#and they Keep Drawing those three being Incredibly Hot
caracello · 2 years
im tryinh not to rb spoil-y stuff jic but scrolling thru these tags is like *emotional damage* *emotional damage* *GAYEST THING IVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE* *emotional d
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ckret2 · 10 months
Does bill have "a type"? Since you said he only dates every millennium, what kinds of stuff would catch this lunatic's eye? What would motivate him?
You're getting a read more because I listed every single blessed thing I could think of. The tl;dr:
artists (who depict him)
hot eyeballs (subjective)
no head
bright natural coloration
emotional doormats
party animals
nerds, provided they're also attractive other ways
things that can injure him
getting gifts
someone who expresses interest first but lets him take the lead
really tacky expensive displays of wasting wealth
someone he thinks is similar enough to "understand" him
This is the first point because it's the answer he'd give: if you ASK him, he'll say he's "a complete sucker for those deep, brooding artist types." He'll say this like it's his biggest weakness. He says it like it's a charming little character flaw. This is the narrative he tells himself. What he ACTUALLY means is if you hit on him, and if you have created art of him (visual art, sculpture, music, poetry), the odds that he'll return the interest go up by 1000%. He is incredibly vain, he loves art of himself, and "willing to give Bill art of himself" is an insanely attractive trait.
Some species have sexy eyeballs. Other species don't. It just so happens that Earth, as a whole, has evolved an array of eyeballs that are by and large pretty sexy when compared to the multiversal baseline. Those little, like, thready filament things in the irises? Mesmerizing. Visible veins?? Drive him crazy. Bloodshot eyes? Gonna be haunting his fantasies for weeks. Top tier is those frog eyes with multiple colors or crazy crackly-looking patterns.
He's not a fan of heads. Like, when a species puts a face on a little bobbly looking thing separated from the rest of the body, rather than right on the torso where it belongs? Looks weird. It's not a dealbreaker but he's definitely more attracted to species that put their faces where they belong. Similarly, a mouth without an eye in it looks weird.
Big fan of bright colors. You know what's attractive? Looking like Lisa Frank colored you. Wearing bright colors isn't as good as being bright colors, but he still finds wearing bright colors to be an attractive trait.
If you combine the last three points, I think that I accidentally made Bill's ideal lover a poison dart frog.
Usually at some point pretty early in the dating process he's gonna say something like "Just so you know—really, I'm not as bad as all the rumors and gossip and ancient legends and globally-broadcasted warning PSAs make me sound. But: I am totally crazy. You wanna stick with me, you've gotta be cool with crazy." What he's looking for is someone who says "oh I am SO cool with crazy, I am the MOST cool with crazy, crazy is GREAT." When he says this, he's not saying "I'm actually mentally ill and need someone who's supportive and understanding." He's also not saying "I'm a wild crazy fun party guy and I want a partner who can keep up with that lifestyle." What he's saying is "I am an inconsistent and inconsiderate asshole who will show no regard for you, and in a year when you're complaining about the selfish harmful things I'm doing, I'll get to roll my eye and go 'I THOUGHT you SAID you were COOL with crazy. Are you NOT cool with crazy??' And then I'll complain about you to my friends." So: he'll focus on naive emotional doormats he can push around. He'll probably draw back from someone who stands up to him, unless he got seriously interested in them before they grew a spine.
But that said, he is also more likely to show interest in people who can keep up with his lifestyle. He parties with apocalypse machines. If he sees an alien at a party where three absolutely wasted demigods started mixing sink chemicals and accidentally set off a big bang that took out half the neighborhood, and the next weekend he sees that alien at another party? That means they party hard, they don't scare easy, they don't die easy, and they avoided the cops. That's somebody he wants to spend time with. If they're not lover material, they might be Henchmaniac material. Similar opinions on substance use and mass destruction a plus.
He's kinda into nerds. Not in and of themselves, but if they already hit other traits he likes, that's a plus. If he has a choice between two identical people and one's dumb as a rock, he prefers the one who knows lots of things and likes to share facts and trivia. Bill goes for long, long stretches without feeling curiosity, and those stretches typically coincide with when he feels most depressed; someone who can drive him to think a little bit is a godsend.
If someone literally worships him, like as a god, he's into that. It's not partner material but he'll put a star next to their name in his booty call list.
Any novel Extreme Sensations, he likes. Particularly pain. Not a lot of stuff can hurt him in his true form. If someone can make him feel pain, that's interesting to him. Not even necessarily in a BDSM way. If holding someone's hand feels like being electrocuted, or they give off a gas that makes everything too loud and makes him see weird colors? That's someone he wants to touch.
I think I've just added another trait to the "poison dart frog" column.
His love language is gifts & favors, both giving and receiving. If somebody gives him a gift, he'll remember them positively. Even if it's a kinda lame gift. It makes him feel liked. Roses & chocolates would work on him.
He's not liable to be the first to express interest, because he finds being rejected utterly devastating. On the other hand, he prefers to take the lead/call the shots in a relationship. So if somebody lets it be known that they're interested in him, but then hangs back to allow him to make the first move? Appealing.
He's a sucker for gold and tacky displays of wealth. Like he's sort of disgusted by wealthy people, but he's very into wealth. If you're rich have fun with it. If you're not ordering a $900 sundae coated with gold leaf just because you can then what's the POINT. Also, Bill is tacky. If some multidimensional billionaire decides to show an interest in him by gifting him an extremely ugly diamond-covered top hat, he'd probably let them do things to him that he wouldn't even confess to his doctor. (He doesn't have a doctor but.) I think what this boils down to is that he's only into rich people who are living like they want to go broke as soon as possible.
He goes through most of his existence feeling like Nobody Understands Him. Part of this is because he's bad at communicating his sincere feelings & emotional needs and even worse at relating to or caring about other people; but part of it is just because there's not a whole lot of people who can directly relate to "my ambition drove me to destroy my entire universe and ever since then I've been grappling with the paralyzing guilt while struggling to find a new universe." So when he DOES meet somebody who he believes can really, truly understand him the way most people can't? He emotionally latches onto them HARD. Not necessarily romantically, but it easily could be. This is last on the list but probably the most important point to getting a genuine emotional connection rather than fleeting physical attraction from him.
Example that hits multiple of the above points: one of his longest & most emotionally meaningful relationships was with a sentient black hole who—quite literally—destroys anyone who gets too close to her, and is constantly wracked with chronic pain due to being a fucking black hole. She did poetry at open mic nights. She'd go up to a mic and say something like "this poem is called The Taste Of Unwillingly Consuming The Solar System You Called Your Home" and then scream into the microphone for five minutes without pause. Bill was like "she's the only one in the multiverse who Gets It." He is a sucker for brooding artists. She let him get away with unspeakable things because he's one of the only entities powerful enough to get physically close to her and survive. Which was incredibly painful, but hey, he was into that too.
Maybe they'd still be together if she looked like a frog.
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 4 months
Skizzekai Au- Character and Group Summary
Very long summary post! This contains information on every single hermit, established group, and major plot event. Summaries are below the cut.
Skizz's Adventuring Party
Team ZITS! Skizz, our main hero, quickly found allies in the other three. Tango was his first ally, and Zedaph joined up because of his alchemy skills. The alliance was a bit strained after Zed brought Skizz back from death and gave him some difficult and annoying tasks to do, but now they're closer than ever. Impulse came to join them after hearing rumours of the new hero. Grian and Mumbo are not formal party members, but show up to help from time to time.
ConVex Travelling Merchants
Scar, Cub, and False roam throughout the kingdoms, selling wares and taking both money and names! They also may be a little bit possessed. Neutral forces, both helping and messing with Skizz, they're in this mainly for fun and profit.
Lore Kingdom
Ruled by Joel, this kingdom has a heavy concentration of magic affecting fate and stories. A group of seers called the Watchers were the ones who made the hero's prophecy, forseeing Skizz would be needed- and so Joel summoned him to this world. Naturally, they've been on his side the whole time.
Ice Kingdom
A harsh and frosty place ruled by Queen Stress- and one of the first places hit by the great evil, slowly draining the magic and life of the citizens. Thankfully Iskall, the queen's bodyguard, seems to have some sort of protective aura, keeping the palace and those nearby safe. The native iskallium crystals, capable of pulling energy from the environment and turning it into pure magic stored within, might be one reason this kingdom was targeted so quickly. They also cause the eternal winter of the kingdom, drawing in heat. Ice Kingdom artificers are known for the incredible magitech iskallium can be used in.
Undead Republic
Formerly a kingdom ruled by Ren, after the crown passed on to Cleo she declared the place a republic. The votes that followed landed her in charge anyways, with Ren as second in command. All sorts of undead live here, including the half-ghost Joe and the drowned Gem. The kingdom is currently dealing with an infestation of strange blue lichen underground. It's sensitive to sound and seems to be able to infect people into monstrous and deadly creatures.
Evil Empire
Lead by Evil X, this is the big bad of our story. The citizens here are mainly demons, using magic drawn from risk, danger and gambles, often used to form contracts. EX himself has found a way to drain magic from the world into himself, stealing it from the environment and the people. He uses this to gain power, create loyal constructs that take the shape of other people throughout the world, and also to power a really good hot tub. Unfortunately for him, dissent grows in his citizens, and at least one- Impulse- betrayed EX's side completely.
Jungle Guardians
Deep in a sprawling, deadly jungle, four hermits make their homes. Acting as guardians, they help adventurers safely pass through. Their forms are created from the environment around them, with Bdubs being all plant, and Etho having a metallic shell around his leafy center. Doc likes to change things up, constantly adding and replacing new parts. Beef is as of yet undetermined.
There exists a kingdom that is not quite a kingdom, oceans ruled by whichever captain, warlord, or general scoundrel happens to be most listened to at the moment. False used to be one of them, leading a crew of harpies. She still visits from time to time. Wels used to be part of her crew as well. Xisuma also joined a crew of pirates once, thinking the flag meant they had bones to spare. He was wrong, but they let him tag along anyways.
(alphabetical order)
Species: Jungle Construct
Bdubs is made entirely of leaves, moss, and vines. He is NOT small, thank you very much, he is above average for his species. Along with the rest of the NHO, he protects the jungle he calls home. Has powerful plant magic. If provoked too far, may unleash a terrifyingly powerful aura.
Species: Undetermined
Protects the jungle with the rest of the NHO. Seems to be a perfectly normal, if slightly creepy, farmer.
Species: Zombie, previously Fae
Prime Minister of the Undead Republic. Cleo leads her people well, and is currently fighting against the sculk infesting the tunnels. Has an army of constructs and puppets, but is willing to hire adventurers to help out. Friends with Joe and Ren.
Species: Fae (Sculk?)
After a deal with the Vex leaving him slightly possessed, Cub runs a traveling shop full of magical wares with Scar and False. Unknown to them, he had an interest in the other, nonmagical world. One thing lead to another, and he managed to build a functional portal, only to find that the sculk living in the cracks between dimensions followed him back. It's starting to take over him, slowly but surely.
Species: Undetermined/Varies, presumably Jungle Construct
Protects the jungle with the rest of the NHO. Constantly changing his form, adding new traits and replacing old ones. Also has the ability to grow to kaiju size. Made a portal to the human world with Etho, just to see if they could.
Species: Jungle Construct
Despite being of a normally short species, Etho is seven feet tall. This may be due to the fact he has formed a metallic shell around his plantlike inner body. Not quite in control of his aura, which is constantly projecting a slight threatening feel. Made a portal to the human world with Doc just to see if they could.
Evil X
Species: Nothingness
The ultimate villain of the story. EX has been draining the magic of the world, trying to maintain his form with stolen power, as well as just for fun and to make himself stronger. Maybe take over the world while he's at it. Rules his own kingdom, and created the Hels Hermits with stolen magic. He's created a fake prophecy to justify his rise to greatness. A tiny bit of magic is used to power his hot tub, which is filled with water from a magic spring and actually helps all the stolen magic cohere. Since the magic he's stealing is helping form his body, EX's appearance is constantly shifting based on where he most recently took from.
Species: Harpy
Used to lead a crew of pirates, but after a deal with the Vex she had to leave. Now travels with Cub and Scar, although she does meet up with her old crew sometimes. Recently, shes taken to hunting down Skizz, due to the bounty put on his head... if only her companions were more helpful.
Species: Drowned, previously Human
Skizz isn't the only hero of prophecy this world has seen. Gem was summoned for the same reason, not too long ago. She used to have angelic, feathered wings, and wield powerful light magic. Unfortunately... she failed.
She was struck down, and the ocean saved her, by changing her into a Drowned. Undead, adapted to life underwater, and with the wings she used to have only broken scraps on her back. Now, her light magic burns her. She can't use it. But she was still working on saving the world! It's moved on. It's replaced her. So she sets a bounty out on Skizz, to teach him what happens if he fails too.
Species: ????? Entity???
Grian is... strange. He appears different to everyone, seeming like one species or another, with the only constant being that he is known to be powerful. In truth, he's simply not able to be understood- a being sewn into the very fabric of the world, deeper than anyone else, perhaps made entirely of pure magic. He used to be a member of the Watchers, getting thrown out of the group because blowing things up is "distracting" and "makes it hard to see the future". He still knows a few tricks though, such as being able to recognize if you've been a subject of prophecy. He also likes fishing.
Species: Human
Changelings are a rare thing in this world, a few sneaky fae slipping between dimensions to swap out their children. Hypno is one of those humans who got taken. His fae "family" had plans, ones that relied upon the human ability to adapt to magic so easily. They kept him away from any strong sources of magic... until it was time. That night, when the plan was pulled off and Hypno felt the magic moving inside him and trying to twist him and feeling so very wrong wrong wrong, was the night he ran away. He never wanted this. Was he just some kind of tool or exotic pet to them? He just wanted to stay human.
The deal EX offered him was almost too good to be true. A simple watch, capable of absorbing the magic that would otherwise be mutating him. He could feel at home in his own skin. And the payment? Just the magic the watch stole. Basically free! So what if it worked a little too well, slowly draining the magic around him if he stayed in one place too long? He can keep moving. It's fine. It's better than not working well enough. He needs to stay himself.
Species: Demon
A former citizen of the Evil Empire. Having grown up under EX's rule, living and working there his entire life, he had doubts but didn't think he could make a difference. Maybe the prophecy could save them if he held on long enough.
He saw Gem try, and fail, and lost hope entirely. So he kept his head down, worked hard, got promotions, did what he needed to survive. If the chosen one couldn't win, what chance did he have?
Until he heard the rumors of a new hero, of them gathering an army and growing stronger. He left, joined up with Skizz, and has become a great ally and friend. Shame that his old coworkers think he's a spy for them now. Hopefully his new friends don't believe it.
Species: Undetermined
A citizen of the Ice Kingdom, and Stress's bodyguard. His original name was lost in a bet a while back, but Stress only uses it for silly pranks, and he likes Iskall better anyways. Has a strange aura full of magic and life, working as an energy source, and protecting the area around him from the draining darkness.
Species: Slime
He is a slime guy who does slime magic. Likes hanging out with Hypno, and doesn't understand why the guy doesn't want to be magic. It's fun. In fact, Jevin is made almost entirely of magic, which.... may be a bad thing if he's going to spend so much time around Hypno.
Joe Hills
Species: Half-Ghost, previously Human
He may be a citizen of the Undead Republic now, but Joe will always introduce himself as being from Nashville, Tennessee. He did use to live there! Ended up in Hermiton after Doc and Etho made a portal and found him. Thinking it was a scam, really he should have just left, but he was curious.
Species: Minor God
He wasn't always godly. Due to the kingdom he rules being so full of lore magic, the belief and opinions of his people had a strong effect on him. Originally an ogre, he's gone through quite. a few transformations, and finally settled on aacending to godhood. As a god, he can look however he wants, although a ogre-like form is still most comfortable. A really tall and handsome ogre, though.
Species: Unicorn
He's a unicorn. And a menace. He's got an ego, only uses his magic when he wants to, and claims he can see the value of souls. Keeps calling XB the princess of the lake.
