#and then they rode off into the sunset disney style
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A Christmas King: The Royal Wedding
In which Fflewddur and Marie get married. [Dated: April 25th, 2020]
@marie-a-fflam-bonfamille @lou-bonfightme @ber-bonfamille-lyons
The day had finally arrived. Fflewddur Fflam was getting married to the most beautiful woman in the world. He had woken early, energized and eager to go even though he knew that the wedding would be a long process. It would be ceremonial, it would have every elaborate thing possible. Still, he got into his dress uniform, his aid carefully helping him set it all right. Not a button could be out of place, his hair was carefully styled and groomed until it shone.
Before he knew it he was heading out of the palace entrance, his beautiful gray horse Ferdinand tacked up and ready for King Fflewddur to mount and kick off the parade to the cathedral. Fflewddur put his crown on his head and then had another aid help him up and into the saddle, settling and smiling at his servants. “Thank you everyone. I’m honored to have you all at my side on such a special day.”
Without another word, he nudged his horse forward with his thighs, the beautiful stallion trotting forward quickly, taking them out through the gate, where a marching band was already out in front playing the processional music. Just behind the marching band were two royal guards, riding black horses. As Fflewddur started down the path they had set on, three other guards came in behind him, making sure their king was properly protected as he paraded through the charming town of Vvlandersnazm.
Fflewddur had been trained for this type of fanfare all of his life. So he smiled at the cheering crowds at the side, he gathered his reins in one hand and waved. The cheers grew louder and a bigger smile spread across Fflewddur’s face. Who knew this part of it could actually be fun? He’d never really thought of it until Marie. But here he was, feeling the excited energy building and building as the procession made its way toward the cathedral.
It felt like forever and not long at all before his part of the procession came up to the front of the cathedral, a man stepping forward to gently take hold of Ferdinand’s reins. Fflewddur grinned and hopped off the horse carefully, patting the obedient stallion’s neck. “Thank you.” He was pulled aside just inside the cathedral to change into a new (non horse scented) set of trousers and stepped forward so he could prepare to head down the aisle and wait for Marie.
Marie had thought she would barely catch a wink of sleep, going to bed as she had with butterflies in her stomach and champagne bubbles in her chest, making her feel giddy and bright. Tomorrow she would be married, in front of a kingdom that would soon be hers. How could she sleep with such excitement?
And yet she did. Marie woke to the bright spring morning light filtering in through the curtains, warming her skin. She didn’t linger to enjoy it — there was a lot to do before she could so much as leave her bedroom. There was a quick breakfast whilst she carried out her morning skincare routine, and then there was the hair, the makeup, and the dress. There was a small army of people to help, of course — the room was a flurry of activity, the dress designer and a makeup artist flown in from Paris, her friends lounging around the room, or otherwise running around trying to find garters and perfume and hair clips. Her mother hovered, as Marie had no doubt she would, and before they left for the cathedral the Dowager Queen popped into the room with a gift: the tiara she had promised for the young bride for the day.
The flurry of activity didn’t disturb her, though. In fact, Marie didn’t move much at all; she sat in a chair at the dressing table, being supplied with whatever she needed — most of which was attention. Once she had been assured that her soon-to-be husband was clear of the building, with absolutely no chance of them crossing paths, Marie was ready to leave.
It was exactly what she had expected: sitting in the back of the carriage with her father, waving at the crowds that huddled at the roadside, waving flags and cheering the procession. The guards on their high white horses didn’t serve any distraction from her, as far as she was concerned, her chin tilted up just a little like the royalty she was soon to be.
She took a moment, as they climbed the cathedral steps, to stop and turn around. To direct one more wave and a dazzling smile at the people of her fiancé’s kingdom. Perhaps some would see it as a stunt, to win their affection, but as far as Marie could tell, she already had it — she just wanted to soak it up a little more.
But there was an order to these things; once inside the cathedral, she was ushered into a small side room, to wait her turn. The music from the band began to pick up, and her mother continued to fuss, adjusting the veil around her shoulders until Marie took her hands, and held them gently.
“Maman, why don’t you go take your seat? We’ll all be out soon enough.” She assured her, stepping forward to kiss her cheek. “Les garçons,” she began, turning now to her brothers. “Are you ready?”
Toulouse was not ready. Nor was he happy. But, at least he was here. He supposed if he was not, he would come to regret it. Even though he was sure there would be another--and one that was actually proper. For now...this was what they were saddled with. And Lou really did try to be happy for Marie, but every time he looked at her, his brain simply fast-forwarded to six months, a year from now: with a Marie no longer smiling and sparkling with diamonds.
However, he played his part, patting his mother’s hand while she weeped and fretted, making sure Berlioz was where he was supposed to be at any given moment, he’d even been polite to the Dowager queen and the rest of Fflewddur’s family. The last thing he wanted was for his behaviour to reflect poorly on Marie or their own family. They were the Bonfamilles, after all.  
If Marie wanted to play moral high ground, well, Lou was an expert at such games.
“No, I’m not,” he told her with a smile, and to anyone who did not know them, it would come off only as a tease, “but I don’t have much say in the matter so--” he shrugged his shoulders, but he did step forward and leaned down to kiss her cheek.
“Tu es très belle, ma petite. Je t’aime.” At least that much was true.
Marie hadn’t been sure about Toulouse.  She had refused to lose any sleep over it, of course, but he had said he would be there, and she had trusted him with that much. If there was one thing about Lou, at least, he was a man of his word — and he could be trusted to dress the part as well.
“Thank you, mon cher,” She replied, turning from one brother to the other as they waited for their cue, her bouquet clutched in both hands. “Berlioz, are you ready? It’s the best man first, and then Toulouse, and then you.” She looked between the two of them. “Got that?”
Oh yeah, this was going to be an absolute disaster. Eventually.
He was reminded of Baktin’s Carnivalesque, not to be a complete pretentious prat-- but that’s what he thought about when they’d arrived at the castle from the storybooks, when he saw the lavish decorations and the uniforms. Here they all were, a cast of characters straight out of a play-- Fflew the Parody King, Marie the Jeweled Fool of an Off-brand Princess, Lou the Disgruntled, and Berlioz, well, Berlioz supposed he was the audience surrogate, leaning on that fourth wall or looking for a camera (because there would be so many cameras today). They’d all played this scene before. Remember, he nearly said to Lou, when they’d both been forced to act in Marie’s pretend weddings when she was a little girl? She usually married Lou (let’s not get too Freudian about it), wearing Maman’s make-up and pearls. There was no difference between those games and this one, at least to Berlioz.
But hey. He was here to have fun. He hoped he and Lou were both wrong. He hoped that Marie would be a happy queen and a happy wife. He hoped the kingdom wasn’t secretly bankrupt. He hoped that Fflew was more than his ego.
If not, then he hoped they’d all look back at this day with as little embarrassment as possible.
So here he was, in his Marie-approved outfit, texting Simba live updates. “Huh?” Ber said and then-- quickly put his phone away and smiled a typical sheepish Ber smile. His little sister was so serious. Always so serious. He hoped one more time that this was the wedding she always wanted, if she couldn’t marry Lou after all.
“Yup.” He thumbs-upped Marie. “Promise not to trip on the way down.”
He should kiss her cheek too. Say something profound. “Je suis heureux pour toi,” he said then, and smiled softly.
The music started to play and Fflewddur was the first to start down the aisle, a great big smile lighting up his face as he passed by his family, the nobles of Vvlandersnazm, the various guests that Marie had invited and all. This was the kind of wedding he’d once worried over. Now he felt like the luckiest person alive to be marrying a woman as wonderful as Marie was.
He made his way over to the altar, his good friend William off to the side standing in as a proper best man. Fflewddur nodded at the bishop who took responsibility for all the major weddings in the country, turning and settling at his spot to await the moment that he would see Marie come down that aisle herself.
 “You’re in it now aren’t you mate?” His friend whispered to him and Fflewddur snorted and elbowed him. “Happily so. I can’t imagine anyone as perfect as my Marie.” He knew he’d railed about the monarchy and arranged marriages and all the other customs that could come up with the system to William countless times. But he really was happy. Marie was going to make him very happy. He let his hands clasp loosely in front of him as he waited, every moment building the anticipation for his dream come true.
