#and then sorry to payno
uglypastels · 2 years
Ooo lucky you actually saw them. I wanted to but I was a late-ish fan and I could never afford to see them. But thats cool, did you cry? Were they perfect? (My younger self could never) And honestly yeah id feel superior too if I were you lol luckily within my friend group I was the only one that liked Niall so I felt superior as well lmao they all liked Harry or zayn. Liam was another underrated one.
We all had the shrine lmao mine was just everywhere, my whole room was just 1D or the wanted smh it wouldve been the the cherry on top of I had candles back then lol
I havent seen the tik tok, I should look for it tho somehow. I have a love hate relationship with tik tok. I just create unhealthy habits with things I swear. At least a girl could own the cringe lol I cant lol I took his lil face everywhere, a school field trip and everything, I even showed it off to my parents like they should be proud LMAO and I showed my friends who for some reason also wanted a head of their favorites like bro no you don't want that lol I wish I had the girls confidence to keep bring his cut out😂
Dude back then all the Zains were gettin it. My cousin who was a zayn stan also met a guy named zain irl like bruh she was all heart eyes just cuz of that. Its funny that thats no longer an original experience for her😆
Idk were just a special breed of people lol
I saw them in 2014 with 5sos as support act. It was peak everything. Its also the only concert i travellec abroad for (also my first ever concert haha) because when they were doing my local show i was at 8th grade camp which is a big thing so i couldnt miss that. I recently found my/my mom's videos from it and jesus the quality is not it. All just screams and the bass blasting off the speakers but god if it wasnt the best nigbt of my life
And no but i the name wasnt even the reason i had a crush 😭 he was tall and funny and i was a tween and was falling head over heels for any boy that paid an ounce of attention to me. The fact his name was zain just made it funny (we bonded for both having Z names. Slay)
I literally never met a liam fav im sorry he was not it for me
Ooh, also, in 8th grade we had to hold presentations about songs. And my bestie and i did Best Song Ever. Never did i have to prepair so little haha. We knew everything by heart, from info about the boys to the lyrics to the script of that bit at the beginning of the video and all the choreos. I remember they asked us to do it again because we danced along as we were watching the vid and i felt so proud because they all seemed genuinely impressed with our knowledge haha
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myohmine · 1 year
Coming to a realization that Louis kept insisting on Faith in the FUTURE cuz the present ain’t it
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shawolsos · 1 year
Happy (belated) birthday to Liam btw
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arainbowmess · 1 year
(One of my favorite humans)
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tpwkwriter · 1 year
helllooooo! i love ur fics, they are really great. Could you please do any cute fluff with llh, like make our hearts melt due to his love for his girl and him showing the world how truly in love he is with y/n thank you! all the best <3
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Awww hello!! Thank you for your request and lovely, words I appreciate it so much!!!💟
We all love a bit of LHH 😚
And also Zayn is included in this he is always a part of one direction 💛
Warnings- none really! Extreme fluff
Hope this is what you wanted and I hope you enjoy this! 🌷
— — — — —
The sound of laughter and banter ricocheted between the lads downstairs.
It was a rare occasion that the 1D lads had a day off and could spend it however they wished.
Despite spending everyday with one another for the last 5 years, they still make time for each other and make sure to have quality time. And y/n was more than happy to accommodate that, she loved them 5 boys.
With messy hair, oversized hoodie and Pyjama bottoms that were tucked into her long fluffy socks y/n carelessly crept down the stairs not minding her state around the boys.
Harry was sitting straightly upright on the sofa, his elbows leaning on his knees as his eyes were glued to the Tv screen that played some video game they took in turn playing.
To his left sat Liam who was leaning comfortably across the sofa with his legs dangling over the matching ottoman that was perched in front of him.
Louis, Zayn and Niall were sat on the 3 seater sofa that sat adjacent to the one Liam and Harry occupied.
Once y/n crept in to living room to see what they were up to, all attention immediately sprung to her.
“Morning y/nnn” the four boys said in almost unison.
“Morning Boys” she yawned using her sweater paw to cover her mouth.
H couldn’t help but stare at the girl that was all his.
