#and then i got LIVID seeing that on her not so secret tumblr
oreana-galena · 1 year
Jald, don't fuck with me.
I swear it.
I'll join your fandom too if you so much as try this BS.
CW below cut: mentions of trafficking.
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limetimo · 3 years
Regulus fics I read this week
To Be Mortal by FantasticalFairyFarmer - Regulus sees Kreacher's face and knows he has to live. Three out of five chapters in and Regulus has yet to reach out for help to anyone and I'm really liking this solo act of his ♥
Rebels by DarkWitchOfErie Jegulus used to date at Hogwarts so when Regulus was drowning in the cave he called out for James and Kreacher took it as an order. Regulus is now hiding with the Potters, Jily becomes Jily + Jegulus and that turns into Jegulily. Young Order members get fed up with the older Order members and walk out to make their own, better and cooler antifa organisation dedicated to Horcrux hunting.
i see how this ends (poorly) by Quillium Seer Regulus alert everyone. I'm in love, I repeat I am in love with Evan Rosier I want to smother him. Walburga has a PhD in girlbossing, lightgassing and gatekeeping and is applying these skills on her sons with generous amounts.
far off the beaten path by Wandering_Rogues - In a world where Voldemort is not an issue, DADA Professor Remus Lupin and Potion Master Regulus Black are having pretty good times.
rewrite my heart (let the future in) by secretpersona Seer Regulus and Seer Pandora and cute academic dates and inside soup jokes THEY'RE SO CUTE IM GONNA DIE YOUR HONOUR
NOT Staying Quiet by jasminefiregreen - when Regulus recognises Peter Pettigrew on a DE meeting he takes it fucken personally and goes to tell Sirius because how dares Pettigrew put Sirius' life in (even bigger) danger. Stuff happens and the Black Bros are going Horcrux hunting!
The Long Game by knight_bus_of_doom Okay so. Regulus died all the way in the first installment BUT they still talk about him sometimes and the author told me they were considering bringing him back (as that tumblr post says, Voldemort would want to interrogate whoever got past the defences so Regulus might be under a stasis spell or something) and the series is so good. so good
when you were mine by battlehamster - modern muggle AU, Regulus is a felon on house arrest in single father James' guest room. If it sounds familiar yeah they updated since the last rec fic post and I read it again.
through a glass, blackly by wheresmejumper This. is. so. good. This is so good. I'm screaming.
As Soon As He Can by Trex_patronus ghost!Regulus recruits the Marauders for Horcrux destroying (and hunting). Ft. baby Neville and others :D
The Lone Wolf Dies (But The Pack Survives) by Child_OTKW Regulus convinces Petunia to let him have and raise Harry. Only one chapter so far but looking good
What it is that makes me run by Wandering_Rogues The night he runs away, Sirius kidnaps Regulus along. Regulus is livid, but after talking with Remus he decides to stay with Sirius and the Potters. It goes from there.
A Little Bit of Everything by Frenchroast99 Regulus raising Harry! It's a secret, both that he's alive and that he's raising Harry. But it's also Wizarding England, and nothing stays a secret for too long. Also grandfather Arcturus breaks Sirius out of the Azkaban because he can.
Always and Forever by Potato67 After Sirius runs away from home, Regulus' life goes to hell in a handbasket. Everyone with eyes can see he's not well, and something must be done. And well, Lily and James are the Head Boy and Head Girl, and Regulus and Remus are Prefects. Operation "Have Remus befriend Regulus and bring him to the Light Side" begin!
In which someone actually tries to give Harry a childhood by sundaywriter Presumed dead Regulus kidnaps Harry and moves to Bulgaria. Again, it's Magical Britain, and nothing remains a secret for long. But they give Dumbledore a god run for his money, and Sirius is proven innocent, so it's not all that bad.
If you've got life, you've got fight by FiresFromOurHearts Regulus is reborn as Draco Malfoy. His ambition is to raise the House of Slytherin from the mud Voldemort dragged it into. Very beautifully written.
Darker than Black by mariesanasz Regulus is fucked. But he has a plan. He needs to stick to the plan, and he will make it. He will.
A Snake in the Lion's Den by Moe64 Regulus lives, and he dies in a lake filled with inferi, and he emerges from the Black Lake his first year at Hogwarts. Oh, and the second time around he gets sorted into Gryffindor because the Hat is too good at minding it's own damned business.
A Death Eater that cries by Farmulousa Mad-Eye Moody/Regulus you didn't know you wanted or needed. Will make you feel Things.
The Laughing Heart by smile_it_will_get_better Regulus' life was shaped by abuse. Death was a redemption and an escape. But stealing the locket wasn't enough to be forgiven for the things he'd done and the lifes he took. Ghost Regulus, beautiful, heartwrecking.
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Holy Milkshake (Walter Marshall x you) (with visuals)
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Characters: Walter Marshall x You
Summary: For you, ‘taking the sinner to church’ would be possible. But, not for Walter. He knew everything about you, even with the way you think that he’d taken methods of setting up a tracking device to follow you; getting him infuriated to see you having a ‘little date’ with the stalker who has murdered his exes. 
Warnings: Blasphemy. A twisted stalker. Reader being sly, also naughty and not asking Marshall for help. Date rape drugs mentioned. Suggestive content in the end. Ahem. The use of the word brat. OC named Vergil. You can imagine whoever you want for Vergil. 
Words: 1,5k +
A/N: OOF! PAPA BEAR MARSHALL! This is my first oneshot/drabble for him! I’m sorry if this look rushed! I’ve written this for only an hour and a half. This was supposed to be a drabble, but..Surprise! Ahe! I was inspired by the GIF collection of Demivampirew, which resulted for a oneshot. Mwohahahaha.I don’t even know how it ended up with Marshall sounding like a zaddy in this one. Oof!
Taglist: @fangirl-inthe-us​ @rahdaleigh​ 
Disclaimer: PNG’s used in edits are not mine even the GIF’s too. Credits to Demivampirew for the GIF collection. 
MY WORKS ARE NOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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Banana fudge milkshake.
It surprisingly tasted too sugary with every sip as your friend chattered for about an hour already since the moment you agreed on the so-called date you despise of.
The drink piped through the pillows of your lips. Your mouth wrapped on the red and white striped straw that didn't help the slight quiver of your mouth; used as a pacifier to soothe those agitated nerves you had as you were sitting before the 'friend' you thought who had no malicious intentions.
Maybe, it was a bad idea to never inform your boyfriend who could maintain the rounds of psychotic men with handcuffs and rails as a way of dealing the whole rendezvous you've planned to make.
Everything was going smooth. Probably, only an ounce of squeezed up faith as you could see the light and where this was going. If only you could start and try to slide in the conversation he somehow didn't want you to interrupt on; talking about how he was so happy to have a date with you, all those bullshit of beating around the bushes then the real discussion will surely go north.
Until, you've seen that familiar sweater who slid on to the chair beside the criminal named Vergil; the whole 'take the sinner to church' was definitely traveling down south to jail because of his sudden appearance.
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You've choked on your own milkshake and coughed out some that went straight to your throat at the image of your tired, roughly bearded, curly haired police officer; sitting his sinewy, wide back on the chair with a tight, disappointed frown.
Well, someone looks mad.
"You're one word away from being tackled to the ground," the man beside him jumped from his interruption, making the chair shriek from being shocked at seeing Marshall sat beside him, all brooding and serious.
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It was an ear-piercing sound that caught some of the diner's attention. You've given them a tight lipped smile before they went on to their daily activities and conversations inside the restaurant as you looked rather safe especially that Marshall was already with you.
Your boyfriend continued to give you a glare, his perspective solely on what he was seeing in front of him. His precious little lady sitting in the same table with her perverted stalker. He definitely couldn't believe that you've taken it too far, trying to help this person to change when it needed stones and brutal punishments or long life realizations for a rotten man like Vergil.
Walter was undoubtedly disappointed and furious.
His bright Cerulean eyes were sharp, brutal and piercing as he continued to focus on you, "Your car has multiple bags of heroin and drugs that can tranquilize people if taken in enough dosage---fucking date rape drugs," though, the message was sent to Vergil who was beginning to shit bricks as soon as he'd seen the gun tucked in Marshall's pants.
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Walter grabbed onto his hand cuffs, abruptly throwing them on the table as he continued to spit fire. Shoulders tense and his expressions livid, "It's either you put these on," he hissed after throwing the cuffs towards Vergil, his eyes fixated on you as it was silently telling you how displeased he was for your acts, "---or I'll do it myself. But, you'll regret it."
You've let out a sigh. Deep inside, you were relieved because he would save you from Vergil's annoying chatters but somehow irked to know he had you tracked or have given you a tracking device to soothe his protective and utmost crazy antics for trying to keep you safe; out of harms way.
"You were following me, Lovey. Where's the tracking device?"
Your boyfriend gave you a scornful, tight lipped smile. A sudden change of his features that got your heart racing on how attractive he still was for getting his pants in a twist from your shenanigans.
"Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
A grin was sent to him, "My milkshake brings all the boys to my yard?" and you couldn't help but motion for both men who sat before you with Vergil obviously trying hard to think of an escape plan.
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He'd faintly shook his head in sheer disappointment.
"Funny." Walter gave a sluggish, nonchalant response as he rolled off his shoulders, leaning his crossed arms on the table as his anger was boiling in a temperature that tells; you were in a much more danger than having lunch with your stalker, "This guy over here---" he gave a curt nod to his side, "---This perverted asshole has retrieved belongings from you---some definitely personal items and you think he'll read a bible or repent over the women he killed if you calmly tell him all about it?"
You fidgeted and chewed the straw in your mouth, watching Walter seethe and heavily sigh from your response, "People change."
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"Not dumbfucks like him, sweetheart." he spat, jaw clenching to the extent of seeing the muscles in his neck strain.
Marshall briefly gave him a glimpse as he called out the elephant in the room, quickly regretting because of how he wanted him to rot in the jail for years or forever, "---Don't you, Vergil?"
Vergil began to shake his leg as he sat, nervous and utterly anxious for what was about to come. His face turned red in rage, breathing staggered as he gave you glare; feeling betrayed when he should've been scared for his life because you knew his secretive, twisted habits. Stalking his target, knowing their houses and where they lived, grabbing onto personal things that his target loved using or wearing; panties, bras and those sorts before finding ways to befriend you till he could manipulate and end up loving you up until the point that he could kill for you.
The toxic type of love that seemed to be out of hand in which he has murdered his exes due to jealousy and other unreasonable explanations.
"I knew it! I fucking knew you were plotting this whole fucking thing with your fucking bodyguard over here---"
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Marshall gave him a grumpy retort, "Boyfriend is a much more better term,"
Vergil's forehead was popping out veins as he exclaimed, thoroughly in fury for what you've brought him in, "Your boyfriend's part of the police force!"
You languidly blinked back, sipping on the last bits of your milkshake. Did he really not know that he was part of the police force? you puckered your lips at the silent thought; droning as you went on in admiring how you've raised Walter's hackles.
"---He cares and just loves me too much. He followed me. Didn't text him, tho. But, I assure you. He's no twisted stalker like you, Vergil. You certainly need to rot in hell,"
Walter knew you were liking this whole safeguard thing. It was all an act from you because he could see the tiny flicker of mockery in those beautiful eyes; knowing that you've gotten under his skin from the sudden tea party you've worked on.
Though, a pity party for you.
Walter gave him a glance, nodding towards the door where two police officers stood and waited for the catch, "Now, you'll meet two men out on the threshold. In less than one minute, if you're still here planning on kowtowing to lessen the punishments then you're a dunce."
Your boyfriend eyed him sternly, motioning for the handcuffs that rested on the table; saying its hello to its new capture, "What will---what---"
Vergil stammered and shakily took the handcuffs in front of him, scoffing when he heard Marshall grumble with a knowing tone of his that poured a little bit of his accent.
"You're under arrest for fuck's sake. Not quite complicated to understand, isn't it?"
Once the stalker was out of sight, being harshly taken by your boyfriend's co-workers; you couldn't help but emit a shaky breath, palms sweating a lot more than it ever did when Vergil was around because this time you were enthusiastic of what was about to happen in between an enraged police officer and his deceitful little woman.
"Oh, Lovey."
You've heard another set of metal chiming against each other. Yet, this time; the handcuffs were thrown towards you. His face etching in complete seriousness and disappointment. Though, inside those ocean eyes, you knew there was a hint of mischief and passion.
"Put these on." he rasped in full authority, his beard looking so inviting for wanting a short visit in between your throbbing heat since the moment he came to interfere.
"---Because you've been bad, sweetheart," pause. "---and I have zero patience for brats like you,"
You squirmed against your seat, hastily grabbing onto the handcuffs thrown on the table with a grin on your face, subtly looking outside to see your boyfriend's truck parked at the far distance before plucking the manacles off the table and sliding off the seat; with your lieutenant paying for the lunch he loathed, feeling his eyes heavy and thoroughly deprived of seeing your face after nose diving in murder cases he had been working on for weeks.
Marshall hated to see you leave. Those peepers trained on how you've dramatically swayed your hips while you waved the cuffs in the air.
But, he loved watching you go with that naughty derriere snapping from side to side.
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THANK YOU FOR READING! STAY SAFE WHERE EVER YOU ARE, BB’S! Watch out for people who have wicked intentions for you! Don’t trust easily!
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a-forgotten-spirit · 4 years
Two Heroes x Reader Oneshot
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Pairing: Todoroki x Bakugou, Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou, Poly relationship
Summary: I rewrote the entire Two Heroes movie with you in it, changed a few things but mostly the exact plot. It’s a “oneshot” off of my other story “Love Isn’t an Illusion”. I added a lunch scene, getting dressed and...smut for Bakugous Birthday. 
Words: +- 18,000, There is 4000 words of smut you have been warned, sorry for mistakes there is a lot to read through. 
SFW Warnings: Domestic relationship, please if you haven’t watched the movie watch it, villains/villain attack, fear for Bakugous/Todoroki’s safety, mentions of sex, kissing, getting lunch with the boys, hugging, soft Bakugou, soft Todoroki, calling them by their first names, competitiveness, being called “Kitten”, swearing, slight injury, Bakugou needs attention, Todoroki needs reassurance, sending photos, being called their girlfriend, a dress that shows skin, nicknames, Mineta and Kaminari, fighting villains, no signal, claws and sharp teeth, bathing together, if you squint there’s a spoiler for the series,  NSFW Warnings: Bathing together, groping, moaning, groaning, it’s filth, neck kissing, biting, being called “Kitten”, switch Bakugou/Todoroki, Bakugou bottoms for a bit, soft Bakugou, soft Todoroki, on the pill, temperature play, nipple play, dirty talk, love bites, double penetration, teaching Bakugou manners,  traffic light system, riding, complimenting, description of smut, soft smut at the beginning, Todoroki bottoms for a bit, light choking, swearing, multiple orgasms, double cremepie, slight begging. IM SORRY
A/N: Well first off HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAKUGOU.  I wrote this for the fans. I do not own My Hero academia or the characters, I don’t own most of the plot for this story, I had watched the show and re-written the dialogue and plot as if the reader was the main character. Everything is centered around the reader. In Japan the legal age for sex is 13 and in my country is 15-17 so by law they are legal, thank you. I hope you all enjoy this oneshot. I don’t usually write oneshots and here is why. 
PATREON: This is my patreon, some benefits are getting chapters one month earlier then on tumblr, Love Isn’t An Illusion is one month ahead on patreon for example another benefit is getting a say in what I write and who for, I will also be posting AU’s. I have a NSFW tier that I will begin posting on when October starts and my final tier is commission, you may ask for anything you want! But there is only 3 spots, make sure to check it out. This is a teaser for the NSFW tier starting October.
Masterlist ________________________________________________________________
This expo was not something I wanted to go to. It would be long and not something I was interested in, though I could use my quirk as I wished which was a nice surprise even though I would not use it, Aizawa had made it quite clear I couldn’t abuse my quirk. Katsuki, Todoroki, Kirishima and I were walking around until we saw a challenge, a race. 
Katsuki and I turned to each other and we smiled at each other “I’m gonna win” we both yelled at each other before we were running over to line up “It’ll be nice to beat you again” I smiled and his arm wrapped around my waist bringing my body close to his own. 
“Yeah sure you will, no hard feelings” he screamed and I pushed him away shaking my head as we both stared at each other in anger. “You won’t be winning” sometimes I believe his quirk moved to his voice box as well with how loud he was like Present Mic. “I’ll go first” Katsuki did the course and I was livid, he was way too fast. I had to be faster than him, I could not lose. 
“Please welcome our next challenger, the villain attack points have been reset. Ready Go” and with her words I was off, running straight through the course. I propelled myself forward with my quirk, a wide and proud smile on my face.
Making it to the first villain I didn’t even look as a clone came up and attacked it, one down. I continued through the course destroying anything in my path but I had to beat Katsuki. I was going to beat Katsuki. Running along the water and then all three were down and I landed my hand on my hip as I looked at my boyfriend. “How was that for you?” I yelled at his angry face. 
“A tie” we both turned quickly to the woman “At fifteen seconds. These two are the winners” immediately we were screaming and throwing insults at each other as people looked on in confusion but I did see a few smiles. 
“We did not get the same. I clearly won” he screamed and walked over gauntlets on show for all to see as I shook my head and my hand came to rest against my chest in offense. I could see Shouto shaking his head with a small almost non-existent smile. 
“I beg your pardon, no you did not. I was faster” I yelled and we came face to face looking at each other before we turned to the woman “We want a rematch” she stood there looking around for a second and then laughed awkwardly. 
“Hey isn’t that Midoriya in the stands” Kirishima asked innocently, Katsuki and I turned to face the green haired hero in training and he was indeed in the stands. Looking down at us with a scared look. Todoroki walked out to come stand next to us. I looked around and could see a few people from our class. Why were there so many?
“What the” Katsuki was up throwing himself against the rails of the field as I made some stairs so Kirishima, Todoroki and I could get up to the stands. “What are you doing here Deku” he screamed as I stepped over the railing. 
“Oh hey there Kacchan” he stepped back face scared and hands raised in surrender. A good move, he just got his ass kicked by his girlfriend. I can imagine the anger swirling inside his body. “Maybe calm down a little” those were not the words someone should say to an angry Katsuki. 
“Don’t you dare tell me what to do” Katsuki screamed, I was glad the fence was between the two childhood friends as well as Iida who had run in to stand in front of Deku. I had been on the receiving end of those words far too many times to count but looking at him, I couldn’t help but love him more. 
“Bakugou. Behave yourself” Iida’s arms were out protecting the scared Deku, though those words were also something you do not say to an angry Katsuki. I leaned into Shouto who just shook his head at our boyfriend losing his mind. 
Katsuki began to yell, loudly. His hair seemed to stand on end even though it was already spiked. I had learnt it was natural, after so many times sleeping over I learned his hair was just like that. He looked like a little monster throwing himself back and forth against the railing. I was worried it would break. 
“So you guys got asked to the expo as well” Momo turned to us and so did the others. I went to lift my mask before remembering I wasn’t actually wearing it and my hand came to rest on my hip to look a little less awkward. 
“Kinda” I started and they looked a lot more interested now. “I was invited as I won the sports festival but Todoroki is here because of his father so if I declined I got to be Todorokis’ plus one and then Bakugou got offered as second place so that meant Kirishima could come too” I smiled and they all seemed to nod. I had gotten good at using their last names around the class but I was pretty sure everyone knew we were together. I remembered back to the conversation. 
“They want me to go to the expo thing” I spoke slowly as the boys came to move onto the bed. We were staying at Katsuki’s tonight. “Because I got first place at the sports festival” I felt both their heads begin to read over my shoulder. “But I can only take one,” I whispered. 
“I’m going with my father, so you can take Katsuki. Problem solved” Shouto had gotten a little more emotion in his voice since being with us. He had started to talk more which Katsuki and I loved to talk about. I nodded. 
“Or” I began. Katsuki had also learned to let others talk, I was proud of him. “If I say i'm already going as a plus one, they’ll ask the next person which is Katsuki. Hasn’t Kirishima been going on about this expo” I turned to face the blonde haired male. 
He nodded and shrugged “Shitty hair doesn't need to go Y/N, he just wants too. You won, you go” I knew that was his way of saying because I won I should get the credit not just going as a plus one. 
“I don’t mind. I can share a room with Shouto, you can come visit. Kirishima deserves to go. I heard Kaminari is going to work as well so it’s a win win” I smiled and I felt an arm wrap around my waist from Shouto as he nodded into my shoulder. 
“Whatever” I replied and within a few minutes Katsuki had received an email asking to attend as the first place was already going. Easy. I smiled and laid down as Katsuki sat on his phone no doubt messaging his red headed friend. ~
“You guys are gonna do the villain course or what?” Kirishima asked with a happy smile, turning to him his hand was pointed over his shoulder to he course the three of us had just done. It wouldn’t be a good idea with Katsuki in his little mood. 
“Don’t even try it, there is no way you’ll get a better score then I did” his face was pulled in anger as I watched him grip the railed tighter. Deku had gotten a lot stronger but at the end of the day it was a course made to win. The machines didn’t have quirks or a thought process, it had no relation to a real villain take down. 
Then his words registered “Our score thank you very much. We got the same even though technically I won” I smiled as his eyes moved to my own in anger. I leaned forward, my arms folded under my chest as I laughed and sighed. “Better luck next time, Ground Zero” I knew he loved when I called him by his hero name. 
“Yeah you’re probably right, yep” Deku looked about ready to run and hide. I wanted to laugh at his fear. There was no reason to fear Katsuki, he was a huge softy through and through. Give that man a massage and he is as placid as can be. Though that was Shouto’s and Is’ little secret. 
“Huh, I’m not so sure” Uraraka thought out loud as he looked up a hand coming to her chin in thought. Deku was fast but as I said before, these weren’t real villain’s and could no way mimic a real fight. “Only one way to find out I guess” she shrugged her shoulders. 
“Yeah you’re probably right” I was at a loss for words. I knew Deku had just repeated himself out of fear but to not even listen to what Uraraka had said and then my eyes turned to Katsuki who was seething. I think I could see steam coming off his body, this probably wasn’t good. 
Katsuki jumped over the railing and looked at Deku, his shoulders back and eyes narrowed “Just get your pathetic attempt over with. You damn nerd” with a swing of his arm Iida was pushed aside. Katsuki got right in the poor boy's face and with teeth grit he added “Then you get out of here” it yelled, I was surprised Deku didn’t go deaf. 
“He’s so well behaved with us” Shouto whispered as he leaned down next to my ear “So much progress down the drain because Midoriya is here” I smiled as he shook his head “We need to teach him more” I flushed at his words. “One night should do the trick” I laughed and looked back at our boyfriend. 
“Right, I’ll do that” I shook my head and let the air from my lungs. Deku needed to stand up for himself more, he was so strong but one comment from Katsuki and he was out like a light. Though I could see the fear, Katsuki never really yelled at Shouto and I. He was quite calm with us though there have been a few outbursts. 
“I don’t think one night is enough” I turned and smirked to Todoroki, “A few would definitely suffice though” I whispered and heard the little grunt from Shouto. If only Katsuki knew what we were planning. He would have stopped yelling, or continued. He seemed to like the lessons. 
Deku got up and was now going to get his turn. His electricity like lines spread over his body and when the course ended he was one second longer than Katsuki and I. I could see the wide smile on my boyfriend's face and he looked at both Shouto and I then nodded and laughed at the score. Always so competitive. Something I fell in love with. 
Deku was now back and talking with Uraraka and Iida as Shouto and I listened in. “I didn’t think I’d be able to get so close to Kacchans’ time” with the way Deku smiled and spoke those words and Katsuki’s narrowed eyes and angered look I knew this wouldn’t end well. 
“What, no way. I’ll go again and blast your score to ash” I was looking at Katsuki and shook my head in defeat. I went to turn around to talk to Shouto about this new predicament though when I turned I heard a scream and then the sound of ice. 
I ran to the railing and saw Shouto kneeling down ice sprouting from the ground over the course. No way, this couldn’t be happening. The whole area was covered in a thick layer of ice. “This is insane” it was, this was fast, I gripped the railings. “Fourteen seconds” I was livid, I could feel anger coursing through my veins but as he stood up I couldn’t help but notice how hot he looked. “This gentleman has jumped to the top of the pack” I felt my eye twitch and then Katsuki joined my side and then he was gone.
“Out of the way Icy-Hot bastard” I watched and Katsuki was now bursting through the air towards our boyfriend. I was rocking myself against the railing just like Katsuki had done. I was not going to stoop to his level, I was going to be calm. “You can’t just appear out of nowhere and show me up” Shouto had a blank face and I could faintly hear something about Katsuki needing to recognise he lost. 
With that I was jumping over the railing and landing on the course. I stomped my way over and looked at our boyfriend dead, his stupidly cute miss-matched eyes “You said you didn’t even want to participate” I yelled and threw my hands into the air. 
“Don’t ignore me” is one of Katsuki’s favourite lines to shout when we didn’t answer him. We needed time to think but at this moment, I felt the same. This was beyond anger inducing, he didn’t want to participate though by his choice of words I should have understood he meant to challenge our hot-headed boyfriend. 
“The next person is waiting” the woman spoke slowly and Katsuki and I both turned to her with the speed of All Might himself and I could see the fear in her eyes. I was sure she knew who we were and with all the yelling I would be afraid too. 
“Shut up, I am doing it again” we both yelled our eyes locked in on her form. There was no way she was stopping me from beating both my boyfriends this god forsaken challenge. I was going to prove I am the best and then later they would praise me. I didn’t want to praise Shouto, at least not for this. 
“Please stop, you are going to make the world think UA is full of degenerates” Iida was running onto the course. We were not degenerates. I was already coming up with a plan to finish in under five seconds. Instead of moving I had to do what Shouto did and stay still, let my quirk do the work.  
Shouto was holding Katsuki and I back as we were escorted out of the course grounds. Once out Katsuki and I were pouting as we walked with Shouto, Kirishima having said he wanted to go see Kaminari at work, I also heard that Mineta was here. I crossed my arms and pouted as we walked around. 
“Are you done?” Shouto asked us and I turned away as Katsuki said what was on his mind, as he always did. We had moved to a secluded area and I felt Shoutos’ arm wrap around my body and he cuddled into my neck “Don’t be mad Y/N” he whispered and Katsuki rolled his eyes coming in to join the hug. 
“I’m not mad” I gritted out, how could I stay mad as they both hugged me. It was nearly impossible for a few more seconds and Katsuki giving my forehead a light kiss I sighed and “Fine” I drew out the vowel and smiled. “Wanna get something to eat?” I asked. 
“It would be best to get something in the room, that way it is not a full meal, the reception is tonight and there will be food” Shouto pointed out, he was right, there would be food there. “Though it is still quite early, we could have a light lunch and a snack before the reception,” Katsuki nodded. 
“I saw a nice looking restaurant a little ways away, near that park thing” Katsuki began and brought out his phone from the little pocket on his pants. He unblocked his phone and showed us the location. I took his phone and looked at the online menu. 
I scrolled down and as we were walking I was scrolling. I couldn’t count the amount of times I had been on Bakugou’s phone and I still couldn’t comprehend the device sometimes. “Oh Shou they have Cold Soba” I smiled and showed him the photo. 
“I was unsure of this place and no you both don’t get a choice. We are going” Shouto nodded and both Katsuki and I were laughing, it was so funny to hear his monotone voice seem so excited. Katsuki and I could hear the difference. 
“You and your fucking soba. I could make it better” Katsuki had his hands on his hips as he looked at our boyfriend with a smile, I smiled at him. I couldn’t lie, Katsuki did make the best food. I had to admit that I had once called Shouto to pick me up because Katsuki said if we were at his house he would make us food. We showed up within the hour. 
“I do not doubt that Katsuki '' the little smile that Shouto gave the both of us as he spoke made my heart flutter in happiness. I loved them both so much, I would do anything for them. Even something as simple as a smile made me so happy. 
We continued to walk as I continued to look through the menu “Katsuki” I called out as we stopped and they both looked over my shoulder “It’s called the ring of fire. It’s just a bowl of chilli noodles and beef” I smiled and showed the photo to him. 
A loud laugh left his throat and he took his phone scrolling through the ingredients “That’s what i'm getting. It better be spicy” he nodded and then gave the phone back “What are you thinking kitten” he asked as we continued to walk. 
“I’m thinking something hot, I want noodles” I nodded and clicked the category of noodles. “This one looks good” my eyebrows rose as I looked over the beef noodles. “The broth has a few spices and the beef has been marinated overnight to then cooked to order, the vegetables are marinated with it” Shouto nodded as Katsuki took the phone and looked over it. 
“It’s like the noodles I made for our three months,” Katsuki answered and then put his phone away. It was one of my favourite ‘dates’ we had gone on. My parents were out and because my house was the biggest we had decided to get the ingredients and then go to mine and cook. It was such a good night. “It even has the same noodles.” those noodles were delicious. 
“Oh ok, I’m definitely getting that then” Shouto nodded to my conclusion and we finally made it to the restaurant. There wasn’t too much of a line but it was packed. It looked to my full. “I did not take into account the people” I whispered. 
“Don’t worry, let me talk” Katsuki and I tilted our heads but we slowly walked up to the front of the line. Shouto took his wallet out of his pocket and collected a card that was red. Katsuki and I made eye contact in confusion and we waited. The woman looked around and breathed out trying to find a spot but as I searched to no avail. “Do not worry, we will be taking the private booth please” the woman went to laugh and then her face fell as she looked at the card. 
“Oh my. Of course” she bowed and grabbed three menus “Please right this way, follow me” we walked through the restaurant and to the back, going up a flight of stairs and then we were taken to a booth at the back, it was quiet and there was almost no one. “A waiter will be with you in a few minutes to take your drinks” she bowed again as I wiggled into the seat, I wanted to be in the middle. 
“What is that card” I looked at Shouto who slipped the card back into his wallet then placed it on the table to the side to not get in the way. I needed a card like that, if it meant I never had to deal with people again in a crowded space I would love to have such a card. Katsuki took his gauntlets off placing them next to him in the booth. 
“It’s a card for the expo for my father so he doesn’t have to sit with fans. He said to use it so I’m not with common people” he shook his head and his eyes narrowed “But this way I can have a nice calm lunch with both my girlfriend and boyfriend without interruptions” he nodded. Picking up the menu to the drinks and began to look it over. 
My hand moved to gently hold his cheek as I leaned in and gave him a sweet kiss. I loved the way half his lips were colder than the other. He seemed surprised and then he leaned in getting into the kiss. We broke apart after a few seconds “Thank you Shou” I whispered. 
“Excuse me” We both turned to Katsuki who had a slight pout as he looked over to us “I am here to you know” it was hard sometimes to give all three people attention in the relationship but we tried. I had learnt that Katsuki really didn’t like being left out and often felt like people didn’t want him there. Shouto on the other hand had a lot of trouble with praise and had to be reassured we loved him every single day. All three of us had learnt to help each other. 
“Come here Katsuki” I leaned over holding his hand that was on the table and kissed him just the same as I had done to Shouto. His lips were always so soft, all his skincare routines he did on a night would definitely help to do that. When I leaned back I smiled at his soft face. “We know you’re here and we are both very happy you are here with us” we had to reassure him and I didn’t care how often I had to do it. 
