#and they have names pretty unique to their source
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everyone-with-a-para · 2 years ago
I hope everyone with paras that are twins has a great day
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starsandsuch · 12 days ago
Planets Conjunct The Midheaven: How Are You Perceived By The Public ? 🪐
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Your Midheaven sign represents your reputation and what you’re known for. The planet(s) conjunct your midheaven add another layer to how the public perceives you. How do people view you based on planets near your Midheaven? Let’s find out.
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Sun conjunct MC ☀️
Your identity and who you are is on display to the public. This is a fame placement. Many people know your name, who you are and what you do professionally. Your presence in the public eye is authoritative. You naturally gain respect from the public without trying. You are undisputed as the best at what you do. You are seen as peerless. Your status makes people jealous of you and want your position in life. You belong in the public eye.
Moon conjunct MC ☁️
Your soft side is on display to the public. People recognize you for your feminine energy. You seem soft and sweet to the public. To me this placement shows someone who is good at manipulating the public. People see your innocence and charm which make them like you a lot. You are naturally seen in a pleasant way.
Mercury conjunct MC ✏️
Can guide, direct, and influence the masses through speech. Good public speaker. Tends to be seen as “relatable” to the masses. People hang on to every word you say. Makes people laugh effortlessly. Comedian-like energy. The public perceives you to be knowledgeable and charming. The public knows you for what you vocalize.
Venus conjunct MC 🍭
Pretty privilege personified. Everyone finds you beautiful. Lowkey one of the best places to have Venus. Since Venusian energy is blessing your reputation, people see you as likable, beautiful and pleasant. You become a source of pleasure to people. People love watching what you do. This placement is great for tv or being in the media, people love watching you on their screens. Marilyn Monroe had this placement.
Mars conjunct MC ☄️
You’re seen as an agitator to the public. You cause varying reactions amongst people. They love you, they hate you, they talk about you. Either way you cause quite a stir without much effort. You can experience not being treated nicely by the public at some point in your life. Mars is war & combat, which shapes the themes of your reputation. So you are known to be in public feuds, or people are mad at you just for existing. You don’t back down easily though, you’re seen as a fighter. You’re seen as powerful and tenacious. These natives I noticed kind get hated on for no good reason? Maybe it’s because you’re a s3x symbol. The public sees you as someone who is physically appealing. They hate you bc you’re sexy.
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Jupiter conjunct MC 👑
Jupiter expands and amplifies your reputation in a positive way. This makes you known by many people, to the point of being “famous”. This is a placement where you don’t actually have to put much work into being famous, it just happens for you easily. The public sees you as victorious in most situations. You always come out on top. You’re seen as a very lucky person, and you are. The public sees you in a wholesome and favorable way, you are well liked, well known and popular. Whatever you want to happen in your career, zaddy Jupiter makes it happen. You’re destined to be successful in a big way and nobody can stop that. If Santa Claus was a real person, he’d have this placement in his chart.
Saturn conjunct MC 🪐
You are seen as an authority figure. People know not to question you or undermine you. You are seen as someone to have all the knowledge, and distribute it accordingly. You seem older than you are to the public, due to your authoritative disposition and wisdom you have. The public recognizes your authenticity and straightforwardness. Once your reputation is built, it’s permanent and unmovable. Your reputation is long lasting and even precedes you after death.
Rahu conjunct MC ⚡️
Your known as a game-changer to the public. Something about you is just different from anyone else. You’re uniqueness and quirks are on display to the world. You are a pioneer and someone who questions tradition. You’re seen as someone who pushes society forward. What you do is perceived as futuristic. You are recognized as 1 of 1.
Ketu conjunct MC 🕷
This placement makes the public confused about you. People know who you are, but do they really? You’re mysterious. All your past life karma is activated here, in pertinence to your public image. So alot of stuff that happens to you publicly is just destined to happen and you yourself can’t even stop it. The fact that you have disinterest with fame or notoriety make people want to know more about you. You’re an enigma.
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Pluto conjunct MC 🌪
You’re seen as powerful and mysterious to the public. You seemingly yield some sort of power no one else has. You trigger obsession in other people. Your transformations are on display to the public. You’re this dominant force that can overpower anyone and everyone. You seem intimidating without trying to be. You’re seen as strong and competent. People are always talking about you, especially when you’re not around. The public wants what you have, your power is enviable. Celebs with this placement have a cult like following.
Neptune conjunct MC 🌀
You seem mysterious, magical and enchanting to the public. Something about you is seductive and enticing. You’re enigmatic. People always want to know more about you, but usually never get the satisfaction of actually knowing you. They know an illusion of you, but who are you really? You’re a puzzle in the public’s mind. You are seen as a fantasy that no one can grasp. You’re beauty and aura seems otherworldly.
Uranus conjunct MC 💥
You are seen as a game changer to the public. You disrupt the landscape of the industry you’re in, which facilitates positive change to happen. People never see you coming, yet you leave a big impact with your actions. People don’t like change, but they need it, and you’re the one to bring it. You are perceived as unpredictable and unorthodox. Things you do often have a profound sense of shock value to it. People with this placement post on socials and others see it and are like *jaw drops* “did you see what ___ posted?!!🤯”. You could have a few viral moments because of this. Since Uranus relates to electricity, word about you travels fast and far. The impacts you have on others is “electric”.
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Divider credit: @uzmacchiato
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city-of-ladies · 7 months ago
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"Here’s what we know about Julia Felix: she lived in Pompeii from at least 62 CE. She was possibly illegitimate but was definitely not a member of the social and cultural elite. She worked for a living setting up and running a very interesting business and, by 79 CE, she had planned to shift her focus from managing a business to owning property. We know all these things because twentieth-century excavations at her business uncovered an advert, carved in stone and attached to the external wall of her huge building. It reads:
"To rent for the period of five years from the thirteenth day of next August to the thirteenth day of the sixth August, the Venus Bath fitted for the nogentium, shops with living quarters over the shops, apartments on the second floor located in the building of Julia Felix, daughter of Spurius. At the end of five years, the agreement is terminated."
This find illuminated the building it was attached to, bringing what otherwise looked like a very large anonymous domestic house into dazzling focus. With this description of the purpose of each room written by the owner herself, archaeologists and historians could see the site through a whole new lens and they realised that they had discovered a Roman entertainment space for the working middle classes. It is, so far, a completely unique find and it is magnificent. It offers us, as modern viewers, two amazing things: a little glimpse into the lives of the commercial classes of the Roman Empire who are so often completely and utterly invisible, and a brutal reminder that so much of what we ‘know’ about Roman women in the Roman world comes from rules concerning only the most elite.
We’ll do that second part first, because it’s the least fun. Roman written and legal sources are pretty universal in their agreement that although women could own property, they could not control it; they had no legal rights, could not make contracts and were to be treated as minors by the legal system for their entire lives. In order to buy or sell property women required a male guardian to oversee and sign off on any transactions. This is a basic truism of women in the Roman Empire, repeated ad nauseum by sources both ancient and modern including me, and it is undermined by Julia Felix’s rental notice. 
The rental ad makes it pretty clear that Julia Felix is the owner-operator of a business complex including public baths, shops and apartments (there’s more too, as we’ll see), and she doesn’t seem to require anyone else to help her rent it out. She names her father – sort of; ‘Spurius’ might just mean that she is illegitimate – but this is effectively a surname, a personal identifier to differentiate her from other Julia Felixes in the area. It doesn’t mean her father was involved. Furthermore, the use of her father’s name as an identifier suggests that Julia didn’t have a husband and was either unmarried or widowed in 79 CE. The strong implication of her advert is that Julia Felix was an independent lady, a honey making money and a momma profiting dollars who could truthfully throw her hands up to Destiny’s Child.
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We will never know if Julia escaped the flames and choking ash of 79 CE, fleeing as it swallowed her business and her home, but one discovery, made on 28 January 1952, suggests that she didn’t. The archaeologists, led by Amedeo Maiuri, uncovered on that day the skeleton of a woman who had fallen while running across the garden during the disaster. It’s clear this fallen woman was well off, because she was wearing a lot of gold jewellery. She carried four gold half-hoop earrings and wore four gold rings. Two of these rings were particularly expensive; both contained a red carnelian gem, one carved with a figure of Mercury, the other with an eagle. Around her neck she wore a necklace of gold filigree, dotted with ten pearls and hung with a green pendant. Someone stole both the necklace and earrings from the Pompeii Antiquarium in 1975 and no one, somehow, had ever bothered to photograph them so all we have are descriptions but the rings that survive are fine and expensive. The woman who wore them – was wearing them when she died – had real money to buy these objects and the woman who wore them did'nt leave Pompei in time.
 Moreover, when she was found it was clear that at the moment of her death she was heading not towards the street or towards safety, but towards the shrine to Isis in the garden where all the most valuable possessions were kept. The valuable possessions that Julia Felix grafted for and maybe couldn’t bear to leave behind. There’s no way to tell whether this skeleton is Julia Felix, whether these bones once stood and looked at the plots of land Julia bought and made plans, or whether they belong to a looter or a chancer or someone just caught out. But it’s nice to pretend that Julia Felix, who shaped the city’s roads around her dream and offered respite and luxury to workers and made a tonne of money doing it, died and was buried with the place that still bears her name."
A Rome of One's Own: The Forgotten Women of the Roman Empire, Emma Southon
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lych33dragoncookie · 5 months ago
Only the masterpieces that survive the fiercest flames earn their place in history.
