#and then you add the other best doggo and it's like
describe-things · 9 months
This post is made with speech to text because my hand hurts from typing so much today. Please forgive any typos or speech to text swapping similar sounding words.
If you would like to start writing your own image descriptions, feel free to ask any questions.
The main things to keep in mind is that they should begin with some variation of image description start or ID, and end with some variation of image description and, and ID or something like that. This distinguish the image description from the caption or anything else.
Image descriptions should not be written in italics, bold, all caps, or any colors. If text in the image is in all caps, write it in regular case, and simply note before or after it that it's in all caps.
Image descriptions should describe all images in the post, without skipping any. This includes images that are nothing but text.
Plain text image descriptions in the body of the post are more accessible than alt text alone, because many people who need image descriptions cannot use alt text, and Tumblr is known for its glitches, so the accessibility of the alt text all by itself varies widely over time.
It is more accessible to have the image descriptions indented than not, because this helps to visually separate the image description from the caption. Having brackets or parentheses at the end is also helpful for this. This allows people to easily distinguish between the caption and the image description if they need to.
If you are an artist, writing image descriptions for your art will give you full control over the image description, and will allow you to correctly identify details that others might miss. This gives you the opportunity to show which parts of your art hold meaning to you and are important to notice.
If you are describing real people who are unknown to you, unless it is specified within the post or you are already aware, please do not assign any gendered terms to them, or any " male presenting or female presenting" terms like that. This is completely unnecessary and leads to misgendering. It is best to simply describe visible facts about the people. Hair color, length, clothes and style, pose, expression, the light or darkness of their skin, things like that. Do not assume that someone is white simply because they have light skin.
Do not use image descriptions to lie to the audience in any way and do not use image descriptions to make jokes where the audience reading the image description is the butt of the joke.
As an example, if there is a very clearly fake screenshot, do not say that it is simply a screenshot, or if a photo is very blatantly photoshopped, do not say that it is simply a photo. Say an edited photo, a badly edited photo, a screenshot with editing, something like that to indicate the changes have been made and then what you are going to be describing is not the natural version.
As an example, you would say a crab photoshopped to be driving a car. Rather than a photo of a crab driving a car.
Unless you are transcribing a text within the image, do not use meme speak within image descriptions. Do not refer to dogs as doggos for example, unless it is to specify that the dog in the image is, within the image, labeled as a doggo. Do not describe someone walking downstairs as breasted bubbly downstairs, even if it is an actor humorously walking down the stairs to imitate that sentence. Describe the facts of the movements, and then you can make the comparison for clarity.
If someone adds an image description to your post whether this be an original post or a reblog that you have added an image to, it doesn't matter how many notes to post already has, please copy and paste that image description into the original post or your original reblog. If it is a new post that has only a few notes from friends, after you update the original, you can just ask your friends to delete the reblogs of the inaccessible version and reblog the new one. Most people who are good people and care about disabled people will happily do so.
Keep in mind that image descriptions are accessibility tools. Treat them as such.
Anyone can write image descriptions. You do not need any special qualifications or training. As long as you are willing to take constructive criticism if you make a mistake, an image description written by someone who's new to it and honestly doing their best with good intentions is better than no image description at all.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, so please feel free to add on more tips and advice.
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 1 year
Hey,love your blog! I really like your headcannons, I feel like you really get them, y'know?
Anyways, what kinds of games do you think the mercs would like? As in, video games. Would they like tf2?
Scout: yes, he would play TF2, only as himself and he is THAT kind of Scout player. he mostly plays FPS games, competitive ones. it makes him feel like he's hanging out with his brothers again, especially when everyone starts throwing insults at each other. he somehow manages to be the only person in the lobby not actually made, but it's probably because he's instigating everything
Soldier: yes, he would play TF2. he plays a lot of FPS games like Scout does, but his actual guilty pleasure is playing those old Army Men CD-Rom games from the early 00s
Pyro: yes, they would play TF2, but they treat it more as a dress up game then actually get in and fight. they'd play a lot of games like Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley or things like those. and every single game has everything decorated perfectly. they often go to someone else on the team who also likes those kinds of games for advice on new things they wanna add
Demoman: yes, he would play TF2. he has fun with it, even if it's difficult for him to play having only one eye. what he really enjoys playing are things like Umbrellas Not Included or Potion Craft, simulation games like that. they're a bit easier for him and he especially enjoys ones with choices you have to make and a story that plays out over time
Heavy: yes and no, he would only play TF2 if someone asked him to play with them. he isn't too big on video games in general. he'd really only play games with someone else if they asked him to and that's where he gets the most enjoyment out of it. playing and bonding with someone over it
Engineer: yes, he would play TF2, only as himself and he only Rancho Relaxo's all over the place after he sets up. he'd play games like Satisfactory, building factories and trying to maximize his space and resources. and it's such a big bonus if the game gives you a cute little companion like the Lizard Doggo
Medic: no, he would not play TF2, he tried once and got too angry at how everyone kept treating him when playing himself. he absolutely loves rage games. yes they serve their purpose and make him angry, and yes he knows every time he starts it up that he'll be yelling in German at pixels on a screen. but he finds that to be a good way to burn off stress
Sniper: yes, he would play TF2, but only sporadically and then he won't play again for another several months. he'd enjoy things like BOTW or TOTK. more open-world adventure type games. side quests galore, no forced tasks he has to complete and can take things at his own pace. combat is fun and he can challenge mini-bosses if he wants a real fight. that isn't to say he doesn't also sneak off to play AC at least once a day, he's gotta make sure his flowers are watered
Spy: no, he would not play TF2. he instead would play things like the Sims or City Skylines because they require the least amount of mental effort and are a great way for him to just shut his brain down for the evening
yeah, that's what being in the fandom since the game's initial release does to a man. but forreal, honestly that's the best kinda compliment I could get! I try really hard to stick with a more canon take on the Mercs, and I'm happy it appeals to people
also, I've answered one (maybe two?) asks about the Mercs and playing TF2. this one I'm just answering if they WOULD. not that it matters, but to avoid any confusion lol
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mikodrawnnarratives · 3 months
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my redesign(s) for Kira! This webtoon has been on my mind so much lately and i couldn't not do anything for it
So much more in depth stuff is below for anyone who also read Antistalker and disliked anything about it
So, I don't actually mind many of the designs in canon, the biggest complaint I have being. Everyone looks the same. Like, EVERYONE has the same hairstyle and skintone. Which is white. Of course its white.
The uniforms don't help much with the samey look a lot of the characters have. I have my own redesign for Yulai in the works since he looks almost exactly like August but with blue hair, but I decided what if the uniforms in my version weren't actually uniforms. Like, the school had a couple colors that if you wore them u were fine.
You have the option to wear fancier stuff w suits an what not but thats only to show ur class. After all, in a school that puts humans, werewolves, and vampires in the same space, not everyone is gonna have the same economic status to allow purchasing a uniform, or multiple. Though that being said I do like the canon uniforms, they were very unique and you could TELL the same creativity just wasn't there when the main three went to Black Moon.
My version would have a looser dress code to really highlight the priviledge the school filled with elite Vampires has. I think their name was White Moon? Or smthn. But they could have been really exaggerated in how identical and eerie they are in comparison to the warmth at Red Moon.
Anyway were was I.. PANTS for kira. Get RID of the skirt RID OF IT I SAY and add some patches cuz that hints at her new financial situation. Can't afford new pants so when she gets tears she patches them up.
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(i didn't bother changing her shoes cuz there really isn't anything wrong with them. I like a lot of the outfits in s1 even if i think the writing could be better. Though, i think it would be interesting if she had Good Shoes for school and changed into worse ones at home, so that she always has her best for when she's keeping order. In mine, she's being paid for her efforts to keep the school sane. That way, she has at least one income to explain living on her own as a sophomore.)
I also looked at a bunch of pics of wolf cuts bc I liked the idea of giving her more hints in her design that she isn't HUMAN.
She had a knife at the very beginning but then a bird took it and its no were to be seen for the rest of the series??? idk abt that chief. Let her keep her weapons! She's the president of the displinary committee for fucks sake!
I kept her hair pins bc of course i kept her pins. She's much more covered now since I wanted more references to the fact she's part vampire, and that includes having more parts of her hair white. I tried to keep it equal amounts white and black so that she has equal parts of her mom and dad.
I changed up her bangs mainly because everyone has them and I thought they were a cute style. The way I have her hair rn makes it really easy to subtly shift them into doggo ears
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I drew my design as close as possible to canon's style and made a ver. with canon's colors. I switched were the eyepatch is cuz thats an uper important detail i have in my rewrite. In mine, ever since Kira discovered her powers allowing her to control werewolves, or however I change the mechanics of that power, she has that werewolf puberty awakening and one of her eyes reflects this.
She gets the orange eye and KEEPS IT. But from then on she hides it with an eye contact, even if she doesn't know why. It's just something she knows she should do and the reason came from her memories she's lost
If you pay attention, one eye is less saturated than the other when both eyes are red, in mine. I think it would have been just so much more clever to have had it be a secret she's kept up until the injury over her eye heals + her getting her memories back
She's removed the eye contact cuz with her eye covered up, theres no point in it. And by the time she doesn't need the eye patch anymore, she remembers enough to be like "well fuck this I'm not hiding anymore."
