#and then the both of them being absolutely DEVASTATED to find out they're married
stars-n-spice · 2 months
Crosshair maybe having a crush on Anakin and Wrecker maybe having a crush on Padmé is something I find hilarious and love a lot actually.
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top 5 marina moments and why?
Oh my gosh I'm so honored to have this in my inbox.
Top moment has to be after andrea death when maya says something along the lines of "give it to me and when you're strong enough you can have it back"(I don't have it word for word memorized) but when carina is feeling guilt amongst all the other devastating emotions and maya is just fully there for carina. This entire plot takes me to another dimension.(the scene at the firehouse "scream" and when maya comes home to find carina finally asleep in bed ties in as well).
The scene in carina's hotel after maya gives her the undercooked lasagna. The sentiment, the way maya runs an errand(to see her wife) while she's supposed to be working(the job does not mean more to her than her wife). Carina being upset and pouting and the way maya waits for carina to allow her in. Just I want to dissect that scene everytime I watch it. It makes me crazy.
The marriage proposal. Idk just the way carina says "marry me" it's practically engraved in my mind.(I just love the way both of them end up doing the things they never imagined/feared most because of the way they were brought up and their parents.)
"I'm the truck" absolutely gets me everytime. Because at first carina is just confused and kind of light but when she notices that maya is having a moment, a breakdown, she switches up quickly. Instantly concerned and the way she cradles maya.("you're having a panic attack" comes very close also. Because you can see carina kinda almost say the wrong thing, I think she almost says "you need to calm down" or "calm down" something along those lines of things that are not necessarily helpful in that situation. But then she course corrects. Plus when she says "no eyes forward only on me" sobbing. Obliterated.)
So many scenes running through my head but personally I do think the scene after they deliver Pam's baby, when they're at the station. Again the way they shift through emotions, maya gives her this look and carina instantly gets serious and the conversation is serious and honest.(this scene is very much maya and carina airing out their dirty laundry in a way. carina comes clean about pam and maya talks about the dixon stuff some more) "They mirror back the best version of you"
Honorable mentions to the first time carina brings lasagna to maya at the station. I just love the tension and the way they work through that scene(when maya stops carina at the door THEN she opens it because she understands if carina wants to leave, she did just push her away. And the bar scene in s6(carina rambling about kids and maya just in love with her wife and carina has to course correct because now she's rambling and they just started working on growing back together. The way carina affectionately talks about maya and THE NOSE. Then when they're talking to the bride.) and the bar scene in s7(when maya is rambling about the crows, the way carina is amused and confused and concerned because where is maya going with all this, and carina's reassurance. "Already prioritizing our future kid")
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
Okay so idk if it’s just me being tired as fuck (#newborn life) but I’m trying to wrap my head around all the different theories and I keep getting confused.
So here are the main theories, with their evidence. Note that this contains spoilers.
1. What we know (spoilers):
We know that both Ivy and Flo are coming (back) to the villa.
There is a postcard which seems to show Ozzy with his arm around Flo.
There is a postcard which seems to show Elliot looking at some girl naked in the shower.
Assets exist in which we can pie our original LI “hard” or pie them “soft” for snog/marry/pie.
2. What we don’t know:
If anyone will be ALLOWED to stay single. They're allowed on the show and we were allowed in season 2, but we weren't last season. Bella/Chloe also made a point of saying "twisting might be the safer option".
Whether or not MC (or Marshall) will appear in the postcards
Which TWO of the below THREE options will be true.
Side note: Fusebox have recently cracked down on spoilers so a lot of them have been taken down from tumblr. I don’t have copies so please don’t ask for them, this is just what I can remember.
Theory #1: Elliot twists.
Likelihood: Almost 100%
Points to support:
Bella/Chloe said he was sad, but that he was still going to pursue finding a connection.
… he’s staring at a girl’s tits in the shower. Yeah, I know he didn’t have his glasses on, but that’s no excuse. He didn’t stumble blindly into the bathroom with earplugs in, he KNOWS he’s in the bathroom and the shower’s running.
He is, for all intents and purposes, single. There is absolutely no benefit to him “staying loyal” because MC has ‘gone home’. He’s been handed a golden ticket to crack on in casa because he might be the first islander ever to go in single.
Points against: 4. If MC appears in the boys’ Casa postcards, he might not switch.
Theory #2: Original LI Twists
Likelihood: 50/50 with #3
Points to support:
Snog/Marry/Pie asset gives 'pie hard' or 'pie soft', implying they might've done something that would deserve being pied hard.
There’s already significant drama with Ozzy/Marshall, so they may try and balance that out by having Ozzy be single and our OG LI be the one that twists. (Although this could also work the other way, see point 4)
There are a wider cohort of people who would be impacted if the OG LI was the one to twist- not everyone is on an Ozzy route. So in terms of ‘bang for your buck’, it’s more likely.
Points against:
4. FB seem to be leaning towards making Ozzy the default LI, which means most of the drama will be centred around him. They may give us a loyal Day One (/Roberto) as an alternative to that.
5. Bella/Chloe tells us that our Day one (YES AND ROBERTO) was proper devastated and didn’t really know what to do.
Theory #3: Ozzy twists
Likelihood: 50/50 with #2
Points in support:
He’s pictured in the postcards with Flo.
Marshall has told us that Ozzy is untrustworthy and will “move on to the next pretty girl he sees”
Andy told us Ozzy isn’t physically attracted to Grace. Ozzy also thinks we have gone home. With these two points under consideration, why would he stick?
Points against:
4. Marshall seems shady. If he’s actually the ‘evil’ twin (lol), he could definitely just be trying to get into our head, perhaps to steal his brothers girl.
5. Ozzy did not have a 'pie hard' or 'pie soft' option - implying he might not have done anything wrong to deserve it...
What are your guys’ thoughts? Personally with all this I’m leaning towards #1 & #3 but idk.
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caramel-catss · 1 month
botw/totk zelink headcanons
for @waroferas 🫶
they get married. first and foremost LOL. i will elaborate
after botw, zelda moves into link's house. they were already in love pre-calamity but neither realized or did anything about it. so they get to fall for each other againnnnn GAH. it just naturally progresses between them... there's only one bed, so of course they share it. of course link makes breakfast for himself and zelda. of course zelda braids link's hair and weaves flowers into it. of course link gives zelda his coat when she's cold. and then one night zelda is looking into link's eyes and they are so soft and his face is so joyful and carefree in a way she never imagined he'd ever able to be and suddenly she's brushing her hand against the scars on his chin and his breath hitches and they are so close and link leans in closer and zelda kisses him .
they make graves for the champions together
to me zelda drops the princess title, declares the castle a historical monument, and dissolves the monarchy. also to me like 90% of totk doesn't exist. so
link has no last name and zelda doesn't like hers. they create a new one for them both
the two fully embrace a domestic village life. link takes care of his and zel's horses or forages or helps out townspeople or follows zelda around or does whatever he feels up to doing. zelda starts the school and splits her time between it and working at purah's lab to research sheikah tech
zelda has a telescope and stays up late to look at the stars. link joins her. sometimes (mostly in the winter when it gets dark early) they'll invite hateno townsfolk to join them
botw took link 2-3 years, and the time between it and totk is about 5 years. when they marry, link and zelda are 23-ish? give or take a few years. being a kinda-medieval-ish world, it's probably a more normal age to marry
they get married at the heart pond. they only invite a few people; kass, riju, sidon, teba, yunobo, purah, impa & paya... close friends of theirs
link made their wedding rings by hand! got some help from the jewelry seller in gerudo town. zelda's has a silent princess shape - a topaz in the middle, and the petals made from diamond and sapphire
link has chronic migraines and zelda takes care of him. she tells him about hyrule before the calamity and helps him get his memories in order
they trade off for dinner w/ link cooking and preparing the meal and zelda cleaning the dishes
it is so so so important to zelda that they have an equal partnership, especially now that she isn't a princess and link isn't a knight. link respects this!!! it's a bit hard for him to adjust at first because of his previous relationship with zelda, but they are equals :)
sometimes they'll catch themselves falling into old habits!!! zelda sets the table in a traditional royal way without realizing. in the beginning (re: adjusting) link would subconsciously stand at attention when zelda approached him.
zelda had to learn a lot of things about life because she grew up rich!!!! link teaches her how to cook, mend + sew + wash clothing, etc... she's never done chores before and he had to re-learn them on the fly. they laugh a lot while they do this
link cuts zelda's hair short. zelda brushes link's hair as he grows it out
TOTK IS A ROLESWAPPPPPP FOAMS AT THE MOUTH TOTK ROLESWAP. GOD. only thing that makes its story bearable for me HONESTLY .