(Analysis post)
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Alright, they absolutely cooked this update. Like, undeniably so. I was admittedly not that huge of a fan of the last 2 beast yeast chapters we got; they had really good ideas, and Mystic Flour is a wonderful character, but... Dark Cacao hasn't really been done enough with for it to feel like it had the amount of weight it could have, and it really doesn't feel like much about him actually changed at all. Combine that with a complete lack of interesting dynamics and you have a lot of very good and genuinely pretty well thought out story concepts with extensive cultural research, executed in a way that feels more like a traditional old-school story that weakens the attachment the audience feels to the components of said story.
Here, though? I have no complaints so far. It was absolutely wild in fact, to the point where I don't think it's gonna happen again (nor am I entirely sure it should ever happen again). This was back to back, non-stop, smack to the face one after the other. The moment the first point of conflict came up, it was just shit happening left and right; even in the mandatory moment of rest where we chill out for a bit, it's revealed that hey, these sandstorms? Yeah the sand is actually ashes. It's the remains of all the people that live here. Whether they died off on their own or were killed by someone else.
And if that wasn't enough, very shortly after;
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... It's fucking crack.
So, people die and kill each other here very frequently, and not only are their remains visibly on display, their ashes also become sandstorms that make it near impossible to navigate the land; on top of being something that people snort like cocaine to become more energetic and aggressive.
We started fucking wild, dude. This whole thing is pulling no punches.
Though, I do wanna note; I really, really enjoyed the interactions between Smoked Cheese and Golden Cheese. It shows not only how forgiving she is, but how these two have known each other for an incredibly long time, and know each other well. They're incredibly comfortable around each other, despite it all, and despite how brazen and Very Much Not Strategic the queen here can be. I really, really enjoyed them.
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Always fun to see a recovering villain do things for good, but in their own unique way that's still not exactly heroic but definitely effective and, at times, very gratifying.
Though I enjoyed all this, there's one thing I wanna talk about above all else.
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The star of the show. Note that every single part was enjoyable, of course, and he wouldn't be half as interesting without Golden Cheese Cookie to serve as a parallel, but they've cooked up something special here.
So far, Burning Spice's extent of onscreen appearance is very, very short, but... I don't think I need to tell you that he's already made an impact and a half.
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Christ, that's violent. With the sound effects and everything too, god damn. But, I'd be lying if I said this wasn't a pretty superficial source of judgement for this character. It's very very telling of what kind of person he is now, what he's all about, what he's willing to do, what he likes doing, but...
More than anyone else in recent memory, the devil is in the details. So let's look at those details.
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Nothing too much so far, other than how much he absolutely loves destruction, but there's already a trend; namely on "Nothing lasts forever. It's as simple as that", "In the end, everything becomes dust.", and "You, too, shall see that destruction is the only way.". There seems to be an infatuation with the natural process of everything fading away, turning to dust and dying out. An entirely honest one, believing that there is just about nothing else to life. These will be important to keep in mind.
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Here, we see a bit of his current relationship with his own immortality. He doesn't seem to mind the idea of losing it, finding something that may eventually take him down, but he still takes great pride in it. These lines, in text, seem somewhat miserable (and trust me, they definitely are), but the voicework in just about every language conveys that they are said in a more neutral, even potentially proudly manner. Again, not much on their own, but...
Here's where we get into the fun part.
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This. This is the crux of their character. At the start, him and Golden Cheese cookie were more or less the same. Benevolent royalty, close and personal with their subjects. Beloved, and loving.
And then, they lost it all.
One way or another, their kingdoms were lost, reduced to almost nothing. They were overcome by grief, desperate, unable to cope with their loss. One tried to latch on as hard as possible. Preserve what she could, blindly, replacing the harsh truth of reality with an idealized, constructed world, where no one would ever have to know pain ever again. She shut herself off, and retreated in the safety and peace of a false reality. She would rather have lied to both herself and all her subjects than face reality. And eventually, she had to learn to move on. Let herself and her kingdom heal more naturally, facing reality. The other, meanwhile, was desperate to let go. He detached himself, trying to move past the pain of loss. But, of course, he couldn't force it to happen. No one can. And so with the grief of losing that which he held dear, continuing to be faced with the reality that nothing is forever, over and over, while he endured, the world slowly turning to ash around them again and again... It's no wonder something in there eventually cracked.
What will it take to destroy me. Nothing is forever, and yet, I am.
Nothing is forever. And yet, I am.
With time, misery turned to mania, and in an attempt to overcome their grief, they embraced it, in the worst way possible. A coping mechanism gone horrendously wrong. That destruction, that loss, the inevitability of death... It's not painful, no. It doesn't have to be. It can be thrilling. Exhilarating. A new reason to live. If all you care about turns to dust anyways, if that's really the only logical destination... Why not have some fun with it? Why not embody that inevitable, unstoppable force? Why not become what you fear, so you no longer have to be afraid anymore?
... You know, at least that's what I think is going on here. The next chapter could contradict this reading, but... From what all we have right now, it seems like Golden Cheese and Burning Spice are two completely different paths for the exact same type of pain. They are, in a way, the same, but diverge in almost complete opposite ways where it counts.
Spice is genuinely equal parts absolutely terrifying and absolutely miserable; a balance that is incredibly hard to strike in writing, but always absolutely fascinating and wonderful to observe when it happens. I have to say, the more I found out about them, the more I couldn't keep my eyes off everything they have going on.
I'm loving every little bit of this update. Mad props to the devs for cooking something up here that I am genuinely incredibly invested in, almost to the same degree as White Lily and Dark Enchantress. Banger update. Absolute S tier material.
TL;DR: Burning Spice is terrifying, miserable, and ridiculously cool. Everything about this update was an absolute merciless flurry of consecutive gut-punches. And I loved every second of it.
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... Now we sit and wait for Shadow Milk's release next year.
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year ago
I recently found out a show I liked is 10 years old now so to not be the oldest thing on this blog I'm talking coelacanths for Wet Beast Wednesday. Coelacanths are rare fish famed for being living fossils. While that term is highly misleading, it is true that coelacanths are among the only remaining lobe-fined fish and were thought to have gone extinct millions of years ago before being rediscovered in modern times.
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(image id: a wild coelacanth. It is a large, mostly grey fish with splotches of yellowish scales. Its fins are attached to fleshy lobes. It is seen from the side, facing the top right corner of the picture)
Coelacanth fossils had been known since the 1800s and they were believed to have gone extinct in the late Cretaceous period. That was until December 1938, when a museum curator named Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer was informed of an unusual specimen that had been pulled in by local fishermen. After being unable to identify the fish, she contacted a friend, ichthyologist J. L. B. Smith, who told her to preserve the specimen until he could examine it. Upon examining it early next year, he realized it was indeed a coelacanth, confirming that they had survived, undetected, for 66 million years. Note that fishermen living in coelacanth territory were already aware of the fish before they were formally described by science. Coelacanths are among the most famous examples of a lazarus taxon. This term, in the context of ecology and conservation, means a species or population that is believed to have gone extinct but is later discovered to still be alive. While coelacanths are among the oldest living lazarus taxa, they aren't the oldest. They are beaten out by a genus of fly (100 million years old) and a type of mollusk (over 300 million years old).
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(image: a coelacanth fossil. It is a dark brown imprint of a coelacanth on white rock. Its skeleton is visible in the imprint)
Coelacanths are one of only two surviving groups of lobe-finned fish along with the lungfishes. Lobe-finned fish are bony fish notable for their fins being attached to muscular lobes. By contrast, ray-finned fish (AKA pretty much every fish you've ever heard of that isn't a shark) have their fins attached directly to the body. That may not sound like a big difference, but it actually is. The lobes of lobe-finned fish eventually evolved into the first vertebrate limbs. That makes lobe-finned fish the ancestors of all reptiles, amphibians, and mammals, including you. In fact, you are more closely related to a coelacanth than a coelacanth is to a tuna. Coelacanths were thought to be the closest living link to tetrapods, but genetic testing has shown that lungfish are actually closer to the ancestor of tetrapods.
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(image id: a scientific diagram depicting the taxonomic relationships of early lobe-finned fish showing their evolution to proto-tetrapods like Tiktaalik and Ichthyostega, to true tetrapods. Source)
There are two known living coelacanth species: the west Indian ocean coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) and the Indonesian coelacanth (L. menadoensis). Both are very large fish, capable of exceeding 2 m (6.6 ft) in length and 90 kg (200 lbs). Their wikipedia page describes them as "plump", which seems a little judgmental to me. Their tails are unique, consisting of two lobes above and below the end of the tail, which has its own fin. Their scales are very hard and thick, acting like armor. The mouth is small, but a hinge in its skull, not found in any other animal, allows the mouth to open extremely wide for its size. In addition, they lack a maxilla (upper jawbone), instead using specialized tissue in its place. They lack backbones, instead having an oil-filled notochord that serve the same function. The presence of a notochord is the key characteristic of being a chordate, but most vertebrates only have one in embryo, after which it is replaced by a backbone. Instead of a swim bladder, coelacanths have a vestigial lung filled with fatty tissue that serves the same purpose. In addition to the lung, another fatty organ also helps control buoyancy. The fatty organ is large enough that it forced the kidneys to move backwards and fuse into one organ. Coelacanths have tiny brains. Only about 15% of the skull cavity is filled by the brain, the rest is filled with fat.