Species: Weakened God
Mumbo used to be the god of the night and all its creatures, until Grian accidentally stole half his power. That power was, again accidentally, used to create the species of vampires, which Mumbo now greatly resembles, right down to his ability to turn into a bat. Grian still feels bad about it. As for Mumbo himself, he turns up to help the heroes now and again, and may or may not follow them around in bat form.
Species: Fae (Mothlike)
Pearl was once the queen of her own kingdom. It was a wonderful place, known for nature magic helping them grow anything. When a talking dog came asking to be her advisor, she made the decision to accept its offer. From its advice, her decisions got more and more cruel, her powers stronger, and the hound grew into a beast. The queen corrupted, and so did the magic.
But one day, it all got too much. Pearl realized what she had done, slew the beast, and exiled herself. Her powers faded, she keeps her head down. Now she just tries to live her life and have fun, doing her job delivering mail.
Species: Werewolf, previously Fae
Him and Cleo were friends since childhood. Even when she got zombified and he got bitten by a werewolf, they never gave up on each other, and even bonded over it. They formed their kingdom together, and these days Ren is second in command of the Undead Republic. They're still very close.
Species: Fae
A wizard who made a deal with the Vex, and now travels around selling enchanted wares with Cub and False. Jellie is his familiar. Took Skizz's name at one point, but gave it back after Skizz found Jellie, who had been missing. He also keeps letting Skizz go whenever False captures him, for various reasons each sillier than the last.
Species: who knows at this point, previously Human
Main character. Was summoned from Earth to defeat a great evil and save the world. Joel didn't quite explain how, so he's just doing his best. Currently, he's going around to different kingdoms, trying to get them on his side.
When he was summoned, he was still wearing his suit he had put on for work. It didn't take long to annoy a wizard, who cursed him so that he can't wear sleeves. The sleeves of his suit then proceeded to explode. Thankfully, the rest of the suit picked up durability magic somewhere.
A more important magical item is his necklace. It was made as a sort of battery for mages, charging up and storing ambient magic. When full, it bleeds off excess energy by sending it into the wearer, which normally results in boosted magic. Unfortunately, it is currently on a human, who has no magic of his own.
The result of this has changed Skizz, attuning him to the world's magic, and causing dragonfly wings to sprout from his back. He can feel the faint electric-current buzz of magic in his chest and at his fingertips. He's become able to learn and use the magic known by his friends, channeling their power through him.
Skizz's life on Earth was not a good one. It was boring, monotonous, and stressful. Wake up, work, go home, sleep. Is there any wonder he prefers this fantastical world over it? When everything is over, he chooses to make his home in Hermiton, with his new friends.
Species: Fae
Queen of the Ice Kingdom. Has Iskall's name, but only uses it to be silly.
Species: Undetermined, presumably Fire Something
Tango has strong fire magic, but it's hard to control- it's tied to his emotions, flaring up with anger or fear. He has to keep calm to properly control it. A side effect of this magic is that he has a prehensile tail made of fire. It also reacts to emotions, but in a much more harmless way, perking up when he's curious and wagging when happy. He doesn't use his fire much, preferring to rely on a deck of magical cards, each with a different effect.
Species: Unknown
TFC likes to mine. He spends his time in tunnels underground, mining in many different caverns. Nobody is quite sure what species he is. Dwarf, goblin, fae, and construct have all been theories, but none turned out to be right. The one time Skizz encountered him, he simply gave him the gem he'd been looking for. After all, why not help out? He doesn't have the energy for nonsense anyways.
Species: Selkie
A former member of False's pirate crew. Wels is proficient in bard magic, weaving power into voice and song, and he's also good with a sword. Most of the time, he wears his sealskin as a cape, appearing human. He has a second set of armour that fits his seal form so he can kick ass underwater.
Species: Water Spirit
Lives in a lake fed by a magical spring. This is, in fact, the place EX got his hot tub water from. XB is not happy about this. Leave his lake alone!
Species: Nothingness (+Bones)
A puddle of nothingness that learned to sustain himself and build a solid body from bones! He finds them delicious. At one point, he joined a pirate crew because he thought the skull and crossbones flag meant they had bones to eat. They didn't, but they were nice and let him stay. Over time, he found a way to grow his own bones, poking out of the nothingness that is him. It doesn't even hurt to pull them out.
Species: Undetermined
Originally, Zed was just a normal alchemist, with a little reality distortion magic. Somehow, he happened upon the secret to immortality. There was not supposed to be a secret to immortality. Death didn't make it possible. When Zed did it, Death Himself showed up, extremely confused. He took Zed on as an apprentice to try and figure out how that even happened, and hasn't succeeded yet.
As Death's apprentice, Zed has the ability to bring people back to life- not even undeath, just straight up life. He has a rather terrifying reputation, but he's friendly, if a lot weird, and prone to making those he revives do silly and almost impossible tasks for him. For fun, of course. Revived Tango at one point, and accepted a card full of luck magic as payment.
Hels Hermits
Species: Various, may or may not be the same as their original due to the different types of magic used in their creation
These are constructs, people formed and brought to life from the magic EX stole. They work as his underlings, endlessly loyal and just as evil as he is. Notable members include Helsknight, EX's personal guard, Badtimes, a diplomat, and True, a spymaster.
- Skizz, after being summoned, ventures around the land collecting allies and getting the help of various kingdoms
- At some point, ZITS raid EX's palace, presumably to try and defeat him
- During the final battle, Skizz manages to channel the light magic Gem still holds deep inside
- After his journey is complete, Skizz is sent back to earth... only to find he no longer feels like he belongs there. Using the last bit of magic stored in his necklace, he contacts the Hermits, and asks to be summoned back home.
- In exchange, Hypno is sent to live on earth, after a bit of preparation from the former humans. He no longer has to worry about magic changing him, and now he can make new friends, without having to keep distant to avoid draining them.
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torchship-rpg · 1 year
Dev Diary 8 - Identities: Terrans & Lunars
Happy International Moon Day! Torchship is set 200 years after Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon, with history diverging when Alexei Leonov followed him a few days later, keeping the space race hot through moon bases, Mars, and beyond. A bit like For All Mankind, if everyone was a bit less of a complete drama queen.
In celebration of the incredibly cool feat of somehow putting boots on another world, we’re going to be focusing today’s Dev Diary on the two human Identities which descend directly from the event; the Terrans who went there and the Lunars who stayed.
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We touched on Terrans in Dev Diary 2, as an example for how even the most ‘standard’ of human identities still has a lot of interesting Traits to draw from. Still, Terrans are very much the ‘default’ human identity, being the most populous human group. They’re called Terrans because they got upset about everyone calling them Earthlings, and it had a nice symmetry with Lunars.
Even before we get into the specific sub-Identities, each Identity is divided into a bunch of subsections which dive into various details about the group; where they live, what the environment is like, and what specific biological or genetic details you might need to know. Any of these can come with Traits; the Biology one is where aliens get their signature features, and humans get the developmental and genetic distinctions that set them apart.
(As an aside, these Identity entries are big. They’re not just a couple of paragraphs, they’re thousands of words about history, culture, and biology. Sometimes I get distracted and go on for four paragraphs about the Zinovian biological and cultural concept of sex and gender. Sorry not sorry.)
For Terrans, our Biology section includes our first two Traits. As mentioned last time, 1g is unusually high for humanoid life in the setting; most other species evolved at around half to maybe three quarters of that, and the various spacers will have grown up under even less.
This means that Terrans are a great fit for the Heavyworlder trait, which is one of the Gravity traits. This gives you better tolerance for high Gs (important when you’ve got to work on your spacecraft while under thrust) in exchange for worse penalties in 0g. Compared to a spacer who could spacewalk before they could normal-walk, you’re going to come off clumsy in freefall. You also get a bonus to Physical Instrument, the cert used for basic physical strength and endurance, and do more damage in melee.
The other Terran biological Trait is Baseliner. An assumption underlying every biological Identity is that unless we say otherwise, there’s genetic engineering afoot, either ongoing or in the species' past. While some of this is awful Gattaca-style eugenics nonsense, for Torchship’s humanity this has mostly been just some tidying up. Evolution settles for a lot of ‘good-enough’ solutions, so with a little bit of targeted editing we can do stuff like prevent cells from hoarding molecules they’ll never use, or use a chemical that’s actually good at the job instead of one that the body just had lying around.
Baseliner is the Trait where we say otherwise. You pretty much can’t survive off Earth without some genetic engineering; turns out even a pretty small reduction in gravity long-term is going to be bad for your heart, nerves, muscles, bones… your everything, basically. But if you and your family have always lived on Earth, you could well have gone the last hundred years without genetic editing. 
The downside is that it costs more XP to upgrade Physical Instrument and you take extra consequences from different levels of gravity, but on the upside you have an extra ten minutes in low Oxygen before consequences start setting in, and you have a higher tolerance for drugs and poisons. You might not be peak human performance, but all those redundancies can come in handy.
Once we’re done with biology, we move into the sub-Identities, which are specific regions or subcultures. Right now Terrans only have two; rural and urban. (I’ve played around with some others but I haven’t been happy with anything yet, send in your suggestions!). Urban Terrans live in the dense, futuristic megacities that dot future Earth, in communal archeologies that are like self-contained villages. Theirs is a life of beautiful buildings, abundant greenery, a different kind of library for everything, and a joyous excess of monorails. It’s everything you could have wanted from Usborne’s Book of Future Cities (1979) come to life.
Urban Terrans get recommended the following Traits; Polyglot (to get across the cosmopolitan nature of the cities), Well-Connected (to show your closeness to the Star Union’s bureaucracy), Divergent (because urban Terrans are exactly the sort of people who do recreational genetic modifications), and Communal Spirit, a trait which boosts the effectiveness of working together. This is a common Trait for many Human identities; it’s pretty much the one that models prosocial production practices in action. 
The Rural Terran trait represents a much smaller proportion of the population. These are the mix of farmers, ecologists, and indigenous groups piecing the planet back together after a close brush with climate change. Outside of lithium, there’s not a lot of on-world mining anymore (space mining has made it uneconomical) so this is mostly agriculture. These communities are relatively isolated, bypassed by the high-speed trains connecting Earth’s cities; the saying goes that Mars is closer to the cities than the farms are.
Rural Terrans get these Traits suggested: Biome Specialist (representing a familiarity in whatever regional ecology you grew up in), Stiff Upper Lip (farm work tends to toughen you up), Natural Esper (a lot of psychics try to get away from the crowded cities), and Trusting, a trait that rewards you for helping others, but makes you more vulnerable to manipulation and makes it stressful to initiate violence.
Finally, at the end of each Identity is a section dedicated to how this group fits into Star Patrol, and how their presence can result in extra Traits through social interaction with other groups. Here, the privileged, ‘default’, often somewhat thoughtless Terrans are recommended the Imposing trait, which gives you some bonuses for being intimidating, but makes it a little harder to get people’s trust. It also does a decent job representing how Terrans are simply more heavily built than anyone else in the Sol system; when you’re comparing to tiny Martians and spindly Spacers, Terrans are collectively a bunch of Conans the Barbarian. 
You grew up somewhere where air is free and water falls from the sky, and people are understandably sometimes hesitant to correct your ignorance because you’re three times stronger than they are. Terrans often have some growing up to do as they realise how they come off to others.
In Torchship’s world, there have been moon bases since the early 70s, and people have lived on the moon full-time since the early 2000s. The Soviet moon base program eventually withdrew due to budget problems, leaving the ever-increasing network of American bases the sole full-time real estate on the moon. In the 2040s, Armstrong City took one look at the unfolding disaster that was the collapse of American capitalism and seceded. Playing up its neutrality, it eventually became the de jure capital of the Solar Union and, now, the Star Union, though in actuality this is mostly symbolic.
This is because living on the moon is genuinely very difficult. The gravity is just 16% of what it is on Earth, it’s airless, and there’s no atmosphere to stop the radiation. When people started living there, its only selling point at all was being closer to Earth than Mars was.
Now that people do live there, though, in a vast underground city, there turns out to be a second advantage. The Moon is very rich in mineral resources and very poor in biospheres you might destroy by aggressively mining them, and it’s incredibly cheap to get things to lunar orbit. This has ended up making the moon the industrial powerhouse of the Star Union.
Lunars are living in the most extreme conditions of any of the human Identities, which is reflected in their Biology Traits. Like Spacers, they get Freefaller, a gravity trait that is in most ways an inverse of the Heavyworlder trait. They might not actually be living in freefall, but the gravity is so low it might not make a difference. The very low gravity also means they are recommended Medical Dependency; humans simply were not meant to grow up in these conditions. Even with genetic modifications, some ongoing medical treatment for bone density or nerve issues, arising from being seven feet tall and effectively 30 pounds, is to be expected. Finally, Lunars are recommended the Wireless Brain Uplink Trait, an extension of the implanted medical monitors which were once standard on US moon bases for long-term survival.
Lunars also only have two sub-identities. The first are the Mazedwellers, those who live in Armstrong City itself. Armstrong City is built out of the subterranean mines of Luna, using the thick crust of the planet to protect against solar radiation. This makes the city a twisting, sprawling web deep under the surface, where space is at an absolute premium even beyond what Spacers experience. To live in these conditions but still contribute your industrial might to the Union, your town doubles as a factory floor, converting back and forth every day.
This gives Lunars a distinct identity in their work ethic; while everyone else can be more content working at their own pace, on Luna the faster you get the job done the faster you get your living room back. Your recommended Traits are Claustrophile (giving you a bonus in a space suit but mild agoraphobia), Driven (representing this unusual work ethic), and Shifting Gears, a trait which lets you have two sets of Personality Impulses, in this case representing the strict work-life divide that is at the centre of Lunar culture.
The other Lunar sub-identity is being a Yardworker. The Lunar Yards are the reason that humanity won the big space war; turns out running a slower-than-light multiplanetary civilisation requires an absolutely ludicrous number of spacecraft, so Lunars built an absolutely enormous and ever-expanding space station to do that with, using a giant railgun to shoot raw materials up to it and commuting every day with short-hop shuttles. In the post-FTL era, the sheer scale of the Lunar Yards means humanity can produce an almost comedic surplus. During the war, Lunars couldn’t serve in Star Patrol (see the end of the dev diary for why), so people started living on the Yards to make as many rockets as possible instead as a way of contributing.
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Being a Yardworker is a prestigious job for a Lunar, and also a competitive one. Work never slows down, six shifts twenty-four hours a day. For this reason, Yardworkers share the Driven and Claustrophile Traits with their Mazedweller counterparts, as they aren’t that divergent. They gain the Voidborn trait (which gives bonuses for making repairs, cheaper upgrades to the Cosmonaut cert, and stress when your rocket is experiencing shortages) and the Cultural Tool trait, which gives you a bonus 4d6-era item you can carry atop the normal inventory. For Lunars, that’s your Yarkworker’s Marker, the thick-nibbed, vacuum-writing pen workers carry to leave each other vital notes about problems that could potentially kill them and/or draw dicks on the spaceship. The Yardworker’s Marker and all the little notes that crews would find in their spacecraft developed a mythology, which is why now it’s as much a badge of honour as a practical tool.
Finally, the Lunars in Star Patrol section touches on an important consequence of Lunar biology; being a Lunar was for life up until shockingly recently. They couldn’t even survive something as tame as Martian gravity even a few decades ago, which meant they could never visit Earth and couldn’t serve in Solar Patrol because their hearts couldn’t take the acceleration. This only changed in the past few decades in the form of an intense, and often rather painful, two-year series of treatments and acclimation.
This comes with two suggested Traits. The first is Augment, the trait we use to represent attempts at genetic engineering that go above and beyond the normal evolutionary cleanup, which can represent some of the extreme intervention and above-average effects it might have had. The other is Stiff Upper Lip, as per Rural Terrans, representing the adjusted pain tolerances you’re going to develop after undergoing something like that.
As you can see, Trait overlap is pretty common in these things, and of course these are just suggested Traits. Despite all the differences, everyone is a lot alike in most ways.
