#and then i said ok feeling better i'll be hopefully back soon
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druidberries · 11 months ago
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your oc! thank you @windslar for tagging me!! <33 I'm gonna switch things up and do this for sophia since she'll be moving out soon </3 I also do not give the poor girl like any attention when it comes to these sorts of things oops
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What uncommon/common fear do they have? she is terrified of heights!
2. Do they have any pet peeves? people who chew with their mouth open
3. What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? her violin, a high quality camera, and a big fluffy rug!
4. What do they notice first in a person? their smile for sure!
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? soph does not have very high pain tolerance 😭 she impulsively got a tattoo with hua li and it did not go very well...she has certainly decided that tattoo was her first and her last
6. Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? always flight 😭 she's trying to get better at standing up for herself and standing her ground but she hates confrontation and anytime she is under pressure she will just run away 🏃‍♀️
7. Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? she does come from a big family but they are not close. her parents (edgar and charlotte) aren't at all close with their parents or siblings because of edgar and charlottes nefarious ways... Sophia does have an older brother (henry) who she used to be close with before running away from home, she didn't tell him where she was going but he always had a feeling she went to elowen. soph is overall a huge family person though!
8. What animal represents them best? she would say a fluffy white cat and honestly it makes sense?
9. What is a smell that they dislike? she doesn't like any wood scents, she's much more of a florals and fruity kinda gal
10. Have they broken any bones? nope! she was never a very active kid and spent most of her childhood inside practicing piano and violin
11. How would a stranger likely describe them? I feel like if a stranger sees her their first thought to describe her would just be preppy 😭
12. Are they a night owl or a morning bird? morning bird! she loves waking up bright and early ☀️ which also means she goes to bed really early every night
13. What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? she can't stand anything coconut flavored, she loves the smell of it but the taste she just can't get behind. one of her favorite flavors ever tho is watermelon!
14. Do they have any hobbies? photography and fashion! she's very talented with the piano and violin but after being made to play so long by her parents she doesn't have much love for it anymore. she still plays violin from time to time though
15. Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? if someone throws her a surprise birthday party she's crying on the spot 😅 she loves giving and getting surprises!
16. Do they like to wear jewelry? she loooooves jewelry! she wears a lot of gold earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.
17. Do they have neat or messy handwriting? oh her handwriting is perfect for sure! she loves writing in her diary and that thing is so pristine
18. What are two emotions they feel the most? probably joy honestly? she's a pretty happy and optimistic person!
19. Do they have a favorite fabric? anything soft/fluffy! she has so much fluffy decor in her room 😅
20. What kind of accent do they have? I'm honestly really bad at describing characters voices but I feel like she's quite soft spoken. she had to take a lot of speech classes a kid to get her sounding 'proper' so I imagine she definitely still has a lot of that! she never swears 🙅‍♀️ as for her accent in general, I feel like she just has a pretty general american accent
I'm not gonna tag anyone for this bc I'm pretty late but if you haven't done this and want to, I tag you!
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ladysomething · 2 months ago
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
oh god. ok .... maybe body swap fic, because it's a snappy summary that immediately is like "well. I know exactly what this is going to be about then."
Charles goes to a witch and asks to become World Champion.
She grants his wish, just . . . not in the way he'd imagined.
And, because I doubt I'll ever write this one either (it would be lonnnggg), here is the prologue and the part of the first chapter that I wrote. I've posted a tiny bit on here before, so it may be familiar to those who've been here for a while.
“I want you to make me a World Champion.” 
Althea leans back in her chair, fingernails scraping against the wooden tabletop. It’s cluttered with books and parchment and colourful bottles filled with unknown liquids. 
The rest of the small room is just as cluttered, which is pretty much exactly what Charles expected from a witch. It’s making him feel uncomfortable and slightly claustrophobic, but it’s all going to be worth it if she can do what he wants. 
“World Champion,” she repeats softly, a smile curling up one side of her mouth. “This I can do for you, Mister Leclerc.” 
Charles sits up slightly straighter, fingers shaking with anticipation. 
“You can?” He asks hopefully. 
“It’s a big wish,” she concedes, but she’s already leaning forward to sort through some of the vials on the table. “A big wish means a big price. I think you are familiar with this already, yes?” 
Charles’ stomach twists uncomfortably, sorrow echoing in his chest. “I have already paid a big price,” he murmurs. “And yet I still do not have my wish. This is why I’m here.” 
“I know,” she says softly. “My price is small, in comparison.” 
“Give me a number,” Charles says desperately. “I have more money than I need, and I want a Championship more.” 
Althea purses her lips and stands, white dress swirling around her feet as she sweeps to the other side of the room. 
“It’s not money that I want, Charles,” Althea says, bracing one hand against a crowded shelf and rising on her tip toes. She pushes aside a stack of books then reaches to the back of the shelf, closing her hand around a tiny vial. “If money is of no value to you, then it is of value to me.” 
For the first time since he started his hunt for somebody to help him, he feels a shiver of fear slide down his back. 
This isn’t his first time coming to a witch. 
He’d done it once before, when he was younger and thought witches were nothing but stories in Harry Potter, but he’d been made a believer then. 
This is the fifth witch he’s come to with this specific problem. The other four had all been fake, obvious to varying degrees, and with only one had he gotten to the point of discussing payment. 
He’d already had a bad feeling about her abilities, but when she’d demanded an obscenely huge amount of money, he’d clearly been able to see the writing on the wall. He’d left before either of them wasted any more of their time. 
But Althea . . . As soon as he’d walked in here, he’d known that she was real. It had been the feeling that had washed over him, when he’d stepped across the threshold. 
All he’d felt since then was anticipation. 
Now, he wonders what the fuck he’s thinking. He knows better than to mess with powers like these. Lorenzo and Maman always said that when you ask for something you want desperately, the price is always bigger than you are willing to pay. 
He’d thought, while looking for somebody to help him, that there was no cost he would not willingly hand over. 
But a secret . . . He has a few that he would rather not share. 
Althea takes her seat again, spreading ingredients out in front of her. 
“Make your decision, Mister Leclerc,” Althea says, not even looking up at him as she continues to sort her things. “Do you want to be Champion?” 
Charles’ breath hitches in his chest. 
“Yes,” he says decisively. He knows he can pick a secret that will satisfy Althea without it being life-destroyed. “Do I tell you the secret now?” 
She shakes her head, smiling slightly, then pulls a mortar and pestle towards her. It’s made of marble, and catches on the wood of the table as she drags it across. 
Charles goes to help her, reaching his hands out, but she slaps them away. He retracts them dutifully, resting them in his lap and watching silently as she starts to carefully measure out her various ingredients and put them into the mortar one by one. 
“What are you doing?” Charles ask nervously, when he can no longer stand the silence. 
Charles goes silent again, twisting his rings around his fingers in a useless attempt to work out his anxiety. 
What seems like forever later, Althea pushes the mortar over to him, then places a spoon in his hand. 
Charles stares down at the mortar, which has a disgusting green and gooey concoction inside. 
“Uh . . .” 
“Just one spoonful.” 
Face twisted with disgust, Charles carefully dips the spoon into the thick soup. He’s likely had worse, when Andrea put him on a liquid-only diet for a week a few years ago—but, then again, at least he actually knew what was in those and that they wouldn’t kill him. 
“What is your secret?” Althea asks softly, brown eyes staring at him with an intensity that makes Charles feel a little sick. 
He has a few, he thinks, that are worthy of payment to a witch. He knows it has to be something heavy enough that he doesn’t want people knowing; he just can’t make it so bad that if people did know, it would ruin his life and career. 
There are, admittedly, not many that fit into the slim margin. 
“I don’t think I can win the Championship on my own.” 
Althea smiles gently. “Charles, this is why you are here. That is not a secret.” 
Charles swallows heavily. That might be true for her, but he’s never said it out loud before. He considers it a secret, and a well-kept one at that. 
But, if it’s not good enough . . . 
“After my father died . . .” Charles has to stop to clear the lump that’s suddenly appeared in his throat. “I didn’t—I couldn’t go to the funeral. Not after . . . So I missed it. I skipped my father’s funeral.” 
Althea softens. 
“I’m sorry this happened to you,” she says. “But this is not enough either, Mister Leclerc. I need something bigger.” 
Charles scoffs, rolling his eyes skyward. 
He’s never told anybody that, either, because it’s the most ashamed he’s ever been of himself. Grief had taken hold of him and had him thinking it would be better to not be surrounded by people who didn’t love his dad as much as he did—and then he’d skipped one the most important things he’d ever experience in his life. 
“There is nothing bigger.” 
Nothing bigger that wouldn’t kill him in the process, anyway. 
Althea reaches across the table and places her hand over his wrist. Her hand is cold and clammy, and it sends a shiver up his arm and down his spine. 
“You must think of something.” 
He sifts through his memories, trying to come up with something that could be worse than what he’s already said. Something he might be comfortable sharing. 
But all that comes up are things he would never say; how he’d once told Arthur that their parents didn’t love him and then felt terrible when his little brother had burst into tears; that he’d cried after having sex with a girl for the first and only time because he’d so desperately wished he could just like it and be normal; that he’d told Jules that he was in love with him and Jules had awkwardly patted his head and said it was probably just a crush and that he’d get over it, and, worse, that Jules had been right and he’d moved his attentions to a boy his own age by the end of the week; the terrible, awful, things he feels for—
Althea inhales sharply, eyes sliding closes. 
“Yes,” she breathes. “That.” 
Charles rips his hand away from hers, breathing deeply. “You—can you—” 
She raises a brow at him, pressing her red-painted lips together. 
“Get out of my head,” he commands hotly, standing up so fast his chair falls back, slamming against the ground. 
“Sit back down,” she says sternly, the harshest he’s seen her yet. He can feel her anger ripple around the room, and it sets him even further on edge. 
He’s not sure he should be here. 
“You have already paid,” Althea says. “The process has started. Sit. Back. Down.” 
God. He definitely shouldn’t be here. 
“I think I’m going to go,” Charles says anxiously, stepping towards the door. “Keep the secrets, I’ll just—” 
The door slams shut on a gust of wind, the chair flipping through the air to right itself. Its legs scrape loudly against the stone floor as it slides to the side, easily accessible for Charles to sit back into. 
Heart in his throat, Charles gingerly sits back down. The chair slides back under the table without him moving it; he has to grip the sides of it to stop himself from being throw off it with how fast it moves. 
The spoon he’d dropped hovers in the air in front of his face, the curve of it full of the green potion. 
Christ. Charles has never seen anything like this in his life. 
“Eat,” Althea commands softly. “And you will be the World Champion.” 
I’m going to die, Charles thinks as opens his mouth and leans forward. 
He’ll have nobody to blame but himself. 
Chapter 1
Max feels weird when he wakes up. 
There’s something not quite right about the way his sheets feel against his body; they’re too soft, too light and airy. The bed, too, is rather soft—nothing at all like he prefers. 
Whatever. He must have hooked up with some guy last night and he feel asleep at his house. 
It’s a little strange that he doesn’t remember it—particularly because he doesn’t feel like he has a hangover—but once he wakes up a bit more he’s sure it’ll come back to him. God, he can’t believe whoever he fucked last night wasn’t even memorable enough for him to remember it the literal next morning, which is particularly annoying because he has a big meeting with Christian this morning—
Oh, fuck. 
He scrambles out of bed, but misses his step. He slips awkwardly, barely managing to catch himself on the mattress. Fucking rich cunts with their stupidly high beds—Christ, who the fuck did he pick up last night? He usually steers clear of this type. 
The only saving grace is that this guy doesn’t seem to be around right now. Must have dipped out when he realised Max had stayed over. It’s good in some ways, because one of the worst mornings of his life was after he hooked up with a guy who had only in the morning realised who he was. 
Max had woken up to the bloke sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at him with wide eyes and clutching an F1 shirt. Not even a Red Bull one—a fucking Ferrari one, Charles Leclerc’s stupid number 16 staring up at him as he’d numbly signed item after item. 
So—any situation that’s not a repeat of that is pretty decent, in Max’s opinion. 
But, on the other hand, there’s nothing he always wants more than to leave after casual sex, and when they leave first, Max is forced to linger in order to get them to sign the dreaded NDA. 
At this point, he knows he should get the anonymous man of the night to sign the NDA before they hook up. In fact, his PR team have paid off enough people that they would also prefer he do that. But it always ruins the mood, so generally Max does it after. 
Which leaves him here—in some strange man’s apartment, now waiting for him to return so that he can shove the page in the guy’s face and then hopefully get the fuck out of here before his meeting starts. 
Actually, what is the time? 
The nightstand is empty of both a clock and a phone, which is really fucking helpful. Max has no idea where his phone is, but its absence will be why he didn’t wake up to the alarm he set. God, he hopes he hasn’t missed the meeting already. 
Rather unusually, he feels ridiculously hungry. He rubs absentmindedly at his stomach as he wanders out of the bedroom. It’s actually a nice place, contrary to what his first thought was. Well designed, but also homely. Certainly not just populated by an interior designer, like Max’s home.
Max ignores all the family photos hanging along the wall of the corridor—he doesn’t need to see that shit.  
The corridor deposits him into a wide, open-plan living area, the kitchen tucked away in one corner. One whole wall is a big glass, concertina door, opening onto a balcony and overlooking the Mediterranean. Despite its clear opulence, it’s still cozy and warm, obviously loved. 
None of that is what catches Max’s attention though. What really makes him freeze, eyes widening in panic, is the fucking—shrine to Charles motherfucking Leclerc on one wall. 
Max goes over to it, slowly and in a bit of a daze. 
Jesus Christ. 
He’s hooked up with some deranged Charles Leclerc fan! 
Fuck his life. Why does this shit always happen to him? 
It’s quite the shrine, too, replica helmets and trophies and everything. There are some framed photos that Max sweeps past, barely letting his eyes linger on any of the items on the shelves. 
Fuck, where’s his phone? He needs to get the fuck out of this crazy person’s place. Gemma can just send this bloke the NDA directly to his address, Max absolutely does not need to be caught by this guy when he returns—
Slowly, Max reaches out, poking the mouth of the helmet to make it spin around. 
No. No fucking way. 
Sebastian Vettel’s handwriting stares back at him, words made familiar because of social media. 
You are the most talented driver I came across in 15 years of F1 . . . 
Panicked, Max backtracks desperately searching across the trophies and helmets for a sign that what he’s terrified is true is not actually true. He stops dead at one on the bottom shelf, Charles’ name inscribed on the bottom. 
He remembers this fucking trophy. He’d fumed for weeks about that fact that Charles got it instead of him. They’d only been, what, eight years old? Karting in Belgium somewhere, and Max had laid awake at night for three days after, thinking of the things he’d done wrong, all the ways he could have been better, the amount of times he’d practically given that win to Charles. 
Max had vowed it would be the last time that Leclerc beat him, and even though he hasn’t kept to that as much as he wishes he could have, generally their ratio of wins is enough to keep Max satisfied. 
Still. This trophy, the first one he’d ever lost to another Karter, is etched in his memory. 
With shaking fingers, Max reaches out to touch it, Leclerc’s named engraved in the silver. It’s real. It has to be real. There’s no way even the craziest of fans have such an exact replica of this obscure trophy. 
Jesus Christ. 
He’s hooked up with Charles Leclerc! 
What the fuck did he drink last night? How shit-faced was he? He must have been off his face to look at fucking Charles, the shitty little asshole he’s hated since the moment he met him, and thought, Huh. Yeah, this is a great idea. 
Or—maybe Charles came onto him. 
Weird, but Max can definitely see himself agreeing just to sate the curiosity. Just to find out what he’s like, whether there’s something that the man isn’t good at. And he’s too pretty to be any good at sex, right? So Max might be amenable, if Charles caught him at the right time, just to find out. 
