#and then it was just kind of feel good birthday times to distract from the horror
peachesofteal · 4 months
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - warnings: postpartum depression, 18+ brief sexual content
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"Okay, Ry ry, come on. Work with me. You're alright, baby, it's okay."
You're pacing back and forth across the living room in only a nursing bra and Simon's favorite pair of your shorts, the ones that barely cover the soft pleat where the tops of your thighs meet your cheeks. The coverage of your ass is just barely there, crescent moons creased in invitation for his tongue- willing him, tempting him to lick long lines from outside to inside until you’re spread wide over his face.
Now is not the time, however.
He watches you carefully, analyzing, cataloging, categorizing. Looking for a sign, a symptom, a warning that you might not be feeling as good as you let on. Tough little kitten. Stronger than you think.
The doctor told you to get better rest, eat more nutritionally dense foods, and hydrate. If the dizziness and fainting doesn’t improve, you’ll have to see a specialist.
He’s been breathing through his nose a lot, since you told him. Willing his heart rate to slow, urging himself to be calm.
His nightmares are no longer made up of his past, but his future. Sequences of you, unconscious on the floor, baby screaming in his crib. Simon nowhere to be found, hundreds of miles away with his finger on a trigger.
You slump in defeat. Orion screams at the top of his lungs, angry at what, you’re not sure. He's tried not to hover, opting to cook dinner instead, but when your voice cracks on your next plea for Orion to stop crying, he breaks away from the kitchen and settles behind you, firm hand rubbing circles into your hip. "Let's give you a break, mama."
You sniffle. "I don't know what's up with him tonight. He won't latch, but he has to be hungry. I don't know what to do." Simon slides a forearm under yours, supporting the baby’s weight, the other one palming your belly. Your head tips back against his chest, heat radiating from your body like a furnace, and he sways you side to side, careful and slow, rocking the two of you in a gentle rhythm. You're both overheated, and you've long stripped Ry down to a diaper, hoping it would alleviate some of his misery.
"Let me take over. You're exhausted." He kisses your neck, using the light shiver shuddering over your skin to his advantage. His touch gentles you, reins in the stubborn streak that keeps surfacing, and he carries no weight of regret when he twists you up with it a little bit. He’s been standing at the bottom of the well, waiting to catch you when you break. "Go get in the shower, and I'll try a bottle in a bit. See if I can't get him calmed down." He presses his lips to your shoulder.
"But... dinner..."
"It can wait. Go on." He lifts Orion, sitting him upright on his chest, and then gives you a gentle swat on your ass.
It doesn't take much convincing after that.
He tries to get Orion to take the plastic nipple of the bottle, tries rubbing on his cheek to trigger the rooting reflex, like you've taught him, to no avail. "Alright, little man. Let's give it a try, c'mon." He doesn't, but the vibration in Simon's chest when he speaks seems to distract him momentarily, enough that his crying stops for a split second, before returning to its high pitched wail. It’s a shocking sentiment. A startling discovery, one that burrows deep, slides under his skin, slicing him open. Could his son really be soothed by his own voice?
“I wasn’t there when you were born.” He smoothes a hand over the top of Orion’s head. “I didn’t know about you, but that’s not mama’s fault, daddy kind of… disappeared, and she didn’t deserve that. I should’ve been there. I know it was probably scary, for both of you.” The wailing and shrieking turns into a mewl. “I’m gonna make it up to you, and her, everyday, I swear. ‘m gonna keep you safe, you and mama, watch you grow, go to school, lose your first tooth. I’m gonna be there for your birthday parties and holidays, as much as I can.” Orion stares at him with wet, tearful eyes, cries turned to quiet whimpers. “Daddy doesn’t have a… normal job, but we’ll make it work, won’t we? You’ll see. I’ll always be here for you, bub.” The broken cries and whimpers almost stop all together, and Simon’s heart glows with pride. He did that. “That’s better, huh? Let’s go see if we can get you to eat something before bed, alright?” He keeps up a steady murmur, pushing open the door to your room, expecting to see- hoping, to see you just out of the shower, but instead-
he finds you in an oversized t shirt and panties, curled up on top of your blankets in bed. A wet towel sits crumpled on the floor, a pair of pajama pants lying on the bed frame by your feet. It looks like you did plan on making it out of the bedroom, but succumbed to your exhaustion instead, and he doesn’t blame you. Today was hard.
“Sweetheart.” He rubs your shoulder, mattress dipping with his weight. Your eyes open, bleary and confused, a question etched across your brow. “Hey, you fell asleep.” You nod, still not with it, lashes fluttering.
“‘m sorry. Baby?”
“He’s right here. Got him calmed down, think he’s ready to eat though.” You yawn, pawing at your shirt, trying to tug it up over your head, eyes closed again. “Alright, I’ve got it, here-“
“Did I miss dinner?”
“No honey. I put it in the oven to keep warm. When you’re ready I’ll bring a plate in f’you, alright?” You sigh, sleep drenched like your lungs are wet, ponderosity sunken in across your body. He thumbs your temple, trying to rouse you a bit more, urging you to roll onto your side, tucking Orion in next to your breast. It must be instinct, the way he finds you in the dark, and you breathe deep once he settles.
“Sorry I fell asleep.”
“You’re exhausted, mama.” Ry makes a little ‘k-ahh’ sound, like a soft puff of air, and you tug at your shirt half heartedly, trying to shuck it upward again. “Do you want this off?” He fingers the hem, and you nod, lifting an arm as he maneuvers around you and the baby.
Bloody hell. You’re a sight, only in your underwear, Orion at your chest. The hall light dips and drags over your body, painting you in yellows and shadow, broad brushstrokes of a goddess splayed out in front of him, feeding his baby.
He can’t tear his eyes away.
“What is it?” You croak, his fingers tracing the valley of your hip and stomach in an answer.
“You’re stunning.” He cradles the back of Ry’s head, leaning close, brushing his nose against yours before kissing you slow, letting it linger, losing himself in the moment.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” You hum into his mouth, still dewy from the shower, fresh spring rain falling from your lips. You’re more awake now, unhurried and sweet, and he slips to his knees at the edge of the bed, smoothing his hand over your shoulder and down your waist. The rolling meadow of goosebumps chasing his fingertips heats his blood-
Until your stomach rumbles. He chuckles. “Hungry?”
“A little.” You cup the back of Ry’s head and nod sheepishly.
“Okay.” He kisses you again because he can’t help it, can’t stop himself or hold back, the physical ache of being so close, yet so far away drives him to touch you, feel you, as much as he can. Before he’s gone. “Sit tight. I’ll get your dinner.”
Later, after he’s fed you (by hand, lifting a fork to your lips over and over as you sat like a perfect little kitten, propped up on a pile of pillows) while Ry nursed, and then put him down, cleaned up the dishes, and placed the baby monitor in its usual spot, he leans over you in bed, where you’re nestled under the blankets, sleepy and sweet. “Hey sleepy girl.”
“Hi.” You whisper, snuggling farther into the covers. “He go down okay?”
“Like a champ. Think he tired himself out with all the yelling earlier.” He presses a thumb to your bottom lip, sliding it back and forth before cupping your cheek. “Get some rest, I’ll get him when he gets up in a few hours.” He jerks his head towards the living room, where he usually takes his post before heading back, a block over, and then anxiously tosses and turns in bed until he hears from you in the morning.
He shifts closer to press his lips to your forehead, but you grab his wrist, grip tight, and there’s a hitch in your breath, a reedy, fragile thing that strikes his heart with bullets. “It’s supposed to get easier.” A tear tracks down your cheek, and he wipes it with his thumb.
“Oh sweetheart, it will. I promise it will.” He tries to soothe you, taking the hand that’s cemented to his wrist and interlacing his fingers with yours. “Postpartum is hard. You have to give yourself a break.”
“I know, it’s just… sometimes I feel like someone else should have been his mum,” your voice breaks, his stomach pitches, heart pounding in his ears. He could drown in the guilt, slip beneath the swell and fill his lungs with it, sink to the bottom with its weight. “Like he was meant for someone else, like someone else would be better. I was so sick when I was pregnant, and when he was born it was… traumatic…” you trail off, desperate, glassy look falling over your eyes before you close them, hand shaking in Simon’s grasp. He wants to wipe it all away, wipe it clean and fix it, patch the gaping wound he left. “Sometimes all he does is look at me and scream, like I’m a stranger. Like he doesn’t… love me, know me. Why aren’t I good at this?” Your chest is stuttering now, short breaths being choked off with sobs, and pulls you into his chest.
“You are good at this, mama.” He kisses your temple. “It doesn’t feel like it, because your head is a little… messed up with all the hormones and changes, but our son is healthy, and happy. He’s safe. You did that. You took care of him all on your own.” You’re still crying, tears spilling over your cheeks, and Simon cradles your face. “I’m so, so sorry I wasn’t here sweet girl. I’ll never forgive myself.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“It is. I’m the one who left you like a… like a ghost. I’m the one who didn’t care about the consequences and left you to face it on your own. You didn’t deserve that, and I don’t deserve you or that boy… but I’m going to try to do everything I can to make it up to you. I’m here, okay? You’re not doing this alone anymore. I’m here.” And you’re never getting rid of me. He doesn’t say it, not willing to disrupt the clearly fragile equilibrium of your emotions, but he feels it all the same. “Orion was meant to be yours, ours. No one else’s. You understand?” You nod, lower lip trembling. “Tell me, mama. Tell me you know our baby loves you like you hung the moon in the sky.”
“I- I know.”
“Come here.” He keeps you in his arms, settling back on your mountain of pillows, keeping a palm at the back of your head, other one rubbing up and down your spine. “That’s what you are. The moon. You and Orion, moon and stars. My moon and stars.” You manage a watery sigh, and then burrow your face into his chest, finally calm enough to take some long breaths, seconds turning to minutes as he holds you in the dark.
“Stay.” You whisper against him, nearly asleep again, and he answers with a kiss to the top of your head.
“I will. I promise.”
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eddiethebrave · 1 month
secret admirer part five
766 words
one two three four
“Shit, shit, shit.” Steve is late. 
“Fucking shit.” He must’ve slept through his alarm. It’s moments like this he wishes his parents were here to wake him up for school like they used to when he was in elementary. 
He woke up to a message on his receiver from Tommy letting him know that he was getting a ride from his mom because someone didn’t show up, which is when he realized he was supposed to pick him up today. 
Steve doesn’t have time to do his hair, but that’s not the end of the world. What is the end of the world is that he missed morning practice which means 1) coach is going to kill him and 2) he didn’t give Eddie his note. And right after Eddie confirmed he likes them, too! Steve hopes Eddie isn’t jumping to conclusions the way he himself tends to and would be were the roles reversed. 
Steve scrawls out the note in the parking lot. His handwriting is worse than usual but it’ll have to do. Hopefully Eddie can read it, though. 
Eddie i was so happy and relieved to see you wearing the ring  it looked really good i was kind of distracted during your big speech, so i didn’t hear much of it but i’m sure it was great, fuck conformity and all that just hearing your voice made me smile i like the weird words you use p.s. sorry i was late hopefully you didn’t notice and didn’t miss me too much if you did -H 
He’s so in his head that he doesn’t notice that the halls aren’t exactly empty until after he’s already put the note in the locker. Given the time, Steve would guess that second period just started. There are still a few stragglers in the hall. 
Including Tommy.
“What was that?” his best friend asks in confusion. 
It could be worse. It could’ve been Eddie. 
Steve freezes momentarily before scoffing and gesturing to the locker. “‘Freak ripped me off the other day. Just putting him in his place.” 
He hates himself. 
Tommy nods and his gaze trails to Steve’s hair before darting back down. Steve flushes under the attention but holds his head high. “Don’t.” He resists reaching up to adjust it.
A smirk grows on Tommy’s face. He throws an arm around Steve’s shoulders and steers them in the direction of their shared second period.
“Munson got me with that ‘birthday fee’ crap, too. Wanted to punch him.”
Steve laughs like he found it just as annoying and not incredibly charming. 
He receives a  few strange looks throughout the morning. You’d think these people would let a guy get away with not being dolled up for one day. Carol laughs at him and pokes his hair like there’s something living in there. 
At the highlight of his day, aka lunch, Eddie isn’t there when he walks in. Or when he’s standing in line for food. Or when he finally takes his seat. It makes him nervous but he has to play it cool. 
He keeps up this front for fifteen minutes before he can’t take it anymore, and needs a break from pretending to not be watching the doors like a hawk.
He pushes his tray away and stands up, muttering a be right back and making his way to the exit for some air. 
He leans against the brick outside and slips his sunglasses on. He’s sure he looks like a douche but a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do. It’s not his fault he’s sensitive to light. 
Steve is highly aware he shouldn’t be affected by something as trivial as his crush not showing up to lunch, but he can’t help it. It feels like there’s nothing for him in there.
Eddie’s never been late… 
The thought trails off and a small smile grows on his face. 
Eddie’s found ways to communicate before. He knows Steve watches him. Or rather, he knows H watches him. 
That asshole. 
Steve rolls his eyes and heads back inside and sure enough, when he glances at Eddie’s table, the boy himself is sitting there with a pleased smirk on his face as he listens to whatever it is his friends are going on about.
So his note being late this morning was noticed and perhaps even missed. Noted.
Steve takes his seat and rests his chin on his hand lazily.
And if he keeps his sunglasses on so no one will be able to see where his eyes are pointed then that’s no one's business but his own.
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sorry if i missed anyone!!
(i finally figured out how to tag people properly, i had no idea. hope it works this time)
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whipped-for-kpop-fics · 5 months
When they misunderstand and kiss your cheek - svt 95z
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💋Who; Seventeen 95 line (individually) x reader. 💋What; lil fluff reactions. 💋Wordcount; around 1k all together 💋Warning; Profanity. Kind of suggestive in places.
