#and then it's just ... onto the next one. yaaay. :')
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@all-my-worlds-a-stage tagged me to share the last ten songs I listened to. Thanks - it's basically my writing soundtrack and it's just as chaotic as you might think 😂
Polvere - Giorgio Consolini
Salz auf unserer Haut - Santiano
Late Night Talking - Harry Styles
Houdini (Acoustic Tuesday Sessions) - Leslie Clio
Wild Grey Ocean - Sam Fender
No No Never - Texas Lightning
Die Bouzouki klang durch die Sommernacht - Vicky Leandros
Manchmal möchte ich schon mit dir - Roland Kaiser
With or Without You - U2
Dreaming To Fly - Andrea Vanzo
... aaaand I would also love to get a glimpse into what @mordsfesch @disappointingsalad @cinnamonbunsinmyhairr @khalaris & @krejong are listening to at the moment 👀 (no pressure though 😌)
#jo hört#sounds very diverse at first. but i mostly put those songs on loop forever - or at least until i cannot bear to listen to them anymore.#and then it's just ... onto the next one. yaaay. :')
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a/n: yaaay back with part 2 hehehe. im glad you guys r enjoying it so far! i have big plans for this series
- as always comments/reblogs are appreciated! - want to support me? heres my kofi!
The Accused | Simon "Ghost" Riley/Reader, Pt 2
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The hours that followed Ghost leaving you to your own were brutal. It took a few long moments to collect yourself, all tears and trembling hands, but eventually, your legs found the strength to haul your body up to your feet. Your mind replays the last couple minutes on loop tauntingly.
If Ghost hadn't caught you in time, you'd be nothing but a broken egg on the pavement below. Your brain tried to think about what it would have felt like if you had plummeted without haste, but your body reminded you angrily how it felt to hit the wall on your way down. Surely, deep bruises of purple and blue would climb like vines up the side of your frame. Your body would make sure to ache, to remind you of the damage you'd inflicted onto it.
Damaged, but alive.
It feels odd being alive, now. You really had made your choice, fully accepted the gravity of your life cut short. Perhaps it was cowardly. But, ultimately, you knew that it would have been the better outcome between death and eternal imprisonment.
Still, guilt eats away at you. The image of Ghost's eyes through his mask haunts you- that primal fear in those beautiful eyes engraved in the back of your brain. If he hadn't been as fast- if he'd hesitated for even a second, you'd have slipped right through his fingers. You'd have dropped all the way down to the unforgiving concrete and ceased to be right in front of him. It hurts you- the thought of him grieving you like that. Surely he would have hated you for it.
When night came (rather quickly), you took your chance to escape. Wherever point 'A' was, it wasn't so nearby you couldn't scurry down those five flights of stairs and dart into the darkness. You ran from bush to bush, building to building, and even through a knee-deep marsh. You were grateful that this October was warm, but you would be lying to say you appreciated the bugs. Mosquitos ate away at your skin despite your efforts to battle them away.
You'd only been a few miles away from base, so it wasn't long before you were skirting along the trees, staring at the mile-high electric fences surrounding the fort you'd become so familiar with. The base you and Ghost had been staying at was a nice one- with all the fixings and even single-person 'homes'. They were small, one-bedroom trailer-looking flats with all the basic necessities, but compared to the places you'd slept before they may have well as been your own little personal heaven. Warm water and an AC unit-they'd spoiled you and your fellow soldiers. You remember on your first night, cuddled up under the blankets on your very own bed, praying they'd keep you stationed here for the rest of your military days.
But, now, here you were, creeping along the greenery, feeling more foe than friend. From outside, you could see military vehicles parking for the night and soldiers standing guard. Sneaking up on your own base, your own friends, you really did feel like a spy. You linger outside, wondering what to do.
Then it hits you.
And you know exactly where to go.
You disappear back into the trees. It's barely another mile out, but with just the moon overheard to guide you, you struggle to find your way. You pass by trees and boulders of every size, before you enter a small clearing, and tucked all the way to the side is exactly what you were looking for. A dingy half-finished shed engulfed by the canopy of trees and shadows.
And god, there he is, standing there and waiting for you.
In this light, Ghost really does look like he could be a monster. His mask nearly glows. Half covered by murky shadows, dotted by the glowing streaks of the moon passing through the leaves overhead, he stands and waits for you. Like he knew you were coming.
And he was right. Because here you were.
You snap a twig on accident and his body visibly tenses as he searches for the source, but when his eyes find your figure in the darkness it only takes a second for him to realize it's you.
"Been a while since I've been here," you start. He moves to the side as you pass him. The door opens with a dull creak.
"I'm glad we both had the same idea." Ghost grunts.
"You're telling me. I had to ditch my phone and everything, so if you weren't here I'd have no way of contacting you. And y'know what, that's two phones in two months. Talk about bad luck." You sigh.
"Never did find you're old one, hm? Not good, soldier."
"Oh, I'm sure it's lost in the ocean or blown to bits by now."
Ghost scoffs. "Hope so. Get inside."
When you'd first been stationed at his base, boredom often ate away at you until it felt like you'd go crazy. Ghost had been off on his own mission, the few friends you did have at that time never left the base of their own volition. But you, on the other hand, craved exploration. So you found yourself wandering the perimeter around the base, thinking about nothing and everything. That's when you discovered the beat-up old shed. At that time it was nothing more than a caved-in roof, rain-soaked flooring, and a broken window. Over the course of a couple weeks, you began to work to fix it up, glad to have something to focus on during your between-missions time.
When Ghost had returned to base during Christmas, and he realized that you too had no home to return to for the holidays, he began to join you.
Over that Christmas, you both turned it into somewhere you could both go to talk and occasionally share a few drinks. That was when you'd truly bonded with him. That was when he'd finally started letting you in willingly.
Dirt flecks off the frame of the door as you step inside, and it's just as dusty as you remember. Two chairs sit in the center with patchy blankets serving as cushions. An uneven table sits between them, one leg broken half off but supported by water-logged books stacked atop each other.
The moon filters in through the cracked window and paints the brown walls a beautiful blue.
Ghost sits with a grunt, kicking his feet out and sighing. It invites you, calls you in to shut the door behind you and settle beside him. So, you do. The chair creaks underneath your weight and you breathe out the frustrations of the day, gone into the air. For the first time that day, your guard lowers.
You just... breathe.
"What a nightmare this is." You sigh.
Ghost shrugs. "No one knows what 't think. They know something's not right."
A pang of relief visibly flushes through you, cut short when he shakes his head.
"Don't get too excited." He says quietly.
"...And why's that?"
"Graves called in his shadows." Ghost taps his finger against the table, lingering, picking and choosing his next words while you feel anxiety start to bubble within you. When he speaks again, it's forlorn. "He isn't exactly pushing for 'em to bring you in alive."
The weight of your heart dropping could have burst straight through the chair you sat on. It settles into your gut like an awful stone. A dull, pained chuckle escapes you.
"I knew he didn't like me, but damn."
Ghost shakes his head. "He's panicking. Thinks you can tell us where the missiles are."
"Missiles?" You ask, eyebrows raised in concern.
It must have struck him then, that Ghost hadn't yet updated you on the situation arising off-air. And judging by the way he tenses and leans forward in his chair, it must be pretty grim.
"Hassan... He's got our missiles. Three of 'em." As Ghost speaks with newfound hesitation and urgency, you can feel your nerves lighting up with each syllable. "We can't find the damn things. They get out... 'Lot of people will die."
"Jesus Christ." You wipe your palms down your face, eyebrows knit together. "How the hell did he get our missiles?"
"That's what we're trying to figure out. 'Pparently there's some messages and photos of you chatting with one of Hassan's men. That you might know a thing or two on where to find 'em."
"I haven't talked to anyone that wasn't our own." You groan. "God, what the fuck. And pictures?"
"From what I heard. They haven't shown 'em to us. Refuse to, actually." Ghost leans back in his chair, eyeing you like he's holding something back. "Like I said, no one knows what to think."
You stare down at your lap. Though you already know the answer, you find yourself asking anyways, with an uneven voice.
"...You trust me, right...?"
"God's sake." He scoffs, and you regret asking at all.
"I just have to be sure. Pictures can be convincing-"
"Pictures none of us have even laid eyes on. You think I'd be here right now if I didn't believe you?"
Guilt eats away at you, eyes downcast. "I know. I'm sorry. I just... I can't wrap my head around why of all people it had to be me."
"We'll find out. Shepherd won't give us hardly any information, and anything he does give us is... vague." Ghost is choosy with his words. "...Shepherd found and turned the evidence in himself, supposedly."
You feel an actual strike of nausea pulse through you.
"There's no way Shepherd would frame me." Though you try to say it with an even tone, your voice exposes your lack of confidence in your General. You suck in a breath when there's no reply. "Ghost..?"
Ghost doesn't answer, but his eyes do flick to yours. A silent, cautious confirmation.
You swallow. Hard.
"But... But what good could come of this? I mean up until now I've been an exemplary soldier. Like, not to brag here, but I graduated at the fucking top of my squad and I damn well aced every test they threw at me."
"I know all this." Ghost chimes. "Everyone knows all of this. I don't know what the big plan is. I don't even know if there is a big plan. I just know something isn't right."
There's a pause, and his eyes soften.
"I know you wouldn't do this."
Tears well at the waterlines of your eyes and you struggle to hold them back. With the military against you, Shadow's snapping at your heels at every chance they could get, and now faced with the chance that your own fucking general would frame you, you're completely unsure of what to do next. Ghost leans over the table and sets a firm hand on your shoulder.
You bite your tears back, refusing to let him witness you cry again. Twice in one day was just too much on your already shattered ego.
"What do I do?" Your voice betrays you, uneven and breaking.
Ghost stands up and sighs. "You aren't doing anything. You're staying here."
"For real?" You frown up at him, pawing at your eyes angrily. The sight of him preparing to leave makes your stomach churn- the thought of being alone in this shed all night slinking into your mind. "I can't just sit here and do nothing-"
"That's exactly what you're gonna do. Get some rest, tonight." Ghost doesn't even give you the chance to argue, already pulling the door open. You gape at him from your chair with wet eyes. You see the way he lingers, see the way he considers stepping back inside, but his resolve remains firm. For just a brief moment, he turns to look at you from outside.
You sit on the chair, bringing your knees up to your chest. Sounds from all directions reach your waiting ears as you take a final glance at him.
"I'll be back in the morning." He offers. The door shuts, and darkness encases you.
Shrouded in pitch black, listening to the sound of his footsteps growing further and further away, you fear tears sting your eyes once more. All alone, you let them slip down your cheeks.
You'd never felt so alone.
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Yaaay! Requests!! Can you please do HC for Kazuichi Souda with a ditzy but cute SHSL Skater (Rollerbaldes, Skatebaords, etc). Can be romantic or platonic! Tytyty
Kazuichi Souda with a ditzy SHSL Skater S/O
i'm so excited to write this i hope this is good
my classes start tomorrow yippie and i'm getting a C badge in idv on wednesday yay yay
-Mod Souda
❤ His favorite thing is watching you just skate around the neighborhood on your rollerblades. You have a carefree look on your face and you're just in your own world, not caring if anybody is staring.
❤ ^ It's like watching an angel fly.
❤ ^ Still, it worry the shit out of him because of how you just skate around absentmindedly. He'll like oh my god plz babe don't crack your skull open.
❤ Your demeanor matches his aloofness perfectly.
❤ You two can boost each other up for all of eternity. Whenever he's down, you know just the right thing to say to make him feel better. But sometimes you don't need to say anything - your smile is enough. He loves you and cherishes you so so so much.
❤ You'll skate around the school halls too. Maybe you two first properly met by you crashing into him idk that would be funny.
❤ Have you ever seen the video of the boy in the mall asking the security guard "can I skate here?" and then running with the board in first position but never hoping on it. Let me find it. I know I have it saved on tiktok. That's you and Kaz.
