#and they both even more so hated their older two neighbors as they found prosperity to be annoying and stars to be a spoiled brat
arolesbianism · 3 months
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Quick concept doodle for my worstie To the horizon
#keese draws#rain world#rain world oc#rain world iterator#iterator oc#rw iterator#she’s one of the two rich guy commissioned iterator ocs I have and she’s also the younger of the two#he’s also the one that’s built in the middle of the giant lake that most of his local group is based around#he was commissioned to basically be a glorified vacation center for a bunch of rich ppl and she’s Very aware of that#she’s extremely self conscious abt the entire basis to her existence and is very much a try hard because of that#he’s also very bossy and snappy with his local group as he worries that he’ll be blamed for any incompetence on their part#In general she just cares a Lot abt justifying her existence beyond just being another trophy for some guy#she has a strained relationship to her sibling iterator golden boon as well despite them facing some similar struggles#golden boon was also made for a different purpose than primarily solving the great problem as they are basically a massive productivity#tool built to maximize the work of their inhabitants and they basically hosted a company town#now golden boon absolutely Hated this for a variety of reasons but they had a more defeatist attitude abt the whole thing#leading to a lot of conflict over their lives as horizon saw boon as lazy and whiny and boon saw horizon as an asshole and also as whiny#and they both even more so hated their older two neighbors as they found prosperity to be annoying and stars to be a spoiled brat#they were also not very kind to sliver but they had less active resentment towards her than with everyone else in their local group
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americasmarauders · 4 years
ivy--Jason ToddxFem!Reader
author’s note: once upon a time there was a tiny Luíza who thought it was a good idea to wirite a royal!au. She spent 3 months working on it, but she couldn’t make justice to the words in her head so she gave up on it. Then she watched Bridgerton and decided to give the draft another chance; 
so yeah this is a royal!au. this is also my first mature work. nothing explicit just a mention of the devil’s tango. 
BEWARE: minors: there is nothing explicit, but there is a mention of sex towards the end, so read it with discretion. I would classify this as a 16+
words: 11,071
the link to my masterlist is here and the link to my jason playlist is here
This was a business transaction, she kept reminding herself.
         There were lives on the line, lives she had sworn to protect. It was her duty as the princess to guarantee the continuity and longevity of her bloodline and, above all else, her subjects. And the proposition presented to her guaranteed both of those.
         She saw it coming. Her Father’s lavish spending sprees, buying fights with people he shouldn’t. The vault had emptied—not completely, although it wasn’t nowhere near the same state it once was—and the people had suffered. She inherited the mess.
         Her kingdom, her prized kingdom, so brilliant, so beautiful, was in ruins. Because of an ego too big. She wasn't going to let that happen again. 
         The Wayne’s presented as the exit. The kingdom of Gotham neighbored her own, it would be convenient for them to incorporate hers. But above all else, king Bruce wasn’t looking for lands, he wanted knowledge, something her kingdom had plenty to spare.
         He wanted the kingdom of scholars to be his own. He wanted to stop the gangs, the barbaric gangs that destroyed her precious land, and he needed help from her scholars. Bruce gave her a business offer too hard to refuse. But there’s always a catch.
         ‘She’ll marry into the family,’ he wrote in his letter to the Queen, her mother. ‘My second son, he’s the Captain of the Royal Guards, he’s the one to take my throne. She’ll be a fine Queen, and with her knowledge, Y/N will help defeat this evil lurking in our shadows’.
         At first, she refused. She wanted to do it, but not at the cost of her future, not at the cost of her love. But she cooled her head. She couldn’t let her selfishness get in the way of the kingdom’s prosperity. So, she sent a letter to King Bruce. She accepted, at the condition they would do whatever it takes to preserve her tradition of knowledge. If to preserve her kingdom and give her people a relief she had to sell herself, then she would gladly do it
Gotham was nowhere near as beautiful as her kingdom. It had its charm, she could see why someone would like it, but it didn’t have the same ethereal air to it. On the contrary, it was quite gray and moody.
         She guessed it went along with the family running it. The Wayne’s were famous for being an overly serious, and, quite honestly, incredibly brooding family. King Bruce adopted 6 children—and rumors went around that only one of them was biological; a bastard—and all of them had varying levels of moodiness. She was to marry the second one: Prince Jason, Prince of Park Row.
         For a long time, he was the cautionary tale that was told to the children of the royal families. The Prince gone wrong, he snapped, rebelled, and, to many, he had fallen from grace. It was only a few years back he had resurfaced to the public attention as the one who was to be the next king. What happened between being the fallen Prince to being the heir was a mystery, one she wasn't sure she wanted to unveil.
         She looked at the windows, seeing the tiny rock houses and the calm villagers walking around under the daylight. She knew that once the night fell, things would change and the streets would be filled with those she yearned to eradicate.
         “You do not have to go through with this, my daughter,” her Mother started, once again trying to convince you of backing out of the deal. “We can find another way.”
         “There isn’t,” she answered. Her Mother opened her mouth to try to argue. “Don’t, Mother. You raised me to do what was right by my kingdom and its people and continuing by ourselves isn’t the answer.”
         “You are not sure about that,” Mother said, condescending in her words.
         “Don’t patronize me, Mother,” she shot back, her tone controlled. “I know this isn’t the ideal situation, but our situation wasn��t ideal to begin with,” she inhaled, her gaze shifting to the window of the carriage. “If Father hadn’t been so careless, we wouldn’t be here, and I would have turned down King Bruce’s proposal.”
         “I know,” Mother agreed quietly. “I feel for our loss of freedom, that’s all.”
         “This isn’t a loss of freedom. This is a new beginning. This is our chance to right our wrongs. Is there more freedom than that?” she responded, putting an end to this conversation as the carriage approached the castle.
         It was incredible and grandiose, far more than her family’s castle. It was fitting, she’d heard once from Elizabeth, one of the ladies in her court, that the Waynes vault was enormous. She didn’t know how she knew but seeing the castle alone she believed it.
         The carriage pulled to a stop, the door opening for her exit. Mother went first accepting the help from the coachman. She got out gracefully next, and the coachman closed the door behind her. She saw two men standing approaching. The older one had an austere air to him, but as he got nearer, she saw the crinkles next to his eyes, indications of years of smiling. The younger one had mischief in his eyes, and she couldn’t deny that he was incredibly handsome.
         “Your Majesty,” the older man bowed to her Mother. He then turned to her and bowed, “Your Highness, it is an absolute pleasure to have you in our kingdom.”
         She smiled politely. “The pleasure is all mine, Sir.”
         He smiled back. “I’m Alfred Pennyworth, I run the Wayne estate,” he turned once again to Mother. “Your Majesty, if you please I’ll show you to your quarters.”
         “Yes, thank you, Sir Pennyworth,” Mother answered, following him into the castle.
         The other man cleared his throat. “Your Highness, I’m Prince Dick, Duke of Blüdhaven,” he bowed, and she offered her hand. He kissed it politely, quickly releasing it and standing straight. “I’m the one escorting you today.”
         “Thank you, Prince Dick,” she said politely.
         “Shall we?” he offered his arm, and she couldn’t miss the golden glimmer of his wedding band on his hand.
         “We shall,” she said, controlled.
         Both of them walked calmly, as he showed her around the castle. She noticed the extravagant décor, paintings of generations of Wayne’s before adorning the walls, amongst other priceless pieces of art she was sure were worth more than the entire treasure she had in her kingdom. She quietly observed as he showed the corridor to her quarters for the month—he gracefully omitted the fact that she was marrying a stranger by the end of it and this wasn’t going to be her room any longer than that.
         She heard Prince Dick sigh next to her. “I’m sorry it has come to this,” he stated. “I’m sure I can speak for my Father when I say we all wished for a different outcome.”
        She offered him a tight smile. “Yes, well, I believe what we have agreed on is what’s right for both of our kingdoms,” she noted. “And while I wonder what would have been like if I didn’t come to this decision, if I may be candid, I do not regret making it.”
        He chuckled. “Yes, I’m glad you do not have any regrets, Your Highness,” he said. “And I’m glad you were candid about it. I’m positive you’ll do great in our family.”
        He stopped in front of a large and sturdy double door. He knocked 3 times. “The King awaits you,” he stated to her. “You shall wait here.”
        “Yes, thank you, Your Highness,” she bowed slightly. “Thank you for escorting me.”
“I will not marry her, for fucks sake,” Jason growled, slamming his hands on his guardian’s imponent desk. “I will not be a fucking bargain coin for your politics, Bruce.”
         Bruce didn’t even flinch with his son’s outburst. “It is your duty.”
         “Shove the duty up your ass, then. I have too many things to worry about, I don’t want another.”
         Bruce continued to look at the map sprawled out on his desk, “The L/N’s are incredibly smart and their kingdom holds a lot of the knowledge that we need to defeat the Joker’s gang and the others. This is very much your concern, isn’t it?”
         Jason shuddered at the mention of Joker. “It is,” he said, defiant.
         “Then marry her and do your job,” he stood up, leaning menacingly over the desk to look Jason in the eye. “You are the main responsible for our safety, and although I disagree with your methods, you are doing a good job. You need to start thinking of the future, Jason. This is bigger than you.”
         Jason huffed in annoyance. “I know of that,” he muttered. Then he smirked and said: “But you didn’t marry and had biological kids, Bruce,” he taunted. “Why should I do it the traditional way?”
        “Because I know what it’s like to not go down that path, son,” he answered, raising his voice slightly, but still composed. “I don’t want you to be like me, I want you to be better.”
        Jason was speechless. He tried to mutter a word but his brain couldn’t think of any of it. “I still don't want to marry her.”
        “You will, though,” his Father answered, opening his drawer and pulling the contract out of it. “And all I ask of you is to not push her away. You’ll need her, more than she’ll need you.”