Read the other versions here; 96z - 97z - Maknae3
-2024 Masterlist - A/N-I don't even know where this idea came from, it just popped into my head. I got carried away so I had to split it up and shall upload the other members' parts when I finish them. If you have ideas about the other members then feel free to send them in, it could help with any I get stuck on 💖
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💋Seungcheol💋 It's a hot day and for some reason, that apparently means Seungcheol wants to go to the store and get ice cream as if he didn't drag you out for the same reason yesterday. "I told you to buy some for your freezer yesterday!" You whine where you're slumped on the couch at his side with no will to move yet knowing you will because you're utterly whipped for Choi Seungcheol. "Shut up and get ready." He pats your knee, exposed due to your shorts, smearing something on you as he does. It grosses you out until you realise it's some of the sunscreen he's diligently applying to his face. So you sit up and rub in the remnants, then the extra he squirts on your skin assuming you had not applied any already. He's right. Seungcheol finishes first and just holds the bottle open ready to give you more as he tries to not stare at the way your hands glide over your legs for the sake of his sanity. He's already hot enough thank you. When you notice him just sitting there, you lift one hand to tap your cheek, implying that you want him to start working on putting the protective liquid on your face. Instead, he dumbly leans over and plants a kiss there, shocking you still. It isn't until he leans back and takes in your bewildered expression darting between his face and the bottle in his hands that he realises his mistake. "Uh, shit, sorry, I didn't think." "Makes it sound like kissing me is your automatic reaction." "Don't be a brat or you can buy your own ice cream." "Ha, yeah right, you always buy me everything." "I spoil you too much, dug my own grave there." He starts to apply the sunscreen to your face to distract you both from his embarrassing mistake. "You know, for the record, I didn't mind it." "You didn't?" He looks at you and you shake your head a little, cheeks slightly pink as you focus on your legs despite the fact all of the liquid was long ago absorbed. "So can I do it again? But maybe somewhere else this time?" "Pervert." "Complete brat, honestly." "You clearly like it, you want to kiss me so bad." "Yeah, I do. So?" "Do it." So he does and you get carried away enough that by the time you make it out of his apartment, the store is already closed.
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💋Jeonghan💋 Everyone knows that Jeonghan loves Legos, a fact that means that pretty much every gift he received for his last birthday and Christmas were Lego sets. It's been months yet he still hasn't even managed to open most of them due to his busy schedule so he recruited you to be his assistant. It's mostly just a ploy to spend more time alone with you but he also does know you're probably one of the only people he knows who enjoys the building process as much as he does. "Ooh, making good progress." He comments after glancing over to see that you are pretty much breezing through the castle as he works on the ferris wheel. His words make you look up with a hum to look at his own progress. You give a thumbs up and look up at his face, he's already looking at you in that happy soft way he does when you two are spending quality time together like this. But you barely notice it, eyes instead landing on the smudge of something on his cheek. You lean a little closer and realise it's powder from the snacks he had earlier been eating. You tap your own cheek in the mirror position, silently telling him about the mark which isn't even an unusual action for you two but for some reason, on this day, Jeonghan doesn't take it as a sign to wipe his cheek but instead lean over, placing one hand on the carpet between you to press his lips gently to your skin. He quickly realises his mistake but in true Jeonghan fashion, he plays it off with a smug little smirk as he settles back into his place and gets back to his task. Not willing to let Jeonghan win this, you lean over and grab him by his collar to pull him closer, causing his eyes to blow wide. You wipe at his cheek before kissing it and then all but shoving him back into place. Neither of you says a word as you get back to your builds, both too flustered to remember how to work your mouths in a way that doesn't involve pursing lips.
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💋Joshua💋 Lately, Joshua has been really into baking. At any random time, you can get a message from him requesting your help baking a cake or pie or some other kind of sweet treat. And if you don't respond to him fast enough, he takes it upon himself to turn up at your apartment laden with supplies and takes over your kitchen so that you have no choice but to help him bake. The latter is what has happened today; Joshua turned up a few hours ago declaring that you two are going to make "the best fucking chocolate to have existed. Think that Matilda cake but sexier" and who are you to argue with the sweet buff devil of a man. "Okay, I've got to admit, you were weirdly right about it being sexier," You mutter as you carefully pipe chocolate swirls onto the cake. Or attempts at swirls, neither of you is very good at the decor aspect of baking yet. "Told you!" He grins smugly and looks at you before laughing. "What?" "You've got icing on your cheek." "Get it then," He shows you his hands, already smeared with icing. "You've got a mouth, haven't you-" before you can finish and tell him to lick the icing from his hands, his lips are against your skin. "That didn't work." He mutters, leaning back and licking the smear of chocolate from his lips while keeping his gaze on your cheek. He leans in again and again and again, dragging his lips over that same patch of skin enough that he really should've been done long ago. "There." He finally leans back with a satisfied little smirk. "All clean now." And then he lifts his hands to lick the icing from them like you had tried to tell him to in the first place. You can't really focus after that and the smug bastard knows it.
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byunpum · 10 months
Mama's Boy| part 2
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Pair: Jake x neytiri x human reader (trio couple) x sully children's
Warning: kinda sad, crybaby lo'ak, Sweet family moment.
Note: Since the last post about this oneshot was so well received, I wanted to make another part. A little more sad, but with a good ending. More about lo'ak's relationship with his human mom and Y/N's relationship with neytiri and jake. If you want there could be a part 3, but that's up to you.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6(final)
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"Payakan how I wish you knew my mother" speaks lo'ak to his friend. The boy had escaped for a while from the metkayina clan. His new home. He went to spend some time with his friend tulkun, he needed to distract himself. He had been feeling so sad the last week, his birthday was coming up and the most important person in his life was not with him. "She would love you so much…she is beautiful and kind and…she is everything" says lo'ak lying on the creature's back. As he looks up at the stars, pointing to one. " my mom also come from that star, just like my dad…but compared to my dad, she is a human" lo'ak looks at tulkun, who made a noise of curiosity. Payakan asked himself the same question everyone asked when lo'ak said his mama was a human.
"Mama says that eywa blessed her with me…that I am a miracle. That I am her miracle." Lo'ak continues to stare at the star, as his eyes begin to glaze over with homesickness. "That's why I have my hands like this…as well as my feet. And my facial features are a little different…I look like my mom" Lo'ak laughs a little, trying to control the tears that were starting to come out. Payakan asks him if he misses her, making lo'ak keep a long silence. "Of course I do… she's the only person who understands me" lo'ak turns and hugs payakan. Payakan can feel lo'ak's tears fall on his skin. It breaks his heart, feeling his friend this sad. "I wish mama was here," lo'ak says, whimpering even more.
You had to leave your family, when Jake had to leave the clan. Jake thought it best for you to stay with norm, until he could find a safe place. Where you could be with the family. The omaticaya clan accepted you because you had grown up there, but in other clans humans were not welcome. So Jake would eventually try to get them to accept you, this was temporary. But it was still painful for the whole family. Neytiri's tears were running down her cheeks, and she didn't want to let go of your hand, as she walked up to the ikran with tuk. The little tuk was crying, as she asked you to join them. "My darling…mommy will be with you soon" you comfort the little one, neytiri did not let go of your hand. "Promise me you'll be okay" says neytiri, watching you nod your head. You were doing everything you could to control yourself. You didn't want them to see you destroyed, especially since lo'ak was watching you. The other children in the family were sad, and wiping their tears. But lo'ak was serious, looking straight ahead. He was upset with you, he thought you might go and it was you who didn't want to go with them.
You walk towards jake, he kneels down and gives you a soft kiss on the lips (the reader is wearing the oxygen mask I explained in this post "click here") "I'll come for you…I promise" says jake, hugging you as tight as he can. "Please tell him how much I love him…yes?" you pull away from him a little, to look at lo'ak. Your boy doesn't even want to say goodbye to you. "I will…don't worry he will understand" jake says goodbye for the last time and gets on his ikran. Everyone leaves, lo'ak takes one last look at you, watching your figure grow smaller the further away they go. And there right there his eyes begin to fill with tears. ++ +++ It was only 1 day before his birthday, and lo'ak couldn't feel more sad. Usually you two had a habit. Normally you were always with everyone in the family, you were always with your other children. But lo'ak's birthday was special, just for the two of you. You used to walk through the jungle, make jewelry for him. It was your time together, and now he was sitting on the sand. Watching the waves crash, while trying to arrange various pieces of snail shell. He had spent the whole day, searching for the materials he needed, getting away from everyone.
Tsireya together with rotxo and ao'nung went to ask what was wrong, well tsireya wanted to know. Lo'ak had been distant from the group of friends. "Hey…you" shouts ao'nung getting lo'ak's attention as the group of friends approached him. "H-hello" speaks lo'ak glancing at them quickly, but turning his full attention back to his work. "What are you doing?" asks tsireya, kneeling down to be closer to see what lo'ak is doing. "I'm collecting material to make some bracelets with my mom, for when she gets here," says lo'ak. This gets the boys' attention, looking at each other curiously. "When she comes? Your mom is here" roxto speaks while pointing to the sully's marui.
Lo'ak looks at him, and laughs a little. "No…my other mom…my birth mom. She will be coming very soon," lo'ak says. "You have another mom? That sounds amazing" says tsireya cuirious at what lo'ak said. "Yes, my mom stayed in the jungle, so she would be safe. She is a person from the sky" says lo'ak, realizing what he said. "Ahh mmm" lo'ak tries to fix what he said. "Your mom is a demon? How is that possible?" ao'nung starts to laugh, but rotxo pushes him away. "Is that true?" asks tsireya, watching lo'ak get flustered. Taking everything from the sand, and starting to walk towards his marui. Leaving the group of confused boys with more questions. "That was very rude of you," rotxo says to ao'nung. The boy lifts his shoulders and rolls his eyes.
Lo'ak arrives at the marui, lucky for him only his parents were there. Jake was helping neytiri with the food, they both saw how lo'ak quickly entered and went to the balcony behind the marui. He was holding some things in his hands and by his face they could see that he was crying. Jake looked quickly at neytiri, she stops him. "I'll go," says Neytiri. Getting up to see what was going on, he found lo'ak sitting down. He had some shells in his hands, together with other materials. As he cried inconsolably. "Lo'ak…everything okay honey?" asks neytiri wrapping lo'ak in her arms.
"I miss mom…she's supposed to be here. Everything is fine…why isn't she here?" cries lo'ak, tears were falling non-stop on his arms. Neytiri didn't know what to tell him, she missed you too. She needed you too, everyone in the family did. "Lo'ak I know you miss her…but you must wait a little longer," Neytiri says. Lo'ak looks at her, his look was one of upset. He looked like a lost little boy. "dad said she would be here….and tomorrow is my birthday and she's not here!!!! I miss my mom!!!" lo'ak cries harder, while neytiri hugs him. Cuddling him on her chest, she decides not to say anything and just comfort her son.
After a while, neytiri manages to calm lo'ak down. The boy stays on the balcony preparing his materials. While neytiri enters the marui, seeing that jake was waiting for her. "So?" asks jake. Neytiri sits up and looks at jake. Her eyes were soaking wet. "Jake… Y/N I miss her so much" neytiri wipes her tears, jake walks over and hugs her. "I miss her too" jake comforts neytiri. "Isn't there some way she…" neytiri looks at jake. Jake knew what neytiri meant, but it was a difficult situation. It had been a few months since the altercation with the RDA, and barely everyone had made it out alive. Neteyam had been badly hurt, lo'ak and the others had almost died. And spider had to return to the Omaticaya clan. Ronal didn't want humans in the clan, so it was very difficult for jake to bring you in. "Neytiri you know I can't do anything" jake tries to explain to her, but she gets up annoyed. But before leaving the marui she looks at jake. "For some things you move heaven and earth…but to bring our partner you look for a thousand excuses. She wouldn't look for excuses to be with us" says neytiri, angry.
Jake was between a rock and a hard place. They saw him as the bad guy, but he didn't want to put you in danger. Jake knew that something bad could happen to you, this was a dangerous place. But seeing his family suffer like this broke his heart. He missed you too. You were also his partner…he needed you. You were an important pillar in the Sully family, Jake felt that little by little everything was falling apart without your presence. He felt that he was falling apart without you.
That night was very slow, everyone had gone to bed earlier than usual. And lo'ak didn't even want to eat. He stayed in bed all afternoon. He would be lying if he said he hadn't cried a few times. He fell asleep, wishing his wish would come true that eywa would listen to him. It was the only thing he asked for.
In the morning, lo'ak began to open his eyes carefully, watching as the sun's rays began to enter through the entrance of marui, but he continued to lie down. He closed his eyes more, not wanting the day to begin. It was his birthday and he already knew it was going to suck…but out of nowhere he felt someone give him a warm kiss on the cheek. Ignoring the affection, he settled in more. "mama let go of me" lo'ak moaned, thinking neytiri was waking him up. But he felt someone kiss him again and heard that distinct smile. "Are you sure about that my love?" you speak, you were on the edge of lo'ak's hammock. Lo'ak's eyes snap open, looking back. Seeing the figure of his mother there, he couldn't believe it. "Ma-mama is that you?" asks lo'k, her voice was already getting shorter as he felt the tears building up in his eyes. "Mmm yes my love…I'm here" you caress lo'ak's face. The boy turns and hugs you with all his heart. Starting to cry out loud, he was so happy. "Mama…my mama is here" lo'ak doesn't let go of you at any moment.
This wakes up the whole family, who are left in speechless shock when they see you there. In the middle of the marui, hugging lo'ak. The first to jump out of the hammock is neytiri, running towards you. To join lo'ak's hug. "Ma Y/N, for my eywa" neytiri also begins to cry from happiness. The other children also run to greet you. "Mama!!!" neteyam nuzzles into your shoulder while tuk and kiri do the same. "How are you here?" neytiri pulls away to look at you, lo'ak hasn't let go of you at any time. Sometimes he forgets that he is twice your size. "Well someone went looking for me" you speak as you see jake, this one was at the entrance of the marui watching the whole scene. Jake approaches his family. "Well…now we have to figure out how to fix this whole 'demon' being here thing" jokes Jake, stroking your cheek with his thumb. But nothing matters at this point, because everyone was excited enough to think about anything else.
After a long welcome, all the children in the family decided to go get you something for a special breakfast, leaving Jake, Neytiri and you alone for a moment. Jake and Neytiri were watching you from a corner as you settled your things. "Did something happen?" you ask laughing a little, watching your partners look at you so lovingly. Neytiri was still teary-eyed. "Come here," says Jake, shaking his hand for you to join them. You walk over taking jake's hand, you were now in the middle of the two of them. You watch as neytiri moves closer to you, taking your face in her hands. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was enough to let you know that she missed you. You hug her neck, feeling her face in your neck. "I love you so much," says Neytiri. "What about me?" says Jake, still holding your hand. You two laugh, and you pull Jake close to kiss him as well. Feeling jake pull you into his lap, giving you kisses on your cheeks. While neytiri sat right in front of you, very close. Taking your hands, caressing them. Checking if you had no wounds. This was a very intimate moment, a moment you had not experienced for a long time.
