#and then snowballing that to handle a personal loan
ivymarquis · 1 year
the dinosaur is doing weird shit again and I need to get the extra money for a newer laptop jfc
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Debt-Free Living: Strategies to Overcome Debt and Financial Stress
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Living debt-free is a purpose that many aspire to acquire, providing financial freedom, peace of mind, and the ability to focus on long-term dreams instead of handling debt. However, overcoming debt and attaining financial independence requires commitment, subjectivity, and strategic planning. In this manual, we’re going to explore powerful techniques that will help you wreck unfastened debt and alleviate monetary pressure.
Assess Your Debt Situation
The first step in the direction of debt-free living is to assess your contemporary economic scenario absolutely. Compile a comprehensive list of all your money owed, including credit cards, scholar loans, car loans, mortgages, tremendous balances, hobby prices, and minimal month-to-month bills. Understanding the scope of your debt responsibilities is essential for planning to address them efficaciously.
Create a Budget and Financial Plan
Developing a sensible price range and financial plan is essential for coping with your prices, prioritizing debt repayment, and attaining your economic desires. Start by tracking your earnings and charges to determine areas where you could cut costs and allocate more toward debt repayment. Set precise, conceivable goals for paying off your money owed, whether or not it’s the usage of the debt snowball or debt avalanche approach, and create a timeline for achieving them.
Prioritize Debt Repayment
When it comes to debt compensation, it’s critical to prioritize high-interest money owed first to minimize interest expenses and accelerate your progress toward debt freedom. Consider consolidating excessive interest money owed with a decreased-interest loan or balance switch credit card to lessen interest charges and streamline your reimbursement efforts. Make consistent, on-time bills towards your money owed that specialize in one debt at a time while preserving minimum bills for others.
Live Below Your Means
Living underneath your way is an essential precept of debt-unfastened residing, permitting you to unfasten up assets for debt repayment and savings. Cut discretionary expenses, including eating out, amusement, and luxury purchases, and prioritize spending on essentials. Embrace a minimalist way of life, declutter your belongings, and recognize experiences rather than cloth possessions to reduce costs and stay more frugally.
Build an Emergency Fund
Building an emergency fund provides a monetary safety internet to cover sudden fees and emergencies without resorting to excessive hobby debt. Start by saving a small quantity every month until you can cover 3 to 6 months of living charges. Keep your emergency fund in a separate, effortlessly on-hand account consisting of a high-yield financial savings account or cash marketplace fund for peace of mind and safety.
Seek Professional Help if Needed
If you’re struggling to manipulate your debts or feeling beaten with the aid of monetary strain, don’t hesitate to look for professional assistance. Consider consulting with a financial consultant, credit counselor, or debt comfort professional who can provide personalized steering, increase a debt reimbursement plan, and explore options, including debt consolidation or negotiation with lenders.
Debt-free living is within reach for those inclined to plan, make sacrifices, and prioritize economic well-being. By assessing your debt situation, developing a budget and financial plan, prioritizing debt reimbursement, dwelling below your approach, building an emergency fund, and looking for professional help if needed, you can overcome debt and acquire economic freedom. Empower yourself with the know-how and sources to take control of your budget, alleviate financial pressure, and embark on the path to a debt-unfastened future.
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digital288 · 3 months
Charting Your Course: A Guide to Financial Planning
Financial planning. It might sound intimidating, but it's simply the process of creating a roadmap to achieve your financial goals. Whether you're just starting out or looking to fine-tune your finances, a solid plan empowers you to make informed decisions and navigate life's financial milestones with confidence.
This guide will equip you with the tools and knowledge to craft your personalized financial plan. We'll delve into the key steps involved, explore different financial strategies, and provide resources to help you along the way.
Step 1: Setting Sail - Identifying Your Goals
The first step in financial planning is akin to setting sail: determining your destination. What are your financial goals? Here are some areas to consider:
Short-term goals (1-3 years): Saving for a down payment on a car, a dream vacation, or emergency fund.
Mid-term goals (3-5 years): Building a comfortable emergency fund, saving for a home renovation, or funding a child's education.
Long-term goals (5+ years): Planning for retirement, building wealth, or leaving a legacy.
Once you've identified your goals, prioritise them and assign a timeframe for each. This clarity will guide your financial strategies and keep you focused.
Step 2: Taking Stock - Understanding Your Financial Landscape
Now, let's assess your current financial standing. Gather your financial statements, including bank account information, pay stubs, and any investment records. Here's what to analyze:
Income: Calculate your net income (after taxes) to understand your disposable income.
Expenses: Track your expenses for a month to categorize your spending habits. Identify areas where you can potentially cut back.
Debt: List all your debts, including credit cards, student loans, and mortgages. Note the interest rates and minimum payments.
Savings and Investments: Take stock of your existing savings accounts and investments.
This financial snapshot will reveal your starting point and potential roadblocks.
Step 3: Building Your Course - Crafting Financial Strategies
With your goals and financial situation charted, it's time to craft your financial strategies. Here are some key areas to consider:
Budgeting: Create a budget that allocates your income towards your expenses, savings goals, and debt repayment. Tools like the 50/30/20 rule (50% needs, 30% wants, 20% savings/debt) can be a helpful starting point.
Emergency Fund: Aim to build an emergency fund that can cover 3-6 months of living expenses to handle unexpected financial emergencies.
Debt Management: Develop a plan to pay down debt. Prioritise high-interest debt and consider strategies like debt consolidation or the snowball/avalanche method.
Saving and Investing: Determine the best way to save and invest based on your risk tolerance and time horizon. Explore options like IRAs, 401(k)s, brokerage accounts, and mutual funds.
Step 4: Navigating the Currents - Risk Management
Financial markets are not always smooth sailing. Risk management is crucial to protect your financial plan from unexpected events. Consider these strategies:
Diversification: Spread your investments across different asset classes (stocks, bonds, cash equivalents) to minimise risk. This helps ensure that a downturn in one asset class is offset by gains in another.
Insurance: Consider adequate health, life, and disability insurance to protect yourself and your loved ones from unforeseen circumstances.
Step 5: Adjusting the Sails - Monitoring and Rebalancing
Your financial plan is not set in stone. Life throws curveballs, and your financial goals may evolve. Regularly monitor your progress and rebalance your portfolio as needed.
Review your budget and expenses periodically to adjust for lifestyle changes.
Track your investments' performance and rebalance your portfolio to maintain your desired asset allocation.
Review your financial goals and adjust your plan as your priorities or circumstances change.
Remember, financial planning is an ongoing journey. By consistently monitoring and refining your plan, you'll be well-positioned to weather any financial storms.
Additional Resources and Tips
Financial planning can feel overwhelming at times. Here are some resources to empower you on your journey:
Online Resources: The National Endowment for Financial Education ([National Endowment for Financial Education]) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ([Consumer Financial Protection Bureau]) offer valuable resources and tools.
Financial Advisors: Consider seeking guidance from a qualified financial advisor who can provide personalized advice based on your unique situation. Look for fee-only advisors who priorities your best interests.
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smbmatters · 4 months
10 Essential Finance Tips for Beginners
Managing personal finances can be daunting, especially for those just starting out. Whether you're a recent graduate or someone looking to get a better handle on your money, these ten essential finance tips for beginners will set you on the right path. This guide will provide you with comprehensive and detailed advice to help you manage your finances effectively, achieve your financial goals, and build a secure future.
Understanding the Basics of Personal Finance
Before diving into specific tips, it’s important to grasp the basics of personal finance. This includes understanding how to manage income, expenses, savings, investments, and debts. Personal finance is about making informed decisions that will improve your financial situation over time.
1. Create a Budget and Stick to It
Why Budgeting is Crucial
Creating a budget is the cornerstone of effective financial management. It helps you understand where your money is going and ensures you're not spending more than you earn. A budget provides a clear picture of your financial situation and helps you make informed decisions about your spending and saving habits.
Steps to Create a Budget
Track Your Income and Expenses: Start by recording all your sources of income and your monthly expenses. This includes fixed expenses like rent and utilities, as well as variable expenses like groceries and entertainment.
Categorize Your Spending: Divide your expenses into categories such as housing, transportation, food, entertainment, and savings.
Set Spending Limits: Determine how much you can afford to spend in each category and stick to these limits.
Review and Adjust Regularly: Your budget should be flexible. Review it monthly and make adjustments as needed to ensure it reflects your current financial situation.
2. Build an Emergency Fund
Importance of an Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is a savings account that provides a financial safety net for unexpected expenses such as medical bills, car repairs, or job loss. Having an emergency fund helps you avoid going into debt when unforeseen costs arise.
How to Build an Emergency Fund
Set a Savings Goal: Aim to save three to six months' worth of living expenses.
Start Small: Begin by saving a small amount each month and gradually increase it.
Automate Your Savings: Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account to ensure consistent saving.
Keep It Accessible: Ensure your emergency fund is easily accessible in a high-yield savings account.
3. Pay Off Debt Strategically
Understanding Different Types of Debt
Not all debt is created equal. It's important to differentiate between good debt (such as student loans or a mortgage) and bad debt (such as high-interest credit card debt). Good debt can help you build wealth over time, while bad debt can be a financial burden.
Strategies to Pay Off Debt
Debt Snowball Method: Focus on paying off the smallest debt first while making minimum payments on larger debts. This approach provides quick wins and keeps you motivated.
Debt Avalanche Method: Focus on paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first to save money on interest over time.
Consolidate Debt: Consider consolidating high-interest debts into a single loan with a lower interest rate.
4. Start Saving for Retirement Early
The Power of Compound Interest
The earlier you start saving for retirement, the more you can take advantage of compound interest. Compound interest is the interest on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods. Over time, this can significantly increase your retirement savings.
Retirement Savings Options
Employer-Sponsored Plans: If your employer offers a 401(k) or similar plan, contribute enough to take full advantage of any matching contributions.
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs): Consider opening a Traditional or Roth IRA to benefit from tax advantages.
Automate Your Contributions: Set up automatic contributions to your retirement accounts to ensure consistent saving.
5. Live Below Your Means
Benefits of Living Below Your Means
Living below your means involves spending less than you earn. This habit is crucial for building wealth and achieving financial independence. It allows you to save and invest more, and it reduces financial stress.
Tips for Living Below Your Means
Track Your Spending: Keep a record of your expenses to identify areas where you can cut back.
Avoid Lifestyle Inflation: Resist the urge to increase your spending as your income grows. Instead, save or invest the extra income.
Prioritize Needs Over Wants: Focus on spending money on essentials and limit discretionary spending.
6. Invest Wisely
Importance of Investing
Investing is key to growing your wealth over time. It helps you achieve long-term financial goals, such as buying a home, funding your children's education, or retiring comfortably.
