause and halfway raise his hands when Abe raised his gun again. Something about seeing the hunter ready to pull the trigger must have stirred something in his memory, because his eyes suddenly lit up and he said, “Abe! Abe. How have you been? I was just talking about you earlier with…who was it?”
“How have I—How do you think I’ve been?!” Abe moved into the room, using the heel of his foot to slam the door behind him. Not that it mattered, because he had no intention of letting anyone stop him now. “I’ve been looking for you, ever since that party. Ever since you…Ever since you destroyed everything!”
“Now, that seems like a bit of an exaggeration,” Wilford protested.
“An exaggeration? You killed your best friend, because of you the woman you loved and her brother, your other best friend, are both dead too, you tried to kill me, you killed Y/N—and then you think you can just walk away from all that, like nothing even happened?!” Abe’s grip was tightening on the gun, his finger close to pulling the trigger as tears began to sting the corner of his eyes, but he wanted to hear him say it, wanted to hear him admit to what he had done after all these years. Even if Abe was the only one to hear it, he needed this.
“I’m not sure you have the full story here,” Wilford started, only to pause when Abe pulled the trigger and nothing happened.
“That was just a warning,” Abe muttered as he pulled back the hammer on the gun. Internally though, he was cursing the luck that the one chamber that was empty happened to be the first one when he had a perfect shot lined up. “You really should stop talking.”
“Well, which is it that you want, for me to stop talking or to answer you? I’m getting some mixed signals here! And while it’s true that, in a sense, I may have done some terrible things, I never actually—”
Wilford ducked and pulled out his own gun when the hunter’s second attempt missed, but he just gestured wildly with it as he said, “Yes, I have one of those too, but if you would just listen to me, I think you might want to hear what I have to say!”
His eyes darted to the left as he considered his words and added, “Possibly. I’m starting to think you might just want to shoot me.”
“Really? What would you give that idea?” Abe asked sarcastically as he cocked the hammer again and aimed at Wilford’s face, determined that he wouldn’t waste this third chance. “You’re right. I don’t want excuses. I don’t want to hear what you have to say. I just want you dead.”
He pulled the trigger, but at the last possible second someone grabbed his wrist and threw off his aim. Abe hadn’t heard the door open behind him, partially because firing a gun in this small a space had temporarily wrecked his hearing, but he did hear his name being shouted as the last person he ever expected to see again stepped between him and Wilford.
“Abe! Stop! Just stop!”
You were out of breath, but he sounded as breathless as you as the forgotten gun slipped out of his hand and hit the ground. At the noise, he suddenly realized how very close he came to shooting you when you did that. When you stopped the hunter from shooting him, but why? How could you do something so stupid, so reckless, so, so—
“What…? How…?” Abe struggled for words, his anger and concern fighting it out with confusion taking a chair to both of them, but you just shook your head.
“You need to hide, Google—” You froze, aware of the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps, and after a quick look around the room pushed Abe into a nearby wardrobe and shut the door on him, hissing, “Keep quiet!”
Abe started to protest, but he heard you turn and lean up against the wardrobe door just as the door to the dressing room opened and a voice he recognized spoke.
“Gunshots have been fired in this room,” Google said, staring around before focusing on you in the corner, and then turning back to Wilford when he shrugged and answered.
“It happens. Why, just earlier I—” Wilford gestured with his gun and Abe had to bite his fist to keep from crying out when he heard the shot and the silence before he said, “Sorry about that, Googs.”
“It’s…fine,” Google said, although his tone suggested otherwise. Outside the wardrobe, you and Wilford watched as the magitek unit wiped the splash left by the wax bullet off of his cheek with a noise of disgust before he said, “I am looking for unauthorized intruders in the building. One is currently unidentified, while the other matches my files for a hunter by the name of Abe Lincoln.”
That made Abe pause. Why would a TV studio have a record on him? Wasn’t like he had ever been here before, and from the little he knew of DE Studios they were more likely to hire the monster than a hunter. He wanted nothing more than to push open the wardrobe door just a crack, just enough to see what color shirt this Google unit was wearing, but you were leaning so hard against it that he couldn’t even hope for some fresh air to counter the smell of mothballs in Wilford’s catastrophe of a closet. What was the large fuzzy thing against his leg? It didn’t just move, did it?”