“Can I have a kiss too Katsuki?” Shouto asked and leaned over my body so he could kiss him if he allowed, which he always did. Many believe he wasn’t affectionate but Katsuki was the most affectionate. “I love that you came here as well. I wouldn't have come if the both of you didn’t” Katsuki smiled and then leaned in kissing Shouto softly as I smiled at both of them. As they leaned back Shouto smiled and “I love you Katsuki you too Y/N” 
I watched as the male in question turned away a flush on his cheeks, something we saw quite often with him. He wasn’t too good with receiving affection, I moved to put a hand on each of their legs and squeezed. Then the waiter walked over. 
“Good afternoon, may I take your drinks order” he asked and looked us over as I quickly skimmed the menu. “If you need more time, I can come back in a few minutes” he asked and Shouto answered it was alright. After ordering our drinks we also asked him to take our food orders and then we were back to talking. 
“I don’t want to go to this party, it’ll just be a bunch of old geezers giving speeches. Sounds like a pretty lame night to me” Katsuki voiced as he rested his chin on his head. “I only came for you two” he added as he looked us over. 
I nodded “Shouto and I spoke on the plane about not really wanting to attend” I sighed. “I did bring a nice dress though” it was a beautiful dress. Something a little fancier then I would usually wear but nice nonetheless. 
“I do not want people to ask about my father” Shouto added and I leaned back “But we have to attend at least I do anyway. He wants me to go and I know it’ll only be more effort to not go in the long run” he looked down at his words and Katsuki leaned over taking his head just as I did. We knew it was hard on him. “You two stay in the room, I’ll only go for an hour or so and then we can spend the rest of the night together” he asked quietly. 
“We are going with you, I’ll have to go to my room and find something nice. I didn’t bring anything fancy, I wasn’t planning to go” he paused and smiled at Shouto, a real smile “We are here for you Shou" I nodded and the boy nodded as well. 
“Then we go together” I smiled “And I asked Kirishima if I could sneak a suit in his luggage for you” I smiled and with a shake of his head I was brought into a hug as I laughed and held out my arms for Shouto who happily moved closer to join in. 
Not too long after, the food and drinks arrived, we thanked and then began to eat. We began to eat and chat. “This is actually really good, wanna try” Katsuki asked as I nodded and leaned in to take some of the noodles off his chopstick tasting the flavour and hummed with a nod. 
“That’s really good. Too bad Shouto, you aren’t a fan of spicy food” he shrugged and then took some soba into his mouth with a nice hum. I got some of my own noodles and meat in the grasp of my chopsticks and held it up to Katsuki. “It’s really nice, not the same as yours but still good” I nodded and he leaned over taking them into his mouth then chewing for a few seconds and nodded. 
“It’s not too bad, not as good as mine but still good” he nodded and I saw Shouto look at my meal back at his and then back at mine. He wouldn’t like Katsuki, we all knew that but he looked sad he wasn’t offered some. 
“Shouto would you like to try some” I picked up the noodles just as I did for Katsuki and he looked a little awkward “come on Shou, don’t be shy. You can ask to have some” I smiled and he nodded leaning over to take a bite and then nodded. 
“Sorry, I didn’t want to ask but you two were right it is quite nice. The meat is very tender” he nodded and I verbally agreed as we began to eat once more. It was nice to be able to have a meal together and not be worried about the gazes of others about our choice of relationship. 
“Can I try some” I asked and I could live off the small smile Shouto gave as he gathered some in his chopsticks and then offered it to me. I leaned in and took the soba into my mouth and then chewed and nodded. “It’s good, Katsuki should make some for us. Sometime” I asked suggestively. 
We both turned to the boy in question who just looked up from his food and then smiled “I can do that” even as he complained about making us food he always did no matter whose house we were at. He loved to cook and provide for us. 
The rest of the lunch went by with quiet chatter and easy laughs. Time seemed to fly and as we looked at the time Shouto noticed a message from Iida saying where we would all wait and then go together. We agreed to get dressed and meet up then we would all sit at a table together and not talk to anyone. 
“Are you sleeping with us tonight” I asked just before we were about to part ways so Katsuki could go and get dressed. I hoped he said yes but then again then Kirishima would be alone in the room. 
“Of course. Shitty hair wants Pikachu and ball head to come over so I can just bring my bags over after the party” with those words and a few shared kisses we parted ways and we were off to our room to get ready. 
Walking into the room I stretched my hands above my head and put our phones on charge for the party. Searching through my suitcase I found my makeup bag and dress. “I’m going to go for a shower and do my makeup, I shouldn’t be too long” I called over my shoulder to Shouto on the bed. 
“Ok, I’m giving Katsuki a call, Kirishima isn’t there yet and he is bored” the small smile on his lips made me smile in return “I’ll tell him you’re in the shower” he looked up and I smiled back to him. I was so in love with both of them. 
“Tell him to charge his phone, he always forgets” a simple nod and I was off to shower, the shower was beyond lovely and warm, once out I put my hair up and began the process of makeup. I made sure to dry my hair and tuck in the towel so it wouldn’t fall. 
“She’s doing her makeup” I could hear Shouto say and then the door opened as I looked up from doing only the first part of my makeup “Doesn’t our girlfriend look beautiful” he moved into the bathroom and I saw the phone in his hand. 
“You both are” I smiled and looked down making a ‘Shoo’ motion with a light laugh. Shouto left the room but I could hear them “Your bathroom is so much nicer” I smiled and then continued on with my mission to do my makeup. 
Some flicked eyeliner, shining highlights and blow dried hair later I was done and walking out of the bathroom and I ran my fingers through my hair. I looked at Shouto who had taken a shower while I did my makeup and now his eyes widened. 
“I need to call Katsuki.” his hands were trying to find his phone without looking down. Once found he quickly looked down to call our boyfriend. “Katsuki” he quickly began and then Shouto was walking over “Look at her” the phone was in front of my face as I waved into the camera. 
It was silent as I looked around “I am definitely coming over tonight” he started and I flushed laughing lightly “Keep me on the line, I want to see the dress” the camera was then gone as Shouto tried to describe what he had seen with the little glimpse he got. 
I picked up my dress and headed back to the bathroom. A long sleeved, v-neck, lace F/C dress, at the waist it flowed down between my legs and over my rear, showing the sides of my legs and hips. I made sure the bra I chose to wear couldn’t be seen and then I was walking out. 
“Fuck” I looked up seeing Shouto in his suit and I paused to look at him. He didn’t swear often. He was moving to pick up his phone and I stood as he fumbled and then his hand came to rest on his chin. 
“Fuck” Katsuki repeated and I looked down, I felt pretty but that reaction was all I needed to know this was my dress. This was the perfect dress for tonight. I was so glad they liked it, confidence rose in my chest and I did a small twirl. 
“You guys like it” I asked and walked forward to Shouto holding the phone and Katsuki on the phone. They were silent as I moved to look at Katsuki and swap the camera around so it was facing Shouto and I. 
“Yes” they both spoke and then Katsuki had to go as Kirishima was coming into the room. “You look amazing” Shouto breathed out and his hand came to hold the small of my back as he came to lean in and kiss my hair. “I don’t want to ruin your makeup” he whispered. 
“Now that we are both ready and you are looking very handsome, can we take a photo for Katsuki and send it to him”  he nodded and then we were moving his phone and putting on a timer for the camera. 
A few attempts later we had a photo that looked professional. The lighting and the blank wall behind us made our outfits pop. I had put on the matching heels to make the photo look more authentic and beautiful. We were standing next to each other in just the perfect position and with a smile it was sent to Katsuki, I had to admit we really went above and beyond for this photo. Within seconds we received a reply “Please don’t do this to me, I’m with shitty hair”.
“Are you ready to go Shou" I looked over my shoulder at my boyfriend, his suit looked so handsome and I knew from the three of us it was going to be a fun night. Walking over I fixed his tie slightly “You look so handsome in your matching suit” I smiled “Come on Iida is waiting for us” we made our way through the room and then down to where we had to catch an elevator. 
“I sent Katsuki a message, hopefully he has not forgotten his phone again” Shouto whispered quietly as I leaned over to view the screen. Katsuki had gotten better at answering calls and messages. At the start of our relationship he wasn’t the best but he is working on it which I’m sure Shouto and I were grateful for. 
Coming out of the elevators I saw Iida who I assumed had gotten here far earlier than anyone else. Kaminari and Mineta were also here in their little butler outfits. I laughed lightly as I walked out and into the room. Iida turned around and smiled “I’m glad you two could make it, Todoroki looking very fresh, Y/N” he paused and then nodded “That colour suits you” he smiled. 
“Thank you Iida, you look quite nice as well, where is everyone?” I tried to ignore the stares from the two other boys and tried harder to ignore the little whispers to each other. We were a few minutes early but with Iida if you weren’t early you were late. 
“They seem to be running a little late” he took out his phone and rang Midoriya. The phone call was mostly linear movements and some loud vocals. I was surprised how loud his voice could go, sometimes louder then Katsuki. 
“Sorry about that, you guys” Midoriya’s words were slowed towards the end as he walked out from the elevator and looked us over, we had been here quite awhile but I didn’t mind. Shouto and I had quiet chatter and Katsuki replied saying Kirishima was guiding them to the venue and to go in without him. “Where is everybody?” he stopped running, going to a slow walk. 
“They’re not here yet” Iida arms unfolded “Does a proper meeting time mean nothing to you people” he was always like this, so in charge and ready for anything. He did make a good class rep and no one could deny that. 
With those words the sound of an elevator door opening rang through the room looking over. I saw it was Uraraka “Sorry i'm late, it took me a while to get ready” she looked cute with her hand scratching the back of her neck and the pink dress she had on. She clearly had gone to the trouble of looking nice. I was going to compliment her though with Kaminari and Mineta racing over. I stayed still. 
Another elevator opened showing a blushing Jirou and Yaoyorozu, Jirou was hiding behind the other girl, was she embarrassed? I was positive she looked beautiful no matter what she wore. “Apologies for the tardiness, Jirous’ feeling shy” I knew that feeling but with the help of my boyfriends I had slowly come out of my shell. I ignored the boys once again. 
They stepped out of the elevator and Jirou looked down playing with her earlobes “This is fancier than anything I’ve worn before” she looked nice in the pink and purple dress, Yaoyorozu did too. Shouto and I walked forward to join the group. “It feels like a costume” I couldn’t agree more. 
“I’m just glad you’re not in a t-shirt” I rolled my eyes at the electric blonde and sighed, he really needed some new morals. Shaking my head I leaned against Shouto just to try and calm my nerves, I wasn’t a fan of crowded places. 
“Even the jacket can’t ruin it” Mineta bluntly stated, they both got sound waves to ear, just as they deserved. I was glad I hadn’t heard the things they said about my choice of clothing. I would have put them in a box for the rest of the night. 
“I think you both look very nice, even with the jacket” I made eye contact with the fallen Mineta at that comment and looked back up with a smile “It’s nice to see you guys out of uniform. You too Uraraka” I smiled at the group. There was no harm in boosting someone's self esteem even if it was only a little. 
“Thank you, you look very nice too, I wouldn’t expect you to wear something like this but I really like it” Yaoyarozu nodded and Jirou agreed with an input from Uraraka. I smiled and pushed my hair back and smiled in thanks. 
“This is my first time in formal wear, I just borrowed something from Yaoyorozu” Uraraka walked over to Midoriya as her arms bent at the elbow up and down as she spoke. Yaoyarozu had very pretty dresses then. 
“It looks really good” Midoriya scratched his cheek and I smiled leaving the conversation. They had such chemistry, I was surprised one hadn’t confessed yet. Then again I hadn’t confessed in the greatest ways. I took Shouto’s hand, we weren’t much for public displays of affection but right now I was so happy to be with friends and loved ones.  
The sound of the elevator opening sounded and I turned hoping to see Katsuki and Kirishima though it wasn’t them. It was the girl I had seen at the stands. I never caught her name though she seemed to know the place. “Oh good” she ran in dress swaying as she did. “I thought I was going to miss you guys. Let’s get downstairs to the party” she seemed very friendly from the one sentence I had heard her speak. I should talk to her. 
I ignored the boys having a fangirl fest in the middle of the room. I shook my head and then we were off to the party. “No good, neither of them is picking up their phones. Knowing those two they’re just blowing off the party” Iida spoke out. 
“Bakugou and Kirishima said to go in without them, Todoroki and I messaged Bakugou” I began and saw a few sideways glances of interest. The girls always asked about my relationship with the two and most had guessed what was going on. “We can go in without them, they will come eventually” I smiled and got a nod from Iida. 
I took out my phone and saw a message from the explosive boy. Opening the message I almost dropped my phone at the picture of Katsuki in a suit with roses on the side and a tilted head. “What’s wrong” Shouto started and then looked over my shoulder at the photo “Why is he so handsome” he whispered and I nodded. Sending a message along the lines of what he had sent to us. I hoped they were both safe. 
The alarm began to sound and I felt Shouto pull my body closer to his own, the windows began to have their lockdown shutters fall. An explosive device? I worried for Katsuki’s safety as well as Shoutos’ and my own, so I looked around and we had everyone. So far so good. Most likely a false alarm. The voice over the speakers continued as I put my hand on Shoutos’ chest. What was going on?
Shouto took out his phone “I’m not getting any signal, looks like my service is completely blocked” I took his phone and then my own and quickly checked. No signal, we couldn’t contact Katsuki. What if he was in danger. I looked to Shouto who seemed to have the same fears. “He will be ok, he is strong” whispered quietly I nodded and handed his phone back. 
“The elevators are not working either” Jirou was standing in front of the elevator system, though we still had lights on so it wasn’t as if the power was out. What a suspicious time to have a lockdown. I stepped away from Shouto and looked around. 
“What the heck is going on here” Mineta cried out, he had a point. He was saying what was on everyone's minds. It had to be a false alarm, a faulty button. There wouldn’t actually be a bomb here, right? 
“It is strange that the system would go on high alert” it was the girl I didn’t know the name of. I had to ask her name, if I knew her name I could protect her. Her hand was under her chin in thought. She must know this place well. “That’s not the protocol whenever explosives are discovered” so she did know this place well. If this wasn’t the protocol then something must be wrong. 
“Iida, let’s go to that party” Midoriya stated sternly walking over to the seemed leader of the group. Iida questioned why, why did he want to go to the party. It was a lockdown. We should stay in the same place until we are told not to. “Because that’s the place we can find All might right now” I nodded, it was a good plan. All Might would know what to do. 
“Wait All Might’s in there” I knew that wherever Midoriya was, All Might wasn’t too far away. Though if the number 1 hero was here then we had nothing to worry about, if there was an explosive I was sure he was on his way to do and stop the issue. 
“Oh thank goodness, we don’t have anything to worry about” Mineta looked relieved but this was still suspicious. Would they not have put something over the intercoms to say the situation was being handled. They wouldn’t keep people in the dark plus there were probably up to a hundred Pro’s here. Someone would say something. 
“So Melissa do you know of a way we can get down there without the elevator” my eyes perked as Midoriya looked at the blonde girl, her name was Melissa. Perfect, name done. I could now protect everyone in the room. Shouto had been kind enough to give me the heros and top celebrities and things that would be here for right now. I was able to help.
“Yeah sure, we can use the emergency stairs” she replied pointing to the stairs behind Shouto and I, it would be risky. If something was actually wrong we could be going towards the danger instead of away.  I could only help so many people. “That will at least get us close” I wanted to voice my worries but I had trust in my friends. 
“We will follow your lead then” I clenched up, I was worried not only for the people in this room but Katsuki. I was beyond worried about him, was he ok? Was Kirishima with him? He couldn’t message us now and that brought a whole new wave of panic. 
We began to walk through the stairs, silently as we could which was hard with heels and fancy wear. I was scared and worried about Katsuki and Kirishima as well as the rest of the people on this island. Jirou and Midoriya walked in to see what was going on as the rest of us waited. 
“We’ve received All Might’s orders loud and clear, he is our teacher. I suggest we follow his instructions and escape this place” Iida had a point, he had told us to leave but we may be the only people that could actually help win this fight. Who knows what these villains were trying to do. “Otherwise we’d be going against his will”
“I’m afraid I have to agree with what Iida is saying. We are still only students, we can’t fight these villains if we don't have our hero licenses” Yaoyarozu was also in the right. Legally we weren’t allowed in interveen, we had to do as our teacher had told us but we did not come here as a school but as ourselves. 
“Why don’t we get out of here and tell the hero's outside?” Kaminari piped up, hypothetically that may work but it may also set off unwanted alarms along the way. It may end us in a worse spot than we already are. There wasn’t much we could do without permission but I wanted to help. 
“It’s not going to be very easy to escape” Melissa whispered out as her hand left her chin, I stood close to Shouto and tried to think my way out of this. My whole quirk relied on thinking, that’s what I was here for. I was logical and smart and I had to figure something out. “The security system here is on the same level of that of the Tartarus prison which is where they keep the most dangerous criminals in the world” think, I had to think. 
“And all we can do is sit and wait until everything is over I guess” Kaminari voiced out, his tone was low and sad. I couldn’t blame him, I also felt trapped. I had to think of something, anything. Any idea was better than none. 
Jirou stood up fists clenched and looked down to our classmate “Are you really ok with that Kaminari” she questioned in a soft tone. I wasn’t, I wasn’t ok with just sitting and doing nothing while innocent people feared for their lives. “Don’t you think we should at least try and stop them” I nodded in agreement. 
“Come on, those villains have even got All Might trapped. There’s no way we can stop them ourselves if the actual Pros are stuck” Mineta although was disgusting and quite pervy, he unfortunately was decently smart. His words were true. If they had a hold of All Might then what shot did we have. 
“Aren’t we trying to be Pros’ ourselves” my eyes left the ones of my classmates and turned to one of my lovers, he was looking down at his hand as he sighed out lowly eyes half lidded. He looked sad, he almost always did. 
“Yes but we are not allowed to work as heroes, you know that” Yaoyarozu looked sad as well as she spoke. I could see she wanted to help but also wanted to keep people safe, keep us safe. I couldn’t agree more but if we couldn’t at least help a few people then sitting here and doing nothing will be meaningless.
“Does that mean that it’s right to do nothing at all” Shoutos’ fist clenched as he continued to stare at his hand. I shook my head, he was worried. Whether it be about our missing boyfriend or the idea of sitting aside and not doing anything I didn’t know. I would guess it was a little of both. 
“Well it’s complicated” Yayorozu was right, this was complicated. Do we risk getting in more danger and not helping anyone or do we sit back and potentially not help someone in need. All Pro’s had to deal with these choices but as I saw everyones’ faces fall my own fell as well. 
It was silent in the stairwell but with a shake of my head I breathed in “I can help” everyone's eyes turned to me “I want to help, I don’t care for the consequences. Bakugou and Kirishima are out there, civilians are out there. I can shield us from being seen if need be but I am not going to stand here when I am able to help” I swallowed the lump in my throat as I pursed my lips. 
“I want to help” Midoriya whispered out “I want to save them” we made eye contact and he looked so determined, this was all our dreams. To become a hero, to help those in need no matter the consequences. To do all we can until we can’t. 
“You want to go fight those villains, did you learn anything from the USJ Midoriya?” Mineta's voice was loud and his hands were moving so frantically. I thought back to the USJ, I had been teleported to one of the zones alone and made to fight, I didn’t know any names so I spent my time dodging and using the loophole of my own name to survive. 
“This is totally different, we don’t have to fight them, as Y/N said she can shield us. We need to find a way to rescue All Might and everyone else at the party without facing the bad guys” Midoriya fired back, he was ready for any question that was shot at him, I could see it. I could shield all of us, I could shield the island if given enough time. I could do this. 
“That’s easy to say but you know it won’t be that simple” this time it was Kaminari who shot the idea down. If they wanted to be heros they needed to start believing in themselves. We could deal with the consequences, we were here on our business not the schools. 
“I know but I still want to try,” Midoriya nodded and I nodded, I was going to help them with or without the help of my classmates. I wasn’t going to let innocent people be scared because of some egotistical villains who decided to make a scene. “We can figure out what the best plan of action is and keep these criminals from winning. We can save everyone” he called out, I thought we were being a bit loud for the stairway but I wasn’t going to say anything. 
“I know where the security system is, it’s on the top floor of this tower” Melissa walked forward into the group, she did know this place which means she would most likely know the safest route to take. “If these criminals manage to take control of it then the authentication lock password has most likely been disabled. We should be able to restart the system ourselves. We just have to stay off the villains radar until then and get to the top floor.That’s all” I could cover us and the cameras wouldn’t see us but if doors were locked it would most likely sound an alarm which wouldn’t do us any favours. “If we do that the whole island will be safe again” 
“Then it’s possible” Midoriya whispered in hope, of course it was possible, everything is possible. The word impossible literally says I’m possible, we just had to devise a plan and stick to it to remain safe. 
“Sure but how do we keep on the low for that long” Jirou questioned walking forward towards Melissa who had just finished her motivating speech. Judging by the way she spoke I was guessing that she was able to restart the system. 
“The security system hasn’t discovered us yet that means the villains probably don’t know how it works very well” she had a point, the stairwell seemed to be fine. No alarms or villains coming to check it out. I nodded in thought. 
“So we avoid fighting anyone and try to get the place back to normal” I knew Shoutos’ voice from anywhere, I turned to look at his arms crossed over his chest and eyes downcast in thought. I hoped Katsuki was ok. “That could work” 
“I can cover us from unwanted eyes. I am able to cover us all with no problem. It would be like we weren’t even there” I smirked moving my hands to rest on my hips. “Cameras’ aren’t able to detect me when in an illusion, I’ve tried” I continued to smirk at the smiles I was receiving. 
“Not bad, what do you think” Kaminari turned to Jirou who smiled and agreed. Mineta did not look in the least bit impressed with his wide eyes and mouth. He was never going to become a hero if he was unable to take a leap of faith. 
“Many of our enemies are likely gathered there on the top floor” Yayorozu thought aloud into the stairwell. I would guess most would be there though some would be trying to do whatever it actually was they were trying to do here. 
“If we’re fast we won’t have to fight them, when the security system goes back to normal All Might and the others will be released. They’ll immediately jump into action and stop the villains I know it” we all seemed to be on the same page. 
“Let’s do this guys” Uraraka jumped up her eyes wide and hand fisted in determination. We would help these people, we would become heroes some day. This was just the first step in the long journey of our future career. “I don’t want to sit around here being helpless, not if there’s something we can actually try” she shook her head and looked to Midoriya who had said her name. “What’s important is that we’re helping people even if we’re not real heroes” I smiled at the bright girl. 
“That’s exactly how I feel about things, we’ll follow our hearts and save the island” even though Midoriya was talking to the group his eyes never left Uraraka, it seemed like all his words were directed to her and her alone. They would make a good couple in the future.  
Everyone began to agree to the plan, one right after the other. We were going to do this, for us and us alone. We were going to save these people not for show or to be seen but because that’s what a hero does. 
“The moment I think we’ve gone too far it’s over” Iida walked into the little huddle of us all eyes closed and brows knotted. He was worried you could practically feel the waves of emotion coming from him. “If that’s something you can agree too, I’ll join you as well” 
With all in agreeance, Midoriya told Melissa to stay behind and when listening in I found out it was because she was quirkless, something very rare these days. Even if the quirk was considered ‘useless’ they were still held higher than those without quirks. She was strong and put the greenet in his place with her knowledge of the tower. She was going to be a hero too. She was a student at the academy she said and she wanted to help. I nodded and smiled at her. She was going to be a hero one way or another. Midoriya went back to tell All Might what our plans were and soon we were off and going through the tower. When he came back we began to go through the tower to try and get to the top. We were running up the stairs which was quite hard in heels and a dress but I was managing. 
Finally we reached level 30, I couldn’t believe we made it without a single alarm of bystander. These villains really didn’t know what they were doing here. They did not know the system as if they did there would be alarms in the stairwell. 
“Melissa, how high does it go” Midoriya asked as I turned to the girl in question, she was puffed, sweating and holding the railing for support. She wasn’t used to high intense training like we were, the stairs were like nothing to us. An annoyance at most but not difficult. 
“Two-hundredth floor” she breathed out, I shook my head as Kaminari asked her to repeat herself. She could barely make it to the thirtieth I doubted she would make it to two hundred though I had faith in her. She just had to keep pushing herself. 
After a small discussion that taking the two hundred flights was better than an accidental run in with the villains we all began to climb again. I stayed in line with Shouto as we ran. We had to be fast otherwise something could potentially go wrong. I sighed out and shook my head while running, everyone would be ok. I knew it. Katsuki would be ok. He had to be. Each flight felt like impending doom and finally at floor eighty it was blocked. 
“What should we do?” Shouto asked as he breathed heavily. Eighty flights will do that to a person. I breathed out looking around, what could we do. There might be villains or civilians on the other side. “Break through it,” he suggested. I shook my head, no there had to be another way.
“If we did that, I’m sure the security system would alert the villains that someone’s in here” Melissa answered, I had the same thought. I looked over the block and bit my lip, my lungs still begging for more oxygen. What could we do? 
“Then why don’t we go through this door instead” that was Minetas’ voice and as I turned around not even hearing Midoriya’s words as he yelled. Mineta opened the door with a click. No, no, no, they would know we are here. This could ruin everything. 
We all went through and I sent out a cover, the detectors would detect something but they wouldn’t be able to see us at least. “We move now” I started and ran out first. “I have us covered but that doesn’t stop sensors only cameras” I called over my shoulder as Shouto came to join me at the front. We ran down the hall hoping to find a way further up.
“Is there another way to go up?” Shouto asked over his shoulder, I was guessing he was indicating to Melissa who knew her way around. I knew the villains knew we were here and I was sure they were sending reinforcement.  
“There should be another emergency staircase at the end of the hallway” she shouted back, it was good my illusions also hid sound, in a place like this I didn’t doubt that the cameras also had mics. 
“Alright then let's hurry” Iida instructed though as we turned a corney the gates began to shut. I guess they believed it wasn’t a false alarm and then people really were scuttling around on this floor. The gates began to close “Todoroki” Iida called. 
“I got it” a shard of ice shot out from his foot and then Iida was running and sending his leg through the gate. We had to keep moving. I grabbed Melissa’s arm and began to run, she was the most important out of all of us. 
Running in there were trees and bushed everywhere “What is this place” I hadn’t let go of her hand as we ran. I needed to know she was safe. She couldn’t defend herself like the rest of us. She was smart but villains didn’t care for smarts. 
“It’s a plant factory” she answered as we ran into the factory. “They research the effects quirks have on fauna here” she elaborated. An interesting field to go in I had to admit, I was more for the hero side if I was being honest. 
“Hold on” Jirous' arm went out in a rushed movement and we all stopped. I brought Melissa closer to me, she smiled and seemed grateful. I nodded to her. “Look, the elevators are coming up” she breathed, so they did know we were here. There was no point to hiding us here then. 
“Don’t tell me the villains found us” Mineta looked about ready to dig his own grave amongst the fauna. I looked around, we could hide but knowing villains they wouldn’t stop until we were found. We could fight them but that would mean owning up to us being here. 
“We should hide and let them pass,” Midoriya told the group and we all agreed. We ran off to the side hiding amongst the bushes. I covered us just to be sure. We waited in silence and I crouched close to Shouto and others down the other end talked. 
The villains came in, speaking lowly and I couldn’t quite hear them. They just had to leave, they had to leave. Walking in they began to look around for us. I could see Uraraka holding her hands over her mouth even though she knew they couldn’t see us but what if one of them had a quirk that could. This could be bad. We just had to wait for them to pass. 
“Hey we see you stupid kids” that’s impossible, they couldn’t see us. There was no way. No one could see us. Does he have a thermal imaging quirk type thing? We were safe, right? Was he trying to make us come out. Some kind of reverse psychology. 
“What did you say you bastard” I perked up, I knew that voice. Looking out I saw Katsuki in all his glory. His suit and tie, his scowl. He was ok, he was alive and ok. I felt a hand come to my back and I turned to see Shouto looking relieved. 
“What are you two doing here” one of the villains asked, they must not know what’s going on. Katsuki would never give up the chance to use his quirk against a real villain. Did they not hear the broadcast? How were they at such a high level?
He laughed lightly “That’s what I wanna know too” he began to walk forward. I shook, what was he doing? He needed to be careful. He was so close but so out of reach. I watched Kirishima put a hand on his chest and told Bakugou that he could take care of it. 
“We kinda got lost looking for the party” I deadpanned, lost, this was the eightieth floor. How do you get that lost that you wind up on the eightieth floor. I knew they weren't lying with how awkward Kirishima was acting. I doubted they even knew where they were. Katsuki did not look happy. “Can you maybe point us in the right direction” he asked politely. 
“Don’t lie to me or you’ll regret it” the words were yelled as one of the villains sent out what seemed to be a gust of wind towards the boys. My eyes widened and before I knew it I was running. 
My arm raised quickly sending out a wall to protect them. “Hey watch out” Katsuki yelled and I held the wall up as Kirishima fell back and Katsuki met my eyes. “What?” I saw his lips mimic but no sound came out. I was breathing heavily. I had to protect them. “Shou" he asked as Shouto walked out. 
His hand moved to the floor “We can keep them busy down here, look for a way to the top” ice sprouted from the ground and was sending the rest of the group up towards a higher railing. I was not in the right attire to fight but I was going to. They were trying to get through the wall. “We’ll be right behind you after we clean up this mess” I smiled at them. 
“Go be heroes” I shouted and looked to Melissa “Show me what you can do” she nodded firmly and then they were gone and up on a higher railing. I needed to make sure my boyfriends were safe, I knew they could handle themselves but love does strange things. 
“Wait you guys are here too” Kirishima asked slowly and confused “What the hecks going on guys” Kirishima walked over and Katsuki followed coming to look at us both. I knew those looks, he was checking us over. 
“You didn’t hear the broadcast alert” Shouto asked as I pushed the wall higher, they were strong villains. Though we could take them I knew we could. There were four against two, we could do this. Now that I knew they were ok I was less panicked, a clear mind. “Nevermind, some villains have taken over the tower” 
Katsukis’ eyes narrowed and he seemed to look us over more intently, he was making sure we were ok. “Wait, so that’s what this is about” he asked as I looked through the wall, they were desperately trying to get through. I just had to hold them there until the others were out. 
“I’ll explain more when I can, no time now” Shouto looked to Katsuki and looked him up and down as well. Not while Kirishima was here, not right now please. I felt a hard hit to the wall and made it stronger as I looked through, he had a weird quirk in his hands, was it air, it looked to be air. 
“What’s with guys quirk” I could already hear the few pops from his palm as Katsuki called out his question. I let the wall fall and I breathed heavily, he was strong. I needed a second to completely clear my head. When Shouto said to stay alert he got a lovely “Shut up, I know that” from our boyfriend in return. 
“So you wanna pick a fight” the man began to shake and grow. I stepped back, I couldn’t do much without their names but I’d manage. “Let’s see how tough you really are” he screamed, skin turning purple and veins bulging in his arms, he looked like an ogre, a beast. 
Shouto flicked his arm out spikes of ice running straight for the beast of a man, he was punching them and they broke in front of my eyes. So he was strong, noted. Then he was coming straight for us. We all jumped and I landed on an illusion in the air. 
Katsuki quickly turned “Die” he screamed and sent an explosion into the beast's back receiving a loud grunt in response. The beast fell though I knew he would rise again soon. Katsuki landed. 
Through the smoke I saw the beast running towards him, he was pushed out of the way by Kirishima “Bakugou” his arms rose in a cross formation and hardened, stopping the villain in his tracks for only a second before Kirishima was pushing into the ground and through the leftover ice shard from Shouto and into a wall. 
