#and then there's me in the background like
shigeoreum · 2 days
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forgor to post… chekov & sulu helm shenanigans at buttfuck o’ clock ^_^
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therealsquiddo · 2 days
why must you hate swagdoons
Every time I open twitter I'm like ahh what a nice day to look at beautiful artwork and I scroll past some gorgeously rendered religious themed fanart and I think ohoho how skillfully crafted! but then upon closer inspection oh thats my two coworkers kissing okay so I close twitter and open tumblr and I see some striking fanart with incredible colours and I think ohoho how eye-catching! but then upon closer inspection thats my colleague ashswag lighting reddoons' cigarette with a gun. and I cant even be mad because conceptually thats unfortunately cool as fuck
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luvsupa · 2 days
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tags: exhusband!toji x fem!reader, businessman toji (guys pls he’s rich in this </3), petnames, smut (p in v), unprotected, mentions of reader being a mother again, etc. mdni.
w.c: 1.4k
a/n: sawryy been kinda ia bc of uni </33
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you step into the crowded venue alone, the air thick with chatter and the lively notes of a string quartet filling the beautifully decorated hall. everyone around you is dressed elegantly for your ex-husband’s extravagant charity event. you hadn’t wanted to show support for him, but after much convincing from your friends and children, you reluctantly gave in, promising yourself you’d only stay for an hour.
as you navigate through the crowds of familiar faces, many of your old friends greet you, their compliments on your long, black, sparkly dress feeling insincere. awkwardly making small talk, you realize how distant you’ve become from these people since your divorce from toji.
“how are your children, mrs. fushiguro?” a married woman asks, her arm linked tightly with her husband’s—who, as you know, is traveling abroad to cheat on her.
“i’d prefer if you didn’t call me fushiguro; we’re not married anymore, remember?” you respond, lifting your empty ring finger to emphasize your point. gasps of shock ripple through the group at your “rudeness.”
“oh, darling, I completely understand your desire to drop the fushiguro name. it’s not like you have the charm or elegance to carry it anyway,” another married woman chimes in, laughter erupting around you, igniting a fiery rage in your chest.
“honestly, if toji were with someone like me, I’d take care of his every need in ways you can only dream of. I know how to keep a man satisfied, which is clearly something you’re not equipped for,” a third woman interjects, pushing your anger to its peak. the background chatter fades away as your breathing becomes heavy and your vision narrows.
“well, it’s a shame you think you’re so special because, from what I hear, your husbands are cheating on you. I guess when you can’t satisfy them, they go looking elsewhere—”
before you can finish, toji strides in from behind you. his large hand snakes around your waist, pulling you closer to his broad chest as he leans down to your ear. “easy, brat. I can’t let you go on with that mouth of yours,” he scolds, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. you can’t help but hitch your breath at the intoxicating scent of his cologne.
the expressions of the married women shift, their eyes darting to their husbands, who stammer awkwardly at their words. you suppress a giggle as chaos erupts around you, arguments bubbling up as they turn on their partners. with everyone distracted, you push toji’s hand away from your waist and turn to scoff at him. but fuck, he looks good. his black, luxurious suit hugs his frame perfectly, the white button-up shirt undone just enough to reveal a hint of his toned chest. toji smirks, the scar on his cheek rising as he notices how you scan him.
you push past the crowd, making your way up the large spiral staircase while exchanging polite greetings with those you pass. you can feel his eyes boring into your back—an almost burning sensation—as you glance over your shoulder to catch him in the sea of wealthy businessmen, sipping on champagne. your heart races when you see him flaunting the matching wedding ring you once shared, its brilliance shining in the bright venue.
hastily, you rush up the steps, opening door after door in search of an unoccupied washroom. frustration mounts with each locked door, but hope reignites when you spot double doors at the end of the hall. as if your prayers have been answered, the doors swing open to reveal the most beautiful room you’ve ever seen—a private lounge. your eyes sparkle as you take in the elegant decor, complete with a private kitchen and balcony.
your heels clack against the polished marble floor as you place your clutch on the large island table, relief washing over you as you settle into the quiet space, far removed from the pretentious crowd downstairs.
“trying to slip away? don’t pretend you’re not enjoying the chase; I know you’d miss me way too much,”
a low voice booms in the serene atmosphere, startling you. you turn to see toji standing there with his hands in his pockets, slowly striding toward you until he’s right in front of you, looking down at you with a smirk.
“you look so good, doll,” he says, his voice low as he leans against the island table, biting his lower lip as he admires your figure in the elegant dress.
and you really—really tried to resist him.
but it was impossible to think straight with the way he was pounding into you, hitting every perfect angle and reaching the deepest parts of your throbbing hole. your slick walls clenched around his thick shaft, making it all the more maddening. toji had you bent over the island table, your dress bunched up around your waist, leaving your bare ass exposed in the private lounge. your eyes rolled back as his relentless thrusts sent waves of pleasure crashing through you, his grip on your hips nearly bruising. the room filled with the sinful sounds of skin slapping and the broken melodies of your moans mingling with his low groans.
“my. . . pretty. . fuckin’. . wife.” toji growled, each word punctuated by a deep, punishing thrust that slammed into your sweet spot, sending jolts of pleasure through your trembling body. his hand shot up, tangling in your hair as he yanked your head back, forcing your back to arch while he relentlessly pounded into you.
“t-toj’—” you stammered, your voice barely coherent between breathless moans, your body jerking with each rough thrust. “’s too m-much…” your words trailed off into high-pitched whines, your mind too hazy to form anything more than desperate pleas.
leaning down, his lips brushed against your ear, his hot breath igniting every nerve in your body. “you can take it, you’re a big girl,” he rasped, nibbling on your earlobe, his voice dripping with dominance. “look at you, babbling for me.”
the wet, obscene sound of your cunt squelching around him only fueled his pace, your moans intertwining with the sinful symphony as he continued driving into you without mercy, pulling more helpless words from your lips.
in a swift motion, toji hoisted your leg up, his grip firm and unrelenting, holding it in place as his hips snapped forward at a brutal, faster pace. the new angle sent shockwaves through you as his thick tip pressed deeper, practically rearranging your insides. the intense sensation made you crumble, barely able to hold yourself together as he drove you closer to the edge with every thrust.
“gonna make you a pretty mama again, mmm? all filled up.” toji rasped in your ear, his voice low and teasing as you sobbed loudly, tears spilling down your cheeks, nearly drooling at the thought of being filled to the brim. a smirk tugged at his lips when he felt you clench around him,
so fuckin’ nasty, he thought.
he snaked the hand on your neck down to your sensitive nub, pinching your clit between his fingers and sending jolts of pleasure coursing through you as your leg began to shake.
“i can feel it—hahh— you in my tummy,” you whimpered, the realization igniting a rush of pleasure and desperation within you. toji lost it at your words, his breath hitching as he looked down, watching the outline of your stomach stretch against the fabric of your dress, the bulge unmistakably visible.
the sight drove him absolutely feral, a primal hunger surging through him. “hn, f-fuck, baby,” he whimpered, the words slipping from his lips as he struck even harder, each powerful stroke pushing you closer to your limits.
“mr. fushiguro, i-it’s time for your speech.”
your heart dropped at the sound of a female voice behind the doors, a stark reminder of the world waiting just outside. but toji—oh, toji—his primal instincts kicked in, and the thought of being interrupted only fuelling his desire to finish inside you. nothing would stop him from pleasing his baby.
“t-toj’… you— ngh— you have to go…” you squeaked, desperation lacing your voice as he harshly slapped your slick, throbbing cunt, the sound echoing in the otherwise silent room. your thighs sticky as cobwebs of your arousal clung to his fingers, causing you to tremble uncontrollably.
“upp we go,” a smirk spread across toji’s face as he stepped back, maintaining his cock snug against your gummy walls. with a firm grip, he lifted both of your legs, carrying you as he approached the doors leading to the balcony where the majority of the guests awaited his speech.
“just a little longer, baby,” he growled, his voice dripping with satisfaction. “i want them all to know you belong to me.”
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buckiverse · 3 days
Surrender to You
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☆--- paring: sylus x reader
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☆--- summary: You suggested a reluctant marriage of convenience due to your struggles in the N109 Zone. Now Sylus, will show you what it truly means to surrender both body and heart to him.
☆--- word count: 6.2k
☆--- warnings: mdni, oral sex, mating press, missionary, bit of background story (not really lore accurate), reader is a virgin, soft!dom sylus, size kink if you squint, sylus is in love fr, no protection is used (wrap it before you tap it)
☆--- a/n: the amount of time it took me to edit this was a bit ridiculous
The N109 Zone has danger lurking throughout it. From the darkest alleys to the stores, they all had one thing in common: The prioritization of information. That is your current motivation. You need more information and quick. Since the death of your beloved family members, you could no longer be complacent. It’s been hard being left in the dark. You thought you could trust the hunter’s association to be honest with you, but that was a lie.
You asked around a lot… from your hunting partner, Xavier, to your colleague Tara and even your boss, Jenna. No one could answer you honestly. Most of them barely “knew” what the N109 Zone was besides the fact that it was perilous. But that much was obvious. 
You took to your own devices, relying on your resourcefulness. You looked online and did intensive research. All you could find out was that a significant catastrophe had transpired... Wander's took over, something to do with the state of protocores, resulting in a significant division between city areas. As a result, the sub-city known as the N109 Zone was established. You could not explain why, but you were sure it was due to the deaths of your parents, as well as your grandmother and childhood friend. 
Initially, the plan was to invade the area, get information, meet some people, and decipher everything while remaining incognito. Unfortunately, it didn’t go that way. You were kidnapped by the most prominent organization in the N109 Zone, Onyichinus. Run by… Sylus? “Yeah, who the hell was that?” you thought aloud. You had never heard of this dude; I mean Onyichinus... Yes. But, even the Hunter’s Association defined the organization as faceless. It was an arduous task to uncover the head of the unit. 
So that is how you ended up here, making a bargain with the devil. The other factions in the area had been restless since discovering your Protocore Syndrome. It was considered a hot commodity. Everywhere you turned, there was danger. This made your job to find the truth more difficult. As a result, you only partially appreciated Sylus's presence.
 “Look, all I want is some information,” you said. Your eyes narrowed as you took in Sylus’s figure. 
“Ah, is that so? And what exactly do you want to know? Everything comes with a price.” he replied. His head tilted slightly, a slight smirk forming on his lips. 
You thought carefully, considering your following response. “It’s not your business; just know that intelligence on Protocore Syndrome has spread, and it’s impossible to handle business. So I’d like to make a deal.”
“And what would that be?” Sylus reacted with amusement.
You replied swiftly, not missing a beat. “We should marry,” you responded confidently. 
Sylus arched an eyebrow, his eyes flashing with something, almost a mix of interest and amusement– that smug bastard, you thought. You attempted to hide your scour; you needed this more than you needed to get one over on the gray-haired man. 
“And how does this deal benefit me?”
“That’s for you to decide and for us to discuss,” you acknowledged. A great silence overcame the room of Sylus's office. You stared at him, holding your resolve, waiting for a reply. 
“Deal”, he replied suddenly. You disguised your surprise, sticking out your right hand to shake his. “Good then.” You said, recovering swiftly. 
“I will handle the guests; you handle the small planning details. Utilize Luke, Kieran, and my card.” Your thoughts were threatened by disbelief. The ease with which he was complying with this was astounding. You wondered, honestly, what Sylus gets out of the arrangement. You told yourself it's nothing to do with you. Finding the truth is what matters; this is only one more step to complete your goal. 
The venue you chose was stunning. The ceiling mirrored the most beautiful mosaics. The depictions of gods and angels were magnificent. You had never seen something so gorgeous. You reflected on the story presented in the ceiling. What would your life be like under this 'arrangement'? This was serious. It was real and binding. You were having second thoughts, wondering if the information was worth it all. But you encouraged yourself, "Of course, it’s worth it, y/n! How can you live the rest of your life without knowing the truth?” you affirmed aloud, looking around the venue. Everything felt real now. It's only been a few weeks at the Onyichinus base, but it has been productive intel-wise. 
Moving on through your tour, you looked straight ahead at the expansive hall where the ceremony would occur. It was covered in intricate detail. The mosaic patterns worked down the walls, creating various shapes of circles and rectangles in its stead. In front of the walls was a white display of roses. The flowers were delicately spread throughout the venue, covering the reflected pattern on the marble floors. You moved your feet, looking to where the audience would be. Your heart plummeted when you realized you would only know Sylus, Luke, and Kieran. "It is just business, y/n," you said to yourself, adjusting your expression.  
You truly outdid yourself; aside from the grandeur of the ceiling and walls, the remainder of the venue echoed the luxurious color schemes of white and black, with gold touches throughout. It was beautiful, but it was purely professional. Despite the vibrancy around you, you could not help but feel the sterility of the place. You kept your guard up, even to yourself. This is a warzone, and you have allowed Sylus to invite danger. 
As you walked to the reception area, you could not help but admire the luxurious atmosphere. The black marble floors mirrored the massive tree in the center of the room. Chandeliers dangled from the strong branches, illuminating the space. You wandered around the white gold seats and tables, admiring the centerpieces. A glass foundation supported large bouquets of white roses in the center of the table. Each table had the right tableware and a black tablecloth folded into black swans. Reminding you of the rationale for your decision, you must persevere to achieve actual change. 
You looked up as you approached the grand double doors at the end of the hall and noticed Sylus watching you silently. "I trust you managed the guest list," you remarked, jerking out of your thoughts. “Of course, sweetie. Only the most important people. Though I did include a few surprises—what is a wedding without some fun?" he quipped. You rolled your eyes at that. Why is he always insisting on pet names? This is not meant to be authentic.
“This is supposed to be a business arrangement, Sylus. ‘Fun’ wasn't exactly part of the plan.”  You sighed harder than you wanted to, and Sylus simply responded with a slight smirk and laughter.
“Whatever you say… sweetie.” He then turned and made his way out of the wedding venue, leaving you standing there in shock. “Well–are you coming? Assuming you’re hungry, should I let you continue standing there looking lost?” You felt your face flush.
“Fine,” you said, quickly moving through the grand double doors. You slipped outside, watching as Sylus opened the car door for you.
A few days later, you found yourself in the venue's dressing room, staring yourself down. “This is fucking crazy,” you exclaimed. The realization struck once more: this is happening. 
You were wearing the most stunning gown. It was covered in thousands of tiny diamonds, sewn individually into the dress. The neckline reminded you of a wide v-neck as it rested between the valley of your breasts. Pushing them out just enough–you looked amazing. The dress was perfectly fitted to your curves, and you turned to admire your backside, noticing the cutout of the dress. The fabric rested just above the crack of your ass, but you could not help but admire your good looks.
‘One thing Sylus definitely can provide is unlimited money,’ you laughed out loud. Turning back to face yourself, you admired the mermaid bottom of the dress accentuating your curvy body. You felt like a whole new person.
Your swirling thoughts were cut short by the knocking on the door. “Yes?” you replied, swiftly turning towards the sound. Luke and Kieran opened the door and made their entrance. "Wow," they said in unison. "You look so beautiful, y/n!" Luke said. "The boss will undoubtedly love this dress on you," Kieran remarked. "And off," Luke added, getting pushed in the arm by Kieran. Your cheeks warmed at the statement; you had not considered consummating the marriage. 
Because once again, this is business, you convinced yourself. Even though Sylus is beautiful, his eyes, nose, and plump lips… “Anyway, this note is from the boss. We’ll see you out there, y/n,” said Kieran. You took the note from him and watched as they both walked out. 
A shudder ran down your spine as you held the note in your palm. You looked up to see Mephisto, who "cawed" at you as he flew through the open door. 
“He’s probably running to tell Sylus I got his note,” you commented, side-eyeing the door. The note had a red wax seal on the front of the black envelope. You opened it, and a little pop revealed the white note. You pulled it out with shaking hands.
“I promised you forever, and I don't break my promises.”
You felt your face flushing by the second. This note was so sudden, so why did it feel like he was talking about something deeper than these words reflected? You ran your hands over the words on the page, interrupting your thoughts, and you heard your song start. 
“You can do this, y/n,” you said, leaving the dressing room. Now is where the real work begins.
You stood at the end of the aisle and looked around. You recognized some of the biggest names in the N109 Zone. At least Sylus kept that promise, you thought. The piano rang the most angelic symphony, bringing emotion forth in you. 
You began your walk, stride confident, keeping your head high. Sylus stared at you, his smile widening as you worked your way before the steps. He reached down, grabbed your hand, helping you up the steps to the altar. The officiant began to address the crowd, but it felt like it was just you and Sylus. Why was he looking at you like that? You pondered.
