#and they all love rose SO MUCH they all went on a coffee date together!!!! jack 9 and mickey!!!!
theemporium · 6 months
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[1.6k] in which a flower bouquet arrives at your door that certainly wasn't sent by your boyfriend. (based off this request)
series masterlist
In your defence, you had nothing to do with the prank. 
It had taken a while for Luke to come around to the idea of you and Quinn being together. He loved you both, wanted nothing more than two of his favourite people in the world to be happy. But it still took some time to get used to the shift in relationships considering almost a year ago the two of you barely spoke. 
But all things considered, he was doing much better than you expected—except for one thing. 
Luke had deemed it necessary that his brother proved himself worthy of dating his best friend. 
You thought he was joking. Quinn thought he was being dramatic. And Jack thought it was the funniest thing he had ever heard, meaning he totally enabled his younger brother into taking the whole thing seriously. 
You had expected Luke to give his oldest brother a shovel talk. Maybe threaten him a little. Maybe even whine about it a little longer, because honestly he got over that phase a lot quicker than you expected. 
You hadn’t expected a series of trials to be set up for your boyfriend.
It started off with random questions thrown at Quinn at the most unsuspecting times, ways for Luke to see if his older brother really knew you. He asked about your favourite colour, your favourite snacks, what you liked when you were sad and so many more simple questions that had Quinn rolling his eyes as he answered. 
Then, it escalated to throwing random scenarios. Like what Quinn would do if you were stranded and he was halfway across the country. Or what Quinn would do if you had been abducted by aliens and returned with no memory of him. Or what Quinn would do if you decided to become a diehard Leafs fan.
It was annoying for Quinn, but ultimately it was harmless. 
You hadn’t realised there was another test. You hadn’t realised you inspired it when you were on the phone with Luke a couple of weeks ago. 
It became a staple in your relationship for Quinn to send you a bouquet of flowers. It was his little way of showing he cared, of showing that distance wasn’t going to get in between him showing his love for you. It was sweet and it made your heart swoon and he fucking adored the way you always called him as soon as they arrived, sharing your reaction to his chosen bouquet each time.
So, in all honesty, it was no shock to you when a bouquet had been delivered to your door that morning. You hadn’t bothered to look for a note because you knew who it was from, you knew that Quinn would probably walk out of your room and see the flowers and throw some stupid, cheesy line at you that had your body flushing. 
“What the fuck?”
It never occurred to you that Quinn was never the one who sent them. 
He stumbled out of your room around thirty minutes after you initially woke up, his eyes still tired and bleary from sleep. He was dragging his feet along the floor as he walked, a pair of sweatpants halfheartedly thrown on as he went off to find you and try to drag you back to bed. After all, it wasn’t often he got the chance to visit you during the season. Spending that limited time together in bed sounded ideal to him. 
However, his body was wide fucking awake the second he walked into the kitchen and saw an unfamiliar bouquet of flowers sat on the counter.
You turned to look at him, your smile waning a little when you noticed his pissed off expression. “Jesus, I know you’re bad before coffee in the mornings but I’ve never seen you this grumpy.” 
Quinn ignored the jab, nodding towards the flowers. “Who sent you those?” 
Your brows furrowed in confusion. “What? You did?”
Quinn frowned as he turned to look at you. “No, I didn’t. I chose tulips. Those aren’t tulips.” 
You shot him a blank look, very well aware the huge bouquet of red roses were not tulips. 
“Maybe you forgot what you chose,” you told him with a shrug, taking a step towards him so you could wind your arms around his waist. You felt him lean into the embrace, wrapping one arm around you as the other reached towards the flowers. “You can’t remember what you’ve chosen every single time.”
“I do,” Quinn said bluntly like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Of course he remembered which flowers he sent you. The boy spent more time than he cared to admit choosing a bouquet, trying to imagine which ones you’d like the most. 
“Oh,” you murmured, but there was a cheesy grin making its way on your face as you placed a quick peck to his collarbone. “Petey was right, you’re such a sap.”
“I still don’t know how I feel about this newfound friendship between you and Petey,” Quinn grumbled when he noticed a note tucked between the stems of the flowers. He reached for it, a frown on his face as his eyes glanced over the note. “Who’s George?” 
You blinked, pulling your head back. “I don’t know a George.” 
Quinn’s expression darkened. “Well, some creep called George knows you and is now sending you flowers.” 
“What?” You grumbled as you reached for the note.
pretty flowers for a pretty girl  –george xx
You blinked. “What the fuck?”
Quinn’s eyes narrowed at the bouquet of flowers, his arm tightening around you like he was proving a point. “They are a terrible set of roses anyways. Red is so tacky. What the fuck does George think it is, Valentine’s Day? He has shitty taste.” 
“I—” You turned to your boyfriend. “Some random guy has my address and is sending me shit, and your priority is his taste in bouquets?” 
“I’m just saying,” Quinn grumbled with a shrug of his shoulders. “He isn’t gonna win you over with some measly roses.” 
You shook your head in response. “Babe, you are—” 
The two of you froze for a short moment, glancing at each other as your phone’s ringing continued to echo through your small kitchen. There was a moment of hesitation before Quinn reached for it, shoulders tensed like he was expecting to see some unknown number on your screen.
His body visibly relaxed when he saw it was a facetime call from Luke.
He handed you the phone, settling in behind you with his arms still wound around you like he was unwilling to let go of you anytime soon. He hooked his chin on your shoulder, leaning his head against yours as you answered the call.
“Oh. Ew.” 
You rolled your eyes but smiled fondly at your best friend. “Is there a reason you’re calling me before ten? I’m surprised you’re even awake right now.”
“Just wanted to check in,” Luke said, his eyes narrowed like he was analysing something. “Hm. You look quite calm there, Quinn.”
Quinn startled a little, lifting his head. “Did you expect me not to be calm when you called?” 
“I was hoping you’d be in some caveman-ish jealous fit of rage. I had the boys on standby to make sure you didn’t tear the college down.” 
You blinked in confusion. 
“Are you George?” Quinn asked, frowning at his youngest brother’s grinning face.
“No, Quinn, my name is Luke.”
He narrowed his eyes. “You’re a little shit.” 
“What the hell, Luke?” You asked, sighing deeply at whatever your best friend was about to say. You already knew whatever the reason was—most likely encouraged by Jack, again—was going to be too much for your brain to handle this early in the morning. 
“What? I told you I was testing him!” Luke said, like it was the only defence he needed. “The note was hidden in the flowers to make sure he would go looking for it! I wanted to make sure he was putting in the effort with you, if he actually cared about the weird flower thing or if he would just pretend like it was fine.” 
You blinked. “You’re insane,” you said eventually, pausing for a short moment before you continued. “And it’s not a weird flower thing.” 
“I’m going to kill you when I next see you,” Quinn said, glaring at his little brother who looked far too smug for his own good. “And I’m going to shove these roses so far—”
“Talk to you later, bye!” 
You sighed, shaking your head as you let out a breathless laugh. You turned your head, finding Quinn still frowning and glowering, and gently turned his face so you could kiss him. “He’ll get tired of these tests eventually.” 
“Will he though?” Quinn muttered against your lips, his nose brushing against yours. “I swear his next test will be to tattoo your name across my forehead.”
You snorted. “If you do that, I’m breaking up with you.”
“That’s rude,” he mused and, for the first time since he woke up, a hint of a smile was tugging on his lips. “What if I do it on my own accord? Maybe I just want to prove my love for you, baby.”
“I like your pretty face. I’d rather not be staring at my own name whenever I look at it,” you retorted, watching as a full smile spread across his face as he leaned down to kiss you again. 
“Cute,” he murmured before he pulled back completely, a determined glint in his eyes that you knew well. “C’mon, get ready.” 
Your brows furrowed. “What? Where are we going?”
“To burn those flowers and then grab breakfast,” he answered simply.
“I refuse to look at them any longer, babe, they are atrocious.”
“You’re so dramatic.” 
“It’s a Hughes thing.”
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firewasabeast · 2 months
Prompt: Tommy's first birthday with Evan and he's turning 40
I'm sorry this took so long I think about things too much!
Buck had asked when Tommy's birthday was when they first started dating, kept it held tight in his memory bank until he could write it in his calendar, and began planning before they'd even gone on more than four dates. His birthday was still months away at that point, but somehow Buck knew he was in it for the long haul.
Over those few months, as their relationship turned more into a partnership, Buck learned that Tommy never really had birthday parties growing up. His mom would buy him a donut that morning and put a candle in it, sing to him quietly in the kitchen while his dad was nursing a hangover in the living room, and then he'd unwrap a comic book that his mom would save up to buy.
Every birthday after seventeen was spent alone, or at work, and he never mentioned it to anyone.
That meant that his 40th birthday had to be perfect. Absolutely perfect from start to finish.
Tommy had told him he didn't expect or even want anything, but Buck had made him promise he'd request the day off.
Tommy rarely said no to anything Buck asked.
Buck made sure Bobby scheduled everyone off for that day as well.
What he didn't expect was that Jee would get sick, and give whatever flu bug she had to Maddie and Chimney.
Or that Denny would break his leg playing soccer and Hen would be spending the night in the hospital.
Or that Christopher would call Eddie and ask him to fly to El Paso and bring him home.
Bobby had to cancel too. A pipe burst in May's apartment and they had to go move her into a new place.
A couple of Tommy's friends had last minute things come up too, leaving Buck to cancel on the remaining few that could make it. It would have been really lame to do all he had planned with only four or five people present.
On the morning of Tommy's birthday, Buck rolled over to see Tommy sleeping soundly beside him. His hair was all ruffled up, mouth hanging slightly open. His chest rose and fell peacefully.
So damn cute, Buck thought.
He'd broken the news to him yesterday afternoon. All the surprises he had planned had to be cancelled on the count of him having the worst luck in the world. Tommy had laughed, his face scrunched in that adorable smile that Buck could never resist. He brought Buck close to him, promised him, “Evan, I don't need anything or anyone but you.”
Still, Buck knew he could make the day just as special without anyone else. He started by quietly slipping out of bed, pulling on his boxers before heading to the kitchen.
When Tommy woke up twenty minutes later, it was to the smell of pancakes and bacon, his favorite breakfast.
“What's all this?” Tommy asked, a smile on his face. His hair was still a mess, he had on basketball shorts that he had tossed off the night before, and a very tight white shirt on that was most definitely Buck's. Buck loved getting to see him like this. Loved that he wasn't always so put together like everyone else thought he was.
“It's birthday breakfast,” Buck answered, bringing a plate of pancakes to the table before walking over to Tommy and wrapping him in his arms. He pressed a kiss to his lips, tasting the minty mouthwash Tommy had just used. “Happy birthday, babe,” he whispered once they parted.
Another kiss, Tommy moaning a little “Mm” into it this time, the way he always did when he felt overwhelmed by Buck's love. “Thank you.”
Reluctantly, he let Buck go so he could go get the bacon. Coffee was already on the table, steam still rising from the cup. Tommy sat down a took a sip.
Just the way he liked it.
“You didn't have to do this for me, Evan,” he said once the bacon was at the table and Buck was seated beside him.
“I wanted to. Now, eat up. Busy day ahead.”
After breakfast they both went to get dressed, but ended up a bit distracted. Usually Buck would be beside himself being thirty minutes behind schedule. Especially when he had spent the entire previous day planning every moment on a clipboard he had found mysteriously hidden behind the couch.
Turns out, Tommy was very excited about his breakfast pancakes and Buck couldn't find it in him to care that they weren't going to be on time.
Once they finally got dressed and out the door, they headed to the zoo. Tommy had mentioned before that he'd never been, and Buck had been determined since that day to make sure he got in a visit.
After the zoo was The Getty. It was a bit of a drive, but that didn't matter. Buck had learned two months into their relationship that Tommy was an incredible artist. He didn't make much time for it, but when he did, he put his all into it. Even when Buck didn't quite understand what Tommy had painted, he loved it. It was beautiful, because it meant something to Tommy, and that's all that mattered.
There was a late lunch after that, at one of their favorite cafe's. They sat outside and enjoyed the breeze while they sipped on lemonade and shared sandwiches.
Last was a hike. Nothing strenuous. It was more of an excuse to walk side by side, holding hands and chatting. Buck loved doing that. Loved that Tommy didn't shy away from affection. Loved how their hands fit together just perfectly, swinging between them with each step.
After that, they headed home for a movie night. Love, Actually was first, with whatever else Tommy wanted after that.
“Evan,” Tommy stopped him as they entered their house.
“Yeah?” Buck asked, turning to him.
Tommy lifted a hand to Buck's face, his thumb stroking his cheek gently. “Today was incredible.”
“You sure? I know it wasn't-”
“Ev. Incredible,” Tommy repeated.
Buck smiled, relief washing over his face. “It was, wasn't it?”
Tommy pulled him in for a kiss, stepping back until Buck was pressed up against the door.
Before it could get too heated, Buck patted his chest and Tommy reluctantly pulled away.
“There's something else for you,” he said, sliding away from Tommy and heading into the kitchen.
“Hun, I don't need anything else. You already did too much.”
“Just one more thing.” Buck got a rectangular, white box out of the fridge. Tommy wasn't sure how he'd hid it, but it was the first he'd seen of it. He walked closer, standing across the counter from Buck as he set the cake box down.
“You got me a cake, too?!” Tommy asked, his voice filled with something Buck could only describe as child-like glee.
“Of course I did.” He lifted the lid to show Tommy a beautifully decorated chocolate and vanilla marble cake, with 'Happy 40th Birthday, Tommy' written on it. “It was too late to cancel and order a smaller one,” he said as Tommy stared down at it in wonder, “so it feeds thirty people, but we can freeze it.”
“It's perfect,” Tommy said softly. He looked up at Buck, eyes wide and wet, “This whole day... perfect."
Evan walked around the counter and pulled Tommy close, resting his head in the crook of Tommy's neck, pressing a kiss there. “I love you, Tommy.”
Tommy ran his hands up and down Buck's back, a happy sigh escaping him. “I love you, Evan.”
They were both very pleasantly surprised one week later when, thinking they were going to Bobby and Athena's for a simple dinner, they opened the door to be greeted with a beautifully decorated house. Tons of balloons and streamers all around. All their friends and family there, shouting surprise as they stood under a huge 'HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TOMMY' sign. A cake was rolled out with forty candles, and written on it was 'Someone call a firefighter!'
Tommy had to fight back the tears in his eyes. In one week he'd gone from never having a birthday cake in his life, to having two.
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roseychains · 7 months
could you maybe do relationship/nsfw headcanons for gojo and nanami. Please
Relationship and nsfw h/c for Gojo and Nanami ~
A/n: thanks for the request! This was pretty fun writing, I enjoyed it a lot and kinda went crazy ;3
C/w: fluff, sillyness. As for nsfw, written by a minor!
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Major gift giver!! It’s his love language and he certainly has the money to do so. If he sees something that reminds him of you, he’ll buy it for you. If he thinks you’ll like it, he buys it for you. If he thinks it’s a cool thing, he’ll buy it to show you
Sooo touchy. He’s clingy and cuddly. He always has his hands on you. Holding yours, snaked around your waist, hip, around your neck, on your thigh, it doesn’t matter. He needs to hold you. When he gets home from particularly draining missions, he just wants to wrap his arms around you and sleep
Speaking of sleep, he’s really sleepy. And snores loud as fuck, almost monstrously so. That’s only for day naps, at night, he won’t let himself sleep before you are asleep
He sometimes has bad dreams, dreams where something happens to you and will wake up and pull you closer. He’s gentle enough to not wake you up but holding you is a comfort to him
Loves to take you shopping and play dress up with you. He will pick out clothes with you then send you to the changing room, and have you walk out real quick to show him how you look
He loves showering together, and he loves washing your hair for you and vice versa
You play games together, and he rages. Y’all definitely have some shared concels for playing things together, and he will throw a fit when he loses
He likes helping you cook. He will get things out for you, cut veggies and wash the dishes while you run the kitchen
But sometimes he cooks for you, doing it all in an apron that says “kiss the chef” or something cheesy
Buys you the most expensive jewelry, and urges you to wear it anytime you go out
Hugs from behind!! Lots of sneaky teasing touches. Pinches you playfully. Slaps ur ass then runs knowing your about to turn around and get his 10x harder
He acts like he’s smaller than he is. Will definitely ask to be little spoon, but you end up wrapping around him like a backpack. Sits on YOUR lap, etc
Always wants a kiss. Never let’s you leave the house without a kiss, and vise versa
He will pose for you. Pose for you to draw him, pose for pics, etc
Let’s you practice hair, nails, makeup, and anything else traditionally feminine on him. He thinks he looks fabulous
Will attempt to take bites of your food when you aren’t looking
Such a gentlemen. He will chauffeur you everywhere, open your door for you, carry you when your feet hurt, pay for 100% of all dates, treats you like a princess
Speaking of princess treatment, he makes you breakfast in bed “just because”
Definition of a male wife. He does all the cleaning and helps with the cooking, always has the bed made and the house tidy by the time you get home
Brushes and does your hair for you, learned how to specifically for you
Such a romantic. I’m talking candle lit dinners, rose petals adorning the bedroom, bubble baths and more
Surprisingly super shy in public. You have to break him out of his shell a little bit
He secretly wears women’s perfume when he can. He thinks it smells so much nicer than cologne
Puts your needs first down to the most minimal details. Not making you sit next to strangers on trains, letting you get the entire hotel bed to yourself, letting you shower first with the hot water, etc
He takes any and all of your injuries seriously. Even a small paper cut he will have you wash and put a bandage on it to prevent infection
He also doesn’t take any risks. He makes sure anytime you guys are outside for an extended period of time that your wearing sunscreen. When you guys are in grass, he’s making sure you have on some kind of bug spray on your ankles
Brews coffee everymorning like clockwork for the both of you. He likes it black but bought a ton of stuff for you, so he makes your coffee Starbucks style the way you like it with cream and stuff
Watches you sleep, not in a creepy way. More in like your so beautiful he can’t keep his eyes off way
He’s super into yoga, will go to yoga classes with you. He’s so stiff he needs it
He reads a lot of books, and will geek out about them to you
Frequently accidently sleeps with his glasses on, you’ll wake up beside him and he will just. Have them on. And when he gets up in the morning to take them off he has red marks around his eyes
Such a fucking tease. He LOVES to get you worked up before giving you what you want
Edging and overstim both ways. He loves to get you so close to that edge, then pull out and make you whine or beg for it. He also really enjoys making yoy cum over and over until your crying and pleading with him to stop. As for himself, his main motive for edging himself is to help him last longer. Lord knows he can’t stand more than 10 minutes inside you without cumming. He also loves it when you milk him for all he’s worth, ridding him into tears
Absolutely into sensory deprivation. He gets a kick out of either you, not being able to know his next move keeping you in the dark, or him, being at your mercy
Speaking of sensory stuff, he fucking loves it when you wear his blindfold. Blocking your vision, you can only feel his touches and not see them
He cums so much, everywhere all the time. His favorite place to cum has to be all over your face. Have you sucking him off, but before he cums he pulls out and jerks it a few times before painting your face with his seed. It’s so hot to him, seeing you covered in it
He might even take a picture if you let him. He’s really into picture/video taking, just to have for himself. Whenever your not there, he can pull out his file of lewd photos and videos of you two
He is soooo vocal. He’s loud and his moans are whiny. He doesn’t hold back though, he has no shame. Matter of fact he wants everyone to know what you do to him
Speaking of, he’s a bit of a risk taker. He’s not past sneaking into a changing room for you to help him with the boner he got looking at you in those clothes
While he may cum fast, he can still last several rounds without break. He is the strongest, after all
Loves oral giving and receiving because it’s so messy. He loves it when your drooling all over his cock, or when his chin is covered in your slick
He’s a switch, but when he’s on bottom he’d moan if you step on his cock. Such a slutty submissive, and a brat too. He’d do things to get you angry so you punish him for it later <3
Definitely has considered 3somes with geto, but never brought it up
I can see him being into roleplay
He’s not insanely girthy, but he is LONGG and pretty. Has a cute curve at the end that’s perfect for you
He loves fucking your tits
His fingers are slim and long, and when he fingers you he will make you see stars
Thinks it’s so hot when he gets you to squirt
Somno with consent
If you need to be clean right that moment he will do so, but aftercare with him usually he prefers to cuddle up and sleep then clean up in the morning
Such a service dom. He’s a provider, and that nature sticks in the bedroom. He lives to please you, and will make you cum several times before even freeing his cock from his tight pants
He would definitely dabble in bdsm. Specifically, what he enjoys is bondage and brat taming
With bondage, he has it all. It may be a small fluffy pair of handcuffs binding your wrists behind your back, two a sturdy rope tying your ankles and wrists to the corner of the bed, to full on shibari, ropes all over your body
Absolutely uses his tie and/or belt to bind you
Brat taming was something you insisted, and when he tried it he found out he got a kick out of it too. It started with you teasing him all day, and when you begged him to be rough with you and put you in your place who is he to deny you?
Both kinks are done with upmost gentleness and care. Of course. He may also engage in light impact play, small spanks on your ass and even your clit. Nothing enough to hurt, just a little love tap to startle you
His hands drive you insane. His hands are so big, they wrap perfectly around your wrists, neck, hips, waist, etc. they also reach all the parts inside you just the way you like
While he often takes the leading role, he’s not opposed to letting you ride him to get yourself off when he doesn’t have the energy
He’s not very loud, mostly grunts and quite muffled moans come from him
So much praise. He’s constantly reassuring you through the whole ordeal, calling you beautiful, gorgeous, how well your doing, how good you are for him, etc
He would degrade you if you really wanted. Again, you’d have to tell him because he wouldn’t ever say such things to you but when your begging him to say mean things to you, he’s nothing but a pleaser
Cockwarming is a big turn on. He’s a busy man, so when he has work to do but you wanna get off, he will let you sit on his cock
Similarly, he also likes watching you ride his thigh. Your wet pussy grinding up and down on his clothed leg does something to him
Aftercare god. As soon as you guys are done he’s running a bath, carrying you to it, washing you off as you just lay back. After he drys you off, he’s carrying you back to the bed and wrapping you with his arms
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al-the-remix · 1 month
BuckTommy Whump Week Day 1: Canon typical injury // Wound neglect
Thank you to the @bucktommywhumpweek mods for putting this together (and sorry it's a day late!) uhh...I have no idea how to tag this one, so just enjoy! Again, please excuse any grammar/spelling errors, they'll be all fixed by the time these make is to Ao3.
It was a pretty house, with arched windows and the pristine white walls of a Spanish revival that had recently had some love and attention given to it. Evan had told him some meandering tale that Tommy had had a difficult time following about ghost phone calls and haunted desolate suburban homes. It was one Tommy couldn’t quite believe, but enabled nevertheless; he’d overheard stories about the Loz Feliz murder house, scuttlebutt around the water cooler and during lulls between calls. He’d never given the stories any real consideration, and gave them even less now that he was faced with what looked like a totally innocuous family home. 
Maddie had settled herself at the end of the dining room table, her whole body angled towards him, hands folded around her coffee mug, radiating warmth as she waited patiently for him to spit out what exactly it was that had brought Tommy to her home on her day off.
Tommy hadn’t really known what to expect when he had called her. They’d never had the chance to spend much time one-on-one, whether it was Evan or Howie, there always seemed to be someone else hanging around, dividing his attention. Now he wishes he’d reached out sooner and under more pleasant circumstances. 
“So, what is it you wanted my advice on?”
Tommy drew his own mug closer to his chest, lacing his fingers around it to keep himself from fidgeting. The steam from the tea felt warm on the underside of his chin and he had to bite down on the skin of his inner cheek to quell the sudden swell of emotions that rose inside him. 
“Evan wont let me look after him.”
The corner of Maddie’s mouth twitched up in a moment of brief amusement, then tugged down in a sympathetic half-smile. “Welcome to the club.”
Tommy found himself laughing despite himself, the noise thick and a little wet in the back of his throat. He hoped that part was quite enough to slip beneath her radar.
If Maddie noticed she didn’t acknowledge it, much to Tommy's relief. He already felt foolish showing up here to needle his boyfriend’s sister for relationship advice, even if he had been invited, he didn’t need to get all emotional about it too.
“Have you talked with Evan recently?”
“I have, but I can’t say that he was exactly forthcoming. Not that he ever is when he’s injured.”
“Right,” Tommy looked down at his hands. “Which I understand, I’ve had strains before, they’re a drag and it’s annoying having to be on the bench for three weeks, but they’re worse if you don’t let them rest.” She was watching him with clear understanding as he rambled. 
“What happened,” Maddie asked gently.
Tommy rubbed at the side of his nose, feeling a little sheepish. “You’re a nurse so you know. Anyway, it sounds silly now, but he wanted to go to the gym the other day–which it’s way too early for–and we got into an argument about it. I wanted to give him space, but now he hasn't texted me in three days and I don’t know what to do. I tried to call him earlier, but he didn’t pick up. I just don’t know how much to push.”
In Tommy’s experience, the line between caring and overbearing was a thin one. 
Evan had never seemed to shy away from going after Tommy’s attention when he had wanted it, whether that meant asking for tours he didn’t really need, or playing sports he didn’t actually like, or organizing a coffee date to apologize when he hadn’t needed to. Maybe it had been presumptuous of him, but Tommy really had expected Evan to reach out sooner rather than later; and the longer the silence went on the more deliberate it felt, like maybe he’d overstepped some invisible boundary Tommy hadn’t even considered looking out for. 