Okay. Okay, well, whatever the case was, Max doesn’t need to hang around. There’s probably no need for an NDA at all, because Charles can’t say anything without risking outing himself in the process. 
So Max can get the fuck out of here before he comes back. 
He just needs to find his fucking phone. 
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punk1nl0v333 · 7 months ago
spoil you. j.g.
pairing : heartbroken!reader x bestfriend!johnnie
contents : toxic ex-relationship, depression if you squint, fluffy fluff
word count : 1.4k
not proofread
suggestion : anon
written with the generous help of @hearts4golbach!
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You were on edge while getting back into dating. Your last relationship was… bad, to put it lightly. A toxic cycle that felt never ending until you finally broke away from the relationship. The first person there to comfort you was your best friend of many years, johnnie. He was the one you ran to after the countless fights, no matter how big or small. 
“I know, Y/n, it’s hard, but the breakup is for the better. He wasn’t right for you,” he comforted, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close. He knew how attached you were to your ex, and he knew how bad breakups like this could be. “Jake and i are here for you man, if anything happens or it starts to get worse, we’re here to help you…”
You pushed your hair out of your face, sniffling as you looked up at Johnnie from your place nestled against his chest. His hand moved to your waist, holding you against him. “Thank you, johnnie,” you murmured. he tilted your chin up and slowly wiped your tears away with his thumb.
“It's the least I could do.” you met his eyes and your heart started pounding. You realized Johnnie affected you in ways you didn’t understand right then. Truthfully, you thought you’d never understand, not after everything you had just gone through. You looked away and shifted slightly. 
“Hopefully I'm not as lame and depressed soon, eh?” you joked, nudging johnnie.
“Until then, I'll be here, and we can watch Coraline as many times as you’d like. I know you love that movie.” he leaned in and rested his head against your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist.
The next month was a blur of tears, broken laughs, long stares, and racing hearts. You believed you'd never get over the shitty man you were with before, but there you were. 
Johnnie was always a man of his word. He comforted you throughout the entirety of your heartbreak, with as much ice cream and horror movies as you needed. He was more than patient with you, and you were eternally grateful. That man had walked through hell and back with you, and all you wanted to do was stay in his arms for eternity. 
“Really, Johnnie, thank you so much,” you said while playfully wrapping your arms around him, laying on top of him on the couch. He patted your back and exhaled softly.
“Trust me, it’s worth it for you.” he shifted and sat up, looking down at you now. You lifted your head and met his eyes, the fluttering in your chest returning as it did so many times over the past month. He couldn't help but smile. There was nothing but love behind his watercolor eyes. 
“I’m really grateful for you, Johnnie…” your voice came out quiet but nonetheless thankful. His hand came up to cup your cheek, rubbing his thumb slowly over your skin. His metal rings stung your skin slightly as you adjusted to the cold against your warm flesh, but it was soothing in its own way.
You leaned in slowly, your lips ghosting Johnnie’s as your breath fanned across his face. “Is this ok?” you asked, just above a whisper, and his answer was to lean in and finally meet your lips. It was a slow, unmoving gesture before he slowly pulled away, looking up at you, your position on top of him making him melt.
“Yeah, ‘s great,” he joked, pulling you back in for another kiss.
In that moment, all you felt was love. It was an unfamiliar feeling, one you weren't sure how to react to. All you knew was that it felt right. Everything was perfect, and you weren't going to let that go. 
“Johnnie, this is totally unnecessary!” you giggle as he pulls you by the hand into Hot Topic. He had planned this with Jake: lure you to the mall by saying you’d be filming (that wasn’t a lie, considering the camera), not tell you the plan at all, and take you on a shopping spree. His primary love language was gift giving, after all. 
“Trust me, love, it’s completely necessary.” he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and led you to the band t-shirts, what he knew to be your favorite section.
“Are you sure, Johnnie? You’re not gonna use this against me or anything?” His expression dropped slightly as he realized why you hated him buying you gifts—your ex always used money to manipulate you. Johnnie turned to face you completely, both hands cupping your cheeks.
“Y/n, I promise that I'm not going to use this against you, or use money to manipulate you in any way. I just want to spoil my girlfriend because she deserves it. I’m not a complete fucking loser. You deserve this.” he moved his hands to the sides of your neck, leaning in to plant a soft peck on your lips.
You smile gratefully, butterflies swarming your stomach as if that were your first kiss. “Okay, okay, fine.”
You, Jake, and Johnnie had left the mall with several bags in hand. Jake had done some shopping while you and Johnnie were busy. Johnnie insisted on carrying most of your bags, and anything smaller that he couldn’t carry was carried by you. a few of the bags were sealed, since they were surprise gifts from Johnnie.
“Thank you so much for today,” you said, a giddy smile on your face as you skipped back to the car. Johnnie opened the door for you, despite the large bags in his hands.
“Of course, baby. anything for you.” he walked around the car and put your bags in the trunk as Jake did the same.
“Wow, you’re down bad for her, eh?” he playfully teased Johnnie, nudging him with his elbow. Johnnie rolled his eyes.
“Of course I am.”
As you were cooking dinner, Johnnie came up behind you and held your hips, watching you intently. He leaned his chin against your shoulder.
“Smells good..” he murmured into your shoulder. He had clearly just woken up from a nap, or desperately needed one. You took the pan off the stove and carefully plate everything you’d made.
“D’you know if Carrington wants somethin’?” you asked, looking back at Johnnie the best you could.
“I do!” Carrington exclaimed from the living room, causing a chuckle from both you and Johnnie.
“Alright.” You and Johnnie carried the plates into the living room for everyone, sitting down to watch a movie all together.
Johnnie wrapped his arms around your waist as you ate, his chin resting on your shoulder. He was always holding you in some way, always so gentle with his touch too. Every hug and kiss was so chaste but so charged with love. It was purely exhilarating.
“Get a room!” Carrington exclaims around the bite of chicken he had in his mouth, breaking you out of your hypnotic-like state. You roll your eyes and chuckle softly.
You sat on the edge of the bed, Johnnie in front of you with three small bags in hand.
“Okay, pick one,” he said excitedly, holding the bags out. You hovered your hand over his, moving your palm slowly. You selected the bag with tape over the logo, painfully curious as to where it was from. It was the only one with tape.
“Alrighty…” you opened the bag, pulling out a small box and opening it quickly. Your jaw immediately dropped as your eyes met it. A silver necklace with a small black pendant in the shape of a heart. You held it up to get a better look, your eyes slowly welling with tears. 
“I saw it and immediately thought of you,” Johnnie admitted while sitting beside you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and smiled. “I hope you like it.”
You sniffled and looked up at him, your hands falling to your lap. “Johnnie, I… You didn’t have t-”
“Oh, shush. I did have to. It looked like something you’d love, and that made it completely necessary.” He leaned his head into your neck, his thumb slowly rubbing circles on your shoulder. “I love you…” He murmured against your skin. It wasn’t the first time, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last, but every time he said those words it made your heart flutter.
“I love you more,” you replied, turning to hug him. You stay in his embrace, inhaling his scent once again, squeezing him in your arms, letting him overtake your senses.
He really did save you. He’d never truly know how much he helped you.
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hearts4golbach · 7 months ago
hii I was wondering if you could make a longgg Johnnie x fem reader fluff where he just spoils her and gives her love after her last rough relationship? 🫶🙏
Spoil You.
This fanfiction is co-written by @charcharbinks333!
BestFriend!Johnnie Guilbert x HeartBroken!Fem!Reader.
posting this too, even though Charlie did most of the writing, but I'm a sellout and needed to fill this request too
toxic relationship mentioned, cursing, nothing but fluff
word count:
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You were on edge while getting back into dating. Your last relationship was… bad, to put it lightly. A toxic cycle that felt never ended until you finally broke away from the relationship. The first person there to comfort you was your best friend of many years, johnnie. He was the one you ran to after the countless fights, no matter how big or small.
“I know, Y/n, it’s hard, but the breakup is for the better. He wasn’t right for you,” he comforted, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close. He knew how attached you were to your ex, and he knew how bad breakups like this could be. “Jake and i are here for you man, if anything happens or it starts to get worse, we’re here to help you…”
You pushed your hair out of your face, sniffling as you looked up at Johnnie from your place nestled against his chest. His hand moved to your waist, holding you against him. “Thank you, johnnie,” you murmured. he tilted your chin up and slowly wiped your tears away with his thumb.
“It's the least I could do.” You met his eyes, and your heart started pounding. You realized Johnnie affected you in ways you didn’t understand right then. Truthfully, you thought you’d never understand, not after everything you had just gone through. You looked away and shifted slightly.
“Hopefully I'm not as lame and depressed soon, eh?” You joked, nudging johnnie.
“Until then, I'll be here, and we can watch Coraline as many times as you’d like. I know you love that movie.” he leaned in and rested his head against your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist.
The next month was a blur of tears, broken laughs, long stares, and racing hearts. You believed you'd never get over the shitty man you were with before, but there you were.
Johnnie was always a man of his word. He comforted you throughout the entirety of your heartbreak, with as much ice cream and horror movies as you needed. He was more than patient with you, and you were eternally grateful. That man had walked through hell and back with you, and all you wanted to do was stay in his arms for eternity.
“Really, Johnnie, thank you so much,” you said while playfully wrapping your arms around him, laying on top of him on the couch. He patted your back and exhaled softly.
“Trust me, it’s worth it for you.” he shifted and sat up, looking down at you now. You lifted your head and met his eyes, the fluttering in your chest returning as it did so many times over the past month. He couldn't help but smile. There was nothing but love behind his watercolor eyes.
“I’m really grateful for you, Johnnie…” Your voice came out quiet but nonetheless thankful. His hand came up to cup your cheek, rubbing his thumb slowly over your skin. His metal rings stung your skin slightly as you adjusted to the cold against your warm flesh, but it was soothing in its own way.
You leaned in slowly, your lips ghosting Johnnie’s as your breath fanned across his face. “Is this ok?” you asked, just above a whisper, and his answer was to lean in and finally meet your lips. It was a slow, unmoving gesture before he slowly pulled away, looking up at you, your position on top of him making him melt.
“Yeah, ‘s great,” he joked, pulling you back in for another kiss.
In that moment, all you felt was love. It was an unfamiliar feeling, one you weren't sure how to react to. All you knew was that it felt right. Everything was perfect, and you weren't going to let that go.
“Johnnie, this is totally unnecessary!” You giggle as he pulls you by the hand into Hot Topic.
He had planned this with Jake: lure you to the mall by saying you’d be filming (that wasn’t a lie, considering the camera), not tell you the plan at all, and take you on a shopping spree. His primary love language was gift giving, after all.
“Trust me, love, it’s completely necessary.” he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and led you to the band t-shirts, what he knew to be your favorite section.
“Are you sure, Johnnie? You’re not gonna use this against me or anything?” His expression dropped slightly as he realized why you hated him buying you gifts—your ex always used money to manipulate you. Johnnie turned to face you completely, both hands cupping your cheeks.
“Y/n, I promise that I'm not going to use this against you or use money to manipulate you in any way. I just want to spoil my girlfriend because she deserves it. I’m not a complete fucking loser. You deserve this.” he moved his hands to the sides of your neck, leaning in to plant a soft peck on your lips.
You smile gratefully, butterflies swarming your stomach as if that were your first kiss. “Okay, okay, fine.”
You, Jake, and Johnnie had left the mall with several bags in hand. Jake had done some shopping while you and Johnnie were busy. Johnnie insisted on carrying most of your bags, and anything smaller that he couldn’t carry was carried by you. a few of the bags were sealed, since they were surprise gifts from Johnnie.
“Thank you so much for today,” you said, a giddy smile on your face as you skipped back to the car. Johnnie opened the door for you, despite the large bags in his hands.
“Of course, baby. anything for you.” he walked around the car and put your bags in the trunk as Jake did the same.
“Wow, you’re down bad for her, eh?” he playfully teased Johnnie, nudging him with his elbow. Johnnie rolled his eyes.
“Of course I am.”
As you were cooking dinner, Johnnie came up behind you and held your hips, watching you intently. He leaned his chin against your shoulder.
“Smells good..” he murmured into your shoulder. He had clearly just woken up from a nap, or desperately needed one. You took the pan off the stove and carefully plate everything you’d made.
“D’you know if Carrington wants somethin’?” you asked, looking back at Johnnie the best you could.
“I do!” Carrington exclaimed from the living room, causing a chuckle from both you and Johnnie.
“Alright.” You and Johnnie carried the plates into the living room for everyone, sitting down to watch a movie all together.
Johnnie wrapped his arms around your waist as you ate, his chin resting on your shoulder. He was always holding you in some way, always so gentle with his touch too. Every hug and kiss was so chaste but so charged with love. It was purely exhilarating.
“Get a room!” Carrington exclaims around the bite of chicken he had in his mouth, breaking you out of your hypnotic-like state. You roll your eyes and chuckle softly.
You sat on the edge of the bed, Johnnie in front of you with three small bags in hand.
“Okay, pick one,” he said excitedly, holding the bags out. You hovered your hand over his, moving your palm slowly. You selected the bag with tape over the logo, painfully curious as to where it was from. It was the only one with tape.
“Alrighty…” you opened the bag, pulling out a small box and opening it quickly. Your jaw immediately dropped as your eyes met it. A silver necklace with a small black pendant in the shape of a heart. You held it up to get a better look, your eyes slowly welling with tears.
“I saw it and immediately thought of you,” Johnnie admitted while sitting beside you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and smiled. “I hope you like it.”
You sniffled and looked up at him, your hands falling to your lap. “Johnnie, I… You didn’t have t-”
“Oh, shush. I did have to. It looked like something you’d love, and that made it completely necessary.” He leaned his head into your neck, his thumb slowly rubbing circles on your shoulder. “I love you…” He murmured against your skin. It wasn’t the first time, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last, but every time he said those words it made your heart flutter.
“I love you more,” you replied, turning to hug him. You stay in his embrace, inhaling his scent once again, squeezing him in your arms, letting him overtake your senses.
He really did save you. He’d never truly know how much he helped you.
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panpanghost · 4 months ago
Part 6 of this,
Macaque kept his eyes on Wukong as he flew away. When he couldn't see him anymore, loneliness took over his heart.
He just left, Why do I miss him already? Daaaamn *sigh* I'm so pathetic. No time to think like that. Macaque slapped his face with both hands.
The kid is still out there. If only I could use my glamour and talk to him. Come on Macaque, think! There should be a way to talk to him without having to show myself.
Macaque flopped on the bed.
But... Wukong truts him. He left my life in his hands. Maybe I could trust him too. He was with me and Wukong in the room when I woke up. But then I still had my glamour on, I lost most of my magic when I tried to open a portal to get to the kitchen. The more I tried to use my powers the more I lost them. I can't believe how much I've fallen. I need to get better soon, I can't keep being a burden to Wukong. If only I can remember what this crown is, I can break the spell, but most of my memories are gone!
Macaque grabbed a pillow and put it on his face to muffle the scream he was about to let out _"AAAAAGGGHHH!!!! THIS IS FRUSTRATING!"
Macaque let out an angry growl then got up and paced in the room, here and there, thinking of a plan to suck the information dry from that kid.
I only need one spell to work, one to cover my ears, it's ok if the scars stay, I'll just cover them with some clothes, not my eye though...
Something pinched Macaque's heart as he traced his eye. Whatever happened that day, even with no memories, he knows it hurt him deeply. He shook his head and pushed these thoughts back. If it were something important, Wukong would've told him.
Maybe I can cast a strong spell and keep feeding the crown until I've finished with the kid. It'll hurt though... so damn much... Even if I lose my memories again, Wukong will take care of me. I hate the way he treats me like some delicate flower but I hate feeling like a lost idiot even more. I have a lot of information in my brain, hopefully I'll lose some unimportant ones.