“Good for you,” Wilford answered cheerfully. “It’s good to have a hobby.”
“Looking for intruders is not…” Google paused and then decided to ask you instead, “Have you seen either of these men? They must be dealt with using the full extent of my abilities to handle such pests.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” you pointed out.
“…But it is the ideal option, and therefore the most logical one to take,” Google answered, making you wonder what was included in his definition of “ideal.” “I will repeat the question, have you seen these men?”
“Sorry, Google, I think you’ll have to look somewhere else.”
Google considered you for a moment before saying, “Based on my records, this would be the ideal location to find the intruder, although it is possible that he managed to get himself lost. Humans have a tendency to need…direction.”
“Nah, getting lost is half the fun, Google,” Wilford said. “You should try it some time. Right now, even.”
“I am incapable of getting lost, and such distractions are unnecessary at this time,” Google answered. “I am going to continue my search now.”
“Good luck,” Wilford called after him before he shut the door and remarked to you, “You know, sometimes I think that guy is a little—”
He paused as Abe fell out of the wardrobe, wildly kicking back what turned out to be, in the light, a large, pink afro. The hunter froze, unable to explain why that had seemed so much scarier in the wardrobe, but then he had more important things to worry about than his pride when his eyes refocused on you and the questions he just couldn’t begin to wrap his mind around yet.
“Y/N. You’re…”
Here. Alive. Real.
And shaking, your arms wrapped around your chest but not quite able to hide the tremors running up and down your body.
“Are you okay?” Abe asked, his mind immediately jumping to the worst. When he fired before, he hadn’t…? But there’d be a sign, they couldn’t hide it if the bullet had…For a moment, Abe thought he was going to be sick himself.
“There’s too much…Just, just give me a second,” you said, taking a step back and clenching your eyes shut. If you could just shut it all out for a second, just have a chance to catch your breath for once in what felt like forever, but you couldn’t do it. After seeing what had become of Damien and Celine, of having all of that rage and anger turn into fear and adrenaline as you raced down the stairs, following the sounds of gunshots while being terrified what you might find, running in to find Abe and Wilford with guns drawn, reliving the worst moment of your life again even if it didn’t turn out like that, it was no wonder you felt like your chest was trying to cave in along with the rest of the world. The corners of your eyes were burning, but more terrifying was the feeling that at any second…Why was it so hard to even breathe?
Abe stared, but then it wasn’t like he could take his eyes off of you. He could see the lines of your face, your shoulders and spine, shifting back and forth like you were trying to hold yourself in place. Like you were trying not to transform right here and now. More than that, you looked—afraid? Sad?
Abe became aware of Wilford wildly gesturing to get his attention before making a gesture, and the hunter felt a brief surge of the same rage that had taken him just minutes before. What the hell did he think he was doing? Wilford shook his head and gestured again, before finally resorting to mouthing the words as large as possible without making a sound. Even then, Abe hesitated, unsure if it was because he didn’t want to take that kind of advice from him, or because he wanted so much to do it that it was almost terrifying.
Either way, it didn’t take long to give in and move closer to you.
You flinched backwards out of reflex, but Abe said, “It’s just me, Y/N. It’s just…”
He struggled for what to say before just pulling you into a hug. Something he’d never got the chance to do before it all went wrong. You pressed your face into his chest, focusing on the smell you wouldn’t have ever thought you’d miss in that life. Holding you, Abe could feel you slowly relax, the tension not quite disappearing but fading enough that you could sigh and speak again.
“I missed you, Abe.”
“I missed you too, Partner.”
“Oh, this is just lovely, isn’t it?” Wilford said, and Abe rocked back on his heels as he joined in the hug, his arms wrapping around the both of you. “Look at us, together again!”
“Where’s my gun?” Abe growled, already looking down to see where he had dropped it.
“Don’t,” you said, and Abe could hear the exhaustion in your voice. “Please, Abe, not now. You need to know what really happened that weekend, and I promise I’ll try to…”
You sighed, head already hurting at the idea of trying to explain everything that happened. Your chest ached again, but you could feel the strength leaving your body like it had the night before last when you changed back, as if staying human was too much of an effort on top of everything else.
