#and then she was like ah but i dont think i have you on facebook.... and i thought she was just commenting like 'lucky you dont use fb-
toastsnaffler · 5 months
it was one of my coworkers birthdays today and she was telling me abt her plans to celebrate and I'm only just realising now that I've left work that she was prolly trying to invite me.. 🤦‍♀️
0 notes
richardsphere · 6 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The One Mans Trash Job
Episode starts with a man and woman fishing trash out of a river, the news called back saying that while the story did fine they dont want to cover it anymore. Cuts to two men in a car, blowing up the two peoples shrimping-boat. --- Hammond runs a trash-shipping business. (i mean that btw, i think he's literally shipping trash, there is no way that one or two containers falling of a regular shipping vessel creates this widely varied and intensely damaged floating mass). Which means the follow-up is: Why is he doing that? Its not to save money. Thats not worth blowing up a boat for. Now I remember stories about how, for various reasons, some of the first things organised crime syndicates try to get their hands on when settling into a city is its waste disposal network. (easy way to get rid of a couple of bodies or a bunch of evidence, and because your company is paid by local government, you can openly associate with crooked councilmen and have them bribe you by just increasing your budget while looking legal and above-board to casual observers) Basically: I think he's with the mob in some capacity. He's got a boat, im gonna say smuggler (he dumps the trash to make space for whatever he's smuggling) --- Back at the theatre: Im right about my first assumption (hes a waste transporter, focussed on plastic.) He's a ghost on the internet though, no facebook no nothing.
So accordint to Breanna he's taking trash, shipping it to asia, dumping half along the way, then spending money to bribe local government to dump it. At that point, why isnt he just saving the money and dumping it all at sea? Why waste the money on gas and bribes. So im 90% certain that he does make the full trip, and its what he takes back that is making him the most money (smuggler, probably drugs)
He has a storage facility that is suspiciously over-insured. (you dont insure drugs, he might be smuggling art instead)
Sophie concludes along similar lines as I do. --- Back at the docks, Parker and Elliot are on evidence-gathering. There's an auction happening, and yes those are antique art-objects he's smuggling back to the US.
Breanna is disapointed that they're going after this low-level trashdumper instead of the companies that are killing the planet. Im going to be clear here: if sophie's talks about how all we can do is little babysteps is meant to foreshadow a "regular civilians should use less plastic" thing, im gonna get pissed.
--- Complication: He has forged Provenance documentation.
Sophie just recognised an item (mahjong tiles) . And i dont mean in the "she can tell when its a Kadinski" sense, but in the "I remember these, i have a personal history with this object" sense.
Hammond's personal authenticator --- Sophie and Authenticator begin code-speaking. They have a past, there is tension but he's not gonna bust her just yet. (Name is Arthur Wilde) "you were in mesopotamia 2 years ago"= He's heard of Sophie doing something in Iran/Iraq "spent my time digging out a burmese temple"=I was trying to escape prison (tone of voice=I blame sophie) after that i lose the track but in summary: Sophie's fucked this guy over at some point. "its not what it looks like, well except for conning your boss that is exactly what it looks like." Ah yeah, he was in prison because of her. Sophie is gonna try to talk him round to their side.
Sophie takes out the earpiece. --- What do you mean "steal a printer", Sure its a special filament rather then regular PLA but its just a 3d printer. If you're telling me Hardison and Breanna dont already have a functional 3d printer im gonna be angry. But apparently we stole the printer off-screen and are already at the auction with the fake ivory tiles.
Arthur is in. (giving him the big score is Sophie's attempt at redemption for getting him thrown in prison)
Harry plays the buyer, Gives the perfect excuse for a long-distance boat-trip on which such an object may just take a dip in the sea. --- Tracking the tiles, signal broke off. Sophie is gonna have to confess her past sins.
Oh we're digging into the Duchess of Hanover lore here. This is definitly setting up a plot-arc for the season... Wait there was a duke, she fell in love with the mark... is there a kid? No way that there isnt a complication where she has a kid right? (it would let her foil both Nate's relation with Sam and Harry's relationship with Becky) --- Time for the con: Get him to lead you to the tiles. (you stole from a terrorist my dude)
I like the professionalism on our mark, mid stand-off, turnign to "Athena" about wether she's willing to occupy his imminent vacancy.
Elliot and the Mark are talking business (blackmail, "pay me or i call my boss" type of deal). McSweeten gets re-mentioned. (he's still doing nice for himself)
Mark has decided that he's gonna use the stolen tiles to pay off Harry to get the terrorist he represents to kill Elliot for him. The tiles are in motion, (and im thinking that Parker followed him to them so we know where the vault is)
--- Mark returns to his home to find the official spokesman for Terrorism Incorporated sitting in his chair.
Harry has the tiles (both the fake and the real.) which means that from now on, if we ever see the "real" tiles again, assume those are fake as well. (if we can 3d print the missing tiles, no reason not to print some fakes of the real ones for a switch)
Harry has turned on Sophie (or at least thats what the mark thinks. He's still with her, this is a staged death-scene) --- Ah, get him to think he just compromised an international terrorist. Yeah this guy is gonna rat himself right into witness protection.
Elliot mentioned McSweetens name specificly to get him to go to the higherup (can we expect an OG Actor Cameo?)
Harry takes a dive to sell the Chechen as being a small fish compared to someone. And if the Chechen is a small-fry, that means our Mark would be plankton.
We havent seen Parker in a while, also that gun was in the guys office while Harry was there waiting for him. Those are blanks --- Ah right, Harry had access to his laptop for like, an entire FBI Agent Elliot-scene. Theres a lot more you can do there then just swap some bullets.
"dont even try to call for help" before stealing his phone from an ocean away... Style. --- Scene cuts to our heroes fishing trash out of the river. New boat, money for a cleaning operation. Unfortunately no cameo from McSweeten. Arthur doesnt believe Sophie's improved herself, and leaves with a foreshadowing "i know im not the only one you betrayed back then" to say, Yup we're getting a season-long arc about the Duchess Con.
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 10x13 Halt & Catch Fire
“Whose license plate is that? It looks fake. How many letters are there? 8? I think you can only have 7 so I think it’s fake” “Ok to drive how? Drinking? If so, how is she so happy for tacos after asking that question?” “Is this the um from the cast and crew why you shouldn’t drink and drive? Thanks for the ad spot?” “Just east of the Mississippi? That’s a lot of surface area. Even if we just look at one foot beyond the river, it’s hundreds of miles long” “How would they know when to exactly pull out their badges?” “They must be all out of eyedrops. Her eyes are really red” “I don’t get it” A man and his truck is a big deal
“So he’s possessing the truck now. I dont understand this at all” “What if he needed another match for later? Better have another book of matches around” “Did they really just pay some guy to burn a truck down in a junkyard?” “Look at the tits on that one. Jesus” “Fuck Facebook man It’s awful” “what’s with the pound signs” “See when the computer gets a mind of it’s own, you smash it” “Of course you unplug it and it dies”
“What’s 810. I don’t get it. Is that the time the truck exploded?” “that’s a weird one” “Going to go after the hunted in cyber space’ “She’s got really dry lips” “That’s a lot of ice cream to go” “better stop driving on dirt roads man” “hell yeah brother” “I don’t think the shitty electrical in that goddamn frat house can support that. Like in order to do that with audio, you’d need tens of thousands of of watts” “guilty” “social media is so fucked’ “That’d be pretty easily survivable if everyone had a seatbelt on. Oh never mind” “whoa jackass drove away. Nice” “yeah because you fkn murdered some guy” “yo mama” “Yes the green light flashing outside the thing. Of course” “nice little surefire” “This is where you make an AI generated image of Dean Winchester floating down the nile with a sign that says “Deal with It”” “Ah yes. Wifi” “Yes. Wifi tower” “Ah yes. All the routers. The multitudes of them” “just burn down the wifi tower man” “Oh you fucked it up now” “That’s her expensive homework shit man” “Oh yes. Nice. The parents are going to love that” “You put salt lines and stuff down” “ah yes” “this would have been nice to earlier. Goddamn” “she shakes her head a lot. I don’t know how I feel about that” “their backsplash is fkn awful” “couldn’t you just lock yourself in a small iron cage. Like not big enough for 2” “is that why people put iron bars on their windows so ghosts can’t come it?” “what a weird plot device” “that’s some good video quality for 1 bar of 4G man. Holy shit” “I don’t think she would have done that. It seems unrealistic” “burning down the wifi tower? I suppose the ghost is dead so you don’t have to” “Or is she going to hit on the widow now?” “what did they call this part of the show?” The brotherly moment. The BM
“Does it exist in every episode?”
“That was a lot of music for the end of the episode”
0 notes
writerrando · 2 years
This is a short horror I wrote not so long ago, I shared it on facebook, noone really cared and thought I was maybe a bit too creepy.
Ok so this is gonna sound weird..  Who am I kidding, it is fucking ubiquitously brain charred insane. I... bought a rabbit, and everything seemed fine, until... it escaped. Now, there is only couple things that could happen to a normal critter running loose in a flat. I, unfortunatelly for it, valued my computer and other electronics in my apartment. So I went out for some rat poison and when I came back, couple cabels were chewed down. I was pissed, but fortunatelly, I thought of it and bought new ones on my way in and I had some spare... Anyways, to get to the core, as I went along some of the chewed cabels... I heard a sound under an armchair. I flipped it over and there it was, but... not in a way I was expecting it to be. It was alive, happilly chewing and washing its weirdly cute nose and I just couldn't believe my eyes. It, changed, for a while I thought this might not be my rabbit because it was looking out of... place. In an anatomic way. Not wanting to do anything with it, I put it in cage and just closed it. Not really thinking about it for a few days, I forgot, couple times, that I have this monster in here. But the fourth day, I come on home after work, look at the cage ( you need to understand, I am used to getting up early and with that comes low amount of realising what is going on.) And there it was, chewing on its own fucking paw right next to ton of food I left there acumulating for four days now. I also noticed bloody and bent wires of the cage. That bastard almost got out. Ok, now I have a carnivorous weirdly looking rabbit. Is it rabies? It had to happen during the time I was out. I need to kill it. But I will get charged for abusing an animal, but what if it will get out? Man I need someone else to get a hand on this. I thought about this all as I poured myself some(moore) whiskey. And...I woke up in the morning. Ya I fucked up, it was out of its cage and I dont know where it went but let me tell you, I am not going back there. I just can't, I mean you havent seen the paw, it was... done. Chewed down to the bone, and it still got away like nothing. Either that or something else came for it. I just need to feel safe, somewhere. Just as I thought, it wasnt a good idea going to a police station with this. But anything is better I guess.... Ok, first day at the facility. I am today meeting Dr.Shaw Nice to meet you You too, please take a seat. I sat down in one of the leather futons( I must say, very less comfortable, than expected) and got to tell her every little detail. When I was leaving, she tore a piece of paper with some scribblings. Handed it to me and I went away with prescription for pills against hallucinations. And also, my family was sent to my flat to take care of the "poor" rabbit.
