#and then someone asked the woman setting it up why i wasnt
starslightstarsbright · 8 months
I went to a book club today.
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ratcash-wasgud · 9 months
hi! i just came by your work last night, loved it! stayed up reading it! 11/10 *cheff kiss* Are you up for a petition? maybe another mizuxreader, perhaps villainxhero kinda situation. the reader could be one of the money/sex hungry affiliated with the white man (not a white men herself but like a lap dog of someone with higher power than Abijah Fowle). instead of mizu taking Fowler she takes the *reader*, keeps her alive and makes her speak 7u7 maybe scream. they end up helping each other in the end after much fighting. ofc adding some nsfw there pfff if that wasnt obvious.
hope you see this! lmfao
Omg, yes!! Genius. This set something ablaze inside me (especially since I love witty villain characters). I was thinking about making this a one shot tho, but if yall want a second part tell me, and i'll try. Try. Anyways, this'll be more lighthearted than my other works. Oh, and I'm sorry if this isn't how you imagined the story to go. I interpreted some of the originaly show's story, but mostly I just wen't along with what's the easiest to get my own story going, and I probably got some cannon info wrong too, but please don't yell at me lmao.
Btw!! I'm really glad i got a request!! So thank you! If anyone has any other ideas, I'd be glad to try and working with it!!
Okay, enjoy!!
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ℕ𝕖𝕜𝕠 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕖𝕤𝕥.
When Mizu pulled up to tea with Heji Shindou, instead of the half-blad old guy, she was faced with you. Some woman in strange clothing. It seemed like it was a mix of western clothing, and some japanese casual wear. You even had your hair down, letting it flow freely. How unusual.
"Ah, the infamous samurai who is tearing through anyone in his way!" You say with a smirk on your face, opening up your arms. "Come, come. Oh, and I see you've bought a dog too." You add, looking smugly at Taigen.
"How dare-" He starts, but gets shut down by Mizu quickly, and the two follow you to sit down.
"So, I've heard you're after the white men, huh?" You say, not sitting on your knees, but sitting down criss-cross style. "Why? What is it that you're after? Money?" You ask, starting to pour some tea.
"I don't need things like that. I have a vow. I swore revenge." Mizu says simply. "And what is it that you need from me?"
"Oh, nada." You shrug. "I'm just willing to offer a deal." You shoot the both of them a smirk. "I'd love to have that fat bastard dead too! My loyalty isn't with him at all!" You say it like it's the most exciting thing ever. "You see, that sack of shit has everything in the world! Money, power, connections...and he's still complaining! Ha! Meaning, he doesn't deserve it." You say as you lift your tea and take a sip. "I, on the other hand, would take much better care of his privilages."
"So you want me to kill him so you can take his place?" Mizu asks, highly suspicious. She glances at Taigen, who is still giving you a dirty look for your comment from earlier.
"Yap." You nod, tossing down your cup. "Fowler wouldn't be an easy target, so without my help, you could already start planning your funeral." You say, but now a small dangerous glint appears in your eyes.
"And why should I trust you?" Mizu asks, her eyes narrowing at you, but your smirk doesn't falter.
"You shouldn't. Didn't you mother tell you not to trust strangers?" You say with a chuckle and Mizu rewards it with a small glare. A small, but cold one. "Still, it's up to you. Do you wanna kill that bastard so much you're willing to take the risk?"
"And how do we know this is not an ambush? That you won't just kill us if we say no?" Taigen cuts in, putting his hands on the table which you reward with your smile getting smugger.
"Oh, please." You put your hands up in defense. "You really think I'd waste weapons and men on you?" You say, looking him straight in the eye. "And besides, you won't say no." You look back at Mizu. "My deal has only benefits for you. You'll just have to gulp down some self respect."
Mizu raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" She can't deny, having someone close to Fowler himself helping her would be a huge positive, but...you just seem so sly. Like a cat.
"Ah, you see, I can get you inside Fowler's little residence." You stand up to pull of a blanket off a big barrel. "You'd fit inside quite well. You're a scrawny thing anyways." You say with a taunting smirk.
"It's a trap!" Taigen says to Mizu right away, but Mizu seems unfazed and steps closer. "How exactly would you get me inside?"
"Aw, I wanted that one to be a surprise." You say with a mock pout. "Fowler thinks I'm out getting a good deal on sake, and I kinda am." You take the barrel's to of, revealing that it's half full of sake. "I'd have you delivered right to his nose."
"You'd die." Taigen cuts in again, and Mizu can see your eye twitch at that.
"Could you shut your lil' pet up? The adults are talking." You say, your smirk disappearing.
"She's obviously untrustworthy!" Taigen draws his sword on a whim, but he's met with a revolver to his head right away.
"Don't try that shit with me." You say, tilting your head at him, but you then seel Mizu's blade at your nape. "Touché." You mutter.
"So what now?" You ask with a smirk breaking out on your face again. "Kill me and lose your only chance at killing the man you swore to slay down? Ha! Go on then." You say, glancing over at your shoulder at her, and you see Mizu tense up.
Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your head and you fall to the ground. Mizu hit you with the hilt of her blade, stripping you of your conciousness.
The next thing you see is a capmfire and a siluette around you. As you blink a lot to clear your vision, you notice Mizu and as you look down, ropes around you. She tied you up.
"So you didn't kill me after all." You say out loud, getting Mizu's attention. "The other guy? The one with a bald spot and a funny glare. The dog." You look around.
"Away." Mizu shrugs simply. It's the truth though, Ringo is away in a nearby town, getting supplements for the road, and she left Taigen with a promise of a later duel.
"So...What is you plan now, big bad samurai? Try and torture me into telling you shit? Ha!" You say, wriggling in the ropes.
"I'm planning to exchange you for information." Mizu says simply, staring at the campfire. "I'm sure Heji Shindo would like to have you back."
You grit your teeth. "That old fucker doesn't give a shit about anything but his money and his dick. I'm sure that power hungry bastard is happy I'm gone." You say, scoffing. "But go on, try." Suddenly, you realize something. "What did you do with my gun?" You ask in a hurry, trying to feel around at your hilt.
Suddenly, Mizu lifts your gun, holding it between two fingers. "This?" She asks, looking at you from the corner of her eyes.
"Don't you dare lose it! I want it back when you're done with me!" You stomp your foot as much as you can.
"You know, for someone talking so big earlier, you're quite pissy now." Mizu says, rolling her eyes and you huff in response.
Then...as you glanced back at the fire, you noticed a small pot, boiling. You tried to lift yourself to see what's in it, but the ropes didn't allowed you to.
"...if I starve to death, I'm just gonna be a waste, you know." You mumble under your nose, and Mizu snorts. She then reaches for the pot, and pours out some what seems like soup into a small bowl and she puts it beside you.
You stare at the bowl, your eye twitching. "I can't reach it." You say, your eyebrows creasing together and she just looks at you with a small, amused grin.
"Huh." She says, leaning back on her hands. "Really?" She taunts you. Oh, this woman is horrible. Fine, you think. In one swift motion, you move your leg as much as you're able, and kick the bowl, spilling it all on Mizu.
Mizu's eyes widen and she looks down on her clothes. "...oh, you little bitch." She hisses at you.
"Come, kill me then!" You stick out your tongue childishly.
"You know damn well I could!" Mizu huffs back, throwing the bowl at you.
"Ha-ha, your whole little quest depends on me!" You laugh right into her face and wriggle your legs. Mizu almost growls at you and suddenly she picks up your gun again, and holds it above the fire, threathening to drop it.
"No!" You yell out, and fall forward, and bite into her ankle. Mizu yanks her leg away with a hiss and reaches down to pull you up by your collar.
"Okay, what's your fucking deal?" She says from behind greitted teeth.
"What's yours?" You ask right back, snarling right back at her. "If you'd wanted to kill me, you'd have done it by now. So, want me to talk? Earn it!" You say, getting closer to her face, trying to stand your ground.
"The fuck you want?" Mizu tosses you away, and sits at a reasonable distance from you. "To have Fowler dead? Then just tell me how to get in, and where he is!"
"I want you to untie me, and hand me back my gun!" You demand, and lift your nose, refusing to look at her.
"What's so great about this gun anyways?" Mizu picks up the gun again and looks at it more closely. It's obviously a western gun with a leather grip and engravings along it's barrel in the form of some kind of bird.
You scoff in response. "That was my first gun. It's special." You say like it's the most obvious thing ever. "I will bring it with me when I finally travel aboard, away from this stuck-in-the-past land."
"Huh?" Mizu raises her eyebrows. "You wanna leave Japan? For what?" She asks mockingly.
"Because! This place isn't wide enough for my potential! After Fowler is out of the picture, I will visit take his money and go to London. Start a new life and all. I will really bloom there." You say, rolling onto your back. "People will understand me there."
Mizu narrows her eyes. "I don't think people in Japan are the problem, you're just a common lunatic." That earns a chuckle from you.
"Says the guy who is set out to kill four men he doesn't know shit about." You says, glancing at her, and Mizu can't help herself, cracks a smirk.
"You have guts to talk back to your captor, you know." She says and lifts her eyebrows in amusement. She glances up at the sky too. The stars are very bright tonight.
"You won't kill me." You say, tilting your head so that you're looking straight at her. It's just now that she notcied how nicely the stars reflect in your eyes. Your eyes now look calm, and they don't have any slyness, or mischief in them at the moment. "It wouldn't benefit you." You shrug. "And torturing me would be useless. Pain passes."
"Say," Mizu starts, looking back at the fire. "You said that you're not loyal to Fowler. So who are you loyal to?"
"Me." You say withouth hesitation. "The one who I want the best for and I trust the most is myself. I'm not loyal to any old, egostical bastard with money, like most people in this country are." Say say it with disgust. "I never was and never will be loyal to anyone else, but me."
Mizu scoffs. "What are you, a stray cat?" She asks with a hint of amusement as she looks down at you. "That just makes you even more untrustworty."
You scoff back. "Who said that I want to be trustwhorty?" You ask, rolling your eyes. "Plus, I'm free. Well, not yet, but I will be. And it's not like you can say the same."
Mizu can't help but snicker. "Is that it? Freedom? I'm free enough, thank you."
"Naaaaah." You shake your head. "You're tied down by your own revenge. It tells you where to go, what to see, what to feel...if I told you where's Fowler, you'd get going by tomorrow. Even if I told you you'd die, you'd still go. Not because you want to die, but because that's the only thing you know. Revenge and rage. You'd jump in the well if I said Fowler's at the bottom of it." You say boldly, and look her straight in the eyes before you smirk slyly.
"You think you know everything, huh?" Mizu frowns and gets up to you, grabbing you by the hair. "You know nothing of me. I need this. I will throw my life away if I have to, to finish what I've started, so I won't think twice about taking yours too."
"You're all talk about killing me. Deep down, you know you need me." You taunt her. "You won't find that bastard withouth me. I work under his arm, I could get you there soooo easily, but you're throwing it away because you get too emotional." Your smirk gets even more smug. You kinda look like a cat, Mizu notices again. A cat that has just pushed off something expensive off a shelf, breaking it, and knowing it too.
Mizu noticed that sometimes you force that smugness into your little smirks. She sees it because the corners of your lips twitch. In reality, you are scared of her, but you'd rather die than let her see that. She never met a woman like you. She doesn't know how you got to the place you are, but she respects it. And still, you kow she could take your life. You're tied up, tripped of your weapons and vulnerable, yet you still taunt her. You're very annoying but somehow she can't help but admire your bravery. But the moment you're cornerned into a corner, you hiss and scratch.
After that, she lets you go and walks to be at a good six and a half feet away from you before she lays down, and decides to sleep withouth another word. Not much time passes when Mizu stays sleepless, but she hears you snore. And for some reason, she can't help but smile. You breathe through your mouth when you sleep. It's kind of cute.
The next couple of days are spent with Mizu travelling with Ringo and Taigen, and she drags you along too. Literally. She drags you while you're tied up. During those days, you managed to talk to Ringo a lot. Most of the time he's the one who's assigned to watch over you, and it doesn't seem like he has even as much as a mean bone in his body. You could even call some of your conversations pleasent. The other two on the other hand...you sometimes talk to Mizu and you two always end up in a neck to neck situation. Mizu wants to get you to talk, but she hasn't hurt you yet. She just always threathens you, yells and curses. You just flat out insult her at every chance you get though. It's not because you hate her, persay, but because you find it funny. You're being held captive after all, you need to use every chance you get to have fun.