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I ALSO redesigned her past self! Before she meets august. She purposefully dies her hair to avoid daily suspicion that she's a "half breed"
If she had her hair mostly white, it would be pretty obvious she's her mother's daughter, so its kept more black like her father's to avoid suspicion. But that doesn't mean she isn't still singled out.
When she meets August and befriends him, eventually she cuts her hair with his help, trying to get a layered hair cut without having to go to a salon, and it ends up very uneven.
The reason I wanted her past self to look different than her current is because in MINE there is/would be an emphasis on how much Kira has changed since August was last with her. He idolizes the idea of his childhood best friend that he saved but made the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE for by removing himself from her life, so she would be safe!! He was still manipulated by his father into that specific choice in mine, but the idea this was the best course of action still remains
August thinks that when Kira remembers again, she's gonna revert to how she was before the incident, before it all. But she's not really that girl anymore. She's picked up skills in fighting, become Punisher Volkov, she had to sell her family's house at 14 so she could get an affordable place farther away, she has to deal with her abusive grandfather's bullshit just so that she can keep his monthly checks she receives. She has had so much on her plate. And she's also made so many new friends, deep friendships, built a community, a strong support system, and gotten stronger.
And who she was before didn't have all that. I feel like canon could have easily gone this route in canon! Kira said she wanted to clarify the past so she could move forward! She wanted closure and she deserves it! But August's behavior never went corrected. He's back in her life again and she's back to her old crush. Season 2 tries to address Kira's life now, how different it is compared to her rich life before, but it tells us the solution is for her to MOVE IN WITH AUGUST oh HE'LL SAVE HER and EVERYTHING WILL BE BACK TO HOW IT WAS
No. Give August the lesson that things have changed. He can take that and either move forward with how Kira is now, or forget any romantic interest with her. She's not who he thinks she is.
anyway thank you for reading my info dump <3 I'm insane about kira and how much potential was lost in s2
just. vokivormok really flushed so much down the toilet. probably had too many plot points to figure out how to resolve BUT I HAD FAITH IN EMM they should have taken more time b4 season 2...
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lathalea · 2 years
For the Sweet Bingo, hopefully no one else has thought to ask for kissing on a ferris wheel and Thorin. I think it could be interesting if Yrsa somehow made an appearance. I do love her! Ultimately, it is your playground. Hopefully the muses are kind. Happy writing!
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Hello hello @sweetestgbye! Guess what, it's finally happened, here is your request for the Sweet and Spicy Bingo by @fellowshipofthefics-- sorry it took so long and enjoy! :)
Relationships: Thorin x Yrsa (from Blame it on Cider)
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Author's notes: A modern take on Thorin and Yrsa's relationship. Since @sweetestgbye gave me a free hand with picking a Sweet and Spicy Bingo prompt, I chose "soulmates".
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“Are you crazy, Thorin? I’m not getting up there!” Yrsa huffed and stomped her foot. And stomping her feet while wearing those new ruby-red high heels was a very difficult thing to do. But she was on a date with the hottest guy at the uni, a.k.a. Thorin Thrainsson, a.k.a. her boyfriend, and she just had to look her best. Especially since today he wore his hair (his amazing hair!) loose and he smiled at her with that soft little smile of his that softened his features, and looked at her with his dreamy blue eyes… making her knees unusually weak. But she was sure the cider they had just been drinking was at least partially to blame. She took another sip and stole a glance at the huge Ferris wheel, the newest–and biggest–attraction of the local amusement park. No, she was most certainly not getting up into that monstrosity, even though everyone in her home town kept on talking about how great it was. For a whole week Yrsa tried to ignore all the Instagram pictures or TikToks everyone kept on posting: “Look, this is me on the Ferris wheel!” “This is me and my bae kissing on the Ferris wheel!” “My doggo takes a ride with me on the Ferris wheel!” “Cute baby’s first time on the Ferris wheel!” “Mikey gets sick again on the Ferris wheel!”
Somehow, Yrsa did not think it was great at all.
“I got us tickets for the midnight ride, see?” Thorin took out four green tokens from the pocket of his leather jacket and purred seductively. “We’ll have the whole pod only for us. It's a full moon tonight, just think how romantic it will be: you, me, the moonlight in your fiery hair…”
“Thorin Thrainsson, I know exactly what you’re doing and sweet-talking me won’t work!” Yrsa poked her finger into his chest (very hard chest, she might add, and a very enjoyable one too, especially when not covered with that black rock band t-shirt he was currently wearing. She was referring, of course, to how well-defined his muscles were. She needed to see his bare chest often. For science. She needed to pass her anatomy exams somehow, right?), “I refuse to become one of the slaves of the consumerist society and go on this ride to hell! Besides, we can do so many other things, like go for a walk in the park…”
“At midnight? I thought you didn’t like that cemetery nearby,” Thorin furrowed his brow.
“Well… true, but still… We have options! Lots and lots of them! And all of them are on the ground!”
“Yrsa,” Thorin murmured, his half-lidded eyes cast a smouldering glance at her. “I know you’re not a fan of heights, but I’ll be with you all the time, holding your hand, just like I do now. You will be fine. I promise.”
Yrsa looked at their joined hands and then back at Thorin’s face. Very handsome face. And that wavy hair of his, dark as the night around them. And the way his lips moved… and she knew what these lips were capable of doing when they were alone. And they would be very much alone during the ride on the Ferris wheel. She swallowed.
No, Yrsa had to stand her ground.
“I won’t be fine! Can you imagine me hanging in the air, 300 feet above ground? It’s not natural!” She waved her hand emphatically, her ruby-red nail polish sparkling in the lamplight.
“I thought that this could be something special,” his rumbly voice reached her ears despite the hustle and bustle of the amusement park around them. “It’s our first anniversary, after all…”
“Oh. Is it? Yes, you’re right! How could I forget? it’s August, and our first kiss was at that wedding… You were so unbelievably grumpy, remember?” She chuckled.
“Only because you kept on brushing me off all day long!” Thorin grunted.
“I was just after a messy breakup,” Yrsa sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m still ashamed of how much I’ve drunk that night. But I’m glad you hadn’t given up on me then.”
“It’s not often I wake up next to a gorgeous woman who insists I’m her soulmate and then falls back to sleep, drooling on my chest…” “Hey!” Yrsa protested.
“... in a very cute and feminine way, of course,” Thorin grinned.
“Nice save!”
“Thank you,” Thorin made a mock bow, making Yrsa giggled and took another sip of cider from her paper cup.
“One year already, huh?” She hummed. “Our anniversary. I’m sorry, I feel so stupid, I should have remembered…”
“You remember all the Latin names of the bones in the human body and I remember the important dates and appointments. That’s how we roll, right?” Thorin pulled her close so that she was facing him now.
“Right,” she pecked him on his bearded cheek. It smelled like cider, strawberry ice-cream, and that sandalwood fragrance she had given him for Christmas. “Has anyone told you you’re the sexiest mechanical engineering student I’ve ever met?”
“Not often enough,” he rumbled, his lips drifting towards hers, but Yrsa tilted her head back.
“Am I not getting my one year anniversary kiss?” Thorin frowned.
“It depends,” Yrsa wrinkled her nose. 
“On whether we are going on that contraption from hell,” she pointed at the said contraption moving in a steady, circular, and slightly sickening motion above them.
“Yes, we are,” Thorin said with conviction.
“No, we aren’t,” Yrsa said with conviction.
“So… are you withholding kisses from me? It’s blackmail!”
“It’s called a self-preservation instinct!”
“Yrsa. The Ferris wheel is safe. I swear. It’s brand new, it passed all the tests—I was helping with the fatigue tests, remember? You will be alright!” Thorin squeezed her hand. 
“I won’t!” Yrsa shook her head. 
“Look at that kid, he just got off the Ferris wheel and he’s beaming!” “It’s Mikey Dorisson, he’s going to puke.”
“No, he’s not, he’s… oh. Well.”
“I told you.”
“But his sister looks happy!”
“Because she’s just uploaded another TikTok vid of him puking,” Yrsa scowled.
“Well, you won’t puke!”
“Because I’m not going!” “Even if I ask you to close your eyes so that I can give you one kiss for every minute we’re up there?” Thorin purred, pecking the tip of her nose. “Hmmm… how about one kiss every ten seconds?” Yrsa batted her eyelashes innocently. “That can be…” Thorin started.
“What’s up, bro? Hiya, Yrsa!” A dark-haired teenager in a worn, navy blue baseball cap waved at them.
“Frerin! What are you doing here?” Thorin growled.
“I came to see how you were doing! Yrsa, have you said ‘yes’?” Frerin gesticulated excitedly.
“He meant the Ferris wheel,” Thorin interjected, but Yrsa clearly saw the deadly stare he directed at his younger brother.
“I don’t— Ouch!” Frerin made a jump. “Ah, yeah. Right. Sure. I meant the Ferris wheel. So, are you going?”
“I’m not sure. I haven’t prepared my last will yet,” Yrsa whispered conspiratorially, making him laugh.
“I wouldn’t go if I were you,” Frerin replied with a glint in his eye. “Can you imagine spending so much time alone with my big bro? He’ll probably start telling you everything about the centrifugal force and all that other boring stuff! And what if you catch a cold? It’s very windy up there, you know. Oh, and…”
“Shut up, Frerin,” Thorin groaned, clenching his fists.
“Actually, Thorin was about to bribe me with some cotton candy…” Yrsa stated.
“Were I now?” Thorin’s eyebrow travelled up his forehead. Slowly.