But you just had to make it a little longer, that’s all.
“But we need to get out of here,” you continued. Google was still roaming the halls, and Dark… You grimaced at the thought and felt the fangs in your mouth for a moment before they receded back into your regular teeth. “Please.”
Abe hesitated. Wilford was right here, he could end this all right now, but you were clearly not okay. His mind went back to when he left you in that hallway, told you to leave while he went running after the Colonel. He had often thought about that moment, remembered the look on your face, your grief at losing your friend combined with the confusion and the pain from your own injuries, and what he would have done differently if he had been given the chance.
He just didn’t think it would be this hard, to say, “Okay. We’ll go.” To pick up his gun and holster it, to keep an arm around you for support. To walk away and leave Wilford there, smiling and waving as though seeing off a couple of old friends.
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep Googs busy for you,” Wilford said, and Abe felt the back of his neck itch with the desire to turn around and finish what he started. “I’ll make sure your name is added to the guest list, Abe, so feel free to come back any time!”
Abe made a noise at that but tried to hold back what he wanted to say for your sake. He had every intention of coming back here and settling this, once he was sure you were safe this time.
Wilford watched the two of you make your way down the hall, still waving until he stopped as if just noticing something was wrong. He rolled his shoulder back and then prodded it, his fingers finding the small hole in his shirt and then, with a bit of work, pulling out a used silver bullet.
“Huh.” Somewhere in the back of his mind, he had a vague thought that, if you hadn’t intervened and this bullet had hit where Abe had been aiming, it would have been very bad. There was also something familiar about that whole business, an old face reappearing in his dressing room…But that thought quickly passed and he tossed the misshapen piece of silver over his shoulder with a shrug before turning his mind back to what he was supposed to be doing.
Or he would have, if that little distraction hadn’t made him forget. All thought of you and the hunter had disappeared as soon as the two of you were out of sight, so he swayed on his feet for a moment in the hallway, mind blank. If it were really important, he was sure it would figure itself out on its own without him. Most things usually did.
“Wilford Motherloving Warfstache! What have I told you about shooting in the building?!”
Right. Kathryn, his producer. His very angry producer, judging by the look on her face. Wilford inhaled, an excuse ready on his lips, before he dove back into his dressing room and shut the door with the faint hope that maybe she’d just keep walking on. Maybe she was yelling at someone else who also just happened to be named Wilford Motherloving Warfstache too, in which case, rude, Wilford was pretty sure he had this name first.
Either way, keeping Google busy was something that would only occur to him days later, when he would decide the best way to do that was spill a martini down Google’s pants. Not exactly helpful to you, but the Jims would have a field day catching that moment on film.
For now, Abe walked you to the elevators and pressed the down arrow, although he wasn’t sure what the plan would be once you reached the lobby. Just walk out and hope no one was too worried about people getting out of here, although if they had already spotted him on the cameras…
“No, we need to go up,” you protested, pushing the up arrow. “To Studio…5, I think?”
You rubbed your eyes, trying to push back the headache forming behind them, and shook your head when Abe said, “No, we don’t. We need to get out of here, remember?”
“My friends—” you started, only for the stair well door to crash open as Jackie, followed closely by Jameson and Chase, came spilling out and froze at the sight of you and Abe. “Have really good timing? Jackie, what are you—”
You were cut off as Jameson pulled you into a hug and then stepped back to look you up and down before signing, “Are you okay? We heard shooting!”
“Wait, you know them?” Abe asked.
“We came as fast as we could,” Jackie said to you, but he was glaring at Abe, who could already tell this guy was going to be a problem. “What the hell happened?”
“You didn’t actually shoot anyone, did you?” Chase asked, eyeing the gun at Abe’s side.
“No,” Abe answered, probably sounding a little more defensive than he meant to.
“Long story,” you muttered. “But we should get out of here first.”