❤ The two of you maneuvering around ice skating would be the cutest date ever.
❤ I imagine if you take him to skateparks that all the girls are gonna bask over him. I'm clinging onto the idea that Kaz can't skate so I think it would be funny seeing him give them the ick when he can't even stably stand on a board.
❤ ^ Free my man he ain't do shit.
❤ ^ He's be better on motorcycles though. Bikes. Those cool bicycles at skateparks is him. And then you show him up and he's humbled.
❤ His favorite thing is when you do a cool trick and then land on the front two wheels instead of all four and he's like yes. That's the love of my life.
❤ You know how in Hope's Peak the students have to do one of those showcases proving they still have an Ultimate ability. Imagine Souda sitting in on yours and just yelling "do an ollie!"
❤ If he gets to leave grease stains in the house then you get to leave skate tracks. Fairs fair.
❤ Imagine how dirty both of your shoes are.
❤ When he goes to sleep at night, even if you're sleeping right next to him, he can hear the sound of wheels against concrete in the back of his mind.
❤ He gets along with Mikan a little better ever since she started having to put bandages on your scrapes (it's never that deep, but he insists) (he knows first aid but he's literally friends with the Ultimate Nurse so). If you don't like Mikan then he's going to do it for you. He doesn't care if you're good at first aid. He wants to help. It's the least he could do.
❤ Dude wait so you know in the beginning of Legally Blonde how she's riding through the neighborhood and she passes all the frat houses and shit. Imagine a sequence like that but it's you skating through campus and all of the different Ultimates are passing by.
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Eng Doffy Liveblogging cus I can Part 2
We are going onto ep 629, plus I can make timestamps for my Post Timeskip Doffy compilation while watching the english one which is two birds with one stone, yaaay!
Omg, they kept the purupuru from the Den Dens and put it into English it sounds so cute
"It's me. I resigned. Happy?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (Howling in laughter) He might be saying that but the veins of his forehead show how fckn PISSED HE IS AAAAAA 😭😭😭😭 RUUUN
Oh, I can hear that cunning when he talks to Luffy (Luffy sounds both cute but also kinda off, he gets cracks in his voice sometimes, idk if that's purposeful by the VA or not)
Doflamingo really should have just given Luffy that meat 🤣🤣🤣
"Cut the crap." Law out here being braver than us all. Also, YAY, ENG LAW GETS TO SWEAR (kind of? Is "crap" considered a swear word?)
"Well, that's for your own good as much as mine." (gulps) "We both know what will happen if you try to run away with him -" meanwhile Luffy getting slapped in the background by Usopp 🤣🤣 "That won't be a happy ending for anyone."
"I wanna confirm he's nice and safe." That wording is so cute though, Wng Doffy is cute 🥺🥺
Law: "He's fine, see?"
Doflamingo: "Yeaaah, full of energy."
"Don't say that."
Ooh. I'd fall for that tone asking me "don't say that🥺". Me? Done, over.
"I wish we could sit down for a drink. Such a shame." I'll sit for a drink with you, Eng Doffy. (Genuinely, wtf, how is Eng Doffy manipulating me so well, wtf?)
Skipping to the Suit Room scene!
"The Colosseum is packed as usual. Thanks to your hard work, Diamante."
Eng Doffy pronounced the Spanish word for Diamante quite well!
Gotta say, Diamante sounds a bit too hoarse in English? COME ON DIAMANTE, YOU'RE A ROCKSTAR! WHERE'S YOUR ENERGY?!
"Beloved?" Idk why but Eng Doffy saying that word made my heart melt, okay? (I am a weakling.)
"Fine, then. You're not." 🤣🤣🤣 Man I love that gag between Doffy & Diamante.
Oh, there is the energy from Dia! Yaaay!
Oooh, Trebol's Eng voice suits him great. Also, the way he says "Doffy" is sweet, like a dad with his kid. WHAT THE HELL, WELL DONE TO TREBOL'S VA.
"It's fine." Man, he would get me and I hate how he would get me, damn you, Eng Doffy.
"Yes." Okay the way he like said the yes is so, oh man he's good. He like prolongs the sss or the e idk which letter but it's like, it makes you want to trust him. "I can only entrust this to a genius like you."
Idk where that came from.
@moonbaby26 did some more, now onto Green Bit next for the sass fight
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Anyways my swap au since i don't think ill color for a few days from now.
Please don't judge me im just a boy
Alright so basically this is not an entirely swap au where i swap everyone to the t and its also kinda a way for me to entertain my rarepair (meikane) so if anything doesn't make sense just pleaaase leave it at that
So Mei is still sick, she usually doesn't believe in supernaturals and such but since she is told by doctors and other staff that she will die soon, her belief in them strenghtens and she summons Hanako-kun (who is Akane in this au) (Tsukasa is Aoi if you're wondering where she went)
But unlike Nene who wished for love, Mei's main wish comes from a kind if desperation for art. She aches to finish one last painting before the pass onto the next life, it doesn't even need to be a perfect painting hung up on a wall she just wants one that will get the job done, show that she was infact an artist who fought until the very last breath.
İn this au, contrary to the original Akane n Teru met before Mei and Akane. So Teru butts in into their conversation rather casually, just zapping Akane and hearing out Mei's wishes, he quite likes how she isn't materialistic and cares about her creations so he doesn't just drag Akane away
They once again uncorrupt the mokke then Akane's feelings slowly starts to bloom, he goes to Kako who is Tsuchigomori in this au and explaine the situation of his cause and just gushes all over about how much he loves Mei
Kako is Akane's art teacher and Mirai is the doll he made to show anatomy to his students, neat!
Kako just listens to his rant and is happy that he found someone to count on besides Teru and is also glad about the fact he isn't compleaning about everything that doesn't go his way
The three of them go to the mid year festival and Mei gets sent to the past Nene style she just hangs out with Baby Akane and Baby Aoi and wonders who she is since she never heard of her before... weird... But when shes back to the regular world they all hang out and everything is fine YAAAY!!
the middle part doesn't exist because im lazy so anyways AOİ AND AKANE BACKSTORY!!!
Aoi and Akane live in the same houses and the places they used to, the hole is located in Akane's house and Aoi sacrifices mainly bugs to make Akane's small wishes come true
Then Akane comes down with the sickness and Aoi tries to offer the hole more things
Animals, bigger bugs, reptiles, anything she can get her hands on really
But she doesn't really mention any wishes to Akane, she just assumes things and makes them come true for him. But they aren't enough.
Aoi starts to sacrifice the tiny flowers that began to bloom in her garden in a last ditch effort to make Akane's pain go away but to no avail, Akane is still sick and Aoi has run out of options.
She finally asks Akane what he wants more than anything in the world and Akane responds pretty plainly, how he wants to see some places, make a friend or two, maybe getting married, graduating college, owning a cool car and all
So Aoi goes back to the hole and instead of with her usual sacrifices she sacrifices herself, happy to see Akane being all better next day
Akane can tell something is off so his obsession with Aoi never gets as much as it is in the manga, even him killing her was mainly because Akane knew something was off but not what and Aoi hasn't told him despite them being close
So anyways the severance happens.
Akane tells Mei just before it happens that it will happen and that she will forget him and other supernatural friends she made along the way, obviously she tells him to just stop messing with her head and just say the truth and Akane confirms that it is the truth, just before fading away from her grasp, never to be seen again.
Teru still tries to find him, though. Since he doesn't know what happened to Akane he tries to pick up clues where he might be, he checks every corner that they used to meet up and calls out his name constantly, a flicker of hope that he will come back to him.
But he never answers back.
He finally goes to Mei for help and they search around together, it ending in the Minamoto household where they beg Kou for answers instead, Kou says he doesn't know either and that Amane and him will investigate further (Amane is the clock keeper in this au) since his powers went away as well.
When they are up in Teru's room, Mei mummbles something about how she never really thought Akane would be gone for this long when he said he would be gone and Teru obviously gets confused and asks about when he mentioned such a thing so Mei just says "yknow.. the day before" she says meekly, not getting the hint and in that moment cold water gets poured down Teru's shoulders.
Not offended (definitely offended) but upset that Akane didn't tell HİM, his friend of almost two years about him suddenly disappearing but just some girl who summoned him when? A few months ago?! İts almost like he doesn't even give a fuck about him.
Lateron Amane and Kou ask them to come down stairs and explain how they need a piece of a supernatural to go to the far shore, and since there aren't any regular supernaturals left they need to go to the place where the line with the far shore and early shore are the thinest, which is where Akane's family uses
Teru says he will go there if he must and Amane just goes "okay!!!!! İll just take your brother on a date then" and then they just do the whole day off thing but without the visiting the old man part, so Teru goes to the farshore alone to relieve some stess off his bones and the anger he has on Akane
He obtains the supernatural part quite fast but theres a voice in him that urges him to go deeper in the house and find something that has been missing in his life. So he does so since he has nothing better to do, his steps are quite fast as he just wants to get over with it.
He opens the doors but theres little to nothing behind them, maybe a portrait of his family with his mom or just hid big brother's sword falling down on his feet, he doesn't really know what any of those mean and keeps walking in and out of doors he finds, then a pair of hands cover his eyes and turns him around, his eyes widen to see Akane
Akane immediately greets him with a big bright smile and talks about how they need to catch the buss to the school, how their first class is with mr Kako so they don't want to miss it and overall about daily life, from his looks too he seems to be a regular middle school student without worries or fears, so he just follows Akane, barely noticing he went through another door, then he realizes that Akane is still a supernatural, the thing on the back of his neck still visible and he goes to scratch his, noticing that theres a paper on there. He goes up to a mirror and checks it out, realizing he has become Akane's yorishiro.
Akane apologizes as he holds his cheeks, how after everything that happened the thing that he regrets most is that he havent told anyone about his disappearance, how he is sooo happy to see him again, how much he missed him but in that moment Teru finally sees through the facade, slapping him off and pinning him to the ground, staring down at a rather confused Akane who stares right back into his soul, making it hard for Teru to just eliminate the problem. So he just.. doesn't, he runs out the door with a hurry, leaving his trident behind as a result.
But the moment he goes through the door he is in their home, specifically their doorstep, he is dressed in clothes Kou used to wear when dad would take him for his training and when he looks up, he notices the similarities, a blade similar to Kou's in his hand, looking up at his father seemingly taking him out to a mission. But he snaps out of that one quicker, throwing himself out of the door he came through. He experiences much weirder and more detailed scenarios as he goes through the countless doors, sooner or later realizing those are the desires he had since he was a little boy
But the time he is spent and exhausted he finally sees a closed door, he goes to open it but instead is met with Aoi, who holds a jar full of bugs, staring up at him with her beady eyes. She runs past him and Teru follows behind her, watching the backstory of the Aois unfold.
He sees his trident at the garden of the house once he gets out but he does make a decision, he won't become the exorcist he aspired to be, at least for Akane, someone he cares so deeply about using the power of the unknown to cling to life.
He goes back home with the supernatural, he is there early, then met with Amane, Kou and Mei
He doesn't preapere the supernatural since he wants to face Akane on his own and teach him a lesson or two about how to treat his friends, but Kou does it for him instead so the four of them go to the house Kou has seen all those things to.
Teru goes in head first then Amane and Kou then lastly, Mei. Meanwhile that, Yashiro and Akane are having a conversation about how they lived their lives, how much they enjoyed it and things they would change if they could, once silent sinks in Nene asks Akane about Teru and what he thinks of him, if he regrets ever meeting him.
Akane sighs and says that his only regret about Teru is that he hasn't told him when he was leaving, because he did promised him he would be there for Teru's whole time in that school
But just about he is about to finish his sentence, the train stops and everybody obviously begins to panic, Akane clings to Nene and tries to find a safe way out, and all of a sudden red beads cover his and Nene's body, surprised he floats off the ground with Nene and flies out of the window with the beads, eyes meeting Teru's, colder than usual without the stupid smile he grew used to
Akane asks a lot of questions, how he came here, doesn't he knows how dangerous it is out there?! What the hell is wrong with his head?! Does he have a death wish?! As he approached Teru more and more he feels his body pinned to the ground, punch after punch meet his face as he tries to tell Teru to stop, once he feels tears on his face is when it all stops and he looks up at Teru, his eyes filled to the brim with tears, the first time of him seeing him like that so he obviously just stops protecting himself and try to think of a way to comfort his friend.