Currently, you are left alone for the first time in weeks, as the others left your outside of town while they get something done. When you're sure they're out of seeing and hearing range, you start to rub the ropes on your wrist against a bigger rock you've found, trying to "saw" through it. When that irritating thing finally snaps, and you begind to get yourself free, you suddenly hear a very menacing sound from behind.
"The fuck are you doing?" You turn your head and see Mizu, glaring and gripping her sword. Fuck, you think and as she charges at you. You quickly throw away the rest of your ropes, and dogde out of the way. You didn't got to where you are now withouth knowing how to stand your ground, and defending yourself...and knowing how to cheat, of course.
You jump to your feet and get behind Mizu, and with one swift, forward kick to her side, you don't just get her to grunt and almost fall, you also send your gun flying from her side. By now, you've learned that that's where she keeps it. You're still just happy she didn't outright get rid of it. As the gun slides on the cold ground, you jump after it while Mizu regains her composure, and finally obtain it once again.
"Yes!" You silently cheer to yourself and point the gun at Mizu, who just looks at you, her blade covering half her face.
You gulp. Do you really wanna fire at Mizu? Kill her even? You did kinda want to kill her and betray her at first, but now you're...not sure. Sure, she's an asshole but...over those days as being her captive, you learned some things about her...she's not as heartless and cold. She fed you herself, she managed to keep you safe, even if she kept you in robes, and she just wants revenge...she even kept your gun safe.
But you can't show weakness. That's not what you stand for, so you shoot, but aim at her leg. She dodges of course, and manages to pin you down with her blade at your neck, but your gun at her stomach.
You just stare at her eachother, panting, not sure who's gonna kill who first. Mizu stares into your eyes, seeing her own reflection in them. Suddenly she notices that familiar glint in them, and how you swallow while panting, and how nose moves when you take a deep breath...and she feels her stomach fluttering. With adrenaling flowing through her veins and her skin haven't feeling contact with someone else's for so long, she makes a decision. A quick, and a little foolish one.
She pushes her lips against yours, her eyes closing and her breathing speeding up even more. And to her biggest surprise...you kiss back right away. It's all happening so fast. One minute you're nearly killing eachother, and in the other, you're passionately making out with her hands under your clothes, feeling your skin with your weapons thrown to the side.
"Asshole. You fired at me." Mizu mumbles into the kiss, her hands firmly feeling up the skin on your sides, while you rin your hands down her spine.
"Dickhead. You kept me tied up for weeks." You mumble back, gently biting into her lower lip, which Mizu rewards with a small gasp. Suddenly, she feels your hands under her clothes too.
"I knew it." You whisper. "A man could never have a soul like yours." You say and pull her back into a kiss. You feel her knees between your legs, pushing at your core, and in response you squeeze one of her breasts. Mizu starts to get rid of your clothes one by one, and as she does that, you quickly strip her of her own too.
Mizu's slander fingers slowly travel to your slit, but as she does, you grip her wrist and stop her. "No." You mumble. "Not like this." You flip her over (not easily though, she fights back even now), and look down at her naked form, quickly throwing away her chest bindings too.
"Fuck..." You mumble as you carefully align your core with hers, your clits touching, and moving together with every breath. And as you start to move gently, holding yourself up on your hands next to her head, you can hear her moan. She grinds back against yours, your juices mixing together. Even in this moment, it's as if you're both fighting for dominance. You don't know when will Mizu just reach up and choke you to death, but honestly? That's the best part.
You feel her hands around you, one clawing at your back, the other on your jaw...then cheeks, then lips, then the last thing you know is that she's forcing a finger inside of your mouth while you quietly moan and bite down on it. In response you push harder against her, almost squishing her clit with yours, which end in a louder moan from both of you.
"Can't...can't fucking take it..." Mizu moans, pushing her finger deeper inside your mouth before she retreats it, and uses her other hand to pull on your hair instead.
"What? Gonna cum? Ha." You manage to murmur out, not being able to stop your hips, feeling yourself getting closer to the edge too.
"You...fucking wish...ah!" Mizu's whole body twitches as you angle yourself a little differently, giving a whole new sensation to both of you, making you bite into her shoulder while she grips a handful of your hair thightly. And with that, a louder, choked back moan escpaed from both of you...being in perfect balance with eachother, and reaching your climax at the same time.
You stay there, just quietly panting and laying there, on top of eachother in silence for a while. You ahve your face burried into Mizu's neck, basking in her scent while Mizu still has her hand in your hair, feeling it's texture against her cheek.
"...you gotta go through a tunnel." You mumble.
"What?" Mizu perk up, lifting your head by your hair to look into your eyes.
"To get into Fowler's castle. You gotta go through a tunnel that is like...twenty steps away from the road's end and is filled to the brim with traps." You mumble, having your eyes open only halfway. "You gotta head East after you leave the last small village before the forest."
Mizu takes all that in. Now she knows how to get there...now she knows everything. "So that's what it took you to talk? For me to fuck you?"
"I fucked you." You say with a huff and get off of her, putting your clothes back on. "Well, I guess you got what you wanted, and I'm free too." You say, not really sure why. There are no ropes holding you back anymore, so...íthis is your cue to leave, isn't it?
"Wait, where are you going?" Mizu sits up, looking after you.
"Back to Fowler." You shrug. "I'm still his right hand. He probably sent men to find me." You sigh as you finish dressing up. "See you...at the castle." You say, look at her above your shoulder.
"..." Mizu narrows her eyes. "Fuck you." She spits.
"Check." You put on that so familiar smug smirk and hold up a thumbs up. "Spare me a seat in the audience when you cut his head off." You wave as you start walking away.
"...like a fucking stray cat." Mizu sighs, and before you dissappear, the last thing she sees is your wink.
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bridgyrose · 2 months
Yang sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “So let me get this straight, you left Penny and Weiss, then froze up when some woman attacked the dust shop with a semblance you’d never seen before?” 
“She didnt attack the dust shop, but… I guess that’s one way to put it,” Ruby said as she moved the glass chess piece in her hand. She recognized the piece as the queen, and the glass itself was smoother than she expected, almost like obsidian. “I’ve fought grimm and bandits, but no one like her. And when she threw that fireball, it was almost as if her eyes had started to glow.” 
“Her eyes glowed?” 
“Yeah, they did.” 
“Do you know how insane you sound right now?” 
Ruby sighed and put the chess piece into her pocket. “I know how it sounds but you have to believe me. Between the thief that had grimm claws and that girl-” 
“What do you mean you saw someone with grimm claws?” Yang interrupted. “People dont just become grimm or have grimm parts.” 
“I know what I saw.” Ruby pulled out her scroll to show Yang the picture she took. “See? Look at his hands.” 
Yang took the scroll to look at the picture and sighed. “Maybe he was just a faunus.” 
“Faunus dont have claws that look like that.” 
“Maybe this one does.” 
Ruby took her scroll back and sat down. “There’s something going on. Why wont you believe me?” 
“Because all of this sounds too far-fetched to be true.” 
“Yang, you’ve seen me stop grimm with my eyes, Ozpin has sent us on missions that have shown us strange things, why does this seem so strange to you?” 
“All of this sounds too much like a fairytale.” Yang sighed. “What you’re talking about almost sounds like magic. And magic isnt real.” 
“It… it could be real,” Ruby said quietly. “But that doest matter. All I’m asking is for you and Blake to come with me to find this woman and figure out what she wants.” 
“Ozpin… asked us to not help you.” 
“But Yang-” 
“Your license was suspended because the council thinks you were the one to set fire to the buildings. And until they can review everything and prove otherwise, Blake and I, team JNPR… we cant help you or take you on missions.” 
Ruby stood up and looked at her scroll again. “Then I’ll have to do this on my own.” 
“I have to find her. I think she’s involved with all of this.” 
“And then what?” Yang walked in front of Ruby and put a hand on her shoulder. “Say you do find her, then what are you going to do? Your license is suspended, so you cant arrest her, no one is allowed to work with you until you’re proven innocent, so you wont have any backup to help you, and even if you did, unless she attacks you first, anything you do will be seen as an attack against her.” 
Ruby pulled Yang’s hand off her and made her way to the door of the apartment. “And as a huntress, I cant let her get away with this.” 
“You’re not a huntress right now.” 
“I know, but I have to go.” 
“You dont even know where she is!” 
“No, but I know where I can find out.” Ruby walked out of the apartment and down to the road, her heart pounding with each step she took. She wasnt sure if it was from arguing with Yang, the idea of breaking a few rules to keep people safe, or if the idea of getting information from a criminal was going to be worth it. Either way, it was all she had for a lead. 
And as she walked through the streets of Vale, the nerves never left. If anyone saw her working with a criminal, even to catch one, was still grounds to get her license revoked. Though since hers was already suspended, she didnt want to know what would happen if she was caught. And even if she wasnt caught, if other criminals found out she’d be willing to work with them, it’d certainly open up doors she’d rather keep shut. And yet, none of that stopped her.
Ruby pulled her hood over her head and turned off her scroll as she walked into the old industrial quarter of Vale, eyes glancing around to the buildings she passed. Her hands shook in her pockets as she made her way into a warehouse, her nerves still not calming. Even her voice shook as she called out into the empty warehouse. 
“Roman? Are you here?” 
“Well, well, well, if it isnt little Red,” Roman’s voice echoed through the warehouse. “And to what do I owe the pleasure?” 
Ruby paused as she felt the tip of a parasol against her back, slowly pulling her hands out to show she meant no harm. “I… I dont know who else to talk to, but… I need… help.” 
“And what could I possibly help you with?” 
“I need to find the woman who set a few buildings on fire. And to get answers about a few rumors.” 
Roman strolled out from around the corner, cane in hand as he practically spun it around. “Werent you the one who set that fire?” 
Ruby shook her head. “No, it wasnt. There was someone else there who created a fireball. And I know that you keep Vale under watch.” 
“And what can you offer me for my help?” 
“I-I… I’ll owe you a favor.” 
Roman grinned and motioned for Neo to let Ruby go. “In that case, I think I can help. Now tell me, what did this woman look like?”
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
Tom was chilling at the Euphoria set like that was HIS workplace 😭 something tells me that man was unbothered while he was supprting his lead actress/producer gf 😅we had stories/videos/pics of him getting her snacks, going to crafty, taking care of noon, Sam asking HIM about a scene (n him politley declining lol), him being in the same room when labrinth/dominic fike/Z were doing music, taking pics/bonding with the BTS ppl and him gettimg up early af lik he was a castmate lol.
Meanwhile i remember there was a account (who worked BTS) that said Jacob was quiet/kept to his self so... he knew his place as a supportimg actor and this being the SECOND time he broke up with the leading actress of a project 💀. Im pretty sure even Kaia visited him on the Euphoria set a few times (i guess someone spotted her), but gurl wasnt there long enough cuz they broke up soon after 💀💀
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Rofl 😅 🤣
Giiiiirlllll, I JUST KNEW when Tom told Josh Horowitz in his CHERRY interview that he wanted a cameo in Euphoria that he wasn't thinking about JE or threatened by him in the least! Rofl 😅
That was actually one of the biggest clues to me that Tom and Z had gotten back together if you ask me.
The way I see it, JE was really a non-factor in this lol. 😅 He was basically a pawn while Tom and Z figured out their sh*t and made their way back to each other lol. 🤭
I'm not saying Z didn't care for JE (I'm sure she honestly did!), but EVERYBODY could tell that they didn't match well and that he was just a long-term rebound cuz of the breakup with Tom. You can sense when two ppl/exes have unfinished business. I say the same thing about Tom and Olivia and Nadia. I'm sure there were real feelings there (he wouldn't have dated them otherwise), but everybody could tell that they were just placeholders and that his REAL heart and feelings still belonged to Zendaya lol. It was so obvious! 😅
That's why, I NEVERRR put anything past exes LOL....especially ones that have dated each other for a long time (longer than just a year or two), coz usually those feelings run deeeep.... and it's hard to just cut off your feelings cold turkey like that. Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
I meannnn, look at Ben and JLo for goodness sakes!! Rofl 😅 🤣 They both MARRIED other ppl, even had kids with others, and then ended back together with each other..... 18-YEARS post a breakup! 🤣
Look at Nelly and Ashanti! Same thing! Rofl 😅 They dated in the past years ago, then broke up.... he even got married to some OTHER woman lol, and now look.... YEARS later, he and Ashanti found their way back to each other, and she's now pregnant with his baby lol.
I don't put anything past exes...especially the ones that actually looked HAPPY together and like they were best friends. 🥰 That's the key.