they're the kind of star-crossed lovers who are soulmates and would sacrifice themself for the other in an instant. important for totk lol
link places absolute faith in his wife when he swallows the secret stone. he knows how smart she is and know she'll find a way to help him, but even if she isn't able to... he doesn't mind. as long as this decision will help her and hyrule, he is okay with being a dragon for eternity
it's absolutely DEVASTATING for zelda when she finds out. link already lost an entire century because of her inability to save him. and now, he's lost his entire self for goddess knows how long... because she didn't catch him
zelda spends hours laying on link-as-dragon. she prunes his scales for him and memorizes his flight path
after botw, zelda passed out from exhaustion and link carried her on his horse back to hateno. after totk, link passes out from exhaustion and zelda carries him back on her horse <3
they officially adopt two cats after totk (i know they're not in either game shhhh they exist now) but link has and will bring home whatever animal is friendly to him and there are many feral animals in their backyard that link feeds
link had a very cloudy head and dissociated a lot post-botw, but after totk it got a LOOOOT worse. he'll be there one moment, and zoning out the next. over time it does get better but he's never quite the same
zelda wielded the master sword during totk and became quite a good swordsman herself. link used to sometimes go off to deal with small monster problems, and now either both of them go or just zelda if link's not feeling well
they don't use the master cycle often because it takes a lot of important materials to power it... but sometimes they'll go to hyrule field and play with it for fun
link primarily signs still. his voice was damaged from the fatal guardian hit, and the shrine of resurrection didn't fully heal it. but, when he feels safe (usually around zelda), he quietly speaks out loud. zelda, knowing why he was silent pre-calamity, can't put into words how happy it makes her
they grow old together :) after totk, they're finally allowed rest, and they live out their days as carefree village folk. both of them are the happiest they've ever been
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askauradonprep · 2 months
Poly Pirate Crew Timeline
I should not have been allowed to do this rewatch. I am back on my poly pirate crew bullshit and I'm about to drag a bunch of new followers down with me if I have my way. :P
About three months before D2 (and 3 months after D1) the crew first forms. They're described as 'hardened mercenaries' 'cutthroats' and 'a bunch of scoundrels' but also as kids who were deemed not worth very much by the Isle. There are bumps and bruises in getting some of them into teamwork but overall, things go really well. Uma quickly inspires confidence by doing things like diving into the sea to rescue Gil or waiting at the mouth of a collapsing cave to make sure her entire crew gets out.
Over that three month interval, the crew not only makes major territory grabs (including Mal's former territory) and even begins to be taken seriously by some of the adults. They also start hanging out and spending most of their time together, so when it comes to doing things like making out as stress relief or going to places together, it's usually with each other. At some point it occurs that they're all pretty much dating each other but they have bigger things to worry about so it's not that big of a deal.
Descendants 2 goes down, Uma's missing for a whole year. Harry takes over and manages to hold down the fort but the crew is a mess without Uma and he knows it. Even people who don't hang around the crew like Ginny Gothel notice how close knit the crew is and can no longer imagine Harry without them. Harriet notes that getting Harry a VK Day application is pointless because he won't leave without his crew. They also note he's been miserable without Uma.
Descendants 3 goes down, Uma returns! The crew is elated but only for a moment. Uma has to tell them the gut punching news that the barrier is going to stay closed forever and they're all going to die on the Isle. Rather than dwell on that, she focuses them on preparing to protect the Isle as supplies dwindle and chaos breaks out. Obviously this crisis is averted by Mal letting down the barrier and setting them all free.
The crew is in Auradon now! They take about a semester to get caught up on educational requirement differences and their 'we're REASONABLY certain they won't destroy Auradon' stamp of remedial goodness. They make things official and enjoy both running wild and having actual DATING moments. During this time, they find an abandoned villa in Auradon that they claim as theirs (by hiding it from everyone else with magic). Then they're officially free to pursue their own interests and they all....split. Everyone is on their own for about a year. Uma's happy for them chasing their dreams but also devastated to lose them. Well, after that year, Drey calls a meeting in a warehouse to see everybody. Harry reveals he's spent that time fixing up the Lost Revenge to be seaworthy and now they can go wherever they want and do whatever they want. The crew gets back together and sets sail for about a year and a half (totally not doing revolutionary things to stop certain escaped villains from hurting kids or bringing down places like the Isle, nooooo).
Uma is invited to be in charge when Mal, Jay, Evie and Ben go off to do some alliance building. She accepts and her crew accompanies her back. Most of them settle the villa and get their 'living on land' ducks in a row, but about six get Uma's office ready and help her out (yes this is from the Merlin verse but IDC, I like it, do it happens here too. :P)
Once Mal and Ben return, Uma's crew goes back to the water. They return periodically but for the most part, they are now full time pirates. After a while they start considering themselves PRETTY MUCH married. During one of these visits back, Drey gets pregnant with the crew's first kid born during the relationship (Valor being born before hand) at about age 26. This kicks off the start of lots of kids. Does this stop them adventuring, treasure hunting or pirating? Absolutely not.
There's a lot of details to fill in in between these but this is the general gist of how I imagine that relationship going.
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supermarine-silvally · 4 months
ooooh wanna see Ace, Sabo, Luffy and Yara as kids xD
An ASL + Yara AU just for you, anon! one day I'll work up the motivation to draw it but my drawing inspiration has been virtually nonexistent as of late
Enjoy these headcanons~
So in this AU, Mihawk left Yara in Windmill Village because it was somewhere Shanks recommended would be safe enough for her. He gives her to a foster family to raise while he's away, but he doesn't cut off all contact with her like he does in Yara's canon story. Therefore, Yara has a happier upbringing than she does normally, with foster parents who love her, but she still resents Mihawk for his extremely minimal parenting. Whenever he comes back to visit, he teaches her some swordplay (but to be honest, she probably learned more from Shanks than she did Mihawk and has a much greater respect for him than her own father).
Luffy befriends Yara first, since they're both kids in Windmill Village. Although she's quite quiet and spends most of her time in the local library, Luffy does insist on playing with her and will drag her out to go play by the ocean or show her cool bugs or stuff that he has found.
Yara has heard about Ace at this point, since he has gotten himself into trouble on more than one occasion, and she knows of him as this weird, angry kid who keeps asking about Gold Roger and beating up local thugs, but they don't meet face-to-face until later.
Once Luffy is sent to live with the Dadan family, he insists on introducing Yara to Ace and Sabo. Sabo and Yara hit it off instantly, but Ace acts like he wants nothing to do with her because she's a girl and will only slow them down.
(I can imagine Ace and Yara having a Calvin and Susie from Calvin and Hobbes-like relationship lol upon re-watching the postwar arc, I noticed young Ace doesn't have a very high opinion of girls XD)
Ace doesn't want her to accompany them in their adventures and tries to 'no girls allowed' their treehouse, but Luffy and Sabo overrule him on multiple occasions.
Yara honestly isn't terribly fond of Ace, either. She thinks he's a rude, belligerent little brat, and the two get into disagreements often. (If you had asked Yara back then which of the brothers she would one day end up married to, she probably would've said Sabo lol Ace would've been an unfathomable option)
Tensions between the two reach the point where Yara ends up smacking Ace hard enough to draw blood, at which Ace develops a begrudging kind of respect for her and allows her to accompany them into the woods more often. (She also learns his secret at the same time Luffy does, but rather than use it to provoke Ace, she just assures him that she doesn't mind who his father is).
Running around in the woods with the boys does help her hone her swordplay skills. She even engages in some shenanigans in the Goa Kingdom, stealing items and dining and dashing and the like, but at some point, her foster parents find out and she gets grounded with a warning that she is not to see them again.
Despite this, she still manages to sneak out and gets caught up in the Grey Terminal incident, barely making it out with Luffy and the mountain bandits alive.
She is absolutely devastated by Sabo's death, which kickstarts her hatred of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons.
Mihawk hears about all the trouble Yara has been getting in with these boys and decides (alongside her foster parents) to send her away to finishing school, where she will get a good education and learn how to behave like a proper lady. So Luffy and Ace end up having to say goodbye to her, too. (Or, rather, they hear that she was sent away without being allowed to say goodbye to them).
A few years later, Yara finally returns to Windmill Village and meets Ace and Luffy again. Luffy is excited to show her all the new moves he's been working on, whereas Ace, in the full throes of puberty, is immediately smitten. He has certainly grown up a lot, and with some help from Makino, is hardly the rude little brat Yara used to know.