“Yes, you were, “ Yrsa exclaimed enthusiastically. “Cotton candy and that big white teddy bear from the Mirkwood Shooting Gallery.”
“You know how I hate that stuck-up guy who runs the place,” Thorin sighed with a frown.
“But the teddy bear is sooo cute!” She batted her eyelashes again. It always worked. “Please?”
“Well…” Thorin hummed, but Yrsa knew him well enough to know she had already won. 
“And you better keep on hugging me all the time we’re up there,” she wrapped her arms around his upper arm and pecked his cheek. “Deal?”
“Deal!” Thorin pulled her into his arms and kissed her right on her lips, most probably ruining her ruby-red lipstick, but at that very moment she did not really care. She could never say no to his kisses. So she reciprocated.
“Guys! You’re disgusting!” Frerin groaned theatrically. “I’m going to get some ice-cream. Who wants some?”
Sadly, no one replied to him. Thorin and Yrsa were too busy.
“I’m going to name him ‘Beorn’.” Yrsa hugged her giant teddy bear as she settled herself in her Ferris wheel seat.
“Like that guy who rented us his vacation cabin?” Thorin wondered. 
“I don’t see the resemblance.” “Well, Beorn here is… fluffy.  Just like that guy. He reminded me of a big teddy bear.” She chuckled and sat the bear on the seat opposite her.
“Beorn? A big teddy bear? Didn’t you mean a big, rabid bear?” Thorin put his arm around her shoulder.
“No, that’s you,” Yrsa grinned, but then the Ferris wheel started moving, making her pale. “I’m going to need that hug and kiss now.”
Thorin, of course, complied.
 “Yrsa…” Thorin whispered as their lips parted. “You can open your eyes now. We are on top now and the view is…”
“Not even a tiny bit?” He murmured into her ear and moved away before she could protest.
“Nuh-uh,” she shook her head, her eyes still closed.
“Not even if I tell you that I have a little something for you? For our anniversary?” Yrsa decided that Thorin using his deep, purring voice had to be classified as a crime. She couldn’t say no, could she? She opened one eye. Just a little bit. Just to see why Thorin had stopped embracing her.
What she saw made Yrsa open her other eye and gasp. Thorin was kneeling on one knee in front of her and held something in his hands.
“Yrsa… I have to tell you something. You knew it from the moment we first met, but it took me a whole six months to realize that you were my… soulmate.”
“T-Thorin?” Her voice trembled. Somehow, Yrsa forgot that she was sitting in a small pod 300 feet above ground in darkness, sailing through the air with the moon hanging above them. “What are you saying?”
“I’m trying to say that you are the one I want to spend my whole life with.” Thorin opened the little box he held in his hand. Against the bottle green velvet, something glittered like the stars above them. “Will you marry me, Yrsa?”
Before she drowned in the low, velvety rumble of his voice, in the deep blue sea of his gaze, Yrsa managed to whisper, “Yes.”
At that very moment, she was not afraid of heights at all.
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mahimahi713 · 2 years
I want to do an AU. Danny is the ghost King to be. Sam was literally born to be his wife one day. No, there’s no big age gap. I think Sam is gonna get her plant powers. Probably be born with it? Idk. I’ll figure how to work that in.
So she’s born to a wealthy and healthy couple of good standing. She receives the best education and all that. Of course, it’s Sam. So she Rebels just like she does in the show. Learning how to sew and mend? Fine. But she’s gonna do it her way. She’s gonna also learn to spar and sword fight and archery. She grows up hating Danny, loathing the fact that she has to marry him one day. Which is why it makes it all the better that she hates the dresses and girly stuff her mom tries to force on her. She loves it but the prince?? He’ll HATE it. What kind of wife will she be? Not one any man would ever want. Her mother tells her So.
But then the day comes that she is to meet the price who shall one day be king and sue his queen and he’s…actually really okay? He’s nice? He thinks she’s fine the way she is and even thinks she is….pretty?? They get along? Shared interests???
Basically, Sam is basically the feral unfriendly cat to Danny as the friendly big doggo to pure for this world.
Of course, enter the two best friends, Valerie (Sam’s best friend) and Tucker(Danny’s best friend), who know these two idiots are perfect for each other.
Parings would be
DannyxSam, obviously
Its slow burn and all that.
“I know you’ve been against this marriage, and with good reason. But I have to say, I feel strongly for you. And, for me at least, it will be an awful shame to not have you as my partner.”
And Sam is of course, fighting so hard against it. Even though she loves him. Because it would mean giving into what was planned for her. Woild make her parents so SMUG. But he’s just so wonderful and handsome and he’s so genuinely kind and cares for her.
Id like to add, when Sam finds she likes him and then those feelings start, she just. Sits there. Seething in absolute annoyance while Danny sits there, clueless. Like. She is. So angry she likes him. It is completely illogical. It is irrational.
I’d also like to add. Thaw yes, Danny is sweet and nice, but he defiantly has his moments of confidence. The boy knows he’s good looking and he knows he’s got a great body. He knows he has a lot going for him. So that defiantly comes out.
And while that level of confidence usually annoys her (because it’s always been arrogance and over confidence), it works for him. Because he pulls it off so well but also because it’s deserved. He worked hard to get that nice body. The height is genetics. But after being kinda scrawny and shortest in his family, he shot up. And he is also genuinely kind and a good person. So it’s fitting
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cinemaocd · 1 year
For my UK mutuals
As requested I'm not interacting but I have a lot to say about surviving extreme weather as American who has survived half a century of extreme weather in the midwest.
I lived in uninsulated attic bedroom without ac as a child and these are things I learned to do when I was little:
Close up the windows and shut the blinds as the day is heating up. Wait to open things up until after the sun goes down. Use fans to circulate air into the house early in the a.m. when it's colder outside than inside. Use your fans to circulate air around the house during the heat of the day. Use your fans to push air OUT of the house again in the evening. If you push air out an upper story window it will draw some colder air from below.
Save activities/errands for evenings and early mornings. Stay out of the sun as much as possible. Use umbrellas for shade. Wear a hat. Lose fitting clothing in a breathable (cotton, linen, light weight wool) fabric is much better than exposed skin if you have to go in the sun. If you want to go to the beach go early in the morning or in the evening. Don't swim in the heat of the day. If you are in charge of when you work, avoid doing it in the heat of day. If you run a shop, cafe or other business, change your hours to avoid being open during "siesta hours" (2-5 p.m.) If possible try to work from home to avoid commuting during the heatwave. The more people on the Tube the hotter it's going to be down there.
Cars left in the sun are subject to the greenhouse effect and will be much hotter than outside temperatures. Open your car windows and doors before you drive and run the fan to push the hot air out. If you are traveling carry the following: Cold drinking water, a sports drink, nut milk or cow's milk are preferable to soda, coffee or tea but any of those three are preferable to nothing. Even if your vehicle has a.c. you still need more hydration to deal with the heat.
Also useful for travel: bandana or towel (more on that later), sun hat, handheld fan (for when you are stuck in traffic). In America they sell these shields that you can put over your windshield to prevent the greenhouse effect. Not sure if they sell them in the Old Country, but here is a tutorial for making one out of cardboard. All of this stuff (minus the sunshade) would be useful on public transport.
That other post talks about how its bad to wear wet clothes in the sun because water acts as a lens but wet clothing can be your best friend in the shade! A bandana dipped in cold/cool water and wrapped around your neck will keep you cool until it dries. For sleeping I often place a cold bandana or washcloth on my face or forehead. You can dampen a towel and sit on it (this is a great trick for long car rides in the heat) Alternatively: Hot water bottles can also be COLD WATER BOTTLES. Just add ice. They make ice trays that make skinny little shapes to fit into water bottles, and they can help turn your hwb into an ice pack.
Cold/cool showers and baths especially right before bed if you have trouble sleeping in the heat. Kiddie pools or animal troughs in the shade are great for keeping people and doggos cool.
Cranking your fridge to its lowest setting will make it cool more but the heat that is pumped out of the fridge goes right into your house. Keep your fridge at the warmest temp you can get away with. Likewise televisions and computers pump out of a ton of heat when they are running.
The temptation to rely on your refrigerator/freezer is obvious but the first thing that happens in a heat wave in America is the power grid goes down.
Think about buying a solar powered fan now, before the grid goes down...
Make sure you have batteries charged ahead of time.
If you rely on candles or lanterns for power outtages, consider a source of light that doesn't add heat to the environment, like a solar powered LED lantern.
Another piece of equipment that could literally save your life: a marine cooler.
If/when the worst happens: take some large frozen items out of freezer/deepfreeze and put it in a cooler with some essentials from your fridge. Deeply frozen food will keep those other things cool for a day or more (depending on your cooler). Try to keep the fridge and freezer shut then after you have filled your cooler so that the remaining cool air will keep things as long as possible. If you go multiple days without power you may need to throw everything out anyway, but you might get away with it if you are careful and have a good cooler.
A marine cooler kept out of the sun will keep ice for days. We started camping with one and we no longer have to do any kind of mid-trip ice stock up. Also: block ice will stay frozen so much longer than cubes. If you have the space in your freezer, buy some now and stash it before you need it.
Fresh fruit and vegetables that don't require cooking are a great way to get more liquids and feed yourself without making your house any hotter or using electricity. If consumed quickly they don't need refrigeration either.