Even in the early mornings she still managed to look beautiful, she looked adorable wrapped in his hoodie, fluffy socks and hair down and ruffled.
“Y’alright angel?” He asked all eyes and focus on her.
“Yeah” she smiled glancing at the 5 boys lazing in the room.
“I’ll make us coffee” she yawned once again. And slipping away to the kitchen.
“Need any help love?” Louis called
“M’okay thanks Tommo” she answered.
“I’ll go” Harry interjected swiftly placing his phone done and hurrying to the girls aid.
“Whipped” Liam jokingly remarked
“Oi i heard that payno” he answered taking a quick look at Liams smiley face.
Harry was quick to wrap his arms around the girls waist as she flicked the kettles and prepped the cups.
“G’Morning” he whispered in her ear pressing tiny kisses to the side of her face.
“Morning” she sweetly replied, blushing at his actions
“Sorry couldn’t stay f’mornin cuddles” he pouted.
“S’fine, we get to deal with these cuties anyway” she said referring to 4 giggling men in there sitting room.
“Heeeyyyy, am I not cute enough?” He said holding her waist tighter and pressing his lips to her neck.
“Y’know what I mean” she giggles.
“Hmm m’not sure I do” he said kisses going higher up her face.
“Oi keep it PG yeah?” Zayn called, the rest of the boys immediately sniggering.
“Bloody hell” he said closing his eyes a smile showing.
— — — — —
The boys carried on with there game that took place the flat Tv that sat on the wall.
Though to be honest even if y/n had no clue what was going on, seeing them get competitive against each other and joke around made her heart happy.
Y/n leaned against the doorframe watching all the boyish banter unfold.
Harry determined that wasn’t close enough.
“C’mere m’darling” he says patting his lap.
Y/n knew the boys wouldn’t mind, so she accepted his offer.
His back leaned against the sofa, as y/n perched herself on his lap comfortably.
She then leaned onto his chest, legs still dangling over his knees and head resting just on top on his shoulder.
Allowing that safe familiar scent to take over.
As the day continued laughs and jokes were made.
Y/n’s phone starts going off a Bit more than usual.
“Baby y’phones going mental” Harry says slinging his arm out lazily to reach it for her.
She opens it which leads her to Twitter to reveal a post Niall had made.
It was a snapshot of the couple on the sofa, the timing being to perfect that it captured harry pressing a kiss to the girls forehead.
The caption read: look at these lovers.
It was safe to say Twitter was going feral.
“Niall! You shitter!” She jokes, very much loving the photo.
“Let’s see” Harry said moving the girls hand with his own.
“Heeeyyy, y’caught me in my most vulnerable state” he smiled, pressing another kiss to the girls hairline.
“S’pretty damn cute if I say so myself” Louis smiled, scrolling down Twitter.
Harry then presumes to retweeting the photo which further leads the fandom into frenzy, many of this is them trying to work out who y/n is, how long they’ve been a thing, them gushing over how adorable boyfriend Harry is.
Y/n was glad he was all hers.
— — — — —
As the day progressed, the boys and y/n spent the day at home with continuous banter and laughs.
“Mmm I love you” he said pressing a kiss to the girls cheek after closing the door to the boys who had just left.
“I love you” she replied.
“M’social batteries dead though” she sighed.
“Looks like m’just gonna havta cuddle you then hey?” He said plopping down next to her and leaning his head on her lap.
The Tv played some random drama that caught the attention of y/n, her fingers playing with his long curls that splayed all over her lap.
“Y’so pretty” he randomly admits
“Y’are” he said eyes scanning her features, as best he could considering he was under her chin.
“Harryyyyy” she dragged.
“Don’t start this, y’know y’gorgeous” she blushed.
“I love you my sweet girl” he said, melting into her soft and loving touches.
“Love you more than life”’
“Love you too Harry”
“I do” she mumbled
As they sat in comfortable silence feeding into the programme on the TV.
Y/n’s phone pinged allowing her screen to light up, the random light in the corner of his eye made Harry glance at it, and he wasn’t expecting to see the newly posted photo to be her lock screen.