Cue a childhood friends-to-lovers arc full of awkward teenage romance and a desire to make up for lost time that results in them sneaking out together every single night, though it still takes awhile for them to come to terms with their blossoming feelings for each other.
They're sitting on a cliff overlooking the sea when Ace (16) finally works up the nerve to ask Yara (15) if he can kiss her. (She says yes). He also tells her of his plans to go out to sea on his birthday and asks her to come with him, which she accepts.
When Ace sets sail at 17, he takes Yara with him and she becomes the first member of the Spade Pirates. With Yara’s competence as a navigator, they avoid being shipwrecked on Sixis Island, instead stopping there to refill some supplies. That’s where they meet Deuce and where Ace, who wants to explore a bit, comes across the Mera Mera no Mi. The three of them decide to build a better boat than the one Ace and Yara currently have that Ace can power with his newfound abilities. Things proceed as normal from there.
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Your Zaundads hc was *chefs kiss* May we please have married Melco headcanons?
Thank you - glad you enjoyed them<3
Melco would be an entirely different dynamic. Also hilariously (and horribly) just as dysfunctional. Not that Silco is capable of functional relationships, but lmao....
This union broke hearts. In Piltover; in Zaun. For their own reasons, they're both sought after by much of their social circles. Best believe that when declarations were made, Piltover's eligible bachelor set and shady portions of Zaun's gold-digger club were left alternately drunk or devastated.
This union catalyzed scandal. Logically, it wouldn't work unless one of them resigned (ha! resigned...) from their official duties. Otherwise the conflict of interest would be catastrophic. Corruption within their own cities is fine - both are self-serving oligarchies, although Piltover deludes itself with democratic ideals whereas Zaun lets the plutocracy hang out for all to see. But fraternizing with a rival state is another matter entirely.
Either way, the diplomatic hurdles were many - and the gossip was plentiful.
Mel, whatever their differences, is her sole surviving heir. That gutter rat - as she calls Silco forevermore - is the literal manifestation of Piltover's leftovers. He has no pedigree - he's working-class - he's new money. ("All the power in the world couldn't afford you a jot of sense, Mel?!")
(I imagine Ambessa will come around by degrees when she realizes her 'son-in-law' is just as ruthless a survivalist as she is. But it will be a long and assassin-filled journey...)
Jayce did not know sobriety for a month. Viktor had to be his long-suffering listening ear. (Jayce; "How, Vik? How could she let that cockroach near her? He has absolutely no morals." Viktor: "I suppose you have suffered amnesia on the morals of Noxian aristocracy...")
Sevika was not happy. She did not show it. She carried on like always. But those closest to her noticed a sense of... bitterness, almost. Pragmatically, this union is a huge gamble. Privately, she feels Silco - and Zaun - would've been better off with someone working to further his aim and the nation's interest, rather than a rival who could compromise it at any moment. She requested time off on Silco's honeymoon, and spent the week shut up in her flat.
Jinx did not speak to Silco for the remainder of the year. A stepmommy? A Piltie? Yeah - good luck getting her to go along with this, Silco. She spent much of her time sabotaging the wedding preparations, and the rest of the time stalking and trying to blow up Mel's security detail...
In fact between assassin!Jinx, Ambessa's hired cut-throats and Sevika glaring daggers at the back of Silco's head, Silco was at death's door every second.
He kind of enjoyed it.
Except Jinx being upset with him. He nearly considered calling the union off because it upset his Little One so much. Said Little One leaving a bouquet of bloody rat's heads in his bed didn't help matters...
Post-wedding, Silco and Mel were obliged to stay at separate residences for a time due to the furor in their family lives. This would end up becoming semi-permanent. Now they send an envoy in advance letting the other party know, "Sir/Madam, your spouse will be at your residence for a fortnight/a month/the rest of the summer."
As an aristocrat, Mel does not find this unusual in the slightest. Where she comes from, married couples often reside in separate estates to handle business. On Silco's part, he finds it convenient, as he enjoys a modicum of space, and dislikes having to constantly sync his busy schedule to someone else's.
They are each, however, deeply cutthroat and cautious, and keep an eye on their partner's private affairs. Mel has certain mutual connections who keep her apprised on the Eye's goings-on during galas; likewise, Silco has a cadre of spies who track his lovely lady-wife's every move.
Their marital temperature can best be described as veering between hot and cold.
When they're getting along, they are really getting along. Definitely that couple who entertain often, and are always about town at events.
They are a force to be reckoned with re: political machinations. Half their pillow-talk is figuring out how to outmaneuver an Ionian shipping magnate or get a decree passed in the Demacian Royal Cabinet, and the ways and means to get it done. She employs crafty wiles; he uses sly subterfuge. The results are invariably spectacular. Afterward, they toast with good Noxian spirits and a sharp glass of Zaunite whiskey to a job well-done.
In the same vein, during moments of marital conflict, it's cold war, baby. Emphasis on cold. All their underlings pray they won't get caught up in the chessgames.
She will stymie his attempts to finesse a trade deal; he will scare off her potential investors at a fund raiser. At breakfast, they will maintain the barest veil of civility while shredding each other via subtext.
Eventually, cold war comes to a boil and they end up behind a locked door, with their respective secretaries pretending not to hear the soundtrack of snarls and things getting thrown. And pretending to be both deaf and blind when the soundtrack devolves into tussling of a lustier stripe, and their bosses walk out later all disheveled and flushed but otherwise butter-wouldn't-melt.
She is triggered by his ruthlessness; he detests her adoration for excess. During conflicts, she'll accuse him, "You'd stab your own kin in the back if you could-" only to be silenced by an icy look. He'll snap, "All the world's coffers in your lap won't make your mother love you," then back off when she glowers at him.
Ironically, both personality traits stem from the same neurosis: not being accepted for who they were.
They dress to kill at galas. Every garment is strategically chosen and conveys a message. It also ends up inadvertently matching. The news cycle is abuzz for days afterward about What Medarda Wore or Who Designed the Eye's Waistcoat.
"What brain-dead rot," Silco says over breakfast as he consults the newspaper, while Mel smiles behind a cup of jasmine tea.
Mel executes a slow charm offensive to win over Silco's crew, and be on good terms with Sevika, whom she secretly respects. They're very different women, but Mel thinks Sevika embodies a lot of Noxian ideals of valor and strength.
It takes harder to win over Jinx, who is unlike anything Mel has ever encountered in her career, because the girl is a creature of both ruthless intellect and wild impulse.
Despite herself, however, Mel ends up protective of Jinx when she witnesses one of her meltdowns, and Silco isn't on hand to stabilize her. In time, Jinx grows tolerant of the prissy, perfumed interloper, and by the two year-mark, she and Mel are painting together. They don't understand each other's style at all, but the emotion...
Well. Any child traumatized by war knows how it feels.
Silco prefers his ladies getting along. But he'd rather they not be too close because Mel's merciful streak is maddening, and he'd prefer it not rub off on Jinx.
(It does. Oops?)
They have pet names for each other, sparingly used. He calls her Petal; she calls him Schatz. More common are wry secondhand titles of address. From Silco: Her Layabout Ladyship, The Primadonna, Die Gräfin von Gab. From Mel: The Kingfish, His Nibs, Lord of the Underworld.
Sometimes Ambessa shows up at their residence unannounced. Mostly, she and Silco are polite as if at knifepoint. Other times Silco takes her down to some den of vice and violence, where Ambessa relaxes and they discuss business. Mel's stress levels during these visits go through the roof. She's never sure what's worse - them threatening to kill each other, or them making arms deals to kill some poor bastard in both their way.
Later at dinner -
Ambessa: "So when can I expect grand-heirs?"
Mel: /face going thundercloud black, "Do shut up, Mother."
Silco watching the claws snap open and the fangs bare themselves with interest.
"You should drop by more often, General Medarda," he says in the blandest tones. "Your company does wonders for Mel's complexion."
What a pair of assholes.
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iam93percentstardust · 3 months
I saw your bridgerton au idea with Tony and Steve as Daphne and Simon and thought it was brilliant. But, have you ever considered the angst potential with Steve, tony, and Bucky as John Stirling, Francesca, and Michael Stirling???
Oh my god but that's so saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad 🥺
In all honesty, it's probably not something I would ever actually put to paper simply because I don't usually enjoy breaking up a couple in a fic that I genuinely like and ship to replace it with a different ship (I think the pop star Tony verse is the only one I've ever done that on), but it's fun to imagine!
