avianyuh · 3 days ago
Jeon Wonwoo as a boyfriend...
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Other SVT as bf's { S.Coups , Jeonghan , Minghao/The8 , Hoshi }
Like most, I'm sure Wonwoo appeals to you because upon introduction, you think he's the quiet, brooding type
But he'd show a different side of himself in a relationship with you
A goofball all the way
Any carat knows that he's a secret comedian
I think he'd always be trying to make you laugh
Had a bad day? He'll make you watch a funny video he saw
Texting him that you miss him?
You will be sent stupid pictures as his response
He's not competitive though
He likes to play chill games with you just because he likes to spend his time doing one of his favorite things with you
And that makes him really happy!
Please encourage him and geek out with him over video games
I think he can be sensitive sometimes
But strikes me as the type to not verbalize when something is bothering him
So being with someone observant would do him good, get him to open up more
Especially in the beginning of the relationship
I think overtime, you won't have to try as hard to get him to share his feelings with you
He'll just naturally start to feel really comfortable around you
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The g-gl-glasses
I know you love them
You get to see him in his glasses basically everywhere
Barely takes them off to begin with
Even some promotions he keeps them on
Imagine late night gaming with him
The lights are all out and your sitting as close to each other as possible
And the reflection of the computer screen is in his glasses and he's all happy because he's really enjoying himself omg
You're just looking at him and thinking Damn that's my man...
As I've pointed out in my previous dating seventeen posts, you have to pass the vibe check and get approval from all the members if you want to be a permanent part of Wonwoo's life
Strikes me as the type to see you on the down-low for a few months
Would probably mention you to Mingyu since last I heard, they're roomies
You'd be introduced to Mingyu first
Then he'd probably mention that he met someone to the rest of the guys
Then he'd bring you around the dorm, or a dance practice, somewhere you can meet as many members as possible
That way Seungkwan can be his extroverted self and make you feel comfortable.
Like, imagine meeting another relatively quiet member like Jun or Woozi
"Nice to meet you😐🙂"
Please tell me you can see that happening cuz I can
Maybe even Minghao or Seungcheol would be sorta awkward
Like not in a bad way, but introverts need time to warm up to someone new (speaking from experience)
But once everyone has been acquainted and they like you, you will be family and it will shift from like to love
Because you treat Wonu right and you make him happy
Wonwoo being with you would make him more energetic and outgoing
He's a homebody
Normally I would say opposites attract, but in his case I definetly think being with another introvert would be ideal lol
Would recommend you a lot of books
And would want you to read his favorites so the two of you could discuss them
Same with video games
Remember I told you to let him geek out?
I think Wonwoo would love to go on vacation every once in a while
I think he can drive abroad
But even just driving in Korea
Going on day trips
Just talking, singing to your favorite songs
Teasing him by playing some of SVT's music
Or just sitting in a comfortable silence
That's the best type of silence and it's very underrated imo
One thing about Wonwoo is how tall he is
6 feet I think? (182 cm for those not in the U.S.)
And he has very broad shoulders
Imagine watching a scary movie with him and hiding your face in his chest, and he wraps his arms around you
Lowkey protective
Just wants to keep you safe
Loves everything about you
The type to stare at you and just blurt out that he finds you beautiful
He's well read so he'd probably say something really poetic
Just makes you feel special
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Shexy Shtuff:
Okay, we need to sit and have a conversation about how buff this man is...
Look at those pecs
He's ripped
He's not a gym bro, but he definitely likes going
Imagine him coming home and he's all sweaty and his muscles are all visible
He loves a good sweater or hoodie so I think seeing his physique is rare
The quiet ones are always great kissers...
This bitch is all dark and mysterious
A.K.A most likely a FREAK
Uses tongue when he kisses
Like, probably pulls you on top of him if you're on the couch or lays you down on the bed
Or pins you against the wall if he's frustrated or hasn't seen you in a while
If you ever got in an argument he's apologizing profusely and then making up for it in bed
Definitely a grunter
Not overly vocal
More concerned with your needs
Definitely a giver
I don't think he's that adventurous when it comes to location
Bed, shower, couch maybe
Most of the time, you'll be watching a movie or maybe sitting on his lap if you come in while he's playing games on his computer (or just doing something on his computer in general)
So there you are, sitting on his lap, not trying to do anything sexual, just asking what he's playing or doing
And at first everything's good but as you're readjusting yourself in his lap, you're shifting around and suddenly he's getting turned on
He'd start kissing your cheek, your neck, moving his hands up to waist
Eventually getting impatient and scooping you up and taking you to his bedroom
Shower sex after the gym
Or late at night after practice if he isn't too tired
I see him being a big pillow-talker
Get's really emotionally vulnerable with you after sex
And that's how you know he trusts you
And congratulations, his voice is already deep as is, but in the morning, omg he'd sound so hot right after he wakes up
Would love to just keep you in his arms and lay in bed for a while, especially if he had nothing to do that day
Okay, i think this is long enough now
In conclusion, I think he'd be a great boyfriend
{A/N: AHHH, omg I'm sorry I've been inactive the past two weeks, I got pneumonia. I'm still recovering but felt really bad that I hadn't posted. I've been trying to make up my missed schoolwork. I couldn't think of a fanfic to write so I decided to do a headcanon for seventeen to add to the series. Wonwoo was my first bias back in 2017 before I realized I'm a coups girl. But I'll be honest, sometimes I'm creeping on Wonwoo's fancams (sorry Cheol) Anyways, I love you guys so much whether you're a frequent reader/follower or this is your first time reading anything from me. I love you, have a great day/night, whenever you're reading this, mwahhhh❤️ I put in a continue reading because this one was so much longer than my previous bf headcanons, Wonwoo, a man of substance lol}
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libraryofolive · 24 hours ago
libraryofolive's spooky section!
It's Halloween Week, which means one thing - celebrations! And in this library, that means 10 drabbles (one for each character in the smau line up!) all about celebrating Halloween with our favourite JJK characters, and a special Halloween SMAU dropping on the day itself!
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party time! with Satoru Gojo | You, the trophy wife of the infamous Satoru Gojo, decide to spend your October planning a no expenses spared party to celebrate the holiday. What could go wrong?
candy please! with Suguru Geto | You and your husband decided to take your twin daughters trick or treating for the first time.
to the left a bit - the other left! with Kento Nanami | You and your fiancée have just moved in together, and what better way to celebrate than by decorating your now shared home for the spooky season?
sit still! with Choso Kamo | it's Choso's first time celebrating Halloween, so of course you'll help him with the intricate make up his costume needs.
they shall feel my wrath! with Ryomen Sukuna | Sukuna is 'too old' to celebrate Halloween, until some teenagers egg your house - suddenly, some Halloween mischief seems right up his alley.
stab it harder! with Toji Fushiguro | As an assassin, Toji's skills with a knife are off the charts - until it comes to carving pumpkins, apparently.
don't stand too close! with Hiromi Higuruma | Bundled up in your warmest coats, wrapped tightly in a knitted scarves and hats, you and your husband decide to spend your Halloween at a local bonfire together. How adorable... right?
i'll protect you, i promise! with Takuma Ino | Your boyfriend convinces you to go to a scare maze with him, albeit tentatively. He promises to protect you from all of the scary actors, which will definitely end well.
damn, we look good! with Shiu Kong | Who knew deciding on a couple's costume would be such a faff? Certainly not you and your handler-turned-boyfriend. But one thing was agreed - no matter what you both wore, you'd both look good together.
what's your favourite scary movie? with Shoko Ieri | A quiet night in was all your wonderful girlfriend wanted this Halloween, but you simply had to put a spooky spin on it! A scary movie night commenced, you reassuring Shoko you can handle a scary movie or two. You definitely can handle them, you think.
trick or treat! smau with everyone | In true Halloween spirit, you give your partner a choice, trick or treat. The treat? A more risqué photo of yourself. The trick? You'll just have to wait and see.
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funfactbuck · 18 hours ago
i know i’m not alone in being burned by shows before and it’s not always easy to avoid jumping to the worst conclusions on how your favorite characters are being handled so look, i won’t pretend i wasn’t briefly susceptible to this. but - and i hate that he can have SUCH an impact - i think people really got caught up in the tommy of things and that skewed their interpretation of eddie’s actions in this episode. it feels like the predominant expectation going in was that there was going to be a glaring difference between eddie and tommy in relation to buck at every turn and the hospital sneak peek we got definitely lent itself to that. i have to wonder if they’d included the part with both eddie and tommy breaking out into laughter, expectations would have been adjusted and reactions post-ep wouldn’t have been what they were. at first glance, it may have felt like it was the two of them united against buck and i think that’s where the ooc accusations come into play bc yeah, if eddie is suddenly written just like tommy, that’s a big red flag that something has gone terribly wrong in the writer’s room.
but the thing is, eddie and tommy were shown to be very different, because they are. eddie’s skepticism is well-established - we all knew he wouldn’t believe in the curse. but he still sat with buck in that hospital room and asked when he could return to work, knowing that would be buck’s biggest concern. he still indulged buck and heard him out when he shared his theories. he tried to talk buck down out of a place of concern because he saw how stressed he was over this. the affection eddie has for buck wasn’t just suddenly missing. contrast this to tommy, who admitted to laughing about buck with the rest of harbor behind his back. who treated buck like a child and dismissed what he was trying to tell him out of sheer disinterest. who kept himself at a distance in every way.
if you’re taking things at surface level and viewing eddie as acting just like tommy, that’s of course going to be jarring. but it’s also preventing you from interrogating why eddie might have seemed to be acting differently. we all know what he’s going through and have seen that for the most part, he’s put up a front to hide how badly he’s hurting from the continued absence of chris in his life. he’s only briefly let down his guard to show that and putting on a brave face can only last so long. of course there are going to start to be cracks in that, of course he’s going to start acting more sharply towards the people around him. eddie has lashed out in the past at the people he loves most when he’s hurting the most - there’s a precedent here; it’s not new and it’s not ooc and it’s not just like tommy. we’re not even a third of the way into the season and we’ve only just scratched the surface of eddie’s storyline. until we dive in though, give him some grace to be hurt and act like it.
nothing about this episode changes the heart of things between buck and eddie. and we know that there’s an upcoming scene that’s going to reinforce what they are in each other’s lives. don’t let tommy overshadow things here and ruin your perception of a character you’ve always loved. he’s a visitor in this narrative and doesn’t get to have that power.
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m0chis-cafe · 2 days ago
how i think pomefiore dorm members would kiss you
word count; 1.1k
warnings; slight spoilers for their dorm chapter in vils part
characters: Vil and Epel (i apologize to people who like rook, but i just dont really enjoy his character a bunch, nor pay attention well enough when he is in stories to write for him, no judgment to those who do. sorry again)
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vil schoenheit🧺
-is an absolute diva..
-his lips are so soft it's not even funny. especially because of all the damn lip scrubs and moisturizers he uses
-has never had chapped lips a day in his lip
-wouldn't let you kiss him on the lips or anywhere he has makeup on in public
-also very lowkey with you two to the public, he is a public figure after
-if he lets you kiss in public its just small hand kisses, or to the cheek
-in private though.. absolutely loves you to kiss his lipstick off..
-or if you helped him take off his makeup, would melt if you gave him kisses during it
-he often kisses the inside of your wrist, palm, back of your hand, a lot of your hands
-but hell also go for you forehead a lot because this man is so damn tall
-OMG actually kissing him.. magical. deadass magical
-he will not allow for anything but perfection and is super passionate about it
-every kiss feels like the first because he's so damn dramatic about it, but it's so breathtaking
-comes to you for a kiss whenever rook and epel are pissing him off and not being up to pomefiore dorm standards
-don't get me started on the literal hungry kisses he's about to give you after being pissed about losing the song and dance battle, this man was the most pissed you've ever seen him..
-but.. he could also be gentle, a majority of his energy is used on being the head of his dorm, so when he flops onto his giant-ass comfortable bed after doing all of his skincare and your just there to treat him like a normal human.. it's a pure breath of fresh air..
You awaited for Vil to return from orientation with the new freshman coming into pomefiore. Hes already so exhausted by normal day to day duties, unproperly deducted children that didn't know how to act around him yet would surely leave him in a sour mood.
as you sat in thought on his bed, the door suddenly slammed open dn closed within the same second. a very exhausted and for once slightly disheveled vil leaned his back against the door to his dorm room. two strands of hair were loose from his normal braids and sticking up from his crown that was oh so slightly angled in the wrong way that would normally send him into a spiral. his robes had.. wrickles? gods what did they do to him..
"vil? are you alright sweetheart..? you asked gently, raising from his bed to stand before him, taking his hands in yours, "I take it the freshman are a handful this year?"
he looked down at you with tired eye, leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder. his torso folded to your height as he wrapped his arms around your waist, sighing into your shoulder.