I don't put anything past exes who were deeply committed or in love with each other. 👀
I don't think JE really took Z all that seriously anyway (he was rebounding himself, let's be honest), and she always seemed more into him than vice versa 🥴, so their breakup wasn't all that surprising to me tbh. 🤷🏾‍♀️ It was only a matter of time imo.... one, because she had obvious unfinished business with Tom, and two, because they just never matched to me. They may have had the same hobbies in common, but together, they just didn't seem like they "fit". The vibe was all off. You can sense when a couple's vibe is OFF. It's just smthg you feel and sense in your gut. She matched BEST with Tom imo.
I just think that had covid NOT come, she and JE prob would have dated each other for at least a year or two.
Covid was actually the catalyst that helped TZ get back together as soon as they did imo rofl 🤣 😂
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chaoscriess · 2 years
make you feel needed - bam margera
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒! none.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! female jackass reader, cussing, jackassery, circa 2000, bam wasnt dating jenn at this time. this is my first full fic I've written on this blog, please be nice.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒! on mobile, format might be weird. lowercase intended but not constant, unedited, double periods intended, he has my entire heart. title was originally 'pretty boy' but I thought this one fit better, I'm obviously not the best at titles.
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y/n, the only all-time female jackass member, had been away for a while. she grew up with jess margera, being by his side almost all the time. she knew of bam when she was growing up, due to being the same age as him, but she had never been friends with him. in fact, she was a bit afraid of him. she had always found him cute, developing a crush on him in the sixth grade that lasted all the way into her career as a jackass. why she was scared of him was a mystery, maybe it had to do with the crush.
somewhere along the line between when the jackass show started and season two ended, she had stopped being afraid of bam. her feelings of anxiety were replaced by lust. luckily for her, he felt the same way for her. she didnt know why it took so long for her fears to go away, but she was glad it was over. unfortunately, she left the country immediately after she got comfortable around him, leaving bam and their feelings for eachother in the dust.. she had to go to europe to visit the family she had in her grandmother's hometown, where the woman had passed away a few weeks before. when she got back, they had just begun filming for jackass season 3, and she decided not to tell anyone that she would be on set.
that leads us here.
"come on, bam! we need someone to do the stunt!" bam rolled his eyes and turned around to make eye contact with knoxville, giving him an unimpressed look. "there's no fucking way, man. it's just too crazy." johnny sighed and opened his mouth to reply, but paused when a door opened. the pair froze, it was y/n, the girl they hadn't seen in months. she greeted them with a smile and spoke excitedly, "I heard you needed someone to do the stunt?" bam's eyes went wide when he realized who she was, he was frozen in place, mouth slightly agape. she chuckled at the boy and stepped towards him, closing his mouth as she spoke to him. "you're gonna catch flies, idiot." he smiled at her before hugging her tightly. "god, I missed you so fuckin much." she laughed at his words before telling him the same.
johnny asked her if she really wanted to do the stunt, and she said yes. he muttered a 'okay let's go' and guided her to the set. she didnt actually know what the stunt was, but she knew it would be ridiculous if nobody else would do it, and she knew she needed to make her first skit back a stupid one. bam was left behind with a confused look on his face, scolding her with his eyes. he never liked it when y/n did stunts, and he always worried about her general wellbeing. however, y/n was the most stubborn person on the crew, and he knew he couldn't do anything about it.
afterwards, y/n met bam outside, but he wasn't happy like she thought he would be. instead, he had a sour look on his face, one that y/n had grown to hate. "you alright?" y/n spoke softly, trying her hardest not to upset the man any more than he already was. he nodded but looked away from her, which gave her the answer she needed. he wasnt okay, and it was obvious it was because of her. she sighed and reached out to grab his hand but he was hesitant to let her. "I'm sorry I left.. I missed you so much." he pulled her closer to him, resting his head on hers. he took a deep breath in before speaking back to her. "missed you too."
usually, she would have left it at that, she was never one for pda, or even showing her affection in general. this time was different than other times though, she felt like the affection was needed. even if they weren't together, and never had been, she felt like she needed to make him feel needed. she looked up at the boy she knew so well, and he looked back at her. as much as she tried to look away, she couldn't. she found that her eyes seemed to be drawn to his lips, it was almost impossible to stop thinking about kissing him.
somehow, bam sensed the rising tension and pulled away. she inhaled sharply and pulled him back, now embracing him in a full hug. resting her head on his chest now, she took in everything new about him. his cologne changed, his style slightly changed, and he seemed less happy. she wondered if this was her fault. "bam..," she paused, unsure of what to say next. she looked up at him and found him already looking down at her lips with half lidded eyes. she opened her mouth to continue, but was cut off by him speaking suddenly. "can I kiss you?"
y/n was surprised, it was almost as though he read her mind. instead of answering him, she quickly leaned up and connected their lips. bam's hands moved from their place around her waist to her ass, and she smiled into the kiss before reaching down and pulling his hands back to their original place. she pulled away from the kiss to speak and saw that bam had a wide smile on his face, the first genuine smile she had seen on him since she had arrived back. "later, pretty boy, okay? not out here. and I still hurt from that damn stunt." he chuckled and nodded, unsure if he would actually be able to wait, but he knew he would at least try for her.
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andro526484339 · 4 months
Transported oc ramblings from twitter for you all
phan literally gets red with anger like a tomato if carter shit talks mama brannigan. carter can't even reference the woman. it's good that carter finds brannigan too scary to be hot cause if she ever did verbalize that phan might actually sock her in the jaw
Yes I killed my boss mentor maternal figure. No you cannot say she deserved it or had it coming or that she hid everything from me. She did what she had to do and so did I so show some respect idiot before I slap you again
ofc phan shooting brannigan wasnt a planned act she just did it and blacked out the whole stomping in the corpse until she breathed heavy thing. brannigan had no belief she would pull the trigger even while looking down the barrel she underestimated how far this carter thing went
anyway since that day forth carter does see phan in a legitimately different light as someone she can be scared of. because before the violence was fun and she was enjoying it despite her claims to the otherwise. but that was notttt fun ehm she flinches when phan gets close again
once again a case of carter not giving a shit until she's forced to confront it with her eyeballs. knows what phan is and what she's capable of and doesn't care. it is different though because brannigan is well brannigan but carter is carter so what does that mean for her
also phan does not kill like that. she's an efficient one shot kill. it was grotesque and uncharacteristic and fueled by a level of hate that phan will never be able to muster up again. you cant talk about brannigan because phan refuses to confront it
at the end of the day despite all of this carter is not different from phan in the violence she can perpetuate. she does strangle a woman to death out of eloises revenge that she didn't ask for. maybe she's scared of phan for a bit because she knows how alike they are who knows
really the only main thing to understand is that the two of them enjoy violence and having power over people. that is why they are what they are. phan admits this and doesn't care. carter refuses to and says she's better than that. they're two sides of the same coin
this is why eloise is disgusted by carter now bc she knows this. and this is why eloises killer is a mirror image of phan whose main difference is not having a carter to set her off the path. Carter Le Hypocrite whos fucking the same bitch whod kill eloise without second thought
Anyway moral of the story is they're both selfish cunts who like to exert their power and hurt people and get lots of money from it and they both deflect from the ramifications from this in opposite directions
I fear carters inferiority complexes has caused woman cop syndrome. self explanatory. I feel no power in society so I am going to gain it with the system
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villainsimpqueen · 6 months
Eternal Bloodlines
Adriana tepes/ Alucard x Male Dhampire reader
This fanfic is for 18+ Audience's due to it containing gorey themes and later on smut.
Also available on A03
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chpater 8
Generals bickered back and forth, hissing and biting at each other's throats.
Rams bucking their heads
Godbrand thought as he sat at a table and chair watching and drinking blood from a cup way too small for his liking.
pigs blood.
It made him grimace with each sip he took, it was far too cold, too stale and it tasted like shit.
The king himself sat on his throne doing nothing as the generals all scabbled at each other and his two human forge masters stood at his side.
Godbrand never thought he would see a king as powerful and mighty as Dracula sulk, look so much more dead than he already was.
It wasn't long until his majesty's doors were being slammed open causing Godbrands eyes along with other generals human and vampire to follow the noise.
A woman, a countess, with blonde hair as white as snow itself wearing a dress that rivaled blood's darkest of hues.
The Queen of Styria, Camilla.
And it wasn't just great entrances she was good at, no within minutes she had the scabbling silence by her questions towards the king.
Women have balls. I'll give her that.
Godbrand watches how quickly she had infuriated Dracula and was even more impressed when she had returned to the council still alive after the King called her away for a talk. He watched her speak towards the other women of the council making alliances, how she talked to the men with disgust clear in her eyes and yet something he's seen in so many eyes before.
hunting, scheming.
She wasn't here for the king's goals, that was apparent to him, clear as water. She came to do her own goals and was simply using the council to her advantage. It wasn't a surprise to him when she had come to him after so many had left the room and sat across from him staring at him as she leaned her chin on the palm of her hands.
"And you must be Godbrand." She hummed out her voice trying to conceive the smoothness of honey but he had honey before, he's heard of a woman singing its thick soothing liquid to his own hellspawn to know that the Ice queen's voice was nothing like honey. It was like Tar.
"Lose the tone. I ain't as easy going as the others." He grunted out, setting the too small of a cup down which had been refilled with pigs blood. Gods he needed fresh warm human blood and soon if he was going to be able to keep up with the shit going on in the castle.
This is why I stay overseas.
Though it was amusing watching The Ice queen blink a few times her face contorting to the disgust she didn't bother hiding and into some form of impressive notion as she moved back to sit in her own chair more taller.
"My, the rumors about you say otherwise." She quipped and he chuckled.
"That's just it then ya? Rumors. None of these fuckers really know what i do besides their talk and the jokes I allow them to speak about." He stared at her taking in her appearance more, she had beauty he could easily allow her to have, but beauty didn't hide the fact that he could tell she was bat shit crazy. He watched as Camilla's lips tug into a smirk as she looked at him, a huntress looking at someone she wanted as prey but had only found another hunter instead.
"Well then, Do tell me who you are yourself, Godbrand." She asked him, finally seeming to want to know more than just rumors. He will allow it and he answered whatever questions that came to her mind.
They sat there in the enmity council room talking and drinking from those tiny cups for hours. She was scheming something, that he knew and what she wanted with him, he would find out soon enough he gathered, but for now he would entertain her and enjoy some friendly company. One he would turn down if she tried bringing him to her chambers. It wasnt because he doesnt want to fuck her, because he would, he wouldn't even have second thoughts. But he knew a woman as fucking crazy to quesion the King of vampires and live? Wasn't a woman he exactly wanted to have laying on a bed before him, with his face between her legs before his body is without getting to know exactly how crazy the bitch was.
That, and he could swear that she would have teeth down there too.
He had thought after this talk she would be bored of him and focus on the other generals and try getting them to partake in what she wants, but to his surprise after each meeting she would stay sat at the table as the room empty until it was just him and her and they would talk. Sometimes it was to go over everything and then make fun of the other generals or her further explaining her plans and scowling about how the others had their heads too far up their asses to see.
He sometimes would point out mistakes in her little schemes.
"Braila would be smart." He spoke up after listening to her squeal about some sort of organized attack.
"Braila?" She questioned looking from her parchment of maps to look at him. "That city has a river to the sea, yes?"
Godbrand nodded and when he saw her questioning he chuckled.
"River leads to the sea, Sea leads to escape and freedom. Take the river, block the sea and no one can come in." He spoke before pointing down on the map moving his claw towards the sea.
"Or out. It is how my men take small villages by surprise. We take the rivers and invade. Men stay back by the ships so when the livestock comes rushing to their small boats they are slaughtered while the others take the village. "
He watched as her eyes focused on the map a few moments of silence before her lips turned into a smirk as she let out a hum.
"Perhaps They should ask you to speak up more in those meetings. They'd be surprised to know how wise you are." She hummed out towards him, she had let go of the need to use that fake honey like tar tone with him.
"I rather not, let them think of me as they do now. Don't want the responsibility." He huffs out before crossing his arms
"So you want them to think of you as the arrogant big headed vikings who doesnt wash his ass and fucks everything that moves?" She asks with a tilt of her head.
"I have you know, i Bathe nightly, Us vikings clean ourselves, though i can't say the same for a few other generals.." He quipped back with a chuckle of his own and it had earned a few laughs from the Ice queen as well.
"Well you do certainly smell better than a few."
Talks like these were good, he enjoyed them and it took his mind off of other things.
Like the thoughts of how his only child, his cold son was doing. He wondered if you were faring well out there, how you were taking things to a different site than he was seeing. He wonders if you had grown some more with new experiences he couldn't teach you.