Basic Investment Principles
Diversify Your Portfolio: Spread your investments across different asset classes (stocks, bonds, real estate) to reduce risk.
Invest for the Long Term: Focus on long-term growth rather than short-term gains. This approach minimizes the impact of market volatility.
Understand Risk Tolerance: Assess your risk tolerance to choose investments that align with your comfort level.
7. Educate Yourself About Personal Finance
Continuous Learning
Personal finance is an ongoing learning process. Stay informed about financial principles, investment strategies, and market trends to make better financial decisions.
Resources for Financial Education
Books: Read books by reputable financial experts. Some popular titles include "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki and "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey.
Online Courses: Enroll in online courses on personal finance and investing.
Financial Blogs and Podcasts: Follow financial blogs and listen to podcasts to stay updated on the latest financial advice and trends.
8. Protect Your Assets
Importance of Insurance
Insurance is a crucial part of financial planning. It protects you and your assets from unexpected events and financial losses.
Types of Insurance to Consider
Health Insurance: Covers medical expenses and protects against high healthcare costs.
Life Insurance: Provides financial support to your dependents in the event of your death.
Homeowners or Renters Insurance: Protects your home and personal belongings.
Auto Insurance: Covers damages and liabilities related to your vehicle.
9. Plan for Major Life Events
Preparing for Life Changes
Major life events, such as marriage, having children, or buying a home, can significantly impact your finances. Planning ahead helps you manage these changes without financial stress.
Steps to Prepare
Set Specific Goals: Define your financial goals for each life event.
Create a Savings Plan: Set aside money each month to fund these goals.
Adjust Your Budget: Update your budget to reflect the costs associated with major life events.
10. Seek Professional Advice
Benefits of Financial Advisors
A financial advisor can provide personalized advice and help you create a comprehensive financial plan. They can assist with investment strategies, retirement planning, tax optimization, and more.
Choosing the Right Advisor
Credentials: Look for advisors with professional certifications, such as Certified Financial Planner (CFP).
Experience: Choose an advisor with experience in the areas where you need assistance.
Fiduciary Duty: Ensure the advisor acts in your best interest.
Achieving financial independence requires a combination of knowledge, discipline, and strategic planning. By following these ten essential finance tips, beginners can build a solid financial foundation, manage their money effectively, and work towards their financial goals. Remember, personal finance is a journey, and continuous learning and adaptation are key to long-term success.
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enterprisewired · 10 months
Money Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Financial Wellness
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Money management stands as a cornerstone of financial well-being, encompassing a spectrum of strategies and practices that empower individuals to effectively handle their finances, build wealth, and secure their future. Understanding the principles and adopting smart money management habits is crucial in achieving financial stability and reaching long-term goals.
Here Is A Comprehensive Guide to Money Management For Financial Wellness
Importance of Effective Money Management
Financial management extends beyond budgeting and expense tracking; it encompasses prudent decision-making, investment planning, debt management, and setting achievable financial goals. Here’s why mastering the money management of money is vital:
Financial Security: Sound financial management practices form a protective shield against financial uncertainties, ensuring you have the means to handle unexpected expenses or emergencies without derailing your financial stability.
Debt Reduction: Efficient financial management strategies empower individuals to reduce and manage debt effectively, enabling them to break free from the burden of high-interest loans or credit card debts.
Wealth Building: By optimizing savings, making informed investment choices, and cultivating smart spending habits, effective money management paves the way for building wealth and achieving long-term financial goals.
Stress Reduction: A well-managed financial portfolio reduces stress associated with financial worries, providing peace of mind and enabling individuals to focus on other aspects of their lives.
Key Principles of Money Management
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Budgeting: The foundation of effective financial management starts with creating a budget. Tracking income and expenses allows individuals to understand their cash flow, identify spending patterns, and allocate funds wisely.
Savings Strategy: Establishing a savings plan, such as the 50/30/20 rule—allocating 50% to necessities, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings—helps maintain a balance between spending and saving for future financial goals.
Debt Management: Prioritizing high-interest debts and devising a repayment plan, such as the debt snowball or avalanche method, aids in paying off debts systematically, reducing financial stress, and saving on interest payments.
Smart Investments: Learning about investment options, diversifying portfolios, and aligning investments with personal goals and risk tolerance are fundamental in growing wealth over time.
Emergency Fund: Building an emergency fund equivalent to at least three to six months of living expenses provides a safety net during unexpected financial crises.
Effective Money Management Strategies
Track Expenses: Utilize budgeting apps or spreadsheets to monitor and categorize expenses, allowing for a clear view of where the money goes and identifying areas for potential savings.
Live Within Means: Avoid overspending by distinguishing between needs and wants. Cultivating frugal habits and being mindful of expenses helps maintain a balanced financial lifestyle.
Automate Savings and Payments: Set up automatic transfers to savings accounts or investments and automate bill payments to ensure timely payments and consistent savings contributions.
Review and Adjust: Regularly review financial goals, budgets, and investment portfolios. Adjusting strategies based on changing circumstances ensures they remain aligned with evolving priorities.
Seek Financial Education: Continuously educate yourself on personal finance matters. Attend workshops, read books, or seek advice from financial advisors to enhance financial literacy and make informed decisions.
Money Management and Long-term Goals
Retirement Planning: Effective financial management includes planning for retirement. Contributing to retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, or pensions ensures financial security in later years.
Education and Career Advancement: Allocating funds for educational pursuits or career development fosters long-term growth and opens opportunities for higher earning potential.
Homeownership: Saving for a down payment and managing mortgage payments responsibly contributes to wealth accumulation and long-term asset ownership.
Money Management for Different Life Stages
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Early Career: Focus on building an emergency fund, paying off high-interest debts, and starting retirement contributions to benefit from compound interest.
Mid-career: Prioritize expanding investments, reassessing risk tolerance, and fine-tuning financial plans to align with changing life goals.
Approaching Retirement: Shift focus towards asset preservation, creating a retirement income plan, and ensuring adequate healthcare coverage.
Utilizing Technology
Budgeting Apps: Numerous apps offer budgeting tools, expense tracking, and financial goal setting, aiding in better money management and financial planning.
Online Banking and Investment Platforms: Take advantage of online banking services and investment platforms that offer convenience, real-time monitoring, and easy access to financial accounts.
Robo-Advisors: Automated investment platforms, known as robo-advisors, assist in creating diversified portfolios based on risk tolerance and long-term goals.
Advanced Techniques
Tax Planning: Incorporate tax-efficient strategies, such as maximizing contributions to retirement accounts, utilizing tax deductions, and understanding tax implications on investments, to optimize savings and minimize tax liabilities.
Asset Allocation and Diversification: Employ a diversified investment strategy across different asset classes (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.) to spread risk and potentially enhance returns, aligning with individual risk tolerance and investment goals.
Risk Management: Consider insurance policies like life insurance, health insurance, and disability insurance to mitigate financial risks and protect against unforeseen events that may impact financial stability.
Behavioral Finance and Psychology of Money Management
Emotional Control: Understand behavioral biases like loss aversion or herd mentality, which can influence financial decisions. Maintaining emotional discipline during market fluctuations helps avoid impulsive actions that can impact long-term financial plans.
Goal Setting and Visualization: Establish clear financial goals and visualize the desired outcomes. This psychological technique enhances motivation and commitment to achieving financial milestones.
Family Financial Planning
Financial Literacy for Children: Educate children about money management, savings, and responsible spending habits early on to instill financial responsibility and healthy financial habits.
Estate Planning: Create a comprehensive estate plan, including wills, trusts, and powers of attorney, to protect assets, ensure smooth asset transfer, and minimize estate taxes.
Financial Management in Challenging Situations
Handling Debt in Crisis: During financial crises, prioritize essential expenses, negotiate payment plans with creditors, and seek professional financial counseling to navigate through debt challenges effectively.
Job Loss or Income Reduction: Establish an emergency budget, explore alternative income sources, utilize unemployment benefits if eligible, and consider temporary financial adjustments to manage during uncertain periods.
Sustainable and Ethical Investing
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Socially Responsible Investing (SRI): Align investments with personal values by considering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, supporting companies that prioritize sustainability, ethical practices, and social impact.
Impact Investing: Direct investments towards companies or projects with the intention of generating measurable positive social or environmental impact alongside financial returns.
Continuous Financial Review and Adjustments
Regular Portfolio Rebalancing: Periodically rebalance investment portfolios to maintain desired asset allocations and align them with changing financial goals and market conditions.
Lifelong Learning: Stay updated with evolving financial trends, regulations, and investment opportunities by attending seminars, workshops, or online courses to enhance financial literacy.
Seeking Professional Guidance
Financial Advisor Consultation: Consider consulting with a certified financial advisor or planner for personalized financial guidance, investment strategies, and long-term financial planning.
Legal and Tax Advice: Seek legal and tax advice from professionals for complex financial matters, estate planning, tax implications of investments, or business-related financial decisions.
Conclusion: Embracing Financial Empowerment
Managing money is a continuous process that evolves with life stages, economic changes, and personal aspirations. By embracing advanced techniques, behavioral understanding, ethical considerations, and seeking professional guidance when necessary, individuals can navigate financial complexities, secure their financial future, and achieve holistic financial well-being. Engage in a lifelong commitment to effective money management to unlock financial empowerment and build a prosperous future.
Also Read: Option Investing: A Strategic Tool for Entrepreneurs
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paypant · 11 months
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wepaypropertytaxes · 1 year
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Say goodbye to those nagging tax worries and say hello to a future filled with boundless opportunities! Our Texas Property Tax Loan from Panacea Lending is your ticket to financial freedom. Trust us to handle the nitty-gritty while you focus on your dreams.
At Panacea Lending, you're not just a customer; you're part of our family. We're eager to be your financial ally, guiding you toward success and prosperity. We know that delinquent taxes can snowball into overwhelming amounts, leading to penalties, interest, attorney fees, court costs, and even the looming threat of tax foreclosure suits against your property. But worry not, for we have the knowledge, experience, and resources to step in and help alleviate this heavy load. When you choose PANACEA LENDING, you gain access to suitable and sustainable funding sources that can address your urgent needs promptly. We will work tirelessly with you, understanding your unique situation and crafting a personalized payment plan that fits seamlessly into your budget. Our mission is not just to provide financial assistance but also to empower you to regain control of your financial well-being. Let's embark on this exciting journey together, and let your financial worries melt away!