"Diane, hey, yeah, I am in Jonah's flat since there's supposed to be some animal running around and I am to care of it. Meet me in 15 on the corner of the street? Ya, ok goodbye." Diane looked all over the flat and there was everything which could account for a weird tale of terror. Blood on the floor, bent wires of cage? What the hell happened in there, was jonah doing some experiments with this thing? Or worse? Where is it? She heard a thump as some dust and ash fell on her head, ahe looked up and, having weird feelings she covered her face. What she saw was not even remotelly possible, yet the creature stood out in the blackness of a vent where it escaped to. It had red blare of eyes, and... somehow it was.. smiling? No that is not possible. "What in the fucking hell did you do, Jonah?!"She whispered squirming as she ran leaving the flat door open. Tomorrow morning, two passerbyes will find her in a sewer, dumped by a company, which took testing on animals too far. Who made the mistake of not perfecting the security system before letting people work there, who got breached by animal rescuers...and those rescuers... gave animals away...
0 notes
chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😌
I have been sleeping early than usual actually. I think I am just ready for the last few days to past but it feels like the week is dragging lol
Oh wow that is pretty late. I'm surprised that Emily had energy to open presents and play at that time hahaha I would have been telling her to go sleep or santa will take the presents back lol just kidding I wouldn't do that to a 2 year old.
By the way, has it snowed there yet?
That's exciting! Are you guys going to just drive to Texas or fly again?
I tried moscow mule once.. was not a big fan of it 😅 I think I only really ordered it for the little mug hahahaha 😆
Same, I think most places that I've been to that served tiramisu only uses sponge cake. Yeah, I'm planning on making that mango dessert again but with less condensed milk. I am already too sweet. Hahahaha just kidding 😂
CA does have a lot of filipino places 😭 my uncle lives there and I want to visit him next year so that he can take me to all the restaurants that have good filipino chefs. Here there's only one place I know that was open a few years ago, but I don't know if they still are after the whole covid thing 🥲 there is a lady that I found on Facebook that caters and does pick up orders for filipino food though. I ordered her food once and it was decent.
Do you guys have Indonesian snacks that you'd recommend? Since I can't find any Indonesian restaurants here, I may be able to get snacks at the small oriental store we have in Omaha.
Hm that's interesting 🤔 all your movie choices have barely any dramatic scenes. Have you always been like that, not wanting to cry because you think it shows weakness? (Sorry if that came out bad and rude, I don't mean to be rude)
I have to think about mine too because I am drawing blank for 3 movies. I can only think of one that always make me cry and that's the Phantom of the Opera - the part where they sing all I ask of you and then the ending part around where Christine kisses the phantom.
Next, name 3 movies that you could watch on repeat and never get tired of.
By the way, I made a separate account and started writing! Well I don't know if you'd consider it writing, but I posted mostly conversation stuff between r and characters (mainly Wanda).
Hello hello corn-punn!
How r u today? Aw thats no fun u sleep earlier than usual.. just kidding.
Why u cant wait for the days to past? R u that ready for new year? 😆😁 whats ur plan for new year?
Haha yeah, i let her play but then she followed whn i said it's time to bed..thank god..hahahha.
No, it hasnt been snow or anything here..im so upset right now..🙄 it's not even that cold here.. only 66.
We r driving to t3xas.. it's only 3.5 hours.
Haha i love moscow mule. It's one of my favorite cocktails. I have a set of the copper mugs n the shakers. My husband gave me. Lol. I guess i love moscow mule that much that he gave them to me.lol. my most favorite drink is apple martini and a cocktail named buttery nipple 😅 (it's baileys and butterschotch schnaps).
Haha i used to joke like that about me being too sweet already n thats why i dont need any more sugar on anything 🤣
But i agree with u, u r a sweet person so dont put too much condensed milk,okay?
Hmm right now i cant think of any snacks.. i like Beng Beng it's like snickers but more chocolaty n less caramel. I like the superman wafers.hahah. there is this sweet tea it's called teh botol but it's in a box 😅 it's my favorite. It's very famous there.
Ah i see. Yeah sometimes facebook have some information of our country food..sometimes it can be pricey though. U can google indonesian food n if u have any questiom about it, u can ask me.
Yeah,i'm always like that. I guess it's because i try to look strong in front of my sister. U know, to be a good example for her.
My sister is more expressive than i am. I would try n pretend to be strong until i break down n even that i usually choose to be alone when i have a break down. 😅
So it will hurt my pride too if i cry just because of movies.
I love phantom of the opera.. n that All I Ask Of You is one of my favorite song from that show.
3 movies i never get tired to watch..well,since im in the mood of rebel so i will give u more than 3. 😅😆
1. The Proposal
2. White Chick
3. Any modern family episodes
4. Devils Wear Prada
5. Age Of Ultron
6. Greta
7. 13 Going 30
8. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
9. Hot Chicks
How bout u?
Next questions
0 notes
phantomrose96 · 4 years
Flash in the Eyes Part 2
(Part 1)
More fixed!Flynn lore? More fixed!Flynn lore
Danny lay awake. He kept his eyes glued to the bedroom ceiling, studded with glow-in-the-dark stars from corner to corner. They doused him in the tiniest shimmer of ethereal light – the second source of light in the room – after his phone, which he gripped loosely in the hand dangling off the bed. The phone cast its own faint shimmer outward, a ray into the bleak night.
And he himself made for the third source of light, he supposed. That pulse of iridescent green from his eyes, which he felt like the beginnings of a headache building inside his head, had been spurred to the front by the trickle of anxiety that kept his nerves alight now at 3:30 am.
The plastic stars above. His phone glowing outward. (His radioactive eyes, pinned to Aunt Alicia.)
Danny was not allowed to forget the incident. He was not allowed to move on. Even home, it followed him.
His phone, with that dim light, was open to a single message that had been plaguing him all day. A single Facebook message, from a profile wishing to connect, with no profile picture, no history, no other friends, made day-of. “danny. this is your aunt alicia. never would of thought id be using of one these computers. wierd things. any way. wanted to apoligize about scarring you. I have a mean face maddie knows. i dont have a computer. this is in the libary in town. but hoping you culd call me on the phone. wanted to ask you somthing more. thanks. xxx-xxx-xxxx…”
Danny left the message on read. He figured it didn’t much matter that his read-receipts were on. Alicia made it clear she had no access to a computer, or likely internet for that matter. This was a message cast into the void, framed as an apology, but fishing for information that made Danny’s skin crawl to think about. Alicia could talk to his mom any time. But she had chosen not to. She’d chosen to contact Danny directly, through a means of great hassle for a woman so sworn-off technology, living so far away from proper civilization. And she’d chosen to do so after seeing that flash in his eyes.
This wasn’t like fighting ghosts. Those were pure physical scuffles which ended in him casting the creature off into the portal to (hopefully) never be heard from again. This instead was an anxiety pricking along every nerve of his skin, deep-seeded and deep-sewn from the woman who terrified him all these many years, whose connection to his ghost-hunting parents sent his brain into spirals of dread for all the what-ifs he conjured.
“You seem deep in contemplation. Perhaps I should come back later?”
Danny sat bolt-upright, spinning fast enough to see new stars spawning in his vision. He blinked them away, and sucked in a sharp inhale of breath as he snapped his head to the side.
Half-translucent, idly floating, Vlad Plasmius appraised him from the other side of he bedroom, studying Danny the way a teacher might study a struggling student.
Danny’s transformation and leap from bed came as one. His covers blew back, phone clattering to the floor forgotten.
“Yes yes, ‘it is I, Plasmius’. I believe we’ve done our battle cry introductions enough times for the audience to get the point.”
“What are you doing here?!”
“Just dropping in on old friends.” Plasmius, still floating, performed a motion as if to sit. He swung one leg over the other, and reduced the miasma of pressure that his aura sent off. He was relaxed, and conversational, and this made Danny’s neck hair prickle all the more.
“All the way from Wisconsin! Yeah just, dropping in at 3 in the morning! Yeah, well, sorry but I don’t buy it, Plasmius. And I’m sending you back to Wisconsin now that you—”
“Seems we’ve both been traveling quite a bit out of state. Tell me was it a fun little vacation? A ghost hunting trip?”
“It—” Danny’s eyes narrowed. “How do you know we were gone?”
“Oh easy, I have ghost sentinels pinned on your house at all hours. They feed me this information.”
“Noted. Thanks for the tip. I’ll be sure to blast them out of existence next time I’m out.”
“I’d love to see you try. They’re masters of stealth.” Vlad flashed a grin. “I have to say I am quite disappointed to see you all back so soon – must have been a short trip. Where did you go?”
“Not telling you. Now why are you here?”
“I’ll tell you if you tell me.”
Danny bit down the urge to sucker-punch Vlad on spot. “We were visiting our aunt. Nothing special. Not everything is some big…I dunno… ghost conspiracy, Vlad. Now why are you here?”
“I was simply hoping to catch the house unguarded. You know, explore the lab, see the new contraptions that Maddie designed and Jack botched, perhaps sprinkle some cyanide in the oaf’s cornflakes box.”
“Like I’d let you--!”
“Aunt, did you say, Daniel? Alicia, perchance?”
Danny gave no response. He felt only the twist in his gut, which wrought a smile to Vlad’s face.
