#and then in my freetime i just think about how i should really kill myself bc im a loser
kissyboystyles · 2 years
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asoulofatlantis · 2 years
My current situation and playing Pokemon Purpur
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I started playing Pokémon Purpur yesterday.
As you know I am currently a bit... troubled by health issues (as I seemed to have fallen back into the problem that Corona had left me with after barely a week without pain), some work issues (which seemed to be kinda, sorta solved but somehow aren’t - not that this makes any sense, but its really hard to explain) AND there is also the fact I feel a bit lost in the wonderful world of gaming for a while now. After finishing the Cold Steel Saga (+ Hajimari with Spreadsheet) I felt a bit empty and it seems like ever since then I can not find what would make me happy again game-wise. I am trying to finish all routes in Fire Emblem: 3 Houses, but the closer I come to playing Edelgards route (which I am the least interested in) the more I feel like I might prefer to leave the game with were I was last time - finishing Azure Moon once again XD There are plenty of games I want to play or replay for a live reaction, but I can not find myself to be in the mood for any of them, whenever the chance arrives. After playing Kuro 1 and being kinda disappointed from what I saw of Kuro 2, I’ve decided to go back to CS3, because that is my favorite Trails game and I really missed Erebonia and Rean and the Rest of the Cast. But somehow replaying it isn’t as motivating as I thought it would be. I feel like I should have just watched a Lets Play on YouTube and be done with it, without having to play it myself for the fourth time. Don’t get me wrong! I love the game and Rean and the plot and everything. Its just... replaying such a text-heavy and story-intense game is something for a bored week off (with no stress or health issues playing around in the background) and not for jumping from what little freetime I have every weekend to the next few hours of free time I have the next weekend and the one after and so on. Which, sadly, is my current situation.
I have to admit, this is all my fault, fully and completely. I had some health issues like 3 years ago and had to drastically change the hours per week I am working to be able to fix this and was stuck with the (a lot) smaller income for two years and didn’t handle the small amount of money very well and took small loans here and there and used my credit-cards until I almost reached the limit. With so much money to pay back, I had to go back to work full time and its so not working for me. My immune system is down the drain and so is my emotional health (not as bad as back then, but its still not very nice) and the lack of freetime is killing me (not very softly)! I am desperately trying to pay back the loan until summer, because then I have to drastically lower my workhours per week once again and this means (especially with the current situation in the world) that I will have a hard time handling my money once again. I need to find a new place, because my rent has become to much to bear but my beloved cats have destroyed part of the flat and... lots of stuff going on that is stressing me out.
But enough of my stupidness and personal problems. Lets talk about the game!
So after hearing different first-impression-reviews from different kind of people, I decided that playing yet another Pokemon-Game might be just what I needed. I decided to go with Purpur and here is my first impression so far:
- I think the beginning was a tad too slow, but I liked how they introduced the starter, it was really nice
- Giving us a Champ as our rival seems a weird decision and even tho I get that a lot of people keep mentioning that our player is kinda talented, it seems weird that we as a newbie have it so easy fighting against a champ - yes, we had the strength of the Elements on our side but our friend is a freaking Champ, she should be able to work past that. Of course I get that that way, she can be our guide easily, but I really missed the times were we actually had a Rival that got the Pokemon with the elements that is strong against ours and was an actual challenge. Our rival being a champ already is also taking away some of the motivation to best her. She already is a champ, getting through all the Arenas again, even with new and weaker Pokemon, should be a piece of cake for her.
- The whole school thing seems to be nothing more than a plot device and feels weird, given how we make a big deal of entering the school at the start, just to skip all the school days so we can go on our (granted, it is at least school related) journey through the region.
- We have to wear that ugly school-uniform through the whole freaking game. I get gender neutrality and all but I want to wear a skirt and I should have had the right to chose between trousers and skirts. Because I look like a ranger or something. Which does absolutely not fit with my fancy hairstyle and my freaking lipstick.
- Speaking of which, clothes aside, they really made sure that you can customize your character to your hearts content before the game start. I think that is the first game EVER where my character starts with my actual haircolor and eyecolor. You can even change the form of your eyebrows and chose lipsstick with you want. I do think more Hairstyles would be nice, but other then that, I think they really tried hard with Color-Options and different eye-shapes and so on. (Which makes it even more frustrating that we have to keep wearing those ugly clothes...)
- The beginning of the game (tho a tad slow) is rather unique and thus kinda a nice change from the usual formular (although they did try to change it previously, this time, it is definitely quite different - mostly in a good way.)
- What I like the most so far in the game (I am really still relatively at the start of my journey) is variety the game finally offers. You can go tree routes and you can do them all at the same time. So I started finding a big Pokemon for some shady guy in search of some weird magical herbs. Then I went for my first gymleader and now I am on my way to fighting the first base of Team Star (btw. infiltrating their base by jumping into it from a cliff is forbidden and the game forces you back onto the cliff ^^’) and its really nice to be able to change between whatever you are doing relatively at your own pace. You very likely could also finish one route first and then do the other, I do believe that the game makes that possible. Having the choice to do whatever you want whenever you want is kind of nice.
- The Palea-Region is far too big, especially for a “first” open world game in the Pokemon-Franchise. I got lost a few times already and that even tho they have a map where you can mark you goal that helps you navigate a bit.
- The performance-issues everyone keeps complaining about are there but are not a big issue and not half as bad as they make it sound. I have an old Switch (I want the OLED-Version, but I feel stupid to give that much money - that I really don’t have - to buy a console I already have ^^’) and I do believe the frame-drops aren’t that immense. You can barely feel it and the game catches up relatively quickly - at least that is how it was for me so far.
- There aren’t enough Trainers on the street that you can fight with. And the fights are usually relatively easy.
- Especially compared to the wild Pokemon running around in masses everywhere. Most wild Pokemon can kill you pretty easily, because a lack of Trainer to fight with, means is harder to gain the needed level. Not to mention, its really easy to accidentally stray from the path to far and end up in a place were your Pokemons level is just not ready for. I feel like for this game (even tho I usually do not like that method) it would have been wiser to make it so, that the wild Pokemon and the Trainer-Pokemon are around the level of your own Pokemon (at least not straying too far from it, so it will neither be to hard or to easy for you...), but what's done is done.
- The mini-mission before the Arena-fight was weird and unnecessary and didn’t give me anything, not even fun.
- Having a picknick was more fun in Pokemon Sword. Although making a Sandwich seems kind of easier then stirring the curry right XD
- The Auto-Battle-Option is a nice thing, but I think its unfair that you get less EXP for it.
- Also, while the Pokemon all gain EXP after a fight or a catch, they seem to all get around the same amount of EXP, regardless of their level, which means leveling up the weaker Pokemon you have catched is a real chore and thus is kind of annoying yet again, despite the EXP being shared between the Pokemon.
- I do not feel like my mysterious travel-companion-Pokemon is really faster then I, when I run ^^’
So okay, that was ist for my first review.
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
hi dear ❤ I was intrigued and I want to ask a question hehe. do you think Richy could be the kidnapper or the MWAF? I saw a theory that Richy was attacked with a bow and arrow (when I reviewed the video, you can really notice the noise of an arrow) and so we didn't hear anybody approaching 🤔
Hey hon!❤️ @jakeismylover
Yes, unfortunately I have to say that I think Richy is the MWAF, at the moment he is definitely my main suspect. Unfortunately, everything about Richy is strange, and I think his attack was just fake. It could of course be that Everbyte didn’t want to make it too realistic on purpose because they were just worried that it might trigger someone too much but I just think that Richy staged everything.
When he led us to the Dare -hut, he just walked into the woods. As if he didn’t care at all that there is a murderer and a kidnapper running around, let’s face it, who does that? Like he knew nothing was gonna happen to him. And as if he was trying to prevent that someone could think that Hannah could be in that hut. Like he’s trying to convince us there’s nothing there.
And yeah, when he supposedly hears Hannah in the woods, he just runs into it. Well, I probably would have done that myself at that moment, but we can even tell him in advance that he should go away. The man without a face could have hit him if he was armed, he could have attacked or killed Richy.
And that’s exactly what happened, and it was clear.
Then he’ll have time to call us. He saw someone, he says, why doesn’t he call the police or anyone else who could be with him quickly.
Like he wants us to see that he is attacked to divert suspicion from him.
He says he saw someone, and then he runs in that direction, but when he falls to the ground, he falls forward. That is, someone would have to hit him from behind, but he saw someone in front of him. This could indicate several perpetrators or just a fake.
As you said, you can’t hear anything, nothing at all, neither a shot nor anything else. For a direct attack, for example with a knife, the MWAF should have been very close to him, and then we probably could have seen him. The bow and arrow theory, I had at the very beginning, but it was just for fun. Because since Richy didn’t seem to see anyone near him, the MWAF would have to be like Robin Hood with bow and arrow. However, it seems to be the only really logical possibility.
I don’t think even a silencer could have made the shot so quiet that we don’t hear anything.
Besides, we don’t see Richy while he's running. So he could have put some of that red liquid /fake blood (really bad fake blood xD) in his mouth and then fell down.
Or while he’s lying on the ground.
He’s the last person who saw Hannah.
Richy was the first to come to Hannah’s apartment after the others heard about her disappearance.
One damage to her car, and he suspects it was because of a pothole. I think he tried to kill Hannah somehow, but failed, which is why he just had to kidnap her.
On top of that, we can make the assumption quite quickly that Richy is in love with Jessy. Dan and Jessy go on a date, Richy gets jealous, Dan gets it.
Then there was the conversation that Hannah was with him on the day she disappeared. It seemed like he had thought carefully about what to say. That he told me about the tip, that he knew exactly how much it was, to distract us.
Then he said nothing was weird about Hannah.
That he just didn’t say Hannah was still with him.
And he says he gave Jessy the day off. But there was the situation where Richy told MC or Jessy (I’m unsure) that Jessy hadn’t have a day of for a long time. But that’s not true, he gave Jessy freetime the day Hannah disappeared.
Okay, so I think that shows pretty well that I suspect Richy of being the MWAF. There are so many other little things that are just weird and make him suspicious.