I'm assuming you listed the characters with their counterparts in respective order, but I could see it either way tbh! But! If I was writing Steve as John and Bucky as Michael hmmm... I think it'd start like this:
Steve and Tony would have met at Lady Danbury's ball (or the equivalent of Lady Danbury in this verse). Tony has 0 interest in falling in love, all he wants is to tinker, but he does want to do his duty by his family and marry during his first season, especially with his older sister, Kate, now in her second season and not showing any signs of finding an alpha. Unfortunately, he overhears an alpha during the ball discussing steam locomotives and just being Absolutely Wrong about them, so he steps in and schools the entire group of alphas on how trains actually work. They are not impressed, Tony abruptly realizes that he's scared off a whole slew of potential suitors, and flees outside where Steve finds him and tells him that he'd thought Tony's lecture both informative and enormously entertaining.
Tony might have had 0 interest in falling in love, but he knows enough to recognize it when he sees it, and he falls hard for Steve. They're married at the end of the season and have just arrived at Steve's home in the countryside--complete with a newly built forge for Tony--when they receive a missive from Steve's adoptive brother, Bucky.
Bucky would be a military officer, who'd just been discharged after losing his arm. Steve immediately opens his home up to him, forgetting to check with Tony that it's alright (fortunately, it is). Bucky arrives in the middle of the night, happens to meet Tony, who can't sleep, and falls head over heels for the sleepy omega muttering equations to himself. He's just getting ready to flirt with Tony, assuming that he's a servant, but Steve comes downstairs to collect his wayward husband, and Bucky has a moment of "of course he's Steve's."
Several years pass, and Bucky ends up staying at the estate instead of finding a home in London. But there's a fire in the nearby village. Both Bucky and Steve go to help; only Bucky makes it out alive. Steve is killed trying to rescue one of the villagers when the house collapses.
Tony is devastated. Bucky is too, and in his grief (and no small part of guilt for being happy that Tony is no longer wed), he flees to the continent for the greater part of the next five years. He returns eventually because Tony has been doing an excellent job of taking care of the earldom in his absence, but he's not actually the earl and there are things that Bucky needs to take care of. He's dismayed to find that he still has feelings for Tony, but he's even more dismayed to learn that Tony has decided to find another alpha now that so many years have passed since Steve's death.
But if Tony is ready to find love again, then why not Bucky?
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palm springs starring Andy Samberg and Cristin milioti is such a great movie example of,
she's everything. he's just Ken.
and, and hits just the right spot between barbie (the movie by Greta gerwig) and Good Omens (the queer angel demon book turned show) (if this doesn't makes sense rn gimne a min I'll explain,,,
so this man (Nyles) has been stuck in a time loop for the longest time ever and he just takes it yk? like he's having a shitty ass life rn,, he makes a friend who wants to kill him, his gf is cheating on him, he's stuck on the day of the marriage of two people he doesn't particularly care or like and he's just having a bad time overall yk?? so he's just accepting of his fate and is just accepting of the sheer hopelessness of life and meaninglessness of his every action
and then, and then, comes our main female protagonist (Sarah) who's dealing with the consequences of her shitty choices, she's absolutely miserable at her own sister's wedding because she's slept with her fiance and she's considered a fuck up by everyone and her past is just fucking her up constantly and all that right?? and suddenly she mistakenly becomes a part of the time loop and now he has another person with him, she's not lonely anymore but she wants to escape it and they're having fun, feeling nice together and all that, and then she finds that the other mc lied to her and it's devastating ofc it is
and the way they behave is what I'm talking about concerning barbie and ken,,, because as soon as she leaves, the man Nyles is inconsolable, he tries to find her, goes mad doing everything in his capacity to find her, tries ways to kill himself just to find her again and that's it?? cause he's sorta grieving what they could've been and how he fucked up and all that,,,
but her, she goes and learns physics. like tf? every time the loop resets, she goes and sits at a cafe and learns quantum physics and figures a way out and experiments her way through it (is it a little convenient and far fetched that she could learn it this easily? with no previous background in it or anything else we know of? ofc yes? but is the suspension of disbelief similar to that in a barbie movie?? yk the answer is a yes 🤷‍♀️) and then she comes back with a way to get them both out of the situation that they are technically in because of him while he mopes around in the background waiting for her
the good omens thingy is the one that happens in the ending of season 2 wherein both Aziraphale and Crowley want to be together, but the way and the place they want to do it at is very different (gross simplification but essentially),,, and in palm springs (a movie that I watched for funsies and wasn't supposed to write this about) they both are essentially in a similar situation with Nyles wanting to be together w her but in the loop while she wants them to get out of it together and figure it out yk,,, it's also a nicer version of that conflict as they do end up agreeing on doing one of these things together rather than seperating (temporarily but still,, unlike some celestial beings 👀)
and yeah. that's it ig
PS,,, ik I'm talking about three movies here to get the full context of this but like it fits?! and I can't help it. (emphatic period and not an exclamation mark because I'm not desperate)
PPS,,, side note I feel so sad for tala (Camila mendes's character because she's like the only not shitty(ish) character out of all of them who ends up being married to a mf cheater who cheated on her a day before their wedding with! HER! FUCKING! SISTER! (AGAIN A DAY BEFORE THEIR WEDDING!)
PPPS,,, that's just the way I understand it and all of these movies together but yea,,, also it's fun to see men being 'rescued' and essentially just existing characters in place of women (but that could be just me 🤷‍♀️)
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shipcestuous · 4 months
You're comment about stories focusing a lot on uncle/nibling (love that word, btw!) relationships until they actually turn out to be parent/child made me think of a non-incestuous example in His Dark Materials. (All canons, it's important to the plot to ever be lost in adaptation.)
At the beginning of the story, main character Lyra Belaqua is (platonically) smitten with her uncle, Lord Asriel. She's been told she's an orphan and her parents were Asriel's brother and sister-in-law, and due to their family connection and his obligation to their deceased relatives, Asriel kindly pulled some strings to have her raised and given a full education in Jordan College, not taking care for her himself but having her be around important scholars and their research since a very young age. Lord Asriel himself isn't around too much, being busy with his own research and his adventures around the world, but besides being Lyra's benefactor, he's intelligent and cunning, charismatic, strong-willed, fierce, and aloof in a bit of a "noble rogue" way, with an air of mystery and danger about him, so whenever he comes visiting, Lyra is immediately drawn to him and trying to get his attention. They're actually rather similar, with her being also very stubbon, resourceful, quick-witted and good at thinking on her feet, with an indipendent and rebellious streak. As the plot of the first book/movie/first season of the HBO show goes on, there's at least two separate occasion when she has reason to believe he's in danger, and her first instinct is to come save him.
However, the truth about their familiar relationship is revealed well before the start of the second installment of the story and, suffice to day, even if she still cares about him, Lyra is not happy at all about Lord Asriel lying to her through her whole life. Them only reuniting after the fact and Asriel being devastated and furious at her sight because he thinks for a moment he'll have to sacrifice her in the experiment that will kick off his grand plan doesn't help... neither does him being relieved to realize she's brought her best friend along and deciding to sacrifice him instead. (For extra context: Lyra's just been through hell and back to save said best friend and a lot of other children along with him. Even later, his death at the hands of her own father, after she herself caused them to meet through her attempts to help them both, as well as the knowledge of what Asriel is willing to do for his ideals, haunts her.)
An extra layer of complication is also added by Lyra finding out the identity of her real mother, Mrs. Coulter, around the same time as all of this goes down. When Mrs. Coulter first shows up in her life as a sort of mentor figure, Lyra is immediately enchanted by her. Mrs. Coulter is an independent woman with important connections in a very religious and patriarchal world, she's beautiful and elegant and refined but also well-educated, passionate and unafraid to speak her mind, witty, and well-respected. It's been ages since I read the book, but I'm pretty sure that, before she learns the truth, Lyra actually fantasizes about her and Asriel meetting, falling in love, getting married, and adopting her or at least taking her on their joint travels around the world. However, under her perfectly put together appearance, Mrs. Coulter hides a dark, unstable side. When she finds out she lied to her, Lyra must confront that and the fact that her mother has been involved in some genuinely horrifying things... things that would have harmed Lyra herself in a very direct manner, if Mrs. Coulter had not intervened at the last second. And even then, Lyra is faced with the devastating fact she only intervened to save her own daughter, and was absolutely willing to let so many other children go through the same process because she counted them as acceptable losses while trying to achieve her goals.
The backstory to Lyra's parentage and its secret is that Lord Asriel and Mrs. Coulter met when they were younger and fell in love, drawn to each other's passion and intellect, but she was already married at the time. Their affair resulted in baby Lyra, but when Mrs. Coulter's husband realized that "his" daughter actually looked a lot like a Belaqua, Mrs. Coulter faked Lyra's death and entrusted her to Lord Asriel, who in turn hid her away in a country house he owned with a nanny. However, Mrs. Coulter's husband eventually found out and stormed the secret house. Luckily, Asriel engaged him in a duel before he could get to Lyra, and finally killed him. After that, with the scandal brought to light by her husband's death and her reputation and her reputation ruined, Mrs. Coulter refused to have anything more to do with her former lover or their daughter.