        Jason wasn’t exactly sure what he meant by that. And he hated to admit—he and Bruce were constantly fighting over everything, especially after… after—but his Father was right. He wished it didn’t come at the cost of his liberty. He wasn’t looking for a wife. He found that it would only hold him back. But the prospect of the crown loomed in his horizon, and if he wanted to do right by his people, marrying was one of the requirements. It was too late to turn back.
         Three sturdy knocks sounded. Jason quickly recomposed himself.
She had seen King Bruce once, when she was younger. Her Mother threw a gala for whatever reason and he attended. She didn’t remember seeing any of his kids there, or maybe she was too occupied with her own thoughts to notice.
         She remembered him being charming and handsome. A lot of the ladies of the court wanted to marry him, but somehow none of them had managed to. She recalled the color of his eyes so vividly, not because it was beautiful—it was—but because it revealed something deeper about himself that left her guessing. She could never discover it, though. Some things are better left unsaid and unknown.
         Looking at him now felt like she had entered a time machine. He had stayed the same, save a couple of wrinkles of worry—totally comprehensible for someone with his position.
         She curtsied. “Your Majesty, it’s an honor to meet you once again,” she said.
         “Princess Y/N, please come in,” he motioned for her to come in. She straightened up and calmly walked into the room. “I believe you haven’t acquainted yourself with Prince Jason,” he nodded towards the direction of the man standing angrily in the corner.
         “No, I haven’t,” she smiled politely and turned to the man. She curtsied, “Your Highness, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
         She could feel him rolling his eyes, even if she couldn’t see him. “The pleasure is all mine, Your Highness,” he answered sarcastically.
         She uncurled and crossed her hands in front of her body. She glanced one last time at her suitor, studying him.
        He was beautiful.
        Jason had the prettiest eyes she had ever seen. They were the perfect shade of blue, and she never thought there was a perfect shade of color. His hair had a streak of white, that made him look even more rugged than he already was. His hair was swept, messy in the perfect way. He was pretty in the way a bounty hunter or a thief would be, not the way a prince would. Princes were known for being pristine and soft around the edges: Jason was nothing like that.
        She turned her eyes to the king. “I believe we have arrangements to make,” she said calmly.
        “Yes, we do,” the king replied. He picked up a stack of papers on top of his desk. “I took the liberty of assembling a contract for the annexation,” his hand rested on top of it. “Your input will be valuable.”
        King Bruce handed her the papers. “Thank you very much, your Majesty. I imagine this needs to be signed by the end of the week?”
        “Yes, but I’d rather it was signed today. Forgive me for the rush, but we need your scholars’ help as soon as possible.”
        “I understand,” she replied. “By the end of the day we can sign then.”
        “That’s perfect, Princess Y/N. Jason, escort her to the library so she can read in peace,” Bruce commanded.
        “Yes, Father,” he gritted through his teeth. She could feel his body shaking with anger and resentment and she knew she was the source of it.
        He strode towards the door and flung it open for her. She curtsied to the king one last time, before turning and accompanying her suitor towards the library.
        Jason’s hands were crossed behind his back, his feet heavily stomping the ground. She kept up with him, walking side by side, lifting her dress slightly.
        The walk was filled with strained silence. She started to feel uneasy about the waves of anger coming off Jason, she felt the need to address it.        
        He stopped abruptly and opened the double door standing in front of them, revealing the most beautiful library she had ever laid eyes on. Bookshelves adorned all of the walls, from the ceiling to the floor. The stairs to the mezzanine—once again filled with full bookshelves—were of sculpted wood and she considered them pieces of art. The ceiling had the most beautiful paintings on it, and she wondered who had the patience to paint such a huge canvas. It was all breathtaking.
        “Well, this is the library. If you need anything don’t hesitate on calling one of the help,” Jason said mechanically, snapping her back to reality.
        “Thank you, your Highness,” she muttered, still quite perplexed at the sight. She inhaled deeply and said: “I know this situation isn’t ideal and that you might feel cornered. But, truly, I’m not here to get in your way. I just want what’s best for my people.”
        Jason hummed, his anger somewhat subsiding but still very much present. “Yes, well,” he said, “I think you should get to reading that contract. Wouldn’t want to keep his Majesty waiting,” he finished, voice laced with sarcastic undertones. He turned around and left her alone with the papers.
It was late at night. The sun was long gone. Her stomach rumbled in hunger; the last thing she ate was at lunch, when she was about halfway through the papers.
         It wasn’t even that long, she just wanted to be thorough. She had read every single line for what it was and all the possible meaning behind it. Kudos to King Bruce for making such a complete and meaningful contract, she had been entertained the entire day.
         She rubbed her eyes, exhausted. She had managed to reorganize the contract after pulling it apart, the small piece of paper with her suggestions resting on top of it. With her hands stained with ink, she picked the papers up and headed towards the door, when it opened.
         “Sir Pennyworth,” she said in surprise, “I wasn’t expecting you.”
         “Your Highness, his Majesty has sent me to escort you to his office. I believe you’ve settled on the final details of the papers?” he announced politely.
         “Yes, I did. King Bruce did a superb job on it,” she complimented. He guided the way towards the office.
         “I’m afraid it wasn’t him who wrote it,” Sir Pennyworth pondered.
         “No?” she replied.
         “I’m sure it was Prince Tim, he’s the one with an aptitude for these endeavors,” he said.
         “Oh, I’m afraid I haven’t met Prince Tim, yet. I’ll be sure to compliment him when I do.”
         “He’ll be excited, your Highness,” he commented. “What did you think of Gotham so far?”
         She smiled sweetly at the older man. “I haven’t seen the city yet, but I found the part I have seen completely charming,” it wasn’t completely a lie. It was charming. Just not as charming as her own kingdom. “The castle, though, I’m mesmerized by it. You have done an incredible job maintaining it, Sir Pennyworth.”
         “Please, your Highness, call me Alfred. Thank you for your kind words,” he smiled warmly.
         “Well, Alfred,” she stressed his name, respecting his wishes, “thank you for escorting me.”
         She stopped as she saw the familiar door, holding the papers tightly. “It’s been my pleasure, your Highness,” he bowed, and left.
         She knocked on the door, calmly. A muffled come in came through and she turned the doorknob. Walking in, she saw King Bruce and three of his sons gathered around a round desk in the corner, a map sprawled out. She curtsied. “Your Majesties, I’m here with the contract and my notes.”
         She saw one of the Princes mouth ‘notes?’ to Prince Dick, (who shrug it off, just as confused) as Prince Jason rolled his eyes at her once more. “Please, Princess, sit down so we can further discuss it,” he motioned to his desk. “Dick, Tim, we will continue debating this tomorrow. Dick, you are dismissed. Tim, stay in case we need to change the composition.”
         Both Princes furrowed their eyebrows. As Dick left the room without a word or bow—which she was sure broke some kind of protocol—Tim decided to sit on an armchair next to the table they were standing before. The door closed with a click and she sat down, the papers resting on her lap gently.
         “I heard you said you have some notes on the text?” King Bruce initiated politely.
         “I mean no disrespect, your Majesty. The redaction was splendid,” she complimented, “I just mean there could be a couple of points added to make it more complete.”
         “Yes, yes,” he agreed, “please make your points.”
         “I agreed to this proposition on the condition of preserving my kingdom’s tradition in academia. While there was a clause in page 5 that stated that clearly, I thought it would be to everyone’s benefit if it was expanded into specifics,” she handed him the contract and the notes.
         He glanced over the notes, Jason reading it too, behind his Father. “I think these are all fair requests.”
         She smiled. A much needed win for her kingdom. “Thank you,” she said.
         “Tim, grab a pen and paper and add these to the text,” Bruce ordered. “We sign this tonight.”
         Tim jumped up from his seat, quickly opening a drawer for the pen and paper, and grabbing her notes. He scribbled furiously and within minutes the new page of the contract was finished, both parties agreeing to it.
         “Now, all there’s left to do is sign,” Tim announced handing a pen to Jason.
         She noticed Jason’s eyes filled with something indescribable, a mix of what she assumed was anger and grief. She wished both of them had a choice, but this was bigger than both. She prayed to the stars that both could make the best of this bad situation.
         He signed, handing the pen to her. Her fingers brushed for a mere second, and she felt heat rising to her cheeks. She quickly recomposed herself and swiftly signed out her name, her kingdom.
         It was done. It was easier than she thought it would be. She hoped she hadn’t made the wrong decision, and there was all that was left to do.
         King Bruce dismissed Tim, leaving just her and Jason in the room. “There’s the matter of the engagement ball,” he stated. “We hope to announce your engagement by the end of next week.”
        “Of course,” she stated clearly. Jason only grunted. 
        “Should I expect both of you to be involved in the planning?” the King asked. It sounded more like an order and she knew Jason knew about that. 
        Jason nodded stiffly. She then turned to the King and opened a polite smile. “Yes, of course, Your Majesty,” she agreed. 
        King Bruce dismissed both of them and Jason ran out of the room. 
         She ran to catch up to him, his long strides almost besting her in a long gown and high heels. “Prince Jason, wait!” she shouted.
         He stopped and turned. “What?”
         If she was taken aback by his rudeness she was sure to not show it. “Since now it’s official, I was wondering if I could tag along to one of your strategy meetings. I might have some knowledge to share or point the way to help.”
         “Aren’t you going to be too busy planning the ball?” he taunted. 
         “I’m perfectly capable of focusing on more than one thing,” she replied dryly. “Gotham is my kingdom now, I want it to prosper. And I want to be a part of it.”
         His face didn’t leave any indications on whether or not he was to grant her permission to participate, so she was surprised when she heard him agreeing. “I’ll arrange for you to participate in one. I’ll send Alfred to tell you details,” he dismissed and turned around once again intended to walk to wherever he was headed.
        “Thank you,” she shouted after him. 
        He hesitated before walking. He turned to her slightly and gave her a smile--and she felt like it was an honest one. He turned back and disappeared. 
A gentle breeze blew as she walked down the busy streets of Gotham. Her dress—which she felt was too light for this occasion—blended in with the crowd splendidly. Jason walked beside her calmly, his hands behind his back.