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(image id: a coalacanth. It is similar to the one on the above image, but this one is blue in color and the head is seen more clearly, showing an open mouth and large eye)
One of the reasons it took so long for coelacanths to be rediscovered is their habitat. They prefer to live in deeper waters in the twilight zone, between 150 and 250 meters deep. They are also nocturnal and spend the day either in underwater caves or swimming down into deeper water. They typically stay in deeper water or caves during the day as colder water keeps their metabolism low and conserves energy. While they do not appear to be social animals, coelacanths are tolerant of each other's presence and the caves they stay in may be packed to the brim during the day. Coelacanths are all about conserving energy even when looking for food. They are drift feeders, moving slowly with the currents and eating whatever they come across. Their diet primarily consists of fish and squid. Not much is known about how they catch their prey, but they are capable of rapid bursts of speed that may be used to catch prey and is definitely used to escape predators. They are believed to be capable of electroreception, which is likely used to locate prey and avoid obstacles. Coelacanths swim differently than other fish. They use their lobe fins like limbs to stabilize their movements as they drift. This means that while coelacanths are slow, they are very maneuverable. Some have even been seen swimming upside-down or with their heads pointed down.
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(image: an underwater cave wilt multiple coelacanths residing in it. 5 are clearly visible, with the fins of others showing from offscreen)
Coelacanths are a vary race example of bony fish that give live birth. They are ovoviviparous, meaning the egg is retained and hatches inside the mother. Gestation can take between 2 and 5 years (estimates differ) and multiple offspring are born at a time. It is possible that females may only mate with a single male at a time, though this is not confirmed. Coelacanths can live over 100 years and do not reach full maturity until age 55. This very slow reproduction and maturation rate likely contributes to the rarity of the fish.
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(image: a juvenile coelacanth. Its body shape is the same as those of adults, but with proportionately larger fins. There are green laser beams shining on it. These are used by submersibles to calculate the size of animals and objects)
Coelacanths are often described as living fossils. This term refers to species that are still similar to their ancient ancestors. The term is losing favor amongst biologists due to how misleading it can be. The term os often understood to mean that modern species are exactly the same as ancient ones. This is not the case. Living coelacanth are now known to be different than those who existed during the Cretaceous, let alone the older fossil species. Living fossils often live in very stable environments that result in low selective pressure, but they are still evolving, just slower.
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(image: a coelacanth swimming next to a SCUBA diver)
Because of the rarity of coelacanths, it's hard to figure out what conservation needs they have. The IUCN currently classifies the west Indian ocean coelacanth as critically endangered (with an estimated population of less than 500) and the Indonesian coelacanth as vulnerable. Their main threat is bycatch, when they are caught in nets intended for other species. They aren't fished commercially as their meat is very unappetizing, but getting caught in nets is still very dangerous and their slow reproduction and maturation means that it is long and difficult to replace population losses. There is an international organization, the Coelacanth Conservation Council, dedicated to coelacanth conservation and preservation.
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(image: a coelacanth facing the camera. The shape of its mouth makes it look as though it is smiling)
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maikissed · 4 months ago
the day I saw your eyes, I stayed
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jude bellingham x reader
warnings: none, just a tad of sexual tension, yeah
note: there is going to be part 2! I planned to write the whole story in one shot but I gotta go to sleep now and was too excited about this rubbish (jk, I love it tbh). And he scored today, whoop sorry for any mistakes!!!!
Rose got herself a new boyfriend. The name brought up in presence of your girlfriends caused much of a fuss. It was a grand revelation and as much as it surprised you as well, you did not share the enthusiasm as every other girl in the room. Not because you felt envious, jealousy was never your thing, you rather grew worrisome. The excitation over the fact that Rose secured herself a football player of such range – famous, a hot topic, high quality player, one of the most valuable characters in the England national team, highly payed, and to add to that: uncommonly gorgeous - absolutely knocked your friends of their feet, but to you… To you it was a sign of massive trouble. People like him belonged to a world where individuals had their impeccable ways to draw from their fame, money and phenomenon as much as they could, despite the morality or ethics. Rose always mingled among various groups of people, there were musicians, actors, even politicians. She was a lovely girl, very pretty, her modelling career developed quickly, spectacularly. But she still haven’t made her name the way she aimed to. You suspected the boys she chose were always an occasion, a special addition to make her reach for more, to be seen, to feel special and unique. She was determined, regardless of the consequences, regardless of the fact how many times she has suffered and burned herself even almost to the point of absolute destruction. It felt awful to even reminisce it. But that’s how it’s been so far, it was the path she has chosen. Although this time this whole situation felt much different, there was a spark in her eyes that could tell you many things. But you would define it this way: she intended to hold onto him, she wanted to keep him. He seemed like the greatest prize. But who would have thought that the massive trouble you feared from the very start would be your burden to deal with?
Jude Bellingham.
Girls were over the moon when the time has come and Rose invited you all to join them in a private lounge in one of the most exclusive clubs in London. You scoffed when you heard the name of the place, you remembered the time when you and Lucia tried to sneak in there, but the bodyguard was too smart to fall for your theatrics. Only precisely selected people could party there. It was one of those grand and fancy places. So you found yourself invited, at last. Yet you weren’t very thrilled about the way you were about to spend your Saturday night. It turned out you would be the only single person there.
And him? The man, the hot topic himself? He was taller than you envisioned, maybe the hair added to that? His smile truly was bright, he was well built, broad shoulders, but not too muscular, well, he was an athlete. The Brummie dialect annoyed you at the start, but the itch seemed to cease as you payed attention to the tone of his voice, there was nothing particular about it, it was just right, good, not screechy, not too deep just… pleasant. He was an amiable guy, you thought to yourself, polite and friendly at the first contact. You realised you were a careful observer until he turned to you to greet. Now you were very much noticed, now you had to act as a part of the events, not a shadow and analyser. And situation very much changed. Time seemed to slow down so suddenly, you found yourself in the strangest state of unconsciousness, like a scene in a movie where the background blurs and any noise is muted, when the spectator is deprived of any other senses despite the sight to notice those specific details that are supposed to made him feel the sublimity of a given moment. And the source of it was in his eyes, you realised, and the way he smiled softly as he extended his hand to you. It was strange and disturbing, his eyes seemed to be the darkest ones you’ve ever seen, but you most definitely had seen eyes like his before, no doubt about it. You took a breath, blinked, fought to not fall into this depth that almost sucked you in. He was smiling, now something slightly impudent about it, and you realised he truly was stunningly gorgeous. Strangely, insanely attractive. Just a simple look into his eyes made you stumble into a realisation that there was something different about this man. And it frightened you.
You did say your name back, did you?
As the night went by you decided to stay in your attentive observer state. You felt safer there, although decency inquired you to engage in few conversations with your friends. Tonight you felt tense, carefully sipping the wine, you tried with all your might to relax and stop examining so intensely the boy seated opposite you. Few new conclusions you came into in the last hour was the fact that he was a great interlocutor, he listened as well, and his smile was one of the most pleasurable things you’ve experienced in your lifetime. You just couldn’t take your eyes off. And another conclusion was that him and Rose was nothing of exclusive. No lingering stares, no secret touches. After all, they met quite recently. She wondered if she bagged him already. And if so, would they all be there if she did? He did not seem like the kind to make such effort to get himself a girl he was not seriously interested in. Rose was not the type to act restrained and unavailable. She crawled into many beds the first night she met someone. You kept yourself far from casual hook-ups and one night stands, just a simple thought of it made you uncomfortable. But for her it was a common thing, if you could use such words. So, was he really interested?
After a while all of your friends decided to use the night to the fullest as the alcohol finally kicked in, rushing to the dancefloor and you truly couldn’t find the spur to join them. You were seriously thinking about taking a French leave. And you almost succeeded.
“You’re not enjoying yourself much, are you?” a well known voice reached you from behind and you turned your head in its direction.
Something in your gut jumped as you spotted Jude. He took a seat beside you. You smiled as his scent reached you, fresh, citrus with addition of something stronger and… alluring.
“I’ve had a long day. Tired, I guess” a safe and simple answer.
His full attention was on you, no one here to accompany you. It begun to feel overwhelming because you did not expected his gaze to be so intense.
“I know the feeling. Find myself in a constant state of weariness lately, cannot get rid of it” he played with his glass, the liquid looked like orange juice.
“Well, you live quite the fast and exciting life” you noted, observing as the corner of his mouth rose a little at your comment.
“Where are you from?” he asked, not continuing the subject you just raised.
“Here, London, born and raised” you smiled again before lowering your gaze, finding the glass of wine interesting “Became as gloomy and morose as this city”
“I wouldn’t describe you with such words” his voice was soft when he said it, something itched in you to ask what words would he use to describe you, but raising the glass of wine up to your lips saved you from that. You hoped you didn’t blush.
“My grandmother always says that I’m an old soul. Emphasizes it like it’s a virtue” you continued.
“That’s a very interesting thing to say about someone. Mine says that I’m a lovely companion although I use way too foul language and it’s scandalous” he frowned funnily and you laughed at the information, he quickly accompanied you.
“Well, I haven’t yet got the occasion to hear some of that tonight”
“I’m trying to be a gentleman” he murmured “It would be improper to throw fucks around in presence of a pretty girl” a lively glint in his eyes as he looked at you.
Now you definitely blushed.