Maddie watched him with a kind, sympathetic expression. Maybe at first glance most would say she and Evan didn’t look much alike, but to Tommy it was clear in their eyes, and their smiles, and their big hearts. 
“I don’t know how much he’s told you yet about our parents or our family situation.” She spoke carefully, as if weighing each word with her consideration. “But I think you might find that he does want someone to look after him, he’s just worried that once you see it, all the raw, messy bits he likes to hide, you won’t want to stay.”
Tommy was all too familiar with raw and messy, not that Evan knew that yet. And maybe that was part of the issue, he’d been so preoccupied with letting Evan set the speed and seeing where it took them, that he’d allowed his own role in this dance to fall to the wayside. He’d told Evan that he was interested, but did Evan know to what degree? Maybe he’d been too concerned with scaring Evan off to really open up the way he should have by now.
“Has that happened before?” Tommy asked when he’d worked the words past the frog in his throat.
She tilted one shoulder up. “He thinks it has, and that’s enough.”
Tommy considered that, staring down into his milky reflection in his untouched tea. 
“Here, have a biscuit,” Maddie offered, pushing the plate of neatly arranged shortbreads across the table at him. 
Tommy gladly took one. In spite of what Evan had suffered through with his parents growing up, he was lucky to have her. 
For once the afternoon L.A. traffic didn’t get under Tommy’s skin. He gladly welcomed the prolonged drive home to turn Maddie’s words over in his head. 
In many ways Evan’s body was sort of like a haunted house: possessed by a ghost that wasn’t his, neglected because of it. 
In Tommy’s pocket there was an extra key on his keyring, freshly cut and matching his own. It had sat there for a week, fucking with his head while he’d waited for the perfect opportunity to offer it to Evan. Sure, it was fast, but there was just something about the way Evan had weaved so snugly into Tommy’s life that had made him want to forgo all of his usual hesitancies and firmly erected walls in favour of having Evan be able to come and go from his house as he pleased. And Tommy liked the idea of finding Evan already in his home at the end of the day. He’d hoped that Evan might take it as the signal it was: that Tommy wanted him around permanently, taking up space and leaving his dirty socks all over Tommy’s house. 
Most of all, Evan made him want to be brave. Now Tommy wasn’t so sure. 
Evan had navigated their first few months of dating with his foot pressed firmly on the gas and very little inhibition, leaving Tommy reeling in his wake. He wasn’t accustomed to being pursued with that much earnest persistence, especially by men who up until very recently considered themselves straight.
Maybe he’d overlooked the very real possibility that all that inertia may be overcompensation for something lurking below. That when all that confidence melted away and all the forward momentum Evan had built up hit its peak, Evan wasn’t fully prepared to handle the descent that lived on the other side, not on his own.
That was okay, Tommy was a pro at handling those. If only Evan would let him. 
Tommy tossed his keys in his hand as he made his way to the front door,  thumbing the rough edges of the newly cut key. He wasn’t sure how many things Evan truly had of his own; he’d heard about the bicycle and the brother, and he knew that what Evan did have he fiercely guarded, his own space and his bodily autonomy were at the top of that list. 
Tommy had witnessed the way wounded and sick animals could go from gentle to aggressive in a blink of an eye out of fear and pain. He wanted Evan to know how invensted he was in this relationship, but also didn’t want to be the one to corner Evan, to make him feel trapped and like he needed to lash out to be understood. 
It was a fine balance. 
The house was dark and quiet, he hadn’t expected anything else, but still he tried not to let his disappointment settle in the pit of his stomach and make a home there. That wouldn’t help anything. 
 He made his way to his room, not expecting to find a big formless lump on his bed or that it would groan when he flicked on the lights. 
Tommy just about jumped out of his skin, swearing black and blue. Evan was lying on top of the bed covers, his sneakers still on his feet. It looked like he had half-heartedly attempted to undo the laces on one before giving up. 
Evan lowered the arm he’d flung over his eyes against the light, squinting at him where Tommy still hovered in the doorway. 
“Hi,” Tommy said, at a loss for anything else. As far as Evan’s expressions went, the one he was wearing was fairly unreadable.  
“Hey–So, you’re going to be mad at me.” Evan let the words out in one big sigh, like they had been pressed up tight against the starting gate of his teeth. 
Tommy risked taking a step closer to the bed. “I promise you I’m not.” 
Evan let his head thunk back against the mattress, eyes locked on the ceiling, and muttered: “I think I strained my strain.”
Caught off guard, Tommy had to press his lips together tight to suppress the laugh that bubbled up in his throat. This wasn’t exactly the moment for it. 
Evan was still staring at the ceiling, looking miserable, even after everything Tommy couldn’t help but feel fond. “Stay still, I'll go get the ice pack.”
“That won’t be hard.” He heard Evan mumble as he went to dig the gel pack out from the back of his freezer, grabbing a bottle of Advil and one of the water bottles Evan had left in his dishwasher for good measure. 
When Tommy returned Evan had indeed not moved. He settled himself on the foot of the bed, pulling Evan’s skinny ankles into his lap as he began working away at the laces. “How did you get into my house?” Tommy asked as he worked. That really should have been his first question, he could feel the heavy presence of his eyes in his pocket. Well received or not, he probably should have offered it to Evan a week ago.   
“You’re a firefighter, you should know those little fake rocks are a dead giveaway to anyone trying to break in,” Evan huffed, sounding more like himself. “At least invest in a garden gnome or something to throw them off.”
Tommy chuckled, catching Evan’s eye. “I’ll keep that in mind for the next time my boyfriend decides to break into my house.”
Evan’s gaze dipped down to where Tommy was working the first shoe off his foot, quiet for a few moments before he said, softly: “Thanks.”
Tommy just grunted as he started working on the laces of the other high top. Evan really needed to invest in some proper weightlifting shoes, but Tommy wasn’t exactly raring to get into another gym centered argument so soon. 
When he’d finally wrestled both shoes off, Tommy got Evan sitting up against the headboard, and situated himself on the edge of the mattress at his knee so he could slip the ice pack under the meat of his calf and hold it there.  
“I can do that if you want.”
“It’s fine. I’m happy to,” Tommy said simply, giving Evan’s ankle a squeeze where his other hand rested. He wasn’t expecting Evan’s eyes to dart off to the side, a rush of air leaving his lungs with a hitch that snagged Tommy’s attention. 
“Fuck, I didn’t want to do this,” Evan said, his hand coming up to rub at his eyes. 
“Be a mess, you know, a nuisance.”
“Do what? Evan–”
“Evan, I don’t think you’re a nuisance,” Tommy said, trying to catch his eye. 
Evan shot him a flat, red rimmed look. “I broke into your house. I was stubborn when you were just trying to look out for me, and then too much of a chicken to call you back when you were worried about me.”
Tommy stroked his thumb over the exposed bulb of Evan’s ankle bone. “I shouldn’t have pushed,” he said softly.
Evan shook his head. “I want you to push–you weren't even pushing–not really. I just, I really like you.” 
Tommy felt a sappy smile spread across his face. He let go of Evan's ankle to take his hand instead, giving it a squeeze. “I really like you too.”
Evan let out a wet sound somewhere between a cough and a laugh, his face a startling red. “I really like being your boyfriend.” 
“Good,” Tommy said, “because as your boyfriend I want to ice your leg for you, even when you’re being stubborn about it, even when you don’t call me back.” Evan’s eyes dipped away to the side like he was preparing to sidestep Tommy’s sentiment again and he figured this was his moment to lay it all out there. “This isn’t too much. You’re not too much for me, but if it’s too much for you, too soon, you need to tell me, because I’m serious about this Evan. I want you to be around even when things are messy.”
Tommy reached into his pocket, pulling out his keychain and began to work the new key off the ring. “Maybe this isn't the right moment, but I had this cut a few weeks ago, and so if you'd like, you can just let yourself in next time instead of having to hunt through my garden for fake rocks.”
Evan stared at the key Tommy held out to him, a dumb founded expression on his face. “You got that made for me?”
“You don't plan on going to Ireland any time soon do you?”
His eyes were like big wet saucers, infinitely vulnerable and Tommy frowned. “What?”
Evan's face crumpled, one big hand snapping up to cover it as he muffled a sob. 
“Okay, okay,” Tommy soothed as he climbed gingerly over Evan's legs to sit properly on the bed beside him. “Come here.” 
He was relieved when Evan let himself be pulled against his chest, wrapping his arms snugly around Tommy's neck.
“I'm sorry I was a dick and for the crying, my leg just really fucking hurts,” Evan mumbled into Tommy's now soggy shirt collar.
Tommy rubbed his back in calming circles. “It's okay, I don't mind, and I forgave you pretty quickly. Just next time please call me back so I know you're alright. I want you to.”  
Evan moved just far enough away so he could get a good look at Tommy's face. “Me too–all that stuff you said–it's not too much for me either,” he said and pulled Tommy into a wet, kind of snotty kiss. 
Tommy cradled Evan's face in his hands, it was short and sweet, Evan's sinuses too blocked up for anything more than that, but at least he was smiling when he broke away from the kiss, out of breath.
“I was kind of worried you were going to break things off with me, that's why I didn't call you back," he admitted.
“Evan–” Tommy tried, but was cut off.
“Look, maybe I have a penchant for self-sabotage, but I'll, uh, try to be better with that.” He laced their fingers back together, resting them against Tommy's knee. "I haven't wanted something this badly in a long time. It's kind of scares me."
"Me too," Tommy admitted, "I meant it when I said I was serious about you."
Evan's smile did something that made Tommy's heart jump in his throat. "Good, because I think I'm going to need a ride to the doctor's tomorrow."
"I think I can manage that," Tommy said and reached for the ice pack where it had been left forgotten on the mattress. And maybe after that Evan would want to come back to his house and stay a while.
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evermoresversion · 1 year
Could you do promise rings with Jeremiah Fisher x reader where he goes all out, like walk onto the beach and rose petals and everyones there and all that fluffiness, and like promising to marry her after collage.<3
Have a good day/afternoon/night
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A/N Thank you so much for your request, sweetheart. <3
I really got butterflies writing this, I can't believe it.
The name of the fic is because I was listening to that song while writing this.
PAIRING Jeremiah Fisher x Fem!Reader
TW/TAGS Pure fluff, established relationship.
SUMMARY You and Jeremiah have been in a relationship for a year now, both going more stable than ever, he decides it's time to take the next step.
There was this day where Jeremiah woke up more affectionate than usual. And he was always affectionate with you.
The two of you have known each other your whole life, since your mother, Christine, Laurel and Susannah had always been best friends.
You grew up with the Fishers and Conklins. And while Susannah entrusted Conrad to Belly, she entrusted Jeremiah to you.
She said you were the one for her sunshine boy.
And that's what you did, you took care of Jeremiah's heart and soul as if they were your own, which led him to fall in love with you and you started dating.
That was at least a year ago, if not longer. Returning to the present it was summer, everyone was at the summer house, the day was starting and Jeremiah was already all over you.
His head on your chest so you could caress his hair while he hugged you around the waist. His eyes were closed and her legs were tangled between yours. All on top of you, pinning you to the mattress so you couldn't leave his side.
And you really didn't plan on doing it.
Until Conrad went to get you out of your love nest.
"Hey lovebirds, breakfast is ready." he announced and then left the room. Jeremiah groaned with his face now hidden in the crook of your neck.
"Let's stay here," he murmured tightening his grip on your waist. "forever."
"That's what I want the most, but I'm afraid that if we don't go down now my mother will come for us to get us off our ears."
He complained again getting up from the bed and stretching out his hand for you to take it.
When you got up, he hugged you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder, letting you lead him into the kitchen.
"Good morning." Susannah greeted with a wide smile looking at the two of you. He was really glad that the two of you were together.
In addition to the fact that the reason for her smile was one that you didn't know.
You sat next to Jeremiah at the kitchen breakfast nook and both ate in peace.
That same afternoon you had returned from shopping with Belly and Taylor since both had insisted that they wanted to buy some dresses and they convinced you to buy one yourself.
"Where is Jeremiah?" you asked your mother who was with Laurel in the living room, she having a coffee while the other was typing something on her computer.
"He said he was coming in a while, don't worry." She nodded and you sighed going up to your room.
When you left, Laurel and your mother looked at each other knowingly, also knowing what was going to happen that night.
Later that day, once again the girls convinced you to get ready, put on makeup and do your hair because they 'felt like it' even though they hid the real reason from you by disguising it so you wouldn't find out anything.
"You look beautiful." Belly flattered smiling when she finished doing your hair.
"Never mind that she looks beautiful, she looks super hot." Taylor said, making you both laugh.
"How about we go for a walk on the beach?" the brunette offered as Taylor nodded her head.
"Dressed like that? I don't think so, I'm going to change and let's go." before you could move they both exclaimed a 'no' confusing you even more. "Okay girls, you always act weird but this time it's too much."
"It's just that I saw that there's a party on the beach and we're going to it, besides we're not so formal, they're casual dresses." the blonde shrugged and Belly nodded. When they convinced you, you agreed sighing.
You saw Taylor wrote something on her phone but you brushed it off.
"Good!" Each of them linked their arm with one of yours, each one being at your sides.
"Tonight will be unforgettable, I promise."
How correct was Taylor.
When you entered the beach you frowned not seeing any party on the beach.
"Where's the party, Tay?"
"We're almost there, wait." She tapped your arm twice and you kept walking.
Just when you were about to complain again, you saw something in the distance. You narrowed your eyes to get a better look and you could see... Jeremiah? What was he doing there?
And then you looked at the whole scenario.
The warm lights that shone where he stood. Along with Laurel, Susannah, Steven, Conrad and your mother. Jeremiah was standing in the middle of all of them.
And then you started connecting all the dots, but there was still something that didn't add up.
"Come on." Belly added smiling, leading you to where your whole family was.
When you got to where the others were, they left you in front of Jeremiah.
"You are welcome." Taylor commented making Jeremiah smirk.
Your face was totally a puzzle. And then Jeremiah took a deep breath, looking directly into your eyes and took your hands in his.
"I had a whole speech prepared but you look so stunning that you have left me speechless." he started by making you laugh softly and you heard some light giggles from the others. He took another breath of air, compose himself to be able to order a little everything he wanted to tell you.
"You've always been my favorite person, always, the only one I wanted to share my toys with when we were kids," you grinned at the memory, it was true. "The only one with whom I wanted to share my most deepest secrets and dreams." Your heart began to beat at an accelerated rate, and you waited for him to continue talking.
"And now I know that you're the only one I want to share the rest of my life with." when he said that suddenly everything stopped, even your heart. "I know that we are young, that we have a lot to live for, a lot to go through, but I know that I want all this together with you. With you I can be myself, with you I have everything. Everything I was looking for in a person I found it in you without even trying. You are the kindest, prettiest, funniest person I know. I want this to be eternal, for us to be eternal."
"So," he took a small box from the inside pocket of his jacket and bit your lower lip to keep from crying. Seeing him kneel in front of you. He opened the box letting you see a ring in it. "Will you marry me when we finish college?"
"Yes, Yes, Yes!" You exclaimed, nodding, and he rose to gently take your hand and put the ring on you.
He took your cheeks while you cradled his face in your hands to kiss him slowly, enjoying the moment.
When both parted, the mothers congratulated both of you, but especially Susannah and your mom.
"I know you will both be very happy." Susannah said caressing your face and once again you felt like crying, you hugged her tightly and she hugged you.
"Thank you so much."
When everyone congratulated both you, y'all returned to the house and when you and Jeremiah were in his room he kissed you again.
"You don't know how long I wanted to do this." he murmured joining his forehead with yours.
"I'm glad you already did."
disclaimer ── evermoresversion © 2023.
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equallyshaw · 4 months
rose's relationship with her brothers + reactions to her coming out! | rutger x rose hughes au! ⚘ thoughts! ⚘ au masterlist.
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rose + quinn: - that's his rosie posey - originated the nickname, posey after their parents called her rosie the first time - incredibly close as they both lived in BC for 4 years - growing up, he'd always make sure she played with them and always made sure the two others gave her time to learn the game - rose was his shadow growing up - always told her that she didn't need to play jack's position - a center - to make the positions even, like luke and quinn - also, he always said that if she gave up hockey nobody would be disappointed because there was a time she wanted to quit to be 'normal' at school - flied rose out during his time in vancouver that overlapped with hers, whenever she was able to come out. he also flew out to visit her and see her games at BC + her jr hockey club - she sends him all her poems, before she posts them to her poetry/spam account - always says if hockey doesn't work out, she should publish her works. - quinn is her passenger princess when they are together - always there to be a source for advice, and somebody for her to lean on - will belt out olivia rodrigo, any day of the week - since the moment she was born, he made jack promise they'd always be there for her and protect her. the two take their unspoken role very seriously
rose + jack: - tolerate eachother at best - just kidding but they do butt heads a lot because he doesn't always pick up on her sarcasm and thinks she is serious 100% which...it is typically 75% - nickname for rose is flower - jack is always done for spur of the moment ice cream trips and both have an adoration for brunch dates - when she told him that she was thinking of trying to go for the CHL because they had reached out and asked her and her team about joining the men's league, he was incredibly happy and excited for her. not to mention flattered she wanted his opinion, but ultimately she skipped the chl and headed for college- a year early - he is the easiest to make a meme out of, and will regularly post to her spam account (he can literally breathe, and one appears) - during summer camps growing up, rose would be his winger/forward. the two loved playing together and it meant both her brothers could be on the same line
rose + luke: - nickname for rose is lovie - after quinn, her and luke are closest because of their ages - their favorite season is summer because they all get to be together, and especially for these two, the two have always held a bond that nobody can touch - as a kid she used to play defence because she wanted to be like luke, and then realized she wasn't going to grow much more and shifted to winger/forward - coffee partners for life - at the lakehouse you'll probably find these two together. she'll be reading or writing, and he'll be napping either at her feet or right behind her. or nearby. - definitely a sunshine/black cat sibling duo - interchanging - both love drive around with country music blasting - because she hates golf, the brothers take her to mini golf during the summer which leads to a very heated game between the two young ones
their reactions to coming out as bisexual:
quinn: - incredibly grateful she came out to him first after asking for a plane ride to see him - gave her the absolute biggest hug and shed some tears now knowing how long she'd been holding it in and how much turmoil she went through - told her how proud he was of her and that he was proud to be her sister (cue the waterworks again!) - when she started going out with her ex girlfriend - publicly, he was so happy for her and was one of their biggest supporters in private and on social media
jack: - was incredibly proud of her for coming out to them - was happy that she could publicly be with her girlfriend at the time - gave her the biggest bear hug and said if anybody says something or treats you differently- they'd have to answer to him (all three) - because he is always down for a good time, he told her that if she wants to go to a pride parade - he wants to join her
luke: - was a tad bit hurt that she hadn't said anything to him earlier but got over it real quickly after realizing that it was her own journey and the decision to tell him whenever - the two had a long hug and then long talk about when she knew, how things came about with her ex and then like jack, had said he'll always be there to protect her if she needed him to - she told him that it was the hardest thing to keep from not only the whole family, but him because of the bond that they share (lots of tears were shed during their heart to heart)
ellen + jim: - more than accepting, welcoming and supportive - just like all their children, they want rosie to be happy - ellen could tell there was something on her daughters mind for sometime now, and is relieved to hear what it is - as soon as the words were shared, a minute passes before ellen is pulling her baby girl in her arms. - lots of tears were shed - jim was very quiet but nevertheless supportive and welcoming - he was overwhelmed but not in a bad way - gave her the biggest bear hug and forehead kiss - the next morning, rosie awoke to a small bouquet of hydrangeas, coffee + sandwich, and a card from jim - the card said everything he hadn't been able to share the night before, without crying. tells her how proud he is and that he is proud to have her as his daughter, and that he's always been proud of her. - when she tells the family that she has a girlfriend the same week, a beat doesn't pass before them wanting her to come visit them at the lake house and asking every question under the sun about them
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ripdragonbeans · 10 months
Shakespeare In Love // Modern!Aemond x reader
CW: afab reader, p in v, creampie, second hand embarrassment, oral f receiving, smut
Summary: Your roommate and best friend, Helaena, and her older brother Aegon, have decided that both you and her younger brother, Aemond, need to go on a date. Both of you are too wrapped in your academics so they decided to take it into their own hands to bring you two together.
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Ever since the accident, Aemond knew he was different. That everybody stared at him with curiosity and fear. Usually the latter. With a jagged scar running over his face, and a dazzling sapphire in the other. It’s no wonder to him why they gave him those looks.
Aemond sighed, slid his hands into the pockets of his black leather jacket, and braced himself against the cold wind that would hit him as soon as he walked out the door. He was on his way to meet up with his brother and sister, Helaena and Aegon. Surprisingly, they met someone whom they both agreed that they needed to introduce to Aemond.
He still didn't really know why he accepted the invitation. Well, he did, but was confused as to what was the why. At first he agreed to meet up because Helaena put on a pouty face and begged him to. Then Aegon kept pestering the hell out of him, constantly texting him and sending annoying ass Snapchats. But as the day to the meeting creeped closer Aemond couldn't help but feel curious, hopeful even, that there might be someone else to talk to.
Aemond was quiet; he studied hard and put all his energy into his work, but didn't have company outside his family and close family friends.
He picked up his pace to get to the cafe faster, the blistering wind slapping him in the face. Thankfully, he got there without freezing his ass off. Aemond entered the cafe and was instantly welcomed by a cozy warmth and the smell of coffee. He barely had time to take in a deep breath when Helaena called out to him.
"Aems! Over here!" She shouted. Well, not really shouted. Helaena never raised her voice above her usual delicate tone but Aemond could hear her anywhere if she was calling to him.
Aemond gave a soft smile to his sister and rolled his eyes at Aegon, seeing him sprawled over the table, most likely feeling the effects of a hangover. Aemond quickly got his black coffee before joining his siblings at the table.
"I'm so excited for you to meet my best friend, she's an absolute sweetheart!" Helaena exclaimed in a sing-song voice. She leaned closer to Aemond and gave him a sly smile, "and she has a very soft spot for Shakespeare."
Aegon groaned without lifting his head. "Did you seriously just say something about Shakespeare?"
"Be quiet and be nice when she gets here," scolded Helaena.
This time, Aegon rose, putting on the grandest voice he could muster. "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."
Helaena glared at Aegon while Aemond closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
He couldn't help himself, he had to correct him. "While the sentiment is the same, that line is frequently misquoted. The correct line is actually -"
"'The lady doth protests too much, methinks.' said by Hamlet's mother from Hamlet."
Aemond's eyes went wide as he saw the girl who finished the sentence for him. She was right behind him, how did he not notice?
She gave Aemond a shy smile and gave him her name. "Hi, I'm Helaena's friend,and I guess I'm Aegon's friend, too."
A high pitched squeal erupted next to Aemond. Helaena never makes such sound unless she’s extremely excited. She shot up from her chair and nearly tackled her.
"I can't believe you made it!"
"Of course I made it, you know I always pull through for you.”
Helaena pulled out of the hug but kept her arm around her best friend.
“And I'm not proud to admit it, but Aegon did help a bit with easing the nervousness of meeting up with…"
Her eyes locked in on Aemond. She had never seen a guy so beautiful and it made her heart flutter a bit. His silver hair fell down just below his shoulders. Against his all black attire his hair and his eye beckoned her attention.
Eye. Only one. A vibrant violet eye, but still only one. In place of the other eye was a black eyepatch that sculpted his face perfectly. What the eyepatch didn’t cover, however, was the angry scar that marred his face.
"Meeting up with you. Yeah, hi, um… I'm -” she stopped herself from introducing herself again. “Sorry, I already said that when I interrupted your conversation. I just get really excited about Shakespeare, you know? And there's so much of his work to digest and analyze and his work is so prevalent even today and can really help actors because his work is just beautiful and -- shit, I'm rambling aren't I?"
Aemond couldn't help but smile at her babbling. It wasn't every day that he came across someone who gets as excited over Shakespeare as him. Even though it was brief, he noticed how her eyes lit up when she mentioned Shakespeare. He could tell she was nervous but her passion covered anything that suggested otherwise.
“My girl is here for a few weeks on her winter break. Initially it was just gonna be me and her but then Aegon brought up that our fellow sibling might need a new friend,” Helaena explained.
She reached out her hand to Aemond. “I’m going to assume you’re the famous, brooding sibling your brother and sister talk so highly of.”
Aemond went to run a hand through his long silver hair. She watched him, completely entranced by his beauty. She knew she was fucked. She knew she was fucked when she interupted their conversaion and laid eyes on him.
“Yeah, I’m Aemond,” he took her hand and gave her a little shake. “Glad to know my brother and sister speak so highly of me to others,” he chuckled.
Her eyes went wide. “Oh fuck, I’m so sorry, no that's not what I meant. I meant that they talk about you a lot and I think you're interesting and oh shit." She proceeded to flop her face on Helaena's shoulder while her best friend patted her head.
Aegon grinned at Aemond. "See? She's just your type. Rambling and all."
A muffled noise came from Helaena's shoulder.
"She’s right. Shut up, Aegon."
Aemond looked at his siblings and then her. He awkwardly coughed to break the tension.
"So…uh…" Aemond had no idea what to say in this situation so he blurted out the first thing that darted through his mind.
"Ya like jazz?" Silence fell as Aemond registered what he said. "God fucking dammit," he immediately snapped his head to Aegon. "Shut the fuck up, Aegon."