Finally, I very much hope that Richy is not the MWAF. I very much hope that there is simply something else behind his behavior and he will not destroy the group.
And I hope he’s alive, even if at least we would knew he wasn’t the MWAF.
My greatest hope is simply that he can be saved in time and then tell us the truth about his behavior. But I guess that’s very unlikely.
Then of course, thank you for your question to me, I could once again put myself in my anger at him and think about it. I hope you can do something with my answer, what is your opinion on the theory?
Have a beautiful day, a beautiful evening or a beautiful night. Take care and stay healthy.🥰❤️🎭🌹
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atiny-exol · 5 years
Ateez! Mafia reaction! You confess your feelings after a long time of being in an arranged marriage! + how they are as your husband
~I really hope you like it!♡
Requests and Yandere/Mafia talks are still open
He is a very nice and friendly husband
Wants to make you as happy as he can
Even when he is the boss of one of the largest mafia organizations
Probably very busy and comes home late sometime with blood on his shirt. Don’t want to hug you when this happened so he will just go showering first before he touches you.
But he tries to give you enough of attention so you both can get closer to each other
Dates are in the most fancy restaurants with the most beautiful dress for you
So I think you should confess to him on one of this date nights
He is very happy about the fact that you are his wife/husband now
At first he just wants to make sure you feel safe and comfortable around him
But with every date he takes you out he falls a bit more in love with you
He loves the fact that you aren’t scared to say your opinion and that you aren’t scared of him
Would be happy about the confession
Like he wants to say this to you too!
Maybe not yet but he has planned it
,,You..You love me? Really? That’s..That’s awesome my Love. I didn’t think you would confess to me like this.“ He grabs your hand and smiles widely at you. ,,I love you too my Love. I love you too.” He is is calm not like you. You are shaking and happy about the fact that he doesn’t rejected you. Maybe he is a monster to some and cold as ice to his enemies but you..you are something really special to him. 
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Probably very nice and friendly as a husband but
He just doesn’t wanted to marry someone he doesn’t love
And yet he is still a bit awkward
In your honeymoon he seems to have fun with you
But when you are moving to the mansion he is..quiet busy
So busy he forgets about very important things
He really wants to get to know you but
He doesn’t have time for dates or dinners together
Dont get me wrong he likes you but he doesn’t know you that much
Even when he is married to you a long time he thinks that
And maybe it’s because he dont want to be attached to you
You should not be a weakness for him so this is another reason why he isn’t that close with you
After your confession he would probably try to be a bit closer to you and go on dates with you
So he will fall in love slowly with you
He stares at you with big eyes. Did he hear right? Did you say you love him? Him? He isn’t even there for you and you still have time for falling in love? He knows that he has a lot of charm and he is always friendly towards you..but he didn’t thought this would happen. ,,U..Uh..uhm..right so…Y/N I dont know how to say this..but I dont feel the same for you right now…but listen. It’s just because I dont know you…Yes I know it’s my fault we are not spending time often but I promise you..I try to be a better husband. Like we should start right now! Come on we are going out and talk a little bit! Oh..that’s rude right?“
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Let be real
He wants to marry you because he loves you the first time he sees you
I’m not joking
He would literally not even be mad about the fact of marriage with you
Tells you that he loves you in your honeymoon
And you rejected him
It’s okay for him because he knows it would take time for you to get close to him
It will take till you trust him and the things he does
Sooo he just spoils you
Gives you as much freedom you want and will buy the whole world for you
So it’s not that big of an surprise that he is so happy when you say that you love him
,,Omo! Sweetheart I knew you woll say this to me sooner or later! I love you too! Of course I love you too..you know that right? Since the day we meet I loved you and I will never ever let you go…you can’t go anyway because..you know that its dangerous for you as my wife/husband.” Hugs you very very tight and will not let you out of his grip till you say that you love him again.
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Is a very flirty and sarcastic husband
Doesn’t want to get married to you in the first place
He flirts with you a lot
Think it’s funny when you are getting red and shy because of him
But nothing more
His flirts are nothing more than flirts
You dont see it..dont see that he is playing with you and thats the reason why you are slowly falling for this man
He knows that you love him
Who would not love him?
Flirts with some persons when you are there but when someone is flirting with you
Oh Boy will show this person no mercy
Anyone should understand that they are under him and this is why no one has the right of getting flirty towards you
You think this is out of jealousy? No it’s just that he doesn’t want to show the world that your marriage isn’t that perfect as it should be
So when you confess..yeah find it out on yourself
He looks you in your eyes on his face is a sarcastic smile and he seems to mock you with it. You are so easy.
,,You love me?? Wow thank you Y/N it very lovely that my wife/husband is falling in love with me but I can’t say the same thing Sweetheart. I dont want to make things complicated so yeah. Get over it okay? I’m not saying your not nice or hot Sweetheart but I just dont love you like you love me. Anyways I have work right now and I think I can’t eat with you today so dont wait for me.“ While he says the last sentence he gives your cheek a short kiss and goes straight to his working room.
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Sweet, caring, protective sometimes a bit to protective over you but that’s okay
Days with him are always fun
And with you he can just be his true self
Like he dont has to be the dark and serious mafia member
Would try to hide all the scary and dangerous stuff from you
You should never see his dark personality
Because he has no mercy when he is working
Buttt…I think your confession will happen just while he is working
Some enemies of Ateez are attacking your house
They now that mingi will not let let anything hurt you
You are his weakness
This is why they are shooting at you
Will take a bullet for you
The boys would clearly bring the enemies down but Mingi lays on the ground and just loses a lot of blood
This is where you confess
He smiled weakly..you love him? Even when you see him killing a lot of people tonight? You are really an angle. Slowly his hand is moving to your face. He swipes your tears away and you are just trying to help him to stay awake and to stop the bleeding. ,,I will not leave you..angle.I..I love..you..and I promise you..I.will..never let you alone. So don’t cry please…I will be fine.”
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A cold one
He is not very good in showing you affection and to be honest he dont want it that much
Why should he?
He doesn’t love you and he just get married to you because of the business
busy and doesn’t have time for a lovely and time taking marriage
Never learnt to love in the first place
He is a borne killer and boss of one of the biggest mafia group
He doesn’t need love
Not from you or from anyone
So he would be probably not change anything in the relationship between you two because you confess
As fast as the words slipped your mouth as fast they are forgotten by him. You are really thinking he will love you just because you are his wife/husband now. This is why he hates people. ,,Okay listen. I dont love you and I will never love you. I dont need love in my life. So you should get rid of this feelings because I will never feel the same. Are we clear? It just will take time and I dont have time. So if you don’t want to get missed forever you should go out of my way and leave me alone now.“
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Would be nice and funny around you
Goes out with you a lot
But most of the time he likes to watch movies with you
Around you he wants to do all the thing he can’t do when he is working
And now he isn’t alone anymore
So why not
He really likes you and he thinks that you are a very lovely and intelligent person
He can talk with you about everything and he just loves that you will not disrespect him
He hates that
Is a mafia member after all
But one thing is not good for you
He is smart, friendly and you two can laugh a lot about everything just like best friends
And that’s the problem you are his best friend nothing more…so yeah..welcome in the friendzone!
The look on his face is pure disbelief and shook. He is looking at you and can’t belief the words that leaved your mouth a few seconds ago. ,,You..You love me?..That’s..That’s really flattering but…you are like my best friend Y/N and I dont think that I will love you more than a best friend..I will let you have your time…but I really dont want to lose you because of this..I´m sorry…”
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He is very young and doesn’t have much experience with relationships
This is why everything seems a bit.. awkward?
Is very nice and tries hard that you are not getting involved with his business and job
He has always bodyguards for your safety in the house when he isn’t there and theh never leave your side
So you have not much freetime
But Jongho tries to get along with you
Like.everyone he is busy and has a lot of meetings
But he can’t ignore you
Because he likes you
And he isn’t sure if he just likes you
Your confession hits him like a rock
Is very happy bit confused about his feelings..he must think about it but he dont want to hurt your feelings
,,Don’t get me wrong Y/N but I have to think about it..a bit..okay? I’m not used to hear this words and..I can’t order my feelings myself..so I’m sorry to not say I love you too.” His eyes are wandering around the room and he just don’t want to look at your face right now. Love was never a topic for him..he never loved someone other than his family..so what should he do right now with his feelings?
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woildismyerster · 6 years
Hi! Can you do a Mush one where he's trying to ask the reader out but reader being so scared and shy says no. Even when it tries to be more obvious of the fact he likes them, they keep on saying no. Mush gets kind of mad because he's frustrated so reader just blurt out "i'm scared of you" or something like that and well just fluff and stuff at the end :) Thank you so mush (pun) if you do it!
I friggin love puns
You weren’t sure why the majority of the people in the cafeteria before school weren’t there to eat breakfast, but that’s certainly how it looked when you surveyed the tables for your friends.  Somebody else had gotten to your usual table first, but you were sure your people were there somewhere.
If they weren’t, there would be words.
Across the lunchroom, your eyes caught on a face.  You registered the way that face lit up at the sight of you before you registered whose face is was.  Your stomach swooped with recognition before you consciously had his name.
You grinned when he stood up and waved you over.  
“Albert missed his bus, so we lost the table,” he explained when you got to the table that gave you a painfully direct view of the sun rising.
“Friggin’ Albert,” you sighed.
A few of the guys reached over to swat at Albert, who didn’t bother fighting back.  “I overslept,” he sighed.  “Don’t act like you haven’t done the same thing.”
“We aren’t in charge of saving the table,” you scolded.  
He flipped you off.  You grinned, but Mush crumpled up a napkin to throw.
“My hero,” you crooned.
Breaking off a piece of his Poptart for you, he gave an insincere grin.  “Anything for you.”
“Any big plans for the night?”  Usually you would all go to see his football games together on Friday nights, but the end of the season brought a wave of freetime that none of you knew what to do with.
“Nah,” he said.  “You?”