This is a wacky one but hear me out: hammocks. If you can hang a hammock do it! Sleeping suspended like that air circulates around your body and you will be so much cooler. I was in tropical Mexico a few years ago and all of the houses had hammock hooks built into the walls to take advantage of the cooling effect. Bonus: you can pretend to be Captain Jack Aubrey while you're lying there...
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blackautmedia · 11 months
How do you feel about ToTK overall as a game? Like, how would you rate it out of 10 and why?
Thanks for the ask! I suppose about a 7 out of 10?
ToTK is a lot of fun to play through in its problem solving. Kinda. The ability to build your own solution is one of the strongest things it has going and I really like that, but I also feel that the range of access to tools you have also means that you can really just throw a few solutions at it that kind of solve everything.
I really don't like how so much discourse around Tears is just people yelling at other people that they're playing the game wrong when so much of what makes the game appealing is that it's accessible to people who think very differently with puzzle-solving.
I enjoy collecting the armor and dressing Link up in goofy outfits as well as Link babysitting his Nephew Tulin. The Gerudo woman who wields the cannon and is proud of it deserves all the love and joy in the world.
I love Sonia a great deal. I'd love a version of this game where you play as her instead. But it's unforgivable to make a character as sweet and kind as Sonia--one of the few dark-skinned main characters in the series--and then kick her out of the plot in such a horrible way. Most of the dark-skinned Zelda characters are either the "good Arab" trope like say Urbosa, Riju, and Nabooru, or you get cases like Tetra and Sonia where they're just erased from existence.
The biggest drawback for me is the storytelling and the narrative, which I don't think is a particularly hot take. The mystery of Zelda's whereabouts has the potential to be interesting, and the problem isn't even that it's obvious, it's that the game continually repeats itself about a dozen times with nothing new or interesting to go with it. None of the characters in the past feel like actual people and instead feel like vehicles to push the plot along at best and racial caricatures at worst.
Ganon doesn't even get to be a cunning or sly villain because he rose to power from everyone else just being incompetent.
I'd love for a Zelda game that gives Ganon an actual motivation for being the villain beyond just linking his evil to his racial identity because dude has more than enough ham to steal the show on his own.
I don't need Zelda to be a big gripping political conflict or some complex war, but I feel it misses a lot of the heart that made a lot of older Zelda games so compelling.
Wind Waker wasn't a complicated game, but I always feel strongly when Link comes back to see his grandma is sick and worried about her family. Portraying Link as a small kid in a big world with a family and all really sold a lot of the game.
Beyond that, it feels like you're constantly fighting against the UI and constantly fighting against choices that add up in inconvenience.
Linking abilities like movement speed and mobility to armor also means you constantly have to switch things around and spend too much time in the pause menu like the Iron Boots from the N64 Ocarina of Time taken to eleven. Pair that with the sages, having to get used to the weird controls, having to fuse things manually each time rather than just having a "favorites" option and it adds up quickly.
A lot of the things like rain and weapon durability still don't add anything interesting or fun to the game either.
It's a fun ride, but it can also be very trying at times.
Also, you can't pet the doggos. Bad.
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Hi! 🤗 As the new year countdown approaches, who are your top 10 MCs or OCs in the Choices fandom. Of course you can include your own as well. Celebrate yourself!
Hi anon! This is a great question! Sorry it took me so long to get around to answering! This made me really think, cause I think for the most part I really focus on our LIs and not the MCs/OCs. Also, this is not in order! It’s just what my squirrel brain comes up with first 🤣
Perfect Match F!MC - I named her Steph - I love how PM feels so fictional, yet real and exciting. Steph romanced Damien and I love their banter, relationship, everything. She is just so sassy, punny, and overall a great character. I feel like most of the older books have great storylines and great characters all around.
My F!OC Natalia York - I made Natalia for a Red Carpet Diaries AU after the disaster they called RCD 3 was released. I personally felt like RCD’s MC was a complete airhead, selfish, and didn’t really care about including her future husband in any wedding planning. I won’t get started on that whole thing 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣 Anywho, I love Natalia because she is so elegant and graceful. She’s so kind and her past has not been easy yet she doesn’t show that part of her. She keeps her walls up much like her counterpart, Thomas. I feel like sometimes I don’t write her well enough and I feel like I don’t do her justice.
@alj4890’s Amanda Bridgerton (F!OC) - This lady right here, I cannot say enough about her. The writer and the character 🤣 my friend created such a unique OC that started out as a match for Maxwell (TRR) and slowly transitioned into a match for Thomas (RCD) and I am so happy 😂 I may feel bad for Maxwell, but not enough to not be happy about Amanda and Thomas. Reading the fics with those two is just amazing because Amanda writes them so well. Every fic I read about the two shows a new light on their relationship. I just… I love them. They’re probably my favorite ship to read about on this app.
@liaromancewriter MAX! He is so awesome. I binge read all your fics and when I got to the ones with him, I fell in love 🥰 This is not taking away from Cassie and Ethan cause I love their dynamic 😍 But Max and Sienna are so freaking cute together! He is so supportive and I remember him being protective of his sis and then he met Sienna and ugh swoon. Love, love, love ❤️❤️❤️
@jerzwriter Casey… need I say more? 🤣 I love the relationship between her and Tobias. Add Ethan in there 🤌🏼 Chef’s kiss. I love how shameless she is and the way she treats her friends. She’s, overall, someone I’d wanna be friends with 😂 But even though this is a question for MCs and OCs, I’m gonna sneak this in here, the way you write Tobias is the best ever. I think you have his character down to a T and it just makes everything with Casey that much better. I feel like those two feed off each other and the stories you come up with are amazing and hilarious 😆
@lovealexhunt Bogart (OC? Right? 😂) I love how you’ve incorporated Thomas and Alex’s (RCD) pet into your fics and you’ve made him such an important part of their lives. It’s amazing to read about Alex and Bogart, they seem like two peas in a pod and I love how she’s created an IG page for him 🤣 He’s such a good doggo for letting his mom dress him up and take lots of pics with him 🥰
@alj4890 Jackson Nevrakis-Walker and Nichole "Nicky" Beaumont - future TRR - I feel like these two HAVE to be together. I couldn’t put them on separate lines 🤣 I’ve read TRR a couple of times now and I just couldn’t get into it like everyone else could. But then I read an RCD/ TRR crossover by my dear friend Amanda, and I learned it is pretty awesome and the characters are pretty amazing. Since then, she created these two in a later down the road TRR and I fell in love with their dynamic. The breakup to them feeling like they should try again. I love the similarities between Nicky and her mom. I just feel like I need more of these two cause they’re adorable together.
@ladylamrian Alex Fontaine - NB - her name makes her sound like a badass 💁🏼‍♀️ which I mean she has to be to deal with Nik 🤣 I love how she’s so happy to be with Nik even though he can be over protective, over bearing, and overall a jerk sometimes. She helps him see that he doesn’t need to be and deals with his attitude, but he does the same with her. You’ve created a happier spin on a couple that could have some dark personalities lol but I love how you write her with Nik ❤️
@cariantha Sawyer - OH - Idk how I haven’t asked to be on your taglist sooner, but oh my lanta I love her! Her relationship with Ethan is so sweet and I love the softness she brings out in him. I can’t wait to read more of her and learn more about her 😍
The Royal Masquerade MC - I named her Juliette - I love her tenacity and bravery. They wrote her to have pride, courage, but still be very down to earth. She’s witty and I personally think they have some of the best faces and hairstyles for TRM’s MC.
Again, these are not in order! And I’m sooo not taking away from any other MCs or OCs y’all have, these are just ones that came to mind and that I personally love 💕
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
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Oh wow oh wow oh wow THANK YOU @winter-doggo for this perfect art!!! 🥺 I can’t even explain how fast I change states of matter whenever one of my fics can inspire someone enough to want to create it in their own way!! ;-; The lighting on the monster is gorgeous… and the bloody text! AHHH!!
Context ~ This is from Dream Catcher, a little story wherein Zack and Seph experience nightmares that reflect their most horrible fear. Zack’s portion follows a twisted mirror of what happened in Modeoheim: he finds Sephiroth, who is spouting and snarling that he’s a monster, without listening to Zack saying otherwise (“DON’T LIE TO ME”). Zack then watches as he transforms into an actual monster—melting into a giant draconic mound of goo. Despite Zack doing everything in his power to avoid reliving it all, the nightmare culminates with Zack skewering his (back to normal) buddy with Masamune—the sword belonging to his friend. Just like how old Buster Sword belonged to Angeal. The Mako dimming in his eyes is the last thing Zack sees before Sephiroth crumples.
Okay, not so floofy like the rest of this blog! Lemme just add in that the last scene of the fic is Zack rushing over to Seph’s apartment like a little pupper bean, and they’re each able to go back to sleep swaddled in each other’s arms, Zack smushed deep into his best friend’s shirt and Sephiroth promising to never let anything happen to him <3
ppsssst this is why Jenova fails in these parts of the woods.
