#and then she reunites with everyone and they do the whole last stand against SAM
chibitortuga · 4 months
The fact that Shaw endured over 7000 simulations and not once was able to kill Root and then finally escapes and reunites with her (and the team) but ultimately loses her at the end (┛ಥ_ಥ)┛彡┻━┻
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Hue and Cry X
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; abuse of power, Lord Grumpy Pants Barnes.
This is dark!medieval!Bucky Barnes x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You deal with the fall out of Barnes’ loss.
Note: It’s Friday, y’all. I can’t wait to nap tonight.
Thanks to everyone and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You did not see Lord Barnes before the banquet. Instead, you were escorted directly there by his hound, Rogers. You replaced your cap with a silk hood that matched your gown, gold and white ribbons braided around the trim. Rogers strode with his chin up and chest out, his blonde hair tidier than before and his blue eyes filled with their usual mischief.
The tables filled even as you entered but you did not see your master among the nobles along the dais. Lord Rogers stopped you as you peered around the hall and he glanced up at the king who spoke jovially to his queen and guffawed at another of his lords. The man beside you held his your as he leaned in to whisper in your ear.
“I hate to be the bearer of common sense, I never was adept at it, but you should stay away from your friends from earlier. If you care for yourself, or should I dare to suggest, that boy,” he shrugged nonchalantly, “oh, and this will be my last act of kindness. It makes me queasy.”
He released you and left you by the lower tables. You walked along a bench and sat with your head down. As much as you didn’t trust Rogers, he was right. You had to avoid May and Benjamin for their own sake as much as yours. It didn’t matter that they were friendly and warm, that they were the only light you’d known in the recent darkness, it only mattered that you did not draw them into the same snare which held you.
When the hall was full and raucous, you dared to look up at the high table. There was an odd stirring and you were stunned to see the last people you expected seated along the dais. The Parkers were not among their bearing at the lower tables but up at the king’s side, on his other shoulder, his queen, then his favoured lords, including Barnes who’s arrival had gone unnoticed.
Peter chuckled with King Sam as the older man clapped his shoulder and his uncle and aunt watched proudly. It only made sense, you figured, all alone amid the masses, that he should be given the place of honour for his victory. It made all the more sense that Lord Barnes glowered at the table in resent. Your heart skipped at his expression and you knew you would not go unscathed for his humiliation.
You ducked your head down again and picked at your plate of roasted potatoes and greasy carrots. You weren’t hungry but the wine went down easy and bubbled in your head. You were dizzier with each course and when at last the trestles were cleared and the benches taken away, you stood as the guests once more met on the boards while the band plucked up.
You wobbled to the wall and braced yourself against it as the figures blurred. You heard voices, familiar and strange, and suddenly there was someone before you. You blinked as you stood straight and gave an unsteady bow to the king. He tilted his head and smiled at you as he took your hand gently.
“You are in need of a partner,” he purred as he pulled you from the wall, “might I have the pleasure?”
“Your majesty,” you stared at the silver strands sewn into his overcoat, “it would be my pleasure, truly.”
“Hmm, much preferable to Barnes, of course,” he jibed, “it must be… peculiar. Once you would have poured the wine at these affairs and now… you have the delight of imbibing.” You lowered your lashes guiltily and he laughed, “I do not say that to shame or punish you, lady. Ah, yes, I know that title is not true but if Barnes would raise you to his bed, then I would oblige his indulgence. Besides, you are sweet, far too sweet for him.”
“I only do as he wishes,” you uttered, “nothing more or less.”
“And yet he seems entirely unhappy,” he remarked, “he does torture himself but I should hate to see him do it to another.”
“He did afford me this gown, a seat at this feast, and warm hearth,” you mustered your mask even though it drooped under the weight of the wine in your stomach, “I will not complain.”
“But you could, to me,” he said, “it would not bother me. You have been… maneuvered into a most unusual position. It intrigues me. You intrigue me… not in the same vein as Barnes, mind you, but you possess a grace unknown to many peasants. I admire it.”
“Thank you, your majesty,” you kept your head down as he led you around the floor, “my apologies for my clumsy feet.”
“I did not mean to upset you,” he said, “I hope to… give you strength.”
You looked up at him meekly and winced, “I am not strong. I only do as I am bid, as servants must.”
He thought and nodded to himself. For a moment, his cheer subsided and he sighed. “My wife does recall you from her younger days, vaguely. You must know her relation to your master. Well, she is a good woman, I love her deeply for it. She would allow you a place among her court… should you wish it. Should it keep you busy as Barnes is kept by his own business.”
“I… your majesty, why should she do that?”
“Not upon my suggestion if you suspect that, but she has ever held favour for strays,” he stopped as the tune slowed and flowed into the next, “and she worries for her brother. This is the first she’s seen him since he was… whole.”
You were quiet and smiled at him. You sniffed away the sudden wave of drowsiness as it settled on your shoulders.
“I should return you to him,” Sam said grimly, “I don’t think he should remain much longer at this celebration. He does not see second place as worth the frivolity.”
You let him guide you between the bodies as they parted around him and dancers stilled to bow at him. He said just as much as he left unspoken. The truth was there but none dared to declare it. Pity, that was what he offered; all he could offer.
“Bucky,” King Sam approached the lord who crept along the wall fertively, “you would need a partner before your head implodes from your pouting.”
“Pouting?” he spat back, “I do not… pout.”
The king laughed and held your hand out to the duke. Bucky eyed it and shook his head. Sam huffed and glanced around. ��Your sister does await me. She cannot stand to dance with Rogers for very long and I promised her I would not be long. Do not punish the girl for your failings. Perhaps do not look at them as such, for many lost worse than you.”
The king raised your hand to his lips and left you with the courtesy. You stood by Barnes as he avoided looking at you. You didn’t know what to do, you were nervous and drunk. You looked at your skirts and swayed.
“Go, dance with him,” he hissed, “I don’t want you near.”
You raised your head and blanched. Lord Barnes picked at his cuff and grimaced. “I cannot dance as it is,” he lifted his fake arm and dropped it back against his side heavily, “I am… broken.”
“No, no, my lord, that is not--”
“You’ve seen it. You know.” He sneered, “besides, the boy did show how weak I am, truly.”
“My lord--”
“Oh, do not be such a simpering wench,” he pushed away from the wall and grabbed your arm, “can you not do anything for yourself?”
He dragged you through the crowd and you tripped over your slippers as you struggled to keep up. He marched around several couples and stopped to watch Peter as he danced with his aunt. His uncle stood along the wall with a wooden stein and watched. You staggered as Barnes released you sharply and watched the younger man until he noticed him.
“Oh, uh,” Peter stopped and both he and May bowed their heads to the duke, “Lord Barnes,” he held his head up high as his eyes sparkled at the veteran, “I hadn’t the chance to say how honoured I was to face you--”
“Yes, yes,” Barnes waved his words off, “you are a fine fighter. More skilled than most viscounts, they are usually more attune to their plows.”
Peter blinked as if he was trying to figure out the insult. His eyes wandered onto you and his brows drew together in confusion. You felt just as confounded as he let on.
“I was only aiding this… lady, she could not find you,” he lied smoothly, “I have a keen eye and I could not but help a damsel in need.”
“Oh, uh,” Peter smiled, “she is a friend. I was curious where you got to, lady.”
“It has been a long day,” you murmured, “my lord.”
“Well, you must celebrate, yes? She is a pretty girl, you are a young bachelor, it is only natural,” he commented, “the two of you… you should be dancing until the sun rises.”
“I should retire--”
“Nonsense, lady, you were so eager to find him,” Barnes intoned, “do go on. I for one am not much of a dancer anymore,” he gestured to his arm, “easier to face a sparring partner than a dancing partner, yes?”
Peter nodded and gulped. His forehead wrinkled as he considered the older man, “I thank you then, for reuniting us. Again, it was an honour, my lord.”
“An honour for me,” Barnes corrected, “to be bested by such a fine warrior.”
Barnes spun on his heel and left as swiftly as he’d brought you there. You watched after him and stared at the twirling sea of dancers.
“That was… odd,” Peter said quietly.
“I shall go bother your uncle,” May excused herself, “I was worried lady,” she took your hand for a moment as she drew your attention back, “I did not see you since the afternoon.”
“I am well, thank you, I was only swept up in the crowd,” you squeezed her hand and let her go. You turned to Peter as she went and he offered his arm with a crooked grin.
“So?” he asked anxiously.
You gulped and took his arm, unsure of what else to do. You were too afraid to find Barnes and stoke his anger further and just as afraid to disobey him. You knew well enough that even if he insisted upon it, that this dance was a trick on his part. It was as if he was fueling his rage so that he might unleash it upon you in full later.
“You fought well, my lord,” you began the steps, following his lead, “Congratulations.”
“I… am still in disbelief,” he chimed, “but you, I did not know you had such esteemed friends. My uncle said you were acquainted with Lord Rogers of Astrens.”
“We are not close.” 
“And Barnes? He’s not very sociable, notably so.”
“Oh? And what concerns you of my acquaintance with him?” you challenged.
“Nothing concerns me but… I don’t know, you say you are the daughter of a baron and yet you associate with dukes? That is a high climb--”
“A reach I did not make upon my own want,” you frowned, “you said we were friends, me and you. I care not for your title, only that you let me stomp your feet. I prefer that to their dukedoms.”
He smiled and cringed, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound envious,” he laughed away his awkwardness, “I only-- I suppose I felt inferior to them.”
“You are better than them. Truly. You showed that today and I tell you, they are tainted by their gold and their lands. They cannot understand others for how much they think of themselves,” you stumbled as the wine stirred in your head.
Peter caught you and kept you from tumbling. You came to face him as his smile remained, “truly, you prefer me?”
“Truly,” you confessed, “I have never known any so--”
Peter was yanked away from you, a hand on his collar as you faltered with the force of it. You stepped back on your heel as he was turned to face Barnes who grasped him tightly by the front of his plain jacket. Peter was almost on his toes as he stared up in shock at the duke.
“Dance all you like, boy,” Barnes growled, “but she is mine…” he leaned in and you did not hear his whisper as Peter went pale and was shoved away.
Barnes released him and stormed out of the hall. Your eyes met Peter’s as he fixed the front of his jacket and he peeked over his shoulder at his aunt and uncle who hadn’t noticed the interruption. Your lip quivered and tears welled in your vision.
“I’m so sorry,” you sobbed, “I didn’t--”
You spun and raced away, blindly brushing by the other guest until you burst out into the cold corridor. You hit the stone wall and gripped it as the tears trickled down your cheeks and you blotted them away with your sleeves. You sniffed and peered down the hallway at the shadow stalking away. 
That was only the beginning. Barnes would do all he could to make his will known and you always felt it completely.
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oreosmilkshakes · 3 years
Mine; the sequel
Summary: The end of everything Pairing: The Winter Soldier!Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 11.4K Warnings: Violence, Endgame’s ending, character death,  A/N: This is the longest piece I have ever written and holy crap, it was tiring but worth it. Seriously. I’ll wait a little until I wanna write again. The sequel spans over CW, IW and Endgame so yall are in for a ride.   ED/N: Editor has gone to the Ether Realm (Written by author) Taglist: @igothroughphasesalot​ @paniniirae​ @winteroqers @felicityofbakerstreet​
Two years. Two years was how long it took to hunt Bucky down after the events of HYDRA’s infiltration within S.H.I.E.L.D. . Y/N did not give up. She spent sleepless nights, using her contacts, satellite technology to find her soulmate but each time he appears, he disappears the next minute after. Even with Steve and Sam’s help, the job didn’t get easier.
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After S.H.I.E.L.D.’s fall, a new power came in and that very same power thought it would be a good idea to control the Avengers through a series of words. Specifically, the Sokovia Accords after what happened in Lagos. Y/N knew it wasn’t Wanda’s fault. She was constantly with her best friend day and night, being her shoulder to cry on. Y/N pitied Wanda. She lost her brother to Ultron and now, people were dead due to an accident. Y/N was also there for Steve when he received the news that Peggy had passed on in her sleep. She attended her funeral, standing by the blonde super soldier throughout the entire event. Y/N knew how much Peggy meant to him. He was a man out of time after all. Y/N immediately pulled Steve in a tight hug after the coffin was sent for burial.
It was indeed dark days and darker ones were coming
Y/N was requested by Everett Ross to accompany him and Sharon to greet Steve. She’s heard what had happened in Vienna and the whole explosion. Something big was going on. Y/N could feel it. So, as she walked towards the vans, one could imagine the surprise Y/N felt when she saw Bucky. Her eyes widened and so did his. Her jaw slacked a little, looking at Steve who gave her a subtle shake of his head. Everett Ross and Sharon Carter, along with the other German soldiers here don’t need to know Bucky and Y/N were soulmates.
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Y/N’s heart was racing, Bucky’s too. Two years. Two long years of sleep deprivation and tears has finally brought Bucky back to her. She wanted to hug him, to feel him against her body, to touch every inch of his skin. However, seeing him caged like an animal broke her heart. Was it really Bucky that blew up the building and killed the king of Wakanda? It couldn’t be him. Y/N gulped, her eyes meeting with Bucky’s again as he was slowly transported away. She could see him flex his metal arm, as if trying to escape his prison so he could run to Y/N and be reunited. He has changed. Y/N could not see the same killer she saw back in 2014. However, he looked beefier and that made Y/N’s heart flutter. He was also tamer, calmer. Something like The Winter Soldier’s programming won’t go away easily, of course.
And Y/N was right.
Blackout. Steve looked around, all monitors had gone dark.
“Come on, guys, get me eyes on Barnes,” Everett spoke through his walkie-talkie. Bucky was left with a faceless man. Anything could go wrong.
Tony tapped on his ear.
“Friday, get me a source on that outage,” Something was wrong.
Sharon looked at both Steve, Sam, and Y/N. “Sub-level five, East Wing,” Without further delay, the trio hastily made their way to Bucky’s location.
Bucky turned to his supposed interrogator. “What the hell is this?”
“Why don’t we discuss your home? Not Romania. Certainly not Brooklyn, no,” Zemo dug into his bag, hand gripping the item most important to Bucky.
He pulled out The Red Book, holding it up for Bucky to see. “I mean your real home,”
Bucky’s eyes darken at the sight of the book. The very same book that was used by the Russian to control him like he was some dog.
Zemo removed his glasses, standing up with the book and a torch.
“Желание (Longing),” Something ticked in Bucky’s mind. The locks he had on The Winter Soldier was rattling, like a monster slamming itself against the heavy doors of its prison.
“No,” He whispered.
“Ржавый (Rusted),”
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Bucky threw his head back. “Stop,” The door shook hard but not enough for The Winter Soldier to be released. Yet.
“Семнадцать (Seventeen),” Bucky clenched his metal fist. “Stop,” He growled. If, no, when, Zemo finishes those words, The Winter Soldier would be broken free and that scared Bucky. His soulmate was in the same facility as him and the chances of Bucky hurting his lover and everyone around her was high. Bucky’s breathing got heavy, growling under his breath as he tried to fight hard against his trigger words. Zemo looked up, eyes focused on Bucky in torment. “Рассвет (Daybreak),” Bucky screamed, four out of ten locks were broken now. He yanked his metal arm out, successfully breaking his cuff before moving to rip the cuff off his right arm.
“Печь (Furnace)”
Bucky grunted, moving to the door. His fists slammed against the reinforced door, grunting as he was losing to the locks on the prison.
“Девять (Nine),  Доброкачественный (Benign),” Zemo continued. Bucky’s metal fist slammed hard against the door, seven out of ten locks were broken now.
“Возвращение на родину (Homecoming), Один (One),” The cracks formed by Bucky’s hard punches grew bigger. He was feral once more, eyes wild and seeking freedom from his prison.
“Товарный вагон (Freight car),” And that was it. The door broke, locks broken and Bucky--No, The Winter Soldier was free once more. The Soldier burst out of his prison, hair falling over his face as he breathed softly. Zemo stood in front of him, The Soldier stood, eyes dark and showed no signs of Bucky at all.
“Cолдат? (Soldier?)”
“я готов отвечать (Ready to comply),” The Soldier replied, ready to receive his newest assignment.
“Mission report. December 16, 1991,”
And The Soldier knew exactly what to do.
When Steve, Sam, and Y/N arrived, soldiers laid slumped against the wall, unconscious from being attacked by the dark Super Soldier.
“What the hell...Who did this?” Y/N gasped, checking on one of the soldiers, and sighed in relief when she found that he was still alive.
Steve led further into the cell, kneeling to check on a soldier when a soft voice called out.
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“Help me. Help,”
Steve saw red. He stormed over to Zemo. “Get up,” He grabbed the man and slammed him against the wall. “Who are you? What do you want?” Steve’s fists clenched tightly on Zemo’s collar.
“To see an empire fall,”
Sam stepped in, narrowly missing a punch by The Soldier. “Bucky!” Y/N screamed to get his attention. Nothing. No hesitation or a glance at the woman. Sam landed a few punches on The Soldier before the assassin grabbed him and threw him against the cage. “Sam!” Y/N moved to help. “Y/N, stay back. This isn’t Bucky!” Steve ordered and Y/N froze. The Soldier looked at Steve and then to Y/N with dark eyes. He turned his attention to the woman, storming over to her. Before he could swing his fist at his soulmate, Steve grabbed Bucky and threw him back. “Y/N, get out of here!” “I am not leaving you here!” “Just go!” Steve narrowly missed a punch from Bucky, landing his fist onto his best friend’s face. Y/N took one last look at Bucky before taking off. Not to find safety, no. But to try and find ways to subdue The Soldier.
The Soldier and Steve fought hard against one another until they both ended in the water with a broken chopper. Sam and Y/N had left the facility to chase after Zemo but the man had disappeared.
Time to hide again
Y/N didn’t hesitate to follow Sam to the meeting point where Steve had brought Bucky. She bit her nail, the man’s metal arm was clamped under heavy machinery so he wouldn’t be able to escape if he wanted to again.
Y/N moved to Bucky, brushing his hair out of his face. He was still unconscious, clothes and hair damp from his and Steve’s little swim. “Be careful, Y/N,” Sam warned. Y/N shook her head. “After two years, Sam. Two years of finding Bucky. I am not going to ‘be careful,” She cupped Bucky’s rough cheek, her thumb gently brushing the red bruise on his left cheekbone. Y/N held back tears, her heart was aching for the man before her. “I missed you, Bucky,” Y/N whispered, words filled with emotion and unspoken love.
The Winter Soldier slowly slipped back into its cage, the effects from the words were losing their power and once again, Bucky Barnes was back. The Super Soldier stirred awake a few minutes later from the distant sound of a helicopter. “Cap,” Sam called out. Steve stopped his conversation with Y/N, Sam gesturing to Bucky. Y/N’s breath hitched a little. Bucky was awake. She licked her dry lips, following Steve from behind.
Bucky groaned softly, using his hand to lift himself so he could look at Steve. His eyes drifted to Sam next and finally, Y/N. He parted his lips, wanting to say something to his soulmate but Steve cut off to him first.
“Answer me first. Which Bucky am I talking to?”
Bucky blinked a few times. “Your mom’s name was Sarah. You used to wear newspaper in your shoes,” Bucky chuckled. Steve was satisfied with Bucky’s answer. “Can’t read that in a museum,” Sam was in disbelief.
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“Just like that, we’re supposed to be cool?”
Bucky’s eyes flickered to Y/N again then back to Steve.
“What did I do?” “Enough,” Steve replied. Bucky let out a soft sigh. “Oh, god. I knew this would happen. Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words,” Bucky whispered.
“Who was he?” Steve questioned.
“I don’t know,”
“People are dead. The bombing, the setup, the doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than “I don’t know,” Steve pressed on further. Y/N wanted to step forward and defend Bucky but Sam shook his head. Bucky squinted his eyes a little, brows furrowed as he recalled the moment before he became The Winter Soldier.
“He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where,” “Why would he need to know that?” Bucky knew it was finally time to spill the truth. And so he did. “Because I’m not the only Winter Soldier,” Bucky gave a brief recollection of The Winter Soldier program. Y/N moved a little closer to Sam, fear growing in her heart knowing there were more than Bucky.
Steve was now leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “Who were they?” “Their most elite death squad. More kills than anyone in HYDRA history. And that was before the serum,” Bucky explained. Y/N was now standing behind him, hands gently playing with the tips of his long hair as a form of comfort. Bucky found it comforting as well, leaning into the woman’s soft touch.
“They all turned out like you?” Sam questioned.
Bucky shook his head once. “Worse,” Now, it was Steve’s turn to speak.
“The doctor, could he control them?”
“Enough,” Bucky looked down at Y/N’s hands that were now on his strong shoulders. He leaned further into his soulmate’s touch, his head resting on her abdomen.
“Said he wanted to see an empire fall,” Steve glanced at Sam. Bucky leaned forward. “With these guys, he could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize. They can take a whole country down in one night, you’d never see them coming,”
Sam approached Steve, speaking to him lowly. Bucky turned to Y/N, his metal hand taking one of the woman’s hands softly. He brought it to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I really am,” Bucky stood, turning to face the woman. He tilted his head down to face his soulmate, the corner of his mouth twitched into a small smile. “You know, I didn’t realize how short you are,” Y/N gasped, punching Bucky in the shoulder, only to realize she punched metal and winced softly. Bucky took both her hands, lacing their fingers together. “I want to apologize to you, doll. I made a promise and I didn’t fulfi-,” “No...Don’t say it. It’s not your fault. I know how hard it is to push him aside and be the man who you are today,” Y/N moved a hand up Bucky’s arm, resting on his bicep. She couldn’t get over how beefy he looked now compared to two years ago. Y/N cleared her throat, quickly averting her gaze so Bucky won’t catch her staring at him. Too late though. Y/N looked up at Bucky, cerulean eyes met hazelnut ones. Her hand moved up to his rough jaw, thumb feeling the sharp bristles of hair that covered his jaw. The Super Soldier leaned in slowly, his metal hand gripped Y/N’s waist gently. Their lips met in a soft kiss, one filled with unspoken love and kept emotions. Bucky pulled Y/N closer, deepening the soft kiss. A stray tear trickled down the agent’s cheek, Bucky pulled away slowly. He cupped Y/N’s cheek, his metal thumb wiped away the tear. He knew exactly why she was crying. Happy tears. Reunited finally after two years. “Two years, I spent wondering what my soulmate tasted like. I’m not disappointed,” Y/N laughed softly, both realizing that this was their first kiss. “Neither am I, Bucky. Neither am I,”
Bucky turned to face Steve and Sam, both men had smirks on their faces and nodding, seemingly impressed with the other Super Soldier. Y/N simply hid her red, embarrassed face in Bucky’s warm chest.
“Come on. We’re meeting someone,” Sam walked ahead, Steve followed shortly after along with Bucky and Y/N.
Y/N certainly didn’t expect the days to get worse. The first being Tony and his side of the team ambushing Steve in Germany’s airport. Now, that was a bigger mess. Explosions here and there, heroes thrown around by one another and Y/N constantly at Bucky’s side. She couldn’t leave him and she was not letting him go anytime soon. Bucky felt the same way which is why he was doing his best in protecting the woman he loves. What’s worse was that those who could not get to Siberia were thrown in the Raft.
