#and then he goes all heart-eyes bc he’s insane and loves my voice. anyway
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petrichorium · 16 days ago
It got long and I wanted to end it on the cliffhanger but I fear I play around w shanks for a bit n there’s an incident where he nearly jumps into the water but that’s when his crew realizes I’m hanging around and they tie him to the mast to stop him from doing anything as they high-tail it outta there LMFAOOOOOO
And it’s quiet for a month or two until they have a skirmish w another pirate crew and discover me, in very poor shape, in that captain’s quarters and despite all signs pointing to it being A Truly Fucking Awful Idea shanks manages to wheedle his officers into letting him nurse me back to health. And then I’m mean and aggressive and refuse to take any food (until he realizes I will let him hand feed me raw fish if he lets me nip at his fingers) and occasionally as I start to get better try to eat him again (he’s too smitten for his own good at this point) but also begrudgingly kinda falling for him………
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hurthermore · 11 months ago
Hello! I found your page a few days ago, and last night, I completely binged on your Misconduct fic (I regret it sm cuz now I read it all T-T). And can I just say, wow, I think this has been my official favorite fanfic if all time. I can relate so hard to MC, and I've had similar abuse, and the way you write her is so authentic. Sometimes when fic writers portray abuse, it just doesn't ring true for me, but jeez yoir portrayal is SO fucking accurate. Anyway. Fangirling aside... I have a few questions for you!
1. Do you think part of the reason Alastor was so interested in MC is because she carries herself like his mother/has similar qualities to her?
2. Are we gonna see some of Alastor's childhood in this fic? I'm interested to hear about it since he hinted at it during the picnic.
3. (I know this question is annoying so ahndbfbfb feel free to ignore it, but do you have an estimate for when the next part is coming out? I only ask bc in a previous ask you said you like to plan things out haha)
4. Oh and! What do you think Alastor would do if during intimacy he notices MC dissociating/crying? What do you think he'd say if she voiced her thoughts about not being good enough?
Okok andjfnfn I don't wanna overwhelm you with questions so I'll stop here. But again, the way you manage to capture the abuse and the calmness Alastor brings is just- *chefs kiss* ilysm <3
Ahh tysm!!! I'm so glad you read misconduct and enjoy it so much!!<3 This kindddd of goes into spoiler territory SO.
Spoilers ahead!!
Onto your questions:
I thought I established it in chapter 10, but it will be become more obvious in chapter 11 that the reason Alastor is attracted to reader is not only because she is just insanely attractive, but because she has the same glint in her eyes that he does when he murders people; she has the ability to kill. Reader is neither elegant nor cute nor whatever, reader is your or your self insert, so whatever YOUR reader is, thats what reader is. (Does that make sense lmao??)
Honestly I wasn't planning on having Alastor's childhood in it because it would serve no purpose to the plot and I feel a lot of people would get bored if I did that. I might make him have some flashbacks of his mother, only snippets, but nothing in depth.
Honestly, I'm almost finished with this next assignment! LUCKILY ahaha. I've begun on Chapter 11, I just gotta focus on it, with the discord server and my assignment, i've been a bit too busy to focus on it. But I'm hoping to get the next chapter out by... Sunday??? Fingers crossed!!!
Ooof. He would stop immediately. If you seem uncomfortable or distressed whilst you're meant to be making love, he will stop. This will be established later, but Alastor can only kind of... get hard if you're turned on?? So yeah. He'd comfort you, asking you whats wrong, what he can do to help; he hates to see you cry, it breaks his heart! But hearing you say you don't feel good enough? He will be baffled; he's not good enough for you, if anything. So to hear you be so worried about that? He will remind you how you're a goddess in his eyes.
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skatingbi · 1 year ago
Oh my god. Yall are insane. 700+ Notes for part one of this series alone is crazy (Crazy? I was- *gets shot*). So heres part 3. I'll probably have to publish all this onto AO3 soon bc shits getting outta hand, but I like posting on this silly little site so I'll still be posting on here.
Uhhh this was posted WAY later than I anticipated bc i had a gnarly depressive episode and had to enroll into uni, but there aint no way id abandon this series, its too fun and i love experimenting with my baby writing style as i call it.
Okay thats it, just thank u all sm for enjoying my silly little series :) u guys are so sweet!!
P.S. Constructive criticism is OKAY! I havent written fanfic in like...10 years so since middle school. Im a baby at this and I understand if I may have several errors so pls lemme know if theres grammar mistakes!
Sanji With Heterochromia Series Part 3 below 🔻
Sanji lied. He does like the idiot. More than he's willing to admit. A few days after their conversation, Zoro distances himself. It leaves a nasty feeling in his gut similar to nausea but different from actually wanting to throw up. It feels apprehensive. He's waiting for something, but he doesn't know what yet. Sanji hates it. He hates how confused he is and how much he actually wants Zoro to touch him again. He hates the burning linger of scarred knuckles on his cheekbone that follows him wherever he goes.
He hates these feelings because he never learned how to really process them. He doesn't know if he has to blame himself, his shitty excuse of a father, or Zeff. Well, maybe not Zeff. The old man had enough on his plate while raising him as it was. Sanji decides to blame it on Judge because honestly, the root of most of his issues stems from that shitty old man anyway. Placing the blame on someone does little to actually help, but it's a distraction from his growing realization of how much he cares for Zoro.
He cares for Zoro. No, he holds an unreasonable amount of affection for the scarred swordsman that haunts his thoughts now more than ever. Fuck questioning sexuality when it's undeniable that he's absolutely whipped for the big idiot. Theres no room for denial anymore, not when his touch had become branded across Sanji's skin for the foreseeable future.
Stress cooking does little to soothe him and it's the same with smoking. At least Luffy gets to enjoy snacks to his hearts content. Its the little things, he tries to tell himself. He also reflects on his conversation with Zoro. How he honestly felt afraid of what he felt when the swordsman confronted him. He felt afraid of someone genuinely caring for his emotional wellbeing. He's anxious over what that means, what it would do to him if Zoro truely meant what he said. All the things voiced about him and the implications that he's...handsome in the eyes of Zoro.
Sanji is emotional. It comes with him being sentimental as well. He's the black sheep of his biological family in every way. He loved too hard, and got hurt too fast. He loved even when it ended in betrayal. Secretly, he loves unconditionally. What would happen if he loved Zoro like that, and what if it already happened and he's too late to stop it? Would Zoro hurt him just like everyone else has? Would he be pushed away eventually after the thrill of their theoretical short lived relationship?
It keeps him up at night, that conversation replaying in his head as he stares at Zoro's sleeping silhouette. He falls asleep to his breathing, echoing throughout the room over everyone else's breath and snores. He wakes up every morning before the sun greets him and pretends nothing happened in his dreams where Zoro's gentle touch and admiration lingers softly over his mind.
Zoro knows. Well, not exactly. He's not a mind reader like how Luffy seems to be, but he knows that distancing himself from Sanji is actually doing the opposite of what he thought it would do. At this point, the swordsman isnt sure where to go from here.
Sanji's actions contradict his words. Sanji stares at Zoro. Not so much that it's s uncomfortable but it's enough to be noticeable. Sometimes he swears he can see Sanji's eyes dart across his face and down to his lips before looking away. It's confusing. Didnt Sanji hate Zoro's advances towards him? Because thats what they were in hindsight.
Zoro was unconciously flirting with the cook in his own weird way. And yeah, he's a little stupid for not realizing the implications behind his actions at first, but it all started as genuine curiosity. He didnt mean for it to affect their rivalry. Now, he's not sure where to go from here.
It's driven him between a rock and a hard place and unforfunately for him, Nami decides to intervene again. This time, Nami drags Zoro to her and Robin's shared room on the Sunny for privacy and possibly interrogation. He's certain that this time he wont be able to escape. Unfortunate.
"Okay, so heres how this is gonna go," Zoro and Nami are now seated across from each other, where theres two beds and enough room for decent sized dressers on each side. Zoro sits on what he assums is Robin's bed with his arms crossed, "You will tell me everything- And i mean it! I will know if youre lying -and I will help you. Im sick and tired of you both being miserable and gay! It's giving everyone second hand embaressment." She demands, narrowing her eyes with a challenge for Zoro to protest or say no.
Zoro is smart enough to know what is and isn't a losing battle. This is one of those. Nami can be terrifyingly persistent once she sets her mind on something, and today it seems to be resolving the weird and awkward tension between him and Sanji. The swordsman resigns himself to his fate quickly and prepares himself to be trapped here on Robin's bed for the foreseeable future.
"Fine witch," Zoro sighs, "But if you tell anyone I will not be responsible for my actions." He huffs out in acceptance for his inevitable interrogation.
"Oh please like that'll actually scare me. Plus besties never snitch." Nami rolls her eyes. She gets comfortable on her bed and look at zoro expectantly. He rolls his eyes and relaxes his posture a bit.
Zoro starts talking, beginning with the first instance of his realization of Sanji having dual colored eyes, leaving out a lot of "unimportant" details. He mentions the second, and the third instance, and their conversation from a few days ago and how he tried to respect Sanji's establishment of a boundary and how he's confused now that Sanji stares at him. Nami listens with her chin resting on her fist and nodding along the way, surprisingly not interrupting once. He finishes speaking and he knows his face is red with embaressment, but he feigns nonchalance and waits for Nami's input.
"Zoro," Nami sighs, "Youre the dumbest bitch I know." She says while giving the man a look of sympathy, but not one that actually means it. More like the look of someone who is so incredibly done with your shit that they have no choice but to tell you so.
"What the fuck, Nami!? Im not dumb!" The swordsman retorts loudly.
"Anyways," his best friend ignores his arguing in favor of getting to the task at hand, "Luckily, this is fixable. For making the entire crew feel awkward for two weeks, I'm adding a 200 percent tax increase to your debt." She smiles mischeviously, and thats when Zoro realizes that one, he's never getting out of debt, and two, he's been forced to accept Nami's help in unfucking up his unconcious attempts to flirt with Sanji.
"First order of business is that you have absolutely no game." Nami begins with a shit eating grin to match the absolutely insulting statement. Zoro briefly reconsiders their friendship.
"Shut the fuck up I obviously do." He rolls his eyes. Nami gives him the look. The one where her eyebrows are raised and her chin is tilted down slightly, matching the frown. It's that look she makes when she's trying to say 'Are you sure?' or 'Reconsider what you just said.' and it grates at Zoro's already increasing agitation.
He decides not to entertain her with a reply.
"Anyway," Nami sighs, massaging the space between her eyes with her thumb and forefinger to stave off a growing headache, "Im teaching you how to flirt. No, you cannot work out in front of Sanji- dont give me that look you muscle brained idiot!" She says while looking at Zoro's ever increasing looks of annoyance and audacity, because first of all, no he definitely was not going to do that, and second of all, it could hypothetically work. Probably.
"Fine," He huffs. He'll let the witch do whatever. It's not like theres anyone else he can talk to on the ship about this anyway, "No promises that I'll actually do what you tell me."
"Fucking- oh my god why am I friends with you?!" Nami complains before flopping down on her bed, groaning loudly at Zoro's malicious cooperation. Zoro basks in the momentary power he has in this situation.
For the next few hours, Nami allows Zoro to stay in the womens quarters for the sole purpose of learning how to actually flirt. He's not sure if shes a reliable source, being a lesbian and also having a girlfriend already, but if he voiced this opinion out loud the redhead would probably kick him out. He only restrains himself because this room is the only one so far where he feels the least amount of awkwardness regarding his situation with Sanji.
Robin stops by every now and then and gives him a smile. It doesnt make him feel very comfortable but it's the thought that counts. She doesnt say anything about him being there, anyway. He makes an effort to at least not lay on the bed he's sitting on, though. He may be lazy but he does hold enough respect for the women in the crew to not fuck with their shared safe space.
Suddenly, it's the evening and dinner is around the corner. Nami shoves a barely enlightened mossy swordsman out of the womens bedroom to finally be free of that headache. Also known as a crash course to flirting with your rival/friend/whatever the fuck else they got going on.
Zoro makes his way to the gallery, taking his time to look out and observe the oncoming sunset that bathes the sky in shades of pink, orange, blue, and yellow. It would be a pretty sight to fall asleep to, he thinks, but the cook would kick his ass off the ship if he decides to sleep through dinner again.
Entering the gallery, everyone except Nami is already there. She's right behind him a second later and taking her seat at the kitchen table.
Numerous conversations are heard as food is served. Franky and Usopp are wildly talking about different types of projectiles the sunny could use, Nami and robin are talking amongst each other in low voices, giggling in between sentences. Chopper and luffy are laughing together, and Zoro goes to sit next to luffy like he usually does. Just as he sits down, the cook lands a kick to his mid back, making Zoro scowl.
"The fucks that for!?"
Sanji rolls his eyes while placing plates of food down for the crew, "For being late, dumbass."
"Nami is late too!"
"And? She'd never be late on purpose, Marimo." as Sanji speaks, he dodges the hilt of Zoro's sword to his side instinctively and has the audacity to give a cheeky grin.
Dinner passes by normally. Everyone's loud conversations meld together gradually and soon everyone except Sanji and Zoro leave. Zoro takes his usual spot beside the cook, drying dishes and leaving them on a towel afterwards so they can both put them away.
Zoro has half the mind to bring up Sanji's staring, but decides against it. It leaves the air silent, neither him nor Sanji speaking up as they finish their side work for the night. Even then, Zoro's unable to speak when Sanji immediately leaves afterwards without a word.
The kitchen feels empty without their bickering, and Zoro is determined to bring that life back into it. He just needs to figure out how.
Despite Nami's advice, Zoro has an idea. If the idiot cook doesnt see what he sees (His pretty face first of all, but Zoro thinks of his strength too. How Sanji easiely brushes off conflict like it's nothing despite the injuries that'll heal far faster than his own), then he'll make him see it. Frilly words never were Zoro's style, anyways.
One night before they all go to sleep and Zoro takes night watch, he corners the blond in the bathroom. Nami would probably be kicking his ass because of his timing, but a mirror is needed for his plan to work and the bathroom is the only place with one other than the women's bedroom.
When Zoro enters, Sanji turns to look at him before going back to washing his hair, his back towards Zoro. "Leave me alone, Moss, I'm im not in the fuckin mood," He grumbles to Zoro, who stands there waiting for Sanji to stop talking.
"Nope, I need a mirror for this and for you to listen for five minutes." Zoro replies, and when Sanji turns to argue his protests are gone from his lips when he sees a look of determination. Confused, annoyed, and also curious, Sanji doesn't reply.
Zoro walks up to Sanji until he's standing right behind him. The swordsman moves to kneel so they're relatively at the same height, but the stool makes Sanji slightly taller as he sits there and eyes Zoro warily.
"Whats going on with you, Moss? I'm trying to wash my hair." Sanji says, and Zoro can tell an insult dies on his tongue when he places his hands on Sanji's shoulders.
Zoro turns Sanji in front of the mirrior in the bathroom, the stool Sanji is seated on creaking lightly and scratching against the tile. Sanji remains speechless, still unable to brush off Zoro's palms on his bare shoulders like how he'd usually do.
"Tell me what you see, cook" He says, uncharacteristically soft underneath the edge his voice always seems to have. Sanji flinches when the swordsman's calloused hands tuck his frings behind his ear, displaying his face to them both.
"What the hell is up with you? Did Luffy hit your head too hard?" Sanji furrows his eyebrows at the mirror and looks at Zoro. Zoro huffs and rolls his eyes.
"Just tell me what you see about yourself, shit cook, I'll leave ya alone after or whatever." He grumbles back, the baritone of his voice vibrates against Sanji's back. It reminds him of Zoro's compliment, his face too close to his while they stand on the deck of the Sunny just days ago. He chooses to ignore how it makes him shiver.
He looks at himself in the mirror, and his first instinct is to look away. Zoro, being the perceptive bastard that he is, notices and squeezes his shoulders in a way thats strangely reassuring.
"It doesnt have to be fancy, cook, I know you like to use big words 'n shit so don't make your brain fuckin explode." Sanji bristles a bit at that but bites back a nasty insult so he can entertain Zoro's weird exercise on his own self reflection.
In the mirror he always sees his mom at first, but with both eyes uncovered and his hair pushed back for once, he sees himself. The first thing he sees is his eyebrows and eyes. He decides not to bring up his eyebrows.
"Well, for your information I see my eyes, but you already know that."
Zoro stays silent, and Sanji shuffles in his seat. He's suddenly aware he was literally in the middle of rinsing his hair of shampoo a few minutes ago and the entire situation is both awkward and uncharacteristic of Zoro in multiple ways. It's out of character, and he should have kicked out the moss ball when he had the chance, but now in the too small bathroom of the Sunny he feels like it's only him and Zoro. It leaves a weightless feeling in his chest, settling in with the creeping anxiety of looking at his own reflection. The contrasting feelings make him hesitate before he speaks.
"I see.." He hesitates, not knowing exactly what Zoro is getting from this or what he wants to hear, "My eyebrows, I guess. Wait, you've never seen both at once." Sanji chuckles at that, because his eyebrows are certainly something. The curl points in the same direction, but it's unnoticeable with how he wears his hair.
"Yeah, they're weird as fuck." Zoro mumbles, and the blond has to laugh or else the swordsman's voice would get to his head.
"Okay, I also see freckles. Those are new. Only started showing up when I joined you all." And Sanji now notices how the freckles cluster on the bridge of his nose, his cheekbones, and his shoulders. They're scattered everywhere else on his body.
Sanji starts to realize the point of Zoro's questioning now. He looks at the fogged mirror, just visible enough to notice how his blush not only spreads across his cheeks but also down his neck. Embarrassing. This whole situation is embarrassing not only because of where they are but also because he's realizing that Zoro is trying to make a point that is too close to unearthing his insecurities. He would have expected this from Luffy, but sometimes he forgets how Zoro's intelligence is masked behind his swordsmanship and how much he sleeps during the day.
And he's naked, but honestly thats the least of his problems at the moment.
"I see my hair, I guess?" Sanji tries to only focus on his face. Its not easier, but it also sets up a mental boundary. Zoro hums, looking at Sanji through the mirror. Sanji hesitates before speaking again, "My hair is actually wavy," He thinks about his mom's wavy blonde hair, and how he always thought it looked pretty even before she passed, "Its damaged, though. Straightened to hell and back with one of those hot combs."