"Seriously? That's the first thing you say to someone? 'Ya like jazz?' from the Bee movie?" Aegon was almost falling out of his chair from laughing too hard.
Aemond was too focused on trying not to punch his brother in the face that he didn't notice that she had lifted her face from Helaena's shoulder and softly giggled with her.
“Okay, I’m not gonna lie, that definitely caught my attention, and in a good way,” she laughed.. “Really, it’s a nice break from my stream of consciousness.”
Aemond turned to look at her and gave a small smile. His face now had a tint of color and went down the sides of his neck.
“Glad to be of service, then,” he said, almost giving a theatrical bow before deciding against it. Instead, he opted for a cheeky wink.
Aemond locked eyes and for a moment it was just them. A violet eye meeting warm brown ones.
“And I think that’s our cue to leave, Aeg,” muttered Helaena. She knew Aemond and her best friend would hit it off, but not this quickly.
Aegon clapped Aemond on the back. “Okay, little bro. Have fun on your date!”
Aemond snapped his eye to Aegon and she snapped hers to Helaena.
“I’m sorry, a date?” she asked Helaena.
“Yeah…sorry, girl. But you know you need to go out more, especially after that, and, well, here’s my solution to that. You can’t stay cooped up in your apartment by yourself all the time.” Helaena looked at her and then Aemond. “Both of you.”
She drew in a deep breath then turned to Aemond.
“I’ll give it a shot if you do.”
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A date. She was going on a date with Aemond Targaryen, her best friend's brother. The idea shouldn't excite her but she would be lying if she said it didn't make her heart leap up in her throat.
Once Helaena and Aegon left, the rest stood there not really knowing what to do.
"You said you'd give it a shot?" She asked. Aemond nodded. Offering her hand to Aemond, she quickly smirked. "Well then, let's go."
Aemond deeply inhaled, smiled back, and took her hand. She led them out of the cafe and walked them around a block before realizing she didn't know the area at all.
"So…do you know where you're going?" Aemond asked.
"Not really, but that's what an adventure is, right? And this surprise date is certainly one."
Realizing that he was still holding her hand, Aemond pulled his hand away and shoved it into his pocket. Some color stained his face as he coughed and said, "There's a bookshop nearby if you want to check it out."
She stuffed her hands in her pockets as well and glanced a look at Aemond, smiling. "Yeah, sure, that would be great."
In comfortable silence, the two made their way to a hole in the wall bookshop. Her eyes widened at the view. She thought this was going to be your usual bookshop. But this was no ordinary bookshop. This was heaven on earth. What looked like a mess to an outsider was really shelves upon shelves of books that have been loved. Some were donated books with scrawling annotations for the next reader to delve into. Others were sparkling new, completely untouched, books ready to be loved and hated.
"Hey, Aemond!" A friendly voice sounded.
At the counter was a guy who didn't look like your stereotypical bookshop employee. If anything, he was the opposite. His face was worn and he had what looked like an itchy five o'clock shadow. He obviously worked out and could easily be assumed to be an off-standish person but his eyes were kind and welcoming.
"Cregan, hey. Just wanted to show my, uh, date here,the place," Aemond introduced.
Cregan gave you a welcoming smile. "Go on in, my guys. If you find anything you want you know where to find me," he winked at Aemond before turning back to his work.
Aemond took her hand and led them through the shelves, weaving in and out. "There's this one spot here that I think you'll love," he said.
A red tinge creeped up to her cheek as she smiled and picked up her pace to keep up with Aemond. The only thing she knew they had in common was Shakespeare so she could only assume this has to do with those famous works. Her mind flooded with thoughts of The Tempest and Richard III. Those beautiful, and in Richard III's case, subtly distressing, stories.
She once saw this production of Richard III had a grunge, steam-punk style but still maintained some modern form of politics, suits and all. The beauty of it, the darkness splattered with blood, and the eerie chanting of the opening line in Richard's monologue, "Now is the winter of our discontent," over and over again, layered on top of each other until all that could be heard was a cacophony of voices. The mere thought of it sent shivers down her spine and caused her to physically respond.
Aemond felt her little shiver while he was directing her to nook that was what he considered his own private spot. He tugged her hand a little more as they closed in and came to a stop.
"We're here," he said.
She pulled her attention away from her memory and took in the beauty that was before her. Stacks upon stacks of Shakespeare's plays ranging from old and used to new and pristine. There were even programs of professional productions scattered around. She released Aemond's hand and slowly approached the book shelf closest to her. Her hand grazed the spines of these books, these plays, that have granted her an escape from reality.
Aemond watched her as she explored the section. He couldn't help but stare at the wonder in her eyes. While she was flustered and a bit scatterbrained when they first met, here she was calm and inspired. It was as though every step she took was calculated. She stopped at a book and carefully reached for it.
"Macbeth," she breathed out.
She simply stared at the beautiful copy, a collector's edition. The cover was a soft black with gold roses interwoven with snakes. In the middle was elegant silver lettering of the title sitting above a bubbling cauldron.
"You dare say the title aloud?" Aemond feigned concern.
Snapping out of her trance, she smack Aemond with the same play she was entranced with and rolled her eyes."We're not in a theater so we're fine."
Aemond crossed his arms and leaned on the nearest book shelf and chuckled. "Are you telling me that you actually believe in that superstition?"
She gently laid the book down and slowly walked up to him. "Of course I believe it. You'd believe it if the myth became reality to you too."
"I'm sorry, love, but I don't believe you," Aemond said. He silently cursed at himself for calling her love and prayed to the gods she didn't hear him.
She heard him.
"Now," Aemond started, "I've never been involved with a Shakespeare play -"
She was quick to cut him off, "and that's where I have the one up on you." She gave him a little smirk. "Let me tell you the story of the Old Valyria Theatre." She dramatically cleared her throat before beginning the tale.
"On a dark and stormy night -"
"Was it really dark and stormy?" Aemond interrupted.
The storyteller huffed and rolled her eyes. "No, but I was having fun so shut up."
Aemond gave an amused smile and nodded his head to let her continue.
"Anyway, it was fucking August, happy now?"
"Very," he said with a cheeky grin.
"Okay, so it's August and the Old Valyria Theatre decides to take on a Shakespeare show, like any other company does. Such a big brain idea, I know. Out of all the plays, they chose Macbeth hoping the audience would have some knowledge of the play and it's nuances. Old Valyria Theatre had a stellar cast, every actor playing a named role had previous experience with Shakespeare, which is always a plus. Shakespeare is fucking hard."
"Don't 'hmmm' me, Aemond. It is! You're distracting me again."
"Wonderful, experienced cast, right? Well, except for the children who played Fleance and Macduff's son; they were menaces to society. Everyone told them the significance of the 'myth' of Macbeth as well as other superstitious within theatre. Of course, like all children, they didn't really care and thought it was all fun and stupid. Until the accident." She stopped and stared at Aemond.
"The accident? Really? I don't think it's truly that dramatic, love, but go on." Aemond shook his head.
"Okay fine, it wasn't all that dramatic but it was still pretty intense. Because these kids were little shits, they tried out all the other superstitions: whistling in a theater, turning off the ghost light when everyone has gone, and yelling good luck. Once the first week of shows were finished, the cast knew they were pushing their luck by continuing the rest of the month but they kept going. The show must go on, right? Well, as they were closing up, the one playing Macduff ran up to the second floor platform and yelled out 'MACBETH!' Everyone in the theater looked at the kid in fear as he laughed his ass off. He was laughing so hard that he had to lean on the railing and, lo and behold, the railing broke and the kid fell off and nearly broke his tailbone. Aemond, I'm telling you the curse is real!"
Aemond cocked his head to the side and pondered the story. "So you're telling me," he started, "that you believe the curse of Macbeth is real because a kid decided to be a little shit, scream it, and then ended up falling off a set piece?" He chuckled and shook his head. "That's just kids being stupid and sets not being properly built."
"It was safe! We had gone on it thousands of times! There's no other explanation!" She argued.
"Okay, okay, I'll take your word for it," he said as he pushed himself off the bookshelf and slung an arm over her shoulders.
She leaned into him and snaked a hand around his waist as they headed out.
"Not buying anything?" Cregan asked when they appeared.
"Eh," Aemond said while the girl beside him called out.
"Next time, I swear!" She giggled a bit and pushed herself closer to Aemond.
The two walked out of the bookshop, still linked to each other. Aemond looked at her and thought she was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. When he first saw her he knew she was pretty but watching her become so passionate and silly over Shakespeare made everything about her shine.
They were heading back to the coffee shop when Aemond paused, almost tripping her, and blurted out what he's been wanting to say ever since the book shop. "Wanttoheadtomyplace?" He blurted.
"I'm sorry, what? I couldn't make out what you were saying."
Aemond took a deep breath. "Want to head to my place? It's not far and it's warmer and we don't have to spend extra money."
She looked at him with bright eyes. "Yeah, let's go."
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It was a bit of a longer walk to Aemond's apartment but neither of them minded it much. Aemond held her hand right, refusing to let it go for even the briefest of moments. He still couldn't believe that a set up from Helaena and Aegon would actually pull through but here she is. This beautiful young woman who is as witty as she is passionate.
Around two blocks away from the apartment Aemond squeezed her hand and came to a stop. "I know I said we'd go to my place but I want to show you this first. That okay? I know it's freezing out here."
She gave him a small smile. "Yeah, sure! I don't mind the cold, really. Kinda makes me feel alive, you know?"
"I do. The cold makes you…feel." He paused for a moment, lost in thoughts when a tug pulled him out of it.
"So this place you wanted to show me? I'm intrigued now."
"Yeah, um, right this way."
He led her through the city, weaving between pedestrians. As brisk as the walk was, she couldn't help but take in the beautiful sights, a dusting of snow beginning to lay upon it all. Shops had their Christmas lights up and began to glow. The smell of pine danced through the air along with sugary sweets as they passed a bakery. The smells and the sights had her so entranced that she didn't realize Aemond had come to a stop.
“I wanted to show you this,” he said as he turned to face you. “I don't know if this is considered moving too fast but something about you feels…right.”
No, I agree, Aemond. It does feel right,” she smiled at him and stepped closer. Wrapped her arms around his waist and resting her head against him she knew he was right. He felt right. This felt right.
Aemond wrapped his arms around her and held on tight, resting his chin on her head.
After a few moments of simply taking her in, he stepped aside to reveal the hidden beauty. It was a lake. A beautiful lake that sparkled even more than it usually would. The ice on top reflected the sun in the most perfect way it was as though it came straight out of a fairytale. Despite the lake being further from the hustle and bustle, it was also decorated with bells and lights among the trees.
“Aemond, this is stunning,” she said in awe.
A slight breeze encouraged the trees to dance and the bells that decorated them jingled a little song. Like the lights on the shops, these lights were beginning to glow as well.
She stepped forward, the pull of the lake too strong to be ignored. Aemond wrapped his arms around her waist and gently rocked them back and forth. She turned to face him and he pressed his forehead against hers. His breath was warm against hers as he gently bumped his nose against hers.
“May I kiss you?” he whispered. It was almost too quiet for her to hear.
Aemond gently closed the gap between them and brought his lips to hers. It wasn’t a rushed kiss, it was simply soft and sweet.
“‘I kiss thee with a most constant heart’,” he said as they pulled apart.
“Henry IV, Part 2, good choice,” she laughed. “Cheesey, but a good choice nonetheless.”
*“Would you rather I call you my acorn, my knotgrass?” He joked.
“Really? Acorn and knotgrass? That’s an insult!” she said. “If you call me either of those then I’ll climb you and scratch your eyes out,” she grinned.
“Scratch my eyes out? Yeah, that doesn’t seem great but climbing me? Maybe I’ll take that chance.”
Aemond captured her lips once again but there was little softness this time. There was passion. Aemond swiped his tongue across her bottom lip asking for permission. She opened and let him in, all of him in. When their tongues touched it was as though lightning struck her. She wanted him and she wanted more. Her hands moved up to the nape of his neck and pulled him closer while his grip on her waist tightened. When they broke apart they pressed their foreheads together again.
“Can you take me to your apartment now?” She asked him.
“Absolutely,” he said with a kiss.
Aemond grabbed her hand and tugged her away from the lake and back to the sidewalk. This time there was a rush to get to his apartment. No waiting, no time to take in everything. The main goal was to get to the apartment.
The young woman holding his hand couldn’t keep the excitement at bay. Every time he squeezed her hand a shot of anticipation ran through her and straight to her core. All she could think about was his lips on hers, his hands all over her, his hands going under her shirt and -
“Thank the fucking gods we’re here,” Aemond interrupted her thoughts and dragged you into his apartment.
As soon as the door closed she was on him. She took charge and pushed him against the wall but Aemond wouldn’t have that. As soon as his back was against the wall he flipped them over so she was the one pressed against it.
“Trying to gain the upper hand, my flower?” He teased her while kissing down her neck.
“Flower? What happened to acorn? I thought - oh, fuck,”
Aemond brought his lips back up her neck and nipped at her earlobe. “I’m sorry, what was that?”
“I - I thought you were going to -”
He ran his hands down her body only to snake them under her sweater. The skin on skin contact shot pleasure all the way through her.
“Aemond please,” she begged.
“Aemond please what?” he smiled against her lips as he captured them once more.
“Please touch me.”
Aemond immediately brought his hands around her to unclasp her bra underneath her sweater. He slowly brought them back around and gently swiped a thumb over a nipple. His cold hands were quick to harden them and all she could do was whine. She arched her back to get more friction but as soon as she did he took a step back.
“Gods, you’re beautiful.” Aemond took this moment to take her in, her face flushed and her hair slightly messy.
She, however, took this moment to pull his hands back to her and encourage him to take off her sweater. Aemond chuckled at her impatience.
“Slow down, don’t you want to make this last?” He asked her.
“Yes, I want to make it last but I need to get out of my clothes and so do you,” she growled.
Aemond let her take off his clothes. She wanted revenge, though, and she had a plan once she stripped him of his jacket and shirt. He took her hand and led her to his bed. She pushed him down and stepped away from him.
“You want to be a tease? I’ll tease you back,” she told him.
He leaned back on one hand and watched her as she slowly stripped all her clothes off. She swung her hips and played with the hem of her shirt, making sure that Aemond could see just the tiniest bit of her tits before pulling it back down. She walked up to him and turned around to grind her ass on him as she took off her shoes and socks. She could feel him move to grab her but as soon as he did she moved away from him.
“Nope, no touching, Aemond. I told you if you wanted to be a tease then I’ll tease you back.”
She heard him growl in frustration but that only spurred her on even more. With her back still facing him, she slowly shimmied out of her jeans, leaving her in only her panties and sweater. When she turned around Aemond was out of his pants and underwear and touching himself at the sight of her. She smiled at him and lifted the sweater over her head before sauntering over to straddle him.
She bent down and whispered in his ear. “Is this what you wanted, babe?”
“Holy fuck yes,” Aemond responded. Immediately he flipped them over so he was on top and she was laying flat on his bed.
He kissed her hard before dragging his mouth over her jaw and down her neck. He nipped at her collarbone and she tangled her hands in his hair, urging him to go lower. Aemond complied and kissed his way to her tits, slowly circling from the outside of them to the pert nipple. But he wouldn’t touch her where she wanted, not yet. He kissed right next to her nipple then blew on it, causing it to become a peak. She whined and arched her back wanting more. Aemond looked up to see her eyes closed and smiled before finally taking one of her nipples into his warm mouth.
“Fuck, Aemond,” she whined.
“Is this what you wanted, babe?” he parroted back.
“Yes, yes, please!”
“Don’t worry, there’s more.” He switched to the other nipple and brought his hand up to the one he just left to play with it.
It felt so good, she could feel herself soaking her panties. Aemond could feel it too when she tried to grind against him. He smiled against her before letting go of her nipple with a pop and bringing his lips back to hers.
“Fuck, I can feel how wet you are. But I think you need a little more, do you agree?”
All she could do was nod in response as he kissed his way past her tits and down to her core. He kissed her over her panties and made her arch up.
“Patience, babe.”
He placed a hand on her lower stomach to keep her from bucking up as he continued to kiss her over her panties. He soon let go of her to drag them down. Aemond licked his lips at the sight of her glistening pussy. This was all his, she was this wet because of him and the thought drove him crazy. He gave her little to no time to recover before he was back between her legs, kissing and licking. He pressed an open mouth kiss to her center before dipping the tip of his tongue inside her. She cried out in pleasure as he began fucking her with his tongue. He brought one hand up to knead one of her breasts and play with a nipple while the other gently stroked her clit. She could feel the pressure building up.
“Aemond, please, I’m gonna cum,” she cried.
He simply hummed against her and picked up the pace with everything. It was all too much. The pleasure building inside her was coming to a breaking point and with a slight pinch to her clit she soaked him.
Aemond pulled away smiling. “Fuck, you taste perfect,”
He bent down to kiss her and she savored the taste of herself on him. He was hers, she knew it.
“Tell me what you want,” he said against her.
“I want you to fuck me,” she whispered against her.
“Good, because that’s all I’ve been thinking about since the lake.”
He pulled away from her and let her position herself in a more comfortable position while he reached for a condom in a drawer.
“Don’t worry, I’m on the shot,” she grabbed his arm and pulled him close. “I want to feel all of you inside me.”
Something snapped in Aemond that had him on top of her in an instant. His hands were on her tits and he could feel her reaching for his cock. She gently tugged him forward, lining him with her entrance.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Now fuck me, Aemond.”
In a quick motion he sheathed himself inside her as she cried out loud in pleasure.
He let himself settle but she didn’t want to waste any time. While Aemond was catching his breath she moved her hips against him. He gripped her hips and pulled out slightly before slamming back into her. She didn’t want any slow fucking, she wanted fast and she wanted hard.
Aemond’s grip on her hips didn’t lessen as he fucked her into the bed. But he wanted to go deeper. He pulled out of her, making her whine, but was quick to flip her over so she was on her hands and knees. He pushed her down so her chest was against the bed and her ass was in the air.
“Fucking love this pussy, and it’s fucking mine.”
Aemond wasted no time joining them together again. This was even better. She could feel him hit all the right spots, making the pressure build up again. She felt Aemond’s hand snake around her hips as he started to rub small circles on her clit.
He bent down over her and whispered, “I need you to cum on my cock, babe.”
“AEMOND,” she screamed as the pleasure peaked.
“Fucking hell,” Aemond said as he felt her tighten around him. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. You feel so good, taking me so well.”
“Please, please, please,” she begged. “Please cum inside me, I want it please. I want you.”
Aemond’s thrusts became erratic, his grip on her so tight that they would leave bruises. He began pulling all the way out and slamming back in. With one last thrust he finished inside her, collapsing on top.
Together they lay there, his cock still inside her.
“Fucking hell, that was perfect. You are perfect,” Aemond whispered as he kissed her cheek.
He slowly got up and pulled out of her. “I’m gonna clean us up, okay?”
“Okay,” she breathed out.
When he left the room she rolled over on her back and stared at the ceiling. That was the most perfect fuck she has ever had and it was with someone she actually liked. This was perfect, he was perfect.
Aemond came back with a wet rag and cleaned her up, being careful around her clit and core. When he was done he discarded the rag and got into bed with her and held her.
“So what do we think about this? Want to make this an us?” He asked.
“Yes, let’s make this an us,” she smiled at him and pressed a soft kiss to his lips before tucking into his chest and falling asleep.
*Acorn and knotgrass/climbing and clawing eyes out is a reference to Midsummer Night’s Dream when someone was called an acorn for being short*
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yamigooops · 1 year
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“you know that i’d die for, i’d cry for you know that i’d die for you you know that i’d breathe for, i’d bleed for you know that i’d breathe for you” - ‘DiE4U’ by Bring Me the Horizon
summary: when you are given the mission to infiltrate bakugou katsuki’s life and become his lover in order to quietly assassinate him, you never expected it to make your world crumble around you…
words: 16.7k
warnings: enemies to lovers? fluff to angst, main character death, seriously no happy ending, fem reader, oral sex (fem receiving), cockwarming, light impact play (literally one spank), light degradation, unprotected sex (WRAP THAT WILLY FOLKS), general dirty talk… if i missed anything let me know
a/n: i’ve literally worked on this piece for months and now that it’s finally done i don’t know what to do with myself… i cried multiple times while writing it, as it’s literally one of the saddest things i’ve ever read, much less written. so hopefully it makes you cry too because i don’t wanna be the only one. if it does lemme know because i want to know if i hit my goal lol. i’d say enjoy but hopefully you’ll be broken by the end soooo…….
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It was always going to end like this. But it was never meant to hurt so badly, was never supposed to be this excruciating. Falling in love wasn’t part of the plan, and now you were paying the price.
It started almost a year ago. May 24th, an unassuming Wednesday afternoon. You’d been on your way home when you fell victim to a villain attack. However, the whole thing lasted hardly any time at all as Pro Hero Dynamight was on the scene in seconds when he heard your panicked scream from just down the street.
Now, it wasn’t his usual protocol to give his number out to victims. But he was so overcome with your beauty and courage in the face of danger that when you asked him for those ten digits he couldn’t help but scribble them down on a scrap of paper you handed him. He hadn’t planned on responding to your messages that night either, yet he found himself doing so anyway. His fingers flew across his screen as he accepted your offer to buy him a coffee the next morning, and the rest is history.
Coffee dates turned into grand dinners, which then became late-night ramen runs to his favorite hole-in-the-wall stalls after spending the night together. His days off were spent in your company, and his closet eventually came to house a small portion of your wardrobe. His bed came to bear two divots instead of just one, and his shower now held more soaps and bath necessities than it ever had in the past.
He invited you into every part of his life, and you tried desperately not to get too attached, knowing it would only hurt more in the long run. But dammit he made it so hard.
Waking up to the feeling of his calloused fingertips running soothing circles at the base of your spine had become one of your favorite feelings in the world. The love he held for you was so apparent in that small action that it nearly broke your heart.
You still had a job to do, and the end date was fast approaching whether you wanted it to or not. The day would come that all of this would come to an abrupt halt, and you’d have to move on with your life as if nothing had happened in the first place, hoping you’d made the right decision and that you could live with yourself after it happened.
But that was for future you to deal with. Right now, you let yourself bask in this soporific atmosphere. Took in the light that spilled through the crack in the curtains. Shifted your feet slightly as you readjusted atop your lover, legs tangled in the soft sheets. His chest rose and fell with the calm tempo of his breath as his heart pumped steadily within it, drumming a beat that you wished would never end.
But the nagging voice in the back of your head reminded you that if all went according to plan that beat would be cut short all too soon.
You adjusted slightly above him, positioning yourself against his bare skin so you could access the thick column of his throat. You placed delicate kisses on the skin there, glossing over the marks blooming from the night before. They’d last a few days at least, and the thought made you grin before you realized they’d likely still be there when you had to…
No, this wasn’t the time to think of that. In a few hours, you’d be on a plane headed to a beautiful destination with your lover. You were going to have the best few days of your life, and you refused to let the future destroy those plans.
“Mornin’ cutie,” Katsuki rumbled, eyes still shut as he continued to trace along your back with all the ease of a man with a day off.
“G’morning love,” you mumbled against his skin. Your fingers delved into his soft, tangled hair as you nipped at his ear, pulling a breathy chuckle from his lips.
“You ready to head to paradise?”
You sighed, nodding. “Boy am I ever. A whole four days of just you, no hero work, no distractions?” You pulled back enough to look at his sleepy, beautiful face. He cracked one eye open to meet your gaze as you hesitated for a moment. “Sounds like a dream come true,” you whispered in awe.
A genuine smile caught the corners of his mouth and tugged, cracking open that all-too-stern expression and giving way to a happier one. An expression you found you could look at from dawn until dusk, one you saw in your dreams. That smile would come to haunt you, but in this moment it was everything you ever needed and more.
Suddenly, he was rolling you over and pressing your back into the mattress, his arms caging you in and his thick thighs framing yours. “You don’t think you’ll get sick of me, huh?” He murmured as he buried his face in your neck, lips brushing your skin ever so lightly. “Don’t think you’ll want some time to yourself?”
You could barely breathe, your head descending into the fog of lust as he slowly ground his – very conveniently—bare hips against yours. His length was already hardening, and the breath caught in your throat as you lifted your hands to run your fingers over his chest. You savored the feeling of his hard muscle, overlayed by countless scars and a dusting of chest hair that you found incredibly attractive.
“And miss out on all this?” You hummed, dragging your nails lightly from his shoulders down over his pecs before looping your arms under his and caressing his back, pulling him closer. “Why would I ever do that?”
“Haven’t you heard, baby?” He moved farther down your neck, his lips dusting over your collarbones as he continued. “I must be ‘brutish and savage in bed, a complete asshole of a partner.’ Because the tabloids know everything, after all.” He made it to the valley of your breasts, and you unhooked your arms from him before winding them through his hair once more.
“And who said I don’t like assholes, hmm?” Your back arched involuntarily as he pressed a particularly sweet kiss against your sternum, sending shivers up your spine.
He chuckled above you before shoving the duvet off the both of you with a huff and readjusting. He pulled each of your legs up one at a time, kissing from your knee up the inside of your thigh before switching to the other with a shit-eating grin at your needy whine. Before he reached your core after the second leg, he grabbed a pillow and eased both of your legs over his shoulders. He then slid the pillow beneath your hips and settled down on his elbows and stared at the scene before him. He had a look similar to reverence in his eyes as his hands soothed over your hips and stomach, and it had your heart fluttering in your chest.