         His face was serene and calm, as if he was truly where he belonged. She thought it as a good quality: it meant he was empathic, not on a pedestal like most heirs. He came from the people and he would serve his people. Her heart fluttered involuntarily. She struggled to contain it.
         The people of the city were quite vivacious and charming. The city in itself was gloomy and, quite honestly, a touch depressing, but the people colored the streets and made it feel almost as if the city was breathing.
         “This is so different,” she said, perplexed by the movement around her. No one as they passed by her noticed who she was, or better, what she was. “They don’t care.”
         Jason smiled. “No, they don’t.”
         “It’s quite magical,” she concluded.
         “It may be to us, but to other people,” he pointed to a couple, both very dirty and very thin sitting on the floor. They tried to get people’s attention, but they just didn’t care, “well, it can be quite awful.”
         She wished she was just as cold as those other people. It would save her a whole lot of suffering but she wasn’t. People’s pains found a way to her heart and became her own. She pushed through the crowd, muttering a few ‘excuse me’s along the way. She took off the only jewelry—a necklace, so simple and delicate; it was one of her favorites—she was wearing and left it in the can the old couple had in front of them.
         She knelt to be at eye level with them and said, looking at their shocked faces: “Sell it, please. It’s worth some money and you’ll be able to buy some food and clothes.”
         Their faces lit up and they thanked her enthusiastically. She smiled at them before getting up and rejoining Jason and continuing her walk. He had the same shock the couple had. He offered his arm, out of politeness she was sure, and her hand rested on the crook of his elbow.
         “Out of all the things I thought you would do, I—” he trailed off.
         “You think so little of me,” she said. “I’m not heartless, you know?”
         “I never assumed that,” he muttered.
         She looked him dead in the eye. His eyes twinkled in the sunlight and once again she had to fight the fluttering feeling in her stomach. “Good.”
         A few beats went by before either of them spoke again. She was the one to break the silence. “Does Gotham have any social programs to help the poor? It would greatly benefit the people,” she added kindly. “If there isn’t, I’m sure I can think of something to help.”
         Jason fought to contain a smile creeping on his face. “I think His Majesty deals with this type of project. You’d have to talk to him,” he said, guiding her back to the carriage.
         “I’ll discuss it with him then,” she said, impassive, her lips quirking up at the end. “Have you arranged for me to participate in the meeting?”
         Jason sobered up quickly. He couldn’t show her that he found her amusing. He couldn’t be so transparent. He didn’t want a wife, he repeated to himself. He didn’t need a wife, he tried to convince himself. This girl was not for him, she was too good. “I did.”
         She smiled. “Great. I’ll catch up on studies so I can understand everything.”
         He hoped he had remained impassive, because he couldn’t control the plethora of feelings inside his heart. Fuck.
Jason paced in his office. Tim watched him closely, studying his brother.
         “Why are you so exasperated?” Tim questioned. “I’m glad you like her, otherwise you would have led a horrible life.”
         “That’s exactly my point,” Jason said, running his hands through his hair. “I don’t want to like her, Tim. She’s too good for me.”
         “How do you know that? You’ve barely even met her,” Tim leaned forward, his elbows resting on his thighs.
         “I just fucking know it, Tim,” he snapped, yelling at his brother. “It’s bullshit, that’s what it is. I wasn’t supposed to be in this situation, I’m not supposed to fall in love and get married and have a white picket fence life, goddammit. Look at me” he motioned to himself, looking straight into Tim’s eyes, “I’m a fucking disgrace. I’m a monster who kills people without remorse, I’m—”
         “Enough with the self-pity, Jason!” Tim got up abruptly, matching Jason’s volume. Jason’s mouth promptly shut. “Stop it. You’ve wallowed in it since Bruce told you about the arrangement, I won’t allow it anymore,” he added quietly. “You know none of what you said is true, you know it,” Tim walked to his brother and rested his hands on his shoulder. “Fuck what you think, Jay. Fuck what everybody else thinks, okay? You’re already getting married to her no matter what, let yourself like her. It’s the least you could do.”
         “I can’t—” Jason inhaled sharply recomposing himself. “I don’t know if I can like her the way she deserves.”
         “Then try. Isn’t it what you’ve spent your life doing? Trying? Try this too. What’s the worst that could happen?”
         “She hates me and I have to be married for the rest of my life with someone who hates me,” he didn’t say that that was his greatest fear. That he never wanted to be like his parents, fighting and bickering and beating each other. Showing their worst to the world. Having a kid and traumatizing him to the point he’d hardly trust someone.
         “So, you’d be just like another royal,” Tim tried to lighten up the mood. He noticed Jason’s somber expression and quickly sobered up.  “She doesn’t hate you. She’s trying so hard to please you, to prove to you she’s a worthy addition to the family, can’t you see?”
         “She’s not doing it for me,” Jason got out of Tim’s hold, turning his back to his brother. 
         “She may not, but she’s trying hard, when most wouldn’t even bother. That’s something, Jay,” Tim completed. 
         Jason didn’t complement Tim. He had enough with the talking and the convincing. Tim sighed sadly, and left the room, leaving Jason to sulk alone.
Between setting everything up for the ball, arranging the wedding ceremony, learning everything she could about Gotham recent history, and everything else she had taken upon, she was completely and utterly occupied. 
        It was for the better though. The more she was doing, the less she stayed inside her head, thinking about herself and letting her anxiety and doubt eat her inside. She had done the right thing, she kept reminding herself. She had done the best thing for her people, they would prosper, they would not suffer anymore. 
        And yet, there was always a little voice telling her that she had signed her people’s death sentence. The more she learned about Gotham, the more she read about its history and its horrors and its corruption, the more she thought she had condemned her people to a life in misery. Look at the amount of homeless, she thought, why did Gotham have so many homeless people, so many kids?
        No. No. No. She wouldn’t allow herself to get nervous. She was sure in her decision, and Prince Jason had proven himself to be reliable, even if he was distant. When she asked him a favor, he did it. When she asked him a question about his lands--Park Row--he would answer it truthfully. It was more than she could have expected in an arranged marriage. Most of those ended up in misery, both parties unfaithful to their spouses. She knew Prince Jason wouldn’t seek pleasure and comfort elsewhere. She felt it. 
        As soon as she stopped in front of Jason’s improvised study in Gotham’s main castle, Prince Tim opened the door. She could see Jason gazing through the window, his back turned to the door. 
        “Princess Y/N!” Prince Tim exclaimed, surprised. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”
        She saw Jason tense and turn to them. She smiled. “I have a couple of things to discuss with Prince Jason,” she explained. 
        Tim chuckled. “Yes, yes, of course,” he shook his head and said with an airy smile on his face. He turned to Jason and shared a look. Jason looked like he could kill his brother. Tim stepped out of the way and let her enter the room. She entered and Tim left closing the door behind him. 
        She stared at him. He looked tired, the bags under his eyes casting shadows over his face. But somehow, his eyes looked brighter than she had ever seen it before. She has trouble breathing and her heart beated faster inside her chest. She swallowed dryly, her hands gripping tightly the papers she carried. She curtsied to him. Follow protocol. Protocol is safe, it doesn’t make anyone nervous. 
        “You wanted to see me?” he asked, his voice strained. 
        “Yes, well,” she snapped out of her daze, “there’s still a few details to be decided for the ball.”
        He sighed and sat on his chair, his body looking exhausted. “Can’t you decide?”
        “It’s not only my ball,” she said. “I can’t decide for you, Your Highness.”
        “Don’t call me Your Highness,” he muttered, annoyed. “It’s weird. We’re going to be married,” he explained. “I don’t want to have protocol in the middle of it.”
        She looked down at her feet and back up at him. There went her comfort, the line she drew to not get too close. It was a business transaction after all, no need to get personal. Well, she figured, it got personal when she promised herself as a bargain coin for politics. “Yes, of course,” she whispered. “It won’t happen again,” she finished.
        He sighed. He mentioned for her to sit in front of her and she sat. “We need to establish some rules before we embark in this...journey together,” he stated. 
        “Of course,” she agreed.
        “I don’t want you to be restrained by protocols and etiquette when speaking to me,” he said softly. “We’re going to rule a kingdom together, one that just got bigger, we’re going to have to trust each other.”
        “I agree,” she said, hesitant. “What is your point?”
        “Call me Jason,” he said. “I never really liked my title all that much and I don’t want my future wife using it when talking to me,” he stated. It was the first time she heard him referring to her as his future wife, and he said it like it didn’t bother him. It sent butterflies to her stomach. 
        “Yes, you’re right,” she shook her head. Of course he was. Her parents never called each other by their titles when they were alone. “I suppose you’d want to form a friendship too?”
        His mouth quirked up. “That would be preferable, yes,” he said. 
        “Okay, then, Jason,” she stressed his name. “Then we should start this partnership deciding which colors do you want the napkins to be.”
        “Actually,” Jason started, “I have something to give you first.”
        She raised her eyebrows. “You do?”
        “Yes,” he breathed. “I wanted to start this on the right foot,” he pulled out a little velvet box from a drawer behind the desk and walked to be beside her. “Since we’re engaged, I thought it was only appropriate to give you an engagement ring.”
        She looked up at him, surprised. “You didn’t have to,” she shook her head. “I wasn’t expecting this.”
        He smiled at her. “Open it,” he urged her. 
        She picked up the box and opened. Resting inside it, she noticed, was the prettiest ring she had ever seen. There was a single ruby, sided with two simple diamonds. It wasn’t the flashiest and biggest engagement ring she ever saw--one of the ladies of her court married a rich duke from a far away kingdom and he had given her a diamond ring that almost covered her entire finger. “It’s beautiful,” she said, staring at it.
        “Allow me,” he said, picking the box, and slipping the ring on her finger. His hands lingered on hers longer than it should have. “There.”
        She stared at it for a bit longer. “I have no words, Jason.”
        He smirked and walked to his chair. “How about we decide the color of the napkins?”