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donkeyidea-blog · 1 year
Understanding Debt: A Comprehensive 101 Guide to Debt Management
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Debt is a common financial tool that allows us to make significant purchases or invest in our future. It can come in various forms, such as credit card debt, student loans, mortgages, or car loans. However, if left unmanaged, debt can quickly become overwhelming and hinder our financial progress. In this guide, we will explore the fundamentals of debt management, providing you with valuable insights and practical strategies to regain control of your finances and achieve long-term financial stability. Unlock the Secrets of Forex Trading: Discover a Free, Yet Powerful Learning Course at ForexFinanceTips.com
Types of Debt
Debt can be classified into two primary categories: secured and unsecured debt. Secured debt is backed by collateral, such as a house or a car, which the lender can seize if the borrower defaults on the loan. Unsecured debt, on the other hand, does not require collateral and is based solely on the borrower's creditworthiness. It includes credit card debt, medical bills, and personal loans. It's important to understand the distinction between these types of debt, as they can have different implications for your financial situation.
Understanding Interest Rates
Interest rates play a crucial role in debt management. They determine the cost of borrowing money and can significantly impact the total amount you repay over time. Fixed interest rates remain constant throughout the loan term, providing stability and predictability in your monthly payments. In contrast, variable interest rates fluctuate based on market conditions, which means your monthly payments can increase or decrease over time. It's also essential to understand the concept of the Annual Percentage Rate (APR), which includes both the interest rate and any additional fees associated with the loan.
Assessing Your Debt Situation
Before developing a debt management plan, it's important to assess your current debt situation thoroughly. Start by calculating your total debt by adding up all outstanding balances across your various credit accounts. Next, analyze your debt-to-income ratio, which compares your monthly debt payments to your monthly income. This ratio helps determine your ability to handle your debt load effectively. Additionally, review your credit reports and scores to identify any errors or discrepancies that may be affecting your overall financial health. This self-assessment will give you a clear understanding of your debt situation and serve as a foundation for your debt management plan. Learn Python Coding and Django Web Development, 100% Course, Easy to navigate and complete learning road map  at dtlpl.com
Creating a Debt Management Plan
To effectively manage your debt, it's essential to create a well-thought-out debt management plan. Begin by setting financial goals that align with your aspirations and priorities. Whether it's paying off high-interest debt or saving for a down payment on a house, having specific goals will help you stay motivated throughout the process. Next, create a realistic budget that accounts for your income, essential expenses, and debt repayment. By prioritizing your debts based on interest rates or outstanding balances, you can allocate available funds strategically and make significant progress toward becoming debt-free. Explore debt consolidation options, such as transferring high-interest balances to a low-interest credit card or consolidating multiple loans into a single payment. These strategies can simplify your repayment process and potentially save you money on interest charges.
Strategies for Debt Repayment
When it comes to repaying your debt, several strategies can be employed. One popular approach is the Snowball Method, where you start by paying off the smallest debt balance first while making minimum payments on other debts. As each debt is paid off, you gain momentum and motivation to tackle larger debts. Another strategy is the Avalanche Method, where you prioritize debts with the highest interest rates first, saving you more money in the long run. Additionally, the Debt Snowflake Approach involves making small, frequent payments towards your debt whenever you have some extra cash available. This consistent effort can chip away at your debt faster than you might think.
Negotiating with Creditors
If you find yourself struggling to meet your debt obligations, don't hesitate to reach out to your creditors. Contacting them proactively and explaining your situation can lead to more favorable repayment options. They may be willing to negotiate lower interest rates, reduced monthly payments, or even settle for a lower lump sum payment. It's crucial to communicate honestly and provide any supporting documentation, such as proof of financial hardship. By demonstrating your commitment to resolving your debt, you increase the chances of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.
Avoiding Debt in the Future
If you have a Dog, Cat, Bird, or any Pet at home, The Most Informative Pet Blog NiceFarming.com While managing existing debt is important, it's equally crucial to develop healthy financial habits and avoid accumulating more debt in the future. Start by establishing a realistic budget and tracking your expenses diligently. Identify areas where you can cut back or make cost-effective choices. Building an emergency fund is another essential step in preventing future debt. Having a financial safety net can protect you from unexpected expenses and reduce the need to rely on credit cards or loans. It's also important to use credit cards responsibly, paying off the full balance each month and avoiding unnecessary purchases.
Dealing with Debt Collection Agencies
If you've fallen behind on your payments, you may find yourself dealing with debt collection agencies. It's important to understand your rights as a debtor. Debt collection agencies are regulated by laws that protect consumers from unfair practices. Familiarize yourself with these laws, such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), to ensure your rights are upheld. When communicating with collection agencies, keep records of all interactions, including dates, names, and details of the conversation. You have the right to request written validation of the debt and can dispute any inaccuracies. If the situation escalates to legal action, it's advisable to seek legal advice to understand your options.
Seeking Professional Debt Help
Sometimes, managing debt on your own can be challenging, and seeking professional assistance can provide valuable guidance. Credit counseling agencies offer personalized advice and budgeting assistance. They can also negotiate with creditors on your behalf and provide debt management programs that consolidate your payments into one monthly amount. However, be cautious of debt settlement companies that promise quick fixes or charge high fees. Consider consulting with a qualified bankruptcy attorney as a last resort if you are overwhelmed by debt and have explored all other options.
Staying Motivated and Maintaining Progress
Paying off debt requires persistence and dedication, and it's crucial to stay motivated throughout your journey. Celebrate milestones along the way, such as paying off a specific debt or reaching a savings goal. Tracking your debt payoff progress visually can be encouraging, whether through a spreadsheet or a debt repayment app. Seek support from friends and family who can provide encouragement and accountability. Remember to reward yourself periodically for your hard work, but choose rewards that align with your financial goals, such as a modest treat or a small outing.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Should I focus on paying off my highest-interest debt first or my smallest balance debt? - It depends on your financial situation and preferences. The Avalanche Method focuses on high-interest debt to save money in the long run, while the Snowball Method prioritizes small-balance debts for psychological motivation. - Can I negotiate with creditors even if I haven't missed any payments? - Absolutely! It's always worth reaching out to creditors to discuss potential options, especially if you foresee financial difficulties in the future. - Will debt settlement affect my credit score? - Yes, debt settlement can have a negative impact on your credit score as it involves paying less than the full amount owed. However, it may be a viable option if you're facing significant financial hardship. - How long does it take to become debt-free? - The time it takes to become debt-free varies depending on factors such as your debt amount, income, and repayment strategy. Creating a realistic debt management plan can help estimate the timeline.
Taking control of your debt is a significant step toward financial freedom and peace of mind. By understanding the types of debt, interest rates, and your personal debt situation, you can create a comprehensive debt management plan that suits your needs. Remember to explore various debt repayment strategies, negotiate with creditors, and develop healthy financial habits to avoid future debt. Seeking professional help when needed and staying motivated throughout the process will ultimately lead you to a debt-free future. Start your journey today and regain control of your financial well-being. We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and practical strategies for managing your debt effectively. If you have any further questions or need additional guidance, please feel free to leave a comment below. We'd love to hear about your experiences and offer support along your debt management journey. Read the full article
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wizelywizeup · 1 year
Financial Wellness | Health & Wellness - Wizely
Financial wellness refers to the overall health and well-being of an individual's financial situation. It encompasses more than just the amount of money one has; it includes a sense of security, the ability to meet financial goals, and the knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions. Achieving financial wellness is essential for leading a stress-free and fulfilling life. In this article, we will explore the key components of financial wellness and provide strategies for improving and maintaining it.
Budgeting and Financial Planning
One of the fundamental aspects of financial wellness is creating and sticking to a budget. A budget helps you track your income and expenses, allowing you to allocate your resources effectively. Start by identifying your sources of income and then list all your regular expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities, groceries, and debt repayments. Be sure to include savings as a priority in your budget.
By creating a budget, you gain clarity on where your money is going and can identify areas where you may need to cut back or make adjustments. A well-planned budget helps you achieve financial goals, reduces the stress of living paycheck to paycheck, and provides a sense of control over your finances.
Emergency Fund
Building an emergency fund is a crucial component of financial wellness. An emergency fund acts as a safety net, providing a financial cushion in the event of unexpected expenses or loss of income. Ideally, aim to save three to six months' worth of living expenses in an easily accessible account.
Having an emergency fund allows you to handle unforeseen circumstances without relying on credit cards or loans, which can lead to debt accumulation. It provides peace of mind and a sense of security, knowing that you have funds to fall back on in times of crisis.
Debt Management
Managing debt is a critical aspect of financial wellness. High levels of debt can be a significant source of stress and hinder your ability to achieve financial goals. Develop a plan to pay off your debts systematically, starting with high-interest debt first.
Consider strategies such as the debt snowball method, where you pay off the smallest debt first, then move on to the next, or the debt avalanche method, where you prioritize debts with the highest interest rates. Whichever method you choose, make consistent payments and avoid accumulating additional debt.
Saving and Investing
Saving and investing are key strategies for long-term financial wellness. Saving allows you to accumulate funds for future goals, such as buying a home, funding education, or retirement. It is important to save regularly, even if it is a small amount. Automate your savings by setting up automatic transfers from your paycheck to a savings account.
Investing, on the other hand, allows your money to grow over time. Consider investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other assets based on your risk tolerance and time horizon. Consult with a financial advisor to determine the most suitable investment options for your goals.
Insurance Coverage
Insurance plays a vital role in protecting your financial well-being. Adequate insurance coverage ensures that you are prepared for unexpected events that could result in financial hardship. Health insurance, auto insurance, homeowner's or renter's insurance, and life insurance are among the key types of insurance coverage to consider.
Evaluate your insurance needs and seek professional advice to ensure you have appropriate coverage. Regularly review your policies to make sure they align with your current circumstances and make necessary adjustments as needed.
Financial Education
Improving financial literacy and knowledge is crucial for achieving and maintaining financial wellness. Take the time to educate yourself on personal finance topics such as budgeting, investing, and retirement planning.
Consider seeking out financial education programs or workshops offered by reputable organizations or financial institutions. These programs can provide valuable insights and practical tools to help you manage your money effectively and make informed financial decisions.
Regular Financial Check-ups
Just as you prioritize your physical health check-ups, it's essential to conduct regular financial check-ups. Review your financial goals, assess your progress, and make necessary adjustments to your financial plan.
Evaluate your budget, savings, investments, and debt management strategies. Are you on track to meet your goals? Are there areas where you can make improvements? Regularly monitoring your financial health allows you to stay proactive and make necessary adjustments to ensure you're on the right track.
Seek Professional Guidance
If you find yourself overwhelmed or uncertain about your financial situation, seeking professional guidance can be invaluable. Financial advisors can provide personalized advice and help you navigate complex financial decisions.
A qualified financial advisor can help you set financial goals, create a comprehensive financial plan, and provide insights on investment strategies, tax planning, and retirement planning. They can also help you navigate life events such as buying a home, starting a family, or planning for education expenses.
When choosing a financial advisor, ensure they have the necessary qualifications and credentials. Look for professionals who have a fiduciary duty to act in your best interest and who prioritize open communication and transparency.