“Kirishima” Katsuki called and I was looking around frantically. I hid myself from view as I watched. Who was more pressing to go after, who was stronger out of the two villains. I watched, it seemed the one with the air type quirk was, he was long range making him harder to take down. 
“Dodge” Shouto called out as ice sprouted from the ground towards the villain but was taken out but a swipe of his hand. I knew what I had to do. I had to take him out. Shouto and Katsuki were back to back as they were in the middle of the villains. 
“You boys know how to fight, don’t you” the air quirk villain asked, his voice was higher than it should be. I was dropping towards the ground, they couldn’t see me, I needed to wait for the perfect moment. I stayed closer to the ground and above the villain. 
“Where did you come from” the other asked in confusion, I was watching the two villains, they couldn’t attack right now without potentially harming the other in the process, so I waited. 
“Yeah right, like we’d tell a couple of weak ass villains” Katsuki called out with a smile, I smiled as well. He always got revved up in these situations, always so excited and all over the place. It was one of the many things I loved about him. 
“Why would we tell you anything?” Shouto asked, his hand coming out to show ice slowly frost over his hand. Then the fight began, smoke and ice everywhere. I couldn’t get a good view and then it was perfect. 
Katsuki had amazing reflexes but the purple villain was just very strong and the other villains' quirk had nothing to do with air, he was displacing matter as he wished a very strong quirk.”Let’s put an end to this” he shouted and began to twist in the air just as he had done the sports festival. “Howitzer impact” I knew I needed to get out of the way. I dropped from the sky grabbing Shouto and creating a barrier as a gust of smoke and heat sprang out. 
Once over I uncovered us, “Damn you” the other called out and sent out a gust of wind tearing Katsukis’ sleeve with a scream from Shouto. I was already running before I knew it. Hiding and then springing up behind him and throwing my body into the air and spinning only to send a kick to his ribs sending him to the other side of the path. 
“Did you forget about me” I called out and the guy stood up looking angry and down to his hand that seemed to have small parts of Katsuki’s sleeve. I was confused but made sure to be on high alert just in case. 
“That’s the sweat from my palms” I knew what he was doing now I stepped back, this wasn’t going to end well. “It works like Nitroglycerin” and with those few words Shouto knew what to do and sent out a line of fire exploding the villain and then collecting him in a block of ice.We ran over to Kirishima “Kirishima” Katsuki asked while Shouto asked if he was ok, Katsuki did care for his friends. 
“I can’t move, can you get me out of here?” I wanted to laugh as I looked at the worried face of Katsuki fall into one of annoyance like usual. I was sad his suit was ruined, I was looking forward to some pictures and taking it off later tonight but not all dreams come true.
“Are you that stupid just turn your damn quirk off idiot” I walked closer come to stand next to Katsuki, I missed him, I was so worried for him. I needed to know he was ok and now he was, right next to me. He was ok, Shouto was ok. 
“Oh right” Kirishima deactivated his quirk and then removed himself from the wall “Guess I should have thought of that” he looked down to his hands and brought a knee to his chest and tried to wipe some dust off of his suit. 
“I’m just glad to see you are not injured” Shouto spoke out, he still looked just as we left the room. All pristine and beautiful, Katsuki as well. I sighed and continued to look between the two of them. I was so glad they were ok. 
“Yeah same to you guys” he smiled and I smiled back, we were all ok, for now. “If I may say” Kirishima spoke slowly and then looked at the three of us with a smile “I know the three of you are dating and your girlfriend looks like she’s about to cry” both eyes turned to me and I laughed awkwardly. 
I threw myself into Katsukis’ chest and hugged him as tight as I could. “i’m so glad you’re ok Katsuki” I whispered and felt his arms wrap around me and put his head down on top of my own. “I was so worried” I added and felt another hand come to rub my back as I opened my arms for Shouto to join and that he did. “I’m so glad you both are ok” I paused and raised my head to Kirishima “You too” he smiled. 
Katsuki looked away from the complete red head and spoke out “Thank you” we all stopped in our tracks for a moment. Did Katsuki just say thank you. I wasn’t hearing things, right? Sure he had said it to Shouto and I but anyone else, no way. This was new territory, unfound land. 
“Wow where did that come from” I could hear the waver in Kirishima’s voice but the smile showed all I needed to know, he was grateful and I was proud of Katsuki, Shouto and brought me into his arms to hold me close and kiss the top of my head. ‘Don’t worry about it” he finished. 
Katsuki turned back quickly, hands in his pockets and mouth wide in a yell “I’m not worried” he screamed and I laughed lightly, he was always so quick to bite back. I loved him and Shouto more than life itself. 
“Alright, let’s catch up with the others” Shouto voiced loud enough for everyone to hear and then we were off to find the rest of the gang. I had no idea how high they could have made it by now. They might already be at the two-hundredth floor. I just hope they didn’t run into anything else. 
“Don’t order me around” I turned to look at Katsuki with one raised eyebrow and a slight smirk and he looked away, his cheeks lighting up slightly. If only people knew just how much Katsuki liked to be ordered around in different ways. 
“Todoroki time to give us some details” Kirishima yelled out and Shouto looked back to the rest of us but at the sound of an alarm we stopped and looked forward seeing robots flooding into the room. 
“Oh this is easy. Stay back boys” I smirked and ran into the front lines. Sending out clones with long sharp claws. Claws ripped through metal and wires like it was butter. This was my time to shine. Clones grew long and sharp teeth rearing forward to send long sharpened claws and teeth into the robots and ripped them apart. I ripped through the metal like it was nothing and after a few minutes the clones fell “Well that was easy” I flicked my hair over my shoulder and smiled to the boys “what thought you guys wanna gonna have all the fun” I asked. 
“That was so hot” Katsuki breathed out with a wide smile and I flushed looking down to the floor in embarrassment. “Please, do that more” I knew Katsuki had a thing for strong quirks but I turned around and then we were off again. 
We were running to the top, so many flights of stairs and robots that were taken out by clones, ice and explosions alike. As we were running we came to see a load of robots heading outside, we all looked and nodded knowing they would most likely be following the group, we had to help them. Katsuki was the first to make a hit saving Uraraka from a bunch of robots. I ran out clones coming out long claws and sharp teeth alike as I joined the fight, ripping them apart. Shouto and Kirishima ran in and when I looked up I could see Melissa had wide eyes and Midoriya. I ducked missing a robots’ attack and sliced it in half.
I didn’t have time to listen or even hear what was going on as I heard explosions and fire and then a loud and booming smash. I continued to destroy the robots in large groups though they just seemed to keep coming and coming and coming. I was getting excited as I ripped apart the metal and wires. We continued to fight but then they all seemed to shut down.
“What happened?” Katsuki asked aloud as all the robots just shut off. I was out of breath and let all the illusions fade as I smiled and fixed my dress. Definitely not a dress you were meant to fight in. 
“That felt good” I stretched my arms up high and then heard a nice click in my spine. I smiled and looked up to see Uraraka looking at me with wide eyes and a confused expression “Are you ok” I asked walking forward. 
“Yes, that” she shook her head and then smiled widely “That was amazing, you just ripped them apart it was just” she paused again and I laughed lightly “Wow” I laughed louder and then nodded. 
“We need to go find Midoriya and Melissa” I stated and then we were off trying to find a way to get higher. “I can create an illusion elevator, hop on” I yelled and with that we were heading to the top floor hopefully to find Midoriya and Melissa.As we were slowly rising, I couldn’t go too fast that could make the illusion fumble or worse someone could fall. We had to get to the top, we had to meet up with Midoirya and Melissa. I was not going to make them fight alone. Looking up we could see smoke and debris falling from the top. “Hold on” I screamed and we were racing up. I could see a helicopter and Midoriya hanging off of it and then he was falling. 
Then All Might was up and in the sky and the helicopter was blown up as we made it to the top, there was All Might but a machine-like thing, the villain. He could control metal, All Might was thrown across the roof as we jumped off onto the roof. We had to do something. Midoriya looked injured and All Might was then back on his feet. I could see Melissa, she was ok.  
All Might smash only did so much as more and more metal was taken into this “I can feel my quirk getting more powerful,I'm never taking it off” he had some sort of strange headband on. That must be where the power is coming from. “The thing on his head” I yelled and then we were off. The roof was being broken apart as we ran over.
“I think I know the best way to raise the price of this device, I can charge whatever I want if it was used to kill the world’s number one hero” he wanted to kill All Might. It was hard even staying on the roof, there was no way we would be able to get to him while he was floating around his own quirk. How could we do this? 
The floor beneath me broke apart as I put an illusion under me to keep me up. The others seemed to be ok. I had to think, how could someone get close to him, with all the flying metal and debris, how was one even meant to try and get close, this was almost impossible. There was no time for thought as I took an illusion into the sky and hid myself to try and get close. I watched a metal was coming to crush All Might but was then covered in ice, Shouto would help him. 
“Go to hell” I heard the scream and smiled maneuvering my way through the flying metal as I heard explosions behind me. Katsuki wasn’t too far behind at all. I knew they would be ok. When this was over I would hold them close but for now it was time to be a hero. “How can you let yourself get beat by such a lame final boss. Hurry and take him down” Katsuki screamed as I dodged a piece of metal, a little more. 
I knew both of my lovers were close to their limit, I had to end this and end it now. I looked back and saw the rest of the others join. I was going to help them, I was going to do this. For them, for us. Or everyone. This was our time. I moved faster, I was so close. Just a little more, just a little more. 
The guy had All Might by the neck. I just had to go a little further, dodging and ducking around the metal I put my arm out. I couldn’t hear it was like white noise. There was nothing, I was going to be a hero, I was going to save everyone. I was going to help. He was going to kill All Might and I could see the rest of the class falling, All Might was bleeding, there was so much blood. I needed to do this, I had to do this. All Might was thrown away and it seemed like he was being crushed, he had to be ok. No this isn’t how it was going to end. That was Midoriya, All Might was up and ok. I was going to do this. He didn’t know me or of my quirk. I was going to do this. I was moving faster than ever, weaving and ducking through metal. I could hear everyone helping and I was so close, so very close. I just had to take off the headband thing. I came up from the side and I saw Midoroya and All Might coming straight for him, running together. Only a few more moments. He had that huge cube, if I could get it off then they could punch through it. 
I showed myself to them and then I thrust my hands out grabbing the headpiece and ripping it from him as I passed by. I met his eyes and I was then flying off. “Do it” I screamed holding up the headpiece in my hand, the cube was punched and I threw an illusion around myself and the professor, I could see him. Metal was still coming after me as I whipped through all the debris and falling metal. A loud bang was heard behind me and a shock wave was sent out into the sky as I was falling. Something had hit me, I was falling as I held my shoulder. 
“Y/N” I could hear someone shout as I felt myself being caught and looked up seeing Katsuki. We landed and I dropped the handpiece and brought the professor to the roof to be safe. I breathed out and rested my head on Katsukis’ chest. 
“Let me take her, your arms are about to split” I was then handed over to Shouto as I sighed out. I wasn’t tired but mentally exhausted, I looked up seeing Midoriya and All Might with their fists in the air. “You did so well kitten” Shouto whispered and kissed my head as I moved to stand on my own. 
I didn’t care who could see, I brought them both into my embrace and smiled as wide as I could “I’m so happy you two are ok” I cried out and felt a few tears prick my eyes but my makeup was far too good to actually cry. I felt them both wrap around me and I felt whole. “Though I am extremely mad your suits are ruined” they laughed with me. 
I ignored the group as they looked out to see Midoriya and Melissa waving down at us. I was smiling wide as I waved back but I wasn’t listening to anything they were saying. I wanted a nice warm bath and some cuddles, and a good meal. Soon enough we were allowed to go back to our rooms and a hero was coming that could also control metal and was going to come and help. 
Shouto took out his phone “Katsuki what’s your room number” three simple numbers and his phone was brought to his ear “Yes can you please go pick up the orange and black suitcase and bring it to my room, thank you” and his phone was put away “You are staying with us. Message Kirishima” he smiled lightly. 
Once in the room I kicked off my heels and sighed out in relief. “I need food” I turned and smiled sweetly to Shouto who nodded and moved to pick up the phone and the menu. This was a long afternoon but it would be one we would remember. It was strange how easily we just had to go back into normal lives after something like that, a life of a hero. 
I watched Katsuki walk up behind Shouto and wrap his arms around his waist looking over his shoulder at the menu, a quick kiss to Shouto’s neck he whispered “Can I have the spicy chicken noodles” another kiss. 
“Of course Katsuki” he turned his head and they shared a kiss as I smiled, we were all ok. He looked over to my smiling face and smiled as well “I was just going to get you some beef noodles, I know how much you love them” I nodded. 
Peeling off my dress I noticed it was covered in dust and debris. I was so sad, I spent so long picking this dress and I was so ready to look good tonight. The dress fell from my shoulders and landed in a pile beneath me. Once the dress was off I walked into the bathroom taking my makeup wipes and I began the process of taking off my makeup. “Hey boys” I called out and almost immediately they were at the door looking at me with wide eyes and smiles. They both nodded for me to continue. “Whose jumper am I stealing tonight?” I asked. 
“Mine” they both said at once and then turned to each other “Mine” it was a little louder and I sighed out finishing the cleaning of my skin routine. I wasn’t one to wear makeup but tonight was meant to be special. Once done I walked out only in my underwear I saw them both rummaging through their suitcases to try and find a jumper, they always did this and I loved it. 
It was Katsuki who found his first and it was thrown at me and I laughed at the pouting face of Shouto. I pulled the big jumper over my head and pulled it down my body, the end finished at my mid thigh. I walked over to the bed crawling up the bed and laying down on my stomach. “Come here Shou" I smiled and he made his way over and sat down on the bed as I cuddled into his side. “Katsuki are you joining us” I whispered out as he grunted and walked over. I felt his body heat press against my back as we cuddled. “This is perfect” I nodded and threw my arm over Shoutos’ waist. 
“I agree, after today it is quite nice to sit back” Katsuki grunted again his arm over my waist, his front against my back and I was so happy to just sit here. I nodded into Shoutos’ side and I felt so content to just sit back and chill for a moment. 
“I missed you both” I went silent as Katsuki spoke and he buried his head into my hair not wanting to show his face. He was always so affectionate when no one was watching or listening. He was usually physically affectionate but with those few simple words I smiled and turned slightly. 
“We missed you too Katsuki” I whispered and his head rose as my hand came to caress the side of his face and pulled his face close to my own and pressed our lips together. It was calm and loving. I loved kissing both of them. Pulling back I smiled at him as his eyes were half lidded. “I love you Katsuki” I whispered and gave him another peck. 
“I love you too” he smiled lightly and then we both turned to Shouto who was happily watching us. “I love you Shou” he whispered and moved to sit up and lean over my body to give our boyfriend a kiss. 
After a few moments they parted and smiled at each other. Shouto looked down at me as I sat up “Want a kiss too?” he asked quietly, already leaning in as my hand rose to his neck and pulled him in just as I had done to the other. I gave him another peck and sat back. “I love you both” Shouto whispered and looked away, he was the one who said it the least. He was always so nervous to say such things. “Alot” he added. 
“I love you too Shou” I smiled and then I shook my head leaning back on my legs as I looked at the two boys “Today was a long day” I nodded and looked down breathing out “I’m glad we can share this time together just us” both both nodded and as we were about to begin talking again there was a knock on the door. 
“That must be the food” Shouto shimmied himself off the bed and made his was to the door, opening the door Shouto was told that food was ordered to this room and the service person then went through the food and drinks that was ordered as I moved to look at the half open door. “Yes, thank you” a little trolley was pulled in. “Thank you” he finished and walked into the room pulling the trolley “Foods here” he called out. 
We sat at the little table and ate together, nice and calm as we just talked about school and what we were going to do when we got home “I want to try that new soba place” Shouto voiced and I could see Katsuki eat a little faster “They have spicy soba” Shouto looked up rom his food and then it got into the conversations of what spices Katsuki liked in his food. 
Once the food was done we placed the plates back on the trolley and then I looked at the boys who were standing in the middle of the room looking at one of their phones. “Would you two like to join me for a bath?” I asked out loud and their heads turned like owls. “I’ll take that as a yes” Within a few minutes I was in a towel and waiting for the water to rise to the right height. The bath was huge as this was one of the best rooms in the hotel, much different then Japanese hotels. “It’s ready” I called out and they walked in towels around their waists. “Whose in the middle” I asked. 
The boys looked at each other and Shouto shrugged “I’m happy to lean against the edge” with that Shouto took his towel off folding and then stepped into the bath and leaned against it with a sigh of content. Katsuki was next to do the same and then I stepped in, the water was warm and leaning against Katsukis’ chest was nice. 
His arms wrapped around my waist and I leaned back quite happy with these events. It was nice to just sit with them in a nice bath. We hadn’t gone to a hot spring together but that was in the future. I definitely wanted to go to a hot spring. 
Katsuki leaned down and moved my head to the side and began to kiss along the side of my neck, I let out a little sigh as he continued. I heard Shouto move and then felt hands coming to drag up Katsukis’ chest so that I could feel a little touch against my back. Katsuki’s kissing was soft and light, I heard a little grunt come from him and a little laugh from Shouto. Katsukis’ hands came from my waist to run up my stomach to my chest and squeezed. 
“Katsuki” I sighed and bit my lip letting out a small moan in response. He grunted in response, his lips never leaving the skin of my neck as I felt his teeth dig lightly into the flesh “Katsuki” I moaned softly as his hand squeezed my chest once more. 
“Should we move this to the bed” Shouto whispered out and his hand moved against Katsuki’s chest and then moved down towards his waist “I’m happy to stay here though” I heard Katsuki let out a little grunt and smiled. 
“Bed” Katsuki whispered and then we were out and drying with towels and then off to the bed. I was pushed onto the bed by Shouto, falling on my back with his hands next to my head as we began to kiss feverly. I felt the bed dip next to my head and Shouto was leaving my lips to kiss Katsuki. It didn’t matter how many times we did this it always felt new. 
Once they parted, Katsuki looked down, his breathing fast and his face slightly flushed. “Pill” he asked just as he always did, always so caring and affectionate. Although so many people though the explosive blonde was just that explosive, loud and uncaring he did care. 
I nodded “Suitcase” I answered and he was leaning down to capture my lips, lips moving against each other quickly and I felt Shoutos’ hands slowly feel up my hips and then dipping into my waist and up to my chest and then leaned down. I could feel his tongue drag along my chest and catch my nipple. “Shou” I breathed out leaving Katsukis’ lips but they were captured again quickly. 
Shoutos’ tongue was cold against the nub of my breast, so soft and gentle. Kitten licks and then took it into his mouth as his tongue swirled in circles, his other hand moved to my other breasts and began to toy with my breasts. Katsuki refused to let my lips go as I moaned and arched into Shouto who was on top of me from pushing me onto the bed. 
“I just want to fuck you” Katsuki pulled back and looked down his pupils blown and breathing faster then before, I couldn’t agree more. “It’s so hard to decide who I want to fuck” he breathed out and Shouto left my breasts to look up at us. 
“It is quite difficult” Shouto agreed and I flushed as they both looked down to see me. I could practically see the lust swirling around us. Shouto’s hands continued to drag along my skin and it felt so calming and nice. 
“I just want to feel both of you” Katsuki sighed and leaned over to kiss Shouto’s neck. Shouto was probably the most sensitive out of all of us. Any sudden movement or kiss would send him into a frenzy. Shouto moaned softly and I knew Katsuki was in one of his marking moods which we both loved even though we would be covered in love bites in the morning. 
“We could” Shouto whispered and my hands moved to caress his sides as I leaned up Shouto and I flush against each other as he straddled my lap. They were both so beautiful, I would never find partners like them. “Fuck Y/N” he breathed again and his eyes met mine “Together” I flushed, I knew what he was saying. I understood. It wasn’t often Shouto swore but during these times he didn’t care for his language. 
Katsuki left Shoutos’ neck, a small little love bite being left in his wake. “Please” Katsuki basically begged and his eyes met mine and Shouto nodded in need and how could I say no, not that I wanted too. I wanted to say yes. 
I nodded and breathed out “But first” I whispered and moved to push Katsuki down underneath me. “You were so good today Katsuki, so nice and well behaved though you did yell at Midoriya early so Shou” I turned and Shouto smirked crawling forward and moving to lean down ‘You need another lesson in manners” I smiled. 
My hands moved behind me, fingers wrapping around his member and squeezing lightly with a grunt and moan in the process “You were going so well and this morning” Shouto sighed and shook his head “You do need another lesson in manners” Katsuki was quiet as his chest rose and fell with each breath. 
“He deserved it” He gritted out and I began to move my head as his breath caught in his throat with a light moan. This was a very easy way to make our boyfriend quiet and complacent. I moved to hover above his member and his eyes opened. “Wait, no. Not this” he breathed and he knew what was to come, “I’ll try” he tried to reason with a shake of his head. I looked at Shouto “Shou come on, Kitten, I’ll try” he smiled and nodded biting his lip with a grunt. 
“No Katsuki, you need a lesson. We’ve been over this” I looked to the male beneath me as Shouto leaned down to begin to run his hand over the others torso softly. My hands rested on his chest, hard and toned. 
Without warning I sunk down onto his cock, thick and long. They both had amazing cocks, I put my head back moaning out in pleasure as I clenched around him “Fuck” I heard him whispered and Shouto moved to take one of his nipples into his mouth as I moved my hands. “I’ll be good” he breathed out “Fuck you’re so tight” he breathed and bit his lip “Shou” it was always the best when one of the group was being pampered. 
I rose and sank again using my legs to move my body as I started to ride him, stretching my walls each time I lowered onto him. His hands fisted in Shoutos’ hair as he shivered. “Katsuki” I whimpered and he looked up. “You feel so good, you’re so good” I moaned and breathed out eyes rolling back. I looked back seeing Shouto had moved to his neck as I moved faster. “Why don’t you say some nice things about Shouto” we had discovered Katsuki loved to compliment people when he was like this, his brain was shut off and he wasn’t trying to be the best. Placing pleasure with kindness seemed to help him be nicer. 
“I like” he moaned, it made him think more. Trying to find real thing he needed to think about “His hair” he added and his head fell back to the soft pillows and whimpered in need as I began to move faster “it’s so soft and nice, I like his eyes” he was trying so hard to get the words out as he moaned “they are such a beautiful colour” he finished and his chest rose to release a long and pleasurable moan. 
“Thank you Katsuki, anything else you’d like to say” Shouto moved to look down at the moaning and whimpering usually loud Katsuki who was just taking everything we were giving him. His cock was amazing, we had all shared our firsts with each other and I knew no one would ever amount to these too. 
“I like, oh my, fuck” his hands came to rest on my waist and he began to move me up and down his cock stretching my walls so nicely, “I like your” he bit his lip and then looked back to Shouto who was happily waiting for him to continue “I like how you take us out” his eyes rolled back as he moaned out. 
“You’re doing so well Katsuki, now compliment kitten, she’s doing so well isn’t she” Shouto smiled slightly and began to caress his chest and moved to hold his hands. I could see Katsuki grip his hand and breathe out in pleasure. 
“I liked the dress she wore” I smiled and circled my hips on his cock “Oh fuck” it didn’t matter how we tried he would always swear but this was helping him be nicer. Each of us had things we connected with pleasure. It helped. “She is very pretty and deals with my outbursts” he breathed and his head fell back to the pillows once more. He was quite easy to deal with if I was honest. “I like her eyes as well” he nodded and bit his lip and gripped Shoutos’ hand as I sunk down moaning out as he was so deep “They’re so nice to look at and I love when we all just sit and watch a movie, it’s so nice and I feel so loved” I smiled and leaned down leaving a kiss on his cheek. Katsuki has a hard time accepting love even though he was so affectionate. We had been to his house, we knew it was hard sometimes. 
“You did so well Katsuki” I smiled and leaned down to kiss him again as he leaned in and met my lips, he was moaning quietly and then he leaned back letting his breath out in short little pants. “See it wasn't so bad, was there a real need to complain” I asked sitting so he was as deep as he could be. 
He shook his and opened his eyes to see Shouto leaning over him and beginning to play with his hair. “I thought it was going to be like last time” I smirked, last time. Last time was quite fun, we didn’t let him finish until he complimented everyone we could think of, he was quite nice the following days. 
“No, it’s been a long day, we were going to do that” Shouto smirked and leaned in giving him a quick kiss. “Light” he asked slowly. Katsuki always made it very clear what he wanted and what he didn’t. Shouto always made sure though. 
“Orange” he breathed out and I stopped. “I just need a second to breathe. You can stay here, I just need to breathe” Shouto and I nodded waiting for him. He was so soft when he was bottoming but as soon as he got control he was off and ready to take charge, like a switch. “Green” he nodded and moved to his elbows to look at us. 
“I’m ready if you guys are or do you want some attention Shou” I asked with my eyes turning to blue and grey ones looking back at me. Shouto wasn’t one for being the centre of attention he much preferred to be giving than receiving though I always asked. 
“I want to be on the bottom” he asked and looked at us. I nodded and leaned down to kiss Katsuki as I left his body and allowed him to get up. Shouto moved to lay down and sighed looking at us “Come here Kitten” he whispered, Shouto was the possessive he wanted to be.
I moved to straddle his waist and looked down to him “Green” I asked and he nodded looking up as his hands came to run along my thighs “I need to hear the words” I whispered, we needed to hear it. 
He nodded with a smile “Green, sorry” he whispered “I’m just really happy” he smiled, it was small but noticeable. I smiled and then sunk down onto his cock my head falling down as I moaned. He felt so good, I loved the stretch. “Katsuki was right, you feel amazing” my hands came to rest against his chest. 
“Kitten” Katsuki moved forward, his hands coming to rest on my waist. I could feel his member up against my back and shivered in lust. “Green,” he asked, kissing along my neck. He was always so soft and loving. 
“Green,” I whispered and leaned forward, my hands still on Shoutos’ chest and leaned my head down to get ready. It always felt amazing but it took some time to get used too. I loved them both so much and I would happily do this again. 
Katsuki moved to have his tip at my entrance and I sighed out getting ready “You are doing so well” Shouto whispered and began to rub my sides as Katsuki pushed inside slowly, Shouto moaned out and I whimpered all the air leaving my lungs. 
“You’re doing so well Kitten” Katsuki whispered and leaned down to kiss along my back and up to my neck “You feel so good” I nodded and felt myself clench around them as Katsuki continued pushing inside. It was so tight and they were stretching me so nicely. “Look at Shou he looks so good” I looked up seeing Shouto biting his lip and I felt him gripping my sides. “He’s trying so hard not to fuck you” I flushed. 
Once they were both bottomed out I couldn’t help but moan, every single breath I was moaning. They were so deep and pressed against me, my legs were beginning to shake as I felt so much pleasure and love swirl around us. I moaned again and my eyes rolled back as I bit my lip and tried to calm down.
“Green” Shouto gritted out and I looked up. He was asking as his breathing was fast and hard “Green” he asked again and looked up to Katsuki who repeated the colour with a smirk, I could hear the smirk in his voice. His cock twitched inside me and I moaned loudly. “Kitten, I need you to say it” he breathed out. 
“Green” I nodded and smiled looking up to gaze as Katsuki “Green, green fucking green” I moaned and immediately they began to move Katsuki was the first to move and then they were going opposite when Katsuki pulled out Shouto was pushing in. It felt amazing. “Fuck” I whispered my head falling to Shoutos’ shoulder. 
I couldn’t do anything but moan and whimper in pleasure with each time they pushed inside me. Katsuki’s hand came to run up my chest and to my neck as I was pulled up to his chest his hand squeezing my neck “Look at you taking our cocks Kitten” I could hear the dominance beginning to flood in. “Doesn’t she look beautiful Shou” I was moaning, I could barely keep my eyes open “Open your eyes Kitten” I opened my eyes and saw Shouto looking up at me. 
“She’s beautiful, just like you Katsuki” Shouto whispered and then he began to move faster inside me, pushing in and out so fast I could barely think “Look at you” I leaned back on Katsuki feeling his hands holding me up. One hand on my neck and the other around my ribs in support. “You’re such a good Kitten. Katsuki was right, you take our cocks so well” Shouto complimentented and I clenched around his, my walls stretching to take them both as they both pushed in together. My legs were shaking as I moaned. “She’s about to cum” his voice was so deep and baritone. 
“I was just about to say, we know you so well Kitten. Come on, why don’t you cum for us” Katsuki whispered in my ear and looked down to Shouto as my head rested on his shoulder, my eyes rolling back as I felt the coil in my lower abdomen beginning to tighten. “Do you want Kitten to cum Shou” he asked. 
Shouto was nodding and sending himself inside me like he was in heat, it felt amazing. I felt so good, they felt so good and with the little grunts and moans, whimpers and tightening hands to know they were feeling good as well. I felt so full, it felt so good. “Yes, yes. I want her to cum, I want to feel her cum on our cocks. Come on Kitten cum for us” I couldn’t hold it. 
One of my hands moved to hold Katsukis’ hand on my neck and his lips began to kiss my cheek and my other hand dug my nails into Shoutos’ chest as I moaned and they continued to thrust inside me, stretching my walls so perfectly. I felt the coil tightening and then it came so suddenly. My nails dug into their skin as my legs shook and I felt my orgasm run through every single cell. I was practically screaming my pleasure as my eyes rolled back and it felt so good. 
“You’re such a good girl Kitten. Look you did so well” they stopped for only a moment so I could breathe, it was like the pleasure was not stopping it didn’t stop. My legs were shaking and if Katsuki wasn’t holding me I doubted I would have fallen. 
“You did so well Kitten, such a good girl” Shouto breathed out and I looked down my chest heaving and he smiled and moved his hips, my eyes rolling “It’s so cute that you can’t control your quirk after you cum” I tried to look down at him. It was hard with so many thoughts going through my head. I knew my eyes had changed. 
Katsuki turned my head to look at him. “You’re right Shou she’s so cute, your eyes look so beautiful Kitten” a sweet kiss to my cheek and I smiled letting my eyes close for a moment. Moaning out as Shouto moved I couldn’t help it. 
“Please, don’t stop. It feels so good. Please, please don’t stop” I begged and turned to kiss Katsuki as they began to move again without so much as a word. It felt amazing, so sensitive after an orgasm, I loved post orgasm sex they were so amazing. The kiss was sloppy and all over the place but once we finished I left his lips and moved to take Shoutos’ lips into a kiss just like the one I shared with Katsuki. 
They went faster than before, I was moaning into Shouto’s mouth as Katsuki gripped my hips and began to thrust himself inside me as fast as he could. He was moving as quickly and so deep I couldn’t stop moaning and I was trying so hard to continue the kiss with Shouto. 
“Look at you taking our cocks. You look so beautiful, you're clenching so tightly” Shouto moaned and moved down to kiss along my neck and bit down sucking lightly as I moaned out my body moving forward with each thrust of hips. That coil began to tighten more as I was moaning and whimpering, Shouto’s teeth and cock and then Katsuki desperately trying to go as fast as he was good. Grunts and little words escaping his mouth. “Katsukis’ so close you can feel him” I nodded into Shoutos’ neck, his teeth having left my neck. I could hear each slap of Katsuki’s body connecting with him. 
“Fuck I just want to fill you up Kitten” I was nodding. Words and begs falling from my lips like a mantra. I needed it, I needed them. “Shou we have to give her what she wants” he leaned down and Shoutos’ arms wrapped around my waist and held me to him. 
“Kitten do you want that” I nodded desperately needing them, I was so in the moment. I couldn’t stop. I needed them, I needed them to fill me up. “Why don’t you cum with us Kitten” I nodded agreeing. I wanted to cum with them, I wanted to cum so much. It felt so good, I was so sensitive and needed them. 