After rebuilding her standing as a dignified high society woman and academic, and becoming involved in the thing mentioned above, the one actively targeting and harming children, Mrs. Coulter ended up thinking back to the daughter she herself had given away, worrying about her safety and, perhaps, even wondering if things could have gone differently. So, years later, she tries to keep Lyra close to keep an eye on her and reconnect with her in her own way, still with revealing their true relationship to each other. But while Asriel is distant and close-lipped about anything too personal, Mrs. Coulter deals with the need to hide everything by developing a possessive, even obsessive attitude towards her that gets increasingly uncomfortable (at least once involving violence, another time essentially keeping Lyra prisoner) as the story goes on.
And yet, at the end of the day, both Lord Asriel and Mrs. Coulter deeply love Lyra, even if not in healthy ways. Their ending, for all their high ideals, selfish actions, and dramatic gestures, is agreeing to sacrifice themselves for Lyra, knowing they're going not just to die but to destroy their souls, but accepting that fate for the chance to save their daughter.
Both relationships are incredibly intense and, while I've never shipped either (the age difference would be a bit much for me, and Mrs Coulter in particular crosses a line at one point that squicks me out beyond repair, I'm afraid) but if it turned out other people shipped one or both, I'd honestly just say "oh, yeah, sure, I get it."
I'm rather familiar with this series. I read the books when they came out, so I'm pretty rusty on those details, but I've seen the movie a few times, and I watched the first season of the series from a few years ago.
This is another great example of a prominent "uncle" that turned out to be the father. Although this might be one situation where I'm OK with it.
I've always shipped Asriel/Mrs. Coulter a lot, so I was kind of stuck on that and never really looked at the relationships with Lyra in that way. But it's really interesting that the dynamics with both parents are Lyra's fascination with a glamorous figure. And then, as you described, slowly learning some horrifying truths about what they are each willing to do.
Particularly with Lord Asriel, when he comes to visit, it's like a celebrity that's coming. She's shy and excited and all that.
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toaverse · 2 years
Encanto/Elemental AU
Decided to reboot the Elemental AU a bit.
Thanks to @ghostbrother30 for some ideas!
The Madrigals were known for being a respected earth family, having no mix-ups with other elements, even the ones that mix well with earth people.
One day, an earth woman named Alma met a fellow earth man named Pedro. The two fell in love, married, and had triplets who they named Julieta, Pepa and Bruno. Like their parents, they're all three earth-elements.
But unfortunately, the day the triplets were born, Alma and Pedro had to flee their hometown that bandits invaded. Tragically, Pedro died while trying to buy his wife time to escape with the triplets...
Alma was absolutely devastated, but she tried to be strong for her three babies.
Having nothing left in her village, Alma moved to Element City, starting a new life and raising her triplets there.
Years passed, and the triplets grew up. Alma pressured them to get well-payed and respected jobs. In the end, Julieta became a baker, Pepa became a weather scientist, and Bruno became a lawyer (though against his will, thanks Alma's pressure).
Julieta and Pepa eventually met Agustín and Félix, both fellow earth-elements. Alma immediately approved of Félix, finding him the perfect partner for Pepa. She didn't approve of Agustín though, not being able to stand his clumsiness. But Julieta managed to convince her mother that he was right for her. Alma eventually approved, but on the condition that they would give her grandchildren.
Bruno however, wasn't interested in relationships or start his own family. Alma tried to pressure him and set him up with some of her friends' daughters, but that didn't work out. Alma wasn't happy, but she let it go once Julieta and Pepa started their own families.
Having enough of his mother pressuring him and comparing him to his "successful" sisters, Bruno decided to leave the family, wanting to have his future in his own hands.
Isabela, Dolores, Luisa and Camilo were born, and were all earth babies, as the family expected.
But while Pepa's pregnancy with Camilo went smoothly, Julieta's third and last pregnancy was extremely painful. Throughout those 9 months the baby grew, Julieta felt like her insides were on fire, burning without an end.
Finally, after 9 months of pain, Julieta was glad when it was time to give birth. Unfortunately, the birth was even more painful and excruciating, so much so that Julieta almost died...
The family was on edge, hoping that Julieta would make it.
Thank goodness, Julieta survived, and the family sighed in relief. Now, they could finally focus on the baby.
But what they didn't expect was that the baby in question, who Agustín named Mirabel, would be the cause of Julieta's pain.
Mirabel was born a fire element…
The family was extremely shocked when they first saw the baby, almost not believing it.
Most of their reactions after the shock wore off weren't good tho. Alma, Pepa, Isabela and Dolores were weirded out and despised the baby, thinking they now had to take care of this burden who would cause pain to the family whenever they touch even slightly, also blaming Mira for Julieta almost dying. Luisa was just happy to have a little sister despite her element being different. Julieta and Agustín tried to focus and be happy to have a new baby, but they couldn't even hold Mira without being burned...
Unfortunately, being a fire-element in an all-earth family wouldn't be easy...
As she grew up, Mira was severely excluded by the family on a daily basis. At breakfast, lunch and dinner, Mira had to sit somewhere far away while the rest of the family ate and talked about their day at the table.
Pepa, Isabela, Dolores, and later on Camilo would snap at her to get away from them, giving her despising and angry looks. Pepa would also drag Camilo away from Mirabel whenever she thought he stood too close to the fire child. And Alma would look at her with utter distain and disappointment.
On birthdays or other holidays, Mira was kept away from the family and the guests, having to sit in her room while everyone else had fun. She never got her own birthday party because of this, only getting a "happy birthday" from Luisa and her parents and some gifts from them.
Mira was never included in pictures, especially family pictures. Whenever the family went out to eat to celebrate something or just because, Mira was left at home, Alma or Pepa not wanting to pay for an extra table just to have that burden who'd hurt the family with them. And a lot more...
It didn't help that Mira also got bullied by her classmates for being the only fire element in her class...
Despite all of that, 8 year old Mira tried to look on the bright side, and saw life in a positive light. But that was hard when her peers and her very own family avoided and despised her...
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ragnarlothcat · 2 years
Delighted by the ask answer before to find that you're writing more à la carte Obi-Wan! I have read it so many times that if I type "a" into my browser it comes up first.
It's definitely a. "They are meant for each other" because you did such an amazing job showing how immediately unhinged they were for each other in their own clearly different but complimentary ways (like they could both have headed to Vegas after the Button Doing Up) and then how they only continued to get more unhinged for each other (being too busy frantically thinking they're being too obvious to see the flashing neon MARRY ME thought bubbles popping up from the other).
Thank you so much for writing!
Also, "Finding someone better? In the bathroom? That’s where he found Anakin!" Lives in my head rent free.
That is the most amazing thing I've ever heard, thank you 🥺 They are meant for each other, yes!!! Anakin is obviously maximum unhinged and poor Obi-Wan is only subtle by comparison. They both would have absolutely gotten married even before their first date (or first private conversation) but it's probably very awkward to propose to a man you've never actually spoken to. Although now I do want a fic where one of them genuinely proposes to some guy he's never met and the other one just accepts because nobody here is capable of being rational and somehow it works out great.
Hopefully Obi-Wan's POV is fun! I've been rereading à la carte myself to get his vibes right and had forgotten how much I love this version of him. He's probably gentler than canon Obi-Wan but I don't know, I like him! He's very handsome and willing to emotionally devastate strangers in defence of Anakin. Important traits in a man!
