#and then sometimes that song also happens to be vocaloid ok?
vergilbergart · 1 year
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phony (フォニイ) - Tsumiki ft KAFU
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aroace-poly-show · 5 months
OK so I know it isn't a vocaloid song but I've recently been thinking... and "Little Talks" by Of Monsters and Men is a h☆w song to me...
Like. Hear me out. It's a conversation between h☆w members trying to comfort each other
(The second lines – the "replies", I'm putting them as the other hw member I feel would work the best for that, but it could be full unit or member + vocaloid too)
I don't like walking around this old and empty house
(So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear)
So the first line could be both Emu and Tsukasa but... if u think of the Wonder Stage as a place Emu felt at home at, and the fact that now it's old, broken, in need of repairs and, most importantly, empty. Because no-one is performing there anymore and it's abandoned and closed down. So while Emu loves this place so much, it must still pain her to be there and see the state it's at
But then h☆w come and oh. there's someone actually at her side telling her it's OK to be upset over that and are willing to be with her and comfort her and fight with her for her dream. I put this as tsks because of - as i understand it - his involvement in reclaiming the Wonder stage later and him being the one encouraging hw to try again and being there for them constantly if uou get what I mean. Like he's holding their hands and saying to keep going, I'll be here with uou to support you
The stairs creak as you sleep, it's keeping me awake
(It's the house telling you to close your eyes)
Hngnhhh imagine if tsukasa, aside from the normal hw night activities, has trouble falling asleep if he hears any noises at the house at night becsuse he instantly feels this anxiety rise up in him that Something happened again and that in a second he'll hear rushed steps and painful breaths and it'll be another late night hospital visit and–
Also smth about the house being so quiet u can hear these sounds and that making him feel like he's alone bc it's so silent
But then he's reassured and reminded that. It's okay now. He's not alone and there's nothing wrong (and also to take care of himself and get enough sleep hshfh) I like to imagine this line as emu because she seems like the type who would say something so sweet and also whimsical like "it's the house's lullaby!" about the creaking or smth if she ever hears him maybe complain about it on call or something
And some days I can't even dress myself
It's killing me to see you this way
OIYHHH HW RUINENE.... Nene struggling with her appearance (I imagine she has trouble looking in the mirror sometimes... especially with the hair and all... maybe its unbrushed often because she doesn't want to think about it...)
And also her being so demotivated and with so much anxiety that she switched to homeschooling and sometimes just having the same clothes for days, maybe even not dressing up at all, staying at home all day because she's too scared of going out and meeting people and being judged... especially during the worst days
And oh rui who's been there for her the whole time and who sees all this and there's nothing that pains him more than seeing his best friend like this and who doesn't know how to help much and just wishes so much he could do something to comfort and help her out yknow...
'Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
This is just. All of hw. They're each others' safe space and they carry and support each other when one isn't strong enough to handle their struggles and no matter what might happen, this one fact doesn't change
There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back
Well, tell her that I miss our little talks
AND THEN RUI with his whole villanising himself because of all the rumours about him and what everyone around calls him, thinks about him that's made him give up shows because he's so scared of hurting someone else (im looking at u hw wonder halloween), so scared of dragging others into his mess, so scared of someone being treated wrong just because they're with him. Again. And he can't help this thinking and it's just completely freezing him
And again Nene. Who's also been there the whole time. Who remembers putting on shows together as kids and how happy they both used to be, how free rui was about his inventions and ideas, how fun it was just to talk and discuss their little plays and how she misses that. How she misses that Rui. But still she feels so guilty bc she blames herself for how he is toox and yet also wants to help him so so much too
Soon it will be over and buried with our past
We used to play outside when we were young
And full of life and full of love
Again ruinene kind of... looking back on how free and unbothered and they used to be in the past but how hard and empty it is now...and how much closer they were but now there's this rift between them because of this guilt they share and self depreciation and thinking they're at fault for everything and oughdhjh....
Also something about Tsukasa's dream – and himself tbh – being more "full of life & love" when he was younger bc he remembered the reason for his purpose. And his acting being more to play and make others happy than about not failing another audition and finally succeeding and being famous. And so he was more sincerely determined. And because he didn't experience all that failure yet so he was brighter. He didn't have all those darker thoughts and broken hopes and deeply etched loneliness making him unwilling to let himself open up about his struggles and let himself be loved too
Like he's still his enthusiastic self but. It's not the same as when he was younger. Am I making sense
Some days I don't know if I am wrong or right
Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear
I honestly can't decide
It could be. And this is the most fitting to me? Emu with the Wonder stage worrying if she's even right for trying to fight for it and grandpa's dream becsuse that's "not right for the business" and "stupid" and "childish" and all but then hw joining her and making her realise its not just OK, it's worth it
It could be tsukasa with his dream? And the whole "u don't have what it takes to be a star" thing making him doubt himself and if he's even right for this and what else is his purpose even and was he wrong for fighting for all of this. And then rui woukd be replying bc of whatever the ruikasa scene ure planning for main story is
Could also be ruinene and their whole thinking they don't deserve the other and were they even right to do what they did foe the other in thr past? Nene agonising over inviting rui to that troupe which ended terribly and he was just ostracised more, rui over "rubbing off" his bad reputation on nene and ruining her relationship with the troupe bc he tried to protect her. Yknow. And idk how u plan for them to deal with all that but I'm guessing emukasa somehow help so they could be the reply. Or they could be replying to each other really bc they both feel guilty but also both try to reassure the other they did nothing wrong
The chorus is mostly vibes and could be sang by all of them but
Don't listen to a word I say (Hey)
The screams all sound the same (Hey)
These are just. ALL OF THEM being Physically Unable To Talk About Their Issues and brushing off the concern of others and thinking the others have it worse and they don't need help and everything. I hate them so much
But then
Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore (hey, hey)
Already covered this but. Even despite everything they're still trying to support each other however they can and slowly helping others and also letting themselves open up and accept help
You're gone, gone, gone away, I watched you disappear
All that's left is a ghost of you
EMU 👏 AND 👏 HER 👏 UNPROCESSED 👏 GRIEF 👏 and pxl and the Wonder stage being the only thing that's left of her grandpa but all that still being taken away from her and on its way to disappear too. Like a ghost she can't touch or feel and almost doesn't feel real bc of how it's almost dead
Now we're torn, torn, torn apart, there's nothing we can do
Just let me go, we'll meet again soon
Just. Ruinene. And their screwed up relationship. And both thinking it can never rly be fixed bc they'll always feel too guilty themselves and like they'll just ruin it again bc they don't deserve the other and HNNDNFJKFOUTGHHJJFJHH
But still the last line makes me think like. That they'll "meet" again soon with like. Their true feelings. They'll face each other with what they really feel and learn how to mend it all and they'll focus a bit on themselves too. Learn to also let go of the other a little bit to also think about themselves and what they need too yknow. Am I making sense
Now wait, wait, wait for me, please hang around
TSUKASA. Tsukasa who hasn't given up on his dream as the last one. Tsukass who hopes to tell them "don't give up on your dreams yet", tsukasa whos trying to say "if you wait I'll show you it can be done" but he needs time, he just needs to succeed for once, so please hang around and I'll show you and give you your hope and dreams back (also again smth about not wanting to be left alone. "Please wait for me (don't leave)" even when he fails again and again even though they dont know that)
I'll see you when I fall asleep
This isnt anything special really its just. Hw meeting at night HAHDHAH... maybe it could work for their sekai too as a metaphor or smth...??? but anyway basically just that. They all sing it
Then the chorus just repeats and I already talked about it so... yeah...
That's it hdhshd it's been on my mind a lot I love this song and it's just so comforting when u think about hw... them all supporting each other....
