#and then there’s the SHA-BRYTOL IN THE DESCENT
kissingwookiees · 2 months
so many little things in dai are giving me the feeling pre-veil dwarves might’ve been a hivemind type situation and were like worker bees to titans/‘the stone’ and that when the evanuris took the hearts of these titans they then controlled the dwarves in some way?? and then the lyrium being titan blood and using lyrium being blood magic and then red lyrium being blighted lyrium and andruil possibly discovering the blight in the deep roads and idk how it’s all connected but I feel INSANE anyways
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if there is one quest i wish we could bring leliana along for in Inquisition (besides wishing she could be in my party all the time) its the Nug King quest in the Descent dlc. She loves nugs!!!! She should be there to see 50 nugs + the nug king!!!!!! She's earned it!!!
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dalishious · 1 month
Dragon Age: The Veilguard – Release Date Trailer Analysis
I’ve finally put my thoughts down into a (mostly) coherent form! Let’s talk about that trailer, of which there is a LOT to talk about…
The Black City?
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We know from Game Informer that Solas's ritual was attempting to bind the Evanuris to a new prison, because the one he had previously constructed was failing. However, because of Rook's intervening, Solas is now trapped in the Fade, and Rook's blood is now connected to the Fade. If Solas is trapped in the Fade, perhaps it is the prison he built in which he is contained to.
Now, many people believe that the Black City – previously the Golden City – is this prison. I’m personally resistant to this, simply because this theory stems from fans drawing connections between lore about the Maker and lore about the Creators, which leaves a bad taste in my mouth. (Because of the differences in how those beliefs have been treated in the franchise’s writing. The beliefs of in-universe settlers is constantly given the benefit of the doubt, while the beliefs of in-universe Indigneous-coded people are debunked.) However, unfortunately it is looking more and more like this really might be the case. And I’m in an upset stage about this right now, but I’ll try my best to remain hopeful that The Veilguard will steer things in a direction that’s more comfortable?
The Horror of Hormak?
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I believe we are going to see a lot of references to Tevinter Nights in this game. This is just the first to appear in the trailer, by my guess. It looks like the elf is being absorbed into this fleshy mound, which is exactly what happened to Jovis in “The Horror of Hormak”. You can see other body parts sticking out of the mound, including one that looks like a darkspawn body. The flesh sacks themselves are reminiscent of signs of the Blight in Dragon Age: Origins, and we know that of the escaped Evanuris, Ghilan’nain is one of them. Ghilan’nain, who is Blighted. Ghilan’nain, whose temple in “The Horror of Hormak” had such magic capabilities of creating monsters from different beings, molding them together.
The Archon’s Palace?
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It looks like this floating structure could be the Archon’s palace, based on this description from “Half Up Front” in Tevinter Nights:
“The Archon’s palace filled the Minrathous skyline. Dominated it—it was visible from pretty much anywhere. When you first came to the city, you spent a few weeks admiring it, in awe of it. Eventually, you got used to it, and it became part of the background, like the sun or the clouds.”
So, that means we’re looking at Minrathous. Unless there are other cities with other magic floating structures, which I suppose we can’t rule out. It is Tevinter, after all.
Lyrium Infect Darkspawn?
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These darkspawn look like they’ve definitely been infected with red lyrium, given the small ones here resemble the Red Templar shrieks from Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Lace Harding’s Magic?
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So, we know from the official website that Lace Harding has discovered she has mysterious magic abilities. In this trailer, we see her turn monsters into stone, and raise a stone wall from the ground… if you recall, this second thing is something that the Sha-Brytol earth shakers could do in Dragon Age: Inquisition’s DLC, The Descent. The Sha-Brytol used lyrium to accomplish this, and when Lace uses her magic, her wounds glow blue… like lyrium, perhaps?
Morrigan & Mythal?