Sanji thinks back to the hot combs. They were old as shit, the kind that needed to be heated up with a flame. The memories make him chuckle a bit, and Zoro smiles back. The same smile he wore when they sparred on the deck, with his dimples visible yet again to confirm to Sanji that he does have them.
His smile makes his heart skip a beat, like drums he'd hear in one of those old instrumental CDs he kept in his room as a kid. Before he has the chance to back away, to push Zoro out the door and forget this ever happened, Zoro straightens his back again.
He turns in his stool to look up at Zoro and he's not sure what the swordsman sees right now, but he's afraid to ask as his gaze is soft. So damn soft as he looks at him and his hand reaches again to pull his hair hair back over his eye like it was before. Stringy strands of heat damaged locks fall back into place.
Then he leaves. He just...leaves. The damn idiot just turns around and walks out the door like nothing even happened.
Thats the second time this has happened yet the first where Sanji is the one on the receiving end of it, and it makes him grab his towel to bunch it up in his fists and let out a scream into it as he processes everything. He processes how he was forced to notice how Zoro looked at him, and it was Zoro's own weird fucking way of saying "You're beautiful".
"He's so fucking ridiculous oh my god.." Sanji mumbles into the towel. His hair routine is officially long forgotten.
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kamiversee · 10 months ago
i'm losing my mind. FTL is for the Gojo girlies fr we're eating GOOD so far.
back in chapter 29 he mentions how he fell in love with our voice first and FTL opens up with the fact that the first thing he noticed about us was our laugh. my fucking heart omfg Kami WHAT.
the amount of references back to chapter 29 is actually insane. Gojo asking her if she even likes parties because he recalls seeing her less and less when he goes to them :(
i'm so curious to see if the mention of Satoru self-projecting is going to be consistent with this sequel. knowing you, it most probably will. omg my heart's gonna hurt i already know it.
the amount of parallels to us and Satoru is crazy. those last two paragraphs really caught my eye when i was rereading. assuming that the "monster" being mentioned is Sukuna, Satoru "never finding out" the reason why Sukuna decided to blackmail him directly relates back to how it felt like we'd never find out the reason why Satoru blackmailed us. omg.
the mention of how we were completely oblivious to how many guys have took an interest/watched us is crazy foreshadowing. the implication of Satoru noticing them and most probably writing them down in his journal, along with the theory of Sukuna somehow getting access to that journal and reading through it, could explain how Sukuna devised that list. AAAAAA KAMIIIIIIIIIII YOU'RE KILLING ME
sorry for the multiple, broken up messages omfg my brain is short circuiting from the anticipation
Wanted to condense this message with the other ^.^
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ANYWHO, yes yes everything connects very well 🙏 I’m trying my best to answer all plot holes as I go bc god forbid I finish ftl and there’s still unanswered questions (I’ll cry myself to sleep)
Aaand if u read chapter 29 you’ll also notice that the reader implies it was love at first sound instead of sight & now we know that thts almost exactly what it was :)) His curiosity sparked from the laugh & spiraled after that 😉
A lot of references will be made bc I gotta make sure everything makes sense! I want the story to end & everyone understands everything (if not, Im sure you’ll have another breakdown of tfl & ftl put together ^.^)
Oh and if you think Satoru & the reader have parallels, wait til’ you find out who Sukuna parallels to 🌚 (his parallels are a lot more tame tho… I think)
Lastly, the obliviousness was kinda a nod to Gojo’s infatuation in general (im trying not to spoil rn bc we will return to this point soon, trust me) like how he developed a crush & feelings despite never having so much as one convo with the reader!
It’s kind of a lil life lesson too, shows you how in life you’ll never really know if someone’s yearning for you unless they tell you & many people go their entire lives having had crushed on someone without ever telling them ;)
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aezuria · 1 year ago
*ੈ✎ he's an all american boy!
content: american football player! jason grace x reader
╰┈▸ back cover: mortal! au; part I | part II
warnings: cursing (sorry guys), kinda random non-linear plot (but its hcs so its fine)
librarian's annotations: guys help i need a song title/lyric that fits this so it can be my title
also IM GOING FERAL I THINK THE ANGST MADE ME INSANE SO THIS IS HOW I COPE can you guys tell im projecting by the way ppl fawn over him in this
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bro is actually hotshot #1
right when he walks into the school he is BOMBARDED with students like theyre papparazi
hes just
tall, handsome, buff- what more could a girl want?? (there are other criteria he meets but we'll get to that later)
the picture perfect quarterback straight from a damn movie
at first ppl were like "omg hes so hot but im not gonna go up to him cause what if hes mean???"
and then he goes up to them and hes all shy like
"excuse me? i need to get to my locker, sorry if i interrupted your conversation." and hes scratching the back of his neck and smiling awkwardly
word spreads fast in hs yall already know
so when everyone finds out hes not only tall, handsome and buff but also KIND??
head over heels
and hes not exactly oblivious to it but hes not fully aware of it either
probably like "oh yea a lot of ppl talk to me idk why tho its probably cause my friends are popular"
bby you’re the most popular out of your friends don’t even
hes such a good student too
teachers love him
hes everyones golden boy fr (especially mine teehee)
usually sits in the front of the class unless his friends make him sit with them in the back
then he pulls out his glasses that he keeps in its case, even having the lil wipe thing folded neatly
cue shocked gasps
"omg you wear glasses?"
"do you need to clean them? here have my handkerchief!" ("who even are you can't you see he has one")
"those suit you so well!"
his ears turn red at the sudden burst of attention and he laughs nervously, muttering his thanks
even the teacher wasnt mad at the disruption bc who would get mad at jason?
(he got little nudges from his friends after)
you guys know that one jock whose actually a nerd x nerd trope???
i dont even know if it exists but it sounds cute anyway
thats you and jason
he had his first conversation- if you could call it that, at the library when you guys were abt to grab the same book (ugh so cliche right)
being the gentleman he was, he let you have it
to which you tried to refute but he INSISTED
"oh, y/n it's yours. i'll just get a different one."
which got you a little intimidated bc who wouldnt be intimidated by a 6'2 jock thats the talk of the town
you thanked him profusely and scampered away
wait did he just say my name? how does he even know who i am?
that probably kept you up at night
like "oh my god did i just embarrass myself in front of THE jason grace???? did i walk away weird?"
little did you know that the jason grace was awake that same night
"did i scare her?? why did she look like that when i said her name? did my voice crack? did she think i was weird cause my hand brushed against hers? oh my god my hand brushed against hers.."
started noticing you EVERYWHERE after that
like he knew you guys were in some classes tgt
but he finds that he passes by you SO many times in the hallway
and somehow spots you at a table across the library
was that your usual spot? was this his usual spot now?
like what?? his delusional never-had-a-real-gf-because-that-one-time-he-dated-his-friend-she-turned-out-to-be-a-lesbian ass thinks its fate
very much influenced by all the books he reads (NO he does not read romance he simply finds an interesting book that HAPPENS to have romance)
i have this headcanon that he remembers the name of everyone in his classes because he was always forgettable as a kid and no one really knew his name cause he was so quiet (or he tries really hard to remember because he has this aching feeling that in another timeline he could never remember)
so he doesnt want to make others feel that way and yea
(stealing part of this from my earlier rant)
its late, hes tired, but hes back in the library to cram for his test tomorrow
so unlike him, usually hed be on top of things, but his minds been on some... other things. persons. person.
hes still sweaty and sore from football practice, having (literally) ran straight here after changing
throws his bag down (quietly of course, he's not some brute) and takes out like three different notebooks, his worn pencil case from freshman year, and his glasses
jason slides them on, pushing it up the bridge of his nose as he gets up and searches for the textbooks he needs
he knows its more comfortable and less time-consuming to just study at home, after all he already has loaner textbooks given out at the start of the school year, but something in his heart wanted him to drag his beat ass here and work
and good thing too, because he sees a familiar hand grab a book from the other side of the bookshelf
not that he just knows what your hand looks like, that'd be weird
it reveals your beautiful eyes, ones jason would love to see closer
he smiles at you from the crack in the bookshelf, murmuring a soft "hello"
you think you just saw an angel with the way the warm light crowned his head
but when you offer to help him study??? he thinks he fell in love
you were his SAVIOR
thanked you a billion times every other sentence and fumbled over his words cause hes never talked with you for this long
his ears are bright red even though the ac in the library was always to the max
also how is he wearing just a shirt
not that you minded though, it gave you a chance to ogle at the way the fabric was fighting for its life to keep him under wraps
and daydream about fantasies that shall not be named (one involving a pink bow around his bicep)
you dont know how long you were helping and how long you spent daydreaming
you hoped you werent being too obvious (it was very, very obvious but jason was too focused to notice)
it felt like mere minutes when jason looks up, a tired but accomplished look on his face
he thanks you one last time, saying he'll make it up to you
you couldnt help but feel disappointed until the fatigue from the day hits you like a bus
he offers to take you home, saying it was too dark out, and that it wouldnt be safe
god, hes such a gentleman
you take him up on the offer as you did NOT plan on dying a virgin
walks you to your door too, can he get any better???
apparently he can because after he got his scores back for his tests, he rushes to you with a bright smile and presents them like a child with their artwork
”i got a hundred! it’s all thanks to you, you’re a really great study buddy!”
of fucking course he gives the credit to you how is he so humble??
like that was alllll him you just sat there and admired the view (so real for that)
after that he practically begs you to go to his next game, saying he'll return the favor by playing extra hard for you
(can he be extra hard for me tho)
you needed no convincing because a. hes jason grace. end of question. (and b, you know his ass would look great in his uniform GOOD GOOGLY MOOGLY)
he even said he’ll treat you if your school wins (which should be the other way around, but he again, insists)
they won, to absolutely no one’s surprise
took you to a cute lil cafe where you guys got drinks and sandwiches
then he overthinks it before bed cause he didn’t make it sound like a date but he really wanted it to be but he wasn’t sure if you felt the same and-
when you guys do start dating, everyones jealous but they cant bear to hate because you guys are just so cute together (bonus if youre short cause height difference couple !!)
he tried to keep it secret cause he didnt want to get you overwhelmed with a bunch of attention, but its obvious to everyone hes extra soft with you
he thought he was being sneaky when he slowly shifted his usual seat day by day to be closer to you so it wouldnt be obvious (spoiler: it was)
you assured him you were okay with your relationship being public if he was okay with it too
of course he is how can he NOT want you by his side forever
he sees his friends give their gfs their jersey to wear to their games and is like “i so want that” but he’s too shy to ask youu
but it’s written all over his face as you catch him staring intently at the way his friend hands over his spare jersey to his girlfriend when they think no one was looking
so, being the great girlfriend you are, took it upon yourself to ask him for it
which he gave to you a blushing, stuttering mess
the next game, he was worried
where were you? you weren’t usually this late; the game was about to start and he didn’t even get a good luck kiss yet!
he knows it’s probably nothing strange, that you’re just running late, but he can’t help but worry
the whistle blows and he sighs, getting into position, but not before sneaking one last glance at the bleachers
his sky blue eyes found you instantly, and was that-?
you were wearing his jersey, practically swimming in it as you waved your arm excitedly.
he broke into a wide smile, unfortunately hidden by his helmet, and waved back at you, forgetting all about the game for a moment until his friend whacked him upside the head
he buzzed with anticipation, wanting to just hurry and finish so he could run to you and spin you in his arms
you were his driving motive as he scored touchdown after touchdown, never letting the other team bridge the gap in their points
his team wins unsurprisingly, and the first thing he does is throw down his helmet and run to you, tackling you gently
he sweeps you off your feet and kisses you as you spin, giggles muffled by his lips
hes sweaty and sticky but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, the way his smile lights up the world is all that matters
and he knows that you’re his world, and he’d do anything to make you light up
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moonchildstyles · 3 years ago
Just thinking about aster on his knees going down on angel :) kissing her through her pink lace panties that are already soaked his nose teasing her :( whispering how pretty she is how she’s his angel his pretty baby how good of a girl she is being this wet and ready from just his kisses :( encouraging her to talk to him but she’s just whining and moaning whenever his kisses go too deep “tell me what it feels like baby?” Her hands on top of his hair so soft and shiny he goes to the waistband kissing it softly his lips linger on the little bow looking up at her her hair is a tad bit messy from when he ran his fingers through it while kissing her lips the same lips she’s biting right now and he wants to comment on that pinch her skin to make her stop or give her thigh a little bite but she looks too dazed and pretty he doesn’t have the heart to :( “don’t stop, please” he wants to record that keep it with him to listen to it whenever he needs her and she isn’t beside him she’s so needy for him he loves that she needs him loves how much she relies on him for pleasure if he isn’t there she’ll just suppress it until he can help her :( kissing her waist “gotta listen to me, love” she whines “I am listening” pushing his head down he’s fully laughing and she’s a whiny mess he takes a hold of her wrist “should I tie you up?” She shakes her head quickly “Reckon thats the only thing that’ll stop you” his hold soften kissing her wrist she whispers “sorry” he puts her hand back on his head “tug on it lovebug don’t push me” voice stern she’s looking at him all 🥺 “want you to tell me how it feels every time I ask. Am I clear?” She nods her head fingers twirling his hair when he gives her butt a squeeze she speaks up “yes, I’ll try my best” his hands are roaming her back feeling her panties “no, you won’t try your best. You’ll do as I just said” while his nose is nuzzling in her waist she’s all 😦 as he gives her hipbones kisses “yeah, angel?” Just so soft :( 🧸💕
I have not stopped thinking ab this since you sent it im literally feeling so INSANE over it omg🥺 first of all the visual w him on his knees in like the kitchen or something her skirt pushed up his hair pulled back bc he plans on doing what he needs to do and she’s being so whiny soft and mushy bc like u said I think she’s sooo ab him being the one to get her off bc he just does it so much better like I feel like she might have tried even after he showed her how he touches her to make her feel good but it’s just not the same and if she’s going to see him tomorrow anyway she’d rather wait🥺 but ofc that makes her whiny and quick to get wet for him and maybe a tiny bit fussy bc she just wants him sooooo bad:( and he’s just being him kissing her through her panties and teasing her w his nose nudging over her and “tell me how if feels love let me know I’m doing good” and omg he’s kissing her hips and the bow on her undies and looking up at her w her eyes all glossy and lips swollen and hair messy and he’s soooooo done for her and he knows she is too🥸 but omg her getting whiny and pushing his head down to where she needs him I’m SOOOOOO 🥸 and omg I can see him biting gently on her hip like why aren’t u listening to me hm? I asked you a question and now you’re pushing me around, what’s that ab angel? And I am listening I just—🥺 she’s just too 🥺🥸🥺🥸🥺🥸 to put anything together for him and do I need to tie you up? Is that gonna help you listen and not get so distracted??? And nonono h please I want to touch u:( and he’s just sweet kissing her wrists before he’s putting her hands in his hair and “then you’ve got to pull on my hair you know that no pushing alright?” And sorry h I will🥺 and he’s sweet giving her a kiss over her panties before he’s “and you’ll answer me when I ask you to do something?” And the idea of him giving her bottom a squeeze w his hands going under her panties when she tells him that she’ll try before he’s like nooo you’re not going to try, you’re going to do as I said bc you’re my good girl right? And she’s so 🥸🥺🥸🥺🥸🥺🥸 like that’s her Man🥸 and ofc when she ends up crumbling and can’t speak when he’s going down on her he doesn’t get mad at her own teases her a little and keeps kissing her and loving her bc that’s his girl he knew she wouldn’t be able to follow through 🥺🥸
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extratragic · 5 years ago
put the pieces back together
pairing: JJ Maybank x reader
warning: depression & all that good stuff that comes with it. (promise it’s really just soft JJ)
word count: 2057
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(found the gif @rudypankows )
request: Could you do a scenario where the reader breaks up with jj bc she doesn’t want him to deal with her problems (depression,Anxiety, low-self esteem anger issues) and when jj finds out why she broke up with him he goes and comfort her if you will 👉🏽👈🏽🥺 angst to fluff 🤧❤️
summary: JJ is just the person to take care of the girl he loves
y/d/n = your dad’s name, y/m/n = your moms name, y/b/n = your brothers name
   “I just... I can’t do this anymore, JJ. I’m not good for you.”
That was the last time that the group saw you for weeks. 
You and JJ had been dating for six months at that point. Everything was going perfectly according to JJ, and everything was going perfectly until absolutely nothing was going perfect in your life. 
It wasn’t a sudden switch like you’d had before, either. 
You felt the way that you’d want to be home more often than going out with your friends. Even shopping felt like a drag, but you thought you could push past it this time. You didn’t wear your bikini anymore, though. You either wore a once piece or a swim shirt with shorts. Your body just looked... off when you put a bikini on, and your self-esteem couldn’t handle being around Kie while you felt like that. 
You weren’t eating, either. 
JJ was the first to notice that when you did come to The Wreck with them, you would steal fries from his plate but that’s it. 
Depression kicked your ass when it wanted to, and when anxiety joined the party, you felt like you couldn’t be around anyone. 
You were diagnosed with anxiety at eleven years old, and then depression at thirteen. You’d only known the Pogue’s for a year, and they only knew about your anxiety. Telling people about either diagnosis made you feel uncomfortable, but you knew that this group was insane and might just push your limits. 
When JJ got a text from your mom three weeks after you broke up with him saying that she needed him, he yelled at John B to drive the HMS back to his house at that second. His leg was bouncing the entire ride and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. Did something happen to you? Did something happen to your siblings? Your dad? 
Kie tried to comfort him, but he didn’t listen to any of them. He was scared. He knew something was wrong with you and he didn’t tell anyone about it. 
JJ was off of the boat and on his bike before anyone could say a word to him. Yeah, you broke up with him, but you were still his girl. He wouldn’t have a problem beating someone’s ass if they came near you, and he would always be there if you needed him. And right now, you need him.
He knocked on the front door and your dad opened it after a few seconds. 
“We need to talk before you see her,” he said. 
JJ nodded and walked into your family’s home, sitting on the couch with your parents. 
“She told us that you know about her anxiety,” your dad started off. JJ nodded again and your dad took a deep breath before continuing. “She was diagnosed with depression a couple years after the anxiety. She’s on medications, but sometimes it’s too much for her to handle. Everything’s been okay since she became friends with you guys. But sometimes everything hits her at once and... this happens,” he sighed, running his hand over his face. 
“Is it my fault?” JJ asked weakly. 