Steve manned the quinjet, Y/N and Bucky were seated at the back. Her hand took his metal ones, lacing their fingers together as Y/N leaned her head on his strong shoulder. Bucky let out a soft but audible sigh as he looked down at their laced fingers. All this fight was because of Zemo framing Bucky for the Vienna bombing.
Y/N looked up at Bucky. “Do you think this will ever stop? This fighting, people or organizations with plans to take over the world, the world in chaos?” The super soldier thought hard. Would it? Of course not. A storm was coming.
“I’ve been in this shit for over 70 years, Y/N. It won’t stop,” He looked down at his soulmate, cold thumb caressing Y/N’s skin. The woman nodded, leaning up to steal a kiss off his lips before snuggling into Bucky’s side for warmth. Bucky simply smirked at his soulmate’s action, heart fluttered a little from her affectionate gesture. Bucky stayed in the same position for hours while Y/N slept, making quiet conversation with Steve as the trio made their way to Siberia.
“Doll, wake up,” Y/N heard a distant voice called out to her in her sleep. “Wake up, sweetheart. We’re here,” The woman’s eyes fluttered open, jolting up in an upright position as she looked out the cockpit window to see white. “Where are we?” Y/N let out a soft yawn shortly after her question.
“Siberia,” Steve answered before Bucky could. The quinjet landed beside a snow plower. Bucky moved over to the weapons locker, grabbing an assault rifle. The ram to the exit lowered, Y/N left first to examine the snow plower.
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Steve glanced over to Bucky. “You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?”
Bucky looked over to Steve. “Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?” “You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead,” Bucky smiled brightly, remembering those memories that happened oh-so-long ago.
“What was her name, again?” “Dolores. You called her Dot,” “She’s gotta be a hundred years old right now,” Steve patted Bucky’s shoulder. “So are we, pal,” He nodded and left the quinjet.
Y/N stood by the opened doors.
“He can’t have been here more than a few hours,” The agent looked at both Super Soldiers. Tracks were still fresh too.
“Long enough to wake them up,” Bucky gripped the handle of his assault rifle, following Y/N into the facility with Steve behind them. The trio took the elevator down, stepping out, and swept corners. It was quiet. Eerily quiet. Y/N took the lead, handgun in her hand as she climbed the short flight of stairs. BANG
The trio simultaneously whipped around to the elevator, ready to attack the intruder.
“You ready?” Steve whispered. “Yeah,” Bucky looked through the sights of his rifle, hand steady. The metal door creaked, the middle was pushed open and it revealed Tony. Steve eased up a little, both men approaching one another. Tony’s headpiece pulled away to reveal the man’s face. “You seem a little defensive,” Tony commented. Steve nodded, still holding his shield up. “It’s been a long day,” Tony looked up at Bucky and Y/N. “At ease, Soldier. I’m not currently after you. Y/N, not gonna give this old man a hug?”
Y/N was no doubt Tony’s favorite person. They worked together with Y/N being mentored by him in tinkering with tech. After all, Y/N was still young. But don’t let that mistake you. She was smart, a formidable fighter and had friends in high places.
Y/N was just about to take a step down when Bucky stopped her. “No,” “Bucky, please. It’s Tony. I know him,” She whispered, gently pushing his arm away gently. The Super Soldier grumbled and moved his arm away, Y/N moved to hug the older man tightly. “I’m sorry you had to be tangled in this, kid,” Tony looked down at the young woman with soft eyes. “It was my choice, Tony. Don’t worry about me,” Tony sighed softly. He could never see Y/N as an enemy even if she was on Steve’s side. He loves her too much like a daughter. “Can’t help but worry, kid. You’re like a-,” “A daughter to me, I know. I’ll be fine,” Y/N smiled, giving Tony one more hug before pulling away.
“Why are you here?” Steve questioned, breaking the moment.
“Could be your story’s not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea I’m here. I’d like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself,”
Steve stared at Tony with careful eyes. “Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork,” Tony scoffed and Steve eased up, lowering his shield.
“It’s good to see you, Tony,” “You too, Cap,” Tony turned to Bucky, his rifle still pointed to the billionaire. “Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you’re killing me. There’s a truce here. You can drop..” Tony trailed off. Y/N approached Bucky, a hand on the muzzle of the rifle. “It’s okay..,” Bucky’s eyes flicked to his soulmate and lowered his gun.
“Let’s go,” Y/N moved past Bucky and led the way deeper into the facility.
It was a surprise at how the facility still had power working after all these years. However, dust and cobwebs covered a lot of surface areas. The four ventured deeper into the bunker, entering a larger part of the facility. “I got heat signatures,” Tony informed.
“How many?” Steve asked.
“Uh, one,”
Six lights, six freezing tubes. “What the hell is all this..?” Y/N questioned, squinting her eyes at the tubes. Each one had a small hole in the glass.
“If it’s any comfort, they died in their sleep,” Zemo’s voice came on through the speaker. The four slowly walked over to the other side, Y/N closely examining the tubes. These must be the Super Soldiers Bucky was talking about. Each had a bullet in their head.
“Did you really think I wanted more of you?” Zemo’s voice came back on.
Bucky held his gun close, swallowing as he recognized each cold face. “What the hell?” He whispered, keeping close to his soulmate. “I’m grateful to them, though. They brought you here,” Zemo finally showed himself. Tony held his arm out, aiming a wrist missile at Zemo. Steve threw his shield at the glass, the Vibranium frisbee simply bounced off the wall and returned back to Steve. “Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets,”
“I’m betting I can beat that,” Tony claimed, cocky.
“Oh, I’m sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you’d never know why you came,”
Steve approached the small window. “You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?”
Zemo moved closer to the window. “I’ve thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you’re standing here...I just realized..there’s a bit of green in the blue of your eyes,” Zemo chuckled. “How nice to find a flaw,” Steve understood the situation. “You’re Sokovian. Is that what this is about?”
Zemo shook his head. “Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I’m here because I made a promise,”
Steve nodded slightly. “You lost someone?”
Zemo’s jaw clenched, clicking his tongue. “I lost everyone. And so will you,” Zemo turned, pushing a button.
By Steve, a monitor turned on. The blonde glanced at Zemo then approached the monitor. “An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That’s dead. Forever,” Tony, Bucky, and Y/N approached the monitor. It was a camera, panned in a very specific spot. The date in the corner read ‘December 16, 1991,’
Tony looked down at the monitor. “I know that road,” His eyes looked down at the tape. “What is this?” He questioned Zemo, the Sokovian simply chose not to say anything and allowed the heroes to watch as the video played.
Y/N was horrified at the contents of the footage. Bucky--no, The Winter Soldier killed Tony’s parents. Tony’s eyes were hard, jaw ticking as he struggled to fight back his growing, erratic emotions. He was about to move to Bucky when Steve stopped him. “No, Tony,” Tony’s head snapped to Steve but his eyes didn’t meet the blonde’s until he found the courage to do so. “Did you know?” “I didn’t know it was him,” Steve avoided. “Don’t bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?” Tony’s voice was strained, in a whisper of growing rage and sadness.
“Yes,” Tony pushed Steve away, betrayed by the fact Steve knew. Steve knew how his parents died and did not do anything to tell him.
“Tony, please, ju-,” Tony held a hand up to shush Y/N up. With a flick of his hand, he sent Steve flying before proceeding to attack Bucky.
It was an entire mess of chaos. Punches being thrown, kicks and just simply the pain of seeing a once-powerful team breaking apart all because of one single piece of footage.
Y/N did her best to try and break off the fight but received punches herself. Steve and Bucky were overwhelming Tony. He shot a repulsor blast to Steve, sending him against the wall. “Tony, stop!” Y/N grabbed his right arm, struggling to pull Tony back. The billionaire shoved Y/N away hard, sending her to the wall as well. She bumped her head against the concrete, groaning softly as blood trickled from the open wound.
Bucky roared in anger, landing a hard fist onto the chest plate. Tony landed a few punches on Bucky but the Super Soldier barely flinched from it. Years as The Winter Soldier made him this way. Bucky was pissed off. Tony released a blast, Bucky forced the blast upwards before landing a hard punch straight to the core. Tony stumbled backwards. “You hurt Y/N!” Bucky roared, using his right arm to pin the billionaire against the wall. Metal fingers dig into the titanium plate. Steve struggled to stand, looking over to the side to see Y/N in pain.
“Y/N,” Steve groaned out, moving over to check on the woman.
Bucky pushed hard against Tony, screaming as fingers grabbed the glowing core. An unexpected blast from the core sent Bucky stumbling back, landing on his right arm.
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Tony shot a blast at Bucky, the Super Soldier landed beside Y/N. “Bucky..,” Y/N moved over to Bucky, heaving his head on her lap. Her eyes landed on the metal stumped, the edges orange from the heat. Bucky took some time to recover, eyes blurry and mind hazy from the hit.
When the fighting ended, Tony was beaten to a pulp. Y/N was supporting Bucky, with sad eyes on Tony’s downed form. Steve limped over to the two, assisting Y/N with her soulmate.
“That shield doesn’t belong to you. You don’t deserve it. My father made that shield,” Steve has heard enough. He simply dropped the shield, leaving the facility with Y/N and Bucky.
Steve carried Bucky back to the quinjet, setting him down. Y/N sat beside her lover, pulling him close.
“I expected to see you here, Captain Rogers,” T’Challa approached the jet. Steve was on guard, the King raised his hand up. “I almost killed the wrong man, Captain Rogers,” Steve relaxed as the King approached the ram of the jet. “I apologize, Mr. Barnes. I truly am,” T’Challa eyed the couple, understanding what was going on. Bucky simply gave T’Challa a nod, weak from all the fighting. “May I place an offer, Captain Rogers?” “What’s the offer?” “Sanctuary for Mr. Barnes and his soulmate in Wakanda. We will take care of them,” Steve looked at Y/N and Bucky, the woman was whispering soft words to her soulmate.
“Thank you, Your Highness. I think it’s best if they do so,” T’Challa nodded. “Very well then. Wakanda’s doors are open for you,” With that, the King left and before Y/N knew it, she was in Wakanda.
Y/N looked at Bucky with sad eyes. He had to do this. She knew he had to do this. Cryosleep. Her hand rested on the back of Bucky’s neck, both soulmates looking at one another deep in the eyes before Bucky made the move to plant a kiss on the agent’s lips.
Steve approached the two. “You sure about this?” The blonde questioned.
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“I can’t trust my own mind,” Bucky gave a short smile, looking up to his lover. He knew this would be hard for Steve, especially more so on Y/N. God knows how long it will take to remove HYDRA’s programming etched in his mind like a parasite. He took Y/N’s hand, lacing their fingers together.
“So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head, I think going back under is the best thing. For everybody,” Steve nodded. He was not really fond of Bucky leaving Y/N alone and freezing up but if he wanted to prevent another Zemo occurrence, this was the price to pay. “I’ll give you and Y/N some time together,” Steve left shortly after.
Bucky turned his attention to Y/N, tears pooling in the corner of her eyes. “Baby doll..” He cupped Y/N’s cheeks, thumb swiping away a stray tear. “It’s..It’ll be selfish of me to stop you...So I won’t,” She laughed lightly, hands cupping both of Bucky’s rough cheeks and rested her forehead against his. “It’ll be over before you know it. I know you’ll wait for me, Y/N,” Bucky whispered, leaning in slowly until both their lips met in a soft kiss. Y/N returned the kiss, pouring all her emotion and love into it. She didn’t want to let go even though she knew she had to. So she did. Y/N pulled away after a few seconds, pressing one more peck to Bucky’s lips. “I love you..” Y/N confessed. She did. She loved Bucky with all her heart and soul and Bucky felt the same. “I love you too, sweetheart,”
Y/N stepped away, slowly releasing her touch. Bucky stood, stepping into the tube. Steve stood beside Y/N, watching as the Wakandan doctors began the process of freezing. He gave Steve and Y/N one last smile before leaning back, freezing up almost instantly.
Y/N missed him every day.
Two years. Another two years of waiting for Bucky to awoke from his cryostasis. With Shuri’s help, Y/N worked hard day and night to perfect Bucky’s cure and when a solution was formed, Y/N could not wait to see Bucky.
“You’re sure this will work, right?” Y/N turned to her good friend.
Shuri smiled. “Come on, Y/N. You’ve seen my work, you tell me. I have faith in it and in us,” Y/N laughed nodding, her excitement was visible to the princess. “Two long years without your soulmate was hard, wasn’t it?” Shuri’s eyes were filled with pity but also admiration. She has yet to find her soulmate but every day, without fail, she sees Y/N. The woman went from a sad mess to a strong woman. Shuri assisted the agent with keeping her mind filled and for two years straight, Y/N’s mind was kept off Bucky.
Y/N laughed softly. “Yeah, too long, Shuri. Come on. I want to see him,” She left Shuri’s lab and made her way to the medical wing. Doctors and nurses surrounded the tube, the machine hissing as the defrosting process began. The agent bit her lower lip, standing behind the small crowd of doctors and nurses all on standby to assist with the frozen Super Soldier.
The door hissed opened, heavy mist escaped the tube. Two doctors stepped forward, helping the figure out of the tube. As the mist cleared and the doctors stepped aside, there he stood, looking exactly the same as he was in 2016. James Buchanan Barnes was reawoken, cerulean blue eyes scanning the room.
Y/N felt tears pricked her eyes once more. “Bucky..” She called out, tears falling down her cheeks. Bucky turned to the source of the soft voice, immediately recognizing it. “Y/N…” Bucky hoarsely called out. Y/N ran to Bucky, wrapping her arms around his abdomen, and sobbed into his chest. The woman cried hard, finally reunited with her lover. Bucky was in shock. A good shock. He wrapped his arm around Y/N’s body and leaned down, burying his face deep in his soulmate’s neck.
Shuri approached the couple. “Welcome back, Sergeant Barnes,” She smiled at the reunion. The first broken white boy she was going to fix. Y/N pulled away from the hug, wiping her tears away. “Bucky, this is Shuri. Wakanda’s princess and definitely the smartest person on Earth,” Shuri playfully nudged Y/N’s shoulder.
Y/N cupped Bucky’s cheek. “Babe, listen to me. The doctors are going to run a few checkups on you and when you’re done, I’ll take us home and fill you in on what’s been going on, okay?” Bucky simply nodded, throat too dry to even speak. Y/N stepped away, allowing the doctors to work on her soulmate.
The woman returned after half an hour, Bucky was redressed into more traditional wear. “Doll...God, I missed you,” Bucky pulled Y/N in for a short kiss, their first kiss since 2016. Y/N took Bucky’s hand, fingers intertwined. “I missed you too, Bucky...Too much,” She showed him a sad smile. “Come on. I’ll take you home,” And so she did.
Y/N had been living in a small, peaceful hut just a few minutes away from the main city. She fed him, showered him with affection, and of course, ran him through what has been going on. She mentioned that Steve visits them whenever he could, what’s happening to the world right now and in Wakanda.
Y/N moved to sit beside Bucky on their shared bed, the Super Soldier gave her a handsome smile. “Out of all the things I missed about this world, I missed your smile the most,” Bucky flirted. Y/N gasped softly, gently nudging Bucky’s shoulder. “Ever the gentleman, Mr. Barnes?” “I’m always a gentleman, doll. You just get to see more of that side than anyone else,” Now that made Y/N laugh, a sound Bucky came to love immediately.
Life was peaceful with Bucky. The couple has finally found peace.
For months, Ayo, Shuri and Y/N have been helping Bucky with his release from HYDRA’s hold.
“Y/N, it’s going to work this time. Trust me,” Shuri watched as Y/N paced up and down her lab, biting her thumb. Ayo had brought Bucky deep into the Wakandan forest, insisting that it was best for this final process of the removal into the woods just in case Bucky reacted to the words and went on massive havoc.
“It’s been almost two hours, Shuri. What if..,” Y/N stopped, shaking her head to shake away the negative thoughts. Footsteps caught Y/N’s attention, her eyes looking towards the lab entrance. Her eyes widened when Ayo and Bucky stepped in. “He is free,” Ayo informed, bowing a little to Shuri. Y/N covered her mouth, gasping at Ayo’s words. Bucky was free. He was free. This means the words had zero effect on the Super Soldier. She approached her lover, noticing the puff under his eyes and the red veins on the whites. “Oh, honey...Come here,” Y/N reached up to her taller lover, hugging him tightly. This was not tears of sadness, no. They were tears of happiness. Finally, The Winter Soldier was no more. Bucky was now James Buchanan Barnes.
“Come on, let’s go home,” The agent turned to Ayo, mouthing a ‘thank you’ before taking the Super Soldier home.
That’s when their life truly took off. Y/N taught Bucky a lot about the world, including the usage of the smartphone. At first, Bucky was hesitant, claiming that he didn’t need to use a smartphone. Now? The Super Soldier was hooked on it. It made Y/N shake her head in amusement.
Apart from the teaching of the modern world, Y/N also spent more time with her soulmate. She took care of him, cooked for him, bathed with him, had some fun with him and Bucky truly knew, from that moment on, that he was devoting his life to his soulmate. Shuri witnessed their moments together, even taking note each time their White Wolf would fall in love with Y/N. She shook her head, smiling before resuming her work on a certain prosthetic arm.
Their happiness lasted for months, of course. Until Y/N spotted four figures walking towards their little home. “Bucky,” She called out softly.
“Hm?” Bucky hummed in response, looking up at his soulmate. Y/N pointed to the four figures. The closer they got, Y/N recognized who it was. “T’Challa,” Y/N greeted with a smile. The King returned the smile as a Wakandan soldier placed down a case. The agent knew what it was. Bucky came over, looking down in the content of the case. He looked at Y/N, who nodded at him. If T’Challa and Okoye were here bringing this asset Shuri was working on, that means something was coming. Something big that needed every hand on deck.
Bucky looked at the King. 
“Where’s the fight?” “On its way,” Bucky nodded, moving closer to the arm. “Steve Rogers is on his way,”
“We’ll be there,” The King nodded and left with his guards.
Y/N approached the arm, running her fingers on the golden of the cold arm. A big smile spread on her lips as she closed the case and picked it up. “Come on. I have a surprise for you too,” She took Bucky’s hand, tugging him back to their hut.
“Doll-,” “No, no. I’ve been working on this one. It isn’t much but I know you’ll like it,” Y/N cut her soulmate off before he could say anything. She set the case on the bed, moving to grab another case from under their bed. “Wait, how long has that been there?” Bucky raised an eyebrow. How did he not realize that fairly large box under the bed? Y/N laughed lightly, leaning over to steal a kiss off Bucky’s lips before setting the case beside the arm. “I placed it there when you weren’t looking, of course. You ready?” The Super Soldier nodded. Y/N unlocked the case, pushing the lid up to reveal Bucky’s newest suit. Bucky approached the leather suit, picking it up with his hand. “Doll, this is... This is gorgeous. Thank you,” He set the suit, moving to pick Y/N up by the waist and twirled her around in happiness. The Super Soldier leaned up, kissing his lover softly. “Thank you, doll...What would I be without you?” Bucky set his lover down, keeping his arm secured around her waist and forehead against hers.
Y/N pecked his lips sweetly. “Lost,” She exhaled softly, staying in their intimate position for a few more seconds before pulling away. “Come on. Let’s get dressed,” She pulled away from Bucky, leaving for the bathroom to change into her battle suit.
Y/N stepped out of the bathroom, tying her hair up. She found Bucky flexing his metal fingers, already in a full suit. “My, my, the arm looks good on you, honey,” The agent smiled, running a hand down the prosthetic arm. Bucky was smiling. “I didn’t think I would get another. This one is better than the old one,” She laced their fingers together. Bucky cupped Y/N’s cheek, leaning down for a kiss. “I love you,” She blushed lightly. “I love you too, James. Now, come on. Let’s wait for Steve,” Y/N led Bucky out, walking hand in hand with her lover to the entrance of the palace.
A quinjet landed in front of T’Challa. The ramp lowered, revealing Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Rhodey, Vision, and Wanda. Steve approached the King.
“Seems like I’m always thanking you for something,” Steve held his hand out, T’Challa took it and shook the blonde’s hand.
“So, how big of an assault should we expect?” T’Challa asked.
“Uh, sir, I think you should expect quite a big assault,” Bruce assisted.
“How we looking?” Natasha looked at the King. T’Challa looked over his shoulder. “You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and,” The King gestured to Bucky and Y/N, the couple making their way over to Steve.
“Nat! Wanda!” “Y/N!” The two women ran over to Y/N, hugging her tightly.
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“And a semi-stable 100-year old man,” Bucky finished T’Challa’s line with a big smile. Steve moved in to hug his old friend.
“How you been, Buck?” “Uh, not bad, for the end of the world. Been spending a lot more time with Y/N,” Bucky gestured to his soulmate. Y/N pulled away from Natasha and Wanda. “Steve!” Y/N ran over to Steve, pulling the tall blonde in for a hug. “Y/N,” Steve laughed lightly, picking the younger woman up and hugged her tightly. “Been too long, Y/N. We missed you,” The blonde set the agent down on her feet. “Bucky and I missed you guys too. It’s a shame that the only way for us to be reunited is when the end of the world is happening,” Y/N moved to Bucky, holding his hand. Steve nodded at her words. “Sadly, it is,” T’Challa approached the group. “Come. Let’s get to the lab. My sister has been itching to see Vision,” With that, The King and his guards let them to Shuri’s lab.
Y/N was having a short conversation with Sam, laughing lightly as she watched Sam and Bucky have their usual playful banter when the Falcon noticed something amiss in the sky. Sam tapped into comms. “Hey, Cap, we got a situation here,” Something extraterrestrial had breached the atmosphere and was coming in fast to Wakanda. The object broke into pieces upon impact with the massive protective bubble that protected Wakanda. Y/N flinched a little from the sight of the explosion while Bucky looked in amazement. “God, I love this place,” Bucky mumbled, eyes fixated on the bubble.
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Rhodey’s voice came over comms this time. “Yeah, don’t start celebrating yet, guys. We got more incoming outside the dome,” And true enough, more projectiles were approaching. This time, they were aiming to land outside of the protective bubble. Y/N moved close to Bucky as five projectiles managed to land successfully outside of the dome. She squinted her eyes, studying the five. “They look like..transport ships. Or ships in general. These can’t be bombs,” “Whatever the hell they are, Y/N, they mean trouble,” Sam pushed his goggles down, wings spread and ready to fly. Bucky looked over to the side, seeing the team on transport. “Come on. Let’s hitch a ride,” He ran ahead, his soulmate following from behind. -------------------------------------------------------------------
The large Wakandan armies were in formation. Rhodey stood by the front line, Sam was making flybys, Steve, Natasha and T’Challa had gone ahead to negotiate with the enemies. Y/N’s hand slipped into Bucky’s metal hand, both instinctively laced their fingers together. Bucky turned to look at his soulmate and Y/N did the same. “I love you. No matter what happens next,” The Super Soldier leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Y/N’s lips. The agent inhaled deeply, returning the soft kiss before pulling away when Steve returned. “They surrender?” Bucky released Y/N’s hand, eyes forward to the ships. Steve let out a heavy sigh. “Not exactly,”
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The five ships began to move, hovering in the air. Loud snarls and heavy footsteps were fast approaching the edge of the dome. Y/N stood her ground, hand gripping her pulse rifle. It was a specially made and specifically designed rifle capable of long-ranged attack and hand-to-hand combat when turned into a spear. Y/N tilted her head, her body fully enclosed in a black vibranium-made suit complete with a headpiece to protect her face. This suit would protect her and best of all, it enhances her movements. The suit itself was black. It had blue streaks and fur around the neck. Kinda like a fur coat but make it extra badass. The helmet had ears, similar to T’Challa’s suit.