You shrugged.  Homework, maybe.  You didn’t want to say so and sound like That Party Pooper, but it was nice to get homework out of the way early so you could have quiet Sundays.  “Party of one, I guess.  I’ve got a date with Stranger Things.”
Mush gave a heavy swallow, and your eyes narrowed.  He was making The Face.  Crutchie pointed out The Face when Mush saw you in his spare football jersey on Friday nights.  Jack mentioned it in regards to how Mush looked when you made jokes during presentations.  People would laugh, you would smile, and ‘Mush falls apart.’
You should not like The Face.  It was a blatant painting of feelings, and you had been trying to find ways to kindly kill his feelings since the school year started.  Senior year brought college talks.  College applications.  The slow, certain separation from your friends in anticipation of leaving each other behind.  Dating somebody who made you want to stay would only make things harder.
“Speaking of,” he began, “maybe I could crash?  I’d bring pizza and popcorn.”
You could say yes.  You wanted to go out with him - you would have said yes any other year.  This year was a death sentence for relationships, so while you could say yes, you shouldn’t.
“That’s a great idea,” you said brightly.  “Hey!  Guys!”  You bellowed down the table, and everybody turned to look at you.  “Stranger Things marathon at mine.  Mush is bringing pizza, so you’d better bring money to pay him back.”
Some of the guys said yes, some of the guys said no, and disappointment etched itself into Mush’s face.
“Truth or dare, Y/N?”
“Truth,” you said.  Race’s nose was still running from eating a handful of crushed red pepper, so you felt like playing it safe.
“Who do you have a crush on?”  Henry singsonged the words, managing to sound like a middle schooler in the process.
Your eyes darted over to Mush on their own accord.  He sat up from his slouch on the couch, and his eyes were focused on the way your hands were folded on your lap.  You dug your nails into your palms, hoping that your face was blank of emotion.
You had been quiet for too long.
You forced a laugh.  “Geez, way to get creative, Hank.”
He wrinkled his nose at the nickname, no doubt hating his father for calling him that when you all arrived at his house.  “Classics are well-known for a reason.”
“Ugh.  Juvenile,” you sighed.
You couldn’t say Mush.
Lying was more juvenile than the question was.
“Ben Wyatt,” you said smoothly.  “I’d arm wrestle Leslie Knope for him.”
There were some sighs of disappointment from around the room.
“You’d lose,” Jack said.  “Leslie is a powerhouse.”
“For Ben Wyatt,” you said honestly, “I think I’d stand a chance.”
You pretended not to notice how long it took Mush to get a water refill.  You pretended not to be guilty, and you pretended that you didn’t regret not saying his name.
You had been pretending too much lately, and it was taking too much of a toll.  With your luck, you’d ruin things with Mush even though you hadn’t dated him at all.
Mush grinned at the end of the commercial for some new action movie.  “That looks awesome.”
“Yeah, it looks alright.”
“We should see that,” he said eagerly.  “You and I can go opening weekend.”
You bit your lip.  Nope.  Bad idea.  Not an outright date request, but close enough that he may get his hopes up.  “I’m sure the guys would love that!  Finch is all about movies with people punching each other.”
“Actually, I was thinking -”
“I’ll put it in the group chat,” you powered on.  You grabbed your phone and typed it out quickly, ignoring the frustrated look on Mush’s face.
“You look really nice today,” Mush told you.
“Thanks.”  You brushed the words off, knowing that you would get flustered if you focused too much on them.  
“No, really,” he insisted.  He seldom let you get away with sidestepping compliments, and it was simultaneously the best and worst thing he could do.  “That sweater makes your eyes pop.”
“That’s a terrifying image, thanks.”
He gave a surprised snort of laughter.  “Gross.  Kind of an interesting mental image, though.  Don’t deny it.”
You grinned.  “What’s the sweater doing?  Squeezing too tight?”
“That sweater squeezes you just right,” he blurted, and averted his eyes in obvious horror.  You thought you heard him whisper a small ‘Jesus Christ,’ but you couldn’t be sure.
“Thanks,” you said again, and this time it wasn’t insincere at all.
He inched his chair a little closer to yours, and you moved farther away under the guise of pulling a notebook out of your backpack.  He was not fooled, if the slump of his shoulders was indicative of anything at all.
“Y/N,” Mush said quietly, “I’m getting tired of this.”
“Of what?”  You frowned down at the physics lab the two of you had finished.  When you finished early, the two of you would use crayons to decorate the back.  You had done it all semester, but if he didn’t want to - “You don’t have to help, if you don’t want to.”
“What?  No.”  He gripped his red crayon tighter.  “I’m talking about this thing with us.”
“Okay,” you said.  “Is there something specific?”
He gestured between the two of you.  “This - this almost.  If you don’t want to date me, that’s fine.  I really thought that you’d know I would get over it.  But don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m getting at, and don’t let me think that maybe you’ll say yes the next time.”
Your throat went dry, and it became impossible to swallow.  He was right - you had known what he was doing.  You had known that he knew that.  Still, it was painful to have him call you out on it.
“I’m sorry,” you said.  You reached over, squeezed his hand once, and let go.  “I was being a jerk.”
“Do you want to go out with me?”  There was no hope in his voice this time, and his eyes were tired.
You said nothing.  You didn’t want to lie, and to tell him the truth would be unfair.
“Y/N, please answer.  I’ll take whatever you say, but you have to say something.”
His brow furrowed, and it was possibly the first time he had looked truly angry at you.  “Y/N, I swear to God -”
“No,” you snapped back.  You weren’t angry, but you were cornered.  “No, I will not date you.  I am scared to date you, so I won’t.  Don’t ask anymore.”
Mush pursed his lips, started to speak, and pursed them again.  “Okay,” he finally said.  “Okay, I know that I said I’d accept your answer, but I think I’ll need a little more than that.”
“Nope.  That’s all there is.”
“No.  Nononononono.  You don’t get to call me scary to date, and leave it there,” he said.
“I didn’t call you scary,” you argued.  “I called myself scared.”
“What’s the difference?”  The weariness was gone now, and though there wasn’t hope, there was something.  Not his signature Face, maybe, but something that made you think that he wouldn’t lay down and accept your answer after all.
You couldn’t find it in yourself to be unhappy about it.
“We only have one college in common,” you said.
“The colleges we applied for - we only shared one.  I don’t want to do long distance.  I don’t want either of us to sacrifice things to make it work with each other.”
His lips quirked into half a smile.  “You have to do that no matter how close you are.”
“But it would be harder,” you argued.  “It would be hard, and you’re worth the work, but I don’t want things to get ugly and fail.”
“Any relationship can fail!”  He was half laughing now.  Half amused, half confused.  “If you don’t do something because it might not work out, you’ll never do anything.”
“But this -”
“Do you like me?”
“Yes,” you said in a small voice.
“Good.  I like you too,” he said.  A hint of The Face came back, and his eyes were bright.  “Do you think that there’s a chance - no matter how small - that we could make things work?  That you’d want to make things work?”
“Yes,” you said, and smiled a little.  Of course he was going to talk you into dating.  Or course you were going to fall for it.  You weren’t sure why you had thought there was any other way, but it was clear that there wasn’t.
“Has being scared of something ever changed the situation?”
“No,” you sighed.
“So let’s do this,” he urged.  He didn’t grab your hand, no, that would be too forceful.  He would never corner you in a way that truly made it impossible to escape.  He did, however, put his hand near yours on the table.  Near enough for you to touch him, if you spread your fingers a little.  “Let’s try this out.  I know that it might not work, but maybe it will.  I think that you’re worth the risk, Y/N.”
You sighed, pushing your hair back.  It was an exasperated sigh, a fond sigh.  A surrender sigh.  “Alright, Mush.  You’ve worn me down.  Let’s go out.  Nobody else there, and no excuses.”  You shifted your hand over and squeezed his fingers.
He beamed.  “Awesome.  If anybody can handle distance, it’s us.”
“And we don’t know that we’ll have to,” you said.  It was a reminder for both of you, really.  “We haven’t gotten acceptance letters yet.  We might be at the same school.”
“That’s the spirit,” he said.
“So, what’s the plan for the date?”
“I’ve given you plenty of options,” he smirked.  “Your turn.”
You smacked his hand, standing to turn in the lab.  “Blow me away, Mush.  Make this worth my while.”
“You’re dating me.  That’s worth it, and then some.”
You rolled your eyes at him, but were inclined to agree.
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heroismdreams-moved · 6 years
Explanation : Cynthia's Personal Brand of Heroics
Cynthia is loud, and very active about her desire to become an epic heroine, the kind bards sing about and whom people look up to in the future. However, we know that this isn’t always the kind of person that she was thanks to the following Harvest Scramble conversation with Severa :
Severa: I remember now. I remember it ALL! Back before you started playing with the boys, you were the girliest of ALL of us! Cynthia: Um... Yeah. I guess I was. Heh heh, I didn't think you'd remember that... Severa: Then all of a sudden you transformed overnight! It's like something... Oh. Oh no. Cynthia, wasn't that... That was right around when... Your mother... Cynthia: ...Yeah. After the Risen killed her. Being such a mama's girl, losing her was... It just...hurt so much. I was so angry. After that, doing girly stuff... It all felt so pointless. I didn't care about being pretty. I just wanted to be strong enough to avenge her. I suppose I looked at the boys and thought they seemed stronger... It's silly, huh? When you spell it all out. But you know how kids are. Severa: That's why you decided to be a hero? Cynthia: Heh, yeah...
This conversation perfectly highlights that becoming a hero wasn’t something that she’s wanted to be for a long time, it was the result of a deep trauma of losing someone she cared deeply about. However, I do not believe that this trauma led to the heroic personality we now know and see in her, as this dialogue implies she would be today an ‘Avenger’ type hero. There must be more.
Allow me to submit this line of dialogue from Cynthia and Yarne’s B-Support:
Yarne: But I WANT to fight! I'm tired of feeling so pathetic. Everyone else is fighting with everything they've got, and I'm still turning tail. Cynthia: Well then, if you want it that bad, maybe you can work through the fear. […] Cynthia: You should become a hero! Yarne: A...hero? Cynthia: Yeah! A hero just like me! I mean, I'm still in training myself, but you could join me! It'll be totally great!