Teru grabs onto Akane's shirt to yell at him but before he could continue Kou and Amane separate them, Mei rushing to Akane crying and hugging him, but Akane's eyes stay on Teru, his tears soaked back into their place as he just pushes Kou off, saying he's fine as it is.
On the way back home, Akane asks Teru of why he cares so much and apologizes for being a bit too mean back there, Teru is silent through it all, telling him to forget it so Akane jokingly says that if he is the only person who can make him cry, then he must be the most important person in his life.
Teru stays silent but just muttering out a maybe before extending his hand from the back, Akane takes it, sighing. Maybe he should just shut his mouth
The roles switched:
Mei: Nene
Hanako: Akane
Kou: Teru
Aoi: Tsukasa
Nene: Aoi(sunflower trio n toilet trio swap basically)
(Tsukasa is his own additional charachter)
Sakura: Hakubo
Sumire: Natsuhiko
Kako: Tsuchigomori
Mirai: Yako
Shijima: Mitsuba
Mei: Sousuke
Additional commentary:
Amane isn't obsessed with Nene the way Akane is obsessed with Aoi, he actually has a crush on both Kou n Nene
Kou's crush on Nene is much more vibrant and obvious like in the original story but Teru doesn't feel anything but platonic love for Mei
Akane is reffered to as 'Hanako' but Kako n Aoi call him Akane n Teru calls him Aoi
Mitsuba is much more possessive in the au which makes their work a lot more harder since Aoi purely manipulated him for her own desires which is for Akane to only think of her.
Mitsuba's picture perfect world isn't drawings but rather the pictures he took as he was alive so in the picture perfect arc we also learn about Mitsuba's backstory and his certain life decisions.
Mirai was never alive in this au, after being created by Kako her only purpose was to be a helpful guide on simplistic anatomy, lateron gaining the life for being Kako's yorishiro
Natsuhiko was never a sacrifice but rather an annoying lowerrank supernatural who wouldn't leave Sakura alone eventually after feelings are shared, and Natsuhiko gets exorcised he reborns as her yorishiro
The yorishiro of Kako is Mirai and Mirai's yorishiro is the last screw of her doll body.
The clockeepers' yorishiro is the boundary itself
Akane's yorishiro is Aoi
Mitsuba's yorishiro is his camera
Tsuchigomori and Hanako are still extremely close and Kou isn't as violent as Teru is so Amane of this au is much more aware of his powers and isn't afraid to use them (stopping time at any point of the day, it being 40 minutes with a 15 minute cooldown, his hammer being usefull outside of the boundary, certain levels of time manipulation etc)
Also in this au Sousuke tries to kill Mitsuba rather than the other way around because he hates that he makes a world where everyone is happy without him
İ don't plan on writing this until next year so meh might as well dump small portion of it here, right?
#meikane#im just entertaining my rarepair okay..... leave me alone and never come back#this is also taken from my twitter dms........ guilty#<- never writes his aus down#terukane#swap au#Kuzey writing#new tag maybe
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Digimon Tamers - Volume 2
It turns out this series is super out of print and rare. My library only has the first 2 volumes, so I'll be reading the rest after this one online (if you want to buy it it's like $80-$100 per volume!) It's a little bit of a relief honestly, because the volume that I got from the library is pretty crusty and battered. I think I saw some dried shredded cheese on some of the pages 🤢 Really shows who the audience is.
Ch. 8
This manhua has really bad continuity and no sense of space. Characters will just pop out of nowhere. Culumon is the worst offender, but in this chapter there were a bunch of dramatic scenes between Rika and Renamon and then it just randomly turned out that Takato and Jian were watching the whole time but not saying anything? Riiiight.
I was really confused at the end and thought that Yamaki was saying he created a digimon but it was actually a really clumsy flashback to the original digimon programmers. Confusing panels...
Ch 9
Wow, the Devas arc already, it obviously felt like it took a lot longer to get here in the anime. I wonder if they'll do all the Devas or condense them/do some off screen?
At least one thing that's nice about this manga is that I can take in the Devas designs without them jumping around too much.
Ch. 10
Some of these jokes are flying over my head. Takato tries to name his group of friends "team rock" and he mentions "a skinny guy on TV who talks about the power of positive thinking." I wish they would cut out the unfunny, outdated material and just tell the damn story >:/
Worst boys Hirokazu and Kenta show up to reestablish themselves as part of the party...yaaay
Didn't realize that MegaloGrowmon was called WarGrowlmon in the dub. I guess it is kind of nice to keep the naming conventions more consistent. "Megalo" is sort of a weird prefix (megalomania?)
Ch. 11
I'm still obsessed with Jian's computer that can read trading cards as if they were CD-ROMs. I wish that technology existed!
Two perfect evolutions in one chapter? Pretty rushed but okay...they still looked cool. (Taomon and Rapidmon). I think the Wonderswan card game rot my brain a little cuz when I saw Rapidmon I was thinking about all the option cards I could use with him.
Ch. 12
Other than my fave Antylamon, I think Indramon is the most memorable of all the devas. His design is really unique, he's massive, and he kicks the shit outta Impmon. I like his emo hair too lol
When they realize that Hirokazu's homemade blue card works I'm surprised they didn't move onto a counterfeit card making scheme after that. I just it only works if it was made with pure intentions or something.
Ch. 13
Why is Juri's dub name "Jeri" when "Julie" was right there?
Damn, they really killed any suspense with Makuramon's intro there. In the anime he's presented as a kid at first but here they showed him as a kid but then slapped the name tag "Makuramon" right next to him...
They skipped a bunch because Juri just magically knows that Guilmon exists. They showed Hirokazu and Kenta meeting him, but not her. Oh well, I guess.
Ch. 14
Calling Juri, Hirokazu and Kenta "groupies" is pretty funny, not gonna lie. So accurate.
I like that they're clearly ID-ing each deva as its corresponding zodiac animal. I think there was a little bit of that in the anime, but not as spelled out as it is here. Usually I don't like to be spoon fed, but there's something satisfying about them saying "that's the boar, that's the monkey, etc."
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I am now stuck playing cookie run kingdom which means...fan fics! Yaaay! Here we go!
The cult of spice
Chapter 1:
The ground was burning hotter than anything he had ever witnessed. He knew he couldn't slow down tho. This is what his armor was made for.
-KID! -he screamed as he jumped from one floating stone to another as lava started consuming the ground. The child on a bigger chunk of the floor, that was still in one piece, stared at him with his eyes wide.
-Why? Why would he risk his life to get to me? -The small spicy child thought to himself. The cookie in the armor jumped in front of the kid and picked him up into his arms right away. He held him close even tho his armor became hotter thanks to him every second. The armored Cookie rushed through the lava, parkouring through like he did before, just the other way. He rushed out of the burning, collapsing temple as fast as he could.
Tears started to dwell up in the child's eyes as the stranger hugged him tight.
-Headmaster! - two voices echoed through the air.
-I'm fine. I got him. -Answered the armored Cookie as he slowed down in front of two other cookies.
-You are so reckless. Is the child okay? -asked a soft voice. A cookie who gave out a sweet, fruity scent, causing the child to look at her right away. He held onto the Headmaster like his tiny life depended on it. The cookie sounded soft. Like a trap.
-He does not seem to be harmed. -Added another cookie, standing next to the sweet one. This cookie's voice was deeper and he sounded a lot more strict.
-I'll take care of him. My friends, could you take care of the rest in the meantime? -The Headmasters asked his fellow leaders who both nodded and headed past the armored and tiny cookies.
Capcaicin Cookie stretches out on his bed. He was so tired after the tournament the day before.
-Capsaicin Cookie! -A loud and very much hyped voice called out to him from outside his bedroom door.
-The Headmaster wants to see you! -added another voice. Capsaicin sighed.
-Coming! Gimme 'bout ten minutes! -He responded as he got out of bed.
Capsaicin got dressed, even if it wasn't much clothes he had to put on. He walked out of his room and made his way to the Headmaster's office.
Once at the office, he gently knocked on the door.
-Come in! -said the Headmaster. Capsaicin opened the door and walked in. He slowly closed the door behind him then made his way to the main desk.
-What do you need from me, Headmaster? -asked Capsaicin with a wide grin across his face.
-Tomorrow is going to be the 18th anniversary of me finding you. Have you decided on the gift you want? -The Headmaster asked on a calmer tone than usual.
-Oh! Uhm, not really -Capsaicin responded whole scratching the back of his head.
-That's alright. I'll take you out tomorrow and you can choose whatever you want. Does that sound good? - Asked the Headmaster again. Capsaicin Cookie's eyes started glowing with excitement.
-Yes! -The excited cookie responded right away. The calm and quiet tone of the Headmaster would have frightened anyone else but not Capsaicin Cookie. He knew the Headmaster more than anyone since he did grow up with him. The Headmaster showed him all his colors growing up. All emotions, even if he rarely got angry. He saw that though, only twice.
-Now get to your classes, you rascal! -Yelled the Headmaster in his typical motivating tone.
Capsaicin Cookie left the office and joined his friends in the classroom.
One thing bothered Capsaicin Cookie for days. He knew every side of the Headmaster there is, yet the Headmaster barely knew him. He couldn't fault him for it though, since the mask he puts on is so believable that no one ever noticed. He enjoyed not being bothered about his feelings most of the time, but there are times he would love to have someone simply ask if he's okay or need just a bit of help. That would never happen with such a mask on. He didn't even notice that the bell rang already and his classmates started packing their things to head to the training grounds.
-Capsaicin Cookie? -asked one of the spicy cookies. Capsaicin Cookie jumped a bit.
-Oh! Sorry. Was a bit lost in thought. -Capsaicin responded right away. He got up from his seat and picked up all his stuff.
On the training grounds, Capsaicin Cookie and 3 other cookies got ready to spar again each other. Most of their training classes were without any professors. They just trained by themselves where Capsaicin Cookie usually took control of the class as a whole. He chose 2 - 4 cookies who would fight him.
-Alright. The match starts when I say "Go", got it?! -Asked Capsaicin Cookie. The other three just cheered in agreement.
The fight started soon after. Capsaicin Cookie could dodge, block and return all their attacks, commenting on almost every lil move they made until they were back in the position they started in. The three spicy cookies stood in a half circle around Capsaicin Cookie. They were already tired and took a couple hits while Capsaicin seemed absolutely fine. One of the cookies rushed at Capsaicin at full speed, swinging their battle hammer at him. He took a step back but froze as a deep voiced laugh rang in his ear. He stood there with his eyes wide, taking the hit straight to the head. Once the cookie hit Capsaicin and realized what happened, he dropped his weapon.
-Oh my spice! -He yelled.
-What happened?! Capsaicin Cookie! -questioned the second cookie while the third stared in shock. Capsaicin Cookie kneeled on the ground with one of his hands held to the side of his head that was now covered in jam. He stared at the ground in shock and fear. Once he snapped back to his senses a bit, he frantically looked around, looking for the source of the laugh.
- D-Didn't you guys hear that? -Capsaicin Cookie stuttered as he looked up at his terrified classmates.
-What are you talking about, Capsaicin Cookie?! You have to go to the infirmary right now! -Ordered the second cookie as he tried to help Capsaicin Cookie up onto his feet. Once the other two realized what he was doing, they helped him and kept him standing as well.
Some other cookies from their class rushed to the Headmaster to get help.
Capsaicin woke up in his bed. He groaned in pain as he sat up, touching his head where it hurt the most, on instinct.
-Down, boy. -Said a voice from next to Capsaicin.