"Ney I'm fine" you laugh, while neytiri keeps checking every part of your body. Lifting your legs and arms. "Are you sure? Nothing happened?" neytiri asks and jake just watches with a cute smile on his face. "Yes…the ones I'm worried about are you guys. And more you" you look up to see jake, he still had some bruises on his face and some cuts that were still healing. "Oh no baby…I'm fine, don't worry" jake says, feeling you touching some wounds on his arm. "He's very stubborn…I've been asking ronal to take care of him for weeks" says neytiri. You look at neytiri curiously. "Ronal?" you ask. "Oh..ronal is the Tsahìk of this clan, and speaking of her. Let her know you're here," says jake. Neytiri looks at jake with surprise and punches him in the arm. "Don't tell me no one knows Y/N is here?" neytiri looks at jake, who just laughs nervously. "Jake!!!" you start to fuss, but watch as jake laughs and takes neytiri's arm so that now she was on his lap too. Snuggling both of you in his arms. "I'll worry about that later…now I want to enjoy my ladies' company" jake jokes, giving them both kisses. You guys complain, but you don't complain about enjoying the moment.
Part 3?
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ktaerssoi · 5 months
awww tysm for the compliment im blushing 🤭
stone cold
kate martin x fem!reader
summary: kate martin wants her girlfriend at her game.
you hadn’t been able to make it to kate’s game for a few reasons, the major one being that it was your close friends birthday and you were all going out to lunch. you had thought about canceling and just going to the game instead, but kate had assured you you should go.
so you did.
you had a great afternoon and bonded with not only your friend but others as well. that’s not to say you were watching the game, every now and then you would get a buzz on your phone letting you know Iowa was still in the lead.
you wanted to be there, you did, but you also weren’t upset that you skipped it. that was until you got the final game notification, Iowa had lost because of a random 3 point shot made by the other team with just seven seconds left.
not much later after that the party had dispersed and you were on your way home. you hadn’t heard from kate but you could guess she wasn’t exactly jumping with joy from the outcome of the game.
you had pulled into the apartment car park to see that kate’s car was yet to be in her designated spot. that’s odd, she doesn’t usually take more than 45 minutes to get home after a home game.
heading upstairs, you unlock the door, pushing it open with a sigh. you walk back to your’s and kate’s shared bedroom, getting changed out of your semi-formal clothes in some random pajamas.
you hear the door unlock as your sitting in the living room a little while later, “hey kate, i heard about the game, sorry-“ you’re cut off when you see kate hold up her hand, motioning for you to stop talking. “sorry,” you whisper as she sits down beside you, lifting your legs up and placing them now over her lap.
“sorry, just a stressful game.” the words are meant to be apologetic, but she says it with a hard stare forward, not even looking at you. her hand is resting on your ankle, and you feel her hand tighten and loosen a few times.
"so how was your little date." you look to see kate clenching her jaw, obviously annoyed. "it wasn't a date k, but it was okay i guess, i kept getting distracted by the notifications about the game." she nods, brushing some fly aways from her ponytail back down to her scalp. "if you were so distracted you should have just come to the game. it was sort of an important one."
you're stunned for a moment, not totally sure how to respond. "kate, you know i would have stayed if you asked me to? i thought you were okay with me going, you had told me you were." you sit up straighter on the couch, pulling your legs out of kate's lap to your chest.
she looks at you for what seems to be the first time since she got home, "yeah well i thought you would get the hint that i really did want you there, i had told you it was important to me so many times." her elbows are on her knees now as she "explains" to you.
"okay well then you obviously need better communication skills, because that message was not clear." kate groaned at your comment, annoyed that you weren't understanding. "the point was expressed perfectly clear, you just don't even pay attention to me anymore!" kate was standing in front of you now, no, towering over you now.
she usually looked kind and sweet and like a living teddy bear, but at the moment you just saw jealousy take over. "kate you and i both know that i pay plenty attention to you. the issue is when i, god forbid, give anyone else an ounce of my time." you cross your arms, looking up at her trying to get a sense of what she was thinking. you couldn't.
kate takes a deep breath, nodding. "yeah, you're right i know, it's just, you're like my good luck charm. i feel like i can't play well without you in the stands watching me. you're what keeps me going durning games, i just don't know what to think without thinking of you." kate's eyes are glossy as tears start to fall down her cheeks, prompting you to open your arms wide for kate to come lay with you.
"kate, babe, you know it's not me who makes you win? its your talent, and your passion, and your sportsmanship. i'm only here to cheer for you, and trust me, if i am not there in person i am most definitely cheering you on from somewhere. always." you kiss the top of her head as she buries herself deeper into your embrace, not wanting to let go for a moment.
she lets loud a quiet "mhmm" before quickly drifting off to sleep, finally being able to relax in your arms. even after a fight, you guys could never spend more than five minutes without one another. you quickly joined her in sleep, waking up the next morning in a tangle of limbs.
"morning babe," kate mumbles as she pulls you impossibly closer.
okay chat, can someone please explain to me why only my paige posts do good?? like don't get me wrong i love p, but where is my caitlin clark love story?? also wtf is happening with them? i keep seeing like sad edits but idk what happened 😭 anyway, thats it from me tonight. - kate
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etheries1015 · 6 months
Rubbing Lilias back
General warnings: Gender neutral reader, Suggestive, established relationship, mentions of Lilias trust issues and his horrible back problems <3
I saw someone comment under Silvers's birthday photo that Lilia may be wearing a back brace, which made perfect sense to me! We also see during battles (if you use his cards and see his sprite) he constantly stretches his back before entering a battle, poor old man <3
So, what if, the observant human you are, offer to give him a loving message?
"Lilia, is your back alright?" The fae had always been against showing people his vulnerabilities, yet sitting there watching TV in the ramshackle dorm alone with you gave him the confidence to confide his woes to you.
"I will admit," he started, "my back has been causing me some issues as of late. I've had to consistently wear my back brace to alleviate the pain," He sighed. You gave him a look of pity before a light bulb flickered in your mind and you turned to face Lilia with excitement.
"Let me rub your back for you! I promise I'm good at it," You smiled, "At least, I like to think I am." Lilia's red orbs widened in surprise at this declaration, before his signature smug smile came upon his features.
"Ohohoh? Well, far be if from me to deny such a kind offer!"
So there you were, Sitting atop Lillias back while he lay on the ground and you used all your might into giving him a message.
"Although you haven't much strength in you, I would say this is rather relaxing!" you groaned and complained that you weren't weak, just that his clothes were thick and you were having a hard time getting to the right spots. Once you said the magic words, Lilia immediately removed his shirt leaving him topless. You stared at the scars that were upon his body in surprise, your fingers lightly tracing the marks on his back causing him to shutter under your feathery touch.
"little bat," He hummed, "Admire my beautiful physique another time, did you not say this would be easier for you?" The fae teased. With a rosy shade of red upon your cheeks you continued to knead at his shoulders and back, feeling the outline of his muscles and bare skin...you couldn't help but feel yourself embarrassingly become aroused at such simple contact. You couldn't help it, everything about this man was utterly perfect and a simple contact such as fingertips against bare shoulder blades could make you melt. The moment Lilia groaned in satisfaction at your persistent touch, you knew it was game over. You felt our hands become sore and the distraction of your arousal caused your grip to lighten, no longer pressing deeply into the tense tissue as you were.
"Ahh..." He hummed, "You said you were going to give this old man a massage, however..." The movement happened all at once, and you soon found in a blink of an eye he had twisted your positions in which his hands pinned your wrists above your head and he was looming over you with a glint of mischief in his eyes.
"It seems in terms of strength, I am still far above you despite my...minor back issue." You noticed him wince slightly but distracted you from that fact by pressing a kiss against your lips, noting how you had gotten distracted and it had not gone unawares from Lilia's "detector," as he calls it.
Pulling away from the kiss, his eyes stared deep into yours, allowing silence to reign. You were giving him a deadpanned stare, and Lilias eyes shut tight with sweat dripping from his brow and face pale and scrunched.
"You just hurt your back doing that maneuver, didn't you?" Lilia pursed his lips and hesitated before nodding, leaving you sighing helplessly.
"Alright, let's move you to the bed. I'll go grab some medicinal agents and your back brace." you gently helped him to the side assist him up, "and don't try and say you're fine. I don't sleep with liars, so knock it off."
"I suppose that is deserved...thank you, dearest. whatever would I do without you?~" Lilia kisses your cheek as you assist him, internally thanking fate for bringing him such an amazing person as yourself. Oh how he never thought he would find himself confiding his weaknesses with someone else, and you were there to prove him wrong time and time again.
And...although he's a feeble old fae, he will never stop trying to impress you with his rizz, heuheu. Albeit at the expense of his poor back, make sure you scold him about his posture when he's gaming and other poor habits he picked up over the years. Smh.
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gladiatorcunt · 5 months
   ╰ • ❀ - ❛happy birthday, mr. emperor!❜ ✦
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cw: afab reader, daddy kink, pretend it’s april 19th, implied painal sorry for writing an anakin that would love jane eyre too much, bondage mention, dark themes, implied age gap, blowjob
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“I wish you could see how the stars I made shine for you, angel.”
Last night Anakin had tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, silently chuckling when it sprung back to smack you in the face. Your nose scrunched in that bunny-esque way he loves, and he whispered against your cheek that he loved you before departing your home. As soon as you heard the door swoosh shut behind him, a bright smile beamed across your face as you sprung out of bed and began preparing. You’d gotten better at pretending to be asleep, or maybe he’s just humoring you.
It took you hours to set up your husband’s surprise stay at home birthday celebration. His job as the Emperor of the Galaxy drains the life out of him even on his good days, so you do what you can to ease the tension however possible. Today is the day in which you put your heart and soul into adoring the love of your life. It wasn’t hard to decide on this kind of party. You’re more of the long distance vacation person in the relationship, and Anakin would gently scold you about how it wouldn’t be safe to even leave the palace most of the time.
You hum a catchy tune, looking in the mirror to make sure that the bow in your hair is tied perfectly. You picked a satin fabric that matches the color of Ani’s eyes, and a part of you can’t deny that the decision was motivated by the desire to see his jaw clench in possessiveness. The little thrills you manage to witness get you through the days inside. You do some last minute twirls, glancing over your outfit and ignoring the slight discomfort of the silk ropes underneath.
Your slippers slap against the floor all the way to the dining room. The servants had already been dismissed for the day as soon as your husband had left, something else that you wouldn’t mind getting a ‘thorough scolding’ for. You know Anakin just doesn’t like for you to ever feel the need to lift a single finger if he can help it, but it’s only fair that you be the best spouse you can be on his special day.
All the food lining the long rectangle shaped table is Ani’s favorite, painstakingly put together and placed in an arrangement by your own hands. You haven’t slept in what feels like forever, but it’ll all be worth it to see how happy this will make him. Like always, you don’t care to delve into how slick your pussy gets at the thought of his approval. Even a small grunt of acknowledgement when he’s distracted drives you wild.
After making sure that absolutely everything is in the proper place, cheesy decorations strung up all over the place included, you smooth your clothes down with your palms flat and wait in the bedroom. You hope he appreciates how restrained you’ve been since he’s been gone, the tempatation to hump your puffy folds against the pillow he lays his head on is still on your mind. Anakin usually wakes you up by licking a flat stripe up your cunt under the covers and hooking his fingers in your hole to stretch it enough for him to spit in, always already naked from the night before. Like a cat kneading the surface it’s walking on, you could cry at being deprived of grounding yourself by burying your shaking hands in his soft hair.
Your excitement must bleed into the Force somehow, because you hear the heavy stomps of boots sooner than you thought. You scramble to meet your husband at the door, remembering how he once admitted that he likes to hear how happy you are to see him when he gets back. The cat never fails to return to check on the canary, and when it eats the stubbornly cheerful thing it doesn’t have to. It knows exactly where the bird is, and always will be.
You don’t even wait for him to get out of his armor and into his more casual attire that he likes to lounge around in at home. As soon as you see your favorite crow’s feet wrinkles revealed by the silver door, you pounce.
With very little effort, you reach up and push the top of your outfit off your shoulders. Anakin’s darkened gaze follows the truthfully skimpy garment as it falls to pool around your ankles. Your cheeks burn and you pray that he’ll take his time admiring you but no such luck, his eyes quickly flick up to see the start of a series of clumsily tied loose silk knots. The holonet tutorial you followed was sort of confusing, but you thought you managed to pull it off in the end!
“Fuck, look at you, bunny.” He groans, prowling around you in a slow circle. “All this for some boring old man?”
“Hey, ‘s not nice…” You wring your hands together, wiggling your plump ass for him as he makes his rounds. “You’re MY boring old man, Ani.”
“Watch it.”
“Or what?” You giggle despite the warning look he’s giving you.
The heat in his gaze feels like flames licking at your spine, but you don’t push him any further. You would never want him to have a stressed induced heart attack. Your unspoken jab makes you giggle again until you realize that Anakin could peek into your mind whenever he pleases.
The sudden slap to your rear doesn’t surprise you, nor do the frenzied squeezes. He loves to watch the skin bulge out between his thick fingers, he loves your fat ass period. The blush pink ribbons were tied together in a way that you knew would enhance your curves, putting enough pressure on your plush ass and tits in particular to really make them pop. Your thighs were nothing to forget about, though, you know better than to assume that Ani doesn’t love every bit of his baby equally.
He circles back around to face you and grins. He adjusts his cock in his pants, not taking his eyes off fof you for even a second, “So fuckin’ gorgeous, honey. And here I was about to say that the best thing I could receive is waking up to you every day.”
“Thank you, Daddy, Happy Birthday.” You purr, sinking to your knees and winding your arm around his thigh, nuzzling into the seam of his pants like you were searching for something.
He ‘tsk’s above you but he sighs and waves his hand in the air, summoning an emerald green cushion to slide under your knees before you hit the floor. That pillow didn’t exist in the beginning of your relationship, but you’ve ended up loving being like this so much that it became a necessity.
Anakin groans as you mouth at his bulge over his slacks, wetting the fabric with your kitten licks to his tip. He settles a heavy palm on top of your head and gives you a couple pats. Neither of you are in any rush, both enjoying your dynamic in a more sensual way. Ani loves how cock drunk you already seem to be, the tension in his body just melts away when he can see how much you’re salivating over your mind going blank.
“You can’t go dumb on me, Angel, I haven’t even got my present yet.” He teases you and grins when you mewl distractedly.
You’re trying really hard to pay attention, promise, but you couldn’t ignore your husband’s natural musk if you tried. “ ‘ngh- hah… ‘Sorry, Daddy.”
Then you remember that you can’t spend the rest of your life on your knees (you wish), so you sheepishly wipe the drool from your mouth. You have trouble getting hold of the zipper, your fingers being too wet to properly pull it. Your embarrassment is short lived, because Anakin is using the Force to undo it and slide his pants down far enough to free his throbbing length.
You pout in disappointment when it doesn’t flop out to smack you across the face. In no time at all you’re slobbering all over his cock.