"those.. children.. dont know how to behave. how they got into pomefiore in the first place is beyond me, and of course, rook has already taken interest in a particular little poison apple that seems to have an energy about him that guarantees trouble. they don't know how to act, they don't treat me as the royalty I am.. they-" he rambled on into your shoulder, mumbling small curses between subject matters.
you took his face between your hands and looked into his eyes, "vil, its ok. they don't know any better yet. give them time.." you spook gently, being used to his almost instant rants as soon as he was in the privacy of his dorm room.
as he sighed and leaned into your hand, placing kisses onto your palm, he finally smiled, "your right my love.. your always right, you always know how to calm me" he regained his composure and stood, sweeping you into his arms as he carried you to his desk, setting you into his lap "would you help me remove my makeup, id like to hear about your day now poison.."
(posion,, cause the apples. u guys love me)
Epel Felmier🍎
-country bumpkin..
-IM KIDDING, I LOVE HIM.. and i am one too its ok sweetie
-his lips are a fun mix of soft and chapped, depending on if he feels like defying vil that week or not..
-also depends on what kind of a mood the other first years put him in
-actually though is so sweet to you despite being so angry towards most others with his real personality
-when hes being very sweet and calm like vil wants him to be, you make fun of him afterwards, much more so preferring his real personality
-vil hates and loves you guys together
-you keep him present and encourage him to go to pomefiore events and such, but also encourage him to act out sometimes.. which vil hates and rook finds really interesting
-would go into anaphylactic shook if you kissed him in front of anyone, especially the other 1st years
-hes too manly to be soft for you.. until yall are alone
-is actually a big baby when yall are alone
-kissing your cheeks, hand, and nose often
-he was taught by his southern family, very classy back-of-your-hand kisses
-absolutely takes you back to his hometown and gets harassed by his family if he's 'treating you right'
when epel took you and a couple of your classmates to his hometown for a festive this isn't what you were expecting.. it seemed like a year-round pumpkin patch and fall-themed village. you held onto his hand like a lifeline as the others ran around and looked at everything there was to offer while you were terrified to meet his family for the first time in person..
"is there a reason your trying to stop the blood flow from my hand, crimson?" he questioned quietly so the others didn't hear, looking concerned as you released his hand immediately and shaking it out.
"yes.. yea- yea for sure. im good." you rambled in a slight panic. everyone else seemed so calm and excited to be here, but it was just nerves, "do you.. do you think your families gonna like me?" you asked quickly.
"what?" his head snapped towards you, his bangs covering his eyes for a second as his southern accent slipped through, being home and with you made him more comfortable it being normal as he questioned you, "like you? crimson they're gonna love you more than they love me" he reassured, picking up your hand again and placing a gentle kiss to the back of it. tugging you closed to leave a small peck on your lips once he made sure no one else was looking. he held his lips at your hand mumbling while looking into your eyes, "your perfect.."
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warblogs17282 · 1 day ago
Still thinking about the Truth Seekers line where Loona said,
"Blitzo was using a total of zero euphemisms, innuendos, or swears. That means it was serious, which means I don't open it until--"
And now, I'm thinking about all the different emotional and heavy-hitting moments from Blitz, but from the lens of that statement, and I'd like to explore that in a little more depth.
Because I feel like looking through some key moments of Blitz through the lens of that statement helps to add another layer of depth to what Blitz has been saying.
S2 E9:
Blitzo: No, I just- This was the final stop on the apology tour I've been on today.
Stolas: Oh, yes, I recall. Everyone but me is getting your cheap apologies tonight, hm? Well, you certainly have your work cut out for you.
Blitzo: Look, how I acted this morning... It was fucked, okay?
Stolas: This morning? Ugh, why did you show up there? Why'd you show up here?
Blitzo: You already asked that, but look, I-I just really need to... To talk to you, to- to explain.
Stolas: Oh?
Blitzo: I've always been real shit at sorries, 'kay? They're for pussies and no one fuckin' deserves them anyway, but I felt maybe you actually needed one.
Stolas: Ooh, lucky me!
Blitzo: Oh, shit. Okay, what I mean is, I said sorry a lot today and, honestly, didn't really mean any of it. Because the only one I wanted to say it to... Was you, Stolas. I just... This whole thing we had going... I'm- I mean you're a fucking prince. How could you ever actually care for an imp... Me? How could anybody?
Stolas: Blitzo. There is a crowd full of people here, who cared so much, they'd throw an entire fucking party about hating you, every year! Do you know how much you have to care to do something as stupid as that?
Blitzo: Stolas, you are better off without me. 'Kay? You deserve so much... I don't even know why you would want to be with me.
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'I mean you're a fucking prince.' Blitz is technically correct here, but if we consider the Truth Seekers statement, I believe it tells us that Blitz, at least subconsciously, sees Stolas as more than just a prince during this scene, he sees Stolas the man here, not just Stolas the prince. And honestly, that probably makes it hurt more to Blitz, since he's still in disbelief/denial that Stolas has these feelings for him at this point.
Especially considering what it's followed up with, which I'd like to mention doesn't have a single swear word in it whatsoever, telling us even more just how sincere Blitz is when he said that final line.
Verosika: How do you think I felt? When the fun guy I was dating decided to just bail on me because I made the shitty mistake of saying I love... Ugh! It was the most embarrassing feeling. To be vulnerable for once and... you really just know how to send a message in the shittiest, fucking way.
Verosika: The worst part is you still make me feel like a bad person for being angry at you now.
Verosika: But, hosting this party, for everyone else you've dicked over? At least I can help others cope with the shit you did. What? No snarky comeback?
Blitzo: No. You're right. I actually am, ya' know... sorry. I-I don't want to be this way. Not forever.
Verosika: Looks like Stolas is having a good time.
Blitzo: Yeah, well. He needs it.
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Again, just pay attention to the fact that Blitz didn't swear once during the part of the conversation I just showed, showing once again even more just how sincere Blitz is being here, to not be the way he is forever, to let Stolas have his good time at the party.
S2 E8:
Blitzo: What?! FUCK you, Stolas! You spring this feelings bullshit on me, are you fucking kidding? Can I get a FUCKING minute to think after everything you put me through, you pompous, rich ASSHOLE?!
Blitzo: Treat me like one of your little butler imps?! You can't just dismiss me like that! I mean, you royal fucks think you can do this EVERY TIME, like you can just play with our feelings because we're smaller and not as IMPORTANT! Well, I'm not letting you, BITCH! LET'S GO!
Stolas: Blitzo... I think so very highly of you... I didn't realize you think so low of me...
Blitzo: Stolas, wait! I'm s-
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You know, the amount of swearing in that part of the episode tells me something, that what Blitz said during the peak of his outburst was exaggerated a little. Does Blitz make some completely valid points during that outburst? Yes. Is what Blitz said during said outburst a bit exaggerated because he was in the heat of the moment? Yes. Both of these can coexist, and I do completely understand why Blitz said what he said during that argument. (I'm not choosing a side on who was in the wrong in the full moon argument here, btw)
And, the lack of swearing when the realisation hits to Blitz of what he's just done, right as he tries to apologise to Stolas just further tells me that Blitz did genuinely mean that 'I'm sorry', he said right before Stolas teleported Blitz out.
S1 E8:
Blitzo: Fuck, Fizz was right. I'm gonna die alone, aren't I? Just a wrinkly, old, withered, waste. Will you be there, Loonie?
Loona: Be...where?
Blitzo: I dunno, jus- ...lonely... Die alone...
Loona: I'll be there, Dad.
Loona: Now go the fuck to sleep... okay?
Blitzo: Millie... Moxxie... Stolas...
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Again, pay attention to the lack of swearing in that part of the conversation, minus one 'fuck' at the start of it, it just adds to showing us just how raw and genuine Blitz's emotions are during this scene, showing us that Blitz genuinely believes that he's gonna die alone, and also showing us just how much Blitz still cares about Fizzarolli, Loona, Millie, Moxxie and Syolas.
S1 E7:
Stolas: You know, I have some more wine in the house. Octavia's with her mother this weekend. So, we could--
Blitzo: I'm not fucking you tonight, okay? I'm really just I'm really not in the mood, Stolas.
Stolas: We could talk, or... watch a movie, or... maybe cuddle?
Blitzo: Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time. But, I just, I-I can't do it tonight, okay?
Blitzo: I'm sorry.
Stolas: Okay. Goodnight, Blitzo.
Blitzo: Night.
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What I find interesting here is that the two times the word 'fuck' is used throughout this scene, it's used to replace the word 'sex', so thinking about this scene through the lens of that statement, it shows us even more just how much Blitz believes in what he's saying, especially when he says "Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time."
Finally, S1 E6:
Moxxie: Do you remember what you said to me after my first day with the company?
Blitzo: ...Not really.
Moxxie: I remember. You told me I did a good job and that you were proud to work with me. I feel like you wanted to say something more judgmental, but... you said that because I needed it... And it helped.
Blitzo: Look, I'm hard on you, because I know what you're capable of, Mox. You care too much about what everyone thinks except for... me, because, y'know, my opinion is correct, but just... keep doing a good job. 'Kay? You shoot 'n kill good, you escape things easy... you can be strategic and cold-blooded when you need to, aaaand don't expect any more compliments; I'm maxed out.
Moxxie: Thank you, sir.
Blitzo: You know my name... Use it.
Moxxie: Thanks, Blitzo.
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No euphemisms, innuendos or swears, showing us that when Blitz was talking to Moxxie in this scene, that he was 100% being serious in what he said.
So in conclusion: I have shown multiple examples where if you think about them through the lens of the statement "Blitzo was using a total of zero euphemisms, innuendos, or swears. That means it was serious, which means I don't open it until--", you start to see more depth within those examples I have shown in this post.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 3 days ago
Jaune: So ... Who're the rest of your team?
Dawne: Aw~ You really that excited to meet the rest of the Squad?
Jaune: I figure they can't be as bad as you.
Dawne: ... Well screw you to.
Dawne: *Whistling* Zhe! This way!
A clearly strong, cut young man approaches the Half-Brothers. He has braided, platinum Blonde hair with Blue streaks, and is wearing a dark-blue jacket covered in patches and logos that has clearly had the sleeves ripped off, alongside scuffed jeans with rope as a belt. He has sandals on.
Zhe: HEYHEYHEY! *grabbing jaune's hand* It's nice to meet yah! I'm Caiji Zhe, but you can call me Zhe for short! You must be Jaune! Dawne's said a LOT about you, and to be honest I think he said a lot of it in a derogatory sense, but I think it was just him being jealous! You look like a good guy, and you're the leader of your team by what I've heard! And if you're even half the fighter Dawne is I'm gonna be shaking in my boots- er, well, sandals!
Dawne: Hey Zhe, I gotta take a leak. keep my brother company, 'kay?
Zhe: You got it Break-Of! Just don't fall in! HAH! That's a joke, you know! Oh, by the way Jaune, Break-Of is a nickname I gave him! Like the Break-of-Dawn? you get it! Yeah you get it.
Pyrrha: *turning to the voice* Is that who I think it is?!?
A girl with BLAZING pink hair splashed with lime green and cyan streaks, dressed in a patina colored chestplate covered in stickers, with a pastel pink undershirt. Her tassets and faulds are plated, and colored green. Her leggings are also pink, and her boots are lime green with more random patches and streaks of color. She has a silver crown on her head. Her nails are painted in a variety of colors.
Pyrrha: Cadmine? Cadmine Ittóras! Wow, you look ... different, and I wouldn't expect anything less from you!
Cadmine: *hugging Pyrrha* Hey girlfriend! You are are lookin' Damn Fine~ Haven't changed much at all, just got prettier, huh Gurl?
Pyrrha: *hugging the girl back* Haha! I suppose not! Those, that would be all of the brands that sponsor me, Heh ...
Cadmine: Well let's, like, not think about them! How've you been! How's your team Treating you! Are you eating well- I know you love your Cannolis~
Pyrrha: *Smiling brighter than she has in years* Yep! I've had more greasy, sodium rich foods in the last few months than the rest of my life. I still watch what I'm eating but I give myself more leniency.
Cadmine: Fucking phenominal Pyr-Pyr~ Like, two years ago I couldn't imagine "Invincible" Pyrrha Nikos eating a fat-ass burger! Hell, maybe you'll, like, work up the grit to say "no" to one of the damn leeches feasting on your winnings!
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kuronanox · 2 days ago
Domestic life - Hybrid Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
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"Well fortunately we have these hybrids that are to be put down in a few days if you don't like the other selections." A man in his forties tells (Your Name) as he opens the door to another hall with different hybrids, males and females. "A lot of them are all bark no bite. They still want to see another living day. Give them another chance in life and you'll see how amazing theses creatures are." He genuinely says with fondness petting some from outside the cage letting her walk around and decide. "Thanks give me a few minutes I would like to look around."