This is my only choice.
Macaque stood in the middle of the room. He took a few deep breaths preparing himself for the pain to come. He will regret this, He knows.
One spell later and he could feel needles through his entire body, he wanted to scream but held it in and breathed the pain out as much as he could. On the other hand, one look at the mirror showed him that his plan worked, he just needs to make it for a few minutes without falling or showing he's about to pass out. Easy....
A few steps to the door made him reconsider, it was too much to handle, he must stop-
*Knock knock knock* the knock startled Macaque, he was too focused on the pain to hear anything around him.
_"Macaque are you in there?" the kid spoke to him from behind the door, "I don't mean to bother you but I got some extra noodles for you. It's a get well gift from the gang and me."
Gang? What gang? It doesn't matter. He's here. An opportunity I can't miss.
Macaque opened the door feeling cuts through his body with every move. Just a few more minutes...
_"Oh Macaque!" the kid spoke, his eyes big and full of delight, all because he saw Macaque, it somehow hit a soft spot in Macaque's heart,
"I was worried you wouldn't want to see me. I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude but I was really worried because I haven't seen you in weeks and whenever I ask Monkey King he'd say you're busy or something and I started to think that you hate me now and don't want to see me because I let you down and..."
This kid needs therapy.
_"Easy kiddo." Macaque said, trying to sound normal, it's like shards of broken glass in his face and throat. But he can handle it, he'll feel worse if he kept being useless to Wukong. "I was just upset that's all."
_"Really?" the kid looked at him like a puppy in the rain. Why does he look so much like Wukong?!
_"Of course. You've done nothing wrong." Macaque spoke trying his best to hold on, this kid is a chatty one, a golden goose for information.
_"Thanks.." The kid said, looking a little relieved, "Uhh... Can I come in?" he asked, hints of anxiety on his face even with the smile.
_"Sure." Macaque stepped away from the door, holding his breath, holding the sounds of pain, then let out a long exhale,
_"You seem down." The kid said, putting the bags on the table then turning to face Macaque, eying him with worry.
_"This whole thing is tiring me." Macaque said with a little reassuring smile,
_"Yeh.. ok..." the kid looked down, then sat on the bed before he spoke again, "Umm... Thank you."
_"Hm?" What for?
_"You know... For staying, even though you and monkey king aren't on good terms." the kid still couldn't hold his gaze up to Macaque, he just looked to his side,
_"Good terms?" I'm not on good terms with Wukong? Why?
_"OK. Fine. You hate each other. But still... I'm happy you accepted our help. I was so worried you'd dissappear the second you got better."
We hate each other? I left before? When? Why?
_"Well, I hit a dead end at one point, the sooner this is over, the better it is." Macaque shrugged then headed to the noodles, he can hold on just a little longer,
_"Are you- Are you leaving once we solve this?"
_"..." What is he talking about?
_"Can't you stay? I mean is it really that bad to be around us?"
_"I'll think about it once this thing is off." I don't know either kid,
_"You're staying!" the kid literally glowed,
_"I didn't say that. I said I'll think about it when we get to it." Macaque said turning to face the kid,
_"I'll take that as a maybe." he smiled at him that mischievous smile,
_"*sigh* So?"
_"Did you find anything useful?" Macaque could feel his heartbeat grow faster, he's runnig out of time,
_"Oh! We found out its name but we still can't tell what it's for. Monkey king said he'd look into it, so we're waiting for him."
_"What's its name?" Hurry up kid!
_"Monkey king didn't tell you? It's the corrupted king's crown, but the info we found about it-" The kid stopped as he saw Macaque's face fill with terror, "Macaque?"
_"The corrupted king's crown..." Macaque muttered before the pain got 10× worse, the crown isn't just taking his magic anymore, it's trying to kill him,
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" he yelled and fell to his knees holding his head, trying desperately to get the crown off,
_"Macaque!" the kid yelled and ran to him,
_"KID LISTEN! AGH! They want- They want to put- *pant pant* egh- someone- else's soul in my body-"
_"Who?!" MK doesn't understand anything, what's happening to Macaque?!
_"The- The king has guards- AAAAAAAAAGH!"
_"I'll get Monkey King!" The kid stood up, looking around for help or where to start,
_"DON'T. AAAAAGH! DON'T-" Macaque couldn't say another word before he passed out.
The room fell silent. MK stood there for a second not knowing what to do. He needs help, Macaque is in worse shape than he thought, what should he do? Who should he call? Should he just wait for Macaque to wake up? What should he do?
part 7
(I know it took too long and it's not that good but I tried my best ok? T^T. I still don't like it though but I'm glad it ended.
And yes, still no title, I don't know where this is going so I can't come up with a name.)
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scrubbinn · 7 months ago
Mimic HRT: 18 months “Happiness”
You've reached the cutest M- M- M- Mimic ever! Please leave a message after the beep!
“… excuse me what day is it? Thursday? Ok. Thursday. Hey Mayday, I want you to actually listen to this message. Because I know you, and you’re probably being a dummy and beating yourself up about it. It’s not your fault ok? The doctor says I'll be out of the hospital soon, at least hopefully soon. I heard the doctors talking about an experimental treatment involving using that slime medication to regrow organs. It sounds terrifying but wouldn't that be neat, being a little bit slime. I'd get to see what it's like to be you… You better call me back, you got it! I'm not in any danger and I’ve been told I’ll recover one way or another. The medical stuff here is like really advanced compared to back home so I'm going to be fine. I've gotten visitors, you know. Mom came by and asked how you were. You know no one is mad at you right? A lot of our friends visited, and I found out they don’t even know what you look like! Come on, you know they all wanted to see you now that you’re fully a mimic… Please don’t start hating yourself because of this. It's understandable what happened, It's mostly my fault anyways. I shouldn't have startled you like that, I just saw you panicking and I had to do something. It's those assholes’ faults, not yours. I know I keep saying it but I know you, and you don’t listen until I tell you this stuff like eight times!”
“Excuse me Ms. Franks, We need phones off to discuss the next procedure. This will just be a moment of your time.”
“I just need to finish this call. Give me two more minutes. Anyway, you better call back ok hun? I don’t know how long that’s going to be an option, Surgery is starting today or tomorrow. You better call before than. I’m gonna be so mad if I get back to your place and you’re in another cocoon hiding away. So you better call ok! I love you Mayday. There, now you have to call me so you can say it back. Mwa! Later hun! I love you. So much.”
* * *
“Recording of Mayday… uh, Friday. Date… doesn’t matter. I, I’m not doing well. I don’t. I just finished crying for an hour and I feel well enough to record something so I don’t have to deal with Erian getting on my case! Sorry I shouldn't yell about him, it's not his fault. I said well enough but, well enough doesn’t mean I’m actually well. I- I don’t know if I can talk about it yet. I hurt Abi. I hurt her completely and irreparably. I don’t know what to do. I thought I was finally getting it. I was happy being a mimic and I still am. It felt like I was intangible before. Like my human body wasn’t real and could just pass through everything if I wasn’t careful. Now I feel so solid. I feel this body and I’m not rejecting it. But it is real now. It’s present. It can bump into things if I’m not careful. I am finally physically me and it feels impossible to navigate a world now. I didn’t know. Why doesn’t living come with a guide book that can tell me what I’m doing wrong. Was it from backing away? Should I have fully become a mimic and just left everyone I know. It’d be sad, sure, but it probably would have been safer. Erian told me if I continued on my crossroads I'd eventually calcify my outer layer to form a shell around me. Like a treasure chest or whatever a soap mimic turns into. Maybe if I was a chest I could lock myself away so I didn't actually hurt anyone. I don’t know anymore. What would even happen to me if I did that? Would I end up in a zoo? Would I eventually forget this whole thing and escape to hurt even more people? What the hell even is a mimic!? Oh universe, I’m just tired of thinking and having to exist. I should get some water or something. I’d like to get coffee, but as it turns out, caffeine is basically a poison to me at this point, and not one I can build a tolerance for… but the taste of poison would be better than what I taste now. Aria was right. The taste never leaves.
“I still haven’t called her back. I’ve been listening to her voice mail over and over but I can’t face her. I don’t have the right. She’ll be starting her surgery and I was told she’d be asleep for a while. I want her to wake up and the first thing she sees is me. I don’t know if I’ll be ready for that. What the hell am I saying, she wouldn't want to see me, I'm the reason she's in a hospital! I wonder if she decided to go with that slime treatment Erian patented. Slime buddies huh. Feels a little rude to enjoy that idea so much. I hope everything turns out ok. I want to talk to her again. I- I'm done. I just want to lie down for a while. End recording.”
* * *
Written report filed by Theodore Hans Erian, date, August 24th. Saturday It has come to my attention that a current patient by the name of Mayday Mulberry has begun to exhibit inhuman behaviors that have led to the injury of a human over the course of her treatment here. The event began one week ago when visiting outside Hypercity with the victim of the attack. This event has been documented through the testimony of several people at the scene, including the victim and the perpetrator. The incident began at a local sushi restaurant as the victim and perpetrator were patronizing the establishment. During their time at the restaurant, the perpetrator was verbally assaulted by several customers of the establishment using several anti-therian insults. These insults were deemed as unprompted as most of the witnesses there claim that Mayday Mulberry “insulted their species with its existence.” This harassment eventually led to the perpetrator panicking and running away, leading into a panic attack outside the restaurant in a shared parking lot. The victim followed and attempted to console the perpetrator with a hug, and unfortunately a mimic mouth from the perpetrator bit the victim. The victim lost a large chunk of flesh in the process. This led to damaged tissue, a hole in the stomach, and severe blood loss. The victim was taken to a hospital within Hyper city in time for treatment and was eventually stabilized. Because the incident took place within the parking lot of the restaurant within the perpetrator’s car, the restaurant has little chance to file any successful lawsuit. The victim has also declined to pursue any legal options at this time. It is within our opinion based on these facts that Mayday should be placed under house arrest and further punishment will be deliberated between our clinic, and Hyper city’s government, with a thorough psychological screening and Ms. Mulberry's medical records.
“Oh Ms. Mulberry, you’ve really done it now. You’ve already been a headache for this establishment but this is something much more serious. This affects the relationship between Hyper city and the outside worlds. Not to mention, this could seriously damage the clinic’s reputation and leave thousands of potential clients left without a place to obtain safe treatment. I will do what I can to make sure you suffer a lighter punishment from Hyper city, but you've caused a major incident that our mayor will absolutely use against all therians. If you’re not careful, you might end up in a situation far worse than living in a zoo for the rest of your life. If you’ve found a lawyer yet, please have them contact me to discuss the ramifications of your actions. In the meantime, I recommend you speak with a therapist on recent events. Situations like this can be just as dangerous for your mental state as they are with your friend’s physical state. Please call back when you get this message. Erian.”
* * *
“What are you doing Mayday?”
“I’m hiding away. Might as well stay here. I’m under house arrest after all. Or are you too stupid to remember the fact that you caused it?”
“There’s no need to take that tone against me. Insults will get you nowhere. I am asking why you aren’t picking up that phone? It’s still ringing. It’s from the hospital.”
“I know. I just, I don’t have to pick it up right?”
“You should. We need to know how she’s doing. You’re making nonsensical excuses not to have anything change. I don’t understand that, you literally took this medication so you can change forever. What was it how you originally described yourself? You were certain that you wouldn’t be certain. You need to see how she’s doing. To be certain. You owe it to her to check. She’s the reason you started your slime journey! She’s the reason you’re happy!”
“Am I happy? Because it feels like ever since Mayday decided to start this medication, nothing has gone right. Mayday ran away and I was left to pick up the pieces of her life. I can’t even tell if I’m supposed to be her, or if I’m someone new. I certainly don’t get treated like I’m new, I get treated like I just got a bump on the head and I’ll be right as rain in a month! I hate that I can’t be me.”
“You could always tell her that.”
“But she hates me. I nearly got her killed, for all I know she could be dead.”
“We won’t know until we pick up that phone, and then you can grieve.”
“Will it be ok? Can I stop hurting when I know?”
“I can’t promise that, but it’s easier when you talk to people…”
“Mayday! Oh my god, I couldn’t reach you at all yesterday! Are you ok?! Are you eating properly? Did you turn into a cocoon again? When can you visit? Do you need a kiss? Because I need a kiss from you right now!… Hun? Are you laughing? I can’t hear you, your phone sounds muffled.”
“…Hi Abi! I’m just. Really happy is all.”
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Mention list: @a-shramp, @calliecwrites, @be702, @respectfulevil, @hyacinthdoll1315
@aster-is-confused, @bloodandbrandywyne, @glitchgloop, @nyxthewary, @lunadook
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sassyduckqueen · 2 months ago
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 78
Well, I finished this a bit quicker then I thought. Work has calmed down now that the Christmas holidays are over so hopefully I'll have more time. Lies is next and will probably be very loosely based on the episode and then it will be Truth. Anyway, enjoy and I hope everyone had a great Christmas and new year :D
Chapter Seventy-Eight: Gang of Secrets (1/3)
"Young Master, are you ok?" Vernn asked as Luka read over some of the grimoire notes for the sixth time. The sandwich on the side had barely been touched and he had barely left his room. Only really leaving to deal with either an akuma or to use the bathroom. He had told his mother that he was really sick and hadn't even gone to school. The kwamis had noticed that he hadn't even answered his phone or anything. It had been almost a week since he lost Master Mila and Master Fu and while he claimed he was ok, it was becoming clear that he really wasn't. Lady Noir had noticed as well and she let him know that he could open up to her but he didn't. The Kwamis suspected that maybe he felt like he shouldn't but they weren't sure. It didn't help that he hadn't been assigned a new therapist yet. Because of the previous events, Dr Mila had been reported missing and her clients were being assigned new therapists but it was taking its time. Luka couldn't help but feel guilty. He wanted to tell someone she was dead but he also knew it would open a whole can of worms as he would have to explain why there wasn't a body, why she had been killed in the first place and why she wasn't who she said she was. If he had the peacock miraculous, he would easily be able to make a fake and create a story that wouldn't complicate things and that would allow her to have a burial but because Hawkmoth had it, he couldn't do that.
"Young Master?" Nepp asked, flying next to Vernn. Luka blinked and looked over at them. "Are you ok? You haven't touched your sandwich,"
"Hm? Oh," He mumbled quietly before glancing at his sandwich. "I'm not that hungry,"
"You haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon, young master," Bennu declared, flying over. "So at least try to eat half,"
Luka sighed before picking up the sandwich and slowly eating it. He knew the Kwamis were right and he wasn't surprised that those three had taken to trying to look after him. It was almost like Toutai, Alpheus and Sir Rene were speaking. Their kwamis had similar personalities. He wondered if Khnurn's kwami was similar to him. Stingg flew over and landed in front of him, making him glance at him.
"Y-your phone has being going off as well," He whispered, making Luka nod and pick it up. Of course, his friends had messaged him and naturally Marinette had messaged him the most. He sighed as guilt began to creep up on him. He hadn't been a very good boyfriend recently. He was barely talking and just claiming that he was ill but she wasn't stupid. She knew something was up. Juleka and his ma knew as well yet he felt like he couldn't tell any of them. How could he explain that he had lost two people without revealing who he is? And it's not like he could risk that. If he told Marinette then Lady Blanche would return and he wasn't going to let that happen. He opened Marinette's text and read it.