He was so scared that he was the reason behind what was happening with you. Did he do something to set you off? Did he go too far in something?
“No! No, JJ. Sometimes her anxiety attacks are easier to figure out, but these... the depression episodes are hard for all of us, especially her. It could’ve been finals that started it, for all we know. The best thing that we’ve learned is that she needs someone she loves by her side,” Y/d/n said. 
JJ took a deep breath and looked at the hallway that led to your room. 
“She broke up with me,” he said quietly. 
“We know. But we also know y/n, and we know that she loves you, JJ,” Y/m/n told him.
“Can I see her?” JJ asked. 
They nodded and he stood up, walking down the hall and grabbing the door handle with a shaky hand. After collecting himself, he opened the door, relaxing just a little bit when he saw y/b/n sitting beside you. His heart broke when he saw you on the bed. Your comforter and his blanket were wrapped around you and you were laying on the bed, looking at nothing. 
The fairy lights that you always - always- had on were off. Your clothes were in a pile by your desk. Your room was just a mess, and you were such a clean person that it shocked him. 
“Can I...” JJ trailed off, looking at your brother. 
He nodded and whispered something to you before getting up. When he stopped by JJ, he looked back at you and sighed. 
“She’ll be okay. You just gotta remember that,” he told JJ. 
JJ nodded shakily and your brother patted his shoulder before leaving. 
“Hey, sweet girl,” JJ said softly, crouching down beside your bed. 
You looked at him and he smiled softly, tucking your hair behind your ear. You closed your eyes and he kissed your forehead before laying down beside you. While JJ played with your hair, you barely moved from your spot. His phone chimed and he looked at the screen, seeing a text from your mom. 
We’re going to get something to eat from the wreck. If you want something, you can just text it. 
p.s, y/n hasn’t showered in almost a week. if you can get her up, that would be great for her
“Want something to eat, baby?” He asked quietly. 
He barely heard the ‘no’ escape your lips, but he texted your mom to get your favorite order anyways. He loved it, and if you wouldn’t eat the main part, then maybe you’d eat the fries. 
There were texts from John B, Kie, and Pope, but he’d just text them when you were asleep.
“You sleepy?” He asked. 
You shook your head and he nodded, looking over your face carefully. He could tell from the dried streaks on your cheeks that you’d been crying, but your eyes held no emotion other than pure exhaustion. Your pretty pink lips were chapped and there was a small crack on your bottom lip. The eyebrows that you usually kept perfectly plucked were no longer in perfect condition, but he thought you still looked good. Even in what you thought was your worst, he still thought you were beautiful.
You were always beautiful in his eyes. 
“When’s the last time you showered, sweet girl?” He asked. 
You shrugged and he raised his eyebrows. “Dunno. A week?” You guessed. 
Your voice was broken and raspy like you had barely used it over the last three weeks. 
“Wanna shower? I can help,” he offered, running his fingers through your hair. It was a little greasy at the roots, but it didn’t bother him.
“You don’t have to take care of me. I broke up with you,” you muttered.
He scrunched up his nose and sighed, nodding. That one hurt just a bit.
“Yeah, true. But you’re always my girl. So, shower?” He asked.
Tears slowly filled your eyes and you nodded. “I’m sorry,” you choked out.
“It’s okay. It’s okay, baby. I know you’re hurting,” he told you.
He pulled you into his arms and kissed the top of your head, squeezing you tightly. You grabbed his hand and held it to your chest as your tears fell from your eyes and onto his chest.
The two of you eventually made it to your bathroom and he took his clothes off until he was in his boxers, then he helped you undress. For some reason, the people that owned the house before your family had a stool for the shower, but it came in handy now.
You sat on the stool with your back towards the showerhead with your forehead on JJ’s abdomen. He washed your hair for you, smiling softly at the smell wafting through the small bathroom. His favorite smell was your berry scented shampoo and conditioner.
When you first got it, you were always complaining about how you never got anything that smelled the way you thought it would. Once you washed your hair with that, he fell in love with it just as much as you did.
After washing your hair, he got down on his knees and helped you wash your body, kissing your cheeks as he went along. When he fished your arms, he kissed your right cheek. After your legs, he kissed your left cheek. He kept going until you told him you felt clean.
“Any other special pampering?” He asked, smiling softly.
“My face,” you answered. 
He grabbed the small pink thing that he always saw you use and put the face wash on it, rubbing it into your skin. You smiled when he mumbled a ‘sorry’ when going near your eyes. It didn’t hurt, it just felt weird that someone else’s hand was this close when your eyes were closed. 
“All done. Did we miss anything?” He asked. 
You shook your head and he turned the water off, getting out of the shower. He took his soaked boxers off and wrapped one towel around his waist and wrapped the other towel around your body. It was fluffy, just as you liked it, and you snuggled against JJ after he wrapped you in the towel.
“What pajamas, baby?” He asked.
“I dunno. Let’s figure it out,” you told him.
He nodded and went back to your room, stopping in front of your closet. You picked out one of his shirts that he left there and slipped it on, moving away from JJ to wrap your towel around your head. You grabbed a pair of underwear and shorts, then climbed into bed.
“Your clothes are in the top drawer. Get dressed and cuddle,” you told him.
He laughed and did as you said, quickly getting dressed. When he got into bed beside you, he realized that the sheets were different than before.
“Hang on,” he said, quickly shooting up and going over to your vanity. He grabbed your moisturizer and walked back over to you, gently rubbing it into your skin.
“You hungry?” He asked when he finished.
You shook your head like you did before.
“Okay. Well, I am, and I asked your mom to get me something. I’ll be right back,” he told you.
“Okay,” you said quietly.
He kissed your forehead and went into the kitchen, seeing your parents and brother eating.
“You got her up?” Your dad asked.
“Showered and changed. She says she’s not hungry, but I figured that she might want some fries at least,” he told them.
Your mom smiled happily at him, sliding the to-go box across the table.
“Keep the crumbs off those sheets,” she playfully warned.
“Yes, ma’am,” he grinned, taking the box and plastic silverware and going back to your room.
When JJ came back into your room with your favorite meal from The Wreck, your heart melted. Food just didn’t sound good at all to you, but you knew that you had to eat something today. Usually it was your brother that got you to eat, but JJ was definitely better than him. 
“J,” you said quietly. 
He hummed, pulling the covers over his legs and putting an old towel over the comforter to keep the crumbs from getting on the sheets.
“Thank you,” you told him.
His blue eyes met your loving gaze and he leaned in slowly, waiting for your nod to kiss your lips softly. 
“Anything for you, my sweet girl,” he said, pecking your lips again before digging into his dinner. 
You smiled softly and laid your head on his shoulder, occasionally stealing a fry. He held up the fork to your mouth and you took the bite, making him grin. He was simply just happy with making small progress. You knew that this was far more than small progress and it made you feel even better. 
JJ, the broken teenage boy, was able to keep you sane through your bad times. You, another broken teen, just happened to be one of the few people to help JJ through his bad times. 
You put each others pieces back together, one at a time. 
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kurosukii · 3 years ago
Jul he was def written by a Horny watt pad user cause the shit he would say to me and the stunts he would pull were things I had never imagined
yes he does have some dentist friends if anyone is interested but they’re not dilfs sadly:(
he Did brazy stuff like that all the time completely uncalled for his son would stay with his sister because he felt he needed more of an authority female presence in his sons life so when his son was gone for a weekend we would go crazy. I don’t think there is a surface or area in his home outside of his sons room that we didn’t do something nasty on
on top of his insane breeding kink this man had the libido and stamina to keep up w freshly dirty me who had a million scenarios in my head after he unlocked that side i didn’t know existed
but funny story of how I met his sister and to this day when I see her I get embarrassed
so he had told her abt me obvI but she didn’t know abt the age difference just that he had met someone who worked at a grocery store he frequented and we were going on dates. so flash foreward his son is out the house (also this was b4 we were comfy enough to try n fuck in his place of business the timeline of events will never make sense)
We were cuddling and watching a movie in the living room and I started to get h word and im telling u this man never wore an outfit that wouldn’t provoke me to take his pants off so ofc he was shirtless and wearing light grey sweatpants material shorts… yk whats gonna happen were halfway thru an episode of a show and I lay my head in his lap n I’m just nuzzling against his dick bcs I’m a shy bitch who didn’t want to directly ask for it
n eventually he pauses the show n is like ��is there something you want?“ n I look up at him w pls fuck me eyes so he moves me to be sitting on his lap but more so straddling his thigh, at this point he can’t hide his semi n just starts kissing me w the most passion
at this point in our relationship I was focusing on learning how to suck his dick, which was a struggle for me w breathing but I loved doing it, i start kissing his neck and grinding against him and he goes to put his hand in my pants n i shuffle back a little he goes “don’t be shy now you already started something”
i just blurt out “can you fuck my mouth” BITCH(if ur okay w me calling you bitch) if someone could have literal hearts in their eyes he had them, that look is still stuck in my memory like it’s priceless art
somehow I can’t remember the sequence of events but I’m on my knees in front of the couch and he let me start off on my own just to see how far I could go, as I said he is vv thick so it usually cause some pain in the corners of my lips but I keep going and he rested his hand on the back of my head “you’re doing so well bunny” (again w the side notes he called me bunny so much his son thought it was my name for a solid two weeks) he got the nickname from that hot freaks song, anyways started pushing my head down just a little until I was nose to his pelvis gagging all over him and he just starts laughing, so ofc i pull off and get pouty so he apologizes for laughing staring “it’s just cute seeing you struggle“
so we start back n atp he is standing up fully naked I’m also Fully naked just hips a thrusting the most lewd noises coming front my throat as he breaks my fuckin uvula and he like I said is very vocal so u can only imagine the noises this man was saying
at this point I start struggling to breathe I’m tearing up and he is being so cocky abt it and asking so many questions knowing i can’t answer
again dialogue
“you like being on your knees for me huh?” “I think you look extra good like this, just want me to fuck your mouth till u can’t speak”
“mmhm or would you like it better if I made you scream till you lost your voice”
and as he got closer
“that’s right just take it“
“doing so good baby throats so tight(started rubbing the column of my throat) can you feel me all the way down there“
now at this point I’m a literal mess
and we hear his front door slam and immediately both ducked down on the floor and his sister comes in saying his name Bcs where the fuck r u at ur cars here
and we both look at eachother w the “oh shit, oh fuck” look so he just gets up on the couch and peeks his head over and she’s standing between the living room and hallway and is like ??? Look on her face and he just starts shouting “don’t come over here I’m fully naked give me a minute please“ and doubles over laughing and I could hear her yell to the kids “go play outside for a minute“
she walks out of view and we sprint to his bedroom and I’m so embarrassed at this point we get dressed in a flash and I’m destroyed and he just doesn’t tell me makeup smeared my lip clearly look like I’ve been sucking dick and he just walks us out and introduces me to her, she didn’t say anything out the way but I knew she knew Bcs the look she gave me when she first saw me
its sad this isnt top 10 embarrassing things to happen to me
also sorry this is so long I send these as I remember the moments -🐶
yooooo this story was an entire rollercoaster ,,,, all i can say is holy shit 🧿_🧿
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athys-obelia · 4 years ago
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summary: no one's evil au lmfaooo but make it pt. 2
character/s: anastacius de alger obelia, claude de alger obelia, athanasia de alger obelia, jennette de alger obelia
and here's part 1 <3
oh my god okay. okay. so.
ana, claude, athy and jennette - they go on a LOT of vacations
claude complains every single time but anastacius pulls his trump card and sends athy and jettie BOTH after him
u think he's strong enough to say no after that? lmao jokes
and their vacations always go this way:
jennette: isn't this scenery just gorgeous, uncle
claude: indeed it is. and...quiet
jennette: ...too quiet
[cut to anastacius in the distance, fighting a bear as athy cheers him on]
athy + anastacius, hands down the most chaotic pairing yes i will not be taking criticism
they have tea in ana's palace everyday, just the two of them, they're so poised and picture perfect through the entire thing everyone thinks it's just the emperor giving profound advice to his heir
it's actually them deadass scheming,,, ana has no qualms discussing everything from court gossip to military tactics, both of which she's so on top of all the time
if anyone shit talks jennette or claude, this tea party is where their slow and agonizing demise is planned out to the dot
[true story - count sivan once made the fatal mistake of expressing his favour for athy as the next empress, dissing jennette by comparing her to athy sm which inevitably sparked a debate that ranked the princesses. a week after athy's sources informed her of the kindling behind this new debate, the count's sudden divorce became the talk of the town, and the man's business faced bankruptcy all of a sudden. the sivans still haven't recovered.)
athy n jennette were actually allowed to visit kiel in arlanta a few times, except it was too dark at their first arrival, postponing the meeting to the next morning
buttt then jettie can't sleep and she decides on a midnight snack run (their hotel doesn't really have the maids the palace does, but oh well. she's left the palace w lucas n athy plenty of times)
felix tags along btw, he knows this trip is important to the girls since they're leaving the palace without their Overprotective Papas™ for the first time and want some sense of independence, but... she's just so smol n he couldn't bear it if anything happens so he just shadows her
she totally knows he's there
n e ways so there's a juice place right beside their hotel which she aims for, but when jennette reaches it, it's closed
and out of nowhere, a voice addresses her - "hey you, do you come here a lot?" she nearly jumps out of her skin at the brunette, relaxing when she sees he's literally a kid around her age and not a murderer lmfaoo "me neither," he continues without waiting for her, pouting at the closed sign, before he asks for her name and whether she's new in arlanta
she confirms that yes, she's only visiting, and refuses to tell the stranger her name, still feeling strange at being addressed as 'you' for the first time (well, minus lucas, but he was like her brother and had the emotional capacity of a teaspoon, so)
he eyes her. "you're so weird. i've never seen a girl out so late before, and alone too. are you stupid?"
(felix has his sword out at this point)
she's flushing now and has no idea why she's still out here, but then this stranger kid apparently senses her mood and tells her the best ice cream store in arlanta is not too far away
(he also explains he knows someone who's starts doing weird things when she's hungry as well, and tries to defend that ice cream is actually a healthy midnight snack, "you can just take a healthy flavour like strawberry or mango, mangos are healthy,,right"💀️💀)
so jettie has travelled all the way from obelia, she loves her papa but he would have a heart attack if he found out she was ever awake this late?? yeah bc she's never getting this chance again, jennette accepts the offer
the stranger boy seems to be taking the whole "i'm not telling you my name," thing like a joke, and asks what he should call her since 'you' was getting boring
she goes with "lady j" and like a knight, the boy becomes "sir c"
(felix is on the verge of committing a crime - the princesses can only have one knight, after all)
they walk as the the boy navigates the streets in the dark, and she asks whether he's from the academy, seeing his uniform
"of course i am! you could probably tell bc i look so smart, right?"
she snorts. "yeah, that."
she also comes to know that this guy,,,well he might as well be a tourist? she's out here asking stuff like "oh where's the statue of lady alphia?" or "aren't we really close to the museum where they keep the first emperor's sword?" and he goes "lady do i look like your brochure?? but if you turn right from here there's a cool arcade and across the street from there is the best street food vendor you'll ever eat from."
well at least mans had his priorities straight 😌
"so can you take this off?" he asks, pointing towards her dress once they've neared the store
um???????? sir tf????????????
anyways jettie has been living with lucas n her dad farr too long to not take this the wrong way?? "...no?"
the boy raises an eyebrow "look, it looks like an expensive cloak but i promise i'll return it, alright? i gotta hide my uniform."
ohhhhhhh. 😳.
so she unfastens the cloak and because he's kinda just staring at it cluelessly (he can't even tie his shoelaces fight me), jennette sighs and moves the clothing over his shoulder, fastening it in place at his neck
he's literally a tomato when she looks back up and realises that yes, we are way too close rn
bc she's ana's daughter, jennette by default cannot function when she's flustered. so she kinda stumbles backwards like a fish out of water (years of princess training n etiquette? where art thou??) and 'sir c' has to grab her forearm so she doesn't bump into the pillar behind her smfh
the shopkeep is definitely suspicious of this pair that's definitely too young to be out so late, but chalks it down to his sleeplessness
they escape the store with the ice cream before the shopkeep can ask any questions, and 'sir c' escorts jennette back to her hotel. he climbs onto the roof of the building, helping her up as well
(felix wishes he had a magic stone to capture this moment, this is the first time he's seen jennette become such fast friends with someone)
she stands on the roof (it hurts her butt so she doesn't wanna sit)
"my sister would be so jealous right now," jennette murmurs, "she told me her ideal first date would be either a picnic or something like a moonlit walk. we're having like a moonlit picnic."
it's silent for a few seconds the boy speaks up, "is this a date?"
"i mean- i didn't- i don't- uh."
give her some time lmfao she's loading
"i don't really mind that," he tells her, and she thinks she might just walk off the roof in her embarrassment - who just says something like that?? "you're probably feeling really lucky right now, right?"
jennette: ✊😔
he does look pretty in the moonlight, she admits to herself, listening as he excitedly tells her about his siblings at home and how she should send an offering to the gods since they gave her the good fortune to be on a date with the most good looking one of all four of them
in turn, she tells him about how she spent her childhood away from her amazing dad and had gotten closer to him recently, about her sharp-witted uncle, her sister and friends
(the 'friends' section includes felix and he's melting)
she smiles - it's almost as if, at finding out he treasures his family just as much as she does, they've gotten a bit closer
and he tries to listen. jennette had guessed that his temperament was somewhat like her dad's - her dad didn't know how to listen, always making his opinion known before anything else, though she supposes as emperor he could do that
'sir c', on the other hand, tried his best, his blue eyes focused on her as he almost burst from the unsaid words he was holding back, trying to let her finish. the sight was an odd mix of sad and insanely adorable that she couldn't help but let him tell her about everything he couldn't hold in
sensing she could pass out from her exhaustion nearly half an hour later, and 'sir c' escorts her to her window and helps her sneak in bc "what sort of knight would i be otherwise?!"
(felix can't stop shaking the entire night)
the next morning, jennette's heart is pounding as kiel shows her, athy and felix across campus - the chance is low, but still...
"ezekiel!" comes a voice, and the four watch as a turquoise haired boy waves down the alpheus heir "are these the guests you mentioned?"
kiel introduces the trio to johannes vastia before asking, "where's cabel?"
"at the training grounds, he asked if you could bring everyone there so he could show them around there."