-Headmaster? -Capsaicin questioned. He was extremely confused. The Headmaster did not respond. His posture was quite lazy or maybe judt depressed. Capsaicin couldn't decide. He groaned in annoyance. Capsaicin jumped a bit, as he's never seen the Headmaster like that. Clearly so angry, yet silent. Capsaicin layed back down like he was told. His head was aching. He obviously couldn't hide this pain like he did with the rest. This was worse than the rest.
-Tell me, honestly, what happened? -asked the Headmaster, his tone seriously and cold yet so filled with wrath.
-I'm not sure. -Capsaicin hesitantly replied.
-I am aware that such accidents are bound to happen when students fighf each other, be it for fun, learning, or emotions, but I am also aware that there is no way you would have gotten hit so easily. They couldn't have defeated you so easily. -The Headmaster explained. Capsaicin stayed silent and stared downwards. He sighed.
-I've heard a voice. -Capsaicin Cookie said. His voice was shaky and scared.
He knew who it belonged to but he just couldn't say his name.
He could be watching.
#capsaicin cookie#scovillia headmaster#scovillia#cookie run#cookie run kingdom#injury#fan fiction#fan fic writing#cookie run fanfic#capsaicin fanfic#CultOfSpice#angst
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NEED a Little!Jake thunderstorm fic after those headcanons! Poor baby 😖
You should've checked if it was going to storm tonight...
You bolt awake out of a dead sleep when you hear your little boy screaming for you from down the hall in his nursery as thunder cracks across the sky. "MOMMY! MAMA!" You bolt to his room and find Jacob sitting up in his crib, his bedhead wild and face red from sobbing. "It's okay baby, mama's here, you're okay. I know you're scared."
You walk toward the crib to pick him up and immediately smell the urine on him. "Did you have an accident bubby?" He nodded as he clung to you and pointed to his paw patrol pajama pants. "Sorry mama! Went potty!" He cried. "That's alright baby, that's why you have a pull up on. It's not a problem."
Jacob whimpered and hid his head in your shoulder as another loud boom of thunder sounded overhead. "Mmmm, mommy!" He whined. You rubbed Jacob's back and kissed his bedhead. "You're alright baby, momma's here. Momma won't let anything happen to you sweet boy. Here, can we change your bum? Your wet pants can't be very comfy..." Jacob whined and nuzzled your shoulder. "Come on baby, you don't want to get rashy do you?"
"Itchy..." Jacob whimpered as you laid him down on the changing table. "I know bubs," you turned to grab Jacob's favorite stuffy from the pee soaked crib. "Here, can you cuddle Muffin while mama changes you into a fresh diaper?" Jacob nodded and hugged his stuffed friend tight. "Good boy baby, it's okay, mama will be quick."
Thankfully you completed the change and picked Jacob back up before another burst of thunder was heard. "Alright baby, do you want a bottle to help you sleep?" He nodded. "Alright mister come on." You attempted to calm Jacob by bouncing him as you went the stairs. On a regular day, the bouncing would cause him to go into a giggle fit but he was too scared tonight. He just clutched your tear stained shirt and hid. "I know sweetheart, I know."
You expertly made the bottle one handed as Jacob watched from your hip. And that's when you heard it. You heard the electrical buzz and then everything went dark.
Jacob screeched in terror and pushed his face even deeper into your neck if that was even possible. "It's alright baby, the lights will be back on in a minute okay? You're safe baby, I promise. Here, can you hold onto your baba while momma gets her flashlight out?" Jake felt around for the bottle and clutched it tight as you turned on the flashlight on your phone, illuminating your way back to your bedroom.
Hopefully Jacob will be able to calm down in your bed. You slowly but safely got back to your bedroom and found Layla snoozing at the end of your bed. "Oh hi Layla, sorry about the bright light girl. Baby, look who it is, it's Layla." Jacob whined and waved at his puppy. "It's alright baby, she won't let anything happen to you either."
Thankfully as you were tucking Jacob into the bed, the lights turned back on and you cheered. "Yaaay baby we have light again!" Jacob sleepily blinked at you as he put the nipple of his bottle into his mouth. "I know baby, it's been a rough night huh... I'm gonna leave you here with Layla while I go grab your paci okay? Mama will be right back.."
When you came back minutes later with a clean paci for Jacob, you found Layla laying next to her buddy and Jacob sleepily running his fingers through her fur. "Guess what sweet boy, I think the storm is quieting down... do you want to watch a show for a little bit to calm down?" Jacob nodded and pushed his face into Layla's soft fur. "Layla, being such a good girl helping Jake huh?" You said as you pet the golden retriever and got into bed beside the boy.
"What do you want to watch honey?" You could tell Jacob was too tired to speak so you slowly went over the options and waited for him to point at the one he wanted. "That one? Smurfs?" He nodded. Jacob wordlessly took your hand as Layla laid between you two.
As the cartoon started, Jacob whined wanting to be close to you. "I know, Laya, can you lay down there?" You pointed and the golden listened, moving down to Jacob's feet so you could hold him. "Good girl.." You said as you pulled Jacob towards you and guided his head to your chest. "There you little one, is that better?" You asked, kissing his messy hair. He nodded as he abandoned his now empty bottle and put his paci in his mouth. "Let me that you have little milk monster." You grabbed the bottle and put it on the nightstand before getting comfy again.
"You can sleep bubba, mama and Layla are staying with you..." You whispered as Jacob heavily blinked. You ran your fingers over Jacob's forehead and into his hair. "Shhhh bubba, it's sleepy time for a certain little boy... yes you." You said as Jacob wordlessly pointed to himself. You gave Jacob a forehead kiss and he finally let himself sleep as you held him tight. "Goodnight my sweet boy."
@mooodyblue @crypticminx @eee-lordy
I really liked this!!! I hope you enjoyed it!
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well I’ve officially lost motivation for a Morgius project but I might as well share the “storyboard” of what might have been
it was supposed to be a short animatic/pmv to the song Suicide (The Lovers) by Fame on Fire which you can find here
Pt 1: “I know it might be suicide”
-here I was planning to just have Julius staring forward accompanied by the words to the song.
Pt 2: “With you forever”
-Morgan would be looking back lovingly with the words appearing in sync to the song
Pt 3: “but I'll follow you all the way”
-A cute scene with Morgan pulling Julius along with him, didn’t have an exact setting, could have been an open field or a market. Pt 4: “Suffering I'm so alive”
-Loptous looms over Julius for one frame during the line “suffering” before the scene snaps to Julius looking at Morgan with a semi surprised expression (implying Morgan can somehow suppress Loptous… cute headcanon of mine)
Pt 5: “I need you next me”
-Julius grabs Morgan’s hand in this part
Pt 6: “I'll hold you till the end”
-Julius is hugging Morgan in this scene cherishing the moment.
Pt 7: “If you're the end of me”
-The scene will cut to a darker kind of atmosphere where you can see a sword penetrating something… or someone. There’s blood on the blade.
Pt 8: “End of me”
-It’s revealed that Julius has been stabbed through the heart with Falchion, He’s smiling with blood staining his mouth. (You can’t see his whole face)
Pt: 9 “Love is Suicide”
-Morgan is hugging Julius with a horrified expression with blood staining his cheeks and hands as he’s holding onto Julius. Morgan is sitting with Julius’s limp body leaning into him. (Morgan is also fatally wounded here but I dunno how to depict that lol)
Bonus Scene featuring my OC Marcellus
“Dear beloved We are here today In the final resting place To seal their fate So we mourn the loss Of all that could've been As we end the story With their deadly sins”
several scenes of Marcellus sitting in front of two gravestones implied to be his parents, the scene flashes from his mouth, teary eyes and finally zooms out to him sitting in front of their graves with his knees pulls close to him.
the scene fades to black
Well if you ended up reading this far yaaay! This was an idea I had but I lost motivation for, there’s not enough Morgius content out there so I might as well share this! (Who knows maybe I’ll come back to this or it could possibly inspire someone else! If it does plz, plz, plz tag me!)
I hope you enjoyed peeking into my mind lol
#fire emblem#fire emblem genealogy of the holy war#fe awakening#m!morgan#fe julius#morgius#m!morgius#tw death mention#tw blood mention#longish post#feh
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"I...need to talk to you about something..."
Wo showed a lot of nervousness as his words got Oki's attention. He worked to calm himself after letting Oki hold his vines.
Oki tilted his head a little. "What's on your mind, Wo? Are you Ok too? You look and sound very nervous..."
Wo looked to the side, then at Oki. Tears threatened to well up in his eyestalk.
"I wish...to pospone our wedding... It is just that...this has never happened to us before...and you do know about how anxious I can get sometimes..."
As Wo tried to find what to say next, Oki nodded. He looked at Wo's vines as he gently rubbed them with his thumbs.
"Wo... Please look at me, Wo..."
"I'm sorry..!" Wo managed to get out through slight sobs. "P-please don't be upset..!"
Oki let go of one of Wo's vines and reached up to gently wipe the water away from the snail's eyestalk.
"The same goes for me too, Wo! Like you say, nervousness is part of everyone. Words can't be more true there..!"
Wo waited until Oki's hand moved away from his eyestalk before leaning his cheek onto it.
"So...you're not upset... ...a-about the decision..?" The snail asked as he slowly nuzzled Oki's palm.
Oki shook his head and let Wo see a reassuring smile.
"Not at all..!" He lightly patted Wo's cheek. "Hmm.. ..but that leaves me to wonder...about what we'll do during the time away from Kitakami..."
Wo nodded and nuzzled Oki's hand again.
Soon, Ogerpon and her sisters entered the shrine. They started to talk over each other out of exitement, but were made to go quiet after seeing Wo's negative reaction to the noise.
"Oh.. We're sorry, Papa Wo." Ogerpon looked at Oki. "What's wrong with him, Papa Oki? He's all sad..."
Oki tried to explain the best he could.
"W-wait..." Spot began, motioning to Wo and Ok as she spoke. "I-if we're g-gonna p-pospone the wedding... ...w-what are we g-gonna do until the r-right time comes to have it?"
The family began to voice their opinions. As they tried not to alk over each other, Pink tapped her chin in thought.
"Wawa!" ("Hey!") Her sudden shout managed to get everyone's attention. "Wa-wawa wawa-wawa!" ("I have an idea!")
The family gathered around the table to hear what the Tinkaton had to say.
"Wawa....wawa-wawawa?" ("What if...we went on vacation?") She shrugged after asking. Her parents and siblings looked at each other, then back to her. Pink could see that Ogerpon was on board with her idea.
"Now that you say it...vacation does sound quite good..!" Oki showed Pink a happy look, putting his hands together.
Wo nodded, lightly nudging Oki. Oki put an arm around the snail and returned the nudge.
"A-anything to let things calm d-down before the f-festivites i-in Kitakami..!" Spot managed to say what she wanted before Ogerpon get her words in.
"I like it!" Ogerpon's eyes were starry as she turned to see Oki. "Can we go somewhere really nice and sunny, Papa Oki? Can we?"
Oki let ogerpon hold onto his arm as he answered. "We'll see where this idea takes us, Ogerpon~!"
Ogerpon gasped before going back to her siblings. "We're gonna go somewhere sunny!" She ran outside, followed by Pink and Spot. "Yaaay! We're gonna go on vacation!"
After watching them leave, Oki looked at Wo, who was holding onto him and lightly nuzzling against his head.
"I'm going to have to tell Peseta, don't I?"
Oki turned to hold Wo easier and returned the nuzzles.
"You're gonna have to Wo. They're in charge of everything."
"I'll go and do that. But, not right now." The snail gave Oki a loving look. Oki giggled a little as he returned it.
"You want special attention, don't you~?"
Wo nodded, cheeks going pink. "Please..~?"
Oki pulled himself a little closer to the snail and gave him a tiny peck.
"That I can provide~ But you have to go visit Peseta afterwards."
"I know."
As Wo and Oki retreated to their sleeping area, the three siblings occupied themselves outside by seeing who could get from the lighthouse to the Pokemon Center first.
