#and there were these two girls behind me who were being SO rude and screaming and laughing and making fun of me about it
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
God I’m craving McDonald’s so bad but I know no one will want to go with me and I can’t drive and all the restaurants are too far away from public transport and I’m out of range of all the delivery options
#like the justeat guy Will not and Should not drive 30 minutes from [redacted] to deliver mcdonald’s to me#and even if he did it would be stone cold by the time it got here#i’m sick anyway. i shouldn’t really go anywhere#like technically i don’t think the walk from [redacted] station to the restaurant in town is too insane but i had a bad experience there#as a teen and the whole place is tainted in my memory#basically my friend insisted on ordering two large cokes (for herself. all i wanted was a water bottle and fries) but she refused to go up#and get it. so i had to go get the tray and the cokes ~fell off the tray~ and got EVERYWHERE all over the floor#and there were these two girls behind me who were being SO rude and screaming and laughing and making fun of me about it#the mcdonald’s lady remade the cokes and i somehow didn’t drop the second two#but i sat down and said to my friend ‘we need to leave now’ and she Wouldn’t. she insisted on sitting there and drinking two large cokes#AT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME. the other girls were still there and still laughing at me and i just wanted to die#i was like.. 12-13? nowadays i would’ve got the second two cokes & just flipped the lids off and thrown them all over those girls#but as a teen i had no spine so i was MORTIFIED. i wanted to die#it’s still probably top 10 most embarrassing things that have happened to me but it has been overtaken by a couple of other things#like all the times i have fallen down in public#but yeah. suffice to say i’m not going to mcdonald’s today :(#maybe i can look up a copycat recipe and wear like three masks to the shop and buy whatever i need#because i know damn well i don’t have chicken nuggets or fries lol#personal
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tender-rosiey · 7 months
— when your baby and gojo, geto, nanami, toji, and sukuna get protective over you (f!reader)
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a/n: I am alive!! as an apology here is a multi-character post 🙏 btw in toji's part, you're megumi's mom
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two peas in a pod, twins, copies: these are all things people have called your husband and son.
honestly, they’re not wrong. your son has his father’s looks—satoru swears he has your nose and ears but anyway—and he carries the same protectiveness and love he holds for you, if not amplified.
you can’t count on one hand the amount of times the house has been turned upside down because of their fights for a cuddle session with you.
of course, you have always tried suggesting them simply sharing you, but these problem children would rather eat raw zucchini than ever share the cuddle time.
so while your son is barely six, you can still count on him to team up with satoru against anyone who wrongs you in anyway like what’s happening right now for example.
you’re out with your lovely family to buy some groceries, and since they both were whining about getting some sweets, you allowed them to go and snatch a couple from the next aisle.
on the other hand, you stayed to look for another type of detergent to clean the floor—especially since satoru got this new type of paint for s/n and it’s quite an endeavor to remove it with a regular detergent.
however, being in the cleaning supplies section never guaranteed the lack of filthy men who can’t take no for an answer. this one man approaches you, smug grin on his face as he leans on the wall, “what’s a pretty lady like you doing alone?”
“buying groceries like a normal person; now please leave me alone.”
he quickly frowns, “don’t be so stingy doll,” his hand extends towards your arm, “I can show you a good time; I promise—“
the man is swiftly smacked with an egg on his face, and he is left with the egg dripping down his face, “what’s your wrong with your kid, man?!” he yells at the person behind you.
he then grumbles, “ruined a potential good night.”
“my kid was absolutely right in what he did,” you hear satoru’s voice. you then feel a hand on your shoulder, and you’re pulled into a chest you’re all too familiar with, “’toru—“
your husband shoots a small smile your way, pressing a quick kiss to your lips, before looking at his son, “that last throw was very good, s/n! throw another one but just below his stomach."
a cheshire cat-like grin is plastered on your husband’s face as s/n prepares to launch another egg at the man.
there is a very evident scowl on your son’s face as he yells, “don’t you ever bother mama again, you stinky bum crumb!”
the man gasps and tries to make a run for it, but your son wouldn’t be the son of gojo satoru if he doesn’t manage to land the hit exactly where he wants.
the man quickly crumbles to the ground screaming and alerting literally everyone in the store.
so satoru picks both you and s/n and makes a run for it.
you hold tightly onto him, “wait, ‘toru, the groceries!”
“we can always order! saving my princess and son is more important!”
your son grumbles, “but I want to hit the rude man!”
“me too, champ, but—“ satoru sweat-drops and glances behind him, “I doubt the angry security guards would like that!”
your twin girls are one of the sassiest to exist.
in a way, they take after their father who is also pretty sassy but very low-key.
the sass of all three combined is terrible to be the victim of. luckily for you, they don’t dare direct their triple ray towards you, especially—in any argument—at least one will try to win you over.
if it’s suguru trying to stay on your good side, then he is hugging you from behind, pressing feather-like kisses on your shoulder and whispering about how sweet you are. if it’s the girls, then they cling to your legs and keep yelling about how much they love you.
so it is safe to say that you have a small squad to protect you from any potential “danger”.
“oh my, dear shouldn’t you focus on refining yourself a bit more?” you hear a woman say beside you.
you turn towards her, offended, “excuse me?”
“I mean,” her eyes scan you, disapprovingly, “you look average at best, and with that you won’t be able to find yourself a husband, let alone have children.”
you’re still processing her audacity as she continues, “but then again, it’s probably for the better that you don’t have children; you can barely take care of yourself.”
“can I help you?” your husband says as he approaches the woman.
she smiles condescendingly before chuckling, “I was simply telling this lady to take care of herself more; she hardly looks presentable.”
geto’s smiles tenses up as he is about to give the woman a calm peace of his mind, but his daughters beat him to it.
your older twin stands in front of the woman, scanning her with pure disgust in her eyes.
she grimaces and voices out her thoughts, “you are like a crunchy lizard.”
the woman gasps, “how dare you—!”
you cut off the woman, curious about your daughter’s conclusion, “why a crunchy lizard, sweetheart?”
your daughter looks at you with a small frown, shaking her head, “a crunchy lizard is an ugly sad lizard.”
a snort escapes your husband, and you’re barely able to contain your smile.
your other daughter follows up, looking at her twin sister, “the lady looks like that one green thingy we saw yesterday,” she taps her little foot, trying to remember and beams at the woman, “shrek! you look like shrek!”
then they both glare at her, frowning, “you’re a monkey!”
your husband doesn’t let it go as he deals the final—subtle—blow, “come on now girls; we shouldn’t bully the lady with the mcdonald’s like hairline anymore.”
it seems like the woman can’t take it anymore as she starts sobbing and running to the hills.
a moment of silence is shared across the four of you, before you carry both of your girls in your arms and start tickling them, “I don’t know whether to be proud of you or scold you, little evil girls!”
they squeal, trying to escape your hold and calling for their father.
geto chuckles and wraps his arms around the three of you, “let them have it for tonight, y/n,” he ruffles their hair, “they were brave and defended their mom, after all.”
“yeah, papa is right!”
“yes mama, please!”
you pout then smirk at geto, “well I don’t mind, and since papa is also very proud of you girls, he will buy any toy that you guys want today!”
the color drains from your husband’s face, and he watches motionlessly as his girls latch onto him, screaming about the toys they want.
you giggle at his expression and blow him a kiss. he reluctantly blows you one back, while the girls excitedly pull him towards the toy store.
you and your husband were blessed with the sweetest girl as your daughter, and she was just recently joined by another sweet girl.
you can never forget the happiness on your daughter’s face when she saw her baby sister.
it also seems that no matter how many times you give birth, your husband can’t help but get emotional when he holds your baby. his hands are forever delicate as he cradles her to his chest.
you remember what he said during the birth of your first daughter.
“I feel like a piece of heaven has been plucked and placed in my arms.”
the way he always goes soft for the three of you is honestly adorable.
today, you were going on an outing with your—now 6 months old—baby and your older daughter who is almost six.
your husband never brags about his muscular form, but he never misses a chance to carry the baby or the baby supplies.
you have offered to at least carry the bag, but he always refuses, stating that ‘you already carried the baby for nine entire months in your belly; this is the least I can do.’
so yeah, sometimes you wish to smooch your husband till forever, but that’s not the point.
you’re walking hand in hand with your daughter as she sings her favorite song. you hear someone click their tongue, so you look to the side and lock eyes with an old lady. she takes the opportunity and approaches you.
“you should be ashamed of yourself!” she yells pointing at you, “your husband shouldn’t be carrying the baby supplies nor the baby itself for the matter,” she scowls, “that’s your job!”
“with all due respect ma’am, but that isn’t her job, and taking care of the baby should be something we are both responsible for.”
“yeah!” your daughter huffs, “and don’t take out your sad life on my mama!”
your eyes widen as you stare at your daughter.
on the other side, your husband is just as speechless. your daughter pays no one any mind as she continues, “mama works hard every day! you wouldn’t know that! you immature nugget!”
nanami frowns lightly, “d/n, that’s not nice—“
and for the cherry on top, your baby daughter throws the bottle cap she was playing with at the old lady, and frowns at her.
she starts babbling some nonsense that you're pretty sure are curse words in baby language.
having had enough, the old lady huffs, “the utter disrespect,” and starts walking away.
the rest of the spectators’ eyes follow her till she is out of sight. finally then, people start minding their own business, and you and your little family are left to the aftermath.
you giggle, “that was funny.”
“really?!” your daughter beams.
nanami cuts her off, “no,” he then looks at you with a small frown, a sigh escaping his lips, “y/n don’t encourage them—“
your baby daughter screams happily when she sees her sister smile. she starts kicking her feet with the biggest smile on her own face.
your older daughter starts laughing with her and tries to make her little sister laugh more—she was successful.
meanwhile, you chuckle, leaning on your husband’s shoulder, “admit it, kento; it was kind of funny.”
his resolve softens at the sound of laughter from all three of his girls, “okay, maybe a little, but—“
ladies: 1
kento: 0
your husband and son are so alike, save for the part that your husband is a bit more shameless, and your son is more on the shy side.
however, they both have the same bluntness and the tendency to give anyone who they don’t like attitude.
for example, today, you were walking in the park with the both of them to unwind a bit.
not to mention that megumi wanted to walk his dogs which was a plus, since you would be able to watch your dear son play around with them.
it was all going great until you saw an old ‘friend’ who came running at the sight of you. he was someone who has always been way too touchy and in your personal bubble.
you have tried talking to him about it, but you’re confident that he does it to somehow force you into reciprocating the intimacy.
even if you’re a married woman with a freaking kid.
he giddily clasps your hand, “y/n, ‘been a long time!”
“h-hey,” you smile awkwardly.
he laughs, “I was passing by when I saw your figure, and I couldn’t help but come and say hi.”
you nod, “that’s great, but I am busy, so maybe later?—“
“you’ve gotten even prettier!” he exclaims, “I wish you would finally take me out on a—“
“can’t you see that she is uncomfortable?” your son retorts, “also, you should step back; you shouldn’t touch someone like this without asking them.”
megumi squeezes himself between the both you and glares at the man.
the guy was about to reply to your son, but toji pushes him back with ease, pulling you beside him and hand resting on your waist almost by instinct, “kid is right,” he tilts his head a bit, “ever been taught manners or do I have to do the teaching for you?”
the guy is taken back; offended, he snaps “you can’t speak to me like that!”
“and you can’t hold my mom’s hands like that, but here we are,” your son cleverly sasses him.
on the other hand, your—shameless—husband pulls you into one scandalous kiss and smirks at the guy when he pulls back, “and you can’t hit on a married woman, by the way.”
you hear your son gag in disgust at his dad’s actions, but you’re too busy burying your face in your husband’s chest, hoping that the guy disappears before toji makes even more of a bigger scene.
you also hope that the ground would swallow you, but that’s the alternative option.
the guy clutches his fist, before walking away, spewing insults at the sky—since he is too scared to cuss out your buff husband. once the man is out of sight, toji ruffles megumi’s hair, chuckling, “good job, kid.”
your shy bean’s cheeks redden slightly as he looks away, “…thanks.”
you’re still thinking about what just happened when you slap your husband’s chest, “toji, literally why?” you grumble, patting megumi who started holding onto your leg the moment you hugged toji.
“why not,” your husband shrugs with a small smile, taking pride in your flustered form.
“dad, I want ice cream.”
“no, you just want me to let go your mom, so you can hog her for yourself,” toji grumbles, staring down at megumi.
unfaltering, megumi looks up at him ,“dad, I want ice cream.”
“god damn it, listen here you—“
“divine dogs.”
there is no denying that both your son and your husband care for you very much, and they both—very aggressively—compete for your attention.
I am talking he literally throws the kid across the room kind of aggressive, and your son, in turn, throws whatever he has at him.
it’s eventful, but you would be lying if you said that it wasn’t one of the reasons why you will get grey hair earlier than everyone else.
so their very aggressive nature is also shown in their protectiveness over you.
a person doesn’t need to insult or even dare flirt with you for your devil duo to make their life a living hell; your husband and son don’t tolerate someone speaking to you if it causes you to ignore both of them.
for example, this one new servant was clueless to where the broom is, and unluckily for him, he saw you sitting with your husband and son in the gardens. he humbly approached you, “excuse me, m’lady.”
you turn to look at him with a smile, “yes?”
he clears throat, a bit flustered by the attention, “I—I wanted to ask where the—“
“up your ass, you disgusting fiend,” your son sneers followed by his father’s ever-permanent scowl.
“who gave you the permission to come and speak to her so casually?” sukuna presses, and the servant quickly falls to his knees.
“m-my apologies, my lord! I did not mean to disturb you!”
sukuna crosses his arms, “well, you did, and you also disturbed your queen and prince,” his eyes narrow at the servant, “what do you have to say for yourself?”
meanwhile, you’re watching all of that, mouth agape and trying to articulate anything to save the poor guy. you finally find your voice, “sukuna, it’s okay; he didn’t mean—“
your son hugs you tightly and glares at the servant, “to think he would so brazenly speak to you like you’re old friends is terrible, mother.”
you can almost see your son’s cursed energy flaring, and you can spot the small smirk on your husband’s face as he watches his son.
before it escalates any further and you find yet another dead corpse in your palace, you pick up your son, kissing his cheek which makes him flustered and causing him to bury his face in your neck.
you look at the servant, “you’re dismissed, and you can ask the head maid about anything you need, okay?”
“y-yes, m’lady!” he, however, stays glued to the ground, “may I have the permission to lift my head?”
sukuna grunts, “sure.”
“thank you, m’lord,” the servant says, before scurrying towards the gate, having secured his freedom after his little mistake.
or at least, that’s what he thought.
your husband slices his legs off with a flick of a finger, and your son, who has inherited his father’s technique, slices the head off.
and so the body falls to the ground, and the other servants hurriedly start cleaning up the mess.
you frown at your husband, “sukuna! he apologized!”
he rolls his eyes, and pulls you by the waist, “do I look like I care? he shouldn’t have interrupted our time together.”
“aww, you’re jealous!”
“no, I am not—“
“hands off, old man!”
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @sonder-paradise @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies@pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @satoryaa @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412 @anakalana @maehemthemisfit @satorustar @b4nka1 @sad-darksoul @ko-fi-heart @pumpkindudeishere @suyaaachin
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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cupidhoons · 12 days
upside down kiss.
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 ୨୧  after getting saved multiple times by the one and only spiderman, it was only right for you to thank him. so what better way to show that than giving him a kiss?
   g    drabble fluff kissing slightly suggestive    warnings   not proof-read fmr in mind reader gets harassed wc 651 ・  bookshelf    ᡴꪫ       
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the rain was being extremely irritating. you were shivering as cold droplets fell on your skin — but you couldn't care less. not when your lips was pressed against his. the red mask pulled up to his nose, not letting you see any further of what spiderman could look like.
it was your thank you to him after saving your life multiple times. the first encounter was during a convenience store robbery. you were crouched down behind one of the aisles, trying not to direct attention to yourself as the masked hero conversed with the robbers.
"what a bunch of idiots..." heeseung mutters as he walks past you. you assume he notices your presence when he suddenly stops in his tracks. "it's safe now, y'know?" he says, offering his hand to help you up. you accept, of course, raising yourself slowly as you try not to panic.
"thank you, spiderman" you stammer. he chuckles at your nervousness. "it's no problem, really."
"i'm just glad i can help." he smiles under his mask.
the second time he saved you was right about 5 minutes ago. you were on your way back home after ending a late study session with your friend. you should've known better to not take the alley way back home — but it was the quickest route.
"hey, you!" a voice calls from behind, prompting you to turn around. "such a pretty girl, aren't you?" another calls as they walk in your direction. you ignore their remarks, trying not to cause a scene this late. you pick up your pace as they catch up to you.
you feel the man tug your arm as the other scrambled to take your purse. "don't you know that it's rude to walk away? huh lady?" one of them says. you try squirming your way out of their grip, but you couldn't.
"get off of me!" you scream.
"didn't you hear the women? get off of her!" a familiar voice yelled. spiderman. the two men suddenly stop, running away from the scene. heeseung quickly shoots his webs at their wrists and ankles, stopping them from escaping.
"that'll teach 'em. sorry you had to deal with that." he says from above. you giggle at the sight of the two men struggling before directing your attention towards the sky. "thank you spiderman!"
"of course!" he replies.
"why don't you come down here? so i can properly show my gratitude!"
heeseung thinks about it for a moment. but his hands started moving before he could even process what he was doing. suddenly he was looking at you upside down, face to face. he was able look at all your facial features now, and my god you were perfect. your hair was wet from the rain, but that didn't matter.
you move closer to his upside down figure, hesitant to make your move. you touch his mask, tracing his jawline as you attempt to remove it. he stops your hand before you could.
"sorry..." you mutter out. "may i? i promise i wont go any farther." heeseung hesitates if he should let you move his mask. what if you reveal his secret? no, you wouldn't. you only have a small circle of friends at school, he would know since he was one of the few friends.
you assume that he trusts you when takes his hand off your wirst. you slowly pull down the mask, exposing his pale skin. you go further until his nose is exposed. leaning in, you decide to go for it. you pressed your lips on to his as you cupped his face.
his lips were soft as ever — the kiss was so pure and passionate, slowly growing needier and deeper. he bites your lips before slipping in his tongue, taking the chance to explore your mouth. you let out a whine as you continue the kiss. who knew spiderman was such a good kisser?
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i kinda cooked with this um umm this could be my comeback...this was for my babies @jwsdoll & @flwrstqr :3
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brooooswriting · 5 months
Could you please write Leighton giving r some lessons in math cause r is terrible but needs to pass the course
R going with leighton to shop different things
Progressing to a relationship
You can do whatever you desire with this 😅
Tutors to lovers
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Every day, your parents showed that they knew nothing about you. You didn't wanna go to Essex, and you definitely didn't wanna take advanced math, but they made sure that it was impossible for you to get out of it. Their demands on you were crazy; a 3.7 GPA was what they called terrible. And with your current understanding of advanced math? You were so fucked, and the person sitting next to you thought the same thing.
“Psst, look. You gotta divide this by 4, and then you have to calculate its root. Then you have 6 as the value of on x.” Leighton whispered to you, hoping to help you understand what the teacher was doing at the front. But the way you looked at her so helplessly and confused made her laugh louder than she intended to.
After class, you quickly stopped the blonde before she could walk out. “Leighton, hey. Thank you for trying to help me. Can I buy you a coffee as a thanks?” you asked with a small smile. She looked at you for a second before nodding. “Alright, then follow me” you walked out and towards sips, making small talk on the way there.
“After you,” you mumbled as you opened the door to the coffee shop for her. She thanked you and walked in, looking around the place. “What? Have you never been here before?” you asked with a small laugh, signaling that you were joking.
She looked at you for a moment before scrunching up her nose a bit and shaking her head. “No, never been. Not the biggest fan of cheap coffee and of whatever it smells like in here.” You grinned slightly as you walked toward the counter, your wallet already in hand.
“Yeah, well, I would have taken you to a more fancy place, but we both have another class in 20 minutes, and a good coffee is like 15 minutes away.” Leighton nodded, an understanding look on her face as you stepped up to the counter. After she told you what she wants to drink, you turn towards the counter again. “Oh, hey, Kimberly. How are you? Can I get two iced lattes and two blueberry muffins?”
“Y/n, it's so great to see you. I'm fine, thank you. How are you?” you talked for a bit while you paid, and she made your coffee, the blonde only standing behind you. “Alright, here you are. Have a great day, see you later Leighton” Both of you said goodbye before sitting on a park bank outside.