"You should bring it up at the next meeting, Help me instill the need to attack there." She told him, encouraged him but he shook his head.
"I will go against it." He started watching as she immediately questioned him in her eyes.
"They see me as unwise, young and stupid as if I am not already a few centuries old, yes maybe not as bold as them but still they see me as nothing but as a lad as they do you a lass. So I will act like a lad to make them feel smarter but you, do not act like a lass to them. be a woman who does not give. Make them use their heads, use the humans, Dracula takes their words over ours." He explained to her watching her scheming eyes take what he says in.
"I see, Have us the youngest besides The king's pets bicker and belittle another and get the pets to join in so we get what we want." She hummed out before grinning at him.
"For a man who thinks with just the head of his dick, I think they got the wrong head."
And he laughed.
"I still rather think with my dick."
Another meeting had brought news and more fighting against the generals and forgemasters.
Camilla brought up the need for Braila and he questioned it, making her explain everything to the generals.
"Any City built over running water is a place that we, As vampires, should approach carefully. '' Dracula responded for the first time during the entire war council meeting. Godbrand ignored the look that Camilla had simply glanced his way as he was more focused on the two Forgdemasters whose attention was captured in the subject.
"Running water? I've never heard of it affecting vampires." Issac spoke with his accent, a genuine curiosity in his voice as he spoke. Yet it was all working in their favor, just as he said it would.
"Death by running water hasn't happened in many centuries." Godbrand spoke loudly with his arms crossed towards the forgemaster. He said his words in a more boasting way knowing he had their eyes on him.
"Why not?" Hector asked, Their interests in vampire knowledge always continues to grow, had their lord simply given them the knowledge before having them as part of the council it wouldn't have been so easy to use their curiosity to lead discussions to topics they wanted.
"Look around! We moved into the middle of countries." He made sure to state it as if he was talking down to them, watching how Hector's eyes narrowed, unpleased.
"I'd been told that vampires couldn't cross running water." He stated in a way as to prove him wrong, that he did have some knowledge of the subject. Godbrand didnt care if Hector really had or if he was simply saying it to make himself look bigger than he was, or if it was to impress the other human in the room.
"I've been on boats, I've had baths." Godbrand said as if to make Hector look dumb, he shot a glance back at Camilla. You seemed to cover her mouth with the back of her hand in her other hand, one of those small chalice cups. He knew she was bringing back an amused smirk on her lips as he gave her a look that simply ment see?.
"When?" Isaac Questioned him and Godbrand couldn't help sending the human a glare, He was getting tired of the jokes about his hygiene, though he supposed that is what happens when you allow a room full of fucking vampire do nothing but talk shit about you and come up with many things.
One time a rumor went around about him fucking horses, he wasnt even sure how that happened since he hardly ever came to the meetings but it was some story that he didnt even know about himself.
He kept playing dumb, allowing Camilla the chance to speak up, to play along and insult him and talk down on him like the others do. To push herself up on a pedestal above him to get the other vampire's approval and the humans to side with her, and it was working. Soon the King rose shouting at them to silence them and Godbrand watched Camilla move to Hector to speak to him quietly.
The meeting continued with Issac questioning Brailas importance over Arges and continued about Arges being a better city. Without a second after Issac had finished it was Hector who spoke disagreeing with him. Camillas' eyes catched His and he watched as she smirked some as Hector was leaning more towards an attack on Braila.
Which brought the king's interest back to the subject taking in the words just like how Godbrand had observed him do over the meetings before Camilla joined.
Issac began to speak once more and he brought news forwards, news Godbrand wasn't expecting.
News of the King's missing son who he had injured badly.
News of Belmont being in the same place as Alucard.
"A Belmont? I thought they were extinct." Camilla questioned but Godbrand barely heard her with his thoughts creeping back.
Vampire hunters.
His mind immediately went towards his son, the thoughts of how you were doing, faring came back to him.
Were you alive?
He shook his head, You were his son. Named in the revenge of blood, He had watched you take down grown vampires centuries older than you filled with your rage and blood lust. Burn down villages as you ripped humans piece by piece.
He shouldn't have to worry about a vampire hunter taking your life.
But he did.
You were his only son.
"No. We Believe our Lord's son Alucard and Belmont may have worked together to repel our forces at Gresit." Isaac informed not only Camilla but to the entire council.
By the gods, Boy don't be involved
" If there is a Belmont left alive then should we not observe the ancestral Belmont home?" Camilla questioned snapping at the council with her question.
Godbrand didn't like his choices of sending you to travel, he hadn't expected for a vampire hunter to be alive since their disappearance so many years ago. He didn't have a way to hear from you and he wouldn't dare bring up your existence to a council of vampires.
"Why." He spoke, mostly towards himself lost in his thoughts. Surely you wouldn't be near a vampire hunter, you wouldn't be anywhere near the king's son. That was impossible...Yet he had once thought fathering a hellspawn would be impossible. A hellspawn that was born wrong surviving was impossible, That hellspawn being able to swim in running water was impossible.
You tended to have a trend at doing things he had thought was impossible.
" Perhaps on the general notion that the Belmont hunted the likes of us for fucking centuries and if there is one left alive then it may have access to the trove of weapons and magical materials talked of across generations but never found which they used to hunt us through fucking centuries." Camilla snapped suddenly in front of him, her hand coming to his chest to point a claw into his chest as she snarled at him. Perhaps she saw the confusion or daze of lost thoughts in his eyes because she lightened the pressure on his chest and moved her claw away.
Her tone slightly softened as she must've seen that he wasn't playing along at playing the idiot that something had been on his mind that took him from the conversation.
"Am i making myself clear now?" She spoke before pulling from him using his genuine confusion to her advantage addressing the king.
"This is your war council my lord?"
It caused the kind to stand glaring down at all of them, as if daring another to speak. His eyes glowing that dark blood red.
"If you truly fear my son's presence and that of a lowly human, have them killed." Dracula snapped with a wave of his hand before he started to head away.
"I've had enough of children bickering."
The council spoke bickering as he left but Godbrands eyes could not leave the stairs of the throne room where Dracula had left.
have them killed?
Has his own son been killed?
A bitter taste formed on his tongue, moving towards his fangs as he snarled biting his licks back exposing them.
The great king who he had respected..Whose solution about his only child was to kill him for some war?
The son that He and His human wife struggled for years to have?
Was the boy a novelty then? A toy for his wife to have something to tend to besides him?
Was giving the half bred son the title, Prince of vampires, simply something to flatter his human wife?
Perhaps his anger had grown more than he had thought as he stormed out of the throne room and into one of the many halls of the castle. Godbrand had sent his own son to travel, away from the war, in some way to honor his mother and see her world before the King had destroyed it. To protect him in the only way he knew how, and The king had no quells in murdering his own son for a war over a human pet wife?
It was dishonor, Not to his own fucking son but to the woman who spent years trying over and over again to give him a hellspawn of his own.
A father is to protect his fucking kin not kill them.
How could someone as ancient and wise as the Old man be so completely stupid? How could He? Godbrand, know that more than the king?
Godbrand heard the clicking of heels and he knew who it was, but his own rage didn't care for his words.
"Im not in the mood to try to fuck you Camilla i have my own shit right now." He snarled as he stormed through the halls, He didn't get too far before he was slammed into the ground, her weight on his back as he snarled more.
"I wouldnt fuck you if you were the last thing alive." Her icey words chilled over his backside.
"Explain why you stormed off."
Godbrand snarled, the crazy bitch had pinned his arms to his side as well so moving wasn't an option, and he was a vampire that was gifted with ability to turn into mist or shape shift either so all he could do is lay there face first into the floor and snarl like a rabid dog.
"Kill the son His Wife had worked so hard to fucking have, Thats what he wanted." Godbrand snarled.
"Well…The Child was a half breed."
Half breed.
Like you.
Half breed.
" I don't see how that would anger you…"
"Cause you dont know how fucking hard it is for a woman to fucking birth a living son like that!" Godbrand snapped squirming underneath her.
"You dont fucking know how many tries ir takes to even get past a few months. How many wrong borns a woman goes through just to get a son born right and alive."
He was seething,
His mind moved back to the many miscarriages and wrong births of his own offspring that his little mother tried so hard to birth.
He wondered how many the king's human wife had to see, had to push out, had screamed and cried for, and The king waved his hand uncaringly with the words kill them.
How those words in his mind changed to
Kill you.
"And you do?" Her words cold as winter snow falling came down, there was curiosity at her tone. Godbrand felt himself stiffen as a corpse before snarling swears in his motherland's language quietly.
"...You do." Her words changed and before he knew it he was on his back with her straddling her hips staring down at him claws on his shoulders raking over them.
"Godbrand…Do you have a half breed bastard?" She questioned him, her eyes unmoving from his own. He snarled, moving his arms to shove her off of him.
"He's not a bastard. He is my son." Godbrand snarled at her baring his fangs.
"And hes more of a vampire than half of those fuckers in there will ever be."
Camilla to her grace was able to land on her feet pushing herself to stand tall as she looked down at the man on the floor. She could see so many things move through his eyes and it intrigued her.
"Tell me about him, your son." She demanded him softly and watched as his eyes moved to the hall behind her.
"Let us go for a walk on the grounds, yes?"
And it delighted her to watch him push himself off the ground and follow her away from the castle to the surrounding woods walking on a path paved by livestocks carts over the years. She listened to what he had to say and he told her everything.
"The last wrong born before my son, I went to my little mother, she always sulked in her furrs after a wrong birth. It was the first time I ever went and saw her after a wrong birth." Godbran explains listening to the bristled sound Camilla let out between her lips.
"It's tradition." He started glancing over at her, catching her eyes.
"We let the women grieve for what could have been alone, So that they may hear the mother goddesses whisper their advice and Condolences. It's disrespectful for a man to stay with a woman during such things. Only women are allowed to enter a weeping mothers hut and soothe her." He watched as Camilla's eyes ever so slightly softened.
"So why did you break your own tradition?" She asked curtly and Godbrand looked away and to the moonlit trails in front of them.
"I was going to tell her that I had prepared a ship for her to leave."
"You were letting her go?" Camilla turned towards him, stopping in their midnight stroll and He refused to turn to look at her.
"She tried to bear a child for nearly ten years, Camilla. She mourned every single one of them as if they were more than just her freedom. " He spoke softly, crossing his arms.
"Each time she blamed herself.
'I wasn't eating enough, forgive me, I'll eat more next time.'
'I slept the wrong way, I will sleep differently next time.'
'I moved too little, I will move more next time.'
'I moved too much, I will move slower next time.'
'I washed in the river, I will wash in the sea.'
Every time a wrong was born she took the blame. Blaming herself as if the real issue wasn't me." He turned to look at her finally.
"I went into her hut, and when she saw me she spoke of how i came around her sooner this time, and she told me she will do better,..…I told her her womb was not the wronging in all the wrong borns, it was my dead seed that killed them from the very start…and told her that i had a ship ready for her, that she would be safely taken to lands where vampires were not as frequent and she still had a fair face enough to find a husband.." Godbrand shook his head at the memories.
"She refused."
"She refused?" Camilla asked with a tilt of her head, her eyes piercing his own.
"She refused. She got angry at me actually, stormed to me and demanded I strip from my clothes and fill her once again. She had looked into my eyes with the eyes of a predator unlike when I had found her huddled up like some rabbit, fearful and weak. She then said;
'I will bear you a son, Stronger than any man in your bloodline, and he will either bathe in red darker than the blood of the people slaughtered in my village, or he will bathe in gold brighter than the sun which you will never see.'
And shortly after that night her womb was full again with my son. She had me fuck her every night she said it was for his soul to be stronger than the others. When her waters broke i waited by her huts door, The nursing women refused me to enter..I had wanted to see him born..But in the end He was born wrong like all the others. I heard her screams before I heard the head healing woman head towards the huts door. She screamed and cried like all the times before but this time in a language I didn't know, her homeland I suppose. I took my boy to the cliffs like I did with all the others for the sea to take.
I was so Angry Camilla, She tried so hard and once again it was a bloody wrong born…But before i could drop him the winds settled and it was like the sea calmed and i heard him…My son fighting to live and when i cut the cord around his neck from his own wrong birthing he screamed louder than anything i had ever heard before..My son stronger than the other wrong borns, Almost seemed like he wasn't ever born wrong…"
Godbrand clenched his hands as he remembered your birth, and he continued telling Camilla everything about you. How you grew rapidly, how the sun never affected you.
"He can go into running water, and leave it with barely a rash."
Camilla's eyes narrowed as she looked at him.