Vlad clapped his hands together and continued. “That is a name that brings back memories! She and Maddie were remarkably close. I heard about her constantly – given of course that I am a fantastic listener who never forgets a name or a face, unlike some fools who can’t even remember birthdays – but yes as Maddie’s best listener and best supporter, I feel like I know Alicia personally. Tell me, how is her husband Dale doing? How’s little Flynn? Not so little anymore, I imagine.”
“Don’t… talk about my aunt. That’s weird.” Danny floated backwards, coalescing a lick of flame in his palm. “Also, goes to show how much you know these days. Alicia and Dale have been divorced for like ten years now. And there’s no Flynn. You sure you’re that great a listener?”
Vlad quirked an eyebrow. “Ah, shame how divorce never seems to happen to the right people. Has Alicia tried telling Maddie it’s not too late to follow suit?” Danny unleashed his pulse of energy. Vlad blocked it with a single dismissive wave of his gloved hand. “And Daniel I am referring to your cousin Flynn, about whom I am absolutely not mistaken. Maddie and I were sophomores in college when he was born. Maddie flooded me with pictures of the boy, chubby little thing with red hair like Maddie’s. They moved her to tears, some of them. It was formative for me. The moment I realized that was the future I wished for myself, that I could bring Maddie that same joy with a family of our own. Shame how children don’t seem to happen to the right people either.”
Danny gave no response. He only lingered in the air, drifting slightly, the wafting residue of his attack trailing along his palm.
“You don’t seem so convinced,” Vlad commented.
“I’m not. Aunt Alicia doesn’t have kids. I don’t have any cousins. Unless you count whatever Danielle is.”
“A clone. You have to know the cousin thing was made up.”
“Alicia doesn’t have kids. Bottom line.”
“Did she sign him away in the divorce? That’s cold. I wonder if I could convince Jack to do the same with you.”
“Aunt Alicia divorced without kids, dumbass!” Danny swept a hand out. “She talks about her divorce all the time like it’s the best thing that happened to her, and she’s said how easy it was with just her and Dale and no one else. I don’t know how many other ways I can tell you I don’t have cousins, and I definitely don’t have a cousin named Flynn. You’re making yourself look like an idiot.”
“The opinion of a 14-year-old means very little to me.” Vlad dipped forward, closing the gap between him and Danny by a few feet. The air howled cold behind him. “However I am utterly intrigued to know what became of Flynn then. Clearly something worth keeping from you. Drowned in a pool? Carried off by a bear? Perhaps his parents made a ghost portal a decade prior to yours and he zapped it on from the inside.”
“You’re not funny.”
“I am hilarious, young man.” Vlad uncrossed his legs, still floating, but as though standing once more. “You should respond to your aunt’s message.” Vlad nodded his head to the phone on the floor. “She seems eager to speak to you. Maybe she can tell you what happened to dear little Flynn. And if you don’t, well perhaps I will stop by tomorrow morning for some tea, and ask Maddie myself what became of him. You’re welcome to be in the room when I do.”
A flash of light momentarily blinded Danny, followed by a pulse of energy, and when Danny opened his eyes again he had to blink through stars.
Nothing remained in the night.
Only the ceiling studded stars above, and the glow of the phone below, and the consumptive chilling green flashing from his own eyes.  
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
i overslept and missed my geography class
im gonna read while i wait for my friend to finish the class(?) so we can talk and i can help her with her tumblr
my feet hurt
ok anyway
Of course, there are many other words that suit him too.
Handsome. Strong. Intelligent. Tall. Sexy. Soft.
so true babe
man is so hot
i dont even know what to say dude the beginning is so gestures
that makes no sense
it's like...the calm before the hurricane
it does start storming in the middle though
i think idk brain is scrambled eggs
i keep on forgetting to liveblog wtf
Alec lets the Magnus in like a hurricane, despite the possibility of consequences.
It’s surprising.
What’s even more surprising is that Alec doesn’t seem to be afraid.
For someone who is careful, Alec seems keen to have Magnus by his side.
me likey
them i mean
im really into these timelines and watching them fuck up uhuduhdf
This is not the kind of rubbing off he expected from the other man.
how am i supposed to video call my friend when i look like an absolute mess
this is so cute though
they're like...so new
it's really really cute
ew who cooks
i do but that's not the point
Magnus is pretty sure Raphael doesn’t eat and is surviving on spite alone
me 90 percent of the time
ah he's a people pleaser sort of...
y'all just...don't talk????????
Y'all just have sex and that's it????? how tf-
oh yes also shinyun is here ew ew ew
go away bitch
oof families complicated shit right let's move on
magnus' pov is something else entirely
Magnus envies people like that.
People who look at the future and know what they want to do and where they want to be.
same dude
like how tf do y'all do this
magnus: I am not gonna ask him anything about his family because then he's ask me about mine
magnus 2 seconds later: so what do your parents do
baby make up your mind
Magnus doesn’t exactly know who a senator is or what they do. But he knows they are a big deal.
me when i started digging for the au
but nice alec told him
He wonders if Prom is like Facebook.
Something Alec has decided he doesn’t like and doesn’t want – but only because it’s easier to think that.
He wonders what else Alec “doesn’t like”.
Magnus wants to find all of them out and lay them on Alec’s feet.
alright boo calm down you've been together for 2 weeks
they're gonna dance???
ooo wasnt this song in the playlist??
magnus' answer is as honest as you can expect right now
okay let's goo middle
“Prom is stupid?” she repeats incredulously. “You literally made a Pinterest board in preparation for this!”
I love this boy so much
why doesnt he wanna go?
everything okay?
ohhh she's sick
at least it's not leukemia.
They have been dating for two years now. He still remembers how nervous he had been when he had asked her out the first time when he had no more than 14.
“Pick me up at 6,” she had ordered and walked away.
Rafael had gone home and danced in celebration.
oh my god he tried to break through the window
Rafael had tried to break into the Senator’s house through the window, chickenpox be damned and all that.
Senator Diego Rosales, Anjali’s father, had called Rafael’s dad.
Dad had dragged him home and lectured him about being responsible. Bapak had found the whole thing hilarious, and Max had called him a ‘romantic piece of shit’.
adorable little shit
it's hilarious though
he's so cute
wait isnt he part of the dance auction or some shit??
and wont he have to dance with someone else???
well that's a future problem so we'll see later
aww max just runs over to clace's house and spends time with david
It takes a professional model to make up for your absence
such a simp
Bapak and Rafael two of them decide to spend the rest of the morning practicing a self-care routine – which usually means iced tea, sandalwood face packs, and watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
so sexy of them
max what did you do
people are always going to be shits
now tell me who you punched so we can do it together the next time
I am done you will see me lying in my grave
not really since i will absolutely finish this chapter but like
these commenters are pissing me off
but rafe are you okay buddy??????????? like genuienly. and magnus too. shit this is gonna be so hard on them
im so mad
i really dont want to see what they are posting
shit's messed up
Like when Max didn't want to swim in the swimming nationals and the press started saying the governor's younger son hates America.
how does one jump from that to hating america dude wtf
im gonna kill someone preferably mys the commenters. one of the commenters
Aunt Lily and Aunt Maia are talking seriously with his father. Rafael wonders if they have some sort of list. A list of secrets and distractions they can release in case of a situation like this.
that is really fucking depressing
im gonna scream this is making me so angry
“We could lie the two of you are getting a divorce,” Rafael jokes.
I know it's a reference to the future and all but like-
max im not even shocked
i love him so much
i am laughing way too hard at this-
oh my i just went through the lyrics
it's very...colorful
elyaas is just amazing
“It matters to me too,” Max says. “But we need to pick and choose what matters and what doesn’t. Otherwise, we’ll never make it through.”
i have no clue what that song is but good for you bestie
“Also, I don’t want to freak you out but this dude behind you is kinda creepily staring at you.”
the dude is alec isn't it
let's do the end now....
Magnus used to be a part of the auction in the previous galas too. People like to dance with him. People want to dance with him. Magnus always gets the highest bid - which means the largest donation of course goes from Alec.
During the last gala, five years ago, Alec had won the bid for $25,000.
It had been worth every fucking penny.
Sure, they had been married at the time and Alec could have danced with Magnus whenever he wished.
But the thrill wasn’t just in the dancing.
It was in the winning.
It was in showing all those suckers that he is the one who always gets to dance with Magnus.
I am so obsessed with these dorks
Max looks at him and then focuses back on his food with a grin. "I think you should bid on him. Just for the drama."
it would be so much fun
my boy's in cambridge so proud
maryse's growth 🥺
“David’s gay?” Max chokes on his food. “What? When? How?”
Alec is not sure how to answer those questions.
how does one answer "when" and "how"
he came out through email my precious-
how did i not know Sweden has a monarchy????
max absolutely flirt with the prince and cause an international scandal
reminds me of the rwrb au
“Max,” Alec pinches the bridge of his nose. “If you walk into the gala in a tank top and boxers, I swear to god, I will cut off your allowance.”
“Damn, papi,” Max pouts. “You hit me right where it hurts.”
“I’ll take care of you,” his mother stage whispers to his son.
also maryse yes
it's always the grandmas 🥺
Malechoe1996 Am I the only person who wants Magnus to turn up with a date? Give me that Jealous Alec content. Please and thank you.
Alecsgayspider Do y’all remember Alec bid $25,000 on Magnus? My boy has no chill lol.
yeah it is quite rude
“Just make sure I don’t throw my whiskey in her face.”
Jace nods. “Gotcha. Make sure to throw a whiskey in her face.”
do it bitch do it
max walked straight back I CANT-
Rafael and Max insult each other because that’s just how they say hi
peak sibling behaviour
holy shit he's hot
"evil swan" IM DONE-
what is up with the white suit though??
“Whatever happened to decorum? This is a charity event for fuck’s sake!”
“Then you should probably consider buttoning up some of this,” Max deadpans as he points at Alec’s shirt.
“That’s different!” Alec hisses.
dude that's sexist
also "not under his roof" shduhdfudf
oh fuck no she's wearing magnus' clothes
well technically jace bit for himself-
i am digging her grave as we speak
if alec doesnt kill her i will
Y'all need to talk
The three of them stand on the balcony. It’s not fucking awkward at all.
my my the tension is thick af
well then
okay im going back to sleep
I had to go for it :)))))))))))
Also not you getting aggressive during these live blogs kjdshfkjs lowkey here for it.
