#and then they walk away from solomon as he's chanting healing magic over himself in confusion
zephyrchama · 1 month
OM! Angels seem to have similar natural abilities to demons. Even if the source of their power is different, they're still far above humans in terms of innate abilities.
Basically, MC could be frolicking in a field and playing around with Luke outdoors when he approaches with a handmade flower crown. Freshly picked. Luke himself is wearing a prototype crown of the same variety.
Luke innocently places the gift on MC's head. Within minutes the unsuspecting human breaks out in massive itchy hives. They both panic, Luke reacts by flinging the crown out towards a random part of the field and blowing on MC's head to make the hives stop. Turns out those pretty flowers are toxic to most mortal beings! Who knew!
MC can still keep the crown behind glass and admire it. Luke may feel incredibly guilty though. From then on, he refuses to give MC anything new unless it passes Solomon's safety check first.
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Angel in Hell Season 2 part 8
part 1 | 2  I 3  I  4  I 5 I  6  I 7
Gn. reader insert.
@gothjuulpod  ; @purgatoryhall ; @sibit360  ; @a-personnamed-ace   ;  @romy350-romyakari 
Solomon goes straight to the castle garden. You have to sneak around some guards. 
Solomon stops at a wall and starts to hit some bricks. 
You look at him, a bit puzzled. 
Then the wall opens with a slight rumble. 
"There is a hidden treasure in here but we don't bother with that." Solomon only gives the bare minimum information to you. 
He heads into the tunnel. It's dark but you can see a room at the end of the tunnel.
  Solomon goes in front of you. "Be careful there is a bow trap here somewhere." Then suddenly an arrow narrowly misses you. You yelp from the surprise. 
"Ups, that was me." Solomon gives you a careless chuckle. 
You can't believe it. Maybe it was a bad idea to go with him. 
Then you reach the barely lit treasure room. 
"Alright I will just blow a hole right over us, usually you would need to find dynamite, but well I'm a wizard so you just duck." Solomon starts chanting something and you duck and pray. 
A loud explosion shakes the ground just moments later. 
Solomon just shakes some dirt and stones off his clothes. Just like nothing happened. 
You look at him in disbelief. Definitely a bad idea. "That was pretty dangerous." 
"Hm? It was kinda fun. Anyway, now I will help you climb and you pull me once you are on the floor above us." Solomon doesn't act like it was a big deal.
  He honestly seems more like a demon than a human. 
You don't have many options right now so you just accept Solomons help to climb up. 
It's easier than you expected. 
With a bit of effort, you manage to pull Solomon up. 
He just keeps on smiling and looks around for something.
  "Ah, here it is. This will open the door to the throne room. Once we are in you just stay back and I will defeat the Boss. Can you cast healing spells?" Solomon is so calm it's shocking. 
"Hold on, are we fighting the end boss now? I don't know much about classic RPGs but he must be super strong right?" You can't believe your ears. 
"He is strong but I'm a powerful wizard. In the worst case, I will summon Asmo. I have done this before it's easy." Solomon shrugs. 
"If you say so… I will cast some celestial magic to support you." You are doubtful but this seems to be the best way. 
"I look forward to seeing that." Solomon sounds pretty excited. "So are you ready?"
"Not at all, but I got no choice." You sigh. 
Solomon nods like you are fully on board. 
He pulls the lever and the big door is swinging open. 
You swallow and follow Solomon inside. 
The throne room is eerily lit. It's dark and spooky. 
"Well, well who do we have here? The hero has arrived." The voice belongs to Levi. 
Solomon sighs.
  "Why are you here Levi?" You are baffled, you didn't expect this. 
"The game has one of these, the bad guy is someone you knew twists. I knew that but I didn't think that Levi would cast himself as the villain. He hates the guy." Solomon seems more annoyed than anything. 
"You are right, but well I just don't want this game to end. So I made myself the villain. I just wanted to have fun with you." Levi looks at you. 
You suddenly feel very tired. "Levi, just give up, and let us go home."
"Yeah, stop wasting everyone's time." Solomon shakes his head. 
"Shut up, you aren't even supposed to be here." Levi pouts. "Ruining my fun with your backhanded tactics." 
Solomon throws his hands in the air. "I guess we have no choice then but to fight Levi." 
You don't want to fight at all but it seems like you have no choice. 
"Like I wasn't ready for something like this." Levi suddenly pulls out an item and a beam of some sort hits Solomon. 
"What have you done?" You stare wide-eyed at Levi. 