Marie, of course, was the last to leave the little vestibule they’d been tucked away in. She watched each pair go off in turn, her brothers and some ladies of the kingdom, a few lords, sons of local nobility and a few of her friends from home, from Paris, dolled up in petticoats and hairpins that would make their ancestors shiver. Marie didn’t give it a second thought, of course; had there been a mirror she might have glanced in it, but she knew how she appeared. Like a princess; like a bride. Soon to be one, and already the other.
“Ready?” Her father asked, leaning his head down close to hers, his voice a stage whisper. He was smiling, but Marie had a feeling it wasn’t entirely a joke.
“Very.” She replied with a smile of her own, turning to look front and centre before they stepped out of the room, and began their walk down the aisle.
The music filled the cathedral from floor to ceiling, but Marie strained her ear for the soft oos and ahs of the crowd, the old ladies in fancy hats and the little girls stood on tip toes watching her as she passed. Marie smiled at all of them, as many as she could; but the closer they got to the altar, the less her attention strayed, and Marie looked to Fflewddur, greeting him with a grin.
When she joined him just before the bishop, her father placed a hand on the small of her back, his gaze meeting her fiancé’s. “Look after her,” he said softly, his voice a warning as he took a step back. Marie simply smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek before she turned to Fflewddur, to take his hand.
“Hello,” She whispered, feeling giddy as she did, unable to hide her smile.
The music started to fill the cathedral, and Fflewddur turned so that he could face the aisle properly, a smile lighting up his face as Marie came down the aisle toward him. She was absolutely stunning, a vision in her white dress and Fflewddur couldn’t take his eyes off her. He didn’t want to.
“I promise I will,” he replied, gently taking Marie’s hand and lifting it so he could kiss the top of it. “Hello Marie. You look so beautiful.” He was in awe of her and overwhelmed by his fortune as he turned with her to face the bishop. This was the most important moment of their lives, he was sure. It had his heart pounding like mad, but the smile on his face was genuine.
“We are gathered here today to join this man and woman in holy matrimony.” The bishop said a lot more about weddings in the eyes of God and all that but Fflewddur didn’t pay much attention to that. He smiled at Marie, mouthing ‘I love you’ at her when he caught her looking. He didn’t really focus back in until the bishop said “I ask you each to repeat the marriage vows. If you have vows of your own you may say them at this time.”
Fflewddur focused back on his beautiful bride, reminding himself of the vows he had repeated to himself over and over so he could say it freely, so he could express himself as he should. “Marie, there will be many people that think that our passion is too quick, our passion is too wild, and that we’re not thinking about the future. Those people couldn’t be more wrong. Since the moment I met you I had this feeling that you were the one for me. Never have I been as understood as I have by you, and I would never have thought about marriage at all for myself until I met you. But I did meet you and I knew that I needed you with me. I wanted to be with you for the rest of our lives. I want us to have a family and grow old together. I picture the future and all I see is spending as much time as I can with you. For the first time I want to figure out what it means to be a proper ruler, if only so that I could rule at your side. I want to meet our future hand in hand ready to see what comes next. I love you Marie. I’m so happy that you’re going to be my wife.”
Marie could only smile back at him, sneaking glances at Fflewddur now and then; her cheeks would be hurting by the end of the day, no doubt, and there was a thought in the back of her mind about laughter lines, but it was her wedding day. Perhaps she was allowed a day off from worrying about wrinkles (in her face, anyhow; her entire morning had been spent worrying about wrinkles in her dress).
It felt surreal. Like a dream, or like she was playing a part in a film. Fflewddur said his vows, more beautifully written than Marie could have imagined, certainly on par with the vows her imaginary husband had always come out with in her daydreams, and it felt like at any moment, someone would yell cut!, and the whole thing would be done. But there was no director, no one waiting to critique her performance — no one but herself, anyhow.
Much like a performance, however, Marie had memorised her lines well. Word for word, each inflection in the right place. She had been in the Swynlake summer performance quite a few times now; memorising lines was old hat.
“Fflewddur,” She began, her smile bright. “When we met, I did not know it would bring us here. I did not know many things, in fact,” She laughed, remembering their trip at Christmas, finding out that her boyfriend was the king of a place she had barely even heard of. “But this, certainly, was the last thing I expected. And I’m glad. I’m glad that we’re here, together. I can’t imagine anyone else I would wish to spend my life with. There is a quote that I’ve always loved: Il n’y a qu’un bonheur dans la vie, c’est d’aimer et d’être aimé. There is only one happiness in life — to love, and to be loved. I can’t imagine anything better than loving you, and being loved by you. Whatever that might entail.”
Every word that came from Marie’s mouth felt like magic. Despite their brief acquaintance, despite how quick they had gone from dating to engaged, he knew this was right. Fflewddur knew it in his heart, and he couldn’t help but mouth ‘I love you’ at her after she had finished.
The bishop gestured for the rings to be brought forward, and Fflewddur carefully lifted the one made for Marie, gently reaching for her hand. The bishop guided the words, and Fflewddur carefully slid the ring on his fiancee’s finger as he echoed them: “I Fflewddur Fflam take you Marie Bonfamille to be my wife to have and to hold from this day forward. For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish til death do us part.”
He made sure that the ring was just right on her finger before he drew his hand way, but not before he added a gentle squeeze of their hands, to express his love where he couldn’t quite kiss her yet. That would go against tradition. He hardly glanced at the bishop repeating these vows for Marie to say. His focus was solely on her, on his bride.
How often had little Marie wondered it would be like to have a ring on her finger? How many times had she almost slipped one on and then worried about the bad luck, setting the ring on her middle finger as if she had never done it in the first place. Having her engagement ring, even if she hadn’t had it for very long, felt like something magical. As if she were the only woman in the world to get to enjoy such spoils. She had moved her engagement ring to her middle finger, just for now; she didn’t want anything to get in the way of her wedding ring, and the gentle weight of it as it sat on her finger.
She looked up at Fflewddur as he squeezed her hand, and resisted the urge to squeal. It took her a moment to gain the composure to look at the bishop, pressing her lips together to hide her smile as she waited for her turn to say the traditional vows.
The bishop raised his eyebrows at her, and Marie gave a little nod; she was ready. She held Fflewddur’s ring carefully, as if it were made of glass, as she set it on his finger.
“I, Marie Antoinette Bonfamille, take you, Fflewddur Fflam, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward. For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish til death do us part.”
Fflewddur smiled at Marie, nothing else mattering now that they had their rings, they had said their vows...all that was left was for the priest to say those words he’d been waiting for since he’d proposed. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
He didn’t need further encouragement, leaning in, his hands already reaching up to gently cup her face as he did it, pressing his lips against Marie’s gently, lovingly before he let that turn into something a little more passionate. He loved his wife. She was his wife now! And as Fflewddur finally pulled away, he had nothing but stars in his eyes for the woman he loved.
“I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Fflam-Bonfamille! Our monarchs! Long may they reign!”
It seemed to move so swiftly, the ceremony, the kiss that made her knees weak, and then it was time to move back down the aisle, showered in confetti and the praise of their families. Marie couldn’t help but laugh, her hand holding Fflewddur’s tightly, the cool feeling of his wedding band beginning to warm as it settled against her skin. The doors to the cathedral were pulled open in anticipation of them, revealing the carriage and its white horses standing ready and the crowds of assembled Vvlandersnazm residents, cheering and waving their flags.
Marie pressed herself to Fflewddur’s side, looking from him to the crowds with a bright smile on her face. She raised her hand in a wave, and was surprised to find she felt almost overwhelmed. In a good way, of course - she had always wanted this for her wedding day. To be adored, to be the centre of attention, but never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined this.
A footman gestured for them to come forward, so with her husband by her side Marie began the path down the steps, getting settled in the carriage as the horses were urged into a trot.
“This is amazing,” She beamed, turning to Fflewddur. “I love you.”
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cantillat-moved · 5 years ago
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Random trivias for your Chaldea needs. You are welcome Under read more because it is a long post.
King David was bi. He had both wives and husbands. His favorite lover was Jonathan (Yehonatan), son of Saul.
There was a werewolf serving under King Arthur.  His name was Melion, or Marrok, and at some point vows to never marry a woman who has loved another man. Needless to say, his wife cheats on him and conspire with her lover and trapped Melion in his wolf form for seven years. You can read about it here. This tale is similar to Bisclavret.
btw there was also a knight in the round table  who could talk to animals. Maybe he was actually a disney princess
Nikola Tesla worked under Edison for 6 months but parted way because of…well, that part FGO got right.  Also, he declared that the love of his life was this female pigeon, and when she died it was like a light inside him went out too. He died a few days later, of heartbreak. “ i loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me. as long as i had her, there was a purpose to my life. “
Leonardo da Vinci made a tank. A real tank, with canons and all. He also created a Gatling gun.