In conclusion, financial wellness is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various components. By implementing strategies such as budgeting, building an emergency fund, managing debt, saving and investing, obtaining insurance coverage, pursuing financial education, conducting regular check-ups, and seeking professional guidance, you can improve and maintain your financial well-being.
Remember that financial wellness is an ongoing journey that requires discipline, patience, and continuous evaluation. Embrace the process of learning and growing in your financial knowledge, and celebrate each milestone along the way. With dedication and a proactive approach, you can achieve financial wellness and enjoy a more secure and fulfilling financial future.
Source URL – https://wizelywizeup.blogspot.com/2023/06/financial-wellness-health-wellness-.html
0 notes
nayutai · 5 years
Sleep Walker
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⇢ Genre fluff (this nearly killed Jesus Christ fluff authors are powerful)
⇢ Pairing Jimin x OC
⇢ Word Count 4251
⇢ Summary Jimin finds himself wandering into a 24-hour coffee shop after his efforts to sleep have proved unsuccessful where he finds more than just the caffeine boost he needs to get through his day
⇢ Notes this goes out to my love bug @tae-tae-drives-me-kray​ 
Working the night shift at a 24-hour coffee shop makes for a very boring shift. Most of the customers clear out by the time that two o’clock rolls around and those who do pop in are on their way to their own early morning shifts and generally don’t stay long. They also don’t usually start arriving until at least 4:30. For Amira, this means that she can eat snacks and binge watch Supernatural until the day time people show up for the most part. At $11 an hour it’s a pretty cushy gig if you don’t mind the fucked up sleep schedule. 
The sound of the bell above the door tinkling loudly just before three sends Amira flying from her perch on a stool behind the counter. Whoever it is giggles melodically at the flurry of creative curses that come out of her mouth as she rises to your feet dramatically. She gives them a dirty look that softens at the way their eyes twinkle even in the low light of the cafe. 
“Are you okay?” At least they have the decency to ask about her well-being after nearly giving her a heart attack. The lower half of their face is covered in a mask and a baseball cap sits low on his head. If it weren’t for the fact that this person’s eyes look so friendly she’d be standing a lot closer to the silent alarm and the baseball bat that her manager allows her to store under the counter. 
“Just peachy for someone who was on the verge of death. What would you like to order?” He rattles off the name of some frappuccino thing with an assload of ingredients and Amira has the sudden urge to beat her head against the granite countertop. Being that she works night shift, most of her barista knowledge circled the memory drain a long time ago due to the fact that the most complicated thing the early morning demographic orders is flavored iced coffee. A walk in the park compared to the science experiments that the daytime crew is required to mix up throughout the day.
“I’m gonna keep it real with you, chief. I forgot how to make this but I don’t have the authorization to do refunds so if it’s bad you’re stuck with it.”
“At this point, it could be dishwater and I’d drink it as long as it’s got caffeine.” 
And yet he ordered one of the froo froo drinks Amira thinks to herself. Those drinks have the least amount of caffeine out of everything on the menu. He’ll be asleep before he even finishes his drink.
“Well if caffeine is what you need, this drink isn’t what you want. I’ve got just the thing though.” You put away the clear cup for the frappucino with his consent and reach for a regular coffee cup. “What’s your name? I know you’re the only one here but it’s against store policy for any cup to leave this hellhole without a name on it.” He seems to panic at the thought of giving up his name, a wary look morphing his gaze. Her brows creases as she watches him contemplate how he wants to answer what she thinks is a very simple question.
“Jimin...” He says after a minute.
“Ha, that’s cool. There’s a guy in BTS with the same-“ Amira’s hand freezes halfway through writing his name as her drowsy brain starts connecting some very important dots. The news lady on channel six had said they’d be in town this weekend but never in a million years did she expect something like this to happen. She peeks at him from beneath her lashes. He looks ready to bolt out the door at the slightest provocation so she do her absolute best to remain calm for his sake. 
Alright, sis you can do this. Just stay cool, calm, and collected. Mama ain’t raise a loser you can do this.
Jimin visibly relaxes when Amira starts writing again and turns to start making his drink. It’s a special concoction she makes for her fellow graveyard peeps. It’s strong enough to knock a donkey on its ass which is why it’s such a hit. One of her regulars, a long haul trucker, tells Amira all the time that he doesn’t know how he’d make it through his long drives without the liquid defibrillator that he practically orders by the gallon. Definitely doesn’t seem safe but he’s got an incredible driving record and he always brings her a fistful of the soft peppermint candies she’s partial to. 
“Thank you for not freaking out. I’m not really supposed to be here.” Jimin mumbles as he accepts his drink. He loves interacting with fans but not at two a.m when he’s barely able to stand up from his lack of sleep. 
“I gathered as much. Not many global superstars stroll through here at this hour or at all really.” Amira give him a smile that she hopes puts him at ease and, judging by the way his lips turn up a bit, it may have worked. 
“Couldn’t sleep and we’ve got interviews all day so at this point I don’t have time to sleep hence the desperate need for caffeine.” He takes a cautious sip of the drink in his hand. She wasn’t kidding when she said that it would help. The caffeine hits his veins with the force of a speeding bullet train and Jimin already feels more alert just a few sips in.
Somehow, talking about his sleep troubles snowballs into a conversation about Disney movies and why Maleficent is the baddest bitch in the Disney realm when the blaring of his ringtone cuts her rant short. A heavy sigh escapes him at the interruption. He’d much rather listen to the adorable barista in front of him continue her impassioned argument, but duty calls. 
“Guess that’s my cue. Thank you for the drink and the company.”
“No problem! If that shit starts fucking with your heart rate though you did not get it here. I refuse to be attacked by your twitter army for giving you heart palpitations. I ain’t built for that type of guerilla warfare.” Jimin full on belly laughs, nearly dropping the rest of his drink in the process. He couldn’t get rid of the goofy smile on his face even if he wanted to. 
He grips the door handle in his hand but something is holding him back. Something feels unfinished and his feet refuse to move any further until that changes. Jimin turns around to see the source of his frozen feet standing behind the counter again, staring at his still form curiously. Before he can stop himself, Jimin crosses the short distance, snatching the pen stuck to the top of her apron to scribble his phone number on a nearby napkin. The gagging noises she makes when she realize what he’s just done make him feel justified in his rash decision. This time when he backs away, the smile on his face is one of mischief.
“Don’t let this be the last time I talk to you or I’ll never forgive you.” Jimin’s steps feel lighter as he treks back to the hotel to face the wrath of his manager. He hopes desperately that she texts him later. A frown replaces the grin behind his face mask at the prospect of his new crush not contacting him after tonight. His steps falter slightly as he processes the fact that he just met her not even a full hour ago and has already developed a full-fledged crush on her. Oh, Amira, so powerful and yet so unaware of it.
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[Amira]: best friend
[Amira]: rise from the dead
[Amira]: I have a story to tell and before you even ask no it can’t wait until a decent hour
[Pomegranate]: if this doesn’t involve you meeting BTS or you hitting the lottery and paying off my crippling student loan debt I promise I don’t care 
[Amira]: ….sometimes I swear you’re psychic
[Pomegranate]: BITCH DID YOU HIT THE LOTTO????? 
[Amira]: shut up I didn’t hit the lottery but I did meet someone from BTS…
[Amira]: Jimin to be more specific
Incoming call from Pomegranate
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“Well look what we have here. A traitor.” Jimin rolls his eyes at Taehyung’s dramatics but his best friend and bandmate is having none of it. “How dare you go traipsing off into the concrete jungle without me? We’re supposed to cause mayhem together and you left my ass in the middle of the night like I’m some side chick.”
“It’s really not this deep, Tae.”
“To you. Which is exactly why I snitched to Sejin.” Of course, Taehyung was the one to rat him out to their manager. He could be quite vengeful when he felt that he’d been wronged and obviously he took not being invited on his late night coffee hunt as a personal affront. The Capricorn energy coursing through his veins absolutely could not let that stand.
Jimin opens his mouth to respond when his phone vibrates in his pocket. He ignores it for the sake of pacifying Taehyung but when it vibrates twice more his curiosity gets the best of him. 
[Unknown]: uhhhh hi? 
[Unknown]: ew that was awkward as hell pls forgive me
[Unknown]: shit I didn’t even tell you who I am wow anyways this is the barista you tried to kill earlier also known as Amira
Jimin snorts at Amira’s messages which piques Taehyung’s interest in a major way. He can’t recall a time when his friend has ever looked so disgustingly happy over a text message from anybody. Just as he’s about to lean over to look at the screen, Jimin shoves the sleek iPhone right in his face. He’s babbling on and on about how funny and cute this Amira person is which only serves to further confuse Taehyung.
“I just want you to know that none of that made sense to me.”
Taehyung is almost sorry that he asked as Jimin launches into an impassioned retelling of the beautiful girl that made him a drink that is sure to keep him up until the end of time. A slow smile spreads across Taehyung’s face as he connects the dots. Jimin has a crush. A big one. He can’t wait to tell the other members that their precious Jiminie has finally found someone that meets his incredibly high standards. Out of all the idols back home, both male and female, that have practically thrown themselves at Jimin’s chelsea boots and it’s a random cafe employee that manages to make him totally enraptured.
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“So let me get this straight,” Amira’s eyes follow her best friend Cameren as she paces back and forth across her living room. “It’s a regular degular night at work until some guy in a mask walks in and scares the shit outta you. Lo and behold that guy is fucking Park Jimin from BTS and you make him drink that god awful elixir of the damned you insist on serving to people and he actually liked it?”
“Not just that.” She fishes the napkin with Jimin’s number on it out of the pocket of her sweatshirt and carefully unfolds it so that Cameren can see the string of digits scratched into the napkin. The creative string of curses that fly out her mouth would make most people blush but after more than a decade of impassioned screaming, Amira doesn’t even flinch. Her eyes widen comically though when she notices Cameren reaching forward as if to snatch the napkin out of her hand. She thanks God for gifting her with reflexes quick enough to keep it out of Cameren’s reach.
“Bitch! Let me see it.”
“No! He gave me this because he obviously trusted me not to pass it around and I don’t plan to disappoint my future husband this early in the game.” She replies indignantly. 
“Look at you. All delusional and shit but whatever I respect it.” Cameren declares as she props herself on the coffee table in front of her best friend. “So, did you text him?”
“Of course I did. Who do you think I am?” Cameren opens her mouth to respond with what is no doubt going to be some witty quip about exactly who she thinks Amira is, but she’s interrupted by the tell-tale ping of her phone receiving a text message. The shocked look on Cameren’s face is perfectly mirrored on Amira’s as she slowly picks her phone up from the couch cushion she’d sat it on. 