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Morrigan appears to be wearing the headdress that Flemeth previously had, from Dragon Age II onwards. In the epilogue of Dragon Age: Inquisition, before Flemeth was killed (?) by Solas, she was doing something with an eluvian. Morrigan always assumed that Flemeth intended to possess her, but it’s entirely plausible that really, Flemeth was going to give her a piece of Mythal. After all, Flemeth says to Morrigan that she was never in danger, because she had to be willing. So, needless to say, I think Morrigan now has Flemeth’s piece of Mythal within her.
The real question is, how the fuck does Morrigan still look like she’s in her 20’s? Shapeshifting, or simply developer refusal to let a woman show age? //eyeroll
Teia & Viago?
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I am HOPING. I am PRAYING. That my beloveds from the Tevinter Nights story “Eight Little Talons” play at least a somewhat significant role in the game, because I adore them so much. And it really does look like this might be them!
Magister Zara?
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At the end of the Tevinter Nights story “The Wigmaker Job”, there is a brief epilogue featuring a Magister by the name of Zara Renata. She is obsessed with maintaining a perfect appearance, and uses blood magic sourced from her slaves to remove and perceived flaws on her body. It is said that she will is on his target list, but Zara is convinced they can take care of him.
“Freeing Ambrose’s slaves already tells us this Crow has a heart. He will reveal other flaws. And we will exploit every last one of them.”
 My assumption is that this is Zara that Lucanis is fighting.
The Dread Wolf?
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In the Tevinter Nights story, “Dread Wolf Take You,” we are told that Solas has a Dread Wolf form. It appears in the Fade as a fiery wolf with wings. While this wolf is not on fire and does not have wings, it does have three eyes on each side, which is the same amount of eyes on Solas’s ending tarot card in Dragon Age: Inquisition. (Also, the same number of eyes as a Pride Demon…)
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Irelin first appears in the Tevinter Nights story, “Three Trees to Midnight”. She is a Dalish mage, part of Strife’s clan. In the comic “The Missing”, she is depicted to look strikingly similar to this elf. It could be coincidence, or it could be she’ll play a role in the Veilguard’s plot.
The Dragons in the Dragon Age?
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So, I’m still pondering this one… but I think there may be some significance to here being seven dragons shown in the trailer. There are, after all, seven Evanuris, and maybe the connection rests there. Or maybe it’s linked to there being seven Old Gods of Tevinter. Or maybe it’s all connected.
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crestwood-survivor · 1 month
Mythal in the Deep Roads: Deep Descent Ritual Cave
So, I just finished another playthrough of Inquisition and noticed a lot of neat things. One being the creepy ritual cave you can find when you’re going through the Deep Roads for the Deep Descent DLC. It looks like this:
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The cave is filled with a bunch of dead Cretahls that have been sacrificed, a bloody altar, bloody symbols written on the walls and ground, etc. It’s in the “Bastion of the Pure” which is the last level before we get inside the Titan, so it is deep beneath Thedas, deeper than the deep roads.
And what is the strangest thing we find here? A statue of Mythal:
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I didn’t realize what it was at first because it’s dark in this section of the game, and the statue is busted, but it is 100% a Mythal statue. It’s the same as this one:
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Except the statue in the deep roads is missing its head.
The Mythal statue is not he only weird thing in this cave. First, let’s briefly go over what happens as we enter this area. The cave and the tunnel leading to this area have dead Cretahl with designs written in blood on the walls and the ground like this:
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When we enter the actual ritual cave, as we approach the altar in the room an arcane horror will appear that we must fight. When the arcane horror appears, our Inquisitor will say “You’re the one behind the rituals!” and the arcane horror will resurrect some of the dead Cretahl to fight us.
After killing the arcane horror, we can get a closer look at the actual altar in the cave:
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And also find a sacrificial mug on the altar that gives us this description:
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“Sacrificial cup: Those stains don’t look like moss-wine.”