“So, can I ask you something?” Leighton asked as you played with her straw. You nodded, waiting for her to ask as you watched people walk by. “Why are you taking advanced math? Not to be rude, but you suck at it”
You laughed slightly before taking a deep breath. “Well, my father took it, my mother took it and my sister at Harvard is taking it. So, even if I suck at it and hate it, I have to take it too. But it seems like I’m failing it” you explained, looking at her for a second before continuing, “unlessssss someone would be willing to tutor me.” The grin you sent her made her smile while looking down at the bench to hide her slight blush.
“You know what, fine. Why not. Come by my dorm tomorrow at 5 ok?” The blonde didn’t even wait for an answer before she walked off, joining Bella on her way to the next class.
The next day you arrived at her dorm at 5 pm sharp, being greeted by Kimberly and Whitney who sat in their common room. “Hey y/n, Leighton is still in her room” Kimberly started but was quickly interrupted.
“Oh my god Bella” leighton screamed from inside their room, “can’t you just fuck him anywhere else? Jeez, i have a tutoring lesson in here”
“This isn’t just your room Leighton. This is our room and it’s made for sleeping” Bella argued back making you girls in the living room giggle.
“Dude, that’s so fucked from you. Keep away from my bed! If one thing is out of place later you’re in trouble!” The three of you stopped giggling as Leighton stormed out of the door, nearly running into you. “Y/n, let’s go. We gonna go to the library or some shit because somebody is being intolerable” she screamed the last part making you laugh.
“Alright, come on. You gotta calm down” you pulled Leighton out of the room, saying goodbye to the rest of her dorm mates. You went into the library where you sat down, and minutes later you were desperate for it to stop.
“Y/n, cmon. You gotta concentrate dude, it’s not that hard” the blonde complained as she went over the same exercise again and again.
“It may not be hard for you blondie, but I’m dying over here. I would even fail basic math class, there is no way I’ll ever pass this shit” you whimpered out, letting your head hit the table. Normally, stupid and dramatic behavior like this would have annoyed the shit out of her but when you did it? Well it was kinda cute.
“Ok, let’s start new ok? We will start at zero and once you’re at one we will get something to eat?” At the word ‘eat’ you immediately perked up, sitting straighter to find new concentration.
It took over an hour for you to get to at least one but Leighton was sure that the hardest work was now done. Or at least she hoped. “So, cafeteria?” You asked as you stuffed all your books into your bag. You received a nod and took off, happy to finally get some food.
Since your first lesson Leighton helped you during class and like two times a week for an hour to four, depending on how fucked you were. And finally, you went from an E to a c- and you were getting even better. The connection between you and Leighton also got better from time to time, creating a strong and unexpected bond.
‘If I have to listen to any of my roommates even one more second, I’m going to kill all of them and then myself”
You couldn’t help but giggle at Leighton text, parents weekend was coming up again and it made her more nervous every day. And while she, even if she won’t admit, actually loved her roommates their chattiness and stuff could get to her.
‘Be outside your dorm in 2’
You texted back, quickly putting on your shoes and jacket before grabbing your wallet and car keys. In the matter of minutes you stood in front of a perfectly styled blonde who wore an annoyed look until she saw you. It was quickly being replaced with a smile as she walked toward you. “So, why’d you want me to be here?” She asked with a giddy voice, as she couldn’t wait to hear what you planned.
“Let’s go to my car and then I’ll tell you” you lead her to your jeep outside of the campus. “My lady” you grinned as you opened the door for her and stretched out your hand to help her inside.
“Thank you very much, such a gentleman. Sooo where are we going?” She studied your face as you pulled out of the parking lot.
“We are going to do something that relaxes you like nothing else”
“What?” She asked, quite confused.
“We are going shopping” you grinned as you drove on to the highway, “but we might have to drive like an hour or something, there’s nothing close that has your standards” her jaw fell as you stopped talking. She couldnt believe that you actually knew where she liked to shop and that you were just out here driving her there.
“You’re kidding right?” She asked, a squeal leaving her when she figured out that you were telling the truth. “That’s so sweet, thank you”
After over an hour of comfortable driving you finally parked your car near her favorite shops. “Alright princess, let’s go” you grinned as you opened the passenger door, your hand stretched out to help her out. “Where to first?”
Your first shop was YSL which leighton already left with two begs. Or rather you as you immediately took the bags so she could look around in the next shop which was Balenciaga and then Prada, Givenchy, Versace, Dior, Louis Vuitton, and Tom Ford.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to carry anything?” The blonde asked as she could barely see you underneath all the bags you carried for her. At least one of each brand, or rather at least two of each brand. She couldn’t deny that it was extremely cute, the way you did all of this for her.
“Positive. Are you sure you don’t wanna go anywhere else anymore?” You asked as she walked back to the car. If you were really quiet you could hear her credit card scream.
“Yeah, but maybe we could go and eat something at a real restaurant?”
“Sure, what did you have in mind?” You asked while putting the bags in the trunk, the blonde standing next to you. After she found a restaurant she liked you made your way there, even from the outside you could see that it was really fancy. “Are you sure I can go inside like this?” You weren’t dressed badly but definitely not as expensive as her which made you unsure of your outfit.
“Of course, you look good” the smile she sent you made your heart beat faster and your face flush a little red. “Now Let’s go, I’m starving” she was out of the car in the matter of seconds, waiting for you to join her. Once you left the car you walked next to each other, your hands constantly brushing against the other ones. You had heard that Leighton was not a big pda fan so you guessed that it was an accident. But you didn’t pull away in case of this being on purpose.
After you guys ate it was already late and the eventful day was catching up to her as she fell asleep in the car. You smiled at the sight, she looked a lot calmer than most of the time and you couldn’t see one bit of the stress from this morning. When you had to stop on a red light you retrieved your jacket from the backseat and put it over her to act like a blanket.
You carefully tapped her shoulder to wake her up which didn’t work. “Leighton, we are here. Cmon, wake up” you whispered and shook her shoulder.
“M awake” she grumbled as her eyes slowly opened.
“Good, take the time that I need to get your backs to wake up okay?” She gave you a small nod before you disappeared, wondering how you carried all those bags before. After you finally got each and every bag on you, you walked back to the passenger seat where Leighton was finally awake.
“Alright, let’s go” she jumped out of the car, your jacket now over her shoulders and her pinky linked with yours as she pulled you along to her dorm. “You can just put them down over there” she told you as she pointed to the corner next to her closet. “Thank you, a lot. The last days were really stressful and today made me forget about it” you smiled at her, taking a step forward.
“It was my pleasure. Weirdly, I can’t think of anything better than carrying your bags for you” she giggles shyly and also takes a step toward you. Your hand gravitates towards her waist while hers carefully rests on your shoulder. You leaned in further, your lips slightly touching as your hand tightened around her waist. But before you could do anything else, Bella came in.
“Leighton! Guess what” she started to scream out, making you pull away quickly. Your hands left her waist and were immediately pushed into your pockets. “Oh my god, did I just cockblock you?” The dark haired girl screamed even louder making both of you cringe.
“No, no you didn’t. I gotta go, I have class really early tomorrow. Thanks again Leigh and I’ll see you around Bella” you quickly left the room without looking back but you could still feel the blondes nerves.
You decided that you’d talk to her tomorrow, it was late and she probably had to listen to Bella ramble about whatever was going on. So tomorrow just seemed like the safer option, at least until it was later the next day and you still haven’t seen her. It was Friday which meant that you didn’t have a course with her and you were extremely busy. But as you were scared that she might think that you were trying to avoid her.
“Sad I didn’t see you today. Sorry I left so quickly, but I couldn’t stay after Bella said whatever she said. Can’t wait to see you again :)”
You took a deep breath before hitting send. By now you were scarred that she might be avoiding you and that she was actually very unhappy about the kiss. What you didn’t know was that Leightons heart started to beat faster when she saw your name pop up on her screen. She was scared of what might now be between you two after you left so suddenly.
“Whose text are you smiling at like that?” Whitney asked as they all sat in the common room. While she did try to annoy her roommate she was more than happy to see her friend like this.
“None of your business” she grumbled, her smile still being very apparent.
“Oh, I bet it’s y/n” Kimberly shyly added. She was good with Leighton but she sometimes still scared her.
“Gosh, they would be a hot ass couple. Y/n’s hot. Damn you’re a lucky lady” Bella said, slapping her hand on the blondes leg which made her glare at her.
“Remember how I said none of your business?” They all laughed as she returned to her phone.
“Get that, wished I could have left too. I thought you were avoiding me. I’ll see you tomorrow right? Are u bringing ur parents to math too?”
You immediately opened the chat, not giving a damn about seeming needy.
“Ofc, that’s the only reason they’re coming. Couldn’t dream of avoiding u, wanna meet up before math tomorrow?”
After you talked about when and where you’d meet tomorrow you texted her goodnight and went to sleep, your mind filled with pictures of the blonde.
The next morning you were up way too early but when your parents came you had to get ready a lot more than normally. “There you are y/n” your mother called out as she walked up to you with open arms, a fake smile on her face. You hugged all of them as a greeting before standing opposite of them.
“Alright, we will go to that parents thing and then we will come to your math class ok?” Your father didn’t wait for an answer as they walked away making you sigh. You, just as many others, were more than happy about this parents thing today. It gave you some peace and quiet.
Leighton was waiting for you in front of the lecture room, the new bag she bought with you slung over her shoulder. “Hey” you smiled shyly as walked up to her, her face adorned with a similar one.
“Hello” she looked around before continuing to talk, “I am so happy about this parent meeting. I was about to kill myself” you laughed nodding.
“You’re telling that to me? My parents asked about this course before asking about me. And I wish I were joking” both of you laughed before just staring at each other for a moment. In a moment of confidence the blonde pulled you into the empty room, she smiled brightly as she noticed that you happily followed.
The moment the door closed, your hands were on her hips and hers were cupping the back of your neck. You didn’t need any words before your lips crashed against each other, her scent developing you whole. Without breaking the kiss you guided her against the wall, her back making harsh contact with it. “Sorry” you mumbled when she gasped, barely breaking the kiss. You kept making out until the blondes phone started to ring.
“Let it ring” she mumbled when she noticed that you were pulling away. You laughed and tried to pull away again but she kept pulling you closer or chasing your lips.
“Leigh, I’d love to keep making out. Trust me. But our parents are gonna come soon and if I had to guess I’d say that this is your dad” you explained as you pulled away, your hands rubbing along her hips. She groaned before looking at her phone, seeing that you were right. With another groan she answered the phone, the arm around your neck keeping you close. Since you got bored when she was on the phone, you started to lightly kiss her neck up and down.
She bit her lip to stop her giggles, but she didn’t push you away. Instead she pulled you even closer, just waiting to hang up. When she finally did, she gave you a quick kiss. “My parents will be here in 10 minutes” she told you, her fingers playing with the baby hair on the back of your neck.
“Then we should probably fix your makeup and my hair huh?” You asked as one of your hands ran through your hair. When you received a nod you opened your hand for her to give you her pocket mirror so she could see what she was doing.
“You’re a great mirror holder babe” she joked when she was done freshening up her makeup and then fixed your hair for you.
“Babe?” You grinned watching her face fall and her confidence suddenly replaced with doubt.
“I mean- yeah, we are- I thought” you decided to interrupt her as her behavior freaked you out. A not confident Leighton was a new world.
“You thought right, I was just messing with you. Cmere” you pulled her closer for another kiss, that quickly turned into multiple small pecks.
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N” your mothers voice suddenly rang.
Gosh, you were fucked.
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dantakeyoman · 1 year
I would reallyy love if you could write about how when the Sully family reaches the new tribe all of the Metkayina girls are trying really hard to get Neteyam to notice them (Cause you know he's the oldest, a good warrior and is gonna be a leader soon) but they dont know he already has a mate and the reader gets jealous. So neteyam has to comfort her and when she realizes she is being silly and has nothing to worry about...this one metkayina girl really pushes it....(im talking getting touchy with neteyam, always finding ways to get him alone and is rude to the reader) and she loses her absolute shit and you can decide what she does but i want it to be very possessive like behavior😏 sorry this is long😅
Metkayina Girls Start Falling At Neteyam's Feet and You, His Mate, Get Jealous (SFW)
Reader is Fem! Omaticaya
CW: a story of jealousy with aa twist, these girls are really shameless, Kiri and Lo'ak duo, sorry im posting so late, my stomach actually really hurts rn, but not writing for so long has been driving me crazy, anyway, enjoy <3 ( i barfed in my mouth a little bit writing some of this cringey shit )
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"Humans?! That must've been so scary for you! What happened next?" Leyelu asked as she stretched, laying herself stomach-down in the sand in front of Neteyam, batting her eyelashes.
"Yeah, did you fight them? I'm sure you did, since you are such a strong warrior," Nayat smiled, scooching her seat closer to the boy.
"Um...well, I didn't-." "Impossible. I can imagine you swooping in and saving your family. All heroic-like," Srraza smirked, openly raking her eyes up and down Neteyam's body, not caring how uncomfortable he looked.
Their shameless display made you want to vomit, and possibly scream, at the same time.
There were a total of three girls. Leyelu, Nayat, and Srraza. And all were practically throwing themselves at Neteyam.
It had been about a week and some change since you and the Sullys arrived at Awa'atlu. And every day, without fail, these girls managed to tail Neteyam, following him and showering him in praise whenever they could.
You hadn't had not two seconds alone with him before one of them, or all three, came barging in with some fake excuse of a heavy basket they needed help lifting or a boat they needed help loading.
You knew Neteyam never entertained their advances, and were thankful for it.
But being his mate, you couldn't help but feel frustrated. (and maybe a little jealous)
"If you scowl any harder, it's going to become permanent," Kiri playfully warned, your face amusing her.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," you curtly answered, tearing your eyes away from the scene angrily.
"Yes. I'm fine is stretched tightly across your face right now," Lo'ak smirked from his spot in the sand, hands behind his head as he subathed.
"(y/n), I hope you know that Neteyam would never-." "I know," you sighed, already guessing what Kiri was going to say.
"I trust Neteyam completely. It's just-."
You couldn't finish the sentence. It was embarrassing.
"Just what?" Lo'ak asked, ears perking in intrigue.
"Give her a minute," Kiri shushed, smacking him in the arm, earning an annoyed ow! from the boy.
"It's not that I'm scared Neteyam will leave me. It is just...I don't see why he won't," you started, staring down at your feet in shame.
Kiri and Lo'ak both whipped their heads towards you in disbelief, their expressions contorting into ones of confusion.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Lo'ak asked, confused.
"Lo'ak!" Kiri scolded.
She was thinking the same thing, but he could've been a little easier on the delivery.
"Look at them," you sighed, holding out your hand to the girls, who were still fake listening to Neteyam's story.
"Leyelu's father is one of the best hunters in the clan, only second to Tonowari. Nayat's mother is incredibly skilled on the loom, who is now teaching Nayat everthing she knows. For Eywa's sake, Srraza is studying under Ronal to be a healer."
The brother ans sister's expressions slowly softened, the meaning behind your words now coming to light.
"You are the best dancer the Omaticaya have ever seen. And the best the Metkayina have seen, as well," Kiri tried to comfort, a warm smile on her face.
"Oh, yes, because dancing can help me hunt for food. And dancing can help me make clothes. Let's not forget, it can help me heal as well," you sarcastically agreed, snippy.
Kiri sighed.
She didn't take it to heart, not one bit. She understood your frustration.
"They all have spent their years learning skills that can be of use, be important. All I have to show for mine are a couple of dance moves."
Lo'ak looked like he wanted to say something, but decided against it until you were finished.
"And the best part of it is they are all gorgeous, the most sought after girls in this village. And I'm just...me."
Kiri felt her heart ache.
She had no idea you had been feeling this way this whole time.
She thought it was just a small case of jealousy. But it seemed to be much deeper than that.
"So, no. I'm not frustrated or scared of Neteyam leaving me. I am frustrated and scared because he has every reason to."
You turned back to the scene, only to see Leyelu resting her hands on Neteyam's chest, leaning into his face.
"Hey, Neteyam. Have you ever given thought to who could possibly be your mate?" she asked with a smirk, peering up at him through her beautiful eyelashes.
It was as if you didn't even exist.
"(y/n), wai-." But you ignored Kiri, abruptly standing up, not wanting to watch the scene any longer.
"Dammit, (y/n)! Sit down and look," Lo'ak groaned, roughly pulling you back down and turning your face to watch Neteyam.
"Do not touch me," Neteyam sternly ordered, grabbing the girl's wrists and pulling her hands of him, harshly.
"I know that you know I already have a mate. And you trying to make advances on me while knowing that is incredibly disrespectful."
The girls were giving him puppy dog eyes, as if that would guilt him into stopping.
It made you gag.
"I do not appreciate how you've been disregarding (y/n) this entire week. Especially when she has done nothing to you."
"That's exactly the point. She does nothing. She is just there with you. You two do not even act like mates," Srraza scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"That is true. I never see you two hug, or kiss, or embrace each other romantically at all," Nayat agreed.
"Because any time I get alone with her is interrupted by you three!" Neteyam exclaimed, annoyed.
His sudden burst shocked you.
You didn't know he felt this.
"I only get time to myself every once in a while, and I like to spend it with (y/n). But ever since I've gotten here, you three have used every mean under the sun to keep that from happening. For Eywa's sake, that was what I was on my way to do now before you all came along!"
"But why? She doesn't hunt, she doesn't loom, she doesn't heal, she can't even carry a tune. She's boring, plain. Why would you willingly want to spend time with her?" Leyelu asked, cocking an eyebrow s she crossed her arms.
"That's why you look like a dead fish, bitch!" Lo'ak loudly called, making you and Kiri die in snickers.
The girl whipped around, glaring daggers at the boy.
"Lo'ak!" Kiri tried to scold, but couldn't through her laughter.
"It's true! If her eyes were any farther apart, she'd be able to see the back of her head," he huffed.
You were his friend. And he didn't like people talking shit about you.
Meanwhile, Neteyam was using every ounce of his strength to not bare his teeth at the girl.
"I don't care about what she can't do. I love what she can. She's a phenomenal dancer, and has forgotten more moves than you three will ever learn. She's funny, she's kind, she's caring, the farthest thing from boring. And her beauty makes the three of you look like a patch wet sand. I am lucky to call her my mate, and if you all would excuse me, I'm going to spend the rest of the day with her," Neteyam angrily corrected, pushing past them and walking towards you.
And as he drew closer, you smiled, wider than you had in a while.
You felt foolish for thinking he could do better than you.
Especially after he just confessed that he believed he could do no better than you.
It made you feel happy, and loved, and secure in your relationship.
There was no one that could take your place because you were the place, and the only one who could ever be it.
And now knowing that fact, sent you over the moon.
taglist !!
@vane28282, @remutoast, @p1nkprint, @ladyorchidia, @anthonys-viscountess, @karmz-7319, @cantbuysophialove, @scarabruhs, @an0th3rsss, @deloe18, @mariiyoushi, @av1xar, @alexxcorona113, @may-and-lay, @overlyfancybreakfastfoods, @harshita-hiranyamayi, @qui-02, @myheartfollower, @morks-watermelon, @bangtanxberm, @adavenus, @sweetdayme4427, @lilac13, @torchbearerkyle, @dazedshoon, @rovckwell, @wonieee, @0710khj, @multifandomreader73, @kadu-5607, @la-cey, @roseazura, @sophiejiro, @angelbeari, @bludyl
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Wednesday x reader - what to call you
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Anything where everyone just refers to y/n as Wednesday’s girl? Like they don’t call her by her name just ‘Wednesday’s girl’ Like ‘have y’all seen Y/n’ ‘who’ Y/n’ ‘Y/n?…ooh you mean Wednesday’s girl’? - Anon💜
You had promised your best friend Enid that you would help her study for some upcoming tests.
But she couldn’t find you anywhere, you weren’t in the dorm with Wednesday reading, you weren’t in the library, the quad or with Principle Weems.
So where were you?
Sighing, she trudged back into the quad and dropped herself next to the small ground sat by the fountain.
“What’s wrong?” Ajax asked quietly.
“I can’t find (Y/N), have you seen her?”
Everyone shared a look, and Xavier put his sketch book down as he tilted his head a little in confusion at the werewolf.
“(Y/N), you know, werewolf, always reading, kinda quiet, also has earphones in.” Enid said.
Everyone shook their heads giving small shrugs.
Enid sighed and ran a hand down her face, you hung out with them all the time, how did no one know your name.
“She went to the Rave’N with Wednesday?”
Ajax clapped his hands together with a huge grin on his face as he nodded his head.
“You mean Wednesday girl?!” He rushed out.
“Oh! Wednesdays girl! Yeah she has counselling.”