I love your au so much thank uou for making it sorry for the long ass ask HASHH
i am going to explode /pos KERI THIS IS SO GOODDDD URBEDBAHBDBANA i dont have like. additions here really. this is great ty. although. something abt the “now wait wait wait for me please hang around” line and hw being Abandonment Issues: The Unit JNFKSNDKANJDJWK
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mvsic0 · 1 year
ok i am also typing this one out here but does anyone else feel like in recent wxs songs emu is the only one you can hear
i think it’s because lately tsukasa has been having a more softer, calmer voice and less silly while emu still sings in her usual tone
and like both of them balanced eachother while ruinene were the calmer softer ones (and then of course the emotionless nt vocaloids)
so now have emu being the only one noticeably being very fun and stuff stands out So much
i think this also happens sometimes jn older pjsk songs because i assume the va’s were still getting the character voices so a lot of early covers overall in game either sound so amazing or… okay
but anyways i just wanted to point out that for me recent wxs songs i feel like emu stands out a lot more 😅
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sundial-girl · 1 year
vFlwoer...you know teh ourple one...
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My favorite song of theirs
ok i'm actually gonna be real i don't listen to that much flower 😭😭😭 SORRY. but the songs i have listened to are good she slays
i think given my blog theme though it's pretty obvious which is my fave flower song
Who I ship them with
ig(??) i do still for the most part think she's sapphic/has a preference for girls, and b/c of a friend my main thing was flowerin. i do like them v much and think abt them, they're cute. BUT a different friend of mine ships fukaflower and that's also really grown on me. BUT b/c of the internet and other mutuals too i've seen pikase and that's cute as hell too. so my mind somehow condensed that into the THREE OF EM (flower, fukase, piko) but i dont even know what tf i'd call that; its not entirely romantic but also not entirely platonic, something is going on and its made infinitely more complicated w/ how they all interact differently depending on what fucking timeline story thing we're in. and again flower & rin is also cute and flower has other cute ships too and AJKSDKJKJKJ 😭
i'll just say tho that the good thing about having several different story things where different things happen is i can do whatever i want and everyone can b happy. the bad thing is i end up overthinking it and also i have a tendency to not give the characters in my stories happy endings
My favorite part about their design
well for one i like how she has so many designs i think its funny lmaoo
v3 and v4 are my faves sooo... i do like the dress & longer hair of v3 actually, i feel its more like, actual flower-like so it fits (and maybe im a bit based b/c that's the design she had when i first vaguely knew abt her). but v4 is iconic, undoubtedly. its the first design that pops into my head when people say flower. i really like how its more ourple since her v3 is more like... black? hksjghkj. i like her striped armwarmer thing its quite funky. solid designs but theyre hard asf to draw imma be real 😭 i can never get them quite right
ALSO i know people dont like ci b/c she doesn't look like flower, but funnily enough i do kinda like that. the sorta uncanny valleyness, b/c u know its supposed to be flower and it vaguely does have some resemblance but its also not and something feels wrong. again though that might just be me b/c of how i twist that for narrative purposes and i have a lot of fun w/ angst shit regarding ciflower but sjkjdhjkshkjhakjhg
A random headcanon I have of them
you know those memes about people cutting/dying their hair after a mental breakdown? yeah that's her 😂😭
i don't think she actually dyes it, it's naturally that peppered white/black color sorta, but she does impulsively do shit to her hair sometimes, not necessarily when she is distressed but she has def done it as "distraction" from negative emotions going on. luckily there's some sorta thing going on that lets her grow her hair back really fast in case she fucks up, so she can test out as many hairstyles as she wants whenever basically. she does think fucked up hairstyles are really funny tho. probably once shaved her entire head just b/c she could
name a vocaloid in my askbox and i'll tell you stuff
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kafus · 1 year
please help, how can i get into the vocaloid fandom?
my favourite vocaloids are kafu and mimi, i listen to a bunch of well-known vocaloids like uh lost one's weeping, goodbye declaration, king, phony, marshall maximiser, deathly loneliness attacks, noise of rain etc etc. basically i am interested in vocaloid and the songs but i don't know anything about the characters or the very well-known songs (which i do want to know about)
what should i do? how did you join the fandom?
i mean this as lightheartedly as possible but honestly i'm not sure how to answer... i don't think anyone quite formally joins a fandom, you just start posting about it or interacting with people who post about it and then you're part of fandom i suppose? i also might not be the best person to ask considering i'm actually not much of a fandom guy when it comes to vocaloid, i mostly listen to it in my lonesome, the only fandom i'm super active in at the moment is kamitsubaki studio's which is. a very small fandom (in terms of english speakers) to say the least LOL it just happens to overlap with kafu, but yeah to "join fandom" just start talking about it or talking to other people who do and that counts. ik there's vocaloid discord servers out there too and stuff but i'm not in any so i can't recommend any unfortunately
as for learning more things, uh, Hm, i mean if you just want more knowledge there's wikis for pretty much every vocalsynth software under the sun - that's about all the "character info" you're going to get because vocaloids (and other vocalsynths, i'm just using "vocaloid" as a catch-all here lol) aren't really characters. there is no vocaloid canon. if you see anyone drawing fanart with vocaloids interacting or seemingly having a story, that's literally all fanon/headcanon. if anyone tries to tell you vocaloid has a canon they are lying. sure there's official stuff like project sekai but that is not the only canon and doesn't apply to other vocaloid media. the most you're going to find on most characters is maybe a sentence or two about personality, maybe their age, and of course their appearance... usually anyways, some vocaloids don't even have appearances LOL and anything that is "canon" is merely a suggestion! like yeah ok the wiki says miku is 16 but that is a suggestion not a rule. people just take the box art and go wild with their interpretations. so i would not fret about that too much, any vocaloid you like is whatever they are to you! (sorry if you already knew some/all of that i was just assuming from the tone of your post that maybe you didn't)
oh and as for knowing the popular songs... tbh i do not keep up with what's popular very well myself, since i was younger i just find music from browsing youtube and sometimes NND LMAO but if u want to know more about vocaloid's history/the classics, there's this google sheet i found a while back that's basically a history lesson full of a ton of different important songs and why they're important... you can also browse through past vocacolles for songs (vocaloid community event that happens once a year, lots of songs get released during that time) or niconicodouga's rankings... but tbh i wouldn't worry too much about knowing what's popular all the time unless u really want to, just listen to what you like
sorry for the really long response but i hope this helps!
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more au rambles from discord babey
now i be thinkin about escaped experiment/bioweapon fresh things again
Moslty bc ive been listening to this song called 'biohazard' (the vocaloid i think) again
Also vibing w the rather horrifying thought of ‘gray’ (flower like worm guy from the first cutscene before everything goes to shit) and fresh being separate entities. Tmw you got abducted and while you escaped to a nice isolated place where they aint gonna find you again, there’s now something that your captors put inside of you when they still had you wriggling around and clawing at your insides
Gray’s prolly borderline dead/very not in good shape at the events from the game bc of fresh kinda being a parasite and absolutely tanking their physical well being for sure. But they might recover once hes out. Might. Brain: sometimes a family can be a escaped host and their parasite child who will prolly end up either rlly fucking them up or killing them in the process of being 'born'
ok but a feral ass overpowered infant who was made to commit violence on p much everything that moves is not that good for paradise. Gray’s prolly the only moral compass that they have, so uh, if they’re out for the count there is literally nothing stopping the ‘programming’ from kicking in and massive bloodshed to happen. 