11.30am: Hey, I hope you're doing ok and taking care of yourself. It always sucks being sick so maybe I can bring some of your favorite snacks from the Bakery after school if you want. Love you xxx
1.01pm: Lunch time! I'll pop by the Liberty with some yummy snacks. See you soon xx
1.30pm: I'm here! xx 
1.45pm: The captain said you're asleep so I'm just gonna chill with Juleka and Rose. Rest up and get better soon. Miss you xxx
2.42pm: Have to go back to school so I've left the snacks on the side for you. Sleep well and I'll text you later. Love you xxx
6.04pm: Well, school day is officially over and Felix invited everyone to have dinner at his. He's doing a lot better now that he's out of the hospital and he said if you feel up to it, we can drop by and pick you up. Don't worry if you don't though ok? Let me know xxx
Luka sighed as he read through the messages. Marinette had clearly tried to spend time with him, despite him being 'sick' and he had just ignored her all day. He felt guilty and he knew he didn't deserve her. He opened the text keyboard and began to type.
7.23pm, L: Hey sorry I haven't messaged all day. I've being asleep for most of the day so I'm sorry for missing you at lunch. Sadly, I don't feel any better at all. I'll try and be a bit more responsive though so you don't have to worry. Hope you guys had a good time at Felix's and hopefully I can join in when I feel better too. I miss you. xxx
7.26pm, M: Hey we had fun and it's ok. I'd rather you rest and get better then feel you need to message me all the time. Your health is important and if you need to rest then you need to rest ^.^ of course, once you're better, I'm gonna give you lots of hugs and kisses xxx
7.28pm: hugs and kisses sound so good. I wish I could have them now but I don't want you to catch whatever I have. Can't have my favourite melody out of commission now, can I? Are you still working on that dress? xxx
7.31pm: Oh I finished it a couple of days ago and it's being sent off. I can't believe people still want my designs still ^-^ did you get the snacks I left? xxx
7.33pm: Not yet. I'll go get them now xxx
Luka put his phone down and wandered out of his room before finding the snacks she left on the table in a bag. He opened it and smiled as he saw she had put his favorite baked goods in there before he headed back to his room. Juleka was probably upstairs with Rose and he wasn't sure where his Ma was but he went back to his room and texted Marinette again.
7.39pm: Got them. They look yummy. Thank you xxx
7.42pm: No problemo XD I've got homework to do so I'll let you go for a bit and maybe you can eat those snacks if you feel up for it and then relax or rest if you need it. Love you, Lu. xxx
7.44pm: That sounds good to me. Hopefully, your homework won't be too annoying. Love you too, Mari. xxx
He put his phone down before looking at the snacks she had brought. They were all his favorites so he slowly picked one up and began to eat it before the akuma alarm went off. He sighed and put down the pastry before turning to Tikki.
"Time to work," He sighed as she nodded and he looked at the other kwamis. "You lot stay here ok?"
"Yes, Luka!" They chimed as he nodded and swiped his earrings.
"Tikki, spots on!"
~Four Days Later~
"So Luka has being acting odd recently," Adrien declared as Marc, Felix, Ivan, Rose and Juleka sat around him. Mylene had joined them, sitting on Ivan's lap and Marinette was also sat there, frowning as she listened. Juleka had invited her to the 'help Luka' intervention group meeting and while she wasn't going to go originally, after barely talking to him again yesterday, she decided to go. She had being surprised to see Adrien there in the lead but as it turned out, he had a rare day off. For some reason, his father was willing to let him enjoy his day. Adrien had explained he was 'in high spirits' compared to normal. "He's not turning up to school or band practice. He's claiming he is sick yet Juleka, Rose, Ivan and the Captain haven't caught any illness,"
"He's talking to himself a lot," Juleka mumbled. "I hear him at night and he seems to be having more nightmares. He's barely eating and he quit his job as a delivery boy. His boss contacted Ma to see if he was ok as it was unexpected. Ma and I didn't even know he had quit and when she tried to ask him why, he didn't let her into his room. Didn't even open his door and just said he was 'too busy' for it,"
Everyone frowned as all of what Juleka had said seemed extremely out of character for Luka. Marinette seemed to be the most affected as she frowned deeply.
"He quit his job?" She asked, making Juleka nod. "He didn't tell me. I know he hasn't been talking to me a lot but I would have thought he would have told me that but he didn't. I'm worried about him,"
"If he isn't sick then what is happening?" Felix asks, frowning. Despite being his friend, Luka had even stopped visiting him in hospital and hadn't come round in ages.
"He sounds depressed," Marc stated, making everyone look at him. He cringed at their looks but continued. "A sickness that isn't visible. Ignoring family, friends and his girlfriend. Quitting his job. Refusing to go to school or even come out of his room. Barely eating. That sounds like depression to me,"
"Marc may be on to something," Felix confirmed. "Mother went through a very similar thing when Father died. She barely saw anyone and locked herself away but the question is what caused Luka to sink into this depression?"
"Maybe he has lost someone?" Ivan stated, making everyone look at him. "Felix just said it himself. His mum got depressed when his dad died so maybe someone Luka cares about has died,"
"But surely, Juleka and the captain would have grief too," Adrien gasped as everyone frowned but that's when Marinette shook her head.
"Maybe it's someone they don't know,"
"No one close to our family has died," Juleka confirmed. "... but Luka is supposed to be getting a new therapist. Dr Mila has gone missing. Maybe it was that?"
"Yes, I'm on the same page," Felix confirmed. "Maybe he thinks she's dead? He is a sensitive soul after all,"
"Regardless of what it is, we should let him know that he's not alone right now and that we're here for him," Adrien declared, making them nod. "Which brings us to the purpose of the meeting. We need ideas to help cheer up Luka and let him know that we're there for him. Any ideas?"
"Ooh, we could make him some cards and put lovely messages in them and then cover them in glitter!" Rose gasped, making Adrien nod.
"Why don't we write him some short stories?" Marc suggested.
"Or we could write him a song?" Ivan added in, making Marc nod.
"I could bring him some more snacks from the bakery," Marinette smiled. "That way he can eat something,"
"I could ask Uncle Jagged to come say hi," Juleka mumbled. Since he wasn't her dad, she had taken to calling him Uncle instead. He had told her it was ok to see him as her dad as well but she wasn't quite ready for that yet. "Maybe Penny could come by as well and bring Fang with them. Luka loves petting Fang,"
"I could give some math problems to work out," Felix suggested, making everyone look at him. "Uncle says Math problems keep the brain healthy,"
"Maybe no to the maths," Adrien replied as Mylene took out a bracelet.
"We could give him this," She states. "It's a secret bracelet. You hold a bead and give it a secret in your mind then put it together. Once given to the chosen person, they are able to give it their secret and feel lighter but also feel connected to those who gave their other secrets. It may help him with this depression and help him feel like he isn't alone,"
"Oooh that's cute!" Rose declared as everyone else nodded. Marinette couldn't help but nod as well. "We should do all of those things!"
"Though starting with the bracelet may be the easiest since baking goods and writing songs would take a while," Marinette pointed out. "That way he won't feel alone while we make some other stuff for him,"
"Yes, let's do that," Adrien grinned, making the others agree. "He's at home now right?"
"Yeah," Juleka confirmed. "I can text him if you want,"
"Yeah," Adrien nodded as the others nodded. Juleka took out her phone and texted but Luka didn't reply straight away and when he finally did, he said he didn't want to see anyone. She frowned but Adrien wasn't willing to give up. He declared that they would go there anyway. Marinette frowned and shook her head, making him look at her with confusion.
"If he doesn't want company then we shouldn't force it on him," She explained, making Felix nod in agreement. "Like I want him to feel better but his boundaries are important too,"
"I agree with Marinette," Felix replied as Juleka's phone pinged. "Is it him?"
"He said that he'll only see Marinette," She mumbled, making Marinette nod.
"I'll go over and see him," She declared, getting up and leaving the classroom. Adrien frowned deeply, along with Rose, Mylene, Ivan and Marc.
"Well, we can go to the Liberty anyway," Juleka mumbled, causing everyone to nod and leave the room as well. Marinette, however, was already ahead of them and speed-walking to the boathouse. She got there faster than normal and quickly greeted the Captain before going to Luka's room. The door was completely closed, making her frown as usually it was a little open. Enough for privacy but not to be closed off. She walked over and gently knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" He asked, making her frown. His voice was quieter than usual and he didn't listen to her heart song like normal. Usually, he would know she was there before she even knocked.
"It's me," She answered before hearing a shuffle and the door opened. He peeked out, making her frown as she saw his eyes were full of sorrow and red as if he had been crying. "Luka..."
He opened the door and let her in, causing her to step into his room. Almost instantly, he hugged her. She hugged him back as he gently pressed his nose into her neck.
"I'm sorry," He mumbled, making her frown. "I haven't been a very good boyfriend recently. If you don't want to stay here or with me, I understand,"
"Hey, don't talk like that," She gasped, making him look at her. "I'm here because I want to be and I'm not going to leave you just because you're having a bad time. My love is not that shallow or fragile but why didn't you want to see the others?"
"I.. I just can't deal with people right now," He explained, frowning. "I can't help but wonder if being human is worth it,"
"What do you mean?" She frowned. The way he spoke didn't sound like the Luka she knew. He sounded broken. "Luka... what happened?"
"I... I can't tell you," He whispered, stepping away and sitting on his bed. He looked down at his hands. "I wish I could but I can't and it's something I have to deal with alone,"
"You're not alone," Juleka mumbled, making him look up as Marinette looked at her. Rose and Adrien came over as well. "Sorry to interrupt but I was just gonna grab something from my room but I heard that. You can tell us, Luka,"
"No, I can't," He replied, looking up at them. "I'm sorry..."
"Luka," Marinette started but Adrien stepped in his room. 
"Luka, Meleyne has this bracelet that you can tell what's wrong. That way you don't have to hold it all in and you'll be able to get it off your chest," He declared, making Luka frown. "You can tell it your secret and that secret will be with ours,"
"Adrien, don't make him feel like he has to," Marinette scorned.
"But he can't keep holding it back," Adrien gasped as Luka shook his head.
"Adrien, I appreciate the thought but I can't," Luka explained. However, it seems like Adrien wasn't listening. He started going on about how Luka will feel better once he gets whatever has upset him off his chest. Marinette and Juleka noticed Luka beginning to get uncomfortable and tried to get him to drop it but he wouldn't. After listening for a few minutes, Luka had enough. "Adrien! I can't tell you or some stupid bracelet why I'm upset ok?!"
Everyone looked at him in surprise as he snapped before he pinched his nose and tried to calm down.
"Luka, we're just trying to help," Adrien stated but it was enough to tip him over the edge.
"Well, you're not!" He snapped as the lights flickered. "If you want to help then drop it and get out of my room! I don't want to tell you and I can't, so just stop asking and leave!"
"L-leave?" Adrien asked.
"Yes! I only wanted to see Marinette and you still came here! So leave!" He gasped but Adrien didn't move. He blinked, causing Luka to get a bit more annoyed. "I said leave!"
He didn't move again and went to open his mouth.
"Get out!" Luka gasped, clearly annoyed. Adrien frowned and got up before walking to the door. He went to turn to say sorry but Luka was still annoyed. "Just leave me alone, Adrien. I need to calm down and be alone for a bit,"
"Adrien!" He gasped, making Marinette nod and pull Adrien away, dragging him upstairs as Juleka grabbed the door handle.
"Do you want me to stay?" She asked, making him shake his head. She nodded. "Ok. If you need us, we'll be upstairs. We'll keep an eye for akumas,"
He nodded and placed his head in his hands as she closed the door. As soon as she was gone, the kwamis flew out and rushed to Luka as he held his head in his hand. He was holding back tears as he felt guilty and bad for snapping at Adrien. He knew he was just trying to help and that he was simply trying to show that he cared.
"I wish I could tell them," He whispered, making the Kwamis look at each other with concern. "I wish I could explain to them that I'm Anatis and that I just lost two of my friends but I can't. I can't tell any of them any of what happened,"
"I'm sorry, Luka," Tikki whispered as he hid his face in his arms. The kwamis flew over and hugged him. "We're here though,"
"I know," He whispered, nodding. The room went silent as the kwamis just kept hugging him.
~Hawk Moth's Lair~
The window of Hawk Moth's lair opened as he looked over at it. The white butterflies fluttered around him as he sensed the negative emotions of the kids on the Liberty.
"Several fragile hearts that break all at the same time," He declared, holding out his hand. "What a lovely symphony for my akumas,"
A butterfly landed on his hand before he covered it and charged it up with the dark energy. He let it go and watched it fly towards the window before he spun his cane and placed it next to him.
"Fly away, my akuma and evilize them!" He declared as the akuma flew through the window and across Paris to where the Liberty was docked. Adrien was sat on one of the boxes looking down. Juleka stood against the mast. Rose sat next to Adrien, gently rubbing his arm as she reassured him. Ivan and Mylene were sitting nearby frowning as Marinette paced up and down. She wanted to go down and check on Luka but he needed some space. However, she was even more worried. His eyes were red, like he had being crying. He seemed to have very little energy and then there was the fact that he snapped at Adrien. Luka would normally not snap at anyone. Even when he ran away during Christmas or had to deal with Issac and Bob Roth, he didn't snap so she knew for certain that something bad had happened and he probably couldn't talk about it or felt like he couldn't. She wondered if it had anything to do with Anatis, given that he was Anatis' best friend but the clear grief he was going through suggested it was something that had personally happened to him. She decided it was best to open that can of worms though. Who knows what it could lead to?
"Should I go and apologize?" Adrien's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Juleka shook her head before he looked down at the bracelet in his hand. He took the lime green bead in his hand and brought it to his mouth before speaking to it. "I didn't mean to push him. I'm just worried about him,"
"It's ok, Adrien," Rose reassured as the akuma flew closer to them. Adrien smiled weakly at her before passing it to Rose. She picked out the pink bead as she frowned. "This is so sad,"
She passed it to Juleka who held the Purple Bead.
"I'm worried about my brother," She spoke before handing it to Ivan and Mylene who both held onto the orange bead.
"I thought the bracelet would help him feel less alone," Mylene stated as Ivan agreed before handing the bracelet to Marc. He held the red bead as the akuma flew closer.
"It feels like the story has ended," He mumbled as Felix and Marinette frowned. He looked down at the bead and frowned even more. "It can't end like this. We can't give up on-"
Just as he spoke the akuma entered the bracelet and the butterfly mask appeared around the eyes of Adrien, Rose, Juleka, Ivan, Mylene and Marc.
"Gang of Secrets, I am Hawkmoth. Your friend won't open up to you and reveal his secrets," He stated in their heads as they listened. "Well, I will give you all the power to force him to give them up! All I want in return is Anatis and Lady Noir's miraculous. Do we have a deal?"
"Luka will be our friend," Ivan declared. "No matter what,"
"And he'll keep no secrets from us," Mylene declared
"He'll tell us what's wrong," Juleka muttered.
"And we'll comfort him," Rose added.
"And once we know what's wrong, we'll rewrite what's happened," Marc declared
"And give him the happy ending he deserves!" Adrien concluded before the purple smog took over them. As it did, Marinette and Felix watched in horror. They had felt the akuma try to take over them but something blocked it, stopping them from joining the others. Felix suddenly grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her off the boat, making her gasp in shock as they ran up some stairs and hid behind the brick wall. Both of them looked at each other before Felix took out his anti-akuma charm.
"Guess it definitely works," He stated before putting it away and taking out his phone. He dialed a number as she took out her phone and went to phone Luka to warn him. He shook his head and held his phone out. He had already dialed Luka's number and put it on speaker.
"Hello?" Luka answered, making Marinette let out a sigh of relief.
"Luka, you need to get off the Liberty now," Felix declared. "Hawkmoth has taken advantage of the situation and almost everyone else has being akumatized,"
"W-what? Is Marinette safe?!" He gasped, making Marinette's heart flutter.
"Yes, I'm here. Felix pulled me off the ship," She answered before they heard a crash and the phone went dead. "Luka?!"