The conversation flowed from there, and you realised you grew more comfortable with each passing minute. He truly was a great listener, and a good companion. He made you laugh many times and suddenly you stopped regretting leaving your apartment for this night out. He was not daft or arrogant as you might have presumed before you met him, being smothered by all this money he had and a name he’s gotten himself at such young age. The complexity of his persona could be spotted in his eyes as you payed closer attention, but it was his words and the way he picked on any subject you brought, that expressed his maturity and wide perception. You haven’t met a guy like him in a long time.
“What are you guys doing here? Come on down, join us!��� it was Charlotte’s comment as she came to the longue after a while.
You haven’t even realised how much time has passed and how much alcohol you have already poured into yourself. You only picked on that as you stood up, dizziness hit you like lighting but you composed yourself, agreeing on Charlotte’s and then Jude’s proposition. As soon as you joined the dancefloor, Rose spotted you both, throwing her hands around Jude, guiding him deeper, keeping him closer. He kept his eyes on you as she did it and a strange feeling stroked you as you kept his gaze. Charlotte grabbed you by your hands, singing the words out loud, the song was energetic and lively, you laughed at your friend. Others from your pack nowhere to be seen. So you loosened up and tried to keep up with your drunk companion. The dancefloor became quite chaotic, people jumping around, your eyes landing on Jude from time to time and to your surprise he was looking your way as well. There was a lean and tall guy that jumped in front of Jude, almost stumbling over him and you laugh at that, seeing that Jude laughed as well, his attention still on you. You wanted to share this fun with him directly, but it was forbidden since the realest fact of this night was that he was not yours to have.
“I need to pee!” Rose shouted near you and you turned, watching as she grabbed Charlotte with her, leaving the dancefloor.
You stopped and decided to follow your friends but felt someone’s presence behind your back before you made any move.
“Now I can tell you’re enjoying your night!” Jude called next to your ear, this way you could hear him well despite the thumping music.
When you turned around you noticed how close he stood, you had to raise your head to look at his face, his big and dark eyes gazing down at you, full lips twisted into an amused smile. You returned the smile.
“You are a terrible dancer” you shouted back to him, your voice filled with laughter.
“That’s a fact” he nodded “But you’re quite good, show me more” he reached for your hips to draw you deeper into the dancefloor and you laughed out, throwing your head back as he lead you with him.
You have not payed much attention to the closeness of your bodies as long as the songs were quick and your movements kept rapidly changing with the rhythm. Still, you haven’t realised the sound slowing, a more sensuous song sounded from the loudspeaker, you knew this one. If the reason could break through the basses that reached your ears, you would finish your dance right this moment. But the fact was that it did not. So you continued, with your hands placed at his shoulders you begun to move your hips. Your eyes closed as you turned around, your back to him, he was not touching you, not directly. He took your hands in his and you started to raise it up in the air, you smiled when you felt his breath on your ear. Your joined hands stayed up longer, his on the other hand slowly trailed lower and lower, down your forearms, then your shoulders, then down your body. His touch sure yet lenient and soft at the same time electrified you. Carefully and attentively, making sure to not touch your breasts on the way, he rested them on your hips, feeling the rhythm you kept on. You were not sure if it was him that pressed on you or was it purely your movement, but your back met with his front fully, and a sharp intake of breath stuck in  your throat at the realisation. His hands still rested on your hips, making your body move with no pause. You were close, too close, you could already feel too much. But you found it difficult to part with him, to stop it and call it improper. Your eyes wide open but blind. You only focused on the sense of touch, feeling him moving with you. Your hands fell down to reach his head and then levelled on his nape and you kept them there. Feeling something growing inside of you, along with a rough shot of adrenaline that made your heart beat strongly against ribs. Once more his breath landed on your ear, close, closer. A strange sensation squeezed your throat and you realised you swallowed back a moan. It was like a rough strike, you turned around to face him, with intention to take a step back, but he held you closer, pressing his palm against your back. You sighed and met his eyes. Dark, darker. You wanted to run.
“Thank you for the dance” you said innocently and he watched the movement of your lips as you spoke.
A daring smirk appeared on his mouth and you shuddered. Were you trapped now?
You had to run. So you did.
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nxtaliaistyping · 6 months ago
Being The Riddler’s favourite camgirl <3
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18+ nsfw, stalker behavior
While you weren’t the most experienced cam girl out there, you did your best. And you had to say, you were pretty good.
Three nights a week you streamed yourself, setting the camera up facing your bed as you pleasured yourself in several unique ways for your audience’s pleasure. Whether it was using a vibrator your audience controlled via donations, or fucking yourself on a dildo while you moaned out the names of the several men (and occasional women) who paid. It wasn’t your main job, but it certainly gave you a secondary source of income.
Edward wasn’t typically a man who bothers himself with sites such as the one you post on. After all, indulging in sexual desire via his own hand seemed primitive, an impulse that weaker men have. But alas, his body sometimes needs a release, so he makes do. Online porn doesn’t particularly do it for him, too fake and sterile, not to mention the obscenely stupid noises.
So when he stumbled upon the cam girl website, he figured he’d give it a go, grumbling to himself at how annoying it was to have to deal with such base desires. He clicks through a few girls, finding some satisfaction in whatever way they touch themselves, before receiving a perfectly ordinary orgasm.
It’s only the next time he feels horny, finding the site again that he finds you. Something about you immediately draws his attention, your soft curves unique in the glow of your room. He watches closely as you circle your clit slowly with your finger, just teasing yourself as you read the messages from various men.
“You’re too sweet, thank you.” You say quietly, and Edward knows deep down he needs to hear your voice again, hand instinctively wrapping around his shaft.
He reads the comment you were referring to and scoffs. The imbecile couldn’t even spell gorgeous correctly, and you’re flattered? Clearly you weren’t used to actual compliments.
Although his attention is back on your body as you start your session properly, hand rubbing your clit as the other teases your twitching hole.
“So boys, what’ll it be tonight? I have a new dildo I wanted to try…or perhaps a vibe?”
You watch as the responses pour in, as well as a few donations. You giggle as a clear answer wins, and you grab the dildo. Lubing it up, you give a cheeky wink to the camera as you slowly sink down on it.
Edward quickly grabs the bottom of his shaft tightly, for once not wanting to cum too quickly. He stares at your cunt greedily taking in the toy, before you bounce up and down slowly.
“Oh…it fills me up so good.” You say quietly, moaning when it hits the right spot.
He’s drawn to the noises you make, how you aren’t constantly playing up the pleasure. It makes the moans that do escape your pretty red lips all the more sweet. Pumping himself once again, he wishes he could see your face properly without the masquerade mask you keep on.
As per the viewers requests, you either speed up or slow down depending on the donations. You bring yourself to orgasm once, but your audience want you to overstimulate yourself, so you lay on your side and thrust the dildo in and out of your pussy.
“Fuck, can you hear how wet I am?” You say provocatively, bringing the phone closer so everyone can hear the sloppy sounds of your cunt getting fucked.
That’s all it takes for Edward to cum ropes over his fist and stomach, panting at one of the most intense orgasms he’s been able to give himself. And much to his surprise (and annoyance), he stays to watch the end of the stream, watching you cum a second time before waving goodbye to everyone, blowing some kisses.
He’s hooked, checking your profile and making a mental note of when you stream. Over the next week, he catches most of your sessions, and by the third one he actually sends a donation.
“A-ah…thank you Edward, mmm that means I can turn this up to…o-oh my god…”
He actually shivers when you say his name, watching your eye roll back as the vibrator stimulates your clit and g spot at the same time. Realising he’s becoming almost addicted, he can’t bring himself to care as once again he’s cumming all over himself.
But it isn’t enough to watch you, he needs to see your face, to know who you are. So he hacks your profile, running a trace on your name and location. Oh good, you live in Gotham too…and that’s what your face looks like unobstructed. God you’re as pretty as he imagined. And your name is pretty too, everything about you. Even the fact you’re a college student, oh you get good grades by the look of things. Of course you’re smart, as if his head would be turned by someone dim.
Now, the pleasure he receives from your streams has intensified. He knows who you really are, and he still wants you. These other men wouldn’t want you, they just want a fantasy, an unreal version of you. But not Edward. No he can treat you right, give you money that these idiots can’t dream of, fuck you better than any of them could. He just needs to show you. That’s all.
And as he hacks several security cameras outside of your apartment building, he knows his chance will be coming soon.
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littleguymart · 8 months ago
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This guy is pretty fascinating to me. He's "Snailpacer" from the line "Pet Peeves". I can find record of a few other characters existing in this line: "cellephant", "ignorilla", and "tailgator" but info on them is scarce.
I found one blog entry that says they were designed by an artist named Oscar Senn, and shows an image for "cellephant":
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This site describes the existence of a couple more of these weirdos: "Clutterhog" and "Customer Coot". We even get an image of Clutterhog!
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These guys have such a unique look to them, and I'd love to see what the full line looks like someday. Please leave a comment if you dig up more info on them!
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braveasnouns · 4 months ago
this is not an exhaustive list and some of them i’m not sure of the names but i tried :D! all are up to interpretation as they are not listed on IMDB, credits or any official source as far as i can tell!
and this is really only focused on scenes from S1 as nobody apart from Bear, Tiger and Pony are shown very clearly past that (or shown uhh.. alive, anyways...)
in no particular order:
Flamingo! very prevalent and recognizable in and out of costume for their bright pink hair
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Bluejay! they could be a different type of blue bird but they do look like a bluejay and i love that name! you can see them wearing denim on denim as a way to represent the blue even out of animal costume! very cool
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and standing next to Bluejay in the main scenes is Leopard! shown clearly quite a bit compared to some others and i really love the commitment to this outfit its very awesome
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Gazelle. they show up very briefly (only in this one shot clearly) but their look is one of my favorites for sure!! So cool and unique
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a red bird, while most people connect the image of a red bird with Robins and Cardinals which it very well could be, with the darker red and dark beak i could also see them trying to be Tanager, Finch or Apapane bird. there's really no way to know if they were even given a specific bird type in production but those would be my guesses!