She was amazed with some of the hybrids. There were talks that people kept hybrid for sports or they were treated poorly in society. She felt sadden with the state of the world and decided she would like to keep one until it was ready to leave her house and starts its life anew again. She thought maybe adopting would be a great idea for some of these hybrids that needed a little love but ultimately she decided to buy one to set free later.
While walking up and down the aisle she came across some that didn't seem aggressive or others that didn't seem to care of her presence. There was one in particular that caught her eyes. A blue and white panther asleep in its cage with his body curled up in an awkward position. His description read that he was used for sport and was filed to be put down for misbehavior and his aggressiveness.
"I want this one." She tells the sales man as he gives her a worried look of her choice of hybrid. Panthers can be aggressive and closed off. They also are not good for starting families as they can get possessive of their owners.
Grimmjow ears perks up from the small conversion outside his cage as he opened his sleepy eyes to take a glimpse. "Must be the those pest coming to kill me" he thinks as he slowly processes his surroundings before his ears fully perk up.
"But I want him, I've had experience with aggressive hybrids in the past. You said some of them needed another chance and I want to be the one to give it to him." Grimmjow hears the female voice say with aggression towards the sales man who he's come to dislike. Any person who has came to buy him the sales man has told them no because he was too much to handle.
Irritation overcame Grimmjow as he lunged towards the sales man and hissed baring his teeth. "See I think Grimmy agrees with me!" (Your Name) proudly says with her hands on her hips beaming with pride.
"Tch the hell is this women talking about?"
The sales man sighs and looks at her crazy before giving up and nodding. "Alright but we have some paperwork to fill and also I'm giving you a number to call if he decides to attack you. Don't say I didn't warn you."
The process was fairly easy, Grimmjow had all his shots and was in a healthy state. They had to sedate him a few times because he had injured a few staff but after spending weeks here the aggression had settled down.
"He's not too bad honestly, give him time to adjust and he won't give you a hard time. He keeps to himself." A hybrid name Nel says from behind the desk as she typed in all the information needed for (Your Name) and her new hybrid Grimmjow.
"Thanks I'll keep that in mind."
When Grimmjows cage opened he didn't move, he thought maybe the sales man worked his magic and convinced the women he wasn't worth saving but he opened his eyes again to see her waiting for him to leave his cage. The feeling was foreign usually they had chains put onto him so he wouldn't escape but she was letting him walk free. Grimmjow wasn't gonna complain she bought him so he was gonna use all her stuff for free and finally get some rest from all these other hybrids giving him a headache. Well he did feel a little sorry for some to never see the light of day again.
Grimmjow in his animal form slowly checked his surroundings before making his way out the cage. "Well you're gonna live with me now. Let's go home." (Your Name) softly says allowing him to walk freely without chains or a leash.
Grimmjow stalks her from behind before ultimately getting bored she wasn't frightened of him. He was asleep most the car ride home. The cage was too noisy of other hybrids talking, yelling or crying. It was nice listening to white noise for once. As the car came to an abrupt stop Grimmjow growled at her for disturbing his sleep.
She paid no mind to him opening the door and letting Grimmjow out. "Come on, the car's comfortable but not as comfortable as a house." She tells him.
A house, he doesn't remember a time he's been in one. Stalking after her once again he was fast to check his surroundings before making his way in.
"Home sweet home!" She calls to him running to the couch to lay down. "By the way, I know hybrids can be in their animal and human form but don't feel pressured to change if you don't want to. I also know you can talk." (Your Name) tells Grimmjow as he walks around the house giving it a good sniff, checking if it's safe.
With nothing much to do he ignores her and hops onto the other couch closing his eyes. Grimmjow checks off that she was no danger to him and he could easily kill her if she tried something.
"Kay well I'll start dinner and show you to your room." (Your Name) says before leaning towards the kitchen and opening the fridge.
He didn't care, he was gonna freeload off her and make this home his whether she liked him or not.
Grimmjow dozed off to sleep again before he smelt something delicious catch his nose. They say curiosity killed the cat and he couldn't help but leap off the couch to investigate the delicious smell. His walks were silent as he stalked towards the kitchen.
(Your Name) was searing chunks of meat for him as he watched from afar. She was listening to music from her speakers while reading a recipe off her phone. While turning to plate everything up she felt startled from Grimmjow watching her. He was so quiet she didn't hear his footsteps.
"Oh jeez don't scare me like that, I could have dropped our dinner." She scowls a bit before pouting and placing it on the table.
Grimmjow smirks at her reaction before inching his way towards the food.
She set it on the floor and he gives her a demanding look. "What? You don't want to change out of that form and you're too big to sit on a chair so you have to eat from the floor."
He rolls his eyes mentally at her before taking the pieces of meat and ripping them to sheds. The food was good, he couldn't get enough of it. Before Grimmjow knew it the food was already gone and he was looking up at her with angry eyes. (Your Name) was lost in thoughts answering emails that a paw swiped her leg.
She looked down to see the food gone and she softly chuckled before getting up and getting some chicken she had stored. "Here, eat up." She tells him before finishing her dinner as well.
Grimmjow room was nice, the bed was big there was a drawl and desk as well as clothes. What most excited him the most was the pillows and blankets but he would never let her know that part. His tail was happily twitching but if (Your Name) saw she didn't comment on it.
"Kay well this is where the problem lays. You reek and need a shower." She tells him as Grimmjow turns to growl at her but she throws up a water sprayer to his face.
"Don't threaten me now or I'll spray you with water." She says as Grimmjow hissed and the water she sprayed hits his tongue and he retaliates from it.
Without much of a fight Grimmjow eventually gets into a tub of water and lets her wash him. Although he isn't so happy and his ears are down.
(Your Name) was calm as she scrubbed him lightly and made sure not to touch his sensitive parts. "There, isn't so bad is it? Promise you'll be safe here." She tells him as Grimmjow looks at her with eyes that are unreadable.
With the night getting late she leaves him to his room and leaves him alone for the rest of it.
"Good night." She tells him before going into her room for the rest of the night.
After a few months their routine was pretty standard and much didn't change. (Your Name) would feed him a big breakfast before leaving to work and returning during her breaks to feed him again before leaving again. Grimmjow was feeling a little lonely without her yapping at him. She yapped about the most random things he didn't understand. He still appreciated having her as company sometimes. Grimmjow never spoke to her though, he was frustrated that (Your Name) was getting under his skin. Pride settled into him most days and when he wanted something he would put a paw on her or nudge his head across her legs.
One evening she came home very late and Grimmjow was not happy at all. He was expecting to give her a hissy fit by destroying one of her pillows but she came home in tears sobbing about her job and some coworkers being mean. Grimmjow guessed she had a bad day as he watched her lay in bed ignoring his presence.
"Not now Grimmjow, I've had a rough day. You probably don't even care." She says with eyes closed and tears falling into her pillow.
"Stupid women." He thinks before jumping into her bed and laying his head on her tummy offering comfort. Grimmjow feels warm, he likes her enough not to throw a fit anymore. A hand reaches out behind his ears as she scratches them and he purrs a little.
"This is the first time I've heard you purr Grimmjow." She says surprisingly as he stops and flicks his tail with annoyance. "Hey don't stop! I don't mind." Grimmjow closes his eyes and drifts to sleep after.
Unbeknownst to Grimmjow he was so comfortable laying with (Your Name) he changed to his human form, tail and ears still visible. Although instead of his head laying on her tummy he was big spooning her.
(Your Name) felt a wave of heat overcome her body as she groaned in her sleep. She's pretty sure her eyes are puffy as they felt heavy to open. "Grimmjow move a little, it's getting hot." She complains trying to turn on her side but his big body has her caged between his arms.
With annoyance she shoots out of bed to push him but instead she screams and grabs her spray bottle. "Is that you Grimmjow?!"
Spraying his face wakes Grimmjow up as he yells "dammit women I'm trying to sleep!" His ears pulled back and tail flapping aggressively.
(Your Name) laughs and she laughs so hard she can hardly breathe. "I can't believe I'm seeing you like this for the first time." She says and after realizing her big panther was finally showing his true form she smiles a bit to herself forgetting why she cried in the first place.
Grimmjow was not so happy as he was fuming with annoyance and he was hangry. He throws all her pillows at her before stomping off.
"I was wondering how you used the bathroom this whole time you know." She teases Grimmjow following him into the kitchen as he plopped his ass in a chair for the first time in years.
"Shut it women before I go back to not speaking to you ever again."
"Whatever, bet you were getting lonely not using that pissy mouth of yours." (Your Name) throws back at him getting ready to start dinner.
Grimmjow keeps his silence watching as she moves around the kitchen once more. Everything was still foreign to him especially being back in this form after so long.
"So how are you liking it here?" She strikes up a conversation although her back is to him. He can feel a shakiness to her voice like she was scared to ask him.
"It's fine." He states and Grimmjow swore he saw her shoulder slump a little.
"Ahh well it won't get any better than this."
Grimmjow knows she's right but his pride won't let him admit it. She dishes up dinner and places it on the table for the both of them. "Thought you would want to try something different for dinner." She exclaims as he stares at a triangular shape of food. "It's called pizza, sorry I was too tired to cook much tonight."
"Tch getting lazy now." Grimmjow complains as she brings the spray bottle close to his face before returning to dinner.
Grimmjow hated to admit but whatever this pizza thing was, was actually good. He ate everything with no complaints and she snickered at him.
Although she hasn't fully looked his way Grimmjow knows he is an ugly wild beast so he understood if she was a little on edge. "tch women can't even look at me."
"You can still sleep with me at night if you want. I mean... since you aren't in your panther form nothing has changed. You can still do whatever you want." (Your Name) explains again before clearing the dishes quickly. Grimmjow watches as her heart rate had fasten and her cheeks began to change color.
"Why's your face pink?" Grimmjow asks nonchalantly as he knits his brow and she throws a kitchen towel at him. "It's not pink jerk and it's called blushing! Anyways good night I'm tired now!" She shouts making her way quickly to her room.
Grimmjow was rather confused of her behavior but didn't say a word as he made sure all the doors were locked. At least he was doing what she did every night before heading to his room. He could only smirk. Maybe being in this form wasn't so bad.
It took (Your Name) a few weeks to adjust to Grimmjow and his new form. She's grown to understand how he likes things, his body language and the way he talks. It was nice having someone to communicate with again. Although she still had a hard time looking at him because well.... He was very much good looking, handsome, sexy. She could go down the list.
She did miss his paws on her or his light head nudges. Now that Grimmjow was talking he just demands what he wants now.
"Hey I don't mean to pry but the scars on your body." She asks one night as they sat in her garage, Grimmjow drinking water as he stops punching the punching bag she got him.
"Oh these? They're nothing just from the hybrid fights." He nonchalantly says before turning his attention back to the punching bag.
(Your Name) didn't pry but from what others have told her hybrids lived in cages in the most filthy conditions.
"Well let's go shopping tomorrow! I'm off and you get to spend the whole day with little ole me!" She beams at him but Grimmjow couldn't understand the concept of shopping.
"What, gonna get yourself another hybrid to keep you company now that you're bored of me? I'll scare the piece of shit away." He threatens while punching the bag keeping his focus on her.
"What are you talking about stupid? Shopping as in clothes? Food? Also I need to get you a phone." She says in disbelief of his attitude now.
"Tch, could have said so women." He says as (Your Name) remembers the sales man saying that panthers and other hybrids can get very possessive of their owners. She didn't think Grimmjow was but she never tested the theory out.
"Whatever stay cooped up in here then." She huffs going back inside the house to entertain herself with some reality tv. Grimmjow only stares at her figure walking away as he grits his teeth. She was driving him crazy, there was a warm fuzzy feeling he felt in his stomach that he did not like.
After another hour Grimmjow cleans up and heads to find her in her room on her phone. "So what's a phone?" He asks curiously watching her play with the little rectangle thing.
She pats the empty space on her bed and explains it's a device to communicate with people as well as a form of entertainment. "I need to get you one now. So I can update you or you can text me when I'm busy." She tells him.
Grimmjow hums in responds and hesitantly reaches for her body but pulls back. Her eyebrows are raised as she turns to look at him. He was contemplating on whether to touch her or not.
"We've cuddle when you were a cat what's so different now?" She asks as he only gives her a frown.
"You can't even look at me for a long time without averting your eyes." He bites back as she gaps her mouth and pouts. "That's not true."
After a moment of silence she puts her phone down and turns off the lamp. Grimmjow only stares back at her confused of her actions. (Your Name) hesitantly grabs his hand and places it on the top of her hips before closing her eyes to sleep.
