#and then procrasinate forever
baxieblur-turnip · 3 days
kinda angsty art warning - tw very minor blood, religious (ish) imagery? idk dude
yeah. baby's first proper art I guess. rare that i draw something original that ain't schoolwork or just a headshot haha
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idk why i did this but eh. kinda like how it turned out. maybe will clean it up later, make it neater, but for now i am fine with this the way it is :)
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pmd-etu · 11 months
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Exploration Team Ultra [PMD ETU, a PMD fan-comic!] Pages 9-18
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buggy1929 · 1 year
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Redraw of an old piece of Miriam I made!
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ourloveiselectrifying · 5 months
Good job on getting a demo out! I just spent the past three hours just setting up pronouns in my game, and I feel like I might pass out. Any advice on how to not perish while making a game?
Thanks!!! :3
Yeah omg setting up pronouns are a pain qwq great work to you!! ^^
I was like kinda hyperfixated on OLiE when I made the demo, people who knew me in person would say I was a workaholic LMAO, no I'm just AuDHD. So I don't know if any of this would help but-
My 'tism likes schedules, setting up a routine before I get to work really helped with me, I wake up in the AM, have breakfast, shower, light some insense, get a cup of coffee/tea or an energy drink, take my meds, then put on my favorite music before I start working on my game.
Seperating and organising everything and working on and trying to finish one thing at a time was helpful for me. I split up the story into even smaller parts and worked on them one by one. Like for me the story is what I worked on first. Then once my draft was done, I worked on the sketches for each cg/background. After that I went back to my story and cleared things up and made changes to better fit the sketches.
I have problems with procrasinating. I usually can't decide what I want to start on. The best thing to do for me is make a list of small things like fixing bugs, then big things like finalising backgrounds. I don't delete the list, I check it all off, seeing my progress really helps motivate me.
I struggle with doing the same thing everyday, so writing or drawing each day doesn't always work for me, but as long as I work on one thing for atleast a day thats good enough! Also taking breaks from just writing/art, and doing some coding/screens/gui is really good for me, there is always something to fix/improve.
If I'm stuck on something, I'll finish it and go back to it once my skills have improved, theres a lot art and code that is okay/just functional but can be better, but I need to move on to other things or I'll be working on it forever.
This is all probably pretty obvious stuff but I hope it helps anyway, and good luck to you!! ^^
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altijd-november · 1 year
(just a friendly reminder incase you are procrastinating by reading this heehee)
And if you have finished/are choosing to procrastinate for any reason: HOW WAS YOUR DAY?
you know me so well... I PROMISE ILL WRITE
my day was okay!! how was yours?
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axvwriter · 1 year
SSR Bobo Suitor Dress
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Summon: "Who do you think you are?! I won't let you claim Idia as yours unchallenged!"
“I really surprised everyone with my plan, huh?"
Groovification: "Are you alright? I won’t let anyone die on my watch.”
Set to Home screen: “I’d say love is worth fighting for… would you like me to fight for you?”
Home transition 1: “I didn’t think before of how flustering it would be to receive such attention… I-I think I’ll keep this on for a little longer.”
Home transition 2: “A few students keep teasing me for having a crush on Idia… I mean, they think I have a crush, I’m not saying that I actually do!”
Home transition 3: “Some students keep saying I look good enough to eat… I didn’t think wearing this dress would put my life in danger!”
After login: “Are you ready for our wedding? Ha hah, did I scare you? I’m only joking.”
Home transition groovification: “Huh? Oh, I didn’t get this from Sam. I was able to get a Pomefiore friend of mine to make some adjustments to a dress he was making. I owe him a favor now.”
Tap home 1: “Idia looked really good in that suit… huh? I mean, don’t you think so too!?”
Tap home 2: “My plan was absurd, but I thought at the very least the absurdity would buy the others more time to figure something out.”
Tap home 3: “I don’t think I’d wear this exactly to my own wedding. I just wanted to match Idia.”
Tap home 4: “Ortho has a devious side to him… he keeps teasing me by calling me his big sister!”
Tap home 5: “Wh-what!? What do you mean you’d make me a happy bride!? You’re being too forward!”