“Why’re you looking at me like that,” you mumbled, trying not to sound too needy or embarrassed, but knowing you didn’t succeed at either.
“Just taking in the meal before I dig in.” His voice sent a thrill through you, and you didn’t even mind the use of a cheesy line when he said it like that – with such intensity and love that it made you want to melt into a puddle before he had even started.
But then he began, and digging in could hardly explain what he was doing to you. He savored you, taking his time working you up with languid swirls and strokes of his tongue. He switched between stimulating your clit and delving as deep into your depths as possible. When you got too used to one method he would jump back over to the other to keep you on your toes, which were currently curled as your heels dug into his back.
The breaking point was after he slipped two fingers into you, easing them in and out of your slick hole as his tongue worked on that sweet bundle at the apex of your thighs. Your grip on his hair had him moaning against your aching sex, and with one strategic curl of his fingers, he had you crumbling. Had you been standing your legs would have given out completely. The sound he ripped out of you was primal, almost animalistic, and as he worked you through your orgasm you saw your life with this man play out on the backs of your eyelids.
You’d get married in the next few years, and have a kid or two. He would continue with his hero work but would cut back on it a bit to be there for his family. You would put your children through all of the best schools, and make sure they got the best educations possible, so they’d have the opportunity to be whatever they wanted when they grew up. Katsuki would eventually retire, and once your children were all grown up and moved out you’d go somewhere magical, maybe even travel the world together.
But as the euphoria left your veins and Katsuki moved to hover over you, your essence glistening on his lips and chin, you reminded yourself to stay in this moment. To not get too far ahead of yourself. That would only bring more pain. And right now, you were about to get your brains fucked out.
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As the two of you sat together on the private jet later that day, Katsuki’s hand rested on your bare thigh, his thumb stroking the soft skin there as he skimmed through a few work files with the other hand.
“Hey, I thought you said no work on vacation. Didn’t your sidekicks even yell at you to take a break?” You huffed, leaning your head against his shoulder with a pout on your lips.
He chuckled, squeezing the meat of your thigh lightly. “I said no work on vacation. I never said anything about on the way to vacation.” He pressed a kiss to your hair before returning to the documents. “Besides, what else is there to do to pass the time? It’s not like we can throw a party with just the two of us.”
You sighed, relegating yourself to spending so much of your remaining time with the man of your dreams watching him read through reports before the most obvious solution came to mind.
“Well,” you started, rising from your seat, and easing the tray above his lap off to the side as you stepped in front of him. “It might not be a party, but as you said, it’s just the two of us…” Thankfully the two of you had been seated on a couch along the side of the cabin, so there was ample room to place your knees on either side of his thighs. You pulled up your thin, flowy dress enough that it wasn’t caught beneath you as you settled on his lap, knees folded beneath you. Your hands found the sides of his face as you stroked at his cheeks, smoothing out his scowl lines as you gave him a soft, flirty smile.
“Besides, I heard there’s some club you get to join? The sky-high club – something like that…”
He placed his hands loosely on your waist, tilting his head slightly to look at you with hooded eyes and an emerging smirk. “The mile-high club, you mean?”
“Yeah,” you smiled, letting the word slide off your glossed lips like honey. “That one. Never done it before. Wanted to do it with you on that last flight, but it was too crowded. What better time than now when we have the whole plane to ourselves?” As you spoke, you ground your hips against his ever so slowly. The friction wasn’t enough to do much, just enough to try to convince him to follow up.
“Baby,” he sighed, closing his eyes. “I wanted to get this shit done before we landed so I didn’t have to worry about anything while we’re there…”
“That’s okay, I can sit still,” you shrugged. “Just… need you so bad.” Your glossy pout was working its magic, grinding him down until he couldn’t say no and gave you whatever you wanted. And right now, that was him. Inside you. For as long as he would allow, or until one of you broke. Whichever came first.
He raised a brow, looking at you skeptically. “You seriously think you can do it?” He lowered his voice, gripping your chin and tugging you closer until you could feel his minty breath on your cheeks. “Remember last time, when you wouldn’t listen, and I had to discipline you? And over my desk too,” he tsked, shaking his head in disappointment.
You shook your own in response. “No, I promise. I can do it. I just need you so bad,” you begged, your hands slipping down to grip the fabric of his shirt.
“You really think you’ll last? I mean, we still have…” He looked down to check his watch for the time. “Two and a half hours. You think you can make it two whole hours? If you can, you get to do whatever you want for the last half hour. But if not, that thirty minutes will be punishment. You up for it?”
You nodded vigorously, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from squirming in excitement. “I can, I promise. Just need you, please.”
He stared at you heatedly for a moment, one brow raised in a look that would have weaker women on their knees. But as you sat there with that pleading look in your eyes, he caved and nodded. “Alright then,” he huffed, as if this wasn’t something he was going to enjoy immensely as well.
With that, you excitedly reached down to tug down the front of his joggers, finding a bulge there already and grinning in excitement. As you eased out his cock, you found it flushed and leaking, already prepared to impale you. It sent a rush of heat through you, and you resisted the urge to lick your lips at the sight of it.
Standing briefly, you rid yourself of your lacy panties, the ones Kats had insisted you wear, simply for ease and comfort. Returning to your spot on his lap, you took him in your hand and guided his cock to your cunt. You were already soaked, the banter and anticipation getting to you more than you’d anticipated. You ran him through your folds a few times to coat his length in your essence, and you tried to keep from grinning at his little sighs of pleasure and the way his hands tightened their grip on your hips.
When you were satisfied, you raised on your knees and aligned his tip with your entrance before looking him in the eye and impaling yourself on his thick cock. You moved so slowly it made your thighs burn, but the way his eyelids fluttered, and his brows knit together at the feeling was more than worth it. Inch by glorious inch, he disappeared into your silky depths. That full feeling that you always craved was so satisfying you could cry, but you couldn’t give him that satisfaction. At least not this early into it.
As you came to rest back on his thighs, you found it a little hard to breathe. You felt so stuffed you could hardly think, much less form coherent sentences. He was nestled so deep inside of you that you could nearly feel him in your throat, the head of his dick pressed snuggly against your cervix. So, you were grateful when he took your chin in his fingers and tugged you forward to press a soft, chaste kiss to your lips before tucking you against his chest.
As he moved to retrieve the documents on the tray you’d moved earlier, you readjusted, moving so your legs were slightly more comfortable and your dress wasn’t pulled tight beneath you. His hand was seemingly faster than a bullet as it came down on your plush ass, the sound loud and abrupt in the quiet space of the cabin. Even with the covering of your dress it still stung like a bitch, but the moan that spilled from your throat was undeniably one of pleasure.
“I thought I said no moving,” he growled in your ear.
“I-I was ju-” you choked out, breath coming in short gasps as you tried to regain the ability to speak clearly. After swallowing and taking a few deep breaths you finally got the words out. “Was just getting comfy,” you whimpered meekly, burying your face in the crook of his neck. “Didn’t mean to squirm so much, ‘m sorry.”
He sighed before the same hand which had inflicted the pain came to soothe it. “Alright, I’m sorry. Thought you were trying to pull one over on me. Just… warn me next time. And let me know if your legs fall asleep, okay? We can readjust if you need.” There was genuine care in his voice, and it nearly brought tears to your eyes as his hand stroked over your throbbing skin.
As you nodded, he retrieved the documents from earlier and returned to reading them. You, on the other hand, had only him to entertain you. But that was more than enough, as you soaked in the feeling of him against you, inside you, wrapped all around you and engulfing you in his scent and his presence. This man had truly become your entire world in less than a year, and that should scare you more than it did, especially knowing what was to come.
But as his warmth and love enveloped you, there wasn’t enough room for all of the worry and doubt, so you cast it aside in favor of soaking him in instead.
 The fading sunlight shone through the leaves of the thick foliage as you stood on the balcony of your treehouse escape. It was a cozy place, an A-frame cottage held aloft in the trees near the shore of a small river, but it was secluded and comfortable. And the best part was that it was all the way over in Washington state, where no one knew who the two of you were. Here you could just be normal people instead of getting swarmed by paparazzi wherever you went. Thankfully both of you had a good grasp of the English language, so everything thus far had gone smoothly. You were just happy to be away from all the chaos of the daily hero life back home.
But could you actually call it that? Home? Surely it had begun to feel that way. But given everything that would transpire in the coming days you weren’t sure you deserved to use that term.
Again, you tried to push those thoughts out of your mind and remain in the current moment. The air was crisp here, and the sky shone with emerging stars and the fading glow of twilight as you sipped on your glass of wine. With a sigh you turned around to face inside, where you could see Katsuki standing with his back to you as he cooked dinner for the two of you. The sight of him nearly brought tears to your eyes. To see him so raw, so unguarded and pure, made you want to forgo everything you’d been directed to do and run away with him. But you knew they’d only send someone even worse to finish the job.
At least you would make it as painless as possible.
Throwing back the rest of your wine in the futile hope that it would give you the courage to face him, you pushed off the balcony rail and headed back inside. The tiny living space was warmly lit with a plush couch, a small kitchen, and a quaint dining area. There was a metal spiral staircase leading up to the second floor, which only extended over the kitchen, leaving the space over the living area wide open. The entire wall facing the river was glass, providing an unimpeded view of the forest beyond. Upstairs was a simple area, with just a king-sized bed and huge skylights opening up to reveal the night sky above you. It was gorgeous.
The perfect place to kill your lover, you thought sadly. It was quiet and remote, a ten-minute drive from the next closest home and a twenty-minute drive from the closest town. There would be ample time to dispose of his body and clean the crime scene before anyone suspected anything, and you’d easily be able to disappear into a new country where you’d form a new identity and escape the bonds of the organization you’d been forced to serve since you were a child.
You only wished you’d be able to take him with you.
“Whatcha cookin’?” Your voice was soft in the wooded structure, the natural materials and fabrics everywhere absorbing any echo that may occur.
“Just some ramen, nothing special. Didn’t have time to get much from the store, so we’ll have to go tomorrow and do some shopping.” He sounded so at ease at the stove, and you couldn’t help but step behind him and wrap your arms around his slim waist. You pressed your lips to his spine between his shoulder blades, and he sighed gently, placing his free hand atop yours.
“I’m sure it’s gonna be delicious anyway,” you smiled, resting your forehead against his back, and closing your eyes. You would give anything in the world to live like this for the rest of your life.
“You like my food no matter what, babe. I’m starting to think you’re just saying that to stroke my ego,” he chuckled. The sound was warm as it bubbled out of his chest and brought a genuine smile to your lips.
“And have you get an even bigger head than you already have?” You teased, your fingers slipping beneath the grey t-shirt he wore to skim along his stomach. “If it gets much bigger you’ll be the most insufferable man alive. I mean, you’re already the number two hero for fuck’s sake.”
He let the spoon he was stirring with rest against the side of the pot and slowly turned around in your arms. Coming to face you, he slipped his hands beneath your ears to caress your face with his large, calloused hands. It always surprised you just how gentle those hands could be, that while they could do so much damage, they were also capable of such love, such soft touch.
“To hell with all that bullshit. All I need is you,” he replied carefully, almost shyly. “I’m nothing without you, Y/N. You keep me sane, keep me grounded. I couldn’t do any of this without you.”
As you stared into those claret eyes you felt your chest tighten and your stomach tumble over itself. It wasn’t often that he shared his emotions so honestly, but every time he did it made you want to cry.
“Katsuki… I-”
He cut you off with a kiss on the forehead and a thumb brushing across your bottom lip. “I don’t think you fully get it. Every time I come home having been unable to save people, having been beaten within an inch of my life, and I get to see you there waiting for me? Waiting to love me and take care of me? There ain’t a single better feeling I’ve ever felt.” His lips brushed your forehead as he spoke, his fingers running across the skin of your jaw and neck and lips as if he didn’t know what else to do with them.
“Before you I had nothing. I’m pretty sure half my friends didn’t even really like me, the media was up my ass about every little thing I did, I hadn’t seen my family in years… My life fuckin’ sucked before I met you.” He pulled back just enough to look you in the eyes, and your heart cracked as you found tears in those burning eyes. “Then I saved you on the street that day, and everything started to get better. I know I suck at saying this stuff out loud, but you brought love into my life, and I can never fuckin’ thank you enough for that.”
Everything was quiet for a long moment as you simply looked at one another, drinking in the moment and the soft bubbling of the ramen and the chirping of the crickets outside. Your fingers clutched at the material of his shirt as you fought back your own tears.
“I don’t know what to say, Kats,” you murmured into the quiet.
He smiled slightly, leaning down to rest his forehead on yours. “That’s usually my role.”
You chuckled softly, closing your eyes, and reveling in the feeling of his hands against your skin, his breath on your cheeks. “I wish I could protect you too, Kats,” you whispered. “I wish I could keep all the bad things from you, but sometimes I feel so helpless… Like you’re the only one doing the work here.”
At this, he straightened and guided you into his chest. His arms enclosed you and his warmth seeped into your very being as he rested his cheek against your hair. “You do protect me though,” he replied after a moment of thought. “You give me the strength to keep fighting. You give me something to live for, and that’s enough to keep me from giving up. I’ve never felt stronger than when you came into my life.”
The tears which had been pooling in your eyes finally slipped past your lashes as you buried your face in his chest. His words had you rethinking everything you’d been directed to do, had you second guessing whether you’d really be able to carry through with it. In that moment you didn’t think you could. He had wormed his way into the heart you had once thought to be dead and had brought you back to life. As much as you had tried to keep that from happening he had somehow slipped past the guard you had so meticulously built over the course of your life to keep anyone and everyone from seeing what was inside. From seeing just how broken you really were.
But he had seen that chaos and ruin inside of you and started to rebuild you. He hadn’t shied away like so many others, but instead worked with you to improve and heal. Because he had a great deal of healing to do as well, so the mutual understanding you formed helped both of you.
“I don’t know what I’ll do without you,” you breathed into his chest, keeping your words just audible and allowing them to be muffled in his chest as you cried into it. His arms tightened around you as he kissed your head.
“You’ve got me, love. Until death do us part, or whatever the saying is. Besides, I’m not going anywhere anyway.”
You allowed yourself to keep crying, mourning the man you had come to love as you finally let it settle in that in a few days he’d no longer be there to comfort you. And the worst part was that he had no idea that his words hit so close to home.
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The last three days had been absolutely magical. Spending so much quality alone time with Katsuki was like living a dream. You spent that time hiking, tasting local cuisine, lounging together, and of course, fucking like animals. He’d taken you on practically every surface in the house, and even convinced you to skinny dip with him in the jacuzzi outside, promising that the property was secluded enough that no one would see. That of course turned into a passionate few rounds of heated sex.
It was the final night the two of you had together, having rented the property until tomorrow afternoon, and you planned on taking advantage of every second you had left. He currently had you on your knees as he languidly thrust into you from behind. Your cries and moans were muffled by the mattress, and he kissed and bit at the back of your neck as he murmured such sweet words into your ear.
“Ah, fuck baby. Still so tight for me even after all this,” he growled lowly. His left hand gripped the meat of your hip as the right held your hair off to the side to expose your face and neck. “God, you were fuckin made for me.”
“Kats, need m-more,” you whined, your fingers tangling in the sheets. His thrusts were slow but powerful, and each one hit so deep you rapidly lost the ability to think coherently.
“Yeah? You need more, you greedy little thing? Tell me what you need. Can’t give you more if you don’t tell me.” He bit at your shoulder, sucking what you were sure was a deep purple mark as you tried to gather your scattered thoughts.
“Harder,” you pleaded. “F-faster. Please!”
His moan had a thrill running through you from head to toe. “Fuck baby, that what you want? Want me to fuck you into the mattress?”
“Yes! Please, need you so bad!”
He gave a particularly harsh thrust before stilling deep inside you. You whined at the loss of friction, but his fingers snaked around your hip to find your clit, where it started applying such sweet pressure.
“I don’t know sweetheart, I’m getting a little tired,” he murmured into your ear. “Kinda wanna see you put in a bit of effort, know what I mean?”
You groaned, feeling yourself rapidly falling down the hill of pleasure he had so tentatively built up. “Just need you, Kats, I’ll do anything.”
“Yeah?” Katsuki’s voice was playful as he released your hair and wrapped his right arm firmly across your chest. He then rolled to the right and switched positions, placing you atop him before coming to grip your hips, which were still impaled on his thick cock. “Then show me, pretty girl. Show me how bad you want it.”
You moved to turn around to face him, but his hands tightened on your waist, hindering your movement. “Wanna see you, Kats,” you cried, looking back at him.
He had a sly smile on those kiss-swollen lips that had your stomach churning. “But I wanna watch you like this. Just for a bit at least. C’mon baby, you’re a big girl. You can hold out a little longer, can’t you?” His tone was taunting, almost like he wanted you to fight him on it to see what he would do. But your nerves steeled at his words, and you narrowed your eyes.
“Fine, be that way,” you hissed, turning back around, and placing your hands on his thighs. “I’ll do it myself then.” You began grinding your hips against his, your fingers digging into the firm muscle of his legs. They were so thick you could barely fit a hand across the top of them, and the thought of grinding against them was almost tempting enough to leave his cock behind.
But not quite enough.
You slowly raised yourself onto your knees before dropping back down quickly, repeating the process over and over as your fingers found your clit and started working it. As good as Katsuki was with the little bundle of nerves, you knew your body better than anyone, knew which patterns and how much pressure would work yourself up the fastest. So, the added stimulation of his cock impaling you and his hands working the fat of your ass and hips had you falling into the throes of pleasure faster than usual.
As your head fell back, your mouth hanging open in a silent moan, Katsuki threaded his thick, calloused fingers through your hair and tugged. Your back arched as your free hand flew back to support yourself on his solid stomach. He began thrusting up into you, his movements matching yours and coaxing you to move faster and faster. The loud squelching of arousal mixed with your breathy moans and his deep growls to create a symphony of debauchery that had your head spinning and your chest heaving.  
You drew closer and closer to the edge of pleasure as he thrust ever more vigorously into your silky, creamy depths, and you were growing louder by the second. His knees came up as he gave himself more leverage to pound into you even harder, and you were falling apart in his arms before he knew it.
You nearly screamed at the shattering of the dam inside you, pleasure washing over you like a tsunami as he continued pumping in and out of you. You faintly registered his words as he coaxed you through your release.
“Fuck yeah baby, let it all out,” he groaned. “Shit, that pussy’s gonna squeeze the life outta me.”
Your legs had turned to jelly, but you tried your best to match his movements as he chased his own high. You could tell by the tension in his stomach and the shortness of his breath that he was getting close. But the growing overstimulation had you crying atop him as he pounded into you from below, his hands both firmly grasping your hips to help you bounce on his cock like a pliant little fuck toy.
“Goddammit, so fuckin close,” he cried, your moans and pleas driving him ever closer to the breaking point.
“I fucking love you, Bakugou Katsuki!” You couldn’t hold back the words even as your nerves were overwhelming you with painful pleasure, even as his fingers dug into your flesh and your insides burned with his passion.
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak. In a rush of pleasure and adoration, he fell off the cliff and into the depths of hedonism. Like a floodgate being opened you were filled with heat, his hips stilling beneath you as a loud, beautiful moan tore out of his chest. You wished you could see his face, but you were too overwhelmed to even think about looking behind you.
Easing his length in and out of your leaking cunt a few more times to draw out his climax, his hands ran over your hips and bottom. They warmed slightly with his quirk to soothe the forming and past bruises there as you both heaved for air.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he huffed, easing you down against his chest. Your skin stuck together with a sheen of sweat, but you couldn’t care less. You simply basked in the feeling of his arms around you and his chest moving beneath you and his heart racing against your ribcage.
“Fuck indeed,” you breathed, reaching behind you to thread your fingers through his damp hair. He sighed heavily at the feeling, his chest lifting you and easing you back down.
“I could die right now a happy man,” he chuckled, his hands roaming your chest and stomach and hips.
His words had your heart dropping in your chest. Did he know? Was he aware of your plans, your mission? Did he figure out that you had been tasked to get close to him so you could assassinate him and rid the world of the shining light he cast in hopes of snuffing out the shadows of villainy?
But how could he? You had never said anything, were a trained assassin, had been taught everything there was to know about stealth, misdirection, infiltration, all of that. And you’d been trained since the age of 6 when you’d been found abandoned on the streets by one of the worst criminal organizations in Japan. The whole situation which led to your “chance meeting” had been a ploy strategically executed where he’d been patrolling that day. Your quirk, “Comply,” had been perfect for this mission because it helped you convince him to give you his number, to let you into his life. But you’d stopped using it months ago when you realized he might truly like you, maybe even love you.
And that’s the part that hurt the most.
Both of your feelings had become genuine, and now you were about to betray that love, that trust, and kill him. And it had to be done tonight. There wasn’t much time left, despite wishing you’d had more of it. But as you’d told yourself so many times before, if you didn’t do it someone else would. And they would make it much worse for him than you would.
“Don’t say that Kats. You don’t know what that means,” you pleaded softly. You tried to focus on the feeling of his softening cock inside you, tried to get your mind to shift to any topic but this as you prayed he would drop the subject. But to no avail.
“But I would. If it meant keeping you safe I would take a bullet to the heart,” he whispered into your ear, placing soft kisses on the shell of it.
You reluctantly rolled off his chest and onto the sheets beside him, resting on your elbows as you looked at him. “Don’t make me think about that, please.” Your eyebrows came together as you begged him to stop, and he looked at you with wide eyes, surprised at your response.
“Y/N, I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he tried to comfort you, easing onto his side, and placing his hand on the back of your head. “But I would still do everything in my power to protect you, you know that, right?”
You nodded sadly, looking down at your hands. “I know you would,” you mumbled. And that’s the problem, you added in your head. Taking a breath, you shook your head slightly to try and clear it. “It’s fine. Let’s just not talk about you dying, yeah?” You looked at him once more, and he nodded with a small smile. “Ok, good. Now I’m gonna go shower and make us some tea.”
“You want me to join you?” Katsuki raised one brow suggestively as the hand he had on the back of your hand traveled downward along your spine, eventually making its way to pinch your ass. You flinched slightly before huffing and pushing back onto your knees out of his reach.
“No dummy, we just went 3 rounds. My poor vagina needs a break. Plus, if you do that we’ll never get out. I wanna watch a movie or something before we have to leave tomorrow. We never get to do that.”
He sighed, “Yeah, guess you’re not wrong. I’ll take one after you.”
You nodded before scrunching your nose playfully. “Good, because you’re stinky. Don’t wanna cuddle with you till you smell good.”
He looked like he wanted to shoot back with a snarky comment, but you scrambled off the bed and clambered down the stairs before he could do that. Heading to the small bathroom, you turned on the shower and looked at yourself in the mirror above the sink. Your hair was a mess, and your neck, shoulders, and chest were all covered in bite marks and hickeys. You ran your fingers over them, noting their positions as they were likely the last ones you’d ever receive. You weren’t sure you’d ever be able to love after Katsuki. You weren’t even sure you’d want to.
Looking down at your hips, you found his fingers had left behind small bruises from how hard he had loved on you, and you found yourself smiling sadly at them. As you stepped into the shower, you let your hand roam between your legs, finding the entire area wet and sticky with a mixture of both of your cum. The fluid was milky and thick, and you couldn’t help but place one finger on your tongue and suck it clean before the water washed away the rest of it. It was salty, the aftertaste earthy and heady.
Taking a deep, shaky breath, you tried to rid your mind of your love and adoration for this man and tried to focus on the task at hand. You started by cleaning yourself, moving through your shower routine almost robotically. You couldn’t think of all the showers you’d taken with Katsuki in the past, couldn’t remember the feeling of his fingers against your scalp as he helped wash your hair, or how he would drag your loofa across your skin and down between your legs in the aftermath of a hot round of sex. If you thought about those things you would lose the nerve to go through with your plan and would lose this prime opportunity.
Turning off the water, you stepped out onto the warm wooden floor and wrapped yourself in a fluffy towel. You didn’t clear the mirror of fog as you normally would because you knew you wouldn’t be able to stand the sight of yourself right now. Instead, you just dried yourself off and slid into the silk camisole and shorts you’d brought with you. Opening the door, you turned toward the kitchen and found Katsuki in his full naked glory standing at the counter with a pot on the stove, making what you assumed to be popcorn.
“Makin’ snacks for our movie?” You asked, even though you knew the answer.
He nodded, watching as you found the kettle and filled it with enough water for two cups of tea. “Well you can’t have a movie night without popcorn, idiot,” he replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I can finish it,” you gestured toward the pot handle. “You can go shower. It’ll be ready by the time you’re done.” You’d be lying if you said you didn’t use a hint of your quirk there, needing him to be in the shower so you could prepare for what was to come.
“Ok, just make sure you don’t burn it,” he smiled, grabbing the sweats and tee he had brought down with him.
“I won’t burn it you doof,” you rolled your eyes and took the handle he offered you. “Go shower so you don’t stink anymore.”
“Alright, alright, I’m going,” he groaned, putting his hands up in surrender. He chuckled as he made his way to the bathroom, however, he stopped outside the door to turn and look at you with a sly grin on his lips. “You should order me around more. It’s kinda hot.”
You felt your cheeks warm at his words and looked down at the pot in front of you. He laughed at that, and made his way into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. As you heard the water turn on, you waited a few moments until you were sure he’d gotten in before making your move. Using all the stealth you’d learned over your years of working for villain organizations you made your way upstairs. Since you’d been here for a few days you knew where the stairs and floor were creaky, so you carefully avoided those areas.