Y/N felt eyes on her and found Bucky looking at her with a smirk on his lips. Perks of being best friends with the Princess of Wakanda. All Shuri wanted was for Y/N to be safe during any battles she fought. “Don’t look at me like that,” Y/N pouted under her nanotech helmet. “Can’t help it, Doll. You look good,” Bucky complimented. Y/N playfully nudged Bucky’s side, placing her rifle on her back for now.
The massive hoards of Outriders ran past the trees and towards the dome.
“What the hell?” Bucky cursed under his breath. “Looks like we pissed her off,” Natasha added.
The Outriders piled up against the shield, snarling and growling as they tried to force their way in. Some were sliced in half and those that made it through immediately began charging towards the humans. The Border Tribe held their capes out, invisible shields lined up as the first row of defense.
Y/N stood her ground, getting ready for the attack and knowing that this would be a whole mess of dead aliens and explosions.
All went well. Y/N felt she was winning until Thanos came and ripped the Mind Stone off Vision’s head. That’s when everything fell. “You should have gone for the head,” Thanos rasped out, snapping his fingers. A bright light and complete silence. When the flash cleared, Thanos was gone. Stormbreaker was on the ground by Thor’s feet. “Where’d he go?” Steve asked no one in particular, a hand on his abdomen. “Thor, where’d he go?” The blonde repeated but The God of Thunder simply kept silent.
“Steve? Y/N?” Bucky called out. Y/N whipped her head to face her lover, his hand was turning into dust. 
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“NO! BUCKY!” Y/N screamed, running to her lover. Before she could feel his touch one last time, her soulmate disappeared into a pile of dust. The woman froze, some dust settled on her hand. Her heart was racing, her head feeling tight, and her chest hurting. Her body shook, dropping to her knees as her hands brushed against the dust. Tears pricked her eyes, color draining from her vision. Emptiness filled her heart. Y/N had lost Bucky, again. For the third time. Tears fell, trickling down her reddened cheek as she sobbed. She failed to realize others around here were turning to dust as well. T’Challa, Groot, Sam, and half of the population.
“Y/N, hey..Y/N,” Steve called out, moving over to the grieving woman. “Y/N,” She kneeled beside her, arms wrapping around her shaking form. Y/N tried to push Steve away but she knew the next best comfort was from Steve.
Y/N cried hard in Steve’s shoulder, hands gripping the brown shoulder straps. “He...He’s gone, Steve. I..I can’t see colors anymore... He’s gone... Bucky’s gone..,” Y/N wailed, Steve simply kept the crying woman close. He had just lost his best friend and Y/N lost her soulmate. Steve looked up from Y/N’s form, watching as the others, just like Bucky, disappearing into thin ash. That’s when Steve knew that Thanos had won.
Thanos won and there was nothing the Avengers could do.
For now
Five long years. Five long, hellish years since Y/N lost her soulmate. She had no will to live. After all, her soulmate was dead and so was half of the universe. The first two years, Y/N struggled to cope with Bucky’s death. The smell of his clothes were long gone and the pictures they took together over the course of their relationship buried deep in the agent’s phone. She couldn’t look at them, fearing it would break her further. Natasha and Steve did their best to help Y/N but alas, they were not able to fill the void.
The third year was when Y/N has had enough. She was sick of grieving and had finally accepted the fact that Bucky was never going to come back. So, she contacted Clint and became vigilante partners, taking down those who took advantage of their situation for their own, selfish gains. For the remaining two years, Y/N fought side by side with Clint, now known as Ronin by many. It was just Ronin and Shadow. Until Natasha found them.
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It was a painful reunion with the Avengers, especially with Tony. Seeing the man in such a malnourished state broke Y/N’s heart but Tony wasn’t angry at her. Hell, he missed the woman. Despite what’s going on with the world, time has been kind to her. Y/N assumed she was done after the reunion until Steve told her about their big plan. Something about Scott coming back from this Quantum Realm and Tony using Scott’s theory on Quantum Realm to create time travel. Y/N, of course, agreed to this plan. It was a chance to finally get the world, to get Bucky back altogether. She was not to let this opportunity pass. And so, the team went their separate ways. Scott, Bruce, Tony and Steve. Rocket and Thor. Nebula and Rhodey. Natasha, Clint, and Y/N.
Of course, with every major decision, a sacrifice has to be made.
When everyone returned, there was excitement on everyone’s face except Clint and Y/N’s. Clint dropped to his knees and Y/N did the same, hands on her lap with head hung low. This pulled everyone’s attention to the two. “Clint, where’s Nat?” Bruce asked. Clint simply kept silent, lip quivering and a growing lump in his throat. That reaction itself was enough to inform the others of Natasha’s sacrifice. Y/N looked up at Steve, eyes red and teary but somehow, tears refused to fall. She knew Natasha wouldn’t want to see Y/N crying so she forced herself to be strong. It felt like Bucky all over. Natasha had been with her through thick and thin. Y/N inhaled sharply, wiping her eyes with the back of her hands before calming down. There was still much work to be done.
The Avengers stood in a circle around Bruce. The Gauntlet was ready, stones in place. Everyone was suited up, Y/N’s helm enclosed her face. Enforced doors began closing on Tony’s command. “Everybody comes home..” Bruce mumbled. He slipped his hand into the Gauntlet, the nano techs formed perfectly around his fist. As soon as the Gauntlet was on Bruce, power surged through his arm. Bruce groaned in pain, immediately taking a knee and held his right arm. Even with the power of the Hulk, it was not enough to contain the raw power of all six Infinity Stones. The power was burning through Bruce’s arm.
“Take it off, take it off!” Thor urged.
“No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?” Steve stepped in. Bruce groaned.
“Talk to me, Banner, “ It was Tony’s turn to talk. “I’m okay,” Bruce forced out, the burn was up to his shoulder. He yelled in pain, raising his fist up and finally snapped. A bright flash and Bruce was on the floor, the Gauntlet slipped from his destroyed arm.
“Bruce!” Steve rushed over to Bruce. Clint kicked the Gauntlet away.
“Don’t move him,” Steve instructed. Tony administered some medicine on Bruce’s arm, to cool off the burn.
“Did it work?” Bruce panted out. “We’re not sure. It’s okay,” Thor replied. The enforced doors opened. Scott noticed the green was back and so did Y/N but that was not why she followed him. She trailed Scott quietly, something wasn’t right. The birds were chirping and the greenery were lively. “Scott?” Y/N moved a hand to his arm. “Guys,” Scott whispered, lips shakily forming into a smile. “I think it worked,”
The next thing Y/N knew, she was blasted backwards with Scott, something had hit them upon impact. More and more projectiles aimed for The Compound, destroying the buildings into pieces. Y/N screamed as she tried to grab onto a broken ledge. She finally caught one and let out a sigh of relief. Y/N groaned, pulling herself up. Thank god for her Vibranium suit. She noticed she was alone. “Scott?! Scott?!” She screamed out. “I’m okay!” Scott replied. Y/N let out a sigh of relief. “Mayday, mayday, does anybody copy?” Rhodey’s voice came on comms.
“We’re on the lower level. It’s flooding!” Y/N gasped. Was Rhodey alone? Y/N hoped not. “Rhodey, I’m on my way. Scott! Get down there ASAP,” Y/N made her way down to the lower levels, moving fast to rescue her teammates.
The flooding was intense. Y/N’s suit struggled a little to keep up but it was still holding strong. “Rhodey, hang on! Scott and I are on our way!” She spoke through comms, dodging debris and crawling through tunnels, climbing down to reach the lowest level. Y/N heard panting. “Rhodey!” She screamed out, jumping into the water. Scott had just arrived as well, back to his original size.
Rhodey was underwater and was losing water fast. That’s when he spotted something behind Scott. His Iron Patriot suit amongst the debris. Rhodey made some noise, gesturing to the suit. Y/N turned to where Rhodey was pointing and quickly made his way to the suit. She grabbed the heavy hunk of armor, bringing it over to Rhodey. The suit recognized its user and opened up, Y/N assisted the older man into the suit. Once enclosed, the water was drained and Rhodey could breathe.
“Rocket!” Rhodey held his arms up, thrusters lit up underwater to push the debris up for breathable space. Y/N grabbed Rocket, the alien Raccoon coughed hard, spitting out water. “Hey! Guys!” Bruce strained out. “Little help here?”
Scott tapped on his arm. “On it. Y/N, hold onto Rocket and Bruce. Rhodey, stick close to me,” The three moved on Scott’s instruction. Y/N held tight onto Bruce and Rocket.
On perfect cue, the rubble began moving hard. Scott grew in size, punching through the heavy debris easily. He set Bruce, Rhodey, Rocket and Y/N down. Y/N’s eyes grew wide in size at the massive army Thanos had and... Steve had? That’s when she noticed color pouring into her vision again and she gasped. There was...Bucky...Bucky was back!
Y/N struggled to find her lover amongst the army of Wakandans and Sorcerers and allies alike. She stood her ground by Bruce.
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“Avengers...Assemble,” Steve spoke through gritted teeth. T’Challa yelled and it was go time.
Armies clashed together. Explosions, bodies flying, and bloodshed. It was utter chaos. Y/N clawed her way through the Outriders, fighting alongside Hope and M’Baku. She yelled in anger, slicing down each feral alien with her claws until her back touched with another. She turned, ready to attack but froze when a familiar metal arm shone under the light. Bucky turned as well, aiming his rifle at the figure behind him but froze. Y/N’s helm revealed her face.
“B-Bucky,” She whimpered. “Doll,” Y/N jumped on Bucky, hugging her soulmate tightly with her face buried in his neck. Bucky dropped his gun, strong arms wrapped around his lover’s waist and held onto her tightly. Y/N didn’t want to let go, so very terrified that this was all a dream. An explosion nearby snapped the woman back to reality and that assured her that all of this was definitely not a dream.
Y/N slowly let go of Bucky, pulling away slightly. Their eyes meet, hands held onto one another tightly. “Bucky, I-,” “No, No. Don’t say it’s your fault. It isn’t,” Bucky cuts his lover off, a hand on his cheek. Y/N couldn’t take it anymore. She pulled Bucky down for a kiss, a kiss filled with emotion, love, and pain. A kiss between two lost souls. It was like a twisted magical moment. Death and explosion surrounded the scene as they kissed. Y/N pulled away slightly. “I love you...I love you..” Y/N chanted. Bucky broke into a handsome smile. “I love you too,” The Super Soldier leaned down, stealing a  kiss off his soulmate’s lips.
“Hey! A little help here?” Rocket grumbled, blasting a jumping Outrider out of the sky with his dual blaster. Y/N pulled away completely from Bucky, grabbing her lover’s gun off the ground, and eased up the Outriders closing in on their position. She let out a sigh of relief, handing the rifle back to Bucky. “Let’s back into the fight, honey,” Y/N’s helm formed around her face again, running off to ease up the alien traffic.
It was a big fight indeed. Shots from Thanos’s ship rained down on the battlefield, sending his own troops and the heroes flying from the impact. Y/N groaned, landing beside Wanda. When the shooting stopped, Y/N looked up to the sky with everyone else. “What the hell..” Bright light forced its way through Thanos’s ship, cannons whirring down as the ship was rendered useless, breaking apart from the effective attack. Y/N turned to Wanda and nodded, running over to the bright light that landed by Peter. He handed the Gauntlet to Carol, noticing the large army of troops running towards the two.
“I don’t know how you’re gonna get it through all of that,” Peter looked up at Carol.
Wanda and Valkyrie landed by the blonde woman. Okoye approached Peter, gripping her spear. “Don’t worry,” Wanda assured.
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“She’s got help,” Okoye continued. Pepper landed in front of Peter, Mantis, Shuri, and Y/N joined in with the stand. Hope grew back up to size, Gamora and Nebula by her side as the women approached the army. Both parties clash with Carol making her way towards the van. The others stayed back to reduce the large army down to size. Y/N effortlessly clawed down the Outriders, jumping on their backs to get to the Chitauri Gorilla towering over the heroes. The Gorilla roared in pain, falling dead with Y/N standing on its back. She caught Bucky looking at her from far, a proud look on his face. Y/N smiled under her helm, jumping off the dead alien, and ran to assist the other heroes.
Outriders after Outriders, it seemed endless. Y/N was thrown back by a Gorilla, her back hitting against some debri. “Y/N!” Shuri screamed for her, the Gorilla charging for the woman. She waited for the impact. Bright light and the impact never came. Y/N opened her eyes, the Gorilla had turned to ash. Immediately, she scrambled up to her feet and looked around to find the Outriders and Leviathans turning to ash. Who snapped the Gauntlet? Y/N rushed over to higher ground, looking around. Her eyes spotted Thanos’s form, disappearing and...Tony. “Tony!” Y/N screamed, horror-filled her eyes as she jumped off the debris and made a run towards the man.
Tony stumbled to the side, his left arm shriveled and burned from the snap. ‘It’s the only way,’ Tony repeated mentally. His legs gave way, the man leaned against the rock. His heart slowed, vision blurred. The heroes heard Y/N’s scream, following the frantic woman. Rhodey landed in front of Tony, faceplate retract. He approached the dying man, kneeling by him.
A comforting hand cupped the side of Tony’s head, both men shared a smile as Peter landed and Y/N skidded to a halt by the teenage boy. Her own helm retracted tears in her eyes.
“Mr. Stark. Hey!” Peter was breathing shakily, moving to Tony. “Mr. Stark, can you hear me? It’s Peter,”
Y/N dropped to her knees beside the teenage boy, taking Tony’s hand. He was like a father to her. She loved him and Y/N knew Tony loved her like a daughter. Tony turned to both of them, his grip was light on Y/N’s hand. He had so much to say to both of them and to Pepper too but life was slipping from him. “We won, Mr. Stark,”
Y/N nodded, tears spilling. “We won, dad... We won,” Y/N sobbed out.
“Y/N…” Tony whispered, giving her hand a light squeeze to try and comfort her.
“We won, Mr Stark,” Peter repeated, Y/N was hunched over and crying. Pepper held Peter’s arm, helping the boy stand up. Y/N knew Pepper was a strong woman. The older woman moved a hand to Y/N’s shoulder, rubbing it gently before facing her dying husband. “Hey,” Pepper whispered. Tony moved a little to look at his wife.
“Hey, Pep,” Tony mumbled. His hand moved over to Pepper’s hand over his chest.
“Friday?” Pepper called out. “Life functions critical,” The AI responded.
Tony looked at Pepper and Y/N, giving them a short smile. Y/N was shaking hard, trying her very hardest to not let the dam break. “Tony? Look at me,” Pepper urged and the man did so. He groaned weakly. The pain was all he felt. “We’re going to be okay,” Pepper assured. Tony felt his breathing becoming shallow, wheezing lightly. “You can rest now,” The blonde woman stroked Tony’s head lightly. The wheezing stopped and the grip on Y/N’s hand was now non-existent. Pepper hung her head, the light of the arc reactor disappeared. Y/N leaned forward, wailing hard on Tony’s arm. Peter wiped his tears, a shaky gasp escaped him to find the other heroes kneeling for Tony.
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Bucky was the first to move, approaching his broken lover. His hands held her shoulder, helping her to stand and turned her to face him. The Super Soldier pulled Y/N into a tight hug, her arms moved around his waist as she cried into Bucky’s shoulder.
Tony’s sacrifice was not to be forgotten by anyone, especially to the rest of the world. What he did that day marks him as the greatest hero the world got. Tony possessed something many don’t have: the courage to sacrifice for the greater good.
The funeral was held privately in the comforts of Tony’s property. Happy, Pepper, Rhodey, Morgan, Y/N, Thor, and Steve had gathered in the living room of the home. One of the Iron Man helmets was set on the table, projecting a hologram of Tony. “Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn’t always roll that way. Maybe this time,” The hologram began. Y/N looked down at a photo she held. It was an old photo of her and Tony in his old Malibu home, Tony had an arm around Y/N’s shoulder as she held her first piece of tech made under the older man’s supervision.
“I’m hoping if you play this back, it’s in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back. And something like a normal version of the planet has been restored. If there ever was such a thing. God, what a world. Universe, now,” The hologram continued. That statement made the group smile. Ever the joker.
“If you told me 10 years ago we weren’t alone, let alone to this extent, I mean, I-I wouldn’t be surprised but come on, who knew? The epic forces of darkness and light have come into play. And for better or worse, that’s the reality Morgan’s gonna have to find a way to grow up in,” The hologram paused for a short second. Morgan perked up at the mention of her name, looking at Pepper.
“So, I thought I’d probably better record a little greeting in the case of an untimely death. On my part. Not that death at any time isn’t untimely. This time travel thing that we’re gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it’s got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. That’s the thing,” The hologram held his hand out as he spoke. “Then again, that’s the hero gig, right? Part of the journey is the end,” Y/N took notice of Morgan moving closer to Pepper.
“What am I even tripping for? Everything is gonna work out exactly the way it’s supposed to. And Y/N, if you see this, for God’s sake, kid, follow your heart. Remember what old Tony taught you, yeah?” The hologram moved, getting off the chair and moved to the helmet. The hologram--No, Tony leaned down, eyes in Morgan’s direction.
“I love you, 3,000,” One last smile and the recording shuts off.
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Y/N didn’t realize this was the closer she needed. The heroes had gathered outside of the cabin, all dressed in black in accordance with the funeral. Y/N stood beside Bucky, lacing their fingers together. As the bouquet of flowers, along with Tony’s old arc reactor floated away, Y/N had moved and stood by Steve, watching in sadness.
Eventually, it was time for everyone to part ways. However, there’s one last thing left to do...
“Remember, you have to return the stones to the exact moment you got ‘em or you’re gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities,” Bruce explained. Steve nodded, closing up the case. “Don’t worry, Bruce. Clip all the branches,” “You know, I tried. When I had the Gauntlet, the stones, I tried to bring her back,” Bruce looked at Steve. “I miss her, man,” “Me too,” Steve nodded. Bucky and Y/N stood by the machine as Sam walked the blonde to it. “You know, if you want, I could come with you,” Sam offered.
Steve turned to him with a smile. “You’re a good man, Sam. This one’s on me, though,” Steve turned to Bucky and Y/N, approaching the couple. “Don’t do anything stupid till I get back,”
Bucky broke into a smile. “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you,” Bucky replied, moving to pull Steve in for a hug. He knew this was it.
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“Gonna miss you, buddy,” “It’s gonna be okay, Buck,”
Steve pulled away from the hug, turning to Y/N.
“You take care of him, okay? Take care of one another,” Steve moved in and pulled Y/N into a hug. The woman didn’t think too deeply into Steve’s words. It was just a piece of advice, right? Y/N pulled away from the hug. “You know I will, Steve,” The blonde gave her a smile and moved up to the platform. The machine whirred up to live, the white suit covered Steve’s body.
Sam turned to Bruce. “How long is this gonna take?”
“For him, as long as he needs. For us, five seconds,”
Steve picked up Mjolnir. “You ready, Cap?” Steve nodded.
“Alright, we’ll meet you back here, okay?” Bruce looked down at the switches.
“You bet,” Steve replied, the helm covered his head.
He gave Bucky, Sam, and Y/N one more look.
“Going quantum. Three..two..one,” And Steve was gone.
“And returning in five..four..three..two..one,” Nothing. Bruce furrowed his brows, flicking a few switches.
“Where is he?” Sam asked. “I don’t know. He blew right by his timestamp. He should be here,” Bruce replied.
Bucky turned to walk off but stopped when he noticed a familiar figure in the distance.
“Bucky, what-” Y/N turned to the figure.
“Sam,” Bucky called out. Sam turned to the Super Soldier, stopping his urging with Bruce. He stood beside Bucky, eyes on the figure. The three approached the man and the closer they got to him, the more familiar he got.
“Go ahead,” Sam turned to Bucky. The Falcon walked over to Steve, Y/N watched as their interaction unfolded. She took Bucky’s hand, the couple looked at one another.
“You knew he wasn’t coming back, didn’t you?” That’s when it hit her. Steve hinted to her and she didn’t know. Bucky held onto his soulmate’s hand lightly, nodding. “Yeah... He deserves to be happy. Just like how I’m happy with you,” The Super Soldier leaned down, kissing Y/N’s lips softly.
“Five years, Bucky,” “I know, baby. I know. Nothing like that’s going to happen again. I promise you this,”
Y/N moved her arms around Bucky’s neck, embracing her soulmate tightly with the Super Soldier’s nose buried in her neck.
What happened for the past nine years was done. There was no changing it. Y/N has suffered just as much as Bucky did. How many times has Y/N lost her lover? How long did it take for destiny to bring two lost souls together again? Never again will the event of the blip happen again. Right now, Y/N Y/L/N treasured every moment she had with James Buchanan Barnes. 
After all, they were soulmates.
2nd A/N: I am also accepting request. I know I put a lot of gifs in but I love gifs >:))
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raendown · 3 years
Fandom: Marvel Pairing: SamBucky Word count: 2070 Rated: T+ Summary: Steve had only just been thinking about how much he missed his best friend when his phone started ringing. Great minds think alike! Except apparently Bucky had meant to call someone else entirely and Steve was not at all prepared for the discovery of this baffling - but adorable - secret.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
From Where You Are
He may have staunchly denied it every time Tony or Natasha or anyone else teased him for it but Steve knew damn well that he had a - very slight! - penchant for dramatics. Dramatics like slamming an entire plane down in to the icy ocean rather than just turning the damn thing around and flying in circles until Peggy or Howard came up with the latest madcap rescue plan. Yeah. He was a self aware guy. Which meant he knew exactly how much teasing he would get if he so much as dared to open his mouth and complain about life on the run. 
Because as well as Steve knew himself, his friends knew him better. He might be lucky to get a whole three words in to his sentence before any of the people he currently had available to listen would guess exactly what he was really complaining about. He missed Bucky. So sue him! He’d already spent seventy years thinking his best friend was dead and then another two knowing he was out there but not exactly all there. Now finally he knew exactly where Bucky was. He knew that Bucky knew exactly who he was. They could be best friends again. 
Through video calls only. 
Steve clenched his jaw against the urge to close both eyes and whine at the unfairness of it all. Leaving Bucky in Wakanda had been the right choice for everyone but that didn’t mean he had to like it. Could the world maybe stop being so unfair for just five damn minutes? Give a guy a chance to reunite properly with the one thing that had centered the first couple decades of his life? Maybe get a hug or two in while Bucky was only one-armed and half defenseless against a few rounds of proper manly affection? It didn’t sound like too much to ask. Yet here he was sitting up just past midnight trying to calculate time zones to figure out if maybe he could get a quick call in now that Sam and Natasha were falling asleep. If he snuck out on to the balcony he might be able to avoid waking them and therefore avoid the inevitable teasing over his ‘very obvious pining’.