Da Vinci refused to eat meat and fought for animal welfare, having the habit of buying caged birds at the marketplace to release them, and the fact that people raise animals just to slaughter them upset him greatly.
Queen Medb died with a slingshot to the forehead while bathing. With a piece of cheese.
Anne Bonny had the habit of showing her breasts as a distraction and made it easier to kill her enemies, not to mention to make it clear that they were bested by a woman.
The only thing that Jeanne d'Arc was successfully convicted during her trial? She wasn’t burned under accusations of being a witch, but for wearing men’s clothes.
Do you know who else was bi? Heracles. One of them was Iolaus, who helped him in many of his Labors and was one of the Argonauts. Hylas, another of Heracles lovers, was also one of the Argonauts and eventually was abducted by water nymphs.  Nireus, one of the suitors of Helen of Troy, eventually also had a relationship with the famous hero.  Welp, actually Heracles even banged a monster. Echidna, a drakaina that is considered the mother of all monsters. Harem protagonists get on his level. (never mind that he killed 3 of her children)
Mozart’s sister Maria Anna was also a very talented pianist, but after she reached the age of marriage she wasn’t allowed to perform in public. Unlike Mozart, she obeyed their father’s wishes. The siblings were so close that they invented a secret language together.
Hans Christian Andersen had dyslexia and although he learned to read, his spelling was terrible and his manuscripts are riddled with mistakes. Because of that, his writing style was closer to the spoken language and still sounds fresh today. He also went full “I AM A SHAM!!!” when critics...Well, criticized his work. Woe is he.
King Philip of Macedon took Young Alexander to see this super awesome horse, but no-one could ride the damned beast. NO ONE. Until that twig of a boy charged to the half-wild stallion, grabbed the bridle and rode into the sunset while everybody was about to have a stroke out of fear the boy would die, but the kid fucking did it. The trick? Bucephalus was startled by his own shadow, so Alexander rode towards the sun. Problem solved. He also pretty much died from heartbreak when his boyfriend died in battle
Zhuge Liang won a battle just by egging the enemy. You see, he was cooped up in this fortress, surrounded by enemies and in numerical and tactical disadvantage. Then he just showed up and started provoking the enemy’s general.  “ Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries “ style. But the general, aware of Zhuge Liang’s reputation, was like “nah bruh, that’s a trap. If we attack we are going to be boiled alive, blown up or some shit” and called off the siege and went home.
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1: Name
2: Age
3: Fears
Everything, I have anxiety
4: 3 things I love
Dogs, weird movies, sunsets over water
5: 4 turns on
Long hair, facial piercings, good sense of humor, back muscles
6: 4 turns off
Poor hygiene, rude to service workers, adults who are still obsessed with Disney to the point where they make it a personality trait, Trump supporters (or the equivalent in other countries)
7: My best friend
8: Sexual orientation
Bi? I think? IDK not straight tho
9: My best first date
I’ve only ever been on one date in my life and the dude ghosted me afterward which turned out to be a blessing bc it was not a good time in my life to try to start a relationship
10: How tall am I
11: What do I miss
Mental stability
12: What time were I born
3:45 am or thereabouts
13: Favourite color
14: Do I have a crush
celebrity crushes but I don’t really count those
15: Favourite quote
16: Favourite place
bundled up under a heap of blankets by myself in a dark room with good snacks and a good book/movie
17: Favourite food
18: Do I use sarcasm
do i
19: What am I listening to right now
my housemate doing laundry
20: First thing I notice in new person
what they’re wearing
21: Shoe size
womens 7
22: Eye color
23: Hair color
24: Favourite style of clothing
love that goth shit
25: Ever done a prank call?
not that i can remember
26: Meaning behind my URL
adam darski’s true form
27: Favourite movie
Ink (2009) dir. jamin winans
28: Favourite song
29: Favourite band
30: How I feel right now
like shit lol
31: Someone I love
My friends
32: My current relationship status
33: My relationship with my parents
it’s good and i’m very grateful
34: Favourite holiday
the day after halloween when all the candy goes on sale
35: Tattoos and piercing I have
36: Tattoos and piercings I want
seriously considering getting my eyebrow pierced soon. if I ever cut my hair short i’ll pierce my ears
37: The reason I joined Tumblr
to follow an art blog that made amazing JTHM fan art
38: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
what ex
39: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
yeah from my mom
40: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
yeah it was my mom
41: When did I last hold hands?
yesterday with my grandma
42: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
takes me well over an hour to actually get up but then like 3o minutes tops
43: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
44: Where am I right now?
in my room
45: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
i’ve never been that drunk because i hate hangovers
46: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
reasonable level unless i’m at a concert
47: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
not anymore
48: Am I excited for anything?
sexy eggman is coming to san francisco
49: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
50: How often do I wear a fake smile?
basically whenever i have to talk to strangers
51: When was the last time I hugged someone?
52: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
my mom is allowed to kiss other people it’s okay
53: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
i don’t think so?
54: What is something I disliked about today?
i’m tired of being tired
55: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
my soulmate
56: What do I think about most?
spirals of existential dread
57: What’s my strangest talent?
I have no talents lol
58: Do I have any strange phobias?
going down stairs. i’m fine going up them but going down them freaks me out
59: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
depends on my mood and whether or not i’m ugly that day
60: What was the last lie I told?
“I’m okay”
61: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
In person or don’t fucking talk to me
62: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes and yes
63: Do I believe in magic?
idk. i believe there’s things that happen that we can’t explain yet so maybe that’s magic
64: Do I believe in luck?
i believe in good chances
65: What’s the weather like right now?
66: What was the last book I’ve read?
The Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne Valente
67: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
yes as long as i don’t have a headache or stomachache
68: Do I have any nicknames?
just dumb shit my mom calls me
69: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
worst acute injury was the time i tripped onto an outdoor heater in kindergarten and burned the shit out of my hand. i also have a stress fracture in my spine that will never heal from gymnastics but that happened over a matter of years
70: Do I spend money or save it?
i try to save but i spend a little too much
71: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
with a tongue? yes. with my tongue? no
72: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
my fluffy pillow
73: Favourite animal?
take a wild fucking guess
74: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
trying unsuccessfully to sleep
75: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
76: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
That Time of the Month by Harley Poe
77: How can you win my heart?
be a dog
78: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
ceci n’est pas un corps
79: What is my favorite word?
sussuration or cathedral
80: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
this is the internet equivalent of the judgment of paris
81: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
eat the rich
82: Do I have any relatives in jail?
not currently
83: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
shapeshifting bitch
84: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
i’ll say anything on the internet i don’t give a shit
85: What is my current desktop picture?
Tumblr media
86: Had sex?
87: Bought condoms?
88: Gotten pregnant?
89: Failed a class?
yeah, fuck ochem
90: Kissed a boy?
91: Kissed a girl?
92: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
93: Had job?
i’ve got one right now
94: Left the house without my wallet?
yeah lol
95: Bullied someone on the internet?
96: Had sex in public?
97: Played on a sports team?
i ran track for a couple years as a kid
98: Smoked weed?
99: Did drugs?
100: Smoked cigarettes?
ew no
101: Drank alcohol?
102: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
103: Been overweight?
104: Been underweight?
105: Been to a wedding?
106: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
only 5?
107: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
only 5??
108: Been outside my home country?
109: Gotten my heart broken?
yes but not romantically
110: Been to a professional sports game?
111: Broken a bone?
112: Cut myself?
not on purpose
113: Been to prom?
yeah and it sucked and i wish i hadn’t gone
114: Been in airplane?
115: Fly by helicopter?
no but I want to
116: What concerts have I been to?
a multitude
117: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
yeah lol
118: Learned another language?
can I give this one a half a yes?
119: Wore make up?
120: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
121: Had oral sex?
122: Dyed my hair?
123: Voted in a presidential election?
124: Rode in an ambulance?
125: Had a surgery?
do wisdom teeth count?
126: Met someone famous?
yup, holla atcha doug jones
127: Stalked someone on a social network?
no, i don’t care that much
128: Peed outside?
who hasn’t?
129: Been fishing?