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
 tgcf lb the second. chapters 7-13
love that we’re getting fu yao and nan feng described as “two little pretty boys” amazing and completely as expected also everything theyve done is 10000% funnier now
The military officials heard their impromptu, slapstick live comedy and couldn’t help but smile. The dissatisfaction in their hearts had dissipated a lot, and they felt a bit more closer to the other three. This resulted in the sedan chair becoming much more stable. - tbh it is often true that if you make people laugh they are more likely to like you in my experience. to be fair what xie lian did was funny theyre a funny trio
okay time for some creatures and beings. base slaves do sound terrifying no thank you i do not like hordes. remind me a bit of husks from mass effect and those were the worst so. also xie lian wielder of silk ribbons i like it
im very :eyes: at fu yao and nan feng rn. i think theres more going on with them..... i have suspicions but we’ll see
well goodbye butterfly boy who crushes skulls and spiritual arrays and sick boots and taught me what a vambrace is. im guessing we shall meet again i have the strangest feeling that ive heard about you
In fact, all of the dead people in this room wore wedding garments while smiling even in death. - grim!!! spooky!!!
The moment he finished saying that, he pinched that corpse’s face twice. The youngster only felt that the skin beneath his hands felt smooth like tofu, making people’s hearts feel itchy.  - eww!!!! also dont feel up the corpse buddy wtf. also everyone leave little ying alone
Drip, drop. Drip, drop. This created the frightening scene of a forest filled with corpses as blood rained down from above. even more grim!! - happy halloween kids
When he heard Fu Yao’s explanation, Xie Lian thought in his heart, ‘This name was truly unnecessary. If it was a ‘Devastation’, then it was a ‘Devastation’. If it wasn’t, then it wasn’t. Just like how there were only the phrases, ‘ascended’ and ‘haven’t ascended yet’. There were no such things as ‘near ascending’ or ‘approaching ascending’. On the contrary, adding on a ‘near’ word made people feel awkward. - nevermind the deaths, xie lian needs to make some points about semantics. it has nothing to do with the situation at hand and i love it
Who knew how many times he had already said that phrase tonight. Every time something happened, Xie Lian would have to say it at least thirty to forty times. However, there would always be people who turned a deaf ear to his warnings. He felt truly quite helpless. - not sure if this is be xie lian is dressed up as a bride or if its just his bad luck. or if its bc thats just how people are. either way i feel you buddy
“Excuse me for this.” Xie Lian grabbed a hand from each bride before placing them on each other’s necks. The two brides suddenly touched something and were very surprised. Since they couldn’t see anything, they began to fiercely destroy each other. - xie lian stop being funny fjlkajdfs;kasj also right after this he goes into his street performer spiel upon being applauded. amazing
the visual of this fight with the villagers inside the ruoye loop and all the brides is pretty sick. also xi lian on the spirit phone to ling wen while the villagers cheer is very funny
heteronormativity obfuscates another mystery... but also a possessive jealous bride walking on her knees... thats quite a figure!! and tbh it is interesting that everyone assumed that the ghost was a bridegroom who didnt want to see happy couples and not a bride who didnt want to see happy couples. congrats xie lian for thinking
bruh she ripped his skull out and it screamed
i mean the indiscriminate killing of innocent women is bad but other than that im on her side tbh fuck this general pei guy
ow wtf i just cried a little bit. xie lian’s reassurance to little ying... her response.... wtf ;_;
As for the matter between General Pei and Xuan Ji, unless one was directly involved, it was better not to comment on who was right or wrong. He could only pity those seventeen innocent brides, the military officials and drivers who had escorted them. It truly was an unexpected disaster.  - valid. still sympathetic to her tho i just am
human face plague..... bruh. okay might have to alternate between reading this and watching hannibal not sure i wanna do those together
He really wanted to hang a sign on his back saying, ‘Ascension is not as good as collecting scraps’ and promote it in the mortal world.  - this lb is officially just funny xie lian moments now
The meaning behind his words were basically, the female ghost Xuan Ji causing trouble could not be blamed on General Pei, because she originally did not have the ability to cause it. If they wanted to pin the blame on someone, then they should pin it on Green Ghost Qi Rong, for it was him who took in Xuan Ji and gave her the ability to harm people. - told you. i was right to blame the men
i have indeed seen the donghua trailer so my suspicions that butterfly boy was indeed hua cheng being confirmed are just like. yep. exactly as expected.
i read the second half of chapter 12 on my phone so i didnt get any quotes but hua cheng rise to infamy funny. xie lian listening to it all and just going “hehe silver butterflies pretty” is also funny
i forgot that xie lian was in debt but im glad he paid it off good for him be free
After a while, Ling Wen really couldn’t stand it anymore and privately told him, “Your Highness ah, the things you send in the spirit communication array are all very good, however, I’m afraid that even a Heavenly Official a few hundred years older than you wouldn’t send them.” - fakhlsdfjakl; ling wen really told xie lian he was facebook grandparent posting in the spirit communication array
Since he couldn’t fix this, then it was still better to just forget about it. Xie Lian gave up on this issue, and as a result, stopped being gloomy as well. - you know what i respect that attitude i really do. xie lian said well ill just get over it and he did. i need to do this with twitter
However, this kind of problem didn’t exist for Xie Lian. With the curse upon him, he was no different compared to mortals, and thus could eat everything. And because he was a seasoned veteran of a hundred battles, no matter what he ate, he wouldn’t die. Whether it was a steamed bun that had been lying around for a month, or pastries that already sprouted some green mold, he would definitely be fine after eating those things. Since he had a constitution like this that defied the heavens, he actually got by alright during the period he collected scraps. - im sorry i know i keep saying it but xie lian is so funny i love him fjasdlfsdjfadksl literally king of eating garbage i love him so much
okay more hua cheng lore next time. and this interloper in the cart... ok
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nudie-suit · 4 years
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I have a light horse training rant for all of you this fine morning. This is Florance my pony for the next 6 mo or so that I will be finishing up into something ranchy and good on trails and in an arena. I’ve seen her old owner on facebook asking for project foals so I know she dose plenty of training. I also know from her that the reason she sold was because she crowhopped into the canter. I asked her how she had been ridden in the past and she replied that she mostly rode bareback in a halter, didn’t like to “get them over threshhold”, she obviously was waited on like a baby as she will not stomp while tied if I am not around but will stomp to get me to put her back in her stall if I’m around ect. This really got me thinking about the whole “over threshold” thing. So many people today think that threshold is anything slightly more stressful than not thinking at all. Obviously stress is never good for an animal to experiance, with that said I do not worry too terribly much about the whole “threshold” thing. Horses are 1000 pound animals with so much more brain than we give them credit for. Not everything your horse dose is “because their confused” I wont be dumb enough to say that there sitting in pasture at night thinking “ah that’ll throw them off their game” but I have seen how smart horses are enough times to understand just how much they can get away with while we work with them. When you train in a way that helps the horse understand a concept rather than just jumping on and sticking your heels in their sides, you really get to see the equine brain shine! But you also know there abilities and relize how much they train us. We hear so much today about not wanting to “force” the horse to do it but we never seperate the meaning of “forcing” and simply getting the horse to do it. So let me make the distinction. “Force” is not when we use more pressure to achieve something. Force is not when we dont accept wrong answers. It’s near impossible to force such a large animal, I really dont see any issue with being particular, I don’t know how others do... maybe it comes with just having a good picture of what you want a horse to do as I try my best to always have when I train. So do I “force” my horse to do things? Maybe to some uneducated on the concept. I always make sure I get the answer from the horse that I want, eventually, in my oppinion having clear directions for a horse makes them feel more confidant. So I help guide my horse to the right answer, never introducing them to a concept they don’t understand until they know other information that will help them. I always ask my horse with an intent for something, If I get an answer thats not 100% correct I make a correction. If thats what we consider “force” we need to re-evaluate. I always get my horse to load and unload from a trailer. I always get my horse to give to pressure. I always get the horse to give me the answer I want from them. To me teaching a horse something also makes room for their errors. Horses like easy just as people do but everything must experiance some sort of pressure or difficulty when learning something new. We most likey concern ourselves more than the horse about unessecary pressures. Flo tailflicks and nods her head a tad when I ask her something a little difficult but licks and chews after the release. What this tells me is that she is making progress, even if she has to re-think decisions or have me guide her. Never fear having the horse think threw things or be asked to make the right decision.
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Today was a rainy, but pretty good, day. I slept a little better last night. Even if falling asleep hasnt been going well. I woke up in a good mood. James had put air in the tires and gas in the car. I gave him lots of hugs and headed out. 
There are to many cars on the road. But it was fine. I had a good ride in. And honestly it was just a nice morning. 
Some parts were quiet. It was rainy. I spent a lot of time today just enjoying my own company. When I first got there we were all sitting on the porch. I told them all about my powerpoint project and they thought I was very silly but excited that I was excited. 
I had some free time and some energy this morning though. So I went and changed into my rain boots, which have finally broken and absolutely need to be replaced now, and went down to homestead. Heather had asked the specialty teachers to work on cleaning that since we had some time in the afternoon. But I had time then so off I went. 
I listened to my podcast and I cleaned for about an hour and a half. It was kind of rainy and damp all day but it was hella gross down there. Everything was covered in mud. There was so much stuff just around. It was terrible. I started with picking up stuff off the ground. I didnt get the stuff under the picnic tables because honestly, it was to hard to bend that much. But I also had some of the campers help me collect all the containers and tubs down there so I could hose them off. Everything was going to go into storage and they couldnt go in covered in mud. But then everything was wet from the hose and I was very hot. Break time. 
I went and sat at arts and crafts for a few minutes. Caught my breath. Enjoyed the hammock. Enjoyed the rain sounds. And then went down to the office to check in with Heather. She was super surprised that I had been cleaning down there alone. Acted all proud of me. And my stupid money brain was like "Praise???" so of course I went back later in the day and kept cleaning and wiping things off and putting things in totes. Cj is going to come back on thursday and help sort but in the mean time at least they would be able to get everything away from the muddy area. 
Heather told me that after lunch I should go help with sandwiches. But I had time. So I went and finished setting up in art. Laid around. Had my lunch a little early. 