Enid chocked on her drink at the name they had for you and grinned from ear to ear.
“Wednesdays girl?” She asked.
“Yeah, well we tried asking her out, same with Tyler apparently but she turned all of us down. And Wednesday has a murderous look whenever we get close to her.” Xavier explained.
“Yeah, she shortly after Wednesday agreed to go to the dance with her we started calling her Wednesdays girl and I guess we forget her name.” Ajax grinned sheepishly.
“Wow, kinda rude.“
Ajax and Enid let out a small scream as they turned around to find you stood behind them.
Putting your bag on the floor you sat between the two boys and crossed your legs, pulling one of your earphones out.
“Sorry…” Xavier and Ajax mumbled.
You shrugged a little bit as you started to pull some books from your bag, handing one of them over to Enid.
“But I’m not Wednesdays girl. We went to the dance, that’s it, she hasn��t really said anything to me since.”
“Seriously? You can’t believe there’s nothing there.” Ajax said.
You gave another small shrug and opened a text book, handing it over to Enid.
“That’s my notebook, this is the first page you need to study, I’ll explain anything you’re confused on.“
“Thanks!” She beamed.
You began reading a novel, laying your head on Xavier as he picked his sketch book once more to carry on drawing.
“So you haven’t tried asking Wednesday what you guys are?” Ajax asked.
“Yeah, I think it would be a good idea!” Enid beamed.
“I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. Whatever we are is up to her.” You mumbled.
They nodded their heads and dropped the subject, but they were sticking by the nickname.
Wednesday walked into the quad just in time to overhear the last part of the conversation and she furrowed her brows lightly.
You looked so comfortable laid over Xavier, you looked relaxed and the soft smile on your lips told her that you were.
She stood there just watching, unsure of what to do.
She didn’t like the fact you were laid on the boy, but she also had no reason to stop you.
You weren’t dating her, and she hated the fact that she hated you being so close to the trio, always with them but barely spending time with her.
When you did you were quiet, hardly speaking.
Yes, she enjoyed silence, but she wanted you to talk to, she just didn’t want to admit it, so she let it carry on.
She didn’t see you until the next day, you were getting ready to head into Jericho.
“Can you get me some candy?” Enid beamed.
“Yeah and me!” Ajax nodded.
You chuckled softly and nodded your head, tossing your bag into the back of the car.
“Sure thing.”
“Thanks Wednesdays girl!” Ajax grinned.
He jogged away while Enid stood there to see you off, and without realising Wednesday appeared next to her.
“Where are you going?”
Enid screamed a little and placed a hand over her heart.
“Jesus Christ Wednesday.” She huffed.
“I’m going to therapy, then to do some shopping. Principle Weems is taking them.”
“I see. I’m coming.”
Wednesday climbed into the car and sat next to you, and when Weems got in she nearly screamed when she noticed the gothic girl.
“Wednesday Addams out.”
“I’m coming, I require a few things.”
“Then (Y/N) will get them for you, out of the car.”
Wednesday didn’t say anything but the pair of them had a silent staring contest for a few minutes.
Finally, the older woman sighed and turned to you.
“Will you keep an eye on her?”
“Of course.” You nodded.
Weems sighed and finally she nodded her head, driving the pair of you into the town.
You attended your session first, Wednesday simply stood outside waiting, arms crossed over her chest.
She ignored the whispers and cruel comments from people passing, her eyes fixated on the doors as she waited for you to come out, and half an hour later you did.
Giving her a gentle smile, you tossed your bag into the back of the car and waved to Weems as she drove away, saying she’d be back in a few hours and go behave.
“Where do you need to go?” You asked quietly.
“Nowhere, I need to to you?”
“Oh, okay.”
You guys began to wonder, and you waited for Wednesday to speak first.
“Why did Ajax call you Wednesdays girl?” She asked.
You froze for a moment before you carried on walking, stuffing your hands into your pockets and burying your nose into your hoodie.
Wednesday looked at you, she could see the embarrassment on your face at the question.
“I think it’s because we went to the dance… they all do it… I’ll tell them to stop.”
Wednesday stopped walking this time, and so did you, turning around to face her, giving her a small look of confusion.
“Wednesdays girl…” she mumbled out.
You averted your gaze.
“I don’t like it.”
“I’m really sorry.. they’re just messing…”
Wednesday looked up, connecting her eyes with yours in a gaze you just couldn’t look away from.
It was one of those gazes that she showed rarely, not full of boredom, or hate, or annoyance, full of though, slight wonder and compassion.
“I would prefer to call you Amore mio if that is okay?”
You titled your head a tiny bit, pulling both your earphones out as you looked at her.
“What does that mean?”
Wednesday said nothing, but she walked closer and out your earphones back in.
“Your hearing in sensitive, don’t be stupid. Keep them in.”
You nodded and watched as she walked away.
You were still confused but you decided to drop it and carried on shopping.
The moment you both got back to Nevermore she was gone, and you sat with Ajax as you gave him the candy he asked for.
“Hey can I ask you something?”
“Sure, what’s up?” He asked.
“What does Amore mio mean?”
Ajax shrugged and typed it into his phone, showing you the results.
You smiled softly and shook your head as you stood back up.
“No reason, I’ve got to go.”
“See you later Wednesdays girl!”
You ignored this and headed up to Ophelia hall, lightly knocking on the dorm door as you waited.
“Yes?” Wednesday asked.
“Is Enid here?”
She shook her head and stepped back, allowing you to come in before closing the door.
“You can wait.”
“Actually… I wanted to see you…”
Wednesday turned back around and walked back over, staring at you intently.
You leant forward a little, lips brushing the corner of her mouth before you pulled away.
“I’d like for you to call me Amore mio, only if I can call myself yours…?”
Wednesday didn’t need to think before she replied.
You beamed, casting your gaze to the window to watch the moon start to rise and you smiled at her.
“I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
Kissing her cheek, you rushed away, and Wednesday couldn’t help the small twitch of her lips as she watched you leave.
You were hers now, now when people called you her girl, they were going to know you really were
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sophvilla · 2 months
My Reason to Exist °‧🫧
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Pairing: Husband! OT5 x Wife Femreader x your baby
Summary: You always endured your Husband's protectiveness but you didn't know that you have to cope up with your kids too
Genre: Fluff, Kissing , protectiveness from your husband's as well as you kids
Warning: Nonidol! OT5 x Nonidol! Fem!reader, Husband x Wife x Baby/toddler trope, sweet fluff, protectiveness, mention of (baby , princess, wife )
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Two peas in a pod, twins, copies: these are all things people have called your husband and son.
honestly, they're not wrong. your son has his father's looks from his fox eyes to his pouty lips -Yeonjun swears he has your nose and ears but anyway-and he carries the same protectiveness and love he holds for you, if not amplified.
you can't count on one hand the amount of times the house has been turned upside down because of their fights for a cuddle session with you.
of course, you have always tried suggesting them simply sharing you, but these problem children would rather eat raw zucchini than ever share the cuddle time.
so while your son is barely six, you can still count on him to team up with Yeonjun against anyone who wrongs you in anyway like what's happening right now for example.
you're out with your lovely family to buy some groceries, and since they both were whining about getting some sweets, you allowed them to go and snatch a couple from the next aisle.
on the other hand, you stayed to look for another type of detergent to clean the floor-especially since Yeonjun got this new type of paint for s/n and it's quite an endeavour to remove it with a regular detergent.
however, being in the cleaning supplies section never guaranteed the lack of filthy men who can't take no for an answer. this one man approaches you, smug grin on his face as he leans on the wall, "what's a pretty lady like you doing alone?"
"buying groceries like a normal person; now please leave me alone."
he quickly frowns, "don't be so stingy doll," his hand extends towards your arm, "I can show you a good time; I promise--"
the man is swiftly smacked with an egg on his face, and he is left with the egg dripping down his face, "what's your wrong with your kid, man?!" he yells at the person behind you.
He then grumbles, "ruined a potential good night."
"My kid was absolutely right in what he did," you hear Yeonjun’s voice. you then feel a hand on your shoulder, and you're pulled into a chest you're all too familiar with, ""junnie-"
your husband shoots a small smile your way, pressing a quick kiss to your lips, before looking at his son, "that last throw was very good, son ! throw another one but just below his stomach."
A Cheshire cat-like grin is plastered on your husband's face as your boy prepares to launch another egg at the man.
there is a very evident scowl on your son's face as he yells, "don't you ever bother mama again, you stinky bum crumb!"
the man gasps and tries to make a run for it, but your son wouldn't be the son of Choi Yeonjun if he doesn't manage to land the hit exactly where he wants.
the man quickly crumbles to the ground screaming and alerting literally everyone in the store.
So Yeonjun picks both you and your son and makes a run for it.
you hold tightly onto him, "wait, ‘junnie, the groceries!"
"we can always order! saving my princess and son is more important!"
your son grumbles, "but I want to hit the rude man!"
"me too, champ, but-" Yeonjun’s sweat-drops and glances behind him, "I doubt the angry security guards wouldn't like that!"
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Your twin girls are one of the sassiest to exist.
In a way, they take after their father who is also pretty sassy but very low-key.
The sass of all three combined is terrible to be the victim of. Luckily for you, they don’t dare direct their triple ray towards you, especially-in any argument at least one will try to win you over. As you know the girls have inherited their father's professional yapping mechanism since birth, the trinity force uses that card whenever they're in an argument.
If it’s Soobin trying to stay on your good side, then he is hugging you from behind, pressing feather-like kisses on your shoulder and whispering about how sweet you are. If it’s the girls, then they cling to your legs and keep yelling about how much they love you.
So it is safe to say that you have a small squad to protect you from any potential “danger”.
“oh my, dear shouldn’t you focus on refining yourself a bit more?” you hear a woman say beside you.
You turn towards her, offended, “excuse me?”
“I mean,” her eyes scan you, disapprovingly, “you look average at best, and with that you won’t be able to find yourself a husband, let alone have children.”
You’re still processing her audacity as she continues, “but then again, it’s probably for the better that you don’t have children; you can barely take care of yourself.”
“can I help you?” your husband says as he approaches the woman.
She smiles condescendingly before chuckling, “I was simply telling this lady to take care of herself more; she hardly looks presentable.”
Soobin’s smiles tenses up as he is about to give the woman a peace of his mind, but his daughters beat him to it.
Your older twin stands in front of the woman, scanning her with pure disgust in her eyes.
She grimaces and voices out her thoughts, “you are like a crunchy lizard.”
The woman gasps, “how dare you-!”
You cut off the woman, curious about your daughter’s conclusion, “why a crunchy lizard, sweetheart?”
Your daughter looks at you with a small frown, shaking her head, “a crunchy lizard is an ugly sad lizard.”
A snort escapes your husband, and you’re barely able to contain your smile.
Your other daughter follows up, looking at her twin sister, “the lady looks like that one green thingy we saw yesterday,” she taps her little foot, trying to remember and beams at the woman,
“shrek! You look like shrek!”
Then they both glare at her, frowning, “you’re a monkey!”
Your husband doesn’t let it go as he deals the final -subtle-blow, “come on now girls; we shouldn’t bully the lady with the mcdonald’s like hairline Anymore, "
"Also ma’am you should look at yourself in the mirror before saying something to Others especially my wife, as you can see she gave birth to my beautiful daughters and she looks like a absolute Goddess to me and we actually didn't ask for any of you opinion, so keep them to you shallow of a life and excuse us please” Your husband concludes.
It seems like the woman can’t take it anymore as She starts muttering how the society is and the new generation is disrespectful.
A moment of silence is shared across the four Of you, before you carry both of your girls in your arms and start tickling them, “I don’t know whether to be proud of you or scold you, little evil Girls!”
They squeal, trying to escape your hold and calling for their father.
Soobin chuckles and wraps his arms around the three of you, “let them have it for tonight, y/n,” he ruffles their hair, “they were brave and defended their mom, after all.”
“yeah, papa is right!”
“yes mama, please!”
You pout then smirk at geto, “well I don’t mind, and since papa is also very proud of you girls, he will buy any toy that you guys want today!”
The colour drains from your husband’s face, and he Watches motionlessly as his girls latch onto him, screaming about the toys they want.
You giggle at his expression and blow him a kiss. He reluctantly blows you one back, while the girls excitedly pull him towards the toy store.
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Your husband and son are so alike, save for the part that your husband is a bit more shameless, and your son is more on the shy side.
However, they both have the same bluntness and the tendency to give anyone who they don’t like attitude.
For example, today, you were walking in the park with the both of them to unwind a bit.
Not to mention that your son wanted to walk his dogs which was a plus, since you would be able to watch your dear son play around with them.
It was all going great until you saw an old ‘friend’ who came running at the sight of you. He was someone who has always been way too touchy and in your personal bubble.
You have tried talking to him about it, but you’re confident that he does it to somehow force you into reciprocating the intimacy.
Even if you’re a married woman with a freaking kid.
He giddily clasps your hand, “y/n, ‘been a long time!”
“h-hey,” you smile awkwardly.
He laughs, “I was passing by when I saw your figure, and I couldn’t help but come and say hi.”
You nod, “that’s great, but I am busy, so maybe later?-“
“you’ve gotten even prettier!” he exclaims, “I wish you would finally take me out on a-“
“can’t you see that she is uncomfortable?” your son retorts, “also, you should step back; you shouldn’t touch someone like this without asking them.”
You son squeezes himself between the both you and glares at the man.
The guy was about to reply to your son, but Beomgyu pushes him back with ease, pulling you beside him and hand resting on your waist almost by instinct, “My son’s right,” he tilts his head a bit, “ever been taught manners or do I have to do the teaching for you?”
The guy is taken back; offended, he snaps “you can’t speak to me like that!”
“and you can’t hold my mom’s hands like that, but here we are,” your son cleverly sasses him. On the other hand, your-shameless-husband pulls you into one scandalous kiss and smirks at the guy when he pulls back, “and you can’t hit on a married woman, by the way.”
You hear your son gag in disgust at his dad’s actions, but you’re too busy burying your face in your husband’s chest, hoping that the guy disappears before Beomgyu makes even more of a bigger scene.
You also hope that the ground would swallow you, but that’s the alternative option.
The guy clutches his fist, before walking away, spewing insults at the sky-since he is too scared to cuss out your husband. Once the man is out of sight, Beomgyu ruffles his child’s hair, chuckling, “good job, Bud.”
Your shy bean’s cheeks redden slightly as he looks Away, “…thanks.”
You’re still thinking about what just happened when you slap your husband’s chest, “Gyu, literally why?” you grumble, patting you Kid who started holding onto your leg the moment you hugged Beomgyu.
“why not,” your husband shrugs with a small smile, taking pride in your flustered form.
“dad, I want ice cream.”
“no, you just want me to let go your mom, so you can hog her for yourself,” Beomgyu grumbles, staring down at his and your little version.
Unfaltering, Your son looks up at him, “dad, I want ice cream.”
“- or else I’ll call Yeonjun uncle to-.”
“god damn it, listen here you-“
You laugh at their bickering
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There is no denying that both your son and your husband care for you very much, and they both- are very smart-as they compete for your attention.
I am talking he literally talk senses in your child whenever it comes to taking care of you whenever he wasn’t around and your son, in turn, lecture his father to stop being clingy to his mother as he is old enough to sleep by himself.
It's eventful, but you would be lying if you said that it wasn’t one of the reasons why you will get grey hair earlier than everyone else.
So their very smartass nature is also shown in their protectiveness over you.
A person doesn’t need to insult or even dare flirt with you for your devil duo to make their life a living hell; your husband and son don’t tolerate someone speaking to you if it causes you to ignore both of them.
For example, today when the three of you are sprawled in grass of the public park as all of soak the sun up, as you Are making a flower crown for both your nerds when suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulders
You turn to look at the person being a men with creepy smile gracing his face, “yes?”
He clears throat, a bit flustered by the attention, “I wanted to ask where are you from ?”
“Um-I ‘m sorry but ---”
“Don’t worry love, I’m gonn’ treat you good” as he lays his hand on your shoulders, your about to give him a good push before you son speaks up
“take your disgusting hands off my mother shoulders , you unnatural looking fiend,” your son sneers followed by his father’s presence as he pulls you behind him as the man hurriedly takes his hand off your shoulders, slightly annoyed as well as scared from your husband's buff figure from the two more company of your son and husband.
“who are you to lay your limping hands on my wife and speak to her so casually?” Taehyun presses, and the man cowers away at the intimidating look Taehyun gives him as well as his dead stare as the man grumbles a quick Apologise to your husband.
As the man tries to walk away your son stands in his tracks, hand folded and just like his father, that boba eyes glaring at the man
“ Aren’t you going to apologise to my mother properly for causing her inconvenience ? Don’t you have any manners, or not ? Is this how you treat a woman ?” Your son questioned him making the man conscious of his action followed by your husband’s comment
“ Well my son just said something, aren’t going to answer ? Or should we make-” Meanwhile, you’re watching all of that, mouth agape and trying to articulate anything but the man immediately replies in fear.
“I’m so sorry for the inconveniences I caused you ma’am I didn’t mean to do that, please forgive me ” bowing his head to you as you bowed back a little to acknowledge and accept his apology as the said man in question runs away after he saw your husband nod his head at him.
Your son hugs you tightly and glares at the man’s retreating figure “ Dad why did you let him go off so easily? ”
You immediately reply before Taehyun does “ he already apologized my Little man , so that’s enough of torment you and your dad gave him by your stares”
You can spot the small smirk on your husband’s face as he watches his son grumbles. As you pick up your son, kissing his cheek which makes him flustered and causing him to bury his face in your Neck.
Your husband watches both of you with a smile as He rolls his eyes, and pulls you by the waist, “do I look like I care about the stares ? He shouldn’t have interrupted our time together And neither should’ve touched your shoulders .”
“aww, you’re jealous!”
“no, I am not-“
“Yes you are father, don’t lie! ”
As both of laugh at your son words, you realise your creation as you ask both of them
“ Who’s gonna wear these cute flower crowns I made ! ”
“No- no Mama, you and dad can wear that not me ” Your son says quickly to get away from looking cute, as you thought to yourself how much he is like his father in nature too, always want to be more of intimidating rather than cute but they're so cute and adorable you can't even explain
“Nope baby you and your father, both are gonna wear them—”
Before you can finish the sentence both of your boys runs off away from you, laughing as you chase after them
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You and your husband were blessed with the sweetest girl as your daughter, and she was just recently joined by another sweet girl.
You can never forget the happiness on your daughter’s face when she saw her baby sister.
It also seems that no matter how many times you give birth, your husband can’t help but get emotional when he holds your baby. His hands are forever delicate as he cradles her to his chest.
You remember what he said during the birth of your first daughter.
“I feel like a piece of heaven has been plucked and placed in my arms.”
The way he always goes soft for the three of you is honestly adorable.
Today, you were going on an outing with your- now 6 months old-baby and your older daughter who is almost six.
Your husband has always been happy about helping you out with you throughout everything, as he never misses a chance to carry the baby or the baby supplies.
You have offered to at least carry the bag, but he always refuses, stating that ‘you already carried the baby for nine entire months in your belly; this Is the least I can do.
So yeah, sometimes you wish to smooch your husband till forever at his cuteness and his care and love for you and your daughters but that’s not the point.
You’re walking hand in hand with your daughter as she sings her favorite song. You hear someone click their tongue, so you look to the side and lock eyes with an old lady. She takes the opportunity and approaches you.
“you should be ashamed of yourself!” she yells pointing at you, “your husband shouldn’t be carrying the baby supplies nor the baby itself for the matter,” she scowls, “that’s your job!”
Kai reply to the lady with a frown on his “with all due respect ma’am, but that isn’t her job, and taking care of the baby should be something we are both responsible for.”
“yeah!” your daughter huffs, “and don’t take out your sad life on my mama!”
Your eyes widen as you stare at your daughter.
On the other side, your husband is just as speechless. Your daughter pays no one any mind as she continues, “mama works hard every day! You wouldn’t know that! You immature nugget!”
Huening frowns lightly, “princess, that’s not nice-“
And for the cherry on top, your baby daughter throws the bottle cap she was playing with at the old lady, and frowns at her.
She starts babbling some nonsense that you’re Pretty sure are curse words in baby language. Having had enough, the old lady huffs, “the utter Disrespect,” and starts walking away.
The rest of the spectators’ eyes follow her till she is out of sight. Finally then, people start minding their own business, and you and your little family are left to the aftermath.
You giggle, “that was funny.”
“really?!” your daughter beams.
Kai cuts her off, “no,” he then looks at you with a small frown, a sigh escaping his lips, “y/n don’t encourage them-“
Your baby daughter screams happily when she sees her sister smile. She starts kicking her feet with the biggest smile on her own face.