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mimikiplovesgaming · 2 years
Pokemon ⚡Violet⏳ Synopsis
Okay so I beat the main stories and after story of Pokemon Violet! Here are my personal thoughts on the game:
*Warning for spoilers*
From the start, the graphics were okay. When the npcs are in the further background, it looks like something out of the N64 days- and Kirby 64 looked better on the console itself
Controls were pretty good, felt pretty smooth for the most part. Riding Miraidon felt nice, there wasn't too much trouble. The only thing that bugs me is the glide. You glide at a nice sloping descent before falling down at a steeper angle and you pretty much fall straight down with no chance to slow yourself. I wish it was more like PLA, where you could dash and control how you glided through the sky
Arven and Penny were my favorite NPCs and storylines. Penny reminded me of my old middle school friends and there was a sense of wanting to care for and protect her. Arven, while having parental issues, was also dealing with trying to save his doggo partner Mabosstiff who he has had since he was a child. That need of wanting to help the only real family he had spoke so deeply to me. Because that proves that family doesn't have to be biological. Family can be your best friend or the pet you have, whoever you have close bonds with. And as an animal lover, I teared up when that part happened.
Okay- let's talk Nemona. I personally did not like her all that much. Her character trait is that she likes battling- and that's it. That's all she likes. Just combat. There's no real personality to her. She was more annoying to me than anything else. She didn't have any character growth or arc like the others did. Again, this is just my own view of things.
I know some people will complain and argue that some of the Pokemon designs are lackluster and "going downhill". Need I remind you that Gen 1 had very not so great designs too- Geodude and Voltorb are examples. I actually didn't mind the designs of the newer Pokemon! Meowscarada was a decent bipedal evolution for Sprigatito, but it could use a bit more detail. Miraidon was adorable, I loved Fuecoco, the Tinkaton line was simple and effective, and I enjoyed the Paradox Pokemon! My favorite is Iron Valiant, the way they combined Gallade and Gardevoir was so well done with just the right amount of detail from both evolutions.
Speaking of the Paradox Pokemon, let's talk the afterstory. Holy crap. The fact that the real professor died in an accident and was succeeded by an android they created to assist them was crazy. I don't think we've had a game where you fight the professor as a final boss- usually it's the champion or your rival or something. The turn this game took with the ending was shocking and I am here for it. I really wish there was a moment between the AI Professor and Arven where they hugged each other goodbye. That would've ripped my heart out even more and provided some form of comfort to Arven knowing that despite everything, that one moment of tenderness was what he needed to know his parent loved him. (Side note- the Professor's spouse walked out on them after Arven was born, which was even crazier when you realize that it's what started his abandonment issues
Then we come to the final thing on the list: the Ruinous Quartet Pokemon. Four cursed artifacts that became Pokemon and were sealed away for fear of their strength and the destruction they caused. It makes me wonder why they're a thing in the game. Will we eventually get more story on them? Will they become more prominent as time goes on? As for their oppositions, I strongly believe they were designed to oppose the Swords of Justice. Think about it- the Quartet are Dark Types and the Swords are Fighting. Then add the elemental types and they match the weaknesses of the Swords perfectly. It's just a theory, but there's some ideas behind it
Overall, I think the game wasn't too bad. It wasn't that glitchy for me and I had an enjoyable time playing. People were diverse, story was good, and gameplay wasn't half bad. I'll give this game a 7/10- good, but could be better. At least with the graphics issues and Pokemon going through walls XD
Give me your thoughts as well! Do you agree or disagree with anything I mentioned? Add your thoughts in the comments or reblogs, I'd love to hear what you think!
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tyrnn · 2 years
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Did you know that the star we see in the sky as Castor is actually SIX stars orbiting each other? Two are bigger than the Sun, and all of them are perfect quick snacks for the Doggo On the Grow! Let's keep going for a 5x multiplier with $1500.01 raised! Want to help out? Here's how! https://twitter.com/Tyrnn/status/1584462331848761350 Likes will increase the multiplier by .0001 each! Retweets will increase the multiplier by .0002 each! Each vote on tomorrow's theme will add .0001 to the multiplier! Each dollar donated will add .001 to the multiplier, 10x the value! https://www.oceanvoyagesinstitute.org/ “The ocean is the blue heart of our planet. Keeping our ocean healthy is vital to ocean life and our own health. Our clean-up missions give me great hope for the future of our ocean because change is possible.” Ocean Voyages Institute, a Sausalito, CA-based non-profit organization uses a 130-ft. sailing cargo ship, the KWAI, to carry out cleanup missions in the North Pacific Sub-Tropical Convergence Zone. They've cleaned up over half a million tons of plastic from the Pacific Garbage Patch and plan to continue their efforts! You may place your donations here: http://paypal.me/tyrnn, and I will do my best to announce each donation as it comes in through my Twitter account! As an exponential equation, the earlier a donation comes in, the more it will compound down the line, and the more growth it will eventually become on October 31st! For those who don't use Twitter, please vote in the polls here! You have until 10 pm tonight. https://strawpoll.com/polls/Q0Zp4vNA6ZM
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 9 parts 1&2]
I’m so curious/excited to see how they interact as a couple
I guess we should thank Mek since he inadvertently gave them the final push they needed
Omg it’s so fascinating how he’s talking about the two people /he/ sees in front of him while Puen and Talay are completely separate individuals
Oh fuck off with the whole “I know you like X so I’m pretending to like them too so you’ll take the step you need” strategy
“Don’t make him sad” or I’ll cut your balls off
(as the intro starts) What… the fuck… was that
Oh NOW the characters in the script have names???
Puen’s smile after he puts Talay’s hand on his cheek… So warm and full of love…
Please stop playing the “get freaky” music while Up is halfway pelvic thrusting
“This is my seat” as someone on the spectrum I’ve never related to Up more
Right in front of Up’s popcorn
Puen wants to make love to Talay so badly (y’know, get all the pent up feelings out) but there’s literally two cockblockers in the way
(as he makes out with the pillow) HE’S NOT EVEN BEING SUBTLE ABOUT IT
… oh noooooo the animal smacker and Aou are gonna end up together aren’t they
… or… not…?
Yeah no they are, I hate it
Cake instead of cotton candy?? I quit
“My wish is to stay here as long as possible” uh-oh
You can’t just steal someone else’s life, Puen
“That’s selfish” “how” C’MON DUDE
“Pakorn also stole my life” NOT INTENTIONALLY
A heart-breaking argument is not what I expected going in :’’’)
It’s not like I don’t understand Puen’s desire to stay, I do, and I get how difficult it is to leave a life of everything you never had in your own behind, but it’s still not right to hijack it forever
Fuuuuuuucckkk they were about to make up
As much as I appreciate how hard Talay is trying to understand Puen better, I hope I’m not expected to change my mind
TIME FOR EPISODE 9 WHICH IS ALSO MY NUMBER LET’S GO!!!! <<<<< i’ve always been meaning to ask if the 9 has some meaning in particular so im using this comment as a way to do that!!! please let me know about it!!! [EDIT] WAIT I JUST THOUGHT ABOUT THIS. IS IT BECAUSE YOUR BIRTHDAY IS 18/2.
I’m so curious/excited to see how they interact as a couple <<<<< EXACTLY THE SAME AND THAT’S ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I LOVE THEM SO MUCH BECAUSE THEY GENUINELY LIKE EACH OTHER AS FRIENDS WAY BEFORE THEY BECOME LOVERS WHICH MEANS THEIR DYNAMIC DOESN’T REALLY CHANGE EXCEPT FOR THE PHYSICAL INTIMACY. of course im not saying the physical aspect is the only thing that separates a friendship from a romantic relationship, and i think the show actually does a great job in showing how the level of understanding and commitment between puen and talay evolves the more their relationship does, but at the same time being together doesn’t change who they are. it’s like what we’ve seen in puen’s fantasy at the beginning of episode 6: we could hardly tell that it wasn’t real because they still acted very much the same, bickering and bantering as always. now they’re just going to add the third B: banging. the triple threat (to my sanity, mainly)
Omg it’s so fascinating how he’s talking about the two people /he/ sees in front of him while Puen and Talay are completely separate individuals <<<<< WHEN I SAY VICE VERSA BEST SHOW OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!! literally how can you not become obsessed with it like this is a genuine question can people please tell me how they can just casually watch this show and then never think about it again because it's been months and im still not moving on and it's frankly becoming a problem
Oh fuck off with the whole “I know you like X so I’m pretending to like them too so you’ll take the step you need” strategy <<<<< SFJKSGFKSGFJ LISTEN i know that's always a ridiculous plot point to use to move a relationship forward, however im willing to buy into it this one time because 1) as i already said way too many times in previous commentaries, drawing a parallel between the talaypuenpang situation in ep 7 and the puentalaymek one in ep 8 was essential to have talay openly choose puen and finally confess his feelings, and 2) tun and mek were highschool friends, so i KNOW in my heart of hearts that my man mek had to spend sooo many hours listening to tun mooning over tess and then having to comfort him when tess turned out to be an asshole. if after all that i came back years later only to find out that my old time bestie was still seeing his highschool crush (who used to be a dick in the past but now seems to have become a decent human being) and had to witness the two of them running around in circles when they obviously like each other, i would probably pull some shit to make them confess too ;;;;;;
“Don’t make him sad” or I’ll cut your balls off <<<<< this is literally what i used to say to all of my friends' partners sfjksgfkg
(as the intro starts) What… the fuck… was that <<<<< LOOK I GET IT BUT ALSO NO THOUGHTS HEAD EMPTY EXCEPT FOR PUEN TELLING TALAY "don't forget to take care of me" AND TALAY'S LITTLE SOFT SMILE AS HE ANSWERS "i know it" [WEEPS]
Please stop playing the “get freaky” music while Up is halfway pelvic thrusting <<<<< im sorry but that's EXACTLY what the "get freaky" music is meant for (im laughing at the fact that you're calling it like that too now sfjksgdksg)
“This is my seat” as someone on the spectrum I’ve never related to Up more <<<<< would love to hear your thoughts about autistic up and if you think that could be canon!!!!