She went to run off but Felix grabbed her arm.
"It is too dangerous," He stated but she pulled her arm.
"Then stay here but I'm helping him!" She gasped, running down the stairs. As she did, she saw Luka jump from the Liberty to the pathway and run off. However, Reverser flew after him with Princess Fragrance and Little Sister holding on to him. Heureux Fin flew after them as Stoneheart stomped after them with Horrificator on his shoulder. She rushed onto the Liberty and went into the area that contained the boat's wheel before transforming and jumping off, running after the gang.
~Luka's Room just before the Akuma~
"Thank you for the hugs," He muttered, looking up at the kwamis. "I'm sorry that I'm not great company right now,"
"It's ok, young one," Longg declared as the others nodded. "You've being through a lot and none of us blame you for your 'not great' company,"
"Thank you, Longg," He nodded, getting up and wiping his face. "I should apologize to Adrien and make sure everyone is ok,"
He went to reach for his door before his phone rang. He frowned and saw it was Felix before answering it.
"Hello?" He stated, a little confused as to why Felix was calling.
"Luka, you need to get off the Liberty now," Felix declared, making Luka frown. He sounded worried and a little scared. He signaled to the Kwamis to hide and turned to his door as they hid. "Hawkmoth has taken advantage of the situation and almost everyone else has being akumatized,"
"W-what? Is Marinette safe?!" He gasped, his mind jumping to the worst case scenario as he came to a stop. He couldn't lose her as well.
"Yes, I'm here. Felix pulled me off the ship," She answered, making relief flood his body. He went to say something but his phone came up with a strange symbol before Little Sister appeared in front of him, causing him to jump back and drop his phone.
"Treasure, we're here to help you," She declared, making him back away as she went to reach for him. However, Trixx summoned his power and created an illusion of Luka ducking from her and running out of his room. "Treasure! You can't!"
She ran after him, leaving the real Luka left in the room as she chased the illusion. He heard several others leaving as well, making him frown before he leaned down and picked up his phone. Its screen was shattered and its display was dead. He sighed.
"At least, she can't use it to get to me," He mumbled before swiping his earrings. "Tikki, spots on,"
He transformed into Anatis and placed the phone on the side before climbing out of the porthole and swinging around the Seine. He frowned when he saw no one around. He was sure Felix had being nearby with Marinette yet both were gone. His yoyo vibrated, making him open it and saw a news reporter of Horrificator and Stoneheart repeatedly slipping over. He frowned before noticing in the background the Eiffel tower bouncing side to side but it seems most people thought it was the akuma. He also noticed a red energy on the floor, making him frown. He closed his yoyo and headed to the scene. By the time he got there, both akumas were huge as Stoneheart had grown from the repeated impact and Horrificator had grown from the fear of the people who had seen him grow in size. Anatis frowned before glancing round and seeing Felix leaning against a wall in an alley. He jumped down and approached him, frowning even more as he noticed Felix was breathing heavily.
"Felix?" He asked, making the boy look up. His nose was bloodied and he looked pale. He rushed over. "What happened?"
"I t-tried to stop them," he coughed, sinking down onto the floor. Anatis frowned deeply as Felix looked at him. "S-sorry. I didn't mean for them to get so big,"
"It's... ok," He replied as Felix coughed. His nosebleed increased, causing Anatis to frown. However, he shook his head and gently placed his hand on Felix's head. His eyes turned silver as he focused on channeling Toutai's ability to heal. Previously to use it, he had to ask Toutai to allow him but he had a feeling that he didn't need to anymore even though he hadn't used it since he passed his test and his spiritual energy wasn't as weak as it was. It was still weak though so he'd only be able to heal him a little. However, Felix pulled his hand away. "Felix?"
"Fo-focus on the akumas," He mutters, making Anatis frown. "I'll be fine soon,"
"Are you sure?" He asked, getting a nod of Felix before he nodded as his yoyo vibrated. He answered it. "Kitten?"
"So someone is having a villain super party and didn't invite us," Lady Noire answered on the other side.
"They're looking for Luka," Anatis sighed, stepping away from Felix. "He managed to isolate all his friends in one go,"
"I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose but as usual, Hawkmoth had to take advantage," She replied in a reassuring tone. "But there's six villains. It's going to be hard to get the akumatized object,"
"I know," He replied, frowning before going silent. Lady Noir asked him if he was still there, making him blink. "Yeah... sorry I was just thinking,"
"Want to share those thoughts?"
"I'm thinking it may be a good idea to isolate one of the villains and get them to tell us where the akuma is," He mumbled. "But while I do that, I need you to keep Princess Fragrance, Fin and Reverser distracted. Stoneheart and Horrificator are currently amusing themselves. I know it's a lot to ask but they could be an issue,"
"You're going to try and get Little Sister?" She asks.
"Yes. She is Luka's sister and I know I can get through to her,"
"Not a problem. Leave the others to me," He could almost hear the grin in her voice. "Good luck, Annie,"
"Good luck yourself, Kitten," He replied before saying bye and hanging up. He typed on his yoyo and found Little Sister through the new reporters. She was unable to use her teleportation as Luka's phone got broken so she couldn't track him or trade places with others now. He put his yoyo away and turned to Felix. "Take it easy ok?"
"I.." He coughed but gave him a thumbs up. Anatis nodded and threw his yoyo, swinging into the city until he found another alleyway. He laid in waiting until Little Sister jumped over it. Taking the chance, he threw his yoyo and wrapped it around her, trapping her. Her phone fell down and he broke it with his foot, making sure she couldn't escape.
"Ha! Bummer for you, bug boy," Little Sister sneered. "I don't have the akuma,"
"I know," He replied. "That was to make sure you couldn't teleport. Since there's no horn this time, you must have another anchor right. Logically speaking, it would be your phone. Anyway, I just want to talk to you,"
"You want to talk to me?" She asked, making him nod. "Too bad! I have nothing to say to you!"
"Then you can listen," He answered, calmly. "Juleka, from what I understand... you've being having some issues with your brother. He's being secretive and distant and I'm sure you're worried about him. I don't know why he's acting that way but I do know he does care about you and I'm sure he's keeping it to himself because he doesn't want to be a burden,"
"He's not a burden!" She growls. "He's the treasure! I must protect him!"
"By becoming an akuma and forcing him to tell you what's wrong?" Anatis asked, making her look at him with shock. "Let me tell you something. I recently lost a couple of friends of mine and it's being hard trying to recover from it but my friends have been supporting me. Not by rushing me and making me tell them everything but by giving me space and offering their support. That's what Lady Noir is doing and I know my other friends like Culpeo and Abeille would do the same. That's why I trust them and am able to work side by side with them,"
He pauses as she looks down.
"Juleka, you don't need the power Hawkmoth gave you to protect Luka. You can reject it," He states, making her eyes widen before she closed them and started to try and reject the akuma. He had gotten through to her but the butterfly mask appeared around her eyes as Hawkmoth talked to her, trying to convince her to keep her powers. "Listen to me. Luka doesn't need an akuma. He needs you, Juleka. He needs his real little sister!"
He pulled back his yoyo, freeing her as she pushed back and writhed as she tried to reject Hawkmoth's power before she finally pushed back, breaking the mask and sending a shockwave. The purple smog covered her again, turning her back to Juleka as she fell to her knees.
"It's ok, Juleka," Anatis replied, kneeling down and gently placing his hand on her shoulder, making her look at him. "You are amazing,"
He helped her to her feet as his yoyo rang. He answered it as she dusted herself down.
"Annie, the gang of secrets is looking for you and Little Sister!" Lady Noir declared as he heard her fighting before she used screech. "I don't know how long I can hold them off!"
"Don't worry. We'll be there soon," He reassured.
"I have a friend with me," He replied. "Keep them busy. I promise we won't be long,"
"You got it, bug boy," She replied, hanging up. He checked her location then picked up Juleka and jumped up before running across the rooftops.
"Where's the akuma?" He asked as they ran.
"In a bracelet. I think Mark was the last one to have it," Juleka explained, holding onto him. He landed on a rooftop nearby Lady Noir, who was doing her best to hold them off. He placed Juleka down and tapped open his yoyo before reaching in and taking out the fox miraculous. "Wait... how did you do that?"
"I connected the yoyo with the miracle box. Only I can access it," He replied, handing it to her. "Perks of being the guardian but I'll bring you up to speed another time. Let's help Lady Noir,"
"Yeah," She nodded, putting it on and greeting Trixx before transforming into Culpeo. Anatis threw up his yoyo as Lady Noir got pinned to the ground by Heureux Fin.
"Lucky charm!" He declared, summoning the magic swarm and transforming his outfit. The swarm turned into a swim ring, making him think as he caught it. He looked around, causing Reverser to light up then Lady Noir and Culpeo before the swimming pool building lit up. Just as Princess Fragrance pointed her gun at Lady Noir, he nodded. "Culpeo, give them what they want but make sure to lure them to the pool!"
"On it!" She declared, jumping up into a high part of the building and playing her flute, charging it up. She threw the orange ball. "Mirage!"
"Lady Noir! No!" Luka shouted, getting the villain's attention before he turned and ran away, causing them to chase him. The two heroes jumped down and helped Lady Noir up.
"Are you ok, kitty?" Anatis asked, making her grin and nod. "I'm glad,"
"Don't worry about me but we better save Luka,"
"It's an illusion," He replied, making her nod before he held up the floatie. "But I do have a plan,"
"I'm all ears," Lady Noir grinned as he quickly explained it before he handed her to the floatie. The three of them nodded and jumped away. Culpeo and Lady Noir headed inside the pool building while Anatis landed in front of the doors. He fought against the villains, only letting Reverser get past him. Reverser chased "Luka" into the pool area and went to capture him but Culpeo jumped at him and pushed him off his glider, causing him to fall into the pool and for the illusion to end. Lady Noir forced the floatie over him, trapping him and allowing him to float up before she cataclysmed the bracelet, freeing the akuma. Reverser turned back into Mark and looked around, confused. Meanwhile outside, Princess Fragrance was about to take Anatis' earrings but everyone turned back into their true selves, causing Rose and Adrien to fall. Anatis caught Rose as Culpeo and Lady Noir ran back out. Culpeo jumped up and caught Adrien before setting him down as Rose thanked Anatis. The akuma fluttered by and he threw his yoyo to catch it.
"Time to de-evilize!" He declared, slamming the yoyo shut before he opened it. "Bye, bye. Little Butterfly,"
Lady Noir smiled and handed him the swim ring, causing him to throw it up in the air.
"Miraculous Ladybugs!" He declared, causing it to burst into the cure and spread all over, fixing everything. He looked up at the cure with a sad expression, wishing it could fix everything that had happened with Fu and Mulan but he knew it wouldn't. Lady Noir gently touched his hand, making him look at her as she held her fist. Culpeo did the same thing.
"Pound it?" She asked, making him smile and place his fist to theirs.
"Pound it,"
~Later at the Liberty~
"I... I found earlier today that Dr Mila had gone missing and a friend of mine... he's gone too," Luka stated, sitting next to Juleka and Marinette as he explained to everyone. "I wasn't sure how to deal with it and was trying to come to terms with it... but I didn't mean to snap. I'm sorry,"
"It's ok," Adrien stated. "I shouldn't have pushed you and I'm sorry. I will do better,"
"Thank you for all understanding," Luka muttered. "I can't promise I'll be ok or that I'll open up but I'll try. I'll try and be a better friend and a better boyfriend,"
He gently took Marinette's hand in his.
"I treasure all of you," He replied, making them smile and continue with the rest of their day. Before long, it was time to go and after goodbyes, the only two left on the boat were Juleka and Luka. He turned to go back to his room.
"Luka," Juleka muttered, making him turn back to her. "You didn't tell us everything, did you?"
He looks to the side, causing Juleka to frown.
"I won't try to figure it out or force you to tell me... but Luka..." She whispered. "I'm your sister and I'm always going to be. That's why it kills me that I can't help you with whatever is making you feel so alone,"
Luka went quiet for a minute and he looked down at the floor.
"You're right. I am alone. More than I've ever being," He replied. "I have to lie and keep the truth from everyone and it is catching up with me,"
"You don't have to lie to me," She whispered, gently placing her hand on his shoulder. "Whatever it is, we can handle it together,"
"N-not this time, Juleka," He replied, gently taking her hand in his. "This is my burden and mine alone. Maybe one day I'll be able to tell you but today is not that day. I'm sorry, Juleka but I can't tell you. I can't risk it,"
"Luka..." She whispered before nodding. "I understand but when you are about to tell me, I will listen,"
"Thank you," He replied, hugging her. She hugged back. Neither of them had noticed their mother watching. She couldn't help but feel guilt for not noticing her son's suffering and sympathy for him feeling that he had shoulder it alone. He was lying to himself, convincing himself that he couldn't tell anyone and it broke her heart in two. She had failed as his mother. He should know he could talk to anyone be it her or Juleka and that no one would judge him yet he thought he didn't have to. She failed to notice the akuma fluttering towards her.
"Lies, I am Hawkmoth. Your son feels like he can't be honest with anyone. Well, I'm giving you the power to bring honesty back into your family and all I want in return is Anatis and Lady Noir's miraculous. Do we have a deal?"
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canirove · 1 year ago
In The Name of Love | Chapter 24
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We are gonna have to cancel our weekend plans 😔
Why? What happened?
I've caught the worst cold known in human history
It can't be that bad, Val 😂😂
It is. I can't remember how it felt to breathe through my nose 😔
Don't make fun of me, Pedro.  I'm sick 😭😭
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Do you want me to go and give you cuddles?
And risk getting you sick? No way
If I'm sick I can't play, and you always say that's good because without me Barça are shit and they lose all their games
Yes, that's true. But this cold is the worst thing ever and I don't want you having to suffer it too
Awww Val 🥺🥺🥺🥺
That's so nice of you
I am a nice woman
Sometimes you are, yes 😊
I always am nice, Pedro 😒
Beg to differ 😂
Idiot 😒
Still love you, tho 🤍
Try to fix it now 😒
Can I do anything to make you feel better? 
Stop calling me mean, for example 🙄
But I love it when you are mean 😏
You are so weird
Yet you love me 🥰
I sadly do, yes 🙄
Are you sure you are sick? You don't sound like it 😂 
Unless being sick makes you be meaner
Val, stop, you are turning me on 🥵
Idiot 🙄
I'm stopping now, I promise 😂 
But if you miss me too much, remember you still have the blanket and the pillow with my face on them 
If you aren't already using them, of course 😏
I love you, Val. Get well soon 🤍
Yeah, love you too 🙄
"Val, are you sure you are ok?" Silvia asks me.
"I am. I may not be able to breathe and all my joints hurt as if I've run a marathon, but I'm fine. Go and have fun."
"Ok… But if you start feeling worse, will you call someone?"
"I will, don't worry. Now leave" I say, moving my arm. Or trying to.
"Alright. Good."
"Silvia, go."
"I'm going, I'm going. I just hate seeing you like this."
"I'll survive. Now go."
"Ok. Try to rest, Val" she says, patting my head. "And maybe wash your hair."
"Yeah, yeah."
Five minutes later, someone rings the bell.
"Urgh" I groan, getting up from the sofa. "What did you forget now, Sil… Rosy!" I gasp when I see the person standing in front of me.
"Hello, Val" Pedri's mum smiles.
"What… what are you doing here?"
"I had plans to come visit next weekend, but Pedri told me you were sick, and I decided to come early and take care of you."
"That's… I mean…"
"He said you were struggling, that it was a really bad cold. When you are that sick you need to be pampered, and there is nothing like a mother for that. And since things with yours aren't the best right now…"
"She'll come around, you'll see" Rosy smiles. "Anyway, can I come in?"