Grimmjow didn't protest, a little part of him wanted to be near her. After all he sought to find her. He closes his eyes and sleeps as well.
Getting Grimmjow in the car and the drive was fine but, she could tell that he was very anxious about being in the public eye especially since he didn't have much interaction before. As (Your Name) got out of the car he followed behind trailing. She only sighed at his actions but understood that big crowds were something he didn't like.
Grimmjows eyes scanned every face and even saw some hybrids on their own. Good for them he thought bitterly. Of course he was kept as a pet, that's how the humans thought of them. He couldn't help but feel a little sour looking towards (Your Name).
"Doing okay?" Her voice reaches his ears as she settled with the same pace as him. Grimmjow only grunted while some people stared at his 'wild' features. They were dirt to his foot and he could have easily beat the shit out of them.
Making their way to the store he stood only inches away from (Your Name). "Which one do you like?"
He looks at the blue one and she only smirks before making the purchase.
"So hybrids can live a normal life too?" He asks curiously while taking a glance at a few that were walking around the stores.
"It's not uncommon but they are still treated like second class citizens."
He could only roll his eyes, the humans have never changed.
As time passed (Your Name) was walking around different stores purchasing clothes as she took a pause in her step and told Grimmjow he could pick anything out he wanted. He stopped in his steps and gave her an annoyed look.
"I don't care for these things." He explained before walking ahead leaving her to chase his long strides.
"I'm trying to help you Grimmjow!" She tells him as it irk a nerve and he twisted his body to meet hers.
"I don't give a shit, I'm a pet after all!" He yelled causing some pedestrians to stare and whisper amongst each other.
An officer from the store came out and warned (Your Name) to keep her 'pet' in check or they would be kicked out. Embarrassment came over her features as she continued to apologize to people who watched or sneered as she took Grimmjows hand and directed them out.
The drive back was awkward. Grimmjow was angry and (Your Name) was silent. She had an unreadable expression on her face. Once they got home she went straight to her room and Grimmjow only scoffed and slammed his door in an attempt to piss her off.
Since Grimmjow was a hybrid his hearing was more sensitive than humans and he could hear her shuffling around her room. Talking to someone on the phone. He suspected it was 'animal control' as he cursed and slammed her door open before she could kick him out.
"What the fuck you prick?" She screams as he snatched her phone and hung the phone call up.
"Tryna get rid of me already?" He sneered cornering her to wall as she held her hands onto his chest. There was hurt behind her eyes as she pushed him off.
"Leave me alone, it wasn't 'animal control' if you were that concerned. I'm going out tonight. I showed you how to use a phone, the kitchen, so keep yourself company or watch tv. I'm leaving." The bitterness in her voice explains as she opened her closet to throw on her dress and Grimmjow averted his eyes towards her ass.
"The fuck you going?" He asks as she threw on some heels and fixed her hair.
"Away from you, fyi I never adopted you. I just bought you from them so you wouldn't get killed. You're free to leave if you hate it here so much. Try surviving on your own then!"
She slams her front door getting into her car driving off as Grimmjow cursed and threw himself onto the couch. "She's being sensitive for no reason." He voices closing his eyes, irritation on his face. He was bored now that she was gone. Grimmjow had never seen (Your Name) so angry before as he huffed knowing he was in the wrong for snapping at her.
(Your Name) decided to go to the bar with some friends as she drank and danced to cool off some steam. "Hey how's your hybrid?" Ichigo asks as he pays for their drinks and she could only pout while taking the liquor.
"He's been an asshole, we got into a fight."
"Sorry I know our type is hard to get along with." Ichigo sheepishly says, his lion ears twitching from all the music.
"It's fine. I'm here to enjoy the night."
(Your Name) frowned a little thinking about Grimmjow, what he did when she was gone or if he's eaten dinner. She wished he would enjoy life more instead of cooping up in her house everyday. She understood coming from his violent past Grimmjow wasn't comfortable going out in public but she looked at all the other hybrids that have overcame their challenges. Grimmjow just needed a little nudge.
"Bastards probably enjoying all his alone time."
Her and Ichigo dance a little more that night after meeting up with more of their friends to bar hop.
"Don't drink to much (Your Name) you have to drive home!" Rukia warned as they walked into another bar and she could only laugh at the tiny girl before clinging onto Ichigo for assistance to the bar.
"You have to drive her home." Rukia tells Ichigo as he silently acknowledged and helped (Your Name). Tailing her moves to keep a watchful eyes of perverts and weirdos. Ichigo understood hybrids can be difficult to handle. He also had a rough patch with humans so he understood (Your Name) needed this time to enjoy herself. Her phone rang in her purse as Ichigo cursed seeing as (Your Name) was striking up a conversation with Rukia again. Ichigo answers the phone instead.
"The fuck you at? It's late." Grimmjow voice comes out as Ichigo gave a puzzled look and sighed. "This must be the hybrid she saved."
"Hey I'm (Your Name) friend, she's dancing right now but I can let her know you called." Ichigo says as he heard a loud noise emit from the phone and a few curses before the call ended. Ichigo knew he might have to fight another hybrid on the way to (Your Name) house.
Ichigo drove (Your Name) home as she tried to sober up on the drive back. "Ugh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get this drunk. There's been a lot going on." She apologizes again as Ichigo gives her a small smile and held her hand for reassurance. "Hey it's fine, we all get those days. I don't mind helping a friend out but also be careful at home. Your hybrid Grimmjow seemed very angry on the phone."
(Your Name) giggles a little knowing that Grimmjow was positively jealous.
"How will you get home?" She asks Ichigo as he reassured her that Rukia was following them home so he had a ride back.
Grimmjow can hear her car pull up as he sees another hybrid carrying (Your Name) towards the door. He's pissed and angry another hybrid was marking their scent on her as he swung the door open and snatched (Your Name) from Ichigo.
"Hey I'm not here to fight." Ichigo threatens watching how Grimmjow was holding her possessively and keeping a keen eye on him.
Grimmjow lets out a growl as Ichigo growled back.
"Stop! Ichigo is my friend, you won't treat him like a stranger or fight each other." (Your Name) demands at Grimmjow hugging his upper body to separate the two.
"Fool come out here." Rukia voice calls out to Ichigo as he growled one last time to Grimmjow before taking a step out the door.
Rukia and (Your Name) give each other a knowing look before taking each hybrid away from each other. "Thanks you guys. I'll see you soon." She tells them before closing the door and turning to a pissed off Grimmjow.
He immediately tears her dress apart as she gasps from such strength he possessed. His growls were prominent as he tried to get Ichigo scent off her. Grimmjow couldn't understand why he was acting like she was his mate but something about another hybrid scent on her drove him insane.
"Stop!" She screamed at him as he threw the garments across the room and stormed off.
(Your Name) was hazy at this point, she picked up her dress and went straight to her room.
Grimmjow would never hurt her, she knew he had said mean things but he would never lay a hand, no matter how angry he got.
Lost in thought of Grimmjows tantrum she hurled towards the toilet, her mascara running down and hair pulled back.
Grimmjow could hear her throwing up from in the garage as he used the punching bag. He was blowing off steam as well. It wasn't until the sound of her gagging had his ears perking up. "Stupid annoying women" he cursed making his way to her room.
Grimmjow sees her figure over the toilet looking sorry for herself.
He walks behind her to hold her hair before drawing a bath for her.
"It's fine. I can take care of myself!" She explains shooing his body away but Grimmjow doesn't let her. He lifts her naked body into the tub and starts using all the soaps she had.
"You know each soap is different right?" (Your Name) states with attitude as Grimmjow tail flicks with annoyance.
"Shut up you stink." He says before washing her body and hair. (Your Name) only pouts and lets Grimmjow continue his routine of a bath.
While washing her Grimmjow could see there was still some sadness behind her eyes as he cleared his throat. "Did I scare you?" He asks.
"No, I was just startled. It's my fault anyways. I brought a potential threat to you." (Your Name) softly says while looking down at the water. She felt ashamed for bringing a competition to the house. She could see why Grimmjow was upset.
"He's not competition. You're mine and scent is a big thing with hybrids." He explains lifting her body out the water and wrapping a towel around her.
"I'm sorry." (Your Name) continues as Grimmjow couldn't even remember why they were fighting in the first place.
"Es fine, I guess I'm sorry too." He says nonchalantly but (Your Name) could only giggle at his expression of trying to be straight face while apologizing.
"Stop laughing women and change." Grimmjow says turning the other way as she followed his steps.
"But I wanna cuddle tonight please!" She begs still a little tipsy walking into his room, or what Grimmjow would say: his territory.
A dangerous line was being crossed but Grimmjow would never let her know that his rut was going to come soon.
"Piss off."
"You piss off pussy!" She throws back as he glares at her and throws her onto the bed.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." Grimmjow grins. Her towel threatening to peel off. "Give me a shirt." She demands as he knits his brow in confusion.
"So I can smell like you stupid."
Heat rushed over his groin. Grimmjow still had animal instinct and the fact that (Your Name) wanted his scent all to herself left him hard.
After putting on his shirt she waited for Grimmjow to join her in bed but he was standing by the door. "Come sleep with me." She pouts opening up his blankets as he hisses under his breath.
Grimmjow would not give into temptation. He knew his painfully hard dick would be hard all night but (Your Name) was even harder to pry off. Without much of a choice he slips under the covers as she curled her body in his.
"Let's just forget about all the fighting today. I like when we are happy." She explains half asleep.
Grimmjow stayed silent as he took her hand into his and drifted to sleep, hoping his hard dick would soften by morning.
The sheets never felt more comfortable to Grimmjow as he purred in his sleep, a hand stroking his hair unknowingly to him as he slept like a baby. A sigh escapes his lips as he nudged more into her hands that were caressing his hair and face.
"cute kitty" (Your Name) scowls before a genuine smile plasters her face. Grimmjow was leaning more into her touch, his fine lines of irritation gone.
She had awoken a few hours after the disasters of yesterday. Leaving his bedroom she heads downstairs to make a big breakfast.
Once Grimmjow feels the comforting warmth was gone he frowns in his sleep and flips to his side to find it cold. He growls out of annoyance because (Your Name) was providing so much comforts to his sleeps now.
Heading out of bed he pulls on a hoodie and stalks to (Your Name). He was silent walking into the kitchen as he puts a hand on her head as a gesture to let her know he was there.
"Oh good morning!" She beams as he looks down to see she was still wearing his shirt. He glances the other way and grunts as a response.
"Hey." Grimmjow calls out as he sheepishly reminds her that his rut was coming soon. "My rut is coming."
A blush appears on her face as she shrieks and turns back to the food that was cooking on the stove. Grimmjow just takes a seat on the counter waiting for her response.
"Um... I can't take you to the store so we can find something to satisfy you during that period."
He could only smirk as he felt generous today so he set the table up for breakfast.
"Sounds good to me." He says as curiously got the better of her.
"I don't know why that never crossed my mind... how did you deal with it in the past?" (Your Name) nervously asks filling his plate with eggs, sausages and bacon.
"My hands, or fucking other hybrids when we got the chance too or ride the pain out." He nonchalantly says eating his breakfast. Grimmjow could see that (Your Name) was genuinely curious, humans don't have heats or ruts.
"Ah I'm sorry, you could have told me before." There was silence between them as they ate but the silence was comforting. Grimmjow was comfortable enough to let (Your Name) know his most vulnerable state was coming and she was genuine not to judge how hybrid body's work.
"I won't be a bother... I've dealt with it in the past. I'll just stay in my room during that period." Grimmjow tries to sooth her seeing she was lost in thoughts about the whole conversation.
"Oh don't worry, I'll be working throughout the day anyways so... I'll order some toys for you."
Grimmjow was thankful she was helping his little problem that was going to arise but his other problem was her scent now. He was getting attached to (Your Name) and it annoyed him that a women like her could catch his heart. He would never let her know that.
After (Your Name) did her research on hybrids about their heat/rut, reading the articles made her blush. It wasn't uncommon for hybrids and humans to sleep together although society thought of it to be a sin.
"Um what toys would you like?" She bashfully shows her laptop to Grimmjow as he leans over her head to examine them.
"I don't know any of those things, my hands are good." He tells her before smirking, teasing (Your Name).
"Those rubber looking dicks are for women, bet you got one of those seeing as I've never seen a man in here before."
She slammed her laptop and grabbed the water spray so fast Grimmjow didn't have a chance to dodge. "Shut your trap pussy cat, I get off when I need too!" Embarrassment washes over her feature before she stomps off.
Grimmjow only laughs as he prayed his rutting period wouldn't make him crazy.
(Your Name) and Grimmjow went back to their normal schedule of routine. It had been a few days since their last conversation about his rut. She couldn't help but be curious if he had slept with a lot of women in the past.