“I’ve waited for this moment longer than you know,” Sylus whispered for only your ears to hear. You cocked your head slightly, you were going to ask what he meant by that, but the officiant addressed Sylus, stating the vows, “Do you take y/n to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward.” Sylus’s red eyes flickered as he looked down at you. “For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, ‘til death do you apart?” 
"I do," Sylus responded, his big hands attempting to secure the large rock to your finger. Your eyes watered slightly at the sight. Why is this so intense, you wondered, as the officiant recited the vows to you. Of course, you responded with an "I do." 
“You may kiss the bride.”
Your heart skipped a beat. Sylus didn't hesitate. He stepped closer to you, his hand reaching out to cup the side of your face, his thumb grazing your cheek. His touch was gentle but possessive, almost telling you that now you’re his. 
He kissed you firmly but slowly and deliberately. Sylus doesn't rush his kiss with you, almost like he is savoring the moment. The way his lips moved against yours sent warmth coursing through you, pulling you deeper just for a moment. 
For a second, you hesitated, thinking you should pull away and make distance. But then Sylus slid his hand around your neck, pulling you closer and deepening your kiss. And you went with it, kissing him back, slowly at first and then increasing the intensity. 
The world around you faded. It felt like it was just the two of you. Allowing the kiss to linger on longer than it should have. When Sylus pulled away, his lips parted slightly, and you felt his warm breath against your skin. He whispered just for you to hear:
“If you wanted more, sweetie, all you had to do was ask.”
You felt your chest tighten, and you swallowed hard at his statement. You hated that he could make you feel like this. You forced yourself to look away. “Don’t get used to it,” you muttered quickly, knowing your heart raced at the kiss you shared.
Sylus smirked while looking into your eyes. “We’ll see about that.”
The reception truly went off without a hitch. Some people you’ve never met made elegant speeches, wishing for happiness and prosperity. This was so fake you fought the urge to roll your eyes at the theatrics displayed before you. You glanced at Sylus, admiring his features as the current speaker discussed alliances and protections.
When Sylus leaned into your ear, “Is my face more interesting than the speech, sweetie?” 
You rolled your eyes at him and returned your attention to the speaker. “He’s so cheeky,” you thought. Despite your harsh admissions, you secretly enjoyed his playfulness. It made this whole ordeal feel lighter.
After serving food and drinks, Sylus walked you around the room. The reception hall buzzed with conversation. The guests mingled about discussing business deals disguised as casual conversation. Sylus worked the room effortlessly. His hand rested on the small of your back, sending tingles up your spine as he made contact with your bare skin.
“Ah, there you are,” Sylus said smoothly, flashing a charming smile. “I want you to meet Mr. Blackthorne. He’s one of the key players in the project we’ve been discussing.”
Mr. Blackthorne turned to face you, offering a firm handshake. His gaze lingered over you, measuring you up. You returned the handshake, nodding politely. “It’s a pleasure,” you said.  
Truthfully, your mind was already wandering. The prospects of the evening had been exhausting. The smiling and pretending were weighing on you, and Sylus’s insistence on blurring the lines between you wasn't helping. Focusing was so hard your mind constantly drifted back to the kiss you shared just hours before.
Mr. Blackthorne spoke about contacts, future meetings, and something else—but you couldn't tell what. Your eyes continued to drift around the room, searching for a distraction. You tried your hardest to avoid looking at the white-haired man beside you.
After a few moments, Mr. Blackthore excused himself. “I hope you both enjoy the rest of your evening. We'll be in contact soon, " he said, nodding and walking away.
A smile became present on Sylus’s face. “Sweetie, I think you missed that entire conversation,” He teased, his voice amused. “I could see it on your face—completely checked out. What were you thinking about, hmm?”
Your face heated instantly, and you shot him a sharp look. “I was listening.”
“Really?” Sylus raised an eyebrow, leaning in slightly, his voice dropping to a hushed murmur. “It looked to me like your mind was somewhere else entirely. Let me guess… still thinking about that kiss at the altar?”
Your eyes widened at his assertion. “It was just a kiss, Sylus,” you said curtly.
He chucked at your discomfort, “Sure if you say so. But next time, you might want to pay more attention when I introduce you to someone important. We wouldn’t want them thinking you’re too distracted by your new husband to focus on business, now would we?”
Your pulse quickened the way he said, “Husband.” “I’ll try to keep that in mind,” you shot back. You felt like a firecracker inside. 
Sylus grinned at you. “Good. Because I have a feeling I’m going to be keeping your attention quite a bit from now on, " he said, grabbing your hand as another guest approached the two of you. The conversation was a perfect invitation to shift your mind from his teasing. 
The wedding ended quickly after that. When you looked up, you felt that the wedding had ended, and you were in the backseat of an old luxury car, staring directly at Sylus. The mood was slightly lighter than at the wedding, yet it felt heated. And he could not take his gaze away from you; he was blatantly checking you out, making the ride seem shorter. 
“You planned the perfect wedding, but tonight is where the real deal begins, sweetie,” Sylus suggested. The driver maneuvered the luxury car to the massive private gateway of the Onyichinus base. The base itself was vast and Gothic. You had never really stopped to appreciate the building's grandeur before. You reminded yourself that this was only temporary. 
Entering the gate revealed a primarily gray and black building spanning at least a few hundred acres. The arches rested so high in the sky that they broke through the beautiful tranquility of sunset. Large windows, elegant arches, detailed carvings, and the crow resting at the highest peak of the building. How had you not realized the beauty of this place amidst the chaos of the N109 Zone? 
Distracting you from your realizations, Sylus reached for your hand, pulling you out of your thoughts and the car. This felt different now. Sylus led you into the great corridors, walking for what seemed like miles. You walked through the two doors into Sylus's bedroom.
The room was dimly lit, and soft candlelight cast shadows across it. The wedding had been a blur, but now the evening had ended. It was just the two of you.
His room smelled so fucking good. A simple vanilla musk? But it was so amazing that you wanted to bury your face in his sheets. You heard the doors click behind you, bringing you to the present. Sylus leaned his upper back against the oak doors, his giant chest moving up and down, the only sound in the room being your breathing. 
“You’re safe with me, no matter what,” he said, moving off the door and towards you, standing by his bed. Your heart pounded in your chest; it felt so loud that it drowned out the silence. You knew this moment might come, but now you stood before Sylus.
“You’re nervous,” he said softly, his voice lower now, less playful than it had been all evening.
You swallowed, and your throat felt tight. You didn’t know what to say. The air had a thick, unspoken tension. This was supposed to be part of the deal—another step in this arrangement. But now you feel vulnerable in front of him.
Sylus stepped closer, his movements slow and deliberate, giving you time to feel every bit of space he closed between you two. His hand came up, gently brushing your hair out of your face. The touch was tender, and it made your breath hitch.
“You don’t have to be,” he murmured, his thumb lightly grazing your jawline, tipping your chin upwards so your eyes met his. “I’m not in a rush.”
Your chest tightened. You knew Sylus for his confidence, his teasing—proficiency at getting under your skin—but now, there was something different in his eyes. A softness you didn't know he possessed.
“I—I don’t know what to expect,” you admitted, your voice almost a whisper. You felt so exposed; your inexperience was so evident. It was increasingly hard to maintain your usual composure.
His smile was slow, warm, knowing. “You think too much, sweetie.”
He leaned down, brushing his lips against yours—not demanding, not forceful, just soft and testing. The kiss was meant to calm you and reassure you, yet you found yourself responding. He slid his hand to the back of your neck, slightly deepening the kiss.
When he pulled back, Sylus’s red eyes searched for yours. “Tell me if you want to stop,” he said, his voice quieter, more serious now.
You bit your lip, your heart still racing. You were nervous, but some of you also wanted to trust him. How he looked at you, and his touch sent sparks through your skin… you wanted him.
“I don’t want to stop,” you admitted, barely loud enough for him to hear.
He kissed you again, but this time with more intensity, his lips moving against yours with a deliberate, intoxicating rhythm. Each brush of his mouth sent a warm shiver through you, and instinctively, you rose onto the tips of your toes, your hands pressing against his chest as if to steady yourself. His heart beat strong and steady beneath your fingertips, grounding you as your pulse raced.
The kiss deepened, his tongue softly parting your lips in a request for more. You hesitated only momentarily, then parted them, inviting him in. His tongue brushed against yours, teasing and coaxing, his every movement confident and controlled. It was overwhelming and perfect, a mix of dominance and tenderness that left you breathless.
Sylus pulled back slightly, his breath warm against your swollen lips. He was grinning now, his eyes dark with desire and amusement. “Why don’t you let me help you with this?” His voice was a low murmur, and before you could respond, his hands slid to your waist, his fingers curling possessively around your hips.
With a slow, deliberate motion, he turned you, his body pressing against yours from behind. Your back pressed to his chest, and your breath hitched as you realized what he was doing. He had positioned you in front of a mirror. Your wide eyes met your reflection, and you could see Sylus’s smirk in the glass, his gaze fixed on you with a heat that made your skin tingle.
“Look at yourself,” he whispered in your ear, his lips brushing against your neck as his hands moved to the fabric of your dress. “So beautiful when you’re nervous.” His fingers began to undo the delicate fastening at the back, his movements slow, deliberate, as if he was savoring every second.
The sight of him undressing you in the mirror, the way he watched your every reaction, sent a thrill through you that you couldn’t entirely suppress. You felt vulnerable and exposed, but there was something undeniably magnetic about the way he controlled the moment, making it impossible for you to look away from the reflection of your shared desire.
Sylus leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your bare shoulder as your dress began to loosen under his touch. “Let me show you how good this can be,” he murmured, his voice a silken promise that sent heat pooling low in your stomach.
And as his hands continued their slow, teasing exploration, you realized you were already too far gone to resist. His movements caused the straps of your dress to loosen, but you held the fabric against your chest, not letting it fall.
He pressed soft kisses against your earlobe. “Let it fall,” he commanded tenderly. Your breath hitched at his command, but you complied, allowing the dress to fall forward, revealing your nipples.
“Beautiful,” he said. Reaching his large hands to cup your breasts. Sylus pulled your body back till you were flush against his broad chest. He was moving his hands to play with your nipples. He rubbed them softly, allowing them to harden between his fingers and tugging them forward firmly. He watched your reaction in the mirror as your face contorted slightly to tug your bottom lip between your teeth. 
He grinned, removing his hands from your nipples to the back of your neck. He dragged his middle finger down to just above your ass, where the fabric of the dress ended. You tilted your head slightly at the movement of his hands. You missed the warmth of his hands on your nipples, but you didn't dare ask for them back as you wanted to see what he was doing next. 
Suddenly, you heard the hidden zipper opening the rest of your dress. You stepped forward out of the dress just in panties, turning around to fully face Sylus. “You’re so beautiful,” Sylus murmured, a satisfied smile playing on his lips as he gazed down into your eyes. He pulled you in for a soft, lingering kiss—just enough to make your heart race. You flushed under his gaze, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks but not daring to look away.
“Let me help you, Sylus,” you said, your voice barely a whisper. “I can’t be the only one left like this.” You reached up, gripping his tie and giving it a playful tug, your eyes gleaming with mischief.
His smirk deepened, his eyes glinting with amusement. “Take it off then,” he challenged, his voice low and teasing, daring you with his trademark confidence.
Your hands moved to unwork his tie, pulling him closer to you, causing him to chuckle slightly and grab your bare waist. You shuddered slightly under his touch, continuing your steady exploration. You discarded his tie to the floor and began unbuttoning his perfectly fitting shirt. It was a red button-up. You slowly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing Sylus’s beautifully sculpted body. You innocently peered up at his intense stare. He watched your every movement so close that the only sound in the room was your shared breaths. You drew your finger from his collarbone down to his navel, where you watched him flex slightly at your touch.
You slid his shirt off, letting the fabric fall to the floor before lowering yourself to your knees in front of him. Sylus raised an eyebrow, a smirk curving his lips as he looked down at you.
“And what exactly do you plan on doing down there?” His voice was rich with amusement and teasing but edged with something darker and more intense.
You glanced up at him, a slight pout forming on your flushed face. “Helping you undress,” you replied softly but with playful defiance.
Your hands moved to the front of his pants, your fingers steady as you unbuckled his belt. The sound of the leather sliding through the loops was the only thing breaking the tension in the room.
You looked up at Sylus, licking your lips. You pressed your hand against the bulge in his briefs. Your eyes widened a bit, realizing his size. It’s so big.
Sylus’s hand reached down, his fingers threading through your hair gently but firmly. He tugged you up to your feet with one swift motion, pulling you close until your chest pressed against his. His eyes, dark and heated, locked with yours as his other hand slid around your waist, securing you against him.
“That’s enough of you on your knees, sweetie,” he murmured, his voice low and dangerous with a hint of a smile on his lips.
Without another word, he tilted your chin up, capturing your lips in a heated kiss, leaving no doubt who was in control of the moment. His touch was possessive, but there was a gentleness in how his fingers trailed over your skin, as if he was savoring every inch of the contact.
He laid you back gently on the bed. You looked up at him, patient and waiting, propping yourself up on your forearms.
The noise in your mind was silenced as all you could focus on was Sylus. He dragged his large hands languidly down your body, stopping at the waistband of your underwear. It was a lacy white piece that beautifully complimented your skin. He hooked his fingers underneath it, tugging the fabric down the length of your legs before discarding them behind him.
You held your legs together, not daring to let them fall apart. Sylus’s hands worked between your knees “Kitten, relax for me”, he said softly, looking longingly into your eyes. You allowed yourself to relax a bit as he pulled your legs apart. “That’s my girl,” he drawled. 
“Fuck, you’re drenched” He knelt before you, his hands coming to rest on your thighs as he leaned in, his hot breath fanning over your cunt. His fingers traced slow circles teasing you, his eyes locked on yours.
“Do you want me to taste you, sweetie?” The question tested your resolve, and he waited for your response. 
“Y-yes,” you whispered. Your hands moved up to cover your face. 
Sylus’s lips curved into a smile, his eyes gleaming at your permission. He leaned in, his fingers parting your folds before pressing a single, languid, wet kiss against your core. The sensation of his kiss caused you to arch your back, “Oh god, Sylus.”
“mhm, you taste so sweet,” he murmured. His voice was thick with desire as he continued to tease you. The sound of his voice, the noises from his mouth as he made out with your cunt, made you wetter. 
You felt his rough hands hold under your knees, pushing your legs further apart, splaying you open for him.
“Tell me how it feels, Kitten. Tell me how much you want me to make you cum for me.” Your back arched off the bed, your hands moving to grip his hair. You felt heat moving through you.
Sylus took his time, drawing out your pleasure. He was focused on bringing you to the edge. He spent time learning you, tasting you.
“Please… p-please, Sylus, I want to come.” This was the first time you've ever been touched like this, and you loved it. You had never felt anything like this before. Touching yourself could never compare to what Sylus was doing to you. 
Sylus’s tongue flicked faster, and his fingers moved, pressing that sensitive spot inside you. His eyes opened and locked onto yours, his gaze fierce. He was testing your reaction and pressing the little spot inside you firmer.  
You squirmed against his face, and your moans escaped you. You gripped his hair harder, pulling his mouth closer to you.
“Say it again, sweetie. Beg me to let you cum.” 
Fuck, his mouth is filthy. 
His tongue swirled around your clit, drawing your orgasm nearer.
He wanted to hear it, wanted you to surrender completely to him, to trust him. His lips closed around your clit, sucking down on your nub hard, driving you closer and closer to the edge. His fingers joined in, working your insides as he stroked your slick cunt with his mouth.
“Say it, kitten. Say you want to cum for me.”
“I want to come for you, please!” you shouted. Tears threatening to fall off your eyelashes.
Sylus’s lips curved into a satisfied smirk, his eyes glinting with triumph as he felt your body tremble beneath his touch. Your orgasm crashed over you, and pleasure flooded your senses. Your legs spasmed as you came on his tongue. 
He held you down while you came, allowing you to ride out your pleasure. His tongue lingered until the very last moment, leaving you quivering and desperate for more.
You lay against the bed, your body slowly coming down from the high. You couldn't find the words for a moment, your mind still swimming from what he’d just done.
Finally, you managed a shaky breath, your voice soft but laced with disbelief. “I… didn’t know it could feel like that.” Your cheeks flushed at the admission.
Sylus hovered above you, and you could feel the heat radiating from him. His eyes lit up with satisfaction as he looked down at you, watching you try to catch your breath, your flushed cheeks, and parted lips.