130: Helped with charity?
i’ve donated some money
131: Been rejected by a crush?
yeah but a) I never actually asked him out, b) we were 12, and c) turns out he’s gay so like i’m not made about it
132: Broken a mirror?
133: What do I want for birthday?
a new laptop
134: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
why would i want kids
135: Was I named after anyone?
my great uncle and great grandmother
136: Do I like my handwriting?
i have no opinion on it
137: What was my favourite toy as a child?
legos or something similar you can build with
138: Favourite Tv Show?
139: Where do I want to live when older?
somewhere near the ocean
140: Play any musical instrument?
i wish
141: One of my scars, how did I get it?
i only have acne scars and those are pretty self-explanatory
142: Favourite pizza toping?
sausage, bell pepper, and onion
143: Am I afraid of the dark?
144: Am I afraid of heights?
145: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
no, i’m a good girl
146: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end
147: What I’m really bad at
being a functioning human adult person
148: What my greatest achievments are
not killing myself in college
149: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
idk man i get upset by everything even when it’s not mean
150: What I’d do if I won in a lottery
pay off my friends’ and family’s debts, set aside a big chunk of money for grad school, maybe get my own place depending on how much is left
151: What do I like about myself
i have nice hair
152: My closest Tumblr friend
153: Something I fantasise about
what don’t i fantasize about
154: Any thoughts on the paranormal?
hey demons come and get y’all juice
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sugarghosts · 8 years ago
Lovely calm asks to enjoy a nice up of tea to ☕
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
6: What does your umbrella look like?
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love? 
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
15: Do you have glasses? 
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers? 
27: Do you like nicknames? 
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?) 
31:  Are you a fashionable person? 
32: Do you like watching holiday movies? 
33:  Cookies or brownies?
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing? 
36: Do you like cobblestone streets? 
37:  How often do you doodle? 
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
41: Any birthmarks?
42: Thoughts on freckles?
43: First video game you ever played?
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
46: Thoughts on spring? 
47: Ideal temperature outside?
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
Part 2//
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writerjisung · 7 years ago
i was gonna ask for a handful of ones but you know... answer all of them hehe
of course i’ll do that!!!!!!
i hope i picked the right set of asks, but if not, feel free to send me another ask sunshine!!!!
all under the read more!!!!
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
peachy sunsets!!!!
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
sugar cones!!!!
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
i don’t but i rly should!!!!!!
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
like 3 hours glskdgldkh ;w;
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
i wish i was braver to try seafood ;w; i don’t rly like fish, with the exception of fishsticks but i know that doesn’t count GKDLGKSDG i had one experience with sushi where i didn’t like the taste of it and was like ‘nOPE NEVER AGAIN’ i always thought about giving seafood another chances but i always shy away ;w;
6: What does your umbrella look like?
it’s bright blue, pink, yellow, dark blue and white stripes!!!!
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
YES!!!!!!!!!!!! as an autistic person, listening to asmr is one of my favorite stims and it calms me down and makes me happy!!!!!
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
both!!!!!! i love rain overall so i’d be happy with either!!!!
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
this can be so many things!!!!! i guess a nonobject would be positivity or kindness~~~ an actual object would probably be my small purple bunny stuffed animal that i had since i was little and if i still have it to this day, that means something right!!!!!!
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
mint green!!!!!
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
wobbly lines!!!!
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
oooo that’s a hard one because i’d love both!!!!!! i would probably end up picking neutral cozy in the end though!!!!
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
YES!!!!!!! i love candles AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
i have pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice, hot chocolate and mint chocolate atm!!!!!
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
i have actually!!!!! it’s been many many years though~~~
15: Do you have glasses?
yes!!!! but i only use them when i can’t see too far away, otherwise i don’t wear them any other time!!!!
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
all of them!!!!! languages is one of my passions and special interests!!!!!
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
autumn and october!!!!
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
i do!!!!! they’re mint green!!!!!
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
popcorn and some kind of candy, it depends on what kind of candy i’m in the mood in though~~~
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
hmmmmmmmm!!!!! love live sunshine!!!!! ik love live is already a huge success, including sunshine, but i feel like a lot of people still don’t like love live sunshine ;w;
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
YES!!!!!!!!! i already have a bamboo plant next to me and i wish i could give it friends!!!!!
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
sunflowers and bamboo!!!!!
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
i don’t tbh!!!! i think all art is amazing!!!!!
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
27: Do you like nicknames?
i do!!!!! i currently don’t have any though!!!! (i sometimes shorten my name to ‘ay’ if i don’t feel like typing my entire name up, but i much prefer ‘aydin’ as a whole~~)
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
i do everyday!!!!!! my tv never leaves nicktoons hehe~~~
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
i do still like some old memes!!!!!
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
one time i dressed up as taemin from shinee hehe~~~
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
not at all ;w; i want to try though!!!!!
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
33:  Cookies or brownies?
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
yes yes!!!!!!
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
not really ;w; i’m scared of bugs lkgdslgkdg
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
ooooo yes!!!!! they look nice!!!!
37:  How often do you doodle?
sometimes!!!!! but more not than actually doing it ;w;
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
i think a month ago!!!!
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
my bamboo plant, if that counts!!!!
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
hehe i’m too embarrassed to fully answer this, so that probably gave it away ;w;
41: Any birthmarks?
not any that i’ve ever found!!!!!
42: Thoughts on freckles?
they’re so cute!!!!!!
43: First video game you ever played?
pokemon!!!!! i forgot which one though~~~ i think sapphire!!!!
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
i’m not sure ;w; but i love the sound of them!!!!!
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people? 
i’m more of an exclamation points and a lots of emojis person!!!!!
46: Thoughts on spring?
spring is nice!!!!!
47: Ideal temperature outside?
probably in the 70′s (fahrenheit!!!)!!!!!
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
all of them!!!!! but if i could only pick one, then partly cloudly!!!!
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
ALL THE TIME i literally live five minutes away from a major airport ;w;
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
I DEFINITELY DO!!!!! especially in the spring and summer because it can cool off because it’ll be so hot ;w; it has been in the 100′s(fahrenheit) lately and it’s too much ;;;;;; some wind(or rain!!!!) would be nice!!!!!
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parkersenses · 7 years ago
16, 20, 26, and 27? (the-spectacular-spiderfan) 💜💜💜
anon: all of the asks!
alright well i guess i’ll just mash these togetherhjfd
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
peachy sunsets
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
never had either,,
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
not really because all the lint gets on my clothing and i wear a lot of black so it’s really obvious 
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
depends sometimes it’s an hour and sometimes it’s only a few minutes
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
6: What does your umbrella look like?
it’s black with red polka dots (it reminded me of scarlet witch sojfdhskd)
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
hell to the no
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
rain storms
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
the way lights look in a dark room
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
i know n o t h i n g about aestheticsjdks
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
wobbly lines
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
b o t h 
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
fucking no my mom doesn’t let me have candles 
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
15: Do you have glasses?
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
french (+be more fluent in greek)
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
pink socks with black music notes on them OR long gray socks with like a braided pattern on them and sparkly material on the top that i wear when i’m cold
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
bitch no
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
popcorn and sometimes m&ms
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
hmmmm maybe
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
….christmas trees
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
sketches i guess
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
depends who it was
27: Do you like nicknames?
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
i mean if an episode of big time rush was on i wouldn’t NOT watch it
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
which old memes tho
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
i was an elf one year and that’s my nickname so i guess that
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
i’m down for anything but hallmark movies
33:  Cookies or brownies?
fuck you
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
i don’t really have a lot of crickets??
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
they’re pretty to look at 
37:  How often do you doodle?
a l l t h e t i m e 
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
oh god i don’t even remember
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
i have christmas lights in my room for the majority of the year
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
clip them
41: Any birthmarks?
some on my back
42: Thoughts on freckles?
they’re cute
43: First video game you ever played?
either crash bandicoot or spyro
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
no idea
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
if it’s in text messages then yes
46: Thoughts on spring?
i hate it because it means winter is over
47: Ideal temperature outside?
40 degrees fahrenheit 
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
all the time i have perfect view of them by my window
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
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pretty-love-glitter · 5 years ago
answering these cause i know no one will ever request it lol
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets? mornings.
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones? waffle cones because i’m not an insane person.
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite? yes, cause i live in the midwest. and yes, a blanket scarf that’s plaid.
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up? less than 60 seconds because my dog, molly, likes to tackle me in the mornings.