They began to move faster and all that could be heard was skin slapping, moans, whimpers, grunts and praises throughout the last few moments of our intimacy. I tightened and I was so close so very close. “We’re close Kitten” Katsuki whimpered and I nodded. 
“Please, please fill me up Katsuki” I breathed and brought in some air “Shou please fill me up” I moaned and then I felt them both push in as much as they could and the heat as they filled me up. I shook as my second orgasm ran through my system. Legs shaking and my mouth open in a moan. It felt so amazing, this is all I wanted. 
I felt so good and the feeling of Katsukis’ breath on my back as he slightly shook against my back and Shouto was breathing heavily beneath me. I breathed heavily trying to get my breath back as Katsuki leaned down resting his chin on my shoulder. 
“I love you Y/N. I love you Shou” 
“I love you both Y/N, I love you Katsuki” 
“I love you Shou, I love you Katsuki” 
We all answered and smiled. A quick shower and some fondling in the shower we were off to bed as I pulled on Katsuki’s jumper and Shoutos’ boxes to be completely comfortable. I smiled and laid down on the bed, it was so soft and I felt so tired and relaxed. Katsuki only had his boxes on as well as Shouto who came and cuddled into my body on the bed. I felt so loved and was pushed between them, Shouto was cold and Katsuki hot so it was the perfect temperature. Within a few moments I felt the soft breaths of Katsuki and Shouto, this is where I wanted to be. This was perfect, this is all I could have wanted.  
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Let’s take a peek in MM’s Diary
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Dear Diary,
Well, I am livid this evening!  Mio screwed up BIG TIME!  He had one job to do....cover my a$$!  I am so done with him...I am going to write my own book,  I have the Title picked already...”My Trials and Enduring Them All While Still Smiling, Dealing With Tumblr Haters, The Press Haters, BRF Haters, BRF Staff Haters, The UK Haters, and the BLM Gang that I proudly am the Voice of.”
Here are MY first set of questions that I decided the public has a right to know....
What scent were the air fresheners at church for the wedding
After viewing lawn bowls from Frogmore Cottage, did MM ever play the ‘elegant’ game?
Do bubbles bubble more in a copper bath?
What role did the horses play in Archie Darren Dolls birth to warrant thanks?  
Where is the certificate for ‘Biggest Social Climber’ displayed in TPs mansion?
What brand of insect repellent would be recommended for a pregnant woman in a Zika hot spot?
Did Archie Darren Dolls facial expression fresh from the birth canal change much over his first two weeks?
What was MMs present to and from HMTQ last Christmas?
What does an elephants skin feel like?
For the ultimate way to express displeasure towards staff, would MM recommend Darleejing or Ceylon?
1.  The aroma I was seeking was the essence of purity....(this is a secret I am sharing).....in order to ruin my day, someone changed my order and instead we ended up with a aroma of pine cones....you know the ones hanging in cars, barns, Soho houses.....
1.  Many have wondered about my extraordinary talents.  I am not one to brag as we know, but I am amazing at...caligifying things, writing (duh), dancing, supermodelling, stealing, copycatting, dressing, pole dancing...with or without pole...and Lawn Bowling.  Who knew right?
1.  Bubble, bubble, bubbles more in my copper tub,
     Rub me, rub me, rub a dub dub!
Yes, I also am a poet.  I know enquiring minds are expecting me to give scientifx evidence of this....every single time Hairy and I have been out and about I get asked if bubbles bubble more in my very expensive, fancy pants copper tub...the answer is..NO!  MY bath time is MY time.  I get in and soak until I get wrinkly, I do all my conference calls at this time, I chat with myself...and I sip on my wine boxes.  By the time I am done...not one bubble is seen....
1.  I am always, always asked “what role did the horses play in Archie Darren Doll’s birth....I will share this very private information.  They were the witnesses.  See, the box arrived...and it came with the birth certificate that had to be filled out.  Only Hairy and I were there..I signed, Hairy refused.  I needed witnesses....being my brilliant self, I took the birth certificate out to the garage where the horses were, and got their hoof prints...sent Hairy off to file it.  We were so grateful...like really.  Who knew horses could be so kind?  Who knew?
1.  Whenever Hairy and I go out and about, always incognito...I get stopped and asked if anything is new?  I so desperately want to tell everyone about my award I received from Tyler himself...the “BIGGEST SOCIAL CLIMBER” AWARD.....the only other person to ever win this was Amber Heard.....to be in the same company with her, she must be in awe.  I am not to tell anyone though, it’s a secret that I was awarded this prestigious award.  Thank you. Tyler! Kiss kiss.....
1.  When in a place far away...sorry can’t recall where.....it was a foggy time for me, new fakeancy....but I remember I needed a spray....for something...but it turned out my perfume would keep insects of all kind away...this is a secret...I wear Deep Woods eau de toilet. This is info I am sharing because I have a voice, and I can save lives.
1.  Everyone wants to talk about the birth of my Archie Darren Doll, so I would like to speak on that.  Before his birth, it was a very dark night.  The birds were chirping in a UK twang like accent, the breeze outside so calming, my phone ringing constantly with reporters wanting details of the birth, me making up lies to hide and cover as we waited for the box to arrive by FedEx...anyways...the moment arrived..FedEx arrived, Archie Darren Doll arrived...I couldn’t believe it....his little face scrunched in a very awkward..almost like plastic way...two weeks with the same expression.  We waited for it to change....then I found the instructions....he needed to be inflated just a touch....from then on nothing but smiles from ARchie Darren Doll....
1.  Everyone constantly is asking...what I gave the Kween for Christmas last year....well I gave her the book There WILL Be More Than One Queen....a lovely book actually.  It’s about a very sneaky conniving hediho, who makes it big and marries a Prince and decides she will be the new Queen in town and around the world.  I love that book, I found it to be very inspirational.  I thought the Kween would enjoy it, a little bit of worry is good for everyone now and then.  The Kween gave me an IOU.  I don’t know when but the card said “be staying at Her Majesty’s request”.....I don’t know, I’m still waiting...
1.  I am always asked while I am walking out and about incognito what elephants skin feels like....now this is tough.  I have to say very much like a plush toy.  I have only ever seen videos of course, but I did get a plush one when I went to the San Diego Zoo.  
1.  Every time I am out and about incognito I get asked about staff, and displeasure with them...I have to say my only displeasure is with the females.  The two I am referring to are Darleejing and Ceylon.  
As you can see putting a book together takes time....I am so known all over the world, so many have questions...so many are jelly...I need a bath and a couple boxes of wine now....see Diary.
Love ME.....
Hugs to ME
Oh...I must remember to tell everyone about my new Charity...
“I need money now”......
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morganaofcamelot · 4 years
If Wishes Came True (Chapter 2)
Title: If Wishes Came True Chapter II: Sense of Family
Fandom: BBC Robin Hood
Ships: Guy of Gisborne/Original Female Character, Guy of Gisborne/Marian of Knighton, Original Female Character/Original Male Character
Definately an AU - Sir Guy of Gisborne has served the current Sheriff of Nottingham for five years prior to the beginning of the first season, and is considered a part of the family, both by Vaisey and his daughter Valerie. The chapters are from Val’s POV, as she struggles to maintain her youthful innocence in a place that’s all too willing to steal it away from her, and navigate the intrigues of her father. [Many changes from the show, although the fic loosely follows season 1]
Important Note: English is not my first language, so I’d appreciate if you can point out any mistakes I make.
On AO3
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Two days have gone by, since the incident at the hanging. Sir Guy had returned empty handed from his search and the sheriff was livid with anger at first, shouting at his subordinate with such passion that frightened Valerie to her core; the knight stood there, head hung low, barely speaking. She thought she saw some emotion crossing his face, but she couldn’t place it, as Sir Guy’s face had always been unreadable to her.
Valerie felt the need to speak up in Sir Guy’s defense. “Lord Father,” she said, surprising herself as well as the two men with her gall to interrupt them. “Your men say that the fugitives had managed to escape into the forest. You know, in your infinite wisdom, that Sherwood is large and had never been properly mapped out. It is expected that they completely lost them inside that maze.”
Both of them looked at her with astonishment. Her words made sense, Vaisey found. “Yes, well, my daughter is right, Gisborne.” Her father said, with a smile. “Which is why I won’t hold a grudge for your failure.”
The knight perked up, his spirits finally restored. “I thank you for that, my lord,” He said and turned to her. “And I thank you, Valerie.” The small smile he gave her set loose butterflies in her stomach. She managed to return it.
“Which is why,” her father said, taking no notice of the interaction between them, “We will go to Locksley and seek Huntingdon out ourselves. He must be lurking somewhere in his demesne, and we will catch him.”
All too willingly, Sir Guy agreed. “Yes, my lord.” The reverence was back in his voice as he looked at the sheriff.
“Come on, my boy. Let’s waste no time. Gather thirty men, we’re heading to that stinky village, now.”
The knight needed to hear no more. In a few steps he was outside the door, all too eager to please the sheriff.
“Daughter mine,” her father said, sweetly. Alarm set her nerves on fire. Her father never spoke in such tones, so she feared some kind of retribution for speaking out of turn. “Oh, no, no, no, no. Don’t fret. You know I don’t particularly appreciate when you stick your nose in my business affairs, but I have to admit, you were right about Sherwood. It’s a vast forest.”
Valerie tension evaporated a little, only to double back with his next words.
“You should accompany us, today. You have to get a better view of the falsehoods and injustices that plague this land. Have someone prepare your horse, hmm? Good girl.”
Valerie liked horses, but didn’t enjoy riding them. The hour spent on horseback was an hour of discomfort. They had started an hour after the sheriff had declared his intention to pay Huntingdon a visit. Sir Guy had gathered the thirty men quickly enough, and all of them were armed and armored to the teeth. Her father, not so – he didn’t expect to take a part in a possible altercation then.
Sir Guy fell back a little, guiding his black stallion close to her brown palfrey. “Valerie,” he started, his voice dripping honey. “Thank you for your speech, earlier, in the hall.”
She couldn’t help but smile. “Sir Guy,” she said, almost a whisper. “I’ve known you for more than five years now, do you think I would not help you? I sometimes think of you as my slightly older brother.” A laugh escaped her, and the knight grinned at her attempt at humor.
“Older? Am I not younger than you, then?”
His mirth made her heart flutter. Focus Valerie, she pleaded to herself. “Only one of us has seen the other with pigtails. Was that you sporting that style?”
Sir Guy straight up laughed at her joke. Her father glanced behind him, to see what has made Gisborne so jolly, but quickly lost interest and continued to frown at the muddy path before them. The sheriff could fight everything and everyone, but he could not fight the rain that poured the previous night.
“I thought so,” Valerie concluded, speaking more to herself.
“You were in the company of Lady Marian the other day. Are you friendly?” He asked, revealing the reason why he paid her special attention this day. Marian, if only I knew what her role in this sudden insurgence was. No ordinary woman carries daggers in her hair.
“Oh, we haven’t been exchanging secrets, if you have to fish for some. But I quite like her. So I hope to call her a friend soon.” Valerie replied, the lie easily finding melting with the truth.
Sir Guy’s gaze was fixed on the sheriff’s back. He’s trying to play it, as if he doesn’t really care. Oh, but he cares for her, a lot. “Would you fault me if I confessed a secret of mine to you? Would you keep it?”
The answer was easy. “Yes, of course, Sir Guy. I am your friend in all things.”
He half-smiled then. “I quite enjoy her company, Valerie. Lady Marian is a unique creature I wish to possess.”
Ever the virginal maiden, Valerie blushed for Marian’s benefit at such a profound statement. “I dare say, you will be met with luck in your endeavor.”
“You think so?” His voice was almost a murmur. He daren’t believe that his feelings were reciprocated.
Sadness overtook her. A woman who could have you, and your rare smiles, my lord of Gisborne and reject you is a foolish one. “I do. Truly.”
With her assurance, Sir Guy spurred his horse, falling in place next to the sheriff.
The village of Locksley soon came into view. Father barked orders and the soldiers spread around the village green, dismounted their horses and picked every peasant they could find, bringing them on their knees in front of her father, Sir Guy and her. The sheriff got off his horse and walked amongst them, calmly explaining what he wanted from them.
The peasants remained silent, stealing glances and exchanging confused looks with each other. When the sheriff asked for somebody with information on Huntingdon to come forth, Valerie saw some semblance of honest in their dirty faces. They really didn’t know where their liege was. Not even the generous amount of twenty pounds could convince them to speak.
Then Sir Guy, proving that he wasn’t the sheriff’s right-hand-man for no reason, shouted them that either they would talk, or they would have their tongues cut off. Valerie gulped. She knew that her father dealt harsh punishment on the disobedient peasantfolk, and she knew that Sir Guy was his enforcer.
The frightened look on the villagers’ face told Valerie everything she needed to know. Couldn’t her father read the truth in their eyes? She pondered on why she had never noticed it before.
The sheriff gave a curt nod on one of the soldiers, and he produced an iron scissor, menacingly snapping it on and off, to instill more fear. He grabbed the closest man and…
Valerie could not bear to watch. No, she wouldn’t watch. She turned her head away from the scene, not caring whether her father would disapprove of her cowardice. She just prayed that Huntingdon would show himself sooner, rather than later.
The hour passed, and still Huntingdon was nowhere to be found. Valerie thought him a coward by then; another man born and bred into nobility who let innocence people suffer in his stead.
The sheriff and she had been offered chairs to sit upon, and wine to drink while the waiting dragged on. Sir Guy stood, leaning on her father’s chair, yawning from boredom mixed with a splash of tiredness. Oh, but he looks splendid, she thought, taking in his form. The sheriff ordered another clipping, then. She averted her eyes once again.
The minutes trickled by. Neither Sir Guy’s offer of immunity, nor her father’s appeal for rational thought seemed to work.
And then it happened, something happened but the long hours beneath the sun and the foulness of her mood did not help her understand it. As another peasant was grabbed to suffer the punishment her lord father had commanded, an arrow shot through the soldier holding the clipper. The man fell down, face first.
“He is here,” her father declared. The guards rushed to the direction the arrow came from. So did Sir Guy. Minutes later, they returned with the renegade lord in their midst, as a prisoner.
Before she knew it, they were on the way back to Nottingham.
The moment they arrived at the castle, Valerie sought the comfort of her bed, as she was no longer required.
Her father ordered the guards to throw Huntingdon in the dungeon to await his fate.
By supper she had replenish her strength, and found her father eating rather heartily, in lieu of his victory.
“Ah, my girl!” He welcomed her in open arms. Valerie kissed on the cheek and took a seat beside him.
“What’s to be done with Huntingdon, lord father? Will he stand trial?”
“Oh, thank goodness no. As an outlaw he is to be hanged without a trial. Nice, isn’t it?” he replied. “And at long last, Gisborne can have his title and stop whinging for once.”
“So, Sir Guy is to have his title, after all?” Valerie said. “That’s wonderful news.”
Suddenly, a lot of noise came from the hallways of the castle. “What is going on?” Her father inquired. “Valerie, quickly, stand behind me!” She did as she was bid, and her father drew his sword. Screams echoed on the stone walls and hurried steps, loud bangs and the clashing of blade against blade was heard. Valerie looked around the hall, for a weapon she could use; she had never trained with one, but she would never let her father face his attacker alone.
The double doors were forcefully opened, and Huntingdon walked in, bow and arrow in hand, ready to shoot. Valerie spotted the bandage on his right arm, where the arrow had pierced his skin the other day. Maybe this could play in their favor.
“Yesterday in Locksley, you revealed your true colors. Today I reveal mine. You were right; I have lost my taste for bloodshed, but if you ever, so callously or needlessly hurt someone to get to me, I will kill you.”
Her father talked back in a calm manner. “I don’t believe you, former Lord of Locksley. And I will not change my ways, because you ask me to. If England demands it, I will stoop low, lower than you can possibly imagine, so kill me now!”
The lordling then made a move to fire the arrow and Valerie’s mind reeled. “No!” she screamed. She brought her own self forward to stand between him and Lord Robert. “You shall not harm my father, outlaw.” she spat as she uttered the last word. “Or you shall have to do it over my own corpse.” The eyes of their adversary flicked between her and the sheriff, calculating his chance of success. He didn’t have many arrows in his quiver, Valerie noted. “How noble it will be of you, to murder a defenseless woman!”
He blinked. At that moment she knew that Huntingdon had lost his conviction.
“Leave now, and spare your honor and your good name.” Valerie said, appealing to his sense. “Stay, and the guards will overtake you, as I see your forearm is bleeding and you won’t be able to fight ten men on your own, and you’ll kiss the noose earlier than you ever anticipated.”
With that, Huntingdon turned wordlessly, although no less frustrated, and ran. Valerie let out a sigh with a violent sob. “Oh, father,” she told him, tears threatening to overtake her.
“Silly girl,” he replied with generous affection. He sheathed his short sword and embraced her to soothe her. “You shouldn’t endanger yourself.” He kissed her brow, the battle outside forgotten for a split second. The sheriff let her go then, and walked to the window to see that some twenty men had showed up and orchestrated Huntingdon’s escape.
“Ah, if only Gisborne was here.” Her father muttered. “He would show them, my boy.”
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god-save-the-keen · 5 years
I have a prompt idea for you whenever you have the time could you write about MC telling Adrian about her mother and that she's related to Rheya & Demetrius
Thank you so much for this request! Since you send it to me, I couldn’t stop think about it, hope you like it as much as I do!
Pillow talk
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Warning: angsty / fluff
Words: 1.804
Adrian x mc: @avamarieland @alesana45 @itscassandraa-blog @mattrodriguezmylife @bigmemesplz @perriewinklenerdie @x-kyne-x @livingpurpose @adriansbiss
Permanent tagg list: @gardeningourmet @eileendannie @desireepow-1986 @dawn-1994 @violinet @darley1101 @blackcatkita @flyawayboo @drakewalker04
Note: The “Read more” link is not worry (apparently) so sorry about that but it’s Tumblr fault lol
“What’s wrong, love?” Her lips rose up in a tiny smile as she turned her head towards him while his fingers lovingly caressed her cheek. Sometimes she was amused by how soft and sweet his touch was when his hands were strong enough to rip out a person’s throat. She took his hand and kissed his palm, lacing their fingers together, holding it near to her chest.
“I can’t sleep.” They were in a hotel resting after leaving the island. They had booked a flight for the next day to New York so they decided to rest for a while. “I just feel like my head is so full of things. Everything that had happened on the island, Reyha, Kano, Gaius…” She trailed off, looking uncertain, her eyes troubled and sad.
“I’m here for you, Amy. I know something has been bothering you.” She squeezed his hand involuntarily. “Something that you haven’t told me.” She looked at him a little guilty, her brows knitting together with a sorrow in her eyes that he had never seen before. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to… It’s a lot. And it’s hard.” Her gaze returned to the ceiling, like she was looking for the words to speak her thoughts. “Do you remember Kano’s mental test?”
“Of course I do.” His thumb gently stroked her hand, her eyes were still fixed on the ceiling and he waited for her to continue, he didn’t want to pressure her.
“He showed me a lot of things there… Some memories from my childhood that I didn’t even know were there, some kind of alternative universe where you didn’t hire me and…” She paused for a moment, Adrian could hear how her heart beat faster so he moved their laced hands towards his lips, kissing her knuckles. “And my mother.” She had never talked about her mother so he knew how hard this would be for her. “He showed me a memory… She was feeling bad, a strong headache, so I made her tea and, when I tried to hug her, she pushed me away.”
“I’m so sorry, love.” His heart ached imagining how she had felt and the arm under her back pulled her closer, kissing the side of her head. “You deserve better than that.”
“You don’t have any idea how many times I’ve wondered what I could have changed or what I did wrong, Adrian. But when Kano showed me I finally understood… She was a Bloodkeeper too, and when I touched her I could see things through her. And not pretty things precisely.” She rolled to her side, looking directly at him so he did the same, holding her waist. “And I know she was trying to protect me but I got so angry with her. I couldn’t understand why she kept something so important a secret from me. I could learn how to use my powers early! I could be more prepared to face Gaius or Rheya! Or at least know how to handle this, I–”
“Amy.” He said in a gentle but determined voice, his hand still in hers while the one hugging her back caressed her skin. “You can’t blame yourself or her for any of this. I wish you could see how extraordinary you are and how powerful you have become in a short time. Who knows what could have happened if you knew back then about all this, maybe nothing would change or maybe you would be a completely different person.”
“I know… Maybe I wouldn’t have met you and I wouldn’t change that for anything.” He smiled as her free hand cupped his cheek and their lips connected for a brief moment.
“Good. Cause I wouldn’t change that either, love.” She gave him that smile that he adored before becoming serious again. “That’s not everything, is it?” She shook her head. “You want to talk about it?… Did Gaius do something to you? His eyes turned red as he started to stand up, already livid. "I swear if he even touch you I–”
“No! No, nothing like that. Not this time, at least.” She grabbed his hand again, drawing him to the bed and close to her, their hands still clasped together. “It’s something that happened on the island, I…” She cut herself off and he noticed how nervous and worried she was. “I know every generation has one Bloodkeeper and when I realized that my mother was one I was astonished, I didn’t expect she was it too, I thought it was just a coincidence.”
“And it’s not?” He asked furrowing his brows concerned as she shook her head. “It has something to do with the Tree of Death?”
“How do you know?”
“You were the only one capable of getting close and touching it, Amy. Not even Gaius or Kamilah could.”
“Sometimes I wish you weren’t this smart.” He chuckled a little before putting on a serious face again, stroking her cheek.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, love. You don’t have to.” He kissed her forehead.
“Inside that tree is Dimitrius… I didn’t know at that time how but he told me to get closer and touch it and… when I did… it took my mind to his mind palace. And I saw him. Or this not death version of him.” Adrian was listening, concentrated on her words, his eyes never leaving hers and his free hand constantly caressing her skin. “He told me about Reyha and Iola… That Iola actually lived and, when Reyha became the Eternal Life tree and Dimitrius the Tree of Death, through her connection with them she developed her own powers, she became the first Bloodkeeper ever. She got married and had a child, also a Bloodkeeper. And her daughter gave birth to another Bloodkeeper and so until–”
“–Until you.” He finished the sentence stroking her cheek as she nodded furrowing with sadness. “So that means…” She nodded again.
“It’s not a coincidence that both my mother and I are Bloodkeepers, I’m the granddaughter of Reyha and Dimitrius, I carry this power because of them. I survived Gaius’ attack because of that.”
“That actually explains a lot.” He pointed out, a thoughtful look in his eyes, analyzing everything that she had told him. “Your psychic powers, your unusual Turning…”
“I know but..” She paused for a moment, like she was trying to compose herself. “But what if I turn like her? Consuming by the darkness? I’ve been having this awful nightmare where I have my hands covered in ashes and I’m so angry, like I want to attack everybody.” She was talking faster, her eyes shining filled with tears and her heartbeat high speed, almost like panicked. “And then it’s what Serafine told me, that she sensed darkness inside me and–”
“Amy, love, please stop for a second and hear me out.” He cupped her cheek, placing soothing circles there as she looked at him. “You are not Reyha. The fact that you descend from her doesn’t mean you are going to be consumed by the dark like her. You are strong. You are the light I never expected to have in my life. You are the one who saved me from my own darkness. Never forget that.”
“But Serafine told me she saw darkness inside me. What if I end up hurting someone, like Lily? Or Kamilah? Or Jax? Or you Adrian? What if those ashes are yours? I couldn’t live without you! I can’t lose you! And I could never forgive myself if something bad happens to you because of me!” The tears started to flood freely on her face and Adrian hugged her as tightly as he could, letting her cry as long as she needed, his arms holding her close and protectively, his hands stroking her back and hair. She pressed herself closer, hugging him almost desperately as the tears fell on his naked shoulder and their legs tangled together, there was no space between them and still seemed not close enough.
“It’s going to be fine, I promise. No matter what I won’t leave you, I swear, Amy.” He kissed her head, leaving his lips there for a long time, her sobs making her body tremble and his heart ache.
“You c-can’t promise that.” Her voice muffled from his shoulder.
“I can. Like you promised me the same thing when you woke up, remember?” He felt the ghost of her smile on his skin for a moment. “And I also can promise you we are going to defeat Reyha.” He separated from her slightly, looking into her still watery eyes. “And that I will help you in any way I can. Dealing with darkness or not. You didn’t abandon me when my own darkness almost consumed me in Paris and I won’t leave you alone. I love you Amy, you don’t have any idea how much.”
“I love you too, Adrian.”
“I don’t care what your dreams are showing you or what Serafine has said, we both know what she has been up to lately.” His tone was angry for a moment. “You are not dark Amy and we are going to be okay, we are going to travel around the world together and maybe find a place in New York or wherever you’d like to move together. If you want to.”
“You want to live with me?” She asked opening her eyes big and a tiny smile blossoming on her lips, even if her face was soaked with tears.
“I want everything with you, love. Forever.” He dried her cheeks, lovingly brushing her skin.
“I want that too.” He rolled to his back and she leaned her head on his chest, hugging him, as his hand caressed her back. They stayed silent for a long time, softly kissing each other now and then, holding each other close.
“So, about this alternative universe…” Adrian said as she snuggled closer and he held her tightly.
“Yeah?” Her voice was still a little husky but her tone more calmed.
“Was I intoxicated? I would never pass on hiring you.” She chuckled and he smiled, glad to be capable of making her laugh for a bit.
“I think it was a jerk version of you. He even told Nicole to show me outside.”
“Outrageous.” She giggled again and kissed his chest, making him give a pleased sigh. “Are you feeling better?”
“Yes, a lot. Thank you, handsome.” He lifted one of his brows and moved his head to the side, watching her smiling.
“Handsome? Not that I’m complaining.”
“Well, you can’t be the only one with cute pet names.” She responded softly, finally drifting asleep, feeling his lips on her forehead and his hands holding her.
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lesdemonium · 4 years
I’d Be the Choiceless Hope Chapter 13
Ship: Geraskier Word count: 36975 (total) Chapter: 13/16 Summary:  
“Such a nice, beautiful sound,” the fae crooned. “If only he were this way always.”
Julian’s mother stood up. She claimed she was prepared to stop the fae, to protect her baby, but in Julian’s darkest moments he doubted this part of the story. His mother loved him, of that he had no doubt, but she had been young and weary, and even years later, she couldn’t quite get the twinge of exhaustion out of her eyes when she recalled Julian’s infancy. Even if she had been keen on protecting him, the fae was too close, too fast, too set on his plan.
“A gift, for the new mother,” the fae continued. He leaned a hand in to stroke Julian’s cheek. “I give you the gift of obedience.”
As a baby, Jaskier was visited by a fae, who gifted Jaskier’s mother with Jaskier’s obedience. As Jaskier grew older, the “gift” became more of a curse.
Additional tags: AngstAngst with a Happy EndingHeavy AngstUnrequited LoveNot Actually Unrequited LoveAlternate Universe - Canon DivergenceCanon EraNot Canon CompliantCursed Jaskier | DandelionAlternate Universe - Ella Enchanted FusionCurse of ObedienceRape/Non-con ElementsImplied/Referenced Rape/Non-conJaskier | Dandelion Whump
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It was raining when they got to Yspaden. Downpouring, really. Jaskier was absolutely drenched, his clothes heavy with rain, completely waterlogged. All Jaskier wanted to do was find an inn and dry off, but Geralt would not be deterred. They had to find Yennefer, and they had to find her right this moment .
“You know she’s only going to be livid that we dragged water into whatever noble’s house she commandeered,” Jaskier whined.
His attempt to avoid this whole reunion was thinly veiled, he knew, but as Geralt had ignored his whinings and wheedlings over the last several weeks they had been traveling, Jaskier didn’t think there was much point in trying to keep his goal a secret. They both knew what Jaskier was trying to avoid.
“She might have left before we got here. I need to know now so we can make another plan,” Geralt answered, trudging forward through the downpour. Even Roach seemed cross with him, and Jaskier couldn’t blame her. The man with the least sense seemed to be the one dragging this expedition along.
“Oh, one can hope,” Jaskier grumbled.
She hadn’t left, much to Jaskier’s chagrin. Some asking around in the town confirmed that, yes, the sorceress was still there, set up in that grand house at the top of the hill. Jaskier’s feet dragged as they made their way toward the “grand house” and it wasn’t entirely because of the blisters forming on his poor, damp feet.
It was only a small consolation that Geralt was just as grumpy as Jaskier. The door opened to reveal a servant, and Geralt barked out a “We’re here to see Yennefer,” before he pushed his way inside. The servant’s eyes went wide and she tried, in vain, to push the two men away, but Geralt did not back down. He fixed the poor girl with an unamused expression, and her face paled as she scurried off.
“Thank you!” Jaskier called after her, then crossed his arms and glared at Geralt. “That was quite unnecessary and extremely rude, Geralt . It’s your own fault you’re in this state, after all. We could have come back when we were a little less flooded, but someone had to--”
“You wouldn’t have come otherwise,” Geralt cut him off, fixing Jaskier with a look that brokered no argument.
Jaskier held Geralt’s gaze for a long, almost uncomfortable moment. He had no argument, though. Geralt was right; Jaskier likely would have found a way to slip away and avoid this meeting. As it was, with Geralt single mindedly focused on this particular task, there was very little Jaskier could do but follow the witcher to see the sorceress.
“Well, I must admit, you looked better in Rinde. Isn’t absence supposed to make the heart grow fonder?” a lilting voice sounded from a truly impressive staircase.
Yennefer was a vision, of course. She almost seemed to float down the stairs, the train of a long dress cascading behind her. Her makeup was all sharp lines and harsh edges, and Jaskier couldn’t help but stare as she drew closer. He was sure awe colored his face, while Yennefer’s face curled in disapproval.
“Yen. It’s good to see you,” Geralt said.
Jaskier turned to look at the witcher and, Gods, he meant it. His eyes were crinkled at the edges with a smile that didn’t quite touch his lips beyond the quirking of the corners, but was evident nonetheless. Geralt had turned to face her, and he looked so… open. Like he had actually missed this sorceress, and was happy to see her again. Jaskier hated it. And then promptly hated himself for the surge of pure jealousy that coursed through him.
“I see you’ve claimed another lord’s house as your own,” Jaskier finally said, just barely managing to un-grit his teeth enough to sound unaffected.
Yennefer turned her attention to Jaskier with an eyebrow raised. She reached the end of the stairs and leaned against the bannister, and her lips curled into a smirk. “Ah, Geralt. Collecting new pets, are we? Roach at least seems to prove useful, but I’m not sure what the function of a drowned rat is.”
Jaskier gaped at her and tried--and failed--to devise a response to this. He was just about to come up with something, when--
“Yen, we need your help.”
Jaskier’s mouth snapped closed. Well. It was probably for the best. His quip wasn’t very good, and it was best if Geralt saved him the embarrassment.
“Again? Is there any problem you two can fix?” Yennefer asked, rolling her eyes. There was a moment's silence, then she gestured for them to follow her. “Come this way. You can change, and dry off, then we’ll talk.”
It was hours later before they were all seated together again. Jaskier’s drenched clothes were hanging from a line in another room. Now, he wore a borrowed outfit. Even Geralt had been persuaded into changing out of his soaked through clothes. Jaskier’s eyes kept drawing back to the deep, rich red of the shirt, so unlike anything Geralt had ever worn before. Jaskier didn't like it.
He hadn’t been shown to his own room, but Jaskier was certain they’d be staying the night. Separately. In an attempt not to let himself dwell too much in how melancholy the idea of sleeping alone left him, Jaskier was silent, nursing a goblet of wine that he could hardly even enjoy.