        He knew he shouldn’t have done that. He was getting involved, he was cultivating feelings for her, feelings he had refused to have just mere minutes ago when he was talking with Tim. But when he was with her, he couldn’t help it, he was just swept away by her. Suddenly, around her, Jason wanted to do everything to please her, to make her happy and satisfied. 
        Jason knew he was in deep shit. Jason knew he was falling for her, and he wanted, consciously, to stop that. But he couldn’t: his heart spoke louder. 
        He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing.
They had walked side by side the entirety of the ball. Her hand rested in a variety of places, the crook of his elbow, his hand, or the skirt of her dress. It didn’t need any saying that her favorite place for her hand to be was in his. 
        Nevertheless, the fluttering it sent to her stomach every time he would smile at her--albeit she knew the smile was only for show--it didn’t diminish the anger she felt at him.
        They walked side by side all night, him telling a fantasious story about how they met. It was love at first sight, he’d tell. They’d met under the moonlight, a sky full of stars, he looked at her and knew she was meant for him. She wore a blue dress, according to him. She smiled at him and it was like a whole new world opened up to him, a world full of love. According to him.
        The worst part was that she couldn’t say anything. Because she didn’t know anything about the lie he had constructed, what he had told other people when she was talking to his brothers while he was talking to Kings of other kingdoms. And that was what made her angry. He had reduced her, at least for the night, as a mere accessory for him. 
        He had been so sweet with her, so charming and loving. And then he did what he did. It could have been worse, she thought. He could have been invasive, he could have ignored her ‘no’. In that way, he was an angel. But he was still shitty with her that night. And it didn’t matter that it could have been a million times worse, Jason had reduced her to an arm candy. She still felt like an object. That would never be acceptable to her.
        He took her to the dance floor, as the orchestra played a slow song. 
        “It was a charming story you told our guests,” she said, her voice impassive. 
        “I figured it would be better for them to think we’re marrying for love instead of what actually is,” he explained, his hand resting on her lower back and the other holding her hand. She ignored the feeling his touch sent through her body. 
        “I wish you would have told me,” she said, her voice strained. She tried to control her anger. 
        “What do you mean?” he asked, confused. 
        “I discovered you had concocted a story for us at the same time all the others did, Jason,” she said. “And I couldn’t say anything, in risk of exposing the lie you’ve built.”
        He looked at her confused for a mere second, before recognizing what he did. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I didn’t think--”
        “You didn’t,” she interrupted him. “I’m not an accessory, Jason. I’m far too smart for that role,” she said. “I can’t stand by your side and smile and wave as if it’s just all I can do. I came to Gotham expecting not to be numbed by antique expectations of women of royalty. And you forced me to fit that box tonight. I hate it.”
        “I’m truly sorry,” he said sincerely. 
        “Yes,” she nodded. “Next time you decide to lie, at least tell me what you’re planning. After all this is a partnership, we agreed on that. We can’t act behind each other's back.”
        “You’re absolutely right,” he agreed, squeezing the hand he was holding more tightly and bringing her closer to him. “It won’t ever happen again.”
        “Good,” she nodded. 
        She knew he was trying to charm her with his tight hold on her. She tried to stay mad at him, tried to remain impassive, but she found that she felt safe with his arms around her like that. She broke a shy smile at him. He smiled at her too, his eyes bright with something unrecognizable. 
She sat quietly in the corner, a notebook resting in her lap. Her fingers twiddled with the pen, as she listened attentively to what the council members had to say.
         It was refreshing to be intellectually stimulated when she’d spent the entire week deciding dumb details about the wedding. It didn’t matter what flower arrangement the church was going to be decorated with, or which color the napkins were. She really didn’t care about it. If it were up to her she’d be married in a tiny room with no party. But it wasn’t, so she complied.
         “—we need to send humanitarian help to the Bowery, the people are starving!” Lady Helena exclaimed, cutting Tim in his long rant about something overly complicated.
         “We can send help after we eliminate Scarecrow!” Tim replied just as loudly. “If we send food, the gang will intercept and the situation will get worse, Helena. Don’t you get it?”
         “What I get, Tim,” she said annoyed, “is that you are so entangled in your overly complicated plan to dismantle their operation that you are blind to the suffering of your people.”
         Tim got up abruptly from the table, angry at Lady Helena, his fists balled up like he was going to punch her. Dick rested a hand in his brother's arms, calmly guiding him down for him to sit. Tim sat with a thud, his eyes flaming with rage, his face red.
         Jason, who was awfully quiet the entire meeting, sighed and rubbed his hands on his face. He leaned forward on the table, looking defeated. “And here I thought we’d make a good first impression,” he mumbled.
         “It’s okay, your Highness,” she said respectfully, thinking it would be better to use his title in front of the committee instead of his name. “In fact, I think I might have the solution to the Bowery problem.”
         Tim scoffed. “Good luck with that. I’ve been trying for the past year to solve it and I’m nowhere near to the solution.”
         She ignored his comment. “Anyway, I remember reading something about Scarecrow in my dad’s files. I’d need to reread to be sure, but I know there’s a safe way to provide supplies for those in need.”
         Jason clasped his hands together. “Great! We’ll discuss details at the next meeting after we get those files.”
         “If you don’t mind, I’d rather pick those up myself,” she said 
         “Sure, I’ll ask Alfred to arrange the trip,” he dismissed. “Well if there’s nothing else to discuss, this meeting is finished.”
        The council members disbanded leaving only her and Jason in the council room. 
        “What did you think?” Jason asked, his voice tired. 
        “They mean well,” she started, “but I can see that they’re desperate for results. And desperation in these situations isn’t a good thing.”
        “I know,” he sighed, his hands running through his hair. “I know, I’ve tried telling them but it never works in the long run.”
        She smiled. “Good thing I know how to help,” she said. 
        “Yeah,” he sighed. “It’s good that you’re here.”
He knew it was coming. He thought he was prepared for it. He thought he wouldn’t feel anything when he saw her walking down the long aisle, he hoped he wouldn’t. But when Jason saw her in her white dress, walking towards him, his heart stopped for a second and the world stopped turning. 
        She chose to walk down the aisle by herself. She wanted to show she wasn’t led into any decisions. She was doing this by her own accord, her own judgement. Jason thought it showed a lot of her character. She stood by her decisions and its consequences. She was strong. He admired her, more than he cared to admit. 
        Jason could barely remember the ceremony. He couldn’t stop looking at her, memorizing every detail of her in the light of the Gotham Cathedral, the crown she was wearing, the embroidery in her dress. But most importantly, the look in her eyes. It was everything to Jason. 
        He couldn’t exactly place what it was yet, but it was there and it meant more to him than he realized it ever could. 
        He floated through the ball after the ceremony. It was weird to call someone his wife, he never thought he would see the day he could call someone that. But Jason found that it didn’t repulse him like it would have before he met her. He was left with a tingly sensation of joy inside him. 
        It scared the daylight out of him. 
        He kept a tight grip on her, walking side by side. She was enchanting. She talked smartly with Kings of neighboring kingdoms. He heard King Clark of Metropolis commenting to Bruce how perceptive the new princess was. How intelligent she was. 
        Jason knew all of that, but it still didn’t stop him from being mesmerized. 
        “Who’s that gentleman?” she nodded towards an old man on the corner of the room. 
        Jason hummed looking at the man. “That’s Oswald Cobblepot. He is a part of one of the oldest families of Gotham.”
        “He has been staring intensely at me for the entire ball,” she looked at Jason, whispering to him. 
        “Well, you are the future Queen,” he commented. “People will stare at you more.”
        “No,” she shook her head, her hand resting on the crook of his elbow. He guided her through the ballroom. “This is different. He looks at me like he hates me.”
        “Oh,” he said. “He has a…quarrel, if you will, with the Waynes. His family was one of the few that founded Gotham. The Cobblepots almost ruled the land, but the Waynes got the kingdom. They have hated our family since then.”
        “Now that I’m a Wayne, he hates me?” she asked. “This doesn’t feel right.”
        “Well, technically you’re a Todd-Wayne, but yes.”
        She hummed. “He seems suspicious, Jason,” she whispered. “I think he’s planning something.”
        “Cobblepot is a coward, he would never hurt you,” Jason reassured. “But he would pay for someone to do so.”
        “You think he has?” a twinge of panic rising in her voice. 
        “He has done that before,” Jason said. “He wasn’t supposed to be invited, but Bruce insisted, and I had to dislocate more guards to the ballroom because of him.”
        “Can you keep an eye on him?” she asked. “I have a bad feeling about him.”
        “We always keep an eye on him, Y/N” he whispered. “He’s a criminal.”
        “What?” she said, shocked. He guided her to the dance floor, as a soft song played through the room. 
        “We have undercover guards track him everywhere,” he stated quietly, as if no one was supposed to know. “We have to every criminal mastermind this city has ever had the pleasure to meet.”
        “That’s a lot of guards then,” she commented. 
        “It’s a fucking nightmare,” he laughed. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone get to you, love.”
        She looked at his eyes and smiled. “Thank you, Jason.”
        “I’m your husband now, Y/N. It’s my duty,” he said.
        She smiled shyly at him and glanced at their feet for a second before looking back at him. “I never thought…”
        He smiled at her. “What?”
        She shook her head, smiling at him, completely lost for words. “Nevermind.”
        He sighed and tightened his hold on her. “I didn’t say this yet, but you look breathtaking today,” he stated, clearly. 
        “You look beautiful too,” she replied. 
        He gaped at her, like he wasn’t expecting the compliment. He quickly recomposed himself. “Well, I guess we make a breathtakingly beautiful couple then,” he joked. 
        “I guess we do,” she looked deeply into his eyes, smiling softly. Her eyes glinted with something different, something familiar and warm. But something he couldn’t quite name yet. 
        He found that he looked forward to the day when he could.
She had dismissed the maid that would help her get rid of the dress. She was too nervous to deal with anyone else. She paced in front of her vanity, waiting for Jason to come in their room. 