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izukult · 4 years
ok ok UMMM if it’s still open, i’d like a playlist? i listen to a lot of mother mother, mitski, vocaloid, hyperpop, still woozy, tame impala etc etc. generally i’ve been told that i’m a pretty chill person to be around? i’m a good person to go to if you just wanna be near somebody but aren’t that big on conversation, especially because i’m super super reserved and introverted. i play video game, i’m intj and an aquarius, and i’m a very logical thinker w a generally analytical mindset toward most things heehoo english literature and novel analysis essay momence ............ i’m also v v blunt, and awful at comforting people LMAODHSKFN i’m the mf to see someone cry and ask if they want a glass of water or a shoulder pat
kenna. kenma kozume 100% no doubt. i understand that on one spectrum, he works really well with out there people like shōyō and kuroo, but your personality also meshes with his REALLY well!! yall debate about games😐 like full out debate 😀
sometimes people think because the both of you are so quiet your relationship is awkward and forced but that’s definitely not true. please yall text so much😀😀 kenma is a little more out there over text. i kinda feel like he just doesn’t have the energy to be 😜🤰🥳 loud vibey. even if you’re not a super loud, direct couple you both know how you feel ab each other🥺🥺 yall also the kind of couple to listen to songs that are def meant to be sad and you’re like “ugh bae us😻”
ALSO LMAO HIS MUSIC TASTE AND YOUR MUSIC TASTE WOULD 100% GO TOGETHER JUST ABSOLUTE BRAINROT SO i’m going to link the playlist and list the songs incase u don’t have spotify i hope u like it
1. ringtone- 100 gecs
2. burning pile- mother mother
3. rhinestone eyes- gorillaz
4. let it happen- tame imapala
5. midnight city- m83
6. lotta true crime- penelope scott
7. dead girl in the pool.- girl in red
8. last words of a shooting star- mitski
9. obsessed with you- the orion experience
10. kill v. maim- grimes
11. sensitive- serena isioma
12. c u girl- steve lacy
13. habit- still woozy
14. morning sex- ralph castelli
15. freaking out the neighborhood- mac demarco
i don’t really feel like kenma would MAKE this playlist but i feel like he’d definitely be like yes this song and oh this song and oh this song yknow? like he built it and structured it he’s just too much of a lil bitch to actually make it
if you want an explanation for my reasoning for any of the songs message me! and if there are any songs you don’t like, tell me and i’ll change them for you!! tysm for participating <3
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wallstoothin · 4 years
Based on a vocaloid song with the same name. First time writing any type of romance.  Small mention of P5R but nothing that would hurt you.
Akira remembers dating a girl in six grade. She was pretty. The prettiest girl in the whole grade. At least that’s what every boy in his class said. He doesn't get it. He really don’t. Rika-chan looks just the same as every other girl in the class. Black hair that is fixed as one big ponytail and hazel color eyes she looks just the same as everyone else in town. 
But then out of nowhere Rika-chan approached him after school. A note in her hand, her hips swaying side and side pretending to look nervous put really she look more like a mine trying to hula-hoop. “Hey Kurusu-kun?” She called out shyly. She stopped fidgeting. Young Akira mentally frowned, the hoop falls and it looks like she’s not picking it up and try again anytime soon. 
He underestimated her because she started moving from side to side again.” I um..Do you want to be my boyfriend?”
Behind him, Akira can hear the holler and the whistling from his fellow classmates. Dating? That mean going to different places and holding hands right? His allowance is only 2000 yen he’s been saving up to buy a new game there’s no way he can afford something dumb like dating. 
Beside he sees how his parents act whenever they talk about dating - acting all gooey and mushy mushy. If Akira started dating will he turn all mushy mushy too? Will he have to marry Rika-chan?
Rika-chan is starting to look at him funny too and his classmate is yelling at him to say yes. Akira squeezed his eyes shut and sigh in defeat. “Ok. I’ll be your boyfriend.” 
Rika gasped and...great now the girls are squealing . “Really!” Rika threw herself at Akira forcing him in a hug. “Thank you Akira. I love you!”
From that day on Rika-chan approached his desk before and after school. Telling him all about what girlfriends and boyfriends are suppose to do, and as the list grows bigger and bigger Akira wonders if he bit off more than he can chew. 
He’s not allow to talk to other girls - not without Rika’s permission. His mom is ok because she don’t count for some reason.
He can’t play with his friends for too long he need to spend a lot of time with Rika.
And all of his game money all went to Rika-chan and her many many whims. Stuffed animals and dates where he have to hold hand and call her dumb names like ‘honey’ and ‘darling’ while all his friends play the game he wanted without him. 
When he complained to his dad one evening the traitor only pat his shoulder and said something about young love. His dad also gave him money but all of that went to Rika wanted the new Jack Frost doll that Akira had to win at a crane machine. 
But the kisses are the worst. Rika put on too much lipstick and kiss him on his cheeks and lips. In return Akira gives a little ‘chu’ on the back of her hands. It’s never enough and Akira never felt more trapped in his life. 
So when Rika had to move away because her grandparents are sick. Akira waved goodbye in satisfaction. ‘Good Riddance’ he thought. Maybe now he can start a life. 
His life started and then it was put on indefinite hold. A hiatus if you will. A hiatus due to misfortune events that Akira had no control over. (You could say that Akira had the choice on that night. He could have been like everyone else and went home but he was not like that. ) And with a sprinkle of magical girl anime plot Akira found himself in another relationship. 
Goro was different from Rika-chan. There’s not as much hand holding. Some kissing here and there, sometimes they have a little more. But as time goes by. Akira can’t help but to question their love. 
He was smarter or at least he would like to think he’s smarter than his 12 year old self. He knows what love is. He felt love on that night after all. But still it doesn’t feel right. But he never really try to question it too much. It was all for the sake of Goro. 
When he first got the glimpse of Goro’s true self where Akira receive his first present- a leather glove. He didn’t expect him to confess him love as well. It was just...Goro seem pretty Tsundere. His pride was big and his ego not that far behind. Seeing him pretend to hula hoop after such a passionate declaration as rival doesn’t seem very in character of him. 
But then again, he just met Goro’s true self. He don’t know anything about Goro's true self. This could be just who he is inside. Akira tilt his head as he watch Goro’s face turn redder to the point where he wonder if the older boy had a fever. This confession was not as nice as Rika-chan's; there were some insults thrown, a curse word or two. But just like with Rika-chan he accept and once again he took the role of ‘boyfriend’. 
Goro was needy in a different way. Instead of telling him exactly what he needs like Rika-chan. Akira had to pick apart his body and facial expression. Was his arm slowly inching closer and closer to Akira, then Goro probably wanted a hug or to be held. Was there an extra pillow on the bed? Understandable, it was a stressful day and Goro just needed someone to tell him sweet nothing under the heavy blankets. 
But there were time where Akira really didn’t know what to do. Instead of doing anything to help he spend nights huddle on the couch holding warm coffee close to his chest while Goro threw around the desk and chairs screaming words that no longer sounding Japanese and something a wolf would howl in the dead of the night. 
And how is he supposed to interpret November? 
What is he supposed to believe, the sneer on his face or the tears in his eyes as he pointed a gun directly at him. Before the mission the team each gave him sad eyes and pat him on the shoulder. But he still don’t know what to feel. 
In the end Goro still cared for him. The tears on the ship said it all. But even in love making or in conversation Goro always had the last word.
“I couldn’t make you fall for me, couldn’t I, Kurusu.” 
Goro was always great at interrupting his unspoken words. 
“Heh, just as I thought.”
A gunshot
The clatter of the falling shutter 
And two more shots before Goro signal fell out of Oracle’s radar. His knees also fell out too - not literally of course. But Akira still found himself on the ground holding on to the glove in his hand. 
In the end, he still don’t know how to feel about love, and because he never reached out to a certain someone. He will never know.* 
He feels...empty.
*Akira never completed Maruki’s confidant meaning the third semester never happened. 