“Baby?” he wondered
“Hmm” she hummed.
“Is that photo your lock screen?” He smiled.
— — — — —
Bit crappy ending but I hope you enjoy nonetheless! ❤️
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Could you write a little something about the reader walking in on Niall recording "Steal My Girl" in his underwear? Your choice on how they know each other. I just think it's funny as hell!
What Did I Miss?
Niall Horan x Fem!reader!
Note: Thank You for requesting this, anon! I hope I did your request justice! I tried my very best!
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It was a long day, and all I wanted to do was see my boyfriend, so that’s exactly what I decided to do. Since he’s in town with his band, I took advantage of the rare opportunity that I do have with him.
I look down at my phone, looking at the text he sent me just a little while ago.
Irish Blondie💚
Hey, Petal! We’re just doing a bit of recording. I’ll be in room 647! Just knock! Everyone knows you’re coming!
Okay, sounds good babe! I’ll be there soon!
I look back up as I walk through the hallway and I manage to find the room. I knock on the door and step back, waiting for the door to open.
Not even a minute later, the door opens to reveal Louis. His eyes light up when he sees me and he pulls me into a hug.
“Mrs. Neil! Great to see ya, love. How’ve ya been?”
He lets me go and we go inside, Louis closing the door behind us.
“I’ve been good Lou. Just been itching to see Niall.”
He nods in understanding.
“He’s been itching t’ see you too, Y/N. Believe me. Yer all he’s been talkin’ about.”
I blush as I follow him through the room and my mouth gapes, unprepared for what’s in front of me.
“I don’t exist if I don’t have her, the sun doesn’t shine, the world doesn’t turn, alright.”
Before my eyes is my boyfriend. Dancing around. In his underwear. Next to me, Louis bursts out laughing and Niall turns around, his face burning bright red as soon as he sees me.
“Y-Y/N! I-I’m sorry Petal! I’ll um… Just give me a minute to um… Get some clothes on…”
I nod, averting my eyes as I turn around, my face burning just as bright as his. As Niall gets dressed, I chat with Zayn.
“Ya should’ve seen your face, Y/N! You and Nialler! Looked like a couple o’ tomatoes! Lou! Did you get that on video! We gotta show Payno and Harry!”
I cover my face with my hands in an attempt to hide my embarrassment and the two laugh, Zayn pulling me into a hug.
“Stop laughing, you two! It’s not funny! I’ve… Never seen him like that before… He just kind of surprised me… But I told him I was coming! Why was he in his underwear?!”
Both men just shrug when John, one of the producers chimes in.
“That might be my fault. He was in the middle of changing and I sort of had an idea for one of his verses and I distracted him. He’s been like that for about an hour and a half.”
I nod, beginning to understand. It took me a while to get to the hotel since I live about an hour away and my car is in the shop, so my only mode of transportation was the bus.
Zayn pats my back with a smile before he lets me go.
“Don’t look so nervous. He’s Niall, I’m sure this won’t be the last time you see him naked.”
Louis bursts out laughing again and everyone leaves the room as I feel a tap on my back. I turn around and see Niall, now dressed and ready to go.
“Sorry about that Y/N, guess I just got a bit distracted… Promise it won’t happen again.”
He holds his hand out to me and I take it with a smile, although the blush is still visible on my face.
“It’s fine, Niall. But you should know, Louis got it on video. He and Zayn and probably showing it to Harry and Liam as we speak.”
His eyes widen and his cheeks tint again and he pulls me out of the hotel room.
“Tommo! Delete that video, ya fucker!”
Niall lets go of my hand and begins to chase Louis down the hall of the floor, laughs echoing as the video goes around to all. I sigh and shake my head, somehow only falling more in love with him.
WC 700
Requests are open lovelies! Feel free to send them in!
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@be-with-me-so-happily @violetsandfluff @fruitmans @fruitmansrecs @kaminokatiee @cherryscinema @swiftmendeshoran @harrysmimi
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hlficlibrary · 8 months
do you have any vday theme fics?
Hi, so I already have this rec under 'Category Recs' on the pinned post...
✤ Valentine’s Day Fics
And here are a few newer ones...