He noticed the way Geralt kept sending him furtive looks, though, and Yennefer flitted about the room, finishing whatever tasks important, powerful sorceresses did. If Jaskier was feeling more himself, his natural curiosity would have him cataloguing her every movement. He wouldn't write a song for her, likely ever, but there was something simply fascinating about the way magic-users worked. He stared into his goblet instead.
“Yen,” Geralt finally broke the silence, his voice a warning.
The warning was lost on Yennefer, who finished her task as if she was the only one in the room, but she did then come join them at the large table. Once seated, she tapped her nails slowly on the wood, her eyebrows high on her forehead as her free hand made a sweeping gesture.
“We’re here about--” Geralt paused. His jaw worked silently, as if he was working out the words he wanted to use, and picking them with excruciating consideration. Jaskier wished he would just spit it out. “Jaskier’s curse.”
“Ah. So you finally know,” Yennefer answered, bored. “I can’t get rid of it, if that’s what you’re here to ask me about. I don’t know of a single magic-user that could counteract the work of a fae.”
Geralt nodded, his eyebrows furrowed. He leaned in closer, placing a hand on the table, then turned his gaze to Jaskier. Jaskier, however, immediately looked away. Down at the table. He wasn’t loving how they were talking about Jaskier as if he wasn’t in the room, but he found himself disinclined to insert himself into the conversation.
“We met the fae,” Geralt continued. “He said Jaskier could break the curse himself. ‘Tell your truths, and you will never be compelled to again’. Do you know what that means?”
Jaskier didn’t have to look up to feel Yennefer’s gaze turn to him. He felt hot, pinned down, and it was all he could do not to jump to his feet and flee. He would not look at her, though. Jaskier would not allow her to see past him again. Instead, Jaskier turned his head away, toward the door, fully aware he was now playing the part of a sullen teenager. He couldn’t bring himself to care.
“I have a feeling Jaskier knows,” Yennefer finally said.
Geralt turned his entire body to Jaskier, even shifting the chair more in his direction. There was no mistaking the fact that they were both now completely focused on Jaskier. Still, Jaskier did not look at them in return.
“While I am extremely talented in all things poetry and wordplay, I will admit that riddles are not exactly my forte. You seem to know so much more about them, why don’t you tell us?” Jaskier asked the door.
“Tell the truth, bard.”
“I don’t care for you very much,” Jaskier said, fixing Yennefer with as withering a stare as he could muster. He knew he wasn’t the scariest person in the room--in fact, he was pretty sure, to Yennefer, some of the inanimate objects were more frightening than he was--but he felt a surge of pride as she at least looked somewhat impressed with him. “I think you’re self-involved and badly mannered, and there’s very little you wouldn’t do to get more power. I am impressed by you, a little frightened, and largely in awe of your power, but I don’t care for you.”
Yennefer, to Jaskier’s surprise, laughed. Long and loud, as if she had never heard a better joke told. When she eventually settled enough to speak again, she pointed at Jaskier, a playful smile on her lips.
“You’ve gotten very good at avoiding that, haven’t you?” she asked, and she was still shaking a little with the last dregs of her laughter. “How many truths have you avoided? Hundreds, I’m sure. Clever, substituting it with one you don’t mind saying. No wonder the fae is making you work for it.”
“I’m glad you find this so amusing,” Jaskier answered, rolling his eyes. He couldn’t quite squash the small smile plaguing his face, though, and damn her for making him find some humor in all this, as well.
“You know what it means?” Geralt asked.
Ah. Jaskier finally met Geralt’s eyes, which were narrowed. His lips were pressed tight together and his skin was taut around his deep frown. Jaskier sat as tall as he could, puffing out his chest in a show of defiance, as his lips stayed pressed together. He would not--could not--reveal anything to Geralt, not now, possibly not ever. Jaskier would stay obedient for the rest of his life, if it meant he could keep Geralt.
“He knows more than he’s telling you, at least,” Yennefer cut in, with a dismissive wave of her hand. “You can have your quarrel later. I have news for you. I’ve heard some interesting rumors lately.”
Geralt turned away from Jaskier as if it took a great deal of effort. His frown remained, but his eyebrows crept up his face and he tilted his head, silently urging Yennefer to continue. The way his eyes snuck furtive glances Jaskier’s way told Jaskier all he needed to know about what they would be discussing later . Maybe it wasn’t too late for Jaskier to run away.
“There are some interesting tales about a bard traveling with a witcher. One who does everything he’s told.” Jaskier and Geralt both stiffened, and any attention Geralt was still paying Jaskier had shifted completely to Yennefer. “Apparently a young noble in Lettenhove has been spinning some tales. The description passes a striking resemblance to you two.”
Jaskier let out a breath. “Fucking Adeline. I should have known she wouldn’t keep her mouth shut.”
“And the word made it to Yspaden,” Geralt said.
“I’d imagine it’s reached most, if not all, of the continent. That, and word of Nilfgaard’s latest attempt at conquest have been all anyone around here can talk about,” Yennefer answered with a nod. “It’s the only reason I’m still here. I thought you might be looking for me. You two took your time getting here though; you almost missed me.”
“We can’t all travel by portal,” Geralt quipped. If it wasn’t for the tension in his shoulders, Jaskier would have almost mistook that for a joke.
Yennefer’s answering nod was curt, and she rose to her feet. “I wouldn’t recommend staying here. The lord will be returning soon, and we didn’t leave on the best of terms. I can’t imagine any guests of mine would be much cared for, and I’m leaving now. I’d offer you a portal somewhere, but I think we’re quite imbalanced in terms of payment, currently, due to the information I just gave you.” She returned to her work, which Jaskier belatedly realized was packing up her belongings, and turned her back on the men. “I trust you can find your own way out.”
Jaskier gathered his belongings--his clothes still soaking--in a daze. He hardly registered time until they were out of the lord’s home and back out on the road.
Geralt appeared to be trapped in musings of his own. The witcher was so frequently quiet, but this silence was different , Jaskier knew, and not only because Jaskier knew him well enough to know that Geralt had questions for Jaskier.
The sun was low in the sky, now, just below the still ominous looking clouds. Everything was painted in shades of orange as Geralt led them deeper into the forest. It was dryer here, though the air was muggy enough to make Jaskier feel choked. He didn’t dare complain, not when Geralt’s shoulders held so tight. Geralt found a spot that must have suited his criteria, and without preamble, stopped and set up camp.
Jaskier tried to help, but Geralt moved with a single minded focus, to the point of once taking the bedrolls out of Jaskier’s hands and setting them on the ground himself. Fine. If Geralt insisted on handling everything, who was Jaskier to stop him? Instead, the bard sat himself upon the now laid-out bedroll and plucked out a tune on his lute.
It was nearly two hours later when Geralt finally sat down as well. He had completed every task, even the arduous one of finding enough dry wood to build a modest fire, and now their bellies were full of roasted rabbit. Jaskier knew he was being stared at long before he finally put down his lute with a sigh and met Geralt’s gaze.
“Have we finally reached the portion of the night where we use our words?” Jaskier bit out.
“You know how to break the curse.” It wasn’t a question, so Jaskier didn’t deign it with an answer. He only shrugged his shoulders. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know how to break the curse,” Jaskier corrected. “I have a guess, based on… context. The other things Lazuli said. A hunch, nothing more.”
“What is it?”
Geralt’s eyes were suddenly fiery, and he stood in his anger. Jaskier did not shrink away. They could do this song and dance as many times as Geralt wanted, but it would never incite the reaction Geralt so clearly expected.
“So you would rather live your life a prisoner than try to fix it?” Geralt spat when his display of physical intimidation did nothing to move Jaskier.
“I have tried to fix it,” Jaskier answered, his voice tight. “I’ve been trying my whole life to deal with it, to find ways around it, to fix it. Lazuli was my last shot. Now, I’ve resigned myself to it. I’ve lasted this long, what’s the rest of my life? I’ve gotten so good at it.”
Geralt was shaking his head long before Jaskier finished speaking. “That’s not good enough, Jask. You have an idea. We should try it.”
“ We aren’t doing anything. I’m deciding that I’m done. This is the hand I was dealt, so I’m going to continue to play it.”
“So you’ve just given up hope?” Geralt said. He stepped closer to Jaskier, and Jaskier had to crane his neck to keep eye contact. “Lazuli gave you an answer, one which you apparently understood , and now you’re no longer interested in doing anything?”
“Lazuli gave me a choice ,” Jaskier answered, finally standing up so he could meet Geralt on equal ground. “He gave me a choice, and it’s one that I’m not willing to make. Tell my truth. What if I don’t want to tell my truth, Geralt? What if it isn’t fucking worth it?”
“And it’s worth this ?” Geralt’s arms flew out to his sides, gesturing broadly at something. “People know now, Jaskier. Your sister told. How long will it take before someone recognizes who you are, recognizes that they can control you, and uses that against you?”
Jaskier scoffed. “It’s not the first time that’s happened, Geralt!”
“But it would be the first time they knew , though, wouldn’t it? Really knew? Adeline was so quick to try to tell me how to control you, and she disdains witchers. Are you really naive enough to believe she wouldn't include that particular instruction when bending the ear of some noble?” Geralt’s arms crossed tightly over his chest, his mouth curled into a snarl. “You’re a lot of things, Jaskier, but I didn’t think you were stupid. ”
Anger, true anger, flared up inside Jaskier, and he shoved Geralt’s chest. It was ineffective; a human pushing a witcher did little more than bruise the human’s ego, but in terms of expressing his anger, it was effective. Geralt’s jaw jutted out and his hands clenched into fists against his torso as Jaskier stepped closer and jabbed a finger into Geralt’s collarbone.
“ Do not presume to educate me on my own sister, Geralt,” Jaskier snapped, jabbing his finger into Geralt’s collarbone a second time. “I guarantee I have far more experience navigating my life than you do.”
“Then stop playing dumb!”
“You’re afraid, then? You’re afraid that something will happen to me because someone recognizes us and then, what? You’ll feel guilty ?”
“This isn’t about my guilt! This is about your safety .”
Jaskier rolled his eyes, stepping away from Geralt and turning toward the fire. “I can protect myself, Geralt. If you wanted to be my knight in shining armor, you should have at least buffed yours up.”
Geralt took Jaskier’s shoulders, roughly turning him back so they faced each other. Geralt’s mouth was curled into a snarl and his fingers dug into Jaskier’s skin, hard enough to hurt, but Jaskier could not-- would not--make a sound to stop him.
“You’re in danger when you’re with me--”
“--I’m always in danger when I travel with a monster hunter --”
“I can protect you from monsters! I can’t protect you from humans who would do you harm! Not now--not now that they know !”
Geralt’s voice was so loud as he yelled at Jaskier, Jaskier was certain they had scared off any wildlife for miles. Even Roach was stamping her feet against the dirt impatiently, as if they were inconveniencing her. It was a good thing Geralt had already hunted their dinner.
“Then what,” Jaskier finally said, his voice soft and even and tight, as he slowly pried Geralt’s fingers off one arm, “do you expect me to do now?”
“I expect you to break your curse.” Geralt’s voice was lower, but still just as dangerous.
There was that fire again. If Jaskier was a lesser man, one who didn’t know Geralt as well as he did, maybe it would have set Jaskier on fire. Geralt was dangerous like this, and he knew anyone else would have bent under the witcher’s ire. Jaskier did not care.
“Then you cannot travel with me anymore.”
Jaskier’s mouth fell open. Of all the things he expected Geralt to say, that hadn’t even made the list. It was mostly baffling because Jaskier wasn’t sure where, exactly, Geralt’s head had gone to think that was a deal Jaskier would ever agree to. Jaskier pursed his lips and rolled his eyes.
“Those are hardly my only two options. Did you forget the part where I have just as much say, if not more , as you do in where I go? I’ve followed you on this quest for Yennefer, and now I will not be told how to handle my own curse when we’re finally about to get back on the Path. You’re ridiculous, Geralt. Absolutely ridiculous.” Jaskier scoffed again, as if this was amusing to him, and shook his head for good measure.
Geralt considered him for a long moment. Something hard set in his face, and Jaskier felt a sliver of fear raise the hair on the back of his neck. He didn’t know how to explain it, but Jaskier suddenly knew he was losing this fight.
"Jaskier, you can’t follow me. You have to stay here." There was that tone again. The one that left no room for argument.
"Like hell I do, Geralt!” Jaskier snapped. He had never been very good at heeding warnings. “You can't just-just cast me aside when I don’t do what you want. It doesn't work like that!"
Geralt sighed heavily, and looked up at the sky. He looked at the moon for a long time, his expression growing curious. When he returned to Jaskier, Jaskier could see the guilt written on his face. It looked like pain, a grimace. Jaskiers heart twitched painfully.
"Geralt, no, you can't--" Jaskier started, only to be cut off.
"Jaskier, stay here until dawn."
Jaskiers eyes went wide. He looked down at his feet and tried, he tried so hard, to move forward, to close the gap between him and Geralt. His foot lifted off the ground, but would not move further. He stamped it back down in the same exact spot, ineffectually, and leaned forward. His body went without fight, but his feet would not move. Jaskier turned his gaze back to Geralt, feeling wild, betrayed, completely powerless.
"Geralt, no! You can't! You said--you said you wouldn’t do this! You said you wouldn’t take away my choice!" Jaskier pleaded, his voice growing louder, more desperate as he continued.
Geralt shook his head and looked down at his feet. "I have to, Jaskier. It's the only way to keep you safe."
"No! Geralt, please! I wont--I’ll--I’ll be good! I’ll be so careful! Don't leave me! You can't just leave me here!"
But Geralt was already turning away. Jaskiers pleas grew more frantic, more anguished, and he tried so hard to follow his witcher, to no avail. The curse would not let him, not until dawn. Geralt packed up his belongings as fast as he could, readying Roach.
"Geralt!" Jaskiers voice broke. He didn't know when he had started crying, but his voice was hoarse with it now. The tears fell, hot and angry, down his face. "You can't do this! I trusted you! You-you whoreson! You traitor! You monster ! You promised me you'd always give me a choice!"
"Goodbye, Jaskier," Geralt said.
Had Jaskier not been screaming, pleading with his witcher, he would have noted the sorrow making Geralt’s voice thick, and maybe would have backed off. He heard it, but it only fueled his anger, his hurt. Jaskier fell to his knees--at least the curse would grant him that much--and pounded his fists on the ground.
"Come back! You can't do this to me! You promised! You promised me! I believed you!" Jaskier screamed after him.
And that was the worst part of it. Jaskier had believed Geralt; Jaskier had trusted him. Everyone took advantage eventually, once they realized what they held in their hands. Jaskier’s wasted heart had gotten itself broken again. Somehow, this was worse than the other betrayals.
All Jaskier could do now was watch. He watched Geralt and Roach retreat into the forest. His face felt hot and swollen and his throat hurt from his begging. His legs still would not move. Jaskier kneeled there as his body wracked with sobs, until there was nothing left but the tremble of his muscles. Eventually, he couldn’t even whimper, just stared at the dirt before him, the lines his clawing fingers had made.
When the sun peeked out over the horizon, Jaskier pulled himself to his feet and took a tentative step forward. He met no resistance. He met no resistance, but Geralt was gone, hours gone. Jaskier had no hope of finding him now, and Geralt would hear him from a mile away.
He didn’t know why he was surprised. Jaskier was made to be left; he had designed it that way himself
read chapter 14
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arlakos · 5 years
Miraculous AU Idea: Anti-Hero Queen Bee
I know I probably mentioned this earlier in my older post, but this idea is expanding upon something I briefly talked about and got the inspiration to write about
Those of you who follow my blog for a while now probably know that I don’t agree with the logic that Chloe would join Hawkmoth’s side in season 3. Aside from the fact it really doesn't make sense her to want to join him, considering all the times Hawkmoth has akumatized her and her family, it really doesn’t make sense for her to instantly join Hawkmoth considering her association with Ladybug and Chat Noir. Sure Chloe was angry at Ladybug for not giving her the Bee Miraculous, but logically Chloe being angry at Ladybug doesn’t mean she would instantly go full-on evil and try to kill them. 
So yeah, when it comes to the idea that Chloe would join Hawkmoth, I cross my arms at that. Chloe instantly becoming evil does not make sense, not from either a writing standpoint or a characterization standpoint...
...HOWEVER, I do believe in the fact that had Chloe been given the opportunity to take the Bee Miraculous and become a hero again, she would do so in a heartbeat. Whether it’s because you think she’s doing it for the fame, because jumping from building to building is exhilarating and cool, or just because Chloe wants to spend time with Pollen is mostly up to you. But for the sake of getting this idea after my head (even after Tumblr caused me to lose my data and rewrite this post again!) here’s how I would imagine this AU would turn out.
For the first part of Miracle Queen, everything remains as normal, LoveEater appears, Ladybug and Cat Noir stop the akuma, and Hawkmoth manages to get the Miracle Box.
Hawkmoth again approaches Chloe and offers her the Bee Miraculous, offering her power
Pollen tells Chloe to not do it
Chloe remains silent, looking at Pollen for a moment, but she takes the Bee Miraculous and transforms into Queen Bee
Hawkmoth grins evilly...
Only for Queen Bee to punch Hawkmoth in the nuts.
After telling Hawkmoth to ‘Go screw yourself old man!’ she leaps off the hotel to another building.
Hawkmoth is livid at being duped, but considering he’s on a timer to make his plan work, he instead decides to use Lila for his plan.
Lila becomes Miracle Queen, and the rest of the episode plays as normal. Chloe is nowhere to be seen
Hawkmoth is defeated, Marinette becomes the Guardian (regardless of my opinion that Marinette is neither ready nor capable), and season 3 ends.
Later on, Marinette discovers that the Bee Miraculous is missing. Worried at the fact that Hawkmoth took it, she attempts to find it. 
Ladybug stops by Chloe’s room to see if she by any chance had it. Chloe comes out, lacking a miraculous on her head, and feigns ignorance about having it or seeing it.
Once Ladybug leaves, Chloe goes back inside to find Pollen munching on some flower leaves. Chloe smiles and puts the Bee Miraculous back on.
So for season 4, Chloe would continue to keep the Bee Miraculous and be a hero in secret. Aside from Changing her costume design and Alias, Chloe would only work as a superhero at night-time when the heroes were asleep (and not patrolling). However, despite her attempts to remain hidden, it wouldn’t take long to catch Ladybug’s attention as her heroic actions continue, with reports of an anonymous hero’s actions making their way onto a few headlines.
The reason she is considered an anti-hero is that while she is still technically a hero and doing good stuff, the fact that Chloe is being a hero and wearing the Miraculous despite Ladybug’s desires means that Chloe is technically an enemy to the miraculous team, as Ladybug would be livid if she discovered Chloe was going against her rules.
Chloe obviously would not wear the miraculous outside of the hotel, but at the hotel she would spend a lot of time with Pollen, giving her sweet things and talking to her when she feels low.
Pollen at first was a bit miffed that Chloe made off with a miraculous, but considering she didn’t take Hawkmoth’s offer and even kicked him in the groin, its probably all ok anyways. Accepting the events that occurred as ‘destiny’ (HC that Pollen believes it’s fate that she met Chloe initially), she spends her time talking with Chloe, helping her as a mentor as well as teaching her to be a better person.
This doesn't mean Chloe becomes sweet and bubbly, but she does become more socially friendly and less rude to people, though expect a lot of sass from her.
As a hero, Queen Bee mainly deals with petty crooks and nighttime thieves. But as she keeps helping people, Chloe ends up stopping a Parisian crime gang dealing in drugs (while of course Ladybug and the others stop Hawkmoth) and even manages to stop a human trafficking ring. (mainly to make season 4 Chloe’s adventures more exciting and make her more of a hero.) Saving lives also helps to make Chloe kinder as a person.
However, Ladybug would eventually learn that Chloe still has the Bee Miraculous, leading to a heated argument between the two once Ladybug confronts Chloe and possibly a clash between Ladybug and Queen Bee (or Queen Bee and the Miraculous team depending on how you think the rest of the heroes would react) but I didn’t get too far on what would happen next.
However, I do expect Ladybug to just reach out and grab the Bee Miraculous like in Miracle Queen... only for Queen bee to grab her arm, smash her elbow into Ladybug’s chest and flip her over her shoulder like a badass.
Overall, this would probably be better for Chloe’s character than the season 3 finale or Season 4 would be for her
Also, this isn’t really important, but Zoe and her Lady Scarlet AU can kiss Queen Bee’s ass.
Thanks for coming to my Tumblr (TED) talk! Many thanks to my good friend @twin-books, who’s discussions I have with about miraculous Ladybug helps me to come up with these AU Ideas.
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tadie1234 · 4 years
This was an ask from @daisy-like-a-cow
It was for hidden injury, fainting, and I think infected, tumblr ate your ask and it won’t pop up.
First of thank you!! Second I’m so sorry for this taking so long ❤️❤️
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25815538
“Good job Parker good job, can’t even go one lousy patrol without getting stabbed.” Peter muttered to himself as he attempted to swing back to the apartment while trying to keep the knife from jostling. He remembered from his field training with Natasha that you aren’t supposed to remove a the weapon from a wound without getting proper medical attention, but he wasn’t going to bother Mr. Stark. He had gotten stabbed enough times to know he could do this by himself. It was also barely a stab, it was more like a really deep cut, a scratch if you will, at least that’s what he kept trying to tell himself. So when he finally had gotten back to his apartment he had a plan. First he had to somehow sneak into May’s room without waking her up to grab a needle and thread. Then he would go to the bathroom and carefully take out the knife and clean it with rubbing alcohol. And finally he would use his very little knowledge of stitching to stitch himself up. The plan commenced.
Instead of going into the apartment from his own window, he decided just going into May’s would be easier. So he slowly eased her window open and crawled inside.
“Peter what are you-“ May sleepily asked from her bed.
“Uh-Nothing! You’re dreaming, this is just a dream, go back to sleep.” Peter whisper shouted, as he rummaged through May’s sewing box until he finally found what he was looking for. He grabbed the needle and thread and quietly left her room and went into the bathroom. He quickly took out the knife and placed it on the counter, next he grabbed the bottle of rubbing alcohol and poured a little on the wound. Then Peter took the needle and thread and quickly pushed the needle through the skin and began to stitch. It took around 20 minutes and he almost passed out but he did it. It was around three am and he still had school the next day, so he climbed into bed and instantly fell asleep.
When he woke up, the first thing he noticed was that his side was itching like crazy. He lifted up his shirt to look at the wound and gasped in surprise. The area around the stitches were red and inflamed and there a watery pus that had started to come from the wound. “Well shit.” Peter thought to himself, he decided the best thing to do was to remove the stitches, so he snipped them and some how doing that the wound looked worse than it did before. But he had to get to school, so quickly got dressed and ran into the kitchen hoping that May had already left. But like most things in his life recently, it wasn’t really going the way he hoped.
“Hey sweetie, how did you sleep? I had the strangest dream last night and-“
“Hey May, love you, gotta go bye” Peter said as he rushed towards the door, snagging a banana on his way out.
Peter ran to the subway station and made it to school. Barely. He almost passed out on the subway because he got so dizzy just from standing. But if he didn’t do anything too strenuous it would be fine right?
Wrong. Peter was so very wrong. Getting through first period was practically torture, his side burning and twinging with every movement. And next he had gym. He changed his clothes in the bathroom instead of out with everyone else because he hadn’t wrapped the it and didn’t want anyone to think he got stabbed or something. Which of course he had but that wasn’t the point. But at least today, all they were doing was the rope climbing test. He could do that. All he had to do was just climb to the top of the rope and ring the bell. He’s climbed higher on patrol, this was going to be no problem at all. Except it turned into a slight problem. When Peter reaches midway on the rope, he got really dizzy all of the sudden and black spots filled his vision as he let go of the rope and passed out.
“Peter!” He heard a voice call out. He let out a loud groan and slowly opened his eyes.
“Wha- happened?” Peter asked as he slowly sat up.
“You took quite the tumble there Parker, I’m sending you to the nurse to go home for the day.” Coach Wilson said as he helped the boy sit up.
“Uh- thank you sir.” Peter said as he stumbled out of the gym to the nurses office.
When he arrived to the nurses office the nurse had him lay down on the cot as she called his emergency contacts.
“I can’t seem to get a hold of your aunt let me try this other number.” The nurse said as she bustled around her small office. Peter zoned out after that knowing Tony would be absolutely livid if he found out why Peter passed out.
Peter just have fallen asleep waiting for Tony to arrive because he woke up to someone softly shaking his shoulder.
“Hey buddy, time to go.” Peter stood up slowly and needed to lean on Tony the whole way to his car.
“What’s going on with you bud?” Tony said as he buckled Peter in.
“Nothing I just- it’s nothing Tony.” Peter mumbled as he let his eyes fall shut.
“Wanna try that again? Your lying skills are somehow getting worse and worse every time you open your mouth.” Tony said, running his fingers through Peter’s hair. “Are you sick? Not sleeping good? Are you not eating what’s wrong bud? Just talk to me. Tony said softly. Peter saw his life line and took it.
“I’ve just been not sleeping well recently, it’s nothing, I’m fine.” Peter said, trying to sound as believable as possible.
“Pete, you need to come with me with this kind of stuff, I can help you, I’ve dealt with all of this, I know all the little tricks and tips. I’m going to bring you back to the tower and we are going to have a little slumber party.” Tony said taking his hand from Peter’s hair and starting the car. Peter let out a snort at the slumber party part.
“Seriously Mr. Stark? Slumber Party?” Peter asked with a smirk.
“Yeah kiddo that’s what we’re doing. Seriously Pete, I can help you, you need to tell me when you’re not feeling good or can’t sleep or anything.”
“Yeah okay.” Peter said, feeling oh so guilty. They were quiet for the rest of the ride to the Tower.
“Okay bud, here’s the plan, movie first and if that doesn’t work I’ll have to pull out my secret sleeping tactics.” Tony said, leading the boy over to the couch. Peter sat down on the couch and waited as Tony gathered some blankets and pillows. He then put a pillow on his lap and made Peter lay down while he covered both of them in a big fluffy comforter. And to make it even more sleep inducing he put on a nature documentary about jellyfish. He waited until they were about 15 minutes into it before he pulled out his real weapon. He started to slowly run his fingers through Peter’s curly locks. And it almost worked. But Peter’s side was really starting to hurt now and he just couldn’t get comfortable, so he stood up to get a new position when Tony stopped him.
“Is that blood on your shirt?” Tony asked peering at him in the darkness.
“What!? No, no it’s uh- wait, yes actually. Mr. Stark, I am uh- on my period, I’m menstruating? I’m on my menstruation.” Peter said trying to remember what he learned from sex ed.
“Peter.” Mr. Stark said unamused. “Lift up your shirt.”
“No, I uh- can’t, I-.” Peter said backing away from the man.
“Peter, come over here and let me see, I won’t get mad.” Tony said lifting his hands up as a gesture of peace. Peter slowly walked over and lifted up his shirt and Tony gasped. The area around the wound was turning purple and it was leaking pus and blood.
“Friday tell Bruce we need him.” Tony yelled as he took Peter by the arm and helped him to the Medbay.
“Septic shock!?” Tony called out as he paced in front of Peter. “Do you know why what you did was so incredibly stupid?”
“Yes Mr. Stark, it won’t happen again. Peter said, looking down at the floor. When they had gotten to the Medbay, Bruce told them that Peter was in the beginning stages of septic shock and it was good that they caught it so early. They got him hooked up to an IV with antibiotics and fluids, and Bruce also cleaned and stitched up his wound. But Tony was still freaked out about the whole thing and finally stopped pacing and sat down next to Peter.
“Don’t ever do that again bud.” Tony said softly grabbing Peter’s hand. “You could’ve died, you know that? Next time please tell me these things, I can help you, I promise I won’t be mad.”
“Yes sir.” Peter said, his eyes full of tears.
“C’mere kid.” Tony said, and Peter curled up into his arms as Tony rocked him back and forth to calm him down.
“I- I didn’t mean- I didn’t think-“ Peter said between sobs.
“Hey, it’s fine buddy, at least we got it under control, next time talk to me, I can’t help you.” Tony said softly running his fingers through Peter’s hair.
“Thank you” Peter whispered into his chest.
“Of course bud.” Tony replied, holding him tighter.
And that’s how Pepper found them the next morning, curled up in each others arms.
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diyunho · 6 years
The Joker x Reader - “Secrets” Part 1
The Joker did something so unforgivable and despicable you don’t ever want to see him  again. After months of avoiding The King of Gotham, you really can’t understand why he appointed you as the only person to take care of his son in case of emergency. There’s no way you’ll accept to help the little boy in his father’s absence, yet the three years old has no fault in what happened between you and your ex.
Tumblr media
Part 2: http://diyunho(dot)tumblr(dot)com/post/178630090876/the-joker-x-reader-secrets-part-2
You have no idea for how long you’ve been driving, but you feel the need to pull over again: the restlessness is becoming unbearable and the tears clouding your vision make it dangerous to continue the trip for the moment.
You signal and switch lanes, slowly approaching the emergency shoulder ahead without a clue about what to do afterwards; one thing’s for sure though: Y/N will definitely take refuge in LA.
At this point it’s safe to say that the town her father owns is probably the only home she ever had; not a very comforting notion yet the shocking revelation she accidentally stumbled upon a few hours ago doesn’t leave any room for alternatives.
You park as close as possible to the concrete railing and get out of the SUV, the cold air making you shiver since your coat is quite thin for the chilly spring afternoon. You start pacing around the car, hesitantly glaring at your cellphone. Should you make the call now or wait?... …
Might as well get it over with.
You press the screen on the sole name listed under “Important Contacts”: Dad.
The Joker’s phone number used to be there also; it got blocked and removed when you had to stop for fuel at a gas station back in Gotham.
Jase picks up right away and the sound of his familiar voice makes it harder to keep yourself together.
“Hey, kiddo.”
“Hi daddy,” you sniffle and bite on your lip, not wanting to cry. “How are you?”
“Not bad for an old man, kid. How’s my favorite daughter?” he asks and despite not remembering being more upset in your life, you still crack a smile since the mobster doesn’t have any other children.
“I’m OK dad,” you gulp and continue. ”I’m actually on my way to Los Angeles; I should be there tomorrow night.”
“That’s great, Y/N! I didn’t see you in a while and I sure miss you. How long are you staying?”
You take a deep breath, almost chocking on the painful words:
Absolute silence for a few seconds and then Jase growls:
“What the fuck did he do now?”
You sigh, choosing not to share the specifics of your decision.
“It’s just not working out…So I’m coming home…Can I use the house again please?” your request makes your parent cringe.
“That’s your house and you don’t need my permission to live there, kiddo. What’s going on, hm? You know you can tell me,” the 62 years old attempts to reason with the distressed Y/N: although she’s doing a decent job at hiding her heartache, he can read in between the lines.
“I’ll…I’ll be fine dad, don’t worry,” you mutter and your father knows better than to push for a confession; you’ll probably bring him up to date when you’ll be ready. “I think I’ll get on the road again; I have to cover as much distance as possible today.”
“Sure kid, I’ll see you soon. Drive safe!” Jase agrees because he realizes his daughter won’t be able to talk for longer: she sounds flustered and will probably burst into tears as soon as she hangs up.
“I will daddy. Bye…” is the faint answer the King of LA discerns before the conversation ends.
That son of a bitch! Jase grinds his teeth, angered at the simple affirmation of what he feared for months: The Joker was the wrong choice and certainly didn’t deserve your affection.