He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your ear as his hand slid up your thigh, sending another shiver through you. “I’m just getting started. Trust me, it can feel even better.” His tone was both a promise and a challenge, daring you to let him take you further.
A shaky breath left your lips, and a wave of heat ran through you from his words. A small smile fell on your lips. “I guess I’ll have to trust you, won’t I?” you whispered, your voice barely audible as you turned your head to meet his eyes. Your tone was still nervous, but your body’s response to him showed how you felt. 
You leaned in, brushing your lips against his, your heartbeat thundering in your chest. “Be careful with me… just for now,” you said, smiling slightly, allowing yourself to be a bit vulnerable with him.
His hand slid to your waist, fingers curling around your hip as he pulled you toward him again.
“Oh, sweetie,” he murmured, his voice a smooth, velvety purr, “you don’t just ‘have to’ trust me… you’re going to want to.”
His fingers traced slow circles on your skin, sending shivers through you. “Trust me,” he whispered, “I’m very good at making you want more.”
At that, you turned him towards the bed, pushing him down on his back. You straddled him, and you felt his clothed bulge pressing against your naked pussy, leaving a wet spot on him. You laid your hands on his chest, rubbing your hands down his hard body. Your heart was pounding through your chest. You moved your hands to push down his briefs, feeling his cock in your hands. 
Sylus flexed his abs at your touch. His lips parted slightly, his breath catching in his throat. You wrapped your fingers around him; he felt heavy in your palm. 
Sylus watched you through half-lidded eyes. Waiting for your next move until he switched your positions. You were now underneath him, his cock hard and ready, resting against your thigh. 
He sat up and positioned himself at your entrance. His eyes trained on where you’d be connected. The head of his cock rubbed against your arousal, catching on your sensitive clit. Your breath caught as he moved to press his erection inside.
Fuck. You felt your walls stretching to accommodate his thick cock. You saw the flush forming on his cheeks through your teary eyes. 
He bottomed out in you, finally looking into your eyes. “Breathe for me, kitten.” And you did. His hands came down by your head, caging you in. His hips moved backward, pushing back into you slowly. 
His mouth parted slightly as he looked down at you, “You feel so good.” he grits out. 
His thrusts were slow and deliberate, his eyes locked onto yours. You stayed there, not daring to look away. Your breath hitched, and your heart pounded out of your chest. You could feel him throbbing inside you, causing your walls to clench around him. 
Sylus moves by repositioning your legs on his shoulders, allowing him to move deeper within you. Your tits bounced up and down at the power of his thrusts. He moved his hands to pinch your nipples. The pinch of his fingers shot heat to your core, making you squeeze around him again. 
“Fuck” he purred out, his eyes closed at the feeling of you wrapping around him. He moved his hands in between your legs, settling on your clit. He rubbed it steadily, flicking it between his thumb.
Your mind was empty from Sylus fucking you. He was hitting that sensitive spot inside your pussy over and over. You felt your body tensing up again, the wave of pleasure starting to work through your body.
 “Come for me one more time, kitten. Let me hear you.” Sylus whispered into your ear, pressing your legs back by your head. You felt him kiss the shell of your ear. You could feel your sensitive nipples rubbing against his chest, his thumb playing with your clit. 
“Come for me, Wife.”
You gasped, body trembling as the tension in your core built until it snapped. “Sylus…!” you cried out, your voice breaking as your body twitched uncontrollably in his arms. He held you firm, grounding you as his thrusts remained slow and deliberate, each one pushing you further into bliss.
“Look at me,” he gritted out through clenched teeth. You forced your eyes open, locking onto his. His beautiful, red gaze never wavered, even now. The look in his eyes was more than lust—it was a connection, raw intimacy that seemed to transcend the physical. It made your heart skip a beat, just as much as the sensation of him inside you.
His pace faltered then, his movements growing erratic as he drove into you deeper, harder. “Fuck,” he growled, his lips parting in a low, primal sound that sent shivers through you. His body tensed, muscles tight as he pushed as far into you as he could, his release crashing through him.
With a final groan, Sylus collapsed forward, his weight settling over you as you both came down from your highs. His breath was warm against your skin, his heartbeat slowing in time with yours.
He lifted his head, eyes softening as they met yours again, a tenderness replacing the intensity from moments before. “Thank you for trusting me, y/n,” he whispered, brushing a thumb gently across your cheek.
“You’ve given me every reason to,” you said, smiling at him gently.
yall this idea was stuck in my head for a solid two weeks. i blame twitter l&ds stans for this. I SWORE i did not fuck with sylus like that up until a couple weeks ago...
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bruciemilf · 1 day
Need a teen! Bruce au where he’s exactly like Justice League! Batman and Battinson in one. That mf put the fear of every god in Ra’s Al Ghul.
Everytime he’s in a room with someone over 30 “Teenagers” by My Chemical Romance plays in the background.
Despite that, in his own way, he’s as gentle as can be with his league. Give me a young Diana who’s getting spat on and ripped apart by the media in a way not one of her male teammates get.
And she’s Wonder Woman. She shouldn’t be affected by it. And she is, anyway. Bruce relates to that in an uncomfortable degree.
“When I first became Batman, weak men tried standing in my way, too. “
“And what did you do?”
“I stepped over them.”
He has a tiny Robin he occasionally has to keep on a leash.
Give me somewhat teen mom Bruce who struggles to wrangle his unruly six year old who likes flipping from rooftop to rooftop and thinks fighting Bane is a piece of cake.
“If Tati can do it, so can I!”
“Dick,” he paused, before handing him a handfull of candy. “Wonderful emotional manipulation. Good job.”
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neferaskingdom · 2 days
♡ Flirting? That’s a Track Limit Violation | MV1
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Leclerc!Reader [Face Claim: None]
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Summary: Y/N drops a cryptic elevator pic hugging some random dude and it’s like throwing a grenade into the F1 paddock. Charles and Arthur are ready to form an FBI task force, and the drivers are gossiping harder than a group of high schoolers at lunch. Max? He’s out here pretending he doesn’t care, but we all know he’s five seconds away from flipping a table. Nobody has a clue who the guy is, but Max is sweating, the internet is thriving, and the drama is peak entertainment.
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A/N: thank you soo much for 100 followers guys I never knew this many people would end up liking this little fic. screaming, crying, throwing up fr 😭. also sorry to everyone who had to read the wonky letters version. tumblr messed up my format and I had to individually fix the words.
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Part 3 of my wheel-to-wheel but still in denial series:
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y/n_leclerc posted an Instagram Story:
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📸: A blurry photo of Y/N hugging a guy in an elevator, only his back visible.
Caption: A single red heart emoji❤️
Popcorn out. Watching the Leclerc brothers have an absolute meltdown in 3… 2… 1… 😂
charles_leclerc: Who the hell is this guy? Y/N, answer me RIGHT NOW!
arthur_leclerc: This better be a joke, or I’m tracking your location. WHO. IS. HE?
landonorris: Wait… bitch did you just drop a boyfriend announcement with a blurry elevator pic?? DID MAX SEE THIS?!?
      ↪ y/n_leclerc:
What does Max have to do with anything???
      ↪ landonorris:
who dis?
alex_albon: I feel like I just witnessed the calm before the storm. Charles is going to explode. Arthur’s already spiraling.
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y/n_leclerc posted a photo:
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Liked by landonorris, pierregasly, alex_albon, and 500,903 others.
Y/N, explain yourself. Who’s this guy?
maxverstappen1: So… new friend? Or something else?
      ↪ landonorris: Max, you sound… interested? 👀
      ↪ georgerussell63: Max, if you’re going to be subtle, you’re failing.
      ↪ danielricciardo: Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how Charles is losing his mind over this while Max tries to act like he doesn’t care? 😂
      ↪ alex_albon: Max pretending this is just a casual question while we all know he’s about to punch a wall.
lilyzneimer: y/n_leclerc, the WAGs feel personally betrayed. We thought we were your ride or dies! 💔
      ↪ arthur_leclerc: Charles, wait for me. I’ve got your back.
      ↪ y/n_leclerc: Can you guys relax? It’s really not that serious.
lilymhe: Hello??? y/n_leclerc, you ditched us for a man??? What happened to me being the love of your life? 😭
carmenmmundt: I thought I was your only love 😞. I feel betrayed babes💔
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f1_gossips tweeted:
F1 drivers are officially in meltdown mode after Y/N Leclerc posts a cryptic heart emoji with a mystery man. Charles and Arthur Leclerc are leading the charge, while Max Verstappen seems unusually ‘curious.’ What’s really going on here? 🤔
Max ‘I’m totally not jealous’ Verstappen is the best version of Max.
user2: Charles is on the verge of hunting this guy down while Max plays detective in the background.
user4: This is going to end with Max accidentally confessing feelings. You heard it here first.
user5: Y/N dropping a single heart emoji and causing the grid to spiral. POWER MOVE. 😈
Max is acting like he’s not freaking out, but I bet he’s checking her Insta every 10 minutes.
Arthur and Charles are about to pull up with baseball bats, and Max is trying to act like he’s just ‘concerned.’
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y/n_leclerc posted an Instagram Story:
📸: Screenshot of her Instagram comments blowing up with messages from drivers, brothers, and the WAGs.
Caption: Y’all are doing TOO much. Chill, it’s not what you think! 😂
Sister, you better have a GOOD explanation for this. We are not playing.
Bro, Charles is about to have a meltdown, and Max is getting quieter. I don’t know which one is scarier.
I’ve never seen Charles so unhinged, and I live for this chaos. 🧨
You’ve been eerily quiet for someone who usually has a lot to say. Dont tell me this is serious?!?!
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y/n_leclerc posted:
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📸: Y/N and her best friend posing dramatically in the same elevator.
Caption: Relax, it’s just y/n_bff, my best friend. 😂 Y’all really lost your minds over an elevator hug, huh? Charles, Arthur, you can calm down now.
Liked by charles_leclerc, danielricciardo, landonorris, and 420,876 others.
So… just a friend, huh? Good to know.
      ↪ landonorris:
Max, let out the biggest sigh of relief
      ↪ danielricciardo: Max pretending he wasn’t two seconds away from launching an investigation.
      ↪ alex_albon: Max, it's ok to breathe now. 😂
Y/N, we need to talk about this betrayal. A PRANK AND YOU DIDN’T TELL US? 💔
      ↪ carmenmmundt:
You better make it up to us. We feel personally attacked.
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f1gossips tweeted:
UPDATE: Y/N Leclerc has revealed the mystery man is just her best friend, but the damage has already been done. Max Verstappen, despite claiming not to care, was very quick to ask for details. Fans are now speculating on Max’s sudden interest. Could there be something brewing? 👀 #MaxYN #LeclercBrothers #PrankChaos #MaxNotJealous
Max is like, ‘I’m not jealous, but… WHO IS THIS GUY?’ 😂
Charles and Arthur over here ready to fight while Max is low-key spiraling.
Max trying so hard to be subtle and failing MISERABLY.
Y/N is playing with fire, and I LOVE IT. She’s making Max sweat.
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Groupchat Messages: (maxy/n truthers):
So… no real boyfriend?
Max, she literally just said that. You can chill now.
I wasn’t not chill. Just… you know, looking out for her.
albono: Uh-huh. You sound real concerned for a ‘friend,’ Max. 😂
Max pretending not to care is the worst acting I’ve ever seen.
It’s the slowest, most awkward flirtation I’ve ever witnessed, and it’s amazing.
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Twitter Reactions:
The longer this goes on, the more I think Max is one step away from confessing his feelings.
Max: ‘I’m not jealous, I’m just… CONCERNED.’
Max watching this whole thing unfold like it’s the worst pit stop of his life.
Max really out here pretending he didn’t have a minor breakdown over a blurry elevator pic.
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y/n_leclerc posted a photo:
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Caption: guys I think this might be my favourite spot now.
 Liked by charles_leclerc, danielricciardo, landonorris, and 220,896 others.
Just making sure. No weird guys in elevators, right?
      ↪ y/n_leclerc:
Max, stop worrying about elevators. You’re being ridiculous.
      ↪ maxverstappen1:
I’m just saying. You could do better than a blurry elevator hug. Maybe someone who drives fast for a living. Just a thought.
      ↪ danielricciardo:
      ↪ landonorris:
Max ‘I’m not jealous’ Verstappen is actually… shooting his shot? 😂
      ↪ georgerussell63:
Y/N, this is your fault. You’ve broken Max.
Max really out here going from ‘I’m not jealous’ to flirting in the comments. What a journey.
I LOVE THIS. Y/N has Max spinning, and it’s beautiful.
Max flirted, and the world just shifted on its axis. Did anyone else feel that?
Max shooting his shot in the most awkward, Max way possible is sending me.
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y/n_leclerc posted a photo:
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Caption: Sunsets🌞
Liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 426,276 others.
The only thing more beautiful than this sunset is you
      ↪ y/n_leclerc:
...Max, what are you doing?
      ↪ danielricciardo:
      ↪ charles_leclerc:
      ↪ arthur_leclerc:
      ↪ landonorris:
      ↪ lilymhe:
Y/N, is this your new strategy? Break him down with elevator pranks and watch him crumble? Genius.
MAX REALLY WENT FOR IT. This man is shooting his shot ON MAIN. 😱
Y/N’s sundress got Max sweating more than a red flag in Q3. 💀
Charles and Arthur in full meltdown mode while Max is out here simping. We LOVE TO SEE IT.
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y/n_leclerc posted a photo:
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Caption: Caffeine fix ☕
Liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, landonorris, and 420,876 others.
Bet that coffee isn’t as sweet as you. 😘
      ↪ y/n_leclerc:
      ↪ landonorris:
      ↪ danielricciardo:
      ↪ georgerussell63:
Max, for real. Are you okay? Blink twice if you need help.
Y/N, please explain what kind of witchcraft you used to make Max simp THIS HARD. I need tips. 😂
I’m both terrified and impressed at how fast Max has gone from 'I don't even like her' to 'full-on simp mode.'
      ↪ arthur_leclerc:
I’m grabbing the car keys. We’re handling this in person.
user25: Max flirting in broad daylight while Charles and Arthur spiral into madness. THIS IS PEAK ENTERTAINMENT.
user26: I need a documentary on how Max went from ‘I fucking hate her’ to dropping flirty lines under every post. 💀
Max is playing the long game. But damn, is he bad at being subtle.
I can’t decide if I’m living for this or dying of secondhand embarrassment for Y/N. Max, STOP. 😂
Y/N, blink twice if Max has you trapped in a flirty comment loop and you don’t know how to escape.
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y/n_leclerc posted a photo:
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Caption: “In the presence of great art, time stands still”
ps. yes I did copy that from google 🤗
Liked by landonorris, pierregasly, alex_albon, and 500,903 others.
maxverstappen1: Tried to focus on the art but my eyes keep wandering back to you
      ↪ alex_albon:
      ↪ landonorris:
Max, bro… this is getting uncomfortable. 😂
      ↪ danielricciardo:
      ↪ georgerussell63:
Y/N, how are you even still functioning with this level of public simping?
      ↪ pierregasly:
I’m cackling. Max is like a flirty tornado right now. 💀
user30: Max is one more flirty comment away from proposing marriage on Instagram Live.
Y/N is going to have a nervous breakdown at this rate. Max, CHILL.
Charles is gonna have a full-on crisis meeting about Max’s public simping. 😂
Max flirting with Y/N like he’s auditioning for a rom-com. WHAT IS HAPPENING.
Y/N trying to roast Max while he keeps throwing out flirty comments is actually hilarious. I hope she survives this.
Max went from “just friends” to dropping Shakespearean lines in under 24 hours. ICONIC.
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DMs between Max and Y/N:
Yes, Y/N? 😏
We need to talk. Immediately.
maxverstappen1: Am I in trouble? Because I can explain everything. 😇
y/n_leclerc: MAX, WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU? The flirting in the comments?? I literally had to restrict my brothers from my posts to stop them from finding and KILLING YOU. 😩
maxverstappen1: You restricted them?! 😅
YES. Because you’re out here leaving cheesy flirty comments like we’re on Love Island or something! And the public thinks we’re secretly dating. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? MAX. You’ve been openly flirting with me in front of CHARLES. On Instagram. IN FRONT OF THE WORLD. They’re going crazy.
Oh, right. I forgot about the brothers. Oops. 😅
y/n_leclerc: Forgot about the brothers?? You’re practically signing up for your own funeral. 😩
Come on, Y/N, it’s not that bad. 😏
...Max. I’ve got people DMing me, my brothers are two steps away from driving to your house, and the internet is convinced we’re dating. You're taking the jokes way too far, and I don’t know what you’re playing at, but it needs to stop.
maxverstappen1: ...I wasn’t joking.