And went to figure out making sandwiches. But that went all wrong because apparently there was a change of plans, but no one told me. I made like 20 sandwiches when Elizabeth came in and was like. The fridge broke and we arent allowed to use this food anymore. Even though it was in a cooler that was still cold. Which seems silly to me but food rules are important. I just feel bad that I wasted the bread. And another change of plans was that I was supposed to be running trading post again. But I had asked! A few times! And was told no, youre doing sandwiches. So I was all confused. And a little unsettled. Im still unsettled honestly. I hate doing things wrong. I hate being wasteful. Doesnt feel good. 
But I headed up to trading post and it went just fine. It was healthy day and no one told me that so I had to get that stuff but everyone was quick to help me set it up. 
It took a little longer today, I dont know why but we were having trouble getting the kids up and in line. But it was done and I went to art to wait for my group. 
This group was tough. I knew that. Because they were the little ones and there were 13 of them. But it went well all things considered. We ran a little over time. And James, their counselor, was obviously stressed. But the kids were so excited that they made their little quilt square. But because of us running late I didnt get a picture. Ah well. It was still a lot of fun. 
Half their kids wanted to use the bathroom and then there was an early pick up and then their program space changed and it was a whole ordeal. I was barefoot but I told James I would take half his group to their next program. So I threw on some shoes and walked them down to the office. Where James met us and took over. 
I headed back to art and cleaned everything up. Took a small break. Okay a little bit longer. Wrapped in my blanket in my hammock. It was great. 
Im a little sad thinking about it only because Maryland is moving into phase three and I dont know what my job situation is going to look like going forward. Its hard. Im scared all the time, but being out at camp at least feels safe. I dont think I will feel safe in another job yet. And like none of my museums are going to open for field trips. And so its like. Fall at camp was already tentative. It was already like. Unsure. But Alexi is hoping it will at least be some time every week. And Im trying to stay positive but its hard and Im scared about what the fall will bring with covid and with the cold. I am going to try to get into my art more. Try to actually sell things? Well see what happens I guess. 
The rest of the afternoon was cleaning down at Homestead and then hanging out with the kids at the office until 5 when I headed out. 
I drove to Hunt Valley and went to the Marshals I discovered there. I didnt realize that the shopping center had a back side.  And I had excellent luck. I finally found a long sleeve black shirt. To replace my lost one. And I got some gum and a pretty makeup and a night time lotion. The cashier was very sweet. But I was starving and had to go find some dinner. 
I ended up going to wawa and ate a hoagie in my car. Just living my best life. I had a long and strange drive home. I got a light on my car that I had never seen before. But I looked it up and it seems like its not a big deal. It only flashed at me two different times and didnt stay on so its probably okay but Ill keep an eye on it. 
I got back here and was annoyed to find a cop in the alley. But Mr Will was also outside and it was nice to see him. He got one of those two screen phones, very fancy. He showed me how to look for jobs on facebook market place. Which I didnt need him to do but I enjoy him and his dad energy so I let him show me. He's great. I was also glad to see he was actually wearing a mask. I worry about him!!
I got in here and it was basically 7. I put stuff away and did the dishes. I got a piece of the cookies and cream cheese cake James made and played animal crossing. I cant believe its september but that brings changes to the island! New bugs and fish! I caught a soft shelled turtle! I played until 8 and then took a lovely long bath. 
And now I am just hanging out. I am tired and hoping I fall asleep easier tonight. I hope you all have a great night and a wonderful tomorrow!
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booknerdateen · 5 years
Halloween Book Recommendations!👻☠️🎃....Part 1
Hello, my loves!! If you saw my last post, then you know what’s coming. If not, let me tell you....I wanted to do a Halloween Book Recommendation post (long one) in the beginning of the month since it’s pre Halloween month-as I call it for right now. That didn’t happen for the last couple days because I was busy. But here we are! Now...be amazed of allllll the choices you got and even if some may not be your genre or type, that is okay!
📖 The Diviners Trilogy by Libba Bray
This series is one of my favorites...sadly I haven’t finished reading the 2nd book (Lair of Dreams), but with my Halloween binge I am planning on rereading and finishing it. This is 1920’s New York...nuff said. But anyways, we have different persoectives told in 3rd person (I have no idea which 3rd, cuz those I can’t remember for the life of me), who has abilities to see ghosts/future, etc... aka Diviners. Basically physics in other words. In the first one, they battle out this evil monster dude (which is creepy...the monster dude). Lair of Dreams deals with this mystery illness...I can’t say much for this one since I haven’t finished it yet. Before the Devil Breaks You is the 3rd and final book and I don’t know what that one is about.
The audiobooks-y’all do them-I have no comments. I read The Diviners physically (I didn’t really get into audiobooks till recently this year). I did try and listen to Lair of Dreams, but it wasn’t for me. i may give it another try, so no promises on this though. I have heard that they are really good, so hopefully they are as well for you.
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📖Stalking Jack the Ripper Series by Kerri Maniscalco
This series is one of my favorites! I’m gonna say that for so many here, but I love this one to pieces to where I preordered the 3rd book (Escaping From Houdini) and also the 4th and final one (Capturing the Devil. CTD is being shipped on the 10th this month (6 DAYS) from my Barnes and Noble location, so I don’t know if it will arrive that day or not.
Anyways, this series follows Audrey Rose Wadsworth in the late 1800s dealing with the Ripper murders. The second involves Dracula, third is Houdini, and the fourth is H.H Holmes. Yes, America’s first serial killer! Sorry, I’m very excited about that. Being a girl in the 1800s/1900s, you’re not really have much to live for. Audrey rather do things that guys can do (forensics in this case), then being at tea parties. I don’t blame you, girl! Then, Thomas Cressworth comes in as well and they both solves these crimes together with the help of Audrey’s uncle (a mortician). If that doesn’t get your interest, then Idk what will.
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📖Confessions Series by James Patterson
This series is more mystery than horror. I personally love James Patterson and he has always been one of my favorite authors. This one follows the Angel siblings after their parents’ mystery death (that mystery is the center of the first one (Confessions of a Murder Suspect). These siblings aren’t necessarily ordinary in some since. I don’t want to give away anything, but meds has the reason for that.
Tandy Angel (main character here) solves these murders/crimes throughout the books. The second one contains school murders (not shootings, thankfully) (Confessions: The Private School Murders). The third (Confessions: The Paris Mysteries) takes place in Paris, France. I have not read this one nor the 4th one (Confessions: The Murder of an Angel) so I don’t have any opinions on these ones. It is really good and if you’re a sucker for mysteries and James Patterson boos, then here you go!
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📖The Women’s Murder Club by James Patterson
Another Patterson series...I’m a sucker for them. At first, I had called this the Number series because I didn’t know what the series was called and the only thing I knew was that they have numbers in the title.
Meet Lindsay Boxer (main character), homicide inspector for San Fran; Claire Washburn, medical examiner; Jill Bernhardt, assistant D.A.; and Cindy Thomas, San Fran Chronicle writer. 4 amazing chicks who kick butt, form the Women’s Murder Club to solve these murders. Freakin girl power! The chapters are quite short, sometimes longer, but usually short, which if you’re good with that, then cool, if not, that’s okay! I’m pretty sure the latest book of the series published is the 17th one...maybe 18th....one of those two. These are the ones I currently have.
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📖The Merciless Series by Danielle Vega
If you love horror, possesion, all that stuff, you’ll love this series. I first discovered it on Facebook when the book trailer popped up. It was a interesting trailer and caught my tention. Couple years later, my senior year of high school, the book fair came (appears twice a year, this was the first appearance) and I had to buy it. It was $8 bucks, originally $10.99. If you are very religious, then maybe not this series. Lots of said people said its Mean Girls and the Craft mixed together.
The first two books follows Sophoa Flores as the main character. Sophia, being the new girl, befriends the 3 populare chicks (Plastics), who they want her to befriend this outsider (Brooklynn). Mean Girls basically but little bit reveresed. Then things happen. Spoilers, so I can’t really clarify it. Second is and it’s what the 2nd is also called....The Excorsim of Sophia Flores...DUN DUN DUNNNN. The third (Origins of Evil) is where Brooklynns story begins, so we know how Brooklynn became and what not. The 4th and final (The Last Rites) features a little bit of Sophia, but this main character is Berkley Hubbard, fresh out of rehab. Honestly, these books do scare me, but not like how when I watched the Conjuring the first time. Perfect read for Halloween season!
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📖Mrs. Peregrine Series by Ransom Riggs
Now, I have not been able to finish the dang first book, so Idk. From what I have read and remeber, it is really good! It’s kind of horro...I don’t particularly think it is, but others do. This has mixed media, mainly pictures, but fascinating ones! The four books follows Jacob Portman and his friends of peculiar aka they have abilities and their adventures they have. If you’ve seen the movis, then you understand what I mean. Ransom’s writing is one of my favorites and having pictures/media in them makes me happy. I am a visual person, so the pictures help me a lot.
Anways, the first book is where Jacob is in the peculiar world where the peculiars live in this never ending time loop of the same day, but they rewind time before bombs happen aka Poland in WW 2. I’ve heard so many amazing things of this series! Jesse the Reader (booktuber) LOVES this series and he will recommend it to the end of time.
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📖Visions Trilogy by Lisa McMann
These three books involve visions. If you have seen Medium (with Patricia...I cant remember her last name), then you will love Visions. They don’t involve any ghosts, so that’s a difference from Medium.
Here we have (Crash) Jules Demarco, who is seeing visions of this explosion everywhere. She realizes this explosion will happen very soon and she has to stop it before it happens. Not much, I know, but the next one (Bang) (sadly deals with a school shooting), her crush gets the visions this time. The third one (Gasp) has this random character who the two save last book ends up getting the visions then. This vision is a boat accident...a ferry to be precise, but nothing like Titanic...at least I don’t think so. This was a good series and really liked them. Easy to read in 1 day...unless y’all are busy and or a slow reader like me.
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📖The Asylum Series by Madeleine Roux
Horror, ghosts, random past lives stuff! I only have the first two books (Asylum and Sanctum), but I think there is a third and one or two novellas. I love these guys! You get some pictures and letters in the books, so cool!
Here is Dan Crawford, who is spending the summe at the New Hampshire College Prep program. Abby Valdez and Jordan (no last name was given) are his new found friends at the program. The catch of all this, the newly built dorms is where the Brookline Asylum used to be. The three friends uncover secrets of their pasts and families and such. It’s such a good series.