[Kristoff Hater]: you’re too adorable to be awkward
Amira sits frozen in place as she reads and rereads his message. There’s no way he just said that. There is absolutely no way in hell that the Park Jimin himself just called her adorable. Have the heavens finally opened up? Did God decide that today is the day that she secures the biggest win of all? She’s in such a state of shock that Amira doesn’t even notice Cameren trying to get her attention until she starts physically shaking her shoulder. Amira’s voice box is still refusing to function so she simply hand over her phone to let Cameren see the message for herself. Her friend’s answering shriek perfectly voices Amira’s own feelings.
“He’s typing again!” Cameren thrusts the phone back into Amira’s hands just in time for another message to appear on the screen but she quickly close the conversation when Jimin starts typing once more. It takes longer than expected but the tell-tale ping from her phone makes Amira’s  heart skip a beat at what he could possibly have said this time. 
[Kristoff Hater]: speaking of you being adorable I need a contact picture so go ahead and hand one over and no one gets hurt 
[Kristoff Hater]: or don’t because you’re an autonomous human being and that’s totally up to you but I would really appreciate a picture of your face because I think you’re you’re cute and wow I’m rambling over text which is super embarrassing so I’m going to stop typing now byeeeee
This time, Amira is the one screaming.
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“It’s official. You scared her away.” Taehyung claps Jimin on the back from his spot behind him in the van. Jimin continues to stare dejectedly at the stagnant conversation with his mystery woman. It’s been hours since he’d went out on a limb and asked her for a picture with not even a hint of a response. He’d originally thought that he’d eventually get over it and go back to normal but now he’s not so sure.
“Leave him be, Tae.” Namjoon pipes up from Jimin’s left. “It’s important to fully feel and process your emotions no matter how depressing they are.”
“Oh, so now the wannabe philosopher is going to preach to me?” 
“It was probably too good to be true any-she texted me back!” 
[Coffee Almost Bae]: I’m so sorry 😭
[Coffee Almost Bae]: In the interest of total transparency I had a meltdown because you called me cute and I’ve spent the last fourteen hours trying to psych myself up to respond 
Jimin nearly melts into puddle of feelings right where he sits. This girl is entirely too cute for her own good and she doesn’t even realize it. His fingers start flying in response, but his frantic typing is interrupted by another message.
[Coffee Almost Bae]: I believe you asked for this {image attached}
He’d thought that Amira was cute when he’d first met her at the coffee shop but seeing her in this picture is making his heart race. She’s clearly at dinner with friends judging from the crowded table full of food behind her. He’s incredibly appreciative of the way her jeans snugly hug the hourglass frame that her work uniform hides. His eyes are then drawn upwards to her face and he finds himself getting lost in the sheer brilliance of her smile. Eyes bright with a playful energy. Jimin is sure he’s never seen anyone more captivating.
“Yeah I’m definitely in love.” He proudly shows off Amira’s picture to the rest of the group, relishing in the comments about how pretty she are. Jimin chooses to ignore Yoongi’s comment about how he wasn’t sure that she actually existed until he saw the picture. His heart flutters in his chest as he stares fondly at the picture on his screen. He’s so caught up in her beauty that he forgets that you have to actually reply to the text messages in order to keep a conversation going. Until his phone vibrates in his hand.
Jimin’s eyes go wide as he realizes the unforeseen consequence that his awestruck staring has resulted in. The concerned questions from the other members roll off his back as he tries to fix the mess he made. The two extra concert tickets that he’d been holding for two of his friends suddenly come to mind. Frustrated with the way he keeps misspelling words in his haste, Jimin throws caution to the wind and hits the call button. He doesn’t know why he’s so desperate to fix this, especially since he just met this girl less than forty eight hours ago but he can’t deny the nerves coursing through him as he waits for Amira to answer the phone.
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“Cameren, he thinks I’m ugly. I just know he does.” Amira whines and it’s nearly Cameren’s breaking point. She sighs frustratedly over the phone as she does her best not to yell at Amira for overthinking and sending herself into a panic. 
“This man saw you in an unforgiving barista uniform, bare-faced, at three in the morning and still somehow thought you were cute.” Cameren can hear Amira inhale to interrupt her but she powers through, giving her no option but to listen. “If he saw you looking like that then there’s now way he thought the picture you sent him was ugly so stop overreacting. He’s a fucking international superstar someone probably stopped him for an autograph or something. Or maybe he thinks you’re insane for losing your shit because he took more than five minutes to respond.”
On a more rational level, Amira knows that Cameren is right, but it’s not every day that a girl actually gets to live out their fantasy like this. So naturally, she’s insecure and full of nervous energy that is near impossible to get rid of. What if his sleep deprivation made him delirious? What if fully awake Jimin thinks he made a mistake? Cameren is still ranting when Amira’s phone beeps with another phone call. She pull the device away from her ear to see who it is and nearly choke on her own spit.
“He’s calling me! I gotta go.” She ends the call with Cameren and answer Jimin’s before her overactive nerves can convince her not to. The second Amira accepts the call, all that can be heard is Jimin apologizing profusely. Somewhere in there he mentions something about concert tickets and soundcheck and her brain decides to finally kick in to get some clarification.
When he finally starts speaking slow enough for her to understand him, Amira is stunned even further into silence. Front row tickets to their next concert with a primo soundcheck position? Yeah, there’s no way she could pass that up, but there is one issue. Their next concert is in Toronto. As if he can sense what she’s thinking, Jimin immediately offers to fly Amira and whoever she wants to bring with her to Toronto. The sound of raucous laughter in the background drowns out his next sentence, so she can only assume the rest of the group is giving him shit for that.
“I can’t let you do that, Jimin.” Amira already knows that Cameren is going to kill her for this when she fills her in later, but she doesn’t want him to feel like she’s using him for free stuff. He tries his absolute best to change her mind but Amira doesn’t let up. 
“At least promise me that last night won’t be the last time I see you.”
“I promise. Now go to sleep before I tell army you’re neglecting yourself because I can hear the exhaustion all in your voice.” Jimin laughs at her playful threat which makes her heart swell with pride at being the one to make him laugh like that. After being a fan for so long, Amira can perfectly picture the adorable way his eyes have probably scrunched closed as he laughs with his whole body. The reluctantly bid each other goodbye after Jimin makes her promise once more that they’ll meet again.
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Months have passed since the day Jimin turned Amira’s life into a wattpad fanfiction and since then life has changed in numerous ways for both of them. Amira has gotten a new job. A new dog. A new house. Meanwhile, BTS has hopped from country to country playing to sold out stadiums. Broken fistfuls of records that established western acts admittedly balk at. And yet, despite all these changes, Jimin and Amira’s presence in each other’s lives has remained constant. Whether it be a funny meme he saw online, a FaceTime call at an indecent hour because time zones are weird, or even a postcard from whatever part of the globe BTS has ended up in. Despite their best efforts though, their late night conversation over coffee did not get the follow up that they’d promised to have. 
Amira is on her way back to work after meeting up with Cameren for lunch when she gets a text from Jimin. It’s a picture of what looks like a schedule for the upcoming month and it looks pretty empty save for a flight to LA on the fifth. The image is accompanied with several eye emojis and Amira connects the dots immediately. The second she returns to the office, she submits a request for two weeks of leave time. After snapping a picture of her screen, her fingers fly across the screen with a quick message to Jimin.
Amira hasn’t seen Jimin in person since that night at the coffee shop and that thought keeps her up at night as the days fly by. No matter how much careful planning they put in to try and see each other something always seemed to come up and foil whatever plans the two of them had concocted, but this time feels different. Like everything might actually fall perfectly into place. That brings up the question about how Amira is going to handle being face to face with Jimin again. All of his flirting and little pet names have been hard to handle over text but to be in the same room with him and keep her cool is going to be a new kind of challenge. He’s been very direct about what his feelings are and though she feels the same, Amira has been hesitant to reciprocate his romantic sentiments in fear that what she feels is rooted in her love for BTS as a fan. Cameren has been Amira’s saving grace with her pep talks but nothing could ever truly prepare her for the force of nature that is Park Jimin spending two uninterrupted weeks in her house. 
Jimin arrives in a whirlwind of designer luggage that he quickly tosses aside in favor of peppering kisses all over Amira’s face while she playfully attempts to fight him off. Her terrier Luna runs circles around the both of them in a frenzy at having a new friend to play with her. Amira’s heart is beating erratically in her chest as Jimin switches tactics, choosing to simply hold her close to him.
“Hello to you too, Ji-” His lips pressing against her own stops Amira’s sentence in its tracks. 
She’s always admired how soft his lips looked but to find out just how soft they actually are sends a rush of endorphins coursing through her. All of the qualms she’d had about falling for him melt away like ice cream in the summer sun. Her insecurities suddenly seem so significant as his lips mold against her own like they were meant to be there. A deep groan rattles Jimin’s chest when she gets over her initial shock and reciprocates. He tastes of strawberries and the faintest hint of mint when he explores her mouth with his expert tongue. Amira decides then and there that she would gladly die of suffocation if it meant she could kiss Jimin till she croaked.
They could’ve remained locked together for an indefinite amount of time if not for Luna tugging on Jimin’s pant leg with her teeth, demanding her fair share of his attention. He doesn’t hesitate to scoop the energetic fur ball into his arms, scratching behind one of her ears as Luna practically vibrates in his arms.
“I think this is the part where I tell you I’m in love with you and want to be your boyfriend.” He lifts Luna next to his face and Amira knows she’s in trouble. “Don’t you want to wake up to us every morning? At least for the next two weeks?”
“Kiss me again and you’ve got a deal, boyfriend.” 
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might-guys-acorn · 5 years
welcome back! ⛄/🥶 for shikamaru? she/her pronouns please?
Thank you love! Its good to have requests coming in again💕 -🦎
Shikamaru Nara
⛄- "Ill get you back for that snowball, Jackass!"
🥶- "Come here, youre shivering."
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Walking through the market was your favorite this time of year. Sure it was cold, and snowing, but you were on a mission to get Christmas gifts for your friends, and your boyfriend. The wreaths on each streetlamp left bright green freckles down the white covered path in the daylight. It was so pretty.
You smiled as you passed the BBQ place you and Shika went all the time with Choji and Ino. Those three were some of your favorite people in the world, and you knew you had to get the perfect gift for each of them.
Thud! You felt something cold and wet hit your back shoulder as you reached the edge of the street, facing the stream, and it lurched you from your thoughts. You turned in surprise and saw your boyfriend, all bundled up from the cold, with a snow littered mitten. He smiled at you and waved.
"Hey gorgeous! I've been trying to get your attention for the past 5 minutes!" He yelled. You scrunched your face up at him and stuck your tongue out.