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Wow... Episode 80 was great
I... I expected nothing from this episode. If anything, I thought I would really hate it but no, this episode was actually really fun, along with genuinely hitting me in the feels. I'm gonna go into spoilers below the read more so if you haven't seen the episode, don't read it.
Overall though, it was a definite improvement from last week for me and a real contender for my favourite episode of Go Rush. Yes, I loved it THAT much.
So Zaion.
I think I've made it no secret that I hated his guts for a while. I couldn't care less about his furniture store plotline and last arc got way better for me when it stopped focusing on him. So knowing all this, I went into episode 80 with low expectations. I dreaded the episode having Yuhi lose and get turned into furniture and for us to have to get two duels in a row against Zaion. Or worse, the whole arc derailing to suddenly focus on him.
So I was incredibly delighted that Yuhi won. He's really been on a hot streak lately when he used to win and lose pretty equally. He's become my favourite of the three protagonists. Even before his victory, his positive energy throughout the duel was infectiously endearing. I love Yugioh protagonists who can have so much fun duelling and stay positive even when a lot is on the line or they're on the brink of losing. It's also a rather subtle non intrusive way to draw parallels between Yuhi and Yuga which I appreciate.
But the real highlight of this episode for me was Zaion.
I never expected this show would ever make me feel genuine sympathy for this character, let alone actually relate to him. I predicted rather early into the episode that he knew on some level that this fictional reality, and his highly successful furniture store, wasn't real but that he didn't care because he wanted to stay in this fantasy that was so much better than his reality. It's... a real thing people do, including myself at times. I think many of us can think of a time where we were a little too engrossed in something that wasn't real, to the point of neglecting our real lives. So to see that idea reflected in Zaion... that just really spoke to me.
I don't know if I can quite say I like him overall taking his past portrayals into account but I can say for certainty that I loved him in this episode: completely taken aback by Yuhi's energy, as well as Yuhi figuring out that he knew this world wasn't real and that... that damn scene where all the fantasies fade away and after being upset for a bit, vows to make those dreams a reality. Finally deciding that rather than escaping to his fantasy, he's going to work to make his reality more like that fantasy. And that's... that's just very inspiring to me.
Good job, Go Rush. You really knocked it out of the park with this one. Here's to the hope that the rest of this arc can keep this up.
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banannabethchase · 10 months
We'll Do More than Just Get By Together- also on AO3
After officially getting together, Yuta and Danny are having serious feelings about each other and glasses. And those feelings are leading them to…new discoveries.
A Chanukah gift for my dear @sarahcakes613! Happy Chanukah, darling! Also my first time writing breeding kink, so. Here. Title from Hold Me Like a Grudge by Fall Out Boy. Sequel to Part Time Soulmate, Full Time Problem.
Danny’s been silent, curled into Yuta’s side for hours. He doesn’t deal with loss the way Yuta does, doesn’t brush it off and move on. At least, when it’s against Bryan. Yuta wonders, briefly, if joining the BCC back when he was supposed to would have changed that. He hopes not.
“Baby,” he murmurs, “you’re going to fuck up your neck if you keep leaning like this. C’mon, move.”
Danny digs himself further into Yuta’s side, throwing long legs over his lap like he’s demanding the comfort.
“You’re taking this really hard,” Yuta sighs, wrapping his arms around Danny. “You still have two more matches in the tournament.”
Danny makes an indignant, pissed off noise, and Yuta stops just in case he’s about to say something. But no. Still furious silence. “Okay, then I’ll keep talking.” He resists the urge to roll his eyes. “Losing to Bryan Danielson isn’t a bad thing. Everybody loses to him. Even – even fucking Page went to a time limit draw, okay?” He plays with the collar of Danny’s tee shirt, soft and worn. “And then you almost went time limit with Claudio, which is fucking insane, since, well, Claudio.” He doesn’t know what to say when it comes to Andrade. He doesn’t know him like he knows Claudio and Bryan, doesn’t know just how brutal he can be behind closed doors in a workout.
Danny shifts a little, a tiny movement of his head, so one of his eyes is now peering up at Yuta. “Not gonna say anything about Andrade?”
“I don’t know him,” Yuta says. “All I can say is you’re way hotter than he is.”
Danny immediately breaks into a smile, turning so his head is even worse craned than it was before. “Yeah?”
“Okay,” Yuta sighs, rolling his eyes. “Now you’re just fishing for compliments.”
“Then swim away better,” Danny says. He relaxes back into place, covering Yuta like a blanket. “Next I have Eddie and Brody.”
“You do,” Yuta says. He intentionally doesn’t mention how Eddie yanked him aside during Collision to tell him not to be mad when he kills Danny.
Danny groans and rolls off the bed to face plant onto the carpet. “The problem is they’re hot,” Yuta thinks he says. He’d like to break Danny of the habit of speaking into non-speaker objects, but it doesn’t seem to be possible. “So I get distracted, because they’re all hot and, like, strong, and fucking incredible wrestlers.” He rolls over, starfishing on the ground. He looks at Yuta.
“What?” Yuta asks.
“I’m trying to figure out how to insult you, but I can’t figure it out.” He sighs. “Is this what love is?”
“No,” Yuta says, and he slides down to the floor to get Danny in a seatbelt in three seconds flat. Danny’s giggling but not fighting him for real, kicking his legs at Yuta’s face. “This is.”
Yuta makes it through Collision alone the next night. Danny had match research to do, whatever that means, so Yuta was stuck navigating everything on his own. Since March he’d gotten used to Danny being around him all the time, next to him when he showered, all over him in Lyfts back to the hotel. Now, as he walks across the highway and streets the short path back to the hotel, he almost feels lonely.
He’s pretty sure being in love is mildly annoying. But it’s worth it.
He unlocks the door of the hotel to see Danny curled up in their hotel bed with his glasses on. His heart stutters.
“Hey,” he says, letting his bag slide to the floor. “Wearing the glasses again?”
Danny looks up and wrinkles his nose, the glasses adjusting. Yuta’s brain fucks up a little. “And?”
“They’re cute,” Yuta says. He kicks off his shoes and walks to the bed. Without a word, he takes Danny’s iPad out of his hands and sets it to the side. “You’re cute.”
Danny grins up at him. “It’s the glasses, isn’t it.”
“Yeah,” Yuta says, scoffing. “You look all cute and –” He cuts himself off. “Well, you know how you look.”
Danny raises an eyebrow. “Cute and what?”
Yuta sighs, sliding his hands up Danny’s shirt until Danny shifts to let him take it off. “A little submissive,” he murmurs, kissing the side of Danny’s neck. “Like you’re all mine.”
“Submissive?” Danny asks. “I’m not submissive!”
“You are, a little,” Yuta says. He kisses down Danny’s collarbone, his chest, his tummy. He glances over and Danny lifts his hips. “See? I don’t even have to see anything and you let me do whatever I want to.” He licks up Danny’s cock when it pops out of his sweatpants. “You trust me,” he teases, sucking just the head of Danny’s cock into his mouth. Danny whimpers. “So you know whatever I do is gonna be good.”
“N-not submissive,” Danny stammers. He doesn’t thrust, exactly, more twitches. “Just – I know you’ll do what I like.”
Yuta grins. “I think it’s a little more than that, baby.” He digs his fingers in as he sinks down on Danny’s cock again, bobbing up and down, then he pulls back off, basking in Danny’s little whimpers.
“Please keep – okay, I’ll be submissive if you keep doing that,” Danny whines.
Yuta does as Danny asks for a few minutes, then pulls back for just a second. “Yeah,” he chuckles. “Like I said.”
They end up arguing about whose home to go back to after Collision and end up going to their own places for a few days, only to meet up Tuesday night in Garland, ravenous for each other.
“You’re wearing the fucking glasses again,” Danny gasps, shoving Yuta up against the wall once the door closes behind them. “That’s not fair.”
“You’re wearing them too!” Yuta says. He pulls at his clothes, at Danny’s, and then the two of them are all over each other in bed. “Fucking glasses, making you look all – fuck.”
He’s not gentle with it, not slow. They’ve been apart for only a few days but it’s too long for Yuta to pretend he can wait. Danny’s just as demanding as always, insisting on faster, harder, more immediate, and Yuta is all too willing to oblige.
“On your back,” Yuta insists. “Wanna see that pretty face of yours in those glasses.”
“I’m not pretty,” Danny argues, but he throws a leg over Yuta’s shoulders and spreads the other as Yuta lines himself up. “I’m rugged! Handsome!”
“You can be all of those things,” Yuta says. The two of them groan in tandem as Yuta pushes into him. “God, you feel good. How’s it only been a couple days and it feels this good?”
“What, like I’m not a good fuck two days in a row?” Danny digs his heel into Yuta’s shoulder, rolling his hips up. “That feels like slut shaming.”
“Don’t – shut up.”
Immediately Danny’s eyes widen, his mouth closed.
“You like that?” Yuta asks, grinning. He picks up speed. “Want me to tell you want to do?”
“I hate it, but yes,” Danny says. “I – yes.”
Yuta laughs, and even he can hear it’s a little mean. He grabs at Danny’s thigh. “You’ll do whatever I ask you to, won’t you,” Yuta says, fucking Danny deep. “Don’t even have to ask for it – you know I’ll do exactly what you want.”
Danny nods, eyes squeezed shut. “Yeah,” he says, “yeah, fuck.”
He turns his head and bites a kiss into Danny’s calf. “Get you all riled up like this and you’re so goddamned sweet for me.”
“Yeah, Daddy.”
Yuta pauses. “What?”
Danny’s eyes fly open in a panic. “Um.”
“Sorry, you think I’m old enough to be a Daddy?!” he asks, frowning down at Danny. He’s still hard, though. Both of them are. He takes note of it.
“I don’t know!” Danny says, cheeks flushed pink. “I just – the glasses.” He shrugs and rolls his hips a little, grinning when Yuta gasps. “They work on you, you know?” Yuta meets his hip roll with a thrust of his own. “Make you look all distinguished.”
“Oh, I get it,” Yuta says. “This is you agreeing that, when I wear my glasses, I look distinguished and all, in your words, Daddy, and when you wear them, you look all cute.” He licks his lips, and tries something. “All submissive and sweet like when you wanna be.”
Danny lets out the tiniest whimper. “I – yes,” he concedes, and Yuta rewards him with some long, easy strokes.
“Submissive and breedable,” Yuta says, grinning. Danny squawks in indignation. “See how easy it is to be real with yourself?” Yuta murmurs. “But do you really think I can pull off – do you really see me and go, ‘Oh, he’s Daddy’?”
Danny shrugs, bracing himself against the headboard. “It’s an energy, right?” Yuta nods with a shrug. “Why?” He rolls his hips to meet Yuta. “Who do you think of when you think Daddy?”
Yuta continues fucking Danny slow as he thinks. “I think Billy Gunn.”
Danny stares at him. “You immediately go for Billy Gunn when you think Daddy?!”
“Am I wrong?”
“No, I guess – no! But, like.” He rolls his eyes. “God, you’re predictable. Of course you think of a guy who could literally be your father.”
“I don’t think of guys that way. I don’t look for Daddies,” Yuta replies. He smirks down at Danny. “Clearly. Look at you.”
“Shut up.” Danny’s flamed red and hard as hell, and Yuta fucks him until the bitchy look in his eyes fades to bliss again.
“Tell me who else,” Yuta teases. “Who else do you think of when you think Daddy?”
“Mox, obviously,” Danny replies.
“You sound shocked,” Danny says. “Are you not into it or something?”
“No, I am. But not the way you are.” He licks his lips as Danny rolls up against him.
“So it’s that you wouldn’t call anybody else Daddy?”
Yuta sighs. “Danny. Again.” He slowly fucks Danny until Danny’s squirming, panting, whimpering. “I want you to think real hard about that.”
“Okay,” Danny gasps, “okay, yeah, you want – you – does that mean I can call you Daddy in bed now?”
Yuta thinks about it, fucking him more deeply, intentionally, quickly. “Yeah,” he says, grinning. “Only if you wear the glasses in bed a little more and I can call you baby whenever I want.”
Danny rolls his eyes. “You always call me baby.”
Yuta leans down and bites at Danny’s earlobe. “Exactly.”
Danny comes with a cry. “Fuck, Daddy,” he whimpers.
Apparently Yuta does like it – he comes so hard he sees stars.
Danny’s started to play dirty, Yuta’s figured out. He’ll walk down the hallway past him and lean into Yuta’s ear. He’ll whisper, “You look good, Daddy,” in front of everyone, then walk away with a bitchy little grin. Yuta can’t decide if he wants to kill him or fuck him in the middle of the ring about it.
It’s the Dynamite before World’s End when Yuta basically snaps. Danny’s teasing him, he knows Danny’s teasing him, but knowing what he’s doing doesn’t make it easier to handle. Every time they go back to the hotel and fuck like rabbits, he thinks it’ll get out of his system. Instead, it just builds. He’s pretty sure it’s making things harder.
Multiple things.
“If you don’t get yourself under control,” he says, grabbing Danny by the waist and yanking him close after the third time Danny backed his ass into Yuta’s crotch, “I’m gonna do something really stupid in front of the whole company.”
Danny laughs, loud enough that other people notice. “Yeah? Promise?”
“Oh my god,” Yuta says. “You’re impossible.”
Danny shrugs. “Not doing anything worse than what Matt does backstage.”
“Do you really want to be slightly better than Matt Jackson?” Yuta asks.
Danny opens his mouth, then closes it. “I’m not gonna say what I’m thinking.”
“You better not.”
Danny and Yuta turn around. Hangman’s sitting there, arms folded over his chest.
“We were just leaving,” Yuta says, and he grabs Danny’s hand and yanks him down the hallway. “This is what I mean, you dumbass. You’re gonna get us killed.”
“You’re the one who was insulting Matt Jackson at the Matt Jackson company,” Danny says.
“Okay, technically, it’s not an insult – just stop talking.” He shoves Danny down on the couch of the BCC locker room. “Stay there.”
“What if Bryan shows up?”
Yuta groans and rolls his eyes. “Tell him you’re acting like Mox back at the first Forbidden Door and he’ll understand.”
Danny blinks. “Do I want to know?”
“No,” Yuta says, the memory of Mox practically trying to climb Okada because Bryan wouldn’t confirm or deny if Claudio was coming burned in his mind. “No, you do not.”
“Get in the Lyft before I jump you in public,” Danny says once Yuta gets back from his match.
“Can’t I shower first?”
“Nope,” Danny says, scanning Yuta’s body. It’s hunger in his eyes, and Yuta feels consumed by it. “I like it when I can still see your ring work on you.”
“Wouldn’t the bruises be enough for that?” Okada hits hard, and Yuta kind of regrets being Bryan’s trio tag partner for the match. Mox got the worst of it, at least, but Mox likes getting his ass beat.
Danny licks his lips. “Yeah, no,” he says.
His hand is in Yuta’s lap during the drive as he continues a conversation about basketball with the Lyft driver. Yuta’s barely able to count the stores as he passes by, trying desperately not to lose it before they even get back to the hotel.
“Alright, thanks!” Yuta says, his voice higher pitched than usual as he vaults out of the car. He leaves it to Danny to take care of the tip and the pleasantries, because the situation in his pants is pretty obvious and dire right now. “C’mon, Danny.”
“Who’s being like Matt now?” Danny says, and he’s infuriatingly collected right now. He takes Yuta’s hand, the one he’d been using to cover his tented crotch. Yuta swings his bag in front of his dick.
“I’m either gonna fuck you or kill you within the next five minutes. It’s your choice which.”
By the time they’re up the elevator and in the hotel room, Yuta’s shoved Danny up against the wall and ripped his tee-shirt off to get at his collarbone.
“Holy fuck,” Danny whimpers. “Yeah, okay.”
“Shut the fuck up and get naked,” Yuta growls. “Fuckin’ tease. God, I can’t stand you sometimes.”
“The way you’ve got your hands all over me says otherwise,” Danny says, laughing.