You flutter your eyelashes up at your husband, hollowing out your cheeks and humming periodically. You can’t help the satisfied grin that comes over you whenever you get a deep groan or grunt in response. Your mouth makes ‘slurp!’ sounds as you suck him off, a sharp ‘pop!’ going off when you pull the suction away to trace the veins on the underside of his curved cock. Precum beads to the surface but they’re swiftly licked away, you outright make out with the thick tip of his dick for a good minute.
Anakin would tease you for how much of a bitch in heat you’re being, but he’s no better when he wriggles his tongue fucking either of your holes. He’d call you that with love though, he’ll never forget how grateful he is to still have you after everything.
“My consort loves their dick, huh? Should I even ask if you’ve prepped your ass?” He asks and you smother your smile in his balls as you lavish them in your saliva.
“Good bunny.” Anakin sighs, balling his fist up in your hair. “Daddy knows you like it when it hurts, angel.”
And you do, even with the dried cum around the corners of your mouth and the tears spilling over. You’re smiling in between gasps of breath with every heavy thrust, you send a thought into the Force of concern over the state of Ani’s joints and you squeal when he speeds up. He hadn’t even bottomed out yet, your puffy rim was already red enough from his bullying the blunt head past your entrance.
You sob and let your mouth hang open, staring off into space as you feel his length cleave your insides in two. The kisses dotted all over your face help soothe you, but you still pant and dig your nails into his wrist on the side of your head caging you in. Anakin’s other hand kneads one of your ass cheeks, giving you more quick pats when he think you’re getting too worked up.
Some of the ribbons wrapped around your body have been destroyed, either by Anakin’s irritation when he wanted more access or by how amateurish your knot tying skills were. The ones around your ass are still intact, and you do your best to shake your ass against the remaining inches sinking inside your puckered hole, wondering if Ani can pick up on the shimmer of the ropes in the dim light.
He’s a good man, your Ani, he only lets it hurt on special occasions. If you rub up on him really nicely, ruining your ass goes outside of those occasions. It’s his birthday, why not let him play with his favorite toy how he wishes? You take pride in the leash you have around his every waking and slumbering desire, he has the same hold on you.
At the end, the universe will only know the carnage Darth Vader left in his wake. Long dead twin suns will singe the memory of Anakin Skywalker and his lover into the fabric of reality.
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could you write kate missing reader's birthday party ?? pls and thank u
i bet it stung [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x reader
summary: kate tries her best to be there for everyone but sometimes, she messes up.
warnings: angst with happy ending; mutual pining, friends to lovers; kate's a mess but she's trying her best; allusions to sex + mentions of hickeys; NOT proofread
wordcount: 1.7k
a/n: HEY GUYS! i've been spending most of my time working on polishing vampire!kate and trying to figure out an upload schedule for new chapters BUT i suddenly got hit with inspiration to tackle this request and now it's here. i actually really liked how this turned out, sorry to the anon who requested this because it took me a RIDICULOUS amount of time to write it 😅 as always, thanks for the love, support, and patience. hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
You didn't want to think the worst of your best friend.
You wanted to be kind and patient and understanding and not give her the silent treatment like she deserved. But what else were you supposed to do after she broke yet another promise to you?
Maybe it was stupid, maybe you were being overdramatic, or maybe you had a damn good reason for feeling so disappointed.
It wasn't the biggest deal in the world, you knew that, but that didn't stop you from wanting to shut down and hide in your room. You couldn't do that, though, since you were still in the middle of your living room, celebrating your birthday.
Well, celebrating is putting it nicely.
It's more like you're sitting on your couch, surrounded by people who know and love you, and trying to act like your heart isn't sinking down into your stomach and making it churn with something akin to anxiety. What's bothering you isn't anxiety, though.
It's the fact that Kate looked you right in the eye and promised she would be there before the end of the night. Your birthday wasn't exactly the best day for the archer to go off on a complicated mission but it wasn't like she had a choice.
At least, that's what she had said before running out the door with that breathtaking smile on her face.
You had believed her at that moment but then night came and Yelena showed up at your apartment with a bottle of unlabeled vodka in her hand and no awkward archer at her side. It would have been fine if the blonde hadn't mentioned she had no idea where Kate was even though she had told you Yelena had assigned the mission to her.
You didn't want to make a scene, though, you were supposed to be enjoying your day and getting slightly too drunk with your friends while eating ridiculously expensive cake.
Your change in mood didn't go unnoticed by the Russian or the rest of your friends.
"She'll be here," Peter says, offering you a small smile. "She's just a little late."
"Yeah!" Kamala joins in, giving your knee a reassuring squeeze. "When has Kate not been late to something, right?"
Yelena opens her mouth to answer but the glare you send her way makes her rethink her words. "She is…awful at time management."
You snort, lifting up your cup. "Cheers to that."
Your friends join in and you down the rest of your drink, thankful that the bitter taste of the alcohol distracts you from your bitter feelings.
The rest of the night looks the same with drinking and crappy jokes and far too many slices of cake. Your friends leave a few hours later and it's not until you turn the music off and silence engulfs you that you remember your disappointment.
More than that, it suddenly dawns on you that you're alone.
That Kate still isn't back.
It hurts more than it should.
You know she didn't lie but she still chose not to tell you she wouldn't make it. She promised she'd show up and she didn't.
You're in the middle of cleaning up the kitchen, doing your best to hold back your tears because you are not going to cry on your birthday, when you hear the sound of the front door opening.
It takes a lot of self-restraint to stay instead of running away like you want to. You already know you'll end up forgiving her for missing your party, no matter how stupid the reasoning she gives you is.
The simple sound of her voice is almost enough to get you to break. You're determined not to break down this time, though, and certainly not in front of her.
You take a deep breath before turning around to face her. Your eyes instantly fall on the badly wrapped present and the almost crumpled bouquet of flowers in her hands. Any other day, you would have found it cute.
It's hard to break your habit despite how upset you are and you find yourself scanning her for any clear or severe injuries.
It doesn't take you long to notice the marks on her neck. You assume they're bruises, that her messy hair and disheveled appearance are part of whatever trouble she ended up getting herself in tonight.
But then you look closer.
And suddenly the room feels far too small, the air too thick to let you breathe.
Kate instantly takes notice of what's stolen your attention, placing the flowers down before her free hand comes up to nervously rub at her neck. You're not a genius but you know all her tells by heart.
"You didn't," you say, your voice barely above a whisper but brimming with danger.\
"It's not- I didn't-" She cuts herself off with a sigh.
You know exactly what that means. She doesn't even have an excuse. No stupid explanation to make you feel better. If anything, that makes her guiltier.
Of what? You're not too sure. You just know your best friend was out getting laid when she was supposed to be here with you.
Your unspoken feelings for her only make her betrayal worse.
"You're fucking unbelievable, Kate."
You see a flash of hurt stain her usually bright eyes but you don't care. You can't. Because all of you've done since you met her is care and it's gotten you nothing but heartache.
The soft tone she uses tugs at your heartstrings and yet you force yourself to keep going. To walk away and put enough space between the two of you so you don't have to keep staring the truth right in the face.
Kate doesn't love you. Not the way you want her to. And even though you love her, you can't keep letting yourself get hurt like this.
Not anymore.
So, you walk away.
Unfortunately, you still live together which makes your plan to ignore her for at least a few days practically impossible. Maybe it's immature but the only thing you can do is stay in your room and avoid interacting with her as much as possible.
Avoiding her does little to soothe your hurt feelings, though, and hearing her pace outside your locked door like a scolded puppy makes things even harder. All you can do is remind yourself you already know what her excuses will be anyway so what's the point of letting her in just to be hurt again?
It's a good plan but it doesn't take into account how…persistent Kate can be.
You assume she'll end up doing something to catch your attention but you never once think she'll climb the fire escape and knock on your window.
That's exactly what she does, though, which leaves you pretty much unable to ignore her.
You think about it for a second but then your eyes meet hers and you get up before you can stop yourself.
It's stupid, you know that, but that knowledge doesn't stop you from opening your window. You don't let her in even though it's ridiculous to make her stay outside.
"Do you need something?" You ask.
"Yeah, to talk to you," she replies, her eyes nervously searching your face. "I need to apologize."
"You don't have to, you-"
"Yes, I do and you have to let me in." She seems just as surprised as you are by her words.
You momentarily think about shutting her out and yet somehow, for whatever stupid reason, you don't. You take a step back and allow her to climb in through your window like all those times before. At least this time she's not bleeding.
An awkward silence settles over both of you as she stands in the middle of your room. You regret not cleaning up a little before making your way to the window since now she's subjected to all your haphazardly thrown tissues and incredibly messy bed.
"What now?" You question, already fidgeting with your fingers while you wait for her to talk.
"Now…I tell you how sorry I am and how big of an idiot I am."
"Kate, we've been friends for years, I already know you're an idiot," you say with an eyeroll that holds way too much affection.
"True," she says with a chuckle. "No, I um…I really messed up but not in the way you think. I did miss your party but I…I didn't hook up with anyone. Not really, I-"
"You really don't have to explain this to me." You rush out, not at all wanting to hear those kinds of details from her.
"Yes, I do." She takes a step toward you and it takes all your restraint to not step away from her. "I don't want you to think I went out and slept with someone else on your birthday-"
"Kate," you try again. "You're an adult, you can do whatever you want."
"I want to do that with you!"
There's an edge of desperation to her voice that makes you pause. More than anything, her words confuse you.
"What are you talking about?"
A groan escapes her lips and before you know it, she's getting rid of the space between you and gently taking your face in her hands. She tilts your head until you're looking right at her and your breath gets caught in your throat from the proximity.
"I. Want. To. Be. With. You." Kate whispers every word into the small space between your lips. "I did get caught up on a stupid mission but I didn't sleep with anyone else. I just had to get creative and I took a page out of Natasha's book. I didn't think I'd end up with a massive hickey, though."
It's absolutely ridiculous.
It honestly borders on stupid.
So much so that you laugh.
You laugh until the weight you've been carrying for who knows how long falls off your shoulders.
Until finally, finally, you're able to lean in and kiss the girl of your dreams.
Kate may be an idiot who always gets herself in the worst kinds of troubles but…she's your idiot.
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hazelfoureyes · 2 months
Dear Hazel! I apologize if I'm distracting you from something, but I wanted to ask you. My girlfriend has a birthday on August 4th, and if possible, could you write a short, short smut or fluff snack as a congratulation? She knows about you, and she likes your style of writing. Please forgive me for such a late question, I completely forgot to ask about this earlier. I thought I sent it, but in fact I didn’t.
Good time of the day for you, Hazel!
「warnings/promises; Alastor x GN!Reader, birthday spankings, fingering, spit as lube oh no」
You didn’t want to mention your birthday was Sunday, and worried a bit through Saturday Alastor had forgotten.
The worry was entirely expunged when you awoke on the sabbath to find Alastor requesting you in his radio broadcasting tower. He was staring at you from his chair as soon as you entered. Alastor had patted his lap for you, but when you began to sit he grabbed you by the waist and laid you across his thighs.
“One spank for each year is the proper way to celebrate amongst friends, isn’t it?” He asked, pulling down your sleep shorts and underwear to just beneath the curve of your cheeks.
Friends. You let it go, the initial impact taking you by surprise.
He counted out loud, the first few breaking up the grogginess of rolling from sleep into Alastor’s hands. But as he went on, the numbers climbing, the sting began to burn. That heat seemed to run down your skin and to your lap, igniting a different kind of spark. Your yelps and squirms shifted from pained to pleasured, from sincere to show.
His counting slowed, palm lingering to glide over the angry pink of your ass. The bloodrush to the skin left it hot, his hand absorbing it from you.
When he finally got to your newest age, his hand stilled. As your breathing relaxed, he took the opportunity of your distracted mind to let his fingers glide down and press at your entrance. He them pulled away but they quickly returned. Damp and slick.
Your hips bucked up, knees knocking together as he sank one in with ease and without warning.
He twisted the long digit, feeling you clench recklessly around his claw.
“Such a good birthday sinner for me! I believe it’s time for your present.” His laugh echoed off the windows and back at you as another finger pressed in.
Alastor watched your hands scramble to find something to grip, muscles jumping to be used. You grabbed the arm and side tightly, thighs squeezing helplessly as he pumped quickly in and out of you.
“Now, how many times to make you orgasm? Shall we start with one and see how long you last?”
⋅˚₊‧ ଳ⋆Masterlist.ೃ࿔*:・
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Added July 25th Angel Luci x Raphael - Research smut💦
˖ ݁𖥔.Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult.𖥔 ݁ ˖
@eris-norwega @reath-solia
@cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , @tsunaki , @janchei , @moonmark98
, @readergirlstuff , @berry-demon , @chirimeimei , @fairyv-ice , @olive-frog ,
@thonethatflies620 , @tiredkiwiii , @ilikemyteawithmilk , @whateverlololo , @psipies
@howabouticallyou , @roxxie-wolf , , @fizzled-phoenix , @whateverlololo
, @a-case-of-attachment , @multifandomfanatic02 @watereddownmilk , @bontensbabygirl
@hoebihoeshi , @pansexual-opera-house , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain
@harley2223-blog , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima a ,
@ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby
@dontfuckbutimfab , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 ,
@star-kujo-platinum @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @rubyninja1 , @simphornies
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 2 months
Charity Work
A/n: I needed to get this thought out
Warnings: smut, cockwarming, voyeurism, age gap, daddy!kink, if you think I missed anything let me know, otherwise enjoy!
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Slash was evil. He was also the most supportive boyfriend ever. Anytime you found a new hobby he would do whatever he could to encourage it, even if he didn’t fully understand it.
You made videos online, your fandom full of people following along with your latest obsessions. Recently you’d gotten into gaming, it was expensive and you told Slash repeatedly that you didn’t need a better set up because you’d move on soon.
Of course he ignored you.
It was your birthday and he used that as an excuse to spoil you again, getting you an expensive computer and fancy monitor along with games you’d been none stop talking about among other things.
It was always he’d sit in while you made videos though your fans loved it when he did, always talking about how sweet he was with you, how cute you were together despite the age difference.
You were setting up to stream a new horror game he got you when Slash came in.
He wrapped his arms around you, draping them over your gaming chair. “About to start?” He asked, his voice soft and a bit raspy, you knew what that tone was.
“Yes, I am.” You said, making a few changes to your camera.
“How much time do you have?” You looked up at him with a raised brow. “Like, before you start.” He gestures towards the computer.
You shrugged. “I don’t know, I’m trying to start soon though, why?”
Slash placed a kiss on your cheek, then your jaw and down your neck. “Do we have enough time?”
You let out a heavy, shaky breath. “No.” You said, reaching for his hand.
“No?” He asked. “I could just hide under the desk, you know.” Though his offer was tempting you couldn’t bring yourself to accept it, feeling it was too risky.