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charcolor · 4 years
how do u make flower sing in english???
step one: try your best :')
step two: ok in all seriousness you can make japanese vocaloids sing in english if you are familiar with japanese pronounciation and use phonemes well enough. i'm not very good at explaining but i will try to tell some things i do to have flower sing the best english i can manage (she's the only jpn vocaloid i own so i can't say if this works for other jpn vocaloids but it's probably not too different)
also i'm not an expert so this isn't a Complete Tips And Tricks List. these are just things i've learned to do
the M_0 phoneme is very useful, it's basically a U sound but with less voicing. you know how in japanese the U sounds are very quiet or inaudible in lots of words like "desu" and "masu" it's like that. with v4flower at least it's not totally quiet, there's a kind of metallic exhale that comes with it, so i reduce that by lowering the opening of the note usually all the way down to 0 and sometimes i'll also just edit it out in audacity. since words in japanese don't really end in consonants, consonant sounds at the end of notes will probably not happen so having the M_0 lets you basically have a vowel after it so it actually makes a sound without any out of place vowel sounds being too noticeable. "n" and "m" sounds don't need this though
the opening parameter is also useful to me!! with "er" sounds like in the words "better" and "never" i use an "o" phoneme and reduce the opening by about half and that usually sounds pretty close to an er sound. depending on the word and how it's sung i may want to use "a" or "e" sounds instead and reduce the opening more or less than usual. a less open "o" sounds also works for -le or -ul words like "horrible" and "awful"
i hate how loud t sounds are. luckily i recently realized that when i can't get away with replacing them with d sounds to make them softer and less jarring, i can just replace them with [Sil]. cuz sometimes when i say words with T in them in sentences like "that" or "it" i don't pronounce the t i just kind of, stop making sounds for a millisecond. idk if that makes sense but it can work in vocaloid especially in japanese bc then you don't always have to throw in a vowel sound after the t. this also works sometimes with p sounds. it doesn't always work it'll depend on the word itself and how it's being sung. but! if there are harmonies it can also work by removing sounds like "f" (which would be a p\ phoneme in japanese) and keeping them in the harmonies
and speaking of harmonies!! there's a neat trick i learned from miodiodavinci (known for their very cool zola project covers). unfortunately i can't find that curiouscat post and i cannot word things very well but here's my best explanation: having slightly different sounds in the harmonies than in the main vocals (particularly with vowel sounds) helps a lot!! like for example with the er sound i might have an o sound in the main vocals and an e sound in the harmonies so they kind of blend together to help make the elusive japanese er sounds...if you can't decide between two different sounds you can use them both if there's harmonies in that part of the song! this trick can work in other languages as well if ur having trouble with sounds
there are some shortcut phonemes i like to use a lot...for example with the word "try" i actually almost always have flower say "chai" (which in phonemes is [tS a i]) and it's still understandable in my opinion. if there's a d and a y sound next to each other sometimes i use a j sound. for example for the phrase "and you" which would be [e a n] [j M] (the M phoneme is a u sound) i would put a j sound in the middle so the d sound is still there. it would be [e a n] [dZ M]. this one might not always work because it might sound too harsh, in that case jut leaving out the d sound is fine.
also! depending on the word sometimes you can use a w sound instead of the r/l sound
basically just! figure out japanese phonemes and work with them to get the sounds you want. i hope this helped a little :)
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brianna-lei · 7 years
Butterfly Soup Asks #18
I’ll be spending the week of Thanksgiving in Taiwan w/ relatives, so I tried to answer as many as I could ^^; It’s my first time there in around 10 years so I’m really excited! I would do the rest on the plane but I don’t think I’ll have wi-fi...
Highlights of this batch: The squad’s Halloween, pets, and Ester info
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Yup! The others finally convinced Noelle to go trick-or-treating for the first time
Diya and Min matched, Diya was Red Riding Hood and Min was the Big Bad Wolf. Min got to wear a wolf mask that went over her head
Noelle: But that doesn’t make sense as a couple’s costume. The wolf wants to eat Red Riding Hood
Akarsha: :^) 
Akarsha went as Guy Fieri
Noelle is boring so she was a doctor. She basically looks the same as normal except wearing a lab coat
While trick or treating, Min started complaining partway through that she was thirsty and drank sprinkler water even though Noelle repeatedly told her not to. She immediately spat it out and went “YUCK!! TASTES BAD” apparently it tastes like mud
A few times, Akarsha ran ahead of the gang and jumped out at them from behind bushes. Noelle screams, Diya jumps back, and Min reacts like this 
Min dared Akarsha to lick a mailbox and she did 
One house’s decorations were too good and Diya got scared
Noelle didn’t want most of her candy so Diya got it 
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Diya doesn’t have a dog yet in high school -- she’s always begged for one but her parents knew they’d be too busy to handle it. So their house has a fish tank with guppies
Akarsha had a pet snail in elementary school but accidentally killed it when she tried to wash it with shampoo. She still mourns it. The way she talks about it made Noelle believe for a long time that Akarsha had a deceased sibling or other close family member and she got mad when she found out it was a snail
Hayden’s had a dog since elementary school, much to Diya’s delight and jealousy
Yuki has a hamster
Liz has 2 cats. They’re siblings, one of them has a crooked tail  
Chryssa doesn’t exactly have pets, but her family runs a wildlife rescue/rehabilitation center. They mostly pick up birds but also get other critters like possums and skunks. They even have a hawk there
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Ester is just as much a weeb as Sakura and Yuki, but tries to hide it because she worries about how other people see her and wants to be perceived as normal. Whenever they talk about anime she acts like she’s too cool for them but is actually really interested.  She set all the anime and vocaloid songs on her iPod to Skip on shuffle so that if someone else happens to listen to it, they won’t hear any. 
She has friends but isn’t anyone’s Best friend -- they all have someone they like more than her and she thinks about this a lot 
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knowing she wouldn’t wear it, I never bothered to design one for her haha
I imagine that she’d want a dark colored one, and only wear one strap bc she thinks it looks cooler like that
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Yes, I really want Butterfly Soup 2 and my other future games to have their own soundtracks of music written for them! Feel free to send me examples of your work and rates! Once I properly start development for them I’ll probably make an open call for musicians too ^^
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During the story Min doesn’t know about alternative pronouns like they/ze/ey yet, so she currently only uses she/her. In the future, she still mostly uses she/her but will also be fine with they/them 
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They’re both 17
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Secret for the reasons above, sorry!
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It’s funny because there’s only 2 reactions to Min’s height, with almost no in between: 
I related to her bc I’m small too, but she’s 5′1″?? IM NOT EVEN 5 FEET TALL I FEEL BETRAYED
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This is a common enough sentiment that I really want to make it happen. I’ve found decent places that make custom hoodies for Diya’s jacket, but I still have yet to find a reasonably priced option for custom bomber/letterman jackets. If anyone has places they recommend please let me know!
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In high school I wanted to be an artist but my parents didn’t approve of it, so I didn’t really know what I wanted to do yet. UC Berkeley is considered the best UC to a lot of Asian parents, so it was just naturally somewhere I wanted to get into. 