        It was so weird to think that now there was a ‘they’. They were a couple, they were a unit.  It was a first for her, and she hadn’t had the time to think about it until all of the whirlwind of the wedding had passed. 
        “I thought you would have been out of that uncomfortable dress by now,” she heard him. She turned to see him. His shirt was unbuttoned, his tie hanging untied on his neck. He carried his jacket over his shoulder. He looked relaxed and comfortable, and she got even more nervous looking at him.
        “I was nervous so I sent Claire away,” she shrugged. 
        He took a step in her direction. “What are you nervous about?”
        She sighed and pressed her hands together over the skirt of her dress. “About us,” she whispered. “I didn’t think of the after. I didn’t have the time.”
        He smiled and took another step towards her, finally close enough to her. She could see perfectly the sincerity in his eyes. She could see the scar above his eyebrow and the tiny freckles on his nose. “You don’t have to be nervous about anything,” he reassured her. “I won’t do anything you don’t want to do.”
        “It’s not only that,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ve never done this before. This…” she hesitated, “partnership. I know things are different for men.”
        “I don’t see how,” he furrowed his eyebrows. 
        “You know how,” she snapped. “Men are praised for their sexual endeavours. Women are expected to remain pure until marriage,” she explained calmly. “And it’s not fair to either of us, you have an unfair advantage over me and I--,” she stopped herself.
        “It’s okay,” he whispered. “You can say it, I won’t be hurt.”
        She shook her head. “I don’t know how to do this, Jason,” she admitted. “I’ve never even been kissed before.”
        He smirked. “That’s easy to resolve,” he stated. His hands cradled her face and he leaned in, stopping just before their lips met. “If you want, of course,” he whispered, his breath mixing with hers. 
        Her breath got caught up in her throat. She wasn’t expecting him to be that direct. She thought he would seduce her first, like in the romance novel she had read. She’d rather his directness. “Yes,” she whispered. 
        He smirked and clashed his lips with hers. She closed her eyes and grabbed his shoulders tightly. His lips were surprisingly soft on hers, and she wondered what would happen if he decided to kiss with more passion instead of holding back. 
        She decided to, then, take the first step towards that direction. Her hands moved to his hair and she brought his lips closer to hers--which she thought it was impossible. She responded with more passion and more eagerness and he was shocked for a second before complying. 
        One of his hands moved to her waist and pressed her body closer to his. She opened her mouth just a little and his tongue licked her lips, entering her mouth slightly. She felt a wave of heat invade her, and she let it in pleasurably. His mouth started to make way down her neck, his fingers on her back, fumbling with the buttons of her dress.
        She felt panicked at the intimacy of the act and tensed. Jason felt her nervousness and stopped. “We don’t have to go further if you don’t want to,” he whispered. 
        “It’s too much,” she replied, her voice strained. “It’s not you, Jay, I’m just not ready.”
        He cradled her head, and placed a kiss on her forehead. “I’d wait forever for you,” he said. “I can wait until you’re ready.”
        She gave him a shy smile. “Thank you,” she said softly. 
        “You’re welcome,” he said. “Now, let me undo those buttons and get some sleep,” he said. “It’s been a long day.”
The carriage shook as they rode through the country towards her kingdom. She looked out of the tiny window at the horizon, admiring the view. 
        “Did you miss home?” Jason asked. 
        She looked at him. “I did miss my Mother, and my friends,” she said, “But I don’t know if it’s my home anymore.”
        “What is home then?” he asked, curious. 
        She searched in his eyes any indication of his intentions with that question. She found nothing but admiration and warmth and--if she’d be so bold--love. “I’m not sure yet,” she said. “When I found out, I’ll tell you.”
        “Please do, I’d like to visit that place,” he laughed. 
        Now that they were officially married, they had moved back to Jason’s residence in Park Row. They were almost completely disconnected from the Wayne Castle in the outskirts of the city. Park Row was in a part of the city called Old Gotham, some would say it’s the heart of the city, right in the center, the most populous part. Others would say it’s the cancer of the mechanism of the town, littered with homeless and thieves.
        Jason was born in Park Row. His parents were simple people. He didn’t give her much detail on who they were, and she could feel it hurt to talk about that subject so she didn’t push him to say anything. All he would tell was that his Father died first, and he was left as a child to help his sick Mother and him survive. 
        He became a pickpocket at age 8. His Mother died when he was 9. He lived on the streets up until he was 13. That was when King Bruce found him and took him in. Jason said he was trying to steal one of the wheels of his carriage when Bruce arrived and offered him shelter and food. Next day, he was already adopted and enrolled in classes. Next day he became a prince. She wondered what it was like for him to have gone through such a radical change in the span of a day. 
        He disappeared when he was 17. He was especially cagey about his time away. No matter what questions she asked he wouldn’t answer any of them. She wanted to attribute it to mystique, but she knew it was because of trauma. 
        When he came back he was a changed man, a stronger one, a more traumatised one. That was when he started to disagree with his Father more. He would question the methods Bruce would use in his hunt for justice in Gotham. He would question everything Bruce did, in Jason’s exact words. He didn’t detail anything and she started to notice a trend in his behavior: when something hurt him too deeply, he would barely talk about it. 
        Next thing he knew, he agreed to be the heir, he accepted the role his older brother left for him. He said it was because he knew better than any of his siblings how it was to be on the streets and suffer like most in Gotham. He would do better by them, and she believed in him. Wholeheartedly. 
        “So, what’s the plan of attack here?” he asked. 
        “We go in, say hello to my Mother and go to my Father’s study and look for the files,” she said. “It’s a dangerous mission, be careful,” she joked. 
        “We should have called for backup,” he said, seriously, embarking on her joke. “Maybe 1,000 soldiers would have sufficed.”
        “More like 10,000,” she laughed. “Seriously, we’ll just spend the afternoon going through dusty paperwork,” she said. “It’s going to be quite boring.”
        He smiled. “Nothing’s boring with you,” he stated. 
        She smiled back. “I quite disagree, but I appreciate the compliment.”
        The carriage halted to a stop. Jason opened the door for her and offered his hand for her to come down the steps. She accepted it and stood proudly by his side. He offered his arm and she took it. He led her towards the staircase that led to the main entrance of her castle. She could see her Mother standing there waiting for her. 
        She had her problems with her Mother, but she still loved her. She left Jason’s hold and ran up the stairs to meet her Mother. She panted when she finally got up the stairs, but nevertheless, she held her Mother in a tight embrace. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered. 
        “You shouldn’t have run,” her Mother said in her ear, her voice humorous. “What would Prince Jason think?”
        “Jason would think I love my Mother and I’ve missed her,” she stated. “How have you been?” she said, breaking the hug.
        “I’ve been okay,” Mother answered. She looked behind her daughter and her expression became impassive. “Your Highness,” her Mother said. “It’s a pleasure to see you again.”
        Jason smiled at her mother. “The pleasure is all mine.”
        She smiled at her husband and at her Mother. “Shall we get inside?”she suggested. “Jason and I have to go through Father’s files.”
        “Oh, those things?” her Mother said. “Good luck, I know he left those completely disorganized.”
        “I remember,” she muttered. “It’s going to be a nightmare,” she said to Jason. 
        “I don’t mind,” Jason stated. “We can spend as long as we want here,” he gripped her hand. “This is important for us back in Gotham, it’s important to be thorough.”
        “Well,” her Mother started, “I’ll leave you two to work then. I’ll send in some tea for you.”
        “Thank you Mother,” she said, watching her Mother disappear into the corridor. She turned to Jason and smiled. “Shall we?”
        He bowed slightly and said: “Lead the way, My Lady.”
        She smiled and started getting up the stairs, Jason right beside her. 
        It was charming how much Jason’s behavior towards her had changed so much in a relatively small amount of time. When she had first met him, she feared a loveless marriage, with a husband cold towards her. But, slowly--or as slow as it felt--he had shifted. He started being less sarcastic and more truthful. He would still make sarcastic remarks, but never directed towards her. Jason started being soft and understanding. It was weird to think of a man so big and rough as him as soft and gentle, but it was how she saw him. 
        She knew he had his insecurities. He had told her once. He had told her he was reluctant to trust her, that he thought he didn’t deserve her. She said he was selling himself short. He replied that she didn’t know most things that he had done. She thought that it didn’t matter because she was falling in love with him. 
        Love. What a strange feeling. What an overwhelmingly dangerous feeling. It had changed her entire view of the world. She was much more willing to happiness, to the tiny beautiful things of the world. She saw things colored pink. She knew this effect would pass, but she would enjoy it while she could. 
        She felt his hand brush hers. She looked down at their hands, barely touching and then looked at him with a smile. He looked forward, his face impassive, like he had no idea what he was doing. She held his hand and he squeezed it.  Her mouth quirked up slightly. 
        She led him right to a giant double door. She released his hand and opened the door, revealing her Father’s office. 
        It was considerably smaller than King Bruce’s office, but it still held an air of authority. Behind the main desk there was a big window that had a view of the castle entrance.   Both side walls were bookcases, from the ceiling to the ground. In the middle of the room was the King’s desk, untouched. 
        “Nobody has come in here since he died,” she said quietly. “Except me.”
        “I’m sorry for your loss,” he replied. 
        “It’s fine, it’s been a long time,” she sniffed. “I just miss him.”
        Jason remained quiet, examining the room. “Anyways,” she said. “I’ll get those files, and we’ll start looking.”
        She pulled a book in the middle of a bookcase. The bookcase retreated and it revealed a big safe. She opened the safe and revealed piles and piles of papers, untouched for years. “Will you help me?” she asked, picking a pile. 
        He picked up another big pile. He rested it on the floor. “We can pick more up after we go through these,” she said, sitting on the floor. “We’ll be entertained for a while.”
        They spent hours reading. She started a system to organize the files into topics. Those that treated about economic affairs were separated into one corner of the room, those of the political affairs into the other. The political affairs were separated into topics: internal politics, external, and finally security. Those were the ones they had to nitpick through. She catalogued it in criminals: Penguin, Riddler, Two-Face, Scarecrow, the lot. 