Your older daughter starts laughing with her and tries to make her little sister laugh more-she was successful.
Meanwhile, you chuckle, leaning on your husband’s shoulder, “admit it, Babe; it was kind of funny.”
His resolve softens at the sound of laughter from All three of his girls, “okay, maybe a little, but-“
Ladies: 1
Huening Kai: 0
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346 notes · View notes
bae4choi · 1 year
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Human Dom! Yunho x Innocent(ish) fem pixie! Reader
Genre: Smut, fluff
Word Count: 3,552
Warnings: Dom! Yunho, Sub fem! Reader, Pixie! Reader, Virgin! Reader, Size kink, Yunho loves her tits,  ass slapping (once), Outdoor sex, unprotected sex (boooo 👎🏻), breeding kink, overstimulation, oral (both receiving), fingering (f. Receiving), Manhandling (kinda, not really?), Hickey giving, praising, use of nicknames (tiny, baby, good girl
Authors Note: literally started writing this while waiting for my voice lessons to start… and it was unexpected😭 also I wrote this in a different POV then I normally do, so please let me know what you think!! It’s also no proofread, sorry!
As Yunho threaded his way through the forest he stopped with a soft, almost inaudible gasp, letting his gaze fall onto a nude women swimming in the lake. His eyes widened when confirming that what he saw on the girls petite back, was in fact a pair of glistening holographic wings.
She arose from the somewhat shallow water, fluttering her wings to rid of the water and pushing her damp hair back before turning to leave said lake. Only to stop in her tracks when she spots Yunho, she lets out a scream before quickly sinking her body back into the lake. Covering her nude body from the unknown human.
"I-I'm so sorry" He stuttered out, spinning away from her at an inhuman speed as heat began rising to his cheeks.
"W-who are you?" The girl let out a whisper loud enough for Yunho to pick up on, he looked to the side seeing her still covered by the water. They made eye contact and he fully turned towards her.
"Uh.. I'm Yunho, I just moved into the house over there.." he gestured behind him, she nodded, her pretty wings fluttering behind her.
"what are you?" The words left his mouth before he could stop them, not even realizing how rude he was coming off.
"Oh- oh my gosh, I'm sorry that came off super rude-" he stopped when she let out a soft giggle, she shook her head no in response making him sigh in relief.
"It's not rude, humans are curious creatures" She responded, he only titled his head in response. "I'm a pixie, my name is Y/N" she gave him a warm smile.
Suddenly her body rose from the lake, Yunho was taken off guard and quickly averted his eyes from her exposed body. He felt her body getting closer to his and he sucked in a breath, her small finger tips gently caressed his bare arm.
"You're so large" her head had barely reached his chest, she was in fact small, probably the smallest girl he'd ever seen.
She continued to feel and grab his arm in awe, admiring how much bigger he was then her in comparison. He almost regret looking down at her when his eyes laid on her chest.
Her breasts were small, but large for her own size. Droplets of water rolled down her nipples and fat of her chest.
Yunho couldn't help but feel bad that he was getting aroused by this, she seemed almost innocent. Was being naked like this normalized and nonsexual for pixies? Or was she playing him?
He cleared his throat, catching the pixie's attention. She looked up to him, catching his eyes in hers before tilting her head.
"D-Do you have.. you know, clothes?" He refused to look back down to her chest, already disliking the way his somewhat hard erection was pressing against his jeans.
"Clothes?" She asked, frowning in response. "But you cannot have sex with someone with clothes on.?" She stated causing Yunhos eyes to practically bulge from his head.
"Sex?! I-I think you have the wrong idea Y/N.." he tried to back away but her grip remained solid on his arm.
"But, my friend says when two people find one another attractive they have the urge to have sex" she looked more confused then hurt and her expression only made Yunho question whether or not he was having a wet dream or not.
"Do you not want to have sex?" That's when her expression fell into one of sadness and Yunho couldn't help but feel bad. Because he did in fact want to fuck her into oblivion, but from the looks of it, she's never had sex with someone. And not to mention she was so small... there's no way he'd fit inside of her.
"I mean- have you had sex before?" She shook her head no before pulling him closer to her small body by the loops of his jeans.
He gasped, seeing how her tits squished up against the higher part of his stomach and giving him the most precious eyes he's ever seen.
"But... I want you to have sex with me, Yunho" she spoke, suddenly becoming shy under his gaze. "I wanna know how it feels" she whined, pushing her hips into his.
Oh fuck, Yunho was definitely having a wet dream. And who was he to decline when the hottest girl he'd ever seen was practically begging him to fuck her. He wasn't going to let this dream go to waste, no fucking way.
"Is that so, little pixie" he dragged a finger down her spine, grinning when he felt goosebumps gather upon her skin. One of his hands made it to her ass, giving it a small gentle squeeze that earned him the prettiest moan he's ever heard.
Her hands gripped the fabric of his white shirt as he massaged and played with her ass. Soon letting his other hand fall to her other cheek, spreading them apart before landing a soft slap to one side.
She jerked into his body with a whiny squeak, burying her face into his abnormally large chest.
"Y/N" she whispered out a little 'yes' into his shirt, still enjoying the stinging sensation in her back end. He let out a small chuckle that had her raising her head to look at him with a pout.
"Is there a place you'd feel comfortable laying down at?" She wasted no time in grabbing his hand and dragging him behind her.
To be honest, he wouldn't mind getting used to the view of her ass jiggling with each step she took and the way her wings fluttered with excitement. A proud smirk made it to his face when noticing one side of her ass was bright red.
She stopped, almost causing a distracted Yunho to slam into her petite body.
"Here" she pointed to the grassy area lined with tulips. Yunho had bought the house right on the edge of the forest just for this, the wonderful view it came with.
God, and he didn't regret it one bit when she laid her body onto the grassy ground, keeping her upper body up with her hands and letting her legs fall apart. Her dripping arousal being on full display for Yunho.
"Oh fuck" he cursed before kneeling between her open legs, pulling her hips and making her body slide on the ground and bump into his hips.
She let out a whine of relief when feeling his covered erection against her most sensitive area.
"Gosh, tiny, you're easily the most perfect girl I've ever seen" she moaned in response before wiggling her hips against his, loving the way his jeans rubbed against her sobbing clit.
"So impatient~" he teased as he stopped her hips from moving against his, he knew if she continued to do that she'd have him coming undone in his pants. He simply couldn't have that, he wanted to be inside of her when it happened, breeding and fucking his cum so far into her pretty cunt. She let out a whine of dissatisfaction at the loss of feeling and tried fighting against his grip, only causing him to laugh.
"At least let me do one thing before fucking you. Can you handle that, tiny?" She eagerly shook her head 'yes' but let out a surprised gasp when he leaned over her body, tongue poking out to tease her perky nipple.
His lips closed around the pretty bud, sucking and biting at the skin. While his other hand came to tweak and pinch her other. The constant moans and jerks of her hips confirmed that she was enjoying the stimulation.
His mouth separated from the red swollen nipple with a string of saliva connecting them before scattering purple marks all along both of her breasts. Her hand came to his head trying to push his head away, he obliged, his eyes meeting hers.
"Kiss me, Yunho" She pulled the back of his neck and closed the gap between them, his lips meeting hers in a passionate sloppy kiss.
His body practically covered hers as he hovered above her, slipping his tongue into her sweet tasting mouth. He swallowed her continuous moans as she allowed him to take complete and utter control.
They separated, breathing heavily and catching their breaths. But it didn't take her long to want more, pushing her hips against his.
"Take your clothes off" She tugged on his shirt with the most precious pout he's ever seen.
He listened and quickly stripped, letting his clothes fall next to them in the grass.
She stared at him in awe, still mesmerized by how large he was compared to the male pixies she was always ever around.
Her eyes moved down his body, landing on his erect cock, admiring how he was not only huge, but had a good amount of girth. She couldn't help but lick her lips.
"My eyes are up here, tiny~" he teased, her doe eyes met his and he smirked at her embarrassed expression.
He sat up on his knees between her legs, giving her a better view of his erection. She sat up not long after, her finger tips ghosting over the head of his cock, causing Yunho to let out a small groan.
Her hand pulled away, afraid she may have hurt him, but he grasped her small hand with his own and brought it back. Making her wrap her hand around his length, it could barely wrap around his thickness. She gave it a small squeeze and watched how it twitched in her hand, she smiled and looked up to him.
"It's pretty" His mouth fell agape from her words, "pretty?" He asked and she shook her head yes.
"I've never seen one before, are they all this big?" She moved her hand up and down his thick cock and he let his eyes shut in pleasure.
"I-I don't know" he responded with a moan, and she giggled, becoming more confident and picking up the pace.
"My friend says pixies would be lucky to have sex with humans, since their cocks are bigger then male pixies"
He believed her, considering how small she was herself. He could imagine that all the other pixies in the race were just as small.
"Ah shit.." He let out a breathy moan when her lips attached to the tip of his cock, placing a small delicate kiss on the precum covered skin.
With Her back arched, ass in the air, and wings flattened on her back. Sometimes fluttering when Yunho would moan. She sucked the tip into her mouth, swirling her warm tongue around the pink skin.
"Just like that, baby" he praised, his hand coming to stroke her hair.
She groaned against him, heightening Yunho's pleasure and earning a loud moan from him. She took this as her chance to engulf as much of his cock as she could fit into her small mouth. Her hand gripped the base and the other rested on his thigh.
Her tongue swirled around his length as she bobbed her head up and down. Causing wet squelching sounds, as well as making her gag a few times.
God did Yunho enjoy it, although it was her first time, she was way too good at it for her own good. He loved the way she would gag when the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat.
She continued, now knowing what he liked and his most sensitive spots. She abused that knowledge. Yunho was close, so so close, and she could feel it in the way his dick twitched in her mouth, how even more precum leaked from his slit, when his moans got louder and when he could barely stop himself from thrusting into the girls mouth.
"N-No more" he tried pushing her head away and she looked up to meet his eyes "don't wanna come yet-" and so she released his now wet cock with a popping noise.
"Can we have sex now, Yunho?" She sounded so innocent and sweet saying the words and as bad as he wanted to, he needed to prep her for what was to come.
"Lay down, Y/N" she obeyed, her back falling to hit the grass behind her back.
He smiled to himself, he loved how easily she listened to him. She was so submissive, yet demanding? She knew what she wanted and he liked how she was straightforward, it only turned him more.
He spread her legs apart by her thighs, admiring her dripping hole. He pushed her legs up a bit before diving his head into her wetness. His tongue flattening out on her, licking a strip of her wetness, making the girl let out a high pitched whine.
"Y-Yunho, I thought we were gonna have- oh-!" She couldn't finish her sentence before letting her head fall back with a loud moan. His lips sucked on her clit, using his teeth at some points to give it soft nibbles.
He chuckled against her clit, the vibrations causing her hips to jerk up into his face and arch her back. His tongue lapped up and down her arousal, licking up all her juices, letting out small groans at her sweet tangy taste. He would eat her out all day if he could.
She couldn't control her own hip movements, so Yunho took it Into his own hands to wrap one arm around her tummy and push her hips down, stopping her movements. And with the hand of that arm he circled two fingers around her swollen clit, and fucked his tongue in and out of her.
"Feels s-so so good" she choked out, her hand coming to thread through his hair.
Although he was supposed to be stretching her out to fit his cock into her tight hole, he couldn't get enough of her taste, it was nothing like he's ever tasted before.
And before they both knew it, she was coming undone on his tongue, letting her juices seep out of her. She moaned loudly as Yunho sped up the pace of his fingers on her clit, letting her ride out he high.
He removed his tongue when she was done, giving her thigh a small kiss before raising his head to look at her. She was in the process of catching her breath, with her head leaned to the side and eyes closed.
He smirked, fingers sliding up and down her slit, she jerked away as she was still sensitive from her recent orgasm.
"Too much" she shook her and tried crawling away, but he gripped her leg, yanking her body towards himself. She let out a squeak of surprise from his actions.
"Not yet, baby, still gotta stretch you out~" he let two fingers slip into her hole and she sucked him in like it was nothing.
"Ah Yunho~!"  she groaned, feeling the way his fingers rammed into her and his palm slapped against her clit with every thrust.
He added a third finger, and she whined, not knowing whether or not she liked the stretching sensation or not. But she made up her mind when the pain soon turned into pleasure and she felt her second orgasm arriving too soon.
"It's too much-!" But before he could stop she was already tightening around his fingers, letting her orgasm take over.
She let out a loud, almost pornographic moan when he added a fourth finger, adding to the pleasure she was feeling.
He pulled his fingers out, a sting of her arousal attached to his finger. He shoved two of his fingers into his mouth, groaning from the sweet taste.
Her head fell back, exhaustion coming over her from the overstimulation.
"Aww~ you're tired already? What happened to wanting my cock inside your pretty cunt, tiny?" He chuckled when she raised herself on her elbows and pouted at his teasing.
Yunho's erection brushed up against her wet lips and she whimpered at the sensation. Even though she was sensitive she still pushed her hips closer to his cock, he smiled at her enthusiasm.
"You sure you want it? It may hurt a bit, baby" He informed her and she eagerly shook her head yes, which was what he expected from her.
He lined up with her entrance, slowly pushing into her tight cunt, stretching her out around him. Her arms went weak and she dropped her body onto the ground with a loud whimper.
He leaned over her body, littering wet kisses all over her neck and jaw line, trying to make it somewhat enjoyable from her.
Once he was fully bottomed out, he waited for her breathing to slow down, and he noticed tears rolling down her face. He was in the process of pulling out, not wanting it to be too much for her, but she stopped him. Wrapping her legs around his torso, causing his cock to thrust back into her.
She practically let out a scream from the sensation and he moaned into her neck as a response.
"H-Hurts-" She whined, tightly closing her eyes, letting the tears roll down her face.
"I know, tiny, it'll get better. I promise" His sweet tone reassured her and he placed a quick kiss onto her plump lips. His hand then dropped to her clit, circling his fingers around her bud.
Adding pleasure to her pain, but it began to feel more pleasurable then it did painful so she pushed her hips into his cock, informing him that she wanted him to move.
He pulled his cock out before rolling his hips back into her at slow and soft pace, letting her get used to the feeling. He could feel how she fluttered around his cock, tightening and un tightening around him with constant whimpers falling from her mouth.
"Want m-more" she wrapped her arms around his neck, tits now pressed against his chest as he hovered over her.
His hips continued rolling into hers, gradually speeding up his thrusts to please her.
"Look at you tiny~" he admired her expression, eyes screwed shut, tears running down her face and he could tell that they were no longer from the pain, but rather from how good she felt. Her mouth was agape, high pitched moans leaving her throat as she let her head fall back in pleasure.
"You take my cock so well, and god-" He choked out when she tightly clamped down onto his cock "you're so fucking tight-!"
"Yunho- I-I'm gonna c-cum" His head fell to her neck, littering red and purple marks all around her soft skin as he sped up his hips.
"C'mon, tiny, cum for me- be my good girl~" he cooed into her ear, wrapping one of his arms around her small body and fucking into her like there was no tomorrow.
"Yunho-!" She chanted his name like a broken record and let her third orgasm take over, thrusting her hips to meet his as she tightened around him.
"Oh shit-" He only lasted a few more seconds before shooting his load into her cunt, fucking it so far into her.
They both rode out their highs before Yunho took out his now softening cock, admiring her cum dripping hole. He smirked at the view.
"Mmm~ you look so pretty" he caressed her still spread legs and she whimpered, feeling over sensitive from her past orgasms.
"But you'd look much prettier with my cum still in you~" His fingers slid against her folds, catching his cum on his fingers before shoving it back into her hole. Earning a whine from the girl as she tried pulling away.
"Y-Yunho, no more-" her breathing became heavier from the overstimulation. Yunho took his fingers out, catching the rest of the cum that dripped out and shoving it back into her.
"Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help myself~" he let out a small chuckle, removing his fingers and bringing them to her mouth.
"Open" she obeyed, sucking his fingers into her mouth. Licking up both hers and Yunho's juices with a groan.
"Such a good girl~" he took them out before laying next to her and wrapping his arms around her small body, pulling her close to him.
They laid there the rest of the night, watching how the sky turned different colors during the sunset. At some point Yunho had put his pants and boxers on and dressed her in his shirt. She looked absolutely adorable with the oversized fabric pooling over her body. Before they knew it, they fell asleep in one another's arms.
Yunho was awoken from a ray of light shunning down on him, he let out a groan trying to block his view with his hand when he suddenly heard a giggle.
He instantly sat up and opened his eyes, noticing that what he thought was a dream was really reality. And he couldn't get enough of it.
Y/N's petite body sat criss cross in the grass, still only wearing his white t-shirt, threading flowers together with her fingers as she made a flower crown.
She glanced at him, giving him a warm smile that he absolutely adored.
"Good morning, Yunho!"
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cxptain-capsicle · 4 months
Beyond the Sea | Luke Castellan | IV
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Unclaimed Poseidon!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, established relationship, Gods being terrible parents
The mess hall was quiet, you had gotten to the Hermes table early, the sun was shining warm golden rays on your skin. It was a beautiful morning, relaxing even. 
“Y/n!” Annabeth nearly screamed from across the pavilion. There went your relaxation.
“Good morning to you too Annabeth.” You smiled at her as she stormed the table. “What’s wrong?”
“Ya know the new kid?” She asked.
“Percy?” You confirmed.
“Something happened last night.” She said cryptically.
“Oh?” You sat up straighter. “He seems really sweet just make sure you’re always safe-”
“Oh my gods!” She shouted and covered her ears. “Not like that! Something else happened.”
Before Annabeth could get another word out Luke’s voice came booming behind you.
“Morning ladies!” Someone was in a good mood.
“I’ll tell you later.” She practically scowled at Percy as she walked away.
“Well, she’s a ray of sunshine.” Percy watched Annabeth as she left.
“What’re you two up to?” You asked as they took a seat with you at the table.
“Giving Percy my life story.” Luke shrugged.
“Not again.” You said sarcastically making Luke roll his eyes at you.
“Anyways, before camp, I was on the road. Me and a forbidden kid I met along the way. Her name was Thalia.” Luke smiled a little when he said her name. It made your stomach hurt and your face flush. You were jealous of a tree.  
“And what does that mean, forbidden?” Percy asked. 
“A long time ago, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades agreed their children were becoming too powerful, so they made a pact not to father anymore. And it held for a long time until Zeus broke that pact. Until Thalia.” Luke explained. 
“Forbidden kids attract trouble.” You added. “Monsters everywhere, constantly battling to stay alive.”
“One day, we, uh, find this little girl hiding in an alley. Annabeth. We were worried about taking her in, exposing her to all that danger. Then we saw her fight.” He chuckled at the memory then fell silent. “Thalia didn't make it. But Annabeth and me... we did. And we've been family ever since.”
“She's been watching me since I got here. Why?” Percy asked.
“Annabeth is the strongest warrior in camp.”
“Rude” You mumbled
“The only way left to prove herself is to go on a quest.” Luke gave you a little smirk as he continued
“And what does this have to do with me?”
“Chiron's been promising her for years,” Luke explained again. 
“One day, a demigod would arrive who was fated to go on a quest that even Chiron couldn't prevent. And when that happened, she could join it.” You explained to Percy. “Every new arrival, Annabeth watches, looking for a sign they're the one. Usually, she gives up after a day or two, but she's still watching you.” 
“Can you ask her to knock it off?” Percy said shyly.
“Yeah, sure. But what if she's right?” Luke shrugged.
“Annabeth will always do what she wants.” You chuckled. The conch shell rang and everyone turned back to see Chiron in the center of the pavilion.
“Heroes... it's time.” He announced. “The game begins.”
Everyone rose from their seats and began to follow Chiron.
“We’re doing this now?” Percy scrambled from his seat at the table. 
“Don’t worry kid, you’ll have fun.” You laughed at him.
“So what about you.” He asked, you looked at him with a raised brow. “How’d you end up here.”
“Well, I was alone for a long time.” You and Percy followed the large crowd up the hill, Luke continued ahead to talk with Annabeth. “A couple of years. I was constantly running from monsters and eventually one trapped me. I was stuck in a cave and I couldn’t get out. I was in there for a few days before they found me.”
“Who found you.” He was listening intently.
“Luke,” You smiled. “It was technically Grover’s quest, him, Luke, and Clarisse.” Percy’s nose crinkled in disgust. “Clarisse is an acquired taste.”
“So you and Luke,” Percy said slowly. “You guys…” He was making a gesture with his hands, you thought it was supposed to mimic kissing. You laughed and smacked his hands.