Finally, we have a busted Eluvian:
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Except, this one doesn’t look like most of the Eluvians we see in the game; it looks like Merrill's Eluvian:
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(I don’t think the Eluvian found here is Merrill’s, another Eluvian like this one can also be found in Morrigan’s study in Halamshiral)
So putting it all together, we have a creepy cave beneath the deep roads just outside of a titan where Cretahls are being sacrificed to an Arcane Horror, and this cave also has a statue of Mythal and a busted Eluvian in it. The only people living down there are the Sha-Brytol, so are they the ones make sacrifices here? What does Mythal and the Eluvian have to do with it?  We know from the Trespasser DLC that the ancient elves were in the deep roads and other Mythal statues can be found there too (I will be making a post about that as well) but those areas look very different compared to this ritual room in the Deep Descent.
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Lore: Titans
What we know about titans is little and sparse pre-DA4. Somethings that we do know about them are:
Also known as "the pillars of the earth"
They created the dwarves, they are potentially "The Stone" that dwarves refer to.
Alternatively the titans themselves are children of "The Stone", but created the dwarves. They consider the dwarves to be their children.
Lyrium comes from titans, it is considered to be their "blood".
The titans emanate a song from lyrium, it is different from the Blight.
Titans use earthquakes to shape the earth, they also previously used "Shapers" to carve valleys into the earth.
Their size is so vast it is impossible to describe it according to Valta. They're large enough to support life within themselves, from plants to dwarves like the Sha-Brytol.
Titans enable the dwarves to have a hive mind connection with it and others.
At least one titan has been killed by the Evanuris - specifically Mythal. Though it is suggested that it was multiple titans.
Ancient elves mined the bodies of titans' for lyrium, but out of fear, they eventually sealed them with stone and magic. They cited that "what the Evanuris in their greed could unleash would destroy all in its anger."
Before the Dragon Age, the last time a titan was known to be awake was -1170 Ancient. Before the fall of Arlathan and before the First Blight. Both instances were the same titan.
After -1170 Ancient there is no mention of the titans in Orzammar's memories. Though there are two texts that mention titans, they predate the First Blight.
Orzammar became the capital of the dwarven kingdom after the titan awoke in -1170 Ancient.
Known Titans
We only have the confirmed location (specific or general) of two titans.
Heidrun Thaig - it is the focus of the entire Descent DLC
Orlais - It is a super general and non-specified location but it is mentioned on the handle of Tug's axe that "The Stone lives beneath Orlais." It is also mentioned by the Nexus Golem in da2 in the Abandoned Thaig. Given that the stone is a reference to titans, we know there is one somewhere in Orlais.
Theoretical Titans
These are locations for titans that are mostly theory and locations I've seen others in the fandom talk about.
Temple of Sacred Ashes - I have seen this one floating around and I have some doubts. Mostly since we don't really know how big titans are, we can't rule out that it is the same titan as the one under Heidrun Thaig. Which, considering they can cause earthquakes and are described as impossibly vast, more so than a giant or a high dragon, they're erring on the side of large for sure. Coupled with Valta saying she wanders through the body of the titan for an unknown amount of time and hasn't seen all of it, only adds to just how inexplicably large it is. Along with that, if you keep with the scale of Ferelden being the size of England then from the thaig to the temple is only a 16 day journey (240 miles/386.24 km). Adding on the scaling math I have for the depth of Heidrun - being deeper than Mariana's Trench - the Titan could very well stretch that far.
Primeval Thaig - If this was indicative of a titan location, let alone being tainted, I feel that there would have been a discovery of red lyrium so much sooner. We know how infectious that stuff is, how impossible it is to destroy and how rapidly it grows. Not only is the thaig not deep enough to be directly connected to the titan, but it was completely sealed off to prevent it spreading. That said, I do think there is a possible titan under the Vimmark mountains. So far the only titan we have a definite location on is underneath mountains. Considering they cause seismic activity, I can definitely see one slumbering under there.
Anvil of the Void - This one does seem a bit plausible to me depending on where you put the thaig. This post by @/wyrdsistersofthedas explains the plausibility quite nicely. It is a bit tinfoil-y as is anything about dwarves and titans at this point. Especially when the source is dao and with how much BioWare has set aside in terms of lore. In essence though, Cariden's anvil is connected and supplied by a massive lyrium vein. His anvil and its location is also the only location where the creation of golems has resulted in functional creations. The rest went wrong or were driven mad in some way. The golems Branka is making from the Casteless in DAI if you give her the anvil are still consistently failing.