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Elephant!! Im guessing it was just from using whatever resources around them but i really love how their ears look weathered, like an elephant who has been through battles as they have
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i like to think this is Vulture!! and that’s so cool to me as a name and persona! it just started in my mind because they stand next to each other but i like to think that Vulture and Elephant are siblings and found the animal army together :))
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Panda! the most prominently shown other than the main four, you see them in the very first shot of the animal army and they have watch over Jepp when he is tied up. it all makes me think they were a member earlier on and very trusted
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Raccoon (left) and “Red” panda (right). Since we already know that there's for sure someone named just panda i would assume this character goes by red as a nickname even if their animal army name is officially Red Panda. I also thought it was funny how in the same scene Raccoon kept appearing and disappearing from the background on the tree ledge, im sure it was just a filming thing but so on brand of them tbh
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i think this would be Orangutan! that name is seen one of the walls. they are one of the ones holding back daisys chains and are seen in the very first scene of the animal army as well.
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I believe this is Bison! From what i could tell they are only shown in this shot in the background until they zoom over to Panda and i didnt see them in any scenes after that clearly. there is writing on one of the walls that says Bison and thats the only reason i don’t say Cow or Bull, still could be though! I wish we got to see more of them because its very cool
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This should be Porcupine! They are hardly shown and it was hard to get a real picture of them. kinda interesting that we do have a porcupine hybrid child later on too, Porcupine you probably would have loved to meet Otto
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i just started calling this Bird because i can’t figure out what type they are, and i think its kinda fun to think they were the first bird member (after flamingo) and just like birds generally :)
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Zebra! shown prominently in the main scenes and one of the people given the responsibility of opening daisys containers doors. kinda terrifying outfit so good job Zebra
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I think this is Peacock! they are quite literally shown for less than 2 seconds in all lol
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slightly perplexing...Otter, Weasel, even Vole, Mink or Loris? lots of possibilities and im so not sure
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Armadillo i'm pretty certain of! They are one of the ones holding daisy’s chains and I couldn't really figure out who they were in other scenes when they are not in their full outfit since their face is mostly covered 
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I believe this is Hyena but its quite hard to say for certain, but it does say “heyena (do you see what i did there)” on the animal wall so i could totally see this being them! they also hold daisys chains
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Rabbit! they're cool i'm very curious as to the materiel of their mask
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Falcon I like to think, also holding daisys chains
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i am saying this is Crow because i really want it to be
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thats pretty much all for S1 but there are also things on the walls like "killawhale" and a lion drawing which is probably from canon members not shown in their full animal army outfits as well!
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 months ago
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Name: Corori
Debut: Kirby's Dream Land 3
A penguin! What's more Christmas than a penguin? Many things. Many, many things. But they're still moderately Christmas. That's just your lot in life when you're an inherently whimsical creature living in a world of ice and snow!
While real Antarctic penguins are constantly fighting for their lives in a freezing polar desert, Corori is having a whole lot of fun! Instead of huddling with anyone else for warmth, it is playing with a snowball, rolling it up and pushing it down a slope. Yippee! What allows it to be unaffected by the elements? Clearly, the answer is its cute little hat. And the fact that its feet are so close to its blubbery little body. I know you don't see any, but they're there, I promise!
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Corori's snowball is dangerous! What did you expect? This is a big rolling ball in a platformer! One must wonder, though, how much harm it actually intends, especially because I doubt it can see around that thing to know if anyone is in the way. Maybe it is just trying to get the snowball bigger to make the biggest damned snowman anyone's ever seen... don't tell Corori about Snowman's Land, please. It would be rather disheartened. After it pushes the snowball... that's it! It only had the one. I hope you liked it!
So, Corori is pretty "cool", huh? I think it's very n"ice"! There's "snow" doubt about that! If you don't like Corori, I might just have to give you the "cold" shoulder. If I ever saw one in real life, I would hope to have a "polar"oid camera on me! "Antarctic Krill"
Anyway, Corori gives no ability in this game. And it sort of makes sense, I suppose? Previous (and future) games would have penguin enemies with the Ice ability, but these are typically ones that have intrinsic Ice Powers, while Corori, as far as we know, is just playing with the snow. I could do that! But it doesn't make me able to produce ice from my body. With my unique biological abilities, I would yield the Pee ability!
After Kirby's Dream Land 3, Corori was gone. No one had any contact with them. They left no note. We did not know what happened, and resigned ourselves to a world where we would never see Corori again...
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Until, after 25 years, Corori returned! "I'm back," said Corori, "and more powerful than ever." Indeed, in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Corori can now make multiple snowballs, getting to work on a new one right after pushing the previous away! You will also now notice its little orange feet, no longer hidden within its body. Enhanced snowball craft? Increased cold resistance? Could it be? Yes! Corori is now a source of the Ice ability! And its hat is so realistic now! I feel like I could wear that! But I won't. It's not mine.
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 14 days ago
SDV + SVE bachelors and bachelorettes when the farmer tells them that they really like their name?
Sure thing, dear anon! Thanks for the ask ❤️
SDV/SVE bachelors:
Heh, Sam became shy by Farmer's compliment, because he knows that they specifically meant his full name, Samson (means "sun"), the one he told them about recently. Not that he thinks it's a bad name, not at all, but Sam sounds more familiar and easier somehow. Oh, and he was teased a bit at school for Samson, but nothing serious! Sammy thanks Farmer for the compliment, but still asks them not to tell anyone his full name, okay?
Yeah, sure... "A gift from Yoba," what a joke... Shane would have laughed if he didn't feel like crap. He'd never really liked his name before, and he'd even considered changing it to something else, but he didn't have the time to deal with the paperwork, and didn't have the money to pay the legal fees. Especially since he was already used to the name, and honestly, after the compliment from Farmer... Maybe it wasn't such a bad name, after all.
Uh... Thanks, Farmer, for this, probably? Sebastian hadn't gotten many compliments in his life, well, at least not from his friends. Much less a compliment on his name. What does the name mean? He doesn't really know, honestly. Sebby wasn't particularly interested in that sort of thing. He would act a little awkward and a slight blush would cover his cheeks, but emo wouldn't forget to thank Farmer for kind words.
Thanks, Farmer. Alex's full name, by the way, is Alexander, and when he was a kid, his mother explained that the name means "defender of mankind." Cool, isn't it? It was also the name of a famous dude who conquered a huge part of the ancient world and the one where Stardew Valley is now located... or something like that, the athlete didn't pay much attention in history class. Well, whatever. Anyway, Alex thanks Farmer for the compliment and suggests hanging out on the beach.
Quite unexpected and unusual, as no one had ever paid Harvey such a compliment before, but thank you! The doctor didn't pay much attention to the origin of his name at all. Just Harvey, pretty common male name in Republic. But after Farmer's words, he was a little curious. Poking around on the internet after work, Harvey found a lot of information on both the origin and great men with the same name. Hmm, it's means "battle worthy", interesting...
Why, thank you so much Farmer, Elliott is pleasantly flattered! He also likes his own name. The origin story of which, by the way, is shrouded in mystery and obscurity. One of the most common meanings has to do with Yoba and has religious meaning, other books he's read have written that it translates to "noble warrior." Intriguing, isn't it? Mysteries or not, the writer is quite happy with the name his parents chose.
*Chuckle* Quite unique name, isn't it? Even a little prophetic, in a sense, as Lance's main weapon against enemies and monsters is a lance (a type of spear). Other sources say the name means "land". Although the gallant adventurer will reveal a little secret to Farmer and tell them that his full name is actually Lancelot. His parents named him so in honour of one of the family's ancestors, who was a noble knight of the Order. Yes, his family has quite a history. Maybe someday Lance will tell Farmer about it... Please accept his gratitude for kind words.
Victor had just recently read a book about the origins and mysteries of different names in the Ferngill Republic, and naturally he looked up his name first of all. Well, the fact that it means "victory" can be guessed immediately and without sources, but the origin... So many sources and so many interesting facts! Oh, sorry Victor, he got a little carried away. And thanks for the compliment, Farmer.
Well actually, Farmer was partly right when, while praising Magnus' name, they also said that it's a rather unique and rare name. That's true, though rare among ordinary people. Among a society of wizards and witches, such as the Castle Village, it's quite a common name. ...Fine, even in the wizards community, the name Magnus is a bit unusual. Did you know, young adept, that your birth name can affect destiny? It's true, and he can tell them above this in his spare time.
SDV/SVE bachelorettes:
Oooh, Emily thanks Farmer and starts telling them quite a long story about all the facts the gem lover knows. That the names chosen by her and Farmer's parents/guardians affect their lives, what kind of character Emily has, that the general character traits of people with the name Emily born in spring are different from the same name bearers born in fall, and so on, for a very long time. No particular complaints, Emily has a great way of telling for that sort of thing.