Excuse me?
I’m not joking. About the flirting.
I like you.
...Like, “like me” like me?
Yes. 🙃
No. This is a prank. You’re pranking me. Where’s the camera? WHERE IS IT? 😵
It’s not a prank, Y/N. I’ve liked you for a while.
MAX. You can’t just drop a BOMB like this in my DMs. What the hell do you mean “for a while”?!
Years. 😅
I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to ruin our thing. You know, the teasing, the banter. But when I saw that elevator post, I thought you had a boyfriend. It freaked me out. I realized I had to say something.
y/n_leclerc: Oh my god, this is so much worse than I thought. 😵‍💫
I didn’t want to mess things up, but I can’t keep pretending. I care about you, Y/N. More than just friends. I had to shoot my shot.
...You saw one blurry elevator pic and had a full-on emotional breakdown?
maxverstappen1: Pretty much, yeah.
y/n_leclerc: Max, this isn’t real life. This is some Netflix rom-com level nonsense, and I’m... confused.
I know it’s sudden. But I’ve liked you for years. I just didn’t want to lose you and watch you love someone that wasn’t me
come over
maxverstappen1: what? 
y/n_leclerc: come over to my place so that I can kiss you dumbass cuz believe it or not but I kinda like you too
gimme 5.
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checkeredflagggs · 23 hours
Three Hearts Left
Pairing: max verstappen x fem!gamer!reader
summary: fans (and friends) are shocked when they find max is married and to who
a/n: I’m only a casual gamer so take it with a grain of salt
a/n 2: sorry it’s a really late - the weather hates me personally (it is actually September and doesn’t need to be 85* 😡) and it drained my creativity also I got hella sick so 🤷🏻‍♀️
a/n 3: I know I use the name Twitter when talking about that site. I’ll stop deadnaming it when musk rat does too
a/n 4: still not feeling 100% but I wanted to get this out for max’s bday!!
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Welcome to the CatTree with the paw prints 🐾 ! I’m just a cat 🐈 mom Lady™ who loves the gaming but not the camera 📷. I’ve been playing games all my life and have been streaming for 3 years — as a hobby, not a full time job. I love my 2 cats, my handsome man, and you 🫵 all my lovely fans. You most definitely make all this worthwhile so mwah mwah 💋💋 (video)
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liked by user, user, user, and 6,583,455 others
catpawsgaming: here we go! Baldur’s Gate 3 has been highly highly requested — so I bought it! …yesterday and forgot about it cause curse of capitalism I still have my day job 😭 but away we go!
As always, if you didn’t manage to catch my livestream it’ll be on my page and I’ll be uploading it to my YouTube channel tomorrow! My YouTube will have the 3 usual versions (one unedited with my reactions, one with just the game play, and one with no sound at all but with closed captions)
Next stream date and game tbh announced but will probably be this Sunday with Animal Crossing (fingers crossed 🤞🤞 I finally get a good turnip price 😭😭 Daisy Mae hasn’t been kind to me lately…)
view all comments
user1: guuuurrrrrrrllll it’s about time you got bg3! We been waiting
↳ catpawsgaming: definitely worth the wait though! I had so much fun and it was so hard to stop for the night
↳ user2: for sure it was 🤣 your reactions to shadowheart and astarion were hilarious
↳ catpawsgaming: they clocked my type on point
user3: glad we convinced you to become a bard! You’ll rock it 💙
↳ catpawsgaming: ok but this the closest you will get me to actually performing so enjoy it while it lasts
↳ user3: not gonna sing along?
↳ catpawsgaming: 🤣🤣🤣 🫵 🤡
↳ catpawsgaming: absolutely not.
↳ catpawsgaming: also handsome just bust out laughing at the thought of me singing so…🙄🙄🙄 he’s lucky I love him
↳ handsome: I am very lucky liefje
↳ user3: ahhhh we were so close to her singing but also awwww cause handsome is here!!
handsome: liefje this was amazing
↳ catpawsgaming: thank you 🥰🥰
↳ catpawsgaming: but also you were laughing at me the entire night so…
↳ catpawsgaming: not sure how much I believe you
↳ handsome: well I didn’t say it was good…
↳ catpawsgaming: 🤨😒😔😢
↳ handsome: 🥰🥰🥰
user4: oh to have a man that will spend hours with you doing separate hobbies together…
↳ catpawsgaming: gotta admit it’s the dream
↳ handsome: you’re the dream liefje
↳ user4: ok there handsome, no need to get sappy here on MY comment thread
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mv1updates: Max was streaming today! Just a short one but highly entertaining. Jimmy (or Sassy? I’m honestly baffled and for the life of me can’t tell them apart 😢) caused a small disturbance in the middle of his stream then slept the rest away in Max’s lap 😍
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user5: that was sooooo adorable!! Love seeing more cat dad Max
↳ user6: same! And don’t feel bad admin - I can’t tell them apart either
user7: to be Jimmy…🥵
↳ user8: right? What I wouldn’t give to be sleeping away in his lap…
↳ user9: blessed be. His damn thighs man 😳
user10: ok but am I the only one that heard a female voice in the background?
↳ user11: I THOUGHT I WAS GOING INSANE?? Like there was definitely someone there
↳ user12: wait when?
↳ user10: when max turned the camera to show jimmy on top
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catpawsgaming: and Daisy Mae delivered this week! Sunday I got a price of 90 and today!! Selling price of turnips is 658 this evening!! Woohoo!
I've got my usual set up going to allow visitors to sell and I’ll be playing for about 4 or 5 hours so let’s make some cash today! I just ask you be respectful of my island.
As always, if you didn’t manage to catch my livestream it’ll be on my page and I’ll be uploading it to my YouTube channel tomorrow! My YouTube will have the 3 usual versions (one unedited with my reactions, one with just the game play, and one with no sound at all but with closed captions)
My week is looking pretty busy (a lot of traveling happening) so my next stream will probably be sometime next week and I’ll be playing Horizon: Zero Dawn! Its sequel will be coming out soon and I want to replay the first to refamiliarize myself with the game!
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user13: yeessssss! I’ve been holding out that someone would have some fantastic selling prices this week! New house upgrade here I come!
↳ user14: oh don’t I know it! It’s been a downward slump all week for me — the high was 105 😭😭
↳ user13: ouch 🤕
user15: did anyone else hear the cat meowing in the background!
↳ user16: yes! Catpaws has got a couple of cats — they’re almost never on stream (they don’t like staying in one place for long) but catpaws got them right before they started streaming!
↳ catpawsgaming: 2 of them! They’re my babies! 🐈🐈
↳ user15: awwwww 😍😍
user17: can I say something? Is this a safe place?
↳ user18: it is not but say it anyway
↳ user17: it totally looks like she’s got a wedding ring on in the beginning of this stream
↳ user18: nurse! She’s out again
↳ user19: no no no let her cook. I totally thought the same. It was literally just a glimpse but I swear that she had a ring on
↳ user17: thank you! I knew I wasn’t crazy
↳ user19: but! That does mean our catpaws is married!!!!!
↳ user17: 😱
↳ user18: 😱
↳ user19: 😱
↳ catpawsgaming: 😉
↳ handsome: 💙
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catpawsupdates: we’ve had a couple of requests lately asking about catpawsgaming and her cats! These are the first and last photo we’ve gotten — she’s incredibly secretive about them so we don’t know if this is the same cat in both photos or if she has 2 bengals (peep also handsome in the first photo. Catpaws was laughing when she posted that photo cause she’s usually the passenger princess)
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user20: I LOVE THEM
↳ user21: same! Insert that meme. “I’ve only had them for a day but if anything happened to them I kill everyone else then myself”
↳ user22: extreme but agreeable.
user23: that’s sassy - I’d bet money on it
↳ user24: sassy? What? Who?
↳ user23: sassy verstappen! F1 world champion max verstappen’s cat
↳ user24: ummm? This is a page for a small time gamer catpawsgaming
↳ user23: listen. Torture couldn’t get me to admit how long I’ve spent staring at pictures and videos of jimmy and sassy. But that is absolutely sassy!
↳ user17: I’m connecting the dots as I type
↳ user18: you’re not connecting shit
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catpawsgaming: tonight’s stream is gonna be a little late — I’m currently being held hostage by the cutest kidnapper ever
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user24: awwww
user25: your right. You simply can’t move!
↳ catpawsgaming: completely pinned down!
↳ user25: I don’t think anyone is gonna have a problem with your steam being late tonight
↳ user26: I’ve spoken to the council and we don’t! In fact we all vote for a stream of literally just the cat
↳ catpawsgaming:…you know that is an idea
↳ user26: omg. OMG. OH MY GOD!!
↳ user27: ok grandma. Let’s get you back to bed
handsome: so that’s where the little troublemaker is
↳ user28: omg hi handsome! Where’ve you been?
↳ catpawsgaming: ok I love all my fans but plz stop flirting with my man
↳ user28: can I flirt with you instead?
↳ catpawsgaming: 😳
↳ handsome: no
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↳ user30: ok but are we really gonna take a gossip page as the truth?
↳ catpawsgamingfan: I TOLD YOU. I TOLD YOOOOUUUUU
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liked by danielricciardo, charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 8,345,765 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: liefje I know this is not how we wanted to share our love with the world but a light in the darkness is now I get to talk about how much I love you and how you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. These past 5 years have been a dream come true — and it’s been a dream I never knew I had. Seeing you that first time, you took my breath away. Forget the trophies and the victories, the world championships and titles I’ve won — becoming your husband has topped every single one of them. I can’t imagine my life without you anymore and I wouldn’t ever want to
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yourusername: oh my handsome man…you are the light of my life, the moon in my night, the stars in the sky, the best husband ever and the most loving cat dad I could have ever wanted to spend my life with. Thank you thank you thank you for picking me and staying with me and fighting for me and with me 💋💋
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kyri45 · 8 hours
I need you to stop, my heart can't handle it
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You're an awesome artist and like the demons to Tang Sanzang I will eat your art to give me your godly powers
I started to look at each and while I was reading this ask I had my shadowpeach comic playlist in the background and with all of these scenes my brain created an AMV in real time and oh boy did I cried.
I drew so much I didn’t even remember that I had so many blushing parts
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syluslnd · 1 day
hi! I love ur sub!sylus stories so bad like oh my gosh he's so cute, my heart cannot take it. 😣😣 But, if you don't mind, i would like to request sylus reaction to mc who are loves to wear his clothes? Ngl i feel like his clothes that were obviously too big for her would look adorable! And, i feel like mc will look like a real kitten bcs she's curled in the couch, wearing his oversized sweaters! Thanks!
Sylus reaction to you wearing his clothes
(Note/ omgg thank you so much for liking my sub sylus posts ☺️☺️ I wrote this one with that “cuteness” in mind while also keeping sylus his normal dominant self haha I hope you enjoy pumpkin🤍)
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Sylus stepped into the living room after a long day, the weight of his mafia duties still hanging over him like a dark cloud. But the moment he caught sight of you curled up on the couch, all of his stress faded into the background.
You were wrapped in one of his oversized long-sleeve shirts, the fabric swallowing your smaller frame. It hung down past your mid-thigh, giving you an adorable, almost helpless look that made his heart race. The way the sleeves draped over your hands and the hem of the shirt barely concealed the cheeky booty shorts underneath only added to the effect. You looked like a real-life kitten, innocent and impossibly cute.
He leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, a smirk spreading across his face. “Well, well, what do we have here?" he drawled, his deep voice breaking the quiet.
You looked up, startled, your eyes widening as you realized you'd been caught. "Sylus!" you exclaimed, attempting to pull the shirt down to cover yourself more but it only made you look more adorable in his eyes. "I didn't hear you come in."
"Clearly" he teased, striding over to you with that confidence that always made you weak in the knees. "You look like a little lost kitten all curled up on the couch. Just where do you think you're going in that outfit?"
You felt heat rush to your cheeks,embarrassment flooding through you as you fumbled for a response. "| was just... comfortable?"
"Comfortable?" Sylus echoed, amusement dancing in his eyes. He leaned down, brushing a finger along the hem of the shirt, watching as you squirmed under his gaze.
"You look like you're about to get lost in those oversized sleeves. You're practically swimming in it, sweetie."
You tried to hide your face behind your hands but Sylus was quicker, gently pinning your wrists above your head. His grip was firm yet playful, making it impossible for you to hide from his teasing gaze.
"Why are you so cute?" he mused, his voice dropping lower, laced with a teasing intensity. "I swear, every time I see you in my clothes, I think I'm going to burst from how adorable you are." He leaned in closer, his breath hot against your skin. "And those shorts? A little too cheeky for my taste, don't you think?"
You couldn't find the words, a mix of embarrassment and something else swirling inside you. "I just wanted to be cozy!" you managed to protest, though your voice lacked any real conviction.
"Oh, I think we both know you enjoy showing off a little” he teased, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "But don't worry, kitten. I'm not complaining." He released your wrists but stayed close, hovering over you, taking in every detail of your flushed face and the way you tried to pull the shirt down.
He tilted his head, smirking as he watched you squirm. "You know what? You should wear my clothes more often. It makes it easy to see how tiny you are compared to me." He stood tall, puffing out his chest just a bit more, emphasizing his buff physique next to your smaller frame. "It's like having my own little pet."
Your heart raced at the teasing words and you bit your lip, the blush deepening on your cheeks. "I'm not a pet!" you retorted, though the softness in your voice betrayed your embarrassment.
"Of course you are" he replied smoothly, leaning down again to brush his lips against your forehead, sending butterflies dancing in your stomach. "and I'm your big, owner. It's only fitting." He pulled back slightly, his eyes locking onto yours, full of that playful dominance that both excited and terrified you.
"You're too cute for your own good" he said, a hint of admiration in his voice. "Just look at you, all cuddled up like that. I can't help but want to spoil you rotten."
With that, he scooped you up in his arms, lifting you effortlessly from the couch. You squeaked in surprise, your hands instinctively wrapping around his neck as he cradled you against his chest.
"Hey! What are you doing?" you protested, though there was little heat in your words.
"Taking my kitten to her next cozy spot" he replied, grinning down at you. "I can't let you just sit here all alone, can I?"
You melted into his embrace, feeling safe and warm in his strong arms. Sylus always had a way of making you feel cherished, even when he was teasing you mercilessly.
"Now, are you going to behave or do I need to keep reminding you just how tiny and adorable you really are?" he asked, his tone playful yet carrying an edge of seriousness.
You bit your lip, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes. "'ll try" you whispered, your heart racing at the promise of what was to come.
"Good" he said, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. "Because I'm going to enjoy every moment of having my little kitten all to myself."
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cressidagrey · 1 day
Stars all aligned - Chapter 4
If there was one thing that both Azriel and Zahra Archeron had in common, it was that they were both very good at blending into the background.
They just never thought that their family were going to be the ones who never saw them at all.
THIS IS BAD! I have updated the tags on AO3, but I'll add it on here too:
Bashing of like...every IC member? Especially the Archeron Sisters, discussion of chronic pain, discussion of Infertility, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution, Underage Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault
If any of this triggers you or makes you uncomfortable, please, take care of your own mental health and don't read it.
(Lovely dividers thanks to @sweetmelodygraphics)
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Master. Master, you need to wake up! The shadows were the ones that woke him. Azriel blinked open his eyes… and a moment later the thick cloying scent of blood hit him.
It woke him up immediately. He shot upright on the couch, shadows rushing around him. The scent of blood came from Zahra’s room. 
Nobody else was in the cottage. He knew that. The shadows would have alerted him if there was. 
Which meant that…
He was up before he could think twice about it, hurrying to the door of her room, heart beating furiously, already dreading what might have happened. What she might have done to herself.  “Zahra?” Azriel asked loudly. “Zahra, are you alright?”
A choked gasp, a pitiful moan…all he needed to hear. “I am coming in.“ he warned her. Azriel pushed open the door…and he froze at the threshold of the doorway, staring at the sight awaiting him. 
This couldn’t all be her blood. 
Zahra lay in the middle of the bed, curled on her side. Her body shook through painful shivers and her skin had already taken on a worrying grey colour, near lifeless. 
And the bed…the sheets…they were a mess of crimson. 
Blood had soaked through the sheets, staining the mattress…It was…it was horrific.
“Go away.” She whispered, her voice weak. “Please.”
Yeah. That was so not happening. 