Picking your way over to your bag, you reached into an inside pocket where you had a bottle that held pain relief pills. Pouring them into your hand, you searched for the one that looked different, just slightly off-white compared to the white pain relief pills. Making your way quickly back downstairs as the popcorn began popping, you retrieved two mugs from the cupboard and dropped the tablet in the left mug.
The water was just coming to a boil as you placed the tea bags in each mug. Shaking the popcorn pot once more, you filled both mugs, starting with the left one to give the tablet ample time to dissolve. It was a neurotoxin that was colorless, tasteless, and odorless. Mixed with the tea, it would kill him within minutes. That would give you enough time to hopefully explain the situation and get the guilt off your chest, at least as much as possible. It would always be there, and you’d simply have to live with that.
Pouring out some of the popcorn into a large bowl, you recovered it and placed it back on the stove to let the rest of it pop. Your heartbeat was slowly increasing as you stirred the teas, watching as the tablet dissolved and mixed with the hot beverage. As the water turned off in the bathroom, you poured out the rest of the popcorn, took a deep breath, and placed the pot in the sink.
You heard the door open a few minutes later to reveal a freshly cleaned Bakugou Katsuki as he rubbed at his hair to dry it. The strands were soft and damp beneath the towel, and you wanted nothing more than to run your fingers through them and kiss him silly. He looked so at peace in his light grey sweats and t-shirt, and if you ignored what you were about to do to him you could imagine you really were just about to sit down and have a nice movie night together.
“It doesn’t smell like burnt popcorn,” he chuckled as he stepped beside you and looked at the white snack. “I’d say that’s a win.”
“Katsu, that was one time,” you whined, putting your hand on his face, and pushing him away playfully.
He laughed heartily, grabbing you by the wrist and gently pulling you against him. “Babe, you almost caught the whole kitchen on fire. There’s a reason I’m the one who does most of the cooking.”
“I do some of it,” you huffed, pouting dramatically. “And I haven’t caught anything on fire since then.”
He shook his head, still grinning. “No, I suppose you haven’t. Still doesn’t mean you’re a master in the kitchen though.”
“Yeah, well, I’m better than I used to be so that’s something.” You shrugged against his chest.
“It is, I’ll give you that. You’re a very good sous chef.”
Sighing, you pulled back enough to look up at him. “Okay. Here’s the big question: what should we watch?”
He chuckled, shaking his head slightly as he leaned back against the counter, his hands coming to rest on your hips. “I don’t know, you got anything in mind?”
You pretended to think, already knowing your answer. “Not sure… What’s your favorite movie ever? You’re into sappy romance shit, right?”
Katsuki scoffed, brows nearly meeting in the middle as he scowled at you. “N-No, where would you get that idea?”
“That right there would be my answer,” you grinned, noting his stutter. “So, what’s your fave? The Notebook? Titanic?”
He growled, eyes looking anywhere but your own as his cheeks glowed a faint, lovely shade of pink. “None of that shit, idiot,” he grumbled. “It- it’s Totoro…” The final words were nearly too quiet to hear, but you caught them, nonetheless.
“My Neighbor Totoro?” You clarified, and he nodded shallowly. “Well, that’s great, because that’s my comfort movie. So, we’re watching that.”
He sighed, leaning his head back in mock defeat. “If you insist,” he groaned dramatically. A chuckle slipped from your lips, which you briefly pressed against the pulse beating in his neck, savoring the feel of it while you still could.
“I do. Now let’s go get cozy and watch that shit.” You reached behind him to grab the bowl of popcorn and took him by the hand, half dragging and half guiding him toward the couch. You purposely left the mugs of tea on the counter, hoping to get just a little more time with him before the end.
As you placed the bowl on the coffee table, he flopped onto the couch, making sure to take up as much room as possible as a shit-eating grin spread across his face. As you turned to sit, you placed your hands on your hips and tried your best to look annoyed as a smile tugged at the corners of your own mouth.
“And where am I supposed to sit?”
He spread his arms and made grabby hands, a gesture he only made once in a blue moon when he was feeling particularly domestic. “Right here, obviously.”
With a playful huff, you climbed aboard, straddling his hips as you settled atop his chest. It took some adjusting, as the piece of furniture wasn’t all that big, but eventually you found a comfortable position where no limbs should fall asleep, and you were nestled squarely in his arms. He had even managed to spread a blanket over the both of you.
“You’re my very own weighted blanket,” he chuckled as you used the remote to search for the movie.
“And you’re my own personal space heater, so I guess we’re even,” you retorted, poking him in the cheek. You selected the movie and placed the remote on the table before you, realizing that the popcorn you had made was somewhat inaccessible due to the position the two of you were in. You decided to leave it there in favor of spending the remainder of your time with Katsuki tangled up together. You couldn’t be bothered to worry about the white snack when he was so all-encompassing anyway.
“Shush, dumbass. The movie is starting,” he quipped, hand coming up to flick you on the tip of the nose. You playfully huffed and swatted at his hand, before returning your own to rest atop his shoulder. He was right, though. The opening scene played, and you hummed along to the song that introduced the movie.
As it played out before you, it took everything in you to not cry. Knowing this was the last bit of time you’d be spending with him had a sense of finality to it that you wished you never had to feel in the first place. As his fingers eased their way beneath your silken shirt, he ran them across your skin at a pace that would have anyone else falling asleep in his arms. But your current predicament had your nerves on fire and your mind racing, even as one of the most calming movies you’d ever seen played out before you.
Very few words were spoken as you reveled in each other’s presence. You weren’t sure you’d even be able to form words as the lump in your throat grew nearly unbearable. You could hardly breathe, and you knew that at any point you could break down in tears. Nevertheless, you had to stay strong-willed and determined. This had to be done tonight, by you, or it would just be so much worse for both of you.
“I love you, Katsuki. You know that, right?” You mumbled the words against Katsuki’s chest as the movie neared its conclusion.
“Course I do, little one.” His voice was soft as one of his hands came to rest on the back of your hair.
“No, like I really love you. I can’t imagine my life without you anymore, and I am terrified of the day I lose you. Whether that’s tomorrow or fifty years from now. It’s going to be the worst day of my life.”
He sighed, drawn out and thoughtful. His fingernails ran gently over your scalp, and you allowed your eyes to fall shut at the feeling. “What’s got your mind going to such a dark place, baby?”
You were silent for a moment, hoping to make it a bit closer to the end of the movie before starting to give anything away in the slightest. After all, he hadn’t ingested any of the neurotoxin yet, so you couldn’t raise any suspicions yet.
“I don’t know, I just get really worried sometimes when I see you on the news fighting all these shitty villains. Even though I know you’re stronger than them, I can never stop wondering if one of these days someone is going to get the upper hand and seriously hurt you.” You gripped the material of his shirt as you whispered the next words. “Or even kill you. I would fall apart. Sometimes the thought makes my chest hurt so bad I have to go somewhere quiet and just cry.” Your words weren’t a lie, but you couldn’t tell him that you were going to be the person about to get said upper hand.
Katsuki took in your words seriously, letting them sink in as the end credits began to roll. You could practically hear the gears in his head whizzing as he formulated some kind of answer that might ease your worries. But that was a difficult thing to do when you loved someone as much as you loved each other, and one member of the relationship was constantly putting themselves in danger’s way for their career.
“Do you believe in me?”
His response made you pause. Of course, you believed in him. You knew that this man could do anything he put his brilliant mind to. He could solve any problem, defeat any villain, save any person he wanted to. But what would he do against a poison that would kill him within minutes in such a remote place? The antidote would be nowhere near close enough to save him in time as you had brought none with you. So, while you believed in him in every other situation imaginable, you couldn’t say you did in this particular instance.
“Of course I do,” you murmured.
The hand which had been running along the length of your spine came to ease your head up to face him, your chin resting against his collarbone. Tears had begun to sting your eyes as you looked at his own determined ones.
“Then I need you to trust that I will always come back for you,” he stated, his tone indicating that he took those words as a fact. Those words weren’t just a flimsy promise, but an oath. And that was what had your tears falling yet again. They slipped from the corners of your glassy eyes and cascaded down your cheeks, only to be brushed away by careful, comforting fingers.
“But what about the day that you don’t? What do I do then? Where will blind faith get me when I’m standing here alone without you?” Your bottom lip trembled as you whispered your fears into the quiet between you. “You are my compass, Katsuki. I’m lost without you.”
“Y/N, even after I’m dead and gone I will still be with you. You can’t get rid of me that easily. I’m too much of a stubborn bastard to let something as trivial as death separate us, right?” He tried to sound upbeat, obviously eager to get off the topic of his inevitable fate but still hoping to ease your worries.
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you let him wipe the last of your tears away. “Yeah, sounds like you.”
“And here you are doubting my resolve like a damn idiot,” he grinned softly. “Why don’t we go grab some fresh tea and we can head up and read or cuddle before bed, yeah?”
You nodded, trying to ignore the way your stomach dropped at the reminder of the tea. “Yeah, that sounds nice. ‘Bout time we get off this tiny damn couch.”
He chuckled, easing the blanket off your body, and helping you maneuver off his chest and onto solid ground. As you stretched your arms above your head to get the blood flowing once more, he reached over to place a playful smack on the exposed skin of your ass. Whipping around to give a halfhearted glare, you were greeted with the sight of a sly grin and adoring eyes as he tucked his hands behind his head and crossed his legs against the arm of the couch.
“Just admiring the view, babe. Can’t go around lookin’ like that and expect me to keep my hands to myself the whole time.”
Rolling your eyes, you fought a smile as you made your way to the counter. Now came the moment of truth. You’d thought over how you would approach getting him to drink the tea throughout the entire movie and had come up with what you hoped was a decent plan. You opened the microwave door and picked up both mugs, placing them on the glass dish inside. You placed his with the handle facing the wall of the device while the handle of yours pointed toward the center of the dish. That way, even if they were in a different position when the timer went off you’d still be able to tell which was which.
“No, no, no. What the hell are you doing, dumbass?” He called from the couch as he sat up. You turned to grin at him.
“I figured that while in America we should do as the Americans, just once. I want to see how it turns out,” you giggled. “I’ve seen people trying it on TikTok and I wanted to do it myself. And I’m making you do it with me.”
Katsuki scoffed, nose scrunching up at the thought. “The thought that you’re about to microwave that shit when you could make a perfectly good cup in five minutes is repulsive.” He grunted softly as he stood, following your lead, and stretching languidly. As he did, his shirt rose and exposed how dangerously low riding his sweats were. The dark trail of hair disappearing beneath them had your mouth watering, clouding your mind briefly before he dropped his arms, and you snapped back to reality.
Turning back to the microwave, you shut the door and set it for a minute before hitting start. That should be enough time to get the liquid piping hot, enough to get him to wait until you were upstairs to drink it. Though Katsuki was notorious for drinking his beverages at a much higher temperature than the average person, so you planned to carry it upstairs yourself anyway.
“When in Rome, do as the Romans, right?” As the plate started spinning you kept your grip on the door handle, needing to hold onto something to keep your balance. Your head was swimming as the reality of your situation truly sank in. You were really about to assassinate not just your lover, but the number two hero in all of Japan. A man who was supposed to be invincible, untouchable.
And he had absolutely no idea, so far as you knew.
There was a haziness to your mind from then on as you forced yourself into the headspace of the assassin you were by trade. That would be the only way you could get through this without coming clean and dooming you both. You had to block out any feelings that may slip in and compromise the mission.
Your stupor was shattered by the sharp stabs of the microwave timer, and you almost robotically opened the door and pulled out the mugs. Katsuki had made his way over to the base of the stairs and waited patiently as you padded over to join him. He made no move to take his cup from your hand, just allowed you to go up first with a steadying hand placed lightly on your hip.
Making your way over to his side of the bed, you placed his mug down on the polished hardwood side table and moved to your own side. He climbed onto the mattress, which he had hastily covered with the duvet after you’d gone to shower. There was a throw blanket on the floor which you picked up and tossed at him playfully, aiming right at his face. You had to keep this as normal as possible so he wouldn’t suspect anything.
“Hey, watch it brat,” he huffed, pulling the fabric from his head and grinning at you. You found a similar expression spreading over your own features as you put down your own mug and leaped on top of him. A grunt escaped his lungs at the impact, and you went as limp as possible in an attempt to hold him down.
That grunt was followed by a low, rumbling laugh as he threw the blanket over you, rolling you up like a burrito and trapping you beneath his body. The entire time you found yourself giggling uncontrollably, reverting to a natural, lovesick state of mind for what might be the last time. You squirmed beneath him, trying to escape, but he simply straddled your hips with his powerful legs and framed your head with his arms, staring down at you with glittering, mirthful eyes.
“This is what brats get, yeah?”
“Katsuki~” You groaned through your laughter. “You can’t just put me in a taco every time I annoy you!”
“Oh yes I can,” he shrugged, one brow lifting as he rocked back to sit on your thighs. His chest lowered to lay atop your own, and you huffed as he crossed his arms across your chest and rested his chin on them with that shit-eating grin. “I wish I could just wrap you up and put you in my pocket all the time, actually.”
You chuckled again, attempting to free one of your hands to no avail. “It would probably be gross and sweaty in there.” You feigned a look of disgust, at which he laughed once more.
“That’s probably not wrong, though you’d deserve it after being such a little shithead.”
“Yeah? Well…” you tried to think of a snarky retort but found yourself losing your train of thought as his eyes softened. “Well, you’re just a-a nerd, so ha!”
A puff of air made its way from his nose as he lifted his chin to allow one hand to come up and caress your face. “I thought you liked nerds,” he murmured, fingers running over your skin as you pouted slightly. “Means I’m smart right?”
“Well of course you’re smart, idiot. Doesn’t mean you’re not still a nerd. I mean, just look at your All Might shrine at home! That’s nerd behavior.”
Laughter shook through the both of you as Katsuki buried his face in your chest. It was genuine, from the heart. It was also one of your favorite sounds in the world, and you tried to savor it as it happened so rarely. Not to mention that this would be the last time you’d hear it.
“I guess you’re right on that one,” he choked out through his fits of delight. “It kinda is a shrine, ain’t it?”
His joy was contagious it seemed; you began to shake with your own laughter. “Yes, it absolutely is!”
As the two of you settled he raised his head once more to look you in the eye. His face was a fair shade of pink and the humor still sparkled in his expression as he raised himself enough to press a sweet kiss to your neck. Your giggles petered out soon after as his lips climbed the column of your throat, then across your jaw and up the other side of your face, following the path of your hairline. They smoothed out the slight line between your brows and trailed down the bridge of your nose, and all the while he murmured soft praises against your skin.
“I love you more than All Might any day of the week, sweetheart. You’re the most captivating, fascinating, quick-witted person I know. The best lover I’ve ever had. You’re my everything.”
His love swept over the apples of your cheeks; your eyes fluttered shut and you savored that love as it filled the cavity of your soon-to-be-empty chest. He paused, lips just a hairsbreadth away from yours as he seemed to think over his next statement.
“I hope you know that I will always love you.” The words were barely audible, yet they took all that warmth that had just spread throughout your body and crumpled it up into a cold, dead weight that settled into the pit of your stomach. As Katsuki’s lips made contact with yours, one hand coming to cradle your head as the other held him aloft, you felt tears prick at the backs of your eyes.
The kiss lasted but a moment, yet it left you breathless and dazed. He lifted himself from his position above you, moving off to the side to settle against the pillows. He watched with a small smile as you struggled to free yourself, with no help from him. As he waited, he reached over to pick up his cup, and you forced yourself back into that cold headspace as you prepared for the inevitable.
He waited, however, until you had escaped your fluffy binds and sat beside him, your mug in hand. You took a sip, finding the liquid still scalding against your tongue. He snickered as you flinched away from it, quickly breathing in and out through your mouth in an attempt to cool your scorched skin. You noticed from the corner of your eye as he took a big gulp of his tea, and you had to fight the voice screaming in the back of your mind to stop him. To warn him that it was going to be the end of him.
He slung his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his side before taking another sip and resting the cup on his leg. “I mean, it’s certainly not as good as fresh tea, but it’s not as bad as I had expected,” he shrugged, referencing the fact that it had been microwaved.
“Heh, yeah, not wrong I guess.” You forced your lips to curl up at the corners as you took an actual sip of your beverage. There was silence for a long moment, the tension unlike anything you had ever experienced with the explosive man beside you, as you prepared to come clean. He took one more sip, and you took a deep breath.
Now or never.
“Katsuki, listen… I-”
“I know,” he cut you off gently, softly, as if he didn’t want to scare you off. Your head snapped up to look at him, only to find his blank gaze fixed on the tea in his hand. “I already know,” he stated once more as you looked at him with thinly veiled shock.
“W-what do you know? What are you talking about?” You knew you should play this incredibly safely just in case he wasn’t privy to the actual plan.
“I know that this tea is poisoned. I know you were sent to kill me. I know who you’re working for.” His voice was sad, almost regretful as he met your gaze. “I know everything.” You couldn’t speak for a long moment, simply staring at him with slowly widening eyes as he gave you a sad smile.
“How do you…” Your voice trailed off, your mouth going unbearably dry as you tried your best to wrap your head around what he was saying.
“I’ve only known for a few weeks. Intel came in about a group that was planning to kill me, your group. Word had it that they’d gotten an assassin to infiltrate my inner circle in order to take me out quietly, and I wracked my head for days trying to figure out who it could be. Every path I followed brought me to one person: you.” He leaned over to place his steaming mug on the table before licking his lips to remove any remaining liquid and returning to you. “You were the only person who had gotten close enough to have even the slightest chance of taking me out in the last couple years, the only new variable in my life that could have presented such a threat. And even though I didn’t want to believe it – fuck, I still don’t want to believe it – I knew in my heart that it was you…”
“Katsuki, I-” You choked on guilt and remorse over the knowledge that he knew. He had figured it out. You knew this man was brilliant, that he was the number two hero for a reason. You’d seen him in action more times than you could count at this point, and he never failed to amaze and impress you with both his physical and mental prowess. So, you weren’t sure why it was coming as such a surprise that he had figured this out.
“Y/N, it’s okay,” he whispered. His free hand reached over to loop under your legs, easing them across his lap so he cradled you close to his chest. “I get it. I understand why you had to do this. Your life was on the line, right?”
You felt all the tension in your body at that moment, your hands shaking slightly and your mind racing. “Yeah,” you croaked. “If I didn’t do it they were going to torture and kill me…”
He sighed softly, his hand running soothingly up and down your leg. “Kinda figured the bastards would do that. And was the plan the same for me too?”
You nodded silently, tucking your hands between both of your chests and curling into him. You were ashamed and slightly horrified that he had found out already. You were also dully angry at yourself for not realizing it sooner. Surely he had to have acted differently in the last few weeks, right? He’d have to be insane to just accept his death like that, especially having the status and influence that he had… He was the symbol of victory, after all. He couldn’t afford to lose; it would disrupt the whole society of Japan just like your gang wanted.
“Why are you just letting me kill you, Katsuki?” You had to know, the words slipping through your lips like the silk of your shirt through his fingers.
He was quiet for a moment, thinking over his response. “Do you remember what I told you earlier?” You tried to think back on what he could be referring to, but you were having trouble recalling anything but the current moment, so you shook your head. “I told you that if it meant keeping you safe I was willing to die for you. And I meant it. I knew that at some point you were going to have to do this, and I kinda figured it would happen sometime while we were here. It would give you the smallest chance of getting caught, and the highest chance of escape. It makes a lot of s-sense, really.” His voice faltered as he spoke, and your head snapped up to look at him.
His skin was growing sallow, and beads of sweat were starting to form on his forehead. The poison was starting to kick in.
You quickly moved to straddle his lap, bringing your hands to cup his chin as the reality of the situation threatened to crush you into a million tiny shards. “I’m sorry, Katsuki,” you cried, tears once again forming in your eyes as his clammy fingers slipped under your shirt to caress the skin of your sides. “I just couldn’t let them torture you. I know how strong and capable you are, but no one who’s stood against them has survived. They would have killed you, or at least hurt you to the point that you’d be out of action for the rest of your life. Which I know for you might as well mean death. I just- I couldn’t let them do that…”
“I know baby, I know,” he murmured. There was a dull thump as his head fell back against the headboard and he fought to keep his eyes open. “I just need you to know that everything I felt for you was real, still is real. And I’m sure it may have just started as a mission for you, but I’m pretty sure-” He broke off to take a deep breath, swallowing dryly. “I’m pretty fuckin’ sure you loved me too by the end of it, right?”
You nodded vigorously, the tears breaking the confines of your eyelashes and flooding down your cheeks as you fought for air. “I absolutely did. I love you more than anything, Bakugou Katsuki. I was an orphan when they took me in, and I was raised as a killer. I never thought I’d find love, but then you saved me that day, and we went on that date, and I knew that I was fucked.”
He chuckled wryly, coaxing a similar sound from your own lips. “That was a setup, right?” You nodded slowly, hating to admit it even as he was dying. “And do you have a quirk?”
Again, you nodded. “It’s called Comply. But I only used it a couple times before everything became so natural that I had no need for it anymore… I could tell that I was going to be completely empty after I carried this out.” Your voice shook with emotion as you tried to make him out clearly through the blurriness of your tears.
He slowly, shakily raised a hand to your face and brushed his thumb under your eye, his touch weak compared to how firm it usually was when he swept away your tears. “Please don’t blame yourself, love,” he muttered, brows furrowing. “I know you didn’t choose this.”
A guttural sob ripped from your throat as you collapsed into him, burying your face in his shoulder, and wrapping your arms around his neck. One hand came to cushion the back of his head, your fingers threading through his hair as you tried to hold him back from the throes of oblivion. His skin was feverish and clammy as the toxin spread through his body, and you attempted to hide your sorrow, tried to let him go peacefully.
“All I ask is this,” he whispered. You lifted your head slowly, using the hand not supporting his head to scrub at your eyes so you could see him a bit more clearly before nodding. “Escape. Tell them the mission is done, do whatever you have to do after this to hide the evidence. But once that’s all done-” he took a ragged breath, eyes fluttering shut as he tried to stay conscious. “After that get the fuck outta here, got it?”
“G-got it,” you forced out. Your lips trembled as you fought back more tears, attempting to stay strong even as the man you loved was dying in your arms. “I promise.”
He nodded, smiling slightly. “Good. Those bastards can f-fuck off. They won’t be able t-to hurt you anymore. Once you finish up here, destroy your phone so they can’t track you. There’s a new one in my bag that’s all set up with everything you could need. Contacts for all the top pros, my family… m-my bank information. That’s signed over to your name, so you have access to it all. My passwords for different accounts are in there too in case you need ‘em.” His eyes opened slowly, clouded with some emotion that you couldn’t quite place. But you could see the tears in them, and your heart, or at least what was left of it, was stuck in your throat at the sight of them. You had only seen him look like that just a few times.
“Katsuki I-”
“Once you get somewhere safe contact Deku. Tell him what’s happened. B-be honest with him, ‘kay?” His words were quicker now, like he knew his time was near and he needed to get everything out. “He’s gonna be a fuckin’ wreck, but if you explain everything, and you tell him that this was m-my choice to let it happen, he’ll come around eventually. But I’m assuming they’re gonna come for him next, and I want him to be prepared. I’ve left videos for everyone important on that phone. Do me a favor and share ‘em with the people they’re meant for, ‘kay?”
“Of course I will, Kats. Anything for you,” your voice shook like the last leaves of the season in a cold winter wind.
Katsuki chuckled gently, letting the hand that caressed your face drop to entwine his fingers with your own. “It’s also got all our photos and videos on it too…” His voice was sad, with a hint of anger over the reality he was facing. “It’s got a-” A ragged cough burst from his lungs, accompanied by a light spray of blood that had you cringing. “Got a video on there f’r you too,” he rasped, determined to say what he needed to say even as his speech was strained, somewhat slurred. It cut you like a knife.
A fresh wave of tears spilled down your face, the crystalline droplets falling to your joined hands. “I’m just so fucking sorry Kats…” You tried to suppress your panic and sorrow, so as not to let him witness it in his final moments, but you realized that would be insincere, especially when you’d been hiding such a huge secret this whole time. So, you let any walls crumble in the looming shadow that was his imminent death.
“I know, sweet girl. So am I. Sorry I never got t’ marry you, never got t’ start a f-family, grow old, all that s-sappy shit…” The blood that had sprayed from his lungs now stained his lips, creeping between the cracks and providing the most color anywhere on his ashen face. “Most of all, ‘m sorry you were f-forced to do this. But y’know what ‘m not sorry for?”
You shook your head, wondering what on earth he could find positive in this situation.
“’m not sorry I met you… got to love you, got to have you in my life, even if just for a little while. L-like I said… y’r the best thing that’s ever happened to me. ‘nd I mean it. E-even if y’r the end of me, I’ll love you even from the grave.”
“Katsuki…” He struggled to bring your hand up and pressed his smiling lips to the back of it. “I love you too, so fucking much… I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry, I-”
You were cut off as he mustered what was left of his strength to lean forward and capture your lips in a gentle kiss. It tasted of blood and tears, defeat and anguish, but there was a sweetness to it as well. There was forgiveness and understanding and love that had you aching deep in your soul. As he broke off his head slumped forward, landing heavily on your shoulder as he took labored, uneven breaths.