Tap home groovification: “If I’m stuck here forever… I suppose I can take my time with finding a partner without feeling like I’m going to drown otherwise…”
I tried to replicate the style of Twisted Wonderland's SSR cards and have a better grasp of all I still have yet to learn about drawing. Also I'd like to clarify for the Home Transition 3 voice-line, anyone saying she looks good enough to eat are just joking and teasing her. She doesn't quite realize that and is thinking they're threatening to actually eat her. Not vore her, eat her. Such innuendos don't really exist where she's from thanks to the literal threat of being eaten alive by giant man-eating beasts.
I do have the vignette story written, but I plan to share that with the groovy art, which I'm going to heavily procrasinate doing- Though hopefully now that I've done this one, I wont make the same mistakes where I remade the floor twice and realized afterwards I was using the wrong image for reference for the background. I fixed it using blue-green layers because I couldn't handle redoing the entire background. Kept remaking the floor because of trying to figure out how the floor would look, how to draw it, then ending up following a tutorial while completely forgetting the tiles are diagonal which the tutorial was not. Eventually realized I didn't even need to do that as I most likely only needed one to three rhombuses.
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asterinblythe · 2 years
affair of the heart
hello ! long time no post. this is me procrasinating all my school works. my posts have never been constant so maybe, if you enjoy the things i write, just visit my account every 6 months. today, i have another love problem. 
as someone who has never had a lover since the day they were pushed out of their mother’s vagina, i can say that i never want to go through the excruciating experience that is love. i’m sure every hopeless romantic can relate when i say that we enjoy the idea of love. we love watching, reading, thinking about love. it provides us with the feeling we have been wanting for ever since we discovered the existence of it. yet, when we encounter love, we feel intimidated. we are confronted by love and suddenly, the world turns gray. it’s not like the illusion we have been looking at our entire lives. it’s messy, confusing, scary, all the feelings we never knew could be connected to love. we then say, “love’s not for me”. 
if you can sympathize with what i just said earlier, unfortunately, i’m not here to give any advice. i am here to talk about a side of me that deals with all the romance in my life. i am here to talk about my love life. it’s just pure delusion but honestly, if it fuels the hollow and empty parts of my life, so be it. 
i have been liking this person ever since they started to occupy a portion of my time during the day. i remember enjoying every part of it. i enjoyed spending my time talking to someone other than the people surrounding the four corners of my house. i imagined it was like those romcoms where they would text back and forth and then, they lived happily ever after. unfortunately, mine wasn’t like that. i would describe it as a show that is just full of cliffhangers and never coming to a conclusion. it was confusing. in the end, i just had to come to a conclusion myself. 
i concluded that they weren’t really interested in me. they were probably just using me as pastime. they were never really interested in me in the first place. in fact, not a speck of romance was found in our relationship. the label found was acquaintances. no matter how often i go through this experience, i will always find myself to be disappointed and bitter. when you play a game and you have this level you can never seem to beat, you would think to yourself that “this is the day i will beat this level and advance through the next”. you know what to do, you know what’s going to happen next, and then, you fail and have to repeat the level all over again. you always fall right into the trap that is obviously laid out in front of you. would that be the moment you would consider yourself a failure and stop playing the game overall? yes but also, no. 
as much as i hate feeling hurt everytime i fail in my experiences with love, i can’t help but be hopeful that the next might be the one. i have always seen the bad side of love, thinking that the good ones are only found in pieces of fiction. however, as i go on this journey in life, i realized that i was completely wrong. love is beautiful. love is amazing. it’s such a beautiful thing to witness. i love seeing couples find different ways to express their love towards one another. i love seeing the different ways to love someone. platonically, romantically, you name it. love can be exhausting. it can seem like a grayish world with no trace of color to be found. yet, it doesn’t look that way forever. when the love we deserve comes into our lives, i hope we keep in mind that this is not some just shooting star moment that just comes in because we are extremely lucky people. love will come to us at the perfect moment even if it isn’t in your desired schedule. it may be right in front of you. who knows? 
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jelly-vamp · 3 years
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bald ayano
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creativemontgomery · 5 years
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Procrastinating at it’s finest 🤦🏻‍♀️✌🏻
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aldakat31415 · 3 years
Kinda tired today so we just making a head cannon..