To me this dialogue implies that Cynthia’s descision to be a hero wasn’t just born out of a desire for revenge, but of pure fear as well. She offers the solution of becoming a hero after he confides that he doesn’t want to be afraid anymore. This likely was her own thought process as well.
Let’s quickly examine two of Cynthia’s Event Tiles responses to what she does in her freetime, and what she dreams about :
"I make sure everyone is safe! Seeing another crisis averted makes me happy."
"I dream of becoming someone's hero! I want to protect the people who matter."
The first quote implies that at the start of her path to become a hero she sought to be the Avenger-Type hero, not unlike Owain himself. This would make sense if she saw Owain and the other boys her age and thought to be ‘strong like them.’ But the above quotes from her Event Tiles do not sound like an Avenger, but a Protector instead.
I will not submit my next bit of evidence - the C-Support and the B-Support between the two ‘Heroic’ Future Kids, Owain and Cynthia.
Cynthia: Okay, fine. But this is just between us! So I'm trying to plan a dramatic entrance for our next battle. Something...heroic. Owain: Well, if you're going to be a hero, there's only one real option... Wait until your friends are on the brink of defeat, then show up and smite the enemy! There's nothing more heroic than a big comeback. Cynthia: That's terrible! I can't do that! Owain: Why not? A hero always shows up at the last minute. It's in the job description. Cynthia: No, it's not! A real hero is there the whole time, tirelessly defending her allies! [...] Cynthia: Well, I've been thinking about what you said, and it still feels wrong. You want me to wait and appear at the end, but what if someone needs me? What if they get hurt? Or...worse? Owain: That's the whole point! You come swooping in just before anyone gets hurt! Cynthia: But what if you're too late? Owain: Just don't let it happen. Situational analysis is a basic part of heroism. Cynthia: Mmm, it's still a risk. I think I'd rather just be there from the beginning.
Cynthia’s idea of a hero, as outlined above, is someone who fights there from the beginning, someone on the front lines, someone who doesn’t want to risk the lives of those she cares about.
I believe that in the process from being the Avenger-Type Hero and to the Protector-Type Hero, Cynthia likely lost more than just her parents, that due to her own inaction and hesitance, someone lost their life right in front of her eyes. After that, avenging the death of her parents was no longer as important to her, but rather keeping everyone else alive was. 
But, this still doesn’t make up her entire Hero persona; She acts brave, she acts hero-like, but most importantly, she’s cheerful. Allow me to now present my next bits of dialogue, lifted from Cynthia’s C-Support with a Female Avatar, her C and B support with Yarne, and her C and Support with Lucina.
Cynthia: Hey, stop worrying already! I can take care of myself. I'm a hero, remember? It's my job to rally and inspire our comrades.
Yarne: H-hey! That's not... Oh, who am I kidding. Yes I am. Mostly, I'm just surprised to hear you say I'm all right the way I am. You're the only one who thinks so. So, yeah. Thanks. Cynthia: Aw, come on, buddy. Smile! As a hero, I'm not allowed to leave the scene until you're wearing a grin. Yarne: R-right. I'll try. […] Cynthia: Pffft! All you have to do is stand up to evil and help anyone who needs helping. If you follow those two rules, anyone can become a hero!
Lucina: I'm afraid such techniques aren't my style. I try not to attract undue attention on the battlefield, as a rule. Cynthia: But nailing a really flamboyant move would be a guaranteed morale booster! Lucina: You really think morale would be boosted if I "nailed a flamboyant move"? Cynthia: I'm shocked you even have to ask! You're like a shining ray of hope for us. Both as Chrom's kid AND a fighter! And with such a heroic role comes a responsibility to inspire your allies. A single word or action from you could turn the tide of an entire battle! […] […] Lucina: Er... C-Come forth...light of justice? Cynthia: You're not selling it! What happened to the bold warrior-goddess Lucina I know? You're fearless in combat—how can you be afraid of a few lines of dialogue?! Lucina: I'm sorry. It's just... It IS rather embarrassing. Cynthia: Only because you're not putting your heart into it!If you really belt it out, you'll be surprised how convincing it sounds! It's called "method acting", and it's all the rage among theater folk nowadays. Lucina: If you say so... Cynthia: Trust me, I've been doing this all my life. […] Cynthia: Listen to you! I don't know about the others, but MY morale is through the roof! This is so hero-y!
Inspiration, smiles, morale - Cynthia equates all of this with her hero persona as well. We know that her future was dark, bleak, to the point where nothing there would grow anymore. They lost a lot of lives, and were fighting against a literal deity with an army of death at it’s side. 
I believe depression was a large problem around the army. I believe fear was a problem as well. I believe it’s likely that some people just... gave up entirely.
This, I feel, is the last piece of the puzzle that explains Cynthia’s personal brand of heroics - people were dying because they didn’t have hope anymore. Cynthia had already decided that as a hero she couldn’t let anyone else die, so what is a hero to do than put on a smile, give out inspiring speeches, help everyone that she can, and do whatever she can to rally the people already under her protection.
Cynthia’s solo ending is thus :
Cynthia never gave up on becoming a hero and traveled the land in the name of justice. While she impacted the world of comedy more than the world of legend, people still loved her for trying.
And I feel like the fact that she impacted ‘comedy’ more than anything else would’ve been alright with her, as the lack of joy in her world was among the last enemies she had to fight.
Tldr : Cynthia’s heroics emerged as a defense mechanism to deal with her mother’s death, and over time it evolved to her trying to keep people alive from both physical and mental threats.
Oh, and one more thing - check out Sumia and Robin’s A-support!
Sumia: Hold, Avatar! Do you think me insane?! Avatar: Well, I didn't... Sumia: For I see that which others cannot! Demons and devils lurk in shadows dark! Avatar: A-are you feeling all right, Sumia? Perhaps I should summon a healer... Sumia: ...What? Hee hee! Oh, no, I'm fine! See, I'm reading a new book. I was just pretending to be the heroine. Her name is Madame Shambles, and she sees what others cannot in shadows dark! Anyway, I've been saying her lines to try and get inside her head and be more like her. ...Do you think that's weird? Avatar: Yes, it's actually very weird. Sumia: Oh, pegasus dung! I was worried it might be. But see, I thought if I could act like her, I'd maybe become less of a clod.
Like mother like daughter...
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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roselukes · 6 years
Summer Dream - Chapter 19
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Previous Chapters
In the morning, Aspen woke up to the sound of horses neighing. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. She looked down at Michael’s sleeping form next to her before shaking him gently. “Mike, wake up.” Aspen said, shaking him.
“Mm, five more minutes.” Michael mumbled, pulling her tightly against his chest. She groaned a little and kicked his shin.
“Mike, wake up. We need to get back to camp.” Aspen said, getting off the bale.
“Is the storm passed?” Michael asked, stretching his arms above his head as a yawn escaped his lips.
“Yeah, it’s only sprinkling now.” Aspen said, looking out the small window. “Get dressed so we can find a way back.” Michael nodded and got up. He grabbed his clothes and pulled them on.
“My clothes are still wet.” Michael sighed, wrapping the blanket around his clothed self.
“You’ll be fine. You can change when we get back.” Aspen said, walking out into the light rain. Michael held her hand as they walked toward the river. “We can swim across. It doesn’t look like the current is strong today.”
“A-are you sure it’s safe? The current is unpredictable.” Michael said, looking down at Aspen.
“We’ll be fine, Mike. We can make it.” Aspen said, letting go of his hand. She walked to the edge of the river and jumped in.
“Aspen!” Michael said, waiting to see her come to the surface. It took longer than he wanted, and his heart was racing. She finally surfaced and Michael let out a breath of relief.
“Come on, get in.” Aspen called to him. “The current is weak.” Michael chewed on his lip as he debated it. Finally, he jumped in. The cold water embraced him and he came up, coughing slightly.
“You didn’t tell me it was this cold.” Michael said as they started swimming downstream.
“You wouldn’t have gotten in, if I told you that.” Aspen said, pulling herself up onto the rocky dam. Michael followed, shivering as he left the water. “Now, let’s go get some warm clothes on and then we can go to breakfast.” Michael nodded, holding her hand as they walked back to camp. They went their separate ways at their cabins, but met again when they had changed into dry clothes.
“I hope we don’t get sick from being wet.” Michael sighed, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they headed to the mess hall. They walked in, and all eyes were on them.
“Oh, my God. They’re alive.” Rian chuckled. “They survived.”
“Yes, and we’re starving.” Aspen said, grabbing a plate. She filled it with a couple waffles and some cantaloupe. She took a seat next to Michael at the table of counselors.
“You two had us worried sick.” Carly said, looking at the two of them. “What happened?”
“Well, I had gone down to the river last night to be alone. The river started getting crazy, but I was enjoying watching it. The water had started rising from the storm and the rapids were cracking the boards. I tried to get off before it broke completely, but I got off on the wrong side.”
“I saw the broken bridge and I thought she had ended up in the water. I spent, like, an hour looking for her before I gave up and went to the farm.” Michael added.
“I had already been in the barn for a while. I went there right after I got off the bridge. I tried to use the landline out there to call you guys, but the power was out.” Aspen said. “Then, Michael showed up.”
“We slept in the barn to avoid getting struck by lightning, and we swam across the river this morning to get back. We decided we wanted to be dry for breakfast, so we changed before we came here.” Michael said. “It was a rough night. I thought the barn was gonna be swept away.”
“You had us all so worried.” Alex nodded. “We really thought you were both dead.”
“Yeah, your brothers didn’t sleep at all last night.” Carly sighed. “They kept saying they should’ve gone with Michael to look for you.”
“I should probably go talk to them.” Aspen sighed, looking over at them.
“I think that’d be a good idea.” Alex nodded. “We’ll talk to you later.” Aspen nodded and got up, going over to the table her brothers were sitting at.
“What the hell were you thinking last night?” Carter asked, looking at her.
“I didn’t think the storm would come on that strong so fast.” Aspen sighed. “I couldn’t sleep and I needed to go somewhere to think.”