“It’s alright, Y/N. I would have stopped ya if there was any other way…” His breath was hot against your skin, his grip on your hand limp. “It was m-my choice. Y’r worth it.”
“No, I’m not! You are so important to so many people, to all of Japan! You keep people safe, give them hope,” you sobbed, burying your face in his hair, and cradling him as close as possible, as he had done earlier. “I’m just some worthless orphan who only hurts people and brings people pain and suffering.”
His head shook minutely against your skin. “Not to me,” he breathed. “You’re m-my… my everything, got it? You better go on livin’ ‘kay? Otherwise ‘m gonna beat ya up in the afterlife. ‘Nd ya better not just live… Do something g-great. Go somewhere beautiful f’r me, yeah? Go on an adventure. Otherwise, I’ll haunt you.” He could hardly get the words out, but as he did you felt small pinpricks of heat on your exposed thighs. You didn’t need to look down to know it was his blood, vibrant and red as his eyes.
You nodded fervently, kissing whatever places on his face you could reach. “I will, I promise I will. And I’ll send the videos and warn Izuku and… and I’ll go somewhere b-beautiful. I just wish you could come with me.”
“I do too…”
There was a moment of silence between you that was filled with so much emotion it was nearly overwhelming. There was sadness most of all, under which brewed anger and resentment and regret. But there was also love, understanding, and what you could only describe as… hope. Hope for your future, hope that you could eventually find peace, or at least something close. That you would finally be able to live for yourself without having to go on killing and suffering at the hands of villains that only wanted to use you.
You lifted his head from your shoulder with a gentle hand and rested your forehead against his. “I love you, Bakugou Katsuki. More than anything.”
“And I love you too, Y/N. You’ve made my life worth living,” he whispered into the space between you. “Keep living, got it brat?”
“You got it, shithead,” you laughed weakly, before kissing him softly. You hoped to convey all of your love, passion, regret, and heartache through that final gesture. Yet all you felt in return was love, adoration even. It gave you hope that, despite the fact that you would never be quite the same, you may be able to find some modicum of peace in the future.
With a final wheezing breath, Katsuki broke away from the kiss, his body going limp and sagging against your own. His fingers were still entwined with your own, only his grip had gone slack. His skin was still damp and hot, but when you placed your fingers on the artery in his neck you only felt stillness. A lack of pulse.
You have no concept of how long you sat there weeping over his motionless body, holding him against your chest as you mourned him. Mourned the loss of the only person you’d ever loved. The stillness of his body against you was eerie. The lack of breath against your skin had you feeling cold, even as his own body lost its heat. His skin grew ghostly, and his limbs stiffened as you grieved.
It was really done. He was really dead.
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It had been about 6 months since you had assassinated Bakugou Katsuki, and to say your life had changed would be a serious understatement.
Hiding the evidence hadn’t been difficult. You had spent the entirety of that night scouring and bleaching every possible surface of any biological evidence that you may have left behind, and you even destroyed the bed sheets and towels, replacing them with identical ones. Thankfully you and Katsuki had booked the place under aliases, knowing that there was certainly a chance of your vacation spot being leaked to the public had he used his real name.
Disposing of Katsuki, however, proved to be more of a challenge.
You ended up cremating him, figuring that would be the easiest way to lay him to rest while also minimizing your chances of his remains being found. After you had finished clearing the cabin of any evidence you packed the car with both of your belongings before carrying him out to the firepit by the river. You sat and watched as the flames consumed him, finding it the slightest bit poetic that such an explosive man would go out like this. By the time the sun rose, you were still sitting before the smoldering ashes, tears long since dried on your skin and limbs sore from how long you had sat still. The weight of him rested on your shoulders long after he had burned away, and you could still feel him there to this day.
You had gathered his ashes and scattered them in the river, allowing them to wash away before you returned to the car the two of you had rented. Taking one last look at the cabin, at the location where your heart and soul had gone to die, you had sent one final message to your boss before obliterating your phone:
[ It’s done. ]
You now found yourself in Greece, settled in a nice little villa situated on a mountain overlooking a turquoise sea. As you sat on your balcony the wind tugged at your hair, and you paused to take in the setting sun. The sky was a vibrant orange, the shade of which almost perfectly matched the color of the trademark “X” that had once adorned a certain Pro’s uniform.
You found him in everyday life, almost constantly reminded. When you woke to a cold bed at the start of a new day. As you watched children run through the streets on a warm summer evening with sparklers in hand. Sometimes you still found yourself cooking double portions of meals, tearily packing up the leftovers for later. When songs you used to dance to in your pajamas would play as you sat in a café, alone.
And that wasn’t even mentioning the phone. It contained every picture he had ever taken. Every selfie, every candid, every unflattering angle… And while there were plenty of the two of you, most of them were just you, taken from his perspective. They were moments that he had thought were worth capturing. Some were on dates, where you had put some effort into your appearance even if it was just a nice dinner together at home. But others you had no idea he had taken. Images of you asleep on his chest, doing your makeup, hard at work on your computer, and making a stern, concentrated face…
They were moments when he had found you beautiful, as he had told you in a letter you’d found in his notes app, where he had left you a plethora of love letters he had written to you over the time you had spent together.
You had also made sure to follow his final instructions and sent the videos to the proper recipients. As Katsuki had predicted, Deku had been an absolute mess when he had found out about the fate of his best friend. However, after watching the video Katsuki had made him, Midoriya had insisted he didn’t blame you. He had also sworn to find and defeat the group you had worked for, and with your assistance, he and the Hero Commission did just that. They brought down the entire organization, freeing you of the fear of being sucked back into their clutches, or being captured and tortured for trying to escape in the first place.
The one thing you hadn’t mustered was the courage to watch the video intended for you.
It sat untouched in the camera roll just waiting for you to gather the fortitude to see what he had to say to you. Out of respect for those which he had left other videos for, you hadn’t watched those either, so you really didn’t know what to expect. You only knew that when you finally hit play you were in for a world of emotion.
But tonight, you had finally convinced yourself to press the button. With a glass of his favorite wine in hand and the Dynamight plushie he had bought you almost a year ago hugged to your chest, you tried to prepare yourself for the torrent of feelings you were about to undergo. With your headphones on snuggly in order to immerse yourself in the presence of your lover and to minimize distractions, you started the video.
“Hey dumbass,” he started. The sound of his voice had you choking up already, but you didn’t want to cry yet, so you held back your emotion. “So, I’m guessing you probably waited a while to watch this, right? You were probably scared to because it would mean admitting to yourself that I’m gone. Well, I’m gonna say right now that I think that’s bullshit. I’m right here, idiot. I always will be. All of this shit is backed up on the cloud, so even if you lose this phone it’s all still gonna be there. Can’t get rid of me that easy.” His chuckle was laidback, almost carefree. As if he wasn’t recording a message to be watched after a death he knew was coming.
“I’m gonna be honest with you, it’s taken me a while to record this for you. I’ve already done everyone else’s because I had to really think about what to say to you, and I’m pretty sure this is attempt number eight? Maybe number nine… I don’t fuckin’ know. What I’m tryin’ to say is that I know you’re probably hurting the most out of everyone right now. Yeah, my family is probably crushed, and shitty Deku probably feels responsible or whatever… But you?” He paused, looking away from the camera for a moment in thought. You felt tears welling in your eyes as he continued somewhat carefully.
“You were the one who had to carry out your mission. And I just want you to know that, in a weird kinda way, I respect that. You had to do what you had to do. For the sake of yourself, and in a way… for my sake. They were probably planning on killing both of us if you didn’t do it on your own, right? And it would probably include a lot of pain and suffering, if all the intel we’ve gathered on these bastards is correct. They seem like real assholes, y’know?” You couldn’t help but smile gently at his words, as he didn’t even know how true they were at the time.
“But I don’t want you to blame yourself, got it? I obviously don’t know all the specifics of your situation, but I do know one thing. I know that you’re one of the most thoughtful, caring, and kind people I have ever met. And even if everything else has been part of an act, I don’t think those things can be faked.” There were those goddamn tears again. They began to blur your vision, and you took a moment to wipe them away before they could fall.
“I don’t think your love is fake either.” His voice was soft and seemed to be slightly strained. “Everything I feel from you in that respect seems… very genuine. At least I really fuckin’ hope it’s real. Because I know that everything I feel for you is as real as it gets. And I swear to god if you don’t actually love me back, even just a little, I’m gonna come back and haunt you from the dead, got it brat?” If you weren’t mistaken you thought you could see tears starting to form in his eyes even as you found yourself chuckling at his faux aggression.
“I just- I’m sorry that you have to do this… Heh, weird that I’m the one apologizing when you’re the one that has to fuckin’ kill me. But, while I plan on telling you this in person before it happens, and I’m pretty sure I know when it’s gonna be happening…” He paused and took a deep, stabilizing breath before trucking on.
“I would do anything to protect you, Y/N. I would go to war, stop a train, take a bullet straight to the heart… I am willing to die for you if it means you won't have to deal with those scumbags anymore. I’m hoping that after this all goes down and I’m dead and gone you’ll be able to escape them. I’m putting together a contingency plan, hence all the videos and shit. I want you to be able to live for yourself, finally, instead of having to live your life as a criminal, constantly putting yourself in danger and having to do what those assholes want you to do.”
You took a breath as he paused again, reaching up to scrub at his eyes, which had steadily been growing red with impending tears. “I honestly don't know what else to say, but I don’t want to end this yet…” He chuckled somewhat ruefully, his brows coming together in a look of what you could only describe as defeat.
“I guess I should say that I was uh… I was planning to propose in a couple months. I don’t want to make you hurt worse than you probably already are, but I don’t want to hide that. I’m probably not going to before it all goes down, but I uh, I kinda bought a ring and everything. I gave it to my ma and told her not to give it to you till you asked for it. I figured you might not want it, so I didn’t wanna tell you about it. Guess I wanted to wait till you watched this, so you’d get the full picture on where I stand with the whole situation. If you want the ring, just tell her you watched this and decided to get it. But I understand if it would be too painful to have a reminder of me sitting on your finger every day… A reminder of everything that happened…”
Your hand came up to cover your mouth as you paused the video. You needed to take a moment to process what he was saying. He was going to propose? He had already bought the ring? Tears were flowing down your cheeks freely now, and your heart felt so heavy it seemed like you had a sandbag on your chest. You had thought about what it would be like to marry him, sure, but you had never allowed yourself to seriously entertain the idea as it was too painful to imagine such a thing while knowing what you’d eventually have to do to him. Hitting play, you resumed the video.
“Just know it’s there if you want it. Guess it could be a reminder of my love for you. Of how much I truly care for you. I just need you to get it through your thick skull that I really do love you. Even if it was all for the sake of a mission, which I kinda refuse to believe, what I feel for you is, and always will be, real. Even after I’m dead I’ll still love you.”
As the timer on the bottom of the video steadily scrolled toward the end you could see a few tears falling down his cheeks as he chose to forgo wiping them away. “Well, uh, I guess that’s pretty much all I had to say then. You better not be curled up in a ball somewhere dark and dingey wasting away and letting your sadness eat you alive, dumbass. I want you to go out there and take life by the fuckin’ balls. You deserve to live for yourself from now on. I probably told you this before I left you, but all of my bank accounts have been signed over to you, so hopefully, money won’t be a problem for the rest of your life. For fuck’s sake, I don’t even know why I get paid so much, but I have literally no clue what to do with it all, so it should at least get you pretty far. Do something fun. Travel the world. Go on an adventure and do something you’ve always wanted to do, ‘kay?”
He had indeed signed over all of his accounts to you, and when you accessed them for the first time the numbers you found sent your head spinning. He also had copious amounts of money invested in numerous companies, so the numbers kept increasing over time as well. When you had gone over it all with a financial advisor, she had instructed you on how to keep everything in order and how to properly invest in the future, if you so desired.
“I just ask that you take care of my family if they ever need it,” he pleaded gently. His eyes had softened as he brought up his loved ones. “I’ve already left ‘em a buncha money, which is probably surprising considering the huge amount you hopefully have already found in the accounts I signed over to you, but like I said the Commission pays me a disgusting amount. It’s honestly kinda ridiculous… all of that money could be going to something much better, but I digress… If they ever need something, promise me you’ll help ‘em out, alright? They’re probably fuckin’ wrecks over the fact that I’m gone, and while I’ve explained everything in their video, they may appreciate it coming from you as well. I just hope you guys can come to terms with each other. Because as you know my ma can be… a lot,” he chuckled sadly.
“Just know I love the fuck outta you, and I’m so proud of you for having to get through all the bullshit you’ve been through. I’m not mad about the situation, and I hope you understand that. But I am pretty sad that it’s gotta go down like this, and that I’ll never get to grow old with you like I’d originally planned. But, like I’ve said over and over at this point, I’d gladly die if it meant saving you, and hopefully freeing you from these villain bastards making you do all this shit.
I hope you don’t miss me too much, and I don’t want you to be afraid of finding someone else to love. I just want you to be happy, and if that means finding someone new then I support you. Just make sure they deserve you, because you’ve got so much to give, and I don’t want you wasting your time with some fuckin’ loser. But if you don’t end up with anyone else, please… just don’t let yourself fade away. Find at least one thing to give you happiness. Because you fuckin’ deserve it, idiot. This isn’t your fault, and I don’t want you blaming yourself. Also, make sure to kick those shitheads’ asses for me, alright? Lock ‘em up in Tartarus for all eternity. That’s what they fuckin’ deserve for making you do all the shit they did.”
He looked down at his hands, fiddling with them off-screen as he thought for a moment before looking back up at you. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Y/N. You changed my life for the better, taught me what love was all about, and showed me more love and kindness than anyone else. I refuse to believe that was all an act. It sure as hell wasn’t an act on my end. And if it was real for you too, if all of this was as real for you as it was for me, then I hope you know that you held my heart in your hands and I will love you till you are dead and gone like me. And I ain’t got a clue what comes after life, but I’ll sure as hell be waitin’ for you on the other side. I promise.”
There were tears in his eyes yet again, glittering like diamonds as they wavered on his lower lashes. Your stomach clenched at the sight as you reached up to brush away your own.
“Alright, fuckin’ dumbass. Get off your phone and go live your life. I hope you’re somewhere beautiful. Somewhere as beautiful as you are. The world is a better place because you’re in it. Or… at least my world was better because of you.” The tears quivered once more before slipping down his cheeks as he gave you a sad smile from his place in the past. “Live enough for both of us, yeah? And don’t join me too soon, otherwise, I’ll be pissed. I don’t wanna see your face wherever I am for another 50 years, you little fucker.”
“You got it, Kats,” you laughed tearily, unable to stop your response from slipping from your lips as if he was really standing right in front of you.
“Think ‘m just rambling at this point, ‘cus I really don’t want this to end. But I guess I’ve gotta save some space on here for everything else I wanna leave for ya. One last time, I love you, princess. I always will. Live a good rest of your life, and don’t come lookin’ for me till the time is right.” He raised his hand and gave a small wave.
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spicywhenspeaking · 7 months
Bad Omens Valentine’s Day Headcanons ❤️
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These are all just my made up little ideas about how the version of them that lives on my mind palace would act! Not at all meant to be taken seriously:)
Under the cut
Noah Sebastian:
makes a home cooked meal
buys flowers from a local florist
Words of affirmation and quality time and physical touch
Gifts expensive chocolate assortment in a heart shaped box
has a record playing when you get home from work
Prays to every god that you’re wear the red lingerie set that makes drives him crazy
Writes a very sappy note in the card he got you and gets an intense blush when you read it
You share a bottle of red wine or a mocktail
You end up going out to see a movie spontaneously but sit in the back row so you can make out
Nicholas Ruffilo:
Believes Valentine’s Day is a corporate holiday but makes you a handmade card with a beautiful note inside
Words of affirmation and quality time
Orders your favorite food on Uber eats
Gifts you comfy new pajamas and expensive skin care that he knows you like but don’t buy offer for yourself
You two split an edible and watch horror movies and eat dinner on the couch
Buys all the Valentine’s Day themed gummy snacks for you to share
End up high and playing a card game but forgetting the rules and laughing so hard you get dizzy for a second and hold onto each other for support
Clumsily climb up the stairs after each other and flop into bed in a cuddled mess arms and legs tangled up together.
Nick Folio:
Loves Valentine’s Day so much
Lots of physical touch and gift giving
Buys you a new Valentine’s Day stuffed animal every year
Gets you an edible arrangement and 12 dozen red roses delivered to your office/job/apartment
Wants to kiss you all day and remind you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you
Appreciates a gift in return (lol) and he gets teary eyed when he reads the note you put in his card
Rents a hotel room for the weekend and went before to decorate with rose petals
You get drunk on champagne together and take a bubble bath
He brought bath paints so you end up making a fun game out of drawling on each others skin until the water runs cold and you dry off and head to bed ;)
Jolly Karlsson:
Very romantic and treats you like a queen
Lots of words of affirmation and affection
Breakfast in bed with homemade pancakes and omelet
Has the whole day planned for you
Takes a cute picture for his instagram to make a sappy post about how much he loves you
Coffee shop date at y’all’s favorite place
Picks out your outfit for dinner including the new lingerie he bought you
Fancy reservations at a nice restaurant
Wants to hold your hand across the table all night
Buys an expensive bottle of wine
Buys you nice ethical jewelry
Ubers home to be responsible
Wants to dance in the candle light when you get home
bad omens Taglist: @cookiesupplier
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froggibus · 2 years
Valentine's Day HCs - Ashe, Brigitte, D.VA, Kiriko, Mercy, Widowmaker
Includes: Ashe, Brigitte, D.Va, Kiriko, Mercy and Widowmaker
Summary: what your OW gf would do for you for Valentine's day
CW: gn! reader, fluff, just some cutesy hcs of what your OW s/o would do for Valentine's, some allusion to the lore
pt2 of my valentine's day content for you guys! i was up til 3 trying to finish these but kinda gave up ngl and went to bed but i mostly finished up!
OW Men Ver. + Valentine's 2023 Masterlist
acts like she’s Too Cool™️ for Valentine’s Day 
but on the inside she’s secretly making a big deal of it cause all she really wants is to make you happy and show how much she loves you!!
definitely gets Bob’s help to get everything and set it all up
she’s so nonchalant about it that you’re shocked when she shows up at your place with a bouquet of flowers 
“get your jacket, I got somethin to show you.”
you reluctantly follow her out, pleasantly surprised that she came through for you
she takes you back to her place where her and Bob have practically completely redecorated 
there’s sweet smelling candles lining every flat surface, rose petals across the floor and hearts hanging from the ceiling
waiting for the two of you at the coffee table are dishes of all your favorite snacks
she definitely had Bob make you chocolate covered strawberries 
she feeds them to you too with this cute little blush across her cheeks and nose
also there’s champagne
fruity bubbly pink champagne that she seems to have endless bottles of 
and when you’re all warm and giggly and drunk, cuddled up in her arms, she lets her tough exterior drop 
“oh sweet pea, i think you’re gonna be the death of me”
she’s so nervous!!!
like she really wants this to go good and show you how much she appreciates you, but she doesn’t really know how
probably makes the mistake of asking her dad and Reinhardt for advice 
and after Reinhardt suggests “a really big hammer” she decides to go her own way with it
spends days tinkering in her workshop to make something for you
of course Mitzi is purring and rolling all over her tools while she’s trying to build 
accidentally ignored you because she’s so caught up in her work
she finishes it just in time for Valentine’s Day
you plan on surprising her for Valentines so you’re surprised when she shows up with a little box for you
she’s practically vibrating while she waits for you to open it 
when you do, you see it’s metal figurines of the two of you on your first date 
the sheer amount of detail in it makes you gasp
there’s a plaque on the front that says “The Moment I Knew I Loved You”
you look up at her with big teary eyes and throw your arms around her 
she hugs you super tightly 
“so you like it, right? Cause I was worried it was too much or not enough and I just—I really wanted this to go good for us.”
she’s such a dork she probably plans out this whole day for the two of you together 
she’s kinda nervous taking you out in case she gets mobbed by paparazzi 
but she really wants to show you a good time so she sets her fear aside
takes you to the shops downtown to get  cute matching pyjamas for your sleepover tonight 
you guys stop to get hotteoks for a snack too!! 
they’re one of her favorite snacks so you treat her to one 
then you guys head to the grocery store to pick up some snacks and drinks for the night 
queue Hana stocking up on Mountain Dew (but she gets the Spark kind to fit into the Valentine’s Day theme)
you guys get home and build a little pillow and blanket Fort on the floor with all your snacks and stuff
Hana turns on her console and the two of you end up playing games together 
definitely some sort of cutesy two player game where you guys can work as a team 
and even if you make mistakes, Hana just kisses your cheek and carries you through
“so, how was this for Valentine’s Day? Did I win?” 
she is definitely the type to want to do something for Valentine’s  
but gets so busy with work and crime fighting that she just forgets 
so she plans a date for the two of you at the last minute 
gets you a box of gourmet donuts from her favorite shop and heads over to your house on her bike
she was kinda nervous to ask you to be her Valentine cause she’s never really had one
plus she’s worried what she’s planned won’t be enough
but all of that melts away when she picks you up and sees your smile at the cute little fox donuts she gives you
she doesn’t let on what she has planned, but she has her bike waiting outside with an extra helmet for you
she actually takes you all the way across town to a karaoke/ramen bar!
they’re doing a Valentine’s Special for karaoke where its duets only, and it only takes a second of your girlfriend making puppy dog eyes at you to get you up on the stage
she surprises you by choosing one of your favorite duet songs and having near perfect choreography
her dancing and singing is just so fun and cute that it’s infectious and you start trying to dance with her
even if you stumble a bit she still thinks its adorable
also everyone in the restaurant loves you guys
after that, you guys have a few drinks and some yummy ramen before she surprises you with a promise ring
its just a simple silver band with a blue jewel (like the colour of her fox) engraved into it
“I know it’s not much…but I wanted you to always have a piece of me with you. I have the fox spirit to guide me, so I thought maybe you could have something to guide you.”
she’s a busy, busy woman, but she’ll fight to have time off so she can spend it with you 
very traditional as far as her dates go, but that doesn’t mean boring by any means
she’s super organized too, so she’ll plan everything ahead of time to make sure it all goes off without a hitch
definitely splurges and gets you a box of super yummy Swiss chocolates 
I feel like she would definitely get you some sort of jewellery too, like a necklace with wings or something 
she has a dinner reservation at a super romantic, intimate restaurant 
she leaves you a cute little gift bag on your bed for when you get home, and its just a super nice outfit for you to wear out
you’re super excited for what she has planned, and that only gets better when she comes to pick you up
she’s wearing a silky black slip dress and heals, dressed to the absolute nines
honestly she looks good enough to eat
you guys take a cab to the restaurant so you can thoroughly enjoy it and actually drink
Angela picks out a delicious red wine for the two of you to share over dinner
she definitely holds your hand across the table and runs her thumbs over them
the food is amazing and you guys have just a little too much wine over dinner
Angela holds her alcohol well though and manages to tough it out until you get home 
she wanted to surprise you with gifts, but didn’t want to do it in public so she could actually enjoy your reaction to them
probably the one night of the year she lets herself get a little more kinky in bed too lol
“How was it, darling? I wanted to give you a date you deserve.”
she hasn’t celebrated a single Valentine’s Day since before Gerard died 
he was the only person she ever had any desire to celebrate with, and because of what Talon did to her, she never had a chance again
until she meets you of course
she probably doesn’t celebrate it with you until you’ve been together for a while either
but when she’s ready, she wants to go all out 
she makes reservations at the best restaurant in France (and spares no expense)
she picks you up in a limo, the back filled with candy hearts and kisses, with a fridge stocked with rosé and champagne 
she pours you a glass when you get in, her eyes taking you in
“you look stunning, my love.”
by the time you get to the restaurant, you’re a little tipsy and completely flustered
she orders for you, getting you her favorite dish (and it’s quite possibly the most delicious thing you’ve had in your whole life)
she definitely splits dessert with you too
she feeds you little spoonfuls 
takes you back to her place for the night and shows you her favorite movie as a girl
“thank you for tonight, mon amour. you are the warmth of my life.”
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whitexwolfxx310 · 1 year
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I Love You In Every Universe
Pairing: Bucky x female reader
Summary: Trying to mend your relationship with Bucky is going so painfully slow. And then it's not.
Warnings: Spicy content! 18+ only! Cursing, oral sex MTF, penetration, praise kink, small amount of submissive kink, and I think that's all?
Word Count: 3428
A/Ns: I needed to write a total smut post. Those seem to be pretty popular haha. We have Baker Bucky! I got a few requests for that! Anyway, enjoy! I'll continue the storyline in my next post!
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Previous Part
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Finding out that your brother is not only alive, but that he is the new face of Hydra, is one of the biggest twists that fate could spit out. After the terrifying realization that occurred in your office, you’ve been thrown into countless meetings and conferences where you were probed for information on Luke that wasn’t already disclosed in his military files.
Steve and Tony had constant questions and concerns about the situation. They felt that maybe Luke would try and reach out or maybe there was some hidden information that you would somehow be privy to. But it had been two years since everyone thought that he was long dead.
The tension in The Compound rose. Your job got put into question, certain people wondering why you would even apply to intern here in the first place. Are you a double agent? Finding and leaking information to Hydra from within? Your morals had never once been questioned until now.
Bucky was the only one who didn’t make the whole situation feel like an interrogation. He remained supportive, being the person to suggest you take time to recollect yourself when it became too much. The only one who didn’t have questions but was always silently there in the corner watching and listening, taking every bit of information in.