“Yeah, he’s my boyfriend.” You hadn’t called him that in a while. Dating at camp wasn’t forbidden but it wasn’t encouraged. Especially in a case like yours, living in the same cabin. Everyone knew you and Luke were together, when you first started dating you had to have some strongly worded conversations with a few aphrodite campers.
“For how long.” He seemed genuinely interested.
“Hard to say.” You shrugged. “It never really had a clear start. Just sort of happened.”
“You’ve been here three summers.” He eyed your necklace.
“This’ll be number four.” You confirmed.
“And you like it?” He asked as you finally came up over the hill.
“Happiest place on earth.”
Everyone got suited up and gathered supplies before separating to our designated sides of the river. Chiron went over the rules and the first conch blew.
“All right.” Annabeth jumped immediately into action. “We have 20 minutes before the second conch and game on. You know what you're doing?”
“Yes, ma'am.” You and Luke said in unison and prepared to take off. 
“Hey.” She stopped you. “Today feel like a winning kind of day to you?”
“As always.” You smiled.
“I'll see you on the other side.” Luke smirked. “Company, move out!”
Percy went to follow you and Luke but Annabeth stopped him. “Not you, sunshine. You're with me.” Percy looked at you like he was asked for help but all you could do was give him a sympathetic smile.
You and Luke escorted the flag carrier to the decided location then set out for the red team’s flag.
“Annabeth tell you what she has planned?” You asked Luke.
“Not really, just that she has a job for Percy.”
“That scares me.” You sighed. Before Luke could respond the sound of screaming and battle cries came from the trees behind you. A group of red soldiers came charging out of the woods towards you. You and Luke had done this so many times before it was as instinctual as breathing. You lined up back to back and fought off those dumb enough to try to attack you.
“Watch out!” Luke shouted as an arrow came down at you. The two of you rolled away from each other. When you emerged a warrior was right in front of you ready to strike you down. You took a slash at the back of her knees that sent her to the ground. You glanced over at Luke who seemed to be managing two opponents just fine. You took on each soldier one by one until finally, one girl raised her arms in surrender.
“We give up.” She panted.
“I wanna move quick.” Luke explained as he sheathed his sword. “Straight through the woods to their flag.”
“Clarisse hunts in those woods for the first few hours, you know that. She's gonna cut us down.” Chris spoke up. 
“Annabeth's got a plan.” Luke told him. “Percy's on it.”
Chris rolled his eyes a little.
“Come on, trust the kid a little.” You told him.
“When it's time, he's gonna be ready. I know it.” That seemed to instill a bit of confidence in the rest of the group because they all started towards enemy territory.
“Percy’s gonna be ready right?” He whispered to you.
“Totally.” You lacked confidence.
You and Luke caught up with the group and continued through the woods. You led the group quietly past a few small groups of soldiers having to convince Luke each time that you could take the stealth tactic and not just storm in. You came to a clearing in the woods and where it was. A bright red flag planted in the ground, waving in the wind.
“This has to be a trap.” You looked around. “No one’s here.”
“I agree,” Luke whispered. “I don’t trust it.”
“Perfect. You volunteer then.” You used the butt of your sword to push Luke out of the woods and into the clearing. He stumbled to his feet, raised his sword, and looked around waiting for the enemy to attack. 
“I don’t see anyone.” He said in a hushed voice to you. Almost as if on cue a flash of red came falling out of the tree above him. A girl with a sword came hurdling down on top of Luke knocking his sword out of his hands and sending it flying to the ground. You rushed the two of them, pushing the girl off of Luke and pinning her to the ground. You had a knee on her left arm and the other was under your hand. With your free hand, you had the blade of your sword against her cheek.
“I surrender.” She sputtered. By the time you got to your feet the rest of the group had handled the other two members of the red team that were guarding the flag. Luke grabbed the flag and turned to look at you with a big smile on his face.
“Look at this killer.” That was the nickname he gave you when you fought. You loved to fight, it made you passionate and deadly. He gestured to the flag in his hands. “Look what I got.”
“Congratulations.” His smile was contagious to you. “Getting the flag is easy, getting it back is the hard part.”
Clarisse was always hunting, waiting for us to get cocky after capturing the flag just to try to kill us on our way back. But this time that didn’t happen. We made our way back, fighting off a few opponents and reuniting with several members of our team. Soon the river was in sight and the company began to charge. Luke triumphantly placed the flag in the rocks, sealing our victory. Everyone cheered and shouted in victory and you couldn’t help but admire Luke. He raised his sword in the air and cheered, he looked like a true hero. He turned and began to search the crown with his eyes before they landed on you. He practically ran to you, pushing through other people with his shield to get to you. He dropped his sword and shield on the ground and ripped off his helmet before placing both hands on the sides of your face and pulling you in to kiss him. When he pulled away his hair was messy from underneath his helmet and his cheeks were flushed with adrenaline. You couldn’t help but laugh at his forwardness, affection around camp had to be kept to a minimum to avoid unwanted attention from Chiron or Mr. D. However every once in a while in the heat of the moment Luke didn’t care about the attention. Your loving moment was cut off by Percy’s shouts.
“What is wrong with you?” Percy was sitting in the water looking up at Annabeth who must have pushed him. You had no clue why she would do that until he stood up.
When Percy rose from the water a shimmering blue trident appeared floating above his head. Your stomach dropped, the sounds around you became muffled, your face paled. You were white hot with fury practically seeing red. You had waited nearly three years for your father to claim you, even chalking it up to him choosing not to claim you because of the pact to no longer father forbidden children. But now, this kid has been here for three days and your father claimed him. Everything you’d ever wanted in your life he got in three days. You didn’t come back to reality until you felt a hand land on your shoulder.
“Hey, are you okay?” Luke asked as you jumped away from his touch. “Let's go somewhere and talk-”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” You shrugged him off. You could hear the whispers now, feel the stares. You had tried to keep your powers in check but over the years there had been slip-ups. When you accidentally threw a wave at Silena Beauregard for getting a little too close and comfortable with Luke. Rumors spread fast at camp.
You pushed through the crowd as hot tears welled in your eyes. As you walked past the cabins trying your best not to look at the blue cabin at the end of the row your mind was on one thing. You hated the gods.
Feedback is always appreciated <3 feel free to slide into the inbox
@fudosl @lenasvoid @light-23 @petrichorvzlia-blog @vampsaddicted @bbgkaykay @teigo-the-explorer @number-onekidqueen @niktwazny303 @bonnie-tz @purplerose291 @yarnify
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lady-ashfade · 5 months
A Love Watered By Blood
Part one.
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Enemies to lovers- Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader.
-£ Plot: No matter how much the two tried peace was never a option. Always insults, and never compliments. it was the middle of the school year, and a new adventure started. Could they be civil when the time comes. Or will the war between them get in the way.
-£words: 3k words.
-£Previous // Next (coming soon)
-£Warning: Fighting, Cursing, Blood, Death, Seeing horrible things, Angsty, happy ending, slow updates, New god, Percy being rude, enemies to lovers, New plot, Slight slow burn
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“So,” the trio looked at the restaurant that glowed yellow, a old dinner style with big windows. it screamed 80s movie scene. they could smell the freshly made food coming from inside the diner, making their mouths water.
“This is the best day of my life.” Percy smirked as he looked into the window for the girl they had been searching for. the two beside him just looked at each other with a knowing look, that this was going to be a long couple of weeks.
“Percy,” Grover spoke and leaned his arm on his shorter friend, “don’t be rude. we need her to come along with us and we can’t stand you both fighting this whole trip.” annabeth nodded along and rubbed her forehead thinking of how the two argued often at every chance they got.
Percy looked between the two of his friends and rolled his eyes, “I’m not mean. She’s just rude and I have to defend myself, come on.” He pointed to the dinner, “How can she of all people be a waitress? She has the shortest temper.” they ignored him and walked passed him and into the diner. he let out a groan and followed behind them but his smirk returned quickly.
once they sat at a booth they waited for you to come out or see you. your mother said you were working here tonight. another girl was across from them on the other side helping a elderly couple. “she’s probably in the back.” Grover looked at the kitchen door waiting for you to pop out. annabeth looked at the menu to pass the time, plus she was hungry.
things were quite for a few minutes, them sometimes glancingaround. they couldn’t be patient even if their lives depended on it. Grover was getting hunger by the second that he could almost eat the counter underneath his hands. anything really.
they heard shouting from the kitchen and then the door swing open, a girl stepped out with a old waitress style outfit and her hair pushed out of her face. the group looked and found the girl they had come to see.
percy smirked and got too proud of himself when he spotted you, knowing you would hate him being here. when you looked over to see them your face dropped and your body froze for a minute, then you rolled your eyes and got out your notebook and marched towards them.
they see you throw on the fakest smile and suck your teeth before speaking, “Welcome to The Country Diner, what can I get started for you today?” the fake preppy voice made their ears scratch. you hated how he was looking at you. that same wide smile made you want to grab his neck and wait till he stops breathing.
“Oh, look at that! Our waitress is here,” percy cleared his voice and grabbed his menu, “I really just love that outfit, don’t you guys?” the two glared at him. annabeth kicked him under the table and gave him a warning look.
of course, percy didn’t judge against waitress because his mother was once on. but he knew that you’d never wanted to be caught wearing the outfit.
“y/n, it’s so good to see you.” You look at the satyr you’ve known for a long time. his hair grown longer and bushier, and his face more grown and facial hair started to grow. “hello Grover.” that was genuine. You nodded to annebeth before looking down at the notepad.
“Tell me what you want.”
“We want you to come along with us on a new quest.” she saw your eyes perk up and take a minute to register. huffing you look around you, the other girl who worked with was now out of sight and no manager around.
“And, why me? There is already three of you.” you raised a brow. the three looked at each other wondering who was going to tell you. grover shifted in his seat and slapped his hands on his legs.
“We need you on this quest,” you look at him with your head titled.
“Look, I can’t really take any quests at the moment. I have this test that effects half of my grade, I have money to make-” your voice was cutter off by the satyr. “It’s about your father!” His voice loud and made the couple on the other side turn their heads at the shouting.
shifting your weight you sit on the empty spot in the booth, and unfortunately it was next to Percy but you didn’t care at the moment. “my father would have said something.”
“he wasn’t allowed. you know how he is, I mean you must have felt something?” your eyes found the table as your thoughts brought up the memories of the past few days. your dreams were more vague and darker then normal, each night you saw at least three different people in hard problem. and each night you woke up drench in sweat and tears. you saw everything from their eyes.
he looked at you and at how you were deep in thought, making his theory correct. “what have you been seeing?” You shifted uncomfortably in the booth. looking to the side you check for any of the workers in case. sighing you open up,
“it’s been getting worse, I have at least five a night.” annabeth and grover nod while percy looks confused at what you are saying, he never listened to you or asked.
“then you know somethings wrong,” he leaned forward and placed his hands on the table. “The Episkopos has been stolen.”
they watch you freeze again and your eyes start to glare, mind running. “when?” You ask. Annabeth perked up and took over the conversation from Grover.
“A week ago.” You nod your head and place your hand on the edge of the table and slide out from the table. Percy’s eyes glares in confusion, “Where are you going?” looking back at him you give him a death stare.
“You think I want to go on a quest in this outfit? Or without anything?” Crossing your eyes. “Not all of us want to look like they put no effort in.”
“Clearly, I mean look at you.” he snapped back.
Grover sat up quietly and took you by the shoulders before you had the chance tackle him. And you have before. Pulling you to the side he hears you mumbling angrily and fight back against his hold. Once he gets to the end of the counter Grover lets you go and carefully, but ready to hold you if he needs to again.
“We need to leave soon. You know how powerful your fathers mirror is, I’m afraid of what someone might do with it.” The look in his eyes brought you back to reality. you hum and relax you tensed body. “If they are smart enough to use it.” You shrug at the thought of the thief. you pat his shoulder and give him a small smile before walking away to the kitchen door and wondering how in the hell you’re going to get out of working.
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“So remind me, what exactly do you “see” when you sleep?” percys asks out loud as his fingers trace the posters on the wall. “you being wiped from experience.” the girl smirks as she places some clothes in a book bag. the boy laughed sarcastically and looks back at her.
“That’s funny, I’d like to say the same thing but you don’t even exist in mine.”
their friends sit on the bed watching the two throw insults knowing that this was what the whole trip would be like. “Can we just stop fighting? You two are so annoying.” annabeth looks at a magazine in her hands bored. “It would save a lot of time.” The satyr agrees with his friend.
“She started it this time.” Percy pointed his finger and then turn his head back around to snoop around your things.
“If you must know, beach boy, I’ve been seeing many things. Oh yes, like death of loved ones, some receiving horrible news, or maybe you want to hear of how I watch someone take their final breaths from their own eyes?” the girl faked beaming with happiness as she put on a happy face. maybe that was mean but he was asking for it. she didn’t want to talk about the things she was cursed in seeing.
the boy turned fully with all the sarcasm and sass leaving his body as he leaned against the dresser. “sorry.” the girl replied with a huffed and continued to stuff her bag full of stuff. a few bills she had been saving under her mattress and anything she thought she’d need.
now Percy hated her to the ends of the earth. everything about her made him annoyed. her breathing. the way she’d tease him. how she looked. how her voice sounded. no one hated her more then him. but seeing all that- he’d never wish that on her or anyone, not even the worst monster.
the room around them looks like a slight punk. posters of bands all over the walls, a few messy clothes laying around and jewelry spread around. a big mirror hung above the dresser with pictures stuck to it, mostly taken in camp.
“okay, after that lovely piece of information we should talk about what we should do.” Grover clapped his hands together once more and looked at each of them.
“The oracle says to go to the temple of the unknown,” Percy steps closer and looked at y/n. “Do you know?”
“It’s called the temple of the unknown for a reason.” She taunted him again and zipped up the bag.
“Well, as his daughter I thought you would know.” He stepped closer to her direction.
“Do you know everything about your dad?” she asked and waits for a moment. he goes to answer but he stops himself because he didn’t. “Exactly.”
the boy when to fight with her but he only made noises and then backed off with his hands flying in the air. he couldn’t do this, she was too much. y/n smiled softly in victory and threw the black bag over her shoulders, “I think I might know something but I’m not for sure..”
the three are now looking at her, “Even when I’m dreaming I knew exactly where I am. The last place I saw was a park in Minnesota, but every place i saw was almost like a road map. I think we should follow it.”
they look at each other to conform. they nod and stay up, “at least we have a plan.”
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and it was a really shitty plan.
you stayed in that small town because of the waste of mortals. or in the diner that smelled of food that over powered your scent. now three demi gods and a satyr traveled together, a death wish just waiting to happen.
being a demigod always makes things so much harder.
The group didn’t even make it half way across the state without being attacked by a monster. and usually you could handle it but you had walked into a town filled with them. a nest of some sort.
you had to relay on fleeing and try not to get seen, and for annabeth it was easy. however, you and Percy found it hard when he kept bumping into you. you whispered at him to stop a little too loud, and he glared and whispered(yell) back. and they could only tell you both to stop a few times because you both could you guys caught.
“What is your problem?” Percy yelled at you after you guys finally got away, having to fight some monster and all of you getting a few scratches.and bruises. “Me? What about you. How clumsy can you be to run into me ten times? is your scull just filled with water?” You flicked his head and he hissed in slight pain.
“because you kept stopping for no reason, I had no choice. it was your fault we got caught.” his fingers pointed at you.
“Me? you are the one who squealed when you stumbled back, that was one hundred percent your fault.”
his mouth handing open as his eyes went up and his face turned angrily amused. “sometimes I can’t believe how stupid you sound sometimes. do tell, who trip and made us almost get eaten?”
you had been running away and your foot bent slightly and causing you to slipped, you put your hands out to try and stop yourself. percy was the closest one to you so he helped you up and made sure to get you in front of him in case that happened again. no matter how much he wanted to leave you. he wasn’t that kind of person.
“okay, really? it wasn’t my fault the ground was slippery. we would have more time if you hadn’t-” the yelling of the two drowned out to Grover as he covers his ears and blocked them out.
can’t they just say quite for a day?
“It’s both your faults! both of you did things wrong, and your yelling isn’t helping.” the boy shouted and pulled them both apart.
“please, just shut up! If you don’t have anything nice to say then not speak.” the two looked at him surprised. he didn’t usually do this but only when he got really angry or annoyed.
y/n looked away and kicked a rock on the ground, “sorry.” She mumbled quietly. percy did the same thing, “whatever.” he walked away from them both to cool himself off. he didn’t understand how she could always mess up and get under his skin, it’s like she was made just to annoy him.
after that the group barely spoke to each other. they traveled for a few hours until sundown and looked for a place to stay. luckily, they found a old house that was newly abandoned. when they set up the sleeping area y/n walked out, saying she would keep a eye out for any monsters. they all could see how shut off she was being and how clearly upset she was. and in this situation it was easy to let her be.
Annebeth was curled in the corner with her hands clinging to her dagger. Grover was spread out with his arm spread across his face slightly snoring.
percy tried to sleep.
he toasted and turned but there was something plaguing his mind that kept him awake. how you clung to his arm when he pulled you up. you looked so afraid as the monster nipped at your feet almost getting you, that you had no choice but to ask for help. he’s ever seen you so scared and for some reason, all he could see was the fear in your face when he blinked.
“don’t be a idiot, I’d never ask you for help.” he could hear the words ring in his head if he told you.
pushing the shirt thrown over him to the side he carefully stood up without waking the other two. he walked out the room and went to search for you. if he wasn’t going to get any sleep he might as well help with the lookout.
he found you sitting on the steps with your head leaned against the railing. humming a soft tune to yourself and for a second, he felt peaceful. but he remembered that it was you. cleaning his throat to make his presence know and walked across the porch boards.
turning your head you looked at him. it was a soft look of hate and not the full glare he was expecting. “what do you want?” He sat down on the same step away from you but as far as he could. almost afraid you’d bite him.
“couldn’t sleep.”
you hum in response and slight nod your head. you continued to look at the street and around the place in case something was to sneak up on you. a breath leaves your lungs and you lean back on your hands, pushing yourself back against the stairs above you. you throw you head back up and close your eyes to relax for just a minute.
“you know,” you began as his ears perked up. “I have no clue where the hell we are going.” You admitted with little confidence in yourself.
“it could just all be a trick and I’m leading us down the wrong path. but each time I feel-” you cut yourself off before you go to deep.
percy looked at you with your eyes closed. this was a actual conversation. no insults. he didn’t even feel angry as he stood next to you. for the first time it was a comfortable understanding.
“i know how you feel. when I search for the lighting bolt I knew exactly where I was in my dreams dispute never going to those places.”
he watched your eyes open again and look into his. “sometimes we are shown things. i trust you, for this quest at least. you’re the only one who could help us get there now.” you face grows and small smirk and your eyebrows raise.
tilting your head and sit up slight, “that almost sounds like a compliment.” you teased him. he rolled his eyes playfully and looked away from you, “never in a million years.” he chucked. you looked at him for a second longer then you normally do. this was the first time you saw him smile with you, it was new.
and kinda pretty.
shaking your head at the thought you looked away from him and let the thoughts get pushed back into your head. there was nothing pleasing about him and your brain needed to remember that. your both just to tired to fight and it means nothing. because never in a million years, will you ever be friends with Percy Jackson.
but, maybe you can get along with him for this quest at least.
Taglist: @american-idiot21 @kazurami14 @anonymouslyawesome25 @itzmeme @poemfreak306 @motorsport @mxlI0d1 @daughterofthemoons-stuff (just ask to be added and I will)
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flem17ng · 6 months
Could you write basically anything for Jessie Fleming? I’m obsessed with her atm x
Chance encounters JFlem x Reader
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Thank you anon! I have the biggest crush on her rn it’s not even funny. I hope you enjoy (also please note that i’m still getting used to writing in second person so i’m sorry if the grammar is insane)
chelsea!jessie fleming x Arsenal!reader
summary: reader has just signed for Arsenal as a midfielder. she meets jessie at her starting debut against chelsea. a few chance encounters after and their relationship builds. 
warnings: Kinda very long. 
word count: 3.2k
“Y/n if you don’t hurry Jonas is gonna find someone to fill that starting spot!”
“no he won’t Leah, don’t be a dick.”
Leah laughed from where she leaned against the doorway. You two were the only ones left in there, everyone else was on their way through the tunnels to warm up. 
“come on kid, you’re great! there is a reason why you’re on this team ok. remember that”
You sighed but nodded, Leah was right as always. But that didn’t stop the feeling of nerves that crept into your belly and up your back and neck. The last time you had been this nervous was… well you couldn’t remember when. 