“Security’s looking for us,” Abe added. Well, him in particular, but Jackie had also been caught on camera even if they hadn’t IDed him yet. “They checked the cameras fast, too fast for one person they know walked back out again. Probably because the magician’s distraction was a little…”
“Much, yeah,” Jackie admitted. That card trick of Marvin’s had given them the space to get in, but something forgettable like asking the receptionist for directions would have also done the trick without alerting every security guard in the building. “Something to work on for next time, but how do we get out of here?”
“Well, the three of us have guest passes,” Chase pointed out. “It’s just the two of you we have to worry about.”
Jackie had a suggestion ready for that, and Abe saw it coming, but he was interrupted by the elevator doors finally sliding open to reveal it was already occupied. At first most of the group tensed, thinking it was one of the security guards until he spoke.
“Oh, hi,” Marvin said, looking around and taking them all in with a quick count. “Well, this is easier than I thought it would be. Get in, we can’t just hang around here all day.”
Abe exhaled slowly, his eyes narrowing into a glare that Jackie matched, and Marvin rolled his eyes as they all got in.
“Not my fault someone decided to start shooting,” Marvin remarked as he pressed the doors close button on the elevator over and over again until they slid shut. “Everyone is going to be swarming up here any second thanks to you, which should actually make it a little easier to walk out.”
Jackie said, “For you, maybe. Hunter and I don’t exactly have badges or illusions to help us blend in.”
“Like I was going to say, that’s easy,” Chase said. “They just saw you on the cameras, right? At a distance, probably not that great quality video, so all they’re working on is ‘guy in a hoodie’ and ‘bald guy with a black jacket.’ Just take those off, let us hold them, and JJ, let the angry guy borrow your hat. We keep our heads down on the way out and run if we have to.”
Jackie and Abe both hesitated, but Jameson shrugged and pulled off his hat. “He has a point.”
But you shook your head, eyes shut tight as you leaned against the elevator wall and wished it didn’t shake so much, that there was a window or some kind of vent or fresh air of any kind with this many people around you.
“Google said he had a file on Abe, so they know what his face looks like.”
Jackie gave the hunter an accusing stare as he asked, “There a reason this place has a file on you? Maybe something you should have told us before we came in here?”
“How should I know?!” Abe asked, before the realization hit. “Wait, this Google, what color is his shirt?”
“It’s…blue,” Chase answered, with an agreeing nod from Jameson. “But why does that matter?”
Because if it was the red one, then at least Abe would know why they knew him. It would make things a whole lot simpler, if he knew someone here was behind that loose end.
“They have a file on Abe for the same reason Wilford’s here and I’m on the guest list,” you answered, shaking the VIP badge hanging around your neck. “The studio manager, the one in charge of everything here, is Damien and Celine, or whatever’s left of them.”
Marvin slammed his hand on the emergency stop button, causing the elevator to immediately halt and everyone to stumble and catch themselves and each other while an alarm overhead began to go off.
“What are you doing?!” Abe said, his hand on your arm while Jameson was steadying you on the other side. “What happened to just walking out?!”
“New plan,” Marvin answered as he dropped to his hand and knees with a piece of chalk in hand. He drew a large symbol in the center of the elevator floor before scuttling around to draw a circle within the space the elevator provided, which meant pushing each of them out of the way in turn. “We are not taking any more chances, so teleport spell. Easier when we’re not moving. Now get in the circle, all of you, and try not to step on the chalk.”
“Didn’t you say this place would have something to stop people from doing this?” Jackie asked.
“To stop people from teleporting in, probably. Getting out though, why would anyone care about that?” Marvin looked at you, and when you met his stare through his sunglasses he asked, “Do you really think they’d let us leave?”
You sighed. After your talk with Dark, you weren’t sure of anything, and the scream of the alarm wasn’t making it any easier to think. “I don’t know.”
Marvin glanced at Jackie, who reluctantly nodded. Better not to risk it, if they could, not after what the twins did to you last time.
Once he was sure they were all in, Marvin stepped into the center of the circle and focused his energy. Around them, the chalk lit up with a brilliant blue light, reflecting off of the shiny walls of the elevator and giving them all a sickly color. To you, it was just a bright, colorless light that suddenly changed at the same second you heard Marvin’s breath catch.
The light in the elevator turned red before the circle suddenly drew in around the magician, whose head went back before he collapsed on the ground, flashes of red running up and down his body before they disappeared, taking the teleportation circle he had drawn with them.