"Your half breed son can move through running water? Not even Dracula's son has such abilities."
Godbrand nodded as he began to walk down the trails with her once more.
"Aye, I've seen him do it many times. His mother used to wash clothes in the river, he would play by her side. I've seen him fly overboard on one of the ships during a territory battle, he climbed back up the side with a fury, his skin not even Blisters."
"Is that why you kept him hidden?" Camilla's words hit his ears making him glance over at her again.
"No, I kept him hidden because he would be looked down upon, the others would treat him less than the man i raised him to be…At first.." Godbrand steeled his eyes onto the path and he continued to walk.
"At first?" The Vampiresses questioned him, following his lead through the wind blowing trees.
"...He's a Crusnik, Camilla…" Godbrand breathed out before stopping once more.
"He's eaten another…"
Godbrand looked at her, his face contorting in…was it? Anger? Sadness?
"The night his mother was taken from him. A neighboring clan member took her life in front of him. Before I could even react I watched my son tear through him and twelve other grown men over centuries of his own age. My clan and I watched as he devoured each one of their blood before tearing through them with an ace before they moved to fight against the other clan themselves for angering my son.."
The blade of your Ax tore through limbs causing rotting blood to splatter your face. It was foul as the smell of the rotting corpse of the night creature as you shoved its slicing body away from you, splitting it entirely as you moved to the next.
"You wouldn't have believed it unless you saw it with your own two eyes."
Flames shot from your side scratching the dirt and cracked cobblestone walkways. A whip cracking to your left and you could hear the wishful gliding of a magic sword moving through the air before slicing amongst flesh.
They were inexperienced to hell and back, and yet they all agreed to stay here.
"It's so much more different than bloodlust Camilla…Is power, raw uncontrollable power."
Villagers screamed as they tried running from the night creatures, forcing you to watch your own blade carefully as you swung it through body masses of tendons and flesh. You felt someone stumble into your side and you hissed at them to back away, you felt a hand slide across your back and the wailing on an infant.
"So yes, I kept my son hidden, I focused on him training that power and controlling it himself."
The damn fools were piling behind you and the other three, covering themselves between buildings with nowhere to go.
Only you four in front of them keeping the Demons away from tearing into their flesh. You heard shouting from your right where Sypha was speaking about something. You couldn't focus over the smell of spilling blood rotten and fresh over taking your senses.
You faintly felt a stinging from your chest as you moved a hand across it to feel the gaping wound sliced into it from a night creature's claw.
"How could I bring my only blood, my only son, near a den of Vampires that would only see him as a threat?"
You were starving.
When was the last time you ate?
Three weeks ago now? Or was it four?
animal blood wasn't cutting it.
You needed real blood.
"You think they would have let him be alive if they knew he could eat more than just livestock, Camilla?"
Yet as you focused back on the creeping creatures that neared you and your small group. You could feel their eyes on you.
Alucard's, Trevor's more than anything as if they were waiting for you to turn around and attack the livestock that had run into a corner believing that you would protect them.
"...No..They would have staked him to a pillar faster than the church with a witch." Camilla answered him.
"Aye…So I kept him away from the meetings. I sent him to travel to explore and learn more about himself, about what he is…And if something were to happen to me, I'd die knowing that my son is more of a Vampire than any one of those bastards back there."
If Sypha had not stated that you all were going to help them rid of the night creatures that hunted on this little village you wouldn't have bothered helping them. You wouldn't have probably even been near this little village. Perhaps you would have been in a city.
"...If something ever did happen to you, Godbrand, I'd look after your son. I'd treat him as if he was one of my own sisters."
"...I take it that's a lot coming from you?"
Regardless of the burning sensation you felt in your teeth to tear through the nearest livestock near you, you gripped your ax and lunged forwards towards a demon.
Your cold lifeless blood pumping through your limbs as you ripped the blade into a night creature's shoulder, getting it lodged into the bone as you yanked it closer to you.
Your blood, Teeth, and primal instincts know more than them.
It didn't have to be human for you to feed.
"You don't have to take it as anything, Just know you have my word Godbrand."
chp 9
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itsgivingfaggot · 7 months
Thinking about the time I went to this group therapy thing for a diagnosis I had gotten a couple months prior. But It started half a year before i got my name (& gender marker) legally changed. So I had to give the organization my deadname when signing up. This wasnt too much of a big deal, they used my actual name in therapy, my pronouns, didnt out me in the group or anything, things were fine.
Now after nearly completing the whole year of group therapy I overhead one of the women running it talking about a seperate group that sounded perfect for me, that they didn't seem to advertise in their flyers etc so I never had heard about it. So I decided to approach her after one of the last sessions and ask her about it. She seemed excited about me joining it but told me she would need to do a pre interview first. We set an appointment for maybe 2 weeks later.
Now, in the most vague terms, this was a group For Very Traumatized people. I show up to the sort of "interview" a little nervous, expecting questions abt my biography, effects of trauma I'm dealing with, how I'm coping with them, blabla. She basically opens up with "so I asked the other group members about a Man joining them, and when one of them expressed that she wouldn't be comfortable with it, I explained your situation to her!" With a big smile on her face. My "situation". She outed me to this random group of people I had never even met before. This group was not once meant to be a womens space. She simply should've given everyone the option to decide if they were comfortable with this. That's all. Not fucking outing me. For the woman who wasnt comfortable with me as a cis man? Sucks for her. But that doesnt mean this worker gets to potentially endanger me for that womans comfort. But of course she did.
So that's over. Can we finally get to the interview? Of course. However she opens up with "oh you know, I've just been super interested in how things were for you growing up. If you could tell me about that." I go "with the. Abuse?" She doesnt react. "....The autism?" "Oh, no no! The trans thing!"... I sit there a little confused. I give a short one or two sentence answer thinking we will move on to the actual topic of this group. But no. She keeps digging. What about your family? Did you have ~the surgery~ yet? How was school? What about your partners? What about your extended family? What about-
And i was unable to tell her to stop. I answered everything as vaguely as possible. But as a trans person you're always seen as fucking representative of every other trans person. You're not an individual you're either a walking advertisement for corruption or a fascinating oddity of a mystical group to disect and test and observe. If I had told her it's none of her business what's in my pants, it's not actually important to this group how my uncles reacted to me coming out? No I dont want to tell you in great detail the effects of testosterone on my body? Etc. Maybe she'd make a mental note of "trannies = rude and combative. Secretive. Dont want their ~allies~ to be educated about their experiences (why?!)" and I dont wanna be responsible for that in a setting where that person holds so much influence over someone's access to mental health care. So I mumbled my way through it.
In the end the "interview" for a fucking trauma group was 30 minutes of me being increasingly uncomfortable by being prodded over being trans, and roughly 5 minutes of her telling me about some rules in the group and asking a single question about how to best handle me when past trauma gets triggered. I ended up not joining anyways for mostly (!) unrelated reasons. But like. What the fuck was that. I dont understand how some cis people who are interested in trans experiences wont just like. Watch a fucking documentary. Read a book. Theres people who make it their lives mission to share their experiences. That Does Not Mean every random trans person you meet will wanna do the same.
Also again dont fucking out people without their consent. I cant believe we still have to say this oh my god
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Ever yours 4.
[series list]
ram rrr x fem!reader
word count: 3.1k+
summary: idiots in love
YES I’m alive SORRY it took me million years to update I will update more often now I swear
The next morning as the sun shone through the thin curtains of Ram’s former bedroom, he fluttered his eyes open. Settling into the surrounding as he rose back to reality, he’d realised it was the first time he slept in his room after being married. He slept in his library to honour his lady wife’s privacy and comfort given their marriage was a bit sudden and to fit circumstances. Regardless, he also recalled it being the first time he slept next to his wife, the last of his memory from the previous night was his fingers intertwined with hers and her head by his bicep-the pair snuggling as they dozed off. He looked to his side and found it empty her side of the bed already made.
Ram revisited his memories of y/n’s embrace, was it a dream or did it actually happen? No, he was sure it did happen. He remembered being half asleep as they held each other after visiting some events of his life. The feeling of her asleep in his arms, he remembered her even breathing, the feeling of his hands around her, the solace of her—why am I thinking about it? Ram had his mind made up he wasn’t made for petty domesticities, he had a huger sense of purpose. Despite of the fact that he smiled a bit to himself just remembering that he slept with his wife in his arms and their conversation, the vulnerability he seemed not regretful of showing her. It made him feel lighter and it wasn’t a feeling he was so used to so he contradicted it.
Pushing away the thoughts that the most mundane intimacy with his wife made him feel any more better or a bit confused that she had simply left that morning, she usually always did before he left for work but today he felt as if she was expected not to be doing so? Perhaps she could’ve awoken him before leaving? Perhaps stayed for some tea—Stop. Thinking. About. Her.
That day he did not need to attend to his station for work, he got ready and studied in his library when approaching conversations from the verendah averted his attention. It was y/n and Akhtar, strangely?
They both seemed bumped into each other on their way back home as they briefed about it to Ram, he barely caught everything they were talking about because he couldn’t get his mind to stop circling back to the previous night and how simple and somewhat unbothered y/n seemed to be with it. Was she trying to act as if nothing happened, perhaps it wasnt something that was not to be put so much thought into? For what it was worth the two just slept alongside each other or maybe she secretly despised Ram this entire time— “Ram!” Y/n exclaimed pulling him out of his thoughts “Akhtar seems truly smitten with love about this certain someone!” she said chuckling, the two seemed to be conversing about this woman Akhtar met at the market earlier today and he blushed like a school boy when y/n put it that way. She brought Akhtar a glass of water as he had his mandatory meal at their house.
Ram gathered he had to put attentive input of course, he teased Akhtar over liking Jenny and the couple had a good laugh about Akhtar not interpreting the woman’s name correctly because of language barrier. Regardless the two agreed to join Akhtar when he begged them to come along to the function, y/n asked for a hurried second to get ready as Ram tended to Akhtar with his suspenders and his knowledge in grooming hair.
Ram had just finished setting Akhtar’s hair when y/n called out to leave from the living room, she had worn a fine lehngha dress with a pink-off white adjacent dupatta of heavy royal work. It was very different from the white salwaar she usually wore. Ram took that in, Ram took all of it in just staring at her as she hastily tried to fix the bits of it. Y/n didn't quite understand why he was looking at her with a solemn unblinking face, he was actually looking at her in awe. Somehow to his thankfulness it wasn’t showing, they didn’t have a lot of occasions where she dressed up—he tried to debate it to himself on the inside that this wasn’t what he felt everyday at a mere glimpse of her. “What?” she asked confused as she caught on him staring at her.
Of all he thought of her in that moment, of how beautiful he thought she looked, of how much he felt looking at her, how intensely he did and how much he did not want to kneel to those feelings and just how frustrating it was to battle those thoughts when she looked this captivatingly beautiful “Nothing.” was all he said with a shrug and gestured her to walk along to get to the jimkhana gathering. Even Akhtar was in a hurry.
Ram and Akhtar were soon to depart as soon as the got there, much to Ram’s dislike given he could barely take his eyes off his wife however whilst he did that he just had his usual brooding expression not letting his feelings surface. Y/n was on the side for a while just when she was approached by an old friend, “Princess is that you?!” Jenny exclaimed making y/n turn around.
“Jenny?” Y/n spoke with a huge smile on her face, when they were younger Jenny had frequent visits to her palace and then their uni days in London were spent together. The two enlaced each other in a hug with a hearty chuckle. “It’s been so long!”
“I know!” Jenny exclaimed hugging her friend for a while as she let go, “How long have you been here?” Jenny asked as she let off the hug to face her friend. She was dressed rather galant despite what Jenny knew of her indifference to such events.
“Just a few minutes” Y/n replied mentally summing everything that she has to tell Jenny.
“No I meant here as in the capital.” Jenny corrected her phrasing.
“Oh a while actually…five months or so?” Y/n said with a slight nod calculating proper number of weeks since she’d been married.
“How dare you not tell me earlier?” Jenny complained and nudged y/n’s elbow playfully.
“I didn’t know you were here!” Y/n exclaimed as she inhaled a breath, “a lot a has happened, I am actually banished from my father’s state.” Y/n briefed her shortly in a normal Tuesday happening tone.
“Gods really?” Jenny gasped but having known y/n’s blunders she wasn’t really taken aback, “I am not entirely surprised but your father was always so resistive to your roguery.”
“He was actually” y/n nodded along thinking back to it, there were many a times her father could’ve himself banished her from the state given the rebelliousness she was upto even outside of patriotism “But no this is the government, you know speeches and the rallys didn’t sit right with some and they deem it wrong because I’m a princess but they don’t deem looting and reaving wrong.”