"... they're my guests though?"
athy is quick to befriend johannes (i mean she and his sister are practically the same person, so) and at the grounds, jennette's blood runs cold
(so does felix's)
the brunette doesn't notice her at first, arguing with johannes about something as kiel introduces him as cabel ernst
jennette is hyperventilating?? actually back up is this girl even breathing??
cabel ernst from kiel's letters? the 'loud and obnoxious cabel ernst', who gradually turned into 'my acquaintance cabel ernst', then 'hardworking, passionate cabel ernst', and finally 'my friend cabel'?
she'd actually rather admired this slow build of respect between her friend and the ernst boy, and had even expressed her interest to meet him
"this is the first daughter of his highness prince claude de alger obelia, princess athanasia-" cabel mock salutes the princess before his mouth forms an 'o' and he remembers to bow, "-and here's the emperor's only daughter, her highness princess je-"
andddd his eyes widen comically "-hey, lady, it's you?"
yeah jettie is on the brink of literal death - her entire face reddens as this...cabel, grins at her
she watches as he glances behind her, "and you're the guy who was following us - sup?"
felix flinches "...you knew...?"
cabel shrugs. "i mean you do kinda suck ass at the whole subtle thing."
"don't say it like that," jennette retorts, "felix was trying his best."
"princess 😭😭 you knew as well?"
"uhhhh no?"
athy + kiel in a corner: 👁️👄👁️
they watch as cabel's eyes widen all of a sudden and he just,,,runs away
yeah well anyway he comes rushing back a few minutes later, a piece of cloth in his hand "...*huff* here *huff*...you go."
athy totally flips out "jennette is that your CLOAK???!??"
"uhhhhh no?"
"um do you realise uncle would literally wage war at this."
and as if it would make everything better,
"i washed it," cabel offers with a grin
"you didn't," the vastia heir deadpans
"i mean, johan helped a little bit."
kiel smiles murderously at the pair. "johan, did you know cabel took the princess out?"
"wait, you're a PRINCESS??"
your honour they aren't very smart
so the group orders some coffee (milk for cabel smfh) to find out what happened, cabel mentions "date" and everything goes to shit again lmfao
kiel and felix scheme against poor cabel while athy n johan get over that stage pretty quick ("listen. MY sister will be living with ME after the marriage and if your friend wants to be with her he'll have to come with us to obelia." and johan's just like "fine by me ✌️😊") and start planning the wedding
cabel + jennette dip n sneak out of the academy again to get the juice they couldn't the night before bc shit is getting awkward here
on another note, our uncle cius' musical intelligence is actually very high - he can probably play more instruments than i can name tbh, but he feels most comfortable singing and i shit you not, this man has straight up an angel's voice
(didn't like singing in front of others coz he was secretly a nerd and only knew old love songs with deep lyrics, athy found out and educated him)
jennette tends to have nightmares often, most often regarding their family - she's seen her father murder her uncle for the throne, and vice versa, athy admitting her affections towards jennette were a front to get the position of crown princess, her uncle killing her to solidify athy's claim, etc - her family is her everything, so despite however many times these horrible scenes play before her, she's left sobbing uncontrollably
and on these nights, she leaves for her father's room, who holds her close and sings her to sleep
also lucas n jennette are like sibling duo# 1,,, jettie is an active lucathy shipper even though he denies it sm - like their dynamic is just peaceful walks in the gardens as she watches the plants n lucas shi talks the nobility and kiel
claude and athy have a thing for each other's sleeping on each other? idk it's weird
athy once fell asleep on the couch while reading with him, and claude moved her head onto his lap so she wouldn't be uncomfy sitting - well, she woke up to his hand absentmindedly raking through her hair and it was just so soothing that whenever she's tired and he's working or reading, she just plops her head on his lap and zzzz
and claude wondered what was up with that, so she proposed they switch roles and he felt so awkward trying to lay down in front of her lmao
obviously athy noticed and she just started reading, thinking he might be more comfortable if her attention isn't on him completely - she ended up reading out loud while playing with his collar and he just,,,passed out
also anastacius has definitely pulled jennette aside regarding the issue of his heir at some point - she had been hesitant at first before admitting she wouldn't like to be the empress at all
i know we'd all love to see empress!jettie and her sister duchess!athy ruling the court, but i really really really can't see her wanting the title?
so thus start athy's empress lessons, but holy shit her teacher is mean
like this man makes me want to bash his face in?? so he doesn't like the idea of athy becoming empress over jennette at all, all bc of both hers and claude's mothers being commoners
he has one of those long ass sticks that you use in presentation to point at stuff?? idk but basically mans has athy name every region, its lords and their vassals during their first lesson
the first time she gets one wrong, she's too shocked as the stick meets the delicate skin of her forearm to react
now the thing is, wmmap!athy would probably stand up against this bc her dad is the emperor and she's his only heir, but i imagine with anastacius' social nature he holds many parties / balls where she's probably heard claude's mom + diana slander and it wouldn't be unreasonable for her to be self conscious abt it (now she's the emperor's heir while jennette, 100% royal + noble blood, is right there which probably makes her feel even less legitimate)
so she endures it, the light marks on her arms as well as the taunts of his she's too smart to not understand - perhaps this is the price to be accepted in jennette's place?
and honestly, no one really notices until at breakfast a few weeks in, where jennette mentions how her dresses are still so modest when sleeveless dresses were more in fashion - ana is suspicious because athy is always on top of these things, societal trends and such, and claude is sus from the way she hesitates slightly in her answer, "i haven't had the time lately, i suppose"
the lesson after focuses on ettiquete since everyone knows she's good at politics and such already, but now tears of frustration are pooling in her eyes because what the hell?? this guy had made an opinion of her long before he even met her, so anything she did would be wrong in his eyes
he gives her a sinister smile, "tired, princess?"
"no," she insists, keeping her voice level. he's about to spout some other nonsense, when anastacius enters the room, taking a seat across from her
anastacius watches quietly as athy answers the teacher's questions in her "public" voice. he watches as her usually cheery disposition is replaced by something far more...dead, despite the front she puts on for him. he's soundless as she hesitates in her answers where she normally would've been louder, more confident. he stops watching in silence when his niece flinches at the sight of the stick
he interrupts her lesson, not missing the way she winces almost imperceptibly when he grabs ahold of her arm, announcing, "we're going."
he just- it's just that that was the moment he knew for sure - the sight of his niece emotionally disheveled for the first time reminds him too much of how his own brother had once been, and he'd... he'd promised he wouldn't let anyone hurt his family anymore
he ends up taking her to the port with some of his advisors to welcome some royal guests, insisting that she would learn better from experience rather than books - but the guest delegation gets so boring that he sneaks her out of the meeting n they end up in the streets
now athy has no idea where they are, but apparently her uncle does?? ana has his hand on her head as he navigates the streets of the capitol as if he comes here everyday, using magic to casually disguise the two of them
in the meantime?
felix is at the port trying to cover for them smfh, he makes up this huge story about how the great wise emperor wanted to familiarize his heir with the locals, understand her subjects, yada yada
back at the palace prince claude is currently dragging a man by his collar and only upon jennette's insistence does he throw him in prison rather than literally kill him
(jettie visits him later in prison to give the guy a piece of her mind, after felix's visit he's sporting a few noticable bruises and the prisoner is practically unrecognizable once lucas visits)
back to athy + ana, they end up stuffing themselves with some super good street food as anastacius confesses that yes, he has definitely been sneaking out of the palace ever since he was a lil kid
athy almost mentions that she, lucas n jettie sneak out too but that might give him a heart attack, so
"it's so pretty, uncle cius," she says, gesturing towards the necklace he holds up. once he's paid for it, anastacius fists the necklace, opening it to reveal the jewel pendant - now imbued with his magic and replaced with gold lettering of the word athanasia
and she realises that yes, that's what both him and her dad have called her all her life, haven't they?
"you're my heir, athanasia," he uncle tells her with a small smile, "i am proud of that."
getting teary, she tells him, "i'm really proud of you too, uncle cius," triggering a very flustered + blushy anastacius
this mans craves validation - not from the sycophantic nobility, or the obsequious concubines he'd dismissed all those years ago, but from the family he thought he'd neither have nor deserve
and just the acknowledgement is so large for athy - he wants her as his heir, not because she's his niece, but bc he trusts her to look after his hard work after him??? - yeah she's totally bawling her eyes out
anastacius magics her a handkerchief but my mans magic isn't that strong?? lmao he's used up so much by now that the 'handkerchief' turns out to be some scratchy tissues
awkward amirite
nope! athy laughs at that, offering him a sip of her drink as she magics another straw and a proper handkerchief lmfaoo
n e ways so when they return, everyone's shocked to learn that the crown heir, princess athanasia will actually be joining the official circles as anastacius' temporary aid - he doesn't wanna entrust her to anyone but family, and decides that the best way to learn is by his side
(she's so confused bc lucas doesn't normally bat an eyelash when she wears the prettiest gowns, but he deadass can't look her in the eyes when she's in her aid uniform - it's more like a suit than it is a dress)
yes lucas women in suits >>>>>
everyone is STUNNED when at dinner, claude proposes they leave on vacation??
anastacius is just not having it?? like no, this is not my brother, and he throws a grape at claude to check if it's a clone or sum (¿¿how does that work??)
anyays so he ain't no felix, ana's aim is ass and it hits jettie instead
mans nearly gets on his knees to apologise
long story short everyone preps for vacation, but by some aCCiDeNt claude n athy end up at a different destination than jettie n ana, when she suggests returning to the palace to regroup, mans deadass sulks
"so you wouldn't like to spend this time with your father, despite barely visiting my office for weeks?"
so at their return, the nobility starts pestering everyone that the princesses aren't independent enough, yada yada idc so to quell this annoyance, to the girls' joy, they get to move into emerald palace together, while claude and ana stay in the ruby and main palaces respectively
literally emerald palace becomes such a cool place to be in since it's the residence of the only decent people in this family, the brothers spend hours going through the requests of maids who want to be transferred
it's such a busy time because of athy joining the court and jettie starting her studies as well - naturally, since she isn't becoming empress, she'll be getting the duchy claude + athy were to be given in the beginning
speaking of futures, jettie's interest in plants and cooking has definitely branched out into herbs
claude notices her tending to a small garden during his visit to athy and even gives her a few tips (he had been studying medical since he was a kid, and picked it up again when athy was born and the empire stablised somewhat)
this soon becomes a routinely thing, and he actually starts reading up on some herbs and even orders a few for her prospering garden
after a month of her learning from books, claude proposes adding a medic as one of her teachers, and turns out his hunch was right?? she's excelling at medicine and they keep it between themselves for the time being
it doesn't last long though, bc they're on a hunting trip when ana injures his leg
and !! this girl istg, she gets to cleaning and wrapping the wound without blinking an eye, as if it's the most natural thing ever, and claude is just smirking while athy and anastacius and literally everyone else: 🌟💞✨jettie✨💞🌟
literal tears coming out of anastacius' eyes "how come my daughter is smarter than me😭💅"
claude: that's not a very high standard, brother
anastacius: ✨suddenly i'm an only child✨
behold, the people in charge of running an empire everyone 👏👏👏
even though jennette is claude's (unofficial) student and athy is her uncle's heir, they both ask their dads to the debutante
yes athy does dance with lucas, anastacius sent him an invitation even though he wasn't a noble (he's an active match maker 😌) and nobody dared question the emperor's special guest
at the end of the night, kiel gives jettie a letter from arlanta - it's an invitation to the academy during holidays, from a certain brunette
when she brings up the subject, felix lets out a squeak and literally everyone goes silent 😭😭
athy n kiel are just out here DARING him to spill them beans
but anastacius takes on look at his excited lil kid and decides that yups, she's going to get everything she wants
a/n: i literally don't know how many parts this should have lmaoo but y'all made it this far!! thanks for reading i hope you liked it<3
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heyitsyn · 4 years ago
a/n: a halloween special with our boys and the mess it is
summary: lets just say,, things get weird during halloween
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okay so first of
halloween isnt a favorite holiday of most of the boys
like they all ltr are towers and skyscrapers but these kids are absolutely terrified of it all
but you just really like the holiday bc of yanno, candy, scary stuff, and omg costumes!
so you were basically very hyped and excited about it and you were excitedly humming to yourself as the date grew closer
the boys were confused as to why you were actually happy and in a good mood but they didnt complain bc they love seeing you happy
the flowery aura makes them heart eyes
oikawa ran over and he stood behind you as you were distractedly humming to your clipboard
‘watcha doing, y/n-chan?’
he whispered to your ear
normally, you would shriek or flinch but you didnt and instead, turned and flashed him a grin
‘checking our schedule! i have a surprise for you all and i want to make sure theres nothing happening to stop it from happening!’
the boys grimaced and held a hand to their heart at your joy and they didnt even question what was going on or why you were so excited
all they know is you were happy
lmao oikawa got the hardest shot to it
he was front seat and his eyes widened and he froze
then he pulled you to his chest and nuzzled his face into your neck
‘aawwww~~!!!! youre so cute y/n-chan!!’
these idiots are so whipped and simp for you so hard that they completely forgot everything
your happiness continued for another week and my god that was probably the best week of their life bc you were just fluttering and giggling and skfjdslkjfdlflfkjs
to be fair though, you mentioned halloween being close and you were looking forward to a family night of watching scary movies in tv and duh these boys were already arguing with each other on who would protect you
ltr its just a big warcry between the third years while the second and first years already were getting head pats from you for being brave boys and were comfy right next to you
‘my boys are so cute~’
by then, the surprise was getting closer and you were already jumping in your toes
the night before, you texted the group chat to meet you at the school by 8 pm tomorrow
they all sent replies saying okay with no questions
‘okay love you y/n-chan! <3′
‘got it! good night!’
‘sweet dreams darling!’
at around 7:30, you were standing by the school bus since coach mizoguchi omg bless his heart was going to drive you all
the boys were all dressed in warm clothing and my gosh they all looked like models what the heck
we’re just going to ignore and forget that hideous infamous oikawa outfit
but you didnt focus on that and instead waved at them happily
‘you guys!’
oikawa jumped joyfully at your voice before naruto running over to you and scooping you in his arms
he shouted and you didnt mind being twirled around since you were giggling and laughing
after iwa punched his head, oikawa had to let you down and they continued bickering so you took this chance to go over to the others by the side
‘are you all excited?’
you asked and they smiled softly
kunimi ruffled your hair and you grabbed his hand
‘it’s really sweet you planned something for us, y/n’
watari reached over to pat your head and you wholeheartedly accepted the affection
‘oi, just tell us’
kyotani grumbled but you cutely smiled and held a peace sign
you checked your watch and you jumped
‘oh my! we need to hurry on the bus now!’
you herded everyone to sit in their seats and oikawa raised an eyebrow at the driver
‘oh? why is-’
‘your dear manager wanted to have a bonding exercise for the team. how could we refuse? oh, coach irihata said to make sure you know how to breathe and calm down’
the last sentence made question marks appear on everyone’s heads but you waved it off
‘oh come on, mizoguchi-san! dont ruin the surprise!’
you whined from your seat and the elder caught your eye at the rearview
‘just making sure to warn them, especially oikawa’
but he went unanswered 
the team gave up trying to ask you bc you would just mischieviously smile and shake your head cutely
‘nope~! not tellingggg~!’
but oh my they were answered
mizoguchi dropped everyone off in front of a building where there was also other people at
owo the people just simply stared bc omg like 12 boys? thats freaking great and i have finally lived and can die peacefully now
the team blinked as they got off the shuttle bus and they were so confused that you waved mizoguchi off to make sure the boys wouldn’t run back to the bus if they figure it out
ofc our ever smart baby kunimi was the first to figure it out and his mouth opened
‘why,,, do you hate us, y/n-chan?’
slowly the light bulbs turned on in everyone’s heads and they all had the same shocked look
‘nope! im going home!’
kindaichi started to walk but you hurriedly grabbed his arm
‘nooo yuu-kun!!! noo!! please stay!! i worked so hard!!!’
you looked up with your puppy dog eyes and kindaichi scrunched his face up
no no no fight it kindaichi
but ofc hes weak to you so he sighed and went back with the group
‘oi, are you insane or what?’
kyotani, despite his tough facade, wasnt exactly the greatest with any jumpscares in movies so having a jumpscare in real life wouldn’t exaclty be,,,, not violent
but you trust he can handle it and leave the place without a charge for assault
it was clear the others were already regretting it and you got sad bc you did work hard on getting a reservation since this haunted house was the most haunted in this part of japan
your figure in front of them made them tear their eyes away from the scary windows which they swore had someone staring at them
‘come on, you guys! we’ll have fun! i promise! its not that scary!’
you assured but they still didnt look convinced
‘you know, i just,,, i wanted everyone to,, bond and,,, have fun,,,,,, and because halloween is my favorite holiday,, i thought i could share it with you all. but im sorry that i was selfish and,,,, did it even though you guys dont like it’
not at y/n being totally manipulative and using their affections and attraction to her to help her case
your downcast expression and sad eyes snapped them out of it and they just sucked it up and they all shared a look that practically meant
‘suck it up, and make sure y/n is having fun. forget about us, its her time right now’
this led to you guys standing in front of the door guy and he cracked up at the sight of this cute little girl bouncing in her shoes with a group of guys who looked pale and nauseous
‘reservation name?’
you exclaimed and he looked in the list before nodding
‘okay. so first, the rope is what guides you all. make sure, whatever you do, never lose grip on it bc you might get lost. keep in mind, this is an actual abandoned hospital and is known to actually be haunted so unless you want to go ghost-hunting and meet unknown people or spirits, dont stray off’
that warning should’ve scared you like the boys but you just agreed with a bright grin
the doorguy chuckled before reaching into the box beside him
ngl oikawa was already so scared that he flinched, not knowing what was inside of it
‘a flashlight to help you guide yourselves’
you held it tight and yahaba was already holding on to your jacket sleeve
‘also, phones in the bin, please’
iwaizumi started but you placed a hand on his chest
‘its to make sure no one films anything and ruins the surprise’
you assured and he stopped but continued glaring
everyone hesitantly placed their phones into the bin where they saw it being locked into a locker and the key was given to you
‘you can get it back when you exit so dont worry’
you nodded and the team rolled their eyes but nodded anyways
‘all set? okay! go on in! happy hunting!’
omg you were slightly regretting it already
kyotani refused to not be away from you so he was holding your hand while yahaba remained clutching you
the third years wanted to appear all tough so they took the lead but oikawa was screeching and screaming at the littlest things which caused makki to scream and mattsun to also scream and then iwa and everyone else
it was like a screaming train
you even heard kyo gasp multiple times and you tightened your grip on his hand to assure him he was okay and you were right there
everything was going smoothly excused the screaming and everyone was actually having a little bit of fun since it was funny watching everyone scream at the littlest things
the many rooms had the actors and dear god they should be emmy winning by how they just stared at you all and still sent shivers down your spines
then the unthinkable happened
the flashlight that iwaizumi was holding started to flicker and eventually died, leaving you all stranded in the pitch-dark
there wasnt even any light above you so everything was just black
everyone stopped, your breathing being paused and no one made a sound
someone from beside you shouted in your ear and you screamed so loudly and in instinct, everyone bolted forward with no direction on where to go
kunimi and kindaichi were holding each others hands and ran also dragging along watari since he was holding kunimi’s sleeve and also yahaba and you and kyo
oikawa instinctively shouted and they all held on to each other
mattsun expected to catch ahold of watari’s hoodie since he was behind him but there was nothing but air
‘uh, you guys?’
he wished and prayed and hoped your voice would answer back but there was silence
‘oi! l/n y/n!’
he shouted and makki trembled in fear
‘iwaizumi? oikawa?’
iwaizumi grunted and my goodness was this really happening
everything was going too smoothly that something bad happening shouldve been seen from the get-go!
the 4 third years were thankfully with each other since they were already huddled up at the front but their kouhais were nowhere near them
‘iwa-chan! what do we do!’
oikawa cried and iwaizumi hit him to keep him quiet
‘shut up shittykawa!’