You stood and corrected your shin pad slightly before straightening up. 
“I know.” you breathed and took a deep breath, “ok. i’m good. let’s go williamson!”
You slapped her on the back at you stepped passed her and into the hallway. 
on the other side was the other team, chelsea’s, locker room. 
“god i hate this stadium, they put us so close together!” Leah whined as you both walked past. You didn’t answer, instead peering into the room. you caught sight of a short brown ponytail and a blue kit before you were rudely tugged forwards. 
“jeez Leah! you’re the one who stayed behind to wait for me! what’s with all the impatience” you mumbled but trudged on. It was a big game, you wanted to get warm. 
Walking out as part of the opening lineup was the most surreal experience you had ever had. The crowed roared like a stormy sea of blue and red. Chelsea fans screamed at their captain while the gooners ran through player chants. Across from you, on chelsea’s side, stood the opposing attacking midfielder. You could feel your palms sweating, your heart racing, but you spared a glance at the girl- before promptly almost stopping breathing. 
Jessie Fleming was standing about a metre away from you: eyes forward, jaw clenched, hair in a neat ponytail. You’d seen her around before (and if you were being really honest, you’d always thought she was gorgeous) But now she was standing right next to you. 
“head in the game y/l/n” Katie called from behind you. 
Jessie looked at you before you could look away, and curled her lips up in a friendly smile. You felt your stomach flip at the sight and gave her an awkward wave in return before facing the front. 
So what if she was gorgeous? So what if she happened to be the player Jonas told you to mark? You had a derby the win. 
Look. You hadn’t seen her coming so really, was it your fault that you ended up on top of her in the last 5 minutes of the game? maybe. 
The game was as tough as you knew it was going to be: Kerr was running up front aiming for the net while the chelsea defenders had locked into a solid formation. By half time it was still nil all. By second half both teams had gotten reckless; Beth took a hard tumble that had the crowd on their feet while Ashleigh Lawrence on the blues side had been sent off with a suspected concussion. 
so there you were, midfielding in a violent London derby, 2 all with just minutes left to go. 
You touched the ball and took off running, hoping to pass it off to Katie. Distantly you could hear Steph screaming at you (“MAN ON, MAN ON y/n!!”) but before you could proses her words the ball was stolen in a lightning slide-tackle. The force took you off balence and you stumbled forward into the player who was just starting to stand up. 
Time seemed to slow down as you fell forwards: the ball rolled away, the grass was a lot greener up close and oh god were you falling on the person you thought you were?!
You hit something hard and warm with a thud. 
“ow” Jessie groaned, having been sandwiched between the ground and yourself. 
You looked at her, horrified at the situation, and found her with her eyes shut and grimacing. 
“oh my god, I’m so sorry” the whistle had blown but you ignored it, scrambling off the Canadian and holding out your hand to help her up. 
she cracked open her eye and smiled lopsidedly. 
“hey i’m the one that tackled you!”
You shuffled, hand still outstretched. Jessie laughed and look your hand with a firm grip, letting herself be pulled up. 
“true. Maybe i should be rolling around on the ground a bit more to prove that. Lord knows we need that penalty” You grinned at her and slapped her arm before pulling away. 
“You wish gooner”
The whistle blew again and you both turned to the referee. you still had some time in this game. 
Jessie limped into the Blues locker room, hair falling out of her pony tail and cheeks a flaming pink. The game hadn’t gone in her favour, something she took hard. The tumble at the end of the game had left her feeling beaten and bruised. 
“jess! nice work ok there mate!” Sam slapped her shoulder with a smile. Jessie just nodded and began to pull off her shirt with one hand. At this point in the night she just wanted to get home with her dog and a large tub of chocolate ice cream. Slowly she packed up her stuff, pulling off her socks and shoes. she was halfway through her post game ritual when guro sat with a thud next to her. 
“tough tumble you took just then”
“oh it was nothing really. just a badly timed tackle is all.” Jessie shrugged. the tackle had been perfect but she wasn’t about to blame you for it. 
“have you met her before. y/n?” Guro questioned. 
Jessie felt her cheeks go red again and hoped she wouldn’t notice. 
“not properly no. we’re in similar circles”
“hm. she’s cute” Guro winked and stood, grabbing her bag. “see ya on Tuesday jess!” 
Jessie opened her mouth, thought, and shut it again. She felt her ears burn a little. of course she knew you where cute, she’d thought that the second she had seen your transfer announcement, she’d known you were gorgeous the moment she had seen you in a bar months ago during a holiday break. And she’d been thinking about you since she saw you sitting up on the starting roster for the derby. 
A knock on the locker room door startled her out of her (gay) thoughts. 
“hey Fleming? Sorry i know i’m technically not allowed to be here…” Your voice carried through the almost empty room. You stood in the doorway, looking very out of place in your arsenal jacket. 
“no not at all. come in please” jessie managed to get out, half in shock and half in disbelief. You walked forward to where she sat, one leg stretched out, kit half on, bag half packed. 
“i just wanted to make sure you were ok. I fell pretty hard on you back there” You fiddled with your fingers and glanced down at jessie as if checking for any bruises. 
“eh, no worse than anything else. Just tired mostly” She looked up at you and you noticed how dark her eyes looked. she did seem tired, weighed down even. You hummed and sat gingerly on the bench next to her. the change room was empty now, and quiet. Jessie rubbed her knee with a wince  You watched the side of her face for a second before reaching into your own bag and pulling out a small ice pack that you kept for emergency’s. Gently, you touched her hand and moved it off her knee, placing the ice pack down instead. 
“thanks” jessie muttered, holding the ice pack to her joint. 
“Good job tonight.” you half whispered, scared to raise your voice in the quiet room, “i had a lot of fun playing with you” You stood up and brushed your pants awkwardly. Jessie smiled and nodded but didn’t look convinced. 
“see you around y/l/n”
“bet on it Fleming”
the newspaper sat on the park bench, a light wind rustling its pages and the recently fallen leaves on the path. You smiled when you saw it, remembering the excitement of the game, the final goal and the bar night that came after. You went to pick up the paper when a dog started barking. 
“i’m so sorry he doesn’t normally do that” a woman called apologetically. 
“no problem really” you stated looking up from the paper to the golden retriever that was sniffing at your feet. “aren’t you a handsome boy?” you cooed before looking up at the owner. 
“y/n? oh my god i didn’t recognise you out of your kit!” Jessie grinned at you, both hands on her dog’s leash as she attempted to keep him from running off. She was wearing a sweatshirt and loose jeans, her hair was out in waves around her jaw. 
“Jessie gosh i didn’t see you!” you hoped you didn’t sound as breathless as you felt, though you doubted it considering how hot your cheeks were. 
She looked down at the paper on the bench and snorted.
“still revelling in your glory then?” you looked down, guilty. “It’s alright, it was a hell of a debut”
“even if i fell on my face at the end?”
“I believe you fell on my face actually” Jessie giggled, her cheeks going rosy. 
“hey now i said i was sorry!”
“I didn’t say it was a bad thing did i?” You looked at her with raised eyebrows, she just raised hers back. You would have thought she was bantering if it wasn’t for the steady blush going from her freckled cheeks to her ears. 
The dog woofed loudly, snapping you both back to reality. 
“um so, free day for you aswell?” Jessie asked now trying to look anywhere but at you. 
“yeah. Coach let us have a day off for ‘celebration’.”
“hate to break it to you Y/l/n but this isn’t the pub” Jessie motioned around the park (relatively empty because it was a Monday morning)
“Well… I would much rather be out and about than in some stuffy pub at 9am. Why are you free?”
“I think Emma wanted to give us time to reflect on the game. I’m sure we’ll be in for a lecture tomorrow.” Jessie pulled the leed and motioned for you to walk with her. The park was one of those little ones you only find in London: gated and stuck between large apartments and tiny cafes. 
“you played amazingly though.” You stated, sticking your hands in your pockets. Jessie snorted and shook her head. 
“I played pretty shit. You don’t have to butter me up.”
“I’m not! I’ve seen you play a million times before and yesterday was definitely one of the best”
“a million times? really? I didn’t know you where a fan” jessie smirked. 
“oh please Fleming don’t look so smug or i’ll find some other boring Canadian to bother”
Jessie scoffed and looked at you with feigned anger, “Boring? You’re the one spending your celebration day in a park with the enemy” 
You laughed and nodded in agreement. The truth was: You had been invited for breakfast with the team but crowds weren’t really your thing. And maybe you couldn’t get a certain brunette off your mind but that wasn’t anyone’s business. 
“well would it make it any better if i asked the enemy to get some coffee with me?”
The cafe, like the park, was empty. an old man sat in the corner with a crossword and the teenager at the counter looked half asleep on his feet. The dog was allowed in and now sat peacefully by jessie’s feet, his big brown eyes looking out the window for a squirrel to watch. 
“what’s his name?” You asked, tipping your head towards the retriever. 
“moose? oh my god you’re so Canadian. Next you’re gonna tell me you have a cat called maple syrup.” Jessie laughed and shook her head. 
“i do have a cat back home- but her name is Bear.”
“oh my god that’s almost worse.” you laughed and patted moose on the head. “you like animals then?”
Jessie’s eyes lit up and she leaned closer. 
“i love them. anything in nature! hiking, camping. And any animal i love!” Her eyes sparkled and she took a sip of her drink (cold brew, an order a friend from the Canadian team had introduced to her). 
“wait yeah i forgot. You’re crazy smart aren’t you?” You asked. Of course she was, smart, talented, god damn ethereal in the morning sunlight and apparently an animal lover aswell. 
“well… i went to university. engineering, environmental science.” she smiled sheepishly, “it’s funny because i majored in mechanical engineering but i would love to have a farm one day” She smiled thinking about it. You pictured it for a moment: Jessie in a flannel and cowboy hat, dog by her side and an axe or something in her hand. 
“I think you would be good at that” You responded, trying not to think about lumber jack jessie for too long. 
She smiled and took another long sip from her cup. 
“I didn’t know you lived near here?” Jessie asked. 
“yeah I’ve been staying with Leah for a few weeks. I’m hoping to get an apartment within a month or so though.” rooming with leah was harder than it sounded. she was high maintenance. “what about you? do you live with anyone? boyfriend?”
jessie snorted,  her coffee almost spraying over the table. She looked at you for a moment with a raised eyebrow before realising you weren’t kidding. 
“oh you’re serious? No i don’t have a boyfriend. I um. No. i don’t… I don’t really do boys at all really” Jessie blushed and shook her head. 
“OH! oh god my bad! I mean neither do i. I didn’t want to assume, you know get my hopes up-“ You quickly slapped a hand over your mouth. 
“get your hopes up eh?” jessie smirked. You panicked for a second, Looking at her and then the door and then the old man. Jeez that was real smooth. 
“What i mean is: Sometimes you just don’t know. I didn’t want to hope that you… That you were gay because we might not relate right!” was it hot in the cafe? you were pretty sure you were sweating. Did jessie buy it? why did she look disappointed. It was at that moment that your phone began to ring. 
“Look jess i’ll have to catch you later! Leah is wondering why i didn’t get the coffee beans she told me to get!”
“Leah doesn’t drink coffee”
“yes. right. well i still must be off” you got up and handed your card to the waiter, paying for both you and jessie’s drinks without a thought. Jessie watched you for a moment feeling a little hurt. Did you have a problem with her being gay? That didn’t make sense but she couldn’t think of another reason that you had gone cold. 
“Alright. Thanks for the coffee eh? I’ll pay you back another time.”
“sure. another time Fleming” you smiled and patter Moose one last time before heading out the door leaving jessie both confused, slightly hurt and all together very queer. 
It was Millie that ended up dragging her to the club a few weeks later. If it was up to her, Jessie would have stayed in watching star wars with a bowl of popcorn. But alas, her Captain had other plans and so she found herself, half drunk and grumpy in a crowded booth on a friday night. She was wearing a black button down shirt and slacks (the only smart outfit she owned that wasn’t sweats and a tshirt). The music was Thumping, Lights flashing and her head was feeling way too light for this early in the evening. 
“hey jeff. I think i spotted your girl on the dance floor earlier” Sam shouted teasingly. By now the whole team had noticed jessie’s little crush. 
“she’s not my girl sam. She literally ran away when she found out i was gay” Jessie rolled her eyes and sunk further into her seat. So maybe she had been thinking about that day at the cafe a little more than normal. 
“oh my god you’re an idiot fleming.” Guro stated. “she’s gay! She blushes like an idiot every-time you’re around! go find her and dance!”
“yeah right. i’m going to dance but just to get away from you” jessie stood and walked into the dance floor, finding the music and letting herself move further away from her friends in the booth. It was all she could think about for the last few weeks. Every post she saw about you, every song made her feel dizzy. She felt like a fool. 
“Jessie? I didn’t know you would be out tonight” Your voice cut through the music and jessie turned sharply to face you, her mouth falling open. You were wearing a tight dress that clung to your curves, the lights of the club lit up your face in strange ways, highlighting your lips, your eyes… jessie froze. 
“look jess i feel really bad about that day. I was being an idiot. I don’t know why i freaked out the way i did. I mean of course i wanted you to be gay! You’re the most amazingly beautiful woman i’ve ever seen! god i’m just yapping now but-“
“dance with me” Jessie cut you off, eyes still wide as she watched you. 
“dance with me y/n”
She stepped closer into you her hands coming to rest on your waist where she ran her nails softly over the silk of your dress. The music was loud and fast yet you swayed together, impossibly close. 
you put your hands in her neck, your fingers tangling into the roots of her hair making her eyes flutter closed. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you laughed nervously. Jessie’s eyes were on yours, pupils large and dark. The crowd melted away as she pushed forward and kissed you. 
It was as if all the air had been sucked from your lungs. Her lips were soft and warm and tasted like mixer and vodka. Her grip tightened on your waist and you kissed her back hard. Your finger slipped into her hair as she gasped into your mouth. It was hot and messy and you needed it. You kissed her like a woman starved. 
When you finally broke apart you breathed heavily, mouth pink and cheeks flushed. 
“fuck” she gasped, her eyes glued to your mouth. 
“yeah” you laughed cradling her face in your hands. 
“for the record i think you’re really beautiful.” jessie laughed, suddenly looking bashful. You grinned and placed another kiss on her swollen lips. 
“let’s get out of here Fleming. I think I need to show you just how beautiful you are”
290 notes · View notes
lillsisamarshmallow · 7 months
The plan (11)
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Summary: The stakeout ensues as Y/n and her friends try and catch the perp, but they underestimate the power of marshmallows and boy talk, Y/n and her boys have a run in with a rude customer and Y/n, has some explaining to do.
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: Verbal Abuse, Name calling, Threatening, Fluff, Angst, Let me know if I missed any!!
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It had been a few days since the boys started helping out at the café and thankfully everything had been going well, I was currently waiting for Seoyeon to arrive since she had wanted to come over to ‘set a trap’ for whoever has been leaving these notes, I told her it was stupid and it didn’t matter, but she didn’t really care.
The knock at the door tore me away from my thoughts and I made my way over from the couch, the boys knew that she was coming over and they were just doing their own things, mostly playing games on the tv so I doubt they would notice us, they can get really competitive, Namjoon and Seokjin had to tear apart Jungkook and Taehyung the other night because Taehyung had won the Mario cart round between the two.
I pulled open the door to see Seoyeon and standing next to her was Jiyoon, who I was not expecting.
“Oh. Hey guys, I didn’t know you were coming by too Jiyoon.” I said while inviting them inside.
“I found her sitting in the lobby at one of the tables and figured she could be a helpful asset, she can be very loud, so while I’m chasing them with this bat,” Seoyeon said as she whipped a large baseball bat out from behind her which made me and Jiyoon step back from her to avoid being hit by the crazy lady. “She can yell and scream at them so other people come out and they can chase them too.” Seoyeon exclaimed excitedly and with a small glint in her eyes.
“A-Ah, well, why don’t we just put that down and, uh-”
“Where on earth did you pull that from?” Jiyoon’s exclaimed with a look of concern.
“It’s a secret.”
Seoyeon moved her index finger up to her lips before slowly lowering it down and turning back to me with a large smile on her face, I could see Jiyoon looking around her back obviously trying to see where it had come from.
“Right, well, I really don’t think it’s such a big deal.” I said while walking them into the kitchen, Seoyeon slung the bag off her back, and it smacked onto the table, and it made a loud thud.
What did she put in that?
“Y/n, someone is threating you, what happens if they come into the apartment or what if it gets worse and they’re a stalker or something.” She kept rambling on.
“You watch too many of those damn crime documentaries, I told you to stop that.” I said while rolling my eyes at her. She turned to fully face me, and she stuck her arms out and put her hands on my shoulders, holding me firmly while looking into my eyes with a serious stare.
“I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” She spoke, I stared into her eyes before breaking and letting out a sigh.
“Fine, I guess it wouldn’t be great if they did manage to get into the apartment.” I glanced over to the spare room were you could her the boys yelling, something about zombies and a death pit. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to them.”
The girls both glanced over to the room before looking back at me, but Jiyoon kept her eyes on the door.
“Yeah, them too I guess. But mainly you.”
I gasped before whacking her on the arm.
“What? I’m not exactly ‘fond’ of them.” She murmured while rolling her eyes and bringing one hand up to rub her arm. “One of them hit you, and that Hoseok wasn’t too friendly to me, who does he think he is? asking me who I am? Jimin and Jungkook are okay though.” She scoffed when talking about the older boys.
“He was just protecting me, he didn’t know who you were, you even tried to do the same thing, and can we please drop the whole getting hit thing, I wasn’t seriously hurt, and we’ve resolved it anyways.”
“Oh, you may have resolved, but I’ve still got some words to have with whoever it was that thought it was okay to-”
“Seoyeon, just drop it, it’s okay, really. What’s your plan anyways, stand out front the door and chase down anyone who walks by with your giant… bat? What game do you even play with that?” I asked her, suddenly interested in what game could possibly need a bat that large.
“Hide n seek.”
“The bat’s for hide n seek, and no, that’s not my plan, The plan, is that we are going to wait on the inside of the door and when they slide the note under it we then open the door, and we surprise attack them.” She explained like it was that simple.
Hide n seek?
“Wah-a, um, sure-yeah, that sounds like a plan.” I stumbled over my words.
“Let’s set this trap.”
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We were all sitting around in our pyjamas on some spare blankets in front of the door, waiting to hopefully catch the culprit, I had pulled out some crackers and cheese, and Seoyeon came prepared with some marshmallows and chocolate biscuits, the warm glow from the lamps in the kitchen and lounge room illuminated the area, I could still hear the boys from the other room, but they seemed to have quieted down.
“How could you choose him over Guwon?”
“I’m sorry, have you seen him?” I quickly fired back at Seoyeon’s outrageous comment. “The whole show he is looking after Ari and taking care of her, making sure she isn’t getting into trouble and helping her. Guwon on the other hand spends most of the show bothering Sarang!”
“Yeah, but he means well!”
“Sure, he means well, but he doesn’t do well.”
“You guys do realise that you’re arguing over fictional men, right?”
“Shhhh!” We both hushed Jiyoon at her interruption to our very important debate. Somehow we had come to the topic of best CEO men from the shows we watched, Seoyeon thought Guwon from her hotel show was better than Junkyung from my celebrity show, which was wrong.
“Have you even seen ‘celebrity’?” I sassed her, already knowing the answer.
“No- “
Before she could finish I cut her off.
“Exactly! Watch it, then come and tell me who you think the better ‘troubled, rich boy, CEO’ is.” I huffed at her playfully while doing quotation marks before facing away and sticking up my nose. I heard her sigh before the small hallway fell into a silence, which was promptly broken by our fatal attempts at keeping our laughter in.
We had been having so much fun that we had pretty much forgotten about the plan, the blanket was covered with various pillows and things, topped with platters of different food and drinks, Seoyeon’s bat was now replaced with a half empty jumbo pack of Tim tams and a half drunken bottle of creaming Soda.
It had been so long since we had spent time together, the three of us, maybe we should plan a trip or something.
It didn’t take long for us to lose the energy and become tired, we did our best to stay awake, but after a long night, our attempts were futile, I didn’t wake up until I felt someone moving my body before shuffling arms under me and lifting me up, I sleepily moved my hand my rub my eyes so I could try and get a better view of what was happening around me.
I felt my body resting against someone’s chest before I looked up and saw Hoseok, he was whispering to someone else, they moved around a bit before they stopped talking, we didn’t move for a while until I heard someone groaning, I turned to my side to see Jiyoon sitting down, half-awake on the floor, she hurled herself up before hastily trying wake the other sleeping girl, I turned back around and closed my eyes for just a second.