So lost in his own head was he that Steve nearly threw his phone against the wall when it began signing in his hand. It took a slow blink or two for his thoughts to clear enough that he understood no, he had not called Bucky out of rote habit, Bucky was calling him. Score one for that mental best friend bond he’d heard the other two joking about the other day. Steve was smiling as he accepted the call and held it up at an angle he hoped would get his face properly. 
“Hey, Buc- oh my god, are you okay?” 
Small on the screen and folding in to himself like he was trying to be just as small in person, Bucky’s eyes were wild where they stared somewhat just over top of whatever device he’d used to call from. He took several ragged breaths in and let them all out a little too heavily before he could speak. 
“I’m here, pal, what’s up?”
“Can you- where’s Sam?”
Steve felt his eyebrows lift up together. “Uh, Sam? Is in the next room. Why?”
A good question, he felt, since in the eight or so months since they had all last been together in Wakanda, Bucky had never once so much as breathed Sam’s name during these scattered video calls. Steve had seen them have maybe two conversations in the palace and both of those had been stilted as hell. Two men dancing around the fact that they’d both tried to kill each other on several occasions. Now here was Bucky jerking his eyes over to look directly at the camera and Steve had never seen him look so haunted before. Which, really, was saying something.
“I want to talk to Sam,” he said, voice quiet, aching with something Steve hadn’t heard before. They had talked about Bucky having nightmares. He’d just never seen one, not even the aftermath. Bucky had been a keep-it-close-to-the-chest guy long before what happened with HYDRA.
“Uh, okay. Sure. He might be asleep but I’ll just- yeah.”
Feeling more than a little confused, he did just that. Stood and marched to the door with a single minded purpose that could only come with being given a mission. Bucky wanted to talk to Sam and he might not understand why but he was going to make that happen even if he had to wake the man up. 
Thankfully, he did not have to wake the man up, although if he’d waited even a single full minute longer that might have been the case. Sam hadn’t even taken the time to undress or properly get in to what passed as his bed for tonight. He was still sitting half slumped against the wall on a little nest of blankets, carefully positioned in exactly the opposite corner from Natasha because one simply did not sleep next to a Russian super spy knowing that the slightest disturbance would send her in to full mission mode in less than five seconds. Besides, Sam had laughed when he pointed that out, I’m a serial sleep cuddler and I don’t think that’s a great idea here. Who knows how many knives she’s got under her pillow? 
“Sam?” Fond amusement rippled through the layers of worry as Steve watched his friend’s head loll towards him, indolent and exhausted. “Hey, uh, Bucky’s on a call. He wants...to talk to you?” That got a reaction. His eyes cracked open to take in the phone Steve was holding out and his chin lifted faintly in greeting.
“Hey man,” he ground out, voice coarse with near-sleep. “‘Nother nightmare?”
“Can you tell me a story?” Bucky asked. 
Steve very nearly dropped the phone. He almost dropped it again when Sam, without any external reaction whatsoever, immediately launched in with, “So you know that guy Dwayne I was telling you about? From homeroom? God, lemme tell you about how stupid this guy is. We’re at prom, right? And there’s this honey he’s had his eyes on for like three months only she went to prom with Harry Murdock- yeah, you know, the quarterback. Fuckin’ quarterbacks, man.”
It was kind of like watching something his own weird dreams might come up with. A sequence of events that made very little sense once you’d woken up and tried to piece it all back together. Sam’s eyes gradually slid closed again but his mouth just kept going like this was all totally normal, like he often spent his nights sitting up and telling Bucky random stories about the other kids he’d gone to highschool with. And on the opposite end of the call Bucky’s face grew less haunted with every word until the panic had drained out of him entirely and his own eyes were sliding down. He must have been using a tablet or laptop because the camera stayed perfectly centered on him even when his head at last fell gently down against his chest. 
“-and I mean, yeah, I get what he was going for with the ribbons but fuck, it really just made the whole thing worse. Best night of my entire highschool career gone right down the drain because Harry Murdock was too ashamed to tell his parents he wanted to take me to prom and Lisa Furlow was too good of a friend to tell anyone she was just a beard. Obviously the teachers were mad about the horse being there but- ah. He fall asleep?” It took a second for Steve to realize his friend was asking him a question. 
“Yeah. He did.”
“S’good. Good. ‘M gonna too. Night, Steve.” And then he was out too. Sam’s head lolled again, face going slack, and Steve was left standing there with a phone in his hand and several new knots in his chest, all of them shaped like confusion. 
Well. That. Had happened. Lifting his hand, Steve watched the live image of his best friend sleeping peacefully, a direct contrast to the shaken man who had reached out for help. Reached out to someone who wasn’t Steve. He’d be lying if he tried to say some part of that didn’t sting but he was a big enough person to recognize that helping Bucky was so much more important than stroking his own ego even if he did still feel like the ground was shaky between them after everything that had happened. Watching the man now, he certainly couldn’t deny that whatever the hell just happened seemed to have helped. Bucky hadn’t looked so at peace since he’d volunteered to go back in to cryo while the Wakandans figured out a way to help him. 
Movement from the opposite corner of the room drew Steve’s eye and when he glanced over he found Natasha sitting primly with both eyebrows raised in question. Not having much of an explanation, he could only give her a helpless one-shoulder shrug. They held each others’ gazes in matching confusion for several beats until Steve turned to look back at where Sam lay, asleep and content, slumped against the wall. He was definitely going to wake up to an aching back. 
And a whole lot of questions. 
Unfortunately for Steve’s overwhelming curiosity, he was still self-aware enough to know he didn’t have the heart to wake Sam, not knowing that it was ultimately his own fault the other man was so tired. If he hadn’t shown up on Sam’s doorstep that day they wouldn’t both be here, on the run from their own country, unable to call home to the people they cared about, worn to the bone from running and fighting and hiding themselves away in whatever dingy hole they found to crash in for a night or two. No, Steve would not be the one to disturb any rest his friend managed to find. 
“You gonna hang up some time this century?” Natasha’s voice murmured through the shadows. 
“Oh, yeah, I probably should.”
She watched him do so with what was probably an all too obvious reluctance. Then she grinned. “We’re giving him the third degree tomorrow, right?”
“So many questions. I need to know absolutely everything that led to Sam Wilson telling the Winter Soldier bedtime stories. Everything.”
“That was weird, right?” Steve ran a hand through his hair, absently noting a tremble in the fingers. “We should probably get some sleep too. I mean, you try. Don’t think I’ll be able to get any.”
Natasha unfolded herself from the floor with the corners of her mouth curling up in a little smirk he couldn’t bring himself to look away from. “No, I think I’ll be fine. Let’s go get some coffee. We’ll coordinate our plan of attack for when this guy gets back to the land of the living.” She jerked one thumb at Sam’s form and Steve finally had to peel his eyes away just to hold in the laughter that wanted to spill out. 
“Alright. Yeah. Coffee. And a plan of attack. Sounds good to me.” 
“What was it they called you? The star spangled man with a plan?”
Steve groaned and covered his eyes with the hand not still holding his phone. “Please tell me there’s no surviving footage of me prancing around on stage in tights.”
“Why would I need footage when I get front row seats every time you suit up?” Natasha sauntered away from him, probably - definitely - aware exactly what shade of red she’d just left on his face. Front row seats indeed. He certainly didn’t mind his own front row seat whenever he had the chance and the times Natasha had to join them out here on the run from their own government gave him plenty of chances. 
One last look at his phone made him smile before Steve slipped it in to his pocket and gently clapped both hands together, rubbing his palms back and forth. Coffee did sound good. Coffee with Natasha while they figured out exactly how much hell to give Sam over how he was apparently reading bedtime stories for a man he hadn’t said two words about in all the time since they’d left Wakanda. This was going to be fun. 
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slut4supersoldiers · 3 years
Happy And Sad
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Bucky Barnes
Summary: A world where Thanos has been defeated and everyone is still alive. Things are normal. Steve and Bucky are still pining over each other. But maybe Tony’s party might bring them a little closer to admitting their feelings.
Happiness is fleeting and so is sadness. And bucky is aware of that. But for once he just wants to be happy. Even without the promise of permanency.
Based on Kacey Musgraves: Happy and Sad.
Warning: If you don’t ship Stucky then don’t read this! Also: Alcohol consumption, self doubt slight mention of ptsd and nightmares, maybe a bard word? major pining.
Rating: F for fluff, A for (slight angst)
A/n: i think this is my second time posting this. The first time it didn’t do so well but I had a surge of confidence so I reposted. Please be kind and please leave some feedback. It means a lot x
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Tony has thrown yet another party. A ball room dolled up with expensive decorations, lights, chandeliers and happy faces. Pristine marble floors and a fountain with crystal clear water (or is that champagne?) right in the centre of the room. Guests; superheroes, agents, family and friends all dressed to the nines, black tie of course. And Bucky is standing in the corner of the room.
A forlorn expression; a thousand yard stare. He is fidgeting nervously. Left hand covered completely (in spite of the disapproving look from Shuri). His long hair is conditioned and tied in a low man bun, although stubborn strands still fall on his face. He is nursing a glass of whiskey. Nothing gets him drunk because of the damning super soldier serum but he loves the burn from the amber liquid. Imagines himself getting inebriated enough, just enough to forget the pain that the horrid of his past inflicts upon him mercilessly. He deserves it, he thinks. Before he could let the thoughts consume him he consumes the alcohol.
He can hear music being played but he doesn’t recognise it. Doesn’t recognise anyone. Yes he knows everyone but doesn’t really know anyone. Do they know him? No one does.
He is about to take another sip willing himself to push the pain away but his breath gets caught in his throat.
It's not you, it's the glow of the party
The way that you've got me lit up inside
It's the song that they're playin', the words that you're sayin'
It's never felt so right
There in the throng of the guests he sees a familiar face. A very familiar face. A very familiar person. His person. His Stevie.
Dressed in a velvet blue tuxedo, blonde hair gelled back, a very light scattering of stubble adoring his sharp jaw and high cheekbones. Bucky thinks he rather likes the look. And by the look of it so do all the women who suddenly gravitate towards America’s golden boy. Bucky doesn’t blame them. Instead he breathes a sigh and chugs the drink along with the harsh truth, that it’s not his Steve anymore. Probably never was…
Sulking, he is about to turn and walk towards the guest room (that Tony hesitantly offered him for the night) when he hears someone call his name and that familiar feeling of his world coming to a halt takes over him. Steve.
And I'm the kind of person who starts getting kinda nervous
When I'm having the time of my life
“Buck, where are you going? Join us?” Almost hesitantly Steve asks.
And Bucky turns around. The soft voice leaving Steve’s lips calling out to him like a siren to a sailor sailing through troubled waters. Calming and alluring.
He looks at Steve, really looks at him. He is still that scrawny little punk from Brooklyn, he thinks. Charming, stubborn and god damn beautiful.
“Buck?” Steve raises his eyebrows in concern.
Is there a word for the way that I'm feeling tonight?
Happy and sad at the same time
You got me smiling with tears in my eyes
And Bucky gives in.
Joins the former captain and mingles with everyone. Or as any bystander would’ve said, spends the night making heart eyes at the Adonis like blond man who refused to leave the former Sergeant’s side the whole night.
As the clock nears midnight, the party begins to lose its swing. New agents, and other guests having already left it’s only the avengers and their new comrades relaxing and talking, appreciating being reunited. No one addresses the lost time, the tragedies; the nightmares that will come later are reminder enough so everyone enjoys the company instead.
So does Bucky. With Sam by his side and Nat, his Natalia, sitting beside him, chugging a bottle of vodka like water, Bucky feels comfortable but he is still on the edge. Almost as if he knows that this will be taken away from him someday. That’s his life. Nothing good ever lasts. Nothing good is ever permanent. A forlorn look. A thousand yard stare.
I never felt so high
No, I've never been this far off of the ground
And they say everything that goes up must come down
But I don't wanna come down
“You’re doing it again.” Nat says.
“What?” Bucky asks.
“That lost puppy look. We won Barnes. It’s time to celebrate. We can sulk later.” She raises a well groomed eyebrow at her.
Natalia, always the snarky one. He chuckles and shakes his head as she offers him the bottle.
“10 o clock, sarge! Lover boy is closing in on us.” Nat nudges Bucky. And he is suddenly alert. Doesn’t notice Sam and Nat slowly sneaking away. Doesn’t notice the red covering his cheeks. Doesn’t notice the way Steve’s eyes take him in; adoration, love, lust, longing.
“What is this? The famous James Buchanan Barnes, not dancing?” Steve jokes. Tries to make the situation lighter.
And Bucky feels lighter. Like he is floating on air but that might have to do with how close Steve is standing to him. Shoulders touching, hands brushing against each other.
“You got the wrong guy!” Bucky shrugs half heartedly.
“No. I’ve got the right one.” Steve looks at Bucky. Cerulean eyes stare into each other. Lips parted, slightly. Awaiting.
So is there a way to stop all this thinkin', just keep on drinkin'?
'Cause I don't wanna wake up
When they're turnin' the lights on and it turns out the joke's on me
'Cause it feels so right
Suddenly Steve pulls Bucky away from the wall and to the dance floor. The floor now almost vacant.
“What’re ya doin?” Bucky scratches the back of his neck.
“What? Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how you taught me dancing back in the days?” Steve suggests the red of his cheeks matches Bucky’s.
“You were smaller then. Now you’re...big.” Bucky averts his gaze. Steve bends down a little, a tiny, teasing smile plays on his lips. Cautiously, he grabs Bucky’s hand. The metal hand. Brings it to his lips. A soft, shy brush of lips against the gloved surface. Puts it on his shoulder. A weapon, a burden, an appendage, an embarrassment now an object of admiration. Bucky feels his heart beat getting erratic but the gradual mingling of Steve's heart beats with his own makes it sound like a symphony. Mingles with the music softly playing in the background. Bucky notices how his hand fits right on Steve’s shoulder. Steve places a hand on Bucky’s waist. Pulls him closer, just a little bit. And then a little bit more.
“I am still that kid.“ Steve smiles. Eyes filled with love for the broken but brave man before him. His friend. His love. His Bucky.
“Punk.” Bucky whispers.
“Jerk.” Steve chuckles.
I don't mind at all, no, I'm used to fallin'
I'm comfortable when the sky is gray
But when everything is perfect, I start hidin'
'Cause I know that rain is comin' my way, my way
Bucky is still a little sad. Nothing is permanent. But for now he is happy because for now he is with his Stevie. And he is fine with that.
'Cause I'm happy and sad at the same time
You got me smilin' with tears in my eyes
I never felt so high
No, I've never been this far off of the ground
And they say everything that goes up, goes up must come down
And I don't wanna come down
No, I don't wanna come down
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
Voiceless Love Chapter 9: Reunited
Loki’s Route
Loki x reader
Word count: 2154
Warnings: fluff, smut (keep it wrapped, boys and girls), more fluff, 
Tag List: @the-mean-pansexual @daddysfavoritesexkitten @zizzlekwum @caffeineoverloadandstudying @lokiyoulittle @magicalpieex @buckylokisimp
A/N: Hey everyone, I’m really sorry for how late this post is, but my family all got covid and I've been having a hard time with my depression so it took a lot out of me to write this especially since it’s a happy fluff piece and I feel like crap. The next chapter will be better, I promise.
Loki steps into the hallway, looking around and seeing no one. For the god of lies and mischief, he can’t tell if someone is playing a trick on him. He checks every corner of the castle and no one is chasing him down. Quickly, Loki rushes to his old room and changes into his everyday clothes. He looks at himself in the mirror, seeing how disheveled he looks in his clothes. Using his magic, Loki cleans himself up to look more presentable.
Nothing new has happened in the last four months. The castle looks the same, the same attendants are walking around. No one is batting an eye at him walking freely in the hallways. It’s as if Loki never left or was never imprisoned. Nothing distracts him, though. There is only one thing on his mind.
He walks straight to the Bifrost without stopping. Heimdall gives him a shocked look, but shakes it off when Loki asks to go to Earth. There’s no surprise to his request. Heimdall opens the bifrost and he is sure enough on Earth. Loki stands at the end of the hangar, looking into the glass windows on the tower. There’s no sight of you, but Steve and Nat are perched on the couch. 
Steve looks over during mid sentence as sees Loki. He’s not sure at first if he’s real or some weird trick being played, but as soon as he sees Loki bow his head, there’s no doubt. Nat quickly turns around once realizing Steve is no longer paying attention to her words. She sees Loki too and stands up, heading straight for your door. She opens it to see you and Bucky reading together, his arm around your waist, and knows this news is going to kill him.
“Y/N,” she gently speaks.
You look up from your book at Nat whose eyes are hard to decipher. There’s a little fear, yet excitement. Hope. Sorrow. You’re not sure what to make out of it and neither does Bucky. He doesn’t know if he should be worried or not. Nat wouldn’t even look at him.
“There’s someone here you need to see.”
You and the soldier get up immediately and follow Nat to the living space. Steve is standing as well as Tony, Thor, Clint, and Sam who are walking in. Looking around, everyone is staring at you with big smiles. You’re not sure what is going on until something shiny catches your eye off in the distance. 
Loki gives you a large warm smile as you see him. He watches your face light up, grabbing onto Bucky’s sleeve and pulling. You sprint down the bridge and jump into Loki who has his arms open wide. He chuckles as he falls backwards, swinging you around from the waist. You laugh so hard as he sets you down and holds your head in his hands. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you two stand there for a couple of minutes just staring at one another with big grins on your face until Loki moves in close to kiss you. 
Like a man finding water after crawling through the desert, you feel rejuvenated. His lips on yours was a feeling you were too deprived of. His sweetness. The softness. The tenderness. The way he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his body. It all feels perfect and right and whole again.
The team all staring at you two holding each other and smiling. Thor has never seen his brother so happy before, looking at you like nothing else matters. Loki’s eyes light up when they see you and there’s nothing in his brain but you. He has seen Loki with the other asgardian girls when he was coming of age, noticing them more and vice versa. He would entertain their flirting and often flirt back, but he was never interested. As soon as the girls would move on, he’d be back to his normal self: reading with a pissed off expression on his face.
But when he looks at you, nothing else matters. Holding you in his arms is the thing he’s been longing for. Loki kisses you again, holding your jaw and lifting you to him.
“Oh, how I have missed this,” he coos.
“I missed you more.”
“I don’t think that’s possible,” he laughs.
He holds you tight again before taking your hand in his. He walks down the hangar to the door where everyone is smiling. There’s no doubt Bucky is dying inside, watching you with Loki once again, leaving him. Yet, there is a large smile across his face without any pain being hidden inside. He can’t lie to himself that as much it hurts to see you with Loki again, you were happy with him, truly happy. There was a point he knew that no matter how hard he tried, your heart would always be with Loki.
“How are you?” Steve whispers.
“Fine,” he states.
“Is this going to be rough? Having Loki back?”
“It will, but I know they belong together. I’ll accept it someday.”
Steve nods looking at Bucky. There is no pain behind his eyes, no sorrow behind his smile. He looks back at you and Loki who are hanging on each other’s arms like a lost puppy and a kind human.
“I do need to borrow Y/N for a moment, so please excuse us as we catch up,” Loki pardons.
He pulls your hand in the direction of his room and everyone rolls their eyes, fully well knowing what’s going to happen. As soon as the door shuts behind you, Loki pins you against the door and starts attacking your mouth with his. You giggle at how he grabs your waist and pulls you close to him, as if you can’t be any closer. He places his hands on your ass and hoists you up, wrapping your legs around him. 
You hear him turn around before he breaks the kiss and throws you on the bed. You giggle as you bounce a little, laying in the untouched bed. Loki smiles above you as he snaps his fingers and makes both of your clothes disappear. You cover yourself, shocked by the sudden nudity. He climbs over you, taking in the sight of your body as he does, and kisses you again, but this time it’s slow and passionate.
“Oh, how I’ve waited for this.”
He captures your lips again.
“Oh, how I’ve missed you.”
Loki leans down and leaves pecks on your neck, going downwards to between your breasts. You let out an airy moan as he lightly bites on your supple skin. Then, you feel a deeper clench as he sucks above your nipple, leaving a deep purple hickey. He looks down at his work and smiles proudly.
“I’ve waited so long to make you mine, little one. Now, I’m never letting you go.”
“I’ll never leave.”
He groans at your words before kissing you again and humping into you. Loki takes your hand in his and places it on his hard erection. You keep kissing as you slowly move your hand up and down his shaft. He lets go a moan in your mouth, making you buckle your hips up from the arousal and vibrations. Loki leans back and chuckles at your plea, taking his cock and lining it up between your folds.
“You ready, darling?”
You nod your head enthusiastically. Loki slowly enters you, letting you adjust to his size and he sinks in. You’ve had your share of boyfriends and a one night stand here and there, but nothing compares to his size. He is a god after all. There’s a slight pain as he enters, stretching you around his length. He stops every so often and lets you adjust before going balls deep. You reach out and holds his bicep to keep you centered. Breathing heavily, you give him the go to start moving. There’s nothing rough about Loki. He doesn’t pull out and slam back into you, but he moves at a slow agonizing pace.
“I want to make love to you, little one. I want to cherish this.”
He leans down and wraps his arms around you, slowly thrusting in. You wrap your arms around his neck as he leans in for a passionate kiss. It’s slow and sweet. He nips on your lower lip a little, making you giggle. He smiles at the sound of you, enjoying him and his body. He’s quite proud of himself and the way he can make you come undone around him.
After a little bit, you feel the orgasm making its way through you. It’s breathtaking as you cum all over his cock. You feel as if you’re floating on a cloud in heaven. As you lean into him, Loki attaches himself to one of your nipples, slightly biting and sucking on it. The sensation of his tongue against you adds to the orgasm, making it sweeter and more intimate.
Loki staggers in his speed and goes a little faster. You can tell he’s close at the way he staggers and is inconsistent. He lets out a loud deep groan as he cums inside of you. His fingers dig into your skin deeper, leaving marks on your lower back. He falls on top of you panting and holding you closer. You take in a deep breath and wrap your arms around him before he leans up and looks at you.
His hair is plastered to his face from his sweat. He smiles down with the sweetest grin you have ever seen. Pushing a piece of your hair to the side, he leans down and kisses you deeply, not letting go of his hold on you.
“I have waited so long for that.”
“So have I.”
You wake up the next morning with an ache and sticky feeling between your thighs. A second  passes as you wonder what happened, but you feel something rustle behind you. Loki grabs onto you, pulling you closer to him, and nuzzling his nose in your neck. His body next to yours reminds you it wasn’t a dream. He is actually there with you. You lean in closer to his touch.
“Goodmorning,” you whisper.
You can’t make out what he says, but Loki mumbles into your neck, making you giggle. Your turn around to face him and he gives you an unhappy look.
“What’s that face for?” you laugh.
“You keep moving.”