The thought of him with another women irked her nerves as she frown.
"It's not like we are even dating or I'm his mate!" (Your Name) pouts as she applied her skincare onto her face before making her way into bed. Dinner tonight was fine, Grimmjow was more quiet than normal though.
(Your Name) had some ideas to leave the house for a few days during that period but knowing Grimmjow he would destroy it if she was not home.
"Hey." Grimmjow says while knocking on her door.
"When did the kitty cat have manners?" she calls out to Grimmjow as her door slams open and he looks irritated. "oh there's the Grimmjow I know."
"Tch, shut it women. I'm sleeping with you tonight."
Her face blushed as she turned the other way to grab her tv remote. They've only slept together a handful of time but it still gave her a warm fuzzy feeling whenever he was touched up next to her.
"Come join me then." she offers climbing into bed making herself comfortable to enjoy the night. Grimmjow goes quiet again as he lays down and faces her way. Tv bored him, some shows were interesting but he rather just tease her the whole night.
"Why're you staring." (Your Name) then asks as she turns on a movie, her eyes glued to the screen.
"Nothing much to stare at." Grimmjow explains as she grabbed her pillow to suffocate him but he grabbed her arms before she could react and howls out of laughter. "Why do you think everything is about you?" he proceeded to ask.
"Usually when people say that it means we aren't pleasant to look at."
Grimmjow only scoffs "I meant there's nothing in your room to look at, course I'm gonna look at you."
(Your Name) hearts start to race as she only scowls at him before scooting closer to his heat. The rest of the night was silent as he drifted sleep. (Your Name) finally calms down as she brushed a few pieces of hair out of his face before kissing him on the forehead. Grimmjow would never know.
The next morning her bed was empty as she looked around the house to find Grimmjow.
"I'm leaving to work." (Your Name) tells Grimmjow as he was punching the bags, back facing her. He didn't reply so she rolled her eyes and left.
Grimmjow that morning woke up feeling hot and sweaty, he knew his rut was here once his dick was squished between her ass while they cuddled. Not wanting to make a scene a Grimmjow thought blowing off some punches would distract his wants and needs but it didn't help as he cursed and went straight to his room.
He had laid in bed, his body flushed as he used his hands for relief. "Maybe I should have gotten them damn toys." he thinks as he grits his teeth to look at his leaking dick. Grimmjow whimpers because the feeling was not enough, living in a home had made him soft. He was losing his self restraint.
Grimmjow chases the thoughts of (Your Name) running her tongue from his shaft to his tip, eyes meeting his as she giggles and gives it a few kitten licks before hollowing her checks to suck him fully.
He thinks about eating her went cunt and ass from behind as she moans into the sheets gripping her cheeks to spread apart for him.
Grimmjow imagines her riding his dick, her eyes rolling as her tits gave him a show.
He curses as he chased his first release and growls because he was still painfully hard. Grimmjow needed to feel her wet cunt sucking him whole, needed to hear their skin slapping together and needed to bite her beautiful precious neck. Grimmjow needed to make her his.
He gets up to splash water on his face, those were horny thoughts. "I don't actually like her." Grimmjow tells himself but he cannot deny that (Your Name) has him wrapped around her little fingers. Grimmjow decides to lock his door all day before curling into bed to ride out the rut.
"I'm home!" (Your Name) yells a few hours after work as she carries in take out for dinner. "Grimmjow come eat dinner!"
The house was dark, nothing seemed out of place and there was no noise from any of the rooms. (Your Name) carries herself up the stairs to open Grimmjows door but its locked and she frowns. "Hey come eat." her voice gentle and soft.
(Your Name) didn't get any response for a few minutes before she heard rustling and whimpering. Her face redden as she remember that his rut was happening now. Without protesting she walks back downstairs to eat.
She was sadden Grimmjow was ignoring her but then she remembered he probably wasn't attracted to her and did not want her help. Her eyes downcast as she ate dinner alone, it was unusually quiet. The night was lonely without him.
She settled into bed leaving soft music playing hoping music may give him a sense of comfort.
Grimmjow hears (Your Name) when she gets home, when she calls out to him. He can hear her eat dinner alone as well as her sad sighs. He can hear the soft music coming from her room and her light snores.
(Your Name) was a nice caring women, cared to much about what other people thought. He did not want her help all the time, she was always caring his weight and slack. He could ride his rut out. At least that's what Grimmjow thought as he smelt her arousal.
"Baby really wants me bad." he grits as he made his way to her room. The door opened easily as he finds her asleep. (Your Name) arousal filled his nose as he moaned and made his way to her.
He finds one of her toys on the side of her bed as he ferally grinned, she was a naughty little thing pleasuring herself while he was on his rut.
Grimmjow dips onto the bed and licks her cheeks, licks her neck, licks her ears as (Your Name) groaned before slipping her hands into his hair.
"Grimmjow." She whispers as he hums in response to her voice as shivers went down his spine. "What are you doing?"
"Making you mine, I want you." He breathlessly confesses as his eyes dilated from the expression on her face.
"You want me?" she asks with excitement in her voice.
"If it wasn't obvious."
(Your Name) gives Grimmjow a bear huge as he groans from her body squished against his, the heat rushing down to his dick.
"Sorry.. let me help you."
Grimmjow is silent but can't help look at (Your Name) with genuine eyes, she was selflessly allowing him to destroy her. Not in the way of sleeping together but emotionally and physically. He was a hybrid and after bonding herself to him she would have to deal with him for the rest of their lives.
"No, I need to be sure you want this, you want me, you want the dirty stares, you want the second class treatment. You want my kittens. You want a world where I am even though the world won't treat us fairly."
(Your Name) gasps as she cups Grimmjows face, a smile is plastered on her face. "I want everything about you Grimmjow. I can't imagine my life alone again. Even if it means going against society."
Grimmjow was satisfied with her answer as he pressed his lips to hers. Her taste was so addicting as he groaned sucking her bottom lip cupping her breast.
"Please be gentle." she asks then as he gives her a dumbfounded look.
"No I'll let my dick rip you apart." he sarcastically replies throwing (Your Name) onto her back and she rolls her eyes. "There you are, was about to say you were breaking character for a moment."
"tch, I want to make sure you know that I'm staying her forever."
(Your Name) doesn't reply but gives him a kiss again.
Grimmjow discards their clothes as he settles between her legs lifting them slightly giving access to her dripping pussy. He presses his nose against it and sighs before giving her clits a long lick. Lapping up her juices Grimmjow grinds into the bed as she moaned grabbing his hair.
"Fuck this pussy doing me good." he says sucking on her clit lips before going back to devour her again. "is it that good?" she asks flushed from his compliment.
He hums and flips her to all fours spreading her cheeks. Her little puckering hole welcoming him as he moans before spitting on her ass. "Baby let me eat your ass." he asks and she whimpers a yes please. He grins as his tongue rimmed her ass and she gasps the feeling was foreign but felt good. Grimmjow uses one hand to massage her clit and the other to stick a finger into her puckering hole.
"Feel good baby."
"yes so good." she breathlessly says as he alternated between licking her clit and ass again.
Grimmjow slaps her ass before lifting her body up to his. "I need you now I can't wait." he pleads as she nods fisting his dick. As he entered her she squirmed because of his huge size.
"To big, hurts." she cries as grimmjow flips her onto her back giving her kitten kisses while pushing in more. "Grimmjow!" she whines as he shushes her again biting her shoulder. (Your Name) whimpers the whole time Grimmjow eases himself into her pussy.
"es okay baby, pussy sucking me good." he says as she nods with a whine. Grimmjow massages her clit as she groans in relief. His hands distracting her from his dick ripping her apart. Grimmjow bottoms out as he praises to her "doing good baby, taking me well."
Within a few minutes of (Your Name) adjusting to his size she moaning into his mouth as he pushes into her, rutting his hips into hers. He keeps a steady pace as Grimmjow watches her fucked out expression. "fuck." he groans taking one of her tits into her mouth as she gasps under him. He swirls his tongue around her nubs loving the thought she would produce milk one day.
He bites down as she cries out. "More." She demanded as Grimmjow smirked and pushed her into a mating position. His balls slapping her ass in a rhythm.
"I want to cum Grimmjow please, please." she begs as he bit into her neck giving them bruised marks.
"Kay baby let me help you."
They go into doggy style as he massages her clit and (Your Name) is squirming under his touch.
"I'm close." she whispers as Grimmjow slams into her pussy slowly but thoroughly letting his dick hit her g spot each time. "yes right there." she praises as her body starts to shake and his dick was sucked into her pussy even more.
She was a moaning mess under him as she hit her orgasm. Grimmjow kisses her back all the way to her ass before slamming into her roughly again to chase his.
He grits his teeth taking one finger into her ass as she cries into the sheets.
"Almost baby." he coos as she whimpers in response. After a few more thrust he spills into her and he bites down onto her shoulder.
Grimmjow pulls out and watched both their cum spill out of dripping cunt.
"I can go a few more rounds." He warns her as she agreed to help him more.
(Your Name) didn't go into work for a few days after, her body was sore and Grimmjow was surprising sweet to her the whole time his rut was happening.
After his rut was over he was different although still rough, easy to irritate but his snaps were just warnings and he doted onto her every chance he got.
"I wish we did this sooner." (Your Name) pouts as Grimmjow purrs into her neck while she watched the outside rain. The coziness of her home drawing them to a lazy comfort. There were candles lit as well as soft jazz music playing in the background.
"mmm." he responds giving her neck a few licks before cuddling back into her. "You're my women."
She chuckles lightly and gives Grimmjow a big hug.
"So it seems, I wouldn't want it any other way."
(Authors note: Hear me out, I want to make a hybrid Grimmjow series. WHOSE WITH ME ON THIS ONE! also I am very bad at writing smut but love to read it so I apologize it isn't the best. I'm afraid I am a nasty girl. But since he is coming back into the series I thought we deserved this little fluff/smut oneshot of him.)
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brainddeadd · 1 day ago
baby devil facing someone she has never got along with her entire hockey career and she drops her gloves before anyone can stop her not only does is surprise everyone she fought but she won too. matt after the game texts like something like see my lessons paid off. like mat taught her how to trap a punch
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Dropping Gloves
Y/N had always been known for her skill on the ice—quick, strategic, and smart—but never as the kind of player to pick a fight. The New Jersey Devils boys, especially Jack Hughes, Nico Hischier, Luke Hughes, and Dawson Mercer, were fiercely protective of her. They treated her like a little sister, and they were used to stepping in when things got too rough. So, when the inevitable showdown came, none of them expected Y/N to be the one to drop the gloves.
It had been brewing for years. The player across from her—a notorious rival she had clashed with since her junior league days—was on the ice again, sneering as always. Every game they faced off, the tension grew thicker, but Y/N had always held her ground, never letting it escalate into a full-blown fight.
Until today.
The chirping started early in the game, and by the second period, her patience snapped. After a particularly nasty check that sent her crashing into the boards, Y/N rose to her feet, the fire in her eyes undeniable. Without thinking, she threw off her gloves before anyone could stop her, skating right up to her long-time nemesis. The crowd went silent for a split second before roaring to life.
The boys on the bench froze. Jack’s jaw dropped, Luke leaned forward in disbelief, and Dawson shouted, “What the hell?!” while Nico stood at the boards, wide-eyed.
Y/N had never fought before, not like this, but her determination was unwavering. The punches flew, and though she took a few hits, her training kicked in—training courtesy of none other than Matt Rempe. Matt had shown her how to throw a punch and defend herself, just in case, but even he probably hadn’t imagined she’d use it this way.
To everyone’s surprise, she won. The refs pulled them apart, and as Y/N skated toward the penalty box, blood trickling from her lip, her teammates erupted with cheers. They might have been shocked, but there was pride in their eyes too.
When the final buzzer sounded and the Devils secured their victory, Y/N’s phone buzzed in the locker room. Wiping her face, still riding the adrenaline from the game, she unlocked her phone to see a message from Matt Rempe.
Matt: “I see my lessons paid off 😉. Nice win, by the way.”
Y/N couldn't help but smile, shaking her head. It was typical of Matt to be playful, especially since they had spent hours practicing punches during their junior seasons. He always said he wanted her to be able to defend herself if anyone pushed her too far.
She looked around the locker room at her protective teammates, all of them watching her with a mix of awe and relief.
“Well,” Jack smirked, walking over with his hands on his hips, “I guess we know who’s gonna be sticking up for us from now on.” The rest of the team chuckled, and Y/N rolled her eyes.
“You guys can stop looking so worried,” she said, grinning. “I’m fine. And besides, it wasn’t a big deal.”
Luke raised an eyebrow, smirking. “You knocked that guy out, Y/N. You’re basically a legend now.”