His heart was pounding, his chest nearly painfully tight as his eyes focused on her. On Zahra’s shaking body, on her pale face. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Azriel said softly, his voice strained. Gods. What had she done to herself?  “Where are you hurt? What did you do?” He demanded, coming closer, reaching out to touch her arms. Her throat and wrists were unblemished, if one ignored the cold sweat…just as she whimpered again, nearly violently flinching, doubling over.
Between one breath and the next…suddenly it snapped.
The golden bond unfurled to the smell of his mate’s blood, to the sound of her pain.
“I…” she tried to speak, but her words became caught in her throat, choked off by another gasp of pain. By the Mother…
Azriel could feel the bond between them. It seemed to hum in his very bones, demanding that he fix this, that he find the cause of her pain and make it stop.
He knelt on the bed, his knees sinking into the pool of blood, hands hovering above her.
“Where does it hurt?” He asked her desperately.
She just whimpered, her whole body shivering. “Can’t you just….leave me alone?” She asked brokenly, her voice cracking. “Please. It’s just…”
Azriel ignored her, carefully shifting her body until she was lying on her back. But in doing so, he accidentally brushed against her stomach, and all he could think was that he had literally never heard a scream so painful.
Her nightgown was drenched with sweat and blood…dark red right by…
„Have you had your cycle yet as a fae?“ Azriel asked sharply. But that shouldn’t…this was too much blood for that…wasn’t it?
Her eyes were scrunched shut, her face a twisted rictus of agony. She shook her head at his question, teeth clenching. “No…” she said through clenched teeth, her voice high with pain. “No, I haven’t gotten one..”
Which made no sense either because she had…because she had been a fae for nearly three years at this point. Zahra should have gone through multiple cycles by now. 
And while fae cycles were vicious, they weren’t…
They didn’t involve this much blood. Usually. 
Another whimper of pain, another tremble of that bond in his chest…and Azriel was done. 
Madja. He needed Madja.
“I’ll get Madja,” he told Zahra tightly, hands gently cupping her face. “I just need to go get her, and then I’ll be right back,” he promised her desperately, just as another choked-off moan came from her. 
The shadows came flowing out of the corners of the room, pressing against Zahra's face. Go, Master! they demanded.
Azriel’s throat closed up. He hated the thought of leaving her, even for a moment. But he gave a sharp, resolute nod. “Okay..okay, I will be right back.”
He gave her one last look, her pale face and dark hair soaked with sweat and blood, and then he was gone. 
“Madja!! Madja!” He bellowed. He wasn’t normally one to be panicked, he was an Illyrian trained from birth to be calm under stress, to keep his head. But this…Gods, this had his heart in his throat and his mind racing.
This was his mate. 
He had waited half a millennia for her and she had been right in front of his nose for three years and he hadn’t fucking seen it. 
If he had seen it earlier, maybe then it would have never gotten this bad, maybe then it wouldn’t have…
He was quite sure that he gave Madja half a heart attack, but quite frankly, Madja was used to worse from him and his family. 
And so, Madja only took one look at his panicked, wild expression and her own went serious. “What happened?” She asked as she rose from her chair.
“It’s Zahra,” Azriel said, his voice thick. He swallowed, trying to get a grip. “She’s…bleeding. So much…blood. It’s everywhere, it’s all over her bed and clothes and…gods, I don’t know what happened, but I need you to come, now.”
Madja’s eyes widened, her hands going to the satchel at the table. “Take me to her.” She said simply, shoving a few jars into her bag. 
Zahra was where he had left her, shadows worriedly swirling around her. And the sigh that greeted them made even Madja’s breath hitch. 
“Zahra, can you hear me?” Madja asked immediately. “I am going to help you, alright?”
Zahra’s eyes flickered but didn’t open. Her breaths were uneven and pained, her face twisted. “Y-yeah…” she panted, voice quavering.
Azriel knelt by the bed, one hand coming down to hers and lacing their fingers together. He could feel the damp and icy cold skin against his…her heartbeat skittering underneath her skin…Azriel was practically shaking himself with how worried he was, his whole body trembling with fear.
“You’re going to be just fine,” he murmured softly. “Madja is here, she will figure out what’s wrong.”
Zahra groaned, her fingers giving a weak twitch in his before gripping onto his hand like a lifeline.
“Hurts..” she whimpered, her voice cracking.
“I know,“ Madja said soothingly. “I’ll need to lift your nightgown, alright? Just to see where we are at.“
Zahra gave a low whine, her eyes scrunching up tighter, but she made no protest or move to stop the healer. Azriel didn’t know if she did that because she trusted Madja or because she was far too far gone to even care. Madja carefully peeled back the blood-soaked fabric, carefully lifting it up over her stomach.
Azriel kept his eyes on Zahra's face, pressing a kiss against the back of her hand.  “Squeeze as tight as you need to,” he told her softly. 
“What if I hurt you?” she forced out, but he just shook his head. 
“You won’t,” Azriel promised her simply. And even if she did…he wouldn’t care. He would have given everything in that moment to make sure that she was comforted even a tiny little bit. 
Her face was drenched in sweat, her body quivering, and she looked far too young, too fragile at that moment. 
He forgot sometimes, how young she really was. Not even a century yet. Not even…
But she still squeezed his hand tighter. Her eyes clenched closed, her breaths laboured and quick. “Hurts…it hurts so badly…” she whimpered brokenly.
Whatever Madja was doing to her…Zahra’s breathing was becoming panicked and even more pained, her whole body shaking. 
Azriel was having to restrain the urge to pull her into his arms, to tug her up against his chest and try to soothe her. To drag her away from Madja, who he knew was only trying to help and instead comfort his mate. 
So instead, he pressed another kiss to her sweat-slick skin even as she cried out sharply. The sound made him flinch. 
“Gods,” Madja cursed sharply and Azriel’s head snapped towards her. She was looking far more upset than Azriel had ever seen her. 
“What is it? “ he asked shakily, Zahra whimpering and he turned back towards her, unable to tear his gaze away from the anguished, pain-filled face of his mate. “What’s happening?
“You should have been brought to me immediately, Zahra” Madja said softly. “I could have lessened the pain, dear.”
Zahra didn’t say a word, biting her lips, her face still pulled up into a pain-filled grimace. 
“How often?” Madja asked, her voice softening.  
Zahra’s breaths were hitching, coming in shallow pants as her trembling increased. She shook her head softly, her words coming out between gasps. “Often,” she’d whimpered.
Zahra gave another moan, and her hand clenched even harder around Azriel’s. Every one of her shudders and flinches was like a knife straight into his heart.
He had no idea what they were talking about, but it couldn’t be good, he knew that much. 
“How old were you the first time?” Madja asked gently.
“15,” Zahra whispered, wetting her lips. Every single word seemed to be forced out of her chest.  “I was 15.“
15…so young. Gods, so damn young.
Madja’s face was grim, “And the last?” The healer questioned.
“It went on for 6 years,” Zahra whispered. “Until 4 years ago.”
Madja nodded tightly. “You were still human,” Madja said softly. “The scarring is…extensive. Humans heal slower don’t they?”
“Yes,” Zahra whispered.
Azriel’s heart was hammering in his chest, his mind racing to try to catch up to the conversation that was happening. He felt so goddamn useless. There was something wrong, so wrong, and he couldn’t do a thing to try and help. The feeling of helplessness was killing him.
And this…this sounded like they were implying something so awful that he daren’t voice it. 
“What’s wrong with her?” He demanded. “What do you mean by scarring?”
Madja’s hands were moving across the skin of Zahra’s abdomen, pressing down gently, something that resulted in Zahra’s whole body flinching “There is extensive scarring in her reproductive system.” The healer told him bluntly. “Like she has been injured for an extended period. Over and Over.”
Zahra let out a shuddering gasp, her head tilting to press into the pillows and away from the healer’s hands.
“Cauldron, sunshine, what happened to you?” Azriel whispered.
He hadn’t actually expected an answer. He got one nonetheless.
“I did what I had to. I always did what I had to,” Zahra whispered, green eyes begging him to understand. “We had no money and Feyre was sick and… Was I supposed to let my little sister die?” Azriel went utterly still at her words
She had…she had done something to her own body to save her sister. Something bad enough to give her scars on her internal organs. What the hell had she ever done to cause this much damage?
“What did you do?” He forced out.
Her breath was shaky. “I gave the only thing that was mine to give up. The only thing that…the only thing that that apothecary would want,” she recounted with a shudder. Azriel’s blood went cold, freezing in his veins.
He didn’t…he couldn’t possibly mean…
“He raped you.” He whispered.
He wished she would disagree…would tell him that that hadn’t happened…but what she did say…it was even worse. 
“I went to him willingly. I let him do this to me. I didn’t fight him,” Zahra corrected him, her voice weak. 
Like that made it any better. Like that…
“You were so young,” he said softly. “Gods…Zahra..” his voice broke, and he couldn’t speak anymore.
He didn’t even have the words…didn’t even have the thoughts…didn’t…
“He hurt you,” he choked out.  It wasn’t a question.
A shuddering breath from her. 
“Yes,” Zahra answered weakly. “It…I did it once for medicine. But after that…I did it for money. I came back and I let him do it to me again. And again. And when he got bored, he thought of something new, something worse and…He did things to me…I didn’t even know you could do that to another person.” 
His entire body was shaking with rage. The shadows wreathing around him darkened almost into black. 
He had never wanted to rip another person into pieces with his bare hands as much as he wanted to right now. 
Madja stilled next to them, her hands still on Zahra’s skin…trying to heal the worst of it, Azriel could feel that. 
The healer’s face was carefully blank, but Azriel had known her long enough to see the subtle signs of anger. Madja had an incredibly good mask, but Azriel was able to read people when they didn’t want to be read.
And…there was another thing…
“Do your sisters know?” he asked weakly. Did they know and still treated Zahra like they did? Ignored her outright at some points and wished she didn’t exist at others? 
The dynamic had been fucked up from the start…the first time they had met Zahra she had been in her maid uniform…clearly treated not as a member of their family but as staff. 
But they had believed…they all had believed that maybe the change from human to fae was good for one thing and that would fall away…that this could heal…that all 4 of them could be sisters, properly, now. Maybe something that went well for once. 
Now Azriel wondered how naive he had been in particular. 
He was a bastard just as she was. Azriel would never be accepted by his half-brothers either. His half-brothers had ruined his hands. And her sisters…
“Nesta…Nesta thinks I had an affair with a married man,” Zahra choked out. “Which I did. Kind of.” 
A horrible, bitter laugh tore itself out of the Azriel’s chest. “An affair…” he repeated, disbelieving. “You didn’t have an affair. You were raped.”
“I let him do it. I did it willingly,” Zahra disagreed, her voice weak. 
She had agreed, because otherwise they would have starved. 
“You were fifteen!” Azriel whispered, anger flaring up with his grief. “You were a child! You were nothing but a goddamn child. And you did what you had to to survive. You sacrificed yourself for your family’s survival!” He took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to get a grip on his own emotions.
Madja’s hands were still moving over the skin of her stomach, her face set in a heavy grimace.
Zahra’s eyes were fixed on his face, her breaths still shallow and pained. “I am sorry.”
He couldn’t stand it. Couldn’t stand her apologies. Not right now. Not for this.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” he whispered, pressing another kiss to the back of her hand.
“You were just a child,” Azriel repeated, voice choked. “None of this is your damn fault.” For once… she didn’t protest. 
Zahra just closed her eyes, a few tears trickling out from between her lashes.
Madja’s hands stilled, and then the healer carefully pulled away. She didn’t say anything, and Azriel felt a new fear fill his chest. “What is it?” He asked her. “What’s wrong?”
“The scarring is…extensive,” Madja said carefully. “I am…I am sorry, but I think you may be barren.”
Zahra didn’t even flinch.
“I know,” Zahra answered, her voice flat. “I haven’t bled in years until now.” The words were like someone driving an ice-cold knife between his ribs and into his heart.
He didn’t care that she couldn’t carry his children. He didn’t fucking care. 
He only needed to know that she was safe and healthy…But to know she had been hurting for so many years…to know that she had sacrificed herself for her family…it broke his heart. 
And they didn’t even know that she had done that. 
Madja’s expression darkened further. Perhaps at the thought of what Zahra had been forced to endure, or perhaps because this new information opened up a whole other level of complication.
“That…does explain why the bleeding has been so severe,” the healer said. “Gods, child.”
There was silence in the room, Azriel still gripping Zahra’s hand in his. 
He didn’t care that she couldn’t give him children, not unless she wanted to. But the fact that she would never have a choice in the matter. That she had sacrificed not just her innocence, but the future she could have had, for her family’s sake…
He clenched his jaw so tightly he was surprised it didn’t crack.
Zahra was staring up at the ceiling, her emotions carefully schooled and hidden away. So cold and indifferent…so numb. Numb. 
He could recognise the signs because he often felt like that as well. 
Azriel wanted to hold her. He wanted to pull her up to his chest and into his arms and hide her from the entire world. From all the horrors and nightmares that she had been forced to endure.
Protecting and keeping her and making sure she never hurt again…
“I have some potions for you to take…I’ll ask Violet to make you some specially tailored for you…” Madja said softly. 
Violet was the apothecary they used for most of their potions. And also the one that Zahra did the accounts for. 
Azriel forced himself to nod. Zahra made some vague murmur of understanding, as Madja put said potions on the bedside table. 
Madja turned her gaze to Azriel, dark eyes searching his face. “You should stay with her tonight,” she said quietly. “Make sure the bleeding doesn’t get worse and call me immediately if it does.”
Azriel nodded again. He wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, not unless Zahra asked him to leave.
The healer rose, giving another glance at the two of them. She made a sound in the back of her throat, as though she wanted to say something, but she just gave a single nod before turning and leaving the room.
And then it was just the two of them in the room. Azriel sat crouched next to her on the bed, his hand still clamped around hers.
He didn’t know what the damn hell he was supposed to say.
“I’m sorry.” And there she was, apologizing yet again for something that wasn’t her fault in the least. 
His eyes widened at her voice, the unexpectedness of it breaking the silence in the room.
“What?” He asked, his voice cracking. “What could you possibly be sorry for?”
She didn’t open her eyes, but he saw her expression flicker slightly. “For…for this.” She said hoarsely. “For making you deal with this.”
His heart felt like it was collapsing in on itself again. “You didn’t make me do anything,” he said quietly. “And you have nothing to apologise for.”
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mintybagels · 2 days
Please..please tell me how you got the small details and ability to draw cities in Spiderman fan art :(
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this is the brush pack i use for city backgrounds and textures a lot of the time ! it’s free on gumroad but i recommend donating to support the creator :)
drawing backgrounds is all about zooming out and focusing on big, important shapes and values no matter if it’s urban or suburban or mountains or the flaming pits of hell, so don’t focus on things like windows and small details until you’ve got good values and building shapes blocked in. ZOOM OUT AND USE GOOD BRUSHES ! dont render every leaf on every tree, and study from photos lots
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musaslullaby · 1 day
Being a future bride is torture
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Part 1 Part 2
Summary: The wedding preparations are starting, and fans believe they’ve officially figured out who the princess is dating.
Face claim: People on Pinterest and Charles Leclerc.
Warning: Fluff, Instagram AU.
A/N: Maybe there will be a third part, i don't know.
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Description: I’m so honored to introduce you to my future wife.
Liked by charles_leclerc, kellypiquet, and other 6.366.362.
imrebecca: I can’t wait for the big day, I love you so much.
❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: I love you too.
imrebecca: No, I love you more. ❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: And I love you even more.
charles_leclerc: Please, stop.
georgerussell63: Don’t be jealous!
user45: Are the Ferrari WAG and Red Bull WAG best friends?
❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: Exactly, baby.
04_81: Aww, how cute!
carlossainz55: Rebecca is the most beautiful woman in the world.
❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: Mine.
imrebecca: Hey, the annoying princess is beautiful too.
charles_leclerc: I can confirm that.
francisca.cgomes: Don’t leave out my little star.
carlossainz55: Let me rephrase: these two girls are the most beautiful women in the world.
carmenmmundt: Much better.
lilymhe: We’re watching you, Carlos.
maxverstappen1: Can I have the number of the girl in the red dress?
❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: Stop it, you're making me blush.
user56: They already act like a married couple.
Ynofficial: Married for twenty years.
lan_: So cute!
maxie_: I wonder where Kelly is right now.
Ynofficial: In the likes.
op81: Do you think they’re on good terms?
04_81: Rumor has it on Messenger that they had a fight.
ynqueen: Maybe.
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Description: We’ve picked the date but are still missing the location. We might end up getting married in the streets.
Liked by charles_leclerc, maxvertappen1, and other 7.766.222
maxverstappen1: The streets of Monaco do have a certain charm.