“We thought you were dead.” Caleb sighed. “You should’ve come back when the storm hit.”
“I would have, but the bridge was hit by the water.” Aspen said. “It’s uncrossable now. We’ll have to rebuild it.”
“What do you mean it was hit by the water?” Carter asked.
“The water kept rising with the rain and the winds caused the currents to go crazy. The water hit the bridge and broke the boards.” Aspen said. “I was on the other side of the river and couldn’t get back across, so I went to the farm and stayed in the barn where it was dry. Michael found me there.”
“How did you get back across this morning?” Caden asked.
“We swam across the river and went down to the dam.” Aspen said.
“Are you insane? You never go in the river after a storm as bad as last night.” Carter said. “You could have gotten yourself and Michael killed. Do I need to remind you of the last time we had a storm this bad?” Carter asked, his voice lowering.
“No, I remember perfectly.” Aspen looked down. “We all do.”
“Good. Do not go back to the river, understand?” Carter asked sternly.
“I understand.” Aspen sighed.
“We’re glad you’re okay.” Caden sighed, hugging her gently. “We can put it all behind us now.” He said, sending a glare to Carter. Carter rolled his eyes and stood up.
“I’m going to look at the damage on the bridge. Karmen, you can dismiss the kids for activities.” Carter said, walking out of the mess hall. Aspen sighed and watched him walk away.
“Don’t worry about him. You know how worked up he gets during storms.” Karmen said, squeezing Aspen’s shoulder gently.
“I didn’t mean to get stuck out there. None of us knew when it would hit or how hard.” Aspen sighed.
“We know that. We were all just worried about you. Especially after everything with Audrey, we didn’t know if she had pulled something else.” Caleb reasoned. “He’ll get better, don’t worry.”
“He’s always so hard on me, for no reason. It’s not my fault I was stuck out there, it’s not my fault I couldn’t get back, it’s not my fault Audrey’s the Devil.” Aspen huffed. “He thinks he’s my dad.”
“He thinks he’s the boss of all of us, it’s just him being protective. Don’t get to hung up on it, you know how he is.” Caden sighed. “You just have to give him time.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Aspen took a deep breath. “We better get the kids out to their activities now.”
The day went smoothly, for the most part. The kids were disappointed about having to do all of their activities inside, but they were over it by the time freetime started. They were more than fine with sitting in their friends’ cabins, or hanging out in the rec hall. Michael was in the treehouse with the boys and some campers. Michael was playing pingpong with one of the boys in his cabin. “I get to play the winner.” One of the campers said.
“Actually,” Audrey said, walking into the treehouse. “Why don’t you take Michael’s spot? We need to talk.” Audrey smiled softly at him.
“We don’t need to talk. I can keep playing.” Michael rolled his eyes.
“Please, Mike? I just want to explain myself..” Audrey sighed.
“Alright, fine. I’ll give you two minutes.” Michael sighed, following her down the stairs. He looked into the craft room as they passed, making eye contact with Karmen. He cocked his head, gesturing for her to follow. She stood by the door and pulled out her phone, opening her recording app. “What do you have to say?” Michael asked Audrey, crossing his arms.
“I just wanted to talk about what happened and what we do about it now.” Audrey said, rubbing her arms nervously.
“We aren’t going to do anything about it now. You’re going to leave me and Aspen alone, and we’re going to have a great rest of the summer.” Michael crossed his arms.
“Don’t you see, Michael? Aspen’s been trying to come between us. She only ever liked you because I liked you. She always steals the guy I like. Ever since we were in middle school. She’s dated every guy I’ve ever liked.” Audrey sighed and looked up at him. “She doesn’t actually like you, she’s just using you to make me jealous.”
“God, you are so full of shit.” Michael laughed dryly. “Do you really expect me to believe you after everything you’ve done? You could have killed Aspen and you’re still trying to tell me she’s the bad guy here?”
“She is the bad guy. She’s been lying to you the whole time.” Audrey whined.
“Get your head out of your ass and face reality, Audrey. Aspen has done nothing to you. It’s not her fault you have no talent. Why are you still pretending she’s the enemy? Wouldn’t life be so much easier if you just told the truth?” Michael threw his hands up in exasperation.
“What? You want me to just admit that I lied about her? You want me to tell everyone that she didn’t wrong me in any way? I’ll be labelled as the bitter reject.” Audrey rolled her eyes.
“I want you to leave Aspen and her career alone. If you’re so mad about her being successful, why don’t you try learning to play more instruments or learning to write your own songs?” Michael questioned.
“I can’t just learn a new instrument. It’s a little late for me to start learning. And, how can I learn to write songs? It’s not like picking up a new instrument.”
“You need to try something.” Michael groaned. “I don’t know, okay? I’m not talentless, like you. Just start trying, and leave me and Aspen alone.”
“But, Michael, I do like you.” Audrey looked up at him, tears filling her eyes.
“And, what? You think I’m just going to tell you that I like you too? Well, I don’t. Not after everything you’ve done to her.”
“I haven’t done anything, but lie about the rivalry. She didn’t steal my songs and she got signed because she was better than me.” Audrey said.
“Really? All you did was lie? You didn’t do anything else to her?” Michael raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, and I started a war. I made her get fired from Keith Urban’s tour, I tampered with her instruments, I vandalized her tour bus, I slashed the tires on her tour bus, I fucked her boyfriend, I set up the trap in the woods that nearly broke her ankle, I made my campers sabotage the game. Is that what you wanted to hear?” Audrey threw her hands up.
“Did you get enough, Karmen?” Michael asked, turning to look at the door to the craft room.
“Oh, I have plenty. Thank you.” She smirked, showing herself to Audrey.
“You set me up?” Audrey gasped, looking at Michael. “How could you?”
“You act like I’m betraying you. I never liked you. I’m doing this to make sure you leave me and Aspen alone. I don’t ever want to hear things about you interfering with her life or with her career, got it?” Michael raised an eyebrow.
“Got it..” Audrey sighed, looking at Karmen. “Please delete what you have. I can’t have this getting out.”
“I didn’t make any notes, I was only listening.” Karmen lied.
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Thank you @hakuouki-or-hakuoki for tagging me! I don’t know many people who I talk to regularly on tumblr so I'm like honoured?? that you even thought of me ^_^
Rules(or guidances):
1. Post the rules
2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. And tag 11 people
1. What did you want to be when you were little? The very first thing I wanted to be was a biologist, which tbh is kind of a surprise now that I look back. I really liked science, but I'm not sure how I even knew the word biologist since I was like 6 years old... But then I learned how to write stories and I've wanted to be an author ever since
2. What is your favourite thing to do in your freetime? I play video games a LOT, but I also write, watch anime, read manga and indulge myself with reaction blogs... out of those... who am I kidding, I'm literally addicted to video games.
3. Do you prefer to travel or stay at home? STAY AT HOME. I'm not a hermit or anything (actually that's probably debatable...) but home is like, my #safe place, so I can get a little attached to staying in one spot. Even just going out to the shops for an hour can feel so exhausting >.<
4. Where would your dream vacation be? Japan!! I think it's Akihabara that has a lot of otaku merch shops right? Ever since I started learning Japanese I’ve been dreaming of experiencing their culture firsthand.
5. Weirdest dream you’ve ever had? I literally had to eliminate the dreams I've recorded in my dream journal one by one because some of these are absolutely ridiculous... A dream from 2014: "I am hanging out with King Arthur and Merlin when Camelot begins to be invaded. Both men attempt to get me to safety somewhere in the castle but I am caught. The dream takes me to my old childhood house outside the garage where my dog Lilly's birthday party is being held. I turn into a dragon and start attacking the other dragon there. Nothing happens. Someone asks me if I've seen Silvo, because they don't want to ask Silvo's family in case something bad has happened. I say no but eventually we find him and greet him with a hug. I am taken to a ball where Sherlock Holmes is trying his luck with a scratchie. All through the dream I get texts from dad but I can't reply because I'm out of credit." I'm assuming this is what happens when I watch too much Sherlock and Merlin, and play too much Skyrim xD
6. Favorite flower? Sunflower!
7. Cold weather or hot weather? Cold. Last summer I literally cut off my hair to above my shoulders (it was almost waist length) because the heat was absolutely killing me. 
8. How did you first get involved with fandom? I mean there's 'the first time I joined a fandom' and 'the first time I got involved in a fandom'. My first fandom was Harry Potter, but I haven't got near that fandom at all. The first fandom I actively began participating in was either Dragon Age or Mass Effect when I started writing fanfiction and #tumblring
9. If you had a superpower what would it be? The ability to time travel. I'm painfully aware of butterfly effect at this point in my life due to the fact my entire life got turned upside all thanks to a selfie I took when I was 10. Young me, do us all of a favour and don't take that photo.
10. Can you sing/play an instrument? I can play violin! #probably not well. I started playing so that I could play my fave themes from video games, and now I can add anime to that list of 'things I want to play'. Honestly, it's so fun! I might not be the best (I'm like just good enough that your ears won't die if you stumbled across me playing) but it is really fun! My violin is called Rowena.
11. Tell me a fun fact about yourself! I once tried to stay up for as long as I could without sleeping and I last 50 hours. Not sure whether I should be proud or not since I reckon I could've done better... ~~~ 1. Share a memory that makes you happy! #PositiveMentalAttitude 2. What is something that you've always wanted to do, but haven't done  yet? 3. What is a song you listen to when you need motivation? 4. What made you decide to join Tumblr? 5. Windows, or Mac? ;) 6. What was your favourite book as a child? 7. Who inspires you? 8. Tell us a weird fact about yourself! 9. What is your favourite animal? 10. Something you couldn't live without? 11. If you could live in any fictional universe, would you, and if so, which one would it be? 
Tagging: @writtenbangtan  @evilweasel24 @imaginehakuoki @sneakywitchthieves @adena-wilde @ichabbiefan234 @labyrinthdoll @anubis-and-aciel @aleksandria-nikolai-winchester  @th3morrigan @flaine1996
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dreamscript · 7 years
File #666
“So let me get this straight, Yoongi: you’re saying that this thing is the reason why your friends were found hanging from the ceiling fan? That this was the thing that nearly killed them?”