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God, I've seen a Tankie post on my dash and it has just made me incredibly frustrated. Just... Why!? Why make excuses for the country that killed fellow leftists who were more liberal than them!? The country that didn't let independence movements flourish during the Russian Revolution/Civil War but instead conquered nascent countries in Imperialist acts!? I'm with the Anarchists and my fellow democratic and liberal socialists here Marxist Leninism is not cool. The Soviet aesthetics may be unique, they made some very cool stuff, and their history is interesting, but they weren't exactly a bastion of freedom and goodness. This is something that is especially true whenever you look into anything with Stalin or the Russian Civil War. You know, this wasn't the subject of the post that got me mad but I saw one from the same person going after Anarchists pointing out the Soviets wiped out the Makhnovshchina, The Ukrainian Anarchists, saying that the Soviets just "had to take them out as a rival faction" (paraphrasing here). Just- No! They weren't really in the Russian Civil War, they were fighting in the little sub war, The Ukrainian War of Independence, cus you know, they weren't exactly gonna take the fight to Moscow, they were an independence movement! The reason why the Soviets fought them was because they wanted control of Ukraine, where they also wiped out the independent Ukrainian People's Republic, a fellow left-wing government and a parliamentary republic.
Also, the Soviets weren't always at war with the Makhnovshchina too, they signed a peace treaty in 1920, the Starobilsk agreement, which made them allies with the Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine willingly placed itself under Red Army command, and the Soviets gave the Anarchists freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of association, with anarchists even allowed into the All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets. They didn't have to fight them anymore, with the Anarchists helping the Soviets in several important battles against the Whites as the Red Army high command ordered their units forward even when they asked for rest, such as in the Northern Taurida Operation. The Soviets then stabbed them in the back and resumed conflict the next year, taking them and the independent republic out and conquering two independence movements. The Soviets did not need to take Ukraine, or Belarus, or Kazakstan, or Georgia, or Azerbaijan, or Armenia, or Kyrgyzstan, or Uzbekistan, or Tajikistan, or later Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia alongside the eastern flank of Poland and bits of Romania and Finland. This nicely brings me onto the post that enraged me. The good old Tankie talking point that the Soviet Union won WW2 by itself, no help needed, and it never willingly operated with fascists at all!
HA! HA HA HA HA HA! Fuck no!
There are just so many things wrong with this idea, so many... Well I guess first with the cooperating with Fascists bit. The Soviets under Stalin did it a fair bit. First up is the Italo-Soviet Pact of 1933! The nonaggression treaty between the Soviets and Fascist Italy under Mussolini with a corresponding economic treaty where the Soviets sold oil and coal to the Italians in return for technical support in fields like aviation and naval industry. The Soviets even sent over a military mission where both countries' attaches complemented each other with the Soviet ambassador expressing "gratitude for the exceptional attention devoted to the Soviet mission by the Italian command and government". YAAAY! However this treaty was somewhat strained till it was broken in 1941 due to the Spanish Civil war amongst other things, where the Soviets also shot a bunch of fellow leftist allies while their side was losing! Great fun! I wonder where Orwell, who fought for the Trotskyist international brigades during said civil war got his distrust of the Soviets from alongside his socialist leanings...
But anyway! We have the big one, the stuff with the fucking Nazis! You see, during the period of Weimar Germany, the Reichswehr, their armed forces, actually did a lot of kinda super illegal testing and training in the Soviet Union such as training fighter pilots and testing new fighters at the Lupetsk Fighter-Pilot School, or the Kama Tank School for their armoured core! This cooperation would not entirely disappear when the Nazis came to power, as while they openly broke the Versailles treaty and therefore didn't need secrecy, there was still stuff they could help each other with. Like carving up Eastern Europe!
Yes, right after Stalin did a Great Purge and killed off a bunch of important, competent people like Mikhail Tukhachevsky, the creator of Deep Battle and the command of the Soviet forces in the Polish-Soviet War- Wait- Oh yeah! The Soviets tried to do an Imperialism against Poland in the early 1920s! But anyway! Purges! So yeah he killed off a bunch of competent people such as Mikhail who blamed Stalin for the defeat in that Poland run, and imprisoned tons of others like Andrei Tupolev and Georgy Zhukov! Both of whom would be released later and play important roles in WW2 and later on, with Zhukov first achieving victory in the Battles of Khalkhin Gol, and then organised the defences of Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad, and was the planner and commander in several major offensives and battles like The Battle of Kursk! Oh- Wait- Sorry, tangent again!
But anyway, the Soviets and the Nazis kinda decided to carve up Eastern Europe and go into a non-aggression pact, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The one everyone knows about where the Nazis and Soviets secretly agreed to jointly invade Poland from both sides, split it in half while the Soviets also invaded the Baltic states, Bessarabia, and was allowed to try and influence Finland under the German-Soviet Boundry and Friendship Treaty.
But this, as I say, was the culmination of multiple other treaties, like the German-Soviet Credit Agreement of 1939 where the Soviets and Nazis traded and loaned each other money!
And while in the wake of Operation Barbarossa, these agreements with Germany and Italy would fall apart, what wouldn't were the agreements with fascist imperial Japan! Because the Japanese had been drilling for oil in Northern Sakhalin in the Soviet Union for quite a while, even with the entire Kalkhin Gol border war thing. This led, in 1941, to a non-aggression pact between the Soviets and Japan in April that was only denounced in April of 1945, at the very end of the war, and the Soviets gave the Japanese Oil concessions in Northern Sakhalin which lasted till 1944. The Soviets were giving Imperial Japan oil for three years after Pearl Harbour and the Invasion of Thailand and the British East Asian colonies.
Oh this is so long and I have spent so long writing this but then there is also the Tankie's bit about the Soviets being the main guys who won WW2 and Lend Lease was useless because "8 Million men"! To that I would like to ask, how gave those men rations, fuel, trucks, tanks, aircraft, and extra guns? Who were the people fighting Japan for most of the War? Who were the people feeding intelligence to the Soviets and breaking codes? Who was fighting in North Africa, Italy, and Western Europe? Who was blockading German ports? Who was fighting in resistance movements? Who was supplying those resistance movements? Who was bombing German Factories and Romanian Oil Fields? (Which by the way Stalin approved of, do you want me to bring up all the letters from him saying he wished the Red Airforce could join in on bombing Berlin?)
The answer is the Allies, we all know that. World War 2 was fucking massive and a team effort.
Resistance movements from the French Resistance (and their Spanish Republican remnant allies), to the Yugoslav Partisans, to the Italian Resistance, to the Polish Resistance were fighting the Axis forces with a lot of their equipment being provided by the Allies. Tons of pictures of Resistance fighters have them wielding British and Commonwealth-made Sten Mark 2 SMGs, and in their headquarters they had equipment, radios, explosives, etc provided and airdropped by the British and Americans. Not to mention the equipment the resistance movements captured and made themselves. The Polish Resistance made an armoured car from scratch to fight in the Warsaw uprising!
The Soviets were the ones who demanded an invasion of Italy to take the pressure off the Eastern Front and it turned into a grinding slow affair in the mountains. That was fought by British, Commonwealth, American, and Free forces.
And, yeah, that Lend Lease! It's the Elephant in the room. Operation Barbarossa and the chaos that was the Soviet's organisation on the day of the Invasion alongside Stalin's refusal to listen and prepare defences even when a defector told everyone that the Germans were coming devastated the Soviet army and airforce. The Soviets were desperately lacking in modern aircraft, with the famous IL-2 Shturmovik that would later become the backbone of their close air support force was barely in production by the start of the invasion, with pilots having little training on the craft. Most of their fighter force was also made up of old biplanes like the I-16 and I-15 which were torn up and had to scramble to get into the air on the day of the attack to either run to other airbases or try to fight off the superior BF-109s. T-26 tanks, while able to beat Panzer 1s and 2s were outclassed by the 3s and 4s, with not enough heavies and early T-34s there to make up the difference. Though as a side note, those early T-34s were also not great, they had awful visibility and ergonomics which made them nightmares to crew, leading to poor crew performance and Soviet crews not spotting German tanks right in front of them before they were blown up.
This, along with the occupation of many of the Soviet's major industrial regions meant they absolutely required Lend Lease to stay in the fight. Even battered after Dunkirk, The Battle of Britain, and engaged in North Africa and Burma/Myanmar, the British sent nearly 3,000 Hawker Hurricanes, starting soon after the invasion, and later over a thousand Spitfires, alongside Valentine and Matilda 2 Infantry Tanks. The Valentine would actually see continued production in the UK after it left the British army partway through the war because the Soviets liked it as a light tank! Roughly 2,000 of the 6,800 Valentines would be sent to the Soviet Union from the UK and a further 1,200 from Canada. Here's a historical archive video of Matildas getting sent over!
But this all pales in comparison to the US as dear god did they send a shitload of everything! 11 Billion dollars worth (back then! 148 Billion now!) worth of stuff! Canned pork was made in the Russian style to send over and feed the population, over 400,000 jeeps and trucks were sent that were fucking vital to logistics and for the mobility of the red army I cannot understate how important these are, like seriously, logistics is the life and death of armies and mobility was very important on the eastern front, and a lot of Katyushas were slapped on Studebaker trucks. Anyway! Thousands of armoured half-tracks, about 4,100~ M4 Sherman tanks which formed the core of several armoured Brigades (and was well liked), over a thousand M3 Lees (Which the Soviets really did not like, no one did), plus some Stuarts, about 4,700~ P-399 Airacobras and 2,300~ P-63 King Airacobras, plus 2,400~ P-40 Kityhawks, 862~ B-25 Mitchells, hundreds of PBY Catalinas, 3,400~ A-20 Havoks of the A variant alone never mind the B varients, and the US also gave the licence for production of the C-47 Skytrain over. This is not to mention all the oil and other foodstuffs and supplies that were sent over.
Though... Wait- Why have I spent over an hour writing this? I know I'm a nerd for history and I hate it when people get it wrong, but this is a little obsessive. Especially since this is a response to a post, from someone claiming that the Soviet participation in WW2 and the war against the Nazis somehow makes all Marxist Leninists good because a country following that ideology did big stuff that should be held up as something unique that belongs and characterises their whole ideology... While all the stuff they did to the Ukrainian Anarchists or the Hungarian Uprising and all that is not meant to be a "grand indictment of Leninism", nor any of the other crimes committed by the Soviet Union. They just think all the good stuff that people following their ideology did should make said ideology automatically righteous because it "killed more fascists than the other guys", while all the bad stuff people following their ideology did is completely separate from it and is not related to it at all. I'm writing all this after being incensed by a bloody hypocritical argumentative Tankie, and in turn, became pedantic and argumentative, when they have the stupidest of all arguments!
Huh, this really is the internet...
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Wingman Wayne AU pt6 yaaay! | AO3 link
The next time Eddie sees Steve, he knows immediately that the thoughts that kept plaguing him late at night weren't induced by some weird chemical unbalance in his brain caused by eating too much cheese or taking one pill too many. No, those thoughts were very, very real. Because Steve is looking absolutely breathtaking in his stupid tight jeans and stupid green polo and with his stupid wild hair that Eddie just wants to run his fingers through and those goddamn stupid pink lips. Shit.
'Lookin' hot today, big boy,' Eddie blurts out before he can help himself.
A frown appears between Steve's stupidly perfect eyebrows. 'Don't do that, man,' he says, avoiding Eddie's gaze.
'What?' Eddie asks, as if he doesn't know exactly what Steve means: Don't mess up our Very Platonic friendship by getting feelings for me. That wasn't what we agreed upon. Well, it's already too late for that anyway. And honestly, whose fault is that? Exactly, it's the fault of Steve's stupid lips.
'You know what I mean,' Steve says. He's still not quite looking Eddie in the eyes and Eddie feels guilty immediately.
'Sorry,' he says. 'Won't happen again, friend.'
