#and then people in the comments are like nta that money was for your future!
tinynebula · 2 years
those reddit stories that are like "aita for being mad that my dad gave my college fund to my sister to pay for her cancer treatment and now my life is ruined because I have to go into debt?" and realizing some people just live their entire lives in a hellish dystopian reality where your kids have to compete for money that could allow them to live or have an education like jesus fucking hell how have they not burnt down the entire system and had a revolution the entire rest of the world doesn't live like this it doesn't have to be like this people start cutting heads IT'S TIME
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AITA for wanting to trade an OC as soon as I got it?
I (24M) occasionally participate in the world of OC adopts. for those who don't know, an adopt is a character design that you can buy from another person, in doing so it becomes your oc and the person who put up the adopt rescinds their right to use the design in the future. traditionally adopts are bought with real money, but it's also common to trade one OC for another. for adopts I use toyhou.se, a platform for oc sharing which has built in adoption tools, like the ability to add a TOS or list an OC as up for adoption
I put up an adopt on the about a year ago where it sat unadopted for around 6 months. one day I get a comment on the OC profile from D (20F). D says that the OC looks like her and that she loves the design, and offers to trade for an OC in her adopts folder.
I look through the folder and I don't find any OCs that I like, but I decide that since D likes my adopt so much that I would trade with her anyway. so I pick my favorite out of the characters she offered (Lottie) and we trade.
when I get Lottie I list her for adoption and put her in my adopts folder. a few months later D comments on Lotties profile asking "why do [I] want to trade her away so quickly...?" I explain to D that I always put unused characters up for adoption until I use them and that it's nothing personal. D says "I guess that makes sense...? 😅" and I assumed the matter was done.
the way that toyhouse works is that when you are the original creator of an OC you can set permissions on their profile, specifically you can say whether or not the OC can be resold (traded for money), retraded (traded for another oc), or regifted (given away for free). if any of the above are allowed for a character you can post an adoption listing. if none of them are allowed then you can't.
before D commented on Lotties profile, Lottie was set to allow retrades and regifts. after D commented, she disabled all of them meaning I was now stuck* with Lottie. on top of that, part of D's TOS was that you couldn't change her OCs designs so redesigning Lottie more to my taste wasn't an option either.**
AITA for trying to trade Lottie away so quickly after I got her?
* I could of course trade her off-site or delete her outright, but i think D's intention was to keep me saddled with Lottie.
** I think this is stupid and usually wouldn't listen to a rule banning me from redesigning an OC that I have exclusive ownership over. but toyhouse is somewhat toxic and D had already proven that she was checking in on her designs to make sure her rules were being followed (or to make new ones). D also has a blacklist which on toyhouse is essentially a public call-out post that lists everyone that a user has problems with. these blacklists often lead to harassment of people that are on it. all of this is to say, redesigning Lottie wasn't worth the trouble
What are these acronyms?
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