Yuta grabs him around the waist with one arm and throws him on the bed. “I can’t believe how much I love you,” he grumbles, diving on top of Danny. He yanks down his sweats. “That’s the only reason I’m not, like, throttling you right now.”
“You could, if you want,” Danny says, and his smile is somehow both bitchy and adorable. “I’d be down.”
Yuta rolls his eyes and dives at Danny, sliding his tongue into his mouth and a hand into his hair. It’s finally long enough to tug, and Danny whines.
“There you go,” Yuta chuckles. “You’re so much easier when you stop talking.”
Danny rolls them, over. “Oh, wait,” he says, pausing mid-straddle. “I have to take my contacts out.” He grins, knowingly, and Yuta might be forced to kill him. “Don’t want my eyes drying out.”
“You’re the fucking worst,” Yuta groans, dropping back onto the bed.
“You should put your glasses on too, too,” Danny says. His gaze is searing when he adds, “Daddy.”
“Fucking Christ. Fine.” Yuta stands up and takes his contacts out with more aggression than necessary and shoves his glasses on his face. Danny’s taking his sweet ass time. “Hurry up!”
“Why?” Danny asks, meeting Yuta’s eyes in the mirror. “You want something?”
Yuta’s nice enough to wait until the glasses are on his face before he grabs Danny at the ass, hauls him into his arms, and manhandles him back to the bed. “You’re so goddamned lanky,” Yuta grumbles. “Where the fuck do I even put all this leg of yours?”
“You like me in the trunks, is what I’m hearing,” Danny says.
“Yes, obviously.” Yuta gets his hands all over Danny, stroking, touching, pressing. He can’t get enough of Danny, never can, but right now it’s worse than normal. He bites at Danny’s neck, marking him with tiny bruises that belong to him. He presses Danny’s hands to the side of the bed with a hand. He wishes he could press his fingerprints into Danny’s skin. It might be proof enough for Danny that he’s in this for good. When he opens Danny up, he makes Danny look him in the eyes.
“Just like that,” Yuta says. “You tell me what you want. All of it.”
“Fuck me,” Danny says, automatically. “In the glasses. Fuck me and make me remember it.” He squeezes his eyes shut as Yuta strokes inside him, determined to make it last, to make Danny beg for it. “I wanna feel it on the plane tomorrow, please.”
“Yeah?” Yuta asks. Danny whines when he twists his fingers, when he pumps them faster, when he adds more lube. “You won’t be able to stop thinking about it, baby. I’ll get you all over good.” He takes his free hand and presses it, oh so gently, to one of the bruises on Danny’s chest. One Yuta made, one that belongs to him. “Just touch this and know I’m on you.”
Danny exhales slowly, deeply. “Fucking hell, Yuta.”
“I think you’re ready,” Yuta says, twisting his fingers again. Danny twitches his lips up. “Are you?”
Danny nods frantically. “Yes. Please, Yuta, please.” His eyes go big and pleading. “Wheeler, Daddy, please.”
“Fucking – god, when you say it like that.” He pulls his fingers out and lines up his dick. “Yeah?”
“Give it to me,” Danny demands, eyes fire on Yuta. “Hard. Now.”
Yuta slides in without another warning, and Danny whines. “There you go.”
“C’mon,” Danny says, bucking his hips. “There – I want you – now.”
Yuta does as Danny asks, gives it to him hard enough that the bed starts hitting the wall.
“God, yes, Daddy,” Danny whines, tangling his fingers with Yuta’s. Yuta goes as hard as he can, intent on giving Danny exactly what he wants. He goes quiet, focused on Danny’s face, on the way purple bruises bloom, on the idea that Danny is his. His face goes wanting and pinched before too long, the telltale sign that Danny is about to come all over himself.
“You wanna come?” Yuta asks, keeping pace. “I know what that face means. You’re close.”
Danny nods frantically. “Please. Keep – just like that.”
“Yeah, you like that?” Yuta says, and he doesn’t even know what’s coming out of his mouth. He just keeps talking, desperate to get Danny wild and out of his mind even more. “You like it when Daddy gives it to you good?”
“Keep that up,” Danny pleads, voice hardly more than a whine. “Oh, my god.”
Yuta’s been worked up for so long he knows he’s sprinting toward the point of no return. He’s not willing to leave Danny hanging. “Yeah?” Yuta asks. “You want me to fill you up? Wanna get filled with Daddy’s come? Make sure it takes?”
“Holy fuck.” Danny’s eyes fly open and he grips at Yuta’s biceps, nails digging.
He isn’t keeping track of what he’s saying, focused only on how he wants Danny to look like this for him forever. “Gonna knock you up so you’re mine forever.”
Danny comes with a groan from so deep within himself Yuta didn’t know it existed. The look of it, the feel of Danny clenching down on his cock, is the end of it for Yuta. He shoves himself into Danny and loses all sense of himself beyond where he’s touching Danny. He doesn’t even have the energy to pull out. He just collapses on top of him.
They’re silent, breathing in tandem as the sweat and come dry on their skin. Yuta tries not to panic, the echo of his words ringing in his ears. But he remembers: Danny trusts him. And he trusts that Danny would tell him if something was wrong.
After god knows how much time, he feels fingers gently running through his hair.
“So,” Danny says. “That was new.”
Yuta chuckles into Danny’s skin. “Was.”
Danny pulls a little, enough to encourage Yuta to life his head. There’s the tiniest hint of a laugh in his tone when he asks, “You wanna knock me up?”
This time, Yuta’s the one turning pink. “I – okay, it just came out.”
“It was good!” Danny says. “Don’t get me wrong, that, uh.” He licks his lips, flicking his eyes to the side. “That felt good.”
“The words felt good?” Yuta rolls to the side, still keeping his fingertips tangled with Danny’s.
Danny turns his head. “You like – love – me so much you wanna keep me forever.” He reaches up and brushes a thumb along Yuta’s cheekbone. “You don’t see how that would…well, after everything with Bryan, with how we started…” He presses his lips together, searching Danny’s face. “It makes me feel like you’re really choosing me.”
Yuta licks his lips, eyes on Danny’s mouth. “It wasn’t weird?”
Danny shakes his head. “Not at all.” He grins. “But there is one problem with al of this.”
Danny nods. “Unfortunately, you were right.”
“I was?”
Danny breaks into a grin. “Remember that time you teased me and said I looked submissive and breedable with my glasses on?”
Yuta laughs so hard Danny gets him in a headlock, but it’s worth it. It’s so worth it.
Mini Playlist: I'll Never Let You Go - ur pretty Hold Me Like a Grudge - Fall Out Boy Intoxicated - The Cab Eyes Roll - (G)I-DLE
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houseoflibra · 11 months
Saint Seiya: Dark Wing Chapter 25: The Scale of Truth
Page 1
Page 2
Lucas: - Huff… huff…
Eulalia: - Hello?
Lucas: - *surprised* - Huh?! - (Too close!!) - Oh, sorry. - I was lost in thought.
Eulalia: - Well, it's only natural you were left speechless - after seeing my beautiful fight!
Page 3
Lucas: - Eulalia… - Well…
Eulalia: - Heh! - I was… - (Oh no, now I remember! Soujiro told me to keep a low profile!!) - L—let's keep this - between us, please!!
Page 4
Eulalia: - Until next time!
Lucas: - Eulalia… - Just as I thought, - she's straightforward, - noble, - beautiful… - Normally, there's no way - I would even be able to talk…
Page 5
Lucas: - …to a girl like her. - But… - maybe… - …I could make her mine…
Page 6
Students: - Hahahah!
Vassilios: - *singing "Blue Forever"*
Leo Gold Saint, Vassilios
Page 7
Vassilios: - *still singing "Blue Forever"*
Esther: - The anime song selection here is tasteful, but - watching a handsome man sing is even better, huh?
Celestial Beast Star Sphinx, Esther
Suzuri: - I'm not so sure about the song, - but I suppose he can sing… - (So loud…)
Earthly Hound Star Laelaps, Suzuri
Suzuri: - I was ordered to be here because…
Julius: - That sounds interesting! - Hahah!
Suzuri: - …or so he said… - Why did Pandora's Sphinx Specter and - the Leo Gold Saint - have to come to a karaoke?!
Vassilios: - *previously singing "Pegasus Fantasy"*
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Vassilios: - *singing "Blue Forever"*
Suzuri: - I... - I'm off to the bar…
Page 9
Suzuri: - I… - I can't… - Master Julius told me to do this, - so I should be able to sing at a karaoke!
Esther: - Suzuri Okino! - Hey, pretty lady. I was hoping to hear you sing, - Suzu.
Suzuri: - Ah!! - Su… - Suzu…? - (P—pretty…?)
Esther: - Oh, sorry.
Page 10
Esther: - I was trying to be friendly since we're both specters, but - was it too much?
Suzuri: - Celestial Beast Star, Sphinx Esther!… - I didn't notice you at all!! - What do you want, - Celestial Beast Star, Sphinx?…
Esther: - Oh, nothing. - Actually… - I was hoping to give you a cute nickname and then have some girl talk…
Suzuri: - Not if I get to you first!
Page 11
Suzuri: - Gordian Bond Amputation!
Page 12
Suzuri: - Did I get her…?!
Page 13
Suzuri: - Huh…?
Esther: - The incredible speed - of your swift iai sword draw - almost had me making a careless mistake.
Suzuri: - ?! - No way! - She wasn't cut?!…
Page 14
Esther: - Actually, you'd already gotten stiff back at the karaoke room due to being… - ...under the effect of my Balance of Curse!!
Suzuri: - Guh!
Page 15
Suzuri: - A magic harp…! - My body…!
Esther: - That's why your body feels heavy, - and you cannot reach the dangerous top-speed you're capable of.
Suzuri: - Y—you did this back then?
Page 16
Esther: - As long as you're in my trap, - you won't be able to move at full speed.
Suzuri: - (This overwhelming cosmo…) - (So this…) - (…is the true power of the guardian of the Underworld's second prison…) - (…the Sphinx specter!…)
Esther: - If you try to fight now, - your heart will pop out of your chest… - All right?
Page 17
Esther: - Three, two, - one! - And then it will jump out.
Suzuri: - Wha?!
Esther: - Three, two… - one!
Suzuri: - ?!
Page 18
Vassilios: - Oh! - Well done!
Esther: - You shouldn't interrupt girl talk, - hot guy.
Vassilios: - Well, - if two Specters are having a secret chat… - …as the Leo Gold Saint, - I should come in and say hello, don't you think?
Esther: - Actually, I'm a Specter of Justice.
Page 19
Esther: - Perhaps you could assist us?
Vassilios: - Oh? - A Specter talking about Justice? - Now that - sounds interesting!
Esther: - Are you here to get the girls' attention? - Or are you here - to protect them?
Vassilios: - Heh! - That's obvious. - As a saint, - I'm here to investigate and settle - the incidents involving those girls who went missing, but…
Pages 20 + 21
Esther: - Balance of Curse!… - If you're telling the truth, - then Ma'at's feather, the symbol of Truth, - will be in balance in my scale!
Vassilios: - Are you trying to pull out my heart?!… - Heh…
Page 22
Esther: - Now, let's see your true colors. - Whether or not you are the villain behind these incidents… - …will be revealed now!
Vassilios: - Ugh!
Suzuri: - She's standing up against a Gold Saint - on her own?!
Vassilios: - Huff… huff… - All right! - OK!
Page 23
Vassilios: - If that will get you to trust me - then my heart is as light as a feather!
Suzuri: - What?! - You're saying you'll expose your heart?!
Vassilios: - Well, I'm happy to see - a Specter go to such lengths!
Page 24
Vassilios: - I want you to believe me! - So you're welcome to use your impressive cosmo on me! - Go on!
Esther: - I don't hate - arrogant hot guys.
Suzuri: - Huh?!
Vassilios: - Oh? - Are you going to trust me then?
Esther: - *nod* - At least this once…
Page 25
Esther: - I'm satisfied that you two are not my enemies.
Vassilios: - Yay!
Esther: - Now, - I hope the owner - of the fiercely dangerous and terrible cosmo - coming this way is not a friend of yours.
Suzuri: - Fiercely dangerous and terrible…?
Vassilios: - Yeah. - Somebody is coming, all right. - Somebody with a huge cosmo and eager to fight…
Page 26
Page 27
To be continued...
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yeenybeanies · 2 years
Look you’re the only person I know off the top of my head so I’m sorry to call you out but-
Why transformer sexy?? I am intrigued and do not understand but wish to know more??
sdfjsdkfj PLEASE this is hilarious 😂 i would be more than happy to (attempt to) explain why transformer sexy. buckle up, babes, we're going on a journey.
the barest explanation i can give is that a) i find things like aliens, monsters, etc attractive; & 2) transformers are often relatively close in general shape to many human body types i find attractive, while also being so incredibly, distinctly not human, which, in my opinion, makes them all the more sexy. i'll admit too i do find many vehicles sexy, which is another bonus with transformers.
plus. they're B I G.
examples under the cut with some explanations to my own personal attraction, but disclaimer! these are all from the IDW1 comics! & the artists illustrating the comics DID play an important role in robot sexiness.
(i could go into other tf media too, but this is already lengthy sdhfjgh)
SO, let's start off easy. rodimus is a prime (heh) example of a sexy bot. artist: alex milne
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the broad shoulders. the narrow waist. the long legs. This is the main, overarching theme. This is the Good Shape™. He's got bright colors & a cocky demeanor. plus he can set himself on fire. those lights on his waist are tasty too. hot damn.
up next, we've got another classic: optimus prime. first two are milne, & third is by nick roche
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once again, we have broad shoulders & a snatched waist. we have big arms. we can also see from the second panel that these rigid, mechanical beings can be fairly flexible. plus, who doesn't love a beaten, disheveled man? i know i sure do. bonus points for him too because he's relatively big & tall as far as transformers go, whereas rodimus is average height.
up next is megatron. all of these are milne drawings
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personally, i think the black look is better––that's when he turned into a stealth bomber-type plane––but both looks follow the Good Shape. all about that shoulders & waist, baybee. the body language on display here is great, too. more examples of how much freedom of movement these giant robots have.
i can't not talk about my all-time favorite bot, fortress maximus. all three are by milne
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he is a bit blocker than previous examples, but that makes sense for a giant powerhouse tank prison warden like himself! & he does still follow the Good Shape. he's massive! he has fun helmet fins! he's got guns in his legs! he's handsome 🥰 (i do also like to imagine voices for lots of the bots, & i imagine his would reduce me to a quivering mess.)
we got some ladies too, don't worry! this is arcee, by casey coller & sara pitre-durocher respectively! look at her thighs, i mean damn! she's also ferocious, & i love that in a woman.
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then we have windblade & firestar (milne), & chromia & the mistress of flame (saren stone). the lady bots tend to be curvier in design (but not always), though not necessarily bustier. trust me when i say there are some boobalicious boy bots (*cough*prowl*cough*).
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& now for shits & giggles, some bots with exaggerated or unusual body shapes that i also find attractive for one reason or another 🤪 (hayato sakamoto, guido guidi, milne x3)
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i have SO many more examples, but we'll be here all day if i keep going 😅
In Conclusion: robbits sexy
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demoiselettes · 2 years
Oh my im incredibly sorry i need to re - do my match - request again ( i forget a few things ) 😅
My name's Jana Pronouns are she / them! Physical appereance is short brow hair that ends with the color red, People say my skintone is like... light colored coffee, My eues are color brown that shines somehow in the any form of light. I'm also bisexual I like : food, animals, ghibli movies and COSTUMES Dislikes : shorts skirts, rude people, people crying and ruined artworks My hobbies are: Cosplaying, Cooking, Sleeping And Drawing!
Personality: People Often Say I Am confident and sassy but i am kind once you get to know me! If your my friend you probably get Candies everyday ( its my tradition to give candies to people i like. ) I have a soft spot for children! If someone cries well i'd try my best to comfort them maybe hug them, listen to them and give them money, if your my friend i'd chase anyone who hurt you with a broom
Extra infromation : I like potatoes give me one and your the love of my life, cats... Really like me! Idk how and idk why, I really like to bake or cook food especially Cupcakes! Fav colors are: Yellow and red! Height is 5'4!