"I just teleported him far away. So now we can have fun. I got anime and games so what do you want to do?" Levi shows you several items. 
You feel very angry. "What are you thinking? Trapping me in a game? What makes you think that I would like that? And have you forgotten about what you did earlier?" 
You are shaking with anger. 
"You always loved being in games? And I know we fought but I have all your favorite things here so please forgive me?" Levi looks at you with puppy eyes. 
"I don't love being in games. Again I'm not Mc. So stop this nonsense right now!" You are so annoyed at Levi. 
"B-but I only want to spend more time with you." Levi looks helplessly at you. 
"No, you don't. You want to spend more time with Mc." You feel so defeated. He just can't understand you at all. 
Levi looks at you, confused. "That's you though?" 
"No, it's not." You don't even feel angry anymore, just sad, not even sad just nothing really. A huge hole of emptiness. 
Levi looks like he is about to tear up. "You can't be serious. Stop pulling this cruel prank!" 
You can't even imagine all the excuses that Levi has told himself. "Levi I'm not pulling a prank on you. I would never do something so cruel. I know you want your friend back… but it's impossible." You look at Levi with a sad expression, begging him to understand. 
"T-that isn't true at all… You-You are so cruel! Saying such cruel things. You are right here." Levi looks desperate, holding back tears and who knows what else.
  It hurts seeing him like this. 
"I'm sorry Levi but Mc is dead." You find it hard to say these words. 
Levi covers his ears. "I can't hear you, stop saying that." His body is shaking. It seems to be revolting against your words.
  This hurts so much. Much like it did when you got told about your past life. 
You reach your hand out to Levi but stop yourself. Right now it wouldn't help him.
  Then Levi suddenly looks at you with a twisted expression. "You are right you aren't Mc. You are an evil spy sent by the enemies just to hurt me!" 
You aren't sure where this sudden shift came from but it's bad. 
Levi looks at you so coldly, you take a few steps backward. 
"Levi please, I'm not a spy. I don't want to hurt you." You beg. 
He has tears in his eyes. "I don't believe you. Mc would never be this cruel to me." Levi bites his lips, he isn't even looking at you. 
“Levi…” You want to hug him but you have no chance to do so.
  Levi mumbles something, it sounds like a spell.
Something tells you to brace yourself. 
Then suddenly a huge wave hits the whole room, your body just gets washed away by the current. You can only hold your breath and desperately try to swim but it's pointless.
You have no chance against the sheer force.
  Then suddenly something grabs you and pulls you from above. 
For a moment you think it might be Simeon.
Instead, you see Lucifer pulling you from the water. He doesn't say anything and just carries you in his arms.
  He carefully puts you on the ground. His hands hold you steady.
“Are you alright?” Lucifer looks somewhere between worry and anger.
"Y-yeah, I think so at least." You are drenched in water but other than the shock you feel fine.
  Lucifer closes his eyes and nods, you now see that he is shaking. 
Then suddenly you can see the anger in his eyes. He looks towards the castle.
  You know what he will do and don't want that. You hold his sleeve. "Please don't do it."
Lucifer looks at you, he looks surprised. "Levi has put you in danger." 
"Yeah and I'm not saying he shouldn't be punished but hurting him won't solve anything. He is just in so much pain that he can't handle it." You look at Lucifer with pleading eyes. 
"Tch, looking at me like that…" Lucifer pauses for a moment and then shakes his head. Then he sighs, undresses his coat, and wraps you in it. "I will be gentle but don't get me wrong his punishment will hurt him a lot." Lucifer looks away from you. 
These sudden gentle gestures are a bit confusing to you but you are glad that nobody will be hurt. "Thank you, Lucifer."
You give him a small smile. 
Lucifer raises one eyebrow. "No need to thank me. You should dry off before you catch a cold." Lucifer shoots a sideways glance at you.
  "Hey, Lucifer!" From far away you hear Asmo shouting and see him waving. 
He smiles when he notices you. "What happened to you? You look like a drenched puppy." Asmo looks worried. 
"It's a long story but Levi summoned Lothan." You feel sad just thinking about it. 
"Again? He really can't control himself. Are you alright?" Asmo takes a close look at you. 
"I'm very wet but thanks to Lucifer, I'm safe." You smile a little to not worry Asmo. 
"I got this heat stone here, it's pretty useless. I got it because it's pretty, well anyway it will warm you up." Asmo hands you a hand-sized red rock. It's indeed very warm. 
You gently clutch it in your hands. "That is very kind of you."