It wasn’t until I actually got into USC that I found out game design majors even existed. It was insanely lucky that I happened to go to a college that had such a well known game design program
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I’ve said a bit about this on twitter before, but that part of Min’s story was inspired by things my friends and I experienced growing up. Most stories about fictional bad parents come in 2 flavors:
The parents see the error of their ways in the end and aim to be better 
The kid escapes from the parents and lives happily ever after
But in reality, it’s often not that simple. Sometimes your parents never change and there’s no easy way out, that’s just how it is and you have to live with it. So I wanted to show characters who have to bear with it, and at the end of the story are still bearing with it, but are able to find happiness despite it. I wanted people like that to know they aren’t alone in never getting a storybook resolution to what they went through and it’s ok
It is a difficult subject to handle, and it was a challenge figuring out how to realistically show Min going through this without being gratuitous about her suffering. A lot of people like my beta testers were happy seeing a character having the same arguments with her parents as they did, but everyone reacts to things differently and I hope that the trigger warnings prevent too many people from being blindsided by it 
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you’d be surprised at how small of a space you can fit in! ...not that I endorse getting free meals like this. kids don’t try this at home 
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oh?? Do you mean PC Gamer? I haven’t seen an IGN one yet :o 
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oh no! I’m sorry it’s doing that :(  dam u tumblr
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I’m not sure what this means but it sounds right
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SFDJHKJ I actually don’t think she would, I feel like it’s not the right vibe for her if that makes sense
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They were mostly drawn in Clip Studio Paint! It goes on sale for as low as $15 every few months and it’s my favorite drawing program atm
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I generally welcome Lets players, it’s fun seeing them enjoy the game! I specifically dislike Pewdiepie, though. I don’t know a lot about Markiplier, but I don’t think he ever played Pom Gets Wi-Fi?  
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I’m really touched that people like it enough to replay it, it’s only been out for 2 months!! Thank you!! 
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You’re welcome!! I’m really really happy you appreciated it!
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It makes me so happy to see it too!! You’re welcome, thank you for the message ;u;
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You’re welcome!! I’m always really glad to hear people relate to Diya ;u;
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You’re welcome! I hope you like the game! 
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You’re welcome!!! 
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Thank you! I’m really glad you liked it :> 
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You’re welcome! Thank you for playing it!!
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mikunology · 7 years
Mikunology File #7: Kagamine Len
OK, so we did Rin. That means we gotta do Len now, right?
TBH, I really love Len as much as I love Rin, because in my book they’re equally interesting characters. And I really like writing Len because I feel he and Rin’s voices are the most vibrant in my mind next to maybe Luka and Meiko’s. So get ready for some ranting!
Look under the cut for the post! (WARNING: Lots of reading like always.)
Opposing Rin, Len is the second second-in-command in the main team and acts as their brains--at least most of the time. He composes the second half of the CV02 unit as CV02-L alongside Rin, and like I said in Rin’s post, tends to take part in the more actiony parts of the overarching plot I have going here. Though, Len tends to have his own problems that manage to branch off the usual antics that happen, as well as his role within Rin and Miku’s adventures. But that’s not to say he’s not important--in fact, Len may have just as big if not a bigger role in the plot than his sister.
Strangely enough, I think out of everyone I’ve elaborated the least about Len’s personality. Let’s fix that.
Len is definitely Rin’s mirror image in personality and temperament--instead of big, loud, and fiery, Len is quiet, minimal, and coolheaded. Len is sensitive, sensible, and much more analytical than his sister, and he prefers to take things slow and think things through; but of course, that never means he has no sense of fun. He tends to rely on his logic rather than his heart to tell him how to handle things, but really, the kid is probably the most emotional one in the entire group. He firmly acts as everyone else’s straight man--while Rin and Miku’s big personalities tend to have them up in the clouds, Len is the one reminding them to come back to earth every so often. But even while trying to be the responsible one, Len can be just as tricky as Rin and enjoys going around and causing havoc with her for the sheer fun of it, as long as they don’t go too far. He’s a kind and empathetic person despite appearing sarcastic and high-strung sometimes, and honestly, all he wants is for things to go as smoothly as possible for everyone.
Though, as less in-your-face he is compared to Rin, Len has his own varied set of flaws in order. The biggest one tends to be his crippling fear of failure, which, while it pushes him to do his best as a Vocaloid and as a fighter, he has a huge unhealthy habit of working himself to the very bone as to not disappoint. Len considers himself to be inferior to Rin, Luka and Miku in the voice department, and thus tries to make up for his dislike of his own singing by trying to be better constantly. He also has a strong desire to just be taken seriously instead of being just “the adorable shota”, and he occasionally becomes reckless or misguided in his attempts to actually seem cool or admirable once in a while even to his own family. However, it should be noted that both of these flaws of his have been countered by his siblings, as he doesn’t realize his own brand of adorkableness is what makes him who he is.
I’m actually gonna skip this section as Len doesn’t really have any special powers that I haven’t already elaborated on in Miku and Rin’s posts. So, I’ll move on!
Len has the least amount of equipment in the team, I think, but it’s mostly due to the fact that he prefers to use stuff he knows and can rely on rather than acquiring a million different gadgets he’d rarely use. Plus, after all, Len is more of a strategist than a battler. But I digress.
You can check Rin and Miku’s posts for info on his headphones and sleeves, since they all work the same, pretty much.
Road roller (aka “Josephine”). Len initially disapproved of Rin stealing an entire construction vehicle from a construction site, but what are you gonna do. Even so, he’s learned to drive the road roller quite well, actually being an even better driver than Rin (and, I mean, Len does usually drive the thing while Rin stands on the top and kicks ass). However, Len doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to using the mecha function.
Keytar. Len’s iconic instrument of choice, and the one he often is seen with at his concerts. Len is already an expert at using the guitar and the electronic piano (Gyari-P, anyone?) and so the instrument itself is easy for him to use and carry around. As of late, however, Gumi has given it a few upgrades, turning it into a laser gun sort of weapon on top of it.
Railgun. Ever since the team started getting into real trouble, Len also took the initiative to try and actually give himself a reliable arm, extra gadgets from Gumi and Meiko aside...which happens to be a railgun he acquired thanks to Lily and Iroha once Rin and Len officially became helpers of the police force. He doesn’t use it often, but he has a hiding place for it in case things get ugly.
Bonus Headcanons
Len is probably the best cook in the Crypton household.
Despite some of his songs giving off the impression that he’s a secret playboy, Len is utterly incompetent when it comes to romance and is an utter cheesy dork at it.
He does like bananas a lot, but he prefers them as smoothies.
He actually doesn’t care much about how many times he dies in the songs he sings. He prefers to see his songs as just him playing a character, so he doesn’t think much of it. It does bother him slightly when it gets excessive, however.
He really likes western food, like hamburgers and hot dogs.
Due to how much he overworks, he’s very prone to sudden malfunction and has freaked out his siblings more than once by bugging out because he refuses to sleep or eat. Thus, you could say he has the worst health out of the Cryptons.
He’s two milliseconds younger than Rin.
He has a big dumb puppy love crush on Luka, which he fails miserably at hiding. Rin teases him about it relentlessly.
Inspiration Songs
Some songs I’ve used to help characterize my version of Len include “Kagamine Len no Bousou”, “Hot Cocoa”, “Fire Flower”, “Cool Len’s Love Song” (this one is really my Len in a nutshell), “Mr. Android” (epilepsy warning on this one), and “Embarrassment-Hiding Adolescence”.