I Feel It When My Heart Beats by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
Harry offers to be her best friend Liam's fake date to his work Valentine's Day party, and the night takes an unexpected turn.
Always You by @enchantedlandcoffee
“You heading home, mate?” Liam asked as the movie ended. softly nudging Zayn to wake him up. “Is it alright if I just kip here, Payno?” Louis answered, taking a sip of his beer as he stretched his legs out, having been sitting on them for the majority of the movie. “You sure, Lou? You’re only down the hall and I’m sure Harry’d be worried if you didn’t come home?” “Nah, I'm sure he'll be just fine by himself for one night. Besides, I’m pretty sure Nick’s over there.” Louis drawled, finishing off his beer as he searched his pockets for his phone. Liam winced at the bitter tone in his friend’s voice.
Or, Louis calls his ex on Valentine's Day.
Everything I need, I get from you by @lunarheslwt
“I’m sorry for ruining our Valentine's Day plans :(“ Louis was shaking his head at Harry's text before he even gave the phone back. “You haven’t ruined anything, Haz. Don’t say that. We can have a day in, and it’s still going to be just as good.” Harry didn’t look convinced, as he typed in something else. “But it’s because of me. I’m sorry Lou.” Louis nudged his chin up gently. “Haz, look at me. You don’t have to be sorry, okay? Where we are or what we do does not matter to me. What matters to me is that you’re happy and okay." Louis did not give Harry time to protest, before he was adding, “Besides, who says Valentine's Day needs to be cancelled?” Harry’s eyes fixed on him curiously, cocking his head as if to ask, ‘what?’ “We can have our own version of Valentine's Day at home, hmm? A quiet day in. We watch a film, have something to eat, and cuddle?” Or, it's Valentine's day and Harry wakes up fatigued. Louis shows him that a change of plans is not a bad thing, and that the day can still be perfect as long as they spend it together. A quiet day full of love ensues.
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thebreadvansstuff · 13 days
voyeurism pls
Harry hates the communal showers with a passion.
He hates the dirt on the floors, the hair in the drain. But mostly he hates that he has to wake up at the crack of dawn in order to find an empty shower and have a decent wank, without fearing someone next to him might hear him.
Not that it hasn't happened before, but - it's whatever. Harry has learnt his lesson after three months of living in these halls of residence.
This morning is no different. He throws his towel over his shoulder and walks into the showers, finding them all empty, as per usual (because who would even bother to wake up at 5 am?).
He turns on the water, feels the stream hitting his back and exhales. This is his reward. This is why he sacrifices his sleep every day.
The warm water feels like heaven on his skin, and his hand instinctively goes around his cock, so used to the routine of it and yet no less eager to get himself off first thing in the morning.
He closes his eyes and strokes himself slowly, too lazy to set a proper rhythm.
His eyes fly open again when he hears whistling coming from outside. Someone has just walked into the showers.
The whistling stops when a pair of feet stop right in front of Harry's shower. Harry stares into the curtain, wants to burn a hole into it as his impatience grows with every second that passes and the person doesn't move away.
Harry just wants to go back to wanking, for fuck's sake.
"Payno!" echoes loudly, and the curtain is snatched back in the blink of an eye.
"What the fuck?" Harry screeches, at the same time that the (quite handsome) guy slaps his mouth and shouts "I'm so sorry!"
Harry's eyes are widened, staring at the guy in shock and remaining unmoving. If his heart wasn't beating so fast with adrenaline, Harry would wonder who this guy is and why he hasn't seen him before. Because surely a guy as hot as him --
Harry realises he still has his cock in his fist.
He pulls his hand back, like his cock burned him or something, and widens his eyes when he realises his hard as fuck cock is just standing in the open.
And why hasn't it gone flaccid from the shock? Harry could die with embarrassment.
"Uhm." The guy gulps. "I'll let you get back to it."
Harry, for whatever reason, feels the need to defend himself.
"Well, how is it my fault that you opened the curtain? If you're so offended by the sight maybe you should ask who's inside first!" he rants, eyebrows pinching together in frustration that does absolutely nothing for his erection.