Nico patted her on the back, his usual calm demeanor tinged with pride. “We’ve always had your back, but it’s good to know you can take care of yourself.”
As the boys crowded around her with teasing remarks and playful jabs, Y/N glanced at her phone one last time, replying to Matt.
Y/N: “Guess you’re a good teacher. I owe you one.”
The night ended with the team more united than ever, and while Y/N knew her teammates would always be there to protect her, she also knew she didn’t need them to fight her battles. She could handle herself just fine.
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mcflymemes · 24 hours ago
STAR WARS: EPISODE III - REVENGE OF THE SITH (2005) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
it's over, [name]. i have the high ground.
you underestimate my power.
i hate you!
you were my brother! i loved you!
do it.
you've become the very thing you swore to destroy.
don't lecture me.
don't make me kill you.
if you're not with me, then you're my enemy.
i will do what i must.
all who gain power are afraid to lose it.
they think inwards, only about themselves.
they only care about others.
what happened to him?
you're under arrest.
are you threatening me, [name]?
goodbye old friend.
you have done that to yourself.
you will not take her from me.
i saw your ship! what are you doing out here?
i was so worried about you.
love won't save you.
you're a good person. don't do this.
i won't lose you the way i lost my mother.
i'm doing it for you, to protect you.
come away with me. help me raise our child.
leave everything else behind while we still can.
we don't have to run anymore.
you and i can rule the galaxy, make things the way we want them to be.
i don't believe what i'm hearing.
i don't know you anymore.
you're breaking my heart.
you're going down a path i can't follow.
you're with him!
you brought him here to kill me!
this is where the fun begins.
for reasons we can't explain, we are losing her.
she has lost the will to live.
we don't know why.
there are too many of them.
death is a natural part of life.
train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.
can you hear me?
in your anger, you killed her.
treat them well.
i have waited a long time for this moment.
you will not stop me.
i have failed you.
this is the end for you.
i expected someone with your reputation to be a little older.
we have a job to do. try not to upset him.
you're a little shorter than i expected.
i must talk to you.
i've just learned a terrible truth.
how do you know this?
our worst fears have been realized.
what was that all about?
i didn't say anything.
not to worry. we're still flying half a ship.
what have i done?
i will do whatever you ask.
i told you it would come to this!
army or not, you must realize you are doomed.
are you all right? you're trembling.
something wonderful has happened. i'm pregnant.
i need your help. he is in grave danger.
you're going to kill him, aren't you?
he has become a very great threat.
let's get a move on.
we've got a battle to win here.
love won't save you.
i sense a trap.
you owe me one, and not for saving your skin for the tenth time.
this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause.
what did you say?
i sense great fear in you.
the plan has gone as you had promised.
you are a bold one.
i know what's been troubling you.
are you going to kill me?
i can feel your anger.
it's very dangerous, putting them together.
i am going to end this, once and for all.
i'm too weak. don't kill me, please.
that has nothing to do with this.
you are so beautiful.
love has blinded you?
i'm going to end this war.
who could have done this?
there is something i must know.
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thelongestway · 2 days ago
woke up thinking several of my recent sci-fi favorites would have trouble with some of their characters' pronouns if they were to be translated into Ukrainian for a very funny reason
the thing is, "it" in casual use isn't primarily dehumanising/instrumentalising
it's affectionate, sort of a diminutive, used in a "not old enough to be gendered" way
so you have anglophone writers using "it" for their characters to underscore that they treat themselves or are treated by others as inhuman instruments
and with Ukrainian (and probably other Slavic languages) you immediately have to deal with that the most widespread use of "it" is for "small child" or "baby /affectionate"
воно таке мале й таке миле
this would be harder to translate for Derin's Public Universal Friends - there is this whole emphasis on how it is a choice to become one, and the vetting process is decades long. nobody calls a PUF cute; they're recognized as useful but slightly terrifying in the "I chose to make myself into an instrument" way
and for Martha Wells' Murderbot this could probably work out of the box, because a lot of the story hinges upon the different perceptions of itself that Murderbot has in comparison to its humans, and a lot of the storyline has humans adopting Murderbot the same way it adopts them. so here the child!it could probably work pretty well
speaking of which i need to get back on a translation project i've been procrastinating on
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ljaylmaoo · 2 days ago
🎃Kinktober day 4- Hate Sex🎃
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ExBf!Hook x ExGf!Fem!reader 18+
warnings: SMUT!!, ANGST!!, this is EXTREMELY TOXIC!!!, mentions of safe word, mentions of cheating(?), and mentions of underage drinking (drink responsibly), reader is a hoe/slut/whatever term you wanna use for it lol, unprotected sex (PLEASE USE CONDOMS), squirting, creampie, etc!!!
an: tbh I didn’t think it would get this angsty or this long lol, idk if I like the way this one turned out, but yea, enjoy..? Lol also, there is a change of pov so sorry ab that lol
word count: 3.4k
“Where the hell is she?!” Uliana barked at the four teens who were scattered about the Cauldron in the centre of the table, a dangerous maniacal expression visible across her face as she glanced around frantically at the others. The VKs were about to pull off possibly their biggest prank yet, maybe bigger than the prank they successfully pulled on the previously known sweet, pink, and ‘adorable’ princess two years ago. “Successful” meaning after the school year, she never came back to school and has since disappeared back down the rabbit hole to Wonderland, never to be heard from again. Was it harsh? Yeah. But did the VKs care? Not one bit. The prank had finally made them get the “respect” they deserved, or… believed they deserved from the students at Merlin Academy, and that’s all that mattered most to Uliana. This sent them on an extreme power trip and only craving more fear from their peers, so Uliana wanted to do something bigger, a prank on the entire school. Y/n was the one who came up with the idea of the prank and Uliana loved it. But of course, on the day of the prank that Y/n came up with, she was late once again. It wasn’t new for her to be running late no matter how important the day may be, and that wasn’t what initially pissed Uliana off, but it was now for the same reason: an extremely late night booty call that would result in her sleeping in and usually missing first period at the very least.
This “phase” of hers started ever since she and Hook had broken up about 4 months ago. It was a messy break up to say the least, and it was her way of coping. Hook absolutely hated it, and it hurt him more to know that the only way she could cope was to have a different guy in her bed every night just to boost her own confidence and self esteem that he wrecked which had earned her the title MA school slut. Every time he saw her now, there would be a new hickey or a bruise that was visible from how rough the guy treated her and used her body in any way he wanted. She knew they were visible, she made sure of it, because she knew it would piss him off and also because she didn’t care. It was like a physical symbol of how damaged she was emotionally and mentally. But as much as he wanted to say something about it, it wasn’t his place, not anymore. So his true feelings for her deep down that made him concerned and pity her turned to hatred and anger, bubbling within every time he saw her at the fact that he had to bite his tongue about it and act as if he didn’t care. Their friends however couldn’t care less about what she did with her life, or body, and most of them didn’t. But when it was all they heard Uliana complain and bitch about on a daily basis is when they began to grow tired of it as well.
Because they shared the same friend group, they had no choice but to keep hanging around each other and it was awkward for the group the first few weeks with the two ignoring and trying their best to stay out of each others way, but eventually Hook came to terms with the fact that they had to stay in each others lives wether they liked it or not. He knew what he did to her was wrong and he did feel bad, but no matter what he said or did to try and make up with her (for their friends sake), it never worked. Y/n was having an extremely difficult time with coming to terms with it, she would have an attitude towards him and would never give him any time of day. She made it known that she didn’t like him and wanted nothing to do with him anymore, especially after what he did to her. The rare times they actually did talk (which was almost never), they bickered and threw small insults at each other.
Hades and Maleficent only shrugged, frowning as they did so, uninterested. Uliana groaned and mumbled something under her breath about how useless they were before turning to the boy on her right who was currently stood with his arms crossed like he would rather be anywhere else but there. He slowly looked over at her and gave her a dirty look, “What?” He questioned, a hint of attitude lingering in his voice. She shook her head in disbelief, scoffing, “uh hello? Go get her!” She snapped at him while pointing towards the entrance of the lair. “Wha- no? Why me?” He asked bewildered. “Because all you’re doing is standing there looking pretty, make yourself useful, Hook!” She hissed while coming closer towards him in a threatening manner. He leaned back as she came closer to him completely invading his personal space, “no, I’m okay actually. She’s not my responsibility.”
“Yeah, but you’re the reason why she’s been acting like this.” Maleficent smirked as she took Uli’s side. Hook gave her a look and back to Uli who raised her eyebrows in agreement.
Hook stood on the outside of her dorm waiting impatiently for her to answer the door, knocking for what seemed to be the millionth time (really, it was more like 5). “Leave me alone!” He heard your voice yell from the other side. He doesn’t know why he constantly let Uliana boss him around, but alas here he was again, this time letting her force him into being his ex girlfriend’s personal alarm clock. He found it embarrassing, glaring at the few students who passed by. Part of him wanted to say fuck it and leave, but he knew Uliana would throw a hissy fit if she saw that he didn’t come back with Y/n. So, contemplating on what to do, he decided to barge in her dorm as any fucks he gave before drained out of him, he was sick of it.
It was dark and the smell of sex lingered in the air, clothes trailed on the ground that led to the bed where she was buried under the large, soft sheets with a mountain of pillows scattered around her head. He instantly went over to the window and ripped open the curtains, sunlight instantly flooding in and lighting up the room. Y/n groaned and pulled the duvet over her head, “get out!” “I would love to, trust me. But-“ “James?” Y/n peeked over the blankets in confusion and made eye contact with the pirate who was stood by the window. “Yeah..hi.” Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. Before she could say anything, another head from beside her shot up in alarm and looked at him, “shit. Uh, I’m just gonna..” he quickly threw the covers off and frantically put his shirt back on, James watching him with a judgmental look as the guy grabbed the rest of his clothes and shoes off the ground and ran out in only his shirt and underwear, slamming the door shut behind him, leaving the two alone in an uncomfortable silence.
James cleared his throat, “…um, sorry for scaring away your, friend…” he said awkwardly but also uninterested. Y/n shook her head, “It’s fine. I didn’t like him anyways. He was kind of an asshole. But, what the fuck are you doing here in my dorm?” She questioned, the drowsiness slowly clearing up around her head. “Uliana threatened me to come get you. I didn’t mean to intrude but I am not leaving here without you.” The girl raised an eyebrow and scoffed, “yeah… no. I’m not leaving here with you. I’d rather chug a gallon of poison.” Hook shrugged, “I wish that was an option, but really, Y/n. I’m protecting us both from Uli. So I suggest you get your ass up now and get ready before I drag you out of here myself.” He said in a stern and threatening tone. She crossed her arms and stayed in place in an attempt to protest against him, “now.” He repeated, when she saw the look on his face she knew he wasn’t joking. She groaned and threw the covers off and finally got up, beginning to walk over to her closet. Hooks eyes widened when he saw that she was completely naked, with only a small thong that covered little to nothing. It also just happened to be his favourite she’d wear to tease him with when they were together. His eyes traced her figure, the small bruises and marks on her chest and ass making him fill with rage. He didn’t know if it was because they were from someone who didn’t actually care about her and was just another scumbag who was simply using her for her body, or because they weren’t from him. Both perhaps..?
“I can feel you staring.” She said annoyed while she finished putting her top on, glancing over to him that sat across the room leaned up against her desk. He made eye contact with her and she saw the angered and unimpressed look on his face, “what?” He rolled his eyes and looked away, “nothing. I just don’t know why you let guys who don’t give a shit about you treat you like that.” She threw the pants she picked out over her arm and turned to him, biting her cheek before scoffing, “treat me like what?” He turned to her and mirrored her body language, crossing his arms, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you, darling.” he laughed bitterly tilting his head slightly, blinking innocently, “I just don’t know why you’re acting like this and allowing yourself to get treated and used up like some fucking slutty ass cum dump.” Y/n’s mouth dropped at his sudden cruel bluntness. She knew he was right, and she was well aware of how she was acting. But no one has ever “cared” enough to be that straight up and call her out on it to her face. But it was his fault.
She looked away and shook her head in disbelief, tongue poking the inside of her cheek with a dangerous breathy laugh, “okay you really wanna start this now?” She started, walking up to him slowly and throwing her pants on the ground, “you’re really asking me why I’m acting like this? Why do you care what I’m doing with my life all of a sudden after we broke up?” Hook sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Y/n. I’m not trying to argue. I’m just saying it’s really unhealthy and you shouldn’t be-“ “oh! So it was completely fine for you to be doing the same thing while we were together?” Y/n questioned while throwing her hands to the side, “it was one time! I was drunk and I hardly even remember it!” “Oh fuck off! It doesn’t matter whether you were drunk or not! Being intoxicated doesn’t excuse you for acting like a man whore all night at the only party I wasn’t able to make!” She took a deep breath, “and with the one girl you told me not to worry about? Really?” Tears pricked in her eyes as her voice cracked at the end of her speech while she yelled in his face.