“I am so terribly sorry” Jenny said with a grim expression, “You should come live with me, we’d love to have you over!”
“Almost forgot to mention…” Y/n began suppressing a giggle “I have a husband now.”
“You have a what?” Jenny couldn’t help but laugh out at that, the last person she could’ve imagined getting marrying and settling down was y/n, from their uni days as Jenny recalled the last thing on her list was getting married. “You don’t have to lie to me if you don’t want to stay here I understand—”
“No no I really do have a husband” Y/n interrupted her midway trying to say it with more conviction, saying it out loud to Jenny was just as surprising to y/n herself. I have a husband now.
Jenny took a pause as she blinked a few times and realised y/n wasn’t joking, “Really? You?”
“Yes yes…it’s a marriage of a convince really, my father didn’t want me to just fend for myself alone and he’d known my husband’s father before he died” Y/n explained “and now I live with him here…it’s just the two of us.”
“Not only am I in a great shock I am also very upset I wasn’t invited to the wedding!” Jenny complained, her girlhood best friend wasn’t the most romantic knight in a shinning armour wanting girl, her getting married in the first place was huge as it is, jenny gathered she wouldn’t have wanted a grandeur of a wedding but not even being invited to her best friend’s wedding? She wouldn’t have thought.
“The order for my banishment said I had to leave in a fortnight, seriously the whole wedding wasn’t even that huge it took place in two days in temple at our garden and the only people there were my father, some of the castle staff, Ram and perhaps his uncle that is all.” Y/n reasoned.
“I could’ve been there by rail in two hours had you informed me but it’s alright” Jenny sighed, getting over it, she understood the pace of her situation at the time “So his name is ram?” She asked as she wanted to know more about her best friend’s marriage.
“Yes!” Y/n replied enthusiastically with an unaware smile on her face at the mention of him. “He is actually here w-”
“Is he?!” Jenny exclaimed as she looked around the crowd “You must introduce me” as she kept looking around jenny was soon pulled back to y/n’s attention.
“Hey stop it he’ll know we were talking about him!” Y/n instructs her as it confused jenny.
“So what? He’s your husband?” Jenny questioned.
“Yes but…it’s a bit complicated.”
“Complicated?” Jenny asked with a low chuckle “You are married to him!”
“Yes..yes!” Y/n sighed as she tried to think how best she could explain it to her, “You know how I said it’s just a marriage of convince, I married him because of my father and he did for societal image.”
“Oh…” Jenny said sadly as she nodded, “So you don’t like him?”
“No no—the opposite actually” Y/n sighed, she hadn’t yet admitted this to herself but as she talked about it she realised it further “I really like him.”
“Oh!” Jenny exclaimed, she’d always joked about this to y/n when they were younger about finding a knight in shinning armour and she had always brushed it off, that headstrong girl liking somebody was so bizarre yet wholesome, Jenny had never been more glad to he right “So what’s wrong?”
“We’re not in an ideal marriage, at first I was glad! When I came here I could attend any public meetings and movements unlike back at the state where my father and the soldiers back at our palace knowing all my whereabouts all the time-“
“Like that ever stopped you?” Jenny snorted as she interrupted her.
“That’s a different story” y/n narrowed her eyes playfully “but yes with Ram, I was so happy he doesn’t care what I do or where I go as I take part in revolutions…but he is my husband and Ram doesn’t care what I do or where I go.” Y/n repeated in a dejected tone.
“That is complicated” Jenny said in agreement with a sigh.
“And he is so obligatorily nice to me, he cooks for us because I can’t, he lets me sleep in his bedroom whilst he does in his study so I’m not uncomfortable, as I get to know him more and more i’m starting to develop feelings for him, very strongly Jenny and I don’t think he feels the same” she said exhaling a breath.
“What nonsense! He sounds like a lovely man how would he not fall for you? Me, personally I wouldn’t cook each day for somebody I wasn’t head over heels for!” her friend said as she tried to big her up.
“Perhaps…but I’m just a responsibility to him in a way I guess that’s why he does what he does and I am starting to really like him” y/n mentioned it felt just as caged as it did liberating finally coming to term with her feelings. “And he is just so distant I have no way of knowing how he feels about me!”
“Have you thought about talking to him about your feelings?” Jenny suggested.
“Have you gone mad?” Y/n asked as if Jenny had suggested the most ridiculous option ever “Of course not! I’ll just suppress my feelings about Ram until they eventually go away—“ she stopped herself midway as she saw Ram approaching them “it doesn’t always depend upon the horse in polo you have to have a good grip with the-“ Y/n had entirely changed her conversation so Ram wouldn’t know they were talking about her feelings for him, it even left Jenny massively confused why she just changed the subject halfway through her sentence, “Ram!” Y/n greeted nonchalantly as she turned jenny around, that explains it, Jenny thought.
It had been quite the eventful afternoon after y/n introduced Jenny and Ram, also the dance that escalated was quite the joy. They had gotten back home as y/n sat in the living room reading the weekly print of Champak, as avid and versatile reader that she was she had read most books in Ram’s library and as silly as it was she was fond of the snippet and short stories in champak.
She had gathered Ram would probably go out again or be succumbed into his study, she did not bother pry him even though she wished if he could perhaps just come and sit beside her on the sofa, tangle his fingers in her hair and talk abo—no.
It was almost as if he could read her mind? She thought as he came out of the kitchen with two cups of tea in his hands, handing y/n hers as she straightened herself in her seat. Instead of sitting across her and going on about his reading or just leaving the room like always ram just sat right next to her, not too close yet not too far. “You didn’t have to” Y/n said with a small smile as she sipped the tea, so far what she had learned to cook was tea often during supper she’d make it herself yet Ram made, without her asking him to do so…
“It’s alright” Ram, on the other hand, hoped and prayed on the inside if she could pick up on his feelings, at this point he wasn’t even denying his feelings. Not denying the himself thoughts of her, her in his headspace just made him feel so whole he wondered how he could make it this far without thinking of her, how could anyone? What good was a purpose if he couldn’t accept the blessing of a wife he’d received from the gods? “You were reading that?” He asked pointing at the children’s moral story magazine.
“Yes!” Y/n exclaimed enthusiastically however she regretted it soon enough when she realised he didn’t mean it as if he shared her fondness for it, “Dont read it often though…was just lying around” she shrugged trying to play it off as if it didn’t interest her.
“Oh?” Ram responded raising a brow, “wonder who does the half finished crossword and maze games then?” He had seen her attempts on crossword and the games in those weekly copies lying around almost everywhere ever since she’d been living there.
“Alright fine I enjoy them!” She confessed “Just wanted to seem intellectual.” She said with a chuckle, as he stared at her longingly hoping he could hold her hand as she laughed, intertwine their fingers as he’d make her laugh. “What?” She asked him unsure why he looked at her like that, with a pause.
“My lady can read whatever she wants” Ram said zoning back in hoping he could cover up his awkward crack of feelings with sarcasm.
“Ram!” She whined as she swat his arm playfully, she had asked him before not to address her as ‘my lady’ he simply just did it on purpose to annoy her.
“Alright, y/n” He complied emphasising on her name “Wouldn’t make a difference to me if you weren’t an intellectual.”
“Oh how polite of you” she joked as she finished her tea and placed the cup on the small table by the sofa, Ram had picked up the short story page of the magazine that lied between them. “Change of heart?”
“I need to be intellectual enough for your company.” Ram told her with a grin and earned a playful roll of eyes from her.
Y/n leaned back on the sofa to see which exact page he was on, “I was just reading that” she mentioned as he held the magazine in his hands in a way she could read it along with him.
Whilst the pair read it Ram kept making funny comments after almost every second line causing her to laugh, he loved the sight of it. Her trying her best to focus on reading the snippet of fable but he kept making her burst into laughter. “Wonder why the older animals are never ever the villain? Watch this old vulture apologise and all of a sudden he is everybody’s favourite neighbour” Ram joked in the context of the story as y/n tried to soothe her laughter.
“Stop please I want to read it through!” She exclaimed as she laughed softly, her previously gracefully worn dress having loose ends, the dupatta of heavy work just a drape on her adding some carefree charm to her, her disheveled pinned down hair and her hearty laugh…all so enchanting to him.
“You are reading each word?” He asked with a huff, he had just skimmed through the story.
“Of course! You only get this once a week!” She said as she looked up from the magazine to him, they were rather close since they’d been reading but as she’d face him she was close, just not close enough however both their jokes and amusing had faded. She didn’t even look back to the story to continue reading.
Without a word, Ram leaned in, his heart pounding with anticipation. Y/N's breath hitched, as he held her face and pulled her to him, their lips met in a tender and passionate kiss, time seemed to stand still. Y/n kissed him back just as eagerly as she’d smiled into the kiss holding the side of his arm.
When the two finally pulled away, both smiling widely and blushing the world seem to be resumed but they let the weight of unspoken words just hang there, happy with the gravity of their affection.
YO I am SORRY for not updating frequently I am trying pls also I am sorry if this chapter seems out of place I’ve been writing it for the last two months (I’m a board student)
let me know if u want be tagged in the next parts <3
@vijayasena is literally all my will to write
@mish-ka @yehsahihai @goldenharrysworld @aapki-pyaari-sakhi @bitchy-bi-trash @dumdaradumdaradum @budugu
21 notes · View notes
Angry drunk Terry pls! Lord he would just be a beast in bed but worth every second. Do you think you could write this with ck Terry being angry about maybe someone who tried to touch his girlfriend. Him getting all worked up and drinking late at night about it until she suddenly wakes up because he's not in bed. This just leads to her finding him in the home dojo, drunk and pissed off about the situation. This leading to some steamy scenario because he wants to lay his claim! If it's too long you don't have to do it. I love your writing btw! Xoxo💚💚💚
Thank you for waiting 😁 and thank you for the compliment about my writing, it means a lot 🙏💚
Contains: sexual intercourse, dirty talk
Terry had been off for the last few days, he was distant ever since you both went to your works party in the office. Your co worker Greg had asked to talk to you privately in his office about organising a works trip for all the other work colleagues, and it was in his office, that was made of glass windows. Obviously you would never look at another man because of how much you love and adore Terry, but that didnt seem to stop the jealousy building in Terry's chest as he saw you and Greg talking privately. He loved you with every fiber in his body, you were his soul mate, and seeing another man talk to you away from him just made his blood boil.
He knows what a wonderful woman you are, and deep down there was a part of him that thought he wasnt good enough for you. You were much younger, beautiful, and could have any man you wanted, which is why he sometimes wondered why you chose him, and much older man. When you finished talking to Greg you told Terry what you spoke about, but that still didnt stop how he felt inside. One night, you started to stir in your sleep, you rolled over to rest your hand on Terry's chest, but your hand met the mattress instead. "Terry?" You asked with a tired whisper, you reach over to your side lamp and see that your the only one in the bed. Where was he? "Terry?"
You ask a little louder this time as you get out of bed and tie Terry's black silk dressing gown around yourself. You walk into your ensuite bathroom, through the upstairs rooms, downstairs, kitchen, living room and the garden, he wasn't hear. Where the hell is he? Your about to reach for your phone on the kitchen table, where you see that the key rack is missing 2 sets of keys, Terry's car and the dojo keys. Why would he go to the dojo? Its 1 in the morning? Something must be wrong, he wouldn't leave you alone like this without a good reason. So you run upstairs and quickly change into one of Terry's shirts and a pair of black leggings, your hair was put up into a messy bun, then you run back down stairs and grab your keys and phone before leaving the house and get into your car.
It was only a short drive to the dojo, but that didnt mean your mind wasnt racing with so many questions. Why was he out this late? Why didnt he tell you? What could be the reason hes out this late? Was it something you did? Did Terry not want to be around you anymore? You pulled up into the dojo car park, and that's where a weight off your chest you didnt know you were feeling was lifted, after seeing Terry's car parked hear too. At least you knew where he was, that was something you had worried about. You walk up to the dojo door and open it slowly, there were only a couple of lights on in the dojo, but when you walk into the main room, you can hear something coming from the back. You walk towards the backroom, and now you can hear what sounds like Terry's voice, he seems to be muttering to himself. You can hear the words "How dare he?" and "What's he planning?"