Hmm, "Haley"... She'd told Farmer before that her name meant "hay-cleaning", which Haley herself was somehow not very fond of. Like, really, her name is so pretty and cute, and this lame hay? She just wishes it meant something else. Her sister's name, for example, was translated from an ancient language as "worthy rival," which was ok and at least interesting. And hers was... just hay clearing. Oh, well, what she do now?
Abigail is surprised by the compliment a bit, but the purple-haired girl is pleased to hear it, thanks Farmer. Hey, want to know something funny? The meaning of her name was one way to tease her father: Abigail translates to "father's joy," which is pretty ironic, since her dad's "joy" is when Abby is helping her mom in the kitchen and not hanging out in the graveyard with a sword. Though considering how much Pierre picked on her for this hobbies, that fact isn't really funny...
"Thanks, got this for my birthday!" It was like Maru had waited forever to say that joke. It turned out comical, Farmer agrees. Jokes aside, but the young inventor is pleasantly flattered by the compliment and thanks her friend for the kind words. As far as her father had told her, according to some sources the name seemed to have roots from the Gotoro Empire, others from the Republic... But Maru had always been more immersed in astronomy and physics than in searching for the mysteries of her name.
Penny blushed slightly at the compliment and tried to hide her face behind her book. It was a complete surprise to her that the new Farmer would give such a compliment to her name on their first greeting. Watching them go about their business farther away, the young teacher thought at first that she had been teased somehow, but the compliment was sincere.... She hadn't gotten many compliments for her name or... anything at all before.
Heh, Farmer should thank Leah's folks for this, they named her that. Well, the artist will say thanks and keep painting. ...Hm? Oh, Farmer waiting for some interesting fact about her name from Leah? Oh well, there are a lot of options: her name means "cow" (charming, isn't it?) or "antelope" (well, it's a bit more favorable, although the girl has nothing against cows. They're cute), or "ruler" - in general, there are a lot of theories... Leah didn't really dwell on it, to be fair.
Sophia was at first easily surprised by the compliment, and on automatic told Farmer thank you. But a couple minutes later, as she started to say more facts about the name, she was paralyzed by memories. That very memory... When little Sophia had asked her mom what does her name means. "Wisdom," replied the smiling mother, and her father nearby started the story of their choice of a name for her. Pardon Farmer, she- she needed a moment...
If Farmer's assumption was that Olivia's name had something to do with olives, they would be quite right. "Olive tree," to be precise. Her name was popularized by a famous writer who wrote an interesting comedy where one of the characters was a rich and beautiful woman with the same name. Farmer agrees with Olivia, right? Also beautiful... And so is her name, heh. Olivia also won't forget to say thank you to the kind Farmer for their words.
Oh, Claire was almost embarrassed at the sudden compliment, but thanked Farmer for the nice words. Though the cashier didn't quite get it about Farmer being told that her name was rare and unique. Really? From what she remembered, the name was pretty common, at least from where she lived, there were definitely at least two people she knew with the name Claire.
It's a cool name, isn't it? Scarlett thanks Farmer and invites them to hang out at her house, maybe play a board game, or she shows them the new costume she's making for the next comicon. What? Uh, what does the name mean? The color red! (Even tho green is her favorite). And that's the color she's gonna use for her new cosplay! Pass her the hammer please, she's about to add a couple details quickly...
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sancta-seraphina · 5 months ago
Hi, I hope this isn't too complex a question. What books would you recommend for someone looking to get into angels? I'm looking for anything... lore, other novels to read, comics, whatever you can offer
Oh man, please don't apologize, this is exactly my type of question! Also this post got a bit long.
Obviously, there are tons of references for lore. If you're looking for a basic run-down of angels in the Bible itself, I'm writing a series of posts on that subject specifically, even if updates are few and far between right now (I'm so, so sorry, the ballet eats all of my time):
[Biblically Accurate Angels Part I - Seraphim, Cherubim & Ophanim]
[Biblically Accurate Angels Part II - The Named Angels]
This is because the easiest and most accessible information on angels is in the Bible itself (and hey guess what—you can read the Bible for free online! If you need a translation suggestion, I would go for the ESV bibles, and there's a Catholic edition of the ESV if that's an issue. You could also get the NCB which is what I cited)
If you don't mind chewy literature, then I'd say please read Pseudo-Dionysius' De Coelesti Hierarchia, or St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica. I cite both of these in my posts on angels since they're rather standard sources of information on them, and they're also where the Catholic church gets its canon from.
A great reference, even if I don't particularly agree with everything stated in it, is Gustav Davidson's A Dictionary of Angels. Most people look at it for angel names, but I'm very interested in his sources, since many of them I've not yet managed to get my little paws on.
I'm not even going to get into my favorite sources of angel lore because this is enough for someone just looking to start. I can do a separate post on those if people want them.
Now. Moving on from lore.
For classic literature, my two obvious recommendations are for The Divine Comedy and Paradise Lost. Over on IG, myself and Jami (@a-thenais) made a little book recommendation post. [You can find it here]. Being the angels nerds we are, everything is pretty on theme and has poetry, scripture, classics... the only thing we didn't do is current angel literature.
So for that, if you want a popular series, than I'd say go take a look at @nicosraf's Angels trilogy, especially since he just announced a new short novel coming out in December!
I personally also like @marsadler's First Creation, although I'd recommend his works mainly for horror fans.
And lastly, if you don't mind waiting/are keeping a list of angel books that are coming out, well, of course I'd suggest my own series [The Divine Tragedy], even if horror isn't everyone's cup of tea. The main series (Holiest, The Harrowing, & Heresiarch) and the series of novellas (The Infernal Apocrypha) are heavy on the horror, but in my last project, the Sepher Metatron, only the third part has horror in it, and the rest of it is more palatable to non-horror fans (the very first part of the book is also fully illustrated)
But if you can read Italian, then I'd also suggest @a-thenais' Nova Apocrypha Vulgata series! These are three novels (Thanatos, Hybris, & Afasia) that she is working towards publishing, and a few additional works too. You can read about them on her tumblr, and I've done multiple fanarts for them. We also tend to consider TDT and NAV 'twins', so if TDT is something you want to read, NAV will also something you'd probably like!
If you want to follow some angel artists, then please check out my pals @ultrainfinitepit (who makes gorgeous angel pins which I hoard) and @helplessavacado, both of whom have their own unique styles and stories as well.
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anim-ttrpgs · 26 days ago
Welcome to tumblr page of The Agency of Narrative Intrigue and Mystery (A.N.I.M.)!
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We are a small independent team of LGBT and disabled individuals who make innovative and well-polished tabletop roleplaying games that have a lot to say, best known for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy.
Combined, our team has over 20 years of experience.
Continue reading for more information about us, our games, and more!
Our Games
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is a groundbreaking TTRPG that revolutionizes mystery investigation of all kinds!
Leave behind the days of "We walk into the room and roll Investigate." Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is a TTRPG all about investigation, and its purpose-driven mechanics let players take initiative, use their characters' unique strengths to find clues, and deduce conclusions themselves. We post about it in-depth a lot, so check out our blog for more info, or just read it yourself! Payment is optional!
We plan to support Eureka for many years to come through supplements and adventure modules. It comes with a short adventure module made specifically for teaching you, your players, and their characters the ropes, but you can also find the first set of higher-stakes adventures right here!
Edge Edge Arena
This goofy omage to the Sonic the Hedgehog fanbase of the 2000s and 2010s is more of a party game than a conventional TTRPG, but that’s just means it’s fast to play and play again. The game will pair you with a real Sonic OC, so you can stat them out and battle them against others in the ultimate blood sport.
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Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy
Eureka Adventure Modules Vol. 1
Edge Hedge Arena
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desultory-novice · 9 months ago
Any idea who 没さん is? I see them on pixiv occasionally
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Ah, yes! "Botsu-san" my beloved!
So, in the 20th Anniversary Pupupu Encyclopedia, released in 2012, a certain page detailed some unused settei ("development material") from the legendary unreleased Kirby Gamecube game!
Among those was who we are calling "Botsu-san." While no information was included with him, his design, colors, and size spelled it out pretty clearly: he just had to have been planned as the last boss of the cancelled Kirby GC! (tbd) And we just love our last bosses! (Whether they exist in this reality or not, apparently! XD)
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(Image Source)
It's not hard to see why people latched onto him, especially as this book released a year after Kirby's Return to Dream Land, and he basically looks like Magolor's big scary cousin! (Again, we have no information on "him", so any potential relation is left to speculation!)
So why do we call him "Botsu-san" and what does it mean? Well, 没 means "rejected/unused", as in "unused production materials."
For example, THIS is a "botsu" Magolor:
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And THESE are "botsu" Susies:
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The "-san" in his name is just a cutesy addition to indicate we are talking about this unused design as if he were a real character.
Still, there's nothing unusual or stand out about the word "botsu." It's used all the time in anime, manga, and game production as designs go through several stages before they meet approval!
What makes Kirby's "Botsu-san" unique is just the fact that people find him compelling, due to the fact that his extremely cool design already speaks to him having an interesting story! (Is he an Ancient? A Halcandran? Someone like Nightmare or Necrodeus?)
Lastly, what's sprung him into popularity in recent years is the revelation that Morpho Knight was also originally an unused design from the GC days that was later brought back as a full-fledged character! So there is still hope we might see "Botsu-san" again!!
And now you know!