“You don’t think I feel bad about it?! You should be glad I even told you the truth about the kiss in the first place!” The two went back and forth, screaming at each other as unexpected tears streamed down their faces. Hook backed her into the wall as he angrily expressed his frustration and feelings, “-and gods sake for the millionth time Y/n I said I’m fucking sorry!” He cried out their faces were now inches away from each other, out of breath and eye brows furrowed as they stared into each other’s eyes mixed with hatred and rage. In the heat of the moment, they suddenly clashed their lips together hungrily into a heated make out session. Their tongues dancing around in their mouths fighting for dominance as he pushed her up against the wall and his arms pulled her hips closer to him, her hands pulling at his hair. It surprised them at first, but neither of them pulled away as they missed each other’s touch all too much. Y/n quickly jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist as the kiss continued to get even more heated and sloppy. Their bodies moved perfectly in sync with one another, y/n whined at the contact against her heat at his growing erection.
2nd person pov
Hook pulled away and tugged at your shirt, you let him pull it off effortlessly and he kissed down you jaw to your neck, biting and sucking harshly in the same spots as the previous guy had left his mark causing you to let out small moans. He made sure his were more prominent and dark before latching onto your sweet spot on your neck that never failed to drive you insane. “you know- every time I see- your neck marked up- I don’t think- I ever saw one- here.” His voice mixed with cockiness that was muffled with his mouth pressed up against your skin. You moaned as he bit harder before soothing it with his tongue. “Oh my god-“ you breathed out, grinding against him more. “It drives me crazy- knowing that- every guy- you’ve slept with- doesn’t know how to- make you feel good.” You were gasping in pleasure, missing the feeling of someone actually knowing, or even caring, to make you feel this good. It was true, every guy didn’t ever take the time to at least try and learn how to make you feel good. They either assumed what felt good, or just simply didn’t care, only using you for their own pleasure.
He carried you over to the bed and threw you down, unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants and underwear down enough for his cock to spring out before leaning down to your face, “can I ask how many times total you’ve actually came while sleeping with them, darling?” He asked while caressing the side of your face, “total..?” You asked cautiously. He nodded and you thought about it, “ten…” you lied, trying to look away, “not including the fake ones.” You sighed “…um..maybe three..?” You shyly admitted, face turning a light shade of pink. He smirked and pulled your hips closer to his, “that’s what I thought” he pulled your thong to the side and lined himself up, “I can easily make you come more times than that.” He stated. Your eyes widened at his words but before you could say anything, he pushed himself into you causing you to let out a moan. The feeling of him stretching you out perfectly made you throw your head back, gripping the sheets beneath you. “Oh fuck-“ you whimpered as he bottomed out, “that’s it, just feel it.” He cooed. He pulled back out and eased back into you. You gasped at the feeling of his cock moving in and out of you at a steady pace. You knew (especially from experience) that it was extremely rare to find someone who could make you feel good without trying. It made you more upset that James was that person for you. Like your pussy was made to fit around his cock. Like it was made just for him and him only.
He picked up his pace and ducked his head down to your chest, taking one of your nipples in his mouth and sucking it while he rubbed circles on your sensitive clit. Your hands found their way back into his hair and you let out desperate moans, feeling the knot in your stomach tightening. You ground yourself onto him, meeting his hips as your back arched off the bed, “fuck- James-“ you cursed, tugging at his hair more as you felt your release approaching fast. Your walls tightened and you felt your first orgasm wash over you letting out a groan. He lifted his head and looked down at you while still fucking into you, “not even a few minutes in and I’ve already made you come?” He smiled. Your legs shook at the overstimulation while furrowing your eyebrows and flipped him off but quickly grabbed his wrist beside your stomach as he skillfully positioned his hips to hit your g spot causing you to moan louder and he let out a chuckle finding it amusing how well he made you feel.
Your grip on his wrist tightened and your eyes rolled back feeling your second orgasm approaching quicker than the last as you let out a whimpered scream. “Yeah, you can do it, come for me again baby.” He praised, “shit!” You screamed out as you came again on his cock. The sound of your juices squelching out from your hole as he still continued to fuck into you filling the air. You dug your nails into his skin as your whole body began to tremble beneath him. You shook your head, “I- can’t- take it- anymore-“ you cried. He brought his hand up to your face, “yes you can-fuck-“ he cut himself off with a moan, “two more for me, come on.” He stopped for a moment to throw your legs over his shoulders and began picking up his pace, this time faster than before causing your toes to curl as he hit a spot deeper inside you. He grabbed your hand as he ploughed his hips into yours. Your mouth fell open and your eyes clenched shut, raspy weak moans escaping your mouth. You hated that he was the only guy who knew how to make you feel this good. But at the moment you didn’t care, mind too caught up in the way his cock filled you up in all the right places. The continuous feeling of his tip abusing your cervix and sounds that fell from his lips (that you missed terribly) made your whole body tense up as it ripped another orgasm out of you.
He grabbed your hips to hold them still, feeling you try to pull away from the extremely overwhelming and intense feeling of pleasure soon turning to pain. The walls of your pussy clenching as tightly as possible, not knowing if they were trying to suck him in or push him out. “Too much! Too much!” You screamed, “just one more, I know you can do it sweetheart. You remember our safe word- don’t you darling? If you want me to stop- shit- just let me know.” Of course you remembered. Though you’ve never had to use it, and you knew he knew how much you could handle. Your stubbornness wanted to prove to him that you could take what he gave you. Soon after, your thoughts were clouded by the feeling of your last orgasm that hit you harder than the rest, your whole body spasming and trembling as you screamed his name louder than ever, eyes rolling all the way back in your head as juices squirted out of you like a fountain while you felt him finish inside of you, moaning out loud with you before pulling out.
Your body continued to shake uncontrollably and you let out pathetic whines with tears streaming out of your eyes again as the feeling didn’t stop even after he had pulled out, your hole clenching on nothing but air. He soothingly rubbed circles on your thigh trying to calm you down from your high, talking you through it. Eventually you came down, body and legs still shaking. When you both caught your breaths, there was an uncomfortable silence that filled the air once again. Neither of you knew how to feel or what to say. Hook silently got up and grabbed a towel from your bathroom, cleaning you off first then trying his best to clean up the mess you’d made on him and his clothes without much luck. He sighed and turned to you,
“Um… do you still have my spare change of clothe-“
“Bottom drawer.”
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libraford · 3 days ago
do you mind if i ask you for some tips & helps for beginners when it comes to tarot an witchcraft in general? i’m never sure what’s like an actual thing or someone pulling the whole “you’re not autistic you’re actually just a *insert wildly weird thing here*” if that makes sense?
it’s completely ok if you don’t want to answer this btw c: either way please an thank you & good luck with your drag show 🖤
Ummm, I'm not great at beginner tips because my practice is so personal and required so many years of going 'wtf am I doing' that unfortunately most of my advice is 'do some shit, learn hard lessons, try not to hurt anyone in the process.'
So the thing that's happening with the 'you're not (condition), you're (fictional creature)' rhetoric is, essentially, new age eugenics.
Psychology is a fairly new science and there's a lot of people who outwardly don't believe in it. Like they'll believe in pop-psychology that's easily disprovable ('if you chew on ice that means you have an oedipus complex' is one I've heard) but when it comes to things that are actually part of the field like... diagnoses for depression, anxiety, trauma- people start getting weird about it.
Where it comes from could be any number of things, but if you go back just... even ten years the culture surrounding openly talking about diagnoses is completely different. And I think that for a lot of people, having a diagnosis for why your brain does the thing it does means that they have to answer some hard questions for themselves.
There is also some distrust of medication (there have been some... not great medications for depression and ADHD in the past) as well as good old fashioned family ableism.
So. The easiest way to deal with this is to pretend that mental illness does not exist.
And make some rather... interesting conclusions to explain why people are a little strange. They're aliens. They're fairies. They're witches. They're part of an ancient race. They're from another dimension. They're reincarnations of ancient goddesses. They're shards.
If you believe these things for yourself, that's fine. If this helps you navigate your world better and hurts no one, I have no problem with it. It could be true and I wouldn't know it- fuck, I don't know the secrets of the universe.
If it works for you.
There are thousands and thousands of terrible books about how to treat your starseed child, your indigo child, your crystal child. And it is exceedingly common that these phrases are used to deny a child proper medical care. It dehumanizes them. It makes them 'other.' Its already difficult to socialize a child- now they're special magical children who don't need to be socialized. And these books sell. And they sell and they sell and they sell...
I am not a scholar in this field- I have just been to places, seen things, and listened to people.
But here's a recent paper linking starseed talking points to far-right extremism that will ruin a lot of New Age rhetoric for you forever.
I realize that my thoughts derailed there... which would be the ADHD. But in terms of what should you do when you're just starting out with witchcraft? Read as much as you can, listen to as many people as you can, but decide for yourself what's true and what's a load of hog shit.
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edible-emerald · 13 hours ago
Ok so PVP civilization??? I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS???
Spoilers for episode 5 btw
So first off the REVEALS THIS EPISODE??? And the fact that most of them were to the viewer and not to Evbo???
Princezam's character, in nature, is selfish. He talks highly about how Evbo repeatedly dying is heroic, and while he may be subjecting himself to endless torture, he's saving so many lives, he's a hero, he's a good person. It's implied that Zam believes, if he were in Evbo's position, he would do the same; that he would let himself die to save others. But it's a lie. Because he IS in Evbo's position. HE CAN REVIVE TOO. But he kept it a better secret than Evbo, which is the only reason why he hasn't been endlessly farmed yet.
The second reveal Princezam gives that also shows more about his character and motives is that Evbo has a limited number of revives. He isn't immortal. He's on his last life. If he dies again, he'd be gone forever. And Zam knew this.
And I think something is really, really interesting about this. Because in episode 4, Zam's motive is to make Evbo die over and over indefinitely so he can keep increasing durability of the iron swords and increasing life span. Still an interesting character, but him KNOWING that this solution is temporary, and him KNOWING that Evbo will die permanently soon, changes everything. His motive wasn't to save the iron swords, I actually think he couldn't care less about them. His motive was to kill Evbo.
What else would it be? Why else would Zam KNOWINGLY make Evbo die over and over with every death coming closer to permanent death? Because for whatever reason, Zam wanted to get rid of Evbo. But why? Yes, it's true he was the chosen one. But that leads me into my next point:
Is he?
The only real thing that made Evbo special enough to be the chosen one is that he could revive himself after dying. But he isn't the only one who can. Zam can too; and I believe Tabi and a few other people can as well. So IS he the chosen one? Personally, I don't think he is. I think that someone else is the chosen one, but I'll get to who eventually. What possible motive could Zam have for wanting Evbo dead, if he isn't the chosen one?
Evbo was a diamond sword.
Evbo was a diamond sword who's memories were erased. He was threatening to like do something (maybe become a netherite sword?) that Zam and others didn't approve of and maybe he was working with Tabi, so both of them were killed and revived in the wooden sword level. But Evbo's memories were erased in the process so Tabi decided to manipulate him and get to the top without him this time. That brings me to the next point.
Tabi has history with some of the diamond swords. Specifically, Ferre. We don't know what yet, but I believe like I said above that she and Evbo were previously diamond swords, and were trying to do something and ended up being killed. Evbo's memories were erased but Tabi's weren't.
I think the reason the diamond swords were willing to let Evbo back in and not Tabi is because he lost all his memories. Maybe, he'll get some back and realize that the diamond layer is corrupt or evil in some way, and team up with Tabi to defeat them. But I don't think so. I think Tabi is evil and had either roped in Evbo, or worked with Evbo but losing his memories made him change.
Anyways, on the topic of reviving, I think it's also safe to say Zam was a diamond sword. First off, he seemed to know the diamond swords personally and disliked them, calling them 'bottom feeders' (which by the way is so fucking funny I giggled so much at that line) also we know he can revive as well so safe to say he was killed and revived there. Maybe he was in the plan (that may or may not exist idfk) with Tabi and Evbo and was killed as well. But I doubt it, considering how he treats Evbo, but then again, his character is very selfish and antagonistic. I think his ultimate motive is to rank up to a netherite sword (which may be godhood like in parkciv?? but we don't know) and he's trying to kill Evbo to take out the competition.
Also this is a minor thing but now we finally know why Zam kept his door closed in episode two, because he had an armor stand too and didn't want the secret to come out.
Now for the final reveal: Parrot has a backstory. And I think I know what it is.
Parrot is the real chosen one.