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📖The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer
The infamous Twilight books. Y’all may have expected this or may not have. I do not have an opinion on this series just yet. I recently read Twilight for the first time and really liked it. That said, hopefully I will get to the other books and see where my opinions lie.
Everyone knows what this series is about, but if not, come to me. Isabella (Bella) Swan moves from the heat of Arizona (I feel you Bella) to the rainy world of Forks, Washington. There, she meets the Cullen siblings...mainly Edward...who happens to be vampires. Bella and Edward get closer and start dating and what not. Ah yes, the infamous woods scene where Edward is like “Say it!” to Bella, it actually happens in the car so casually. This series contains a love triangle of a human, vampire, and a werewolf.
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📖The Chronicles of Vladmir Tod by Heather Brewer...okay it’s formerly Heather, but it is now Zac Brewer
I love this series...even though I only read the first two books and a little bit of the 3rd one. If you love vampires...well half human half vampire then yessss! Half human, Half Titan....Half human, half ghoul....if y’all watch anime, then you probably get the two references. Okay...onto the synopsis!
Vladmir Tod is the equivalent of...dang it what is the word....ahhh disgrace cuz he is half human and half vampire. In the vampire world, humans and vamps dont go together. He is raised by his Aunt Nelly, who of course knows he is half vampire. His best friend, Henry also knows. Throughout 8th Grade to 12th Grade, he’s gotta deal with bullies and vampire slayers. What a hard knock life for this dude.
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Under Her Wing - Drakgo fic
Shego is instructed by Dr. Director to teach Kim a thing or two. Set after Graduation but in 2019 verse. 
TAG LIST (based on who interacted with my tag list post. If you were added by mistake or not added at all, please let me know!)
@sweet-or-sarcastic // @anavrp // @sophiecooper18 // @random-emerald-thoughts // @benjimators // @marvelousavengfulslytherin // @littlevirago // @evielovesfood // @dianenguyenbjh // @brianaisontheinterwebs // @saultnpeppah // @poisonivy123
Shego sat bored with her legs kicked up on the lab table as she watched her husband meticulously extract DNA from the toe of a Spinosaurus. For what he was going to use it for, she wasn’t entirely sure. She was just there to make sure he didn’t blow himself up. She was just his bodyguard/sidekick/liaison/mostly unwilling secretary, not his science partner. This was a guy who looked up to Doc Brown rather than Hawking.
Her phone buzzed in the pouch strapped to her leg. Things were slow that day, so she decided to take a peek. It was an email from Facebook saying she had a message on her old public profile, one she had not used since she was a hero with her brothers. Her curiosity piqued, she opened Facebook and signed out of her current, private account. She tapped the side of her phone as she tried to remember her old password.  After a few tries, she got in.
Her inbox with inundated with old and recent messages. She paid no attention to past messages from fans who were upset that she turned evil, edgelords who were threatened by a strong woman, and recent messages that praised her from turning her life around. The first message was just too shocking. It was from Kimberly Ann Possible. It read:
“Umm, hi Shego. This is Kim Possible. I don’t know if you even check this profile anymore. Dr. Director wanted me to get in contact with you, but she didn’t really tell me how lol. She wanted me to ask if you could do some training with me?”
“NO!” Shego yelled, standing straight up, her phone creaking in her grasp.
Drakken flinched, “You made me break the helix!” He whined.
“Dr. Director wants me to train Kim Possible.”
“Eww,” Drakken grimaced.
“I’m not doing this. I’m not some babysitter.” Shego exclaimed as she stormed off for Dr. Director’s office.
“Go get her, babe,” Drakken said, his mind more focused on his work.
Shego breezed past the security and barged into Director’s office, stunning the guards with her plasma. The burly men crumpled to the floor in a twitching heap.
“Ah, Mrs. Lipsky, I was wondering when you’d force yourself in here again and maim Ethan and Reid.” Director replied calmly, only glancing up at the scene “Was it last week you came in here like a bull in a china shop because we switched your husband’s lab time or was it the time before that?”
“I am not working with Kim Possible.” Shego seethed, leaning over Director’s desk and staring straight at the other woman. Director did not look up from her paperwork. Shego slammed her hands down, causing a hairline crack to form between the women.
“Did I ask?” Dr. Director countered.
Shego scoffed. “You know, this isn’t working for me. I think I’m done here.” She said as she threw her ID badge on Director’s desk and turned to walk out.
“So, you’ll give up all the comfort we’ve given you and your husband? Your home, your records totally expunged, his lab and all the resources he could ever want or need? You two are a ‘package deal’ as I believe your very own agreement states? If you leave, so does he.”
Shego stopped in her tracks.
She wouldn’t take that away from Drew. Not when he was getting the recognition he always wanted.
She turned on her heel. “I’m only staying because I haven’t gotten to use the bazooka yet.” She said through gritted teeth, pointing menacingly at Director.
“She’ll be on your doorstep at 8:15 tomorrow morning.” Dr. Director said as she threw Shego her ID badge to her.
Kim Possible didn’t get nervous about many things. She took down villains before she could even vote without a trace of fear. Today, as she drove to the address Dr. Director gave her last night, Kim Possible was nervous.
Secretly, Kim idolized Shego when she was younger. She remembered seeing Shego and her brothers on TV and followed her dutifully on what little social media existed back then. When Shego left Team Go, Kim was heartbroken, and her stomach dropped the first time she saw Shego working with Drakken. When Team Go broke up, Kim decided to take up Shego’s mantle when the opportunity presented itself. Now that Drakken and Shego went good or more likely, neutral, maybe she and Shego could be friends in the future? Kim still couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that she was going to be trained by Shego because it was Shego the hero Kim looked up to for many years and it was Shego her sworn enemy at one point.
Regardless of it all, Kim knew today would be interesting.
Meanwhile, Drakken took sleeping seriously. It’s where he got most of his ideas. When the doorbell rang at 8:00, he was not a happy camper. He groaned like a wounded animal, not even noticing Shego’s absence in bed. He haphazardly threw on a robe and stumbled down the stairs and opened the front door.
“I’ll take three Thin Mints, two Samoas and three Tagalongs,” Drakken said, yawning, handing what he thought was a fifty-dollar bill. It was really dog treats and lint.
“Um, no,” Kim said sheepishly, gently pushing his hand away. “It’s Kim…Possible? I’m here for Shego…”
Shego came down the stairs in her signature green and black catsuit.
“That’s what you’re wearing?” Shego asked, eyeing the teen up and down.
“Yeah? We’re gonna work out, right?” Kim was dressed in a tee shirt, leggings and sneakers, her red hair pulled back from her face.
Shego sighed and shook her head, “Fine, it’s whatever. Next time, wear what you’d wear on a mission. If it’s gonna be in the way, we need to know. It has to be able to perform.” She chided.
Kim felt silly for making the mistake. Shego even used her ‘teacher tone’ on her from when she substituted for Kim’s teacher. “Okay. Will do.”
Shego physically moved her half-asleep husband out of the way. “Well? Let’s go. I don’t want this to be an all-day thing.”
“Oh, uh, can I drive?” Kim asked, beaming.
A beat passed of Shego just staring at Kim in disbelief.
Shego turned to Drakken, “I want to be cremated.”
“I want Thin Mints.” The mad scientist lamented as the women walked to the car parked at the curb.
Janice was gawking at Shego as though she never saw a female body before. Shego gave a sarcastic wave.
“Who’s that?” Kim asked as they put their seatbelts on.
“The worst neighbor in the world,” Shego replied, putting sunglasses on. She flashed Janice a killer smile as they pulled out of the neighborhood.
It had already been decided for them that they would train at GJ’s onsite gym. Shego started Kim on stretches and a five-minute run, correcting her form here and there alongside her. Shego knew it was likely that Director was watching but it didn’t bother her. She was doing what she was supposed to do.
The timer on Shego’s phone went off and they slowed to a walk. She went over to a wall of equipment and took a padded strike shield and held it up.
“Let me see you punch,” Shego instructed.
Kim squared herself and threw her best one.
“No! No! No!” Shego exclaimed like a director with a cast who forgot their lines. “Who taught you to fight, your grandma?”
Kim didn’t know whether to confirm that her grandmother had indeed taught her a thing or two.
“Harder, you’re not going to hurt me,” Shego instructed. Kim wasn’t sure if she was trying to comfort or insult her.
For a period of time, Shego refined Kim’s punches and kicks.
“Now, I want you to try to take me down and restrain me.”
Kim charged at Shego, tackling the older woman to the floor. Shego knew that she had to let Kim learn, but that didn’t mean she went down easily. She was able to shake Kim off and roll away. Shego stood, about to jump away, when Kim got her in a headlock.
“Tuck your thumb in you idiot!” Shego said grabbing Kim’s four other fingers by one hand and Kim’s thumb with the other. “Do you know how easily I could rip your thumb off?”
Shego shrugged Kim off. “Again.” She ordered.
Shego let Kim get her into a headlock, this time with proper placement. They wrestled and tackled each other until Kim grabbed Shego’s hair, thinking she’d instantly surrender. Instead, Shego pushed back into Kim’s grasp, rather than wrench away.  Kim stumbled allowing Shego to escape.
“I will give you props for going for my hair.” Shego said, “I should probably start putting it in a bun. If anyone tries it with you, do what I did and push into it. You’ll knock your opponent off balance usually or lose hair if you try to pull away.”
“Right,” Kim nodded.
Kim was about to ask Shego if she wanted some water, “Hey Stepha-“
Shego immediately tackled Kim to the ground. “Do not call me that. I’m still Shego to you.”
“Okay, fine,” Kim replied, pushing Shego away.
Kim grabbed them each a bottle of water. The two sat in awkward silence on the mat.
“Who taught you all this stuff? Did you just learn on the go?” Kim asked.
“I’ve had a trainer since I was 16,” Shego answered, taking a drink.
That made sense, Kim thought. Around that time was when Team Go debuted. They must have had some training before their first mission.
Shego stood and went to get the First Aid pack and CPR dummy from the equipment wall.
“Are you going to teach me CPR?” Kim asked excitedly.