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try? umm not really. i like food so i’ll try anything. lol.
6: What does your umbrella look like? it has ponies on it. lololol.
7: Do you listen to ASMR? nope.
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle? drizzle for sleeping.
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love? early walks in the morning. that’s when i get my best ideas.
10: Favorite color aesthetic? pastels.
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler? ruler. it’s the perfectionist in me. 
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room? cozy until the day i die.
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they? too many to count, lol. mostly bergamot and woodsy scents.
14: Have you ever rode a horse? yes! like everyday. i own two and they are my life.
15: Do you have glasses? yes and it’s annoying.
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak? all of them. currently working on french. 
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season? fall and october. because fall, duh.
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks? yes, they have ponies on them (again, lol)
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie? hardest question i’ve ever been asked. my neighbor totoro. and hercules.
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar? Disney.
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater? cookie dough bites.
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition? see #19.
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb? it’s currently filled to the brim with plants, so yes.
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite? yes, two cacti from my first apartment. they’re my friends :3
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.) soft and romantic. as life should be. 
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers? blush and cry. 
27: Do you like nicknames? sure, makes life a little more personal.
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time? everyday, thanks Disney+!
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth) oh for sure, dude. 
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?) mulan.
31:  Are you a fashionable person? yes, i’m a chanel slut. not afraid to admit it.
32: Do you like watching holiday movies? a little too much.
33:  Cookies or brownies? hardest question ever. cookies.
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath? yuup.
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing? oh hell yeah, dude. 
36: Do you like cobblestone streets? yes. 
37:  How often do you doodle? all day, every day. 
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles? like 8 or 9 years old? damn, that sounds fun right now, lol.
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room? portraits of my animals, because i’m a psycho.
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often? clip.
41: Any birthmarks? yes, covered in them.
42: Thoughts on freckles? they can be kinda cute, i hope. i’m covered in them too.
43: First video game you ever played? pokemon.
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door? chick-a-dee and bob white quails. 
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people? yes, more than i use the english language.
46: Thoughts on spring? necessity of life. and i love it. 
47: Ideal temperature outside? 60.
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies? partly cloudy and sunny. 
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside? every few minutes; i live less than 2 miles from the local airport.
50: Do you enjoy windy days? yes. cloud racing!
0 notes
rysonbran · 7 years ago
Asks Challenge: Late night 🌙 Tea ☕️ and Spring Awakening 🌸
Spring Awakening Lyrics ask meme
Mama who bore me- What’s your relationship with your parents like?
I have a gr8 relationship with my parents, they’re divorced so I do most general stuff with my mom and then most cooking stuff I’ll do with my dad because we’re both food nerds
No sleep in Heaven- Are you currently worried about something?
Thought is suspect- Do you have any unpopular opinions?
I mean not that I know of?
All will know- what are your plans for the future?
Idk man whatever happens happens
Her silver call- What gives you hope?
The future
The bitch of living- What do you dislike most about your life?
Ummmm highschool lmao
This mess of a life- Do you find it important to feel in control?
Fuck yeah but it doesn’t always happen
It’s so where I live- Do you or your family have any unique traditions?
We do family dinners every Sunday and Christmas competitions every year
To shore- What’s your “happy place”?
At home with my doge and a blanket and some tea
All is forgiven- Is there anything you can’t forgive yourself for?
I mean my anxiety says yes but
Just too unreal- Did you ever get in a situation that felt too good to be true??
Not that I can remember
Grasping at pearls- Do you tend to jump to conclusions too quickly? 
yessssss oh my god
I don’t scream- Are you more likely to protest something that you don’t agree with, or keep it to yourself?
Protest lmao I’m stubborn
Just like she never saw me- Have you ever felt like your problems were getting ignored?
Well, fine- do you often lie? what do you typically lie about?
I have a lot of little white lies lmao
You tell your soul - What do you do feel better when you’re down?
Text my best friend and cry into food lmao
Flip on a switch- What never fails to brighten up your day?
My doge!
The whispers of fear- What’s your biggest fear?
Spiders, the death of everyone I know, my dog dying, morbid stuff lmao
I believe- What is an important belief of yours?
My belief in equality probably
Peace and joy be with them - What’s the best thing someone said to you?
Probably that I’m pretty
the season for dreaming - What’s your dream?
To be able to travel the world and see stuff
This brave new you that you are - What’s something that changed for the better about you?
I don’t think anything’s really changed but I’ve been attempting to be more open, not that it’s worked
Floating high and blue- What would you consider to be the ideal life for you?
Living somewhere other than the states, working a creative job with intelligent people and having a dog
Beneath the rising moon- What’s your favourite thing about night time?
It’s quiet
Through the open books on the grass- What’s your favourite pastime?
Reading or drawing or being on this blue hellscape
Winter wind sings and it cries- Do you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist?
hahahaha pessimist  All things he never did- What’s something you always wanted to do, and didn’t (or didn’t yet)?
I’ve always wanted to go to London, which I did, and not I want to go to Ireland so that I guess
It whistles through the ghosts still left behind- What’s a memory you often think about?
The time I wasn’t allowed to wear a bowtie with a uniform but I didn’t fight it
There’s a moment you know you’re fucked- What was your biggest fuck up?
I made someone faceplant at work lmao
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah - What’s something stupid you remember you or some one else saying?
Something about D.C. being in Virginia
Travel the world within my lips- Ahat was your first kiss like?
Cramped and hot- temperature wise but good
You’re gonna be wounded - Did you ever do something risky that ended up being worth it?
Ummm no I’m not a risk taker lmao
So let that be my story- What’s the biggest lie you ever told?
That I was going to hang out with friends but instead drove 45 minutes away
Something beautiful, a new chance- What are you looking forward to?
Currently? Dinner lmao
You’ve left them far behind- What’s something you decided to leave in the past?
Idk man
And I’ll see their thoughts are known- What are some ideas you feel are important to spread?
Equality, comprehensive sex ed, kindness
The butterfly sings - What makes you feel free?
Nature despite the fact that I hate bugs
Tea ask meme
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
Peachy sunsets
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
Sugar cones
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
No but I love my mom’s cowl neck infinity scarf it’s so soft
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
Like half a goddamn hour lmao
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
Macarons, I’ve only had them once and I tried making them and I failed
6: What does your umbrella look like?
It has crowns all over it from the tower of london
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
Rain storms
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love? 
Little acts of kindness that happen in public, like someone paying for someone else’s coffee or something
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
Blue and mint green, pastels, pink and orange
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
Wobbly lines
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
Yeas pumpkin spice
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
Yesss multiple times it’s fun until you get a tick
15: Do you have glasses? 
Yeah but I wear contacts most of the time
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
Sign language or French
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
I love spring, probably like may
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
I have a thick pair of wool socks I got from a gun show and I love them
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
Oh my god uhhhh moana?
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
Gummies or popcorn
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
Best in Show
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
I like succulents
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
Nah man it’s art I like all art
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers? 
Kiss them probably
27: Do you like nicknames? 
Depends on the nickname
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?) 
My 11th doctor costume was lit, I want to cosplay newt Scamander
31:  Are you a fashionable person? 
I like to think I am
32: Do you like watching holiday movies? 
33:  Cookies or brownies?
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
Yes lmao
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing? 
36: Do you like cobblestone streets? 
Yes they’re adorable
37:  How often do you doodle? 
A lot
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
Idk at least 6 months ago
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
I have a mannequin head in my room lmao
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
I pick at my nails
41: Any birthmarks?
42: Thoughts on freckles?
Love em
43: First video game you ever played?
Probably mariokart on the DS Lite
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
Yes lmao
46: Thoughts on spring? 
I love it
47: Ideal temperature outside?
Like 65 or 70 where it’s warm but not hot… sweater weather
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
Partly cloudy but cloudy makes for the best lighting
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
I don’t hear them but I see them, i live like 30 mins away from an airport
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
Late night ask meme
cosmos: what’s one thing you wish you could say to someone you are no longer friends with? 
 Bye bitch lmaogalaxies: what are three things you want to do before you die?Travel the world, meet brendon urie, and perform with niall horan or ed sheeran lmao 
 waxing: what is your proudest accomplishment?
 I got pictures accepted into a local arts fiesta
 waning: what is your biggest regret? 
 I probably have a lot but I can’t remember them atm 
 full moon: what type of person do you hope to be?