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gutsfics · 1 year
Since you write for multiple Choices stories, I'm curious: (how) do they all intertwine? Do your various MCs know each other? How do they get along? How did they meet? If any of your stories don't exist in the same universe, how would the characters get along if they did?
aaaa i love this question!!!! i love figuring out how these stories all fit together even if they don't interact <3
they do all intertwine, but in some places what's 'canon' and what isn't gets a little muddy. like for example, for me both RCD and HWU are equally canon, but its impossible for them to both exist in the same timeline, but that doesn't mean that there isn't connections that happen in both versions. Simon is Hunt's nephew in both RCD and HWU, but how he met Avalon is different because how Hunt met Avalon is different. and that's not even touching on all of the different versions for It Lives I have, and how those different endings would change how It Lives connects to all of the other stories. plus also: all of my sillies fun aus (which i will not talk about here at risk of this post going wayyy too long)
this might get a little messy, my mind is bouncing all over the place. under a read more bc i Will talk way too much about this <3
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anyway since i mentioned Simon by name I'm gonna start with him. im ignoring choices HSS for him & his friends, bc i don't like that it kind of retcons some of HSS prime + makes all of the original friend group just People Who Go To School Together And Barely Interact.
obviously, he is Thomas' nephew, his dad is Thomas' older brother. they're very close, Thomas is his favorite uncle & he's very supportive with Simon figuring out his gender stuff. in fact, he's the person who buys Simon his first suit and the person who helps Simon find a good surgeon for his top surgery, as Thomas himself had issues with his own and didn't want Simon to experience the same things he did (more on this later)
in the HWU world, Simon meets Avalon over his spring break, which he used to sit in on a few classes of Thomas' classes. they know who each other are in really simple terms, just "there's that tall guy from that one class Thomas teaches, he sure is a nice dude :)" "oh, there's that high schooler who's sitting in on classes that Ethan wants to be the agent of. i hope he doesn't feel too pressured to make a decision right now, he's still got plenty of time to figure things out". they do eventually form a stronger relationship but that's only after Thomas and Avalon end up together officially- Simon thinks Avalon is really cool, and Avalon likes that his daughters have a cousin they can look up to (Simon LOVES babysitting/hanging out with Dawn and Lily btw theyre defo The World's Most Chaotic Cousins)
in RCD world, Simon was very small when Avalon and Thomas were together the first time and he knew Avalon just as Thomas' Cool Fun Roommate. he was absolutely DEVASTATED when Avalon "moved away" (read: they broke up) bc he thought Avalon was just SO COOL. but alas, since he was so small at the time he doesn't really remember Avalon all that well. But he is excited when Avalon reenters Thomas' life, and even more excited to find out that they're getting married (he'd be about early/mid 20s by this point). he may not remember Avalon too clearly, but he remembers how much he loved it when Uncle Thomas and his Best Friend Avalon came to visit
in both worlds: one Dr Bryce Lahela does Simon's top surgery (i'd say he gets it maybe mid/late 20s). he specifically chose an Edenbrook doctor bc Thomas knows Dr Banerji and he asked if there were any surgeons that Dr Banerji would trust to do the surgery properly, and he recommended Bryce :) more on how Thomas knows Naveen later
Baxter & Reigan
theyre getting a whole section to just them bc theyre BoyBestFriends and there's a lot about em (but ill try to keep it short)
Baxter and Reigan met in high school, after Baxter was deemed healthy enough to actually attend school instead of just being homeschooled in a hospital room (it was absolutely 100% Baxter's idea and want to do this, their parents wanted to keep them in the hospital 24/7 bc they were worried they'd immediately get sick)
at the time Baxter had been super standoffish and did not like being around people, so Reigan was the one to approach Baxter first. he was fairly well liked and respected by their classmates & he wanted to make sure that they didn't have an awful experience in school. eventually Baxter ended up asking Reigan out, not because they were particularly attracted to him (they were a bit of a late bloomer in that regard) but because they wanted to have all of those Normal Teenage Experiences(tm) and they did like spending time with him. and he said yes, bc even though he didn't feel any attraction either (he's ace/aro), he did like spending time with them as well (and to some degree was hoping that attraction might happen eventually)
dating for them just looked like how hanging out did, although they did hold hands a bit more and kiss at some point, when Baxter decided that they were at The Point In A Relationship Where You Kiss. they also went to prom together.
they broke up shortly after graduating high school, half bc Baxter achieved all those Normal Teenage Experiences(tm) they wanted to and half bc Reigan felt bad that he felt no attraction to Baxter, although he didn't mention it at the time bc he didn't want to hurt Baxter's feelings. there was a bit of a pause in their friendship after this, as both of them felt that they had to give the other some space to get over the romantic part of the relationship, but in the end they realized that neither cared? and went right back to being close good best friends :)
their friendship ended up being long distance for a while, as both college and career choices got in the way of being physically near each other. but. the week that Reigan got the job offer for McGraw Byrne was the week that Raf broke up with Baxter AND Ethan left for the Amazon, and the idea of being just a three hour train ride from his best friend defo played a role in him deciding to take the job. he actually flew to Boston instead of NYC so he could spend a little time with Baxter before he got too busy with his job. Baxter, Aurora, and Bryce actually spent one of their days off helping Reigan's dad furnish Reigan's Cool New NYC Apartment :)
speaking of Reigan's dad. Baxter is actually WAY closer w Reigan's parents than they are w their own. in fact, when Baxter went NC with their parents, Reigan's parent's were like "cool WE'RE your parents now :) we love you kiddo"
anyway. the attack in OH year two happened to line up w the end of LOA book one/beginning of book two (at least it does in my timeline) & Reigan immediately dropped everything to head to Boston to make sure Baxter was okay. while he was there, Martin kept trying to give Reigan really petty cases that were a waste of time, even though Reigan had taken time off and given a reason for it. he ended up chewing Martin out over the phone and quitting, deciding that he'd just look for a job in Boston to be closer to Baxter anyway. he stays in Boston for a bit to help take care of Baxter after they're discharged from the hospital, and when he gets back to New York he learns that Aislinn and Gabe also quit & have started their own law firm, which Reigan has been given a job offer for. he takes it only after Baxter assures him that they will be fine if he stays in NYC
Baxter is the reason that Reigan and Tobias meet (but not the reason that they end up in a qpr together) and they're also the Best Man Of Honor at both the weddings they end up having (Reigan and Tobias marry twice-- once in a Boston courthouse bc they decide that the legal benefits of being married work with what they want from the relationship w each other (Baxter's role here was just a witness), and a second time a more traditional wedding (more of an exchange of vows than a legal process this time) a year or two later to appease the parents)
and this does Not have to do with Baxter and Reigan's friendship but it doesn't really warrant it's own section: Reigan and my Bachelorette Party MC, Hallie, are friends from law school :) and speaking of Hallie, she's the twin sister of one of my Lovelink MCs, Harvy, although Harvy and Hallie were separated at birth bc their bio mom didn't know she was having twins until giving birth & she was unprepared to raise both so Hallie was put up for adoption & raised in the US (Harvy was raised in Vancouver, Canada). it takes em a while to find out about each other (Hallie knew she was adopted but didn't know she was a twin (her adoptive parents didn't know either) and Harvy just straight up Didn't Know he was a twin as his mom didn't tell him). also Harvy technically is just A Character I Have Now bc i really don't care for Lovelink anymore
It Lives
ok so here's where it gets messy. also i might kind of be vague here sorry
the It Lives series has a bunch of different ways to end (zero thanks to pb, this is 100% itlivesproject's win [blows a kiss for the itlivesproject crew <3]), all of which i really like.
so tbh for my world. each and every one of the endings is both canon and non canon, depending on which one i feel like writing for. bc sometimes i wanna write some cute soft fluff where Noah and Devi get to overcome their trauma. and sometimes i want Noah to fucking wallow in his pathetic meowmeow sopping wet sadboy misery where [SPOILERS] bc [SPOILERS] and [SPOILERS] (seriously pls go read the it lives trilogy theyre so good, especially It Lives Within)
however. It Lives IS canon in my worlds. i like the idea of a very mundane world having some kind of exciting magic to it, even if its mostly unknown. just. a magic that touches everyone's lives in little ways and connects us all together :) and that's EXACTLY what the Power is
anyway the ending where the It Lives characters get to interact with characters from other stories is the one where Noah and Devi get to overcome their trauma, and they open up a restaurant together <3 basically i think at some point All of my characters will end up having a meal at Baby Jane's. not all together, but they'll make their way there eventually :)
also there's my au where It Lives is a tv show which I KNOW i said i wouldn't talk about aus BUT i just want yall to know that the actor who plays Devi (i don't have a name for him yet, bc hes not technically Devi) sees Avalon as a mentor figure :)
Thomas & Naveen
(tw for medical malpractice and transphobia)
hey so remember when i said i'd talk about Thomas' top surgery later? and that i'd also talk about how he knows Naveen? well.
my Thomas took a gap year between his senior year of high school and his freshman year of college to medically and legally transition. he was moving to a new place and he wanted to be as stealth as he could be. so as soon as he turned 18, he got his name legally changed and started on testosterone, and got his top surgery scheduled. his plan was that by the time he started college, he would have recovered from his surgery and he'd have been on T for long enough that he'd be going through most of the changes he'd want from it
he specifically found a surgeon in the same town his older brother (Simon's dad, his name is Jonathan) had moved to so he'd have some company/a caretaker while he recovered. unfortunately for him, that surgeon... kind of sucked. his surgery was done wrong, and wasn't healing properly, even though both Thomas and Jon were making sure they were doing everything right. but when they tried to talk to the surgeon, the surgeon would just say "nope everything's fine nothing is wrong you are delusional :) its SUPPOSED to be all rotten and nasty :) stop bothering me" and no one else in the clinic seemed to care at all?