‘oi! stop fighting and think about this!’
mattsun quieted them down into shaking forms
‘the team is gone. theyre somewhere in this hospital and there’s a chance theyve strayed off the path’
makki shakily breathed
‘so what should we do?’
iwaizumi bit his lip to think of a plan
‘should we just go around and shout and scream for them?’
oikawa suggested but makki turned it down
‘no. that would ruin it for everyone else. we’re not the only ones in here’
oikawa blanched
‘i dont care about the other people! who knows what happened to y/n! i give no fck about strangers when she could be lost somewhere in this big ass hospital!’
they were stumped with no solutions so they just agreed to iwa’s suggestion
‘lets just hurry and get this over with and meet the people outside and get their help’
‘or! we can ask the staff in here, the actors, to help us! this is an accident’
‘you stupid or dumb? you think they would help us? its an us problem, not theirs, so theyre not going to abandon their post and look for them’
ltr maybe its the panic thats making them all crazy but they just settledon hurrying up and finishing the maze so they could get help
but the moment they turned to what seems to be a corner, they already managed to get themselves lost
iwaizumi felt around for the familiar texture of the rope which is supposed to be at his right but in the end, his hand reached nothing
he shouted and scared the other 3
makki yelled
‘the rope. the rope’s not here anymore’
then oikawa sobbed
‘oh my god im going to die’
he whimpered and makki sniffled
‘i wanna go home’
mattsun and iwa were the only at least stable ones and they finally resigned to defeat and grabbed their friends and walked to nowhere
on to your side!!
you and the others finally stopped running but the beating of your hearts still pumped at a fast speed
‘are we safe now?!’
kindaichi shouted and there was a chorus of confusion amongst the others
you checked and usually he would grunt but there was just silence
it was quiet and the familiar voice of oikawa was nowhere in sight
‘i dont know about you guys but my oikawa sensors just shut off’
yahaba pointed out and you gasped
‘where are they?’
kyotani refused to let go so you felt around with your left hand for the rope
to your relief, it was still there but the feeling of the missing boys outweighed it and made your anxiety levels spike up
‘should we call them? lets call them’
yahaba started but kyotani bonked his head
‘baka. they took our phones earlier’
the reminder of the confiscated form of communication meant that there was no other way you could contact the others
panic bubbled over kindaichi watari and yahaba while you kunimi and kyotani were busy thinking of something
‘i think theyve strayed off. if they didn’t, they wouldve heard us from up there’
kunimi mumbled
‘but where else could they have gone to?’
you asked and kyotani huffed beside you
‘we cant see anything. hell, i cant even see you. obviously theres probably a hallway they ran down to without even knowing they went there’
‘so youre saying theyre lost? without any way to contact us? what do we do?’
you whimpered, finally realizing and the idea of the others being gone settling in
‘this is all my fault. i shouldnt have dragged you here. i made a mistake-’
‘hey, dont freak out. im right here’
even though you couldnt see him, kenta maneuvered his way to cup your face and you felt his forehead press against yours and his nose nuzzling your cheek
the smell of cherry blossoms and vanilla with the slightest hint of sandalwood
kyotani’s scent comforted you and you were able to calm down 
‘we’ll figure this out. its okay, you got me’
he whispered and you nodded 
‘youre right here. we’ll be okay, okay?’
you giggled a little bit at the repitition of the word but smiled when he pulled you close to his chest
ugh i mightve already written a kyo route but that doesnt stop me from putting in kyo moments :”)
the other 4 were figuring out a plan that was eerily similar to the 3rd years
‘lets just finish this and ask the staff for help later’
they all agreed to kunimi’s idea and hurriedly gripped the rope to start going back to the path
you were in between kindaichi and kyotani with the former in front and the latter behind you
‘im right here. you got this’
kyotani would occasionally whisper and you were so grateful to have someone to be there
then the lights flickered and your eyes caught sight of something down the hallway to your left and you noticed a shadow 
a shadow of a tall figure that was kinda familiar
you flinched and the voice of your blocker filled your ears
you were too focused on the voice to hear the others questions of what was happening
‘over here, y/n-chan~’
there it was again
you shouted and bolted to the hallway where you were sure the voice was at and you were ignoring the shouts of the others and kyotani hurriedly ran after you
you shouted again and you ended up at the hallway, with the lights still flickering but there was no one
kyotani panted as he caught up to you before snatching your hand
‘oi! dont run off like that!’
it seems the others were too scared to let go of the rope that they were fine if kyotani went after you bc he was strong so he could protect you both if needed
kyotani is a bark bark woof woof boy not a priest
you felt his warm hand grip your again as if to signal that you werent running off alone again
‘i heard him i swea-’
‘to your left, y/n-chan~’
ok ngl im getting chills writing this
the flickering lights allowed you to see the shadow again and yep there it was
it was at the end of the hallway to your left and once you turned and saw it, it ran to the right
‘mattsun-san! wait!’
as you were going to run, kyotani refused to let you go
he placed strong hands to your shoulders and you looked up at him, your eyes manic
‘listen to me, y/n. youre hearing things’
he firmly said
‘i dont hear matsukawa or anyone’
you started breathing heavily, the air seemingly getting colder and thinner
‘you dont understand! he was right there! his shadow-!’
‘let her play a game, boy!’
matsukawa’s voice this time took a harsh tone and even kyotani jumped, holding you to his chest protectively
‘oi! matsukawa! its not funny anymore!’
your eyes looked over kyo’s shoulder and you saw the shadow again from behind him
‘please trust me, kyo! hm?’
you begged and he sighed
‘im holding on to you. im not letting you go again’
this wouldve been romantic if you werent in an actual paranormal story
you chased after the ghost and it would occasionally whisper in your ear to keep your attention until you ran into a pitch-black hallway
‘what do we do now, y/n?’
kyo whispered and you trembled
you weakly cried, knowing there was a strong possibility he wouldnt answer back
but a loud screech from the far right brought hope into you
is that-
you shrieked and there was a trample of footsteps running over to you and naturally, kyotani pulled you behind him
then a hand made you shriek 
‘relax. its just me, y/n-chan’
mattsun’s voice sounded clearer this time since he was right beside you and you hugged him
‘come on. everyone hold hands so that no one will get lost. we’ll take about this later’
iwa commanded and as the true leader of the gang, everyone followed his lead
there was a red sign with the most amazing word on top of it
it looked like a door that was only meant for staff but at this point, you all were desperate to just leave
as you reached the handle, the voice came back
‘aw~ leaving so soon?’
you turned around, halting mattsun and kyotani as they held your hands and felt you stop
‘show yourself. i know you’re not mattsun-san so stop using his voice’
you demanded and you turned, feeling a chilly air rush behind you
it whispered to your ear and you eyes widened at the sight from further down the hallway
you could make out a mass of a body and at the top, there was bright red eyes and white teeth smiling menacingly
‘oh my god’
you whispered and the boys saw exactly what you were seeing
‘what is that’
oikawa whimpered
its mouth obviously moved as it spoke
‘are you leaving me, y/n-chan? so cruel~’
its voice was sickly sweet and sounded like a teenage boy’s but was so mean and hate-filled
you started sobbing and oikawa turned the door to run but it stayed put and didnt budge
‘you were so fun to play with~ are your friends fun too~?’
it looked like it was coming closer with a hand outstretched and you started shivering and your voice ripped into a scream
‘stop! go away!’
iwa mustered all his strength and ran against the metal door but it opened on its own, leaving the boy to land on the grass from outside
you were pulled by the others before it could touch you and you were already hysterically crying before the first and second years ran over and engulfed you to a hug
you were being hushed by the them and you tightly held on to someone’s arms
‘sshhh its okay, we’re right here’
you reduced to hiccups before looking around
‘w-where’s the other people?’
you asked, taking notice of the empty field
‘are we at the back?’
the boys shared a confused look
‘huh? what are you talking about, y/n?’
you looked at yahaba like he was crazy
‘the other people! the other people wanting to go in! and the doorguy! the haunted event! the haunted house!’
their eyes flickered everywhere to try and make sense of what you were saying but in the end resulted to just pure confusion and fear
‘y/n, we’re not at some event’
iwa started and your eyes widened
makki shakingly placed a hand on your shoulder
‘y/n, you dragged us here to go ghost-hunting. and there’s no doorguy’
your eyes flickered down as your mind tried to wrap itself with what was going on
‘what do you mean? i took you here for a haunted attraction! the doorguy took our phones and locked them in a locker, remember?’
you wildly waved your arms around but they still didnt understand
‘and the flashlight! and the rope! w-we had to hold on to the rope! the rope made sure we didnt stray off the path! bu-but the flashlight! the flashlight died!’
kunimi noticed the beginning of a panic attack so he pulled you close to him and made sure you could feel his heartbeat
‘listen to me, y/n. you took us here because we all lost a bet with you and this was what you wanted since its halloween and we trespassed to go here and there was no doorguy who took our phones because all our phones died the moment we got here and we saw a rope hanging from the ceiling and we had no flashlight in the first place’
he whispered to your ear and you pushed away from him, curling your arms around yourself
‘no! what bet?! i took you here for bonding time for our volleyball team! you were getting busy for inter high so i figured this could help you have fun!’
now that took the cake
‘what volleyball team?’
your eyes finally settled on your ‘captain’
‘what do you mean, ‘what volleyball team’, oikawa-san?’
totally disregarding the fact that you just called him by his last name instead of his first, he focused on what you were talking about
‘if you wanted to bond with the volleyball team, then you brought the wrong sport team over then’
oikawa scoffed, feeling rage bubbling inside him at the familiar players of the volleyball team
‘you shouldve brought over nagisa and rin and them, then, y/n’
makki bitterly mumbled and you were just so exhausted and tired and confused
you bursted and started crying which ofc prompted the others to calm down and focus on you
‘y/n, love, we’re the swimming team, not the little ball playing game’
mattsun reminded and you shook your head, disbelief and utter fear present in your face
‘then-then! oikawa-san! give me your right knee!’
you ran over and he questioningly raised his leg
‘uhh,, what are you doing, y/n?’
kunimi asked but you waved him off, determination in your eyes
‘this should prove hes a volleyball player’
then you punched it really hard which resulted with a sickening pop
oikawa screamed
a/n: idk if the concept is clear enough but uwu send in a guess and ill answer if you got it right
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honeypirate · 4 years ago
Pro hero Red Riot/Kirishima x Pro hero y/n.
Reader is a higher hero than Kirishima and the public likes her more. I didn’t specify her quirk but I’d say it was more power type.
(When I had a concussion before i couldn’t walk all day bc of being insanely dizzy and I talked a lot, said anything I wanted to say and didn’t think of it. So I went with that and exaggerated just a little with it)
I like to think he hair doesn’t harden with his quirk even tho I can realistically see how it would. It’s just my preference for this fic.
You were in his strong arms as he carried you to where the ambulances would be. He had his fair share of concussions, and so had you actually, but this time yours wasn’t too bad. he was concerned mainly because you weren’t acting like yourself, you were blunt and mischievous, he knew you were always talkative but it was never like this, so before he took you home he was going to have one of the EMTs look at you.
For the first time in your life you don’t even think about consequences you’re not thinking of tomorrow or when you’re all healed, you are doing and saying what comes to mind immediately. Which is why you currently had on his hero costume mask and your hands buried in his silky hair.
“How is his hair so soft?” He chuckled as you raked your fingers through his hair “oh shit did I say that out loud? My heads kind of fuzzy still.” You never stopped playing with his hair. “Since I’m saying everything out loud anyway, how come your quirk doesn’t work on your hair?” You wish you could feel the softness of his hair on your face “How can you be sure it doesn’t?” He laughs as he responds and you notice the pink on his cheeks “it doesn’t. I’ve noticed. I notice everything about you Kiri” your hands quickly go to his face and softly touch his deep red blushing cheeks, the action jostling you in his arms “Kiri I am so dizzy, I think I have a concussion. That guy hit my head so hard” you burry your head in his chest, the action causing his hero mask to fall down around you like a necklace. “Y/h/n, i know there isn’t anyone around and that you have a concussion, but please try and remember to call me Red, at least while we’re out, okay, sweetheart?” Your head shot up to look him in the eye, it felt like your brain was the last to follow, sloshing around in your head, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t even notice. I’m sorry. Red” you nodded as you said it even tho you wouldn’t remember.
You loved his name so you tried to say it as much as you could in normal life without it being weird. You lay your head back down on his chest and close your eyes, your hands on his neck drawing little designs on his skin with your fingers “hey don’t fall asleep on me. Not until we get you checked out and healed up” you laughed “and then after you’ll let me fall asleep on you? That would probably be the best sleep I’ve ever had” you sigh and with your ear against his chest you notice his heart beat quicken. “I love you my Kiri” you whisper into his chest before you fall asleep and he hardly caught it. His eyes widen and his breath hitches.
“Hey hey don’t fall asleep come on baby wake up!” He tries to wake you up but you’re too far gone, luckily he’s just made it to the ambulances. It was a small villain fight so there was only a few of them around on different streets. Fewer now that the fight has been over for a while.
One of the EMTs ran up to him “how is she hurt?” “She’s got a concussion but I think that’s it” “follow me” kirishima and the EMT take you to the ambulance and he lays you down on the bed “with my quirk” the EMT says “I can assess her injuries and if they are small I can heal them. The only consequence being she’ll be very tired and weak. You’ll have to help her home.” Kirishima nods “okay.” the EMT puts their hands on your head and closes their eyes, nararating what they sees with their quirk. “She’s got a nasty concussion and some fractured ribs. Should be easy to fix. I seeee.... no other problems.” When their hands fall from your hair your eyes open and you look around until you see him, his eyes full of worry when you sit up and look at him fully. “There you are. I was just dreaming of you.” He smiles as he looks into your tired eyes “she needs to get some rest now” the EMT says to Kiri and he nods. You go to stand and you wobble a little so Kiri picks you up into his arms once more.
“You don’t have to carry me I think I’ll be okay now” he just shushes you so you lay your head on his chest and draw shapes on his chest absentmindedly with one of your hands. “I want to help you out until you’re feeling yourself again so you’re coming to my house.” He says and you feel your cheeks blush “okay. Thank you Red Riot” you say quietly. Remembering how stupid you were when you had a concussion. You were so grateful to him for carrying you, even more grateful that it was in the middle of the night and no one was around to see. The one thing you didn’t need was this in the newspaper. (Just wait until you see next mornings headline because you’re already there)
When you got back to his place he sets you down gently in the living room. “Kiri, do you have like some sweats and a shirt I could borrow so I don’t have to stay in this?” You ask quietly and gesture down at your dirty suit. He blushes and nods “yes I do. Come with me and you can shower too if you want”
After a nice long hot shower, you put on a pair of black sweats and a faded gray UA High teeshirt. You were surrounded in his scent like it was hugging you in. You fold your hero suit and walk out of the bathroom to find him in the kitchen making some tea and a late night snack. You place your suit down on a kitchen chair
“There’s my girl” he says with a smile and your heart beat quickens. “Hey” you say shyly and he comes and pulls you into a hug “god you scared me. I thought you had like terrible brain damage or something. You were talking and acting crazy until I got you to the healer” you laugh awkwardly “was I really that crazy?” You ask worried about everything you said. Worried that your real honest thoughts about him he thinks are crazy. He pulls back and gazes down at you “no. Not really that crazy at all.” He smiles sweetly down at you holding your face in his hands. He takes a deep breath and then ends the moment, secretly because he was terrified your words were only because of the concussion and not the honest truth. “I made you some tea” You take the tea he hands you and he takes you into his room to lay in bed and watch a movie.
You sit cross legged and drink your tea as he sets up some new Christmas show on Netflix. Your tea is finished by the end of episode one and you’re hooked on this show. You lay on your side and hug one of his pillows to your chest. He lays on the other side of the bed, one arm behind his head and the other on his stomach. He isn’t really watching any of the show, he just watches you. Your smiling face when cute things happen, your eyes are bright and happy. He loves it. He’s extremely jealous of the pillow you’re using to hug. He wishes you were holding on to him that tight. He moves and is now sitting with his back against the headboard and hands in his lap.
“Y/n?” You pause the show and sit up, turning towards him “Kiri?” He smiles and tucks your hair behind your ear. “Do you remember what you said when you were concussed?” You swallow hard, remembering telling him you loved him, and whisper “yea” his hand hasn’t left your cheek, he’s softly rubbing your skin with his thumb “did you mean it?” He asks just as quiet.
Your mouth goes dry as you look into his eyes, your hands start to sweat and your heart races as you try to gauge what’s going to happen after you say yes. He’s either going to say he loves you back or he’s going to shut you down. Either way at least you’ll be able to move on.