The guy's blue eyes keep moving from Harry's own down to his cock, and his lips are parted, seemingly at a loss of words.
"Cat got your tongue?" Harry taunts.
"Listen, mate," he finally says, "it was an accident. I thought you were my friend. And also, I'm not offended by the sight."
Harry frowns. Huh.
"Obviously I'm here for the same thing," the guy continues, mumbling the last part, "otherwise why would I be awake?"
And if Harry's cock refused to go down before, it definitely isn't going down now. Because the mental image of this guy jerking off in the next shower... it's exactly the kind of scenario Harry would be playing out in his mind had he not been interrupted.
"Uh huh."
"So uh..." the guy clears his throat. "Sorry again."
He goes to draw the curtain closed, but Harry speaks up. "Wait. What's your name?"
"Louis," the guy replies.
Harry should just drop it, accept the apology and move on with his life, but for some reason he feels the need to say, "Louis, you've ruined my orgasm."
Louis tilts his head to the side, stares down at Harry's cock. "Doesn't seem like it."
And that's embarrassing, but also what about this situation isn't?
"Well, I meant that I need to be alone. Cause I can get loud. And you're gonna ruin that for me."
Louis shrugs. "Don't mind me, mate. It's not like I have porn in here. You'll have to do."
He says it as easy as anything, like he didn't just admit that --
"You're gay?" Harry asks.
"As it gets," he chuckles. "Have the badge to prove it," he adds cheekily, looking down at himself where -- oh my god, under his towel, he's hard as well.
"Uhm," Harry blinks, adrenaline rushing through his veins.
It's now or never.
"Wanna get off together?"
Louis smirks. "Thought you'd never ask."
Send me a line, and I'll write a snippet! - NSFW edition!
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enchantedlandcoffee · 2 years
3. “It’s always been you, and it will always be you. Please never forget that.”
Thanks anon! I had fun writing this one!
“You heading home, mate?” Liam asked as the movie ended. softly nudging Zayn to wake him up.
“Is it alright if I just kip here, Payno?” Louis answered, taking a sip of his beer as he stretched his legs out, having been sitting on them for the majority of the movie.
“You sure, Lou? You’re only down the hall and I’m sure Harry’d be worried if you didn’t come home?”
“Nah, I'm sure he'll be just fine by himself for one night. Besides, I’m pretty sure Nick’s over there.” Louis drawled, finishing off his beer as he searched his pockets for his phone. Liam winced at the bitter tone in his friend’s voice.
“Call him at least, Lou. The last thing we need is Harry banging on my door because you didn't come home' Liam pleaded, picking up a sleepy Zayn and heading towards their room, leaving Louis sprawled out in the living room, searching the sofa for his phone.
“You know you’re not my dad right?” He called, hearing a chuckle from Zayn and a groan from Liam.
“I don’t hear the phone ringing!” Liam yelled back at him and Zayn disappeared into their room, Zayn calling a ‘Night Lou!’ before the door slammed shut.
“‘Call him,’ he says.” Louis mocked, finally fishing his phone out of the couch cushions. "I'll call him alright." He winced at the brightness of his screen, thumbing through his contacts. Since when did he know this many people? Aha, Harold. Giving himself a silent cheer, he pressed the call button, placing the phone between his shoulder and ear as he stood up, heading towards the kitchen. He rifled through the fridge, praying that the call would go to voicemail.
“Hello?” A gruff voice answered, causing Louis to nearly drop the bottle of water he was holding.
"Lou? Why are you calling me at 2 in the morning? Aren't you in the other room?"Louis winced at the mention of the time, his previous anger switching into a feeling of guilt at the premise of waking Harry up.
“Shit! I’m so sorry Haz! I didn’t realise what time it was. I’ll let you get back to sleep.” He hurried, moving to grab his phone.
“Lou, it’s fine. What were you calling for? I’m assuming the phone call means that you didn’t come home last night?”
Louis sighed and closed the fridge quietly, hopping up onto the nearest kitchen stool.
“I thought I’d stay at Liam and Zayn’s tonight. You know, give you two some space.” He answered, fiddling with the label on the bottle.