 A humble famous person
 contemplation: if you could wake up one morning and everything in your life was perfect, what would that look like? 
 No deadlines, I’d have a doge and a big house and a huge kitchen somewhere European 
 night light: who/what makes you feel safe?My doge
 ponder: what do you want to do with your life? 
 Something great, I’d like to be able to help people
 sunset: who is someone you thought would be in your life forever, but you no longer talk to? 
 My best friend from elementary school 
 midnight: are you a different person late at night than in the early morning?
 Early morning do not speak to me lmao late at night I’m more chill
 Candle light: are you an indecisive person? 
 Yes oh my god lmao
 reflection: have you ever changed something you liked about yourself to satisfy someone else?
 I’d hope not
 sweet dreams: are you happy?
 Are you bo burnham? I mean for the most part 
 nightmare: what are you most afraid of? 
 See the one above 
 constellations: who is someone you could talk to for hours and never stop?
 My best friend probably 
 reminder: who is someone you will never forget? 
 My sister’s dog Corona who passed away last year 
 11-11: what’s something you want, but feel like you will never have?
I don’t feel like I’ll be completely satisfied with my life ever, which isn’t completely bad but at the same time it is.
shooting star: who is someone you trust to help you make the right decisions?
My best friend or my fam I love my fam
earth: where do you feel most at home?
.... my home...
soothe: what’s one thing that always makes you feel better when you’re upset?
My doge! 
slumber: what’s one thing that helps you fall asleep when it feels impossible?
I have this silky pajama shirt thing I sleep with, so probably that or like the little stuffed giraffe I got as an early christmas gift
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enchantswift · 7 years ago
Learn more about me 🐱
Lovely calm asks to enjoy a nice up of tea to ☕
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
Peachy sunsets always, I'm definitely not a morning person! 💤
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
I'm not sure what a sugar cone is (maybe an American thing? Am I missing out?) so waffle cone for sure!
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
I don't, I keep them in a drawer 😏 (tay fans will get it)
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
Oh my gosh ages if I get the chance! Otherwise I literally have to set three different alarms to get me up for work every morning.
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
I've never had sushi, because I'm low key scared of seafood, but I definitely want to try it one time!
6: What does your umbrella look like?
I have a new one every month because I have the awful habit of leaving them by my feet on trains when they're wet 🙈
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
I don't know what this is?
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
Rain storms, I love the sound of heavy rain on windows and the ground, when it's fully bouncing off the pavement
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
I'm saying @taylorswift even though she's definitely not a little thing in my life ❤️
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
In summer, light pinks and whites, in autumn, definitely greys, camels, blacks and burgundy
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
12: Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
Neautral and cosy always 🤗
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
I love candles!! I can't not have one burning in my room. My current favourite is pink sands by Yankee Candle
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
I used to ride when I was much younger, I love horses. They're such gentle and amazing creatures.
15: Do you have glasses?
I do, but only for distance or when I'm really tired off being up all night on tumblr trying to talk to my pal Taylor
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
French or Italian because they sound beautiful
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
Winter and December!
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
They have cats on them :)
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
Disney 100% and The Little Mermaid but there's too many I love
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
Disney Pixar 😅
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
I'm usually too involved in what's happening in the film to eat - proper film buff
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
Disney's Tangled!
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
Banana leaf plants or white Lillies
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
I love traditional art, fine art so paintings, sketches etc
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
Beam like an idiot all week
27: Do you like nicknames?
I like them for other people, my name is too short for a nickname
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
That's so Raven is life
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
Cruella De Ville
31: Are you a fashionable person?
I hope so, but that's subjective
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
I love Christmas movies! Christmas is such a great time and everyone is so jolly and appreciative of each other
33: Cookies or brownies?
Cookies - white chocolate is the best!
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
It actually stresses me out a bit
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
Love them, they're so quaint and lovely. There's so many in England, I love it.
37: How often do you doodle?
Not often
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
Can't remember
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
I have a lovely full length mirror with an amazing mirrored frame, I love it
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
Clip them or file them down
41: Any birthmarks?
42: Thoughts on freckles?
I think they're cute! I get them on my nose when I've been in the sun for a while
43: First video game you ever played?
Harry Potter!
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
Ew seagulls
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
How did you guess?!
46: Thoughts on spring?
Time for rebirth ❤️
47: Ideal temperature outside?
27 degrees Celsius
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
Clear skies!
Questions from @sugarghosts. I hope you've learnt something new about me that you didn't know before. I love you all
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hoaegya · 7 years ago
Lovely calm asks to enjoy a nice up of tea to ☕
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
Peachy sunsets! 
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
Waffle cones heh 
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
Yes, I only wear it when it seems like it’s cold
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
Depends if it’s a work day, usually 10 minutes after my alarm. If its my day off.... a couple hours. 
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
Hm..... I think I’ve eaten a lot of weird food while I was away in Hong Kong and China
6: What does your umbrella look like?
I have a couple. A purple flowery umbrella, and also a Macdull umbrella... Also a cherry one. 
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
??? ASMR? 
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
Neither.... but if I had to choose, light drizzle.
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
hoya.... i mean baking. 
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
using a ruler
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
neutral cozy living room
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
nope! I have a slightly sensitive nose
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
i wish... :( 
15: Do you have glasses?
16: What’s a languages you’d like to speak?
Korean and Portuguese
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
Fall, and I guess September? 
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
No! All my socks are mismatched lol
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
I love every Ghibli.
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
Hm... Disney
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
Popcorn, drinks and chocolate because that doubles up my points lol
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
Hm... That’s hard to say HAHAHAHA I’ve been up to date with whatever is on netflix... I play with like almost every popular game
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
??? green thumb...? but i love flowers even though i’m allergic to it hahaha 
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
katie’s art is my favourite art style c: side note: i love chibis. 
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
..... be in shock lol 
27: Do you like nicknames?
yes!! because its’ cute!! 
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
yes lol 
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
uhm... yes?? 
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
I want to cosplay but i’m too fat l0l 
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
i don’t think i’m a fashionable person l0l 
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
i don’t really watch those l0l 
33:  Cookies or brownies?
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
there’s no crickets where i live :(... 
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
I think so...? 
37:  How often do you doodle?
sometimes when i’m bored in class
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
a while! ago! 
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
..... my.... infinite posters.... 
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
yes i used to bite my finger nails :[ 
41: Any birthmarks?
I don’t think so but i have a black thing on my left shoulder
42: Thoughts on freckles?
they’re alright
43: First video game you ever played?
I think.... pokemon...? computer wise it would have been maplestory lol
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
depending on who
46: Thoughts on spring?
47: Ideal temperature outside?
cold but warm
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
depends where i am
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
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chickenfetus · 7 years ago
ALL!!!! (also the gemini sqUAD LOL)
im gonna enjoy a nice cup of water while doing this bc idk a tea (update i didnt drink water at all and now im dying of thirst,, also undercut bc many)
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
i dont wake up early enough to see the sunrise and when i do i never manage to take pics bc of school so peachy sunsets
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
idk what a sugar cone is but i like waffle cones!!! havent eaten ice cream with a cone in forever though,, i rarely eat ice cream now
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
listen…. its about 33 degrees everyday but even if im in a colder country i dont wear scarves
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
this depends?? on how motivated im feeling lmao never more than 10 minutes though because if i lay awake for that long ill just fall back asleep
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
i dont think so?? im bad at trying new things especially food
6: What does your umbrella look like?
i dont.. go outside often and whenever i do i take public transport so basically everythings sheltered so i never had a need for umbrellas
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
ive only listened to one everybody please listen to this gift
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
both, preferably when im indoors
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
hm??????????? my tags lmao 
UPDATE: i also really like reading other people’s tags and their rambles that is all
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
does the word aesthetic make this question any different from a normal favourite colour question???? if it doesnt then sky blue 
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
in this house we draw lines with no ruler like men (but also because even if i did use a ruler it wouldnt be like… straight idk i cant use rulers
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
neutral cozy living room but i also love basking in sunlight 
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
im not a big fan of heavy smelling products so i dont own any candles
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
i dont think so??????? ive seen horses before though
15: Do you have glasses?
without my glasses i wouldnt be able to read these questions lmao and . .. theyre also a result of watching pokemon too closely to the tv at a young age… its been like 10 years since i got glasses
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
japanese i tried speaking it but i got 2 embarrassed to say anything properly while i was in japan (i cant even speak english properly to a friend whyd i think i could speak another language to a stranger beats me) 
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
my singaporean no season ass: ? but autumn and november (is this cutting it too close to winter? idk my seasons)
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
hm not really i just wear blue ankle socks a lot but my friend did give me a pair of pokemon and gudetama socks before and i adore those although i lost the gudetama ones in the uk last year she got me another pair whatd i do to deserve her?