Ada x reader headcannons
- As we all know, dazai is a bit strange. Due to this your relationship is gonna be odd at best.
-If you have plans for a date, throw them out the window. Dazai does Dazai best when he's in control and can direct things to his most recent whim.
-The early stages of the relationship are gonna be bumpy. Due to Dazai's trust issues and constant suicide attempts it will take a whike for you guys to find a 'normal'. Even then he could straight up dissapear for a month and act like nothing happened.
-Dazai has no sense of boundaries, or at least he chooses to ignore them. Expect a lot of PDA, escpecially when he wants to annoy his coworkers.
-Dazai won't take relationships seriously unless he knows you are trustworthy no matter what. He loves you a lot, he might just be too smothering because of that.
-Ranpo is a rather aloof person, preferring to treat most things as boring or mundane. Don't get him wrong, he loves you. But he won't show much affection in the workplace. Unless that is to be a nuisance.. he might straight out make out with you to do that. Beware.
-Ranpo is a snack lover, so him sharing his snacks is a form of love to him. Small things like that are what makes your mundane life a little easier.
-If you can cook this man will love you forever. The secret to his heart is a never-ending supply of food.
-Back at your home ranpo is still his aloof self, bit he acts sort of strange. Like a cat. 'The fact that I have my entire body wrapped around you means nothing, don't read into it' But his denial only assures you that he loves you, in his own special way.
-Oh yeah, and don't try to hide anything from him. He's Ranpo, bad idea.
-like Ranpo this man is very aloof and distant in the work place, but unlike him that facade drops as soon as the door is closed. He becomes insanely clingy and will dote on you night and day. But he still is kunikida, he will only respond logically, even though he loves you.
-Kunikida has his entire day planned out as well as yours. Too bad of your a procrasinator, you have to be at the train at exactly 8:00. Being with him is a lot of work, hopefully you're up to the task.
-Major cuddler, will silently wrap his arms around you and cuddle you in his chest. He likes the warmth of another person by his side.
-He has a picture of you in his desk despite the fact you work five feet away from him. Having you around isn't enough, he must be able to look at you whenever he wants.
-10/10 lover. Gets along with your friends without being attracted to any of them. Sensitive but not weak, is a great lover calls your mother on the weekend.
(The rest of the song plays in your mind, well guess what. You're right.)
-Small, small and needs love.
-Technically still a kid by japan's standards, but he's 18.
-Has a lot of insecurities because of his upbringing. You'll have to be prepared to help him get through these depressive moods. But know that he will return the favor tenfold.
-He's actually never been in a relationship before and is quite nervous. He always wants to be the very best boyfriend and earn your love. He'll be very sweet and doting because of this. But he may go overboard and do something crazy, he would try to buy you the moon. He loves you very very much.
-Atsushi is a huge dork, and almost all of his romance is cheesy. He has used horrible pickup lines and one liners on you, but it's ok. He has never used an inappropriate one and is too shy to try anything spicy.
-An odd thing about him though is that he already has your entire life together planned. He knows exactly how many kids you will have, (or adopt, maybe none at all) and has imagined proposing over 100 times. The problem is that he's only 18. He doesn't wanna wait though, he knows who wants by his side forever.
And here are all the headcannons, i'm tired so no actual story. I'm thinking about taking requests, but I will post an offical request page to do so. Thanks for reading.
Oh yeah, and disclaimer. None of this belongs to me. All credit to where credit is due.
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fightown · 7 years
i just finished yuri on ice and i am like... i dont even know man tht was so good
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ad-dictionary · 4 years
For the Writer’s Asks, 8, 9, and 13!!!
That was quick! Thanks @deh-for-forever! :)
8. Oldest WIP: I have this cute little Aaron-Centric fic I started. It’s based off of “Hiding In Your hands”. Well technically it’s just him singing it but shhh
9. Current WIP: SO MANY
I guess the most recent one would be (you guessed it) a Burr-centric fic where Aaron is literally overworking himself and tries to hide it, but gets caught.