"Yes, of course. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
"Don't worry. This is for you" she says, showing me the huge bouquet of flowers she was carrying. "I guess you know who sent them."
"I do, yes" I chuckle.
"Who knew my son had such good taste, uh? He had never sent me flowers until he met you."
"Yep. You've brought up the best in him, Val. I already told you."
"I… I…" I mumble, my cheeks on fire. Though maybe that's my fever coming back.
"Now, why don't you sit down while I put these on water? You need to rest."
"Yes, of course."
"I'm also going to make you some lunch, you've probably been eating really bad."
"There is no need, Rosy."
"I insist" she says. "I've come here to take care of you, and that includes feeding you. And I'm also going to make you some homemade remedies that I know will help with that cold."
"You are too kind" I say with a shy smile.
"Anything for you, Val" she replies, taking my hand on hers. "You are my son's girlfriend, the woman he loves the most. Well, the one he loves the most after me, of course" she laughs. "You are family."
"Thank you." Don't cry, Valeria. Don't cry.
"So go lay down on the sofa and don't worry about anything else, ok?"
"Ok" I nod.
"And oh, wait" she says, taking a box from the bag she is carrying. "He also gave me this for you. He said it would hopefully make you feel better."
"Thank you" I smile, taking it and sitting down while she starts rummaging around the kitchen.
The box is just one of the hundreds of Adidas boxes Pedri has around the house, but he's written my name on it and drawn hearts all around it. 
When I open it, it is full of my favourite chocolates and sweets. From kinder eggs to Mars bars and gummy bears. And under all that, there is a small photo album, P⁠♡V written on the cover. 
"So cheesy" I chuckle.
Inside it, on the first page, there is a note. 
You already know 14 is our number. And not because your team has 14 Champions League trophies. 14 is our number because that's the day we met. The day I met the woman of my dreams. And on this little album, I've put 14 of the many reasons why I love you and 14 photos of us together. From our first selfie together on my beach, that now is ours, to the last one the other day being silly when we were stuck in traffic. I hope they make you feel better and as if I'm there with you, taking care of you. My mum's cooking is good too, but nothing like your favourite kid 😉 Get well soon, Val. I love you 🤍
"Val, do you have a… Oh my God, Valeria. Are you ok? Why are you crying?" Rosy says, sitting next to me.
"Did you know that your son is the cutest human being the world has ever seen?"
"I knew he was cute, but that cute…" she laughs. "Did he make that for you?" she asks, nodding towards the photo album.
"He did. He put photos of us together and wrote under each one a reason why he loves me."
"Aww, that is cute. Very romantic."
"And cheesy" I chuckle. "But I love it. And him. I love him so much…"
"Oh, come here" Rosy says, hugging me while I start to cry. "He also loves you very much, you know?"
"That's what he says."
"And he doesn't lie. I'm his mother, I know him better than anyone. And I also know he couldn't have chosen a better person to spend his life with."
"Even if I'm older than him?" I say, moving to look at her.
"Even so" she replies, wiping away some of my tears. 
"I wish my mum would understand it the way you do. Because this is real. My feelings for Pedri are very real. You say I bring up the best in him, but he does the same with me. Never in my life have I felt more me than I do now, and it's all thanks to him. He has helped me find my true self, to be completely happy with who I am and my life. But my mum only sees the age gap and that he is a football player, though she didn't mind that when she thought I was dating Ferran. She doesn't see that I am the happiest I've ever been."
"But she will. She just needs time."
"That's what Pedri told me after that disaster of first lunch we had together, but... We've never had a good relationship, you know? I've always felt like she blames me for ruining her life."
"Oh, Val. Don't say that."
"But it's true. My dad left her the moment he found out she was pregnant and we've never heard about him again. She had to give up on her dreams and her career to raise me."
"And I'm sure that if I asked her, she would tell me that you've been the best thing that has ever happened to her and that she would do it all over again."
"I don't know…" I sigh.
"She would, Val. Because she's raised an amazing woman, one to be very proud of."
"You are gonna make me cry again" I chuckle.
"And I may cry with you too" Rosy laughs. "But you need to be patient with her, Val. You know this relationship isn't what people are used to."
"If I was dating a man 10 years older, they would not judge me this much."
"Oh, they would. But not for the same reasons."
"Yeah, true" I chuckle. 
"She'll come around. And if she doesn't, you know you will always have me."
"Thank you, Rosy" I sob.
"You're welcome" she says, hugging me again. "And since I'm gonna be something like your mother… You could do with a shower, Valeria."
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Silvia said that I should probably wash my hair, but I've been feeling so poorly that…"
"It's ok, don't worry" Rosy chuckles. "I've smelt worse, I have two boys, remember? But why don't you shower while I finish making your lunch?"
"Yes, of course."
"Perfect" she smiles. "Also, do you have a squeezer? That's what I wanted to ask you earlier."
"Yes, on the cupboard on top of the fridge. We don't use it that much."
"Once you've tried my magical remedy for colds you will, you'll see" she winks, her gesture reminding me of Pedri. 
"Thank you, Rosy."
"What for?"
For coming today. For taking care of me. For raising that amazing son of yours. 
"Just… everything" I shrug.
"Well, you are very welcome" she smiles. "Now go shower."
"Yes, of course" I smile back before going into the bathroom. 
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alicewritingstories · 8 months ago
Whumperless Whump Event: Scattered in the Mountains
Fandom: Linked Universe
[Previous] << Chapter 6 >> [Next]
Prompts for this chapter:
6: Panting
18: "It's just a nightmare. You're safe."
24: "Why did you think that was a good idea?!"
26: "You'll be okay, we can help."
28: "It's just me, go back to sleep."
Central characters: Warriors, Wind, and Four
It had only been an hour or so, but Warriors could already feel the pain in his wounded arm getting worse, throbbing in time with his heartbeat against Wind's leg where he held the boy on his back. Already, he felt tired, an ache running through his muscles far worse than he should have been feeling after such a short time. He let out a huff of breath, trying to ignore it. The knowledge that the infection was progressing so quickly was more worrying than the possibility that he was losing condition after only days out of standard military training.
On his back, Wind stirred and made an uncomfortable noise. When he didn't settle again, Warriors stopped and gently laid him down, on his side in case he started vomiting again.
Wind mumbled something, curling in on himself, and his eyes opened vaguely.
"It's just me," said Warriors softly, brushing the boy's bangs back from his face. "Go back to sleep."
Wind made another miserable groaning noise.
"Do you still feel sick?"
"In pain?"
"Yeah… stomach…" Wind curled in on himself a little more with another groan. "How long…"
"We've only been walking for about an hour. I've seen no sign of civilization or of the others." Warriors sat back on his heels with a sigh. Carrying Wind in this condition would probably only cause him more pain. It seemed they were safe enough here for now and with nothing obvious to aim for there wasn't an obvious benefit to continuing immediately. "OK," he said, picking up Wind's bag and taking out his bedroll. He continued speaking as he laid it out and gently moved Wind onto it. "We're going to stay here for now. Hopefully you'll continue to recover and we can be on the way again soon."
"What… 'bout th' others?"
"We'll look for the others when you're feeling better. You're currently in no fit state to travel."
"I can…" Wind tried to struggle up, but Warriors gently stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "I'm not a baby," said Wind, though he stopped trying to fight. "'m not. I can…"
"You're sick and we're going to wait for you to recover," said Warriors. "Any unit must travel at the speed of the slowest. This isn't about your age, OK?" He could understand Wind's feelings - though a reasonable age for an ordinary soldier, he had been hurled to the front of the army before he was even twenty and had had plenty of experience with being treated like a child.
Wind's breath caught on a sob and he curled up again, panting as another wave of pain went through him. Warriors laid a blanket over him and once again brushed his hair back from his face.
"It's going to be OK," he said firmly. "You just worry about recovering. I'll look after you."
Wind nodded and curled up under the blanket, shivering and still panting for breath. Warriors patted his shoulder one more time and settled down next to him to keep watch.
He could ignore the throbbing in his infected arm for a little longer.
His arm could wait, but it was becoming increasingly clear that Wind's condition couldn't. They hadn't been waiting long when the boy suddenly thrashed against the blanket with a cry.
"Aryll!" he wailed, then clutched at his stomach with a sob. "No! Give her back!"
"Wind!" Warriors dropped to his knees beside him, laying a hand on his brow to feel for fever. No fever. In fact, he was worryingly cold.
Wind flailed at him, tears spilling from under his closed eyelids, and Warriors carefully deflected the blow, then shook Wind's shoulder. "Wind, it's OK. It's just a nightmare. You're safe."
Wind's eyes flew open and he jerked away from Warriors' grip, then curled up with a soft wail. "It hurts…" he groaned.
Warriors hissed out a breath between his teeth. This was getting worse. They couldn't continue to wait. Even though he didn't know how to even start finding help out here, they had to try.
"We're going to move on," he said. Gently, he wrapped Wind in the blankets and started to pick him up only to almost drop him again at a flare of pain in his arm.
"Time…" Wind's voice broke again. "'Rule… it hurts…"
Warriors winced, taking a few deep breaths to brace himself, then tried again, breathing through the pain. He'd had to work through pain before. He'd fought past wounds, burns, infection, broken bones and damaged joints… he could do this. He had a mission to fulfill: get Wind help. Nothing else mattered. His pain didn't matter.
With another breath, he started to walk.
As the sun rose enough to cast enough light to see, Four rubbed the grit of sleeplessness from his eyes and ate half of what little remained of the trail rations from his bag by way of breakfast. Then he eyed the injured ankle, still encased in his boot. He'd left it on, hoping that the compression and support would help and knowing that if he took his boot off he wouldn't be able to get it back on.
He tried to wriggle his toes and winced as pain lanced up his leg. He couldn't tell for himself whether the injury was a break or a sprain, but it didn't make a lot of difference right now. The best thing to do was probably to try to find the others and get help from Hyrule. Hopefully none of them had been hurt.
He was also curious about that wolf. It had led him to shelter and then disappeared, suggesting that it was not only intelligent but benign. However, he wasn't inclined to wait around and see if it came back and what its intentions were.
With a deep breath, he rolled to his knees and, leaning on his branch, pushed himself back to his feet. Another flash of sickening pain ran up his leg and he was still for a moment, breathing fast through his mouth, letting the pain wash over him. Gradually, it faded back to a manageable level - or he got used to it - and he straightened up again to look around. He'd come from the right, so he turned left and started to limp along the faint path.
The terrain grew increasingly rocky as he went, but the path continued, picking its way across the mountainside. Several times, he had to stop and look around, panting for breath, because he couldn't keep watch and walk at the same time. He was getting worried; the path was getting harder to follow and he was starting to think he might just be following an animal trail further into the wilderness. But there was little else he could do and at least it was taking a stable route across the slope, so he kept walking.
Everything was quiet until suddenly the peace was shattered by the rattling roar of rocks falling somewhere worryingly nearby. Four gasped, stumbled, and fell, barely catching himself on a rock. The noise continued for what felt like several minutes, then faded away again.
That was a rockslide on the slopes of this very mountain.
For a moment, Four was caught up in indecision. It was horribly likely that that slide had been triggered by something such as a lost hero searching for his companions. He knew the best thing to do was to get off this mountainside. He wanted to go and investigate. He knew that he was in no fit state to do anything and approaching would be dangerous.
But the sensible decision won out. If one of his friends had been caught up in that slide, there was nothing Four would be able to do for him with a possibly-broken ankle. He would just be risking becoming another casualty. The best thing to do was to keep walking, keep himself safe, and hopefully find some help.
He gritted his teeth, pulled himself back to his feet, and kept walking, though every step hurt even more than before. He kept his eyes on the ground, placing each step with wincing, agonizing care to avoid a stumble, focusing on that rather than wondering if one of his friends had indeed been caught in that landslide.
"Four!" The shout broke into his concentration and made him stumble, losing his footing and going to his knees with a yelp even as he reached for the hilt of his sword.
Only then did he recognise the voice.
"Legend?" He looked up and saw the familiar figure scrambling towards him along the rough path.
"Are you OK?" asked Legend, stumbling to a halt next to him and looking at the makeshift crutch. "How bad is it?"
"Ankle," grunted Four, hauling himself upright again. He nodded thanks as Legend slipped a hand under his elbow to help. "The portal opened on a slope and I fell down it. I don't know if it's broken or sprained. What happened to you?"
"Sky and I came through together. The feather-headed idiot was really sick and hiding it and he went downhill fast once we were through. I think he's recovering now, but he had a rough night. I was trying to find some water when I heard that landslide."
"Do you know anything about what happened to the others?" asked Four, starting to walk alongside Legend back in the direction he'd come from.
Legend shook his head. "Presumably split up like us, but if you came through on your own that's worrying." He glanced at Four's injured leg. "But if you can stay with Sky I can make more of a search."
Four nodded and went back to focussing on walking. It was a little easier now he had Legend's support and fortunately it wasn't too far before they reached the mouth of a small cave. Sky was lying on the floor just inside, covered with two bedrolls' worth of blankets. Four crouched next to him and tilted his head to look at his face. He was horribly pale, with dark shadows around his eyes, and his breathing sounded congested.
Legend winced. "I didn't want to leave him alone even for a minute, but we needed water." He set two water bottles on the ground by Sky.
"I'll stay with him," said Four, settling down on the floor by Sky's head. "You got and see if you can find help or any sign of the others."
"Thanks," said Legend with a sigh of relief. "I'll be back by nightfall even if I don't find anything."
Four nodded and leaned back against the wall, watching Legend hurry away up the path. Beside him, Sky slept on, his labored breathing the only sound apart from birdsong and the wind in the trees.
Then a thought occurred to Four and he groaned softly, muttering, "I forgot to tell him about the wolf."
Well, it couldn't be helped. He relaxed his head back against the wall again and laid his sword within reach, then settled down to wait.
Warriors was still walking, his teeth gritted, steeling his heart against the occasional pitiful whimpers from Wind. At least he was mostly still; carrying him with hot, aching pain crawling up his arm was hard enough without having to restrain movement as well.
Then he heard a twig crack somewhere up ahead and froze, the pain and growing exhaustion forgotten as he narrowed his eyes, looking around carefully and quickly planning the best way to get Wind to the ground and defend him if needed.
Then a hylian walked around a corner of the path up ahead. Warriors watched him carefully, only a little comforted by the fact that the noise hadn't been made by a monster. He'd had to fight too many of his fellow hylians to be complacent. This one was tall and muscled with strange black tattoos on his cheeks and forehead, a sword hilt visible past the fur pelt draped around his shoulders. A threat if he wanted to be.
However, the other man didn't seem inclined to be a threat; he stopped a few paces outside arm's reach, holding his hands out at his sides so they were visible but away from his sword.
"Howdy," he said. "Not many travelers this far up the mountain."
Warriors shook his head. "We got separated from our party and lost our way," he said.
The stranger looked at Wind with a small frown. "What happened?"
"A mistake - he ate a mushroom that turned out to be poison."
"You let your kid go foraging and eating what he found when you hadn't even taught him to tell the difference between good mushrooms and bad?" asked the stranger, judgment heavy in his tone. "Why did you think that was a good idea?"
Warriors gritted his teeth. At the very least, this person might be able to direct him to someone who would be helpful. "I told you, we're strangers in this area."
The man started to walk towards them, still looking mostly at Wind, but he paused as Warriors took a step back.
"Easy, I'm not going to hurt either of you," he said, his tone gentling a little. "Like I said, there aren't many travelers coming through here, but I'm here clearing monsters off the roads and making it a little safer. My name's Link."
At that, Warriors stared at him. Presumably, this was a new member of their Chain. "That's my name too," he said carefully, remembering how Time had introduced himself. "But call me Warriors."