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something that makes sokka extremely adhd relatable is that he's constantly looking for his Thing, the one Thing he's good at or useful for that makes up for any failings or flaws or ways he just can't measure up to others. at the beginning of the show he defines himself by being the oldest boy in the village & best warrior, but then he gets his ass kicked by zuko and suki and sees aang's raw power and he can't exactly think fighting is his special skill anymore. but he still thinks he has to be defined by fighting ('man of the house' daddy issues) so he calls himself the guy with the boomerang bc that's turned out to be his most useful and versatile and unique weapon, the one that other people can't outclass him at (after all, it's his most successful attack in his fight with zuko). when he loses it in "avatar day" he explicitly says it's like losing a key part of his identity and the moment katara goes "hey you're good at solving mysteries" he's like "yeah! i'm a detective! that's my new thing! and gets a new set of objects to signify it ("i believe in the power of stuff"). but detective sokka doesn't last bc throughout the entire episode he and katara are pretty equally matched in detective skills and he gets his boomerang back anyway. failed experiment.
and throughout all of this, he's figured out that people find his insistance on getting them fed & his grumpy comments funny and so he begins defining himself as the meat and sarcasm guy, and when he's a tough spot in "bitter work", bargaining with the universe to get him help, he offers that up as all he's got to give. it's obviously a Joke that he immediately asks for meat after telling the universe he'll give it up but it's also pretty indicative of how much he clings to these identities. it's all he's got (he thinks), of COURSE he can't actually give it up. they stuck that boy in a hole for 22 minutes and it revealed so much about how he sees himself.
at some point (likely around "the library" when he takes initiative to come up with a fire nation invasion plan) he also becomes the plan guy, the idea guy, and the gaang find themselves looking to him for leadership. this is perhaps the closest to fully encompassing sokka that any of his "[blank] guy" labels get, since coming up with plans involves planning when and how to fight (boomerang guy) & how to get everyone fed (meat), and people not following his plans is a major source of frustration (sarcasm).
this all culminates in "sokka's master", where the show finally names the underlying insecurity driving this quest - that he's a nonbender. katara being the last waterbender meant she was in danger and that keeping her safe was top priority, and even though hakoda and kya wouldn't have played favorites sokka probably felt a little like the unfavorite child for not being special like her. he lacks an ability, and believes his life has less value bc of it. almost like somebody with a disability and internalized ableism
(interesting, one of the people who most consistently mocks sokka for being a nonbender is toph, early on. toph has a lot of internalized ableism herself, a fear of vulnerability bc she doesn't want to perceived as weak like her parents thought she was. her bending is her disability aid, the thing that allows her to be stronger than people think, so she dismisses a nonbender until she learns better.)
piandao's response to sokka's lack of self-worth is not to train him to be great at one thing, but to introduce him to a variety of different arts, show him that his value lies not in having any one skill but in his capacity to learn and grow. there's no single thing that makes him worthy. it isn't even the combination of all of them that makes him worthy. he simply is worthy.
and i don't know if this is a unique narrative in fiction or anything but it really means a lot to me that sokka doesn't have One Thing that "makes up" for him not being a bender. he's of course extremely skilled and prodigious at many things he does in the show but there's no one savant talent that "justifies" him being in the group and i feel like so many disability narratives - especially for kids - go that route and i really appreciate that atla doesn't and simply says people are valuable because they are valuable, not because of their special abilities
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fan-goddess · 1 year ago
Yes sir…
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Thank you @succnfuccubus for inspiring me to write this and convincing me to actually do this
Summary: After another rejection, Billy’s feeling a little down in the dumps. But after meeting with your friend that morning and looking at a unique source material, you get a very unique idea on how to hopefully cheer him up.
Authors Note: Gave the friend a name as it was just easier. I loved the idea, but I don’t like this for some reason
Taglist: @valeskafics, @humanpurposes, @watercolorskyy, @omgbrcat @blue-serendipity @arcielee @targaryenbarbie @anjelicawrites d
Warnings: Smut books, p in v sex, m oral, praise kink, power imbalance role play, role play, angst, comforting, sad boy Billy Washington, the economy, begging, cuddling (if I miss any let me know)
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Billy had never been a particularly avid reader. The most he’d ever voluntarily read probably being the required reading for secondary school English. You on the other hand, even before you’d stumbled across the smut section on the internet, had always been a common bookworm.
When your friend Lya first began to lend you books from her so called private collection though, now that’s when you became a woman possessed. Soon, most of what you were reading involved some sort of dark romance filtered in. Whether that was mafia, pirate, or just a simple brother’s best friend romance. You read it all with an expressionless face.
Yet when you’d begun to date Billy, you must confess to the amusement of Lya, who you’d been borrowing books from for all these years, that you hadn’t been borrowing and reading as many of those sort of books as you used too. Since now, you had a real life romance novel in front of your very eyes to carry out. It wasn’t exactly the dream romance kids pictured after watching a Disney movie, but what sort of relationships were these days?
The last few days, you and Billy had been unable to have sex due to a sudden difference in work times. Well, your work times and Billy’s interviews. Still, whilst you were used to this happening at some random times, your pussy had taken a sudden hit with the recent dry streak. Now, you were beginning to crave one of those novels of yours in your hands again. Desperate for a new sort of fiction that’d get brain stimulated and your cunt working.
So you called the best smut dealer you knew.
“Hey bestie!” You grinned, picking at your nail while your other hand was busy holding the phone. “I need a favour…” She’d laughed when you’d asked her for a new recommendation, yet to your relief, you and her had managed to agree to a meet up the next day to, exchange the goods.
The morning you were supposed to leave, you remember kissing Billy goodbye as your adorable half asleep boyfriend was still laying in bed all cosy and pretty. “Where are you going?” He’d grumbled, so cute with a small tired pout on his face that it almost made you want to strip back down to nothing and pounce on him there and then. The lack of sex it seemed was really getting to you right now.
“Visiting one of my friends for a morning drink. Nothing much baby. Remember though you’ve got that interview at 3, so don’t forget!” You smiled, giving him another deep kiss before you go that left Billy’s cheeks flushed from bashfulness. He’s so effortlessly fucking sexy it was utterly unreal…
When you got to the cafe you’d planned to meet Lya at, she eagerly waved at you from a discreet corner of the room. She may be honest as hell about what she reads, but she sure as hell knows how to act like a fucking dealer about it.
“Hello darling!” You smile, moving so you could give her a quick hug before sitting opposite her. “How’ve you been?”
“I’ve been alright thanks babes! Stocking up on my little novel collection, which reminds me!” She gives you a mischievous smile, and from her bag produced a book with quite a different cover than what you thought it’d be. As she places in front of you what looks to be a copy of great expectations.
“Think you’ve mixed up the books Lya!” You laugh, giggling in amusement when you see her look at you with such disappointment.
“Course I haven’t idiot!” She sighs, moving to grab the book and remove the book cover, before showing you the back of it. Where much to your surprise, you find the blurb for a very different book. Called ‘Unbuttoning the CEO’. “I read it last week and thought it’d be perfect for you!”
You laugh at the title and place the secret cover back on, before placing it in your bag. You don’t bring the book up again the rest of the catch up convo, but at the end when the two of you have eaten your cakes, drunk your coffees and were saying your goodbyes, you made sure to let Lya know what you thought of the book when you read it.
When you get back home, you head to the bedroom first to see if Billy’s back or not. The bed you can see is unmade and ruffled, yet when you feel it you can tell it’s cold to the touch, telling you Billy left a while a go. You head to the living room and sit on the sofa with a small sigh, praying Billy didn’t decide to head to the pub before a job interview.
You’re still for a couple minutes trying to think of what to do to occupy your time while you wait for Billy, and your eyes can’t help but be drawn to your bag, where the book practically taunts you from inside it. Before you even know it, you’re curled up on the sofa with the book in your hand and your lip between your teeth.
Words blur as you read sentence after sentence, but your eyes certainly eagerly tune in when you get to the actual sex part, which wasn’t even very far in to be honest.
The ceo takes the assistant on his desk, and you can’t help but clench your legs together when you read about how later on the assistant helps the CEO to ‘destress’. You take a small break to make yourself a quick drink, and can’t help but find your mind drifting to the idea of you and Billy in those scenes, playing those characters. You can’t help but forget about even making any sort of drink as you imagine exactly how you could help Billy destress from the recent unfair influx of job rejections.
You eagerly get back to reading though, and by the time Billy comes back home around 5, stinking slightly of cheap lager, you’ve already finished the book twice and reread your favourite scenes about three times over.
“Hey baby!” You smile, making note on how Billy nuzzles his body into yours as much as he can as soon as he gets close enough. Your pretty little teddy bear… “How’d it go?”
“Said I weren’t what they were looking for…” He murmurs into the length of your neck, as you kiss the top of his head softly. “Another fucking failure to add to the list…”
“Don’t say that!” You firmly say, placing both your hands on the side of his face to force his eyes to meet yours. You hate the way he looks so broken in that moment. So beaten by the world that all you want to do in that moment is wrap your arms around him and keep him safe from everything and everyone. The assholes who hurt him hurt him good and deep, and if you could, you’d beat them to death yourself. Maybe even with your porn book that’d be a right sight you must admit… “You are fucking amazing! You’re my favourite person in the whole world and I will not have you bring yourself down! Do you understand me Billy Washington?”
He gulps, and for a second you swear you can see tears build up in his eyes before they’re quickly blinked away.
“I-I underhand darling. Thank you, for being there for me. For everything.” He says, before bringing you in for a hug. Practically crushing you with how hard his arms lock around your waist and his head stays tucked in the skin of your neck.