Ynofficial: With the circuit in the background.
imrebecca: Let’s get married on a yacht! ❤️ Like to author
landonorris: Please no.
georgerussell63: No, please, otherwise Lando might throw up on me.
Ynofficial: Seems like an extra reason to do it.
charles_leclerc: We’ve figured out that Yn loves sunsets.
lilymhe: You’re just figuring that out now?
carmenmmundt: We’ve known for a while.
Ynofficial: Charles, you should be ashamed.
yourbrother: Actually, I didn’t know this either.
Ynofficial: I’d kick you out of the house.
yourbrother: But the house isn’t yours.
Ynofficial: I’ll ask Mom to do it. We all know who the favorite child is.
yourbrother: That’s not true.
Ynofficial: You can leave crying now.
user32: If you ever listen to us, Yn, I like the second location.
❤️ Like to author
race_: It gives off Rapunzel vibes. ❤️ Like to author
f1_: I can totally see Yn as Rapunzel. ❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: I’d need to grow my hair and eat a magic flower.
user21: I love you, Yn. ❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: Love you too.
user21: I’m dying.
Ynofficial: Hold on, I’ll catch you.
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Description: A glass of wine while we wait for Yn.
Liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and other 8,483,939.
Ynofficial: I won’t be satisfied with the next 20 dresses either.
kellypiquet: They all look beautiful on you, darling. ❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: Thanks for your patience, hello Kelly.
user43: Wait, didn’t these two hate each other?
maxie_: I’m so confused now.
1_11: Maybe we got everything wrong.
mad_max: Impossible, she’s with Max.
cl16: And you invite his ex to pick out a wedding dress? ❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: Good observation.
user67: Yn, we can’t take this anymore.
user21: Stop messing with us.
Ynofficial: Why should I stop? I’m having fun.
francisca.cgomes: Your face doesn’t look happy at all.
Ynofficial: I still feel too much like a princess.
imrebecca: Off to the next boutique!
lilymhe: I’ll join as soon as I can. ❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: I’ll wait for you.
Ynlife: You’re gorgeous, Yn.
Ynqueen_: It’s so strange seeing Yn so elegant.
Ynofficial: It feels weird to me too.
maxverstappen1: Can I suggest a tighter dress?
❤️ Like to author
charles_leclerc: Since when are you a fashion expert?
Ynofficial: Since when do you have the right to comment on my posts?
charles_leclerc: Your brother gave me his blessing.
user45: Poor Charles.
charles_: What do you mean, blessing?
Ynqueenofworld: New couple: Yn and Charles!
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Description: Elegant men, baby.
Liked by maxverstappen1, Ynofficial, and other 6.862.261.
user32: Charles, no smoking!
Ynofficial: No one will want to kiss you after that.
charles_leclerc: I know someone who would.
Ynofficial: I think you’re wrong.
charlie: Are they flirting?
vroom: No, they’re not.
race_: Yn, what are you doing? You’re getting married!
04_81: Esteban’s proud face though.
lan_: I love the pink suit!
charles_: Can we talk about the pattern on Charles’s shirt?
georgerussell63: Men in tuxedos!
lewishamilton: Never seen them so elegant.
landonorris: Max’s casual photo is hilarious.
estebanocon: Looks like he’s tampering with Charles’s car brakes.
maxverstappen1: Who said I wasn’t?
Ynofficial: I’m surprised you didn’t crash since Charles was driving.
estebanocon: We came close.
carlossainz55: Charles can’t drive at normal speed.
charles_leclerc: You’re exaggerating.
user67: Max trying to get rid of the guy in love with his wife.
maxie_: Charles, back off!
ynqueen: Can’t believe they’re getting married soon!
max1__: Neither can I.
11_1_: Can’t wait!
f1star_: Guys, help! We’re not understanding anything Max is with Yn?
estebanocon: Max is laughing.
francisca.cgomes: So is Yn.
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Description: I didn’t think planning a wedding would be so difficult.
Liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and other 8,483,939.
francisca.cgomes: That’s why I brought you on vacation.
❤️ Like to author
lilymhe: You see Yn looking relaxed, but she’s super anxious inside.
Ynofficial: That’s not true!
kellypiquet: I found you at 2 PM looking for ways to decorate the restaurant.
carmenmmundt: Sweetie, there’s no shame in admitting you’re anxious about this. You’re with us now, away from Monaco and your fiancé, just enjoy it. ❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: I hate to admit it, but you’re right, Carmen.
georgerussell63: Not fair, girls!
landonorris: We want to come too.
Ynofficial: Sorry, but no boys allowed.
carlossainz55: I don’t trust leaving all of you together alone.
charles_leclerc: Girls, I want Yn back home in one piece.
imrebecca: Not even a scratch! ❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: I have my personal bodyguard.
maxverstappen1: Don’t drink too much.
Ynofficial: You’re not here, so I’ll do whatever I want.
yourbrother: You should listen to him for once.
Ynofficial: Don’t ruin our vacation!
user45: How cute, they all want to protect Yn.
charles_: You need some rest, girl.
❤️ Like to author
Ynofficial: Being a future bride is torture.
maxie_: Oops, Max is going to be mad!
Ynofficial: Leave him alone, he’ll calm down eventually.
Yn_max: I find it so funny that Kelly is just relaxing on a lounge chair.
Ynofficial: Not for long, though.
francisca.cgomes: Let’s say she had her share of fun.
op81: Tell us more!
lan_: We need to know!
kellypiquet: They threw a bottle of ice-cold wine at me.
Ynofficial: Sorry, but I won’t apologize!
user21: Oh my god!
f1world: Poor thing!
race: It must have been fun!
Ynofficial: It was!
user67: So, Yn and Kelly are friends, meaning either Max isn’t engaged to Yn, or they broke up and stayed friends.
f1star_: Guys, I think it’s the second option.
ynlife: No, I don’t think so. He wouldn’t have taken her to pick out the wedding dress.
user1: I think Max and Yn are just friends.
maxieeee___: No way, they’re together!
Ynqueen: Okay, but then it wouldn’t make sense for Kelly to be part of the wedding preparations.
11_1max: Maybe she just wants to be a good friend.
Ynofficial: Or maybe you’re all just way off track.
user56: What???
f1racelover: Are we wrong about everything?
Ynandmax: Yn, we can’t take it anymore!
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Description: This girl wants me dead.
Liked by Ynofficial, carlossainz55, and other 636.261.737
f1lover: I can't believe it, even Charles with the soft launch.
race_: I hate you, Charles.
charles_: Tell us right now who this girl is.
charlos: Also tell this girl we need you alive.
cl16: Look how he looks at her.
user32: In my life, I want someone to look at me like that.
Ynofficial: I could look at you like that.
maxverstappen1: You're creepy.
charles_leclerc: Let her dream.
Ynofficial: You know I can read you, right?
user98: Free abs.
user87: Let's thank this woman for the photo.
Ynofficial: Girls, I know Charles is handsome, but a bit of restraint.
user12: Says the girl who's with Max Verstappen.
landonorris: Dude, did you let her walk all over you?
charles_leclerc: What can I do?
Ynofficial: She appreciates your obedience.
user1: YN KNOWS HER.
Ynofficial: Probably.
f1world: Can you tell us about her?
user99: Please, we want to know something about her.
Ynofficial: No
georgerussell63: Ask "her" why she didn't invite me.
carlossainz55: I wish I had seen everything live.
Ynofficial: I had to help him fasten her bra.
lovef1: You were there?
Ynofficial: Oops.
maxverstappen1: Yn, it's time for you to leave.
Ynofficial: Goodbye!
user54: What the...?
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luvrodite · 2 days
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in retrospect, it was only a matter of time before you got hit. you should consider yourself lucky — there are worse fates than being fucked like your life depends on it (it’s gotham. of course it does) or: you get hit and jason deals with the fallout
content warnings. f!reader, dubious consent due to intoxication, chemical aphrodisiac, established relationship, dry humping, fingering, penetrative sex, begging, unprotected sex, creampie, prevention of pulling out.
ⓘ minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact, you will be blocked!
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It goes like this:
On a monday evening, Pamela fucking Isley decides to take her quarrel with Gotham's newest weapons company – God, could they fucking give it a break? B had only busted the last one a few weeks ago before they'd brought the city down on everyone – to new heights.
Jason's sitting in traffic with a bag of groceries slung around the handle of his bike when he gets the call. He's eager to beat you home, ready to make you dinner and heavily intent on wining and dining you after a long weekend of missing each other.
His fingers tap against his thighs impatiently, impatience sitting beneath his skin like an itch. Spikes of activity during the week had meant his plans for Friday night – dinner and a deserved night off – had been pushed to the backburner. He'd returned home in the early stillness of dawn, unable to get more than a couple of hours with you before your phone had rung, a friend's emergency pulling you out of bed with an apologetic grimace and a promise to reschedule your date night.
The headset in his ear notifies him of an incoming call, the syllables of your name dulled by the clinical, robotic voice of his phone's intelligence system. His mouth curves up into a smile beneath his helmet.
"Hi, baby," he answers immediately. "I'm on my way home, you need anything? I just left the store but I can go back–"
You cut him off in a tight voice. Later, he'll be ashamed that the first thing that comes to mind is, not another fucking postponement. Now, his brows furrow at your tone, stomach dipping uncertainly when it becomes clear that this is something more serious.
Your voice wobbles, high-pitched and tearful. At the same time, the dash on his bike begins to flash in rapid succession, the paging system he'd installed for the bats to communicate with him glaring back at him, blood red.
His dread plummets and for a moment his throat closes over. You're speaking to him but he struggles to make it out through the ringing in his ears.
"Jason, I'm – I'm home but I don't – I don't know what to do."
He bites back a curse and tries to swallow the lump in his throat, grappling for words of comfort.
"It's okay," he soothes, straining to keep his voice level. "Listen, sweetheart, can you go lock the door for me? I'm – shit – I'll be home soon, alright? It'll be okay. We'll fix it."
He doesn't give himself time to linger on the call after you confirm you've locked it, barking out a command to dial Oracle that his system fails to pick up twice, only registering after he steadies himself.
She picks up on the third ring. It irritates him how unfazed she sounds when he explains the situation to her. He hears the click of her keyboard in the background, the hum of her monitors. Each passing second as she patches through to Nightwing is agony and the slow crawl of traffic does little to help.
His leg has begun to jostle the bike with the weight of its shaking when she returns to their call.
"You're not going to like this," she says and he feels the bile rising in his throat.
"What." He grits it out through his teeth, unable to manage much more than that. He hears Oracle sigh.
"Looks like an aphrodisiac," she says clinically. "Her plan was to get them caught compromised enough to lose credit publicly."
"Oracle." She hears his growl for what it is – Tell me whether or not it's over.
"It's non-lethal," she affirms and he sighs harshly. The tightness in his chest loosens ever so slightly as she talks. "Ivy let it off near city hall because most of the shareholders were scheduled to hold a meeting – that's where your girl works, right? Alf's working on an antidote but she should be relatively fine until it's ready. Just – keep an eye on her."
Tim joins the line then and Jason startles at the sound of his voice in his ear.
"I don't know what the fuck she wanted to achieve," the boy grumbles. He's a little out of breath and in any other situation, Jason would have something to say about that. Tonight, he's not in the mood for jokes.
"Red," he barks out. The kid makes a distracted noise, and he can hear the sounds of a scuffle on the other end. "You tell Ivy if anything happens to my girl, I'll make sure she's next."
He doesn't wait to hear what's sure to be a non-committal answer at best, kicking off and veering between the lined up vehicles. There's an outroar from the drivers around him, laying on their car horns. Someone pokes their head out of their window to scream at him.
He hears none of it, the blood rushing in his ears keeping him single-minded.
This string that twines him to you isn't new. It wears signs of age, shows the years in the way his fingers reach for yours in the early moments of his day, the turn of your eyes to his in any room. He's seen a few summers with you at his side but the fear –
Blood, coagulating, the cold brush of death, splintered wood beneath nails and a haunting smile
– the fear never stagnates.
A bitter, resigned shard of him breathes out as he speeds through the streets. A veritable sword over his crown, this almost seems expected. Loathing colours the skyline and he, the fool, to think he could hold this one, precious, beloved thing unscathed.
He forgoes the groceries in his haste, leaving the bags in his haste to throw himself up the stairs and out of the parking garage. Pulse thundering in his ears, sweat coating his palms, he scrabbles with the key to your shared apartment.
The door flies open and a hand is grabbing him by the front of his shirt before he can slot it through the lock.
You, wild-eyed and frantic, pull him inside with a bitten off sob.
"Shh, shh, I'm here, come here."
He kicks the door shut, reaching behind him to flip the locks with one hand. The other curls you protectively to his chest, fingers splaying over your back. The sight of you calms him considerably and he chokes out a stuttered breath, the lump in his throat dissolving to give way for a flood of relief.
You're burning in his arms, the thin undershirt you've got on soaked through with sweat, face glowing with perspiration. Eyebrows knitted, you cling to him tighter and he finds himself making noises of comfort.
"Jason, I –"
"Shh. I know, honey, I know," he murmurs, pressing his forehead against yours. Your eyes are tearful, salt spilling over lashes and rolling down your cheeks. "Come on, let's get you to lie down."
"No," you whine, pitching miserably as he shuffles the both of you towards your bedroom, face creasing with every movement. "Hurts."
"I know," he whispers, hating the way his voice cracks. His eyes burn painfully. "'ll get you a towel, alright?"
You're deposited on the bed and he makes a turn for the bathroom, wetting a cloth. When he enters the bedroom again you've pushed yourself up, kneeling on the bed. You've shed the pants you'd worn earlier, left now in only and undershirt and your underwear. His name falls from your lips pitifully and he steps forward, lips turning down into a commiserating frown.
You shy away from the cloth when he presses it against your forehead, letting out a hiss as it makes contact with your burning skin. He brings a hand to the nape of your neck and you seem to like that much better, sighing under his touch. Jason takes advantage of this to keep you in place, mopping the sweat off your face and neck, trying his best not to give into your dissatisfied squirming.
"I know, I'm an asshole," he mutters, when you cry out his name, displeasure making itself clear on your face. "Get better so you can yell at me for it, alright?"
"Don't wanna – yell at you," you mumble, wetting your lips as they part.
He clocks the dilation of your pupils a little too late and shakes his head adamantly, trying to draw back but you've got a hold of his shirt, pulling him forward. He catches himself with a hand agains the headboard, a knee pressing into the mattress beneath him.
You stare up at him, mouth turning down into a pained grimace.
"C'mon honey," he mutters, pleading, feeling his face flood with warmth. "Don't do this to me. Be good, you'll be alright, okay? Any minute they're gonna call and tell me Alf's got an antidote ready – shit, maybe we should just drive you there now -"
"No," you sob, face crumpling under the weight of your tears again, pushing up on your knees to fling your arms around his shoulders. The effort of the movement makes you stutter out a gasp and he's forced to band an arm around your waist to steady the both of you.
Your tears wet the skin of his neck, your body pressed flush against his. He becomes aware, regrettably, of the skin beneath his fingers, your undershirt having ridden up to expose the softness of your lower back.
"Please," you hiccup into his shoulder. "Please, Jason – Please."
He'll have to ask Oracle later if second-hand exposure to the toxin is supposed to have an effect on him. At the touch of your chest to his, he feels himself warm all over, mouth drying when you begin to keen, arching up into his touch in an effort to get him to do something.
"Fuck," he curses. "Fuck. Alright, just – come here."
He kicks his shoes off, the sneakers clattering against the floor, and crawls onto the bed properly. Sat up against the headboard, he meets your baleful gaze with a raised brow and reaches for you.
Jason shakes his head when you go to straddle his lap, maneuvering you against his chest until your back rests against it. You let out a whimper, displeased, but he shakes his head.
"This is all you're getting, alright? Just – it'll tide you over until they call."
He spreads your legs until they hang over his own, your thighs bracketing his and leaving you open. His blood thunders in his ears, hand trembling as he reaches it up to your mouth, fingers prodding at the soft plush of your lips.
Your tongue laves at his digits, a muffled moan trapped in the recesses of your throat. One of your hands curls around his wrist, the other perching against his thigh, nails curling against the fabric of his jeans. He can feel you shift against him, hips canting ever so slightly over his own.
Awful, wretched, lecherous, he stiffens under the movement, jeans tightening. His free hand wraps around you hip with the intent of pinning you in place and stopping you. Somehow, he finds himself guiding you back and forth instead.