“You don’t know First Aid and CPR?” Shego asked skeptically.
“No…” Kim said, her face red with embarrassment.
“Oh my god, you’re more behind than I even thought. Do you just leave after you blow up someone’s lair? What about the populace surrounding it? What happens if you have to do search and rescue after a natural disaster? You’re a hero. You should know this stuff. It’s not all stopping heists and whatnot.”
“I’ve never done anything like that…”
“I have!”
Kim was beginning to get a greater understanding of Shego. What kind of things has she seen? Kim wasn’t going to pry and knew Shego wouldn’t tell her anything if she tried. Kim remembered that Team Go doubled as first responders at times. Kim had a vivid memory of seeing Shego being airlifted over the wreckage of a collapsed building to look for survivors on the news, her green and black feet dangling over the rubble. Shego couldn’t have been older than 17 at the time. Who pushed her into such a traumatizing and adult situation?
“Look, let’s forget about the past for right now or we won’t survive this. Truce?” Kim asked.
Shego only nodded but took Kim’s hand and pulled her up.
Kim smiled and took Shego’s leather-clad hand. It was a start; a small start, but a start nonetheless.
“Do you know how to properly headbutt someone?” Shego grinned, wickedly.
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sleepthinks · 5 years
I'm having Dumb Bitch problems.
We are in Texas visiting my niece who plays soccer for the college out here. I haven't been to Texas since like 2006 when we moved. I think we came back for like a quick few days in maybe 2008 or 2009 for a funeral. My father still lives in Texas with his new family. We haven't spoken since 2006 when I told him I was moving across the country. Before that it had been maybe 9-12 months since we had talked. After the move I received birthday cards for a few years but found out that it wasn't him, it was his new wife sending and signing the cards. After some therapy I decided to ask them to stop sending cards and officially cut off all ties. There was always pressure from her for me to come visit them and I felt like the cards were her way of guilting me into coming back.
We had to drive through the city they live in on our way to my niece's school. My mother made some smartass remark about going to visit him. I didn't respond.
Im still connected to some friends from Texas on Facebook. But having moved the week before we started high school, and not really ever coming back, I think we've all grown very far apart and there's not a lot of common ground anymore. I tried reaching out to a few friends, didn't hear back from most. There's a chance I can see a friend tomorrow night, maybe for dinner or something, but I'm really anxious about it. I don't feel like I've been successful or that I'm in a good spot in my life and I'm nervous to go meet someone I haven't seen in almost two decades. Worst case scenario I reveal how much of a loser I am. Or I have to face some harsh truths Ive been avoiding.
There's also some dumb bitch gay problems. Which aren't really problems. Allow me to explain. One of the boys I went to middle school/junior high with in Texas has been in my dreams lately. We're always in a happy relationship. Being depressed and miserable and oscillating between that low and just like a neutral "okay," having a dream where you're happy or elated is a trip. It's jarring because those basic feelings shouldn't be something you miss, but when you DONT have them, once you feel a little taste of it again, it reminds you of how far away you are.
It's really dumb this boy in particular is in my dream. We maybe spoke once or twice in the years I grew up in Texas. From 2nd-8th grade we never had any classes together. My mom was friends with his mom (they worked together before she got fired from that job thus burning all bridges she had made) he was friends with one of my "best friends" I had growing up. But he and I never really ever interacted. But he's in my dreams. Often. 3 or 4 nights a week.
Side note about that best friend. Since moving we haven't really kept in touch. I tried to reach out a few times and never got a response. Growing up either I stayed at his house or he stayed at ours nearly every weekend. It doesn't make sense to me. So much of our childhood was tied together, yet we have nothing to do with each other now. Do they ever think about me like I think about them? Do they ever dream about me? Towards the later years of our friendship we were at odds a bit. He was getting into trouble and getting into girls and getting into trouble WITH girls. He was super disrespectful to his parents. It made me mad. His parents were so nice. They provided everything for him. He lived on a huge farm, had every game and toy he could want. He got a phone and got taken to anywhere he wanted to go (we couldn't drive in 7-8th grade)
Looking back I start to wonder. He had several friends that were like me. Boys that didn't really have any other friends. It's hard to do it without naming names. Idk if anyone reads this anyways. This friends name was Randy. Randy was friends with Colton. Colton didn't really have other friends. He was just a big goofy kid. (looking back so was i) he was friends with Taylor. (the boy in my dream) Taylor's only other friend seemed to be his cousin (who was a girl, and for middle schoolers that meant he was weird) there were more boys but I can't remember specifically now. The point is. Looking back. I think maybe Randy wasn't really our friend. The friendships seemed one sided. I get the feeling that his mom put him up to it. All of us were kind of lonely kids. Not popular. Quiet. Maybe that's why Randy doesn't want to keep in touch. He didn't want to be friends in the first place. He was obligated to.
This all culminates to now. Now I'm in Texas again. Now I'm at a college visiting my niece. (I have other college anxiety but that's another long post) this college happens to be the same college both Randy AND Taylor went to. I'm not nervous about seeing them. I don't think they would recognize me anyways (I didn't have a beard in 7th grade) but it's weird being here. Being were they lived. I feel like an unwanted invader somehow.
Ah fuck I forgot to explain the Taylor in my dreams thing. I think the reason he's in my dreams is because he's got similar features and body types to my friend from Seattle. See my friend was a cute boy that i lived with and he was nice and paid me attention and acted like he wanted to hang out with me so OF COURSE I had a little infatuation. I'm so starved for friendship and love that any sort of attention like that would draw me in. I feel dumb. I just want to be friends with my friend without feeling like I'm crushing on him or something.
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anjibug · 6 years
85 Questions: Tag Game
Rules: Answer these 85 questions about yourself and tag 20 people
thank you @riccciardo for tagging me ilyy!! 💖
Drink: Water (does it count I love my water)
📱 Call: my friend who I wanted to meet
Text Message: another friend
Song you listened to: I Feel Like I’m Drowning by Two Feet
Time you 😢: Either yesterday or sometime this week I can’t remember 
Dated someone twice: no
😘 someone and regretted it: no
Been cheated on: no
Lost someone special: yes
Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
In the last year, have you:
Made new friends: yes
Fallen out of 💛: yes
😂 until you 😢: yes
Found out someone was talking about you: yes
Met someone who changed you: yes
Found out who your friends are: yes
😘 someone on your Facebook friends list: no
How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have facebook so none
Do you have any pets: no but I want one!!!!
Do you want to change your name: I’m happy with the one I have so no
What did you do for your last 🎂: Went to watch a movie with my friend and family :)
What time did you wake up today: 6:30 am on a sunday god help me
What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping
What is something you can’t wait for: There’s a lot but meeting my online friend and going to a f1 race for the first time
What are you listening to right now: Divenire by Ludovico Einaudi and Celoso by Lele Pons (the song just changed not my fault)
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nah
Something that gets on your nerves: people who don’t shut up
Most visited website: either discord, tumblr or instagram not sure
Hair color: black
Long or short hair: long, probably a little higher than my elbows
What do you like about yourself: thats a tough question ummmmm my determination?? Or my music taste actually lol
Want any piercings: nah not really
Blood type: B+
Nicknames: anj and anji
Relationship status: single
Zodiac sign: gemini
Pronouns: she/her
Favorite 📺 show: I haven’t watched one in a while but atla
Tattoos: nope
Right or left handed: right handed
Ever had surgery: no
Piercings: ears
Sports: I used to play football (soccer) and cricket but i got lazy ans switched to badminton and now im ultra lazy so not currently
Dream Vacation: Anywhere in the world, a f1 race included on the trip and meeting the drivers
Trainers: as in???
Eating: pringles
Drinking: water
I’m about to watch: cricket probably idk depends on what my dads watching
Waiting for: nothing specifically 
Want: love, F1 (is that something people can want lol)
Get married for: love
Career: Software or animation related. Either apple or google or something but I REALLY WANT A JOB IN F1 CODING CARS
Hugs or kisses: hugs
👄 or eyes: eyes
Shorter or taller: taller
Older or younger: older
Nice arms or stomach: nice arms
Hookup or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
Have you ever:
😘 a stranger: no
Drank hard liquor: no
Lost glasses: no
Turned someone down: no
Sex on first date: no
Broken someone’s ❤️: maybe im not sure
Had your 💔: yes
Been arrested: no
😢 when someone died: luckily everyone i know is still alive :)
Fallen for a friend: no
Do you believe in:
Yourself: rarely
Miracles: sometimes
💛 at first sight: not sure
😘 on the first date: depends on the person and mood but sure if it happens
Angels: no
Best friend’s name: i don’t wanna name them but i’ll tag @cause-science-thats-why @anitacoelhopurplepaladin @therampiion HI GUYS!!!!
Eye color: black
Favorite Movie: I don’t really think I have one? Or I can’t remember any rn anyway
Favorite actor: Don’t have one or again, can’t remember currently
Favorite Food: fries
Extrovert or Introvert: introvert
Favorite flower: not sure tbh i dont consider myself a flower person, im more of a sky person
Favorite Hello 🐈 characters: I never got into hello kitty if thats what that is 
i tag @cause-science-thats-why @anitacoelhopurplepaladin @therampiion @raff-s-art-blog @avatar-chang @thotzumaki @vergne @formuladone @formula1trash @rainbovvsushi @honeybadgersfan @a1onso @mclarenault@fohtla @zukonion @zukkhinis @dragonmickie @thefaultinourbiryanii @QueenKJ42 @eaurougeraidillon @hinchtastic @sokkable @so-many-fandoms-so-little-life 
(ah well idc if thats more than 20)
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hobisolostan · 6 years
85 question tag thing 🏹
tagged by: @sleepbugs (ilu !!! 😙)
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 (lmao funnyyyy) people
tagging: uhmmmmmmmmmmm @libraop @justinsgf @lilchims @namugf @brightjoon @moon9oddess @joonsgoth
1. drink: h2o 
2. phone call: my mom
3. text message: my yearbook group chat .. its just spams from my friend cause she’s touring Europe ALONE , lucky bitch
4. song you listened to: always you - astro (stan talent !!!) 
5. time you cried: two days ago ish
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: what is this kiss?
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: yea
10. been depressed: is this a question?
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12. favorite colours: blues/neutrals 
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yup!!