Yoongi’s convinced a double suicide attempt is actually a murder, and you’re busy stalking a comatose student’s blog.
request - 666: for continue file #666 from welcome to ff.net ; badpasta gone cereal.
horror triggers apply.
5.5k words, horror/thriller, yoongi + reader, college/cop au.
You tug the thick manila folder from the stack of files. File #666, marked as “resolved.” You take it from the storage and back to your cubicle. Ruminate over the case a bit. In a strange, twisted way, it’s funny: for months, members of the department had been making bets and dark-humored jokes about what the six hundredth and sixth case would be. Would it be bizarre? Or something more commonplace?
When case #665 turned out to be the kidnapping of twenty-six schoolchildren and gained international attention, speculations for case #666 grew exponentially. A mass murder. A mysterious outbreak. Or maybe someone would actually manage to summon Satan.
And yet, after all the debates and guesses, case #666 turned out to be a double suicide attempt. It’s uncommon—of course, but it was underwhelming compared to all the expectations it had garnered. You lay the folder on your desk before taking a seat. Two college students. Roommates. Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung. You review their profiles, just to make sure that nothing’s been changed.
Nothing has, as expected.
According to the case file, one of them was a blogger—Jimin, you think—and a link to the blog is hastily scribbled on the bottom corner of the folder:
mochi-min. university . blog . com
Dutifully, you type the URL into your browser.
The notes in the folder say that nothing of importance was found on the website; it was simply a loose, carefree, lifestyle blog. The last few entries talked about gaming—but the psychologist’s notes say that the “sudden recession” into “nostalgic times” and the “gaming world” suggest the two stressed students were simply “trying to find an escape from reality.”
And eventually, the two boys realized that the ultimate escape was Death itself, not a digital world of fantasy. So, together, they tied each other’s nooses and hung themselves from their ceiling fan.
Or so the story goes.
You think back to your talk with Yoongi earlier, the way his voice was cracked with desperation, determined to prove the facts wrong. The webpage finally loads.
The minimalistic layout is aesthetic, functional, and the sidebar contains a sunny biography of the blogger:
Jimin. University, ‘19. I love giving advice and writing about my day!!! Dance is my passion and graphic design is my major. Hmu ! ig: @mochi-minz15 sc: @pjm995
Underneath the block of text is a small photo of Jimin. You study his face, compare it to the shots in his file. Yeah—that’s him.
You quickly skim over a few posts, not exactly lingering on a particular one, before sorting them based on chronological order, oldest to newest. Twenty-four entries total. Not bad. You’d been expecting more.
First post!!
Hey! I’m Jimin. As an up-and-coming college sophomore, I thought I’d start up this lifestyle blog to provide advice and other college-y things for my younger followers (or at least those who were as anxious and curious about the whole college thing as I was).
School doesn’t begin until next week, but um, here’s this post anyways. I guess I’ll see y’all laters!
“You’re still on that case?”
Heejun’s voice startles you. Talk about meddling co-workers—seriously. You swear that he and Sehun are the nosiest and biggest gossipers you’ll ever meet.
“Huh–wha–yeah, duh,” you say, turning around to face him. He’s got a mildly amused look on his face, one arm resting casually on your cubicle.
“Didn’t we all conclude it was just a double suicide attempt by two stressed college students?”
“No, you guys did,” you say, turning back to the blog. You’ve still got twenty-three more entries to read. “I wasn’t even assigned to the case, so I never got a say in the manner.”
“So why now?” Heejun shifts his posture. “Why all this sudden interest? And why don’t you think it’s a suicide attempt?”
You turn back to him; it feels a bit awkward talking at a computer. “I was contacted by their best friend, you see. And, funny thing is, their best friend is actually my–oh, what is it? My sister’s cousin-in-law?” Heejun raises his brows skeptically. “Well anyways, we knew each other - kind of - and he insisted that Jimin and Taehyung’s case wasn’t just a suicide.’”
“Then what is it? An almost-successful double murder attempt?” He shoots you a look and you shrug, knowing that a double murder attempt on a college campus is significantly less likely—and plausible—than a double suicide attempt. Heejun crosses his arms.
“I mean, I guess, since besides suicide, there’s no other plausible reason as to why they were both found hanging from the ceiling fan… Thank god Yoongi–that’s their best friend’s name by the way–found them when he did, and the paramedics came when they did, because otherwise those boys would’ve been goners.”
“Well, I wouldn’t be too sure about that. They’re both unresponsive and in critical care. They might be still be goners after all.”
“Have some sensitivity,” you say, and chuck a book at him. He smirks as he straightens up, carefully running a hand through his perfect hair. Prick.
“But seriously, why is that Yoon–Yoonji, was it?–guy so adamant about it being a sort of murder attempt? I can see why the murderer would try to hang them, you know, as a way to fool others into thinking it was a suicide, but what’s the motive? And this was done in a college dorm. Did no one hear any shouting? The walls are pretty thin. The room didn’t seem to show any signs of a struggle, which is weird because this is two full grown men we’re talking about. Not little grade schoolers who will follow you around anywhere ‘long as you got KitKats.”
“KitKats are good,” you say defensively. “But yeah no—that’s what I don’t get either. Who’d want to kill two average, not-rich-but-not-poor college students? What’s there to gain? A higher ranking? A slightly quieter dorm? Was someone jealous that the two of them managed to score a suite? I don’t get it, and Yoongi didn’t have many ideas either, but he vehemently insisted that Jimin and Taehyung would never do that, and that they did not seem to exhibit any signs of depression.”
“And, despite the lack of evidence to back up the claims other than pure intuition, you believed him and are currently studying the case right now.”
“On your own free time.”
“Please tell me that at least that Yonghi guy or whatever is helping you.”
“Yoongi was actually planning on starting his own investigation, if I hadn’t agreed. So, yes.”
Heejun still continues to look at you judgmentally, so you turn away.
“Well,” he says. “Suit yourself. Don’t forget: we got another briefing at 1.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Friend opened a new shop !
So have any of you guys heard of Etsy? I actually didn’t know what it was until one of my friends opened up this like… shop on it. Or at least that’s how he describes it.
Anyways, I went on the website and it looks pretty cool. Kinda like a hipster E-bay and super (SUPER) artsy. My friend asked me to do a promo for him on here, so here it is:
https:/ /www .etsy .com/shop/JoonDaily
He likes to design his clothes and is practically a fashion snob in that respect, but his stuff (I hate to admit it) actually looks really nice… So y’all should go check it out!
NamsgotJamz commented: Thanks for the shout-out, man. You’re a real     homie.
Guest commented: hey guys this rly worx i just made $89./hr part     time thanks to this check it out —> bit.ly/work@homescam
Pink_mario commented: what the fuck you never told me you were doing     promos, hit me up too. I’ll give you cookies.
The web page buffers for a while before the “no connection” sign comes up. You sigh, tuck your phone back into your pocket. The speeding subway car careens through the tunnel, heading towards Yoongi’s dorm. You check the time—5:06. You’re running a bit late, no thanks to Heejun.
“...the next stop is…”
You get up.
“So?” you say. “Come up with any new ideas?”
Yoongi shrugs. He’s still moody as ever—but now there’s this unsettling darkness about him. Determination. Vengeance. Everything brewing just beneath the surface of his pale skin, his lips thinned into a harsh line.
“I visited their dorm yesterday,” he says.
“Oh? How?”
“Got a key.” He flashes it at you before pocketing it. “Tae used to forget his all the time, so I ended up with a copy. Got it illegally replicated, but that’s beside the point.”
“Not sure if you were supposed to tell that to a cop, but okay.”
He gives you a wry smile. “But right now I consider you my partner in crime.”
You shrug. “Sure.”
“Anyways,” he says, brushing past you and towards the door. “I think that, before I say anything, you should go take a look, too. I saw some pretty… interesting things in there.”
Your chest constricts.
What I do in my Downtime
A few of you guys have been asking about what I do in my freetime/downtime—especially since I keep on telling you all that I have so much more of it now that I’m in college.
Well, most of the time I just sit in my dorm and blog, or I’ll go and hang out with my friends. Or I’ll hit the gym.
Recently, though, I’ve been getting kinda nostalgic for the old days—like, the way old days—so I’ve been kinda playing a few childhood games like Smash and Mario Kart. I actually just downloaded this PC version of Pokemon Emerald from, quite frankly, a sketchy website. I don’t think I got any viruses or anything, though. Hopefully.
So. Anyways. I really encourage people to join clubs—I’m part of a few myself—because they give you a community, and they’re always doing fun stuff so you’re never bored. Don’t be like me, though. Actually attend the meetings and get involved. I mean, I do attend some and such, but like… it’s a lot better to be really involved in one club. That’s when things get super fun, because then you really connect with everyone over that one interest….
In the meantime, you can catch me catching ‘em all…. In Pokemon Emerald (I haven’t started it yet, been kinda busy. But I’ll begin it next week and maybe post about my progress on here?)!
Guest commented: COME TO THE NEXT MODEL UN MEETING, SLACKER!!!     We’ll kick you from the next conference otherwise >:(
jungl3-c00kie5 commented: wow college sounds lik so much fun. lmao nxt yr     vs me in smash ill shcool u also how much can you benchpress jw
“Just before we go in,” you say, “I just wanted to let you know that I brought their file with me.”
Yoongi nods wordlessly and pushes the door open. “Okay.”
“And according to the file, Taehyung was genderfluid.”
“And?” The door squeaks open. Just as the files say, there appear to be no signs of a struggle; it’s disorderly, yes, but nothing seems to be… violently tossed about. No blood on the walls, or scuffs in the paint.
“He was struggling with his sexual identity and appeared to be having trouble coming to terms both with himself and his parents.”
Yoongi looks annoyed. “Look, I know what you’re thinking, but he—he was making it, okay? He was doing well, and we were working on it, and he was slowly just getting his parents to understand.”
“And do you know if he ran into any...problems shortly before his suicide? His parents didn’t tell the cops anything of the sort—but maybe you know?”