You shook your head.
Slash sighed and headed to the door. He paused, his hand on the doorknob. “That’s your new game, right?” You spun your chair to face to him, nodding at his question. “Can I watch?”
You thought nothing of it and agreed.
You hadn’t expected him watching you game would include him pulling down your pants and sitting you on his cock.
In his defence, he wasn’t totally evil. He wouldn’t move and helped cover up any sounds you may have let escape.
However, he was still evil. He’d point out figures in the corners of your screen just to watch you jump, he’d tap his fingers on your thighs, whisper things in your ears. Anything that might make you move.
Your fans weren’t obviously, the comments filling with people pointing out your flushed cheeks or Slash’s wandering hands. They couldn’t see anything pretty much below your chest but they could all see how you flinched your heart those screams that sounded a little too enjoyed.
Slash moved the mic away and leaned into your ear. “You suck at pretending, sweetheart.” You huffed.
“I didn’t expect to have to.” You grumbled.
“Everyone knows.” He pointed to the comments in the corner of your screen. “‘Enjoying some kind of monster, huh?’” He asked, reading the comments. “‘I joined for horror not porno’” he couldn’t help but chuckle at that one. “Think they like it?”
You bit your lip, looking over some of the comments, few were negative, most were asking for a better view.
What really got you was when someone donated fifty bucks with the note “can’t even play when you’re getting fucked?” More people agreed, a small influx in donations coming in.
It might not have been much but the money was going to a good cause…
Slash rolled his hips into yours pulling a moan from you that you didn’t even try to hide.
He brought the mic back and let you continue with your game while he set a good rhythm beneath you, nothing that would stop you from playing but it was more than distracting.
When you stopped hiding it even more money came in, you kept telling yourself you were happy because it meant good for charity. “You love having people watch you, huh?” Slash said, pulling you from your thoughts and you realized you’d been walking into a wall. “Or do you just like when everyone praises you?” He emphasized his words by adjusting himself and hitting that spongey spot deep inside of you.
“Yes-! Yes, I like it.” You said with a dopey grin as he held your hips in place, fucking that same spot again and again.
Slash grinned widely at your response, lifting you up a bit and thrusting into you faster, pulling louder moans from you.
You still tried to play but as that knot built up in your gut you just couldn’t be bothered, focusing on Slash’s thick cock buried deep in you. “Look at that, you’re almost at your goal.” He mused. “You can celebrate that, can’t you?”
You nodded, ignoring your stream and begging to cum. “Please-please, daddy, feels s’good!” You whined, gripping your desk so tight your knuckles turned white.
“Aw, they like it when you call me that.” He mused. More donations came in, everyone talking about how hot you were, the pretty sounds that came out of you, those faces you made.
A donation came up on your screen; three thousand dollars, reaching over your initial goal.
You barely had a chance to celebrate before you were sent over the edge, babbling out whatever you could. “Oh, fuck, thank you, daddy!”
Your back arched, eyes rolling back as you came, Slash still pumping in and out of you.
He managed to get out of frame and pinned you against the wall, groaning in your ear as he filled you with his cum.
He pulled out of you, admiring his cum seeping out of your puffy, fluttering hole. He ran two fingers through your folds, gathering your mixed juices before sitting back down and going back to the camera, holding you close to his chest.
“Open up, sweetheart.” He whispered in your ear as he brought his fingers up to your mouth, pushing them past your lips and letting you lick and suck the mess off.
You were laying in bed, scrolling on your phone. Slash was laying next to you, hiding his face in his pillow as per usual.
“Hey, Slash.” You said to get his attention, still scrolling through everyone talking about you and what you’d done on stream. Slash looked up at you with tired eyes. “I think I found another hobby to get into.” You smiled down at him.
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flippinpancakes64 · 1 month
Hi! i love your works!💗 btw can i request headcanons of Cullens on reader’s birthday?💗
The Cullens on your Birthday
I love this request!!! I don’t really have anything else to say here so we’ll just get right to it
Also I saw Deadpool and Wolverine today and oh my fucking god i couldn’t contain myself every time Hugh Jackman came on screen
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He tries to do whatever you want to do
Your favorite restaurant, your favorite place to visit, your favorite movies
But if Alice wants to throw a party then that’s just what’s gonna happen
He wants to spend all of his money on you
If you let him, he will
But he mostly tries to get you a sentimental gift
Something that will mean something to you rather than just being expensive
Not to say that sentimental thing WONT be expensive because it definitely will
What can I say
He loves to spoil the people he loves
Gift giving is his love language for sure
He just wants this day to be completely about you
Cause he loves you ❤️
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She does NOT play around
The biggest party this town has seen ever
If you let her, she will invite everyone that lives within a 20 mile radius
And on the invite it said that everyone has to bring a gift
She wants to make this a completely memorable night
Basically the whole week of your birthday is all about you
You guys take the week off of school
She gets you on a plane or a boat and takes you to wherever you want to go
All-expenses paid vacation
On the actual day of your birthday, she brings you back home to where the party is
You have so many gifts that you actually don’t know what to do with them
Like, you do not have room for all of this shit in your house
She doesn’t care
She makes sure that the day is COMPLETELY about you
It doesn’t matter who it is, if they’re causing a scene at your party they are escorted out immediately
It could literally be the Pope and she would boot him to the curb
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He’s very lowkey
He doesn’t want you to feel overwhelmed
And if you’re anything like him, you do not want to be the center of attention at all
So he opts for something smaller and more intimate
He takes you to the movies, your favorite restaurant, and an art museum
Just a day out basically
Wherever you want to go, he’s your personal chauffeur
Once he takes you home, he gives you just one small present
It will be something very meaningful and heartfelt
He just wants this to be special and completely about you
Just you
No other distractions or people
Does his best to discourage Alice from throwing a huge party
Especially if you express that you don’t want one
Or even if you do want one but not like a huge event
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She’s really good at finding a happy medium
Right between too big of a party and too small of one
She makes you take the day off of school
And then she does everything that you’ve ever asked of her
Want to go to Build a Bear? Done
Want to go skydiving? Done
Want to watch a movie? Done
Literally anything and she’ll do it
After your day of fun, she brings you back to the Cullen house for a party
All of your family (that you like) is there, along with the Cullens
Her gift to you would be some kind of jewelry
A ring, a necklace, a bracelet, whatever you wear most often
It has both yours and Rosalie’s birth stones embedded in it
So cute
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This man goes all out
He sets up an elaborate surprise party (with Alice’s help)
He would do one of those treasure hunt things for your birthday
It would start in your room when you wake up
A note would be on your dresser saying to go one place, that place would have another note to go somewhere else, you know what I mean
Along the way, all of these spots have a little present for you too
A small trinket, a gift card, just little stuff
It would end up with you in some random field where all of your friends and family are there waiting
He’s so proud of himself
And if you love it, then he’s even happier
His big gift to you would be something super expensive
Think a Mercedes
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She’s another party thrower
She’s super excited to be able to host a party after having a basically empty house for so long
Alice gets to help, of course
It would be incomplete without her
She spends the whole day baking and cooking for all of the guests
She invited so many people
All of your friends and family, along with any friends that the Cullen kids have made, and any coworkers that Carlisle wants
This is a full house
And she loves it
But she makes sure to never stray from your side for the whole night
The whole place is filled with your favorite everything
Food, music, cake, color, decorations, everything
Yes there was a dress code
Yes everyone had to wear your favorite color
Her gift would be something handmade
A shirt or a blanket or something like that
Something that took her literal months to make
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This guy is also a bit more on the lowkey side
He doesn’t want to throw a huge party
If that’s what you want, then he will gladly ask Alice for help
But if it was just left to him, it would be much more romantic
Reservations to the nicest restaurant in town, a romantic boat ride, and ending the night with just the two of you
If he was able to get the week off of work, then he doesn’t hesitate to take you to Isle Esme
Special occasions call for special destinations
His gift to you would be huge
Like I’m talking maybe even an island for yourself
Or a yacht
Or a jet
Whatever you choose
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Vampire! Bella:
We know that she’s not a party person
But I feel like she is a birthday person
She was just a bit pissy about hers in the movies/books because she was getting older
But now it’s not a problem for her
She’s still not gonna be one to throw a huge party though
She keeps it small
Prefers to just stay home
Not really a gift-giving type
Don’t get me wrong though she does get you something
But think something handmade
Like a beaded bracelet or necklace that she made herself
It’s a lot more sentimental
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archiveikemen · 4 months
Harrison Gray 2nd Birthday Campaign: Story (2024)
Chapters 1-3
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
1st Birthday Campaign Story
I opened my eyes to the feeling of warm sunlight hitting the back of my eyelids, and saw Harry’s sleeping face.
(We fell asleep without getting dressed. Both of us have been really busy lately and haven't spent much time together, so we got a little too carried away last night…)
We finally had some quiet time last night and spent it together, but— 
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Harrison: Mm…
Kate: Good morning, Harry.
Harry, who had woken up once, frowned and shut his eyes again.
Harrison: … Good night.
Kate: It’s morning already. Please wake up.
Harrison: It’s my day-off today…
Kate: Harry! Wake! Up!
Harry finally opened his eyes when I yanked the sheets off to cover my body.
Harrison: You look amazing this morning, trying to seduce me? 
Kate: I-I’m not!
Harry, groggy from being woken up, planted a kiss on my cheek.
Harrison: Sure looks that way to me, though.
Kate: Mmph, Harry!
He distracted me with a kiss on my lips and reached for the sheets covering my body.
Kate: N-No! 
Harrison: … Is it because I went too hard on you yesterday?
Kate: That’s not the case. 
Our interactions since morning filled my heart with both joy and embarrassment, but—
Kate: We made a promise to prepare for your birthday together this year! 
Today's date is the 29th of May, a day before Harry’s birthday.
I tried to secretly plan a birthday party for him last year, but…
= Flashback Start =
Harrison: You’ve been avoiding me all day because you’re planning a surprise birthday party for me, am I right?
= Flashback End =
(The cake remained a surprise, but he easily found out about the party.) 
I thought about how to go about the birthday party preparations this year, and decided that we would prepare for it together. 
(Avoiding Harry while preparing for the surprise party made me feel guilty, so I’m glad I don’t have to do that again this year.) 
(Moreover, Victor gave us two days off. That means we can be together throughout.)
Harrison: Where do we start?
Kate: First of all—
Kate: We’re baking the cake together this year! 
After arranging the ingredients and equipment on the counter, Harry picked up the cake mould.
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Harrison: … Isn't this too small?
Kate: I think it's enough, but would you prefer to have a bigger cake? 
I baked a five-tier cake with Crown’s help last year, but we’re baking a single tier cake this year. 
(Harry loves sweet foods, so he probably wants more cake to eat.)
Harrison: Knowing you, you definitely put a lot of thought into choosing this size for the cake. 
Kate: Huh… 
Harrison: I’ve never baked a cake before, so I guess this might be the right size. 
I felt a wave of affection wash over me as I watched him put the mould back and think with his hand on his chin.
(Harry is always respectful of my thoughts.)
I tried my best to keep myself from smiling while reflecting on the kindness my lover always treated me with.
Together with the rather adorable Harry whose hands were unfamiliar with baking—
Kate: It’s done!
Harrison: My arms are sore from whipping the cream.
Kate: You were the one who decided to make so much cream because you wanted more to eat…
The cake with a generous amount of fruits as toppings looked good enough to be displayed at the storefront of a bakery. 
Harry scooped up a mouthful of the leftover whipped cream from the bowl with a twinkle in his eyes.
Harrison: Open your mouth, Kate.
Kate: Yes? Mmph.
He shoved the whipped cream into my mouth, some of it getting onto the tip of my nose.
Harrison: Pfft… 
Kate: Goodness! Don’t just shove it in my mouth like that all of a sudden!
Harrison: Haha… my bad. Here.
Harry’s face drew closer and he licked the cream off my nose.
Harrison: Mm… sweet.
Harrison: So? What are we doing next? 
Kate: Next, we’re picking out a present for you!
I walked briskly through the shopping street, pulling Harry along behind me by the arm.
Harrison: We don’t need to rush. It’s not as if anything’s going to run away.
Kate: But what if the item you like gets sold out? 
Harrison: What do you think I’ll choose as a present?
Harrison: … You’re being especially energetic this morning.
Kate: Of course I am. Today’s the day before your birthday. 
Harry stopped walking and gave me a wry smile.
Kate: … Are you going to laugh at me?
Harrison: Yeah. 
Kate: It’s been a while since we last went out together like this. We rarely get the chance to spend full days together, you know? 
Kate: Even though this is to celebrate your birthday, it also feels like a reward for myself… 
Despite living in the same castle, I knew from before we started dating that we wouldn't always get to be together. 
(Harry’s missions and his job as a proofreader have been keeping him busy…)
Moreover, we’re total opposites of each other, so we often did our own things separately even on our off days.
We had a relationship where we respected each other’s likes without restricting our actions, and it suited us perfectly.
(But, still, spending time with Harry is my ultimate favourite.)
I stole a glance at Harry next to me and saw him frozen in place with his mouth opened, but he soon snapped back to reality and sighed.
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Harrison: … That’s fine, no?
My cheeks started to burn when I noticed that his ears were red although he tried to hide his face.
Harrison: What are you turning bright red for?
Kate: P-Pardon me. 
Harry took my hand with his usual carefree smile, our fingers intertwined.
Harrison: … Being with you makes me happy too.
Kate: What…
Harrison: Was that a lie or the truth?
Kate: … It’d be nice if it were the truth.
Harry pulled the hand he was holding.
Harrison: Then enjoy yourself to the fullest without worries. I’ll do the same. 
We spent our date looking at clothes and going to a cafe, but…
Kate: Are you sure that’s all you want for your present? 
The book in Harry’s hand was a recently published mystery novel.
Harrison: Yeah this is what I wanted the most. Thanks.
(As expected, he chose something that doesn't cost much.)
He seemed to notice my disappointment that he chose an inexpensive present. 
Harrison: Isn't it the sentiment that counts, and not the price? 
Kate: That’s true, but… 
Harrison: All that matters is that you bought it for me. 
Harrison: Besides… I’ve already received more than enough from you.
(What does he mean by that?) 
When I cocked my head in puzzlement at Harry’s words, he stroked my hair fondly.
Harrison: Give it a good thought, okay?
He took his hand off my hair and held my hand.
Harrison: Alright, what’s next?
Gazing at Harry’s profile under the light of the setting sun, I took a deep breath.
(It’s okay, he hasn't seen through my “lie”.)
(I hope this lie remains hidden from him for the rest of the remaining hours.)
Afterwards, we enjoyed the dishes Victor prepared for Harry’s pre-birthday celebration.