“I mean- that’s nice of you but- wait. What do you mean ‘you two’?” 
“You know- you and Nick. I know that you guys had a date tonight- last night. Though I’m not sure why you didn’t just have it today- what with it being Valentines and all that.” Louis stated, brow furrowing in confusion. He remembered Nick messaging him that night about his plans with Harry and his subtle request to ‘vacate the apartment for the night’. The message being the cause of his dramatic exit from his flat and the spontaneous movie night he’d convinced his friends to join. 
“Lou,” He heard Harry sigh, picturing his friend sitting up in their- his bed and running his hands through his hair, “I didn’t have a date with Nick tonight. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“You could have, you know.” Louis whispered, the next sentence killing him to add “it’s my fault we’re not together anymore. You should be able to date who you please- someone who makes you happy. Not someone who causes an argument over the stupidest thing.” He heard a muffled sob, his heart instantly breaking for the other boy.
“Lou, I don’t want to date anyone else. It's always been you and it always will be you. Please never forget that.” Harry’s voice was particularly stable as he reassured Louis, no sign of wavering or a sob.
“But Nick asked me to leave…” Louis trailed off, noticing the anguish in his own voice as he realised the tears that had pooled in his eyes.
“Can you come home now?” Harry asked, laughter evident in his tone, “I swear it will all make sense when you get here.”
Louis nodded, forgetting that Harry couldn’t see him and hung up the phone, jumping off the stool and sending a quick text to Liam explaining everything. He rushed out of the flat and down the hall, fumbling with his keys to open the door.
“Lou?” He heard Harry call, as he locked the door and entered the living room, immediately seeing photos dangling from various surfaces. He wandered around the room slowly, not seeing his boy waddle out of the bedroom wrapped in a duvet. 
“I asked Nick to get you out of the house for a bit,” Harry admitted, pulling the duvet tightly around himself, “he and Niall volunteered to help me get you back. We thought you’d only be gone for a few hours, hence the candles and food.”  Harry gestured to the picnic basket Louis had overlooked. “The plan was to remind you of the amazing times we had together, and then at midnight I was going to ask you to be my boyfriend again.” The young boy mumbled, taking in Louis’ expression.  Louis quickly crossed the room, enveloping the taller boy in a tight hug. 
“Yes, a million times yes!” He answered, pulling back from Harry only to kiss the younger boy. “Happy Valentine’s babe.”
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theeliampayne · 1 year
Snippet Sunday
Thank you @ashtheduckling for the tag!
Doing this for a Lilo fic I have planned
Louis leans against Liam's side, ruffling his hair. "Come on, Payno! You can't keep drowning your thoughts out with chocolate."
Liam lets out an annoyed huff, swatting Louis' hand away. "Why not? I like chocolate, chocolate's good." His look softens a moment later, though, and he's quick to give Louis a bit of an apology. "Sorry, Lou. I just don't want to talk about it right now."
Louis nods, staying quiet for a moment himself. Liam's surprised by it, really. Louis was usually the loud, boisterous type, but now he was calm, and.. gentle? It was all a bit much to think about. "Don't worry about it, mate. Open up when you're ready," Louis says after a while, his tone soft. "I've got plenty of chocolate back at my place." There it is. There's the teasing look Liam was used to.
Tagging @hellolovers13 @nouies @beardyboyzx @greeneyesfriedrice and whoever else might want to do it (No pressure!)
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insomniziam · 1 year
So, I just got into 1d and Ziam (in the lord's year of 2023 I know but I was 12 when they went into hiatus and a gay little boy who found wresting gayer so that's what I was into back then) and I see all these videos about their nicknames and it's always Tommo, Haz(za), Nialler and Payno but it's never any actual nickname for Zayn, it's either DJ Malik or Bradford bad boy so I was wondering if the boys have ever actually called him by any nickname or is the Zaynie or Z I see in fanfics a fandom thing. Sorry if my ask isn't very comprehensible.
To be honest nonnie, I've never been a fan of 1D. The only reason why I started paying attention to the band was purely because of Liam and his vocal talent (I wish he would do more jazz 😍), and then like everyone else I watched the ziam timeline on YouTube and was hooked.