“Sorry, I wanted to see you. It’s been too long so I’m taking advantage.”
He gives you a weak smile, “Oh darling, you don’t have to explain. After all, you weren’t the one in prison.”
“I felt like I was.”
Loki tucks a strand of your haid behind your ear as he gazes into your eyes.
“You really are beautiful.”
There’s a moment where you two stare into each other's eyes lovingly. He holds your jaw in his hand, stroking your cheek with his thumb. You’ve never thought about it before, but you just now notice how blue his eyes are. They’re piercing like the sky on a warm summer’s day. Loki smiles at the way you lose yourself in thought.
“What is going through your little head?”
“Your eyes.”
He chuckles before adjusting himself so he is closer to you, “Is that all?”
“Well, little one, have I ever told you about my species?”
“Like… being asgardian?”
“No, I was adopted, actually. I am originally from Jotunheim, or Utgard. I don’t remember it, being that I was a baby when it was destroyed, but I heard it was beautiful. Well, Jotunheim was home to the giant gods, which is what I am. My father enchanted me, if you will, to look like other Asgardians so no one would know I was adopted. He and Frigga passed me as one of their own for a long time, until I found out. Well, my eyes are not the blue-est part of me. My skin is actually the most blue part of me.”
“Can you show me?” Loki looks around for a moment to make sure no one is peeking at them through the door. He closes his eyes and focuses really hard. All of a sudden, his skin starts turning into an icy pale blue, brighter than anything you’ve seen. When he opens his eyes, they no longer look as striking as they did.
You run your fingers along his skin which is significantly colder than it was moments ago, shocking you a little. Loki’s eyes wander your face for any sign of fear or hesitance, but all he sees is loving wonder. How could anyone love him when he looks like a freak? A monster? Different from everyone else and the girl who is scared to speak to people loves him. 
“Normally people run out… screaming, but you-”
“I thought I’ve proved myself different,” you say.
“You have. You’ve proved yourself very different… and I love that.”
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petrichoravellichor · 4 years
Begin and End There
For Day 3 of the Supernatural Deserved Better Creative Challenge (prompt: Castiel has rainbow wings).
This is Chapter 1 of 2; the second chapter will be written for a future prompt in the same challenge and should be up within the week.
Rating: T
Relationships: Castiel & Jack Kline, Castiel/Dean Winchester
Summary: After the Empty takes him, Castiel wakes up in the last place he expected, with a second chance at happiness when he reunites with Dean and the latter finally gets to speak his truth.
(Read on Ao3)
Dean: “Just want to let you know you are saving our asses here. You’re saving the whole world’s ass.”
Amara: “I haven’t saved anything yet.”
Dean: “But when the time comes, we can count on you, right?”
Amara: “Like I told you when we first met: ‘You and I will always help each other.’”
-15x17, “Unity”
Castiel opened his eyes, blinking against the white light that blurred his vision. Strange, he didn’t remember the Empty being this bright…
That voice...He knew that voice. Jack. Had the Empty reneged on Its deal and taken them both? He felt a stab of panic at the thought and reached out in blind desperation. “Jack? Jack! Where are you?”
A hand caught his wrist and squeezed gently, and as quickly as the panic had come on, it was gone, banished by a soft pulse of familiar grace. “It’s okay,” he heard Jack say, “it’s okay, I’m here. We’re safe.”
Castiel sighed in relief. Thank goodness. He turned his head toward Jack’s voice and blinked once, twice, three times until his vision cleared and he saw, much to his surprise, that he was lying on the couch in Heaven’s throne room. Next to his head, sitting cross-legged on the floor, was Jack, looking relieved as their gazes met. He stood, finally letting go of Castiel’s hand.
Castiel got up off the couch and immediately pulled Jack into a hug that the latter returned in earnest. “What happened?” Castiel asked as they parted. “How did I get here?”
Jack’s lips quirked in a conspiratorial smile. “I made a deal with the Empty.” Then, eyes widening at Castiel’s look of alarm, he added hastily, “But not like the one you made! I told the Empty that Chuck was gone and that if It gave you back, I’d leave It alone forever. No more interfering, no more bringing anyone else back, just peace and quiet, like It wanted. And It said yes.”
Castiel felt his brow furrow. “Chuck is...dead?” How was that possible? And what had been the cost? Suddenly, every fear crashed down on him at once. He surged forward and seized Jack by the shoulders, frantic. “Dean. Sam. Where are they? Are they hurt? Are they here? Is that why we’re—”
“No.” Jack’s hands came up to wrap around Castiel’s forearms in a reassuring squeeze. “Sam and Dean, they’re both fine. Stevie, Eileen, and the other hunters too. I brought them back. I brought everyone back.”
“‘Everyone?’” Castiel echoed. He frowned. “Jack, what happened?”
Jack’s smile faded, and his grip on Castiel’s arms tightened, as though afraid Castiel would be torn away from him at any moment. “Before, when the Empty...when It took you, Chuck took everyone else away, too, the entire world. The only ones left were me and Sam and Dean, and then we found Michael, and then my...Lucifer, he came back, and he pretended to be you so Dean would let him into the Bunker, and…” Jack chewed his lip, considering, then said, “Here, it’s better if I just show you.”
He raised his hands to Castiel’s temples and pressed lightly.
Castiel saw the inside of the Bunker. He saw Lucifer killing a reaper to make a new Death, then eliminating her permanently once she’d opened Chuck’s book. He saw the fight that had followed, saw Michael kill Lucifer and Jack absorb the latter’s power, saw Jack sit down with Sam and Dean and Michael in the war room to formulate a plan…
As though from far away, Jack’s voice filtered into his thoughts: “And then we all went after Chuck...”
The scene changed. Instead of the Bunker, Castiel saw a large clearing next to a lake. He saw Sam and Dean, armed with angel blades, yell for Chuck to come and face them. He saw Chuck appear, arrogant, condescending, his expression twisting into one of fury when Michael stepped out of the trees to stand next to the brothers, his archangel blade glinting in the sun. Castiel saw Chuck order Michael to kill Sam and Dean, saw Michael flat out refuse. He saw Sam and Dean and Michael rush Chuck together, all of them quickly becoming enmeshed in a brutal hand-to-hand combat that ended abruptly when Chuck sent out a shockwave that brought the others to their knees. He saw Chuck raise his fingers, poised to snap, ready to end it for everyone except himself, when—
“Amara!” Dean yelled. “Now!”
And then Castiel saw Chuck seize, as though restrained by an invisible force. He saw Jack step into the clearing and walk purposefully up to his grandfather, a look of fire in his eyes. He saw Jack place his hands on Chuck’s temples, saw the surge of energy that flowed into Jack as Amara materialized at Jack’s side, unharmed. He saw Chuck fall to the ground with a cry, powerless. Saw him beg first Amara, then Michael, to help him, saw both refuse.
He saw Chuck turn to Sam and Dean, a relishing sort of spite on his face as he asked if this was the part where they killed him, because how perfect, how fitting that would be! And he saw Dean say that no, he wasn’t a killer. Saw Sam throw Chuck’s book to the ground in front of him and tell him to write his own story, because he was done writing theirs. Saw the brothers turn and walk away with Jack and Amara and Michael, the five of them driving off in the Impala as Chuck stumbled after them, begging, pathetic, defeated, as he was left alone in the dust…
The scene faded, and Castiel was back in Heaven’s throne room, gazing at Jack in wonder as the former lowered his hands. “Jack, you...You’re the new God.”
Jack gave him a sheepish shrug. “I’m still me,” he said, “just...more. I can do everything I used to, and then some. Chuck’s power, it’s mine now, and I’m going to use it to fix things.” He gestured around at the throne room. “Like Heaven. The way Chuck made it, with everyone locked in their own memories...He put them behind walls so he could control them. I’m going to tear down the walls and remake Heaven the way it should have been from the start, so that people can decide where to go and what to do and who to do it with. No more control, no more constraints, just...choice. Free will.” Jack smiled. “Just like you and Sam and Dean taught me. It’s what we fought for.”
Castiel felt himself smile in return. “Yes, it is.” Then, a doubt: “What about Amara?”
Jack beamed. “Oh, she’s going to help! We’re going to do it together, and once we’re done, she’s going to stay and look after things up here while I go back to Earth and help people down there. That way, I can stay with you and Sam and Dean. Speaking of which,” Jack gave him a nod, “you should go. Dean is waiting.”
Castiel felt himself suddenly still. “He’s...waiting?”
Jack nodded. “For you. I told him I’d try to get you out of the Empty and that if I could, I’d send you back to him.”
Castiel swallowed; he felt as though his entire being was holding its breath. “I...see.”
“He said he had something he needed to tell you.”
“Did he...say what it was?”
“No, just that it was important.”
“Ah.” Castiel looked away, mind racing. What if he’d made Dean uncomfortable by confessing his love? What if Dean just wanted to see him to tell him that he didn’t feel the same way? Would he still let Castiel stay, as a friend? Castiel wasn’t anywhere near as powerful as he used to be. Chuck had said it himself, and so had countless others before him: Castiel was defective, broken, had come off the line with a crack in his chassis. He hadn’t even been able to help in the final fight, because he’d been dead. What was left of his grace began to prickle anxiously. Now that Heaven was finally safe, what use did the Winchesters even have for him anymore?
Or worse, what if Dean blamed himself for Castiel’s death? Dean had been through so much, had overcome so many burdens that should never have been his to bear. If there was any part of him that harbored guilt over what had happened, then Castiel would fix that. Dean deserved to be happy, and Castiel would make sure that he was. Even if Dean’s happiness didn't involve him.
Castiel looked up and, seeing Jack’s concerned expression, forced a smile. He nodded. “Yes. I heard you. Thank you, Jack; I’ll go see him.”
Jack beamed. “Good. Oh! But before you do, here.” He placed a hand over Castiel’s heart. “I have something for you.”
A current of grace flowed from Jack’s palm into Castiel’s chest. He felt a prickling sensation on his back and glanced over his shoulder, gasping at the set of magnificent black wings that materialized even as he watched. They were exactly as he remembered, healthy and strong, shimmering like an oil slick in the sun and making rainbows of refracted light.
“There,” said Jack, stepping back with a grin. “I thought you might want them back.”
Hesitantly, Castiel reached out to run a finger over the velvety feathers, shivering at the familiar-yet-long-forgotten sensation. His wings. He’d thought he’d lost them forever, had even mourned them, and yet here they were, returned to him at last. “I...” he managed, at which point Jack pulled him into a hug that Castiel returned fiercely. “Thank you, Jack.”
“No,” said Jack, his voice somewhat muffled by Castiel’s shoulder, “thank you. I chose you as my father before I was even born because you risked everything to make sure that I would be. From the very beginning, you knew what I was, knew who I was, and even then, you never stopped believing in me, never stopped fighting for me, not even when I lost my soul. You saw the good in me, and you taught me to see the good in others. I am who I am because of you, Cas; we won because of you. You’re my family, and I love you. And I want you to be happy.”
Castiel swallowed the lump in his throat. He didn’t know what to say, was too overwhelmed to even begin to respond, so instead, he just hugged tighter, wrapping his wings protectively around Jack and pressing a kiss to the top of Jack's head, hoping that he understood.
When they finally separated, Jack smiled at Cas and raised his hand in a gesture of farewell. “Go,” he said. “Talk to Dean, and tell him and Sam that I’ll be home soon.”
Castiel nodded. “I’ll see to it that we have Krunch Cookie Crunch cereal on hand for your return.” Then, with a wave and a flutter of wings, he was gone.
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deathonyourtongue · 3 years
Resurrection | 12
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Summary: A ragtag team of Spec-Ops operators are brought out of retirement for all the wrong reasons. When the dust settles, only the best will be left standing. Pairing: Pablo Schreiber x OFC, Henry Cavill x OFC (listen, she gets with the whole team, okay? Don’t lie, you would too.) Word Count: 2K Warnings: Nothing much really. A/N: Sorry this took so long. February really is the worst month.
By the flight manifest, we’re half an hour behind Wallace, and I feel every minute of it on the plane ride from London to Benghazi. Prior to joining the team, I’d only been assigned to Libya once and it was from the comfort of the Whitney parked off the coast of Italy. This will be my first time with boots on the ground, and the history of spec ops in the country isn’t lost to me; it’s just one more reason why I’m glad I no longer have to wear a uniform.
“Ten minutes out,” the pilot calls over the comms, everyone prepping their go bags, ready to make up for any head start Wallace has. 
Benina International Airport barely registers in my mind as we pick up two vehicles that were prepped for us courtesy of Uncle Sam, my mind’s sole focus being on saving the hostage and capturing Wallace. All of us want our pound of flesh, none more so than those he’s directly injured over the course of the last few weeks. 
“I need everyone on their A game. We can’t afford to let him slip through our fingers again. His behavior is escalating and since he’s so well-connected to the who’s-who, it stands to reason, he’s going to throw everything he has at us. Above all else though, we leave no one behind. Understood?” Rick’s voice is firm but warm over our comms, making it clear that despite the gravity of the situation, he cares about our well-being first and foremost. 
“Do you think he’s trying to do a shot-for-shot remake?” Jake asks as we roll into Benghazi proper, grateful for the tinted windows on the late model G wagons no doubt left over from Gaddafi’s rule. 
“If you mean do I think he’s going to go to the same village we were patrolling? No. I don’t think he’s that sentimental about things. I think he’s going to pick a spot that’s overlooked by the country and blow it to high hell after he finishes reenacting his sick fantasies. Remember, had we not stopped him that night--”
“I know, he’d have committed war crimes,” Jake cuts Dom off, his sickened expression making it clear that he doesn’t need to be reminded. 
“Has intel found him yet?” I ask, hoping we don’t have to waste any more time in tracking him down. 
“They don’t have a lock yet, but they are tracking a BMW that came out of Benina half an hour ago. Reports of a blond woman without a hijab and a red-haired man poured in the second they landed.” Rick explains, all of us shaking our head. 
“Muslim majority country and she already sticks out like a sore thumb by being blond, but he didn’t bother to make her wear a hijab? If we don’t get to him, the Libyan police will,” I snort, finding little humor in the recklessness with which Wallace treats the lives of others. Like any good narcissist, he cares only for himself and if others get hurt in the process of him getting what he wants, so be it. 
“They’re going to attract attention no matter what. All of us are. Keep as low a profile as possible, and with any luck, we’ll be out of here by this time tomorrow,” Rick adds, all of us hoping for the outcome that’s eluded us since we reunited. 
Our hideout in Benghazi is simple, yet beautiful. Like most places, it’s heavily fortified, a solid metal gate closing behind us and men standing watch on all four corners as we make our way towards something that resembles a Roman villa of old. Outside, the heat hits me and for a second, I’m brought back to the op that nearly took my life, hoping that this time, things will end differently, at least for our team. Max’s cologne brings me back to the present, and I fall in step with him as we make our way into the blissfully cool war room. 
“Oh fuck yeah. Don’t mind if I do!” Jake enthuses as he takes note of the tea and finger foods laid out on the table. Shaking my head, but nonetheless pleased, I take a seat and let out a breath I don’t realize I’ve been holding. Max’s hand smooths over my hair as he sits next to me, his gaze still eyeing my bruise with concern. It’s endearing to say the least, and not the kind of treatment I’m used to in any part of my life. 
“Okay, fuel up, but pay attention. Intel has an eye in the sky and they’ve found the BMW. We’re tracking him now. Gonna let him get settled in, then we’ll pay him a house call. He’s also traveling light; only two body men and paid local team which means--”
“Which means a bunch of teenage human shields. Fucking great,” I mutter.
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Stephanie Pierce had been dumped half an hour before getting to the airport. Doing her best to save face, she’d made it through security and was intent on getting a little drunk before boarding, if only so she could sleep on the flight. American by birth, she had come to London for school, and had, up until the breakup, been having the time of her life. 
Now it's all spiraling into a nightmare. 
“Please, just let me get back to the airport! I don’t have anything to do with this! I didn’t do anything! I’m just a student! Please!” 
“I can’t do that, darling. For one, you’ve seen my face, and two...Well, you’re my insurance policy. You see, the people that I’m after, they have a soft spot for those they consider innocent. Problem is, no one’s ever truly innocent, are they? No, not even you, dear Stephanie. It only took a few moments for me to do the numbers, so to speak. Young, parents are middle class at best, no real money for school, especially abroad, but here you are in designer clothing, taking vacations whenever it strikes your fancy, and not a dime in debt. Do your parents know what you do on the internet, my darling? Didn’t think so. No, that deep, dark secret won’t be revealed until after you perish, which...will be soon, I’m afraid.” 
Her screams make her captor laugh, almost as though he’s delighted by the reaction. It chills her to the bone. Now she understands that this isn’t some wannabe who hijacked a plane and has no real plan; far from it. Whoever he is, he has calculated each and every move leading up to this point. 
She wishes she could talk to her mom one last time. 
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“Night Train to Alpha, confirm visual.” 
“Alpha to Night Train we have visual. We count 12 signatures, including the hostage. You are a go.”
We’re no stranger to David and Goliath fights, and 12 is on the smaller side of some of the groups we’ve taken on, but no matter the number, we approach this one with extra precaution, only because of Wallace’s M.O. None of us are looking to be anywhere near another one of his bombs. 
The compound he’s made his hideout is run of the mill for this part of the world. Like our own, Wallace’s has high walls, a sturdy gate, and a simple floor plan. It leaves us with two options; come in with a bang, or creep in with a whisper. 
“There’s two gates,” I remind the boys, knowing full well that while they all prefer coming in with as much firepower as possible, it opens the door for Wallace to get away in the commotion, and I, for one, want to end this once and for all. 
“Alpha, how many signatures on the exterior?” Dom asks, all of us hidden in the shadows, waiting for the deciding factor on how we proceed.
“Looks like 2 on the south side, patrolling the far gate. If you’re going in quiet, now’s the time to move.” 
We all nod and immediately get to work. Strapping on my gloves, I grab my wire cutters out of the pocket on my kevlar, and wait until Flip has gotten into position. The tallest of the team, he bends over, providing me with the flat of his back to stand on so that I can cut the razor wire off the top of the wall. Carefully, I peek over the edge, relieved when I find the courtyard empty. Though there are lights on in the compound, every window is covered with an opaque blind, making this way of entering far better suited to our needs. 
I cut enough wire away to allow all the boys to climb over, making sure to throw it away from the compound not only for safety, but to reduce the chances of us being heard. Satisfied that everyone has clearance, I pocket my multitool and quickly hop over, landing softly in the dirt. 
Rick and Benji are quick to follow, the three of us taking up post so that the rest of the guys can come in safely. It takes less than five minutes for all of us to breach the perimeter, and after a moment to regroup, we move towards our target. 
“Alpha, we need your eyes,” Rick whispers, taking point as we position ourselves flush against the nearest wall of the compound. We could clear the place blind, but that increases the chance that someone will sound the alarm as they die, and we can’t take the risk. Though they said they had to wash their hands of it, after Rome, the DOD extended their resources; while they can’t send those currently serving, they can provide a helping hand to those who are willing to risk it all to capture one of our own.
“Two at 3 o’clock, in the first room. There’s two at the back gate you’ll want to handle first.” 
Nodding at one another, we split up. Rick and Dom position themselves at the first room, Flip and Benji take up post across the villa in front of another room, while Max, Jake and I edge around to the back of the compound, intent on taking out the two men guarding the rear gate as silently as possible.
With Jake on one side, Max and I move around to the other side, all of us needing to get eyes on the men. As I predicted, they’re young, but I find cold solace when I see that they’re not teenagers, bought out to act as human shields. Checking my gun, I make sure the silencer is on tightly before leveling it into place to look through my scope. At less than 50 feet, it’s an easy shot; it just has to be timed correctly. Max counts us down using only his fingers, and when the time is right, both Jake and I take double-tap shots, killing the men before they have a chance to make a sound.
Over comms, I can hear Rick and Dom breaching their first room, and as we move back towards the center of the villa, Benji and Flip do the same. My relief grows with every room that’s cleared, the body count growing as we approach the spot where Wallace is holed up with the hostage. 
“Last room has the prize. Good luck, and godspeed.”
The room in question lies at the heart of the villa. Protected on either side by anti-rooms, We have to work our way through two more sets of men before finally being able to come face-to-face with Wallace once again. 
A bright smile is the last thing we expect when we finally level our guns to his head. 
“Nice of you all to finally join me. Thought it would take much less time for Uncle Sam to track me down. No matter, you’re here now, we can get to it. In your haste, I’m afraid none of you noticed...” Wallace’s gaze goes to the floor, and as my own eyes follow, I can’t help but feel my heart sink. My eyes dart quickly to Max and Dom, nausea overcoming me as I find that every single one of us has stepped on a trip wire. 
“It’s like Russian Roulette, except I’m the one holding the gun.”
Wallace’s laugh will be imprinted in my mind for the rest of my life.
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ok i know a normal amount about marvel and a lot about musical theater so here’s how i would write rogers the musical
putting this under a read more bc this is long af
ACT ONE: the whole first act is captain america the first avenger. i have not seen this movie since like 2014 so this is very limited by what i remember from that movie lol
Opening number is a big, worldbuilding ensemble number setting the scene in 1940s America, there’s a war going on, etc. This is also Steve’s “I Want” song, where he’s expressing how he wants to go to war bc he wants to be a hero. Bucky is here and is like "aw stevey leave the hero business to us big boy's bc i'm going off to war!" or whatever.
Steve joins the army and we have a “Be a Man” or “Put You in Your Place” type song with Peggy that ends with Steve jumping on the fake bomb. This reinforces Steve’s idea that to be a hero you have to be, y’know, a big strong soldier dude.
Peggy gets her obligatory girlboss number about how no one respects her bc she’s a woman (think “Watch What Happens” or “My Grand Plan”).
Steve gets the serum and becomes Captain America and we get a few verses of a soliloquy where Steve wonders what’s coming next and expresses his excitement that now he can finally be a hero.
Then after that i vaguely remember what happens lol so in general the rest of the act includes:
- a red skull villain song where he tap dances like voldemort in AVPM
- a USO number where all the girls are tap dancing and steve's like "i can't dance!" And then all of a sudden he starts perfectly tap dancing and says "i didn't know that came with the serum too!" (like in “Friend Like Me”)
- When bucky falls off the train steve has a sad soliloquy like Santa Fe from newsies and immediately afterwards there's an unnecessary steve & peggy romance number that makes him happy again
- Steve is in the plane crashing and as he's talking to peggy or looking at her picture or whatever he sings a reprise of his sad song that he sang when bucky fell off the train
- The act ends when he crashes and we immediately move to him waking up in present day and he looks around and goes like what the fuck? And then curtain closes.
ACT TWO: We do the rest of Steve’s story and throw plot and canon to the wind bc he’s the main character here and we have to parallel the narrative structure of the first act.
Opening number - “Where Do You Belong”/”Meet the Plastics “ but with the Avengers introducing themselves and teaching Steve pop culture references during the battle of New York. This is all we keep of The Avengers lol. Tony gets the largest solo in this song to introduce him as the other leader of the Avengers.