anyway one day Jon just had Enough, bc he'd heard from other people who'd had this surgery how recovery typically looked, and his brother was just wasting away, too weak to do anything bc of how his surgery got fucked up and he kind of just. snapped. and started yelling at the surgeon to Please Fucking Do Something.
while the surgeon didn't do anything, Jon's yelling attracted the attention of a different doctor, one who had only heard bits and pieces about this patient who's brother kept stopping by to ask over and over again if a surgery was healing properly, one who'd heard said surgeon being kind of a dick about it in the breakroom, and he decided that someone needed to do something to help these brothers
that doctor being a young Dr Naveen Banerji, pre diagnostics team and pre Edenbrook employment
he caught Jon just outside after Jon had been..... "politely" escorted out and asked what, specifically seemed to be wrong with his brother's recovery
immediately recognizing the problem caused the surgeon's incompetence/prejudices effecting the health and safety of a patient, Naveen helped Jon find a hospital to take Thomas to, one that would actually help him with what was wrong and set him onto a proper path for recovery
he also quit his job at that hospital. he'd noticed things similar to that happening before, but this was just the final straw. he helped as many patients as he could there, but at some point you have to know when to walk away. but that was a good thing for his career, as he was able to start the diagnostics team at Edenbrook, not to mention that other hospital ended up getting shut down for medical malpractice
Thomas and Naveen stayed in touch, and now whenever Thomas ends up in Boston for whatever reason, he'll stop by for a visit :)
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alenislarens · 1 year
Hi I was scrolling the trek rarepair post lol and I am absolutely fascinated by your Chakotay/Sam Wildman rarepair, pls tell me more! 🖖🏻
oh, sure! i think the long & short of it boils down to the fact that they're both so kind, and there are many ways in which that appeals to me.
anyway, walk with me my friend -
my main chakotay pairing is always gonna be janeway/chakotay, but i generally tend to be most interested in those two when they're being deeply toxic with each other. there can be fluff woven in there, but the base code of those two for me is always gonna be messy. in a way i love! but messy nonetheless.
a chakotay/sam wildman situation is sort of my antidote to that whenever i'm in the mood for something different. from what we see of our gal sam, she's grounded, reasonable, and kind. just a pretty chill person. contrast that with chakotay's dramatic ass antics. i just sort of love it! she doesn't strike me as the kind of woman who would have the temperament or the time to deal with his nonsense, and i find that kind of fun. where janeway meets and matches his intensity, i feel like sam would draw him into something quieter and more gentle. and that's a dynamic that i find interesting!
there's also something i like of an arc where chakotay goes from a man who would die for the people he loves to a man who would live for the people he loves. with sam being a mother, she has no choice but to live for the people(/person) she loves. there's something in there about him living in the past and her having no choice but to constantly be in the present because of naomi that i find super interesting.
i also feel like he'd be so good with naomi! and so kind to sam as a single mom! theoretically the xo is your people person on the ship who deals with all the interpersonal business, and even though we rarely got to see it (side eye @ the voyager writers) i do feel like he was good at it. i think he'd be good with them. also i am personally weak for a man who's good with children so, you know. if i'm the only person paying attention to this rarepair i'm gonna do whatever i want with it and one of those things is letting chakotay hang out with a kid. i think it'd be good for him!
another thing i'm generally interested in wrt: voyager is the push & pull of when to hold out hope vs. when to give in and accept that you're probably never getting home. sam is a great little window into that conflict. she's married, and still loves her husband deeply. but she also has a child and her first priority has to be caring for naomi. in what ways does that mean opening herself up to the support systems around her? in what ways does that mean letting go of the hope that she'll ever see her husband again? does that make her feel guilty? there's a lot in that conflict that i'm very into from a story perspective.
and also because i am always gonna be a j/c gal deep in my bones, there is something delicious to me about our man chakotay staring down the open wound of his feelings for his captain and choosing to engage with something else. maybe even if there's a part of him that will always love her? maybe especially if there's a part of him that will always love her? end of the day i am what i am and i do love that particular flavor of quietly devastating drama. the looming shadow of a complicated past is always gonna be something i want to sink my teeth into!
but like. two people who could meet each other exactly where they are, with all their complications and flaws and failings, and choose to connect anyway? and choose to be kind and gentle with each other in the midst of a terrifying and impossible situation? simply because that's what human beings do? because it feels nice to love and be loved? sign me up baybee!
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starstruckkittensweets · 10 months
what do you think mia would be like during the finale episode? i’m dying to know i was thinking about her story the whole time watching the episode 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Anon I'm so very sorry I'm so late with answering this ask! It's been stewing in my brain ever since I got it, I've been thinking and thinking about it, and I think I finally have an answer for you! (As organized as I can make it, because I'm still very emotional that AoT is finally over) 😭
I have an entire outline of the 4 year timeskip between seasons 3 and 4, it's all part of the third volume of AWWW (the second one is outlined to cover seasons 1-3). Maybe someday I'll compile all my notes into one big doc and share it on here, haha! But for now I'll share a few points that lead up to the final battle and epilogue. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible under a cut, so both AoT and AWWW spoilers ahead!
(Also as a disclaimer, some points may be changed once I finish writing the story, so don't count on everything mentioned below being 100% canon to AWWW)
Mia and Levi are married in the late summer/early fall of 851, during the expeditions to rebuild Shiganshina (Hanji insists on giving them time away from the Scouts to have a proper honeymoon, because priorities haha); Mia learns she's pregnant in May of 852, and their son Alexander is born (named after Mia's father)
They're able to live in peace until 854, after Eren leaves to infiltrate Marley on his own; in order to keep Alex safe from the inevitable war, they leave him in the care of Leyna's old friend Sara (who's also a volunteer at the farm Historia has for the orphans from the Underground City)
Skip to Levi having to babysit Zeke in the forest; he heads out on the mission while Mia stays behind with Hanji; he leaves her his original cravat (which she ties around her right wrist as a memento) and takes the one she sewed for him in AWWW (Ch. 46); (so that when Hanji finds him and patches up his injuries, she notices the words "for my captain" written on the edge - so even when they're apart, Levi always has a piece of Mia with him)
Mia is PISSED when she sees the Beast Titan in action in Shiganshina, even more so when she reunites with Hanji and she explains Levi's injured state. If she didn't want to kill Zeke before, she's out for blood now, nearly going off on her own just to slice his head off herself (but the kids hold her back, with Armin talking some sense into her) yeah and look where that plan got you Armin lol
Okay, now that that's out of the way, onto the finale:
Mia is 1000% supportive of Levi, no matter what. If he wants to fight, she'll let him fight. It's the same with Levi, as much as he wishes Mia was safe and sound back home on Paradis. They love each other too much to abandon the other, they both know damn well that their son won't have any chance at a normal life if they don't try to stop Eren. Even if it means putting their lives on the line. They're soldiers after all.
Oof, but Hanji's death? Absolutely devastating for Mia; Levi actually has to hold her back to stop her from going after her. Even when she knows it's what Hanji wants, she's still her best friend in the entire world. It's always been the two of them, since their days as clueless cadets. Mia barely has time to grieve during the battle, so the majority of it is saved for the aftermath. It takes her a long time to come to terms with it, though.
Levi/Mia/Mikasa team up at the very end. Mia and Levi buying Mikasa time in order to break through and finally kill Eren; also similar to the Eren/Armin conversation (as far as I know he had a similar convo with each and every one of the Scouts involved), Mia sees a sequence of her own; she sees her dream future: living peacefully with Levi and their children, far away from the hardships of war; she's unbelievably angry with Eren for putting them all in this position in the first place, but remarks that he's damn lucky for having a pair of friends like Mikasa and Armin to keep him grounded (and to stay by his side even when he's in the wrong)
As for the epilogue? I can see Levi and Mia staying in Marley afterwards (after making a secret trip back to Paradis to pick up Alex and to say their goodbyes to Sara and the others). They're seen as traitors to Paradis now, and I think apart from Mikasa (who's either living there in secret or under the protection of Historia) none of them would be welcomed back to Paradis any time soon. So it'll just be the three of them for a while, living in one of the newly rebuilt towns by the edge of the sea.