Harrison: We’ve been out and about all day. 
Kate: Are you exhausted?
Harrison: A little, but it's not too bad. 
Kate: Fufu… I feel the same.
Kate: I’m looking forward to tomorrow.
Harrison: Yeah. 
Kate: Eh…
Harrison: What’s wrong?
Kate: Nothing… I was just surprised to hear you say that you’re looking forward to it…
(Harry has always been one to think that he doesn't deserve to celebrate his birthday.) 
No amount of imagining how his past birthdays must’ve felt like to him would make me truly understand.
Last year, I tried my best to make his birthday special without having to lie to him,
(But he didn't say that he was looking forward to his next birthday.)
Knowing Harry now thought of his birthday as something to look forward to filled me with so much joy, I felt a twinge in my nose.
Harrison: … Sorry to interrupt your emotional moment, but can I have what I want the most?
Kate: Whoa!
Harry suddenly pulled my arm, making me lose my balance and fall onto him.
He gently caressed my waist as he held me close enough to hear his heartbeat. 
Harrison: … I want you. May I?
I nearly nodded in response to Harry’s whisper in my ear,
Kate: N-Not yet! 
Harrison: … You're hiding something from me, aren't you? 
Right when I thought I was in trouble, there was a knock on the door.
Kate: Be right there!
Harrison: Huh…?
I swiftly got out of bed and went into the hallway where a maid handed a tea trolley to me.
I expressed my thanks to her before pushing the trolley into the room and parking in front of Harry, who stared wide-eyed at it from the bed. 
Kate: Harry! Happy birthday!
Harrison: What’s with that cake? 
His eyes fixed onto the six-tiered cake on the tea trolley with the cake we baked together at the very top. 
Kate: … I’m sorry, Harry. I lied to you.
I raised a finger.
Kate: The truth is, I had Crown bake the other five tiers.
Kate: But I knew that if we did the same thing we did last year, you’d figure it out.
Kate: That’s why, this year, I decided to make a cake together so that you wouldn't find out about it. 
While Harry remained astonished, I pulled out a refined black box I had kept hidden. 
Harrison: … What’s that? 
Kate: There’s one more thing I hid from you. Actually, I’ve already bought you a birthday present.
I opened the box to reveal a mint coloured fountain pen.
Kate: I knew you wouldn’t choose something expensive for your present.
Kate: … But I wanted to give you a proper present.
Kate: I thought that if I had everything prepared in advance and did the same things with you, you wouldn't realise it.
Kate: Looks like I succeeded! 
Harry’s lips curled into a smile as he gazed at my triumphant expression.
Harrison: You really are something else…
He caressed my cheek with his palm. 
Harrison: … You’re always surpassing my expectations. 
Harrison: I did think you were hiding something from me, but…
Harrison: If you were to do the same thing again, I wouldn't be able to figure it out just by looking into your eyes. 
Despite his words, Harry looked happy and I held the hand stroking my cheek.
Kate: Let’s dig in, Harry. 
I fed Harry a piece of cake with a fork, and he placed a hand on the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss.
Kate: Mm, why?
While I was distracted by his non-stop sweet kisses, I felt his hand untie the ribbons on the back of my blouse,
Kate: Are we not eating the cake—
Harrison: We’re eating it together now, aren’t we?
Kate: This isn’t eating!
Harry was being more impatient than usual and I felt like I was going to drown in the sweet moment,
(But I must say it to him.)
Kate: P-Please wait a minute! 
Harrison: … What? 
He wore a dissatisfied look, but I straightened up and spoke.
Kate: Happy birthday. I’m glad I could spend it together with you again this year.
Kate: … What do you think of my lie?
After blinking in silence for a brief moment, Harry pulled me into a tight hug.
Harrison: … I used to think that someone like me didn't deserve to have his birthday celebrated properly. 
Harrison: The lying fox’s fated ending isn't a happy one. No matter which fairytale, the fox is always the hated one. 
In fairytales, the fox was a symbol of deceit.
I was well aware that none of the tales had happy endings for the foxes.
Harrison: … But all of that changed when you came into my life.
Harrison: There’s no one who would be happier about my birthday than myself, except for you. That’s why it doesn't feel bad to have been lied to.
I felt Harry chuckle on my shoulder and narrowed my eyes.
Kate: I’ll still be here to celebrate your birthday with you next year, and every year after. 
Harrison: Any birthday with you by my side is the best birthday of all.
Kate: Really…?
Harrison: You’ll find out from now on, whether that’s the truth or a lie.
Harrison: … You’ll still be by my side next year and every year after, right? 
I intended to remain by his side to find that out and be the first person to celebrate every one of his birthdays from now on,
Harrison: I told you, didn’t I?
Harry removed his shirt and his lips drew close— 
Harrison: — Any birthday with you by my side is the best birthday of all.
Kate: Ah… 
Last year, I wasn’t able to truly believe those words.
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(I wasn't confident that my presence alone would be enough to make his birthday the best one ever.)
(... But I understand it now.)
This is the truth from you, a person who always lies. 
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screaminglygay · 4 months
hey! can we pretty pls have a pt2 to the stalker!amber?
Amber Freeman headcanons
warnings: dark!amber, swearing, toxic situationship, possibly bad grammar, stalking, obsessive behavior
word count: 1.7k
an: thank you for your patience! i still have some sort of writing block, so this is just something little, but I want to write a full fic on amber, so stay tuned! hehe
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Amber and you have many study sessions, she wants you to pass all the exams, it is not her fault that it always leads her to take you in any way she wants
"Amber, we talked about this..." you sigh as you look at the book infront of you, while Amber´s hands were wandering on your body.
"I'm just helping. If you can solve this under a distraction, can you imagine how good you'll be during the exam?" She looks at you, admiring you as she always does.
"So when someone would touch me during the exam I´m gonna be prepared?" You finally look at her, making a joke.
Her whole body shifts, she´s being slightly frustrated about you being such a brat. "Fine, let´s go back to stuying."
"What? I´m just playing your game, Ambs," you smile softly at her.
"No, you´re just being a fucking brat." And now, she´s mad mad.
You scan her face for a little bit, "oh come on, I was just joking," you poke her face slightly.
And there goes her tiny manipulation tactic, that you always fall hard for.
"I feel like you could do something little for me, since I´m spending so much time with you, making sure you pass..." Amber sits up.
You immedietly sit up too, "I- sorry, you are right," you take her hand in yours.
"Lay down, pretty girl..." she leans over you and you lay on your back, here it goes again.
No matter what subject, day in a week or time... Amber always knows how to make you do whatever she wants. And every single time and you... you obey.
Amber always knowing where you are, when the two of you are not together. She put few of a dog trackers in your wallet, some clothes, backpack, even into Chad´s car, just to be sure you´re always okay.
After a long weekend of not seeing eachother, Amber stops by your locker in the morning and waits for you. You immedietly smile, when you see her. It was a long time with your family on some stupid gathering outside the city, your cousin had birthday party - the most disgusting, pervy, rasist idiot. You´re very happy that you are back in school... it is kinda the same hell hole, but at least you still have your friends and Amber here.
"Hi," you say softly as you open your locker, taking out some books.
"Hi," she watches you, "how did you enjoy the family gathering?"
"It was hell-" you respond, but then you look at her with raise eyebrow, "wait, how do you know about the gathering?"
Amber without missing a beat asnwers with a smile, "Chad mentioned."
You nod, "oh, he can´t keep a secret, got it." You shake your head as you close the locker.
The girl smiles, another lie that you believe so easily. "Why a secret?"
"It´s a long story, but uh... I´m not really a fan talking about family, especially if most of them are shitty rasist who can´t name a single country outside of the US," you shrug.
"Got it, no more mentioning these people." She nods, like she doesn´t already know your whole family tree.
She has a tons of your pictures and videos, special folders on her phone, laptop, flashdisks, everything is sorted out.
Because you two are bonding more and more, she was really happy to make a new special folder of you. If the previous photos were only for her, these kinds of pictures are under increased security.
"You look so pretty, so so so pretty," she smiles at you kneeling on the bed, your hands covering your face, from all the emberassement. "Don´t be shy, puppy, look at me... come on." She takes her phone and opens camera.
"Amber..." you basically whine.
"What? Can´t I take a picture of a pretty girl on my bed?" She makes a photo. "Put those hands away for me."
You do, blushing like crazy, this is not something you´re used to. But you want to make her happy, seeing her smile at you makes something inside of you tingle.
"Pretty girl, look at you!" She smirks.
What you didn´t know, was that she has another camera in her room and every single time you´re there, you are increasing the number of files in her folder.
Even though the two of you are not official yet, everyone can see that Amber holds this sort of protection over you.
Another collage party, which is not a place you would chose to spend your time, but everyone decided to go and you didn´t want to be the only one saying no.
You are sitting on the couch next to Tara and Mindy, talking about your plans for the weekend, when all of the sudden a tall most would say handsome guy sit infront of you.
"That seat is occupied," Mindy says.
He looks around, "I don´t see anyone here. So..." He winks at you.
"That seat is occupied, they just went to grab someting to drink," you yell, because of the loud music.
"I wouldn´t leave such a pretty little thing on her own..." He smiles and you´re ready to throw up.
And before you or any of the girls could say anything, Amber steps in. "She is not alone, you dipshit."
He chuckles and stands up, "and who are you?"
"I don´t want to have a conversation with you," she splashes one of the drinks into his face, which indeed makes him leave with screaming something about a bitch.
"Oh wow, I respect that." Mindy says and Tara just stares at Amber.
"Um- thanks?" You look at Amber.
"Sorry about the drink, here take mine." She smiles as she gives you the only drink that survived.
Amber is very observing, she knows everything about you, even stuff you didn´t figure out on your own, but there are times when you totally shock her.
"Are you crazy, what are you doing here?" Amber yells at you. Walking in the rain was not the smartest decision you made. You were frozen to the bone
"I wanted to suprise you..." you smile softly.
"Wha- come in, jesus!" She steps aside so you can come inside her apartment, rushing to the bathroom for a towel.
"You uh said you had some hard time at work, so I just assumed... that maybe I could cheer you up a little bit." You say while your whole body is trembling.
Amber walks out with a towel and some of her clothes, looking at you like a deer in the headlights.
"I brought your favorite donuts and some nice relaxing candles. And we can order some sushi later. And if you´d like I can help with something, or just... keep you company, since I have zero idea what you´re doing at work." You let out a chuckle, "I mean most of the things I brought are completly wet, but I think they suvived it."
"You´re such a dumbass, do you know that?" Amber shakes her head, helping you put the things down and covering you up in a towel. "Why didn´t you call me, I could pick you up?"
"That woudln´t be a suprise, duh."
"God, we will be lucky if you won´t die from hypothermia, right now."
"I´m not helping with the stress, huh?" you sigh.
"(Y/N), I appraciate the effort, I really do, but next time, don´t try to walk in the worst thunderstorm, alright?"
"I think I could do that, yeah." The both of you laughed.
She loves PDA, her hands are on you all the time. Amber, an ardent lover of public displays of affection, is perpetually tactile, her hands finding peace on the lower back, intertwining fingers, and linked arms, embracing herself around her world.
“I’ll take this, thank you, pretty girl,” she says as she holds your hand for the billionth time today.
Amber is being your personal driver, driving you everywhere you need. Even if it means she has to wake up sooner, when you have classes, she will drive you no matter what.
The both of you made Saturdays as your movie nights.
"What are we chosing tonight?" Amber asks from the batrhoom.
You scroll through the Netflix, "how about the new season of YOU?"
Amber stops at her tracks, "um... what´s that?"
"You don´t know YOU?! What?! It´s really good show! We have to watch it."
"But you´ve already seen it, I don´t want to bother you by watching something twice..." She tries to skate out of it.
"No, no, it´s fine. I really enjoyed it and you will too!" You smile, clicking on the first season.
This was the biggest paradox in Amber´s life.
"Wow, that´s some stalker shit, just like you are!" Amber says with a light nudge.
"Oh shut up! I said if bilions of times, I didn´t stalk you. I don´t do that."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, (Y/N)," Amber teases you, "but following me like a lost puppy, liking my old photo, going through my social media, are you sure you´re not a Joe to my Beck?" Oh she´s pushing it, but for you, it´s just a silly missunderstanding that happened few motnths ago.
Despite her focus on academics and socializing, Amber harbors a secret talent for photography. She has a knack for capturing candid moments and hidden emotions, using her camera lens to express herself in ways that words cannot. And when it is combined with you?
Amber loves when you 'steal' her clothes, there is no better view than you in her bed with only her oversized shirt on you.
"Is that my shirt?" Amber looks at you, as youre already in bed, waiting for the usual movie night.
"Definetly not," you shake your head, taking the blanket to cover you.
"Oh- then what is your favorite song?" She smirks.
"You have my favorite band on your shirt, what is your favorite song from them?" Amber asks again.
"Oh... um- all of them." Good save?
She laughs "All of them? It is not a band shirt, it´s a car logo, pretty girl."
You blush, "oh." Not a good save.
"It´s fine, keep the shirt, you look pretty in it." She lays next to you, putting an arm around you, keeping you close as possible.
In her free time, Amber enjoys exploring antique shops and flea markets, searching for unique treasures and hidden gems to add to her collection. She has a keen eye for things like this.
Thank you for reading!
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souryoong · 2 years
good for you | myg (18+)
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Pairing: boyfriend!yoongi x f!reader
Genre: smut!! (18+ readers only pls), established relationship
Word Count: 2,278
Summary: you've been teasing your boyfriend over text while he's been away in paris for business, and he comes home early to teach you a lesson.
Warnings: mentions of sexting, cunnilingus, fingering, making out, clitoral stimulation, tongue kissing, praise kink, edging, reader gets teary, orgasm denial, hitting it from the back, creampie (god I still hate that word!!). also showering together is henced because after all, they are a couple.
Authors Note: hi guys!!! welcome to my own version of march madness (some watch basketball, I write smut. jk I do like basketball too.) I said it before, but just in case you didn't hear, I am celebrating yoongi's bday as well as my own this month by posting my favorite pisces 2 (or 3? its the aries in me to be a menace) times this month. enjoy the smut and happy birthday to my twin flame, yoongi!!
Yoongi’s patience with you seemed to always be never ending. Nothing that you did ever seemed to cross the line, and when it did, you knew.
Well, today was one of those days.
Yoongi had been in Paris for work for a few days, and with the time difference, you got bored at night and stayed up late, sending him pictures and videos of yourself. They started off with sending him cute outfits that you bought, and then lingerie. However, he stopped responding when you sent him a video of yourself in the bathtub, making you wonder if you might have taken things a little too far. You didn’t want to interrupt him if he was dealing with important business.