You reach up and cover his hand with your own, before gently placing it in your lap and running your fingertips across his, you watch your fingers trace his callouses, afraid to meet his eyes. “Yes, Eijiro, I meant it” you whisper.
“Y/n. Please look at me” he whispers and takes your hands in his. You look up into his eyes with your brows furrowed. He smiles and reaches up to smooth out your forehead “always so easy for me to read” he scoots closer to you and kisses your forehead “don’t worry. Don’t be nervous. How could I not love you back?” His voice is warm and calm.
He smiles and strokes your cheek as you stare into his eyes shocked, he loves you back... relief flooded your body followed by excitement and butterflies. He watched it all in your eyes. A smile slowly spread across your face and you felt yourself blush. “You love me?” You say quietly and reach your hands up placing them in his cheeks “I love you y/n” he says with a smile and a shrug, like he was suddenly shy to be admitting it.
You throw yourself into his arms and laugh “I love you!” You say and he holds you in his arms laughing along with you. When you pull back he looks into your eyes, you can see the pure happiness and adoraration in his eyes. “My beautiful girl” he says softly and you blush. He leans forward kissing your nose, then both cheeks, then pressing his lips finally against yours. You melt against him and he holds you tight in his strong arms. When he pulls back you lay your hand on his cheek and sigh happily. “I can’t believe that Red Riot is in love with me. This is gonna boost you hero reputation exponentially!” You laugh at the look of shock on his face “get it? Because the community loves me? And I’m always in the news? And I’m a few points higher than you?” You keep explaining what’s obvious and poking his cheeks softly with a smile on your face that said you thought you were the funniest girl. He shakes his head and laughs with you.
He pulls you into his chest as he lays down on the bed “do you wanna finish this show?” He asks and you happy sigh as you cuddle closer into him, hugging him like you were the pillow. It warms his heart to finally get what he wanted. “Yes. But I might fall asleep. I love how warm you are” you respond and he laughs “that’s okay baby. You need rest. I’ll hold you as long as you want me to” you chuckle “forever?” You ask and he laughs “anything for you”
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jessamine--lovelace · 4 years ago
i have nowhere else to put these so here. grishaverse au where the darkling is a woman and Alina is a closeted lesbian
they’re all queer idc
edit: this is zoyalina btw even if it doesn't seem so from the beginning
aleksandra morozova was raised amongst so much misoginy and prejudice against grisha that she wanted to gain power and make a good life for everyone like her clearly she got lost along the way lol
anyway. Alina and mal are still bffs gay lesbian alliance
mal has a comp het crush on alina and Alina on him, they get over it quickly tho
Alina is taken to the little palace, she gets an immediate crush on the darkling clearly she thinks Zoya is hot, but just admires from afar bc she s so mean and cold
the darkling is even hotter as a woman u can't change my mind
everything goes mostly like canon, the darkling seduces alina and alina is all about worshipping this powerful woman who wants to give her power. she helps alina realise she likes women, manipulates her in the process, makes her think that the darkling is the only one who could offer her security and other bullshit
the night that baghra tells alina the truth about the darkling’s plan, zoya is waiting alina at her door because she wants to confront her about how she fall out of the darkling’s good grace because of her idk. and baghra finds them both in alina’s rooms so she makes both of them leave, zoya helping alina to get lost in the country  baghra makes up a lie about how zoya went to visit her family/is in a mission so no one suspects zoya is a “traitor” except the darkling and genya who know the truth
mal is still looking for alina but he doesn't know Zoya is with her so it's a big surprise when he finds them both huddled up in a big coat together, freezing their asses off, zoya bitching about how alina better be grateful that she s helping to save her glowstick ass
Zoya calls mal alina s boyfriend exactly once before both mal and alina strongly let her know their disgust to that idea 
so yeah Zoya is a bit weirded out bc they are so close to each other and yet they're not together??? but she is kinda starting to get along with alina and maybe she s not so bad, and just maybe she starts to like her 
they find the stag blabla Zoya is taken back to the little palace while Alina and mal are taken to expand the fold or whatever the darkling has in mind
alina and mal escape and run off as in canon, except they pose as siblings in novyi zem. Mal finds a cute boy there and develops a crush but he s too devoted to keeping alina safe to risk getting into any relationship
Alina doesn't agree and makes him go on a date with the dude before everything goes to shit
the darkling comes back, takes them, Nikolai happens etc.
as soon as Nikolai gets them back in ravka, he tries to woo alina and propose to her like in canon. she s not really out yet tho she s not ready for it, not even Mal knows yet even if he suspects something from their time spend with zoya and the looks alina gave her, and the hurt look she has whenever the darkling is mentioned/she explains what the deal is with her evil plan, but he lets her take her time
Nikolai is all about flirting to the sun summoner and she s nice about it, polite, but clearly trying to get away because she s lowkey uncomfortable. declines his marriage proposal, and nikolai thinks it's because of Mal but he s wrong. mal tries to have a talk with alina about this, but alina panicks and says “he seems like your type, not mine” and mal is lost like ?? he s a prince?? and probably straight?? and he asked YOU to marry him?? 
and alina realises she is tired to keep this up, so she tells mal about her liking women. mal hugs her and she confesses that the darkling helped her come to terms with it in a way, and it messed with her and she feels shame that she fell for the manipulation
so when they're on the way to os alta, and Nikolai kisses her for the public, she just says "I like girls please never do that again or I'll use the cut on your face." as soon as they are alone in their couch and Nikolai is stunned and apologises to her a lot of shit starts to make sense for nikolai now lol
so after that tiny incident, Nikolai knows it's pointless to pursue Alina so he only keeps up his show for the public and becomes really good friends with alina and mal
nikolai would still very much like that political alliance and he sometimes jokingly tells alina “you’ll have lots of women at your feet if you become queen. aren’t you interested in that?” and alina is just done with his ass
clearly nikolai and mal hook up at some point and it's kinda awkward afterwards bc they both have a bit of a crush on each other but don't want to admit it Alina is amused
so they go back to os alta, and Zoya is there!!! and Alina literally hugs her bc she was so worried and she missed her and "I shouldn't have let her take you away, I'm so sorry I left you behind zoya" and Zoya is so surprised she doesn't respond to the hug for a while before crushing alina in a tight embrace without saying anything
everyone is a bit shocked bc Zoya is hugging Alina?? since when are they getting along??? what is happening???
they have a talk when they are alone and zoya tells alina about her aunt and how she doesn’t blame alina for what the darkling did, alina tells her about the second amplifier. they hug again and maybe some tears are spilled but that’s between them and no one has to know
they prepare and train and alina and zoya get closer and closer. mal, being the captain to alina’s guard, kinda has to stick around with her when she meets with nikolai and it’s awkward and their conversations aren’t as lively as they used to be and it lowkey breaks alina’s heart a bit and annoys her until she explodes one day when she s alone with a miserable looking mal waiting for nikolai to appear at a meeting “saints mal just talk to him”
and mal being mal just straightens his back and ignores her like a stubborn idiot which infuriates alina she totally tries to annoy him by reflecting some light into his eyes 
“i know something happened on the road between you two. you’re both acting weird. would it kill you to talk to him?” but mal doesn’t get to answer because nikolai is walking in talking about some plan, totally oblivious to what is happening. Later, after the meeting is over, alina gets nikolai alone and tries to talk to him, but he s just as stubborn as mal and tells her that there’s nothing to be done bc mal avoids him everytime he manages to get near him and got the message “my ego can’t handle another rejection”
therefore alina finds herself in need to fix this thing between nikolai and mal because the tension is getting on her nerves and she is stressed enough as it is with everything going on
little side note, the darkling still comes to her in visions and she thinks she is going insane before she starts talking to zoya about it and zoya takes in the habit of spending the evenings in alina’s rooms, both of them searching in books for more information about the amplifiers or sometimes talking. zoya isn’t soft and she never will be, but alina likes that. a lot. ANYWAY zoya is the one to come up with the plan to somehow lock nikolai and mal in a room together. they get tolya and tamar in on it too. 
alina makes sure she sets up a meeting with nikolai under a false pretext when mal is on watch. alina and mal arrive first and as soon as nikolai enters she gets up “oh saints i left the book in my rooms” and leaves before mal or nikolai can react. and then one of the twins closes the door and they can hear it being locked and then alina’s voice from the other side “we’ll let you out after you have a talk. the tension between you two is getting insufferable” 
they talk and sort things out a bit. everything gets less stressful for everyone
one night the darkling comes to alina, and zoya is about to leave. alina freezes because it’s not the darkling she sees, but zoya “she’ll never want you. i am the only one who can love you, who understands you.” it’s the darkling’s voice and alina can’t move, can’t breathe, just stares at the darkling as she takes back her own face. zoya can only see alina’s face getting paler and her expression more terrified even as the darkling disappears 
zoya tries to shake alina, calls out her name, but alina just looks at her with such a sad expression that it unsettles zoya even more. “she’s right” alina whispers, barely audible, over and over again 
“what did she tell you?! alina you can’t listen to her! she lies. she manipulates everyone, you can’t believe anything she says. it’s not the truth. anything she tells you”
alina shakes her head “you’ll never- i’m such an idiot.” tears are welling up in her eyes 
“i’ll never what?” “want me” 
and zoya freezes, just staring at alina, shocked. alina takes it wrong, she tries to put space between them, tries to run in embarassment, but zoya catches her hands, holds her still and looks into alina’s eyes. alina can’t look her in the eyes, can’t seem to find it in her to do it. “you really are an idiot if you think i would just spend my evenings and risk my ass for just any friend” and then she cups alina’s face in her palms and she kisses her. 
alina is so surprised she doesn’t respond to the kiss for a second, but then she kisses zoya back and they both just melt into each other. zoya feels a tear run down alina’s face, into her cheek and breaks away with a “don’t go soft on me now starkov” and alina laughs through her tears and goes to kiss zoya again just because she can.
wow this turned out way longer than i intended, but damn did it give me serotonin coming up with it. i just want to say that, if the darkling was a woman, the character would be more hated, but sexier and i’m alright with that. also everyone is queer because i said so. i have more zoyalina headcanons that i’ll probably post bc now i’m investedTM so come and shout about them to me i won’t mind
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scandeniall · 4 years ago
Let’s Make a Song
Pairing: rnbsinger!atsumu x rnbsinger!reader
Summary/warnings: ur long term on again off again bf Atsumu wants to do your first song together. Thing is you’re currently off/honestly just cursing. 1 tiny implied nsfw sentence. Literally 1
the 2nd piece in rnb!haikyuu bc why tf not. Other
a/n: The song that’s written is change by Arin Ray & Kehlani (that’s also the cover art mentioned later)
Wc: 2.8K
When your manager relayed the invitation to collaborate with Atsumu you were rather surprised. He didn’t do many new collaborations, reserving those for people he’d worked with in the past. Then there was the fact that he hadn’t asked you personally. The two of you were more than acquainted and he definitely had your phone number. But then again it’d been months since you’d last had any contact.
The two of you had been on and off again for the larger part of your careers, meeting in high school and building a friendship for years. A year after graduation you’d decided to make the switch from friendship to relationship. And it worked. The two of you both wanted to pursue music and understood one another. You were one another’s number one fan, muse, and confidant as you grew in popularity.
He’d gotten signed before you but neither of you thought it would change things. Then he started being around less and less getting busy recording his first studio album while you continued to work independently. He’d still come back to you at the end of the night. However that was short lived thus bringing about the first of many splits over the years. It was mutual—things were too busy to give the love someone deserved.
During that first split you’d ended up getting signed yourself. In only a few months you were immediately thrusted into the same professional world as Atsumu and that brought the two of you back together. He’d seen the announcement post on social media and paraded over to yours that night rambling about the betrayal of you not telling him you were in talks with a label. He’d bought over dinner and the two of you got back to talking consistently and rekindled in mere weeks.
That had been at 19. Now at 23 the two of you were still a roller coaster. You’d broken up for a number of reasons over the years. Busy schedules, his ego, your attitude, internet rumors mixed with poor communication, poor timing, you name it. Yet the two of you always found your way back like magnets.
You weren’t quite sure what you expected when you agreed to doing a song with Atsumu, who you were currently off with. In all your years, the two of you had never done a song together. Sure you’d fucked around with writing a few times but neither of you ever used any of those songs. You two had different styles, him focusing more on heavy bass, and reminiscent on the SoundCloud style. Meanwhile you were more soulful and melodic.
You hadn’t even so much as texted atsumu in like three months So of course it was a surprise when you made your way to his for a writing session to see the lyrics he’d already come up with. Lyrics that just by the way he read them to you, were clearly about you.
you’ve got me all in my feelings And I know you get tired of running You stole my heart and I mean it When we break up, can’t wait to make up
“That’s all I got so far,” he sighed leaning back on the couch next to you. “What do ya think”
“It’s different from your usual shit. It’s softer.” You ignore the scoff he sends you and sit back on the couch before he starts complaining. “But I like it. What was the inspiration.” You’re not even sure why you asked. Maybe it was the desire to have confirmation that you really have been the one all these years. There was still a chance it could’ve been someone else
“And you say yer the smart one between us,” is all he says before grabbing his laptop off the coffee table. “I got this beat too. Suna sent it over this morning and I think I wanna use it.” You choose to ignore his confirmation as you begin to get comfortable against the couch. He plays the instrumental and it only further surprises you from just how different it was from his usual. It was undoubtedly more your style and you're almost offended that your friend hadn’t sent you the beat instead. “Ya like it?”
“Could you play it back.” You begin to hum along a few nonsensical words to yourself and you’re aware of Atsumu’s eyes on you. He watches as you hit the voice record on your phone, already aware that you do that in case you say something that you like. You try to think back to what he started with and He moves his notebook closer to you so you can get a better view of the words messily scribbled.
You can’t keep coming and going In and out of my life please make up your fucking mind I give you time and you kill it
Immediately after that he pauses much to your annoyance and ignores your complaint. “I like that.”
“Sounds like yer replying back. Like a conversation,” he nods. “Is that really how ya feel about me?” You don’t miss the way he tries to subtly put his arm around the back of the couch and subsequently you. And your laugh.
“God you’re annoying Atsumu.” You end up caving, moving the laptop back to the table in front of you and moving under his waiting arm. You can’t even deny the way you like it either, comforted by the way his hand rubs up and down your arm. “Is that how you feel about us,” you challenge referring to the lyrics he’d come up with
“Course. I look forward to making up ya know.” He chuckles and the look of faux disgust you send him before continuing. “But I mean it. Ya got my heart and have for years.” The words are paired with a kiss to your temple.
You two sit in silence for a few moments before you break it with a sigh. “I’m tired of this shit Tsumu. It’s been years of us and this and the older I get, the more draining it is. I wonder all the time if I should stay or just leave for good.” It’s the first time you’ve ever admitted it to anyone other than yourself, and it’s to the person that has the power to break your heart at any given moment. The only small comfort is that you know it’s mutual and that you hold his as well.
“If you’re tired then write it out (Y/N). It’s part of the reason I asked ya to do a song.” He nudges you to sit up and catches your eye. “I think about ya way too fucking much and I’ve thought about if shit between us was worth it too.” He looks like he’s in through for a moment before quickly grabbing his notebook scribbling for a minute before showing you.
thinking of you is all I do honestly I might go insane cause when we break up can’t wait to make up Some things will never change
He’s playing the instrumental before you can say anything waiting until a certain part and signaling for you to just wait. Then his voice softly fills your ears as he goes into the words and points at you to follow up with what you’d sung before. As you near the end you gesture for him not to stop it yet
It’s very personal to me That you give it everything Should I stay? Should I go? Should I leave? I don't know.
After that your mind blanks and you reach over to pause the track. It felt good. Really good. “I think I have my verse,” you exclaim. “And what if we repeat your part. Maybe starting from thinking of you” you half mumble the words already writing away at your own notebook. You don’t even notice the look Atsumus giving you until you look back up minutes later after humming along and trying to string the words together. “What”
“It’s nothin. Just love watching ya write that’s all.” You end up shooting him a soft smile before focusing back on the words in front of you. “Actually, this beat is more you than me so did ya wanna do the bridge”
That causes you to look up in confusion. “Are you sure? It’s your song. It’d be weird for me to have a bigger part?” Atsumu is brushing off the question of you asking him to be serious. You didn’t want to step on any toes or offend anyone.
“If it’s that big a deal to ya we can go back n forth or somthin’.” His eyes question yours for a moment before smiling in victory at your agreeing. “Besides, Suna was gonna send it to ya anyways. Paid him to let me have it instead. Didn’t take much just-Ow!” HES quickly cut off by your fist coming into contact with his shoulder. “Why’d ya-“
“You’re an ass, did you know that,” you roll your eyes in response. No wonder the beat was so different from his usual. Because the track wasn’t meant for him. You’d have to bitch at Suna later for giving the track to Atsumu of all people. And for who knows what kind of lowball offer it was. “Wanna tell me why you did that. Or I can leave. Your choice” you’re closing your notebook at this point shifting away from him a bit.
“I missed ya.” It’s the only thing he says before your scoffing and getting off the couch and starting to gather your things.  “I’m serious (Y/N).” The feeling of his hand grabbing at yours causes you to stop. “I kept thinking about us and couldn’t Bring myself to text. I got Suna to give me the track cause I wanted to see ya and talk.”
“Why couldn’t you just text?”
“I can say it better in a song. And I know you can too. Now c’mon don’t go alright?” You allow him to tug you back down onto the couch with a sigh. He wasn’t necessarily wrong. You’d wanted to settle things between you both once and for all for a while now. He just provided the opportunity. You both needed to know if you were just wasting time.
“Listen. If ya wanna talk about it outside of the song let’s go for a drive then.”
“First you steal my beat to get me to come over, now you wanna trap me in a car with you?” Atsumu only looks at you unbothered before you sigh. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”
“If it’s that bad, you know how to tuck and roll. I might slow down enough.” —-
“Atsumu what are we doing,”
He doesn’t even spare you a glance before responding. “Driving.” When you don’t reply he lets out a sigh before giving a real answer. “Do you still love me?”
“Yes,” it’s like you answer before your brain even ponders the question. “Do you still love me?”
“Wouldn’t be here right now if I didn’t.” His words are just as confident. He shoots you a quick glance before continuing. “I wanna get back together. For good this time. Heard about yer date with that Semi guy.”
Your breath hitches for a moment. While you’re not surprised that he knew about the date last month, you didn’t think he’d mention it. You’d woken up the morning after notifications crazy. Pictures of the two of you filled them and many of the tweets had actually tagged Atsumu as well.