PUEN IS SO POUTY ABOUT NOT BEING ABLE TO SIT NEXT TO TALAY <<<<< puen has to step one (1) meter away from talay and he's like the world is a cruel and unjust place. there is no armony in the universe. the only constant is suffering [gets to hold talay's hand] jk everything is fine <3
Right in front of Up’s popcorn <<<<< imagine trying to get some popcorn but there are two weirdos just holding hands in the bucket with no respect for the people who might actually want to eat said popcorn..... i have no idea how up and aou can stand them THEY ARE INSUFFERABLE (affectionate)
… oh noooooo the animal smacker and Aou are gonna end up together aren’t they // … or… not…? // Yeah no they are, I hate it <<<<< THIS IS WHY I COULDN'T SAY ANYTHING TO ALL YOUR COMMENTS ABOUT UP AND AOU I DIDN'T WANT TO GET YOUR HOPES UP BUT I ALSO DIDN'T WANT TO SPOILER THINGS. i actually find fuse and aou pretty cute together, and at least you know that aou is gonna set him straight (.....sort of sfjksgfj), but if it makes you feel any better i do think up and aou made out at least a couple of times in the past!!!
Cake instead of cotton candy?? I quit <<<<< i think you meant cotton candy instead of cake but sfjksgfjsg yeah some things in the alternate universe are just so ridiculous
“My wish is to stay here as long as possible” uh-oh // You can’t just steal someone else’s life, Puen // “That’s selfish” “how” C’MON DUDE // “Pakorn also stole my life” NOT INTENTIONALLY // A heart-breaking argument is not what I expected going in :’’’) <<<<< DON'T YOU JUST LOVE PAIN SUFFERING TORMENT AGONY ANGUISH HEARTBREAK DESPAIR :))))))))))) (shout out to jimmy and sea for doing such an amazing job with this scene, i still think they do love and adoration better but the hurt and tension between them is just so palpable here)
It’s not like I don’t understand Puen’s desire to stay, I do, and I get how difficult it is to leave a life of everything you never had in your own behind, but it’s still not right to hijack it forever // As much as I appreciate how hard Talay is trying to understand Puen better, I hope I’m not expected to change my mind <<<<< my brain is currently refusing to cooperate so idk if im gonna be able to explain myself properly, but i personally think the show did a great job with this because it never actually suggests that staying in the alternate universe is a real option. like.. yes, the writers do try to make talay understand puen's point of view, but it's more because talay loves puen and wants to know him rather than because they want talay to change his mind. going back is the right thing to do, and deep down puen knows it too, so talay feeling betrayed by puen wanting to stay is definitely understandable, but at the same time he didn't deal with it in the best way he could. talay's life in the original universe is a pretty good one (he has a family, friends, and the job of his dreams), but not everyone is as fortunate as he is (and this episode we got to see a glimpse of how puen's life must have been like when he is sitting in the dark eating alone before talay and the others get in with the cake). like kita says, "we all have our own pain that we are enduring, you can't compare your life to theirs", and while obviously that doesn't justify stealing someone else's life, trying to understand why they don't want to go back is the only way to make things better
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benefits1986 · 6 days
When the yes comes after a legit "akala mo" no, that's magic.
Have not been shitting out here lately because I'm still trying to contain one of the best YES I got this year. Chenen! Answered prayer #1, DONE. Opaqqqqq ol ye f8ful vibes because that means, 'yung simbang gabi, puwedeng ibang wish 'pag na-complete 'yung 9 mornings with feelings.
The YES came nonchalantly last weekend over my simple pa-HBD sa kapatid ko na ka-bday ang asawa niya. LELS. While I wanna reveal this bit, I'll put it off kasi it's not my story to tell since nga 'di naman 'to prayer for me. HIHIHI. Siguro, badly put, this is a birthday pa-surprise ng kaitaasan sa kapatid ko saka sa asawa niya.
Why do I share this? Proof of concept that totoo pa rin talaga ang isa sa mga faves kong pa-passage: Walk by faith, not by sight. And patunay din 'to na even when mother dragon, the OG taga-pray ng matitendeng intentions for a crazy fam ay expired na, kaya na namin. I joked dad nga na ang galing niya mag-pray. HAHAHAHAHA.
Gah. As a mainipin and madali ma-bore na sentient being, sobrang pakak neto. Kasi timebound din 'tong thingggyyy na 'to, kaya naman, prayer #2, ano na? CHZ. Hahahahaha.
Baka YES na rin sagot para maiba naman? HUY. NKKLK. It's actually a crazy intention kasi naman mhiemaaahhh, kadire. 'Yung parang 'di lang come from behind. Parang out of this galaxy na talaga siya. Lampas milky way, ganern. But, wait! There's more. Mag-add ka pa ng plus points kasi naman mhieeemahhh, JIC matupad 'to, choogadoog na talaga me because... abangan.
2024 has been a crazy good year because andaming naganap at hindi naganap. Totoo rin talaga na when the universe hits you really hard with a legit NO, that means some things are not meant for you. Even when you feel like, eto na 'yun... NO e. Periodddtzzz. And looking back, since September is halfway through na, I must say that this year is pivotal from the kaibuturan.
I remember having a "gratitude" list ages ago when I was in a super dark, delulu walang solulu era. So, let's try to unearth this. What am I grateful for apart from the solid YES na YES?
Dad and I healing galing emyyyy together, thanks to biking, kanin with ulam, doggos, him driving me around, atbp
Seeing my brother shape up even when it's not his cup of tea at all
My "isang pindot ka lang" washing machine
Witnessing how my mid babe, Vidi, fighting his advanced stage skin cancer
Feeding Vidi human food na gusto niya after 12 years of restricting him (LOLLOLL)
Accepting the fact that Vidi's days are bonus days, but trying my best to be with him in "YOLO" way
Hirit na baka kaya niya pa ng 5 years pero joke lang 'yun, but, malay mo naman, 'di ba? LELS. LUL.
Pagkarga with feelings ng mga Gen Alpha like E and McQueen. JUSQ. And pagpapatunay na kaya kong kumarga ng bata na kinakakagulat ng madlang people kasi nga, totoo pa rin naman na I fucking hate kids, however...
Vidcall every other week with my soul sis even when super introverts kami since 17 y/o na 'di talaga kami mushy at clingy sa isa't isa. In fact, this year lang namin 'yan ginawa as diesel girlies
Rediscovering food na 'di na siya lasang papel. HUY. Hahahahahahaha.
Back to red hair na akala ko naman jump from mom's legit kakulay hair color since June; but no, sabi ko deep red, then poof, my current color is exactly mom's shade of red hair when she was in her prime. Ending: Ayoko masyado na naman tignan sarili ko sa mirror, pero 'di naman na dahil spiral. More of takot me kasi kamukha ko na naman siya lalo. LAGOTTT. Mag-bait na raw ako. EMMMYYYY.
Found matcha peeps na legit na gusto ng nanapak na matcha. Apaka babaw neto pero basta happy ako diyan kasi usually talaga, coffee peeps ang earthlings. May comparison pa anong level ng matcha ang pinaka vibe, so pushhhh.
Pag-kalma kahit syempre, overthinking is lifer. Though, masasabi ko, may legit progress na ako dito.
Pagpili na iwas-iwas avoidant era kahit syempre, CTRL + ALT + DEL feelings = pak pero ayun nga, because of a reconnection with this ka-thing noon friend, eto na tayo
Biking. Biking. Biking. With a wonky B kahit paminsan lang talaga
Accepting this aging-defy-gravity-mo-mukha-mo body bit by bit; again, not insecure. Since pa-40 na tayo, nag-iba talaga siya and may bago na akong mission na sana ma-accomplish natin in the name of, slay-vage road to 4.0 kahit munti. Nothing fancy. Lahat natural at walang halong kemikal. KIMMMYYY.
So, what?
Let this be a tiny yet important note that being grateful beats the shit stick's hardest hits. I used to hang onto to this list, but I stopped kasi parang wala namang epekto noon. HAHAHAHAHA. Parang baliw lang ako na choosing to see the light even when my era is dark ages levels with bubonic plague na walang cure. That silent pandemic called "not dealing with grief"... you, bitch. Pero, as I choose to come in peace after 12 years, eto na tayo. Grief is a gift after the curse. And that gift is meant to be shared with people. The worst part of grief is not the permanent and unforgettable loss. The most fucked up part is the shame that I associated with it because all I saw was the irrevocable adios to my mother dragon, my deepest connection, to date. What's even worse than this is that I shut down people, places, and paganaps where I should have allowed grief to transform itself to stories that are super worthwhile. Why? Walang forever, so why bother?
What I'm slowly learning mala-biking with training wheels these days is that... shemay. Kaya ko ba ilapag here? Wait lang. Wait.
Even when forever is but a myth, the deontic truth remains: Time is but a construct, but stories, ought to live on, along with the lessons that make new stories more alive in full color. And that pain is part of a life well-lived by those who fought and those who choose to love. LUH. LUL. Kbye.
PS: Alsoooo, orchestrating 2 events in 2025. Both na personal projects 'to since super duper close ko mga 'to. One of them is in my legit na legit dream destination sa Pinas sa szn na pakak doon kaya naman, good luck and don't fuck it up. Sobrang taas na lalo ng costings ngayon tapos andaming EMYYYY NKKLK fine prints sa contracts. LOL.