It's only awkward for a minute, until they're both sitting on the couch in the Munsons’ trailer and Eddie easily launches into a whole monologue giving Steve the latest gossip on Wayne's colleague Jimmy because he ran into Jimmy's wife at Melvald's, and he immediately gets reminded why it's so nice to have a queer friend, because, in contrast to Jeff or Gareth or even Wayne, Steve understands exactly what he means when he says “straight people” in a lamenting voice and doesn't get confused when he goes into a minutes-long rant about “straight culture.”
'Dude, stop, you're doing it again,' Steve suddenly interrupts him at some point.
Eddie stops mid-monologue to give Steve a confused stare. 'What?'
Steve nods towards the place where Eddie's hand is comfortably resting onto Steve's knee, fingers stretched all the way into his thigh. Like it belongs there, somehow. Like it’s something natural.
Eddie clears his throat as he pulls his hand away and crosses his arms to keep himself from unconsciously reaching out for Steve again. Is it really that bad to have me touch you? he wants to ask – but he doesn't, because he isn't a completely terrible friend.
'My sincerest apologies, comrade,' he says instead, before he picks up where he left off in his story, trying to act like nothing happened. But Steve doesn't really seem to listen anymore; his gaze keeps wandering away and he barely even shows any investment in the gossip that he usually loves so much.
'You okay, Stevie?' Eddie asks.
A blush starts creeping over Steve's cheeks.
'I don't know how to tell you this without making shit even more awkward,' he says, 'but you staring at my lips for like ten minutes on end is also part of the things you shouldn't be doing.'
Fuck. Eddie is pretty sure that his own cheeks are rapidly starting to reach a shade of red that matches Steve's. He wants to apologize, but somehow, the words get all mushed into something else while they make their way from his throat to his lips, and what comes out is, 'Is it really bothering you that much?'
Steve stares at his hands. 'Yes,' he says softly. 'Yes, it is.' He looks up at Eddie again, and there's a look in his eyes that Eddie doesn't quite recognize.
'Eddie – you were the one who insisted right from the start that nothing about me would attract you, remember?' he says. 'You were the one who proposed to be friends. And I was fine with that, because I wanted to be your friend, and I thought I could keep my feelings under control. So please don't make this any harder for me than it needs to be.'
Eddie's heart is suddenly beating in his throat, his hands sweaty.
'Jesus, Steve,' he says, his voice barely more than a whisper. 'I'm so sorry.' He stretches out his hand, gently letting it land on Steve's shoulder – but Steve immediately gets up from the couch, as if Eddie's touch is burning him.
'Don't,' he says, his voice suddenly cold with frustration. He starts pacing back and forth through the tiny living room. 'Now you're just being cruel.'
Shit. Eddie squeezes his eyes shut for a moment. The memory of Wayne's soft voice echoes through his head: Can't you just... talk to him?
Of course Wayne was right, he always is. Eddie should know that by now. It's terrifying, the thought of actually talking to Steve - but Eddie knows that he's the only one to blame for this mess, so it’s only fair that he should also be the one to fix it.
'What if I told you I was wrong?' he blurts out before he can change his mind like the coward he is.
Steve freezes in his tracks, finally looks Eddie in his eyes again.
'What if I told you I've been a fucking idiot all this time?' Eddie continues, his heart beating at a nauseating pace now. 'What if I told you I was – I was expecting another Chad, back when my uncle told me about you, and I really didn't want to repeat that same shit again – and you've been continuously blowing my goddamned mind ever since we met. I really, really wasn't planning on falling in love, but Steve, you're fucking fascinating, and with every little bit I got to know you better, I started falling a little bit harder.'
Steve finally takes his place next to Eddie on the couch again, looking at him wide-eyed, lost for words.
'You're the most interesting person I've ever met,' Eddie continues, because he simply has to say it all now, 'and you have such a big heart, and – and I haven't been able to stop thinking about your lips for days – and I really didn't mean to hurt you. I should've given you a fair chance right away and I'm so sorry and –'
Steve suddenly launches himself at Eddie and shuts him up by clashing their mouths together slightly too forcefully, breathing into their kiss and only slowing himself down when he realizes that Eddie isn't going to pull away, that Eddie isn't going anywhere – and Eddie tangles his fingers into Steve's majestic hair as he finally gets a taste of that fucking addictive strawberry lipgloss. It’s exactly as sweet and soft and perfect as he imagined it would be and it might just have become his new favorite taste in the world.
'Jesus H Christ,' Eddie mumbles when they finally break apart, both panting and chuckling shakily. 'Uncle Wayne's gonna be so fucking annoying about this.'
Can I just say that all your “look eddie it’s the consequences of your own actions!” comments on the previous part had me giggling kicking my feet?? U r all so right but also eddie is a complete idiot no i won’t take criticism. I am LIVING for all those sweet and funny comments / tags, it means the world and I am cradling them all in my hands <333
(Also everyone saying they feel like a burden asking to be added to the taglist, noooo!! It only takes me a couple secs and it honestly makes me crazy happy that so many of you are invested enough to want updates! I am hugging all of you!!)
Taglist: @phantypurple @love-kurdt @eddiemunsonswife @mackdaddyofheimlichcountyy @swimmingbirdrunningrock @paintsplatteredandimperfect @stevesbipanic @momotonescreaming @yourebuckingkiddingme @th3-r4t-k1ng @messrs-weasley @moonshadows-13 @im-sam-fucking-winchester @xjessicafaithx @yournowheregirl @henderdads @lwhoscribbles @courtjestermunson @steveisabicon @rainydays35 @cassaloopa @skeliiix @thesuninyaface @silversnaffles @jestyzesty @4nemo1egend @ace-of-foxes @harringtonsgother @thegingervulcan @snapshotmaestro @thereindeerlady @jillfriend @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @gamerdano @spectrum-spectre @zerokrox-blog @00biscuit @mixsethaddams @steve-the-hairrington @episcogoth @caligularib @gaydrieeen @winterbuckwild @bookbinderbitch @daysarestranger @nonbinary-eddie-munson @fangirltofangod @solalasoforth @obsessivlyme @slit-wrist @fxndom-hoe @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @joruni @roastingdragon @lenore1232 @princessstevemunson @cuips-not-cute @munsonsuccubus @justalittlefungi @cherrycolas-things @nitrilexam @thepainisspicy @hopefulslothcollecter @whatisreggieshortfor @doctorqueensanatomy @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @sadcanadianwinter @iamsotiredman @orangeandthefairroadkill @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @b-icetea @freddykicksasses @faery-god @poleaxed-aloe @mamaclownhunter @paperbackribs @blvckwidow @mightbeasleep @butuglypeoplefucktoo @lolawon @angryavocadofrog @iwouldsail @livelaughlexa @magpiemuseum @shushuac @ravnlinn @homohomohoe @kissaphobic-kas @cmackz93 @your-greatest-queen @alltheweirdkidsinoneplace @soulsofstarsliveinyourveins @ceaselessly-watching @anaibis @enchantedlandcoffee @fluffy-alpaca-of-darkness @nelotegreitic @mollymawkwrites @evix-syne666 @redfreckledwolf @ajamlessbaby @connected-dots @nothisisntmyname @steddieassheg0es @anxiouseds @summer1066 @loopholesinmydreams @mareydi @lillemilly @this-is-moony-lovegood @qomrades @mad-h-w @gay-stranger-things @blanketlicker @fandomcartographer @adankrivervalleynearyou @undreamingscatworld @theysherobinbuckley @i-wanna-combust @stranger-poets-society @fanshipgirl88 @nonhetbts @literallyjustarat @knitsforthetrail @limpingpenguin @spoopy-rayvynnnox @impeachy @ashwinmeird @7boxesofcheerios @nonsense-of-dimitri @azreadytodie @fuctacles @fuzzyduxk @pluto-pepsi @bornonthesavage @what-am-i-doing-with-my-non-life @alanna342 @jinxjinn @ali-just-ali @piningapple @captain-daryn @namelessssho @doltclassic @elsarenard @ramyayaya @my-heart-is-stopped @lightwoodbanethings @goblin-eddie @indie-npc
#only one part left my friends#don't mind me rambling about stranger things#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#fruity ficlet
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Giacomo x Reader!
Now that he has finally secured team star, met the big boss— or uh, Penny, (He still needs to get used to that!) And has now returned back to school with his friends— he was sure everything would go smoothly!
He was wrong.
The dark type user never really thought about… romance. It never really crossed his mind, thinking no one could like him since he was bullied. He was always quirky, plus his eyebags were a little weird. But now that things are different, it changed that thought.
He was simply composing a new beat, and named it after his crush. Sadly the world was against him as he was approached from behind by two people.
A red and blue haired girl stared at him, furrowing her brows as she stood next to a certain (H/C).
“Uhm… Momo, are you okay?” Questioned Penny.
Quickly, Giacomo snapped out of his trance as he fumbled with his computer, slamming it shut as his cheeks burned. (E/C) eyes met his and he quickly snapped them away.
“Y-Yeah…! Just, y’know… tunin’ into my new music.” He played it off cooly. (His voice uped a pitch)
You blinked at the way he kept avoiding your gaze, and shrugged, a grin breaking out onto your face. “Asombroso! Could I listen to it? I love your music Giacomo.”
“NO!” He yelled, making you frown, a rejected look on your face. He regretted that— “ I mean… uhhhh… Its not ready yet…”
Penny deadpanned, looking between her team star friend, and the champion student aka (Y/N), aka you.
He couldn’t be more obvious. And you couldn’t be more oblivious. Penny facepalmed before turning around. “I’m gonna go. Hasta la vistar.” She lazily did the signature team star pose before leaving.
You waved at her and told her you’d text her, while Giacomo completely screamed inside for Penny to not leave.
Now it was just you and him. Alone. In the classroom. AFTER SCHOOL HOURS… Maybe being expelled was better—
“—como? Giacomo?” When you waved a hand in fromt his his face, he realized he was staring at you. With his jaw dropped open. He snapped his mouth shut.
“Oh uh yeah!” He grinned, scratching the back of his neck before quickly swerving back around to face his desk properly. Shoulders tense and face flustered.
He tipped his hat more down, trying to cover his eyes.
Giacomo heard the sound of the seat next to him moving and he looked to the side, seeing you sit down next to him. Curse these damn double desks!
“Soooo?” You dragged on
“Huh?” Blinked Giacomo.
“Why have you been avoiding me lately?” You frowned, leaning towards him making his cheeks burn as he tried to look anywhere else besides at you.
“I said I was working on a new beat!” He chuckled nervously.
You stared at him for a good moment before shaking your head. “Ahh… Is this for going hard on you when I swung by your camp to battle?”
Thank god you were an airhead. A cute airhead.
Giacomo quickly shook his head, “No! Of course not. I love you— BATTLING YOU! It’s fun— fun, and awesome, prometo!” He stuttered.
You lifted your head and played with your school tie, “Really?”
“Yes. I wouldn’t lie to you (Y/N).” He smiled, recovering from his screw up.
You threw your arms in the air before glomping the dark pokemon user into a hug, leaning into him, “YAAAY! I love battling you too!”
Giacomo felt his heart skip a beat. ‘AGHHHHPWKDLS’
“I was worried you were mad at me…” You continued.
Meanwhile Giacomo’s face blew up into a tomato as he struggled to reply, hands hovering in the air as they flailed around unsure what to do with them. Your cheek pressed against his chest, arms around him in a hug.
All of a sudden you gasped. “Hu—Huh?” He stammered.
“I know!” You pulled back a little to look up at Giacomo, still having him wrapped in your death like grip of a hug. His dark eyes stared into your (E/C) ones that were filled with excitement.
“Lets go get some ice cream, Giacomo. My treat!” You grinned before pulling away from the hug, causing Giacomo to finally breathe and cover his face with his hand, still blushing from the hug.
“Are you sure…? I, uh, I’m not the most popular you know? And you’re the champion and you—“
You cut him off, “Oh shush you. I don’t care about all of that reputation crap. I care about you more!” You huffed.