“We weren’t together so ya don’t have to go explaining anything,” he stops you from your attempt at an apology. “Of course i'm not sure what ya saw in that guy. But it made me realize that yer the one I want. Always been the one.” He shrugs before the hand closest to you comes to rest on your thigh. “And I’ve always been the one for you too right?”
“Are you serious about wanting to make us work this time?” His hand leaves your leg for the wheel again and you watch in confusion as he makes a few sudden turns. He mutters something about giving him a few minutes before pulling into a random parking lot. He shuts the car off before unbuckling so he can turn his entire body to face you. “What are you doing Atsumu?”
“Move in with me.” You’re looking at him like he’s grown another head before he continues. “My lease with Samu is almost up and he’s been wanting to move closer to his shop and I wanna be closer to a studio. I’m serious about us and I just think-“
“Would you actually help with boxes or just sit on your ass and watch?”
The questions cause him to frown a bit in thought and you can’t help but laugh as he actually interprets the words and what they really mean. You could tell the exact moment he gets it and a lazy smirk settles on his face instead. “No promises babe. I kinda like watching ya walk away.”
The way his face eased closer to yours had you following his lead until your lips met. You can feel yourself smiling as one of his hands comes to cup your jaw. The kiss is sweet, lips moving slowly against yours in a reunion of sorts. “Stay over tonight we can work on the song again tomorrow.” He pulls away just enough to insist, resting his forehead against yours.
“Already told Samu so he’s bringing enough dinner home. And I got a new toothbrush in the bathroom.”You lean to peck his lips before sitting back in the seat. “You knew this would happen didn’t you.” Despite the accusation you find yourself agreeing with no hesitation.
“I hoped. It’s a difference babe. If not, more food for me” his hand quickly grabs yours to place a kiss on your own before settling back on the wheel. “Let’s get back I’m starvin”
—— “Are yer eyes closed? Are you sure? Don’t peek-“
“Hurry up Atsumu,” you groan as you allow him to lead you to god knows where. The song you’d guys finished a few weeks ago was set to release in a few hours and Atsumu refused to let you see the song cover. It was a surprise, or so he told you every time you tried to ask. Even in his new song tease on twitter he just posted blank images. New song with a surprise guest coming soon ;)
He’d had you meet him at his label and jumped on you the second you stepped into the building blindfold in hand and stupid grin on his face. “Don’t act like this is a new thing for ya,” he’d whisper in your ear as he tied the blindfold and laughed when you attempted to hit at him and miss.
“Stop complaining before I make you wait until the songs officially out. We’re almost there” you feel his hand leave yours before it’s placed on your back. You can hear a door open before he instructs you in. “Small step up.” With your restricted sight your hearing has seemed to increase tenfold. You can hear the sound of blinds opening and him moving around. “One second babe.”
After a few more moments and complaints for him to hurry up a pair of arms wrap around your waist. Leaning into the warmth you feel his lips kiss up your neck before stopping. “You can look now.”
It takes a moment for your eyes to spot it. First your eyes dart around the room to see nothing out of the ordinary save for a table with a champagne bottle. Then one of his arms points toward the window and you freeze in shock. “Atsumu is this?” You turn to look at him expectedly as he nods and pushes you near it. From the window of the building you see the cover art plastered on a billboard.
“Where did you find that?”
Atsumu’s voice grows closer as he stops next to you. “Our mom came down a while ago. Had some shit to deliver and brought some scrapbooks. It was in there.” You nod in understanding before he continues. “Ya like it?”
The picture was one from years ago. He’d just gotten signed and that weekend you and a few friends went on a road trip to celebrate. That particular picture had been taken on a Polaroid as you two were outside supposedly star gazing. On the mountain of blankets it was clear that his attention was more on you than the sky. It was one of your favorite pictures for a while then eventually you had broken up (for the first time) and it was long forgotten.
“Love it. Brings back memories you know?” You don’t even notice he’d gone to pour you a glass before he's dangling off in front of your face.
“Here’s to our first song together babe”
bonus things
yall actually filmed a music vid (this isnt included bc i am only now finding out theres a mv despite having this song in my music for a year)
he tweets the song link with “decided to stay”
atsumu ends up buying suna a ps5 game he wanted as a thank you (not w/o complaining though)
ppl on the internet arent even surprised that yall are back together (theyre tired too tf)
atsumu ends up putting that polaroid in his clear phone case <3
this is yall 6th time getting back together (yall keep trying HUH lmfao. but yall never actually ended on bad terms and always stayed friend)
you end tweeting a joke “ok last time yall i promise LMFAO”
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jackiesjailbreak · 5 years ago
that would be enough ; oikawa x reader
A/N: part 1 & part 2! this is the end of this fic BUT i have an ushijima one that ties into this bc it’s in the same universe so stay tuned for that teehee. i hope you all like this pain as much as i did! also this is on my ao3 now!
summary:  “i know I don't deserve you, but hear me out -- that would be enough”. “you hold your child as tight as you can, and push away the unimaginable.”
word count: 2.1k
tags for this series (just ask if you’d like to be added onto the normal taglist for all fics/etc as well!): @captainofmanyfandoms @plantisnotplant @steggy4ever @rienin
normal tags (lomls): @over5feettall @janellion @moonnddust @lavieenblancetnoir 
III. the unimaginable 
Oikawa doesn’t tell her. Not for a while, anyway -- he lets himself soak in his guilt for a bit, beating himself up about it every day. 
Despite this, it happens again. And again. It goes on for nearly a year. Nights are blurred and Oikawa doesn’t really know what he’s doing anymore -- he’s numb, he misses his wife so, so much, and the girl was threatening to tell the press if he didn’t keep up with it, keep up with her. 
Iwaizumi comes to one of his games in California, and that’s when Oikawa confesses. Iwaizumi can tell his friend isn’t being himself, that his charming smile and giggly remarks are all for show. Oikawa breaks down in Iwaizumi’s arms, little choked sobs escaping him, tears flowing down his face (he’s drunk, but that’s how it’s been for a long time), “Iwa--Iwa-chan, I didn’t mean to. I never wanted this to happen, I never thought I’d be this guy, but -- b-but I did, and she’s gonna leave me if she finds out, I know she’s gonna leave, she’ll take S-sato, and--” at that very moment Oikawa’s phone starts vibrating, his love’s name flashing across the screen complete with a picture of her holding his beautiful baby boy. 
Oikawa looks up at Iwaizumi like a deer caught in headlights and his friend sighs, waving him off as a signal to go sit somewhere else while he answers the phone, “Y/N! Yeah, it’s Iwa -- I’d put you on the phone with Oikawa but the fucker’s drunk and is blowing chunks into the hotel toilet right now, so I’ll have him call you later, okay?” Oikawa hears a faint laugh come from the other side of the phone and he sobs into his shirt sleeve, biting down so he couldn’t be heard. 
Once Iwaizumi hangs up the phone he drags Oikawa from the other side of the room to sit on the couch with him, cradling his dumbass best friend in his arms while the broken man continues to cry, “You know, Shittykawa, I didn’t think you’d fuck this one up. I really didn’t.” 
Oikawa pays no mind to the mean words, because he can’t remember the last time Iwaizumi actually held him like this, and he knows his best friend is more of a man of action rather than words. No matter what he’s saying, Oikawa knows he cares. 
“I didn’t -- I didn’t think I would either. I love her, Iwa, I love her so --” hiccup, “ -- much. I love our family, I don’t -- god, I fucked up.”
They stay like that on the hotel couch for much of the night, until Oikawa falls asleep in Iwaizumi’s arms and the man takes his best friend to bed, covering him. He looks down at his best friend, a shell of what he was before, and just gives a little sigh. Iwaizumi really thought Oikawa’s self-destructive nature wouldn’t catch up to him this time; he was stupid for that, in retrospect. It wasn’t a matter of if Oikawa would ruin things for himself, it was when. 
Oikawa, at the urging of Iwaizumi, decides to confess to his wife in person, when he flies back from California the next day -- he doesn’t want her to hear from the press before her own husband.
Sadly, things don’t always work out as planned.
The woman decided to go to the press anyway, figuring the money she could make off of selling the story was better than any sex Oikawa could give her.
That’s why when Oikawa comes home, he’s bombarded by press as soon as he gets off the plane; he has to fight to get to his cab, and the tears are already free flowing. He’s fucked, he’s so fucked, and all he can do right now is wait and stare at his phone and wonder why Y/N hasn’t called him yelling yet. He finds out why when he gets home.
His stuff is stacked neatly in a pile in the front room. Oikawa’s heart drops when he notices, knowing he’s done for. Y/N emerges from the hallway when she hears the door open, an almost too calm expression on her face.
“Tooru.” Her tone is biting, the small smile plastered on her face unnerving, “I just put Sato to bed, I didn’t want him to be awake right now. He took his first steps today, did you know that?” She asks, aimlessly folding Oikawa’s clothes, adding them to the pile. 
“Oh--” She stops for a second, laughing softly to herself, “Of course you didn’t. I almost sent the video, but right as I was going to I got a call from Yui -- she asked me if I had heard yet. I was so confused, I asked her what she meant, and when I heard, well -- god, you couldn’t believe my reaction! I didn’t believe it. My husband, my beautiful, loving husband who assured me, who promised me he would never be unfaithful could never do that.” 
Oikawa gulps, trying to maintain some form of dignity and not break down sobbing in their front room. He can hear the shake in her voice, hear how she’s barely keeping it together, and all he wants is to hug her and tell her everything will be okay. But he can’t, because he’s the one who made it not okay in the first place. 
He sees a tear fall from the side of her eye as she keeps talking, fake smile still in place, “But god, I was wrong! How insane is that! The one thing I had in life that I thought would be perfect is just gone now! How do I tell my son that his father was a backstabbing cheater? A liar? Someone who would fuck some random girl one night then facetime me that morning to “see our baby boy” like nothing happened?” Ouch, okay, that one hurt. “Of course I can’t tell him that, I can’t, but how the fuck am I supposed to explain to him he doesn’t have a father figure in his life? How am I supposed to explain to him that, no, we can’t be a normal family, because I hate his father and seeing him makes me relive all the shit he put me through?” There’s the confirmation. The confirmation that she’s gone, that maybe it’s not official yet but it will be as soon as possible. 
“Actually, I probably won’t even have to tell him! The press will probably do that too, let him know his dad is a cheater before I could even tell him why we had to leave in the first place,” Her tears are falling freely now, poison lacing her words and the most pained, angry expression Oikawa thinks he’s ever seen on her face.
The scene isn’t pretty. They somehow don’t wake the baby up with their yelling, not even when Oikawa falls to his knees and sobs, begs for her back, says he fucked up, he didn’t mean it, he just missed her, he loves her so much, he loves their son so much. This falls on deaf ears, though, and they’ve both run their voices ragged when she speaks through her tears, voice hoarse from all of her yelling, “No, Tooru. If you loved me, if you loved Sato -- if you had any fucking regard for this family, you wouldn’t have done what you did. I don’t care how much alcohol you had, I don’t care how much you fucking missed me. Bottom line is, if you fucking cared about being a good husband, even a good father, you wouldn’t have broken this family apart like you did. Now you have to pay the consequences. I’m not going to raise my son in an environment I know will be unhealthy.”
The divorce process is arduous, drawn out, covered by the press in the worst way. Oikawa ends up getting joint custody, and for the first few years, things are fine. But then Sato goes to school, and his friends ask him why his father cheated on his mom, and he goes home crying, asking Y/N why she didn’t tell him, why they’re being so mean about daddy like that. Y/N can’t lie to him, she never could, but she tries protecting Oikawa’s reputation with his son as much as she can -- she might hate the man, but she doesn’t want his son to grow up with that resentment in his heart. 
It doesn’t work, though, because Sato can see the pained look in his mother’s eyes when she talks about his father. He hears her cry at night, either by herself or on the phone with her best friend, because being a single mother is so hard, because she wanted to have a huge family with him. She wanted a future with him. She trusted him, and that’s never something that has come easy to her. And he ruined it, he took her heart and crushed it. He begs, pleads with his mom to take custody away from his dad, he never wants to face him again. She reluctantly agrees, and though the court battle is tough, she wins full custody. She didn’t think having her son full time would ever hurt this much.
Sato grows up hating his father. Grows up hearing kids whisper about him when they think he’s not listening, grows up seeing his father on tv, winning game after game, with girl after girl coming up to him at every celebration. Sato starts playing volleyball just to spite him.
Eventually Oikawa’s fame dies down. He’s older now, and the wear and tear he put his body through has caught up to him. Except now there’s no Y/N to give him a pick me up, to bring him food or give him a massage or send him words of support when he’s halfway across the world. It’s just him, occasionally Iwaizumi, his teammates, and a lot of alcohol. Occasionally women. He’s made enough in his career to live more than comfortably for the rest of his life, but he still feels the ache in his heart because his house isn’t a home, not when the love of his life and his son aren’t with him. But he did this to himself. He has to pay his dues.
He finds out Sato plays volleyball at Kitagawa, alongside Ushijima’s son, through Iwaizumi. Surprisingly, Y/N told Iwaizumi to pass the message on to Oikawa, finding it too painful to see him, even after all this time. Iwaizumi lets him know the date of his son’s next game and offers to go with him, but Oikawa refuses, knowing he needs to do this himself.
When the day finally comes he’s sitting in the stands, sunglasses and hat on to try and disguise himself. He’s still not sure if he should go down to greet his son after the game, but he’s painfully unaware that his disguise doesn’t work in the slightest. He sees Ushijima coaching and is taken aback for a moment before pain twists his heart, wishing he could coach for his son’s team too. Regardless, watching Sato play gives him a type of pride he never thought he’d feel -- and also one of the worst pains he’s felt in his life. His son is so good, a natural -- powerful, fast, and remarkably agile -- far better than Oikawa ever was at that age. He only wished he could’ve helped him get there.
Down on the court, Ushijima’s son, Reo, looks up into the stands and notices Oikawa. He drops the water bottle in his hand, eyes wide as he nudges Sato in the side. 
“Ow, dude, what’s wrong with you?” Sato’s rubbing his side, looking at Reo in irritation. All Reo does is point up to the stands behind them, whispering a soft, “I think your dad is here.” 
Suddenly Sato’s standing taller, chest square and shoulders back. He looks at Reo, his best friend, the only boy who hasn’t pitied him or teased him about his father, the first boy who treated him like his own brother, and his jaw clenches. Reo doesn’t exactly know what’s happening, but it’s better than seeing Sato cry like he used to whenever he’d see his dad. 
The whistle indicating the start of the next set rings throughout the gym and the boys get back onto the court; Sato’s serving.
He takes a deep breath, looking up into the stands for a brief second to confirm what Reo saw before steeling himself, looking across the court and spinning the ball in his hands. When the whistle blows he takes a deep breath, readying himself. 
Oikawa Sato is going to show his dad what he’s worked so hard for. Show Oikawa that he’s better than him, way better than Oikawa could ever be. He wants his dad to know, wants him to see. Most importantly, he wants his dad to know that he did this all without his help, without his support -- without him. 
Oikawa Tooru watches his son give one of the most powerful serves he’s ever seen, immediately scoring a point; his heart breaks into two.
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calumcest · 5 years ago
hello i don't have time to answer your messages today bc i have to go watch umbrella academy with my dad now i'm very sorry but i heard soulmate au drabbles & i need them. i miss luke being bitchy so much it's insane (not that i'm not loving all the britpop content but soulmate lashton are my life) okay so i can't decide between 'it's freezing in here' & 'i don't want to talk about it' so please write whatever you want with either of those just please make it soulmate lashton -spoiler twin
omg i hope u enjoyed umbrella academy! also dont worry about it omg no stress get to it when u get to it theres never any pressure from me god knows itd be hypocritical anyway given how terrible i am at responding to messages but i get it no pressure x 
Of course, it stands to reason that the first time Clifford goes missing is while Luke’s in London with Ashton. 
He’s not even sure how it happens. One minute Clifford’s in Luke’s line of vision, barking happily as he chases a squirrel and then changes his mind and chases his own tail instead, and then Ashton’s calling Luke, making Luke turn around on instinct, only to see Ashton tapping his watch to indicate they need to get going if they’re going to make it to their next interview with the researchers, and when he turns back, Clifford’s gone. 
It doesn’t immediately register, because Clifford bounds about like a fucking madman anyway, so Luke just searches the area a little lazily, eyes flicking from tree to bush to path to tree, but when he’s covered about three-quarters of the patch of grass in front of them, he’s frowning, stepping forward as he twists left to right, panic rising in his chest as he realises shit, shit, Clifford’s not there. 
“Shit,” he mutters, and looks over to the tree Clifford had been playing near, just in case he’d somehow managed to miss him, but the only dog there is a huge Samoyed ambling lazily around its base. 
“Luke,” Ashton calls again, and Luke feels a sudden stab of anger so strong that it makes his vision blur, mixing with the panic to create a hot mixture of fury that tries to claw its way up his throat and onto his tongue. God, if Ashton hadn’t called his name just to tell him they need to leave, this wouldn’t have happened. He couldn’t’ve just fucking said Luke, we need to go like a normal person, could he? No, the fucking narcissist needed Luke to be looking at him, needed to be the centre of Luke’s attention. Fucking hell. 
Luke grits his teeth as he jogs past the tree the Samoyed’s sniffing around, not even catching its attention as he passes, and looks wildly around the open, empty space on the other side. There’s a couple walking their Labrador to his left, three children playing football on his right, a mother exasperatedly dragging her screaming child away from a puddle he clearly wants to play in, but no tiny, yappy dog bounding around, chasing birds or squirrels or other dogs. 
He can’t have lost Clifford. He can’t have. Not in London, especially, thousands and thousands of miles from home and Michael and Calum with only Ashton for company. God, he’d rather be alone, he thinks, as he turns back around and looks back over at the tree a little desperately, like his memory of Clifford trotting around it will make him re-materialise there, somehow. It doesn’t, though, unless Clifford re-materialises as a huge, fluffy white dog, and Luke swears under his breath as his heart hammers in his chest, fists clenching and unclenching at his side as his gaze flits from left to right and back again, hazy around the edges with panic. 