The shout came from all sides, Jameson dropping to his knees first to look the magician over before looking up at the rest of you.
“He’s still breathing. I don’t know what he’s trying to say, though.”
There was a steady stream of words flowing from the magician’s mouth which to everyone else may have sounded like another one of his spells. You on the other hand could clearly hear that it sounded like every swear word Marvin knew, spoken as fast as possible under his breath, although you could only guess that was the case considering he had left English behind a while ago for German and had taken a detour into what now sounded like Gaelic. He was clearly in pain, but also not too injured from whatever just happened.
Jackie knelt to check his vitals, only to have to steady Jameson as the elevator floor suddenly jolted. The alarm stopped, and you all became aware of the elevator moving downward again just before the doors slid open to reveal the hallway to the lobby, along with Google and three armed guards who were all aiming into the elevator.
There was a moment of silence before Google said, “Intruders located. Lethal force suggested.”
His eyes changed as he stepped forward toward Abe or Marvin and Jackie on the ground you weren’t sure, and you could feel the hum of his machinery whirring up to do something before you blocked his path.
“Back off,” you growled, and it was a literal growl as you could feel the wolf taking over, as your features started to blur and shift. You felt the metal under his skin as you pushed him back out of the elevator, could smell the fear on the three all too human guards, could hear the others behind you holding their breath in shock as the fur began to show, as your teeth and claws came out. “You—”
Whatever you were about to say was cut off as one of the guards panicked and fired his gun, the blast of noise hurting far more than the punch of it hitting your stomach. It knocked the breath out of you, and for a moment everything seemed to slow.
Out of reflex or instinct, your hand reached back and grabbed Abe’s wrist, stopping him before he could grab his gun and make himself a target. Your grip was too tight at first, and you tried to relax, to give him and the others behind you some signal that you were okay, even as underneath the ringing you could hear Jackie leaping to his feet and the panic of the others. Your mind felt like it was running too fast and too slow at the same time, but you felt strangely calm.
It was just a regular bullet, after all.
None of them managed to move faster than Google though, who without hesitation reached over and twisted the guard’s wrist with a sickening sound that was followed by his gun hitting the ground and a whimper of pain.
“Shooting VIPs is strictly forbidden,” Google said.
VIPs. The adrenaline racing through your system hit that word and stumbled across an idea that was completely ridiculous and stupid, mostly because you had a faint hope it might actually work.
“Google,” you said, drawing the magitek unit’s attention to you. It hurt, talking, each word a reminder of the sting in your stomach that was too slowly fading. “VIPs are allowed to bring guests, right? Is there a limit on how many I can have?”
Google considered the question while the other two guards just stared and exchanged looks, both very aware of their coworker lying in pain on the ground and the problem of this clearly non-human person who was still talking despite being doubled over a gunshot wound. “No, there is currently no limit in the policy. A concerning oversight that should be corrected.”
“But until then, there isn’t one. Which means—” You stopped to hiss slightly, your grip tightening on Abe’s wrist until the next surge of pain dimmed a little to continue, “—that as of now, everyone in that elevator is a guest of mine, understand? And if they’re guests, then that means they can’t be intruders.”
You could feel the fur start to settle and disappear, the claws and fangs slowly begin to retract. Too late to undo what they had all seen, but you couldn’t think about that right now. Even if a small part of you was wondering why Abe hadn’t pulled away yet, or if that flash of anger and what you could be would be enough to change how the others looked at you.
“Your logic appears to be…correct,” Google said, but his expression said he was still trying to find the hole in it. “But they do not have visitor passes.”
You hesitated, but Chase stepped forward and said, “That’s right, which you told us means they should be escorted out of the building, right? And since we’re already on our way out…”
“Understood,” Google said, sounding almost disappointed that he wasn’t able to break a few more bones. “Follow me.”
One of the security guards stepped forward and said, “Hold on, you can’t just—”
He paused, his eyes going to somewhere in the elevator behind you, and he swallowed and looked back at the other guard still standing who muttered back, “I’m not paid enough for this.”