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
m .. um? big. hero 6?????? 
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
my dumb ass didnt know they were different
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
i rarely go and watch movies anymore but when i did watch a lot of movies with my friend at the theater we’d get afternoon shows and sneak mcdonalds in lmao
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
how about band? day6 i only ever play pokemon + sif + bandori so i cant say much and i rarely watch movies and a show? if its an anime id say the one i mentioned before in my one text post 
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
not really rip 
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
HM mmmmmm there was this one but i forgot the name lmao pass
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
when im the … audience? what do u call it???? i like seeing all kinda of art styles!!! everyone has their own unique art style and i love it all :o
for ME,, , ive been doing art for 6 years maybe and i still cant do shit
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
i would die straight up die thats such a soft concept i cant imagine myself receiving flowers thats 2 sweet oh my god wtf id combust??? i prefer leaves though is that weird i picked some nice leaves recently and im gonna give those to my friends
27: Do you like nicknames?
giving and having nicknames is my favorite past time
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
pokemon lmao thank u 4 not ending it…. the animation has only improved and im so proud to have been watching it since the start pokemon is my special thing i love it so much!! an interest that never died down, with an anime that stays super like idk to my preference? i tried watching the new digimon stuff but i just couldnt :^( im glad they made ash stay the main character 
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
never forget dat boi
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
we dont celebrate halloween and i would never cosplay, big shoutout to cosplayers though!!! they put in so much effort and just, respect!!!!! 
i dont know if this is an actual memory because i dont remember well but when i was younger i thiNK? i had to dress up as a swan thing i have no clue i dont even remember the performance but i might have had to ?? and dance??? or act i dont remember everythings fuzzy but i dressed up a swan once? in kindergarten ????? 
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
i have the worst fashion sense and even though jeans are nice once again the weather here doesnt allow me to be as fashionable as i can be
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
not realyyy??? the jack frost (rip) movie was ncie????
33:  Cookies or brownies?
i live 4 chocolate chip cookies but too much is . . not preferable
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
no i hate breathing in & out from my mouth
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
WELL from the great cockroach ordeal last night id probably die bc we live in an apartment building so the only way id be hearing crickets would be if they were in the ROOM 
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
my only knowledge of cobblestone is from minecraft so idk
37:  How often do you doodle?
when school was still relevant i would doodle as soon as i picked up a pencil lmao i try not to anymore bc i doodled on my math assignment and forgot to fucking erase it and my math teacher called me out
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
a year ago?? i dont remember but i do remember when i was younger id try and blow bubbles at the void deck do yall kno what that is its just a space near the lift lobby anyway i swallowed the soap thing idk u know how ur supposed to blow? well i sucked the soap in yum
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
in my room its the bed and in the house its the water bottle that contains water
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
i………………………… i dont actualy kno how to clip my nails and my mum would kill me if i tried but i dont bite my nails either
41: Any birthmarks?
not that i know of
42: Thoughts on freckles?
ive never actually seen someone with freckles in public before but theyre good stuff i gueess?? i dont actually have an opinion on them? everyone says theyre cute and all but im just ??? not that i hate freckles tho if u have freckles? thats cool! 
43: First video game you ever played?
pokemon pearl?? either that or megaman on my ps3 OR the bomb square guy????? idk the game name but.. ya
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
i dont know what the bird species are but theyre small black birds not crows idk
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
memes yes gifs no bc im not lame like jen
46: Thoughts on spring?
no comment?? i mean? its nice??????? i guess ??? if we had a spring
47: Ideal temperature outside?
oh boy 20 degrees would be enough for me but its never gotten that low before sunny island’s life
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
i like clear skies when its bright! but not too sunny and not too warm!!!!! clouds are nice to look at too though
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
yeah we live near an airport i dont think anybody uses????
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
windy days are my SHIT back in school our basketball court was open spaced and whenevr wind blew we could feel it man thats the life right there but i hate windy days when im sitting at home bc it flows the curtains rigth into my face i like the feel of the wind and the smell of fresh air but… curtains in my face? not 2 great so rip i close all the windows lmao
okay thank u so much 4 asking falen i love you and wow this was a lot
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piilokarsastus · 7 years ago
Lovely calm asks to enjoy a nice cup of tea to ☕
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets? the only way my morning-sleepy ass is gonna see a sunrise is by staying up till like 4-5 am in the summer. So definitely sunsets.
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones? Sugar cones are what we mostly have here i guess
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite? I wear a grey one with my long coat
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up? Ideally, an hour or so
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try? can’t think of any
6: What does your umbrella look like? I don’t own one
7: Do you listen to ASMR? No
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle? Depends largely on where I am, how warm it is and what my mood is. Usually drizzle
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love? When the weather and the lighting outside match my mood
10: Favorite color aesthetic? cold hues, grey, black and white
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler? Wobbly unless drawing buildings
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room? neutral cozy. Bright colors would work if the room in question is very modern, white and spacious, though.
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they? I don’t have any.
14: Have you ever rode a horse? First of all, that’s ridden. Study your verbs, kids. And no.
15: Do you have glasses? There’s plenty in the kitchen cupboard, they’re quite handy to drink from in my opinion.
16: What’s a languages you’d like to speak? Deutsch. And Nederlands. And Cymraeg. And Gaeilge. And 日本語. And Quenya. And Eglathrin. And...
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season? Summer and July
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks? No. I mean... they’re... socks? I don’t care unless I’m wearing a suit or something where the color has to match the rest of the outfit.
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie Ghibli films are all so great it’s difficult to name a favourite. (Neko no ongaeshi has the best music tho) As for “Disney movies”, you’ll have to be more specific. What counts as a Disney film? Walt Disney Picture films? Walt Disney Animation Studio films? Disney Pixar films?  
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar? This is a tough one but I’m gonna say Pixar. Dreamworks gets an honourable mention for providing us with Shrek and Bee Movie.
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater? cockporn popcorn
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition? Spore (video game) Eroica (movie) Twin Peaks (show)
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb? if I had a house suitable for that, yes
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite? T R E E S
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.) Any art with semi-real-looking objects and impressive use of colour is my cup of tea
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers? run away with the flowers, making pterodactyl noises thank them
27: Do you like nicknames? Don’t you dare come here and talk to me about fucking nicknames
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time? Moomin
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth) Let’s get one thing straight if you don’t like old memes you can unfollow me now
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?) Harry Potter. I won a contest at school with it. It was the bee’s knees
31:  Are you a fashionable person? fasion is my pasion
32: Do you like watching holiday movies? 
What the heck is a holiday movie? 
*googles ‘holiday movies’* 
oh, that shit
no I don’t
33:  Cookies or brownies? generally cookies. Brownies if there’s vanilla ice cream
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath? I live in Finland what else is here to do?
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing? This is a central city area in Northern Finland there should be no crickets in my immediate proximity the last thing I’m gonna want to hear at night is fucking crickets
36: Do you like cobblestone streets? I love them
37:  How often do you doodle? a few times a year I actually draw something, every now and then I draw some random things when I should be listening to the teacher.
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles? I’m not sure. This spring maybe
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room? three Christopher Lee faces staring at me judgmentally. 
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often? Who the fuck bites off their fingernails you can get gastroenteritis 
41: Any birthmarks? in my arms but they’re faint
42: Thoughts on freckles? what thoughts? they’re freckles. They exist. As does that traffic sign across the street. There it is. Being.
43: First video game you ever played? This one I’m not completely sure about, but I think it might be Muumit meren aalloilla
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door? some smol birb idk. I don’t really pay attention to which species I’m hearing and when, I’m not an ornithologist. 
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people? No. Please don’t do that it’s annoying and I bet your memes are 95% unfunny unoriginal bold text memes from 9gag or similar platform.
46: Thoughts on spring? Worst.season.ever.