A task force was assigned to try and track Luke, in hope of him not being too far gone. It had been done with Bucky, could it be done with your brother as well? You were also chosen for this mission, which did not go over well with Bucky. Him and Tony had argued over using yourself as bait to draw him out. In the end, it was your decision, and you would chose to go.
Even with the stress of the current situation, you used Bucky as a welcomed distraction. Leaning on one another as you both grasped onto your undeniable tethered connection. There was still a long road to recovery for both Bucky and your relationship. But he did his damndest to make you feel as though you weren’t under constant surveillance (at least from him). When the daily brainstorming sessions were over, you both avoided the topic of Luke. It was still difficult to process the concept that he was still alive. It just didn’t seem real.
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Taking things slow with Bucky has always been an understatement. A part of him is apprehensive, more so now than ever. There has been close to no physical contact. You truly don't know everything that he went through overseas, but it was apparent that he was still working his way through it. You had your 'boyfriend' back. Yet in a sense, you didn't. And still, his presence still left the same, if not more, desire in it's wake.
Bucky was given his own apartment within The Compound for the time being. Although there was nothing to be 'afraid' of, everyone, except yourself, felt that it was necessary to slowly ease back into his routines and not just cannonball into the deep end.
Spending time together had always been your favorite thing. But now, it was like everything was exciting and new once again. The two of you were dealing with the 'holes' Bruce had warned you about- and the dark cloud of your brother hanging over both of your heads. These said ‘holes’ were more along the lines of not remembering how you take your coffee and other small instances. He remembers you, and most of the time that you had shared.
You filled the limited free time in your days together with simplistic dates and doing things that he really took interest in. Going to the gym together, long drives with the windows down listening to music playing, but most of all... Bucky loved being in the kitchen. It was as if he had a new found passion for cooking and baking-something simplistic to lose himself in. But he wouldn't share that pastime with anyone else, feeling like he may be judged. Although, you had no complaints. There was no shortage on baked goods and even homemade bread from scratch.
Bucky is in the kitchen, covered in flour and chocolate. The clear evidence of him indulging in his guilty pleasure.
"Mmm. These are seriously the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever had." You mumble.
You didn't want to be rude by talking with your mouth full, but he eagerly watched, awaiting your reaction to his creation of the day.
"Really!?" He asks, excitedly.
Nodding your head and smiling, you go to take another bite of the cookie. Since it is still warm from recently coming out of the oven, it partially breaks- melty chocolate all over your face and hands.
There's a moment of silence- you and Bucky are looking at one another until his nose scrunches and he starts hysterically laughing. A sweet sound that I have missed for so long. It's contagious. The next thing you know, you're both laughing to the point of just wheezing. Your cheeks hurt, the place where your abs once were before he entered the baking scene, hurt. It wasn't even that funny, just one of those simplistic moments where you get to fully be yourselves. A core memory.
"You're a hot mess," Bucky says, trying to compose himself by fighting through the laughter. His cheeks are burning red. The harder he tries to subdue the laughing, the more he fails. "Come here..." He reaches for a dish towel, dampening it under the faucet of the sink before taking a few steps closer.
You abruptly stop laughing, taking in how suddenly close in proximity he is to you. Aside from the hello/goodbye awkward hugs that you look forward to just being in his arms for a moment- this is rediscovering old territory.
Your mouth opens slightly as you hold your breath, awaiting to see what he does next. Covering his thumb with the cloth, he ever so gently wipes chocolate off of your bottom lip. His eyes fasten their grip with your own, occasionally breaking contact to look down at your lips.
Kiss me. Your inner conscious is screaming, begging and pleading for him to make a move. To just be wrapped up in all that is him- to let go of the past few months and just be yourselves. You can feel your chest instinctively move closer to his- which is rising and falling deeply. Bucky's mouth opens slightly as he takes in a shuddering breath.
Yes... His eyes are now solely focused on your mouth. You impulsively bite your bottom lip, willing it into the universe for his lips to be on yours. You're met with glacier blue eyes, now looking deep within yours. You cannot help but look up at Bucky with pleading, desire filled eyes.
"I-" He starts. Time is standing still as you hang onto what he will say. "I...um-" He breaks the eye contact as he takes a step back. "I have to clean this kitchen. My OCD is getting the better of me." He nervously chuckles once.
"Oh." There is no hiding your disappointment.
Bucky grabs a nearby plate full of the cookies that he had just made.
"Here...some for you to take home." He offers, sounding hopeful that you’ll accept.
He's kicking me out. Point taken.
"Oh, okay. Well, thanks. I'll see you tomorrow?" You can only focus on the plate that he handed you, trying to hide the humiliation. Not even waiting for a response, you quickly dash out of his apartment.
Breaking into a full sprint in the hallway, your back at your own residence. Quickly shutting the door behind you and laying your back flat against it, your mind starts racing.
We will never get back to the way we were. Giving him time and space isn't enough. Maybe after all he has been through, he has moved past this relationship? Past me? But I love him. I promised I'd wait...but is he just prolonging the inevitable? Will my brother become the new thing to try and get between us? I can't just let him go... I can't. He needs to know.
In that moment you dropped the plate; The shattering muffled slightly from the softness of the cookies. You didn't care. Turning around to open the door and run back to his living quarters- professing your love and need like some girl in a romcom you would make fun of.
You swing open the door, about to dart out when you smack into something. Someone.
"Oh, sorry I-....Bucky?" Shocked is an understatement.
He's standing at your door with an anxious look on his face- still covered in flour.
"I-..." He starts. Your heart is pounding- the sound of your heartbeat swooshing in your ears.
"Fuck it." Bucky breathes as he takes a step forward. Cupping both sides of your face, hungrily pressing his lips into yours.
Immediately you liquify into the kiss. His lips taste sweet- the remanence from his all day baking. Your arms interlock behind his neck as he steps forward- pushing you backwards into your apartment without his lips leaving yours.
It doesn't matter that you clumsily stumble behind, Bucky keeps you steady by holding each side of your waist while sustaining the kiss. Once through the doorway, he uses the back of his boot to loudly kick the door closed- not caring who might see or hear.
Guiding you against the wall of the hallway, Bucky reaches behind his neck and grabs your hands to pin them on the surface above your head, his metal hand still on your hip. The assertive motion causes a chain reaction- a small whimper from your throat echoes into his mouth. Being held firmly in place, your hips hungerly try to buck up into his body, greedily needing every point of physical contact possible.
His lips break away, but only for a moment as they move down to your neck. His tongue grazes, teeth nip occasionally through the soft suction noises his mouth leaves behind. You know that you'll be marked in just a matter of time. But it is his public claim on you that you'll proudly wear.
While keeping your hands pinned against the wall, Bucky's free hand starts to explore your body; painfully gentle he traces along your side, the bottom of your stomach, between your breasts, etc. But he's being cautious. He knows how to manhandle you and this is not it. Call it selfish, but after a total of 2 months of not being with him, you want aggressive Bucky.
"Bucky..." You breathe. The sound of his name makes him stop.
His body leans more into yours- touching chest to chest, which is growing more difficult due to the heavy breathing. Pressing his forehead into yours, his vision still focused on the trail of red blotches he's left behind.
"Hmm?" He answers as he adjusts his posture slightly so that his thigh is now between your legs. If you pressed your hips down the tiniest bit against him, the evidence of just how desperate you are for him would be all over his leg.
"Don't hold back." You say softly, but confidently. Bucky's eyes blaze to yours with a look of exhilaration dancing across them.
"Don't worry..." His voice is deep, husky.
The hand that he was using to pin your arms above your head lets go- letting it gradually slip down to your jawline. He hooks your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, encouraging you to turn your head. Bucky leans in, his breath hot against your cheek.
"I'll take care of you." It comes out low, from the back of his throat. The throbbing between your legs starts to become fierce. In addition, his tongue presses flat to your cheek, licking the side of your face just once.
Using one prompt motion, Bucky is now carrying you bridal style. His lips rashly press back to yours. Even with your eyes closed, you can feel the gentle sway of him walking- the sound of his footsteps pressing down into the floor.
He sits you on the edge of the bed, getting down on his knees and hooking each of his pointer fingers into the waistband of your jeans to start shimmying them down. Lifting your feet barely off the floor to get your pants the rest of the way off, Bucky discards them and encourages you to lay back on the bed.
Still on his knees, Bucky leans in and places one velvety soft kiss on the inside of your thigh. The lack of touch for months has left you on a whole new level of sensitive. A low moan in the form of a hum reverberates in your throat. The warm air resulting from a tiny snort from him already making your legs twitch.
Hitching your knees over his shoulders, the tips of his fingers gently caress the inside of your thighs. It's almost painful how good it feels. Taking his warm pointer finger he swipes once in the middle of your folds- above the panties.
"You're already so wet for me. What a good girl." Bucky purrs.
I'm about to get absolutely fucking wrecked.
Your eyes roll back and close as your back arches, gripping the bedsheets already feeling like a volcano about to erupt just from Bucky's heated breath.
The slight sting in the groin takes you by surprise. Propping yourself on your elbows, you look down to Bucky with confusion. He's gazing into your eyes and a playful smile.
"I want you to look at me." His voice is still smoky and deep.
Being so hyper focused on everything he was doing, including looking up at you from between your legs, you wouldn't even need to be touched to lose control at this point. Even just the thought of his body covering yours is sending cold shudders of ice down your spine.
Without warning, he shoves the back of your thighs so that your head is between your knees. Now kneeling on the bed, he holds you in place, leaving yourself completely exposed; propped up right to his face, occupied with a content and cunning grin.
With locked eyes, Bucky focuses on your face as his mouth simply presses directly on you. Allowing for you to have a small moment before he starts to work his magic. You gasp at the connection; your knees going weak as you grip onto the bedsheets underneath you.
'I want you to look at me.' His voice rings in your head. It takes every molecule in your body to hold his gaze with his head between your thighs, but you do. Just like the obedient woman that you are for him. His ridged tongue sweeps over your labia as a form of slow and delicious torture. The licking over your sensitive skin causes you to whimper- Bucky looks at you through hooded eyes as he makes a few small reverberating sounds in his throat as approval.
Moaning, you can't help but grind your hips against his face. It feels incredible. He feels incredible. The leisurely, steady, sensual motions tell you that he's enjoying this as much as you are. You're practically coming off of the bed, but Bucky holds you in place as you start panting- the sounds coming from your breath are pleading, begging for that outer body, earthshattering orgasm.
"Please," You sigh, as your hand digs and grips tightly into his hair; knowing full well that it's slightly painful but don't care. Your quiet request is received as his tongue swirls around the entrance of your core. Once, twice, three times and then you come apart.
Unsure if you are screaming his name, thrashing against him, or whatever else, as you can only see stars in the moment. There is no room for any sort of coherent thought. Spent and exhausted are an understatement as Bucky lifts his head- His eyes practically glowing as he licked the lips of his sinfully wet mouth.
"I love it when you squirm," it comes out as a purr.
He carefully lays you back down before crawling over your body like a panther, his hips pressed in and down against your own. You're pleased to find that he is already naked from the waist down, raring to go.
Bucky's hand tenderly grazes your cheek as your chest still heavily rises and falls. It isn't long until your fingertips are dragging across the hot, soft skin of his chest. His hips settle between yours and you instinctively lock a leg around them. You can feel him press against your entrance, wanting, needing to be inside of you. Now you're lasered focused on him as you wait for that sharp breath as he pushes himself in and his eyes practically roll back in his head.
"I want you to look at me," You think to yourself and completely understand the fascination in that moment.
Beginning to press inch by precious, thick inch, you're grateful for the remanence of your orgasm which helps to ease his way inside. "Fuck," he breathes out as he looks downward to watch himself enter. You smirk to yourself knowing just how tight you are and can feel your walls contracting around him, a silent invitation to bring his enormous length in deeper. Once Bucky was fully inside, down to the base, his eyelids fluttered shut for a moment as he took in the sensation. Once they opened, his gaze was sealed on yours.
Taking in a deep breath in unison, he waits as you become accustomed to stretching around him. His hips wriggle the tiniest bit before he pulls back and shallowly thrusts in once; The sound escaping from his lips makes every single nerve ending in your body light up. You suck in a sharp breath as he finds his rhythm, his pubic bone teasing your clit with every push. The smallest adjustment and he is now inclined so that each ridge can brush against your g-spot with every stroke. Forward and back. Forward and back.
Bucky almost growls as you claw at his back and practically scream in pleasure. Your lips mesh against his bicep, stifling your moans ever so slightly. You come again. And again. He relentlessly keeps the same pace, your body shuddering under his to the point that your mouth is wide open but no noise is coming out. You start to feel the familiar pulsing inside you, filling you. It's warm; a few degrees hotter than his body pressed against yours. His fingers dig into your hips as he thrusts harder, coming over and over again, (which you didn't even think was possible).
He collapses on top of you like a weighted blanket as he tries to level his breathing. Bucky's body continues to tremble against yours. A moment later he shifts his weight to lay next to you. Placing a kiss against your temple, Bucky pulls you in close against him; The coolness from his metal arm almost bites at the beads of sweat across your skin. The familiarity of his body spooning into yours is so comforting that you drift to sleep.
During the night you stir, reaching for Bucky on the other side of the bed to only be met with cold sheets. He's gone. Your heart drops to your stomach as you sit up, holding the blanket up to your chest to cover yourself as you stare at the emptiness beside you.
Maybe it was too fast.
Something catches your attention out of your peripheral vision. You quickly look to the corner of your room, which is especially dark for the time of night. You squint, seeing something- But unable to make out what it is. Though, your stomach jumps in excitement.
"Bucky?" You ask, sounding almost too hopeful. As your eyes adjust to the bold darkness, you can see his silhouette in the corner. But he doesn't move. It doesn't even look like he's breathing. He sits so completely still that it's... terrifying.
"Bucky...?" Calling his name softly, you realize that this might be one of those moments you had been warned about. Your mind is racing and blank at the same time as you reach for scenarios and resolutions- but come up with nothing.
You clear your throat softly, pulling yourself into a sitting fetal position. Why of all things this came to mind, you have no idea. You're hoping, praying that you are wrong. You cringe as the word slips out.
"Ya gotov otvechet." Ready to comply.
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jerzwriter · 7 months
A Bronx Valentine
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Book: Crimes of Passion Pairing: Trystan Thorne x Carolina Rose (F!MC) Words: 900 Rating: Teen Summary: It's their first Valentine's Day as a couple, and Trystan and Carolina have plans to spend it in a very traditional manner... until they don't. A/N: I have a few notes at the end, but I will be participating in @choicesfebruary2024 Eros/Philia
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Dinner had been delightful. Ruby’s recommendation was exactly what Trystan and Carolina had desired. Cozy. Candle-lit. Off-the-beaten path and not too crowded, even on Valentine’s Day. It was BYOB, so Trystan saw to it that the wine game was top-tier, and the food rivaled any place Michelin would quickly grant three stars.
The only thing that could rival the restaurant was the company, which was quite evident as Trystan stared at Carolina in rapt attention. Lovingly caressing her hand as she regaled him with stories of her past. He wanted to know absolutely everything about this vision who was foolish enough to love him, and he would have gladly listened to her all night.   
Just before the coffee was served, Carolina kicked off a shoe. With the floral brocade tablecloth providing cover, Trystan visibly shuddered as his girlfriend's stockinged foot trailed up and down his calf. They seemed to know exactly where the night was headed, but Carolina had one more story to tell. With his interest more than piqued, Trystan had enough, all but jumping from his seat to wave down the waiter for the check.
Their anticipation was palpable on the taxi ride home, and they all but hopped out of the car the moment it came to a stop. Bolting up the stairs, their laughter filled the air as they stumbled into her room, Carolina knocking things over as she clumsily felt around for the light.
"I can't believe we're going to do this," she chuckled. "I only meant it as a joke."
"Are you kidding?" Trystan beamed so brightly that there was almost no need for that light. He grabbed two glittery pens and some paper from Carolina's stash and rushed to take a seat at her side. "This is inspired! It's brilliant! I'm distraught that I haven’t heard of it before!"
"Yeah," she winked seductively, caressing his cheek with a smile. "But if you had, you wouldn't be doing it for the first time with me."
"Yes, and while this is a very unique of losing our virginity together, and I, for one, cannot wait! Now! Let's get to it!"
Carolina grabbed a sheet of paper from Trystan’s hand with a raised brow. “Do you think this is enough?”
“Hardly!” He gasped, pulling an entire memo cube from beside him. “We are going to be here a long time."
Carolina scooted down to the floor to write atop her coffee table, and Trystan quickly followed.
“Raul!” Carolina hollered as she wrote the name down. “Definitely, Raul!”
Trystan knit his brows. “I don’t think you ever told me about him?”
“Of course I did!” Carolina insisted. “He was the jerk who insisted being demiro was not a thing and just kept pushing and pushing no matter how uncomfortable I became.”
“Asshole,” Trystan mumbled.
“Precisely! Granted, I happily dumped a pitcher of Sangria over his head on our last date... quite satisfying, but... this adds a certain... je n’est ce quoi. Who is your first victim?”
“Augustine, for starters. He was the jackass that went to the tabloids about our relationship before I had even come out at bi."
“Prick!” Carolina exclaimed.
“... and then there was Alicia....”
Carolina looked up from her writing, “I don’t think I remember her story?”
“Fake pregnancy extortion scheme.”
“Dear God!” Carolina laughed. “You have a much more storied dating history than I do!”
Trystan looked up at her with a playful smirk. “I was simply the bigger whore, dear.”
Carolina burst into giggles. “This is entirely too much fun!”
“Inspired!!! Oh," he said, grabbing a sheet of glittery red heart stickers. "Do you think we should put some of these on?"
"I can't see why not! I think it would be a lovely touch and in the spirit of the occasion!"
"Ah!" Trystan grinned. "The Bronx is the best place in the world.”
“In fairness, I don’t think the Bronx Zoo is the only place that lets you name a giant cockroach after an ex for Valentine’s Day, but they really do make a big deal of it.”
Trystan shook his head in amazement as he pulled out his phone. “I can’t believe this tradition hasn’t made its way to Drakovia!” Then, after a few clicks, he let out a gasp. “OH...MY... GOD!”
“What is it?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his waist and peering over his shoulder.
“The San Antonio Zoo lets you name a giant roach after an ex... then they feed it to another animal in the zoo!”
“No!” Carolina said with a gentle laugh. “Absolutely not. Even if it is a giant roach, I’m not supporting animal cruelty.”
“But it’s a ROACH Carolina, and it’s going to be dinner for the other animals anyway.”
“Perhaps,” she shrugged. “But it’s not going to be at my suggestion. I’ll stick with just naming a roach that's a Bronx native, just like me!"
“You’re no fun,” he pouted.
“Really?” She teased. “We'll see what you have to say about that after this little activity is over.”
Trystan’s eyes lit up as a lightbulb went on in his head. With another gasp and a quick clap of his hands, he reached for a stack of paper. Carolina tried to remember if she had ever seen the man this enthusiastic.
“Are you that excited about our post-Roach naming activities?”
“Always,” he winked. “But I just thought of something! I can name roaches after my siblings, too!”
“Oh, God!"
“And parents... I can name them after my parents! Not to mention, you've never even met my cousins.”
Carolina put her tiny stack of names to the side and grabbed her pen.
“Babe, do you want to tell me some of their names so I can help you? This looks like it might take a while, and as much fun as this is... I really have other things I’d like to get to.”
Trystan leaned over and gave Carolina a long, lingering kiss. "Of course, my love, but it must be said... this is the best foreplay I’ve ever had.”
A/N2: When I saw this, I knew exactly what I had to do! I could absolutely see these two doing this - and having entirely too much fun doing so! I'd like to thank The Bronx Zoo for the inspiration!
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@choicesficwriterscreations Tagging others separately.
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ros3kill3r · 2 months
angsty & regulus’ death || the letter pandora received from one of her dearest friends || part 8 of 8
~*Pandora Rosier*~
    Her daily routine was repetitive. The same thing day after day. Wake up, make a cup of bitter coffee or tea, look out the window and delve into the mysteries of her mind, shower, go to sleep with Xeno who was finally done with his daily newspaper, and repeat. 
    Today, at least, something was finally different. Xeno wasn’t home, he had said he needed to go to the ministry for something important, that they had called him. Pandora had nodded, sipping from her bitter coffee–it tasted extra bitter today–and gazed out the crooked window once more.
    Running away from home in the middle of the night was difficult, and scary. Pandora would be lying if she said she felt free. She was. She was physically free, able to do whatever she wanted at this very moment, but Evan wasn’t. Her other half wasn’t free. But that was his decision! She would tell herself. He chose this future for himself, not me!
    But she still felt that guilt. That aching loss of her twin brother. She hadn’t talked to him, or Barty, or even Regulus for days. Her and Dorcas were still close, but not as close as before. Hanging out didn’t feel the same anymore. They had tried, they went out with Xeno and Marlene as a double date and it didn’t feel the same because James and Regulus, and Barty with Evan, were supposed to be here. But they weren’t there. They weren’t fucking there!
    She can’t even look in the mirror anymore, and she has no clue how she’ll be able to look at her children when they’ll look exactly like her brother. She loves him so much, and all of her friends for that matter, but they had chosen the wrong side. Yes, they had no choice, and that’s exactly the problem. They had no choice, so they would not be able to deny the demand of having to kill Pandora, or Dorcas, or anyone else, because their lives would be taken in return.
    The amount of letters drenched with tears she had received from Evan had finally stopped, and the thought of why brought a dreary chill down her spine. She didn’t feel the horrible loss just yet. She knows when he’ll die, and it hasn’t happened yet. She should be spending time with her brother, shouldn’t she? But she can’t change their destiny. She can’t.
    Luna Dorcas Meadows sounds like a good name, doesn’t it? That’ll be perfect for her daughter. She still hasn’t decided on a name for her son, if she ever has one. She won’t, which is why she hasn’t thought about it before. She would’ve liked the name Arcturus Barty Lovegood, but oh well, what can she do?
    There isn’t a child that she would like to name after Evan. Not for any bad reasons, but because he’s already inside of her. They were created together, they were given birth to from their mother together, everything they thought and did was together. Looking in the mirror, she sees him. In her ideas, she sees him. It’s painful–the thought of him, now. Maybe in another reality, right this very moment, everyone would’ve been over to her and Xeno’s house, bringing over housewarming gifts and congratulations.
    She wanted to make Evan Luna’s godfather, but she wouldn’t ever have the chance. Perhaps Arcturus’ godfather could’ve been Barty? Or Regulus? She doesn’t care, considering the fact that ‘Arcturus Barty Lovegood’ will never exist, and Luna will be all alone with her father, who has no common sense and absolutely no idea of how to run his life without anyone to help. He’ll be depending on a 9 year old girl.
    Pandora sighed heavily, raising a hand to her forehead and rubbing her temples, her coffee now cold. She rose from her seat, taking her cup with her, and draining it down to its very last drop. There was no energy to wash the dishes today. It seemed very lonely today, the energy felt stronger than it should today. Was something supposed to happen today?
    The blonde girl sat back down in her stool, rubbing her eyes with her fingers and sniffling from the cold. Placing her head in her palm, she looked around her new home, at the pictures, cups, walls, furniture, everything. The memories it held, the happiness and joy, the sadness and melancholy, the anger and fury, all these emotions from all these different souls in this house.
    There came a snap from outside the house, and Pandora’s head shot up from her hands. Were they here? Had they found her? She thought hurriedly, staring deafeningly at the door, her eyes drying up with reverberating fire. Finally, there came a hysteric avalanche of bangs on the crooked frame of wood, and Pandora stood from her seat, approaching the door slowly and putting her ear against it.
    “PANDORA!” The sound of agony that Pandora had never heard in her life before. It was Dorcas. She was here, and she needed help. She slammed the door open harshly, eyes connecting with eyes.
    Said girl sobbed, launching herself forward into the shorter’s arms. “Hey, hey, breath Cassie, what happened?! Is it Marlene?!” She felt another rush of cold sprout down her spine as her best friend shouted out a harsh gasp.
    Closing the door, Pandora practically dragged Dorcas to the couch, leaning her against it and running to the sink to fill up a glass of water shakily. Fumbling with the glass and managing to stabilize it between her slim fingers, the young blonde rushed to Dorcas’ side. Raising the cup to her lips, and forcing her friend to drink it–she knew she needed it–she spoke, “Tell me what happened, you’re worrying me!”
    Dorcas cried quietly now, pushing the glass away from her. Placing it down on the counter, Pandora’s attention averted completely onto her friend. “R-Regulus,” She began to sob again, her hands raising to her face. Pandora stilled. Regulus. Regulus. Regulus. What day was it again today? She checked the date on the clock above the door, August 1st, 1979.
    Oh fuck.
    She stood abruptly from her seat, causing Dorcas to yelp from the sudden movement. “He’s dead? Is it really today?” She mumbled to herself, her eyes wide and lips cracked with bits of blood dribbling down the crevices. She licked her lips, blood. She’s alive. She’s breathing, and walking, and her heart is beating. But the same couldn’t be said for her best friend.
    She swiveled towards Dorcas, once more being able to pull a yelp from her. “Letter?” She spoke with a daunting stare, and Dorcas simply nodded her head, pulling out a sheet of paper from her pocket. Tearing it out of her hands, Pandora began to fervently read through it with her tired eyes.