Sternann Peak, Anderfel - There is a lyrium mine out here near the town of Geltberg. Which also implies that there is a thaig as well. Whether this is run by Orzammar dwarves or the Carta is unclear.
Beneath the elven crossroads - The lyrium mines in Trespasser might be connected to an entirely different titan or the aforementioned titan beneath Orlais. It is unclear where the the spaces you go through the crossroads even are.
Cryptic Comments From Cole and Keiran
"It's singing. A they that's an it that's asleep, but still making music."
"Their ancient shapers were mountains drawn of all their wills, walking their memories into valleys of the world".
"They made bodies from the earth, and the earth was afraid. It fought back, but they made it forget."
"But you can't be taller. Not without the titans."
Titan Tidbits and Theories
Cole implies that templars have established a connection with the titans through their use of lyrium when asked for his opinion on the templars. Solas also echos this by describing how templar abilities work, that they pull in the reality of the world around them to shut out magic.
Though this doesn't quite explain Seeker abilities, the use of they lyrium brand and the touch of a spirit may forge a different kind of connection.
Cole comments on how "They (ancient elves) made bodies from the earth, and the earth was afraid. It fought back, but they made it forget." This suggests that maybe the original elves who are implied to be originally spirits, made bodies out of the titans (earth) and that this is one thing that instigated the war between titans and the evanuris. Though this is a speculative interpretation of what he means.
In the tabletop it is implied that in the past, the thaigs were carved from living rock - potentially the titans.
The dwarves of the elder days filled the thaigs, large open caverns beneath the earth, living in great cities carved from the living rock.
Adding to the above point, we see two instances where the old gods' prisons were under/nearby dwarven thaigs. In the Shimmer Stone Mine in the Western Approach and the Dead Trenches near the Ortan Thaig where Urthemiel amassed his army. If the oldest thaigs were carved from titans, it brings to question if the old gods were buried before or after the dwarven kingdom started building their thaigs given the "newer" thiags are above the old god prisons, and the prisons are above the titans.
If the old gods were buried after the start of the dwarven kingdom, which would be after the fall of the titans, it brings to question if the old gods are connected to Arlathan and the founding of the dwarven kingdom, and if this was one of the relics of the ancient dwarf and elf emipire collaborations mentioned in the tabletop that was forgotten about. Sandwiching them between titans and thaigs for safeguarding.
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selfpossesedghost · 1 year
Codex: A Cry in the Dark
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Inquisition scouts supporting Legion of the Dead forces of Heidrun Thaig report no contact with - or sightings of - Shaper Valta. However, a strange cry recently emanated from the Titan caverns, loud enough to be heard at the mining lifts campsite above. The cry's source remains unclear, but the voice was described as not belonging to either beast or darkspawn. Shaper Valta may be attempting to reestablish contact with her people - and may require assistance.
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A search of the Titan caverns all thr way to Shaper Valta's last known location turned up nothing but a fee small groups of Sha-Brytol, who were quickly dispatched. Valta seems to have disappeared deeper inside the Titan, but she was not the only one who vanished. The grave site of Lieutenant Renn was recently disturbed, and his remains are missing. It's not known who took his body or why. There have been no more cries from the Titan caverns.
Inquisition scouts reported one final discovery: the tunnel to thr Wellspring no longer exists. Attempts to delve into the blank rock face result only in broken tools and little trace on the stone itself. Somewhat nervously, but emphatically, engineers recommend leaving it be.
Dragon Age Inquisition [The Descent DLC]
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tea42 · 1 year
What's your headcanon for da4 for the titans and lyrium?
I think the Evanuris put the Titans to sleep in order harvest lyrium from them. It makes sense over killing them so that they continue to make lyrium to harvest and with what we see in The Descent expansion.