The quick light that entered the room before the sound of shuffling entered my ears made me stir slightly, I looked up again at Hoseok who was still holding me, but this time he looked down, I couldn’t see much of his face, but I heard him say something that I couldn’t understand before we started moving.
My body came in contact with the bed, and I immediately started to wriggle myself under the blankets before turning and latching on to the closest thing for warmth.
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“Jiyoon’s apartment was so boring.” Seoyeon whined, extending the ‘o’ “There was nothing to do, she didn’t even have any magazines to read!”
I had acknowledged at her whining as I continued stirring the batter. I turned to look at her before speaking. “You were only there for an hour or so this morning, I doubt you were up for long after you got there.”
Seoyeon gave me a quick glare before continuing on her rant about how ‘self-centred’ this guy was for making her ‘lose her beauty sleep’, I started folding in the blueberries to the muffin batter before glancing and double checking the baking tray was ready, Jin was at the other side of the kitchen making a batch of cookies, I could smell the scent of the first batch looming in the air, the quiet hum of the oven as a back tone to the melody that Jungkook was humming to on the other side of the door, Seoyeon kept talking as I tried to drown her out, the sounds around me changed slightly before I picked up the bowl to start pouring the batter into the moulds.
I counted as I made my way across the pan before abruptly stopping.
“Jungkook. Stop it.”
I felt the room still slightly as I spun on my heels to face the culprit, Jungkook stood next to the fridge, one hand holding open the door and the other one holding another banana milk, his fifth one today. His faced warped from surprised to guilty to a cheeky bunny smile, I did my best to not give in, but alas, his cute face was too much for me, I smiled back at him as I watched him slowly place the banana milk back into the fridge.
“If you help out in the kitchen, then maybe you’ll forget about the banana milk.” I said while turning back to what I was doing, I heard him let out a faux gasp, probably dramatically smacking his hand to his chest.
“I could never forget about my 2nd one true love.” He spoke.
I snorted at his weird choice of words before suggesting that he help Jin out with the biscuits, I could feel eyes digging into the back of my head as I heard Kookie make his way over to Jin.
We all went back to work and Seoyeon began helping me with the next muffin mixture, strawberries this time.
“Yah! Stop eating all the mixture!” I suddenly heard someone yell, I turned around to see Jin pushing his hand into Kook’s face as he tried to reach for the batter, which Jin was holding away from him, making Jungkook face get squished, it made a really funny scene to see, and I giggled at the sight.
“But it tastes so good.” He whined.
“Yeah, well, it’ll get better when it’s cooked” Jin said matter of fact.
As Jin moved his hand and went to place the bowl back down, Jungkook launched towards the bowl, Jin tried to move it, but he was too slow, Jungkook retracted his hand and ran behind Jin and to the other side of the room.
“Too slow, it’s the old bones, they’re making you slow now, grandpa!” Jungkook joked and laughed while bouncing on the balls of his feet in a teasing manner, Jin seemed offended before he shot back at Jungkook.
“Grandpa? I’ll show you grandpa when I chase you down with my spoon!” He threatened, Jungkook’s face dropped as he turned and scrambled his way out the door, Jin turned around before muttering under his breath, but I was just able to hear it. “I hope he gets salmonella.”
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Yelling filled my ears and drew me away from the task at hand, I turn around to see that Jin was also looking for whoever it was, more shouting came, and it was clear where it was coming from, I put down what I was doing and wiped my hands before making my way over to the door, as I got there it open and Jimin was standing there.
“What’s going on?” I asked him, he gave me a look that I couldn’t quite understand before speaking.
“Um, there’s this lady, we were just trying to serve her, but she’s being really loud and..” He trailed off after getting the point across. I gave him a smiled letting him know that I’ll handle it before I passed beside him and out the door. I could see that Namjoon was tending to the coffee machine and Hoseok was walking around the tables, Taehyung and Jungkook were both standing at the counter in front of the older lady, clearly trying to diffuse the situation and just serve her, they both seemed to be nervous and abut anxious, but kept a bit of a smile on their face.
“Can I help you?” I ask the lady kindy and make my way over to her, I gave the boys a look letting them know that it was okay.
“Well, I hope so, finally a decent employee here.” She scoffed, her attitude put me slightly on edge. “I was trying to order coffee, but these mongrels are here.” She gestured with her finger to the boys and a disgusted manner.
I could sense the boys beside me stiffen slightly at her words.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I was trying to order something when these dirty things tried to serve me, they shouldn’t be here, filthy-”
“Hey! Ma’am? Can you read?” I asked her, appalled by her attitude towards the boys.
“What? Yes, of course I can, now I want-”
“Great, can you tell me what those boards behind me say?” I blinked with false kindness, I had to hold back the want to hit her in the face.
“What are you on about? Just get me my damn-” She began to speak, getting impatient before I cut her off again.
“Just tell me what’s in those boards.” N
She rolled her eyes before responding. “It’s your menu, all your items. ow can you get me my-”
“Yes, exactly. So does it say anywhere on there that I asked for your option on my staff?” I said bitterly, letting her understand my intentions. She seemed slightly taken aback by my quick change in demeanour, she stayed silent and just kind of stared back at me before glancing at the board again, seeing as she wasn’t going to say anything, I began talking again.
“No, it doesn’t. No one asked for your opinion, and no one wants it. So shut up and enjoy your basic ass flat white and respect my staff or get. Out. Of. My. Cafe.” I almost shouted at her threateningly, I could feel the hot air from my nose colliding with my chest as I breathed faster, I was glaring at her now as she just stood there very shocked by my outburst, she stumbled back slightly before scoffing and turning, making her way out the door, she must have been in such a hurry that she didn’t look around her as she crossed the road, within the blink of an eye she was gone, well, she was on the road, she walked in front of a cyclist and they collided into each other.
Serves her right, that old hag.
I shrugged and let out a huff at her at her misfortune before turning around to face the boys, Kookie and Taehyung were both standing behind me, they both seemed to be surprised at my outburst, I gave them a smile.
“Don’t believe what she says. Ignore her, she’s old and lonely and clearly insecure.” I said to them both while looking at them with a smile on my face. “If it happens again, you can kick them out, or kick their ass.” I mumbled that last part, but I’m sure they heard me as I saw a slight pull-on Kook’s mouth, they both smiled at me before I made my way back in to the kitchen.
“What was that?”
I looked up to see Seoyeon, Jin and Jimin all looking at me, I sighed before walking fullyinto the room and answering them. “Just some old hag came to cause trouble, she’s gone now.”
I smiled at Jimin, and he walked past me and gave me a quick hug before joining the others outside.
“She was being rude to the boys, so I told her to get out.”
“What?” Seoyeon said surprised. “How dare she do that in our cafe. I’ll go sort her out, that lazy old bitty, I’ll-” Seoyeon began ranting before attempting to pull her apron off which had gotten stuck, and the ties were wrapped around her hair, I stilled my laughter at her situation.
“I thought you said you didn’t really care?”
“Yeah, well that was before.” She finally got the apron off after struggling, and threw it on the floor. “Now where is she, I’ll show her.”
“She got run over.”
The room fell silent as both stared at me with shocked expressions before I realised the implication of what I said.
“By a cyclist, she’ll be fine.”
“Too bad.”
Seoyeon huffed and snatched the discarded item from the floor.
“We should do something about that, so it doesn’t happen again.”
“I’ll make a poster out front, that way they know not to come in here if they are such inconsiderate imbeciles.” I laughed before noting it down in my mental list.
“I like that idea, otherwise I can just bring my bat to work.” Seoyeon said, only half joking.
“When did you become to caring.” I asked her sarcastically as we all went back to what we were doing, the room fell silent after I spoke. What did they do? I walked over to the oven and grabbed out the tray that had been baking the biscuits, I put it down on the bench only to realise, a substantially large section was empty.
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I exited out from Jiyoon apartment after borrowing some paints and a canvas for the poster, she must have been busy at school since she seemed pretty stressed.
I made my way down my hallway after exiting the elevator, I got to my room and unlocked the door, bringing the supplies inside with me, I walked through the hallway which we had since cleaned up and went into the kitchen where I placed the stuff on the counter, Yoongi was in the kitchen making a drink and I passed by him on my way to the room.
I opened the door and walked in before looking up, I wasn’t expecting was Jimin, standing by my bed side table, the first drawer was opened up all the way, he turned to face me as he must have heard me enter the room, his face held confusion, concern and worry, I gave him a confused and questioning look back with a smile on my face as I went to step closer before my eyes caught what he was holding, the blood drained from my face as I had spotted some papers in his hand.
“Y/n, what are these?”
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A/n: Another Chapter has arrived! I tried to keep it short and I think I did well, I hope you all like it, I really want to introduce more of the boys backgrounds and how they all ended up in that alleyway, but I’m not sure how to included it without it seeming like it’s coming out of nowhere, I’m hoping I can get some more chapters written so I’m ahead in them too, I also really want to get more started on this other project that I’m working on (I just need one more plot idea! If you got an idea pls lmk), as well as this Jimin oneshot that I’ve been writing. Thanks for 316 Followers, I can’t believe it! Before the next chapter is out, tell me who you think is sending the notes, you can reply, reblog or send me an ask about it too! Thankyou all for reading and I hope you enjoyed! 
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moumouton4 · 21 days
Hi!! If your requests are still open i would like a scenario where adrian and the reader have a secret crush on eachother, marinette sees what is happening and starts being rude to reader, adrian gets mad at her and he defends us, then confesses his feelings for reader right infront of mari
(Preferably a fem!reader but i dont mind it being gender neutral)
Please and thank you!!
The Day The Ladybug Was Green With Jealousy || Adrien Agreste x fem!reader
A/n : Oh my gosh, dear it was so long I wrote for Adrien ( I haven't even watched the past 2 seasons... yeah yeah I know... I'm disappointed too ahahah )
Warnings : Fluf fluff fluff, Adren my bro is on your side
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 648
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Everyone could see that you were hanging around each other a lot... well, everyone except Adrien and yourself
In class, while he usually sat next to Nino, not so long ago he started to sit next to you instead
And if he arrived late and the seat next to you was taken, he would get close enough behind you to whisper in your ear or give you little notes during class
For the two of you, everything was normal, the other was simply nice, there was no chance of you both being in love with each other
Even though everyone more or less suspected it, there was one person who didn't approve of it at all
To tell the truth, when she started interfering, you wondered who it was She didn't really stand out for you to look at her in the school, she was just ordinary, just another npc of your class ( okay now that's harsh )
That is why, when she came to talk to you about her, you first wondered if she was new to your class
“Hey there wait !” you heard her talking to you
And when you turned around you found her already way too close for comfort
“Yes, is there a problem ?” you asked genuinely wondering what she wanted from you
“You've been very close to Adrien lately, haven't you ?” she asked almost accusingly, taking a big dramatic step towards you
You squinted, almost asking “Who are you again ?” but you kept your cool, ready to answer “And ?"
You saw her gaze change with what seemed to be envy, “And ? You're telling me and as if nothing had happened ? I think you haven't really understood Y/n"
“Didn't understand what ?” a male voice broke into the conversation
Turning your head, you saw Adrien there, his gaze closed, a far cry from his normal, wide-open green eyes
“And why are you so close to her, Marinette ?” he raised his voice, realizing that if the girl had taken another step in your direction, your back would have been against the wall
His anger had a simple justification, he cared about you very much and his blood ran cold when he saw you in front of a Marinette who was trying to look as threatening as a pitbull
He didn't like that at all, and in a rather dark tone he said “Back off. Now !” his tone left no room for denial
“Naaah Adrien, you haven't understood-” she turned to him, smiling like like an idiot, but he cut her off
"Yes, I've understood everything there is to understand. Leave her alone"
“But no that's not it. Y/n tell him,” she turned to you hoping you would help her
But you didn't care, it's her problem now
Adrien spoke up again “If I catch you sneaking around again, you're going to have to deal with me, Marinette, I'm not kidding”
“But why Adrien, what are you playing at defending her like that ?” she exclaimed exasperatedly
“I'm not playing anything I'm just protecting her from your jealousy”
“My jealousy ?” she exclaimed again.
“Yes if you think I haven't understood anything about your little game”
“And why do you think I'm jealous of that... of that... bitch !” she practically screamed
The people around her were shocked
“Maybe because you realized that I loved her”
At that moment both your jaws and those of everyone around hung agape
“Love ?” you asked incredulously, your heart beating wildly
“Yes Y/n, love,” he repeated his voice way softer now, gently taking your hand in his “It's been a while since my feelings towards you changed,” his face was scarlet red
“Ooh Adrien !” you jumped into his arms “I love you too”
Marinette was fuming at this point, but Adrien saw nothing as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, surrounded by the applause of your classmates.
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deangirlsstuff67 · 1 year
Modern Lady
Soldier Boy x Reader
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Warnings: clit piercing, fingering, oral (m and f receiving), Unprotected sex, p in v, anal play,
Summary: Soldier Boy learns just how much women have changed...
You're all tense and wound up from losing the fight with Homelander when the fucker showed his face at herogasm. Honestly, You're personally tense in more ways than one. Seeing what happens around herogasm has you simmering dangerously close to a full blown orgasm. A slight breeze could make you cum.
Soldier Boy was with you all today. You couldn't help the jealousy when he would talk about being the founder. Then when you and him were partnered together as a cover to get in the jealousy got worse. Soldier Boy's hungry eyes roamed over the hundreds of naked bodies as you searched the house together. At one point you made the mistake of looking down, he was deliciously hard under his suit.
If he noticed you eye fucking him, he never said anything. Now you were back in the horrible bunker Butcher has you in. Without a word you walk to the room you've claimed as a makeshift bedroom. You are hot, frustrated, and soaking your fucking underwear.
You need to get off.
Two fingers deep in your sopping pussy as you try to get yourself over the edge. Somethings missing. You don't hear when he enters your room. Don't know that his hungry eyes are taking you in. Lost in the fog, you're so close yet so far away.
He makes his presence known when he can't stand it anymore. Walking up to where you lay, he pinches the jewelry you have nestled between your lower lips. Your y/e/c eyes snap open connecting with his lust blown ones. Your body shutters as he sends it into your first orgasm. Green eyes never leave yours, just watching as you come undone by his touch.
You're much younger than the women he usually fucks. Sure, older women are more experienced and adventurous. Sliding his fingers over your wet hole, he groans, feeling just how sloppy you are. Yes, older women are wonderful, but he could definitely get use to sliding his dick into your wet and wild ride.
No words are exchanged as he dips two thick fingers into your greedy little hole. One orgasm isn't enough for him. He wants to watch you come undone again and again until your nothing more than a limp rag doll.
What you don't know is behind the arrogant, sexist, rude supe is a man who truly likes you and doesn't want to hurt you. He only ever wants to be the reason for your pleasure.
His fingers are pumping into you hard and steady as he brings you to the brink again. You've barely noticed his gaze has moved to your soaking core. The piece of metal memorizing him.
Women in the 21st century keep blowing his mind, in many different ways. He reaches is thumb up again to flick your clit ring.
A pained moan escapes your lips. The sound making his hard cock twitch.
Yes he could use to this century.
"Soldier Boy... please."
A dark laugh leaves him, "oh baby doll, I'm about to be face first in this squelching pussy, I want to hear you scream Ben when I make you cum into my mouth."
Oh God, that shouldn't be as sexy as he's husky voice made it sound. But it's actually what you needed to start pulsating around his thick fingers.
"That's it baby girl, give it to me."
True to his word, seconds after he made me explode on his fingers, he is face first in my dripping core, trying to suck and lick the soul out of my body.
Alternating between fucking me with his tongue and playing with my clit ring, the man is driving me insane.
He pulls two more orgasms from me before he lifts from between my thighs. Face and beard glistening with my arousal, dick hard and trying to escape the tight confines of his suit.
My body is moving before my mind can catch up. I lick his hard cock through his pants making him hiss in pleasure.
I don't like giving head. There's something about this man that makes me want to fall to my knees and please him.
I do just that.
Taking his monster cock out I lick up the underside of it. He's soft, salty, and growing harder the more I lick him up.
Moaning, he grips my hair as he begins to get impatient.
"Y/N, doll, you need to open those pretty lips of yours." He commands.
I listen. Taking him straight to the back of my throat, swallowing around him to get the rest inside. A grunt leaves his lips as his cock twitches in the warmth of my throat.
I grab ahold of his thighs and moan, encouraging him to take control and fuck your throat raw.
He takes the hint and lets you have it. You have to focus on your breathing so your gag reflex doesn't show up.
Only a few moments later he's pulling you off his rigid cock, grunting and breathing heavy.
"Damn woman that was fucking beautiful. Haven't had a good blow job in so long."
He's behind you thrusting deep into your core. Every thrust he hits your cervix, I swear hus going to bruise it.
Thick fingers are playing with you clit and ring as you tighten around his cock... again. At this point your just holes for him to fuck, you don't even know if you can cum anymore.
The supe stamina is no joke.
"Doll, this pussy is milking me so good." He flicks your clit ring again but this time he adds two wet, thick fingers deep into your tight asshole, making you scream his name as you coat his cock.
Four powerful thrust from both his cock and fingers has him falling over the edge. Hot cum pours into your well used cunt as he rides you softer than before. Emptying everything he has to give.
Falling beside you, he cradles you tight against his chest.
"You know I'm still getting use to this new world, but I think this," he lightly rubs your jewelry, while playing with the mess you both left between your thighs, "is something I could get use to."
Softly kissing your forehead, he picks you up bridal style and takes you to the bathroom to clean you up.
@syrma-sensei @yvonneeeee
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mymoodwriting · 4 months
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Request for Anon (Yandere Demon Chanhee) 4.2k, yandere, supernatural, demons, soul contract, possessiveness, manipulation, kidnapping, magic (@starillusion13)
“You called?”
You and your sorority girls screamed, immediately moving away from the strange guy that had suddenly made his presence known. You were all in one of the bedrooms, having a little sleep over and playing games. Of course the others decided to try some darker things, turning off the lights and getting some candles, chanting weird things. You didn’t participate in any of this but now there was a stranger in the room. He chuckled at your reactions, looking around the room while remaining in the shadows.
“You summoned a demon.” He stated. “Did you think I wouldn’t show?”
“You… you’re a demon…” Sal stuttered. “Like… for real…”
“As real as it gets. So, what is it that you want?”
“Wait, so you’ll grant our wish?” Yaz asked. “Anything we want?”
“For the right price of course.”
A flame apparead from the palm of his hand, leaving behind a scroll when it disappeared. He unrolled the thing, holding out a contract and his hand, baring his claws.
“A wish, in exchange for a soul.”
“We sign with blood?” You questioned.
“Of course. So, who shall pay?”
You didn’t like any of this, but before you could voice your concerns your friends grabbed you and pulled you forward. You cut your arm on the demon’s claws, bits of your blood splattering onto the contract. Your eyes went wide, and when you looked at the demon you could see a satisfied grin on his face. You were still processing when your friends pulled you back.
“I want to get into my dream job!” Sal exclaimed.
“And I want to get my inheritance early!” Yaz added.
“And you?”
“Please leave…” You breathed out. “Now…”
“Of course.”
The candles went out, plunging the room into darkness. Then you gasped awake in bed. You looked around in a panic, able to confirm you were in your room and calming down. Last night lingered in your mind, but it all felt like a dream. You quickly checked your arm, and to your relief there weren’t any marks. It really was just a weird dream. You took a moment to compose yourself and then got out of bed, getting ready for the day. As you went downstairs you greeted your sorority sisters, wanting to grab something from the kitchen before going to class. When you heard screaming coming from that direction you rushed over, but you merely jumped to conclusions. You found Sal and Yaz cheerfully yelling and jumping about.
“I got in! I got in!” Sal chanted. “I got accepted as an intern at my dream job! I’m gonna get to work there!!!”
“Yas! I’m so proud of you1”
“I’m so excited! I start tomorrow.”
“I’ve got good news too!”
“For real? What is it?”
“I woke up to a very important call this morning. My mother told me that my grandfather passed away last night.”
“Oh my gosh, Yaz, I’m so sorry.”
“I know. I’ll be going home this weekend for the funeral, but you know what else this means?”
“They’re gonna read the will.”
“Wait, you’re gonna get your inheritance? Aren’t you?”
“Yaz! You’re gonna be rich!”
The two started screaming again and you decided you’d skip breakfast today. You made your way out of the sorority house, heading to your first class of the day. You were kinda lost in thought over what you had seen. Last night was a dream, but it was such a coincidence that Yaz and Sal both got what they had wished for the next morning. You had to remind yourself that demons and all that stuff isn’t real.