    There’s supposed to be a letter for her today. Where is it? No, everyone else was supposed to get theirs first. So hers was supposed to come right about..now.
    A skirt came from the window, and both of the girls’ heads swished towards the sound. There it was, Reg’s owl. She walked towards the owl, raising the window and holding out her hand. The bird stared at her with a hoo-hoot, the staring contest lasting for 5 seconds before Dorcas sniffled, wiping her nose with a napkin, and the bird, still staring into Pandora’s crazed eyes, untied the letter with its beak. 
    She grabbed the letter gently, waiting for the owl to leave before closing the window and walking to the couch once more. Dorcas watched, eyes welling up again, as Panda flipped open the envelope, and swiftly pulled out the tiny paper. She shared a look with Dorcas, and took out the same exact second sheet that the other had gotten. She placed it aside, already knowing what was in it and her quest, and opened up the main letter.
    She inhaled a deep, cold breath of air, allowing her one hand to be held by the girl beside her, and she read.
Dear Mrs. Know-It-All,
If you have received this letter, I am dead. I have told Kreacher to send out all of my letters if I don’t make it back. In all honesty, I always knew I wouldn’t make it back, but I foolishly kept my hopes up. I kept my hopes up that if I went on just a day longer, things would change. But they didn’t. To make sure you read this letter, I have sent an owl to accompany it and bring it to the receiver.
You know the reason why this letter was sent even before reading the first paragraph. There’s no reason for me to explain anything to you, you already know every single bit of it. I still wanted to send a letter to you, because the least you deserve is a farewell letter from me.
Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, Panda, seriously. I regret not saying it enough, and not telling you how thankful I am to have you as a friend, but now I am, and I’m sure you’ve always known how grateful I was.
You have never strayed past my side, always giving me advice and telling me how to lead my life, and I know I’ve disappointed you and I’m sorry Pandora, but you know this was our destiny. You’ve seen this in your visions, in the back of your mind, you’ve seen our deaths. I wonder how you’ve been able to keep this a secret from everyone else, because I know I would’ve broken down long ago.
There is a wish I would like you to complete for me, even though I don’t even have to ask you, I know you’d do this without a word from me. Can you treat the people I know with respect? James, Lily, my brother, Remus, all of them. Like you always have.
I wrote another letter alongside this one. You and Dorcas are the only ones who’ve got one. It’s a plan for both of you, just know there is a risk of death.
You’ve always been good at potions, and Dorcas has always been good at Defense Against the Dark Arts, so I have small worries for the both of you. Maybe I should be worried, I have no idea, you tell me, but I’m sure you both will be prepared to die for the world.
I would’ve had you and Evan do this, but recently they haven’t been ‘feeling well’. Especially Evan. It’s been looking bad, Dora. They aren’t the same anymore. Evan is quiet, his eyes dull and holding the weight of chaos and destruction. Meanwhile, Barty is chaos and destruction. He’s lost his mind. He’s started doing that weird thing with his tongue more often. It hasn’t been this active before, that tick.
I don’t know if this is the right thing to do, but if you can, check up on Evan after this letter, even Barty. They both need you (and Dorcas). It’s hard without the both of you. They’re probably taking this news badly, like horrendously badly. I would check on their sanities if I were you.
You knew everything, and for some reason that brings a sense of uneasiness to all of this. Why did you allow yourself to gain an attachment to all of us? Why did you allow yourself to love us? This was a mistake you should’ve never gone through with, Rosier. But you know best.
See you soon Spider, and watch out for the explosion.
    Pandora sniffed, wiping the tears running down her cheeks with her finger tips. Dorcas was still beside her, a hand placed on hers. “Do you already know what we have to do?” Dorcas whispered, her voice barely recovered. Pandora looked at her, her gaze collected and filled with heavy dread, “Yes,”
    Dorcas nodded, but there was still some tension under her skin. “Will we make it?” She asked after a beat, the silence louder than her cries just a few minutes prior. The blonde sighed, shutting her eyes. 
    “Ah, I see.” The braided girl hummed, her eyes tearing up with acceptance that they won’t make it out alive. 
    “Do you know how soo-”
    “I can’t tell you, Cas.” Panda spoke, placing her soft hand against Dorcas’. They looked at each other, racing thoughts flashing through their eyes. “Will you visit Evan?” She asked, and Pandora bit her lips. She slowly shook her head as her heart slowly teared apart.
    She couldn’t, and she shouldn’t, visit her brother, or write him a letter, or ask about him. He doesn’t exist to her anymore, and being away from him and Barty will make their deaths easier to handle. Luna will grow up away from those death eaters, and her evil uncles, and maybe even her normal aunts and good uncles. She’ll be safe, and she’ll never meet either of those two, whether she knows it or not.
    She’ll never meet either of those two.
12 years later, Pandora Rosier’s successful horcrux potion had exploded.
What bad luck for all of them.
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months
She's Under the Weather
Marcus Pike x plus size female reader
Fanfiction is 18+ MDNI
Main Masterlist / Marcus Pike Masterlist
Word Count: 1.6k (I got right into it - I surprised myself)
Summary: You have a day off and Marcus finds a reason to come home early.
Warnings: don't choke! Soft Marcus, unprotected P in V (wrap up people), inside jokes, cockwarming, aftercare
Notes: There truly isn't too much to this. I'm trying to work on getting to the meat of the issue (Pun was fully intended). I felt like adding Marcus Pike smut to the Pike Pool after finally making the man a Masterlist. He deserves equal sweaty time like other Pedro boys!
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Six months of dating Marcus had changed you, a former wallflower, now a blooming rose with new found confidence in yourself. Marcus always asked you what you wanted, how you wanted things and took it at your pace. It had been so long since you’d been pampered. It was almost as if he worshiped the ground you walked on, different places to eat out twice a week, the lunches he put together for you. It was all so overwhelming. It did make you wonder what you could do for him. Anything to return an ounce of the reassurance and grace he offered you. Even when the pair of you were in the throes of passion, his answer was the same,
“Only you could make me feel this way. I have all I need right here.”
It was a cool Tuesday November morning, you had the day off due to a happy accident of having too much PTO and needing to use it before it expired. You had kissed Marcus goodbye as he headed off to work, you were sitting on his couch, wrapped up in a throw blanket as you hadn’t felt the need to set dressed yet. The combination of your cool thighs and warm shoulders felt good. A ping from your phone told you two things: one, that Marcus has arrived safely at his office and two that he wanted a picture of you. Seeing his favorite girl relaxing would make him happy, he said. You wondered what pose you should do, but settled for a simple portrait photo complete with a messy poofy bun, red cotton sleep camisole that was comfortable to you and a smile. 
Have a great day at work today. Stay safe and I love you Marcus.
When you only saw read and nothing else, you put the phone down and went to get dressed, putting on a purple scoop neck shirt with fleece leggings. You decided that you’d look around Marcus’s apartment and cook him some dinner for when he got home.
Marcus nearly choked on his coffee. 
He had checked his phone while he sat in another boring meeting held with the directors of each department, briefing them on various happenings in the FBI. A meeting that very literally could have been an email. 
He cleared his throat and excused himself out of the room, not taking his eyes off the photo you’d sent him. Your sweet face with a matching smile looking up at the camera, the deep red of your camisole lazily draped across your skin and the ample amount your chest that was exposed for him, if he squinted, he may be able to make out the outline of your nipples peeking at him, enticing him. A fellow agent exited the meeting to check on Marcus to which he politely waved the young one off. He lied and told him he had to go home and check on you, that you’d taken some time off because you were feeling under the weather. He also added that he’d likely be out the rest of the day and would complete half of his work from home so there wouldn’t be any delays. The younger agent said he would let the team know and Marcus was off, gathering his belongings from his office and headed home to you.
Milling around the house, you had decided on spaghetti and meatballs for dinner as that’s the ingredients you had. Now that dinner was planned, it was late morning and you hadn’t had your coffee yet. As you started a fresh pot, the door opening and slamming closed started you. Putting the pot down and picking up a pair of scissors, you slipped behind the kitchen island putting something between you and whoever this was.  
“Baby! Where are you? Come here!” A voice you last heard this morning called out to you, setting the scissors down, you relaxed upon seeing him throw his suit jacket on the floor and remove his tie, quickly closing the gap between the two of you. 
“Marcus?! What are you doing home? Shouldn’t you be-” His lips crashed against yours, finally rid of his tie as he cupped your face, his hands still cool from outside. His hips pressed against yours, hungry, nibbling on your lips until you opened your mouth with a moan and let him in. His hand then trailed to the small of your back, pressing your body against his, grinding into you with a sense of urgency. When he allowed you a breath, he parted only to pull your shirt up and off you as he’d felt moments ago you weren’t wearing a bra. Pike pushed you back against the counter, his hands warming themselves on your hot skin with his face between your breasts before he veered toward the left and circled his tongue around your areola. The air was heated from his mouth and your hands pulled his head closer to your breast encouraging him to continue. He let out a light chuckle,
“You weren’t feeling that well and sent me an SOS sweetheart.” You were going to ask if it was your text this morning but he took your nipple into his mouth and wrapped his lips around your areola sucking hard. 
“Yes I feel so fucking bad…” You whine weakly, your fingers dancing across his back before feeling him tug at your leggings. Moving his hands, you removed his button down shirt and while he took another pause to remove his undershirt, you removed your legging and underwear. Exposing how slick he had managed to make you, you cleared your throat before making two hops up onto the counter. “Now I really do feel a little bad, you could have helped me up Marcus.” Your boyfriend smiled at your fake pout, removing his belt, dropping his pants and boxers, stepping out of both. 
“You got up there honey. Besides, I got to see you do it. That’s a special kind of reward in and of itself. You alright here?” He asked, spreading your thighs and settling himself between them. Lined up with your wet core, he looks up at you, kissing your nose before your lips. “Tell me.” He asks.
“I’m so sick Marcus you’re supposed to be making me feel better because I’m ill.” Your bottom lip was stuck out, still going with the sick angle Marcus had mentioned when asked. He nibbled your lip that was poked out and slid into you slowly, taking his time to become flush with your hips.
“I always take care of my sweetheart. You’ll feel a hell of a lot better shortly.” He didn’t move though, he enjoyed watching you get a little frustrated with him for not immediately rutting into you, despite telling him that’s what you wanted. He instead held your leg under your knee and spread you a little more, moving slowly, purposely dragging inside of you.
“Marcus…” You moaned in his ear, wrapping your arms around his back to pull him close. He started to increase his pace as your free leg snaked behind his hips. He grunted, knowing you weren’t playing fair. He was one to savor while you often wanted it as soon as possible. 
“That’s how you’re play it Love? Alright then. Let’s see how quickly I can get you better then.” The smirk on his face as he released your leg and took hold of your hips made your brows furrow. He stopped again, letting you squint your eyes at him. Your noses touched as he smiled and began his quick thrusts of his throbbing heat into you, having you yelp his name. “Feeling a bit better, are we sweetheart?” Marcus teased biting your shoulder, the loud groan that released from your throat told him all he needed to know as he continued, sucking where he bit. 
“I’m close, so close Marcus…” You panted, scratching his back. Your head hit the backsplash on the wall and he released one of your hips to grab your head, but you shot him a stern look and he placed his hand back where it was. Despite how roughly he was moving his hips, Marcus always made sure you were safe and it was one of the many things you loved about him. That wasn’t what you needed right this moment though. He did move his hand one more time, however, this was to pitch your swollen nipple that he had been sucking on earlier. Your walls began to quiver more quickly feeling ever closer to what he’d started, you felt him as well, pulsing inside of you before he filled you with his last few pumps. The sensation and the churning of his spent inside of your core made you call his name and climax, digging your nails into his back. Falling forward into your chest, Pike kissed above your left breast where your heart was. Your hand left his back and ran through his hair, “I’m happy you’re home. I guess me being ‘sick’ has its perks.” 
You kissed his forehead as he sat up, not pulling out yet, content to stay within you a bit longer. He brushed a few stray hairs out of your eyes so he could look at them. “Yes you were so sick honey.” The two of you laugh, Marcus stands at his full height and presses on your chest with his hand lightly, meant for you to stay right where you are. He makes his way into the bedroom and comes back with a warm washcloth to clean you up and wipe off the counter a bit, noting that he’ll need to wipe that down later. “Let’s get you to bed shall we? Come on.” This time, he helps you down and you both lay down for a midday nap followed by another afternoon treatment for your ‘sickness.’
Pike pool swimmers (safety first!) 🛟: @secretelephanttattoo @trulybetty @magpiepills @i-own-loki @morallyinept @pedritapascal @yorksgirl @goodwithcheese @marcus-is-my-muse @megamindsecretlair @pamasaur @guelyury @legendary-pink-dot @pedroshotwifey @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
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theodorecanaryhood · 1 year
The Artist and the Tattooist: Lovers, Heroes and Enemies
Part IV
Jason Todd (middle) x Male! Reader
Warning: sex, language, violence
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Times like these it was good to have someone else to turn to, when stress was high and needing a little distraction.
You lay naked on your front on the floor of the room as Jason crawled his tongue up your back, pushing himself into you.
The room was filled with smell of paint and the noise of you and Jason, the noise of pleasure.
‘Oh fuck’ Jason growled as he pressed his face into your shoulder, you gripping at the sheet on the floor.
The new apartment wasn’t finished yet and needed some furniture still, Jason’s muscles came in handy, the rooms needing some paint work, you coming in handy for that.
Going at the moving process for so long you and Jason took a break, a break to have some rough and loud sex.
‘Oh God, Jason right there, don’t stop’ you called out, attempting to not be too loud as the neighbours would have something to say, especially as you hadn’t met them yet.
Jason built up the pace as he got on his knees and slammed into you, you feeling you won’t be able to walk much the next day.
‘Shit’ Jason called out as he slammed his hips deeper into you, his length filling you up.
The paint from the sheet was travelling onto the both of your skin, the blue and white you were using for this room was making its way through your complexions.
‘Oh God, I’m coming’ you panted as you released yourself, Jason smiling to himself as he watched his boyfriend spill out on the sheet.
‘Y/n, I’m gonna, I’m com…..’ Jason stumbled his words as he released himself, spilling inside you.
Jason lay on top of you once again as he kissed you deeply, breathing heavily into it.
Sex with Jason was something you’d never experienced, not that you’d had sex with loads of guys, but it was never something you’d had.
He was rough and vocal, getting you in positions you never knew existed. Yet, his aftercare was sweet, gentle and loving. Jason loved you in so many ways, and it never failed to show.
‘Should we keep painting or take a shower?’ Jason asked, rolling onto his back as you rested your head on his shoulder.
‘Maybe stay where we are for a bit and carry on’ you replied, Jason wrapping an arm around you and pulling you in, kissing your head.
The two of you lay in a comfortable silence as you both took in the views of your new place, and the thoughts that a thousand more times like this will pass, and it’ll never be forgotten nor will it be enough.
‘Shower? Then coffee date?’ Jason rolled on his side and proposed to you, to which you smiled and nodded.
Jason stood up making sure to not walk in front of the bare window, giving the new neighbours a view of his manhood probably wasn’t the best idea.
‘I’ll get the shower started’ you said as you got onto your feet, walking to the bathroom.
The two of you had gotten so comfortable and used to each other that walking around naked wasn’t an issue. In fact, Jason had become more comfortable with himself. Loving himself a bit more, thanks to you.
The water from the shower head fell as you both stood together, you both washed and rinsed. In between, making sure to give each other a kiss every now and then.
Jason always described your kisses as Angelic, like kissing the lips of a literal Angel. You, you described Jason’s lips as Rose petals. It still shocks you to think, someone as rough around the edges as Jason, had such soft lips. Lips that never failed to make you weak at the knees.
‘Stop, you’re making me hard again’ Jason whispered in your ear, you sinking your teeth into Jason’s chest.
The water still hitting the both of you as Jason wrapped his arms around you, his soaking wet hair clinging to your bare skin.
The two of you finished off showering and went to the bedroom to get clothes, they weren’t all unpacked yet so you had to find some in boxes.
Jason took your hand in his as the two of you walked out the apartment, him locking the door behind you both.
‘Maybe we should introduce ourselves to the neighbours’ you suggested, Jason nodding.
‘Would be good’ Jason hummed as he took your hand again, the two of you walking outside to the car.
The usual days out always took an unexpected turn as Jason liked to try and keep some spontaneity.
It was coming up dinner time, instead of eating out as you were both trying to save money, Jason opted for cooking a dinner for you both at home.
You’d made a cute little hamper with a bow on it to give to the next door neighbour, just to say hi, hoping they didn’t hear all the noise from you both earlier.
‘Dinners done babe’ Jason smiled as he placed the plates on the table, lighting some scented candles on the table too.
‘Good I’m starving’ you said, the smell of the food suddenly made you realise your stomach was empty and growling. You hadn’t eaten much today, plus Jason’s cooking was literally the best.
Dinner, some wine, dessert and then some Netflix while cuddling on the couch. This all made the day end perfectly, Jason even made a point of taking the night off from patrol.
You woke up to a bright morning as the sun came beaming through the window, giving you a good morning smile. Along with Jason’s arm pinning you down, the man loves to cuddle.
You slid out of bed as to not wake up your sparked out boyfriend, struggling to find your underwear. Jason got frisky last night, wanting to also christen the new bed and mattress, safe to say it is very adaptable to freaky positioning.
After washing yourself quickly and throwing on a cute outfit, you checked the time to see it was coming up 8am.
You gave Jason a quick kiss on the head as he slightly stirred in his sleep.
The hours quickly went by as Jason strolled into the living room in nothing but his underwear, hair disheveled and eyes still not fully open, rubbing his eyes to make himself awake.
‘Morning hot stuff’ Jason gravely spoke, you smiled as you turned to face him.
‘Morning Mister’ you kissed Jason, who was checking out the new art piece you were working on.
‘Damn, is that supposed to be me and you?’ Jason asked, noticing the very detailed canvas of two men in a loving embrace. Both with resemblance to the two of you.
‘Yeah, I kept meaning to include you, as an inspiration’ you spoke, not really thinking much of it but noticing that Jason seemed really shocked.
‘Babe, I’m honoured’ Jason placed a hand on your face as he gave you a deep kiss.
He spotted your phone screen as it lit up, it was gone 11am. Jason’s eyes nearly jumped out of his skull.
‘Shit, is that the time?’
‘Hey you needed to sleep, you’ve been going non stop, plus you’ve only been sleeping for about two hours a night for the last week’ Jason nodded, agreeing and contemplating whether he should take more time off.
Jason went over and made himself some coffee as you continued to work, music playing quietly in the background.
Jason’s morning daydream was the usual few glimpses of the night before, some quick thoughts of what to do with the day. Neither of you were going to be in work this week, to have more time for the move.
‘Hey, I might take the hampers to the neighbours now, you want to come with me? I did a few more for the other people on the floor’ you appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, Jason smiled as he sipped his coffee.
You smiled as you took in Jason’s form and chuckled a little.
‘Maybe shower and dress first’ you suggested as Jason laughed, nodding again.
The new neighbours seemed really nice and welcoming, a couple of them didn’t clock on straight away that you were a couple. That may just be because they were older, a few loved the idea of having what they called ‘gay-bours’ and asked if you guys needed any new BFFs.
Jason found it cute as you smiled brightly as you went door to door, giving your usual glow that Jason fell for…amongst other things.
However, Jason was fighting with his thoughts later that day and decided to blow off some steam by going out on patrol.
Red Hood was not having any problems tonight and found it easy to beat through the criminals in Gotham.
‘Great, more numb-skulls to beat up’ he said to himself as he charged into action.
Taking a few blows, Jason have them back just as hard. Broken bones, dislocated limbs, concussions…Red Hood really was a demon once he got going.
Two big guys tried to take him on but didn’t succeed in the task, suffering severe damage at the cost of trying.
The first guy gave his best as he even managed to cut some skin, but Jason wasn’t impressed as he lifted the guy off of his feet and slammed him into the ground.
The second guy, who probably should’ve run away by this point, decided to try and get Hood while his back was turned. Instead, he got a head butt, a broken nose and then a blinding smack to the face with the butt of Jason’s pistol.
‘Another satisfied customer’ Jason sarcastically remarked as he heard the police sirens coming from a distance, while handcuffing the criminals to a pipe.
The ride home was always the part Jason dreaded most back in the day, hardship of taking down thugs only to go back to an empty home. But this time, these days, he was happy to get home and see you.
Tucked up in bed while fast asleep, Jason tried not to wake you. He hated that every time he was trying to be quiet, something would fall or there would just be more noise than usual.
Sliding into bed next to you with ease Jason wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you against him and kissing your head.
Darkness filled the room along with the sound of your breathing, as you stirred slightly while dreaming.
Of course, filling the gaps in patrols was the only thing Jason dreaded, the hours spent sitting in the BatCave while staring at the monitors.
‘How long you guys been living together now?’ Dick asked Jason, who was engrossed in what he was doing.
‘A few weeks’ Jason answered, not looking away from what he was doing.
Dick was swinging round on his chair in his usual day dream, while Jason was caught up on the mission at hand.
‘You guys talked about the future?’ Dick asked, back against the screens, facing into the BatCave.
Jason stopped what he was doing and looked at Dick, his body language changing significantly.
‘We don’t really talk about it, we both just kind of take the days as they come’ Jason replied, Dick nodding slowly.
‘Maybe you guys should, just so you both know you’re on the same team’ Dick suggested, to which Jason considered.
‘We will, however, this cannot wait’ Jason turned his attention back to his work, Dick also doing the same.
Jason sat quietly with his older brother while they both worked, within the back of Jason’s mind, he was thinking about the future with you.
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midnightmayhem13 · 1 year
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Can I go where you go?
you and the ladies first date! be gay and enjoy🩶
carol danvers:
carols old fashioned but it's cute. she wants to impress you so she dresses up buys you flowers and sprays her most expensive perfume. she also flies you to you're destination. she picks you up and says "ready to go pretty girl?" with a wink and a extended hand. you two go to a drive in movie theater and watch the stars on a cliff side together when she feels you shiver due to the cool breeze she takes her leather jacket off and drapes it over your shoulders putting her arm around you in the process and planting a kiss on your hairline. you can't help but blush and stare at your lap as you lean your head on her shoulder and rub hearts on her chest. the moon is glistening and both of you wouldn't rather do anything else as you both think "i love you"
darcy lewis:
you and darcy have a blast on your first date. you two have a picnic and nature walk in the forest. you pick her up at 7 with some of the most beautiful crème/white colored roses and the most adorable grin. you two lock arms as you walk to the car and open the passenger door for her. you said you wanted to suprise her so when she turns around and sees a basket with a soft blanket in the back seat she stares at you with eyes full of adoration. when you get there you start walking to find the perfect spot once you do you lay the blanket down and take her favorite meal on of the basket along w coffee and her favorite wine. her jaw drops and she watched as you gingerly lay everything out. the dinner was amazing and so much flirting nd giggles happened. at the end you two laid down do watch the stars w her cuddled on you side and you're hands around her waist
sharon carter:
sharon only got the best for her girl so not only her asking you out was extravagant but the date was even more then you could ever ask for. she took you to a high end restaurant and got a secluded area with roses and the most beautiful beach side view and in stead of being across from each you to where right next to eachother. there was romantic music playing softly in the background and candles lit everywhere. the server first brought out a glass of your fav wine and dropped you menus off. it was a beautiful time and sharon let her guard down around you. she was such a flirt she had her hand on her thigh almost the entire time and you two even held eachothers hand. she drives you home and walks you ti your door and leaves w a warm hug nd u kiss her cheek and thank her
after nebula confessed to you, she didn't know where yo go from there. so you took the lead and asked her to go out w you. she hesitantly agreed. with the help of gamora you set up the perfect date and convinced her to actually go. it's not that she didn't like you, love just wasn't her forte. all the guardians decided to leave you alone bc they all shipped you guys. you set up a fuzzy blankets and candles and watched the stars. nebula wasn't one to talk to much so there was a comfortable silence, you had never been so close to her. you two sat shoulder to shoulder and she eventually let you hold her hand and lean ur head on her shoulder. when you felt her hand grip yours tighter and her head on yours you couldn't help but blush and smile to yourself. you eventually fell asleep and she stared at you lovingly wondering what she did to deserve someone as beautiful as you
maria hill:
she definitely has a motorcycle and went to go pick you up in it. first she takes you to the cutest and calmest cafe. you to get drinks and pastries and ride to a beach (i rlly like beaches😭) you to sit watching the sunset while finishing your drinks, starting light conversation. after a while in the perfect sun lit moment you to begin to slow dance in the ocean. there's no music but you to move to the sound of the wave. there's no people on the beach, just you two. both of you stare into eachothers eyes lovingly and when the sun has gone down and there's only the light of the moon to illuminate you two, she dips you and kisses you sweetly
kate bishop
as wealthy as kate is, your first date isn't super extravagant, but it's perfect. she picks you up and you two walk around the city and find the best pizza. you get that and lucky also tagged along. you to carry the pizza along w a few other snacks you to find a quiet spot in the park and sit eat and then play fetch with lucky. you two end up cuddling after lucky tackled both of you to the floor and he laid in both of your laps. not wanting to wake him up you both sit there laughing watching some kind of firework show. as your distracted kate turns and sees how close you are to her she admires you as you turn ur head to meet her gaze "h-hi" she smiles and says nervously "hi katie" you giggle back. "we should do this again" "definitely" you said as you kiss her cheek and lean further into her
kinda tan outta ideas but i hope you enjoyed!🩶
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