As you finaly reach the door, you push it open a little and you can see Terry pacing back and forth, but he isn't the same. He is holding a bottle of whiskey, and it's almost empty, is he drunk? Terry doesn't get drunk? His hair is still in a ponytail, but it's very messy, covering his eyes with little wispy locks. "Terry?" His eyes dart to the doorway where you stand. "Sweetheart?! What- what are you doing hear?" "I could ask you the same thing" Terry shakes his head and throws the bottle onto the pile of mats next to him. "Terry what are you doing hear? What's going on?" "Its nothing sweetheart, just go home" this frustrates you now, you just frown and fold your arms. "Terry I'm not going anywhere, you haven't been the same the last few days and then I wake up to find you that you left me alone in our bed?! And your hear getting drunk?! What is going on? Please tell me!...is it something I did?"
"What? No Y/N no, you didnt do anything-" "Then why are you avoiding me? The last few days, you've been so distant. I thought....I thought you didnt find me attractive anymore" "Oh sweetheart no, please don't think that-" "How can I not? You haven't been talking to me, spending time with me, I mean when was the last time we had sex? When was the last time you really kissed me? You say I shouldn't think like that, but when the man I love doesn't treat me the same way anymore, it's all that I can think about" Terry has a tear run down his cheek, he looks utterly hear broken, he steps towards you and falls to his knees. "Y/N, I am so, so sorry. I cant belive I've been making you feel that way, the last thing i want is to make you feel less than the goddess you are. I love you, i worship you, and i always will"
"I thought I did something to make you feel bad, i though i upset you" "No sweetheart, you didnt do anything....its not you...its your... your colleague, Greg" "Greg? I dont understand? What did he do?" He stands back up and starts pacing again, and an angry look is starting to form on his face. "He didn't really do anything...he just...I dont like the way he, IS around you" "The way be IS? Terry what are you talking-" "I dont like him! Alright?! I dont like the way he talks to you, or, you know, takes you into his office for private conversations-" "Oh my god! Are you kidding me?! Is this what this is about? You think Greg likes me?" "How can I not think that? Y/N, your the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, your perfect. How can I not feel angry or jealous when I see another man taking you away from me?"
"Dont you trust me?" "Sweetheart I trust you with my life, I love you and I know that you would never cheat. I just dont trust the way he was around you!" "Terry! Greg is GAY!" A silence fills the room, you have the anger now, and Terry looks completely confused. "Wh-what?" "Greg is gay Terry! Why do you think he was hanging around Paul at the party so much? Paul is his boyfriend! He's gay! He isnt attracted to me and hasn't tried to flirt with me in anyway!" Terry looks embarrassed, and just hides his face in his hand. But your start to feel upset, sad, and very frustrated. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry i- sweetheart? Are you crying?" "Of course I am Terry, I hate arguing with you and this whole situation is just- I cant-" you turn around and try to leave, but Terry runs after you and stops you before you reach the door, and rests on hand on your arm while the other cups your cheek and wipes your tears away.
"Y/N please dont go, I'm so sorry for arguing with you. I hate that I made you feel this way, but please belive me when I say I do trust you, I do love you and I promise that I will do whatever it takes to show you that. Please sweetheart, what can I do to show you?" All of the feelings you had built up inside you were complicated, there were so many that you didnt know how to feel. The only thing you knew was that you really missed Terry, you hadn't been physical with him for over a week, not even a kiss. You just felt his hand on your cheek and that was enough to make you crave more of his touch. Without saying a word, your lips crash into his in a desperate hunger, you just needed to feel him. He returned the kiss just as much, he had clearly missed you too. One of his arms wraps around your waist, pulling you into his chest, and the other hand cradles the back of your neck as he leans down and deepens the kiss.
He completely supports you in his strong muscular arms as your hands grab at his muscular arms, the intense feelings you are experiencing make you week at the knees. He spins you around and presses you against the wall, still moving his tounge against yours and intensifying the moment. The kiss breaks for just a moment so you can take a breath, and you cant help but look up at Terry with the same sexual frustration in his eyes. "I love you so much sweetheart, I've really missed you-" "Shut up Terry, just take me already!" "Oooh is my goddess in need of a good...hard...fucking?" He asks as his fingers run over your collarbone. "Yes Terry, please just fuck me!" Terry smiles wickedly before he quickly takes both your wrists and pins them above your head, with only one of his hands. The other takes your thigh and lifts it up to wrap around his waist. His lips meet yours again, but this time is more intense, he even bites your lip at one point.
Feeling so wet as he grinds his groin inbetween your legs, your heart races as you need to feel him inside you. His hand lets go of your wrist and he wraps your legs around his waist, and carrys you over to the large pile of mats. Placing you on the mats, the kiss doesn't break as you pull at his collar, ripping it open and showing his braud muscular chest. He absolutely loves this, and he let's out a low growl from his throat. He lifts you up and turns you around, so your standing up and facing away from him, but he presses his body against your back, and you can feel how hard he is in his trousers. One of his hands reaches into the front of your leggings and slowly starts to tease you, and the other moves over your collar bone and moves up to your neck as his large hand and fingers delicately wrap around your throat. "Oh, my sweet goddess, your already so wet for me..." He circles your tender clit, making you shudder at his touch, and his tounge runs over the soft skin of your neck.
So he takes his hand out, and pulls down your leggings, then he presses you down so your bent over onto the mats. He parts your legs slightly before he slides into you with one deep thrust. It makes you gasp at the feel of him, he's so hard and so thick, he felt so good inside you and he hadn't even started thrusting yet. He leans down and whispers in your ear, ever so slightly getting deeper inside you. "I'm going to give you, exactly what you need..." Shootimg back up so he is standing behind you, he starts pounding into you, hard and fast, hitting all the right places, slamming against your G spot over and over again. You cant help but moan, and whimper as he fucks you again and again. "I think my goddess can take a little more..." One of his hands reaches down as starts playing with your clit again, making you whimper even more. It isnt until his other hand reaches down and his fingers run through your hair and makes a fist in your hair, pulling it so he is in complete control of you.
"Oh my god! I cant- I cant take any more! I'm going to cum!" "Oh sweetheart, your going to take all that I give you, because your a good girl" he can feel your body as it's about to release, so he let's go of you, pulls your hips up so you against his back again. And one hand goes back to your clit, going quicker than before, and his other hands wraps around your throat again, giving slight pressure, not stopping you from breathing, but being completely in control. He is still mercilessly fucking you, and before you know it, your entire body is feeling the wave of your orgasm, making your body shake and your screaming out so loud that your worried someone might hear. But Terry doesn't care, hearing you scream is music to his ears, and his orgasm hits him at the same time as you, making him moan out in extacy. The whole experience intensified when you hear him moan, hearing the sounds he makes majorly turns you on too. He is still holding you as you both start to come down, and his lips find your ear as he nibbles at your earlobe. "Oh sweetheart, that was so fucking good. I've missed you so much" Your both breathless as you talk. "I've missed you too Terry, and that was, amazing" "I promise I wont act like that around you again sweetheart, I trust you, and love you with all my heart" "I love you too" "So? Are you ready to go home?" "Maybe......after round two?" He chuckles "Oh, you need a little more, your wish is my command....."
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slimesaurian · 7 months
im gonna go on a rant in a sec. I'll try to cycle back and edit the top here to cw the post but if it takes too long and I forget or end up missing some im sorry
so a friend of mine just got outed to her ultra religious parents by her fucking shitty ex. it really fucking sucks and I so badly want to [redacted] the dude who did it. It especially sucks because like, I befriended this gal maybe a year into transition and she was still closeted/figuring stuff out at the time but would ask me some stuff about transition and I was happy to help. My first "baby trans" of being a woman who was out.
anyways her boyfriend seemed okay on twitter, tbh was always a bit annoying but then again who am I to judge. Our interactions were alright and it was just neat having some moots. Then twitter shat the bed and I made a lil friend server on discord for people I liked. I ended up sending a invite to both cuz they expressed interest and unfortunately the annoying vibes from boyf were correct. Dude would ping her in the server to get him to respond to their dms and say a buncha yikes things. I think he even mentioned being republican or smth which wasnt a hit in the "leftist tranny" discord server. Mostly he made peeps uncomfy but I was hesitant to give the boot to him because of his connection to someone I liked.
Then there was one point where I was in vc with him and baby trans messaged me saying "hey be careful with what you say around him" and then sent me a screenshot after he ended up going on a tirade against her for expressing interest in piercing her nipples at some point
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1: bullshit lmao
2: very clearly controlling behavior and an implicit threat
at this point, i basically just stopped interacting with the dude in the server. I very much wanted to kick him, both from the server and irl but I was worried about escalating things and putting my friend in danger so I kinda just bit my tongue. eventually they broke up and I asked whether she'd like me to kick him or not and she told me she I didnt have to if I were comfy with him. I still didnt kick cuz I was worried about retaliation but my man was on thin ice, especially because I had just settled into a new place after fleeing a controlling man so I was not pleased with him.
Anyways then I made a joke about being gay in my sapphic tranny server and he was like "Wait, you like MEN????". Honestly, I had never felt like you could hear a pin drop in a digital space before. Anyways yeah I pulled out the boot after that.
Then dude was insistent on vc'ing me to "talk about what happened" and wouldnt stop messaging me trying to set up this call rather than just explain in text. Honestly I got the vibe this was intentional, I've had too many HR meetings to really buy that shit any more. I decided to entertain him just to get him off my back but then he kept pushing me so I eventually said I'll think about it. dude kept pushing and pushing me over text for updates for the next three days where I honestly just fucking ghosted him because of other life shit. Eventually I caved and told him to give me some space because I needed it and he went off about "Do you see how thats better than no response?" and then went on to talk about how "this issue isnt that big in the first place"
At that point I just never talked to him again. I figured his beef was with me and he has no leverage so I'm safe and hopefully baby trans is safe. Anyways fast forward half a year and god damn this girl has blossomed in the presence of other folks helping her through this stuff (if you end up reading this somehow, love you girl 💗). Unfortunately she learns that shitty ex has told ppl she cheated on him and thats why they broke up (girl absolutely has been too timid to pursue anything since, this is 100% a boldfaced lie. But gosh you rly should ask alex out already). She ends up making a very calm post clearing the air about how this isnt the case and she didnt feel safe around him due to the threat of being outed (above). No @'s, no names, just a simple post.
And then her dad gets a text talking about every little thing that could be used against her, from her caffeine addiction (lmfao) to her not rly being christian and eats weed gummies. Oh and, you know, she "wants to identify as a woman and have started taking drugs for hormone replacement therapy". As an aside, the text mentions she's "been dating a man for a year now" and "have sucked a couple of dicks". but who's dick i wonder 🤔. Also she's "never liked women and is attracted to penises" if this werent so fucking awful id be laughing my ass off.
The text ends with "I'd suggest confronting [deadname] about this since they're clearly out of your control and could learn a lesson about insubordination and respect". Not rly being subtle there bud. Anyways, me and my friends have spent all fucking day making sure our gal is safe and has a place to stay and are emotionally supporting her and I'm just so fucking angry. Her entire life has been uprooted, her autonomy violated, her existence endangered because this fucking prick decided he wants to be a petty motherfucker. For the record, she has temporary housing and is safe right now, but she's going to come out of this with such deep scars.
I think the worst part is, is that he's got a lot of trans women friends/mutuals. He was practically bragging about it in my server. Other trans womrn are in danger around this man and his vindictive rage but I dont have the energy to do anything more than try being there for my friend and help her through this. I'm just angry and sad and worried and tired. I hate this man. I hate people like him. I hate the fact that he will more than likely never face any sort of consequences for ruining someone else's life. I hate that society makes him feel comfortable where he is. I fucking hate.
I'm trying so hard to not succumb to hate and become this jaded feral beast but it's just so hard. its so hard seeing everyone i care about in this fucked up world get hurt over and over and over again. It's so hard seeing all this violence and pain and choosing to fight back with love. Every time someone i love is hurt it feels like a chunk of my flesh is taken along with it. a core of my being is robbed because I need to help. i need to be there. i need to counterract the world. but its not enough and itll never be enough and ill just wear myself thinner and thinner each day until all thats left is my bones bleaching in the sun. but what else can i do? the rabid dog gets put down. i just want to be safe and help my friends be safe and i want us all to live.
i dont know any more.
I think one of the worst parts is knowing that it's within my power to hurt him back. Like, he's told me the general area where he lives in the past and it's honestly not hard to narrow details down from there if you're dedicated. I could realistically make this fucker fear for his life. But then I'd be one of those radical violent transgenders who dared to bare her teeth at the society that uses and beats and breaks and kills her kind. I have to rise past it. I have to choke this rising bile in my throat back down and be a good girl for a chance to be granted the fucking right to live. I have to sit and feel my heart break and break and break and break and break every single day so some smug white boys won't ever have to experience the fear of god for the slightest moment.