Giacomo shot his head up, eyes blown wide from his usual relaxed look. “Me?”
“Yeah duhh.” You grinned, before grabbing his hand, interlacing your fingers with his hand. “HUH— WAIT! WOAH?”
You laughed a little before pulling him up from his desk and seat. “Vamos, before they close!” You cheered, quickly moving to the classroom door, Giacomo now fully combusting at his hand in yours.
God you were so oblivious… but that just made you all the more cuter to him.
#giacomo#pokemon giacomo#pokemon giacomo x reader#giacomo x reader#giacomo x reader pokemon#pokemon x reader#pokemon#pokemon scarlet#pokemon violet#pokemon scarlet and violet
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happy to see you. [blurb.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉

summary | steve coaxes you out of your shell the first time you become little around him.
pairing | daddy!steve rogers x little!reader
warnings | sfw regression (daddy!steve little!reader), reader’s first time being little around steeb, very shy!reader, sOFT!daddy!steve the softsoftsoftest <3, just very fluffy and nice and sweet :’-)
word count | 411

requested by @nony-bear | Hehe I know I’m early but I wanted to send in a blurb idea because I love you and I’m so proud of you and your blurbs are always so good 😊 also I know I’ve gotten several requests written by you before so if you want to save me for last or another time that’s okay too 💕 but I was wondering if I could have a blurb where either Steve or Andy are with their little and it’s early on in the dynamic so the reader is being a little shy and the daddy is a little nervous too but he talks to her and gets her to open up a little and giggle and blush and then they end up cuddling or something like that
an | friend friend friend omg yaaay i’m so glad i get to write more stuff for you hehe <3 thankyou so much for this request i love this idea so much, hope it’s okay i went with steve. he’s just the softest, nicest daddy and so soothing to little!reader when things are starting out – hope you enjoy!

Though it’s never happened before, the first time you drop into littlespace around Steve, he somehow instantly knows it.
You’ve appeared in the doorway to your shared bedroom, waiting cautiously in the wooden frame of the door as the blonde-haired man relaxes on the bed, shading away at something in his sketchbook.
As soon as Steve catches a glimpse of your almost trembling form, he lowers his work, his gaze drifting up to meet yours. One look at your slightly cowering demeanor and he knows, his face softening immediately as he offers you a warm smile.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he coos, his voice much gentler than usual. Dropping your gaze down to the floor, you bite your bottom lip, unsure of what to say. Am I supposed to tell him, you ask yourself, how is he gonna know?
“You need something, lovebug?” the man’s sweet voice interrupts your racing mind. Looking up shyly at him, all you can manage to do is blink. “Hey,” he hums, keeping his voice mild and soothing, “S'alright sweetheart. You just looking for a little time with Daddy?”
Perking up slightly at his use of the word, you nod, earning another brilliant smile from Steve. “Yeah? Come on over then, peanut. I could use some good snuggles right about now.”
Making your way over to the bed still somewhat shyly, you climb up next to the broad man, melting instantly into his arms as he pulls you in close and shifts you onto his lap. “There’s my good girl, hi baby,” he sings, bouncing you gently on his legs. “How’s my sweetie pie doin’ today, hmm?”
“Good,” you mumble shyly, heat rising through your cheeks as he runs a soothing hand across your back in broad circles.
“Yeah?” Steve chuckles softly, planting a gentle kiss on your cheek. “What’ve you gone quiet for, doll? Just feelin’ a little shy?” Nodding, you tuck your head against his shoulder, inhaling the safe, familiar scent of your partner as he coos over you dotingly. “Aww, that’s okay, princess. Just so precious, aren’t you, bunny? Daddy’s sweet baby girl.”
“Daddy’s baby,” you repeat, allowing yourself gradually to slip further and further into that warm, fuzzy headspace you’ve been craving for so long to surrender to.
“That’s right,” Steve smiles proudly, taking one of your hands in his and bringing it up to his lips to plant a kiss on your pinky. “Daddy’s little baby. M'so happy to see you, honey.”

#eun's writing#happy to see you#steve rogers#steve rogers fanfiction#steve rogers blurb#steve rogers drabble#steve rogers headcanon#daddy!steve rogers#steve rogers x y/n#steve rogers fluff#steve rogers one shot#steve rogers imagine#captain america#captain america fanfiction#hurt/comfort
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YAAAY - A NEW CHAPTER!! I read this while I was waiting on my friend while we were shopping and she took a shocking amount of time in the dressing room (she said: you've got a smile on your face, who were you texting? So naturally I said a random friend's name who send me stupid memes on instagram, because she is not ready to hear that I was reading a fic about myself and a handsome fictional henry cavill character) - okay, I digress, onto my notes
First and foremost: this is a shocking amount of names and my head is spinning (and that comes from me who has a shocking amount of family - like even worse than this family)
“You did lose me,” you growled. Sy’s family consisted of a fair amount of big men – not that Sy was by any means the runt of the family; quite the contrary, in fact – and a far larger amount of less-than-tall-but-still-taller-than-you women. And kids. So, so many kids. Some of which, you noticed, were also taller than you.
No but seriously, I am such a dwarf, this hits closer to home than it should be.
As soon as he said it, the living room went much more quiet, and the entire atmosphere turned much more uncomfortable.
This is such a sitcom moment omg hahaha
Omg their names are Betty-Jo and John Bob? I love this, so hillbilly it's amazing
“Now probably ain’t the best time to ask why your furniture is in her living room, right, Sy?”
You little giant bitch
Sy looked like he was about to commit murder, but so did Sy’s mom – and you had to admit she was much scarier – and very quick to put two and two together.
No, but this is literally my favorite type of thing. You have this very scary ass looking big giant of a man and then there's his mom, who is even scarier. - i love that
“One second, Ma,” Sy said with a grin before turning to you. “Sugar, did I or did I not tell you that that was exactly what she’d have to say about that?”
Look at him, being cheeky to calm his gf a little knowing it would earn him a slap - i love it
“This is Georgie,” Sy said after they were out of earshot, “the youngest of the twins, who’s apparently made it his life’s mission to try’n get me killed. What the fuck was that, you bastard?”
“Revenge,” Georgie replied, “For ratting me ‘n Angelina Jefferson out.”
“That was senior prom! You held onto that for nearly ten years? God damn!”
Again a sitcom moment
“Anyway, this is his wife, Emma. And that’s Mikey, their youngest. The eldest is Helena Marie, she’s off somewhere, I reckon.”
Mikey? 👀 were you inspired by one of your fave henry cavill characters? (also, Helena Marie, such a cute ass combo)
“Uncle Sy!” you suddenly heard from behind, and a boy – you guessed he was 12 or so years old – appeared next to you. “New girlfriend?”
Did this kid just out him? New girlfriend? HOW MANY HAS HE SEEN? THE KID IS 12?!?!?!
“Oh, sweetie,” she said when she saw your face, “It’s okay if you don’t know what to say! You look scared to death, sweetheart, are you alright?”
“Just not used to all this big family… stuff,” you admitted softly as you looked around the room to all the faces of people you hadn’t been introduced to yet. You were already dizzy, how the hell were you going to survive this?
No, but seriously, I understand this feeling. What I said before: I come from a big ass family. I'm the youngest of the billion grandchildren and I'm like far behind the rest age-wise. It's intense family meetings with us, because last time we had 70 people of my mom's side of the family together (like, three generations) and that was like 45% of the entire family.
Okay but enough about me
“Lara? Lara!” Now that voice you’d recognize everywhere: it was Jules. “God, there you are. You’re damn near invisible in here, I thought you were one of the kids. Come meet my parents!”
ABOUT DAMNM TIME JULES THAT YOU SHOWED YOUR FACE. Also, typical Jules to point out the obvious with the invisible comment - not her thinking I Lara was one of the kids omg ahahaha
“Exhausted,” you said, “and nauseous.”
Buikgriepje was het toch? 😂
Okay, honey, I say this with love
Part 23
Part 22 🍂 Part 24
Pairing: Syverson x ofc
Series summary: Life with Sy, what more can you wish for? The most amazing husband and father to a whole litter of cute little kids... Sometimes you wonder "how did you get here?"
Chapter warnings: Lots and LOTS of names. (The family tree isn't quite finished yet, but if anyone needs it to keep track of this... I'll post it XD)
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: 21 days. That's three whole weeks. I'm so sorry! I've been trying to get ahead on this thing for a bit, it didn't quite work out. I just wasn't in a Sy mood for some reason. But! Here we are again, with another fluffish chapter. @keanureevesisbae hold on to your ovaries, there will be Sy holding babies. (Do I owe up to 30 or 31 now?)
@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @omgkatinka @summersong69 @beck07990 @peaches1958 @sillyrabbit81 @ellethespaceunicorn
A few quick observations: Sy’s family? Very big. And as you would expect from a big family; the noise was absolutely overwhelming. Dean appeared next to you out of nowhere, grabbing you by the shoulders and dragging you into a corner.
“Let Jules handle this part, just…” He looked around for a moment, which was a lot easier for him than it was for you, and called Sy over.
“There y’are, Sugar,” he said. “Thought I’d lost ya!”
“You did lose me,” you growled. Sy’s family consisted of a fair amount of big men – not that Sy was by any means the runt of the family; quite the contrary, in fact – and a far larger amount of less-than-tall-but-still-taller-than-you women. And kids. So, so many kids. Some of which, you noticed, were also taller than you.
“Let me introduce you to my family,” Sy said. To your surprise – though it didn’t surprise you as much as it maybe should have – he went out to look for his parents, first.
“Mom, dad,” Sy said when he’d found them in the crowd, “I’d like you to meet Lara, my girlfriend.” As soon as he said it, the living room went much more quiet, and the entire atmosphere turned much more uncomfortable.
“Alright, y’all absolutely sure y’all wanna get nosy?” It didn’t sound friendly, but everyone went off minding their own business, so that was good.
“Sy!” Either his mother didn’t appreciate her son’s direct approach, or something else was off. “Why is this the first time we’re hearin’ of any girlfriend?” Instead of offering a defense to his mother, Sy just looked at his dad.
“He may have said somethin’bout it to me,” Sy’s father growled to no one in particular before turning to Sy, “but it’s yer own fault for not tellin’ your mother directly.”
“It’s been busy,” Sy said softly. There clearly wasn’t a good way for him to navigate himself out of this conversation.
“Too busy to call your own mother? Good Lord, what did I do to deserve this?”
“Betty-Jo and John-Bob Syverson,” Sy chuckled at you as his mother made a few dramatic hand gestures before slapping Sy in the shoulder with her purse a few times.
“Now probably ain’t the best time to ask why your furniture is in her living room, right, Sy?” A younger man who looked like he was one of Sy’s brothers threw an arm around Sy’s shoulders and grinned so wide that you were almost scared his face would tear in half. Sy looked like he was about to commit murder, but so did Sy’s mom – and you had to admit she was much scarier – and very quick to put two and two together.
“Are the two o’ya livin’ together?” It was funny to hear that her drawl got more pronounced when she got mad, just like Sy’s…
“Ma, don’t get m-“
“It’s a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, son.” There was absolutely no arguing with this woman.
“Jonathan George Syverson, I raised you better than to go around livin’ with women you ain’t got no intention of marryin’!”
“One second, Ma,” Sy said with a grin before turning to you. “Sugar, did I or did I not tell you that that was exactly what she’d have to say about that?” He paid for the choice to interrupt the conversation with a very firm smack in the back of his head from his father.
“Don’t you think for a second that I’m in any way thrilled about this situation, son.”
“Nothin’ to do with you, sweetheart, you seem like a very nice girl,” his mother said to you in the nicest voice before scowling at her son again. “But you should know better. Sweet lord Jesus, what did I do wrong? You try to raise ‘em right, ‘n this is what you get…”
“You raised him just fine, Ma’am,” you said before slamming your mouth shut again. Why were you getting in the middle of this? You should definitely stay out of this. It was a good thing Sy smiled when you looked up at him, and he pulled you closer.