So I don't really know anything about the band and the possible nicknames they had for each other. I think there might have been a few occasions from memory when Liam might have called him Zed, but I'm not 100% sure.
But no doubt Liam has some nicknames for Zayn that we don't know about, if you catch my drift 😉
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asklarry-rp · 13 days
Oh sorry, bug can have whatever they want too. *adds on what I want* Want anything Payno? -L
Hey, you sent it. It’s your own fault. -Ni
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
FIRST OF ALL, ABSOUTLY ATE WITH PILLOWTALK, HELLO?!?!? THE TITLE NAME? ASHER AND HARRY?!?! ILYSM OMFG. BUTTTTTT, now after reading pillowtalk, asher gives off Liam vibes to me, is it just me?!?!?! like i know that asher wasnt supposed to reference anyone, BUT LIKE.. Asher may feel like the quiet one, but he really isnt once you get to know him. at the start of the series i thought asher would be a funny one, a kind one, HE STILL IS BUT LIKE. HE GIVES OF PAYNO VIBES.. if your wondering, this is just me revolving everything you write to 1D but I CANT HELP IT IM SORRY 😪😪 anywayssss hope ur doing well, love u sm 🫂🫂💖✨
That’s so funny!! I haven’t heard that before but I see it!!
Asher definitely is just the sideshow to Harry’s performance, no matter what, so he definitely has to stay the quiet one if he wants to keep his head AKSKA
Thank you so much for reading and being so kind, this was so sweet and wonderful, ily!! 😭💞
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Just came on to say I LOVE Sunshine 🌅🌅🌅🌅 Liam looks so cute and happy and yeah, I hope all of you are doing great as well! ❤️
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happy4harry · 2 years
could you please make a fake insta blurb with Emma chamberlain as a face claim?? thank you!
thank you for your suggestion :) 
fratboy!harry x childhood friend
summary: harry and y/n have been best friends since they were super young. y/n is touring with 1D. it is y/n’s birthday and people are really hoping that harry and her are dating. harry is 18 (2012)
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liked by zayn, arianagrande and 3,982,130 others
harrystyles happy birthday weirdo.
view all 102,873 comments
yourusername thanks bitch boy :)
-> harrystyles she loves me don’t worry guys
fan2 why are they not dating???
harryfan5 crying they are so cute 😭
arianagrande HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!! 🤍🤍
-> yourusername thank you ari! imy <333
fan7 imma make a  petition for them to date
zayn happy birthday buddy boy
-> yourusername I❤️ZAYN
-> harrystyles i can’t compete 
yourusername posted on their story
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liked by harryfan6 and 98,873 others
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user32 HE SAID “everybody, so today it’s someone specials birthday! it’s my best friends birthday. I’ve known her for like years, her name is y/n as you probably know, and she is here tonight. let’s all sing happy birthday for her!” and after the song he said “thank you so much for singing, I hope she got really embarrassed. I love you happy birthday.”
user2 and it was harry’s idea!!!
harryfan8 he is so whipped common now
y/nfan1 she looks so bomb.com
fan9 oh to be y/n y/l/n and be besties with harry
y/nfan7 SHES SO CUTE
harryfan2 what they have 💳💳💥💳💥💥💳
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 2,001,981 others
yourusername this face is now 18
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annetwist happy birthday darling
-> yourusername thank you extra mom
harrystyles i was there when this photo was taken
-> yourusername how do you even remember that?
harryfan4 happy happy birthday
niallhoran happy birthday roomie
-> yourusername i love it when we share a bus 😝
liampayne happy birthday little nerd
-> yourusername thank you payno
louistomlinson happy bday to my favorite tour buddy
-> yourusername you are my favorite 1D member
-> yourusername actually my fav is all but harry 🙃
-> harrystyles WHAT DID I DO!?!??
-> harrystyles I SAID I WAS SORRY
-> yourusername 🙄
-> zayn get a room
should I make this like a series???
i love them
pls keep suggesting things <3
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femstyles · 7 years
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I just wanna know how this is possible
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