The two of you stay there for what feels like hours. Holding each other while the time goes by. The only reason the two of you even break away from each other is because your phone rings so loudly all of a sudden and shocks the two of you into remembering the situation at hand. You quickly move to switch your phone on silent, and yet your eyes somehow manage to drift to the book peeking out from behind a sofa cushion, and an idea makes it way through your mind.
“Hey Billy…” You begin, smirking when you see Billy’s usual shy persona breaking through his shell once more when he sees that smile of yours. “I wanna try something tonight…”
“What is it?” He asks, raising a brow and stepping back slightly when he sees the grin on your face.
“Just something I read recently. Wanna see how you’ll like it…” You purr, placing your hands on his shoulders and dragging him to the edge of the sofa, before pushing him slightly so he falls backwards with a small gasp. His eyes open wide as they stare at you with such awe and admiration that you can’t help but find yourself blushing slightly.
You slowly lower yourself between Billy’s legs, which seem to open as wide as they can automatically, and with innocent fluttering eyes, lay your head on the side on his leg.
“Can I please suck your cock sir?” You beg, a pout on your lips to mimic pure desperation as Billy practically seems to have a heart attack above you. He appears breathless as you spring this sudden fantasy upon him, and yet by the way you can see and feel his trousers move and strain with his quickly swelling cock, you can tell with certainty that he definitely seems to be enjoying this.
“Yes…” He eventually murmurs with a heavy breath. “You can suck my cock….”
“Thank you sir, I promise I won’t let you down!” You smile, moving your hands to undo his belt and shimmy down his trousers and his underwear. When Billy is left sitting naked before you, as he’d claimed to feel silly if he was sitting in just his shirt, you can’t even stop yourself from admiring your boyfriends erect cock that stands proudly before your face.
“Such a pretty cock sir…” You murmur, before opening your mouth and taking it in your mouth as far as you can before your nose hits the small soft patch of hair lying at the base of Billy’s cock.
You can hear him keen and whine above you, and you’re very sad you can’t see the way his eyes no doubt roll to the back of his head. You slowly move your head back and forth, keeping a steady pace that leaves Billy practically shaking and whining above you.
“Please….” You hear him beg. A noise you love more than anything, and yet at this moment it’s not what you want. You want him to feel in control for once. To know how much you worship him and adore him. To know that he has the ability to make you become so needy and desperate for him that you’ll do anything to please him. That is, with the right words of course.
“Please darling!” He continues, his whimpering so delightful to your ears that you almost throw your plan out the window so you could give him as many earth shattering orgasms as he deserves. But patience is a virtue, so you continue to suck at Billy’s cock in a leisurely pace. Drawing all sorts of noises from him that leaves your own lower half aching for a release.
“Take control of me Billy…” You eventually say, admittedly growing tired of the lack of communication between the both of you. “Take hold of me and do whatever you want to me sir…”
It seems your words finally made it into his pretty little head. Since as soon as you try and go back to putting your mouth on him after saying those words to him, you feel a strong hand wrap itself between the strands of your hair, atopping you from getting anymore closer to his cock than what you already are. It makes your pussy admittedly wetter as you’re now effectively eye level with Billy’s weeping member, and yet am unable to touch it at all. Forced to stare at it while it weeps a single drop his precum and watch while it trails down his erection. It’s absolute fucking torture.
“Please sir!” You find yourself begging, an actual pout on your lips as desperation claws up your whole body. “I wanna make you feel good sir! Wanna warm your cock in my mouth and feel your cum trickling down my throat!”
You can feel the grip his hands have on your hair tighten, and before you know it, Billy’s cock is hitting the back of your throat and your eyes are rolling to the back of your head as your used like a pathetic fuck toy. You let your body go limp as you allow Billy to use you however he decides, yet he doesn’t seem to exactly have that part figured out yet, as he focuses on moaning and groaning about you like a porn star while he uses you to his current hearts content.
For a while, you almost find yourself unable to breathe. Gasping for air whenever the opportunity appeared. Yet still, you persist in your willingness, eager to see the usually so submissive man in front of you break.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum!” He groans, moaning as he further tightens his grip on you and forces you to work harder and faster on his cock. You moan wantonly and work your tongue harder as you feel his tip become drenched in a delicious mixture of both your spit and his precum, and feel his entire length throb under the weight of your efforts. It’s actually quite flattering really, seeing how fast he’s about to cum from your suggestions.
“Fuuuuuuck please swallow baby please please please!” He whines, that inner submissive of his still lingering as he holds your head down firmly on his cock while you feel his cum shoot down to the back of your throat, and practically choke you with how much you feel quickly filling your mouth. You cough slightly as you try and obey Billy by swallowing what you can, yet you can’t help but have a few drops of his essence flow down your cheek as you struggle swallowing the first few drops.
“Here you go baby…” Billy murmurs, using his fingers to pick up the stray dribbles and put them in front of your lips. Admittedly you feel quite bashful as you avoid his eyes while sucking the remaining taste of him off his fingers, but as soon as you finish, those same now spit covered fingers rest under your chin and force your head up so your eyes can meet.
A silent gasp releases under your breath as you see an uncharacteristic carefree yet somehow cocky smile on Billy’s face. That submissive man you saw not even five minutes ago gone as this new, changed man sits before you. Like some sort of strange sexual butterfly.
“You were a good girl for me.” He simply says, allowing you to bask in the feeling of his dominance that makes your legs weak at the knees. “And good girls if I’m right, get rewarded. You taught me that pretty girl. So please, get naked, and get on the bed for me arse up, so I can reward you for being so good for me.”
Fuck you’ve made a monster. A sexy one yes, but still a sexually dominant monster.
You do as Billy says to a T. Stripping yourself quickly so that your clothes are all over the bedroom floor, and placing your body on the bed in Billy’s desired position. You wait with bated breath for what feels like hours while your skin erupts in a multitude of goosebumps, and you swear you nearly jump out of your skin when you feel Billy’s warm skin suddenly against yours. You feel his half hard cock rubbing almost pitifully against your arse, and you realise with a very sick thrill that you can actually feel him getting harder the more your juices seem to coat him.
It seems though you were so caught up in your thoughts, that you miss the sounds of Billy’s own clumsy movements of stripping.
“So pretty…” He groans. A beautiful sound that leaves you wanting more more and more. How greedy of you… “You want to be fucked by me don’t you? By your boss?”
“Yes sir!” You whine, your head going dull as you stay focused only Billy’s body and nothing else. On the way he makes you feel so effortlessly, and without meaning. “Want you to make me yours! Want me to make sure everyone knows I only belong to you!”
You can hear Billy deeply grunt behind you, and with a gasp you don’t even at first realise belong to you, you feel Billy thrust his cock deep inside you. An intense feeling of fullness hitting you as you close your eyes and grip your hands desperately at the sheets in an attempt to ground yourself.
He gratefully allows you to get used to the sudden intrusion, but before you know it, Billy is quickly thrusting himself quickly in and out of you while you moan and keen for more beneath him. Your eyes screwing shut as your lower belly slowly tightens harder and harder.
“So good!” He groans, unexpectedly yet cautiously smacking your backside with his palm that causes an absolute pathetic sound to leave your lips. “My sweet little slut. All mine to fuck!”
An abundance of yeses comes quickly and brainlessly as you answer Billy’s statement with a high pitched moan. All you want right now is to cum. And by the way you can feel your cunt clenching and fluttering hard around Billy’s cock, you can guess it won’t be long before you do.
“Fuck sir I wanna cum please let me cum for you sir I’ve been so good!” You whine, your mouth hanging open in a silent scream as Billy somehow manages to move himself faster against you. The sound of his skin smacking at such a fast pace against your own to your ears sounding like an erotic symphony.
“Yes… you have been good…” Billy groans. His voice so strained it’s as if he’s struggling with all his strength to say them. “So you’ll continue to be good… by taking my fucking cum in your perfect cunt!”
You take that as your queue, and with a loud unwavering yell, you cum hard around Billy’s cock. Coaxing forth his own orgasm as he clutches hard at your skin and pushes himself as deep as he can to you. Moaning as you focus on the feeling of his hot cum filling you.
You can also feel his pubic hair stimulating your swollen clit, which leaves you silently gasping against the mattress and your aching pussy clenching against Billy’s softening cock.
The two of you stay where you are as you allow each other to breathe and calm down, yet it’s not long before the two of you are cuddling under the bed covers, with Billy’s cock still inside you.
“Did you like that baby?” You can’t help but murmur. Anxious on whether Billy was happy over you pushing him out of his usual comfort zone.
“It was different…” He summarises. You cannot see his face to make any assumptions. Given that your man has gone back to his roots by putting his head in the curve of your neck. “But I liked it. I liked it a lot.”
You may not be able to see it, but even so, your ego swells massively when you realise you can feel Billy’s bashful smile against your skin. It almost makes you want to have your wicked way with him again. That is though, before you realise with a warm feeling chest that Billy has steadily fallen asleep against you. With his softened cock still inside you, and your arms wrapped firmly around his body ensuring his safety.
“Sleep baby…” You murmur, kissing the top of his head with a smile. “You were such a good boy for me baby… we’ll see about rewarding you later….”
You may have imagined it, but you swear you can feel Billy smile against your skin. Yet you push the thought away and instead choose to close your eyes, and allow your own exhaustion to overcome you. You and Billy’s breaths and hearts synching as you hold each other with as much love as a sleeping person could handle.
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