We move to beginning of Winter Soldier and Steve running laps around Sam and they have a little duet bonding over being soldiers and feeling out of place where they ended up.
We’re skipping all the Hydra stuff here. Isn’t important. Bucky shows up as the Winter Soldier and he has some rock villain song with Steve battling him. At the end of the battle Steve gets thrown to the ground and knocked out and despite denying he recognized him the whole time, Bucky pulls him out of the way of danger just like at the end of the movie before running off.
Steve gets up and talks to Sam and vows to find Bucky. While they’re talking the scene sets up behind them and Tony shouts “Steve! Are you listening?” and we move into the scene of the Avengers discussing the Sokovia accords. Steve and Tony argue about them. (Yes we’re fully skipping Age of Ultron bc Steve does nothing in that movie)
Steve reunites with Bucky and they have a short reprise of their opening number but it's in a minor key and their lines don't match up bc their relationship isn't what it once was.
We have some more infighting bw Steve & Tony & and the rest of the Avengers or whatever happens in the movie, leading Steve to have his “Who Am I?” song, thinking, “"where do my values lie? With my country or with my friends?" questioning what type of hero he’s supposed to be and if the choices he’s making are correct.
Rather than the big Civil War fight scene we focus on the scene where he's fighting with Tony, bc Tony represents all the Avengers, and Tony is like "why are you choosing this man from your past rather than the people who need you?" Very “The Confrontation” from Les Miz and the Russian supersoldiers are the ensemble.
Steve runs away and goes into hiding like the end of Civil War/beginning of Infinity War. Here we get our obligatory second act Mob Song of citizens turning against him/his reputation being ruined.
Steve’s all bummed out now bc he’s lost his reputation as a hero, he’s lost most of his friends, etc. We move Peggy’s funeral to here - he’s now at his lowest bc he’s also lost one of the last people from his past. He and Sam sneak in to the funeral and they hear Sharon give the “stand like a tree” eulogy (contrasting with Peggy’s act one Be a Man song, which gave the impression that to be a man/hero you had to be physically strong and aggressive, whereas here the message is to trust your gut and be emotionally strong). This heals some of Steve’s inner turmoil.
We move into Infinity War and Tony and the other Avengers have a scene like “The Election of 1800″ where they’re like shit this Thanos stuff is bad... we gotta bring back Captain America.
Then we just jump to the big Infinity War battle bc i don't remember what happens in this movie and the snap happens and we have a short reprise of the Meet the Avengers song but in a minor key and all their lines fade out as they get snapped. (Side note - Thanos should be like the giantess in Into the Woods; we never see his face and we just hear his voice echoing from offstage.)
HARD CUT to support group Steve! Then we screw the time travel plot and fully change the ending of Endgame (we’re doing the skinny Steve ending that someone came up with on here or Tiktok or something). Tony's like "we have to go get the stones again" or whatever and we have Steve go get the soul stone. He faces Red Skull again and Red Skull has a JCSS “King Herod”-esque song where he's like "you're Captain America huh?? Some hero! Can't even save your friends or your country! You suck!!" And asks "so what are you going to offer me for the soul stone?"
This transforms (without the song really ending) into a deep Steve soliloquy where he's like "what do i even have to offer? I've lost everyone i care about, i don't even know what i'm doing anymore." His JCSS “Gethsemene”. And he decides to offer up Captain America
So Red Skull turns him back into skinny Steve and they go do the big Endgame battle and all the other Avengers are like trying to protect him bc he ‘s wimpy now but then he still can pick up Mjolnir and stuff and helps win the battle!!!
And then everyone comes back from the snap and we get like a finale ending song where they're all buddies and all the Avengers lift him up on their shoulders and are like "yay Steve you're a hero!!!" He reunites with Sam and Bucky and everybody and happy shit. This contains hints of a reprise of Steve’s opening number “I Want” song, as he now is sure that being a hero is about trusting his instincts to help and protect people and to be strong on the inside, not necessarily the outside.
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foxthefanboi · 4 years
Thoughts on the Finale
So on the off-chance that my followers care about what I thought of the finale, I wrote a 1,700-word meta. I know, probably overkill, but here it is. In summary: I know the finale was really unpopular with many people. Dean dying early, not addressing Cas’s confession, no reunion with their found family, etc. But I loved it. I was happy and satisfied with the ending. It’s not easy wrapping up a show like this, but it’s just what I needed. Here’s my thoughts on the finale and a defense of some of the things people were upset about: 
The Timing of Dean’s Death
Okay, so I know a lot of people are upset about Dean’s death, that he didn’t get to live a full life like Sam did. It is pretty upsetting. (Mainly, I really wish he’d gotten a chance to be a dad.) And I see how it conflicts with the theme of the season, which is free will and defying the fate of dying a violent death while hunting that they expected.
On the other hand, I think Dean was satisfied with his life when he died. It was the death he was always expecting and had accepted. He did a lot of good in his life and really he just wanted peace at that point, you know? Sure, he could’ve lived a longer life but I don’t think he felt like he was missing out when he died. Personally, I doubt he would’ve given up hunting, so his life would’ve been more of the same until he died, still probably from hunting. A full life would’ve been great, but Heaven was great for him too.
[Edit: Just read a post where they mentioned Dean was tired which was a point that was made again and again in the show and I think that’s part of why how he went out is okay! He loved hunting, he loved hunting with his brother, but it’s not sustainable and it wore him out and his peace is Heaven rather than an apple pie life, and that’s okay.]
The Manner of Dean’s Death
I sort of wish Dean’s death had been a little more dramatic. I mean, he did just defeat God and everything. And then he gets taken out by a spike in the wall? But I was okay with the hunt-gone-wrong thing. It seemed like sort of a lame death, but remember Asa Fox, the other legendary hunter? He died from tripping and hitting his head on a rock after his friend pushed him, so. It’s not unheard of, even for great hunters. And Dean would’ve died after being electrocuted in a pool of water in season 1 if a reaper hadn’t saved him. Unlucky deaths… Yeah, they happen.
But I do think it would’ve been good to have a more death-y death because Dean standing against a post didn’t give the immediacy of dying that some of the other deaths. He did have a couple of pained gasps and all that, but there wasn’t really blood showing or the obviousness of being so close to death, not the way that his Metatron death scene gave, for example.
Still though, I really did love the death scene. Like, I hated it, because it was heartbreaking and it made me cry, but it was just really emotional in the best way. Everything Dean said to Sam about looking up to him, and how he felt when he went to see Sam at Stanford, and then “I love you so much. My baby brother.” And then the forehead touch.
Honestly I sort of get the feeling they killed Dean off early just so that they could give us one last, weighty goodbye scene to be emotional about. Remember how much it hurt when Dean said goodbye before going to hell in season three? Or when Sam said goodbye in season 5 before saying yes to Lucifer? Or in season 11 when Dean went to stop Amara? That was all really good stuff. This was one last sendoff they couldn’t have given us if Dean had just lived his normal life.
Sam’s Life
I’m at least glad Sam got to live his life. That’s been his dream over and over since when he was a kid, when he went to college, when he took a year off with Amelia… And he finally got to have it. I’m not set on this opinion but, because of their codependency, I don’t think either Dean or Sam could’ve had something like that with each other in their lives, so Dean’s death ultimately sort of allowed Sam to live. If that makes sense.
What hurt me the most about this whole episode is that Sam had to live decades without his brother. They had thirty-seven years together (give or take a few missing years in the middle), which is a long time, but since Sam died of old age, that’s like half his lifetime without his brother! Decades!!!! I really wonder how Sam’s memory of Dean changed over that time, as he became a more and more distant memory…
zmediaoutlet had a cute post-episode Heaven fic where Dean and Sam are reunited and Sam has all the time he needs to tell Dean about every single part of his life. Even though Dean wasn’t there for it, he could get caught up in Heaven, which was… Just a nice thought. In my opinion.
We needed some closure on Eileen :(
Okay, so I was happy with how the show did Dean and Sam’s deaths. But they did leave us hanging on some pretty important things. Like, where the fuck was Eileen? Last we heard about her, Sam was crying about losing her after she got Thanos-snapped by Chuck. Presumably she came back, but even though she and Sam had been dating, he never checked in on her. And then Sam had a faceless wife. Couldn’t they have given us something more? John Winchester has shown up in flashbacks without being played by JDM or shown clearly and it’s obvious it’s him. They couldn’t have done something similar for Eileen? Like, Sam signing something to her as she watches him play catch in the backyard with Dean Jr.? I’m just gonna assume the faceless wife was Eileen, but some official endorsement would’ve been nice.
We really needed some closure on Cas :(((
Cas confessed his love to Dean in 15x18! Romantic love, according to the writers and actors!! This is a really big deal!!! But we never got to hear Dean’s thoughts. He never talked about it. The crying in the bunker after losing Cas, that really showed his grief, I thought. But we never actually got to see him react beyond that.
I read that, based on Becky’s Funko Pop set-ups, there was foreshadowing that Cas and Dean would at some point be outside the Harvelles’ Roadhouse together, and that this should’ve happened in the finale and probably would’ve if it hadn’t been for casting restrictions due to COVID. So. I’m just gonna go with saying that happened off-camera, and that Dean and Cas were reunited in Heaven. And that’s what fics are for! Maybe Dean’s straight and/or maybe he didn’t reciprocate. But maybe he did and he and Cas are in love and living(?) happily in Heaven together. The show never told us, which is kind of sad, because that would’ve been a nice, official ending. But it’s nice to have it open, too.
Is Heaven as an ending sort of a copout?
I read a post that said that Heaven as an ending is a copout because why even bother living if you’re going to eternal happiness in the end? Which is, you know, a pretty good point. I’ve said before that the Winchesters fight way too hard to bring people back when those people are happy in heaven. Like, remember when they were heartbroken over Rowena’s death? And then it turned out she was “living” her best life as the Queen of Hell and wondering why she’d been so worried about dying in the first place.
Anyway, some type of eternal afterlife has been inevitable since the very beginning of the show, so this has always been a point. It’s not just a finale thing used as a convenient way to wrap it up with a happy ending. It is a logical happy ending. Seriously.
I think there’s a couple things that kept the boys going. One, they had to keep living so they could effectively fight forces not only of Earth, but of Heaven, Hell, etc. as well. They were making the world a better place not just for the people who were living in it, but for the people who had passed and were in Heaven as well. Also they got a lot of closure they couldn’t have gotten if they were dead, e.g. against Azazel, etc. I feel like not getting that would’ve haunted them, even if they were in Heaven.
Second, you can’t really have new experiences in Heaven. Based on what Bobby said about time passing differently, you just sort of hang out in a blissed out state with your loved ones. Presumably there can be changes in relationships, but no one in Heaven is gonna work on a career, or have kids, stuff like that. Sam got that when he lived his life, and I think he needed to have that in a way that Dean didn’t.
The Winchesters changed heaven!
Also, it’s important to note that sure, if Sam and Dean had just decided Heaven was way more worth it than Earth, and they hadn’t brought each other back again and again, they would’ve saved themselves a lot of suffering. But then Heaven would be way different than how it ended. No more corrupt angels running things, no more threat of evil archangels, no more God interested in a story more than the well-being of the souls in his universe. Jack was good because of their efforts, and he’s just the God the universe needed. (And also Heaven was pretty close to shutting down from a lack of angels to power it so that would’ve sucked.) Basically, in summary, their lives and what they did with them is specifically what allowed them to have eternal peace and happiness. So they had good, meaningful lives. They changed things for everyone, everywhere, and now they deserve Heaven.
In summary
They carried on, and there was peace when they were done. What more can we ask for from a finale?
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One Shot [B.B]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Words: 2 226
Summary: Sam gets injured on a mission forcing the team to stop in France where Bucky meets someone unusual.
Rating: G
Warnings: Almost death of a character, mention of injuries (no descriptions), arguing.
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Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame never happened, everyone is happy and friends with each other. 
The Avengers had been called to intervene at an old Hydra base that had been active again. The mission was successful and the intel secure. Nevertheless, they had been outnumbered and Sam had gotten badly hurt. He was unconscious, lying on a stretcher in the Quinjet. Bruce was assessing his injuries while everyone was attending their own wounds the best they could. 
"He's not gonna make it..." 
As soon as those words left Bruce mouth, everyone stopped what they were doing. All eyes were directed toward Sam. Each one of them wanting to scream at the thought of losing him. You could see heads churning plans after plans to make it to the medical bay sooner, to heal him right now. But there was nothing to do really, it was almost too late. They were flying over Europe and even with the Quinjet, it would still take hours to arrive at the Tower.
Bucky was the first one to move forward Sam and the only one brave enough to break the silence.
"We have to do something..."
"Buck..." Steve started.
"I know someone," Tony interrupted "Nat, where are we right now?"
"Over Germany, why?" She responded.
"Head over to France. We're saving him and if it's too late... at least we can say we tried our best." Tony gave a small smile at Bucky who nodded thankfully at him. Tony got to the GPS, taping in the new coordinates.
After a few hours, they were on the French soil and thanks to Tony, 3 cars were waiting for them. The drive from the airport was short. The Avengers were in front of a house, in the middle of the Parisian suburbs, at 3 in the morning. The scene would be comical if not for the tragic state of Sam. They were all filthy with mud and dust from the battlefield, still in suits, sheepishly standing in front of a yellow and red house surrounded by a fence and plants for privacy purposes. Tony was the first to enter the property. A man was standing on the terrace, arms crossed, looking angry. The second the Avengers were up the terrace stairs, Tony and the man began to argue. 
"I told you to never come back. I don't want to hear it!" The stranger said to Tony in a heavy french accent.
"And trust me I don't want to be here either but it's a life or death situation!"
"The last time you said that, she was the one who almost died!"
"I know and I promise, it's not going to reach her limits this time!"
"No, she is not going to do this again because you know this time she won't stop that easy. You can't just come here when you need it and use her like that!"
"It's not true! You know it's not like that and that I always make sure she is safe !"
"Like you did last time?"
Tony huffed at the last statement and ran a hand over his face. He was tired from the mission and Sam was going to die if he didn't hurry up.
"Please, (Y/F/N)," as Tony was pleading, he shifted to the right so your father could see Sam being held by Steve and Bucky. "He needs her help...he needs your help." Tony finished with a sigh. (Y/F/N) looked up to the night sky, annoyed and sighed. 
"Fine." He finally said. At those words, the whole team was relieved, even though they still didn't know what that meant. (Y/F/N) led the team inside the house. He put the pillows from the two couches on the dining table before instructing Bucky and Steve to lay Sam down on it. The two executed themselves gently, not to hurt him even more. (Y/F/N) and Tony went up the stairs, leaving them a few minutes.
You were being woken up by gentle shakes and a hand passing through your hair. You opened your eyes, your mind still clouded with sleep. Your father was standing above you, a sad smile on his lips.
"Dad? Is everything okay?" You worried with a groggy voice. 
"Yeah, don't worry sweetheart." He replied. You frowned at his word, clearly sensing that something was wrong. You sat up against your headboard, rubbing off the sleep in your eyes.
"What's going on?" You insisted. Instead of answering, your father looked behind him. Your eyes widened at the sight of Tony entering your room.
"Hi kiddo," Tony said with a small smile. In return, you gave him a wide smile and got off your bed to hug him. 
"I missed you," you said, your voice muffled by Tony's shirt.
"I missed you too," Tony replied. You couldn't see his painful expression from what he was about to ask you."I need your help, sweetheart."
Your eyes slowly opened and you silently sighed. You detached yourself from his embrace and looked in his eyes. When you saw the sorry and fearful look in his eyes, you gave him a small and reassuring smile. 
"Okay." You said. You heard your father sighed behind you. You knew he thought it was too dangerous but how could you let people die when you had the power to save them. Of course, your father agreed with that but what he didn't agree with was what it cost you.
The Team lifted their eyes from Sam to the staircase as they heard people coming down. Bucky's eyes focused on you the minute you got into his visual field. He didn't even notice everyone taking a step back as you approached Sam's body. 
"Buck" Steve whispered to get his attention. As Bucky was about to take a step back too, he was softly stopped by a hand on his metal arm. You didn't flinch at the feeling though.
"You can stay if you want. It'll be nice for him to see a familiar face when he wakes up." You said smiling. You took your hand off of his arm and gave all your attention to Sam. Bucky did as you said and stayed by Sam's side.
You quickly looked at all his injuries, keeping in mind the most important ones. Tony went by your side before you could start.
"Just heal the most important, don't drain yourself, please..." He whispered in your ears. You didn't give him a sign that you had heard him, even though you had. Tony left the room with your father, the two of them far too anxious for the same and different reasons. 
Nat, Bruce, Clint, Wanda and Vision sat down on the couches, exhausted by everything but wanting to keep an eye on what was going on with Sam while Bucky and Steve stayed by his side. 
You closed your eyes to focus and gather the energy you needed to heal the man before you. You were what was called a healer. You could heal, with the energy flowing through your body, anything and anyone you wanted. As it was not in your blood, you were sad at first not to be able to give a cure to the deadliest diseases in this world. But you tried for a while to go on hospital journeys to heal as many people as you could. That's when you understood that this energy in you was not infinite. You had fainted trying to heal a little girl sick with a brain tumour. Some diseases or wounds took way too much energy from you. That's when you met Tony. He was the one to tell you that without this energy you could die and that you would need training to use it to its full capacity. It took less and less time for you to recover from healing someone, your energy regenerating faster. You had succeeded a few years ago to heal this little girl thanks to the training Tony gave you. He was the only one, except for your parents, to know about your powers.
Bucky was fascinated by the scene that was unfolding before him. Your entire being was emanating this yellow and orange energy like flames engulfing your form. Your eyes turned completely white as your hands started to roam Sam's body. At the contact of your energy, bucky saw Sam's wounds close themselves and his skin not sporting a single scar. Bucky continued to admire your work alternating between your face, your hands and Sam. He was pulled back into reality as your warm energy suddenly died down and Sam's jerking up into a sitting position, awake.
"Welcome back, birdie," Bucky said, smiling widely.
"Yeah yeah, I couldn't leave without annoying you some more Elsa," Sam said, trying to get his breath under control. Bucky smiled at his sassy behaviour. Soon enough The avengers had gathered around Sam to ask about how he was feeling. Bucky was the only one to notice you leaving upstairs. 
You felt more than tired after healing that man, Sam. His wounds were deeper than you thought and you hadn't prepared to use this much energy. You discreetly made your way back to your room, leaving them reuniting. It was always overwhelming for you to see a family come together after you healed someone. It reminded you that this power was a gift to give love and happiness in people's lives. You were startled by a knock on your door. When you turned toward the noise, you saw the man from earlier that was standing by Sam.
"Hi," He said, hesitantly taking a step into your bedroom.
"Hi," You responded, looking down at your hands. You couldn't deny that he was a little bit intimidating and the fact that you had felt a metal arm earlier wasn't exactly reassuring. But if your father let him in, it must have meant that he trusted him so you didn't feel scared or threatened.
"I wanted to say thank you for what you did. I'm Bucky, by the way."
"Your welcome Bucky, I'm glad I could help your friend." You responded with a timid smile. When he took another step forward you could feel your chest become heavy.
"You didn't only help Sam back there." He took another step. He was three steps away from you now. "But everyone downstairs." Another step. You couldn't tear your eyes off him. Those blue/grey eyes held so much intensity that it was hard to look anywhere else. Bucky was also sensing this tension in the room. Breathing became much harder and he felt very hot suddenly. He gulped down when you licked your suddenly dry lips. You should have brought up a cup of water. 
"Well, it was my pleasure Bucky." you breathed out.
"You never told be your name," he stated, taking a step forward.
He said it again as if tasting the sound of it in his mouth. The second he said it, you couldn't help your energy from coming out of your body and engulfing your frame. Bucky didn't even budge, but instead took a last step forward reaching his flesh hand out. The second his hand touched your halo of energy, it was like you had been shocked. He pulled back immediately, afraid he had hurt you. Your energy died down then.
"Wow" was all you said. 
"Are you okay?" He asked, still worried.
"Yeah," you let out a small chuckle. "I've never felt better actually. It's like...it's like you gave me all the energy I've ever spent back." You stated confuse at your own words. Bucky didn't say anything after that, he seemed to be thinking about something. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it. You could see what he wanted to do, his hand twitching at his side. This time, it was you who took a step forward and reach for his hand. When you touched nothing happened. You looked up to Bucky to find him already staring at you. 
"Your eyes," He said. You turned your head to look at your reflection in the mirror on your wall. Your eyes were white, exactly like when you were summoning your powers. 
"What's happening?" Bucky asked you, making you look at him again. 
"I'm not sure." You answered. "When I was younger and my powers started to surface, Tony sent me to this witch in the south to help me figure out myself and what I wanted to do now. She was my spiritual guide for 3 years and taught me everything I needed to know about this gift and how to control it. She said I was a Healer. Someone that has a great power of healing anything alive. But she said that I could also if I learned how to take someone's life and turn it into energy that I would take for my regeneration or simply for more power. But to every great power comes a weakness. Someone was made to counterstrike my power. This, someone, was made to be my antithesis to stop me from being consumed by my power or accumulating too much."
"So... what you're saying is...I'm your antithesis?"
"I mean I don't know for sure but with what happened I wouldn't be surprised." You answered sheepishly.
"Your eyes went back to normal," Bucky informed you. You gazed some more into each other eyes until Bucky broke the silence.
"How about we go on a witch hunt?"
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shakespeareismydad · 3 years
My thought process as I watch season 7 of GoT
-Can Cersei please shut up god, I’m so tired of listening to her talk
-Qyburn can suck a dick
-i have never hated a character more in my life
-this is painful to watch
-oh no not the ince*t, god anything but that, I’m so over it 
-no one cares if you're the queen stop fucking your brother 
-i would love to see cersei burned by a dragon 
-brooding buddies ahaha
-this scene is so pretty, the way his cloak blows in the wind is *chefs kiss* 
-tyrion and jon interacting makes me happy 
-“are you trying to present you're own statements as wise wisdom” PleaSe 
-don’t make me think about robb and rickon PleaSe
-fucking lord baelish ugh
-sansa and her quick fire wit
-there are some chars i cant stand listening to 
-ooh is it arya, please i hope it is, 
-its bran instead oop, didn’t expect that,, hug it OUT 
-bran is so pretty wow
-this is so sweet, the way the snow enhances her hair is *chefs kiss*
-oh no is Sam gonna be in trouble for helping jorah 
-this is nice
-i hope sam doesnt get kicked out of the cidatal 
-ive heard so much about Casterly Rock and this is the first time I’m seeing it and tbh the hype wasn’t worth it 
-pointy stick go stabby stabby 
-canny hack it, am not enjoying this
-for fuck sake the lannisters are at highgarden and for why
-I still don’t know if i like Jamie Lannister or not
-they aren’t gonna kill ornella, i hope not
-they really think they're gonna win how embarrassing 
-she really just drank the wine
-the fact that jamie is jofferys dad still grosses me out
-pretty op scene 
-Tom Hopper in game of thrones whaattttt
-Oh my god, every time i see cersei i wanna take my eyeballs out
-i don’t trust baelish with bran
-i don’t trust baelish period. 