Thats it<3
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I match you with Tengen Uzui! And his wives!
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•You’ve gotta be like, so flamboyant because you’re basically his now 😭
•And his wives love you! Makio specially adores your hair color because like her, it isn’t all one color! She thinks it’s a lovely style
•Tengen is the type to just sling you over his shoulders when he sees you and just haul you alongside him
•Suma loves to stare at your eyes, and she does so shamelessly as well since she doesn’t see anything wrong with blatantly showing you how much she adores hoe pretty they look in the sunlight!
•You have three amazing ladies and one smoking hot dude at your service! ;)
•Unfortunately for you, you’re going to have to deal with Suma’s sudden outburst of emotions and her crying, but she’s going to try her best to tone it down for your sake
•Except bottling it up is only going to worsen things so she’s probably gonna be cry more once she something causes her to crack
•One good way to get her to stop is by holding her and letting her sob into your clothes. Don’t mind the snot either
•I am fairly sure people didn’t cosplay back in the Taisho Era, but Tengen will provide you with the flashiest clothes to work with
•Makio’ll do her best not to accidentally rip your artwork while practicing her kunai throws, but i can’t guarantee that it won’t happen once or twice though
•She feels extremely guilty when she accidentally ruins them, and she’ll go out of her way to buy you new and expensive art supplies as an apology and she might even begrudgingly try and help fixing it
•Is it surprising if i mention they’re overprotective? Anyone throws one insult their way and their body will never be found
•But then they notice you being perfectly capable of handling yourself and they loosen up slightly. Slightly.
•Hinatsuru is the one who cooks best out of them, and she will stuff you with food everyday, she takes notes of which foods you like and which ones you don’t
•Tengen teases you about your height a lot, he’ll just use you as an armrest to further emphasize your height difference and sometimes take to just- throwing you in the air and catching you
•They adore it when you give them candies, sometimes they keep it for later so that they have something to snack on. The taste matters little to them because it taste good no matter what as you’re the one who’s given them the little treats
•It’s a good thing you like children..Tengen likes a big family…..
•But anyways if you guys have kids, whether biological or adoptive, those kids are gonna be the luckiest
•Seeing you comfort children and just having a grand time with them is so heartwarming for these four, Suma starts crying, Tengen is grinning and Makio is subtly blushing and Hinatsuru is just smiling contently
•Your love of potatoes remind Tengen of Kyojuro and he sometimes asks him for the best potato recipes to satisfy you because Kyojuro is a connoisseur of potatoes.
•Hinatsuru and you have a fun time coming up with recipes for your family, it’s a moment of domestic bliss for you both to bake together
•Suma and you both love cats and Tengen could not say no to getting one, not with the look you’re both giving him
•He’s such a simp- though his wives are too.
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youngshiney · 1 year
saw an interesting article about how bang pd thinks that kpop might be slowing down and an comments/insiders disagreeing. i actually think hes right tho, not necessarily that its slowing down but i think kpop as an industry is in a bubble irt worldwide attention/expansion and its going to pop at some point
point one: album sales. someone said groups are selling millions every comeback which is a true fact. however we know that a majority of those albums end up on the streets, "donated", or end up being thrown away once the inclusions are taken out. the sales are massively and artificially inflated, and thats not sustainable in the long run. at some point consumers will not be able to continue spending that amount of money every comeback.
point two: massive debuts and lots of debuts per year. while there's no shortage of groups that are releasing music every year, how many are actually memorable? is there that much of a distinction between each group that would allow them to grow and remain in the industry for a long while? and musically, what is the draw to these new groups? a distinct sound, incredible talent? and while debuts are becoming more massive every year, does that translate into long term fan retention and promotablity? its great if a group gets millions of views and sales for their debut but what about two years from then? three? if everyone come for the debut and the spectacle of it but doesnt stick around, then how much longer would a group succeed?
point three: resources. theres a huge distinction between the big companies and the small to mid size companies. the big companies have the money and resources to keep funding groups regardless of sales and views and retention, whereas smaller companies most likely dont. that then leads to a disparity between the groups of those companies.
point four: worldwide impact. pd bang also said that kpop is not as hot in the market as we expect, and honestly i think its a bit true. the only kpop song ive ever heard on mainstream radio was jimin's solo debut. jennie's minor role was the first time i saw an idol acting in the us who was marketed as a kpop idol specifically. (this isnt counting the work people like Rain and god's Joon who were in hollywood when i was a kid). groups and idols are going on talkshows for promo but has it translated to gp knowledge at all? and thats only considering the us where theres a massive push in marketing and promotion. outside of that, has kpop actually made a significant impact to markets or are we seeing a very vocal subgroup of consumers? this is excluding places like China, Japan, and a lot of South East Asia where kpop has always had a significant impact on the music and entertainment market.
and it could be that im missing a lot of data and details bc these are just general thoughts from my observations of both my surroundings and what i see/hear online. but honestly, i do think hes right to an extent and i fully believe kpop is a bubble that will pop sooner rather than later
0 notes
panandinpain0 · 2 years
Hi could you do a fluff/Angst headcanon of dating Will x Male reader???
Of course! I love Will so much.
Requested by: Anon
Will Byers x Male!Reader (Hopper is the father figure to Reader, but not like Eleven- he's just the only parental role you have in your life)
Something to know about me- I hate being sad so I avoid angst if I can. Which is one of the reasons why I am terrified for tonight when vol. 2 comes out...
For that reason- this oneshot is set in season 3, I need some nostalgia before I get hit with this
Enjoy while we still can 🥲
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You and Will had been going out for a couple of months now and you were both incredibly happy
Your loved ones supported you
Strangers didn't, but why did they matter?
Honestly everyone just wanted the two of you safe and happy.
That's why when you go on dates Hopper trails along.
He thinks you don't notice, but you do
Ever since you had gotten together Joyce had voiced her concern for you two to Hopper
So he decided to keep an eye on you
(Let's be honest, he was going to do it whether Joyce said something or not)
You were basically his son- and even if you weren't, he still felt responsible for you
And if anyone laid a hand on you, man, watch out
So when you came to visit the Byers' house after school to meet with Will while Hopper was over
And you were covered with bruises and cuts
Blood, sweat, and tears caused by something other than "hard work"
You should have seen Hopper's face.
It was redder than when he yelled at Eleven to keep the door 3 inches open when Mike was over
You had knocked, even though you didn't need to.
You had a key, Joyce had given one to you years ago
Walking into the kitchen you could see Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan, and Will sitting at the table
Joyce and Will had jumped up when they saw you
And offered you a seat at the table
Which you took
They all shouted questions at you while Joyce patched you up
"It was nothing," you say
"Just some kid."
"'Just some kid?'" Hopper would shout back.
He and Jonathan would threaten to find the kid and beat him to a pulp
But the three of you would convince them not too
"I'm fine, really."
And you were
Fine- that is
You would take anything as long as it meant being with Will
Other than those parts of your relationship everything else would be bliss
Watching movies (Jonathan joining sometime, man that guy seems a little lonely)
Drawing together
Trying to draw each other and then laughing at the drawings
Joyce teaching you how to cook
Hanging out as a couple with him and his group of friends
You'd team up and convince them all to play DnD just like you used to
They would have your back.
If anything happened, you knew you wouldn't be alone
Because they were your family
Your favorite moments were the quiet ones, alone with Will
Holding his hand as you laid on his bed in the afternoon, cuddling
The window open and the hot air and sun filtering in
You would look into his eyes for hours
Running your fingers through his hair
Or watching him draw
Or listening to music together
Then everything happened.
The Mall fiasco
...The Mind Flayer
Joyce thought it was best for them to move.
You were torn in part, both you and Will
It wasn't like Joyce liked seeing it, but she needed to leave
To get away
So as you joined lips with Will for what seemed to be the last time you realized something
You would rather be with Will, than anywhere else.
Yes, Hawkins was your home physically
But your real home?
Will Byers.
You move to Cali with the Byers + Eleven! Yayyyyy!
I was really debating on whether to make you and Eleven siblings but I ship Jopper and it'd be weird if Joyce and Hopper were a thing while you and Will were a thing- you get it.
Who else is petrified for tonight?
Heh... yayyyy
-Author Max <3
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saikkuart · 3 years
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After over a year, my project of drawing every super Syndrome killed in The Incredibles continues! I’m designing what they’d look like out of their costumes during the Golden Age and 15 years later (or whenever it was when they died). I’m using the small b&w portraits of the heroes and the Lego game models as a base.
This second set consists of all of those who fought Omnidroid v.X2: Phylange, Blazestone and Downburst (who destroyed it) and Hypershock who fought and destroyed v.X3.
I’ll be mixing canon and headcanon under the cut.
Phylange (around ages 32-47) was an opera singer in his everyday life. As a super he was never really embraced by the public or his colleagues because of his abrasive and selfish nature. He was part of the superhero group Thrilling Three with Apogee and Dynaguy, who was replaced by Gazerbeam after his death. Him and Phylange didn’t mix well together so he left the group after a while and the whole group was disbanded soon after. Because of all the drama he was just kind of relieved after the Relocation Program went in effect and he could just focus on his opera singing career without a costant fear of laryngitis. It took a lot of specific kind of persuading for him to fall into Syndrome’s trap.
Blazestone (around ages 25-40) was a petty criminal until the National Supers Agency recruited her and put her under their strict supervision. Her independent, hot-headed and unpredictable nature didn’t make it easy for them. To keep her in line she was paired with Universal Man, forming the Beta Force. These two didn’t get along however and she ended up defecting from the NSA and going back to her criminal ways. She was just laughing at other supers when she heard about the Relocation Program and kept utilising her powers in her criminal escapades. She was almost impossible to track down due to her moving around a lot, being in prisons and changing identities but because of one slip up of hers Syndrome could finally reach her almost by accident. Trapping her with the Omnidroid still wasn’t easy. (Note: I’m aware that her canon suit colour is supposedly blue but you’ll never convice me about it.)
Downburst (around ages 30-45) worked in a doctor’s office as a medical assistant where he was able to utilize his ability of healing small wounds. He was tired of the job though and wanted to do something “sexier” so he quit and became a full-time superhero. The NSA helped him develop his abilities even further. He was romantically interested in Blazestone and was one of the key figures bringing her to justice after her defection. He was finally getting recognition in the community and had made great progress with his abilities when the Relocation Program hit. He still wanted to help people though so he went and studied to become a doctor and felt his job was fulfilling. His love for superhero work (or Blazestone for that matter) never went anywhere so he was pretty easy to trap by using the disappearance of Blazestone as a bait. He managed to destroy v.X2 and the thrill of hero work made him to come back to meet his end with v.X3.
Hypershock (around ages 28-43) was a bad tempered young man with a drinking problem. It often required lots of praise to get to his good side and to make him to do anything. He was one of the most powerful supers around and he made sure no-one ever forgot it. It was common to see him either drunk or hangover in either of his jobs, the other being construction work. He didn’t take the news of the Relocation Program well and he ended up losing both of his jobs due to going into an angry binge. His life afterwards was ups and downs and him fighting his alcoholism. He had a stable job and had been sober for a while when he was called to do some hero work. Interested if he still had it in him after all these tumultuous years he answered the call and managed to destroy v.X3 without much effort. Blinded by his overconfidence he was rather easily killed by v.X4.
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
My Oh My
A little bit older, a black leather jacket. A bad reputation, insatiable habits.
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Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, oral (female receiving), HEAVY breeding kink, dirty talk, knotting, mating, beta in heat, blood
Word Count: 2132
Author’s Notes: I am sorry that I am such a whore. This is disgustingly filthy.
“Y/N?” Bucky has one hand on the steering wheel of the Jeep Wrangler, the other gripping his cellphone against his ear. He was headed back towards the ‘Pack Dwelling’, as some would call it, representing the large house in the middle of the woods that his pack all lived in. Bucky had been out meeting with the Stark Pack, a pack of ten located about two hours away from their property.
It was mating season, and having been more ESTABLISHED than the Stark Pack when it came to that time of the year, their alpha Tony had asked to meet up and give advice to his group of betas. Tony himself had been through MANY mating seasons with his mate Pepper, but his pack of betas were fairly young and hadn’t experienced anything related to the first heat. Tony and Bucky explained the process to the males, bringing in the females after with Pepper in tow to help explain to them how their heat would affect them. After staying for a late lunch Bucky finally said his goodbyes, thirty minutes from home when y/n called.
“Buck…” She whined on the other end, the alpha sitting up straighter in his seat. He KNEW what was going on from the sound of her voice, a deep growl leaving his chest. This was it, this was HER first heat. His foot instinctively pressed harder on the gas, a wild look of excitement spreading across his face.
Y/N and Bucky had been together for about three months now, and the moment his cerulean hues locked on her he KNEW she was his. She had been a member of the Romanoff Pack originally, but had lost their alpha in battle. The new alpha that had taken over was cold-blooded, had a thirst for human hunting, something SHE and half of her pack did not agree with. One night, while everyone was asleep, they made their escape, becoming omegas for a few months before stumbling upon Bucky and his pack in town. The rest was HISTORY.
“I know, doll. I promise I’m hurrying.” He was going at least twenty ABOVE the speed limit at this point, not giving a fuck as he traveled on the backroads of town. No cops ever traveled this far back, and there hadn’t been another vehicle on the road for at least ten minutes. “Are you alone?” He questioned, his cock stirring in his dark denim jeans.
“Yes, Peggy also went into heat about the same time as I did today, Steve has been taking care of her in their room. But the new betas, the ones without MATES, they can smell me. They’ve been trying to get in the room but I threatened to rip off their heads if they did.” She KNEW Bucky was pissed, a darker growl wafting through the phone speaker, hearing the sound of the Jeep speeding up.
“They KNOW better.” He snapped, hearing her hold the phone away from her ear as she screamed at the betas who continued to claw at the door. “They should know you belong to ME, you have the mark to prove it, don’t know why they think they can touch their ALPHA’S property.”
Bucky’s words make the wetness between her legs worse, her panties already soaked in her denim shorts. “You can deal with them when you get here. But I really need you to hurry, Buck. I’m SO hot right now.” It felt like her body was on fire, her hips bucking against the pillow on the bed to create stimulation to her clit.
“I’ll be there in FIVE. Then I’ll show those dogs who you BELONG to.”
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Bucky barely gets the Jeep in park out in front of their rustic estate, ripping his seatbelt off and slamming the door, the muscles in his arms bulging TAUT against his favorite black leather jacket. The door smacks against the wall as he enters, making the female betas watching a movie on the couch jump.
“Where are they?” He questioned through gritted teeth, pulling his leather jacket off and dropping it to the floor carelessly. One of the betas points in the direction of y/n and Bucky’s master bedroom, his footsteps getting louder as he strides against the hardwood floor.
“BOYS!” His voice is booming, the low growl settling in his chest. The three young betas clawing at the bedroom door stop, turning to look at Bucky with fear in their eyes. “What the FUCK do you think you’re doing?”
One of the boys looks back at the others, visibly shaking. “W-We’re sorry, alpha. Y/N just smells so GOOD. We can’t help it, we don’t have anyone.” Bucky moves to stand directly in front of them, gesturing to the door which displayed THICK scratch marks now.
“You want her that bad, huh?” He snaps his teeth at them, making them flinch. “Get out of my FACE before I rip your throats out with my TEETH.” The boys scramble, knocking into each other as they sprint down the hall and into the kitchen.
Bucky turns his attention back to the door, jiggling the locked handle a few times before he hears it unlock, pushing it open. Of course the SCENT of her arousal wafted a mile down the road, the stench only getting stronger as he walked closer and closer to the bedroom. His eyes take in the site of his mate, his cock hard as a rock now in his jeans.
She had discarded her shorts and tank top by now, the heat overtaking her, NEEDING to be free. Her drenched panties still clung to her hips, her breasts completely exposed. She looked DAZED, like she was trying to see through a fog, her mouth open and panting for cool air.