"No problem. We are friends, so it's only natural that I want to help you." Asmo grins at you. 
"When you two are done playing around we should go to the castle and teach Levi a lesson." Lucifer sounds a bit huffy. 
"You are such a killjoy. Stop being jealous and let me have some fun." Asmo frowns.
  Lucifer lets out a small gasp, almost like he has been caught.
He wouldn't be jealous of you and Asmo, would he?
  Confused, you shake your head, impossible.
  Lucifer then just starts walking. 
Your journey isn't very long. Since Levi is coming right your way. 
He is in his demon form and wears some sort of armor. An eerie aura seems to ooze from him.
  "What the hell?" Asmo looks confused. 
"Looks like he has cursed armor." Lucifer shakes his head. "You better stand back." Lucifer looks at you. 
"No way! I'm a pretty strong angel you know. Let me at least support you." You can't just go and hide behind the others. 
"That stubbornness must be a leftover," Lucifer mumbles this just loud enough for you to overhear him. 
"Just make sure you stay behind us." Asmo has a serious look on his face.
  You position yourself in a good spot behind them. You know better than to stay in the way of powerful demons. 
Both men change into their demon forms. This will be a serious battle.
  Levi is close enough now to see you. 
"So, you have returned and even dared to pitch my brothers against me. A truly evil person!" Levi yells at you while staying in mid-air. 
"Levi stop this right now before I have to hurt you. You know very well that I'm under no spell." Lucifer sternly talks to Levi. 
"Yeah, just give up and we end this peacefully," Asmo yells. 
"No way! I won't listen to you!" Levi once again covers his ears. The black energy from his armor goes wild and starts to lash out at all of you. 
You have to avoid quite a few of them. 
"Levi stop!" You try using a command but it does not affect him. 
"Haha, that only proves how fake you are." Levi's voice sounds twisted, much like the rest of his body. The black ooze seems to consume him.
  Lucifer makes sure that nothing goes past him. Him protecting you gives him a clear disadvantage. 
Your light spells have some effect on the black energy that keeps being fired your way. At least you manage to keep Asmo and Lucifer from being hit.
Lucifer uses his powers to shoot at Levi, but right now Levi is too fast and avoids them all.
  "You should try attacking him from the sky." You yell at Lucifer. 
"That would leave you open." Lucifer doesn't budge.
  He must be very desperate to protect you, or your body. You have mixed feelings about this. 
You look at Asmo but he seems to be equally stuck.
  Then a gust of wind hits Levi. "Hey, why are you attacking the others? That's not very nice." It's Beel. You are honestly glad to see him. 
"You traitor." Levi's voice sounds even more twisted. The curse must be getting worse.
  If you could be closer to Levi you could probably heal the curse with your angel magic. 
You carefully sneak to Asmo.
Lucky enough Levi is distracted right now. 
"Asmo, can you bring me closer to Levi? I think I can break the curse." You whisper to Asmo. 
"No way, that's way too dangerous." Asmo straight-up denies your request. 
"I know it's dangerous but at this point, we might lose him to the curse." You can see and feel the corruption gets worse. 
Asmo clicks his tongue. He is seriously conflicted. "We need a distraction." Asmo is hesitant but looks if he can find something to help. Then suddenly he smirks. 
  You don't think this ruse will work at all.
Levi seems equally unimpressed.
  "Hey, don't sell your brother out!" You can't believe it, it's Mammon. He is trying to sneak up to Levi from the other side. 
How did Asmo even see him?
Anyway, now Levi is noticing Mammon. He turns to him to take Mammon out.
  Asmo nods to you. 
You nod back and start to run. You run closer to Levi, lift your hands. "Oh, powers of light hear my prayers. Grant me the power to lift this curse." You feel power flowing through your body. A powerful white glow starts covering you and then it flows towards Levi. 
Just then he notices you and turns back towards you. His eyes are black. The curse must have reached his mind.
  The gentle white light starts to cover Levi. 
He starts coming towards you. 
You can't move or the spell won't work.
  "Beel, stop Levi no matter what," Lucifer yells and Beel reacts right away.  He flies straight into Levi and takes hold of him in midair. 
They both start to fall to the ground. Only cushioned by a gust of wind from Lucifer.
The light of your magic finally completely covers Levi. The black energy slowly clears up. 
He fights to get away from Beel. Mostly by kicking and screaming in despair. "Let me goooo!" 
"Not gonna happen." Beel bluntly refuses. 