-imagine giving a kid a dagger that almost killed him i-
-i don’t want meera to leave
--alot of people died for bran ouch 
-wait bran died, hol up, does that hes ACTUALLY the three eyed raven this time 
-they better let arya in 
-Arya gone ahah
-sansa and arya moment, reunited at last
-this moment is kinda sad tbh
-this is so wholesome 
-its sad again, i wish robb and rickon were here too
-”its wasted on a cripple” i bby noo
-brans wheelchair is so nifty
-i love podrick payne
-okay but theyre outfits are kinda bomb
-thats a lot of fucking dragonglass
-secret cave what will it hold
-the children and the first men are smart 
-yess queen fight with them, wait bend the knee i- nevermind
-ion like this, does she really think he’ll bend the knee and the north folk will be happy
-what now
-oh no shes angry and doubting tyrion that cant be good 
-jon is so pretty 
-Daenerys’ shoulder broche thing is so cool, i want one
-brianne and pod training together is so nice
-im so proud of arya, what a bad bitch 
-seeing arya ad brianne train has me shook 
-”I’m a Bastard” me too jon me too
-uh-oh jon doesn't look happy to see theon
-are they gonna hug
-NO THEY ARENT FINNA HUG, pleas no fighting
-im glad he isnt killing theon
-the queen is gone?! Miss thing where did she go
-i can't get over the fact that tom hopper is in game of Thrones
-Fuck the queen especially Cersei
-its gone all quiet that means something bad is gonna happen oh no
-this shit gives me anxiety
-thats a lot of dothraki
-"we can hold them off" my guy no you cant
-she brought her dragon good luck holding them off now pahahah
-is this where jamie dies, I wouldn't be mad :|
-miss thing its over for them
-everything is going up in flames i- why are they still fight back at this point
-if ser bronn dies I'm gonna be mad
-sliced off the horse leg and for what
-deadass though if bronn dies I'm done
-i have so much anxiety oh no
-thats a big fucking arrow
-tyrion looks so sad oh no
-jamie is gonna die if he does boost soon
-I dont want the Dragons to get hurt ahhh
-i love bronn but king this ain't it
-he blew the arrow thing up instead
-jamie leave youre going to die
-mayhe I don't want him to die just yet but he should listen to tyrion and fuck off
-ser bronn to the rescue?!?!
-im so stressed out ahaha
-canny hack it they almost drowned
-jamie 'the twat' lennister
-tyrion walking through the aftermath makes me uncomfy, feels bad man
-dragon said rawr
-what the fuck kinda option is bend the knee or die
-tyrion murdered his dad and he'll do it again
-Just bend the knee it literally cant be that hard
-is she gonna feed them to the dragons
-oh my God she is, wait shes gonna roast them, that's definitely far worse than bending the knee
-ashes to ashes ig
-Cersei should be worried, Dani has three dragons why do they think they can win
-cersei gives me a headache
-jon is so pretty and for what
-mister dragon needs to chill
-is he gonna eat jon
-oh hes letting jon pet him alrightie
-it's kinda creepy seeing it up close ngl
-"gorgeous beast" PleaSe
-figure of speech yeah sure right mhmm
-didnt you want jorah dead like three seconds ago
-i fucking hate those ravens
-thats a big mountain
-thats a lot of dead folks oofdt
-oh sam
-hes a smart wee lad
-i hope they listen to sam, hes making very good point
-some of these measter are dickhead
-im so tired of bending this fucking knee
-what the fuck is a wet nurse
-how are you gonna bring a wight to the capital
-this is whisky business
-trusting a stranger is never a good idea but okay I guess
-the minute jon leave everyone starts shitting on him, what arseholes
-sansa is so pretty
-im so confused what is happening
- Ion like this
-oh no is jamie gonna kill tyrion
-not tyrion making jokes as if he isnt gonna die
-wheres gendry i miss him
-look at my mans I love him
-he looks so good,, look at him king shit
-pop off gendry with your big hammer thing,, I was not expecting that
-not miss thing tryna get bronn killed for betrayal i- 🤚🏾hold up
-IS SHE PREGNANT AGAIN OG MY FUCKING GOd,, shes really ginns have another ince*t baby i 💀,, cut the fkn camera
-gendry you had one job
-"youre alot leaner,, you're alot shorter" I king PleaSe pahahaha
-tyrion is so pretty
-jon you need to return cause like, I dont want you to die
-wait is sam leaving,, bye big library
-what is lord baelish up too now,, I'm sus
-only copy of what,, what is he doing
-is arya finna break into his room
-i dont like this,, he probably has whatever arya is looking for on him
-he hid it in the mattress that smart ngl
-what is lord baelish plotting,, it's making me unsettled
-"you need to convince the one with the dragons or the one with that fucks her brother" paahahah I cant pLease that's so fuunny
-tormund and jorah fight let's go
-"were all breathing" I mean ya I guess pahaha
-gendry is so pretty
-they look so tiny against the snow
-"down south the air smells like pig shit" "you've never been down south" "I've been to winterfell" "that's the north" "pfftt" I love that whole interaction
-does tormund wanna fuck gendry i- pahahah
-hes allowed to be mad at you for selling him
-jorah and jon are having a moment bless them
-arya reminiscing about her dad is so cute and it makes me sad
-oh no they're arguing
-"beloved Joffrey" ouch
-we were getting along so well,, and lord baelish had fucked it up
-"gingers are beautiful" yes they are my guy yes they fucking are
-dws tomund what dick is 🤚🏾🤠
-uh babies tormund chill out
-the way Jon's jacket coat thing puffs out is so funny
-i really hope Jon's not in love with Dani
-cersei wants to murder alot of people
-wait why cant dani have children
-they looks like ants in the snow
-is that a polar bear,, NOT A POLAR BEAR I REPAET NOT A POLAR BEAR
-mans is gonna get eaten alive
-hes gonna die out here and he doesn't even care,, or maybe he wont die i ??????
-where did they get a flaming sword from
-lord baelish needs to stfu
-what is baelish planning
-its gone all quiet again
-jon said slice and dice
-that a loud fucking screech,, oh no I hear rumbling that cant be good
-go gendry go!!
-theyre running across a lake what if the ice breaks,,
-gendry is a fast little fuck huh
-im so stressed I dont want anyone else to die,, especially gendry
-theyre gonna freeze to death
-oh no thros froze, feels bad man
-where did he get a flaming sword,, it pretty poggers
-ive got anxiety
-not sansa going back to king's landing
-miss thing, honey, sansa it's never safe
-yall Danis coat is so pretty
-how to train your dragons type beat
-well done hound you've provoked the dead
-wheres dani and her dragons when you need her
-if tormund dies,, oh nooooo
-someone should help him
-this is so sad
-sis came through what a queen
-the king Walker is gonna throw the ice spear and kill the dragon oh naw
-the stress is coming back
-he just killed on of her dragons,, I'm so shook
-jons gonna drown
-okai hes still alive but how long still he freezes to death
-miss thing you're literally gonna freeze to death dont try to fight
-seeing uncle benjen die, saving him,, that hurted
-the CRUNCH of Jon's coat oft
-shes not gonna kill sansa right?!?
-arya gave her the dagger but now what?!?
S07E07 (this should be good)
-bronn I'm offend men with dicks are just as good with men without them
-the dothraki really just fight for fun huh
-not the brothels 🤚🏾🥴
-the wight doesn't enjoy that box
-cersei you wont be killing anyone,, miss thing needs to SIT DOWN AND STFU
-god I don't wanna deal with any lennister,, apart from tyrion
-i love podrick
-maybe I dont like ser bronn
-im sus,, something bad might happen,, its gone all quiet
-here comes miss thing and euron
-im gonna be sick with anxiety
-does everyone just have a permanent from on their faces or what
-i hate when she speaks
-dragons as a means of travel is so handy
-ats a big fucking dragon pahaha
-constant state of stress
-euron shut the fuck up
-euron is gonna get punched in the face if he doesn't shut up
-sit down euron or fuck off
-cersei shut up for two seconds
-does whe really think the army of the dead is a bad joke,, MISS THING COME ONNN
-does miss thing believe them now after almost being attacked by a wight
-100,000 AT LEAST oh no
-euron is scared lol hes definitely gonna die
-"until the dead is defeated they are our true enemy" Miss thing we've been trying to tell you
-oop mans already been pledged and miss Cersei is pissed
-honestly fuck the Lannisters
-everyone is pissed at jon for not lying lol
-tyrion don't talk to cersei,, that's a bad idea just waiting to happen
-oh lord am stressed
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idjitlili · 4 years
They hate us cuz they anus
Eomer x reader
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Summary: caring for merry the eve of battle as he misses pippin, he ends up asleep on your lap , but you are so tired that you cannot move him. This leads to certain person helping you.
Word count:2016
On the way to where you would set up tents for rest on the eve of battle of Pelennor Fields. Merry had been very upset about having to be separated from Pippin, so much so he was moping around. He sat on the horse , you behind him.
You had met Eomer when searching for merry and pippin , when you had crossed the lands of Rohan. It was rare to see a women , a young only aswell dressed in clothes commonly a man would wear,plus with weapons upon her. You had been wearing a large tunic , that went very low, it wasn’t yours it was your fathers, he wouldn’t have agreed for you to join the fellowship. Gandalf requested you too , so you did you stole your fathers armour and weapons and clothes. Your pants now into shorts as they weren’t lose like your shirt because they were in fact yours, you had cut them so you would be able to run easily.
Your fathers armour was lost because you couldn’t barely run with , you made sure to note to replace them when you got a chance. Yet your fathers sword still laid upon your belt. Your hair had been braided tightly back by legolas , he was very kind to offer, as he noticed you struggled with it in your face when fighting. You would’ve done it yourself but you really couldn’t be bothered. You faced laced with sweat , you pant slightly, this was the most running you had down this whole quest.
Eomer had eyed your group suspiciously, you were a shy girl around new people, it was different when talking to your friends. you had coward behind legolas and Aragorn. That was until , Eomer had began talking to you. “And why does a women accompany a group of men?” You spoke loudly to, you gulped up at the man, almost not knowing how to speak, he was indeed handsome. “Uh...I w-wish to save my friend m-my lord.” You voice shaky as you spoke , Eomer nodded at you , he understood you wasn’t much of a talker, he decided to leave you alone.
Yet he admired you for being a female , especially when it was frowned down on. He had gave you two horses, you had mounted behind Aragorn, looking back at Eomer he smiled at you which you returned with a small blush upon yo ur cheeks.
Yeah so now you sat upon a horse with merry, hopping off, then lifting merry off too. You went to put him down but he shook his head ,” can you carry me a while y/n?pleaseeeee.” He pleaded wrapping his arm around your neck. You held on your hip with one arm. “If I must .” You replied ruffing his hair with your other arm.
You were staying in a tent with eowyn and merry , yet the tents were still being set up, so you just walked around for a couple of hours with merry on your hip, that was until he was hungry. Yet he wouldn’t let go of you , so you grabbed some potatoes and sat next to Eomer on the log , with a knife and pot. You placed merry onto your lap, while you peeled the potatoes, and diced them placing them in the pot with water. Eomer watched you as merry hold the pot. After you had completed that you placed the pot on the fire, still holding merry. Merry was starving and didn’t forget to remind you everything two seconds, you tried to keep your cool, damn this must be what it feels like to be a mother.
“Is he always like that?” Eomer asked from next to you chuckling, merry let’s out a ‘OI.’ You rub merry s shoulder with your hand. “Not usually, you just miss pippin don’t you. I guess I’m his replacement.” You smirk at merry knowing jts absolutely true. “No, you are my mother.” You gasp at his answer , pulling the pot from the fire onto the ground, to cool.
“If I was I think you would be taller plus you are older than me.” Eomer laughs at you , merry just hugs tighter, “still my ma.” You giggle , now mashing the potatoes turning it into mash before giving it to merry. Who eats it like if they had a time limit of a minute otherwise they would disappear. “I’m not surprised he thinks you are, you carry him around for hours , feed him and now he’s falling asleep on you.” Eomer had whispered, Merry had eaten and now lay against your chest eyes fluttering closed
“You are very right.” You smiled up at Eomer, it was late , you sat next to Eomer for hours, briefly chatting, your eyes began to feel heavy. You began drifting off to sleep, that is until Eomer whispers your name , you slowly open your eyes at him “yes?” You spoke barely above a whisper.
“I think it’s time you get to bed.” You groan, knowing you have to walk. “But... the tent is so far away, and then I have to carry merry too.” You drag out , tiredly. “You are in the same tent as eowyn? You nod your head at Eomer eyes closed. Then you feel someone lifting you bridal style , with merry on your chest. “Whaaat” you reply , as the strong arms carry you to your tent with easy. “Sleep y/n.” Thats all it takes for you fall asleep.
Once you woke up in the morning, Merry was cuddled into your side , in your bedroll with you. Eomer must have carried you to your bed, eowyn probably teased her brother, for doing so. It was unusual for Eomer to behave this way, he always act tough infront of everyone but he was just a softie and he showed that to you last night. He was only like that around 1his sister , he was indeed a kind man. I
The next time you talked to Eomer , was after the ring was destroyed and at Aragorns ball in celebration of him claiming his right to the throne of Gondor. You wore a dress that Eowyn had forced you too, it was a navy blue dress like the tunic you wore when you first met Eomer. It was only a simple dress, you really would have preferred to be at home eating potatoes or something. But instead you would stood at the side away from the dance floor near the food.
Now merry and pippin were reunited , merry had told pippin all about his time with you and you being his human mother. Now pippin insisted that you were his mother too, forcing you carry both of them, on your hips, Frodo and Sam laughed at you as the hobbits swung about on you Eating some sort of cake.
You stayed like this for a while trying to get the hobbits to behave, then Eomer had approached you with a huge smile admiring your kindness. Your h/c hair that is loose fell upon your face due to the movements of the hobbit. Eomer stood infront of you , the hobbits looking at him in confusion, you looked past your hair at Eomer smiling.
“Merry , pippin could I speak to your mother please?” He had asked politely, you blushed at his words , giggling at the hobbits that looked at Eomer in disgust. “You hurt our ma , you become a kebab king.” Merry growled and pippin hissed at him. “That’s enough , go annoy legolas hm?” With that you leant down placing them on the floor and then they ran for legolas nearly knocking a bunch of people over.
You stand up , looking at Eomer , pushing your hair from your face. “What did you need to ask me ,king of Rohan?” Your voice is quiet , as you fiddle with your hands. “Just Eomer ,no need for formalities, miss y/n. I was wondering if you would talk a walk with me?” His face turnt slightly red ,with nervousness.
“Just y/n then Eomer, and yes I will.” You smile at him, as he offers you his arm which you take as he walks you to the gardens. He was dressed in navy too Damn, Eowyn must have done that on purpose. It was no surprise, when ever he would walk near you in that bar which legolas and Gimil has that drinking contest, your face would flash red. Eomer smiled at you , once you had reached a the gardens that were covered in sunflowers,the music barely audible.
He had brought you to a stop, his hands grasping yours, before he spoke “would you dance with me? I didn’t want to ask you to dance in there, as I couldn’t help but notice you get very nervous infront of large crowds.” His voice full of kindness , he was a very respectable man, and indeed handsome. You face blushed, you nod your head eagerly,”but I do not know how..” you look at your feet , that wore navy slippers. His hand let go of your hand to pull your chin up slowly “it doesn’t matter, we can just sway.” You send him a hopeful smile, wrapping your arms around his neck as his come around your waist.
He guides you to sway with him, looking you in the eyes smiling. “Thanks for saving me from the hobbits , I was sure my back was going to give in.” He chuckles at you ,” you are very welcome, anything for you.” You blushed at his words. “...uh like why can’t they pretend Gandalf is their mother and swing off him like he’s a tree. “
“If they did I’m pretty sure he would’ve turned them into frogs.” You giggle at him , “yeah then they would came after me , ‘oooh kiss me’ no thank you.” You bury your head into his chest laughing hard he just holds you still swaying, laughing with you.
After a few minutes you calm down and Eomer breaks the comfortable silence, when you look back into his eyes.” I’m guessing you don’t like being kissed?” You face turned beet red “uh..it’s just I wouldn’t want to kiss a frog, plus I-I’ve never been kissed before.” You look away from him embarrassed. “Oh..why not you are so beautiful.” He questioned, causing you to blush even more than before.
“B-because no one ever wanted too..” he cups your cheeks so you can’t turn away from you “well I know that’s not true at least one person does.”
“W-who?” Your eyes search his eyes for answers , before he whispers “may I kiss you?” You nod your head nervously , he leans forward down slightly to meet your lips with his soft ones. You can taste the wine on his lips before he pulls away. You hug him tightly “thank you.” You mutter into his shoulder, which he pulls you right to him. “ may I court you y/n” he whispers into you hair , “yes” not even a second later , pippin and merry are dragging you by the hands.
“No no , stay away from our ma, we are her children she doesn’t need more.” Merry shouted at Eomer.
“ I almost die but I survive only for you to try steal our ma.” Pippin growls.
“Hey hey, my sons Eomer will carry you on his shoulders how about that?” The hobbits eyes light up, Eomer looks at you in surprise, you gesture him let them up. He kneels , sitting there hobbits on his shoulders, they hold on to each other, whilst you grab Eomer a hand, as you walk into the hall again, only to get a bunch of eyes on the three of you, eowyn laughs along side faramir.
“They hate is cuz they anus.” You spoke in a low pitch voice , nudging Eomer.
“ maybe it’s time we take our children home?”
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daisydaisybilly · 4 years
title: 1912 part 6 pairing: dean x reader summary: dean and y/n reunite, how will things fair? warning: Swearing, fluff, bit of angst maybe and think that's it  word count: 2.5k A/N: this has been half done for days but I kept on getting distracted by movies and life. 
poof read but would of missed somethings 
 series masterlist |  MAIN MASTERLIST | REQUEST OPEN  
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Nothing  suited the dark plum dress your mother had pushed into your arms, it made you look ill, it brought attention to the bags under your eyes and the fit was all wrong.  Firstly, the skirt was too big, the layer and layer of material weighed you down walking around in it wasn’t going to be fun. The waistline was higher than your actual waist it looked like it belonged in 1812 not 1912, “Come out, I want to see how it looks”.
“coming” you sighed, the dress hissed against the floor and your legs as you moved, you had to pick up the front of the dress when you walked out of the dressing room. Awkwardly you played with the skirt, “I feel like a doll” you muttered under your breath.
Your mother clapping made you look up at her in disbelief, “It looks better than I thought”. Gaping at her you didn’t know what to say. She helped you  to stand in front of a mirror you shuddered at your reflection the dress looked even worst with natural light. “You look lost in your head, darling”.
“I’m just tired, I guess” you mummer trying to make the dress who bearable.
She patted you on your back, “Well wake up, we have a long day” she laughed. You looked at her through the mirror and raised an eyebrow, something was different about her it was getting more and more confusing over the last few days.  She looked at you waiting for you to move, nodding you turned to change.
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 You sat uncomfortable in the sitting room watching the clock on the fireplace. Everyone would be there soon, it was time to face the music. You didn’t know how much more arguing you could sit through before the need to run came again.
Maybe if you had told your mother everything, she wouldn’t have invited everyone up. But you were still trying to wrap your head around everything. Dean said he cared about you but was this his idea of caring? Hiding the truth and how he felt, and did you want to be a consent reminder of a life he couldn’t have with the person he loved.
“Come on, y/n we should meet them out front” your mother appeared in the doorway.
Reluctantly you followed behind her to the front door, “mother he won’t be expecting all this” you sigh when you spot the staff outside too. “He has been here before”.
“But his brothers fiancé has and if she’s marrying into the family then she will be a part of ours too and I want to make a good impression” she fought back.
You rolled your eyes behind her back, if Dean nor Sam expected this much of a welcome then Jessica wouldn’t.  
You held your breathed when you saw a car drive up toward the house, you mind screamed to run when you saw Dean in the driver’s seat. From where you stood, he looked the same, you thought you saw him sit straighter when he briefly looked at you.
Not taking your eyes off the car the whole time you had forgotten to breath until your mother cleared her throat and pushed you a step future. Your feet carried themselves over to the car, the back doors opened first, and Jessica came jumping out. “y/n!” she cried and threw her arms around your neck.
You laughed and hugged her back. “it’s only been a few days”. She doesn’t let go for you until she spots everyone waiting by the door. “Jessica Moore, this is my mother Y/M/N L/LN”.
“it’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs L/N” Jess smiled to your mother.
“Always a pleasure” Sam greeted your mother and kiss her hand.
You smiled at Sam mouthing hello, then you looked to Dean who was still stood by the driver’s door alone. From the corner of your eyes you saw Jess and Sam looked at you and Dean before walking into the house with your mother, leaving you two alone.
The two of you just looked at each other waiting for the other to speak. “I brought something for you” he spoke suddenly then opened the car door, he came out holding some flowers. He looked awkward then, he wouldn’t meet your eyes.  “these were the flowers we had at the wedding, don’t know if you remember”.
You took them from his hands, a smile rose on your lips. “Yeah I do”.
“I never told you why I chose them” he sounded nervous. “once when we were younger, we were in the garden in Winchester house and you were in the old apple tree” he laughed making you look from the flowers to him.
“I used to throw the apples at you”  
He laughed again nodding his head, “the one time that sticks out was when you fell out of the tree while laughing and when you walked past me you handed me a rose, like them”.
A warm feeling spread through your chest, “I had forgot about that time, maybe I hit my head after all” you laughed. He walked side by side with you into the house. “can you put these into some water then take them to my room please” you ask a maid handing her the flowers. “do you remember the way, or do you want to show you the room?”.
He looked at you reading your face, “show me if you don’t mind”.
Walking silently side by side to your bedroom, it hit you like a rock that the last time you had been here together was the wedding day. “its fine. You’re probably tried after the trip you can rest” you murmured. You let Dean into the room first and stood at the door watching him. “if you need anything just ring the bell and someone will come” you smiled and turned to leave.
“I want you to stay” he spoke up.
You had only took one step, “I don’t have it in me to fight anymore” you said sadly.
“I don’t want to fight”.
You went into the room and closed the door, silently you walked to the bed sitting down and patted the spot next to you. He followed you right away. You breathed before speaking, “I think we can both agree this hasn’t been easy”.
He nodded in agreement, “you can say that again” he chuckled dryly.
“I’ve had time to think” you took his hand in yours and ran you fingers over his knuckles. “if you’re happy with Jo” you sighed taking another deep breath, “then I won’t stand in your way”, your chest felt too tight, you had an overwhelming feeling to run away.
“I ended things with Jo” you looked away from your locked hands to his face as a tear slipped from your eye.
“I owe it to you to try, I should have ended it a long time ago, but I was selfish” he squeezed your hand.
You blinked letting more tears fall, “I-“ you tried to speak but your mind went blank. He touched your cheek sweeping a tear away, you stare helplessly at him not daring to sink into his touch. “Dean” you sighed closing your eyes.
“we’re in this for the long haul, gives me a chance” he spoke so softly you couldn’t believe it was him.  