Ok my evidence for this is mostly speculation but also if Evbo isn't the chosen one than who?? Parrot is a really odd character, like every time he talks it just feels like there's something off about him. He talks a lot about the chosen one, but he acts. Weird. Around Evbo when he finds out that he's the chosen one. Also, for someone so devoted to the chosen one, he's still very much alive; and I point this out because he has a mansion AND a video journaling machine. That costs a lot of swings and I have a feeling he hasn't really ever paid respects to it. Even though he says he has. And why would he? BECAUSE HE'S THE CHOSEN ONE.
If Parrot isn't the chosen one, either one of two things are probably true:
he was a diamond sword
he was a/the netherite sword
I don't really know how these would work in the story the same way the chosen one theory would, but yeah
Thank you for reading my ramblings :33 hopefully I didn't miss anything lmao
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hollowed-theory-hall · 1 day ago
Hi, one more question!
I read Tomarry fan fiction with time travel, and when they write that Harry is taking Tom from the orphanage, for some reason they write that Harry expects that if he gives the love and care that he was deprived of, then Tom will become a different person. That is, Harry projects himself onto Tom and expects the same reaction from him that Harry himself would have had if he had been taken away from the Dursleys. And also, I do not understand the authors themselves believe that if you give a child (Tom) everything he wants and do not limit him at least somehow, that he will grow up to be a morally better person? Or do they think that Harry is so narrow-minded and does not understand that punishments and rewards are needed for proper upbringing? That it's not enough to just say "don't do this because it's wrong for a moral reason", but to provide a logical explanation that would be based on logic and pragmatism, which would sound clearer to Tom? What do you think about it?
Anyone could write whatever they want, and I'm not going to diss any specific fics or authors. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of Harry going back in time to raise Tom fics because it's just not to my personal taste. So, this isn't the kind of scenario I really think about for Harry's and Tom's characters.
In general, though, I think Harry understands Tom and how he thinks more than fanon often gives him credit for. I also think Tom isn't as evil incarnate as some fanon paints him as. I don't think he's super moral, but I don't think he is especially cruel either.
Like, Tom doesn't do immoral things because he doesn't know what's good and what's evil, he is an intelligent capable adult — he knows very well what he's doing is evil, he just doesn't mind doing evil if he thinks it's necessary.
And he has morals. He regrets needing to kill Snape, he dislikes unnecessary death and bloodshed and actively avoids it in the first war. He doesn't want to kill students in the battle of Hogwarts and calls a ceasefire to let them regroup and treat their injuries to the detriment of his own side. He hates cowardice and treachery. He derides Wormtail because he betrayed his friends, yes, that betrayal helped Voldemort, but Voldemort despises cowardly traitors as a rule and his morals are important to him. He hates pretentious purebloods and he shows this contempt in how he treats his followers. Tom has a moral core all on its own with his shitty upbringing, it's just, kinda messed up and he's a practicality-over-morality kind of person most of the time. I'm saying most because he doesn't allow himself to cheat when trying to kill Harry. He just has to kill Harry properly, in a fair duel, because of his own morals and ideals. I also think Tom would be insulted by the concept of cheating at school, for example.
I mentioned in the past the fact Voldemort's favorite spell is the killing curse kinda shows that he has some twisted sense of morality. I mean, in a world where you can burn and cut and torture people with magic there are so many cruel and painful ways to kill someone, and yet, Voldemort's go-to spell, when he isn't making a point or torturing someone for a specific reason, is Avada Kedavra. The Killing Curse is a painless death, even Voldemort considers it a merciful death. It's quick and painless and efficient. This is the death he gave James and Lily because he respected them and didn't want them to suffer unnecessarily. This is the death he chooses for anyone he doesn't have a specific reason to torture because he is against what he deems as unnecessary cruelty. Snape's death is the only real death that is unnecessarily cruel but I think it has more to do with JKR needing a way for Snape to get Harry the information he needs rather than be accurate to Voldemort's character as he was shown thus far.
Like, he has some weird sense of morality, and even with the evil things he does, like murder, he knows they are bad and he does so anyway. Sometimes, he does so regretfully, in the most merciful way he can, and other times, when he hates someone, he relishes in it. It's not about not understanding good and evil or not knowing what morals are, it's about caring about morals less than about whatever goal he wants to accomplish, and sometimes that goal is to humiliate the crap out of Lucius Malfoy, or to showcase how great he is and be dramatic about it. But the fact he has his twisted morals and considers himself merciful is part of what makes him so interesting to me.
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avionvadion · 1 day ago
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Ortho: "Those pieces of wood are not just sitting on their skin; they're rooted deep into their heads. If we tried to force them off, it would not end well! Furthermore... Eleanora Quince's health is deteriorating rapidly. The wood seems to be interfering with another magic already engraved deep in her body. She... may not survive the night if we can't discover the cause of these roots and how to remove them."
Listen, ya'll. I have October mapped out.
Halloween preparations start on September 30th (Divus says they have a "month" to prepare.) The Magift Tournament is in mid-October, so I'm going to have it take place on the 17th. Playful Land will be taking place a couple days after the tournament but a couple days before Halloween Week. (18-24th, as Ortho gives us a decent timeline at the very beginning of the event to work with, so it'll be one of those days) Halloween Week is the last week of October. (25th-31st, exactly seven days.) 
Considering everyone will be turning into living puppets, I'm treating that magic as a curse. Furthermore, Eleanora can not have another curse overlapping the one she already has. Thus, she gonna start dying.
There's already gonna be lasting drama from Book Two featuring Ace, but oooooooh boy this is gonna get DARK.
Especially since Eleanora would absolutely be considered a "defective" puppet. Once she starts visibly deteriorating and losing life, Fellow will most likely tell his "boss" that one of the puppets seem to be dying from the spell. If he does that, then the boss will probably tell Fellow to "toss the defective one overboard" and into the sea.
They can't restore her to normal and let her tell everyone what happened, but they can't sell her as a living puppet either. Easiest way to get rid of her is to toss her overboard while she's still being transformed.
Fellow probably won't dump her into the water right away, though.
Human trafficking is one thing, but murder is another. (Really? That's where the line is drawn?) So he'd probably be keeping an eye on her condition to see if she actually dies or not, checking her pulse every now and then, etc. Contemplating his life choices and why he's still working for such a rich asshole who treats him like utter shit.
As time passes, Fellow probably comments that Eleanora will end up becoming a "pretty corpse" after all, unlike her friends who will be living puppets, and Lilia will be pissed at that but can't really do much since he's also paralyzed from the wooden curse.
ALSO, since Fellow IS a card-
I'm trying to rationalize why and when he might end up joining NRC.
The only reasons I can think of after watching his SSR story and reading his voice lines, is that he realized he needs to actually learn the stuff he wants to be able to teach for when he eventually gets the funds he needs to build a school for the poor and the people with little to no magic. Because, even in his SSR story, he laments that he can't teach Gidel a whole lot of stuff since he himself never went to school.
(Him teaching Gidel how to read was the cutest damn thing oh my goodness)
But how did he get into NRC, when he doesn't have the magic for it or the cash? How was he able to establish himself as a student with Gidel as his "other half" similar to Idia+Ortho and Yuu+Grim, so he can build up his knowledge and make a proper game plan?
My idea is, he managed to catch Kalim in town and sweet-talked him into speaking to his parents, mentioning the offer Kalim spoke of before back in Playful Land, and at his behest Kalim's parents bribed the school into letting Fellow and Gidel attend, sponsoring the boys as Kalim spoke very highly of them. (Similar to when Kalim was supposed to be in RSA, but was transferred to NRC so he wouldn't be separated from Jamil.)
That said, I do think it would also take a couple months for Fellow to come to terms with his situation and make the decision to attend NRC after all.
As such... I leave you with this to consider:
Fellow showing up after winter break is over, at the start of January, just before GloMasq and Book Five. Thus being left with all of the boys who were nearly turned into puppets who still have grudges, and those who have grown fond of El after she saved them realizing this was the man who almost KILLED her, while Eleanora and Grim are off at Noble Bell College.
He will be in for a talking to, and poor El is gonna have to fight for her life trying to calm Malleus' rampage when they get back so Gidel doesn't lose his older brother. XD
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poetryvampire · 2 days ago
Can I request headcanons for poly Zevlor and Rolan reacting to gn human Tav genuinely asking both of them if either one of them regrets being in a relationship with them because they don't understand the struggles of being a tiefling and they know how much both men suffered just because both of them are with them? With a happy ending please?
Hello my dear sweet anon! Once again I apologize for taking like a 100 years on this. I've been a little weird lately but as always I loved this idea and was happy to toy with it. Pls enjoy 💜💖💜(✿◡‿◡)
• It's quite late by the time the three of you are walking home from an evening at Elfsong. Rolan, the most inebriated of the group, leads the way, yapping loudly about his latest experiment. Lightly buzzed, you walk arm and arm with Zevlor the both of you enjoying your partner's enthusiasm. It was a beautiful evening until a group of voices in the distances grew louder. 
• "Hey! You alright?" you hear from a few feet behind. You turn to see a human man about your age and a few more men standing farther away. You've never seen him before but he asks again if you need any help. Thinking he was a sort of adventurer you laugh and thank him saying you'll be fine but still the man insists. Zevlor's grip tightens on your arm, understanding what the man is really saying.
•Awkwardly you try to humor the man a little but he keeps asking you questions like where you're going and why. Confused, you turn to Zevlor whose face is stern with rage. He urges you to keep going when suddenly the man grabs your free arm, yanking you back with an unexpected force that sends you tumbling to the ground.
• For a moment chaos erupts around you. The man bellows insults and horrid actuations at your beloved while throwing punches. It isn't long before Zevlor captures him tightly by the throat. You can’t hear exactly what he's saying to the man but by the fear on his face it can’t be pleasant.  He's practically blue by the time the tiefling throws him towards his gang. Zevlor stands his ground and the group scoop up the man and leave. 
• Rolan's at your side the whole rest of the way home. There's a horrible tension in the air. Feeling stupid for talking to the man at all you try to apologize to Zevlor but he doesn't respond, making you panic inside. Your head is spinning, both shocked at the boldness of him to try and ‘save’ you and disgusted that he would think the men you loved were taking you somewhere against your will. Mostly you were saddened by seeing your wonderful partners treated like that once again. 
• “Well that was buzzkill” Rolan murmured, coming from the kitchen with a fresh bottle of wine. The moment you had gotten home Zevlor made himself scarce and you melancholily slumped on the couch starring absentmindedly into fire. Rolan cozied up beside you putting his arm around you. He tells not to worry about it but you can’t help but pour your heart out to him to which he listens patiently. 
 •  Eventually you work up the courage to ask something that’s crossed your mind more than you wanted to admit. “Sometimes I wonder,” you begin, trying not to sound too harsh. “If things would be better for you two if you were with someone else.” Rolan tried to protest but you stopped him. “Please, it’s just- I try to understand but I don’t-I can’t understand what you go through beings tielfings and I feel like I make things worse sometimes I feel like you might- I mean- I don’t want either of you to regret being with me.”     
 •  “Oh, sweetheart,” Zevlor broke the silence as he perched on the other side of you. You weren’t certain when he had appeared but by the grave look on his face he had heard you clearly. The older man still kept a bit of distance which did nothing to lessen your fears. Rolan, on the other hand, pressed himself close to you, nuzzling right into your neck like some great cat. You loved how openly affectionate he was when he had been drinking. “Don’t say that, don’t even think it.” Rolan said before kissing you several times. 
    •  Rolan boldly affirmed that he didn’t care how many people despised them. He loved you and wanted to be with you and didn’t care that you’re human. He promised he would never hold that against you or regret the relationship. As you clung to each Rolan spouted more words of love, now jovial and over the top in a bid to make you laugh. It helped but your eyes traveled to Zevlor who smiled weakly. 
  •  “I’d be lying to say I don’t wonder such things as well. Certainly things would be easier if you were a tielfing or we human. At times I wish things were different. ” Zevlor began slowly. You could feel your heart sink just as Rolan stopped his display to regard your partner. Sensing your fears Zevlor moved closer and took your hand. “My heart, I could no more regret you than I could regret breathing. But I wish you could be spared such things, it pains me that all my family must suffer no matter the race. I did not mean to get so worked up but seeing him grab you like that- Gods my blood’s boiling at thought. ” 
 • “Than come closer and let us calm you, my love.” Rolan coos, grabbing Zevlor and peppering his face with kisses. You can’t help but smile as the tension of worry finally lifts from you and you join Rolan, raining kisses on your beloved commander. “Do you think any nitwit to blather at us in the street has even known such a love as ours? Has ever had two beauties show them such affection? ” Rolan laughs and soon Zevlor joins him and you feel a sudden warmth spread over you, the joy of seeing your two favourite people happy. The best feeling in the world.
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