You were in love with him regardless.
So what the hell happened?!
Five hours ago
You were beyond excited to see J after the four days business trip; your father had a special request for his daughter to help smoothing out a transaction with one of his main New York partners and you obliged. Things went better than expected: Y/N managed to finish the assignment a day earlier which made the anticipation of being reunited with her boyfriend feel like a well-deserved bonus.
You rushed out of the elevator straight into the living room at the Penthouse and your enthusiasm got cut off when you saw this woman wearing one of your silk robes nonchalantly organizing piles of money in a few suitcases scattered on the floor. Her eyes got big when she noticed your presence.
“You’re early,” the woman concluded, more annoyed than surprised. “Weren’t you supposed to return tomorrow?”
You gazed at her with contempt, unaware of how bad it was.
“Who are you?” you frowned, heart beating so fast it was deafening.
She smirked, taking it upon herself to brief the clueless Y/N about the truth despite knowing The Joker will go ballistic at her actions:
“I’m his wife you dumb girl.”
You seemed stupefied and she continued:
“He does this from time to time if it benefits us business wise. Though I have to admit one year is the longest I had to share him with anybody and I’m tired of it! My husband never tells me who the women are and I trust he’s doing whatever necessary to ensure our future. I’m sick of people not knowing he’s mine!” she raised her voice, jealousy taking over. “Who are you, hm? What’s so important about you that he didn’t break it up yet?” she got worked up, seeing that as her chance to unravel the mystery of The Joker’s lengthy relationship with the stunned Y/N.
“I’m the Godfather’s daughter,” you mumbled and her entitled smile died under the burden of understanding she messed up badly.  
Damn, The King of LA’s offspring! That’s why the money was pouring in from all the transactions with the other gang, that’s why The Joker kept you for so long. Oh God, he’s going to lose his mind! He should have said something to his wife about your identity, at least this time around: you were probably his most ambitious and lucrative project ever. Unfortunately, his other half screwed up beyond repair.
J’s voice coming from upstairs got you out of trance:
“Who are you talking to Nessa?” and he starting descending from the top floor with a little boy in his arms. Half way through he realized you were there and abruptly stopped, prompting the child to complain:
“Daaaaddy, I’m hungry.”
The Joker gazed at the two women in his life and didn’t get the opportunity to reply the burning question:
“You have a child?!...”
Y/N ran out of the premises, unable to fully comprehend what she witnessed by mere coincidence. She took the stairs, stumbling and almost falling on the way down; her ears were ringing and she could barely see a few feet ahead which was much better than the aftermath of the encounter happening at the Penthouse.
The Joker put his son down and urged him to go back to the master bedroom, stomping towards his petrified wife.
“What did you tell her??” he yelled so loud it made her shiver. “What did you say??” J pushed her against the wall and Nessa took a stance despite the survival instinct advising of the opposite.
“I didn’t know she is the Godfather’s daughter, ok? I’m aware we’re doing this for us, but you should keep me in the loop! I didn’t know who she was. I’m sorry, alright? I’m sorry!”
“You’re sorry???” he snarled and the eerie grimace on his face turned into genuine insanity. “You ruined all of it and you’re sorry?? Who gave you permission to open your mouth, huh?? I could have fixed this, I could have made her think I was cheating and patch it up!!!”
“Why are you so mad?...” she had the nerve to fight and J slammed her on the floor, livid at the defiant behavior. “Do you…do you actually like her??!”
“Shut up!” he kicked her and she couldn’t stop:
“Is that it?! You like her?!”
“I said SHUT UP!” The Joker got on top of Nessa and pinned her body under his, wishing to squeeze the life out of her with his bare hands for the total disaster she was responsible for.
“Mommy…” their three years old son whimpered, scared to see his parents like that; they were caught up in the feud and didn’t see Alexis sneaking downstairs. “Mommy…” the terrified little boy made his father postpone his rampage.
“You ruined my hard work,” he hissed and got off her. “One year down the drain and you have the audacity to inquire if I like her??! Do you know how much money we lost since Jase won’t do business with me after this??!!”
“I’m sorry baby,” Nessa kept on coughing and curled up in a ball.  
Alexis couldn’t stop sobbing and The Joker lift him up, panting with indignation while trying to suppress his rage.
“Sorry won’t fix shit!!!” he screamed and stormed out of the room, leaving his wife on the floor, grateful to have escaped his violent attack.
After three months
You are at your father’s mansion, organizing his numerous accounts and updating wire transfers that need immediate attention after the settlements negotiated during the previous day.
“Done?” he uses his cane to knock at the opened door.
“Yes, dad. Probably 10 more minutes and I’m out of here.”
“Take your time kid,” he comes in and takes a stroll around his spacious office, wanting to share what he just found out.
You are completely absorbed into your assignment and Jase analyzes your features, delighted as always to see so much of him in his daughter.    
“Say Y/N,” he gets your attention,”wanna hear some news?”
“Hmm?” you lift your head up from the laptop, not overly curious to discover whatever he wants to share.
“Your ex nearly lost his life two days ago. Apparently an ambush. His wife was with him, my sources inform. She’s dead and he’s not doing well either,” your parent emphasizes the secret relationship and watches you squirm in your chair, startled at his unexpected revelation. “Is that why you left him?” the interrogation makes you hold your breath and he shakes his head, irritated. “You found out the jerk was married? Why didn’t you tell me?”
You exhale, cornered by the impulsive Godfather.
“Because I didn’t want the business partnership between Gotham and LA to be impacted by my personal life,” you blur out one of the main reasons for your silence.
“Business partnership?! When it comes to my family to you think I give a damn about monetary gain? Are you serious?!”
“I knew you would retaliate and I didn’t want him to think that I care. Because…because I don’t,” the sadness in your voice makes Jase calm down a bit.
“… … Why are you crying then?...” he pushes the box of tissue in front of his devastated daughter; you didn’t even realize tears are rolling down your face. Jase grabs your hand and pulls you up in his embrace, holding you closer when you start bawling your eyes out on his shoulder. “Nobody messes with my little girl,” he whispers and caresses your hair, somewhat discouraged by your objection:
“I’m 30 daddy,” you sniffle and bury your face in his shoulder again.
“Still my little girl,” your father grumbles, displeased his own flesh and blood thought she didn’t mean more to him than a few million dollars.
It’s clear you kept the secret for other reasons also, probably the most important being the embarrassment of finding out you were used and taken for an idiot by the man you obviously loved.
A whole year of lies and deceit…
The cut runs deeper when it comes from the person that meant so much it got you convinced to change your mind about not wanting children; The Joker probably laughed at your willingness to give him an heir when he already had one with his own wife.
The two of them definitely deserved each other, but he definitely didn’t deserve you.  
2 weeks later at your house
“What does he want?” you sneer after one of the guards entrusted with your security told you Jonny Frost is here to ask for a meeting.
“I’m not sure, he says it’s an emergency. He has a little boy with him,” Nixon adds and you put aside the book you’re reading, intrigued. “Should I let him in?”
You nod a yes and furrow your eyebrows as soon as Frost enters the lounge: he’s carrying Alexis in his arms, the child fast asleep after the exhausting journey from Gotham to Los Angeles.
“Hello Y/N,” Jonny greets and you cut him off.
“What do you want?”
The Joker’s trusted henchman had a speech prepared for the encounter, yet given the current situation and the bitter look on your face he has to be as concise as possible.
“Mister J is very sick.”
“How is that any of my concern?!” you resentfully interrupt.
“Boss has to undergo a few surgeries since he can’t walk or talk properly,” Frost colors the big picture with a few carefully chosen words. “He left special instructions regarding his son: Mister J would like you to take care of Alexis in his absence.”
“Get out!” you snap and stand up from the couch. “Get out!” you repeat, disgusted by his demand. “The Joker has plenty of resources and people to fulfill his instructions. I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE!!!” you yell and the three years old is rubbing his eyes, almost woken up by the commotion. “How dare you come here and ask such a thing after what happened? Get out!”
“I didn’t know,” Jonny responds since he guessed exactly what you’re referring to. “I had no clue. And even if I knew, I couldn’t have said anything anyway,” his honesty doesn’t make it better. “Please take Alexis, I can’t go back with him; you know how Mister J is. Please Y/N,” Frost pleads and you bark:
“You have 20 seconds to disappear from my sight!!”
Nixon and four other goons approach, signaling Jonny to follow them because it’s evident the fuming Y/N is not thrilled with the uninvited guests. Frost has no other option besides leaving the premises, wondering how he’s going to explain his failure to The Joker.
“Ava!” you address the woman patrolling the western corridor of the house. “Have the crew ready in one hour, I need to pick up some diamonds from Enzo Neroni.”
Jonny is too far to discern the rest of the conversation and a simple plan flourishes in his brain: Enzo is one of the smugglers J uses on a regular basis also. Frost knows exactly where to find him and this might be the only chance that will act in his favor.
At this point he has nothing to lose.
“What is he doing here?” you point out at The Joker’s son as Enzo neatly places the purchased diamonds in tiny jewelry boxes.
“Uhh,” he shrieks. “Frost dumped him here until he can find a safe place for the kid. I guess his father will be out of commission for at least one month and he doesn’t want anyone messing with his offspring. I’m sure they’ll be some jumping at the opportunity. Get out of my way!” Enzo pushes the little boy and he falls on his knees, picking himself up afterwards. Alexis holds his teddy bear tighter, staring at all the strangers around and seems terrified.
“Can you not do that?” you smack your lips, aggravated.
“Do what?” Enzo halts his task. “You don’t want the gems in boxes? I can put them in pouches.”
“I was talking about the young boy,” you clarify your statement.
The smuggler lifts his shoulders up, defending his indifference.
“My warehouse is no place for children. Hey, don’t touch that!” he slaps Alexis’s hand when he reaches for a bottle of water on the table. “I didn’t say you can have it! I fucking hate kids,” he gives the three years old a mean look and it pisses you off.
“Are you thirsty?” you ask and snatch the water, opening the lid.
“U-hum,” Alexis barely manages to utter.
“Can I have this water or do I need permission too?” you mock and Enzo lifts his hands up in surrender, not wanting to initiate trouble. “Here,” you offer it to the little one and help him drink. He sure is thirsty since it takes a few good seconds before finishing. “Are you hungry?” and the child shrivels up, not answering your question. “Did you give him anything to eat?”
“No; I suppose I can send somebody to fetch some food when I have a moment,” Enzo groans and arranges the boxes inside the empty suitcase you came with.
“Do you think The Joker would be happy with that answer?” you frown and the reply bothers you more than it should:
“Mister J is not here, Y/N. I’m doing the best I can under the circumstances.”
“Your best sucks!” you mutter and take the hasty decision that will change the future for the parties involved, even if you don’t know it yet. “Where are his things?”
“In my van. Why?” Enzo is curious to hear.
“He’s coming with me, that’s why! Nixon, get the diamonds,” you order the bodyguard and you extend the palm of your hand, waiting for Alexis to take it. “Come on, let’s go,” you force a grin on your face and the little boy stalls until you encourage him again. “Come on,” and the small fingers are finally trapped within yours. “Don’t be scared, it’s ok,” you walk at his pace towards the exit.
Once you and your team are gone, Enzo dials Frost’s number and informs:
“She took him.”
Jonny is not big on religion but feels that today he was granted divine intervention.
“Oh thank God! That was so close to disaster,” he sighs, relieved.
“You better tell Mister J I didn’t do anything to his son! You know she’ll talk, I don’t want him coming after me. Tell him I actually helped and it was part of the plan. Do you fucking understand? I don’t want any trouble!”
“I’ll tell him,” Frost reassures and Enzo hangs up, wondering if it was wise to get involved in the messy situation.
“I’ll tuck you in,” you pull the warm covers on top of Alexis and he anxiously wiggles after another thunder strikes in the distance. “It’s alright, it’s just a storm,” you try to make the little boy relax.
You were gone for most of the day and Ava was left in charge of the kid; at least he was bathed, fed and changed in clean clothes, undoubtedly safe under your roof just like his father wished.
“My name is Y/N. What’s your name?” you adjust his stuffed teddy bear under the blankets.
“Alexis…” he shyly whispers and gulps when another strong thunder shakes the house.
“That was close,” you wink and he nervously whimpers, distracted by the loud noise.
“Whe’s mommy?” Alexis suddenly asks. “I…I want my daddy,” his eyes get teary because he doesn’t know you and he’s frightened.
A three years old can’t possibly fathom why he doesn’t see his mother anymore and why his dad disappeared also.
“They’re not here…” you bite on your cheek. “You’ll stay with me for a while.”
“I want my moommyyy,” the boy starts crying and you don’t really know what to do.
You get under the covers and pull him in your arms, attempting to comfort an agitated child that squirms to escape the stranger’s embrace.
“Ssssstt, it’s ok,” you keep on gently rocking him and another powerful thunder makes Alexis instinctively cling to your nightgown. “You’re ok, it’s just nasty weather. It will go away,” you caress his hair with one hand and use the other to hug him again. “There you go, don’t cry. It’s fine…” you smile and his eyes gaze into yours, totally immersed in your soothing presence. “Ssstttt, you’re good,” you cuddle with the kid, protectively holding him until his body is not tense anymore.
The Joker’s son is falling asleep and even if the raging tempest wreaks havoc outside, someone showing him affection after being tossed around all day makes him cozy. Alexis has no idea that the woman tricked into taking care of him has no obligation to do so; in fact quite the opposite. His luck has changed tonight especially since there are several groups interested in taking advantage at J’s present misfortune.
The secret is out and can’t be swept under the carpet: The King of Gotham was married and he does have a child. With many enemies lurking in the darkness waiting for a chance to strike, it’s a miracle it didn’t happen yet.
But a miracle never lasts for long and destiny has a funny way of making everyone pay their debts.
Or send unexpected help from a person that shouldn’t lift a finger in granting safe haven to a little boy that reminds Y/N of his father’s deception.
 Also read: MASTERLIST
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Stay Ch. 3
(This is a repost because of tumblr’s stupid thing about links being in posts. I want to be sure the people who wanted tags see this.)
Master List: @afewmarvelousthoughtsadmin
Pairing: Natasha X Reader (Female)
Summary: You have a gift, the ability to see other people’s innermost secrets. For years you used it to gather intel for the highest bidder when you take on The Widow. After she becomes more than a mark the two of you spend years stealing moments. Post snap you wait in your designated meeting place, look back on the sordid past you share with the woman you love and hope against everything that she’s still alive.
Warnings: References to murder I guess?
A/N: Ah, my poor OC/Reader. So infatuated. So stressed. So about to be in over her head. 
(Also, to my knowledge we don’t know exactly when MCU Natasha graduated from The Red Room so I picked an age that worked for my story.)
Tags are open!
@mywinterwolf  @disagreetoagree @breezy1415 @peachthatdrinkslemonade  @5aftermidnight  @jeromethepsycho @germansarechill
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Natasha didn’t seem to notice the clear signals she projected nor that your unique brain absorbed each and every one. Or if she did she hid it. She sits back on the bed crossing her legs and gathering the rest of the little vodka bottles to her.
“So,” she asks opening another, “just what kind of freak are you?” Your brows raise in a silent question. “Born freak or made freak.”
“Never met a made freak…” Something to dig into, “Though in all fairness never met a born one either. Never met anyone like me.”
“Born, then?”
You’re genuinely surprised, “Damn, spot on there.”
“I’m a made freak,” she downs the bottle.
“Oh?” You steel yourself, “What exactly…”
“I’m a weapon.” She forms a gun with her fingers and aims it at you, “A damn good one.”
The tension in you releases, you thought she was going to reveal some power, an ability like your own. “Is that so bad?” She just shrugs.
Silence hangs thick for a few minutes. “Alright,” your voice feels like a gunshot, “let’s get to work.” She just stares at you, “I’m good but like any hunting dog I need to be pointed in a direction. You’ve got to have some ideas about who’s put this bounty on you.”
“That’s a long list.”
“I don’t sleep much,” you shrug and flash her a smile. “Come on,” you pull the notepad by the phone to you and the hotel pen, “start listing potentials.”
Over an hour later your head is spinning. “How fucking long have you been at this?” You were both born in ’84… only 20… but you’d lived so many lifetimes by then and there was no question she had too.
“Graduated at 14,” she says nonchalantly.
“From The Red Room. Been working since.”
You ran a hand over your face, letting out a long sigh. “So in six years-“
“That’s from the last two.”
“Fuck me,” you groan, she laughs and you can’t help but smile. “Ok, you’re obviously not done, so keep going.”
Natasha takes a deep breath before listing more names of people and syndicates. It becomes like static as your brain searches for pertinent information, “The Yugo Brotherhood, then there’s-“
“Stop,” you hold up your hand to pause. Eidetic memory, was the best word for it, though it didn’t quite cover it. Anything you absorb you can, for better or worse, recall with pinpoint accuracy. Great for your job. Terrible for being a functional human. “You took out the fucking Cobra didn’t you?!” Just a shrug.
“Need another drink?” Natasha asks, a small smile playing on her lips.
You hold out your glass, “Make it a double.” Your fingers brush over her’s as she hands the glass back to you and a shiver climbs up your spine, “Thank you.” After a sip you take a deep breath and close your eyes, pulling up everything you have on the Yugoslavian Brotherhood.
Names and dates begin pouring out, your hand racing across the pages in your short form, scrawling out the information. Tearing off the page and going on to the next, you’re like a machine. Then your hand starts sketching the outline of a face, a man, automatic. You stop yourself as it’s not necessary.
Natasha was hovering over watching, fascinated. You hadn’t noticed her. Three pages in her hands.
“Sorry, I kinda zone out once this,” you tap your forehead, “get’s going.”
“You just… remembered all of this?” She looks at the pages, trying to decipher them.
“Mhm, part of the package.” You reach for the pages, “You won’t be able to decode those.”
She flashes you a side glance, “This is short for, underworld,” she points to the mix of symbols letters. “Don’t assume,” she hands them to you and sits on the opposite side of the table.
“Well made,” she says dryly.
- Post Snap -
You stare at the dark screen of your phone. Willing it to light up. Any number, any country, you’d answer. Because maybe…
The sun was setting. A few stragglers had wandered into the hotel, all looking dazed, lost. Did you look like that? Did it matter?
You let your mind wander back.
It didn’t take you long to narrow in on what mercs would have picked up the Brotherhood’s hit the fastest…
- Nov. 2004 -
“That doesn’t sound like a suicide mission at all,” your stare is incredulous.
“I can handle myself.”
“Yeah, no one is disputing that. But you don’t have-“
“Enough,” she pushes past you and it takes every ounce of self-control for you to not grab her.
It turned out that the hit on Natasha had indeed been put on her by the Brotherhood. The day before you had pulled corroborating information from two different men that Europe’s top two mercs had picked up that the Widow was in Vienna. Rather than risk going after her solo they were apparently teaming up, willing to split the sizable bounty for the glory of taking her out. She didn’t want to wait, was instead determined to crash their makeshift HQ.
You had spent the better part of the last three hours pointing out to her the obvious issues. They would have home-field advantage, there were at least two of them, they were both skilled killers. She of course scoffed, she was better than them and would be sending their head’s to the Brotherhood as a clear message.
Leaning against the door you watch her gear up, teeth grinding, brain whirring trying to find any way to get her to stop. Natasha was unquestionably exceptional at what she did, but in this instance, she was being arrogant.
Done covering her body in a small arsenal she stares you down. You don’t move. “Please,” she sighs, “don’t make me move you, Y/N.”
“If you die that’s on me,” she won’t meet your eyes.
“If you feel guilt over the consequences of a job well done you need to find a new line of work.” When she finally looks back it’s as though she’s donned a mask, “Now, get out of my fucking way.” You do, even though you feel like you’re moving through wet concrete.
Natasha opens the door with more force than necessary and steps out before pausing. She looks back at you, “Thank you… for the information. I won’t forget what I owe you.” Then she’s gone.
You collapse into a chair, head in your hands. For three days you had worked to dig up as much information as you possibly could to find just what kind of trouble she had gotten herself into. Unsurprisingly, it was all a tangled mess. But you had also spent much of that time with her.
At first, you thought she would be vapid, boring, just a gun in a pretty dress. Now you weren’t sure if you were happy or livid that she was anything but.
In lulls between research and tracking down sources you both hardly slept, instead, you just ate junk, guzzled caffeine, and talked about your favorite books, artists, music. Turned out she had a soft spot for classic rock and Anais Nin, both of which utterly surprised you.
One of the definite upsides to your ability was being able to tell if someone was lying to you, or fronting, she had done neither. Your exchange was candid, and you felt somehow honored that she chose to be real with you. In return you had been open with her, laying out what your original plan had been, telling her what information you needed to satisfy your S.H.I.E.L.D contact. Rather than having to pluck it from her she willingly gave you the intel.
It turned your stomach. The way The Red Room broke these girls to make them into weapons. Your own childhood hadn’t been a cake walk. Sold off to the highest bidder the moment your dad realized what useful skills you had and that plenty of underworld lowlives would be happy to have a handy little psychic on their side. But none of the brutality you had witnessed was calculated, none of it specifically formulated to break you, which somehow made it all less sinister in your mind.
All that she had been through and yet… deep under it all, there was something there, some spark, of humanity they couldn’t strip away. You felt it there every time she spoke about her own likes, every time you caught her glancing at you, every time you brushed against her (accidentally on purpose if you were being real).
You wanted to know her, really know her, you wanted- fuck. You get up and pace around the room. Anxiety growing with every circuit you make. Maybe an hour since she had left… enough time to get to their hideout… enough time for her to be…
“Goddammit!” You yell to nothing as you begin to gear up. Every sensible part of your brain is screaming at you. Lining up the reasons not to go after her, blasting them at full volume. But your brain wasn’t in control right now. Neither was your heart. This was your gut telling you something was going to go wrong, something you couldn’t live with.
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midtownsciences · 7 years
Bound to Lose
Part Three
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gif by @tomshollandss <33
Part One
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Summary:  Spider-Man would never have got so tangled up in a web. Peter Parker on the other hand? His web if lies unraveled and left him tied up and alone. His secret is out, his ex-girlfriend is livid and MJ just won't leave it alone.
Warnings: angst, it gets a little intense, blood/injury, she’s a long one--grab some popcorn and a cup of tea 
A/N: this took some time to finish. I’m highkey insecure about it but I hope you like it <33 MASSIVE thanks to the incredible @thekillingquill for being the best beta/tumblr bff in the world (forever and always the Haz to my Tom <33), and writing that killer summary ^^
As usual, this series is based on the song Lose My Mind by Dean Lewis. I highly recommend you listen to it, partly to understand the fic better, but also because it’s a bop.
“I don’t know what you did”—MJ slammed Peter’s locker closed, almost catching his hand in the door—“but undo it.”
He sighed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
MJ laughed, a hiss of breath cutting out between her teeth as she shook her head. “That’s funny, because that’s exactly what (Y/N) told me. But you’re both terrible liars, and I’m not an idiot.”
Peter rolled his eyes, reached up and opened his locker, only for MJ to slam it closed once more.
“Would you stop that,” he said flatly. He didn’t even have the energy to be angry with her.
Usually, MJ wouldn’t intervene when her friends had an argument. She much preferred to sit back and watch it unfold, offering the occasional vague, philosophical comment or sarcastic quip. This time, however, was different. She didn’t have to be perceptive to see the effect the breakup was having on her friends. She could see (Y/N)’s anger bubbling, festering underneath her skin. Just days ago, (Y/N) couldn’t look at Peter, out of fear she’d burst into tears. Now she stared daggers into his back, and MJ had to drag her away for fear she’d burst into flames.
And she had to have some sympathy for Peter. Dark shadows hung underneath his eyes. His hair was messier than usual, his clothes wrinkled. He was missing that life that was known to radiate from Peter Parker—the electricity that flew off him in sparks and set everything around him ablaze. That contagious restless energy was gone, replaced by a weight to his shoulders and a distance in his eyes that she hadn’t seen in a long time.
“What the hell happened?” she asked.
Peter gave up on trying to get the books from his locker. He zipped his bag closed and threw it over his shoulder. “No offence, MJ,” he muttered, turning and setting off down the corridor, “but I really don’t want to talk about this. Especially not with you.”
MJ followed, quickly falling into step beside him. “Maybe you don’t want to talk about it, but you need to talk about it.”
“No, I need to get to Spanish class.”
“Do you?” MJ mused. “Because you’ve been skipping Spanish class an awful lot lately. Since the huge argument with (Y/N) that totally didn’t happen? Yeah, don’t think I don’t know that you’re going to spend this period in the tech lab hammering things and pretending your problems don’t exist. Avoiding her isn’t the solution, Peter.”
“I’m not- I don’t—”
MJ placed a hand on his arm, pulling him to a stop. She didn’t say anything, simply held his gaze as students pushed past them to get to class.
“It hurts, MJ,” he whispered. His eyes glistened with tears, his lips set in a firm line, their quivering barely detectable. He looked away, rubbing a hand over his face. “I don’t- I don’t know how to fix this.”
“Apologise,” she said.
“You think I haven’t tried?” he hissed. “She won’t hear it—”
“Have you really tried? Have you told her that you’re sorry? Or have you just done what every boy thinks is apologising when it’s not?”
He scoffed. “And what’s that?”
“Trying to explain why you did the bad thing instead of just owning up to the bad thing and saying you’re sorry.”
Peter pursed his lips, glancing at her through narrowed eyes. “I might have done that.”
“I’m not surprised.”
Peter huffed and set off again, feet scuffing the ground as he trudged towards the tech lab. “It doesn’t matter now. She’s finished with me. It’s over.”
“Peter, haven’t you noticed that she’s furious?” MJ asked.
He glanced sideways at her. “I noticed.”
“No, I mean she’s livid.”
“Dude,” he winced. “You’re not helping.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be the smartest guy in school?” she asked. “How are you not getting this?” She paused as Peter threw his hands into the air in a dramatic shrug. “If she was really finished with you, why would she still be angry?”
Peter’s brow furrowed and his mouth hung open slightly, waiting for the answer to come to him. It didn’t.
“See? If it was over, she’d forget about it and move on. But she’s mad. I mean, she’s so angry it’s frightening,” she laughed. “You walked into homeroom this morning and I thought she was gonna take a swing at you—”
“How is this helping again?” Peter whined.
“Because I’m telling you that she hasn’t given up. So you can’t either. As long as she’s angry, it means she still cares. And if she still cares, you have a chance to make it right. Don’t walk away from this.”
Peter was silent, letting her words settle before quietly saying, “What if you’re wrong?”
She smiled. “First of all, I’m never wrong. And second, this isn’t about me. It’s about you. And the Peter Parker I know would never walk away just because things get hard. If I’ve learned anything about you over the years, it’s that the harder things get, the harder you fight. Why should this be any different?”
MJ had expected Peter to ask what she meant by this. She had expected him to be confused. But the boy was oblivious to her hints, too caught up in his own head to register her words, the weight of them.
She wouldn’t ever tell him that she knew. She’d let him tell her his secret on his own, when he trusted her, and not a second before then.
  (Y/N) could kill Mr Harrington.
In celebration of their last big decathlon win, the coach had organised a trip to the Museum of Natural History for the team. There was no way (Y/N) could avoid Peter in a group that small all day. Since only eight students were going, Mr Harrington decided it was easiest for them to take the subway, so Peter sat just down the car from (Y/N), and he didn’t even try to hide the frequent glances he threw her way.
He wasn’t only looking at (Y/N), however. He was exchanging what he thought were covert glances with MJ. (Y/N) bristled in the seat beside her friend, knowing that they were conspiring but unwilling to unleash on her in public.
“MJ, what did you do?” she muttered, making a tight fist around the strap of her backpack.
“Nothing you won’t thank me for later,” she replied.
“If I don’t kill you first.”
“Abe,” Mr Harrington called. He stood in the middle of the car, one hand on the bar to keep himself steady, the other clutching multicoloured flash cards. “Which species of dinosaur is on display in the fossil halls of the Museum of Natural History, spanning one hundred and twenty-two feet in length?”
“Patagotitan mayorum,” Abe answered.
“Very good. Flash, what is the most venomous spider species in the world?”
Flash stuttered, eyes wandering to (Y/N) in the hopes that she could give him a clue. She shrugged at him, so Mr Harrington opened the question to the rest of the team.
“The Brazilian wandering spider,” Peter answered, and if MJ hadn’t put her hand on her friend’s arm at the first hint of tension, (Y/N) might have launched herself at him. Instead she grumbled, settling back into her seat as the train squealed to a stop.
A few people filed into the car, standing and holding on to the poles as the train set off again. One man stood opposite the two girls, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder, arm resting on the bag. His icy blue eyes fell on (Y/N) watching him and he grinned. Yellowed teeth flashed from behind tight lips as he winked at her. She shrank into her seat, shuffling closer to MJ.
The train picked up speed. It roared through the tunnel and underneath the heavy rattling of the car against the rails, behind the jostling movements of the passengers, (Y/N) felt it was safe to glance discreetly at Peter without him noticing. She laid eyes on the boy, and her stomach turned to ice. There was something in the way he sat bolt upright, perched on the edge of his seat. The way he stared down the train, eyes darting from face to face as if he was calculating some impossible equation. His eyebrows creased towards each other, lips pressed tight. He looked to be holding his breath.
(Y/N) was holding hers, too.
His head whipped around. He peered into the next carriage, as if he could hear something no one else could. Waves churned through (Y/N)’s stomach as she watched. He reminded her of her aunt’s cat, who could sense a dog on the other side of the fence before anyone else knew it was there. Her back would arch, hackles raised, poised to face a threat only she knew existed.
Every part of Peter was tense, muscles drawn tight, coiled to spring. He threw a final glance at (Y/N). It was a look filled with concern and knowledge; her last clue that something was wrong before the train screeched to a violent stop, almost throwing her from her seat.
“I want to see all your hands!” the man with the blue eyes yelled as he tugged a bulky gun from his bag. It seemed to emit a purple glow, pulsing, casting a cold light over the man’s face.
“This can’t be happening,” Mr Harrington mumbled. “Not again.”
(Y/N) raised her hands, glancing up the train at the other armed men shouting instructions, waving their guns at petrified passengers. She froze as Peter looked from the men to the door at his end of the car. She didn’t notice the other passengers slide from their seats onto the ground until she felt MJ tugging at her sleeve.
She glanced down at MJ on the floor and felt the blood drain from her face. To see her friend’s eyes filled with terror and tears when she was usually so unfazed, so indifferent, ripped the air from her lungs. She slid shakily to the floor, hands raised above her head.
“Behave yourselves,” one of the men warned, sliding the backpack from his shoulder. He unzipped it and held it open, walked towards the nearest commuter. “No one has to get hurt. Just give me all your wallets. I want everything: pocket change, phones, the works.”
(Y/N) glanced from the man to MJ’s bewildered face, then to the other end of the car, where Peter was crouching, inching towards the door between the cars. Her heart had already been racing; now it was sprinting as he reached up for the handle and one of the men began to turn towards him.
She took in a gasping breath, and as the armed men turned to look at her, she did the first thing to come to mind—she wheezed. She forced the air from her lungs through a tight throat, and dragged in another lungful, in a display that she hoped looked like an asthma attack.
“What’s going on?” the blue-eyed man asked suspiciously. “What’s happening to her?”
“I- I don’t know,” MJ stuttered, tightening her grip on her friend’s arm.
“In… -haler,” she wheezed dramatically, clutching her chest, as Peter pulled the handle. She coughed violently to cover any sounds the door made as it opened. He glanced at her, shaking his head in wonder. “N-need an… inhaler,” she choked out.