Besides, it would be easier to blame Google than try to get involved at this point, or that seemed to be the guards’ point of view as they helped their third comrade up to his feet and out of the way.
Jackie picked up Marvin, who protested in a slurred voice, and you let go of Abe’s wrist only to find the hunter slipping his arm around you, his hand enveloping yours over the wound underneath.
“Lean on me,” he murmured under his breath as Jameson moved to support you on your other side.
“I’m fine,” you muttered, even though that was an absolute lie. “It wasn’t silver.”
It was Abe’s turn for his grip to tighten, holding you closer as the strange group followed the magitek unit across the lobby floor. He didn’t want to think about what he had just seen, the shot that was an echo of what his imagination brought to mind every time it went back to that night.
“At least until they’re not watching,” Abe pleaded, aware of the guards still in the lobby, the receptionist behind her desk. Aware that they had already seen you in your in between state, the fur and the fangs and something else he hadn’t really seen in you before now: anger.
You leaned against him, too tired to argue, in too much pain to pretend you weren’t, and asked, “Does it really matter anymore?”
Abe glanced over your head at Jameson, whose expression reflected what he was already thinking. You could hear Chase somewhere behind you, apologizing in a low voice to the guards before Jackie hissed at him to hurry up, just as you could hear the ticking of Jameson’s pocket watch that felt slightly out of sync with the steady noise coming from Google as he stopped at the glass doors of the studio and turned back to face your group.
“I am required to thank you for your time here at Dark Entertainment Studios,” he said, his eyes running over the six of you before focusing on you in particular. “I have also been asked to issue you your permanent VIP card for future visits, as well as a message from the studio manager.”
You stared at him in silence before taking the laminated card and the folded piece of paper, unable to think of anything to say before Abe and Jameson walked you out with the other three just behind.
Outside, you blinked in the sunlight and found it did nothing to get rid of the spots appearing on the edges of your vision, and let Abe and Jameson lead you in the direction of the parking lot while your aching, weary mind could only focus on the note Google had handed you.
Think about what I said, Y/N. And know that you’re always welcome here.
No training required.
You recognized the handwriting, which made it sting that much more as you remembered notes in Damien’s handwriting, passed to you in crowded lecture halls or left on your desk at work early in the morning or after a rough full moon. A fresh little reminder that the man you thought you knew, that man…
You wanted to be furious, angry, to let all those feelings he left you with come spilling out of your head so they would just leave you alone, but as you stared at the note you just felt so tired, so done with it all. You just wanted to close your eyes and forget it all, for a little while at least…
Abe pulled your hand down, his concerned face swimming in your vision as his mouth moved, saying words that seemed out of sync with what you heard before it disappeared entirely with the rest of the world.
Abe had been arguing with Jackie about which car to take you to when he felt the shudder run up and down your body. Jameson stopped on your other side and looked at Abe, his eyes filled with panic, but neither of them could say or do anything to get through to you in time to keep you conscious or to stop you from crashing to the sidewalk in the shape of the wolf.
((End of Part 24. Thank you for reading. I’m sorry to end it there, and I had hoped to have the next part ready soon, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. So just to be clear in the mean time, the turning back into the wolf thing isn’t going to be nearly as long-lasting as it was in the beginning, and Marvin is (mostly) fine. He just really, really sucks at flirting and rescue operations, so that’s something for him to work on before the end of the story.
I may try to get the rest of the story written before I start posting again, but we’ll see. Technically, we’re getting near the end, but there’s a lot left to happen and I haven’t exactly been very good at sticking to an outline, even if I like where the detours have gone (this whole studio section was supposed to be completely different, for example). For now though, it’s going to be another break until the next part is posted.
Scratch that, Part 25: Catching Up is now up.
Tagging: @silver-owl413 @skyewardlight @withjust-a-bite @blackaquokat @catgirlwarrior @neverisadork @luna1350 @oh-so-creepy @weirdfoxalley @95fangirl @lilalovesinternet-l @thepoolofthedead @a-bit-dapper @randomartdudette @geekymushroom @cactipresident @hotcocoachia @purple-anxiety-blog @shyinspiredartist @avispate @missksketch @autumnrambles @authorracheljoy @liafoxyfox @hidinginmybochard ))
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