Bucky kicks the door shut behind him, walking up to y/n and kissing her deeply, his hands running through her hair. She melts against his lips and his body, feeling him press his tightened jeans against her, a moan leaving her lips when she could FEEL how hard he was already for her. She’s panting again loudly when he breaks the kiss, his hands roaming over the beads of sweat along her back, caressing her body and placing kisses down her jawline. He gently walks them backwards until they fall onto the bed, all of Bucky’s weight pinning her down.
“Buck! I need you, I’m literally on FIRE.” She croaked out, her hands going up into his long locks and tugging. A deep growl emits from his throat again, his teeth scraping against the darkened mating mark on her skin, drawing a few droplets of blood. He’s licking and sniffing all over her neck and collarbones, snaking his body down hers as he scents her, marking him as HIS. This would keep the betas away for sure, her scent covered with HIM.
Bucky watches as y/n arches her back into him as his lips latch onto her breast, sucking for a moment before moving to the other. His lips trailed down her abdomen, stopping to place wet kisses just above her pantyline. “Gotta taste you first, you smell so DELICIOUS.” He teased, a sharp fingernail slicing easily through the thin fabric of her panties. He pulls the shredded bits away, admiring her folds as they glistened with her honey.
Bucky wastes no time, lapping against the juices on the outer folds before diving inward, his beard scratching PERFECTLY against her skin. Soft moans are falling from her lips, her fingers still toying in his hair, hips bucking into his face to take MORE. It isn’t long before she cums, sending sweet liquid to his tongue.
“H-holy shit.” Her eyes close in pleasure, Bucky slurping up all of the liquid she gave him before he pulls back with a smile. “Doll, you taste even SWEETER than usual.” He gets off of her to remove each article of clothing he still had on, kicking his shoes in with the pile, his cock slapping against his stomach as it became free from the fabric binding him in.
He steps forward towards the bed again, tugging on one of her ankles to pull her so her ass is RIGHT up against the edge of the bed, her legs instinctively flexing open at her sides. “Want to take you like this first, fuck you slow on my cock, see your face when I first press into that needy cunt of yours.”
Y/N whimpers on the bed, her flingers moving to tug at her pink nipples. “Please, Buck, NEED to feel you now. I promise I’ll be GOOD.” Bucky settles against her slit, the tip of his cock red and angry, a light sheen of pre-cum leaking out. He lines himself up, one of his hands gripping her hip as he pushes in. His eyes focus on her face, watching it contort with pleasure at being filled finally. His cock was long and girthy, y/n’s cunt swallowing him in until he couldn’t push in any further. 
He barely moves backward before she cums again, tears falling to her cheeks from how incredible it felt. “Baby please move, need MORE of you.” Her nipples are hard from the way she pinched at them, one of her hands moving down so her fingers can press against her clit. Bucky’s hips move back so he’s halfway out of her before plunging back in again, bottoming out. He can HEAR how wet she is as he picks up his pace, a rumble stirring in his chest.
“Doll, you feel so good, so wet for me. Look at you, milking my cock for more.” He fucks her like that for a few minutes before pulling out, y/n whimpering at how EMPTY she felt. “Get on your hands and knees, ass up.” She does as she’s told, rolling over onto her knees and sticking her ass up high. Bucky SHOVES his cock back in, going deeper in this position than he had been before. His rough hands grab onto her hips, his nails digging into her skin as he fucks into her animalistically.
“So fucking good, look so BEAUTIFUL on your alpha’s cock.” Her walls tighten as she cums a third time, mumbling nonsense, a lazy smile spreading on her face. Bucky chuckles, one of his hands moving into her hair, tugging her flush up against him. He tilts her face so he can see her, her eyes fighting the urge to close. “Look at you, going fucking STUPID on your alpha’s cock. Can’t even stop yourself from coming, like the whore in heat that you are.”
She’s drooling a bit, letting him fuck her senseless. “Yes alpha. I’m a whore in heat, only for YOU.” He can feel his orgasm building, a guttural groan escaping his throat.
“Gonna cum in that sweet cunt, fuck you down onto my KNOT to fill you full.” The hand on her hip snakes around to rub over her stomach, his hips snapping against her harder. “You’ll look so good all SWOLLEN with my pups, gonna keep you full of my cum always, make you my breeding whore.” Y/N loses it again, submitting as she cums one last time, the hand Bucky had in her hair moving forward to grip her throat, touching along their mate mark.
“You like the thought of that, huh? You came just from THINKING about me using you as my breeding whore. Maybe when you’re heavy with my pups I’ll bring you out into the living room and make the beta boys WATCH as I fuck you, let them watch what a whore you are for me. Let them know who you belong to as I fuck you stupid.” She’s whimpering at how good all of it sounds, swallowing as best she could with his hand around her throat.
“Y-yes alpha, PLEASE, want you to do all of that. Want you to breed me, tie us together with your KNOT, want to be your breeding whore.” Her words are all it takes before his knot builds inside of her, tying them together as she wanted, ropes of cum spurting deep inside of her, breeding her full. Her stomach BULGES from all of the cum that’s pumped inside her, wincing at the sting of the knot as it locked her into place. Bucky releases his hand from her throat, her body heaving forward and collapsing on the bed, his own body resting atop hers.
He places gentle kisses to her shoulder, nuzzling against her. “Did so GOOD, doll. Can’t wait till we have a little family of our own.” She smiles, her breathing finally steadying and the fire on her body dissipating a bit.
“A little family of potential alphas to take their daddy’s place someday. I like the sound of THAT.”
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zodiakuroo · 4 years
Love Thy Brother
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Pairing: Dabi x Fem!Reader
Content: 18+ dubcon/noncon, dabi’s canononical dick piercings  manhandling, rough sex, corruption, degradation, humiliation, manipulation, blackmail, spit, stepcest, loss of virginity, dacryphilia, mentioned breeding, blasphemy and sacrilege : 3
Word count: 4.1k
Notes: secured my spot in hell with this one for sure anyways touya-nii go brrrrr
part 2 here!
But he that hates his brother is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and knows not whither he goes, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. – 1 John 2:11
Gaining 4 new siblings as a young adult is not something anyone expects, you think, but you’re grateful to have been accepted into Enji Todoroki’s family nonetheless.
Fuyumi was the big sister you always wanted, kind and nurturing, always happy to let you borrow her clothes and give you advice. You and Natsuo the closest in age.  He was warm and friendly and while he teased you a lot it was never mean spirited, just the kind that was typical between siblings. Shoto was quiet in nature and though it took him more time than the rest to warm up to you, eventually you two became friends as well.
And there was Touya…..
Well, Dabi as he prefers to be called.
When you first met him, you were terrified, the shock of seeing him made you hide behind your mother instinctively.  The Todoroki clan looked every bit the perfect suburban family except for Dabi. He had his hair dyed jet black, with seemingly more tattoos than clean skin. He had several cartilage piercings in his ears as well as three small studs in his nostril and a barbell through his eyebrow.  He scoffed at your scared reaction, sticking out his tongue to show you the silver ball on its surface and sending a wink your way.
Admittedly, felt guilty for judging Dabi based on his appearance, but you would soon come to find that sometimes it’s better to trust your judgement.
At first, Dabi ignored you, acted as if you didn’t exist. And the times when he was forced to acknowledge your presence in his family he acted as though you were nothing more than a nuisance. You thought that you might have offended him somehow but Fuyumi assured you that Dabi was just like that and that you shouldn’t take it personally. “He just needs to get to know you.” She said.
She was wrong though. Dabi couldn’t stand you.
Everything about you infuriates him. Prancing around in those frumpy sweaters and modest skirts like anyone would bother to lewd you anyways. Lest they attempt, you wear that gold cross necklace everywhere you like a big old “PROPERTY OF JESUS” tag. Your insistence to say a prayer every time the family dog so much as farts. The way his entire family seems to be enamored by your church girl act. Perhaps what he hates most is the way you look at him, poor delinquent Dabi, like you’re so much better than him. Sanctimonious bitch.
Then he noticed how you were with Natsuo. How you would pout and whine when he teased you and sometimes, to everyone’s shock and amusement, banter back and forth with him. Let’s be clear here, he didn’t care about you. He cared about attention. You were giving too much of your attention to his younger brother and that just wouldn’t do.
Pretty soon, Touya was in on the teasing. He started out by making fun of you for being so conservative. Low-hanging fruit. You’ve heard it all before so it didn’t wrench much of a reaction for you but that just made him more determined. Sometimes it got downright mean, earning him a scolding from Fuyumi. Not that he would listen anyways
Then it got physical. It started innocently enough, Dabi would tug on your hair, snatch food out of your hands, kick you underneath the dinner table. Albeit childish, it was incredibly annoying. You would shriek and yell for him to cut it out and after finally getting the desired reaction from you, he became hungry for more.
So he started taking more risks. When you were in the kitchen alone Dabi would brush his hand under your skirt making you squeal. That progressed to him flicking up your skirt to catch a glimpse of your panties which progressed to him spanking you so hard, you’d think of him every time you sat down for the rest of the day.
On the days when he was in a good mood (read: stoned out of his mind), he would pull you into his lap and hold you there, blowing smoke in your face that made you cough so that he could laugh. Sometimes he would let his hands wander, over your chest and between your thighs while you squirm in his hold. He’d say “Anyone ever touch you like this? I hope not, I’m sure it would piss off Jesus”
As if the touching wasn’t invasive enough, Dabi felt he was entitled to your room and personal artifacts. Often you’d come back from campus or church to find the contents of your underwear drawer spilled on the floor. You would notice a pair or two missing when you packed them back.
One time he vandalised your bible with drawings of penises on every single page.
“D’ya like my artwork princess?” he said when you confronted him. In a fit of rage, threw the book at his head. You missed (unfortunately) making him like laugh. “Surely there’s something condemning violence in that book of yours.”
You tried locking him out of your room but all that did was make him angrier. He threated to break your door clean off its hinges if you did it again.
Which brings you to your current predicament.
It had been a long day. You woke up late landing you in trouble with your manager. Your coworker fell ill and you had to cover a double shift, with no shortage of asshole customers on this particular day it seems. On top of all that, you just got stood up for date. You come home to a quiet house and you’re so grateful for this small blessing on a day like this. After a long, scalding hot shower, you lie on your bed wrapped in a fluffy, white towel, contemplating your next move.
You were home alone and with a family this big that hardly ever happens. You do what any person would do after having the day you had.
You smile to yourself, undoing the knot on your towel and falling back onto your pillows, hands already caressing your breasts.
You’re a Christian not a robot. Of course you masturbate. Sure you feel ashamed. You can hear your mother’s voice chide about how sinful it is but that all melts away when your little fingers slide between your wet folds. Shame can wait.
Being the menace in your life that he is, the eldest Todoroki chose that exact moment to barge into your room unannounced.
You scramble for your covers trying your best to preserve some modesty but it’s too late, you’ve been caught. You shriek in terror.
“Oh my god!” Dabi practically cackles.
“Dabi! It’s not what it looks like I swear.”
“Oh really?” He stalks over to your bed with the predatory grin on his face. “Because to me it looks like my innocent, holier than though baby sister is a nasty, little, closet pervert.” He’s now straddling you over your covers, you want to fight him off but that would mean letting go over your duvet and you know once you do that, it’s over. Dabi has the upper hand though. Soon he’s got both of your wrists in one of his hands, pinned above your head. His other hand, almost immediately, is pulling the down the covers, revealing your naked torso to him. “Huh.’ He muses as he palms one of your breasts. “Seems like it’s exactly what it looks like.”
“Dabi! Get off me!” You squirm under him but he’s too heavy so it’s no use.
“Nice tits Sis.” Dabi ignores your protests. “I don’t get why you keep them hidden.”
“I’m not your sister you creep!” you say with as much venom as you can muster.
“Aw princess,” he pouts and moves his hand up to cup your jaw, squeezing your cheeks harshly “it hurts your Nii-san’s feelings when you talk to him like that. I wonder what our parents would think. Should I tell them how filthy their sweet, little daughter really is?”
He revels in the fear in your eyes. You shake your head frantically. “No Dabi please! Please don’t tell them.” You whimper, words garbled.
“Don’t tell them what little sister? What were you doing?” He smirks. His hand goes back to your breast, this time to tweak your nipple.
The sadistic freak. Was he really going to make you say it? He answers your silent question with a sharp smack to your breast.
“I-I was masturbating.” You mumble, squeezing your eyes shut, cheeks burning from embarrassment.
“No, you weren’t”  he says as a matter of fact before pinching your already stiff nipple making your eyes shoot open and you yelp in pain. “You were playing with your little virgin cunt. Now say it.”
There is no way you could say those words. Has he not humiliated you enough? You try once again to break free but he’s got an iron grip on your wrists and he’s sitting on top of your thighs. There’s no way you’re getting out of this.
He pinches you again but harder this time, twisting your nipple and keeping it there.
“I was ah­ I was playing with my v-v-irgin c- Dabi! Cunt! There I said it! Let go!”
He snickers at your pain but let’s go of you entirely, shifting his weight off of you. You’re grateful for the reprieve, immediately pulling up the covers to cover up your body again. You will yourself not to cry until Dabi has left the room or else you’ll never hear the end of it. But he’s not finished with you yet.
“Show me.” He sits down on your desk chair facing you, his legs spread wide.
“What?” Surely you misheard him.
“Show your Nii-san how you play with that ‘little virgin cunt’” He smiles using air quotations.
“Dabi, this is wrong-“ you whimper
“Touya-nii.” You furrow your brows in confusion and he says again. “Call me Touya-nii. I’m not leaving this room until I see what I want.”
Say what you want about Dabi but he’s a man of his word. You know he means what he says. The last thing you want is for anyone in your family to come home and find you naked in your room with your step-brother. It’s just better to do what he asks demands.
You slowly peel the covers off you, exposing your naked body to your step brother. He’s eyeing you intently, palming the growing bulge under his jeans. His sister was hiding such a hot little body, right under his roof and he had no idea. You can’t bear to look at him. You clamp your thighs shut to hide your pussy from him, a weak attempt to save what’s left of your dignity. You wriggle your hand in between your legs and you try to move it as best you can without showing him more of you.
You’re wet?
You’re wet.
Well screw dignity I guess.
“Oh none of that.” Touya scoffs. “Spread your legs.”
You obey him and he rewards you with a low whistle. “What a cute little pussy.” He murmurs so low you’re not even sure he’s talking to you. You flinch, wanting to close your legs on instinct but a firm “Don’t” from Dabi stops you in your tracks. “Show me how my little sister likes to play.”
His words make your pussy throb but you’re still reeling, both physically and mentally at, the shock from your current position so when your fingers try to rub circles on your clit, they’re shaky and sloppy.
“That’s pathetic. Is this how you do it? No wonder you’re so uptight, you probably never cum huh? Put your fingers inside, I wanna see you stretch your little hole.”
“Dabi I-“
“I won’t ask you to address me properly again. Next time, you’re getting your ass beat.”
“T-Touya-nii. I’ve never… put them inside.” You mumble.
“Never?” He can’t hide the amusement in his voice.
You simply shake your head, unable to meet his gaze.
Fucking jackpot. He thinks.  This is why he loves virgins.
“Oh no. Does the poor baby want her Nii-san to show her how it’s done?” voice dripping with condescension.
You’re horribly ashamed. Disgusted by the whole situation. And yet you find yourself nodding.
Dabi crawls on to your bed, discarding his shirt in the process. Next thing he has you flipped over, ass in the air, lying across his lap.
He spanks you, hard. Like he always does, loud smack echoing through the room. You cry out like you always do but it’s different this time. It’s different because this time you’re naked, on top of him. It’s different because you can feel his hard-on poking into your stomach. It’s different because everything about the situation is making you clench.