Feeling kind of panicky and unsure what Yoongi was thinking, you eventually went to bed, hoping he would somehow not see it, or completely forget about it.
In the morning, you woke up to a text from Yoongi.
Yoongi: You like teasing me like that don’t you, distracting me from work?
You knew he wasn’t actually mad, he probably did enjoy what you were sending him, but maybe it was a bad time.
You thought for a second, and sent a quick text back to him.
You: Just thinking about you, baby.
Hoping that smoothed things over, you went on with your day. Since the time difference, you weren’t expecting to hear from Yoongi until later on in the night.
Later on, when you were winding down for the night, changing into your pajamas, your boss at work called a zoom meeting, discussing some business endeavors.
Since you were very much not modest — your pajamas were a pair of underwear and a big t shirt, your camera was turned off so no one could see you.
The meeting felt like it was going on for forever, you had one of your AirPods in even though sometimes you felt like you probably weren’t even paying attention. The good thing was is that you probably didn’t have to talk.
You pulled your knees in towards your chest in your chair at your desk, taking a drink from your glass that was next to your computer mouse. Suddenly, you heard a knock, but brushed it off as one of your coworkers making noise. You didn’t look away from your computer screen.
A few seconds later, there was another knock that was slightly louder than before; making you realize it was in the room and not coming from the computer. You looked around the room and was almost in disbelief when you saw Yoongi leaning against the doorway, one of his hands in his pocket of his tan colored suit.
“Yoongi?” You questioned him quickly. “I thought you wouldn’t be home until tomorrow.”
Yoongi stepped towards you. “My manager told me there was an earlier flight, so I left right after my event; hence why I’m so dressed up.”
“Yeah, you look so sexy.” You complimented him as he walked behind you. “What made you decide to leave early?”
That was a stupid question.
“Oh did someone suddenly forget what she did to me?” Yoongi’s large hands were on your shoulders.
You were silent, looking at your computer.
“Hey sweetheart. That was a question.” Yoongi leaned down, his low voice in your ear.
“I forgot about it.” You responded, reaching to rest one of your hands onto his.
“I’m not mad. You can send me whatever you want; you know that.” Yoongi brushed a piece of hair away from his face. “But to send me a video of you in the bathtub, while I’m sitting at a meeting? I had to cover my lap like I’m a goddamn teenager.”
You smirked to yourself at his reaction, not realizing he wasn’t done talking.
“Now I’m in the mood to edge you until you cry. Make you learn your lesson.”
You bit down on your bottom lip. Fuck. You knew Yoongi meant it when he said things like that.
“Yoongi, I —" You started to speak, but you were cut off.
“Hey, looks like someone has a meeting to listen to, right?” You wondered how long he was standing there earlier as he planted a few kisses along your neck, making you close your eyes. He was for sure pushing your buttons as you hummed in response.
“How was Paris?” You tried to distract your mind, at this point you weren’t even paying attention to your meeting.
“It was nice. I think you’d like it. Next time you should go with me.” One of his hands was now on your inner thigh, and you knew for sure that you were probably soaking your panties.
“I think —“ Your words were cut off when Yoongi’s fingers brushed against your clothed clit, making you swallow hard.
He moved one of your legs to rest on top of the desk, giving himself full view of your panties that were in fact soaked.
“Already worked up for me?” It was a stupid question to ask; you always were.
“Yoongi.” You spoke, a neediness in your voice.
He moved your chair back, somewhat startling you. Then he was hovering over you; his face close to yours. He gave you a quick kiss, making your heart flutter.
He slipped his fingers underneath the waistband of your panties. “Lift your hips.” Yoongi suddenly spoke, and you did.
Yoongi pulled down your panties, swearing to himself when he saw how wet you were. Stuffing them in his suit pocket, he turned your chair and got on his knees in front of you.
“Fuck.” Yoongi muttered to himself, putting his hands on your thighs. You felt like you were holding your breath. Trying to focus on your computer screen, but also trying to brace yourself for Yoongi’s tongue or fingers.
Yoongi barely touched your clit with his thumb; making you jump. He pressed harder, moving in slow circles.
You let out a sigh, practically feeling your arousal dripping out of you at this point. Yoongi paused for a second, pulling your hips towards himself so that you were sort of laying back in your chair; and more comfortable. Just as you looked away from Yoongi, you felt him push his middle and ring finger inside of you, pressing against your front wall hard.
You cried out his name, leaning your head back.
“You’re so fucking wet.” Yoongi grunted. “Fuck.” He was right, you could hear the squelching noises from his fingers going in and out of you.
Yoongi didn’t say anything before leaning down and sucking your clit into his mouth; forming a rhythm with the way his fingers were moving in and out of you.
Your body shuddered when his fingers brushed against your sweet spot; and you knew you weren’t going to last long if he kept going like this.
One of your hands was in his long, dark hair; trying to hold him there. You could feel yourself getting close, hanging on the edge of your orgasm.
Until suddenly, Yoongi stopped.
“Yoongi!” You were so frustrated, panting. “What the fuck?”
“Baby.” Yoongi spoke lowly, kissing your inner thigh. “Did I say that you could cum?”
“No.” You sighed, looking towards your computer screen.
“Be good for me.” Yoongi glanced up at you, giving you a look that gave you chills and reminded you that you were practically naked in your home office, while he was still fully clothed.
He suddenly stood up in front of you, removing his tan suit jacket; and then throwing it off to the floor. Yoongi leaned in close, grabbing your jaw and giving you a deep kiss; making you taste your own arousal.
“Can you do that for me?” His voice was barely above a whisper.
“Yes.” You answered, even though it didn’t sound very promising. “But Yoongi, I think I might have to talk in this.”
“Then you can talk.” Yoongi pressed three of his fingers against your clit, then in a half of a second they were inside of you again.
Yoongi was going way harder than before; fucking you with his fingers. He stood up, trying to get better leverage. You felt his fingers bump your sweet spot, making you grab onto him; practically begging him not to stop.
“Yoongi, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” Your voice was a whine as your walls were clenching his fingers.
On the brink of your second orgasm, you could hear the squelching noise coming from between your legs; realizing that you were probably gushing at this point.
“Yoongi.” You whined, pulling him in for a kiss.
You felt his fingers leave you again, making you let out a sob of a moan against his mouth. At this point you wanted to cry. You wished that your stupid meeting was over and Yoongi was pounding you into your mattress.
“Yoongi, I don’t know if I can take it anymore.” Your voice was shaky as you exhaled.
“I think you can handle more.” Yoongi answered you. He was right, you always liked to push yourself until you found your limit.
You let out a whine when you felt his fingers teasing your entrance again. “Yoongi, please.”
In what seemed like perfect timing; you heard everyone in your meeting saying their goodbyes and wrapping up.
“Alright have a good night everyone, see you Monday morning.”
You watched Yoongi in front of you undoing his belt, and throw it onto the floor with a thud. You quickly unmuted yourself in the meeting to say good bye, then left.
You took out the one AirPod you had in your right ear just in time for Yoongi to grab your chin with one of his hands, kissing you with such a force you thought he’d bruise you.
You grabbed onto his wrist when he simultaneously slipped his tongue into your mouth as his fingers started rubbing your now over sensitive clit.
Yoongi let out a moan into your mouth, making your core clench around nothing.
You broke away from the kiss, his face was still close to yours. Practically aching for him, you whined. “Yoongi, please.”
Swiping his tongue over his bottom lip, Yoongi stood back up, and began unbuttoning his shirt. “Go to the couch. With your back towards me.”
As Yoongi’s shirt was discarded onto the floor, you got up out of your chair; your legs feeling like they didn’t belong to yourself at first. The couch was only a few steps away from your chair at your desk.
You put your knees onto the seat of the couch, then leaned your upper body onto the back rest. Never thinking you’d be having sex in your office; you were glad that this couch was surprisingly roomy.
Hearing movement and fabric rustling, you could only assume that Yoongi’s pants were now off. He moved his hand along the small of your back, pushing your t shirt up to expose more of your body to him.
“Fuck.” Yoongi swore as you arched your back, getting ready for him. “Look at you.”
You let out a moan when you felt his cock head against your entrance, and you moved, trying to fuck yourself onto him.
Yoongi grabbed a hold of your hips, keeping you still he pushed himself inside of you; bottoming out in one thrust.
“Fuck!” You let out a moan, your mouth falling open.
Yoongi sucked in a harsh breath. “God, you feel so fucking good.”
You put your knees further apart on the couch in attempts to feel him a little deeper.
“Yoongi, fuck.” You slightly turned, grabbing onto his wrist as he held onto you. “Don’t stop.”
You felt him nudge your g-spot, making your walls abruptly clench around him. You could tell that your orgasm was somewhat close.
Suddenly Yoongi pulled you up so your back was against his chest; the new angle making you feel him so deep it was like he was in your stomach.
Your eyes were watering as you still clutch onto him. “Fuck, Yoongi I’m so close.” Leaning back into him, he planted a few kisses along your shoulder and neck.
Yoongi reached between hour legs with one hand and started to rub your clit, and your legs started to shake underneath you.
Your eyes were getting teary as Yoongi’s pace never faltered. “Yoongi, please.” Your voice was a whine. “Let me cum.”
“Yeah, you wanna cum?” Yoongi’s voice was breathy against your neck.
“Please.” You leaned into him, one of your hands making its way to his dark hair as you craned your neck to kiss him. “Tell me I’m a good girl.”
Yoongi grunted, starting to fuck into you so hard that you fell forwards back onto the couch. “My good girl.” It was almost as if he was enunciating the words with his thrusts.
“Oh god.” The words left your mouth like a sob as your orgasm crashed into you; this time Yoongi doing nothing to stop it. Your body nearly trembling as Yoongi continued fucking into you. “Fuck.”
“Shit.” Yoongi swore under his breath, his hips stuttering before releasing himself inside of you.
“Yoongi.” You whined at the feeling before it was apparent it was running down your inner thigh. You laughed slightly. “My couch.”
“What?” He was panting, then laughed with you. “Sorry, baby.”
You turned to face him. “God, what time is it? I’m exhausted.”
“You’re telling me. I’m jetlagged as fuck right now.”
You looked up at him, both of you were sweaty, fucked out, and exhausted.
“I’m happy you’re home.”
Yoongi smiled at you, pulling you up off of the couch. “Me too, now let’s take a shower and go the fuck to bed.”
Tags: @dearlyjoonie @thepurpleghost @che-er-ful @thoughtfullysassysublime @yoongiscta @polyparkj
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luizd3ad · 6 months
Happy Birthday? | Poly!Moonwaterkiller x Fem!Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Regulus Black x Barty Crouch Jr x F!Reader WC: 3,163 CW: swearing, teasing type of relationship, mostly fluff, slight angst at the end, slight talks of Regulus’s childhood, no use of Y/N Author's Note: This ship is inspired by @ellecdc please send her love. She's so talented and is just straight up amazing. Also I'm still new to writing so I hope you like it and I'm sorry if it's not good/doesn't make sense.
Summary: It’s regulus birthday so you, Remus and Barty want to make it special but sometimes things don’t go as planned.
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I made this ig mood board inspired by the guy idk ive never made one before
˙‧⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆⋆
“Bartemius Crouch junior! I swear to all that is holy in this world! If you stick your grubby hands in the frosting one more bloody time!”
“Oh come on Lupin! You can’t blame me, it's just so fucking good!"
Barty yelled, waving his hands around trying to defend himself.
You couldn't help but laugh at hearing two of your boyfriends’ bicker while you put the chicken you just got done seasoning into the oven to cook. 
Admittedly it was quite entertaining and it helped distract you a bit from stressing over the cooking that still needed to be done and the small decorations that needed to be put up for today.
It was Regulus's birthday, so you and Remus had gotten Sirius to take Regulus out for the day so you and your partners could try and surprise him with a birthday dinner for just the four of you. 
You couldn't help but stress seeing as he should be home sooner than later at this point, and you wanted everything to be as perfect as possible since Regulus wasn't completely comfortable with celebrating his birthday still. 
He didn't find the idea of a party and things of that nature to be fun, he found it more stressful and anxiety inducing than anything. (due to his childhood)
So the three of you have always tried to do a little something to make it special for him and to show Regulus that you all love him but never anything too much as to avoid overwhelming or making him uncomfortable. 
“Barty, my love, how about you go and set up the ‘Happy Birthday’ banner?”
“Anything for you angel.”
Barty says with a look that he reserved for only you. 
It was love sick looks. The kind of look that could show the receiver every emotion the other person was feeling. It showed that you were loved by that person with their whole heart. The type of look that had both parties feeling vulnerable in the best way possible.
Even before you all had started dating, when you all were just friends in your earlier years at Hogwarts, he had always looked at you as if you hung the moon and all the stars in the sky. 
He'd look at you as if you were the only good thing left in this world, and to him you were one of the only good things left in this world.
You and two other people that he held closer to his heart than he'd probably be willing to admit most days. 
Though that didn’t mean Barty didn't love Remus and Regulus.
It also didn't mean it was a secret of how much Barty loved Remus and Regulus. In fact he loved them with all his heart. He expressed how much he loved them somewhat often in his own ways.
Especially since he could be known for his flair of the dramatics at times, he had expressed many times that he loved the three of you more than anything. 
Not that anyone could deny, or question it. More like no one would dare to deny or question it. 
Barty has expressed many times how he'd burn down cities, commit unspeakable acts and take on any unforgivable in a heartbeat for Regulus and Remus.
The love Barty held for them two was the kind of love that was teasing and could be chaotic in the best way. 
The type of love that could only be described as a ‘I can pick on them but you can't pick on them because they're mine’ in the most loving way Barty could possibly manage. And may the gods help any poor soul that ever tried to mess with someone who he deemed as his. 
But the love he had for you was a softer kind of love, it was sweet. The kind of love full of things like love sick looks, soft touches, sweet kisses and even sweeter words.
Along with the promises of burning down cities, committing unspeakable acts and taking on unforgivables’, who would expect anything less from Barty?  But I digress.
“Yes please, piss off for fucks sake.”
Remus says in an exasperated tone waving Barty away. Barty then gasps dramatically and clenches his shirt as if he was clutching his ‘pearls’. 
“You don't mean that, Remmy.” Barty all but whined. 
“Plus you couldnt get rid of me even if you wanted to.”
Barty states sending a smirk and wink at Remus, which Remus just responds with by rolling his eyes and hitting Barty with a dish towel playfully to distract Barty from the light blush that's undoubtedly spread across Remus’s face, as to avoid being teased further by him.
“Barty’s right Rem. Even if we wanted to, we're stuck with him, unfortunately.”