I’d also like to give a shoutout to the voice work by LenRinTwin, who does a lot of English voice acting dubs of Len! (many of which are admittedly shitposts but they’re good shitposts)
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theday · 7 years
tagged by @ikyh and @younghyuuns ill be doing both sets !! :D thank you both for tagging me!! this got long so yall dont hav 2 read <3
ru?? rushee’s set!! me: wow ru does not sound like rushee at all ? djsjdhhjd im dumb but i realize now
i. do u believe in astrology? whats ur sign and do u line up with the features usually attributed to it?
fucc... i guess i do ;-0...... and yeah i think?????? like they say capricorns are cold bitches and funny nd im like ya thats me... but they also say we’re hard workers and im like uh.. dont know abt that karen !
ii. what’s ur favorite pair of socks?
bbbbbbb..... socks huh...... i guess my ankle ones? there are also socks that have actual designs on them and those r usually thicker.. keep my feets safe! most of them have pkmn designs bc.. yeah... love the poke mans
iii. what’s a food that reminds you of a specific moment/memory?
i could think of anythiing and get reminded of one situation if that makes sense.. but i thought of pineapple..pizza... anyway the memory isnt anythngn special its just me staring at my delicious hawaiian pizza..... at my favourite pizza place.... love that shit
iv. what’s the longest you’ve gone without sleeping?
i dont have the actual hours but the latest ive stayed up.. like willingly would be until 2am
v. how has ur taste in music changed throughout ur life?
went from 1d to 5so/s + other bands to utaite.... they cover vocaloid songs ig i never kno how2 explain what utaites r then 2 kpop.. but i still listen 2 bands + kpop and utaites.... so nothing much has changed ive just gone broader.. wider... expanded my tastes... 
vi. who’s ur fashion icon?
oh definitely kim wonpil
vii. what’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done without realizing?
i breathe dumbass particles.. i cant think of one bc my brain probably blocked off all access to my horrifying past but ive been thinking abt how i used 2 send the boy i used 2 like 1d songs....................... 12 y/o old me rly thought. he’d listen.... 12 y/o me thought spamming him was a good idea glad ive learnt from that! 
viii. what’s something you want to brag about?
my grades but it didnt get me into psychology so nvm ! its still good though i didnt expect to get an A1 (hghest grade) for combined humanities since ive had a B my whole life without it i wouldnt be able to move on education wise lmao so thank god for that thanks cambridge thanks bell curve sunbaenim 
ix. when you imagine urself being happy in the future, where exactly are you (like the location!)?
oh definitely an apartment somewhere where its always windy and the curtains are always Moving and the sun just Shines in the room but its not that hot either its just full of warmth and yeah thats the dream maybe also walks in the park without having 2 worry abt sweating my pits out u kno! tldr anywhere but here
x. what’s something you’ve always wanted to own?
let me Think.... i dont need a lot/?? but id love hm.............. i want stability but realistically i want all the hh pcs from the code albums. 
xi. how’ve you been lately?
good good! i finished my *** fic and its. im proud of it though i know its not that good nd i can do better but its done ! and hm i could be going to see mx but asking my mum is stressing me out speaking of her she wont stop Coughing and she refuses to see the doctor ;-/ love those sleepless nights ! other than that i just want 2 get out and feel the sun ???/ wanna get out of this house yea but i need to be.. shady with my money i cant get a job because school is starting in a month and im going overseas again sometime next month so ! no ones gonna hire someone who can only work for 2 weeks at most dhzjhhs shouldve worked when i had the time dumbasses only
ok now falen
1. what’s been on your mind??
hm redacted feeling towards my mum but i cant say them bc itd be insensitive 
2. what are you looking forward to? 
mx? possibly but also finishing my enrolment papers
3. story time!: how and when did you get into day6!!!!!
fuck...... listen up LADS. 
ive told the same story like 10 times but im never gonna get tired of saying this shit bc i love miss boxy so much nd she deserves the appreciation anywy she introduced me 2 day6 after i saw this one (1) picture of brian in minion glasses and instantly i knew in that Fucking moment thatd id die for him. so i asked for the name of my murderer and was introduced to day6 whom frankly id never heard of b4 bdjhjh she sent me all their mvs and i still remember the night . i remember walking out of this japanese restaurant, twitter open, chat wiht boxy there and i was like.. interesting ill go listen when im home so i Did! and my mind was blown away bitch? i honest 2 god expected them to be a boy group,,, dancing and shit yknow? i didnt know k bands existed ! so as a previous 5/sos stan i was like wow. this??? this shit is 10/10 a fucking BANGER thats what i felt listening 2 i smile and just going :O over the fucking instruments so idk if how can i say was the last or second song but Damn. .. it made me scream thanks mister j** he rly dragged me by the collar of my shirt and threw me face first into Heaven so i watched everything i asked my friend for video recommendations and after boxy sent me a page with their face and names i was like this jae kid is 182 cm? wow gotta stan now im stupid and stupid for glasses and tall people so ! it happened bithc,, ugh i lov eday6 so much i remember binge watchng all their vlives after the july after party live (that being the first vlive i watched Ever in my entire life and i laghed so hard despite not understanding a damn thing) please id giv my heart and soul2 day6 im so happy with the way ive progressed as a myday :^( 
bonus when i first started stanning it was 26th june and shortly after i made a stan acc teasers were being dropped but i didnt kno why ppl were freaking out i remmeber seeing jae’s teaser nd going ? ok? its just a pic damn ;-/ and then eveeryone was like: dowoon! choker! me: wdhs? what
4. ????do you have any allergies????
did u think of jae and no i used to be allergic 2 dairy products but thats disappeared
5. a fond memory???
bowling with friends and im just a disaster of a friend im always so loud with them and i thank god everyday that they handle my energy ? i would cheer for them even if they got a gutter or whatever and when they got a strike id go clap like crazy i love my friends i also went i have the power of god and anime on my side before flinging the ball and theyd laugh despite not knowing what vine that was from i love my friends... psg if ur out there yall are the best x i miss hanigng out with them as a trio.. three of us :( 
6. do you paint your nails?? if so, what are your fave colors to use?? if not, why??  
thats so.. tiresome.......... dont u have 2 wait for it 2 dry and shit ? my mums always worried abt ruining the colour or some sht nd im like !!! okY!!!!!!! tldr its a pain in the ass
7. what are your favorite colors?? what are your fave colors to wear??
i like hte colour of the sky... all the colours........ yeah love that bithc and lately ive been wearing a lot of black shirts finally went out of my embarrassing colourful phase ! 
8. what languages would you like to learn?? for what reason(s)??
japanese nd korean jp because i listen to a lot of things in japanese and korean for the same reason but my priority would be jp even tho id love to communicate with my faves i just... yeah although im not exactly making an effort 2 learn bc im lazy but if i Could.... itd be those two
9. when you get stickers, do you use them or do you keep them??
10. are there any groups that you might get into/want to get into?
hm... well theres knk ive learnt their names and im finally able to put name 2 face so thats nice svt too if htey didnt have such large numbers... thats all for now i think?? i love evry girl group though i love gIRLS... 
11. how are you???
idk im constantly just fine?? not the im sad but im fine kind of fine im literally just neutral half the time wjhddshs wild 
both of your questions were really unique and i loved answering them thank you so much for tagging me and if youve read until the end thank you i hope you have a good day!
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kiyoteru for that new one, and the new ahs voiceroid kizuna akari as well?
Ooh, I was wondering when someone would bring Akari up to me ^^ sure!
For Kiyoteru:
2-4 songs that are probably on their ipod: OK, I wanna start by saying I won’t always use Vocaloid music for this because some Vocaloids I’m not the most familiar with nor am I with some kinds of J-pop or J-rock. But an Ice Mountain song would definitely be on there, and maybe a song like “Sakura no Ame” given it’s association with graduation.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep when they’re not supposed to: The kitchen. When he’s had a particularly grueling day he tends to fall asleep while waiting for dinner to cook.
The game they’d destroy everyone else at: Guitar Hero. Surprisingly.
The emoticon they’d use most often: He’d probably use something simple like “^_^’”
What they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: He drags, walks into walls, forgets things. He tries not to let it impact him at work but the kids can see it.
Their preferred hot beverage on cold nights/mornings: Coffee, of course. With cream and sugar, the works.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when in a slump: Kiyoteru simply likes to go out and talk a walk, probably with Miki tagging along. Sometimes all he needs is just a moment to not think about things.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: A teacher, even when he was a rock star. Call it a boring answer but I do think he always wanted to teach kids.