He grips the sore, reddened flesh and pulls apart your cheeks to look right at your fluttering hole. His thumb finds your clit and he starts to rub slow circles into it. “I meant what said you know. This is the prettiest fucking cunt I’ve ever seen.” You let out a whine as you feel his warm, wet spit land right on your opening, before Touya slides a long, slender middle finger into your tight pussy. He uses his other hand to hit you again. “You’re a good girl right? What do good girl’s say when they get compliments?”
Your head is spinning from his ministrations, so much so that a verbal response escapes you. You’re too busy bucking your hips against his hand. Dabi snaps you out of your trance with another spank, even harder, so your feel the sting spread across your glute. “Hnnghh… thank you Touya-nii.” He rewards you with his ring finger finding its way inside you as well. “Shit.” You say through gritted teeth. You clench around him trying to adjust to the foreign sensation.
Whack. This time on the other cheek, both burning red by now, you’re sure. “Where’d you learn to talk like that, naughty girl?” The way he’s moving his fingers inside you feels like he’s looking for something, you have no idea what. It’s not unpleasant but uncomfortable. You turn your head back to look at his face. It’s the same face he makes when he’s rolling a joint or playing video games with his friends. He’s concentrating. “Fuck, relax for me princess.” You’re trying. You’re really trying. You take a deep breath, trying to think about anything other than the way you’re being stretched.
Then it hits you. An overwhelming ecstasy, spreading from your groin, all the way down to your toes. You figure out that’s what he’s been looking for.
You find yourself grinding down onto his bulge in an attempt to escape the onslaught of his fingers, but it’s no use, not with the way his thumb is circling your throbbing clit.
“Can’t even take two fingers in this tiny pussy huh? How are you gonna take my cock?” Dabi gives you a third finger and the stretch is officially unbearable.
You can’t do anything but pant in his lap while he holds you down, making sure that you keep still. Suddenly, you realise the gravity of the circumstances you find yourself in. Your step brother is going to fuck you and there’s nothing you can do about it.
“God, please slow down!” You cry out. He keeps hitting that spot over and over. It’s too much. You look back at him with tears in your eyes, pleading for reprieve. The satisfied smile on his face lets you know that he couldn’t care less. You feel an orgasm building, stronger than any that you’ve given yourself.
“No God here, doll. Just the Almighty Dabi. And guess what? He wants you to come for him.”
Even before he finishes his sentence, you’re already convulsing on top of him. For a moment you forget how debauched the situation is. Being debased by a man who you not only despise but are related to. All feelings of shame are replaced by pure, hot bliss that sets your nerves on fire. Dabi does not relent. Not until the please you feel is eclipsed by the pain of oversensitivity and you’re writhing in futile attempt to escape.
Dabi pulls his fingers out of you and wraps his other hand around your neck, dragging you up to face him. He holds his fingers, covered in your cream, right in front of your face. “Messy slut. Clean them.”
Before you can respond the fingers press against your lips. You have no choice but to take them inside your mouth. He grips the back of your head while you lave your tongue over his fingers, sucking off your release. He’s keeps a tension on your strands that makes your scalp sting. It’s a silent warning to keep your eyes on him. You’ve caught on by now that he wants this to be as humiliating as possible for you. As if coming on your step-brother’s fingers weren’t humiliating enough. He shoves his fingers deeper, making you gag around them drool seeping from the corner of your mouth.
“Good girl.” He growls as he wipes his saliva covered fingers dry on your face. Again, you fight back the tears of embarrassment. You won’t give him the satisfaction.
Dabi prompts you with cruel tug on your hair. “Gah! Th-thank you Touya-nii.” You whimper.
“Hmm.” His hands move to your hips and he rolls his hips to grind his hard cock into your core. “You want Nii-san to fuck you now?”
Your bottom lip quivers. Is he giving you an out? You pray to God that Dabi is giving you a way out of this. You doubt God cares about what you want right now but still, you hope he can grant you this one mercy, you’ll make it up to him somehow. You shake your head no. You probably look so pitiful right now, naked on top of Touya while he bucks up against you, your own spit streaked across your face, barely stopping the tears in your eyes from spilling.
“Liar.” He sneers. “You want your big brother to split that virgin hole right open.”
You’re stupid for thinking he would give you a way out. You realise that now. No point in trying not to cry. Nothing is gonna stop him from getting what he wants anyway. You can’t hold back the choked sobs anymore
“Such pretty tears, baby.” Dabi coos at you. “Don’t worry. Nii-san is gonna give you exactly what you want.”
He picks you up off of him and positions you exactly how he wants, on all fours, swollen cunt exposed for him. He kneels behind you and you hear the sounds of him undoing his jeans. You turn your head back, curiosity getting the better of you. Your eyes find Dabi just in time to see him free himself from his boxers, which join his jeans bunched at is knees. The sight makes your eyes go wide. It’s your first time seeing one in real life. Were they supposed to be that big? And… pierced?
He quirks a brow at you, smug look plastered on his face. He strokes himself in front of you, spreading his pre-cum along his shaft. He’s tilts it upwards to make sure you get a good look at the vertical barbell that goes through his tip and three horizontal, parallel bars along the underside. “You look scared. Don’t worry princess, Big brother Dabi’s gonna make it fit.” You feel his tip press against your opening and brace yourself.
You’ve heard stories from your friends. You know the first time hurts but God nothing could have prepared you for this .Touya makes good on his word, sliding his entirely until your pressed right against his pelvis. The scream you let out is ear shattering but you can’t help it, the stretch is excruciating. The way his piercings catch on your walls only, intensifies the burn. You crawl toward your headboard instinctively, it’s too much. Way too much.
He’s not having any of it. Dabi pulls you up to him with a hand wrapped around your throat until your back meets his front. “Shh shh shh. Don’t run baby. You’re gonna take all of it.” He groans right against your ear. Without giving you time to adjust, he begins to thrust into you at a relentless pace. You have no choice but to let him use you.
“Who’s fucking you huh? Who’s making you feel good?”
“My nii-san. Touya-nii is fucking me so good.”
“Yeah fuck. Love this holy pussy” He delivers a harsh smack directly on to your clit, making you quiver in his hold. He laughs at your reaction. “Gonna say a prayer for me babe? I wanna hear it.”
“Huh?” You’re barely lucid, there’s no way you heard him correctly.
“Well you’re a little sinner slut now. You should probably ask for forgiveness. Pray.”
You’re sure you’re beyond salvation now but you submit nonetheless. “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love; according to Your great compassion.” You gasp as he tightens his hand around your throat. “Against You, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight. Oh fuck Touya-nii!”
“Bad girl.” Dabi gives you another strike right on your aching clit. “Don’t think God is gonna be very happy with you.” Dabi is though. Dabi’s very happy with you. Your tight, gummy pussy sucks him back in every time he pulls back. It just makes him fuck you harder, he wants to make you scream louder for him.
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Ngggghh Shit. Do not cast me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me.” You’re sobbing outright, gasping to get air into your constricted throat.
“You gonna cum? My bad girl gonna come for her big brother?” Dabi grunts into your ear.
“Yeah close Touya-nii.”
“Hmm me too.”
“NOT INSIDE TOUYA-NII” You begin to thrash in his arms.
“S’matter princess? Don’t wanna have your big brother’s babies? That’s hurtful.” He snickers. He releases your throat in favour of pressing you into the mattress, large hand resting between your shoulder blades. “Better cum before I do then.”
The ridges of his piercings rub up against that same sweet spot, over and over again. You’re dizzy from the lack of air and absolutely drunk with pleasure on his cock. Pretty much the only thing tethering you to this existence is the unforgiving grip he has on your ass, digging his nails into your flesh. He reaches his hand around to rub your sore, puffy clit. It pushes you over the edge a second time. You feel every muscle contract and relax as the waves of your orgasm wash over you, making you cry out in bliss.
As soon as you come down from your high, Dabi has you flipped on to your back and is straddling your torso. “Keep praying.” He mutters. He furrows his brows, huffing as he jerks off on top of you, eyes focused intently on your gold necklace.
“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. Then will I teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will turn back to You. Amen”
“Yeah, fuck that’s it take it baby.” Dabi sprays his come over your chest, aiming his load right on your cross, a symbol of your devotion to Christ, defiled. He looks absolutely euphoric watching the ropes of his hot cum slowly run down onto your nipples and down the valley of your breasts
“Don’t you fucking move.” He pants, catching his breath. He picks up his phone and you hear his camera click. He looks at the picture and smiles. You look absolutely fucked out. Hair disheveled, face red and bloated from crying and completely covered in his load. Yeah a real good, Christian girl. He thinks.
“Dabi! No!” You lunge forward, trying to grab his phone from his hand. Almost effortlessly, Touya shoves you back onto the bed.
“Relax. No one’s gonna see it. Not unless you snitch to mommy and daddy.”
“You promise?” You grab the tissues from your nightstand and wipe yourself clean. The smell lingers though, along with the grimy feeling, seemingly embedded in your skin. You look up at him, sniffling, tears still rolling down your cheeks. If he were better person, he’d take pity on you for being so fucking stupid.
“Promise, little sis.” He shoots you a wink as he tucks himself back into his jeans.
Before he’s left your room he’s already sent the picture to his friend, Shigaraki.
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wizkiddx · 3 years
this deleted itself but the req was for an ill reader who likes to try and carry on even if they feeling shit and tom noticing I think?!?
Summary:  you take start to feel a bit shit  at toms family barbecue and get caught out and taken care of
It should've be lovely, an evening in the rare but much appreciated British summer sun in Dom and Nikki’s garden. Everyone was there; all the Holland boys; both sets of Tom’s grandparents; Haz and his long time girlfriend Lucie. It was a reunion of sorts, although no one had been away working, you’d somehow all timed your individual holidays simultaneously. You and Tom to Australia; Sam and Harry to south-east Asia; Paddy, Dom and Nikki to Sweden. Having all returned in the space of a week, everyone was catching up, involving great British barbecues (which are always a little disappointing) and a fair amount of booze.
You were sat on the garden furniture with Tessa (Tom’s grandma), Nikki and Lucie. Very much a ‘girl power’ meeting if ever there was - which in a family full of boys was often needed just to keep the peace. Everything about the evening was lovely… except perhaps your body. God knows why, because you rarely got ill - having not had a day off work in two years. As much as you’d been trying to push away the slow creeping feeling for a couple of hours - it was now getting impossible to ignore. The slightly unsettled feeling in your stomach had you fidgeting in the wooden chair constantly, trying to ease it by shifting positions... to no avail.
“Y/n… Y/n?” Looking up to see three pairs of beady eyes trained on you, you faked a smile, looking over to Nikki who had been calling your name. “Tess was asking how long the flight back was?” “Oh sorry, was miles away!” You tried to cover, shifting once again, this time pressing a hand to your lower abdomen in the hope that’d distract you as you turned slightly to make eye contact with Tessa. “And I think 11 hours ish.” The girls all pulled a grimacing face in sympathy, to which you chuckled at. “No no honestly cos Tom spoiled me completely so we were in the fancy seats, I honestly was spark out of it the whole time!”
It was enough of a response for the girls to all nod, carrying on the conversation as you, now not the main focus, rubbed your pulsing temple with your other hand - in the hope to relieve some of the building pressure. Clearly, though, you weren’t a subtle as you thought - since Lucie got your attention by bumping your shoulder and leaning in closely. “Come to the loo with me?” It sounded like a question, though it very much wasn’t - the stern look in her eye enough to scare you into agreeing. With a word to Nikki and Tess, you both stood up and made your way to the inside, not stopping until you were locked into the thankfully spacious downstairs loo - the brunette eyeing you intently. “You look like shit.” “Thanks Luc, that’s exactly what I needed to hear right now.” You sighed, sitting on top of the closed lidded loo heavily. “What’s up?” Her tone was harsh and to the point, but secretly there was a look of worry in her eyes. She was one of your best mates but sometimes could also scare you shitless. “I think I’m just tired, it’s my stomach and my head, I’ll be fine.”
Lucie didn't really seem to believe you, but respected your stubbornness and after providing you with two paracetamol capsules from her bag, she let you off - both going back into the garden, where, by now Sam was plating up the slightly charred burgers.
Naturally, you’d sat next to Tom, who had pulled your chairs right next to each other - so that his leg was pressed up against yours, his arm pulled around your shoulder. That was just Tom, away from the prying eyes of the public and media, he really was an affectionate person. He just liked to feel you there. God knows how long you all sat in those same positions, but it was long enough for the sun to set. In fact, you most definitely weren’t the person to ask, because at some point, unbeknownst to you, you’d zoned out. Nobody had noticed, under the cover of the low sunset light, until Tom felt your head briefly fall against his shoulder before it shot up once again - your eyes blinking heavily.
He frowned at the sight, seeing you huddle your arms across your body, which was bizarre due to the unbelievable hot weather in London. Yes, it might have shifted into nighttime, but it was still at least 24 degrees. So as his Dad had the entire table captivated recounting some long and complex tale of his touring days, Tom took the opportunity to squeeze your shoulder - grabbing your attention.
“You alright love?” In response you just hummed, eyes shifting up to him after a little delay - similar to how your reflexes became stunted with alcohol, though Tom suddenly realised you’d barely had more than half the glass of beer he’d poured you when you’d both arrived. “ I’said are you okay?” “Yeh… yeh I’m fine.” You forced a small tight lipped smile, whilst Tom took his arm that was round his shoulder to rest on the crown of your head before slowly stroking down your hair. “Sure? You seem a little out of it?” He pushed, still in a whisper so as not to draw attention to the two of you. “Maybe just tired.” Flat out lying, you shifted back into the backrest of the chair a little more making his hand accidentally land on your forehead rather than your hairline. He didn't move it though, instead sitting and swivelling in his chair, pressing the other side of his hand to the skin as well. “You’re burning up Y/n/n” he spoke a little louder - eyes full of concern as he looked you up and down. “No I’m a bit cold if anythin-“
That was when Nikki, from across the other side of the table got involved. She’d obviously been silently observing the two of you, now feeling the need to send you both home. “Oh, we forgot dessert! Tom, Y/n would you mind helping me bring it out?” Thank god for Nikki, for finding a cover story and stopping everyone's eyes on you. Because for someone dating, three years deep, an A-lister - you hated any sort of attention, even from those closest to you. Especially sympathy, you had absolutely no time at all for that.
Leading you into the kitchen with his arm wrapped tightly around your waist, Tom waited till the door was shut before turning to you.- claiming you were boiling and looked not so great. “I’m just a bit cold if I can borrow one of sam’s jumpers then-“ “Love, please go home.” Nikki interrupted as she wormed past Tom to put her own hand on your forehead too. “You’ve got the chills and you’ve not been normal all day. Am I right or am I right?” She was the worst to argue against. That was completely due to the fact she was always right. With a defeated nod from you, she clicked her tongue, pushing you to sit down on one of the barstools. “Tom go get a jumper from Sam’s room and order a taxi, I would drive but we’ve all been drinking.” “I can just go back by myself T, you don’t get to see your grandparents a lot and -“ “I love you but please please shut up.” Having rounded the back of your chair he pressed his lips to your temples as confirmation before scurrying off to the back of the house.
“You know he doesn’t mind at all? My son never was at my beckon call like he is with you.” There was a little smile teasing the corner of her lips as Nikki placed a glass of water in front of you, as though instructing you to take small sips. “I just feel bad, he’s always telling me how he regrets not spending more time with all of you and… well I’ve had him to myself for the fortnight in South Africa.” “Your just as much a part of the family as me or his grandparents are okay? Now when you get home..”
Nikki switched the tone to then list off all manners of ways that you needed to look after yourself once back, which she then repeated as soon as Tom returned with a black hoodie that you gratefully pulled over your head.
By the time you got home, you were feeling so incredibly shit you weren’t even considering keeping up your brave face. Tom had wordlessly led you up the path to your shared home, unlocking the door and telling you to go straight to bed.
Perhaps he was so concerned because in the whole three years together he’d never ever seen you ill. Yes, the odd headache or whatever, as well as the occasional morning after the night before when you’d opted for a ‘tactical chunder’ to try and protect your modesty. But other than that, you were always the one being sympathetic to him. When he was tired, both emotionally and mentally from work; when he hurt his knee and was on forced bed rest for a couple of days ( which turns out to be the hardest time for you too, dealing with the whiny and fidgety boy man).