"Yeah, you screwed up this time." Suddenly Belphie and Solomon appear, now where everything is over. 
"Where have you been?" Asmo frowns at both of them.
"Sorry, I'm just not a fighter." Belphie jawns. 
"It was very interesting to watch. Some great celestial magic right here. Too bad that I can never use angel magic." Solomon is very entertained. 
"So can we go home now?" Mammon looks a bit distraught since he got a few hits.
  The magic you used drained you quite a bit so you can only agree to this statement. 
"Yeah, I have to agree. Sadly he still has some HP left." Solomon shrugs. 
Lucifer sighs. "Who wants to do it?" 
Beel has a tight grip on the struggling Levi. 
"Just give up Levi. You have done enough." Beel still tries to talk sense into Levi. 
"Never! I'm the dark lord! Don't underestimate me!" Levi is very pathetic looking right now so you can't take him seriously at all. 
"I will do it!" Mammon looks ready to flat out punch Levi. 
"Mammon…" You yell out, too weak to move much.
  Mammon looks at you, he closes his eyes. Then he sighs. And flicks Levi's forehead once. "You owe me one for this." Mammon suddenly has a gentle smile. 
You reply. "Alright." 
"Super unfair! Defeated by my brother!" Levi suddenly looks very sullen. 
Then the world suddenly turns back to normal. The game is finally over.
  Exhausted you sink to the floor. 
"Ahh! Are you alright?" Asmo rushes right over to you. 
Everyone looks worried at you. 
"Yeah healing that powerful curse just took most of my mana. I will be fine after some rest." You feel very weak but relieved Levi seems to be pretty okay. 
"Wait what? Curse? What do you mean?" Levi is confused.
"You dummy didn't even realize the curse? Like you were a goner." Mammon can't believe it. 
"Yeah, it was pretty bad. They saved your life." Beel still has Levi in a bear hug. 
Levi looks at you, suddenly the realization hits him. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh… w-what have I d-done?" 
"You forgot the dark lord's curse. Lucky enough we have a powerful angel here that was kind enough to heal you." Solomon calmly explains it from the sidelines.
  Asmo has helped you up. He helps you stand. 
Levi suddenly looks very sad. "I hurt you… and you still helped me…" 
"You were about to lose yourself or your life and I don't want that." You state clearly and calmly. 
Levi's eyes widen. 
"You are stupid aren't you Levi?" Mammon shakes his head. 
"I-I'm stupid… I-I almost I almost…" Levi can't even finish his sentence before he suddenly starts bawling. "I almost killed you…" 
"No, you didn't even come close but I'm pretty wet and I'm kind of angry at you. Calling me a traitor…" You sigh. 
"Is that really what bothered you the most?" Belphie is perplexed. 
"No, what bothers me the most is constantly being compared to Mc. I guess I can't eally help that though." You look down. It really bothers you.
  Meanwhile, Beel just started to hug Levi to calm him down. He still hasn't stopped crying. 
Everyone looks at you for a moment. Seemingly ashamed. 
"To that, I can only say that you aren't Mc at all. Not a single trace of human inside of you. Your body is 100 percent artificial." Solomon, calmly as ever just straight up tells everyone. 
"It certainly looks that way." Lucifer seems to agree with that conclusion. 
"Wait hold on a moment. Are you telling me that I just somehow look exactly like Mc for no reason?" You look at Solomon in disbelief. 
"The angels always lacked creativity. I assume they used Mc as a blueprint. They probably were trying to copy the pacts of your soul to a new body. What worked." Solomon shrugs. 
"Unbelievable to do something like this for a stupid reason like that…" Lucifer breathes heavily. 
"That doesn't make any sense." You just can't see the reason for this at all.
  They possibly took a body just to create a new body, just for you to have pacts with the seven brothers?
  "I can't say for certain what their goal was but regardless you don't have any of Mc's old memories locked inside of you." Solomon calmly drops the next thing right in front of you. 
"What? But I certainly have some sort of connection to them…" All of this is very surreal. 
"I think we should move somewhere else. You are certainly dropping some heavy bombs." Lucifer seems pretty calm, you wonder if he knew already. 
The other brothers seem pretty taken aback. They all display a wide range of emotions. 
Asmo, who is still holding you, is shaking. 
Solomon shrugs."Fine, but that was pretty much all of it. Most of the angel related questions I can't answer anyway."
  You have no idea how to react to all of this.
  You feel numb.
My poor boy Levi. I feel bad for him. 
He deserved a few kicks in the butt though. 
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