The cold blue of the man’s eyes pierced through her as he called out for an inhaler. Mr Harrington rummaged in his pocket, producing a small blue device. He handed it to (Y/N), who didn’t have to fake the shaking of her hands. Adrenaline ran cold through her veins and she brought the contraption to her lips, catching the flash of Peter’s jacket disappearing through the door as she pressed down on the trigger and took a deep breath.
The cool chemicals hit the back of her throat and she coughed them back, eyes watering. “Much better,” she spluttered, earning a sceptical glance from the blue-eyed captor. She handed the inhaler back to her teacher as the man turned away, taking a radio from his bag.
“I didn’t know you had asthma,” MJ muttered, rubbing her arm reassuringly.
“I don’t.”
MJ narrowed her eyes at (Y/N), then glanced down the carriage to where Peter had been moments before. She exhaled shakily through her nose.
The blue-eyed man flicked a switch on his radio. Static crackled through the otherwise silent car, cutting out as he pressed down on a button.
“Car four is clear,” he said simply as the other men collected the last of the wallets and phones.
“Ten-four,” came the broken reply. “Standby.”
“WILCO,” he stated, and threw the radio back into his bag.  
MJ squeezed (Y/N)’s hand, eyes roaming the train from underneath a furrowed brow. “(Y/N), these guys…” she trailed off.
“Aren’t wearing masks,” (Y/N) finished. “You don’t think that means…”
MJ met her gaze, and her eyes betrayed the words she couldn’t say. They weren’t just hostages—if their captors had their way, they would be casualties.
There was no time to dwell on the thought as the train doors nearest (Y/N) were wrenched open and a familiar, yet uncharacteristically confident voice called, “Looks like you missed your stop. Never mind, you can get off now.”
The blue-eyed man chuckled. “We figured you’d show up.”
“Are you kidding?” Spider-Man cocked his head to the side. “A party on the C train? I wouldn’t miss it.”
The man fired off a shot. Spider-Man leaped across the cab to crouch on one of the seats, as the shot burned clean through the train, scorching the wall of the tunnel.
“Last chance, Spider-Boy,” the blue-eyed man warned, turning his gun back to the hero. “Next time, I won’t miss.”
“Would you be willing to put money on that?” Spider-Man quipped, already moving, shooting a web and snapping the gun straight out of the man’s hands. “I don’t like your odds.”
The other men moved to rush at Spider-Man, but their leader held up his hand, signalling for them to back off. “Very funny, Spider-Man, but don’t you have somewhere to be?” His glacial eyes glimmered, his lips curled.
Spider-Man’s huge eyes narrowed as he froze, perched on the chair, just as a low rumble shook through the car, growing louder and more violent with each passing second.
“Sounds like your cue,” the man said, as a breeze began to sneak through the train.
The rumble grew into a growl which became thunder and Spider-Man’s eyes widened. He threw himself through hole in the carriage and into the black.
Wind whipped at (Y/N)’s hair as she watched the armed men jump from the train, the car shaking and rattling so loud she could barely hear her friend yelling at her.
“What are they doing?” MJ screamed over the racket.
“Escaping,” (Y/N) murmured. She turned to look at the end of the car. Passengers scrambled to their feet, panic carved deep into the creases of their faces. (Y/N) jumped back onto her seat, pulling MJ after her, as commuters stampeded towards the still-smouldering hole in the train. Flash was among the crowd as it got stuck inside the train, jamming when too many people tried to squeeze out at once.
“Everyone stay calm!” Mr Harrington cried uselessly, his voice a mere whimper under the cacophony. The stampede battered him, the current of people threatening to pull him under as they surged. (Y/N) reached down and pulled him up onto the row of seats, then squeezed past towards the now empty end of the car.
The small window reflected the terror in the car as she approached it. She had to press her hand to the glass, peering underneath it, to see into the black tunnel.
And there he was, waiting. The train barrelled towards him, eating through the darkness, rattling against the tracks. He braced himself, right shoulder turned towards the train, right leg bent slightly, anchored to the ground between the tracks.
Her heart slowed. Her body was numb. Everything around her—the noise, the movement—seemed to cease. There was only Peter Parker, her Peter Parker, silhouetted in the headlights of the oncoming train.
And then he was hit.
The front of the train crumpled, folded around him. His feet dug into the gravel and ploughed through it, carving deep trenches into the earth which the train mowed over. He turned, shot webs out to either side. They caught the walls of the tunnel and he held on, even as the train pulled him on, slowing, but not stopping. His muscles were drawn tight under the suit, stretched so thin she feared he’d rip clean in half.
Even over the squealing of metal, the shouts of passengers behind her. Even through the window. She could hear his screams.
She pressed her other hand against the glass, eyes welling, lip trembling. She catalogued every inch of him. She etched the scene into her memory as MJ pulled her from the window, and the two trains collided.
  (Y/N) tapped her pen off her desk, staring through the notes open in front of her as her leg bounced underneath the desk. Goosebumps ran the length of her arms, even underneath the hoodie—Peter’s hoodie—she had pulled over herself. She refused to shut the window. Just in case. With no phone, she had logged on to her laptop and messaged Peter dozens of times, across every social media account she had. He had yet to reply.
Images and footage of the attack flickered from the television in the corner of her room. The same footage that had been playing for hours on a loop. She was sick of watching the reporters stand in front of the wreckage, relaying the events in their distant, sterile voices. They read off the numbers of people injured or dying as if they were just meaningless statistics, as if they were side characters in a bigger story, while pictures of subway stations cordoned off with police tape flashed across the screen.
“Eyewitnesses claim that local hero, Spider-Man, appeared at the last minute, saving hundreds of lives and thousands of dollars in damage. The whereabouts of the masked crusader is currently unknown…”
The knot in her stomach tightened. There had been no sign of Peter, or Spider-Man, since he stopped that train. They had torn the wreckage apart looking for him, but he was gone. In (Y/N)’s mind, this left two options: he had chased after the men to stop whatever they were planning next, or he had retreated to a corner somewhere, hurt and alone, to recover from what had happened.
She wouldn’t let herself consider a third option.
She felt so close to tears, so close to breaking. She had emerged from the subway with only a bruised elbow, but her entire body ached. After hours of staring at her homework, unable to distract herself, she curled up under the covers of her bed and let it sink in. She watched the recycled news clips through watery eyes, the grief washing over her. Is there any way someone could survive that—what happened to him?
“So you have asthma now, huh?” came a weary voice through her window.
He sat on her windowsill, leaning against the frame with one leg hanging over the ledge, the other bent up, knee tucked under his chin. He clutched his mask, his hair matted and falling at all angles.
“Oh my God,” she breathed, and rushed at him. “What are you doing here?”
He looked down at his hands, fiddling with the mask. “I didn’t know where else to go,” he said quietly.
“A hospital, maybe would’ve been a good idea.” She took his face in her hands and inspected every inch of him. He was covered in grime, with a small cut slicing through the end of his eyebrow.
“Jeez, your hands are freezing,” he complained.
New tears welled in her eyes, forming out of joy and disbelief. “I didn’t want to close the window,” she whispered, brushing back the hair that stuck to his forehead with shaking fingers. “In case you came back.”
“I had to check in,” he said softly. “I needed to make sure you were okay.”
(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows at him. “I’m fine,” she dismissed. “Barely a scratch on me.”
She rolled her eyes, confessing, “I have the tiniest bruise.”
“Show me,” he said. She rolled up her sleeve, exposing the patch of skin on her elbow, red already beginning to bleed into blues and purples. His eyebrows knitted together at the sight of it. “Tiny?” he muttered as he traced his finger over the edge of the bruise, then stooped to brush his lips across it. It made her wonder how a boy who could stop a train with his bare hands could be so gentle.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed, chewing on his lower lip as he gazed at her. “Can I come in?” he asked eventually.
Nodding, she moved aside, closing the window as he collapsed onto her bed. “Just keep it down,” she said softly. “My dad’s still awake. Watching TV.” She sat down on the bed beside him. She’d forgotten how much she’d missed his smell; it had been days since the last traces of him had faded from her sheets.
“I screwed it up,” he mumbled, voice breaking. He ran the mask through his fingers, refusing to look up at her.
“Peter, no”—she took his still-gloved hand—“you did everything you could. You can’t save everyone.”
“That’s not what I meant,” he said, and met her gaze, lip trembling. “I ruined everything with you. I’m so sorry—”
“It’s okay, we don’t have to talk about this right now.”
“Yes we do,” he said firmly. “We do have to. Because right now you’re here and you’re letting me sit on your bed and hold your hand but this morning you couldn’t even look at me. And I want us to be okay again, but I need to make sure it’s for real. I need to know that it’s because you want to be with me, that you trust me again, and not because this horrible thing happened and we’re both afraid. I have to know that once the cuts and bruises heal, you’ll still want this. I want you to forgive me for real, but you can’t do that until we talk this through.
“So,” he sighed, shifting on the bed to face her, readying himself, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making you feel like you weren’t important to me, like I didn’t care. I kept this huge thing from you, and I guess the longer it went on, the harder it was to tell you. I was so afraid of losing you, (Y/N). It’s no excuse, and I am so, so sorry.”
Her red-rimmed eyes drifted about the room. He loved her like this—quiet and contemplating, chasing the thoughts racing through her mind—even if she was deliberating the fate of their relationship. He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms, fold himself over her and fall back onto the sheets. He wanted to kiss her tear-stained cheeks and feel her breath on his chest, slowing as they both drifted off to sleep.
“You could’ve told me, you know,” she said as she traced the webbed pattern on his glove with her thumb. “It would’ve been better than not knowing.”
Peter pressed his lips together, frowning slightly, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill onto his cheeks. His guilt twisted up his chest. It tied his stomach in knots, formed a fist around his heart and squeezed. “I should’ve. I wanted to. But after that day, the last time I was here, you were so hurt and I kept thinking about what you deserve—a guy who’s always there, who doesn’t rush out and leave you worrying. A normal guy. I can never give you that. So I figured maybe I shouldn’t tell you. Maybe I should let you go.”
She took a deep breath. “I don’t want any other guy, Peter. It’s not your place to decide who I deserve. Besides, we didn’t end up here because you weren’t enough for me. This all started because you were never around, because you would sleep here and be gone when I woke up. I never understood why. But now I do.”
“I was so selfish, (Y/N),” he whispered, because he knew his voice would break if he tried to say it out loud. “I’m sorry. You made me so happy and I just kept taking and taking. I want to make it up to you. I want to be there for you, the same way you were there for me.”
“Keep talking,” she said softly, hints of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. Disentangling her hand from his, she brought it up and placed it on his jaw, rubbed a patch of dirt smeared on his chin. He leaned into her touch gratefully.
“I want to start over, if you’ll let me. I’ll take you out more. We can declare Friday nights date nights, how about that?” He smiled at the prospect. “And we should have dinner with May. She’s dying to meet you.”
“I’d love that.”
“I’ll be better,” he promised, his brow furrowed with certainty.
There wasn’t a corner of her mind that doubted it. She pulled him forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He leaned into her tiredly, nose nudging hers. She could feel the sleepy grin on his face.
“It’s late,” she smiled, pulling away to stand up. “May must be losing her mind. You should go home.”
“What?” Peter gasped sarcastically. “You’re just gonna kiss me and kick me out?” He stood up, taking her hand to fiddle with her fingers.
“It was a thank you kiss. For saving my life.”
“Hmm, which time?” he asked, grinning slyly, his tongue poking out between his teeth. “Either way, I think you owe me another.”
He dipped his head, but she dived away before he could steal another kiss. “Idiot,” she giggled, and pushed his chest, the spider emblem making an odd clicking sound under her hands. She narrowed her eyes as she took her hands away.
And his suit fell to the ground.
“Well, gee, (Y/N), if you wanted to get me naked you could’ve just asked.”
She looked away (as difficult as it was) from his half-naked form, bringing a hand up to cover her smile as she giggled.
“(Y/N)? Are you still up?” her dad’s voice called from the living room, wiping the smile clean off her face.
“You have to go,” she hissed at Peter, and lunged at the door just as her dad reached the other side, knocking softly.
Peter stooped down and gathered his suit back up, pressing the spider to secure it around him again. “Not without that kiss,” he grinned. He covered the distance between them and cupped her cheeks, pulling her forwards to press a delicate kiss on her hairline. “Can I come back later?” he whispered. “I miss waking up to this. To you.”
She nodded, eyes half closed, and he let out a relieved sigh which tickled the hair above her ear. Then he set off across the room, clambering through her window. He kicked the lamp off her desk on the way out. “Sorry,” he called sheepishly from her fire escape.
tags: @jvghead-jones-iii, @cutie1365, @magnitude101999, @thegirlwiththeimpala, @the-spectacular-spiderfan, @spider-bih, @quacksontommy, @camp-halph-blood, @ordinaryqueen, @tomhollandsmouthfr0g, @jellie-babybear, @lionfart, @aesthetic-sks (sorry if I missed anyone, some urls weren’t working?)
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lilacmoon83 · 7 years
Midnight Musings
@onceuponafestivegifting; @marymargaret
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to marymargaret! I'm your Secret Santa for Once Upon a Festive Giving Thing on Tumblr. I hope you enjoy this story! Happy New Year! You expressed your love for AU's so I packed several little AU scenarios into this story!
It's been several years of peace in Storybrooke and the Charmings have their Happy Beginnings. But during the holidays, it's always easy to think about what ifs. Four New Year's Eve dreams reveal what could have been if some things had gone differently.
Also, Hook is mentioned briefly and it’s not in a favorable light. You’ve been warned.
Midnight Musings
As the clock ticked closer to midnight, the streamers and use of noisemakers increased at Granny's New Year's Eve party. It had been three years since the final battle and Storybrooke was peaceful. It had been quite a ride to get where they were and though none of them would have changed a thing, they were always left wondering what if, especially around the holidays.
After Hook left when she discovered he killed Robert, her father's father, she had been heartbroken. But she soon realized that her broken heart was more at the realization that what they had wasn't true love than losing him. It was no secret that she wanted what her parents had, but once Hook left, she had finally taken her father's advice to properly grieve. And once she did that, she felt relief and realized that while Neal, her first true love was dead, she had her other true love all along in her son. And for the time being, that was enough for Emma. She took her parents advice and got counselling from Archie to work through all her issues when she realized how toxic her relationship with Hook had been. Her relationship with Regina, their son, her parents, and baby brother had never been better.
Still, despite all their happiness, they wondered how things might have turned out if Snow had made it through the wardrobe with her or better yet both of them had made it through with her. Snow and David wondered from time to time as well about those things and what could have been if they had gone through that door or they made it through together as originally planned.
As midnight struck, Emma hugged her son close and they rolled their eyes, as her parents shared a kiss under the falling confetti. Little did any of them know, a twilight wish on New Year's Eve would be interesting dreams that night…
Snow's dream…
They were here. It was finally time. Twenty-eight long years spent without her husband. She had come to this world with nothing, heart brokenly leaving Charming behind to face the curse. She had been livid to find out that Charming could have come with her when she found little Pinocchio waiting for her when she came through. She wasn't angry at the little boy, of course, but at the people that were supposed to be her friends.
She understood why Geppetto had done it, wanting to protect his child, but the years without Charming had been hard and lonely.
Upon coming to this land, they found a homeless shelter where Emma was born and she had spent a few years there, as she had no documentation. Once she got the required documents, she found a job as a waitress. It was hard and for a long time, they had almost nothing.
Eventually, she managed to get a very small apartment for her and her kids. She waitressed, often taking double shifts, while Emma and August, the name they had decided on as an identity for Pinocchio, went to school.
When he was a teenager, August left to explore the world on his own. He had gone from a sweet boy to a frustrated teen. It had been very difficult for Snow, who now went by Mary Swan. His father wasn't here to blame, so his anger was taken out on Mary.
Emma was her rock though. Emma was so much like Charming that it made her both elated and ache at the same time. Emma believed and though she tried to make sure her daughter didn't see her cry, Emma knew how hard it was for her mother. And though Snow had never wanted Emma to feel the burden of responsibility, her daughter was ready to fight the Queen for what she had done to them.
She and Emma had grown even closer when August left them and when Emma, who had developed quite the knack for finding people became a bail bonds person, Mary had gladly followed her baby to live in Boston. And when her daughter got swept off her feet and then dumped just as fast by one Neal Cassidy, who she had been hired to find, Mary was there to comfort her daughter.
Emma's son was born nine months later and they loved him more than anything. Emma insisted on naming him David, after the father she knew so much about, yet had never met. Snow was so touched that it made her cry.
The years touched Snow gently, much to her thankfulness and she decided to use the available advantages in this realm, keeping her hair dyed black to hide the gray.
So when they stepped into Storybrooke on their first day and found that no one had aged in twenty-eight years, Snow was glad that time had been kind to her, especially when they stepped into Granny's Diner that morning.
"Hi...can I help you?" her best friend, who hadn't changed at all, asked. Though the attire she was wearing was nothing that Red would have ever been caught dead in.
"Three hot chocolates with cinnamon to start us, please," Emma answered for her mother, who was too stunned, as she looked around the diner, finding people she loved. But these people whom had been her friends only gave her blank stares in return.
"Mom...are you going to be okay?" Emma whispered.
"Mmm...I'll be fine, honey," she answered automatically, as her grandson looked around curiously.
"Do you see him Grams?" he asked curiously.
"I…" she started to say, as the bell chimed behind them.
"David...the usual?" Ruby asked flirtatiously.
"Sure...thanks Ruby," he replied in a voice she hadn't heard in twenty-eight years. Her knees went weak and her mouth felt like a desert, as she turned around and let her eyes soak him up.
Gods...the man hadn't changed. This David seemed a little unsure and less confident that her Charming, but it was him. Emma didn't miss the captivation on his face when he looked at her mother and it made her excited. This was him...her father, the man her mother had pined for her entire life. She could see her features in him and her obvious coloring that came from him.
"Hi...I'm David!" her son spoke up. He smiled and Snow felt her breath catch. She had seen that smile in her daughter so many times, but seeing it on him once again made her want to cry in joy.
"How about that? My name is David too. I don't think I've seen you here before," he mentioned.
"We're new in town. He's my son and I'm Emma," she said, as they shook hands and he seemed struck by the name.
"Emma...that's a beautiful name," he mentioned, as his eyes kept wandering back to Mary.
"This is my Mom, Mary," Emma prodded, trying to snap her mother out of her daze.
"Mary…" he uttered.
"It's nice to meet you David," she finally managed, as they shook hands and they both felt the spark between them.
"Yeah…I'm sorry, but have we met before?" he asked.
"It certainly feels like it," she replied, as they remained captivated by each other. Of course, that's when their moment was shattered.
"What the hell is this?" Regina snapped, as she entered the diner.
"Regina…" Mary uttered. The Mayor's eyes widened slightly, as the woman she had hoped she was rid of forever was before her again...twenty-eight years older. A smirk marred her coldly beautiful features.
"Well, well, I wondered when you'd show up," Regina said coldly, as she looked at David.
"David, I think Kathryn is waiting for you," she urged. Snow watched her husband look away from the cold stare of the Mayor. Everyone cowered before her, just like she wanted. This was her happy ending, after all.
"Of course...it was nice to meet you," he said, giving her a longing look, as he left the diner. Regina laughed.
"This...this has made my day. Snow White has come to find her husband, only to find that he's twenty-eight years her junior now," Regina joked.
"Shut the hell up," Emma growled.
"Who the hell are you?" Regina snapped.
"Oh I think you know exactly who I am, Madam Mayor," Emma growled. The slight widening of Regina's irises were the only indication of her worry, as she put on a mask of indifference.
"If you think you stand a chance against me in my own town, you're delusional. As delusional as your over the hill mother is if she thinks she has a chance with David here. He's a married man," Regina goaded and Snow felt her heart break, as Regina's coffee was delivered to her promptly.
"Have a lovely day, dear," she goaded, as she left. Emma felt her own heart crack at the broken look on her mother's face.
"Hey kid, why don't you go sit at the bar and drink your hot chocolate and I'll be right back," Emma suggested. Her son nodded.
"Okay Mom...is Grams okay?" he asked with concern. She forced a smile.
"She's going to be fine," Emma said, as she led her mother outside the diner.
"Mom…" she said.
"He's married…" Mary cried.
"Yes he is, Mom. He's married to you," Emma insisted.
"Whatever farce of a marriage Regina has forced him into here means nothing compared to what he has with you," Emma implored.
"Honey…" Mary protested.
"No Mom...you've told me about him my whole life. He's not himself under the curse and I may be the Savior, but only you can get him back! Did you see the way he was looking at you? No happily married man looks at another woman like that," Emma insisted.
"It doesn't matter...he's still so young and I'm old," Mary said, as she broke down in tears. Emma pulled her into a hug.
"No...no, you listen to me, Mom. You are so beautiful...and you have been wronged in a way no one should ever be wronged. She's stole everything from you...from us. And now, we are here to take it back," Emma said passionately.
"You sound just like him," she choked back a sob.
"So you've told me and I'd really like to meet him...the real him. He's yours Mom...you need take him back," Emma insisted. Snow sniffed and wiped her tears away, drawing strength from her baby. That same strength she had once drawn from Charming.
"Dad won't care that you're older...hell, he doesn't even care as he is now. I could tell…" Emma insisted. Snow wiped her tears and Emma hugged her.
"You're right…" Snow said finally, as Emma saw the fire return to her mother's eyes.
"I'm going to get my husband back," Snow decided. Emma smiled.
"You are...he couldn't keep his eyes off you. You're still hot, Mom," Emma said, nudging her playfully. Snow smirked. And she knew all the moves that would work on her Charming, even as he was now.
"I'm going to seduce your father," Snow announced, as she hooked her arm on her daughter.
"Okaaay...not something I need hear," Emma complained.
"Regina is going down," Snow said. Emma smirked. She loved that her mother was also her best friend.
"Hell yeah she is. Oh, and I was looking in the paper. There's an empty loft for rent. Seems perfect for the three of us...eventually four," Emma said, as she handed the paper to her mother.
"Then I guess we have an apartment to rent," Snow said, as they went back inside and got their hot chocolates to go.
"Come on, kid," Emma called, as her son hopped down and took her hand.
"Mom...is Gramps gonna remember soon?" David asked.
"I hope so, kid," she replied. Snow twirled her ring on her finger.
"He will...we're going to get him back," Snow assured her grandson.
And she had done just that. As it turned out, David's "marriage" wasn't good and she had easily lured him back to her. Of course, it was seen as scandalous and they caused quite an uproar in town. She had been called every name in the book, but eventually Emma did it after Regina's plan to get her to eat a poisoned apple turnover backfired and little David ate it instead. True love from Emma broke the curse and everyone's memories were returned. But more than that, the magic of the curse returned her youth, de-aging Snow and giving her back those lost years to have with Charming.
David's Dream…
Snow held the poppy up, the one that had brought them back to each other much earlier than expected. Charming nodded, as they joined hands and the poppy glowed brightly. A door appeared before them and opened. Once the haze cleared, they saw a beautiful little blonde girl.
"Oh..." Charming uttered.
"She's beautiful," he said. But then her surroundings came into view and they were horrified by what they saw. Their baby, shivering and alone, trying to keep warm by a fire.
"Oh Gods..." Snow cried.
"We have to go...we have to go to her," Charming urged.
"Yes...but Charming, if we do, we might condemn our people to Regina's curse forever," Snow warned.
"But you have your memories of this world," he reminded.
"Don't you see, Snow...we can come back for them with Emma when it's time!" he exclaimed. Snow paused, thinking about what she knew about this world. It wouldn't be easy, but they could make their way in this world and then find Storybrooke again when it was time. She had Mary Margaret's possessions with her and she could clean out what meager savings she had managed to build. It wasn't much, but it would get them started.
"Okay..." Snow said, looking at her husband. He grinned.
"Okay..." he repeated, as she looked at the potion in her hand and then tossed it to the ground. Screw Rumpelstiltskin and screw Regina. They would get their baby back now and return to save their people. They joined hands and stepped through the doorway. The glow faded and they now stood under that bridge.
Emma and another youth stared at them in disbelief.
"Your Majesties...how?" the boy uttered and Charming looked at him with scrutiny.
"You know us?" he asked suspiciously.
"In...in this land, I'm known as August, but in ours, I was Pinocchio," he revealed. Emma looked at the three people like they were crazy.
"Emma...it's okay, we're your parents," Snow said.
"You're lying! My parents left me on the side of the road!" Emma cried.
"No Emma...that's just where you came through. Your parents sent you to this world to escape a terrible curse. I know, because my father sent me right before you," August pleaded with her.
"The Blue Fairy told us that wardrobe only took one," Charming said, his jaw clenching.
"She lied to you and so did my father. He was just trying to save me," August said.
"You're all crazy!" Emma cried.
"No Emma...please believe us. Giving you up was the last thing we ever wanted to do," Snow pleaded.
"She's right...your mother was supposed to come through with you, but things didn't go as planned," David continued.
"We've loved you since the moment we knew you existed," Snow cried, tearing up. Emma looked between them, trying hard not to see her features in them. She knew when people were lying and they weren't, or at least they believed what they were telling her was the truth. But there was something else in the way they looked at her. She had only seen people look at a child like this when she had seen other children get adopted from the group home. She was taken aback, for she never expected anyone to look at her like that.
"Mommy?" she asked uncertainly. Snow nodded eagerly, as the tears started to fall down her cheeks.
"Daddy?" she asked and he nodded, as the tears slipped down his cheeks too.
"Where were you?" she asked.
"Trapped..." Snow replied.
"Trapped where?" Emma asked.
"In a place with no happy endings by an Evil Queen. But she's not going to hurt us anymore. We escaped," David said. Snow squeezed his hand.
"Charming..." she chided.
"What? It's the truth," he insisted.
"I know, but you don't know what this world is like. This land...they think we're just stories here," Snow warned.
"She's right...pretty watered down versions of the stories too," August added. He looked at them.
"I don't know about any of that. But I know our lives have been pretty real," he said, as he spotted a flash of white by Emma's bag.
"That blanket...you still have it?" he asked. She picked up her blanket and looked back at him.
"Oh...you still have it. We had this made for you when we found out I was pregnant," Snow said, as she touched the blanket and then broke down in tears. Charming put his arms around her and kissed her hair. Emma watched the couple with scrutiny and slowly stepped closer to them, as they continued to stare at her with love and awe. She leaned in and they swept her into their arms in a relieved hug, both pressing kisses to her hair. Charming cradled her head and they held her tightly. August looked on with a happy, but wistful gaze, as he slowly turned to leave.
"Where are you going?" Snow asked.
"I...I don't know, just moving on I guess," he replied uncertainly.
"No...you don't have to be alone anymore. We're all refugees from a lost land. I'd say that's a really good reason to stick together," Charming said.
"You want me to come with you?" he asked.
"You're Geppetto's son. It's only right that we care for you when he can't," Snow replied.
"She's right. Besides, we have a curse to break in eighteen years and now Emma doesn't have to go it alone," Charming added.
"You think we can find the town again?" August asked curiously.
"Well, we have eighteen years to figure it out. In the meantime, we'll need to find a way to live," Charming replied.
"When Regina finds out we're missing, she may give your photos out to the police outside Storybrooke," August warned.
"Then what do you suggest? You know this world better than us," Charming said.
"We should cross the border into Canada. There's lot of small, rural towns up there where they'll never find us, especially with a fake last name," August said.
"How do we get there?" Charming asked. August looked at Snow.
"He just woke up from a coma. He doesn't have any of the fake memories of this world that I do," Snow told him. August chuckled. Teaching the prince about this land would be interesting for sure.
"Bus tickets are fairly cheap, but we need a good last name for the three of you," he said.
"Swan," Emma chimed in and they looked at her. August grinned.
"Swan...like from the ugly duckling," he said.
"Swan it is then. Mary, David, and Emma Swan," Snow said. David smiled and picked their little girl up.
"You're never going to be alone again, princess," he promised, as he kissed her forehead. Tears filled her eyes and she wrapped her little arms around his neck. He joined hands with his wife and together, with August in tow, they started out to begin their new lives together.
Emma's Dream
The peaceful forests of Maine were suddenly interrupted by an explosion, in which a large tree trunk came apart, bark falling away. A man kicked away the tree and climbed out, revealing him to be tall, shockingly handsome, and dressed in garb that could only be described as something royalty in a time long passed might wear. He reached back into the tree and lifted a beautiful woman in a long white dress out, as he gently put her on her feet. The woman was heavily pregnant, with hair black as night, lips red as blood, and skin white as snow.
"Did we make it?" she asked, her breath visible in the cold night air.
"It would appear so," he responded, as he huddled her close, quickly shedding his red cloak to wrap around her.
"What do we do now?" Snow asked. Blue had warned them that this land would be strange, the people, the customs, the clothing, everything and they would be completely out of their element. They had not come empty handed, for they had brought quite a large sum of gold with them in Charming's satchel he had slung over his shoulder. But they had no idea if gold was even valued in this land like it was in theirs. He took her hand.
"We'll figure it out, my darling. As long as we're together," he assured, as they began walking through the woods.
They came upon what appeared to be a road, but neither of them had ever seen a road so smooth. Suddenly there was a pair of lights and Snow gasped as a very strange looking carriage without horses zoomed passed them at what they were certain was an unsafe speed. Charming held her tightly, as they watched it with awe.
"I...I thought this was the Land Without Magic," Snow said. Charming had no answers for her, but put on a brave front as he always did. He walked on the side closest to the road, keeping her tucked closely to his right side, as they continued on the shoulder of the road. It was only a few miles until they saw lights. They were suspended in the air by strange gray posts. Though it was like no village they had ever seen, it seemed like it was this realm's version of one.
Ahead of them, there was an establishment of sorts. There were people inside and he gripped her hand tightly. It was time to learn more about this strange world by interacting with the people that lived here. Snow was eternally grateful that she hadn't been forced to come through alone with Emma. She didn't know what she would do in a strange place without her beloved beside her.
Sure, she had survived many hardships on her own when she was on the run from Regina, but that had been when it was only her she had to worry about.
Now she had their child depending on her and there had been discussion that if Emma had come early, she would have had to leave Charming behind.
Thankfully, that had not been the case and now they would face whatever came their way like they did with everything...together.
Three years later…
"And she was beyond hope, her slumber eternal. Then, a wave of pure magic swept through the land, bringing light to the darkness. And she drew breath once again, looking up into the blue eyes of her true love. He had found her, as he promised, in her darkest hour and broke her curse. And he placed his mother's ring on her finger, stating he never wanted off her finger again and proposed to wed her," Snow read from the old, brown leather bound book.
Sometime around Emma's third birthday, she had found the old book in a pile of things in one of the back rooms in the diner. It was as if it had appeared out of nowhere. She showed her husband, stunning him as well and they presented the book to Emma for her birthday.
"Mommy...did Snow White and Prince Charming live happily ever after?" Emma asked. Mary smiled and stroked her daughter's blonde hair.
"They did. They got married and had a little baby girl, whom they cherished above all," Mary replied.
"They lived in their castle and the Queen didn't get them?" Emma asked.
."Actually no...the Queen did come for them. But they thwarted her again by escaping to a new world," Mary replied. Emma frowned.
"But I thought you said they lived happily ever after?" Emma asked in confusion.
"Oh, but they did sweetheart. You see Emma, sometimes happy endings aren't always what they think they will be. Snow White and Prince Charming escaped to save their baby from the Evil Queen, for their daughter would grow to be very powerful someday and vanquish the Queen," Mary explained.