"How about that?" said the new Link with an awkward laugh. "Well, since we share a name, how about you let me take a look at your kid? I know most of the mushrooms around here, so I can probably come up with an antidote."
Warriors looked at Wind again as the boy stirred and whimpered. There wasn't much choice. "Come on over," he said. "His name's Wind."
Link closed the distance in a couple of steps and felt Wind's brow, then bent to smell his breath. "Has he thrown up?"
"Several times. He was complaining of stomach pain."
"What did the mushroom look like?"
"Brown cap, pale gills. I'd have taken it for an edible variety myself until I smelt it."
Wind stirred again, his nose wrinkling in pain.
"Just relax, kid, you'll be OK," said Link. "We can help." He looked up and narrowed his eyes at Warriors. "Or at least I can; you don't look so good."
Warriors drew back before Link could try to feel his temperature. "I was wounded clearing a monster camp."
"And couldn't clean the wound out properly?" guessed Link. "I've been there." He stepped back and ran a hand through his hair. "Well… The good news is that I may have seen some traces of the rest of your party. If you come back to my hut I've got some medicines there and you can rest up while I go and check."
Every fiber of Warriors' being told him not to take himself and Wind into something that could so easily be a trap.
But the sick, throbbing pain was just getting worse and Wind let out a miserable little sob in his sleep and curled in on himself a little more.
He was going to have to at least try to trust this stranger who might also embody the soul of the hero.
He took a breath and nodded. "Thanks."
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lustemotions · 11 months ago
Where James has this bad habit of pulling a prank on Remus. This time, Remus is shoved against a very beautiful Slytherin boy he’d never seen before and instantly falls…in love with him.
Or, the one where Remus meets his soulmate thanks to James stupid behaviour. 
— Wolfstar. Slytherin!Sirius. 787 words. Credits at the end of the post.
"Ok Mr. Sarcastic, point taken," James said before gently pushing Remus’ shoulder, earning himself a huff from Remus.
“You better stop that now,” Remus warned.
“Stop what?” replied James, pushing Remus a bit harder, a playful smile on his lips.
James had been a nightmare for the last few months. After spending his fourth time at Remus’ village, James had seen one muggle boy pull an innocent prank where he shoved his friend against a girl, yelling “He likes you!” before he ran away.
After that, James had been restless, pulling the same prank on Remus every now and then.
Remus hated it. He was forced not only to apologise for his friend’s behaviour but also to try to explain to random people that he, in fact, did not like them.
It was especially uncomfortable when those random interactions ended with people actually trying to flirt with him.
“James. Don’t. Last time you shoved me against a poor first year and I stepped on their feet. Made them cry and all,” Remus scolded.
“Oh c’mon Moony,” James retorted.
“I said don’t,”
James snorted and nudged Remus, looking away and spotting a pair of boys chatting near the Potions classroom.
James saw the opportunity and when they were near enough, he gave Remus a hearty push, causing him to lose balance and fall right into one of the boy’s arms.
“He likes you!” James shouted, his voice echoing off the stone walls before darting away with laughter.
Remus let out a string of insults before straightening himself. His cheeks were flushed as he faced the boy, meeting an amused gaze looking back at him.
Remus felt at a loss for words, looking back at the most gorgeous boy he’d ever seen. He opened his mouth to apologise, only to be interrupted by the one that caught him.
“Well, I don’t know about you liking me, but I’m pretty sure you just fell for me, uh?”
I love you.
"I guess I did yes,” Remus laughed awkwardly at the joke, he bit his lip and looked at the second boy who looked bored by the whole situation. It was then where he finally saw the Slytherin ties on both of them, it made sense then how Remus didn’t know much about those boys.
“I’m Sirius Black,” said the first boy, darting his hand out as a greeting. Remus took it, losing himself in those gorgeous eyes for the second time.
Marry me.
“I’m Remus Lupin,” Remus almost whispered, shaking Sirius' hand, “I’m so sorry if I hurt you in any way.”
“No hurt done, always a pleasure to catch pretty boys like you,”
“Merlin,” a third voice interrupted them, Remus looked at the second boy who ignored him completely before talking to Sirius,
“I’ll save you a seat, be there before Slughorn gets in,” and with that, he disappeared into the classroom.
Remus and Sirius were left alone in the corridor, their eyes locked and Remus could feel his heart racing, unsure of what to say next.
Breaking the silence, Sirius flashed a confident grin, "Sorry about him, Regulus gets cranky easily," he said, stepping closer to Remus.
Remus chuckled nervously, feeling the tension between them palpable. "It's alright," he managed to reply, his voice slightly shaky.
As they fell into a quick silence, students began to file into the Potions classroom. Remus was a bit disappointed knowing that Sirius had to go away soon. The Slytherin boy looked inside the classroom, probably looking for the boy he was with. When he looked back at Remus, he had a cocky smile on.
"Alright, Remus Lupin," Sirius said, his gaze lingering on Remus for a moment longer. "I've got to go, but hopefully, I'll see more of you around," he added with a wink before disappearing behind the classroom door.
Remus stood there, watching as Sirius vanished from sight. He couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had just happened to him.
With a small greeting for the Potions teacher, he began to walk away towards his next class. He sat down next to James, who looked at him with a frown and asked what had happened to him.
“Prongs, I think for once, your childish behaviour was useful,” Remus said, dropping his head between his arms.
With a sigh, Remus shook his head and ignored the few questions James asked him before their class started. His mind was still reeling from the encounter with Sirius.
I’m pretty sure you just fell for me, uh?
That he did, but Remus was a stubborn boy so he would not stop until that pretty boy was his.
I’m not saying you’re in love with me Sirius Black, but you’re going to.
tag: inspired by a tik tok, made by @lilyevansloml4
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might-as-well-make-nonsense · 10 months ago
Sometimes the Best Medicine is Love
A Sokeefe sickfic (Mostly fluff, tiny bit angst) Please repost w/credit.
Disclaimer: I own neither the franchise nor any of these characters.
Sophie was concerned.
If there ever was a sign that something was wrong, it was a silent Keefe. With everything that had been going on lately, she wasn't surprised, but still, it was worrying. Was he ok? Was his father being a jerk, as usual? Was he upset with her? She reached over to where he was sitting at the lunch table and gently flicked his arm.
"You ok?" She mouthed when he glanced up.
He nodded, then plopped his head back down to his folded arms on the table, his blond hair gently flopping to the side of his forehead.
She frowned. Something must really be the matter for him to not even bother with a quip of some kind. Oh well. Better to give him some space and just keep an eye out - she knew well how stubborn he could be.
She rubbed his arm in a (hopefully) comforting gesture, whispered a quiet "see you," and moved on to her next class, glancing back and biting her lip. He'll talk to me when he feels ready, she thought. Hopefully that's sooner than later.
As Sophie left, Keefe completely slumped onto the table, all pretense gone.
He felt awful.
Really awful.
Not only had he barely said a word to his girlfriend - is that what they were? - all day, his head also wouldn't stop pounding, his nose was running, and his throat felt like he was swallowing rocks. He wanted to sleep so badly. It was better this way, though; his father would have confined him to his bed and insisted on "taking care of him" in that stuffy, formal way of his that only included bringing him a glass of water every so often and pretending to care about how he felt. 
Best to just suck it up, get through the day, and maybe find someplace to camp out until he felt a little better.
Although, the way he was feeling, who knew how long that would be.
He jerked forward with a sudden sneeze, banging his head on the table. Hard. Ugh. 
He dragged himself out of his seat, rubbing his forehead, and started the long trudge to his class - way too late. Now, he'd probably have detention to deal with. It's going to be a very long day, Keefe thought.
Sophie lept home after school, her mind still fixated on Keefe. She was a habitual worrier, after all they had been through - and were going through - ever since she had arrived in the Lost Cities. As she walked into the dining room, she made up her mind. She would pay Keefe a visit, just to make sure. He'd understand. 
She zipped into her bedroom to change out of her school clothes, throwing on a new tunic and leggings in record time, then dashed out to the backyard.
"Edaline, I'm going to Candleshade to check on Keefe," she called as she ran past the pastures. "I'll be back soon!"
She opened a rift, closed her eyes, and ran into the void.
Meanwhile, Keefe flopped on his bed, just praying his father would leave him alone. Hopefully, he could remain uninterrupted long enough to sleep off whatever this was. Then someone knocked on the door. He groaned, sniffling, and draped an arm over his eyes. Never a moment of peace when I need one, Keefe thought, letting out a little whine.
"Keefe," came his father's incredibly annoying, posh voice. "Sophie Foster is here to see you."
His head jerked up. Sophie? Why on earth would she be visiting him after the way he'd practically ignored her earlier? He lept off the bed, blinking hard, straightening his wrinkled tunic and running his hand through his sweaty curls. Oh, god. She can't see me like this, Keefe panicked.
He opened his door, trying to feign alertness.
"Hey, Foster," he muttered. "What's up?"
She didn't say anything, just walked inside and closed the door.
"Keefe, what's going on? You've been acting strange all day, and I want to make sure you're ok. Really ok," she amended before he could interject.
He took a second, seemingly trying to decide what to tell her, before apparently giving in. "Don't feel good," he croaked, sitting back on his bed and directing a pathetic sneeze into his wrist.
She watched the facade drop before her eyes, and the confident "Hunkyhair" she was so accustomed to dissolved into a lanky, pale, shivering boy. Poor Keefe.
She noticed, now, his bright, glassy blue eyes, and the sweat beading on his forehead - he must have a pretty high fever. She reached out and gently brushed his damp curls away, laying a hand on the blond boy's forehead and quickly withdrawing it at the heat.
"Keefe! I'm bringing you to Elwin right now. You can't stay here like this," Sophie decided. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"Just didn't," he mumbled, coughing. "I was tired, and my throat hurt, and I didn't want word getting back to my dad. He's even more annoying when I'm sick." He mustered a weak grin at that, showing his exhaustion. Even sick, though, he could never pass up an opportunity to bash his lousy excuse for a father, Lord Cassius.
Sophie hummed in agreement. She knew Keefe didn't have a good relationship with his father, which made all the more excuse to take him to Elwin. Elwin had a certain way with Keefe, a gentleness and concern that his father lacked. And he really could use some gentle concern right about now.
She opened the window in Keefe's bedroom, crawling out first and dropping to the ground, then gently helping the sick boy out of the window. He was shivering too hard to stand, so she managed to hoist him onto her back and, once more, ran into the void as Keefe passed out, lulled to sleep by the combination of exhaustion, fever, and Sophie's warmth seeping into his own tired, freezing body.
He awoke in the Healing Center, with Elwin standing over him and flashing various glowing lights around his body and frowning.
"Hi," Keefe croaked, sitting up slowly and blinking hard. He suddenly snapped forward with a harsh sneeze, managing to catch it in his hands. "...Ugh." He groaned, sniffling and rubbing his hands on his tunic. "Gross." 
Sophie winced but said nothing, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“How are you feeling?” Sophie asked gently, brushing his curls away from his face. 
“Eh. Could be better,” he mumbled, giving her a wry grin. It was the truth, after all. He still felt pretty awful, but both getting out of Candleshade and whatever Elwin had been doing seemed to have helped some. 
He coughed, then looked at Elwin. “What are you thinking?”
Elwin pushed his goggles onto his head and sighed. “Keefe, you have quite the knack for getting yourself into trouble, one way or another.” He chuckled. “This time, however, it’s thankfully not too serious. Some kind of flu, but I’d like to keep you here for a few days, if you don’t mind?” Elwin met Keefe’s eyes, waiting for his answer.
Keefe knew that, like it or not, he’d end up staying anyway - Sophie would make sure of that. However, he actually found himself wanting to stay. Anything was better than Candleshade, especially feeling like this. He nodded, then sneezed again. Ow.
“Wonderful! Stay here, and I’ll go get some elixirs for you to take. I’ll be back in a moment.” Elwin dashed back to his office, leaving the two alone.
Sophie watched Elwin leave, then looked back at Keefe. He had sunk back into the pillows, apparently relaxing now that his fate for the next few days was decided.
“Promise you’ll tell me next time?” Sophie asked, meeting Keefe’s tired blue eyes. “You had me worried for a bit there. You were out for a while.” She smiled softly.
Keefe grinned. “Best sleep I’ve had in a while.”
Sophie laughed, then raised an eyebrow. “But do you promise?”
Keefe sighed, which quickly turned into a short coughing fit. When he could breathe again, he smiled weakly and shrugged. “Yeah, I promise.”
“Good.” Sophie kissed his forehead. 
“Stay with me?” Keefe whined.
Sophie glanced over at Elwin’s office door, but saw no sign of him coming back soon.
“Of course,” she agreed, snuggling in next to him on the bed and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. 
Keefe melted into her warmth, and his eyes turned heavy as he burrowed into her touch, sleep quickly claiming his exhausted body. Sophie smiled, laying her head on top of his and stroking his damp curls. She, too, closed her eyes, and all the stress of the day melted, pulling her, too, down into sleep. 
Elwin walked back into the room just then with the elixirs, but stopped quickly when he saw the sleeping pair. He smiled and grabbed an extra blanket, draping it over Keefe and Sophie. 
Sometimes the best medicine is love, isn’t it?
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neptune-lover · 2 years ago
Pregnant? Pt 2
hi guys welcome back this is part two to my pregnant series I'm working on a few ideas rn they are just in the starting phase but hopefully I can get those out and start a master list if the stories I plan to do anyways I hope you guys enjoy
Tag list @moxkindagirl
Tw: talks of pregnancy, mentions of death and miscarriage, mentions of vomit/throwing up and mentions of sex(this is through out the entire story btw and this will be multiple parts)
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It was now 10 am both Y/n and Rhea never went back to sleep. Everyone was now awake in the house. Dominik decided to make strawberries and cream crepes as it's y/n's favorite breakfast to eat. She didn't feel sick the rest of the morning and because of it being smackdown tonight and it just so happened to be in the city where the couples home was they didn't have to travel far today which made Y/n very happy. All 5 of them were members of Judgement day but the group already knew Y/n wasn't scheduled to be on the show tonight so she called Hunter (triple H for those who don't know) and let him know she wouldn't be in the building as she didn't feel good. The others however all had either fights or promos to do so Rhea took the lead and called in reinforcement. Who was the reinforcement you may ask well it was three of Y/n's best friends in wwe who they knew weren't scheduled to be on tonight. They were Becky, Seth and Liv. All people who either helped train her or had been by her side dating back to her NTX days especially Becky and Liv they were her best friends and Seth decided to come with Becky to come help cheer Y/n up. "So how exactly did you feel last nigh" Liv asked curious as she had a cousin who was a nurse so she knew a bit about health and medical stuff. "Well it was kinda just out of the blue I woke up and felt super sick and like throwing up" Y/n said "Ok well have you felt like that at all the rest of the day" Becky now asked as the wheels in her brain started turning. Y/n replied "Nope I've actually felt fine the rest of the day just a but restless and sleep and haven't been tired since I woke up" "ok and remind me what time this was again" Seth now said now believing he was thinking the same as his wife. "Ok I get you guys are trying to help but what's with all the questions" Y/n asked slightly agitated now with all the questions. Becky replied "Well what's your description sounds like morning sickness which is common in pregnancy" "That's exactly what I was starting to think" Liv and Seth said at the same time. Seth chimed in again "I remember Becky struggled with that a decent amount when she was pregnant with Roux"." Wait so you guys think I'm pregnant " Y/n said in a shocked tone "Well I'm not saying you 100% are but it's possible especially if you guys have been having unprotected sex especially recently" Becky explained. Silence filled the room Liv was the one to break it "Do you have any tests here or do you need to buy one or two" "Two would be more ideal because it's better to do two than one I remember my first test was negative then I took another it was positive I went to the doctors later that day and turns out I was pregnant" Becky said. "I can go drive to a store real quick and pick up a two pack if you don't have any" Seth offered. "Well this was never expected this early so we don't have any so if you wouldn't mind running to grab some I would appreciate it" Y/n said in a hushed tone. "Ya I'll go run right now" and with that Seth left the three girls alone while he went to go buy some pregnant tests.