I think Solas used the arch dragons as seals for the Evanuris but he also used the the sleeping Titans as an anchor for the veil itself and so they and lyrium, which is their blood, exist in both Thedas and the Fade. I think the Veil will fall in DA4 and we have an immediate fall out with Evanuris but afterwards the Titans will also wake.
I actually think a Titan has already awoken fully on the planet but not in the area known as Thedas. The 'massive cataclysm' reported by Voshai people who once sailed across the Volca Sea to traded with people of the Anderfels in Laysh was in fact a Titan that woke up.
As for regular Lyrium, it fueled magic before the Veil so I think it will do so after but I also think there will the the chance for those using, especially non Mages, to be enslaved to the will of a Titan like the Sha-Brytol we see in the Descent.
I think the Evanuris used lyrium brands/tatoos as a way to enthrall their slaves. I think they copied this technique from the Titan with regaurd to the Sha-Brytol and other beings we see in the Descent. I think Fenris's markings are actually a reproduction of this Evanuris magic but there is no Evanuris awake (or willing if it is Solas's markings) to exert their will on him.
In regard to red lyrium my thoughts are rather complicated and I need to talk about what I think of the taint first.
I think the taint in general is the Evanuris trying to enthrall from their prison. The hivemind of the Darkspawn is what first made me consider this. If this is correct I think the Taint has to be a form of blood magic done by the Evanuris because they do not have lyrium in their prison. That is why it infects lyrium and doesn't use lyrium. That blood magic is also know for mind control in Thedas also makes me lean towards this idea. When the Veil falls the Evanuris will control the Darkspawn and also the Wardens if they don't find a cure.
I had considered at one point it was the achedragons/Old Gods trying to emulate the the thrall of the Evanuris, but the fact that the Darkspawn seek out an achedragon/Old God to infect with the taint and turn into an archedemon in order to start a Blight has made me discount that.
If this take on taint and tainted/red lyrium is correct than creatures exposed to it would be in thrall to the Evanuris in contra-point to how I speculate Templars will be in thrall to the Titans.
Thank you for the ask!
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krshush · 1 year
Hi! Tested negative and have no fever today! Hooray! Still spent today making my way through the Descent DLC and I am literally almost done, but I have one thing to say abt it atm
The Sha-Brytol have lyrium guns. They have LYRIUM SNIPER RIFLES! A KICKASS AND ALSO HORRIFYING CONCEPT! or at least it would be moreso had I not done JoH first and subsequently have the ability to shoot their lyrium bullets back at them pfhdbfh
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da-enasalin · 2 years
I really feel like we don't talk enough about how dragon age cannonically has machine guns. The Descent DLC does have a lot going on and the Sha-Brytol having guns is probably the least of the Inquisitor's worries at the moment but I haven't seen this in any fanfic or just even mentioned in fandom.
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l8rose · 1 year
Smith From Another Land
Chapter 76
Incredibly bad.
That was how Varric would describe everything since they stepped into the incredibly blue caverns.
He had made a life out of being observant. Often using what he noticed in his stories. And he had been paying extra attention to Ara as they had begun their descent. Especially since he had seen that shimmering whatever around her.
The further they went, the worse her mood seemed to get.
That sense of dread he had felt earlier was quickly hitting like a runaway bronto.
He realized that he had been right when he thought she sounded irritated.
Every little thing seemed to be getting on her nerves as they walked.
He could see it with how she tensed when someone said something. The way she glowered at the others when they spoke. Even the way she was gripping her weapon was a clear sign that something was bothering her.
The final hint had been when she actually flinched when he put his hand on her arm.
Especially when she turned to him with her teeth bared.
“Ara?” He removed his hand quickly but still could not keep the concern out of his voice. Especially when he saw the strange look in her eyes.
He could have sworn that there was the faintest edge of purple around the edges of her eyes. She blinked and the purple disappeared.
Only for it to be replaced by a strange glow that sent a chill down his spine.