"They came to a new place, where they were no longer a prince and princess. They owned very little, but they had their love and their baby and it was all they needed to be happy. Castles and riches meant very little to them next to each other and their little one," Mary explained, as she brushed her fingers through her baby's blonde hair. Emma looked at her curiously.
"Mommy...are you daddy the prince and princess?" she asked curiously. Mary smiled and kissed her hair, winking at her. It had been difficult to acclimate to this world and they worked hard for almost nothing. But their love and their daughter would get them through it all and someday, they would find their people again.
Henry's Dream…
Six-year-old Henry Swan knew his family was a bit different from other families. He knew he was different as well. That wasn't always easy, because other kids could be really mean. But Henry rather liked that his family was different. Mommy always said it was because they were special and he liked that.
They even played a special game. At home, he called his grandparents Grams and Gramps. But at school or in public, he called them Aunt Mary and Uncle David. It was a curious thing to Henry, but Mommy said it was because Grams and Gramps didn't look old enough to be grandparents. Henry didn't really know any different. To him, Grams and Gramps looking the same age as Mommy didn't seem all that strange. That's just the way it was.
So, he started paying attention to other kids' grandparents in public and at school functions. And Mommy was right. Grams and Gramps didn't look at all old like other grandparents. And it seemed most grandpa's didn't play with their grandsons as much. His Gramps played all kinds of games with him all the time.
Yep, his family was different and Henry thought he had figured out why. He loved reading his big book of stories his Mom had given him. Gramps liked to call the stories history, whatever that meant. He had strongly suspected before, but today had clinched it. He was almost certain that his Grams and Gramps were Snow White and Prince Charming from his book. And even at six, Henry knew it sounded crazy, but it would certainly explain everything.
Grams and Gramps were still young. Maybe that meant they were cursed like it said would happen in the book. Gramps even had a scar on his chin like Prince Charming in the book. Today, they were in the park near his favorite wishing fountain and though there was no music, Grams and Gramps were dancing together. Mommy looked embarrassed and people were kind of staring. Some were giving them smiles, others were poking fun at them, which he didn't think was nice. But Grams and Gramps didn't seem to notice, probably cause they couldn't stop looking at each other. He wished he knew for sure, but Mommy never gave him a very clear answer. Then Henry got an idea. He would make a wish.
"Mommy...can I make a wish?" Henry asked. Emma smiled and put a quarter in his small hand.
"Sure kid, why don't you wish your grandparents had a little shame," she joked. He had no idea what that meant, but he knew you weren't supposed to tell your wishes aloud.
"Mom...it won't come true if you tell people," he chided. Emma chuckled.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right," Emma replied. Henry closed his eyes and threw the coin into the fountain. He opened his eyes and glanced over to his grandparents. He gasped, as he saw them change. Grams was in a brilliant white gown and her hair was long and curly. Gramps was in princely red coat, black riding pants and boots, exactly like Prince Charming wore in the book. Henry grinned. That was the moment he knew the stories they told him, though fantastical, were true and Henry was glad they were special, even if no one could understand.
A few days later, Emma told her son everything about how Grandma and Grandpa came through a magical wardrobe. They still looked the same, because they took a youth potion given to them by a powerful wizard and that someday, they would find the place where all the people in his grandparent's Kingdom were cursed to and save them like heroes...
As the New Year began, the dreams weren't forgotten, but also not discussed, for they were immensely happy with their lives. Though the things in their dreams were wonderful notions, each of them found that they wouldn't change anything. Snow and David would always regret not being able to raise Emma, just as Emma would always wish she could have been raised by them. And Henry would always wonder what it would be like to grow up with his birth family. 
But at the end of the day, while everything had gone right in those dreams, they knew a million more things could have gone wrong and a change could risk none of them being together at all. At the end of the day, they were happy, loved, and safe. And that was what truly mattered. They would always have those dreams, but the Charmings would live for what they had and never take it for granted...
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willowelijah · 7 years
Like Two Drops of Water: Ch 5
A spideychelle fanfic.
Read on fanfiction.net
On tumblr: (Ch 1) (Ch 2) (Ch 3) (Ch 4)
Summary: Michelle and Peter are just best friends. When Michelle gets asked to the homecoming dance, Peter gets jealous. When she falls for Spider-Man, Peter gets jealous (of himself). Suddenly it seems maybe they weren’t “just best friends”, after all.
A/N: This is the last chapter!
Chapter 5
As the days passed the talk got less about Spider-Man and more about the approaching homecoming dance and I found myself walking the hallways with less anxiety. Although every time Ned and I walked past the set of giggling M.J. and Liz, I wished she would say something about the guy, something to indicate the encounter we had had. But my wishes were punctured by her obscurity. Now, the only notion that served as proof I had in fact been in her apartment that day, was that I wore less science t-shirts, to no one's comfort but hers.
She seemed happy. She hadn't been that upset by the fact that I'd left her in the alley. It just didn't seem to bother her, which was an even worse fact than if she would have been mad obviously. She didn't care whether I had been there or not, she might have once, but not anymore.
"Peter." M.J. said, like it was the third time she'd said it. "Maybe you could get Spider-Man to be the photographer?" She joked. Ned was sitting by her side. They were discussing the dance, while I lay still with my head on the table and paid so much as zero attention to them.
"Why?" I muttered.
M.J. leaned down to my level, her closeness enthralled me, and my eyes flickered away in an effort to keep my head straight. "Didn't you mention once that he's a photographer? And that he takes photography of himself for the Daily Bugle?"
I sat up straight again, causing her to follow. "Yeah, but he's not any good, and he wouldn't come to the dance." I quickly replied.
M.J. rolled her eyes. "Take a fucken joke." She said and shoved my head lightly, something, which did put a small smile on my face. "It's not like it's beyond my understanding that a superhero's not going to be the photographer at a high school dance." She looked Ned and I in the eyes to make sure we were getting it and took a bite of her apple. "It's just fun to imagine." She added while chewing mindlessly.
Ned, catching the beat I had missed, commented humorously, "Do you imagine Spider-Man for 'fun' a lot, M.J?" He smiled smugly.
Without so much as a blush, M.J. said, "Actually, I don't really worry much about him, seeing as I already have a date, she's called Liz. Do you know her?"
Unfortunately, I thought in an instance of self-pity. But in front of my own private thoughts, where M.J. could actually see, the corners of my mouth twitched into a small smile. She smiled back at me with enigmatically shy eyes, reminding me of my devotion for her like a blow at my gut. Michelle and I had an unspoken contest continuously going on of who could reply sarcastically to any given utterance, most often. One she was inaudibly winning and her private smile toward me was her victory dance, her inviting me to challenge her. Though instead of minding neither the challenge nor the source of the shy eyes, I smiled back at her. I held her gaze, I soaked in her shy eyes, and I took it to keep for myself, saving it for later. It was something Liz couldn't have, this moment.
"So M.J." I began, throat hoarse and eyes focused on fiddly hands. "What kind of scenarios usually pop up in your head when you have these visions of said Spider-person?" I asked, hoping for heart-quickening details and trying not to lock eyes solely with my own hands. Ned raised his eyes from his history book to give me a once over, seemingly checking for clues of my mental state.
Michelle put her elbow firmly on the table and bored her eyes into my skull. "Again, I don't really worry much about him, and if I ever do let my imagination wander it's usually of him realizing I don't need him to walk me home from a party, and him instead being occupied with fighting actual threats on the central streets of New York." She leaned back in her chair with her book, outwardly proud of having fit all those words into one breath of air.
"Why are you friends with that guy, anyway?" M.J. mumbled from her book, like she was wary of her own question, not quite daring to commit to it.
I exchanged a glance with Ned, who urgently returned to his book once again. This had M.J. even more intrigued. "What?" She kept asking. "Does it have something to do with your secret project?" She was now intrigued in her own low-key way, book hanging loosely from her grip.
I shook my head with furrowed brows. "Why can't he just be my friend, without a particular reason for it? He's a good guy."
M.J. huffed and ran her eyes along a page in her book. "I know better guys."
I looked at M.J. with disbelief. I knew I had been kind of hot and cold lately when it came to how I displayed my affinity for Spider-Man, but I just couldn't let this one slip away without a discussion. The guy had after all saved her from a bullet to the head. "You know better guys than one who spends his time selflessly preventing crime without getting paid or any of the real credit, hence him being masked?"
She tilted her head slightly upwards and looked me straight in the eyes. "Yes." She said, surprisingly confidently. "I know a guy who shows his face in school every day, despite having other things to worry about and he gives his all. He goes to his classes, studies hard, answers every god damn decathlon question correctly without so much as a hesitation and is all the while kind and funny and brilliant and while doing all those things, still at the end of the day goes home to have dinner with his mother and doesn't bat an eyelash when he's served larb at a less than fancy restaurant again. And all of this, he does with his own face." M.J. was livid as I stared at her. I felt like a little kid under her stare while simultaneously prouder than I'd ever felt before. I just couldn't believe she still thought those things about me despite our recent interactions.
"Me?" I asked.
M.J. shrugged. Shrugging was like her own special ingredient she added to any dish she served. "And Ned too." She added.
"Wow, thanks M.J. I do like larb." Ned said sarcastically, not really taking the feedback to his heart.
After a moment's silence I sheepishly added, "That's still not better than what Spider-Man does." mostly to my lap than anyone else. However, I couldn't quite fight the oncoming smile on my face, the gradually evolving type that lasted me the whole day, and the also gradually evolving elated feeling in my gut that lasted me all the way to the homecoming dance.
Until is probably a better word here: it lasted me until the homecoming dance.
Certain cemented conventions are bound to be followed at dances, conventions, which I didn't usually mind. But this night, everything seemed to be wrong in some way or another.
"Isn't it odd how so many girls wear dresses to these things? Like why? And why do they bring dates? It's such a weird custom if you think about it." I said to Ned, who was leaning against the same wall as I. We were wall leaning buddies just as we were also science buddies, locker buddies, school project buddies and other forms of buddies. We were partners in crime, you could say, but currently missing a third of the company.
"I think what you mean to say is: isn't it odd how girl wear dresses and why girl bring dates." My buddy replied absentmindedly. He was currently doing better at the whole leaning-casually-against-a-wall thing than my restless self. Although I do believe I had mastered our customary poking-fun-at-this-dumb-event thing, I was unbeatable tonight.
"And no it's not weird, it actually kind of makes a hell lotta' sense if you think about it." Ned added; making me even restless-er than before, if that's a word.
So far, M.J. had danced with Liz to Locket Love by Ramones, suggested to someone who was not Flash, seeing as he was blacklisted from being the DJ for life. She came up to us several times to implore us to take part in the festivities, an uncharacteristic action of hers and one neither of us condoned, some less than others, me being some and Ned being others. Thankfully, Flash only came up to us once for one of his scheduled taunts, but I was not looking forward to the rest, given how the first one had been enough to send me coiling down a spiral of self-hatred at not having told him off. I believe M.J. had seen the whole thing, seen the lack of avenging extravaganza. The good old restlessness I had felt before had now been exchanged with sheer moping as a result.
Michelle had also had a lot of punch, a suspicious amount of punch if you ask me, and it caused me to wonder if the punch had been spiked. I needed to know if she had abandoned yet another of her routines — her sober ego, to replace it with an alcohol drinking alter ego. Which lead me to not only wonder, but wander down to the actual punch-table, in the flesh, alive and well. I guess M.J. wasn't the only one roaming around uncharted territory tonight.
"Have we ever been to the punch-table at one of these things before in our entire lives?" Ned asked with his eyes squinted in reminiscence.
In an effort to look natural in this, to me, unnatural environment I awkwardly swirled around one of the ladles in one of the violet liquids, causing some bubbles to appear. "Honestly, it's a riddle to me why we even attend in the first place, we don't deserve to be here."
Ned was leaned over one of the fruit punch bowls, examining it meticulously for any sign of unholy water. "Are you saying that our lack of appreciation for it has rendered us undeserving of it now?" He requested skeptically.
M.J.'s voice from behind interrupted us then, "Have you guys ever been to the punch-table at one of these things before in your entire lives?"
No matter how sad I felt about the whole M.J. thing, I couldn't help but be ripped back to our usual repartee then. My playful side had been called upon, and it was an unstoppable force. "Careful there, M.J., you don't want to go and build yourself a superiority complex, do you? Especially seeing as earlier today, you hadn't made it beyond the corner wall either. You were nothing more than a simple farm boy, just like us."
Michelle looked relieved that our dynamic was on its common ground. She lit up, while still keeping in character. She pressed her lips together in an effort of faking a thought process. "I think I do recollect having been closer to this part of the realm than any of you two have, even before tonight." Her argument was seamless, and yet I endured.
"I don't believe it." I said back and began pouring a cup of the sweet liquid. I hadn't forgotten mine and Ned's ultimate quest, no matter how successful M.J. typically was in the distraction division. I brought the cup to my nose under both Ned and Michelle's eyes. But with my lack of knowledge of alcohol, I couldn't make out if there was any in it or not. Without minding how odd I was making myself appear, I decided that someone would have to taste it, and that that someone was not going to be me, so I handed the cup to my right.
"There you go Ned, your first drink at a high school dance." I said and sent a fake grin his way.
I did not receive one back however. "I don't want any punch, Peter." He said resolutely. "You taste it."
I feigned offence, "Ned, you know I only drink tap water; sourced from sustainable materials; preferably lukewarm." I half-joked.
"We do know you like your tap water, Peter." Michelle agreed sardonically. "But seriously guys, what's the big deal? It's only punch." She queried, looking genuinely puzzled now.
"We think it's might be spiked." Ned confessed and handed her the drink for her to examine.
M.J. didn't look convinced though. "Boys, I've been drinking this all night, believe me when I say—" She stopped, eyes focusing not on us anymore, but somewhere behind us. We turned to see what had caused her speech to fail, seeing that right behind us was Flash, sneakily and successfully actually spiking the punch with a small bottle at hand. Well, I thought, at least there hadn't been alcohol in the punch, M.J. walked free.
Key word: Hadn't.
Flash looked up at us then, concentration on his task interrupted. He fell smoothly into a sneer and said, "I hope your friend isn't going to tape me to the floor this time?"
My face remained cold. "That depends, are you going to harass anyone? Because I've got him on speed dial." I replied.
Flash laughed. "That would have been threatening Peter, had I not had such a hard time believing anything you're saying, since speed dial hasn't really been used since about 1996."
I looked at Flash's smile. I refused to look anywhere else since I knew M.J. was right behind me, taking in the whole conversation and my pathetic self, the victim of some random kid's vendetta. She was probably just waiting for this interaction to be over so that she could safely return to Liz, to continue dancing and not bother with my wretched self. I was the one who fought of two gun holding guys last week! I wanted to tell her. The sad fact, being that I couldn't, dawned on me like never before. She would never know any more of me than this. A geeky kid, looking doe-eyed up at his bully and I had ricocheted back to my mopey self, this time with a pinch of anger attached.
I took a long and hard look at Flash, his annoying smile was going to follow me to my grave, I might as well get used to it. "Flash," I began. "I'm having a hard time with your general presence right now. Maybe you should back off to somewhere that's not here, because if you say another mean word to me, I will release my wrath on you and I think you know better than most people in here that I have an extensive knowledge of the chemical substances needed in the creation of explosives. So could you please leave us alone for the rest of your short but sweet time on this earth?"
I felt quite proud of having been able to speak that many words in the company of Flash. He was one whom I didn't usually confront in this direct manner, or any manner at all. Flash himself however, didn't look all that faced, except for a small crease between his eyebrows that had not been there before.
Flash sighed loudly, "If there's one thing I can say about you Peter, it's that you sure know how to talk. For a looong, extended amount of time, leaving me not quite sure about anything you just said."
I knew he had heard every word I had said, he just couldn't walk away now that I had told him to do so, it would ruin his reputation of being a complete idiot no one really liked.
"I told you to leave." I demanded, and when he didn't cooperate I knew I would have to get away from the conversation before I would inevitably flip out on him. This night so far was confirmation enough that it would happen if I didn't leave right now. Without a word I walked by him, shoving his shoulder with mine as I passed. I'd had enough. I was just never going to get redeemed in M.J.'s eyes, Flash was never going to accept me and I would always remain the same kid I hated.
As a last gag, mostly to comfort myself and wield some revenge on Flash, I turned and said loudly, "What the fuck is that?" looking to the left of them. When everyone turned to see what I was referring to I shot my web at his shoes, and like a Frisbee I whipped it back, causing him to fall to the floor once again. "Looks like we don't need Spider-Man to tape you to the floor, after all!" I called. Once the deed was done, I exited the room as quick as I could, heading for the bathroom.
You'd think the bathroom would be crowded, seeing as a lot of people were drinking a lot of beverages at once, but true to social structures, only the girl's lavatory was occupied, allowing me to slip into the men's bathroom, unbothered, to mope all by myself. I sat down on a toilet seat in one of the stalls and hoped Ned wouldn't come and find me. I wanted to be by myself for a while.
Yet still, only a couple of moments passed before the door opened, briefly letting a rumble of music into the room. A shot of further annoyance ran through me. Why couldn't he understand?
Nope. That was not Ned. That was the beautiful sound of another favorite human being of mine.
"This is the men's bathroom, M.J." I said dully. Why hadn't I closed the stall door? I thought while mentally slapping myself.
I heard her walking toward me until she was stood right in front of the stall I was occupying with her eyebrows raised. "Bathrooms have neither genders nor genitals, Peter."
I looked up at her, it felt like she was towering above me from my position on the toilet seat. How did she manage to look and sound this confident all the time? I wondered. "You're probably pissed of that I just ruined all the fun." I moaned while leaning my head against the stall door.
M.J. smiled then and squatted down to end up on what was almost my level. "I'm actually quite proud." She said like she couldn't really believe it, and to be fair, I didn't either.
"How come?" I asked in my most sardonic voice, head never leaving wall.
"Peter, you stood up to Flash. For once, you actually did. Not Spider-Man or anyone else." She said encouragingly. She leaned her elbow against the door so as not to loose her balance.
I locked eyes with her. She didn't know, did she? I pushed the thought away.
"You mean I didn't call Spider-Man to pick my battles for me?" I asked hesitantly. I hadn't thought of that until now. Neither Ned or Michelle had said anything during our whole interaction with Flash, and to her knowledge, I didn't even use my web shooter.
Of course M.J. had to go and understand my inner battle better than I ever could.
"I mean…" For once, she was the one to look at the floor and have troubles with the word thing. "I mean that you didn't… appear as …him." She said, looking apologetically up at me in a confessionary style. My head fell, defeated.
"You know." I groaned. Oddly, I was feeling quite ashamed, like it was some embarrassing thing I'd done, creating an alter ego and dressing up as him on a regular basis. Actually, now that I think about it, it is quite embarrassing.
Michelle shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah…" She replied with that same old apologetic expression she didn't need to use.
"I still used my web." I argued and showed of the web shooter on my wrist to her, figuring we could at least talk about it now that it was out in the air.
"Yeah, but what you don't seem to be seeing is that you didn't use Spider-Man as a confidence boost. You were Peter, and you were awesome, as Peter." She smiled. "Peter! Peter! Peter!" She repeated and out of nowhere and then moved on to hug me, quickly but tightly. She seemed really happy for me.
I looked at her shyly through my eyebrows, feeling quite flabbergasted from the sudden hug. "You know I'm Spider-Man." I declared.
"I know you're the Spidery-guy who does the webby things." She said, this time with more confidence.
Her eyes trailed upwards, searching the room for an answer. "Because you're like mother and son." She sighed.
"So basically you've known all along?" I said flatly.
"No." She sighed at my slow uptake. "The party, remember? 'We're like mother and son.' — You weren't even there, so how he had said that the day after in the cafeteria when you made the same joke?" She said, like the explanation was clear as day.
It wasn't. I looked uncertainly at her. I think she was expecting me to fill in details I didn't have. Especially given how I didn't even recall the conversation she was referring to. But anyhow, it was M.J. She probably knew what she was talking about.
"But if you knew all along, why did you keep tearing Spider-Man down all the time right in front of me!" I squinted at her in an accusatory way.
"Because! I was trying to build Peter Parker up!" She flailed her arm at me, as if it would somehow make me understand her idiotic reasoning better. "I wanted you to know I think you're better than him." She said like she was a passionate lecturer explaining quantum theory to me.
"You do know we're the same person, right?" I asked, like I was explaining basic addition to her.
"Do you?" She retorted. Again with the understanding things I hadn't even talked to her about!
I ignored the question, feeling that we shouldn't diverge too far from the subject of her tearing me down for the past week or two. "Well, it didn't work." I crossed my arms. "Your plan of tearing one of me down to build the other up, very much didn't work."
"Of course it didn't," She rolled her eyes and dislodged my crossed arms. "Because you're Peter and you can't fucking see when I'm trying to tell you things, and much less what I'm trying to tell you. Especially if it's something positive, and concerning you."
I leaned back on the seat and we shared a knowing smile. I wanted to move away from this subject, so I asked the next question that was troubling me. We had a lot of those to burn through. "Why didn't you tell me you knew though?"
"Why didn't you tell me who you were?" M.J. had clearly expected this question and had come prepared with a quip in return. I guessed it was time for me to give some answers back.
"You know who I am. This is just a…" I wasn't sure how to phrase it. "…hobby of some sort."
But Michelle wouldn't have my explanation. "It's not a hobby, nor is it an alter ego, it's you. It's half of you and you hid it from your best friend. And I was annoyed. So I didn't tell you and I'm not going to apologize for it, because you deserved it." M.J. was sounding more remorseful than what she was intentionally communicating. "And I also did a couple of experiments to make sure." She trepedatiously added. I urged her to go on and she reluctantly did. "I had to make sure you genuinely were the person who was in the mask, so I conducted experiments, seeing if I could say things to Spider-Man that would stimulate a response in your normal self…"
"Hold on." I interrupted, with a forlorn looking M.J. before me. "That's how you got me to stop wearing sciency t-shirts?" I gawked.
"That's right." M.J. confirmed, and to my surprise she actually broke into an amused smile on top of her previous forlorn expression. I guess the humor of it all got to her. "I actually don't mind the t-shirts, just wanted to see what would happen." She looked like a child who had just stolen a cookie from the cookie jar, pleased, but still bearing the appurtenant guilt. "And boy was I pleased with the results, as you haven't worn one since!" She laughed and clapped her hands in delight, but all I could do was look amazed at the influence she could have on me if she only wanted.
"But Spidey could have told me about the interaction!" I contended.
She seemed to calm down significantly at this. "Peter…" I received a fond smile. "You're him, he's you. Don't you understand that I see that?" She stood up then. "Anyway. There are more pressing matters at hand."
I stood up with her, painfully aware that we were actually in a lavatory stall, but I did my best to ignore that notion for the moment. I was nervous but intrigued at what the next part of this night would offer. M.J. apparently seemed to have something in mind for it.
What exactly that was became gradually more deluded in my mind however, when she moved closer to me by the second in an utmost peculiar manner. I took a few steps back in an attempt to regain my balance. It was hard fitting two people into a stall as small as this one. Especially seeing as we were both using the most of our height at this point. "What are you doing?" I asked breathlessly. I didn't feel confident enough to make any predisposed assumptions.
Michelle didn't answer my question, a tedious fact. Instead, she put both her hands on the wall, one on either side of me. I was caged. There were very few places I could look that weren't M.J. with her being super close to me an all. For a moment, a very brief one of those, I could do nothing but stare at her lips. Sure, I could have probably found another place to look if I had had more time. But in the moment, it seemed that it was the place my eyes had decided to adventure to.
M.J. faked what looked like some very calculated shock then. "You're thinking about kissing me." She smiled smugly.
"No — What! Why would you think that?!" I lied.
M.J. smiled sweetly. "Why would I think that?" She whispered.
Facts faced: she had probably noticed that time when I looked at her lips for a fraction of a second. "I don't know why you would think that …kiddo." I replied nervously.
She rolled her eyes and stepped away from me, allowing me to breathe. Thank god. But also: Damn it.
"Really? I'm kiddo now?" She exasperated, but to my relief, she seemed to forget about me calling her kiddo pretty much immediately, closing in on me again. She looked nervous now. "Now that you finally know that I know that you're Spider-Man, you can finally kiss me." She trembled, looking at me expectantly.
I considered if I should in fact kiss her or not. On one hand, I really wanted to, and on the other — yeah I should probably do it. I leaned in…
"What about Liz?"
"Liz knows I'm in love with you."
Satisfied with the answer I had got, I leaned in further, slowly. And then I kissed her, really slowly. She breathed in heavily once I did, and kissed me back, slowly. I raised my hand to touch her hair, slowly.
We went on like that for a while before M.J. suddenly stopped. She looked at me with her eyes wide. It took me a while to recognize the familiar tones of Sheena Is A Punk Rocker in the background.
"I didn't even request this!" She chimed excitedly.
"I think it might be Ned telling us he needs us back." I said. She took my hand and led me back to the gym. A night of waving our arms around while jumping ensued.
A/N: Thanks to everyone who read or/and reviewed! Please let me know of things you liked/disliked.
Also, happy autumn! And if you're returning to Hogwarts today, I hope you have a good school year.
1 September 2017
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Ilona Andrews Emerald Blaze: Cover Reveal & Author Interview
We have an exclusive first look at the cover for Emerald Blaze, the lastest in the Hidden Legacy series by Ilona Andrews.
What if a serum could change humanity, giving some super-human magical powers while turning others into monsters? What if it were locked away so keep everyone safe, but someone opened the box, changing and distorting humanity for their own reasons? A protector would rise to stop them: and in the newest installment of the Hidden Legacy series, that protector is Catalina Baylor, Prime Siren, Head of House Baylor, and an unstoppable force when it comes to doing what she believes is right—and protecting her family.
Emerald Blaze, the second novel in Catalina’s story arc, is due to hit shelves in August 2020, but Den of Geek got exclusive access to reveal its gorgeous cover. Check it out...
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The Ilona Andrews author team—husband and wife Ilona and Gordon—gave Den of Geek some excellent insider information about how the cover came to be, and about the future of the series.
Unlike the case for most authors, for Catalina’s Hidden Legacy novels, the authors had a huge amount of input. When they negotiated the contract for the books, they requested that Gene Mollica, who did the cover for the book Iron and Magic, be the artist for all the covers. When Avon agreed, they started the process of working with Gene on the covers.
The initial cover for Sapphire Flames was completely in the wrong tone: “It was very urban fantasy. Black leather. It was a beautiful cover,” Ilona said, but it just wasn’t suited to the story. They asked to have it reshot, and Gene asked them to let him know what they wanted instead. The worked with their agent and the art team at Avon, and Gene gave them a tremendous series of shots to look through, and they got to choose their favorites.
They give feedback from everything from poses to dress color to how Catalina’s partner (and the man who broke her heart), Alessandro, holds his gun. The color of Catalina’s dress—and the magic swirls in the background—match the title’s gemstone in all the books in the series (even novella prequel, Diamond Fire, features some of the same color coding), and those choices do have some significance for the series.
But the way the theme came about was more outside of the box. The team was in New York, discussing the series with their editor, agent, and publicist, brainstorming title ideas. Since they’d already done Diamond Fire, they decided to go with gems and flames.
“I think it was written on a cocktail napkin,” Gordon joked. Savvy readers can definitely expect to see a reference in each book to the title, however: “We always have to put the title somewhere” in the book, Ilona added.
The Hidden Legacy series is on its second narrator, as Catalina became the point of view character starting with Diamond Fire, and some readers struggled to adjust to losing the viewpoint of Catalina’s older sister, Nevada, who launched the series. In Sapphire Flames, readers learn that because Nevada was overworking herself to the point of endangering her health, the Baylor family decided Catalina should become the Head of the House, removing that pressure from Nevada, but—so it appeared—ousting her from her position.
“Fans were livid,” Ilona confessed. (In our review at Den of Geek, we praised Catalina as “strikingly different” and a “fresh new voice.” Some readers have also thanked Team Andrews for writing a character who has anxiety and questions herself, rather than always being strong.) Those concerned readers may be relieved, however, to know there was more to what happened than meets the eye—there are even clues in Sapphire Flames that they might have missed—and more will be revealed in Emerald Blaze. Readers are given insight into what Nevada looks like to others, including her younger sister, who finds her a little bit scary.
“She’s older. She knows when you’re lying,” Ilona explained, which Catalina views in a far different way from Nevada herself, who thinks she’s all “sunshine and rainbows.” Changing narrators also gave the authors a chance to explore different themes. “The first arc was very much about solving murders, yes, but [it was] also politically motivated,” Ilona explained. “This one is more [about] what happens if the science goes wrong.”
Catalina’s decision to get to the bottom of the reemergence of the serum puts her back in the path of Alessandro Sagredo, whose own secrets intertwine with Catalina’s quest. Sapphire Flames left readers on a cliffhanger with Alessandro; readers got a glimpse into his perspective, revealing his true feelings for Catalina and giving the barest peek into the dangerous revenge mission that drives him.
The truth behind his back story “all comes out” in Emerald Blaze, Gordon promised—so readers can rest assured that Catalina won’t trust a man she believes toyed with her emotions without discovering his motives. As the story follows Catalina embracing her role as Head of the House, as well as the secret Deputy Warden enforcing order in the magical community, it doesn’t leave the roots of solving a murder mystery behind—the mystery just becomes more of a subplot.
Catalina’s arc will continue beyond Emerald Blaze into a third and final book, but readers who love the Hidden Legacy world are sure to hope for more books, perhaps from the perspective of another major character. On their website, the Andrews team revealed that they’d love to do a story from the perspective of Catalina’s cousin Leon; fans have also wondered if Nevada and Catalina’s younger sister, Arabella, will star in her own trilogy.
“If this goes well, and if Avon wants to continue, I really think the next three would be Arabella,” Gordon agreed. The Andrews team also shared that the personalities of Catalina and Arabella are loosely based on their own daughters. The younger daughter, on whom Arabella is based, has said to her parents, “Everybody wants me,” Gordon shared. (Ilona, quoting her daughter, continued: “The public wants what the public wants.”)
Arabella, who is “often wrong, but never in doubt,” according to Gordon, would be a totally different character to write for the authors, but would grant an entirely new lens into the world for devoted readers. Fans of Ilona Andrews, especially those who have enjoyed delving into the alternate Hidden Legacy world, are sure to hope the series will continue—and will be eagerly awaiting Emerald Blaze’s publication next summer.
In the meantime, here's the official synopsis:
Ilona Andrews, #1 New York Times bestselling author, continues her spellbinding series set in the Hidden Legacy world where magic controls everything…except the hearts of those who wield it.
As Prime magic users, Catalina Baylor and her sisters have extraordinary powers—powers their ruthless grandmother would love to control. Catalina can earn her family some protection working as deputy to the Warden of Texas, overseeing breaches of magic law in the state, but that has risks as well. When House Baylor is under attack and monsters haunt her every step, Catalina is forced to rely on handsome, dangerous Alessandro Sagredo, the Prime who crushed her heart.
The nightmare that Alessandro has fought since childhood has come roaring back to life, but now Catalina is under threat. Not even his lifelong quest for revenge will stop him from keeping her safe, even if every battle could be his last. Because Catalina won't rest until she stops the use of the illicit, power-granting serum that's tearing their world apart.
Emerald Blaze is scheduled to be released on August 25th. You can pre-order it now.
Read and download the Den of Geek Lost In Space Special Edition Magazine right here!
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Feature Alana Joli Abbott
Dec 20, 2019
Fantasy Books
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