He came up a couple of minutes later, by which point you’d already pulled joggers on and wrapped yourself as tightly in the duvet as physically possible. If felt so bloody cold your teeth were actually chattering as you curled up into the smallest ball possible. In his hands was a small tray, carrying a steaming mug; a collection of all the different pill packets you kept in the medicine cabinet (as Tom himself had no idea which one was right so decided to use them all); a hot water bottle and what looked like a damp towel, all scrunched up.
No matter how shitty you felt you had a smile at how sweet and doting Tom was being... and as much as you hated the sympathy - if it was always given by a ripped and beautiful brunette with the sharpest jawline you’d ever seen… well just maybe you could get used to it. After snatching the hotwater bottle up immediately, then letting Tom fuss over you in every which way he wanted you gave in, losing the ability to entertain his puppy energy.
“Can we just go to sleep please?” You whined, which Tom nodded to - quickly getting changed and ready before joining you in bed.
As soon as he felt the way the bed was practically vibrating with the chills you were suffering from, he pulled you up into his chest. Now you had both your own personal heater and a hot water bottle to try and warm you up. “You wake me up if you need anything kay?”
Pressing a kiss into the crown of your head, which was nestled between his shoulder and neck. “Promise me ‘kay?” Him needing the reinforcement caused you to arch back up, looking deep into his brown eyes with the warm glow of his bedside table lamp. “You’re too good to me Tommy.” He tutted at that, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek.
“Oh no” He whispered exclaimed, making you immediately ask him what in response. “I think this fever is making you go all delusional love.” You quirked your head, causing him to continue with a cheeky grin. “Well for one, nothing would be too good for you darling and two…. When the hell have you ever called me ‘Tommy’” With him chuckling at his own joke, you rolled your eyes at his cheekiness, firmly planting your head back on his shoulder as if to shut him up. “Alright, I’ll let you off just this once cos your all feverish… get some sleep love.” “Thankyou Tommy.” “Shh love.”
And that’s how you fell asleep, finally finding a bit of warmth in Tom’s arms.
Safe to say he very much didn’t sleep so well. Yes, you felt cold - but Tom was bloody boiling. Still he didn't move because if you were comfortable, his discomfort didn’t matter. It was also a physical impossibility for him to relax until he felt (yes, technically not the most scientific way) your fever coming down. Every five minutes or so he’d gently press the back of his hand to your forehead. This boy was so whipped for you... but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
~~~feedback is really really appreciated~~~~
taglist for tom: @lovehollandy12 @hollandlover19 @thefernandasantana @hunnybunimdun @hallecarey1@cedricdiggorysimpp @msmimimerton @hollandfanficlove @pandaxnienke @crossyourpeter @thegirlwiththeimpala @tom-softie @sunwardsss @spiitfiiires @radcloudenthusiast @ladykxxx08 @prancerrparkerr @wildxwidow @Elishi03 @arctic-monkcys @Ownbauer13 @tomhollandlol @marvelsbitch8
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the-hidden-pages · 3 years
Let Me Worship You: Part 1 - Zemo x Fem!Reader
The fact that this man is the one who dragged me out of my refusing-to-write-fanfiction grave and let me post old work while working on new stuff is...Impressive. Damn you Daniel Bruhl.
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Synopsis: With all the horrible things you had heard of Baron Helmut Zemo, you hadn't anticipated just how badly he wished to win you over. To a further extent, you certainly hadn't anticipated how tempting it would be to give in.
No bad NSFW this chapter - this is the lead up to the main course.
You were not an Avenger.
Unsurprising, really, given what you perceived to be your lack of talent and marketable super-heroine prowess, and so when Bucky called you up asking for a favour, you were pleasantly surprised.
You had only met Bucky on the rare occasion he let you help him, often expressing that he viewed you as a worrywart, a particularly bad day of his leading to him accusing you of trying to be his mother. He later apologized, hearing your explanation that you wanted to help in any way you could, and since you didn't have a superhero serum or fancy suit or arm, you relied on what you could - your mind and your giving nature.
He must have remembered this conversation, because he brought you with him and Sam to what appeared to be an underground parking garage.
"What're you talking about, you wanna break Zemo out of jail? Where the hell are we Buck? Have you lost your mind?!" Sam was raving as you followed behind the two men, silent as you stew over what Bucky had told you.
Babysitting duty.
You were effectively on glorified babysitting duty of an incredibly dangerous criminal.
"James..." you hesitated when he discussed this with you, how could you not? "I don't know how useful I'll be here."
"Very," he countered, his voice dull while his eyes were pleading. "Sam’s an Avenger, I have the serum. But you, you're just a person. Zemo will be less likely to hurt and immediately betray you because of that fact alone."
"He's killed people who've been in his way before. Normal people."
"He won't kill you. I'll make sure of that."
A heavy sigh escapes you as Sam and Bucky continue to bicker about the logistics of breaking Zemo out.
"I don't like how casual you're being about this, it's unnatural - and - where are we man?"
"I wouldn't mind an answer to that too," you supply, but any answer is interrupted by the sound of a door unlocking.
The three of you turn to approaching footsteps, and find no one other than Helmut Zemo striding towards you, dressed in a prison guard's uniform.
Sam responds immediately, arguing to throw him back in jail, while Bucky tries to calm him down. But you can't help but stare at the man before you as he removes the cap on his head, arms raised in an attempt to calm the men down.
"If I may" his voice rasped, but he was stopped short by Sam and Bucky in unison.
Zemo nodded, looking away almost sheepishly. "Apologies," came the quiet response.
If it were any other situation, you would have laughed - those two had the dynamics of a married couple and they couldn't stand each other. And for them to completely shut down the killer in front of them was...incredibly funny.
But you had a job to do.
As the boys continued to bicker, you took slow steps forward towards the man now looking you up and down, trying to place your part in all of this.
"Don't mind them," you spoke quietly, not wanting to distract Sam and Bucky, but still intending to speak with the criminal. "They're having some troubles in paradise. You must be Zemo."
His eyes take you in, a small smirk beginning to form. "So I must. May I have the pleasure of your name, Liebling?"
You offer your name hesitantly, and he repeats it back to you, as though he were sampling what it might taste like.
"Beautiful name, thank you." He turns to face the two men still arguing, not noticing your introductions. "I really think I'm invaluable..."
"Shut up..." Sam warned, before turning back to Bucky, looking between him and you.
You nod reassuringly to him - this is necessary, if the super soldiers are to be dealt with.
A sharp sigh leaves Sam. "Okay. If we do this, you don't make a move without our permission. And she is watching you every step of the way."
Bucky interjects. "And if anything happens to her, you're going to wish we left you in that cell."
Zemo nods, looking to you once again. "Fair."
You tilt your head slightly, unable to read his eyes as they examine you. You brush it off, chalking it up to him appreciating not being thrown back into a cell immediately. "Okay Zemo. Where do we start?"
Zemo wasn't sure of what to make of you, he realized as you were on the jet to Riga.
You weren't an Avenger, you weren't a soldier, super or otherwise. You seemed to just be a person, one constantly offering her help where she could, even when it was to her own detriment.
He also took note of how rarely your help was appreciated or reciprocated.
You would offer help any moment you could, carrying supplies, offering to fetch food, simply offering and ear to listen. You were quick to attempt to smooth over Sam and Bucky's disputes, and you would play along with the role Zemo would assign you without much question - anything to help, you would say.
You were kind, he noticed as well. Smart, and shrewd, and clearly with trust issues, but you were kind and polite. You spoke with him as much as you might Sam or Bucky, you offered him your trust under the promise he would aide you find the super soldier serum. With your kindness, he thought it might be easy to manipulate you, to slip away from the group, maybe even to ask you to join him.
But there was an issue with his theory, he quickly noticed - any attempt to woo you, attract you, win you...didn't seem to work.
He hadn't been at the task long, mind you, but he had hoped you would be impressed with the jacket, the Baron title, the jet, the offer of wine. Instead, you simply seemed uncomfortable. Come Madripoor, you were happy to play the part of eye candy to escape much attention, yet when he offered you to keep the stunning dress, shoes, and jewelry ensemble you simply waved it off, claiming that you'd reimburse him if he insisted on you keeping it. You were happy to dance near him, unable to hide your laughter at his moves, yet he offered you a drink and you promptly declined, claiming it unnecessary.
Zemo's brow furrows as he observes you, awake and quietly reading as Sam and Bucky both sleep on the flight.
"What's your motive, Liebling?" he questions, and you glance up from your page.
"Don't tell me the criminal doesn't trust me," you respond wryly, turning your gaze back.
"No, I don't mean like that," he shifts, leaning forward to continue to observe the woman that was his guard. "I wonder what keeps you going. Some are motivated by riches, and dreams. Others from spite and anger. What do you want from life, my dear? What causes you to wake up in the morning?"
You pause, looking up to search his eyes to see where this question was coming from. You weren't sure what game he was playing, and you weren't sure how to answer him either. You eventually look back down to your book, a small smile playing on your lips.
"Nothing wakes me up in the morning, given I rarely get to sleep most nights."
His brows furrowed as she goes back to her pages, eager for the conversation to end. Her difficulty doesn't seem to be that he's a criminal - she's spoken plenty freely to him, she agrees to his plans...
The difficulty, he begins to realize with a smile. Maybe he's beginning to see what the difficulty is after all.
You weren't sure what to make of Zemo, you think as you lie awake at night in the Riga safe house.
This criminal coming out of nowhere, apparently being rich as hell, so far doing nothing to cause you to believe he would betray you (yes, Sam and Bucky were shocked by his killing of Nagel, but really? You weren't shocked) ...but what shocked you the most was how badly he seemed to want to win you over.
You could justify it, sure. You're supposed to be his guard, he's likely trying to get you to let your guard down so he can escape. Yet when he's so charismatic, the way he holds himself, that voice...
Your eyes snap open sharply.
You were attracted to Zemo.
The man you're meant to be watching.
No, you told yourself. You're just lonely, and he's the first man offering you attention in a long time. It doesn't matter that his eyes examining you makes you blush, that you want to run your fingers through his hair, that a quiet voice your head wished that he would kiss you when he pulled you aside with one arm, other hand aiming at a pipe in Madripoor to blow up some poor saps...
It's the heat of the situation, you told yourself. Your options are Sam, Bucky, and Zemo...
Trust you to pick the worst option.
But how could you not, your mind whispers. When he danced like a goofball in a club your heart warmed. When he sat, filled with confidence and righteousness in the jet, legs splayed enough that you could perch on your knees in front of him, worship him, pleasure him. When he left the bathroom this morning in that damned robe, the deep V drawing your eyes down his chest before you could help himself.
You groaned. Of all the thoughts to keep you awake, why did it have to be your assignment on your mind?
It was too hot, your mind was swimming, you knew sleep wouldn't come soon.
And so, you stood, wrapping your arms around your book and padding downstairs in a loose t-shirt and shorts. Zemo had said that you were welcome to whatever resided within the safe house, and you were ready to take up his offer and steal a cup of tea.
You weren't expecting to find anyone else still awake. And yet, you weren't fully surprised to find Zemo sitting in the kitchen, bottle of whiskey at his side, a glass in his hand. He looks up at the sound of your footsteps, a soft smile on his face.
"Good evening, Liebling."
"Zemo. Can't sleep?"
"Unfortunately, not." He leans backwards slightly, examining you. "Another sleepless night for you as well."
"So it would seem."
You take a seat across the counter from him, not wanting to sit too closely to the man you were just fantasizing about. You were good at keeping a straight face, but you wondered if you got too close if he'd somehow be able to smell it on you.
He pushed his bottle forward, cocking an eyebrow at you.
Your finger caresses the binding of your book as you hesitate to find the words.
"Actually, I had come down to make myself a cup of tea, if you don't mind."
Zemo's eyes lit up slightly, and he stood, motioning for you to stay where you were. "Allow me."
"You don't have to-" you begin to protest, but he's quick to cut you off.
"Please, Liebling, let me spoil you."
The heat that washes over you is clearly visible, if his chuckle is any indicator.
Silence falls and you quietly open your book as Zemo busies himself over the tea. In mere minutes a steeping mug is delicately placed in front of you. You smile graciously and nod, though you falter slightly as he doesn't return to the other end of the counter - rather, sitting on a stool right beside you, inquisitive eyes not leaving your face.
"Can I help you with something, Baron?" you question, taking the tea and blowing on it to cool it down somewhat. His eyes follow your movements, before travelling to meet yours again.
You could drown in those eyes -
"Day after day you offer your help, sarcastically or not," he begins, leaning forward slightly as he rests his chin on his hand, examining you. "Who offers help to the helper?"
You take a sip of your tea, tilting you head. "I don't know what you mean."
"Your refusal of my gifts, your reluctance to let me even make you a cup of tea - at first I wondered if it was in distrust of me, Liebling -"
"Well, you have killed people."
He quirks an eyebrow, and you motion for him to finish.
"I realize now it's because you're uncomfortable being cared for. You spend so much time looking after everyone else, you give no one the opportunity to worship you as you deserve."
You choked a bit on your tea at that.
"I don't know that I deserve to be worshiped, I just...exist. And do what I can to help others."
Zemo leaned forward further, slowly, so as to not push you away in result. "We haven't been acquainted for long, my dear, but from all I've seen from you with Sam, with James, and with an undeserving man such as myself...the strength in your soul and the empathy in your heart...It alone rises you so far above the men and women placed on pedestals because of their supernatural abilities."
You lean forward to match, but your eyes have steeled over. "Your sweet words won't make me let you go, Zemo. I won't betray Sam and Bucky."
He didn't miss a beat. "I should be so lucky to be held captive by you for eternity, Liebling. I don't ask you to betray your friends on my behalf."
"Then what do you want from me, exactly?"
You should be very afraid. The man who singlehandedly tore apart the Avengers is staring at you as if you were a last meal, his knees touching yours, his hand finding its way to lightly perch on your arm.
You should be afraid.
Yet despite your better judgement, you aren't.
"I want you to tell me every one of your desires, so I might fulfill them. I want to see you stand tall in the finest clothes money can buy, to whisk you away to Paris, Vienna, Rome, every beautiful local this world has to offer, local that pale in comparison to the beauty in front of me. I want you to let me bring you tea, wine, food, chocolates, and anything else that might please you. I want you to relax against me, to feel the tension you've had all mission to wash away in the most luxurious bath of your life, while I wash your beautiful hair, while I taste every inch of you."
His voice had dropped to nearly a whisper, and you couldn't stop yourself from leaning forward more to hang off his every word. "I'm not a stupid man. I know it's only a matter of time before I'm back in a prison cell of some kind. And even if I weren't, you may not believe the sincerity of my words. But tonight, little bird, I want you to let me worship you."
Your eyes fluttered as his hand reached forward to cup your cheek, thumb caressing over your bottom lip. You had the strength to look him dead in the eye with one final warning.
"If this is a trick of any kind, Zemo, I won't hesitate to let Bucky rip you to shreds."
The laughter that leaves him fans over your face, drawing your eyes to his lips.
"I'd expect nothing less, Liebling."
His eyes still search your face. A gentleman, you realize. He's waiting for permission.
You lean forward to close the gap, slowly letting your mouth brush over his, tasting him for the first time, as your hand raises to card through the locks of hair in his face. Your body thrums with anticipation of what's to come, with the anxiety that this may be a dangerous move, with pure, undiluted arousal from his words.
Yet you break away gently, both hands cupping his face now as he looks at you, curious as to why you stopped, pleased that his initial seduction worked.
Your hands slowly travel down to his own, and you stand, backing towards the way you came when you first gave up on sleep for the night.
"Come on then. You want to show me what being spoiled is like?"
A grin curls its way onto his face as he spins you in his arms, twirling you so that your back is against his front, his arms around you, his breath hot in your ear.
"Little bird, I'll give you everything you crave and more."
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