“Sorry. Just… Sorry.” She muttered before shoving off the stones she had been leaning on. “Need… need go…”
“Ara? Is there something wrong?” Ellana asked as she turned away from Valta to look at their green Orcish friend.
Before anyone could stop her, she had pushed past the rest of them and down the walkway. She did not even grunt in Ellana’s direction before she jumped out of their view to a lower level.
“Is she always like that?” Renn’s voice rung out behind him, but Varric ignored him.
Instead, he looked over at Solas who was staring after Ara with a somber look. The elf looked back at him, and Varric had a sneaking suspicion about what had just happened.
This is definitely not good.
“She ignored me.” Ellana’s voice was quiet. “She jus-“
The sounds of battle and strange metallic screams suddenly echoed from the direction Ara had stomped off in. The sound sent another chill down Varric’s spine.
Ellana gasped before practically running for the ladder.
“Inquisitor!” Solas called after her. “It might be wi-“
“No! Ara just ran off on her own!” Ellana shouted back before he could finish. “She could be hurt or…”
“I don’t think it’s Ara we need to worry about.” Varric said.
“How can you say that?” Ellana said, her tone full of reproach.
“Just… you know how Ara is.” Varric said. The words sounded terrible to him, but he knew he should not tell Ellana that he suspected Ara had just jumped off the deep end.
“Perhaps we can discuss this once we are closer to your friend?” Renn’s voice was cautious.
That spurred Ellana to move even faster, and Varric watched as she slipped down that ladder. They all followed, one by one, until only Varric and Solas were left above.
“This does not bode well.” Solas said softly as he stood at the top of the ladder.
“I know.” Varric mumbled in response. “We shouldn’t have taken Ara down here.”
Solas said nothing as he went down the ladder.
Sighing, Varric followed after, and it quickly became a race down the walkway to try and catch up with Ara. He could hear the sounds of battles and the strange rasping screams of the sha-brytol.
His suspicions, and horror, were confirmed as they all came into view of the first group of sha-brytol Ara had encountered.
He had seen a lot over his long life. From Fenris ripping out hearts to mages twisting into abominations. Yet, there had never been anything like what he saw now. For once, he was at a loss for words and the only thing he could think was carnage.
Instantly, Varric thought of their first trip to the Waking Sea. When they had watched Ara wade into their enemies and practically mowed them all down. How she had laughed in what had almost seemed like madness at the time.
It was like the same thing had happened here, only that she had burst the sha-brytol apart with each swing of her maul. They were little more than pieces of pulverized armor and squished ancient dwarf.
“Oh, by the creators…” Ellana said with a gasp, covering her mouth at the sight.
“Damn.” Renn managed with a tone somewhere closer to respect than to horror.
Varric briefly considered that the Legionnaire must have been desensitized by all his time in the Deep Roads but that quickly became a thought for another time.
“We should hurry.” Valta said as she motioned to the direction Ara had gone. “She’s heading for the altar.”
It’s not like she can go anywhere else.
The thought popped in his head quicker than it took to breathe but it made sense to him. There was only one path to follow and even if there were corners to run around, he guessed all roads led to that glowing stone.
“Then let’s get there.” Renn spoke.
Ellana said nothing, only gripped her staff tighter and ran down the walkway. No one said anything else as they went.
Even as they found another one of those word walls, Ellana barely gave it a second glance before ushering Valta along.
The mood was grim as they met little to no resistance as they ran. One or two sha-brytol met them on the way but it was like they were fleeing Ara as opposed to coming to fight them. It was impossible to tell if that was what was actually happening, but Varric felt almost certain that she was the cause for their flight.
They finally caught sight of Ara once they rounded the last tower.
She stood amidst the sha-brytol and he was reminded just how big she actually was. It was another thing that he had forgotten as they travelled together. That Ara was nearly twice his height with the musculature to back it up.
That war maul in her hands looked like a simple hammer.
One that she was using to cave in the armor of the final sha-brytol who ran at her.
“Ara!” Ellana’s voice was an almost shrill yell as she ran towards their companion.