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lumixree · 1 year
To see the Emblems live as normal people was hard information to digest, ultimately she did it because she already knew that could happen but didn't change the fact that for a heart fresh with loss, it was hard to take in. Seeing her mother alive? That took Alear by a bittersweet surprise.
Was she a corrupted? She thought for a split second, but that was simply impossible for Sombron was dead, gone, she saw it with her own two eyes. He'd never come back.
She was... alive? That was just as impossible, Alear saw her die in her arms not once, but twice. The first in the ring vault not long after their reunion, although that time she cried her heart out, it was the most important reason as to why she set on that journey to aid the world. The second her mother had become a corrupted, only truly herself when her body was fading away, crumbling into dust—like starlight, that is why she looked at the sky Lumera had asked to protect so often. She was a star among the visible ones, shinning bright as a guide—a symbol of hope, just like Alear was to others.
"... Mother?" In her mind her voice was loud, but in reality all that came out was a faint sound. "Mother, is that really you?" Alear said taking a step forward, then another and another, her body had begun motion all on its own. She could not be having a similar case to the Emblems, she had never been one in the first place, yet she was standing before her.
Somehow, Lumera lived and she didn't understand how.
With desperate steps of a child who wanted their mother, Alear's pace quickened just like tears had begun rolling down her cheeks. A step and she wasn't sure what to do the moment mother was close, another and she wished to tell her she was alright, a final one and she went quiet for a moment.
Without a clear need for words, Alear wrapped her around her mother in a tight hug. Her hands were heavy, but the strong hold on her was a sign that she was terrified to see her leave again, that this was a dream. "Mother..." She said below a whisper, her head finding a spot on her shoulder. "I—i miss you so much..."
Her eyes closed, enjoying the warmth found in her, Alear spoke on the same weak tone. "I love you mother... i'm so, so, so, glad to see you once more."
Lumera wasnt expecting anyone to know her, or vice versa. Her first day was quiet as she spent most of it doing work around the monestary. Today was going to be no different, at least it was supposed to.
Thought it was faint, she did hear someone. Lumera looked up from what she was working on and wasnt ready for what she saw.
Is that really you? Whatever she was holding dropped to the ground, moments after that felt slower than ever before. Alear, that is her child; no doubt about it. She looks so different, the multicolored hair is a plesent surprise... Lumera never thought her power was enough to change her hair.
Her thoughts were cut short as she noticed Alear aproaching her, the woman opened her arms wide to accept her child back into her arms. The hug was tight, and tears began to form, so many emotions rushed into Lumera's mind: Joy, Fear, Sadness, Relief. "Alear...! I missed you, my sweet child" Shes surprised she was able to say anything through her tears.
"I love you too- You havent changed one bit since I last saw you... I cannot believe youre here." There was so much she wanted to say, but perhaps it's better at this moment to keep everything short and sweet. The hug for her was more than what words could do.
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cometcrystal · 2 years
1) I was talking about how i didnt wanna visit my mom while my aunt was at that house up there because my aunt and her family are extremely extroverted and always doing some shit, and the way she asks me to do things stresses me the hell out (my mom asking me to help with dishes there is fine but if my aunt does it it puts me on edge for some reason. couldnt tell you why)
And my coworker was like "you need someone like that in your life" meaning someone to get me to get out and do stuff. And ik she was joking just to tease me because we fake-bully each other a lot but it set off a Bad Emotion. Like no i fucking DONT im a grown ass woman you cant make me do shit i dont wanna do anymore im FREE
2) miscommunication w my boss where she probably wasnt actually mad at me but her tone sounded annoyed and it made me think i am never going to understand the world around me am i. The spiral. You know
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bridgyrose · 6 months
Cinder as Astarion or Vice Versa
(I... really need to do more with BG3 and actually learn more about the breakable vampire twink)
Cinder clutched her head as she swore she could hear Salem’s voice rattling around her mind, her breathing starting to become heavy as the scars on her back started to burn. It had been years since she was allowed to be near anyone, the other spawns like her kept separated from her while she was punished for yet another failure at seducing someone to bring to Salem. 
“You know why I keep you, dont you?” Salem’s voice echoed around Cinder, almost as if she was in the same room. “You… are precious to me.” 
“I-I didnt mean to fail you,” Cinder half whimpered as the burning of her scars started to die down. “There was an attack-” 
“I dont care about why you failed me, I care that you werent able to follow simple instructions.” 
Cinder winced as she felt Salem slap her, watching as the woman appeared in front of her. Her hand went to her cheek, feeling the blood that had started to drip. “I… I’m sorry…” 
“And because you’re precious to me, I’m going to give you another chance.” 
“You… you are?” 
“I am.” Salem pulled away from Cinder with a smile. “Bring me another soul, and I’ll give you a little freedom.” 
Cinder nodded and knelt down in front of Salem, nearly shaking at the opportunity. “O-of course, goddess.” 
“Do not disappoint.” 
Cinder looked up and watched as Salem practically dissolved like smoke, her body still in pain as she began to dress herself. Years of isolation made her desperate to please her goddess as she stood up and started to make her way to the door. She paused as she placed a hand on the doorknob, keeping still as she tried to determine if the sun was out by the heat of the metal. Once she was sure the sun had set, she opened the door, relaxing and let out the breath she held as she felt the cool night air against her skin. 
She took a deep breath and made her way out into the village she had been locked away in, pulling the hood of her robe over her head to help keep herself from getting noticed. All she had to do was seduce someone she could bring to Salem, and she could be in her good graces once more. Though, the longer Cinder thought about it, the more she wasnt sure who would work anymore. Salem wasnt picky, just as long as she had bodies to feed from, that was all that mattered, but even then, there were those who didnt seem to last long, disposed of almost as quickly as they were brought. 
Still, as long as Cinder followed instructions, she’d be safe. That much she knew. A smile crossed her lips as she looked around a corner, watching a couple thugs mug one of the villagers. Her fangs slowly started to grow as she made her way over, almost as quiet as the wind itself. 
“Is that all you have?” one of the thugs asked with a scoff as he dumped out the contents of a woman’s bag, disappointed with the lack of anything worthwhile. “You’ve gotta have more.” 
The woman’s voice started to break as she tried to pull away, finding her back against a wall. “T-that’s everything I have-” The woman’s words were cut off with a scream as the second thug slashed a knife against her arm. 
“Maybe we’ll have to find another way to get what we want out of you,” the second thug said, wiping the blood off her blade. “A pretty thing like you will fetch a nice price.” 
“Leave her alone,” Cinder said as her amber eyes started to turn red, fangs peeking out of her smile. “I’m sure you two can get your money somewhere else.” 
The first thug looked over at Cinder, pulling his knife at her. “And what do we have here? Looks like we’ll have another one for him.” 
Cinder smirked and gripped the hilt of her blades as she watched the thugs walk closer to her, gently tapping the pommel as she counted quietly to ten. “Ten,” she said just loud enough to be a whisper as she pulled her blades from her sheaths and sliced into the thugs arms and kicked his leg in. 
“Gah!” the thug yelled out as he dropped his knife, falling back. “Leave that one and get her!” 
The second thug pushed the woman away and rushed at Cinder, knife at the ready. “Right!” 
Cinder grinned and sliced into the second thug, pushing him over just like the first. She licked her lips as she smelled the iron in their blood, nearly salivating as she hungered. She knelt down next to the first thug, licking her lips as she made a small cut along his neck, letting a little blood trickle down. With a quick swipe of her finger, she took a little blood and smiled as she savored the taste. “A little meal before I finish here wont hurt-” 
Her words were cut off as she heard a *crack* in the sky as a portal opened up, the hair on the back of her neck as the air felt… off. A growl-like roar echoed out in the air above her as she looked up to see a nautiloid fly overhead. Cinder got up to start to run, feeling a tentacle grab her, body practically disintegrating as she lost consciousness.
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athenaseden · 2 years
we've talked about how melissa just gives in and essentially rolls over and i just had some further thoughts.
so ofc its something she learned from her family. shes seen family disputes at dinner and how after one sometimes shell never seen that person again w the whole family. as she started growing up she started hearing that the ones who left were right or justified in their arguments. shes gotten in yelling matches at home but melissa learned not at family dinners. the first time she was made a part of these was when she announced she was going to school to be a teacher. her brother and sister were both too young to do a whole lot in the family "business". melissa had been out of high school for a few years now and just now found something she was passionate about. she was told it was a waste of her intelligence and skills and why the hell would she go to school for that when she could go to school for things that she can use the skills she has made in the family business with them. she argued back about how she could do both and how she was doing what made her happy too. said she wasnt asking their permission just giving them a courtesy notice. later at home her parents told her they werent paying for her to waste their money to be a baby sitter. she told them she didn't need them to she was already applying for loans. she says nothing about it ever again. when any asks how it is, she says its the best job she could ask for and walks away. she watches for about two years as her cousins and uncles bring home teachers that her family fawns over. one time an upper clasman that shes familiar with walks in with a cousin. that sets her off. someone during dinner notices her attitude and brings it up and draws the whole tables attention shes not getting out of it at all. And so she lights up at them. "It's just me then huh? Being a teacher is only a problem for me. Any other woman on this god forsaken planet can be a teacher and you adore her and treat her like the Mother Fucking Mary, but not me. No Melissa Schemmenti can't be anything in this world except what you all decide right?!" And someone jumps up and slams their hands on the table and yells back at her about how they've been over this (they havent) - shes the oldest, everything goes to her, shes wasting her potiential to be more, etc. the classmate later apologizes for having a terrible family. they blame her for the breakup.
shes quiet again until its kristin marie that is going to school for education. she does it right out of high school. kristin marie told a cousin she thought she could trust not to spill. just before dinner that cousins mother walks up and from down the hall melissa can hear the berating. she didnt even know abt kristin marie wanting to go into education yet. but the first thing she does is run down the hall and put herself between their aunt and her sister. its not uncommon for melissa to stand up for kristin marie but everyone knows they arent close and its been years since shes done so. (the first time was breaking some boys nose because he was picking on the way kristin marie's nose looked.) it gets loud and attracts others. before it can get worse she stares them all down and tells them that they will not treat kristin marie like they have her or so help her she will completely quit the family business. her nonna shuts the whole argument down and bans the topic from her home after that.
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oraclekleo · 3 months
Hi so you are wise to me and i like your bluntness so id like to ask your opinion on a matter
I do this combat sports and we are 2/3 women but it happens that im the only one and the rest being all men
Last time we were doing push ups and the guy next to me wasnt doing them proprely and the coach said something along the lines of "what the hell are those push ups shouldnt you try to impress the young girl next to you?" and i know its just a joke to tease the guy but i didnt like it im here to train like them not to be impressed by guys 😭 also i felt bad for the man
(also when the guys dont work hard enough the coach says they should go to the womens class)
i really like this coach as a teacher but its kind of annoying as a woman
do you see what i mean about the comment about impressing me ? maybe i am over reacting i know its not really bad or anything
I totally get why the comment made you feel uncomfortable or angry even and it surely felt bad for the guy, too.
I mean this is the whole issue with the toxic masculinity going around. The coach clearly hints that the only motivation for someone to do better is to impress the opposite sex. The guy might not be even interested in women, or maybe, just maybe he also goes there only to do training and not to hit on women because that would be pathetic. The coach clearly has no idea what they are implying with it and you are right to notice that kind of behaviour. Next time don't be shy and tell them that you're not some sort of a carrot hanging in front of a donkey, that you are a person and you go there to do something for yourself and not to be used for anything. The coach in general sounds like a pretty annoying person to me. Using you as if you weren't a person to motivate someone, bullying guys, what's worse by again putting women down... I mean, I know this is a usual thing when it comes to sports but it truly needs to stop and really, if you feel uncomfortable about what your coach says or does, voice it! This is a person you should trust, they oversee your training. If they behave in a way that's disrespectful, they should know about it. You know... People will never change how they act or talk when they are not told that what they do or say is unacceptable.
I'm not saying you should start yelling at your coach but just politely and calmly express how such comments make you feel and how truly outdated and unacceptable they are. I have learned that the calmer and more reasonable and logical you remain in any kind of argument, the better chances for you to win because the moment emotions take over, you lose, no matter how good your arguments are because the other party, especially a man, won't take you seriously. So yeah. Calm and decent approach but don't feel shy and set the boundaries. Most people will understand the point and correct their ways when explained. Only psychos and freaks will continue doing something they were told not to.
Rooting for you and I hope you can feel safe and unbothered during your trainings. 💖💖💖
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