“I don’t think you gotta worry about his intentions to marry her, Ma,” his brother said as he looked at Sy’s face. His expression said everything – which seemed to calm his mother down at least a little. You talked to them for a moment before they walked away to say hello to Julie’s parents.
“This is Georgie,” Sy said after they were out of earshot, “the youngest of the twins, who’s apparently made it his life’s mission to try’n get me killed. What the fuck was that, you bastard?”
“Revenge,” Georgie replied, “For ratting me ‘n Angelina Jefferson out.”
“That was senior prom! You held onto that for nearly ten years? God damn!” He shook his head in disbelief until George was joined by a woman holding a kid. “Anyway, this is his wife, Emma. And that’s Mikey, their youngest. The eldest is Helena Marie, she’s off somewhere, I reckon.” Mikey reached for Sy, who took him from his mom. Something about seeing Sy with a kid on his arm made you melt. Apparently, George saw the way you looked at his brother.
“Looks good on him, doesn’t it?” he said with a big smirk. There was absolutely no denying that he was right. From the corner of your eye, you saw Jules, who had been handed what no doubt was the youngest kid of Pat’s sister.
“Shut up,” Sy snapped back at Georgie, “stop tryin’ to make her uncomfortable.”
“He’s right, though. It does suit you,” you said – again, without thinking about it. What was wrong with you? “Anyway, we’re not done with introductions, are we?”
“Not even close,” Sy answered before he started laughing.
“Uncle Sy!” you suddenly heard from behind, and a boy – you guessed he was 12 or so years old – appeared next to you. “New girlfriend?”
“Hey, Wes! Yeah,” Sy replied, “this is Lara.”
“Lara, or Aunt Lara?”
“Depends on whether you want to live to see another day, mister,” someone else replied to that question from somewhere behind you. You raised your eyebrows at Sy, who pointed out the next person for you to be introduced to: his sister-in-law Nora-Beth, who was married to the eldest of the twins, Ricky. According to Sy, they had one kid – so far: John-Luke.
“Aunt it is!” the teen in front of you said with the same big grin on his face that Sy usually had. He introduced himself as Wesley and disappeared again.
“Wes is my sister Mary Beth’s eldest,” Sy explained, and he pointed his sister out in the crowd, along with her husband Bill. “The other four are Gray, Will and Kenny, and there’s Lainey, the one she’s holding.”
“God, five kids?” You remembered that Sy had told you that Mary Beth was twenty-nine years old. “In nine years?” That was a tight fit, timewise.
“In thirteen years,” Sy said, “she had Wes when she was sixteen. Don’t bring it up with Ma around, she’s still not over it completely. It was Nana who knocked some sense into her, actually.” That was unexpected, because Sy had described his grandma as extremely religious and very… proper.
“She wasn’t thrilled,” Mary Beth had apparently heard your conversation, and was now standing next to Sy, “but she figured we’d have to make the best of a bad situation. Before you think the worst; my higschool boyfriend knocked me up and then took off. Bad enough, but not as bad as it could’ve been.”
“Oh, sweetie,” she said when she saw your face, “It’s okay if you don’t know what to say! You look scared to death, sweetheart, are you alright?”
“Just not used to all this big family… stuff,” you admitted softly as you looked around the room to all the faces of people you hadn’t been introduced to yet. You were already dizzy, how the hell were you going to survive this?
“Sy, what were you thinkin’, dumpin’ a sweet girl like her in the middle of this like it ain’t nothin’!” Another voice you didn’t recognize, but that problem solved itself. “Anna-Belle, nice to meet you! This is my husband, Lewis.” She pointed to the man next to her before giving you a hug. At least there seemed to be no kids attached to this pair, that was a nice break from everything that was going on. Unfortunately for you, the next unfamiliar face was already approaching for introductions. This time, it was Darlene Louise, Sy’s youngest siter, with her husband, Jonathan. You were beginning to gain some first-hand experience with the reason Sy went by Sy. Darlene Louise – who insisted she shouldn’t be called Darlene – and John – who insisted he shouldn’t be called Jonathan – had two kids: Jenna-Lynn and Vicky-Lee.
“Lara? Lara!” Now that voice you’d recognize everywhere: it was Jules. “God, there you are. You’re damn near invisible in here, I thought you were one of the kids. Come meet my parents!” She pulled you along to the far side of the living room.
“Mom, dad, this is Lara, my Dutch friend I’ve been telling you about for years!”
At least you recognized Debbie and Tim McGregor from pictures, and apparently they recognized you, too. Her mother hugged you, her father shook your hands, and they both repeated the phrase ‘nice to meet you’ half a dozen times before asking you all kinds of questions about yourself you felt you’d already answered seventy-two times this afternoon, even though you’d hardly spend any time talking to anyone, because Sy kept throwing names in your direction. After Julie’s’parents, you were introduced to Mary-Kate and Patrick Dawson – Pat’s parents – and Sy’s uncle Charlie and his husband Raymond. You managed to escapte to the kitchen before anyone else could get to you.
“Sugar? Are you hidin’?” Sy wrapped his arms around you more carefully than he usually would have. “I know it’s a lot, are you alright?”
“Exhausted,” you said, “and nauseous.”
“Do you want to lie down for a minute?” His offer came just a tiny bit too late, because Jules called everyone back into the living room for some sort of announcement, or whatever, and you had no choice but to follow Sy, who luckily stayed close to you.
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"Now I'm just a Ghost..."
Brothers reacting to MC shutting them out after the 'incident' (Part 2)
<- Part 1
Asmo couldn't bear to be home anymore. Every passing second without your presence felt like torture to him. But moments with you felt worse.
It was way past curfew and Asmo was still at the Fall club, getting drunk on Demonus, flirting with whoever was nearby.
Leaning on the cold, wet table he was sitting at, he closed his eyes, remembering all the times you accompanied him there. Sometimes Solomon came along and brought human world alcohol so all of you could get drunk together.
"Asmo, Asmo, look the whole room is spinning! Come on let's spin along with it!"
"Asmoooo, you're soooo beautifuuul! Sometimes I just wanna like...hold you..and give you..CUDDLESSS!"
Asmo smiled even as his mascara stained his cheeks. He'd do anything to have the old version of you back. He'd do anything to just hear you call out his name again.
"Asmo. Wake up."
His eyes shot open. Your voice drowned out the whole party. He looked up at you, holding out your hand, staring at him. It was a cold stare but Asmo was glad you were finally looking at him.
"MC...MC! You came! You came here! For me! Does that mean you love me again?!" Asmo threw his arms around you. He couldn't even stand straight.
"Let's get you home. Your brothers are worried." You said, holding him close and making him walk with you.
Asmo pouted at your answer. "But you're worried to aren't you MC? Isn't that why you came to get me? Tell me you were worried too!"
"I only came cause you keep using your charm and sending your brothers away. Solomon and Simeon are busy too."
Asmo leaned further into you, taking in your scent. He didn't know if you'd ever let him be this close to you again. He wanted to pull you into bed with him when you were laying him down.
"Hah! Look MC, you do care! You're wearing the same bracelet as me!" Asmo held your wrist and showed his too.
"This is a VIP bracelet used to get into the Fall without having to wait in line. I only used it to get you out. Here you can have it back."
You pulled it off your wrist and threw it down on the floor. "Don't stay past your curfew next time."
Asmo sobbed all night pressing kisses onto the bracelet you left behind. A last good memory.
All the brothers were secretly jealous of Beel. Even in your cold and distant state, you were still kinder to Beel than you were to the rest of them.
You didn't go to his games to cheer for him or even join him in morning workouts like you used to. You didn't join him when new food shops opened up anymore. In fact these days you were avoiding looking at his eyes altogether.
"Beel a new shop selling human world desserts opened up! You simply have to try my favourite ones!"
Instead he'd find you watching his game on the TV at home. Or your favourite desserts in his room, sitting neatly on the bed. You'd deny everything when he asked.
He often heard you cry and yelp when he walked past your door to go to the kitchen. But by the time he walked in, you denied everything and pretended to be fine.
"Don't worry, Beel, it's okay. I'm here. I'm right here next to you. Everyone is here. Everything is fine."
He remembered how you used to calm him down after his own nightmares and fear filled thoughts. And it killed him that you never let him reciprocate.
He stared at the new human world pasta dish in front of him. It felt wrong to eat it without you, so he packed it up and brought it home for you.
"MC, I brought a human world pasta dish. It has your favourite kind of cheese in it."
Beel approached you in your room. You looked up from the book you were reading to see him standing in the doorway with so much hope in his eyes.
"Sorry Beel, I already ate. You can have it."
"Are you sure you don't even want a bite? Just to taste?" He was closer now, kneeling down so he was at eye level. Close enough to see the purple of his eyes.
Suddenly you flinched and backed away as if you were hurt. Beel almost dropped his food, ready to help you from whatever scared you.
"What's wrong, MC? Is your stomach acting up? Let me take you to Satan he can-"
"No! No please! Step back! Go back, Beel, not so close!" You said pushing yourself back until your back hit the headboard.
Beel stepped back as told. Whether it was the pact, or it was him, he didn't know. This was the first time in months you had finally showed emotion. He only wished it was happiness and not fear.
"I'm sorry MC, I didn't mean to, I won't do it again. Did I scare you?"
You shook your head and looked down at the bedsheets, fidgeting with the folds.
"You have the same eyes as your twin."
Beel's heart sank as he glanced at the mirror in your room. He had been glad to have his twin's eyes - before they turned into the eyes of a murderer.
"I'm sorry, MC." Beel hung his head and left the room, watching you curl up in your sheets. He hated leaving you alone like this.
Belphie had it the worst by far. You refused to eat with everyone else ever since Belphie came back. You left the room the moment Belphie walked into it.
Whenever it was your turn to cook, you made sure to lock the kitchen with a spell so noone could get in. You set the table and left before anyone could see you.
Sometimes he could recognise your cooking. He picked up and bit into a rolled cheese omlette, and it brought back memories from when he was in the attic.
"Belphie, I brought you my favourite dish from the human world. It's my family's exact recipe! You'll love it!"
"You know I went to the carnival with Mammon and won these little stuffed cow toys. We'll each keep one and hug it to sleep. As if we're indirectly cuddling!"
"Beel cooked dinner tonight. He said he made your favorite curry so I sneaked some out for you. And here's some candy as dessert. Now guess what Mammon did in class today."
He remembered how happy you used to look to meet him. Like you couldn't wait to sneak up and talk to him. He remembered you're the only reason he even knew what was happening in the house.
And now you couldn't stand his presence. He only came to his senses after learning about your lineage. But you didn't know, did you? You never needed a reason to like him.
He was a demon, locked up in the attic, guarded with spells. You had every reason to be afraid, to stay away. But you chose to trust him instead.
And like an absolute fool, he proved why he needed to be locked up in the first place. He saw the horror on your face when you saw yourself die - and he knew his face would forever be a reminder of that.
Now you had even pushed away Beel because he had the same eyes as your murderer. Overwhelmed with guilt, he went back up to his attic next day and locked himself up. He didn't come down for dinner.
He waited by the door, wishfully thinking you'd come and give him his dinner instead. He waited so long, he fell asleep.
He was awoken by the sound of something scuttling outside. In the dark, he watched quietly as your sillohuette placed a box near the door, pushing it halfway inside through a space.
"MC, you came back..." He whispered.
You heard him and stiffened your stance. He couldn't see you but he knew you weren't looking at him. You only said one thing before you left.
"Go back to sleep with Beel. And don't skip dinner again. He's worried."
It had been so long since he heard your voice.
Belphie opened the box. It was Beel's curry rice and cheesecake. And Belphie's favourite candy tucked into a corner. He cried and hugged the box to his chest.
#obey me#obey me angst#obey me asmo#obey me asmodeus#obey me beel#obey me Belphie#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor
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