That's all for part 2 I hope you guys enjoyed and part 3 will be out soon beyyyy
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reborrowed-archive · 4 months ago
reaching out
i forgot how limited tumblr formatting is so hopefully this is readable. if not, it's kind of angsty nothing anyway part of Stranger Swap
Azalea Heeren
Her profile came up before Val could finish hopping across the screen to spell out her name. This wasn’t the first time they’d looked for her. The square framed icon stared up at them, the familiar face making their guts twist out of place. They missed her. They hated her. They needed her.
They crept forward and opened a new message. They’d gotten that far before too. This time, they were going to pace back and forth to type something out and send it.
It would be easier on a phone than the tablet, with all the buttons close together, but Phoebe had her phone with her on campus. Val wanted to do this during the day, so Zee would be awake, and they hadn’t exactly told Phoebe that they were searching socials for their old friend. And they’d had a fight about if Val should be online when she wasn’t even allowed to mention them and…Val just thought it was better if she didn’t know.
Z its Val, hi!
They sat on the edge of the iPad and waited. And waited. They finished darning their sleeve. They poked around a little more. Her profile said she’d been online. They went back to their unanswered message.
Um little Val that is Cookie
Three bouncing dots. Val watched them eagerly.
fuck off riley
What? I don’t know a Riley. This is Val
A long wait.
…send me a pic then.
OK one second
They didn’t like to keep pictures of themself, given the whole secrecy thing. And it was tricky to take a selfie—or any photo really—with the tablet. They couldn’t prop it up like they did the phone, not without help or building up a whole system. They had to fiddle with the app to remember how to set up a timer, then dashed to lean over the front camera and wave.
The pic was blurry and dark, but looked passably like Val. Presumably not so much like Riley.
Miles away, the photo loaded and Azalea shrieked.
The messages kept coming, a lot faster than Val could hope to respond.
You’re not back at the house right? I’m not there, I moved out so it’s just dad…so I hope you’re still at that apartment Mulch had me take you. Either way I can come get you! Tess can probably give me a ride out there when her lab’s done—she’s nice, I’d trust her with you Not that I’m letting go of you again so soon, I’ve missed you so much!
Val paused, an “I miss you too” waiting to be sent. They did. They missed her terribly. They wanted to hear everything she’d been up to, to feel her laughter, curled up against her collarbone. They loved her, or they had. But the thought of her coming here, looming over them again, taking them away from Phoebe…it filled them with an unwelcome, all-new dread. They didn't want to see her again, they just wanted...something. They wanted her to know they were alive, at least.
The messages kept coming.
can I call or video? I know typing takes you awhile lol are you even somewhere you can talk? somewhere safe I mean? I’m so serious about coming to get you, just tell me when and I'll rescue you from the dust I’m sorry I couldn’t before
Val stared at the chat until it blurred out of focus, chewed their lip until they tasted blood. Their eyes were watery. They didn’t read the rest. They logged out and pushed the iPad away from them. They didn’t want to be afraid of her again. They liked the memory they had of her, probably more than they hated her. They could convince themself of that. They loved her, mostly.
But they were right the last time they had logged in: they shouldn’t have messaged her.
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I saw your witchy s/o post while looking into the tmnt tag and I'm so freaking happy someone finally wrote for a reader that practices witchcraft!!!!
If it's alright with you, and if you accept asks (I tried to look for rules but so far saw what you don't write) could I have the tmnt bois (especially Leo) with a witchy s/o that works with deities and dragons?
If not then it's totally fine! Hopefully Tumblr doesn't eat my ask so have a good day!
abso-fucking-lutely!!!! this is so fun and as a folk practitioner who works with deities this is right up my ally. If it's ok with you, I'm not gonna include dragons as that's not a practice I'm familiar with and I wouldn't want to get anything wrong. But deities I can do! I'll switch up the deities each time so there's something new with each of these as well.
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"Can't, sorry, Loki said the vibe is off" you begin to leave the room and Leo is just following you like "What vibe? Who's Loki? Why is he telling you no?"
you're shuffling tarot cards and the fool pops out so you say, looking up, "I get it babes, please don't interrupt my reading like that, though" and Leo is so confused like "I din't say anything" and you just say "Not you, Loki"
eventually he tries to play into it like "Would Loki be ok if we didn't smoke cleanse the house today?" and you're just like "...yeah, I guess. But if you start feeling ill soon you'll know it's because he's pissed at you"
Leo does start feeling sick so you tell him to make an offering
he's never felt more stupid that when he pours wine into a glass on your alter but he soon feels better again and it freaks him out that it worked
"So he's a trickster god?" lots of questions like this and each time you're just like "Yes, he's a trickster, no he isn't going to hurt me, yes he fucks with me sometimes but it's all in good faith"
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You wake up from a really bad nightmare
"I thought your Goddess was supposed to have power over dreams?"
"She does, something must be wrong"
you look in your offering cup and the wine has fucking moulded
"ah shit, it's mouldy. Better get her a new one"
after that you have peaceful dreams
you come home with a bunch of white roses and Raph is all "are those for me?" and you politely have to let him down and tell him they're for Selene
any time Raph has a bad dream you joke that it's because he's fallen out of favour with the Goddess for how he's treated you
fast forward to a time you and him get in a big fight and he has the worst sleep/dreams of his life for a week straight.
he comes crawling back to you practically begging you for forgiveness.
Selene gets a big offering after that
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You're clearing a space in his room for your alter since the two of you moved in together
"I need a large space, Hades like a big alter"
"What's he compensating for?" Mikey jokes
and you just shoot him this look like "Don't fuck around when it comes to him"
not even 10 minutes later one of his drums breaks
you're just like "serves you right"
you come in one morning with a cup of coffee and Mikey gets all excited like he's about to get breakfast in bed and you have to tell him that it's for Hades who likes his coffee black.
kinda freaks Mikey out when you hold a funeral for each of the dead rats you find in the lair but you have to remind him "I'm a death witch and I worship the lord of the underworld. What else am I meant to do?"
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honestly he mostly just leaves you to it
he's pretty good with his hands so when you told him you worship Artemis he made a clay stature of her for your alter
you told him he'll be in her good books after that
that night Donnie caught 10 foot clan soldiers
"well, she is the Goddess of the hunt... I told you she was happy with you"
He really takes an interest in your devotional activities
always asking questions about why you do that or the significance of this
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lucy90712 · 1 year ago
Road to recovery- Part 9
masterlist As Pablo was looking in my eyes I could feel butterflies in my stomach. He really makes me feel things I've never felt before. I've had stupid crushes on guys before but what I feel for Pablo is different I have real feelings for him. In that moment I just wanted to let all of my feelings out and deal with the consequences later but before I could the sensible side of my brain kicked in and told me not to do that as it was just an objectively bad idea. Eventually Pablo broke the eye contact so to help stop myself from saying something I'll regret I went right back to leaning my head on his shoulder. Unlike last time Pablo tensed up when my head rested against him so I moved slightly thinking I was hurting him but when I did he was just as tense so I stopped resting against him all together. 
I nearly started crying again thinking that there's no way he feels the same way I do. He was happy to comfort me but after that he didn't want me touching him anymore which hurt because it's so unlike Pablo. The whole time we've known each other he's been more than ok with physical contact between us but all of the sudden it seems like he doesn't want me near him. Maybe he can sense that I have feelings for him and he wants to distance himself as he doesn't feel the same way. The thought that this might be the beginning of him distancing himself from me really hurt; as much as the last few days have been difficult overall Pablo has made my life so much better and with him I've been so much happier so to be without him is really going to take a toll on me.
The longer we sat just in silence the more I felt like I had to get out of there. Something has changed between us and I don't think I like it and I definitely don't want to deal with it especially not right now. I could feel tears brimming at the edge of my eyes and I can't cry in front of Pablo again as he'll ask what's wrong and I can't tell him that I'm upset because he doesn't feel the same way I do. After some thinking I knew the best thing was for me to go home as then I can get some sleep and wake up in the morning hopefully less emotional so I can't think properly about everything that's happened today and what's best for me going forward. I wanted to text my brother to come and get me but my phone was in my bag which is by the door where I left it when I first arrived. After some internal debating I got myself up and went to make my way to get my phone as I really do need to get out of here for my own sanity. 
"Where are you going?" Pablo asked 
"To get my phone it's in my bag" I said 
"Is everything ok?" He asked 
"Yeah I'm just going to text my brother to come and get me" I said not having the energy to lie 
"Wait come back" he said taking me by surprise 
"God I don't even know how to say this" he muttered 
Hearing that made me panic was he really about to tell me that it's best if we spend some time apart or that we not be friends anymore. I was hoping if this was going to happen it could at least happen over time like a slow ghost sort of situation but I guess not. 
"It's ok I get it I'll just text my brother and he'll be here soon" I said not wanting to hear the words come from his mouth 
"No you don't get it I have feelings for you Lola like real feelings beyond what friends should feel for each other" he admitted 
It was a good thing that he got me to sit back down as I think I would've fainted if he said that when I was stood up. As it is my brain is already struggling to process what has just happened I really didn't expect Pablo to say he had feelings for me but deep down it's what I have been hoping to hear for weeks. While I was processing everything and letting it all sink in I couldn't help but let a smile creep onto my face as it felt like such a relief to know that I'm not the only one who's developed feelings between us. Just as I was about to say something I looked up and noticed that Pablo looked so anxious which made me realised that I'd spent quite a while thinking and he was probably dying inside.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that I've ruined everything I get if you still want to leave and probably never see me again" Pablo rambled 
"Stop you haven't ruined anything I have feelings for you too you just took me by surprise I promise I feel exactly the same I can't put it into words but I feel something special for you" I interrupted him 
"Oh thank god I thought I'd ruined everything" he said 
We then fell into silence again. Neither of us knew what to do or what to say next. Clearly we both lack experience in admitting our feelings for someone as after getting that weight of our chests we didn't know what's supposed to happen next. I suppose things will never be the same as they were before now but I don't really know what this means for the future as right now we are just friends who have feelings for each other but we can't stay that way forever. I imagine the next logical step is to explore our feelings for each other by maybe going on a date but I feel like we spend so much time together that a date won't feel any different especially as there's no way we can go out anywhere together. 
No one tells you what to do when you finally admit that you have feelings for someone you're just supposed to know I guess. I suppose for other people it's different me and Pablo don't exactly have a normal relationship so things are different for us. We can't go out and get coffee or dinner together as I think we might break the internet and definitely my phone as it's just been hanging in there after we were seen at the game together. Going somewhere is what most people do for a first date so you can get to know the person you are going out with on a different level but Pablo and I already know so much about each other and have seen each other at our worst. The other option is something chill like a movie night but we do that together all the time as we have nothing else to do so how do you make that feel like a date and not just like we are hanging out like we would do any other day. There's also the worry of us not being compatible as a couple but I don't even want to think about that right now. 
"So what do we do now?" I asked 
"I want to have a proper date with you and I know we can't go out anywhere so would you want to come here and I'll set something up" he said 
"I'd love that" I replied 
"I know it won't be much different to what we do now but I'll try and make it special plus if we call it a date it will feel more like a date right" he laughed 
"I always think you have to say it to believe it" I joked 
"You best be ready it's going to be the best non date date you will have ever been on" he smiled 
"Oh wow I better prepare myself then" I laughed 
He told me to come over next Saturday and just so I don't forget that it's a date he set up an event in my calendar to remind me which he titles best date ever. As much as it won't be much different to what we do whenever we see each other the fact that Pablo is already trying to hard to make it special makes me excited to see where this all goes. 
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years ago
If you still do requests, can you do fearplay/safe Vore with Floyd? And threats of digestion (Same size too, please?)
Basically Floyd and the prefect playing hide and seek, Floyd being the seeker and prefect hiding. It’s after school, late at night and Floyd was wandering around the school cause he was hungry and wanted to find something to eat. Just so happens, prefects in there too. And he asks if they want to play a game. If they lose, he eats them. If they win, he lets them go and finds someone/something else. And they lose. But, they don’t know he doesn’t plan on digesting them, just pretending that he will. He plans to let them out soon enough.
Includes: see the ask above :)
★✦Laws Of The Land (But Not This One!)✦★
You were at school, late at night. Apparently, Grim forgot something in the cafeteria and refused to tell you until now. So now it's almost midnight and you're in the school building.
"Ugh.. what did he even forget??" You sigh to yourself.
Do you know what you absolutely do NOT want to hear at nearly midnight while in a practically abandoned school cafeteria?
"Ahhh~! Heeeeeeeya, Shrimpy~! What are you doing here so late at night~?"
Oh no.
You stayed very still. Maybe if you stay still and don't acknowledge him, he'll just go away.
"Hahhh? Why're ya standing so still?? Don'tcha know a predator might ecide you look like a tasty little snack if you stand too still~?" Floyd placed his hands on your shoulders. "Aaaaaaanyways, why are you here at this hour? You searchin' for a midnight snack too?"
"No, um... a-apparently Grim left something here earlier." You said.
"Nnn... it'd be more fun if I were huntin' for a snack like back home..." Floyd whispered to himself, before turning you around to face him. "Hey hey Shrimpy~!! I have a fun idea!"
You were already getting a bad feeling about this.
"...yeah...?" You cautiously asked.
"What if... we played a fun little game!!"
"...a game?"
"Uh huh!! A game of hide and seek!! You hide, and I try to find you! If I win, then..." He flashed a toothy grin as he stared down at you. "I get to eat you."
"W-what the-?!"
"But, if you win, then I'll let you go and I'll find something else to eat! ...or maybe someone else, ehe~"
"WHA- ARE YOU INSANE?! I-I'M NOT LETTING YOU EAT ME!!" You yell out in shock and disgust.
"Nah, I'm just... opportunistic! Ya kinda gotta be to survive in this world!" Floyd says with a big smile. "Now go on, go on! Run away and hide!"
Ok, you have to find a REALLY good hiding spot then!
You find a spot that Floyd hopefully won't find you in... emphasis on hopefully...
"...ready or not, here I come~!"
At least he won't be able to see you...! That's gotta be good enough, right??
You can see him walking.
He suddenly stops.
And then he starts walking towards you.
Floyd approaches your hiding spot, and opens the small doors.
"Foooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuund yooooooooouuuu~~!" Floyd excitedly said. "Ehe, you're wonderin' how I found you soooooo easily, right, Shrimpy~?" He points to his nose. "Us morays have a really good sense of smell~! It was a bit harder than usual, since you hid yourself in the spice cabinet... but that just means you're gonna taste even better now!"
"I... I-I'm not letting you eat me, Floyd-!"
"Yes you are!"
Floyd pulled you out of the cabinet and shoved your head into his mouth. He swallowed your head, completely terrifying you. No, no this is just a nightmare, it has to be, right-?!
Floyd placed a hand on his stomach while he swallowed you. He was absolutely making a show out of how much he enjoyed it... he was making these weird little happy inhuman noises.
It's so hot, and tight, and scary, and there's not much air, you feel like you're about to pass out...
And that's exactly what you did.
You woke up to someone tapping you over and over and over.
"Shriiiiiimpyyyyyyyy!! Wakey wakey, I wanna play with you while I still caaaaaaaaaan!!"
You slowly wake up and remember where you are.
Floyd smiles softly to himself as you start to panic.
He's obviously going to make absolutely sure you're safe, but he's definitely going to have fun scaring you in the meantime...
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