Listen Burr’s just my favorite okay-
13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished: it usually changes with each thing I write, but this how it usually goes
Step 1: Get inspired- This can either be music (usually Ben Platt’s most recent song or my newest obsession), other fan-fics, or just random stuff I come across online or in my day-to-day life
Step 2: Fantasize- Next I imagine specific points or moments in the piece I want to write, this can be things like certain lines I though up, the way somebody walks or talks, or even just how someone reacts to something. 
Step 3: Drag out Steps 1 through 2- good ol’ procrasination
Step 4: Realize the perfect starter and get to it- I’m the kind of writer who has to write chronologically. I physically can’t start halfway threw and just build around it. This usually works out in my favor because I’ll charge through the beginning to get to the part I want to write, and then I’ll force myself to finish it because I love the feeling of seeing my draft fully done
Step 3.5: Repeat the “get to it” bit of step 3
Step 4: Smile and appreciate the hard work I’ve put into- crucial step in writing
Step 5- Say fuck you to editing and start tagging and copy and paste the stuff into ao3
Step 6- Realize how happy I am I left Wattpad while simultaneously wondering if I would have more reads/kudos on there.
Step 7- Post
Step 8- Re-read a few days later and make a few small changes and revisions
Step 9- Read comments and stalk the people who give me kudos
Thanks for asking! I’m keeping my asks open, so feel free to ask me more- Anon or not!
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mariadreams · 4 years
1/100 days of productivity
| wed, 8th of april
Today was alright. I managed to:
go on a walk- I'm trying to get into the habit of doing this every day. I started a week ago and it's really improving both my mood and my productivity, so I'm hoping to stick with it. It's safe, don't worry- I encounter no one and touch nothing on my route.
paint garden decoration- My grandma asked me to paint this clay mushroom with chipped or faded coloring and I finally got around to it.
work on a painting for school- I generally dislike painting but I go to an arts highschoool and I have to finish a still life by Friday. I've been procrasinating on it for over a week and I finally started it, though I'll have to continue tomorrow.
finish reading "The plague" by Albert Camus- started listening to an audiobook of it yesterday and finished it today. Very interesting, though I find it impossible to view the book separately from the current events that are unfolding. Hmu if you wanna talk about it.
And that's it! It might not seem like much, but painting takes forever, and I'm glad that I did some stuff I had been putting off.
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blackcoffeecloud · 6 years
21. What are your bad habits? - nail biting- not sitting properly- negative thinking (this one is getting better tho!!!)- occasional procrasination
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them- yes
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?- naively, yes. but I also think it depends on the situation.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?- space; forever and always
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stillwooozy · 4 years
jesbdbwknssnd djejnznawksnbsbsbdnens my life is falling apart but not really but also im still not even back at my apartment & i just want to be alone in my shitty home jfc. I’m tired of people.
i leave my apt for ~2 weeks and now im stuck in my hometown w/ a bunch of shit to do. Which is my fault because i never changed my stuff around when i moved for college. So Gotta hang tight for a second.
My older dog sprained(?) her leg so i gotta get that sorted out. Vet $ spending time. fun. AND THEN she needs to stay w/ my mom or sister because my apt is on the 3rd floor/no elevator. or i wait it out? she probably tore something... not an acl & she never had knee problems but we’ll see
and i need to take my car in. again. Because something fucked up, or could just be an error. Idk its fine. Just money. and needs to be lubed up probably. “Winter air”. anyways thats on my adult-to-do-list i’ll forever procrasinate
eye check is on the bottom list. sure, everything is blurry & i forced to wear my old pair of ugly ass glasses. Its fine. i just dont wear them and stub my toe every 2 feet
also i have to make sure a certain friend is alive. stop by. for my guilty complex. plus he’ll sell me weed w/out the markup :,,) wholesale baby!!!
AND im seeing my psychiatrist AGAIN because idk. ive been at the same dose for a while and i dont think its done shit for the past year. for many reasons. I want to lower the dose & see if anything changes. because why not? of course im treated like an idiot and his reply will be “noo baby ur too sexy to lower dose :c”... not really but game gist.
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woohoo! after 9000 years of procrasinating I finally changed my theme! I think it looks better like this, but honestly I just wanted to change it because the default theme lets you just scroll forever instead of having to click the “next page” button and that makes it really difficult for me.
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