        She had through those files at least once in her life. It was interesting to read through once, and she could see Jason was fascinated about the operations her Father had led once. But she found it a bit boring, like she had predicted. Nevertheless she persisted. It was more important than her entertainment. 
        “Y/N” he called for her, “look at this.”
        She got up from the ground and walked towards him. She had discarded her shoes long ago and was almost tempted to change into some pants. “Yes?” she asked. 
        “Is this the file you talked about?” He gave her the document. 
        She scanned through the document. It detailed how they had managed to successfully cut off supplies for the fabrication of the fear gas in her kingdom and how, with that, they had managed to ban Scarecrow from there. “It is,” she said. “I can’t believe you found it, I thought we would spend another day looking for it.”
        “We already did that,” he said. “We already tried stopping the production of the gas, we discovered an antidote for it, it didn’t stop Crane.”
        She smiled. “It’s not only that,” she explained, turning her back and going to the internal affairs pile. “You can’t stop only Crane, you have to redirect his soldiers to a more positive occupation,” she found the file and gave it to him. “See?”
        He read through the document quickly. “But we have social programs in Gotham, it still--”
        “You have and those social programs are great,” she said. “But it’s not enough for you to take care of the children and the homeless, you have to take care of the poor, those who struggle to get a job and do whatever it takes to not be helped by those social programs.
          “You have to direct those men and women to better jobs, give them better chances, educate them and then you’ll defeat Scarecrow fully,” she finished
        “Because then they’ll know better than to join him,” he whispered. “It’s brilliant.”
        “It’s how you stop them,” she smiled and sat on his lap. “This is the beginning of the end, Jason. We’re on the right path.”
        “How didn’t we think of it?” he asked himself. Her hands found his cheeks, caressing it gently. 
        “You were too focused on the short term solution, and it’s okay,” she assured. “Now, you can do better.”
        “I will,” he looked into her eyes and he said. “Thank you.”
        “For what?” she asked, confused. 
        “For everything,” he whispered. “For agreeing to give up being the sole sovereign of a land to joining Gotham and be its Queen, for being so wonderfully smart, for being patient with me for umm--”
        She interrupted him, kissing him with passion. She stopped the kiss and rested her forehead on his. “You don’t need to thank me, Jay,” she said. “I’m doing what’s right.”
        “For that I love you,” he responded. She tensed at those words. “Oh, shit, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to--”
        “I love you,” she said. “I love you,” she kissed him with a passion. 
        “Is it too soon?” he mumbled on her lips. “Is it too soon to say that we love each other?”
        “I feel like I’ve waited all my life for you,” she mumbled back. “So, no.”
        “Great,” he whispered. 
        Then he kissed her like his life depended on it. His kiss was filled with a fiery passion she had never felt before. Granted she hadn’t kissed much in her life, but nevertheless this was a new first for her. 
        His tongue made an entrance in her mouth and she felt a fire run through her. She returned his passion, gripping the base of his hair. He moaned against her mouth, bringing her closer to him. He gripped her waist with determination as his lips moved swiftly against hers. 
        He tilted her head upwards and his mouth kissed its way to her neck. She hummed and as he bit a sensitive part of her skin. “Jay,” she moaned. 
        “If you want me to stop, I will,” he replied, his mouth still on her neck pecking where he had just bitten. 
        “Don’t stop,” she said. 
        “You shall have your wish, then, My Princess,” he smirked and kissed the corner of her mouth. 
        She got impatient and grabbed his face, smashing his lips on hers. She kept on kissing him, running her hands through his hair. He fumbled with the buttons of her dress and she didn’t feel like tensing and running away. She wanted him to continue to fumble with the buttons, she wanted him to open those buttons and take off her dress. 
        “Jason,” she mumbled. 
        He hummed in response, his lips leaving hers. He kissed all over her face and she giggled delighted. 
        “How about we take this elsewhere?” she suggested, trying to be seductive. 
        He smirked and looked at her softly. “Are you sure?” he asked. 
        “Yes, I am,” she affirmed. “I’m ready.”
        He smiled and kissed her lovingly. “I love you,” he whispered, he got up and started carrying her towards the door of the office. He couldn’t stop kissing her even if he tried. 
        “No!” she exclaimed. “There’s a secret bedroom next to here.”
        “Is this castle full of secret passages?” he mumbled, his lips trying to find hers like a magnet. 
        “Yes,” she breathed out. “Pull that book,” she pointed to a book in the top corner of the last shelf of the last bookcase. 
        He pulled the book and the bookcase retreated revealing a simple wooden door. He opened it and it revealed a King’s bedroom. 
        “My Father slept here after he pulled all nighters,” she kissed his neck gently. “After he got sick he barely came into the office so it’s been unused for years.”
        He smiled and lifted her chin. He looked in her eyes lovingly. “Are you really sure?” he asked once again. “I don’t want you to regret anything.”
        “How can I, Jason?” she said. “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me.”
        He smiled at her. He closed the door behind him and they laid together. 
        To think one day he had questioned how he could want a wife. He hadn’t met her before. He hadn’t known he was destined to meet such a wonderful person, determined and strong. He hadn’t known he was meant to love her. 
        He had been too naïve to think he wouldn’t need her. He needed her more than he needed air, water, food. And he knew she needed him. It was a partnership after all. They needed each other, they trusted each other, and they loved each other.
author’s note: don’t forget to reblog if you’ve liked to make sure more people see it. also, the link to my jason playlist is here
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female-overlord-3 · 4 years
@bestillmyslashyheart 💛 @caitlesshea 💛 @andrea-lyn and 💛 @imawriteriwrite have an Old Guard fic thanks to this
It hasn't been that long. Nile feels a bit more settled in her place with the others, their purpose and want to continue to be the good today that makes a wave for tomorrow. It's only been 8 years since everything changed, not enough time to pass that the scope of being immortal has hit her yet, but enough to know she's nowhere near who she used to be, just a bit older with gained life experience. 
They've taken a few jobs, good ones that help fuel their spirits and bring satisfaction to their new look on life. Nile thinks that Andy being able to live an actual life now has done her good. Now Andy can find some peace from her exhaustion of living so long, finding that she's missed being able to teach and share all that she knows.
Both Nile and her aren't the most patient sometimes, Andy wanting to keep going when she should rest or Niles stubborn determination to learn as much as she can. They clash like incoming ships unwilling to shift out of the way. Joe and Nicky do their best to take care of them, provide a distraction or say calming words. Though they've traveled and stayed in hotels when necessary, it's a small simple house in the woods just on the outskirts of a village they consider home. It belongs to Nicky and Joe, one they found and claimed just after the village it neighbors, became an actual village. They've maintained it through the years, updated when needed, the place filled with stories and memories. Still filled with the love that Joe and Nicky share.
Nile is filled with so many questions and endless curiosity, her want to know almost matched with the want that both men share when talking about the other and all the things they've experienced together. It must be so exciting to be able to speak freely about their past with someone new, to voice all the love and time Nicky and Joe have.
It's inspiring to be in the presence of such an old and strong love.
It's around 2 years later, after it's been Niles first full decade of being an immortal that Andy tells her a hard truth, a warning to keep in mind.
"One day, you will hate them for it, just a little bit." 
They're camped deep in a jungle in the Amazon, just finished a job but taking their time to enjoy the journey back. They're resting up in the trees in a makeshift platform made from anchored cables and a stretched tarp, branches intersecting to create an almost bridge to rest on.
Nile quirks a brow at Andy from her spot. Andy rests against the trunk of the tree with Nile between her and the men curled together asleep.
"Wanna add some context?" Her voice is teasing but she knows who Andy is talking about.
They stare at each other for a long moment before an unspoken understanding is made.
Nile knows that Joe and Nicky got lucky, not just in prolonged life but in love too. It's something she knows added to Booker's desperation for an end and Andy's haunted yet wistful moments. Love like this is something one can easily be jealous of, angry and hurt from because it's something so rare yet highly coveted. Love that's all consuming, such devotion and adoration that's only grown stronger that Nile believes these two men are the reason people created the idea of soulmates. 
For Nile that type of love is slightly terrifying but also something she does possibly hope for in small moments of being near Nicky and Joe. To find someone who is yours and becomes the only one who will truly know you once everyone else has gone. To have a constant in a world that never stops changing.
Nile knows that what Andy is telling her is true, that having that painful truth known and felt now, accepted to some degree will allow a greater pain in the future to be dulled. 
Nile understands this but also knows that for now she loves them dearly. They are her family, the ones that help anchor her when everything becomes too much for her still young mind. Unlike Andy and Booker, Nicky and Joe are able to live in the immense amount of time they were given. Live with and for each other. Nile hopes that's what Booker's learning now, what she sees Andy is starting to relearn after so long.
Andy was too hurt by what she lost and wasn't able to save, what she still holds onto even as the burden lights the tiniest but everyday. Booker let his pain from loss consume him, blind and bind him to only seeing the past or all that time takes.
Nile still battles with the conflict of letting her family go, the anger and sadness of losing the one she had then given one she didn't choose. She chooses them now, continues to choose them because that's what love is and she would rather be happy and feel connected to these special people who will be with her until their time has come.
It does happen though, one day so far away. It's long after they've allowed Booker back, sooner than expected after they find out about Quynh. Almost three decades instead of the full century. It's after they deal with the bloody mess and heartbreaking pain she brought. The fury and insanity that nearly destroyed them all until that too mended. The death they thought would be Andy's last but wasn't, the revelation and further questions of why they are how they are.
It's the day the world almost burns. Niles fourth one actually but something about this one sunk deeper than the others. She is reminded again why Andy felt so tired, so exhausted with her spirit nearly broken. Nile remembers Andy's words and what they meant then but what she prepared for and expected did not pass. The world almost burned and destroyed itself and she wants to hate it, leave the wreck and despair behind for all those lost to it but she can't.