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siodium · 2 years
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went for a morning swim with chi and cha
stocked up on equipment at the Chatuchak Weekend Market
ate a crab cannelloni at the Greyhound Cafe
pet doggos at the Dog In Town Ari cafe
destroyed by boat noodles at Baan Kuay Tiew Ruathong
indulged in street food at Jodd Fairs (with my eyes)
recovered some HP with a warm, chamomile-scented bath
so i just remembered some additional details about the second day that i forgot to mention in the previous post and i can no longer edit that post bc it will prob lag and crash and i’d have to repost everything ://
i’m just gonna add them here
shoron did a whole dance performance for the brown cows...... completely unprompted HAHAHAH
the night market that we went to on the evening of the second day was the Palladium Night Market iirc but idk we didn’t rly walk around that much for me to have any impression of it
i think it was also the day we got lost trying to find our way back to the hotel lmaoo and we kept making traffic mistakes?? like we’d be following google maps and then we’d find a pedestrian crossing along the way and decide not to cross it just bc we think that there might be another crossing up ahead. there were no other crossings and we didn’t dare to jaywalk (the cars actually slow down thinking that we might wanna cross but they don’t slow down enough for us to feel safe!!) so we ended up having to walk back the entire way that we can from to use the pedestrian crossing. IN THE DARK AND IN THE RAIN. we even had to go down some creepy underpass and walk through some narrow spaces yikes i mean,, it was fun adventuring but... the safety concerns yo
that day was the designated gym/pool day so i woke up early to go for a swim!! gotta make full use of the hotel facilities bc our suite was ~expensive~ (like about 500SGD per night?? wew)
alfur, luwi and shoron headed for the gym while rin2 stayed in the hotel to sleep more
ok so i was advised to never go alone anywhere even within the hotel premises but hear me out!! the pool was just next to the gym and also next to the hotel buffet so there were many hotel staff around
i figured that if i were to start drowning or someone was giving me Problems i could just signal for some help
and i wasn’t completely alone... chi and cha accompanied me in their doughnut floatie~ i just left them floating around while i did some laps
got a bit concerned about their safety when i saw a crow(??) perch on a tree nearby ;; didn’t want it swooping down on a fake doughnut and flying off with chi and cha so i packed up and went back to the hotel for a quick shower
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afterwards i headed back down to join the others for breakfast
i found out how to use the toaster so i didn’t have to eat cold and tough bread anymore!!
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the egg making station has got to be the best!! you could choose the type of egg you want (scrambled, fried, omelette, etc) and the toppings and the chef will whip it up for you oqo fresh and hot
my go-to order was an omelette with mushrooms, onions, cheese, and capsicums~ rly delicious and still gooey inside
i also grabbed myself a brie every time mmm (chi and cha would share a piece of emmental cheese with a drizzle of honey)
oh oh i tried lime jam with my bread and it tasted exactly like calamansi drinks except with a jelly-like consistency O: i don’t think we have lime jam in sg but it was not bad?? quite refreshing
weather check for that day was umMMm not good as you can see
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we made it to the mo chit station before the rain started coming down and it was at that point i decided to get myself a stupid poncho
you see for the past two days i’d been using an umbrella whenever it rained and that was fine bc the rain usually occurred at night when we were otw back to the hotel anyway so getting a little wet was fine bUT this time?? it was raining before we even made it to our first destination and also said destination was a night market which might crowded and not be fully sheltered so whipping out an umbrella after short intervals of walking would be a real pain
anyway i caved to the poncho temptations and got myself one from the convenience store at the BTS station aND IT WAS SO EXPENSIVE AND POOR QUALITY i ripped a smol hole in the arm area while taking it off... reusable my ass!!
(random but i overheard this white guy tell his wife?? that even if the convenience store at the station sold $50 ponchos he’d buy them lol)
man that was the only morning i bothered to doll up a bit (luwi did my brows) and luwi even did my hair in a c-curl and the rain had to ruin it ㅠㅠ
the poncho gang:
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it was a bit of a walk from the station but we successfully made it to Chatuchak Weekend Market~ i was not expecting it to span such a wide area?? it kinda reminded me of bugis street
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the rain may have dampened our vibe but it sure did not ruin the shopping experience!! didn’t take more pics bc i was too busy browsing around
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after a while the rain subsided and we got to take off our sweaty ponchos
i read somewhere that the difference between a raincoat and a poncho is that one gets you wet from the rain and the other gets you wet from your own sweat
hmmmm true??? very profound
we didn’t manage to explore the entire Chatuchak Market (only around half of the stores?? maybe even less??) which was kind of a pity but it was already quite late and we needed to grab lunch before it became dinner
so we set off to our next location
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the thing about me not having any navigating role is that i rly have no idea where we were most of the time
we umm took the bts and came to ~this place~ (based on my googling i think it’s La Villa Phahonyothin Ari which is right next to the ari station)
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had our lunch at the Greyhound Cafe!! it’s a more high-end restaurant that serves both thai and western (mainly pasta) dishes
i found out that there’s a Greyhound Cafe that recently opened in sg too O: their menu is not as extensive as the one in bangkok but i guess it’s worth a try?? the prices are $$$ tho
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we got the baked spinach with cheese to share~ it was sooo nice and cheesy oqo
shoron said it was nicer than the one at saizeriya LMAO why set the bar so low
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since shoron said the pasta dishes were recommended, i ordered this
it’s a crab cannelloni stuffed with crab meat rillettes on tomato concasse sauce, topped with white sauce and parmesan (took this from their menu description lol)
i had to google what a cannelloni was and it’s apparently a type of lasagna!! great!! i can finally have some lasagna bc it’s so hard to find one that isn’t stuffed with beef or chicken
umMm chi what are you looking at so intently??
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the pasta was not bad but i couldn’t rly taste much crab hmmm the crab meat too smol maybe?? but i think they definitely used real crab bc i found a piece of crab claw skeleton in my pasta O:
after lunch we slowly made our way to the Ari in Town dog cafe~ it was a very scenic walk
shoron actually wanted to go to a different dog cafe (True Love husky cafe) but it closed too early and we were afraid we wouldn’t make it in time for their 4 to 5 pm play time slot
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paid the entrance fee, took off our shoes and socks and then headed into the cafe~ walking through the outdoor area with fake grass (that was wET bc of rain?? i think?? hopefully not pee) with bare feet was an... interesting experience...
anyway the cafe had normal seating aND TREETOP SEATING which i was very amused by and good thing none of us wore skirts or dresses that day so we could all climb to the second floor
the seating arrangement was nice and cosy... just seat mats and low tables (but we weren’t allowed to eat or drink in that part of the cafe so idk what the tables were meant for??)
uhh no free feet pics on my watch
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the view from the top heheh
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the shibes were separated from the other doggos for some reason
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we were just chilling around when suddenly!!! a bear pounced onto alfur!! it was a surprise from the staff
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we asked the staff to help us take a group photo bc the doggos were posing but it was so chaotic bc something happened?? and all the doggos started running around
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the entrance ticket came with a free drink which we had to go to another part of the cafe to claim
got myself a mango and passionfruit tea which i thought would be their own creation (like tea + fruit peels or something) bUT I GOT A TWINNINGS TEA BAG
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stayed til the sky got dark then we figured it was about time to go grab dinner
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walked back to the station and took the BTS to the victory monument station
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decided to go to Baan Kuay Tiew Ruathong for boat noodles
i’ve never had boat noodles before bc it seemed like there’s always some kind of meat in them?? the good thing about them was the smol portion sizes bc once again my stomach was on strike and prob not ready to accept a full meal
oh and also each bowl was only a few cents?? definitely worth a try
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so i ordered the most basic thing on the menu which was the thai noodles with pork?? and i chose wide rice noodles
there were spicy variants that were explicitly labelled as such and mine was definitely not the spicy one
my tastebuds were instantly deleted with just one slurp
holy shit if that was the non-spicy variant i can’t even imagine how the spicy variant would taste?? if there was any taste apart from pain at all???? idk how the others were downing their spicy bowls
i must say,, i LOVED the texture of the wide rice noodles O: so chewyyy (pls tell me they have this in sg)
rin2 said i picked the wrong choice of noods bc thicc rice noodles tend to soak up the broth more which would amplify the spiciness ㅠㅠ but what to do,, i like dem chewy noods
anyway i braved through the burning spice and finished the one bowl i ordered ( ಥಎ ಥ)و proud of myself
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afterwards we headed back to the BTS station to get a Grab to take us to Jodd Fairs which was one of the most popular (if not the most popular) night markets in bangkok that boasts over 600 food stalls
omg we were trying to snap pics of our surroundings to show the driver where we were and a cop came by aND WE THOUGHT WE WERE GONNA GET FINED OR ARRESTED FOR TAKING PICS OF THE MONUMENT
but nah he just wanted to tell us that a pic of the bus stop sign would be a more helpful indication of our location than just random area photos phewww
our Grab driver screwed the turn or something so he parked his car somewhere and walked over to come get us lol ok but he was a nice guy and we made it to Jodd Fairs safely
IT WAS SO CROWDED sasuga popular night market
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and oh man all the food looked absolutely scrumptious
if we had gone on the very last day i might have just caved to the temptation and pigged out buuut we still had one day left and i didn’t wanna spend it being down with food poisoning ;-((
that was the intention but when shoron and rinrin bought the cheesy prawn and scallop skewers from this stall i couldn’t resist ;; the prawns were alright bUT THE SCALLOPS WERE AMAZING oqo so fat and juicy 10/10 would totally risk food poisoning for them
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alfur and i decided to grab a box of these thai crispy pancakes?? bc we caught the lady preparing a fresh batch
as usual i was too busy browsing around and trying to dodge the crowds of ppl that i forgot to take pics :s so i had to grab one off google images lol
but yes they are thin crispy pancake shells filled with cream and coconut shavings
they were not bad but there was this strange watery aftertaste... maybe bc of the steam condensation idk the others didn’t seem to mind it
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those are prawns you know
i don’t know how they got so big
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there were also stalls selling clothes and i found a sheep shirt?? should’ve gotten it as a momento of our visit to the pattaya sheep farm but i hesitated bc of the price wehh
cabbed back to the hotel and ordered macs for supper along with the food we got from Jodd Fairs ( @ ̄ρ ̄@ )
ended the day with a nice, relaxing bubble bath~ i was the first to use the tub and boiiii filling the tub took so much longer than i had expected
rin2 brought bath bombs for all of us and i picked the chamomile one!! but it didn’t rly smell like the tea?? maybe it was the flower scent but i’ve never smelled a chamomile flower before so idk
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third day down, one more day to go~
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Ceobe/Saga being hungry doggos together
“Good tidings, Doctor!” Saga entered his office with her usual exuberance. “Thou hast summoned me, so hesitate not in your request.”