Their favorite kind of weather: Cloudy skies.
Thoughts on their singing voice: Editing this ask to be about the character’s thoughts on their own voices. When he was in Ice Mountain he was a lot more confident and upfront about his singing being good, but since then he’s mellowed out and he’s actually kinda shy about it.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: Objects that happen to be lying around or scenes outside. He’s really good at sketching.
For Akari (apologies if these are lackluster due to her being so new):
2-4 songs that are probably on their ipod: I actually don’t know about this one. Still need to think about my characterization for her a bit more.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep when they’re not supposed to: In trees, honestly. She likes to climb them to observe everyone below, and sometimes drifts off by accident.
The game they’d destroy everyone else at: Space Channel 5, or other dancing games.
The emoticon they’d use most often: 。^‿^。
What they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: Since I headcanon her to be the same species as Yukari (i.e. an alien), she probably doesn’t need sleep.
Their preferred hot beverage on cold nights/mornings: Probably a nice cup of oolong tea!
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when in a slump: She goes and looks at some animals. She likes them a lot and how they act, and finds them so different from the creatures she sees in other places in the universe. They always cheer her right up to just play with some stray cats for a while.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: Technically nothing, but after seeing the adventures of Miku and friends, she’s been wondering what it’d be like to be an idol.
Their favorite kind of weather: Starry, clear nights.
Thoughts on their singing voice: Also not sure on this one because I don’t know whether or not she has an official demo of her talking (since she is a Voiceroid). Has anyone seen one that I’m just missing?
How/what they like to draw or doodle: Different patterns and shapes of stars and constellations.
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scaryfaggot · 7 years
Heyy ;)/Jeremy is trans (I love self-projection) and Michael just cuddles him r e a l tight when he has cramps because Jeremy has Bad cramps (same)/Michael buys Jeremy a Star of David (because he's CANONCIALLY Jewish yo) and Jeremy cries a little when he does/Jeremy listens to Vocaloid and Michael teases him but Michael secretly likes 'The Lost One's Weeping'/Jeremy plays piano and Michael likes to hear him play it and hear Jeremy softly sing along/THEY WATCH STRANGER THINGS TOGETHER - Rich 🔥
me too @ the cramps thing like. Huh guess ill die. but consider: both boys r trans. I HAVE A LOT OF FEELS ABT JERM ON HIS PERIOD OK LIke jerm stays home bc the cramps are so bad. So bad. and michael is like “fuck this my bf is in need!!!!!” and he skips school to come care for jerm like. he gets him a heating pad n shit and he just lays there with him. ugh. AND JERM WILL WHImper bc it hurts so much and michael rubs his tum gently bc it helps and jerms like “ur a lifesaver and ily”
idk if i can comment much on the star of david thing bc im not jewish n i dont wanna say smth stupid……… but Yes jerm does cry. not a little. when jerm cries its never a little. he cries hard and its not very pretty (not that its ugly) but michael doesnt mind he loves him so much and just wants him to be happy
FUCK DUDE YOURE RIGHT. its so basic but jerm is a luka stan like BITCH. meanwhile i know next to nothing about luka fuck dude. mike likes all those oliver songs like tarantula and shit and jeremys just like “why are you like this”
JERM PLAYS PIANO JERM PLAYS PIANO JERM PLAYS PIANO JERM PLAYS PIANO JERM PLAYS PIANO JERM PLAYS PIANOJERM PLAYS PIANO JERM PLAYS PIANO JERM PLAYS PIANO FUCK DUDE HE SURE DOES!!!!!!! he learned from his mom before You Know and it makes him a Bad kind of nostalgic sometimes but he likes playing piano so like??!?!?!?! n he Cannot play for anyone but his dad and michael bc it scares him but he makes an Attempt at least for the rest of the squad. one time christine hears him playing and shes like?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?! “JEREMY YOU SHOULD PLAY FOR THE DRAMA CLUB” AND HE SCREECHES BECAUSE H E C A N T CHRISTINE YOU WERENT EVEN MEANT TO HEAR THIS AAAAA!!!! and michael loves listening to him Yes Fuck!!!! thats micheals fucking aesthetic, jeremy playing piano and singing for him. and michael will play along on uke or something and they sing gay shit together and its. Good
also. Ive never seen stranger things but bitch they have a night every week where they just hang out and watch shit so id imagine they would watch stranger things together too! its usually in mikes basement so jerm brings the snacks and mike picks the shows/games/whatever else they decide to do that night. jerm almost always ends up falling asleep first, usually on mike. like they start the night on their JUMPSCARE BEANBAGS (”it helpps,,,, mmeeeeeee rullleeeeUUGHGHhhhhh, ,, ,, , ,, ,,, ,,,” [GUITER] [BEANBAGS] “APOCALYPSE OF THE DAA A A A AMAN ED” “LEVEL 9″ “THE CAFETORIUM”) but eventually jerm scoots his beanbag closer and leans on michael, or he comes over n plops down on michaels lap and falls asleep there. michael has 2 plans for when this happens: plan 1 is “wow my boyfriend is so fucking cute, ill take him up to bed and we can sleep after i finish this episode/movie/level”, plan 2 is “wow my boyfriend is so fucking cute, lets draw dicks all over his face”
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inamii · 7 years
tagged by @sttchingllies (ty for tagging me in these i love doing them ajdhjahsd)
ok so 30 facts abt me??
im 5′11″ which is too dang tall someone pls trade heights w me
i just found out batwoman is gay and holy shit??
penguins are my favorite animal theyre just so cute man
i have the worst memory on the entire planet tbh its so bad i ask people things 20 times and i feel so bad every time
i have such a weird span of music interests from edgy shit like pierce the veil to cutesy idolmaster songs lmao
speaking of music i love gacharic spin so much, no one knows who tf they are but they’re such a great band (also their drummer is p gay and they made  a song abt her only cute cinderella ;-;)
i also love perfume!! (the group lol) nocchi is my fave tho i love all three of them and i would pay so much money for them to perform at the 2020 olympics
i have been distracted so many times while writing this and i’m only on 8 pray for me i have 0 attention span
i love inami anju so much???
i honestly spend too much of my time invested in rhythm games but w/e
i am the ultimate master of not being able to express negative feelings to anyone and seeming happy 24/7 it is my only skill
im rlly results oriented which makes it super hard to keep at anything im not immediately good at
 i have no sense of balance whatsoever i literally tilt and wobble while just standing up
i have this rad ass almost foot long scar on my leg that looks cool n edgy but has a much less cool and edgy origin lol
i rlly rlly like to journal and write my thoughts down?? i try to journal as often as possible in my phone bc i love reading through them later on (i have a ton from freshman yr that are great to read after the fact)
bc i rlly like writing my thoughts down, i have a notebook that i keep in my backpack for when i want to remember smth that happened or am just thinking abt shit, or i just write stuff in the margins of notes (my tok binder alone is full of either snarky remarks to what someone said or just lots of being in awe at how smart my peers are)
i have a rlly intense longing to play dnd like....ive never played it before but it sounds so fuckin cool and i swear i will join a dnd group in college
my favorite characters are almost always ones with blue hair unless they’re like, an asshole
i dont watch a ton of live action tv but i rlly love izombie (even tho i havent seen s3) and i just started watching supergirl and travelers also looks p dang good
tbh tho i dont actually watch a lot of anime either, the only anime ive completed in like years is bnha
i like people watching, and i think like, little behaviors n quirks ppl have are rlly endearing and tbh i just like ppl and find them all rlly cute???
in that vein, i love peoples laughs they’re all adorable no matter what 
uuh shit im running out of things.... my favorite vocaloid is gumi
i love drawing so much but im such shit at it tbh
i used to do a lot of video editing and even had a vine acct for su edits where i made a lot of stuff im actually p proud of lol
i go through cycles of enjoying stuff, where i’ll be obsessed with smth for months and then suddenly not have the energy to engage in it, even though i still enjoy it and would like to continue engaging in it i just...cant
i am like....the biggest crybaby ever honestly
i’ve only had serious crushes on 2 ppl (n one of them was in 7th grade lmao)
i wish i was better at communicating n hanging out with both my irl and online friends im just such a nervous wreck so im terrible at it ://
i have a cat names silas and i love him even tho he’s sometimes an  asshole and sticks his butt in ur face
uuuh as for tagging, if you see this, i tag you!! also anyone i tagged in my last post ofc!