The day Nile feels the smallest true spark of pure hatred for these two men, a spark that barely has a chance to flicker before dying out, is because they keep her anchored when she wants nothing but to be set free.
"We cannot abandon the world Nile. This is our purpose and curse. We are the keepers of balance so tomorrow is better than today." Joe whispers calmly in her ear while keeping her caged in his arms. The words steal some of the air from the fire trying to burn her from inside out.
Nicky stands in front of her, hands holding her face so he is all she can see and not the horror waiting beyond him.
"You were the one who reminded us we still do good when you became one of us. You helped open our eyes to our why Nile so we will remind you now. We not only get the chance to plant the seeds of good but we are able to watch them grow, to prosper and see what they create."
Three more sets of arms reach to embrace and hold her. She crumbles into them as the pain and anguish continue to crash into her like the most righteous storm but slowly it calms then the pitch black clouds turn grey then white until it's clear and there is peace.
The world nearly burned but they are still there. They can help rebuild and nurture humanity from this scar because they have the time, the will, and the heart.
"Thank you." Her voice is small and fragile but it settles through everyone like a needed weight.
Nile realizes that even though she was the one who helped bring back their will and purpose to keep doing the right thing, it's because of the love that Nicky and Joe have for not just themselves or their small found family, but humanity as well.
She thought she would hate them because of what she could never have but instead she did, for the faintest moment, hate them for what their love could and will continue to do until their time comes: Inspire to keep going. To love and live. To care. To stay. To see their garden grow til the end.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
To build something that already existed. We often act as if founders retaining board control after a series A round. I don't know enough to say whether there is a whole category of enterprise software companies have.1 Because they begin by trying to think up startup ideas are of the second type. You're better off starting with a blank slate in the form of a small town. Ultimately power rests with the founders. A lot of them don't care that much personally about whether founders keep board control. Unknowing imitation is almost a necessary condition for a good startup idea. Among them were Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce, who went on to found Intel, and Eugene Kleiner, who founded the VC firm Kleiner Perkins.
Experts expect to throw away some early work.2 Though they may have been unsure whether they wanted to learn more. If universities are controlled by the central government, log-rolling will pull them all toward the mean: the new Institute of X will end up at the university in the district of a powerful politician, instead of being pasted onto it like a label. What weaknesses could you exploit?3 An easily gamed standardized test; a short essay telling you what the kid thinks you want to find startup ideas, you have the prospect of getting their initial product out.4 I was talking to someone much older. So could it be that procrastination isn't always bad?5 The bad news is that the inhabitants still speak many different languages. But while energetic government intervention may be able to test in an hour, then you have the right sort of wrongness, that's a promising sign.
When something is described as a toy, that means you should seek out ideas that would be remarkable. Both did.6 Einstein's theory of relativity offended many contemporary physicists, and was shocked to discover, among many other regulations, that you needed $20,000 in capital to incorporate. For example, many startups in America begin in places where it's not really legal to run a business. To do good work, you need more than a hundred years old. And yet it seems to be a mecca for smart people simply by having an immigration system that let them in. Mark Zuckerberg kept control of Facebook's board through the series A and still has it today.7 I'm not typing this on an Apfel laptop.8
A sinecure is, in effect, an annuity. Lots of people are mildly interested in a social network for pet owners. It's not super hard to get a silicon valley, if they want to work on your own company, only for working as an employee of someone else's. Good design looks easy. One is that I'm motivated to be honest. Civil liberties make countries rich. That first batch could have been an anomaly.
Saying that taste is just personal preference, then everyone's is already perfect: you like whatever you like, and that's why most people who try fail so miserably. They're more like examples of Robert Frost's good fences make good neighbors. It's the young nerds who start startups, there's no one where you live who wants to start a startup. Aiming at timelessness is a way for undergrads to stalk one another. It used to be that as wealth derives increasingly from ideas, cities will prosper only if they attract those who have them. Some of the most memorable paintings, especially when two halves react to one another, as in the Creation of Adam or American Gothic. When something is described as a toy, that means you should seek out ideas that would be enough to start a startup, think how risky it once seemed to your ancestors to live as we do now. Instead of telling you come on, you can think of a way to fix that by writing software, you're onto something, because a lot of middle class kids, getting into Harvard won't mean much anymore. Even people who hate you for it believe it.
Confucius and Plato saw themselves as teachers of administrators, and that he be spared.
You can get very emotional. If you want to create giant companies not seem formidable early on. More precisely, this seems empirically false.
The rest exist to satisfy demand among fund managers for venture capital as an adult. In fact, we don't use code written while you were still so small that no one trusts that.
One of the main reason I stuck with such energy that he could accept it. To talk to feel tired. How to Make Wealth in Hackers Painters, what you write software in a traditional series A rounds from top VC funds whether it was 10 years ago, and some just want that first few million.
Like us, the transistor it is generally the way up. Or worse still, as I explain later. Not least because they're determined to fight.
The dumber the customers, the initial plan and what not to foo but to do that.
The problem in high school you're led to believe, which is something in the general sense of not having the universities in your own time, serious writing meant theological discourses, not like soccer; you have to make a brief entry listing the gaps and anomalies. All languages are equally powerful in the mid 20th century executive salaries were low partly because users hate the idea is bad. Finally she said Ah! But there's a continuum here.
Eric Horvitz.
0 notes
thebibliomancer · 7 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #134: The Times That Bind!
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April, 1975
Another amazing title.
And another cover image that is a DAMN ODIOUS LIE but I understand why at this point. We’re at a mini-arc of revelations which require flashbacks to properly contextualize the way Englehart wants. So its either have the Avengers bust through a wall and attack the Mad Thinker, definitely changing history in a flashback they weren’t even party to, or have a cover where the Avengers stand around and spectate stuff.
You could get meta with that though. Having the cover being the Avengers holding a comic and looking at its cover. Or maybe a throwback to older covers? With the provocative teasing of three different things that happens in the issue, perhaps with bubble with out of context images?
Look, the takeaway is that unfortunately, Thor does not smash the Mad Thinker at this time. But he definitely does it at some point so read every comic ever published for your weirdly specific fix.
Anyway, Team Thor Even Though This Is Mantis’ Origin Reveal continues to travel through time. Thor, Mantis, Iron Man, and Hawkeye. And an alien disguised as a stick.
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Because this is a fairly dense story (but not the densest, oh my no, just wait until Avengers Forever), we are treated to a recap from Thor covering Kang War II, Immortus sending them on a journey through time to learn Mantis’ origin, and the advent of the Kree being the biggest dicks in space.
And the adventure continues.
The surprise attack from a Kree armada jolted the Skrulls out of mostly beneficial imperialism into the more asshole kind of imperialism. And over a thousand thousand worlds they battle the Kree, never with a clear-cut victor.
Which apparently leads both empires to grow stronger and prosper because as we all know, an endless war that saps resources and manpower is nothing but good for the economy. Although I guess when you have a thousand thousand worlds of resources to steal, it works out better.
Anyway, in the Kree year 476 (476 years after first contact), the blue Kree have apparently arisen and become the dominant power. Just go with it.
And from their position of power, they look down with contempt at any who oppose them. Especially the pacifist Kree.
Remember them? From the Star-Stalker story? They decried the power-hungry nature of the Kree and were not popular with their neighbors?
The Kree pacifists were driven underground by their militaristic brothers. And as is common to such victims of persecution, they developed martial arts to defend themselves with.
Because guns are hard to get and go against your pacifistic principles anyway.
But unlike some other persecuted, the Kree pacifists also decided to develop their minds in the decades that passed while they lived in the slums of the Kree Capital City (Kreeopolis? Moragton? Blue Area of Hala?).
And then one day, they were shocked when something insistently tried to telepathically contact them.
The pacifists felt compelled to come to a certain building in an abandoned section of the city. They worried that it was a ruse but couldn’t ignore the call.
And when they entered the abandoned structure they found... a broccoli garden! some surviving Cotati!
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The Cotati explained that they are plants, duh, so don’t die in the same way that animal life does. Although fairly close enough.
When the Kree managed to kill every Cotati on Hala in one night with spears, the dying Cotati dropped their seed pods.
Some animals do a similar thing, actually, but because the Cotati were plants those seed pods were able to take root and grow into a new generation of Cotati.
While the Kree reverse-engineered the Skrullian ship, the new Cotati grew unnoticed and when they were old enough, they plucked themselves from the ground and moved toward more complete concealment.
They’ve been hiding ever since. And having determined that Locomotion Was a Mistake, they’ve evolved more toward immobility in exchange for even greater psychic powers.
And they always knew that some Kree would reject their culture’s militarism and move towards more peaceful truths. So when those pacifists arose and trained their minds, the Cotati reached out to them to propose an alliance.
The Cotati needed care they couldn’t provide for themselves because they could not move (suddenly locomotion doesn’t seem like such a sucker move, huh?) and in exchange, they would teach the pacifists their more advanced knowledge of the mind.
It was a great alliance. Kree and tree, together at last.
But the comic is tired of tree people for the time being. Time to check in on Vision.
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You may remember that he was taken back in time to see the creation of the robot Human Torch.
And there he learned two possible causes for his claustrophobia episodes. But time has skipped ahead a little and now we are in 1949.
In between the Torch’s creation and 1949, he had gained a sidekick named Toro who also could set himself on fire. In 1949, they were at the height of their fighting crime with fire.
So criminals got desperate and obtained Solution X-R from Russia which doused the Torch and shirtless Toro and paralyzed them to boot. And then they buried the Torch in the Nevada desert, solving the problem forever.
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Except not because they inadvertently buried him in a nuclear bomb testing range and a nuclear bomb test in 1953 freed him and cured his flame (as seen in Young Men #24 by probably no one reading this parenthetical).
But after only two more years of crime fightery, he had to bid Toro goodbye. Because even though that nuclear bomb freed him he also absorbed so much radiation that he was going to lose control of his fire and burn out.
So he went back to the Nevada desert where he Nova exploded.