He looked up from his computer, amused as usual to hear her speak. “Someone has been stealing food from the cafeteria; I’d like you to apprehend them.”
“Gasp! Our victuals, targeted at their very font? Most troubling, indeed. I shall see to it that the ne’er-do-well understands the severity of their actions, yes.” The Perro nodded to herself and turned to leave-
“One thing, before you go.” She looked back to him. “The thief is Ceobe. Have you met her before?”
The monk blinked. “Kay, a thief? Surely you jest, Doctor.”
“Gummy found her in the pantry yesterday. You seem troubled by that revelation.” The Doctor cocked his head, watching her reactions carefully.
“It is a rather distressing tiding, but worry not, I shall instruct her.” Frowning, Saga left the office to attend to the task at hand. ‘First, to find her…’
Of course, that was the challenging thing - Kay was two things, always hungry and very energetic, so knowing where to find her was usually a game of bloodhound-and-badger…except for today, where the monk found her friend being thrown out the pantry by a combined effort from Gummy and Matterhorn. “Kay!”
“Saga?” Ceobe bounced to her feet and ran to her. “Saga!”
“A moment.”
She held out her hand palm forward, which the other Perro knew was a signal to stop, which was weird. Saga loved giving her hugs. “Hugs?”
“As I said, in a moment.” She did very much want to give her a hug, but discipline came first. “The Doctor informed me that thou hast stolen food from the cafeteria. Hast thou done so?”
“...Yes.” The doggo’s ears sank as she realized her friend agreed she had done a bad thing.
Saga sighed. “Now Kay, as much deliciousness is kept behind those doors is also obtainable through the exchange of currency. Thou must not resort to larceny to satisfy thine baser cravings.”
“But there’s so much food in there!” The Caster pouted. “It’s easier for Kay to get what Kay wants this way.”
“Art thou so certain of that? What if, in thine acts of gluttony, thou lost something else precious to thine self?” A somewhat empty threat, but one the monk knew would send the message.
It took a moment for Ceobe to process, but it scared her immediately after she had. “But Saga-”
“I know thou lovest the many delights procurable from the pantry,” which they had in common, “but thou cannot hold me and the bountiful stores both in thine grasp.”
Wait, was it possible that- no, patience, she’d make the right decision. “Kay?”
“Kay…” Her stomach rumbled. “Willst thee procur Kay and thou both a lunch?”
“Did- Kay, hast thou not eaten yet today?” That didn’t seem like something she’d do.
The doggo shook her head. “Kay was waiting for thee to eat breakfast together, but Saga left early today, so Kay waited and waited until Kay couldn’t wait any more, and Kay doesn’t have her money with her because it’s in Saga’s room, and Kay doesn’t have a key, and...”
“Oh, I have been a fool!” Saga ran to Ceobe, wrapping her in a hug and spinning them both around as she did. “I didn’t realize I’d caused you such distress! Hast thine hand been forced so frequently?”
“Y-yes, but Kay didn’t know how to tell thee of Kay’s troubles.” All this time with the monk was definitely starting to affect her manner of speech.
At least they could understand each other. “Then after we’ve eaten, I’ll acquire a second key from Dorm Management, and then thou shan’t need to pilfer from the pantry anymore.”
“Yay~” The Caster licked her cheek. “Let’s eat.”
“Yes, let us eat. Lead the way, Kay; I’ll place my order second.”
Both ordered and ate to their hearts’ content - which, granted, took a fair bit, since the doggo burned through calories as fast as she could consume them, and Saga…No one was quite sure how Saga ate the way she did without consequence, but considering her composure and discipline, it was possible she exuded so much positivity it actually used up the carbs. Regardless, they enjoyed a hearty meal together (to the amusement and awe, in various degrees, of the cafeteria staff) and shortly after finishing went hand-in-hand to Dorm Management, and then to the Doctor’s office. “Doctor, Kay hast a matter to discuss with thee.”
“Oh?” He was all ears. Well, not literally, but very interested in how this would go. “What is it, Kay?”
“Kay is sorry for stealing food. Kay forgot Kay’s money in Saga’s room every day, and Kay didn’t have a key to get it. But now! See? Kay has a key!” She flashed the blue card to him proudly.
It was then the Doctor nearly keeled over and off his chair. “Wait, I thought the two of you were close, but are you two…dating?”
“Hmm?” The monk blinked. “Dating? What dost thou refer to, Doctor?”
“Is Doctor talking about snuggle time?” The doggo suggested.
Saga nodded sagely. “Ah, perhaps that’s it.”
“Uh…you know what, don’t worry about it.” He shook his head as his inner self died laughing. “I’m glad you worked things out and will stop stealing. Is there anything I can help you with while you’re here?”
“Umm…Nope! That’s it.”
He looked back at his desktop, noticing five new messages from Amiya. “Alright, then you’re free to go.”
“Okay! Bye Doctor!” Ceobe ran back through the door. “Race thee to thine room, Saga!”
“A race thou shalt have!” Both left, laughing as they did.
The Doctor stared at the still-swinging door. (Swinging? Was it supposed to do that?) ‘I don’t think I ever could have seen this coming…but somehow I can understand Ceobe even better when she talks like that than the way she did before…’
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What if Yuu had a pet dog in monster au who got transported to twisted Wonderland with them(can be your favorite dog breed or leave the type of doggo to our imagination)
Pets that come along with characters into other worlds is always such a fun thing to imagine! :D Whether it’s a dog or cat or bird or even a mischievous ferret that steals your socks, pets can add a certain charm to things. UvU And a certain level of chaos and shenanigans. >v> I love it all!
So let’s say that Yuu did get to find their dog in the Monster AU (which I will leave as being up to you guys since I know those who have doggos or want doggos will want to have their fur bab with them/their character, and like Yuu each dog is going to be different!), but I can see this going a couple of ways:
If Yuu has a small or medium sized dog, that dog is going to be picked up and carried around quite frequently. It’s also not going to be a surprise to see the dog zooming around chasing balls/sticks/rocks/whatever they like to play with, receiving belly rubs and ear scritchies, snuggling in someone’s lap, and playing chase/tag with the monster boys. Deuce might have to be extra careful with the little pup since he doesn’t want to accidentally step on a paw or accidentally get spooked and react, but otherwise the boys would be okay with this unless it’s a yapper. Strangely enough if the dog does bark at others that get near Yuu, the only one the dog won’t bark at would be a certain dalmatian werewolf professor.
Yuu’s unsure whether to believe Ace or Grim when they tell them that their dog insulted them or not. How could such a tiny sweet thing insult anyone? Were they feeling jealous?
Now if the dog is a much larger breed, it’ll be much easier for some of the boys to be able to play and roughhouse with the dog. Given that they understand animal sounds more than humans do, they can communicate with the dog’s signals much more to know the difference between actual aggression and just being playful. The bigger the dog, the more amusing it’ll be to see the guys trying to either pick up the dog or have the dog stand on its hind legs with its paws on their shoulders to see how tall it is by comparison. It’s hilarious when the dog thinks it's still small and tries to sit on someone and all you can see is their face or the top of their head behind the happy lap dog!
The one thing that absolutely will not change regardless of the dog breed is that Professor Crewel will absolutely spoil the dog with affection and will make sure that Yuu has what they need to care for their canine companion. Of course he’ll still show them that misbehaving puppies won’t get treats, and if they had behavioral issues before then he’ll make sure they’re the best dog they can possibly be!
And yes, if the dog is well behaved, he will allow the dog inside his classes. This does help reduce stress in class for the students as if they get too stressed, they can go up and snuggle with the puppy. Grades have improved a good amount due to this, and students even begin bringing treats and toys around to play with them as thanks!
Hope the dog is okay with cats though, as Lucius and Professor Trein will not be too happy having to worry about being chased or having their cat get chased by a rambunctious dog. >.>;
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