(As a side note, I can see Mia feeling obliged to join the alliance to fix things between Paradis and the rest of the world, but Armin’s the one to convince her to step down and enjoy the rest of her life in peace with Levi. He’s seen how hard they’ve fought over the years, how they’ve protected them through thick and thin, and he tells her it’s okay to rest. That he’s got it from here—and the rest of the Scouts do, too. And that’s when she realizes how much he’s grown, and she thanks him for understanding and begins to start a new life in Marley with Levi at her side.)
It's a struggle at first, dealing with all the memories of the last few years, Levi's new injuries from the battle, and raising Alex. A couple years later there are two new additions to the family: twin girls Izzy and Zoe (named after Isabel and Hanji, both born on September 5th). And slowly, they begin to build a new life for themselves. Eventually they split their time between caring for the orphaned children of the town and setting up their own little teashop. It’s simple and quiet, and honestly Levi and Mia wouldn’t have it any other way.
In the end, these are just my rough thoughts on the ending and Mia's role in it. I haven't fleshed everything out yet, and things are still subject to change at this point, but at this point in time this is the outline I have written down. I don't wanna give too much away because everything's still up in the air, and I may have a few things I want to add in later on.
Either way I hope you enjoyed this anon, and again I'm so sorry it took me so long to type this all out! I know I’m kinda late to the party but what did you think of the ending? I’d love to hear your thoughts on it! ❤️❤️❤️
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hey, are requests open? gjkf if not, sorry. I was thinking about Tommy's new "griefing irl" video, and I thought about Y/N as a camera-person.. and while they're destroying stuff, Y/N goes: "yo, can I have a go at it?" they say yes, but don't expect much since Y/N looks generally unassuming and harmless + is really nice 90% of the time---maybe they're even wearing a cute pastel outfit. anyways, Y/N absolutely beats the shit out of the stuff there, and everyone is greatly intimidated.
𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕚𝕥?
about: Tommyinnit, Philza Minecraft, and Jack Manifold
warning(s): swearing, shenanigans, mention of Logan Paul, graffiti of male reproductive organs, reader absolutely wrecking the fake office's world
pronouns: none specified
word count: 1.3k
note: I think I might just get married to procrastination for how much I seem to love it. But anywho, I hope you enjoy! Kisses! <3
“I just broke into this office. Let’s see how much of it we can destroy before we get caught.” Tommy says into the camera, then proceeds to swing his bat, effectively flinging the coffee cup off the divider.
Recently, Tommy came up with the great idea of “breaking into an office” and griefing irl for a new YouTube video. As everyone can probably tell, filming with Tommy isn’t necessarily the thing you do if you want to keep all your limbs intact, but when adding bats and falling ceilings into the mix… let's just hope you have good insurance.
When pitching the idea for the video, Phil was a little wary (if it involves Tommy, who isn’t) about irl griefing, even if it was a presumed fake office. But, as persistent as Tommy is, he got Phil to fold— even roped poor Jack into the video. The basis was this: we would all go to this fake office and Tommy, Phil, and Jack would smash some stuff— simple as that!
Now a little backstory about my involvement in all this: I work the camera. I met Tommy a few years ago back when my popularity as a camera worker was starting to grow. He had been looking for someone to record his irl videos and I was looking for a more stable job, so when he ended up dming me on Twitter— I couldn’t turn down his offer.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love my job and I love working with Tommy, but I have definitely had to do some things out of my comfort zone. For example: skydiving, “joining the military,” paintball fights (I got shot in the leg by accident), Tommy + tanks, being around Logan Paul, bazookas, and more. Although a little worrying at first, by filming for Tommy, I have really gotten to live my life and I will be forever grateful for that. But griefing an office? We’ll find out how well this works out.
Tommy finally convinced Phil to come back to the “office” after Phil called Kristin to try to get her to help him escape the chaos that is a Tommyinnt video. Understandable.
Walking backwards, I film the men as we all walk back into the setup; Tommy trying to reassure Phil that it’s a fake office and Phil asking himself why he’s doing this. A loud yell from Jack Manifold himself breaks off their jabbering. I angle the camera, just in time, to catch him hurling a large potted plant at the wall.
“WHAT THE FUCK, JACK!” Tommy yells.
“Ohhh shhhhit.” Phil says at the same time as Tommy, both of them walking into the office to meet Jack as I trail behind them.
“Don’t smash it till we’re here!” Tommy tells Jack as he looks around at the wreckage.
“YOU SAID SMASH THINGS!” Jack reiterates.
“NOT TILL WE’RE—” Jack kicks another object — “NOOO! What the?” Tommy yells, acting absolutely devastated. He then immediately goes into his “please subscribe” mode, seemingly forgetting how distraught he was 0.2 seconds ago.
Phil then comes out of nowhere with the bat Tommy had in the beginning and swings at the computer next to Tommy, effectively breaking the screen. He’s distraught again. Shaking off the bit, Tommy gets out of the chair he was sitting in and meanders his way out of the room who then comes back shortly after, carrying a subscribe button. Setting it down on the corner of a table, he continues to sell his “brand.” Cue a bat equipped Jack Manifold to do the one thing Tommy wants his viewers to do— smash that subscribe button.
“Didja get that Y/n?!” Jack asks, eyes going slightly insane out of excitement.
“Of course I did.” I laugh.
“It was the one bit I was supposed to smash!” he says as Phil picks up the piece of red plastic that actually says “subscribe.”
Grabbing the piece from Phil, Tommy sets it slightly off the table and grabs the bat from Jack.
“I LOVE MY SUBS!” Tommy yells and brings the bat onto the plastic from over his head, breaking said plastic.
If you look past the insanity that is Tommy, at that moment, you can spot Phil retreating to the corner of the room. But at the same time… after Tommy smashed the subscribe button, Phil pulled a “screw it” and decided to just give into it all the chaos. Oh no.
As the recording went on, it got more and more chaotic. With Phil joining in on the shenanigans and…the penis graffiti on the wall— I actually started becoming antsy and quite frankly, jealous of Tommy, Jack, and Phil— I wanted to smash some shit too! And spray paint the walls! I mean why not right?
After they played frisbee with the surprisingly solid cake, I decided that now would be as good an opportunity as ever to get in on all the griefing business.
“Hey Tommy,” I start, getting his attention. “Could I give it a try?” I ask, pointing to the bat in his hands.
“Really? Like you seriously want to?” I nod my head and he hands over the bat, looking even more excited than before.
Now I do have to say that I’m more or less the chill one of the little gang. I don’t get into much trouble— I keep Tommy out of it really— and I always end up completely being a “behind the scenes” person, no matter how much Tommy wants me to be included in the videos along with recording them (I think he sometimes fails to understand that it’s my job to be behind the camera, but the thought’s sweet).
Coming up next to me, Phil gently takes my camera out of my hands. I wipe the sweat off my hands— from holding the camera for so long— onto my pants. Holding out the bat by the barrel, Tommy stretches his arm out to where I can grasp the handle. I take the bat out of his hands and look up to meet his eyes to then be met with pure feral curiosity for how I’m going to end up griefing the halfway trashed room.
Feeling the bat around my hands, I lightly swing it back and forth as I walk towards the “balls big ones” writing. I firmly grasp the bat in my hands and stance it above my shoulder. Taking a deep breath, ready to destroy some shit, I swing the bat back and slam it into the word “ones.”
The impact of the single swing was so powerful that it managed to effectively make a hole in the wall.
“Y/N DID YOU JUST BREAK A HOLE IN THE WALL OVER A SWING?” Tommy yells baffled in my wonderful feat.
“What about it?” I shrug nonchalauntly.
“THAT WAS AWESOME!” Tommy cheers, grabbing the “cake” and chucking it at Jack who lets out a loud shriek at the action.
“ HEY, Y/N!” Phil yells, grabbing my attention. He picks up the brick-cake-thing from off the floor. “Batter up!” I wind up the bat, getting in a solid stance, and Phil absolutely catapults it my way. And with a perfectly timed swing…I hit that mo fo so hard! I think I broke another hole in the wall.
“Y/N YOU JUST BROKE ANOTHER HOLE IN THE WALL!” Jack exclaims as he checks over the area.
Okay, so I was right.
“How strong are you?” Phil asks, looking absolutely horrified at the second hole in the wall.
“You know that’s a great question.” I say swinging the bat as I walk closer to the table. “Let’s test it out shall we.” I hold the bat over my head to bring it down on the middle of the table as hard and fast as I can… I just broke the table in half. Cool.
I look up with pride in glee to be met with three stares of fascination, curiosity, and most of all— fear.
“Welp,” Tommy starts, breaking the silence. “Remind me to never make you mad.”
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