“Stop!” Varric suddenly called out in panic, reaching for Ellana but Solas was the faster of the two of them.
The other man managed to grab Ellana’s arm and kept her from moving any closer to Ara.
Ara, for her part, did not seem to notice them and was focused on slamming that maul into the sha-brytol far more times than needed.
“What are you doing?!” Ellana demanded, her angry gaze focusing on Solas.
“I believe she has gone berserk.” Solas said it quickly with a face that was completely neutral.
“Berserk?” Ellana asked with a frown. “Ara has ne-“
“When we met Bull, she said something about a blood rage.” Varric quickly answered. “I don’t know if she can tell friend from foe, but she said she doesn’t feel pain.”
I should have said something. I should have made her go back to the surface.
He felt a sense of guilt as he knew that whatever had been bothering her had finally reached a tipping point.
Guilt he knew Ellana felt as well. Her face gave everything away and she went completely silent. Just staring at their friend who was turning the sha-brytol into paste.
“Is that like some kind of reaver?” Renn asked.
Varric could say nothing because that had been his first reaction as well.
“Yes.” Solas answered before letting go of Ellana’s arm. “I do not think it is wise for us to go near her until she calms down.”
“I don’t think we have much of a choice.” Valta said. “We need to get to that platform and she’s in the way.”
Varric thought the point was moot as Ara had turned away from them and started advancing for the platform Valta mentioned. There was going to be no getting between her and that altar and Maker help any of the remaining sha-brytol who tried to get in her way.
“Then we try to stop her before she does anything else.” Ellana said firmly with all the tone of the Inquisitor. “Try not to hurt her.”
“As you command, Inquisitor.” Solas said with a nod.
Varric only nodded as he was not looking forward to the idea of trying to fight against Ara.
In the end, it did not matter. She had looked in their direction when they approached, and Varric instantly felt like he was being looked at like a piece of meat. Those eyes still held that unnatural glow, but it was as if her personality was completely gone. That it was only a predator staring back at him.
She was clearly sizing them up before she turned away. The expression on her face was clear that they were not even perceived as a threat.
“Ara! Stop!” Ellana yelled out but it seemed to reach deaf ears.
Ara began to run but then things went even worse.
It seemed like time seemed to slow as Ara swung that maul at the giant blue stone. Only for it to react like it was defending itself.
Like it was alive.
It was like a magical shockwave that struck out against Ara. Whatever had her slipping into such a rage simply vanished as she was thrown through the air like a doll.
“Andraste’s tits!” Varric shouted and took a half step towards her. He only stopped as he realized there was nothing he could do to prevent her from being flung through the air. It was not like he could actually catch her.
“Ara!” Ellana’s shout was full of concern and panic.
That blast continued past where Ara stood and slammed into the group as well.
Varric felt it hit him but strangely enough, it was like a breeze compared to Ara being thrown through the air. The sound of two thuds behind him had him turning to look at where Valta and Renn had also been thrown.
It took a brief second before he realized that the magic force had clearly chosen to knock those two down.
Should I be insulted?
It was the only thought he managed when a wall of rocks rose, separating them from the other two dwarves. Instinct had him turning towards the center of the altar.
That is not good.
“She’s fine.” Solas quickly said as both he and Ellana crouched near Ara.
“I… think that’s the least of our worries.” Varric mumbled as he watched the rocks by his feet roll along towards the blue stone.
They all watched as the stone changed into something more like a rock wraith. Only with tendrils spread out from it that twisted in the air.
Varric quickly pointed Bianca in its direction as both Solas and Ellana moved to intercept the thing as well.
That was when Ara stood up.
Varric jerked his head towards her and knew something was off.
Her shoulders were hunched, and her body leaned forward a little too much. Then there was the maul that she slowly picked up. That glow was still in her eyes but there was a strange, almost dazed look. Like she was asleep on her feet.
She did not drop into a fighting stance as he expected but it was like her body swayed back and forth before she suddenly dashed forward. Ara did not make a sound. She did not yell or growl as she started to swing the maul at the nearest part of the blue rock wraith.