"I was thinking! But, I'll have to get you back for the snowball Jackass!" You yelled back, reaching down to form a ball of cold white in your gloved hand. He looked up in surprise and tried to move, but it was too little, too late. Your projectile hit him square in the chest, and he gave you a stare that could only mean 'bring it on!' He ran over to your snowbank and toppled you over, pinning you in the snow and rubbing the coldness into your hair as you giggled. You locked you legs with his and rolled over, managing to get on top and then pushing off and running the other way before he could get up. You laughed as you launched a few more snowballs, getting hit with a few of his own in the process. After a few minutes, you both were out of breath, covered in snow and you realized that now your head and gloves were soaking wet from the melting snow. A cool breeze shifted through the air, and your teeth chattered at the cutting force of it. Shika walked over to you, and placed his arms on your waist, his smile faltering as he felt your body's tremors.
"Aw baby, come here. Youre shivering." He said, pulling you close to his chest, sharing his body heat with you. "You should have worn a hat, hisha."
"I didnt think I'd have some hooligan rubbing snow in my hair, sorry." You teased, looking up at him with a small pout. He smirked and placed a kiss on your pouty lips.
"Ill find whoever did that and Ill make sure he pays." He responded, laughing. A smile tugged at the corner of your lips.
"I think I can handle him." You replied, placing your cold, wet gloves under his jacket, sending icicles under the skin of his back and up his spine. He jumped and then looking at your red cheeks, exposed to the sunlight as you laughed.
"Okay, I deserved that." He responded, holding his hands up as a white flag. You did the same, and he walked back over to you, scooping you up out of the snow and carrying you back towards his house.
"Lets get you out of the cold, hisha. Ill loan you some sweatpants, and we can watch a movie." He said, turning the corner and walking right through the doorway of his home.
The snow piled on the mailbox, and nearly every person walking by heard you laugh, "Shika! I still have gifts to buy!"
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Improve your credit score in Chula Vista, CA
Mistakes on your credit report are common. Working with a credit repair service can help you fix those errors. We researched the best credit repair in Chula Vista, CA. Those who need help restoring their credit should look for reputable companies willing to customize their plans to match individual needs.
Top 9 Credit Repair Companies in Chula Vista, CA
  1. CreditRepairEase.com: Overall Best Credit Repair firm in Chula Vista, CA
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Credit Repair Ease makes it easy for people looking for the best local credit repair services provider. We are available in 51 states of the United States and committed to offering you the best credit repair service. Whether you live in Alabama, California or New York, or any other state of United States, we help you from your location and you don't have to take much burden.
2. Credit Corner
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The financial services company Credit Corner provides credit repair services in Chula Vista. The staff obtains credit reports from creditors and credit bureaus, then creates plans to challenge adverse claims, such as defaults and charge-offs. It offers extensive mortgage loan solutions, including correcting foreclosure, short sale, and late payment information. The team handles debt settlements and unfair collection practices, helping to avert negative reports on personal credit. Additional financial restoration services include forensic loan auditing and litigation support for professionals and attorneys who work on mortgage modification and real estate law. Credit Corner has over 10 years of experience in the financial industry.
3. Credit Repair Finest
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 Credit Repair Finest is a service agency that works with clients to improve their credit rating by fixing errors that harm their score. Its certified life coach helps individuals increase their rating in 30 to 90 days by notifying credit agencies of errors and providing proof. Owner and operator Jonas Victor also equips clients with the tools necessary to avoid costly mistakes and keep their credit score in good standing.
4. Debt Relief Legal Clinic
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Debt Relief Legal Clinic is a family-oriented credit repair company in Chula Vista that's been serving clients since 1975. Its bankruptcy attorneys assist with providing debt relief and improving the credit scores of clients. The firm handles clients faced with foreclosure, car repossession, collection harassment, lawsuits, back taxes, student loan debt, or wage garnishments. It provides debt negotiations and credit report evaluation services. The credit specialists also provide consultations for clients facing credit card, medical bill, and mortgage debt. Debt Relief Legal Clinic supports the community by offering scholarships to aspiring law students. It's a member of the State Bar of California and the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys.
5. Golden Financial Services
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Founded in 2004, Golden Financial Services was one of the first debt settlement agencies in the country, serving clients who speak English and Spanish in the Chula Vista area. Representatives assist clients with disputing credit card debt and settling or reducing student loan debts with relief and consolidation programs. IAPDA Certified and Accredited, the agency offers debt validation programs to dispute third-party debt collection. It provides free national debt relief advice and resources along with various online tools, including a budget and debt snowball calculator. Clients can find support and guidance regarding small business and credit card loans. Tax relief and bankruptcy debt relief programs are also available.
6. My Credit Repair USA
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My Credit Repair USA assists residents of Chula Vista and surrounding areas with credit repair services. The staff offers initial consultations to evaluate current credit scores, develop repair plans, and provide time frames to dispute negative items on credit reports. They handle the legal process to enforce clients' right to good credit by challenging creditors and credit reporting agency findings. The credit repair specialists review client cases monthly and use an automated proprietary tracking system to make the repair process seamless and quick. The company has credit education services available via reading materials. My Credit Repair USA also offers financial and reputation management services.
7. Poser Tubes Credit Repair
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Poser Tubes Credit Repair handles credit repair in the greater Chula Vista area. It works to improve credit scores and uses a pay-per-performance model for payment purposes. The professionals have experience in handling judgments, late payments, collection accounts, charge-offs, and foreclosures. The firm works on solving credit issues involving bankruptcies and clients paying less money than the amount due. Through the credit reporting dashboard within the client portal, customers can check the progress of the credit repair process, with updates available monthly. Poser Tubes Credit Repair operates remotely and offers over-the-phone credit repair services, and it works on a "credit repaired or clients' get their money back" policy.
8. SD Credit Repair
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SD Credit Repair helps clients in Chula Vista fix their credit and accomplish their financial goals. The company offers services that erase the clients' hard inquiries within the past year as well as derogatory items, such as, repossessions, late payments, collections, charge-offs, and bankruptcy. It also provides credit counselling to help clients make the right decision in picking a credit repair option. SD Credit Repair maintains offices in San Diego, New York City, London, and Sydney.
9. The Onyx Institute
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The Onyx Institute is a credit repair company servicing the Chula Vista area. It has a team of expert case analysts and advisors who are available to work with clients personally to aid their unique cases and circumstances and make the entire process as easy and painless as possible. The company personalizes dispute options and creates custom letters submitted on the client's behalf. It strives to empower clients by helping them achieve and maintain a positive credit score to reach their financial goals.
 Work with one of the best credit repair companies in Chula Vista: If you don't have the time to improve your credit score, credit repair companies will negotiate with your creditors and the three credit agencies on your behalf, in exchange for a monthly fee. Call on (888) 803-7889 now to schedule a free consultation!
Resource: Improve your Credit Score in Chula Vista, CA
Resource: Credit Repair Services in Chula Vista, CA
Resource : Best Credit Repair Company in Chula Vista, CA
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elvawarriner · 5 years
Best Ways for Entrepreneurs to Manage Debts
When you startup your own business, you need a huge amount of capital to run the business, especially at the very initial stage. Obviously, the initial capital plays a very vital role in growing your business even bigger. Some can afford that equity on their own and some ask for help from trusted sources to invest money in their business. Not only the initial capital, entrepreneurs often face difficulties to run the business as it involves a lot of risks.
These risks may lead you to bankruptcy and dissolution of your business. In order to fight these challenges, entrepreneurs must have knowledge on debt management. Here we are presenting some amazing ways on how entrepreneurs can manage their debts so they can rule the world of trade and commerce. 
Top 5 Ways to Stay Away from the Debt Trap
Being an entrepreneur, you are bound to face some ups and downs in the business. But you can easily get rid of this situation the help of these below-mentioned tips-
Way 1: Select the Best Source of Financing
When it comes to comparison, large businesses get favorable debt terms than the small businesses, as they have investment-grade rating and stable cash flows. Tough it doesn't matter whether your business is small or big, you should always choose wisely where you are borrowing the money from. 
So when you apply for a business loan, always check if you can repay the loan amount later. Smart entrepreneurs should always check before applying for a business loan whether it is covering the following needs-
Is the business loan being provided for the exact purpose or not?
The loan demands for any substantial collateral or not?
How will the loan amount impact the growth of your business?
And how will the loan amount leave an effect in your budget and cash flow?
Also, have proper information regarding the person or the commercial bank that is lending you money. Try not to take out a loan amount from non reputed sources. 
Note: In case you are running a small business or sole proprietorship business, you can ask for help from your close ones like family or friends. So that you don't have to face that much of difficulties while repaying the amount.
Way 2: Make A Budget and Work According to That
The next most important thing all the entrepreneurs must do is to set a budget. An investigation in the UK reveals that 9% of the startups didn't have proper budgets in 2016. If you repeat this same mistake, you are going to get yourself in trouble only. Budget is very important for you as it showcases not only how to spend money but also how to control the costs of your business. 
So if you too want to become a successful entrepreneur, you must set a budget for your business so that you can manage the cost from day one. Making a budget is not everything though, the budget will be able to help you only if you stick to it.
Way 3: Set Your Priorities and Consolidate the Existing Loans
Many entrepreneurs start their business taking multiple short term loans from various sources. And this leads them to huge debt load issues. You must have heard the term “Consolidation of Loans” especially if you are an entrepreneur. Debt consolidation is a great way to manage your debts as paying only one monthly instalment is not difficult. So you can consolidate all your short term loans and keep only one big amount of loan that you will repay in installments. It also becomes very simple to keep track of your financial decisions. 
Now comes the time to prioritize your payments as it is very important. When you get a big chunk of loan amount, it becomes very easy for you to cover all the other business loans. Here you need to make sure which debt to pay off first. For that, you may set a list of all your debts and then act according to it, 
Note: Besides Consolidation of Loans, entrepreneurs can go for the Debt Snowball method. In this particular method, you start paying the creditors who owe a lesser amount of money from you, then start paying the creditors to whom you owe a big amount of money. The Debt Snowball technique is also very famous in order to get rid of debt issues.
  Way 4: Have Faith and Generate Money on Your Side
Be it small or big, entrepreneurs often get into the debt trap because they don't wait for their business to pick up the pace. Everything has a perfect time, you must wait for that time to arrive. Besides that, you can earn some extra money by selling the unnecessary goods. 
The sign of a good entrepreneur is to keep doing the job until and unless it gives you the desired profit. So keep working hard and your hard work will be paid off soon. 
Way 5: Try to Renegotiate the Value of Your Loan
In order to be a good entrepreneur, you should be smart enough to handle tough situations. Entrepreneurs should try to do it in a friendly way. Try to be familiar with your creditors and try to lower down the loan amount. Debt renegotiation is one the most creative approaches that entrepreneurs can ever adapt. 
You can check out the best IVA companies in the UK to renegotiate the loan amount.