You tip your head back against his shoulder, baring the soft line of your throat as you drool around his fingers. He can feel the wetness pooling around his knuckles, the softness of your ass against him, separated only by a few layers. If he cranes his neck, he'll probably find your panties sticky with your need. The thought alone makes his eyes flutter.
The room is blanketed in muffled whimpers, the whispers of rustling sheets and his shaky breaths. You've quietened down some since he'd gotten his fingers in your mouth, but the heat seems to have returned with a vengeance when you begin to fuss in his lap again. Your fingers dig into his thigh and you whine, tugging at his wrist in an effort to push his hand where you need it most.
He hushes you with a squeeze to your hip and tips your face to meet his. Bleary eyed, silvery tracks smattered across your cheeks, you're struggling to hold on. He lowers his mouth to yours, a chaste kiss that deepens when you part your lips to lick into his mouth.
"Jason, come on."
"No, don't take it off," he whispers when your hands make to tug your underwear off. You whine and he hushes you again, "Shh, I'm going to take care of you, be patient for me, alright?"
He slips his fingers beneath the waistband of your panties and watches you shudder at the first swipe. Similarly affected, he feels himself twitch when his fingers make contact with the soft slickness of your flesh, gliding against silken folds.
"Oh," you sigh, sagging slightly into him.
"There you go." He presses a kiss to your sweaty temple, trying to pretend this is just another night together and he's being a loving boyfriend, that you're not delirious with want just because of the toxin running through your bloodstream. "That's my girl."
He presses gentle circles against you, closing his eyes and ghosting his mouth over the curve of your shoulder. The smell of sex is thick in the air, that heady musk and sweat that he could drown in. Your breaths come in pants now as he works you open gently, thumb rolling over your centre.
"Just like that," he rumbles, straining to keep his head on straight. It's difficult, when you arch against him, his name spilling from your lips in adoration coloured mewls. Your arm raises, curling behind you to embrace his neck.
It doesn't take you very long to come, pent up and sensitive – he discovers this when his hand grazes over your chest to stroke your face and you keen so loud he fears he'll come in his pants at the sound, your mouth, bitten raw, dropping open as you moan. A few strokes against your centre and you come apart in his arms, hard. The tremors wrack your body long after the fact, your core pulsing around his fingers.
He, ever the fool, expects this to sate your hunger.
Whatever Ivy's put in her newest concoction is potent. You gather your breath quick enough and it becomes apparent that just the one isn't nearly enough. He's pushed back against the headboard, stunned into silence as you clamber onto his thigh, pawing at him like you can't get close enough.
You struggle with the fabric of his shirt before giving up and any questions he has sputter off into silence when you begin to rock back and forth on him. The denim of his jeans is unforgiving against the thin, sodden material of your underwear, providing a harsh friction that you lose yourself to. He watches, his heart racing, you taking your pleasure for yourself.
It isn't as though you've never done this in front of him – he remembers, blurry, the aftermath of a dinner date that had seen you riding his thigh on the couch, still in your dress.
But this… This feels different.
There's an urgency to this, a franticness running beneath your skin that pushes your hips down harder, more unforgiving. Your face screws up, salt misting your cheeks and neck.
For a moment, Jason almost feels as though he's the one that's been hit. You take on a blurry quality, smudged around the edges like wet paint, wanton, hazy. A gauzy film over his eyes, he blinks, and blinks.
When you come once more, it shatters and he's aware of the stain that's bled into the dark denim on his thigh, a stickiness that's smeared between your thighs. Your panties are ruined and he gulps when he drags his gaze up from between your legs to your face.
Quiet, hungry, you're already staring at him. Your chest heaves with exertion but you remain still otherwise, lips parting in invitation, eyes half-lidded.
"You said you'd take care of me," you intone beseeching, voice affecting a trembling, delicate quality.
He's never been good at denying you much. Already, he feels the urge to take you into his arms and promise to make it better, but he forces his hand to stay, curling his fingers in the bedsheets.
You crawl forward, until your lips are ghosting over his, eyes swallowing his field of vision until all he can see are the stars in your irises. He feels the
"Jason, please, it still hurts," you whimper quietly, a wounded noise that carves him from the inside out, guilt and shame poisoning his every nerve. He's at war with himself, wanting to ease your pain – he feels responsible for it, in a way – and hesitating similarly. Is this right? Is it okay?
Before he can come up with an answer, you press your mouth to his.
The last of his inhibitions crumbles completely under the plush of your mouth.
He rolls the both of you over, relishing in the gasp you let out, the sight of you splayed against the mattress. He's quick to divest himself of his clothes, tugging his shirt off recklessly, not minding the sound of ripping fabric he vaguely registers hearing. The jeans go next, and his underwear in one, flung to some corner of the bedroom.
Your spit slick mouth curves up into a delighted, drunken smile when he crawls over you, body eclipsing yours with every intent of ravishing you.
Jason holds himself up with one hand, the other reaching to the bedside table and rummaging in the drawer for the box he keeps there. Only, he comes up short and dread dawns over him in a cold wave when he remembers –
He'd used the last of the condoms a few nights ago. It hadn't mattered in the last couple of days, the weekend too busy for the both of you to do much else but curl up next to each other, too exhausted to consider working up a sweat.
"Fuck," he whispers, shaking. "Fuck, baby, there aren't, um…"
Your eyes fill with tears at the unfinished sentence, a hiccuped sob stuttering out of your chest.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," he tries to soothe you, a hand smoothing down your face. "I'll just – I'll run to the store, I'll be back before you know it."
"No, please, just–" Watery eyed and upset, you tug him closer as though fearing he'll take off. "I don't care, I don't, I just – I need you, Jason. Please."
He stares at you, heart thundering in his ears. "Fuck you without –"
"Need you now," you whimper, lips tugging down pitifully into a pout that cuts through his chest.
It isn't as though this is his first time fucking you raw –
Tipsy laughter, hushed whispers of it's fine, just once, we'll get the morning after pill.
– but still. This is different, another ballpark entirely.
You stare up at him, desperation in every crease and curve of your face, pleading with him. Too far gone to care, you beg him.
"I'll, um," he rasps out, throat dry, "I'll pull out."
You make some sort of noise that sounds like a vague affirmation, tugging him closer hastily. Poor, pretty girl. His chest aches at the sight of you, needy, looking to him to fix it.
"I'll fix it," he finds himself muttering, lining himself up with your entrance. You've similarly taken to murmuring under your breath, hands carding through his hair, devotion in your every touch.
"Need you so bad, please, please, baby."
The slick that smears against his head, the soft warmth of you, nearly makes his eyes roll back into his head. A drawn out whimper spills from your lips at the press of his hips, the first inches of him pushing into your tight heat.
You sink into the mattress as he notches himself further inside, mouth opening. You paint an obscene picture, your lips bitten raw, naked chest arched. He lowers his head to mouth at your nipples, teeth teasing at the sensitive points. You're warm, so warm beneath him – around him.
He's given only a moment to breathe before you push your hips up, impatient. Fucking yourself against him, your fingers dig into the muscle of his back for leverage, tucking him close enough to you that he brushes against your neck and tastes the salt on your skin.
Jason sets a harried pace, bucking forward against you. You begin to cry out again, every resounding slap of his skin against yours drawing out a moan that curls tight around him and presses down on his stomach. You exchange panted breaths between open mouthed kisses, tongues and teeth clashing messily, muffled pleas that beg for more, more, more.
Filthy, debauched, it doesn't take very long for you to approach your peak. Jason, lost in the wetness of your cunt, feels his own building and knows this is a dangerous game he's playing, toeing the line of recklessness.
"Close," he pants, feeling the tell-tale fluttering of you around him, your orgasm imminent. If he can just hold out until he's gotten you there –
Your legs wrap around him, hold so tight he's not able to do much more than rock against you in desperate, quick rolls of his hips.
"Inside," you warble. Your hands come to cradle his head, coaxing him down to kiss you, licking up into his mouth sweetly, teeth catching on his bottom lip. "Mmh, please, baby? Please? I – Jason – want it so bad, need you inside."
"Oh fuck," he gasps, voice hitching, breath stuttering. His face creases, overcome, and you grin, dazed, drunken, pulling him into another sloppy kiss. What's he to do?
You scream into his mouth at the same time that Jason comes. His vision whitens at the sensation of your pulsing heat, the unforgiving tightening that demands his orgasm. His fingers dig into the soft flesh at your hips, burying himself to the hilt and surrendering to your claim.
Warm and wet around him, the evidence of his debauchery coats the inside of your thighs and clings to the base of him. He's light-headed, a little winded, and it takes him a moment to gather his sensibilities. When he looks down, he finds you a boneless puddle beneath him, eyelids fluttering tiredly.
He should pull out. He knows he ought to – but he's broken so many rules, what's another? Jason gathers you in his arms and rolls over gently, tucking you against his chest, a hand skimming up and down the length of your spine comfortingly.
"Fuck," he whispers out into the air, and you murmur atop him. He glances down, meeting your bleary eyes. "Y'just had to go and get caught in that crossfire, huh?"
"N'my fault," you grumble, pressing your face back into his chest.
"Gonna give me a heart attack," he grumbles, dropping a kiss to your crown. Then, with a look over at the bedside table, he jostles you a bit. "Hey. Don't fall asleep. We still have to get you the antidote."
"Wake me when 's ready," is your answer, tone somehow managing a prissiness unexpected of someone who'd just been fucked to within an inch of their life, and he drops his head back into the pillows, incredulous.
This girl would be the death of him.
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first kinktober 2024 fic let's go!! i genuinely didn't think i was going to be able to commit to kinktober this year (i'm still nervous about whether i'll be able to) because finals are literally just around the corner and i'm stressing. but hopefully you enjoyed the first installment to this year's kinktober and the coming ones don't disappoint, either!
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missterious-figure · 2 days
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So, uhm... I made some models for the poison prince boys. I don't know what possessed me to do so, but hey! They look pretty good!
(I'm going to use a slightly more polished version of the paragraph I used to originally describe them because I'm hecking tired right now)
Y/n is an ranger or explorer. One day while out exploring a flooded valley, they stumbled upon Sun and Moon. The two claim to be princes of some land that has been flooding for centuries. The very land you are in now. Their subjects were turned into water/semi-aquatic creatures by a curse they caused. Held in their froggy forms by that same curse, they need true love to break them free. So they kidnap y/n and try to make them fall in love so the curse is lifted. But soon they learn that being a toxic piece of shit doesn't really make people like you very much. So they actually attempt to befriend y/n. Over time the three bond, becoming closer. (At some point the curse on their people is lifted, but the princes remain the same. However, they don't mind so much because they have you) I imagine though all of this they flirt with and tease y/n
Some ideas I have for Sun and Moon's personalities:
Sun is actually pretty sweet, but he can be very clingy and controlling. He wants y/n very close so he can protect them, but it comes of as suffocating. He doesn't want things to go spiraling out of control and for people to get hurt in the process, so he tries to take matters into his own hands.
Moon doesn't always show his true self, fearing that he might get hurt by those he is vulnerable with. Unfortunately, to avoid this, he puts on prideful and mean demeanor that hurts everyone else around him. He wishes he could truly open himself up to others, he's just... scared. Though he'll never admit that.
A random tidbit: the frills on Sun's head and the tendril on Moon's are actually a form of gills/feelers like axolotls have. These are very sensitive, and can put the boys in a certain mood if pet or stroked correctly.
Just incase it's hard to see them, I'll put an image with a grey background below
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mrsfancyferrari · 1 day
Birthday Boy
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Summary: It's getting to Max's birthday and you know what he wants for it.
Song: Heartbeat by Childish Gambino
Author’s note: DUDUDUDU MAX VERSTAPPEN! Please like, reblog and share this! <3
Word count: 4.8k
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Max's birthday was just around the corner, and you found yourself in a fortunate position, having a few weeks off from work. This time away felt like a blessing, especially considering how close you and Max had grown recently.
The aftermath of your breakup had been tough, filled with emotional turmoil and countless tears. Yet, through it all, Max had been your rock, offering comfort and support.
You often found solace in his presence, spending nights in his bed while he opted for the couch, a testament to the deepening bond between you two.
It felt perfectly normal, a natural progression of friendship, or so you thought.
As you enjoyed a leisurely afternoon playing golf, the sun shining brightly overhead, Lily suddenly interrupted your thoughts with a loud exclamation.
"Absolutely not!" she shouted, her voice cutting through the serene atmosphere. You turned to her, puzzled, as she continued, "You can't just sleep in his bed like that! It’s not just friends hanging out; it’s crossing a line!"
Her words hung in the air, and you could feel the tension rising.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "Lily, me and him are just friends! It’s not like we’re planning a romantic getaway or anything," you replied, trying to lighten the mood.
Lily rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress a smile. "Fine, but just remember, boundaries are important!" she warned, her tone softening.
Lily leaned back, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she took a swing at the golf ball, sending it soaring into the bright blue sky. "You know, you and I both understand that Max is head over heels for you," she remarked casually, a teasing grin spreading across her face.
The words hung in the air, and for a moment, everything around you faded into the background. Your heart raced, a sudden flutter of disbelief and excitement coursing through you.
This was the first time anyone had ever suggested such a thing, and the thought sent your mind spiraling.
"What? Are you serious?" you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper. The revelation felt like a jolt of electricity, igniting a mix of hope and confusion within you.
You had always thought of Max as a close friend, someone who shared laughter and late-night conversations, but the idea of him harboring deeper feelings was entirely new.
You could hardly process it, your thoughts racing as you tried to recall every interaction you’d had with him, searching for signs that you might have missed.
Lily chuckled, clearly enjoying your reaction. "What? You really didn’t know? Wow, you two are like two peas in a pod, completely oblivious to each other’s feelings," she teased, shaking her head in disbelief.
"It’s almost comical how you both dance around the truth. I mean, the way he looks at you when he thinks you’re not paying attention? It’s like he’s trying to memorize every detail of your face."
Her words painted a vivid picture in your mind, and suddenly, the world felt a little brighter, filled with possibilities you had never dared to consider before.
As they lounged in the sun-drenched golf park, Lily leaned closer, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You know, there’s a way to find out if he really likes you," she said, a playful grin spreading across her face.
The anticipation bubbled within you, and you leaned in, eager to hear more. "How?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
Lily's expression turned conspiratorial as she glanced over at Alex, who was engrossed in a game of golf with Lando. "Guys secretly enjoy it when you gently cup their cheek or run your fingers through their hair," she explained, her voice low and teasing.
"That’s how I figured out that big guy over there was into me. It’s all about those little moments of connection." You watched Alex swing his club, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, and wondered if Max would respond the same way if you tried something similar.
"Just think about it," Lily continued, her tone light yet encouraging. "If he doesn’t like you, he’ll probably pull away or act all awkward. But if he does… well, you’ll definitely know."
She nudged you playfully, her laughter ringing out like music in the air.
The thought of testing the waters sent a thrill through you, and you couldn’t help but imagine the possibilities.
Would Max react positively?
The idea of a shared moment filled with unspoken feelings made your heart race, and you felt a surge of confidence at the prospect of taking that leap.
As they lounged in the sun-drenched golf park, Lily leaned closer, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You know, there’s a way to find out if he really likes you," she said, a playful grin spreading across her face.
The anticipation bubbled within you, and you leaned in, eager to hear more. "How?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
Lily's expression turned conspiratorial as she glanced over at Alex, who was engrossed in a game of golf with Lando. "Guys secretly enjoy it when you gently cup their cheek or run your fingers through their hair," she explained, her voice low and teasing.
"That’s how I figured out that big guy over there was into me. It’s all about those little moments of connection." You watched Alex swing his club, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, and wondered if Max would respond the same way if you tried something similar.
"Just think about it," Lily continued, her tone light yet encouraging. "If he doesn’t like you, he’ll probably pull away or act all awkward. But if he does… well, you’ll definitely know."
She nudged you playfully, her laughter ringing out like music in the air.
The thought of testing the waters sent a thrill through you, and you couldn’t help but imagine the possibilities.
Would Max react positively?
After the golf session was over, your phone buzzed with a text from Max.
"Hey, come over to my place. I’ve got something cool to show you," it read.
Your heart skipped a beat, excitement mingling with nerves as you replied with a quick, "Sure, be there soon!"
The drive to Max's house felt longer than usual, every passing minute filled with anticipation.
As the door swung open, Max stepped into view, his presence commanding immediate attention. His muscular physique was evident even beneath the casual attire he wore; a fitted t-shirt clung to his broad shoulders and sculpted arms, accentuating the definition of his biceps.
The fabric of his jeans hugged his powerful thighs, hinting at the strength that lay beneath. With a confident stance, he exuded an aura of both approachability and strength, making it clear that he was someone who took care of himself while still embracing a laid-back style.