“No,” he says bluntly. “I don’t know, but I doubt there wasn’t much of anything. Not when he had so much to live for.”
He leads you into their living room. There are no bodies, but the sense of horror is still in the room, lingering by the ceiling fan. Silently. You and Yoongi both know it and wordlessly move onto their shared bedroom.
“Yoongi,” you say, softly. His back faces you. “I know this might sound a bit… rude but… are you sure you aren’t in… denial?”
He flinches. His fists clench. You steel yourself. And then his fists unclench, and he takes a deep breath.
“Think what you want.”
You chew your bottom lip.
“Come on,” he says, jerking his chin over towards a desk. “I need to show you something.”
He heads over to a laptop, which sits open and blank. It’s been turned off. Yoongi slowly, deliberately pushes it aside, revealing a gray-black skid mark along the cream-colored wall.
“Here,” he says, pointing at the mark. “I was sent over here to help collect the valuables and have them shipped back to their families.”
You nod. “And so what’s so special about this mark?”
“It’s a long story, but in short, I’m 90% sure it’s from the laptop, which means that Jimin—that’s whose desk this is—must’ve like, pushed or thrown this thing against this wall to create such a mark. And like, he’s Jimin. He treasures his computer a lot. Hardly lets anyone touch it and is such a neat freak—like, look. He wipes his keyboard and screen daily. Not a speck of dust. Well, now there is, but before there wouldn’t be.”
Yoongi takes in a deep breath and you urge him to continue. “So he must’ve like, saw something or heard something frightening while on his computer… But I don’t know what. It must’ve been really scary, though.”
“Maybe he was watching horror movies? And this mark could’ve been there before either of them even moved into the apartment. Or it may have appeared during moving. How are you so sure?”
Yoongi shakes his head, slightly frustrated. “Jimin’s a wuss. He wouldn’t do that. And even if he did, he wouldn’t like, throw his computer. One time Jungkook pulled a scare prank on him, and all he did was scream at the screen and back away. This—it’s almost like….” Yoongi shakes his head. “It’s almost like he sensed danger from the computer itself.”
He pauses and meets your skeptical gaze. “Oookay. But that still doesn’t explain how you know that it came from the laptop, and was pretty recent.”
He shrugs. “I’ve done tests. I’ll submit them to you later.”
You narrow your eyes. “Sure, I’ll take a look at them.” You lean in, study the skid mark. Straighten up. “Okay,” you say. “So let’s just go along with this theory you’ve got here. Jimin sees something on his screen, sense his computer is a dangerous object, gets scared, throws and-or pushes it against the wall out of fright. What did he see? And what happens after that? Something crawls from the screen and hangs both him and his roommate?”
Yoongi sighs and deflates slightly. “It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?”
You say nothing.
“Hey, you know,” he says. “You said you brought the files, right? Mind if I take a look at them?”
“You’re technically not allowed to,” you reply. “But if it helps us both, then I don’t mind sharing information. You just need to ask for it specifically.”
“Fair enough.”
“He had a blog?”
“You know, for someone who claims to be his best friend, I’m very surprised to know that you didn’t know he had one,” you say. “I mean, so many of his other friends did.”
“I mean like, I did, but I thought it was just some kind of hipster-fluffy-animals Tumblr kind of blog, not like, a legit blog!” Yoongi sounds astounded. “Damn.”
“Well, now you know.”
“Hold up,” he says. “Let me—lemme check this out. How many entries have you read up to?”
“There’s only twenty-four. I’ve read through most of them. Want to look at the rest together? The ones at the beginning didn’t really say much at all.’
He chuckles at the screen as it loads, comments how the layout is “so Jimin.” He visits the Etsy link, blanches, exits. Most of posts are, just as the file says, carefree and loose.
My new Addiction
Oh god, I think I’m addicted to Pokemon now. I’ve only just started Emerald and already I’ve got like, 10 hours on the game. Fuck. Thankfully midterms are over but still…
(I even got my roommate hooked LOL)
Anyways, since we’ve already played this game before, my roomie and I are having a race to see who can beat it the fastest. Loser has to do chores for a week and make food. I’ve invested so much money in repellant it’s ridiculous… but hopefully I’ll be able to make it to the Elite Four like, tomorrow. Maybe.
Oh—almost forgot. I don’t know, maybe it’s because it’s a PC version and such, but this copy of the game has got some really cool (and slightly creepy) mods. And glitches. Like some of the music gets played backwards—especially Lavender Town’s. Man, that is creepy as fuck, lol. And what’s really cool, though, is that some of the people you fight against will have more than 6 pokemon. Like, there was this dude who had 10 magikarps LMFAO.
For any of you guys wanting to play this version (some of you have asked me for the download link and I’ll post that later) just know that sometimes Pokemon in your party will get swapped out/go missing… so always make sure to save!
tea-HYUNG commented: wtf investing in repellant is such a good idea     THANKS FOR THE IDEA MAN NOW GET READY FOR AN ASS WHOOPING TOMORROW BC     GUESS WHOSE GOING TO BEAT HTE ELITE 4 B4 YOU?!!! Thaats rite me ho
jungl3-c00kie5 commented: lul kek
After that, the entries stop. There are no other updates after that date… And, with a twisting feeling in your gut, you note the post was made the day right before his death.
Yoongi knows it too, as his breathing stills for a second and he backs away slightly. “This—this is going to sound kind of crazy,” he says. “But do you think… the game… had anything to do with their deaths?”
“You think this is the thing that Jimin saw?”
“I—I don’t know!”
“It’s literally a rip-off Pokemon game. How… Would this kill them? In any way? And it’s two of them, mind you. Plus, to hang them…” You shake your head. “None of this is making sense. I’m sorry.”
Yoongi doesn’t say anything, just continues to stare at the ground.
“That brings me to another point, Yoongi.” He doesn’t respond, still lost in thought. You gently prod him on the shoulder.
“Hm?” He looks at you from the corner of his eye.
“Can I ask you something?”
“What?” He looks away but this time you know he’s listening.
You take in a breath. “How did you know to go to their place at half-past midnight?”
Jimin groans and cracks his neck, flexes his fingers, knocks back a Coke. The taste is getting a bit overly sweet and the fizz is practically gone from sitting out so long, but he drinks it anyway. Outside, the insistent pitter-patter of rainfall threatens to lull him to sleep but he resists, shifting his position. He’s finally made it to the Elite Four, and there’s no way he’s calling it quits now. Not when he’s so close, and when he knows that Taehyung’s also hard at work playing in the living room.
Ah, rivalry. Jimin tips back his near-empty Coke can, tosses it towards the trash can. He misses. Shrugs. He’ll clean that up later—right now, he’s got to focus on beating the game. His PC finally manages to load up the scene, and, unsurprisingly the music is backwards. He rolls his eyes and turns his volume way down; it’s past midnight and he’s really not in the mood for creepy glitches right now.
The battle begins. The first of the Elite Four sends out her Pokemon and the sound it makes is uncharacteristically loud—especially with his volume turned down so low—and strangely, vaguely reminds him of a twisted cry.
It’s hard, no doubt. His Pokemon are pitifully underleveled—a downside to avoiding all possible confrontation and rushing through the game—and he’s only got a few potions and full revives on hand.
“Come on,” Jimin says under his breath. “I need that critical hit—gimme that critical hit, you can do it, I believ—YES!” He jumps up in his seat, ecstatic.
When he gets to Lance, however, Jimin is more than irked. First of all, Lance isn’t supposed to be in this game; the Dragon-type specialist is supposed to be Drake. However, that’s not what’s bothering him—what’s really pissing him off is the fact that all six of the Pokemon in his party have been replaced with unknowns. His annoyance increases when he realizes the unknowns spell out “UR DEAD.”
Seriously? What kind of sick joke was this? This was probably one of those dumb glitches or mods—only this time it came at one of the worst times. He’s practically blanching at the thought of having to restart and fight the other Elites all over again—especially since the main reason why he’s made it so far is purely by chance. And an immense amount of luck.
“Of course I’m dead now,” Jimin hisses at the screen. “All I’ve got are unknowns! You can’t expect me to go into this fight and win, especially since I don’t have Rayquaza with me now…” He glowers angrily at the Pokemon.
Internally, Jimin fights a raging battle. To restart or not to restart? He chews the inside of his cheek.
“Fuck it, ‘m goin’ in.”
He’s probably going to have to restart the game anyway, so he may as well give it a go. Maybe he’ll luck out.
The battle begins, and the music changes.
Lance sends out his first Pokemon—except, to his pure, unadulterated horror, Jimin sees himself and Taehyung. Bloodied and lifeless. The sound the thing unleashes is eerily akin to screams of terror, shrieks of pain. A violent shudder runs down his spine and, throat dry and heart pounding, he shoves his laptop away from himself.
It makes a loud thump against the wall; the screen flickers. Jimin stands up, staring wide-eyed at the screen. When it flickers back again, the image of him and Taehyung is no longer there. In its place is Lance’s signature Dragonite. No blood, no shrieking noises. Just an orange, big-eyed dragon. Jimin blinks, slowly. Was he—was he imagining things?
In the next room he can hear Taehyung curse out loud. He’s fine. It’s okay. He was just seeing things; sleep deprivation does that to you. He knows—he read it in a psych textbook once. Shakily, Jimin sits back down in his chair, carefully drags his laptop towards him.
It’s just a game, he tells himself. And it’s in his computer. Like, what’s it going to do to him? Flash the Blue Screen of Death? He laughs nervously. It’s fine, he’ll be fine, he just needs to finish the game… And then he can go over and gloat to Taehyung and they can laugh about all the dumb glitches. Yeah—that’s right. That’s what’s going to happen.
Thirty minutes later, Jimin stretches back in his seat, a happy—albeit tired—grin on his face. The final Pokemon screeches in defeat before disappearing into the ground. He’s finally beaten the Elite Four—somehow.
With a jump in his step, he triumphantly skips—and almost trips over various objects—to the living room, where he knows Taehyung will be sitting on the couch, PC in his lap, still furiously battling the Elite Four. He’s practically giddy with the thought of getting to see the defeated, disbelieving look on his roommate’s face.