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yea ig ?? not like crying with tears streaming down my face but definitely a few tears slipped out 
18. found out someone was talking about you: o yea
19. met someone who changed you: yup
20. found out who your friends are: lets not go there :)
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: nope
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them ??? stranger danger kids dont friend people u dont know irl
23. do you have any pets: skjfl i wish :(( 
24. do you want to change your name: no actually, as much as i hate when it gets mispronounced and not like even a tiny mispronunciation, it literally gets butchered :) , it has a lot of ties and significance to my culture which is important to me
25. what did you do for your last birthday: my friend whom i would die for (the one in Europe rn) invited me over to her place and her and two other friends planned surprised gifts and hot pot ! her mom literally paid for all the ingredients akfdskjl i love her sm :(( 
26. what time did you wake up today: 7 am, my body she just did it ? idk lol
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching a horror movie
29. what are you listening to right now: aint nobody takin my baby - russ
30. when was the last time you saw your mom: this morning
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no
32. something that gets on your nerves: narrow-mindedness, arrogance, ignorance, when ppl chew with their mouth open skfsjldfjs
33. most visited website: definitely between tumblr and youtube 
34. hair colour: black
35. long or short hair: short, it’s just below chin level rn sklfjsld
36. do you have a crush on someone: u ask me when hoseok is right ... there ?
37. what do you like about yourself: uh my lips and dimples and the fact that I’m pretty self-driven 
38. want any piercings: more like need ????? ive been wanting double helix piercings for the longesstttt time. might get some this year .. hopefully
39. blood type: i literally dont even know sklfjskd but its definitely a or b or ab since my parents are a combination of those 
40. nicknames: utshee ? just my normal name but instead of the ending ah sound its an “e” as in the letter e lol and then ironically its usa, long back story id rather not get into lol. shira if ur reading this u know 😔
41. relationship status: married to hoseok obviously
42. zodiac: this is virgo solidarity !!! 
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv shows: dont really watch tv shows anymore tbh but the last good one i can remember was supernatural but its .. been awhile lmao
45. tattoos: nooooooo , i want a few small ones tho one day when im of age
46. right handed or left handed: normal regular righty 
47. ever had surgery: nope, i did fracture my arm once tho when i was like uh 2-3 
48. piercings: 2! just regular earlobe piercings, one on each
49. sport: volleyball, lacrosse, and gymnastics i did for a while competitively. i also love ultimate frisbee and long distance running on my free time
50. vacation: i havent been out of country since i came here to the states ksdjsdf my family just isn’t one of those that take family trips, at least out of country 😔ig my last family vacation was 2016 winter break where we drove down to las vegas and arizona to see the grand canyon. it was so damn cold omg
51. trainers: um i have superstars and two pairs of nikes that i wear on the daily. i really want some new van slip ons tho ugh 
more general:
52. eating: i eat literally everything lmao, im one of the least picky eaters tbh but i prefer seafood over meat. i still like and eat meat but sometimes id just .. rather not lol
53. drinking: water !!!!!!!!!! ( i down a good 10 cups at least everyday) i also love boba so much omggg u dont understand but i really do try to limit myself 😔
54. i’m about to watch: perfect man jimin focus skdjfklsdf jimin stans raise up for ur national anthem !!!!!
55. waiting for: college apps to be over even tho they technically havent opened yet akfjds;lfs
56. want: to go into my career field with zero in debt so basically impossible but a girl can dream :( 
57. get married: yea if it happens sure
58. career: medical !!! looking into anesthesiologist but im not set on anything, just wanna do Doctors Without Borders as my end career goal 😔
which is better:
59. hugs or kisses: kisses pls 
60. lips or eyes: eyes bc they just convey sooo much about a person but also pls ... if ur lips are as cracked as the sidewalk outside of my house we’re never smooching 
61. shorter or taller: definitely taller, also wanna be the little spoon during cuddles so yea
62. older or younger: older for sure because i look at the underclassmen and shudder in disgust bc they’re ur typical overgrown yet immature high school students. honestly dont know wtf happened to selecting genuine students to enroll into our school but skfjsdfjs im out of there in less than a year so whatever
63. nice arms or stomach: arms bc i like tummies but if u have abs i dont mind either
64. hookup or relationship: can’t really see myself doing hookups so relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: depends? i definitely want a playful relationship but they should know when their behavior is verging on immature so ig slightly  leaning on the more hesitant side
have you ever:
66. kissed a stranger: no
67. drank hard liquor: o yeaaa, new years eve and home alone with my in-college cousin lmaoo
68. lost glasses: I LOST MY FIRST PAIR IN 5 MONTHS AND I STILL DONT KNOW WHERE THEY ARE ???? i had to buy another pair after begging my parents for a good 2 months bc the first pair were so mfcking expensive ksfjsld tbh the ones i wear right now are a lot cuter tho so 
69. turned someone down: yes
70. sex on first date: no
71. broken someone’s heart: maybe ? dont know to the extent the other person liked me so
72. had your heart broken: no
73. been arrested: no
74. cried when someone died: yea
75. fallen for a friend: yea 
do you believe in:
76. yourself: love urself right hahha :)) lmao im trying ig
77. miracles: hmm sure 
78. love at first sight: idk depends, im neutral. definitely think theres more to it tho
79. santa claus: no, wish i was still at that age where i did 
80. kiss on first date: hmm depends
81. angels: yea
82. best friend’s name: i have two: one’s andreana and the other is sybil (the one who left me here to die while she went to europe yea, love that betrayer)
83. eye colour: dark brown
84. fave movie: was gonna say black panther but thats too much of a popular opinion so the ritual ?? its a horror movie which i love so much omg fljsd and it was surprisingly good ??? definitely have not said that about a horror movie in the longest time bc the newer ones are always so cringy and predictable 
85. fave actor: mistre kim seokjin of course 🤩🤩
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666shiki · 6 years
85 Questions tag
i was tagged by @saphore love you babe MWAH
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
2. phone call: my brother........ the call lasted for literally 17 seconds lmao
3. text message: man i get you............
4. song you listened to: NCT 2018 - Black on Black
5. time you cried: yesterday..... bc i was really soft for seungkwan.. LISTEn i saw a really cute gif of him i cant help it
6. dated someone twice: nah
7. kissed someone and regretted it: yea : D
8. been cheated on: noo
9. lost someone special: yep
10. been depressed: hasn’t everyone? (lmao caroline this is so accurate im just gonna leave it)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: noo i usually feel like throwing up the next day
favorite colours:
12. neon red/blue/yellow
13. lilac
14. mustard yellow
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yea !
16. fallen out of love: yea:D
17. laughed until you cried: also yea
18. found out someone was talking about you: what.. no? what does this even mean SJODFOKSD
19. met someone who changed you: YESSSS GODD and im thankful for every single one of them
20. found out who your friends are: yeah
21. kissed someone on your facebook tumblr friends list: nope
22. how many of your facebook tumblr friends do you know irl: 2
23. do you have any pets: a tortoise and two dogs !!
24. do you want to change your name: no i actually really love my name
25. What did you do for your last birthday? nothing.. went to school? dskksf i dont really care about my birthday
26. what time did you wake up today: around 10am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: idk probably was crying at the cute seungkwan gifs
28. what is something you can’t wait for: UHH.. nothing? i never rly wait for anything since nothing happens anyway
29. what are you listening to right now: Seventeen - Oh My!
30. when was the last time you saw your mom: like 2 minutes ago she gave me french fries :]
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: noo i dont think so
32. something that gets on your nerves: EVERYTHING LMFAOOOO im constantly mad about everything even tho i dont always realize it but most of all myself
33. most visited website: youtube and tumblr
34. hair colour: black? that kinda looks like dark brown in the sunlight
35. long or short hair: uhh.. short? medium? im like debating whether i should cut my hair or let it grow sdfkjsdf
36. do you have a crush on someone: i mean aside from idols uhh..... hmm idk kinda? kinda not.. im trying not to let my feelings grow for them ssjhsjhdhsdh
37. what do you like about yourself: my eyes and my eyebrows >:) my friend said that she likes my eye shape? and i fking died love YOU
38. want any piercings: YESSSS god PLEASE but the problem is i would forget to take care of them
39. blood type: idk dude
40. nicknames: raada and raadamus occasionally huora
41. relationship status: been living that single life for 16 years
42. zodiac: scorpio
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv shows: riverdale atm i guess.. i rly love ahs and oitnb too
45. tattoos: no even tho i REEALLY want one:( or two.. or five
46. right handed or left handed: right
47. ever had surgery: nope
48. piercings: none
49. sport: that’s a silly word :) (caroline.. MOOD)
50. vacation: i want to travel to northern finland and japan ! and recently i just really want to go see caroline even tho thats unrealistic but a bitch can dream
51. trainers: the fuck are those
more general:
53. drinking: SPRITE BABEYY
54. i’m about to watch: idk bitch probably gonna see if my fav youtubers have uploaded anything
55. waiting for: DEATH
56. want: ohh dude sooooooo many things.......
57. get married: unrealistic!
58. career: i want to do art idk what kind but id love to be a character designer for games or something. GAME ART! thats what id love to do but again .. unrealistic
which is better:
59. hugs or kisses: depends on who the person is
60. lips or eyes: both
61. shorter or taller: either
62. older or younger: older
63. nice arms or stomach: idk either??
64. hookup or relationship: relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
have you ever:
66. kissed a stranger: no
67. drank hard liquor: noo ive drank normal liquor tho
68. lost glasses: i dont have any sdfsdf
69. turned someone down: kinda?
70. sex on first date: no
71. broken someone’s heart: i hope i havent
72. had your heart broken: idk.. kinda
73. been arrested: no
74. cried when someone died: yes
75. fallen for a friend: no? no
do you believe in:
76. yourself: man... on good days. yes
77. miracles: yes
78. love at first sight: yes
79. santa claus: he died years ago
80. kiss on first date: yeah
81. angels: yes !
82. best friend’s name: Jemina and Julia..... and another Julia
83. eye colour: green babeyyyyyy
84. fave movie: it used to be As Above So Below but tbh i havent seen it in years so idk
85. fave actor: Choi Minho best actor of all time
i’m gonna just tag @jenofiles and @lukkilucas
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