Max's features were striking, framed by tousled hair that added a touch of rugged charm to his overall appearance. His chiseled jawline and high cheekbones gave him a classic handsomeness, while his warm smile revealed a friendly demeanor that put others at ease.
The way he carried himself suggested a blend of confidence and humility, as if he was fully aware of his physical prowess but chose to remain grounded.
The casual outfit he wore—a simple t-shirt paired with well-fitted jeans—allowed his natural charisma to shine through without overshadowing his approachable nature.
As he stood there, the light from the hallway illuminated his figure, casting a subtle glow that highlighted the contours of his muscles. Max's eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, suggesting a playful spirit beneath his strong exterior.
When you arrived, Max greeted you at the door, his usual easygoing smile on his face
"Glad you could make it," he said, leading you inside. As you stepped into the cozy living room, you couldn't shake Lily's words from your mind.
You found yourself glancing at Max, wondering if this would be the right moment to test her theory.
"So, what’s the cool thing you wanted to show me?" you asked, trying to sound casual while your heart raced.
Max's grin widened, a spark of excitement lighting up his eyes. "Come on, I'll show you," he said, motioning for you to follow him further into the house. The anticipation in his voice was contagious, and you felt a thrill of curiosity pique your interest.
As you walked through the hallway, the walls adorned with photographs and memorabilia hinted at stories and adventures shared within these walls.
He led you to a room at the back of the house, the door slightly ajar.
Inside, the room was warmly lit, and the first thing you noticed were two cats, Jimmy and Sassy, lounging comfortably on a plush armchair. Their curious eyes followed your every movement, as if they, too, were eager to see what Max had in store.
Just beyond the armchair, on a small table, you spotted a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates, elegantly arranged as if waiting for a special moment.
Max turned to you with a proud smile, his eyes twinkling with satisfaction. "You mentioned you've never gotten flowers or chocolates from anyone, so I wanted to change that," he said, his voice filled with genuine warmth.
The thoughtful gesture took you by surprise, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of emotion. Max's attention to detail and the effort he put into making you feel special spoke volumes, deepening the connection you felt with him.
"Oh Max, you shouldn't have," you muttered into your hands, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks.
The warmth of his gesture melted away any lingering doubts, leaving you with a soft, glowing sensation in your chest. Max's eyes softened as he watched your reaction, clearly pleased with the effect his surprise had on you.
The room seemed to shrink, the world outside fading away as you stood there, enveloped in a bubble of shared affection and understanding.
Max stepped closer, his voice gentle and sincere. "I just wanted to make you feel appreciated because you deserve it," he said, reaching out to gently take your hand.
The touch sent a shiver down your spine, and you found yourself looking up into his eyes, feeling a connection that words could scarcely capture.
Overwhelmed by the depth of emotion his gesture had stirred within you, you found yourself stepping forward, wrapping your arms around Max in a heartfelt hug. His warmth enveloped you, and for a moment, it felt as though time had stopped.
Without thinking, you leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, a spontaneous act that seemed to convey all the gratitude and affection words could not express.
Max's breath hitched ever so slightly, and when you pulled back, his eyes were shining with a mix of surprise and happiness.
He gazed at you with a softness that made your heart flutter, and it was clear that the moment had deepened the bond between you. "Thank you, Max," you whispered, your voice filled with emotion. "For everything."
Max smiled, a tender expression that spoke volumes, and he squeezed your hand reassuringly. The two of you stood there, silently promising each other that this was just the beginning of something truly special.
"I got you your favorite chocolates," Max muttered, a shy smile playing on his lips. You looked at him, puzzled.
"But they don't make them here?" you replied, confusion evident in your voice.
Max's smile widened as he watched the realization dawn on your face. "I had them specially ordered," he explained. "I know how much you love them, and I wanted to do something that would truly make you happy."
Your eyes widened in surprise as you processed his words. The effort and thoughtfulness behind his gesture left you speechless. "Max, I can't believe you went through all that trouble just for me," you said, your voice trembling with emotion.
He stepped closer, his hand still holding yours. "You're worth it," he replied softly. The sincerity in his eyes made your heart swell with gratitude and affection, solidifying the special bond that had formed between you.
Eventually, the two of you left the room and went to sit with each other on the sofa, leaving only a small space between you. The TV was on, but after ten minutes, neither of you was paying attention to it.
The quiet murmur of the show served as a background to your own thoughts and the unspoken emotions hanging in the air.
You glanced at Max, catching his eye, and he smiled softly, a silent acknowledgment of the shared moment. It felt as if the world outside had faded away, leaving just the two of you in this bubble of newfound connection.
You decided to try Lily's theory. "Max, there is something on your face," you muttered, not waiting for him to respond as you cupped his face with your hand.
He blinked in surprise, a puzzled look crossing his features as you gently brushed your thumb across his cheek. "What is it?" he asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"It's nothing," you replied, your eyes locking onto his. "I just wanted an excuse to be closer to you."
A blush spread across Max's cheeks, and he chuckled softly, the sound a mixture of relief and amusement. "You don't need an excuse," he murmured, leaning into your touch.
He closed his eyes and leaned against your hand, his breathing steady and calm. The warmth of his skin against your palm sent a comforting shiver down your spine.
You could feel the unspoken words that lingered in the air, the depth of emotions that neither of you had fully expressed yet. It was a moment of pure intimacy, a quiet understanding that spoke volumes more than any words could.
As the night wore on, the comforting presence of Max and the emotional weight of the evening began to take their toll. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and before you knew it, you had drifted off to sleep on the couch, cradled by the warmth of the moment.
The last thing you remembered was the gentle rise and fall of Max's chest beside you, and the soft hum of the TV creating a soothing lullaby.
When you awoke, the first thing you noticed was the lingering scent of Max on the throw blanket draped over you. It was a mix of his cologne and something uniquely him, a smell that brought an immediate sense of comfort.
You blinked, trying to shake off the grogginess, and realized that Max was no longer beside you.
The room was quiet now, the TV turned off, and a sense of emptiness replaced the warmth that had been there earlier. . . .
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The long-anticipated day had finally arrived: Max's birthday celebration. Although Max had expressed a desire for a low-key gathering, his friends Lando and Charles had other plans.
They were determined to throw him a memorable bash, and before he knew it, you found yourself hailing a taxi to a trendy club that promised an extravagant night. As the city lights blurred past the window, you felt a mix of excitement and anxiety bubbling within you.
What if Max didn’t enjoy the party? What if he felt overwhelmed? These thoughts raced through your mind as you approached the club, its vibrant atmosphere pulsating with music and laughter.
Stepping out of the taxi, you hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of uncertainty. The entrance loomed ahead, and the thrumming bass from inside made your heart race.
Just as you were about to gather your courage and walk in alone, you spotted a familiar figure leaning casually against the wall, seemingly lost in thought.
It was Max, his usual confident demeanor replaced by a hint of contemplation. You felt a wave of relief wash over you, and without thinking, you called out, "Max! What are you doing out here? Aren't you supposed to be inside celebrating?"
Your voice cut through the noise, and you watched as his expression shifted from one of mild annoyance to a bright, welcoming smile.
"I was waiting for you, of course," Max replied, his eyes sparkling with mischief. The tension in your chest eased as he stepped closer, the warmth of his presence making the bustling club feel a little less intimidating.
"I thought I’d give you a chance to make a grand entrance," he teased, nudging you playfully.
You laughed, feeling the camaraderie between you two. "Well, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long. I was just trying to muster the courage to walk in there," you admitted, gesturing toward the club.
Max chuckled, shaking his head. "You know I’d never let you face this alone. Let’s go in together. It’s my birthday, and I want you to enjoy it as much as I do."
As you both stepped inside, the club's vibrant energy enveloped you. Neon lights flickered overhead, casting colorful patterns across the dance floor where people moved rhythmically to the beat of the music.
The air was thick with the scent of cocktails and the sound of laughter, and you could see Charles at the bar while Lando was being the DJ, waving enthusiastically as soon as he spotted you.
You made your way through the crowd with Max by your side, feeling a little more at ease with each step. As you approached the bar, Charles greeted you with a wide grin and a raised eyebrow.
"Well, well, look who decided to grace us with their presence," he teased, his eyes darting between you and Max. "I was starting to think you two had run off for a private celebration of your own."
Max rolled his eyes playfully, nudging you with his elbow. "Oh, come on, Charles. You know we wouldn't miss your expertly mixed cocktails for anything," he retorted, reaching for a drink that Charles had just finished preparing.
You laughed, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks as Charles gave you a knowing wink. "Just saying, you two seem pretty inseparable tonight,"
Charles added with a chuckle. "But I'm glad you're here. Now let's get this party started!"
As you navigated through the bustling crowd, you felt a warm sense of connection as Max's fingers intertwined with yours. It was a surprising gesture, one that felt so unlike the sober Max you knew, who typically kept his distance in social situations.
Yet here he was, leading you through the throng of partygoers with an air of confidence that seemed to defy his usual demeanor.
"Can you believe I actually agreed to this?" he chuckled, glancing back at you with a playful smirk.
You could see the hint of discomfort in his eyes, but he was trying to make the best of it, and you admired him for that.
Max had been thrust into the role of the gracious host, forced to thank each guest for attending his birthday celebration, even though he had made it clear he wasn’t keen on the idea of a party in the first place.
"Thanks for coming! It means a lot," he said, his voice dripping with a forced cheerfulness as he greeted a group of friends. You could see the strain behind his smile, and it made you want to laugh and cry at the same time.
"You’re doing great," you whispered encouragingly, squeezing his hand tighter. He shot you a grateful glance, and for a moment, the weight of the party seemed to lift just a little.
As the night wore on, the inevitable questions began to surface. "So, are you two dating?" one of Max's friends asked, a teasing glint in their eye. Max's response was quick, a playful grin spreading across his face.
"Oh, absolutely! We’re planning a wedding next week," he joked, his tone light but his eyes darting to you for a reaction. You couldn’t help but laugh, feeling a rush of warmth at the thought. "Or maybe we’ll just stick to being best friends," he added, shifting the conversation away with a wink.
You felt a mix of amusement and affection for him, knowing that beneath the humor, there was a genuine bond forming between you two, one that was becoming increasingly hard to define.
You liked Max more than you cared to admit, and each shared smile or inside joke only deepened that feeling. His ability to switch from playful banter to genuine warmth made your heart flutter in ways you hadn’t experienced before.
Tonight, seeing him step out of his comfort zone for the sake of others, you admired his resilience and adaptability. It was a side of him you rarely saw, but one that made you appreciate him even more.
As the party continued, you found yourself gravitating towards him, drawn by an invisible thread of mutual understanding and unspoken feelings. Every touch, every shared glance, seemed charged with a new, electric energy.
You wondered if he felt it too, or if you were simply projecting your own hopes onto the night.
Either way, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something significant was unfolding between you, something that went beyond the confines of friendship.
As the evening unfolded, you found yourself nursing a drink, careful not to indulge too much. The last thing you wanted was to wake up the next day regretting a bold confession of your feelings for Max.
The thought of revealing your heart to him sent a shiver down your spine, but the atmosphere was electric, and you could feel the tension building.
Lando, Charles, and a few others were gathered around, their laughter echoing through the room as they engaged in a lively game of truth or dare.
You were lost in your thoughts, contemplating the fine line between friendship and something more, when suddenly, a light tap on your shoulder jolted you back to reality.
“Hey, it’s your turn! Truth or dare?” Lando’s voice rang out, playful and teasing, pulling you from your reverie. You glanced around the circle, the eager faces of your friends urging you to make a choice.
“Um, dare,” you replied, a mix of excitement and apprehension bubbling within you. You felt a rush of adrenaline, as if the game itself was daring you to step outside your comfort zone.
Lando’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned in closer, clearly relishing the moment. “I dare you to sit on Max’s lap for the rest of the night and kiss him,” he declared, a knowing grin spreading across his face.
Your heart raced at the suggestion, a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside you. The room fell silent for a moment, all eyes on you, waiting for your reaction. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and thrill coursing through your veins.
Max, sitting just a few feet away, looked equally surprised, his expression a blend of curiosity and amusement. “You heard him,” you said, trying to sound more confident than you felt.
With a deep breath, you made your way over to Max, your heart pounding in your chest. As you settled onto his lap, the world around you faded away, leaving just the two of you in that electrifying moment.
The laughter of your friends faded into the background as you leaned in, your lips brushing against his, igniting a spark that had been waiting to be unleashed.
Max immediately cupped your cheek with one hand, his touch sending a jolt of warmth through you, while his other hand rested on your waist, pulling you a little closer.
The connection between you was undeniable, a magnetic force that neither of you could resist.
His lips pressed against yours with a tenderness that made your heart flutter, and for a moment, it felt as though time had stopped.
As you pulled back slightly, your eyes met his, and an unspoken understanding passed between you. The room erupted in cheers and applause, but their sounds were distant, muffled by the intensity of the moment you shared.
Max's eyes held a newfound softness, a hint of vulnerability that mirrored your own.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” he whispered, his breath warm against your skin.
"Max, you're drunk. You don't mean that," you dismissed his words with a nervous laugh, though your heart was pounding even harder at his confession.
You tried to brush it off, convincing yourself it was just the alcohol talking, but the sincerity in his eyes made it difficult to ignore. Your mind raced, torn between the desire to believe him and the fear of what it might mean if he was telling the truth.
Max's hand remained on your waist, holding you in place as he shook his head slowly. "No, I mean it," he insisted, his voice steady despite the slight slur of intoxication.
"I've always felt something for you, but I never had the courage to say it. Tonight just gave me the push I needed."
The vulnerability in his gaze was unmistakable, and in that moment, you realized that perhaps the alcohol had simply loosened his tongue, allowing him to finally voice what had been in his heart all along.
Your breath caught in your throat as you looked into his earnest eyes, and you felt a wave of emotions crash over you. "Max," you began softly, "I've felt it too, but I was always too scared to admit it."
His grip on you tightened slightly, a silent encouragement, and you continued, "Maybe we should talk about this when we're both sober, but I don't want to ignore what we're feeling right now."
"Will you say the same thing tomorrow?" Max asked, his voice tinged with fear. You could feel the weight of his question, the uncertainty that mirrored your own.
"I promise, I'll still feel the same," you replied softly, your heart hammering in your chest. "But let's give ourselves a chance to wake up and see if this moment is just as real in the light of day."
"Tomorrow, you might just earn yourself a girlfriend," you added with a playful smirk, trying to lighten the mood. Max's eyes sparkled with a mixture of hope and relief.
"Want to get a taste of her before the night ends?" you asked, leaning in closer.
The tension melted away as he pulled you into another kiss, this one filled with a newfound certainty. The world around you faded once more, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of shared emotions and possibilities.
"Get a room!" Lando yelled from across the bar, his voice cutting through the intimate moment. Max didn't miss a beat, raising his hand to give Lando the middle finger while still kissing you.
You couldn't help but laugh against his lips, the absurdity of the situation adding a light-hearted touch to the intense emotions swirling between you.
As you finally pulled away, both of you breathless and grinning, Max's eyes held a promise of tomorrow. "Let's get out of here," he whispered, his forehead resting against yours.
"I want to spend the rest of my birthday with you, just us." You nodded, your heart full and your mind clear for the first time in a long while.
Together, you made your way out, hand in hand, ready to face whatever the morning would bring. . . .
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amirmeavid · 3 days
I know the fandom generally agrees merlin and arthur would sort out the magic ban before getting married. But i got to say it would be objectively hilarious to watch King/Prince Consort of fucking Camelot, the OG magic hater, just prance around, lax as fuck because who the hell is brave enough to accuse the literal 2nd most important person in Albion of breaking the law? 🤣
Like just imagine all the dialogues that could come out of it:
Magic-Hating Noble: I watched the chair levitate!
Merlin: I was the only other person in the room at the time... :/
Arthur: Are you accusing your King Consort of sorcery? *royal angry face*
Magic-Hating Noble: No! No... sire.
Arthur: Are you... accusing yourself of sorcery?
Magic-Hating Noble: ...
*merlin in the background making no effort to hide the fact that he's literally reading a spell book*
Merlin: *Teleporting into a busy council meeting because he's late*
Everyone: *Stares*
Arthur: *clapping his hands* Anyway, lets get this meeting started!
Merlin: *coming back from very publicly creating a massive storm to defeat some magical attack* Weird weather we're having right guys?
One of Uther's Loyalists: *literal steam coming out of his ears but too traditional to contradict a royal*
Merlin: *swans off, spell book in hand*
Let me know if you want more!
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