“Morning, did you sleep well?”
Some random guy pulled you out of your thoughts, trying to initiate a conversation with you. Of course you ignored him, not wanting to give a weirdo like him attention. You walked right past him but he was soon to follow and get in your way.
“Don’t you think you’re being rude?”
“Do I know you?”
“You don’t remember?”
“Can you just leave me alone?”
“Nope, you’re mine now.”
“Excuse me!”
The boy gave you a big smile, baring his sharp teeth, his eyes turning black. You inhaled sharply and took a step back. Fire emanated from his hand and he held up a contract with blood on it, showing it to you.
“Last night wasn’t a dream.”
“You… you… you can’t…”
“I’m very real.” His eyes returned to normal, and the contract went up in flames. “So, have you thought about your wish?”
“My wish?”
“Yes, you signed the contract after all.”
“You granted Sal and Yaz’s wish.”
“I did no such thing.” He chuckled. “It’s just a coincidence, but between you and me, this weekend is gonna be very fun.”
“What are you talking about?”
“That girl won’t make it to the end of the week at her internship, and the other, she’s gonna be very upset when she finds out grandpa left her a penny.”
“You’re lying.”
“Just wait and see, but back to you. What is it that you desire?”
“For you to leave me alone.”
“Ouch. Like I said, I can’t do that. Your soul, your very being, is mine now, and I take care of my things.”
The boy stepped closer, brushing his fingers along your cheek before you slapped his hand away. He chuckled but stayed put.
“The name is Chanhee by the way.”
“And you’re a demon?”
“In the flesh.”
“What if I don’t wish for anything?”
“That’s your loss. In ten years I’m taking your soul, regardless of where you’re at in life.”
“Then I wish to keep my soul.”
“Sorry, you already signed a contract, and you can’t wish to undo it.”
“I didn’t do it willingly!”
“Your blood sealed the deal, all that’s left is for you to make a wish.”
“How do I break it then? Everything has rules, so there must be a way.”
“I’m afraid there isn’t. You can’t wish for anything that would break the contract, and you can only wish for things that would directly affect you.”
“Then I wish you never existed.”
“You wound me, but like I said, you can’t wish for anything that would break the contract. You’re stuck with me.”
“I hate you.”
“Well you have to get to know me first. Now that we have eternity together we-”
“So… what happens when I die?”
“I take your soul.”
“But what happens… to me…”
“You’re mine, so I can do whatever I want. I can blink you out of existence and use your soul for power, or… you could roam the Earth with me as my companion.”
“So I am stuck with you.”
“I’m gonna kill those girls.”
“Oh, do you wish to get away with murder?”
“Fuck off.”
You shoved Chanhee aside, not wanting to think about any of this and focus on something else. For now you were just a normal student with nothing supernatural going on. You had some time between your first class and the next so you went to the library, wanting to go over your things. It was still early so it was mostly deserted, but you weren’t alone for long.
“Hey y/n, you busy?”
You looked up to see one of your classmates, offering them a friendly smile. Before you could answer their question Chanhee had appeared, shoving them to the side and pulling up a chair next to you. He draped his arm across your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“She’s busy, and taken, so get lost.”
“What the fuck, Chanhee!?”
“I… I’ll message you later.”
The boy awkwardly excused himself, leaving you alone with Chanhee. You were quick to shrug him off, glaring daggers at him after you wiped away his saliva from your cheek.
“What are you doing?”
“Protecting what’s mine. Can’t just have some random guy try to hit on you.”
“He wasn’t hitting on me.”
“Are you sure? Cause that’s what-”
“He’s my project partner and we need to get together to work on the presentation.”
“Ah, so he is trying to get some alone time with you.”
“For fucks sake, leave me alone.”
“You should really stop saying that, cause it’s not gonna happen.”
“A girl can dream.”
“Or make a wish. You can have any career you want right now, you’d just have to wish for it. I think ten years is long enough to make a name for yourself.”
“But I don’t want ten years, I want my life.”
The library wasn’t the place to be, so you packed up and left, grateful that Chanhee got the hint and didn’t follow. You waited in the empty classroom for the rest of your peers and for the professor to arrive. For the rest of the day you didn’t run into Chanhee, but he was still on your mind. When you got back to the sorority house you tracked down Yaz and Sal. Although you could only find Yaz, as Sal had her first day at her internship and wasn’t around.
“How did you know about a demon summoning ritual?”
“Why? Do you have regrets now? You should have made a wish when you had the chance.”
“I don’t care about that, just tell me how you summoned a demon!”
“It was Sal’s idea. She got a book from one of her classmates.”
“Where’s the book?”
“No idea, her room maybe, unless she gave it back.”
“You two are unbelievable.”
You went up to Sal’s room, going through her things until you found a very odd book at her desk. There was no title and the cover was made of black leather. This screamed danger, but Sal didn’t seem to care. You opened it up, seeing all kinds of demonic drawings, the writing in a language you understood although there were some parts you didn’t. You really couldn’t believe those two thought it was a good idea to actually follow one of these rituals. Eventually you found the bookmark Sal had left, seeing the instructions for summoning a demon. It was stated there that any wish could be granted in exchange for a soul.
The book didn’t specify if the wish maker had to give up their soul, but you weren’t sure who to trust between a book and a demon. Still, you took the book with you, needing to examine it some more and figuring out whether or not it could help you. That night you looked over the entire book, but it was nothing but rituals and spells with the bare minimum of information. It was a dead end, but then you realized that other books like this might exist, and those could have the answers you’re looking for. You continued your search online, looking for any other source of information, even checking your own school library to see if they had such books. 
No luck on that, but you found a bookstore nearby that carried what you were looking for. The next day during your free period you went to the bookstore, keeping to yourself as you browsed the shelf of demonic books. You were trying to see if there was any similarity between the one you had and the ones here. You thought you were alone until someone appeared and snatched the book out of your hands. You were ready to explain yourself, and that all this was just for a research paper, but you merely glared when you saw Chanhee flipping through the pages of the book he took from you.
“I didn’t think you’d be interested in all this.”
“What do you care?”
“Well, I’m touched, you’re doing research on me.”
“As if.”
“You know, you didn’t need to go looking, you could just ask me.”
Chanhee gave you a smile as the book in his hand went up in flame, disappearing into nothing as if it never existed.
“Why did you do that!”
“Cause I’m an open book, so tell me, what do you want to know?”
“What is wrong with you!?”
“I’m a demon, I’m not exactly a nice person. I’m from hell after all.”
You were so done with Chanhee at this point, but it wasn’t like you could do anything to him. Still, if he was so willing to talk, maybe you could get some information out of him.
“How old are you?”
“Don’t you think it’s rude to ask such a question.”
“You said you were an open book.”
“Touché. Let’s just say I’m hundreds of years old.”
“Woah, so you’ve been around to witness a lot of things.”
“I have. It’s a good life, just going around making deals, getting more power, and I’m very handsome. Sounds cool, don’t you think?”
“Cool? You’re going around ruining people’s lives.”
“Quite the opposite in fact. I grant people’s wishes. They get whatever they desire, and the same applies to you too. So, you should make a wish to better your own life soon, time is wasting.”
Despite losing the book, it didn’t deter you from continuing your research. The bookstore was a bust as all they had there was legends and vague information. In all honesty none of those books were like the original one you had, so that meant you had to move your search to the internet. Although you couldn’t fully immerse yourself in that as you still had to focus on your own studies. The extra work certainly exhausted you as everything was important. By the end of the week you were completely spent. You got back to your dorm room and collapsed on the bed. You thought you’d just fall asleep, but you had an unexpected visitor. 
“It’s way too early to go to bed, especially on a Friday night.”
“Fuck off, Chanhee.”
“Awe, I love the way you say my name.”
“Go away!”
“Are you gonna make a wish?”
“Hm, then let me grant you one anyway.”
When you opened your eyes you were no longer in bed, but found yourself seated at a table, Chanhee across from you. He had his elbows on the table, fingers interlaced as he rested his chin on them, a big smile on his face.
“How about a delicious dinner?”
You looked around and realized you were at some high class restaurant, and most importantly your clothes were different. You were in a fancy dress, and Chanhee matched your outfit. This place was way beyond you, and not somewhere you would go on your own.
“Chanhee, where the heck are we?”
“It’s nice right.”
“How did you change my clothes?”
“I didn’t peek, I swear.”
“Take me back.”
“We just got here. Besides you must be-”
“I don’t wanna be here. Please.”
“Fine.” Chanhee sighed. “Something else then.”
Chanhee snapped his fingers and then everything changed in the blink of an eye. You weren’t back in your room as you wanted, but somewhere else. The whole change was disorienting, but this place looked familiar.
“How’s this?”
“It’s your favorite, right?”
“How did you know?”
“You’re mine, so I know everything about you. Let’s order, and it’s on me tonight.”
Before you could say anything more a waitress came over to the table. Chanhee ordered and then he looked at you. This was your favorite place, so you didn’t need to look at the menu, but you weren’t sure this whole thing was a good idea. It was quiet for too long so Chanhee just ordered for you instead, giving the waitress a smile and thanks.
“Why are you doing this?”
“You looked like you needed a break, so I figured I’d provide. If you make a good wish you wouldn’t have to work so hard, you know.”
“Yeah, you keep saying that.”
Even if this wasn’t your plan, you actually quite enjoyed the night. Some good food after a long week, and it being free, it was nice. Afterwards Chanhee walked you back to the sorority house. You still had homework to do, but when you got to your room you noticed a note on your desk.
Get some sleep.
You were confused, but then you noticed all your things laid out on the desk were complete. He had done your homework for you. It sounded ridiculous, but you double checked everything, and it was good.
A demon did your homework, that was certainly a first. Since you had nothing else, and it was late, you got ready for bed. For once you’d have the weekend to yourself, and you couldn’t help but feel grateful to Chanhee, not that you would tell him. If anything, this gives you more time to focus on your research and find a way out of that stupid contract.
The weekend was nice, but come Monday things fell into chaos. You were woken up by Sal and Yaz screaming in your face.
“Y/n! Where is that damn book!”
“Huh… what are you-”
“The demon book!” Yaz yelled. “Where is it!?”
“Uh… I lost it…”
“Why, what’s wrong?”
“We need to talk to that demon, it tricked us!”
“What are you talking about?”
“It lied!” Sal screamed. “I lost my internship this weekend cause apparently I’m not a team player, whatever that means.”
“My whole family got screwed over with the inheritance.” Yaz added. “We just got a couple pennies.”
“Well… can’t you-”
“No! Since he left us something, we can’t contest the will, this fucken sucks!”
“I… I don’t have the book.” You stated. “But maybe you can ask the guy who gave it to you? He might know something.”
“I haven’t seen him since that day.” Sal said. “He must have dropped the class or something.”
“Gosh, you don’t remember the spell, do you Yaz?”
“Why would I?”
“Ugh! What are we gonna do?”
“At least you still have your souls…” You commented. 
“Whatever. Never trusting a demon again.”
That was quite a wake up call, but you were also very surprised to learn that Chanhee had been telling the truth. The two of them getting their wishes was just a coincidence, and false hope at that. Your name, your soul, was on the contract, so the wish was really yours to make. Still, you wanted no part of this, so you’d continue looking for your way out. As you were walking to class Chanhee suddenly appeared next to you.
“Did you have a good weekend?”
“I spent my time well.”
“I see. And how was this morning? Anything interesting?”
“Why are you asking when you already know the answer?”
“Cause I’m curious to know how you took it?”
“Well the girls were upset they lost everything, and I told them I lost the book since someone swallowed it up in flames.”
“If they had the book it wouldn’t do them any good. The spell just summons demons, there’s no guarantee the same one will show up.”
“I’m sure they’ll figure something out.”
“And what about you? Any wishes yet?”
“You know you can just drop that. I’m not gonna make a wish.”
“You’re wasting a great opportunity.”
“I am trying to save my soul here.”
“Why? Are you so sure you’ll get into heaven?”
“I’m certainly not gonna go to hell with you.”
“We’ll see about that.”
It was a slow Monday so after your classes you returned to the sorority house to relax and continue your extra curricular activities. Searching the web for information on demons wasn’t any easier, but at least there were more options. Most websites seemed to be for show or people interested in the occult, but nothing concrete. That is until you came across an interesting file. It seemed to be a scanned copy of a book, and just by the look of it you had hope. You could tell the pages were old, and there was no proper title. 
This actually looked like the original book you had, so you paid close attention as you read the pages. It was a large file, but given the detail you were very hopeful. Other types of rituals and information on the supernatural were mentioned here. It seemed legit, and then you found what you were looking for. This was a different type of spell to summon a demon, but it spoke of the contracts one could make. It specified that one had to give up their own soul, and that they could only make a wish that would directly impact their lives. The biggest point to note was your way out. Even if a contract was signed, if a wish isn’t made within the ten year time frame then it is rendered void.
“Oh my gosh…”
You read it over and over again, unable to believe your eyes but also feeling such immense relief. No wonder Chanhee kept pushing for you to make a wish, without one the contract isn’t technically sealed. You were so excited to know you could keep your soul.
“So, what are we celebrating?” Chanhee asked, randomly appearing on your bed. “Do you finally know what to wish for?”
“I know you’re a liar.”
You heard someone shout your name and then Sal burst into your room. She immediately started asking you about the book again, wondering how exactly you lost it, but stopped when she noticed Chanhee.
“It’s you…”
“Yeah, he’s the-”
“You gave me that book!”
“I’m sorry, he what?”
“You’re the guy from my class who told me about the spell to summon a demon.”
“Awe, you actually remember my face.” Chanhee giggled. “And how’s life treating you?”
“You lied! The demon didn’t grant my wish!”
“Well, to be fair, the wish was never for you.”
“You gave her the book… why?” You questioned. “What reason do you have-”
“What are you talking about, y/n?”
“He’s the demon you summoned! And he’s the one who gave you the book, I just don’t understand why he’d do that.”
“You’re the demon?” Sal asked. “You tricked us!”
“I am a demon after all, and I’m done with you.”
“Well I’m just-”
“Shall we change things up?”
Chanhee raised his hands and snapped his fingers, taking you somewhere else. It took a second to settle down, taking in your surroundings. You had been at your desk a moment ago, but now you were sitting on a bed. The sheets were smooth and red, and the room itself seemed very luxurious. It was just you and Chanhee here.
“Where am I?”
“My room.” Chanhee explained. “In hell of course.”
“What! No, I can’t be in hell!”
“Well, you already have one foot in the grave.”
“I don’t.”
“You signed a-”
“The contract is incomplete.” You stated. “Unless I actually make a wish, my soul is still mine.”
“Hm, what makes you-”
“That’s why you keep pushing a wish on me, you don’t actually own my soul yet. The only thing I don’t understand is why you would trick the others into summoning you and making a deal.”
“The answer is quite simple love. Who did I make a deal with after all? Who signed?”
“I did but-”
“Your little friends forced your hand.” 
Chanhee came over and sat beside you, leaning in close. His hand gently caressed your cheek and the grabbed your chin.
“Such a pretty and intelligent girl can have whatever she wants. There’s no need to ever summon or make a deal. It made me want you so bad, but I had to use other means. Your little friends weren’t hard to trick into doing what I wanted.”
“You’re crazy.” You pulled yourself away from him. “I’ll never be yours! You’ll never have my soul! As long as I don’t make a wish, the contract is void.”
“Is that so?”
Chanhee suddenly pinned you down, black eyes staring back at you with a sinister smile. There was this dark aura around him, and for once you actually felt scared. Next thing you knew you felt chains around your wrists going taut and keeping you in place.
“It was very annoying to get those two to offer you up to me, and I expected us to be having a good time by now, but instead you’ve been looking for a way to get rid of me.” Chanhee growled. “I spent months watching you, waiting, and I won’t lose you over a fucken technicality. The best wish you could make is to be mine, so you won’t suffer in hell and live like me.”
“I’m not making a wish!”
“Is that so? Are you so sure that you’ll never utter the words ‘I wish’ in the next ten years? I’ll be watching closely, and accept whatever wish you make as sincere. So it’s better if you make a good one now while you still can.”
“Fuck you! Now that I know the contract is void, I’ll focus on finding a way to kill you, then I’ll truly be free.”
“If you’re so hell bent on denying me, then I’ll take matters into my own hands. I won’t lose you!”
Chanhee pressed his lips against yours, kissing you deeply. Your eyes went wide and you squirmed beneath him, but that didn’t get him off. Instead you felt something thick and irritating going down your throat, as if you were breathing in smoke. Your head started to spin, and when Chanhee pulled away you took in a deep breath.
“Y/n, can you hear me?”
“Uh… what… what did you…”
“All I need you to do is to repeat after me.”
“I wish to belong to Chanhee. Now you say it.”
“I… I…”
“We’ll be the perfect companions. Now say it.”
“I wish…”
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blue-sadie · 10 months
Can you do a Togruta fem x Jake Sully where and everybody is just amazed at what she looks like especially the kids
A Gift From The Stars
Jake sully x Togruta Reader
Summary: maybe being different is a good thing
Warning: lekku = head tails
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Yn/3rd person pov
Coming into contact with the navi was a struggle especially when the tried attacking our ships with their ikrans but when we didn't engage back they stopped.
We landed on what they call the hallelujah mountains a place where the humans couldn't track our movements I stood infront of the bay door with obi and anakin by my side.
"Just remember young yn they haven't seen another species other then humans so don't be alarmed if their surprised" obi said laying a comforting hand on my shoulder.
I've had bad experiences in the past about people hating my kind but it won't be like that i can feel it "I think you'll have to worry about big nose here" I giggled jabbing anakin in the side causing him to growl and swot my hands away.
"What's with you and my nose" he huffed glaring jokingly at me "it's just so big I can see it from planets away" I snorted covering my mouth as I laughed before jerking back to normal as the doors opened.
"We well be speaking to Toruk Makto the leader of the tribe be respectful and I'm looking at you anakin" obi said before walking out with anakin whining behind I took a few minutes to breathe before stepping out into the light.
It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust but when they did they widened 'dam they are tall' I caught most of them staring at me but no bad reactions my eyes glazed over each one till they met the leaders the one obi wan was talking about.
His eyes held curiosity in them as he looked over me "we are sorry we didn't know you weren't the sky people" he said as he turned his gaze back to obi wan.
"You don't need to apologize we should have tried contacting you further before our arrival" obi smiled and continued talking further about the problem at hand, jake started introducing his to the people who were with him "and these are my sons neteyam and lo'ak" he put his hands on the two boys behind him.
Their eyes were stuck on me "what are you" the shorter one blurted earning a head slap from the taller one "don't be rude lo'ak" neteyam snapped before apologizing for lo'ak.
"Its fine it happens alot" I smiled before changing it back to the subject "no we can talk about these later how about you come with us to celebrate your arrival" jake grinned and we all agreed.
Their lead us over vine bridges to get to their camp and the views were amazing and as we walked jake got into some of the history of the planet and how it got into this situation.
We reached an opening to their camp and the first thing we heard was a loud scream "daddy" I smiled as a young girl ran and jumped into jakes arms and he happily picked her up "this is tuk my youngest" jake smiled.
Her eyes look at obi then at anakin then to me she raised a finger pointing at me it was silent for a second before she blurted out "your pretty" a light blush from embarrassment dusted on my cheeks.
"Thank you you are to" I smiled and watched as she jumped down from her dad's eyes and walked over to me and grabbed my hand quickly turning back to her Father "can she come play" she asked politely her father nodded slowly.
I quickly glanced at obi who nodded as well before I walked off with her "where we go" I asked curiously as we left the group "to see my sister so we can play" she beamed.
I glanced behind to notice his to sons following us "you never answered my question" lo'ak murmured getting an angry side look from his brother.
"I'm a togruta" I smiled and started telling them about my kind as we reached their hut "kiri I brought a new friend" tuk yelled and a young girl emerged from the hut her eyes widened as she caught sight of me.
"Oh hello" she forced a fake laugh she looked like she was confused and weirded out at the same time "she with the people who are helping us" neteyam explained.
She nodded "well welcome I'm kiri" she smiled "yn nice to meet you" I grinned neteyam and kiri urged us to sit by the fire, I sat near a log a bit further back from the fire and the group seemed to follow.
"May I please touch your hair" tuk asked shyly "you may but we call these lekku" I had fun teaching them about my species and they did they same.
I sat still as she began tracing her fingers along my lekku her siblings eyes also filled curiosity my eyes began skimming over the surroundings till they landed on jake watched us with a smile
'I'm gonna like it alot here'
@greekgods15 @neteyamyawne @sweetirilly @erenjaegerwifee
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