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yoshifics · 7 years
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
So I was tagged by @snowwolf1118, which thank you sweetheart, that was very appreciated. I also should have waited until later to answer this (it’s 1:30 am atm) but nah.
Tagging: @drblovewrite, @reioka, @healingmichiko, @not-close-to-straight, @vehuhia, @tonystarktogo, @xxxbladeangelxxx, @drunkvoldemort, @kitcat1925, @oswald--copperpot, @sih, @maixlen, @notallpotatoesarefrenchfries, @cywscross, @aerialflight, @poetry-protest-pornography, @unclesteeb, @funkzpiel, @vehuhia
Feel free to do this or not pals! And now, about me
the last …

1. drink: Ice cold water (which reminds me I should have taken my meds with it whoops)
2. phone call: My dad, who reminded me to make reservations for the place I’ll be staying at during my internship this fall
3. text message: (I’m including Messenger in this) my friends, to exchange study notes
4. song you listened to: Alice, by  Fullkawa Honpo (古川本舗) feat Vocaloid. Which hey, surprisingly enough I didn’t know who Honpo was so that was useful.
5. time you cried: Probably sometime last week, while I was reading fanfic. I’m reasonably sure it was Chyetirye that made me cry, because this fic is as heartwrenching as it is beautiful. Otherwise, I generally shed a tear or two when I read mutual pining and misunderstanding fics.
6. dated someone twice: Never dated, not interested in starting either
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Well I’ve kissed exactly two people in my life and haven’t regretted either of those
8. been cheated on: Never dated, so never been cheated on.
9. lost someone special: Nope.
10. been depressed: I think I’m in a constant state of depression so now 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Never thrown up
favorite colors (can’t bother with shades right now, sorry)
12. Blue
13. Purple
14. Green
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yep! All of them on here :)
16. fallen out of love: Never been in love, and don’t plan on doing so either
17. laughed until you cried: Yes, several times and it was glorious
18. found out someone was talking about you: Nope
19. met someone who changed you: I’m not self-aware enough to realise if I’ve changed so nope
20. found out who your friends are: If by that you mean I’ve realised who my friends aren’t then nope
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Yes. If by facebook list you mean we’re friends on facebook at least.
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Pretty much all of them? My online friends are mostly on tumblr, so...
23. do you have any pets: Noooooooo! I’ve had one pet in my life, and it was a beta fish I called Émeraude despite the fact that he was blue (I had my gems confused ok). I wanna get a snake at some point though. Dunno when, but it’s gonna happen
24. do you want to change your name: Nope, I love my name
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Probably had dinner with the family and went to Chinatown/cinema with friends. And cake, of course, I’m always down for cake.
26. what time did you wake up: 7:25 because of my alarm
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Reading fanfiction, like I do every night
28. name something you can’t wait for: Knowing everything about myself, controlling that awful procrastination, meeting @ngoziu at comiccon NYC, finding a cuddle buddy...
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Sunday! Because I went back home for the weekend
31. what are you listening to right now: The Adventure Zone episode 56 by the McElroys
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Does Thomas count? If so yes, we had like 4 of them in my program.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: My stupid procrastinating unmotivated ass.
34. most visited website: AO3, definitely
35. hair colour: Black
36. long or short hair: Short (I’m tryinna grow an afro), but currently wearing crochet braids.
37. do you have a crush on someone: Nope, unless you count platonic friendly crushes. If so, I’ve got tons 
38. what do you like about yourself: The fact that I can accidentally fool everyone into thinking I’m a chill and well adjusted person. Wasn’t that a surprise when I discovered it
39. piercings: I’ve got pierced ears (dating back to my baby days) but it’s been forever since I wore earring so not really.
40. blood type: I’m very ashamed to say that I have no idea. 
41. nickname: Shishi. Yoshi. Shir.
42. relationship status: Single pringle, really don’t wanna mingle
43. zodiac: Libra.
44. pronouns: She/Her mostly by habit, but I’m testing out a bunch of them atm so to be continued
45. favourite tv show: Avatar the Last Airbender. You can pry it away from my cold dead hands, because I love this show.
46. tattoos: Nope. Might get some one day
47. right or left handed: Right-handed.
48. surgery: I removed my wisdom teeth
49. piercing: Nope again.
50. sport: Haha. Haha. Haha. Next. (No but really I’d love to I just have no motivation and can’t keep a schedule)
51. vacation: I wanna travel! Everywhere! Around the world!
52. pair of trainers: If by trainers you mean running shoes as opposed to personal trainers, then yes I do have one. They’re falling apart though, so I’ll probably buy new ones.
more general
53. eating: Listen if it’s food I will eat it, because I love food
54. drinking: Slush, French Vanilla, Tea, Bubble Tea.
55. i’m about to: Sleep. it’s now 2am and I should have fallen asleep long ago whoopsie.
56. waiting for: me to finish this?
57. want: Oh wow, so many things. Time, money, food, a cuddle buddy (seriously I need someone to cuddle with)
58. get married: Seeing as I’m not planning on dating, nope
59. career: Engineer, I guess?
60. hugs or kisses: Both. Both are awesome. Hugs are more versatile though because you can do them with every single one of your friends (if they’re so inclined), whereas kissing has romantic/sexual connotations.
61. lips or eyes: Can I say both again? Because eyes are friggin fantastic, but also you generally can’t look straight into someone else’s eyes forever without them looking away at some point. And also lips move way more and I love them
62. shorter or taller: Both are good
63. older or younger: Both are good
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach! Listen, I’m sure y’all have lovely arms, but it’s your stomach I’m gonna be lying on so.....
65. hook up or relationship: Both are good! Relationships allow for a deeper bond, but hook ups mean you don’t have to try and navigate relationships
66. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant. Boy, do I hesitate (unless I don’t)
67. kissed a stranger: Nope.
68. drank hard liquor: Yep, though always mixed with juice cause alcohol tastes weird. Unless you count shots. Those weren’t mixed with juice.
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Oh my god yes! And my eyesight’s like -8 so I had to go back home (2 hrs away) and navigate the public transport (another hour) while seeing nothing but blurry shapes and omg wow was it an experience
70. turned someone down: Not that I know of?
71. sex on the first date: Never had sex and not really interested in having it so no
72. broken someone’s heart: Not that I know of
73. had your heart broken: Nope
74. been arrested: Nope
75. cried when someone died: Nope, but then again, the only death I could have cried for was my grandma, who I wasn’t really close to beyond “oh, cool grandpa I get to see when I visit France”
76. fallen for a friend: Nope
do you believe in …
77. yourself: Haha. Haha. Haha. Nope.
78. miracles: Nope
79. love at first sight: For some people sure I guess? I don’t fall in love though
80. santa claus: Nope
81. kiss on the first date: Yeah sure why not?
82. angels: Nope
83. current best friend’s name: Shit am I supposed to choose one? Dammit, impossible
84. eye colour: Brown!
85. favourite movie: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (I could watch it 50 more times)
Done!!! Thanks for tagging me @snowwolf1118! This was so fun :D
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