“Ara?!” Ellana’s voice did not seem to reach her either.
Or Ara just ignored the elf to focus on fighting. He truly hoped it was the former even if her body moved in a strangely jerky way.
Even if his gut was telling him that this was bad. Very, very bad.
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lesbiansforboromir · 3 years
OK OK listen listen hear me out... so... I just finished the descent again. And like- SO-
So Lyrium is the blood of the titans. Yes. Ok. And the Titans consider the dwarves their children. Valta says so, she is recognised by the Titan like she’s it’s child. And she hears it’s song, like all dwarves can hear the song of lyrium and have a stone sense. And they can find it and mine it that way. And Lyrium when ingested gives powers but can also become addictive, can have effects on cognitive function, Sandal exists.. Right? Right... 
What if... the Darkspawn are to the Archdemons a corrupted version of what the dwarves are to the Titans... They both hear a song... and that song is ‘foreign’ to the fade. Like how Justice reacts to Lyrium, he’s delighted by it but it’s also completely new to him, he’s never seen it before. And then Avernus claims that the Blight has power because it is completely other to the fade and demons, they do not know what to do with it. And since we know lyrium spreads and grows similar to how the blight spreads and grows... and Grey Wardens are created by drinking archdemon + darkspawn blood like the Sha-Brytol drink the  ‘blood’ of the Titan!! When people drink just darkspawn blood, they die, but drinking Archdemon blood with it can mean they live and have powers, SIMILARLY to the dwarves ingesting mined lyrium and dying vs them drinking from the wellspring and getting powers! and of course we know that Lyrium can be corrupted, the red lyrium is literally a blighted Titan as far as we’re aware. 
And of course, the Titan’s heart that we find in the Descent was sealed off to protect it from the Blight, it must have been. That’s why it discusses ‘the pure’ and why the Sha-Brytol kill anything on sight. Anything could be blighted and likely is, if it’s passed through the Deep Roads. The dwarves used to have powers unique to them but had to cut themselves off in order to protect the Titans from corruption. There MUST have been a point where the Titans were sealed off and then struck from the Memories in order to keep their people away. The only question is... when... because if it was entirely because of the Blight then the Dwarves were selling Lyrium to Tevinter LONG before they lost contact with the Titans. OH. OH. Endrin Stonehammer HAD a hammer that was enlaced with Lyrium!!! Just like the Sha-Brytol weapons and armour!!! THIS IS RAMBLING, DRAGON AGE DWARF LORE MAKE BRAIN GO BRRRR
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dreadfutures · 3 years
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The Descent 2/[?] - Writing in the Wellspring
Picture 1-2: Writing found on the inside of pillars surrounding the Titan Guardian.
Picture 3-7: Writing found on the base of the Titan Guardian’s pedestal, below the platform (unseen to players without flycam!)
Picture 8-10: Writing found on the edges of most platforms in the Wellspring.
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bearsizedant · 3 years
finishing up the descent dlc and I wish we knew more about the Sha-Brytol, like we find out they have an entire civilization and culture and rituals that no one has ever discovered before the Inquisitor and Valta, and I have so many questions like.... do they only live within this particular titan? are there defenders protecting every titan? how did they come to protect it? if there are defenders for every titan, are they all different? and there's no option to like communicate with any of them and Valta's messages you get after you finish ask more questions than they answer and I want to know so bad bioware please give me more dwarven lore
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dalishious · 4 years
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Ancient dwarven writings from The Descent DLC
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kal-sharok · 5 years
can't believe bioware spent a decade preaching how dwarves can't do actual magic or dream because they have no knowledge of the fade despite continuously allowing you to send said dwarves to the fade?? only to give us a light, mage restricted robe that grants you fade cloak on hit in a place deep underground populated by ancient dwarves that manipulate lyrium, the very essence of magic
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Dragon Age Inquisition Nostalgia Part 13
The screenshots are mine, but the game obviously belongs to Bioware.
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