Jimin sucks in a deep breath, grasps the handle, and throws the door open.
“Hey Tae? Guess wha—oh...fuck.”
He stares, horrified, at the shadowy, limp, very Taehyung-shaped body that swings ominously from the ceiling fan.
And then when he feels the foreign touch of fingers—no, those are bones, he realizes—on his shoulder and the brush of a skull against his cheek, he knows that he’s next.
The rough squeeze of the noose and the sudden up-and-down drop from the ceiling fan cut off his screams before they can begin.
Darkness is all that’s left.
Yoongi’s silent for a moment. And then, quietly, without moving to catch your eye, “What does the file say?”
You flip it open. “It says that you were going to sleep at their place after coming back from a party. Both because of the proximity and to allow your own roommate some… privacy.”
You look up at him, raise a brow. “But was that all it? The timing is almost impeccable. The coroner said they’d only been strangled for a minute or two before you’d found them. Granted, the nooses weren’t the best, but still.”
“I don’t know,” he says. “I mean, yeah, I was planning to crash at theirs after my roomie told me he was going to take some girl home, but I also felt this thing deep down telling me that something was really, really wrong. Call it a sixth sense or intuition or what—I just really felt a need to check on them.” He pauses, takes in a deep breath. “It sounds suspicious, I know. But just to be clear, I have an alibi.”
You nod. “I know. Otherwise I wouldn’t be so willing to help you.”
He swallows, then gestures at Jimin’s computer. “Um, so, about that game he was playing… He never got around to posting the download link, but I happen to know the password to his computer…”
“You’re planning to play that game?” You put a hand on your hip. “How do you know it’s still on there?”
“I don’t, but it won’t hurt to check.”
“So let me get this straight, Yoongi: you’re saying that this thing is the reason why your friends were found hanging from the ceiling fan? That this was the thing that nearly killed them?” You gesture at the computer.
He shrugs. “I mean, what else do we have?”
“That’s true, but…”
“All that’s left is to play and see. What’s there to lose?” Yoongi shakes the mouse and boots up the PC.
You roll your eyes. Whatever. “Who knows?”
Three hours later, and the two of you have yet to encounter any of the glitches that Jimin reported.
“That’s weird,” you say. “Could it be possible he may have been exaggerating them a bit…?”
Yoongi reaches back and scratches his head. “I don’t think so… But at the same time I can’t come up with any other reasonable explanation as to how this is so different…”
You shrug. “I don’t know—maybe giving all that suspense attracted more blog viewers. People do strange things to attract more views, you know. Just saying.”
Yoongi seems reluctant and lost. “Maybe there was something wrong with the wiring that would explain some of the sounds…” He continues to mutter to himself, checking the sides of the PC before picking it up entirely. “But how does the ethernet wire affect the speakers? Maybe I can take it over to the Geek Squad at Best Buy or something…”
You sigh, check the time. “It’s getting late, Yoongi. I’m sorry, but I think I need to go. If you want, we could schedule another meeting next week? I’ll see if I can pull any more information from the servers.”
He nods absentmindedly. “Same place, same time? Wait, no actually, can we do it a bit later? Like, is 7 okay? I know it’s going to be dark and all but…”
The final Pokémon faints, fades away, before the triumphant, happy music comes in. You yawn, stretch back in the chair. Behind you, with his legs crossed and elbows propped on the armrests, Yoongi lounges in his seat, thinking.
“So I guess that confirms it.”
You blink at him. “Confirms what? That I suck at Pokemon? It’s not my fault that you’re so crap at levelling them up—the only one above level 20 is your starter! How the hell am I supposed to fight a team of level 25 Pokemon with this mess?”
“No, not that,” Yoongi says. “And by the way, I don’t normally do that. It’s only that way since I was just messing around—wasn’t taking the game all that seriously.”
“But anyways, back to the point. I was playing this game on and off through the week, sometimes alone, other times with friends and… I noticed that… the glitches only happened when I was alone…” He looks down. “And…”
“And at one point… when one of the guys sent out a Pokemon… I could’ve sworn for a second there that... Instead of a Pokemon, it was a picture of me… except, well, bloodied. Brutally.” Yoongi swallows. “But it quickly disappeared right after a friend of mine walked into the room… Everything went normally after that. But um, I’m really really sure I wasn’t imagining it. I think I’m probably going to post on the forums and see if anyone else experiences something similar… I tried searching for stuff and the original file of this game but not only was I unable to find it, but for some reason the file is locked. Encrypted. I can’t get to it without a password, and I have no idea what it could be. Fortunately, I have a few friends who are heavily involved in cyber, so after we finish examining this game, I was planning to call them and have them help me somehow upload the game onto an online download link so we as a community can post about our experiences and stuff. Y’know?”
He fiddles with his fingers. Your eyes narrow.
“Anyways,” he says, “We should probably finish up with this game anyways. You wanna continue playing or...”
When you don’t answer, he prods you on the shoulder. “Hello?”
“As I thought,” you say, “You’re too dangerous.”
He gives you a confused, slightly suspicious look. “What?” You whip your head around, get out of your seat.
“Nevermind that,” you say, and, quickly, before he can attempt anything, shove a cupcake-shaped stress reliever—it had been sitting on the desk—into his mouth and quickly straddle him, holding his wrists together in one hand with a vice-like grip. He makes incoherent noises as he attempts to fight you off.
“It’s too bad, Yoongi,” you say, as you fumble out the length of rope with your free hand. “If you hadn’t been so adamant about it all, we could’ve avoided this fate. But the thing is you didn’t—you continued to meddle and stick your nose into something that you shouldn’t have. And now, unfortunately, you are going to have to be—well, silenced.” His movements are getting more frantic now.
“Min Yoongi,” you continue, as you swiftly—or as quickly as you can manage with one hand—loop together a noose, “a college student overcome with grief upon losing his two closest friends. After countless hours of research that ultimately led to nothing, he succumbed and hung himself in the very room his late friends took their lives in. How unfortunate.”
You gently place the noose around his neck. He fights hard against you, hands desperately trying to pry themselves from your grip. You giggle.
“That’s not going to work, you see. The undead have much greater strength with the benefit of having no muscle to tire out.” As you speak, a beam of moonlight filters in through the window and reveals you for what you really are: the human skin and flesh disappears under the silvery rays, leaving nothing behind but knotted and rotting bones. A skeleton, with no fingerprints to leave behind or heart to feel emotions.
His struggles stop abruptly as fear overtakes his body. You give him a lopsided grin. “Goodbye, Min Yoongi.”
Inside the University Hospital, on the fourth floor, two heart monitors beep. Their slow, mechanical sounds echo off of the walls, seeping through the cracks and diffusing in the stale air. The place smells of antiseptic.
The monitors continue to beep. In unison, the spacing between each sound growing longer and longer until finally, there’s one long, unfaltering beep that continues for nearly a minute.
And then there is nothing at all.
a/n: @goldfishh , after reading this: What The Fuck
helloooo i have a chem test in two days that i know nothing about it’s chill. so. many. projects. holy shit. and then exams starting next week fuuuun
anyways if you watched the video this was based off (it’s hilarious--it’s supposed to be a parody of bad creepypastas) then like. maybe the ending was kinda obvious lol
tbh if it was up to me (like if i weren’t trying to base it off the video) then the ending would have been much different. you, for one, would not have turned into a skeleton lmFAO
157 notes · View notes
confessionism · 5 years
list of things i should talk about in therapy so i won’t have to waste our times:
dropping out from uni/trying to apply to a 3rd major/not knowing what i want to do, how i wasted all my youth/childhood (like i’m 20 so like not That old but def not young either) to mental illnesses and how i never really expected to live this long like i was really like in high school that i’ll kill myself before turning 18 and mayhaps i’m panicked
fear of time, i feel like i just wasted 20 years of my life like nothing great happened nothing memorable in a positive way at least, i missed big events i didn’t have a really good friendship since 8th grade and that was like 2 years long anyway so it wasn’t a long duration but at least there were some fun stuff going on for a while but lately everything’s so bland or straight up bad... like i think this is gonna be my 3rd year since graduating from high school and that wasn’t all that since the very beginning so let’s say things are extremely poor since like 2012 lmao so that’s 7 years ??? not cute but also primary school was 8 years long and it was really bland altogether so idk about that
how i have to resistance and endurance skills like i ghost on anything or anyone if my brain snaps also there’s not enough motivation to stop doing certain things or start/continue doing others
maybe some trauma lmao but that’d likely take time off other things i found more relevant in my life rn but who knows maybe it has the same source or smth we’ll see
how i love my parents and how i love them but they still extremely suck at handling mental illnesses, especially my mom and my grandmas also talking about how i kinda get along with my mom’s bf and how i realised how shitty this family really is even tho i kinda recognised that fact like about 3 years ago when the drama has started abt my mom cheating on my dad that basically made the whole family fall apart and made me realise it wasn’t a family to begin with anyway so lol also talking about realising how toxic my grandmas are especially my dad’s mom and how i basically cut ties with her since we had an argument and how she’s even weirder after remarrying last april, how my dad can’t communicate for shit and didn’t even tell me my greatmother’s sister died and how weird this situation is at home that my mom has 2 fulltime jobs so she has no freetime but she also has to do everything at home and pay most of the bills while my father does nothing other than going to work, eating, sleeping, ordering mainly useless shit from wish and buying unnecessary things in general and watching random tv shows if he’s not asleep
why can’t i keep contacts with ppl
my ed/unhealthy relationship with food, my past bulimia and current binge eating without throwing up but with the guilt, how my weight affects me even tho i wouldn’t be bothered by it myself everyone else is bothered by it for some reason and they start bothering me about it and that’s where the Bad begins
how my past anxiety meds could cause me some pretty wild adhd that i surely didn’t have when i was younger like i could do things just fine before heading into high school, like i think things got really bad in 10th grade maybe and i was on the meds not that long after that for a whole year in 11th and nothing has been the same since then tbh
0 notes