Some Other Tips for Entrepreneurs in the UK
Besides these tips, you can manage your debts in some other ways too. One of them is accepting the current situation and keeping calm. As an entrepreneur, you should realize that ups and downs are parts of business and everyone who belongs to trade and commerce, have to face the same. So don't break down seeing the high debt amount.
Another most important thing you must focus on is not taking out any other loans especially when you are struggling with your previous debts. As you are not an employee that you can rely on your salary every month, you need to give up all the extra spendings and start focusing on how you can grow your business even bigger so that you can be fully free from the debt trap. Credit cards can be very useful at times but  it also causes debt issues. So be aware of what financial resources you are utilizing.
It's not so easy being an entrepreneur. You have to keep eye on so many things. But if you neglect the debt management part, your business can never grow bigger.Take help of this article to manage your debts and if you still face any difficulties, feel free to contact professionals for debt advice.
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moneyhack-blog1 · 5 years
5 Simple Strategies for How to Save Money This Year
Cash doesn't come simple, and sadly, neither does getting it. Regardless of whether it's a past-due bill or a heap of understudy credit obligation, the vast majority of us need to fight with monetary issues every day
What's more, our reserve funds rates are looking entirely terrible. Toward the finish of a year ago, the individual investment funds rate in America dropped to simply 2.4 percent, its most minimal level in over 10 years. With financial issues like compensation stagnation and an unstable securities exchange, individuals may be less disposed to spare, however sparing is as yet significant.
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There are a lot of techniques, methodologies, and general guidelines to assist you with arriving at your cash objectives. All things considered, the entirety of the choices may be overpowering — maybe you don't have the foggiest idea where to begin. Try not to stress, we have you secured. The following are five of the least difficult however best procedures for how to set aside cash, as indicated by the specialists.
1. Track your spending
First of all. On the off chance that you need to set aside more cash and spend less of it, you need to know where that cash is going in any case. Web based planning apparatuses like Mint, You Need a Budget, or Personal Capital make it simple to follow your spending.
"Having that sort of visual preview of where you stand monetarily can fill in as a ground-breaking in-the-minute gut check when asking yourself inquiries like, 'Would i be able to manage the cost of it?' or 'Is this buy going to carry me closer to or push me further from my objectives?'" says individual money master Stefanie O'Connell.
At the point when you see every one of your buys in one spot, it's a lot simpler to assess where you stand monetarily. You can likewise observe precisely how your past choices have carried you to where you are today, O'Connell includes. For instance, you most likely have an inclination you eat out something over the top, however when you see exactly the amount you're going through on eateries consistently, that number can be a persuading eye-opener. "We can likewise utilize it as a measure going ahead," O'Connell says, "to keep tabs on our development as we start actualizing great money related propensities, such as expanding reserve funds and settling obligation."
2. Pay off obligation with the snowball technique
On the off chance that you will probably at last escape obligation this year, you're as of now in good shape — when you take care of your obligation, you free up your cash for money related objectives. There are two essential methodologies for kicking obligation: take care of your most noteworthy loan fee obligations first, or pay off your littler adjusts first. While the previous bodes well numerically, study after investigation shows that organizing your littlest adjusts, otherwise called the "snowball technique," is the best.
The snowball strategy was advanced by budgetary master Dave Ramsey. Rundown your obligations as indicated by balance, at that point handle the littlest parity first while you make least installments on every single other obligation. When your littlest parity obligation is paid off, utilize the cash you were throwing at that obligation to take care of the following littlest obligation, while making least installments on the others, etc, etc until you at long last arrive at obligation opportunity. The thought is, the point at which you've taken care of an obligation, you feel roused and ground-breaking, which gives you the energy to continue onward. Furthermore, as per the information, similar to this examination distributed in the Journal of Consumer Research, it works. Individuals are bound to stay with their obligation result objectives when utilizing the snowball strategy.
There's a proviso, however. One scientist said that the strategy works best "to the degree that a shopper's obligation accounts have comparative financing costs." Let's say one of your obligations has a somewhat higher parity than another, yet a greatly higher loan fee. All things considered, it bodes well to concentrate on the higher-loan fee obligation. Be intelligent about how you approach your obligation, yet recall: Personal money is mental, and snappy monetary successes can be an integral asset.
3. Pay yourself first
"PYF. Pay yourself first," proposes Samuel Rad, a guaranteed budgetary organizer and teacher at UCLA. "This is the possibility of continually removing a piece of your check and setting it aside before you burn through cash on different things." It's a simple to execute, on the grounds that you can robotize it. Set up a repetitive exchange from your checking to your investment account each payday. Regardless of whether it's simply $20 a check, odds are, you won't miss that cash however you will be charmingly astonished at your reserve funds after some time. "The PYF technique likewise guarantees that you don't wind up with 'more month left toward the finish of the cash,'" Rad says.
We've all been there: You get paid, go eat sushi, purchase that new top you need, and go out to see the films, just to acknowledge you probably won't have the option to take care of your vehicle protection tab this month. At the point when you pay yourself first, you don't have this issue. Most bill suppliers have programmed charge pay, and you can regularly assign a day every month you need that bill paid. Your vehicle protection bill is as of now paid, so your optional assets are constrained. As a rule, the thought is to ensure your spending needs are dealt with before you get an opportunity to spend that cash on less significant stuff (no offense to sushi).
4. Focus on a 10 percent reserve funds rate
In case you don't know the amount you ought to be sparing each month, focus on the 10 percent dependable guideline. "On the off chance that you normally spare 10 percent of your pay, regardless of the amount you procure, you will consistently have the certainty of realizing you are living inside your methods," recommends Carla Dearing, CEO of Sum180, a monetary health administration.
It's a ballpark number, so don't feel terrible in the event that you don't exactly meet that objective. Simply focus on 10 percent. What's more, in the event that you find that you need to spare much more, you can generally change this rate later. As Dearing calls attention to, it's ideal to consolidate this standard with the Pay Yourself First strategy. "In the event that this appears to be excessively troublesome, set up programmed bank moves for the start of consistently. By doing this, cash you have reserved to spare is moved from your checking to your bank account before you get an opportunity to spend it on something different," she says. "Consider sparing 10 percent as the manner in which you enable yourself to make progressing interests in your money related wellbeing, after quite a long time after year."
5. Attempt a no-go through month
Cash difficulties are fun since they transform great monetary propensities into a game. "Kick off your reserve funds battle with a no-go through month," recommends Dearing. "It's basic: Commit to a 30-day time of spending ONLY on necessities. Walk or bicycle to wherever as opposed to driving, take lunch to work each day, grasp free stimulation alternatives, such as investigating nearby stops." And in the event that you trip up, don't get disheartened. The objective is zero, however the general thought is to just go through less and spare some additional money.
The activity can likewise assist you with reconsidering a significant number of your costs and conceivably spend all the more carefully later on. "Not exclusively will you set aside a ton of cash during this one-month time span, you may end up reexamining old ways of managing money through and through and choosing you favor your very own inventive, minimal effort choices," Dearing says. "This activity can have a major effect in your own monetary record." Visit here if you are looking for more information.
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sunken-standard · 6 years
I wish I had it in me to write right now, because the Misfit!lock universe has so much potential.  (See this post)
Sherlock the swot, whose crazy sister was never actually crazy, just super smart and nerdy and outshone him at every turn.  Never even so much as smoked a cigarette and had exactly one pint of cider his first day of uni, which made him violently ill.
Molly, who lost her optimism and cheerfulness because the hits just kept on coming after her dad got sick.  The booze was there when she just needed to get away from everything else; the fags were a bad idea, but they kept her upright when she was days without food and couldn’t handle the thought of eating because it would mean she was losing control.
John, who thought about joining the army to become a doctor but took out loans instead; he settled on plastic surgery because there was still money to be made in private practice, despite all the patients that flocked to Eastern Europe for new noses and chin implants.  Sure, he spends most of his days sucking the fat out of hedgefund managers’ wives’ asses and injecting it into their lips instead, but he spends three weeks every year with Operation Smile because he needs to feel like he’s doing at least some good for the world.
Mary Morstan, who was born alive to two loving, middle class parents and got decent marks in school and decided nursing was her calling; she never liked her hair because it was the kind of white-blonde that looked like it came from a bottle, so she started dyeing it to make herself appear more mature, serious.  Another round of NHS cuts meant she was out of a job when the care home shut its doors; she didn’t know a lot about plastic surgery, but she did know all about paperwork and ticking boxes.  The affair with one of the partners of the surgery wasn’t something she planned on, it just sort of happened.
Janine, whose handbag got stolen on her way to her interview for an internship at that giant media company; she found out just how useful a journalism degree is and gets by writing topical content for websites that exist solely to sell ads.
Kitty, who learned the same lesson as Janine, but did manage to land in the corporate sector, just not how she ever expected.  Turned out if you understood the fine art of bullshit and using a lot of words without saying much of anything, you could become a department head. 
Moriarty, who got laughed at by Carl Powers, but then happened to see him outside school getting yelled at by his dad for growing out of another pair of goddamn trousers, fucking useless twat with no respect for how hard I work to put food on the table, see how well you and your useless mother would get on without me and decided maybe he hated the wrong person.  Turned out Carl and his Mum were better off, after all.  Then a chance encounter with magic mushrooms at the age of 14 led him to search for the outer limits of human perception; he met Seb at a rave and he needed a flatmate and hey, he got him his job in IT, so.
Mycroft, who didn’t have the weight of the world on his shoulders from the age of 13 and was actually able to rebel like a normal kid.  He went to uni and made the right friends and still runs the British government, but he smiles sometimes.
Mrs. Hudson, who moved from Miami to Las Vegas when Frank got nicked; she started in the burlesques and worked her way up to the big shows.  By the 80s she’d aged out of the ostrich feather headdresses and sequined bodysuits, but there were always other stages.  Community theater didn’t pay, but she didn’t need the money anyway; the housing boom in the 90s meant all that useless scrubland she’d bought for a song put her into a tax bracket two zeroes higher than Frank’s during the height of his “import” business.
Anderson, who became obsessed with history, not science, when he was 12, and has dedicated his life to getting Ronald Hutton banned from the BBC.  He spends most weekends volunteering at different living history museums.  It’s also how he met
Sally, who wanted to be a cop, but got scouted for a modeling gig at age 15, which led to an appreciation for costuming, which just kind of snowballed into a graduate degree and a string of jobs for theatre and TV and then eventually curation and restoration of historic textiles.
Greg, ...well, this is how I picture him like 20 years ago anyway, so there’s not much different about him.