He doesn’t even know how to look for a missing dog. Posters, sure, but where? London’s huge, and Clifford could be fucking anywhere by now, full of endless energy and curiosity and an insatiable desire to explore streets he’s never been down before. He’s far too friendly for his own good, too, always yaps at Ashton’s feet in that way that means I want to be picked up right now and by you specifically, fuck the guy who buys me food and toys and cuddles me at night, and a vision of Clifford sat at someone else’s feet at dinner, blinking up at them beseechingly while they shovel chicken into their mouth hits Luke so hard it almost gives him whiplash, makes him swallow back bile. 
What’s he going to say to Ashton? I lost my dog in the three seconds I looked away from him? Ashton’s had Spot for years, had Ralph and Evie before her, too, and he’s never lost any of his dogs. Luke’s going to look completely incompetent, fucking hell. It doesn’t matter, though, really, he tells himself - at least, not yet, won’t matter until Clifford’s back with him and safe again. 
He takes a deep breath and clenches his fists again, inhales deeply and exhales heavily, trying to let the desire to throttle Ashton leave with the air in his lungs, and then marches stiffly back around the tree, rehearsing what he’s going to say to Ashton. You cunt, Clifford ran away while you were- no, too angry. Clifford’s run awa- no, too matter-of-fact, makes it sound like it’s a common occurrence. I need to find Clifford, maybe? That’s vague enough, isn’t it? Yeah, that’ll do; he can send Ashton off to the interview and let him make their excuses while he combs the park looking for Clifford. After all, it’s Ashton’s fucking fault Clifford’s got lost, isn’t it? The least the fucker can do is come up with an excuse for Luke’s absence.
Luke takes another deep breath, rounds the corner and plays the words over and over again in his head, trying to make sure they’re practiced enough to sound real, eyes searching for Ashton. He spots him waiting by the gate leading out of the park, looking aimlessly around as he stands lazily, shifting from foot to foot, arms at his side, dog between his legs- 
Dog between his legs. 
Clifford’s right there, nestled happily between Ashton’s legs, gazing aimlessly around the park with his tongue hanging out and his tail wagging. He looks serene, that calm happiness that he usually only gets with Luke, and it makes Luke furious for some reason, makes him jog over to Ashton with an expression that makes Ashton frown at him as soon as he sees him coming. 
“What?” Ashton asks, puzzled, brows drawn over hazel eyes. Luke swallows, trying not to think about the way Ashton’s lashes are casting tiny shadows on the smooth skin of his cheekbones. He still wants to throttle him. 
“Nothing,” he says tightly, and yanks Clifford’s lead out of Ashton’s hand without so much as a thank you, relief flooding his veins so fast and hard that he barely even notices the way his fingers tingle as they make contact with Ashton’s skin. 
“What happened?” Ashton sounds genuinely concerned, like maybe Luke had been mugged while he’d been running wildly around the field - Jesus, Luke thinks, with a tiny grimace; he must have looked fucking insane to Ashton. 
“Nothing,” Luke snaps, and winds Clifford’s lead around his hand a few times, making sure he can’t stray further than a foot from Luke’s heels. Clifford glares up at him, like he knows what Luke’s doing and resents him for restricting his freedom, but doesn’t bark about it, which is something. 
“Are you okay?” Ashton asks, and his voice is a little softer now, tinged with the sort of gentle concern that Luke only ever hears from Calum to Michael. It makes Luke’s stomach lurch, somehow, the way he associates that tone with Calum and Michael, and he nods curtly, and looks away from Ashton.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Luke says, letting all the anger and frustration leak into his voice to hide the slight edge of fear, and Ashton bites his lip but nods, and steps away. 
“Alright,” he says, and that’s it. He doesn’t push, he doesn’t nudge, he doesn’t wheedle, he doesn’t force it out of Luke, he just steps back, steps away, and respects Luke’s space. A wave of guilt washes over Luke at that - it hadn’t really been Ashton’s fault, had it? - but he stares steadfastly ahead of him as he reaches for the gate and pulls it open with a little more force than strictly necessary. Ashton lets him go through first, lets him tug on Clifford’s lead and pull him through too, before walking behind him, closing the gate and falling into step a metre or two away from Luke, giving him the space he needs. 
They walk in silence for a while, Ashton ambling alongside Luke as he tries to focus on his ebbing anger, trying to dredge it back to the forefront of his heart so he won’t have to think about the guilt that’s quietly but insistently making a home in it. Loath though he is to admit it to himself, Luke has to concede that it wouldn’t have been Ashton’s fault if Clifford had run away. And it’s not Ashton’s fault that Clifford had run to him instead of Luke, that he’s happy and calm with him in the same way he is with Luke, but it doesn’t stop the tired anger spiking in Luke’s veins a little when he thinks about it, furious at the idea that Clifford could possibly like Ashton. But it’s not Ashton’s fault. 
Luke doesn’t say anything, can’t bring himself to apologise for his bad mood and his unwarranted snappiness, but by the time they arrive at the interview, still not having spoken a word, he realises that the gap between himself and Ashton has narrowed to all of a few centimetres, his hand brushing against Ashton’s every so often as they walk, and he can’t remember whether it had been him or Ashton who had closed the gap.
(It doesn’t really matter, though, he realises with a jolt, because either way, he’d allowed it to happen.)
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okayoonoh · 5 years ago
a/n: here is the second part! i’ll do my best to make it so you don’t necessarily have to read taeil’s part, but i mean, i don’t mind if you go and do that ...
here’s a link to the entire masterlist! again, the only other part is taeil’s so far so i mean... y’all should check it out :)
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he has three kids, 2 boys and 1 girl, in that order. noah seo is the oldest son, 4 years later, leo seo was born, 5 years later (when noah was 9 and leo was 5), luna seo, the youngest and only girl, was born.
NOAH SEO: >> as a baby <<
oh man, a cutie cutie cutie
like everyone was heart eyes over him when he was born 
the second he was in your arms and johnny’s arms, he let out the cutest eye smile
he started his flirting career young 
for example 
noah would give you and johnny smiles
but then he starts to make y’all work for it a little bit more
like you have to work really hard to make him smile (like jumping, dancing, singing your heart out)
and maybe he’ll give you a small smile
but the second a pretty lady walks by, noah is all smiles
you and johnny are like ??? 
bc you’re out here dancing until you collapse
and noah won’t give you the time of day
but a pretty person walks by and noah is suddenly all smiles?
just a huge flirt from the second he could smile
he was a pretty active baby
ig kinda normal? like cried, pooped, threw tantrums, he wasn’t too much of a headache 
kinda just the “normal” amount tbh
but like if y’all are in public and he starts to cry
but another pretty person walks by
he’ll literally suck it up
and like just stop crying 
you and johnny are just so confused whenever this happens 
he was just such a pretty baby growing up?
nothing would phase him too much tbh 
is really cuddly (especially with yoojin)
>> as a child << 
literally the pretty boy of the class
grade wise? not good, not bad
just enough to pass, but not make anyone nervous lol
all of the girls think he’s so attractive 
it all started in this stage 
he’s really friendly and pretty kind 
the second someone hurts one of his friends? 
oh no
his other side comes out and it’s v v scary
like if someone was bullying moon yoojin, taeil’s oldest daughter
good luck
he flirts with anyone and everyone 
he was born to flirt
he’s best friends with ten’s oldest son, kasem leechaiyapornkul (kaleb) (they’re born the same year)
when they’re together, they’re just like their dads
like from the second they started hanging out together, they started acting like their fathers when they would hang out together
it was weird dude
like genetics is crazy
they both can speak english and like refuse to talk to each other in anything other than english
kaleb teaches noah thai while noah teaches kaleb korean
they’re chemistry together is just so good
like they’re just crackheads vibing together
everyone knew that he would become a model when he grows up
at this stage, he doesn’t really want to be a model
he like wants to be a soccer player or something idk 
but subtly, he always knew that he wanted to be a model
oh yeah, he was kinda a late bloomer in height terms 
but like one summer later? 
he suddenly grows like really really really tall? 
and his voice gets really deep? 
and everyone is so confused again
from that growth spurt, he just doesn’t stop growing 
he’s not the type of guy that like if you ask “how tall are you?”
and he’ll say “180 cm but i’m still growing.”
he’ll say “honestly i have no idea ? my mom knows i think…”
and he’s the type to like make a guess but he’s completely wrong 
like “uhh I think I’m like 160 cm? idk…”
and you’re like “noah, my darling son, you are off by 20 cm….” (this is him entering his teen years but it makes sense to put this much in here) 
he’s goofy and lovable (a little too lovable…)
>> as a teen/adult <<
still… a flirt. 
even now, he’s still growing
he’s honestly like
just so handsome?
like all of the guys in the group look up to him
literally, he’s taller than his dad
like a good couple cm taller than his dad
he’s the oldest in the group so they all do look up to him
he’s pretty calm like taeil’s son, moon seojoon, but can be crazy and have fun when needed
he just gives off the high class vibes
he doesn’t mind, he does it because it’s just who he is
honestly, doesn’t have too many girlfriends in this stage because so many people just assume that he’s already dating someone or that he’s with yoojin
he is SUPER ULTRA PROTECTIVE of his baby sister, luna
and all of the rest of the babies of the group
he’s the tallest of the group so if anyone is scared in anyway, they go to him
and he’s not even like just skinny either
he’s BUFF bc he starts out his model career now
he still is very active and he loves to go to the gym
so like he’s kinda happy that he gets to do both of the things he loves/wanted to do
he’s just so handsome dude
like literally everyone wants him to model for their company
but he just signs off as an independent because yoojin advised him too
and he’s making so much bank this way
yoojin helped him out with getting a manager and stuff and then after he was sitting pretty, he was able to figure stuff out on his own 
this is when he realized that yoojin liked him back lol
and he said full send
he shot his shot and it worked 
really understands the model game well
like whenever he goes to do shows, people are always asking him for advice
to which his advice is either jokingly saying “honestly, just use the face you got. mine is already godly so i’m good”
or he’ll say crap like “i just think of food or like something i want right now and my emotions just through my face i guess? i’m not sure just think about things that make you happy.”
he’s really busy like all of the time 
he tries to be like yoojin and make it to everything, but he has a hard time because he’s so busy
he is aware with what’s going on with everyone tho
if anyone needs advice, they know to come to him
he’s the best big brother of the group
he’s such a good, and handsome dude
LEO SEO: >> as a baby <<
he was a little bit on the dramatic side
like if he was remotely hungry, he’d cry
if all he wants is for you to pick up something he dropped, he’d cry
kinda cried a lot
sometimes, even if he was happy, he’d cry
just to establish his dominance in this family
he’d start crying and you and johnny are like
“we literally just fed you and we’ve been playing with you for the past hour, what’s wrong?”
and when y’all got a little frustrated, he’d just stop crying and start laughing
it’s almost as if he knew that he was pulling a prank on y’all or kinda just showing you his acting skills at an early age (he becomes an actor when he grows up)
he also was a really handsome fella growing up
like he was a really really really cute baby
if he wasn’t practicing his acting skills early on, he was playing with his brother
honestly, noah was really bad at playing with baby leo
noah was like “why can’t leo run yet?”
johnny’s like, “noah... leo can’t even lift his head on his own yet...”
leo loved his brother as a baby tho
whenever noah would come home from school, baby leo would be so freaking happy
honestly, leo was just another baby, just vibing as a baby, and loved to keep you and johnny on your toes
>> as a child << 
this is when he realized he wanted to be an actor
i swear, naming him leo was just a coincidence
he knew from the start that acting his what he wanted to do 
any school play, he would get the lead
the second he learned how to read, he was reading scripts and plays and musicals
he loves watching movies and dramas with you and johnny from the start
he would want to start learning new languages at this age for the soul purpose of building his portfolio when he got older
you and johnny are like so shocked that he found out his calling at such a young age
and you guys think it’s a phase at first, but it’s really, really, really not
he sticks with it
he’s like his brother in which girls thinks he’s so cute
girls flirt with him too, but he just dramatically rejects them and they kinda get annoyed lol
best friends with jaemin’s twins, na jaeseok and jaehun (the twins are a week older than leo)
jaeseok and jaehun both want to get into acting/dancing too, so all of them just vibe together
they are all so talented, even from a young age
like it’s crazy
leo is like the leader of their group
but the twins still get lead roles too
like if leo doesn’t get the main role, one of the twins will
and it’s not competitive or negative between any of them at all
they all agree that they could get better
just positive vibes between these boys
>> as a teen/adult <<
he was scouted as soon as possible
he wanted to wait for his buddies tho
they got scouted soon tho, dw
they all go the same entertainment company because the actor boys unite
honestly a really scary group when they’re all together
they learned all of their manners from noah
they learned how to be crazy from kaleb
leo is a triple threat tho
he can act, he can sing, and he can dance
he learns how to dance with taeyong’s oldest son, lee youngchul
he already knew he could sing, but he does it more for fun
they have him sing for a role and everyone is like ??? what can’t you do?
oh, i can answer that for you lol
he cannot play sports
he can do gym stuff really well and like can do cardio and stuff really easily
but like
have him play soccer? oh no
he is pretty clumsy too
like on set, everyone has multiple sets of props because he always breaks stuff
don’t worry, he’s very apologetic about it
oh yeah, he’s also really tall
like not as tall as noah but taller than his dad
he is not like your pish posh actor
he’s like noah in the aspects that he loves to help people and he gives them bad advice from time to time
he’s such a good actor that they even send him to the states to act in several different movies
he’s so thankful that you taught him english while he was growing up
even tho he acts in western movies, he still prefers to act in dramas and korean movies
america falls in love with him tho
like an insanely handsome boy, who can sing, dance, and act?
oh and his brother is really hot too?
don’t think that he doesn’t develop his own self image
like he makes a name for himself
in the states/west, everyone learns leo first then learns the rest of his family
oh, just like noah, he’s ultra protective of his little sister
like when interviewers are like “so we hear you have a little sister?”
and he’s like “yes i do and yes she is single and she will remain that way until she is married.”
the audience always laughs when he says that and obviously he’s just trying to convey that he’s super ultra protective of his little sister
leo is just a really talented actor boy who lives up to his name.
LUNA SEO: >> as a baby << 
she is apart of the groups cute squad
she also is one of the princesses of the group
she’s been a daddy’s girl ever since the start 
like johnny was really good at calming her down
don’t get me wrong, it isn’t that she didn’t love you
she just really wanted to be held by johnny
all of her uncles adored her for her adorable face
she had chubby little cheeks that anyone and everyone adored
she was definitely not angelic
she still gave you and johnny plenty of headaches
she cried a lot, but not as much as leo
at least, with luna, you guys knew how to calm her down
and she wouldn’t cry just to spite you guys lol
she was a very happy baby with the chubbiest cheeks
the whole family would do anything to make her smile because she was so gosh darn cute
like she was invited to do child modeling at stuff like that
which you guys did for simple things, but for major things like horror movies, you guys would never agree
 you wanted her to have a good childhood and to like, not be demon possessed
she grew up well loved by her older brothers
they were so protective of her and even took care of her every need when necessary
like if you were busy cooking dinner or like doing some work and johnny was away at practice or at work, noah and leo would work together to take care of her
like noah would go and change her diaper while leo would go and get the wipes and do his best to get out the stuff to make formula ready
noah even knew what the temperature is suppose to be
she had a good babyhood and had her older brothers there to catch her when she falls
>> as a child <<
she still kept the happy vibes
like if i had to associate her with a color
it would be yellow
her favorite color is yellow
she’s best friends with taeyong’s youngest daughter, lee youngmi, and ten’s youngest daughter, amarin leechaipornkul (aria)
they all give off sunshine vibes together it’s just so cute
they like spread so much love and positivity, it’s just so much fun
the three of them are honestly like the powerpuff girls
like luna is like blossom
youngmi is like buttercup
while aria is like bubbles
their ages match up too lol
but as buttercup, luna is like the leader
she, like he brothers, is super talented with a lot of things
she realizes that she wants to be an idol like her dad
she doesn’t even want a major role like the lead singer or anything like that
she really just wants to be a visual
she’s already naturally good at dancing but she learns how to dance from youngchul around the same time that leo learned how to dance
she is pretty active
like she would RUN 
just cause
when she was with her group tho? oh man
if only one dad was taking care of the three of them, it’s over
they’ll be so chaotic and everywhere
she is also obsessed with sweets
like cakes, candies, cookies, everything
when she’s with her brothers and dad, they’ll spend all of their money to buy her sweets
she’ll eat so much, then go and run, then throw up, then want to eat more sweets
she’s like pac-man but for sweets
you always dress her up in pretty outfits because it fits her vibe
she loves that you dress her up like that and she never really complains about any of the outfits you put her in
she loves to be held by her dad and her brothers because they’re all so tall and she wants to be tall by association
she’s spoiled, but it’s just because she’s so loved
>> as a teen/adult <<
her vibes didn’t change at all
she’s still sunshine and she’s still obsessed with sweets
she didn’t grow super tall like her brothers
like in comparisons to the giants of your children
luna is surprisingly really short
she doesn’t let that stop her tho!
like a lot of the things in your house are set to the top of the cupboards so it’s easier for the tall boys to reach
but if luna wants something from there, she’ll take care of it herself even if one of her brothers is in the kitchen and can easily do it themselves
she actually gets into a girl group and she does pretty well!
in her group, she’s the sunshine
like she’s probably not the maknae of the group
she takes good care of her younger members
but when everyone sees her with her older brothers
everyone is like
luna? she baby
she thinks taeil’s oldest, moon yoojin, is like the coolest person in the whole world
like she’s pretty close with yoojin
she honestly just wants to learn the most about yoojin and how she handles life
luna honestly is a self care goddess too
she’s like “y’know, the company wants me to lose weight, i said ‘yeah, i could lose some of the weight of the company that i’m carrying’.” *proceeds to eat 3 different bowls of ramen at once*
she doesn’t give a freak about the idol standards
she can take care of herself and she knew from the start that the company needs her more than she needs them
she releases skin care videos and all that
(she learns most of her skin care stuff from her uncle jaehyun)
and her skin is as clear as a summer sky in the great state of california
she’s so good with fans too
like she holds eye contact with them and everything
she isn’t that into aegyo because she just laughs everything off
she can be pretty sassy with her comments that she makes
especially with her brothers
she’s super sassy towards them
but they still protect her
she’s just a happy positive idol who is well loved by her family, friends, and her fans.
johnny’s family just feels like a hella fun vibe tbh
i hope you guys liked it! taeyong’s babies are next!
- amy <3
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