“Okay” you whispered as more tears fell.  You finally gave in and lent against his hand, when you did, he wrapped his free arm around your waist and pulled you into his chest and hugged you. Dropping his hand, you brought your arms around his neck and hugged him back. You buried your head into his neck and breathed him in.
His fingers played with the hairs at the top of your neck, “will you lay with me?”. You didn’t need to answer, you kicked off your shoes and pushed him down on the bed. He laughed and moved so he was laying on his back and you were against his side. You didn’t realize you were tired until you laid down, with Dean’s arms around you, you fell asleep peaceful.
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 “y/n” a soft voice rose you from a deep sleep, you closed your eyes tighter and pressed your head harder into what you thought was a pillow but you noticed it was too hard to be one. You squinted your eyes and looked up. “Hey” Dean laughed pushing a strand of lose hair behind your ear. “The dressing bell rang, think someone will be up soon to help you dress”.
You shook your head, still trying to find your voice. “I don’t need help with dressing anymore, got used to doing it myself”, you sat up and rubbed your eyes.  “How long was I asleep for?”.
“we both slept for a few hours” he explained, you nodded, still feeling half asleep.
You stumbled over to your vanity and sat down, your hair had been neat before but now it was in every direction, you ran your hands down your face and groaned. “god, the night hasn’t even began and I’m tired”. He laughed from behind you, “wait until you see the dress”.
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“what a lovely dress” Jess manged say while holding in a laugh.
“It is isnt it” your mother smiled.
“Mamma, Excuse us I want to show Jess the gardens” you pulled Jessica along before anyone could question you. You pulled her from the room and into the back patio.
When you were alone Jess brushed out laughing, clutching her sides. She breathed until she calmed down. “I’m sorry but what made you think that dress was a good idea?”.
“It wasn’t mine that all. My mother has been treating me like a doll, she dresses me, tells what to do” you sighed and rubbed your hands down your face. “I think she’s has always been like this, but I never cared. She even pick my wedding dress, I didn’t care at the time but maybe I should of?”.
She smiled to you and held your hand, “you’ve always been her baby and now you’ve grown up”.
“You act like you’re older than me” you laugh tugging away, she laughed as she tugged you back, you both fell onto the floor into a hep laughing.
The door to the patio opened and Sam stepped out, he looked left then right until his eyes fell on the two of you on the floor holding in your laugher with your hands over your mouths. He looked from you to jess then back at you before laughing too. “I don’t know what I expect to find out here”, he helped you both stand up.
You brushed down your skirt and tilted your head to Jessica, “Blame Jess, she pulled me to the ground”.
She scoffed but then laugh, she stood close by Sam and kissed his cheek. “hardy my fault if you can’t hold your ground” she laughed again and ran at you. You shrieked in laugher and ducked away but she caught you around the waist.
You wiggled in her grip laughing with her, Sam stood where he was laughing at you both. “Sam? What’s keeping you?” Dean called before joining everyone outside, he paused and looked at you and jessica. You didn’t notice he was watching until you heard him hide a chuckle badly.
Jessica let you go when she saw you looking at Dean, you cleared your throat and hid your face shyly.  Jessica followed your gaze  then back to you, “did you want to tell us something gentlemen?”.
“the food is ready, I was sent to tell you, but I go taken off task by a person or two” Sam raised an eyebrow at you and Jessica still stood together.
“We’ll be right there” Jessica waved them off, “I want to talk to y/n about the wedding” she smiled. Dean and Sam exited quickly, you kept your eyes on the spot where Dean had just been and swallowed hard. “What happened between you two?”.
You looked at her confused, “I thought you wanted to talk about the wedding?”.
“strew the wedding right now! What happened?”
You blushed and ducked your head, “he told me he left Jo”.
“what else?”
You blushed harder looking to the dark garden behind you, “we just talked and then- we fell asleep together”, you frowned your brows thinking it over again, “I- it was the closest I’ve felt with him”.  she smiled fondly and hugged you tightly.
You hugged her back, “I’m glad” she whispered down your ear. “it’s about time things started to look up for you”. You stayed closer together until your stomach rumbling drew you apart, “now come on, we are both hungry and everyone is waiting for us”.
You smiled to her, wrapping your arm around hers and walked back into the house together.
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Your eyes were half shut as you walked along the hallway to your room, one hand was holding onto the wall and the other was holding the front of your skirt so you wouldn’t trip. Beside you Jessica walked yawing, behind you was Sam and Dean talking quietly together.
“Did you ever get scared her when you were young?” Jessica asked, looking at you sideways.
You sucked in your lower lips and smiled, “Sometimes, I had a cruel governess who told me that my great something grandmother walked the halls at night looking for children” you told her quietly. “I had to sleep with a candle lit for years, until my next governess told me that it was nonsense and ghost were real.”
Jessica looked a little alarmed, “and now?”.
You looked wearily around you, “I can’t say whether or not that my great grandmother walks the halls, but I do believe people hang around after they are gone”. She looked even worse than before, you laughed hung your arm around your shoulder. “Don’t worry, they’re all just stories”.
“but all stories are truth” Dean chuckled appearing right behind you, you shake your head at him. You came to your room first, you hugged Jessica before the two of you parted.
“Sam you’re in the same room as last time you came and Jess, you’re just next door to us ” you smiled pointing them in the right direction. “if you need anything ring the bell or just knock on my door” you hugged Jessica before going off to your rooms.
As soon the shut you reach behind your back to unbutton the dress, you kicked off your shoes as you walked. You had to strain to reach the last ones, “let me”, Dean put his hands over yours then carried on with the remaining buttons.
“Thank you” you dropped your arms down your sides.
“I wouldn’t think this was your style” he messed with the skirt when he had finished with the buttons.
You laughed, “Wasn’t my choice”. You pulled the dress to the floor and stepped out of it. “but my mother insisted. You lent down to pick the dress up and threw it into a corner. “one good thing about it though, I didn’t need a corset” you grin, brushing down your slip. You made your way across the room to the bed.
“you ready for the driver home?” he asked as he undressed.
Home. “Yes, I think” you thought it over, you were still unsure if you could call it home yet.
“you okay?” he raised an eyebrow as he got in next to you.
“just tired” you sight with a smile. You laid down on your side and looked at Dean who was laying down too.  No one said anything, you just looked at each other. “night Dean”.
“goodnight y/n”
part 7
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365days365movies · 3 years
February 27, 2021: Love Actually (Part 2)
In case you hadn’t noticed by now...this movie is a lot.
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I won’t dwell, and I’ll get back into All Around, but just trust me...this is a bit too much. All I know is that they packed way too much in this film, which is also somehow too long? It’s a lot, yeah? OK, first part of the Recap is right here, let’s get into the second half before I lose my nerve.
Recap (2/2)
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So, good news is, Rodrigo and Sarah start dancing at the party, then start to hook up at her place! But the sad news (not bad, just sad) is that it’s interrupted by calls from her brother, Michael (Michael Fitzgerald), a very mentally ill man who lives in an asylum. Their love affair is cut short, and Sarah visits him the next day, where he lashes out at her and claims the nurses are trying to kill him, before being subdued. YIKES. Fuckin’s whiplash.
A little more sadness, as Karen’s convinced that Harry’s fallen out of love with her, having seen how he interacted with the attractive Mia at the party. That’s going to cause some friction, I’m sure. This is folllowed by Mia’s flirtations the following afternoon, which are once again accepted by Harry with no words to the contrary. He also calls her as he’s out, and he appears to be giving into the flirtation, rather than denying them. And as he’s meeting Karen for shopping! Dammit, Harry.
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At the store, he buys a necklace for Mia from jewelry salesman Rufus (Rowan Atkinson!). Rufus asks is Harry wants the necklace gift-wrapped, and he agrees. And Rufus...Rufus is the best gift-wrapper of all time. Seriously, the man is a fucking ARTIST. His attention to detail is astonishing, and I love him. Harry doesn’t, as it’s taking way to long. YOU CANNOT RUSH PERFECTION, HARRY! But, yeah, it’s taking too long, and Karen shows up. Harry abandons the necklace, and poor devoted Rufus.
One week until Christmas, as holiday shenanigans take place with everybody! Jamie’s learning Portuguese for Aurélia. Colin (yeah, remember him?) is headed to America, while his roommate Tony is back to work at the film set, where Judy and Jack are being stand-ins for a myriad of sex positions, and Jack asks Judy on a date, which she accepts! A very cute couple, all things considered. They go out on a date on Christmas Eve, and the two kiss on the doorstep. They are legitimately adorable.
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Colin arrives at a bar in the United States, and as soon as he orders a beer, his accent IMMEDIATELY draws the attention of Stacey, Jeannie, and Carol-Anne (Ivana Miličević, January Jones, and Elisha Cuthbert). And...IT FUCKING WORKED? These girls are all immediately into him, and invite him to stay with them at their place. However, they only have a small bed, and no couch. Not to mention the fourth girl, Harriet. But he bites the bullet, and accepts the invitation. And once he gets there, the sex proceeds in shadow. I cannot believe it worked, and it’s kind of hilarious.
Meanwhile, the jig is up for Harry. He did indeed get the necklace, and Karen finds it in his pocket before Christmas, assuming that it’s for her. However, when Christmas comes, Harry gives her a Joni Mitchell CD instead, and she realizes that the necklace was for Mia. Which is...shattering. Karen’s extremely hurt by this, fucking understandably.
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Christmas Eve! Billy Mack’s song, despite the odds being completely against him, has reached the number one spot on the charts. He appears to be quite happy at a party celebrating him, although his manager appear slightly less so. Wonder why. Jamie, meanwhile, heads to the airport, quite on impulse. Wonder why.
Karl bids Sarah a good night and a Merry Christmas, and she cries when she realizes that their chance of getting together again is shot. Damn. She goes to visit her brother, and I gotta say - she’s a very loving sister. And then...well, it’s the scene. The most famous scene in the movie. You know the one.
And here’s the thing about this scene: is it superficially romantic? Yeah, sure, I guess. And it’s true that Mark doesn’t actually expect anything to come from this, but...this is still an AMAZINGLY shitty thing to do to someone in a committed relationship that involves your friend. Because it could potentially sabotage their relationship. I mean, maybe she’d be tempted to kiss you in a brief moment of infidelity that initially seems romantic, but is kinda fucked up when you really think about it.
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OK, after that terrible idea, Bill shows up by surprise at his manager Joe’s place, and notes that he could be going to a big party at this point, but Christmas is a time to spend with his family and loved ones, and that the closest thing to that is, in fact, his manager, who is in fact the love of his life. Not sure if that’s necessarily romantic, but that is still sweet. Anyway, they get drunk and watch porn together. Yup.
David, meanwhile, gets a bevy of Christmas cards, one of which comes from Natalie. She apologizes for the kiss situation, and refers to herself as “Your Natalie”. Time to get in the fuckin’ car, David. He drives down to her neighborhood, and goes from door-to-door until he finds Natalie’s place. Her and her entire family are headed to a school concert, and David offers to give her and her little brother a lift there.
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On the way there, the two begin to admit their feelings for one another, and Natlie notes that the President forced herself on her, but nothing else happened. While he’s reluctant about the whole affair, she brings him into the concert backstage. As he enters, he runs into his sister Katie, who’s glad to see him, and is clearly holding back tears because of the Harry situation. Judy and Jack are also there, as well as Daniel and Sam (who’s in the concert).
The kids’ concert takes place, and its headed by a solo from Sam’s crush, Joanna (Olivia Olson), who...WAIT, OLIVIA OLSON? As in...
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...Huh. Of all the members of this ensemble cast, she’s the one I least expected! But OK! As expected, she’s an excellent singer, and headlines a rendition of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas”. Which seems mildly inappropriate for a kid’s concert, but whatever, sure. She points at various people when saying “is you” in the song, but never at Sam, who’s on the drums. Oof. Sorry, buddy.
The song ends, and the curtain drops, and...
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Well, uh...shit. I ean, I’m happy for them both, but David’s officially FUCKED at this point. However, the crowd seems to receive it very well, and that’s lucky. The night ends, and everyone disbands for the night. Harry and Karen are amongst them, and Karen confronts him. She asks what would he do if he were in her position, revealing her knowledge about the necklace. And it’s...affecting, goddamn. He’s made a fool of himself and of her, and she’s struggling.
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Daniel congratulates Sam about his performance, but notes that it didn’t work Still, Daniel encourages him to tell Joanna his feelings for her, and he goes to get his things first. Daniel bumps into Carol (Claudia Schiffer), and there’s a connection. Daniel and Sam go to speak with Joanna, but they’re on their way to the airport. They run to meet her there, like in a terrible romance movie. Wait - 
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At the airport, Daniel and Sam are too late, but decide to make a run for it while Rufus (KING OF GIFT WRAPPERS) is holding up the attendant while looking for his boarding pass. Sam bolts, unnoticed, and Rufus walks away, giving Daniel a knowing look as he passes by, LIKE A KING. Sam bolts through the metal detectors, as the post-9/11 airport attendants RIGHTFULLY FREAK OUT ABOUT THIS WHOLE SITUATION. However, they’re once again distracted by Billy Mack on TV and he catches up to Joanna before being taken away by the fuzz. However, she gives him a kiss on the cheek, and Sam and Daniel hug. Supportive father-son relationship is sweet. 
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Jamie goes to find Aurélia in Portugal, and the entire village ends up following him until getting to the restaurant were he works, and proposes to her in INSANELY broken Portuguese, which is hilarious. And she accepts...IN ENGLISH! Which is saccharine as fuck...but also sweet.
We cut to a month later, and everybody’s at the airport for the Epilogue. And we’re gonna do this...well, bit by bit.
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Billy Mack and Joe: Career’s going well, and a comeback is imminent. Not in a romantic relationship, but still extremely close friends...I think.
Juliet, Peter, and Mark: Juliet and Peter are still together; Mark is still single, seemingly. They meet up with...
Jamie and Aurélia: Coming to England for the first time together, and still in love.
Daniel and Sam: Went to see Joanna at the airport, and Daniel is now dating Carol, which is nice!
Harry and Karen: Oof, icy. They definitely don’t appear to be on good terms, and we never learn why Harry’s been away, but yeah. Not looking good for their relationship, understandably.
Jack and Judy: Married! FUCK YEAH! Adorable. They run into...
Colin and Tony: Colin’s back, and he’s brought back Harriet (Shannon Elizabeth) and her sister Carla (Denise Richards), who IMMEDIATELY takes a liking to Tony and they make out at the gate. Can’t believe that Colin was right, goddamn.
David and Natalie: David’s back from a visit somewhere overseas, and he and Natalie happily reunite right in front of the press, and it’s sweet.
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And we’re full-circle, as countless people at the airport reunite in loving embraces. And, I gotta say...it is sweet, but you ever been to a crowded airport around Christmastime? Dude, I’ve been to JFK around that time period, and lemme tell you, it’s less happy reunions, and more pissed-off TSA, lost luggage, stressed out EVERYBODY, and Cinnabon. That last one’s not a complaint...I just really want Cinnabon.
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Mmmmmmmm...OH RIGHT, THAT’S All Around (AKA Love Actually). This has been...a lot. BUT, I’ll get into the whole thing in the Review! See you there!
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offbeatpride61 · 4 years
My Perfect Supernatural Ending
Okay. So, like most of the fandom, I was not satisfied with the series finale. I am not going to get into what Jensen, Misha, and Jared said or what the rest of the cast said. This is purely what I would have liked to have seen. I think I also need to state that COVID has probably made things difficult for the ending and that’s partially why something happened in the ending and other things didn’t (that doesn’t excuse shitty writing though). BUT I am not taking COVID into account with my personal headcanon/rewrite/whatever of the ending I was hoping for. Also, I am not a very active member of the fandom; I like and reblog some posts, talk to friends about it, but that is usually the limit of what I do, but I really wanted to share this because Supernatural has been a big part of my life.
TLDR, here are my two cents on how I would have liked things to have gone. 
So pretty much everything that happens in 15x18 stays the same. Jack blows up in the Empty and returns, everyone besides the boys gets Thanos-snapped, and Cas confesses his love for Dean and gets taken by the Empty to save Dean from Billie. Dean still is in emotional shock before he can say anything back to Cas before he’s gone. The whole gig still happens. 
The next episode, 15x19, pretty much stays the same. Dean, Sam, and Jack meet up, Dean finds the dog, the dog gets dusted, we know the drill. At the same time as this, Cas and Billie are together in the empty, because they got brought in together. Billie still has the scythe and even inside the empty, she is slowly beginning to die and degrade. Cas tries calling out inside the Empty, but nothing happens, they are just greeted with silence. With Billie beginning to crumble away, she laughs and tells Cas that, “this was all part of the plan.” Or something like that. She begins to tell Cas about what she read that was so interesting, but we the audience are taken away before we can hear her speak. 
The rest continues on as shown in the episode, they meet Michale, Dean gets a phone call from Cas, Lucifer shows up, Lucifer dies. The trio along with Michale perform the spell and Michael still pleads for his life, and predictably still ends up dying. The brothers go with their ultimate plan to use Jack and his absorption of power to beat Chuck. Here, however, it’s not enough. Jack is only able to wound Chuck before he is blasted away. The group is heartbroken, this was their big last-ditch effort and it didn’t work. Chuck begins his monologue of douchery about how he had won and there’s nothing left that they can do. The sky begins to change, lightning crackles, clouds darken but at the same time remain a bright white. Chuck, in his narcissistic rant, doesn’t notice. The boys begin taking steps back, thinking this is Chucks doing. When suddenly, Chuck stops, looks up, and is immediately greeted with a blast of power from the sky. He is being smited by heaven. 
Here, Jack is able to shield Sam and Dean with what remaining power he has. The light gives way, Chuck is there and still standing, but not as proudly as before. It’s obvious that blast has done something, though nowhere near enough to mortally wound him. Everyone present is confused, staring in bewilderment at one another. Chuck looks up in disbelief, stating that heaven should be empty of angels. Smoke begins to appear in streaks across the sky; Demons are here. Parallel to the fight against Amara, Demons begin to attack Chuck. They aren’t doing much, taking potshots when they can. Finally, Chuck has had enough and blasts everything away. Sam, Dean, and Jack are blown backward a couple of feet. Both Sam and Chuck ask what is going on. Demons still circle the area, but at a distance. Heaven rumbles above them. 
Chuck demands to know what is going on, what have the Winchesters done this time. The boys are just as confused. Then, at the shore, all four of them see it at the same time. A black mass, no bigger than a car is hovering there. It’s the Empty. Suddenly, more back masses begin to appear all around. After a few seconds of silence, nobody moves. Then the pieces of the Empty begin to reach out (much like how it reached how to take Billie and Cas), but it is not taking anyone or anything. The appendages reaching out slowly begin to take on human forms. Then we see, the Empty is bringing out every Angel and Demon that ever died. The realization begins to hit everyone, this is how Heaven was able to bring together its power and how the Demons could coordinate and attack. Dean begins to look around, then he sees Cas emerge from a portion of the Empty. Castiel looks the same, but now either his tie or trench coat is black, and he is wielding Death’s Scythe. Castiel is now the Angel of Death. 
 Everyone’s fan-favorite Angels and Demons are back. Crowley is there with an entourage of other Demons and Rowena. Actual Meg is back and looking around along with Ruby. Uriel is back and leading a group of Angels. Of course, all of the Archangels are back and are ready to fight. (Here I was thinking that Michael and Gabriel maybe convinced Lucifer that their dad wasn’t going to let them live even if they helped him, especially after Michael got dusted.) Here I won’t get into much detail, mostly because I don’t know how to write an action scene. It really boils down to that Heaven and Hell are working together to stop Chuck. It’s a chaotic battle, Angels and Demons are dying left and right, everyone is doing their best to end Chuck’s tyranny. Sam, Dean, and Jack are doing their best to remain out of the crossfire and not die. Through the chaos, Sam sees Azazel wink at him before he’s lost in the shuffle. 
Castiel reaches his new family’s side. Cas briefly explains what’s going on, that Empty released them because through a combination of Jack’s explosion and Billie handing her power to Castiel, they were able to make quite some noise and wake up everyone in the Empty. This causes even more noise, so the Empty can’t sleep, and expels all that are awake. The fight continues, but cuts to Jack as he begins to absorb power from the conflict. The ending here is much the same, in that Jack is then able to finally absorb all of Chuck’s power because he was weakened by the onslaught of Angels and Demons. A lot of Demons and Angels are dead, but the main cast is still alive. The Winchesters tell Chuck that he is going to live out the rest of his life as a human and die; no one will remember him. Here I would add that a final completion to Castiel’s arc of being a soldier that only follows his father’s command (much like Dean) to a being with free will. Cas would tell Chuck that it was said that “one day Death will reap God” and that it will be Castiel waiting for him. 
At this point I’m not quite sure what to do with the now revived Angels and Demons, like Azazel. I came up with two options. The first one being, Jack does right be the Winchesters and gets rid of Azazel and the like to honor what the Winchesters did in the past and puts Lucifer back into the cage. The second option being Jack lets all the remaining Angels and Demons go free to have their own free will, which I like, but that then brings up the problem of the Winchesters not being able to settle down and they have to continue hunting all the bad that was brought back. Or maybe Lucifer decides not to be a dick and work with his brothers in Heaven. Regardless of which option, Jack brings back all life on Earth that was dusted just like the show. Amara is able to become her own being again, but works with Jack in harmony. Sam is reunited with Eileen and they have a heartfelt reunion. Cas and Dean have their moment and Dean is finally able to say “I love you” back. The group are also reunited with everyone from the Apocalypse World. 
The group would head back to the Bunker, Jack included. Jack would do his speech of being handsfree and finally letting humanity and the world have free will. The group would celebrate and have a nice dinner. Going along with everyone left alive after the final battle (option 2) scenario, the boys begin to wonder what to do next. Do they continue hunting or not? Eventually they would say that they deserve to have a life outside of the one that was preordained for them. They leave the hunting to the next generation, but are willing to help with information and research, they are Men of Letters after all. 
There would be a little bit of a time jump, Sam and Eileen are able to have their white picket fence lives that they deserve. They would have some kids, Sam probably went to Stanford and is actually a lawyer now. He is able to have his happy ending with his brother still in his life. Dean and Cas stay at the Bunker, making it their permanent home. Dean becomes a mechanic for a shop in the area, Cas staying by his side (though invisible to everyone else). Dean adopts Miracle the Dog and Cas occasionally allows the dog to ride shotgun. Cas adopts a cat and starts a vegetable garden (in contrast to his new position as Death). Dean and Cas have their own white picket fence life with the occasional dip into the pool of hunting. Not to mention Cas’ new responsibilities. Jack would visit both households, and the entire group would come together on special occasions like birthdays and holidays. 
Eventually the brothers get old and pass on after living their lives how they wanted. Not sure which brother dies first, maybe Dean, but the brothers are reunited in Heaven. Jack watches over them and Castiel joins them when he is able to (which is most of the time tbh). The brothers are reunited with their mom and dad (they are acting like specially before the death of Mary, basically John isn’t an abuser). Bobby is there too along with all their friends whose lives ended too soon. The final scene of the series ends with a “you, me, Cas, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching hawaiian shirts, obviously.” They can rest and relax, because they earned it.
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