47: Ideal temperature outside? 20-25°C
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies? Partly cloudy
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside? I see ‘em, I don’t hear ‘em. Unless it’s a hornet, in which case probably a few times a year
50: Do you enjoy windy days? depends on the M O O D
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kindredconfectionery · 7 years ago
(( can you do ALL the lovely calm asks?
it can be done and it will! although minus the tea. maybe blood in a tea mug instead. there we go. :)
Lovely calm asks to enjoy a nice up of tea to ☕
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
i like golden sky colors better, but i’ll have to go with sunsets because i am slightly more partial to them.
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
doesn’t matter. they all taste the same to me, but i like the aesthetic of the waffle cones a little more.
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
i don’t wear scarves much, but i do have a very nice red plaid one.
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
this is a difficult question since it’s implying after you wake up, which is not a thing i do, but it’s usually a couple to a few hours i spend in bed if i am resting.
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
yes. so many.
6: What does your umbrella look like?
black, one of the wider flatter styles. it’s coated over with black paint to block out the light that slips through the nylon weave and then there’s silver glitter all over it. because fuck you i can.
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
i don’t know what this is?
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
rain storms. i think this is a throwback from the time when they provided important cover.
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
i like little symbols of connection to other people, especially if they’re wearable. it’s why i went from one pair of earrings to suddenly being mildly inundated with jewelry.
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
green. seriously. if you’ve met me for very long, you know all about my love for the verdant hues.
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
my lines don’t tend to be too wobbly even without a ruler, but the straighter the better.
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
why can’t you have a colorful and cozy living room?
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
yes. mostly they’re unscented. although there are a few lighter floral scents and vanilla. i try to stay away from strong scents because my nose is pretty sensitive.
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
yes. so many.
15: Do you have glasses?
*tucks spectacles behind back* no. none at all.
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
... whatever trolls speak if there is anything different from english? i speak so many languages already...
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
i love spring for obvious reasons. um... hmm... i guess may?
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
i don’t know.
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
usually teen girls. that’s the demographic that’s mostly likely to be attracted to me. :)
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
is ‘the tenth kingdom’ considered underrated?
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
i have a black thumb, and yet i’ve done this anyway!
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
who was looking at me when they wrote this survey? no. i don’t have a favorite.
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
i am partial to sketches.
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
are they alive? or did you kill them you murdering bastard!
27: Do you like nicknames?
not especially, but i’m so used to aliases that it doesn’t really matter.
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
*stares blankly*
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
yes? no? i mean, it depends on the meme.
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
i dressed up as alice from ‘twilight’ last year and this year i’m going as ashitaka from ‘princess mononoke’ because i can do the curse thing with my shadows.
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
i think so.
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
eh. i can take them or leave them.
33:  Cookies or brownies?
cookies are superior, because they’re a lot more versatile.
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
yes! that’s fun.
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
yes. they’re very pretty.
37:  How often do you doodle?
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
would you believe never?
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
i have an old sextant. it still works.
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
neither. they don’t grow.
41: Any birthmarks?
42: Thoughts on freckles?
they’re just spots on the skin. although if you find them in interesting places, it can be fun to give people shit about them. :) (i love you, jake!)
43: First video game you ever played?
probably pong.
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
i don’t know. i’m not an ornithologist
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
not a lot, but it has been known to happen.
46: Thoughts on spring?
spring is the most wonderful time~ of the year~
47: Ideal temperature outside?
doesn’t matter. temperature doesn’t affect me.
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
clear at night, cloudy during the day, partly cloudy at crepuscular times.
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
not really very often.
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
sure, why not?
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frostysheepdoodle · 8 years ago
Honestly can you just answer every ask in that last ask post you reblogged?
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?Ooo, peachy sunsets; i love the wonderous colors of both, but i'm usually awake by sunset to see it.
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?Waffles
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?I love scarves! But their only comfortable in winter and I love to wrap most of my face in one, but some teachers at the school don't like it when i wear it like that.
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?An hour maximum.
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?There's probably a really weird sea food dish out there that i would want to try in a heart beat. 
6: What does your umbrella look like?Puffy, blonde, and it's on my head.
7: Do you listen to ASMR?no
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?It's cool to see rain storms, not be in one...so light drizzle.
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love? a pusheen plush
10: Favorite color aesthetic?Warm colors
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?using a ruler
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?neutral and cozy, or like a log cabin
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?i don't have any candles
14: Have you ever rode a horse?i am a horse
15: Do you have glasses? nope
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?all of them, i'm learning french now, but i really want to learn german or dutch next
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?January in winter
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?yes,
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movieGhibli : Spirited Away, i haven't seen enough Disney: Incredibles or Monsters Inc.
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?Pixar
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?Popcorn, and i always eat wway too much
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?Pikmin, and National Treasure. 
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?Possibly...
24: All plants are great but do you have a favorite?Not really,  
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)I love pencil sketches, and i love art that has something like a stylized paint stroke...if that makes sense.
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers? Smile really wide and hug them.  
27: Do you like nicknames?
Yes, i mean i call my friend T-bone all the time, or when i'm mad with him dick weed.
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?From time to time, yeah.
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)Yes, I crave spicy old memes.  
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?) I dressed up as Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul one year and i loved it.
31:  Are you a fashionable person? When i feel like it.
32: Do you like watching holiday movies? Yes, especially the christmas films and specials on tv.
33:  Cookies or brownies?cookies.
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?all the time
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing? I barely notice it, but yeah
36: Do you like cobblestone streets? They look really neat, but they kill my feet after walking a few miles on them.
37:  How often do you doodle? When i'm bored during class, which is somewhat often.
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?40 minutes ago, in the shower lol
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?I have a huge triforce painted on the wall in my room, i was a huge Legend of Zelda nerd when i was six.
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?bite,
41: Any birthmarks?nope,
42: Thoughts on freckles?They're great
43: First video game you ever played?um, i think it was sonic heroes on the gamecube...or some spiderman game.
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?birds,
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?When the opportunity opens, i will strike.
46: Thoughts on spring? Too rainy, too early for heat
47: Ideal temperature outside?68°
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?partly cloudy, it's lovely to watch the clouds move. 
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?A lot, i live a short run from an airport.
50: Do you enjoy windy days?I like a breeze, but not 30 mile per hour winds that knock down trees and turns your umbrella inside out.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years ago
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets? peachy sunsets for sure.
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones? fresh waffle cones.
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite? i hardly wore scarves this winter sadly. i always forget about them.
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up? not that long tbh.
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try? american carnival food. it’s probably so bad but so good.
6: What does your umbrella look like? just plain black.
7: Do you listen to ASMR? i did back when it was trending but it’s not for me.
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle? storms but only if i’m home.
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love? trying things for the first time.
10: Favorite color aesthetic? pastels. or any colour with black and white.
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler? haven’t used a ruler in years.
12: Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room? ours is colourful lol.
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they? yes, quite a few. the main one i’m using is watermelon scented.
14: Have you ever rode a horse? yes.
15: Do you have glasses? yes.
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak? anything tbh. as long as i’ll be using it everyday.
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season? autumn. it’s in march, april and may.
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks? nope.
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie? aladdin. tbh idk what ghibli is lol.
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar? disney.
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater? i don’t usually get anything. if i do, it’s popcorn.
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition? idk most of the ones i’ve played are pretty big names.
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb? yes, definitely! it looks nice.
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite? idk flowers?
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.) nah i can appreciate all art.
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers? be surprised but really appreciative.
27: Do you like nicknames? sometimes.
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time? not really.
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth) not that i’ve noticed.
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?) when i was a kid my mum made me a tinkerbell costume. it was hilarious.
31: Are you a fashionable person? not really haha.
32: Do you like watching holiday movies? nah.
33: Cookies or brownies? i’m hungryyyy. brownies i think.
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath? yeah sometimes.
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing? nope.
36: Do you like cobblestone streets? sure.
37: How often do you doodle? not often enough.
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles? haha i don’t even remember.
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room? i bought this pop art marilyn monroe wall piece for like $400 back when i was 15. it was the first ever ‘expensive’ thing i bought. it’s hung in my sister’s room now because it wouldn’t suit the decor in mine.
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often? clip.
41: Any birthmarks? a small one on my side.
42: Thoughts on freckles? cute i guess.
43: First video game you ever played? alex the kid.
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door? idk but they’re all so annoying in the morning.
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people’s thing? not usually.
46: Thoughts on spring? it’s okaaay. i get hayfever.
47: Ideal temperature outside? warm in the sun, cool in the shade.
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies? partly cloudy.
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside? not that often tbh.
50: Do you enjoy windy days? not really. my hair goes everywhere.
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