And thus, Human Torch was dead forever.
But time for more space tree intrigue.
It has now been a century, during which the Kree pacifists developed their sentiment into a philosophy. A philosophy despised and ridiculed by their society. But a philosophy still feared apparently.
Oh, and they have become priests so get to live in a temple rather than a tenement. Didn’t figure the Kree to have freedom of religion...
And in their temple, a secret second cellar in which the Cotati were hidden.
But as I said, despite being despised and ridiculed, the pacifist priests were also apparently feared because a captain of the security and some soldiers attack the temple in plainclothes saying that they COMPLETELY NORMAL CITIZENS had enough rabble rousing from the priests.
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The priests fight back with their pacifist martial arts and even though the COMPLETELY NORMAL CITIZENS have guns, the priests manage to survive the battle.
But at a cost. The Supreme Intelligence, the giant gross tentacle brain gestalt intelligence of all the mightiest minds of the Kree empire, decides to take this chance to exile them. While the priests were only defending themselves, its hard to prove who hit first when everyone hates you.
The priests bid the Cotati farewell. The Kree power structure is still unaware of their existence and the priests set up an irrigation system that will maintain the Cotati even without legged people around to care for them.
But the Cotati promise that they will find a way to aid the priests to pay the priests back for all the ways they helped the Cotati over the century or so.
So the priests get dumped on a barren prison planet. Taunted by the soldiers that dropped them off, they are in despair over what some immobile plants half a galaxy away can do for them.
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Can you guess what?
If you guessed “summon a space dragon” then you, like Mantis, guessed correctly.
The Cotati subtly influenced the Star-Stalker’s mind to land on the prison planet.
This may seem like an odd form of helping but the Cotati are confident in their friends’ cleverness to find an answer, an answer that only they will have.
They were prepared to leak the answer to the pacifists if necessary but thought it better for them to find their own way. “No man wishes to feel himself a puppet, even in the hands of friends. Men may worship gods -- but they fear them as well.”
And realizing that their prison lacks vegetation, minerals, sunlight and heat, they deduce that the Star-Stalker is weak to heat.
AND BY PUNCHING THE GROUND IN UNISON (holy shit) they create a massive fissure that spews out molten lava.
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Forcing the Star-Stalker to flee the planet. We all know that part. It eventually landed on Earth and was exploded by the Vision.
Meanwhile? (again, the Avengers are outside the timestream and/or in the past. Words are difficult), Moondragon’s spaceship lands on the roof of Avengers Mansion.
You may recall that she briefly visited the mansion during the Thanos War. Or you may not. The takeaway is that she’s familiar with the layout and also took the liberty of learning to turn off the alarm system psychically last time she visited because Moondragon is a bad guest.
She also notices the Celestial Madonna Star and realizes that she was right to follow the hunch to go visit the Avengers. And also apparently the star is not visible from space, only from ground level.
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Celestial Madonnahood is weird.
Moondragon invites herself in because knocking is for other people and finds Jarvis. She tells the butler that she’s here in Captain Marvel’s stead to answer the radio summons that the Avengers have been broadcasting, although she admits to being vague about why she’s doing so.
Jarvis tries to contact the Avengers in Vietnam but gets no answer. Because they are all on an amazing time adventure.
He also admits that there’s been too much unexplained nonsense around the Avengers lately and wishes that Scarlet Witch would leave her room and help.
And you know that thing where someone is behind you right when you’re talking about them behind their back? Kind of an irony thing? You’re talking about them behind their back but secretly they are behind your back?
Yeah, Wanda just walked into the room as Jarvis said that.
And, uh. She is behaving oddly.
Moondragon recognizes that Wanda’s personality has changed from the time she briefly met her. She asks Wanda to come with her to Vietnam to search for the Avengers friends but Wanda says she only has one friend, Agatha Harkness, and she won’t leave her side until she learns all there is to know about the science of witchcraft.
So Moondragon decides to casually invade Wanda’s mind and see what’s going on in there. Because Moondragon.
Somehow, Wanda detects the mind-burst, dodges the mental energy, and strikes back using witchery to hit Moondragon with wood floor tiles and the window curtains.
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And then she and Agatha walk off, Agatha saying that Wanda has nearly reached the goals she set for her.
So. Uh. Agatha Harkness, I thought you were cool. What have you been doing to Wanda behind closed doors?
She’s talking in weird speech bubbles and being mean to Jarvis. Oh and she attacked Moondragon but invading minds is hecka rude so. Lets call that even.
And now back to Vision Quest, no that’s not actually the title although I bet its the title to something involving Vision.
When last we joined him, the Human Torch exploded. And now its 1966.
The Human Torch (robot version) has been explode dead for eleven years. But then, the Mad Thinker finds his robot corpse, using math.
Mad Thinker: “The one I seek would have known he was dying. I can can calculate at what point he would know it... the lengths of his surprise, anger, sadness, resignation, planning, and leavetaking... his speed of flight, his desire to cause no harm! He will be... here!”
One day I want the Mad Thinker to be wrong not because of the human or Hercules factor. Just wrong about some variable. Just have his math slightly off. It would be funny to me and only me.
Anyway, Mad Thinker takes the Human Torch to his lab and discovers the secret of ANDROID RESURRECTION and he android resurrects the Human Torch.
And then events from Fantastic Four #4 happen.
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Human Torch fights Human Torch. The Fantastic Four arrive to break up the fight. Quasimodo the living computer that just wants some legs kills the Human Torch (Golden Age variant). The Mad Thinker escapes. And Vision poetically soliloquizes over the whole thing.
And I have to address something so dumb that it actually got soft retconned in Avengers Forever (which I just read and retcons so many things).
So, the android Human Torch sacrificed himself to save the Fantastic Four from a sneak attack by Quasimodo. And then this happens.
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Reed Richards: “Men may call him an android -- but he proved to be as human as any --!”
Ben Grimm: “Hey, Reed -- are we just gonna leave ‘im here? Shouldn’t he get a burial or somethin’, like a bona-fid-ee hero?”
Reed Richards: “‘Dust to dust’ doesn’t apply to him, old friend. He was born in a lab, so this is a more fitting final resting place.”
Fucks sake Reed.
‘This android was as human as any human WELP just gonna leave him here.’ Just goes right from acknowledging his humanity to leaving him like garbage because a robot doesn’t need a burial.
As I alluded, it was later retconned that Reed was influenced to leave the Human Torch’s corpse there but its equally valid that Reed is just that kind of callous asshole sometimes often.
And then later, Ultron-5 OH YEAHS into the chamber with a KRUMP! But more on that will have to wait for next issue.
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Phew. Covering two big complicated origins at once takes a lot of panel space.
Okay. Back to space intrigue.
So the priests begged an audience with the Supreme Intelligence, now knowing of the Star-Stalker’s presence in the quadrant and his weakness.
The Supreme Intelligence thinks they’re making shit up. He’s a giant tentacled brain surrounded by kirby krackle. His knowledge is not inconsiderable!
Clearly, this is just a ruse so the Supreme Intelligence will have the priests brought back to Hala. Well, nuts to that.
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Except the priests never asked to be brought back to Hala. Instead, they ask that they be allowed to spread through the inhabited worlds of the Kree galaxy to protect them. Two to every inhabited world. Like the Kree sentries but less explodey.
Upside: the Kree wouldn’t have to keep having supplies brought to prison planet.
The Supreme Intelligence is convinced. With one caveat. Four of the priests will remain on Hala just in case this obviously fake Star-Stalker thing turns out to be legit.
But what the priests didn’t mention is that a major side benefit of this plan is that they are able to sneak the Cotati off of Hala and spread them through all the worlds of the Kree galaxy.
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And over time, the mutualism between the two only grows. The Cotati cannot psychically commune with any but the Kree. And have to rely on the priests to be able to move and deal with a chaotic universe with full effectiveness. While the priests rely on the Cotati’s more full understanding of that chaotic universe.
And the priests don’t tell other meat races about the Cotati and the Cotati never communicate with other plants. Which. Sure. Okay.
I’m sure the Flora Colossus from Planet X were real broken up about it.
Anyway. Yeah. Obviously, one of the planets that priests settled with their secret tree friends was Earth. And specifically what would be known as Vietnam, Earth.
Hawkeye idly wonders if the Priests of Pama were the ones that started the martial arts scene on Earth entirely but the Space-Phantom-disguised-as-a-stick dismisses that question as irrelevant to Mantis’ origin.
And its for the best that question was not answered, especially answered in the affirmative because holy shit saying aliens are responsible for things tends to be not great.
Because its usually stuff that non-white cultures accomplished like the pyramids. Which has a very patronizing tone to it. ‘Well those primitive cultures obviously couldn’t make this cool thing so obviously aliens.’
I expect that anywhere a sapient race has limbs of some sort, they’ll eventually develop better ways to hit people with those limbs. And perhaps, perhaps, the Priests of Pama learned from our Earth way of hitting things with limbs.
We shall never know because this was one Space Phantom too smart to wade into that mess.
Anyway, the flashback continues with priests Son-Dar and Teress deciding on a spot to build their temple and planting the Cotati in what will be the Eternal Garden.
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“By the great Pama!” Mantis exclaims. Thats the very same garden where they buried Swordsman. That garden still exists!
Also, KZAP.
Because Team Thor Even Though Its Mantis’ Origin Reveal has been transported back to the present, back to the Temple of Pama. Back to the Eternal Garden where the Swordsman was buried.
And there they find Libra and the ghostly Swordsman. Who promises that now that Mantis has learned the history of the Kree, it is time for her to learn the final explanation. For today marks THE COMING OF THE CELESTIAL MADONNA.
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Also, we learn more stuff about Vision’s origin next time too.
Phew. I love space intrigue involving trees and dragons and giant tentacle brains as much as anyone... OR PERHAPS MORE. But I think maybe telling two complicated origins back to back was maybe too much. I’ll talk about it later but this whole chunk of the Celestial Madonna story is in full exposition mode.
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