You say with a sarcastic little sigh while trying to suppress a smile that threatened to form due to the two men playful arguing. 
Barty then gasps dramatically once more and puts his hand over his heart as if you just stabbed him in the heart as Remus snicker at Bartys reaction and to your comment. 
“Not you as well, angel. You should know that words hurt. You've wounded me, you've basically killed me.”
Barty then pretends to sob as you and Remus shake your heads with smiles on your faces due to his behavior.
“Gods you’ve been spending way too much damn time around Sirius.”
Remus says while rubbing his hands over his face trying to hide his smile. You chuckle and walk up to Barty and give him a hug giving him your best ‘I'm sorry’ look. 
“I’m sorry Barty, I just couldn't help it. Remus has influenced me far too much.. Blame him.”
You say in fake sincerity with a small nod as you hear Remus huff at your comment.
Barty lets out a chuckle and hugs you back with a smile on his face looking down at you as he holds you. 
“It's okay angel, I could never stay upset at you. Lupin on the other hand..”
Barty drags out the end of his sentence with a small smirk on his face as Remus scoffs dramatically at his lovers’ statements.
“Really love? It's my fault is it?”
Remus says with his head tilted to the side and eyebrow raised, as if daring you to continue saying that he should be the one to blame for your ‘cruel’ comment to Barty. 
“Actually Lupin,  I think it is your fault.” Barty stated apparently agreeing with you.
“And what has brought you to that conclusion Junior?” 
Remus says as he walks toward the both of you with a small smirk on his face.
“My angel was just that, an angel. That was until you lot got your Gryffindor hands all over her.”
Barty says with a small shrug, feeling as if his point was valid and made sense. You supposed for Barty it did.
“Is that a fact?” Remus asked while getting closer to you and Barty.
“Yeah, Lupin it is actually.”  Barty says, giving Remus a somewhat challenging look.
“You don't seem to complain when I have my Gryffindor hands all over you, Junior.” 
Remus then winks at a now blushing and flustered Barty. You then cover your mouth trying to hide your own blush while also trying to suppress a giggle.
Barty tries to say some kind of come back and it  just results in him stuttering.
“W-well I- Goddamnit! That’s not fair Lupin!”
“All's fair in love and war Junior.”
Remus says sending another wink at Barty and smirking at you while Barty stares at him with wide eyes in complete silence.
He had managed to make Barty Crouch Jr speechless.
That was actually one of the many things that Remus was good at, especially at the beginning when everything was still new and more unexpected. 
When the four of you were in that space where you weren't officially dating but it was clear to you and everyone who'd been around your little group that you four had very strong feelings for each other.
It had taken Remus no time at all to get comfortable with having at least one of you flustered almost all the time, usually to the point of stuttering or speechlessness. 
He loved seeing you three like that.
Especially Barty.
Barty wasn't someone you could easily make blush let alone actually fluster, especially with just words so whenever Remus would manage to make Barty speechless he felt like he won a reward. 
Barty would never admit it but it was clear as day that Remus was good at making him a flustered stuttering mess. 
And Barty hated it.
“Now love. I believe someone owes someone an apology for trying to place blame.”
Remus says, walking up to you now at arms length and giving you a pointed look now waiting for an apology. 
While Barty mutters a ‘fucking hell’ under his breath and runs his hand through his hair as he walks towards the kitchen counter still mumbling quietly to himself.
“I'm sorry moony. Truly. Do you forgive me?” You say somewhat sincerely knowing Remus doesn't really care all that much. 
“I could never stay mad at you, love.”
Remus says with a small smile he then cups your cheek and gives you a kiss on your forehead, you lean into Remus's kiss taking in the moment and enjoying the affection from your boyfriend.
When suddenly you and Remus feel a cold, grainy substance rain down on you, which you both quickly realize is flour once the shock wore off.
You then hear a familiar giggle, and turn to see none other than a proud looking Barty standing now several feet away, covered in white powder himself. He just stands there proud of himself as if he didn't just cover you both in flour.
As you stare at him wide eyed and mouth a gasp, he just gives you a cheeky little smile.
“You did not just do that Junior.”
“Oh but I think I did, Remmy. That's what you get for teasing and being mean to me.”
Barty then sends a little wink to you and a somewhat apologetic smile.
“Sorry angel. Collateral damage, you understand.”
Barty says with a small shrug and a tone that makes it seem like it's the most reasonable thing that he has ever done.
You simply nod with the most convincing smile you could possibly muster in that moment.
“Of course my love. I understand.”
You say walking near Barty and grabbing a bowl that's filled with whipped cream that you had made earlier. You then walk closer to Barty and with a smile on your face.
“And you'll understand when I do this.”
You say while grabbing a handful of whipped cream and throwing it at Barty just for him to duck in time ending with the cream hitting Remus in the face. You gasp and cover your mouth trying not to laugh as Barty busts out laughing.
“Oh shit Rem! I'm so sorry.”
You say trying hard and failing to suppress your laughter, while Remus wipes his eyes off with his hands.
“It's okay love. All’s forgiven. Just come and give me a kiss.”
“Ummm I would love to, honestly I would… After you clean your face, that is…”
You back away from a now smiling remus while he opens his arms for you and starts walking closer to you. 
“No, now would be fine for me.”
Remus proceeds to walk closer to you as you start to back away towards Barty who's starting to calm down from his laughter.
“Why not kiss Barty?! This is all because of him anyway!”
Barty then gasps.
“Angel! I can't believe you'd throw me under the bus like that… Is it bad that I liked it?”
Barty asks the last part more to himself than to anyone else. He was so caught up in his thoughts for a second that he didn't notice you now using him as a human shield, that was until he felt a clump of whipping cream on his head and looked to see a smirking Remus. 
“Oh. This means war.”
All of a sudden it was every person for themselves. The kitchen was now a war zone. Flour, whipped cream, sugar, powdered sugar, fruits and berries were being thrown all over the place. It was pure chaos. 
The Three you were making a mess out of the kitchen and even bigger messes of yourselves.
Next thing you, you’ve been thrown over Remus’s shoulder while Barty is chasing Remus around the kitchen. 
There’s so much going on, so much laughing and screaming that no one heard the door open. Which meant no one heard Regulus make his way to the kitchen, and so no one noticed him standing in the doorway till you heard him speak.
“I leave you alone for a few hours and suddenly the kitchen explodes?”
Regulus in all his stoic glory just stood there not even looking a little surprised.
All three of you stopped running around, suddenly feeling like kids who got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Then all three of you look at eachother then at Regulus.
“Happy Birthday?” You, Remus and Barty said accidentally making it sound more like a question than in an enthusiastic way.
Regulus just points at the oven says.
“The ovens smoking.”
“Oh shit! The chicken!”
You yell as Remus puts you down and he rushes to the oven to take out the now burnt chicken as smoke fills the kitchen.
“Sooo… Chinese?” Said a very uncertain Barty  
After opening some windows, having the Chinese food delivered, a few showers and quite a few cleaning spells the four of you ended up on the couch with a movie on not many words being exchanged.
After the movie was finished and the food had all been mostly finished Remus had brought out the cake that he managed to finish decorating while waiting for the food to arrive.
The three of you had sung (or in Bartys case basically screamed) Happy birthday to Regulus while he sat there with a ghost of a smile on his face. After another hour or so the four of you found yourselves in your shared bed.
You couldn't help but feel guilty since Regulus hadn't really expressed any emotion which wasn’t necessarily not normal about his birthday. You felt like maybe you had upset him in some way, maybe you over stepped or maybe he was irritated due to the mess you Remus and Barty made. 
You were spiraling. 
Till you heard a whisper.
“Thank you..” 
It was quiet for a few seconds, you supposed no one really knew what to say.
“For what Black? I feel like we kinda ruined your birthday.” Said a almost half asleep Barty
“It wasn't ruined Junior! It just didn't go.. as planned..'' defend Remus who laid on the other side of you. 
You and Regulus laid in the middle of Barty and Remus.
“Would the two of you stop bickering for just a moment please?” You say with a small shake of your head and a small chuckle. 
The next second there's a small choir of ‘Sorry angel’ and ‘Sorry love’.
“What are you thanking us for, Reggie?” 
You say pushing some of his black curly hair behind his ear looking at him softly, though he probably couldn't tell since it was dark in the room.
The only light coming through the window from the half moon.
“For today.. I know it didn't go how any of you planned or would have wanted it to go, but still. It was nice. I spent most of the day with my brother though he can be insufferable, loud and dramatic most of the time, it was still nice. And then to come home to the three people who mean everything to me laughing and having fun... That was the best part. I know I'm not the easiest when it comes to celebrating my birthday but, your three and Sirius have been the only people who have ever actually cared for my birthday. You've never treated it like how my parents did. Never used it as an excuse to have a big party full of people I didn't know or care about just so it seemed like we were better then them or make it seem like we were the perfect family, even though it was evident that we weren't. You've always made it about me and always respected what I'm comfortable with and well I appreciate that. So.. Thank you.. I love you.. All three of you..”
“We love you too Reg.” You say quietly, giving Regulus a soft kiss.
“Awwww did Regulus Black just say he loves me.” Barty practically squealed.
Barty then pulls Regulus into him so Regulus’s back is to Barty's front and then proceeds to messily kiss Regulus all over the side of his face while Regulus tries and fails to get away from him.
Remus then starts to laugh harder than you had seen in a while, almost falling off the bed as he hears the bickering between the two (mostly on Regulus' part) and sees the shadows of a struggling Regulus and a very determined Barty. 
You can't help but start to laugh almost as hard as Remus as you try and get the words out to have Barty let go of poor Regulus.
The night continues for only a few more moments it's filled with more laughing and eventually sleepy good night kisses and I love yous.
To say the four of you had an interesting relationship would be an understatement. It could be messy and chaotic, it could be a fucking headache sometimes. 
But there was love. There was always love. 
There were mornings where the four of you would wake up and just lay in bed happier than any of you thought you could ever be.
There were tender kisses and loving touches.
Dreams and promisses of the future.
There were smiles and laughing fits that would fuel you for the days when you felt like you couldn't even get out of bed.
Admittedly, it was a lot most of the time. 
There were screaming matches and arguing at its worst times but at its best times it was you and three people that you couldn't see your life without. Three people that made life easier most of the time. People who could make you laugh till you cried and that would hold you while you cried and fall apart.
This was a life that none of you ever thought you'd have the opportunity to have, and ever so often one of you would feel like you didn't deserve the life you had.
This was the kind of life that probably wouldn’t exist for you guys in different universes. But here, in this universe? This is the life you have and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
⋆‧⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
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holdinbacksecrets · 5 months
your writing makes me feel safe, thank you. if i could request something? it’s totally ok if you aren’t comfortable but i was wondering how you think seventeen would react seeing their s/o’s self harm scars? but not the act of doing it; i’ve just been feeling a bit unworthy because of my own from my past and my mind wandered (but absolutely no worries if this is out of your comfort zone. i know self harm scars can be a trigger for sure (and you don’t have to reply in that case either)) <3 thank you either way
thank you for sharing kind words and requesting! i'm sorry for taking over a year to answer this... hopefully you still see this >.< i also hope my interpretation of your request is ok. sending you all my love 🥺 i hope you’ve been feeling better these days. you’re deserving of all the good things
seventeen: seeing your self harm scars for the first time
tw: mentions of self harming (no details of the act itself) and scars
seungcheol: he’d trace them with his lips, allowing his love to sink into the scars and caress their edges. he’d ask if they still hurt—if the memories are still piercing
jeonghan: “you turned your scar into a butterfly?” “yeah, it always made sense to get a tattoo, and it’s a reminder that pain and discomfort are fleeting. i’m never stuck.” “you’ve always had a thing for flying, haven’t you?” “yoon jeonghan, i’d exchange my arms for wings if i could.” “you’ll need me for so much more than reaching things on the highest shelf.” “you’re right… not the most practical idea.”
joshua: walks with you through the park after seeing the small x on the kitchen calendar, marking the passage of another year, and the feeling is overwhelming as painful memories flood your mind
jun: “so these aren’t from a bike wreck?” “i can’t believe you remember that…” “everything you tell me… i can’t forget anything.” “it was only our second date. i didn’t want to scare you away.” “you wouldn’t have, but i understand why you worried. i wish you didn’t have to.” “what do you think you would’ve said? would’ve thought?” “i would’ve admired you. i can’t imagine that’s an easy thing to share with anyone, let alone a person you just started dating. i would’ve felt honored that you trusted me with something so… intimate, something that leaves room for conclusions being made that you aren’t in control of.”
soonyoung: he asks if you’re ok now and immediately wonders if that was too simplistic of a question, but he means it. he wants to know if you wake up and feel peace or dread. he wants to know about the cracks in your smile. he wants to know if you’re proud of yourself now. if you were before. if he can do anything to make the dreadful moments with forced smiles easier
wonwoo: thank you for being here is the last thing you hear before drifting off, carried away by a current of warm dreams
jihoon: he cries for you and his childhood friend with similar scars. a man he hasn’t seen in years but thinks about the last week of every october—reminded of his birthday, hoping he’s celebrating well
seokmin: he holds you. he doesn’t want to let go until his tears have stopped. he doesn’t want you to know that the thought of you harming yourself pierces his heart, stops his breath, stays heavy on his shoulders, and keeps him awake while you sleep
mingyu: he wants you to know that no feeling you meet will ever scare him away. you don’t need the reminder, but he tells you anyway: you can always come to me. he will be your solid ground, the maker of comforting words and sweet distractions
minghao: will you believe him if he says you’re the strongest person he knows?
hansol: he doesn’t know what to say, and he’s suddenly afraid of his ability to support you. he hopes you can’t tell because this moment isn’t about him. the last thing he’d ever want is for you to turn to another if he’s unable to give you what you need. “it’s ok. you don’t have to have the perfect words. they don’t exist. i just want you to know. i’m so much better now. i’ve never been happier, truly, but the words were starting to itch and pull me out of present moments. summer’s coming, and i know you’ll see them soon. i just want you to know.”
seungkwan: so many questions roll around in his head. they stick to the back of his throat, and he searches your eyes for any signs of the capacity you have for sharing in this moment. you smile softly and offer a nod of encouragement. he takes a deep breath and asks the first one
chan: “do you ever…” “think about doing it again? i do, but i made a list of things to do instead.” “can i hear it?” “make tea, watch the sky, turn music on, call a friend, think about something yummy to make for my next meal, ride the train and stop as close as i can get to the library… i have a playlist of seventeen videos on my phone too.” “you’ve thought about it that recently? y/n…” “i didn’t make the playlist for that purpose alone. it started out of missing you, but i know it’ll help if i start to slip.” “you can always call me. call me first and call again if i don’t answer.”
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