(and I know there’s a version with Irene in the post, but I’ll be fucked if I’m going to find it, so we’ll just say she starts an organic goat farm somewhere in the West Country with Kate and they have dogs and a popular Instagram full of pictures of twigs and moss and them holding hands and looking beautiful in wellies and eiderdown vests)
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How Can I Achieve Financial Independence
We all know the feeling—the panic that sets into your stomach when you see the bill for an unexpected car repair. How are we going to pay for that?  But what if a car repair was just an inconvenience? Instead of worrying, you pay the bill without thinking twice. A week later you’ve forgotten that it even happened! That’s how little it affects your financial situation. It’s not an emergency. It’s barely a hiccup!
Do you feel that sense of relief? That’s what financial freedom feels like.  
Paying for a car repair without stress is just a small part of the picture. It’s more than just being able to afford emergencies. It’s knowing you don’t have to worry about retirement because you’ve worked with your financial advisor to invest consistently for decades. It’s the freedom to quit your J-O-B to do something you love, even if means getting paid less.
Financial freedom means that you get to make life decisions without being overly stressed about the financial impact because you are prepared. You control your finances instead of being controlled by them.
The path to financial independence isn’t a get-rich-quick strategy. And financial freedom doesn’t mean that you’re “free” of the responsibility of handling your money well. Quite the opposite. Having complete control over your finances is the fruit of hard work, sacrifice and time. And all of that effort is worth it!
Ready to learn how to build a life of financial independence for you and your family? Start by defining what financial independence looks like for you. What Does Financial Freedom Mean to You?
Financial freedom has to be personal. Dream big and get specific about your goal.
What does financial independence look like for you? Maybe it looks something like this:
   Freedom to choose a career you love without worrying about money    Freedom to take an international trip every year without it straining on your budget    Freedom to pay cash for a new ski boat    Freedom to respond to the needs of others with outrageous generosity    Freedom to retire a whole decade early
When you are financially independent, you have options. You don’t have to wonder if your bank account can handle replacing your hot water heater or buying groceries for a single mom who just lost her job. See how ordinary people built extraordinary wealth in my new book, Everyday Millionaires.
   "When you are financially independent, you have options. You don’t have to wonder if your bank account can handle replacing your hot water heater or buying groceries for a single mom who just lost her job." —Chris Hogan
That may sound too good to be true, but you can do this! Here’s how to begin your own journey to financial freedom! Step #1: Learn How to Manage Money
You won’t get ahead if you don’t have a plan for your money. Instead, you’ll find yourself wondering where your money went at the end of every month! That’s not financial independence; that’s a recipe for financial disaster. If you’re married, get on the same page with your spouse about your budget. If you’re single, find an accountability partner.
Building wealth is impossible if you’re living paycheck to paycheck. Give every dollar a name before the month begins, and track your spending throughout the month. If you consistently overspend or underspend in certain areas, you can always adjust the amount in each category.
   "Building wealth is impossible if you’re living paycheck to paycheck. Give every dollar a name before the month begins, and track your spending throughout the month." —Chris Hogan
Budgeting is important to get your finances on the right track, but it doesn’t end there. Even once you achieve financial freedom, you’ll still complete a unique budget every month. No matter how much money you have, you need a plan.
You won’t get to financial independence on accident. Budgeting is the first step to building wealth on purpose. Step #2: Clean Up Your Finances
Once you start learning how to manage money, you may realize you’ve made some mistakes with your finances in the past. That’s okay! But if you want to be financially independent, you have to clean up the mess before you can start building wealth.
That means if you have debt like credit cards, student loans or car loans, it’s time to get serious about kicking it to the curb.
Why? Because while you owe money, your paychecks have someone else’s name on them. If you want to reach your goal, you need your full income at your disposal, not bits and pieces that are left over after paying credit card bills and student loan payments.
Paying off your debt helps you lay a foundation to build wealth that will last. Make sure you have $1,000 saved before you start tackling your debt. You don’t want an unexpected expense to derail your progress!
Most people feel like they got a raise when they start budgeting, so that’s good news for you. Throw all of that extra at your smallest debt until it’s gone. Then keep the snowball rolling! Paying off debt is hard work, but there’s nothing like the feeling of actually keeping the money you bring in every month!
Once you’re debt-free, stay there. For good. Having debt undermines your ability to build wealth and puts your financial plan at risk. It’s simple. Steer clear of debt! Step #3: Be Smart About Your Career Choice
Your biggest wealth-building tool is your income. So when it comes to choosing a career, there are a lot of things at stake. There’s no reason to stay stuck at a dead-end job, especially if it’s making you miserable. Finding a job that you enjoy that also supports your goals of financial security will help you enjoy the journey.
So what should you look for? Here are a few things to keep in mind:
   Where do you want to be in 10 years? Start with the end in mind. Does this job make sense with your overall goals?
   Is there income-earning potential? Even if you’re not making your dream salary from the start, make sure there is opportunity for your income to increase as your value increases.
   Can you grow? Are there opportunities for you to move up and grow personally and professionally?
   Do you enjoy the work? Don’t spend a career at a job you hate. Find something you’re passionate about that allows you to use your gifts and skills.
   Do the benefits support your goals of financial freedom? Your options for retirement savings and health insurance can dramatically affect your ability to build wealth.
Your choice of career can have a big impact on your long-term financial plan, so take it seriously! Step #4: Create a Strategy for Short-Term Savings
Imagine if you had to pull money out of your 401(k) when your home’s A/C unit needed to be replaced. What if you had to open a credit card to pay for groceries after losing your job? How would you ever get ahead if you kept borrowing money from your future? You wouldn’t.
If your goal is financial freedom, you need a buffer for the unexpected life events that happen to all of us, like car repairs, broken appliances and medical deductibles. That’s why you should increase your emergency fund to cover three to six months of expenses once you’re out of debt.
Having the cash on hand to cover an unexpected life event gives you peace of mind and is a critical part of your overall financial plan. Once you have that fully funded savings account, you’ll start to feel more flexibility in your budget. You’ll be able to say yes to shopping splurges and specialty lattes with no guilt at all!  
Since you’re not taking on debt, you’ll also need a savings plan for big purchases that aren’t emergencies. Let’s take summer vacation for example. It’s simple! Create a line item in your monthly budget and divide the total amount by the months you have to save. You’re not living in debt anymore, and that means you can enjoy your vacation instead of having a credit card bill follow you home.
With a full emergency fund and a plan to cover big purchases in place, you’ll have the financial foundation to start investing. Step #5: Learn About Your Investment Options
Now that you have a plan for short-term savings, you’re ready to partner with a financial advisor who can help you make the most of your long-term investment options. The good news is the sooner you start investing, the more time your money has to grow. That’s the power of compound interest at work. Here’s how to get started: Retirement Savings
Start by working with your financial advisor to take advantage of the tax-favored retirement accounts that are available to you at work, like your 401(k) or 403(b). How much should you invest toward retirement? Shoot for 15% of your income. And if your employer offers a match on contributions to your 401(k), take it! Don’t say no to free money.
If you have access to a Roth 401(k) at work with good mutual fund options, great! You can invest your full 15% there. But if you have a traditional 401(k), invest up to the match then invest what’s left of your 15% in a Roth IRA. If you still have part of your 15% left after maxing out a Roth IRA, go back to your 401(k).
Why is a Roth a good idea? When you invest in a Roth 401(k) or Roth IRA, the money you invest grows tax-free. That means you don’t have to pay taxes on it when you withdraw money in retirement. That’s a big benefit you don’t want to miss out on. College Savings
If you’re already contributing 15% of your income to retirement and you want to start saving for your kids’ college fund, you can start by investing in an Education Savings Account (ESA). Like a Roth IRA, the money you contribute to an ESA grows tax-free, which means you won’t pay taxes on it when it’s used to cover college expenses. Currently you can contribute up to $2,000 per year for each child in an ESA. Income limits do apply, and your investing pro can help you know if those impact you.(1)
If you want to save beyond an ESA, talk to your financial advisor about a 529 plan. These plans also grow tax-free! Just be aware that there are some 529 plans you should avoid. Steer clear of pre-paid tuition plans and fixed investment options.(2)
The great thing about saving for your kids’ college is that by helping them avoid student debt, you’re setting them up for financial freedom too! Real Estate Investments
Your home should be part of your plan for financial freedom, not something holding you back from achieving it. That’s why it’s so important to make wise decisions about the kind of home you purchase and how you choose to finance it. If you buy a home that is a good investment, it will continue to grow in value as the years go by.
Once you’re investing 15% of your income into retirement accounts, you should use any extra money coming in to pay off your house. Attack it with a vengeance! Getting rid of your mortgage is a huge milestone in your journey to financial independence.
Don’t even think about owning rental properties until your house is paid for. And even then, you should only invest in rental properties if you can afford to pay cash for the property and you’re willing to deal with any hassle involved in the rental process. Taxable Investments
When your house is paid for, you can contribute more than 15% of your income to investments. But before you jump to taxable investing, make sure you’re taking advantage of all the tax-favored accounts you can—like your workplace 401(k) and IRAs.
If you’re ready to move into taxable accounts, stick with a simple investing approach and work with your financial advisor to choose good growth stock mutual funds with a long history of above-average performance.
When you invest outside of tax-favored retirement accounts, you’ll pay taxes on the money you invest. You should also be prepared to pay taxes on capital gains and qualified dividends. But choosing mutual funds with a low turnover rate can help you minimize the tax impact. Step #6: Be Active in Your Journey to Financial Independence
Making the right investment decisions is the first step, but staying in tune with your fund performance is crucial to getting the most out of your investments. Setting your investments on autopilot is not an investment strategy.
But the idea of actively making decisions about your investments may feel overwhelming. If it feels that way to you, you’re not alone. According to a Fidelity study of their NetBenefits participants, 77% of Do-It-Yourself investors said they didn’t have the time or investment knowledge to be confident in their investment decisions.(3)
You’ve worked hard to lay the right foundation, so don’t leave this crucial step up to chance! You need the expertise of a financial advisor to help you navigate your investment options and brave the ups and downs of the stock market.
A financial advisor can help you:
   Make decisions about your investment strategy    Rebalance your funds regularly so you minimize your risk    Create a realistic plan for what financial independence looks like for you    Know what investment options you have beyond retirement accounts    Set up a withdrawal plan for your specific situation
With our SmartVestor program, you can find investing professionals to help you achieve your financial goals. Remember, the journey to financial independence is a marathon, not a sprint. An expert financial advisor is the perfect partner for the journey.
Ready to get started? You can connect with a pro today! Reaching Financial Freedom
Financial freedom is about more than just being able to cover unexpected emergencies—like a car repair—without breaking a sweat. The fun really starts when you realize you can meet the needs of others. Imagine being able to bless a struggling family by paying for their car repair! It’s not just about you anymore; it’s about leaving a legacy!
If you live like no one else, later you can live and give like no one else. It’s worth all the hard work it takes to get there. You’ve got this! About Chris Hogan
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